January 16, 1931

Page 1

Interesting f and

Entertaining Entered BatBeconfl-dasa mall matter on J a unary -Zl, u a , at poatoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under t i e Act or March 3, lOTi



VIII.—No. 51


The dedicatory ceremonies of the new Synagogue of the Council Bluffs Jewish Community . . . . a beautiful edifice that stands as a noble monument to Council Bluffs J e w r y . . . . Jewi »"! hilologists Will Bathtub Filled for and particular praise to the officers Wi^ h b t Ch g : phabet Change "Gefilltah" and others who gave their efforts un! Fish Moscd ^ J". A.)—A demand :for selfishly towards the realization of the abolition of the Hebrew scripe this religious and character building Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Is i t a and the substitution of the Latin institution:... . David Lazarus, the type for Yiddish newspapers and mitzvah for an Orthodox Jew to boy with the extraordinary baritone books published in Eussia will be the have fresh fish for his Friday voice, receiving merited recognition main topic of discussion at the Jew- night meal? Yes, A Jew in Lem- Jew and Gentle Mourn for the Mighty Benefactor" of . . . . the Triangle Club and other ish Philologic Congress which will berg, Galida argued when he was haled into court by his landlord Humanity open this week at Kiev. William Holzman Elected First President of civic bodies to aid in furthering bis who complained that his tenant Those who argue for the adoption -As simply andquietly as he nad musical education by, sponsoring' a Body Formed at Annual Joint of the Latin script point to Turkey filled his bathtub every Thursday concert at Tech Auditorium January as an example, declaring that the to keep alive in it the ifish he lived and served sp were the funeral services Monday looming in Temple Meeting on Wednesday 29th . . . . a modest young man who Turkish press; and . language has bought for the Sabbath meaL Smanu-El for the" venerable Nathan The landlord argued that this is Straus, dean of-\ American Jewry, has generously responded,; when gained from the abolition of the old One of the most progressive Vice-Presidents; Harry Silan "entirely superUaofus- luxury and prince of philanthropists and beneTurkish alphabet' " . ; steps in the history of the Jew- v e r m a n Secretary and Abe called upon to assist in a musical The Jewish . Philologic * Congress is a wicked waste of water for ish community in Omaha was -, lj4c ,«.-, »r~«.o»™-.» event . . . . Jay Rachman, the slightly will also discuss the re-writing of which he, the landlord Jias to pay. factor of humanity, vrbo died Sunday at the age of: 83. taken Wednesday a t the joint Goldston Treasurer. .Totund dramatic critic and columnist"; Yiddish"dictionaries"to""inclu"de° the Since a religious question is inPsalms were read by Dr. Stephen annual meeting of the Welfare' H - A- W o l f w a s c h a i r m a n of t h « , of the Omaha Bee-News, rises to re- vast new terminology which grew volved, the jud#e has decided to S. Wise, Dr. jfathan Krass, Dr. Federation, t h e Community, nominating committee. mark . . . . "That the hotly-contested I up as a result of the changing oc- call in religious experts to give David de Sola f w l and Dr. Hyman Center, and the Jewish Philan-j Reorganisation Report affair between the Rabbis and- the' cupations of Hussian Jews, who were their testimony on this matter be- J. Enelow. P^bf- William Lyon thropies when these three major j Th report for reorganization was e 1 fore Issuing his decision. i converted from merchants into peas Phelps, a close friend of Mr. Straus, Jewish organizations were COnHarry Lapidus, chairman of given Dy 'shochtim' was won by the Rabbis by; read a short sketch of the great ants and workers. SOlidated into one all-inclusive ^g committee. The Board of governa score of two to one" ....". . sort of a gTOUp. This amalgamation is o r s of the new organization will conlittle world "Serious" which .took the direct result of the Commun- Bist o f t h e Executive committee and place in Chicago . . . . the "schoch-j al Survey held a year ago, Ia n additional one hundred persons tim" were cutting up considerably This new consolidated organi- representing th3 various Jewish orzation, to _be known henceforth' galjiZations in the city. Each organwhen public sentiment drifted the othas the Jewish Community Center, izatjon i s tx} have one representative er way . . . .. Oh, yes, and the boquets Annual Report at Joint Meeting: by Executive and Welfare Federation, is to bs a n d a n additional one for every hunhava arrived . . . . thank you! . . . . headed during its first year by dre< | members or major fraction there" . Director of Federation, J. C. C, William L. Holzman and the brickbats came also . . . . we William L. Holzman, - outgoing o f after t n e ^ r s t One hundred. The Philanthropies timidly say we will try to do better president of the Jewish Com- remaining number are to be chosen munity Center. jb y t h e Executive Committee. . . . . Cheery greetings to Nathan SiBy Samuel Gerson mon, of the Table Supply Company, Other officers named for the Reports Rendered •who has been ill for sometime . . . . To record the whole moving prounited-organization are: The committee report pointed out - XaCftan Straus and whd Is very much improved now j cession of our Jewish communal life that "constructive business principles Dr. Philip Sher, Honorary _ . dtring the last year is the plan of philanthropist's" career. Burial was and sound community organization President; Henry Monsky, in the Straus .family vault at Cy. . . . Those who constantly worry t h i s a m m a ] T e p o r t I J k e a m o v i e make it mandatory that this re-orFirst Vice-President; Sam press Hills Cemetery. about their budget at home . . . .will; scr een it shows silhouettes of the ganization plan be adopted. cheer up when .they hear that Mr.1 destitute, the. sick, the aged—comBeber, Second Vice-PresiPay Tribute The outgoing presidents of the John Curtis, former member of the Jew and Gentile, high and low, Nebraska.' State, Railway Commission, three former major organizations and Mrs. Jaclr Lincoln, a young cou- ing in distress and leaving with a dent; Mrs. J. H. Knlakofsfeeling of security. gave pause to pay tribute to this will be the principal" speaker at the gave their annual messages. Thesev ple in' their early thirties, are the All through the • activities of the ky, Third Vice-President; great American and sincere Jew. jnonthly'ineeting of the Brotherhood were William Holzman, president of parents of the following named kid- Federation, the Center and the PhilMrs. Morris Levy, and Har- the Jewish From all walks of life there came of Temple Israel in the vestry rooms Community Center; Dr. dies . . . . Irvin, Harry, Sheldon, Nor- anthropies there is a common 'unry B. Zimman, Honorary pouring in tributes to the deceased of the Temple Wednesday Philip Sher, president of the Jewish man, Helen, Shirley, Jean, Gloria Ann derlying purpose, that of raising benefactor of ^mankind. Welfare Federation; and Sam Beber, Dinner will be served-by the Sisterand Marth3 Jane . , „. Now everybody I Jewish life to as high a f unctioning president of the Jewish: PhilanPresident Hoover declared that the hood of,the,Templ2 ^ thropies. H. A. Wolf, president of. death of Nathjpt Straus "removes •'"smitle-wnen confronted by the-grocer,!P'*8"* a s possible:,Social work alone fir. Curtis, who is now .an official cannot .accomplish" .fh&J' With the aid., •the ^"ewiskifree Loan from our natloxilbf butcher and baker, and verj^frequent- of TeHgions™"activity "and 'a "cultural figure, which will be sadly missed, Power Company of Lincoln, is one of ered his report for the :fikt. ly the "clothing maker" . We are j program, all operating on a harThe feature report was that of a Jewish leader whose vision of the state's best known after-^dinner very proml to hsar that Aaron Frank unnnious; basis, success is more asSamuel Gsrson, executive directoi- of service transcended all limits of race speakers. His talk will be most inwas declared the first named outout-'sured. .. the Center, Federation, and Philor creed, and a philanthropist whose teresting. For the year 1930, Jewish comanthropies. benefactions, especially on behalf of standing citizen of Portland, Oregon, Reservations for the dinner, which munal progress has been effected, children, wer> of permanent value." Assistant Secretary of Comis open to the public, may be mads Tribute to Straus for the year 1930 . . . . and his for- and thougat and action brought to Ailing Since Wife's Death' merce to Speak at J. C. C. by 'phoning Louis Somberg, secretary A tribute was paid at the joint mer business partner, Julius Maier, bear on all fronts." The life of Nathan Straus had of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel. on Thursday meeting to th= memory of Nathan elected governor of .the. same'state been, ebbing away since the death THE dean of American Jewry, who Samuel Gerson Prague—The introduction of the . . . . Temple Israel will have as their W. Dale dark, president of the eight months ago of his wife, Mrs. Sunday. After a resolution had principle of nnmerus clausus in Omaha National bank and chairman guests on Friday evening the Ne- "When clients come to the Family of these families are held together Idna Gutherz Straus. been adopted, all those present stood Mr. Straus's work in philanthro- Czecho-Slo- " "a was urged at a con- of the executive committee of the for a moment with bowed heads in braska Chapter of American Guild of Welfare Department of the Federa- through the Family Welfare Departference of the Prague Y. M. C. A. Chamber of Commerce, will introduce memnt. py, while it extended into many his memory. Organists . . . . and Dr.. Geo. "Miller, tion, because they find" themselves Most of these families present fields, arid took various forms,.was The conference also, voted that Jews Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary in difficulties, the department seeks Three trustees for the Jewish Compastor of the First Christian Church, could be only extraordinary numbers of the U. S. Department of Comin every case to render immediate more than one problem and remain centered always about health work, will speak on the subject, 'The Place assistance, of the type, which will under our care for a year or more. and greatly emphasized infant wel- of the T. M. C. A- while regular merce, when the latter speaks in munity Center elected the coming year members had to be Catholics or Omaha, Thursday evening, January were: Dr. A. Greenberg, Harry Malaof Music in Religion" . . . . more pow- •result > • in the clients retaining their Whenever possible, contacts are fare. those professing no religion at alL 22, in the Jewish Community Center. shock and Joe Wolf. (Continued on page 8.) er to this type of good will . . . : independence. The ultimate aim is al(Continued on Page 2.) Buel A. Williamson of Des Something new in intellectual stim- ways to make the persons coming Moines,. district manager of the U, ulus . . . . a book house tea . . . : . oh for assistance help themselves. In S. Department of Commerce, will dear! . . . . sippmgWa while discus- the: case; of widows with children, come to Omaha that day to confer the families are subsidized so that .dth bis chief, according to word resing sophisticated books and. "what the 'mother may keep her children ceived by Ernest 'schau of the local The committee which is to ar sponsored by Eva with her; in other cases whether have you" Cliamber of Commerce. j range for the David Lazarus conlipp Konecky of "The Book Shelf" the father is permanently incapaciThe Klein lecture is'sponsored by cert, to be held umbr the ausp'ces . . . . Everyone is familiar with "Joe tated or confined in a hospital; the Center and the Council of Jew- j of the Triangle Club at the Techand Vi" of the radio . . ... We have] whether the home is broken by diish Women, " i s Prosperity in ' nical High School auditorium Thursvorce or-desertion and where there Sight?" will be the subject. ' | day evening, January 20, has been a Joe and Vi that are equally as pop- is insufficient earning capacity, all Margaret' Sanger, World-famous named as follows: ular with the Jewish Community . birth control advocate, will be the} Dr. Michael J. Ford, chairman; none other than Joe and Vi Greennext speaker,' February 4: James ' Mrs. Max Fromkin, co-chairman; berg . . . . and Violet who never Waterman Wise, son of Rabbi Ray Broholm, Triangle Club presi^shrinks" from any work assigned to Sam Beber gave the following mes- Stephen Wise, will be here Febru- dent; and James J. Connolly, secrcDr. Philip Sher, president of the Following is the report rendered her . . . '.' Rabbi and Mrs. Herman , tar\% Welfare Federation, gave the follow- by William L. Holzman, president of sage at the joint meeting Wednesday '•ary 10. The concert is beirg given to fur{John (Hannah Kulakofsky) now reing report Wednesday: . " / the Jewish Community Center, at the as president of the Jewish Philanthropies: ther the pr.imisiTig qualities of young siding in St. Paul, Minn. : . . . both Pursuant to a time-honored custom, joint nieeting Wednesday: When the Jewish Philanthropies i New Yorker Will Lazarus' voice which has won him Following are some of Jthe_'highquite popular with their congregation I herewith, as President of the Jewish • Once more the Jewish Communi- came into existence about a year ago,; Lecture at Labor many honors. . . . . Bright and early and regardless lights of the message delivered by Welfare Federation, submit for ,your j ty Center finished a year of prog- practically every Jewish cause which Reserved reats for the concert are Harry A. Wolf, president of the Lyceum Sunday being consideration, my Annual Message. ; ress with a program of recreational, depended upon the Jewish communiof weather conditions, Harry Mala- ish Free Loan Society: sold at the Jewish Community ' Heretofore, the President has an- social, and cultural activities of ty for sustenance, was in a deplorshock and wife, Rose, take their daily William Weiner of New York will Center, Beaton Drug, Fray's, SchmolAs lias been told many times bewhich we might well be proud. The walk . . . . a fitting exercise for that fore, the Jewish Free Loan Society nually summarized the work that the multiplicity of activities;" the variety able financial state. No drive for speak at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd ler and Mueller, A.. Hospe and the Association has done during the past and originally started out with a mere year, but. tonight I will deviate from of interests; the large" attendance funds had met with even a fair meas- and Clark, Sunday evening at 8:30 committee members. "School-girl" complexion ure of success during the preceding yet some gfrls complain when they $1000, ."ten Jewish members of the this custom and leave to Mr. Samuel all testify to the fact that the Cen- few years. We were taking money p. m. on "The Present Economic Lapidus Will Address Crisis and the Future." are obliged to walk! . . . . What per- community agreeing to pay $100 and Gerson, our Executive Secretary, to ter is filling a great need. out of the Community Chest for The lecture is beir.g arranged by $6 per year for a loan fund to aid report to you on our activities during Omaha Hebrew Club Among - our activities I mention certain institutions which we muct thc International Workers' Order, centage is "one of four" or "one for the needy. the past year. . . . . . . the Community Forum now in its preferred to maintain without gen- B-anch 126. Mr. Harry Lapidus, who has just four?" . . . . This simple little quesAt first this money loaned was alfourth year which has continued to tile assistance. When I started to write this mesreturned from an extensive trip tion mystified one of the most prom- m O st exclusively for the purpose of serve our community vigorously and sage, I fully intended to discuss with through the east, will address tN The establishment of an agency inent attorneys in the city . . . . and uniting families. We gave the money you a vital problem which, at the this season will prove the greatest Walls of Jericho Were Omaha Hebrew Club on "The Presfor the collection of funds for all caused considerable merriment at a to men who were too proud to seek present day, confronts both local and in its history. 583 season tickets Jewish causes that could not for one ent Economic Situation" at the orConstructed 1400 B.C. charity but were in temporary dismeeting last Monday eve at the Jew- tress, national Philanthropic Organizations, nave been "sold and paid for which reason or another or which we preganization's regular meeting Sunday Paris, (J. T. A.)—The determina- at the Jewish Community Center. Marvin j The Jewish Free Loan Society is and present to you my views upon this mer-ns that the entire seating ca- ferred not to include in the Comish Communitv Center subject, which I might rightfully call pacity of our auditorium has been munity Chest was an urgent neces- tion of the date when the Israelites Sam E. Klaver, president, wiD Treller, the "beeg" good-natured fel- Teally a subsidiary committee of the constructive criticism. sold. - • , preside. returned to the Holy Land will be sity. From low, remarks, that the difference be- Jewish Welfare Federation. The tendency of the times seems to And so the Jewish Philanthropies aided by the researches of archTh're never was a time when the tween a traffic cop and a modern girl our small beginning we have increased be that local and national leaders are TTorum was needed. People are per- was organized. It set for itself a eologists, who have found that the Gerson Will Be Next our capital to $26,648.75. Our total is, that, when the traffic cop says has been augmented from time to only interested in contributions and plexed and troubled—they are look- goal of $42,000.00 and notwithstand- trails of Jericho were built about Junior Forum Speake, "stop" he means it . . . . Mrs. Ben time by voluntary contributions on the collecting of funds, and very little ing for light—they want to hear ing the economic depression, a whirl- 1400 B. C , according to a report toDr, Samuel Gerson, executive diShapiro (Leona Pollock) of the the occasions of simchas but usually interest is manifested by these same what experts have to say and they wind campaign in which about one day of Prof. John Barstang's lecleaders in the dispensing of these rector of the Jewish Community Centure for the French Academy of Invant a chance to express them- hundred fifty loyal men and women World-Herald film critic, elected in times of distress—in memory of funds, and which to me is just as imter, will be the speaker at the next scriptions. Prof. Garstand, who is of participated, brought a total of selves. Our speakers so far this . president of the Omaha Womens' departed loved ones. . portant, if hot more so. Junior Forum meeting to be held in the faculty of the University of $43,656.51 in pledges. This money year have been Clarence Darrow, I would like to see this preached Press club . . . . quite an honor for a ^Co-operation Clarence .True Wilson, Senator Fur- was allocated to twenty-one local Liverpool, said that the date had the lodge room of the Jewish Commore. The Jewish Free Loan Society young woman who has been in the represents • a' permanent," revolving While intending to call your at- ton JL Wheeler. Those to come are and national - institutions and to the been determined through examination munity Center next Monday, Janujournalistic field but a short time fund; it stays on forever, continuing tention to our shortcomings in this re- Julius Klein, Margaret Sanger, Allied Jewish Campaign which in- of ceramics found on the spot, and ary 19. His subject will be "Soul oi a People," of methods of wall-construction. (Continued on Page 3.) Cheerio until next week. , (Contnraed.on Page 3.* . (Continued on Page 7.) . (Continued on Page 7.)

