March 6, 1931

Page 1

interesting and Entertaining

Jewish Community A Entered as Becond-ciasa maU matter on Jaunary 33. 1U&, at posf office at Omaha. Nebraska, under Iba Act, of March 8.1879.


SALE OF WORLD Palestine Is Flcntrishmg ; RECALLS JEWISH

Under TAonist^De Haas


•Within a decade, tinder normal+sideration from the non-Jew world." circumstances, we will not only ap- Up to that time the speaker exEnterprise Started on I I ^ P proach a Jewish majority in Pales- plained, the Jews had refused to que Career by Joseph *£ \tine, but will possess a self-sup- openly discuss the Jewish problem, Pulitzer 'porting Jewish country," were the but Herzl brought the Jews back to irophetic. words, of Jacob De Haas, themselves and. made, them face the - New York.—(J. T.-A.)—Wit^g T ?cecative director of American Zion- facts as they existed. •ale of the New York World; and world-famed journalist and "Whenever the Jews think they do Sunday World, and- the Eve. ^e 'author, who addressed t h e ' local not need a Homeland," De Haas ; Worid to the Scripps-Howard -papers Zionists at a mass meeting held at further stated, "they are undergoing FridaV, the merging of these" three the- J. C C. Tuesday evening. JL F. a temporary species of intoxication.'* newspapers with the New York TeleLevenson was chairman. This last decade' saw ^such a species, gram, the Scripps-Howard's New he asserted, but they always end Tuesday noon Mr. De Haas • was York paper, the world-famous entersoon. ^-^Whether we Jews will it "or "honored guest at a luncheon at the prise .founded i'by Joseph Pulitzer, not, whether we understand it or not, Paxton, of which Mrs. Abe SilverAmerican-Jewish editor, in 1881 whether we 'are conscious of it or man was chairman, y '•• ' \ ' closes a unique career of almost half hot, we -by our racial, religious and De Haas painted A remarkable a century. . '. 'political history have been so bound , Carried in its present position of picture of the manifold achievements up in the "welfare of Zionism that it being accomplished in modem Paleminence by the genius of Pulitzer, has become part of the dream life who was a Hungarian by birth, the estine through the efforts of Zion- of the Jewish people, the eternal ism. "The wealth of the Dead sea," World has had as its last editor, hope that there would be a revival Walter Lippmann, prominent Ameri- he stated, "is the greatest treasury and re-establishment of Jewish glory house in the world." The potash can-Jewish journalist.. Until his in Zion." resignation in 1929, Herbert Bayard being extracted from the Dead Sea De Haas stated that though. the Swope, another well-known.Jew, was and i t s potentialities in by-products Jews of Palestine number only about were' described as invaluable, * run^executive editor for ten years. 165,000, still their life, makeup and Franklin P. Adams, the famous col- ning up into incredible figures. existence exercise greater pressure "The Jews in Palestine have made umnist with wit, has long been, the on the Test of the Jewry than the conductor of the World's famous their orange groves so fruitful that rest of Jewry exerts on thm. three million boxes of oranges with Conning Tower. Other well-known Jews on the one hundred to one hundred and fifty staff • of the World ' were Samuel oranges in each box .were exported Chotzinoff, music editor; Harry Salt- in the past year," the speaker pointpeter, assistant literary editor; M. ed out m showing what a chamje has Michelson, Sunday editor. Charles ——» over the desolate country Michelson was formerly head of the which was barren World's Washington bureau and worthless in 1912. The Jordan has been harnessed Louis Weitzenkorn was recently Sunand is capable of erecting . more day editor. hydro-electric power than can be obFamed Play to Be Presented at tained from our mighty Niagara. J. C C. Sunday, "One of the most remarkable acMarch 22 hievements'of the last half century"

Makes New Finds At Ancient Jericho Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The north, east and west walls of the earliest fortifications of £he ancient city of Jericho have bedn found, Dr.. John Garstang of Liverpool University, England* declared today. Dr. Garstang is conducting excavations to ascertain definitely how Joshua took Jericho. ' Dr.. Garstang also announced that his excavators had.found a small carved wolfs head In ebony which is believed to from about 1800 1 B. C:

was the compliment De Haas paid

Abe Herzberg was re-elected president of the Highland Country club at the election of officers held Tuesday. Other officers chosen: Jerome. Heyn, vice-president; Sam Leon,


The cast of "The Jazzi Singer," a


dp PlmnpSttts-^' ',. Has Synagogue in Its Equipment



;;:T" T .^


To Conclude Lecture Course; Is to raise funds for its infant welfare

Sparkling Humorist

Region's AcLevenson to tivities fpjr Jewish National Fund Omahans received recognition at the conference i f the Mid-Western and Southwestern regional conference of the Zionist organization held in St. Louis last week-end. Professor das ive Klausner of St. Louis was elected head of the region. Under him are"Ifhree sub-chairmen: Jewish.National&"und, M. F. Levenson of Omaha; J ewish Agency drive, Barney Grossber]; of S t Louis; Zionist organization, * Harry Ffeidberg of

.' .' ;;

Abe Herzberg

secretary; Harry Malashock, treasurer. This is Mr. Heraberg's fourth consecutive term as head of the Country; Club. The board of directors are planCity, f ning many improvements on the Levenson,; whoe is president of the local Zionist, district, was also vice- club house and golf course for the president o f the convention. The coming season. region comprises thirteen states. Morris Friedel of Omaha was chairman .of the committee on committees at the conclave. Two Omahans were alsq named on the adSofia.—(J. T. A.)—There are now ministrative committee o f the Tegion, Philip Klutznick and Morris Friedel. 46,431 Jews in Bulgaria and they This region formed for administra- constitute .008 per cent of the total tive, purposes, is completely auto- of 5,596,80.0, according to the census nomous. It takes care of the work figures of 1927 just made public of the, Jewish Agency, the Zionist While more than half of the Jews Organization of America, and Jew- axe now engaged in trading, "a comish National Fands for this terri- parison with the 1920 census figures toryj. and--aets?1» *-bur«sa of na- skam^-an absoiate^-and, ^ a t i v e ^ tional organization for this pact of crease in the number tif Bulgarian Jews who are engaged in industry fihe. country. and manufacturing. The main speakers -at. the conferA marked increase is also noted in ence were - Jacob de Haas, executive director of the American JZionists, the number of Jewish employes, "labMorris Kothenberg of New or and clerks who constitute almost national chairman of" the 60 per Tent of the working Jewish American Palestine Campaign. population.



Dr. Lake to Lecture at Hebrew University

Englishman, Jew and Arab on Council


Ben J. Stiefler i s the new president of t i e Temple., Israel Brotherhootl, i succeeding. Nathan• Jacobs. Other officers are Lou Somberg, vice-president; Walter SchimmeL This Is the Claim of the Palestreasurer;; Dave Conn, secretary; tinian Jewish sergeant-at-arms. Max Fromkin, Women Nate Jacobs and Yale Kroloff are new. members, of the board, and Dr. The reduction of the maternal death Max Block and Dr. B. T. Friedman rate among Jewish women in Paleshold over as directors. tine to 217 per 1,000, said to be the lowest maternal, mortality rate in the world and the lowering of mortality *mong Jewish .infants in the Holy Land to 90 per 1,000 births, are statements contained in a report issued by Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, in "connection with a campaign which it is conducting during this month


to the Zionist movement "Within a three-act comedy drama to be prehalf of a century of the birth of an: sented by the Center- Players' Guild idea we have seen that idea carried j O n Sunday evening, March 22, at the into considerable fruition. Today, j . C . C under the auspices of the we can speak not of ideas but of Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 of- the Report "Shows That Country facts and accomplishments." A. Z. A., has been Selected and is Ranks Second Only to "Herd," the speaker said, "creat- rehearsing1, for the: production under ed a new frame of mind,;a new con- the direction of Mrs. Herman Jakr. T h e . J a z z Singer" calls for: the Paris.—(Xl£ AV)-^After the Unit ! largest cast iyetz-ia appear iif a Cerii.States, the the pas^three years the most importanii imimgratitiiircbuntif for Jews; ' Herman Jahr. Leads will be played Brazil ia becoming increasingly imi by Sal Michnick, in the title role portant as a center of Jewish immiRebecca Kirsheribaum, as bis chorin gration from Eastern Europe, the' | sweetheart, and Laura Berek, in thi Jewish population there having inJaffa.—(J. T. A.)—When the S. S. role of the mother. creased from about 10,000 in 1924 to Adria, an Italian vessel plying reg-l Others in the cast include Irving 30,000 in 1928; and Jewish immigra- ularly between Trieste and Jaffa,' Beitel, Max Weinstein, John Feld tion to Canada is diminishing with left the latter port on its last trip man, Harry Colick, Nate Sekerman, every year. it became one of the few steamers Ida Bishoff, Sara Sekerman, Sam These are among the salient facts whose equipment includes a floating. Ferer, Martha Himelstein, Abe Saltaman and Yale Meyerson. brought out in the report just issued synagogue. The captain of the Adria, Ben-j Included in the chorus are Ann here by the International Jewish Emi- jamin Umberto Stindler, who recent- Bishoff, Pauline Hurwitz, Margaret gration Organization Hicem, in which ly received a Sepher Torah1 (Scroll Hurwitz, Euth Margolin and Helen are combined the American Hebrew of the Law) as a souvenir from the Adler. Immigrant Aid Societyj or Hias, the Jewish community of Trieste, pre-j The play deals with the young Mrs. J. L. Stern.has been placed" European Emmigration Society, or hi orthoh sented the.Scroll to the ship for the, Jewish boy who forsakes bis in. charge of the Council Circulating Emigdirekt, and the Jewish Colonization Association, or lea. The report use of its Jewish passengers. In' dox parents f o r a stage career. The Library at the Blackstone Hotel by a sum' play tells of the fight made by a deals with the work of thelficem dur- appreciation a r k t o h o n s e the Jewish boy to reach stardom, of his of money for ing the three years of its existence, Scroll. The ark was built in Jeru-i being forced to apparently turn his 1927,1928 and 1929. salem and on the Adria's last call back on his parents "and the strict "The need to emigrate and the urge customs which hemmed i n his youth. at Jaffa it was taken aboard. to emigrate among the Jewish populaAt the same time, persons now in Opposing him is his stern- father, tions of all the emigration countries Tel Aviv who. had traveled by the the cantor, who on his death bed is by far exceeds all the existing open- Adria furnished the other accoutre- j unable to sing in the synagogue on ings for emigration," says the report, ments for the Sepher Torah and the • Yomi Kippur, providing the means "and it is clear that even with the ut- steamer now has a model floating; of bringing the play to a tense most efforts made by our social-econ- synagogue. climax. omic relief institutions to improve the Running through the entire three condition of the Jews in the places acts of the play is a broad ribbon •where they live, emigration must still of comedy, while tenderness, filial continue to be one of the' most effec[love and music all have their share tive means of radically assisting a in the weaving of a grand story. section of the Jewish population, and thus easing the burden of those who remain behind." The first annual Purim ball to The problem in Poland i s particube given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of larly acute, the report says. the Conservative Synagogue is to "The economic condition of the JewAn interesting map is at present ish population in Eastern Europe is take place Sunday evening, March 8, on display at the Jewish Community at the J. C. C. becoming" increasingly worse, and in will furnish Center representing a survey of the Bandall's . orchestra Mrs, J. L. Stern spite of all the difficulties in the way, Jewish emigration' is growing from the music for the dancing which Jewish school population in Omaha Mrs. Herbert Amstein, president of will be continuous from 9 p. m. Some and their connection with the Jewish year to year," saygjhe report. clever entertainment has also been educational institutions of the city, as the Council of Jewish Women. obtained, including a specialty dance the City. Dundee, and South Omaha The library now has 150 of "the number by the; Levy sisters, Lillian Talmud Torahs, the Temple and J. C. newest books. New ones are being C. Sunday Schools, private teachers added weekly. New books are also and Florence. A committee of women under the and all other: Jewish educational available for sale, and upon request Dr. Kirsopp Lake, Wynn Professor leadership of Mrs. Abner Kaiman agencies. these will be wrapped as gifts. Miss Anne Lintzman gathered all of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard and Mrs. B. A. Simon have been University, will conduct a seminar at conducting a successful drive to sell the information for the survey and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem patron tickets for the ball, which did all the detail work. The project, at the spring sessions. is being held for the benefit of the which received the cooperation of the public schools, was under the superThe-subject of the seminar will be building fund of the synagogue. "Administration of Palestine from High school and college students vision of Professor Earl Sullenger of Herod the Great to the Fall of Jeru- are especially invited. Admission i s the University of Omaha sociological department, and Samuel Gerson, disalem." Professor Lake has lectured $1.25 per couple. Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—A derector of the J. C. C and Welfare on two previous occasions at the Univelopment council of three persons Federation. versity, when he was in Palestine in Tripoli—A Ben Yehuda Society was has been c'.ecided upon by the BritMiss Lintzman was aided in her was recently founded here for the connection with archaeological exish government to carry out peditions, on the Scrabeit Inscriptions purpose of spreading a knowledge of work by the fact that she had been the$12,500,000 land development of the Sinai Peninsula and on parts the Hebrew language, especially an honor student at the Talmud Torah among the Jewish youth. Sion Ad- and was acquainted with the condi- scheme for Palestine announced of the New Testament. dadi, prominent Jewish communal, tions of the Jewish school population, j last November. The council will consist of a New Haven, Conn.—A bulletin is- leader of Tripoli, was chosen presi- She is a member of Alpha Kappa Britisher as chairman, one Jew and Delta, honorary sociological society dent. The society has already started sued by Yale University reveals that four out of the five degrees of doctor the work of organizing Hebrew cul- at the municipal university, and is a" one Arab, the latter two to be seof philosophy in Semitics granted dur- tural, circles, in TripoKtania and a li- volunteer worker of the Family Wel- lected by their respective coming the last three years have been brary of Hebrew books and periodi- fare Society, the Protestant Welfare; munities. . Society. cals. awarded to Jewish students.


