January 23, 1931

Page 1

In the . Interests of The Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

Knlcred us second-cluw mall matter on January ?<, 4WZI, at Doaf office at Otn»ha. NebraiUt^-'njdPr the Art of March X. 1879.


Despairing Ppiisa J Je^ ^ O Q



o / SoVlCt,

Warsaw.—(J. Ty A.) ^Hopeless ;of the support of American/Jews due to the economic crLis, Polish T«wish reMoscow.—<J. T. A.)—In one of his lief organizations have opened a drive Tare newspaper' interviews, and the to save the' institutions that are on Zionists to Consider Nc-—*tan the first-he-has ever - granted on: a"JewvergV- of disaster. Among "the for Reclamation co-operating ' organizations are the ish question, Joseph Stalin, the virtual Question TOZ, a mediral aid society; the rule*, of Soviet Russia, characterized HI AS, the Immigrant ai«". society; i anti-Semitism -as "the most dangerous A national' Zionist conference, de- the Ort, the economic aid society, and ' survival of cannibalism/' in a statevoted to a consideration of new plans the Zentos. At a meeting of leaders j ment to the Jewish Telegraphic dealing with the central Jewish of 'all organizations under the chair- Agency. problem in Palestine, the problem of manship of Chief' EaK i Schorr, large } Stalin's vigorous indictment of Antiland acquisition and reclamation, will sums were subscribed. Semitism came in reply to a question be held-on February 7th and 8th, at addressed to him by the Jewish TeleWashington, D. C,, according' to a graphic- Agency in which'it was pointcall made public by Emanuel Neued out that he was being charged in mann, president of the Jewish Nathe anti-Soviet press with being an tional Fund of America. anti-Semitic. . Replying to this Stalin said: Five hundred delegates represent"National and racial chauvinism is ing-' Zionist districts, Hadassah chapa remnant of man-hating customs ters and Jewish National Fund comcharacteristic of-the- era of cannibalmittees in over 800 communities ism. Anti-Semitism is an extreme throughout the-United States are expected to attend the sessions at Report States That the Jewish expression of racial chauvinism and Communities Are Disinte- , as such is the most dangerous sur•which Menachem : Ussishkin, the grating 1 vival of. cannibalism. Anti-Semitism World. President of the Jewish Nais useful to the exploiter for it -serves tional Fund will be the main speaker. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The upper as a lightning rod enabling capitalism, "The efforts of the Jewish people for the rebuilding of the Jewish Na- class Jews of Persia are rapidly em- to evade the blows of the toilers. "Anti-Semitism is a danger to the tional Home in - Palestine have bracing the Bahai religion, and the reached a critical stage, the acute- Jewish communities are disintegrat- working people as a false path leadness and political repercussions of ing, according- to Dr. W. Fishel, lec- ing them into the jungle and away which; place the future of our entire turer in the Oriental Institute of the from the right road. Communists, work in .the balance," states the call Hebrew University, who has just re- therefore, as consistent internationalturned from a trip to Persia, Iraq and ists, cannot but ba irreconcilable and issued by Mr. Neumann. . avowed enemies of anti-Semitism. In" "The Palestine Jand problem has Kurdistan. Dr. Fishel stated to a representa-; been brought to the forefront in an hour and in a manner that require tive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency speedy* and decisive action on. the that English and American Christian part of_ American- Jewry, notwith- missions are making the most of the standing all present difficulties. The disintegration of Jewish communities,; mission which brought to us Mr. establishing missions ~ and schools! Menachem Ussishldn, that tower of among the poorer classes as the com-! Zionist strength and^ inspiration for munity leaders - turn to . Bahaism.; The concert for David Lazarus, nearly half a century, is of an ur- "The Persian Jews are. not only being baritone, being sponsored by the Tri• gent and historic character, paral- converted but are being used as in- angle Club of Omaha, is to be held leled .only by the dramatic .redem struments for converting Jews .of next Thursday evening at the Techsays Dr. tioiL of .the Valley of Jezreel in 1921 neighboring countries," Fishel.'-' ' •' -::' r'\ ' ; ' ) under his leadership." Hei. spoke of a "Marrano" commun- [ ^'6f'five'iAou^dVfamiliesJin''lU[esh-'':. ed,; who :secretly continued io : practice their Judaism and supported Jewish schools. In many cities^-Jje -said, Jews ' hadyOjeniy; 'apjiliedXto "^missions to •







VOL. Vni.—No. 52

GersoriIsSpeaker Before Junior Forum


Samuel Gerson spoke at the fourth of the Junior Forum lectures at the J. C C. Monday evening before a the' Soviet Union, anti-Semitism is gathering of some one hundred pe«£ rigidly prosecuted as" a phehomeonj profoundly hostile to' the Soviet re-f Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—The fight of pie on *The Soul of a People." All - Important Conference t© gime. Militant anti-Semites are, un- j alderman Bruno Charbonneau to pre- Mr. Gerson stated that the soul of Lay Plans Is 1 der the laws of the Soviet Union, vent the erection of a. Jewish hospi- the Jewish people was expressed in Called punishable by death." ' j tal in his ward became the latest; in- their music and particularly in thenDuring the last•'few . years there, cident in a series of open anti-Sem- folk songs. He sang several folk! New York (J T A.)—The cans* have-been frequent reports that Stalin' itic manifestations that have alarmed songs to- iDustrate his theory, and of Palestine has never been fa Z was using anti-Semitism against his the Jewish population of Montreal. carried the audienos from the "cradle; critical a state as it is today, acJew" till his death. political foes. These reports became cording to Felix M. Warburg, 'until Vitriolic attacks upon the Jews are particularly frequent since the exiling made in "Goglu" and other antirecently chairman -of the Adminisof Leon Trotsky and the removal of Semitic pamphlets freely circulated trative Committee of the Jewish Radek, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Joffe, here. Recently, many city-owned Agency for Palestine, in a message leading Jewish Communists from high newspaper kiosks carried signs charg- i addressed to American Jewry in conposts in the Soviet government. i ing the public to boycott Jewish news-' nection with the emergency national On the other hand, there were other paper sellers. Mayor Houde's exploinday reports that anti-Semitism was being tation of the Jewish schools question, severely punished in Russia, a number and his spoken advice to the Jews to' V I l U f l l l l / i l l L i . T h e message apears in this week's of anti-Senrities being executed and "go to Palestine," are regarded as issue of The New Palestine. other signs of unfriendliness. others sentenced to long prison terms. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)-The aWbew of In a comprehensive review of Pal PalAnti-Semitic manifestations in the The hospital question arose through tion of the Mandate, the withdrawal esfcine e v e n t s > M r . Warburg refers the promise of the previous municipal , ., _ . . Red army -were quickly crushed. _. . .. , ,. ^«> ^tne negotiations that are now got i i e administration, made to the Hebrew of the Balfour Declaration and the , ._ ., ~ ... , Consumptive Aid Society, of a grant ment responsible to an elected par- ment and the representatives of the . ,,. , , , „ , ,. ing-on between the British govern^of city-owned land for the erection by liament Agency and gives the first are demanded by thegovernArab • Jewish establishment of a Palestine . the society of a home for Jewish in- Executive in its reply to the White indications that satisfactory conclucurables, sufferers from cancer, para- Paper submitted to High Commis- sions may be expected from the conlysis and other incurable non-contag- sioner Chancellor with the request ference to adjust differences of opinious diseases. The promises were af- that he forward it to London and ion respecting the White Paper. Berlin (J. T. 9.)—The introduc- firmed by the present civic regime, Geneva. The national conference next Suntion of a government-sponsored anti- which offered three available sites for day, which is regarded as the most The Executive finds that the Balschechita bill ^n the Thuringian par- the building. important meeting for the upbuildliament has created a first class govMany obstacles suddenly appeared four Declaration is contrary to Ar- ing i P l i held in the history off Palestine ernment crisis in this Fascist-con- in the way of the construction of the tide 22 of the Mandate and the of American Jewry, has been called trolled state. A majority of the mem- building. The Jewish Aldermen Jo- promises made to the Arabs. to meet the critical situation which bers of parliament have formed a seph Schubert and Max Seigler suc- The Mandate contravenes the na- e~i.5ts in Palestine today. tional and natural rights of the coalition against the' National So- ceeded in overcoming them. To Gain Friends cialists and the" government party A site was decided upon in the ward Arabs, the Executive claims. ConIn describing the steps that have and announce* that they will vote of alderman Bruno Charboncau. Im- sidering that the first duty of Great to secure a- withdrawal against, the bill. mediately the alderman came forward Britain is to prevent the transfer of o £ the policies enunciated in the In the event the-ban on schechita and declared "that hospital will not Arab lands to non-Arabs and to pro-' White Paper, Mr. Warburg is rejected the Nazi leaders are pre- be built in my ward." , hibit definitely Jewish immigration, says: the Executive points out that Under pared to dissolve parliament and call "We must and do believe that out Turkish rule the Arabs enjoyed a a new- election. '. of the negotiations which the Prime wide measure of self-government,(MmTster lias* so promptly and so Meanwhile ^he. Thuringian champossessing administrative, municipal, f s , i r l y i l l n d e r t a k e n ' ber, .of commerce has•. gone..on resomething will and parliamentary councils. cord -as being'; oposed to schechita come which may possibly result in The reply concludes with a proprohibition because of its baneful efa restoration of the faith of thouposal that dispossessed fects on -commercial interests. , Mrs. Joe Sherman was elected given land near Huleh. Arabs be sands and hundreds of thousands of Jews who, since the White Paper, president .of the Daughters ,of Zion Warsaw—A plan to limit the iium- at "the election - ofv officers held have lost confidence so completely ber of animals slaughtered under Wednesday afternoon at the J. C. C. that from the financial standpoint the schechita Jritaal to a total used - Other • officers chosen are 'Mrs. S. and from the moral standpoint a de-




OF MANDATF ^ - *"»** waHt Ne^rSt


Mrs. Sherman Head i of Daughters of Zion

PLAN OF RADICALS « i i s t policy -prevails;"'•"•;i^,*^•*m^sf»M».. 'MAY COMPEL MANY / e'^ftie most important" ietfon itr "IS* by the conference is the TO LEAVE FRANCE taken launching of an intensive campaign