MTHANSIRADS, -.-.* Convtmmity Center, Federation, PHILANTHROPIST, and Phildn^woj^ies Are United PASSESAWAY

Into Co-ordinate Organization

Shadowgraphs of Progress




Presidential Messages Qiven at Joint Meeting on


Dr. Sher Delivers'Holzman Reports Sam Beber Speaks for Philanthon Community Federation ropies Center Message



Executive's Annual Report Activity f or the Year

all walks of life and all shades of OUR WISHES

search when they completed their

3. Bringing about a closer con-

opinion. tact between the giver and the Fed. Every year we have set for trar-' survey last year. Thanks to the constant supervis- selves" certain The Committee wlio drew up the objectives. When (Continued on page 8.) ion given by Bob Kooper, chairman these were reached, we immediately plan gave it a great deal of thought. o the House Committee, our building proceeded to select a new goal. For They are unanimous in endorsing its has been praised fpr its cleanliness the coming year, we .hope to see the adoption. We sincerely; hope that and neat-appearances Throuch him following wishes fulfilled. you will see its value an*d will acalso several, very: important repairs cept it. j (Continued from.Page 1) .come! The open road has a fascinaActing on the recommendation qf were accomplished: such as ; the ce- ACCEPTANCE O FTHE MESHULOCHIM ONCE * tion for them cooled Only by: the the Survey, the Jewish Orphan Home inenting,. waterproofing, and paint- REORGANIZATION PLAN Must give references tnade with relative^, lodges, employ* Tonight Harry Lapidus will pre- MORE wintry blasts of January-and Febru- was given.,,, representation on.-the ing of the swimming pool, strengthJEWISH PRESS—Box No. 83 ers, schools, medical agencies, and The number of unofficial and ofary. Spring, :summer and autumn is Child C3re Committee. Since then, ening the walls of t h e handball sent for your approval a carefully insurance companies. This study is courts, and repair of plumbing. ficialMeshulochim canvassing this studied reorganization plan. This your director was given an oppormade not merely to protect the irresistible to them. They come, tell tunity to audit the Societ r 's books. their story, ask .for. a job; knowing JW have tried throrgh the Sun- will avoid a great deal- of duplica- community for different needs, varyCommunity's funds from," misuse but In the golden days when the Society day School, festival celebrations, and tion of effort, energy, time and ing from dowry for mature daughfull well that-rthere is -no-employalso to reveal the problems so that BRANUEIS ters to soap kitchens in Palestine, is •was in its prime, there was- a mem- inter-club debating in ^Jewish sub- money. effective service may be - rendered. ment. "WJieii one' is*.fortunate"enbiij Li the increase. Fully fifty of them SHOE REPAIR DEPT. .Three years ago your secretary bership, of 500 and so certain was jects to arouse in our children -a X>uring 1930 nearly 1,000 visits to' find a job for them, they are graced our hospitality in 1930. brought upa reorganization plan thj plan that a local orphanage was Jewish consciousness. We are grateReasonable Prices and interviews were arranged, for gone. I propose that we set aside a fund Delivery Service They tell the most fascinating to be the ultimate aim, that a, build- ful to Rabbi David Goldstein for which was last year recommended 202 families, 71 of these" families of about ?i,500, supervised by a by the Bureau for Jewish Social Reing was purchased at a cost of $14,volunteering his service to supervise Use Your Charge Account "were major cases requiring a . defi- stories, use *ss3med names. They are committee; that we write to the 500. At present there is a mortgage the Sunday school. The curriculum nite plan. This was accomplished by adventurers mostly ^and yet-<me can't headquarters of a selected list of of about $3,600. The equity has has been changed and for the first Miss Elsie Poska, Case Worker of help liking thsm. institutions approved by N. A. I. S., shrunk extensively. The Society has time Hebrew is taught there. i tin Federation, guided by the Belief Last April a man. of past 40 who faith in the Federation and asks and find oat what they collect here, The problem of leisure time dur- I LARGEST STOCK Committee of the Jewish Welfare "claimed to be a resident :of Los AnBeautiful 5-room apartand that based on this we grant help in guiding its affairs and di-ing tine summer months has been IN WKST Organization. ment with heat geles applied for assistance in re-recting them in the- right channels. them an allotment fixed by the Quick Shipments turning': to? his home. He told the : With the Cbest Campaign a suc- solved for 200 children through the 2534 Cass Street Committee. Our Hobby for DOUGLAS COUNTY story of having started east to seek cess, it means that Child Care in Summer Play School. Twenty-five 45 Years volunteer teachers gave their servOUTDOOR RELIEF employment but. -was. Tmable ^to con- Omaha is to. be. established, on a OMAHA SERVICE GROUP OMAHA STOVE ices during the month of July. The Mothert' Pension Law for this tinuei'i due .to Jack\.pJL" funds. .He . h r i REPAIR WORKS In some of the large cities camfirmer footing. This ^s a pioneering When tha next Father and Son 1206-8 Douglas Street county \vent into effect in July,' 1913. decided, however, to "return to L. A. paign and fund raising organizaproject for all the agencies—Jew- Banquet is held, we shall csrtainly j It provides for a monthly pension of where his mother lived, and asked tions call themselves either a serv$10.00 per child up to 16 .years of that agency wire a certain bank in kh, Catholic and Protestant—and have to enlarge our quarters- Three ice group or a business men's counCARD KIONS META1, SHiNS age. This is granted to those fam- Los Angeles requesting that he bewill-be financed mai ly~by th**j Chest h'4ndred and seventy-five guests cil and function throughout the 1 PIMMifcHH—STENCILED KHiNH ilies -whe,re the mother is divorced, sent $20. The man insited that he vrith subsidies from interested agen- were served by the Jswish Women's year. We should like to see a simdeserted," or where the/father is had money in this ban!" and that a cies. Our contribution was $500 to- Welfar Organization and a splendid ilar group organized in Omaha with confined-to a renal -institution or iscommunication signed by him would ward the budget. In retern we shall program provided by the Social ServCloth and Paper Banners the following functions: OFFICE W1NUOW AND unable td work for physical' •jor'-.inen.;-;. cause the money to be sent to -him. get t h e advice of a trained! child i:e Committee. 1. Taking charge of fund raisTRUCK LETTERING .ca*a wprjeer supervised ry th^' Fam- Our library has becjn well attendtal reason. . £ ; - • - >f ij;"'* ing activities. This will avoid the the name of one of y Welfare Society. JA0& Harney JA. 5277 1 ed and it is an interesting sight to In 1930 the. Department KsuS'>225 i officers -of /"ie bank-to vyhota; he '{necessity of tearing down and As no" child p'acing organization see old men with long beards pourfamilies receiving pensions. Ot'ihfese vanted the telegram addressed. Albuilding up a new organization each nine were Jewish families. Since the though the -worker was slightly du- c?n function in this state without ing over the Talmud,, while their year for the spring campaign. Mothers' Pension is usually inade- b'cus about his story, a telephone becoming licensed with the State De- grandchildren are getting material 2. Assuming responsibility f OT the NATIONAL . quate, the Federation supplements tcnversation with an official of a partment of Public Welfare, we ap- on Jewish subjects. collection of all pledges. each one of these families. The Fed- local bank verified the name of the plied for and received our license. We ara attracting a great tteal of ACCESSORIES, INC. [ELECTRIC COMPANY! eration is making an intensive effavorable comment especially in the and its official. The telegram TAKING CARE IRV1N C. XJCVttf. "Everything for the Aalo* •~••AH* ••- ' f 0 fort to avail itrelf of the resources was sent by agency e-ul the_ same field of dramatics. One non-Jewsh L01 Electric OF THE SICK To H^Hen Silver, whose p l n < < > of rpsiof the County store, especially coal. day the main received $20. from his organization was so pleased with the 2501 Farrmm—AT. 5524 deure is unknown and upon whom personal It was with a great deal of reservice of summons cannot be had, decaliber of plays produced by the Canbank by wire. He planned to use fendant. gret that we saw the closing GIVE IJS WORK Notice Is lierrfiy triven thnt on the 17th this money in returning home. Four the Wise Hospital. This institution ter Players Guild that they bought TAYLOR GRAIN CO. Men and women with, hungry chilAnyof Septemlwr. 1830, Hnrry Silver, us hundred and. thirteen stranded peo- served well the entire community of $25 of tickets for one nig-t. The plaintiff, filc-d his petition aeninst you in 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. CHARLES SIMON dren, a t home atret iwaJtenjf; the ple paid their respects to Omaha IHstrict Court of Douglas County. XelirasJewish Women's Welfare Organizaka. in Pocket 2fH) on Vage ":0. the object ttpftimmends Omaha, both Jews .' I non-Jews, SUGAR — GRAIN streets, -foot -rreary and destitute, last year. tion offered two prizes for the best «tul prayer of which is to obtain n divorce for 29 72arSTOCKS and BONUS The Saaitay Laundry from you on the grounds of infidelity nnd seeking work—no matter how ineindividual performance. extreme cruelty nnd for the care and cus—Private Wires— "The Best ot All Laumtry In order to nrovida hospitali2ati'-T 3Lial.' Everywhere they get the same A JEWISH HOME FOR tody of bis minor children. Rose nnd Mfrx. JAcJcson 3183— AT. 20<J8 for the Jewish sick under the care WORKING WITH THE "Sou are required to answer said petition answer: "No Help Wanted!" They EVERY JEWISH CHILD on or before the ICth day of Febrnnry, of the Fedsrrion, the Executive CHEST ivdo not ask. for charity, but a job. 19S1. Where It used to be the custom HAUEY SILVER, riaintiff. Our relations with - the Omaha Gathered here tonight are leaders to send children from broken homes Committee voted to send all patients tT—1-16-S1 Community Chest were most pleas. i n many enterprises. It is to you we to an orphanage, social vrork today t the Lord lister Hospital. New and Old IKVIN C. XTSYTX. Attorney, Fifty patients —ere taken care of ant. Our Budget Committee after' appeal. No matter flow temporary balieves that it is best to place the 3M Bretrie Bide. For 50 Years the work, no matter how menial normal child in a suitable foster by the Federation in the Wise Hos- meeting with the Chest Budget ComXOTTCB OF SALE I'SDER ARTISANS LIEN Your Towel Man tne task, call us and tell us that home", provided a; careful study is pital during 1930, four were sent mittee was granted $44,100 for 1931, At Reasonable Prices .Xorice is hereby given that on Saturday, r to the National Jewish Hispital in ths same amount received in 1S30. you'll give somebody a chance. ; made* of the borne and the child. A tiw 24th day of January. 1831. at ten Omaha Towel Supply Co. : -i A i-nnn 5 1 o'clock A. M. of 6*id day. the uudersigued Denver, four to the Leo N. Levi Wa in turn were happy to assist N, a NIELSEN During 1930vre Jwere abte to'place J A . 5880 # 1 will sell at public aiictiOD to the highest 209 So. llih SU JA. 0528 At' the-beginning of 1930 ?w.e had in the campaign and our Jewish Memorial Hospital. \m bidder for cash at 390G Cumingg Street. o n l y 1 5 - p e o p l e . ? : • } : - - • } \ ' ~ ' ' V • •-"•••.'