In § . .
-Interesting and Entertaining
Interests of The Jewish Community tSuietva us sefonrt-cjiiss mau matter on Jtutumrr'it. UKd.il poRtofflre nt umnha. Nehnmkn. tinder the Art of .Mnrrti 3.1KI&
Center This Evening
Americans, Too, May Have to Emigrate
Washington*—(J. T. A.)—Chairman Johnson of the House Immigration Committee declared that America, despite its large unoccupied land areas, Actions Committee Vote Send was destined -to become one of those Fund-Raising Delegation crowded-,nations whose sons must Birth Control Advocate Is Next seek opportunity in newer lands. •. . t S L S , : Specter on Forum's London.—(J. T v A.)^— After five "Although we have lote of Course days of extensive debste and heated cnpied land, it is apparent that farmour standdiscussion, the eiftergelky. meeting of ing • , ,is, not . . profitable „ , under , ; Margaret: Sanger, noted birth cond of Onl the Zionist-Actioni Committee finally • " - *"**•• r &* trol advocate who is- next speaker on decided, to postpone tfee 17th World I ? f ™ e n t i r e l y new giant industry the Community Forum lecture course, Zionist Congress tq r a|idate no later ca. .piovide opportunity for the milwill speak at the J. C. C. auditorium The newly-created Jewish Comthan June 15. The Congress had been lions of young people who are growon Tuesday evening, February. 4. Her ing Tip to take part in the scramble' Frederick. Libby, executive munity Center and Welfare'[ Federascheduled to meet at jEarlsbad Febrtopic will be, "Need of Birth Con; tary of the National Conference' for! tion, which SB a consolidation of the for jobs/ uary 24. :':. :% •'- . . .. trol in America." Immediately after tKe decision was Mr. Johnson named Canada, Aus- the Prevention of War, Washington^ farmiet "B% : Three" Jewish organi. A slight woman of beauty and distaken by a vote of SStip 11, the Miz- tralia Africa, Mexico and South D. C, will be the speaker at an open zations, has definitely started on its tinction, the celebrated Mrs. Sanger rachi members of the iZi-jrnist execu-r America as "contries where Amer- luncheon meetiniglof the Peace Study- ambitioue "program for the year with is the outstanding social warrior of tive, including the Muu&chi .president, ican emigrants might seek their for-: Group of, the Omaha Council of Jew- the selection of the heads of the majthe century in her campaign for. the Rabbi Meier Berlin, announced that tune. Some of these countries have ish Women at the Blackstone Hotel, •or departments and the executive spread of birth contror :information. at 12:30 p. ml,.Tuesday, February 3. committee. they would immediately Resign from severe immigration restrictions. She has.toured the world on this rnis' Mr. libby is a graduate of Bow- . The officers have named the folthe executive. • The, Mlzrachi organisioiC starting her work • along these doin college and Andoyer Theological lowing to head the divisional depart-', zation had . strenuously opposed a lines -in 1914; after many years exSeminary, and has been a student at ments: Dr. Philip Shei*, chairman of postponement. . On thje other hand. perience as a nurse in the. tenement Oxford and Heidelberg and an in-! Child Care and Social Service departDr. Nahum Goldman, radical* Zionist Philip Klutznick districts of New York. She is the Henry Monsky structor at Phillips Exeter Academy.) ment; Harry Wolf, chairman of the member "of the executive from Germother of three children. Special memorial services in honor angel of mercy and any worthy cause many, whose' organization had inDuring the World War he engaged in ! Jewish Free Loan department; Jack The Council of Jewish Women, who of Nathan Straus and Lord Melchett found in him a most liberal bene- structed him to resign Jf the Congress European reconstruction and relief! Marer, chairman of the Jewish Cornsponsor the course jointly with the will feature the services this evening •factor. was postponed, stated that he. would Part of Nation-Wide Co-opera- work with the Society of Friends. munity Center; Harry Lapidus, chairJewish Community Center, has taken at the Conservative Synagogue, held Lord Melchett, the English indus- remain in' the executive until his .orman of the Jewish Education departtion for Drought over the arrangements for the Omaha at the J. C. C. ' trial, king, was. a power in Zionist ganization's'executive tould meet. ment; Mrs. Harry Wolf, chairman of Sufferers appearance of Mrs. Sanger. Mrs. Victory for Weizmann Henry JBonsky will eulogize Straus, circles and a recognized leader in any the Family Welfare department. This Herbert Arnstein, president of the while Philip Klutznick will pay tribute 'matter of significance to world yeaT the Philanthropies division will In all quarters here. the. decision t o Following an invitation addressed Council, will introduce the speaker. to the memory .of Lord Melchett Jewry. be headed by William L. Holzman, postpone the Congress ind the acceptby President Hoover to the president A few single admission'tickets are The names of both of these departpresident of the amalgamated body, Jaek Marer will read the services. aace m f u l l o f & e resolutions of the of the National Council of Jewish available at $-1.50 for those not hold- ed Jewish leaders are imperishable. tonight, .as Rabbi Goldstein will bs • Actions Committee are |ooked upofi as assisted by the officers and execuWomen, Mrs. Joseph E. Friend, to ing season tickets. Straus was known as the dean of occupying the pulpit of Rabbi H. R. a victory for Dr. > Chaijn Weizmann's serve on a nation-wide committee of tives. If Mrs. Sanger's train .arrives in Jewish philanthropists. He -was an Babinowitz in Sioux City. The officers chosen at the reorganiadministration . which ; has been the the Red Cross in its campaign for time, a luncheon will be arranged in zation meeting two weeks ago were funds, an appeal has been issued by target of considerable triticism withher honor .for members'of the CounWilliam Holzman, president; Dr. the National Council of Jewish Womin the Zionist Organization.In his cil board of directors. Philip Sher, honorary vice-president; "Converted—So He Is speech before the Committee, Dr. en to its constituent sections to co. Klein Lecture operate in the local campaigns for Henry Monsky, first vice-president; Weizmann, who resigned the presiCalled Unfit for Sam Beber, second vice-president; dency of the Jewish Agency and the the National Red Cross, to raise $10,The-Forum's speaker of last Thurs•Office" Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, third viceZionist Organization when the Brit- 000,000 for the relief of the. sufferers day, Dr. Julias Klein, assistant secpresident; "Mrs. Morris Levy, and ish White Paper was issued, attacked in the drought-stricken areas. retary of commerce, was. a harbinger Volyn, Poland.—(J. T. A.)—The the opposition's methods in their cam- _ Mrs. Friend was among the comHarry B. Zimman, honorary viceof good news.: Recovery from the Ignatz Mosovitz, 63, a resident, of president; Harry Silverman, secrepresent business depression is .def- Omaha for the past forty-three years; decision that a converted Jew is paign against him, and signified iiis mittee of fifty-seven distinguished tary, and Abe Goldstein, treasurer. ~ initely on" the way, he-predicted, be- died at his home last Saturday.- He not. the proper person to head, a .willingness to continue to direct the men an3' women whose appointment Executive Committee fore 'a' capacity audience at the Cen- suffered a paralytic stroke \ two •Jewish institution was announced work for Palestine on condition, that was announced by President Hoover for enlisting the support of the counfey the mayor of Volyn as his reathe present atmosphere of opposition ter. In addition to these officers and the months ago. _•_ • ". V- •'. try, under the honorary chairman" The economic slump was blamed by He has been one of the most, active son for annulling: the nomination of and criticism to be cleared up. heads of the major departments,, those Dr. Klein "upon the discrepancy be- grocerymen nvfhe eityi/being engaged Df. J?inkelsteiri, a convert, to act -' Among other decisions taken'ttp by ship:of the former President Coolidge. on the executive committee of the fee Actions Committee" were that a Mrs.-Herbert Ariistein/;president of tween consumption- and- production. in the grocery business since his •a'r*>- ^is president of the Toz, Jewish Jewish Community Csnter and Wel: delegation be sent t» the United Oe xopicil, and Mrs. -Dolfie: Elgutter, "What we need now is equilibrium i rival here. "---^-~- i ^ *•---- -'.-«'-- Health Society, of Rovno. ~ . fare Federation include A. B. Alpirin,* States to raise funds, drastic Dr. Finkelstein's nMne had been chairman of comjHKtnity co-operation, Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. L.* ' badness,no£ ^ Dr. Klein Omaha jcagges^d^bx the^ J ^ ^ ^ t n m n u T f c ID*. A. Creriberg, A. i t a tti^C lty 'council' arid submitted" for"rati- the discontinuance of HaoLam, the complished in Omaha by the Council' 1 MAlashock, J. J. Greenberg, Isadora "We^in America must conijuer the responsible ^ i g g ^ Zionist monthly, -the continued exist- members. 51,037.00 was realized by, Ziegler, Mrs. Herbart Arnstein and problem of distribution and bring it grocers convention -to*this 'city: "He fication to the mayor. Frederick Libby ence of the political commission co- Mrs. Arnstein. Mrs. Elgutter and the Morris Milder. down to a" proper, economic and effi- was one of the organizers of the lofollowing women, Mrs. Lester Lapioperating with the Zionist Executive A letter is being sent to the differcient system." But talk of a per- cal association, being a member since Since his organization of the Nain the negotiations with, the govern- dus, Mrs. Walter Schimnrel, Mrs. Elent organizations telling them that if manent reduction of wages and low- 1896. He was past president;of the tional Conference for the Prevention mer Gross, Mrs. Max Holzman, Mrs.' ment and that the Palestine Jewish they have been in existence over a ering of the standard of living was Omaha Retail Meat Dealers Associaof War in 1921 to support the WashS. Salzman, Mrs. Julius Newman,' National Council and the Zionist Oryear each group is entitled to one branded as lunacy by the speaker. tion. He was also a' member of "the ganization of America be urged to Mrs. Victor Ganz, Mrs. Louis Kulak-• ington conference for the Limitation representative and an additional repOdd Fellows and a treasurer of the "The best vehicle for bringing in send representatives toi this commis- of sky, Mrs. Joe Weinberg.Mrs- Irvin of Armaments Mr. Libby has devoted resentative for every one hundred normal business," he stated, 'fis in- B'nai Shblem synagogue. ',, Stalmaster, Mrs. Max Block, Mrs. S. his entire time to peace work. sion. members or major fraction thereof telligent advertising so as to increase Be is survived by his widow; a son, The Peace Study group t)f the after the first one hundred. These Lehman, Mrs. J. Cherniack, Mrs. Without changes the Actions ComMilton, a student at the University, of consumption." "" Louis Somberg, Mrs. Wm. Alberts, Council of Jewish Women has invited Kovno.— (J. T. A.) Lithuanian mittee adopted a resolution submitted Mrs. Edward Schimmel, Mrs. B. A.- o t h e r women's local groups, whose na- representatives will serve on the Nebraska; a daughter, Jeanette; four Board of Governors of the Jewish. it by its political "committee stating brothers^ Adolph Moscovitz, •" Max Jewry became panic stricken when to Simon, Mrs. Bert Hene, Mrs. Joe tional groups are affiliated with the Community Center and Welfare Fedthat the Acions Committee considers the"Kovno. district chief of police Mosher, Morris Rosenberg, Sam eration. If any organization has been the continuation with the British govBonoff, Mrs. l i s t e r Meyer, Mrs. M. National Conference on the Cause and enberg, and a; sistery Mrs. Minnie Pol-' ?»de public an official communique omitted, they are requested to get in ernment regarding the future policy Linsman, Mrs. H. Newman, Mrs. Joe Cure of War to hear Mr. Libby's ad' " - • are -•-•' stating that on and after January, lock. The Rosenbergs in Palestine necessary and that the Jacobs, Mrs. B. J. Friedman, Mrs. J. J. dres^ Reservations may ^ e made touch with Samuel Gerson, executive j 1932, no alien'will be allowed to obbrothers. of such future negotiations Greenberg, Miss Fanny Grodinsky and with Mrs. Samuel Cohn, Harney S763 director. Tuneral services were held at the f*8"* employment in Lithuania. The results until Saturday evening, Jan. SI. are of more significance than the re- Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs. Chesed Shel Ernes Monday, with conununique warns all Lithuanian sults achieved hitherto. Mr. Libby makes clear the position Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Facts and burial in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. firms to make arrangements to have of the American Peace movement in The Committee also approved a reneeded specialists all of whom are to Places inr Contest figures to prove that the economic Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. this statement: solution which opposed as *unacceptbe-Lithuanian citizens. position of the Jews in Soviet Russia David Lazarus was given honorable able" centralized control of land "Militarism is not a hankering for The Jews