announced here today. The advocates] vice; president; Mrs. -ML •EG they found the establishments .<' of the' projet prcopose not to per- Linda, financial- secretary; Mrs. M. the'Alliance Israelite and of the Ang: mit- more animals to 1>e killed ac- Braude, recording secretary; Mrs. I. lo-Jewish Association inadequate. for cording1 to the Jewish- ritual than Kulakofsky, treasurer, immediate funds to maintain 1 Paris, <J. T. A.)-Great anxiety ; One-third of the Jewish children of Late Figures Set Number of J s the-needs" of the Orthodox Jews deTh2 organization will sponsor a is being manifested in Jewish circles ^ ^ . «<*^ies ™ ™eStme, many Teheran were attending the mission p Jews There" at mand. : because of the proposed new re-I*? ***** * 1S, reported have been schools, said. Dr. Fishel, and the free entertainment a t the J. C. C. ., 120,000 , . . No "limits on the number of anstrictions introduced by radical mem- , curtailed or altogether stopped beChurch of England has decided to imais that could be slaughtered ac- on February 1 for :Chamisha Oser bers of the government and designed j «•"?• o f the .lack of funds open a new school within the ghetto.: S B*Sheyat, with members and their cording- to Jewish -ritual existed[ f r i e n d s invited. An excellent "pro- to lessen unemployment, which may!^ ™ » ^ Paris.—(J. T. A.)—The latest sta-j The same condition's"are prevalent inj ^Jhe first independent hitherto.. It is understood, however, j giam i s ^ i n g arranged: and Pal- compel many Jews to leave France, i fand-raismg offort or Palestine unfastacs ;which have been gathered Amadan and Isphahan, he asserted,! that the minister of commerce is op- estinian fruit-, consonant with this about-thejews.of Morocco, shpwthat. ^ «,«. Jews of Amadan having The restrictions which will prob- dertaken since the formation of the posed to the plan. • 12,000 Jews are now living^anL^Jadopted an oriental faith. '. , I agricultural festival will be served. ably be adopted, recommend that no Jewish Agency in August, 1929. North _African country. Not until A raffle will also be theld at this labor permits be issued to immi1912, when France took over the JTOCtime. grants who have resided in France Professor Sapir Is to tectorate over Morocco, did the Jews for - less than- five years; • that • no Transfer to_ Yale of thkt. country, receive equal rights. change in profession be permitted Until then a Morocco Jew was not althose who already possess labor perNew Haven.—(J. TV A.)—Prof. Ed- B'nai Abraham Install 1 lowed ;to wear; shoes or. other "than that the French borders be New Officers Sunday mits; ward" Sapir of the University of Chiblack ;dothes or ride on horseback. closed altogether to all except tourLondon, (J. T. A.)—The book of cago is to come to Yale" university The Jewish ghetto, the so-called ists, and that all irregularly admit- Daniel, whose authenticity has often _ ^ About seventy-five members attend-] as -professor in the department of anJerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The labor r . David Lazarus "Mellan" was even as : late as 1920 thropology and . languages, according ed, the installation of officers of the ! ted and illegal residents of France been doubted by Biblical authorities, locked up every night and Jews were group stood highest in the final re- nical high school auditorium. Dr. to an official announcement by the' B'nai Abraham lodge at 1ihe South ] be expelled. may be proven to be one of the most then forbidden outside the ghetto turns of the votes cast for the Ase- Michael J. Ford is chairman for the university. . • -• j Omaha Community hall, last Sunday.j Passage of these rulings would historically valid of Biblical docufath Haniycharim, the Jewish Electaffair, and Mrs. Max Fromkin .is cowalls.: Prof. Sapir, who is regarded as one The officers installed were -Ben Gere- make further Jewish immigration im- ments through the latest archeology By abolishing all these restrictions, ed Assembly of Palestine, receiving chairman. of the foremost anthropologists of the lick, president; M. Tatleman, secre- possible. At present about 1,000 ical. investigations in Ur of the the French government earned the almost half the total. number of Young Lazarus, who has won nu- world, has occupied a chair in the de- tary; A. Jacobsen, treasurer; A. Jews from Poland enter France Chaldees, it . was revealed by Sir sympathy of Moroccan Jewry. But at votes cast. The 22£000 votes polled merous contests through his extraorWeiner, inner guard; A. Perlman, G.'w<**ly- Many Jews now in France Charles Marston, industrialist and "the same time this led to an increase b y the labor group will entitle it dinary singing ability, has been partment .of anthropology and gen- Meyerson and M. Sefkowitz, trustee, j would be forced to leave, being un- scholar, "who has financed many exin the hatred of the Arabs toward the to 32 seats in the assembly, which awarded a three-year scholarship to eral linguistics at the University of peditions to Biblical sites. S. Wolf son, retiring president, de- able to obtain work permits. Chicago since 1927. From 1925 to has a total of 71 members. Jews. the Cincinnati Conservatory of Mu- 1927" he was assistant in the depart- livered a farewell address. Refresh- The introduction of these restricSir Charles has received the re' The question of naturalizing Moroc- The Revisionists were' second in sic. Thursday's proceeds will go* to» ment of anthropology at the Univer- ments were served, following the tions by the radical members is a ports of C Leonard Wooley, direccan Jews as French citizens, which strength, receiving abcit 1Q,OOO ward defraying his expenses at the sity of Chicago. blow to the Jews -as in the past the tor of a joint expedition of the Unimeeting. -has troubled Moroccan Jewry for a votes, •which will entitle them to conservatory.' " former have usually "been friendly to versity of Pennsylvania and of the long time, has recently been discussed fourteen representatives. The Orienforeigners and influential with the At his concert Lazarus will sing museum, excavating neat by the representative of the French tal Jewish groups will have fifteen three groups of songs. He will be ac.government. Babylon. representatives. There is a possibilpresident in Morocco, M. Ourbachcompanied at the piano bv Jean P. The expedition has uncovered the Blon, in an interview with a repre- ity of union between the Revisionist Duffield. ; y site of the palace of Princess Be and Oriental groups, which'. would sentative ofthe "Israelitische FamilAssisting-on the program will be Shalti Nanna, sister of King Bel form a strong opposition faction to" ienblau." M. Blon expressed the opinOscar Weinstein, celloist,* in two shazzar, whose feast, according t< the labor block. [' . ' • > people who were formerly well-to-do. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)— The growing I ion that it is prem&ture as yet to isgroups of solos. Eloise West McNichthe Book of Daniel, was interruptec Old people who always lived more The general Zionist ticket, headed impoverishment of German Jewry is sue such a decree, since most of Morolds will accompany him.. ., • by the Hebrew prophet's reading ol or less comfortable, having provided by Menachem Ussishkin, president of fast assuming catastrophic dimenoccan Jewry still live under terrible Mrs. L. Neyelbff, sponsor of the the celebrated "writing on the wall." in youth for their old age have, bethe Jewish National Fund, won four sions. Things have gone so far that hygienic and cultural conditions in Sunday matinee dances being given at not only the workers and the middle- cause of the war and the post-war the J, C. C. under the supervision of Previous archeological discoveries the country-old houses of the ghetto. seats in the assembly, while the Mizr College Men class, but even the wealthiest Jews periods, found themselves penniless. the Psi Mu, has given high praise to have confirmed the sack of Jerusalem Moroccan Jews have a limited right rachi Orthodox party gained a like Can't Get Cleaner Jobs by Belshazzar's grandfather, NebuchAmong the young there "is a tre- the affairs. have been reduced ' to poverty and number, with a possible fifth seat. of self-government in their ghettos. adnezzar. mendous amount of unemployment their once stately homes in the finest The United Women's ticket, headed A council of 6 members presided over At the second dance of the series Cuneiform -writings of the sixth J Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Polish Jews -streets of Berlin's West End are now and suffering. The Jewish doctor by Henrietta Szold, won two seats. by an Arab Basha ,has the right to of the intellectual class are unable to haunted by misery and despair. and the Jewish lawyer and the Jew- held last Sunday a Girls' Popularity century B. C, found on the scene of levy fences upon the community. contest was begun with the following the excavations, are said to give "reobtain . employment even as street People who once were directors of ish professional man generally, who Among Moroccan Jews themselves sweepers or snowdeaners, a survey banks and of big insurance companies, were at one time in good financial girls in the lead after the first bal- markable confirmation to the fifth lot was counted: Misses Bertha Ban, there is much difference of opinion as by the newly formed Union of. Unem- important merchants, and profession- positions, are now starving. Dorothy Burroughs, Sophie Ferer, chapter of the Book of Daniel." to whether French citizenship is desirployed Intellectuals has revealed. The al men. of high standing, who were The Jewish capitalist in Germany Pearl Feldman, Ethel Hurwitz, Gladys able for them. Many Jewish leaders The first annual Purim ball to be municipality department for this city accustomed to give away large sums no longer exists. There may be still Kyte, Sarah Kaplan, Sarah Pollay, Comzet to Settle 6,000 feel that this would increase the hatis swamped with requests for emred of the Arabs toward the Jews and given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the ployment from jobless Jewish teach- to charity, have been reduced to pau- one or two rich Jews left in Germany, Goldie Scharbraun, Sarah Solomon ow, Jews on the Land and to the level of the prole- but there is no longer any Jewish i Rose Stein, Bonnie Spiegal, Esther doubt whether the French will always Conservative Synagogue will be held ers, students, bookkeepers and secre- perism tariat, and would be glad to do any Weiner, Sarah Yaffee, and Mollie Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Plans for the 6e able to protect the lives and prop- on Sunday evening, March. 8, at the taries, many with university degrees. manual labor or the humblest of wealth. 1931 campaign to settle city Jews on Jewish Community Center, for the Zornvill. erty of Moroccan Jews. land in Crimea and in Bira-Bidjan The survey of the Union admits menial tasks to be able to keep body benefit of the building fund of the The theme for the third dance next were formulated at a session df the that there is little hope of these and soul together, the Welfare Of- Omaha Hebrew Club Conservative Synagogue. Sunday -Rill be "Carrying On." The Comzet, the government department Staatenlose Jews Ousted " " '. The Auxiliary is hoping to make unemployed obtaining posts with the fice of the Berlin Jewish Community Smoker This Sunday Creightonians will furnish the music. London—A total, of 768 staaten- this ball the outstanding Jewish event government and n possibility of pri- has disclosed. Earl Siegal is master of ceremonies. to settle Jews on land, following the closing of the conference of the Ozet, The Omaha Hebrew Club will hold lose Jews, that is Jews who are citi- of the season in Omaha, with Ran- vate employment due to the present So many one-time wealthy men a society occupied with similar settlehave applied to the Berlin Jewish a smoker this Sunday afternoon at zens »f no country as. a result of dall's Royal orchestra furnishing the financial crisis. ment work. Not to Take Up Palestine The Union, the report states, is Community for help to obtain any the J. C. C. There will also be comthe post-war map shifting, have been dance music and entertainment. Issue The Comzet decided to transport kind of situation to enable them to mittee reports on the fortieth annibesieged by these penniless" Jews, who expelled from Czecho-Slovakia durMrs. Abner Kaiman of the Ways Geneva—The Palestine question 4,500 Jews to Crimea and 1,419 tc ing the last eight years, it was dis- and Means Committee, and Mrs. B. having failed to receive employment earn a livelihood, it was reported that versary celebration of the organizaclosed at a meeting of the Joint A. Simon of the social committee, are temporarily at least in the street the Community's Welfare Office has tion in the nature of a dance and con- will definitely not be discussed at Bira-Bidjan during the year. It also Fo reign Committee of the Board of the chairmen in charge. They will cleaning department, plead for a decided to open a special Labor Em- cert to be held at the city auditorium the meeting of the Council of the decided to rush the campaign in order Jewish Deputies and the Anglo-Jew- also conduct a drive to sell patrons' chance to do some work to keep j ployment Bureau in the fashionable on February 22. Harry Lapidus will League of Nations •which opened to enable the newcomers' participation in the spring sowing* IKurfuerstendaimm district^ solely for deliver an Monday tickets for the balL '. ' t tcemselves alive. .' ' : ' ' • -' .'. • .ish Association. ; j /. . j



Impoverished German Jewry Are Now Facing Catastrophe Matinee Dances at

j Coiter Are Popular!


