March 20, 1931

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__— — ." In the, . . -V

Interests of The •,Jewish Community \



Entered as aevoniKinta malt matta ob Jauaary ft. Doaiofl»rt> at Omaha. Nehraafca. cnder M>« Act -Of Match



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Entertaining VOL.

IX—No. 8


"Thi3 Pure Young Man" was the book reviewed by Rabbi Frederick Cohn at the meeting of thfe Junior Captain Bruce Bairnsfather, intro- slimy bottom of dirty trenches he be- Forum held last Thursday at the duced as the "man who made a nation gan to draw caricatures "to. amuse J.C.C. . • •• - •••:: - } Failure to Pay Alimony: to " Nation-Wide Effort to Shift smile in its misery and laugh in its the soldiers." ;.;;•, Rabbi Cohn emphasised the xnoral They Seek to Modify RegulaOne of Few Debt tion of Sacramental Date From Conflict With pain of war," made the audience presHis actual career, • which brought of the book, that a good character is -' Imprisonments Wines Yom Kippur Wit at the J. C. C, last Tuesday eve- him fame as a cartoonist came about the best foundation to life and suc. Jerusalem.-(J. T. A.)_Failui\l-1 > « for the sixth and final lecture of from the suggestion of a fellow-sol- cess.- ' "-'••'•I I •' Washington.—(J. T. A.)—A deleDetroit—(J. T. A.)~Efforts of a complywith an order for payment * je Community .Forum lecture course dier. He suggested that Bairnsfather The next Junior forum lecture, gation of five New York rabbis called Detroit committee to secure postpone\uckle again and again as he un- send one of his caricatures to a-Lon- which is sponsored jointly by the" Hen? on President Hoover to urge him to ment olTthe American Legion convenalimony or the maintenance of achj*. tg tion, scheduled to open here on Yom Vill henceforth be one of the -f\cB •£• \ded in a humorous, inimitable man- don illustrated. The captain did and rietta Sirold and the A; Z.-A. No. 1, modify the regulation with regard to Kippur, September 21, are assuming charges on which a debtor can be.iifL" '* the biography of his eventful the result was a check for fifteen dol- will be the dosing one of the season. the distribution of sacramental wine. lars. He spent $19.40. buying copies Ur. Victor Levfee of Creighton Uninational proportions, with the Order Pointing out that wine shipments prisoned in Palestine if an ordiriani^ "is lecture was well-illustrated by to send to, friends and was started versity will be (the speakers r of B'nai Brith and the B'nai Brith for sacramental purposes were trailed doing away with imprisonment excej V^s of the best ;and; most familiar toward; success.;: , j ! ; < :•.••." , Anti-Defamation League joining in through the city's streets by prohibiin cases of dishonest debtors, whicltii protests against opening the convention officers and their homes were now being considered, is. adopted. tartopns, which i were shown "upon a = So: popular did he become, with his caricatures; that the .French army tio« on that day. watched to "determine what use was The question of imprisonment fojr "Old Bill," the dumbell Britisit]sol- asked l England; to lend^him t a -their made of the wine,-the rabbis asked The Jewish appeal for the postponedebt has long been a source of comthat the rules be changed to allow a ment of the convention was given implaint in Palestine and the ordineJSJjice dierv was" created • by; Bairnsfather army . to: draw .,cartooiasiX.Lln:^succesrabbi to obtain wine for his congregapetus by the aid lent the movement under consideration is expected to lip during "the war.; This character made, sion he rwas transferred for this; Vork tion without accounting for its disby Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroit. jnuch to improve matters. - — him famous, besides aiding greatly iii ta the American and Italian armies. tribution. Detroit leaders who 'head the commit. Besides the above mentioned mis- cheering; up the soldiers during the It was on leave: from the Italian World War. . They argued that a rabbi should be tee, acting in.behalf of the Jewish demeanors, the new ordinance would army that he began the "Better Ole," of Flourishing trusted to make legitimate distribuLegionnaires are' assured by Mayor permit the imprisonment of "a debtor 'Baimsfather related-how, born in his well-known play. It started from To Be in ^cultural tion of wine allotted him for religious Murphy that he will do everything for failure to comply with a judgment India, he was sent to England by his a cartoon of two soldiers stranded in uses. Rev. Laurence Plank possible to secure a postponement of d Hi a shell hole, unable to get out. "If ier His for payment of a fine, costs or court father to obtain an education. the convention. Mayor Murphy is an The rabbis also complained that father had chosen a military fees; if it be known that he has sufyou know a better 'ole", go to it," one . Moscow*.— A.) —The. foundaRev. Laurence Plank of the First officer of the -Legion and was instruthey were required to furnish a list ficient means to pay the debt, but re- for his son, despite the fact that he of the soldiers said to his fellow in tion for q il eventually be a Unitarian Church of this city will of the members of the congregations speak on "Freedom" as the feature of mental in bringing the convention to fuses to do so; if he has transferred himself had inclinations toward be- misery. Bidjan, Far" East- who3e university at homes had then been searched. the next congregational supper to be Detroit this year.. or hidden his property whereby the coming an artist. So set was he on X!uy S.'Spencer, W.orlS-Herald car-] e r n ere the Soviet govHon. Alfred M. Cohen, president of debt remains unpaid, or if he is likely such a career that-he resigned and toonist, introduced the captain who I e rnment!is settling Jews on the band, The rabbis voiced opposition to a served by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the to run away and leave the country. launched out into the cartoonist field. "made the world laugh, in its darkest w a s i a i d with the opening of the In-, plan to open stores in New York for Conservative Synagogue oh Tuesday, the B'nai Brith, is taking action to the sale of sacramental wine. In each case the period of imprison- But he could not somehow make a go hour." . . March 24, at 6:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. secure postponement in the convenInstitute, fidustrial-Agrkul ral tion date. Sigmund Livingstone, of it financially. ment will not exceed 21 days. The Community Forum is under the nanced xmnceo.byb the 1 ll grain trust. The Bev. Plank, an eloquent speaker, is chairman of the Anti-Defamation ".- Pensioned government officials, "A burst of patriotism" led Captain auspices of-the Jewish Community j institute is„ local at Yekaterino-Ninoted for his liberal views. After his League, has addressed a request for lunatics and minors are exempt from Bairnsfather to enlist on the second Center and^* the- Council of Jewish fcolskaya, forty ilo meters from the talk there will be an open discussion the postponement of the convention imprisonment for debt. A debt be- day that war was declared. In the Women. with Sam Beber presiding. capital of Bira idjan. One hundred1 to James Barton, National Adjutant tween a father and a son, or a son This supper is for members and of the Legion, requesting that the students'are al: ,dy enrolled. The and father and between husband and m is being transtheir families only, but reservations executive board act at once. educational wife does not enable the creditor to will be allowed by members for their lated into Yiddish for the benefit of It is. stated on good authority that Have the-debtor sent to prison. An friends. Reservations, which may be the Jewish students who use only approximately 35,000 Jewish ex-servexception is made only where the made with Mrs. Ben Glazer, must be Yiddish. ice men are members of the Amerijudgment has been given for alimony Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Palestine will in by Sunday, March 22. That the future university will be can Legion, 14,000 of them having ator maintenance of children. • in the center of a flourishing agricul- be the only country flying the British tended the convention in Boston last tural center is~ipparent from the fact flag to Jliave its own pavilion at the year. that Bira Bidjan in the last year.has International Overseas ExKbition, It is expected that a flood of probecome the center of government which, opens here early in May.' The tests will, be addressed to National To Be Presented by Players farms or sovchozi, as they are called, managing of the Palestine pavilion is Commander Ralph T.'CNeil and NaGuild at J. C. C. Sunday six of which are:,operating in the.dis-; being handled by the Franco-Palestional Adjutant James Barton unless Evening' . tinian Chamber of ..Commerce which trfct. ' •_;;.. the date is adjusted. The demand for workers for 1931 is has created a special committee for "That "The Jazz Singer" will be much greater a$t only in the grain this purpose. most finished and elaborate -rprodueTo Transfer Hadassah Hospital trust,, but^ in,'tSjwf-other five statef tionVyet staged by the Center flayers' •H *' iii Tel Ayiv to Cit^ arms as well* \ ^ f e government plans -'- Jerusalem.—(J. O - ^ Shawkat Guild is" indicated 4*y t t e final i t^o aevo~te""15",Q(B5*0(i& ^rubles this year by la 'grpup of friends/6T* Palestine - AH, Indian Moslem leade^, and broth- hearsals. this .Week. The -tEreeract for. ther development of these state who have, availed. ther/Selves of the ... . . comedy drama will be presented/ un•-'•" Irtiof.t^iiejjaVil jlolhammed Ali, will farms and for the development of the invitation extended by the exhibition's ' T e l Aviv.—(jT T. A.)—The first management to mandated territories step, to transfer to the municipality of shortly leave for India to raise $5,- der the auspices of A. Z. A. Chapter lumber industry in the region. to participate either together wifh the Tel Aviv the. Hadassah Hospital 000,000 for a Moslem University j in 100, Sunday evening a¥ the;-Jewish powers whose protection "they, enjoy there, a step, just completed marks a Jerusalem, Jamal Husseini; 6n6-©f the Community Renter auditorium., Mrs. secretaries of the Arab Executive, def. :Hennan'Jahr is the director'. or as independent exhibitors. hopeful the progressive transfer precedent of Jewishfor public services in Many Communities Rally to Us; Sal Micbnick will have the title role clared. sishkin's Five-Year Vivid Representation of Glories Palestine, at present relying mainly Calling on his audience to pray for, of the Jazz Singer. He is a veteran Plan •: The Palestine' pavilion which is! on outside support, to the ownership, the success of Shawkat Ali's mis-- member of the Players'.Guild and had rapidly nearing completion will bring financial responsibility and supervis Dallas, Texas.—(J. T. A.)—There sion, Husseini urged . the Arabs of a leading part in the last Players' ion of local Jewish bodies. Ben .Kazlowsky, prominent orator before the world in vivid and effecis a town in Texas called Palestine. Palestine to help .themselves by tak- production, "The Good Hope." Negotiations that have been in tive form the glories' of Palestine's and collegiate debater of this city, past Laura Berek, who plays the role of ing the example of India and fighting and the possibilities of its fu- progress for some time, culminated There will also be a place in Palesdeparted last Sunday evening on an ture. Recalling in its general lines in agreement between the Hadassah, tine called "Nachlath Texas," i. e., Miss Rose Brandeis for their rights. . the mother of the Jazz Singer, is a extended debating trip to the east. He Colony," if plans which have The plan for a Moslem University newcomer to the Guild, but she comes Miss Rose Brandeis, artist pupil of captains a debate team representing and proportions the famous Tomb of the municipality of Tel Aviv and the "Texas in Jerusalem will be the principal, with extensive dramatic experience, Cecil Berryman, will be presented in Rachel, the pavilion's dazzling white- government health department by already been formulated by Zionist Creighton University, which will ness is thrown up by an ornamenta- which Hadassah will be responsible leaders of this state will be approved Bubject on the agenda of the forth-j having played with the dramatic club: meet ' in? forensic competition with tion of turquoise-blue faiences select- for half the expenditures connected at a Jewish National Fund Texas coming World Islamic Congress. -,. . L of Nebraska university and the Uni March 24, at the Schmoller and State Conference. numerous outstanding univerIt is no secret that Shawkat Ali" w] v e r s i t y o f Illinois., ler; auditorium by the University Con- sities, including Northwestern, Pur- ed from those of the Mosque of Omar.!1 with the hospital for the next two The conference aims to enlist the One of these rooms is devoted to years, after which its contribution looking forward to the near .future j Becky Kirshenbaum. wffl play tin servatory of Music. ! due, and Harquette. co-operation of Texas Jewry in a ' when- India will come into its. own: and! part" of the sweetheart*, She has ; Misg Brandeis, who has played:for An outstanding feature of this trip Palestinian art, ancient and modern. will greatly decrease,: with.a corre: huge Palestine land reclamation and sponding increase in the local burden. life wilt command a powerful,position'placed with the Guild for the past many.local.Jewish orga-\zations, has will be; a radio debate in Chicago, on Celebrated collections from all parts "as a leader of Indian-Mosiems, That' two" seksons" arid has-taken-.leads in been; made a member of the .faciiilty of Sunday/March 22, at 6:$D p. m. with of the .world have lent magnificent To manage the hospital, a special acquisition plant recently adopted by a national conference of Jewish lead" it Is his intention to lend this power! severarnlgh %chool^^operettas.-c "" the Conservatory, and is- connected the Chicago-Kent College; of Law, examples of the most'modern wort. authority*ia^tb,be. created, consisting ers held in Washington, D. C, which of aboard of three members, who will : in suppoi-t of the plan of Haj Arrienn Weinstein acts the part of the stern, with-_ttig; junior music department. over the Chicago Tribune, station There wili also be important excalls for the creation in the Holy Al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jeru- father. She is also one of the artists appear- WGN; "The discussion via radio will amples of the most recent develop- be represented of the. .municipaUty, Land of an American tract. ments in Hebrew arts'and crafts. In Hadassah and the government, resalem, for the development of Islamic ',>. Others in the cast includei, Irving ing; over iradio stations WOW- and be: the unemployment problem. Other: Communities Rally other rooms Palestine's industry, spectively. Hadassah has a'lso con; cultural' institutions, and do every- Beitel, John Peldman, Harry Colick, A^W T ^ \ ' ' ''' T;^„\.:.I.. .; .: This debating tour will complete " Other American Jewish communsented to lift the ban on private practhing he can to emphasize the con- Nate Sekermaiv Ida Bishoff, Sam \ A vprogram of. excellent selections five years of intercollegiate debating agriculture, travel, small drafts, ities^sides those of Texas are rally'jiection of • Indian Moslems with' the Ferer, Martha Himelstein, Abe will be presented by Miss Brandeis. for Kazlowsky, during which lime he schools, townplanning . and improve- tice by iospital physicians, which ing enthusiastically to the support of interests of Palestine Moslems, is a Saltzman, Yale Meyerson and, Abner Orchestral parts will be played by-Mr. was pitted against some of the finest ment, electrification schemes, mineral will make possible a reduction in the Ussishkin plan for the acquisition their salaries. known~ fact. ' • ••.. . Kaiman. Included in the chorus are Berryman. Thepublic is invited. college debate teams in the country. wealth will be graphically - demonThe nursing system has • been in Palestine of an American tract on Ann Bishoff, Pauline Hurwitz, Mar: Miss Brandeis is the daughter of Kazlowsky has also figured promin- strated by a large collection of sam-: changed in order to meet the require- the land of the Jewish National Fund garet Hurwitz, Ruth Margolin an Mr* and Mrs. Morris Brandeis. ently in Jewish Community Center de- ples, photographs and sketches. in one of the most fertile regions in . Loevinger Appointed _ Helen Adler. There will'be an opportunity to ments of reorganization, all of these Palestine, it was declared in a statebating, have been a member - of the duo which won the Midwestern. Com- taste the famous wine from the grape innovations having been Introduced ment issued by the Jewish National to: jDistriet Judgeship The A. Z. A. chairmen of the various- cpmmittees^ are: Julius Bisno munity Center championship in 1930. o£ Canaan and the golden oranges of with the sanction of the health de- Fund headquarters in New York. partment. .;. general, chairman; Ralph Gross, fi He-was also a member of the team Jaffa.. Gusjaye'Lqeyinger, past president Bernard Stone, national field diwhich won the first International A. of the •pistrict Grand Lodge No. 6 of nance; Max Platt, usher committee rector of the Jewish National Fund; the Bfnai Britii and well-known here, j Dan Iinsman, checkroom; Morris • Mrs.. T..Whitman, 58, died Sunday Z. A. debate 1927. P. M. Raskin, Anglo-Jewish poet and has been appointed judge of the Dis- Katz, publicity; Morris Meyerson morning at Rochester, Minn., where a member of the Jewish National Kazlowsky is president of the local trict Court at St. Paul by Governor ticket collection; Joe Goldware, tickej she had gone two weeks previous for chapter of Pi Lambda Phi national Fund staff; and Max Rudensky are Floyd Olson of Minnesota. • Loevingerj distribution, with Sam Fleishman her healtK Burial was in the Golden -social college fraternity, and a cenior touring various parts of the country is prominent in legal cirdes in St. I Sam White and Morris Meye.rson co Hill cemetery Monday, with funeral j the Creighton Law School. for this purpose. Paul. •'. [chairmen.' •;_ : The first communities to underLondon. Reconsideration of the opment scheme also proceeded deservices from the Chesed Shel Emes.! proposal for a legislative asssembly spite Dr. Weizmann's opposition. The j take the dunam quotas in the UssishRabbi N. Feldman officiated. . Mrs. Whitman is survived by one, in Palestine was definetly rejected by paper forecasts a discussion in the' kin plan were Washington, D. C ; son, Norman Whitman; five daughthe British Government during the House of Commons in connection Baltimore, Md.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Philters, Miss Sarah Whitman, Miss Milnegotiations with the Jewish Agency, with the CDorinell Commission adelphia, Pa.; Detroit, Mich.; Providred Whitman, Mrs. Harry Segall, the parliamentary correspondent of whish is now in Palestine studying dence, R. I.; New Haven, Conn., and Mrs. Hymah Harris, all of Omaha, the Jewish Chronicle declares on the the administration's financial status. New York City. and Mrs." Yetta Britz, of Chicago. Yonkers.—(J. T. A.)—A He- basis of a high authority. Madison, Wis.—(J. T. A.)—Taking yet applied for the position, however, : On-Hhs.r.; trip; . to; Rochester, Mrs. brew sect in China, almost wholly Criticizing the members of the "the cue from the Connorsville, Ind.,iit has been explained. Whitman: was accompanied by her assimilated with the Chinese, ex- Zionist Executive who were alleged Jewish congregation that has been daughter; Ttfiss Sarah Whitman. cept for the observance of Jewish to have said that the question of the meeting in a Methodist Episcopalian ••_-&^-toucflirig tale -t>f - sacrifice forreligious customs, was described by legislative assembly had not yet been church and hearing sermons from a Jewish told in connection Madame Pearl Metzelthin of New discussed, the Jewish Chronicle states preacher of that denomination, a Uniwith the return, of the body. Solomon York City in a speech before the tarian congregation in this city is goH. Bemelof Rochester, an immigrant Agudath Achim Synagogue here. that -while Dr. Chaim Weizmann askSt. Albana, Vt.—A Jewish mother might become a public charge. Mother ed the government not to constitute ing quite a step further and is castJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A total of lad in his twenties, volunteered withand her eight months old baby have and baby remained in this town, ing about for a liberal Jewish rabbi 39 prospective immigrants Were bar- out pay, to stay up all night with the Madame Metzelthin was recently that to accede to this request woul-i become separated from each other as which is near the Canadian border, be certain to incur Arab hostility. to take charge of spiritual affairs for red from entering Palestine during body in the train in accordance with in China with her husband. a result of the immigration laws of for two weeks, while immigration ofThe group was dwindled to a the church. •; : . The Jewish Chronicle claims too the United States and Canada, the ficials were deciding their case. January, while a total, of 262 were ad- Jefish custom. He also paid the ex- few hundred, she said, who speak that plans for the $12,500,000 devel- mother being a Canadian citizen and There will be no heed for the rabbi mitted. Of this number . 150 were penses, of the trip himself. He himFinally the mother was sent to to change his creed in any. Way or his Jews, 97. were Christians and 15 were self was just recuperating from a Chinese, look like Chinese, but who the little daughter, having been born Montreal and Dorothy remained in observe certain Jewish dietary Judaistic viewpoint. in New York City, an American. Moslems. The 150 Jews included 43 major illness. Sarrioff on New York this country. As a result of the inlaws, observe Yom Kippur and He will only be called upon to use who entered as travelers and were University Council Soon after Dorothy Cohen's birth tervention of Jewish welfare workers, other ceremonials. She believes his own religious concepts in attack- permitted to remain permanently. David Sarnoff, president of the Ra- her mother was ordered deported the sect emigrated to China after Hebrew Course in Detroit little Dorothy has been placed in an ing the spiritual problems before1 his dio Corporation of America, is one of back to Canada,. but Canadian offi! During the same month 42: Jews* Detroi£.Tr-A jcourse in the Hebrew the destruction of the first TemUnitarian flock, it has been'explained institution of the Jewish Board oi the three men who have been elected cials; refused to allow the child to en24 Christians' and' five Moslems emi- language may be given next year in "ple'in the fifth century B. C by officers of the Congregation. Guardians. ter Canada on the assumption that it to theNew York-University Councfl. the Central High School of this city. No member of the rabbinate has as grated. ;



