February 20, 1931

Page 1

In the . . .. . Interests of The Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

Knten-d us Beyond-clnsa mall (natter.'on Jnuuarj Zi,-Wll, at DOM office nt Omnhn. NebrasUn. under the Act of-Mflrrh A. TWO.


JACOB DE HAAS Hebrew? ClubJubilee TO SPEAK HERE Be ON MARCH 3RD - J» ? 'unday, February 22, the Omaf. •— 52 rew Club will celebrate its Large, Mass Meeting to Be Held f, $J birthday at the Omaha muni: in J. C. C. Audiditorium. A i grand ball and torium will be the features of the The event will start .it- 7 ev Jacob De Haas, international Ziono'c -,.»-. ist leader, will be Omaha's guest on Mayor Metcalfe will speak on' the the evening of Tuesday,-March 3^ interesting program, which has. been when he will address a mass meeting I arranged by Janet Maiashock, chairto be held at the J. C. C. audi-j m a n o f the musical program. ' torium. Both Zionists and non-ZionThe h i s t o r y o f the Omaha Hebrew ists are making preparationsr^ g r e e t | ^ ^ interesting pages hag

the Omaha Hebrew d u b demands our attention."

VOL. IX.—No. 4


Sam Klaver is:presiderit of thedub. To Sponsor Tea Dance a t J . C. C. Sunday Afterand chairman W i n s ' g r i n d ball and noon concert to be held alt the Omaha auditorium February 22. Other officers The Jewish Women's Welfare Orare: Irvin C. Levin," vice-president;

Sol FeM- ganization, for:twenty-six years acSol Rosenberg, Rosenberg, secretary; secretary; John John FeM m m ^ Jewish ??family family welfare welfare work work manirtreasurer; Maurics. Brandeis;]] ^ Jewish ofthexit Daniel Schwarti and Sam A l t B c h u l a r , ! y ' announced a t its Februtriistees, Jacob Kicklin, past presi- **? meeting t h t the group wiU cooperate with t i e Jewish > Community dent. C-yiter in someiof their activities. -•-' The program: According ' ^ Mrs. Louis' Neveleff, Jack Frledeor-^Master of Ceremonies Opening: -Hon. RicharJ Metcalfe,J president -of the organization, the 1 Mayor. . '. | women will take charge of the an1. Bob Beh & Rainbow Revue. fnual Father and Son banquet, the 2. Rose Brandeis .... ._.Piano Solo Xlother and Daughter banquet, the 3. Ellen, Walker Oriental Dance Summer Play ; School, the Center 4. Dplores Henry Acrobatic Dance Players Guild, $he chaperoning of all 5. Shirley Janoff _.Blue Singer, dances held «#the Center, and vis-'j _._Fast Tap iting and assisting in the womsn's 6. Bob Beh _._^ 7. Marjory Henry -Toe Dance activities of the" physical department. 8. Bob & Berniee Collins __..J3kit Besides the above, all arrangements. 9. Male Quartette < '• for banquets fa^ld at the Center will Jack Frieden, Ray Wilson, Car! be made in cojoperation with them. Erickson, Joe Morroco. ^ This SundaQ* afternoon, February 10. Shirley Janoff Dance-High Kick 22, these women will sponsor a 11. Hazomer Club j George Washington tea dance from 12. Finale Entire Ensemble 3 to 6 p. m. a^ the J. C. C. auditoComplete Show and Accompanist num. The Sun{iay afternoon, dances j v by. Janet Maiashock. T — * »»_I__I.__I, w e r e recently inaugurated by he Psi] Mu dub, supervised by the Women's

Leading Points in MacDonald's Letter

Official Document ReaffirmsBrittain's Mandate Obligation

1. Denies intention of banningJewish immigration. 2. Abandons White Paper's principle of estimating this immigration on principle of Arab-Jewish. unemployment and re-establishes j filled with hope, faith and vision. previous principle of econmic abZionist realm. I Starting with twenty-one members in sorption capacity. M. F. Levenson, president. M 1 8 9 th& six hundred present 3. Redefines "Landless Arabs" local Zionist district, will be chair- m e m b e r e a r e p r o o f o f the vast exto mean only those shown to have man of the affair, for the success of pansion made by the organization. been displaced as result of Jewish which all local Zionist organizations Only five of the twenty-one charter land purchases . are co-operating. A luncheon, in members are surviving today. They London.—(J. T. A.)—A letter that on all works or undertakings carried 4. Says further Jewish land purhonor of De Haas will be held .Tuesare: Mendel Blank, Esau Fleischman, seeks to remove certain misconcep- out or furthered by the Jewish chases not restricted, but centralday noon. 'Arnold Levin, Abraham Monsky and j tions and misunderstandings which Agency, denies intending criticism of ized control is planned. De' Haas, who is chairman of the have arisen as to Great Britain's Pal- the Jewish labor organizations in Pal. ^. ' • .^ .• , • . • . i Henry Sokolof. 5. Promises to consider claim of organization committee of the Amen. ! estine policy as enunciated in the «stine and recognizes the value of Jewish labor for due share in pubcan Zionists, is considered the moti-i . The' main, object of this organizaWhite Paper of October, 1930, was their services, announces that existtion is caring for its members when lic works. vating power in the Brandeis-Mack sent by Premier MacDonald to Dr. ing economic conditions in Palestine 6. Admits right of Jewish AgenZionist group, which signed the peace they are sick or in distress. Widows Chaim Weizmann, who resigned the are not to be crystallized and reafand orphans are cared for when the cy to employ Jewish labor excluspact at the historic July convention. presidency of the Jewish Agency and firms Britain's intention of adminisively on Jewish agency undertakHe is at present touring this sec- husband dies or is injured. The the World Zionist Organization as a tering Palestine in accordance vrith ings. tion of the country to arouse interest Omaha Hebrew Club has paid out in protest against the White Paper. the Mandate. death benefits approximately $50,000 7. Denies criticizing Histadruth and response to. the Jewish Agency since the club was organized. Sick Among the salient points in the letand Jewish Agency and praises Urges Co-operation campaign. . ter are a redefinition of the term their services. . As in Omaha the Palestine drive is benefits and relief will also reach The letter concludes to repeating "landless Arabs" as referred to in the that "the obligations imposed upon Welfare 8. Reaffirms intention to adminv,part-5>f*the Jewish Philanthropies, no about $50,000- Money paid for charWhite Paper which is now explained the Mandatory by its acceptance of itable and other worthy causes, apister Palestine in accordance with .y! collections or donations will be asked an- Mandate. j to refer only to such Arabs as can be the Mandate are solemn internationproximate $25,000. ~ . ~ . . . . ; . . „ . '.... MnvTnn-i The organization has also - -;£or. .at the mass meeting. -'; shown to have been displaced from al obligations from which there is not The club meets every Sunday af9. Announces existing economic Preceding his visit to Omaha, Da FOR INSTITUTE COURSE noun=ed that its annual card party conditions the lands they occupied as the re- now, nor has there been at any time, ternoon at the Jewish Community not to be crystalized. Haas will attend the conference of ; | will be held at,the Center on Tuessult of Jewish land purchases; the any intention to depart. Tothe tasks Center. According to Harry Lapidus, 10. Promises government probe the mid-Western and Southwestern Over one hundred and fifty regis- d a y , March 3 r at 2 p. m., in place promise of a government investiga- imposed by the Mandate, the Mathe Omaha Hebrew Club has done a to determine what state lands are Zionist regions comprising thirteen tered for the Social Recreation In-' i the regular March meeting. The tion to determine what state and oth- jesty's Government have set their deal for the Jewish people in stitute course being given at the J. oproceeds will go toward the pur- available for close settlement by states, to be held at St. Louis on er lands can be properly made avail- hand, and they will not withdraw it. Jews. February 28 and March 1. Another « * P ? * *<>** Jean in Omaha. C. C.onThe first three classes were chasethe"*J. .setC. of "milchise" dishes c f a C* held the evenings of F2bruary 16, f~-. able for close settlement by Jews in But if their efforts are to be success"This organization is one of the . important figure to be present at the 17 and 18. accordance with Article VI of th3 ful, there is need for co-operation, 1 A prize will be given at each conclave will be Morris Rothenberg most worthy causes in our city,' Mr. Mandate; a denial that further land confidence, readiness on all sides to All those-wishing to register for ta D ] e and refreshments will be Lapidus said. "It is worthy of our of New York, the national chairman hearty support. When it is consid- t h e l h r e e remaining classes which purchases by Jews are restricted, al- appreciate the difficulties and comAdmission will be fifty of the American Palestine Campaign. ered that approximately $125000 has *& b e h e l d o n ^e evenings of Febrthough centralized control of land plexities of the problem, and above $125,000 ™® the Mesdames A. Greenberg, Jack c,nts< A large delegation is planning to uary 17, 18 and 19 from 7:30 to 9:30 transactions is contemplated. spent in furthering the comforts all, there must be a full and unqualattend from Omaha. Among those p. m., may do so at the Center. j ified recognition that no solution can No Immigration Ban who have already signified their in- of our people, it is proof enough that The course is being sponsored by[ be satisfactory or permanent which tention of motoring down or taking On the matter of immigration the the Council of. Social Agencies and is not based upon justice, both to the the excursion are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Premier's letter states that there is the Parent-Teachers Association, unJewish people and to the non-Jewish Friedel, M. F. Levenson, Rabbi David no intention to prohibit the further der the direction .of the American communities of Palestine." ; A-. Goldstein, Dr. O. Belzer, Joe Playground Association of Jtfew York. American Conference Adopfeianinigration of Jews, .abandons the - Tretiak, F ; Ackerman and Mrs. J. :-«-=*•*-- * -'—•* ».i.-iii=rsi££L.~*.*-' ^WliilerVtp«^s •pnna principleof^estinMtting -Thfe Wfcfte Paper -and its iiwMiiyn. Land Heclaination ceptious and misunderstanding" . Stein. by Robert K. Murray. Project j this immigration with regard to Arab- which is now explained, led to worldJ Jewish Unemployment and re-estab- wide Jewish protests last October, Dr. Harry Lapidus, who is at pres•. Washington.—(J. T. A.)—A decis( lishes the previous principle of immi- Weizmann resigned his dual posts, ent on a business trip east, was ion that will, when carried out, link' according to the economic ab- Felix M. Warburg resigned as chairhonored with a fifteen-minute in- indelibly the names of communities gration sorptive capacity of the country Organization to Work Under man of the Administrative Committerview •. with President Herbert in the United States with the reclaThe letter also promises to take Charter Providing for Hoover at 1 p. m., last Saturday. mation of a considerable land tract in into consideration the claim of Jewish tee of the Jewish Agency and the late Council of 250 Howard Ohman, state chess chamLord Melchett resigned as chairman Lapidus discussed the present Palestine, unanimously and enthusi- j labor for a due share in public works, pion for the past-ten years, will give of the Council of the Jewish Agency. ' A gala Purim carnival by the chilcally adopted, was the outcome of the] admits the right of the Jewish AgenThe American Jewish Joint Distri- . demonstration of his exceptional economic conditions with the chief dren of the J. C. C. Sunday school bution Committee, of which Felix M.i ap executive. Hoover was so im- National Conference of the Jewish cy to employ Jewish labor exclusively Created Storm r o w e s s a t the game in the lobby of will be held at the Center on Sunday Warburg is chairman, and the largest j pressed that he asked Mr. Lapidus National Fund of America, held here, j . Throughout the world monster prot h e j c G n e x t Thursday, February afternoon, March 1, from 2:30 p. m Jewish welfare organization in thej gg, a t 8 p. m., when he will play ten to write to him in detail concern- Five hundred delegates from «very - _t Tr|_ •-.