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY^ JANUARY S3, 193*/ fanatics with -ingenious enquisitions failed in changing our beliefs. But these modern peaceloving Torquemadas while not accomplishing their ultimate goal are fanning the fires of religious j Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY animosity, thereby doing evil to us and to our country. These groups constantly fostering good in honor of Menachem Ussishkin, SIOUX CITY OFFICE world president of the Jewish Na\ United States j will on one hand and repeatedly declaring their JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street tional Fund. intentions of converting us should be impressed Gerard Suggest Straus Subscription Price, one year - • - « - • • - - « $2.60 The presentation will, at that time, once and for all that the Jewish people are hot Memorial Advertising rates furnished on application . be made by Mr. and Mrs. David W. material for conversion, like heathens and pagans. A memorial to Nathan Straus in Simons of one of the most valuable It is wholly un-American to so" foist one church New York is suggested by James parcels of land in Palestine, which upon another and contravenes the spirit of Amer- W. Gerard, former American ambas- was bought by Mr. Simons on his ican freedom and the principle of religious secur- sador to Germany, in a letter to the "visit to Palestine eight years ago at Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building ity-—being unfair to Judaism and even offending New York Times. Such a memorial, a cost exceeding $35,000. says Mr. Gerard, would not only Telephone: ATlantic 1450 the good Christian. honor the memory of Mr. Straus, .DAVID BLACKER .-..- - - Biislness and Managing Editor If Dr. Mott or similarly-minded gentlemen but would be an example for the I Other Countries FRANK U. ACKERMAN - - - . . . . . - - . . > Editor wish to accomplish good will, Jet their first tenets young. EANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la.* Cbrrespojident New Lord Melchett to be mutual respect, equal dignity, and an under- For Jewish Working Girls standing of the viewpoint of each. Let them not Baltimore—B. H. Hartogensis, Carry On Mond, the presMARCHING ONWARD cloak their true purpose behind a mask of false Baltimore Jewish lawyer, writer and entJerusalem—Henry Lord Melchett, will continue to Another milestone has been added to the pro- smiles, but instead let them recognize that our communal worker, has established a maintain : 1 the Palertine enterprises gress of the Omaha Jewish community by the good will cannot be conditioned upon the success scholarship fund for Jewish working of his late father, the Jewish Teleconsolidation of the -three',major organizations— in making the Jew forsake his religion. They girls to be distributed by the Cen- graphic Agency learned authoritaScholarship Bureau of the As- tively. the Jewish Community Center, the Welfare Fed- will find the Jewish people more than glad to tral sociated Jewish Charities. The fund eration, and the Philanthropies—-into one unified, meet them half-way if they really seek good will is given in the name of his late Too Many Cohens and Levys co-ordinated body, effected at the annual j oint in its time sense—forgetting dogmatic differences wife, Grace Bendann Hartogensis. Jerusalem—Too many Cohens, T^e-ys and Mizrachis prevented the meeting last week. This new organization, all- and working together for civic welfare, philan- Rabbi Silver's Book Picked local election board from distributing encompassing in scope* which will organize, over- thropic endeavors, and social justice. Cleveland—Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- all the election cards in last week's see and direct the Jewish activity in the city, ver's new book, "Religion in a Asefat Haniccharim elections and will in the perspective of history merit an imChanging World," published by Rich- hence 7,500 persons entitled to vote ard E. Smith, Inc., has been select- never went to the noils in Jerusalem. portant niche in our records of achievement ed as the January choice of the Re- The election board could not find No one element will tend toward greater effiligious Book Club. the owners of the election cards beciency than the establishment of this Jewish cause there were 1,043 Cohens, 1,454 SCHOCHTIM AND RABBIS Credit for Hillel Course Community Center and Welfare Federation. ModMizrachis and 736 Levys. The ban which was placed in this city upon Cincinnati—The committee on adera community developments and sound, conthe schochtim resulted in a triumph for the rab- missions from higher institutions has Nordau's Son-in-Law Gets Post structive business principles make this amalgamarecently granted permission for a Paris—Pieir^ Paraf, famous aution extremely advantageous, as a comparison of bis. The latter were successful in fighting the ob- new course which will be offered for thor and son-in- w of the late Max systems shows. Last year the Welfare Federa- jectionable methods of the Poultry Killers' Union college credit at the University of rJordau, noted Zionist leader, was tion had an executive committee of twenty, a and in this work the spiritual leaders of Chicago Illinois by the B'nai Brith Hillel appointed attache in the French minsemester. The course istry of the interior. board of sixty-five directors, and ten committees; orthodoxy received the moral support of our en- Foundation next will be entitlf 1 "Historic Philosophies tire community. The unfortunate phase of this the Community Center had a board of fifteen At the opening of Parliament, of Living" ai d will be under Dr. A. trustees, a board of thirty directors^'and seven controversy was the very discreditable publicity L. Sachar, director of the Illinois Maurice Sibi'lc, the oldest member committees; the Philanthropies had a board of which the whole affair received in the general Hillel Foundation. All students of of the chamber of deputies, took the floor to say, "I am happy to emforty trustees and seven committees. It is well- press. The intelligent Christian must have read sophomore standing will be eligible phasize hore in Parliament the with amazement the fact that schochtim, religious for the crirse, and those ruccessknown that many individuals were on all of these chang- of public opinion in France. functionaries, have a union which is affiliated ftjlly completing it will receive two boards and a good many of the committees, with Thirty years ago in many French units of credit at the University. with the American Federation of Labor and that towns the cry was heard down with the result that there existed much duplication and the Jews or down with the clergy. a nwriad of meetings, not to mention that'each, this union had sluggers, racketeers, business Nathan Straus, Jr. Heads Th.2 war, however, has shown that of these organizations had a.separate set of rec- agents—everything a la gangland. We do not Park Association Nathan Straus, Jr., son of the late Jews, Catholics and Protestants all ox'ds and employees. Thus considerable expense, blame the schochtim for having a union, but we Nathan Straus, was re-elected presi- fulfilled their duties. We have no duplication of effort, and over-organization will blame our community leaders who have permitted dent of the Park Association of New racial prejudice in France now and be eliminated and centralization of resources conditions which forced the schochtim, as a mat- York City at the annual meeting. Mr. we are proud of it." established by the consolidation into one all-in- ter of self-protection, to form a union. Had we! Straus told of the plans of mu- Says Isaacs Qualified clusive body with one set of officers,, one execu- had a real Kehillah which should be representa-j nicipal authorities to spend 25 mil- Melbourne—Premier James Scullin dollars on improvements in tive committee, one board of governors, and one tive of all Jewry, not of a few congregations on •lion parks and playgrounds in New York announced that Sir Isaac Alfred Isthe West Side, these difficulties whieh prove at aacs, Governor-General designee of set of committees. This final step in the unificaCity. Australia, was fully qualified legally tion of our communal endeavors gradually brought chillul hashem would never have taken placed Thej victory of the orthodox rabbis should once, again for tine i posfe The announcement wasRoxy Wins Music Medal .; about since the recommendations of thef|C6BQL. Rothafel, known to mu- made after Sir Isaac had called on munal Survey will have far-reaching results, as convince them that in unity there is strength. sicSamuel lovers as "Roxy," has been Mr. Scullin who had previously conthere is no better way of developing a harmon- Kashrus is, after all, the concern of our entire awarded a medal by the Music Divis- sulted with other members of the ious community than through the joint co-op- community, ancTin order to avoid the demoraliza- ion of the New York City Federa- cabinet. tion of this phase of Jewish life, the orthodox tion of Women's Clubs ;as the per- Australian government circles have eration of all. rabbis are duty bound to invite the co-operation SCJ who had done the most to ad^ been seriousl" perturbed at the turn But the formation of a consolidated organiza- of all elements of local Jewry to aid in the estab- vance the cause of music in New the Isaacs appointment has taken in tion was not the only work of progress at the lishment of a truly united Kehillah.—Sentinel. York City during the past two years. view of the statement last week by The medal will be presenied to Mr. S r Fdward Mitchell, prominent conjoint meeting. At that time another year of soRothafel at the next convention of stitutioi al ' ' - " ority, that Sir Isaac's cial, philanthropic^ and educational work was as invalid. the Federation, which has a memECONOMIC RESOLUTION graphically summarized. It is difficult to epbership estimated at 100,000 women, itomize the work of the Center, Federation and IN RUSSIA to be held February 4th. This is the Students to Be Ousted of students Philanthropies, and give proper evaluation to each Private business is completely disappearing first award of that sort to be given in Bucharest—Hundreds the Roumanian schools will be accomplishment. There are so many angles, so among Russian Jews. There are still a few en- by ths Federation. expelled in connection with the senmany phases of constructive work—a vast pan- gaged in peddling, but according to the Ort, the Join in Jobless Aid sational discovery that an occultist orama depicting increased activity and improved organization that promotes technical trades and St. Louis—To aid the unemployed, anti-Semitic organization had been welfare service, the dependent and the sick com- agriculture among Russian Jews, the revolution public spirited Jews and non-Jews or- functioning for some time with the ing in misery and leaving in security; a constant in the economic life of the Jew will be complete ganized the Apple Sales Association support and encouragement of teachstriving to elevate the standard of our Jewish life in a short time. Everyone is entering a produc- with Maurice Weil, one of the lead- ers, M. Costachescu, minister of edto a higher plane. These splendid achievements tion trade, which alone can bring standing and ers of the Jewish community, as ucation, has announced. The existence of this organization was dispresident. of rescue and rehabilitation during the year in equality in the community. covered as part of the government's the face of adverse conditions were the result of Relief in Sight energetic campaign to root out all "The Soviet authorities everywhere," states Relief for the 450,000 depositors the earnestness and ability which characterized subversive and anti-Semitic groups. the work and give Omaha's Jewish community a the report, "are extremely helpful and sym- of the Bank of United States, of An enormous amount of incriminawhich number an estimated 95 per ting material was found. just right to continue in her place in the sun for pathetic to the Ort work, as the government cent are Jewish, was in sight as realizes the plight of the former traders and is communal progress. : '•• Max D. Steuer, attorney for the De- Removed Because Wife a eager to help them find a new economic footing. positors' and Stockholders' Protec- Jewess The present shortage in manufactured commod- tive Association of the closed bank Berlin—Because his wife is a Jewities is making the articles produced by the Jew- sought to brh.g about realization of ess, Bandmaster Praetorius of the FALSE SYMPATHY ish workers very peculiar. The woodworking, a plcn by which a group of promi- Weimar National Theater has been In several recent editorials the Jewish Press knitting, locksmithing and other machinist trades nent financiers propose to take over removed from office by Wilhelm pointed out the dangers which lay in the false, are rushed with orders for goods, thus making the $77,000,000 assets of the closed Frick, minister of the interior of insincere good will movements which very fre- the earning of these Jewish workers as high as bank and establish it as a credit Thuringia. The minister is a Nationquently manifest themselves in this country. As the earning of workers in the Soviet factories." against which the depositors may alist Socialist, and as a follower of draw immediately as much as 50 per Adolph Hitler, avowedly anti-Semif by pre-arrangement ,an incident occurred this Thus after nearly twtf frightful decades the cent of their deposits. itic week which revealed the harm in back of many so- economic problem of the Jew in Russia is apHitlerites Seek Control called proffers of friendship. Jewess Heads Women proaching a solution. This is, strange by con- Voters Berlin—Dissatisfied because ChanAt the Foreign Missions Conference of trast to the increasingly precarious positions of Helena, Mont.—Mrs. Belle Fligel- cellor Brueninghas emphatically exNorth America held in Atlantic City, Dr. John R. the Jews in Poland, Germany and other European man Winesline has just been elected cluded the possibility of a coalition Matt, president of the International Missionary countries with their supposedly superior schemes president of the Montana *r'«ague of cabinet that would include the FasCouncil, in his address while, in one breath de- of economic individualism. The much-discussed Women Voters. This is the third tame cists, the latter are concentrating all claring that "the committee on Christian ap- "Russian Experiment" promises to be of partic- she has held the office. Mrs, Wine- efforts on obtaining control of as stone was campaign manager for many state governments as possible proach to the Jew will foster deeper understand- ular interest to Jews.-^-Scribe. Jeanette Kankin, America's first m order to exercise pressure on the ing and mutually helpful fellowship between woman representative in Congress, Reich government in that way. Christians and Jews," in the next breath declared Cause and effect work in other people's lives, an accompanied her to Washington While Chancellor Bruening was on that "missionary work among Jews was a 'duty' then why spend time criticising theni.They'will as her secretary. his tour of the Eastern provinces he received delegations representing the in spite of all protests." Such a bold, assertive reap what they sow. Following this line of con- Oldest B'nai Brith Member Jewish communities everywhere on urging of missionary work among Jews as a duct, gives us added leisure to correct faults in Cincinnati—Compilation of the roshis route. "duty" i s certainly not conductive to a more har- ourselves, or time for developing the latest powers ter of B'nai Brith members-who are monious relation between the two creeds; instead, within us. We can work overtime upon ourselves entitled to the award authorized by Center of Colonization Moscow—The Comzet, government It has harmed the cause. The Good Will Com- and still find that we are far behind the achieve- the Constitution Grand Lodge last department the Jews on spring for those who have been in mittee of the Federal Council of the Churches of ment of the ideal within, in any and every aspect the order 50 years or longer reveals the land, sentfor14settling commissioners from Christ in America has definitely and forcefully of our being. that some 600 are entitled to this Moscow to White Russia, the Ukraine deprecated proselyting amongst Jews, and on that recognition and that Nathan Jacobs and other regions to direct the mi.basis and only on that basis can we, the House Religious group meetings bring the individual of Almeda, Cal., now in his 104th gration of Jews from these centers Crimea and Bira Birjan where of Israel, ever negotiate for a fellowship of faiths. inspirational influences into more vital expres- year, is probably the oldest living to the government's work of colonizing member of B'nai Britb. Most Christians, both lay and clerical, espe- sion,, as well as afford the greater lights of rethe Jews is to be centered in the among the open-minded, have agreed with ligion ah opportunity to pour out their influence, Gives Liberally to J. W. F. future. Detroit—One of tile largest gifts ews that proselyting efforts such as Dr. Mott by way of spiritual blessing. to any Jewish cause ever made in Bans "Jews Without Money" his associates advocate are not only greatly Detroit and. the. largest contribution j Dublin—"Jews Without Money," a «*"; • tiSmitic sentiment but are also Burning the midnight oil doesn't help much to a Zionist cause ever made in this j quasi-autobiographical book by Mich1 city was announced at thj luncheon pel GpW. American radical write !"* '. S W medieval if it's cylinder oiL /



From Contemporary Pens

was banned in the Irish Fres State j strange metamorphoses, that remind by the board of censors. This is j us that the transition of the cocoon the third bo->k by an American to into the butterfly has its amalogue in be barred fron Ireland in the last the world of human life. few months. Joseph Jlergesheimer's Straus was a business man, and in "Party Dress" was banned in July his leisure hours, he was cut at the and the late Isadore Duncan's "My race track. One finds it difficult to life" was banned in November. think of Straus as a sort of Harry Payne Whitney, standing at the race Exiles Jewish Leader track with hat aloft in hand, cheerRiga—The latest of a long series ing for "Aggravating Papa." And yet of arrests of Jewish communal he was that He was regarded as one leaders in Leningrad took place with of the leading turf men of the metthe exile of Schmarya Mekler, a ropolis, with a stable, the par of any member of the executive of the Jew- in the country. ; 1* community. But the sportsman was destined to Seek Reduction of Duty be lost in the philanthropist, and to London — The Ukrainian-Jewish that role, he added subsequently the Relief Federation of England has other of Jewish idealist. applied to the Soviet Government for a reduction of duty on food packages AL AND LILLIAN Now, that Walter Winchell, once a being sent to relatives in Russia. singer in the choir of an orthorox Meanwhile the Federation issued a synagogue, rakes in something like warning against the sending of such packages at present, ad-nsing rela- 150,000 shekels a year from columntives to send money instead of par- ing, and a former resident of Washcels upon which a high duty must be ington, Calvin Coolidge, without any previous newspaper experience, duppaid. licates that sum with a little column of not more than about three hundred words daily, the craving to become a columnist has become epidemic. The last to enter the lists is Al By DAVID SCHWARTZ Smith. The column will net Al more than he could have earned had he TWO KINDS OF MILK been elected President of the United Shakespeare, it was so sweet of States. him, poured forth a stream of sacI don't want to discourage any charine counsel to the Jew on the would-be columnists, but the truth is, "milk of human kindness." that all columnists do not earn as I have a feeling, however, that in much as $100,000.00 a year. A few, the eternal scales, the "milk of hu- <lo not even earn half of that sum. man kindness," which Nathan Straus. < Besides, the number of openings for who has just passed away, distrib- columnists is comparatively limited. uted, will bulk just a trifle heavier. So what is there to do. Well, here He ,, b ™ u g ht _ th<3 actual pasteurizsd ! j s m y advice. Do what a little Jewmilk free of charge to thousands of ish girl, Lillian Taussig, has done. the poor children of New York. Lillian has gotten the job of research Bernard Shaw once observed that secretary for Al Smith. That means "those who can, do, and those who that Lillian must get up much of the can't, teach. material, from which Al prepares his Emerson observed: "Your acts column. speak so loud, I can't hear your The advantage of doing that is that words." in order to get that kind of a job, And the ancient rabbis boiled it you don't have to be nominated for down to: "lo hamidrash haikar eleh President. hamaseh." "Not the word is importMiss Taussig, by the way, was forant, but the deed." Shakespeare preached, but Straus mer women's page editor of the Sunday World. Another Jewish girl, predicted. holds a similar job for another promWEEPING AND WORKING inent political figure, who gets out a Says a New Testament passage: column for the Evening World. "Jesus wept." Along about one hundred years ago, came a cynic and BUT SUPPOSE HE HAD! And anent the recent closing of one added in apposition; Voltaire smiled. of the big banks of New York, Eddie Came Elbert Hubbard some fifteen) Cantor telIs one years ago and added a third l i n k ; ' - Visiting some old William Morris worked. ' 1frien <* s o n the East Side, Eddie saw , And Hubbard left the inference j J a k e nervously-pacing the. floor, with that in his opinion the working was h l s h a n d s o n h i s f a c e l n a Panicky more important than either the tears jm o 0 " - m or the grins. I neither affirm norj " ° >" God—O my God," wailed reject Hubbard's decision, but as be- t h e m a n * "What is it," asked Eddie antween Straus's practicing and Shakexiously. speare's preaching, I'll take the for"What is it? O my God. The mer. bank has failed with such a loss." SPORTSMAN TURNED "Did you have any money in the PHILANTHOPIST bank?" queried Eddie. The turn of Nathan Straus to phil"No, but suppose I had—O my God anthropy presents one of those —O my God."