s c r e e n .




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Claims Britain Insists Upon Legislation Assembly Plan

Wisconsin Protestant Ghurch Seeks Liberal Jewish Pastor 150 Jews Admitted to Palestine in January


Hebrew Sect in China Nearly Assimilated

Typical Picture of Hardships of Mechanized Immigrant Laws

iit this 'year^ i f Jubilee 'togetheir with the wish that as the year of Jubilee in the. days of old was a Year of Release; a Y e * of liberation when every -man came into his t>wn,•• so tfasf Wt la. Av. Y^ear of Jubilee, may bring to the ' 39. 27.391 whole House of: Israel Peace and. Hap- ! e was a growth last year of" piness, Joy and Contentment, and true-; x. 38 r28 38 '31.551 l$2,5"00 telephones in the Bell Sys- Liberty and Freedom.

Business Men's Bowling League


alashock Jewelry ipire Cleaners i 'ardrobe a ..J. 35 31.530 tem in the United States, as compared the most crowded coimriunities to theBen's Jewelry Yousem Battery 27 42 .391 with 821,400 in 1929, according to-the solitary family far off in the hinter24 42 .364 1930 annual report of the American land, the heritage of-Israel is a dy-'Kaiman Insurance New and Old The* Empire Cleaners won two Telephone and Telegraph Company, namic factor in their liyes. It might be that many of the forms and prac- games in their battle for first place' just released. There also was a slight tices are neglected it might be that I f r o m t h e Malashock Jewelers. The increase in both the number of local At Reasonable Prices Hebrew has been forgotten, it Might | Yousem Tires made a clean sweep in and long distance calls. N. C. NIELSEN be that the synagogue is visited but< £ « * ™*™y o v e r t h e Wardrobes. The i Today practically every telephone- * 117% North 16th JA. 5880 Bens once a year—and yet, beneath it all Jewelry succeeded in winning( in the United States can be connected JK/ ' . two ames from with any one of 32,200,000 out of a is the heart oT. Israel sensing the r e - | e *&e Kaiman Insur-, total of 35,300,000 telephones through j ligious call. Evening; shades havel a n c e " out the world, the report says. Mose Yousem was high man with a Courtesy Service fallen, there are matzbs on the table. At the end of the year, the Amerithree ;game total of 568. j It is Passover. T H U L L PHARMACY Telephone and Telegraph Com(Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- ' Single; high games ioi"'-the 'evening can 24th and Seward were registered as follows: Marvin pany had 567,694 stockholders. The graphic Agency, Inc.) fn charge af Registered Pharmacist Treller, 220j N. Reiss, 202; B. You-Bell System, including the American Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery Telephone and Telegraph Company, sem, 212; M. Yousem, 201, and Leo By DAVID H . WHITE the Western Electric Company, the Weitz, 220. Bell Telephone Laboratories and the 'On the northern edge of the Gobi vegetables, taboo in the Orient be-1 bration, for i t not only commemovarious Associated Companies, such It is the mind that makes the man, Desert, in far-off Singapore, tin the cause of gem potentialities, are notrates' the liberation of-our people from and our vigour is in our immortal as the Northwestern Bell Telephone bustling port pf Yokohoina and inused. Household activities begin bondage but also the conquest of that By Henry Magzamin : Company, had a total of 394,460 emsoul.—Ovid. Sleepy-eyed Kalagan, the JVwsof the early. "When Passover preparations Jewish community over the elements. ployees. Orient join with their brethren in the According to E. M.- Segal, director 1107 Howard—J A 0288 age-old" chant of "chad ~ gadyo." -A are over," a housewife of Mukden During the winter months, Urga is of health education at the Center, Mr. The net earnings of the Bell SysMOVING — STORAGE — vivid portrayal of seders among the told me, "most women folk are ready cut' off from the rest of the world, Foster of the swimming department tem for the year amounted to 5.8 per jews in various, parts of the exotic ;for a long holiday." PIANO MOVING except for occasional visits of dar-has started classes in Bed Cross life cent on the cost of plant and other Orient is presented here by, the Jewing fur1 traders and the supply truck saving in the boys' anft'mens' evening ish* /Telegraphic ; agency v and > Jewish Japanese "Minyan" assets, which at the end of the year from Kalagan which must travel over Press.—Editor. totaled $5,000,195,000. In Japan, Kobe is the _only city the desert' trails without a stop' lest classes. Here is a chance for all who The year 1930 set a new record in do not know how to swim and those where the Jews have an organized Israel, the world over,^ adheres observance of the Passover. Htjere a engine freeze. Three weeks before who wish to take care of others to accuracy, speed and dependability of Passover, two Jews are commissioned learn how under this able instructor. closely to three holidays—Rosh Hastelephone service, the report points J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor iminyan is formed and accommodato journey to Kalagan to bring the Similar instructions will ge given in Y t. Kippur Yom Ki and d Passo^r; P ^ out. 1513 No. 24th WE. 1428 matzos and other holiday supplies. the ladies' classes in two or three " N E W FOR O L D " The best place in town to 1019 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 SHN'NASS HAYOVEL Seder evening in Urga! The roar- weeks. buy your Passover merchThese holidays have This year of 1931 is Shnass Hayo• J&wfsh citcleis a young; German) Jew, ing fire sending a warming glow to andise at cheapest prices. for - close communion vel, a year of Jubilee. It is just fifty Oniaha has a very good reason to at a technical college in each corner of the room. The many A full line of delicatessen through years since the beginning of Jewish be proud of the A. Z. A. No. 1 basketlighted candles. The abundant feast entire — dairy products — cookies are the symbol .of organized mass immigration into the United NATIONAL of rare delicacies spread on the tables. ball team. The boys went to the semion and candies of all kinds. and the religious significance States. A half century ago, in 1881, finals of the National tournament The Holy Days mean community dina bachelor), partakes only of ACCESSORIES, INC. er. •* Passover, on the other when the Jews began to flee from Passover brings a series of held at St. Louis last week, losing food and maintains orth- ners but Borscht — Bring your : the 'holiday of the home, "Everything for the Auto" Russia because of terrible persecution to the letter. His spring lioli- feasts. The children are in a comer, out to the Jersey City boys, who, by own jars spirit which calls Iserael to there were only 250,000 Jews in this the way, defeated Chicago for the 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 during Passover, is a dou- practicing the questions. The housecountry. Now, there are close to gogje on the high h o l i d a y s ^ « u ? , ^ f e s t i v a l of liberation, wives busily engaged in adding the championship. The Omaha boys were Out of town mail orders 5,000,000. The Jewish communities complimented on their -good sportson Passover, the dormant sigroxicance filled promptly The story of a New York business final "touches: The men folks come were small and Jewish life on these of the home in the religious pro- man is worth relating. A matter of in singjirig - zmiris. The women and manship and all-round^layuig. Betshores was in its infancy. With the gram. ^ . """*great urgency had called him to Kala- children joinV' Haiids are washed the children: Handsare washed, the ter luck riexc year^'felliM^. BRANDEIS influx of our brethren from Eastern "We Russian Jews residing in. the served. SHOE REPAIR DEPT. ifc d Europe, Jewish life began to take j Orient," said the Harbin Rabbi£''are l .Baseball is sea be made during Passover.BeReasonable Prices concrete form in all its phases. These prone to accept the superstitions of good feeling'and" elation. One by one many of the boys who f l a y e d last rf foresight ^ d e . Delivery Service OP Jews accustomed to a Jewish environour" religion without question. *; The ^ they/sing, then in unison again^Thijy year with Shames- Auto :Co.,' carryreligious, he had included a dance.' They sing again. '"A ;happy ing;, their old nritt|'^rouild' and un-j the Congregation "Adath Yeshment with all its beautiful habits, and prevailing superstitio®^ ^ocixine * Use Tour Charge Account m urim" is soliciting the patron^ ceremonies, were naturally most eagf m att z o s of among the people is that one's^years ^ festival -this, transplanting "them liinb<e*ing the pld^lso^p b^rie." The age of the Jewish people of unaware of the *reser to practice and observe these habof life are shortened |shoiflii Omaha—to buy from him Mat^ orient, let flone frora -the Mongolian outpost, to the ^writer would liiefiSf sete jaf Center team j zos its, here in this land of freedom and and o t h e r articles for chometz during the Passovei confines of their childhood villages Jin one of the ««irfiri&u& :leagues this CARD SIGNS METAI, SHINS Pesach. opportunity. sequently, homes neglected rt~»"-&~ , in Russia. "The coming year, Q bring, year, FROCEHS—STENCILED StUNS unto th§! day ' I out^the year become p• - "d" ^ "o 'f kashAmong those who came here with i.the bundle of us ta. Jerusalem." "Chad" Gadyoj". the The U. S. Oils, sia*e jumd|ichamps, , this stream of Jewish immigrants ' , ..• «*••-•£--•« **• i j - 1 matzos received-.ritisr:«_&tchful atten- early hours of the -morning, another migrated to Kansas City last Sunday " was one Dov Baer Manischewitz. A ( Clotb and Paper Banners Announcement bath eve are now nMufe-n.ajpjj addi-; « i OFFICE WINDOW AND Kansas CHyr devout, earnest, observant Jew;, hej In the other small communities of and scalped fast TKUCK LETTERING ' tions to the_ festival ^ » ^ c e ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c l o s e n s o f score was junior YMHA 1405 Harney is Eassover in the the ^ i ^ realized that his fellow Jews would JA, 5277 1 . . .*jsro3qptAx«.v~ : v "were] tans5-i alaiJa. i t aze"—«ioyvuug c o m . : » ... o^ji., can! niany scattered-towns inGhina where verywant all the things that would enable -J.T.?•;:•%•• j-ii!_ -•'•" . -ions of the Seder m his home, caused Also, Meals for Passover one or two Jewish families reside. the outstanding men for the Omaha them to keep their faith and so be Make Reservations ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ J ^ ^ ^ m ^ : & laSftjEnpn a w a k e n i n g , h e from all the nights of established on a small scale at first tradfftlife's grim ttaged- There is little religious life, and that boys. S. M A N D E L the Matzoth Bakery, which in the A Harry H. Lnplrtus. President- Xreaa stolen his precious at great sacrifice. No schochet is 1919 Burl AT. BS92 tremely difficult for There arfe many good Jewish .teiihisi available, kashruth observance imposcourse of this half century, has grown Wild gesticulations, heatec 1 settled in the larger sible. On Passover, matzosiare seinto the greatest factory of Matzo, search^ were —Harbin, Tientsin and-:.Shanghai!'