Ben J. Stiefler Is New Head-of Brotherhood





VOL. IX—No. 6

46,431 Jews in Bulgaria According- New Census

program in Palestine. The report states that almost 90 per cent of the Jewish women of Captain Brace Bairnsfather, world' Palestine who are prospective mothfamed wartime cartoonist and erea-! ers are under the medical care of tor of "Old Bill," will be substituted the Hadassah institutions, which, confor Babbi Isaac Landman of New stitute the largest health agency in York City, as the final speaker for all of Palestine. The most modern the Community Forum series, in the scientific care and instruction are Jewish Center auditorium, Tuesday given at these centers, reducing the evening, March 17. J death rate at delivery until it has The serious illness of Babbi Land-( become the lowest figure in the man's brother prevents his Omaha worid, the report declares, engagement, he wared the local com-] Similarly, since 1921, when the mittee. Captain Bairnsfather, who' first infant welfare clinic was estabwill be in this section for a lecture! lished in Palestine, the mortality in Sioux City the following night,] among infants has been sharply re-. agreed to appear in Landman's'duced. In 1925, the . mortality rate was 131.3 per 1,000 births, while in place. Bairnsfather, who was an English 1929 the rate was 90 per 1,000 officer in the late war, is .known as births. "the man who made the world laugh j The Arabs in Palestine who conin its darkest hour." He is the tinue to be reluctant to accept modauthor of "The Better Ole," one of' ern health methods, have a mortality the most popular plays of the post-j rate among their infants of 205 per war period. His lectures are hu-, 1,000 births, or 125 per cent higher morous and enlivened with cartoons than that among the Jews. drawn on the platform. Guy Spencer, cartoonist for the World-Herald, will introduce Bairns-' father. Approximately 600 season tickets •were sold for the current Forum lectures, besides many single admissions, according to Herman Auerbach, retiring chairman. A similar They Now Know It Is Prevettti s planned for next year.

AI1 proceeds from the binary go to the Scholarship funds of the Council. This fund was created last year by the Education department. Mrs. Stern is interested in all Council activities. She is an active member of the Legislative and Civi group and is one of the teachers in the Americanization classes. Mrs. Stern is also a member of the Board of the Auxiliary of the Conserva tive Synagogue.

"MISS PSI MO" TO BE NAMED "Miss Psi Mu" for 1931 will be selected this Sunday afternoon at the J. C. C at the weekly matinee dance given by that organization - under, the direction and sponsorship of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization. The winner will be the leader of the popularity vote; cast at each dance. A special court of honor for the winner will be held together with special entertainment. Among the artists who will perform will be Homer Ellis and Miss Opal Smith, dancing duo; Jack Frieden and his quartette, and Ray McGrath. Jack Ban will be master of ceremonies. . This event will be but one feature of the first annual "Psi Mu The committee in charge for the game are Louis Lohrman, chairman; Morris Bloom and Jake Stoler; for the dance, Dave Greenberg, Henry Magzamin and Irving Brookstein. Day." At 3 p. m. Sunday the Psi Mu basketeers will clash with the leaders of the Kansas City Y. M. H. A. league, a strong, veteran quintet. This will precede the afternoon


LEAGUE TO ISSUE Jerusalem. — (J. T. A.) — The HEBREW YIDDISH change in the attitude of the Palespopulation towards malaria, parPAMPHLET SOON I tine ticularly the dawning realization that of press will shortly issue a pamphlet in cently issued book on malarial reYiddish and Hebrew, giving a detailpurposes of the league, it tg^jjjg • siiu perhaps most important fruit of the experiment carried out under bis known. control to eliminate the disease from This pamphlet has already apthe country. peared in forty-two different langThrough the work of the Malaria uages and was translated into the two Research Unit during the last decade, Jewish languages upon the initiative malaria has been robbed of its mysof N. Schwalbe, Warsaw Jewish journalist. Schwalbe wrote to the League terious attributes and of its inevitof Nations, pointing out that the idea ability, and has been revealed as a of the League has many adherents preventable and often irradicable disamong the Jewish masses and. that it ease. The old indifference to the disease would therefore be a good idea to is gone. In its place is a demand on translate the pamphlet in the languages spoken by Jews. Mr. Schwalbe the part of the Jewish settlers to himself made the Yiddish transla- make their colonies safe against mation, while the Hebrew translation laria. A small outbreak in a settlewas made by I. Hefterman, also a ment is the occasion for a storm. Investigations are held and the majournalist. laria fighters are often" blamed for not doing the very thing which only five years ago perhaps the same people declared impossible. The Jevrish colonizing agencies now Buenos Aires.—(J.- T» A.)—Ac- realize that it is neither good ecoknoWiedgement of the important part' nomics nor sound practice to settle played by the Jews in the economic people in malarious areas unless prolife of the Argentine was made by first made to render these President Jose Francesco Uriburn in areas habitable, and this before, not an interview with Simon WeDL Bue- after, the settlers arrive. nos Aires director of the Jewish Colonization Association (ICA). . . TO LECTURE In discussing the work of the ICA, H. Yanofsky will lecture on 'Is a President Uriburn told M. Weill that Revolution Possible in the United he appreciated this work and ex- States?" at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd pressed a keen interest in its further and Clark, on Tuesday evening, Mar. plans of extension. He informed the 10, at 8 p. m. The lecture is being sponsored by ICA's director that the ICA enjoys the complete confidence of the Argen- Branch 173 of the Workmen's Circle. tine government. Admission is free.

In the evening the Psi Mu will have the visiting team as- their guests at a banquet at the Elks' club. Honor guests will include Messrs. Samuel Gerson, Louis Lipp, Irvin Levin, E. M. Segal and.Louis Weiner. Henry. Magzamin. will Jbe, toastmaster.

Argentine President Praises Jews' Role

Festive Spirit Is Prevalent at Purim Carnival by Sunday School Children Little Mary Arbeitman led the Grand March as Queen Esther at the Sunday School Purim carnival, held at the J. C. C last Sunday afternoon. Edward Milder was chosen as "Mordecai" and Herbert Frobes as "Chancellor," the selections being made at a special assembly of the children in the morning. Twelve elaborate booths and novel and original costumes aided greatly to lend a true holiday atmosphere to the event. Besides the various concessions at the booths, an excellent carnival pro-

gram was given. Prizes, stunts and a skit entertained the "kiddies."

Young Folks Plan Rally at Temple The young folks of Temple Israel will hold a rally at the Temple this Sunday, March 8, starting at 5 p. m. Hundreds of invitations have been sent out for the affair. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will serve a buffet supper free of charge. Any young people who desire to make reservations are asked to call Rita Mantel at Harney 5711,

PAGE 2—OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY- MARCH 6,1931 j*. of the tray down th« are going to have an indoor basejball three e he is the first league and has asked jthat all'girls stretch, win the title. interested in this kind of activity to Jewish'boy see him. There is also going 'to .be Chicago.—The Chicago Board of Once more that tall, lanky fellow a city Softball league. Education announced that it would that plays handball as it should be played has won the A. A . TJ. Tennis will start for the girls in shortly name a junior high school tournament held at the Center. We a week or so, according to Mr. SegaL after tbe late Adolpfa Kraus, former are referring to Abe Marcovitx of Besides himself, Mr. Segal has se- corporation counsel of Chicago • and Des Moines. This chap showed his cured the services of Nate Cutler for 20 yean international president of heels to the best of Omaha's hand- and Henry Magzamin to teach the the B'nai Brith. ball crop. The man to extend the girls the game. He expects a large champ was Morris "Pooch" Bloom, class t o greet him and his assistBargauis Cars and Parts 3998 StnMtaker tearing. r«»« food. «115 who gave the champ a bad scare in ants. 1925 WUljs-Knight cMck. foi bay, $*£ their match. U H Xtodge coupe, goog YtreMSO




Sash 4 touring, 19=3 Star 4 tM>dy, $23 P u t s for Chryslers, Biticks, Chevrolet*, also forTOOother mains. Good notors, bodies for. Boicks, Cbryslen. Chevrolet*. etc. «t greatly vedwed prices. Vail orders siren prompt attention..