.iOmaha, Xebruska. known as Shaim-s Body 22; children a t the Cleveland Orphan Community furnished nearly 150 MENTAL Q Rjidintor Company, the following: Homeland ihree in the Denver Na- OLD PEOPLE'S HOMS workers. , One Ksses C<«acli mrtonwbile. inotlpl 192fl, Many ,'of theifeiidnts icpining to tional jHome for 'Jewish motor nuwlier 132S7O4, license rnimlwr At; the suggestion of the ExecuWe are grateful to the Chest for 5-S113. evneil by one Gny Wnciwr. s«id ; thee Family Case WoM f Ag??icy suf suf- The Jewish Communal nurvey_-*ecom- tive Commitie*! of the "Federation the financial asslst3H£e and" "espesale wi?l be for the purpose of foreclosing a lieu for repairs and -work tminplptwl nt fer from mental; dii instructed to pre- cially to Mr. Ralph ti Reed, its ex.;number of'""" ~~~"? the ivwest of wiid onrtwr mtd for rosts of; *at«" riiwl-aft'•accrtijTitf routs ana for the vcace study ot the in- ecutive director. at i 3ig3slaSjij -purpose of SHtisfj-injr the juisoimt now due Omaha for the care? iot .tii^e* men- as soon.as^suitable tfctriOld People's fttne. oonas^s thereoiu to-\rit; $22(L30. nnd tliat no suit places >could be at law or ot>er pror«Mlinin« »t la-w hnve ; tally ill are very inaSeopate,;.; , Based on this, it is hoped s com- APPRECIATES, 107 Howard—J A. 028S found fpir; them. \ . J«em insatufed to recover said OeM or any In 1930 there were .16 i Jewish part thereof. will bs MOVING — STORAGE _ Following t i e findings of Ihe Sur- plete ^reorganization Your exe^tree's&oretary was Ironpatients. from Omaha' at the\.Institu- vey,! we succeeded in getting the worked out. and put ineffect in j ored by _._„ se!ec$*sft^ihe only soSHAMES BOOT ii UADIATOK COMPIANO MOVING tion for Feeble-Minded, while three permission-of the Cleveland Orphan 1931. PAXY. W 0 ^ 3 ^ i a s a de!1cial worker? Hi Max Shames, Proprietor. state hospitals for; insane" care for Home' to send,-those children, who At present there are seven in-.egate to the Whiifeff"HbaWe KKAI.SBKVICB St-l-9-Sl 7 seven Jewish patients fronr Omaha were to bs returned to Omaha one rates there. ensa .called by" Presidmt" Hooverl MOSSKV, KAT1EJIAX * GKODINSKY v and 14 from our state. o u r secretary was'also elected at a time. ~ AttorMejM at Law SCHOLARSHD? LOANS A more serious and grave probvica-president of the Nsbraska State The Child Care Committee of the The Social Service Committse has lem is that of individuals presenting Federation , has been pioneering in Phone ATlantic 37S9 ] NOTICE OF AHEVDSSNT OF ARTICLES J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Conferencs for Sodal Work. H« will j , OF IXCOIiPOUATIOS i.Mh st. personality problems. These prob- the field of fos'-r care work. They fifteen scholarship loans outetand- ] faave "NEW FOR OLD" Notice is hereby jpiven that at a special ang "granted granted to deservmg Jewish. deserving Jewish lems are more difficult.to discuss have tried to . find suitable homes ing, Advisory 1 Jneetius of the stockholders of the lnsur1619 Farnarn St.—AT. 8481 and. require more subtle treatment. for each child. Unfortunately the students attending colleges and uni- Council of the American Association j ^ mce "lrust lncvrporated, held on l i e ISth I lay of December, 1930. the following ArOmaha has no established resource homes which are anxious to take versities. This Committee is plan- for Old Ase Sscarity of which I j " udes of tne Articles of Incorporation amended t o re: d us follows -. ning to meet with ths Scholarship Bishop Francis J . MtC^melt of New j to care for i: iese problems. Especial- children-are not always suitable. Courtesy Service ARTICLE I. ly is this noted by the Social Serv. "The name of the Company shall be Recently four children graduated Committee of the Council of Jew- York is presid;nt. This organization j THULL PHARMACY 'INSURANCE INVESTMENTS. 1NCORPice Committee, in its weekly visits to from the Cleveland institution and ish Women to perfect a working ar- seeks the establishmsnt of adequate j j OUATED." 24th and Seward AKTICU5 VI. the Juvenile Court. Almost every were returned, to Omaha. One of Tangement and avoid duplication. protection for t_e dependent aged. In rharcr of Krctatrrrd rtuarmarist "The «nthoTi«ed capital stock of the case that comes up is laboring un- them came to the office a day after -ttrporatiou shali be i w e Huudted ThouJOB FOUNDRY He is en the executive committee i f Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery OUR VICTORY sand Dollar* (5200,000.00) divided into der some behavior difficulty. AND MACHINE WORK his arrival with his suitcase in his When Sam Beber, President of of the rweuty thonsand {30.000) shares of the |Hir I of Social Agenc value of 'iejj Dollars (?10.00J each; One It is a hsart-breaking sight to see hand; ready ±o- go back to CleveREINFORCING STEEL the Jewish Philanthropies, an- which co-ordinates the work of some tiundred Thousand IH>Uan ($100,000.00) of the grief in .he eyes of tae parents land. He was not happy here; he which shs>li be common stock and One nouncad that a campaign for $42,-forty welfare agsneies. Hundred Thousaud VoOara ($100,000.00) of as their children ars being taken was not understood; he was used to wbich shall be preferred stock." 000 was to ue held beginning May WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. away to a correctional institution institutional life. There they ate at AKTICfciK T i l l . < 18 for twenty-two organizations, JACK W. XAR3B, Attomer. Thc Corporate seal shnll contain the because of lack of local mental hy- a definite time; they- played; they ivord*. "ISSVHAXC& LNVKSTMKNX8, . 4th Floor. Court Honne there was a good deal of doubt in 4NCWKTOHATK1). OMAHA, KKBltASKA," giene facilities. There are at present Studied a t a. regular hour. Here INCORPOU-: Third Ave. and 11th Street jurrenndfaig the words, "COKl'OUATJB! the minds of the leaders as toNOTICE OF AUTICLKS'OF THE two Jewish boys at Kearney and 2 everything was different, he said. SEAX,-." CONSTRCCTIOV COMPANY. Phones: 89 and 513 63» Securities Bids.—AT. 4451 3. -W. MAHKJl, XOTICB is hereby given lhat the men of Jewish faith, at the penitenCOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA hnve nssociMted fhemselves t«crtl»>rl President. It took almost all of our persuas- pression, it could be done. tiary. Xu BOSB. ive ability [to finally make the boy Then came the gathering of! umicr etbe lairs of the state «f Nebraska. The it.-irae of the rorp«ratloti i s the itosen, and his relatives see that they must forces THE OPEN ROAD gaining momentum with berry Home CouBlruetion'jCompjvuy nu<ltts' priiu-ipnl place of luixiuesg shall >>e in the ISVIN C. LKVIK, Attorney. Immigration has stopped and yet help each other in order to become every meeting1. Almost 270 men and City of Omnhu. Honclnx Co«rn<y. Xeltriiskn, Phone JAckson 1226 S01 Electrte B l d U adjusted to this new life. and the general u.iture ot the business women volunteered to give their the stranded men and women still KOT1C3E sh;ill tie a general construction business OF IXCORVOKATIOW OF OORJfHCSKER time, effort and money. Old men, for i/self and others, inclndius the couAMCSKJtKSfT CODCFAM-, I N C rj'pairing. rpinodfling rmn im- ; young men, boys, girls, children. All Notwe i s hereby given that the undt-rAND „ ot all types of liuUiUncs. t« con-r Blgmed hare ssswdated themselves together anxious to take part in the greatest tract.'to-sublet aud to subcontract, to buy aud have oignuized a torporatioii under «ml sell renl estate, nnd shall have the demonstration of Jewish communal power I the I,aws of the State of Nebraska. The to mortgage. h>use. f^i-hange. conname of this corporation is "Cornhusker Tel, release nnd assign aiid otherwise dear" solidarity. When Rabbi Goldman of Ajnusement Cooipiiuy, Inc." That the iCOOP^k CONSTRUCTION Co] iu and liandJe Jiuy and nil kinds of propAT ALL GROflERS principal place of transacting its business Chicago finished his appeal, every- erty. The totn-l nnthorir.ed mpltnl BtoT* shall be Omaha. Nebraska; thut the genI* $10,000.00, divided Into 100 shares one was 'faring" to go. To the tune shall eral nature pf the business sLall be to Made by o t the par valne of $100.00 each, all of lease, own and operate theatres for the WA. 5766 of the campaign theme song, the which shall lie comtnou'nnd when issnetl t 4610 DOUGLAS exhibition of -motion picture shows or perUnde Sam Breakfast Food shall t>e fully paid and non-nsseBsable nnd j formances of any other character and to workers laid down the fruit of their such stock may be Issued *or (joods, wares, • deal in aud lo c-outract with referem-e to Company merchandise, cash, real property, or for! toil. motion picture film nnd all other things services rendfired. Th4> consideration ac- ' Omaha Nebraska requisite or proper for the operation ot by the Board of Directors for »ny $14,619 the first day. The second cepted 23rd and Craning Street said theatres, i'o buy, leiise or mortgage stock issui-d shall be conclusive as to and sell all real and personal property day the thermometer registered value. The corporation shall commence including trade-marks, trade-iinnieg and upon the Tiling ot the Articles copyrights leipiisite and appropriate for $22,463. The third day it was $27,789 business IT'S THE CHEAPEST IK THE LOSG HUN—MOKE HEAT t B S S ASH of Incorporation Ju the office of the Couuuse in the of on-described business, and to Clerk of ftouglas County. Nebraska, LESS WORK. LESS WORUI and the fourth day it was $30,813.25. ty do all Uiiugs necessary or incidental to and shnll contlane until January 1st. 1081. the conduct of the aforedeucribed business Stirred to a high pitch of en- Tbe highest amount of indebtedness or and to perform all acts nnd things necesto which, the corporation shnll sary or incidental to the conduct of the thusiasm by a message from Felix liability Harry B. Lapidus. PresidentTreat. 5 subject Itself shall not exceed two-th5rds aforedescribed business and to perform all HAND-PICKED LCMP of its capital stock. The affairs of the corWarburg, the workers gathered the acts and things and to exercise any and .$10.50 ODK PKIDE LUMP - '. poration shall be conducted by a Board or all powers which a co-partnership or na—$0.00 beginning of the second week and Pirectors of not less than three nor more MINE RUN—50% LUMP tnral person could do and exercise and five, who shall be elected by the A which now or hereafter may be authorised reported $35,029.25. Tuesday saw than stockholders from ntnonu their number at by law. -That the nmonnt of capital Stock From Sasar Creek their annual meeting which shall be held $38,610; Wednesday, $40,000 and on authorized ia 525.000.00 divided into Z50 Drst Grade the first Monday of February in each shares, each snare of tlie pnr value of COMPLETE STORE AND 8 flOO. then the ''bursting" of the thermom- year and they shall hold office lor one OO which shall be fully paid for when year. Any vacancies occurring on said OFFICE OUTFITTERS Zk issued and non-assessnble and may be paid fund reaching board eter with the may be filled for the nnexpfred term Wa Occupy ' 5 for either in money or other property for by the remaining memt>ers of the board. $43,656.51. the. vaJne ot each property fixed by the Over 70400 Sqnara Feet K Tioard of Directors The board of directors shall elect from Soatlcas—So Slate No Hock—Very U l l l o which shall be conIt is not too early- to begin giv- their membership a President. Secretary clusive. That the time of commencement Southwest Corner # and Treasurer, any two of which offices, of this corporation shall be ou the 12th ing thought to the campaign or- except the offices of President and Secreday of December. 1930 and the termination Eleventh and Douglas Streets # of ganization for the next drive. Times tary, may be held by the same person. All this corporation shall • be on the lltli officers shall hold office for one year unof December. 1980. That the highest Phone JAckson 2724 f day are harder this year than last. The less removed by the Hoard of Directors. amoont of indebtedness «r liability to The corporation shall have a seal and the which corporation is at any time to novelty of the campaign has slightly same shall contain the" words. "RosenOmaha, Nebr. f subject this itself is not to exceed two-thirds worn off. This year we will not only berry Home Construction Company, Oinahn, of 4ts capital stock. That the nftnirs of Nebraska." The Articles may be amended this corporation shall be conducted by a have to work harder, but also give at any regular meeting of .stockholders or lJoard of Directors of not less than two any special meeting called for that pnrnor more thnn five and the following ofmore. Our leaders will be tested this at pose. after ten: daya notice-of such proficers, a president, a vice-president, or ENGRAVING X a I N C posed amendment in , -writing has been spring as never before. more than one vice-president, a secretary

