February 6, 1931

Page 1

In the Interests of The Jewish Community Emend HB sevouii-clnsa nail matter on Jeuuary Ti, 1821, at poBtofflre at Omnfan. Nehraskn. under the Art of Uarrb 3.,187*




France Bars Jobs to Late Immigrants Paris.—(J. T. A.)—No immigrant who entered France since July 1930 will be allowed employment, according t o an official government order.

VOL. IX.—No. 2

Recommend to Move City Talmud Torahs 4-si to Community Center

"The s health, the father's prolong the honeymoon so as t o adearning '. and the standard of just themselves t o each other. t < * *™7!* * * £ ! * ^ JO maintain a r e the To substantiate her arguments Mrs. Fifth of Lecture Under An- ™*™ Drive to Be Known as The life they ship on many Jews who will have to main spices of Community controlling the .birth Sanger had a barrage of statistics a t American Palestine emigrate elsewhere if they a r e deForum rate," accri-' t o Mrs. Margaret her command. She gave special emCampaign prived of the opportunity of making Sanger, ch£^-; . - of birth control, phasis t o the high maternal morality a living. James Waterman Wise, son of the The first independent campaign of who eloquen .'„ -d a capacity aud- rate in this country, which is 20,000 Jewish institutions here have alfamous Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, will - the Jewish Agency in America g o t ience a t the Ji"-;*,;- Community Center per year, ready taken steps to do what they can -under way a t a meeting offiveI n n -auditorium W^tmescfay evening. This Mrs. Sanger claimed that the in-speak in the Jewish Community Cen- to ease the severity of the new ordindred delegates from all parts of the was the fourth of the series of lect- tellectual class was using birth con- ter, Tuesday evening-, February 10, ance but there is little chance that United States on Sunday a t New ures sponsored by the Community troL and because of this their lives taking a s his subject, "Is Modern they will be able to do much because Dr. Samuel Gerson, executive direcActive steps toward the strengthenYork. - The quota of $2,500,000 was Forum under the auspices of the Jew- are happier and their children are Youth Irreligious?" the economic situation here is grad- tor of the Jewish Community Center, ing and=.rein3tegrating of Jewish eduMilton Abrahams wBl introduce the ually getting worse and unemploy- has been honored by being named as set during the all-day conference a s ish Community Center and the Coun- more cultured, educated, and bettercation in Omaha were taken by t h e the objective of an immediate drive cil of Jewish Women. equipped for the world. Unfortu- speaker. ment is increasing. one of the five constituting the nom- newly-created board of Jewish EduMr. Wise h a s lectured a t Columbia for funds, to be known as t h e Ameri"I claim that birth control is the nately, she said, these constitute only For some months now there has inating committee which will select cation a t their,- first meeting held University in the Department of Semcan Palestine Campaign. conducted by solution to our population problem one-fifth of our population. been a growing demand for immigra- the officers for the 1932 National Monday evening a t the J . C C. This the Jewish Agency for Palestine. This aiid to many of our social evils," Mrs. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. 1 itics. He also spent six months in tion and the other familiar anti-alien Conference of Jewish Social Service. is one of the six major departments sum was said to be the minimum bud- Sanger emphatically declared. "Birth Herbert Arnstein, president ox theEurope in 1927 making a study of measures. The annual conference will be held of the recently-formed consolidated European youth movements which get necessary to save the work in Pal- control," she defined, "is conscious Council of Jewish Women, this year in Minneapolis, starting on Jewish Community Center and Welwas afterwards- published in a series estine from collapse. control of the birth rate by means June 13. Omaha's rapid rise in na- fare Federation, and is headed by of articles in t h e Century Magazine. Dr. Cyrus Adler, presiding a t thewhich prevent conception of human tional Jewish social service circles is Harry Lapidus. Among his books--are, "Liberalizing conference, allayed the fears of those life.™ By preventing, she maintained, shown by Garson's appointment coupThe board decided on the following liberal J u "The Future of of the delegates who felt that the one is not destroying or interfering led with the fact that one of the main measures: « Israel", and Are Like That," "psychology-.•;of defeastism" brought with life, a s life has not yet been speakers for the conference will be They ireconttnended to the Talmud recently pub] under the pengiven inception. j on by the White Paper on Palestine Henry Monsky. Torah and t h e Jewish Community name of. Anal Essays and rewould prove an impediment t o the The three ways of controlling birth Other members of the nominating Center that-fhe Talmud Torah now views by Mr. have appeared success of the fund-raising campaign. rate which she pointed out were con-' committee are: Dr. Solomon Lowen- located a t 21st and Burt streets and from time t o ti in The Forum, The tinence, sterilization, and chemical stein, executive director of the New its Dundee branch be moved to the Rothenberg Named Chairman New Palestine, and mechanical means of contracep- Omaha to Be Represented in New York York Jewish Philanthropies; GerSeeks Enormous Reduction on - Morris Rothenberg, appointed chair- tion. It is around the last of the The Christian ,ete. trude A. Glick, head of the Jewish Basket Ball, Oratory, Jewish Quota They TJoled-that-the school hours be man of the campaign, declared that three that the real battle of birth The Wise lectere is the fifth in Family Welfare Society of Baltimore; one and one-half hours per class. Countries Debate the quota could be reached by July 1. control is being waged. the series arranged by the Commun| Harry L. Glucksman, director of the They were of the unanimous o p - The honorary chairman of the cam"No one method of birth control is Th e district tournament for the A. i t ^ Forunv s p o i l e d by the Center Washington.—(J. T. A.) — An en- Jewish Welfare Board of New York inion that the purpose of the Talmud paign, selected by the committee on suitable for everyone," she stated. " I t 2 . A. in oratory, debate, and basket- and the CounalAof Jewish Women. ormous cut in the Jewish immigra- City, and Dr. John Slawson, head of Torah should be in accordance with nominations are: Felix M. Warburg, is as individual as fitting eye-glasses. be held a t Lincoln under the The last event yn& be a lecture by tion quota will result from the new the Jewish Welfare Federation of the highest standards of the best Talresigned chairman of the Administra- That is why we have clinics which Rabbi Isaac Tj»mttmm of New York, immigration . bill, which has already Detroit. mud Torahs in t h e country and should tive committee of the Jewish Agency; give individual instructions in this reeditor of the American Hebrew, on been endorsed by the House ImmigraPhilip L. Seman is present presi- be improved t o rank .among the leadDr. .Cyrus Adler, chairman of the pro- gard." Tuesday evening; March 10. " A r etion : Committee and which reduces all dent of the national organization. ers. •• " • ' . " - •• „ visional committee of t h e American '-..'• We Passing Through a Religious Rev- j present immigration by ninety per Seven Conditions They voted t o recommend t o t h e members of the Jewish Agency; Dr. «lutibn?" will be Landmarks subject.' cent. Mrs. Sanger had this t o say about City Talmud Torah that they invite Stephen S. Wise; and Judge Julian The quota from Poland, which has the following seven groups of condithe South Omaha Talmud Torah t o .-"Mack, honorary chairman of the Zionhitherto been 6,524, will be reduced I join in with them a t the Center. tions: ist Organization of America. to 652. The quota from Russia, which No one couple should have children They further decided that these has hitherto been 2,784, will be reDr. Frankel I s Treasurer if either parent has a transmittable recommendations and changes Bhoold duced t o 278. The quotas from LithThat individual should be take place a s soon a s possible, and The chairmen of the campaign are: disease. uania, Latvia and Ron mania have all not later than May 1, 1931. Morris Rothenberg, Rabbi Abba Hfflel sterilized. \ been reduced t o a basic minimum No one having some, temporary diThe board also decided to send Silver of Cleveland, Nathan HStraus, quota of one hundred from each counJr., and James Marshall. The-treas- sease as tuberculosis, e t c , should have New York.—(J. T. A.)—Following these decisions to t h e different or' urer of the campaign is Dr. Lee JL children until cured. . ' . " " . . the examples previously set by the ganizations concerned and that com'. Prague.—(J. T. A.)—Tie" Jewish . .Parents who are apparently normal Frankel. " V lu population of Czeeho-Slovakia i s now1( mig™*3011 to the United States is Jewish communities in the Dominion mittees be appointed to meet with of Canada, by t h e Jewry of South them to discuss the proposed changes. The report of the committee on but have abnormal children should re400,000, according t o figures of na- ( from these countries. 1 In reporting the bul, the majority Speakers will also be assigned to Africa and Czechoslovakia, a number quotas was. adopted, by the delegates. frain from having more children. tionalities in the* national census of bring these jnatters to the attention of American ^JewiEh communities and * 'Among *~£fie*!a&signed quotas to I be The spacing of children - ^ there last to finance, """~"rais«cL in the^-campaign, groups • nav* 354,342 or 26 per cent of t h e total d e n t * s message to the ^reseat session within a five-year ^period, the' "purthgt of fl f 000,t00"for the city of New children for the sake of the mpther. i of The board, which represents the Adolescents who marry should 'repopulation. ' Congress, which recommended the chase of an appropriate number of synagogues, Talmud Torahs, and the frain Ifrom having children until" the dunams of land which will, through The increase in the Jewish' popula-, wife lias reached the age4of 23 and tion was a little more than 11 per- on a more limited and selective basis the Jewish National Fund, become J. C. C. is composed of the following: ! flexible t o flje needs of the country anc and be held as the perpetual property Harry Lapidus, chairman; A. Cohn; the- husband- the age of 25 in order cent. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Harry Dworto allow full physical and mental deLast February when plans for t h e ' m accordance with the present unem- of the Jewish people. Abe Novicoff, General Chairman. velopment. The communities and groups thus sky, Rabbi N. Feldtnan, Samuel Ger,_ , , _ . . , .. T . . _ . ^ census werebeing made the statistical' Payment situation. . Economic—no couple should brmg auspices of the Lincoln. Chapter No. c o t m c i l o f the government announced1 Representative Samuel Dickstein, participating in the plan may have son, Abe .Goldstein, Rabbi David children into the world.unless they 3 this week-end, February 6, 7, and 8. that it would recognize the Jewish na- J e w i s h member of the House Irnmi- the privilege of linking their names Goldstein; Dr. M."t. Gordon, J . Harry l e a n properly maintain, educate and. Abe Novicoff is general chairman j tionaUty, nationally to be identical -8»t«m Committee, has brought in a or the names of the states in which Kulakofsky, Sam Ravitz, Dr. P. Sher, ••••-— ' of - arrangements. Other committee minority report. Mrs. Herman Jahr, who has direct- support• them. they are located, or the names of out- Harry Weirier, Harry Wolf, N . S. with the language spoken. standing personalities whom they Yaffe. ed the dramatic work a t the Com-J^ Married couples -should exercise heads are H. Hyman. Goodbinder. j This meant that only those Jews chairman of publicity; Elton Gold-' wish to honor, with the historic Palmunity Center for the past five years birth control for a t least two years who spoke Yiddish or Hebrew would estine sites and localities which will J e w i s h n a t j o n a l i t y will sponsor" a Children's theater tiiis' after marriage. They should thus berg, chairman of finance; Jack ^ l i g t e d of 1 chairman of arrangements be included in the reclaimed areas. ^ ^ y e a r a t t h e J . e e ". : : |.>...'..'.. - . . '— ^ o f J e w s They plan to entertain a crowd of Washington, D. C, Baltimore, PittsShe will teach>chHdreh's-classes in' fFWTFR flBfHFSTRA Hungarian Bohemi&n o r burgh, Providence, Hartford, New 'dramatic work, and will give a _.& -„—•». _ . . _ . « » . ov f5 ^ .. .• , ! would be. classified a s of the German, Mrs. L. Neveloff was chosen presi- Haven,' Detroit and a number -of performance in the spring. "Not only T O H J I Y OVER RADIO ^ chapters partacipatmgare from B o h e m i a n ^ nationalHungarian dent of the Bikur Cholim Society for smaller communities, which recently 'will she teach class work, but she will ^____ •"": Kansas City, Mo.,.Kansas City, Kan-j ^ . . the ensuing term a t the election «f acted as hosts to Menachem Ussishsas, S t Jossph Topeka, Sioux Cily j also give private lessons t o a limited The Jewish Community. Center as S t Jossph Topeka Sioux Cily j A feature of the next Congregarttests «„ t h e part of officers of the organization a t which kin, world president of the Jewish Des Momes, CouncU Bluffs » a number of children. \ -. J Symphony orchestra, under t h e directional supper to be served by t h e over 200 members were present. Mrs. Jahr is now the only one in tion of Frank Mach, will "be initiated I permitting the Jews.to declare them- • Other officers chosen are Mrs. S. National Fund, who is now in this Ladies' Auxiliary of the Conservative The h e a d q n v t e n for. the tourney Omaha who studied under Yzette'-into the mysteries of radio broadj e w i s n nationaUty while Fish, vice-president; Mrs. L. Morgan, country, were the first to endorse the Synagogue to be held on Monday, of ^ ^ l Guilbert. » . ^ I casting when they will play for the b e M t t e i f a t o l n H o t e l ^ A m o o g i ^ . , . . y ^ ^ „ « requlr.d to treasurer; Mrs. S. Zernoyski, Tecord- plan and to assume definite financial February '©, a t 6 p. in., a t the J. C. C, Any children or mothers interested first tinie over radio station WOW on the '.. interesting.:. features will.- be a register their nationality according, to ing secretary; Mrs. L. Rothstein, fi- obligations in its behalf. will be a discussion on "What Modmay meet Mrs. Jahr a t t h e Commun'-; Saturday, February 7, from 6 p . ' m . luncheon, a sight-seeing tour, a thea- their mother tongue. ern Jews 1 Believe," led by Mrs. J . nancial secretary; Mrs. L. Mendesohn, ter party, dance and banquet. .Troity Center on Monday afternoon a t t o 6:30." . Harry Kulakofsky and Dr. M. Mar* corresponding secretary. Those, composing the orchestra are: phies, medals and other. awards will golin. 4 p. m. The Board of Directors include Iz Bender, clarinet; Herman Blumen- be presented and the .winners will be Mrs. B. A. Simon and her co-chairThe Center officials have just been Mesdames J . Goldberg, J . Finkle, M. thaL saxophone; Myron Cohen, vio- eligible t o . compete. in - the finals a t man, Mrs. Abner Kaiman, will be asadvised that E . M. Segal, Athletic Katzman, M. Wolf son, L. Abrams, H . lin; Dora Dolgoff, piano; Iibby Dol- St. Louis in March.-.-,-..- Classes and private lessons in piano sisted by the following committee: Azorin, H. Neissman, H. Alberts, M. ! goff, violin; Lilly Epstein, violin; ... Housing and dating are being pro- Director a t the J . C C , h a s been are t o be offered a t the J . C. C. un- Mesdames William Alberts, I. BerkoS. Barson, I . Levin, A. 1 vided for all visitors. Leo Beck's or- -honored by the' National A.- A.- U. Gluckman, ' Harold Finkel, drums; Barney Guss, der the direction of Mrs. Mary Adele witz, Sam Beber, Sam Kaplan, M. Seiner. violin; Charles Guss, violin; Julius chestra -has been secured for -the The president has asked Mr. Segal to Redfield. All interested may regis- Lerner, Charles Levinson, E. A. MeyThe next meeting of ihe organizadance. serve on'the National Handball comter a t the Center, beginning today. er, M. Margolin, A. Theodore, Julius M. Kurtzman, 51, a resident of Hornstein, cornet; Richard Hoberman, tion will be held next Monday. mittee. The system of music taught by Stein, and Mose Yousem. Omaha for the past 30 years, passed cornet; Dan Hurley, flute; Ina JacobMrs. Redfield is t h s combination of The committee has urged all memaway last Thursday. Burial, took sen; violin; Lorraine King, violin; Hythe most-valuable ideas from reading bers to attend and to bring their - place, on Friday a t the Golden Hill mie -Kaplan, violin; Rose Lazarus, new methods "used i n conservatories. children and friends, as they promise - cemetery, Rabbi' Frederick Cohn "of- violin; Lillian Levy, saxophone j^Florof music, a s the,American Conserva- a very fine meal a t 60 cents for - ficiating. Mr. Kurtzman was .a .mem- .ence Levy, clarinet; Harriett Lewis, ewYork.—Steps'are" being-taken tory, the Chicago. Musical College, adults and SOc for children. violin; Pearl" Marcus, cornet; : Nell to organize a National Federation of. ber of the Omaha Hebrew Club. Seymour School of Musical EducaThose who cannot attend the supHe i s survived" by Bis widow, Min- Marks, violin; " Keith - Peltz, saxo^ Jewish.. Women's.,' Organizations enper are invited t o be present a t the nie; a son, Fred;' a daughter, Sarah; phone; -Milton Saylon, violin; Solomon ?*&&jn.'religious, cultural and philJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The report Palestine, which is.largely imported tion, and Columbia College. two brothers, Isadore and Charles of Susman, clarinet; Henry Swartz, sax- anthropic work, it. wasannounced b y ' <jf the ^\ Commission in the from these two countries, amounts to •- Mrs. - Redfield completed a normal program, which begins at 7:30. course i n methods a t the Aeolian - '.Los Angeles', and two sisters^ Mrs." M. ophone; Jennie Weinstein, clarinet; Mrs. David E . Goldfarb, president of' United States on prohibition h a s over 500,000 litres in a'year. Reservations may be made with White of Omaha, and Mrs. J . Slabo Jacob Weisman, violin; Isadore White the Federation of Jewish Women's Or- j ^yokejj the general comment here In view of the fact that Palestine is 'School of Musical Research, and was Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028; violin; Ruth White, violin. of Los Angeles. .... ganizations of Greater New York af ( t h a t p a l e s t i n e ° ^ Q ,a l l i t s troubles, an important cultivator of grapes for accepted a s a piano teacher in theMrs. Abner Kaiman, Glendale 2488; its 11th annual convention which was, a p p e a r s t o D e fortunate in that it has wine-making, wine-drinking liere is New York public schools. She spe- or Mrs. William Alberts, Harney cializes in children courses. 3428. . ."held at New York last week. This! no ; l i q u o r p r o blem although wine and popular. • . She will instruct in Rote teaching, announcement was made . b y ' Mrs. t spirits are cheap and easy of access harmonizing melodies, ear training, Goldfarb in her presidential address I - ^ the country boasts of having the! rhythm and creative dancing. Each in which she stated that a luncheon': s e c o n d i a r g e s t wine • " cellars the] m lesson will last one hour, and classes was held earlier in the week attended i wwoorrjj((jj>> j will.be limited to ten pupils. b i ih F d j Every department of the establish- by representatives of Jewish Federa-j Alcoholic drinks are consumed by Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—When the A specialty night in which all the tions from various.parts of the coun-. i Christians and Jews alike, Mos emS) King David Hotel opened i t s doors ment is an innovation for Jernsalem. clubs of the Senior Council of t h e recently, the people of Jerusalem, who. From the - mechanical appliances in try, culminating in, the appointment... b u t always in moderation and hence J. C. C. will compete is the entertainof a committee which .was to consider, drunkenness is comparatively, unwent there opened their eyes to one the kitchens, bakeries and the "refriment offered a t the Center Thursday Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Called known in the Holy Land. Saloons as of the few of Jerusalem's man-made j geration plant to the hardwood floors, the formation of a national body. evening, February 12. upon to rule upon the legality of Paris.—(J. T. A . ) — T h e Alliance they existed in the United States bethere is something which sets the "wonders. many unusual requests, the WarPrizes will hz awarded to the most Israelite Universelle spent ?300,000 fore the enactment of the Eighteenth A lucky stroke in the selection of building apart from all others here. saw rabbinate today rendered an for Jewish welfare purposes in Rus- effective entertainment and stunts. Amendment are practically non-existthe site, a gem of architecture and a opinion in a case as out of the or- sia, Poland, Roumania and Palestine Leo Brown is chairman of the affair, ent here. model in design and plan, the hotel dinary a s any. A Jewish girl in the decade 1920—1930,. according to which the public is invited. . Dr. Victor E . Leviney captain in " The local wine-shops are one-room whose fiance now lives in Ameri- to a report made public here. sets a new standard for mechanical equipment, quiet, dignity and exquisGovernor Floyd Olson of Minnesota the Medical Department, Chemical affairs with" wide open doors. Little ca called upon the rabbinate to inWarsaw.—The various Jewish probCf this sum $100,000 was allocated ite taste. . has appointed Edward Pearlove state Warfare Service, has satisfactorily drinking, however, is done on the quire if a marriage with her sweet- to promote Jewish cultural activities lems in Poland will be solved gradIt Cost $1,250,000 comptroller and chairman of the de- completed the required examinations premises. heart by cable would be in accord in the form of subventions to rabbis ually. Premier Walery Slawek assured In a hotel of nearly 200 rooms, partment of administration and fi- and practical tssts provided for in I t i s curious that all attempts to with rabbinical law. and Jewish learned societies in Rus- Henry Rosmarin and Dr. Joshua guiding hands saw to i t that in the nance, one of the three highest ap- army regulations, and has been pro- establish breweries have so far proved The rabbinate ruled, as was exsia, the provision of matzoth and Thon, president and vice-president reunsuccessful, although Palestine barrooms, _no two of which a r e . alike, pointive offices in the state "govern- moted t o the rank of major. pected, that such a marriage medical aid to Russian Jews and the spectively of the Jewish parliamentHe will receive ' his majority as ley is being exported to England and there should not be anywhere a clash- ment. would not be legaL [ support of Russian refugees in Bes- ary club in tiie course of a significant Germany, for brewing purposes. ing color, nor a "bizarre or inapproMr. Pearlove is a brother-in-law to soon as a vacancy occurs in his s dis sarabia and Poland. and friendly conference. The annual consumption of beer in vision. priate note. ~ Mrs. J . J . Friedman of this city.