who will be affected by -—-has" been c6mpletely~fevolationized in mention in tie poetry division trf the \ war. It is a definite theory that the transactions in Palestine and a land B ^^^^ ____ ^* legislation are chiefly those who the last two years, were presented to development plan which "expresses it- recent literary contest sponsored an- national security rests on the nation's the All-Russian Central Executive self in the form of a veto right oa nually by the Omaha Women's Press armed might. Pacifists everywhere Committee, the Soviet parliament by j club. . • land transactions." reject this theory as historically inA. Merezhin, vice-president of the Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Strawberry fugees in July, 1922, by the League accurate and clearly untenable. Every Ussishkin Advocates Motto of Comzst, the government department culture is a promising industry in of Nations Inter-Governmental Refunation cannot be the strongest nation; "Buy Now" as Our for settling the Jews on the land and Palestine, according to an article in gee Advisory Commission under the and failure to keep up in a race in Solution direction of the late FridjoS Nansen placing them in industry. armaments leads to fear, hatred and the Palestine Commercial Bulletin high. commissioner for. refugees. The number of Jews in the metal by A. Grasowsky, senior horticulmilitary alliances. The peace moveDeclaring that men and land are industries now exceeds those in the tural officer. There are now 59 dun- These passports enabled war refugees ment opposes competitive increases in the two elements necessary for the needle trades, leather trade and other ams under strawberry cultivation in who had no other identification paarmaments and works for drastic re- upbuilding of the Jewish National Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—Terming pers to travel from country to counso-called. Jewish occupations, Mere- the country, 52 of them in the south. British - government's reply to the duction by international agreement. I Home and that the strength of Zionzhin said. He. pointed out that of the In 1920, this area yielded about 20 t r y and to settle in" the place where Mandates Commission's reports on Conference Will It is not trying to scrap the Ameri-' ism •will not return as a result of -they had relatives or could find an total Jewish prolettariat, 43 per cent tons of berries. the 1929 Palestine riots "sharp,agFight Anti-Semitism can army-and navy first, as its op- any negotiations, Menachem M. Usopportunity to earn a livelihood. are in the heavy industries while ar- First introduced into Palestine gressive and an absolutely inadmisProtests Censored Geneva.— (J. T. A.) —The second ponents declare. Ota: foreign .policy sishkin, world president of the Jewtisans numbsr but 25 per cent of the from France about 1890 by the Mzksable manner of discussion," the inThe local Yiddish papers appeared international student conference to is now rooted in the Kellopp Pact. ish National Fund, in an interview Jewish proletariat. veh-Israel Agricultural School, the with gaping white spaces on their admissable manner of discussion," the discuss ways and means of fighting We shall support our government in criticizes Zionist leadership for what Over 10,000 Jewish boys are now strawberry has only of late begun to editorial; pages because the official Mandates Commission made public anti-Semitism in the European nni- observance of its pledge to seek the he considers to be grave negligence employed in the metal factories at be commercially profitable and is consor had stricken' out protests .has its vigorous protest against Brit- versities lias been postponed to. some settlement of all disputes by peaceful and missing of opportunities in this Dneipertrovsk and in the Ural as well gradually expanding. The Jaffa and against the communique. The papers: ain's reply. respect. • time in ApriL it was announced by means. in the Don Basin while Jewish girls Tel Aviv and the Haifa zones are see in this legislation the severest "This ignoring of fundamentals is The protest is contained in the min- the International Student Service unare entering the textile plants in the principal centers'of strawbexry- blow to Lithuanian Jewry but owing utes of the Mandates Commission's der whose auspices the conference now revenging itself," declares Mr. large numbers, he added. Ussishkin. "Many large Arab landgrowing. to the'drastic censorship they are un- session of last November, which were will be held in Lausanne. owners are now going bankrupt in able to accurately picture the situa- distributed to every member of the • The agenda will comprise a disPalestine because the price of land Council of the League of Nations. tion. cussion on the. Jewish people and has fallen as the result of the recent On August 25 last year the Man- their independent existence,-the basic S. O. S. to World Jewry political debacle. There is sufficient Kovno.—Ah S. O. S. to world Jewry dates Commission brought in its re- principles of the present attitude of Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The fourth land on both sides of the Jonlon for was sent today from Kovno through port. This questioned the findings of the Jewish students, the Jews in polithe Jewish Telegraphic Agency in the Palestine Inquiry Commission, re- tics and economic life and the Jews autonomous Jewish region in Soviet both Arabs and Jews. "Buy now," London.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim tinued even in Dr. Weizmann's ab- connection with the law that after garded as unjustified the official in the culttrral development of the Russia, and the first Jewish unit in your present American slogan, has Crimea, was opened today with ela- the deepest significance when applied Weizmann, resigned president of the sence but Dr. Weizmann will return January 1932 will make it impossible British view that the outbreaks were nations. Jewish Agency and the World Zionist to London before the negotiations are for Jewish aliens to find employment not directed against British authority Among the patrons of the Interna- borate ceremonies. The third region to our Palestine problem. It truly in Lithuania. Appealing for help, or that they were unexpected disturb- tional Student Service are Thomas was dedicated last July at Islutsch- holds the solution for our Palestine Organization, will head a Zionist dele- concluded. Jewish leaders here point out that ances, and blamed the limited num- Masaryk, president of Czech-Slovakia, ista. The new region has a Jewish depression. No amount of political gation that will leave for the United 10,000, Jews here will have no. place ber of British troops in Palestine and Professor Albert Einstein, Viscount population of 9,000 but can absorb j maneuvering would have been of any States shortly to aid in the fund-rais32,000 people. Although not as fer- avail, had we followed this principle to turn as they are a people without the inadeuacy of the police force as Cecil and Paul Painleve. ing campaign there, it was announced Sommer Treasurer of tile as the other Jewish regions, the of 'buy now.' Had the soil of Palesthe principal causes for the spread at a press conference of the Zionist Grocers' Association a country. new one, which is called Freidorf, is tine, or at least a considerable part of the attacks on the Jews and for Executive. Easton, Pa.—Leaders of both the Meanwhile the police are already Louis Sommer was elected treas- collecting tlie names of alien Jews the serious consequences which fol- Eeform and Orthodox congregations expected to gTow rapidly with the in- of it, been in Jewish possession, our At the same time it was announced position in Palestine would have been of this city have joined with the Y. M. tensification of land work. that Nahum Sokolow, chairman of urer of the Omaha Retail Grocers' •who will be ineligible for employment lowed. impregnable. No expert's report and As part of the ceremonies inciH. A. in organizing a Community In sharply worded observations anthe Zionist Executive, might head a Association at their annual election after January 1, 1932, similar delegation to the Argentine. of officers held Tuesday evening, Jewish leaders see as the only hope nexed to the Commission's report the Forum. The fact that young Jewish dental to the dedication today, A. no White Paper would have succeeded In the absence of Dr. Weizmann A. Gross was elected to the Board of the possibility that the government British government defended itself men, especially those of around col- Merezhin, leader of the Comzet, the in throwing confusion and despair inthe negotiations between the Jewish Directors, and Sam Rosenblum and may be influenced to permit the nat- against the Commission's strictures. lege age, are drifting away from Jud- government department for settling to our ranks." "The priority of the land acquisiAt the meeting of the League's aism is grieving the local leaders, who Jews on the land, and other officials Agency and the British government Julius Newman were re-elected to uralization of the Jewish aliens, most may be interrupted, Mr. Sokolow said. their positions on the Board.. of whom have been residents of Lith- Council in September, the Commis- believe that the Community Forum from Moscow, came to Freidorf where tion has been admitted in principle, It is possible, however, he added Sommer has been president of the uania long enough to be entitled to sion's report was unanimously will do no little to bring them back the first conference of Jewish Soviets but never acted upon in an adequate way," continued Mr. Ussishkin. to the foi«* is being held. adopted. that the negotiations may be con- association for the past two years. naturalization.
To Address Peace Group
Board of Governors Now BeingV Formed
Mandate Commission Assails Stand by Britain on Outbreak
Weizmann to Head FundRaising Delegation Here
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
From Contemporary Pens WHATJEW&KNOW
lather's Palestine undertakings include skepticism generates in their systems Tel Mond, a new settlement in theacts upon them like' a drug, giving orange-growing zone and a large in- them no rest, until an accomplishment vestment in the Palestine Electric is to their credit, before which their critics must bow the knee. Corporation.
The classic example of this is, of course, Napoleon, who could not bear Isaac Isaacs Sworn in Of the .4,200,00a Jews in the United States,,af a SIOUX CITY OFFICE the manner in which the more fashMelbourne.—With the traditional JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street million and a half--have a practical knowledge ionable colleagues of his military pomp and ceremony attending such school looked down on him. Bigmund the stock market, one million are expert bidders in Pershing Praises Jewish By DAVID SCHWARTZ Subscription Price, one year - - - - . - . - . - $2.50 events, Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs, was Freud is said to have been led simcontract bridge, three-quarters of a million are arWelfare Board sworn in Thursday as the first naAdvertising rates furnished on application ilarly to the study of medicine by the dent students of baseball Statistics, a half of a Praise for the war-time services of tive son and non-Protestant governor- A PLEASANT LITTLE resentment aroused in him by some million are able to Select a Competent all-American the Jewish Welfare Board by General general of the Commonwealth of Aus- RACKET acquaintance who said that Freud Jonn J p footbal team, thirty thousand can read Hebrew, I * ershing, commander-in-chief tralia. Sir Isaac's commission was The news just announced that visas could never make a doctor. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building ft h A m e r i c a n three thousand actually understand it, two thou-' 1?S \ Expeditionary force, signed by Premier James Scullin by to America would not in the future be Telephone: ATlantic 1450 -j j. . , • ,, - , i . . , -RM i* i 1 • contained in General Pershing s authority of King George. granted to Polish citizens marrying THESE SUDDEN CHANGES OAVID BLACK.EK - - - - Business and Managing Editor sand are fairly well acquainted with Biblical hisAmericans will put an end, in my op- These sudden changes, in which . Talkie on Dreyfus Affair series of articl?s on h i s w a r experi PRANK U. AUKERMAN Editor tory, and about two hundred have some knowledge ences which are being syndicated by London. — A talkie based on the inion, unfortunately, to what had be- there seems to be not so much of a FANNIE KATEIJMAN. Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent Dreyfus affair, is now being produced come in a mild form, a racket. Un- change, as a complete breaking off of of the post-Biblical history of the Jews. the North American Newspaper Alliance by the British International Studios. doubtedly many Polish Jews married the past, occur more frequently than • Judaism has always been characterized by its J e w-i s hGeneral W e l f a r ePershing B o a r d bays that the emphasis upon culture. "To Study the Torah" is rendered vai- The film is being directed by Milton Americans merely for the opportun- is imagined. In "The Moon and Sixj ! j i - u TV-« n J. Juable services to the American troops. Rosmer and P. W. Kraemer, Alexan- ity it provided of leaving Poland for pence," Mougham has recounted the actual story (although in fictionized TKere is something traditionary beautiful declared to- be a Divine Command; and ignorance der Sarner, himself a Jew, is playing America. A considerable number of form) of a stock broker, who of a American Jewish girls made capital about the Jewish Arbor Day, which is to be ob-is described.as an obstacle to piety. Judaism has Australia Bans Immigration the part of Dreyfus. 