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Jewish' CoimhiiMtg
Butexvd «»• ifetwulictau- mall JMUW-on. Juuumrjr a , UKU atpostnflh* at. Omnhar NVhraskn.nndi"* *h« Ao» ot TkUrrh 3. IK7& >
Commission to Cut Government Budget Jernsal __J. T. A.)—A cut of $1,500,000 p. g. budget of the Palestine gove: y . g will probably be made by w |> S-'Donnell commission which cam- «T " last .week ;tq investigatethe m * " | j aent of the adminisr tration and S % ect economies in its operation, ii 3T »orted. The first Z in the budget that will be redi : is understood, is the cost of living allowance of govrnment officials which now amounts to 10 per cent of their salaries.
, MARCH IS, 19S1
Is Appointed To Jiidgeship
Revisionists Planning . | Jabotin^kyBuilding ,Tel Aviv—A committee has : been formed here, consisting of members of the Revisionist party and personal friends and admirers of-Vladimir Jabotiasky.-whUh .a.; view • to. erecting "a Revisionist building bearing his name. .The sma of $800 was raised at -the recent. Revisionist '•Conference,: iwhile $2000 Jias -been ^contributed byvthe brothers -of _. Belflovslsy of -Berlin. A drive for .additional funds will be held shortly. . . . ? . •_ •.
VOL. IX—No. 7
Young: Folks Temple League Is Organized
..A Young Folks Temple League was organized at a rally held-Sunday a t Temple Israel and attended by approximately " two hundred. ''• Yale _ Kroloff-was elected, president > ^Testimonial Dinner Given Great of the new league. Other officers se' ; Scientist onEve of lected are. Joel Qierni8S,-vice-prjesi.."',.'. Departure dent; Rita'Mantel,secretary; Herman Famons Cartoonist to Speak a t Community Center : Goldstein, treasurer. York.—(J. T. A.)—Making the • The Sisterhood: of Temple Israel Auditorium opening of the : American Palestine served a buffet supper. campaign for $2,500,000 the occasion Meetings of. the organization will v When Captain Bruce BairnsfatheB, of the last of his rare public appearbe held the first Sunday of each made famous by his wartime cai> ' ances in the United -States, Prof. Altoons, speaks in Omaha, Tuesday, month. . • bert" Einstein, beaming happily, was ..March 17, he will be greeted by a * the guest of honor at a testimonial group of ex-service women of the lodinner in New York on March 4th, at cal Women's Overseas Service league. which over 800 prominent Jews were Miss Edith Martin, president of the present, sending • :the distinguished Omaha unit, announced the arrangescientist off to his ship with the asments at-a meeting held Saturday at surance that the first $200,000 for the luncheon in the Chamber of Com-;: Palestine campaign' fund had been merce. Arranging Wifehratd Campaign subscribed. "From Mud to Mufti," is the subfor a "Wfl&u* HolzProfessor Einstein, in his address, President Dave Rosenstock to B ject of Bairnsfather's talk at the man Class To Participate in Order's Interstressed the fact that co-operation beBe Host at Affair WedCenter auditorium, the closing one," national Finals This tween the Jews and the Arabs in Palnesday Evening Dr. Jadah L. Magnes Hon. Harry A. Hollzer under auspices of the Community Unusual B'nai Brith activity in the Week-End estine was "not England's problem, .Forum. When the former army offiform of a whirlwind membership Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of Members of Tempi* Israel will be but our problem," and pointed out Hon. Harry A. Hollzer of Los An campaign to secure a William HolzThe basket ball quintet of the A. Z. cer gave this talk at London recently, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, that a satisfactory solution can be guests of President Dave Rosenstock geles is the latest Jewish legal sa-man class, which is^to be presented A. Chapter No. 1 will be Omaha's he was introduced by General Sir Ian outstanding liberal and former rabbi reached, giving as an example the a t a stag to be held in the vestry tellite to be elevated to a high aprepresentative at the international Hamilton as the man who "made the to him on his return from abroad and of Temple Emanuel, has. arrived in government of Switzerland, which, he rooms of the Temple Wednesday pointive position by President-Hoover. finals of the order in debate, oratory world laugh in the darkest hour." on the occasion of the visit to Omaha this country for a three months' tour claimed, has been developed to a evening, according to an invitation Hollzer, whose life reads like an Aland basket ball to be held this week- Guy S. Spencer, World-Herald car* in behalf of the University. higher degree than any other state, mailed to the entire membership. ger story, has" been named United of the District President, Wtffiam end at St. Louis. The local lads, toonist, will present him to the OmaSultan, is on the immediate B'nai Dr. Magnes is high in his praise of The stag will be the first of a States Judge for the Southern Dis"precisely because, as it is a country Brith calendar. the institution, which will celebrate earned the .right to compete in the ha audience. composed of several national groups, series of get-together meetings of trict of California. The campaign will commence with its sixth anniversary April 1. It has last leg of elimination to determine The part of "Old Bill," lead in its stable constitution must solve Temple members and this stag will Starting out in life as a forlorn orthe international champions by win- Bairnsfather's play, "The Better Olen a stag to be held-in the lodge been a great factor in serving science honor the newlyelected members of greater political problems than con-, phan peddling papers on the streets ning the district tourney held recent- was played in Omaha by De Wolf at the Jewish Community Center, and scholarship. front other lands." : the 'Brotherhood of -Temple Israel. of San Francisco, Hollzer struggled ly at Lincoln. This district will be Hopper. The Coburne and James K. Thursday, March 19ti». The commit"The University has already be"We have had such a wonderful through to a law degree and then t e e i n c h a r of t h e 0 represented in oratory and debate by Hackett appeared in other road comWarburg Presides f: a*™!*"* con- come, a' well-known and distinguished year with our Brotherhood that we launched into a career which has sists of Philip Ktutznick, chairman"; Kansas City. panies. center of research and instruction, . The meeting was presided over - by decided something should be given in hrought him great glory. The members of the Mother ChapCaptain Bairnsfather served on all Sam Beber, Harry Lapidus, Abner and it can become an even greater Felix M. Warburg, who headed the honor of those men who have worked In 1924 the governor of California list of contributors to the campaign to make the organization a success", appointed him judge of the Superior Kaiman, i)r. A. Greenberg, Joe Lintz- help to Judaism and perhaps beyond ter's basket ball team which nosed European fronts during the war. He •yrith $50,000. 'The. other speakers in said Mr. Rosenstock. "Therefore, it Court. He was re-elected in 1926 man, Max Fromkin, Fred White and Judaism in the clarification of many out Des Moines in the district com- was taken from the trenches to be of the problems besetting both East petition, are Manny Goldberg, cap- made an official cartoonist attache to cluded Morris Rothenberg, nationa: is my personal ^Jeasure to give this Jud?e Hollzer was one of tha prime J. J. Greenberg. The contemplated visit of the Dis and West," the learned scholar de- tain; Morris Franklin, Arthur Gross- all the armies. He is the author of chairman of the campaign; Dr. Ste stag party, and I would like to have movers in the organization- of the man, Herman Babich, Ben Rosen and several famous books and plays. trict President is the. first in two clared. phen S. Wise, Robert Szold, chairman every member of the Temple attend." Judicial Council of California. Max Turner. They left Wednesday, He has appeared as the featured years. William Sultan is to be the of the administration of the Zionist The party will start at 8:30 o'accompanied by Bill Gerelick, coach, attraction at most of the music and guest of honor at a dinner given by Organization of America; Dr. Cyrus clock, and card games and -food will and Oscar Mayerowitch, manager. lecture halls, both in England and members of the lodge the evening of Adler and Dr. Lee K. Frankel. be the feature of "the evening. No America, and has probably produced Their first game is this afternoon April 15. Immediately following the Many of the guests came from :Bos- speeches will, be made; according t o against .the winner of the Memphls- more laughter by his chalk talkings dinner a monster open meeting will ton,' Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash- Mr. Rosenstock's invitation. and humorous monologue than any St. Louis preliminary duel. be held at which the William Holzington and other cities to participate "The Brotherhood wishes to thank other artist in the same field. Many outstanding figures in B'nai man class will be initiated and Presii n t h e testimonial dinner to Prof. E i n - j M n Eosenstock for the party and Brith and A. Z. A. work will be presWhile in America at present Capdent Sultan will deliver an address. stein. Each guest contributed $100 we hope that, -every-member, will ent, including Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, tain Bairnsfather is working for the The entire community is invited to for the banquet, and in addition, num- come and be the guest of our Temple internatiosal president of the B'nai country's foremost publications. this affair. -^^, erous contributions of ?l,000 and oth- jpnesident", said-:1 BeH-jStteflfiriraiewljfr, In Jazz Brith j S a m Beher; fomderjaf the AT] art may Tw seen ia "Jud#e,'" the " T h e committee In charge t>f arer contributions Tanging from $100 to ejected president of the BrotherBerlin.—(J. T. A:)—The German to be produced under the auspices of $15,060 % the Society f or- the^ Ad- hood. Academy has just published Ihs draft sangements for the dinner and meet- Chapter 100 of the A. Z. A. on the Z. A. and president of t i e supreme" "American," the "Mentor," the "New advisory board; Dr. L M. Rubinow. Yorker" and many other magazines. vancement of Judaism, were made program of a projected Yiddish sec- ing consist of Harry B. Cohen, chair- e v e n i n g o f 22, the Center •executive secretary of the B'nai man; Jack Marer, Yale S. KroloffJ p^ G u D d from the floor. tion of its Near-Languages Institute. presenting a story Brith; Philip Klutznick and Julius 1 President Hoover sent his greetings The section would publish current Leo Abramson, Philip Klutznick, Dr. occupies a unique place Bisno, executive secretary and assistto the great Jew and physicist, sayreports on Jewish events and develop- A. Greenberg and Dr. M. Margolin. em entertainment history. ant executive secretary of the A, Z. Cards for reservations to the dining, "I am glad of this opportunity to ments, . the cultural position of YidThe original play was the first to A. and Aaron Toflin, Grand Aleph express my admiration of your disdish in the various countries, with ner will be mailed shortly. bring out the emotional ability of the GodoL tinguished service to mankind through The second annual bazaar of the special attention to the position of Jewish comedian, George Jessel, and Local rooters of the Omaha team London—An inquiry into the proceyour scientific speculation and re- Daughters, of Zion will be conducted t n e Yiddish schools and educational brought a veritable storm of adolation who will be in St. Louis for the dure used in the Palestine courts was searches, and I hope that your visit upon him. Later Al Jolson used this tournament include Saul Graetz, Har Saturday evening and all day Sun- system, as well as the political status promised by Dr. Drummond Shiels, to the United States has been as satof the Yiddish language in the East same story to make the first big talkisfying to you as i t has been gratify- day, March 14 and 15, in the Jewish , , .., ,, , . ,. old Barish, Norman Korney, Murray under-secretary for th*> Colonies, in Community Center. "It will be an European places of Jewish mass setCoren, ing to the American people." ing and sound film t h a t proved the wWintroub, - . , ' Henry - _ _ „ _ ,Harry / „ _ TLev* replying to P. Freeman, Labor M. P., successful use of camera and sound outstanding event presenting unusual tlement. who had raised the question of wit«nson and Harry Cohen. Banquet Broadcast The philological section would proequipment. values for your selections, a sale well nesses at the trial of Palestine ComMatzo was the Lashmoh Anyou^— Prof. Einstein, in his speech, -which worth your attention," stated Mrs. M: ceed with the publication of a YidThe title role which brought these munists being permitted to give evithe "bread of affliction." It was Avukah Parley was given in German and repeated in Braude, chairman of the affair. dish dictionary and a Yiddish gramtwo Broadway favorites to the pindence behind a screen. baked hastily as the Children of nacle of their success is to be played English, and; which, together with Chicago.—For the benefit of wesmar, both of historical and of the The proceeds will be sent to the During this trial the witnesses Iserael were escaping from Egypt- in the local production by Sal Mich- tern and mid-western Avukah chapmnch of the evenings procedings, was J. N. - F . Over- $500 worth of high modern Yiddish language. Special ters a against the accused were not seen by heard all over the United States importance is attached to:the publica- This thought still remains as we read portrayal ' conference is being called for wh<J quality merchandise - has been- obr through a national broadcasting artion' of an etynologicaldictionary, ji in the Hagadah every Seder -m t h e l a g t G u i ] d p r o d u c t i o n > «The the week-end of April 4th, to be held] the prisoners, the witnesses being i h H d h S d Night rangement, made his modest farewell tained and will be sold "at reasonably The publication of a Yiddish Ency-•year after.year. But now there is an-' GGood j in Chicago. The two-day conference hidden behind a screen. ood g ODe_t, Hope." prices. : to the United States. other thought accompanying the will include a debate between western It was pointed out in this connecclopedia to be named in honor of The part of the musical comedy The merchandise; consists of grocr Matzo. It is also the bread of freetion that by such practice the accused and Northwestern universities chorine is taken by Rebecca Kirshery products, paint supplies, house- Professor Dubnow has been decided dom and joy. on had no way of knowing whether the enbaum. The part of the hero's fath"Resolved, That Revision is BeneNew Haven, Conn.—The' Jewish hold needs, drugs, toilet goods, hosi- on.; This latter significance of the Mat- er and mother are taken by Max f i c i a l t o ^ Z i o n i s t Canse" » Pales- witnesses against them were personal Home for Children of this city has ery," toys, furniture, wearing apparel] zoh is becoming more and more recog- Weinstein and Laura Berek. tine, night, a meeting of the national enemies or not or whether the evireceived" a check for $1,000 from the and millinery. Over one '- hundred nized and it is due to a large executive committee and a symposium dence was not tainted in some other Besides being a powerful story of estate of Thomas Hi Linahan, who pounds of pure chocolate will be on way. on Diaspora Nationalism. extent to B.. Manischewitz Company, parental love, "The Jazz Singer" is •was a well-known merchant here. sale at a low price. ..?,.. the biggest Matzo and Matzo product a sincere mirroring of race and cusbakeries in the world. Many house' tom. Mrs. Ida Malashock, 74, passed wifes were and some are still afraid away Wednesday afternoon a t the of Pessach. They ask: what shall we home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles give our household to eat? It is Horwich. •.-..;• • • | matzo,. and again matzo, and once She is survived by two sons, Jacob more matzo. Miss Goldie Schonbrun was chosen court of honor for the new "Miss Psi M t Clemens.—(J. T. A.)