National Honor Bestowed Upon Samuel Gerson


Jewish Educational / Board Seeks Action


J .


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E, 'M. Segal Honored


Jewish Women Groups j

'New King David Hotel Made Wonder of Jerusalem

Wins Appointment

Dr. Victor Levirie Promoted to Major

Free From a


Rabbis Rule Marriage By Cable Illegal

Senior Council Specialty Night

Alliance Spends Huge Sum in Welfare Work

^ • ' V ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^




Published every FYitfay''at Omaha, Nebraska, by


drawing considerably revenue was atbidden foods" apply to the field of medical aid. tributed to be the cause of the acute This blood transfusion, it is declared, is allowfinancial difficulties now facing the able in all events, not merely in a case of exReconstruction Fund, by several of tremity. the speakers in the debate held during The prominence given to the incident, even the meeting here of the directorate in the local papers, could have had but one result. and 4,890 Sephardic Jews in the city. of the Jewish Reconstruction Fund. There are 150,000 Jews in all of the] Emigration From It must have impressed upon the minds of the United States Netherlands. non-Jewish readers that the Jewish religion pro-! Lithuania Kovno.—In the last two years First Jewish Cemetery hibits blood transfusions from Gentiles, thereby Heads Liberties Board Harrisburg.—Rabbi Philip D. Book- ; of Belgium 7,000 Jews emigrated from Lithuania, creating a false and unfavorable notion. Such I: staber, spiritual leader of the Oheb occurrences place upon us the stigma of illogical t Sholom Congregation in this city, | Antwerp.—The first Jewish ceme- according to official statistics. The in Belgium will be established majority of the emigrants ranged in medievalism and unreasonable religious mania, ' has just been named chairman of the ji tery shortly as a result of the action of age from 27 to 29. These Jewish emifor even in general the world has learned to hold : Pennsylvania Civil Liberties Commit- the municipality of Charleroi in grants constituted 36 per cent of the all Jewry responsible for the aberrations of one tee. The new chairman is well known granting space to the Jewish com- total emigration from Lithuania. in social work. He is a former expert munity for a burial ground. This i s ! individual member of the race. While in this case • agent of the United States departwe cannot remedy the publicity given, we are atment of labor and has served on a the first time in the history of Bel-, Jewry that permission has beenj least thankful that our religious authorities have number of state commissions. He is gian given for a separate Jewish cemepublicly and thoroughly rejected the theory which now a member of Governor Pinchot's tery. committee on unemployment. motivated the action of this London Jew. By DAVID SCHWARTZ Lacking a cemetery, the Orthodox j 3,517 Jews Enter Jews of Antwerp and Brussels, where Washington.—According to figures the largest Jewish communities are, MOTION AND MEDITATION "LAST DAYS OF SHYLOCK"


"yes," replied the child, "I asket God to forgive me, and he said: 'It's okay with me, I sometimes get a dog mixed up with a panther myself."