Young Man Wanted to Work in Store








American Laundry


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Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company

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Uncle Sam Laxative Food

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$14.00 $10.00 LUMP

COLORADO CHUNKS - - ^ - ^ $ 8 . 7 5 BEST ILLINOIS LUMP- - : - • - - $7.50 GENUINE CHEROKEE NUT ^ sue $ 7 . 2 5

Consumers Q>al Q>.



mailed to all siocktiolders'upon the affirm-ative vote of the majority Qf the capital

OUR CENTER stock. The power fo amend shall wcroae right to .authorize the1 .issuance of T>re^ Busy as usual, full of activities, the ferred stock on special-terms and condifor the young and old our Center tions. H. MARQCARDT, H. B. COHEN. is more than fulfilling its mission BEI 3 - a home to the Jews 0* Omaha of i ' 1 ™ ' " -

and a treasurer any two of which offices may be held by one and (he same person. lncorporators: SAMDEIJ






Pnone ATLANTIC 0 6 ^ 9 313 SO. 14 TW.ST. OMAHA.'




paign that .we .include such causes Thanks," by Max Spicker, double Organ solos—(a) Choral ImproyI as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, quartette. Flora Sears Nelson at the sation <Now Thank We All Our God) j the Jewish National Fund, the Hisby Karg-Elert. (b) Bouree et Mus organ. ; tadruth, the Ort, the B'nai B'rith * Ritual, response, by James H. Rog-ette, by Karg-Elert, Mrs. E. R. Z» Wider Scope Fund, those institutions ers, Bor'chu, Sh'ma Yisroel, Mi Cho-briskle. in Europe, Palestine and America (Continued from Page 1) raocho, Vshomru. Temple Israel Address—"The Place of Music it (Continued from Page 1.) which send Meshulochim or collecQuartette. Vernon C Bennett at the Religion," Rev. George A. Miller James Waterman Wise and Rabbi organ. Chaplain. eluded both the Joint Distribution tors to Omaha, and any other Jew-, I&aac Landman. Response, "May the Words of My Antnem—"Adon Olotti" (After Sol. Committee and the Jewish Agency ish causes which deserve support • Prohibition, Russia, Birth Control, Mouth," Pinchos Jassinowsky. onion Rossi's Hymn), Lazare Saminfor Palestine. - • •;•. ; : , from Omaha Jewry and which are Economics, Youth and Tolerance— To. date we have collected $25,- not now beneficiary institutions of Anthem—"O Praise Our God, Ye sky. Double quartette. Vernon C these are the vital issues speakers 311.81 in cash or 58 per cent of the tile Jewish Philanthropies. I recomPeople," by Buhler," quartette of Cen- Bennett at the organ. discuss with audiences, eager to "find Candle lighting/time; Friday^ Jan- total amount pledged.-:; ; ''•-• f ::"•-:/".mehdjfurther^that" we adopt the pol- ; To Bi-ennial Convention tral United Presbyterian Church. Benediction—Eev. George A. Miller. JcxV. of viewing 'with~ disfavor .the their way in the'midst of these con- uary 16.—4:35 p. m. . ' * : " 1 ' Flora Sears Nelson at the organ. Organ Postlude —' Marche Solenraiisihg" of ."any" fulnds Jampn'g "the' ^ Rabbi Frederick jCohn, left yester- - Response,-Va-a nachnu, Rogers. fusing times. nelle, by Gallaets, Miss June Barber. jThjs .'achieverheoit. /would "never Ojpaha Jewish community fo'rJew- day evening for - Philadelphia where _ We believe - that the Forum is a have bseri'"ip^sabie7except for .the ish" Causes," excepf such as are "raised he will affcend the 32nd council of the: • '• Services Tonight.: i —: reservoir of inspiration and informatiieless' "and""unselfish" devotion" of T>y 'the- Jewish -Philanthropies, or by -m7uit "Around the Comer from Everything' tion, bringing enlightenment', and un- - At the services .t&is evening" Rabbi tbje many • nien;- arid'-women* who* gave any'Ttemple or" Synagogue, for "their Union of American Hebrew Congrederstanding to our people. This David A:..Goldstein wjll speak: on «Eviheir^thne and" ofitheir'.enexgies. own use." . I ~. . " " ' . gations. He plans to return on JanForum has also created a Junior. uary 26. »x campaign i". success. ,No -worthwhile Jewish cau§es. u>n| Forum started by the A. Z. A. No. 1 Ffae,ccanmunity-owes :a-debt;of «rjati.-•-.• Tonight '•:.':•> and the Henrietta Szold Girls' Club. ude\ to£aU lof ithein; r l VWQBM: lflce- te ...excludei^from ;the Jewish Phil-] Eev. George Miller will deliver thej Next The speakers are people of promi^Bryjinuch ^to read thernam£r©f_every ajithropies.•. lip cause' exekided-, from] Rabbi Goldstein nence-who discuss for-the benefit of loyal worke^ butithe '-list? is>too long, the Jewish" .PJiilanthropies canjbe- sermon a t the temple tonight. Aj, our younger people subjects of in- mon * based on liudwig" Lewisohn's,"; |tndU ?o -• 3 tsj*ali; .-content; mjcseif .with* .worthwhile.irLet; us get that^slogan^ special ^program has been" arranged J terest .to them. Each lecture is fol- "The Days oTShyiock?^ at" the" iervi mentioning;fe*$se,.who> 'served in_ex- jbvet to.theUiws ipf Omaha and then/ consisting, of: „ • j We -shall •be'lcompletely carrying out j lowed by an interesting discussion. ices next .Friday," January 23. : ' ; ^ Organ Prelude-^-Grand Chorus, by ... j -Our total, attendance in Jthe Cen-Samuel S Guffman, Mrs. Deyo E. Crane. t e r for .the year has-been 121,713, a ful .study of the program,'. staffs,IMS Douglas _Aothem-^-"It ,Is Good to ...Give' little over 10,000 per- month. 1,428, and maintenance- expendituresr cer- Foreign - Corporations; *•• Harry-:;.* "..-* ^Endorses.^>nspl^iti«m meetings were held by thirty boys'- tain definite .steps* were taken, kz0 ^ -I-hartlly'. thinktit"i;.3cessary to and,'girls', clubs;. 2T 'adults; organiza- complishing savings , in , ' different Dr.\ Philip>. Sher,; Chairman,; tEat-I heartjlyrsBdorse -the;: plan- to tions, and • there were 25 educational lines. - ...-.•• •""' Committee;' Wat h.-E[ol?:inan^Cbair: consolidate' thef "Jewish - Philanthroactivities. Our rphysical education' deI could not close without express-, man t ,Initial. Gifts,. Comittee; Mrs...J., pies;; with", the Jewish Welfare^ Fedpartment has been very, successful- as ing my sincerest thanks to our staff H. Kulakofsky, t charrroan, Women's. eration'- an*«a v. the J* Jewish' Community evidenced by the fact that we /won under Mr. Gerson. He and his assist-" Division; Harry Malashock, Chair-; Center," 6y so doing, we shall merely the! single and double handball tour- ants have .worked hard for the, wel- man, Organization Quotas; T Dr. A. oe further:developing the idea which naments of the-MiddlewestA. A. U. fare of this organization. Besides, I Greenberg, Chairman, General So- prompted ^ the. xirgamzation of the andT the" flyweight."championship of must* also express toy thanks to the licitation; Goodman ", Meyerson," Jewish Philanthropies a year ago. the Middlewest A. A. U. Chairman, South Omaha "Division; THat was only one "step in the direcmany men and women, too numerous Jack'W. Marer, Chairman, Publici- tion of-a unified Jewish communi"When our Executive Committee to mention, who have volunteered.to decided on re-arranging " the distri- help us in our work, particularly as- ty; Philip Klutznick, Chairman, ty. Now, weare-l^eing asked to take bution of funds received from the sisting in Club work and dsas work. Young Men's Division. the final step,that will'result in the Chest, they voted to take out the I feel too, that this campaign dem- consolidation of our . community efConclusion national institutions, the O. P . H. onstrated how necessary and .effec- forts. ; • " / : ' -••':*-. Because these are times of stress, tive the" Jewish Press is in all comand the Wise Hospital and the SoAs president of the Jewish Philcial Service Committee and substi- Vfe must play a most important part munal undertakings.- The .splendid anthropies.during the past year, I tute instead the Jewish Community in sustaining the morals of our Publicity which the Jewish Philan- was brought in closer contact with Center. "After presenting our new young people; •• Because there are a thropies received from the Je'Wish the work of our community than pfan to the Budget Committee of the good many of our.members who are Press was, in no .small ..measure, re-, •ever before. From that contact I am Chest, we were told that our new unemployed, we most permit them sponsible for .the expeditious and able to say that constructive comarrangement would be acceptable to to continue their affiliation. successful culmination of the earn'-! munal work is "being done In Omaha; Our Center is not receiving the fi- paign. them and would go into effect on With the changes now being contemJuly 1, 1930. ^his was carried out. nancial and moral support to which plated, the - immediate future ^ has Should Be All-inclusive it is entitled and without which it Center Membership can not continue to exist. Our mem- -Now that the Jewish Philanthro- great possibilities in store for-us. In order to induce more people to bership instead of increasing is de-pies has remonstrate^ the soundness Our greatest • possibility lies in the _join.the Center and on account of creasing. Our organizations using our arid the practicability of combining field - of Jewish education. 1 . Let us during the coming year all drives' for Jewish" causes and tlie philanthropy drive , the member- building throughout the year go outship fees were reduced as follows: side of- our building for their -big now that the importance of unifying bend, our every effort towards the All donor and active members giv- functions. -Not because -our rental Jewish communal work is. becoming end ^ that Jewish - education may at'irig $50 or over were to give $25 fees are higher, -not because they more apparent, I hope thai bur next tain .the posit on in our community All giving $i8, were to give $15i AH do not receive the same courteous campaign will, be all inclusive. With life to-which its importance entitles giving'§12 were to give $10/"This_ attention, but because it is -more this thought in mind, .1 .ecommend it. Then and only then shall we be naturally reduced our ' income'" from' stylish to give it at one of the to whatever body'shall have charge assured of the future of our Jewof the budget for the next cam- ish community *n Omaha. "nlembership sources quite appreci- hotels. The Center is your communal ably. At the- end of December, 1930, we home. I t was built for you and you A. found that our-membership Consist- made, it>_ pjossibie.- Our - inembership • fees are comparatively low. Our proed of 809. Of this total 560 were paid up to January-1, 1931, End 236 gram equals any in the United were delinquent-from .three to-six States. Our staff has bean cooperaITEN'S \ ITENS - . " - - » - - ; > " •.^•>r;'•months. It is quite evident that not tive.. 8 As a Jew claiming ,a . kinship^ in only is it vital that we' bring back, the delinquent members but we must the Jewish group, you . are aware increase our membership to at least that our * Center is Omaha's most :CRACKERS 1,000. - - - •' outstanding achievement. The Center is one way of" assuring the preservation of our racial integrity. Economics .In common with other communal It does not need to apologize for its - agencies our Center, has been finan- existence - brief- though it's - been. cially affected by the current busi- • I t therefore, becomes the duty of ness depression. In view of that our each of us'to join the Center and Board felt that, we should. consider induce those who do not belong t o the important activities. Aljter, care-, join.,May'we have"your cooperation?

Conservative' Synagogue

Notes of Israel

V - ^ i





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Other Spring Fashions, $25 to $98.75 Sixth Floor

TAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 193t ania, discharged all Jewish em- me very much in their favor. I re* ployes. Most of the discharged work- member in particular the way the f e ^ ers had been employed in. the fac-Chassidim that I, know would handle their "schnapps." tories frr many ycirs. There was no sneaking about the Seek to Ban "All Quiet" process with them. They drank it as ious policy of Soviet Russia is fair in Hungary though it tickled the good Lord far or unfair to the Jews is to be the Bucharest — After Nationalist So- more than it did even themselves* United States topic for debate between the teams cialists had succeeded by terrorist Was it not a "mitzvah" to be cheerDAVID BLACK.EU - - - . Business and Managing Editor representing the B'nai Brith Hillel methods to secure the banning of ful ? Was not the cardinal sin thei Sects Represented FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - Editor the film "All Quiet on the Western Cleveland—For the first time in Foundations of the Universities of Front" in Austria, the Nationalists denial of joy ? Did not the Baal Shera FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent Wisconsin, Illinoi3, Michigan, Ohio Tov place his ban on asceticism as Cleveland history, eight different religious sects met on one platform States and Cornell, it was announced of Hungary began a campaign to being the one thing blasphemous ? SIOUX CITY OFFICE prevent the showing of the film proan a program of brief addresses, here. Each foundation will have a JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street posed here. Nemzeit Ujsag, a cler- THE CURE OF negative and affirmative team. The each one in. turn presenting the ical paper, calls on the censors to JACK LONDON debating will take place in the form IN? CZECHOSLOVAKIA ideals and fundamentals of his parSubscription Price, one year - - « - ?• • • « - • $2.50 Now it seems to me, if you are go« forbid the film because its showing of a tournament to be held next Advertising rates furnished on application Outbreaks of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia ticular faith. ing to take your liquor at all, take would be "damaging * • • » the national month. The "Fellowship of Faiths" evewithin the past weeks have cruelly dispelled the ning it with aplomb, take it with no exhonor." was held at the Temple on the cuse, as the Chassidim did. I believe dreams of myriads of Jewish admirers of Thomas Heights, Wednesday, under the au-America's Best Seller moreover, that is the only way you Masaryk in every part of the globe that under the spices of the Men's Club for the The Bible iemained the best sellcan take it, if you desire to be teming book in America during the past administration of Masaryk as President of thepurpose of bringing about a more year 19S0. although it too has sufA PRINCE OF perate, paradoxical as this statement sympathetic understanding of religmay appear. Israel had barely finished "sitting shivah" Republic of Czechoslovakia, that land would be ious faiths and a finer feeling of fered from 'he effects of the ecoBy DAVID SCHWARTZ free of the manifestations of medieval bigotry nomic depression, accordirj to the You remember how Jack London for Lord Melchett, when another of her royal fellowship. heads of the two American publishwas cured of his habit of drinking ?i that have disgraced the new Poland, the new princes, one of the greatest of her great sons— ing firms, which publish Bibles. S. A BLACK DEED The formula used by his wife was Chicago Jewish Charities End Hungary and the new Austria and are now apNathan Straus—was suddenly taken from her F. Areson, the president of Thomas simply this: When she married Jack Year With Deficit THE REDS last Sunday. It is with deep sorrow and profound pearing in that section of the new Germany that Chicago — The Chicago Jewish Nelson ii Sons, said that the de-OFI can appreciate, even if I refrain London, the famous writer was very reverence that Israel mourns her bereavement-of is under Hitler denomination. Charities, fr.r the first time in its crease in sales of Bibles has been from applauding, the Soviet's hostility much addicted to drunkenness. And Jews have every right to demand of Thomas history, end this year with a deficit, proportionately less than in other so she consented to marry him only this humanitarian philanthropist, advocate of lines. A similar opinion was ex-to religion, but I confess, it seems to on one condition—a strange condiMasaryk that under his direction the land of according to a statement just made noble causes. me, that even the reddest CommunAlfred K. Foreman, president of pressed by G. F. Cumberlege, head ists could have hesitated a bit from tion, you may think. It was this: In life there are many ways in which a man's Czechoslovakia be swept clear of every remnant by of the Oxford Press in this country. That London would have to get drunk the organization. When the books carrying this hostility to the point any time his wife demanded that he greatness may be judged; in death j but one./In of anti-Jewish hoodlumism that may have ling- were closed on December 31, 1980, that it was done this week. do so. And she made it her busideath, a man is great only to the extent to which ered from past regimes. a deficit of $119,376.81 was shown. [ Other Countries 1 I refer to the news bulletin of the ness to insist on his being drunk very Masaryk, in the years of his long fight for a he hjis given of himself to others, and his wealth Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the frequently. So frequently, that the Rabbi Levinger Writes consists of the beneficiences he. has bestowed on free Bohemia, appealed for assistance to all peo- HistoryOrdered to Discharge Communists this week destroyed the thing grew nauseous to London. those less fox*tunate, of his thoughtfulness for his ple who are adherents of human freedom and Cincinnati, O.—Rabbi Lee J. Lev- Non-Citizen Workers graves of two famous Chassidic rabShe had merely, as you see, refellowman and his unselfishness. In life, Nathan democracy.' Jews gave him loyal support in those inger, director of the B'nai Brith Kovno—The minister of the inte- bis, one of them being none other than versed the process and it worked. I Straus was materially great; in death his treasure years and staunchly upheld the policies which he Hillel Foundation at Ohio State Uni- rior ordered all Jewish institutions that of the Baal Shem Tov, the father am aware that this sounds very fanversity, is the author of "A History employing non-Lithuanian citizens to of the Chassidic movement. is colossal. For he leaves a record of charitable championed. tastic. Nevertheless, I would not be of the Jews in the* United States" discharge such employes, with the HE, TOO, WAS A Developments of the past few weeks in surprised if some method like this deeds which few men in all time have accomrecently published. He has dedicated warning that they will not be given REVOLUTIONIST wouldn't work far more effectively Czechoslovakia are utterly at variance with the the volume, which is designed as a labor permits. Non-Jewish instituplished. than the customary swearing of proIt seems to me that the Bolshevists Nathan Straus showed the world what a policies enunciated by the Masaryk of that day. text for high school students, to Al- tions have not as yet received such should have felt at least a psychologic cess. blessing is the power of money when directed by. Believers in the early Masaryk and in thefred M. Cohen, president of B'nai orders. kinship in the Baal Shem Tov. Dr. A recent professor in some univerNine thousand Jews who have no Melammed of the Reflex used to give sity has demonstrated the same prina benevolent mind. In the time of great economic Masaryk who later brought many reforms to anBrith. citizenship in this or any other coun- us some rather fantastically conceived ciple in a simpler field. He found distress during the latter part of the nineteenth ancient nation are still hopeful that the truths Establishes Scholarship at try will be affected fcy this order. and titled articles—you recall that of that in his typewriting he generally century when thousands of unemployed men and which he once fearlessly uttered will prevail in Hebrew U. Among the institutions ordered to women were stalMhg the streets in search of jobs that land, and that the hate manifestations that Cincinnati, 0.—The B'nai Brith discharge non-citizens are Jewish St. Paul and Leon Trotsky. Well, it made some mistakes, and that the wouldn't even take a brilliant Melam- most efficient way to correct this tenhe fed them at the price of a penny a-meal. He are invariably linked with monarchistic reaction Hillel Foundation of the University banks, and Jewish cooperatives. med to write an article, captioned dency was to deliberately practice of Illinois together with Avukah and The Jewish press is unable to in-' Lenin and the Baal Shem Tov—show- making the same mistakes. since had created a chain of depots where he dis-j be effectually and permanently disposed of in the Junior Hadassah has established terfere with the situation as strict tributed coal, bread and the necessities of life to way.—Jewish. a scholarship of $250 at the Hebrew martial censorship has been estab- ing some marked similarities in the CHASSDDIM AND two. the poor, besides "establishing lodging houses for University in Palestine. lished. Certainly, the Baal Shem Tov, like SWEET ADELINE the penniless and the homeless. And it seems to me, similarly, that Academy of Medicine Medal the Bolsheviks was a revolutionist. He Six Million Rubles for Jews It was his noble soul and heart that saved the "MESOPOTAMIA!* ORIGINS" anyone who did his drinking in the The New York Academy of MediMoscow—A program for the baild- was of course, a religious revolutionlives of an endless number of children doomed in The tremendous extension of man's knowl- cine has awarded the Academy Gold ing of homes and col'ectives in Biro- ist, but the Bolshevists, too, are re-old Chassidic way, would be far less infancy because of impure milk by securing, at a' edge of the Near Eatst, its history, and its basic Medal, offered annually to an out-Bidjan at a cost of six million rubles ligious revolutionists. They say prone to fall into intemperate ways, personal cost of over a million dollars, legislation j population, is made apparent in a new volume by i standing medical man of science, to was announced. At the same time an "away with the church and the syna- than the person who drank the with the consciousness of sin. in this country and abroad for pasteurization of: Prof. Ephraim A: Speiser of the University of ^r- ^avid Marine, cfiief of the '- 1 - order for transporting 2,000 Jew- gt>gue." The Baal Shem said "away liquor, At any rate, I never saw any Chasratory division at Montefiore Hosish mechanics from Ukrainia to with the legalism and doctrines and sidim lying in the gutter, beating every infant's food of life. He then paid for in- Pennsylvania.. This study by a notable young pital. of religion. Joy and recogstalling equipment for the free pasteurization of Jewish scholar is called "Mesopotamian Origins," Dr. Marine has been for ten years White Russia was issued today by heaviness nition of all as part of the Universal their wives or even hanging onto any milk in many cities. Hospitals and health cen- and is published by the university press.' The ex- head of bis department at Monte- the government. Being, is all that is asked of you." lamp posts, singing. ters always found a ready benefactor in Nathan ,traordinary; factss of the material presented are fiore, one of' the' ninety-one institu- Lawyers. Declare Isaacs „ 'They study the Talmud so much they PELPUL IS NATURALIZED s Straus, whiler during this last war he sacrificed a: that much b£ it-Q! the resulit\ofv tne last,decade's tions affiliated iy|£iCrthe Federation* Appointment Invalid haven't time to think of God," com-* The story Is, of course, pure fiction, good part of his fortune toward alleviating the [excavations, and that such archaeological stand- for the Support of Jewish Philan- MelboarneH-Twd" Victorian consti- rnented the Baal Shem Tov. It seems but it is interesting and relates to tutional' authorities, Sir Mitchell and to me that in a fundamental sense, something I want to say. It is about pain of war-sufferers and f bys as Hammurabi have now become comparative- I Attorney Fullager, replying to ques- the Baal Shem Tov was more of a Noah Webster, author of our first reconstruction. Nor did purely Jewish activities ly modern. tions propounded to them by many revolutionist than the Bolshevists. • lumbia University. > American dictionary. It is said that escape his golden heart, every worthy cause being Who came before the Semites ? Hurrians, Named U. S. District Attorney societies that opposed the appointupon one occasion, Webster coquetPROPHET OF THE a beneficiary of his philanthropic spirit. Elamites and related groups. Caucasian lang- Baltimore—The nomination of Si- ment oi Sir Isaac Isaacs as gover- PROLETARIAT tishly winked at the maid, and was Though Nathan Straus is with us no longer, uages can be traced to an ethnic group here named mon E. Sobeloff, Deputy City So- nor-general _of Australia, have de-' discovered in the furtive exchange of And like the Bolsheviks, too, theglances by Mrs. Webster. that the appointment is legalhis endowments on this earth are imperishable. the Japhethites. Sumerians and Semites dispos- licitor of Baltimore, as United States dared ly invalid, says a Reuthen, report. Baal Shem Tov stood for the prole"I am astonished at you," said his Both to the Jew and to the Gentile his name will sessed the original inhabitants. Many things District Attorney for Maryland, was The lawyers declare that all of the tariat. He consorted with the pub- wife. to t'ae Senate by President federal bills authorized by Sir Isaacs licans with the "am haeretz" with the remain a by-word of blessing and pride to all who came before Israel appeared on the scene of world: "You are amazed. I am astonishH er on is expected as governor-general would also be sinner, with the so-called fallen wohave come within the world-wide range of Msr History; But it is not the array of Prof. Speiser's ??T - CConfirmation ? ed," corrected the lexicographer. invalid. man. beneficient activities, and the passage of the facts farf-o that will will imnrpssstlit. impress the. mnHprr. modern Sprnitiorpn^pr! Semitic reader i"*" " w"*""* o r e n ays" I tell this story merely preliminary The Bolshevik champions the prole- to the fact that New England, where years cannot wither away the benefactions of —though these are brilliantly compiled and or-j- L e v e y Renamed Speaker Government Agricultural tariat and snaps his fingers at the was the home of Webster, is now Council philanthropy, through which he has gained dered—i SanT Francisco—Edgar d—so m u c h a s t h e implications c o n c e r n i n g ° * ™ « « ™ s « ,C.. Levey, , ! bourgeoise with their culture. again to make another great lexicoJerusalem — Announcement was eternity/ The Chassidim championed similar- graphical contribution. the , . , -T . TTO. • j , " mfrom e m b e rSan ofFrancisco, the state legislature was re-elected made of the appointment of a;Govstoryhistory is growing clearer,The and scene every is Jew can proof Israel. there; the fspeaker - ^lower Ww whis w ernment Agricultural Council f«r ly the simple minded and said, "away I refer to a recent comment on the ofFthe house for rom San as r ^ with your petty Iamdanith." It was decision of Federal Judge Clark renthird consecutive team. Mr. Levey ject himself back into distant millennia with his TRAGIC DESPAIR Palestine. The newly-formed Body is pretty much the same thing. i s a foi dering the 18th amendment invalid. ™er president of District to be comprised of two British, six An economic extermination — more drastic far forbears. The Old Testament takes on added 1 NNo. 44BB'nai i BBrith i idirector fof Arab, and five Jewish members. and a CHASSD3IM AND Discussing that decision, assistant and horrible than that which enveloped Russian reality. We are rooted even more firmly into, the the local ' Jewish Welfare Board. SCHNAPPS District Attorney Stone of Boston obJewry upon the inception of the Soviet regime and true past. Thus does research render ever more Oldest Jewess in Canada I personally never had the good for- served that it was "agglutinative and Son to overshadowing the plight of the otherVEasternj remarkable the connection of a tiny people with j Montreal—Mrs. Mirle Hyams, 105, tune to come into very abundant ac- pilpulistic." European Jewish communities—is facing the every epoch of the world's story—Brooklyn Ex- Baltimore—The Eev. Dr. Samuel said to be the oldest Jewess in Can- quaintance with Chassidim. But the1 Well, all of us have heard of "agJewry of Poland. As each succeeding cable brings aminer. (Continued on page 8) Rosenblatt, rabbi of the Beth Tfiloh ada, is dead here. little knowledge I have, predisposed "Congregation here, has been appointincreasingly-discouraging news, the post-election ed lecturer in Jewish literature at 5 to 20 Per Cent Salary Cuts promises of Polish officials and the hopeful stateJerr-salem—Cuts ranging from five j the Johns Hopkins University, comFASCISM IN ENGLAND ments of the American-Polish Committee and to 20 per cent in the salary of execmencing with the current semester. American Jewish Committee fade into the cate-1 T h e existence of a Fascist group in Great] The new lectureship has been utives on the staff of the Jewish Britain has been known/forsome*time, although,made possible through the generosi- Agency here were announced. The gory of empty, meaningless phrases. slash does not affect those whose have b been; n k kept t under d cover.; IIn aff ty t off a number b off Baitimoreans, Biti The latest project just announced by theits activities have monthly income is $50 or less. FurPolish government provides for government-sup- recent issue of Hitler's organ in Munich, the' members of Dr. Rosenblatt's own ther salary reductions are expected.. ervised co-operatives which will sell necessities of ^yoelkischerBeobachter," the close relationship' «»8»«atUm contributing materially Last week the executives an-. nounced that they would return one the' British and the German Fascists is I success. life, such as butter, milk, bread and meat, directly between the month's salary to the Agency be"Names M^daUe from producer to consumer. This plan is intended brought into relief. It is shown that the English cause^ of the latter's strained finanto abolish the middleman in trade and sounds the group i ^ its own paper, in which :tKeprin4 cial condition. final doom of the Jews of Poland, who compose to ciple of anti-semitism, forming an important plank i s n communal affairs, has been Combined With The Nebraska's Amazing ServiceSuggested the greatest extent this merchant class. But what in the German Fascist platform ,is repeatedly em- naTied United States Attorney for Simpson Giving Selections and Smartest Styles, London—A r e p c t that the. Brit-.i makes the Jewish population even more helpless phasized. It is even pointed out that the farther the Southern District of New York ish cabinet discussed Sir John Hope Enables Every Man to Jby President' Hooveri is the deliberate discrimination against Jews. north Fascism goes the more anti-semitic it beSimpson r a candidate for the High Commissionership of Pal-stine was Anti-Semites have taken advantage of the finan- comes, although the English Fascists are careful .Win Brown Orthopedic made public 'n the Jewish Chronicle. cial depression to boycott the Jews and to keep to declare that their ahti-semitism is hot;a reli- Fellowships The Chronicle adds that the majorithem unemployed. Even the college graduates, gious but from a racial' attitude. The riordic Dr. David H. Kling and Dr. Louis ty of the cabinet ministers opposed Nathan have been awarded fellowAt the Lowest Prices of the Year the professional men, have been forced to theracial superiority is one of the things that the ships of $2,400 each for 1931 by the consideration of Sir .John Hope Three Tremendous Groups, at point of starvation. The intellectual class have British League is anxious to preserve from the tha committee of the Brown Orthop- Simpson, who is the author of the even sought employment as street sweepers and contamination of Jewish ways of thought and of «dic Research Fellowship of the Bos- Palestine report upon which the snowcleaners in vain, while practically all Jews life. The "Beobachter" does not tell us the num-|pi tal f o r Joint Diseases of Manhat- White Paper was based. working for the government have'been peremp- ber of adherents the English group includes, nortan. Nephew of Heine Dead Dr. Klihg, who also won a scholartorily dismissed. : * • • . - . - . the extent of its influence. The fact that such a ship Prague -— An eccentric vagrant last year, will continue his reAn inkling of how bad conditions there are group, exists,, and that it is strong enough to main- searches on the fluids of joints. Dr. who was 'tnown to the roads as Karl Heine and was found frozen may be gleaned from the fact that;in just one tain an. organ and that it is in alliance with the Nathan is particularly interested in Hans to death in a wayside ditch at WitIncluding hundreds of newly arrived Overcoats—specially "day last week five thousand Jewish-families in more powerful German group should give concern research dealing with infantile tingau, South Bohemia, was discovpurchased. The styles Omaha's best dressed men are wearparalysis and osteomyelitis. .Warsaw alone—mostly formerly prosperous busi-:, to English Jews and their leaders. ered to be a nephew -of Heinrich ing—all newest style achievements—all newest fabrics and color effects—all strictly standard quality fabrics—all wanted Heine, the great German poet. Karl Hess men—registered with the Jewish Kehillahj The aggressiveness of the German section of Borinstein "Chamber' models from dress overcoats to great coats. resident Hans Heine "'ad spent many years for free coal. Indeed, the number of Jewish stores;• the Fascists has been manifested recently in a, of his life as a wandex r, begging J. Borinstein, .Which have-failed to reopen since the new year'vituperative attack on America and the Americans' his way as he trs~nped the roads. reaches into the thousands. The Central Relief ( in the official Hitlerite press. If the proposed, ,,__ ; has been Discharges Lithuanian

Jielp from America. They no longer have either courage or strength; chaos reigns as their ills multiply. They are going through a. transitory economic period which is crueler and more punPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ishing than the spiritual inquisitions of yore— THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY their only crime being that .they "want to work Office: 490 Brandeis Theater^Building Telephone: ATIantic 14E0 to keep themselves alive arid can't.



From Contemporary Pens

By the Way



& Great Value Treat


;Commiiktee has aided these sufferers hitherto but has :by?now exhausted its supplies and the Jews Joiow not Tvhere next to turn. These unfortunate Jewish brethren of ours have despaired of further

coalition government in Germany becomes, a fact, j named pVeTiden^ofthrinaUanapolis Jewish Employees as presentandications seem to suggest, there is Chamber of Commerce. Swedish match trust, grave danger for the Jews of Germany.—Jewish Debate Soviet Religious Policy which recently received a monopoly Exponent. ....._.. " Madison, Wis.—Whether the reiig- of the match industry of Lithu-


PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931 ning at the home of Miss Ruth Hofner.

Hadassah Cultural Group The Hadassah Cultural Group, a. new branch of Hadassah organized by Mrs. Max Fromkin, announces that meetings will be held the first Monday of each month, at the Conant hotel, and will be preceded by luncheon. Mr. Bernard Szold, well known artist and dramatic director, will be the ;first guest speaker. Those who desire to belong to this new group, please communicate with Mrs. Max Fromkin.

attend. Renrcmber the meeting date, Sergeant-at-Arms. It i s the aim of Tuesday, January 20. this organization to promote Oratory, Debate and Public Speaking on Center Orchestra •"* ' subjects of a Jewish nature. A number of intercity debates are The Center Orchestra will soon be being planned by the organization. on the air over W. 0. W., according to Mr. Frank Mach, director. Among the members of the organizaPlans are being formulated to give tion are former high school and unia weekly concert ovar the popular versity debaters. The organization is Woodmen of the World station. The seeking new members and all those Orchestra will also give a concert interested are requested to give their names to the secretary. in the future. This group has now some 30 members, but Mr. Mach would like to have more in his orchestra.