—Mayor welcome at his hotel at all times, but M. Malashock and Harry Malashock; I The B. Manischewitz Company, Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The campaign as "Sweetheart of Psi Mu for 1931" Mu." William Hale Thompson of Chicago that he would not break the hotel's two daughters, Mrs. William Saffer-; realizing the plight of the houseIn the afternoon feature of "Psi Mu for the elimination of bureaucracy, as a climax to Psi Mu Day held last came to Mt. Clemens a few days ago policy for any of the mayor's com- stein, and Mrs. Charles Horwich, all, wife- has come to her rescue. They Day" the local basket ball team deand the ills of delay and incompetence Sunday. The coronation took place at -•-.. for his health and in search of a cure panions. of Omaha; twenty grandchildren and have through their skilled dieticians, which.it has brought into Soviet in- ths weekly matinee dance, which the feated the Sholem Aleicham quintet for his rheumatism at this word| developed a number of dishes made Dr. Perssons would make no fur? three great grandchildren. dustries, found echo from the Jewish fraternity has sponsored with the aid of Kansas City, 46 to SO. The Kanfamed bath city. Instead he has re- ther statement except to issue the /The funeral was held Thursday af-'from, matzo and matzo' products, section of the population here today of the Jewish Women's Welfare Or- sas Cityans had a strong-, veteran five ceived a dose of bigotry. following written explanation: "May- ternoon at 2 p. m. from the Chesed, These dishes are tasty and appealin a leading article in the publication ganization. Miss Sophie Ferer came' which led the Kansas City Y. M. H. For five days Mayor Thompson or Thompson was a guest at -the Colo- ShelEmes, the Jewish .Funeral Home, ing and «asy to prepare. All the Ernes. The campaign against bureau- in second in the popularity vote cast A. league but could not cope with the stayed at the Colonial Hotel which is nial for five days, but the policy of Mrs. Malashock was noted for her distracted housewife has to do when hoop wizardry of the Omahans. cracy is given renewed vigor with the to select the winner. Jewish-owned. Dr. Perssons at the the Colonial could not permit the ex- charitable contributions, giving lib-! she buys a package of Manischewitz Special entertainers at the dance Colonial Hotel had. told the famous tension of its courtesies to his erally at all times to every worth- Matzo is to read the instruction slip appointment of Molotov as chairman Miss Schonbrun *s coronation was an were Homer Ellis and Miss Opal of the Soviet Narkom. elaborate affair. There was a special Chicago mayor that he personally guests." telling her how to secure a copy of while philanthropic endeavor . Smith, dancing duo; Jack Frieden and was welcome, but that certain memthe beautiful and fully illustrated his quartette, and Ray McGrath, banbers of his party were not because Cook Book entitled "Tempting Kosher joist and crooner. The master of cerethe rule of the hotel was to allow Dishes" and her Passover worries monies was Jack Ban. "Gentile guests Only." will be at an end. The committee in charge of the At the suggestion of Mayor Frank Jewish housewifes who want the game was Louis Lohrman, chairman; London. — Jews who strictly ob- contributions made by Jews to mediMurphy of Detroit, Mayor Thompson London. — Justice Sidney A. T. estine with Jews even if poverty- Pesach a real festival of joy-should Morris Bloom, and Jake Stoler. Th»> went :to the Park Hotel. Dr Perssons Rowktt of the High Court of Jusserve the - Jewish - dietary laws are cal science since the eleventh century. not fail to secure a copy of the Manistricken Jews were •"• non-existent committee for the dance was Dave declared that Mayor Thompson is tice ruled that the Jewish National not such easy victims of disease as Greenberg, Henry Magzamin and IrvTherefore, he ruled the Fund's domi- schewitz "Tempting Kosher Dishes" of .the Zionist Organization, is not nant motive is towards the land and Every recipe has been tried and those who do not hold to these laws, ing Brookstein. Lord Moyniham, president of the a charitable institution, and hence not towards people. tested. In the evening the Kansas City Royal Surgeons College and a high must pay income tax on certain seteam were the guests of the Psi Mu medical authority, declared in an curities which it holds in England. New Mexico Plans to Name at a banquet held at the Elks Club. address before the Jewish Health Justice Rowlatt's decision was the County for Jewish Governor Honor, guests included Messrs. SamWashington — A woman citizen of Philadelphia. — Fara in MesopotaSanta Fe.—The name of Seligman Organization here. uel Gerson, Louis Lipp, Irvin Levin, the United States will not cease to be result of an appeal by the Jewish mia, the site of the ancient Sumerian •Speaking as a non-Jew, Lord Moywould be perpetuated in this state if E. M. Segal and Louis Weiner. Henry a citizen by reason of her marriage, National Fund against the revenue niham said that he was doubtful city of Noah's Ark was built, will be Magzamin was toastmaster. officer's demand for income taxes, | i the measure introduced in the New unless she makes a formal renunciaexcavated by an archaeological exZurich.—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish tion, and women who have lost citi- the Fund claiming that it is a charit- population of Switzerland has de- Mexican senate is passed. A bill pro- whether a change in the moral and pedition of the University of Penndietetic habits or the Jewish people able'institution. viding for the splitting in two of Lea zenship by marrying an ineligible Dropsie College Mark sylvania. clined by 12 per cent in the last deIn dismissing -the appeal and as- cade, according to figures made pub- County, and creating Seligman coun- would be for the better. alien will be able to be naturalized, Annual Founder's Day This announcement was made by Pointing out the increase of tuberaccording to the Cable bill which was sessing the Fund for court costs, lic by the Evangelic Press Service. ty, in honor of Governor Arthur Philadelphia.—Founder's Day at Horace H, F. Jaine, director of the culosis and dental ailments among Seligman has been given to the state Justice Rowlatt emphacised that the passed by Congress. r the Dropsie College was celebrated «r Jews, Lord Moyniham urged that an museum, who stated that Fara is in The passage of the bill brings to an JewisK National iFund's object was While the Jewish population w a s ; , 5 ^ ^ ^ , . consideration. Sunday, the anniversary of the birti the middle of a desert, about 100 The nar»a of Seligman is, one of the inquiry be made into the reason for end a * twenty-year campaign for not -to find homes for suffering or 20,979 in 1920 at the end of 1930 of Moses A. Dropsie miles from Ur of the Chaldees. this. He paid high tribute to the persecuted Jews bat to populate Pal- it was only 18,478. 1 oldest and best known in t i e state. equal citizenship rights
Goldie Schonbrun Is Named Jewish Factories in As "Sweetheart of Psi Mu" Ukraine Near Collapse
Mayor Thompson Quits Hotel at Mt» Clemens Barring Jews
British High Court Rules Jewish National Fund Must Pay Taxes
Medical Authority Says Observers of Dietary Laws Less Prone to Disease
To Excavate Where Noah's Ark Was Built
Women Wed to Aliens Regain Naturalization
Swiss-Jew Population Drops 12% in Decade
^ T * ^
MARCH 13,;
• : ! • > • • '
Published every Friday at Onlaha, Nebraska, by V
IHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Stre*t Subscription Price, one year - - - - . • - > • • $!L60 - Advertising rates furnished on application
!' By Harry Mendelson , In response to our appeal for coritribujtions on Jewish topics, of interest! front our 'readers, we have the following letter tb the ; editor from Harry Mendelson. The Jewish , Press invites its readers to write on this or any other subject of Jewish interest for our columns. ,
Chains Menace Jewish Restaurants Hundreds of Jewish restaurants in
Seek Change in Date of Legion New York City are in danger of being Convention forced to suspend business, according
pany that as: publishers of d JewishT Well, the owners decided they •rgaa it could not recognize a church: would -be mean, too. < They told Helltax" was overruled!' The court pointed i man they would pay the contract out that all persons and companies in I sum, btrt they would also insist on tihe country must pay this tax in addi- the enforcement of the provision of the contract which stipulated that tion to the state tax. • ( the life of the contract, BellAnti-Semites Try to Break Up during man was to write for no other paper. Sophie Tucker's Show in Paris What did Hellman do? He hired Paris.—^Sophie Tucker, American an office and! for three years he actress, had a new experience" in her spent his days there, writing fiction, long career, when-a crowd of antibut never sending out asingle story. Semites tried to break « p her perMeanwhile he was drawing the $10,formance of the Empire,Music Hall 1W0 yearly. lastaight for no other reason except When the time was up, he sent a that she is a Jewess. The demonstrators marched to the theater and rip- story to the Saturday Evening Post, ped off all the posters and then They liked it and asked if he could sought to'irivade the theater'with the write another. He sent instead six intention of halting the show. They more. They couldn't understand how were stopped by the prompt action of he could write them, that fast They the gendarmerie. invited, him to Philadelphia for a conference^uid that's how Sam Hellman's connection- with the S. E. P. was inaugurated. : •
.v. Detroit.—A committee of Jews has to statements made by speakers, at a been organized here to get the. offi- mass meeting of ^Jewish restaurant : Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building: cials of the - .American Legion to owners. The chain restaurants, most change the date of its. 1931 ^ conven- of whom are self-service places servTelephone: ATlantic 1460 tion scheduled to meet in, Detroit ing non-kosher food, have of late Anti-Semitism is irierely the emotional outDAVID BLACKER • • • -Business and Managing Editor September 21st which is Yom Kippur. yeara invaded:;the Jewish neighborFBANK R. AOKERMAN - ^ . - - - - Editor lets of men after a: period 6 f strife or of depresFANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bloffa, Ia^, Cortespotident sion; it has no more preserved the-Jew than the It is pointed out that even if the hoods of New York and a^e making opening of the. convention is set for existence' .for the individual, kosher Jew lias preserved it. Indeed, fundamental^ tile wffl service restaurants extremely diffianti-Semitism is another name for the Occidental; mean that most of the Jewish dele- cult* it was said. be compelled to spend Yom "Thy destroyers and they that made thee scape-goat, serving: for the Christian world as a Kippurwill away from home. waste shall go forth from you." , . very desireable vent for its emotional conflicts. A conflict between'the Legion conThis was sized up very well by Dr. Wechsler, This Biblical quotation most adequately fits the vention and Jewish holidays, has ocJOSEPH PULTZER'S Yiddish Communists in Russia who have volun- who made this statement: "If there were no Jew, curred before but it was.straightened Rabbis Oppose State Kosher BSf By DAVID SCHWARTZ Returning to the subject of Joseph Francisco.—-The Board of Jewtarily assumed the task of pointing out the light the Christian world would do well'to- create one:"J out by a last minute 'change in the ishSan. Pulitzer, did you ever know that J. P. Ministers of Northern California to their former Jewish brethren. They in com-He showed that waves of anti-Semitism have in- date. was very self-conscious about his long voted to fight vigorously against the CHARITY THAT Jewish nose. Very sensitive about it, mon with their fellow-Communists in the Soviet variably followed war,'pestilent outbreaks, fa-J Filibuster Beats 90% passage of the kosher meat bill now AVAILED NOT mines, and other, times: when communities, have although he was on the whole, a very Immigration Reduction Bill pending before the California state have again instigated their annual warfare Now, that the sale of the New been so afflicted as iiosuffer emotional conflicts; impressive looking man. Washington.—The adjournment of legislature. The bill would provide against the Jewish Passover and the Christian York World is so much the subject Another featur> about which he the 71st Congress in the midst of a for prosecution with the penalty of of the moment, it may not be amiss This assertion is substantiated by the persecuEaster with a well-planned, concerted attack. In pogroms of thef filibuster in the Senate prevented the fine and imprisonment for those to tell- one of the most amusing Pul- was sensitive was his receding chin. their best atheistic form they are showing the tions after the Black Plague;inthe j He grew his beard largely to offset t h tfiP enactment of either, the Jenkins, 90 falsely labeling meat as kosher. by itzer anecodoes that have come to m t he e middle middle <vf o f the p e r c e n t i m m i g t a t i o n r e d u c t i o n Dil o r "evils" attendant to religious holidays, and are the weak chin. The rabbis are attacking the meas- my ken. endeavoring more than ever to free the Soviet seventeenth century; and the slaughter of more;£e S i ^ Z d ^ Z S ure on three grounds—that it injects Pulitzer, you remember was inor- Weak .chins are supposed to signify people from the "shackles of the'Pope of Rome than two hundred thousand Jews in Ukraine by Respite the frantic efforts of Senator a religious issue into the statutes; dinately sensitive to noise. His rooms weak-will—ryet America has probably Petlura and his roaming bands of soldiers imme-| Heed of Pennsylvania to obtain a vote that the rabbis of the state are well were sound proof as the science of his; n o t produced a man stronger willed and the Rabbi of Lubavitch." . "• on the Jenkins bill which had been capable of handling the situation day could fashion and much of his, *h a n J- P. after the World war. The Yiddish group is concentrating on their diately a of Represent- themselves, and that the measure does reason for spending so much of his! Making someone, as the Jews, the scapegoat PProvedJ>y *»« Likewise, long ears are supposed to had been successful in not designate who is to pass pudgusual anti-Matzoth drive. With its championing . , oppressions . ,If he hi time aboard yachts was due to thej betoken moronish assininity, yet by massacres and offers a goodJ atives. efforts, the bill would have ment on the food involved. of a "dialectic materialism" it is the cancer of desire to get all the quietness pos- Abraham Lincoln had very big ears, vicarious flight from inner and outer difficulties. : law. Israel, gnawing from within and adding great sible. New Orleans Jewish Youth Day Well, this story is entirely au- FANNIE, STOP WRITING, sorrow to the bitter tears already shed. But they When life becomes intolerable, when the problems; To Senator Copeland of New York! SAID EDITOR of existence hang heavily, when sleep loses its goes the credit of heing the hero of ish Youth Day will be celebrated on thentic Pulitzer one day at his New are comparatively insignificant in the light of sweetness and food its savor, the nerves crack' t h s struggle which defeated Reed's April 19 with appropriate religious, York home was being driven to des- ' Fannie Hurst's "Back Street" is Jewish history when we realize that, after all, the move social and athletic programs, partici- peration by an Italian hand organ another best seller and thereby hangs will of the people triumphs. These Yiddish Com- under the strain and the individual must "let it! pated in by several hundred younger player, who was giving a street con- a tale. Years ago, Miss Hurst, as a out" on someone. True, this is an infantile way' Jewish Grocers Seek Means munists are wasting their oppressions and perIM young girl, addressed herself to the members of the local Jewish commun- cert in front of J. P.'s window. out of a trouble, but it none the less acts as an ^ ° ^ * Racketeering Pulitzer sent out his secretary, editor of a St. Louis paper. She secutions so long as the great bulk of the people ity. Way s d mcans r p u t t i n g a to , "* . i° * » The affair will be sponsored by the bearing a gift of two dollars, but only brought along some copies of some of continue to refuse to accept such tenets as being effective safety vale for the emotions. The neu-'. j. i , . , , . ,, , , to racketeering m the grocery Indus- Council of Young Jewish People's Or- on the condition that the Italian im- her early scribblings. their own sentiments and rebel against these irrey rotic projects weaknesses faults uponitooft h - cussed ! ^ in N £ o r k Gt* of The editor looked them over. "Miss ganizations, although leaders of older mediately would hie himself off with w convention w i Ithe 1 ^ Jewish dis. ers and while his it does not give and genuine relief, ate a ligious measures of militant fanatics. fers a t least an illusionary one. Grocers' association of Greater New groups will take a hand to assure his music The organ player took the Hurst," he said very gravely, *'l canmoney and left. ] not hire you ,and if you will take my Despite this "liberal" rule of the Soviet reThis sadistic tendency of using someone as York, to be held on May 10th. Ac-success. Thirty minutes later a half dozen! advice you will give up the idea of gime, reports indicate that the number of Jews a victim on which we can pour out our bitterness " " ^ to Harry Piotkin, president of Anti-Semitis Ousted organ players lined up in front of thej writing. It's not in you. Try to exregistering for Matzoth baked from unleavened , . . ., . ., , , . , ,. . the Association, there are twelve Bucharest.