« test meetings were held against Brito 6. Decorations appropriate for the world for overseas work, wfll be re- vi^^ members of the Center Chess ins* his economic views when he cornar of the country attended . tain's "betrayal" of the Jews. In and ! fllKlflNANl.t*, W A Y occasion will lend a holiday air, ano organized. returned to Omaha, and he in• out of parliament the British governclub simultaneously. The plan, called the Ussishkin Plan, \ V l U / l l l f t l l V L i H l f l 1 both children and parents are in This organization which since the ment was sharply criticized by such Those who will match wits with the structed his private secretary that by virtue of the fact that it was sub- i vited. war has expended over eighty millions chess wizard are Nathan Fine, J._ as soon as the letter reached the mitted to the Conference and urged j eminent statesmen as Lloyd George, The Brownie troop and the Sunday White House, he is to call the at- upon it by Menachem Ussishkin,! Stanley Baldwin, General Smuts, o n re lief *nd'reconstruction Feldman, M. Minkin, S. Ricnman. E. School -classes wfll vie for the best j work among Jews in foreign lands, Lord Hailsham, Sir John Simon and Weinberg, H. Weinberg, S. White, L tention of the President to it im- president of the Jewish National j decorated booth. Although it is not will be reincorporated'under a" charmediately. others. There were reports that the Fund, calls for the investment within Goldberg, Dr. O. Belzer, Barney compulsory, most of the children will ter, which will provide for a large case of the Jews would be appealed to a five-year period of a considerable Rosenthal. wear costumes in keeping with the and representative national council sum for the acquisition and reclama- Palestine Government Is Con- the Hagua Court. festive spirit. Prizes will be award- made up of Jewish leaders in various sidering the Proposition tion of an area which will greatly inShortly after the issuance of the ed for the most original and clever parts of the United States and CanNow crease the opportunities- for settling White Paper negotiations were inicostumes. on the land many Jewish labor and tiated between the Jewish Agency and ada. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Pales- the British government, the first reThe program. will include songs, middle class immigrants to Palestine. The national council will be comtine government now has under congames, skits, noise makers and "Hu- posed of 250 men and'women, promsuits of which are believed to be emEnthusiastically Received sideration a new local- government bodied in this letter which is to be mantashim." inent in Jewish life and will constitute So great was the enthusiasm among ordinance which is expected to abolish The committee in charge consists the membership of the American JewThe following essay was written tha beautiful tones of the harp by official, communicated to the League of Louis Lipp, chairman. Mrs. Philip ish Joint Distribution committee. A by Billy Shlaes, 11 years old, son playing the scale, but beforehand the delegates for the speedy execu- communal representation, replacing it of Nations and sent to High Comtion of the Ussishkin Plan that before Klutznick, and Sophie Rosenstein. board of directors of 48 will be chosen r" Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shlaeis, 2571 she pressed certain pedals, making it was adopted, leaders of every party by ward representation and thus to missioner Chancellor as official incontribute largely towards, the elimPinkney St., and was commented on the strings shorter or longer. The from the council and an executive and ^roup within the movement ination of racial and religious politics structions. favorably by Mr. Iittau: J time previous he told us the origin committee of 15. mounted the platform to voice their To Further Reconstruction "Whfle attending the concert , o ! the harp and several other instru- approval of the scheme &nd their ac- from municipal administration. Lord Plumer, the former High ComA meeting of the council is planned which was directed excelientiy by j ments outstanding in the string fam- claim of the man. missioner, always regarded municipal for the middle of March. The work Mr. Iittau, my musical knowledge , ily. The harp display being over he Mr. Ussishkin, who traveled 7,000 franchise and good city government Rabbi Frederick Cohn* of Temple of the new council will be to further was greatly corrected and length-proceeded to inform us of the weird miles from Jerusalem to Washington, as preliminary to national elections | the present program of economic and ened. After the overture Mr. Iittau qualities of the violin by twiddlmg to present his plan and to deliver his Israel will be the first speaker on a The Junior Hadassah girls have and representative institutions. Jewprogram of lectures by prominent in- social reconstruction work among the explained the properties of the h a r p - t h i bow over the bridge of the m- message to the Zionists of America, ish authorities here hope that the new outlined an ambitious spring program dividual's by the R-Na club. Rabbi Jews in Eastern and Central Europe. and its manipulators which was on.strument, giving it the name 'ponti- stirred the conference to a high pitch local council ordinance will go some for the organization. The late Louis Marshall was chair- ihe same principle as the violin, thej cello. Cohn will speak at the Temple at an of enthusiasm. The burden of his way in redressing what is for the A banquet is being planned for man of the reorganization committee open meeting of the organization on shorter the. string the higher the) The woodwind instruments ••: were argument was an impassioned appeal Jews of Jerusalem an intolerable sit- March 10, at which time pins will be Sunday morning, February 22, at 10 and upon his death James N. Rosen- tone. The harp-player then showed .next in line and "Mr^ littau made to American Jewry to assume the uation, namely that the municipal awarded to members who did outclear to me the origin of the flute. leading role in the world-wide Jewa. m. The public is invited to attend. berg was chosen as his successor. • council has long outlived its useful- standing work during the past seaThe origin is not verified but a very ish effort to bring about a speedy ness and the time for which it was son. The committee in charge con* Miss Margaret Hurwitz, pianist, probable supposition. It is surmised solution of the land problem in Pal- elected. and Max Yaffee, violinist, will apsists of Sylvia Olander, chairman, that the cave man came upon some estine. pear on the musical part of the proSince the Tesignation of the Jewish Grace Rosenstein, co-chairman, Lena bleached bones which being dry congram. members, the Jerusalem city council Mittleman, Ethel Stoler, Betty TuchNew Body to Foster Plan J . \J» KJ* ;•;.., tained no marrow and in the bone The R-Na club is composed of Jewdoes not include representatives of the man and Lillian Koom. th? primitive creature blew. Fromj A new body which will work under ish junior and seniors in the various April 12 has been set as a tentalargest community in the city. A triple-header program for basket high schools in Omaha and Council The Board of Directors of the that time on. it was improved, cut- the direction and auspices of the Jewtive date for a tea dance to be held Bluffs. Since its organization last ball and dance enthusiasts will be Talmud Torah has unanimously ting other holes in it, producing a ish National Fund of America, to be at the Blackstone. The committee in Novembsr, the group has grown in sponsored at the J. C. C. on Sunday, voted in favor of having the in- variation of tones. The cave man known as the Keren Kayemeth league charge is Esther Saks, chairman, was called into being by a resolution March 1, under the. auspices of the stitution moved, from its present was both surprised and pleased at membership to over sixty. Bess Bernstein, ca-chairman, Blanche These lectures " arid musical pro- Mother Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z. A. location at 20th and Burt into the ; the pleasant tone it brought forth. of the Conference for the purpose of Binstein, Ida Bercovici, Rose Wilfson, undertaking the responsibility for grams will be given once "a month. La Verne Fablowitz, Gertrude Gerber The'program will start at 4 p. m., Jewish Community Center. This At first, of course, it was blown carrying the project to a successful when the Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 action is in line with the recom- through one hole, but as the cenNathan Kramer, 8S, 3236 Lafayette and Alice Minkin. conclusion. The League, which will quintet clashes with the Omaha De- mendations made recently by the turies wore on bamboo strips "were A mothers' day event is slated as a have branches in all parts of the avenue, well-known in local Jewish Molay five. This will be followed by Educational Committee of the even more utilized as people pierced Mav affair. circles, passed away last Friday. country, will undertake to raise the a_ game between the Mother Chap- Jewish Community Center • and holes at different lengths on six Funeral services were held Tuesday necessary sums for the acquisition of Welfare .Federation. The special bamboo poles to produce more than The Pioneer Ladies Club will hold ter's district championship team and board meeting, held Tuesday eve- one tone. That being done, they the American tract of Palestine land afternoon at the Chesed Shel Emes, AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP the Des Moines A. Z. A. This clash their third annual .bazaar on SunT. M. Kuznit, son of Mr. and ning at the J. C. C , was called by promptly named them "Pan's Pipes/ through obtaining appropriate sub- with Rabbi D. A. Goldstein officiatday, February 22, at the Labor Ly- promises to be a thriller as the Oma- H. Weiner, president of the Tal- a prominent figure in Greek myth- scriptions and contributions from in- ing. Mrs. M. Kuznit of this city, has ha hoopsters nosed out the Iowans ceum, 22nd and Clark. He is survived by his widow, Rose; been awarded another scholarship in mud Torah. ology. When it was known in Greece dividuals End organizations. Mrs. I. Hurwitz is chairman of in the district finals, 25 to 21. a daughter, Elaine; father, Mr. B. the engineering college of the UniA committee of five was ap- it was the proud possessor of seven The main feature will be a mamthe bazaar. "Aid our efforts for the Kramer, and a brother, Jack, of Los versity of Nebraska for the ensuing Bucharest.—The critical economic holes in one strip, but its pride was benefit of the Chalutzim of Pales- moth benefit dance at the Center pointed to" make all necessary arterm. Last semester he won a simAngeles, California. condition in Bulgaria precludes any lessened as its name was derived tine," was the organization's plea auditorium that evening. All pro- rangements for the move. This ilar honor. Kramer, who spent the greater part possibility of Jewish immigration "Everybody is invited to this ba- ceeds will go toward sending the dis- committee consists of Dr. P. Sher, from an eel found on the banks of there, Michael Landau, a. Jewish of his life in Omaha, was a Mason Kuznit is a member of Psi Mu chairman; H. Jtfarcus, Mrs. M. Sicily. The eel whose name was zaar. Groceries, clothing, hardware trict basket ball titlists to the InEpsilon, honorary mathematical fraand a member of the B'nai Brith and member of the Roumanian parliament Fromldn, E. Lockov and S. Eavitz. "Fluta" had seven breathing perf oraand many other articles are for sale ternational finals in St. Louis March ternity. Conservative Synagogue. declared on his return from Sofia. (Continued on page 6.), at great savings to you." 13,14 and 15.




