Entertaining ' •: Goot YahTtAhd so another year lias passed into oblivion •'.- .'-.- likewise a few folks who imbibed too freely of "corn" . ' . . and speaking of corn . '. '. Lew Corn of Deg Meines, Iowa, was •wied to a local; girl . . . the wedding ./was - celebrated - with -•' a : - different species of corn?2 T . just" a representa- *' - Warsaw. ^-(.T.T. A.)—ThV tragedy tion of several[Corns from Iowa".". *. of homeless Jews: continually'shifted from dire country to another is "iliusone of 'the ^ jams ^ read ''May jrour trated in the :case of Mrs. Hoschber troubles besrnalkcorns". . ...; Ph'land her daughter,--whom the- LithGoldstone, former. Omahan and now a uanians expelled; from Kovno as havprominent Hollywood producer of high iiK-no citizenship rights. -The women ^grade talkies ? .>£ givfis^geherously to were brought to tt'erolish frontier, but they had no right.to be admitted Lbs • Angeles^Viihftitittions ;.'. v and to Poland./ " what ta-Mother's boy 1 .". A communi-Without,shelter, they remained in ty 1 "scenter", of ' police ' newi: Alien th> col£ on«the frontier" between the ILohan of the ivdrld .Heraldstaff . .•.*; two. countries. Efforts are being to render thein^ssisiance. kind hearted women whose social
at Border
VOL. VIII.—No. 50
Exp^lition to Probe ^ Jerieho
London.—(j. T. A.)—Why. River Jordan, did not-dry, up when Joshua a n a ' h ; s ^followers crossed if 'and what caused the walls of Jerto collapse before Joshpa's conPublic^ Invited to Ceremonies to icho quering army, will "fee the object of Be Held Sunday an expedition leaving here for Palestine under the leadership ,of Prof. J . Afternoon parstang, who will T^e. aided by Drl-| The_ new synagogue of .the Council Donald McCown! •: Bluffs Jewish community, will ba The expedition, wh*ich was financed a formally dedicated at a special by the late Lord Kfclchett and "Sir ceremony to be held;.this Sun«lay afternoon at 2 ji. m.T The* public of Charies Mariten, «S11 endeavor to Dr. . Julius- Klein, assistant secrei»rh Omaha and Councj] ^ u f f s -have prove the Bible^stories correct. tary of cpmmerce, will be the next work i s performed without flourish or invited. to-at ! on the lecture course spon-v ,.The j^int annual meeting of "flattiv.;Mrs.iBube^ (Gertie xfetemdnies, which1' ioredgointiy by the Council of Jew."the Jewish Welfare Feder.ation, synagogue, 6J8 liynster street; kofsky^Mrs; Ben" A) (Ethel) ish- Women;, and the Jewish .Commu,-: -the Jewish Community Center An interesting: p ^ p S m ^ l ^ s ^ Center. 'Is Prosperity in, ."and..--the^Jewish Philanthropies arranged for the -cuxasion?- SpegfeefsMrs.-Louis Sommex . . . . A_group, 7" is D L Klein's.suoj*»ct for his. A joint meeting of the^directors will be held at the-Jewish Comwill _ be^-Jtab^ ^ ; ; ' " - : : W " ' appearance Thursday ^evening, of young women whojtofl each Sunday of the Jewish Welfare Federatipn, manity Center Wednesday, eveRabbi David'; ;Tanuary 22, i 1 the Center auditorthe Jewish Community Center, an3 ning, January 14. morniBg-ito: further Jewish instruction and L Morgenitern and 6 . Hochium. the Jewish Philanthropies will be | Because .of the great importman of Council Bluffs. Cantor A. . . . T h e Sunday School teachers oC _ . • ., . . Df. -Klein, who is .known as .the held on Monday evening, January ance of "feusiness to be ti*ansar:tInteresting SchwaczkJTi aadhis^-ciioir ' o f flHw and Memthe «.„ Conservative „ „ „ „" Synagogue o_-:-_._ and, Says AgencybyWill Refuseof Cored. it has been decided to dis,**inte~rational business go-getter of 12, at 8:15 p. m at the J.:C.'C., rections Mandatory B'nai Israel - synagogue, Omaha/ wfll f birshlpj are Temple Israel . . . T h e apartment pense -with the usual musical and UncleSam," landed only a little to hear. the report of the ReWhite Paper V render several" selections.' :,* dramatic program and give the who have solved the auto traffic probmore than a week ago, after an exorganization Committee, of which T h e p r e s e n t e d i f i c e w a s built a s * a entire program to business. Harry Lapidus is chairman. house magnates of the Dundee section •London.—(». T." A.)—What was re- r e s u l t o f fire* d e s t r o y i n g t h e o l d - I r v i n C. L e y m , p r e s i d e n t o f t h e l o - tended European trip in quest of j Brief--messeges will be given by garded as thij-most encouraging news foreign trade for the As this will be a most interesting : 6 w United States. lem . . . they patronize the O. & C. B." s y n a g o g u e about. "a ^-vear * ago. TRei'caL-lodge' o f - t h e - B ' n a i .B.'rith, a n - " * " " « • - • — . — ^^ " " " received by the English Zionist ConHe is no "swiveWhair official," but and important meeting, every .Dr. Philip" Slier, president of the s n>e 1 chair b u i l t a n o < u f f T m u n c e s - & e f o l l o w i n g coirimittees a n d - ' " " " . ^ . " °"K St. Ry. tram The skeptics who ference, which" just cl »sed; here, was s- t r-u:c t u r e . i s beautifully-• I 'Federation,' William Holzman, presidirector is urged to attend. on eco• >••---V»x--.^ • • • • • • • r l . . v *••. " ' .-DE.*-'of t h e l e a r a n g e x p e r t s Ij f . . .... " dent of the CesAer, and Sam Beber, doubt the importance of the Jewish the declaration by Prof. Selig Brodet- jnodern m everv respect." lt wvH their chairmen: nomic conditions toda . also house the Council Bluffs Tal- I president of the-Jewish Philanthropiutrltert'ual -"Artwuwejnent . Committee: . _ . .. ,. . .. ,, Community Center . . r the building sky., member of the vexecutive of the. mud Torah. -•• :~14 I'ies. Samuel Geison, execu&ip^^di-. Harry « . Cohen, .chairman: Tfile_Kroluff; I H i s weekly rad.0 talks over t h e teeming with activity . . from the World Zionis - Organization, that -the j rector, will present a joint report for The commitiee in charge of raising j ^» V..C-C....... chair, have earned him a present, negotiations between the Jewr quiet and • peaceful study rooms on Committee: I*htllj> Kltitz- v i d e following. the three organizations. -v "P1I Agency ur.d the; British Govern- funds ,for the building and also* for r : the upper floor to the recreation cor- ment.are a; discussion of the whole arranging . this , affair include: G. Harxy l^^a^s. Aime'^aiin nii."l!*r! j An authority " on chain stores and William f Holzman will preside. H. though he is,'the local comner below . . . the atmosphere so policy toward the Jewish National Whitebook, chairman; M. Hoffman, A. Wolf j. will, report for the Jewish ro'mmiitwi Sam isebor. Harry ( m'ttee chose the Klein lecture topic inviting to ths Jewish boys and girls Home, and in no way a discussion of secretary; D. Fox, treasurer; B. .Free Loan society..'-" .H A TVoif. F r aan n t A c k Mrl wm m < : . *-with the widest appeal for the com; 1 Gttinsky, S. Shyken, and A. Gllins.ky. rhairman; Niite JaroiiSi Mas H«lzm«n. II.' The most important business of . . . Sam Gerson, the Superintendent, modifications of the ~W]iite Paper. Ki 1 : y . . 1 : „ r ! the meeting will be .the report of the The offieiers of the synagogue Prof.- Brodetsky stated that the Single adm-ssions, • for those who busying himself and buried in an Social Sprvu-e: in. i«hijii». .Sher. <-hair-1 reorganisation.committee-to be conference would not .consider, .the are: G. Whitebook. president; A.r-o season tickets, will be $1.50. . Harry y p . avalanche of detail * work . . : .and Bragin Makes Self Spokes-' MacDonaia government's White Pa- Gilinsky, vice-president ;--O.. Hochman, W i n . . ( I r o t U n s k y . > i «n>ii»'t G p r i . Kesolutions: J. J. FrkHtxnnn. chairman: Ixrais. JMpj>> his Jjehial, assistant,, al- :Per as" even man for Non-Comnnnnst jm a n of_the- r e o r & a n i z a t i o n c o m t n i t e e. basis for discussions, secretary; David Fox, treasurer; 5 . X.. K Yaffe. Cootlman Coh«>n. Jews Vfarllniwe: Wt»ii Hotatmnn. rtmirmnu; Tlarways prepared to attend to the wants and that no 'agreement' .would be Shyken, M. Hoffman, arid *H. SaltjJThe reorganization plan .will be disry- Zimman, Hercry Mnnskj-. r Initiation;-Committee; L . F. Coodnuin, of the youngsters and grown ups . . . reached unles- that paper" was set man, trustees cussed and voted upon at this meet* ^rlnilrmMn: Cmctor A. SelfwaEskin. >feim A.)—Charging that: " ". .* " " " Officers for 1931 will be l#on. J. Mofcraharifc,, I>r. ff .-. jrhjph&eiaind&'ine'to remind you -not.aside. in the IS yeais of the Soviet Union's Clowlanrt t>rpl«*^Krt-me: I. i H Itt to iniBap^^iuiiMbA-'tfueeUiur-- t>f the perui. . _ National Jewish H*spir»l: l»r. A. , J. C. -C.,- Federatidhr arid Phflanthro-; fact that the IHTI. ch:\lrmnn; Harry ijipWns. hounrarv result- of the government's invitation chnlrmna: H. II.. Anerliaeh. Joe Wolf. .^."Wednesday evening . . . Ihe that many changes brought Fred 'WhUe to the Jewish Agency, and - not the ^ founders of. the Russian The newly elected officers of the Ontrnl Council Committee: Max Fromnder the recommendations of reorganization plan should be inter- result' oi a Zionist appeal to the The promotion of Jewish tradir colonization movement and a Omaha Hebrew d u b were installed-at) the Jefrish Communal Survey have esting • - . . Something very noticeable government. l e a d e r m t n e tional synagogue music and Jewish f' Commitiee: i»ave Freeronn. ohair^ t h e regular meeting of the organiza- j Ozet, nnA +>>! \heen made this "year and also because* ra numerous protests which the folk songs within the Omaha Jewish ' man: M Gilbert, m when shopping . . . the affability of Pnve Katimnn. t , , C rC,last * ' Executive Executive C( Committee and the the year t a s been a crucial one in OiHwrt. Pnre Katsman.; '_ , ,, _J „ . oSundav 11Tl j OT , tral : -Sam Klaver. •chnirmati: Nate taon held at +w T Party itself for its failthe" Jewelry salesman . . . s o finely- Z'onist executive has reached against community is the goal of the Omaha nws: held at the J . O. U last Jsunday Communist _ . . _ Mart -Snm Ijnrls-Klaver. •chnirman: Nnte I UOn nftprnnnn welfare work of all kinds. The Jewish tc.place ^ c o m p l i c a t e d but urtrained "in the art of super-salesman- the negotiatitns cannot, be directed • Hazomer organization, recently fornv >niton AbmhaTTis. arcerooon. against the executive," he said,, "be- 'e d under the direction of M. LevinThe officers Sam of the president; Irvin are: Levin, viceE. Klaver, ship dapper young" men with Jewish Community Center budcause both the Zionist actions com- son -und N. S. Yaffe. . , intellectual advancement committee,'is somewhat "of. a:"JiHimy Walker" snap mittee and the Agency political comhfmsS^pokesman for a beneficiary of . . . • . - . • - . . They aim to entertain at J e w i s h treasurer; D. Schwartz, Omaha Com--- — — program . . . . Roy Feltman, Nat Meister, Izzy mittee at their meetings at that time authorized Dr. Welzmann to nego- munal organizitions have already re- t Dr. Bragin told the All-Union contees Fiedler . . . They are "food" for the seen a creation of a Child Care desoon. Philip Klutznick has been tiate." . ' ference of the Ozet, the society for quested them to entertain at their 1 Klaver .has announced riaberdasher Maurice Micklin, a zProf.; Brodetsky said he was perof the membership comPresident HTv T rC 7 ; T i +K partment in the federation, special programs and meetings. ] ^ ^ ^ w m j , ^ ^ intensive the following committees for the en- settling Jews on the land, that the * , young man at the. head of a large or- sonally very optimistic as regards ; Free lessons in sight reading are membership to be started immediately.-suing^ term: : government had never officially dis- j ganization, operates successfully one the' outcome of the negotiations, to be given to those joining the crossed the matter of Jewish self-de* K»>cntlTe Committee and rtndeet Com. Dr. A. Greenberg. eh.iirmrtn: Fred of the largest lumber institutions in pointing out th<*t this is the first group. All musically inclined are White. Max Fromkin, -Irvin Stnlmaster, termination in Jewish territory. He time the Agency has been invited to Harry J,apiaus. Mark liorig; J. Kiklin, said that when ^he Jewish Communthe middle west'. . . A certain" yonng invited.' H. oVnch. Irvin l^evin. negotiate directly with the governSick Committee: Irvin I-evin. chairman; ist leaders speak of an autonomous legislator.who is fond of card ptayint; 3 . The Hazomer club meets at the H. Onich. 1". Orncli. Jewish region they are apologetic ment, and -not through the • colonial J. K**™*Freed. I... Morjrnn. . . . was advised by his friends to lead office. "Under no circumstances will J. C. C. every night at 8 p. m. I Investigation Committee: M. Bercoviri. while such a region is ST absolute i C office. Under no circumstances will . A \ T k . , „ „ ; . „ • cluiirman; M. r.lnnk. A. Monsky. Sam "trumps'* when in doubt about an imi. .unis.—([ A . J ^ i n e ancienx .AitBhTiler.'Barney Feltman. V>. Oruch, M. necessitv which must be openly detn« Agency accept corrections to the} The chairman of the organization is Mr. Harry Bender. ghetto ci Tunis will soon.be but a Crandeig. . . . portant measure . . . Dan Greenhouse White Paper,' said the speaker. manded. ~ T^V m_ • • • • i-i. I Memliership Committee: Trvin I-evin. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The new government had memory. lh*; iunisian municipality ehairmnn: All>ert Knnlnn. viee fbnirman: While ., «4i.^ the ^.^ *,**•-•• — - planned i promoted to the management of a 6 < n region in decided to ra^e the entire ghetto and.-1 ^ J " ™ ^ ^ , ^ ^ . i . SS n ^ii K the creation of tuch a rP^on in elected Assembly of the Jewish Compublix Theater in Sioux City . . . a Bira Bidjan. Far Eastern Eepublic, munity m" Palestine, elections for rebuild t h e old Jewish quarter called g ^ ^ ^ committee: J committee: John Feldcapable young man, despite his youth take place place the the middle middle of of M Z i i l Dr.. Bragin "Hara." This section of the City IS roan, chairman: Joe Tretiak. M. Bragin insisted insisted that t a t iit must be * * « * ^iH take of 71 members, . . . little David to his mother: "Your Janua Ii Crimea. Crimea, he declared, not January, fomed frr its mediaeval synagogues. ^ J ^ A ^ ^ ^ } S nose is. just like teacher's, but you have Jeroiw Kulakorsky. Hrman Oruch, onlv had enough land for more than so that in regard to numbers at least Up to 1857 the Jews of Tunis could ^Ran. fo1r i s B S r 1n n U , rj C f t K j Steisberg.g Morris BrntJUeis, P B a different 'nozzle'" . . . the mother live. no-where but in the "Hara/' I»nblicity C Inblicity Committee: m t Pave Blacker, 200*000 Jews, but also had great in- it will follow closely the precedent chairman: hi J Cronnfie, C T>. T> Oruch. O h dustrial potentialities for tens of of the Sanhed^n, the ancient Jewish There are now 53,fi00 Jews in Tunis. was not offended at her "nozzle" but Iniiation Committee: Hen Handler, chairthousands of Jews. The K-rtch dis-. legislative bo«J- of 70. man: M. Blank. A. Monsky.proud/cither "mozzle" in having such ltesolntionc Conrmittee.: Sam Svrartt. chairman: Hrtrry SteinberR.-. Judah Wolf- trict of Crimea alone will produce ' / •*• Central EWetonil Comimttee will a bright "boy . .-- "Reducing" at the conduct •elections, throughout Palesson. . J. J . Friedman, Sam BpJ>er, K. S. more nwtal. in the next seven "j Yatfee. Paramount .