—Twenty-three students Pulitzer abode. abode press yourself in art, sculpture or flour is growing daily. Even the exorbitant ex- and resentment Was evidenced in the-Middle A g e s thousand thousand Jewish Jewish grocermen grocermen in in Greater Greater in the Yashui high school were exsomething like that. You'll never WHERE DID YOU BUY tortion of forty rubles for baking one pood of in the form of religious persecution, inquisition,! New York. Racketeering in that in- pelled for having participated in anti- THOSE APPLES, MR. SWOPE? i m a k e a writer." is threatening the livelihood Semitic activities. This is the first Matzoh has failed to diminish the Matzoth ac- iburning of witches and the like—with the Jew Iodustry Touching upon the recent discus-! That's what the editor said. Editors, f ese actual step to suppress anti-Semitism as the main victim. Later on rulers and despots,! * grocers, he said. the rrest tivity, while the danger of maltreatment on the sion of the dramatic things, people! a r e s m a r t » b u t - w e l l «P>re the et in the secondary schools. o o tf o r fail to say in those signal moments, jJo o t f o r yo^elf part of Communistic organizations- who boast of to save their own heads and to divert the de-j Marcus V/ins Guggenheimer Modern Business Center on which seem to lend themselves to' (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Teletheir "liberality" has not deterred in the least the structiveness and resentment of the masses] Fellowship drama, F. P. A., Jewish columnist of graphic Agency, Inc.) Safed Ghetto Ruins found their; own salvation in directing the de-j For the first ^me since awards of greatest expression of r religious^; sentimetifc jnji 1 ; the the VAiently demised world offers' "; ," ' . Jerusalem.—On the ruins of the Fellowship fot years. Some day these Communists will come & StrUCtion-Of Jews. - It has been convincingly s t u Guggenheimer ta P a t e s t h ve food for thought. ! hole-m-the-wall houses in the Safed that the Russian Czars were the chief i n ^ ^ f« » ««en «nade| the realization that though some • Jews' wilt be shown Heywood Broun tells about it: He '•"..' x J? i L t. -»• i ., , . to those connected with t h e JewisR .ghetto destroyed during the riots of August, 1929, an up to date market was at the hoifre of Herbert Bayard battling everlastingly for reaction, the Jewish stigators of the wholesale pogroms m the last century to avert the bitterness of the masses to-J Ithe Moses n s t ifaculty, tute o f R e l i g i o nMarcus, r a m e mhas b e r obeen f place and business center is to be Swope, former executive editor of the masses will remain Jewish in practice. While the ward the aristocratic ruling Class. In Poland and [named as the recipient. Since 1922, erected by the Bayside Land Corpora- World. There, too, were a number of, Yevsectzia's remnants wiH be staging feeble, last- Roumania anti-Semitism is still rampant and in-' Marcus lias served as honorary tion, a subsidiary, of the Palestine other prominent World staff writers J stand anti-Passover campaigns, Russian Jewry as creasing, all on account of the terrible economic the Department of Tai- Economic Corporation of New York, Every minute they were expecting a' a whole will be celebrating another Feast of Free- conditions. A n o t o illustration o f the frequent; with funds provided by the Palestine flash to announce the final sale of the World, which meant the loss to many Emergency Fund. dom, which will liberate them from the brutality explosions against the Jew, when for some reasoni Mr. Marcus hajf^been in charge of all of them of positions which they had A notice of expropriation of the and barbarity of a tyrannical proletariat, just as f the repressed emotions break through the thin*" ' * courses; — Talmud Many years ago, land required for this purpose has held for ten and fifteen years. it was freed from a Czarist autocracy. veneer of civiKzation, is the late Berlin riots on while living in California, Mr. Mar- just been published in the local press Finally the flash came; F. P. A. was one of ,the early teachers of on behalf of the Bayside Land Cor- looked at the red apples glistening in the Jews in as highly a civilized country as Ger-acusgroup of men who have become and approved by the Chief the bowl on the table. "Mr. Swope," many, and the growth of anti-Semitism in dif- notable in American. Jewish life, in- poration Secretary. he said, "where do you buy your apJewish hyperaesthesia resents authors writ- ferent parts of the world since the great war. cluding Chancellor Judah L. Magnes ples?"
Other Countries
By the Way
/The Jazz Singer" Sunday Evening", March 22
[^Beautiful Germany
Castles and Romance i
Histadruth to Study Arabfng novels around Jewish characters unless they This explains its complete absence in America of the Hebrew University of Jeru- Jewish AND THAT'S USUALLY Relation l iU v late " Rabbi Martin A. "" "~ the " '-*~ "* " - ^ * reflect honor to the race. If the author is a Gen- and its recent appearance in the form of discrim- salem, Jerusalem.—A special section of the THE WAY Meyer of Temple Emanuel, San tile he is anti-Semite; if he is a Jew then he is a inatibn. .And 1 think that is not uncharacFrancisco and Rabbi Rudolph I. Cof- General Federation of Jewish Labor
These waves of persecution would find an fee of Oakland. has been established to study and teristic of the things said at the critioutlet *-»•«'"• even »if there «•«.»were *»no Jews. iThey cultivate Arab-Jewish relations, the cal moments of life. When the heart When a Jewish author presents- a Jewish tiewiaui1•*"•""-•' *• •""•'-•.^ »# «<-"t>. u * j «would! « e n Jewish Telegraphic Agency under- is overfilled, we generally say somecharacter in an unfavorable light he. is accused I ^ descend upon other victims—in wars, for instands.. Claiming that they are more thing quite apart from the thing df supplying ammunition to our enemies. He is' stance, in religious reform, or social revolutions*, The Brooklyn Museum has pur- interested in Arab-Jewish good-will which at the time oppresses the mind. L*---attacked by every Rabbi book-reviewer and by In America and some other countries the radio, chased for its permanent collection than the academicians, the Jewish We are afraid to let go on that subsports, theaters and the like serve as a very harm- a large water-eolor painting, "Rock- Laborites hope by example and influ- ject. every Jewish scribe. .] If it were not for the fact that any author less outlet. In this country the reds and the for- port," by Saul Raskin, well-known ence to secure on the basis of profes- Scratches was a great thinker—and hb last sentence, I believe, as recordworth his salt is sure to ignore their onslaughts, eigner have been recently picked on as the scape- New York Jewish artist. The paint- sional interests,, a sound Contact. Wonderland ed by Plato was something like this: ing was selected from, the internaThe Federation plans to include in such tactics would constitute a menace to litera- goats, and upon them the faults and evils of the tional water color exhibition held re- its work the issuance of pamphlets, "Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepis or From the glistening entire world were heaped. In America the Jewcently at the Brooklyn Museum. ture. mixed Arab-Jewish workers clubs and somebody or other, I forget whom." peaks of the Bavarian Must we deduce from the criticisms evoked has as yet escaped being made the scapegoat. credit societies, Arabic classes for THE JEWS WHO LOSE Alps to the North and Ask Wise on Committee Jews, Hebrew classes for Arabs, and against the presentation of a character who is Let us hope that it will continue so! The sale of the World throws many To Probe New York Baltic Seas, Germany i» mixed sick benefit societies, some of prominent Jewish newspapermen out From what has been said about i t ought to both Jew and who displays certain reprehensible Albany.—The Rev. Dr. Stephen a thrilling panorama of of work; Harry Salpeter, literary retendencies that our sense of nationality is so be clear as to what are the cures for this social Wise is one of nine men. who have which are already in existence. romantic castles and viewer;- Samuel Chotzinoff, musical deeply developed that we cannot admit of the ex-malady. Only when the western world will have been suggested by Senator Mastick of Agreement Impossible, mediaeval towns . . . critic; Michelson, Sunday editor,; istence of an individual as such, but must consider gained complete mastery over nature and espe- Westchester as member of a bi-parti- Arabs Say Throbbing modern commission of New York citizens . Jerusalem.—The utter impossibility among others. One or two who have every Jew as necessarily a microsm. of the entire cially over its social machinery so as to^ free it- san cities, glorious forests contracts, which have not yet expired! of reaching an understanding with self of conflicts, of recurring depressions—which to investigate the New York City either may, however, profit by the terminaJewish world? I* and rivers.. .World reDr. Chaim Weizinann, Zionist government. tion, financially. nowned spas... A thouIn every novel ever written there are char- are the parents of emotional conflicts—then and leader who is now on his way to PalRabinowitz Executive A large number of the World men estine, or any other Jewish leader, sand centers of interest acters some of whom are lovable, and others then only will anti-Semitism disappear. When it Secretary of Ort are now planning to take opportunity will have become grown up, obtained control of was expressed in a resolution adopted . . . Sports, and Europe's whose conduct clashes withour standards. The At the last meeting of the execu- by the Arab Executive after a long of their enforced leisure by turning to its emotional life, or at least caught a true vision best auto roads; perfect latter even as the former must be represented as tive committee of the American Ort, session. less transitory writing such as magainto it, become sufficiently realistic in its .aprail service, radio teleEzekiel Rabinowitz, journalist and zine and book work. belonging to some nationality, for though there proach to the living problem, then only will this Poland to Have Its first Jewish social worker, was elected What, with the bad situation as remay be, to immigration officials, persons without executive secretary. Mr. Rabinowitz Jewish General gards newspaper employment long a country, in novels as in real life every person barbarity be a thing o f the past, just as in- will Warsaw.—Poland -will shortly have -existent, accentuated by the World soon visit the principal cities of quisitions and witch-buring have become. AND and therefore every villain belongs to some race first Jewish general, according to debacle, I prophecy soon a deluge of THE JEW WILL NOT HAVE TO DISAPPEAR the states in connection with the con- its or country. templated National Conference of the reports in the Polish press. Rabbi books. To help you enloy > vtatett opictumqoi pictumqoi(W> (W> Joseph Mieses, a colonel in the army American Ort. We do not, however, see other, peoples raise WITH IT. ln«ny, we willglidlT HOW HELLMAN HAPPENED i l l l d l famish. faih ir«t»,iUm«iM»J t i U J booklet* and information on l m w « pointt. and the chief Jewish chaplain is to be a din because Pecksniff is represented as an Engtransportation, fare*, apu, hoed*, etc Asks Minister Apologize But touching upon the statement promoted to a generalship in a few lishman, Madame Bovary as a French woman, or Annapolis, Md.—A demand that the days, and will thus become the first made in the last item, that some of HEBREW CALENDAR Rev. Robert E. Browning of Balti- full-fledged Jewish general in the the men who have contracts will profbecause the sordid ineffectual student-murderer 5691 1931 it financially, there is an interesting of "Crime and Punishment" is a Russian. Rosh Chodesh Nissan-Thursday, March 19 more apologize for insinuating before Polish army. story of Sam Hellman, the Saturday the Judiciary Committee of the MaryJoin one of our __iThursday, April 2 land General Assembly that Jews in Ewiss Jewish Paper Closes Instead of delimiting the fields of creative 1 s t D a y P e s s a c h . •••„. Evening Post short story writer. -Wednesday, April 8 Baltimore are the main violators of Rather Than Pay for Tax activity of our Jewish novelists, it would be better 7th Day Pessach. Hellman had been working on som* Personally Conducted. —Saturday, April 18 the Sunday laws, was made by Sen- for Church St. Louis sheet, when all of a sudden, to develop a normal set of nervous and psychic Rosh Chodesh Iyar_ Excursions! Zurich.—Rather than accede to the the paper was sold and put out of Tuesday, May 5 ator Milton E. Altfeld. Lag b'Omerreactions in ourselves as a people. Reduced round trip rate A few months before the «j Sunday, May 17 Senator Altfeld said: "I know that ruling of the local tax commissioners business. New York, Hamburg or This same display of supersensitivity we Rosh Chodesh Sivan. members of the Jewish faith are court that all companies and persons sale, however, Hellman had fortunateBremen and return, only _-___Friday, May 22 the often find in our communal and fraternal organ- lst Day Shabuoth— convicted in far less proportion to must pay a tax for the support of the ly been given a contract for three $174.50. years at $10,000 per annum. In view izations who will boil over with rage and bad their numbers, for Sunday or any oth- Reformed Catholic Church, the comWhatever is done for money, fame, favor or er relations than those of other reli- pany publishing the Israelitsche of the cessation of the paper, the nerves if someone dare even innocently make VAL. J. PETER owners asked Hellman to accept a self-interest, musi; be done again. Whatever is gious sects. These unjust, unwar- Wochenblatt of Switzerland an- compromise them the butt of an unkind witticism. settlement. But the paTRAVEL BUREAU 1 Thej explanation is in both instances identical, done for love, as a sacrifice to God, is an eternal ranted words coming from a man of nounced that it would dissolve but per had been sold for a nice juicy God is an outrage perpetrated upon would continue the publication of the 1397 Howard Street — Omaha, Nebl act, In the realm of actions, it is then a master- us, and he owes us an apology for paper. ; price and Hellman insisted .upon hold8 fundamental lack of national self-sacrifice. . Authorized Agents of all ins them to the full contract. ' piece. . • v ~;'. : -.- — •»^>% erCanadian Chrdnicle. those remarks, . The plea of counsel for the comSteamship Lines traitor or a foil.