In the doubles of the A. A. U. ciple acting in permanence, not once in half a century, but daily; continu- tournament a Jewish duo defeated ous confiscation as a part of accru- the best that the E . C dub could NEBRASKA AUTO PARTS Sam Katzman and Morris ing private wealth, if not for the offer. 2205 Cuming AX. 1*70 Did you know Ted Lewis was the benefit of a definite impoverished in- Bloom proved too much for Burke dividual—which would be impossible and Kuhry of the EL C The Jewish first Jew to hold the welterweight title. He won it in 1915 from Jack under the tangle of modern economic boys won in two straight games. BKANDEIS Britton and fought Britton about a relations—at least for the benefit of SHOE REPAIR DEPT. Bloom, a natural southpaw, and society as a whole. One may go Katzmann, a good all-around man, dozen times until 1919 when Jack Reasonable Prices further and face without horror the were just about unbeatable. These won it back again. Delivery Service eventuality of a capital levy, even of boys shot pinners to all sides of thej Did you know that the junior Use Tour Charge Aeeoant capital levies from time to time, even courts, while their serves were a, lightweight division has been abolthis would not necessarily shake thej pleasure to watch. j ished? It started in 1922 and since age-long foundations of mankind's that time only three men held the economy—now so insistently described It seems as if the Des Moines! championship two of them being CAJBD SIGNS METAL as the bourgeois economy—the prin- the A. Z. A.'s of Omaha. The out-Jewsish-Mushy Callahan and Jackie FKOCEHS—STZNCILEB 8IGX8 ciple that accumulation of wealth, dif- of-town boys again took an Omaha j Berg. ferentiation of status is possible, and A- Z. A. team into camp, when theyj Did you know that the first JewJt is time that Socialism has its even accumulation of cash w£uld be] recognized as the normal and per- that it is still worth man's while to defeated the A. Z. A. No. 1 at the jish fighter to win a featherweight Cloth and Paper Banners roots in the Bible?- Many of its op- made improbable; as to real '^riches"' manent foundation of all social activ- struggle, to invent, to suffer, as he Center last Sunday. Franklin of! title was Abe Atell who became the OFFICE WIKUOW AND TKCC& UETTEK1NG ponents say so; on the other hand, in the modern sense of the term, ac-j ity. Society (or Law, or the State) still may hope to reach a tangible re- Omaha was the most effective man I champ in 1904 but didn't hold the 1405 Harney JA, 5277 there are even non-Socialist Jews who quisition of estates or factories or shall only interfere from time to time gard. that the Omaha chapter had, and if j title a year before he was beaten by feel proud that-such a. jgreat move- other prerequisites of production, this' as a sort of job gardner who, at each the rest of the team would have Tommy Sullivan? Until 1925 there ment should not only ..bear the hall- could be prevented by direct • legisla-1 of his far between visits, uses his NOT SUFFICIENT FOR PROBLEMS played as he did we would have had were no Jewish champs but in that / { pruning knife to stop such exaggeratNo doubt the applications of the another story to telL mark of modern Jewish thinkers who tive prohibition. year Louis Kid Kaplan won the title. NATIONAL shaped it, but that its remotest origThis scheme may be good or bad, ed growt has might endanger the de- Jubilee principle so far enacted in However, he outgrew the division in should also be due to Moses and but there is no hint of it in the teach- velopment of its neighbors. One maycivilized legislation are far from being and stepped down from BasS and We hear that the Psi Mu, with ACCESSORIES, INC. imagine a detailed system of social sufficient to solve the social problem, the Prophets. Yet I fear that both ings, of any Hebrew Prophet. Red Greenberg, Pooch Bloom, Bog- Chapman, both of our race who "Everything for the Auto" straighteningout based on this prin- but the possibilities of further dethe resentment of anti-Socialists and gie Bogdonoff and Cowboy Sadofsky ruled jointly 1928. THE BIBLE ANTIDOTE ciple, a system very ruthless and velopment in the same direction are the boast of those complacent co-re2501 Parnam—AT. 6524 If there is to be found in the Old thorough and efficient; but it would equally far from being exhausted. So- in the lineup, are to play the Y. M. Did you know that it wasn't until ligionists of ours is, in this case, the H. A. champs of Kansas City at 1924 that a Jew gained the title in *esult either of careless reading or Testament an attempt at a revolu- always remain the reverse of Social- ciety can go on multiplying and per-the Center this Sunday. The Omaha the b&tamweigbt division? Abe tionary answer to the problem of soism. Socialism tries to prevent what fecting social correctives, every one foggy thinking. No doubt, the Old boys will be in for a tough after- Goldstein was the first holder. He w {Testament is full of protest against a eial justice (a "revolutionary answer,' the Jubilee conception means to al- of which wfll bring it a step nearer noon for the Kansas City boys are was followed by Charles Phil Ro-[ CHARLES SIMON social order where the rich oppress L e., apart from such palliative tern-' low, but to keep in check. Socialism the total solution without affecting real stars in all the departments of I senberg who lasted until 1927 when! Reeonmenda the poor. Jewish conscience and rea- edies as Sabbath rest, the Maaaser, or proclaims; free inter-play of ecenomic the basic principle of free play. One the game. he ate himself out of the title. The Sanitary Laundry son, from the earliest stages,.of their the Peah), that answer is just the re- power is evil, all its action and reac- need not be a visionary to anticipate Did you know that the shortest awakening fought against such a verse of Socialism. The Bible's idea tions must be controlled step by step in the near future the present "dole," The Mid-West A. A. U. basketball fight with gloves on record occured t«a state of things and urged humanity of a sweeping social antidote' to the must only be permitted to run on unpopular as it may be now, developtournament has gotten under way when Ruby Levine was knocked out free play of riches and poverty is the rails laid out by constructive states- ing into a system of reasonable into create a better one. But this proat the Center this week. We have by Al Foreman? After the count it test and this longing do not yet con- Jubilee Year principle. Once in every, manship. The meaning of the Jubi- surance against unemployment; a seen some thrillers and some rotten was discovered that only 11 and ^ stitute Socialism, just as discontent period of 50 years there shall be pro- j lee is that the inherent tendencies of minimum wage above the index figbasketball this week. The winners seconds had elapsed since the startclaimed "freedom in the land"; any social life Bhould be left essentially ure; an extensive building activity of with an obsolete religion is not yet For 50 Years of last week's games were the Wal-ing gong has sounded. In fact the family that has been forced bypover-' unfettered; only, since that freedom the State made possible by the reducan equivalent of a new Decalogue. Your Towel Man kin Cafe, Psi Mu, Bachinnates Thal- sound of the gong had not died out! Protest and longing are only a quest; ty or debts to sell or to mortgage its is bound from time to time to, oc- tion of armaments; a fund of State lis Hatters, Union States, Frank's up in galleries when the fight was Omaha Towel Supply Co. a question, not an answer. Socialism property shall recover its ownership casion, as its by-product, abused of scholarships, enabling anybody who is Jewelry and Grand Island. over. on the Jubilee day, and every man wealth at the top and degeneracy at 209 So. 11th St. * JA. 0528 worth it to reach a, t^niyersity diploma is an attempt at giving an answer, Did you know that of all the great a definite scheme1 of rearranging so- who, during the period of forty-nine the bottom, statesmanship is to play at no personal expense. This "bourMr. Segal tells us that the girls fights in which hugh sums of money cial relations—a scheme for whose es- years preceding the Jubilee, has sold the much less ambitious part of mod- geois" society, by accumulating corwere taken in at the gate only one as rectives, can banish poverty while sentials one would search the Bible himself as slave shall become free'• erator or brake, of them had Jewish participants and with his children and grand-children. XHE PATH OF SOCIAL PROGRESS still remaining essentially bourgeois. in vain. .,;'••..•• that was in 1923 when Leonard and The Bible does not give much more There is hardly.any serious observer Socialism i s an endeavor to give a It does not matter, for the purpose Tendler fought for the first time. of life who doubtsJt.Somfljnay think radical solution of the; problem of than this rough outline of the&ubilee ;. Deale* in of the present remarks, which of the 1 I. Leonard won and the crowd paid that the somiSs^mf-Sf banishing .eve" •&» fairness in the'disiribution of society's •"two schemes in "better.** Nor does it Jewish Books an<f all other over $452,000 to see him perform. poverty would be a still better way; 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 ; wealth among,its individual members; , ... . . . . . . .. , matter that Socialism today is a Religious Articles MOVING — STORAGE — perhaps, but this is beside the point A solution so radical, so complete, that legalizing what amounts to periodical t h e l a b o r a t e d d o w n to i t 8 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. 352* PIANO MOVING the problem itself is to disappear for- social revolutions. Yet this is not est detail, partly even tested in the What I wasted? to recall is that Spr I wUb to call the attention of all my ever if that remedy is applied. Society Socialism; on the contrary, the ten- practice of a vast Empire, whereas tialism is not |he-jJewistftscheme of customers to the fact that I jurt received a fresh stock of all kinds of solving social firobieins; jthfct wodejjn must be organized in such a way that dency underlying the Jubilee principle the Jubilee plan is hardly more than Matzos of the best qualities, nnd also accumulation of. wealth in private points in a direction diametrically op- a couple of verses in Leviticus.. It is social legislation fOHOWK sJewish, not all kinds of Passover articles like Matzo flour, cake floor, eeg Matsos* hands should simply become impos- posite to any socialist scheme. The highly questionable whether the Jubi- Socialist lines, and that there still re- •cookies, etc. Also, I want my customers to remains a vast field of possible imsible. All the essential means and in- gist of all Socialist theories, whether lee year has ever been really enforced member my oirn make soap, kosher for struments of production must be Marxian or not, is to exclude once when Israel was a state, or whether provement without any need for Pesach and all kinds of Eoteach's Ira Singer a sophomore at N.Y.U. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Kosher articles for Pesach. owned by the state alone, and to this and for all any "objective" possibility our ancestors treated it as a counsel swerving away from those lines. who but a few years ago was pran"NEW FOR O U T sole owner of everything we, the citi- for any private person or private con- of perfection; perhaps not even quescing around the Brooklyn high The great advantage of Socialism 1619 Famam St.—AT. 8481 zens, must be indentured as a host of cern to accumulate wealth, the' meth- tionable, seeing that such a clumsy, is this: it has enthusiasts, while those school tracks was crowned champion wage earners. Should there remain od of exclusion being so thorough as pole-axe method of state intervention who prefer the "corrective" solution of the dash men for the year 1931 New and Old anything of the kind we today call to make unnecessary any correctives, (however excellent the intent) would of the social problem keep on the dewhen he won the 60 yard dash at "net profit" it will go to the state any measures against abuse of exag- have been bound to upset all economic fensive, frequently dropping into the National Indoor Track and Field and be used for purposes of general gerated wealth. Under Socialism, life, even in a primitive community, apology, and have, so far, failed to Championships held at the Madison At Reasonable, Prices R utility. This system does not neces- exaggerated wealth simply * cannot f o r a Qoi Square Garden last week. The Jewgive rise to a movement of romantic years before N. C. NIELSEN 5 ish sarily imply absolute mathematical come into existence. The Social sys-' j u bii ee 7 All boy stepped the distance in the inspiration. Yet this fact does not this has no bearing on JOB FOUNDRY equality of "wages" paid to various tern gets vaccinated against economic 117% North 16th JA. 5880 f fast time of 6 to two tenth seconds, prove that the Jubilee idea is organiour main point; that the Bible's conAMD MACHINE WORK categories of "workers"; in Soviet inequality and social stratification, just three tenths of a second under cally incapable of raining a generaREINFORCING STEEL Russia, for instance, there is a scale the vaccine being so efficient that no ception of an all-embracing remedy iton of enthusiasts. There was a the record. Running against the to social woe is emphatically not Soof grades, due perhaps to the recog- disease, can ever break out and no best sprinters the country could protime when Socialist enthusiasm was cialism. nition of the fact that a brain-worker medicine will W required. duce, the dark haired local lad-won equally unknown, though poverty then In our present world, which some needs some conditions of quietude and 2808-10 The Jubilee idea is ,on the contrary choose to describe as bourgeois or was much more painful and wealth his way to the tape after being led comfort not so imperative in the case Coming St. essentially and admittedly a kind of capitalist, social progress undoubtedly in finitely more insolent than today. Third Ave. and 11th Street of a stone-breaker. One may optiHA 0881 The vision of a world ruled by the social medicine, a powerful corrective follows the Jubilee°and not the soPhones: 89 and 519 . mistically imagine a Socialist State 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA where the maximum "wage" would be to the free play of economic forces; a ciaiist line of development. Society Jubilee principle should, especially to Physician and Surgeon very considerable. Yet it would al- corrective proposed just because the as constituted today does not want romantic imaginations, contain a play of those forces is meant to regreater and a lovelier appeal than the Announces that he has resumed to part with the freedom of economic ways remain a fixed maximum, a main free.' 'The competitive order of play, and only looks for correctives to mental picture of a Socialist universe. the practice of medicine in limit as impossible upwards as the [ the world's economy which causes one check its undesirable excrescences. All It is a vision of a world where the surgery at 622 World-Herald Bldg. WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. minimum wage downwards. Thus, man to win and another to lose is here protective social legislation ever en- main efforts of the State will be so Phone: Office AT. 3595 acted in any country but Russia has concentrated on assisting the unsucResidence HA. 3464 nothing to do with Socialism; it is cessful that poverty will become as AND deliberately a legislation of correc- extinct as torture is today; but where, KENNEDY, HOLLAND & DeLACEY 638 Securities Bid*.—AT. 4451 tives. Such1 are the eight-hours' day, at the same time energy, talent, reAttorneys the minimum wage wherever it is sourcefulness will find a vast scope 1502 City Kati Bank Bid?. C <)n|'LUm\STU(VII()\ CO. AT ALL GROCERS fixed, the laws protecting women and of unrestrained adventure; in addition NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION children in industry, collective con- not a world where'the main problem In the County Court of Douglas County, Made by Nebraska. tract, the right' to strike, industrial of humanity's collective life has been 4610 DOUGLAS WA. 5766 In the matter of the estate of SAMUEL, Courtesy Service Uncle Sam Breakfast Food A. ROBERTSON, deceased. arbitration.- ; These measures change solved and settled once and for all All persons interested in said estate are Company T H U L L PHARMACY nothing in the basic essence of our and there is nothing more to strive hereby notified that a petition has been Omaha Nebraska filed in eaid Court alleging that snid de24th and Seward "bourgeois" society—the possibility of and struggle for, but a forum of everceased died leaving no last will and pray(a chaxgre «f Registered Pharmacist ing for administration upon his estate, accumulating wealth in private hands; recurring permutations, "Jubileean" and chat a hearing will be had on said TeL WE. 2000—Free delivery they only put a limit to exploitation experiments, social revolutions, no less petition Defore said court on the 21st day of March, 1931, and that if they fail to of labor at the bottom of the social enthralling because bloodless.—From appear at said Court on the said petition, the Court may grant the same nnd grant structure.' They may be claimed as the current issue of the London Jewadministration of said estate to Edwin "Socialist" achievements only m the '•. Cassem or some other suitable person and But the buyer has no w a y of judging it. You can't tell ish Chronicle. vDCOceed to a settlement thereof. sense that most-of these correctives coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by i t s appearance ' ' , BRTCB CRAWFORD. Harry B. Lnpidot, President- Treaa. have become Taw under the pressure PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS whether an inferior grade h a s been mixed in, or substituted ' 3-6—3T County Judge. of socialist parties; Trat, just "because for the grade you ordered. IBTIN C. IKVIN, Attorney these measures are 'corrective,' they SOI Electric Bide. do not belong to the Socialist party NOTICE BY PCBIJCATION ON PETI; TION FOB 8ETTIJSMENT OF FINAL rulings—they belong to the Jubilee •ADJUSISTBATION ACCOUNT. COMPLETE STORE AND scheme. '• ••••'•• : : OFFICE OUTFITTERS In the County Court of Douglas County, Is to leave your coal problem to the coal dealer you have, We Occupy Still nearer related to the Jubilee "LT 11 Matter of the Estate of Ere Mon, confidence in. He won't sell you any bargains because the , Over 70,000 Square Pe«t fi C68.9GCl» principle is'another category of modlegitimate profit of coal Is too small to permit bargains. Southwest Corner All persons interested in said matter ern Social legislation; v measures deare hereby notified that on the 2Cth day However you can rest assured he will send you this grade ' Eleventh and Douglas Streets of February, 1931, Sarah Mon filed a petiliberately putting a top-limit to' action in snid County Court, praying that and the amount of coal you ordered. Phone JAckson 2724 her final administration account filed cumulation of wiealthV such'as proOmaha, Nebr. herein be settled and allowed, and that gressive income tabces,'death duties, she be discharged from her trust as adWE SOLICIT AND MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE ministratrix and that a hearing will be super-tax, and some provisions conhad on said petition before said Court on the 2$th day of March, 1931, and that if cerning limited liability corripanies. MID WEST you fail lo appear before snid Court on Yet even here we" only see'the 'prunthe said 28th day of March, 1931, at 9 ENGRAVING CO.INC. o'clock A. M,. and contest said petition, ing knife ' of the' state cutting off /T^S ARTISTS /*V, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a heirship, and make such those branches of the tree df <'riches" 7. ENGRAVEHS V other and further orders, allowances ana that threaten to grow perilously tall decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining ELECTRIC COMPANY or unduly thick; the tree itself reto said estate may be finally settled and DAVE SHERMAN TH.ST.OMAHAY AT. 4444 determined. B H I C E , C E A W F 0 E D i mains unimpaired.- One might de3-6-3t _. County Judge* scribe this system as the Jubilee prin-