*. . not the price, just the on behai." of the National CounJmliciary Committee: J. Riklin, chair- than Belgium, and France togettier, ^ man: J. CrOHnSe. vice chairman? D. Oruch, cil of Palestine .Sews, and in the apname of a picture . . . Doctor and Bartney J'eltman. Joe Tretiak. he added. Vigilance Committee: Hanr T-apidns, A*ddressing the Jewish CommnnLst • pointmeht"^f this committee due reMrs. Abe Greenberg call their-resiJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A total of Chairman; Fred White. Harry Wolf. Vfm. d has ha been bee had to the vandua Hclzroan.- Henry Mon«ky.~Max F-romkin.. he recalled that -two two years dence a "home for girls" . . . Beverly, 223 Jews, 115 .Christians,. including Dr. A. GreenlwrK. Sam Beber, M. Ix>rifr, leaders, he Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Out of a toSam Swnrta. Jndah "Wolfson. Irvin Stal- ago they spo'-e of settling a million. P i t i e s and communities in the counPhyllis and Renee and 1 . . . A pretty tal of 403,969 Jews who were living 33 British, police, and 10 Moslems en- master.- M. Selico. I. Morgenstern, Sol Jews in Bira Bidjan, but now thfey tiy and -to the "recognition of equal KoBen!»erg. • ' tered Pales jne in sKovember, accordyoung matron yet entirely unassumin Prussia iii 1925, only 76,387, or Talmnd Tornh Committee: N. Yaffe, have reduced that number to 50,000: Tights-»wtweii men and women. A ing to figares released by the -imchairman: John Feldmnn. 1P^ per cent, were foreigners, ac.... local Electoral Committee has been ing: Mrs. Ernie (Goldie) Meyer . ; . HouBe., Committee: S. Monoritz, chair- in three year: cording to statistics just published migration office. In the same period mao; S. Bahjor. vice chairman; A. Schlaiappointed in nach community by the Rose Brandeis, a dashing young miss M. Crotmse. Hitrry T>worsky. Ben in the "Zeitschrift fur Demographie 8C Jews, 46 Christians and 40 Mos- fer, j Central Committee Handler. J, I^tntzman. I>. Sdiwartz. of the Spanish type . . . a very capalems left. Thirty-one prospective im- "Appointees: A. EIrhnrdR. Inside Cnard, imV Statistik ^er Juden." F^'ery Jew, man or woman, whost Sam Klaver. .representative to the Jewish ble pianist who renders her services name appears, on the register of tht Welfare Federation. ' Of this total of foreign* Jews in migrants were barred. freely at various Jewish functions Jewish CommJiKty., 20 years of agr« Prussia, 35,385 came from Poland, A consciencious young man who is a o- over, will be allowed to vote. T« 9 498 from Austria, 6,986 from RusSt. Louis.—!-(J. T. A.)—^No polit- become a .member of the Elected Assia, 3,574 from Czecho-Slovaki'a, 2,480 credit to the community . . . Harry from Hungary, 2,156 from Roumania, ica1 anti-Semitism, as it is. known in sembly., "hov-ever a person must hav< Trustin of the firm of Kraus & Trus1,791 from Holland, 1,350 from LithEurope,. exists in American univer- attained tfce a>e 'of 25, have lived at tin busies himself with both Legion uania and 1,037 from Latvia." Thus sities. - It -only crop out in pri- least a year in Palestine, and be abli and Jewish activities. More next week. East-European Jews constituted the The extraordinary singing voice of last spring in open competition. He vately endowed universities, and it to read, write and speak Hebrew. ABE 3. FOSKA. Every 50 voters are entitled tc Abe J. Poska Lincoln, Nebrasaka, vast majority of the foreign Jewish David Lazarus has caused the Tri- also :won a European trip, the prize is directed, against Jews who arouse population of Prussia..offered by the Kiwanis Club of Shensubmit, a list of candidates accomangle Club of Omaha to take him prejudice not only in Christian, but delicatessen ewner, was the first to andoah, Iowa.-.To win, he outeangpanied by 'the' consent of the lattei. under their wing to enable him to Berlin alone contained 43,838forin the better and more refined Jewfile his name for the primaries for voice students of the city high ish circles as well, according to Judge to be noninated. • eign-Jews, or 57.4 per cent of the cultivate its potentialities. the Lincoln city council. Mr. Poska, The study of advanced Hebrew for Special regulations are laid dowi This organization is sponsoring a schools, then placed first among Ne- William S. Evans of New York, Nawho is a newcomer to politics, has total throughout Prussia. Out of a all "boys wishing higher :Talmudic braska singers, and capturing first in for the repreWantation of Sephardu total Jewish ropnlation of 172,672 in concert to be given by Lazarus tional President of the Zeta Beta chosen police reform as his platform. the tri-state finals. and Yemenite Jews, both minorities knowledge "is the: aim of the DageL Berlin, more than one-qnarter were Thursday night, January 29th, in orTau. '. Judge Evans spoke at . the One hundred r.nd twenty names apof the -Tfiw'sii population. A numbel der to raise funds so that he may thirty-second annual convention of Yedudah—^considered unique in "organ- peared on-the petition placing Pos- foreigners in 1925. Dr. Michael J. Ford was appointed o" seats in the "Sleeted Assembly wit attend the Cincinnati Conservatory of izations. Their purpose has ieen ka's name on the campaign roster. by the Triangle Club as chairman of this Jewish fraternity held here. bo allocated try the Central Electoral Music, from which he received a "Anti-Semitism is no obstacle in Vetoes Subsidy for Vflna the Ways and Means committee. deemed -so worthy that "free gymCommittee to Sephardic and Yemenscholarship last June. Yiddish Schools Mrs. Max Frcmkin will have charge the way of the advancement of Jewnasium" for members attending, has ite representatives, in proportion to As the policy of the Conservatory ish student, a d Jews are in a posiVilna.—The governor of the Vilna of the work among the Jewish orthe total number of Sephardim and been offered on meeting nights by The Jewish Community Center district vetoed a 20,000 zloty subsidy is not to allow any of their stution to knock its head down -wherganizations. orchestra i a s sent out the. SOS, sign assigned s"by the Vilna municipality dents to do outside work during" the ever it appears," declared Judge Ev- Yemenites respectively on the registhe Community Center. for musicians playing the violin, f cr ;the" local Yiddish schools. The year, this concert is to help defray The Board of Education has donat- ans. "Jewish fraternities have done ter o€ Tthe Jewish Community, irreThe next meeting will be held at trombone, andv windinstruments. governor. claimed .that these schools necessary expenses. ed the Tech. High auditorium in lieu much to erad:cate anti-Semitism by spective of the ratmber of votes cast the Center Monday evening. Judah • The annual -concert of the- orchestra are; not. loyal to the Polish governLazarus, who is 19, won the Doug- of the fact that Lazarus is a prodigy showing Christians something of the for theseVpafticuiar lists of caadi: Wolf son- will-address the; group.: • > is; being^planned *for.the near future. ment." • IS , '~, ii •:•}•• ••! • -'•-; \-----k. las County5 AtWater ^Kent "audition' of the Omaha public Schools. Tew to admire and ,respect,"'. :. . dates. AY-'Y--'-'- ••• ': .
Mletn Is Reorganization Plan to Be Feature of Annual Reports to Lecture at theCenter Auditorium
Joint Mating of _:. •: Directors on Monday
Traditional Folk
Ghetto of Tunis to
Be, Razed- and Kebmlt •>
First Candidate in Lincoln CouncilRace
FEW OF PRUSSIAN 228 Jews Entered, 86 JEWS Left During November STATISTICS MOW
Concert Is toBe Given to Aid Voice of David Lazarus
Study Advanced Hebrew
- . ' • ' '
Need Musicians
PAGE 2—THR JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY £, 1931 stories and has one-hundred beds, shape this week. "Have you th* Jewconstructive good. Virulent, dignified, appropriate .bath rooms and many other com-'.'. ish weakness, too," said one of th« :protests uhmediately on the issuance t>f the White j forts. poets, toiling over his proofs1. Paper have already accomplished their effect, and "The Jewish weakness,"—this writAnti-Soviet, Anti-Zionist frantic shouting at the present time wiltbe meanBlbUsbfid flvery'Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ing of verse. Jewish Weekly THET JEWISH PRBSJS^UBIJSHING COMPANY ingless. Paris.—A Jewish weekly, published FLOWERS AND FRUITS enabling s'-udy than in the provincial Then, too, for the effect on the outside world Office: 490'Sraffderfftiieater Building in the Russian, language and backed Plato wanted to deport all poets. Trench universities. United States TeTepboner •. Atlantic 1460 we need a large representation, and for construc•by a large number of- Russian Jews And many, of the great Jewish sages and Managing Editor tive activity we need the; best minds of Israel. To Take Up Congress Question | here, is to begin publication with have felt similarly. The great MaiBLACKER ^ To Support Hebrew U. -—Editor)Both would be impossible on such short notice, London.—In view of the expressed j the new year. The weekly, named monides seemed to look down upon, FKAWK R: A C K E R ^ i ^ T" x;-' ' Dental School desire by the Zionist Organizations J Evreskaya Szizn, will be anti-Soviet poet/ry with, a good deal of contempt, FANNltf KATEI.MAN, CounciJ Blaffa, la., Correspoiiifent with resultant weak delegations. If the Zionists ; -Detroit;—The Alpha Omega (Den- of a number of countries that the j and anti-Zionist, it is announced, foleven Yehuda Halevy, who himS I m X C | to accomplish anything definite towai'd SOlv- tal) fraternity in its annual conven- Seventeenth World Zionist Congress lowing the iwKcy ; of the" Voschod, and self wrote beautiful poetry said a JEWISH" COMMUtifrTY $ENfj£R—308 Pierce Street ing the real problems confronting-Jewry in their. t i o n voted to continue its earnest srhedulcd to open. at Carlsbad, Feb- published in the times of the Czar. bit disdainfully of the Greek poetry OrtT progress for upbuilding the i National Homeland, tfup?or^\°h '***- ??*?? ^ Z ^ M * ruary 24th, bp postponed, the emer- A' the same time it will carry for- that it had flowers, but not frul£f^, $2.50 xi. r. i j JT \ i. » - J. xu •••'••£•-• , j lend all i t s aid t o t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t
Stmscription Price, one year AdTCrtising rates, furms
gency meeting of the Zionist Actions ward the fight for Jewish minority But despite Plato and Maunonides', . the poets keep "poetizing" in gTea&v. er profusion than. ever. I,.am told that it has been estimated that there book, '.'The List Days of Shyleek," * the Committee will be in executive are enough amateur poets in New is the January selection of the Jew- F.session. York City to make a city almost the. ish Book club. In-this book Mr. L; By DAVID SCHWARTZ size of Indianapolis. And I am speakLewisohn has taken' up the story of High Chemical Distinction • A pall has darkened; th^^ewish horizon by the ing of the book when I say, that a London.— -~"~ Herbert "Levinstein, th- Merchant of Venice where Shakevery heavy proportion would be the. annmineement .that^he'"Joint Distribution Com- i n . response to a petition presented in Yiddish. noted English chemist, was awarded GOOD-BYR 19301 Jewish segment. : -,. . >.../.,-.,.. mittee arid the American' 'Palestine Campaign of by ^ delegation of Jewish children, asking, for a no. Woodless inquisitor, but a man the medal of the iJocirtjr «•* Chemical If Harry Houdini were alive, he'd one o r the world's-most say "no wonder." An odd combina-. the Jewish Agency':wjU;*raduct separate drives library facilities for their school, the local Soviet ' embittered by injustice, rebellious •Industry, EVERYBODY'S DOING IT • coveted scientific honors. Hie Teas ; tion was this super-magician-rthis And .even those wH6 aspire'" not'' in .1931, thefebyi^ejeringithe partnersMp e s t a b - | i n i ^ ^ > j ^ n s k r e g i o n j or< j e red the youngsters to | gainst ancient wrongs, honored for his. w^rk in the dye stuff son « f a small town Wisconsin rabbi. quite to the empyrean realms'.'bf the { lished between the two last year. The reason speakBussian because they do not understand Yid-1 Catholic Leaves Synagogue .industry. During tne 'ate: war Dr. He would perform spiritistic fihe^ •mnse, seem unable now and' then to " Levinstein was known as a great augiven by the- leadsri.isjhjg they feel that in this | ^ s h -r^g j e w i s h Telegraph Agency report states; Bequest nomena which vxuld make men like refrain from dabbing in rhyme. The way each can raise"moVe^funds. Whether this be ( that "the president of the Soviet, who knows hard- HaHford, Conn.-—Samuel A. Cor- thor ty on - poiscn ijas. Conan Doyle gape with wondar and doctors will tell you that at one tez, a handy man at the Endee Inn • the true cause..or,\i£etner it is being used merely n y a w o r ^ o f Russian himself, demanded that the at explain: "You have spiritualistic, su- time or another, every person has Bristol, a small town near this Heading Succeeds Melchett pernatural powers. had tuberculosis, and so, it might as smoke to befog the reasons we know nothing j children address him in Russian and rewrite their f ? i t y l e f t ^ , _ „ w .„ W111 a a a in his will as a t London.—L 1 Beading, former of, the teiTninati~esi;jJ#|ir union is deplorable petition in Russian notwithstanding the fact thatjbequest for the JBeth Israel Syna-j Viceroy of Indi and one-time Lord And Harry would say: Fiddlesticks. be said of "versificosis." It seems ' They all can be explained in a nat- that even Einstein is addicted to from . an unbiased^ewisli viewpoint. t of ,go pgj. per cen cent of the the members members of of the the Soviet Soviet are ar Jews BO Tie ofBri=to*. C->rtez was thought Chief justice, was named chairman ural, common sense way. There is no' this rhyming business. A fellow pasto be aa poor man. man'. But his estate [ of the board of the Imperial Ctem- supernaturaL" Dissension has^been'ilie disease which has been w n o know no other language but Yiddish." senger on the boat with the Profesfound t o total $15,000. The | ical Industries to sucreed Lord 'Melwas asening the systewt>fthe Jewish people through | T aiy^yg j jth "holfer-than-thou" Jews. But if Houdini were assigned a sor, asked him to write something j g j raiwou jes. nus it sw : Jchett. who d i ^ last week. Viscount i.Erleigh, Lord Reading's son, is a hotel room, the integers of whose on the bottom of a sketch, which he the years in the ^ i ^ p o r a ^ Again an^I again this [converts to Catholicism have tried to be holier. malady has shattered Jewish hopes when at their the Pope. One-hundred-per-cent-Americans^and the remainder of his fortune is [ son-in-law of the late Lord Melchett. j number summed up to 13, he would had made of Einstein, and this is raise a Comancfee yeD. He didn't what Einstein wrote: underneath his peak. Unity—the wish-that the weal and woe of the result that they abused personal rights, divided between twor churches, Yiddish' Theatre Denied believe in the supernatural—he picture: one Israelite be the weal, and woe of all regardtried to be so extreme in their patriotism j - ^ Appearance wasn't superstitious, but "'13," well, for "Dieses fette satte Schwein less of ideology o^dogma—has been the eternal Paris.—The Frend fellow citizens. In Soviet Russia the non-Jew-1 didn't want to have anything to Je "Soli Professor Einstein sein." * The Naideal when «& Communists have boasted of their internation- jiim tkm'shonorxoH Abta- issued an ordsr forbidding the Yid ! do -with that nurabe . ideal we we have have been been striving striving to to attain. artam. And Ana wnen 's honor xoil for 1930. Dr. AbtaLoosely translated, I suppose, it dish otate Tkefitre of White Russia would read something like this: the Allied Jewish Caxncajgn was inaugurated last a i i s m byy encouraging to g g the various nationalities a t ham Flexner is honored for Ms book BLAMING FT ON TEE e Universities, American, English and : ^ , P J "This fat, sated swine March, we acclaimef^w%j^raise unconfmed t h e ' u s e their own languages and to strengthen their t NUMBER believed that the German," Louis B. Seltzer, one of the I s none other than Einstein.'