1 sudden dropped career and family to of the opportunity, it has been among its people the habit of study and e< Washington.—Australia has initiatserved by the Jewish people next Monday. This fostered One of the principal scenes in the . . . • „ , 4.v,:^i ; ~ ~ i i a policy of curtailing immigration charged, of getting a husband in that paint in the South Sea islands. Sher. . ., , . .° ,. film is the reading of the famous! agricultural festival - - called. Chamisha Oser active_ thinking. wood Anderson is said to have as sud. ° . , , , ! owing to the unemployment situation. fashion. B'Shevat in the Hebrew calendar—isi symbolic of For two thousand years every Jew and Jew- I m m i g r a n t s a r r i v i n g f o r settiement "J'Accuse" letter by Zola, in which he | I don't know how much truth there denly given up his business and left the different people whoj Israel's inherent love for and closeness to the ess knew either the practices or theories of Jud- purposes must hold land permits, the names is in the charge, for the fact is, that for other scenes that he might write. caused Dreyfus to be wrongfully con-i the girl in America stands a far bet- And was not Amos but a plain herdssoiL It serves to remind us that years ago Israel aism, or both. Founded upon this widespread issuance of which will bs confined to victed of espionage. ter matrimonial chance here than in man before the word of the Lord as an independent nation in the Holyland enjoyed knowledge, Judaism has endured. Now, in Amer- parents, husbands, wives^ minor alreadyand settled in Poland or any other part of Europe. came to him. Probe Circulation of Zion unhampered the glories of nature. * ica, in the face of the ahnost universal ignorance Australia. America is the only land where there Protocols Bona fide visitors will be allowed a In our ancient fatherland we used to observe of things Jewish, can Judaism survive? is actually an excess of men over SLAMMING THE DOCTORS Zagreb, Jugo-Slavia.—The translaIf Judaism were an organized superstition, six months' stay in the commonwealth They are telling this one about the the beautiful custom of planting trees on the tors and publishers of the so-called women. wife of a prominent Jewish underit could endure among the most ignorant. But if they travel as saloon passengers Jewish Arbor Day. In the Diaspora while we since it is a religion of culture, it will die out in and hold return tickets. Americans "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in GO WEST, YOUNG WOMAN taker in New York. Recently, she were divorced from our homeland we were forced America if the present ignorance Of things Jew- .resident in Australia are required to Jugo-Slavia have been publicly brand- I know that my statement will be was at the home of some prominent ed as liars and slanderers by Dr. Zwi challenged when I say there are more to abandon this practice but reminiscences of our ish continues. No amount of organization, char- obtain re-entry permits when leaving Rothmuller of this city, and asked cloak and suit manufacturer. men in America than women, but if The wives got to talking together. historic past caused us to substitute on Chamisha ity-driving, or temple building will avail. In if they desire to return. to prove the anti-Semitic statements you do feel in the challenging mood, "Times are terrible," began the wife Oser the custom of partaking of Palestine-grown Judaism "pep" cannot take the place of culture. that are made in the Protocols. Up just consult the World Almanac. In L e a d e r s o n R e d C r o s s of the cloak and suit manufacturer." to now they have not replied. fruits. Primarily a happy occasion, our joy was the east and possibly in the larger "Yes," wailed the undertaker's Jewish Adult Education is our immediate ; ? ! . _,. ~. xT considerably tempered by the. knowledge that we , . „ , Dr. Rothmuller made his challenge cities of the west, you will find there wife, "it's terrible—there" is little , ,. , , ••-.,( Washington.—Five prominent Jewin the form of a letter to the Catholic is a slight excess of women over could not again plant trees in bur own land. But task. We cannot continue much longer ^ t h o u ^ ^t of Neue Revue for Religion und Wissen- men, but this is more than offset by business now." h leaders a r einduded in ^ with the establishment of the Jewish National i t Already the debasing of our pulpits indicates,i smembers "But how can you complain?" inof a Red Cross committee To this the editors replied the sparser populated sections of the terrupted the manufacturer's wife, Homeland in Palestine, this agricultural festival that rabbis are being dragged down by their audi- J appointed by President Hoover to as-schaft. that the accusations will be proven in west, where there is a preponderance "your business must be as good as has been re-established in all its ancient splendor. ences more often than they elevate them. j ^st J o h n Barton Payne, chairman of a subsequent issue. Since then some of the male of the species. ever. People die whether times are There next Monday trees will /be planted by The situation is depressing but not hopeless. * « ^ c*083' . t o f d * • National time has elapsed, but no proof has The woman who doesn't like her hard or not." matrimonial chances should take a new race of Jews, sewing the seeds for a re- - . , •• I J » i_ .i LI; L ^ ii.- Red Cross and its local chapters in been forthcoming. "Yes," returned the undertaker's Horace Greeley's advice and "go juvinated, enriched and enlightened Judaism of Jewish knowledge has been at low ebb before this t h e , 10f000>000 d r i v e f o r f u m £ to a i d Decorated by King of wife, "but you know in hard times west," according to statistics. people don't have many operations." Eretz Yisroel. The afforestation of barren hills in certain countries, in certain centuries. In the the drought sufferers. Jugo-Slavia Actually, whether it would be good has been a vital part in reclaiming the land and early of they Spain,produced Jewish writers complained of i vinTh named to chairman the com- Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia.—David Al- strategy, to take the western trip, I SHE KNEW IT TOO WELL e five Jews Coolidge is honorary many days before a memorable scholar. moulding a.new Jew with a straight back and it; and the Jews had lived for centuries in Germittee of which former president CalSteuer is soft spoken, but his eyes and ex-governor Alfred E. Smith, one kalay, leader of Jugo-Slavian Jewry, do not know, for while the proportion We have lived in the United States for less • s o u l . •• • . , ' • • • • • . . . ' • ' / , :;.. • • of the vice-chairmen are as follows: and for many years president of the is in her favor in the west, the pos- look all through you and seem to than three centuries. We are just at the beJugo-Slavian Zionist FedeVation, has of meeting people may very j know everything. And in conjunction with their celebration, the ginning of our growth. Most Jewish commun- Felix M. Warburg of New York, Gen- been decorated by His Majesty, King sibilities likely be greater in the heavier poperal Abel Davis of Chicago, Herbert There was the case of the manurest of the Jewish populace "will either partake of ities have begun with an unlettered infancy, Jew- Fleischacker of San Francisco, Rabbi Alexander. Mr. Alkalay was made a ulated zones. facturers indicted in the Triangle fruits from Palestine or else will plant trees ish culture has not died. This is just an interlude ] Stephen S. Wise of New York and member of the recently created Order HATE AND ACHIEVEMENT Factory fire. The blaze, it will be of the Jugo-Slavian Crown. through the Jewish National Fund, which has al- of ignorance. IMrs " «*osePn E- Friend of New OrThere is just now a play on Broad- recalled, was responsible for a ghastready accomplished so much for the reclamation eans Storm Destroys Orange Crop way—Philip Goes Fortn—is its name, ly loss of life. Some hundred girls We cannot seriously hope to re-establish thej " of the Holy Land. By the efforts of this instruJerusalem.—Between 15 and 20 peri in which the flocks of the young who perished in the flames. The manumentality for Jewish rehabilitation and by the erstwhile widespread study of Bible, Midrash, and | Inter-Faith Seminar cent of Palestine's orange crop is esti- come to New York to achieve fame facturers were charged with manTalmud. Perhaps that too will come but it is in the various artistic fields are ad- slaughter. The sympathy of the pubunceasing toil of the Jewish chalutzim,! ^iye are faith seminar was held here January mated to have been destroyed by the] many generations off. Our practical duties interrific rain and wind storm that has vised to save their train fare and lic was of course not with Steuer, again brought back to the soil andidrawmo; our 16 to 18. sweeping over the country. The stay home. Writing and painting and who led the defense of the factory inspiration therefrom. Even mai^giafI^Eie" old volve the publishing of books in English on Jew- Among 4h^i^acs which were dis- been downpour was particularly heavy in the arts generally, the play more than owners. iwish and ulspiritional traditions have been ^^j0f tn ish, life, Jewish ideals,, and Jewish h i s t o i ^ a n d But particularly effective on the, hints, are gifts, w^ch. few have, and iolic-Protes- the Judean orange-growing zone. jury was the story of one of the girls olden days the Jews in Jerusalem planted a cedar creating among American Jews the desire and the tant reJatfo most of those who come, intending to optional objectives; To Issue Yiddish Encyclopedia storm the citadels of art are doomed who had escaped from the blazing tree to commemorate the birth of a son and a habit of studying these matters. isolation, assimilation, co-operation;:i Vilna, Poland.—The first encyclop- to disaster. factory. As she concluded the jury Many books have already appeared in Engcypress on the birth of a daughter,-and on the education for, and co-operation in, edia ever issued in the Yiddish langwept. There is a good measure of truth wedding day the tree was cut to help construct lish. There are fine historical novels, and stories! m u t u a l enterprfses. uage will soon appear in Vilna. This! The story as told by her seemed a in this, of course. I cannot help but the "chuppah.'? The sentiment embodied in this of contemporary Jewish Me; popular histories, Yiddish encyclopedia will be edited think, however, of a recent utterance bit too dramatic to the alert Steuer. . under the auspices of the Yiddish i of F. P. A. the Jewish columnist of He asked her to repeat it. She did. , tradition, Unking the youth with the soil has descriptions of Jewish ceremonies, books of refby its reincarnation through the Chalutzim be- erence, biographies, etc. These Jewish books, Newark, Nj J.—The name of Nath- Scientific Institute, whose world' the New York World, who attributed "You left out a word, didn't you ?" published by various firms,, are not well known to an Straus will be perpetuated locally headquarters are in this city. much of artistic production to hate Steuer asked. She admitted she did. come truly symbolic of the rebirth of Judaea. rather than to natural genius or He asked her to tell it again. She the average reader. He rarely hears of them, by the Order Sons of Zion, which has Jewish Bakers Praised told it again word for word. except the few which chance to become "best sel- just organized here the Nathan Detroit.—Mayor Frank Murphy's talent. When the jury perceived that the In other words, many achieve great Straus Junior Camp. unemployment committee on Friday lers."—American Israelite. things in the literary and artistic story had been drilled into her by her publicly acknowledged the aid that is Asks Compulsory Reading of Two small items of seeminglylittle..value in world merely because they are re- lawyers and was not a spontaneous being given needy and unemployed in Bible ; the regular channels of news are of significant imsentful of the skepticisms of others reaction the effect on the jury was Nashville, Tenn.—Representative L. the present crisis by the Jewish Mas- about them. The hate, that this lost. Steuer triumphed. port to the Jewish people, the People of the Book. Stone has Introduced a bill into the ter Bakers' association. Mayor MurOne was that the Bible is now printed in 887 difOne of the outstanding educational features F. Tennessee Legislature which would phy praised the organization for the ferent languages and dialects, and the other that conducted by the Jews in Palestine is the open require daily: Bible reading in the daily gift of 1,500 pounds of bread, despite present-day conditions publishers itiil de- air playground maintained by the Guggenheim public schools o fTennessee. Accord- which is the gift of 19 Jewish bakclare the Bible the best seller and say that the Fouridation in Jerusalem, which is attended on | ing to Mr. Stone's bill, the students eries.