Visit Germany
in Role
^ENGAGEMENT t ning, March 9th, for the presentation JMr. and 35is. "Philip'Sachs *tf Conn- J °f honor jams t o "the ??irls in jecogcilBluffe-announcerthe nmtumufni. nf liiition of their outstanding work. The their daughter, JEsther, t o .THr. JVIax presentation of these qjins ^was rmade Greenberg, -son of "Mr. and "Mrs. Bam'b3" M r s e 101 QreenbetBB of Omaha. a JJNo date has °* ^ S *?Those who irecerred jpins -^werC: teen set ior the -wedding. Sylvia Bernstein, I d a 3)ayich, IHHie BIRTHS Bloogoff, "Marry C.^ranklm, ^Gertrude ~Jfix. ^nd Mrs. Mam-ire 31. .Shapiro Gerber, -Sarah Gfller, Anne JSabn, "the ijirfch xs£ ^a .son Grace Hosenstein, iEthel :BtoUeT, Iliee •day at -the 'General --hospital i n Grand Shames, Jlose l e v i n , Bess Bernstein and Tobye Steinberg. island. Mrs. •-Shapiro , vjuh fEarmerly "Miss A most interesting feature of the 32sther ^-ererV^daughter nf UHr. :and evening was the_ crowning of Queen Harther. Miss Grace Hosenstem was i l r s . Bsuben Terer jof this city.
•SIGMA TtAFRA CHI The Sigma £appa Chi "newly organized under the -sponsorship of "Mrs. Trvin C. lievm, entertained at a bridge and bunko -party -Saturday evening at the home of Miss Anangements 'irave treen -rompleteti Anne Berman. — -the annual -tea Tand -card The officers are JtfissJDora Dalgaff, »Qi i i e jgi^ei ib_y iite.. president; Ida Gttlin, vice -president; Anne Berman, •eeenetary; J*earl J^az- Chapter -n£ Stadassah on Jaatrrnoin. arus, reporter anil "Charmey parliamentarian. _
.All tiliwK 'who -tewe already settled on & e soil of t h e 3-emtti tiekets «an use tthe same "for -the tarter National Scaadland twenty-&re yeais Sate wr ixavfi them ^exchanged. Ttga. She comsE t o 'Omasa a s SL representative of the Council of of "Women ^Workers raid of Use General The Daughters of Zion will conduct federation of Organized Jewish its installation of officer* a t "tteir TLabor ini'jtieBtinE. * ' • Tegular meatsig on March tHs, jtt the fe urge -esweay .Jewish woman i n 3. C . C a t 2 3 0 p.m. • Omaha, ^z) attend -either "SIE iuncheoii Thb Meeting w mfee-mare iff at *exial -party, SK arrangeiueiite cor Juoth} tthe xxcganizff one your .reservation t o -made for a -musical -program <snd stzcted. ^Kione i-wiih dhe.ptKOBdgtfiil TWOIM Mis. iaiplan, Webster T»*54, KIT to inaominent speakei-, followed by ITT A E.AttPA T*U ' ' ] tkwng in BaSeitrae. Members and Mis, "Ffflrifmni, Jackson a533, m- t oiTeshntentB. The Tieit ineetimj af this oxganiza- J^ieuds are urged :to attend i3us Mrs. ^adraovTski, "Webster 1M2. All The afitirH^ affieers will each ire "fion will Ae held -this -fivening a± "the ^byrely •party «o that -the local xhaptex Hrvalions must fee in 'Jfty Triday, (Continued on Page 4.) "home *of 3Iaurice ivapian. The Jcon- VCHII iio -.its.sl»»re "te -promote ^tte'-'wfil-. March 20. fititutitm which-wag adopt«tl3it an =es- ^axeiof unfoxtunatE ^peopte -who -need eeutive tmesting; will Jae voted .upon. OBr;snBPQT±. - • Icor '.'• '-• :-''•*.••••.- . - • | 3tts. ^David fitein fa •jchaixman and The Icor wishes "to 'that i n : Aaerge rS ^the tea iarbte xoee tn&the-iecUn* by l b s . Gina Julius Atrrahamson, Meyer 3Fhriedel ^ch«uiled for Jdaich J 5 will be postCCBETAIN CLEANERS 1 until Sunday, April 12, a t the 5007 1*51 veil worth 1350 istnd -J. ~M. iL*yceum. - . . ^ iJridjpe-Tea Ifceliiai held by the ladies' ^BoiBe Ofe •paii«fa»E»' of Usemon-jello, o, '1 iaip i u p'AnxHiary jof -die GanaervalivE
boiling wkter, 2 -tabtespoonsful item- ;gpgue :Wednfi4Bitay,' IMLarcfa -11, a t t h t on.^juxce, ~J&£ TTTP^i^'fw|Siw*Hfff7: dxaiBeid1- • ^3ewsii -f^cymrn^ti^y^ rGenter, -wsffi ^stt^ ; H cup whipped igEeaiS.*'" • -' < tended -fry JX large number of women. ; • Diasolve jjelte in bailing water, -ui<i" This HTTHTT ^was compliraentarv to t h e • cold-water, Jemon.juice, fiatt and pep- nnesxbers anil friends of t h e organiza ^per '(pmch), "chill "when sslightiy ttiuck- tion 'anil *was in flurry of 3BTB. •Smest *rteil, ffoTd tin horaexadish -and whipped 3Ssysis wte) i s z. new member of iite -John Tcixhnan. 5erwe -with cold meat. hoard. Diversity of age -means nothing to I The -nest Tegular aneeting of ttite
named queen, her identity Braving .been "kept secret until t h e banquet. .A 3ffr. and^Mrs. Barry •3*erhneter .Hn•nouneejiite hirth of .a. daughter .at i h e good program was Tendered by t h e Methodist iiosphal Thursday,'March "ftn»*farrff sisters, Aime .and Hda. lEn— 'tertaimneiit "was also "furnished day ZEsther Goldware piano selections; -Annette Bender, recitations, and the I&x. and Mrs. -Rate 3*terer announce' Tllrs. -Herman Jaitr, jdirector tif .the EEpstein .sisters, "violin selections. Jelliefl Ginger iPears 'auxiliary will *e held Monday, :the birth daughter-DH "Thursday,1 m Guild,^when , flight 'halves canned pears drained, April 13th TlThyij Sylvia Qlander was .chairman 5, at "ihe Slethodist iiospital. / ' 1 jiittt ioiiing aiear Juice, 3. tablespoon ol i h e -fivent _and Gra.ee Utosenstein co- seatch ^of cfaaracters Ifor -her i finger chopped, 2. table- P i o n e e r chairman. Ttmsp who assisted them tioms. Por she s e t s her characters, .pregerv Lecture anfl jneario.lffeBnd age as possible.' spoonsful .ginger syrup, \1~8 teaspoonand .^ r *the IMisses ILillian I&oam, Betty aiisE ORose Stern of Chicago is t h e 3da Talcs, 3or example, : the next zprodue-'^l salt, "1 package lemon jello. ..guest of -her uncle and aunt, IMr. .and Tuchman, "FIKiip l a n m i t IPlatt is president of the Omafaa chap- dionof the ^layers' Guild, "The Jazz i ^tf=*srt. ^ears -anil juice, finger and The Bioneer "Women cud) nf Sirs. George Greenfield. jsmger. • ! ginger ssyrup tto boiling, jpemove |H^TS Omaha will sponsor a htmijitet onBesides Bssembling the largest east sudii salt. IDissblvie jello :in 3 'pint of iSundsy, March 22, at the 3 . C C 2TO ST. 1OIHB •yet -to .appear "in a Guild production, j Jjoilhig^ear juice .anil water and cool. :in ixonor of "Madam Ghana Chizik s h e has in cfiie _-play "two characters j Arrange "pears :in Jelba, jounded side of Palestine mick, Sans B . Cohen .and-JulhiB' At ^the iregrilnT jgeetmg of A e aneal ages must have nearly Chill until firm .and garnish with On jSIonday, IHarcii 23, a. hmcheoxi Bisno are -in St. Xouis attending tthe '3*eta -Sigma -Sarofity iield March Bthj years difference iretween 'them. ..cream. -will ire given in her inmor a t the International tournament dtinals »f "t*le following -officerE ^were -elected i. ' 3E*a3rtan Sotel, followed by :±he A . 3 . A . i ^or "th* ensuing tterm: Miss Cele "Wolk, 3rving Beitel, age xine, 3>biys t h e | jiart of Moey, a -small lad, while John honest labor bears ja. lovely face. XBeeting at the 2. C. C. members «o*f the Omaha chapter j president; —Itefcker. Wariam Chizik i s one of the d&rst twho -axe .also i n -St. Xouis dfar t h ea n a Miss ^ -Moskowitz, Te-elected Teldman ^lays ludefason, t i e IKibitzer.
conclave aTe -Manny Goldberg! "Saul Gxactz, Arthur Grossman, Serman Ben Jlosen, Morris "Franklin, Jttax Turner, Bill Gerelick, Oscar ;Mayerowich, Sarold Barish, INorman "Horney, Blenry -Coren jmd IMurray ^introub.
Both ilrvmg "secretary. John a r e uew t o ! Tile ^Misses \Lois Sllvin, 3hrelyn Slayers' Guild audiences, but are Goldberg, 3:dytive Dolgaff ^ndEvelyn 3>laying their :parts "to jierEection, ac- \ "Caiman were :initiated into the soror- carding rto JHrs. JJafar. John, who for | morts than a quarter centuTy has "been y last manth. "Miss Bess Spar was president flf j furnishing costumes for local shows, is now furnishmg the laughs for T h e "the sorority t h e past ^year. Jazz Smger."
OMA-CHI STAG A N D 5M0EEE TISITS -Mr. IRalph Gross visited in Shenan- The -Stag ;an"d ^smoker given "ijy i h e that ^11 .iformer Dmahans mow jperDma-Chi jclub Satarrday :evenmg, ;inanently Tesidmg in Chicago are anxdoafa-the early part of ihis-waeek. February 2RLliJ :in •^3ie Tiew J3teuben ious to Join rthis j-rogressive organi- j I Chib "building 'in Chicago was .attend- nation. THOYE INTO JNEW fflOME Mr. and ZDavid !Newman have ed by "58 former Dmahans. The af— an -view of "the iact "that -&is xlub :fcas>the ^audresses rdf -praeticaTly cal! •'.••"moved intoitheir .new Jiame an IDewey tfair-was-a iiig success. A. .3. Cermak, Chicago's ^candidate ffarmer Jewish Omahans, i t -will 'i)£, i£ar -mayor,-was jrresent anfl ™ H » a -pleased tto ihebp anyone "locate "their j "1iri»»T "talk. ~V331 TSEULA JKI^SILON interesting ^ecreINITIATION ., -such ."as jnag- inay-hsjrrocured i?y rallmg -Use tary, D r . Irwiii 'Dsheroff, '4rI2Z lOn-: ^Pfai Delta 32psilan, "national nnedical iraternity, held its formal initiation and "three 3sels of uioviiig ^pictures .com JAve., DLong Beach «KTT9. and .banquet Sunday, TWn-rch J.j at "the were ^shown. A iuffet'-. t Taxton Hotel. :at Tnidnight. ^DSCVE TBeber iieI sserved The Tituals were held a t ihe Tfra-j li liveredjan JmjjressrBE5speech'.aiidiHeri«rnity house, '227 3Jorth fortieth I:rman "Wise, ^rhfi ^nesident, iabi6-s^oke street, during t h e afternoon. Doctors- ^briefly on the aimB and activities Abe Greenberg, JSL Greenberg, 3nd X the club. "" " "''.""''' -'•••• Sternhill -were among 4he graduate Twenty-one mew " onembers YHUXB Piumes WE, -members who took 'an active ;pa-rt in .added at "the .-smoker, cand -it .appears the ceremony, over -whidi Consul HiaTxis H. Brodkey officiated. In t h e evening a formal banquet wask^iven Tn honor of the new Craters. 3>r. Tic"tor ~SL Xevme, _prafessar of iio-chemistry and Tiutrition -at -ihe Creighton "University Medical School, veas hon-, .ared guest. Dr. David Gross, iormer3y of Omaha and "now ^nactismg in Glenwood, la., was toastmaster. The iiewly elected 3raters are: Morj i s Buteker, "5!rank l»ipp, Dave ^Rosenhferg, Jrving .Sternhill, 3Hoe Stemberg, Till of Omaha; Abe Appelsis, DanieL Blitz, Mac Cohen, Xdu Dolmsky, Tffil"ton "Klein, Benjamin JKohnqp, 3fiorris Xiev, Irving ^Neigus, • George Peas«, HI. Itosenthal, Bernard IRosenthal, IKati)jin Sidofsky, Aithnr Suffin, all rff Jlew ITork, and "HsidoTe Goldberg nf Connecticut.