The granddaughter of Sarah Bernhardt and the grandson of Clemenceau are to marry. The old Tiger Subscription Price, one_ycgr_« • « - • • • - - - - $2.50 doubtless would have been pleased Advertising rates furnished on application with the wedding. He had a strange interest in things Jewish—an interest revealed by his battling for Dreyfus, Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building and even more so, I think, by his short stories on Jewish themes. T l W u n ^ H ^ f \ t i 145Q; • There have been many non-Jews DAVID BLACK.EU - -,.,,-Jiusujess and Managing Editor who have interested themselves in the FRANK U. ACKERMXf}"-~~- - - - . - - - . . -Editor more superficial aspects of Jewish FANNIE KATEl-MAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent life, but here was a man, who dug beneath, who wrote about such things as orthodox synagogues and life of 5691 ^ «•*';> 1931 Galician Jewry. He was interested in those Jewish things, which fail to atRosh Chodesh Adar. ...Wednesday, February 18 tract even the interest of many a Purim .... _»___4 .Tuesday, March 3 Jew of today. Such an interest must made public by the Bureau of Immi- have been burying their dead in HolRosh Chodesh Nissan -Thursday, March 19 A recent writer on the Broadway have sprung from the very depth of gration of the Department of Labor, land, not wishing to inter them in the By Ludwig Lewisohn 1st Day Pessach !». -Thursday, April 2 scene imparts the'news that Irving his being. 3,517 Jewish immigrants entered the common Jewish-Christian cemetery Review by Rabbi Hyman R. Rabinowitz 7th Day Pessach __ Berlin is a champion floor pacer, and -Wednesday, April 8 He would sometimes spurt out that United States during the period of used by the un-Orthodox Jews of the that he is particularly inclined to this of Sioux City something was not altogether favorRosh Chodesh Iyar..JL JL—Saturday, April 18 July 1st to November 30th, 1930, and country. carpet massaging in the midst of the able to the Jew, but one felt no more Lag b'Omer_._ ii!—____Tuesday, May 5 654 Jewish immigrants entered the Every fair minded reader of "The Merchant throes of a musical composition. Trotsky a Zionist peeved at them than one does by Rosh Chodesh Sunday, May 17 of Venice" senses that Shylock distinctly received • United States during the month of Report Intensity of thinking seems to resome of the salty things said by London.—Leon Trotsky exiled Comj 1stDay Shabuoth_•£*.. Friday] May 22 unfair treatment at the hands of the great dra- . November, 1930. munist leader who is now living on' quire some physical accompaniment. Hecht in his just published opus— the island of Prinkipo, has become a> The body mast keep in rhythm with "Jew in Love," as one does not feel matist. Had Shakespeare fathomed the depth of ' Jews Aid Centennial of Episcopal Diocese Zionist and may attend the forthcom-1 the mind. I presume that on some- offended when a member of one's Jewish sufferings in the middle ages he would ing 17th World Zionist Congress, the j thing of this basis would be explained family brings reproach, but let an the swaying of the Jew over his Tal- outsider do the same thing and there parliamentary correspondent of the! ., or King Lear. Unfortunately he ^ L ^ ethe°ceTtennt! TtZ London Jewish Chronicle says on the' mud, and the characteristic physical will be the devil to pay! brate the birthdgj: anniversary of one of the Shylock as a minor character, merely greatest of her,, gi-^^ons—Abraham g ^ ^ o n s A b r a h a m Lincoln. He y -founding of the Episcopal diocese of basis of information received from a' motions of chess players. The old STEUER AND KRESEL t o r•"•e**~l i•**•* e v• e•** t*-»»v* h | champion, Dr. Lasker, was in the hab* « » M V4»\<AII u u x i w u ^ { U i * W m U K^ IIJX1 <t(J LCL~ NHL ULJ 1 ( I F n i i i * , —»»»v»»w** *•"& w**^ w*. w . * ~ > . w « w w ^»J. A.*.** has exemplified wfojgglal character set up for o u r !t o m o s f o r t u nee sintense agony of the loss of An-A l < * D a I I l a . XVclDDl ^xiirCCl \J» JV1OS6S O l Moscow newspaperman. Revenge is sweet, says the old proit of swaying his feet, Tschigorin a t se e f t t The Chronicle's correspondent saysj future generatityfeijEpattern after, and his f i n e t i &- Th Th JJew was introduced' Shaarai Shomayin read ft ti'fei i t d d Congregation So sweet, indeed, that the carried on a regular calisthenics in verb. 0 rovide a psalm and Schwarz qualities make $ ; niasaka.'part of any one people,.'* P comic relief. His pathetic cry for jus-i ^ ^ part » mayor of that Trotsky turned to Zionism be- jthe way of eye twitching during a Torah forbade it. Vengeance belongcause of his study of the recent oc-! but instead the $Fi4«§Sg5^ people. 'i tice was drowned by the hisses of the infuriated game, and Janowski would bite away eth to the Lord, says the Holy Writ. currences in Palestine and because of; Jewish Physician Wins mob# furiously on his cigar. Somehow, you Yet—consider the latest development , people's tragedy was converted into y The Jewish'^Bt^ie'Jiave been criticized, per-.! - - his hatred of anti-Semitism, especialC i Ad a have got to work yourself up in a in the case of the closing of the reCarnegie Award haps with sonie^aut^Bf^for trying to make every cheap comedy by the preposterous plot about a, ly Hitlerism. cent big New York banking institufrenzy. outstanding persegage Into a Jew. And if any-|P 0 U n d of flesh with its litigation and juristic hair-1 ^ " J ^ ' v S rt'v ^T!™ Jtif- Important Agricultural tion. Max Steuer, has accepted withWORKING UP AN out compensation the job of investivone attempted tofHSffii Lincoln as one of his won, s P u t kng. residents o f N e w York state who Discovery five EMOTIONAL SWEAT gating the collapse of that institution. he could surely ,tB3Ba'doned, for who would not' What Shakespeare omitted, Lewisohn sup- have been awarded a bronze medal by Paris.—A prominent member of the H i s recent ; And some spectacular pyrotechnics Its a great knack—this ability to desire to haye»|gj|r||£ fike Lincoln as one of h i s ' P ^ ^ novel: "The Last Days of Shy- the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission Jewish Agency here received a report are expected. put yourself in a staccato mood. I Jock is a n from Palestine that the son of Sho- [ own? Indeed, gS5Bt3sdac M. Wise, famed foun-! " indispensable commentary on, and a ' "* "cognition of deeds of heroism, Why did Steuer accept? There is Asch, famous Jewish novelist and, know at least, one writer, whose sucder of Reform^BgSSiJclaimed quite strenuous-! m u c h n e e d e d glossary of the play. To understand J ^ ^ t ^ y e a T s o i d 5 i v e d ^ n k lom playwright, who is working as ancess, I believe, is due to this ability no money in it for him. It actually ly that Lincoln-w^^g Jewish descent, but this Shylock one must know the historic background! U j l a k y f r o m d r o w n i n g a'tWeifare is- agronomist in Palestine, has made an of imparting a tenseness and sincer- means a loss of money to him, for t h e o r y o f RabSE«S33fiSi> h a s ****** »»»•?—~-J »»—..i ' o f .Tpwish lifp in t.Vins<> <1JIVS TVfr1 Tjmricnlin irirJi- i n _ j „„__!.. *i • _JU. important discovery which will do ity, which I think is alien from him his time is worth a couple of thousand support and n<£3i8Sttji&nce much to improve farming methods. naturally. But he knows how toa day, and he must expect this bank The Jewish Agency is reported to be make his prose give this appearance prosecution to take several months of "lay. We do IsSg^lJJESvever; that Lincoln was of gushing forth high pressured con- his time. interested in the discovery. ., . ^y-^-yw. race. It is interesting. °^ Venice. The chapter based on «,^.,.^. «»«,««.«, extremely _ viction. Why did he accept? Some are to note that Httttaa^lmtoffered two embassy ap- J experiences supplies the key to Shylock's be- er until a rope was thrown from the Anti-Semitism Condemned Yet despite the possibilities of hyp- hinting that it is a taste of revenge. by Non-Jew ocrisy, I think it is a knack worth! Some fifteen years ago, Kresel, who _„•_.. x_ ,, •- •«*«*».. a n d Honduras—to savior and mental outlook. shore. r Montreal. — Anti-Semitism was cultivation, and for that reason, is now very much in the public eye, ^ , —^ """%isisfii»gj£ityw«*use they thought ^ * Lewisohn picks up the thread where Orthodox Congregations Unite strongly condemned in the Quebec among others, I have always had a directed legal proceedings in which that in those tigfiSgseSBSsithey could serve better Shakespeare left off. Shylock returns home from Galveston, Tex.—The two Orthodox Provincial Legislature when J. A., weakness for the old Chassidim. They Steuer figured. fcere. Not ATiWrSSkSSi™^,™^ give *ipr«> Mnf _r— several« the trial where he again witnessed the icy qual- congregations of this city, which have Frigon, * Liberal deputy and a non- had a term, which they called, I be- Well, it happens that Kresel, the Jess important of mercy so beautifully preached by Portia. maintained a separate existence for Jew, took to task the Conservative lieve, "hithlahavoth" enthusiasm, or hero of the present hour, is one of ;ws, but he also num-j bered many _ «*.«,«,« ruminates\on past episodes and experiences of | fifty-five years, have united and have member, Hercule Burre, for his recent' ecstacy, and they believed that noj the directors of the closed bank, and e among his intimate;f h i s friends. Some jt pleasant hours w e r e <**& l^e. The riddle of civilized man haunts e l e c t e d * - l l W T "'" a *"' "l""*" anti-Semitic speech in front of a vil-; man could be truly pious without this Steuer is aching for the opportunity 11 lage church, where Burre turned to "hithlahavoth." spent during to gat Kresel on the witness stand 'and ^ when he stole away, ™' Why, when even a mere, innocent child! a crucifix and exclaimed: "I don't' give him a dose of the medicine that from his offici _ a _ _ r _ ^ ^ c h a t with Dr. Zacharie,' w a s h e hated and beaten by his Gentile playTHOSE MIAMI CHDLDREN like Jews; I hate them." C a t h l l C S Resume he inflicted on SteUer a decade ago. Ellard Kohn .editor of the Jewish the Jewish chi*op'6^stpWith the refreshing wit mates Later he witnesses the public burning of It will be interesting to watch Baroness Rothschild Heads Unity of Miami sends me this one: and eloquent tongufe. /Scholar Abaraham Cohen the sacred books of his people which contained; Tbe lAtin ppaatt nr ai ar rcchhaattee ooff JJeer ruu.. Orphanage Committee 5 A little Miami Miss burst in upon these two legal giants of New York was another of-his -f-ew-intimate friends, while{lessons of justice and mercy to all mankind, yea,[ salem has recently resumed the pub^ Vienna—Baroness Clarice von Roth-j her mother one day with the news measuring lances, with one another. Judge Dittenhofer was a frequent visitor at t h e t e v e n tbe ghastly sight of the burning of a group ; lication of the Arab CathoUc weekly schild, wife of Baron Alfonse von] that she had just seen a panther leap Steuer, intense, alert: Kresel, cool and White House. Another Jewish individual, whose °f Jews at the stake because they would not re- E a l d b Sayoun (Sentified of zion), Rothschild of Vienna, has accepted out of the back yard. shrewd. name is well-known to us in Omaha — Edward nounce the God of their Fathers. He watched w h i c h ^P*** 1 i t si s s u e s s o m e tilTee o r the presidency of the Women's Pro- "Now, now, Jeanette," said the You've seen a first class bull dog Rosewater, founder of the Omaha Bee—was also( the masqued faces of the clergy, espying the in- f o u r y e a r s &g0f o rw a n t o f f u n d s > ac " tective Committee of the Vienna Jew- mother, "you go upstairs and pray to in the preliminaries with an equally cording to Dr. Alexander Mombelli, on excellent terms with the President during the n er satisfaction hovering around their lips at hav- Jerusalem correspondent of the Na-ish Orphanage Asylum Merores, the God to forgive you for telling a lie." high-powered cat? Well, that will be largest and oldest Jewish orphan asyThe child went upstairs, and tennothing compared to it—when Kresel Civil war. At~thlrtr-time"Rosewater was a teIe-( *ng advanced the glory of the Merciful church by tional Catholic Welfare Conference lum in Vienna. minutes later was back again. and Steuer face each other . sacrifices. His graph operator in the war department, and it was! human sacrifices. His desired revenge was to toNews Service. Baroness Rothschild was born a' "Well, did you pray for forgive- (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telel he who transmitted .Lincoln's Emancipation Pro-' demonstrate that the Jew was a human being Dr. Mombelli declares that this step Montefiore of London. She is one of ness?" graphic Agency, Inc.) 1 has been taken in order to face the the most prominent and most beloved clamation to the "na^fdEC na^fdEC ' Through him we learn learn' sensible to insult and injury. He failed in this thi a great ddeal concerning-the President's pensive!! attempt. He must even convert to Christianity, necessity of a Catholic organ in thewomen in Austrian aristocratic cirHoly Land to defend the Catholic re- cles. and somber moods, as President Lincoln was at'which he mechanically complies with. ligion and its rights "against the conRosewater's side tfirb'tigK many a night during) The second half of the novel — is — based on —a _ tinuous attacks on the part of the Actions Board, Zionist