RE1NV1G0RATED To Shrfansously M act

Denies Ban on Jew- Praises Work of ish ImmiJewish Organigration zations


Interviews ident Oover


| Tea Ckss Players


Billy Shlaes Prize-Winning Essay


Jr. Hadassah Outlines Its Spring Program


Talmud Torah Votes to Move Into

Nathan Kramer, 38, Passes Away Friday

Pioneer Ladies Club.to Hold Bazaar Sunday




"Your Majesty, that one word, perI Albert of Belgium who conferred on haps, ifi all that we really know in the doctor the title of officer in the this world." ; vWheii twenty-odd hardy pioneers made the Order of the Crown. And the king was mightily pleased first Jewish/settlement in this country little did Poland to Admit Persecuted with the job that they had done, and Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by they realize that they were the forerunners for Rabbis . . . . , he took out his box of cigars and CHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the largest Jewish community in the world. Yet Warsaw.—The Polish nunistery of gave each one of the wise men two SIOUX CITY OFFICE Florida Reform Congregations the interior announced that it had cigars, one to smoke at the time, and two hundred and seventy-five years later statisJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street given orders that rabbis from Soviet the other for the subsequent day. Organized tics show 4,228,000 Jews residing in, the United Orlando, Fla,—Reform Jewish con- Russia should be accorded the right S t a t e s . •- •.-..,,;. ' - - . , . . • •• •: . Subscription Price, one year - « - - - - - - - « $2.60 gregations of Florida have been or- to live in Poland ks being politically POLAND, POGROMS AND Dispute Threatens Advertising rates furnished on application PADEREWSKI ••; An analytical study under the auspices of Kosher ganized into a state body under the persecuted persons. Newark Orthodox tiie American Jewish Committee demonstrated Newark, N. J.—A serious schism auspices of the southeastern confer- Parliament Condemns George Britt and Heywood Broun TJ in their shortly forthcoming "Christhe/phenomenal multiplication of the Jewish is threatened in the ranks of Newark e n c e of t h e Union of American He- Anti-Semitism groups in the country. The four.and a quarter Orthodox Jewry as at result of a heat- brew Congregations. A conference .Vienna.—Anti-Semitic outbreaks in tians Only" which takes tip the quesOffice: 49O.Brandeis Theater Building Anstrian universities particularly the tion of discrimination against the Jew Telephone: ATlantic 14B0 million Jews here have formed into, 3,118 con-ed controversy which has arisen over which was held here for this purpose! the question of the inspection and was attended by more than 200 J - ' ~ troubles •• a•t fhe "-• " - -* relates a story, which is said to be DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor gregations with 7,140 local organizations affiliatVienna, were condemned in the Aus- bona fide, emanating in the course of supervision of kosher meat. Two opPRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - > Editor ed thereto. Besides these^ there are 6,760 indea conversation between President trian parliament. posing factions have rabbis as the FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspoudent pendent local organizations and 146 national Wilson and Paderewski, the pianistcentral figures, as was the case repremier of Poland. bodies. An indication of the rapid Jewish growth cently in Paterson* Paderewski was warning the presican be gleaned from the fact that fifty years ago Rabbi Jacob Mendelson, who has Premier's Son Marries Jewess I dent of the displeasure that would be supervisor for the, Vienna.—The secret marriage of there were only 278 congregations in the entire] 5691 1931 felt by the Polish people, if certain Vaad Hakashruth since 1921, is charg- ' Count Andrew Bethlen, son of • the By DAVID SCHWARTZ Purim .___ —Tuesday, March 3 country, in 1907 only 1,769, and in 1917 buted by the Federation of Kosher H u n g a r i a n p r e m i e r , to Magdalene of their demands were not granted at , Rosh Chodesh Nissan-Thursday, March 19 1,901. the Peace Conference. Butchers with laxity in administra- V i o l a > a d i v o r c e d J e w e s s > h a s c a u s e d A BED-TIME TALE "Why, Mr. President," warned ParlAnother interesting sidelight is that for tion. The Vaad Hakashruth is pub- a s e n s a t i o n in Hungarian social 1st Day Pessach___. „ __Thursday, April 2 A MORAL erewski, "I wouldn't be surprised that licly supporting him in the contro_Wednesday, Apiil 8 every man, woman and child of the Jewish faith 7th Day Pessach In view of Once a time, there lived a great the Polish people would be so chapversy. Premier Bethlen is the leader of the and stern king. One morning, after y-Saturday, April 18 thirty-eight dollars is invested in synagogue Rosh Chodesh I y a r _ anti-Jewish party he instructed secret a particularly good breakfast, just as rinned that they would go out ami Approves Meyer's Nomination buildings and mortgaged at $12.37 per capita. .. Tuesday, May 5 Lag b'Omer- — - massacre the Jews. to investigate and preRosh Chodesh Sivan. he was puffing away at a CoronaSunday, May 17 And an encouraging note is contained in the in- Washington.-r-With only three com- ssrviceif agents "And Mr. Paderewski," replied the possible the marriage of his lst Day Shabuoth . Friday, May 22formation that 1,754 societies maintain institu- mittee members in opposition, ths scp to a Jewess but they were too Corona, he called his prime minister president, "what will happen, if we to him. do grant Poland her demands? tions for elementary Jewish education and furth-l nomination of Eugene Meyer as gov-late. e r a o r of t h "Charlie ,he said in a grave tone, "In that case, replied Paderewski, er that 250,000 Jewish children are enrolled in J federal Reserve Board Magdalene Viola is the divorced "I want you to summon all of the "the people of Poland will be so , , _ . , , , _ , , , ,. . i was tavorably reported to the Senate wife of M. Kolaurich, a prominent wise men of the kingdom to me." happy, they will go out and massacre The spotlight of Jewish news has once more the Jewish schools for elementary education. Any,b y S e n a t o r Wagner of New York for Hungarian manufacturer, and th? No sooner said than done. All the the Jews for joy." 4.U. and M - . ( Currency n _ . „,!,_ daughter of the well-known editor and doubt are as to the means Offactpropagating Jewish'the Senate TU Banking focused itself upon Palestine, the political foot- ideals It seems that heads they win, tails dispelled by the that one hundred ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ rf ^ W l s e m e n a r n v e d . 1i Committee. The three senators who ^ "Gentlemen," said the king, "I want we lose. ball of Great Britain, when this week Premier and eleven Jewish periodicals are published in opposed his nomination wer2 BrookLloyd. a r t of I o w a B l a i n e of w i s c o n s i n a n d to get all the education of the world. •' hFletcher ' MacDonald sent, to Chaim Weizmann an official the United States. of Florida. The nomination Jewish Students Only 3 % I had thought of taking a correspon- NOT MANY HATE US document which vitiates the rankly unfair proWhile statistics like these are of themselves of Mr. Meyer will be brought up for Berlin.—Jewish students in German dence school course, but instead I A Jewish student at Columbia—a visions of the fateful White Paper of October. lifeless they cloak a romantic story of the blos- confirmation in the Senate next week, universities now constitute only have decided on this: You get me to- candidate for a doctorate, has subThis latest expression of policy and interpreta- soming forth of a people in a land of freedom and it is predicted here that no more about 3 to 4 per csnt of the entire gether all of the wisdom of the mitted a thesis on prejudice, formulated from a questionnaire which h° tion makes important concessions to the Zionists and equality, and if the past be any criterion, we than ten or twelve Senators will vote student population as compared with world." sent out to some 10,000 people, nonagainst the confirmation. five and a half per cent in 191, ac"And if you don't," thundered the —it re-establishes the principle of Jewish immi- can look forward to an even greater Jewish comJews, asking their frank reactions to j cording to figures contained in the king, winking maliciously with his Boston Calvert Round Table gration according to the economic absorptive munal life in the future. Central Verein Zeitung, the organ of eye, and shaking Lis mustache up and j Jews Boston.—The vital importance of a capacity of the country, gives the Jews the right I understand that the results of this the Central Association of German down, "if you don't, off goes your public spirit of religious and raciai questionnaire showed that the feeling to purchase land and settle undisturbed, reafCitizens of Jewish faith. Ths figures head." tolerance as a* factor in the attainagainst Jews was far less than most firms England's mandate obligations, praises the ment and preservation- of tha ideal were compiled by Dr. Margot Mel- Whereupon, all the wise men pro- Jews imagine. chior. ceeded to their libraries, and their work and achievements of the various Jewish orAmerican democracy was stressed I have no doubt that it was. It Dr. Melchior lays the decline in laboratories, and gathered together here this week by a Catholic, a Proganizations, and concedes Jewish labor rights beis probably true that anti-Semitism the percentage of Jewish students to all the wisdom of the world. And aftestant and a Jew at the second ansides many minor retractions. has never been able to recuit a manual dinner of the Calvert^ Round the post-war impoverishment of ths ter they had gathered it, they brought jority behind its banners. Even in German-Jewish middle classes which the collection before his majesty, Just what attitude the Jewish people should! Table. This organization was formed makes it impossible for them to send The King gave one look at the col- Spain, when the Jews were expelled, adopt toward this latest heralding of a new un-jt h e Journalism has had an attraction for Jews in two years ago by a group of public- their a great portion of the people were children to college. lection and said "Feh." demanding between the British government and | United. States for many years One of the spirited citizens of various religious "I am a busy man. I have to fight strongly opposed to the expulsion. the Jewish leaders is a perplexing problem. E v e r l * " * " ^ Jewish journalists was Mordecai Manuel faiths to combat the serious menace Baron Rothschild's New Play But the trouble is, that majorities wars and have fifty wives. I have no Paris.—Parisian theatrical circles since that immortal November 2, 1917, when | Noah,^who in the early part of the nineteenth cen- of bigotry and intolerancetime for all of this. Boil it down," never mean anything. It is the agare manifesting considerable interest gressive minority that always counts. said the King. for the first time since the days of Cyrus a great tury had won a prominent place in newspaper Georgia Tech to Honor in the- production of "Le Grand PatThis thing it is true works as well "And if you don't," concluded the government hailed the Jews as among the family activities. He was endowed with a sharp wit and Guggenheim ron," a new play by Andre Pascal, for good as for evil. Thus, it was King, winking his eye maliciously, Atlanta.—Harry F. Guggenheim, who is none other than Baron Henri of nations, that same government in which Jew- was an unusually fine paragraphist. American ambassador to Cuba, son de Rothschild, the famous physician and shaking his moustache up and but an aggressive minority that Joseph Pulitzer, who was of Jewish descent, {of the late Daniel P. Guggenheim, brought on the revolutionary war. It ish hopes placed high trust and confidence has down, "off goes your head." was-probably nothing but a minority alternately encouraged a n d discouraged o u r ideals i w a s publisher, a n d proprietor of t h e N e w York iw n r e c e I v e t h e - ^ o f d o c t o r o f and philanthropist and member of the A n d s o ^ w i s e m e n toKether rld too that brought on- the civil war. .and, began to boil down this Ubrary of f o r a Jewish National H o m e l a n d - W h i ^ P a p e ' r s , f-Wp for, a n u m b e r of y e a r s . E d w a r d Rose- [science at the wmSencTment exer- | ? £ ?? f ^ ! T ? L ^ * ^ J ^ db t b i ld thi Ub f 1 You can't ignore minorities. " ^ and they boiled ft down to ! rises of the Georgia S o f -^ ^! f^ J ! Z , n , ^sdom, e w Wasfor f o r many m a n y years y e a r s editor Of the t h e Omaha! O m a h a ! rises ri of f the th Georgia G e i School of TechTech " lack of protection, Shaw Commissions/Simpson Watef Was i , , . , . , ° , , ,_, . ,. de Kotnschild owns the new .risgaua , .. , , , . . . . , ,. reports each took its turn in crushing the aspira- Bee, which under his editorial guidance became | ously with the formal dedication l l of opus -is ^ ^ ^ s h o w n a t where its ofit was an included encylopedia, which they | nology, which will be held simultanewithin the hmtthe h e a t Comedie er h i s o p des us s shown at one' of the leading newspapers of the middle west. Champs-Elysses. tions which had been so laboriously developed. the Daniel Gugganheim School of T, J T> **_ i_-i % • . . ,, brought t o the king. Adolph Ochs, publisher of the New York Aeronautics on June 6. _ , After we had staked our all upon the promise of . Baron de Rothschild i s t h e a u t h o r , _ , , , . , *? I am a Times, is regarded as among the outstanding sador will be honored in The ambas- ™J\, » , . .. , . , , j busy Theman, kingetc., snarled Boil itagain, down." recognition England, we repeatedly found our Homeland and ing a"La Rampe," "Circe" and "Heritnumber of other plays, xncludAnd so the- wise men went again our people but pawns in the diplomatic ma- newspaper publishers in the world. Walter Lipp- of his high standing.in the scientific of age." and they condensed it down to one engineering and aeronautic fields. Naman occupies a high place in the editorial field neuvers of a mighty Empire. volume. tional leaders in aviation will particiRothschild Physico-Chemical of this country. Again the king shook his mouspate in the ceremonies. I Biology Institute Opened At each succeding disappointment, the Jew-; The' Jewish people of the United States in . -»T -r I1 Paris. — The Baron Edmond de tache, until the hearts of the wise ish people were cautioned to repress their feelj Rothschild Institute of Physico-Chem- men were chilled like unto an Eskimo ings. If they "slapped" us, we were told to "turn about the middle of the last'century realized t h e t Federation Heads N. Y. Experienced hotel man, 44, 1 ical Biology was opened here. The pie. wishes to meet Jewish woman, the other cheek." By pleading and cajoling we importance of publishing Jewish newspapers and The election of former Judge Joseph institute was built at a cost of 15,-1 And so they went back again, and aged 30 to 40, with some capwon back each time „some of the lost ground, but among these earlier publications were the Jewish M P r o s k a u e r of ^ presidency of 000,000 francs. Baron Rothschild has •. they boiled down this book into one ital, to enlarge his business. I Pleasing personality P. J. 888 I the institute 50,000 francs to ! word, "Perhaps," and they brought our goal kept slowly receding into the back- Messenger, the Jewish Occident, the American the Federation, for the Support of Write Jewish Press, Box No. 15 I Israelite and the American Hebrew all of which' Jewish Philanthropic Societies, the this one word back to the monarch its upkeep. ground. But when the historic Passfield paper rk have performed excellent work as exponents of' Jewish community chest_of New Y° and said to him: was issued, the aching bitterness which had i City, was announced by Felix M. War- Honor from French Jewish ideals. welled up in the hearts of the Jews could not be "" ... . , . T i burg, chairman of the board of trusParis.—The French ministry of pubf silenced. Fighteous Jewish indignation burst. ~*.». ~ ^ . ^ „ A t present t h e r e a r e a large n u m b e r of J e w - ,;tM< f . , H D Hlie instruction and fine arts. has con-, tees. M Mr. Proskauer S U P ( P P S U r ProBW5111<1T


WORLD -WIDE United States

Other Countries


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forth flooding the political manipulations of t h e:! l s h newspapers published throughout the COUn-jley D . S i c h e r w h o has been president ferred the ' palme acadeimqne upon, R««cV, ™™™TY,nr,f ™«, +WrJn+h their share toward! Ifor two years and is the sixth presi- Mme. Antignac, o™lo try, British government With the wrath nf of Qa r,people £ which are contributing J Gld Gaston M Gld f the former) t h e United S t a t e s ' dent of the Federation since its found- Golda M. Goldman of New York, for tlu ner betrayed. In unmincmg language protests from! ; aeveiopinein. ui ^ t h e ' fourteen years ago. writings on French education and d ss hh oo uu ll dd mmeeeet t encouragement they _ . , , . i fine arts and for her work with the every corner of the world laid bare the flimsy j ^ ™ His predecessors in offics in addi-; F r e n c h e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m . M m e . A n _ diplomacy motivating the branch of trust. The deserve. tion to Mr. Sicher have been Mr.' tignac, who is the wife of the director It is essential that we Jews have a knowledge anger of a people duped, the sympathetic expresWarburg, Arthur Lerman, Sol M. of I/Information Universitaire, is a sions of outstanding statesmen, and the charges of local, national and international events in theStroock, and Joseph L. Buttenweiser. former New York school teacher. against England's fairness and integrity evident- Jewish world, and this is what the Jewish press Fram, BiUikopf Going on High Posts in Soviet ly served as a proper antidote, for this latest docu- endeavors to give. Cultural Mission like all other enterprises, the Jewish news- Detroit.—Rabbi Leon Fram of Moscow.—Two Jews received rement was stated in the House of Commons to be the authoritative interpretation of the White papers require money to run them and the more Temple Beth El, this city, has accept- \ sponsible posts in ths Soviet government when Efim Genkin was apPaper and is to be communicated to the League money they have at their command the higher ed ths invitation of the committee on pointed Vice-Commissar of Finance of Nations and to the High Commissioner of Pal- the standards they can attain. Let us bear in cultural relations with Latin Ameri- and Michael Iifshitz was appointed mind that Jewish journalism is still comparative- ca to join a group of historians, ed- a member of the government's presiestine. ly young and we feel assured that with the finan- ucators, journalists ^nd ministers on dium. Earlier in tfte week Edward The past must warn us not to become tab cial and personal support of our people they have a cultural mission lio the Caribbean Rosen thai, also a Jew, was appointed countries, particularly the black reoptimistic. In times gone by we have allowed a brilliant future before them. Vice-Commissar of Waterways. publics of Haiti and Santo Domingo. these "authoritative" interpretations to raise inThe Jewish newspapers do remarkedably fine Among the prominent leaders in the Jewish Deaf and Dumb toxicating, fever-high hopes which later turned work for Jews residing in the smaller commun- -group will also be Jacob Billikopf, ex- Congress into ice-cold disillusionments. This last chapter ities, as they bring to them much valuable infor- ecutive director of the Federation ofj Prague.—A world congress of the Jewish deaf, dumb and hard of hearin Palestine's history has taught us, for one mation about Jewish events that they would not Jewish Charities of Philadelphia. ing will be held here May 20th to thing, the value of thorough-going and unequivo- have otherwise*—Jewish Review and.Observer. Prof. Sefigman Decorated May 26th under, the auspices of the cal expressions of public opinion. Should Great Dr. Edwin R. A. Seligman, profesBureau of the Jewish Deaf, sor of economics at Columbia Univer- j Britain betray us again, we will shout her inand Hard of Hearing league. _^ ^ _ _ are The ten commandments are a measuring rod sity, was one of three American edu-' agenda of the. congress fidelity to the world from the tree-tops; we shall cators upon whom the Order of the propaganda for the establishment of for sin and righteousness, and not a fire escape let her know that we intend to keep her to her Crown of Roumania was bestowed r h o m cs'.f6r Jewish deaf and dumb in from. hell. promises by the bar of world-wide opinion. But Thursday at the Hotel Ritz Carlton.' a U parts of the world, the formation the most impressive lesson we have been taught Carol A. Davila, Roumanian Minister oo£ tt^^ddee school school for for deaf deaf and and dumb dub War does not necessarily decide who is right to the United States, came from; apprentices, and guarantees of inis the necessity of buying more and still more to make the presentation. Ih e r i t a n c e rights for the deaf and land in Palestine. As countless millions of our or who is wrong, but only who is stronger or more Wa3hington The awards were in recognition of i dumb. fiendish. . people steadily sink economically into an abyss the services rendered by the recipients! „ . . _. „. . because the Jewish population in many countries in promoting scholastic relations be-| All Synagogues in Kiev Closed Religious combinations organized to effect a tween Roumania and this country. Riga.—Every synagogue in Kiev have no "opportunity for integrating into the ecopolitical object inevitably lead to religious despohas been closed by the Soviet authnomic fabric of their environment, we begin to Rabbi Newman Speaks orities, according to information . . realize that this evil can be remedied only by thetism. Madison, N. J.—Rabbi Louis I. reaching Rabbi Joseph Schneursohn, Jew re-establishing contact with the soil. If we of Congregation Rodeph known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, toLogic and reason are lost virtues - where Newman Sholom, New York, became the first day. There is not a single Jewish have enough soil in the Holy Land belonging to Jew to address the assembly of Drew house of prayer or religious quorom us the greatest part of our worry is over. The brute force wields the scepter. University here when he spoke on n o w functioning in Kiev, the advices Jewish National Fund carries the key to the "Major Forces in Modern Jewish Life" to the Lubavitcher Rebbe indicate, The man who forces his opinions makes, many resurrection of the Jewish nation, for in Palestine this week. Rabbi Newman was in• vited to Drew University at the sug- Belgium Decorates Hartoglr where we possess our own land can the Jewish enemies. . gestion of the Committee on Goodwill: Amsterdam.—Dr, M. de Hartogh, people-find.ahomejfree from the massacres and Life is like a mirror. YOU g e t back jUSt What Between Jews and Christians of the well-known Amsterdam Jewish physexcesses levelled against them in so many parts ician, has just been honored by King Federal Council of the Churches,