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^§sf?^^^^m^^^wsi^^^^^w^"^^'^' JEWISH PRESS, FPwIDAY, MARCH 6, 1931 Ing mournfully: through automatic artists and expressed her apprecia- recognized in Alexander Hollossi t h i motions. ~~^~ tion of their work. former Alolph Hollander, a converted The morning "had only traveled an Hungarian Jew. . ._• 325,900 Jews Unemployed in hour when she came back to the room. It is now recalled that Hollander Poland S • ' r \ !• • j She knew what she'd do. She'd go or Hollossi was the leader in the Warsaw.---Official governinent stadowntown and have lunch at the Elizagitation that led to the arrest of tistics jroaSe public liere, show (that abeth. They had such wonderful desNINA KAYE be known as the Nathan Strauss there were 325,900 Jews unemployed Chief Rabbi Emanuel Loew during serts,' eclairs stuffed with ice cream the Hungarian White Terror of 1919. Memorial Milk- Stations. in Poland on January. 1, 1931. While] • A little laugh, a little, derisive laugh j visitors. "Usually., they ..were -young a i d the whole topped with caramel Later Hollander left Hungary and tossed 'lightly at h e r . back- bjr ajmen newly.nrrived'in townior passing sauce and pecans. But no! She was these are official figures, well-in-' Name A. Z. As." Chapter continued ihis agitation in the NaMassachusetts Again Sponsors stransrer. • ehans?e<l «Minna formed Jewish quarters here today stranger, changed < Minna "Klpin's Klein's4 through ontheir theirway waysouth." south.- Jacob Jacobnot noteating; eating; A throughon After Straus — ' , ; tional Socialist press in Germany. Course in Yiddish, Literature 1 •whole life. .declared that: ithe. nuhjbe^cf 3ews| | Klein always invited them, .in ftfaej ' Minna'did hot know how m»ny days •sLos-An^es-^The latest recogniBoston.—Dr. A.~ A. Roback,' mithor, Minna . had been. _ accustomed to, same way. "Come to dinner tonight;""she ii^iemplQyed is weli^oyer lj600,0tiD. . Palrty Asks Ban tonight;"', she went -without food. foo.i Lying T.irSno- •*,»* wan tion to be accorded lire memory ;'»f,i hearing'onlyian awed'> "Yes?" follow- he. would urge with gusto, ^aad you*ll.and weak among the pillows and lecturer and Yiddishist, whoihas re4 At the same time tiae. Je'wish; J3co-i Che Democratic party of Natibarf Strauss/great Jewish -philannoinic Magazine for Peoples Aid Hesse has called on the provinicial ing"- the .whispered.,- .information, have^a meal you'll talk about fonthe watcKng' the nurse moving swiftly cently returned from a trip through thropist and humanitarian who died "There' goes- "Minna * Klein; .L the rich ^ f t o f your life. I telt you, I've got' about the room, she thought it must European centers, where he was ac- last month, is the formation of a complains that while the government' government to dissolve the committee Minna'Klein.'She's-a dancer/1 this the:"Best cook yorth of the Mason-'have been months. Gradudly, as knowledged-as an authority JXO. Yid-new chapter of Aleph Zadik in Los is spending 30,000,000 zlotys a year of the students' organization at the dish literature, will give a course time,, stepping across *the the narrow Dixon line." Then he -would add with'soon as she was able to muster suffi- on "Yiddish Poetry and Drama," un- Angeles, Cal. Aleph Zadik Aleph is for the relief of unemployment, the University of Geissen and to with* Jewish population is 'not getting any draw all state aid from it because of sidewalk from her car to the town's the sane pride, "And Td like you to cient strength to speak, she asked, der the auspices of the University the junior auxiliary iof B'nai Brith, benefit from, this unemployment best- department, store,;Minna Klein meet my'daughter.* i "Why, Miss Klein, don't you know? the anti-Semitic policy of the majorExtension Division, State Depart- and has more than; 140 •chapters in fund. heard the usual comment, but the anity of its members. Minna was not surprised that her Your father remembers you ate din- ment of Education. all/parts of the .United States for swer was not "same s&me. Acconi- -father's guest was the stranger who'ner when he had a Mr. Raskin here, When the Democratic students at Jewish boys between the ages of 16] Recognize Hitlerite Editor This is the second time that a panying the laugh had come the had "laughed at her that morning. His He can't remember your coming to the university recently elected as and 21. As Converted Jew words, "What? A dancer. Why, she name was Philip Raskin and he the table after that. He said he! course .dealing with. Yiddish litera- Pupils in N. Y. Jewish Schools Budapest.—Adolph Hitler's aide their representative a Jewish student i fat!" seemed a personable young man. She thought nothing of it, when you said ture is being sponsored by the State. Honored for Studies and acting-editor of the Voelkischer from Strasbourg the anti-Semitic maLast year, such a course was merely Minna turned and . found herself might liave talked gayly with him wanted to dance a little longer an experiment, but the large atBeobachter, the chief Hitlerite organ, jority on the committee refused to Five hundred prize pupils represtaring straight ii-to a pair of brown were it not for the stinging memory every day sxid that you'd eat by youris a converted Jew, it was discovered work with him because he is a Jew senting 135 Jewish religious schools eyes which retured her ^aze unflinch- bf that morning. Instead, she kept self. But if you didn't eat since that! by a group of Hungarian journalists! and insisted that they would accept of New York City received books as a course in Yiddish literature ig. There was a smile on his lips, he* eyes' lowered to her plate and night, it would be three weeks that: ^ returned here from a visit to only a racial German. The Hessian well as art objects from the Bezalel : Did he know she had heard him? centered her attention' on the rich,'you went without food before you was the natural sequence of events. (Continued on Page 7.) Bavaria. . While in Bavaria they School of Arts and Crafts in JeruMinna did not reveal by the quiver dark sOup with its floating culinary dropped to the sidewalk, and t h a t ' s ' J e w s t o Aid John salem as first and second prizes for of an "eyebrow-that sh'e'rhacf heard, confections; on the browned duck hardly pbssible. When they brought'Hopkins L i b r a r y exceuence in stuaies peneci atai excellence in studies ana and perfect but went quickly-through the revolv- with its chestnut filling, the' baked you home, the doctor said right away) Baltimore. — Listed among the tendance during the past school year ing in? door. • potatoes stuffed with mint and'the it was starv&tion starv&tion, but you couldn't founder mambers of a society to be' be' Th ddonor of i h JJewf ^ the prizes was the Yes/ Minna knew she was stout. delicately flavored asparagus salad. have gone without food for three known as the friends of the John' Education Association of New Omaha 8 Style Center But when one's father is Jacoh Klein,! After coffee, Jacob Klein led his weeks!" I Hopkins Library, the organization of! York" nothing else mattered. And Minna | guest into the library. He was &1-| Slowly Minna nodded. She hadn't which was just announced, are DrJ loved to dance. For hours (at $10 an ready launched on his favorite after eaten a thing since that night. Hazily,' Jacob H- Hollander, professor of po-jf hour) she danced'in M'sieur1 Henri's: dinner topic, "How I Became What she bagan to remember. After the'litical economy at the John Hopkins J studio, or in her improvised one at I Ani." ; first three days, her hunger did not university; Max Hochschild and Al- ^ home. She would bound about the. It was Philip Raskin's enthusiasm bother her much. It was her head, j bert D. Hutzler. Queen Praises Art Work room she had hung with palest of|over the dinner and indifference to It kept getting lighter and lighter un-! „ - , " „ , t* t n v *A of Jewesses Opposite blue hangings, on the green rug that, her as he bid them goodbye that til she thought it would just float off! P Q J Z | t i o n s to K e J N a m e d Rome.—In the presence of the fcjtraus looked as cool ard dark ae moss.'showed Minna what was — wrong, of her shoulders. Then, she began to , ; Queen of Italy there was opened reNothing there, only space, and to the! "Goodnight," Philip Raskin wrung feel dizzy every time she tried t o 1 . ^ n c a s t e r ' P a ' ~ A n o v e l memorial cently in Rome the first national is to be established in Lancaster for music from her Victrola she .. would her father's„ .._.—. hand. Thanks •.__ -__—„— _ _ ^ for »„. the .„_ d£<nce. uc-iivc She remembered going for a exhibit of Italian women painters. leap and bound, stretch arms over : best meal I've eaten in my life. 111 walk. When the wind blew she had' N a t h a n s t n m s - Through a contribu- The Jewish women artists who parhead and whirl. Then she would lie be looking forward to my stop here to brace herself against it for fear of t i o n inad ® b y » e » " g « > ™ school of ticipated in the exhibit were Paola on the grassy-rug, her head thrown on my way back. I hope IT1 be for-, toppling over. She must have done' T e m p l e Shaarai Shomayim, the Vis- Levi Montalcini, Ginlia Zeisel and back, and make her arms and fingers tunate to receive another Invitation." that, though she couldn't remember iting - Nurse Association of the city Adriana Pincherle Moravia. At the will be enabled to establish a numdance. J Jacob Klein expanded. "Sure, sure, falling, or being brought home. opening of the exhibit the Queen Minn cared for dancing only in its | Drop in whenever you're in town. We ( "The doctor says it was lucky you ber of milk stations at the various congratulated these Jewish women playgrounds in the city, which will lighter aspect. The Marche Funebrelcook for company even when we do had plenty of excess fat. You were meant nothing to- her. "I'm not like • not expect anyone. Minna and I al- living on your stored up energy.1 that. She shook her head when she ways do justice to the meal anyThat's how, when Philip Raskin "Jast Around the Corner from Exierything" first heard it. "I'm a, Brahms way. again came to town, he found a slim Waltz," she explained to M'sieur and "I don't doubt it," Philip Raskin'and* graceful Minna. And it wasn't humming to herself, she danced gay- said, bowing to Minna. "Goodbye, because the soup was thinly trans^y while M'sieur unsuspecting pianist Miss Klein_" | parent, the fish unbuttered, the spinfinished the sombre music. ; Minna stood before her mirror long ach gTeen but without sauce, that But today Minna did not hasten to that night, gazing at her image Philip Raskin noticed how lovely she her studio as soon as she reached j through the tears which filmed her was. home. Inste&d, in her own room, she" eyes. "Even papa thinks more of ( . flung herself desolately across her the dinner than he does of me. He J He can't be wrong whose life is in bed. "Fat!1* Horrid word. It had did not care whether I pleased, just the right. —Popeimplied so much. "Shewasadancor!" so the dinner did," she sobbed. With-', —— he might have added. Oh, no matter -i in her, a great decision was born. J Lots of hard, .words are spoken over 1413 Douglas •what Henri said, she would never be' The next morning Minna refused j the saxophone.'' a success, she could never give a re-'breakfast of . toast, creamed eggs, eital. People -would laugh, all the;:French coffee 3 and the flakiest That forecast the new people who did not know^ who her Danish' pastry. .An hour after sHe[ spring trend in design, father was would come and laugh and wandered about the house, a weak; color and material. point their fingers and shout, "A fat sensation above her ribs. What was; dancer! Who ever heard of such a the matter with her? she wondered. thing?" Minna buried her round, "I'll dance. I always feel marvelous rosy- face in her plump.arm and when I'm dancing." She 1— tried to [ the studio, humming thsic she,' sobbed. planned to put on the iVctrola. "Oh, i After the first gust of tears had passed, she rose and absent minded- Fm so hungry!" the words burst! j ly; crossed to her dressing table, lift- forth, "I'm so hungry." ed the lid of a round box and, scrutShe put on the record, but some-. inizing the contents with the eye of how she couldn't get into the swing. an .epicure, extracted a choice choco- of the music - She didn't feel like late. dancing. She raised her hands above Late in the afternoon, her father her head in a new effort and then telephoned he was bringing a guest dropped them listlessly^ She tried " :or dinner. Minna was used to these another record and found herself