of I
By the Way
United States
decline in its sales is relatively much lower than an average by about three hundred children daily, themselves wbuld select the passages, Leads San Francisco which would be read without com- Exchange that of other books.1 including Jews and Arabs. ment, and one Bible story would have Francisco.—Albert L. Ehrman Israel's greatest claim for the eternal gratiAt first there was trouble between the Arab to be read each week in the schools. hasSan been elected president of the San tude of mankind is that she.gaye the Bible to the and Jewish children, but it has now disappeared Terms Crucifixion Francisco Stock Exchange. He is the world. There is an ancient tradition that on the and even the parents are becoming more kindly "Classic Lie" third Jew to occupy this position, the others being Sidney L. Schwartz and day on which for the firsttime thePentateuch disposed toward one another. Detroit.—Two Christian ministers, was translated into a foreign language—into The mingling of the children of the two ele-speaking from their pulpits here, at- Bertram Alanson. Greek—was considered by the Jews as a day of ments is one of the means which will help to se- tacked Rabbi Leo M. Franklin's ad- Doctorate for Theirs on great national calamity. It was feared that the cure friendship between the two races whose mis- dress a week ago in which he called White Paper translation, being incorrect, might become the understandings are threatening the future of Pal- the crucifixion story a "classic lie" Paris. — Abraham Baumkoller, a and said that Christians follow Paul Jewish student from Warsaw who has source of error instead of the fountain of divine estine more than any other single thing. the evangelist rather than the foot- been studying international law at the truths. And while it is true that many faults The health centers throughout Palestine, steps of Jesus. University of Paris, received his "docand mistruths have crept into the varied editions, founded by the Jews, which are open to both torate for a thesis in which he criti$1,000,000 to University in the main its antique charm has not been im- Jews and Arabs also promise to be important fac- Chicago.—Bequests of $1,000,000 to cally analyzed the Passfield White paired nor its beauty and wisdom disfigured. tors in promoting a friendly spirit between these the University of Chicago for a medi- Paper on Palestine policy issued by Aside from all questions of religion and his-two people. cal research fund endowment of $500,- the British government in October. of the professors contested tory, the Bible remains the epic of the world. While a, majority of the Arabs at present 000 to the Michael Reese Hospital and theSome arguments put forward by BaumIt unveils a vast panorama, thick-studded with may not fully realize what the open air play- $145,000 to other Jewish and non-koller, and one of them argued the institutions are made in the human emotion and life, and as the ages move ground and the sanitation work are doing for Jewish will of the late Albert B. Kuppen- rights of the Arab population of Palbefore as in a long train of passing history, the them, the time will soon come when they will see heimer, Chicago clothing manufac- estine. The pedagogic faculty agreed, however, that the dissertation is an whole drama of humanity—sunrise and sunset, the beneficial results of these endeavors and in-turer. important contribution to the study promise and fulfilment, birth and death—-is re- stead of regarding our co-religionists as enemies, of international law and entitles the vealed in one book—the Book of Books. All of they will recognize that the return of the Jews to | Other Countries j auhor to receive his doctorate. life's sorrow, all of life's joy, its fever and itsPalestine means that they themselves will be 291 Chalutzim to Enter calm, are there. When we realize,that we aregreatly benefitted.^—Jewish Review. Palestine Bars Polygamy Jerusalem;—The Jewish Agency anJerusalem.—Polygamy, hitherto al- nounce that 291 chalutzhn Zionist the donors of this gift to men, we should be the first to observe its precepts and take; its teach- It dawns upon us after a long while, -that we lowed to non-Moslems as well as to pioneers would be admitted to PalesMoslems, will in the future be per-tine in February. All of the chalutings more seriously. Its. vision of life/ still dom- do not necessarily have to vocalize our philosophy .mitted only to those sections of the inates our existence and moulds states arid so- or religion. Our every contact, our very presence population whose religion sanctions zim to be admitted are laborers who join'the existing groups in the ciety. In the words of Zahgwill, "Beside this one communicates it if it is vital, and registers the polygamy, it became known in con- will colonies. In addition to these 291,180 nection with forthcoming important immigration permits for relatives of book with its infinite editions . . . .all other liter- lack of it, if it is still germinal. changes in the criminal law in Pales- persons now - in Palestine have been atures seem trifles light as air!" By its transThe amendments will be based released as well as 75 certificates for lation into all languages,,it has been the great Religions devotions sincerely entered into bring tine. on English law. force in uniting a diverse/world. Oyeri;he length the "spiritual waters" of your religion into your A n o t h e r contemplated change Chalutzim from Soviet Russia. and breadth of the universe it has lent its far-being, freshening its nature. » •would remove premeditated murder Melchett's Son Continues reaching influences for good and for education, *rom the criminal code and replace it Palestine Undertakings ior "there is none that hath ever made an end Lazy people are industrious in the pursuit of 1 by two categories, namely, ordinary London.—Henry Mond, the new murder and manslaughter. This Lord Melchett, has telegraphed to of learning it, and there is none that.will ever rest. | amendment would extend the possibil- Palestine funds and instructions for find out all its mysteries, as its wisdom is richer I ity of met4iigf out capital sentences, the continuation of the extensive Pal'than any sea and its word deeper than any Man IS made Of dust, t h e Bible teDa US. Dlfet;Iwwhich arenoW : dependent on proven estine enterprises of his late father, W c h are a b y s s . ' *
'•'• •i i
i :
' • -
- • • - • -
settles., B e a ma,n-
. ./
' meditation*
Alfred Mond (Lord Melchett). .The
Other handcraf t overcoats
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931 current civic events. Mrs. Moe Lins- nual Purim Ball to be given by the t e r s e r was hostess a t the t e a table. man, Ha. 5172 is in charge of .reser- Ladies' Auxiliary of the'. ConservaMrs. J. J. Friedman, chairman of vations. tive Synagogue is progressing-brisk- the affair, stated, "I wish to tharik At the March meeting of these ly, and the affair promises to be-one the contributors for their generous groups outside speakers will be. pre- of the high spots' of the Jewish social offerings of linens, which will be so Council of Jewish Women sented. season. It wSl take place on Sun- greatly appreciated by our destitute The February meeting of the Counday, March 8, at the Jewish Com- people in Palestine." cil was held a t the Blackstone Hotel Women's Welfare Federation munity Center, and is for the" beneon Monday at 1 o'clock. This affair Hadassah Cultural Group A regular meeting of the Jewish fit of the building fund of the Synawhich was in the form of a cabaret gogue. , Women's Welfare Federation .;wffl be Mr. Bernard Szold will be the first luncheon was a welcome to the forty- Dancing will be continuous from 9 guest speaker of the Hadassah Culheld at the J. C. C on Tuesday, one new members of the Council, p. m. until midnight, with music and tural group which meets next MonTwo hundred were present at the; February- 3, at 2:30 p. m. entertainment by Randall's orchestra. day at the Conant hotel, following The principal speaker will be Samluncheon. Mrs. Abner Kaiman, assisted by luncheon at 12:30. H e will speak on uel Gerson, executive director of: the. Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president of Mrs. B. A. Simon, are the chairmen "The Theater, the Actor, and the the Council presided, and in her ad-J Center, who will outline the activities in charge, and are conducting a drive J»lay." of the social program, which the or-, dress of welcome introduced the new' to sell patron tickets. • A paper on Jewish current events members. In her talk Mrs. Arnstein I ganization unanimously voted to Those who have purchased patron will be read by Mrs. J. M. Erman. adopt at its last meeting. explained that the Council of Jewish Women is the oldest Jewish Woman's} Miss Elsie Poska, welfare worker, tickets include William Alberts, Paul Mrs. David Stein will speak on organization in the world, having will read a report of the welfare work Bsrnstein, Harold Brandt, I. Chap- -"Chamisha Oser B'shevat." Reservations may be made by callbsen founded'in 1893 by Mrs. Hannah being done. As this meeting is very man, Ed Gilbert, Harry Kulakofsky, G. Soloman. There are now sections important all members are urged to Abner Kaiman, Harry Lapidus, Moe ing Mrs. Julius Abrahamson at HarLinsman, E. Meyer, Ben Newman, ney 4907 or Mrs. Martin Blass at of this organization in all parts of the bs present. Peerless Cleaners, L W. Rosenblatt, Harney 6202. civilized world. Jake Rosoff, B. A. Simon, Irvin StalAuxiliary Supper Mrs. Mose Yousem is membership master, and Mose Yousem. Daughters of Zion Date Changed chairman of the Omaha Council and The Daughters of Zion will sponsor it is through her efforts that the The date of the next cafeteria supa program in celebration of Chamisha Council has gained 41 new members' per to be served by the Ladies' AuxOmaha Hadassah Oser B'Shevat Sunday evening in the in the past three months. The total iliary of the Conservative Synagogue The local chapter of Hadassah held lodge room of the Community Cenmembership of the Omaha section is has been changed to Monday, Febr- its annual linen shower Wednesday! ter. 355. afternoon at the Jewish Community j Through the courtesy of Mr. Phineuary 9, at 6 p. m., at the J. C. C. \ All members are urged to attend Center. Current Topics and bring their children and friends, An elaborate program was arranged The Current Topics class of the as a very fine home-cooked meal will for the occasion by Mrs. A. GreenCouncil of Jewish Women will meet ba served for the price of 60c for span, progTam chairman. Tuesday, February 3, at 10:30 a. m. adults and 30c for the children. Mrs. David A. Goldstein was the at the Jewish Community Center.; Rabbi David Goldstein, who is in principal speaker, her topic being Rev. Frederick Clayton's subject wfll ! charge of the program at this sup- "Palestine, Her Problems of the Presbe a review of Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- ] per, promises a real treat that eve- ent and the Future." Others on the Stj-I« WHbeot •ver's book, "Religion in a Changing ning. program included the Misses Ruth World* I Make reservations with Mrs. Ab- Friedman and Dorothy Friedel in Rabbi Silver will be well remem-j ner Kaiman, Glendale 2488. Mrs. B. readings, Jewish folk songs by the bered in Omaha. He appeared here A. Simon, Glendale 1028, or Mrs. W ERifkin sisters, dancing numbers by last March as one of the leading Alberts, Harney 3428. Sara Merriam Blank and Sara Mae speakers on the Forum course. Graetz presented by Annette Riklin. Mrs. Max Fromkin delivered a tribute Conservative Auxiliary Ball Civics, Legislative Groups The ticket sale for the first an- to Miss Henrietta Szold. Mrs. Max The Civics and Legislative groups will meet Wednesday, February: 4, at the Blackstone Hotel at 12:30 at a luncheon. At this meeting the study of jury system in Nebraska will be started. Mrs. Philip Schwartz will -read.a paper concerning a bill that i s SIXTEENTH AT FABNAM being introduced into the legislature so that women can serve on a jury. Several reports will be given on
Organization News
Please Note—All items for Friy's issue must be in the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Wednesday. Phone notices to • Atlantic 1450, or mail them to 490 iirandeis Theater Bldg. .
dety, being held in Chicago February 2 to 5.
TO BE SOLOIST Beulah Kay, violinist, daughter of Mr. and Mr£ Philip A . Kay, will DC soloist with the Omaha Symphony orchestra for the children's/program on Frieda Adler, daughter of Mr. "Wednesday, February 4. She is a Mrs. Louis J. Adler, became the pupil of Frank Mach. e of Mr. Isadore Elewitz, son of-, : and Mrs. Sam Elewitz, at a beau- LEAVES y appointed eight o'clock wed-J Mrs. David Cohn left Sunday for at the Paxton Hotel-Tuesday California, where she will visit relaag, January 20. (trves. She was accompanied l»y her be bride was beautiful in an Etna- children, Julius and Geraldine. model of ivory satin—and chaiK] ————— lace. Her veil was fashioned of'VISITORS "pearls and tulle in a Grecian cap p ef-| Lieutenant and Mrs. Ben Stern are She carried a boquet of Calla visiting with their parents in Omaha. Miss Adler was attended by Lieut. Stern, who has been stationed ter sister, Mrs. R. L. Pearlman of a t Hawaii, will soon be transfered to N e w York as matron of honor; Mrs. a new post. HjfA. Garfield, another sister, also of i -—; York, Miss labby Elewitz, and i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welcher of Chi. ^ Pearl Feldman.as bridesmaids. . ^ a r e visitingat visiting^ at the home of their
1£e attendants carried out a beauti- father, Mr, Nathan Brodsky. fal color scheme in nile ureen and ) DANCES
IJJMrs. Louis Adler, mother of the( Moines A. Z. L-oade, wore an Acqumarine crepe " i ^ were honor guests at i, and Mrs. Sam Elewitzy mother +,- j"~*y le Psi Mu matinee I., • - . , -. . ftnird of ^the groom, wore black lace. being held Sunday afternoon at the be bridegroom was attended by The theme • was "Carrying H. J.: Haykin as best man, and the Creightonians played to R. L. Pearlman , a capacity audience. „ . L. _ ,Elewitz. , . Morns Feldman a * groomsmenr| ^ , ^ a r i t y c o n t e s t i s ^ An David A. Goldstein performed ^ ^ J ^ ^ g l e a d e r s & |resenBt marriage rites under a flowered a r e Bertha Ban, Dorothy Burroughs, , Sophie Ferer," Pearl Feldman, Ethel te wedding was attended, by ap- Hurwitz, Sarah Kaplan, Sarah Pollay, -mately 200 guests and was fol- Goldie Schanbraun, Sarah Tucker and by a reception and dance. The Sarah Yaffee. rnple left for a short honeymoon in J . . Chicago and wfll be at home after D m N E R DANCE February first. ^The Theta Phi;Sigma sorority are -• having a ^fprinai dinner dance on SETS DATEi. February ".14" at" thet Paxton HoteL . Miss Flo-PitteH, dawghter of Mr. ^ w t a ^ o n s ^ being issued. Mr. d Mrs. Nathan Pittell,.of Kansas - a n d M ^ A b n e r K aiman are* chaperty, Mo., has set Sunday, February ^ ^ o f ^e p a r t y as the date for her wedding to Mr. . Brqokstein of Omaha, son of BUSY PERFORMER Justin Priesman, eight-year-otd Bon r. Meyer Brbbkstein. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Priesman, 1GAGEMENT DINNER was a very busy youngster the latter Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff of Coun- part of last week. Justin is an accil Bluffs were hosts at a dinner in complished songster for one so young, nor of the engagement of .their ^possessing a strong melodious voice; ighter, Gertrude, to Mr. Ben HerOn Wednesday, January 21, Justin of Siou* City, la. Only mem- . Brotherhood and of the immediate family. * * at ^ evening monthly ied. •dinner. On Friday afternoon," January 23, he sang Iror^the Custer.RfrFROM HONEYMOON . .. ., _ ^ . . - * , , = . A r> =* +i,» „ „ . . t _. ? lief Corps of the~G. A. K. at-the Mrs. TI. Bernstein have re- ^ ^ Saturday afternoon his
t h e m e m b e r s . - ••.