COATS Know ^Viiat Spring Fashion k About
fit ffie Center
Ms Sprimg Wb&t
She Would Not Keep House Without Ifcr
JTJNIOfR HADASSAH BAKQDET One of the most attractive trffafrg ever given by the local chapter of Junior "TTnHnsgnli -was the Jbanqrufit i e l d at vthe Paxton hotel "Monday eve-
Wednesday and Thursday SpedaJs \
Semi-OFlat __. 6c f
LADN1M I "HArney "7545 HI. S. EAELAN. JErop.
"'SEIlectric xfifrigeistion ds ja Tesl isfae will B^T. ^DUT nieighbor ^will "tell you nf "the ranvenience, -ECDnorxiy, liealtb., xdsHiiliiiesK iwrni^ trmny ^infiier Seatures of GrE xefrigsratiDB- 3F\fofe rrpmHTn iresh i n G-iE i o r "iveeks. "Ynu .mse a l of liealtMriliooBs. J&3E saves money I O I T O U ! iin 3axger guanities a t lower prices. &M talsD l i i t f d waste.
Guaranteed for 3 Years! TThis -remarkable guarantee means "that Benifiral Electric assumes lull Tesponsibilifcy imr tthe operations of your "new G^E for "three
Spring Frocks
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At $' €hdy SD snccessfol is I h e ~VBgns i n r JSnffun EH3 jirluLeD crepe ihat ~we can "barely i e e p jane "wifli it. IJuasB •±WD ~sre p r o v i n g
^^Fg-RViirm JCavurilas" i a r "they, ~kox), Eome i r o m a xroHectiDiL
"that "VfB 2XE liilLluxxng jst "fiiis 3£rDj&B "fcfast idlluw i h £ important "trentfe nJ IPaas With faithful precision. :
in STew "York "Jscvs y soot monE, workmg item unt i n xS. jmft, spongy ^aizriis of the 3rgor ^ . in tflas to sre lasbimi'E Javoriles. Hopper pp 3tae, ^ , CDtajon Tan, ATacado Ctreen and Bittersweet d Bitte Ifcefl. lEisses'aaid Women's sizes.
ful and netted • nice increase to the JkttmrmtfM • scholar of the Rabbinate . . . . dis»t»wm O n a t e NiMtaaal Bulk VUg. Building: Fund of the synagogue, cusses religion as affected by modNOTICE OF INDKBTKDNESS which was established last year. Notice is hereby piven that.all existing ern science'. .*.'. He is also the' authdebts at Victor IoTeotment "Co. on the 31st The auxiliary wishes.at .this time or of "The Jury System," a brilliant day of December, 1030. an»»nhted to the sum of Seven Thousand Fife Hundred to express their, appreciation to the thesis on jury reforms . . . . The baskDollar. <f7^0000) following people who acted as .patetball contest between the Psi Mu President rons for the affair; and the Gimel Doled Club of Kansas HOSE MlMiKB. K L U V. MItl>BR City . ' . '. . featured b y a number of William Alberts, Louis Albert, Being a majority of the Board of Directors. 3-13-lt. "casualties" . . . . the intense rooting, Morris Brandeis, Paul Bernstein, MAKE Y O U R | of the youngsters who packed the Harold Brandt, Dave Brodkey./.Sam FRADBNBCRO. STALMASTER 4k BKBER -- • Atfner* '' "gym" at the Center . . . . and then Brodkey, Charles ^/Benson^-J^o«eph 048-CM O n d a X c t l M d Jtan the dance in the auditorium . ..._• t i e BlochV A. lafv iBro^key^B^n Binder, • NOXICJC OP IN»K«TXUNXS|t V 1 r;nt-.,?.' • • Notice is liereby givei **«t nil eKlMinr FOR PASSOVER MEALS J anxiety as to the identity of the Psi -Sarft-* Beoerr" XugieAe Blasser, Re'iiben debt* of Tfce L«H» Blunk Cnrponoo* on >r-iLSabbath Services • This Evening Mu "Sweetheart of 1931" . . . . . M i s s Hie Slat dar • ' Dacwnaher, 1030. ajnonnted Call. HA. 2358 3617 Farnam , (Candle lighting time.Friday, March Bordy, Simon-Bordy, Max Barish, to the stun of Thirty-Five Hundred VoU "A Satisfying: Philosophy" is the Dave Blacker, L Berkowiti, I. Chap' Jewish education has suffered more Goldie Schonbrun, pretty and demure, man, Joe Cohn, Harry J. O»op<er, fier- siybjecfc of; Rabbi Frederick Cohn's perhaps than any other cultural ac- announced as the winner . . . . "Duke" MBO BT^NK, Servictts Friday'«veiiinij-^8:jp(. m. - man Cohn, Dave Crounse/ JJibrihaVp tivity in this country . . . David A. Polsky of Lincoln, w r y popular in Bermpn, a t 'fe^ple Israel^ this evening. X BLAKK Saturday mo Heine a majority of the Board of DiCohn, Sam Cohn, Israel Dansky^John TAYLOK GRAIN CO. Brown calling, attention to the prob- his city, and his "duchess." Helen a. m. Service* will'start at 7:45. rector*. . 3-a»-it. J. Freiden, Ed Gilbert, Phil Gilinsky, h staies. i . ' t h a t something more Sherman Polsky, # among the guests at 737-S8 Grain EzchanRe Bldff. lerh FB.U>EXmiKO, HTALMA8TKR * BKBER Goldstem-Chapman, Joe J. Greenberg, tragic than a child without a past the Purim Ball . . . . which incidentSUGAR — GRAIN AttorneyH . Tonight * -•' Tomorrow Morning ally was a huge social success «IH tot Omaha Itational Bank BM(. Ben Glazer, Rabbi David A. Golda future STOCKS and BONDS . . . is a child -withoutt a NOT1CK OF lNI»£BTKl»J(Kt*8 Rabbi Goldstein will-continue.his stein, Bob Glazer, Dr. A. Greenberg, Rabbi Cohn's topic Saturday mornFlorence and Lillian Levey and —Private Wires— Nflfive -*» bereby giren that nil exlstinit Support the Talmud Torah and the' AKhtm of Carl A. Andemon, Inc., en the Pauline and Louise' Rothkop provid- discussion of the Dietary Laws from Samuel Gerson, Philip Greenberg, Jo- ing will be "Practical Wisdom." JAckson 34*3—AT. 2098 Sunday school and thus help to main31st day of lteeeralter, 1B3Q, amonntod t« seph Goldware, J. A. Gross, J. F. the mm of &>v<>nteen Thou Kami Three tain their educational program ing delightful dance entertainment a modern, rational point of view. In Hundred TWrty-Two DoTlars and KortyNlne Cenrt ($l/.332.-W». An .activity popular in the J. C. C. . The rehearsals of "The J a »order to prevent further misrepre- Goodman, Leon Greenberg, Dr. O. C. Kaddish CXKL A. ANDKKMOS, ; . ' . ' T h e Recreation Institute spon-j Singer" revealing some exceptional sentation and misunderstanding t^ere Goldner, William Grodinsky, Dr. M. I. CHARLES SIMON President. Kaddish will be recited this SabCAKI, A. AXPKKSON, sored by the American Playground [ talent . . . ..my: prediction that John will lie an open focum. of question, and Gordon, William Holzman, Dr. Barney . Uecpmtnends A. K. «TXCK«TltOU Kuily, Frtnk Rrasne,-Reuben Kalak- bath for Agnes Mohr. Association ^ , • . teaching them to Fekknan's characterisation win prove Beia« n m«j»ritj of the Board of DiThe Saaitery Laoadry discussion after the service. o€tky, Hatty Kulakofsky, Louis Kuiarector*. 3-ro-n. a tremendous, success-.. . . the date is play, janff how to take charge of -The Best • » M l Ismnm&ry g kofsky, Abhei- Kainiani Sam Kaplan, . Tuesday, March 24 Book Review ; «8U FRADKNBFRO, S TALMA HTER * BKBKR j 1 . \ 125; jjebple. representing. Sunday, March • 22nd. K Max Kaplan, Harry' Lapidus, Morton Atta • Mtjr» workJ On Tuesday evening, March 24, the Rabbi Cohn will deliver bis next ;agencie4[en|ollea;in;tt|s work M M t l Onuka. Vatlawtl Bank BHg. Lipsey, J. Lipsey, Joe Lipsey; Dr. i . . L 'Another activity NOTICE OF HCUBBTKDXES8 Auxiliary of the Congregation will 'Philip Leyy^ M. F . Levenson, Dave book review before the Sisterhood on i \$t i $ i e I Center Notice is iereliy giwn thnt all existing is the Charm School . ; ', . v e r y popdt>btJi nt l»ro«fr« Veterinnry Cnion, <Hnasponsor the fifth monthly supper. Levine, E. Meyer, Dr. M. Margolin, March 24, at 2:30 p. m. at the Blackhn. N<*t>raaka. on tfcp Slat *«y of l*etv»ular with l i e "ladies..'. . . sponsored Since it is the week before Passover Henry Monsky, Meyerson Bros., Wm. stone hotel. He will review "The her. 11HO. srnenntWI to the xrna of TWHIFor 50 Tears by the Alpha Tau Sorority . . . . ty-Tv* Tboiiimnd tterpn UnmlnNl ltoilars (Continued from Pajte 3 ) the problem of Freedom will be the " T h e Perfect Hostess" by Miss O'ConBarretts of Wimpole Street," a play and Fifty-Two CentB (»2i7»0.3S). Your Towel Man B .A. HAltPT, nor on March 19& and "Charm in presented with J. N. F.pins in honor topic discussed. The Rev. Dr. Laurnow being produced in New York. H. ROWLET, Omaha Towel Supply Co. It. A. HAKBV, Dress" by Miss La Bosehin on March of their services. Every member and ence Planck, eloqquent and liberal, M u g a majority of the Board of Di209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 ness girls, according to the Athletic rectors. 26th. . . . , S-M-lt. friend is" cordially invited to attend. will deliver the address of the eveoffice. Classes will be held on Mon• Up'and down the local film row The Jewish National Fund of New ning, after which there win be a The- Walkin Cafe team won the A. FRADKNBCMG. STAX3K.%STER * BEBER days and Wednesdays at 7 o'clock. . . . . Four men who are successfully York has sent Mrs. S. Platt, retiring A A. U. basketball tournament held at Those interested are requested to se« «4«-G«e Oaaaha. National Baak Bids; conducting various enterprises, con- president, a box of movie films of forum. NOTICR f lNDKBTKUBHCMt* the Center last week and won a trip Mr. Segal. Notirv is h«rel»y given that »U c cerning the film industry . . . .Mayer New and Old s it is today, dehts of Theaters InveKtmrnt <'oT]H>rntiun to Kansas City to compete in the naPassover and Phil Monsky, owners of a string mi -ThV Slat day of Iteranber. 1930. amonnte shown at a later wiU ed to fhv strat of Svov-enlpi-n Th<Mi*nnd Vour of out-state theaters and executives The first Seder takes place Wed- tional tournament. They did not fare HntvdTed Thtrty-«iw I«oilars and Fiftycourtesy of Phineas Winso well there, losing to the Kansas Sevpn Cents t$l«.-121J<7>. At Reasonable Prices of other corporations relating to the nesday evening, April 1. C. A. City Athletic Grub by a 56 to 4 score. picture business . . . . Meyer Stem, N. C. NIELSEN This Omaha team was made u p of the Congregation "Adath YeshC. A . BROWN, Isadore Sokolof, Max and Phineas Purim Ball North 16th JA. S880 M K. BltOWN B i k u r Cholim urim** is soliciting the patronformer Omaha Prep school players, Wintroub . . . . operating exchanges Reinx a majority of the Hoard «f DiThe first annual Purim ball sponage of the Jewish people of rectors. 3-13-1t. ' with wide territorial distribution . . . . The Bikur Cholim Bazaar was a sored by the Ladles' Auxiliary of the headed by Fred Murray of Tech high. Omaha—to buy from him MatFRADENBVRG. STALMASTER * BKBKR success zos and o t h e r articles for Ben Bk>teky. manager of Paramount j . . . ., . . and -., Mrs. L. Neveloff, Conservative Synagogue which was Attorneys Pesach. pffice, and Sid Lehman, in charge of! president a^J/Mrs. L. Morgan, chair- held Sunday, March 8, at the Jewish Well, the basketball season is over tin —t Oa*k> NaHaaal Bank BtalcWILLIAM BRYDEN CO. NOTICE OF INI>KBTKI>NEHS Tiffany's . . . . and many others . . . . | man of the affair, wisV to thank Community Center was very success- and everyone is picking all-conference Notice is hereby riven Tfhat aTl eilstlnc dohtx of The Aneriran l pholstery Co. on young men of the hustling and ag-, everyone for the contributions and do- Milder, Morris Milder, Hynrie MiWer, players and what-not. So as not to the Zlar riny «f FtprenTber. 1030, mmounted gressive type Joseph Stern of, nations, as well as the many workers Morris Micklin, J. M. Maiashock, be out done by the rest of the soto the Him of Six Hundred Sixteen DolAnnouncement lars (9610.00). a n d the Fox Film branch states that stutcommittee-members who helped Julius Newman, J. M. Newman, Nath- called sport writers "yours truly" has J. P. BATT. 638 Securities Bide-—AT. 4451 make CTent a President. an Nogg, Ben Newman, Omaha Pack- also picked a team of all-Jewish playtering has become an art instead of «» LEO VOX The silverware, consisting of a 26ers taking part in the Center league. an affliction . . . . this is due perhaps ing Co., L Plotkin, Peerless CleanJ. P. BATT KVKRT1>AT Boing a majority of the Board of Dito the success of Roscoe Ates who ap- piece set, was won by Mr. A. Rich- ers, I. W. Rosenblatt, Jake Rosoff, At the forwards we have placed rectors. 3-13-lt. Also, Meals for Passover peared as the stuttering character in m a n * Miss Sylvia lichtman won the Louis Ringle, J. Robinson, Dr. A. S. Bogdonoff of A. Z. A. No. 100 and Make Kmemtims FRADEMirRO, STALMASTER * BEBER Courtesy Service the film "Cimarron" . . . . Jacob Sand- creamer and sugar. Leon Mendelson Rubnitz, Wm. Racusin, Dr. Philip Franklin of A. Z. A. No. 1. These Attara«y S. M A N D E L etS-SOO Omaba Narloaal Bank BM(. ier, composer of "Eli Eli" died in acted as auctioneer. Romonek, Harry Rubenstein, Julius two men were head and shoulders T H U L L PHARMACY NOTICE OF raDEBTE»SE88 1819 Bart AT. 9R02 The program presented was greatly Stein, Isadore Sokoloff, Joe L. Stern, above any forward in the league. apparent obscurity . . . . failure to NotUf is hereby Riven that ail existing 24th and Seward drbts of I^trd IJster Hospital Co. on the Bargains, Cars and Parts copyright his song prevented him appreciated. Thfe entertainers were D. Soref, Louis Sommer, Dave Sher- Greenberg and Epstein ran the chosen 31st day of December. 1A30, amonnred t o In eb»re of Registered r a s n n d i l 1925 Wnijn-Knlicbt Condi. Rood bay ._.$K> fhe sum of Two Hnntlred Twenty-Three from realizing a fortune out of theMr. E . Sells, Rebecca Garrop, the man, Max Shames, Victor Shapiro, ones a close race. At center the writ- 1U26 Chevrolet Tudor, rnns cood Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery «5 Thousand Two Uvrfdred Stxtr-Klcht 1K>1Nathan Simon, B. A. Simon, Louis er places Altschuler of the Thorps. I«XV Star Tour., 438: UGR Ht.ir 4 body .... 