S H O R T S T O R Y By








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x-AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH B, 1931 for^ in^this-land^ ^ Kberty the persecuted found* a haven of Refuge opening wide its doors to the oppressed and the suffering. Here in the With Published every' Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ! United States these defenseless people found the THEODORE N. KAUFMAN CHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COfltPANY opportunities arid the spiritual peace denied Thise entire period of history cannot be dealt When the Jewish Press issued a call itti exhaustively in ^single editorial; suffice to Every year it has been the custom SIOUX CITY OFFICE .them in their native country. . with last week for local Jewry to express call attention!to certain bertjnent facts generally for a merchant from Galicia to JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER-r308 Pierce Street Since that fateful year of 1881 many things their views on Jewish subjects through overlooked: .Emancipation has not brought to travel to- Vienna in order to purhave transpired. We'Jewish immigrants, grateour columns, we expected to be flooded . Subscription Price, one year - . - : . . - . - - - $2,50 the Jew an entirely1 ^ e w deal" There has been chase various commodities at a cerful for this country's goodness and her bounty, , Advertising rates furnished on application .[ with' correspondence, especially since we a tremendous; wrench gtVenjthe face and body of tain'factory situated in the "Danau . h ^ e become closely interwoven with the AmeriJewish life under the new citizenship of Western Stadt." had suggested a subject, "Has Antinations, and the concept of thfe modern state, Prior to his annual visit the fac, can fabric, meanwhile contributing greatly to Semitism Helped Preserve the Jew?" ostensibly more fair and tolerant, has made Jew- tory received word that the mer; the 4jountry?s » wealth and position. We have However, we received no response. Office: 490 brandeia Theate* Building ' * - ' ish survival infinitely more difficult than the chant's firm* 'wasf'dii' the Verge of : Telephone: ATlantic; 1450 ^ - * = moved; in the words of Roosevelt, toward a high Evidently, Omaha Jewry are timid to tenets of the medieval absolute State. bankruptcy and warning them take their pens in hand. OAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor standard of American citizenship, a citizenship against extending further credit. Jewish life then enjoyed full internal autonvTRANK It. A O K E R M A N . . . - . - . - . - . . . E d i t o r wjuctf not merely insists on its rights but also The Kansas City Jewish News omy. "Education, administration of justice be- However, since the merchant had / A N N I E KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent eagerly recognizes its duty to .do; its' full share printed the editorial below on this very tween Jew and Jew, taxation for communal and bought at the factory for so many in:the material, social and moral advancement subject. We invite anyone to answer State purposes, health, markets, public order, years the proprietor decided to acof the nation. But, contrarily, no longer are the HEBREW CALENDAR were all within the jurisdiction of the community- commodate him, this last time and the challenge contained therein, or to 5691 corporation, and, in addition, the Jewish com- execute his order—debiting the doors opened wide; instead, the gates are barred. • 1931 write their views on any subject of Jewmunity was the fountain-head of social work of a charge to charity. Purim —Tuesday, March 3 The Jew has lost his haven; once more history ish interest. quality generally superior to that outside Jewry. After the merchant had made his Rosh Chodesh Nissan. .Thursday, March 19 repeats itself and the Jews must ask: whither The only condition is that your letThe Jewish self-governing bodies issued special selection of goods he turned to the 1st Day Pessach —.-Thursday, April 2 shall they turn, for the East has cast them off ter reaches the Jewish Press office by regulations and saw to their execution through proprietor and said, "After buying 7th Day Pessaob____» -Wednesday, April 8 and the West refuses to, receive them. In this their own officials." Most important to remem- here so many years, don't you think Tuesday, at 5 p. m. Here's their outRosh Chodesh Iyar. country's legislation there has seeped in a spirit -Saturday, April ber, in this connection, is that the Ghetto was that I am entitled to some gift?" look: originally a voluntary development; later came "Yes," replied the owner, and takLag of. animosity, against; the alien, not only against ...i... .^Tuesday, May 5 Pope Paul IV's Bull, making it a legal compulsion ing a silk handkerchief from stock Rosh Chodesh Sivan. ..^Sunday, May 17 the Jewish aliens but against all the foreignIt is a rather pertinent subject for inquiry for all Jews to live in a secluded district, in which presented it to the merchant. 1st Day Shabuothl_ Friday, May 22 born. In a period of world-wide economic up- whether the Jew has existed in spite of himself or no Christian was allowed "What!" exclaimed the merchant, to dwell. fheaval our legislators had to find a scapegoat because of himself. Certainly, it is a huge ironic looking at the gift, "only a silk Many of the most pressing problems in Jew- handkerchief?" and so they illogically and unreasonably placed twist of history if those who have made every to persecute and destroy the Jewish people ish life have come by virtueof the fact that West- Thereby the proprietor opened his EUGENE MEYER the blame for our depression on the immigrant. effort should suddenly find themselves the very instru- ern nations, granting equal civil status, demand in pocketbook said, "All light, if The most important nomination of a Jew The masses have been quick to catch the phrase, ment of Jewish preservation. many instances for exchange, as Ludwig Lew- you are not and 7 satisfied the handsince that of Justice Louis D. Brandeis to the "Blame the immigrants." The Jews as a result When other civilizations, having every ap- isohn so well states it: " . . . . the only freedom a kerchief then give it with to me and I bench of the Supreme Court of this country is again have no place to go, as he is harrassed parent advantage, including a common boundary majority has ever yet offered—the freedom to be shall return your check to take its contained in the Senate's confirmation of Presi- and tortured in the Eastern European countries, and a way of life undisturbed by preponderant like itself." place as my gift." dent Hoover's appointment of Eugene Meyer, Jr. hunted and oppressed without let-up. Hias's forces within the same area, have found survival is this demand for complete standardiza- "No, no," the merchant replied impossible, it is not extraordinary that conjec- tion It under the guise of freedom which has con- hastily, "rather, let me keep the of New York as governor of the Federal Reserve "Sh'nass Hayovel" must be tempered with cold ture should become rampant and reasons, which Board. Meyer's steady rise to eminence in the facts which hang a pall around the achieve- on the face of them appear absured, seriously fronted the Jew throughout the period of Eman- handkerchief." cipation. The guarantees of Minority Rights, obsphere of government finances and the universal ments of these fifty years. We have done proposed to explain our continued existence. by Louis Marshall, through the interces- At my office in Manila, Islas respect which is accorded him in official and much, but now, wohin, whither? However, we can hardly credit so facile an tained sion of Woodrow Wilson at the Peace Conference, Filipinas. I often received many a explanation as that which says: "We have sur- from East business circles as one of America's master European nations, is a not entirely perplexing letter from the people revived because others tried by every device and voluntary gesture financial minds, make it possible that he may of tolerance, which has found siding in the provinces. Often the expedient to exterminate us." extremely qualified fulfillment in Poland, Rou- letters would come written in three even become the next secretary of the Treasury. At the outset we believe that Jewish history mania, and other large centers of Jewish life. or four languages and it took a Meyer, it will be remembered, established a is not nearly so somber as it has been pictured to great deal of time and patience to To say that because the Jew threatens to most exteaordinary; recoi'd as managing director us. Just as the debaters at our Community find out what the writer really did Center found it to their advantages to present assimilate under Emancipation, when he did not have in mind of the War Finance Corporation, in which capaI remember "theme" historical interpretations, so has it been approach assimilation in the pre-Emancipation one letter whichto 1 say. city he supervised a revolving credit fund of DOUBLE NATIONALITY received a period, is hardly the same as saying that the Jew native in Mindanso (southern from with many Jewish historians. Philip$500,000,000 without the loss of a single dollar The president of the Socialist Party of Salo Baron, in an article in the Menorah flourishes best under anti-Semitism. Emancipawritten partly in dialect and to the government. Geneva is Jacques Dicker, Russian-born Jew. Re- Journal, (June, 1928,) entitled "Ghetto and tion" will mean nothing so long as a demand for pines) partly Spanish and which read, There is, However, a notable contrast be- cently, during a session of the House of Deputies Emancipation," ably considers the more recent complete conformity to majority social patterns- "Grand inSirs. You will have the tween the battle which was waged against at Geneva, M. Berra, chief of the Social-Christian findings on the subject of treatment accorded the accompanies it. honor to find enclosed two pesos told, J e w s duringg the period of their deepest decline,, Brandeis at the time of his nomination and that Party, who likes neither Socialists nor Jews, told, It is obvious that the only freedom which for which kindly send same with p p against Meyer. Brandeis was opposed bitterly M. Dicker to keep his hands off Swiss the 16th 17th and 18th (usually desig means anything is that freedom to be one's self. speedy delay to impatiently awaitK« the 16th, 17th and "Middle 18th centuries centuries (usually designated the Jewish Ages," not identical in, the Senate by the old stand-patters of that cause he, Dicker, had two loyalties, "First you with the European "Middle Ages,") and reveals The Jew was enabled to be himself when he did ing servant." day, the "Wall^fStreet" group, because of his are a Jew and then you are Swiss,' shouted M. the necessity for a considerable revision of pre- not have what the modern world calls "Equal Rights," which is so often liberally translated radicalism. But in Meyer's case, it was the re- Berra while his party applauded. M. Dicker did valent historical opinions. to mean—"no right to continue as a distant ent- Oppose Creating New verse. Brandeis was denounced because he was not lose his composure, but answered: "I am a State Consisted of "Corporations" ity;" even though it appears to suit his pleasure National Organization a'liberal; Meyer was opposed as a reactionary. Swiss citizen, I do not know the Jewish religion. If the Jew during the Jewish Middle Ages and purpose to do so,—just as it has for some Meyer's nomination was attacked by the radicals, My family have been freethinkers for three gen- had no "equa\ fights,'! it was because this concept thousands of years past. New York.—The proposal of the Greater New York Federation of left by Senator Brookhart, who accuse -him <>f erations and I know but one religion, that of in- was then unkjjowju t|iej State consisting of corpAnti-Semitism stifles rather than preserves being a "Wall Street" man closely affiliated with ternational Socialism." Rather a naive reply. orations. The nobility was the first of these, the Jew, but the "stiff-necked people" of yore, his Jewish Women's Clubs to form a nacame thte clergy, followed by the third estate, civilization has flourished and contributed most tional federation of local federations big banking interests and unfriendly to the Does not M. Dicker know that even if his ances- then the urban citizenry. Below all these came the to the outside world at times when humane pre- of Jewish Women's organizations has cause of agriculture. For days Meyer went tors had been converted to Catholicism he would vast bulk of,the populace, peasants or proletar- cepts were practiced in the treatment accorded been rejected by the Conference Comthrough a gruelling cross-examination by Brook- still be regarded as a Jew? Does he not realize ians, held in complete serfdom in most countries. him, whether in Persia, in Rome, in Spain or else- mittee of national Jewish women's organizations in New York City. The Jewish! legal status was comparable to where, humanity has prevailed. hart and there were wide-spread comments on that to make international Socialism his sole rethe third estate, and like this corporation, the After pointing out that the purpose the assurance Meyer displayed throughout the ligion does not make him less a Jew than if he We are human; we do not thrive under abuse, Jew was largely an urban folk. His rights and of the Conference Committee covers ordeal. In fact, it was the consensus of opinion were wearing a yarmelke? When silence greeted duties varied with the periods of history, but the and, certainly, persecution has not added preserv- all of the purposes advanced in behalf that Meyer's sharp system of retort usually had his reply M. Dicker was rather puzzled. We ima- Jewish situation was one vastly superior to the atives to our impulse and desire for perpetuation. of a national federation, the following Brookhart on the defensive. gine he expected an apology. When he saw it great majority of people then living. "They could We fare best and prosper most under tolerance, resolution was adopted: "The proThere is another point of contrast between was not forthcoming he added: "If M. Berra move freely from place to place with few excep- as our history well reveals, but even under intol- gram of the Conference Committee of Brandeis and Meyer which does not speak so wants to fan religious hatred that will bring per- tions, they could marry whomever they wanted, erance we can sometimes survive and weather national Jewish women's organizahad their own courts, and were judged ac- the storms, though our strength is impoverished tions is sufficiently broad in scope and favorably for the latter. On the Jewish side secution to the'Jews I will tell him: "Yes, I am they and our ranks decimated. cording to their own laws," Dr. Baron states. program to include the activities of Meyer's conduct during recent years has not a Jew, and take my stand with the persecuted all Jewish women's organizations, afforded much reason for gratification. Accord- against the persecutors." And, strange to say, and that no need therefore exists at met a friend of his and was surPRIDE OF EAST SIDE ing to those who have followed his attitude, those who had applauded M. Bera could not reThe death of Louis Wolheim re- l prised to see him in a police uni- the present time for the formation of another Jewish women's organizaMeyer's whole tendency has been to keep as frain from giving evidence of their respect for moves a most intriguing personality. form. tion." "What's this—what are you doing • Wolheim was a living advertisement aloof as possible from Jewish affairs. Reputed Dicker. • —Jewish Standard. By DAVID SCHWARTZ in that uniform?" queried Hoffman. of the better side of the old East to be one of the country's wealthiest, he has "Well, 111 tell you," replied the Dame Fortune insists on being Side. He had that rough and readgiven freely of his talents to Uncle Sam; but friend, "I'm a policeman, but really wooed before being won. iness, which seemed to be a charWhen the dominant objectives of our life INTERESTING, BUT American or world Jewry has received but little acteristic of that section, along with I'm in business for myself." are pleasure and recreation, they become work.-! ^ ^ T R ^ E PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS from this Jewish satellite Occasionally he makes The New York Chancellor's Successor Must Evening Journal sympathy with the underdog, Be Constant a contribution to some Jewish charitable cause, Then they assay only a small per cent of real, typical of it. but that is all Certainly his name is not to be joy. When relaxation and refreshment are the J London.—Forecasting the resignaCOMING Here was a Jewish boy raised in tion of Sir John Chancellor as High objectives o r our pleasures, and our pleasure! ^ ^ ^ passed Mann te; he found among those who lead in the councils of the slums, evolving into a crack var- Commissioner of Palestine, the influ-! the country's Jewry. This is all the more sur- time is snatched from a life of Work, a life of j out: "The curtain i3 down, but the sity football player, then into a proential weekly, Week End Review, says prising since at one time he seemed on the usefulness, then, generally speaking we gain real show was a good one." fessor of mathematics, and finally that as his successor it wfll be necesSunday Evening, verge of entering as an important figure in the joy, real satisfaction, real delight and genuine Now, that's quite dramatic and into a cinema star. The one thing, sary to find a man of strength as well perhaps Mann should have said it is said, that aroused his ire, was March 22 dynamic Zionist movement; but somehow his recuperation from our pleasures. something like thiit, but our guess when any Jew changed his name to as constancy and experience. ardor copied. Perhaps, when his life is melis, that the sentence is pure and his Jewishness. We shall We like people because we find something unlimited coinage of the reporter or conceal lowed with age, he will follow the example of not see his like again. Well, not "many brilliant Jewish men in the public eye and in them that is like something in us. We find rewrite man. often anyway. a flow of soul, a hkfe principle of conduct, an In our newspaper career, we have become active in Jewish life. identical element of • culture, a similarity of committed such offenses ourself. The EINSTEIN AND SOCRATES A press dispatch brings this comtemptation is too great to be resisttastes, a mutual usefulness, ment from one of the scientists with




From Contemporary Pens

By the Way

"The Jazz Singer"



"•"• Wohin? Whither? That has been the perplexing problem which has agonized the heart of Israel since'the first day of their dispersion. It has been the eternal lamentation of a wandering people,- and the pages of: her history, re-echo with that stirring cry, piercing and appealing—an age-old spectre which continues to stalk the haunts of a deathless race. Exiled from Babylon, driven from Spain, ostracized from Russia—always the question has been ; "Whither?" . =" -: Last Sunday Hias celebrated "Sh'nass Hayovel," a year of Jubilee, marking a half century since the beginning of mass immigration from Eastern Europe into the United States. It is ."list fifty years'ago since the outbreaks of the inhuman pogroms of-Russia which forced the unbending, jariyielding Israelites to flee the country.; At* that time the total Jewish population of t i e United States was two hundred and fifty thousand put,of a total of forty-five millions. But today -there are approximately- fdur-aiid a half million Jews out of-a general population of around one hundred and seventy-five millions,

As we seek for the element of^individuality, the element of divinity and the cultivated elements to be found in every 'soul, we will like them in an ever increasing degree.

ed. But do great men persist in forgetting to add these little dra-[ matic flourishes, which mean so much for the newspapermen? Why did, for instance, General Pershing forget to say "LaFayette, we are here." But he did, and it was actually said by some minor officer, whose name we forget, and will never be remembered by anyone

When you awake, to look out at the sky, the trees, the flowers and to listen to the birds, " •' sets the mind and soul in its best mood. The e l s e . . • • , .. frame of the mind determines what shall be ex- TAKE YOUR BATH TUB pressed through it. ' ALONG There is life and death in the tongue. Expressions of love, truth, wisdom, joy, and gladness are life-giving. Expressions of hate, anger, jealously and revenge are death dealing. We reflect back to the worid that which we absorb from life. We generally absorb that upon which we focus our attention and interest. . You had better be happy, if you know what's good for you! When you are happy, it is all to the good. Wh«, you are unhappy, your account at the Bank of Nature is overdrawn, J >._.-•


whom Einstein has recently been associating: "Einstein knows more astronomy than he lets on to." Einstein of course is supposed to know little of empirical science. He is the theorist—reaching his conclusions through the abstract realms of mathematics. But, it seems that he really knows a good deal of the practical side, but hides it. Old Socrates, you recall, used to work this business of hiding talents even to a greater extreme. He would meet a person and profess to be a complete ignoramus, and after the other fellow would exhibit all his knowledge, Socrates would calmly and slowly pull his own out and coolly make a fool out of the boaster. And the more gentle he was,; the harder it hurt. ;.• I wonder that more people don't try this hiding tactics.