* Combination of th&e^tftft. great causes. We cultures. Not so with Jewish Communists. In orii f th&Jt^ft t W And so, -1 say, if Houdini were editors of the Cleveland Free Press, of different ^cropeaa countries to seemed on the threshold of realizing our dream'der to be holier than the Commune itself they f<r his figb> against "judicial op- permit tfaa- White-Russian Yiddish 'here, -and reviewing the year 1930, EINSTEIN, GOETHE AND : of a-consolidated American Jewry. I take i t upon themselves to oppress their mother KKaaiV „„. *^^^ and Tbeatre to perform rn^y result in he would say—"no wonder." Its i n - LINCOLN aiA ^^, Carl Laemmle the tkeatre's -abandoning its projected tegers add up to "13." Is it any won- This habit of detracting of one's But we did not. enter the promise land. As in tongue, the only language they themsdves are[i,ewis"IMilestone for th«r work the past, our' cherished ideals failed when success .^le correctly to> converse in. How low the holier-[producer and director, respectively,}*** to Argentine* as tte group's der that in the Jewish world, it was self in rhyme seems to be a fairly the year of the unfortunate White commonplace characteristic of the seemed imminent. Since the inception of the than-thou Jews can stoop!—B'nai R'Hth Mea-'fof ^ rallring picture, "All Qui*t o n come ^ ^ d efrom ^ d s performances ^ ^ y j a p o n given f t e men Paper, and in the general tbe bigger great. You remember Goethe la.tbe Western : united drive, forces in Jewish life in this country senger. world of humanity—the year of the mented: r-»ute. Home With Nobel Prize stock exchange crash, and general "And here, I stand with all my lore, which, have Keen working at odds have labored Laemmle doses Vienna Office hard times. • Dr. Karl Landeteiner, m?mber of Poor fool, no wiser than before." side by side in splendid harmony and mutual goodVienna.—As a '^esult of the ban the Rockefeller Institute for ReAnd Lincoln, as a youth, autowill in over 230 cities. Important communal values Somehow, I, myself,. cannot blame 1 st arch, is bark in his laboratory after or "All Quiet on the Western Front" all this bad luck on an innocent graphed a bo6k something like this: have been created by these joint efforts andifoun- The attitude of some of thePetach Tikvah and having gone to Stockholm to Teceive in the Austrian provinces its producer, Carl Laemmle, the Universal combination of numbers, thouh I am "Abraham:. Lincoln, his hand and his dations laid for enduring co-operation in m a n y , N e s s zi zioria colonists colonists i i iin connection with *he $40,0©0' i h ' Nobel priae awarded to Pictures pen • of which Mr. aware of the professions and philJewish communities. No greater proof of the ef- j ^ r e c e n t orange-picking disturbances is extreme-'him for his thirty years of ashieve- Laemral1 Corporation, He will be wiser, but God knows is the head, has closed its osophy of the modern numerologists, when." ficiency of their unification-can be offered than l y unfortunate. These unsavory incidents have r e - r m e n t s m •***s t u 6 * o f T 'nrrv Vienna of-.'ce. The closing of the and know that this number monkey, (I believe I must have a word or the raising of over two and a half million dollars q i j r r ) e d a n n u a i I y and have always: elicited disap- ^ T office has thrown a large number of business has even a decided Jewish his people cut of work, the : evening "-pa- an^le—in the KabbalahV the Agadah two of ,the last wrong, but in"'sub-^_ Jas,t. year, despite advers^ouSitions and universal /proval. i t had been hoped that this yearf however,' „ pers complain, adding- that i t has and Jewish mystic literature gener- stance i t is'right—I am quoting from^ critical economic depression. the complex of outer events would compel t h e s e ' " ! * „ . . T T " memory). •; increased the number of unemployed. ally. Apart from the savinp-m duplications, budge-[ J e w i s h oraB ge-grove owners to deport t h e m s e l v e s ( G l ™ . P h r ' ^ T W And you recall Wilson's rhyme in^ When Neysa McMein, the artist, 11 0 tary expenses, to .con-J^ff™™^ "" "!-—• ne rm , * and . ,. operating ., , . . the ~M*decision » i |*"^crenuy. But o u t disrjatches aispaicnes that i n a i emanatp emanate from' irom p a"amedal, bestowed annuaiiy uuuu me Removal of Anti-Jewish Signs declares that she wasn't a success which he so spoke so disparagingly Montreal.—The chairman of the until she so modified her name, as of his own physiognomy: duct individual campaigns in 1931 have put to^Jerusalem report clashes and assaults and violent Jewish thysidan who has contributed y : mmicipal executive stated that he to conform to this socaDed science "For beauty, I am no star naught this spiritual progress effected last year. picketing. lirost to the science of medicine dur- had no knowledge of anti-Semitic of numbers, she could almost go to There are others handsomer by far The Jewish people have proven that American | T h e N a t i o n a t Petach Tikvah is easily de- h « ^ e J w ; was rvarded rvarded to to Dr. Dr the municipallyBut my face, I don't mind it the Passover Haggadah for justifiJewry is not yet ready for the contemplated union scribed. At the harvest time, Jewish plantation iosks. The signs, For I am behind it, cation. the dose of the fratemitys «»nvenwhich meant so much..,Instead of continuing for- owners Tefuse to hire Jewish workers and employ, re-orted by many observers, incite Yet, nevertheless, I file my de- The people in front get the jar." ward, we have sufferec£|rjstrogression. tke pubik to boycott Jewish newsArabs instead. On the surface that might appear. Dr. Fnedenwaid, who is professor dealers. The chairman of the exec- murrer—rbot -it has been a. pediculous ONE OF LIFE'S PARADOXES _-,.•___. ^ i • merely as a generous gesture inspired by Brith of gastro-enterology at the Univer- utive stated that such incitement year nevertheless, if you will pardon' "Theatrical life is Euposed to be rather irresponsible. A thousand Shalom principles. But the facts are the very op-' sits of Maryland Medical School, was would not be tolerated and assured writers pour out a couple of rivers the Jewish ald-^-man, Max Seigler, > Depression did not hit poetry. Zionists in all parts of the world are at logger- 'posite. The reason that the Arabs are employed While business may have been bad, of. ink each year painting the sordid-. i that an orde" would be given for imheads over the questjpn>f' whether the seven- !*s because they can afford to accept a starvation 0Q inte3 -,- nal diseases, however, and troubles have beset us ness of Broadway. Street of fair I mediate remo-«d of the signs. teenth World^Zionist Congress scheduled for Febr.iwage. The Jewish settlers cannot content themfrom other directions, I am glad to weather friends. As deceitful as it is 24 at Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia, should be p o s t - ! s e l v e s w i t b - t h e low rates that are offered. The Stocrs Visits say that one business is still running seductive. Et Cetera and more Et Zionist on a full time basis. I refer to the Cetera. ! Jerusalem.—^The private visit of poned or not. Tn¥i-evfsibnists and radicals have suit is that Jewish unemployed, properly resent- tJMSV1MWIU8Ml. xf MuattM ^ „.... lua America t closed with! to Palestine has manufacture of Yiddish poetry. definitely demanded that the Congress be held im-] f u l at the attitude of the owners, have picketed t h e adoption of a resolution calling, s j r Yet all this to the contrary notthe gossip current If you want to know how unim- withstanding, I'll wager that if a mediately, while tii.e^geiafiKal Zionists are unde-| t n e groves and attempted to prevent Arabs from'upon the World Union of Zionist Ite-i.jp1 be the next High portant after all is this matter of representative group of New York cided. So bitter has^fchjs controversial matter going to work. There can be ho sympathy for "yfaionists to withdrav* from th« I er y p y Ronald Stores was business, I suggest that some day writers were asked, what is the "honWol Id Z l o m an [governor of Jerusalem and -the dis- you visit some of the Yiddish printwaged that the emergency meeting of the Zionist m picketing, but there must be general ; ? JJ ^ f estest," most unbribable paper in 1 Actions committed Wfakft 'convenes next week in'| appreciation for the plight of these Jewish S X of D £Ssts politics are not trict of Judaea until 1926, when he ers in downtown New York who America, they would probably agree became Governo- of Cyprus. cater to the writers of Yiddish in awarding the palm to none other London, will give'imost/jQf--its attention toward workers. • repudiated. This resolution is subpoetry. There is also talk current that thr-n a theatrical sheet. And the ' reaching a wise decision on this particular point. The very thing which Jews wish to avoid is ject to the approval of the executive : Field Marshal Allenby, who was comThe fact that most of these Yid- sheet, I refer to—is Variety. being carried out by these Petach Tikvah orange-!committee of the Revisionists in LonThis controversy is by no means a trivial one. mander in chief of the expeditionary dish poems will never be read, except dwi Successive reverses oiC.&ajor problems has growers. They may be affording employment to forces throughout the campaign that on those occasions, when the author ENTER SEME SILVERMAN brought chaos into the Zionist camp. The enormity I Arabs, but their action amounts to exploitation, won Palestine from the Turks, may just can't refrain from reading them Twenty-five years ago, a young be the next High Commissioner. to his friends, matters not a whit to fellow by the name of Sime Silverof the original eatastroph'fes, the riots and t h e j W n i l e t n e fellaheen may be grateful for the temOthers mentioned in connection with (these scribes of the muse. man was employed on the Morning Shaw Mexico Denounces Jewthe post are Sir Edward Peter I chanced to visit one of these (Continued on page 6.) togethe Detractor Strckland, who se-ved with the tion w h i c h Ar ranks, but the.concent^tiori of unfavorable de-[ " a b propaganda will be quick Mexico City.—A statement to the Egyptian Army, and Major Daniel press by the Confederation of Mexi- Hopkin, who has been with the forces cisions—the betrayal of'^tne White Paper, the utilize.—New Palestine, can ChaT-bers of Commerce de- in Egypt and ir Palestine. resignations of Weizmann, Meltchett, and Warnounces the story published in a burg, and the death of LordiMelchett—have disortabloid here to the effect that the Roumanian Zionists Against ganized the Jewish forces and set them to squabJews are detrimental to the com- Weizmann Bucharest.—After an all night sitmerce and industry of the republic. bling among themselves. Every time a large group The man of unfaltering faith and firm religious ting the conference of the RoumanThe Chambers of Commerce stateof Israel has to air its internal difficulties before conviction will manifest little surprise at the ment declares that the Jews of Mex- ian Zionists was concluded with the the eyes of the world our regtige and the group's! statements made by two such outstanding person- ico are advantageous to Mexico in triumph of the radical element, who prestige is thereby sev< ^lessened; so on gen- alities in the realm of modern thought as Dr. Robthe business field and praises them undertook to form a Roumanian exg ecutive to be headed by Dr. Samuel eral principles the inne honorable, act which would mar,ert Millikan, physicist, and Dr. Felix Adler, high | a Zionist Congress&t bnt is sufficient to'priest of Ethical Culture. After deploring the fact! and excellent citizens. "The Confed- Stern, member of the council of the that "wherever the spiritual view of life" is men- eration is is proud," the statement Jewish Agency for Palestine. Resocause a lutions against the policy of the LonShould the d next month the tioned "science, art, literature, music, shake their reads, "to have Jews among the don Zionist Executive were adopted, members of the Chambers of Comconfusion in ild be only height- h e a d s • so does the intelligentsia," the man merce in the Confederation, for they and the coming Zionist Congress was sh National Home- who fifty-four years ago founded this new cult give prestige to the organizations asked to vote against Dr. Weizmann, resigned president of the World Ziondevelopments with comes to this conclusion: "My fifty years of with which they are associated." land but hindered': ist Organization. on application
they should first at least postpone the next world «of i t s DeaXal d e p a r t m e n t . Committee called to meet here Jan- rights in different countries. uary 14th will take up the matter Congress to midsummer. . :L - . - T . . „ * ™. Chicago.—Ludwig 'Choice of Jewish Lewisohn's Book Clubnew of the Congxesr- The meetings, of
By the Way
Fr&m Contemporary Pens
Other Countries
Over 1,000 Pairs of Men's High Grade
reference to the: pected for some the British Labi about the manda nated, and since tl thought seems to White Paper was a?
ru^f>situation can be ex^ii|)|ttegotiations between v '" Sit and the Agency £have not yet termitrend of English publication of the mistake on Great
Moil *)undingf^et$$pHeafiang
and e f f ^
struggle to get light permit me to look beyond 1931. I put my faith in the spirit of man. The really divine thing in man is the urge for perfection." Similarly, Dr. Millikan, speaking before five thousand of America's most distinguished scientists at the official opening of the annual convention of the American Association for the Advance-
Foreign Students Warned
Paris.—France today is the only country where Jewish students" from other countries may find refuge,. a number of speakers at the Conference om Jewish Students here asserted. The speakers pointed out that the high cost of education in the universities of Prague and Switzerland contributed, with the restrictions in other countries, to send Jewish, gtudents to ;France. Students from Poland, Fquinania and Hungary were warned against coining with a
Hias Hotel Warsaw.—A hotel for Jewish immigrants, luilt by the "Hias," has opened here with ceremonies at which were present the Polish Minister of Labor, Hubicki, and other government representatives. Prof. A. Schor delivered the opening address. The hotel will provide shelter for Jewish women and children, who have left their provincial towns in Poland and who 6omc to Warsaw on their way to other" countries. ..The hotel,
on the job." Interesting, isn't it, conr't^w the eternal verities are constantly being]re- view to remaining in Paris, where which i i located tin !the heart of no ijositiye^ di?cfwere4?rrT^ewish Exponent. ^-: ,;~T~*'—-> it is more difficult to find conditions Warsaw- Jewisfi sectipti, is pf
Fancy Worsteds—Dark Worsteds—Stripe Worsteds—Tweeds, Cheviots, Mixtures, Dark Corduroys, Tan Corduroys, Cream Corduroys—All Colors and All Sizes Up to 60 Waist! Emphatically never before such a value-giving offer in men's high grade trousers. Every pair is made of strictly standard fabrics and standard tailored. Every wanted color and unlimited range of patterns included.
