January 2, 1931

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Interesting and Entertaining Hut*«!« «* »eco»a-iaaii mall.'nutter- on January,2?,: 1921, at .•< poftofflce at Omaha; Nebraska, .under the Act of March 3.187a

Our hats off to: Sam B e b e r \ \ Klutznick and others who are ret % x sible for the nationwide promin\ of the A. Z. A.—sufficient to nt words of praise from President. HoVs er . . . . and to Wm. L. Holzmari, t\


Poem Tby Mrs. Rbmonek [To Install Officers of "• Dr. Levine Historian Chosen by "Troubadour" •of-Reserve'Officers B'naiBrith' Mrs. Philip Romonek has been honored by "having one of her poems, "At the Beach" chosen as one of forty-five selected out of- over 600 submitted for; the Nebraska-iiumber of


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the Nebraska Clothing boss . . . .for hi^-ramed Industralist and Ardent Her poem was also read.over radio recently far a i College1 Club Zionist Leader Passes democratic spirit . . . . not referring creative writers' program^ Away to his political affiliation . . . . but for his joviality and genial nature London,—(J. T/A.>^Three worlds . . . . and to Mrs. Herman Jahr . > . . joined, in - mourning for Lord/.Mel-for the extraordinary manner in chetti whose death last Saturday came which she has developed the Center as a distinct shock, thought he.was,62 Players Guild of the J. C. C. 1 . . . and had been ill of plebitis for some time. The world, of Jews knew him Mrs. Jahr choosing the cast for "The as one of the leaders in their conJazz Singer" and finding greaf certed effort to establish the Jewish difficulty in securing an Al Jolson or National Home in Palestine", the chairSam man of the Council of the' Jewish Geoi'gie Jessel for the lead Josephson.'the Hill Hotel landlord in- Agency for Palestine;. the- ' world' of industry knew him as the head pf a dulges occasionally in some mischiev- $50C,000,000 chemical corporation, reous, pranks a very playful puted to be the richest man in Eng-. gentleman who enjoys a good joke land, and the wisest of modern indus. . . . discovered: a quartette of genuine Jewish blonds .'. . . and not by "proxy'' . . v . Lucille Isaacson, Edith Dolgoff, Evelyn/Goldberg and Lillian Johnson . . . . the,, name is Johnson but she is "Yiddish^. . . . Rabbi Goldstein addressing a Sunday School class . . . . during his questioning asks: "and who was Amos?" . . . . little boy replies: "The President of the Fresh Air Taxicab. Companj" . . . . A speaker greatly in demand and particularly by civic bodies . . . . . Henry Rosenthal the head of the Union Outfitting Company . . . .His talks are said to be inspiring and j Lord Melchctt filled with^optimisnv . . . I and he is. - " 'considerably active in Temple Israel trialists; the world of art knew him affairs Pleasing ^personalities: as a great collector, and as a patron of: living artists and-writers, Mrs. Harry Scmmer, Rabbi Frederick j He was, until shortly before his Cohn, l Mrs v :Sam Nathan, Mrs. B e n j d e a t h i p r e s i d e n t o f t h e English ZionGlajser'»-. ;f ,; JAjje Goldstein, the de-i i s t Fedsration. partment: store .magnate, attired inj L or ,j Melchett was also chairman t" • derby jihd-with iwjilking stick, taking of the Non-Partisan SurveyVGommisU'; his'usU:aJi .Sy^ayj jnorning stroll . . . . sion for Palestine, and sought to just',like the,,^few Yorker on Perk establish definite constructive- ,'pfans *•""Avpnii* MifWrpn particTmrticAvenue v. v'•'.- i •Jlftitoish children As^a chemlsfkhd metallurgist he

VOL. VIII.—No. 49


\ "Troubadour" is a national magazine, published <mi San Diego and devoted entirely to poetry.

The-newly-elected officers of the local lodge.of the B'nai Brith will be formally installed at an open meeting to T)e held next Thursday, January 8, in the lodge room of the J. C. C» '-' • Gustavus Loevinger of St. Paul, Minn., past president of the District Grand Lodge No. 6, will be the principal speaker. The officers are Irvin Levin, president; Harry B. Cphn, vice-presi-. dent; Isadora Abramson, secretary; Harry Friedman, treasurer; Leo Abramson, guardian; Jack Alberts, warden; and Philip Klutznick, the outgoing president, monitor.

Dr. Victor E. Levine has recently been elected historian of the Nebraska section %of the Reserve Officers' Association of America. Dr. Levine - is captain in the Medical Department of the Chemical Warfare Service. He has also been recently elected Director of the Professional Men's Club.

PALESTINE AGENCY AND J. ©. C. PLAN TO RAISE SEPARATE FUDSIW 1931 gr Reports That Two and a Half Million Are^ Pledged in Allied Campaign of 1930