Of course, fundamentally, its the same trouble that,plagues all of us. We think of that bit of clever repartee, after we go home from the party, or as we loll about in the morning in bed, just after a night's sleep. They are very apt to come too, while in the midst of a warm bath. Any form of relaxation seems to promote them. But the trouble is, one can't carry along a bed or a A BOOMING BUSINESS, bathtub to a party or a meeting TODAY or anything like that. Apropos of the investigation of the Many of would be thought police graft in New York, Hoffman, manager ofj&e Jewish Art theater, tells thisFonef^ The "other day, lie not about 12 hours late.

AVer feet Food for Everybody*


PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, BIARCH 6,19S1 lieutenant Stern is the son of Mr. and Mis.' Louis Stem. VISITS HERB i Mr. Ben Newman of Xos Angeles, formerly of this city, is nere for a short visit TOXALTFORNIA "• • Mr. Abraham Osoff, who. came here recejnfly ^from Palestine, t left Tuesday, for California.

APPROACHING.; MARRIAGE , February' 25, at Nebraska Methodist . ; , . . > '...;.; • Mr. and. Mrs. A.- Winer announce hospital. the approaching marriage o f .their daughter, Helen, to. Harold Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. - L Rosenblatt anson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Siegel, on nounce the birth of a daughter on Sunday, March 8, at the Congrega- .February 2A, .at the Covenant hostion of Israel Synagogue, at 25th pital. and- J streets. r The bride's attendants will be Miss PURIM SEUDAH Sophie Eoginsky, maid of honor, and Mr. and Mrs.* M. Seiner enterthe .Misses Sara Katz and Fanny tained eighty guests at a Purim Ostroyich, bridesmaids. Seudah Tuesday evening at the 25th Messrs. Hyman Winer, Harry and' Sewart "street Synagogue in Winer, and Eli. Zalkin will serve as honor' of the fifteenth birthday of groomsmen. , . their son, Leonard. Little Harriet Lorkie will be flower girl, Betty Kraft and Gerald Cohn " •will be pages .and Phillip Fox will be PURIM DINNER Mrs. John Corby entertained at a ring bearer. Mrs. Abe Wolfson will sing, "Oh Promise Me," and ' 1 Love Purim dinner Tuesday night for You Truly," preceding the- ceremony., fourteen guests, honoring Miss Yetta Wright, bride-to-be, and her fiance, Miss Winer has been extensively Mr. Abe Markovitz. entertained daring the past few weeks* Among those who complimented the bride-tcnbe are Mrs. M. ENTERTAINED Mrs. Louis J. Zabel of Chicago, Cohen, Mrs. J. Lorlds, Mrs. S. Ca . Mrs. A. Wolfson, Mrs. S. formerly Miss Anne Rothenberg of Gerwck. Mrs. S. Lagman, Mrs. S. this city, has been visiting at the Rosenblatt, Mrs. J. Winer, Miss home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sophie Aland, Miss Fanny Ostro- Benjamin Rothenberg. Entertaining in Mrs. Zabel's honor vich, Mrs. A. Singer, Miss Sophie Roginsky, Miss Sarah Katz and Mrs. at bridge were Miss Helen Chait, H. Whiteman. Miss Winer's mother Mrs. S. M. dayman and Mrs. A. entertained at a bridge party at her Weinstein, and at luncheons, Mrs. N. S. Rothenberg, Mrs. Samuel home. Brown and Mrs. D- A. Denenberg. ENGAGED * Mrs. Fanny Korney announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary, to Oscar,, Taub. No date has been

set for the wedding. MRS JACOBS HONORED Mrs. Gertrude Jacobs was honored by a family dinner given at the Blackstone Hotel, Tuesday evening, by her kinsfolk in celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the arrival of Mrs. Jacobs to the shores of this country. During the dessert course Mrs. Jacobs was surprised with a special cake, bearing a miniature replica of the ship which brought her to America. -Mrs'. Jacobs and her son, Mr. Nathan Jacobs, recently moved to the Blackstone Hotel. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg announce the birth of a daughter on

HONORART GROUP Miss Anne Lintzman Tvas • among those initiated into the • municipal university chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, national honorary sociological society, last Friday evening. SORORITY PARTY Plans have been completed by the Theta Phi Sigma Sorority for a pajama party to be held Saturday night, March 7. Miss Sally Morgan is in charge and is being assisted by Miss Toby Flax. ALPHA PHI OMEGA The Alpha Phi Omega sorority met at the home of Miss Sara Devine on February 25. A social hour followed ' a short business meeting.

Hadassah Cultural

silverware, donated by Mrs. ' S. The regdar meeting will be pre- Milder, J£ M. Malashock, Julias NewRiskes, will be held at 10 a. m. ceded by a board meeting. man, Jf. M. Newman, I. Phrtkin, and Everyone is invited. Admission is The Omaha Daughters of Zion are Julius Stein, Bob Glazer, and t. free. to hold their second annual bazaar Dansky. at the Jewish Community Center, Council of Jewish Women March 14 and 15. Over $500 of Conservative Auxiliary Pioneer Women Joseph Littau, conductor of the Mrs. I. Hurwitz, chairman' of the The Conservative Synagogue Aux- valuable merchandise is to be sold. Omaha-symphony, was guest speaker iliary will entertain its members and Among the many articles are furni. (Continued on Page 7.) at -the February meeting of the friends at a complimentary bridge- ture, dry goods, groceries, e t c , to Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. tea on Wednesday, March 11, at be 'donated by local 'merchants. Herbert Amstein, president of the The organization has secured the' 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Council, introduced Mr. Littau. lodge Toom at the Center' in which Center. In' his subject, "Sidelights on our to conduct this affair. All of the This tea is to take the place of Modern Composers," Mr. Littau menproceeds win go toward the Jewish tioned, &> number of, well-known men the regular monthly meeting of the National fund. Every Jewish family prominent, i a . the musical world. Auxiliary. A board meeting at 1:30 in Omaha should attend and give] Among them were George' Gershwin, p. m. precedes the affair. their support to this worthy cause. Walter Damrosch and Ernest Block. • The committee for this affair is in Deborah Society Oscar Wemstein, cellist, gave two The regular monthly meeting of charge of Mrs. M. Braude. numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Eloise the Deborah society will be held on West MeNicbols. Mr.. Weinstein is (Tuesday, March 10, at 2:30 p. m., Purim Bafl a member of the Omaha symphony. at the J. C. C. The following are additional pur-] Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs. The children of the Talmud Torah chasers of patron tickets for the E. L. Hennes appeared in two piano will again demonstrate their work. first annual Purim ball to be given numbers. There will also be an outside by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Con! The class in Child Study, conduct- speaker. servative Synagogue on Sunday, ed by Mrs. Eva. Morse will be reMarch 8, at the J. C. C , for the sumed this month. Mrs. Morse's next benefit of the building fund of the subject will be "The Adolescent." Daughters of Zion ynagogue: I. Berkowitz, Abraham The Council will hold the annual HArney 7645 The Daughters of Zion will hold Cohn, Sam Cohn, William Grodinsky, rummage sale about the middle of their regular meeting on Wednesday Dr. Morris Gordon, M. F. Levenson, M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. April. Definite announcement will afternoon, March IS, at the J. C. C Dave Levine, Morris Miklin, Morris be made later. The outgoing officers will be honored at this meeting. An excellent program has been Civics and Legislative Groups Irvin Stalmaster was the speaker arranged, featured by a prominent at the meeting of the Civics and speaker. Refreshments will also be Legislative groups of the Council of served. All members are urged to attend Jewish Women held at the Blackstone Hotel Wednesday noon, March and to bring their friends. 4th. This was the regular luncheon meeting. Mr. Stalmaster's subject was the — "Jury System." Mrs. Robert Glazer is chairman of this group.

Organization News


COMING "The Jazz Singer" Sunday Evening, March 22

Wednesday and Thursday Specials Semi-Flat __ 6c Wet-Wash _ 4c


A record attendance is expected at the annual tea and card party, which will be given by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah on March 18th at the Paxton ballroom. Mrs. David Stein is chairman of the affair, and reports that a large number of tickets have been sold. Many beautiful prizes will be given and the affair promises to be one of the most beautiful given this season. Proceeds of this party will Bikur Cholim be used to further the good work The Bikur Cholim Society will which is being done in Palestine for hold a bazaar on Sunday, March 8, the relief of needy poor. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets. The affair will start No rule is so general, which admits RECUPERATING at 4 p. m. Miss Reva Ziev, daughter of Mr. not some exception. An excellent program has been arand Mrs. Louis Ziev, is recuperat-. The pen is mightier than the sword. ranged, featured by Rebecca Garrop ing at the Methodist hospital from —LyttoB. and the Eifkin Sisters. A raffle of an appendectomy. Miss Estbyre V. Steinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg, a student at the University of Nebraska, underwent an appendectomy Tuesday at the Methodist hospital.


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LEAVE Lieut, and Mrs. Benjamin Stern and daughter, Naomi, left Sunday for Fort Monmouth, N. J., where they will be stationed for two years.

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SUCCESSOR TO THE GREAT LEITZEL?—Lillian Leitzel Pelikan of Milwaukee, niece of the late Lillian Leitzel, noted circus performer who recently died from injuries received at Copenhagen, Denmark, hopes to be able to carry on the tradition of her aunt Little Miss Pelikan is seen training in her back yard-


Hie, five-year-old son if Irene Sehroeder, little realized his mother was approaching the electric chair at Rockview penitentiary, Bellefonte, Pa., together with her lover, Glenn Dague, for the murder of a Pennsylvania highway patrolman


BRAIN FOOD FOR EINSTEIN—Frau Einstein admires prior to preparing some salmon trout sent by air from Seattle to Pasadena, Cal., for Professor Albert Einstein, her famous husband.

QUEEN OF REVELRY—Photo shows Miss Adele Townsend Jahncke, daughter of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Ernest Lee Jahncke, as she looked in her regal costume as Queen of Comus. The ball, given by the Comus society, is the most ex» elusive of all the New Orleans Mardi Gras functions


JLAST OF WOMEN BRICKMAKERS—These Worcestershire, England, women are the last to keep aUve an old tradition of women brickmakers in this community.

3ELI»E FROM PORTO RICO—Miss Abigail Diaz, daughter of the Porto P.ican minister to the United States, delights her classmates at Keuka, N. Y., college by donning native dress.

WELCOME KIBITZER—Bridge players never object when Bill) Barrett tells them how to play a hand. That's because he is th< 18-year-old national bridge champion. Photo shows him offering free advice to Mrs. William H. Wallace, Jr., of New York, during the first annual southeastern sectional bridge tournament in Augusta, Ga.

INHERITS GREAT WEALTH— Little five-year-old Jane Elizabeth Whitelaw of London, who is heiress to a large portion of the $.10,000,000 estate of her aunt, the late Mrs. Helen Hornby-Lewis, becomes one of the richest girls in the world. The child's father is!a' racehorse owner and trainer. She is shown, above, with her mother, Mrs. G. S. Whitelaw, at their home in a London suburb.