! CARS and PARTS and Matzo products in the world, now cured from the larger centers, and Try and explain to a Matzos are imported fromtiie "United} many of the religious forms revived. Cities. Among^ fine p a p e r s H1905 Bnlck, fonr-wheel brakes.. about matzos! $r* known far and wide as the B. ManiCOMPLETE STORE AND States and Palestine. They.come in! Hongkong's Jewish community has are Cutler, Bender, Cohen and Ep-1925 Star Tour.. $30; 1926 Star 4 body $25'- ischewitz company. proprietor in OFFICE OUTFITTERS Parts and motors for Chryslers, Buicks, j stein. few years bbut the special wrapping to P ^ v e n t - ^ W « w | a o o k e d quizzically at him as he reg- dwindled the last tew We Owopy Chevrolets, also for 100 other makes nt j The sons of this doughty pioneer Over 70.000 Nquare Feet greatly reduced prices. Used glass and Iwho are conducting this great indusand sogginess. /The initial order » • i s t e r e d < « A t i i y v r a i ? » The R u s s i a n traditions of the former larger group batteries $2 and up. Radiators for Fords Southwest Corner Here's one through the mail: try are sending hearty greetings to and other makes at a bargain. only consignment. The distances are I ^ ««Y0U»re Jewish?" brought no re- a r e s t i U c a r r i e d o u t . A community Mail orders given prompt attention. Eleventh and Douglas Streets lead Editor of the J. C. C. sports column: tt 1 American Jewry and to Jewries the " ^ ^ ^ i l ! ^ ' ? ^ ? i ? ^ S ! ! S ^ « I P o n s e . The next "question, in Yid- Seder is given at the club, Phone JAckson 2724 NEBRASKA AUTO PARTS Dear Sir: radish is a precious commodity, world over in this Shn'nass Hayovel citizens of the city are invited, "dish, brought an affirmative answer Omaha. Nebr. ' AT. 1970 I read your column every week and 2205 Cuming is a night of fellowship and underand a show of interest. "Will Will you FRADESBCKG, STALMASTER & BEBEB I certainly enjoy it very much; Neverjoin us at our Seder?" "Seder! Jews! standing. The orthodox Sephardic theless, there seems to be something J Attorneys MAKE YOUR 648-660 Omaha National Bank Bldff. Here?" They made their way to mai- ritua1» t h e revival of old traditions, lacking. And that is something about NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS riv, then to the home where the com- t h e beauty of simplicity grips all who the junior teams. I have watched Notice is hereby given that all existing :debts of The Bohman Wnlt Company. 201 munity seder Was being served. They are present. I t is a holy week, every junior game this year and;,I Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska, on i h e JPOR PASSOVER MEALS n«t day of December, 3930, amounted to at the table—twenty-six Behind the Mask - -"' Dealer in seem to enjoy them efen better than thie Bum of Twenty-Eight Thousand Two heaped high? Call; HA. 2 3 ^ 3617 Farnam The Chinese servants fe the Jewish the commercial garnet. I'want to say Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Thirty-Two Jewish Books and all other Cents ($28,213.32). aplenty, food prepared as it is pre- households are commonly^agreed that that there is a great deal of talent in Religious Articles # G. M. BOHMAN, Pared.'everywhere on Passover eve.t h e h o u d a y i s o n eo f ancestor worsPresident. •t-f. -« fTrid" league, and that some of the 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. 3527 * . M. BOHMAN, y H^^felt the mutual companionship of SBXEST F. WALT, jroungsters would give ^the elder play| " I wish to call the attention all my kindred souls, and sang a paean of change g a b s e n c e o f D r e a d > the jfteing a majority of the Board of Di- customers to the fact that 1of just re10 Years «frs a run f ot their'rmoneyit Wjhy no£ re)«tors. 3-13-lt. v ceived a fresh stock of nil kinds of praise with the Haggadah. '-' the;jiew ^tensils and dishes,cook^ig, the general attitude 6t give the juniors a "break" and write STALMASTER & E Matzos of the best qualities, and nlso . v YourStowel Man Attorneys all kinds of Passover articles like festivities in addition to the frequent TPhe Seven of IJrge up their ]games once*in a while? Only I1 JOmaha To#el Supply Co. Matzo flour, cake flour, egg Matzos, -^B4S-660 Omaha National Bank Bide. lighting of candles, is reminiscent of cookies, e i c 'T NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS one more thing, and that is that I Located on the northern edge: of the t h e i r :r Also, I want my customers to re-Notice is hereby given that all existing Gobi Desert in Mongolia, the seven custom of ancestor worship. would like you to publish an all >-2Q&S6. lith'St J ;' JA. 0528 debts member my own make soap, kosher for of Nebraska Chambers Optical Co. u Pesach and all kinds of Rokewch's snithe 31st day of December, 1030, amountJewish families of Urga celebrate ^ ^ Sht joss sticks, offer prayer Junior team that in my opinion is ontg etfJto the sum of One Thousand Two Hnn-"" Kosher articles for Pesach. a e ELECTRIC COMPANY, their Passover hemmed in by the sil- t * S^ves of their ancestors, and of the fastest junior aggregations &. d^ed Thirty-Eight Dollars ana Forty-Two Cents <$1,23R42). the food offered to the the state. ence and the bitter cold of the long,' .*•/ J. L. CHAMBERS, i; President. dreary winter. It is a joyous cele- spirits of the departed to speed them First. Team — Fr^fldman, : %. L. CHAMBERS, along the journey. Behind the yel-Bruins; Abrams, forward, Bruins; flOLDIE CHAMBERS, B i n g a majority of the Board of Dilow mask of indifference is that cur- Comar, center, TJ. S. Oils; J. Adler j y Laundry 3-13-lt. ious and longing desire to knew the (C), guard, Tuxis A^C.; A. Epstein, H O U . U ' » A DeLACEY w AND need for matzos; They have specu- guard, tJ.' S. Oils. A»torney» • Z\, 1502 City Nat'l Bank Bide. lated with their cronies concerning Second Team—A.. Adler (C.)> for£ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION LOOPHK CONSTRUCTION CO this strange bread, but they too areward, tJ.-S. Oils- golberg, forward,; tn the County Court of Douglas County, mindful of their racial superiority U .S. Oils; Spiegal, center, Tuxis Nebraska. • . AT CROCERS In the matter of the estate of SAMUEL and mental makeup to ask questions C ; Asch, guard, O. F. S. Co.; Riekes| WA. 5766 4610 DOUGLAS A^ROBEKTSON, deceased. Made by of the master. . AH persons interested In said estate tire —A FAN. :£ guard, Bruins. hereby notified that a petition has been ;Passover in Singapore finds the Uncle Sam Breakfast Food •filed in said Court alleging that snitl deceased died tearing no last will nnd pray' Jewish community astir with renewed FBADENBTTBG, 8TAI.MA8TER * BEBBB Company ing for administration upon his estate, Attorney* _ ' ««i-, " activity. It is a solemn holiday. onfl that a hearing -will be had on said Omaha Nebraska Omaha National Bank Bldr- -_;•petition oefore said court on the 21 sf. day Homes are thoroughly cleaned, and Securities BWg.—AT. 4451 of .March, 1031, and that, if they fail to NOTICE OP niSSOEUTION O F ' ~ «pjpear at said Court on the said petition, new clothes, if they can be afforded, TICTOB VAI.VES, INC. the Court may grant the same and grant that, at a special are in order. Work and business is Notice la hewby administration of said estate to Edwin t k h l d s of iheetinp of all of the stockholders ti f ll Cassem or some other suitable person and •But the buyer has no way'of judging it. You can't tell- -> ^practically a t a standstill for the"Victor ValTes. Inc.; held on November 17, proceed to a settlement thereof. at Omnha, Nebraska, the following; coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by its appearance ;; BRTCE CRAWFORD. Jews. Through the benevolence of 1930. resolution was Tinnnimongly nrtopted: ;'; 3-6—3T County Judge. whether an inferior grade has been mixed in, or substituted the late Sir Menesseh Meyer, the "BB IT RESOLVED, That Victor Valves., inc., be and the same i s hereby dissolved • for the grade you ordered. .„.." "_._. XBTEN C. LEVIN. Attorney poor are provided with the neces- ana that the officers of the corporation he; SOI Eleetrle Bld they are hereby authorized to file, sities for the Seder and with matzos any MACHINE WORK notice of saia dissolution -with the Secre*: NOTICE BY PCBMCATION ON PETIfor the entire week. They sit down •tary of State at Lincoln, Nebraska, nnd to TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAI, ^ STEEE : publish notice of said dissolution in the ADMIJJISTBATION ACCOUNT. to their seder or, as they call it, theJewish Press at Omahn. Nebraska." In the County Court of Douglas County, WILLIAM MILDER. "Haggadah" with less jubilation than Nebraska. Is to leave your coal problem to the" coal dealer you have Presidents - In the Matter of the Estate of Ere Mon, their Ashkenazi brethren. Their cere- WILLIAM : M I L B E R , Deceased. =v , confidence in. He won't >ell you airjTbargains because the • monial and procedure is based upon HTMIE MILDER. -, . All persons Interested in said matter Secretary. , " »!--H legitimate profit of coal i s too small .to permit bargains. p are hereby notified that on the 2«th day the Spanish version. There i s much . Being a majority of the Board of o£> February. 1031. Sarah Mon filed a petiHowever you can rest assured he will send you this grade T aa'd 11th Street rectors. tion in said County Court, praying that rejoicing at the signal for the Open- 3-20HT '. . . • her final administration account tiled* and the amoynt of coal you ordered. '-"• ' I*hbne8:v89 and 519 ' ing of the door after the third cup. FBADENBtJKG, STAtMASTEB * EEBEB herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust ns adCOUNCIL BLtJFFS. IOWA .'.-'. - Attorneys . The fourth cup is filled amid the acministratrix and that a hearing will be WE SOLICIT AND MEEIT YOUR CONFIDENCE 048-660 Omaha National Bank had on saii petition before said Court on" claim of the gathering who feel the the 2Sth day of March. 1931, and that 1£ NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS MID WEST benign presence of their friend and Notice i s hereby given that all exi you fail to appear before said Court on the. said 28(.h day of Mnrch, 1931, at 9 benefactor—and their God. ENGRAVING CO, A INC. debts of Field Club Shoppe, on the...---, o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, of December, 1930. amounted t o thethe Court may grant the pVayer of said "Wherever the winds blow/' the day ^ A R T I S T S sum of Four Hundred Seventy-one Uouara; petition, enter a heirship,: and make such ' rents (S471.S3). . ,. ENGRAVEHS > Arabian proverb says, "one will find and Eighty-three other and farther orders, allowances and "WILLIAM RADUZINER, decrees, as to this Court may seem prop- i the aged of Abraham." I t is not PncneATLANTIC O639 er, to the end that nil matters pertaining RADtJZINEK, to" said estate may be finally settled and . wrong to restate the proverb: "Wher- B. RADUZINBR. determined* i 313 SO.14-TH.ST. OMAHA. DAVE SHERMAN, ever the winds blow one .will find the Being A majority of the Board of nSATIN ICE CREAM CO. BBTCE CRAWFORD, . I ..-..• sons of Israel." Everywhere, from rectors. County Judge* S-6-3> ; ; *J • :.-•.•