The termination of the Allied Jew- country, which had heretofore worked ish Campaign as of December SI and separately, have labored side by side the launching of two new campaigns, in harmony and with mutual goodwill one for the Joint Distribution Com- for both of the causes unified in the mittee and another for the American Allied Jewish Campaign. Important Palestine Campaign of the Jewish {communal values have been created Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—The Orthodox Agency for Palestine, early in 1931 by these joint efforts and the foundarabbinate of Chicago , has declared a were announced by Felix M. Warburg tion has beeiv laid for enduring coban on poultry, and has ordained that and Dr. Cyrus Adler, oh behalf of the i operation in many communities on beno fowl found in Orthodox markets Joint Distribution Committee-and the | half of Jewish causes—local, national A;large. number .of. American Jews shall be kosher. All Orthodox syna- American members of the Jewish and overseas. have,recently provided for the.settlegogues of Chicago have been notified Agency, respectively, in a statement ment of their European relatives in Campaigns in 230 Cities to this effect during- their Sabbath issued through the Jewish Telegraphic Palestine, through the aid of the Pal"During the nine months that have j services. . Agency. estine Department of the American elapsed since the Allied Jewish CamThis order of tha Chicago Ortho-. The Joint Distribution Committee's paign began, interrupted only by the Zionist Organization. j dox rabbinate has been issued in the drive will open in January while that enforced lull of the summer months, Availing .themselves of the oppor'.;. . .• j .—:>:'•-. of the American Palestine Campaign tunity which, has recently been af- They Rejejct' Legislature and war which it is waging against many will start early in 193,1." A national local campaigns on behalf of this union terrorism in the fied effort, h&ve been held in upward forded by the Palestine" government conferenceto initiate this latter camkosher butcher business-here and of 230.cities and towns. Neither the on to apply for permission for persons of San paign will be held-in New York on prevalent economic depression, the infractions of kashruth xitual. a certain age to settle in Palestine as '•'..' Arab disturbances in Palestine at the At a meeting in the Hebrew Theo- January 25. permanent residents,' if they can show Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An intima- i logical. College tonight the situation The full text of the statement is- end of August, 192f>, the Shaw Com-that they have an assured income of tion of the consents of the long-de-j w a s discussed bv ^ ^ a n d l e a d e r s . sued by Felix Warburg and Dr. Cy- •mission - Report, nor the PassfieM five dollars a week, American relaArab reply to the White • White Paper concerning- the Jewish -. Orthodox kehills.\ It rus Adler Jfe^as^,follows r. tives have obligated themselves given By the Arab paper, Al o f t h e Ch * "The"Ai!ied Jewish Campaign, of work in Palestine, were permitted by through a bond guarantee to support Ha.vat. A. -full",session of the Arab chime± that.-Shochti*-have"h ^ which the Joint Distribution Commit- the leaders of the Allied Jewish Cammugt the settler until he will be able to Executive considered-the'jepty "and it i ? f i B r i n g mle that tee and the American members of the paipn to abate their efforts. for receive employment. Jewish Agency for P&lsstine are the "In addition to these fE-ctors, the As soon as the^bond-.is--giVeff,""flie as to the keenness of constituent bodies, was formally leaders of the Campaign were faced Palestine-Department here gets into considers the reply, i launched at the National Conference i by the large and unusually successful Other 2^ l touch with the authorities C, on March Sth collections of the Palestine Emergency salem and sees to f the "numerous explanations and 9th of this year. It was created Fund in this country, which in the consuls in East-European countries b y British | government to calm j It was stated that one shochet, in compliance with a widespread sen- short space of several months, raised should receive instructions to issue ^ n e j e w s > timent to .establish * common ground 1 visas to these immigrants. | S i r Herbert Samuel; left Palestine' Noah Greenburg, was slugged lest I for unified effort to ameliorate the a sum in excess of S2.000.000 and rehabilitation of the victims of the PalAmerican Jews themselves, older j n 1925 with; a horizon as dark as week and that officials of the shochestine disorders and for the purpose people as well as women and children, when he came in 1920^ihe Arab state- J of assuring them of a larger measure business manager, have been tried for can make applications for-these set- ment says, according .to the Al HayatJ the upbuilding of a Jewish National of s3curity. murder and other crimes in the Crimtiers' visas if they put up a bond The civil administratiph is unneces-j Home in Palestine. i "In the face of the exceptionally which guarantess an ircome of five sarily large,: the fellahjs too heavily inal Court and have been acquitted. "Since the inception of this c a r n " i unfavorable economic and othe- addollars a week for each person, ac- toxed and prices.fell'/when Sir Her- Shochtim are not permitted to kill if paign forces in Jewish life in this ] verse factors which confronted the racketeers, the rabbis were cording to Dr. S. Bernstein, director bert banned tbe export of cereals", the. campaign since its inception, it has he Talmud demands clean, of "the Palestine Department of the Arab statement says; It recalls that succeeded in securing pledges in the American Zionist Otf&nization. Amer- the visit of t£e first Arab, delegaion amount of S2,500,000 of which almost tEaflfiy applications can receive the necessary per of 1922, which the MacDonald treasury. ipating 'in studio program presented received, 'honorary medals and degrees informat'on through the Palestine "HP- government has now confirmed. kills poultry after Monday -will be T«rms of Agreement by dramatic art pupils of" Milton from' many universities, including the nartmen*, 111 Fifth Avenue, New recognizing, that the acquisition of barred forever from the profession "According to the terms of the and branded as unfit to kill. -. : 1;000.000 dur.ams by the Jews has Bieck .":... . . Edward Cohn^yMildred and Sorbonne of, Paris,.the Gold Medal of York City. Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The Palestine agreement between the Joint Pistribinjured Arab interests. j Phyliss Berkowiti, Constance Meyers, the Institution, of Mining, and Metalquestion doss not figure ; on the j ution Committee and the America! Dr. Weizmann's objections to the Rosenstock! lurgy^and Fellowship.of;ihfe;Royal agenda of "the coming session of the membsrs of the Jewish Agency fol Elaine •Kaimah,' Ruth Reports Paper • are inconsistent Society. . , „ . . . . . • , ,! Council of the League of 'Nations, j \ (Continued on Page 4.) Dewey" Ziegler and Rosalie Alberts Politics his acceptance of the previous j which opens here on January 19, 1931. j —— — he began in 1906 as a . . . . a group*of youngsters posses- In politics document which exceeded the Man- j p g I The agenda which was made public —(J. T. A.) — Contradictory dats when it envisaged assistance for sing a: capable understanding of the . Liberal member of the House of. ComKovno:—(J. T. A.)—The lithuan- here today contains nothing, which s to the conditions of the the Jewish National Home to which and 'jnons. , Subsequently he accepted the' charactei-s assigned to them office of Minister of Health in 192L is no end unless GreE* Britain ic-n government is contemplating the' could give reasons to believe that the particularly the Alberts Miss, a 12- Later he retired from politics. By Jews of Yemen ars being investigated there intends to remain in Palestine for- enactment of a law prohibiting all {British White Paper on Palestine will ] by the Alliance Israelite Universelle. yeai'-old youngster whose interpreta- popular/vote conducted by. the .Spect- by the Alliance Israelite U n e r s e persons not Lithuanian nationals from be raised, because the White Paper, eve r t h e ,' statement reject says. Arab-Jewish was received too late by the Mandate ] tion of--a ''modem Cinderella" was ator, he was seventh in the poll for A committee of Yemenite Jews who g any,; occupation Commission of the League of Nainsisting that peace will would net them & livelihoodGreat quite professional like. . . . . Mr. Tully "The Best Brains of England." to Paris : ; recentlv to seek aid for their tions." w » ^ i v . ™ » ^ m ^ c f o W t l , ^ -not be restored until -nations..! governanxiety prevails m Jewish circles ben Yemen. They stated that _ _ receiving a number of boquets on the Organized Chemical Industries. friends in ^ ^ ^ ^ £ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fa ^ U w ^ { effect The agenda of the council includes Different Section of Communist - opening. of his new Hat.; istore . . . . After leaving: politics, he organized was The British government thousands of Jewish families in the however a report of the activities of. Party to Be Established one of the finest establishments'of its the Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. the Mandates Commission since its i nas in White Russia country. regarded as one of the greatest trusts tically slaves, that Jews are forbidden increased tne garrison ana eialast session. Although officially the | kind . . . . Mrs. Abe (Toby) Silverman 'e.u. _ -,-i «_ . ^ : ™ « _ „**!.„ +«-.i« «-~«i. A +K^ T^wJci, J, borated plans for defense of the Jew The Yiddishe Stimme points out 1 an ftn anS T in the world. He was chairman of the to emigrate and that Jewish orphans ish col nies t h e and daughters Elaine and Hadassah Intel-national ' statement complains, that if the law is actually passed the White Paper cannot be discussed at t Moscow.— (J. T. A.)—A new kind Nickel Company of Can- *«« forced to adopt 'the religion-of b u t ? ^.Policies resting on force are Jews will be exposed to starvation or the coming session, it • is• possible, o f Yevsectzia, of Jewish section of popular broadcasters of song over ada,of the Finance Company of-Great Islam. Reports of recent Jewish arid charity - or else will have to" throw nevertheless, that Dr. Voyislav Mariri- ths Communist Party, is to be estabthe Tucson Arizona Jtadid Station Britain and America, and the former non-Jewish' travelers .who passed bound to fail, it adds. The Arabs are themselves into, the river. While the kovitch,'Premier of Jugoslavia, frho is Jished in White Russia, according to through"YeWn do not ^support this dissatisfied with the proposed legis." and; Elaine bsing hailed as an- of the Amalgamated .Anthracite Col- mcture.^as fliev declare^the Jew^ of J^ve council wh,ch they are_ready government measure to restrict work the rapporteur of the Mandates Com- ' an order issued toda-y, by the praesi; which they Other '<BaIr Rose Marie" of the -air i Iteries, Ltd.,, which, controls, over 80 .picture,; as ; they declare 1 Jews mission, will be able to touch upon dium of the White Russian central extheir are to citizens only may be justified in the White Paper in his report because ecutive not committee. The order calls > f the anthracite output of j Yemen to be unpersecuted view of the acute economic crisis, it They; . . . .' Hermine Hirschman, daughter I fully I badly < demand" a is pointed out that most of the Jews of his friendly attitude to Zionism. for the organization of national minSouth Wales. _ law forbidding the transfer of l&nd of Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirschman in a Such possible mention of the White ority committees at the local Soviets to the Jews without the High Com- who are not citizens have been living Tadio audition from K.OIL Station missioner's approval and a ban on im- in Lithuania for decades. Some of Paper will however be' only superfi- of Minsk, Vitebsk, Homel and forty . . . . with favorable prospects of re1 migration so long as a single Arab is them even possessed Lithuanian. citi- cial. • The fail discussion of the .Whits other townships. Each committee is to consist of ceiving a: contract as a soloist on. the unemployed. .. • ^ zenship at one time but they lost it Paper cannot be expected before next because" of technicalities since most of September, -since the Mandates Com- seven members with a paid secretary. Barnsdall hour . . . . a coast to coast them have no proof of their residence, mission is hof-'yet ready with its own The chairman of the committee must hookup over C. B. S. network . . . . _, , Jf j i Jewish Araib Shoemakers the various foreign occupation during decision regarding the White P&per, be identical with the president of the Jerusalem.^-(J. T. A.) < — Germany, and honest you wouldn't believe me The area available at for 70,000 orange .cul- »j .. .1 ,i?; the war having destroyed official which aroused, Jewish protests the local Soviet. The committee's funcas well ss England> is now an im- tivatioii is estimated -acres, Tiberius* —Shoemakers-.: of all the d o c u m e n t s . "• ••• • . . . . b u t Henry Burbig is not a Jew portant consumer of Jaffa oranges. so that some 45,000. acres remain on -.'•.tions •will be to enlighten the local world over. communities in the city united here, . . . .An Omahan who has made good Last year 300,000 cases were sold to which' oranges can- be grown. Soviets on cultural and economic 'forming a committee to act for their needs of the national minorities thus in a large city . . . . Sam Dansky, the Germany, which is a 50 per cent inInteresting comparisons r betweetv , c p m m o n g0^ xh e committee concontrolling the existence of the naperfect host, now residing in PhilaHel- crease over the previous' year. r ••_' sist of five members, three of whom tile-orangs groves of TG£3ifo"rnia and tional minorities. This development for oranges is good Ann Rosenblatt, one of hearing for the Palestine growers, for Palestine have been made. Here the are Jews, and two Arabs. phia While the Jews of White Russia are Broadways popular song writers un- the constant extension of the area un- yield "per acre in a well tended or- Boycott Egyptian Merchandise being told that this is an important step to aid them they nevertheless der the nom de plume of "Ann der cultivation which will soon be chard is nearly twice as great as in Jerusalem.—Maraat El Sharak, an Unique paintings and lithographs college owns some of his canvasses and iesrv that it means the return of the making itself felt on the figures of California. Labor is che&per here, Arab paper, urges Palestinians to Ronell" . . . . her number "Baby's production to a marked extent, calls but the Californian grower may take boycott Egyptian goods. The boy- m&de with dexterity and a true art- lithographs in their permanent col- Yevsectzia. This fear is based on the Birthday Party" a smashing hit . . it's genius are bringing national fame lections. fact that these national minority comfor a corresponding extension of outAnd now: for inventories and resolu- lets if the industry, hitherto largely comfort in the fact that he at least cott is demanded in retaliation for the to a former Omahan, William S. Schwartz won second prize in an mittees are not to be created in Ukhigh.protective tariff that Egypt has tions . . . . speaking of inventories dependent on exports to the United does not have to fence in his orchards placed on certain Palestine products. Schwartz. Schwartz, a Chicagoan, is all-American art showing at the Chi-1 rainia and Central Russia, where the or pay wa>ges to a watchman. in Omaha, visiting with his brother cago Art Institute two years ago. He i Jewish Communists do not play sa . . . . the salesmen who sell red ink Kingdom, is to remain a remunerative mun a<nd sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max has also won first p n z e m a n u m b e r )Jj me wp osrht a n tC o&mrolfi d are thus unable are expecting a flourishing business one. Schwartz and his mother. of exhibitions. to influence their respective central The present area under orange . . . . See you again next week. Critics have recognized his merit in Born in Russia, Schwartz came to executive committees to return them groves is estimated to be between the East for his modernity and orig- this country at an early age. He to power. twenty and twenty-three thousand inality of ideas. He has a studio in spent several years in Omaha. While 5,883 Jews Entered The original Yevsectzia was liquid' acres. . The shipments last year Chicago, and does some sculptural here he studied under Wallace, and ated last February by the central com' amounted to about two million cases Palestine in Year and are expected to exceed two and Madrid.—(J. T. A . ) — The first to obtain the legalization of the com- work in addition to his other artcraft. then lef t for Chicago where he com- mittee of the Communist Party and recognized synagogue to be establish- munity and for obtaining a plot for The press has been very generous pleted his studies at the Chicago Art Communist work among the Jews wai • , London.-—(J. T. A.)—A total of 5,- a half million this year. Institute. 883 Jews entered Palestine during the The rate of increase since 1922 has ed in Spain since the Jews were exiled a Jewish cemetery despite the objec- in it's praise, and several well- He is also noted as a singer. In- turned over to special instructors Jewish year 5690, October 1,1929, to been remarkable. At; the close'of that in 1492 was opened here with 30 mem- tions of church officials. Bauer also known magazines have carried arti- deed, he financed his way: through named by the central committee. The September 30, 1930, the executive of year the : area was no more than 8,000 bers ^present who will form the first undertook the financial responsibility cles about his work- A study of his art studies. He : sang in many con- abolition of the Yevsectzia was hailed the Jewish Agency announced. l a acres, which in 1929 had increased to official Jewish -community in Spaia. for maintaining the synagogue which Schwartz, together, with illustrations certs, singing as soloist for1 the Chi- as a great step in relieving the Jew> ish economic situation in the Soviet A representative of the Spanish po- is located in the central section of of his art work, by Manuel Chapman, ; August there were 182 immigrants, in about 25,000 acies. cago Symphony orchestra. : Union. The Yevsectzia was regarded has just come off the press of L. M. Madrid. lice was also present and he anSeptember 257 and in Octpber 175. , Fromjthis, se^on onwards .a large by. the official Soviet leaders as th( Of the 614 immigrants who! entered increase in the, output is to be ex- nounced and signed the draft of the The synagogue has a library ad- Stein Company, Chicago. special representative of the Jevvisl Jewish Artists Honored constitution for the community and exhibition of his paintings will during these three months, 305 were pected, arid as this will; become more joining it -where a number of old re- beAn masses and It was largely responsibl* recorded its ^establishment. Berlin.—The Prussian Academy of held the first two weeks in Febradmitted under the labor schedule, 224" pronounced over a period of years, it ligious articles collected from governfor the persecution of the Jewish reuary at the Morrill Hall, Lincoln, Ne- Arts has awarded state medals for Ignacio Bauer, a local banker, was wenf-relatives M Jews; already resi- is eviq^ntl that. the oranges: available figioni, the; l Hebrew language • ment museums ?and private collections braska,' under the auspices of the Mne painting to two Jewish.artists, Hans for expert will sodnVe^xlouile 'the elected+preshfent*of ?tH« Community iff denf in-Palestine"arid 85 we're' Arts Colleere of the nniversitv. present total recognition of his personal endeavors are housed.. ' grants possessed of means. ' • " ( • ;







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J — I..*.