•- — -
• -
ALPHA SIGMA-PSI The newly, organized Alpha Sigma Psi sorority met a t the. home "of Miss Clara Schfeibman last Friday evening. Plans were discussed for a social affair to telieS.at .the Paxton TBtotel at an early date. :
11-Tube Superheterodyne—Pins EVERYBODY seems t o want these wonderful new, superb performing Philco Radios. And no wonder! They have never before heard such realistic reception—never had such wonderful selectivity—never got such far-away stations and HELD them -against fading-*—never before had such power and grandeur.of Philco Balanced-Unit Tone.
\ NATIONAL LAUNDRY 1 HArney 7545 M. S. KAPLAN. Prop.
LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE On Your Old Radio, Piano or Phonograph
This Goupy model, with all the ehie o! Paris, is typical of the style importance to be found in our suit shop. Each- is an outstanding example of this store's ability to translate the smartest fashions of tfce moment at a popular price.
On Oar IAbercl Payment
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"Direct Entrance . From Hotel to Harrison Parking Garage
l&hmoUer & JHuelkr Piano Co
.^ 11 J >f> K ' * • ! -
$2 a Week Pays for It
I'CHEEEFUL' All Sizes ami Shanes "Watch firvfitals FREE GEEELICK, Mgr.
Sixth Hoar
Priced Legs Tubes
Other new siuing fashions, $39.75 to $125
Goldstein-ChapmarisJScdop the World of Fashion •....-•'. With die '
Highest Quality Greatest Value
f ^ j ^ for Sarurday!s showing in our famous $25 group ofTJLSHION FIK)CKS . . . with tire quality <>f fabric and the authority of making that looks far more expensive. There's nothing newer and smarter than prints, plaids, stripes and bright pastels. . . two color dresses, light at the top and dark at the bottom . ^ . and^ these you'H find here Saturday . . . all showing iiie 1931 details of hand shirring . . . pleats, hip yokes, lingerie trimming and lace. Sisee 14 U 2«—36 to 44
Selections always at their best at
Why Not Own Radio's Latest andBest?,
iamond and Platinum
The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Sol Martin this evening.
Mrs. Henry Glassman of lood, California, formerly- of
Wednesday and Thursday Specials Semi-Flat „.-6c Wet-Wash __.4c
E. K. T. DANCE The K K. T. d u b (Eta Kappa Tau) wfll hold their first annual dance at the Tracy Brown club on i3un«*ay, March 16. Tickets will be sold by
I - On February 8 he will sing at the the birth of a son on at the N1Cholas Senn hos- ! annual P. T. A. frolic of Lothrop school, and will also sing a return en-
._ DENTAL MEET Dr. M. I. Gordon leaves Saturday vening to attend the annual meeting nd clinic of the Chicago Dental So-
16th and Howard
gagement over WOW later on. He is accompanied in his engagements by his brother, Ernest, accomplished pianist who is only 16.
• cil l l o .
3D TO SICKBED •MrsV, Lena Mandelson and daughr, Jfes. M. L Gordon, were called Boston on account of the illness Mr. Milton Mandelson, who "is at be Beth Israel hospital.
Jewelry Needs
That Look Too Smart to Be
U e r d a l Travelers of America, Couri-
announce the birth of a on January 18.
Bright Crepes andPrints
, Thes^ have taken ^up, t h e ^ ^ g - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ . t n e - m e m i adenee at 3156 Lmcoln Blvd.j ^ ^ ^ n d s ^ f ^ U n i t e d Com-
™ce ™ * - ^ over-WOW and in
a s Wintroub, moving pictures of P a t estine wall be jshown. Mr. I. Morgenstern will deliver the address of the evening, and other features on the program will include songs and? dances by Shirley Janoff, and piano and violin'selections by Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sekerman; folk songs by the Rifkin sisters, and vocal numbers by Mrs. Sarah Giller. Members and their friends are invited. The meeting will start at 7:30 sharp. Refreshments will be served.
The suit illustrated lias a jacket in new spongy material. ParisIan Beret and imported Ascot! Bcarl included In the outfit In the smartest colors of the sea8rd Floor
Federal Tax Returns
Conservative Synagogue
- • mi
By Isadore Abramson -
statement of future policy » tine (the White Paper) and the Simp, son report until its June session whet the Commission will have an opportunity to consider both documents with the assistance of a repreep^ative of the Mandatory Pewer. These documents will be taken up together with the annual report of the Palestine government for 1930.
JOINT OB SEPARATE RETURNS FOR HUSBAND AND WIFE Where husband and-wife have separate incomes, they may combine them and file a joint return,, or they may file separate returns, regardless of previous filing. The exemption of $3,500.00 may be taken by either, or it may be divided Candle-lighting time for Friday, in any proportion they desire. ObBRANDEIS January 30, 4:50 p. m. viously, if both have net incomes, the SHOE REPAIR DEFT. minimum total tax is paid if separate Reasonable Prices returns are filed. Anything that can Services Tonight Delivery Service In honor of the late Nathan Straus properly be done to divide the inUse Your Charge Account come as nearly equally as possible, and Lord Melchett, special memorial resufts in a very considerable tax savservices will be held. Mr. Henry ing. Another point to consider is that Monsky will speak on Nathan Straus no surtax applies until the net inLending Impetus to Religion and Mr. Philip Klutznick wilt eulogize come reaches $10,000.00. LARGEST STOCK It is no mean achievement that the Lord Melchett. Mr. Jack Marer will On the other hand, it may be quite IN WEST national constituency of Reform JudQuick Shipments to their advantage to file a joint reOur Hubby for aism will be appraised of the sug-lead the services. turn. This is true where one of them 45 Years gestion. The enthusiastic reception has realized a substantial net gain OMAHA STOVE accorded the speaker virtually places Congregational Supper for the year and the other has susREPAIR WORKS the sanction of the Reform synagogue 1206-8 Douglas Street The next congregational supper tained a substantial net loss. By filupon all the major Jewish projects. ing a joint return in such case, the By RABBI L. ELLIOT GRAFMAN (Actually, upon motion by Mr. A.will be given next Monday evening, loss of one decreases the gain of the Rabbi L. Elliot Grafman, a recent so gibly its speedy evanescence as which has seen the passing of the Leo Weil of Pittsburgh, the conven- February 9, at 6:30 p. m., by theother, thereby reducing the total tax CARI» SIGNS HGTAL SIC.NS addition-to the group of Seven Arts an important component of the Members and their to be paid. three-volume novel is naturally not tion agreed to consider the entire AuxiliaryPKOCKSH—STENCILED SIGN'S writers, interprets the significance of American Jewish scene could have patient with the hour-long sermon. plan proposed in the address of Judge friends are invited. ILLUSTRATION the thirty-second Biennial Conference of the Union of American Hebrew found no encouragement for such an Mr. Seasongood expressed the confi- Stern as its program for 1933.) Mrs. J. H. Kalakofsky and Dr. M. The combined income of the husCongregations, at which he was anopinion in Philadelphia. For actually dence that Liberal Jewish youth want There were many who believed that Cloth and Paper Banners Margolin will lead a discussion on band and wife is $13,000. The net in-j interested observer.—The Editor. the gathering was the largest in the religion, needs it and seeks its an-! this convention of the U. A. H. C. OFFICE WINDOW AM) come of the husband is $9,000 and t "What Modern Jews Believe." THICK L.ETTEKING history of the movement. swers to its own vital problems; and jwould be meagerly attended. The that of the wife is $4,000. Tha fol- 1405 Harney JA, 5277 The biennial convention of the lowing computation sows the tax The interest manifested, the en-he proposes that our young people be 'general depression led numerous offiUnion of American Hebrew Congregwhen separate returns are made and Next Friday thusiasm displayed, the virility with given a greater participation in the 'cers of the union to question tha adations is—or ought to be—a gatherwhich men and women surveyed the ceremonialism of the religious service. visability of calling the convention inNext Friday evening Rabbi Gold- when a joint return is made: ing for laymen. • The qualifying to session. It was revealed by Mr. status quo of Liberal Judaism in; Judaism the Way of Life By making separate returns the phrase is made necessary by the fact Charles E. Fox, chairman of the con- stein will speak on "Has the Bible husband pays $99.38 tax and the wife America testified eloquently to their | NATIONAL That same evening Mr. Milford I vention, that the Philadelphia com- Permanent Value?" that once again too many rabbis were loyalty and earnest regard for their i $45.00, a total of $144.38. If a joint Stern, himself a youthful attorney of' mittee had recommended a postponeACCESSORIES. INC. to be seen and heard from speakers' religion. And it is with the sole return is made the tax is $279.38. It Detroit, presented an analysis of "Al- ment until next year. So many peotable and the floor, at -the sessions "Everything for the Auto" question of religion that this conventhus appears that the tax is increased Saturday Services leged Substitutes for Religion." Time ! ple throughout the land had suffered just concluded at Philadelphia. In tion concerned itself. by $135.00 upon the same income if 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 Beginning on Saturday morning, and again he drew salvos of applause economically, it was opined, that comsome quarters one may hear, the coma joint return is filed. There has been reason to believe from his listeners as he illustrated the , plaint that our Jews are not duly reparatively few would come. Instead, February 7, the Conservative Synaspectful toward our appreciation of that some were coming to Philadel-1 deficiencies of science, humanism,! as we have noted, the call to conven- gogue will inaugurate Saturday the rabbinical office. Whispers, not phia intending to introduce the note Ethical Culture, Christian Science,' tion drew the largest response in the morning services. Dr. A. Greenberg always soft, widely intimated that at of Zionism, and that others were new thought or even philanthropy as history of Reform Judaism. CHARLES SIMON and Mr. A. B. Alpirin constitute the Keeommetifis Philadelphia the reverse was annoy- spoiling for a fight on the question j substitutes for the religion of Judof the inclusion of "Kol Nidre" andaism. | We are tempted to the conclusion committee in charge of the services. irigly demonstrated. The Sanitary Laundry Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The council of that economic depression, instead of the "Hatikvah" in the. Union Hymnal. "The Best ot All La and r? Service" His hearers manifestly were moved Once each two years, after atten- An earnest, dignified plea in the the League of Nations has approved deminishing religious interest, is lendtion to the pulpit twice each week, chairman's opsning address effective- to the realization that for the Jewing impetus thereto. Disappointed in the Palestine report of Dr. Voyislav the Jewish laity seeks the opportun- ly disarmed all potential belligerents. there can be no substitute for Jud-the realm of material affairs, our peoMarinkovitch, rapporteur on manaism. They recognized the truth of OPENING ity of expressing itself and hearing dates, who declared that the Mandates ple are rallying to religion. That, his declaration that those who seek itself on religious problems. And Enthusiastic Listeners Commission had clecid?d to postpone certainly, was the testimony at Philto evade the disabilities of beingsome day—or are we too hopeful?— an examination of Great Britain's The convention addressed itself to Jews by running to these cults and adelphia. It is confidently hoped that For 50 Years the rabbis will learn the psychologi- the one theme: "The Synagogue—Its the next two years will sae the reby MRS. S. MANDEL Your Towel Man by adhering to bogus nostrums are MONSKY. K\TI.EMAN £ G IJODINMi V, cal value in affording the layman Relation to Modern Thought and storation of sunshine to the. field of 1919 Burt St. AT. 9892 Attorney* but "willy-nilly segregated into the Several exn*Hent slipping rooms that outlet in speech which will send Life." Three successive evenings saw economic- life. It remains to be seen ~3T Omaha National Bank Blllc. Omaha Towel S also nvailjihle him back t a his synagogue a better gatherings of men and women from Jewish secions of such churches." I whether religious enthusiasm will be NOTICE O r INCORPORATION 209 So. llib St. !&. 0528 The formula which Mr. Stern of- able to weather the atmosphere of relistener. Though there were only every section of America, officially NOTICE is hereby given that (he under signed have formed a corporation piirsii.