MOVING DAY!—Those students of the University of Michigan who had quarters at five fraternity houses ordered closed following liquor raids by Ann Arbor police have to find new homes._ Here's a .>-~ \group departing trom one of the padlocked houses,/ - -

TICKS 225 YEARS—For 225 years this handsome old English clock has kept* accurate time. Louis Redmond, Washington, D. C, watch. ^makcr, is jaspectjng jhe^ancieot timepiece to learn its secret

T—THE ^JB WKxtl fJUS5S, FJUBAT* htt- •:,ifew.5iemainmg -who ari* carrying, ,<m - -4 '1" ti the .'work are indeed to be congratulated for their honest and sincere (Continued from Page 5.) efforts to keep the lodge alive . . .', "We are happy to hear that considPioneer Women's club bazaar, wishes erable activity is planned for the to thank the public and her commitnext three months, byf: |r^ni Levin, tee for the co-operation that she reHarry B. Cohen and; ^Mijtonl Abraceived in making this third annual \ h a m s . . . .^iMiss Anne ilShteman, bazaar a success. daughter of Mr. and lira. B| IintzAll proceeds of the bazaar held 1 man, yr&& an ionor student at the February 22 were sent to the Chal1 Talmud Torai i • • • this' accounts _ utzos in Palestine, of which Mine, for-her splendid .\rork,;ih connection Hannah Chink is organizer. Sabbath Services 'with'th^ >Jewish, School population . Mme. Chink will be in Omaha on Rabbi ;Fre4eiicfeJCohn:4rill deliver Candle lighting time, Friday, Mar. An excerpt: from ihe address of stady v", i «"?iow doing-post gradMarch 22 and 23. The organization Jhr. Charles C. Morrison, editor of tate work ^research 1 at the Uni- his sermon atUie Temple this eve- -will hold, a banquet and mass meet- 6—5:40 p. m. the Christian Century . ... . . i"The versity of Omaha and is a volunteer ning on "My First Two Thousand ing in her honor at the } . C'C. Services Friday—S p. m. •Vital nerve in most of the prejudice "visitor at the Family /Welfare so- Years," an autobiography of the Hold the date open. More informaSaturday morning—€:3Q p. m. la the -myth that the Jews were .-the'.: ciety, a ijnrotestant;;-relief - agency Wandering Jew by Viereck Eldridge. tion win be given in next week's iskillers of Christ* ?aft»E6elitpff" to Dave and The services will start at 7:45. and adds" sue. ., Tonight that Christians should face the facts Sadie GaEenberjs'..'. "i .:iitfs' ":a little honestly and admit their gifilt "in girl . .;;.\'i tast but not least . Rabbi Goldstein win speak on A. Z. A. No. 100 tiiis terrible historical wrong -which the Purim dance Sunday evening1 at Saturday Morning1 Advance sale, of tickets for "The "The Dietary Laws in the Modem has been perpetrated against the the Center . • . Expect to see yon •'Concrete Thoughts" will be Eab- Jazz Singer," -being sponsored by World." He win discuss the quesJewish people . . . » It is said that there bi Cohn's subject tomorrow morning. this organization, points to a great tion: Are the Dietary Laws an outAl Jolson is a very philanthropic insuccess. Julius Bisno is chairman Services begin at 10:30 a. m. worn superstition to be discarded or dividual . . . . all done in a very of the committee in- charge. modest manner . . . . Jolson spends A committee appointed at the do they have any value for the Jews a few thousand dollars a -week mainmeeting Sunday will investigate the today? taining a bread line on the East Side Kaddish wfll be recited this Sab- possibilities of putting a banner of At the services tonight the baby of New York! i i / . .-which serves (Continued: from ?age 3.) bath for Vera Sylvia Wertheimei" the:chapter in the recreation room. girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave "Kosher" food fEree to unemployed •A special meeting will be held Sun«nd Vaer Sonin. Greenberg wffl be named. The. * . . . .The crowd which gathered tominister of education, M. Adelungj day efternwm. happy parents invite the congregawitness the chess' exhibition in*the then informed the students' commit••".•!; Orchestra Yotmg Peoples Rally Center auditorium the hope- tee that their action was illegal as it tion to rejoice with them in the soA new Center orchestra is being fuls, young arid) old, striving to out- violated the constitution. The yotmg folks of Temple Israel slowly but surely organized under cial hour after the services. Ant the local ihanipion, Howard Oh- j e w s Gain Honors in Italy will hold a rally at Temple Israel the direction of Mr. Bernard White, jnan of the T^ KLjC. A. . Head- j R ome.-Three prominent Jews were this Sunday, starting at 5 p. m. A very good turnout greeted Me Next Week line in Sacramento Calif., paper t e d W g h h { m o r s fay ^ I t a l i a n White at the rehearsal held at the The Sisterhood will serve a buffet On Friday evening, March 13, CsMo ia ^ ^n* '{•; ™ ' governor government. Center and he is very desirous to supper free of charge. Rabbi Goldstein wiU speak on "Is sings "El Kelchenu -in Synagogue" have more fellows turn out. AnUmberto p ^ u ^ long noted It Reasonable to Believe in Immorother rehearsal will be held at the . .... It was Governor James Ralph, ^ ^ o f f i c e r ^ . ^ ted to Speaking Engagements Center this Sunday. taUty?" Jr., who attended the regular Fn- m a j o r . & e n e r a L M. Pontremoli, an ofRabbi Conn will address the Parday evenmg services, at the umta- n<xr m ^ I t a l i a n ^ has Fa Hon Remember the Purim Ball this ent-Teachers association of Lothrop turn of Rabbi Norman Goldberg of n a m e i j ^ admiraL The Fa Hon sorority win hold a School Monday evening, March 9. Sunday evening at the J. C. C. SPemple BWOsrael . At the ; T h e ^ J e w h o n o r e d ^ G i a c a m o very unique contest in the future. On Wednesday evening Rabbi hmcheon for Jacob DeHaas, famous C e p ^ of ent of the Jewish comp r e Trieste, sid The plans for this contest are now has been decorated Zionist leader and publicist . . . . •with the officer's order of the Italian Cohn will speak at the First Presby- being prepared. Any one will be Most of us vote against people, not the strains of "Hatikvah" as he Legion of Honor. Cepilli, who is terian Church of Council Bluffs on allowed to enter this ^contest, which for people. entered the room . . . . and the prominently identified with all Jewish wiU be held at the Community Cen"The Growing Cordial Relationships embarassment of those who were ter. Between Jews and Christians.1' tstanding, o c e a s e pdue l a y ito n g the . . pianist's . . D e H failure a a s i s affairir^"vice^r^denVof The Sorority plans to give the chamber of commerce in Trieste. to ceaseman playing s COMING a small in statute butDeHaas a giantiin winner of this contest a loving cup. intellect . . . . his vast fund of Anonymous Donor for Further announcements of this event Business Men's knowledge concerning Palestine Diffusion of Truths About Jews win be made in the near future. stamps him as a recognized leader Paria—An anonymous gift of The committee in charge of this Bowling League Sunday Evening, 325,000 francs for the "diffusion of Of the cause . .-. . event is headed by Miss Sarah PolW. L. Av. lay. March 22 The perennial popularity of the Jewish truths through the publica.587 tion of works on the Jewish reli26 _ 37 Wardrobe Clothing festival of Purim has apparently re- gion" has caused a considerable stir - 35 25 .583 margin is very close between the main unaffected by change of .time in Paris where considerable specula- Malashock Jewelry _ 34 26 .567 first four teams. Empire Cleaners _ . . . . various sorts of celebrations tion, is being done as to the identity The Bens Jewelry shot team totals FLOWERS Ben's Jewelry ..•.••••. - 31 29 .517 taking place . . . . the Conservative of the unknown donor. .383 of 928 and 936 and thus defeated the BY WIKB 37 Insurance. _ 2 3 Synagogue, Temple Israel and the ALL OVEB THB WOKLD ,365 Malashock Jewelers. To carry out the purposes of the 40 23 Battery . Yousem V J. C. C. were in charge of special FRED R. SHAW a committee has been formed The Wardrobes went into v Jfirst \ -JC V«iger, P. Wintroub, Jack Melprograms . . . . tho this joyous oc- donor • FliOWEB SHOP to include Israel Levi, chief rabbi of place by reason' of their victory; over tfcer and Morris Bloom shot excellent 545 Broadway Phone 41 casion has been celebrated for cen- .France; Sylvain Levi, president of the Empire: sGleaners. However, the totals.; ' , - ' ' ? turies . . . . yet a "wag" writes in the Alliance Israelite Universefle








_ ftrogram is planned and al members are urged to attend. Mrs. M. F. Levensbn of-Omaha -will be thf guest speaker. A piano solo 'will by given by Miss Hermine Hirschman oc Omaha, and Harold Eroloff will givi1 a dramatic reading.

Notes of Temple

.• '


ative < e

HERZOFF-KROLOFF WEDDING kr.'1and Mrs. Louis t^feff- : ©f; "The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Council Bluffs announces the mar- '«$: the Independent Order of the B'nai riage of their daughter,^ Miss Ger- Brlth -will hold a meeting next Montrude-Kroloff, to Mr. Ben Herzoff, day evening, March 9, at the Eagles sen of Mr. and Mrs. Mi Herzoff of Hall. Sioux Cfty^ which took place Sunday morning^ JMarch 1, at ten o'clock in 'Mrs. Eva Konecky of Omaha and Sioux City. When the engagement Mrs. Harry Cherniss of Council Bluffs of" the' young couple was announced entertained twenty guests at a Bridge in January, a June wedding was Party last Saturday afternoon at the planned^ jso the announcement of "the home of the former in honor of their -wedding comes as a "surprise to their sister, Mrs. Herman Wise of Chicago, relatives '«ad friends. Mr. Herzoff Illinois, who is visiting her parents and his "bride wffl make their home in Omaha. in Sioux City. Miss Flora Marks left last week for Chicago, Illinois to visit her The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah wiU hold a meeting next Tuesday sister, Mrs. Irving Rosenberg, and Mr. Rosenberg. afternoon, March 10, at the Chieftain Hotel. The Study Circle which will -. Mrs. Harry Cherniss was hostess to precede the regular meeting will be- the members of her Afternoon Bridge gin promptly at two o'clock, An in- Club at her home Monday.




wonder Choice of the finest homes. The favorite'where economy is watched. A luxury -within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.' - -

"The Jazz Singer"

Israel F. (Shrofley) Goodman proved Jewish Immigration in Caliaaa Ottawa^—While the Canadian immia capable substitute for Dr. M. X Gordon, who was scheduled to speak gration ban which became operative a t the monthly congregational ..sup- in August, 1930, resulted in an averper of -the Conservative Synagogue age decrease of 36 per cent in the . . . . . h i s talk on anti-Semitism prov- number of immigrants admitted duri n g to be of profound interest . . . . ing 1930, as compared with the numMany reseravtions for the. supper ber that entered in 1929, Jewish imrefuged, due t o the lack of facili- migration showed a slight increase t i e s . . . . Mrs. Charles Levinson, in 1930 over 1929. Mrs. Julius Skein, Mrs. A. Theodore According to a statement from .the and Mrs. Herman Hirschmann among department of immigration, a total of the women who assisted in the ar- 104,806 immigrants were admitted to rangements . . . . Do women talk Canada in 1930 as compared with the least? . . . . Yes, during the 164,992 in the previous year.




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Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and

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month of February . . . . i t being Zionist Employes Get Pay Cat the shortest month of the year! . . . . London.—To cope with the difficult A dispatch from N e w York states situation: facing the Zionist that a woman i s suing for- $20,000 movement, the Zionist executive has "because her jaw was., broken i n a informed a number of its employes wreck . . . . probably claims total that their salaries would be cut bedisability as a wife! . . . . Harry ginning , with the first of February. Lapidus has returned from a proIn accordance with a resolution adoptlonged business trip t o N e w York ed at last week's sessions of the Acand ether eastern points . . . . minus tions Committee to make drastic fia little weight and plus a lot of in-' nancial rearrangements, every emteresting information concerning fuploye in the Zionist institutions in ture business conditions . . . . and London and Palestine will get ten' h e is very optimistic . . . . Jake Isaacson, i n charge o f the American Legion business activities announces the amusement treat of the season . . . . Samuel Rothapfel or "Roxy" prominent i n radio circles and builder of one of the most beautiful theaters in America . . . brings his "gang" t o Omaha next Monday eve a t the city auditorium . . . . Madame Schuman-Heink i s one of the featured artists . . . I t may be unpleasant notoriety but w e cannot help mentioning i t . . . that a number of local m e n who have attained prestige and various honors, through their association with the local B'nai Brith:.J'.;.;.. have now de', feerted the lodge entirely... . . . the

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Heard and Seen SIOUX CITY NEWS in Washington MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent fff m


JOSEPH BARATZ WILL SPEAK AT BANQUET SUNDAY Joseph Baratz, of Palestine, will be the principal speaker at the Palestine banquet, which will be held in the Jewish Community Center Sunday evening, March 8. The banquet will commemorate the political victory won by the Zionist Movement of the World through its president, Chaim Weizman. He obtained a final and satisfactory letter from Ramsay MeDonald, which practically anhulls the White: Paper issued last fall by Lord Passfield. ' The banquet is sponsored by seven local organizations, the Zionists, the Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, Poale Zion, National Workers' Alliance, Mizrachi and Pioneer Women's Club.' ' Other speakers at the banquet will be Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Mr. Barney Baron who will act astoastmaster. ' Mr. Baratz is a prominent Palestine leader, a member of the World Zionist Action Committee and is one of the founders of the first pioneer corporation settlements established in 1905. He is considered an expert of Jewish colonization in Palestine, as he -has been in active leadership the last 25 years. Mr. Baratz has been commissioned by the Palestine Labor Federation to carry. on negotiations with representatives of the British colonial office and parliamentary leaders of the British Labor party about a revision of the British Palestine police as. expressed in the well-known White Paper. The recent statement issued by MacDonald eradicating the unfavorable clauses in .that paper is partly a result of the friendly attitude ,of 'tlie' high ; officials of the British; government to the Jewish aims iiri Palestine; as expressed by the: commission of which Mr* Baratz is an outstanding member. Mr. Baratz will bring an import-



DEADLINE News for the Sioux City page of the Jewish Press must reach the Sioux City correspondent not later than Tuesday evening, to appear in the issue the following Fridap. Please call or send the news to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, or phone 8-8453.

Pioneer Women Are To Sponsor Lecture

A novel contest, which promises to be both interesting and entertaining has been inaugurated by the Shaare Zion Synagogue, in the form of a Kiddie Contest show on March 15. The' contest is open to all children from the ages of five to fifteen, who have any special talent in music, either instrumental or vocal ^speaking, debating, oratory, elocution and e t c .