KM the globe.

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sing rapidly, according to OMBm ^'^le next, monthly meeting of the . The. ETLmr Cholim will hold a rafij'ner Kaiman and .Mrs. .B"chairmen "in^ charge of the affaTr."'•*-., Omaha Chapter of Tladassah will be fle of silverware1" March 8. The ••. The -following'.;* are additional pur- held on Wedne—Jay, February 25th, (Continuea on Page 5.) chasers" of .patron tickets:. Sana Beber, ewish. ComEugsne -Blazer, Reuben Bordy, Simon munity -Cesriter Council of Jev/ish Women be an open Joseph Littau, conductor of the Bordy, Herman^ Cohn, Phillip Cl M. V.'lievenson will .Omaha Symphony Orchestra* Wednesday and th^. guest- speaker monthly meeting ,of_.., th». Qrnaha ' ha -Pafrldng Co.JliadoreSokoloffi Joe| will" sing," and Master Billy Shlass Thursday Specials of Jewish. Women,to.be-held. L. Stem-ami Reuben Vann. - ' ~ -. 1 wiH read; an original1 composition- on S-) 2:30. p. m. be held "oni on Suirday, Sunday,-!1 "The ^The-Life of.rGabrge. Washington. m. v l e ^ a y V > F & u ^ ^ 2 ^ ^ 5 s ^ b l ^ b a U t ^ l be -life ctLGabrge. Washington." Semi-Flat — fa at the -Jewish. Community - Center.;; March 8,'f at^the^: Jewish.. ComnaiuniJy Mrs. Cv. G. Goldner will preside at Wet-Wash „: 4c _Mr. Iittau's "subject will be Side-;' Canterj'andI is for the benefit-of the the tea table. , lights on bur Modern Composers." Mrs. E. Weinberg has been apbuilding fund of the synagogue. Zelen is a graduate of the-University JFEDDING During tfe "meet'ng.. there will po'nted chairman of the gift fund al--o, be -the following musical 'proJ k T h e marriagejof Miss Flora Pittel, of Nebraska. and all donations to this fund will Pnrim Seudah HArney 7545 ughter of Mr, and Mrs. Nathan gram: Cello solo—5L Oscar WeinThe third monthly supper to be hi sent to Palestine to be used for M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. "PitteT and Mr. Frank Brookstein, of BECOME ENGAGED stein; 2 piano numbers—Mrs. E..L. sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of planting tress in" memory of loved Mr. and Mrs.. J. Golder of Sioux Omaha, son of Mr. Meyer BrookHenries and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld. • J the Conservative Synagogue will be ones. stein, was solemnized by~Rabbi Ger- City announce the - engagement of . A meeting-of- the-Board of Direc- in the form of a Purim Seudah, which ,shdn Hadas,. Sunday, February 8, at their daughter,. Sara, -to Mr;: Arthur tors of- the Omaha .Council,.will' be will take place on Monday, evening, Tr 6 o'clock ' a t ' the "•-iKenneseth —-—:-"- TIsrael' Minkoff, son of Mrsl D.- Minkoff of held at Tt:30 -p. m. prior .to the March 2, a t the J . C. C, '. JBeth Shblain "synagogue,"" at Kansas this city. . Tnonthly' meeting, • , . - ; , . ' ' The synagogue will hold special .'Cityi Mo. ' " "services beginning at 6 p. m., during - Before the ceremony Mr. Barton BRIDGE LUNCHEON which the "Megillah" will be read in Council Sabbath 'Donaldson, accompanied by Mrs. Bar- Miss Sara Brodkey entertained 12 English. Following these services a Miss Elizabeth Eatz The Omaha Council of Jewish rton .Donaldson at the piano, sang, " I guests at a bridge luncheon at iier .special Purim supper will be served Women will take part in the National Mrs. Sarah Katz announces the en;Love You Truly," and "Sweet Mys- home Saturday, honoring Miss Yetta by the ladies, of the auxiliary, the gagement of her daughter, Elizabeth, .Council Sabbath to be observed na- price to be 75 cents for adults and jtery of life." The bride," who was Wright, a bride-to-be. tionwide Friday evening, February 27 to Mr. Jack Kaiman, son of Mr. and driven in marriage by her father, wore and Saturday morning February 28. forty cants for children. All members Mrs. B. Kaiman. (a gown of ivory satin, made dose ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Arrangements for the observance are urged to attend and bring their jfitting to a long hip line with a floor of the Council Sabbath in Omaha is children and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin enterlength. flare skirt. She wore a cap tained at dinner last Friday in honor Herzbergs Open Two under the direction of Mrs. Julius After the supper there will be a mf Duchess lace with clusters of of Mr. Joseph Littau, conductor of Newman, chairman of the Religion program of Purim songs and a disNew Departments | and iorange blossoms at each side from the Omaha Symphony orchestra, and Religious Education department cussion on "How to Meet Anti-Semrwhish fell a full length bouquet ofj Mr. Bernard Szold, director of the itism." of the On"** Council; [brides roses and lillies of the valley. Community Playhouse. On-'Sunday' Herzbergs announce the opening of Raservations for this supper must Mrs. Philip Klutznick will conduct bs in by March 1, and can be made new departments during the past j Mrs. N. Pittel, mother of the bride, Mr. Littau was the guest ofliohor.at J matron of honor and wore a a dinner given by Dr. and Mrs. J. M.' week. The Book Nook, Herzbergs the services Friday' evening whic>h with any of the following: Mrs. B. A. new circulating library on the mez- i will be held at the'Conservative Syna- Simon, Glendale 1028; Mrs. Abner fgown of black chiffon with a yoke Erman at their home. zanine floor, is under the manage- gogue. Mrs. S. E. GHinsky will give Kaiman, Glendale 2488, and Mrs. Wil:of white georgette, beaded with crysment of Mrs. Irvin D. Weiss. All the the opening prayer. The talk of the liam Alberts, Harney 3428. tals. GUESTS HERE newest'popular fiction and magazines 'evening will bs made by Mrs. Robert Miss Eose Pittel attended her sister Mrs. Lester Hieger and children of may be obtained here. j G'.azer. Her subject will be 'Relas maid of honor and wore a gown Sioux City spent the past two weeks A new sportswear shop at the back ligious Ideal of the Council." Rabbi Jof peach colored - taffeta and lace. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gross- of. the entrance floor will feature David Goldstein will preach ths ser; ;The bridesmaids, Miss Dorothy Bur- man. Mrs. Joe Borden of Sioux Falls, spring sweaters, skirts, knitted ' mon. Music will be furnished-by the troughs and Miss Marion Brookstein, S. D., has also been a guest at the dresses and suits. Herbert Shapiro, regular choir. Members of Mrs. both of Omaha; Miss Flora Klein, B. Grossman home. manager of this department, has just Newman's committee will act as jMiss Fannie Wilner, Miss Toby Klein ' returned from New York with a com- ushers. jand Mrs. Sam Friedman, wore gowns RETURN HOME The services will be held Saturday plete line of new things for spring. {of pastel shades. morning at Temple Israel. Mrs. David Mrs. S. Handler, who underwent an The flower girls, Gertrude Fogel operation at the Lord Lister hos-! M i r i a m Goldstein will give the opening .'and Charlotte Brookstein, were pital four weeks ago, returned to her prayer. Mrs. Frederick Cohn will didressed in blue and green and car-home Saturday. Is Given Leading Role rect the services. Mrs. Herbert Arniried baskets of rose petals. Master stein will deliver the morning talk. Mrs. H. M. Korbholz and small son, Donald Gedankin of Omaha was the Philip, who have spent the past Miriam Kirschenbaum will have Her subject will bs "The Council's FOR YOUR tring bearer. month at the home of their parents,!the leading role in "The Gipsy Relationship Toward Religion." Mrs. three-act comedy, to be . Mr. Irving Brookstein acted as best Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler, during Mrs.J Trail, a Sam Robinson will give a vocal solo. tman for his brother. The grooms- Handler's illness, left for their home, presented by the March graduating Rabbi Frederick Cohn will preach the J.class of Technical high school at the sermon. •men .were Messrs. Earl Seigel, Joe at Clarinda, la., Wednesday. Tech auditorium March 13 and 14. •Fink and Nate Cohen, all of Omaha, Auxiliary Ball The play combines mystery, ro{and Messrs Klein, Morris Pittel and AT CONSERVATORY The drive to sell patron tickets for iSam Friedman. Mr. David Lazarus, local singer, mance, character and humor. th3 first annual Purim ball to be t A dinner and dance at the syna- who is now attending the Conserva16th and Howard gogue followed the ceremony. There! tory of Music in Cincinnati, will be wear for the Goldstein-Chapman given by the Ladies' auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogu* is progres'."were four hundred guests. The out- heard over radio station WKRC, Cin- store. -of-town guests were:, Mr. and Mrs. cinnati, Sunday, February 22, on the The automatic features or William Milder, Mr. , and Mrs. J. American Legion program, -which will MOTHERS', the electric range bring Brookstein, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gedan- be -during 11 to 12 o'clock, central <, T?he Mothers' Club of Sigma Delta these added hours of Omaha's Stifle Center "Taji sorority of the University of NeTrin, Mr. and Mrs. Zelinsky, Max Stol- standard tame. leisure to you. Place tbe braska met last Wednesday at the ;ler, Miss "Ethel Hurwitz, Miss Minnie meal in the oven, set the home of Mrs. Hans Dansky. 'Sherman of Omaha; Messrs. Harry RECUPERATING controls and forget about The' group will meet once each [Miller, William Wolf and Morris Lethe food being cooked iii Mis. A. Schwaczkin is at the Lord vine of Lincoln, and A. Brookstein of Lister hospital where she is recover- month at the home of one of the the range. When the mothers. Mrs. S. Pizer has been Chicago. • time comes, the automating from a major rperation. ; elected president of the organization, | Mr. and Mrs. F . Brookstein left for ic control will, turn oft succeeding Mrs. Dave Sherman. the current This brings fa trip to the east. They will make TO PLAY Orpheum Opposite you 1,000 nours of added their home in Omaha after March 1. The Jacobson sisters wiH play a t leisure each year. the Elks' Club this evening. They 33. K. T. The E- K. T. will hold a regular are pupils of Frank Mach. JENGAGED club meeting this evening at the home 1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moskovitz Anof Mrs. Iz Werner. nounce the engagement of their ON BUYING TRIP Miss Gertrude Acton, buyer in the (daughter, CeL, to Mr. and Mrs. Max A small down payment will bring the electric range Censure is the tax. a man pays to iZelen, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Zelen ladies' ready-to-wear department of to your home. The balance can be paid in email Goldstein-Chapman's, has left for the publie for being eminent. '•of Lincoln. monthly payments. j Miss Moskovitz is a member of the California, where she will spend three Beta Sigma sorority, and Mr. weeks selecting daytime a n d sports Honest labor bears a lovely face.