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Please Not^—All items for Frir day's issue must' be - in ; the Jewish Press office by 5: p. ;m. "Wednesday. Phone notices "to" Atlantic 1450 or mail them to 490.Brandeis Theater i

Saturday, afternoon -; for members • T the.immediate family, - y. . - ,:, • ... A reception will, bje held ', in :hi£ honor at the .^>h*afer *hbrne' en "Sunday from 3 to~5~and~7to 3 . v No in^vitajions.-have; b^eh"-issuedi---' -;;' 11 •<. •":

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT:—,:;_; ' Mr. and'; Mrs. _ Frank Krp^nan of MasoriT City; la., annoance v tbeen^ gagement of their _daught;er^Rose^ to" ' Mr. -Isadore'H. Weinerf son J.of i l r and Mrs. Henry_Wemer^of As' yet ho date has been^et

BIRTHS . " . ^ - ^ ' ^ r - , " - " . l^'.. ; : r ••* " 'Mr. and Mis. Mr Colnick announce t h * Birth of a ^augiiterV "Shirley'Mae, on;; Jan-



formerly Miss ~ Betty Rothkop of F cough drop factory. Mr. RikHaleft Concert " Gerer Rebbe May Settle ' ,0maha last October. - " Omaha. A concert by two prominent per- in Palestine During her stay here she was exAfter a brief "visit at haevk he* will formers, Madame Qofshova and Reu"Warsaw—^The famous Gerer Reb" tensively entertained. Mrs. Irvin continue his route until summer. * l>en Goldberg,, will be held on Fri- be, €4 years old, wno,- with more Levin and Miss- Rose Rothkop enterdayjr February ^6,-at*8 ^>. m 'at 'the 'than 100,000 adherents, is today the tained at five tables of bridge at the Labor.Lycejanv,22nd and Clark Sts. greatest of Chassidic rabbis in PoBlackstone hotel. Mrs. M. H. Pes. . land, may setle in Palestine after Mrs. S. Handler is convalescing at Admission ^ - , 50c sen, Mrs. Morris Conn, Mrs. Maurice !:• The i»h:e3^as' being sponsored by Passover, it was> reported in the Yid^ g p the Lord [lister Hospital where she Franklin, Mrs. Dave Cohn-and -Mrs. dish" press. ' undergone an 'operation ' Monday thr Workmea^Circles of Omaha. Abner Marcus .of Council Bluffs en- m o r n i n g . • -y- ""• .... ': '*;-: ••-"'. tertained at four-tables of bridge at their respective homes. •• :r . : A New Year day dinner in her horif Q U E S T S ^ > " - - •/ -/.,= •: Z£-r~ I 'Mrs. A\ Rubinow, Mrs.- C Cecan or was given by Mrs. Henry Maduff and Irvin Rubinow of Lincoln were of Council Bluffs, and a-beautifully appointed luncheon at "the;'P&xton* week-end ^guests at the home t>f JSItr.1 and Mrs. Frank Marks. hotel followed by a theater party at the Orpheiim was given by Mrs."Dave SIXTEENTH AT FAKNAM EET Crounse. The E. K. T. dub. made further plans for their first annual affair at RECITAL. , ;their last meeting held -at-the-home Miss2_Beuiah_ Kay accompanied^ by. of.Miss EtheL Bloom. The next meetMiss Gertrude Oruch will assist at a piano'recital i d be-grVeii by'-FTahces ihg wiD T>e" held'Friday at "tHe .home of Mr. Joe Saks. Christian at the Baldwin Piano Store r this .eviening.• "' - '- ~' 7/."'" * > TO VISIT HERE J-.Mrk.JBUwry, ICden of" N. V. CSty '•'-• Mrl Lou «ikfin w arrived Thursday morning to visit her ha Sktuirday-'aftCT n5aft1n^ i n eastern motSer, MES, Mamie VKneBter. Mrs. tour wbrkuig territoiiES- for ^tne Fand EdeU'was formerly Mina Kneeter.



I "Mr.--;aind/^frsJ:' My erVli^vy---<anhp*unce. birth! of a" son on January 14: ^ <

Tersity of Minnesota.

Mrs. David A. Goldstein

^The-annual Hadassah linen Shower ^ith ."Mrs. J; • J. Freidman as chairLincoln Jef t last Thursdays for- .man, wiil be. held on Wednesday, Pmladejphia,. where theyjKttendert/the January 28, at the J. C. C,,;Statttng 'convention of the; TempleSisterhoods, at 2 p. m. An elaborate' program j J a n u a r y . 1 8 ; t d ; - 2 2 i . : r " ,\..'••_-\ •. '-_•'•'- ''•--,,.-. -~ ha3 been arranged. .- After, visiting-, in rWajshington'-an«} 1 J> ^p A.- Goldstein will be thfe Chicago, Mrs. Mantel and Mrs. Levy guest^speaker. Other numbers on the •wjll ^'return- home "Uie-'early -part' of fprogram include' recitations by then e x t w e e k . . , ••-.'.>;.••>»:-.-,;'\ .•• , . , ^ . .'•.... Misses. Dorothy Frie<lel and Buth Friedman; Jewish folk songs by the: TO ATTEND WEDDING ;jv SURPRISE BRIDGE Rjfjrin "sistsra; dancing numbers by Mrs. H. Marcus leaves Saturday , -_ Miss Ruth Leibovici entertained a t Sar Merriain Blank and Sara Mae evening for Chicago. to" "attend ' the' a-surjmse bridge^ party Sunday after- Graetz, presented by Miss Annette ; marriage -of .her niece, iMiss'. Marie; noon tjq honor J ^ Marcos', _fprmerly of Omaha,-to Mr, jwho':will leave ^ ^ p j y Max ^rpmkrn. s . Nathan Kaplan of Chicago. The wed* studies a t the'University of ; Mrs. Max Letner will be. hostess at ding will take place on February 7 a t tea.: . " ' : the home of the bride. } While in Chicago Mrs. Marcus will brother-in-law -and ' sister, JVIr. and FOR CONCERT; • ,- - -.^.,,; , _ : be entertained by Mr. and ,Mrs.;Boris. Mr. Joseph R.1 Lazarus-of Pampa, 'Mrs. D._ Binstein and other• relatives* Irerner, Mr. and-Mrs. Ben^Marcus, Texas, will cbriie to Omaha td^atteiid dhave left for horned Mrs. Lax was Mrs. R. Tankel, Mr. and Mrs. L. SJU the David Lazarus concert to be lisld vejnnan and Mrr land Mrs. I. "Tankei. at the "Tech auilitoriufn -next Thursday, She expects to remain in Chicago for "evening. He will be- the-guest of .his about a month's visit. parents, Mr. and Mire. Harry Lazarus. Many reservations have -already E N T E R T A I N ; ' ; ,V- ; ". .-i./^..r^i-, f,- been '.made for the concert; Arftong ; Mrs. Harry J. Haykin jenterfained these are included Mr. and Mrs^ Karl FOR YOUR a t a T e a f r o m 3 to 5 on Sunday, N. Louis, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gross JanoBry; 18;; at the : home of her for 12, and M t - and- Mrs. Harold mother, Mrs. Louis Adler in honor of Brandt. ~ her sisters, Mrs. Robert L Pearlman and Mrs. H. Arthur Garfield of New r .•_ ' . York and Miss Freda Adler, a brid.e. iENTEKTArNED Mrs. J. W. Lax of Chicago and her The tea table decorations were and beautifully carried out in green and young daughter, Helei^^'who'-'rlMiye; ? ; yellow. About 100 guests called. been .visiting -here *%i{h' 5ltre. f;'-tia^s' Mrs. Julius Kraft, Mrs. Ben Graetz, Mrs. Morris Feldman, Mrs. Samuel H". Stern and the Misses Rose and Sophie Rosenstein assisted. ' Mrs." Pearlman will be -remembered as Miss Ethel Adler and Mrs. Garjield as Miss Ida Adler, both:of this

SILVER ANNIVERSARY; t , • Mr." and Mrs,-H. Janoff celebrated; their "silver wedding anniversarylast .'Sunday .at a dinner- for" twenty->fiye ;couples at the Rome hotel. Cantor E. .Selz" performed a mock ~ marriage. Miss Shirley "Janoff-headed a: fouf-i ^ct entertainment, which was followed by bridge "and'dancing. 5 " " _ """

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• Mr. Robert I. Pearlman, who with Mrs. Pearlman and Btrs. H. Arthur Garfield have been ^visiting""at "Hie home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adler, left Wednesday for his home in New York City. The visitors arrived a week ago to, attend the wedding of their sister. Miss Freda Adler and Isadore Elewitz, which was solemnized Tuesday evening, January 20 at the Paxton Hotel. Mrs. Pearlman and Mrs. Garfield will remain here for about three weeks longer.








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Jerusalem.—The. Moslem Suprenu Council, headed by the Grand'-Mufti-• f Jerusalem, i s fadmg; bankruptcy, according t o a statement made today by Abraham S a m a l / a "Moslem leader who charges the Council has spent funds on excessive salaries. Asserting that the Council's Wakf h a s an income of $400*000 he demands an accounting.