25 lara and Fifty-Xlue Cents (93XL3B8.-A). sale of this plaintive melody . . . . Rifkin sisters and Isadore Kraft. Parts nnd motors for ChiTslprg, Haiokg. DR. KDWXN C. HENJtT. Somberg, Irvin Stalmaster, Abe Ven- He received hi* position because of his CfceTroiets: A report recently, published.; states also for 100 other makes at President. CTently reduced prtce». MABRAUBT A. mtSKT, gef, Moe Yengeri Reuben Vann, experience an«J ^all-round playing^ Vadd Rlaas and batteries, %2 and up. that the Jewish population of. Kiev ^ A y Supper DK. R. C. "HKXRY. Harry Wolf, Al Wohlner, Mose You- Babich and Seigal are honorable New radiators. £>.T5 and nji. constitutes almost .60 per cent of the The next monthly supper to JOSK1«H B. KRADRNBURC. Being a majority of the Board of Disem. Ben Yousem and Philip Yousem. mention for this position. At theMan orders given prompt attention. an d that at the present total rectors. 3-13-lt. sponsored ?by- the- ladies' Auxiliary of NEBRASKA AUTO PARTS guards the outstanding men are Sadtime there is not a single synagogue the Conservative1 Synagogue will take FRADENBCRG. 8TAT.MA8TKR * BEBER AT. UT» ofsky and Mann of A. Z. A. No. 100. S3W C M I B K Soviet place Tuesday, March 24, at 6:30 p. functioning in that city A «ey R-Na «4«-M« Osaka Nattmal Bank BM( 1107 Howard-JA. 0288 propaganda against religion may bem. at the Jewish Community Center, The R-Na club gave a banquet at Sadofsky is one of the best guards in KOTICE OF 1MVEBTSDNBS8 KOVING — STORAGE — the city and paired with Mann, who ' the cause . . . . .; Notice is hereUy. given that all s and will be open to members and the Conant Sunday, the theme of debt* of The Boanan Walt Company. the writer believes is the best dePIANO MOVING Congressman MacBaldridge who their children only. l*at*ers*>B RWc. Omaha. Nebraaka. on tkewhich was "Tres." NATIONAL 31st day of December. 1KM). anonntetl to fensive guard in the league, would spoke to the B'nai Brith last ThursRabbi Qavid A. Goldstein, who is Miss Bernice Perimeter spoke on the sum of Twentr-Eight ThonmnA Two r ACCESSORIES. I N C . day . . . . impresses us as being a in charge of the program, announces "The Seed," and Mr. Ernest Fries- give any team plenty of trouble. HonH nail red Thirteen Dollars and Thtrty-TWo Cents ($28,33.32). splendidly tolerant young man whose that the Rev. Lawrence Planck will man spoke on "Branching Out." A orable mention goes to Stoller and "Everything for the Ante" G. M. BOHUAN. President. Rosen. frequent contact with Jews has *been speak on "Freedom." reading was given by Miss Sylvia KRXRST F. WALT 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 his best broadening experience . . . . Bein« a majority of the Board of DiThe price of this meal will be 75Falk, and Miss Gertrude Oruch renrectors. 3-13-lt. The. new motto for gold-diggers . . . •', cents for adults and 40 cents for chil- dered a piano solo. Mr. Milton AbraJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Looking over the winter months we FRADEKBrBG, RTALMASTKR ft BEBER find your "mark" in the world . . . , dren. Reservations must be in by hams was the guest speaker of the find that the Jewish lads have had AttorMya ••NEW FOR OLDW then make him . . . . but don't "take* Monday, March 23, and can be made evening. tia — Omaha Madaml Bank HI«C. their hands in the pie in many ath1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 NOTICE OF ianDKBTEUXESS him! . . . . . Very frequently over with any of the following: Mrs. B. A. BRANDEIS Notice ist berel>y ph-en tnat all exlstioir letic events. The Jewish lads copped debts of Nebraska Chambers Optical Co. KOIL you can now listen to the/melp- Simon, Glendale 1028; Mrs. Abner SHOE REPAIR DEPT. Fa Hon the Midwest A. A. U. handball singles on the 31st rtny of Decemher. 1J>3O, amountdious aristry of Esther Leaf DuBofi Kaiman, Glendale 2488; Mrs. William ed to thtt sum nt ftnr Thousand "T»o HunThe Fa Hon Sorority has decided and doubles. The A. Z. A. No. 1 won Reasonable Prices dred Thlrtjr-Ktebt Dollars jrrtil Forty-Two .";.;.• Omaha's own o r g a n i s t . . . . she Alberts, Harney 3428. Cents ($1,238.4S). to give Omaha Jewry a treat; the •ite district basketball championship Delivery Service J. L CHAMBERS. possesses a marvelous : personality sorority, however, does not wish to held at Lincoln. Sammy Kaplan of President. Use Tear Charge Account along with her ability as a n artist • Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club OOr,I>IK CHAMBERS, disclose as yet what this treat is to the Center w©4 the A. A. U. featherr Being a majority of the Board of I>1. . . . We would just 4s "LeaT? tel! . The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club be. JOB FOUNDRY reetorg. 3-13-lt. weight boxing championship. The you that she is a sister of the C. B. S. will sponsor an open forum this SunAND MACHINE WORK Miss Sarah Pollay, chairman of this Jewish boys were well represented on FR.VDKXBURG, STALMASTER & BEBER , favorite; Anne Leaf . . . . And during day afternoon, March 15, a t 3 p. m.,committee, suggests that everyone the various high school and college Attorneys REINFORCING STEEL 648-64M Omaha National Itanfc B i d s . CARD 8IGNS METAt SKJN8 last week's broadcast her' hobby, at -the, Labor Lyceum at 22nd and watch F a Hon activities for the an-teams of the city. NOTICE OF INDKBTBDNESS FBOCKHH—STENCILED glUNS Notice is hereby jriven that nil existing Harry DuBoif,?' w a i : \ persuaded I t<f Clark /streets. ; '..••'• nouncement of this surprise. debts of Hotel Investment Co. oft the -31st warble . . . . result „:; ..an avalanche Besides a musical program there day of December. 103Q. amonnted to the At the meeting Monday a debate The ladies are to have a indoor sura of Six Thousand Four-Hundred of phone calls and '.niessagesf'qf- [ap- -will .be a lecture by Dr. Oscar Belzer, team, was chosen, consisting of Miss Twenry-SIx lH»llar» and Forty-Four Cents Cloth and Paper Banners baseball league, . according to Mr. <fM20t4) proval . . . . whptjtill- speak on the care of one's Ethel Rubin and Sarah Pollay with OFFICK WINDOW AND Third Ave. and 11th Street Segal. There will "be teams from the JZZT FIKDI.KII. TRUCK. LETTERING "What to B e l i e v e , ? ' * ' ^ ; : An-arti- teethi'asabject of interest to all. AsRose Stein as alternate. Phones: 89 and 519 Center, Y. M. £?. A., K. C. Club and 1405 Harney JA. S277 cle by Judge Irviri Stalmasteria^the thess. regular forums will end on May The sorority was divided into two independent clubs. Mr. Segal would COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA IZZT , BKRTHA FIR1>LER, "Shofer" magazine, the official A. : Z. first, ; everyone is urged to attend. teams by Miss Rose Moskowitz, like to see many candidates respond Being a majority of the Board of l>iA. publication would do 'credit Outsiders are welcome. Admission is chairman of the membership commit- when he issues his first call for asrectors. . 3-13-lt. FRADENBIKG, STAI^klASTER * BEBER to the most. astute and profound free. . tee. The teams will be called the Red pirants. Attorneys " S48-«m Omaha National Bank Bldg-. and the Blue teams. Miss Betty JaNOTICE OT INDKBTKnNKSS Notice is hereby Riven that atl oxlptlnc cobson is the captain of the Blue team Dealer in Tennis will soon start for the busidebts of O.' K. HartJvrare CO. «ri the 31st and Bernice Falk of the Red. In the day of December. 1930, amounted to the Jewish Books and all other AND sum of Fifteen Thousand Fire Hundred HOLLAND & membership campaign the losing side Religious Articles Nine Dollars/and Thirty-Two Cents ($15,Attorneys 509.32). I COOPER CONSTRUCTION CO. is to treat the winning side. 1502 City Nat'l Bank Bids. 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. 3527
Notes of
"The Jazz Singer" Sunday Evening, March 22 H,
Reservations ^ [ %
Organization News
Rabbi N. Feldman
Certified Public Accountants
Kosher Meals
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
There is a difference inCoal .
But the buyer has no way of .judging it. You can't tell coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by its appearance whether an inferior grade has been mixed in, or substituted for t h e grade y o uordered.
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JOHN KRKST,. President. . I wish to call the attention of all my JOHN KRKSU Orchestra customers to the fact that I just reJ. B. FKADBXBURG, ceived a fresh stock of all kinds of Mr. Bernard White and his orchesBeing a, majority of the Board of DiIn t h e matter pf the estnte of SAMUEL Mntzos of the best qunlities, nnd niso rectors. 3-13-lt. all kinds of Passover articles like tra held a rehearsal at the Commun- A. ROBERTSON* deceased. Mntzo flour, cake flour, egg Matzos, All persons interested in snid estnte nre FKADEKBTJRG. STA13IASTER & BEBER ity Center last Sunday. The orches- hereby notified that a pelition has been cookies, eic. Attarncys in said Coitrt alleging thnt said deAlso, I want, my customers to re648-060 Omaha Nat I anal Bank Blilnr. tra is shaping up well, according to filed ceased rtled Irniving no Inst will nnd prnymember my own mnke soap, kosher for NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Mr. White. He requests that more ing for administration upon his estnte, Pesach nnd all kinds of Rokench's Notice is hereby Riven thnt »11 existing and rhat n homing will be had on said Kosher articles for Pesuch. debts of Iilenl Bottlinc Co., Inc., on the brass instruments appear for this re- petition oefore said court on the '21st day 31st day of December, 1030. amounted to of March; 1931, and that if they fail to hearsal next Sunday at 2 o'clock at appear the earn of Nine Hundred Seventy-One Dolnt snid Court on the snid petition, lars nnd Sixty-Five Cents (WTt.OS). the J. C. C. the Court may grant the same nnd crnnt SAM rr.ATT, administration of said estate to Edwin Tresident. Casscm or some other suitable person and WILLIAM KAIMAN. proceed to a settlement thereof. KKBBCCA PI^ATT, Hathiah Harry H. Lnpidus. President- Treaa. BRTCB CKAWFOUD. SAM PLATT, Edward Dolgoff, Hannah Baum 3-6—3T County Judge. Being a majority of the Board of Pirectora. 3-13-lt. and Phyllis Green were .initiated into IRVIN CM.EVIN, Attorney the Hathiah club at its meeting at the FRADENBUR6, STALMASTER & BEBER 301 Electric Bids. • Attorneys J. C. C. Sunday. They were addressed NOTICE BY PCBLICATION ON PETIC4S-B60 Omaha National Bank Bide. TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS by Isadore Mittleman. COMPLETE STORE AND ADSU51STK4XION ACCOUNT. Notice -is hereby given that all existing OFFICE OUTFITTERS An interesting program was pre- In the County Court of Douglas County, debts of M. Venger & Sons, I n c . on the 31st day of December. 1930. nmonntedto We Ocrupy sented. Ruth Finer spoke on theNebraska. the sum of Seventy Thousand Six HunOver 70.000 Square Feet In the Matter of the Estate of Ere Mon, dred Ninety Dollars and Eighty-Four chapter of the week, Phyllis Green Deceased. Cents <fro,690£*). ' : Southwest Corner All persons interested In said matter recited a Hebrew Poem and Hannah are MAX VEXGER, Eleventh and Douglas Streets hereby notified thnt on the 20th day President Baum gave a short talk. Sol Doren- -of Febrnnry, 1931, Sarah Mon filed a petiPhone JAckson 2724 ABB VENGER, : in said County Court, praying that son and Morton Soiref gave a humor- tion M. A. TKXGKR, Omaha, Nebr. her final administration account filed MAX VENGER, herein be settled and allowed, and that ous dialogue. Being a majority of the Board of Di8he be discharged from her trust .is adrectors. 3-13-lt. ministratrix and that a henring will be had On said petition before said Court on NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS The Downtown Tammany Club of the 2Sth day of March. 1931, and thnt if City of Omahs, Coonty of Doueln», ss. fail to appear before said Court on Manhattan will distribute matzoth you The total liabilities, due and outstandthe snid 2SIU day of March, 1031, at 9 ing, of the Fred Burbeck Tire Company, free to Orthodox Jews on the East o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, 2619 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska, as the Court may grant the prayer of said Side who are in need this year and petition, enter a heirship. and make such at this date, " ^ ^ Y * « other and farther orders, allowances and who lack the money for the purchase decrees, as to this Court may seem prop• President. C P. AXERS, . of matzoth. for the Passover festival. er, to the end that all matters pertaining , Director. to said estate n a y be finally settled and A. C. COWIiES. A full supply of. matzohs will be determined. - -Director. „ „_ . BRYCE CRAWFOED, sent, to all needy Jewish families. <By C P. Ayers. by Proxy) S-13-lt 3-6-3t , County Judge, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION la: the County Court of Donglns County. Nebraska. •
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
«1S " - . I • * - . > • '