Palestine Ttipes Area Under Cultivation Since 1922

Former Othahan Gaining ^Natwnal Fame as Artist

Synagogue in Spain Since 14921s Dedicated



PAGE 2-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1SS1 as 1430 ^ p r a c t i c e d , at Frankfort other things the "It isn't rain and her name Is well known in theing to me" ballad. I have been tele history of medicine in the middle. that some cousin of the late Dixie poefe-=-a lawyer is president of;* j Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, b7 Brooklyn synagogue. Let those who Jewish Theatre Forbidden TB& JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY think of Jews so' frequently in terms Appearance . ••' , '-• Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building : ployment due to the tremendous crisis Ktj of the revolutionist consider the case Riga. — An order prohibiting the of Loveman. Here was a, poet^iof ['•• Telephone: ATlantic 1450 h. in the timber industry here, it was Jewisfi State Theater '"sweetness land light" in all .its glory,', Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, founder of the InDAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing, Editor announced here. ' ,•White-Russian . . m issued by theparticularly of sweetness. ;A cousin; stitute of Sexual Science of Berlin and president FKAMK It. AdKERMAN • • • Editor ':' These wodcers are proceeding under J?. ?.£_ . -..••* Named Leading Portland of this Robert Loveman, by the way, contract with the famous London M u a s t r y of.-*»*«¥«• FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent of the World League f o r Sexiial Reform on a Citizen Riga was the first city abroad Sam Loveman j if I recall correctly Portland, Ore.—Aaron Frank, genJewish industralists, Lipman and scientific basis, with which Havelock EUis and SIOUX CITY OFFICE wrote things of a more acid constitueral manager of the Meier-Frank de-'Schalit, who signed an . agreement. "^PPed out by the theater-troupe for Forpl avo offiriflllv affiliated, affiliated 1 X Orel a i e Otticxally that JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street tion. He was a friend of Ambrose t establish-! with the Soviet government, monop-jP *^*; en route to Germany and the t th "the Jewish idea of the family has been a treBierce. * the Missis-Jolizing the entire Soviet timber ex- Argentine. Subscription Price, one year - • ' • « « • - • • • $2.50 mendous influence for good in modern life." In ^ andto ^ partner of Govemor-rfect' port for 1931. a MENCKEN AND LOVEMAN Advertising rates furnished on application l r d the first! jEwopean E C a statement upon his arrival for a lecture tour j Julius Meier Meier, wa was ddeclared the first Countries Fill But going back to Robert Loveman, of this country, Dr. Hirschfeld said that this Jew-' citizen of Portland for the year 1930.1Quotas my private detectives inform me that ^ selection is made annually byj Berluu-Almost all ftf the European Robert Loveman was the idol of H. L. ish idea "emphasizes the creation of normal relacovered their Mencken in his youth, and that the h a v e By DAVID SCHWARTZ tions. Father, mother and Chfld-that is thej Mr. Frank, who is a sonof the late q u o t a s ^ drJves Loveman family still possesses a most important entity in the world. I t brings hiu ~ I Sigmund Frank, one of the.-founders *number of letters which the youthful the store, was selected as the The death of Lord Mekhett comes as a griev- man satisfaction, ethically, biologically, and phy-'of , . ,. .„ ... . .. - Uc after two meetings of the finan- DIARY O F A B A Y Henry wrote to Loveman, telling him ©us loss not only to his countiy but especially to sically." , standing atizen of hi* nafave^ty for ci a l c o m m i s s i o;n o f ^ e Jewish Agency. | Up\- breakfast and board the sub-how much his poems meant to him. Coming from SUCh a noted authority on t h e . h i s significant gifts as- an organizer Bernhard Kahn, vice-chairman of way, reading more on Einstein and Probably today, Mencken would give the Jewish people. He was an aristocrat in the land executive and for hia services to the Finance and Budget' Committee, * marveling that people make so great a small fortune to burn up these let( precfous ifeense of the word, and his understand- sex question, this statement is a great encourage- municipal welfare.. announced that preparations are being ado about something they do not un-ters. In his youth, youthful Harry to strengthing- of the value of the Jewish aspirations moved ment to those in Jewish life who in America. \ derstand. But perhaps, that's just it. was quite as sentimental as the rest v Ofi ithe home upon upon the Child and him |to champion the cause of a Jewish National en en the m e influence uuiuence o n e nome me caiia ana » jew as the outstanding citizen of, ~, • »-• • ~ «. J-— v , ' o , , \—.7 . V. of them. There used to be a Uttle > Homeland, recognizing the latent and beneficent ,.-.•«•> • -p . i T» x -i. • „ , 1 , , " " "T """""""K "v* _ econojnies The commission outlined a plan for People are always most enthusiastic in the Agency budget in about the incomprehensible. Consider book in the New York library, conin Age energies jof Jewish life. His broad viewpoint en- Upon t h e M e Of Jews i n general. But i t IS well to; Portlandwas in the past three years. Ben> ^ ^. . ^ ft,' the ineomnrehensiM*. o«n««M«r Qnitit in thfi Ao pnpV h l l a b o u t be religion. • It'sthe inscrutable that ex- taining some of these adolescent and chosen as the outstanding- L o n d o n a n d Palegtine sentimental effusions of Mencken ago. T submitted to 'the executive of the plains" its lasting grip. abled him to visualize the great achievements. remember that ^ ~^--Dr. -.,a. T- Hirschfeld, who is himself himself, but the book is no more to Ussishkin to Tour American At the office meet X who asks if Jewish Agency. b u tr a t h e r which might be realized from the ideals of the Jew, did not endorsed speak ofthe a condition ideal of Jewish in Jewish living, life,t be found there, aod gossip>has. it, that I have heard Einstein's latest definiShechita Most Humane H. L. Mencken may have; been reJewish people and the necessity of freedom to de-I Jews who fear not the truth will be compelled tion of relativity. to admit that t h e ideal itself is declining in a c t - L M«nachem Ussishkin, the famous & d sponsible for its disappearance. > It , velop their historic culture. J . ,. . , , J Zionist leader and .President of the i S S ^ I . I L ' T ? ?J™* J™ *>. "I d ^ « y pray you are not going would not do for the votary,of the spring the one about—when you 'ual practice, and men concerned over demoraliz-j * Dionysian outlook on life to ever have stove, a minute seams been known to have applauded ecstaand when you sit ontically such a verse as this of Lovelap, an eternity seems man: X. This one is bona "It isn't raining to me Einstein himself. Asked Its raining violets after the war from industrial collapse* by the what his theory was, Professor EinOn every- dimpled, drop I see the Palestine leader. promulgation Of a Wise industrialist policy whick Animals, says the Jewish method is stein told a friend. "If my theory New flowers on ths hills causing despair a n d m increas-l least painful. solved the labor situation. He repeatedly decried,?**^ .. . . . ' J . D . C . to proves true, the Germans in future w , . It isn't raining rain to me years wQl say -Einstein was a Ger- Its raining daffodils. * all emphasis of distinctions as between the w o r k ; { ^ t h e s p m t^^ matemhsm. But in t h e ^darkest p j ^ Urges Einstein to Live in American Jewry, notwithstanding man, and the French. wDL say—no—a JewMjh 017 ing class and any other blass, urging ccnoperation ]£*?* ^f* ' t h e p n & o f t h e Jew was its present economic difficulties, is .. like his was international, BUT WHO CAN WRITE in_'mind London.—"Einstein must for.the efficient development of mankind's r e - "fcat he never made concessions in his home; that A TREE? <* in Eng- Whereas, if the theory proves un^ ^ h o m e life termined to continue its relief * * i v - ? d u c e d to m n a i n To the Civic Repertory, sources. He was also responsible for many large ities on behalf of World Jewry, <te- l l a n d Such was the comment that s o m i d ' * « French will say—Einstein slaves Miss Steinberg for Eva a n d C O n t n b and, a giant of the industrial world, he Bernhard Kahn,; dared today German and the Germans will lienne. To our query for news cameof the Joint in head of the wealthiest corporation in all —he was a Jew. That's relativ- the response: "Nothing—no runs, no return t o such practice is needed today. Restore press interview. England. Of late he concentrated on his co-ophas accepted. lty fessor Albert hits, no errors." the idealism of the Jewish home, and you revive The "Joint," said Dr. Kahn, has a That, too, X, I have heard erative theory of economics, as he was a firm bethe invitation of Oxford University the but I can use it in my business . . . « But nevertheless our suspicions the moat moat beautiful beautiful and and most most powerful powerful in in life. life. Give G i e five-year program and will not inter- t o ^^, „ mw itg m Rhodeg M e m o ,r i„ a i. Lecturer came true. She is writing a book, liever in individualism, having no class sense. with the depression, what it is as'who is not, for as the poet obits activities, though it will con-'j£ the^ea" "i030-193l7"A*s r r However, this modern plenipotentiary was notsubstance t o the important entity of the home by "ipt fine itself to the most essential things quence of this Einstein will have to • • • • served, anyone may write a book, but reviving the beautiful customs and ideals of the interested merely in the economic side, but s a w f J e w ^ ^ ^ ^ who can write a tree—or something during the next sum" H E A D CHECK" GINSBURG people Jewry reconstruct its economic life. the social and psychic significance^, of ^tfe.^. S e r w j,«V i ^ l mer term. to the same purpose. Anyway, Miss I Promenading with Jewish Tribune Despite the increased activities of it an undying race.—Jewish gave magnificently of his. energy and of his for-fp, .. Professor. Wallach, came upon Louis Popkin, Steinberg's opus is to be a history of the "Comzet," the "Joint?* is also conto settle permanently in w h on o wa n d t h e n i s h e a r j the Fourteenth Street? Theater, and.-., tune for the re-establishment of a Jewish Na-I tinuing its colonization york in RusX being an institutionj where such ae- . T ^ ° '. Publicity way. Popkin told the one tional Homeland for no btlrer gain than his moral! sia, said Dr. Kahn. Denying press rea tors as Booths Laura Eeane and other . " "»"«tam »««• « , about "Head Check, Ginsburg." For satisfaction. Through these, Zionist proclivities it the recentt * f r ° m B e r " those who may not Jbe in the know, celebrities roif the year*, rthat &Be?no • b e ^ T Amencan American^ Jewish between he most adequately expressed his Jewishness. He] ^Leopold Bichl.fs a seller of second-hand books more played—it should have plenty of • lin to the effect that Einstein ' ^ t i was not merely a ^lonist of wo\jd, buti^of strong ii|iBudapest. Injjthese days of complexes, erotica t h r o b s . •-•>-». • - - u . i . • . : . : - . *.•;;. not return to Germany in case the J ~' : ' i ..Until shorfly u - v ? ""- I : > J . ^ U ' U . / Hitlerites obtain, control o | th.a counconfronted with a bill say on De- AFTER Tffl^BAiLL I&0VER ' : his shop, wizich companiona rJr cember 23rd» he would sign a check, px-esident of the English Zionist Federation; chair-.been in the a century» did npt do much .the. Joint Distribution Committee \s. Newspapers report the passing of as of say, January 5th. man of the Council of the Jewish. Agency for for Pal-, business. Mr. Bichl is a rather sedate gentleman • working only economically, not poli- Argentine Considering Ban Charles K. Harris, author of '/After Well, if appears that Ginsburg, who the Ball" and "Break the News to Buenos Aires.—The Argentina govestine, and chairman of the Non-Partisan Survey iwho wears a skull-cap and lays^^ t'filin with the u j 48 CheC ernment has taken under advisement j Y. ^f Mother." Saw him only recently arid Commission for Palestine. He sought to establjsh^jnost regularity; he is not very much at home'in Founds Schools That WiH on the a plan to stop all immigration to this' he looked good for at' least another definite, constructive plans for ^ e develppmenilbfjSexolpgy. One day there appeared in the Buda-jBan Non-Britons country from Europe for at least six tombstone: twenty years. If all the couples who ' the country. He put money into the Holy land's, pest press,, over Leopold Biehl's signature, an ad- Birmingham. — Only native-born months in view of the widespread eco- Hera lies Jacob Ginsbnrg have waltz ad to his melodies since He died June 6 as of July 2nd. citrus industry. Nearly every important under-lvertisement running-something like this: "What white male citizens of British ances- nomic depression and the prevalence Harris wrote them, were placed side try will be accepted in "progressive' of *Z^l~*ZwiLZ ^employment. POET taking in the country has a little of his money,!must a young; girl know before marriage? From ' schools of-' by side, they would reach almost 'from" iortne esiaoasa- >,,__., . , ; _The _ » ;proposal .n,... *» of,THE :„ . ,PIXIE JEWISH ... . to ban immigration for sixj And so, an anthology of southern here to the heaven, to which I hope, from the big Rutenberg electrical works t o the a the book which I will supply to order the young !ment of which nearly $7,500,000 is has Harris has gone. Harris, by the way, is planning to devote some sixmany small commercial enterprises sponsored byj.girl will learn not those things which every young, provided in the will of Harvey G^ pages to the works of Robert began his musical composition as the the Economic Board of Palestine. jgirl is told before marriage, but what the girl of (Continued on page 6.) : The death of Sir Alfred Mond brings out t h e , today will find indispensable if she is to prove ing ^foreign languages fraternities, Wiile all oi the leading papers here [ story of the remarkable achievements of his gift- herself really modern. For reasons that need not interscholastic athletics and examinabut La Prensa *re demanding immied personality—an industralist of vision, a bene- be mentioned, it is not possible to sell such a book tions will also be barred from the gration restriction the HICEM, the over factor of his people. The third Jew to become . the counter. But on receipt of the price, projected schools. world Jewish immigration organizaa member of the House of Lords, his love for and| f °ur pence, the bookwill be sent, discreetly wrap- Tarry town Center, tion, has issued a warning to Jews not to emigrate to the Argentine undeep devotion to Jewish affairs has endeared him P^d, to any: address." Immediately the musty old Synagogue ' til economic conditions here improve. to" us as a remedier of Jewish ills. And because t s n °P gained a new lease on life. Mail orders Tarrytown, N. Y.—Elans for the About 6,000 Jews have been coming of his humanitarian principles his. name will be poured in from the young ladies of Budapest and establishment of a Jewish center sad to the Argentine every year. a synagogue for the Hebrew congreengraved deep on the pages of Oiif history and —it'-must be told—also from members of the gations of the TarrytottBS, including sterner sex. Mr. Bichl shipped out two thousand(this village and North Ikrrytown, are Withdraws Candidacy will be enshrined forever in our memory. Geneva.—Dr. David Faribstein, wellwhich had hovered on the brink of bankruptcy, [announce known Jewish lawyer and a member was definitely saved. Mr. Bichl rubbed his hands' ot the Swiss parliament, has within glee. The customers, however, entered drawn his name as a candidate for the Swiss high court for which he We are today entering upon a new secular! action against him, charging they had been stood a good chance of election. He maliciously swindled. The booli Revisionists Ready to Break y e p t e i year. Behind us is a picture marred and blurred has withdrawn because he does not wllicn by grief. Depression, with its':corresppn&ng r e l a - ) Mr. Bichl had sent, discreetly wrapped. Paris.—The Zionist Revisionists of desire to give up his legal and poliwas an ancient cookery manual which ex-: France, in conference here, have tical connections which would be th ft d sicknessk tives—unhappiness, misfortune and p&ssed a resolution saying that the has plagued the entire universe and made many plained in great detail the process of prepar- Revisionists will be compelled to :necessary as a member of the high of us perhaps bitter toward this world of sorrow. ing a dish of tasty gafillte fish. But the judge break: with the World Zionist Organ- court. The vacancy occurred through the From the standpoint of human progress, or did not agree with the infuriated male and ization if ths coming Congress does death of C&mille Guggenheim, a Jewnot change the Zionist administration. He diretrogression, as you will, the past year has been female purchasers of the cook book. ish member of the court. Farbstein rected the jury to find the accused not guilty. Only Jewish Haircut on significant. The machine age and the era of ultra • • • because they keep your feet is* a brother of Heschel Farbstein, president of the Warsaw Jewish comefficiency has made mighty depletions in our bank "To my mind/' the learned judge said—and we Sundays healthy and happy and rarin' to t. of business,and led to a general elimination of are told that he held a handkerchief to his face London.—Only Jewish hairdressing munity. shops (called barber shops in Amergoj because they give you more the small independent merchant. The collosal dis- to hide his smiles—"cooking- is.''-precisely what the ica) will be permitted to remain open Illegally Resident Arabs to energy, greater endurance, a placement of human labor has caused an unem- young girl must know before marriage." So on Sundays, according to a new rul-Be Deported skull-capped Mr. Bichl can still be seen in his secJerusalem.—A list of the names of ployment problem unprecedented and unparalleled. ing promulgated. The Jewish shops fiifier capacity for doing things the 300 Arabs from Transjordania, We faced the anomaly of starvation and privation ond-hand shop, rubbing his hands. And his col-.must, however, be closed on Satur- who entered Palestine illegally having well* In Reeds you are elegantly next door to full granaries, poverty in the midst leagues freely admit that he is a business genius days, and must display a notice to been completed, they will be tried shod. And only in Reeds can and a chochem. An excellent suggestion for the that effect in a prominent position. shortly and probably deported, it is of money aplenty. There is a heavy fine for violation of Naomi chapter.—Jewish Standard. ' you experience Cushion Sole But 1930 is of the past, buried in the gravethe ruling by Jewish or non-Jewish learned here. The list was compiled by the police following Jewish reprebarbers. yard of history. The agitated feelings of the old loxury—a happiness guarantee sentations jnade to the authorities The worst calamity that could possibly hapyear are giving way to sobered reflection and conthat while Jewish immigration was Presents Palace to Carol at no extra cost. Step in here structive thought. Pessimism is surrounding to" pen would be an alteration of the divine plan of Bucharest.—Arestide Blank, head prohibited Arab immigration from today—and into Reeds. They a spirit of hope and optimism, for aren't we living, diversity by making all men thing and act alike of the extensive banking' interests Transpordania was unchecked. about everything. Most of the illegally resident Arabs that were founded by his father, the •peak more eloquently for active human beings, pulsating with life? Inare employed by the Shell Oil Co. the Blank, presented a late .Mauricius stead of being downhearted, let us be thankful themselves than we speak Roumanians govern- Nesher Cement Co. and similar enterThere is no legend as beautiful as the present palace to the that we were'Spared the terrors of war, disease, ment. The palace is for the recep- prises. for them* and famine. Let ,us bethankful that-our leaders reality of youth.—Herzl. tion of foreign representatives. It is First Doctoress Was Jewess who have a clear grasp of the economic situation presented in memory of Mauricius Amsterdam.—The first woman phySfcce Section*—Main Floor—Xerth In money, unless there is principal, there will Blank. The "Roumanians government sician in the world was a Jewish girl, and the potentialities to solve it, have promised has officially thanked Arestide Blank A txo^i tic'nut of the financial wilderness during be no interest. In life, unless there is; principle Rebecca Zerline, it was disclosed here for the gift. by Dr. Oscar Leibowitz, director of the'present year. An-all-a?oundspmt of sacri- in'..one's.'speech, there will'be no interest in one's the Hamburg Sanitarium, in an ad(Jewish Concern Contracts fice anda willingness to render spiritual and ma-audience. dress before the Historical Society of > ^Soviet Timber Supply -•• : • CORRJECT AFPAREti FOR MEN AND WOMEN= aid will aid greatly in gradually transform•n ,, . ,. .. ; ,, , I Riga.—Hundreds of- Jewish timber Netherland Jews, Dr. Leibowita said winter of disappointment into the sumFlattery is the sublest weapon that one sex' o r i e r s * r e vro<xe^g this week for that Dr. Zerline was considered a usesr>*-»».w. towards the « . . icapture I *i-^- of v* the A.J.. cither. -«..V i t f i t t Russia because of the unemt famous oculist in hep time. As early •I