JOE ABLER Kosher Delicatessen





Standard Shoe Repair Co.


Rabbi N. Feldman


Kosher Meals



Reservations NOW






Uncle Sam laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes

There is a difference in Coal

The sure way of gettmg what you pay for

Katelraan Foundry &

Consumers (pal (p. •<?•••;

' • %






FEIQAY, MARCH 20, 1931

Sugerman still pays the storage on the stand. He still talks about how we made fifteen hundred dollars in six weeks." » " H e hasn't-worked since then. He hasn't worked in ten years?" I asked indignantly, .;, -^- ;..•«. .She shook her head. c*H>f course he'thinks he's working herein- the store. He even gets tired." • V"Why do you stand for it?" . .; ;Again that strange light .spread over her. face. "He's my- husband," 1 Sabbath Services she said "simply. She did not have to add "I love-him" for I saw it on .her . Candle lighting time, Friday,, March face. • • ' • . • , . > 20-7-5:51. ; {Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleFriday; nigntr-»8 o'clock. . graphic Agency, Inc.) Saturday morning—8:30.



Organization News

by Rabbi Cohn on Tuesday afternoon, March 24, at 2:30 p. m., at the Bt*cksione Hotel, under the auspices of the Sisterhood. *'

Notes of Temple

Hadassah. The March meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be held on Wednesday, March 25, at the Jewish Community Center.

Addresses Rotary Club

"Man in a millinery shop. Bull in' to his ship and I went to stay with ,. The tea and card, party which was a china shop. his mother. -After the "war Lou went given Wednesday at the Paxton by I always have. tha same reaction to .Fourteenth street, but the penny Tonight the local Hadassah chapter was one •when I go into Sugerman's Hat Shop. arcades were gone. Coney Island was of the prettiest affairs of the season. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on Always, Mr. Sugennan disengages closed for the winter. We took an The tea table was beautiful with **Every Winter Change to Spring" at his hands clasped behind his back and apartment and Lou started to look : spring flowers and candles. The atthe services of Temple Israel this eveables from his leaning place' outside for .a job. tendance was large. Sincere thanks the window. Inside, while you take "In the meantime the rent had to are extended to the generous donors ning. off your old hat and make a few be paid. I couldn't go downtown. So of the many beautiful prizes. passes at your hair, he makes a per-' Lou used to bring me work. Tonight Tomorrow Morning functory effort to find something to "I remember, Lou used to let himMrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of the The sermon to be delivered tomorRabbi David A. Goldstein will please you. It is not long, however, self •into the apartment. It was cold before he calls out, "Mrs. S." that winter and his face was red. speak on '"Jua&isin in the Making.** Hadassah Gift Fund, announces the row morning by Rabbi Cohn will be following contributions: " 'Bring the frames?' I used to ask She comes then, a.tired, heavy-footMrs. J. H. Kulakofeky, in honor of on "The Call." Trace of Their Judaism Still ed woman with pins across her ample him. Next Week the birthday of Mrs. Davidson; Mrs. Perceivable in These "He flopped the package down on a bosom like the medals of an army B. Cohen, in memory of her husband; KaddLsh Friday evening, March 27, the two •Spaniards hero. Her tread is ponderous as she chair and settled himself before the Mrs. J. J. Frieden, in memory of her Kaddish will be recited this Sablocal A. Z. A. chapters will be guests seeks something "just rights" In- kitchen table with the sporting page Palma de"Maldrca.-^The only cdm- of the congregation. Members of the sister; Mrs. J. Rosenberg, in memory bath for Isaac Rubin, Gerald Wirthvariably she goes back into her work- of the paper while I handed him suproom to emerge with a hat she is per. He never wondered where the munity of Marramos in the. world to- chapters will participate in the serv- of her mother. safter and Bernard Gladstone. preparing for a customer. Of course, sappers came from, but he didn't ask j day is to be found on this island of ices". A social hour will conclude "the The contributions to this fund are sent to Palestine and used to buy and it is just what you are looking' for what had become of my rings. : He Malorea located in the Mediterranean plant trees. Each tree planted will " Book Review " and Mrs. S. allows herself to be per- read the paper through, finished his j sea and belonging to Spain. These program. bear the name of the person In whose Marranos are descended from Jews supper, stretched himself end went to "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" suaded into selling it to you. . honor or memory the money was doIn the meantime Mr. Sugerman has bed. After I had cleared the table, who Settled on-the island during the PrerPasspver Supper nated. It is a lasting and beautiful will be the next book to be reviewed second century after Christ and were I brought out the frames and my mamade his escape and is again sunning On Tuesday evening, March 24, ons gesture. terials before I went to bed that night forced by the Spanish to undergo himself before the store. baptism during the fourteenth and there were six hats made. week before Passover, the next Mrs. S. is fitting the hat to my fifteenth centuries. monthly supper sponsored by the Con- Women's Welfare Organization "'When you take them in,' 1 told head. In the mirror 1 gaze into her Up to the seventeenth century these Lou the next morning after he finishworn and sagging face, into her eyes, gregation's Auxiliary will take place. • The "Jewish Women's Welfare Fedmisty behind a permanent moisture ed the morning sport sheet that he Marranos observed in secret all Jew- In preparation for the Passover ths eration has postponed their regular from too close work over the shape- brought in with the rolls, 'tell them I ish laws, and for this, 37 of them meeting to Tuesday, April 14, due to were burnt in the auto-da-fe of 1691. theme for discussion will be "Free- the Passover holiday. less "bodies" she molds into headgear. want fifty cants more for the job.' "Every day Lou went out to look After this the Catholic church began dom." The Rev. Laurence Plank wi'l I am courageous, a little impertinent, as I try to see behind those for work. When I asked him, "Where to keep a very strict watch on these give the speech of the evening. A Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club eyes. "You work so hard, Mrs. Sug- did you go? Did you see anybody?' Marranos. pariod of question and discussion will The Ladies* Labor Lyceum Club will Some Jewish customs and prayers erman. You ought to have a girl to he'd answer. 'Say, you talk as if I sponsor a concert and a raffle of 26 have remained among the Marranos follow his address. am stalling around, make me feel like •wait on the shop." pieces of silverware on Sunday, April 1 Members may make reservations 5, .A "strange light spreads over her a beggar. Then he'd go off to bsd in a vitiated form to this day. These at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and "Huetos" keep to themselves and for themselves or their friends by dark. Admission will be only fifteen face. "Oh, no. What would .Mr. Sug-, angry and insulted. -.. "When the baby was born, her pre- marry only among themselves. ertnan do?" calling Mrs. B.-.A. Simon. (Continued on Page 7.) On Yom Kippur and Passover they I waded in. "He could go to sents from the family were all cash. We needed the money. When I was try to return to Jewish traditions, work." limit themselves only to reciting The light faded. In its place came able to be up and out again I got a but a few Hebrew prayers in warped job as trimmer in a millinery shop a resigned look and Mrs. Sugerman form which have been handed down told-me her story in defense and self- near where we lived. I arranged with orally .from • one generation to anthe woman to Jet me run home every defense. - "When we got married," she began, few "hours to feed the baby.' In the j other. "things were different. Young.fplks meantime, Lou wheeled her in the Jerusalem.—The second zone of Tel didn't stop to wonder'whether he was park or sat on.a-box beside the car- Mond, the colony owned and founded and read the newspapers while making enough money to get married] riage she slept. Yes, yes," I know. But 1 by the late Lord Melchstt (Alfred on. They wanted to get married and bad to go to work. - Who would take Mond) for whom it is named, was they did before, wondering any furth- care of the baby ? j planted by Lady Erleigh, Lord Meler. Afterward they scraped along toj chett's daughter. Many Arab neighWHOLE WHEAT M ATZO "One summer we opened a stand in bors from the surrounding villages gether" somehow or they lived with his HYGIENIC MATXO Palisades Park. Oh, the excitement, attended the ceremonies. The first folks until they had enough money to the noise, the confusion! How wezone consists of 1,000 dunams. furnish an .apartment! V | "Wittf- Lou and I things were & lit- worked in that^terrifc heat, coaxing tle different. Before sthfr'-war,' wheit the dimes out of the pockets of the •we •were sweethearts^-money : didn't crowd. We would put Alice up on matter. All we "wanted was to be to- the wheel and she would call out: gether as much as possible. I was ,'Come on, step up, step up, try your glad he didn't have a steady job. Sun- luck.' Then the men with open days he made enough as a barked in .Smiles would come up and take a Coney Island to take us through the •chance. We made out well. Lou • week. Sometimes he ussd to work in liked the excitement, the noise. I the penny arcades on Fourteenth - hated it. When the summer was gone, he argued, *Let's follow the street. "We were even flush then. I was crowd. We'll pack up the stand and in millinery, working in the short go south. Florida in the winter!' "And travel for the rest of our season. I was glad when it was slack so. Lou and I could run around to- lives? 'No,' I answered. I felt the bank book in my pocket. 'Call up gether. "When the war came he joined the the storage van.' I bought this store iiavy. One. day when he was on shore with the money we made that sumleave we got married. He went back mer. That was ten years ago. Mr.


Rabbi Cohn addressed the Rotary Club at their first meeting at their first meeting at their new quarters in the Paxton Hotel last Wednesday. His subject was "International Relations."

New Orthodox Jewish Party in Poland Warsaw.—A new orthodox Jewish party has been formed here under the name of Adas Israel. The founders are a group of Chassidim and a number of impartial Orthodox leaders. The new party will present an independent list of candidates in the forthcoming Jewish communities elections to oppose the Agudath Israel, Orthodox organization, and the Mizrachi, Orthodox Zionist party.



FRED K. SHAW FLOWEU titlOI* 545 RroadwHy : ' Phone 41

The Newest

What it means when you •

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With the

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HAT "air" of well being . . . . of knowing you are well dressed . . . » t t o f s what Brandeis coats give! For they are tailored with that French finesse..... into the model silhouette, that is so flattering this year! They feature every one of Paris' whims . . . . draped furs fitted hips . . . . soft spongey woolens . . . . capes! distinctive sleeves! In fact, you'll find all those things that go for making of your coat a work of art . . . . a masterpiece of quality, design, and youthful sophistication!



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Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.