W. L. Ave. .662 28 17 -. 27 .600 18 _ 2S .578 19 22 .489 23 16 .356 29 lfi .856 29 The Empire Cleaners lead w a s reduced a pair of games when the Tonight Ben's Jewelry won two games. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will base The Wardrobes won their series his sermon this evening on the latest i r o n the fcarman Inasrance, while ±he Halasbocks trimmed the Yousem book of Ludwig Lewissohn, "The Last Days of Shylock." Tires three m a row. Jay Malashock, Leo Weitz and Morris Meyerson were the only pin Straus-Melchett Memorial busters who were in form. Ben Rich has been added to the Next Friday evening there will be Ben's Jewelry Five and Doctor Stein special memorial services in honor of can result in nothing more than fail is a new addition to the Yousem Tire Nathan Straus and Lord Melchett.j ure. As far as the more secure members Squad. Doctor Stein surprised the Philip Klutznick will speak on Lordj Melchett, and Henry Monsky will of the film coiony are concerned, their boys by polling an excellent score. varying origins, tastes and tempera eulogize Nathan Straus. The servments prevent them from forming in-1 Shriei" W a l l p a p e r a n d ices will be led by Dr. A. Greenberg.1 to any cohesive group. The only truly j T > « j + n By DAVID WEISSMAN local actress who i s prominent in Hol-1 " H I I lywood and Los Angeles Jewish soSioux City Pulpit The Shrier Paint and Wallpaper No one would be surprised to learn that most of those who are Jewish ligion, they play together. Their so- cial life, is C.armel Myers. Prior to Rabbi Goldstein will occupy the that the majority of the executives o f ' t e n d to hideJ-their nativity for busi- cial life i s truly cosmopolitan and in his death, Carmel Myers.' father was [1 Company, 24th and Hamilton streets, TTrt11xrttTrt/\r1*e *»Kio-F i n d n a t v t r - nrfr J o v e . > * . ... • • *' . A case in this way the Jewish members mingle one of Los Angeles' outstanding, has expanded into a statewide ( pulpit of Rabbi Rabinowitz in Sioux wholesale distributor of paint and §a t y o n F r i d a y > January SO. know that there are comparatively point is Ricardo Cortez who,, despite with their Irish, Spanish, German and Rabbis. wallpaper. few Jewish moving picture luminaries. {the publicity anent his having been French co-workers. They are featuring this year a What people would like to know i s born in Spain, was, in reality, a JewBalance Incongealable The demands of their daily work why Hollywood's Jews that i s the 5 ^ b b t h en a m f j b K r a n t z complete book-line of wallpaper to Jews File New Patents But when one considers the balance t h e Jews in the moving- picture business,! . . ' /, „ . „ . . .. „ • also act as an obstacle to their mingof the more or less stable Jewish film ' Paperhanger and large real estate , s a l e m . _ A m o n g the patents born on the East Side of New York. ling more with their own people. are not more Jewish, why they have u u c of' a l full His reputation rests on his ability When a picture is under production, j players, it can bs seen why no e f f o r t , o w n e r - T^J' c a r r y a so little to do with Jewish communal " u line *" i filed with the Palestine government and religious. affairs. Mr. Weissmah to porlray Spanish roles and it is the players generally have to be up j to congeal them into a group will b e ' , p a i n t s ' v a ; n ' s - h e s > o l 1 brushes, glass,. ^ f o u r b v T e w g I n c i U ( l e d in these at the same time gives some inkling only natural, then, that rather than I four are an improved method for early and hard at work at whatever![successful. Included in these great. explains this social phenomenon and The decorating and contract.ng | b t a . n i n g b r o m i n e f r o m b r i n e b y S . 1 of the Jewish movie-^ folk who play injure his stock in trade he lives up hour they may be called. They have jj near great and would-be great are business, which is under the he name o i l V^^^A ^ _ J BR™J p nt*>lev-l to the type he has built himself up no regular hours. They may have to Joseph a role in Jewish affairs.—-Editor. Schildkraut, Vera Gordon, Vriesland O o r i Cs P ann t e l e y j Max Shrier's Sons, is an entirely | to be. However, intermarriage did work on into the night and have little Maurice Black, Ann , f l n o f f o n ^ ^ o f t n e Palestine Ann Brody. Bobby, A list of the heads and executives not claim him, for he married Alma time for rest before they must be back Gordon. Claudette Colbert. Lilyan j separate department. ! Potash, l t d . , and Asher Pomerantz's in the business of making motion pic- Rubens, a Jewish film actress. on the set the following day. i Tashman, Leon Holmes, Hank Mann, method for prr>ducing a now-alcoholic tures is enough to convince anyone; Another case of this kind is Rod When they are able to rest, they Bernice Holtz, George E. Stone, Ed- j beveragr from hoiey. that they are largely Jews. On theLaRocque who formerly bore a very seek diversion and company close at iward^G. Robinson, William H. Strauss. , E OPENING § other hand, the list of prominent film Jewish name, but most now live up hand. Contrary to the popular "be.11 R°scoe Ates, George Sidney and s IltVIN C. I.EV1N. Attorney, players include a minority of Jews. 10 the Continental name he has chosen of roses" concsption of a screen play-' Tenen Holtz. 301 Electric Even when one takes into account and the roles he plays. er's life, it is one of hard and someOutside of all those mentioned be-'j = NOTICE OF SAUE l'X»KK ABTlSAJfS those who are in reality Jewish, or: changing of Names times tedious work with its natural fore in this article (and not forgetting 1 5 is hereby piveu thiit on Snturtlny, even part Jewish, and by devious MRS. S. MANDEL = thi-Notice 24tl> clay of .Innuury. 1031, al ten The changing of names is too well reaction of intense play or utter re- the famous Talmadge family) a fine 5 1919by AT. 9892 = Burt St. methods attempt to hide it, the pro- known amongst stage and film folk laxation and rest. o'clock A M. ot said day. the undersigned comb would drag to light very few i will sell at i»ul>lic auction to the highest portion still remains negligible . other film players of Jewish extracI bidder for casib nt l'.KN! CumiiiBS Sln-el. to naed comment. Even the Gentile I Om.-iba, Nehmskn. known as Shames Uody tion. The Jewish community life of Hol- players change their plain or oddAl Jolson a s "Angel" & Kaili.-itor Company, the followinc: Nevertheless, this does not detar Al One Essex Coach automobile, model 1!C5>, One could take up the matter of j 2 lywood, therefore, centers around pro- sounding handles for something more New and Old motor liumlier 1VJN704, license number Jolson from being one of the angels how many Jews there are amongst j £ ducers and other executives almost euphonious. But it seems that when Ti-3113, owned by one linv W.-ipriier. said VIOLINS sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing •wholly. Temple membership and at-a Jewish actor makes a radical change of the local Jewish Consumptive Re- Hollywood's film directors—but t h a t i ^ a lien for repairs and work completed nt 1 lief Association which maintains a At Reasonable Prices the lvqnest of said owner and for costs «f is still another story. tendance, Jewish welfare work and in his name to something Sranish, sale and all nccriilng costs and for the other intimate details of Jewish life! French or Irish, he also tends to sanatorium not far from Los Angeles. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleN. C. NIELSEN , purpose of satisfying the amount now due Besides his financial support, he thereon, to-wit: KEn.iM. nml thnt no suit do not find motion picture stars very break away from his own people. % North 16th JA. 5880 at lnw or oilier protwdinps nt law have graphic Agsncy, Inc.', many times donates his talent for the been instituted to ret-over said debt or any much in prominence. It i s therefore somewhat of a sur- entertainment of the inmates and at part thereof prise to learn that Kenneth MacKenna SHAMES BOI>Y ft RADIATOR CO. Only One Star affairs which are given for the beneBy Max Shames. Pr»i»ri*t«»r. was formerly called Milziner and is fit of that, and also other institutions. The B'nai B'rith Temple, the fore2t-l-0-31 >er cent Jewish. Eddie Cantor- i s more of a newcomer most Jewish house ^^^brshlp :in~Li^ " Norman Kerry, to Hollywood than is Jolson, but he MOKSRI. KATLEMAK A GRODRfSKT 2808-10 Angeles, has as its sponsors such men v w b o i s really a member of the well- has the same Jewish tendency toward AttonwTR at Idiw Mrs. David M Newman Cumintj St. and their families as Louis B. Mayer, . known Kaysef family, of silk fame. philanthropic work. Most of his inOmaha. Nrbr. j HA 0881 Irving Thalberg, Carl Laemmle, the'.•-£ - " ~ f ? •- . , f ' , . »' . , NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES xrr u 4-u -a 1 T K v f Sue Carol, a clever little Jewish girl, terest in this line lies i n the East. As OF IXCOItrOKATlOJf | Banana Cream W a r n e r b r o t h e r s , S o l L e s s a r , S i d - • • • - - ' • _» ^ , , • • „ Evelyn E v d y n Lederer, well- president of the N. V. A. he is vitally Notice is hereby (riven that «t a special Grauman and many other greatt leadOn« package Lemon jello, IV* cup !1CLEAN.«'-SWEEU< G d th l d ^ ^ ^ Y?*?' jieeliug of the stockhuWers of the lusnrers in the industry-but only one j ' ~ - C h i c a g o social circles. concerned about the tuberculosis san- boiling water, 5 large bananas forced mce Trust Incorporated, held on the ISth lav of December. JSKSO. the following Ar- , star ' Sue Carol, as many othsrs have atorium maintained by that institu- through a sieve, 5 teaspoons sugar, :i«.-»es of the Articles of Incorporation done The funny part about it i s that » further removed herself from tion at Saranac, N. Y. were amended to r«:d its follows: Vz pint crsam whipped. IltAL SERVICE *KTICU5 L this star—^Norma Shearer—was a non- Judaism b y marrying a Roumanian Dissolve jello in boiling water, "The name of the Company shall be The occasional benefit performances 'INSURANCE INVESTMENTS. INCOKPJewess who embraced the Jewish faith boy by the name of Nicholas Frata, staged by various Jewish charity or- chill. Combine banana pulp and sug3ICATE1V' upon her marriage to Irving Thalberg. known to film fans a s Nick Stuart. ganizations in Los Angeles find most ar, fold in cream when jello i s ' ARTICLE VI. Thane ATlantic S7SB The same is true of Douglas Fair"The nnthoriw-d capital stock of the Since then, she is setting a model exslightly thickened. Beat with a roof the Jewish players quite willing to wrponttion shall be Two Hundred Thou?0» South |-,th M. K « m SIC sand Dotlnrs ($200,000.00) dirided into ample for others of her adopted race banks, whose real name is Nicholas donate their services. With them also tary beater until the consistency of wenty thousand (20,000) shares of the par Ullman. Ben Lyon, another talented by her very regular attendance at *alne ot Ten lx>llnrs (WU.00) eswh: One come quite a few of the Gentile ac- whipped cream, fold in cream mixJawish boy, married a non-Jewess, Hundred Thousand Hollars <$100.«WO.OO) of services. ture. Turn in trays of electric retors. trbich sh.-ll be commou Bto*-fc and One Sol Wurtzel, chief executive of Fox Behe DanielsHundred Thousand DoTlnrs ($100,000.00) of frigerator, freeze for 4 hours, or put In the old days of the silent movie, Courtesy Service which shaU be preferred stock." in a mold and set in lower part of studios, is the founder of another Hoi-i Vaudevffle C o n t r i b u t e s J e w s ARTICLE VIII. it was generally the custom for the "The corporate sen! shall contain the THULL PHARMACY lywood house of worsmp-the TernSince tallring pictures have come star to merely step on the stage, say ice-box until firm. Cut in cubes. 1 jrords, -INSOKA.NCK 1NVKSTMKNTS. I INCORPORATED. OMAHA. NKBKAHKA." pie IsraeL Wortzel i s now * s hon- * 24th and Seward i n f U s i o n o f^ b l o o d i n ^ two or three words, take a bow andServe. ! s«rroiradiner the words. "COIU'OHATE In chnrxre »f KegUtercd Pharmacist orary life president whde the^reg- d u s t r y n a t u r a l I y ^0UgU many from retire. It has taken the former vaude5KAL"." ^i..7_... t r y naturaliy Tought J. W. MAUKlt. ular presidency is held by.-I. E . Chad- d•u s*JA ...T.:.I. il Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery B Cream Fig Pudding ^ o y e r _ villians to show them up by really I'residont. I a f i e l d w W c h h a s alw DONALD L. HOSE. putting on a good show. One package Lemon jello, 2 cups wick ano her movie producer. Ta[ w h e h n i n , J e w i s h V a u d e v i l l e a n d Hecretnry. I 1-2-S1—4T In explanation of why there is nobailing water, l cup figs chopped or this temple come a great number of [ „ - • •, j v. A -i. * J ^ the executives of Fox studios, ^several; Hollywood's colony such outstanding real community spirit amongst the t cup fig jam, cup whipped *t,« ^*i:— ~* ^ _ . 7 ^ . . _ . . _ „ . , musical comedy have contributed to JACK W. MAR3K, Attorney, J : a sprinkfrom Universal studios, and WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. 4th Floor, Court HMise Jews as A l Jolson, Eddie Cantor, Jewish actors there is also the ele-crzam. ling from various of the other picture NOTICE o r Amricucs OF INCOUPOKHarry Green, Benny Rubin, Mitzi ment of insecurity that should be Dissolve jello in "2 ups boiling waCertified Public factories. Still, there are no prom-, AT1ON Ol'THK KObKXBERKV HWME Green and a few others. But there taken into consideration. In the case ter, cook figs t o a jam in double COW8TKCCTIWN COJKTANY. inent film players, on the membership Accountants are not enough of tiiem to form a of the producers and executives, they Trotter with the remaining 1 cop waNOTICE is hereby given thnt the underlist of-this temple. aieneil h«ve ussoclnted themselves together -638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451 distinctly Jewish colony. remain in the business because they ter. When jello is slightly thickened for the purpose ot forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraskn. Scarcity of Thespians One of the features of Hollywood is have their money invested i n it orbeat until consistency of whipped The name «f tne corporation is the llosenberrjr Home Cousttuction Comntiuy and its The main reason for this is, as men- its tendency toward professional they are specialized in. their jobs. The cream. Fold in figs, and whipped principal plnce of business shall lie hi the tioned before, that Jewish film play- danishness. Thus, actors work t o - actor, however, must depend on pub- cream, and 1 cup chopped walnuts. City of Omnha, Douglas Couuty. Nebraska, and the general not ure of the business ers are a scarcity. Another reason is gether and,. regardless of race or .re- lic favor. When the public is tired of Turn in individual molds, place in Phone JAckson 1226 shall be a -general construction business him, he must leave and seek other freezing tray of electric refrigerator. for Itself and others, including the conBtrucing, repairrac eemodellng and imfields of endeavor. This has espe- Freeze 4 hours, or put in lower part proTiuj: of All tyiws of buildings, to contract, to sublet ant* tt> subcontract, to buy cially been the case, since the talkies of. ice-box t o set. and sell real estate, and shall hnve Ihe came into being. Actors were brought power to mortgage, lense, exchnnge, convel, release and assign nhd otherwise deal to Hollywood- in droves. T h e ; were, What i s food to one may be fierce in and handle uny and nil kinds of property. The totnl authorized oupitiil slo.-k tried out and many of them rejected poison to another. —Beaumont. •ball be «a.<M**.tM). di-ridrKl into TOO shiires before the public even had- a chance of the par valoe of $100.00 ench, nil of MOSTSKV. KATLKMAW * OBODIN8KY, which shall be common an* when iasned to see them on the screen. Many aball be fully paid and -nou-nssvsKahle and 4619 DOUGLAS WA.5HC. Attorney* isuch stock may be issued tor goods, wnres. more hung on for a while, realizing 737 Omaha National Bank Did*. 1 aserHmndise, r*Bh, real property, or for that their position was far from services rendered. The consideration acNOTICE OT INCOKPOKATl»3r J Empire Cleaners .. Malashoek Jewelry Wardrobe ! Ben's Jewelry Yousem Tire .