By the Way


w w




th crucial i l battles. t h the battles. j true historic fact on the plan of Don Joseph of jIMosl Moslems, the Jews and the schisma-Executive Cut London.—As a further ecomony tics It is small ^ondeiV then, that Jews fought, Naxos, who had a vision of solving the Jewish j - " measure the size of the Zionist A c for his nomination, battled for his election, and j problem once for all by having them return to, Senate Confirms tions Committee as well as of the worked with him while he headed the nation, j their ancient homeland. Shylock takes an active Nominations Zionist Executive will shortly be reHe stood unbendingly f^r principles dear to Jud-1, part in this work. Unfortunately the Arab^s frus- Washington. — The nomination of duced, an official announcement from —social justice, h|ir|ai cpmpassipn and under- jtrate the plan. Shylock dies peacefully in theGeorge Z. Medalic to be United* States Zionist headuarters stated. Two comfor the Southern New York mittees, one for London and another standing, freedom an9.|q<(ality for all, regardless j arms of his rediscovered daughter Jessica, who attorney district and that of Simon E. Sobe- for Jerusalem, have been appointed to of race, color, or creed, and he led his people returns •penitentially to her people - - and faith. The , loff to be UnitedtStates District At- discharge many employes from the : through searing strife to ^indicate his credo. His revengeful " * Shylock « . - . . knows . how to forgive andltorney for Maryland were confirmed institutions maintained or subsidized was a heart off .gold by the without debate. Mr. by the Jewish Agency. .gol .and..a soul of pure nobility. how to be merciful to one who wronged him deep- * "" Senate ~ Medalic succeeds Charles H. Tuttle. Those employes who are not disr as a symbol of the ly and unjustly. He dies with the knowledge May his name'ffv^i Mr. Sobeloff was formerly Deputy missed will have their salaries cut idealism of a nation. that his grandchildren will be learned men in City Solicitor of Baltimore. one-sixth. The decision to reduce the Israel, and that perhaps by their prayers will membership of the Actions Committee move the Almighty to send the Redeemer of Zion INDIV and the Zionist Executive will require I Other Countries J the apuroval of the Zionist Congress. to put an end to the perfidy and mockery of soA curiousf^ ng and discussidri-provoking Jewish._ World Yiddish Culture Congress raised recently when called civilization. New Issue of Bodleian The novel is checkful of Jewish history which Hebrew Catalogue Vilna.—A decision to call a world a London Jewioi >fiat of death refused an infusion, of Gent^ft^Mr; though he knew that only Lewisohn knows how to present with a liter- Berlin.—A new,edition of the cata- ( Yiddish culture congress was taken by the Yiddish Pen Club conference such operation •w^uldr&ave his life. The general ary flavor that the facts sink in the mind of the logue of the Hebrew section of the ^following a two-day session. The conOxford university library, the famas well as the ~Jewish'' !plress gave considerable reader without his realizing that he learns Jew- ous ference also took steps to elect an Bodeleiana, which was first comspace to the slojbTpf")|h^ unusual individual who ish history. A book for the young Jew andpiled by Moritz Steinschneider seven- executive which would include five thus flatly refused "to allow necessary steps to Jewess of today. ty years ago, will soon be issued b? Americans, to settle outstanding the Welt-Verlag of Berlin. This questions affecting the international save his life "r^&er than to have Gentile blood Catalogue Iibrorum Hebracorum has Yiddish Pen Clubs and to organize He who rushes too far ahead of the proces- been out of circulation for many branches in Palestine, Roumania and the Argentine. tened world Jewry sion," as well as he who lags too far behind, is years. likely to be smitten. fs happy t o Gets Czecho-Slovakian Honor Orthodox Students don Jew was in;^iksfefiM based on or consonant Winnipeg.—Max Steinkopf, local Federate with Jewish law;-;; jjji'ajl^a^ned discussion ProfesThe best policy in olden times used to be to Warsaw.—A federation of Ortho- Jewish barrister, received word that sor Chaim ToheHi^ji^lifanious Talmudist of the keep in the middle of the road, but now it is to dox Jewish university students has he had been awarded the Order of the just been organized here. The fed- White Lion of CzechorSlovakia, one Jewish Institute;-ibijJReli^on, supported by a sim- keep on your side of the road, eration is issuing its own magazine of the highest decorations granted by ilar stand by D^i^lgSj^^Jlevel, president of the in the Polish language. Every Fri- the \ Ciecho-Slovak republic Mr. faculty, of the|ti'^^i^|t/College, denounced his j . . A,,religious bigot belongs to , t the* "lunatic , day night the students gather to read Steinkopf nas been honorary consul nCPo M i. (J T P n> M-f lJ . +L T . position and statifeji^a^]an.refusing the transfus-'•pTn ' '' ' » " »««•««,««• —.i u,. „„... fringe, said President Roosevelt, a n d h e w a s the Sedra of the week and to study for; Czecho-Slovakia in this city for ion he acted on',So\^fc^r^authority than his ~,,i V usually correct in his conclusions. the Talmud. A section of the Orth- a number of years, fie recently rer odox high school students and an em- turned; from a trip to the Orient from the s t a n d ^ | n | ; ^ ^ w i s h "din," and by virwhere he went as the representative tue of an exl^^fey^&aiicism. Instead, they Religion's greatest enemy is the spirit of in- ployment bureau are also affiliated of Winnipeg with a delegation of the •with the federation. physician advises tolerance manifested by its overzealous advoCanadian chambers of commerce. ; pointed out tl ^ ,. N 7 .. _ .. Jews in Amsterdam t .such action, it i ^ o | ; ^ / g p p r m i t t e d but required, cates. Amsterdam.—The report of the Ort Revenue Crisis .'By Talmudic int^r|ta^<|n'all methods of healing Berlin.—The economic crisis in the Ashkenazic Jewish community of Amrj .are-nermissable"*wltfi tne" exception of of idolatry, idolatry, are-permissable-wlth^the True religion sanctions no course of proced- S « S m A ^ S r S n T « eSTs United States and other countries immorality , and t h e taking of human life t o save u r e i n i t s defense t h a t is contrary t o t h e spirit Ashkenazic Jews in the city. ini920 from which the Jewish Reconstruction One's-'own *,and none-Of t h e prohibions of "for- of love. , r *--*•, *. . . w« .-•.... •-, ythere were 62,359 Ashkenazic .Jews Fund ofjthe Ort has.till recently bees f

i 1;

THIS IS THE LIFE! N D he says it from the heart, even when he has a five-mile walk in front of him, or a five-block dash for the street car. The easy chair is never to be spurned—but it ; s nice t o feel just as comfortable and relaxed when you're using your feet. This is the life certainly—when that eager, peppy "go" feeling is yours. And you have possession when you step jauntily out of here with your Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes on. They're admirably styled, tireless as junior. ARMCHAIR EASE FOR YOUR FEET Ilf OMAHA OKI/IT AT THE AEBRASKA Greater Shoe Sect.%ona—Main Floor




The Very Latest in Fashions Observed by M. E. Chapman

- Please Note—AH items for Friday's issue must .be in the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Wednesday. Phone notices to Atlantic 1450 or mail them to 490 *!Brandeis Theater BIdg. WEDDING Hiss Esther Budefsky of Philadelphia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Budefsky, became the bride of Mr. Paul M. Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Forbes of this city, on Sunday evening, February 1, at the home of the groom's brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. I. Forbes. Only members of the immediate family were present at the wedding. Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiated. . The young couple are now on their honeymoon. A reception i n their honor is being planned upon their return. 'ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - The engagement of Miss Beverly Sax of Sioux City to Mr. Robert Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. L Swartz of this city was recently announced. • A dinner in honor of the couple was given last Sunday at the Swartz home with, only members of the immediate family present.

Organization News Women's Welfare Organization

The annual card party of the JewFeminine touches will feature ish Women's Welfare Federation will wdnMsa's wear this spring, "accordbe held at the J. C. C. Tuesday, ing-to M. E. Chapman of Goldstein' * Chapman, who recently" - returned March 3; This card party, will be given for "frbmithe Amos Parrish ^clinic" in I l i e benefit of baying dishes for the New^York. - ^ • • : : - - • : .''- ":': Teminine features ; distinguished Center. - Admission- will be^ 50 cenis.This organization will also spon«veiy : mode," says Chapman.- "Six sor a tea dance at the Center on models displayed garments at the RUSH PARTY Sunday afternoon, February 22, from "clinic* with Amos Parrish explainThe K. T. Club of- Central High 3 to 5 p. m. Mrs. A. Greenberg, ing the styles they wore." School.entertained at a rush party at 1 Styles shown,'according to Chap- Mrs. Jack Alberts, and Mrs. B. A. the Paxton Hotelon Saturday afterman, stressed ensemble silhouettes. Simon are in charge of both affairs. noon. ' -- . If fashions follow the advice. of Deborah Society Amos Parrish women will wear CONCERT The Deborah Society will hold an .clothes cut along the lines of the Dora Bovshover, well-known Jew- Bell silhouette,' Greek peplum or open meeting Tuesday afternoon, February 10, at 2:30 p. m. at the ish balladist, the leader "of the -radio J . \jm O . '~ hour known as ."Around t i e SamVionnet-silhouette with sash tie, A very ^interesting program has ovar," wiU be heard at the' Work- j the modern version of the 1830 men's, Circle concert on Tuesday, Empress Eugenie silhouette or hoop been arranged by the program chairFebruary 6, at the Labor Lyceum. skirt, or she may appear clothed as man, Mrs. Max Fromkin. The speaker of the- afternoon will be Philip Gershon Rubin of the Art Theater, Josephine in Greek Em- Klutznick, whose subject will be New York, will give some readings . "Educating the Jewish Youth." Aleichem, Rosenfeld, and . D a m e Fashion dictates skirts in Ernest Priesman, young pianist and others. Admission is 50 cents this spring. For day- organist, will .give several selections. ! street wear they will fall Several pupils from the Talmud concert is sponsored by the j Torah will demonstrate the work beWorkmen's Circle, Branches 173 and' to the middle calf. 258. Formal afternoon calls for the ing taught them* skirt to reach the lower calf. In I Everyone is cordially invited to atMOVE : Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Batt and fam-j active sports the upper calf only tend. Tea will be served, with Mrs. fly have moved to their newhome at 'will be covered, but for evening B. A. Simon in charge. the dresses will brush the 2551" Whitmore-. '

LEAVES TO SPEAK Dr. Victor E. Levine left Wednesday afternoon by airplane for Topeka, Kansas, where' he will deliver an address before the Interprofessional Institute on the occasion of its annual banquet. TO RETURN . Dr. M. X Gordon will return Friday from Chicago, where he has been attending the district dental convention and clinic. CA1XED T O S T . LOUIS Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn and! their neice, Mrs. David Kline, were called to St. Louis last week because .of the,death of A, L. Alpirn, ^brother of Mr. A. B. Alpirn, and uncle of Mrs. Kline. Mr.. A. L. Alpirn will be remembered here by the pioneer. Omahans, being a settler here. . Mrs. Alpirn and Mrs. Kline returned home Monday morning, and Mr. Alpirn will return Friday. BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON The sisterhood. of Temple. Israel had a birthday luncheon on Monday, February 2, in the vestry rooms of the temple. They celebrated the birthdays of twelve prominent men and women and told of their lives and accomplishments. The Mrs. H. Rosenfeld and J. H. Bonoff had charge of the program and were assisted by Mesdames M. L. Cohn, L Zeigler, Sam Gilinsky, J. Pick, Walter Schimmel, L Stalmaster, P. Levey, Sam Robinson, S. Gerson, J. Heness and Max Holzman. Mrs. Julius Newman had charge of the luncheon. VISIT HERE : Mrs. Jules Shapiro and Mrs. Al Falk .of Lincoln were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler, and Mrs. Abe Schwartz, also of Lincoln, was the guest of Mrs; B. Schwartz.

Sleeves are different than they nave been for many seasons. They may reach the wrist with a neat cuff or they may be three-quarter lengths, above the elbow or a cap sleeve. For active sports or evening wear dresses may be sleeveless. When milady appears in her new spring apparel she must, to be corConservative Synagogue . Ball rect, have gloves. Because of the The Ladies 'Auxiliary of the Con- short sleeves gloves will be more servative Synagogue are very -enthus- "better" than ever. They must be iastic over the co-operation they are rlong enough to wrinkle at the wrist. receiving in their drive to sell patron F o r beige i s popular tickets for their first annual Purim but white will be popular later, Ball, to be held Sunday, March 8, at jetton are best with coats, the Jewish Community Center. Pro- I suits and dresses, ceeds will be turned over to the build- j Hats will stress feminity more ing fund of the synagogue. j than ever and will be so cut and The committees in charge announce w o r n as to allow a liberal view of that they nave completed their plans the hair. Brims will roll off the and promise a most enjoyable eve- face or will dip saucily over an ear. ning. Dancing will be continuous Mr. Chapman spoke to his sales from 9 p. m. until midnight, with force Wednesday morning, acquaintmusic and entertainment by Randall's orchestra. 'The following are additional pur-, chasers of patron tickets: Louis:Alberts, Dave Brodkey y Sam Brodkey, Charles J. Benson, Joe Cohn, Harry J. Cooper, Phil Gilinsky, Sam Kaplan, Morton Iipsey, J. lipsey, Louis Ringle, J. Robinson, Dr. A. S. Rubnitz, Max Shames, Victor Shapiro, Nathan Simon, Louis Somberg, Moe Venger, Al Wohlner, Ben Yousem, and Philip Yousem.

E. K. T. The E. K. T. dub (Eta Kappa Tau) are -selling tickets fox their first .annual dance to be held at Club Tracy Brown on March 15. The next meeting of the organization will be held this evening at the home of Joe Saks.

Hadassah Cultural Group

The Cultural group of the Omaha chapter of • Hadassah, under the direction of Mrs. Max Fromkin, held its first •luncheon-meeting at the Conant Hotel Monday. Bernard Szold addressed the gathering on "The Spoken Word," and also read several numbers in -dialect. Mrs. Dora Stein spoke on "The Jewish Arbor Day" and Mrs. J. M. Erman read a paper on the late Nathan Straus, and also Jewish current events. Forty guests were presanL Hadassah members are quite enthused with this new venture.


24 and Hamilton S t , WE. 4211

Halashock's FOR YOUR

Jewelry Needs 16th and Howard


Barson, vice-president; Mrs,. L. Ad* ler^ tp^UfeferCjKrs. H. Roitstein, loan secretary?Mrte'X Weiner, dues secretary, and Mrs? S. Zernovsky, record* ing secretary, % \ J • ».

' Oiaihisha Oser E*Shevat Chamisha Oser B'shevat was cele* (Conturaefl on Page 5.)


Ladles Free Loan The Ladies' Free Loan Association will hold their tenth annual jubilee at the Community Center next Wednesday evening, February 11. This organization is one of the unique organizations of the city in that it loans money to needy members without any interest on return payment. This organization has helped manyneedy Jewish families in and around Omaha and indeed merits the fullest support of the Omaha Jewry. All arrangements are in the hands of a committee consisting of Mrs. J. Barson, chairman; Mrs. J. Ban, M. Goldberg, Mrs. S. Zernovsky and Mrs. H. Stein. The program for the Jubilee is in charge of Miss Lillian Epstein, who has arranged a splendid program. The feature of the program is the first appearance of the Halevi Glee Club, under the direction of Mr. Oscar Weinstein. Several dance numbers will be given by Misses Florence and Lillian Levy. A piano solo will be played by Miss Pearl Marcus. Miss Lillian Epstein, assisted at the piano by her sister Edith, will render several violin selections. Miss Ida Bishoff, popular Omaha singer, will also be on the program. An interesting

Current Topics Rabbi Silver's book, "Religion in the Interchanging World," was Rev. Clay-

Begin Your Spring , Wardrobe With a

Spring tins* Is suit time — m a n y smart women find special delight Is •wearing a Goldstein - C h a p man suit under their winter coat.

This two-piece navy bine silk suit < illustrated) has a box coat with two pockets, plain full skirt, bodice and scarf of l i g h t blue and white.

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ing them with all of the newest details and demands of the styles as told by Amos Parrish.

3-piece spongy wool salts with silk overblouse and belt are gaining infaTor.