• g| jm





Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


JEJOSapRESSjillUBAr, MARCH 20, 1931

inaliciousIyieyeHed against other religious minorities, as ^toL6 early Christians themselves, the Quakers, and thei ]Missibnaries in China, accusa-

gory immigration certificates still available to the Jewish Agency's Executive |or>the six mon,th ^period end|mg March 31^ 1§6. will b6 issued im-

U y l l O WAIAISIL lllOvUXJr . IlclYv* JL_%3Y CCUCvl cl& i l ' i t i l l y l l " t

' mediately.

' Xv-,

CHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISfflNGCOMPANY keeps teappearing though the Popes,i the found-' . • »• SIOUX CITY OFFICE ^ •:•.''•"?.! JEWISH' COMMUNITYJCENTER4S08 Pierce Street* erg of he: Reformation, the Islaxn chiefs, and t^e {Untied States \ best mjhlof all ages and creeds and countries I have denounced its It will probably dfe only when Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 the masses of the Continent become sufficiently Passion Play Withdrawn in ' Advertising* rates furnished on application : educated and Christian public opinion ridicules Rochester Rochester, N. Y. —. After being anyone and everyone so preposterously swept being shown in a local!theater for a Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building awiiy-by superstition as to put stock in the week, the Freiburg Passion Play has - - Telephone: ATlantic 1450 "wpfldfs worst fairy story." been withdrawn as a result of pro-

the Leaguei'i'of.; Nftioiis, pointed out

' ,'* -

• .• -

French Consular Agent Amsterdam; ~ Nathan Elzas has

the days of yore. And as far as wonv en being forced out of industry, by unemploymentV I rather, think, it Is more likely that the forcing will be heaviest qn jth^ men ,for thfe! effort will be td retrench on expense, and • woman works formless, i'. •';'

: II ..' been appointed j consular agent of M A R R I A G E A N D * France in Utrecht, Holland. Mr. Elzas MONARCHY Ask Ban on Mezuzahs The statement has been made that is a well-known Jewish merchant of Jewish Men in Newfoundland marriage provides something like, a Warsaw.—A proposal that Ortho- Utrecht. private little monarchy in every home. dox Jews be forbidden to post mezuThe husband is king of the home, the rahs on. their doors^ since these mezwife his royal spouse, and the chilurahs are imported from Germany dren his subjects. And since every and since they "insult the feelings of man wants to be king, marriage enOAVID BLACKER • - - - Business and Managing Editor tests by leaders of -the Rochester Christians who enter Jewish homes," By DAVID SCHWARTZ ables him to satisfy this want in quite OBANK K. ACKERMAN - - - ; - > • - - > ----";-> JBditor Jewish community. In a letter to the j was made at a conference of Polish KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspoiident Jewish Ledger of this «ty, the man-1 a social way. students who belong to the antiPRESERVATION OF ANTIagement of the Regent Theater,] Semitic National-Democratic Party. DAUGHTER OF LOMBROSO But the trouble, it seems to me, is SEMITISM Gina Lombroso Ferrerro is with us. that the monarchial system is going where the play had been shown, anHEBREW CALENDAR Those whose memories are sufficient- out of fashion. The world today beThe following is the third of the series nounced that the performances will ly elastic to stretch back to the scene longs to the republic, and maybe that 5691 1931 Other Countries not be continued. of fifteen years ago, recall who Gina is why so many husbands and wives 1st Day Pessach ^Thursday, April 2 of articles on Anti-Semitism whirh has been Leading Reform Conservative and Peasants Ask Jews is. She is the daughter of the late want a new slate after four years. -Wednesday, April 8 "written by our readers in response to our ap- Orthodox Rabbis of \ Rochester had Hungarian /th.'Day Pessach. Be Permitted to Buy Lands Professor Caesar Lombroso of Italy, —Saturday, April 18 peal for contributions. The Jewish Press will sent letters to the Jewish Ledger in Budapest.—Representatives of Hun-' a Jew and an Olympian of his day. MOTHER AND CHILD Chodesh Iyar. .——Tuesday, May 5 welcome any further articles for our columns which they voiced thejif|indignation at garian peasant organizations called on j Professor Lombroso's name was David Sarnoff, head of the radio Lag b'Omer., the showing of the Freiburg Passion the Hungarian parliament to permit May 17 ftosb. Chodesh Sivak. by our readers either on this subject or any Play at a publics theater and at the the sale of lands, sipee the govern- very much newspapered about in corporation, comes of pious old-fashJFriday, May 22 i s t Day Shabuqthil floating of religious ipictures in the ment's land department prohibits those days. Particularly did discus- ioned Jewish stock, and thereby other subject of Jewish interest. form of posters, window and bill Jews from buying-'foxta. lands. Thej sion rage about his theory that the hangs a tale, for which I am indentcriminal was a definite biologic type. ed to Louis Popkin, publicity purboard displays and large newspaper peasants' representatives declared Another one of his theses was that veyor. Dear Editor: advertisements throughout the city. themselves opposed to what is in efMINORITY LEADERS which was also espoused by Max Every Passover, Sarnoff makes it When first confronted with the question, 'i The "KorChalusha," the voice of the minorfect a numerus clausus on land sales Nordau, the kinship of genius and a rule to have a Seder with the old President Hoover Favors Straus : important element in "Has Anti-Semitism Helped Preserve the Jew?" I Memorial ity, has always' been to Jews. degeneracy. folks in Brownsville. 3ijiding the destiny, of Israel. When the masses am sure that we all abhor the thought that there! President Hoover is in favor of the They point out that the price of Lombroso's theories today, 1 be- This last Passover, however, Samswayed toward the igblden^calf in the wilderness, is a possibility that the answer may be in the af-j project to erect a memorial to the lands has fallen and unless free sale lieve, have crashed in the stock ex- off was absent from the maternal when they leaned toward proselytizing in the firmative. But, if we are going to be truthful j late Nathan Straus, and will probably is restored resulting in an increase in change of scientific values. Fifteen roof on the Seder night. their financial status wiD re- years ago, you couldn't have bought A week later he showed up at the .Middle Ages, when they tended toward nation- with ourselves and face the facts, I believe that; accept the honorary chairmanship of prices main unstabilized. home. His mother said: "Cavid, why a committee which has been named them at 90; today they go begging at alism in our own day, it has been this minority we will have to admit, even against our will, that for this purpose on Monday by the didn't you come for Seder?" about 2 or 3, if you get what I mean. Precautions Against Holy opinion which has kept the Jewish people from anti-Semitism has helped preserve Israel. "Mother," said the radio chieftain, Broadway Association. Yet in his day, he no doubt helped r The thing that our forbears always guarded The committee will decide what Land Trouble straying. " ^ ^ j: "I was busy—I had to have a conto forward the scientific spirit. London.—The Palestine government ; ference with Mr. Rockefeller." Two modern tTewish^minority leaders from against was assimilation. Assimilation was' form the memorial shall take and has taken the necessary precautions DEPLORES EMANCIPATION dreaded even as death, for they feared that once' "David," said his mother, "why do whether it shall be erected in New to avoid any religious disturbances inj ?klestme are now gue^sfirt^fhis country — Dr. OF WOMEN you go to goyim, when you can come York or in Washington. The manner the Jewish children began mixing freely withj the Holy Land at Eastertime, Dr. Judah L. Magnes and Vlai^imr|Fabotinsky. While His daughter, Gina married the here?" of raising the necessary funds and v?e may not agree with t^e outlooks of these two their non-Jewish neighbors and began to inter- J the question as to whether the car Drummond Shiels, under-secretary of famous "Italian historian, Professor state for the Colonies, assured the outstanding personalities who rule at opposite ex- marry frequently that that would sound the death, Gugliamo Ferrero. And now the two SANDLER AND GENIUS shall be national or include House oi Commons. Well, they are planning a memorknell to our individuality. Once we began mingare here visiting and lecturing, and in tremes—-the North and South poles of Jewish countries to which Mr. Straus's ial service for Jacob Sandier, author an interview Mrs. Ferrero laments Jewish Deaf and Dumb of ling we would become a part of the great stream,' benefactions extended, will also be public authority—;we nevertheless must respect of Eli, Eli. They would have done the "emancipation" of women. Here Poland in Convention no longer separate and distinct from all other J taken up by the committee. cnem and their endeavors. Jabotinsky; the firebetter, had they gathered a little is what she says: Warsaw.—A score of addresses del>rand, organizer of theT Jewish Legion and head constituents. And they were right. Whenever Jolson Stops Show by money for him during his life. livered in the deaf and dumb sign "The women of the world are in a of the Revisionists, has sought unceasingly for a we as Jews were given greater rights and liber-* Singing Jewish Song Sandier, of course, committed the language featured an eight-hour con- tragic position today. Machinery has political state in the Homeland. Magnes, the ties and opportunities, great numbers Of Our peo- New Haven, Conn.—Al Jolson, tie vention of Jewish deaf and dumb forced them to leave the homes where error of not knowing after he had :jcholar, Chancellor of the Hebrew University in pie Strayed from the fold, many to be lost to US famous musical comedy star, who ap- from all parts of Poland here, with they are happy and to emerge into a written his famous song, that he had here in "Wonder Bar" prelim- 200 delegates in attendance. Only one world where they are unable to ful-j done anything worth while. I rather Jerusalem, has equally as eloquently pled for a forever. Wherever the Jews were not forced peared inary to its opening in New York address was oral, the greeting on be- fill their deepest needs. The position think this is a fairly general condicultural center in Palestine.. But these extrem- either by governmental restrictions or social stopped the show by singing in Jew- half of the Warsaw Jewish commun- of modern woman is one of the trag- tion among first rate genius. I doubt ists do have something in common — Palestine. ostracism to keep themselves Ghettoized, then ^ *Der Chazen." very much whether Shakespeare had ity, and it was immediately trans- edies of progress." Though they are diametrically opposed in view- they copied their Gentile friends, mimicked theirj The only rainbow discernible in the any very exalted idea of the plays he performance was then stopped lated into the sign language. points, Palestine's: welfare is uppermost in their manners, copied their customs, slavishly followed., for three minutes as the audience ap- The delegates discussed problems of sky, strangely enough, for women is was turning out at so rapid a rate. Certainly, he had not the least hint thoughts; neither's genuineness and sincerity has 'their opinions. The next step was assimilation^ plauded and cheered;- demanding an mutual self-help and ways and means the fact that "there is so much unem- that posterity would esteem them so : ployment today. That may be doing of cultural development for the deaf an aloofness from their people, a desire not to be; encore. Jolson called for silence and oyer been questioned. high. a good thing to woman, she declares, . J said that while he would not repeat and dumb. Each has a creative mind, each commands .categorized with them..t by forcing women out of industry and And it is perfectly natural for one the Jewish song, he would sing oth- Rumors of Agency-Britain Our history has repeated the same 4jj respectable following, each has done much in back into the Jhome. who does things with ease, as ShakeEnd of Negotiations Denied uniting- East and West. And each has displayed again and again. There is no need to repeat it.| speare did, to have no exaggerated Chapel Plan London.—Rumors current here this! THE OLD DOMESTICITY opinion of the work. We esteem only the same fearlessness, the courage of his convic- Jews have ofteli tried to be non-Jews, thought: Cambridge, -Mass.. — Protesting week that the negotiations between' Personally, I am afraid that Gina's tions in. the face ^jp^nfavorable criticism. In they were abovtj their own people when suddenly;1 against the erection of a $1,000,000 the Jewish Agency and the British' lament is a vain one. The old do- those things, which come to us hard. $Sve Me opportunity to bring a new outbreak,; an unexpected cyclone of anti- chapel as a memorial to Harvard Uni- government have been concluded are' mesticity whose passing she laments, ANOTHER ILLUSTRATION iheir visit they $Sv to American Jewryi aj^JCloser understanding, of Semitism burst "forth. The victims of fanaticism' versity's war dead on* the ground that not true, the Jewish Telegraphic is, I fear me, dead, beyond resuscita- And the genius, I believe, works svents in Palestine jStd a filler appreciation of the •and bigotry, these Jews were suddenly brought to Jewish and Catholic students will be Agency learned from an authoritative tion. Not that, perhaps, woman might with comparative ease. That is why not have been happier under the old he is a genius. source. Just the reverse is true. ideals and achievements of 'Israel in the Home- the realization that they could not escape dispensation. But I cannot see how Let us take another illustration. land. It is well that -Israel has such men. Of destiny. And what effect did it have on the faculty and alumni have signed a pe- Catholic Paper Praises you can bring back the old domestic- Lincoln's Gettysburg address. In that course, representing irreconcilable views, they who were on the border-line, trying to decide j tition objecting to the proposed chapel Rothschild ity unless you bring back the old con- address Lincoln said: "The world will Vienna.—Baron Edmond de Roths- ditions—until you put back the laun- little note or long remember what we cannot both be rigl^jji&'ihey can and do temper whether they should sever their Jewish relation-J which is to be nonsectarian and built child of Paris is praised for his fight dry into the home-ban can foods and say here, but it can never forget what the impulses of Jewish.-life and keep the tenor of ship or not? I t banded all the Jews together, i! in the Harvard yard.! against the British White Paper on put back the wife in the kitchen as in (Continued on page 8.) made them realize that their salvation was to Bill by Seventh Day Sabbath our Jewish life on an even plane. Palestine in an editorial in Austria's "stick together." Their lives were closely inter-! Observers leading Catholic paper. Schoenere In nineteen states of the Union, Zukunft. The paper says that it related and to ward off the attacks of theirj IGNORANT SUPERSTITION legislation has already been passed would like to see influential Chris-{ Mass superstitions as a general rule sweep enemies they became more greatly race conscious. J giving equal opporunity to all citi- tians who occupy the same station in the imagination for a comparatively small period Virulent anti-Semitism gave the Jews a common zens to observe the Sabbath of their life as Baron Rothschild follow his ; rftime and then collopse of their own flimsiness. platform, a common ideal, a common bond for; respective faith, declared Rabbi Her- example when it comes to defending! S. Goldstein of the Institutional Christian rights against governments! Seldom has history recorded a world-wide super- I which to live or. die, a common suffering which} bert Synagogue in a radio sermon in stition which was not stamped out in short order. made the true-brothers. Their prophetic spirit which he called upon the legislature and those in' power. Thus witchcraft and "black magic" have become just couldn't be crushed, except for a time. of New York to pass the Hofstadter- Guggenheim Accepts Honorary It is deplorable that there is anti-Semitism, Moffat Sabbath bill, which would Presidency of Temple relics of the Dark Ages, while Inquisitions have and I would be the last one to wish it. But f rom* "halt religious persecution of seventh Havanna.—Harry F. Guggenheim, Your Immediate Selection of New become but nightmares of the past. United States ambassador to Cuba, day Sabbath observers. a historical andiracial angle, it has its advantages But there is one superstition—hideous, horhas accepted the honorary presidency rible, incredible — which has persisted for over which help offset the ^disadvantages. This suf-j, Rediscoverer of Manna of Temple Beth Israel, Rabbi Victor eight centuries, the Blood libel on Judaism and fering has made us a great people. Nations are Here for Lectures Eppstein spiritual leader of the conNti the Jewish people. Every Passover some ignor- like people and only those who have suffered andr Dr. Frederick Bodenheimer, profes- gregation announced. The member-j ant people spurred on by anti-Semitic agitation endured greatly have achieved greatly. The* sor of ethomoiogy in the Hebrew uni- ship of Temple Beth Israel, which' to be the only English-speakThousands of New Arrivals in must raise the false cry that the Jewsiise Chris- world's greatest workers, thinkers, and teachers New York. Dr. Bodenheimer has calims ing congregation in Latin-America, tian blood for their :rites on the Feast of Freedom. reach the pinnacle only by surmounting insur-J come to this country upon the invita- consists of American Jews resident in The Nebraska's Division of Nor has this year been an exception. Already, mountable obstacles, t h e sorrows and agony of, tion of the University of Minnesota -Havana. * ; reports of the "blood'accusation" have emanated Israel's suffering has helped to heal and purify to conduct a series of lectures there Jewish General Heads > Nebraska-Mastertrim from Roumania, Russia, Poland and even from and chasten, even "as ]salt cleanses meat." De- during the next three months. He is Italian Marine Corps (Twenty-Five Point Tailored) the first professor of the, Hebrew Palestine. This constant revival of the cruelest spite what we have endured, we exhibit no decadEomc-^-Generai Umberto Pugliese, p y , University to receive such, an invitaandi most baseless libel in the annals of time ence, no infirmities, no!dullness, no slackenirig'of tion from America.weH-kiiown Jewish officer, Was appointed chief of Italian naval constands out as a glaring blot on civilization. The our alert aggressiveness. For, just as the olive Medal as Paterson's Most struction and commander of the- Italquestion is one of truth aind of humanity; it is an only gives forth its sweet and perfumed oil- oh Outstanding Citizen ian marine corps, appointments of insult to the world's cultural progress and a dis- being crushed, so also Israel only reaches perfec- Paterson, N. J.—Harry B. Haines, particular importance in view of the honor to the churches in whose name it was so Jewish publisher of the Paterson new naval agreement. General Pugtion through, crushing sorrows. ' groundlessly formed by ignorant fanatics.. last night was awarded a gold liese acquired considerable fame durWe would be wiser not to seek to .lose our News, medal him as the out- ing the World War for his. services The fact that this heartless, fabricated Jewish identity. We are Jews and we should try standingdesignating citizen of Paterson for 1930. in salvaging Italian, war vessels. charge was never heard until the middle of the to become better Jews, not to seek emulation of The medal was presented him in the New Lord Melchett in ; twelfth century (in regard to the boy William of the Gentile. Any effort we make to divorce our- presence of a large audience. Every day the crowds of Spring clothes buyers are growing Norwich) is in itself significant. From that time selves from Judaism ends disastrously. In that San Francisco Jewish Charities House of Lords greater at The Nebraska. Every day the facts about The London.—Henry Mond, soil of the on the ridiculous idea that Jews actually used respect we are like the child that grasps in his Seeking $2,440,000 Fund Nebraska's amazing values for Spring 1931 are spreading late Lord Melchett, industrialist and M,M ever • widening circle. In all the history of The blood in the making of matzoth has been a ready hand a sunbeam. He opens his hand soon, but to San Francisco.—Six Jewish philan- Jewish leader, was sworn in, in the Nebraska, there has never been offered stick marvelous anti-Semitic weapon!. The uneducated, "ignorant his amazement finds it empty and the brightness thropic and social welfare organiza- House of Lords as his father's succlothes quality in every price division. tions, embraced by the San Francisco cessor. The new Lord Melchett took peasant masses who already looked upon the Jews gone.—N. M. H. Federation of Jewish Charities, are his seat immediately after taking the as the killers of Christ' could easily see in this alOther New Spring Clothes vitally interested in the outcome of oath of office. leged ritual a parable for their idea that the wafer There are four who are accounted as dead: the annual campaign of the Commun- Justice Butzel Unanimously $21.50 to $50 of the host combined with the wine becomes body the pauper, the leper, the blind man and he who ity Chest now under way- T n e quota Renamed and blood. Indeed, so far has this spread that has no children.—From the Talmud. this year is $2,440,000. Generous conKalamazoo, Mich.—All opposition two years ago it cropped out here in this country tributing has marked the opening The Nebraska Does Not Quote Comparative Prices to the renomination of Supreme Court in New York. To argue the matter with a bigot Skin a carcass in the market place rather days. Justice Henry M. Butzel faded when INCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED who believes so fanciful a tale is a waste of time, than be dependent on others. No State Subsidies the Republican State Convention reNO COMPARATIVE PRICES tt it to to such such an an individual individual that that JewJew Sofia.—The failure of the govern- nominated him. Supreme Court Jus_ matters it We investigate the one who begs a garment ment to grant subventions to Jewish tices Butzel and Wiest were renomish law has always prohibited even the use of schools an to sanction the legal status inated unanimously. animal'blood in/making the unleavened;bread. but not the man who begs for food. " - . of the: Jewish communities'are the What matters it that the mere, thought"™ ^ itiwo outstanding wronger against Btu* 156 Labor Certificates to Be •••••' Better off isithe paQr^jnanJwhq^qBows tfie jjarian Jewry, Pablo JV?carate, direc- I s s u e d matters it . - I ^ ^ + A ^ A Jewish people. What mai Correct Apparel to; M»n and Women tor of the minorities department pt ' Jerusalem.—Of the 286 labor cate-* -...-. . h e r e . . : : ' '