* * •
. ' i .
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FklDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 PERSONALS " Among others who attended the Meyer D. Kasper, sergeant at arms. Px. and Mrs. Irwin Qsheroff of Conclave were Harold Cherniack, Al The purpose «f this-club is to foster _ - social, educational and athletic activChicago, -formerly of Omaha, have Lew, and Alfred Mayer. By returned from a trip to Detroit,.] ities and further, to assist Omaha Mr. Jack kahnan, formerly "of male visitors in Chicago -or those Jffich. While ii> Detroit, they attend-Mrs. David M. . Newman - . '_ — «^ - Won Lost Av. ed the 33rd annual convention of Omaha, but now of lulsa, Okla., has ,with plans .of making Chicago their Empire^ Cl«a»rrs :.J24 14 ".615 Graham Cracker Cake Alpha Omega, National Dental Fra- returned for a few weeks' -visit. He nome to find a home atmosphere. MalajhSck Jewelry ...23 16 .5MI One cup ^ugar, ^ cup butter, 3 ternity, which was held December 21- plans to leave for Tulsa about the ^ Any man wishing to W»rdr»l» * 22 17 .564 well beaten, 28 Graham Crackmiddle of the" month. 25, at the Statler hotel." They also f the th qpportuiiitj tiit f the Qma-Chi ofof Ben's Jewelry 20 39 .519 visited id Ann ArborJ Michigan. club is requested to communicate ers _ rolled .fine with % cup flour, 1 Kamrvn 4iruranee ....15. 24 .385 Mr. and Mrs. Herman J ^ fvfth.the president, Herman Wise, at cup peran nuts chopped. fine, 2 level Yousem Tirr1 and B....13 26 blatt-faave taken-.an apartnient jat cth« ife-Midland Crab building, .ITS W. teaepoonsfull baking powder, •% cup , Mrs. Mary. Zalk, -who has been milk. AnsoniaT Mrs. Rosenblatt Iw^kfor' { ' S t £Ek 111. - ^ visiting -with her daughter, Mrs. merly Miss Mildred' Sobel- o? S t Cream butter,, and sugar, add dry Two week's absence from thebowlLeonard Hockenberg and Mr. Hock' Louis, Mo. 1 ' ingredients alternately with the int ''ller^ ,w*s sa good sign of lack MILDER-BOLKER "lenberg of Des Moines, la., has reR"bbi Louis Wolsey* officiating. , mHk,_ then add eggs beaten, add of practice. Very few large, scores Miss Freda, Bolker,' daughter" of resultedT'TH'D'MaTasbock Jewelry and The bride is a granddaughter of", turned home. j vanilla. Bake in two layers. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bolker, be- the late Edward Rosewater of Omathe Einpirr Cleaners were in a close Mrs. L. L. Friedel ' Icing—2 cups powdered sugar, 2 Th'e'*annual '*XL' fraternity" came the bride of Mr. Howard. Mil- ha, founder of the Oxnrha, Bee and contest, the Cleaners winning two rf-'s. L. L. Friedel, #7, passed away tablespoons strong c*ffee, -1 tableDr. Samuel Z. Fafer who has been Year's eve, party was\held this year der, son of Mr. and Mrs. rlarry R. for many < years its-owner and pui*games ancr~re*ainTng their lead. : . at the' Lord Lister hospital last Satspoon melted butter: Spead <m: cake. Milder, at a beautiful .ceremony-Sun- lisher. She i s a niece of iMrs. -N. P. visiting with - his parents,' Mr. andf at- the Omahr Wdmen's club, with 24 tuday after a lingering illness. FuThe KaimanlwBuranoe won a pair Mrs. Sam Tafer,* for the pa£t ten couples'attending. The affair surday evening in the ballroom of the Yeil of Omaha: - . from the 3<*n's Jewelry, while the neral services were held Sunday aftdeys,' left TVednesday for Sf. Louis passed in brilliance any previous afMankatten Pie Paxton Hotel. Rabbi David A. GoldWardrobes von .the .series - from the The bride is-avjjraduate-of-WJel- to* continue his-work in'the "depart-'fair sponsored Ly^the group, ernoon from the Chesed She! JEknes 1 package Zwieback- rolled- fine, 1 stein, assisted by Cantor A, Schwacz- lesley college, class of 1926. Mr. " I Funeral Home, with ' burial in . the ' «op • grated pineappledrained, 1% Yousem "fires' " ment of Otolaryogology of theIVastf" Dinner was followed by dancing 10 kin, performed the services, which Sax is connected with the terminal Leo Weitjr Mth » ^ single and o the tune of the "Cieijchtonians." Goldea Hill "cemetery. | cup carnation milk;"l egg, 1 teaspoon were held' beneath a canopy of roses' improvement division of'the .Pennsyl- ington University" School of Medicine '% r i 583 totaj ^aK, Jugb. •• Jack -Fleiseh* She is survived by two, .sons, H. < vanilla. and Hospitals. " ' thi. ballroom was decorate i n ' t h e ' . ;••• ; :• " : \-r •••:'. ''. .and greens before an improvised al- vania railroad.v man was_rext with a 529 total. "}'• - * - *<-~ Friedel and Y. Friedel of Omaha; • Beat e g g with milk, add vanilla. — : ' fraternity colors o f green arid'-white. tar banked with palms and baskets Mrs. Harry LapiSus^ left Monday The dancers were enfertained by^Sam six daughters, Mr& B. Firafct t)f DeOf chrysanthemums! BIRTHS . . > + r troit, and Mesdames 3. GoldPnberg, Buttex* pie pan, pour_ a layer of PATRONIZE "OUR ADVERTISERS evening for Chicago^ where she will Trbwn/colored tap dancer. The .bride wore a Patou^'model of ; A. KrestbJ. S-£«sselinaii, L. BlumenMr. and Mrs. Morris Cackin " ; . - . _ .*av*/*Ms.1-c Zwieback, in bottom layer of custard, return* with" an- join Mr Lanidus and return with * The committee' in charge consisted ivory satin with a court" train, and nounce the birth of a daughter New join Mr. ; Lanidus. r of 'Arthur* Grossman,* chairman,' Sam thal, and Lr Aekermati, al] of Oma- poor crumbs on .top. Bake'39 minutes Himttfter 'a 8h6ri^vi8itJ~ her ''tulle veil was caught with a Year's day at the Methodist .hospital. Kirkel and Arthur Lipp. " ha; thirty,, five grandehHdren, and a t 400 degrees. cap- of renaissance lace and orange tbirty-two great-gra-" children. Serve with whipped cream. Mr. Ben Kazlowsky "retained Sunblossoms. She carried 'a bridal bouMr. and Mrs. L Parilman announce day from Montreal, where be * t - OMAHA'-CHICAfcO CLUB '-• quet of white roses and" lilies of the the birth of a daughter at the Fred-Mrs. HamurJ^edkV FOR YOUR tended the Pi Lambda' Phit conven- A little b k of Omaha Iwiis staged valley. Mxs..Ha&na Fiedler,.80, a resident afternoon. Burial was in the Golden erick hospital- Saturday. tion. ' * ini Chicago at the New Year^^eve of Omaha for 20 years, died last \ Hill cemetery. Attendants of the bride wore gowns party given by the "Oma-Chi dub. Sunday at Council Bluffs hospital, of pastel satin and carried arm bouBAR MITZVAH Mr. -Harry Rubinstein of Denver witfch consists offormer reiddetits of after an illness for two weeks. Louis Lipsky, former president of quets,. tied with ribbons of contrastMr. and Mra NatbAn.S/-Yaffe^wiUibiiS;;:Tel9riied home " after" a short Omaha, now jermariently residing in ] She is survived by a; son, I. Fied- the Zionist Organization o' America, s ing colors. They, were . Mrs. Leo Milder, matron of honor, who wore celebrate ^the Bar MitzvaVof their visit here with/Dr. and M m Meyer Chicago, i f Mayor Metcalf wouM ier;'a (iaaghter, Mrs. J. KohTberg; I was brought back to organized Ziond e l brae; Miss Ruth Hofner, maid of s o n ' • Irving.Saturday^ morning at ^ e . B e b e r ; [have walked in he would have-feft ;vt«>nty-«igiit grandchildren, and is* work, through his election as pres16th and Howard honor, eggshell; Miss Edythe Lee B ' n a i Israel synagogue; Eighteenth] _ ^ '• -••. .• . .perfectly at home, as more than .100 tv^efve great-grandchildren. ident of the N w York Zionist region \ Mrs. Henry Krasne 'has returned couples attended the affair,eonsJslat a meeting held on Sunday. Brown of °Los. Angeles, pale- green, '.""J Chicago streets. Fonera] services were held Sunday A reception will be held in his \ from a visit in Sioux City with ber ine of more than 50 per cent forand Miss Sylvia Wohlner, flesh* pink. me- Omahans. . . •.The latter two were bridesmaids. | h o n o r Sunday afternoon from 2 to-5 mother, Mrs. J.'.ZeHnsky. . ; m a t the Yaffe > " I The affair was brilliantly staged; June' Rose Kren of San Francisco P- residence, 1215 Messrs. Milton Mayer and .Max w , t h music by the Stein, Beareats,and Phyllis Milder were flower girls, j North Thirty-fifth street. Goldstwn will leave _Sunday on a • well-known radio Orchestra, and a Leo Milder, brother of the' bride- I . ^ — — buying-trip. They will visit in Chi- group of stage and radio performers, groom, served as best man, and. the EXTENSIVELY ENTERTAINED cagoi New York and Philadelphia. ^\^ outtlkl.themselves,; as the audioishers were Hymie P. Milder, anMiss Rose Kropman of Mason City, Mr. Mayper expects to be gone ence was in surh joyful mtxxrthat other brother of the bridegroom; Abe la., was extensively entertained durabout three weeks, while Mr. Gold- t h : entertainers naturally fell in li line Segall and Mac. Riekes. . ing her week's stay here as the holi- stein will return after a week's stay, with the feelings of the spectators; Six hundred attended the ceremony day guest of Mr, and Mrs. Lester The Oma-Chi club was organized which was followed by a reception Meyers. Sixteenth at Farnam Miss.Ethel -Stoler,spent-a-week-4n fall and the following former and dance. Out of town guests inOn Monday, December 29th, Mrs. Sioux City,-where she was the guest Omahans were elected officers: Hercluded Mrs. Hugo Kren, San Fran- Lester Meyers gave a bridge lunch- j "^ "Misses Sarah and.Mary-Kap- m a n Wise, president;.Morris J. Lipp", cisco; Miss Flo Myers, Kansas-City; eon at her home in, her guest's tl a , vi-e-president; Al B. Wolf. treaBurer; 1 Miss Edith Cohn, . Freeport, III.; honor, while Mrs. Mqe Venger .eh-r—- .,• . Dr.- Irwin Osheroff, secretary and Frank Studna, Baltimore, Md.;Jtfiss t £ r t a i n e d a i a ncheon Tpes. Miss Bess Harlow of. Sioux City C M Edith E d t h d a y Thursday eveningl u Mr, P16 Myers, Kansas City; Miss and Mrs. spent- New Year's here as- t h e guest Lee Brown, Los Angeles, Calif. -• | Harry W^ner entertained at a dinof Miss Evelyn Shafton. ". ' , Mr. and. Mrs. Mflder are spending n e i . a t t h d r h o m e their honeymoon in Chicago and New j A l a n c h e o n a t t l i e Fontenelle folprirvB Jind more Yale Kroloff was elected' InterliKllvirlii.nl intention now Orieans, and w i U b e - a t home after l o w e d b y a t l ) e a t r e p a r t y complimen- nationa] Historian of the Pi Tan P i Febrnary 1 in Omaha. tery to the visitor was given Satur- Fraternity at the ' Annual Conclave MAX SHRIEK'S SONS " :.'•• day by the Misses Bess and Ida New- v hich .was held in Birmington, Ala., 1314 No. « t h W.'WE. t a i .. . . .__ _. I men., Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs.'io_«.~" " t ** CORN-KAIMAN The marriage o f Miss Arme "Kal- ^ ^ Mf^ers e n t e r t e ^ at d S n n ^ t | i M t Wee3u '" man, sister of Mr. and Irs. Abner " A b r i d g e ' ^ t h e i r V o i n e . Kaiman, to Mr. Lewis Com, son of, Omaha* Stifle Center Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Corn of Des Moines, Iowa, was solemnized Sun- j and Mrs. H. Noddle were day evening, January 4th, at t h e ' oMr. sts home in $. home of Mr. and Mrs. Kaiman in the onor Wlil a of ! ™ presence of the immediate members -.,-»«• 611 111 M l of the family, llabbi David A, Gold- ^ f ! *^' ^ ^ S.-Schwartzv stein officiated. -.'--, . ji Mr. Schwartz was guest-of Lhonor v Following the: ceremony a dinner; when Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gitlin ehwas served at the Paxton Hotel for ^.nen Mr. ana mrs. i^oois ; . i ™ ™16TH AT HARNBY ST. the bridal party. Out of town guests tertained fourteen guests a.t a; dinner. «-ere Mr. and Mrs. Sam Corn,: Mr. bridge at their home. and Mrs. I. S. Corn, Mr. and Mrs.' .-,-.— • Sam Vitebsky, Misses Hary, Sophia, 33RD ANNIVTERSARY . . Bertha-and-Fif ; Corn, ..and-Messrs. I- .Mr. and_ Mrs. William P.'Epstein; Herman Ginsberg and Henry Corn. ! entertained at a dinner a t Jtheir home;'Aiter an eastern trip-the couple for1 Mrs. Epstein's parents,L.MT. and will reside in Waterloo, -Iowa. Mrs. J. Bernstein, in honor, of their 33rd • wedding anniversary on New Year's day. ANNOUNCE EVGAGEMENT They were presented with a beau-- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenblatt anof crystal glassware, by .nounce~. the engagement- of their tiful '. set daughter, Lylyan, to .Mark A. .Ray- their children. men, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Ray- | mon, of Rockdale, Texas. ' SILVER WEDDING >J?.V« ••••-"5? S? - msB Rosenblatt is a-graduate of ANNIVERSARY ' Technical"High-school. Mr. Raymon j Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Roehman nr&s graduatetl from Tulane Univer- gave a.seven o'clock dinner for sixty 1 There Is-no-figure more charm- - sity at New Orleans, La., and is a ' n.embers of the immediate family atlag-than the Detite, w«U roimd^ •"•'*'' • -nember of Sigma Alpha Mu frater- their home last Thursday on the «d one, and its charm Is mveh-A ;::*,-> occasion of their silver weedingenn&nced by a wise choice of ;. ,. nity. '"". anniversary. 4r«Bs:"••"•* •• " ' - : - - - -'•:-"f---•• ' A'summer -wedding is planned. The table was beautifully decorated Half size dresses are designed After dinner was served, t im silver. BECOME ENGAGED specially to fit this figur*^-- ' 'irttbout a l t e r a t i o n s — w i t n f i , Mrs. -George Wright <>f Des Rabbi, N . Feldman delivered an ad; perfection whicfa is the height ' Moines, la., announces the engage- ' dress in honor of the couple. • of « o o d taste. ' •: ' - • !*-'/•<?• ment of her daughter; Yetta, to Mr. ' Secoad Floor Abe Markovitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sizes 14y2 to Barney Markovitz, of Council Bluffs, la. THIRD FLOOR Miss Wright is visiting at present :' the home of her brother and_sister-in-law,: Mr. and Mrs: J. Wright. Recent .fashions are priced for real-ecenNo date has been set for the wedomy in this group. Furred so luxuriously ding.