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PAGE a—THE JEWISH VRESS; FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1931 BIRTHS' ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin, Jr., announce the birth of a son, Arthur Sigrid, at the Methodist hospital on Thursday, December 11.

Dr. Victor E. Levine has spent the holiday vacation visiting in the East. While there, he is attending as delegate the national convention of Phi Delta Epsilon, medical fraternity, Which meets at Baltimore, Md. He ' M r . and Mrs; David A.-Finkle. an- also visited -with *"s parents at Elknounce, the birth of a son at the Meth- ton, Md., and with friends at New. odist Hospital on Tuesday, December York City. '.:-" :'-'.• O '. ••,--.-",.' \

The newly-elected president, Mrs. L. Neveloff has urged all members of the organization to make a special effort to attend, as she is desirous of meeting- each one personally. Mrs. Neveloff has promised to arrange meetings _of interest to all, beginning with the first meeting'next Tuesday.



Miss, Ruth.Wolf of Lincoln,; Nebr., is spending the, holiday vacation visit/Mrs: Anna Ppbin -of • Minneapolis, ing with - Miss Una Gross, arid with Minn., is the guest of her- daughter! Mrs. Harry Rothkop of South Omaha. Mrs. J. M. Erman and Dr. Erman. She was the guest of Miss Gross at the. R-Na New Year p^rty. ....

'-. The December meeting of the Council *>f Jewish iWoiiien was hsld Monday, December 29th, at the Jewish Community Center. After a short business meeting, Rabbi David A. I Notice:—All society items must ENTERTAIN A t RECEPTION Goldstein spoke on "As We Moderns ^ be m' 'the Jewish' Press office by 1 Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan enterMiss Faye Goldware is ,visiting a t j See It." He cited the Twenty-Third ; 5 p.' m. Wednesday. Please phone tained at a reception on Sunday, Dec. the home of Miss Ruth Gitman, at Miss. Rose Fromkin of Milwaukee, Psalm as one of the most.healing and your items to ATlantic 1450, or j 14, from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 10 Davenport, Iowa. . . . j Wis., is .visiting with Mr. and Mrs. beneficial to the peace of mind in time mail them to 490 Brandeia Theatre in honor of their daughter and son— : . iS j David <Jross and with Mr. and Mrs. of trouble. .Dr. joldstein. said that Bldg. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Philips,, Mrs. Anna-Dworkwits,-who! has: Max Fromkin. "God should he a conviction that life who were married on December 9. Jleen the house guest for..the last five . — ,.' ' ; is,1-worth while.1': . H e discussed the WEDDING SUNDAY Those'' * assisting: included Mrs. M. .weeks'.of her sister and family,Mr. -Miss Lee Shames is spending the Book of Job to which, he referred as At a beautiful ceremony on the Frbhm, Misses Rose Rick, Elizabeth ' and Mrs. Dave Green, has left for New Year weekend in Kansas! City. Book of Books." in closing Dr. evening of Sunday, January 4, in the Shrago, Belle Siegel, Minnie Eisen- her home- in Kansas City. Goldstein said ."The Bible is a book Paxtori hotel ball room, the wedding! stadt, Minnie Kaplan and Ruth KapMr. and Mrs. Je.ise Pregler and son. with everything in it." of Miss Freda Bolker, daughter of-.Ian. , Miss Lucille Cohn of Memphis,^Bobby, of Chicago, are spending the! The following new members were Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bolker, and Tenn., is the .guest of her brother and; holidays with relatives here. . ... I announced: Mcs. .David A- Goldstein, Howard Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. CONGRATULATORY CABLE sister-in-law, Mr. and- Mrs-; Jack Cohn. Mrs. Elmer, Gross, , Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenberg received Harry R. Milder, will.be solemnized. Miss Dorothy- L. Margolin and cou- Schimmel and Mrs, Harry Segall. Rabbi Goldstein will read the mar- a congratulatory cablegram on the Mr. Charles Pregler of Salt Lake sin, Miss Dorothv G; ManjoHn,spent Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky was. in riage, lines. Dancing and a reception occasion of their wedding anniversary visited his mother, Mrs. A. Pregler, -the New- Year holiday with friends charge of the sales of fhe Red Cross from'their son, Dr. Ben Greenberg, last week. will follow the ceremony. in Sioux City. . . ^ i Christmas seals. She was assisted by Attending the bride will be Mrs. who is now in Marsaillaise, France. L Mrs. Walter Schimmel, Mrs. Edwar<t Leo Milder, matron of honor; Mifs-'.Dr. .Greenberg is expected to return] Miss Rose Rosenstein is visiting in Mr. Louis Erasheimer of Cleveland Schimmel.-Mrs. William Alberts, Mrs. Ruth Hofner, maid of honor; Miss, to New York about the 15th of Jan- Chicago. has been the giiest of JJifr. Justin Wolf. A S . Rubnitz. u Edythe Brown of Fresno, California,' nary; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman of and Miss Sylvia Wohlner," bridesMnr. Jack Goldbenr~of Des Momeu Mr. and Mm. Joseph Bonoff have the education department has received visiting at the home of her* parents,' returned from a visit in the East. maids. Little Misses June Hose Kreri ENTERTAIN FOR ARTIST Word from Miss Bess Weinstein, who Among those who have entertained Mr. and Mrs. Casper Folsom. •-, af San Francisco, California, and Phylwas awarded the first scholarship —= lis Milder will be flower girls. Best for* William S. Schwartz, Chicago art- igiven by the Council last year, that Ulllllfl! man will be Leo Milder, and grooms- ist;who i s visiting here with his ' Miss Irma Gross ot- Lansing, -Mich., I g she is doinff very well with hrr .stud-, men, Hymie PWUp'Miider^Abe Segall j brother . a n d sister-in-law, Mr. and is spending the - holidays" with her i H ies at the Civic Repertoire Theater in 1 Mrs. TVIax Schwartz, and his mother* aunts, the Gladstone sisters. and Max Riekes. New York City. This school is under are included Mr, and Mrs. N- S.Yaffe, the .direction of Eva La Galiienne. Mr., and Mrs. Max Schwartz, and Dr. Mrs. Polly Bernstein and son, Ed, TO WED SUNDAY The Civics and Legislative study Jewish Women's Welfare j of Kearney. Nebr.. spent several days groups are holding their meetings the _Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ban. announce and: Mrs. M. Margolin. Organization with Mrs. Bernstein's mother, Mrs. A. the approaching marriage of. their ON FIFTH BIRTHDAY Pregler. The first meeting of. the year for daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Ben Wine, ' Little Charlotte Joyce Brookstein the Jewish Women's Welfare Federason of Mr. and Mrs. K. Wine. entertained twelve of her young Mrs. B. F . Margolin of "Kansas Citv j tion will be held on Tuesday ,.afterRabbis N. Feldman and David Goldfriends at a party at her home Sun- is visiting here with her mother, Mrs. noon,'January 6. Lower prires and more stein will officiate at the wedding, lmliviriunl nHpnlitm now day afternoon on the occasion of her S. Ross. Interesting addresses, by William which will take place on Sunday, Janfifth birthday. She is the daughter | Holzman and H. A. Wolf will feature MAX SHRIEK'S SONS uary 4, at 5 o'clock, at the Adass of Mr; and Mrs. J. Brookstein. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bolker and Miss i the meeting. Installation of officers 1314 No. 24th St. WE. «11 Yashurin Synagogue at 25th and SewFreda Bolker have as their hoas° [ will also take place, ard Streets. • Following the ceremony BRIDGE PARTY guest, Miss Edythe Lee'Brown of! —t a, reception and dance will be held, at . Miss Ida PIatt entertained at her Fresno. California. Miss Brown is at! . the Labor Lyceum. home at bridge Sunday afternoon, present a student at the University of j The maid of honor will be the complimenting Miss Rose Green- of California at Los Angeles, where she | bride's sister, Miss Bertha Ban, while Kansas City, who has been her" house is a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi j best man will be Mr. Richard Spiegel. guest the past week, and Miss Anne* sorority. Last year Miss Brown and : The bridesmaid will ba Miss Gertrude Kaiman, a bride-to-be. Miss Bolker. were roommates at school Wine, and the groomsman will be Mr. in Berkeley, California.- -On January Sam Wine. Little Bertha Wine -will Style Wlthcat Extravagance 4. Miss Brown will be an attendant at BRIDGE NEW YEAR'S act as flowergirl. • • the marriage of Miss Bolker and Mrs. David M. NeWman'entertained The young couple will leave for a at bridge'at her home New Year's Howard Milder, which 'will be solem- t short hpneyjpopn, i a t the Paxtoii-ftntet—- * -*J-—^\ ' e v e . " " ' ~ --'- * • " * • - • ' < • • • •A.i^'if ' ha to reside. *


first and third Wednesdays of each month at 12, at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Joseph Stern will read a paper on "Muscle Shoals" at the meeting January 7th.