-mt some forty rabbis at the Union Coun- estimated to number some seventeen fers to those rebellious Jews who turning prosperity. to the Laws of 1 lie State of Nehrasba. The quarrel with religious dogmas is an cil meeting, in a total attendance hundred persons. nnme o fihe corporation is Hl'TTKIll'I.Y They taxed the" 1'lUmrCT.S COMPANY, INC.. with its (Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts Feawhich rose to seventeen hundred at space of the capacious crystal room examination of religion itself. He be-' principal office in the City of Omnbn. The ture Syndicate.) lieves they are not only impatient but] corporation is orfmiiized to maintntn and th£ more popular sessions, ^ou^jeould of,the Benjamin Eranldin hotel; they operate a factory for the manufacture, sale "nninformed^-eveff"'unable to state^the! not see the lay trees for^he^forest crowded the balcony 'which'^overlooks and distribution of <-errnrn devices lmotrn as a "heel liner" and "hose saver" for use of rabbis. this room. They listened attentively, fundamental simple beliefs of Jud-For Sabbath Observers on the inside of the heel of low shoes nnd aism. This young lawyer urged recall kindred commodities or devices; to 1107 Howard—J A. 02S8 We recommend here and now thehour upon hour. Their faces shone ognition of Judaism as a way of life,' New York.—Senator Samuel H. buy. rent, or otherwise ncijuire nnd to hold, sell, lease, mortgage and otherwise MOVING — STORAGE suggestion—hinted at, we suspect, so with optimistic expectancy as this or, a motivation to social action inspired Hofstadter has consented to introduce disiK>se of any aud all kinds of property PIANO MOVING real, personal or mixed .and any interest politely by Mr. Ludwig Vogelstein, that speaker offered panacea for by lofty vision. Mr. Stern's own; in the New York state senate a bill therein or rights thereto, convenient to or the Union's chairman—that rabbis some difficulty which has obviously I manifestation of zeal and loyalty won' which would permit Jewish Sabbathnecessarj for the accomplishment of nny of the objects of the corporation: to enNew and Old J joy participate in the discussions only worried and baffled them, in their re- J for him election to the newly desig- obssrving storekeepers to attend to through ourselves or otherwise the rights, privileges and licenses under parwhen the lay delegates invite their spective communities. They nodded nated executive committee of the their work and labor on Sunday unents. trademarks. copyrights, and procounsel and guidance or patently need in approval as an undesirable trend Union of American Hebrew Congre-' molested, according to an announcecesses, to borrow money for corporate purposes and to issu eits obligations. The At Reasonable Prices # was critically noted, they applauded their corrections. And we believe authorized capital stock shall lie $10.(HK).(K) gations. j ment by the Jewish Sabbath Alliance divided into JtX) shares, par value $100.00 N. C. NIELSEN 5 each, that such an end will be attained only with vigor as a corrective was sugof America. The Alliance has already J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor all common and when issued shall This writer is primarily interested secured over 25,000 signatures to aE 117'f. North 16th when rabbis are sent by their con- gested; and one could discern their JA. 5880 f be fully paid nnd non-accessable. The "NEW FOR OLD" corporation shall commence business when gregations to act as observers and resolution to try that corrective in in depicting the spirit of the various petition favoring such legislation. the Articles lire filed with the County 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 Clerk of Douglas County, and continue not as active delegates. We should their sector of Jewish life. Nor wasaddresses. There will be those' who until January 1. 2031. The highest amount have heard more lay discussion of. the there always approval, nor ever, per- will put the question: "What, after of indebtedness shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs Fire is the test of gold; adversity, thought-provoking papers and ad-haps, unanimity of opinion—yet never all was said, did this gathering aco£ the corporation shall be administered § WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. complish?" Or, "Can such conferdiscord. by n Board of two directors, elected at the of strong men. —Seneca. dresses which were presented, pru1 nnmi.il meeting on the second Tuesday iu dently selected, by lay men and wo- All the papers of the symposium ences create anything of concrete and January of each year. Immedialely thereafter the directors shall meet and elect lasting value?" It is our impression men. When three or four rabbis were presented by men and women of the officers, consisting of President. VieeSSS that such queries—and one heard I'resident. Secretary mid Treasurer. These rushed to lead their discussion lay the laity. The Hon. Mr. Murray Seaarticles may be amended by iwo-tnirds JOB FOUNDKY them in the lobbies between sessions 638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451 opinion was quite naturally withheld, songood, twice mayor of Cincinnati, vote of outst nnding stock. AND MACHINE WOKK L'ateil January 21. 1031. except for the few who felt — some presented in clear cut outline the —miss the point entirely. MOKKIS I.KVKT. KEINFOKCINd STKKL. correctly and others unwisely — that "Challenge of Youth to the Syna- Intensification of Loyalty MICHEL KATI-KMAX. 4t—1-2.1-31 Incorporntors. they might dare speak alongside the gogue." He said that Jewish youth By middle aged gentleIt is not the purpose of such a conJACK W. MARSR, Attorney, minister. • Courtesy Service resents the hostilities to be noted clave to ' sgislate action. That this ; man, comfortable, airy 4th Floor. Court House within Jewry, that it is weary of dis- or that resolution was passed or a sleeping room, in the if: Interest in Synagogue T H U L L PHARMACY NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE KOSEXHEKUV HOME home of a small Jewish Third Ave. and llth Street Despite such effusions of rabbini- sensions between Orthodoxy and Re-certain unit was created during the; 24th and Seward CONSTRICTION COMPANY. form, between Zionist and anti-Zionfamily. Phones: 89 and 5I'J cal oratory the Reform'Jewish laity days spent in convention is actually j In chnree of Registered Pharmacist NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA dfd find occasion to demonstrate its ist, that it deems these a poor re- of secondary importance. Only the § Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery for the purpose ol forming a corporation tinder the laws of the State of Nebraska. vital interest in the synagogue. Those flection of religion itself. scoffer, or, worse, the detractor will The name of the corporation is the ltosenwho have been* charging Reform Jewrefuse to recognize that the real purberry Home Construction Company and its Youth objects, he claimed, to thej principal place of business shall 1>e in the ry with indifference to Jewish life inordinate length of the service in the pose of this meeting was to bring a City of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd the general nature of the business and who have been prognasticating service of the synagogue. The d,ayrenewal of enthusiasm, an intensifiPhone JAckson 1226 shall be a general construction business cation of loyalty, and to provide the for itself and others, including the conEtrucing, repairing, remodeling aud imopportunity for an analysis of the proving of all types of buildings, to conAND ANNOUNCEMENT tract, to sublet and to subcontract, to buy progress of the organization Itself, j , Ctntral _ and sell renl estate, and shall have the % Contractors^ That these ends were accomplished power to mortgage, lease, exchange, convel, release and assign and otherwise deal in full measure no one present at | in and handle any and nil kinds of propj COOPER CONSTRUCTION C( AT ALL GROCERS erty. The total authorized capital sto.-t these sessions will deny. Some thir- i shall lie $10,000.00, divided into 100 shares Will Open His New Office teen hundred delegates, representing of the par value of $100.00 each, all of Made by February 1, 1931 which shall be common and when issued over two hundred and eighty Reform 4610 DOUGLAS WA. 5766 shall be fully paid and non-assessable nnd at 450-452 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond such stock may be issued for goods, wares, congregations and a slightly smaller JAckson 7234 merchandise, cash, real property, or for Company number of Sisterhoods and Men's services rendered. The consideration acNebraska cept ea by the Board of Directors for any Omaha clubs, will be transmitting to the stock issued shall be conclusive as to value. The corporation shall commence thousands of homes their enthusiasm, 423rd and Cuming Street business npon the filing of the Articles their widened vision of the Jewish of Incorporation in the office of the CounTAYLOR GRAIN CO. ty Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, horizon, their consecration to the 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. and shall continue until January 1st. 10S1. The highest amount of indebtedness or tasks of religion itself. Of what comSUGAR — GRAIN liability to which the corporation shall But the buyer has no way of judging it. You can't tell parative import is the fact that new subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds STOCKS and BONDS coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by its appearance of its capital stock. The affairs of the corofficers were elected to Brotherhood, Harry H. Lapidni. President- Treas. —Private Wires— poration shall be conducted by a Board of whether an inferior grade has been mixed in, or substituted Directors of not less than three nor more Sisterhood or Union executive board? JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 than five, who shall be elected by the for the grade you ordered. When Mrs. Ephraim Frisch of San stockholders from among their number at their annual meeting which shall be held Antonio, Texas, described "The Ideal on the first Monday of February in each year and they shall hold office for one Synagogue" what mattered i t that year. Any vacnncies occurring on said her Utopian picture is .utterly imposCOMPLETE STORE AND board may be filled for the unexpired term by the remaining members of the board. OFFICE OUTFITTERS sible of realization? The fact reThe board of directors shall elect from Is to leave your coal problem to the coal dealer you have . We Occupy their membership a President, Secretary mains that over thirteen hundred deOver 10,000 Square Feet and Treasurer, any two of which offices, confidence in. He won't sell you any bargains because the legates received suggestion and stimexcept the offices of President and SecreSouthwest Corner legitimate profit of coal is too small to permit bargains. , tary, may be held by the same person. All ulation which must rouse dissatisfacofficers shall hold office for one year unEleventh and Douglas Streets However you can rest assured he will send you this grade less removed by the Bonrd of Directors. tion with the status quo—forerunner Phone JAckson 2724 The corporation shnll have a seal and the and the amount of coal you ordered, of improvement and progress. Or same shnll contain the words, "KosenOmaha. Nebr. berry Home Construction Company, Omaha, when Judge Horace M. Stern of PhilNebraska." The Articles may be amended WE SOLICIT AND MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE at nnv regular meeting of stockholders or adelphia proposed that the synagogue at any special meeting called for that purbe" made again—as soon it was—the pose/after ten days notice of such proMID WEST posed pmendment in writing has been literal center and sole headquarters of ENGRAVING COjNC. mailed £> all stockholders upon the affirm'THE' CRE AM < of I he majority of the capital all Jewish communal activities, studyY ARTISTS ' ative vq e power to amend shall include Stock, ing and supporting all local, national to authorize the issuance of pre,. ENGRAVERS ^ the r i g | >ck on special terms aud condi'WEB * and even international Jewish projferred 2^67 PfioneATLANTie 0 6 ^ 9 W tions. ects, we may lose sight of all the dif[KlCTRIC COMPANYj H. MAKQCAUDT, 313 S0.l4TH.ST. OMAHA. I H. B. COHEN. DAVE SHERMAN OMAHA ficulties which at once suggest themAT. 4444 'Witness. •. 7-a SATIN ICE CREAM CO. selves.
Convention of Union of American Hebrew Congregations Shows Religious Enthusiasm High 's Interest in Things Jewish Is Alive and Dynamic
Commission to Discuss White Paper in June
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Okay Bran Flakes
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BULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
|A Championship Quintet
school's: declamatory contest drama, which "was held last Thursday evemng. NHss Fitch won first honors in the dramatic division with her selection, "The Valiant." She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch.
Heads Peace Group
Notes of Temple Israel
The Sewing Circle of the Senior Hadassah will meet next Thursday afternoon, February-5, at the home of Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, Apt. 18, Oakland court.