Organization News


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Kovno.—The Lithuanian governNOTICE is herebj-'given that (he underment decided to .prohibit Lithuanian j signed, . . . on behalf of themselves and oilier

Citizens from emigrating to the Ar- persons associated with them, hnve formed gentine in view of the economic crisis'" «»n»oration p««»«»»t to ihe laws of the

porution i s "CARTEtt LAKE CLUB, INC." with i t s "principal place of hustings and jrniN H. TBBXTJCN; office i n Omaha, Douglas County, NeI*. P..MRKNET. braska, with the possibility of establishHENRI" MONSKY. ing n branch place of business in I'bttawnttamie County, Iown. The corporation 4t_2-6-31 is organized for the following objects and . purposes: (11) The protection of Fish nnd i (i.imp 1n nnd about Carter Lake; (b) The" detection nmi prosecution of violators of i L.ARGEST STOCK the fish and game laws of the States of Iowa nnd Nebraska; (c) To encourage and ] IN WEST promote fishinrr. boating, yachting and ' Quick Shioments other amateur field games, sports and pas- ! times; (ill To establish nnd maintain such; Our Hobby for Club House, Grounds and other social club 45 Years facilities, iu such manner nnd under such regulations ns will best provide for the OMAHA STOVE use, pleasure, comfort, convenience, enter- i REPAIR WORKS taiument nnd amusement of its members.] In connectiou with the establishment. I 120R8 Douglas Street maintenance and operation of the Club j nnd the management of the Club affairs, I the corporation shall hare the power: ( a ) ) To determine the number, classes, qunlifi- | cations, rights. privileges nnd conditions for admission to membership, t o levy nil fines, penalties, annual dues, special stock-I hoVl^rs assessments, and all other fpes, rents and charges for privileges, upon i t s , members, and to collect the same in such , manner a s the by-laws slutll provide; 11>> j Reasonable Prices To fine, suspend, expel and reinstate i t s ; members. nnd cancel and annul their Delivery Service slock. memlKTship and privileges in this Corporation for such causes and in such Use Your Charge Account manner as the By-Laws shall provide; (c) I To purchase, lease, hire and otherwise nc| quire real and personal property and nny | interest or estate in either improved or unimproved' to the extent that the same 1 may lie necessary or convenient for the accomplishment of any of the objects of i METAL KICiNS said corporation, and to hold, own nnd ' CAKI) SIGNS rKOCKSS —STENC1LEO KKiSS maintain the same and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey, mortgage nnd otherwise en- • climber such property or nny pnrt there- j of nml any improvement thereon, and in provide for the expense of maintaining: Cloth and Paper Banners the same; (d) To burrow money ami to OFFICE wixnnw AMI issue noies. bonds or other evidences of such imb btediu-ss secured by any or all TKL'CK LETTEKING of the corporal e property or urseenr-'d. as the Hoard of Directors shall deem for Ihe 1405 Harney JA. 5277 best interests of this (Corporation. The Corporation shall, in addition to the powers hereinbefore enumerated, have the) , power to exercise nny nnd nil powers and | ' to do any and nil things now or here] afle,- allowed by law. :n;d not incnrisisti ent with the provisions of iliese ArUeles. NATIONAL - The eorporation begins its existence upon the filing of a copy of the Articles of InACCESSORIES, INC. corporation with the County Clerk of l>ouglas County, Nebraska, and continues "Everything for the Auto" to exist imiil January 1st. 19*>0, unless sooner terminated by law or dissolved by two thirds affirmative vote of its stock2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 holders. The capitr.1 stuck of the corporation shall he $100,000.00. divided into 200 shades of the par value of $.T00.00 ] each and when issued, shall be fully paid I and nonassessable, except the stoekhold- i j ITS shall Vie sHijerr to assessments levied I from time to time by the Koiird of DirecCHARLES SIMON tors, limited, however, to not exceeding in th-'* jigTerrate STO*X> in any one year for Itecommends ea'-h share; the proceeds thereof to be titilizrd for the payment of delinquent The Sanitary Laundry taxes, or s|»ecinl assessments, if any. and "The BpBt of All Laanriry Service* thereafter toward the reduction of any 4 mortgage indebtedness nnd the balance to be retained in the general fund. I*1!<)VII>EI> further, however, that the maximum limitation upon assessments shall be reduced to the sum of KBi.llO per year for

in that country which make immigration -undesirable.

senator from Virginia there, who, like Jerrarsonj was a Deist. Th's Senator began to ridicule Trumbull'a orthodox religious beliefs. Jefferson listened and nodded approval . It got to be unbearable. to Trurnbull, as the others at the dinner, with the exception of Franks, joined in deriding his beliefs. Finally, exasperated, he turned to Jefferson: "Mr. Jefferson, is it not strangs, that in a professedly Christian home, everyone attacks my Christian prin-


Before March 1st! You will save on your decorating. Do it now!

Dated this 14lh Cay of November, 10.".0. E. R. BRAINAUD, CHARLES L. HKTTMAN, WM. L. HOL.ZMAN, AttTHUR « . XTUHUES, < JOHX E . HOFFMAN, Jk