• •




.'•; • :



/ "

' ' • • • •

Contestants are asked to see Rabbi Babinowitz for further details of . Chanah Chisick, prominent Chal- the contest and also to give their utzos leader, who is on a tour of the name to - the rabbi; if! they intend to - . . ; . -• United States is scheduled to speak participate. Judges will , be chosen . to decide in Sioux City on Sunday, IHarch 22, ; at the Jewish Community Center. the winners of the contest and prizes will; be awarded. The contest The speaker is touring the country with the purpose of acquainting the will be held in the Synagogue Social Jewish communities: with the : re- hall Sunday afternoon, March. 15, at markable work and achievements of 3 o'clock. There'.will, be no admission fee and the contest is open to the the; Chalutzos in • Palestine. , .; • public. She will be a.guestjof the Pioneer Women during her stay in Sioux city.

; : ;•


• "•.•• ' . ;


Auxiliary Luncheon Tuesday, March 17


Sisterhood to Give The Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion are planning a "Reciprocity Day" luncheonSynagogue meeting for Tuesday,

Important on the social, calendar for this week is the luncheon and meeting of the Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Temple, when they will entertain members of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel of Omaha this noon. The occasion is Reciprocity Day with the Omaha group. ,: A number •:•- of Omaha women are expected to attend this affair, which will be held at' the Temple Social hall. Mrs. Nathan Mantel, president of the Omaha [Sisterhood will speak, giving a report of the Sisterhood convention which was held in Philadelphia recently. Mrs. Frank Huntsman will present a group of piano solos on the program. Arrangements are in the hands of Mrs. A. J. Galinsky.

March 17, in the social hall of the Synagogue. A program appropriate for the Passover season will be presented.

Mount Sinai Temple

Rabbi Lewis will speak this evening at the regular service, oh "Does Belief Matter." The following "children of the Religious' School are on the Honor Roll for the month of February: Harold Grueskin, Seymour Robinson, Robert Jaffee, Herman Barish, Betty Marx, Doris Marx, Harold - Lefkovich, George Galinsky, Teddy Skalovsky, Miriam Barish, Margaret Kozberg, Mateel Stein, Leah Rose Newman, Caroline Fishgall, Dorothy London, Melvin Rosenfeld and Sarah Rocklin. On Monday evening the children 7 E r of,the school presented a.Purim enity of. Sioux City and will inform tertainment in the annex of the The annual Hadassah Bazaar, held Temple, with the following children of the plans of the' Jews in Palestine, which will bring about harmon- at the Community Center Tuesday, taking part: Lea Rose Newman, Mirious relationship with the Arabs. March 3, was both a social and ma- iam Blank, Miriam Barish, '. RosaThe banquet promises to be one of terial success, according to Mrs. Wil- gene Passman, Henry Greenberg, the greatest events on this year's liam Lazere, president of the Ha- Sidney Kalin, Robert Cohen, Annacalendar. . • . - . . . . ' • dassah and chairman of the bazaar. bell Emlein, Alice Pill, Newton The committee in charge of the At the time of going to press, Sacks, Arnold Rosenfeld, Myron arangements are Mr. and Mrs. Bar- the exact amount raised by this af- Heeger, Sara Rocklin, Lawrence Slotney Baron, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Em- fair was not determined. Proceeds sky, Sibley Newman, Joseph Rosenlein, J. Alzenberg, Mrs. J. N. Krug- are used for the regular Hadassah' blum, Margarite Pinkus, Bernice er, Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. J. work in Palestine. Galinsky, Edward Goldstein, Bobby Shindler, A. Stillman, Mrs. H. MiroPill, Marion Fishgall, Arthur Miller, •\yitz, Mrs. Sam Passman, B. Zifkin, Harold Grueskin, Doris Marx, BernS. Lipman, M. Brodkey, Mrs. M. ard Lehman, Raymond Greenberg, Lazriowich, Mrs. B. Shindler and Mina Slotsky and Betty Rosenstock. Miss Gertrude Kroloff, daughter of Mrs. S. Levin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroloff, of Council*Bluffs, became the bride of Ben Herzoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will use Max Herzoff, on Sunday, afternoon. as his, sermon subject this evening The ceremony at which Rabbi Rab- "A Stiff-Necked People—a Compli' • -•••-• Mrs. J. Kalin has been named inowitz officiated was held in the ment of Rebuke." .study of the Shaare Zion SynaThe following names have been chairman, of the Raffle Committee gogue. placed on the Shaare Zion Sunday. for the Building Fund Carnival, School Honor Roll for the month of which is scheduled for the early part Mrs. Dora Cohn announced the en- February: Miss Edelman, ' teacher; of May. • Advertising committees are expect- gagement of her daughter, Esther Sidney Natlin, Toby Nadler, Burton ed to check in within the next few Cohn, to Mr. Fred Forman of Minne- Ldpshutz, Pauline Devirie, Teddy -•sleeks and are reporting exception- apolis, at a family dinner held at Sinildn. Grade 2—Miss Emlein, teacher; ally fine progress, according to Mr. her home last Sunday evening. The M. E. Friedman, general chairman. date for the wedding has not been Anne Gordon, Harold Gordon, Marvin Matlin, Paul Matlin, Sylene Skalovsky, ' Isadore Shindler. Members of the Phi Epsilon Tau Grade 8—Miss Baron, teacher; Debrah Club held election of offi- sorority held their regular meeting Helen Cuttleman, Shirley Cohen, cers at their meeting on Sunday ancj at the home of Miss Bernice Gold- Harry Nadler, Lillian Janowich, Luthe following will serve for the com-- stein, last Wednesday evening. Miss cille Mushkin, Herman Weinstein, irig year: Pearl Olensky, president; Doris Rosenstock and Miss Sadie Leo Rich, Shirley Lazere, Rachael Libbie Olensky, vice-president; Jen- Burnett were guests at the meet- Ginsberg. .. . . . nie Shindler, secretary; Tillie Shind- ing. A program was followed by a Grade 4—Miss Merlin, teacher; ler, treasurer and Rose Albert, pub- social hour and refreshments. Maurice Ginsburg, " Harriet Levine, licity chairman. Inez Leaff, Leah Irene Mirowjtz, Sidney Shapiro, Earl Herman, Rebecca Stillman, were BIRTHS Wigodsky. elected into the membership of the Mr. and Mrs. Milton MushMn anGrade 5—Miss Mosow, teacher; club. Miss Freda Albert is the ad- nounce the birth of a daughter . Rosanna Dikel, Sylvia Herzoff, Hazel visor of the group. Kantrovich, Marion Shiloff, Lucille B'nai Brith Hear Debate Appelang, Sarah Appelang, Howard The Epsilon Phi sorority will give The feature of the B'nai Brith Sacks, Elain Mushkin. a dance for its members and invited meeting, which was held Wednesday Grade 6—Miss Heshelow, teacher; guests on Sunday evening, at the evening at the Jewish Community Dorothy Mazor. Sioux apartments. Center, was a debate by the High A Purim program was presented School Debating team on the ques- last Sunday morning by the children Dr. Georgia Bernard Brown spoke tion of the Chain Stores. Those of the Shaare Zion religious school before the members of the Sigma participating wore Marvin Klatifl, Al- and the children of the Talmud Iota Sigma sorority at their regular fred Albert,' Arnold Baron and Torah. Those taking part included meeting last Wednesday evening. Leighton Authfer. Tillie Shindler, Jennie Shindler, Libblo Olensky, Irene Mirowitz, Harriet The Business Girl's Club held a Jewish Labor But 10 Per Cent Lovinc, Ethel Shindler, Philip Silbridge party after their regular of Haifa Workers vcrbcrg, Lester Lazriowich, Sylvia meeting on Wednesday evening, honHaifa.—Jewish labor furnishes only Herzoff, Dorothy Mazor, Fannie Ziforing Miss • Sara Saitlin, whose mar- ten per cent of the workers on the kin, Henry Ginsburg, Sylvia Fried? riage will be an event of March 15. Haifa harbor project, slightly over 20 man and Jack Merlin. Over .140 per cent at the Athlit quarries and children were in attendance. Through the same percentage on public works, the courtesy of the Shaare Zion a delegation of Jews informed Ernest Ladies' Auxiliary refreshments were P. Colville, district commissioner for served following the program. The Northern Palestine, before whom they program.was presented under the "We feed the multitude" complained that Jews are not receiv- direction "of"Rabbi- Rabinowitz and With Tasty Foods ing fair share of employment on gov- therfacuity of the Talmud Torah and ernment .works. religious school* ...


Hadassah Bazaar Material Success



xrien would enlist for a period not exceeding one year, during which time they would receive special vocational training enabling them to return to civil life better equipped for industrial, commercial, and general business occupations.


Dealing with Emergency.. ,

Philadelphia.--(J. T. A.)—Empha* They would be permitted to leave terests Baker the most. As a mem- the service before the expiration of tic denial of the common impression ber of the war cabinet and since, he the year, upon being placed in gain- that glaucoma, or hardening of the eye-ball, is more common among made a number of strong pronounce- ful employment. Jews than amjOHgjspther peoples i s ments favoring Zionism, and while "There is nothing militaristic about Secretary of War, on one occasion, this measure," declared. Celleiyex- contained in a study .gf_the subject The recent Democratic victory in delivered a remarkable speech at a ,' plaining that its real purpose was to by Dr. Aaron Bray,~well known auththe Congressional elections practical- Zionist function in New York, which help deal with the emergency. What- ority on ophthamoogy in this city,; ly assures one of the hottest presi- was later reprinted and distributed in ever might be said of the measure, it published'in the current issue of th« dential contests in years, for 1932-. pamphlet form by the Zionist Organi- j is certainly one of the : most striking American Journal of Ophthalmology* The Democratic party will exert every zation of America. Baker is general- j put forward so far of all the schemes In the past twenty-five years Dr« effort to capture the White House, ly regarded as a liberal, and he ap- i in connection .with the present unem- Brav has devoted the major portion of his time to a study • of those diswhich has been in Republican pos- proaches Zionism from the viewpoint ployment crisis. eases which are alleged to be particsession since the days of Woodrow of a liberal: ularly characteristic of the Jewish Wilsoiu. Speculation here is already Should be ever become occupant o f I people. He has also written extenrife respecting the candidate the Dem- the White House, he will undoubtedly, sively on medicine as described in ocratic Party will nominate to oppose endeavor to carry out as many of early Jewish writings, and in the Herbert Hoover, assuming he , will Woodrow Wilson's foreign policies as Mishna and Talmud. possible, including the- establishment again be choice of the G. 0 0 PThe name of Newton. D. Baker is of a National-Jewish Homeland in "The idea that the Jewish race is one of those -most frequently men- Palestine j which was one of President singularly predisposed. to glaucoma Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The possibility tioned. Woodrow^ t Wilson, under Wilson's especial objects of .concern. originated in the Vienna. School of that the Agudath Israel, the world whom Baker served as Secretary of Great Britain would find in Newton Ophthalmology, where a large numOrthodox organization which is not War; referred to the latter as: "the D. Baker a staunch personal friend of ber of Jewish cases;were observed,**, affiliated with the Jewish Agency, may ablest public servant I have ever Zionism in any 'question that might writes Dr. Brav. "It is true that in develop between the Zionists and the how join the Agency is foreseen as a the Allgemcine Krankenhaus a large known.". ,; result of an agreement of Agudath Mandatory Power. : representatives to suspend political percentage of Jewish cases have been Friend of Jews . seen. The explanation however, does Wide Range of Interest representations. But bis special interest to this colnot rest, in the inherent racial predisOf all the Jewish members of: con- The likelihood that the forthcoming umn, lies in the fact that Newton D. position, .but rather in the social and Baker is one of the greatest friends gress, Representative Emanuel Celler, meeting of the newly-elected Asefat economic environment of the. patients of the Jewish people in public fife to- of Brooklyn, displays the widest range Hanivcharim, the national elected as- that make up the constituency of that day. His friendship is based not only! of interest in public affairs, and per- sembly of Palestine Jews, will vote to institution. on inherent personal. sympathy; but haps the most active. Scarcely a have the Palestine Jewish community! upon an unusual. degree " of under- week elapses without some announce- take over the health, social welfare ' "My'own experience convinces me standing, for Baker, a keen student of ment from Celler, of his stand on this and.educational work from the Jew- of the fact that every Jewish glauish Agency is believed to have influ- coma patient that consulted me either world affairs, has for years personal- or that- issue. ly interested himself an the Jews and Congressman Celler's latest move is enced the Agudath's action. in my office or at the hospital has their position. During the war, many his sponsorship of a bill for relief of The principal objection of the Agu- been registered in several other offiJews came in close contact, or were the unemployment crisis through an dath to joining the Jewish Agency has ces and hospitals. I am convinced associated with him^ including Bern- appropriation for the creation of a been that the Agency supported non- that the incidence of glaucoma among ard M. Baruch, Projr.VFelix' Franki special United States army reserve of religious Jewish schools. Jews is about the same as among furter, Walter Lippman: and Julius 250,000 men, over and above the presThe negotiations between the Agu- other peoples and that heredity is a Rosenwald. | ent strength of the army. According j dath and the Agency will be continued negligible factor in the causation of this disease." Of all phases of Jewry, Zionism in- to this plan of Celler's, these 250,000 • after an Agudath conference. • The pseudonym "Mordecai" hides the name of an observer who for many years has maintained, intimate contact with Jewish affairs of, a political angle in Washington. i



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