E. K. T. * * *. J The E. K. T. dub has elected the following new officers: Charles Mdgil, president; Rose Kelberg, vicepresident and reporter; Sarah Simon, secretary and treasurer. The executive committee includes: Mac Stein, Ethel Bloom, Sarah Simon and Mrs. I. Weiner, the sponsor. The E. K. T. are planning their first annual affair, to take place in \ the early spring. The next meeting Please Note: All items for EXTENSIVELY ENTERTAINED Daughters of Zion will be held Friday at the home of Friday's issue most be in the The Daughters of Zion will hold a Mrs. J. W. Lax of Chicago and her >/thel Bloom. Senior Council Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. special meeting for election of officers young daughter, Helene, who have A regular semi-monthly business Wednesday. Phone notices to at the J. C. C, Wednesday, January been visiting here with Mrs. Lax's ATlantic 1450 or mail them to 21st, at 2:30. Important matters will meeting of the Senior Council of the brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and 490 Bi.ndeis Theater Bidg. be discussed and a prominent speaker Jewish Community Center was held Mrs. D. Binstein and other relatives, will address the meeting. Every Thursday evening, Jan. 8th. left for home Tuesday evening. Mrs. The date of the "Eoadshow SpecialWED NEW YEARS member is urged to attend. Lax was formerly Miss Betty Rothty Night" has been changed from Mr. and Mrs. A. Katz of Chicago, kop of Omaha. February to the latter part of March. HI., announce the marriage of their During her stay here she was ex- Legislative and Civic Groups Daughters of Israel A definite date will be announced daughter, Jane, to Mr. A. Shapiro tensively entertained. Among those of Council The regular meeting of the Daugh- later. of Omaha, son of Mrs. R. Shapiro, who entertained for her are included The Legislative and Civic groups ters of Israel Aid Society will be A novelty dance will be held by the on N e v Year's day. The couple will Mrs. Irvin Levin, Miss Rose Rothcap, of the Council of Jewish Women held on Tuesday, January 20, at Council on February 1st, at the Jewreside in Chicago. Mrs. M. H. Pessem, Mrs. Morris will meet jointly on Wednesday, Jan. the Old Peoples' Home, 2504 Charles ish Community Center auditorium. Mrs. E. Shapiro and daughters, Cohn, Mrs. Maurice Franklin, Mrs. 21, at the home of Mrs. B. Glazer, SL, at 2 p. m. Election of officers A committee consisting of Elmer Rose and Ethelyn, attended the -wed- Abner Marcus und Mrs. Henry Ma- 225 No. 4'Jtli, Apt. No. 3. will feature the,, meeting. Shamberg, chairman, Miss Dora ding in Chicago. ""he Legislative group will disdoss of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Dave Freshman, and Miss Blanche Soskin, cuss "The Lame Duck Amendment" Crounse ai'd Mrs. Dave Cohn. has been chosen to outline a debate Junior Hadassah CELEBRATE SILVER and the Civic group "the Improvetournament in which all senior clubs WEDDIN1 ANNIVERSARY A most interesting meeting of ment of the Missouri River"; also AT BRIDGE of the J. C. C. will compete. Junior Hadassah was held Thursday, the Study of the Jury System and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yaffe celeMiss Anne Jonisch entertained at brated their silver •wedding anniver- five tables of bridge Sunday at her the reason for the present interest January 8th, when plans for an elaCenter Forensic Society sary last Thursday evening, January home in honor of Miss Anne Gold- of Nebraska Women in the subject. borate banquet were discussed by the The newly organized Forensic club girls to be held at the Paxton hotel, 8, in the vestry rooms and audito- berg, a bride-to-be. The two groups will meet at I under the sponsorship of Sam Zachrium of Temple Israel. o'clock and the meeting will be fol- January 27th. The affair will be in- eria announces the election of the formal. More than three Hundred guests TO PLAY AT LINCOLN lowed by a tea. One of the features of the dinner foltowing officersq Sal Michrpck, attended. The stat& and pulpit were Misses Ina Jacobson, violinist, and will be the presentation of pin awards President; Dora Freshman, Vice beautifully decorated wits palms and Conservative Auxiliary President; Sarah Jacobson, SecreSara Jacobson, trumpetist, will leave to those girls who won them. thj auditorium -was decorated -with next Wednesday for Lincoln where At the regular meeting of the These pins will be distributed to the tary-Treasure, and Elmer Shamberg, silver. they will play for the Theatrical Vomen's Auxiliary of the Conserva- girls by Mrs. Max Fromkin, sponsor The ceremony was performed by Managers' Convention and banquet. tive Synagogue held Wednesday, of the club and are a token of the Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Two musical They are members of an all-girl January 14, at the J. C. C, Mrs. N. good work which these girls accomnumbers, "The Wedding Morning" Peltzman of Kansas Citr-, Missouri, plished in connection with making the orchestra. and "To Sylvia," were rendered by addressed the organization on Jew- annual Hadassah Thanksgiving dance the Temple Israel quartette, which ish Women's Zionist Work. LEAVES such an exceptional success. FOR YOUR was assisted by Vemon Bennett, orA stirring talk on "Palestine as a Mr.' Daniel Greenhouse has left The next regular meeting of Junior ganist. The Omaha Hazomir Choral Unifying Force in Jewish Life" was Hadassah will be held Tuesday, Jan. club, of which Mr. Yaffee is found- fo: Sioux City where he will man- made by Philip Klutznick. 20, instead r.f yesterday on account er and leader, gave two selections. age a Publix theatre. of the fact that Mr. Julius Klein This club presented him with a beauspoke. tiful silver loving cup, N. S. Yaffe VISITOR Hadassah Linen Shower Please attend this meeting as it is Mrs. B. Firsht of Detroit, Mich., giving the toast and presenting the The Hadassah Annual Linen is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shower, of which Mrs. J. J. "Freid- "very important that you make your cup. 16th and Howard After the ceremony and program, L. Ackerman. man is chairman, will be held on -reservation for the banquet. Only Angela Lupo and his orchestra furWednesday, January 28, at the Jew- paid-up ms.mbers will be eligible to RETURNS HOME ish Community Center. A most nished the music for the dance which Mrs. A. Mazie of Sioux City spent elaborate program is being arranged. followed. Exclusively for Women—Quiet, and Restful a few days in Omaha -visiting with All Hadassah members and friends relatives. are urged to attend. There is a cryWED IN CHICAGO ing need for linens of all kinds and Mr. and Mrs. A . J. Jacobsen of AT THE wa want you to help make this the Omaha .announce the marriage of PHI BETA SIGMA their daughter, Ida, of Chicago, to The Phi Beta Sigma Sorority held biggest and best linen shower ever Mr. Al Wolf of Chicago, which took their regular meeting Monday eve- given by the local chapter. . _ 25th and Dtwglas Streets—JAckson 3926 place -in Chicago ;oh Sunday,. Jan. 4.; Mrs. Jacobsen, another o f U i e bride, who attended the wedding, is stiQ in Charge visiting there.

Psi Mu


A n interesting meeting was held by this organization last Monday a t the Center. Dave Greenberg, cov chairman of the dance committee, re* ported very favorably on the first dance. Tentative plans were made to secure a basketball game with Sioux City to be played at the Center next Sunday. Earl Seigal, Sen(Continued on Page 7.)

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Organization News jl


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Wednesday and Thursday Specials Semi-Flat „._ 6c Wet-Wash „_ 4c


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Reduced to

Swedish Massage—-Health Builders—Solar Light Treatments Vapor Room—Dry Room—Electric and Steam Cabinets

46 Coats Long L/ista&ce started with a two mile talk.. •

ENTERTAIN AT LUNCHEON The Hadassah board members entertained at a luncheon Wednesday at the Blackstone, honoring Mrs. N. Peltzman of Kansas City, who is visiting Omaha in the interest of Hadassah. Tn the afternoon Mrs. Peltzman was the guest of the Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue at their meeting and addressed them on the subject of "Hadassah." ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rimmerman announce the birth of a .daughter, Rhoda, at the Covenant hospital, December 29.

38 Coafe

The Battle Creek of Omaha

BAR MITZVAH Mr. arid-Mrs.'--S. Baplan will celebrate the Bar Mitzvah oftheir son, Howard, Saturday morning at the Beth Hamedrosh \Hagodol synagogue, 1,9th and Burt streets.


W t

X brilllanf porch light welcomes the friend and warns the intruder. To the friend it shows that the hostess if ihoughtfd. The guest feels ins company really is desired. To the intruder it is the sign o f wanting. It notifies him that the piercing eye of light is ready to expose him. Because of the extremely low electric service rate, the cost is insignrficarit. To burn your porch light for six hours costs less than a penny. y can now buy; electricity as low as V/2G a kilowatt hour.

Nebraska Power Co. Courtesy - Service - Low Rates

3& Coats Reduced to


Wmnis cmt oceans


Reduced to

22 Fur Coats* Reduced to


N the night of October 9, 1876, two excited young men talked to each other over a distance of twoTniles. One -was Alexander Graham Bell, in* ventor of die telephone; the other was Thomas A. Watson, his co•worier. Their conversation over a telegraph wire between Cenv faridgeport and Boston was the beginning of long distance telephony. Tonr years later Boston .talked -with Providence 45 miles away and in 1881 widTNewTfork over wires-235 miles long. GraduallyMB telephone instruments were improved, better lines hailt and new inventions applied to telephoning, "Long Distance" extended its reach . ; • 'westward to Chicago . . . to Omaha . . . to Dearer . . . o n to Saa Francisco in 1915. Now it spans oceans to Europe and South America.

10 FurCoats Reduced to

18 FnrCoate


Reduced to Second Flooz

cAkxamkr Graham BettJmaa Thomas Watson -tmnmkrttmui-

"When telephone service first -was introduced in the states where this Company* operates, a ter~» phone user could' talk to a few score or few hundred persons jn the 6amc community, .flow every town and city can be joined •with the nation-wide network of Jonc distance lifi^s. Extension of telephone service —constantly increasing the number of telephones you can r e a c h is one way in which this Company is able to make your service more -valuable.

O n Policy: The telephone service the beat mt the least cost to the public.


The Northwestern BeB Telephone Campmrr, which operates In tie state* of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, it an Associated Company of the Bell Symtem. It owns and operatea more t h u 650,00» telephone*. l u line* connect with more than 900,000 telephone! of other eampsniei is these fire atstes and vital nearly 30,000,000 otfaen throughout t i e linh-d State* and in foreign countries, i t e»plcj» m n t a u 12,000 jaca and women. .


Japan Tea LQreen}


brangePekoeica [BlacKl

Good Products

(All are Delicious


NEWS IN PICTURES At Michigan State Capital

The new Govornor and Mrs. Wilbur M. Drucker, of Michigan, appear to be greatly enjoying their dance together at the brilliant inaugural ball at Lansing. Governor Drucker succeeds former Governor Fred M. Green.


He was 36 years old last June, and has been Attorney General since 1928. He was admitted to the Michigan States bar in 1919 and began practicing in Sagi> naw, Michigan, his birthplace. •

Uncle Sam's Olympic Team Candidates1

Here are five of America's outstanding speed skaters as they appeared after qualifying in the first tryouts for the United States Olympic Skating Team,

at Bear Mountain, N. Y. They are, left to right: Irving Jaffee, Allan Potts, Walter Rutter, Carl Springer and Herb Taylor. During the first tryouts, the


Thrill Fans at Garden Tourney

skaters raced under the European system of two men racing as pairs in each heat instead of the American style of one man for each heat.

Senators Confirm Four for Tariff Board


These two lightweights, Alfredo Delind and Michael Galchus, started their affair off by slap. ping each other down in the I first-round, at Madison Square

Garden, New York. They both got up, exchanged a few blows until Galchus went down for the count, and was carried from the ring.

At the End of the Trail

il i While the Senate confirmed the Henry P. Fletcher,5 of Pennsylnomination of four of the six vania, chairman; Thomas Walkmembers of the new Tariff Com-. er Page, of Virginia, vice-cbairmission, vigorous opposition was" iman; John Lee Coulter, of North expressed to the appointment of Dakota, and Alfred P. Dennis, Edgar Brossard, of Utah. The of Maryland. Above picture nomination of Lincoln Dixon.' of shows'L. W. Moorei notary and Indiana, wasrnot reached. The ~disbursing, off.cer, administering commissioners confirmed' were the oath -10 members of the com-

mission at the time the commission was formed to handle the Hawley-Smoot Act. Left to right, the commissioners are: Dr. John Lee Coulter, Alfred K Dennis, Henry P. Fletcher, Edgar Erossard and Thomas Walker Page. •

Traiiinien Escape Death in Jersey Wreck

Frank H. Warder (arrow), former New York State Superintendent of Banks, being escorted by ^ detectives through the ironbarred entrance to Sing Sing prison, where he was sentenced

HANS WAGNER, left, as, the great Pittsburgh Pirate batsman HANS WAGNER, right, as he and infielder of two decades ago: looks today; well along in middle This photo-was taken 'way back age but-still keen for the game. in 1912. NEXT—-Battling NeUon, "

to serve "from five to ten years : for accepting a bribe. (Inset) '.The former official -as-he looked when he started on the trip that ended in Sing Sing.

-Denies Knowledge of Salesman's Dearth

First. Head of New Air Unit of Women Fivers

Detective James Ennis, of New York City, - is pictured showing Mary Hennson a gun found in the apartment where Gilbert A. King, a salesman, was shot. Witnesses aaid they were together at the time of the shooting. She said she didn't remember any shooting at all.

Mrs. Opal Logan Kunz, one of tn«' best known of America's avia-, trices, has been chosen as the first: commander of the Betsy Ross Corps, a group of women pilots! who have banded together "to • serve their country in national. emergencies of peace or war." Mrs. Kunz explained that the body, was formed to serve "as a sort my auxiliary aerial motor corps." • 1

On Main Street—Berlin

Emergency wrecking crews with ; giant cranes clearing away the twisted wreckage of the coal cars which jumped the track near

Ridgewood Junction, N. J., bury- trains were held up several hours _ing the rails under hundreds of while the tracks were being tons of coal. Erie passenger • :er I cleared.


G; O.P. Gommitteewomen Meet in New York

Sinclair Lewis, author of "Main "Street," "Babbitt," and other -literary indictments of the curSirent American scene, with Mrs. ; TIWIB as they appeared in the

fua Unte/Den^nden, Berwhere they are Yisitme fol-

lowing the award of the 1930 Nobel Prize in literature to Mr.. Lewis. The picture was made shortly before Mrs. Lewis was taken to a hospital to be operated upon for diit

Six of the Republican National Committee women who were present at the huge tenth annual luncheon of the Women's National Republican Club at New York City. More than 1000

women from all parts of the United States were present. Left to right: Mrs. Wilma S. Le Van, of Ohio; Mrs. Margaret M. Tucker, of Vermont:-Mrs. Howard Parker, of New Hampshire;

Mrs. Arthur L. Livermore, President of the Women's National Republican Club; Mrs. Worthington Scranton, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. W. Reginald Baker, of New Jersey.


Organization News


(Continued from Page 5.)

Abe Herzberg, jr., "attended the spring style review at Hotel Astor in

lor Council representativej reported on-the various new activities to be taken up by that organization. Tentative plans were made "for the ^.securing of pin for the organization. Election of officers will be held the last,meeting of this'month.

Cduncil Bluffs News By F. R. K. (Continued from Page 1.) spect and to enlarge upon this "subject, the words of Moses came to my mind: "Mi Anochi". Who am I, to take the: privilege to criticize the leaders, and probably do indirect injury to certain Philanthropic Institutions? So ; l changed myjnind. It does not require a wise man to do that. Permit me, at the outset, to take this opportunity to express any gratitude and appreciation to our local leaders for their sincere co-operation and counsel.that they have rendered to me all these years. Without their support and.advice, I could not .have carried on and have done my communal work as effectively as I have been able to do. They have been a great inspiration to me all these years. A community is like an individual human being, having certain organs

vDegel Yehudah . We wonder if our-readers know that every Monday evening a group c* young- boys .from the" ages -of 14 to 18 meet at the Center for the purpose OJ." continuing their studies in Jewish Histories arid tEe Talmud? This group is under the sponsorship of Philip Handler. Every Monday evening this group has an outside speaker whose'subject pertains to the Talmud.' The members have round table * discussions and debates on st&j£i£s! pf &j-r terest to the Jewish youth,I*.**

Large Crowd Attends Opening of chairman. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and New Synagbge in Council Bluffs his choir of fourteen boys of Omaha entertained the audience with apDedicatory services for the new propriate sonjs. Several other short Oievra .B'nai Yi&pel Synagogue, ta!ks were alro given. All electric 618 Mynster Street, were held Sun- light switches in the building were day afternoon. when approximately sold bringing about .$600, giving the •me thousand persons were present. members purchasing these the honor The building was 'opened by Mr. of being the first to turn on the B-»rney Gilincky, iyho was presented with tke key by*•'"•las; grand children^ lights. Three hundred dollars more they having purchased it for three -was- added ipr the building fund when jnembers paid for the privilege of hundred dollars* "' •._• "j;•:•;• carrying in the scrolls. for the first Principal ^pifeafcers were\ Rabbi H. time. .. " : , . : , • ' Grodzinsky and 'Rabbi David A. The new beautiful synagogue is a Goldstein of Omaha; and Messrs. O. credit to the community.'. RefreshBochman and .-I..f ilorgeasteni of Co. ments were served following the proBluffs. Mr. M. Hoffman presided as gram which lasted five hours. The Malashock Jewelry, and, the Wardrobes . staged a very ; spirited match with t h e ; W.ardrobes winning a pair. Aaron W^eitx who wag high for the evening "with 560 and. Morns Bloom were in a igreat measure responsible for the'wetory. . . Mickey l£rupp,| Ben Yousem and Marvin Treller aUso shot excellent scores.