Badness Mai's
Kitchen Chats.
Malashock's Meeds
1-9 3 1
Decorate N o w !
Spring f-
J ^
*\ • ^
. featuring ' • Printed Crepes at
Wednesday and Thursday Specials §emki-Flat ™_ 6c Wet-Wash ™4c :
Mr. and Mrs. B. Schlanger of- Talsa, Okla., announce the-approaching marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Mr? Aaron H. Kirsch/of St. Louis, son of Mr..and Mrs. G. Lieberman, S t Louis. The ceremony will take place Sunday, January 18th, at 6 p. m. at 1232 South Quincy avenue, Tulsa. This will be followed by a reception •'.t the bride's residence. Miss Helen* Schlanger was a recent <ruest of Miss Rona LincobT of this -
- -- -
FORMER OM AH AN WEDS Miss Harriet • Leah - - Rosewater, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs^ Victor Rosewater,', of Philadelphia, and Perdval M. Saix, Jr., also of Philadelphia, -werel married New Year's night at the Warwick Hotel .in that city,
' - -.- .HArney:,7W5"' " , ' '-_;
: . M.- s,"KAPLAN;'Prop,
Diamond aniPlatiimm Selections, always at their best at -
Second Floor
Semifitted, Urge - -R«a -Fox. Biae-"Wolf, Canadian Marten. Interlined for Immediate wear. , ; ' ..
little short of amazarig . . . . these values in* coats of the latest modes. Trimmed with fine furs ' $
CongoOhtH Basket* Weaves
Expensive Fur-Trimmed
All" Sizes and Shanes" ; ?^ ..Watch; CrviBtalfi "FRKTI •
Distinguished- coat fashions "were never more luxuriously expressed than in tihs $ group of one-of-a-kind models^___L_I Second Floor
Fur-Trimmed .
Second Floor
that,, you know them to be expensive models— .
PAGE 4-^THE J Sunday afternoon a£ 1 p. m. tha Class "B" Basketball league piay» their second games of the routfi robin robin tournament. Pairings: Wodd-Heral 1 v. O. F. S. Co.; The J. C. C. doubles handball tour- gles v. Stonecrushers; Jr. U. S. Ofta Hitlerite Student Supporters nament. 4dll swing into action, on-, v. Tuxis A . C. Seek Aggressive Limit on ] Sunday^ January 11th, at the. J. C. C. courts. ; Jewish Students A feUow-fcjettng makes o n e w o n d The tournament. is under the direckind. — Garrick. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Introduction of | tion of B.M. Segel, physical director, who reports the following teams ,numerus clausus in German- univer-; ; pities, limftang the number ol Jewish I sigired- np: students t o one per cent of the to- Leo Blacker-Max Turner; M. AltBKANDEIS tal registration, was resolved here by schuler-C. Sokoloff; L. Mendeteon-S. the General Students' Federation of Finkel; J. Adler--S Zorinsky; M. SeSHOE REPAIR DEPT. > Epstein; S. Katzman-M. Oldenburg. fhe- vote for the- nu- gal-A. Seasonable Prices ' '' Bloom; S. Taffe-J. Sadofsky; J. Lag-merus clauses was sixteen to two. Belivery Service ' The federation also resolved that man-A. Fai*r; J. Ban-Wm. Stal masUse Tour Cbaree Accoanf Ao Jewish students should be admit- ter; L. Herman-S. Horwich; J. ^tei3 to the students' executive bodies. SchTeibman-S. Segelman. J. C. C. gold and silver medals . Wien a Jewish studeat present at the meeting lalsed an objection to vill be awarded to first and second LARGEST STOCKthe Inquisition. Even their cemetery* this as a violation of the constitu- place winners. IN WEST . holes were taken away from them. tion, he was expelled from fhe hall. Qnek Shioments' The J. C. C. basket-flippers will That congregation.of,thirty people Other Jewish students left in a body, FURNACE Our Hobby for in . Madrid, the. eonseczatioit of the * submitting a protest to the Kector continue their basketball campaign • 4 5 Years- :•>•».. , grwaad : of their cemetery, might. for .sanctioning such resolutions. It this Saturday evening at the Center I OMAHA STCJVE RET AIR WORKS make the* closing, scenes in a e^ic< is knowa, hfewevet, that the Hector j when they meet the U. P. Athletic] " Street drama, spaced over half a miUemam;! himself supp rts the Hitlerist «nti- Club. The boyp have been worlrfng After nearly -half a 'tnillemum of and many descendants, of Marranos-— tLe 14tte e»lict in order to escape con- a drama crowded *rith scenes of Ung' Semites, as he recently toek ^art in Io o j t r e « a l 4 «nd some d should h l d strut t denial, Spain again: completely ac- jews who oh compulsion accepted versi- n was by far the smaller part weary columns of Jews ,in flight, a special ceremony for the eonsecra- , r e a ' stuff on Saturday. knowledge* the,4rigHiar4*r~the J-ews. the CathoKc faith—-have reasserted*>f the Jewish population, though the CARI> HKXAl. Ht»N». scenes of Spanish Jews landed an' tion of tieir burner. News of the tfff&i&tiictnction of a Seegel's hoepsters won over Comsynagogue in Mtidti(k.tifl$..p} the con- their. Jewishness. There has been a. hardiest. Some writers put at about an island by a captain of a hostile] The anti-Semitic wave —HTfLHC'ILEB secration of flpauT^/ojL^ Jewish tacit recognition of of such such Jews. Jews. 11,000,000 the the number number of of Jews Jews w h o j g j ^ ^ B 0 | d ..^ s slaves; scenes of German universities since 1the Hit- . P«ny M of Fort Crook last Saturday cit recognition 11,000,000 cemetery, marks".the cwsingi episode score of" 58 to 8. furin a drama vlaytvi i/rnnii iJ^flt to 1930. Now, on December 24, 1930, came] remained in Spain at that time, be-j S p a n i s h J e w s -^ Amsterdam settlingg to party's election victoriesCloth and> Paper Saaners came Christians to all alt outward a p - ' - „{_«._ nn^~ «w»^,«. n . ^ . ^-AI~I therert hv thu nnnnnnramtni This, article tells of the new status of- thee news that the first recognized 5 come about their studies.j thered hy the announcemtnt of the yohig T Jews in Spain. —EDITOR. synagogue to be established in Spain pearantts in order to save.their lives in* a high frco culture; scene' * atienalkt Socialist minister, Fran-| The Girls' Basketball team plays fa since the Jews were exiled in 1492 and their fortunes. a Spsnish Jew becpmia a prime' z t n o f Braunschweig, calling upon the Omalia Uni girfe' team No. 1 at panish It has taken^438: years. s But the The Inquisition, , headed by Tor- ^ ^ j ^ aarm . a Turkish sultan J **& i^lerite students *&» had keen i the K. C. « j n v Saturday night. So had been opened in Madrid. r m of Jews again haVe^a sjrniMgogtre in Synagogues in Spain have been quemada, hung over these converted sqenes of Spanish Jews in masses ^ P * ^ 3 f r o ' n other oniversities for far the feminine "tassers have won Spam's chiefes£ spoien of before. One write*, Morris Jews, the Marranos,. spying among en the piatfarms «f t h e ln-1 disorderly -condiirt t o come to Braun- . tw» and lost three in the city league, recognized and" sanctioned fry the Goldberg, mentions "several syna- them, torturing and burning them NATIONAL of J*«r dea^end-i »*^eiKJ **«re they woold be a c - | ~ "* government of Spain. gogues in Barcelona-" and o f a "mag- for confession, When any were sus- aats settlissg. in the>Ea»t and West, j It is reported that Minister j am. 'BMMC BKK ', And at the same time" there is is-" ACCESSOWES, INC. nificent synagoue" rebuilt after the pected of secretly -continuing the= establishing comnrunjtie and syna-, is preparing a- similar order >OTICK O*- » . H * CXHEK sued; in America a book, purporting Every thine tot the Aot«?J war i n the street of Lombreras in 1 observance of .Judaism. Yet many. gogue* in AmcBca and Smyrna and f c r xhe University of Turingen. to be the work-of a.-scholar, in • Notice ia hereb? pWen that »n Seville, whieh he.-says is "destined j secret communities existed, and Jenwalem, and at last again i n ' 25©I Farnam—AT. 5624 the 24tt> da?" of JIUMMQU HOT. at ten? •which prof is^^bemgt^-Hh'at Toro'clock A. M. of -said flay. tl»e n n E to become; the most important and'some, if cherishing only so f ragmen- Madrid. Celebrates 80th Anniversary sell at p M I c t u c i i u 1 0 tb« hlchegt quemada was 58S mSBS 4&d gentle active Jewish center in Spain."'Hei tary a memory of Jewish ritual as for cttsh nt ]U0» Onniin«s S t i w t , (Copyright, 2931, by the Jewish man, and that 3$e?^s31 ^Lia centuries —i -Hear, O also speaks o£ a beautiful £ 1 of Detrort, Mich., one erf the lead! a Jtadiator Company., tlie foiiowlnc: Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) of shouting horror! horror! it must syna-jthe prayer "Shmah IsraelIsrael"—survived the' Inquisition. gogue serjrmg the, large Jewish com-, CHARLES SIMON ing progressive congregations of' be realized that only about two America, celebrated the eightieth an- i thousand Jews were "burned at • the munity of Madrid, where Prof. D. Prof. D. A. Yahuda . . . j snip win ue l o r m e {inrpust; uk IURVIVM ii|% The Saait&rr Laundry A. Yahuda, who occupies the chair stake during Much of the modern revival of nvversary Of i t s existence With a p - '-a lira for reimir* nml work comiklptml at tion in The Hest or AU Lvandry Herric*" of Hebrew and Sabbinies in the Unin«.n>»:_(. ™«~__^—_ I the reiwst of said owner and for costs of A Spain. Two Judaism in Spain is said to be due of a posp r o p n a t e ceremonies. ™fe B n d a I , a C T . r n i n p COst8 and for the bible two million ought to prove versity of Madrid, speaks regularly. to the efforts of Prof. D. A. YahuI purpose of satisfyinK the amount now due. m .tbereon. to-wtt: 422«..TO. and that no Buit da, who was born in Jerusalem, but J Two nationwide Zionist gatherings ' -'-. that Torquemada was a mild and First Fully-Authorized Jat law or other proceedings at law have been instituted ro recover said debt or any Synagogue gentle man! whose world-renown a s an authority «d~, oted to the consideration of 2.ion-j^ part thereof. New and Old SHAMES BODY" « RADIATOR COMPerhaps theTfltjUisitt&n ~lever exBut the new synagogue is the j on the history of Jews in Spain led ist problems in fhe United States' # V TA T T \ f c ! TANT. For 50 Years isted, perhaps • th&wlnguisitien was a first Ky Max Shames, Proprietor. Irst fully authorized orthodox syn- j the scholars of the Spanish Hist o-, and in Palestine will beheld during; during i 5 V 1 V L 1 IN JS 3t-l-9-31 At Reasonable Prices draaiir of "creati>^ historiitis. agogue for a new Jewish community rical Suciety to secure the establish-"; the Tour Towel Man of Februaryy 7th and', , to b e registered bjr the "Spanish gov-, rtient of a chair of Hebrew for him 8th in Washington, it was announced j N. C. NIELSEN More and Moredfcights 5 8TALXA8TER tBEBER Omaha TowH Supply Co, eminent, with provisions for a Jew- at the University of Madrid. jj recently. «3> Omaha Ifattoaal Bank HM(. Omaha 117% North 16th JA. 6S80 4 Certainly as Spaftf; anxious 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528:^ ^ f ish cemetery plot legalized. There is PKOBATX NOTICE Now, all candidates for the degree One gathering announced by the. that the dargest blotch of medieval- said to have been some objection, by. I n t h e Matter of the Estute of John Doctor of Letters at the Univer- Zionist Organization of America will Ism" be more ai»d>*Bo*e confused with church- officials -to the eforth of Ig-cf sity must have a knowledge of He- be the meeting of the National. AdXs'«tice-i8 taereby given: Uiat the-credthe general dariggess of remote nicio Bauer, a Madrid banker, who brew. itors of said d-.ceased will -meet the advisory f cuncrl oi the Zionist Organministratrix of saM estate, before me. backgrounds, eacii£J!ear comes more secured the legalization for the cem- ' An.ong the- descendants of the ization of America, a body of 150 County Judge of lXutglas County, Nebraska, at the C»wnty Court- Hoom, in aaid ^ 280840 emphatically forvdujil in her*i'assur-. ;cfiry ^ l o ^ a n d who is president of• Mairan'os are to be ifoiind many, of representative MioKiststhroughoat the County, on the 20U» day of t'ebnrary. 1931,j Costing St once 6£ full rigtfEi tor nnd on the 20tb day of April, 1831. nt V j tor th^fJewsj the rievr Jewish community. . " the leading' writers: and .schoU..s in country, which" was provided for by o'clock' A. M. rack 4xy, for the poruose of HA 0881* the racial m e m o F j ^r^nflicted ^ by y thf Cleveland^ convention in June, presenting their claims for examination, Tue synagogues that have until modern Spain.- Hafael Canninos-Asadjustment and aRowairce. Three months 1107 Howard—J A. 0288. the edict of Ferdinand and Isabella now existed in Spain have been con1930. are allowed for the creditors to present distinguished as a novelist, is aiOVING — STORAGE * their claims, from the 17th day of Janbecome* less painful. Commencing" Saturday evening,ducted quietly,, and usually under a such, and some of his writings deal PIANO MOVING U>ir7 Last year, for^a time, there was a "false-front," the buildings being w«h the lite of Spanish" Jews. Bena- February 7th,' Mr. Emanuel Neu' . BRTCK CKAWFORB, humor tthat h t pS ^ ^. ^^ her constructed ; to resemble structures vente» tho great Spanish dramatist, mann, president of the Jewish Na12-20-30—St County Juftge. economic decline aS"» power built for other purposes. They were, .aiso admits to' a strong Semitic tional P-md f America, announced, REAL SERVICE M«M8Kf, KATLKMAK * GRODINSKY began in 1492^- w M *ther"expulsfon it is said on authority, operated un- heritage, and is well read in modern there will takej,place the annual NaJkttvnters at Law Omaha. >ebr. of the Jews »oTfl""KeT'TeSlm, and der continual fear-of being forced to. Jewish literature. tional Conferenc" of the Jewish Naanxious in modern times to recover close, even in modern times, as they (OTICE OF AXKK1»MKNT OF ARTICIJS9 tional Fund, wi^ agency of the ZionIgnado Bauer, another Jew of Phone ATlmtic S71» OF IXCOKFOKATJON J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor her gone importance, was encourag- were operated without charter. Marrano descent, was at one time ist movement for the acquisition and ?0» fouth 13th St. RMm 81€ Notice is hereby given that at a special ing a wholesale return of the Jews "NEW FOR OLD" meeting of the. stockholders of the liigtirThe new congregation of Madrid, senator in the Spanish parliament, reclamation of Ian" stretches in Palince Trust Incorporated, held on the IHtfc to Spain. Investigatidn"/rff'>the rumor estine as the property of; the Jewish, 1619 Famam St.