Women's AuxiliaryGreat interest. has been shown in the announcement made by the Women's Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue that they will serve a cafeteria supper on the first Tuesday of- each month, beginning next Tuesday, January 6, at 6 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The committees in charge of these suppers have completed their plans and promise a most appetizing homecooked meal, the price to be 60 cents for adults and 30 cents for children. These affairs are for social reasons only and members are urged to bring their Children and friends. . The social committee of which Mrs. B. A, Simon is chairman, will be in charge of this first supper. The committee is composed, of Mesdames I. Berkowitz, Sam Kaplan, M. Lerner, M, Margolin, Charles LevinsOn, E. Meyer and A. Theodore. ,. Rabbi .Goldstein announces that an eight-minute talk will be made by a different member of the Conservative Synagogue at each supper on "What 1

Believe/' to be followed by a general discussion. Call any of the following for reservations: Mrs. Abner Kaiman, Glendale 2488; Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028; or Mrs. William Alberts, Harney 3428. Don't forget the date, time and place—Tuesday, January 6, at 6 p. m. at the J. C. C.

Hadassah The December meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah was held Wednesday afternoon at the J. C. C. and was preceded by the board meeting. Several members of the Center (Continued on Page 5.)

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ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Reva Nod-lle "'to Mr. William Greenstein of Greenville Illinois, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Greenstein, was made 'cnown to the immedi&te family on 3unday afternoon at an affair given *or them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Mendelson, Council Bluffs,, brotherfn,-law and sister-of the bride-to-be. At a New Year's Eve party given by Mrs. H. Noddle and Sara Ann Noddle at the home of the former for twelve couples, the favors revealed the.-bethrothal, and friends were told o£ the,approaching marriage. Mr. •- Greenstein, who has been a house guest - at the Mendelson home j for the past week, will remain, until' the end of the week. The wedding will be a February event. : FORMER OMAHAN - •' Mr. and Mrs. J. Smc-il of New York City announce the engagement .of their daughter, Ann, to Mr. Frank Shames of New York, formerly of Omaha. No date has been set for the vedding. ^INCOLN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cohn of Lin- j •:pln, Nebraska, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. f^eonard L. Bass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bass of Chicago, 111.


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Bowling" League News



The Ten Ma/or Jewish News Stories Happening | the Past Year from Standpoint ofJewish History, the Past \ Year Looms As One of the Most Important

localized and signs that high-government' officials- were indirectly responsible kept this news in the front pages for many days.

Zionist Harmony Achieved By BERNARD POSTAL

top position, but only a narrow margin separates them from the other contenders. The match Tuesday evening between the two leaders is expected to prove exceptionally interesting.

To Prevent Closing of Jewish Theaters




; (Continued from Page 1)

Just "Around the Corner* from Every tiring*'



1413 Douglas









310.50 —$9.00

PETROLEUM COKE *~%FSZ£r* $14.00 JBURNWELL ffiSfcA $10.00 LUMP Bootless—No Slate—No Bocfe—Very t i t t l e Ash

COLORADO CHUNKS - » ^ > - $8.75 BEST ILLINOIS LUgP $7.50 « . $7.25 GENUINE

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and shoe industry i s alg0 expected t 0

The Center toesers dropped a game t o the Vondra brothers last Saturday, but fought tooth and nail before ultimately succumbing, 36 t o 41. Altschuler st&rred for th^ losers.





STAl.MASTBR IrBRBGR «.-* Omalu National Bank Bids.. Omaha j PKOBATE KOTICE ' In tbp M:itler of the fcatnte of John Cr»wfortl. thH-efwed. i NotWt. ig hereby Rivwi: That tlM> e m l I ifor* of -wild d;cen««l will meet the a<1mfntstratrix of said Mtnte. l«>fore me, 'County Jitdse of Donirlns County. Nebraska, at thp County <?onrt Koom. in Raid County, on the 20th rtay of FeJ>rn»ry. I»31, ahd on the 20th d»y of April. IJBt. nt 9 o'clock A. M. each flay, for the piiTpose of presenting their claims for examination, atljustmpnt nnd nllo\rance. Three months are allowed for rhe- creditors to present their rtaims, from the l"th day of January. 1931. BRTCB CRAWFORD. 12-26-30—3t County Judpe.



WANTED— Foster Home desired for 2 Jewish children. Reasonable, rates will be paid to qualified homes. Apply: Jewish Welfare Federation, 101 No. 20 S t , Omaha

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JACK W. MAKER. Attorney at l a w Court House NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ATI.AS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH AS' SOCIATION. Notice is hereby siren that nt a special ' meeting of the pottcyholdere of the Atlns ' Accident and Health Awm-intion, held on \ the Sth day of I>ecember, 1030. pnrsuant to doe and proper notice as provided in and | Ivy the Articles of Incorporation and by I law. and r.pproTal of the Hoard of IMrectora of the saM Atlns Accident and Health ABsociation hnvins lieen. cl^en thereto, nnd approvnl of the Department or Traile and Commerce. Bureav of Insurance of the State of Nebraska to snrli propoKed amendlaent harlnK -ffrst been Ohtntneft. the following articles were amended as IOIIOTTS: . Article 1. "The name of the Corporation is "ATtAS-f-NSUBA-NCB-COsHPAKT-i*'-t Article Vltl. "The company's corporate . sent ofcAll contain-the words. "ATI^S IX-j SURANCB COMPANY. OMAHA. NKBRAS-J KA," KnrronnatnR the irorrts. "CX>RPOK-: ATE SK-\I^r^ I ATLAS ^ C I D E X T AXD HEALTH AS- , SOCIATION. By JOHN A. FARBER. PMsident, •v . . - - TVIA H . P. FARBER, Secretary, W i taew:•!• a e w AAnai n a i Blank. 121830 f i Trr-12-18-30 t GRODIXSKT Attornej-H at l*\v Oimha, JVebr. AXKSDMKXT OF AKTICI.ES Ol? INCOISPOKAT1OX Notice in herebr Klven that nt a special | •neeiine of the stockholders of the Insnr- I mce Trust Incorporated, held on the 18th J lay of D«»cemt>er. 1030, the followlnij Ar- 1 cicles of the Articles of Incorporation • •were amended to re.-d as follows: j AKTJCLB I. ) "The name of the Company shall lie . 'INSURANCE IXVKSTMEXTS. IXCORP; DKATED." I . r ARTICLE VI. ."The • niithorjzod capital stoofc of the Wporation shall lie Two Hundred Thou-^ 9and Dollan ($300,000.00* divided into -wenty thonsund (20.000) shnn>s of the par ralueof Ten T>ollars ($10.00) each; One Hundred Thousand Dollars (Jl00,000.00) of whhA "shflH; lie common stock nnd One Hnnared- Thousand IieJlars; <$NK>,UO0.O0i) of which shall be preferred Rtqek." '*yi .-.. AKTICXK VIH.' ;„'-:••"• "Th* corporate -seal sh«H contain!'the ! irordB. "KSSttniANCE IKVKSTMESTS, • rx^pIKPOJ?ATBD. OWAETA, NEBRASKA." 1 ! surconnding the words, "CORPORATE 3EAL.™." J. TT. MARER, ;• . '. JPresident. *-•; j . . ' : .-... DOXAJLD L. ROSE. Secretary. .

Palestine, the Allied Jewish Campaign ,_ In a prelim the .U./S. Oils bested |s t to terminate on December 31st *df the Mason All-Stars, 36 to 5. 638 Securities Bldg AT. 4451 this year.: Representatives of the two Physical Director Segel is arrangorganizations have had many conferences during the past two months on ing for another swimming class, one the question of the continuance of for junior girls of the ages of 7 to .-,- • IRYIN C.-LEVIN, Attorney. ^ 301 Electric Building " combined fund-raising. The increas- 15. .The class will be held at 4 o'clock '"" NOTICE Harry H. La pit] us. t'reside'nt-.'J.'reds. ingly pressing need for immediate Mondays, Wednesdays, ^nd. Fridays. OF INCORPORATION OF COK.VHlSKElt AMUSEMENT COMPANY'. INC. funds for the activities of both orNotice i s hereby given that the underA spirited rally in the dying minganizations, the differing budgetary signed have associated themselves together and 'have organized a corporation under, requirements and the advisability of utes of a thrilling game enabled the the l a w s of the State of Nebraska. The Sterling Insurance five to defeat the name of this corporation is "Coruhusker permitting as much freedom of choice Amusement Company, Inc." That the COMPLETE STORE AND! and'. support' as possible during the .A.-Z. A. No. 1 teain4h the feature principal place of transacting its business OFFICE OUTFITTERS [ shall'.be. Oriinhn. Nebraska; that the genpresent trying • economic period, -have game .-of the J./.C^-G. basket- ball eral nature of the bnsiness shall be to We Occupy < league -Tuesday night,^* t o 17. • * • ' lease,' ;ovrn and operate theatres for the made it desirable, in their opinion, to? Over 70.000 Square Feet ) exhibition of motion picture shows or per^ ^ | ; A. No^iOO separate their fund-raising activities. ^ formances of any other character and to '• Southwest Corner i deal in and to contract" with reference to ^ : - " r V t h e ; • • ' " Psi,. Mu It is-hoped thereby to enable each' orEleventh and Douglas Streets motion picture film and nil oilier things requisite or proper for the operation of ganization to emphasize its own re-:qollbjt#»iby' a 36 to 0^ C^Jnt, while the Phone JAckson 2724 I said theatres; To buy, lease or mortgnse quirements in those quarters where if Thocgeians rained baskets On the and\-iell nil' real and personal property Omaha. Nebr. j including trade-marks, trntle-nnmes and may.; meet the most sympathetic re- SWift team to win, 2o"~to 10. copyrights requisite and appropriate for Swift & Co. nse in the nforedescribed business, and to sponse. Funds for these organiza- Thorpeian Ath. Club do i«JJ things necessary or incidental to Is;, ft. fp. ft. tions will, after December 31st, beShrelb'nn, rf 3 1 Fik*. rf the 'eo'mlnct of the aforedescribed business 0 0 andrto perform nH acts and things necesrf 0 0 Sfortison. rt 0 1 raised separately, save in those com- Franks, sary^ tir incidental to the conduct of the Giventer; If 5 0 TThler, If 0 0 Phone JAckson 1226 nforedescribed business and to perform all -1 1 munities where' local campaigns have Rnduz'er. If 0 0 Hoden. c acts- and things nnd to exercise nny and Altschiiler, c I 0" PicHnrflr:'<*"" -- 0 0 already been scheduled.' :.:"-' : ; Sokoloff. c all powers which a co-partnership or na0 .X SSelmre'fc, rg . 0 0 tural person could do nnd exercise nnd Bloom, rg 2 1 l»rogch.,*K " 0 0 "To raise the funds loathe program Katzman, lg 0 1 Vdn«ra. lR 2 2 which now or heTenfter may be authorized 1 by law. Thnt the .-imount of capital Stock Bradley, l g . . 0 0 of tlie Jewish Agency for Pale'stine, a authorized is $25,000.00 divided into 250 campaign will be conducted early, ip.shares, each sliare of the par value of Totals 11 3 • '? \. iotnis S i $100.00 which shall be full}- paid for when :1931j and will be known as the Amer.?•*- P s i - M n - '• A. Z. A. No. 100 issued and non-assessnble nnd may be paid fg. ft. "• p -'. • -tg. f t for either in money or other property for ican I Palestine Campaign of the Jew- Yaffe, rf 3 0 Epstefn. .rf •' 0 0 the value of such property fixed by the ish Agency, for Palestine. A national Greenb'pr, rf 2 1 Bocd'off, rf 0 0 Board of Directors which shall be conIf 4 1 Lohr'an. If 0 3 dusire. That tbe time of commencement conference to initiate this • campaign Bogclon'f, White, c 2 0 Giller. If 0 0 ot this Corporation sUsill be on the 12tu Sigal. " c -20 Schwartz, c 1 0 day of December, 1830 and the termination will be held, in New Teork oh. January. SodofsKy, rg 1 1 Ginslfoerfr, _ 0 0