313 S0.I4TH.ST. OMAHA.
PAGE «—:THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1B31 to a meager sustainence. Dr. X called j Society will hold a. meeting bis boy on the telephone but on recog-l Thursday evening, March 19&, at the nizing his father's voice the son rang Eagles Hall. off. It was necessary to find a new! subterfuge to get money to his boy] Bernard Balaban, Junior at the quickly. He had been busy all after-! Abraham Lincoln High School, repnoon and evening < arranging for this resented his school at a Journalism subterfuge. Convention which was held in Iowa "As a last resort," Dr. X continued, City last week-end. "I appealed to Professor M. a very I great scholar and an excedingiy. hu-j Mr. and Mi's. Louis H. Katebnan man old man. My son had been in] spent the past week-end in Chicago, his classes^ The professor was fam-j Illinois, where Mr. Katehnan attended lliar with his reckless ideaSsm and a B*nai Brith Conference of the Disfine scholarship and agreed to become trict Grand Lodge No. 6. a party to my little conspiracy. "Professor M. sent for my son, told Mrs. Philip Friedman underwent an him that he had received a commis- operation at the Jennie Edmundson sion for a catalogue of all works on Hospital Monday. bacteriology and related fields available in Moscow. Would my son unMiss Mildred Meyerson, student at dertake the job of compiling such a the University of Nebraska, spent the preliminary list of books for him? past week-end here visiting her parWould he? My son almost burst in- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson. to tears at this offer of work coming By ELIAS TOBENKIN in the midst of his great crisis. The thing was quickly settfed. The proElias TobenKn, the keenly-obman," lie is, of coarse, married to a Anna Pavlovna's father. Olav HashThe boy—for he was only seventeen fessor entered into an arrangement servant correspondent of th£Jewgentile woman. Befog somewhat of olem. (Peace be with him)." —had obtained a .stipend from the with my son for twelve months w< ish'Telegraphic Agency in Mosa poet and a dreamer, despite the "Olav Hasholem," the old rabbi re- government .and was -studying at the cow, here j takes time off from He is to pay him two hundred hardness which party discipline im- peated after some moments and his university. The stipend was barely rubles a month. Professor M. insistwatching the changes in Russian Jewry and the effect" of the Five poses, he married a girl of like tastes, gaze wandered off into space, into in- enough to hold body and soul togeth- ed that ray son take two months salYear Plan on it to pen three .a daughter of an old aristocratic finity . . . . er. The youth was in delicate health ary in advance and turned over to the unman and characteristic inci* * * family, whose delicacy and refinement and his father, as a physician, had boy the four hundred rubles which I dents involving - contemporary radiated through the simple, almost THE BABY genuine fear that his son might run gave him." Eussian Jews. —EDITOR. 1 shabby garments in which she was Dr. X, who twenty-five years back, into tuberculosis. He wrote him of"That should see — the baby— THE "BIG WOMAN" dressed. Anna Pavlovna was her fering money; the boy returned his At.the Physician's Club in Moscow, name. Her husband's name was Isay had lived and practiced in New York, father's letters unopened. He refused through," Dr. X concluded with a where the Ozet was holding its con- Moiseic They had only one child, a was en the telephone. He and Mrs. to recognize his parents on the street. queer look at his wife. She was weeping quietly. vention, a woman passed' my table boy five years old. Vadik was his X. were expecting me to dinner at seven o'clock the following evening. So the father—Dr. X—proceeded to (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Teleseveral .times. She wore a long name, shortened from Vladimir. I pleaded work and asked to be ex-' devise ways and means of getting graphic Agency, Inc.) sheepskin coat; a flowered shawl covThere was a fourth member of the cused. money to his son without letting the ered her head; on her-feet were man's family, the father of Isay Moiseich.. 'In Moscow one does not, turn boy know the source whence his help boots. It was a convention of Jewish a very old Jew with the face and down an invitation to a homemade came. Dr. X visited his son's teach-, farmers and I did not associate the beard of a prophet. For forty years dinner," the physician's voice came ers and professors and gave them] woman, with the proceedings in the the old man had been a rabbi in var- over the wire with feigned reproof. money, which they in turn gave tot hall. Suddenly she spoke up to me ious towns in the former Russian "You will come to dinner without fail. his son ostensibly for commissions.; in Russian, but with a peculiar nonI! BY F. R. K. Pale, or ghettos. And, by the way, we are still "Amer- for certain work which the boy wasj peasant delicacy in her voice. ican* when it comes to oppointments. to do for them. Twice, when his son Was I from America? From New GRANDFATHER AND Miss Louise Fitch, daughter of Mr. With us seven o'clock means seven was at a critical stage, ths father GRANDSON York? She had a brother in New and Mrs. Leo Fitch, is playing an imand not any time up to midnight. succeeded in getting to him sums of Grandfather and grandson are inYork. Please, be punctuaL" f one thousand rubles each. In one portant part in Booth Tarkington's separable. The old rabbi had learned I pulled UD a chair and she sat I was, but Dr. X was not. • case, a chum of his son was persuad-J comedy, "The Intimate Strangers," down across the table from me. She a uumber of Russian words from his Mrs. X was visibly disturbed. Her ed to take the thousand rubles andi which is being presented at the Comundid her colored shawl, showing grandson. The child in turn, had achusband had left the house shortly give it to the boy ostensibly as a' munity Playhouse in Omaha this beautiful black hair, prematurely quired a number of Yiddish phrases after the noon hour. He should have loan. If his boy asked how this J week. Miss Fitch is a senior at the streaked with gray, Her eyes had a from his grandfather. In this strange ' been back by five o'clock at the latest. friend happened to come into so much Abraham Lincoln High School. peculiar squint in them, as if she had colloquial mixture the child is conSeven-thirty. Eight o'clock. Eight- money, the chum was to claim that he long been accustomed to glasses, and tinually asking questions, which his The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a thirty. The doctor had not returned. had won. it in a lottery. Another grandfather answers. was missing them. regular meeting next Tuesday afterA few minutes before nine the friend invented a rich uncle who died Anna Pavlovna enjoys hugely the Of course she did not expect me to noon, March 17th, at the new Chevra doctor returned. and left him an inheritance of sevknow her brother in New York; it; prattle of her little son and the brokHis face was haggard and the smile eral thousand rubles, and as he, too, B'nai Yisroel synagogue, 618 Mynster was sueh a big city. She showed an' en tongue in which her father-in-law with which he greeted me had a pain- apparently did not know what to do Street. intelligent familiarity with the "big-| answers him. The situation is so ful lining. I with the money, he offered a • art of ness" of New York. Also she used • quaint and unusual. The smile in her The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim "Did you arrange it?" his wife it to Dr. X's son as a loan, to be rean English word—"business". She j husband's face does not, however, inrepeated the word several; times,'as; dicate that he enjoys it quite so much- whispered as she was taking the coat paid at a future date. if the sound of it pleased her—Her! His father's Russian and his son's from him. FOR THEIR SON "Yes,"Jhoarsely. -in-other-was in business "there." He Yiddish remind him rtoo much of And now~a "Sard.crisis"Tiad coxae', "And Prof. M—was quite willing to things he would rather nbt r e c a l l . . . . was a wealthy man. into the fortunes of Dr. X's son. He become a party to such a collosal Isay Moiseich frequently reproves his WAS DELEGATE I had married and a few days ago a' little son with the admonition; "Now, humbug." She was a delegate, she explained. "Vadik, speak correctly." "He was." I child came. Mother and baby were, still in the hospital, but when they! Her "collective"—it was organized "Thank God," the woman muttered Shortly before I rose, the aged rab.came home a week later, it would be only a few weeks back—had selected bi turned to me and indicating his under her breath. her. She enjoyed the trip, was enjoy- grandson with his gaze, said: THE STORY ing h er stay in Moscow. The govern"Don't you find that he is the image Mrs. X opened the door into the ; ment paid the expenses of the dele- of his father?" gates. I agreed that the child resembled' dining room, but her husband moThen came the question which every his father greatly. j1 tioned to us to come into his study first. foreigner in Russia inevitably puts to "The very image," the old man em"Don't you think, my dear, we had every man or woman he meets. phasized. better initiate our guest into the sitWhat had been her status before ADD7FERENCE uation, so that we can sit down to she "went to the land ?" The rabbi was silent for some min- dinner without any 'mysteries' beA far-off look came into the woman's eyes. She liesitated some mo- utes. Vadik was speaking to one, to tween us?" he looked at his wife the other of his parents and the pleadingly. j ments before speaking. grandfather was listening intently, as This is what Dr. X told me: I "Before" there had been several Five years earlier his only son left_ POPULAR years of trouble and uncertainty. For an old master might listen to the note the house one day and did not return. INDIAN a long time after the revolution she of a violin. . . . "But, the voice, his voice is not, The next morning they received a let- . GMLL and her husband had had no status whatever. But "before that," before ours," the rabbi resumed in an under- j ter from him that he would never come home again. He was a comthe revolution came, they had had a tone. Little Vadik's voiee was not Jewish, i -munist and wanted nothing to do with large business, a wholesale drygoods store, near Gomel. . . . They had em- if that was'what the rabbi ineant by: his parents who were bourgeois. Such igrated to the Crimea with a group "ours." Though. stUl in embryo, it breaks and disagreements between Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is was nevertheless a voice bora to ex- parents and children were common at watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputaof colonists in 1927. tion recommends that you try it. -.._•. act, to issue orders.. . . . It was the the time. PIGS FOR WOMEN voice of a future commander . . . . She unbuttoned her sheepskin coat After a silence, a profound silence, and laid back the collar, exposing a the old rabbi turned once more to me, throat that had once worn heavy fixed me with his eyes and asked, lowstrings of pearls and which was still ering his voice still more, whether I beautiful without them. J had heard of General R. I asked her how she happened to] of course I had heard of General R. have been chosen delegate instead of- He was one of the pillars of the old herhusband, or any other men. Most regime, a dyed in the wool Mourardof the delegates to the convention ist, a leader of the Black Hundreds whose, name had been associated with ; were men. I said none She explained, smiling strangely as several pograms these things, however. It was as if, she talked. A year and a half ago their colony an invisible hand had suddenly been, had gone in for pig raising. Pigs raised up in warning. "General R," the rabbi continned,1 paid well and the government experts after making certain that no one urged them to raise all the pigs they heard us, is Vadik's grandfather on could. But the colony was not doing so well with , its pigs. The men in his mother's side. The General was particular had a sort of ingrained prejudice against the animal. The women did better and pig raising came solely their province. Once more we delight in offering this special service to our Her pigs proved the most successmany Jewish customers and friends daring Pesach week. ful of all. They were prize winners. She. was voted the best "pig woman in the district and was given the This milk and butter is being produced under strictest to Moscow as a reward. . . . supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman, and has the same purity, •* • * freshness and healthgiving qualities as our regular product.
About Jews*
Council Bluffs News
* • - - - -
Coilman Yudebjon, student at "the Thomas Jefferson High School, left Tnesday J«r Des Moiwa, Iowa, to represent his school in tine Drake Debate Tournament.
To Lettnre Dr. David C. Platt will lecture on "Oral Hygiene" before the Independent Xiadies Club at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark StB., at 8:30 p. m. on Wednesday, March 18. Admission is free; the public is invited.