—AT. 8481 Jay of December, 1930. the following Arand his career i s set forward as an which begins with thirty constitu:icles of the Articles of Incorporation proved that the ^wTiolesale"' was expeople. Washington, D. C , was tentional members, was dedicated in the example of the eminence to which were Amended ta read MB follows: aggerated emphases—perhaps Jewish tatively set as the plr~e of this con1 ARTICXJB I. Gottrtesy Service presence of a representative of thea Spanish Jew may attain. It i s well • "The nnme of the Company shall be emphasis. But TpajrioulS Spatush offiference. ; ^UfSCRANCE INVESTMENTS, INCOKPSpanish police, who read aloud, and known that Jewish blood flows- in THULL PHARMACY cials did admit" that Spain still IDRATKD." signed the draft of the constitution the veins of many of Spain's'nobleARTICLE VI. watched the scattered descendants of 24th and Seward Madison, Wfe.—Although the de"The authorized capital stock of the of the congregations, and recorded men. To such '-Jin extent is this true corporation shall !>e Two Hundred ThouIn charge of Rrslstered Pharmacist Spanish Jews, and $r$pdtin the words jsand Dollars ($200,000.00) divided Into that Anatole Prance, when touring mand upon tLem was heavier than, its establishment. JOB FOUNDRY Tel, WE. 2000^-Pree delivery of the Duke of• jfttii>,Jfas much as Twenty thousand (30,000) tshnres of the par. Spain, after meeting many nobles, ever before, Wisconsin Jewish chariValue of Ten Dollars ($10.00) each: One AND MACHINE WORK possible to foster their sentimental Member Is Uncertain Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) of statesmen, and leaders of Spain's ties more than loubled the quota that REINFORCING STEEL wbich shall be common .stock and Oneattachment" to Spain, though their It is difficult t o know just how industry! asked to be presented to a trey set for. themselves in their drive Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) of which shall be preferred stock." wholesale return,, jwas ,-not encour- many Jews are in Spain, as the ex- Spaniard! just completed. AKTICLE T i l l . aged, as economic 'conditions'in Spain tent of inter-marriage has been • "The corporate 8e«l Shall contain the WILLIAM BRYUEN CO. JACK W. M.VKXK. Attorney, a-ords, "IXSPRAXCE INVESTMENTS, would' not beari jiJi fa; iteavfc? rise in great. Some writers assert that Jewish Temper Persists fNCOKPOKATED. OMAHA, NEBRASKA," 4th Flo«*. Caurt B«a»e immigration.. three-fourths of the population of surrounding the words, "CORPORATE Yet, though through four centuries NOTICB OF ARTICLES OF INCOKPORThird Ave. and ltth Street ^ SEAL"." ATION OP THE ROSENBEKKT HOME * t \i* Spain has some Jewish blood in itsthe Jewish temjper has persisted in J. VT. MARKlt. CONSTKUCTIOX COMPANY, v Phones: 89 and 519 Seep Into S p a ^ , ; President. veini Blasco Ibanez, the; famous Spain, marking leading- personalities NOTICK is herolty civen thnt thf iind<?fCOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA <j DONALD L. ROSE. l d inve associnttHl themsflveg toprether 638 Securities Bldg.—AT, 4451 Bat during fhe'lasfrN:en¥uries,\ Spanish novelist, was one of those in the intellectual;life of the country,i for the purpose off forminK a corporni iion Secretary. fi tinder the laws of the State of Nebraska. 1-2-31—4T the laws of the_';In.i >and the who held this belief. it is only now that the government The name of the corporation Is the Rosen-' Edict of Expukyjn. wereiflong in • It has, been proved that the num- has returned so far a^s to legalize berry Home Const met Ion Company ami Its principal plnee oC-lmsiness shall lie in the IRV1X C. 1.EVIN. Attorney. disuse, Jews have"seepe* info Spain, ber of Jews who left Spain afterthe establishment of a .synagogue, City of Omjibn. DoMRlns County. Xebraskn,* 801 Electric Building and the general '.nature of the business • : Phone JAckson 1226 "' :—..'4la»t , J.U :—NOTICE and to retuni* to a Jewish communi- shall lie a Renernl construction business { OF INCORPORATION OF COKVHCSKER tor itself and others, including: the con--] ty the right to bury its own mem- strucing, repairing, - remodeling amt im- J AMUSEMENT COMPANY, INC. Notice is hereby given that the underof all types of bnildings. to con--* AND bers in a plot of consecrated, ground. proving signed have associated themselves together tract, to sublet- ft ml to swlicontract, to bny and have organized a corporation under and sell renl estate, and shall hare the Many are the tales, weird as the power'to mortgage, lease, exchange, conthe Laws of the State of Nebraska. The' name of this corporation is "Cornhnsker tales' of Pbe, of the secret under- vel, release and assign and otherwise deal Amusement Company, Inc." That the ICOOPER CONSTRUCTION CO In and handle nhjr and nil kinds of propprincipal place of transacting its business ground synagogue, dug beneath cem- erty. The total authorized- onpitnl stot'k AT ALL GROCERS shall be Omaha, Nebraska; that the penhe $10,000.00, divided into 100 snares eteries, the •Jast resorts of the haunt- shall eral nature of the business shall be to, of the par value of $100.00 each, all of Made by lease,_ own and operate theatres for the ed and living Jews of the times of which shall be common and.tvhen issued exhibition of motion picture shows or per-
J. C. €. SPORTS.
ions^Mdeed^elcGines, theRetum But Where is
Spain of
[American Laundry]
Western Typewriter Co
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
SPRAGUE FURNACES Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
Certified Public Accountants
IT'S THE ~»-,,-w
4-4s "~
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$10.00 LUMP
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shall be fnlly paid and non-assessable and such stock may 1>e issned for goods, •wares. /merchandise, cash, real property, or for services rendered. The consideration ac•cepted by the Board of Directors for any stock issued shall be conclnsive as to value. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporation in the office of the Connty Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, find shall continue until January 1st. 19S1. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by :i Board of
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes
HDLSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
23rd and Cuming Street
BerUn.—(J. T T. A.)—Six hundred Christians participated in a meeting under the auspices of the Central Association of German Citizens of theDirectors of not less tlinn three nor more than five, who shall be elected by the Jewish Faith in Trebnitz, called to stockholders from among their number at protest against the repeated descrea-. their annual meeting which shall Vie held on the first Mondn-y of February in each tion of synagogues and Jewish ceme- year and they shall hold office for one year. Any vacancies occurring on snid teries. The concert hall was com-board may be filled for the unpxpired term pletely filled with republican youths by the remaining meml*rs of the board. The board of directors shall elect from carrying the red and gold banner, but their membership a President. Secretary Treasurer, any two of which offices, the Mayor of the town was absent and except the offices of President and Secreagainst which speakers of the Central tary, may bp held by the same person. AH officers shall hold office for one year tinAssociation protested, because among less removed by the Board of Directors. corporation shall have a seal and the the graves recently descrated was The same shall contain the words, "Rosenthat of M. Heller, who had given large herry Home Construction Company, Omaha. Nebraska." The Articles may be amended sums to the municipality for the en- at any regular meeting of stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purdowment of a Citizens' home. pose, after ten days notice of such proposed amendment in writing hns bieen A resolution was unanimously mailed to all stockholders vipon the affirmadopted condemning the" descrations ative vote of the majority of the capital stock. The power" to amend shall inclnfle and charging that three Hitlerites had the right to authorize the Issuance ot-predesecrated the local cemetery and syn-' ferred stock on special terms and conaiagogue. The meeting called upon the tions. H. MARQTTATCDT, Central government to prevent antiH. B . COHEN. A, GB'EENBEBQ, 'Witness. Jewish incitement. 4t-l-9-31
Sarry EL Lapidua. President- Treas.
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
'THE: CREAM or 2467!^
formances of any other character and to deal In and to uonrrnct with reference to motion picture film and all other things requisite or proper for the operation' of said theatres. To buy, lease or mortgage and sell all real and personal property including trade-mnrks, trnde-names and copyrights requisite and appropriate for use in the aforvdescribed business, nnd to do all things necessary or incidental to the conduct of the aforedescribed business and to perform all acts and things necessary or incidental to the conduct of the aforedescribed business and to perform all acts and things and to exercise any and all powers which a co-partnership or natural person could do and exercise and which now or hereafter may be authorized by law. That the nmonnt of capital Stock authorized is $25,000.00 divided into 250 shares, each slinre of the pur value of $100.00 which shall be fully pnid for when issued nnd non-asscssnble nnd. may be pnid for either in money or other property for the value of su,ch property fixetl by the Board of Directors which shall be conclusive. That, the time of commencement of this corporation shall be on the 12th day of December. 1030 and the termination of this corporation shall be on the 11th day of December. 10S0. That the highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subject itseJf is not to exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. That the affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less thnn two nor more than fire and the following officers, a president, a vice-president, or more than one vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer any two of which offices may be held by one and the same person. Incorpornlnrs: , SAMTJEL H STERN, JACK ••YVEINF.ERO, IUVIN C. LEVIN. In the presence of: . . . . . WILL k .THOMPSON. j2.20.30.4t
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company
ENCnWNGJDO.JNC. ^ ' Anttsfs ; /
'.. ENcRAvr«$' v;
Holzman, H i s s Blanche Zimman. A. Z. A. N«. 100 meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Jan. her home Snnday eveni-ap Social committee, 1&& F . J. A1-. The newly-elected officers of the 13, at two o'clock in the Corn Boom Mrs. Dave Bravtrman of lows berts, Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. B. A . Century Chapter were 'installed at of t h e Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Nathan City. Iowa. jjsTurned to her home Simon, membership committee, Mrs. the regular meeting of the chapter Pelzman of Kansas City, Mo, who ^ % week's visft at the Phil Sher, Mrs. J. Stien, Mrs. S. .held Sunday at the J.--C. C. Sam is an officer of the Midwest Ragion home oj^iec^nother. Mrs. M. RichFrohm, Mrs. J. Pirikel, Mrs. S. Fish. Mnyerson, outgoing president, inof the 'Hadassah, wfll be the prin- t a n . Program committee, Mrs. H. Jahr, [ stalled the following officers, chosen cipal speaker and honored guest. Mrs. Sam Gerson. Courtesy commitMrs. Harry Cohen entertained - the for the coming term. Mrs. Regina Klein will give a piano tee, Mrs. L. Graetz, Mrs. H. A. Newsolo. A one o'clock luncheon will be nsembers mf her evening bridfre club Art Kazlowsfcy, president; Harry , State's Onlyy Jewish ew man, Mrs. I. Stalmaster. t I i t i d Into given at the Chieftain Hotel next jat h«r vhooie*-T>aesday evening. Colick, vice-president; Maurice Katz, Legislator, Initiated Motor corps committee, Mrs. J. M. Tuesday, preceding the regular meetj secretary; sr. sergeant at arms, Dan His Work 5. Braunstein enterMalashock, Mrs. Mose Yousem. Sponing, in honar of -Mrs. Pelzman. Rejilinsman; jr. sergeant at arms, Max tained... .sixteen gaests .at a hridge Lincoln, Neb.—(By Special Corre- soring young folks social activities, servations for the luncheon are being party a% home Monday evening. Caudle lighting time! a t 4:30 p . m . Platt; reporter, Morris Meyerson; Tonight's Sermon spondent.)—The only Jewish face in Mrs. N . Mantel, Mrs. H. Arnstien, taken by Mrs. Millard Krasne and ' "-'-- '"' ' :- ••' j .chaplain, Meyer .Levey; treasurer, "William Rathenaa, German the state legislature this year put in Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Mrs. Wm. Alberts. Mrs. Isaac Sternhill, and shall be Mrs. fiick Steinbenr and small son Joe Goldware. Principal speakers of the afternoon its appearance promptly at the first J; p i a n s ^ r sending delegates to the Jew" will be the sermon topic of made as soon as possible. Everyone returned name Tuesday following a caucus here Monday night. A bit be- •were Mr. H. A. Wolf and Mr. Wm. Rabbi Frederick Cohn at tonight's Is cordially invited to .attend this; two week's visit in Kansas City, Mo. convention were discussed. •wildered, but enjoying the show, Holzman. A motion was made and toiught on the theme, "One Who affair. An invitation i s extended to services. members of the Omaha Chapter of' Warsaw,-~Polish Jews who married Jake Crounse chorused his "ayes" carried that the Jewish WomenVpacea M iEfi ) rtnne,'' based on Ultima Psi Ma women who are American citizens will Welfare Federation assume as part of the Senior Hadassah. "with the other unintelligible noises ; Opening with a "Get Acquainted Thule. Tomorrow Mornisg not .get American visas if their wives their program the activities of the as the hopeless slate of the demo;Dance," to be given this. Sunday -at left for the United States after July Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Cofm's topic for the services cratic members was shaped. the Jewish Community Center Balli The Councfl Bluffs Lodge No. £88 11, 198ft, _ Le*.vin|f their husbands to SermonNext Friday Jake plans to take things a little room, the Esi Mu will inaugnrate an tomorrow morning will be "Those of the Independent Order of the SoSow4nenriater.