_, , , T T- i T ^. i I ciples and t h e only one t o s a y a kind BRANDEIS ,' :%i;: was a . beautiful spring day— David Rittenhouso, made contribu- Colonel Isaac Franks, a J e w . Franks „.!__, c .,. ._ _ •,____ •»,_. -^ •, _ ,, MAX SHRIER'S SONS word for it is a Jew—Mr. Franks." SHOE KEPAIR DEPT. April - 30th, 1789. The people of tions. had enlisted in the American forces WE. 4211—24th and Hamilton Haym Salomon, ''The Jew-broker of New York were in a festive mood* | Later, Rabbi Seixas returned to when but a youth of seventeen. After The > Constitution had been ratified,' New York; He was highly esteemed the war, he went to Pennsylvania, the Revolution" of course, could not ard George Washington elected to by all, irrespective of faith. He where he was appointed to a prom- have bsen at the inauguration. He had died several years previous from the presidency of the United States,, was frequently invited to occupy inent political post. and now Washington was to be in-' Christian pulpits and was elected We may be sure that Colonel a disease, contracted while imprisoned by the British. David Hays, the U,,~,,».~+/.j as „„ the «,„ ;^^.«f augurated infant nation's or : of the trustees of Columbia Col- Franks was present at the inaugura- grand-sire of Dr. Solomon Solis Cohen I lege, despite the fact that it was tion of his chief. There was another j must have taken great pleasure in first Chief Executive. Women dressed in all their best,' under pronouncedly Episcopalian Colonel Franks who very likely was being present. It was Hays, who present, and that was Major David I escorted by men in powdered wigs aegis, captured by the British, was given ths same Rabbi Seixas, | Salisbury Franks. „ ,. , and knee breeches, promenaded the J It was """""*.**"*""••"., „ , 1 the alternative of either eating uork It was this David Salisbury Franks, ,. .__ t _ j ,__ ; ., streets. Never before had the city who later is said to have been one or starving. And he was a very obseemed so full, for from all the of the first—some maintain he waswho figured in the General Arnold' servant Jew. towns' roundabout visitors flowed in- actually the first—to * preach a episode. He was the aide of General Perhaps some of the Jews who were to; the city to witness the historic Thanksgiving Day sermon in a house Arnold at the time when the latter present may have recognized a kinsattempted to sell out to the British. events Here and there even tents of worship. man in another of the celebrities \vereto be seen, set up to. take care ; W h a t o t h e r J e w s w e r e i n at tend- Major Franks, however, was compresent—Alexander Hamilton. His of the overflow of visitors, whoa n c e a t t n s inauguration exercises? pletely innocent of any complicity in parentage is a disputed fact. He was that treasonable deed. In fact, it was could not be accommodated in ths W e c a n n o t i o f course, answer this revealed at the court martial, which' born in the West Indies, and hi? ELECTRIC COMPANY homes and inns. [question in any definite way, for the Franks demanded to clear himself i mother's first name was Rachel and OMAHA she had first ibeen married to a man • John • Adamsj the newly elected ch-onieles only record such as ac- . , . . . , , . ... - sue nau ursL There are some who vice president, heading a delegation, tually participated in the exercises, Arnold's that whiletreasonable not knowing anything ofi ,T plans, he had say theLevme. mother of Hamilton was a prriceeded; to the home of Washing-, and among that number the only observed A ™ « u , _ _,.__ v . * . _ , ! named w . * Arnold associating too Jewess. ton. "We are here to attend your Jew was Rabbi Seixas. much with Americans, whose loyalty TAYLOR GRAIN CO. taking the oath of office as Presi-[ But it is safe to say that few of he suspected, and he had warned (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. dent of the United States." graphic Agency, Inc.) ! tho then Jewish population of New Arnold repeatedly that they would SUGAR — GRAIN ' 1 am ready to proceed," replied York were not around the balcony lead him astray. At one time, he had CTOCKS and BONDS Washington gravely. | of Federal Hall, when Chancellor enacted a scene, which almost issued —Private Wires— And so, Washington entered one Livingston after swearing Washing- in a quarrel, so insistently did he deJAckson 3403—AT. 2008 of the carriages in a procession ton in, cried out: "Long live George mand that his superior officer sever + > AT-2815 which made its way,along roads Washington, first president of the himself from these suspicious people. After the court-martial, Franks was By Henry Magzamin lined with people to Federal Hall, United States." promoted in rank. OPENING Tha Psi Mu just about put theJE Wall St., where the ceremonies were Many J e w s P r e s e n t skids to the A. Z. A. No. 1 and dis-|= S t r i c tly Kosher to take place. | -UB d«ibtedly. too, many ef the Jews About Franks or Rpecial assessments nnd tHCb CziatiipS iaSv TT c o i r c o a a j xxt bxxc 25 no mortgage indebtedness. S o stocktiold- ; For 50 Years j from neighboring parts, who had Trumbull, the artist of Revolution- opener of the Commercial League. Rabbi Seixas er shall own more than 3 shares of the capital stock. The stockholders of this by MRS. S. MANDEL carriages was a taken prominent part in the AmeriYour Towel Man ary fame, tells a very interesting inIn one of the The Psi Mu boys led at the half, but corporation shall consist of only such per- , AT. 9892 group of' ministers, chosen to rep- can Revolution must have come to cident about Franks. On one occas-j with the insertion of Mose Franklin _ 1919 Burt St. sons as shall hnve been approved by Hie sleeping rooms — Hoard of Directors of the Corporation (it Omaha Towel Supply Co. resent the cause of religion a t the New York to witness the r "oceed- ion, Trumbull was at the home of Jef- j into the lineup by Coach Lou Weiner; = Several excellent nlso avntlnlilp being provided thru any stockholder of i the CAKTttU LAKE CLI'IS as now con209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 Inauguration. Among these minis- ings. ferson for dinner. There was one; of the A. Z. A.'s things picked up stituted shall be entitled to become a. stockholder of this corporation, one share ters was the Rev. Gershom Mendes f Numerically, of course, the Jew for the fraternity boys and they won of stock of this Corporation lieing issued Seixas, rabbi of the Spanish congre-' did not bulk very large at the time, in lieu of ench share of stock of the presout by a 22-to-19 score. ent CARTER LAKE CLTT.). who shall gatiori, Shearith Israel. jbut H proportion to his numbers, he In the second game the Sterling's subscribe for and own one or more shares ,. (not exceeding three), of the capital stock : ^ I t -was a signal honor that had P^yed no mean part. And if he beat out the slipping Thorpeians. of this corporation, upon such terms nnd subject t o such conditions as the B y The game was the slowest one of the * Eiy Isadore Abramson tefalien Rabbi Seixas to be chosen wanted, too, he could take added Lnws may prescribe. Each stockholding j b 3 evening. Phil Gerlick of the Sterlmember and his -or her dependent family S a S f ^ ^ these ^ ? ^ **~ shall be exempt from dues, subject, how- j ings was the"?6utstanding man on the the truth, the clergy as a whole t h Bible in the Revolution;-"No work INCOME TAX LOSSES ever, to the provisions of Article Five re- | 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 lative to assessments levied by the Board. , floor. had not been particularly devoted s o bolstered up and inspired the MOVING — STORAGE — and such stockholding member nnd bis or Losses are deductible if incurred her dependent family shall enjov all of Lsd by Red Greenberg, one of the to the American side. In the d t y Americans in their fight for IndePIANO MOVING the rights and privileges of CARTER. of Boston, for instance, where the pendence than the Old Testament. in the tax ayer's tn.de, business or flashiest forwards in amateur basket i IJ.VKK CLUB SO long as they shall comply •with and conform to the rules and reguAmerican Revolution had virtually;! Washington-was of a reserved na J profession; in any transaction en- ball in the city, the A. Z. A. No. 100, lntlons adopted by the Hoard of Directors New and Old been born, when the American troops ture, and wehave little of his owntered into 'or profit; or from fires, easily defeated the Swifts, 41 to 20. jJK from time to time. The Hoard of Direcn e w ana Via Jl tors shall make proper grant of the priventered and took possession of the writings to pet his feelings towards storms, shipwrecks, or other casual- Greenberg scored 15 points to lead the ileges of the Club to associate members, e JeiVS TheTe a r e three o r four or members of any other class provided city, a larga proportion of the clergy ^ ties, or by theft, if not compensated individual scoring of the evening. ., by the Board, such" associate members or At Reasonable Prices 2 A* I> L, ~ • 51 other memljers to pay annual dues to be left with the British troops. But letters of his addressed to various for by insurance or otherwise. fixed by the Board and in case of new 1 J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor not of this mold was Rabbi Seixas. i Jewish congregations of the country, N. C. NIELSEN The U. S. Oils State junior champs The t.rm "transaction entered inmembers, t o pay in addition to the i»nin m l n l <1<les --••-• - to l, e fixed He was an ardent exponent of the which he wishes them Godspeed t_ for profit" means any kind of will play the fast Father Flanagan's g| U <% North 16th J A . 5880 4 - a n initiation fee "NEW FOR OLD" __ stock of 15 by the Board. Each share of American' "side" in" the "Revolution, and exults in the fact that the new (business proposition. For example, a boys this Sunday at 3. This game ™ _ stockholding 1 this Club includes one full sto 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 membership with all its rights and privThey called him the "fiery preach- nation—the United States—makes no taxpayer purchases an automobile to is being billed as the decider of the | ileges, which shall be transferable by ns^ signment, only however, as provided in er/rS And instead of leaving when distinctions as to creed and race, be used for business purposes, which state championship. • the By-Laws and under the direction nnd the ^American troops entered, he, on t Washington personally was most he sells at a loss, As this is a subject to the approvnl of the Bnnrrt. The members shall have an niinunl WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. i associate th>.-:contrary, closed up his syna- liberal minded in religious matters. business propositio- from start to The Center will be the host for the meeting which shall precede the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of this Cogue and left, when the British "Z. was as far from orthodoxy as finish, the loss sustained is deduct- A. A. U. handball tournament this Certified Public Corporation by not less than two weeks, at which the associate memliers shall he was from bigotry. William E. month, according to, Mr. Segal, athible. But if he had purchased the troops took New York. elect from their body, s i x directors to Acccnmtants Woodward, in his biography of letic director at the Center. Many automobile to be used for pleasure serve on the Board of IHreetors of the JOB FOUNDRY He not only left himself, but he Corporation, (the entire Hoard comprising AND MACHINE WORK fifteen memliers) for one year, having no persuaded many of the members of Washington, points out that nowhere or convenience, the deduction would outstanding stars from the K. of C. 638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451 vote on any matters affecting the propREINFORCING STEEL the congregation to flee with him, in the multitude cf army orders and j not be allowable. It was not a club, the Omaha Athletic Club and erty rights of the Clr.b The highest amouut of indebtedness t o which the corother writings which issued from his the Y. M. c ! A. have entered. Mr. transaction entered into for profit. rather than subscribe allegiance to poration may at any time subject itself pen,' did Washington ever refer to shall not exceed two-thirds of the capBusiness losses result, usually, Segal has aljlo received entries from! the British fla<*. ital stock. The private property of the Christ. He makes mention of God, from the purchase and sale of mer- Sioux City, Kansas City and Lincoln.] Courtesy Service individual members of the corporation Colorful Career shall not be subject t o nny corporate l i a - j Providence, etc., but never does he chandise. Such losses usually are bility. Regnlar dues shall be levied For a time, he made his abode in THULL PHARMACY against and collected from ench associate I indicate any belief in the TrinitaThe Bruins, a junior team in the ascertained by means of inventories, Third Ave. and 11th Street member and each member of any other' Stamford, Conn., but after a short 24th and Seward riandoctrine. Junior league, are at present the class. In such amounts, and manner, nnd Phones: 89 and 519 which are required whenever in the stay there, he departed; for PhilaIn charge of Rrclstrred Pharmacist 1, at such times ns the By-I,nws mny preleaders of that league. The kids COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA opinion of the Commissioner of Inscribe. Assessments may be levied from delphia, where he organized the Liberal-Minded Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery time to time by the Board of Directors have a real basketball team and are ternal Revenue their use is necessary upon the stockholding members within Mickveh Israel Congregation. It 'was Holding such views, we are not surhowever, the limits hereinbefore prescribthis Congregation, by the way, to prised at his liberality towards those t- determine the income of any tax- the only team to have defeated the ed, in such amounts and payable ns the U. S. Oils juniors. When thsse two payer. Board may direct and nil such assesswhich such eminent non-Jews as Ben- of other faiths. Thus, at one'time, ments shall be and constitute n first lien teams meet for the championship the The cost of capital assets, such as upon the stock so assessed, which at any jamin Franklin and the * scientist, he had as one of his. side-dfr-eamps, time after a delinquency of more than Phone JAckson 1226 building and machinery, less depre- fur is sure to fly. sixty days in the payment o f any such I assessment mny be sold after ten dnys dation and salvage, may be deducted notice t o the stockholder of the time and I AND place of such sale at public suction, to j from gross income if their use in Mr. Segal tells us that he has sethe highest bidder for cash. The excess j cured the Mid-Western A. A. U. business suddenly is terminated. over the amount of the lien of such as- ' sessment or assessments shall l>e paid t o ) Usually such assets must be sold basketball championship to be held in the owner of the stock. The Corporation iCOOPER CONSTRUCTION CO. may be a purchaser at said sale. Annual or otherwise disposed of, in order to the Center gym, March 3, 4 and 5. AT ALL GROCERS meetings of stockholders shall be held on the third Friday in December of each claim a loss. However, there is an Any amateur" quintets may enter. yenr, at which time nine Directors shall Made by exception. If, for example, property The winners' expenses wfll be paid to be elected to serve for the ensning year 4610 DOUGLAS WA.5766 or until theif successors are elected nnd hes been discarded by reason of soms the national championships to be held Uncle Sam Breakfast Food qualified. At such annual meetings there shall also lie transacted snch other busiunfoiseen cause, such as change in at Kansas City. Company ness ns may properly come before said meeting. At ^topkholders' meetings twenthe manufacture of a product to Omaha Nebraska ty-five members'shall constitute n qurom. The Center handball doubles chamwhich machinery is especially deV The business of the corporation shall b e 23rd and Cuming Street conducted by » Board of Directors conVvted, or where new legislation pionship is nearing the finals. The sisting of fifteen memlwrs, nine o t which ^favorites are still holding their own. are elected by the stockholders and s i x makes the continued profitable use of which are elected by the associate of the property impossible, the tax-, • Some of these teams are playing in I members. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President nnd Treasurer, But the buyer has no way of judging it. You can't tell payer reed not have parted perma- the city league, a league composed of who shall be elected from and b y tbe stockholding members of the Board of coal by smell or taste nor can you tell hy its appearance nently with the property in order to teams from the Center, Y. M. C A. Directors, nnd a Secretary who may be Harry H. Lapidu*, President- Trees, J elected . from whether an inferior grade has been mixed in, or substituted the Board or not ns the [claim a loss. But if use of property and the K. 6f C . club. The Center Board mny determine. • However, all offifor the grade you ordered. was abandoned because of deprecia- easily defeated the Y. M. C. A. in cers shall be members of the Club. The term of office nnd officers and Directors tion or obsolescence, the taxpayer three matches last week. shall begin January first nftcr the election and shall continue until a successor must have parted permanently with JACK W . MAKER. Attorney, is duly elected and qualified. It is proConnty Court House vided that "the Board of Directors shall it if a loss is claimed. COMPLETE STORE AND not without first obtninhisj authority at BY PUBLICATION ON PETIa stockholders meeting, of which special Loss due to the voluntary removal NOTICE OFFICE OUTFITTERS TION FOR 8BTTLEMENT O F .FINAL notice shall hnve been given, have the Is to leave your coal problem to the coal dealer you have or demolition of old buildings, the ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. We Occupy right, power or authority to enter into confidence in. He won't sell you any bargains because the Over 70,000 Square Feet any single contract for and on behalf of In the County Court of DouglaB County, scrapping of old machinery, «quip—j Nebraska. the corporation which involves an obliga_ legitimate profit of coal is too small to permit bargains. Southwest Corner tion, commitment or liability on the part In the Mater of the Estate of Ella Campment, etc., due. to renewals or reof the corporation in the amount of Deceased. However you can rest assured he will send you this grade Eleventh and Douglas Streets placements, is deductible. But if a bell, $3000 00 or more. These Articles of I n All persons interested in said matter are and the amount of coal you ordered. corporation may be amenfled at any anhereby notified that on the 9th day of Phone JAckson 2724 taxpayer buys, as the site of a new February. nual or special meeting called for that 1931, Grace Sherer filed a petipurpose, of stockholders, by a two-thirds building, land upon which, an old tion in said County Court, praying that Omaha, Nebr. vote of the stockholders present: proWE SOLICIT AND MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE her final administration account filed vided, said amendment or amendments building is located, demolition of the herein be settled and allowed, and that she shall have been submitted to the Board be discharged from her trust ns adminisold building is not considered a loss tratrix nnd that a hearing -will be had on of Directors by not less than twentv_-five MID WEST (2.1) stockholders, nnd copies thereof postard therefore is not deductible. The said petition before said Court on the ith ed in the main office nnd in the Club ENGRAVING CO.INC. day of March, 1031, at 0 o'clock A. M., : House for ten dnys, and one copy mailed value of the real estate, exclusive and contest said petition, the Court may I 'THE' CREAM to ench stockholder at his last known a d ^ ARTISTS ' the prayer of said petition, under dress, with the notice of the meeting at of the old improvements, is pre-agrant decree of ieirship, and make such other _ , . ENGRAVERS... , .. which the amendment or amendments are sumed to be equal to the purchase iind further orders, allowances and deto be considered. For the further governas t o this Court may seem proper, PnoneATLANTIC O6S9 ment of this Corporation such By-Laws, price of the land and building, plus crees, to the end that all matters pertaining t o , Bnlea, Begolatlona and Resolutions may said estate may be finally settled and 313 SO. I4TH.ST. OMAHAV DAVE SHERMAN AT. 4444 the cost of removing the useless d e t e r m i n e d SATIN ICE CREAM CO. BBXCJB CBAWFOBD. building. 3t—2-13 ' County Judge.








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Federal Tax Returns





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There is a difference in Coal


The sure way ofgetting what you pay for

Consumers (pal (p.

M asiyj^a^gswiaa.

Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes




U. S. Oils to Play Benefit Game Sunday


are Arthur Grossman, Harold Barish and Norman Korney, members of the A. Z. A. No. 1 district champions.

Notes of Temple Israel


quiry .shall not extend to the size and composition of forces.maintained for tiie purpose of defence in Palestine and Transjordania. The British government's $12,500,000 loan for a land development scheme in Palestine may depend on the findings of the O'Donnell ComAre Not Limited to Matters mission.