Mr. H. E. Nathanson of Esthervflle,; la., was appointed treasurer of the. Epthqrville school board last week-to take'itheijplace made varant by • • !the; ? resignation of Herman

of the A. Z. A. held an election of officers last Wednesday evening at •*.; e home of Henry Mendelson. Jos Solomonow was elected Aleph Godol to succeed Sal Michnick. Other officer; -chosen were: Milton Yudelson, Aleph S'gan; Henry Mendelson, Aleph Mazkir; Don Richards, Aleph Gizbor; Yale Meyerson, Aleph Shotars Godol; Collraan Yudelson, Aleph Shotare Godol. The advisory board wiil consist of Dr. I. Sternhill, Louis H. Katelman, Ben Kubby, Ben S-ldin, Harry Cherniss, and Harry Kubby. Sal Michnick was chosen as the local delegate for the National Convention to be held in Milwaukee next summer, and Joe Solomonow was chosen as alternate. Plans were also made to send representatives from the local chapter of the District Tournament of the A. Z. A. which will be held at Lincoln, Nebr., on February 6, 7 and 8. Installation of officers will be held next Wednesday, January 21.

ell Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the, Independent Order of the B'nai Brith, plans vere made for the Open Meeting and Installation of new officers -vvhiih will be hold Sunday, February 1, at the Eagl°s Hall. Mr. Harry Lasskowitz of Fargo, North Dakota, who -s the first vice president of the District Grand Lodge No. 6, will be the principal speaker and honored guest.. :

The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Senior Hadajsah held a very interesting and entertaining meeting at the ^Chieftain Hotel Tuesday afternoon when more than fifty members attended. Mrs. Nathan Pelzman of Kansas City, Mo., was the principal speaker and honored guest. A h-3cheon was given in her honor preceding the regular meeting when twenty-seven ladies attended. Plans were made for a linen shower which will be held on Tuesday afternoon, February 3, at the Fox-Strand Theatre Ballroom. Further announceThe Ladies Aid Society will hold ment will be made in a later issue a regular meeting, aiext Tuesday af- of the Press. ternoon, January 20, at Ihe home of Mrs. Ben Kooler and sons, Douglas Mrs. M. Bernstein, Zlt) Park Ave. and Harry, left Friday for Tuscom, The Sewin- Circle of the Senior Arizona, «id Los Angeles, Calif., to Hadassah will meet next Thursday be gone for the remainder of the afternoon, January 22, at the home winter. of Mrs. Sam Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt Avenue.

to perform the work for the entire Abe. Herzberg, jr. F a Hon /{\*r j j . ; i f body. The Bible designates the leadl i Q l e r . ' :•> '' T At a meeting of this .group .held New York City last Monday. ers of a community according to their last Wednesday, Jan. 7, election of He has talegraphed his store here The Conncil Bluffs Talmud Torah officers was the order of the day. that he obtained many of the out- abilities and the work they perform Sunday School wBl commence Sunfor the community. Those leaders After a very spirited election the i standing style pieces for the Herzday School next Sunday morning, following officers were chosen: Dor-; berg style review to. be given at the who are doing the thinking for the January 18, in the new synagogue, community are called: "Roshi Haothy Burroughs, President; "Minnie; Auto-Aero show at the Coliseum Jan618 Mynster Street. All children Aidah", "The heads of the communThe PHI Brothers "Company BowlFLOWERS Zweiback,/ Secretary; Rose T.indenf: uary 19 to 24. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks announce ity"; those who have vision and can ing Five of Sioux/City, Iowa, will should be there promptly at ten baum, Treasurer, and Eose Stein, the birth of a son, barn Friday; }f£ :WOttl.U-" The New York review was spanReporter. The sorority plans show; sored by the Garment Manufacturers visualize the needs of the community meet the Kaimiqi Insuranre in a o'clock for registration, Mr. 1. January 9, at the Omaha Maternity FKEDR,SHAW are called: "Ami Ha-aidah", "The special match game on Sunday, Jan- Morgenstern, principal, announced. a very active program for the girls. of America. Hospital. eyes of the community"; those who uary 18th, at 3:00 p. m. at the FranRrondwuy Phone; «1 : To start the season the girls held axe doing the active practical work cisco Bowling JLifleys. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. T At a regular meeting of the Countheir first meet'ng under their new are called: "Yadi Ha-aidah", "The officers ^Monday, January 12.~ An inhands of the community". teresting and varied program was in store for the members. Anne TVeiner Strong Leadership entertained the members with an Our Jewish community is fortunate (Continued from Page 1.) imitation of Helen Kano and Minto have leaders who possess all of nie Zweiback did her bit by renderthese qualifications; T hava just mento do its good work at all times. ing a piano eolo. tioned. I hope that they will continue At present we have outstanding to render: their valuable services to $24,860. During 1930 we have made the community and not be discouraged Jecomter Camp Fire Girls loans totalling $23,375 to ninety apThe girls had a meeting at the plicants. At present there are 227 by any unjust criticism, which, according to the Bible, would be called: Center last Monday. The Sponsor of loans outstanding. "Ragli Ha-ainah", "The feet of ths this Group is Mrs. Philip Klutznick. During our entire period of opera- community." They are the chronic The meeting .pened with the red- j t j o n w e have given 1300 loans. Very kickers of . the community, who do tation of the Camp Fire Lavs. The fe^cf these represent losses. Now and nothing but kick, and i t may be rightCouncil "Fire is to be held next week, [then we Sn-i not only the borrower fully said of them: "They neither and the girls have been rehearsing but also the signer unable to pay. In know to spin, nor care to toiL™ *or this event. such cases the committee has been as History tells us that even our great lenient as possible. and-teacher, Moses,—and all Hatiafii Now ths loan is being eared for by oleadsr f a committee of five. We are at all ^ know;,what sacrifices he underThe initiation of the Haiiath club ._ w e n tt ff o r *? sa e* o ff *»» people^till [ will be held this Sunday at 3 p.m. times endeavoring to do our best to j P?i ^ *"? he was accused -of taking too much r.t the J. C.'.C The initiation com- aid. in its constructive woTk. mittee consists of Ethel Adler • and Incidentally, there was quite a com- upon himself, and." getting rict ihrough public - affairs. Bernard White: Among the motion about a year ago concerning his connections p cult tasks'in store for flier our attempt to charge a small sum to j entailed. _ ^ a$£iaTpfc ferent^ .applicants ihere wereIh'dsprpte busiresS dislriet^ ' at all. We- took in all-ltotd forlhoB he saw his people worshipping Hie colored socks. . ' ~'"---"•. i ••'"?• -service charge $375 during the year, golden calf." So, you see ..that even Sol Dorenson was elected parliawhile the actual cost of defraying ex- ' the work of greater men than we,i mentarian "and Irving Yaffe was apwas not appreciated by the chronic; penses amounted to $328. pointed assistant sergeant^at-anns. kicker. Let us not be discouraged by After tOe"program was presented, the fault-finder, but let us resolve toA. Z. A. 1 and the American Busirefreshments were served. night to continue our work for the ness College starting at 7:30. welfare of our psople and the betterGame card Dance ment of our community. Three fast and furious games were The A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 will dished out to the fans of the ComI assure you of my appreciation for N that cold, zero weather—when everysponsor a basket ball game with the mercial league last Thursday eve- the many years of confidence that you Des Moines A. Z. A. at "the Center a ning. The opener found the strong have reposed in me, and for the enthing is .frozen tight—and your greatweek from "Sunday. The game will A. Z. A. 100 five pitted against couragement and good will expressed est worry is whether ^your car will be followed by a dance. j the veteran Thorpeian quintet How- by many of you for my meagre ef- J start easily—fUl it with FREZPRUF WINt ever, the kids -were too r:ush for forts to be of some service to this community. TER OIL. You can depend on FREZthe veterans and -rrith Mann, Sadof| sky and Bagdonoff playing basketon the coldest day. ball as it should be played found themselves on 'le short end of a 38 Busines&Men's |} FREZPRUF is the modern, radically difBy Henry Magzamin to 18 score. Bnwihzg League y ferent motor -oil. It flows in zero weather The Center Varsity five added anIn the second game the A. Z. A. other victory to their all ready long 100 were pushed to the limit in . . . even at 30 below. Our laboratory L. Ave. string by taking the Union Pacific downing the Swifts. The scare was Empire Cleaners .643 15 tests are your proof. -.TV, Athletic CluJ into camp. The Cen- 22 to 19. Mose Franklin was the Malashock Jewelry .571 18 ter was never in danger and after shining light for the winners and Wardrobe **i .571 \ 18 Buy a fill of this new oil. It costs no naore the half .stepped rirht out '•> win Uhlir was the mainstay for the Ben's Jewelry 22 -.476 j by a 27 ,to 11 score. , Coach Segal losers. 26 Yousem Tire .381 ; -Aari ordinary oil and yet you receive inhas another fin team this year and 27 .357! In the last jame of the evening Kaiman Insurance suraiice against winter driving hazards. with a few more -games under their the weak JFsi Mu five gave the The Empire Cleaners -won the en- [ Frexjpruf . . . a n oil belts should prove as good as the Sterlings a very bad scare. This tire seriei from the "TCtnjnrm Insur-! &uA will withstand mil £amous'.-; team coached by Marcus game was one of those nip and tuck ance while the Yousem Tires wont Kraane, that won 25 games - s*. aight. affairs with the outcome always in two .games from the Ben's Jewelry j winter driving abuse. GUARANTEE five. > doubt. It is a Paraffin base Frcxpruf Motor Oils tare guaranteed to comply The Center will again have the «L vobth the MpeczfieatioTU as adopted by tike Society Mid-Western A. A. U. handball tourWatch for the Shield of Automobile Engineer* out a satisfactory h&rinument, according to "Manny" SegaL sign. That's where yo« cant for automotive equipment and carries their Physical Director at the Center. The Buy the best winter oil. identification numbers. tournament will open February 23; entries will close t <. the 19th. Many U. S. OIL WORKS outside stars are expected to enter. ''r


took Alike to







The Center will also stage the A. A. U. basketball championship for 193L T"ie dates for this event lias been set for March 3, 4 and 5' Any amateur quintets of Nebraska, Iowa South Dakota and North Dakota -»jay enter.

A Safe Deposit

with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty

Coach Segal's girls sextet were defeated " by the strong Omaha Unir versity • team in an exciting game played at the Knights of Columbus Gym. The score w n Omaha Univejrsity 26, J. 1. C. 16. This defeat leaves the girls tied for fifth place. Coach Segal predicts, however, that the girls ivill be ai ong the. leaders before the season is over.

The Jewish All-Stars of Sioux City will play the Center Varsity team at '.he Center this Saturday evening at 8:30. The' \11-Stars are one of the leading teams of Sioux City a" i the Center five should be tin for a. toi$rh'; evening.." A; prelimi[ nary game will be played by the


means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—rand can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.-


20th at Harney 17th at Cas* - 24th at Q St. 24th at Fowler Ave.

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OD C*...4 ; JL U X t r a e r Aste Repair tOX» S. S4tk St. - C r a t e - T l * e C m » w y . . . . . . . . « J » S. S4tfc St. Jw«WMnte . . . . . . 2 3 0 1 Madlssa St. Vwrt C?»«k G t n t e - . For* CrooJs. Heb. XtmWm Gmrase 23th o i Q.JUfc ITtartaa Garage... . . . . ...17Ui a*d Tlatan Stau

...41«7 8. MO K, . .3«tk aa« take 8t».

T. * K.€)ai«re...., eotfc aaCXSta. JTas. Vaeaatl... 10th *mtt n«ree *t*. D o c u ' g OU Station S7tk and Bart St«Walter ^ a d e r s o B . . . . . . . ,3H mm* H u w r Stt. Cherry GarBem Carag-e.STth »»JI*«-»ei worth Service Caraxe . U t k aa* Xeareawort Sts. Brutcm Service, lac..........1W11 Domelm St. K o t w -Saedalty Co. S02O CavbiE St. Capitol Garage. ....202 X. lfttb St.

XeUe-Caracre , 1114 O^ce St. Ckudtn Gawe... .2SH S. sot* St. f • ! Service Station... .224 and Bart Sts. Motor Cfe 4»11 S. S4tli St.

17that Jacfcsom 25th*tCnmkx 24& at Charlies 40di«t Cuming

Weat I n n Garasc.... .SStik « » * -Cmter Sta. Onwka Garaa* 24th aad Benard. Sta. IikeJhinMa... ..4SO1 S. 16th St. VHttarr Service Stattaa.HlUtary mmUfhakntr Daadee Gantse 5Hth and Dadse Sta. Service Garage. J 4 a awl Miami Sta. fen 11th and Hlekor> St«. Haaaeoia Pk. Garaare. Para> Ave. A Woolworth Belt U s e Servlee Stirtlott. .3Oth mm* Bord Sta. Center Street Gnrnee.......89th at Ceater St. Ideal Garage.. . . . . , . . £ 0 2 6 Famaai 6*.

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INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. 1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha





KfiB. •,s


'+'' ->-> ^';~r^.*£;*^^^

v r




Daughterhood, Auxiliary to Hold Joint Meeting

Annual Report of Activities (Continued from Page 2.) eration with its affiliated institutions and agencies. '. 4. Discovering and enrolling hundreds of new prospects -who should be Philanthropies 'and Center feub-

33 soon as we understand the problem as it exists, we shall See to i t that every Jewish child shall have an opportunity to get some kind of Jewish education."