While a Majority of Filindom's Executives are Jewish, the Jewish Movie Luminaries are Gompar* atively Negligible


A. -—_«#•. - . « .

^ f ^ W .*. — •

M « * «^»«*



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JIOTICE is herel)y given that the under-J vatgned: bare~formed a corporation -pursuant, to-the Laws of the State of Nebraska. Tbe1 name o fthe corporation is BUTTJRKITMf ' lSbb.and Flow ifllODOCTS COMPANY. INC., with itB |Kh>etpnl o«ice In the. G«K or Omaha. The The past thre^years h a v e be«n« corpointfon. is organized to maintain and, of ebb and flow from the entire colony operate a. factory -for the m*n\if«ctnre. sale and distribution of certain devices knownof Hollywood. Of our Jewish actors, jur-a "Heel llaei" and "hose saver" foe use; on t h e Inside of the heel of low .shoes and Jack Benny and Gus Edwards are •all kindred commodities or device*: to ; well known illustrations of this situa- buy. rent, or otherwise acquire and to; sen, lease, mortgase and otherwise tion. . Quite recently, Lillian Roth's .hold, dispose of any and all kinds of property, personal or mixed .and any Interest; contract expired and Paramount »eal. therein or rights thereto, convenient to or; studios declined to renew it, with the necessary for the accomplishment of any of the objects of the corporation; to enresult that Lillian left Hollywood for joy throiiKh ourselves or otherwise *herights, privileges and licenses under pat- ; the East. Warner brothers dropped ents, trademarks, copyrights, and pxo-i Al Jolson when his popularity waned.' cesses; to borrow money for corporate and to issu eits oMiBations^The Although United Artists win feature purposes authorized capital stock shall be $10,600.00. divided into 100 shares, par value $100.00 him in a forthcoming production, the each, all common and when issued ejjall general concensus of opinion is that it be fully paid and non-accessnisle. •The. shall commence business when will be his last film effort. Paul corporation the Articles ara filed with the County Clerk of Donclaa and continue Muni's short lived'term in Hollywood until January 1. 2031;County, The highest amount gave him little time to see much of of indebtedness stall not exceed twothirds of i t s capital stock. The affairs the place and its people. of the corporation shall be administered a Board of two directors, elected at the Just as is the case with the above by annual meeting on the second Tuesday in January each year. Immediately thereit naturally follows that Eddie Can- after theofdirectors shall meet and elect tor, Harry Green and Benny Rubin the officers, consisting of President, VicePresident, Secretaryand Treasurer. These are treading on none too secure articles may be amended by two-thlras vote of outstanding o t s t a d g stock. ground. I t i s no wonder, then, that De t of d J 2 lSSI Dated January 21 1

23rd and Cuming Street

Sarry H. LanUm* President- Treas.



the formation of a communal spiri amongst Jewish actors i n Hollywood «—l-23-3i



Southwest Corner Eleventh and DOUKIOS Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.


.T!M i r r CREAM CO.


j « l by the Hoard of Directors for nay atock lssiHd aball "be conclusive as to "value. The corporation shall commence hushiess upon the fllinp of the Articles of Incorporation iu the office of the Count y -CUT* mt Oo«ffl*s Connty. Neiiraska, and' shall continue, until January 1st. WSl. The highest amount of indebtedness or Xmbllity to which, the corporation shall aunject itself siiaii not exceed two-tbirds t>t tta capttxt- stock. The affairs of the corporaHon shall be cojidnoted by a Board of .Directors of not less than three nor more than five, wh» shall be elected by the jrtackhftlders fr«n amouc their number at Their annual meeting which shnll be held on the first Monday of February in each ye«r and they shnll hold office for one year. Anv vacancies occurring on said board may" be filled for the unexpired term by the remaining members of the board. The board of directors shall elect from their membership a President, Secretary and Treasurer, any two of which offices, excr.pt the offices of President and Secretary, may be held by the same person. AH officers shall hold office for one year unless removed by the Board of Directors. The corporation shall have a seal and the same shall contain the words. "Rosenberry Home Construction Company, Omaha, Nebraska." The Articles may he amended at any regular meeting of stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purpose, after ten days notice of such proposed amendment in writing has been maileS to all stockholders npon the affirmative vote of the majority of the capital stock. The power to amend shnll include the right to authorize the issunnce of preferred stock on special terms ana conditions. ^ MARQ€ARDT, H. B. COHEN. A; GREENBERG, Witness.



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aimans osher omments


Tax Returns Notes of i


Believing that our readers • will" welcome 'any information and assistance with reference to the making and filing of income tax returns for .the past Tear, we have inaugurated this weekly income tax department, to be conducted by Isadore Abramson.

Temple Israel

either by the minor, or his parent, or by the trustee of a trust fund in behalf of the minor.

CORPORATIONS Every corporation must file d return, whether it has an income or a loss. The only corporations which Rev. Plank Tonight are exempt are those expressly menRev. Laurence R. Plank, minister tioned by statute. A corporation of the First Unitarian Church of this which is exempt must establish its right to be exempt by filing affidav- city, will occupy the pulpit at Temple its with the collector of internal rev- Israel this evening, in the absence of enue. Rabbi Cohn. PARTNERSHIPS Eev. Plank, who is one of the leadAlthough a partnership itself is not ing clergymen in, Omaha, is a scholtaxed on its income, the law require arly and cultured as well as entertainevery partnership to file a return showing its gross income and net in- ing speaker. His subject will be "The come, which is determined according New Dawn-Men." to the requirements of the income tax William L. Holzman will conduct law applying to individuals, except the service. that donations to charities, etc, are not deductible. The members of partnerships, in computing their net inTomorrow Morning come, may individually take credit for Tomorrow morning William L. their proportion of such gifts made by the firm. The return must be filed Holzman will conduct the services. even though the fir m has no net income for the year. Book Review ESTATES AND TRUSTS Rabbi Cohn will conduct his regA return is required of estates and ular book review before the Sistertrusts, if their gross income is' greater! , . -, , ,, , o on than is *v,^_ $5,000.00, Unnnnr. or „_ the *v net* income :— . I hood Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. greater than $1,500.00. They are I at the Blackstone hotel. He will retaxed upon their net income as if they view "Success," the recent book by were individuals. Lion Feuchtwanger.

Nothing is more certain than that the government does not wish to col* Noted for his bountiful philanlect more than it is entitled to. Prehropy, the late Nathan Strauss once paring an income tax return isn't the expressed his aim in life in these easiest thing in the world. The mil"words . . . . "It is my ambition to lions of dollars that are annually redie a poor man, for then I shall be funded to taxpayers and still greater sums additionally assessed against rich in happiness and in good works" taxpayers each year are good wit. . . . T h i s should serve many who nesses to the intricacies of tax reaccumulate vast fortunes to remem- turns. ber the words of wisdom uttered by From the viewpoint, therefore, of both individual and national economy, a man, who gave fortunes to help the it behooves everyone to be familiar common people . . . . David Kline, a with legitimate savings which are modest young man who can never be possible if the correct procedure is persuaded to tell of his gruesome war followed. experiences . *. . he was awarded the Certain situations may arise that D. S. C. medal for bravery in action will make a considerable difference . . . . and now operates a drug store in the tax bill, but for our discussion we will leave out all the complicated at 18th and Dodge streets . . . . The matters, and confine ourselves with Jewish folk songs revived by the the basic principles. unique Hazomir Club . . . . the zest Of course, it is generally known and spirit displayed at their rehear- that there has been a rate increase. sals . . . . Harry Bender and Meyer Although the rates were reduced for the calendar year 1929, for 1930, and Levinson, the sponsors of this group subsequent years (until the law is . . . . Prohibition agents angered at changed), the rates can best be illustheir inability to crash into Belle Liv- trated as follows: Rates Applicable ingston's cabaret in New York . . , Peace Group to Calendar saw "ted" when they entered the Year The Peace group of the Council establishment . . . . but it was only will hold its regular meeting at the 1930 1929 Madame Livingston's red pajamas N o r m a l tax on inBlackstone hotel, Tuesday noon, Jan. . This lady rivals Tex Guinan' dividuals, estates, uary 27th. This is the final meetingCouncil of Jewish Women The February meeting of the Counon "Military Training in Schools and ofl% when, it comes to violating the eigh- and trusts cil will be in the nature of a Cabaret • Colleges." It will be a general dis3 2% % teenth "commandant" Dr. M .E. 5 4% luncheon. This will be held at the! cussion of the policy of the Council I? Stein, following an illness that alBlackstone hotel, Mondav, January to be adopted in regard to this subTax on corporaf most resulted fatally, staging a great tions ! % 11% 26th, at 1:00. Mrs. Irvin Stabnaster, ject. comeback . . . . and being received The outstanding event of the year The increased rates are therefore Wa. 5109, is in charge of reservafor the Peace group of the Council with a hearty greeting by the meraper cent on the first $4,W».fO of tions. Miss Miriam Schimmel will act as will be February 3rd, at the Blackfo bers of the ^Business Men's Bowling net income above the personal exempmistress of ceremonies. Master Mel-!' stone hotel at 12:30 p. m. At this tion and 'other credits, 3 per cent on ft-- League . . . . his grit and determinathe next $4,000.00, and 5 per cent on vin Newman will give a group of) time Frederick Libby, Washington, f tion really is to be admired . . . . the remainder, instead of one-half of drum selections. His mother, Mrs. J D. C, executive secretary of the naHelen Wills, the tennis wizard, is not Ben Newman, will accompany him. j tional council for prevention of war, pgr p e r Mr. Bernard Szold assisted by Miss will speak. This is an op3n luncheon. we have The surtax rates on income in excess the only "poker" face •William (Silent Cal) Grodinsky who of $10,000.00 are unchanged. The Helen Merritt vrill present a sketch. All are welcome, entitled "In Spring." Miss Rosalie' Further information concerning can register fear, surprise, joy and tax rate on the income of corporations Alberta will appear in a dance solo. this luncheon will be published. is increased from 11 per cent to 12 .eadness . . . with the same expres"Courage Conquered," a drama of per cent. the west, an original dramatic sketch Thanks to F. J. A., one of Hie Auxiliary's Cafeteria Supper sion WHO MUST FILE RETURNS in burlesque, written by Louis Iipp, my expert "lookouts" for contributing The cafeteria supper,, served by Returns are required of every . T h e wife of a. -single person whose net income for will be presented. Mr. l i p s , Yale l|se Ladies Auxiliary -of *ftjre' Conservto this-column Kroloff, Wcsl Walter Schimmel, Mrs. < certahvdoctor in"this city purchased the taxable year was $1,500.00 or J. Malasbock and Miss Florence Wolf ative Synagogue last xnfenth proved such a success that it was announced 1 a Russian wolf hound . . . . but didn't more, every married person living will take part. jthat the second of these affairs will t realize that the hound was affection- with husband or wife whose net inMiss Rose Brick will appear in a j take place on Tuesday, February 10, %.-• ate . . . . and that the doctor whistled come was $3,500.00 or more, and group of "blues" songs. Sora Miriam at 6 p. m. at the Jewish Community every person single or married whose Harold Margolin, 24 gross income was .$5,000.00 or more Blank will give an exhibition of tap Center. in his sleep •and toe dancing. Those attending the first supper old, is now the president of a regardless of net income. Husband enjoyed the affair immensely, and half million dollar ice manufacturing and wife living together may each Current Topics the committee in charge promises to corporation now under construction in make a separate return, of the income Declaring that prohibition has in again serve a delicious home-cooked Kansas City, Mo an alert young of each, or their income may be in- his estimation fjiled and would bet- meal for the -ame small sum of 60c cluded in a single joint return, in ter be left to the individual states, for adults and 30c for children. mind with a keen sense of business which case the tax is computed on the j j e v jr. w. Clayton, pastor of the Members are urged to attend and judgment .. . . Mrs. Ben Margolin aggregate net income. AU-Saints "Epscopal church, told the bring their children and friends. (Celia Ross), formerly an Omahan, Whether joint or separate returns c n r ^ n t topics group of the Council A short program in charge of continuing her activities among Jew- are filed may make a great deal of o f J e w i s h Women Tuesday morning Rabbi Goldstein will follow the supdifference in the tax. We will dis- at the J. C. C. that the struggle of per. ish organizations in/Kansas City prohibition was to a large degree the Resarvati ans, which will not be Shades of David Warfield and Ben cuss this phase more fully later. Under the heading of single individstruggle of the modern world. His accepted later than ^ebruar? 8, may "Welch! . . . . John Feldman, collector uals are included divorcees and per- subject was 'Freedom in the Mod- be made with any of the following: and protector of many local organi- sons separated by mutual ^consent. A • e r n World." T-.rs. Abner Kaiman, Glendala 2488; zations, has been assigned the char- single person who is the head of a | Prohibition, he stated, had -lot Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028; acter of "Yudelson, the Kibbitzer," inj family and whose net income for 1930 however totally failed. "We have not and Mrs. William Alberts, Harney but it may 3428. the "Jazz Singer" . . . . the Center' w a s $1,500.00 or more must file a re-: g o t the right thing yet, bi thing." ™ „ n..»A „!.„„,,•„„ ,:,;™i.. in c=. turn, even though, by reason of the ppoint o int the way to the rigx Players Guild choosing wisely in se- personal exemption and credit for de"Though my church has not been Auxiliary Members lecting this 62-year-old gentleman for pendents, his income is not taxable. in sympathy with the eighteenth The Ladies Au-dliary welcomes as the part . . . - Honorable mention to MINORS MUST FILE RETURNS amendment," he stated, "I have nev- new members Mrs. Sam Green and Mrs. Max (Sophie) Fromldn, promHow to report the income tax re- er clticized the eighteenth amend- Mrs. Sam Siporin, Jr. inent for her many activities among turn of a minor is a subject of fre- ment from the prlpit. I have never Jewish women's organizations . . . . quent inquiry. The revenue act spe- co- sidered it nu duty to knock anyTemple Sisterhood The Sisterhood of Temple Israel and as sponsor of the Junior Hadas- cifically provides that every individ- thing the government is trying to will give a most unique luncheon in The Mwags" once re- ual that has a net income of ?l,500.00 do." sah group "An educated person," according to marked that the "wailing wall" had or over, or $3,500.00 or over, depend- I v merely one ing upon his marital status,-shall file \*? - Clayton, been transferred to the Stock Ex- a return. However, whether the min- who can do something; he is also change . . . .-that was 1929 B.D. (be- or has been emancipated — allowed one who kno .vs the significance . of fore dropping). . . . and now comes -control of' his income—by his par- what he does and cannot and will ii'-t do certain things, having acthe announcement of the Wall Street ents and the source of the minor's quired a set of values." | a unique idea in income are material factors in .•deterSynogague • The struggle of prohibition," he mining^ how the income shall be and deserves the taxed. Most minors are unemanci- added, is to a- large degree the Jewish life same respect as Trinity and St. Paul, pated. In such instances the parent struggle of the modern world. It ; which stands/.at the foot of Wall has the lega 1 right to the minor's, recognizes that there "is not a single j right of man which can not betaken J Street - . . . The weekly film features earnings and must include them in avay from him, that his *inalien-> a five-year old boy who can read any- 'his."return.--:'A- minor living in the ^.ble' rights guaranteed him are more J home of his parent may" be emancithing . . . why not try him out on a pated. If the minor pays his board completely subject to alienation than corporation income tax blank and otherwise supports himself, there any other of our rights." Mrs. Nate Mantell, the popular choice is an implied emancipation. The same of the Temple Israel Sisterhood, for rule governs if the minor is carrying^ delegate to their convention at Phfla. on a business for himself and the Arthur Rosenblum, a former parent exercises no control over his earnings. Emancipation may be exvery active in B'nai Brith pressed or implied, general or limittes in Los Angeles . . . . chairman ed. However, generally, and in the the degree team of the lodge . absence of proof to the contrary, a May Be Purchased on a and impressing his audiences with his parent is assumed to have the legal Partial Payment Basis ,. . . , . . , .. rm,- right to the earnings of his minor Through dramatic life interpretation . . . . Ine^ '= • . ° u , • . . . . child, and the minor's earnings are public whose funds were deposited in. 4 ^ ^ j ^ ^ t o t h e p a r e n t . O n t h e banks that were recently closed . . . . . . other hand, any income to an un901 Omaha NatL Bank Bid g» contented with the fact that they had emancipated minor not analogous to JA.7449 a "run" for their money . . . ; . See earnings, such as interest, dividends, rents, royalties, etc., from a bona fide in the column next week. trust fund or from property possessed Please give me further informaby the minor, are not to be included tion on-your plan. Life is what you make it, but don't i n the parent's return. Instead such Name „ try to make life too lively. j income must be reported on a sep-