"Omaha's Style Center*



subject at the Current Tonka? close to the program will be the apclass of the Council «f Jewish Worn-j pearance of Master Charles Stein, en, on Tuesday morning, February 3.1: who will recite* "Zion" and "The Two The function of religion today is Little Outcasts Plea." to describe the world as it is and) The Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. keep alive the fundamental belief in Max Rosenstein, requests -that all God. The aim --of religion is to bring members be present. into reach all the phases 1 of Jife" and Officers of the .organization are to interpret God in the modern world Mrs. M. G. Cohen, president; Mrs. S. is to believe he is in the. modern' world. • We. should not • have a, ^reverence for one religion* but for all religions. »". : :Rabbi Silver's" book is not only a message to Judaism, but to all Christianity*.


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Black Straws Complement Spring polors •




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PAGE 4r-THE JEWISH PRESS, FBIDAY, FEBRUARY.G, , Regulations and Beaehrtfcma «aj, KATUEMAJT * cmoDiwHnr, Rules, be adopted by the Board of Directors at Attorney*

cause of the three dependents under 18 years of age.

shall not coafltet -with these Articles oi WT O M t o X u M d l l a k Bid*. tfce Laws of Nebrnska. NOTICE ig hereby given that the underDated this 14th day of November, 1030, CHANGE OF STATUS signed, on behalf of themselves and other E. S. BRAINARD, persons associated with them, have formed CHABTJSS t,. IlKTTMAN, DURING YEAR a corporation pursuant to the laws of the WM. J.. HOLZMATf, _. . . „ . . . . State of Nebraska. The name of the eorARTHUR H. STVBOKS, The status of the taxpayer and his poration is "CARTER LAKE CLUB, INC." JOHN E. HOFFMAN, JOHN H. BBXTEN, iU<uin<1anf> . . i t , . i«4- J.-^ «v* u . > with its principal place of business and U P. HKENTBT. dependents on the last day of the o m c e l n <haaba, 'Douglas county, NeHENRY MONSKT. taxable period for which the return' »>rnska, with the possibility »f estabiisn- 4t—2-0-31

. , . . . . . . , lin« » branch place of business in Potta18 made determines the aedlt for de- Ilwntfamfe County. Iowa. The corporation s

League of Locality zSAayors Is Colorful


Y*nt -nrv* +V»*» noo^n«.i

arm- '

organlaed for the following object* and

pendents, but not the personal ex-, purposes: («> The protection of Fish nnd emption. When the Status of the «ame in and about Carter Lake; (h) The . r , , , detection nnd prosecution of violators »t taxpayer has changed during any: the fish and enme laws of the states of „ „ . , (ovKont 5r» tv.tt oooo «x* v.io j « i i , \ Iowa and Nebraska; (c) To encourage and year (except in the case of his death) t p r ther o i n o t e 1-o«hing. boating, yachting and the applicable personal exenmtion Ji f. facilities, n" *^^ in such fteMeames. manner nnd sports under andsuch pa*number , ,, ' rof months .. , of the ,. taxable ., • ntimes: (d) To mnintain regulations as establish will bestnnd provide for such the 8 e Shall apportioned according House. Grounds other socialenterclub periodbeduring which the Status to of the Club . pleasure, comfort,and convenience, f


. . . .

talument and amusement of its members,

taxpayer Was such as to entitle him In connection with the establishment, to each of the above amounts. maintenance and operation Clnb I»and the management of the of Clubtheaffairs. I the corporation shall have the power: (a) Fractional parts of a month are To determine the number, classes, uuallfirights, -

Its Picturesqu^&lembers and Their Many Good Deeds Has Eocused Atteiition to This Unique Organization

the best locality mayors live in the. to be disregarded, more than half a , p stoctneighborhoods over which they gov- m o n t h b s i n ? considered as one moath. _, holder S ^ ^s ^ n S S " 'and . ^ nil other fees, assessments, _ John rents and charges for privileges, upon its ern, Joe Levy, mayor of Second Ave' members, and to collect tlie same in siuh f o r example, in the case of m a u n < . r a s f h e by-laws shall provide; (b) nue, but better known as the Duke of Inorpe, who married on April 20, and T » « n p . wspeml, expel and reinstate Its By BERNARD POSTAL Second Avenue, suffered no fall from I u s a g e d a n d members, ami cancel and anno) their the entire support of. stock, membership and privileKes in this or influence whf>n hp Tnnvpd tn! tn! Who assumed incapacitated t r e or Tnnvpd or influence iniiuence whfn wnen hp ne moved to \ father« on ' C t i tfor mtch h causes ad h ¥h Corporation and iin each 10 t 1 exemption manner aa'the'By-Laws,shall provide; <e) The recent annual1 elecfldh"ot"-6ffi- petty offenders run afoul the law the where he has ruled for more than 15 g e or iniiuence wnen ne moved to ___ Vb _ nf> t Vu> nf> ¥ha purchase, lease, hire and otherwise ne10 t n e cers of the New Yorfc-LeagrueJdfLo- locality mayor looks after them. When years. Several times the "tawdry Slde's ($1,500 for four To population t o | ^ mbab e$2,833.33 Drive. began When the thetrekEasti ' (inire ren) nnd personal property and any cality Mayors, f o q q s e d . , a c t i o n on u n e m p i o y i n e n t stalks the neighbor- East SIders." as he tarms the other Riverside interrst or estate in either improved <»r months $5 pluS 3 5 f r ght t h i s u n i q u e o r g a n i z a t i orn , a m a j o r i t y , , : . . • „ , . • • . . . , . , , .-. , . . , . the Bronx some of the East Side may-] ' °° * ' °° ° " to the extent that the same of whose members are '"iewish^' The hood it is the locality mayor who acts mayors, have futilely tried to unseat ors followed and so we find Max' m o n t h s « $ 2 . 8 8 3 - 3 3 >. a " d <*e credit for unimproved may !»e necessary or convenient for the accomplishment of any of the objects of colorful careers of the picturesque lo- as an employment.agency and a clear- him. At the recent election Stitch Reich guiding the destinies of Wil- the dependent father will be $400. said corporation, and to hold, own nnd cality maintain the same and to snll. diKpose of, lit mayors as . l t J & J r ^ m u l t i - . m g house of personal philanthropy. McCarthy, fought hard and long to kins Avenue, while Bryant Avenue lease, convey, mortgraiw mid otherwise enere r "-~| W e d d i n g :bar-mitzvahs, briths, and defeat Spero by arguing that the latd d d cumber such property or any part therebrings its troubles to Morris EisenEditor* of nnd any improvements thereon, nnd to ~ | innumerable affairs of tremendous lo- ter was no longer eligible since he stein. provide for the exiiense of maintaining the same; (d) To borrow money and to cal moment find the locality mayor had moved to Brooklyn, but Spero When people issue notes, bond* ©r other evidences of What city but New York could give to lend an "air" to these occountered by saying that Brooklyn such indebtedness secured by any or all in New York MW£ Always birth to such indigenous types as! of the corporate property or unsecured, as was only his country home, adding likely that they refer^to-tBe^aebonair casions. I the Hoard «if Directors shall deem for the , best interesto of this Corporation. Tie And who are some of these com- "all mayors have them." The strife Stitch McCarthy, wireless Louie Zelt-j and officially, elected; chief executive Corporation shnll. in addition to the powner, Louis Cohen, Abe Fagin and o7 Goffiam, the smiiinsJ^nmy Walk-! munity mayors who have such great of his long years as chief mayor have ers herein before enumerated, have the their associates ? What city but New power to exercise any nnd all powers and not prevented him from doing much York could produce such a peerless' er,: They may welLJtave: ,in% mind influence and are such potentates ? to do any and ail things now or hereafter allowed by law. ard not inconsistbest bknown of these mayors is to the poor of his bailiwick between lot of characters as the colorful phil- J "hizzoner" Kardonick-.Phillips, "may- M aTha ent with the provisions of these Articles. x Dick y ? » Popular demand achis daily occupation , The corporation begins its existence upon as a customs anthropists, patrons and spectators | or* of Delancey SjSwet|F2S3*^ Spero, j the filing of a copy of the Articles «f In"mayor" of Washington-Heights, Abe claimed as the "mayor of Allen house broker. i corporation with the Conntv Clert of 1 who constitute the Locality Mayors of [ l>OHKlas County, Nebraska, and continues Fagin, "mayor" o f Hunts" Point, Tsi- Street." Dick is that East Side philto exist until January 1st, 1960. unless New York, Imperial Metropolis of the sooner terminated by law or dissolved by dore Pinckowitz, "mayor* of East anthropist who started life as a tailStitch McCarthy, Spero's mortal world, as Zeltner loves to call it?



than two dozen m e m b e r s ^ giat ini-! erates a home for the aged and who R o t h e r i w « r hut took hi, T™h (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) mi table sodality, th&S*New ^York ' rewards bis tenants for every new «**S a m Rosenberg but took his Irish League of Locality Mayoa^apajor- *»*>* born to tiiem- Despite soaring c ° g n o m e n after he had admiiustered ity of whom.are Jewish. ~*i*,*r | prices he refused to raise rents in his a n ™ « P « * « i but sound thrashing to _ . •.•-.., , \.' ' ~, . . . • tenements, and in addition gave bo- an Irishman yclept McCarthy. A tenants of Roumanian Jew by birth, McCarthy 6 The recent annualfocused electionattention of this nuses to quaint organization additions totheir famaies £l_ has had a rough and tumble life, on its unique character, its picturesBy Isadore Abramson recently *>I*ze ^ S n t manager, billiard parlor FACTS ABOUT TAX good deeds. The heterogeneous per"House of Babies" was razed, manager, bondsman and mayorrestaurant of Grand owner, Street have been g g p REGULATIONS but in between dutiesof the as vicesonalities who comprise^this nnexam- ! president of thehis Home Sons t h e h i « h s P o t s i n h*5 ^negated caSeveral salient facts are to be re•the-elected or and Daughters of Israel and his ex- reer' Although he has moved uptown membered by taxpayers in claiming pled association self-appomted community mayors of . •XT %r i J J_ J l. • A ' tensive charities he is planning to his old cronies don't consider him deductions for taxes. Taxes on persnobbish for he comes down to his sonal property or real estate, whether New York, a good-natured, boister- build another "House of Babies." old haunts every night. In his 30 business or residential, are deductous lot, who act for the residents of j years as mayor of Grand Street he some of the great city's most densely' "Daddy" of T h e m A l l ible. So-called taxes which are aspopulated areas. has great changes in the old The daddy of all the locality maysessed against local benefits, such as This man who was a Varied Methods Employed ors is the jovial, Falstaffian Louis East Side. * streets, sidewalks, drainage and other j An irrepressible custom has grown Zeltner, an original Grand Street boy txiead o f Roosevelt, who knew gang like improvements, which tend to inup in many'sections of New York to" who knows more about the East Side s t a r s a n d J u d g e s i s proud of his rec- crease the value of ihe property as-i choose a "mayor" who is elected eith- than any living man. It was Zeltner, o r d a n d s t i U h o P e s t o unseat Spero. sessed, are not dedi cable, since they The most voluble of -Me'i*locality krefjconsidered as Constituting the er, by a. ,ypte; of th& niorejuticulate the man with, the. omnipresent derby Itieftains is Abe Fagii, Fagin, mayor of cost of a permanen 'improvement. members of the n e S A & a / o d W else and bl^ck cigar, •who founded the Lo- chieftains Hunts A painter by his own designatao'n.* wHue"their' cality Mayors of New York. _ . Point _ . in. the - Bronx. _ The federal Hnctfme' tax may not methods of election vary and their i A former alderman, Zeltner is by trade, Fagin prospered on the East be deducted. However, income taxes personalities differ these unofficial, known as "Wireless Louie" because . .. paid upon the incomes of individuals quickly became .t mayors have developed a..certain rou- of his strange penchant for being on moving spirit to s t a t e s ^ ^ deducted b y m ^ tine-of duties that rival£"3np^cbmplex- the scene of some of the strangest in the community affairs of this on his federal income-tax reity and variety the functions of May-'. news stories that have come out of growing neighborhood. The -"~vl— \ or Walker. | the East Side. His unrivalled nose faced little man who is a member of T h e d e d u c t i o n o f e s t a t e and inheri Residents of all these densely pop-. for news and the" humorous twists 15 organizations has been mayor o f t e ulated sections of.the Mtyxome with that he managed to give his stories Hunts Point for six years, and ever, their myriad pettyf'grievances and have made him a wen-known char- since, the interests of the neighbor-',. ,. f ^ , „ JjfM -i. tales of woe to these unofficial local! acter in every New York newspaper hood have been those of Abe Fagin. or n


^ J^U* .