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^ a f f o ^ ^ further protections as a TAYLOK GKAIN CO. Warsaw.—To take measures to r e s u i t o f t h e r e c e n t p r o t e st on the 737-38 Grain EKchanRe Bldg. save the Jewish theaters of Poland SUGAR — GRAIN o f shoemakers of all communities from closing a conference of actors' the importation of foreign STOCKS and BONDS from all parts of the country i s meet-1 —Private Wires— JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 ing here with 135 delegates in at- Meanwhile the Egyptian governtendance. Reports from various delehas not been moved to recongates indicate that the Jewish theater s i d e r its decision regarding its prohere is in a critical condition. Few biWti*e tariff on bananas and oranges LARGEST people are attending although tickets Palestine. As a result of the IN are cheap enough. This is due to the over-production of cotton the EgypQuick Shioments economic depression, it is said. Our Hobby for tian government is determined to en45 Tears courage the growing of fruit. Many I OMAHA STOVE prominent Egyptians have begun t o j REPAIR WORKS ' grow fruit since the cotton market t 12*6-8 Douglas Street slumped. I Under the terms of the Mandate, Palestine is b&rred from taking re-; sntTAL prisals against individual states and ; CAitn s i o v s PKOCKHW—hTEXCir.ED SIGN'S its offer to reduce the Palestine tar-.| iff on fish and other products from ; Egypt in exchange for a reduction on Cloth and Paper Banners j the Egyptian fruit tariff has not OFFICE tVIXIH>« AXI> TRCCK UKTTEKINO s tempted its neighbor. 1405 Harney JA. 5277

What was probabl^'one of the best Jewish news stories of the decade was sion over it lingered for weeks.,The TTft the historian comes to write, 10. Election of Jews as goverthe result of the 33d annual conventhe story of twentieth century Jewry -criticism was unending. As major nors in Oregon and New Mexico. tion of the Zionist Organization of he will find the year 1930 looming as news it w&s surpassed only by the one of the moat important of the een- Of these ten major Jewish news America. Meeting ninfi.. years after tury. Few years since the war^ have | stories in 1930 five bear directly on White/Paper and the Simpson Re- the Brandeis-Mack_ group' had been . . been productive of such dramatic and some aspect of Zionism. Three have port. ousted-from the organization the 'consignificant developments in world to do with persecution of the Jews. The arrest of the Minsk rabbis at vention was in a fever of excitement Jewry. This article by the news ed- One deals with the death of a prom- the height of the Russian drive on over the possibility of peace between itor of the Jewish Telegraphic protest. the Lipsky and Branrieis-Mack groups Agency recalls what, he considers the inent personage and two treat of high religion aroused world-wide fs • ien major Jewish news stories of the honors that have come to Jews. Ex- Jews and\ non-Jews",joined in a huge'- Th&t peace and•*a"iinijed front was clusive of the Zionist stories five torrent of;protest,:. When, the news re-established'was big new's and it i/edr.—EDITOR. countries are represented in the list came that the .rabbis- faced death k ;toecame"even biggjer^bWause of the thunderous" wave o f revulsion against dramatic way: in wnich* it was conThe last twelve months have been of ten. the Soviets shook the world. The summated. replete with momentous happenings - Of General Interest rabbis were the leading actors in a in ;world JewTy. Palestine, Russia,! Each of the ten stories here selectSeldom has the death of a non-Jew tremendously powerful world drama Koijmania, Germany and the United' ed were of interest_. not only tp^Jews caused such genuine anguish and of persecution. From the dramatic States have loomed large on the.news^! but to the general; newspaper 'reader. elicited such wide-spread regret and elements alone this story merits inhorizon. Jewish news was never so ^ They, were, all- reported; extensively in sorrow among world. Jewry as did the clusion in this list. ,. r-. much in the spotlight as in 1930 and the'nonpJ.ewish press awhile the .Jewpassing of Lord Balfour. , as the year passes into the limbo of Although having little of the senish press played them up heavily. Forever assbdate#*wJth the Paleshistory it is well to summarize; the Each of these stories affected not sational in it the Mandates Commis- tine cause by virtue of having been outstanding news stories'of the year j only & handful of Jews or the Jews sion's statement on Palestine was a the author of the Baffoui Declaration, anir to select the ten which are of of one country but had repercussions document of the utmost importance to Lord Balfour's deatlr was one of the major importance. V. the Zionist movement. Its criticism throughout the Jewish world. really big Jewish news stories of the In the order of their importance, That the issuance of the White Pa- of the British government's policy in year. amount of interest engendered in per and the Simpson Report was the Palestine places it high in the anJewish and general circles, their dra- most outstanding Jewish news story nals of Zionist history and as such Honored matic qualities and the length of time of the year few will dispute. Docu- "it is extremely important Jewish . The last two stories, in this list of during which they remained front ments that led to the resignation of jiews. ten created little stir but are neverpaj^e news the following ten stones K:\13haim Weizmann, Lord Melchett theless of tremendous importance. seem to stand head and shoulders and Felix M. Warburg from their Something New in Germany The appointment of Isaacs as goverabove the hundreds of Jewish news posts in the Jewish Agency, that ~ The outburst of nati-Semitic riot- nor-general of Australia, one of the events in every quarter of the globe caused riots.in Poland, that led toifagjin the streets of Berlin when the leading commonwealths in the British that have signalized the last year. protests by some of the most disting- ijewh Reichstag opened its sessions was Empire, and the election of Arthur Julius. Meier as goveruished, statesmen in the World, includ- lineMof the biggest pieces of Jewish Seligman. and 1 The Ten ing England's outstanding leaders, nevfe of the year. Anti-Jewish jriot-a nor* of Nfe ^ ^Mexico whd Oregon re^ . The issuance of the- British, .that gave cause ior. one, o£--the great- ingflwas common enoughin'Rdumahia, spectively were thV highest political itaPaper and theSimp*OB~r<e* • est demonstrations of world-wide Jew- 1?oll:«d and Hungary, but it was en- honors that had been accorded to Jews in many yearsJand a% such* they beish . unity in the form of bitter pro- tirely unldbfced for in Germany. '2. The publication of the Shaw The element of surprise and" the come big news. • 7 £ test meetings and heated denunciaCommission's report. tions and whose final effects have yet fact that civilized Germany had. given !'3. The arrest of the Minsk rab- to be seoi certainly take rank with birth to such an outbreak combined (Copyright, 1930, by Ihe Jewish Telebis. graphic Agency, Inc.) to make this event a first-rate Jewnews of the first water. 4. The Mandates Commission's ish news story. Shaw Report - 1 statement on Palestine. . Riots in Roumania were nothing A close second to the White Paper 5. The anti-Semitic riot in Bernew but when widespread anti-Semitic and. the Simpson record in news imlin. disturbances took place in that counportance was the report of the Shaw 6. The anti-Semitic outbreak in try under the Maniu administration, Commission. Hardly less impressive Roumania. a government that had been expected The American Business College will than theprotests called forth by the 7. The establishment of a unitto suppress such manifestations,, pub- furnish the competition for E. M. Semore recent documents were those ed front in American Zionism. lic opinion in Roumania and abroad gel's Jewish Community Center baskelicited by the Shaw Commission re8. The death of Lord Balfour. was aroused to a new pitch. eteers this Saturday evening at the port. Practically every Jewish news, 9 . Appointment of Sir Isaac The fact that the troubles were not Center gym, starting at 8 p. m. A paper in the world published long exIsaacs as Australian governorgood preliminary game has been tracts from this1 report The discusgeneral. ' ."•'•-••• scheduled.


Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Palestine government i s expected to take action to adapt its custom tariff to meet the needs of the printing industry of the country which employs a considerable number, of workers in Tel ^"^a n d other towns. The boot

SATiN \i

;REAM co.

of this corporation shall be on the 11th day of December, 1PS0. That the highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at nny time to subject itseJf is-not to exceed two-thirds of its capitalV stock. That the affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor iribife than five and the following officersv a- president, a vice-president, or more than one vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer any two of which offices mly- l^a"."held by:.one and the same person. " ' "'* InctffpoTiiters: SAJIUEL H STI5RN, J JACK WEIXRERG, j - , . . . . . ... IRVIX C. LEVIN. fri't'he presence of: WILL H. IHOMPSOK.