• • • - ; . • • • •


By the Way


l Values That Justify

Spring Clothes

$30 and $35


charge had been as falsely-and as straight'path.


FRIDAY, l&ARCB 20, 1931

Pioneer Leader Here


in the "world was recently erected near Warsaw under the auspices of the Jewish engineer, M. Eisenstein. The Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish wom- station, which belongs to the Polish en no less than those of other na- government, waS bufilt by *he Marconi tionalities are affected by the cry of firm of London.? , ''','• OVER THE RADIO Myron Cohen, 12-year-old son of "girls, girls and more girls" that now Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, will seems to be the demand of employers play the violin over statoin WOW this in Russia. Whether this is due to ths fact that Saturday afternoon. He is the artist the government has decided to draw pupil of Frank Mach. Myron has appeared on the airj into industry in the next year at least often. He has also been a popular 1,000,000 women, or whether women entertainer on programs before var- really prove to bs the better and more Phones WE. 4211—WE. 6932 reliable workers, the fact remains that ious organizations in the city. girls in large numbers are now sought for every available phase of factory GRADUATES WITH HONORS A reception in honor of Rose Rub- work. instein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. EXCLUSIVE Rubinstein, who received a gold medal World's Largest Radio Station CURTAIN CLEANERS for graduating with honors at Tech- Built by Jewish Engineer WA- 1350 — 5007 Leavenworth nical High School, was held at the Warsaw.—The largest radio station Rubinstein home Wednesday, with 45 attending. A party is being given in her honor tomorrow evening.

DECEIVE APPOINTMENTS Herman Levinson and Meyer Levinson of Omaha have been appointed first sergeants of the ROTC regiment at the University of Nebraska.

Jewish Girls Valued As Soviet Workers


DECORATING! Max Shrier's Sons


One of the season's largest social events will be the wedding of Ruth Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kaplan, who will become the bride of Nathan Turner, of Macon, Ga., on Sunday evening, March 22, at the Paxton Hotel Ballroom. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, will read the marriage lines in the presence of more than three hundred guests. A reception and dance will follow. The bride has chosen as her attendants Mrs. Elmer Gross, inatron-of-honor, Miss Rebecca Turner, sister of the groom, maidof-honor. Her bridesmaids will be Helen Shapiro, Esther Saks, and Ann Zalk. Walter Turner, of Macon, Ga;, will be his brother's bestman. Groomsmen will be Lazar Kaplan, Edward Solig, and Edward Kaplan. Seamon Gross, Elmer Gross, Howard Kaplan, and Hari-y Brody will be the ushers. '•


IS IMPROVING Dr. J. M. Finnan, who has been ill with pneumonia, is improving.

Among the out-of-town guests will-*- ! "' ' ' be Mr. and Mrs. S. Josephson, of BRIDGE LUNCHEON Chattanooga, Tenn., Rebecca Turner RECUPERATING Mrs. Moe Venger entertained at a and Walter Turner, of Macon, Ga., bridge-luncheon last Saturday in honJerome Gordon, son of Dr. and Mrs. Chana Chizik and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sacks, of or of the Misses Yetta Wright and M. L Gordon, is in the Nicholas Senn Chana Chizik, one of the first pio-' daughter, fell in defense of the col-hospital, where he was operated on Sioux City, la. Ruth Kaplan, brides-to-be. neer women to have come to Pales- ony Tel-Hai during an Arab invas- for appendicitis Tuesday. Mr. Turner and his bride will tine to aid in the upbuilding of the ion; Efraim fell in defense of Chulde spend their honeymoon in St. Louis, ENTERTAINS Jewish National Homeland, arrived only last August, 1929. Chana and IS GETTING WELL Mo., Atlanta, Ga., and will be at Mrs. Jack Melcher entertained at here in the interests of the Pioneer the rest of the family still serve the The condition of Mrs. M. Mayerohome after April 5, at Hotel Callaa beautifully appointed dinner, fol- Women's Organization of America ideal of constructive work on the soil wich, who has been seriously ill at her han in Bainbridge, Ga. lowed by bridge last Sunday evening and Canada. She is here as repre- for the creation of the Jewish home- home, is improved. A number of pre-nuptial affairs in honor of Miss Yetta Wright and sentative of the Council of Women land. .are being given complimentary t o her fiance, Mr. Abe Markovitz. Workers and of the General FederaChana Chizik typifies the new ALPHA PHI OMEGA tion of Organized Jewish Labor in emancipated type of woman, who Miss Kaplan. Mesdames Sam TheoA meeting of the Alpha Phi Omega j Palestine, having spent the last 25 stands equal to all tasks on the level Sorority was held at the home of Miss' dore and Meredith Kenyon entertain- TO DINNER Miss Pearl Feldman and Miss Sara years in Palestine roing pioneering with the working man, struggling for Pearl Feldman, on March 11. Plans ed twelve guests at luncheon Thursday at the Pontenelle. Friday, Mrs. Devine are leaving Saturday for Den- work. She is now leader and in- equal and just rights. She will have for a Rush party to be held in the Elmer Gross was hostess to twenty ver, Colo. They will be gone for two structor of a girls' co-operative colony a great deal to relate here of the life near future were discussed. ; and farm school in Tel Aviv. Her weeks. at the Athletic Club. Mrs. Moe visit here is in response to an in-and work of the-Pioneer* of Palestine Venger .gave luncheon at her home Hunger is the teacher of the arts vitation by the Pioneer Women's Or- and there wiU be an opportunity to £%turday. A buffet supper was given RETURN FROM LOS ANGELES hear her on Sunday, March 22, at a and the bestower of invention.— ganization of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Haylrin and Sunday evening at which Esther banquet at the Jewish Community —Persius. Blumenthal was hostess. One of the children have returned from Los An- The name Chizik is well known to Center and on March 23 at a luncheon largest and most elaborate affairs was geles and will make their home here. all Jewry. Chana is a member of one at the Paxton Hotel and at a mass given by Mrs. T .A. Tully who enterof the first families to have settled meeting at the Community Center. tained 60 guests at luncheon and LEAVES on land in Palestine. The name Chizik Mrs. David Newman left last week symbolizes heroism and continued There will be no collections. bridge at the Paxton. Wednesday, Ann Rebecca Garrop will sing and play Zalk was hostess. Today, Mrs. Rob- for a several weeks' stay in Kansas struggle for ths rights of upbuilding ert Glazer is entertaining. This City and Excelsior Springs, Mo. the Jewish National Home. Sarah, a at the banquet. evening, Mrs. J. A. Gross is entertaining at dinner at the Fontenelle. RETURNS FROM SCHOOL son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. have returned from r. two months' Miss Ruth Ziev, daughter of Mr. S. E. Ravitz, of Chicago. Eriday, Mr. and Mrs. A. MusHn are visit with Mrs. Sice's parents in Chientertaining;.and Saturday, Mrs. Hy- and Mrs. Louis Ziev, returned home Dr. and Mrs. Ravitz announced the cago. man Greenberg is giving a luncheon Wednesday morning following her birth of a baby daughter last month. MARKET WEEK HERE graduation from the University of BArney 7545 at the Fontenelle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Belmont of Chicago. M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. Lyons, Nebr., spent market week in VISIT IN CHICAGO Miss Ziev took her freshman work ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT • j • -_Mrs. Joe Rice and son, Donald, Omaha. at Creighton University and has atMr. and Mrs. J. Adler announce the engagement" of their daughter, Sylvia, tended the University of Chicago for: to Mr.'Fred Brodkey, son of Mrs. M. the past three years. She majored in Brodkey, of this city. Both are English composition and has been identified with various campus pubprominent members of the younger lications. social set in Omaha.