-This was announced easy for the first few days, until Conservative Auxiliary J Next Friday evening, January 16, in -the way of dances. This Who Do Not Enow." Brith, «dL hold a meeting next ;tod*y sat the American consulate afhe gets his bearings. This week i s The next regular meeting of the Rabbi Goldstein will speak on *Why Monday night. Jan. 12, at the Eagles ter **L conMt&Uon with the Polish one of mere formality, anyways. He Ladies' Auxiliary of the Conservative 1 ^™ p _ » Hall. ] matinee dances. All of the dances are Kaddisfa couldn't Jhope to -introduce bill No. 1, Synagogue will be held WednesdayJ ) t o take place in the JT. C C. ballroom • J Eaddish will be recited this Sabbecause that is always the appropriaThe CoondT .fflalfs Asadas Aehim "I. tion for the members' salaries. "bath for Samuel •£. Jacobs. L&ssociati«n will hold a Meeting next has engaged t j at 2 : S 0 S. Rosenblatt . There wasn't any opportunity for at 1:30. A very interesting feature ? Thursday evening, Jan. 15, at the -3 a very well known orchestra and. has him to show ».'s stuff at the caucus, at this meeting will be an address by i s chairman. Eagles Jail. wnituu Next Book Review All friends and members are arged s e c n r e d so*"5 v ery fine talent for the but he was a slick-looking young fel- Philip Khatznick on "Palestine a s a FRED IL SHAW The next book review by Rabbi to attend: The benefit o f this affair entertainment of -fee dancers, low umong the prehistoric fogies that Unifying Force in Jewish l i f e . " Mrs. Samuel H. Eatehn&n entert l t » t h e ? i a a of the committee in Cohn before the Sisterhood will be tained Vtenie • « J i predominated in point of numbers. The opening prayer will be given is for the Jewish National Tund. -at three tables of bridge "«|^nii^tl.T?ffi*"ylS'i t charga of the dances t o start a popu.on Tuesday, January 13, at the UlackE e did get his name into the min- by Mrs. Israel Dansky. Mrs. Robert | jlarity contest, beginning with the secutes by seconding an important mo- Glazer will read the 126th psalm, and Hotel, 2i30 _-p. m. He will reSociety ' ond dantse. The contest" i s t o run • tion, nnd of course his signature was Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum will sing Mrs. K. Tatle "was re-elected presi- through the entire series, of dances, view T h e Magic Mountain" b y l affixed to the caucus call. a group of songs. dent of the Dsborah Sadety at the The committee haa worked out very Thomas Mann, Nobel prise winner. Tea will be served at the close of •election of officers held at the last many other-novelties to insure a good By virtue of the fact that he is a newcomer, Jake must literally take a the program. regular meeting. Other officers time for all. The admission for the organization are Alma Feblowitz, "back seat" in the house. His seat named: dances is to be 25c for men and 15c president; Mildred Safferstein, vice nrmber is 78. If nothing else, that Conservative Supper Mrs. A. Wolf, vice presidBnt; Mrs. for members rf the feminine sex. president; Anna B. GoodMnder, secre-' will make it easy for him to slip About 200 people attended the cafeFromkinv financial .secreta»y: The committee m charge of the tary; Sara Mara Katskee, treasurer; out of the session, when some of the teria supper sponsored by the Ladies' Albert Newman, corresponding dances are Henry -Magzamin and T>ave Goldie Eozberg, Tieporter. long-winded farmers.take oral gym- Auxiliary of the Conservative Syna- secretary; Mrs. J. Finkle, treasurer. GreeBherij, working a s co-chairman; This group has invited the younger nastics to make up f<" the physical gogue on Tuesday, January 6, at the The next reg"tor meeting of the Earl Ssigal, Sam Schwartz, and Irvin group t o the Councfl fire, which exercise that they are missing back Jewish Community Center. This .sup- Deborah. Society will be held oaTues- "BrookStem. be held in the near future. home. But the chances are that per was the first of a series of such 1 day afternoon, January 13,jtt 2:30 a t , —JrJte and all of Hie rest of the demo- affaira to be held on the first Jewish Cammnnkx Center. Tan c a t s will stay on hand pretty much day of. each month thereafter. I At a meeting «£ the Alpha Tau of the .lime. Rabbi David A . Goldstein, who was j Serority, heJd Tuesday, D e c 30, variLabor Lyceum Lectore Home isn't so far away, but that in charge of the program, gave a oas important plans -were taken care Jake will be able to get to Omaha most interesting and enjoyable re," aifeetureiy m£ eoBcexnrag the activities of the Soevery week-«*nd, and h e is staying view of the play, "Green Pastnres,"j Dr. FogtSman, -win be given a t l i e One of the most outstanding with his brother-in-la-v and sister- after the singing of several negro Labor Lyceum, 22d and Clark Sts., The formal opening of the new of the. coming year of the in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L Hill, while spirituals by Mrs. M. Giller. at 8:30 p. m. on Thursday, January Chevra B'nai Tisrod Synagogue *mR School" ..given by here. Short talks >were made by J. H. 15. Admission i s 25c. this group of girls sponsored by Mrs. be held next Sunday afternoon, Jan. Kulakofsky, president of the syna-. lecture i s being sponsored by Saniuel Gerson. .A. committee for tak- 11, at 618 Mynster Street, commencgogne, and Mrs. Wm. Alberts, presi-[the Workmen's Circle, Branch No. ing care of the plans of this "Charm ing at two o'clock. An interesting and dent of the Auxiliary. jj 173. School" was. appointed with Ruth entertaining programm has been arMrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. Abner ranged. Everyone, both old and Tuehman as chairman. Kaiman, assisted by the following Ladies Labor Lyceum d a b Girls*, if you. have any room for im- young, are urged to attend the demembers of their committees, were in The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club will provement as to your charm, beauty, dication ceremony of the new synaCouncil of Jewish Women charge of the supper: Mesdames Wm. hold an open Forum on Sunday, Jan- e t a , don't miss this. Watch for the gogue next Sunday afternoon. . The Council Circulating Library, Alberts, L Berkowitz, Sam Beber, Sam sponsored by the Council of Jewish Kaplan, M. Lerner, Charles Levinson, uary 1 1 , a t 3 p. m. There will also opening date! ferther detajls, see Ann Git- LUNCHEON TO PRECEDE ' j Women, will open in the Blackstone M. Margolin, A; TJieodqre,.^Julius be a program and a lecture by,iDr. M. SENIOR HADASSAH MEETING JfarjjeKn. l«=erybody is iljvitad? ad^ * Hotel "'Cobby,' Montlay, Jan. 12. The Stein and Mose Yousem^ --- TUESDAY AFTESNOON: : " mission is free. . ' \ te ^ hours will'-•be 10 to 4 daily except Jecomter Campfire Girls This club is stffl collecting articles The Council Bluffs Chapter of the ' Sunday. Hadassah Cultural Club for their rummage sale. ' The newly elected officers of this Senior Hadassah wfll hold a regular Mrs. I. D. Weiss is at the l e a d o The Hadassah Cultural Club, under this work, and she will be assisted by fly^ leadership of Mrs. Max Fromkin, the following: Mesdames Max L. is a new blossom in the fertile gar% Holzman, H. Shapiro, Walter Shimden of Hadassah. This new group mel, Edward Shimmel, Lester Lapidwas organized Monday, January 5, us, H. A. Newman, Gerson Levy, Elmer-Gross, Robert Glazer, Irvin Stal- at the home of Mrs. Fromkin and was well attended by ardent Hadasmaster and Morris E. Jacobs. The newest books will.be available, sah members. The purpose of this" new organizanot only for rental, but for sale. tion is to enable its members to have Those in charge will try and comply a wider expansion of the ideals of with requests for books that are parJudaism, to study various phases of ticularlly desired. Jewish life, both ancient ahr1 modThe proceeds of this library organiern, Jewish history and the ar..., and zation are for the benefit of the last, but not least, current events. Scholarship fund, which was created Ii is also planned to have an interby the Council last year.. Through esting speaker at each meeting, this means one, deserving and needy which will take place the first l i o n - studsnt is assisted each year to conday of each month. The places tinue her study. where meetings will be held is to be announced soon. The Peace group of the Council All Hadassah members are cordwill meet at the Blackstone Hotel ially invited to" join this cultnral Tuesday noon, January 1 3 , at 12 group, a s many things of interest to o'clock. all are outlined f o r study. Those Rev. Lawrence Plank of the Uni•wishing to join, please communicate tarian Church will discuss "Military with Mrs. Max Fromkin at Harney Training in Schools and Colleges." 2671. Rev. Plank will speak against the subject. At the last meeting Harry TrusLinen Shower tin spoke in favor of it. The "annual Hadassah Linen Shows, This is an open meeting, and all are welcome! Mrs. Samuel Cohn is ini of. which Mrs. J. J. Friedman is chairill bs b held h l d the th last l t Wednesday W d d man, will -charge of reservations, Ha. 3763. o l this month on the regular meeting That is the cash price of the greatest of cleaning helpers—The Hoover! Women's Welfare Federation day at the J. C. C. Plan to attend and bring your contribution. A beau? And, when you own a Hoover, not only is housecleaning swifter, easier ill'! The regular meeting of the Jewish tiful program has been arranged and L_ 1 _ and better done, but every weekly Hoover cleaning saves your time, your Women's Welfare Federation was tea will be served. strength and your rugs. held Tuesday Jan. 6, at the Jewish Community Center. Installation of the No other cleaner, at any price, can remove as much dirt per minute as The BikurChoKm •following officers took place: Hoover. N o other cleaner has Positive Agitation to beat out embedded grit. „ Neveleff; _ _ „_ vice regular meeting of the Bikur Presidant, Mrs. L. Yet you pay for your Hoover no more than you would for an ordinary president'" MrsT Harry Rachman; fi- Cholim Society^ w i E b e held vacuum cleaner! ' day, January 12, at the Adass Yeshnrnancial secretaries, Mrs. Wm;' Holzman, Miss Blanche Zimman; record- in synagogue, 25th and Seward. Elecing secretary, Mrs. J. Malashack; cor- tion of officers will be the main busiRUNNING ICE WATEP responding" secretary, Mrs. Mose You- ness. All members are urged to atBuy your Hoover on small monthly payments. Get a liberal allowance IN EVERY ROOM tend. sem; auditor, Mrs. Harry Lapidus. for your old cleaner. Try it on your own rugs before deciding, if you wish— *2?° AND 53?° Mrs. L. Neveleff announces the folWITH BATH or nave a home demonstration. Telephone! Daughters of Zion lowing committees for the year: NO H1GHEP The Daughters of Zion will sponsor Telephone committee, Miss Blanche Zimman; publicity committee, Mrs. D, their third regular card party on Sherman; dues committee, Mrs. Wm. Wednesday, January 14, at the home
Notes of e ) Israel
Council Bluffs
Organization News
\ '
J .
Pillow Cases,
How many cents m your dollar? You can make your dollar do double and more than double duty, by buying of the hundreds of January bargains throughout the store — all quality, seasonable merchandise at bargain prices. !— !
Pay Only $6.25 Down
Exclusively for Women—Quiet and Restful
FIFTH AVENUE BATHS 25th and/Douglas Streets—JAckeon 3926
Mrs. Beda Carlson — Laura Able Hess
QkHOOVER It SEATS—- as Tt Sweeps
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Direct Entrnnoe From Hotel to HnxriEOD Parking Garage
''Electric Shops'
Nebraska Power
in Charge
The Battle Creek of Omaha
. Swedish Massage—Health Builders^—Solar Light Treatments .Vapor Room—Dry Room—Electric and Steam Cabinets
17th and Harney Sts.
2314 M St.
, .JANUARY, 9, 1931
Sprority" metrat ^|££ ho'me'Jol'.Miss l^eomi ijorwitzMast:Wednesday even-.* in'g. Bridge and a program were followed by refreshments. -
Among- the guests jn Sioux City oyer ;New: Year's day from • Omaha are included Dorbfiiy Muskin^ Mihnette Sterling, Mr: and Mrs. Don Rp&", Philip' and-WilUatti Gerelickj fKjri'and:.TM«; Etmie^tefosS,- DaW'Bia.lack,r "an4 Bohriey' Theodore:
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
WANS TALMUD Final plans have been made for the Annual Talmud Torah r Dance - which is scheduled for; Tuesday; eVer ning, January 13. The affair rwill _ take place at the Rigaudon Dance Hall. .Mrs. B.en.. S^grmgn^4s» ^ n e chairman of the .'daniJeS 5.^2 „.' ^ The dance is usuarfy* attended 'by both young and old alike, cards also
forming a part of "not tertainment for those wlio' care to dance. .-^ . !The committees - h?v Jewish family to co-operate witB them in making.;.thiB ^annual event the success i t deserves^ ^Proceeds are turned over.tq the; Talmud Tqran. ; Larry Burkle and"'Jhis^&ifccji^tra' wjll furnish Jthe music'^ for^ daSi<&fg^
Maccabees an Annual-rBanquet , Plans have been fiecond'annual ^ ^ •ktheir parents and friends';^which is scheduled • for January "ISthV^at; the * Jewish Community Center.--; ;V; • Mr. A:- M. Davis,1 "prdsvdeWof Federation and JewisTi Center, will be the guest'ofinbridr at this occasion. :, - . The committee in .chdtg^is^ ^rtAldng: plans for many eritertaining-ieatores.; The committee i n d u e s Max Z l i son, chairman; Bernar4i;;Lszri<>wich, Sam Sadoff, a-d EudqlohjiShindler. , i7
Brotherhood Plann ing Informal Members of the- Mjiun^. Sinai _i[emple'Brotherhood are planning1 an in~, formal: Dinner Da^cje^atr^the^ Hotel ' Martin on -January 26. Mr. E. N. ~ G'Tiesldn.. is 'chairman -of. the affair, aiid announces that Vplans' are' being made' for a number, '6P specialty entertainment stu'uts. —* The committee .'assisting' hini is, composed of 'uouis A^granoff, 1$. N. London, -Edward «W. Qeddsteirt, W- C. Slotsky, and Si Kruegez*. ., i ,i, (
B'nai Brith Delegates to
Brith Members iHGNGR Hear Year's Repoi^l TA^LMI® ^ ISANNOUNGED Mr. Max Friedman presided at the last meeting of his +«rm.?ast Tuesday evening, in._vthe Jewish ; Community. Renter; ;A|if«: ric'a'^reporf: was heard and: the- member shio"*commifteev made its report for the year. Plans" were made >for the •Installation meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesdays 2C M M C J f f will i be Max iiCroJoff uary 2C. •the principal speaker of the evening.