Federal Tax Returns




unbounded for the people' ^ e operation of a (business are deHerman' ductible as taxes, provided they are Zo ller unrivalled peace-maker, match-! not added to or made a part of the ness men who have erown UD in the l e s g c o n c o c t e r of Roumanian delicac-! expenses of the business ox the cost very Whborhoo? o^er whTch ttey i e s a n d a good-natured soul who nev-' of the merchandise with respect to er overlooked a plea that emanated, which they are paid. to the distinction, while Stitch Me- f r o m fte sqvL&m tenements arouhd standing and influence'iih'their own Carthy, nee Sam Rothenberg, mayor CREDIT FOR DEPENDENTS W m is about to a n e w restaOTant bailiwicks whose constituencies' take of GraDd In the computation of the normal Grand ^ Street, f ' . Zwas ^ . ^named f 1 ^ ddeputy. !? i ; t y ; « place of the famous establishment tax, .'these mayors no less, seriously than °! there is in addition to the perThese choices have led to continual he recently closed because of street sonal exemptions a so-called credit the mayors themselves- take their bickering in which Zeltner has always rmprovements^^der way. This "office." Long years"of philanthropy played the role of a bulky dove of j means that Forsythe Street will not of $400 for each dependent (not husand, personal contapj; with^the thouband or wife) under 18 years or inpeace. lose its popular mayor who serves the sands of persons in the locality have Jack Spero, the big boss of the lo- finest portion of mamaliga in New capable of self-support because menendeared these men to their neigh- cality mayors, is the highbrow of the tally or physically defective, who reYork's Roumanian circles. bors. . ceives his chief support from the taxlot as well as the storm-center. His And so they go these rolorful lo- payer. For example, Bill Hart, a In Demand i*-* fellow mayors consider him high-hat When Hunts Point vranjfcs, , a ; / new because he moved from his native cality mayors who have a finger in widower, has two daughters, 19 and school i t goes to its "mayor?' When Henry Street to Washington. Heights every community pie. Isidore Pinch- 14 years old, respectively, and two owitz, mayor of East Broadway, sau- adopted sons of 16 and 12 years old, sage king and president "of the He- respectively, whom he is supporting brew National Sausage factory would in bis household. In addition to his rather starve than eat non-kosher exemption of $3,500 as head of a famfood. In the present economic crisis ily he receives a credit of $1,200 bePinckowitz has been feeding 600 'Orthodox Jews daily with kosher meals. He is only new as a mayor, MONSKT. KATLKHAN * GBODINSKY, WA.57S6 4610 DOUGLAS Attorneys but he bids fair to be a dangerous 137 Omaha, MatUoal Baa* Bidg. rival to his East Side contemporaries. NOTICE OV INCORPORATION almost tdon or

banquet he embryonic organizarocks over an argument lould be the chief mayor. ruled that Jake Spero, mayor



^ aruy

o y

have neard that their mayort


two-thirds affirmative rote of Its stockholders. The capital stock of the cori poration shnll Ite $100,000.00. divided Into j 200 shares of the par value »f t-'iOn.On • each and when issued, shall lie fnlly paid and non-assessa!>le, except the stockholders shall be subject to assessments levied from time to time by the Bonrd of HirecELECTRIC COMPANY tors, limited, however, to not exceeding in the ajrcTPg-ate $-"0.00 in nny one year for each share; the proceeds thereof to lie j utilized for the payment of delinquent I taxes, or special assessments, if any. and thereafter toward the reduction of any mortjrace indebtedness and the balance to lie retained in the general fund. PUOVI1»— J KD further, however, that the maximum OPENING S i limitation upon assessments shall lie reS j duced to the sum of $25.tX) jier year for IS! each share, if and when there are no deIS I Unquent. taxes or 8]>ecial nssessments and — i no roortsaRe indebtedness. No stockhold— I er shall own more than 3 shares of the by MRS. S. MANDEL capital stock. The stockholders of this 1919 Burt St. AT. 9892 — — I corporation shall consist of only such perSeveral excellent sleeping rooms —! sons as shall have been approved by the — I Board of Directors of the Corporation (it also available being provided that any stockholder of the CARTKR I^AKE Cl.I'B as now constitnted shall be entitled to become a stockholder of this corporation, one share of stock of this Corporation being issued in lieu of each share of stock of the present CARTER LAKJ! CTATK), who shall subscribe for and own one or more shares 2808-10 (not exceeding threet. of the capital stock of this corporation, unon such terms nnd subject to such "condition!* as the B j I>nws may prescribe. Each stockholding menil>er and his or her dependent family shnll lie exempt from dues, subject, however, to the provisious of Article Five relative to assessments levied by the Board, and such stockholding member and bis or her dependent family shnll enjoy all of the rights nnd privileges of CARTER LAKK CIATB so long as they shall comply -with and conform to the rules nml reguNew and Old lations adopted by the Boi»rt of lHrertors from time to time. The Board of Directors shall make proper prant of the privileges of the Clob t» associate members, or members of any other class provided At Reasonable Prices by the Board, such associate members or other members to j»ay annual dues to be N. C. NIELSEN , fixed by the Board and in ense of new j members, to pay in addition to the anNorth 16th JA. 5880 I: mini dues, an initiation fee to be fixed 4 by the Board. Knelt share of stork of I thU Clnb inclndes one full stockholding 4 membership with all its rights and privileges, which shall be transferable by n»signmenf, only however, as provided in the By-kaws and under the direction and subject to the approval of the Board. The WILLIAM BKYDEN CO. associate members shall have an annual meeting which shall precede the regular annual meeting annual m e e t g of the stockholders of this Corporation by not IPSS than two . at which the associate memlK-vs shall elect from tbelr body, six Directors to 638 Securities Bidg—AT. 4451 serve on the Board of Directors of the Corporation, (the entire Board comprising fifteen members) for one year, havinc no Tote on any matters affecting the property rights of the Club. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation may at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the capCourtesy Service !1 ital stock. Th» private property of the individual members of the. corporation T H U L L PHARMACY ! Shall not be subject to nny corporate liability. Regular itnes shall be levied 24th and Seward against and collected from each associate memlHT and each member of any other fn charge «r Registered Pharmacist class, in such amounts, and manner, nnd at such times as the By-IiawR may preTel. WE. 2000—Free delivery scrilie- Assessments may be, levied from time to time by the Board of Directors upon the stockholding meml>ers -within h«rwever, the limits hereinbefore prescribed, in such amounts and payable as the Board may direct, nnd all such assessments shall be and constitute a first, lien upon the stock so assessed, which at any Phone JAckson 1226 time after a delinquency of more thnn sixty days ia the payment of any such assessment may he sold after ten days notice to the stockholder of the time nnd place of such sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. The excess over the amount of the lien of such assessment or assessments shnll l>e paid to the owner of the stock. The Corporation may be a purchaser at said sale. Annoal Wetinjrs of stockholders shall l>e held- on the third Friday in December of each year, at which time nine Directors shall be elected to serve for the ensuing year or until their successors are elected, and

There is a difference in Coal But the buyer has no way of judging it. You can't tell coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by its appearance whether an inferior'-grade has been mixed in, or substituted for the grade you ordered. V

The sure Way of getting what you pay for Is to leave your coal problem to the coal dealer you have confidence im He won't sell you any bargains because the legitimate profit of coal is too small t o permit bargains. However you can. rest assured he will send you this grade and the amount of coal you ordered. WE SOLICIT AND MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE

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NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation pursuant On Essex Street there rules Henry to the LJIWS of the State of Nebraska. The name o fthe corporation is BUTTEliKLY Saltzman, "the little conciliator" who PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC.. with its principal office in the City of Omaha. The has prevented more divorces than corporation ia organized to maintain and Reno ever granted. Dr. Sam Wag- operate a factory for the manufacture, sale ana .distribution of certain devices known ner, optometrist and jeweler, is the aa a "heel liner" and '-hose saver" for use the inside of the heel of low shoes nnd good samaritan of Avenue B, while on ail kindred commodities or devices: to a few blocks away on Seventh street, buy, rent, or otherwise ncquire and to hold, sell, lease, mortgage and otherwise Louis Cohen, undertaker, owner of a dispose of, any and all kinds of property, personal or mixed ,and any interest cemetery, where he buries the poor real, therein or rights thereto, convenient to or whom he has aided for years, and necessary for the accomplishment of any of the objects of the corporation; to enprotector of the needy and thread- joy through ourselves or otherwise the privileges and licenses under patbare, glories in the title of mayor. rights, ents, trademarks, copyrights, and proThe only mayor who i s getting ready cesses: to borrow money for corporate purposes and to Issu eits obligations. The to abandon his office is Eddie Ros- authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 divided 100 shares, par value $100.00 enstein of Broome Street, the dean of each, allinto common and when issued shnll them all. Rosenstein, whose annual be fully paid and non-aeeessnble. The corporation when a t o n shall •hall commence mence business u ceders for the poor of the East Side thep rArticles are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas C are talked from one Passover to the Connty, and continue until January 1, 2031. 1. The highest amount next, is about to retire and enjoy a of indebtedness shall not exceed twothirds off its capital stock. The nffnirs i Th ffi hard-earned rest after 35 years of thid of the corporationi lshall be administered a Board of two directors, elected at the serving Broome Street and its resi- by annual meeting on the second Tuesday in January of each yenr. Immediately theredents. after the directors shall meet find elect And in Delancey Street the mayor the officers, consisting,of President, ViceSecretary and Treasurer. These is Karconick Phillips, "whom it is dan- President. articles may be amended by two-thirds vote of outstanding stock. gerous to call anything but Mayor Dated January fl. 1031. Phillips. His own family seldom MORRIS LKVKT. calls him anything but Mayor. While 4t—1-23-31 -. MICHEL KATI.EMAN, Incorporatora.


23rd and Coming Street

Barry H. Lapldua. President- Treas.


Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.


nalifled. At Bnch annual meetings there Hall also be transacted «uch other business aa may properly come l>efore said meeting. At. stockholders* meetings twenty-five members shall constitute a qnrom. The business of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of fifteen members, nine of which are elected by fne stockholders and six of which are elected by the associate members. The officers shall consist of. a President. Vice-President nnd Treasurer, who shall be elected from and hy the stockholding- members of the Board of Directors, and a Secretary wl*> > » I ne elected from the Board *r sot us the Board may determine. However, all officers shall He members of the Crab. The term of office nnd officer* and Directors shall begin January first after the election and shall continue until a successor is dnly elected and qualified:. It is proTided that tkc Board of" Directors shall not without first obtaining authority at a stockholders meeting, of which special notice shall nave been given, have the right, power or authority to enter into any single contract for and on behalf of the corporation which involves an obligation, commitment or liability on tbe part of the corporation in the amonnt of J3000.00 ar more. Them Articles of Incorporation may be amended at any annual or special meeting called for that purpose, of stockholders, hy a two-thirds vote of the stockholders present; provided, said amendment or amendments shall have been submitted to the Board of Directors by not less than twenty-five (25) stockholders, and copies thereof posted in the main office and in the Club House for ten days, nnd one copy mailed to each stockholder at his last known address, with the notice of the meeting at which the amendment or amendments are to be considered. For the further government of this Corporation such By-iLaws,

Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor

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"~ -


.PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1931 of the B'nai Brith, was the principal great success as about seventy-five Cohn will review "Rogue Herries," by speaker and honored guest. An in-women attended, and beautiful and Walpole, before the Sisterhood Book formal banquet was held at the useful gifts were received which will Review These two dancing artists pictured Hotel Chieftain, preceding the in- be sent to the Palestinian hopsitals. above are but one of the many feastallation ceremonies, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg of tures, of the Grand Ball and Concert Mr. Lashkowitz. / 3 c, 4 '5 7 Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. John B. to be given by the Omaha Hebrew The installation of the new officers Quigley and daughter, Joan, of Hut of the A. Z. A. was conducted by Mr. chinson, Kansas, are spending a Julins Bisno of Omaha. couple of weeks here visiting Mr. and Joe Solomonow was installed as the new Aleph Godol, or president, to Mrs. M. L. Marks. Mrs. Rosenberg succeed Sal Michnick. Other new of-*and Mrs. Quigley are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Marks. Candle lighting time tonight— ficers are Milton Yudelson, vicepresident; Henry Mendelson, secreMrs. I. Kramer and son, Max Hereafter, beginning this evening, 5 p.m. The persons who delight in selftary; Donald Richards, treasurer; Kramer, accompanied by Mrs. Kra-Friday evening services at Temple aggrandizement and belittlement of Yale Meyerson, sergeant-at-arms; mer's sister, Mrs. A. L. Cohen, have Israel will start at 7:45 p. m. instead others . . . . generally pay the price Collman Yudelson, assistant sergeant- returned home following a five weeks' of 8 o'clock. Services Tonight of self-chagrin themselves . . . . witRabbi David A. Goldstein speaks on at-arms; Julius Bernstein, reporter, motor trip in the East. They visited ness General Smedley Butler's "gosand Sal Michnick, monitor. in New York City, Philadelphia and "Has the Bible Worth Today?" at sip" concerning Mussolini as a "hit Sermon Tonight Chicago. The new officers of the B'nai Brith the services this evening. and run" driver . . .-.. and which nearRabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon this were installed by Mr. Lashkowitz. l y precipitated a serious situation He will discuss the question of Mr. Samuel I. Bubb is the new presiThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. €88 evening will be based on the novel, On yotfrradioTuesday and . . . . C. A.'s (character assassins), whether this Book, completed more dent, succeeding Dr. Isaac Sternhill. of the Independent Order of the B'nai "Seed," by C. G. Norris, a novel on tjossipers, and "shmoosers" should Thursday evenings, listen Brith will hold a regular meeting' than 2000 years ago, still has soms- Other officers installed were: Richard birth eontrol . bear the above in mind . . . . The to Lorna Fantin, famous next Monday evening, February 9, thing to say to the people living in Gordon, vice-president; Harry Kubby, at the Eagles HalL feminine hearts that sighed when numerologist. Shell tell the third decade of the twentieth cen- recording secretary; O. Hochman, David Lazarus appeared on the stage yon how names and dates Saturday Morning financial secretary; Sam Steinberg, . . . . Mayor Metcalfe, Congressman tury. Mr. and Mrs. "Morris Gross are affect success in business, Tomorrow morning Rabbi Cohn treasurer, and Harry Krasne, Her- spending a few days in St. Louis, Baldridge, Doctor Michael Ford and love or marriage. A real man Meyerson and Harry Chemiss, Missouri, on a buying trip. will speak on "Taking Advice." other prominent citizens in words of radio thrill. Bob Beh and Bernice Collins Monthly Supper trustees. praise for the young artist . . . . the A piano solo was given by Miss . . f i P . T.oril1aril Co.. TTU*. At 6:30 p. m., Monday evening, Russian number "Nichavo," the most Club at the city auditorium on FebrAbout one hundred and saventy Kaddish colorful of the group . . . . A charm- uary 22, in celebration of its fortieth February 9, the Conservative Syna- Regina Klein. Mr. O. Hochman was guests attended the supper party Kaddish will be recited this Sabing and affable person: Mrs. Sarah anniversary. gogue will sponsor a supper for mem- chairman &nd introduced the prin- given by the Council Bluffs Talmud cipal speaker. Mr. Lashkowitz spoke Torah and the Ladies Auxiliary at j bath for Bertha Pollak, Elkan SeligThe talent obtained for the musical bars and their friends. Dr. M. Marher domestic duties Yousem of the wonderful work that is being seven o'clock Monday night at the | sohn, Lena Rosenfeld, Solomon I. CIGARETTE program thus far surpasses anything are secondary to her activities in j golin and Mrs. J. H.-Kulakofsky will dor.e by both the B'nai Br.th and new synagogue, in celebration of the ' Favman. of its nature before attempted, ac-| and RADIO PROGRAM charitable organizations husband, Mose, who is a ready and j cording to Janet Malashock, who is speak on "What Modern Jews Be- A. Z. A. organizations all over the opening of its new quarters. Speakworld. ers of the evening were Mr. Harry STATION KOIL willing volunteer for all Jewish arranging that part of the program. lieve." Book. Review The committee in charge of this Lashkowitz of Fargo, North Dakota, Tuesday Evening - - - 7:15 P. M. Rabbi Goldstein will speak on A leading orchestra has been seThe latest definition of causes Thursday Evening - - - 8:15 P. M. affair consisted of Messrs. O. Hochand Mr. I. Morgenstern. On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p. one steps lunches cured and there will be many sur- "Judaism in Sioux City and Omaha— man, Louis H. Katelman and Harry a "gigolo" Ceatcal Standard Time . . . . two steps dinners and side! prises, according to Sam Klaver, a Study in Contrasts." m. at the Blackstone Hotel, Rabbi Cherniss. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talsteps husbands . . . Jake Crounse, the! president and general chairman of the mud Torah held their first meeting Jewish member of the Nebraska Leg- event. The Council Bluffs chapter of the in the new synagogue Wednesday Purim Ball "Just Around the Corner from Exierythmg* The following constitute the comislature, listening intently to the proSenior Hadassah will hold a meet- afternoon, when Mrs. D. Friedman mittee in charge: Sam E. Klaver, Reserve the date of Sunday eveceedings . . . . he has thus far preing next Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 30, served as hostess. sented four bills of a progressive na- chairman; D. Schwartz, secretary; M. ning, March 8, for the first annual t 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. ture . . . . Hooray! the Alabama Leg- Brandeis, treasurer; D. Oruch, H. Purim Ball of the Synagogue. Tickets Mrs. David A. Goldstein of Omaha, islature by an almost unanimous j Oruch, M. Bercovici, M. Blank, Julius will be the gaest speaker, and all FLOWERS vote condemns Senator Heflin for his\ Brenner, J. Freed, Sam Altshuler, J. may be obtained from auxiliary mem- members are urged to attend. A B t VV1RK lack of religions tolerance . . . . and 1 Crounse, Harry Dworsky, John Feld- bers. report will also be given of the AW. OVKH T11K WORLD charge him"with being the laughing!! man, Barney Feltman, Max Fromkin, Purim comes this year on Monday B Flt M F k i Hadassah linen siower which was FRED R. SHAW stock of the Union, because of his! Jerome Kulakof sky, Albert Kaplan, evening, March 2. The Synagogue held Tuesday afternoon at the Strand FlAIWEll SUOI* bigotry . . . . Fred White, the young! Harry Lapidus, Mark Lorig, Good- plans to hold special Purim service?. Theatre ballroom. This affair was a 545 Broadway PJjone *1 attorney,, who is always identified by! man Meyerson, J. Riklin, Sol Rosen__ .. . _ . Meanwhile, prepare for the traditionhis "thespian" gait . . . . quite concon-1 berg, Irvin Levin, Mark Polonsky, a l . / Z ^ m ^««= exchange of Punm gifts. 1413 Douglas cernedj i.* by «.„ the presence„ „* of „a ™«5etJ persist- Irvin Stalmaster, Fred White, Judah ent mustache . . . . The imposing list Wolfson, N. S. Yaffe, of officers and members of the execu- i Next Week tive committee of the J. C. C. and : nesday, February 11, at 2:30 p. m., At services on Friday, February 13, Welfare Federation . . . . containing at the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The the names of those who have the wel- preceded by a board meeting at 1:30. W a s h i ngton rfca rf fare of the community at heart . . . . An this i An interesting interesting feature feature of of this , . _,, , , The elevator girls are now given credit meeting will be an original sketch to: 'm recognition of the birthday celefor their assistance in the "uplifting" j be presented by Louis Lapp, assistant brations of these American heroes. of the occupants of our office build- director of the J. C. C. ing . . . . . very generous with their The opening prayer will be given cheery greetings.-,... Rambling .from by Mrs. Joseph Stern, and Miss Bsu-* the rarest to the -most. modern . . . . lah Kay, who played for the chilin the most complete library within dren's concert of the Symphony orour vision . . . . at the home of Judge j chestra, will play a group of violin Irvin Stalmaster . . . . Abraham Ian- solos, accompanied by Gertrude coin Klaver, son of Attorney Sam Oruch. By P. E. K. Klaver, born on February 12th, and | named after the great emancipator j" Pioneer Women's Organization Mr. Harry Lashkowitz Guest Speaker The Pioneer Women's Club has set . . . .which reminds us. that the good at B'nai Brith and A.Z.A. old Jewish names have vanished. . . . February 22 as the date for their anInstallation. The racial Identity as far as names nual bazaar, to be held at the Labor A large crowd attended the installaare concerned quite difficult to de- Lyceum. tion of officers of the Council Bluffs termine these days . '. • . Gwendolyn,] The organization reports that the Loyal, Irvine, Ramona and Marvin j merchants of Omaha have been very Lodge No. 688 of the Independent replacing Gertrude, Louie, Izzie, Re- j generous in their contributions. The Order of the B'nai Brith, and the becca and Morris . . . . Eugene Kon-| committees, which are working every Aleph Zadik Aleph chapter No. 7, ecky, editor-in-chief, and Horace ( day most enthusiastically, are bring- Sunday evening, February 1, at the Rosenblum, associate editor, of the ing in many beautiful articles which Eagles Hail." Mr. Harry Lashkowitz of Fargo, North Dakota, first viceSovereign Visitor . . . . official organ will be sold at reasonable prices. president of the District Lodge No. 6 of the Woodmen of the World, with (Continued on page 6.) Work preparatory to the installation of dial tele • a circulation of over 600,000 . . . . a phones and dial telephone equipment this year for snappy and interesting periodical, untelephone users in the Harney and Webster .central like the usual fraternal publications office areas in Omaha is being started. - •. . . . George Givot, formerly with Ziegfield Follies and Earl Carroll By proceeding with this extensive program this productions, being entertained by,1 year in Omaha employment will be famished to 175 several Omahans . . . . the headliner J to 200 additional skilled telephone workmen who will at the World Theatre during the past | install the equipment. These workers will be paid week . . . . a n d Jay Mflls, formerly J more than $200,000. Master of Ceremonies at the Paramount Theatre, now cutting capers Combined with the on the Stanley Warner Theatre, PhilWill Add About adelphia . •;,-;'. The inquiry into the 14,300 Dial Telephones corruption of New York criminal courts, conducted by Isidor Kresel Approximately 14,300 manual telephones wiH be "the little giant" whose severe grilreplaced with dial telephones. Dial central office ling has caused a number of judges equipment to serve these telephones will be installed and Scientifically Blended to resign . . . . some disappearing enin the telephone building at Nineteenth and Douglas tirely ..".. . . and now, no more worin (Jjnaha streets. When the program is t 3 | ? b ries until next week. 1 there will be approximately p p y i Omaha O h out of f a totall of f 67 in 67,000.

A QaUt Event

Conservative Synagogue News

Notes of Temple













More Lyial LZquioment



With the

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Irresistible Flavor of Brazil

Organization News (Crntin'jed from Page 3.)

brated February 1 at the J. C. C. Numbers; on the program included: Selections by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sekerman; vocal numbers by Mrs. Sarah Giller, accompanied by .Miss Gertrude Oruch; dance act by Miss Dolores Henry, pupil of Miss Shirley Janoff, who sang two numbers; an address by I. Morgenstern; piano and violin selections by the RifMn sisters; and Jewish folk songs. Some Palestinian films were shown by Mr. P. Wintrough, following- it with a comedy. A report on what the Daughters of Zion have accomplished within the past three years was read by Mrs. M. Linda. Refreshments, including Palestine fruits, were served. Mrs. E. Eisenberg was chairman of the event. Mrs. J. Goldware and Mrs. M. Linda assisted at the "tea.

Conservative Auxiliary The • regular monthly meeting of' the Ladies'- Auxiliary of the Conser-'; vative Synagogue will be held Wed-'

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Council Huffs

The change to dial telephones in the1 Harney and Webster office areas is being made at this time b e cause the equipment in these ofrffiE&ViSVnaaHBg the end of its service life, and is being done in accord' ance with the general telephone program for Omaha which was initiated when the iik: jc$ial ^plejphones were placed in service here. *~ *

Mor« Men Will Be In addition to the force of 200* skilled workmen needed to install the equipment, more men than are now required will be employed for technical maintenance ^wbrk because of the nature o¥ the- «Uai»equip' ment. The change will not cause any permanent telephone employees to lose their jobs. Operators still •will be needed in the other manual offices-—Market, Kenwood, Walnut, and Glendale—for information service and to work at long distance switchboards and for special duties in connection with dial service. No changes are contemplated at this time. in the other Omaha manual central offices, as the equipment in these offices has adequate capacity to provide for tiie telephone requirements and to cpntimje to furnish good service in these central office areas for some time to come. NORTHWESTERN






Omaha Organizations


(Continued from Page 5.)