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j'B'nai Brifh held an election of ofthe organization was not interested. ceded by a luncheon in charge of Mr*. Jficers Monday, night, at the Eagles The Omaha group, gave. $50 to the L. Sulakofsky, with whom reservaj Hal). Mr. Sam Bubb was elected emergency fund^and donated liberally A most unusual program will be tions may be ma«/e b>' calling Barney (Continued from Page 3.) President to succeed Dr. Isaac Sternfor the political fund,, to -support the given by the ..Temple Israel Sister- 5342. Everyone is invited. hill. Other officers elected for the jbureau in London and Paris which inhood on, January 5, one of Indian comin* year are: Richard Gordon,! Players Guild entertained with songs, fluenced, many non-Jews against the 'music and history. Vice-President; O. Hochman, Finan- and piano numbers, and an interesting/ •White Paper. The. local club sent [r. The musical part of the program ' Comwtcam Campfire (iirls v talk. was. given, by Mr. Abe Saltzman cial Secretary; Harry Kub y* Reeord'$350 to Palestine for the Girls Co-op; | will be given by Mrs. Harry Steel* ! The .Comwicam- Camp fire Gfrfs met irjr Secretary; Sam Steinberg, Treasr on "Judaism and Motherhood." erative Farms, besides giving geneiv >rho trill sing songs of Indian origin, "at the J. C. C. on December 23 and urer; Sam Gross, Guardian; -and ously to the Teachers* Seminary,, the ^nd Mr. Max Yaffee, who will give 16. The girls, who are planning Daughters of Zion . National Schools, and national' headMessrs. Herman Meyerson, Harry violin' selections of a similar nature. many activities for the coming year, K r a s n e and Harry C h e r n i s s , ; At the last: meeting o l the Daugh- quarters. The Omaha club also took *; Mrs. Frederick Cohn will read* a are now working on their headbands Trustees. Poor delegates were also ters of Zion, Mrs. M: Bcaude was part in the Peoples' TooF Campaign' paper on Indian music. and. expect to finish them very Sci-vicea Tonight ; Sermon This Evening j This interesting, event will be pre-shortly. elected to represent the local lodge chosen chairman of a Bazaar, which arid-the Philanthropy Drive* Rabbi David Goldstein will speak at the Annual Convention of the will he held soon. Rabbi Frederick Conn has. selected Among the speakers who addressed 5rv <"Do We Need a New Idea of District Grand Lodge No. 6,, which Arjjragnun.open.to the public cele- their meetings were included Gold» ^•Religion in 1931" as the subject of God«T" will be held in St. Paul and Minne- brating the Jewish: Arhor Day, .Chamr •Meyerson of Palestine, National See-! las. sermon this- evening at Temple apolis next summer. The delegates isha- Asar B'Sbevat; will be held xetary Bisirin, Ralibi A. Fengis, A. Dinner Meeting chosen are Dr. I. Sternhill, and ^hortiyv A . complete report; of. the;Osoff, Dr. Ratherine. Hunt, and "many Israel. The Conservative Auxiliary invites Messrs. Louis H. Kafehnan,. Ben work of the sociaty: for the. Jewish 'of their own members. National Fund, for, the year "will be "Life's iSurprise" the members of the Synagogue and Kubby, and Harry Cherniss. announced at thia.celebration. The installation of the new ofTomorrow moxtdhg Rabbi Cohn their friends to have dinner with Ladies' Labor Lyceum d u b The. Daughters of. Zion announce ficers will be hel<i at the r.ext meeton "life's Surprise." them on Tuesday evening, January 6, The: Ladies' Labor Lyceum CKik ^ ' ing, which vill be held on January the following,donations made to the'held a very successful. Russian Cabat. 6 p. m. organization from Jewish National 12th, at the Eagles Hall. aret and tea, at,the Lyceum, 22nd and KaddLsh The special feature of the evening The Ladies Auxiliary of the T a t Fund boxes: Clark, on Sunday; December 21. Kadtli&b will ba redted this Sab-Mrs-A. T V Friedman, Mrs. M. Kan-1 will be a review of the extraordinary mud Torah Society will hold » meetIan, Mrs. M. v. •nssman,.Mrs^E. Wein-| The officers wisK to.thaak all those bath for Aaron Cahn and Henrietta ing: next Wednesday after-toon,, Jam play, "The Green Pastures," by Rabparticipated in- making' the event Mr* H. R . J berg, Mrs. A. 7th, at the home of Mrs. Morris. bi Goldstein. Milder donated for .'..^buyingof trees a success. man, 31 North Seventh Street. in honor of. the engagements of her Another social.function will be held Ta Address P. V. O. Services Next, Friday Evening The Sewing Circle of th:. Council sons. Mrs. N. Levinson •gave a do- soon, according to present, plans. This Rabbi Goldstein will speak- on "Why Blues Chaptet of the Senior Hadas- nation, for a. Palestine tree in honor organization will continue to-pick-up ' Dr. Cohn will address CBiapter CV Thursday, after-, of the birth of a granddaughter,. bundles for their.rummage salfe Any- t>f the: Men Pray* at the services next Fri- sah will meet next f noon, Januar 8 h, at the home of one wishing. to contribute,. please call "The World in the Making. . The collections, weremade: by a day, Mrs. Richard Gordon, 604 Roosevelt committee.of the Daughters-of ZFon, Mrs. H. M. Stein, Jacksoir. 5H1, or I Avenue. composed of Mrs; N. Leyinson, chaiiv Mrs. M. Ctmmse,-Webster 2693, or 3L EUdn.. Webster PATRONIZE anJ Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, treas.Messrs. Harold. Cherniack and Yale One glasca will assureyou that you are Kroloff left last Wednesday focBir- urer. tuig ureie than your mon^s- worth in these nrngton, Alabama, to attend .the,'K wstrra overeoats of plaid backs, Pioneer Womea's Club Tau Phi Frate.niry Convention. Tliey cheviots* worsteds, and"pile fai>ncs. " Atreview-ofithe.-xear»-for the Piont-— - - - - - - - m i . . J are expected to retam home next eer WbmenZa^Club wa*«iven .at the Their smart tailoring, fine quality linings, Dedication Ceremony foe week. . December. 17 meeting-of tha:-organiNew Synagogue to be held andi fi^eroaa cuts aastir© y«u that they ace Mr. and Mrs. M. Yud«feoi and: sen, zation* by- Mrs; Kaplan,, secretary. Sunday, January 11th high., gjade,. and! their newest styie& mar3r Floyd, left Monday, for Chicago, 111., Mrs. H Richlin was chairman fbtthe The dedication. o* tte new Chevra them as tlfew York models. meeting, which was weD. aOended. B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, will- be held tc be gone a week. i The. national, organization- senti on Sunday afternoon,. January 11th, Miss Jeanaette Baron and Miss. 1931,. at two o'clock at 618 Mynster Clara Delmsky of- Kansas C&FtMb-,. ^aa^QOO lasfeyear to.TEretz. Yisroel foe Annual Street. An interesting and enter- spent, a few. days here visiting At thtPfimeer Wdmen s>coloni€s»,Tt was taining program is being arranged the home of Misa Bacoa'a pareois? reported^it.theicluS convention, nefd and i everyone is urged to attend the Mr. and. Mrs. JotBacnn. On Satur- in Betroit, in. Septembet They, wem opening of this new synagogue. The day; nigiit Misa_Editb_ Bamr enter- jtfae. only pioneer women's, organizaprogram.: will include speeches by tained fifteen. couple*..at her .hom& tion., to fbev represented- in thk IntfiTr Rabbi H. Grodinzky and Rabbi David at a surprise party in honor of her national Jewish. Congress, and took part in the National Fund drive, the .Goldstein of Omaha, and Mr. O. sister and her guest. ^Pioneer movement, the. Teachers' Hochman of Council Bluffs;, and Seminary, campaign, the National Miss Gertrude Kroloff left Sunday musical, numbers by Cantor Abraham Schwaczkih and his Choir of Omaha. for Sioux' City,, Iowa, where, she, School movement, in fact, there was The new synagogue was recently *vril' spend the week visiting relatives. not one national movement in which completed to replace the old one which was destroyed by fire about Review "Green Pastures" a year ago. Rabbi David Goldstein will review I $i . FLOWERS The very best quality of grass bleached the play, "Green Pastures," at the RT WIBB Irish* linen damask. Special in the Th.ei"e's double the wear of an ordinary suit Sam Bubb Elected President cafeteria supper to be given by the AM. OVEK TIIM WOMJ> of B'nai Brith Lodge No. 688. Women's Auxiliary of the Conservatin ttiese, because each has two pairs of January clearance at— FRED R. SHAW The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688-tive Synagogue, on Tuesday evening, FtOWER SHOl' tvbusei*s. They ai"e made of finest quality «f the Independent Order of . the January 6, at the J. C. C. 545. Broadway Pbone 4t