The U. S. Oils will meet the Father; Flannigan boys basketball team Sun-: PsTMu day, February 22, at 3 p. m., at the The Psi Mu held an important J. G. C. auditorium in a game billed meeting last Monday at the Center. for the junior state championship. The Rally committee reported thatK The game is a benefit to help dethe Psi Mu had won first place and of Financa fray the expenses of the U. S. Oils thereby gains permanent possession Alone when they travel to Kansas City to Marriage is a tie, and some men are of the cup. The dance committee remeet the champion junior team of the positively roped in. ported that the last dance was atJerusalem.— (J. T. A.)—Proposals Words are men's daughters, but Sabbath Services Y. M. H. A. there. Sermon Tonight tendad by a large crowd. The "Psi for new services and a new staff in —Madden. There will also be special enterlighting of candles—5:25 p. m. Mu Day" committee reported that the Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen the Palestine government as a result God's sons are things. A delightful social assignment.... tainment. The Jewish lads are at Friday evening services—8 p. m. annual day will be held March 8. The | "The Bi-Centenary of George Wash- of Sir John Hope Simpson's and C. F. ch .perone to the Kapj chapter of the Thetn Pi Sigma sorority . . . . a present junior state titlists. Saturday morning services—8:30 debate committee reported that this , ington" as the subject of his sermon Strickland's far-reaching recommendcommittee is working on a case that at Temple Israel this evening. dinner dance at the beautiful Paxations for agricultural development a. m. will be presented to the teams this j t hotel . . . . the charming maidand credits form part of the investiWednesday. ens with their tuxedoed escorts gation undertaken on behalf of the Sermon Tonight Tomorrow Morning midst a beautiful Valentine atmosRabbi David A. Goldstein will (Ccntinaed from Page 3.) Rabbi Cohn's topic for tomorrow Colonial Office by Sir Samuel Perry phere . . . . The principals in the O'Donnell and H. Brittain. Fa Hon speak on The Dislike of the Unlike— morning is "Ethics and Judaism." picture, "Men Without Women," are At an interesting meeting of this The terms of reference are: ( Kenneth McKenna, Farrell McDon- verware was donated by Mrs. S. a Pre-Purim sermon on Prejudice. sorority plans for the coming debates 1.—To examine and report on reald and Walter McGrail . . . Jewish Riekes. Book Review were discussed. Various committees venae, expenditure and general orlads with Scotch pseudonyms . . . Mesdames M. Turner, S. Fish, J. reported very favorably on their Rabbi Cohn will review "The Adams ganization of the Palestine adminisNext Friday Finkel and L. Morgan are in charge perhaps the boys were in a "tight" Representatives of the Council of work. The members are planning a Family," by J. T. Adams at the tration with particular reference to: situation in the choice of n a m e s . . . . of tickets. The place of the raffle Jewish Women will participate in the drive for new members. Plans were Blackstone hotel Tuesday afternoon, (a) the efficient and economical stafJoe "Yussel" Jacobs of the well- will be announced later. discussed for the sorority program February 24, at 2:30 p. m. before the fing of existing departments; (b) the known Jacobs brothers . . . formerservices next Friday in honor of the for the coming term. proposals for new services and new 1. with the Omaha Bee-News . . . Ladies Labor Lyceum Sisterhood Book Review class. Council Sabbath. staffs made as the result of recent innow with the General Outdoor ServThe Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky will give the quiries or otherwise; (c) the prevenice . . . "a sign of success" may be;celebrated their ninth anniversary * Over 4,000 Jews Enter tion or elimination of any necessity j opening prayer. Mrs. Philip Klutz On your radio Tuesday and a good slogan for "Yussel" the j last Sunday evening, February 15, Palestine in Past Year for financial assistance from His Thursday evenings, listen "Hustle" . . . . Bobby Fromkin, 6- with an excellent musical program. nick will conduct the services. Mrs. Majesty's government in Great Brito Lorna Fantin, famous year-old youngster of Max Fromkin, The officers and msmbers of the or- Robert Glazer will spsak on "Council Jerusalem.—A total of 4,134 J?ws tain towards the cost of the civil adnumerologist. She'll tell local attorney . . . truly a "chip" ganization have expressed their ap- Sabbath." Rabbi Goldstein is in entered Palestine during the year J ministration. you how names and dates BY F. R. K. off the old block" . . . . The latest preciation to those who participated charge of the sermon, and the regular making a net gain in the Jewish pop2.—To examine from the point of affect success in business, story concerning a pair of promi- and helped make the event a success. choir will sing. ulation of 2,234 which includes several The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 6S8 view of efficiency and economy the love or marriage. A real m it musical artists . . . . Kreisler This club is also holding an open hundred tourists "who remained in of the Independent Order of the need for a grant in aid for the adradio thrilL to Godowski: "I give you my word forum next Sunday afternoon at 3 Palestine, figures obtained here show. B'nai Brith •will h:>ld an important ministration of Transjonlania and to Purim I have not one drop of Jewish blood p. m., at the Labor Lyceum, 22 and The net gain in Jewish population in meeting next Monday evening, Feb. report thereon, provided that the^ inI f. T-orfflard Co.. Tn« in my veins" . . . . and Godowski Clark. Along with the musical proPurim comes Monday evening, 1929 was about 3,000 and in 3928 23, at the Eagles Hall. replies: "Ah! a sad case of per- gram the group offers as an extra March 2. j somewhat more than 1,000 which nicious anemia" . . . Jack Alberts special attraction, A. Litvak, as the Mrs. Sam Meyerson entertained B'nai Yisroel synagogue, and this Special services will be conducted means that in ths last three years the affair, like similar affairs, proved a attended a life insurance convention principal speaker. He has a subject Jewish population has gained by im- 28 guests at a benefit bridge party great success. CIGARETTE by the Synagogue at 6 p. m., at which at Vancouver recently . . . . lost his of interest to both men and women migration a little more than a third at her home last Thursday afternoon, RADIO PROGRAM wrist watch . . . hotel management and those in charge point out that the MegQlah will be read in English. of the Arab excess number of births February 12. Proceeds from this Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss aJvising him no stone would be left anyone who heard him will not miss After the service the Auxiliary will, over deaths in one year. affair was added to the **kitchen entertained the members of their STATION KOIL unturned in their effort to find it the opportunity to hear him again. give the third monthly supper. Res-j Of the above-mentioned 4,134 Jews fund" for the new Chevra B'nai bridge club at their home Thursday Tuesdav Evening - - - 7:15 P. M. . . . . the next morning discovering Don't forget the date—Sunday, Febr- ervations are now being received by] whoarrived in 1930, 2,238, and in- Yisroel synagogue. Thursday Evening - - - 8:15 P. M. evening. that they had already started to dig uary 22, at 3 p. m. Admission i s the committee. Central Standard Time cluding their families 3,049, were Mrs. Sam Leibovitz of Sioux City, up the street . . . . Mrs. Toby Silver- free. Remember Sunday evening, March Chalutzim (Zionist pioneers) who had Iowa, •will return to her home Sanman plus her cheery manner has reimmigration labor -certificates. FLOWERS day, following a two weeks' visit as 8—the first annual Purim Ball . turned to Omaha . . . . The auburnLadies' Free Loan Society u* wine the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leihaired Toby was, as usual, busy with AI.I. OVER TUB WORLD The Ladies' Free Loan Association bovitz. charitable activities during her stay held their tenth annual jubilee at the and Dave Fishman. Hans Kohn to Lecture FRED R. SHAW The topic for discussion at the next New Haven.—Dr. Hans Kohn, lecFLOWEH K1IO1' The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim in Tucson, Ariz Bob Kooper J. C. C. February 11 with an excel- meeting will be, "Conservatism is turer on political science at the WorkFREE 5*5 P.roodwny I'lione 41 J lent program. The committee in Society held a meeting Thursday to prospective tenant: "Do they ask necessary for the preservation of men's Seminary, Jerusalem, is coming evening at the Eagles Hall. Mr. E. This Ad and One Paid Admismuch for rent where you now live?" charge was Mrs. J. Barson, chairman, Judaism." to the United States this month under Michnick was appointed as collector and Mesdames J. Ban, M* Goldberg, sion will Admit Two Persons . . . . tenant replies: "Oh, yes, the auspices of the Institute of Inter- for the organization. S. Zernovsky and H. Stein. to the three or four times last week" national Education, for the purpose of A. Z. A. No. 100 Those on the program, arranged by The article written by Roy Howard, Miss Lillian Epstein, were the Halevi Mrs. George Roffman entertained j WEST FARNAM Ralph Gross was elected alternate delivering a series of lectures in head of the -Scripps-Howard chain Glee Club, the Misses Florence and to the national convention to be held , American universities on the political about fifty guests at a benefit bridge ROLLER RINK of newspapers, in the Jewish Trib- Lillian Levy, Miss Pearl Marcus, Miss in Milwaukee in July, at the regular j and social transformation of the Mid- party at her home Thursday after4016 Farnam Ha. 1038 une . . . stating that the average Lillian Epstein, Miss E. Garrop, Miss meeting of the chapter last Sunday. dle East as well as various aspects i noon, February 19, for the purpose Jew is too clannish . . . . and ad- Ida Bishoff. Master Charles Stain. Sam Meyerson is the official delegate. of "Judaism and the New World." ! of raising money for the new Chevra vising; the^f&ew to?.<;Qme out of his Mrs. Max. Rosenetein was -master o£ - .HHckets. - for - the tisax .-Singer," 1 shell ' and "give his Gentile neigh- ceremonies. •which the organization is sponsoring, bor a peep into his home life" have been distributed and are on sale. Sig Livingston, chairman of Bnai The first degree ritual was given Hazomir Brith Anti-Defamation league, anThe Hazomir organization, formed by President Art Kazlowsky to the swering that the clannishness is three months ago to promote and following new members: Sam White,] forced upon the Jew from without strengthen interest in traditional He- Ralph Nogg, Millar Sigel, Aaron Per-i . . . . What has become of the brew and Jewish singing, has flour- liss, Abe Bergman, William Resnick "Good-wfll" movement, the so-called ished into a successful group. They and Nate Cutler. cure for Anti Semitism? . . . . The will be on the program of the Omaha ladies' choir on Friday nite at the Hebrew Club this Sunday. XL Conservative Synagogue . . . . a n Harry Bender is president and or- A dance which will be the orc -ette of charming girls possessing ganizer. Other officers: Jack Silin- ganization's outstanding soeial event well-blended voices . . . . credit due secretary; B. Korney, treasurer;! is being planned by the XL fraterto Mrs. Sam (Helen Riekes) Beber Sam Y'affe, and M. Levinson, direc- nity for the near future. for the organization and training of tors. The group has organized a basthis group . . . . Mrs. Beber's beauThe organization includes Rose ketball team, with Louis Minkin, tiful soprano voice always appreci- Abramson, L Bender, M. Bender, L manager. Included in the quintet rted . . . . A versatile woman of Chudacoff, Mrs. M. GDler, Louis the local younger set: Mrs. Philip Greenberg, Julius Hornstein, Henry Romonek . . . . a pretty girl who Leibovici, Michael Mendel, Charles M. is the author of numerous short Mogil, Gertrude Orach, Shirley Platt, stories and one act plays . . • • Gloria Polikow, Sam RifMn, Joe Saks, Again the Jewish boys who bear odd Louis Saks, Jack Selinsky, M. Seiner, names . . . . card from Murphy E. Selz, Al Softer, Max Stein, Morris Goldstein . . . . a genial clothing Teplitsky, J. White. salesman who advertises clothes with 1509 North 24th Street B more snap than a rubber band . . . . WE. 2190 B Debate Club WIENERS OA*. 5 The sudden deluge of magicians who After a short business meeting of Per 1b «>UC J have been appearing at local thea- this club, an informal discussion was WIDE BALOGNA flA. 5 ters . . . . and who can get in or held on the question, "Jewish culPer 1b _..OUC j out of everything . . . . wonder if ture will be retarded if immigration Imported Russian * O AA R Dried Mushrooms «P£»vV R their can get out of debt as easily to America is not increased." This Judge McCarthy of Chicago discussion was led by William Wolf thev can get out of debt as easily performance of Earl Carroll's "Sketch Book" . . . . to determine for himself whether police charges cf obscenity were warranted . . . • J.e was invited backstage to examine and interrogate the performers . . . . May we remind lucky judge! ' i of the Purim Ball, Sunx aga' y . Au Kevoir day, March 8th until next week

Synagogue News

Organization News

Council Bluffs News



COMING "The Jazz Singer"



PLAN TO ATTEND The 40th Birthday Celebration




Grand Ball and Musical Concert OMAHA MUNICIPAL


Suimday, February 21 Doors Open 6 P. M* Concert Starts 7 R M*

Business Men's Bawling League L. A've. .593 22 Empire Cleaners .-. 32 .574 23 Malashock Jewelry.. 31 ,561 25 Wardrobe 32 .500 27 Vs Jevelry — 27 .393 34 'ousem Battery — 22 .3891 Kaiman Insurance- 21 , 33 o« "~- i The Wardrobe- d-feated the Mala- . shock Jerrelers two out of three games sxd the Ben's Jewelry won tkeir series, from the Yousem Tire. The Empire Cleaners and Kaiman • Insurance games -were postponed. j High scores wsre registered "by L-j Weitz, 562 and Mickey Krupp, 527;No man ever became extremely •wicked all at once. —Juvenal. • i Diogenes struck the father-when the son swore.

COME EARLY Bring die AVerfcctTood fbrEveiybody*

iaste ~mmast l

Let's Celebrate in a Big, Kg Way!