The public is invited to attend. The Viewing his opinion that there will proceeds will go to the Chalutzos in sometime be a world tribunal to al\~z locate lands to a race's own heritage Palestine. and strip nations of land, which is of Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club little use to them, Dr. C. Greenberg, The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club Hebrew journalist and Zionist worker, addressed over 200 people at the will hold an open fdrum Sunday afJewish Community Center Monday ternoon at 3 p. m., at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. evening. A lecture by Dr. Emelia H. Brandt The speaker gave an account of the A capacity audience attended the' economic and agricultural condition ! will feature. There will also be a third annual cabaret dinner dance last! in Palestine, saying that the country musical program. The-public is inSunday evening, at Shaare Zion Syn-J could accomodate many more people vited, admission being free. Mrs. M. agogue. The affair, sponoserd by the without overcrowding it. The Ara- Rosenstein is chairman. These forums will be held every Kadima Organization carried out a bians now occupy most of the Holy Harry Lapidus to Be Guest Sunday afternoon till May 1 and the Russian theme in the decorations, j Land and claim it as their birthplace. Speaker; R public is invited to all of them. menu and program. Unique flood- However, they also claim several othto This club is also continuing its er countries." • light arrangements -were used to enTuesday evening Dr. Greenberg rummage sale. Anyone wishing to hance this scheme. Plans have been*completed)for the donate a bundle is asked to call the The opening number on tha pro- was guest of honor at a reception ten- i committee. Third Annual Federations Banquet Mi\ D. L. Rodin was elected presi- gram was, "A Royal Welcome," rep- dered by the National Workers and and meeting, Februaijrolfyc'at 6:30. This affair is attpotjed ^ s n every dent at the annual election of the 'resenting a. Russian*queen surrounded Poale Zion organizations. Halevi Singing Society representative Jewish" man and Zionist Organization, held recently in' by knights of honor and the .chorus in The Halevi Singing ' Society held woman in the community, flfei Harry the' Jewish Community Center. Mr.j Russian costume. Miss Ruth Wigodtheir election of officers last Satur! Lapidus of Omaha-, iN«b?.Y??aH*be the Nathan Sadbff was elected vice-presi- sky was featured in this number, day at the J. C. C. Those elected: guest speaker of :r±he: ^evening.. Mr. dent; William Kantor, treasurer; M.| Miss Belle Cohen presented a RusA memorial' meeting is planned Mildred Falk, president; Tilly SeLapidus is r.aUonallyuknqwnofor his Hendlyn, financial secretary j and sian ballet dance. A skit, "They Mis- by various organizations for Sunday gal, secretary, and Sophie Jacobson, Louis. Schilling, recording secretary. I understood," was given by Sovel He- evening, February 8, at the Cominterest in Jewish-;Ffailainthrqpic. representative for the senior council. The following were elected to the shelow and Henry Saitlin. Jack Mer- munity Center, honoring the memory Mr. Barney Baro^i wjy^ff as Toast This group is • to appear on a proMaster and will ihtrdmlce the speak- executive board: R . H . Emlein, Mrs. lin presented a song and dance novel- of the late Lord Melchett and gram for the Ladies' Free Loan Soers of the evening:—Rabbi" H. R. Rab- R. H. Emlein, Rabbi H. R. Rabino- ty skit. Nathan Straus. ciety on February 11. Further plans H'The Volga Boatman" was given inowitz and the Federation "Mil give witz, Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi Appearing on the program will are being made to sing over the radio. the address of welcome ind'financial Theodore N. Lewis, Max Brodkey, A. in an unusual setting under the direc- be Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi E. Oscar Weinstein is sponsor of Greenberg, M. Seff, Joseph Aizen-' Uon of Mr. Sam Passman. Cantor A. report-for the'past'y..ear. T. N. Lewis, and other prominent the club. 1 Miss Rose LipnYan , Superintendent berg, Sol Falk, B. Shiloff, Mrs. B. Pliskin appeared as soloist, and the Sioux Cityans who have taken active of the Federationr'J<and''3e'wisiv Com- Baron, Barney Baron, Mrs. J. N. following took part in the chorus: part in the Jewish Community of Daughters of Zion munity Center will read' the Annual' Krueger, H; Miller, Dr. B. Courshon, Dena Baron, Dorothy Friedman, Ida Sioux City. The Daughters of Zion announce A. Sloutzky, M. Lazerowich, A. Good- Heshelow, Sara Kuntz, Annette BakReport of the yeSrV ac'tSvities. . A musical program will also be the following donations to- the Jewish The invocation 'will'"be given by site. J. Kuntz, • Max Friedman and er, Eva Gordon, Lillian Magaziner, presented by Cantor A. Pliskin, National Fund for trees in Palestine: ; Sonya Rich, Eleanor Lefkow, Dena Rabbi M. Braver. 'T*fisj'c th$ughout Jack London. Mrs. M. Miller, in honor of her Libbie Olensky, and Sam Berman. The Jewish National, Fund Com- Baron, Elizabeth Passman, Jessie the evening will ^De^farnisneS' by a son's Bar Mitvah; Mrs. S. Kaplan, in seven-piece orchestra'directed by Mr. mittee was appointed and consists of Slotsky, Sonya Broscow, Rose Shiloff, honor of her son's Bar Mitzvah, and J. Aizenberg, chairman; Louis Schil-I Lillian^ Dobrofsky and Mae Lipton. Joe Merlin. }T **~*T*y\ Mrs. L Fieldler, in memory of her Every Jewish mafc-^an&tWoman is Ung, Nathan Sadoff, D. L. Rodin, Dr.' Kussiah peasants were portrayed by mother-in-law. urged to attend this annual communal Courshon, H. Lazerowitz, R. H. Em-' Jack Reznick, Maurice Rubin, Sovel Mrs. N. Levinson is chairman of event. It is the only Jewish affair in Igin, A. Sloutzky, M. Seff, M. Hend- Heshelow,, Bernard Passman, Lee this committee, and Mrs. L. RosenHerzoff, Ruben Cohen, Harry Zifkin, the year which is truly-representative lyn and William Kantor. blatt is treasurer. The Educational and Publicity Com- j George, Fineberg, Albert Herzoff. of all Jewish elements of-the comMalashock Jewelry mittee will include Max Brodkey,! The program closed with a humormunity. Psi Mu Wardrobe ... Seventeen new directorscwill bs in-| chairman, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz,' » u s s k i t entitled, "Die Mushinke OisThe meeting last Monday of this Ben's Jewelry stalled at this time,, ;for a. period of Rabbi T. N. Lewis and J. Aizenberg.' gegebeh," in which Mrs. S, H. Shul- Kaiman Insurance^ " organization was the first for the The membership committee includes kin. Miss Dena Baron, Ephraim Batwo years. G:Jnew administration. The meeting Yousem Battery ..'. Committees whor haye. made ar- ll. Miller, chairman; N. Sadoff, M. ron. Joe Merlin and Al Herzoff took The Wardrobes ;^wd the Empire was very well attended and proved a rangements for the;ey^nt(include Mr. Hendlyn, Sol Falk, E. Chesen and J. PartCleaners met in a .very interesting very interesting one. ' I The evening's entertainment was llorris E. Skalovsky, phajrpran^ Mrs. Kalin. Henry Magzamin was appointed as series, the Empire Cleaners winning William Lazere and Jdnsj fJak © t 'XCahn, The entertainment committee con- •' concluded with informal dancing, two games. The Kaiman Insurance the chairman of the debate commitreservations; Mr&- M=-, £JW.; London, sists of Mrs. H. R. Emlein, chairman; Mrs. Max Herzoff was chairman of defeated the .Yousem Tires in their tee. .Working with him are Sam EpDining Room; Mrs.; S.arov.Mosow, Mrs. Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, Mrs. Barney the menu committee and Mrs. Molly series. I stein and Gilbert Rosenblum. The ~Herzoff took charge of the dining Sam Lipman and*,ftjjrsn;A.(, GQodsite. Baron and Mrs. J. N. Krueger. room. Songs for community singing :o-chairmen for the, menu; Mr, Lawwere arranged by^Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. rence Baron, Publicity; Mr. H. Miller The program committee consisted of ind Mr. M. Lazrjowjch; TransportaE. Itobinow, 'Lester Heeger, Sovel tion. -fji.il >.: utj: t±Krueger, J. C. Levin, and Robert "We would urge* everyone interested Sacks. I. H. Leving was general !n the wonderful worj^vthew-Federation -Members of the Question Club held chairman. Mr. Morey Lipshutz actIs doing" said Mr. IjkalqxsjQ^.chaired as master of ceremonies with J. C. tnan of the banquet, J'to make. every evening. Dinner preceded Levin leading the singing. sffort to attend this b^nque^meeting t h e e v e n h l g . s program. Art- work for the decorations was >n Tuesday evening.' -EhfttEederation J!done'by Miss Mildred Ruth Baron. Is the center around.,which;ia$.>affairs Mrs. B. Weinstein of Montreal,;! of interest to Sioux Gity Jewry re- Canada', is a guest at the home of . • » . volves. Every man and woman is in- Mr. and Mrs. H. Lazriowitch. Dr. K A D D I terested in the activities of 4he Fed- and Mrs/ A. H. Lazere of Chicago,s eraUon and Community,.,Center, and who j^v* been visiting at the home I it is hoped that they will manifest o f ' t h e i r parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. that interest by making reservations, La Z r i 0 W i t c h f departed for their home.* if they have not rail; readyc-done so Goldstein, spiritual leader 'Misses Frances and Dorothy Rutfor this banquet."-J;J, "(S.ijaj- s-t; • ~ I.I.L'U.UI Conservative Synagogue in stein and Ann Shulkin motored to °* Omaha, was the guest speaker at Omaha over the week end. REVEREND Shaare Zion Synagogue last Friday ADDRESS JR. HADASSAH Mr. Joe Sacks announces the en- evening, speaking on "The World we • Reverend S. D. Hbfft'wtir'!sigSak be- gagemant.of his daughter Beverly, to Live in, and Man's Place in it." With a series of figures and facts fore members of the^Jum'6r*Hs[aassah Robert'Schwartz, son'-pf Mr; and Mrs. next Wednesday evening.' Bis sub- L Schwartz of Omaha, Nebr. The Rabbi. Goldstein pictured for the ject has not been"anfioffi&&^cs | date [ for the wedding has not been congregation the enormity of the universe and the world we live in. Rebscca Stillmkh. 'Mill ^"giv'g two set. g He compared the small: size of.man u< original -poems,, and d Pearf'ISlensky: with the enormity of the world, but . ME. Vand Mrs. M.", Schulman anwill present a readnvg vg ^ i l i i ^ S h i d l J will offer a vocal solo'J"-TL i nounce the marriage of their daugh- said "Does a mother - love -her baby the ter, Lillian, to Mr. Sam Katz of De- any less because of its being so tiny? The meeting Community Cs troit, Mich. : Mrs. Schulman accom- Of course not, and so it is with panied her daughter " t o Chicago, God and man." where the: wedding took place. Mr. ; Rabbi Goldstein, preceded by telland Mrs. Katz will make their home ing the audience that by virtue of Aabbi H. R. RabinowitZ) .will; speak m Detroit. man's mind and brain, he was raised this evening on "A;; 'Jewsdi' commento a position little lower than the tary on the Merchant Jof-Venice." The -. • .; ;. Mr. M. Weinberg and daughters, very angels. sermon will be based^on.Ludwig, Lew- Dorothy, Gladys and Johanna, visited jssohn's recent bqok>;V,The Last Days. m Flandreau, So. Dak., over the week of Shylock." . :::,.^^y : . ;<>•?• -. ; . ;j e n d a t the: home of Mr. and Mrs; S. It.-Tuesday evening^tabbi IJabinqwitz. Guttermari." . :: , spoke in Des Moiriea'.before, the Mass Memorial meetihg,^honoring the meBecause of conflicting dates the Mr. and Mrs. H, Milder of Omaha, mory of the late Nathan>Straus,. This' Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Sharf and Mr. and regular B'nai Brith" meeting will be v meeting was held in the Jewish Com- Mrs. Louj» Braun«tein of Council held in the, Community Center.on Wednesday evening, February 11. - A munity Center of th&is.dby and spon-1 Bluffs spent the weekend in Sioux sored b y j h e >Ziom% organizations of, city a« gue»t« of Mr, and Mr». H. smoker will follow the regular business meeting. ; , . . Des Moines. - u*. j>., ( Lazriowitch.

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent


Memorial Meeting

litnvling League


Society News

dance committee reported that the j ; "This change to dial service is bedances have gained in favor with the' ing made because manual equipment public and were being very well at- in the Harney and Webster central of' tended. Dave Greenberg was elected fices is nearing the end of its serv* to be the club's representative at the ice life. The installation of dial equip. Jewish Welfare Federation meetings, j ment to replace this manual equipi ment is being made in accordance Fa Hon I with the general telephone program At a meeting held last Monday a for Omaha which was initiated when hew president was elected to take the the first dial telephones were placed place of Dorothy Burroughs. Miss in service here. The plans adopted Rose Stein is the new president. Betty at that time were that dial service jacobson was elected to the office of would be extended whenever it is secretary in place of Miss Minnie necessary to replace the present cenZwieback. j tral office, equipment," Mr. Frentress T h e organization will inaugurate a explained, campaign for new members. Any girl wishing to join this up and coming organization should see Rose Stein, or Harriet Wolsky.

Omaha Sports By Henry Magzamin

The veteran Thorpeans bowed their old heads to a younger and faster team when they met. the Swifts in the first of last Wednesday's games. It was too' much Vondra and Uhlir for the Thorpe. These two boys gath, ~~ . . „ •' e?ed 18 points between them. Little m A. Work preparatory to the installa- « Izz> , S h r i e b m a n w a s a g a i n t h e s t a r tion of dial telephones and dial tele- oo f hh ii ss t ee^^-.. ^ d kk ee pp tt the Thorps in h th year for f tel phone equipmentt this telet h e mm&ng throughout the b phone users in the Harney and Web- m s s p e c t a c u I a r sho oting. The score ster central office areas in Omaha is w a s 26 to 24 being started. This announcement. T h e A z A 1 M team ^ ^ at was made today by E L Frentress, ^ top o f t h e l e a g u e fey ^ ^ district manager of tha telephone P s i j ^ b y a 1 9 . t o . g s c o r e company. I The A. Z. A. aUowed the Sterlings By proceeding ™ * this extensive o n l y Q n e * field a, w U l e program this year u, Omaha employ- a n d ^ . ^ ^ ment win be furnished to 175 to 200 f r o m a U c o r n e r g o f ^ P additional skflled^telephone workmen ^ . _ team a who will install the equipment. These s c o r e workers will be paid more than $200,000. I The Center Varsity took one on the Approximately 14,500 manual tele- chin when they came in contact with phones will be replaced with dial tele- the fast Becchanities, all-colored team phones. Dial central office equip- at the Center last Saturday. The ment to serve these telephones will game was a fast one and the score be installed in the telephone building was always in doubt. But a long tall at Nineteenth and Douglas streets. fellow by the name of Ware was too When the program is completed De- much for the Center boys, and the cember 1, there will be approximately J score was 28 to 22 for the colored 42,000 dial telephones in Omaha out boys, of a total of 67,000. The Center's girl basketball team, More men will be employed for technical maintenance work because, unlike their brothers, won two real of the character of the dial equip- battles last week. The first victim ment as soon as the new facilities are, was the Omaha University No. 2 installed and no permanent telephone! team, and the second were the Nightemployees -will lose their jobs. Op- hawks. The first game was fairly erators still will be needed-in the easy for the girls, the score being 28 other manual central offices, for • in-1 to 6. The second game was a tough formation service and to work at long i one and was decided by Minnie Sherdistance switchboards, also for special] man's foul shot, the score ending 21 duties in connection with dial service,! to 20 for the Center.




the reach


Regular B^nai Brith i Meeting Is Postponed

Mount Sinai Temple

Rabbi I>ewJ8 will address Mount A» projects of the Newsie club, Sinai congreKaiion this evening on uponsored by the J. C. C." an all-star "Youth Looka at Kellgion," The ser- Newsboys' Basketball team has been vice -begins promptly at 8« organized. The first game played was in favor of the team. Plans are under way for a dramatic club and baseball team for the boys. --

To Safeguard Your Baby Boy CALL

Rabbi L* }• Levin Mohel in. Omaha and Sioux City H06 Iowa

Phone 8-3901



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Mrs. Willie F. Fleetwood spoke before the Business Girls' club Wednesday evening, giving the story of the opera to be presented in Sioux City next week, "The Walkurc." Dr. Chaim Greenberg oiidreisod members of the Alumni Talmud Torah Organization on Tuesday evening. No excellent soul is exempt from a —Aristotle. ! mixture of madness.

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