1 moa topic of BaHbi Cohn-tomorrow I morning.' . 1
Honored Mayor Metcalfe has appointed RaDbi Cohn to the city Library Board. Book Review
Rabbi Cohn's next book review before the Sisterhood will be delivered on Tuesday, February -10, at the Blackstone Hotel at 2:30 p. m. He Returns From Conclave will review "Rogue Harries" by Hugh The Ladies' Auxiliary of the TalRabbi Frederick Cohn returned the mud Torah will hold a meeting next Walpole. early part of this week from the Wednesday afternoon, February 4th, a t the new. synagogue, 618 Mynster thirty-second biennial council of the street. Union of American Hebrew Congregations held at Philadelphia. At the Thomas Jefferson High During his trip, he visited with his Empire Cleaners 29 19 .604 school this week Henry Mendelson son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Malashock Jewelry 28 20 .583 was chosen Sport Editor, and CoilBen Herzberg, and with his son andWardrobe „ 28 20 .583 man Yudelson as news editor of their 23 25 .479 school paper, The Signal. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben's Jewelry Yousem Battery 18 30 .376 Frederick Cohn. Mrs. Samuel Gerson Kaiman Insurance 18 30 .375 "Mrs. Max Shostak and small son of Mrs. Samuel Gerson is chairman of The large gallery of fans that wit-' Lincoln, returned to their home folSermon Tonight lowing a week's visit here at the the Peace Study Group of the local Rabbi Cohn will deliver his sermon nessed the evening play saw the leaders defeated, making the race a threehome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Council of Jewish Women. This group has obtained Frederick Libby, | this evening on the Convention from cornered affair. Sam Gross. executive secretary of the National •which he has just returned. The Empire Cleaners were tumbled Conference for the Prevention of down by the Yousem Tires; Tomorrow Morning Who cannot give good counsel? War, as their speaker next Tuesday, The Wardrobe won a pair from the Tis cheap, it costs them nothing. 12:30 p. m., at the Blackstone Hotel. "The Nearest Way" will be the ser-Ben's Jewelry Five
Business Men's Bowling League
Al Is do e Novak rComar; J ^ righWilliam £n-Jake1 Lohnnan; \ t o l e r ' et^George ^Klein, ? manager. - assistant coach; Millard Sigal; Abe Kneeling: Sam Kozberg; Arthur AdTer; Max Shukert; Aaron Epstein; Sam Giller. Insert: Morns Milder, president of the U. S. 0 0 Works, backer and sponsor of the team. 5 r Despite his many business activities High praise has been given to these games are pending for the lads with s^Morris Milder, president of the U, S. youngsters by men prominent in ath- the St. Paul, St. Louis and Kansas • - O i l Works, has found enough time to letic circles. E. M. Segal, physical di- City Y. M. C. A. iinance and sponsor a young group of rector of the Center, states that in all Jake Stoler has coached the team Jewish basketball players who arehis travels lie has never seen a team for the past two seasons, and George displaying championship calibre. their age so well-versed in basket- Klein has acted as manager for three 7 For three years these U. S. Oil ball, and Ed Burdick, former monarch years. Isadore Novak, Tech star and lioopsters, 16 and 17 years oi age, graduate from the U. S. Oil ranks, is nave been unbeaten. Their string of of the J. C. C. gymnasium, calls them assistant coach. The team includes "about as classy a team as I have -consecutive victories has been ran up Sam Kozberg, Abe Bergman, Millard .to forty-seven and they have been seen on any floor." Sigal, William Lohrman, Arthur Ad^claimants of the Nebraska State The team is very appreciative of ler, Max Shukert, Sam Giller, Aaron _, Junior championship for the past two Milder's interest in them and bis ef- Epstein and Simon Comar. „ '{.years. Included in. their dazzling recNext Saturday evening at the Cenforts on behalf of the younger Jew•' ' ord are championships in the J. C C. ter the U. S. Oils win play the Christ ish fellows. He in turn rewarded Junior league for the past two years Child Center quintet in. what is being j " , and title-winners in the Intermediate them for their fine spirit by a trip to billed as the game for the junior state Kansas City last year, and at present championship.
Council Bluffs News By F. R. K.
B'nai Brith and A, Z. A. to Hold supper Monday evening^ February 2, Joint Installation Sunday at 7 o'clock at the new Chevra B'nai The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 68SYisroel Synagogue in celebration of of the Independent Order of the the opening of its new quarters. InB'nai Brith -will hold-an open meet- >ita±io:>ns have been issued—to the ing and installation of the new offi- Jewry of Council Bluffs. This affair cers Sunday evening, February 1, at will be for adults only and there will be no plate charge. Everyone who The genuine fraternal greeting still 8 o'clock at the Eagles hall in Counwishes to attend should phone 1779 cil Bluffs. The principal speaker and evidant in the Omaha Hebrew Club promptly for reservations. honored guest will be Mr, Harry meetings . . . . the young and old in Lashkowitz of Fargo, No. Dak., who spirit of comraderie . . . . Harry Lapidus declaring that he i s not a is first vice-president of the District Senior Hadassah to Give Linen Shower Tuesday professional ecomonist . . . . but, Grand Lodge No. 6, of the I. O. B. B. The Council Bluffs chapter of the nevertheless, h e gave his listeners a n The installation of the new officers intelligent "cheerful little earful" in of the A. 2 . A. Chapter No. 7 will Senior Hadassah have completed their a Julius Klein fashion . . . . and ad- also be held Sunday evening. Mr. plans for their linen shower aad card vocating some business, reform of O. fiochman will be chairman for the party to be given next Tuesday afterMiss Begina noon at the Fox-Strand theater ball sound value . . . . The Jewish e m - evening's program. Klein will render several piano solos. room. A good time is assured all ployees at the Court House . . . . smilA banquet will be given at the who attend and a large crowd from i n g Sophie Monsky, administrator of charities . . . . Morris Potash, i n t h e Chieftain hotel at 6:30 Sunday eve- Omaha and Council Bluffs is expectassessor's office . . . . Leo Abramson, ning preceding the installation pro- -ed to attend this linen shower. Mrs. secretary t o the County Commission- gram in honor of Mr. Lashkowitz. Ben Harding is chairman for this afers, pleasantly answering queries of This affair will be for both men and fair and in charge of reservations. taxpayers . . . . and in h i s spare time women and .charges will be $1.50 per performs the secretarial work of t h e plate. "Reservations should be made Louise Fitch Wins Declamatory Jewish Free Loan Society . . . . J o e promptly with one of the committee Contest Brown, bailiff in Judge Thomsen's who consists of Messrs. O. Hochman, Miss Louise Fitch, senior at the court, known a s "Judge Brown" by Louis H. Katelman and Harry Cher- Abraham Lincoln High school in the Douglas County attaches . . . . nies. Council Bluffs, won first place in the and Jack Marer, t h e young man with Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewry, the profound dignity, -who i s a Dep- both young and old, are urged to at- ttt u t y County Attorney . . . . The g e n -tend this affair Sunday evening.
eral enthusiasm displayed by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Conservative Supper Party to B e h e l d at New Synagogue . . . . preparing for the Synagogue Monday first annual Purim Ball on Sunday, The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah March 8th . . . . W e suggest t h a t you and the Ladies' Auxiliary will give a purchase a patron ticket from one of the many busy and energetic ladies . . . . remember that the proceeds g o to t h e building fund . . .. The miniature golf courses that generally bloom with t h e flowers of spring, are very drab now . . . . a sign on- one o f these courses reads: "Opened by Mistake" . . . . the Kibitzers' corner a t t h e Brandeis lunch room . . . . G e o r g e Brandeis, Karl Louis and Harry Zim^nan conferring with/a group of prominent citizens . . . . Bishop Bummell, Raymond Bauer, ^Spike" Kennedy, Charles Metz "Kibitzing" with t h e above mentioned . . . . but evidently in an important "huddle" , . . . . and indulging i n a moderate priced lunch . . . . Irvin Levin, the young attorney, iwho busies himself t o such, a n extent .t h e h a s "nothing to do until t o irrow" . . . he i s president of Omah a Lodge B'ni Brith, vice-president of the. Omaha Hebrew Club and chairman of the J. C. C. Athletic Committee . . . . besides being active in other organizations . . . . Mrs. Benjamin Achtenberg (Minnie Robinson) of Kansas City, Mo., remembered by Omahans in t h e days of "way back •when" . . . . still retains that cheerful twinkle i n her eyes . . . . T h e theme song of t h e Rose Midgets appearing si a local theater . . . . "The l i t t l e Things i n l i f e " . . . . Two Jewish soldiers o f the Civil War, one from {Continued on page 6.)
A Verfectlbod fbrEmybothf
FRED R. SHAW FLOWER SHOP 545 Broadway Phone 41
we have to offer at this time has been sold. Hundreds of our customers and employes are now stockholders in this company. We appreciate this expression of confidence.
thanks Nebraska Power Company j
• ! . -
' .1'
Kaiman's Kosher Konments )D AFFAIR IS A SOCIAL SUCCESS (Continued from -Page 5 . ) ,
Omaha Organizations (Continued from Pajre 8)
Pictures of Palestine will be shown through the courtesy of Mr. P . Wintroub. A committee of women will distribute Palestinian fruits to the children.
One of the outstanding social events t h e Union ranks and t h e other of the J. C. C. Orchestra „ of the month, according to the guests Confederacy, lie side by side in-the The Center orchestra under the diwho attended, was the Mount-Sinai P l e a s a n t H a l c e metery . . . . Gott- rection of Frank Mach will present The J . C. C. varsity continued their • Temple Brotherhood dinner which was primer and Bosowitz are their names a program of varied selections over winning streak by squelching . the held last Monday evening in the Hotel v . . . The increased attendance in the radio station WOW, February 6. The ysreBr^ffWWrntffWnSrn^A^y^^^ Martin ball room. Larry Burfcle's or- classes of the Physical department of orchestra will go on the air at 6 p. m. Union State bank last Saturday ijight chestra furnished the music, during the j . C. C. . . . . all:due to the ef-and will broadcast for half an hour. at the Center gymfl. The game?was the dinner and for dancing. Enter- forts of the physical director, E . M.The orchestra has been very highly one of the best of the year and was close throughout. Both teams played tainment features included. acts by Segal an amiable personality commented on by some of the out-heads up basketball but superior team the Flannigan Brothers, Sara Jane • V. V. 4 Members "of the Maccabees will con- j and the. business-like manner'of hand- standing musicians of the city. play proved the Banks downfall. HiU and Huges; Snyder and Schindler. l i n g the men and women in their in"duct an open meeting next Sunday! • the evening Were Mr., and s truction, the secret of his success The Center doubles championship for their parents and Two New York artists will Psi Ma Sioux City newsboys hol3 court xAgranoff, Mr. and " ' he was formerly a professional At a well-attended meeting held by has entered the second round with a l l twice a month at the Jewish Com- friends."; The meeting, will Degia a t in Concert of songs and readings at Mr. and boxer and a n aspirant for the crown this fraternity at' the Center last the favorites still in the running. All munity. "Center, to settle any diffi- 3 o'clock and at that time a board of the Community and - of Bennie Leonard, the retired light- Monday the following officers were the teams have hit their stride and culties that may arise in their'ranks,' advisors from the parents of the club riesday evening, February -4, under Mrs; Si. Krueger, Junior — .. • . " i • ", . « » . . -—. weight w e i g i i i * uchampion i t t i i i j j i u u . . . . The i n c . « i u t u u i will be elected." .'This .'is the second the/auspices of the Workmen Circle/ berg,.Mr..and elected for the ensuing four months: some real handball is to be expected and to, determine the ^ annual meeting of its kind sponsored Branch 664. President, Earl Seigal; vice-president, in the rounds to follow. "Newsie" conduct Joseph Newman 1 1 Mr. .Gershen Ruben: will open the ^ : V £ ^ J ^ ^ ^ T ^ * ' " ? ; ' the Jewish Philanthropies . . . but one Leo Berman; secretary, Sam Swartz; acts as judge,-and any'-.-matter--for. by the group; E . J . F r i b o u r g willed; treasurer, Jack Ban; reporter, Hyman arbitration is' brought up a t this dress. t h e members and their parents. program ' a t 8:15 with a group of.M r - M d M ^ > M ° r n s P l 1 ^M r - ^ d jo f the m a n y good d eeds performed by Mr. Segal has secured the Midthis their buoyant spirit Giller; sergeants-at-arms, Jake Stol- Western handball tournament to be time. • ' - • • After a musical program, refresh^ readings which will include. 