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•—:....-—••,-;, I arate return of the minor and "be \ A friend in heed frequently. Isn't » taxed to him as in, the case of an • friend when he isn't in need. individual. 33ie return is to be filed


the vestry rooms of the Temple ton Monday, February 2. This is to be a birthday surprise affair, and reservations must be in by January 30. Each person making reservations By F. R. E. is requested to give the month of her birthday, the year not being Leo Nogg Chosen on Debate both Omaha and Council Bluffs are necessary. Team at University of Iowa expected to attend this affair. Leo Nogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Dramatic Club Mr. and Mrs. A. Diamond announce Morris Nogg of Council Bluffs, was The Omaha Jewish Dramatic club honored at the University of Iowa the birth of twin sons, born Wedneswill hold their next meeting on Fri- when he was chosen this week as a day, January 14, at their home at day, January 2S, at the residence of member of the State University 629 West Washington avenue. J. Feldman, 2424 Burt. Mr. M. Min- freshman debate team. He entered Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne, ackin will address the meeting on an the University of Iowa last fall, folcompanied by their small grandimportant su'-ject. lowing his graduation from the A reading vrill be given by Mr. J. Thomas Jeflerson High school here, daughter, Arlene Krasne, left TuesRadinowsk, and a few musical num- where he was presented with a day for Los Angeles, California, for bers "will be included in the program. scholarship to the university. Only a.n extended visit. Anyone interested in dramatics is three members from the entire freshThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 welcome. man group were chosen on the debate of the Independent Order of the team for this season, and as a co- B'nai Bri*-h will hold a regular meetLadies' Labor Lyceum Club incidf-nt, one of the two remaining ing next Monday evening, January The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club debaters chosen was Virgil Tacy, 26, at the Eagles Hall. At this time will hold a rummage sale at 1627 •who graduated from the Abraham plans will be completed for their N. 24th St. beginning on Monday, Lincoln High school in Council open meeting and banquet which January 26, and continuing for a Bluffs. These two boys who were will be held nn the following Sunday few days. Those who still have bun- rivals during their high school debat- evening, February 1, when Mr. Harry dles are asked to call any member ing days, are starting their college Lashkowitz cf Fargo, North Dakota, of the committee—Mrs. M. Crounse, debates by being on the same team. will be principal speaker and honored gu«st. Webster 26S3; Mrs. J. Elkin, Webster 3910; or Mrs. H. M. Stein, JackThe Council Bluffs chapter of the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman son 5711. They will be glad to call Senior Hudassah will hoid a linen for any bundles. shower on luesday afternoon, Feb. enteilained the members of their 3rd, at the Strsnd Theatre ballroom. bridge club at a dinner party followThe afternoon will be spent playing ed by bridge at their home Tuesday Pioneer Women The Pioneer omen's Club has ap- bridge, and all members are urged evening. pointed Mrs. 1. Horowitz Chairman to make plans early to attend this Mrs. IT. Saltzman entertained fc their Annual Bazaar to be held I affair and to bring their friends, twcnty-fou>- guests at a tea at her sctetimes in February. Com*~iittees Reservations should be made with home Saturday afternoon. be out for contributions and Mrs. Ben Harding, who is chairman. anyone wishing to contribute may Linens received will be sent to the Mrs. Jake Krasne entertained the get in touch with them or call Palestine hospitals where they are members of her club at a one-o'clock Webster 2333, Mrs. Horowitz; or very urgently needed. Women from luncheon at her home Wednesday. Kenwood 0420, Mrs. Rkhlin. These contributions go for C.ialutzos in Arthur Kazlowsky, Wiliam Wolfe, The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 Palestine. Ralph Nogg and Daniel Lintzman. of the A. rL. A. held a meeting Wednesday evening, January 21, at the home of Ernest Ross. Golden Hin Society Psi Mu regular meeting of the Ladies' At a short meeting of the Psi Mu Messrs. Lawrence Krasne and Ike Golden Hill Society will bs held next t held Monday evening plans were disKrasne are expected home the latter Tuesday, Jan. 27 at the home of cussed for the skit to be presented at part of this week from New York Mrs. D. Epstein, 3009 C .ss S t , at the Senior Club Rally. The Psi Mu City., following a two weeks' buying those trying out for debate a » 2 o'clock. All member urged to attrip. has already two legs on the cup a s s tend. result of winning the contest in 1928 Mrs. I. Kramer and son, Max, and and 1929 and the members hope to Mrs. A. L. Cohn left for New York Junior Hadassak A regular meeting of Junior H&d- gain permanent possession of the cup. two weeks ago for a month's visit. assah was held Tuesday evening, Fa Hon Jai.uary 20th. The banquet which At a meeting held by this sorority « to be held the latter part of January has been postponed until Monday evening, tentative plans for Bt W1RB next month. Arrangements for a Tea the original skit for the Senior CounA\A. nw.ll TUB WORLD Dance to be held in March were dis- cil Stunt Rally to be held on February FRED R. SHAW 12 was made. The girls decided to cussed. FIA1WEE SHOP (Continued on page 6.) ^_^ 54S Broadway Phone 41 The Philanthropies pledge donated by the Junior Hadassah organization has-been, increased-to. fcssice-£he original amount formerly pledged. The next regular meeting of the Club will be held February 5th, Thursday evening, and all the members are urged to attend, as it will be a very important meeting.

Council Bluffs News


Jr. Hadassah Glee Club The Junior Hadassah Glee Club, under the direction of Oscar Weinstein, has held very successful meetings weekly on Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock at the J. C. C. Due to the lecture by Dr. Juliu? Klein yesterday evening, the next glee club practice by the group will be held at the Center on Sunday, January 25, at 4 p. m. All Jr. Hadassah girls are urged to attend. Thus far the response to this activity has been enthusiastic and the results effective.

A. Z. A. No. 100 Sam Meyerson has been elected delegate of the chapter to the national convention to be held in Milwaukee in July. Tryouts for the district tournament to be held in Lincoln on February 6, 7, 8 will be held soon. The oratory candidates are Sidney Coyne, Sam White .and Ralph Nogg, while