HERZBERG'S Omaha's Largest and Smartest Group of

Spring Coats

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TO VISIT HERE Mrs. Sylvan Hersh and daughter, Babette, will arrive Tuesday from San Francisco, California, to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn, over the holidays. * Mrs. Hersh was formerly Miss Bess Mr. and Mrs. Mose Krasne of Fre- Horn of Omaha. mont, Nebr., announce the birth of daughter at the Omaha Maternity RETURNS HOME Mrs. S. Ravitz returned home Sunhospital last Friday. day after a five- weeks* visit with her 'Mrs. Krasne was formerly- Miss Bess White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry White of this city.

'BB2THS Mr. and Mrs. David Fertil of Lynn, Mass., announce the birth of a son on Saturday, March 14. Mrs. Fertil was formerly Miss Minne Flax, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flax of this city.

; Mr. and Mrs. Dave1. Kajleman announce the birth of a son at the Meth odist hospital Friday, March 13. ENTERTAINED Miss Helen Greenbaum is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, lit. and Mrs. Jack Greenbaum. Mrs. Greenbaum entertained at a luncheon at the Blackstone, followed by a theater party at the Orpheum for 12 guests last Saturday.




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FIRST REVIEW—General Douglas MacArthur, left, chief 'of staflF, U- S. army, and Colonel Harry N. Cootes, commanding officer at Fort Myer, Va., are seen reviewing troops at the fort.

NOT A BUILDING LEFT STANDING—This unusual aerial view of the devastated city of Napier, New Zealand, shows tremendous destruction wrought by earthquake shocks and tiro.


SINGER FROM PHILIPPINES—Those who have heard the limpid notes of petite Jovita Fuentes, Philippine mezzo soprano, predict a successful grand opera career for her. She recently made her New York debut after intensive study in Italy. Photo shows Senorita Fuentes singing in New York, to the accompaniment of her small portable piano.

WOULD. DEPORT HE —Federal authorities sta deportation proceedings against M i s s Elizabetl Berkman, of San Fran Cisco, organizer of the National Textile Workers onion, arrested 4while lead ing strikers at*Lawrence,' Mass.

HA, HA, HA!—Carole Lombard, screen player, exhibits her laughing cat, Fido.










CHARGING IN THE ALPS—Alpine Chasseurs and infantry march pver snow-clad Alps during French maneuvers. All troops, are equipped with skiis.

PROTESTERS, NOT PRISONERS—Virginia Catlin, left, and Sara Forsythe, co-eds of Newcomb college, New Orleans, appear in stripes and with ball and chain on the college campus as a protest against penalty imposed on them recently for remaining at the home of an aunt one night. They were "sentenced" to remain within college bounds for two weeks, and have no dates.


"" ' \



•TUSHER" PLANE—Casey Jones, dean of aviators, is seen at North Beach, L. I., at control of new type plane with propeller and motor behind pilot instead of in f.ont.

WHAT TOURISTS SEE —Cuba's new $20,000,000 capitol is brightly illuminated at night, one of the sights of Havana.

FOR WOMEN ONLY—Only women members of congress are seen at this dinner given in Washington by Representative Mary T. Norton of New Jersey. Left ta right, Representatives Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, Illinois; Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers, Massachusetts; Ruth Pratt, New York; Mrs. Nellie Ross, former governor of Wyoming, present official of the women's Democratic national committee; Mrs. Nor; Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, FloridaVMrs.'Florence Kahn, California; Mrs. Pearl Oldfield, Arkansas?. Mrs. Otis.Wtngo, Arkansas, and Mrs. Katherine Langley, Kentucky. [



^* -^

Qems T_

•**• ftft&ihi and tJKfdren.*

At Hotel Pennsylvania, New York " ' "March 21' ancf 22, 1931

;V Him

Eastern and Centra) Europe.

Friends of Gustavus Loevinger, well known St. Paid attorney,will "be. pleased to hear of his appointment t o the District Court bench by <Jovernor Ployd Olson of Minnesota .-.'-;'•'. A capable leader who has been identified with every Jewish movement of consequence . . . . he is a past president of District No. 6, B'nai Brith and recently spoke before the"" local lodge . . . . The elevation: of Judge'Harry Hollzer of Los ^.ngeles t o the position of Federal Court Judge for thejBouth-' ern District of California . .;y;«: also settles a few doubts* as to the'opportunities afforded 'i v!-, tlibser TJnite^ States to Jewish legal taleijt;^,.. he was unanimously" confirmed by V the United States S e h a i e ^ C v an active Zionist and a leading figure in Los Angeles Jewish communal work . . .K .The sponsor of the:'Veterans Bonus Loan bill is Congressman Isaac. Bacharach of Jersey rCity. » . ! i .' a quiet man, but ranks among the most influential leaders of the House .". -•. . now that the, service men : have sfe cured their bonUa'sit: might; be propriate to dedicate a. . ^ can be termed "AL'loan



"healthy-babies do grow most varied form of care. But once a character;Jias.\been spoiled by idling which can be done in a few days, who can say that the damage is ever 1-ep'aired T" " There sire I great achievements awaiting ttisoW parents who will undertake to learn modern scientific methods of promoting the mental health and growth «f their children.

New Torkq Macaulay . . . $5. "Daddy,'what an a^s you "are!" This THESIT RUSSIANS was the final sentence in an argument By; William G; White, New York: between Bronislaw MalinowsM, the 'Charles ScribnerVSons . . . $3. Here are seventeen character noted anthropologist, and his fivesketches of individual fives lived un- year-old daughter. He tried to reder the Soviet — the housewife, the flect what would have happened if he barber, the merchant, the miller, and had said that to his father forty years so on down the line~buicher, baker ago. It made him shudder, and it al- ; A wise man poor is like a sacred and candlestick maker at it were. so made him sigh to think that he book that's never read. —Dekker. "Here, without statistics or any at- had been born too soon. "What modern parents need is a PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tempts to generalize about classes or groups, are accounts of the results of chance to catch up with the new psythe, revolution that is to abolish in- chology and the new education, and dividualism on a few of the 140,000,- to .learn how to apply this knowledge I We Have Received a 000 individuals, as they, told them to to the job of rearing children. To Shipment of me." This is the last sentence in provide such an opportunity is the •White's short preface to the book. He! purpose of The New Generation. -,.does generalize^ of course. He throws I Modern parents pride themselves on out statistics as a way t o arrive at | the' , up-to-date scientific care with" which they promote the physical T h e ' revolution•* that, is t o ;abolish j health and growth of their children. -They consult the best physicians and individualism"—to met that phrase of '> for your order today follow, the latest scientific discoveries. '-. CAM.. EYJEXINGS It is time for parents to devotfiat How crammed, .how*; spiffing over with life and id£as;| $&&£ l©$l\these Ileast an equal amount of ifrtellig&ice MRS. ^ HALPRIN chapters is; arotad ? each |eikracter to the psychological care of Hiheir chilswirls the factory, the hospital, the dren. For, as John B. Watson barracks, the shop, family choruses. The humblest characters speak wisely or unwisely about ideas; pinwheels of talk sparking everywhere ." - There is more plot and counterplot in any one of these chapters than in a Hollywood film. It is a pity so many evangeijc^t: hooks have spoiled the taste xit'jst large part of the general public-for versions «f the Soviet drama, because sweetened\"with ever so little evangel of the readert own, here is^a lively book that makes one wish for a companion volume on These-Americans.

Passover Foodstuffs Delicious Passover Candy and Nyafat

This Handy and Beautiful

The many friends of George-Sugar*1 man were elatedi^. r i pointment as head^-of, ice Commission .of . . . . we can always recall this brilliant young man as a smiling and good-natured fellow, possessing an outstanding personality . . . . Sugarman, who was born and reared in our city, is an active B'nai Brith worker and also prominent in American Legion activities in his city . . . . Doctor Rose Linsman of the Children's Sarah Baum lias been elected reOur apologies to "Duke" Nefsky ment combined. The games to be! Hospital in San Francisco . . . . visit- and wife, the popular Lincoln couple played at;^this. tournament are to be! porter^ to succee4,jEasie Lazarus, who ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. . . . just a typographical error . . . . bridge, bridee.'TJinochle Bunko. The has resigned." 'pinochle rand' : and' _Bunko. resigned.' J[ Nathan Linsman our hats off The enthusiastic reports of the.suc- tournament will ~be held aVthe Center to this ambitious young woman . . . Orchestra cessful A. Z. A. convention^ in St. and everyone can enter; The winner who overcame Jvi^^apzdinsry ob- Louis . . V . the dazzltng performances will be decided a t the end of the three Bernard W h i t ^ m d his Collegiates stacles to obtim success ;in a field on' 'die basketball coirferttf>the bridges,. the .one having the Jiighest are practicing ste%diTy and .are showregarded as closed ; to^v0nien sters, particularly: score being- declared the winner, and ing signs of marked progress. Their especially one C spooling J^. . Mrs. q u i n t e t . . . . the _Omaha lads furnish* he of; she-will, receive a large silver next rehearsal wltt be Jield Sunday ing keen/competition^ " -ami «,« j i f There will be a door prize a t afternoon at th< Toby Silverman'I'adV^cates intermar- brilliant orations |every5 bridge. Refreshments and enriage . . . . but.inly^mqng ''Litvaks',' -competitfon^fo] Surplus Palestine tertainment will also be provided. and "Russians'i course- . . . . After reading B«i\j^dat's" ''Jew Because7rr-.^-Jew4sh rule of ; "Gentile There will be a fee of 25c charged —The PalesJerusalem,—(J^ e rule ; "Gentile in Love^ we are" cbnvin^ed that the guests Because only" i o | : ^rj; Thqmpsgtf.'of. as an entrance fee. This will entitle tine government ^S&ows a surplus of Chicago ^ S .Colonial book is decidedly an%trocious defam- the holder to the three bridges. $209,57O;oetween revenue and expendHotel to the S ^ ^ ew . . \ i . the publishers rst ten months of atkai :of? itures, during Qethens, Michigan^! (.' ,;^pctor ,meansvdesiring to ap- At the meeting held Monday the 19S0,^figures made pubsons is the owner^ a^4 operator r to the. large group of Jewish chairman of -the. membership commit- lic here. i Colonial H o t e l . . . .tnejnayor book buyers teams, the Final announce- tee announced^ that cago has shown himself to be broad ment; o f the play "The;Jazz Singer" red and the blue" are tied for the most minded . . . . other "persons" to the Sunday evening at t h e Center-Audi- members obtained. '•Miss Ethel Rubin, contrary. chairman o f - t h e Merit Committee, torium. ~ -; • '- < Sol Wurtzel, chief executive of the gave each member their standing. Fox Studios is the founder of Temple Miss Rubin is setting an example and Israel in Hollywood, California . . . . is leading in merits gained. and Rabbi Isadore Isaacson, who was The members reported that they extremely popular while serving the (Continued from Page 3.) have sold many tickets for the "Jazz Sioux City community . . . . has made Singer" to help support a brother club a tremendous success as the spiritual cents-—A Pesach treat. The public is of the Senior CounciL leader in.Hollywood, California . . . . invited. The chairman of the affair Sydney Franklin, Jewish Matador, is Henrietta Szold is Mrs. L. Witkin. in again . . . . recently he was gored A number of fund-raising projects by a real bull .. . . and no-w he is . This club ;will also have an open were discussed at the bi-weekly meetforum on Sundajr afternoon, at 3 p. "taking the bull by the horns" by re. i n g o f t h e Henrietta ri i -Siold club. Comtiring temporarily from .the Spanish m., at the Labor Lyceum. The !mittees have been appointed to inman «f>this- evenf is MrsrM. CrounsW vestigate for particulars. • " ' the bulls are sometimes Admission'is free. sport The club's big social event of the rather "boring" Bernice Rosayear, which has not been definitely lind Bliss the charming three-year-old ' Fa Hon decided upon, will be held in the near daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bliss The Fa Hon Sorority will sponsot of Chicago . . . . an unusual prodigy1. a bridge and chummy bridge tourna- future^



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PA6B-»~THE JEWISH PRESS,- FMDAY, MARCH 20, 1931 ; (Continued from Page\ 4.)

classes offered-by the Hillel Founds, tion for credit hi the University ,<# Illinois reached the unsurpassed total of 200 for the current semester. Th« classes are being attended by student* of all denominations and the courses are under the direction of Dr. A. I * Chicago.—(J. T.j A.)—The sum of Sacharj director of the Foundation.