Dave Albert, son ,oi Mr. and Mrs. j Morris Albert, has returned to Iowa
. Mr. :Joseph Aizenberg; and Mr.' University where he is a student. Louis Schillings instructors at the j «, Talmud Torafi, j;.annoujnce the .fallow- { Epstein, , son of Mr. and Hprior Roll for • month of Mrs. T. Epstein1; has" returned to TI,«#«II««-
4 i.1.
u }°maha where
is, enrolled
Dr. CJiairn"Greenberg Here Is
STOUP&JCFAIFER "We feed the .avuitituciej' With Tasty Poods .-
During its time, Variety has been
WINTER FUEL The real winter gasoline with the power
When God blesses you with a baby boy Call or write REVEREND J. MARON ; 25 Years Experience . References. i ter ' ':'.,:Phone 5-7W7 Sioux City, Iowa
Pure, dean,
A Safe >osit with a high rate of interest accruing daily. Tlrat's what
Misses Lillian* Millman and Esther Fsplow* of Sioux Falls' were guests at the home of Miss Sally Halpern rarently.
: Miss.Sally Braman of Minneapolis, whose 'engagement to Morris .Feinberg of this city was recently announced, visited at the home of Mr." and Mrs. Wm. R. Newman, 2849 Summit avenue.
; Members of the Phi
. . . that's Cosden Gas.
witnessed by only immediate members of the family, a dinner was served.; Rabbi H.- R. Rabinowitz officiated.
The marriage of Mr. Ben Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Brodkey, to Miss Vera Rothschild of Chicago, was an event of last week. The wedding took place in Chicago. Mr. and •Mrs. Brodkey will reside in the Park.'view apartments upon their>return to the city.
Mrs. Fannie Kroloff -of Phoenix, who is spending the winter in* Sioux City, is; visiting friends and relatives in Omaha.
and Sioux City ' ' . Phone 8-3901
and pep to
car run perfectly.
Kadima Meetirtg January 13
radical Mohel T, C. k-
* Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Thirty years ago a little .Armenian bov came to Turkey and found refuge there in an Alliance Israelite School, where he was raised and educated. Today a special commission of which Baron Edmmd Rothschild i« honorary president will publish a Palestine Atlas containing rare maps pnd items of scholarly importance, compiled- by Commander Khanzadian, Captain-'Comr.ipnder in the French Navy and League of Nations expert on Mosul territory, ^vho was that Hunger is the teacher of the arts Armenian boy. and the bertower of invention. ' Capt. Khanzadian, feeling that he —Persius. had a debt. of gratitude to the JewT ish nation fpr his upbringing, chose Desire is a perpetual rack, or horsethis way of paying it. During his mill, still going round as in a ring.
in combat. with_ lihany of _ the powers iir theatricaldom,' but it ha& almost invariably come out the winner. Here's a sample of what started a little skirmish with the Keith interests-: "We don't want to battle with big time vaudeville—such as it is—we don't want to fight vaudeville. "But if we must, we must. « It's simply the question now, as 13 years ago, whether a theatrical paper in America can remain • free and independent, unhampered \rithin the trade; whether it. shall be a newspaper or a piece of cheese.
Mrs. A. I. Kay of Omaha visited Among those who have honored recently at the home of Mr. and tein during the past' sev- ; jjpg ^ Sacks. • Shihdlerl son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake i M l s s have been Mrs. A. W.' Shindler, -celebrated his Bar Mitzvah [eial Bernice Pinkus _has returned to and Mrs. E. Rubenstein, Mrs. in l i e Shaare Zion Synagogue. . On Miss Sadie Shulkin, Mrs. j Chicago where" she.}s studying, after Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. .ShinB. Sherman, Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Mrs.' a visit in the home of her parents, dler were at home to their friends A. Ginsberg of Dakota City, Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pinkus. honoring their son. Levin," Miss Eva Gordon, Mrs. Max j -*— Aj dunanv of land An Palestine was Mis Brodkey and Mrs. El N. Grueskin,! s Helen Rice will leave topurchased by Mr. and Mrs. Shindler Mrs. -Arthur Kaplan, and Mrs. I. E. j morrow for a visitjn Chicago. i- behalf of Isadore. Kaplan and Mrs. Abe Lefkovich and j ^ , , g a r a B a i r d , has returned to Mrs. Joseph Lefkovich. .Sioux City after a visit of several months in New York City. THE BIGGEST PASS IN " Out of town guests at the wedding THE WORLD will include Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen | Miss Ethel Stoller of Omaha was But it has paid. Variety is today Rabbi H. R ; Rabinowitz^ spoke be- of Ues| Moines, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'a recent visitor at the home of Miss "The Bible of the theatrical world.*' s fore the members of the Literary Wolf son, Tibbi«. Wolf son, Mr. and Sara Kaplan. Stage" folks swear by it. And now Convention of t h e Women's Club yes- Mrs. Sam Wolfson, Mr. ard Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Baron have they are celebrating its twenty-fifth son, and Mr.* A. Epstein of Omaterday afternoon" in the Martin'Hotel. WolfMr. and-Mrs. I. MiUer of W a u . departed^for Chicago where they will anniversary—and they want to' feast hom His subject wa? "The Jew in liter**»* » * ff « « •• hom <* their their son-in-law ff <* soninlaw Sime. watosa,'Wisconsin ature." But he can't be found. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Irving And so they are contenting themGoldstein ' Mr. Marvin Bookey of Des Moines ' selves with mailing him a pass, said ; I visited: friends here last week. MACCABEE CAGERS LOSE to be the most unique pass ever issued—countersigned by 12,000 theai .Mr. Leo Skalovsky of Norfolk^ Ne- \ At a fast and spectacular basket tre, owners, admitting him free of charge to any theatre in America. u h will VIPIH iin.the n thp. Shftflr«» i o n i• week-ertd. . .. j1 . ° • _ ?p_ _ • * . • • • • • • . . Club will hf» be held Shaarei 7Zion week-end. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Social Hall Tuesday evening, January I , •cabee and 'Knox teams, the latter Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) 13th. Following the meeting the . Last Sunday afternoon at the team won to the tune of 16 to 10. members will"adjourn~to'the Talmud! Shaare Zion Social Hall Miss Thanya Torah Dance at the Rigaudon Dance Broscow, daughter of Mrs. S. Bro" —_—"•*•"'"•" ----- •-•-•••• scow, became the bride-of LeonShulA wise man poor is like a> sacred kin, son of Mr. and Mrs: M. Shulkin. book that's never read. —Dekker. Following the ceremony, which was.
siotrx'CITY, IOWA
Comrnander Khanzadtan Does this as Debt of (Jratitude to Jews
preside at a ^renuptial 1 dinner for > ' of. courtesies^weite extended their d a u g h t e r ^ their home. The . * « « during theirWik Mrs.,Chasen SH^AREZfON out of town guests and the^ membeir^ I returned to.her'bttme on Tuesday sad Davld returned ^to school on Rabbi Rabinowitz will use as his of the immediate family wiO attend ti Monday. this dinner. sermon subject this evening "The
L. J. LEVIN -i
i . .
Siftcti Temple
To Sidfe^uMrd Your Baby Boy
^ ^ 1106 Iowa' ; ,e,;. 'i'L>,l''j.
Rabbi ^ Speaks Before Club 'Sigma Iota Sigma:Dance The Second Annuar3ted'H6t>:Dance sponsored by the Sigma Iota'"Sigma Sorority has been scheduled"1 for? Sunday, Febrpary 15. It^with take place at the Jewish Community;Center. Miss Helen Herzogv- President of the Sorority,. annourieed'Hhat^pIans are being made to a'crittfrnv»daite- over 100 couples. Many yofliig people from Omaha are expected* jtbf-;attentlf the affair. ' s / r '*"•/'.
„ ..•
Berlin.-HJ. T. A;)—Prof. Einstein has become part of Jewish legend. A hitherto , unpublished EinsfeiiiSanecdote is included';in the ^ew; book, "The Jewish People in: Anecdote," by the scholar Chaim Blqcfc The story tells of .the first voyage of Prof. Einstein to America, when he accompanied Chaim Weizmann, then World Zionist President. After the voyage, Dr. Weizmann *ras asked, "What did you talk about during the trip?" " " "During the entire trip, Einstein kept explaining liis theory of relativity to me," said Dr. -Weizmann, nimself a noted chemist. "And what impression did you get?" he was asked. "1 believe he understands it!" was the answer.
Feinberpy Archie Kahtor," Irving. MaRuth Westerman Isadore I d Shidl B j i .^.., Shindler, Benjamin . , Miss . . ; , « ; ' of Des ron, ^^.^^w Moinf Sp.cks, Morris CohenrJoe Mkrori, Na- ' * . Iowa, visited with. Miss Elizth»n PlotWn,; j e i : n i e Shindler, Nathan a b e t h P a s & 1 »an last wetk. Raginsky, Eugene Gelsoh^ Robert PliAnnouncement haV been received of skin, Sylvia S-hweid,ShirQy Guttlepan, Shirley Cohehj David Tjleviti, the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Dr; Chaim Greenberg, wh& is makiuntz, Mafgpret" Eriv^ arid ?ol Kauffman of Baltimore, Marying* a national tour in behalf'of the Ethel Lewis. •-•."•..-: I land. Mrs. Kauffman was formerly work in ^Palestine, is scheduled to, The following received B. for the ! Beatrice Horwitz. Mrs. A. D. Horg . appear in -Sioux City on February 2. d ^ h d mdnth: Sara Weinstein, Floyd Karp, | vw^h " ' has departed for Baltimore, 1 deliver a lecture each 4- tt^"; deliver a lecture each Ida Epsitein, Morris Aizenberg,-; ere she will visit-her daughter. (ConMnuPd fronp Page 2.) these^ e^|i^gs.^pn .the^work^f,the : - v ; ** rr-^ " -• UUtZini^m^ ^aiestinfi.^ ; v i r tbri'Mazie,' Libbie Mosbw; '"Isadore | Mrs* Sam Pickup has returned to Telegraph, a sports and amusements j Spqnst.rs>-of Vthese lectures are the Rich- Isadore\.Ducoffe,- Binie-"Dims-i Sioox--eity!"from Ne«r-Orleans whgxe daily. Sime somehow had, a penchant memberE of, the.; National Workers • dale, Rudolph-::Cqheri; Dorothy ?(fel-h she was-'caHed ; by jibe illness and for, expressing the rude truth. EmerAlliance. son ach-:sed everj'body to tell .the. son, .Philip Lubinan, Jack Gorshow,' death of her mother."; an^, Esther iWeiner. . • ...•——-_z— rade truth, out Sime was one of. the, Announcement has been received of few who i.ctuaHy did. Mark Twain the birth of a daughter to Mr. and poir.ted out that truth was too pre-The subject- of -Rabbi Lewis' serMrs. "Mickey Silvferman of Baltimore, cious an article to be used indiscrimmon this evening wili be" "Israel in ; Maryland. Mrs" Sllverman was for- inateiy, but Sime Silverman was America." The service -will begin at ("merly Miss ^dith Skalovsky. Mrs. somehow generous in its use. 8 o'clock. Came the usual end—Silverman . Miss Lucille Rubenstein, daughter ! Mike Skalovsky, who has visited with Last' Sunday morning Rabbi Lewis of Mr. and Mrs.' E Rubenstein, 2767 h « daughter for the past month, was was told his services would no longaddre'sset' the Men's Bible .Class of Court street, will became the. bride ' joined by Mr. Skalovsky, who left for er be required on the Telegraph. ^ First Baptist Church? He spoke of Morris E. Kaplan, son of Mr. and Baltimore this week. STARTS VARIETY o-y "The; H o y Land and What It Mrs. A. W. Kaplan, next Sunday ! — He went away—a saddened man. Means to ,dhristian.and Jew." evening in the Social Hall of the Rcrs. M. Chudakoff and son of He finally decided to see if it wasn't Thfr Jleligious School honor, roll, as Jewish Community Center. Scotland, S. O., are visiting at the possible to run a theatrical paper announced in the Temple Bulletin Attending the' bride will be her (hoTfie honne of the former's parents, Mr. and actually be honest at it. He for the month of January," includes sister, Miss Libbie Rubenstein Henry • and Mrs. A. Le*nn. started Variety. For twenty-five the following: Seyjnour Robinson, Shulkin will ac* as groomsman. Rabbi | Ann Pill presented a book review years, it has not been unusual for Harold Grueildn. Bernard Weiner, H. R. Rabinowitv will officiate at the ' on "Jane Eyra," by Bronte, at the Silverman to take a bitter fling at Herman Bari«h, Sibley Newman, Dor- ceiemony. ] regular meeting of the Business productions which are heavily adverh'y Davis, George Gaiirisky, Harold The bridf will be gowned in brown Girls' Club on Wednesday. tised in his paper. Lefkovich, ' Frances . K^aMn^ - Mateel .chiffon with hat and t^cessories to i —m ' He has lost a whole lot as a reStein, AinabeVEmelin, Lloyd. K r o n - : a t c b H p r s i s t e r ^ ^ w e a r a frock | Mrs. Ben Chasen of Ewing, Nebr., aud he has been subjected to an< ick Dorothy London, Abe Cohen, Ber- I o ' maroon n,,^-^'^- • "• " < i David Kaplan, a student at thei"""' e u University of Iowa,> visited at the f "° gh Mbel suits to keep a young nard Marks.'Melvin - Rosenfeld, Ber-] ^ c e r e m o n y w i l l ^ held at 7:30 i r m o f law Jers doing nothing else nice Galinalcy. Helen Cohen, Leah p.-m. and will . be^ ollowed by . .a re- ,home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. • - • • but. 1 Rose Newman,- and Mai-garet ~Koz- ception and dance. At" 2 o'clock on ^ ^ P ^ ' H09-Wert Second Str., berg.' i , ' Sunday Mr. akd Mrs. Rubenstein will d o n n S t h e P a s t two weeks. A num- NOT A PIECE OF CHEESE
Jew as Depicted in Literature." Last* Saturday morning Isadore j
The following njem"bersi.,^-oi^.the B'nai Brith Lodge ,wgr^ejggtejdt!delegate to the next Annual j ^ Q , &'B.Convention which "will " ta"ke "place in St. Paul. They., are- Edward E; Baron, M. E. -Friedman',*' Ernest,;" J. Fribourg and^ Jpsephj LfeVihl'Jir , Mr. Ernest Fribourg- .was 'appointed chairman of the r>;Annual,f-B'nai Brith Banquet, the.*de£ni,t$-dat9 of •which has not been,'set, >'.>«, -,-p
Understands Relativity
— r i r jaffs irPalestme.as •__, Gejieraror the f urkey Navy, voted himself to a thorough "study of Palestine economics, geography and topography, with the view of prepprfnir a Palestine atlas which should give roost exact scientific data of the Jewish National Home in the and pre«int. . ... r_ A*single eopy of the work will:* " cost $*Q0, m it contains luxurious maps and graphic illustrations, giv- :. Ing much rar*- data"pn Palestine, in-: ;• eluding an Ethno-geographical account of the country in Moses' time, geographic material from the Talmud and maps frorr famous Jewish tr;*' elers euch as Benjamin o f Tudela, Samuel Bar Simeon and Ishaki 'Held." ' There is a series of admirable marine maps of thp crusades, maps designed oy the Jews of Majorca and of Catalonia, bringing back vividly and artistically the curious and picturesque n Prlestine history.
means to you. It costs no mpre '— it's worth -money in actual dollars" and cents—and can be obtained quickly by . asking for our representative
Telephone ATlantic 8028
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- • 13D7-1309 Howard Street, Omalia
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