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PAGE 6-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1931 the character and extent of the atrocities.*' The entire press of our country denounced vehemently Russian savagery and expressed high admiration for Jewry. Stirring protest (Continued from Page 5.) >*, meetings were held in twenty-seven The following is an extract of a finances. When the funds were very states and in fifty communities, one have a celebration in honor of the MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent sermon given by Rabbi Lewis at low, or . completely exhausted and of the most important taking place in new officers on Friday evening, Janwhen the hopes of .the leaders were New York City, where ex-President uary 30, to be held at the home of Mount Sinai Temple, January 9: The city of Boston has recently at a very low' ebb, Hayim Salomon Cleveland and the mayor were prin- Miss Rose Stein. witnessed a very significant and for advanced to the government huge cipal speakers. In addition to expresAmerican Israel, a very joyous cele- sums of money, without expectation sions of sympathy, the American peoIN MEMORIAM bration, the two hundred and seventy- of reward or even return. . He died, ple contributed generously in a mafifth, anniversary of the arrival of. leaving the government 'heavily in- terial way towards the amelioration By Henry Magzamin Dave Davidson debted to his heirs. Never has the of the victims of Czaristic cruelty. Chalk ' up another one for Coach Elaborate plans are being made for the first Jew on these shores, Jacob loan been repaid. This constitutes President Roosevelt transmitted a peSioux City Jewry unites as one- the Annual Kadima Caberet Dinner Barsimons, who reached Boston in j one of the finest examples of Jewish tition of protest containing the sig- "Manny" Segals: Center Variety. SeNewly elected officers of the Ladgal's boys took the strong Sioux City Dance. The affair which is sched- 1655. He was followed very shortly j ies' Auxiliary were installed before great family, in mourning the loss of uled for February 1, will take place by twenty-three Jews who came to! generosity in behalf of the great natures of leading American citizens. Kleeblatt A. C. into camp with a 27its beloved member, great benefactor The Czar, however, refused to accause of American freedom. 150 members of the Auxiliary, the to-18 score Saturday. at the Shaare Zion Social HalL It J Manhattan Island from Brazil, where Daughterhood of Shaare Zion and and staunch friend, Dave Davidson. ! will,carry out a Russian Theme, with) the. inquisition was carrying oh its J Another stirring event in American cept the document and made himself Playing a fast breaking game the Mr, Davidson came to Sioux City ; and his country ludicrous and pathetic their friends. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, rehideous work/ In quest of religious Jewish history was the dissolution of Center jumped into the lead in the Russian decorations, table appointtiring president gave a brief talk, from Russia, in 1883. He entered ments and menu. Special lighting ef- freedom, and in hope of escape from the commercial treaty, between the spectacles. first quarter and were never headed business with his brother Ben, who which was followed by a short talk the cruelties and the injustices of the United . States and Russia. In a democracy, election to office throughout the game. With the openThe fects will add to the local color. by Mrs. Philip Sherman, the incoming died several years ago. From the inquisition, the twenty-three refugees American government thereby public- or appointment is the most certain in- ing of the second half Coach Segal president. At that time Mrs. Morey part owner of a little store on Fourth. Those in charge of the affair in- braved the stormy seas, and a danger- ly rebuked the Czar for discriminat- dex of the esteem and prestige on in- sent in his shock troops and the soLipshutz was installed as first vice- and Court street in 1891, Mr. David- clude Mr. I. H. Levin, general" chair- ous trip, and sought security and re- ing against American citizens of Jew- dividual or a group enjoys. American called "second team" also played real president; Mrs. M. Mushkin, second son became the leading business man man; Eli Robinow, J. Levin, L. Heeg- ligious tolerance at New Amsterdam. ish birth. The Russian authorities Israel is very proud of the service its basketball. • -• vice-president ;JMrs. I. H. Levin, cor- in Sioux City. He was widely ac- er, R. Sacks, M. Friedman and. Sovel sons have rendered our country. for years refused to honor the AmerUpon arrival, however, the goverPhil Gerelick, former Nebraska star, quainted and respected by everyone Krueger. Mr. Morey Lipshutz will responding secretary; Mrs. Lester President Rooseveit was the first to was the outstanding man on the floor. nor, Peter Stuyvestant was reluctant ican passports when issued to a Jewwith whom -he came in contact. His act as master of ceremonies. Heeger, financial secretary, and Mrs. to admit them. After much negotia- ish citizen, refusing the latter admis- appoint a Jew to membership in the Schriebman was high point man for S. R. Skalovsky, treasurer. Miss opinion and counsel was eagerly j The menu is.in charge of Mrs. I. H. tion- with the home authorities, he- sion. Our government greatly re- cabinet Oscar S. Strauss, as secre- the Center.. In two preliminaries the Bluma-Glensky is the president of the sought and highly valued by his busi- Levin, Mrs. John Kaufman and-Mrs. yielded OR cor.d itjer. tisai "tlse poor seated this savage and ingultmg dis- tary of the department of commerce fast A, Z. A, 100 best the Italian /j Max'Herzoff." Mrs.Joe Friedman and daughterhood. Mrs. Robert Sacks in- ness associates and friends, : .Nothing was-too small 6r;insignifiMrs. B. Baron will have charge: of the amongst them should not become n crimination against American Jews. and labor served exceptionally well. A. C. 22 to 10, and the A. Z. A. lost • stalled the officers. The meeting was burden to the country- or the com- Both houses of congress passed A more startling and more signifi- to the Iowa Clothes. a joint gathering of the Ladies' Aux- cant for Mr. Dave Davidson's atten-' dining room. Over 250 reservations munity, but be supported by their own strong resolutions instructing the cant appointment was. that made by tion when any matter of charity or The A. Z.A. 100 five, one of the are anticipated. iliary and the Daughterhood. A play nation." This stipulation has re- state department either to compel i President Wilson in 1916, when he fastest teams of the city, continued was presented by four members of assistance 'was brought before' him.' mained a sacred principal of Jewish Russia to honor the passport of nominated Louis D. Brandeis to the to lead the Center Commercial basketthe Center Masque and Wig Players. He was always ready to be. of assist- 'American Jews, or failing in that, to United States supreme court. The ball league by taking the strong Sterlife in America, as elsewhere. ance where his aid was needed.At, It was entitled "The Grill." Those The war of the Revolution was | annul the commercial treaty. All di- decisions of Mr. Brandeis and Mr. lings to the tune of 26 to 18. who took "part include Rose Tessler, ;the'- time of his death, Mr. Davidson j financially able to carry on, primarily plomatic efforts having failed, Con- Holmes are considered by most emIn the second game A. Z. A. ChapCharlotte Salkin, Milton Fishgold and was the- first vice-president and argressman Sulzer of New York City inent authorities to be the outstanddent worker of the Federation of Jewbecause of the generosity of a Jewter 1 took the slipping Thorps, like Lou Slotsky. Announcements have been maOed ish Social Service. He was also, a to every Jewish home in Sioux City, ish financial genius, Hayim Solomon. introduced a resolution in the house ing work of this highest tribunal of a duck takes to water. The score was Miss Lillian Magazine offered a member of the directorship of Mount This gentleman advanced huge sums of representatives in December, 1911. our country. In the recent election group of songs and Miss Ruth Bern- Sinai Temple. He was interested in for the Third Annual Federation Ban- of money to Governor Morris, upon making for the dissolution of the two Jews of outstanding ability and 32 to 15. In the last game of the evening the quet and meeting which will take stein gave a humorous reading. all communal activities that asked his place Tuesday evening, February 10. whom George Washington relied for treaty. The senate adopted the reso- well-known for their liberalism were up and coming Psi Mu five gave the lution unanimously as did the house, Refreshments concluded the eve-, counsel and advise. Mr. Morris Skalovsky, general chairand President Taft put it immediately elected to governorships of their re- Swifts the battle of their lives, but ning's program. Leading citizens, business men and man of the Banquet is urging every- Sarah Kaplan; Booth: Dena M. Baron, into effect. Jewish honor was thus spective states. In New Mexico, Mr. lost out in the last few minutes of city officials... paid. tribute . to Mr. one to send in their reservations at Sadie Burnett and Charlotte Borsh- vindicated, and American rights were Arthur Seligman was chosen gover- play. The score was 30 to 25. This Davidson, lauding his friendly char- their first possible opportunity, in evsky; Checkroom: Blooma Olensky, thus asserted and defended honorably nor and in Oregon this honor was be- game was the best affair of the evestowed on Julius Meier. Thus do the ning, the lead see-sawed back and acter and life of service by expres- order to facilitate the work of tha Mary Kaplan, Ida Cohen; Posters, and effectively. sons of Israel serve their country ef- forth throughout the game. sion in the local papers. committees. Reservations will be Rozena Sacks. In April, 1903, the civilized world ficiently and loyally. Mr. Davidson's death leaves a void taken only for the number that can be was greatly shocked and the conThe first two hundred and seventy-! The Center varsity will have anThe members of the Maccabee Club that can never be filled. -He-is sur- accommodated, according to the comMount Sinai Temple science of America furiously aroused five years of Jewish life in America other strong team to beat this Saturgave their annual banquet for their vived by his widow, Mrs. Myrtle Ja- mittees in charge. . parents and friends last Sunday eve- cobs' Davidson, two sons,••Herman and Rabbi Lewis will speak this eve- by the savage program that took have been important and fruitful. Let day. This time it is the Union State This r affair is the largest gathering ning in the Jewish Community Cen- Lawrence, and one daughter, Mrs. of Sioux City Jewry during the year. ning on "The Life of Nathan Straus." place in Kishineff. President Roose- us hope that the next will prove even Bank, leaders of the Y. M. C. A. ter. Sidney Baumstein acted as toast- Helen Bolton. At this time a full report of the Fed- The regular service will begin at 8 velt immediately ordered the state de- more significant and more blessed league. The Union Staters have a partment to inquire officially as to both for the United States and Israel. number of former high school stars master. Guest speakers included Mr. eration and Center activities is given; o'clock. A. M. Davis, president of the federaa financial report is read, plans for tion; Mr. Frank Margolin, advisor of the' coming year are; discussed - and the club; Mr. M. H. Bergen, in beseveral members are elected to the half of the fathers, and Mrs. John -Miss Esther Cohn has arrived from Board of Directors. Larisberg in behalf: of the mothers. Cleveland ,for an; extended -visit with Max Maronx, past president, of the friends and-relatives in the city. Mrs. Derwin Elected club, gave a report of' the work of Head Ladies' Farane 1930 and Sam Sadoff, incoming presiMrs. Sam Mosow and Isadora Mosdent, gave the plans for the future. ow .visited friends, in Omaha, over" the Mrs. M. Dervin was elected presiRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz delivered the week-end. dent of the Sioux City Ladies! Indebenediction. Inez Leaff and Rebecca The Phi Epsflon Tau. Sorority will pendent. Farane at their meeting last Stillman presented a song and dance specialty. Anna Pill of the Commun- meet next Wednesday at the home of Sunday afternoon.' Mrs. J. Lefkovich was elected vice president; Mrs. I. L. ity Center staff spoke in behalf of Miss Bernice Levine." Klass, financial secretary; Mrs. M. the Center. Music during the dinner was presented by Sam Berman and Dave Feldman visited with" friends Braver, recording secretary; Mrs.' J. Herman, treasurer, and the following his orchestra. Mrs. Sam Lipman, in Omaha over the week-end. on the board of directors, Mrs. J. Mrs. George Grueskin, Miss Sadie Shulkin, Mrs. M. Passman and Mrs.. Miss Leah Herzoff visited in Coun- Shapiro; Mrs. M. Levitsky, Mrs.. J. Sam Passman assisted* with the ar- cil Bluffs last week, at the home "of Stein, Mrs. L. Herman, Mrs. J. Shulkin, Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. I. Wigodrangements for- the banquet. Miss Gertrude Kroloff. sky arid Mrs. B.' Shindler. Mr. James Greenstone has recently purchased the Sydney Pharmacy on Brotherhood Dinner Maccabee cagers have a list of four 10th and Pierce! "victories to their name during the Dance Monday past week's playing. They defeated Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazure and Miss Reservations beyond the expectation . the Mayflower church players 36_ to Marcia Robinow visited in Des Moines of the committees have been coming 20. The Reds of "Woodrow Wilson over the weekend. in for the Brotherhood Dinner Dance High were vanquished with a' score according to Mr. E. A. Goldstein, of 31 to 24. Another game with the Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brodkey of Oma-' chairman of the reservations. The Reds was won to the tune of 17-7. ha visited' at the -home- of -the forDinner Dance will be held next MonLast Monday they defeated the A's mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max day evening, in the Hotel Martin Ballof North Junior, 17 to 7. Brodkey. • room. Music will be furnished by Milton Grueskin has been playing at the pivot post. He has worked out Miss Sophie Raskin was hostess to Larry Burkle and his orchestra. Four very well here and will probably re- members of the N. M. A. Club at her special entertainment acts have been main there on the first five . home last Sunday afternoon. Bridge arranged for, and promise to make the evening an enjoyable one. was followed by. refreshments. Members of the Business Girl's Club held their monthly bridge party High School News Deadline last Wednesday evening. - . ' A number of Jewish boys and girls .All news for the Sioux City page were among those who received diThe Deborah Club will cast parts of the Press must reach the Sioux plomas from Central High School last City correspondent by Tuesday evefor two one-act plays at their next ning, to appear in the following Fri- night. They include Ray Barish, meeting on Sunday. _ day's edition. Call 86619, the Jewish Dena Baron, Serene, Barrent, Sam Berman, George Feinberg, Ray FriedMembers of the Masque .and Wig Community Center, after 1 p. m., or man, Mary Hanin, Bessie Holland, Players presented "The Grill" at the 88453 after 6 p. m. Frances Jacobson, Charlotte KantroShaare;Zion Synagogue last Monday vich, Ethel Katz, Ann Lebowitz, Morevening. Those who took part includ Shaare Zion Synagogue ris-Lefkovitch, Edward Leham, Mored Charlotte Kanterovich, Rose TessRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak risMoskowitz, Anna Raskin,' Lobby ler, Milton Fishgold. and Lou Slotsky this evening on "A Story of the Jew Rubenstein and Helen Wolf. in America." Ray Barish and Serene Barrent Mr. W. C. Woolworth will speak took leading roles in the Senior Class before the Newsie Club at their next NEW OFFICERS ASSUME play which was presented at the Cenmeeting. CHARGE OF B'NAI BRITH tral High Tuesday and Wednesday. Guaranteed Tire

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Mr. E. N. Grueskin, newly elected President of the B'nai Brith was in charge of the regular B'nai Brith meeting held last Monday evening. Plans for the Inaugural Banquet to be held February 17 were discussed at the business meeting.

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Among those who will take part in the A Capella Chorus recently organized at Central High are: Elsie Shulmari, Dorothy Friedman, Charlotte Gelfand, Rose Shiloff, Morris Rifkin, Harry Zifkin, Harry Kanofsky, Bernard Lazriowitch and Harry Shulman. Jake Mirowitz and Henry Salzman appeared in the A Class .Play at North i Junior High recently.

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Committees Appointed for S. I. S. Red Hot Dance The following • committees have been appointed for the Sigma Iota Sigma "Red Hot" Dance which is to take place at the Community Center, Sunday evening, February 15. Tickets: Eva Lipton, chairman; Dena Baron and Dorothy Friedman; Publicity: Rosalie Sacks; Decprations: Rozena Sacks,- Lillian Dobrow,* and'

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