being closely followed by. Pennsylvania, Illinois and Texas. Of the j Loyal Keir, Marvin Klass and Arnadults 80 per cent were classified up! old Baron appeader.on..the Central on admission as being in the far-adHigh Debating Team last Wednesday vanced stage of tuberculous. (Continued from Page 1) j evening, when it contended with Le Of the 54 adult patients discharged ______ 1 j Mars High School.; during this period, 85 per cent left Sulamith Bereskin, Central High the hospital either greatly improved I"" 18 a™und the gill, so you can MISS ANNA PII-LN Correspondent School student, placed second in the . . . . „ or with the disease arrested; j readily see the wherefore of the Head Line Writing Contest sponsored National J e w i s h Hospital ServAn/analysis of the: working ability, name. The flute was also very difing Greater Number of of the adult patients discharged from *»cuit to blow into and a story is by the National Journalism Organiza-j Far-Advanced Cases tion. The contest was nation-wide the hospital shows that 61 per cent told of a handsome young man who for high school students. Denver, Colo.—(Special Correspon- were able to work a full day. Nine-; refused to disfigure his face by con\ able to work from tortions of the facial muscles, which dence.)—tThe effect of the current teen per cent were ! one-third t o dn^-half < day, ;and the would most asfuredly happen if he Mi's. A. Mazie was hostess to forty SH A ARE ZION SYNA(JO(2UE economic situation is strikingly seen guests Saturday afternoon in • her in the record of recent admissions to other 20 per cent, although they had assumed the task of flute player. home at 919 19th street. A social Synjrue" will be the National Jewish hospital at Den* no working ability, were so suffi- The cumbersome instrument was still Mr. J. Aisenberg was elected hour was followed by dainty refresh- Chairman of the Jewish National the subject of the sermon a t Shaare ver, the oldest free, national, non- ciently improved as not to require further improved by turning up the end, which practice is so popular in ments., '; sectarian institution for the tuber- continued hospitalization. Fond Committee at a meeting held Zion this evening.. Speaking with unsurpassed elo— — — — modern times. In ancient Greece Thursday evening-Rabbi Rabinoculous in the country. -In a report re: Monday evening. Mrs J. N. Krueger quence Max Kroloff, principal speaker when .those convincing orators were Mr. and Mrs. J. Golder announce was elected Vice President; Mr. A. witz addressed the Banquet of thecently issued, covering the hospital's at the Annual B'nai Brith Banquet, the engagement, of their daughter, on their, feet, .a flute player stood New York' life Insurance Company medical activities for the three on kept his audience, in a state of high Sarah, to Arthur Minkoff, son of Mrs. Stillman, Secretary and Mr. Shilling, at the Hotel Warrior. with a . face all * « i • T their, feet months period ending November 30, pitched interest with a detailed ad- D. Minkoff of Omaha. Sunday af- Treasurer. ' ready to blow either low or high acRabbi Rabinowitz has been invited 1930, Dr. I. D. Bronfin, medical diA s n k e n a z i c J e w s jjht behind The Jewish National Fund Comdress on the life of the American Jew ternoon Mr. and Mrs. Golder tendered BerHn.—(J. T. A.)—There are be- ricording to the speaker. The player, t i address the-Jewish Community at rector of the institution, points out from the time of the American Revo- a reception to over 100 friends hon- mittee was re-organised at this last M a s o n C i t y n e x t w e e k . •-'••,•-.'••-•' that 80 per cent of the adult patients tW«en 12 and 13 million Jews of Ash- j imagine, would cut quite lacrameeting and will consist of replution until the present day. oring their daughter. Out of town entering the hospital we're In the far- Jtenazic or German-Polish descent in c r p n ? figure> for t he flute resembled Mr. Kroloff told of the unselfish guests included Mrs. D. Minkoff, Miss resentatives from the following advanced stage of tuberculous, where- the world today, according to statis- a c hurch pipe of today; Then comes 1C Ppublished i in a m a s u e of and idealistic life of Mr. Adnlph Ida Minkoff and Mr. Jack Rasnick of groups: Zionists, Hadassah, Junior Director of Transit tics thee ecurrent issue p i c c o io, which which is is a very short t h c piccolo,, as during the corresponding period of * " f ! f " l n ** \ i« °\ the u r Krause who served for twenty years Omaha; Mr. Julius Helpand, Mr. and Hadassah, National Workers, Poale Section of League mis- < * « * • * " « ' Demographic und jinstrument, ^ ^ t . aand out a shrill n d bbrings rinfi , 1929, 1929, 67 67 per per cent cent of of the the adult adult ad admis as President of the Constitution Mrs. Elmer Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zion and Pioneer Women. Statist* von Juden by Dr. Fehx t o n e I t ^ ^ ^ i t o d i s c e r n t h e Geneva. — Prof. ..Robert ilaas, a j classified as far-advanced. Plans were made at the meeting g o n s w e r e Grand Lodge of the B'nai Brith. He Goldstein and Mr. J. Kaplan of Sioux Terthaber. Dr. Teilhaber does not be- d i f f e r e n c e ^ ^ t h e im itatior. S of French Jew, was Inamed director of for a Palestinian Banquet to be held the League of Nations' section on This upward swing is due, Dr. Bron- leve that all the Polish Jews ong- b i n J g g u c n n t h e o r i o , J a r k told of Mr. Krause coming to Chicago Falls. at the Jewish Community Center, communications and'transit Profes- fin believes, to two factors. First, inally came from Germany. immediately following the Chicago and the real thing. This is only one Sunday evening, March 8, and which sor Haas, who succeeds Sir Arthur' the stress of economic necessity comfire, of his keen interest and work in Mrs. Ellis Bottigheimer and daughDr. Teilhaber estimates that in the marvelous opportunities of pelled many of those who contracted will be sponsored by every Zionist the rebuilding of that city arid of his ter of Peoria, 111., are guests at ths >f the; tuberculous year 1096 less than 5,000 Jews lived £ e ^ o / A "few "otters "are" the" position as counsellor and. friend of home of the former's parents, Mr. and organization of the city. section he now-heads. He is a memin Germany,. whito m the year 1350, _, meaning the even warble Mr. Aizenberg, chairman of theber of the faculty of the University continue at work under physical dis- the German towns had only about 18,- . many of America's leading statesmen. Mrs. Ben Schulein. higher register, and the lowabilities until the disease had prom committee, announces that only 300 of Paris. During the Versailles He made the life of Mr. Krause typ000 Jews. During the latter year er register's features. The clarinet is gressed far beyond the early stage. ical with that of many Jews who The N. M. A. Club will meet with reservations can be taken and urges Peace Conference he was assistant there were about 6,000 Jews in Po- on the same basis as the flute. The ! came to the middle west during that Miss Rose Berman Sunday afternoon. tho f e " ^ r e s t e d to send their reser- secretary to the commission on ports, Second, many of those who might, un« tond, tat m 1U91 Potod had from 30 St h a v d i f f e r e l l c e „ t h a t the tone der normal economic period. An afternoon of bridge will be con- ™' *" ?* ° n C e * 0 M r S > W l l U * m j waterways and railways. provided adequately for "Mr. Krause was not alone the cludad with a buffet supper. . Lazare or Mrs. Barney Baron who | p ro fessor Haas, who is 40 years! pay institutions were compelled to by blowing into, while the clarinets eminent citizen and office holder, but. , will be m charge of the reservations. old, is the first Jew to be a director discontinue • the treatment premature- Eastern Europe. I tone is produced by the vibration of was very much a Jew and in his ofMr H 1 n i s also assistin of one of the sections of the League ly and attempted to readjust themThe Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met \*l '_ ^ S j the reed, whose use it is imperative t h l s fice of President proved to be the "* committee. of Nations. Barred Jews from Citizenship to have on several instrument . An Wednesday evening at the home of selves to normal life; but this effort moving spirit of the organization of Miss Bernice Levin. A business at the banquet P™cipal Stuttgart.—Five hundred E East E Eur. . . . Bernice Levin. A business proving unsuccessful, they were finalthe B'nai Brith. It was under his Miss meeting and program was followed by wffl be Mr. Baratz, a citizen of Palopean Jews now living in Germany Jimportant fact slipped my mind and ly compelled, because of the rapid adt 1S t h a t h e leadership," continued Mr. Kroloff, estine who has made his home in Bentwich Returning to Palestine vancement of their disease, to seek were prevented from becoming Ger- aJtn1S t h a * t h etm e 1 8 a nse dancing and refreshments. d * ^ Pin *?the piccolo, ™ "that such important phase of B'nai man citizens through his efforts in important part that country for the past- thirty Jerusalem.—Norman Bentwich, Jew- free hospital care. v e a r s H e i s Brith work as the Anti-Defamation the Reichsrat, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, flute and fife which is almost the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fish announce' a member of the'Pal- ish attorney general whose assassinaThree hundred and fifty-five pat- minister of the interior of Thuringia, identical - picture of a piccoV The League were organized." tion was attempted by an Arab youth estine Jewish parliament and acthe birth of a son. " W h e t h e r it is the scene of an quainted with the work and develop- last year, will return to Palestine ients spent a total of 25,298 days in boasted before a local audience. Dr. tongue is used as follows: first, ta earthquake, a tornado, a flood, or a within a fortnight, recording, to the the hospital during the quarter-year Frick, leader of the National-Socialist, te **; second, tat tatta, etc.; third, Members of the Alumni Hebrew ment of Palestine. 'famine,- the Bnai Brith reaches out School Club gave a dancing party at! Palestine Bulletin. This is in con- covered by the report. Of this num- controlled government of Thuringia, taatta, taata; fourth: to- chit -chit te render aid to the suffering and the/ Jewish Community Center, last tradiction of rumors that the Colonial ber 78 were admitted and 67 dis- represents that state in the Reichsrat. t-chit, etc. This is most likely disfrom the institution during sympathy to the bereaved," said evening. J Office has made him an offer of a tcharged Dr. Karl Severing, Prussian minis- tressing to the flute or piccolo beh e perio<L T h e Mr. Kroloff. "Young Israel in post~a"n7 that he would" not! C 2 m P a t i e n t s admitted jt e r o'f interior, told the Reichstag ginner. The origins were clarified America is pledged to the perpetuap ; T W t w e f«>m 24 states and numbered j came from 24 states, and numbered l + i l on January 13th that foreign Jews to an astounding degree,, and Mr. return to Palestine. There were other '. tion of this work." • 62 adults and 16 children. living in Germany for as long as 20 Li+tau is entirely responsible for it. rumors that * e was offered a leave . Mr. Joseph Levin acted as'.'.toast? At^the regular Board meeting o f j o f absence for an additional six! New York state led in the number years may be barred from German master of the Banquet! The Inthe Federation of Jewish Social Serv-' m o n t h s . ( of patients coming to the hospital, citizenship by the vote of Thuringia. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS vocation was given by Rabbi' H. R. ' | ice, Mr. Adolph M. Davis was r e - ' Rabinowitz. '•", Mrs. William Lazere, general , elected to serve as President of the Officers installed at the Banquet chairman for the Annual Purim Federation and Community Center. Mr. Davis, who is also president of by Dr. H. M. Levin are E. N. Bazaar, sponsored by- the Senior Gruesldn, President; Morey. Lip- Hadassah has announced the follow- the Mount Sinai Congregation, has shutz, Vice President; Leon Dobrof- ing committees who will arsist in devoted much time and energy to The Bazaar is ' communal and philanthropic work in '• sky, Corresponding Secretary; Joseph he arrangements. : is -a member of the Guttleman, Recording Secretary; Abe scheduled foi ^Tuesday, M^rch j 3 \ ;a t ' i&e city. AHe i •;he J e w i s h Comniuriity" C e h f e r l i j ' ; * ••'•*•*$««»* H " ' r'k£u^?-**A ;he Jewish ComnjuhityCenter;.! \ I ? • B*riai Britfr Lodge" and •nrrt^w^-ef^os '•'Mi, Pill, Treasurer; Abe Jaeobson, The committees')include; jlfrsv1!A. Temple Brotherhood. - ~ Warden, and Max Friedman, Monitor. r Abe Sacks, R. H. Emlein, are trus- loodsite and Mr^*; Sam Mdsow,'i in -T Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mrs. E. E. tees and Rabbi Lewis and Rabbi harge of the Cafeteria luhcfc arid' Baron, Mr. A.-L. Galinsky, and Mr. suppper; Mrs; Zella Levitan, , Mrs., Barney Baron were elected as vice^ Rabinowitz, Honorary trustees. ; ; Brief talks were made by MaxSam Shulkin,' Mrs! I M. Goldblatt in presidents, Mr. Max Brodkey, general —secretary - - - — - and —> , •«** « - «'-'—*-Mr. -Mike Skalovsky, Friedmany past president, and E. N. charge of booths;; iMrs. J. Kaliri.^in : charge of the .dining room; Mrs! -. W. Financial secretary. Grueskin, incoming president. Miss Slotsky, • Mrs.' --E. Barish, - Mrs: Plans for the Building Fund CarRose Tesler presented a reading and Mr. J. Hemnes presented several Louis Agrahoff, Mrs. J. Levin, Mrs. nival which is scheduled for May solos. Community singing was ledJ. Levin, Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. were discussed. Mr. Max E. FriedCharles Raskin, Mrs. Sam Lipman man is chairman of the Carnival. by Mr. H. N. Slotsky. and Mrs. M. B. Herzoflf in charge Miss Rose Lipman gave a report of Committees in charge of the arof gifts; Mrs. Sam Passman, tele- the activities at the Community rangements included E. J . Fribourg, phoning and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky, Center. Morey Lipshutz, Si Rich, H. N. publicity. M^>UL/JP J IW^&ff\^


Central High News



Society News




•' ; . ^ _





Slotsky, E.: N. Grueskin, Morris Pill, Leon Dobrofsky, Barney Baron and ; Dr. H. M. Levin.

J. C. G. NEWS Members of the Hawkeye club are planning an open meeting for next Tuesday evening. An outside-speaker has been secured for the affair, and the programm will be followed by dancing and refreshments. Miss Leah Herzoff presented" a book review at the meeting of the Business Girl's club held Tuesday evening. The.serving of hot cocoa and rolls to the Newsboys every evening during the week was resumed this week, by the Jewish Community Center.

Charles Shindler Pioneer Women Plan Judeans Anniversary Celebration At a recentHeads meeting of the Young Members of the Pioneer Women will celebrate the Third Anniversary of the organization with a social gathering in the Jewish Community Center, Sunday evening, February 22. A play "Calico" will" be presented by Sara Goldberg, Mary Kaplan, Milton Fishgold and Mary Wadedo. A waffle iron will be raffled off during the evening and light refreshments will be served. There is no admission charge.

Cast Rehearsing For Yiddish Play

A musical program will feature the opening meeting of the Debrah club next Sunday afternoon. Miss Rehearsals are under way for the Freda Albert is the advisor of this presentation . of "The Yiddish King group. " - . Lear" dramatic play in three acts

Judeans, Charles Shindler .was elected President; Morris Raskin, VicePresident; David Tilevitz, Secretary, and Bernard Rosen thai, Treasurer. The meetings of this organization are held at the Community Center every Sunday' afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Charter members include Herman Widesky. Charles Shindler, Morris Ginsburg, Morris Aizenberg, Philip Zeligson, David Olensky, Irving Levich, Norman Rosen thai, David Palin, Nathan Orlikoff, Sidney Shapiro and Vernon Montrose.

Chairman Thanks Committees

Mr. Morris E. Skalovsky, chairman-of the recent Federation BanThe Red Hot Dance which was which will be presented by The Na- quet and Meeting expressed his to have been sponsored by the Sigma tional Dramatic Club. The definite thanks and appreciation to the men Iota Sigma Sorority has been post- date for the production will be an- and women who assisted him in the nounced thru the columns of thearrangements. "I am using the poned until a later date. Press. . colums of the Jewish Press to thank the various committees for their MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE splendid work and co-operation in making the arrangements and preRabbi Theodore N. Lewis will parations for the Third Annual "We feed the multitude" speak on "Americanization" at theFederation Banquet. It is indeed a With Tasty Foods regular Friday .'evening service to- pleasure to serve as chairman when night. / '••.....• the members are so kind in extending their, assistance and good will."


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Report of-Convention at Shaare Zion Synagogue Members of the A. Z.'A; spoke at the Shaare Zion Synagogue, last Friday evening, giving reports of the recent A. Z. A. Tournament which was held at Lincoln. Abe Beechen gave a general resume of the convention. Isadore Mirowitz presented the' oration which was given by him at that time and Alfred Albert gave an address on Jewish Parochial Schools. •

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