FREB R. SHAW FLOWEU SHOP 545 BroiHlwn; Phone *1
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'The Jazz Singer*' Sunday Evening, March 22
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<Make it taste hetter-incrtase
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KOSHER L'PESACH Roberts Milk and Butter
THE GRANDFATHER I was invited to the home communist. He was born in "Pale," had been denied the privilegi of studying in Russian schools the Czar and was therefore self cated. In the early days of the olution, when the Bolsheviks persecuted, he had been an underground worker for the cause. Today he occupies an unostentatious but highly responsible post in the soviet apparatus. Being a one-hundred percent "party
You may obtain our Passover milk or butter from any of our route men or your grocer
HONEY PURE EGG NOODLES VARIETY OF CANDIES A Pull Line of Smoked. Meats JJ and other Passover Items too!# numerous to mention. \m
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PAGE n-rrr
>JARCH IS, 1931
JOSEPH BARATZ Mr. Joseph Baratz was theprin'j «ipal-speaker-at a Palestine, banquet held in the Jewish Community, Cenjter, last Sunday evening. Over lYo . .people attended this affair which was •unique and unprecedented in the calendar of Sioux . City Jewry. Mr. - Baratz spoke on" the conditions and work hi Palestine. • A-drive for funds for the Jewish National Fund and the Workers Fund • in Palestine, was begun at.the banquet and $1,000 was raised,that evening. The quota for Sioux City is - $2,000 and the' drive will continue.until that amount has been raised. The banquet was sponsored by the following organizations: Zionists, Poale Zion, Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, National Workers Alliance, Pioneer Women and the Mizrachi. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi T. N. Lewis; and Mr. Mendel Fisher of St. Louis spoke briefly. Mr. Barney Baron acted as toast master. An unusually fine Zoinistic .spirit was manifested by Zionists in the city at this event . . ..'•, Committees who made the arrangements for the banquet included Mr. and Mrs. • Barney Baron, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mr. J. Aizenberg, Mr. Abe Stillman, Mrs. H. Mirowitz, Mr. B. Zifkin, Mr.. S. Lipman, Mr. Max Brodkey, Mrs. Sam Shulldn, Mrs. J. N. Krueger, Mrs. B. Shindler,. Mrs. L. Kutcher, Mrs. Sam Mosow, Mrs. Sam Passman, Mrs. J. Aizenberg, Mrs. Sam Passman, Mrs. L. Shindler, Mrs. Sam Lipman, Mrs. Ed Baron, Mrs. S. Levin, Mrs. M. Lazriowich. v Music was furnished during the evening by Sam Berman and his orchestra.
.-... .All news for the Sioux City page • of the Press must reach the S-.iC.i correspondent by Tuesday evening;; to appear in the following Friday's edition. Call 86619, "the -Jewish Community- Center after. l r p . m.', or 88453 after. 6 p. m. ••a
Ladies Auxiliary Plan Card Partjr
Yiddish Playto Be Held March 18 "The Jewish King Lear",* d«nna: in four acts by Jacoh Gordih will be presented on Wednesday evening, March 18, at the Jewish Community Center. The cast of. players includes Mr. J. Aizenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Elkin, Mrs. L. Shindler, Miss Tttiie Sliindler» Mr.; B. Zifkih, Mr. H. Mirowitz^ M*. I. Levin, Mr. H. Epstein, and Mr. S. Sokolsky. The play, a popular one with; Jewish audiences; has attracted wide attention because of its plot! which, is genuiendy! Jewish. There -will be singing and music during and ; between the acts. The proceeds of the play will g o toward the Palestine Chalutzim Fund. ,' The play is sponsored by the National Worker's Alliance; and the Poale Zion. Admission ,is' fifty;: cents. The committees have asked that no small children be brought that evening.
Maccabees Organize Baseball Team Irving Lunin was elected captain of the Macabee Baseball team. At the first practice at which many of the members turned out, Lunin felt confident in predicting a championship season for the team. •: At the last meeting of the club, (George Shindler-was elected reporter. 'The sum of $10 was given to the Jewjish National Fundi at the recent Palestine banquet. ' Sam Sadoff and (Rudy Shindler represented the Mac? cabees at this affair. . ;
Wednesday, March "25, has been set as the date for the Card party which is sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue. The; party will be held, in the. Cocoanut; Grove, at Twentieth and Pierce streets. . Attractive bridge prizes and; k; door prize will be awarded. Refreshments will be served at the; conclusion of the Members of the A. Z. A. Chapter afternoon. Mrs. Morey Lipshutz and will be guests at the Friday evening Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky are in charge' service of Mount Sinai Temple, March of the arrangements. 27. Members of the chapter will read the ritual. Alfred Albert will speak briefly. Rabbi Lewis will speak that evening on "Judaism and Youth."
r A Passover program will be the feature of the- luncheon meeting of the Shaare Zion l i d i e s ' Auxiliary on Tuesday, March 17/ The luncheon, which will be held in the social hall. of the synagogue. will begin at 1
Society News * | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roder of New York City are making an: extended visit at the hotiie'of Mn and Mrs/A." B."Frieamari, 1722 Jackson street: Mrs. Rushall was formerly Miss'Lee Rushall of Sioux City. ,
;«naer ipd, dancjs, to^ w4»«b: ovef: 100 guestihave been' invited. Fronr out of- town will' come Mr.- and Mrs. B. Cohan of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. Plotkin of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs; N. Sterling of Carroll, Nebr.; Me and Mrs. H. A. Ballin of Genterville, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bailin of Lennox,i S.I).; Mr. and Mrs. John Woskoff of Smithland, I i ^ Mrs. P. TJWgddsky of Pierson, Nebr., and Mr, Sam Saitlin of Armour, S. D. : r Among those who have entertained for Miss Saitlin during the past week" are Miss Margaret Saitlin, Sara Woskof£ Porothy and Frances,Rutstein, Mollie Rubin and the Business Girls'
COHEN-SAITUN ;, The stage of the Community Center The "following program will be presented : - Miss; - Ann' Kanowsky will hall, banked with ferns and flowers give a [group of fotk songs; jMiss Mil- will form the background for^a ioyely dred Baron will also present several ceremony on Sunday; evening, when vocal solos; a Passoyer reading^ will. Miss Sara Saitlin, daughter of' Mr. Plans :are beirig^made for a niass be;given, "by Mrs. Abe Stillriiah; a and_ Mrs. A,.'."• Saitlin, ^becomes the C l u b : . " ' " • • • - , . , - .. • - " ^ . •v . . ' . "• meeting sponsored by the Piojij<§er playlet depicting \ a Passover Seder] bride of Milton H. * Cohen, soa of Mr. 1 The couple will make their home in Women, atwhich Mrej .Oian^h" CbjsiS', -will be presented; with >he following and Mrs. B. Cohen of Chicago. Rabbi Yankton, S . I ) . Palestine worker, wilt be speaker, H. R. Rabinowitz; will officiate at the cast: V*Mrs. .M.-/Daskovsky, father; day evening1, March 2 1 / at- 8:30 fit. Miss Dena M. Baron, mother; Mrs. ceremony which will be held at 6 1 The meeting is scheduled for .SaturMiss Beverly Sax, daughter of Mr. William ,Mazie, Mrs. J." Levin and p.' m. the; Jewish Community "Center. Miss Sylvia Friedman, daughters.! The bride, who will be gowned in and Mrs. Joseph Sax, will become the ; Mrs. Chisik was one of the first to Miss Sylvia Friedman, will also pre-! white satin, will carry a bouquet of bride of Robert Swartz, son of Mr. go to Palestine for the purpose of white roses, and will "be attended by. and Mrs. L Swartz of Omaha on Sunupbuilding .the land. She has. spent sent a. Passover reading. her sister Margaret Saitlin, who will! day afternoon, March 15, at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Philip Sherman will preside at the last 25 • years there doing Pioneer wear a frock of aquamarine crepe The ceremony which will be witnessed work.' She is at present a. leader and the meeting. Those who, desire to at ' and accessories to match. Sam Sait- by only the immediate relatives of the instructor in' the girl's ' co-operative tend are asked to* send their reserva- lin will serve as best man. J bride and groom will be held at the colony ami farm school at Tel Aviv. tions to Mrs. Sherman or Mrs. 1. H. " "Following the ceremony will be a; home of Mr. and Mrs. IL. Herman, The' name Chisik is a Hebrew work Levin. Mrs. Rivke Levich and Mrs.1 905 Iowa street. Rabbi H. R. Rabinosymbolic of heroism. Mrs. Chisik's B. Shindler will have charge of the) or -forensic lines. Those desiring -to ; witz will officiate. daughter fell in defense of an early j menu and Mrs.'John C. Levin, dining Following the ceremony a recepparticipate are asked to call Rabbi Arab attack against the colony of room. Rabinowitz for further details. | tion will be held in the home of Mr. Tel-Hai. Her son was killed by The contest will be open to the, and Mrs. A. Libennan. Arabs in the riots of August, 1929. public and no admission will be' The couple will spend their honeywhile defending the colony Chulda. charged. It will be held in the social moon in Minneapolis, after which they will make their home in Omaha. Mrs.- Chisik is on2 of the group of hall of the Synagogue. women who stand eager to undertake Mr M. E. Friedman is in charge'of Over thirty young people have sigany task in upbuilding the land of nified their intention of entering the the Refreshments which will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passman anPalestine. Her lecture is eagerly Kiddie Contest show, which is sched- served to all children who attend. Mr, nounce the engagement of their looked forward to by .members of uled for Sunday afternoon, March 15, Robert Sachs and Mr. John C. Levin, daughter, Frances, to Mr. Lee Green, Zionist groups in the city. Mr^ son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, at 3 o'clock. The contest which is are in charge of the stage. sponsored by the Shaare Zion Syna- Lester Heeger is chairman of the. of Oskaloosa, Iowa. -The date of the gogue is open to all children from the contestants. Mrs. Robert Sachs is in wedding has not been set. ages of five'to fifteen^ who have any charge of the awards. Judges will be The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met special talent along music, dramatic Rabbi Jolt and Mr. H. H. Buntley. o ' c l o c k / i "•'••',
\" " ;
Kiddie Contest Is Interesting Many
Mantel Speaks Before Sisterhood
Mrs. Nathan Mantel of Omaha was the guest speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Mount Sinai Sisterhood last Friday noon, when they held Reciprocity Day with Omaha Sisterhood of Temple Israel. Mrs. Mantel spoke on the Sisterhood convention, which was held recently in Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank Huntsman appeared on the program. with a group of piano solos. Mrs. Louis Goldberg and Mrs. Leon Marx presented a ventriloquist jskit entitled "Topics of the Day." Mrs. Dave Feder of Omaha was a guest at the meeting.
last Weclnesday'at the' and -Margaret Kozberg. The was taken up-with a business ing. The N. M. A. Club will meet Saturday evening at the hom?of:M'«K, Ann Raskin. Bridge will form the evening's entertainment. The .little Social Club entertained at a luncheon on Monday evening in the "Davidson Tea ropm. Bridge, formed the afternoon's entertainment. Members of the Iota Tau Sorority met last Saturday evening at the home j>f Miss Mazie Kaufman. Bridge was followed by a dainty luncheon.
Business Men's Bowling W. ' .L-..,'Ayv.; Malashock Jewelry ...38 25^ ^603 Wardrobe : . :..-.: 3g. ,28;;>57«; Empire; Cleaners . . — - 3 6 27 .571 Ben's Jewelry ;....U-...33 3Q .524 Kaimaa Insurance'. w . 2 3 40 .365 Youseni .Battery .;, i..24 42 ^64 The Malashock Jewelry w.pin theirentire series front the Kaiman Insurance. The Empire.Cleaners won two games from the Yousem Tires arid the Ben's Jewelry defeated the Wardrobes. ' : Some hefty shooting was done byHarry Smith and Leo Weitz who registered single games of 234, Jack Melcher, Mose Yousemj P. Wintroub and "Shrolly" Goodman also secured high single games. . . Death hath so many doors .to let out life. •!'•/ "—Banroont.
The first of: a series; of bi-monthly dances sponsored by the Jewish ComImunity Center will be held Tuesday evening, March 24, in the Rigaudon ballroom. Vern Perry and uis Revellers will furnish music for dancing, feature Jackie Merlin in an act of songs and dances. Five acts of entertainment are planned by the committees in charge. Proceeds will go toward several of the organizations. The Clubs at the Jewish Community Center r.re exertHerman Mirowitz, owner of the ing all efforts to back this dance. Herman Hardware Company, an- Tickets, seventy-five cents per couple nounces the moving of his hardware can be secured at the Center. business from 513 West Seventh St. to 905 Fourth St. Mr. Mirowitz announces that he has modernized his store with entirely new fixtures and new stock. The store is open.^eve"We feed the multitude" nings until 9 o'clock and on Sundays until noon. Free "delivery is one of With Tasty Foods. the courtesies to his customers.
v AtiZ. A. Service
Play Presented at Hadassah Meeting
A short play "A Sick Purim" was • presented at the meeting of the Junior Hadassah on Wednesday evening by, children of the Mount Sinai Re: Iigious School, under the direction of • Miss Ruth Marx. Those who took • i part ' in-.-.the-.play included Henry . Greenberg, Miriam Blank, Bernice \ Galinsky, Miriam - Barish, Lea Rose Newman, Robert Cohen, Sidney Kalin ; Rosegene Passman and Annabell Enil e i n .
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Rabbi Lewis Giving Series of Sermons RabbiTheodore N. Lewis of Mount Sinai, Temple is giving a series of sermons on .Reform Judaism during the month of March, marking the anniversary of Isaac M. Wise, founder of Reform Judaism in America. The first of a series of three was presented at the regular, service last Friday evening. The subject was ^Founders of. Reform Judaism." This evening, the second of the series will be given and will be entitled "The iBasis of Reform" Judaism." On March 20, Rabbi-Lewis will speak on "The Task of Reform Judaism."
The QUALITY rira within the Reach of ALL
905 Fourth Street
Phone 5-7379
Shaare Zion Synagogue
Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln, Nebr., will be the guest speaker at Shaare Zion Synagogue this evening. "His subject' will be "Wanted—Actors in the Jewish Drama Life.", Rabbi Jolt has served as spiritual \\ leader in the conservative synagogue of Lincoln for the past three years. In that time he has been influential in organizing the students of Lincoln for studies in Jewish culture and literature. , Rabbi Jolt will also speak before !the Senior Congregation on Saturday 1 morning. .
P 1
NO PARKING WORRIES Direct Entrance From Hotel to Harrison Parki GarnCT'
I- B'naiBrith Meeting Tuesday Mr; Joe Levin will speak at the B'nai Brith meeting Tuesday evening, ' on' the^recent~"trip of Commander Byrd. ._. • ' ' ' •—; '•—!— ' ' '' I4ve is like a landscape which doth stand smooth at a distance, rougt at hand. -Hejjge.
Full Line of
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U L E-'.'A
TIRE Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. :
HOBERMAN BR0l!HERS, Proprietor*
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