Sisterhood Program


Notes of


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Council Bluffs News

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and in 1.925..the Women's.J5iTJIion ^ the hospital was renamed the Pisko building and so dedicated in her honor. Fifty-five years of. social service. As an indication of the growth of Thit is the' record to which Mrs. the-•hospital ' during Mrs. Risko's inSeraphine Pisko may look back'as cumbency as secretory, it is interest— Plans are being- made for a joint she surveys, her7 life on her seventieth, ing-to point out that liVS&li' the iniheeling of the Shsare Zion Ladies' birthday anniversary which occurs xm stitution hr.d facilities for, the care of Auxiliary a n | ; ithe Shaare •:. Zion January 1st. And as Executive Sec120 patients and: its ^a^nual buildelt Daughterhood, \ jfoir Monday evening, retary of the National Jewish Hoswas $135,000. - T 1. January 19, at(fejj'clock in the social pital at Denver, she, sees in the^ hunSince 1911 six splen'did buildings hall of the synagogue. The new ofdreds of men, women and children ficers^ of-the auxiliary: will be installed who ere cared for annually in this have been added to the hospital and free national tuberculosis sanatorium, the present capacity is 3.">0 patients at that meeting 'and an Interesting is bein At a lovely wedding last Sunday the reasons for a continuance of her with a budget of $500,000 annually. ^ & planned. Miss The Annual Father and Son bar.-, , . - - . Herself childless, Mrs. Pisko has evening, Miss- Sara Weiner, daughter quet was hehf at the kount "Siiiai! B l u m a O l e n s k y i s t h e P^sident of the ardent devotion to social work. ) jan ! exciting basketball game of Mr* and Mrs. Sam Weiner, became been enthusiastic for work which I- »aughterhbod and Mrs. Sam H. ShulWidowed at thirty, life seemsd i^ M ' the Omaha A. Z. A., and the bride of Otto Graf, of Ann Arbor, Temple last • • Monday ' evening. Mr. seeks to help children. Her greatest VK Louis Goldberg acted as toastmaster » ongoing president of the Auxilcruel 4nd, harsh until the conviction ;j ^ City A. Z, A. last Sunday Michigan. iar Mrs Vm . . . . . . joy is to be surrounded by a group' and introduced the. principal speaker.' y-J ? Sherman is the | afierjroon, the,, visiting: team ; won came that she might find happiness^ o f ^ y o u n g p a t i e n t s o f the hospital, The bride wore a lovely gown, peach Mr. Stewart Gilman, former mayor of n e w l y e l e c t e d President of the ;AuxpyjeiUthe Sioux City chapter, to a colored, with veil and accessories to through an intensification of those W M o f Vhorti call her "mother," and . ; : , Sioux City. Brief talks in behalf of ( .ihary. .. score'of 27 to ID- : ; stincS^oward social service whig - ^ p o i n t 8 t o ^ e Hofheiiner Prevenmatch. Mrs. M. Bravernian of Min- the fathers &nd son were made by Mrs. M: Mason .will be in charge of Brilliant playing by both teams neapolis was the matron of honor, had animated her while still a" girl ^ ^ a s t h a t d e p a r t m e n t of. ^ h o s . r _made the game interesting. Goldberg, J and Miss Helen Berg of Minneapolis, Abe Cohen, Leon Galinsky' arid Mr. the arrangements for the meeting. m hefc^teefts. Thus m 1895 she ""- 1 ' 1 -- ' " Grossman; and Turner starred for the the maid of honor. . Misses Florence Max Pill and Mr. Harry Arkin. Mr.. ed t4fe^arious charitabfe o r e i m ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ fer ^errid prePisko Mrs. For'ft winning team, while Batimsteen and Kaufman, Bertha Berger of Sioux Morris Pill, president of- the Brotherhe. Denver Jewish tommuiBgr gentatioii of the need need for for a a national national into aM-becani^^^e first presj- pr even^rimn, for the' frW; care of Turcheri arid Beechen were mainstays City snd Kay- and Pauline Bravermari hood of Mount Sinai Temple.' -adf dressed the audi.ence in" behalf-"of'that' dent be unified Jewish chanty^OTr c n i j d r e £ ; predisjposed'to tu^raulosis, for the local team. I j of Minneapolis were bridesmaids. group.' The invocation waV given • Kv | commit^eifeUiciae!bui f o r --•••-... - - ' : gani: n &£*$m^ M**nwhil«?-tt!e ^ j ^ ^ p i n s i .ja^-late Mr.^h^ Mrs. ''Scdreof-AVjZ; A. game: ; . They were attractively gowned in jt j C 8 > jjg.had reached-the point where the sufrerersjfc|rA659i.,lsja1.lv(in vi^AfuLi^^. *- ^_-.-i:*i:- »Mrs. .* Rabbi Lewis, and, singing WD3 led-by Mrs. Ben Sherman, 130S Douglas he decided that for" hiniself life was situation among the pastel. shades. Ushers were Archie Onialiu r Sioux Cltj : ; tuberculosis -who had come to Denver Mr. Hal Buntlejv • ••— ->-•• '.street, who is chairman of the i ft. C -"•• :' •' i i"i f t . r not worth the candle—but he wanted 0 Kroloff of Chicago. and Cecil Seff, -" Goltlberg., f. .x\ :i Rnnmstein; t '• ••.-.? . •-The dinner at G:30 Was-served by nu^l Talmutl Torah dance, which ts. to learn a little more mathematics 4Se», seeking health, but who were without ^ n 'y e a r s &go .. 0 Edwin Baron and Louis' Horwitz of iS'arisb! t • ' 3 1 Daron ,f *Frnnklin< f 0 1 .Turchen, t means to pay for treatment, was be^ . A c t | v e W o m e n g Work members/, of thfr Sisterhoods -The ~ scheduled for Tuesday evening, Jan-!f he took the grand ieapT ore Sioux City. .; Leonard Weiner, brother ' tacbssniau.. f X . 0 Beechen.. c Hiinvltz, g coming increasingly acute, and Mrs, Her acti^ties for the NationaUew•Knrney.rO' O 0 of the bride acted- as best man.. . . Rosen.j p. . X 1 HariKh, p Pisko became- id&h'tified -with the ^ h h o s p - t ^ h a V e not prevented Mrs. Turner. tJ ' - 1 Kpsti'li). g .. The ceremony was- held, in the [ y - • •• • movement which resulted, in 1899..in p l g ] £ o s e r y i n g i n k i n d ^ ^ ^ ^ S h e I Shaare Zion Synagogue, -with. Rabbf t ^ j r " JJ "" Totals i -. Totais 10 .7 sioteky - ami-Mr. Louis the founding Jbfihe Rational J ^ ^ ' h a s been a member of the Board of Mrs. M. Lazirowich,' V ...The second game played between. pS.B^Eabinowitz officiating. A large^; Heecer Hospital, throagh the efforts of Dr. charities ind Corrections of the City Mrs. B. Shundler, Mrs.' J." Shindler, AND SO TO BED canopy, shaped in'the form of tb£.-Omaha-Psv"Mu* Team' and the A t William S. Friedman, theyourig Rab^- of De i,ver; first vice-president of the Jflrs. Sam Shulkin, Mrs. :Sam Lipthe library met L. C. Kleeblatt A... C. Team was w.on by.a garden-house and lined in green 'Silk i ! man, MT& S.. Sinikin,,MrB. I.. Merrm.j©f <a,Presbyterian bi of the Jewish community. National Conference t of, the Jewish clergywan formed the back ground of the c e r e ^ V . " ^ ^ . , ^ " ^ ^ the local Kieebfcrtt Team, 28 by 15. j Laid Foundation for Hospital's Social Service, and president of the M. lwtas^.wtio JS wmmg Diograpny Wj Score ,of. Psi Mu-J£jeeblatt game:; _ , „ - - • • !(tdberman, son of: Mr. ,^nd? Mrs-1. Mrs. Sam Greenstone"and Mrs. M. Growth I Denver Section of the Council of Fsl Slu . Klrcblatt tg. tt. In 1900 she toured the country in Jewish Women. - She has served also S;-ii''<l '• • 0 »•' A'. Turohen. t V.' - Eolirmnn. t ^ " T ^ i SBertha i S . fR»ese, & t h played sjare^ent^rloW^^U^ Cju^of l» you!" she ,u«nrf. "Don't the interest jojf the H^pjtal,,H^ing#ie <js a member iof the National Boanl Kpsteiu. f 1 2 Tallemun. I 1 lone Kinkaidund Santa Claus doesn't visit i first person ^ o m a k ^ "a '|^ans-<^^^-"Tefl^e Sis^-hoods and as viceI t WlBOtt;-vf 1 Seigel. . c • _—4—'.. ;.;• : i the Talmud Torah will go toward the v the. Lohengrin Wedding March. Mas0 0 M. Tnifhen. t 2 Rosen, B Jewish boys ?" I replied. .,-., i tinential t r i p ^ i * ^ h a ^ of fciiation^^^idei^-of th^tNational Council of Misses Freda arid"Aririe Shiloff of. .maintenance of the ^[ebr^w-^school. •Welnhelmer,'c 1 .SHiwartv.. K ter Jack Merlin;sang an appropriate* HeilKeB, c >.:•- • And thance to the printery, where. Chicago are visiting their parents, philanthropy. ^ T h ^ iftitial Igujg wa*f solo preceding the ceremony. , Ien :ins. g 1 I was fhown^ a ^flovelty, a book^«f'._ followed by four oHiers"during which" sable, er- ••••• o Mr. and Mrs.-B. H. Shiloff. •, Out oftown guests included Mr.' Lebowitz.. ; g , 1 li'iddishj poems, ^rint^cljin the Latth; local directors &nd medical examiners Under-Sccretary of Navy 'and Mrs. D. Berg and da'ughter Helen, Tolnls 1 2 Totals 4 script. j'Bife ^*w|nSA: t§a,Pier take mf for the hospital were appointed and • Paris.—Prime ' Mrs. William Lazere 'inff sane "visit* Mrs. M. Braverman. Mrs. J..Brc«verMinister Steeg has Yiddish " straight. "Arid chatted jol groups of contributors started in the appointed .man and daughters Kay and Pauline, ed in Omaha ove"r the week-end." nt Jacques Stern as undersec(ConMnued frorc-Page • 2.) I many other things, p&rticularly of the major .>pommunities of the; country, retary . of ~*hs navy. When Stern's all of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Dnve v . ^ :* Iogentle .Mr. and Mrs. I. Miller andtf§, , -,i ^ • « -•---•?•: r - - r art of making « money, with eonr Thus-she-;laid, the foundation for-de- -appointment.; was'^rst broached, the : Becker of Milwaukee; Harry Thatchthey are today'; er Jr., of Iowa City &nd Mr. and Mrs. arid Mrs. Herman Miher will receive «"»!*.'»* sotns unhappyf teve episode, jjditions being what veloping jpne.-of the foremost heal^-Nationalist* press protested • because their many relatives and friends on Song writers should always be un-1 and I told of the two Jewish boys agencies ;iii'the country. Ed Rosen and family of Sioux Falls. . ' • Stern "was born in ; Germany and-did The bride is well known in Sioux Sunday afternoon, January 4, m the happy. Consider Irving Berlin. As' .who hadr bought ;out the modern JiiIt wal ith>f Natjtpnal Jewish Hos- not become a French citizen until A capacity congregation heard Rab- City's musical circles having appeared Ballroom of the Hotel Warrior from Jon^as he;was unsatisfied, he wrote brary series and are reputed to be pital which"- hiter . becsme her life's 1902. bi Herman M. Cohen; of St. Paul, ! in many piano concerts here. Mr. 3 to 6, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Joseph songs—Whatil I do—Remember, etc., I clearing $35,000 each as their share,' work and. which today-stands as an last Friday evening in Sh&are Zion j Graf is a faculty m?mber of the Uni- Miller who havr returned from their but now that everything is'.annually. S. Wi proffered the idea;* enduring tribute to her ability and Kosher Kitchen for Poor Jews S>Tiagogue. The service, which was versity of Michigan, in the depart- Cuban " honeymoon. • No invitations hunkydory, his music has been silent, .of ghosting the confessions of some: her humanity. : Amsterdam. — Kosher municipally witness now very much in the public] in ths form of a Student's Homecom- ment of Modern Lane:u&»es. Mr. andhave been issued for the affair. j FIGURES AND NOTES In 1911, upon the death of the for- operated kitchens -f<H*~poor "Jews will eye, and as for myself, I cogitated, ing service, was attended by over Mrs. Graf departed Thursdav.for Ann I Music and Mathematics—the .Tew maybe Ex-Rabbi might sell, Je was asked .to-be- bff established in Amsterdam, adtordmer seewta 600. Rabbi Cohen urged.the young Arbor Michigan, where they will Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron and appears to have a strong predilectaken bj-the>*4miv But as usual, all these cogitations people and students to be prepared make their, home. • • dr ugh ter are visiting at the home tion of both of these. Einstein is not are hut apples of Sodom—collapsing ^ except Sajtttjnlay, to.assume the responsibilities of:their of Mrs. BaronV parents in Minne- the only gi*at Jewish mathematician. and crumbling as one takes them into [ *ork dii-^Jj'all tonemplojed am! ,pt>£e. "Sews-/will ciders in Jewish communal life and Miss Thanya Broscow. daughter of apolis. _ , He is the greatest perhaps, but the hand., ( , . - ; t^ie ~Kas elect- obtain koshei meals. fo!c plie jHpnny at -.-, , in the synagogue. He stressed the ; Mr». S. Broscow, 1310 Douglas street, 1 woods are full of prominent Jewish gy^Q j«ars ago these kitchens ' kitchens. ' point that in the ha-nds of the youngAnd so home—and to bed. will become, the-bride of Leon ShulOver 150 couples attended tha An- math?maticians. I remember once er generation lay the .-future of Jud; kin. son of Mr. and Mrs. M; Shulkin, nual A. Z. A. Dance last Sunday listening to a listing, of the prom- (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Teleaism. The choir chanted special wel511 Omaha streets next Sunday a evenly,»£$WSfifevie .Ball"Room. ones by Professor Brodsky. of graphic .Agency, Tnc.) nobn in the Shar.'re J5ion S A giinip- of 'j^lybung!- people from England, who is quite,some pumpkin -• After the: s?rvice: the congregation Rabbi H. R. JRabhiowitz will perform Omaha chme to' Sioux i City for the himself in that way.. He told me 8(djourned to the Social Hall where: a the ceremony,-.-~ > affair. I.arry Burklfr an<l his or- that when the mathematicians gather. Research on Dreyfus Case .program *.of •-talks- was presented =by chestra furnished the music for danc- in convention, it looks jike Shax'ucuth < Paris.—New light- on the famous the students.- Burhell:Koplishv stoMembers of the Tvredub held their ing. ' ' at some synagogue. .. Dreyfus case is expected to bei shed : dent at the University -of Minnesota, annual N2w:.ir«ar's party at the Hotel •"•"Music and "Mathematics—does not as: a result of word received' ;and one of Sioux- City's brilliant de-: Warnor.H Wednesday" evening.- Many Misses Freda and Anne Shiloff of ' baters act?d as toastmaster. "• He in- oat of town guests were present at Chicago are visiting at the home of Bartrand Russell sc-ys somewhere thai daj- by the League for Human Rights they are very much akin—that music that tha Soviet government. has op; trdduced Fred Sherman,-who spoke in the .affair. heic parents. is;really only" a form of ' jrlorified ened the Czarist archives for the behalf of the University, of Nebraska;) ""A"novelty feature of the Question counting, except that you count with- league's researchers who have been Bert Mazor who spoke, in behalf of Club New Year's Party held in the Mrs. Wil r im Lazexe and sons out being conscious of it. studying all the documents "in the the University of Wisconsin;: Helen Hotel Martin ball room.»Wednesday visited In Omaha .over, the _weefc-end. •'•' •• . . . ••••: ' • . Russell, the .way, would have c a s e . Levitt, in behalf of Iowa University; evening was the huge " ? " erected in Rozsna Sacks in behalf of Morning- the middle of, the ball room. -;, The side College; Leonard Weiner in be- party was in the form of a dinner half of the University of Minnesota; dance. and Otto Graf who spoke in behalf of •the;, faculty at Michigan : University. Mr. and Mrs.: H. Miller announce MIPS Elsie Brodkey presented several .the engagement of their daughter, ; original - poems. Carl - Saltzman led • Sophie, to Mr. Ernest Feuerlichfr of the singing of. a prroup of -colleges i;Chicago. The -.dote for the wedding sones, written by Leonard W.einer. ' h a s not been. set. After the program the members of : • Miss .Miller, departed for Chicago th? Ladies' Auxiliary served refresh-.- last Saturday evening for a-visit. nients to the congregation and guests.;

Yedrs o

,. Corre$p6ndentl


Society News


Committees f or Talmud Torab Danes





Max Kroloff to Occupy Shaare Ziori's Pulpit

• : Mrs;- Israels of C}iicago;.is visiting at the. home, of: her son-in-law and idaughter, Mr. and Mrs. E . J- -Fri-

reg- ;

. Max Kroloff will speak at the ular, services this evening &t Shaare Zion Synagogue.--Mr. Kroloff who is Studying law in Chicago is well kno^Yn in Sioux City for his splendid oratorical work and active work in Midwestern A. Z. A..Chapters. He will speak on "Self Reliance." The service will be chanted by Cantor Pliskin with the assistance of the choir. ^

Mount Sinai Temple Rc-bbi Lewis will speak this .evening on "A Year of Challenge." Sunday School sessions will be resumed next Sunday, January 4. Love is like a landscape which doth stand smooth at a distance, rough at hand. —Hegge.

.;RJr-; and,:Mrs. /Max "Friedman- and Mrs,-. Fannie. Kroloff: entertained-six couples -sd. a ...surprise party- fai the Friedman- home last Wednesday evening honoring Miss Sara Mosow on her birthday; Bridge was followed by dancing and a buffet supper. Miss Frances Jacobson is visiting friend in Om&ha. Ir\-infir Passman, son of^SIk Mrs. Morris Passman •• and!- Isadbre

STOUP&SCBAfFER "We feed the multitude" - With Tasty Foods ^^

Praetic0l Mohel


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J> HERBERT McMILLAN, CLARK W. CARNABY, -.'-.,-. Treasurer.. Assistant Seeretary :; JOHNiR. DONLEY, • WA.YNE C. SELB1, ^ •Assistant Secretarj' Assistant Secretary w ••• • /.'"•> > - \ - . M:, : D I R E C T . Q K . S ;•-/ v ..-• • A. /Baird- ' . -:...Jamas' A . Sunderland F#ank TT. -B. Martin - Charles C. fig i j IRa^dall I£_Btown Kf Btown "•- Erastus A> Benson Henry A. Thompspn J. Herbert McMillan Byron; K> Hastings Charles M. Wilhelm Robert Dempster > . " Aithur W. Bowman



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