CONCLUSION I want to thank those who have guided my steps throughout the year. Theirs is the credit for all the achievements: Dr. Phjijip Sher, President of the Jewish Welfare Federation; Wm. L. Holzman, President of the Jewish Community^ -Center; Sam Beber, President of the" Philanthropies—also the Boards v and Chairmen of ; the various committees of the three organizations. In the'beginning of thi3 report I stated that social work with the aid of religious activity and a cultural program, all operating on a harmonious basis, will raise our Jewish communal activities to as higlv a: furictionirtg plane as possible. Our work is both eld and young. We belkve it is representative. We hope as time goes on, it will reflect even to a greater ertsnt, than it does now, the interests and needs of our community. • W e are proud of our Jewish community. Ws feel that we are in the vanguard of social pifogress. We have f.13 leaders. We have the workers. We dare n<jt ,tire now. We must continu2 acd retain the that Omaha r.as made for itsslf during its history. Every man is made by hlo own individual courage and aring. A community is made, its difficulties overcome, by the aver•j.g2 courage and persistance of its leadars.' A better year is opening before us. Let cs go on Luilding and pionesrinjr blazing the way for others to follow.

scribers. ',-.:;; :.,"': ~\': '.•• ~ ..-.- ' DEADLINE! ! The value of such aft "organization All news for the Sioux City page was; clearly demonstrated in the last of the Press must reach thei S. Ci The teams upon which the correspondent by Tuesday evening,: The Daughterhood and Womsn's Members of the Maccabee Club will in t'ae to appear in the following. Friday's Auxiliary^ cjf the/ Shaare Zion.Congre-, hold their second annual Parent's were the edition. Call 86619, the Jewish gation \yi\\ hold a joint xneeting, Mon- most successful. 7 Banquet on Sunday evening, Jan. 18, . . ,-.•• Community Center after -1 p. m., day evening, January 19th at the soat the Jewish Community Center. : or 88453 after 6 p. m. : • The Service?Group;.idea has been cial Tiall 61; the Synagogue. A. play j Sidney Baumstein will act as toastcarried out in New •will ba presentedby several members master. Guests of honor at the din-, Boston, Pittsburgh, and of the J. C. C Masque and Wig Playner will inciude Rabbi H. R. Rabino- j of th£ T The Play eiititled The G r i l l f , ^ witz, Mr. Frank Margolin, advisor of J ers: The^ entitled "The Grill *l ^ ff^nbers We the the gToup, and Mr. A. M. Davis, be presented by several members ^emce ^GroujT sho^d • compose -Jewish and-proJewish president of the Federation of JewTesler,'Lou Slotsky, Charlotte Salkm °° uru r }^nS busmess and-pro sn. fessional ish Social Service. | arid Mi'tori Fishgold. . • Thls and Mrs. Max B. Herzoff, 2310 .. machinery to function for Specialty numbers will be presented _Mr. • The mothers thers ot of the members, members of the tfie C urt o ^ will: lie guests of honor twelve'months a yea*instead of the by Jack Merlin, Tillie Shindler and} and} ° f f V^WJW?-. 1 1 ^ usual short period of the campaign. at ^thilnieeting: ^musical program Sam Berman. Talks in behalf of the\™f of their son, Ben, t» could The will ba prWated e f e. a t u..r e . of the willfca presaited. ddefeature _. the — , parents and the members will be given £»*» •K r o l f ' > u ^ r ° the u n e s by Rudolph Shindler, Max meeting wll- be- the iinstallation of . , ,. .,, ., ... ... , J m s to b •Sam Sadoff, M. H. Bergen, Mrs. Anna ofuUrs fpr the lldies Auxiliary; R * > : « « a l ^ t h * r than busi3 Herzoff, Mr. A. M. Davis and Miss, June. freshmentswill "conclude the meatinjj. n e s s \ Rose Lipman. . , , . , , , - ., • . „« i At a-pretty'ceremony in the Jewish JEWIS? EDUCATION A detailed report of the years ac-1 -• •, ". .,' . .•-• • _ . In the beginning of! this report J: G.CJMEWa tivitifiswill be presented and plans' Comnumity^Cen ter la^t Sunday eveI stated that ths underlying purcoming year will be discussed f W min ear mng,ofM^.Lualle Rubenste.n.daugh, ter Mr/'- and Mrs. E.v Rubenstein, At a recent election Harry Zifkin pose of bur'work is to raise Jewish i jdlub members with their par- became the bride of: Morris E. Kapr was Superior, Dave Kaplan, life to as high a functioning,: plane ents. Mr. Frank Margolin, advisor Ian, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.:W. Kap- Vice electeJ Suparior; Dave Wigodsky, as possible. It; .is ^aiteobvioas that of the group will speak. lan; The ceremony at which Rabbi Scribe;, Jay. Riaff. I'.xchequor, itnd unless we impart to our children a | knowledge of the origin of pur peoH. R. Rabinowitz officiated was fol- Morris Marsh, Marshall. their religion, literature, IanNew gym.suits for the members.of Aleph Zadik Aleph lowed by a reception and dance. Out of town gussts included Mr. arid Mrs. th? Hawkaye club have arrived and g«age and history;—that-our underElect New Officers IL. Cohen of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. will be initiated at a basksiball gams lying .purpose rwHJ? coriipletely fail, i The struggle with Jewish education Abe Bescheri was elected Aleph L. Wolfson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam^ Wolf- next week. _^ ' as* we see it is . rfof due* so much to Godol at-a recent meeting of the A. 'son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfson and Mrs. Robert Schulyer spoke to the'the disfavor with which the teachZ..A. chapter. This off ice is as that, Mr. A. Epstein of Omaha, and Mr. of president. Others who were elect- and Mrs. I. Miller of Wauwatosa, members of the Business Girl's club ing of Hebrew is held by some peoat their dinner meeting last Wednes-; Pie. but rather the indifference to ed to office are Morris Lefkovich, i Wisconsin. sli Doctors Dismissed day evening. • Jewish education in general. Evan Aleph S'gen; Isadore Mirowitz, Aleph Mary Rozofsky will review "Moth-• from the parents, we receive only a J Warsaw.—Fifty Warsaw Jewish Miss Mildred Ruth Baron returned Mazlrir; Arnold Baron, Aleph Gisbor; Ray Barish, Aleph Shotere Godol; to Sioux City last week after spend- er's Cry" at the meeting next week, passive approval. Whether ths Tal- doctors have bean dismissed from mud Tora'i is to have a five-day their posts in ths Jocal municipal Art Cohen, Aleph Shotare Kotan; f ing the past two months in Omaha, : T h e Brownie Pack under the l;ad-Jweek or three-day week or whether health service while all the Chris" Maurice Lasensky, Aleph Shofer, and where she was the Artist for the ership of Miss Ida Greenberg hel.l «" is to meet at the 'Center or in tlan doctors bava remained at their Will Slotsky, Aleph Kohen Godol. Brandeis Store. a party for newmembers at the Cen-|the present "ocation'is of slight im- posts. . Hymie Hurwitz was elected delegate The Jewish doctors were hired by ter last Sunday afternoon. Games' portance as compared with the inAnnouncaments have been issued to the National convention in Milwau.tire municipality "a few weeks ago were followed by rsfreshments. culcatlon of an ifttderstr.nding of for the Temple Brotherhood and Siskee, which will be held in July. whsn an influenza epidamic spread in this most significant phase of cur At the same meeting a Teport was tarhood dinner dance, which is schedthe city. At t^e sams tims ten ChrisThe Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority is" life. In the words, cf Louis Marmade that the recent A. Z. A. dance uled . for Monday evening, Jan. 29. tian doctorswere also hired, since making furthar plans for their Sec-'shall, "I bsleve 'Jew!* Eduction held in the Bsllevue ball rocm was The affair will be held in the Martin no more than that number of Chris! of th» J3Wond Annual Red Hot Dance, which to be the greatest &&d f h J both a financial and social success. hotel. It will bS-informal. Over 100 tian doctors ar)pll-3d for- positions. will, be held Sunday evening, Febr.•iish corr. •'•-"ty. I am. convinced that Oratory and Debate contests are be-! couples are planning to attend. 15th. ing held to pick the debating and ora-1 '' . — Anna Pill presented a book review Vtofyi teams to be sent to the district'" Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth, Mr. and - :i : at _. . Mrs. L.Rosenthal, and Mr. Julius-Dry- of "Jane Eyra" by Bronte at the last ! (^'tourhiament Lincoln. foos, all of OnuuH visited this week meetinjj of the sorroity. iri' ths home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon fa Address Marx. . . " -.'. •




Practical Mohel

REVEREND J. MARON 25 Years Experience References 613 Center Phone 5-7007 Sioux City, Iowa

Shaare Zion Synagogue

'• Mount,Sinai Temple ' Rabbi. I*wis will speak ^ ^ W -.Religion Cannot Do" at-the regular i service this evening.











(Continued from Page 4.) glutinative" before, hut those of us who are Nordics have a : treat in this old Jewish word, which how seems likely to become asj anglicized as "kibetzer." A^ a matter of fact, the word "pilpulistic" iaitf already been; admitted into one English dictionary, I but I prophesy for I t now a general

To Safeguard Your Baby Boy

He could probably have died « wealthy man, but he would have doubtless had less fun. The son is following a middle of the road policy, pursuing his whims, too, like his father, but he has made certain to ^ about R mm|on> before coming the recluse of the machine shop and the votarj' of the great God, Invention. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)


'•;'. Even the staid New York Times has seen" fit to commeftt on it and predic i that it will sweep the country. -•" • L I would not essay to define it. (Continued from Page 1) There : i s something' so subtle about its coniiotatioir that I hesitate. Some-! His stations for the pasteurizahow.J have the feeling that Editor tion of milk for infants, first estabSloinovitz up in Detroit or Mendelsohn luhed in New York in 1891,' saved in Chicago could do that job hetter countlpss 1iv*>sthan, I. I call upon them to rise to Philanthropies He disposed of his yacht that he the^becasion. might devote more funds to iwB-iphflMUSICAL AND MACHINERY . . anthropies, and at one time His yrife ^ g the ^ v e her jewels;/valued at $18,500, Hammerstein is leaving field of. stage production and will de- ^ thee Zionist, Z n i s t ; "Organization Organization "of'Amerof Amer vote hfaaself to mechanical invention. i c a f o r fu rt her~ medical and health Thus, the son,reverses\the carter, of work iii Palestine. The Nathan arid the father, for the old Oscar Hammer- UnVi . s t r ^ u s ^eaXth center trust stein started out ^as As inventor and then f ^da , ffor generall welfare work lf k in i became the impressario. Palestine, is $500,000. " Indeed, the son credits his invenDuring the panic of 1893 he starttive knack to the father. "My father ed stations for the supply of coal taught me how to use machines. My and food at a very nominal rate to fattier invented the-cigar making ma- those who could afford to pay, and chine that is still in use today. He free of charge to those who could sold it for $3,000.' He was the real not. inventor to pick up tobacco scraps In 1894 he opened lodging' houses from the floor. , wfesre the unemployed could receive "All my life I've been drawn to bed and breakfast for five cents, mechanical things. Cut at home, I In 1909 he founded, at Farminghave one of the bast machinists shops dale, N. J., the first tuberculosis you ever saw. When I built this preventatorium for children, building four yaars ago, I wanted to In addition to the innumerable inrig up a machine shop right here next stitutions founded or aided by Mr. to my office. But I knew better. I'd and Mrs. Straus, which keep alive ba spending all n.y time with my their name in Palestine,, there is lathes and forgetting business. You an entire vil'age, the settlement of can't produce shows and be a good Nathania, newest Jewish settlement in the orange-growing seacoast dismachinist too." di The elder Hammerstain, by the way, trict, which is named in honor of had a machine shop above his offices Nathan Straus. when he edited the United States To• bacco Journal. The elder Hammer- Open New Boat Line stein was editor, inventor and impresWarsaw—A r.ew direct line from sario. He made money with his in- Gydiiia, Polish seaport near Danzig, veations and lost it in his ceratic pro- to Jaffa, JJaJsstine, has been opened ductions. He died penniless, after hav- by the Swedish Orient Steamship • Company. ing known the feel of millions.


f A. Z. A. FORENSIC . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Plotkin and TRYOUTS WEDNESDAY I

'• Max; Krotoff, well known and el- daughter, Rita Goldie of Omaha visitMembers of the A. Z. A. Chapter . oquerit irit speaker k of Si Sioux City will ill add ed at the home of Mrs. Plotkin's will trj* out for places.on the Debat!;dT^ss;irinnbers" of the B'nai Brith a t ' mother, Mrs. E. Woskoff. ing and Oratorical Contest, next Wed•: tHeiri ^regular meeting next Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sacks have re- nesday evening. Contestants include KroloflF, who has returned to Sioux City after an eastern Arnold Baron, Alfred Albert, Morris 1 turned to Sioux City for the winter y Lefkowiiz and Isadore Mirowitz. months after spending the past few [ honeymoon. Mrs. Sacks was formerly years studying in Chicago, has ap- j Miss Betty Seigel of Minneapolis. The Roumania to Pursue peared various during! wedding the pastbafore months, where groups he has charmneapolis. was a racent event in Min- Jew-Murderers ed his audience with his sincerity Bucharest.—The government has Mr. Milton H. Cohen, of Yankton and eloquence. > announced that the most energetic A general business meeting will fol- visited last-Sunday at the home of prdceedings would be, taken against Mi*, and Mrs. A. Saitlin. low the address. The definite date terrorises an<) anti-Semites 'as a refor the Annual Installation Banquet sul^ of the attempt to assassinate Mr. Sidney Smilow of Aberdeen, has not yet been set. the Jewish editor, Emanuel Socor. South Dakota, was'a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Levin, Search forv the assass^'s helpers is being made all over the country, Play Presented 1502 Jackson Street. while a number of persons have bsen -.•;:'•);A play "The State of Iowa versus aTested in Jassy, the home of the Miss Sally Goss of Mason City is a .4ihe membership Chairman of the Junwould-be murderer. ior Had assah" was• preserited before guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. The government has announced to the members of the Junior Hadassah John Levin. the press that all those found to be Chapter last Wednesday- evening. Mr. Louis Baron has returned^home connected with the terrorist conspirThose who took part in the play included Mary Kaplan, Rosalie Sacks, after a visit in Chicago with bis son- acy would be severely punished, and Bess Lipshutz, Sadie Shulkin, Rose in-law and daughter, Mr. arid Mrs. that anarchy would under no circumstances be tolerated.' Finsod, Elizabeth Raskin, Eva Maron, Irving Goldstein. Sally,,Gprchow and Marcia Robinow. Lee Herzoff and his orchestra will ; -lliss Ida Feldman presided at the furnish the music for the Temple meeting. . Brotherhood Dinner Dance which is scheduled for January 26 at the Hotel Talmud Torah Dance Martin. A number of specialty en"We feed the multitude" At a hurried report of the Talmud j tertainment acts will be presented on With Tasty Foods •was made that, the net Teceipts of the the program. The Dinner Dance will Torah Committees an announcement be held in the Hotel Martin. evening's entertainment amounted to $200.00. The dance which was held at the Rigaudon Dance hall was attended by over 100 couples. Mrs. Ben Sherman, President of the Mothers Club was in charge of arrangements. The proceeds will be turned over When God blesses you with a. baby boy towards the maintainence of the TalCall or write mud Torah. .•

"A Jew Whom Money Did Not Spoil; a Tribute to Nathan Straus," will be the subject of the sermon this evening by Rabbi Rabinowitz at Shaare Zioni ' ^ On Wednesday, Jan. 21, Rabbi Rabj-| Inowitz has been invited to address the Morningside Women's Literary; Club on "The Jew in Fiction." On Sunday, Jan. 25, Rabbi Rabino-; witz will go to Lincoln, where he has ! been invited to address the sisterhood.' He will speak on "The Glor jr of. Jud-] aism.'r




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