'The. Pa« " ' RosenstQck Ir. and.Mrs.,W.'iaml good-cheer responsible for their ler and Morris Bloom; parliamentar- held on the Center's fourwall courts per Bridge;" arid "Strange Children.". The d u b is composed of both Jew- rnents will be Slotsky^ . ...,.4 . . . . . - capacity meetings . . . . and their evi- ian, Henry Magzamin. : % •"."A ;S e\»nd group will include songs February 23. He wishes to announce ish and nonrJewish newsboys," and is Arrangements were in the hands of d e n t popularity . . . . Ida Platt, the The. dance committee reported very that entries will close the 19th of by Miss Dora Bavshaver. She- will'j under the jurisdiction of the Jewish. sing Russian and Jewish folk songs.' L. Agranoff, : S. L. Krueger, M..N.J p r e s e h t chairman, and Grace Rosen- favorable on the matinee dances. February. He expects many entries Community Center. At the boxing; She will be followed by' Mr. Ruben- London^;; Wr^ C. Slotsky and E. N.j stein a r e prominent workers in the or- Plans were made : for a stag party to from the Jewish followers of this tournament held recently by the boys To I. R. and A. R.:be given in honor of Frank Brook- game. ganization in a'group of readings.' TKe program, Grueskih, chairman. Elmer Slater was" judged champion thanks for your suggestions . . . . stein, Harold Seigal and Earl Seigal will 'dose' with a group of -"Russian* flyweight; Neil Shephard, champfon .Harry DuBoff, who will be remem- upon their entrance into matrimony. heavyweight.. The champion: bantam ^ • ^ 2 ? ^ ^ ^ ° ? folksongs by MissBavshaver, The A. Z. A. 100 met their masters weight title is contended foV bby G i t y , n o t ^ f f i o ^ t / l e a d e r T a n d ^ l o - •, The two artists- are sent" oh tour bered, for his capable fiddling before when they tackled the champion Des local audiences, tells of the purchase Fa Hon Tommy Sacco", Lionel "Slater and by. the National offices of the Work-J) Moines five at the center last SunAt a very interesting: meeting held day. The game was one of those nip Billie Belknap. , . . ; . day evening, February 2, a t the Jew- men's C i ^ f i h New York. j R ^ M j y ^ Goldstein of Omaha, ;of his first ffddle . . . a genuine StraDr.- GreenOfficers of the group include Mr. J . Fishman, general executive Nebraska, will be the guest speaker 'Divakio; almost new! '. . . . Rose at the Center this organization began and tuck affairs that have the fans Brick, the "blues" singer . . . . an work on their original skit to be pre- on the edges of their seats. Des» Lionel Slater, president; Dominick at the Shaare Zion Synagogue, at t h s Workartist that is being overlooked by the sented a t the Senior Council rally. Moines won, 37 to 25. Boyle, vice-president], and Gus Weingathering. regular service this evening. He wUl er's Alliance. He.was: a t one time probably The Senior Council representative retheatrical managers . er, secretary. Miss Rose.. Lipman, Miss Bavshaver will b 2 accompan-ed, s p e a k o n u ^ World We l i v e In." superintendent of the federation and editor of the World Zionist Hebrew on the piano by Miss Bertha Heshe- Rabbi Goldstein is the spiritual leader! planning an altogether different ca- ported on the debate question. The gioux pianist i reer . . . . George Givot, at the World Fa Hons have two legs on t h e deMr. H. N. Slotsky,. attorney a r e ad-paper, a member of the^ Zionist's A c - - , of the Omaha Conservative Syna- Theater the current week . • . an Omation Committee, and a leader of t h e _ bate cup and not t h e Psi Mu a» it visors and sponsors of the organiza-! gogue, coming from. Rockaway, New ha boy who registers a "million dolZe'ra Zion. His subject will be-"The was stated in last week's edition. tion. . York, last fall to fill, the pulpit. In lar" personality . . . . originator of Mission of the Cahlutzim in PalesA house party is to be held this Lake Placid, N . Y . — ( J . T. A.) — the short time h e has made his home the collegiate idea in entertainment tine." week end. at-the home of Miss Rose Mark 'Eisner, prominent -New York in Omaha he has earned the reputa- . . . . Mrs. Louis Sonimer congratMr. Abe Stillman will introduce the j Stein. A varied program has been City lawyer and Abraham W. Feinj tion of being a forceful and eloquent ulated for her "efforts in providing a speaker a t the meetings which willbe^j arranged. Miss. Ethel Rubin will en- berg, also of New York, have been ! speaker, and courageous leader. program of unusual merit for thetertain with "blues" selections and elected members of the Third Olymgin a t 8:15. "• •/ ! The following were elected to the | Cantor Pliskin with the assistance cabaret luncheon given by the Jewish Miss Jacobson' and Miss Lindenbaum On .Tufssday evening> a , reception Senior-Hadassah Board of Directors pic Winter Games committee This The following names have, been of the choir will chant the service. will, be tendered Dr; Greenbergv Mr. ^ the meeting held last Tuesday afwill clog dance. All members are reCouncil of Women . . . . A charming committee has direct charge of and a placed on the Talmud Torah Honor and pretty blonde type . . . . not of quested to be present. supervision over the arrangements for Roll by Mr: J . Aizenberg and Mr.Jf a. i rAizenberg' is in Charge of this of- ternoon in the Jewish Community the Winter Olympic games which are the entirely sophisticated Broadway [Center; Mrs. M. B . Herzoff, Mrs. L, L. Shilling, ; for., t h e month of to be staged at Lake Placid in 1932. kind, Mrs. Harry Edell (Mina Kneet—:—— : =' [AgranoflF, Mrs. A. Xi. Galinsky, Mrs. "Some Causes of Unhappiness" will Sunday School Program January. " A " Students: Nathan Fein' ' ' | A. Sloutsky, Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, be the subject of the sermon tonight, e r ) of New York . . One of our A program for Chamisha Oser At the same meeting at -vhich Eisberg, Archie Kantor, Irving Maron, LSCWS I Mrs. D . Baker, Mrs. Max Herzoff, a t Mount Sinai temple. Isadore Shindler, Benjamin Sacks,young business men boasting about B'Shevat, the Jewish Arbor Day, will ner and Feinberg were voted on t h e I Mrs. J . Nv Krueger, Mrs. S. Levitan^ Joe Maron, Morris; Aizenberg, Sam a n ( j be given for the Sunday school next committee, Lieutenant Governor Herhis "wide" acquaintance It is always good when a man has Mrs.-Ben. Mrs. Sam ftfosow, Mrs. Sunday morning at the Jewish Com- bert H. Lehman of New York State Rivin, Sara Weinstein, Nathan -RaMiss Ruth Orlikoff has departed ginsky, . Eugene Gelfaiid, Robert for Omaha, where she will Visit her M. Rocklin, Mrs. L. ShindleT,;: Mrs. two irons in the fire.. —Beaumont:\?**"*™15 later that her weight is munity Center, under the auspices of was unanimously elected honorary < . ;•; vj considerably over the two hundred the "educational committee headed by vice-president of the Olympic Winter M. A. Marks. These^ women will^erve Pliskin, Jack Mosow, Florence Ma-, brother, Mr. Jack Orlikoff. Games committee. — PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISE^Si-inaric . . . . and now for next week. for two years on the Board. ron, Sadie Schweid, Helen Guttleman, Dr..Philip Sher. Shirley-Cohen, David Tilevitz,; David Miss Ann Raskin was hostess a t a The 'following Women will complete Kuntz, Margaret Kriv, and Ethel recent party honoring Miss Mildred rtheir term on the Board of Directors Lewis. " B " Students• Jndude; ^;Ida BraVerman, whose marriage to Siinori next year: Mrs. Wm. Lazere, PresEpstein, Nathan " Plotkift', '. 'Morris Rife will, be an event of this spring, iderit; Mrs.-Joe Levin, Vice Pres.; Cohenj Jennie Shintller,-Milton Mazie, —.Mrs. Charles Raskin, t r e a s u r e r ; Mrs, Ljbbie Mosow, Paul Schwartz, Isadore Mr. and Mrs. A. Feinberg honored Harry" Wigodsky, Secretary; Mrs. Rich, Leo Rich, Isadore Dukoff, Billie their son, George, at a party-on Sun- Morris-Pill, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mlii; Dimsdale, RudolpK Cohen, X>orothy day. evening; upon his graduation Max Brpdkey; Mrs. Lester Heeger, Gelsop, Philip Lubman, Jac£ Gpr- from Central high school. Out of Mrs. A. Goodsitei^Mrs. chow and Esther Weiner. '•>'.-. -_•.' town guests included Mr. and \ -firs. Mrs. < A. RosenfeJd, Mrs; . S a m E i p Weisman, Mr. and Mrs. Vine, "Mr. man, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Mrs. E . N . KapQow and daughter, and Miss Mill- Grueskin, Mrs; M. Lazriowkh, Mrs. man, all of. Sioux Falls. i Jack Robinson, Mrs. S. Passman, "-;''. ..'.'' '— • ' Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. M. HaligMrs. Harry Arkin and. children, man, Mrs. B. Baron. Mrs. T. N. ? v Sioux. City A. -Z. A. Chapter .will Sherwin^^ Lloyd^^ sind ^Barbara, Ann,, Lewis and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz have departed for Los Angeles where are honorary Board members. .send its representatives to t h e Disthey will join Mrl. Arkin/and their j — '• trict A. Z. A. tournament, which will son, George; Mr. and.Mrs. Arkin be held in Lincoln on February 6, 7,8. At the last meeting of the chapter the following members won the right Miss Dorothy Fish of Oiicago.is a to represent the chapter, by competitive elimination. Isadore . Mirowitz guest a t the. home of Miss Sara Gold•wili represent them in th£ oratorical berg. Final ^arrangements are being.made :field; Gerald Cohen and Alfred Albert for the'annual Kadirna dinner dance Mrs. Robert Sacks was hostess at which will be held Sunday evening, .will contend for Sioux City in>.the dea luncheon bridge in the Davidson tea' February 1, a t 7 p. m. in the Social bates. The subject for debating will be, room, Monday noon,, honoring Mrs. Hall of - the Shaare Zion Synagogue. "Resolved; that parochial schools are Ben Brodkey and Mrs.. Jack Sacks, Mr: L H. Levin, who is general chairnecessary for the upkeep of Judaism two recent brides.. Guests from out man of the affair, has announced that in America." The oratorical 'subject of town included Mrs. Lieberman and. the committees are planning an elaMrs. Hill from Chicago. borate .arrangement of lighting efi will be, "The Jew in World Peace." fects, decorations "and costumes'to Max Turchen, Abe Beech en', Leon~U ard Baumstein, Sam Epstein," Hymie - MM- . Lows, .Baron, .has . returned •add to the •entertainment1 of t h e eveHurwitz and Ray Barish will form home after visiting her son-in-law and ning. the basketball team which will con- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gold- - The program, menu, ' decorations tend with those of other. chapters. stein, in Chicago. and costuming will carry out the RusArt Cohen is the team manager arid sian theme. Music will be furnished Miss Stella Maron of Los Angeles, will accompany the players. by Paul Ross and his Royal Cossacks. is a guest at the home of Rev. and Two hundred and seventy-five' memMrs. J . D. Maron, 613 Center street. bers and friends of the Kadima are Miss Eva Maron will entertain for planning to attend. their guest on Sunday afternoon,at Special songs have been written for Reservations are coming in for the a bridge tea. the occasion b y Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. third annual Federation Banquet- and Word has been "rejeeived of the The"following are in charge o f ' t h e meeting, which will be held Tuesday entertainments: I. H. Levin, general evening, February 10. Mrs. William birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Elichairman; Sovel Krueger, table arStop in—let us look over your tires— Lazere and Mrs. J. Kalin, co-chairman Jacobson, of Chicago, 111., formerly rangements; Eli Robinow and Morey of Sioux City. and if a little repairing or one or two on the reservation committee are urgLipshutz, publicity; John C. Levin, ing every Jewish man.and woman to low-priced Goodyears will answer Mr. and Mrs. *M- E . Friedman an- Lester Heeger and I. H. Levin, ressend in their reservations early, in your needs, well say so. ervations; Mrs. J. Hosow and Mrs. L der to facilitate the work of the com- nounce the birth of a son. H. Levin, menu; Mrs. Joe Friedman mittees who are making the preparaNever before have we had such wonA number of young people from and Mrs. B. Baron,'dining room comtions. derful values as the 1931 Goodyears. Omaha and surrounding towns are mittee; Mrs. J . Kauffman and Mrs. They reflect, in fine quality at low planning to spend Sunday, February Max Herzoff, menu preparations. 15, in-Sioux-:City, in order to attend prices, Goodyear's great leadership in t h e " R e d Hot" .dance sponsored by the industry. Now is the time to get the Sigma Iota Sigma sorority. The YOURS — with our service back of "We feed the multitude" dance, the second annual affair of them. With Tasty Foods its kind, will be given a t the Jewish Last Tuesday afternoon Rabbi H. Community- Center. R.Rabinowitz addressed the members
SWISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent Maccabeesto Hold
Rabbi ©avid Goldstein IsIXxliesl Speaker
Jews on Committee for Olympic Games
Mount Sinai Temple
»ffl mike their home h. Los Angela. KADDMA DINNER DANCE
Reservations Coming in for Federation Banquet
Rabbi Rabinowitz Speaks Before Groups
To Safeguard Your Baby Boy CALL
ItaSfel Mohel Experience'in Omaha and Sioux. City 1106 Iowa
Phone 8-3901 CITY, IOWA
of - the Senior Hadassah chapter on "Henrietta Szold," in honor of her 70th birthday. ' .' On Wednesday afternoon, he spoke before the members of the Morningside Women's Club on "The Jew in Fiction." ._ . , " . .' ' Last Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Rab^ inowitz addressed members of the Synagogue of Lincoln a t a banquet. His subject was ' T h e Position of the Jewish Woman." Next Tuesday he will go to Des Moines to speak before a joint meeting of the Zionists and Hadassah in connection with a memorial meeting; for Nathan Straus.
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