David Faber, New Orleans \ verse maker is a brother of Rabbi; Abraham Feinberg !.'. ?.. Lawrence L**jrine had .written a book exposing Third De^ gree . . . . Harry Salpeter f otmer book reviewer of the /New York ."VVorld has linked with New York AmeiScan . . <. $120,000 i s spent annually in mainDr. Joseph Tenhenbaum, wHo' author^ taining the jeight Hillel Foundations ed book on Sex and lately Mad Herces at as many universities where they is at work ^on another tome . ».. J serve as centers for social, intellectual Charles Edward Russell, who wrotee jj and religious -activities of Jewish stua bbook on Haym Salomon thus h re-J dents, Rabbi Loui3 I. Mann, national


they, did here." A number of the New York papers the following day agreed .with. him. They .said the address was not inuch. . . \ '..".'. w/^wnwraT^ •»• ITH « l win nil mnifff lWf TTW nl Both Lincoln and the papers were wrong. The average -^nan hardly knows what happened at Gettysburg, • .; DEADLINE! ; , . . ; j - \ but he knows what was said there: All- news for the Sioux City pdge There is generally r. simplicity about plied the other day to some who director of theiHillel Foundation' Comi of the Press must reach-the S.-C Bremen, (J. T. A.)—The Jews of greatness that is deceiving. You may picked flaws in Salomon i *'Well, some mission of the B'nai Brith reported this city are much concerned over correspondent by Tuesday evening,' fall in love at first sight, but great- pick flaws in Lincoln." at the Commission's quarterly meet- the Bremen Free-State Parliament's to appear in the following Friday's "The Yiddish King Lear", adapted ness requires time to fall in love with. *. Adequate opportunity for the ex- edition. Call 86619, the Jewish ing. YANKEE AND JEWS decision to prepare a bill prohibiting pression of their talents was afforded Community Center after 1 p . nv,' from the Shakespeare Classic, by Dr. Mann expressed gratification at schechita. . ' . ; Its a strange world. Justice Oliver NO SANDWICH— Gordon, was presented before a young boys and girls of Shaare Ziori or 88453 after 6 p . m. Wendell Holmes who has just cele- the influence exercised by the Founda- ' Discussion of the proposed; bill . capacity audience Wednesday eve- NO EDITORIAL! Synagogue^ at a Kiddie Contest, held tions which he said have now attained arose when a Hitlerist deputy inning. The play, enacted in Yiddish; Today, the Jewish Daily Forward is. brated his 90th birthday i s a Yankee \ Sunday" afternoon in the Synagogue a place comparable to that of thequired in parliament, as to the pro; of Yankees. And yet, consider this depicts the story of Rab David,. a. a very successful papery but i t was Social Hall. • •' Wesley and Newman foundations. book which was issuedintribute to hibition/bill. The Social-Democratic mell to. do, patriarchal type of man not always thus, as a little story told Prizes were awarded for oratory; him. The list .of contributors includes rapporteur, for the alt-party parlia- } in a Jewish community in Europe, me by Bernard G. Richards the other debating," dancing, pantomine and Felix Frankfurter, Benjamin N. Carr Champaign, 111. — Registration in mentary commission replied that the who has ' gained distinction because day, bears out. A member of the music, to Bertha Snovsky, Sylvia dozo, Professor Morris R. Cohen, commission recommends the prohiMiss Sarah Saitlin, daughter of of his learning and material success. Forward staff—and a very prominent Friedman, Frances Maron, Harold Easkin, Isadore Shindler, ; Philip Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saitlin, became the David, whose part was presented by member at the time, was the JewishV , Harold J. LasH and Walter Lippman. o f the Rockefeller research organiza- bition of schechita, making adoption • !• . . . ' of the bill certain at a plenary sesSilverberg, and Dorothy Gelson. Over bride of Milton H. Cohen, son of Mr. Mr. Joseph Aizenberg, departs tor poet, Lessing. Besides writing verse In brief, about 75 per cent of the- con- tion. • •: r- . • ." .tributors are Jews; . , . // /• . • ••;. sion where* Social Democrats, Gen. aril Mrs. B. Cohen, last Sunday evePalestine,< leaving his 'estate in the for the paper, he was also one of its 250 people witnessed the contest. ; ; . (Copyright, 1931, by the JeV?&h TelW TffiS^^THAT man Natipnalists and Hitlerists are ning before .100 guests, at the Jewish. hands.'of'his; older son-in-iaw, and chief editorial writerji.' ^But half of The prize winners and other; com: Bercovid- is said to be eh- in the majority. graphic Agency, Inci)< ./•/•.". ' \ . ' \f •• thereby;-incurring tb» wrath and, .ill the time the editorial staff was not petitors in'the "various contests were Community Center, , on; a work -which will endeavor Prohibition of schechita jis expectRabbi H. R. Rabin'owitz dfljeiated will e i [ bisj younger; gohrinriaw.-Jthe paid. One' day there trere no edi- dLITZKI SUCCEEDS Vocal solos:; Bertha : Snovsky*' first; if the prevalent belief that ed to cause great harm, not only to : (Charles Shindler, Ida' Shindler,; Ger- at,'the ceremony which was followed former; (played••by Mr. Abe Stillman, torials. Lessing hap * hoi been- paid, NAGOUCHI are^ on the average, -better off and the latter by Mr, B, Zifkin. .;; ..-. and he was not at -pie office, The trude Bass, Esther Weiner, Shirley. by.a. dinner and dance. ; •; /, No disease has caused so much fraiancially than their non-Jewish the Jews who will perforce be unabout the trouble, in Palestine: a s trachoma.; able to use any meat.but also t o Guttleman, Eva Shafer, .the., Mosow Family, strife, follows this. act of heads of the papec/went brethren, is erroneous. J Miss Beverly Sax, daughter of Mr. East Side, scouring"1 for ^Lessing, Fi- Just before his death,- the ' famous! large companies who deal in kosher twins, Irene Mirowitz, Sylvia Baum1 David's and the final settlement and The New York Times is reported to meat. . and Mrs. Joseph Sax, * became • the nally they found hiftf in'a cafe eat' •„ ; stein, Anna Kanofsky and Harriet bride, of Mr. • Robert Schwartz, son restoration • of good. will. prompted by ing a sandwich. "Kfcfe ;Lessing, coirie scientist, Dr. Hideyo- Nageuchi of_ the.' have refused .to-print the 'advertiseThe, North _ German Lloyd SteamRockefeller institute', came nearest to xneatist a New Tork borlesque show of Mr. and Mrs. I." Schwartz: of a younger daughter, played by Miss ship Line may lose Jewish passen... Piano solos, Harold Raskin, first; Omaha, last Sunday evening at theTillie Shindler, .provided a dramatic back and write som& Editorials." learning the* nature.of this malady j Lessing looked up .grimly: "Ob ihr when he "found a way by which he! last week, the name of which was gers because of i t s inability, due to outlet for the- players. Helen Gufcleman and Shirley Lazefe. home of the bride. "TiUie Kpuk of Peru." The reason 1 /.Comedy: and humor, was provided virt nischt bezahleni-fur dera sand- could artificially produce trachoma' you can guess yourself. The adver- the proposed ban on kosher meat , Dancing, Frances.Maron, first)."and The ceremony was: performed -by in Bremen, to supply kosher meat by Mr. N . EDdn who took the part wich vet nischt sein^tfin editorials." with a certain germ. / Shirley Lazere. Pantomine,. Dorothy tisement however appeared in other to its Atlantic boats. Rabbi H. R. Eabinowitz./ ' of Shemai. Mrs. N. Elkin and Mrs. "If you do not pay f^rrthe sandwich, Gelson, first; Betty Osnowitz, and j Then shortly after; I)r. Nagouchi' N. Y. p a p e r s . . . . . . . Leonard Leubowitz. .. ; , . -- \ Mr. and Mrs. J...Harkoway, 1010 L..Shindler enacted the roles^.of.the there will be no editottris? * died, " a vicfim of yelktw fever, on 1 • Jolius Klein;: Yeporter for St. Louis . Recitation, Sylvia Friedman; first; Twentieth Street, announce the mar- two daughters. Mrs. Xbe Stillman THIS AND THAT j whose study he was ais? then en- Star was . largely instrumental in Avokah Administrative • Ruth Kaplan, Jordan ?-,Ginsburg, riage ,bf their, daughter,. Shirley,yto was seen, in the role of JDavids^wife. Felix N. Gerson, editor of the Jew- gaged. And the research work on solving recent mystery of kidnapping Secretary Rachael Ginsberg, Lillian" Mirowitz, Harry- Glatstein, son of. Mrs. 'll. Others who took part included H, ish Exponent, authored- " a book of trachoma stopped simultaneously. of 14 near old grandson of the late Abraham H. Cohen, chairman of Nprma Aizenberg, .. Theima^. Shindler, Gl "stein, of Muscatine, Iowa. The Mirowitz, L .lievin, H., Epstein, and verse some years ago and he knows, . Well, all I wanted to say now is Anheuser-Buschj the administrative committee of Avu; J ^ . . ; ^ ^ the King's English . . . , Don Glass- this—that i the research work on /David Dietz, science editor of the Fr-nces Harlow, and Howard. Sacks, wedding took place at Cedar Rapids, S.. Sokorsky. .. kah, announced that at the last meet* Upholding the affirmative side of on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Th^s presentatioh !by"'the ^fational man, scribe, as predicted in.these col- trachoma has how been resumed at Scripps-Howard papers, and a Cleve- ing of the committee, Maurice B. Pek» the debate, "Resolved: That Women Glatstein have departed for an east- Workers Alliance Players, paves the 1 umns has wed. a Bostonese, Miss Pol- the Rockefeller institute by. .Dr. land young man is writing a "story arsky was unanimously elected ad. . . .'- . Drivers Should be Abolished'?, Isadore ern honeymoon. way for plays of greater quality and' len . . . i one ol the feast' of Eva Le- Olitzky, one of the Jewish members of science" to be issued in book form. ministrative secretary of Avokah. Shindler and Philip Silverberg:, deartistic jnerit, later in -the season. . Mrs. T. Rothschild has returned to feated Betty Osnowitz and Sarah Proceeds of the- production are her home in Chicago, after a visit turned over to the Palestine ChalSadoff. Judges for the contest were Rabbi with her daughter Mrs. Ben Brodkey. utzini" Fund. Sam * Berman and his ftenry Jolt of Lincoln, Mr. Hal H. Mrs. Rothschild and Mrs. Brodkey orchestra furnished 'the music beBuntley, and Rose Lipman. Mrs. were complimented at a bridge lunch- tween and during the acts. John B. Levin was accompanist for eon in the Davidson Tea Room when thfl soloists. Mr. Morey Iipshutz was Mrs. L. A. Baron, Mrs. A. Silverberg, and Mrs. M. Silverberg were hostess. master of ceremony. The members of theKadima Club The meeting of the Phi Epsilon who were in charge of the program Tau Sorority,' next Wednesday eveThe struggle of the Jews in Pal"Were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sacks, &r. ning, will be held in the home of estine for the up-building of the Lerter Heeger, I. H. Levin, / Max Miss Ida "Levey. " Jewish National Homeland will be Friedman, Eli Robinow,- and Mr. and brought before Sioux City Jewry Mrs. Meyer ^Epstein, Swanson Mrs. J. C. Levin. Saturday evening, March 21, by apartments, '/as hostess to- the Our Chanah' Chisik, leader _ of Pioneer JV i Little Social Club, last Tuesday eveWomen of Palestine, who will speak ning. Bridge -was followed by _rer at the Mass Meeting at the Jewish freshments'. Community Center. Mrs. Chisik typifies the modern, Miss Bluma' Merlin was elected Five unique and entertaining acts emancipated type of woman, who vice-president of the Business Girls are announced by sponsors of the J. C. C. Dance, Tuesday evening, Club at their regular "meeting "last stands equal to the struggles and hardships to be met in Palestine. March 24, at the Rigaudon Dance Wednesday evening. Mrs. Chjsik's lecture . is open,, to HallMembers of the Iota Tau Sorority "i^./~ Jackie Merlin, juvenille entertainer met at Miss Ann Singer's home last the general public. Members o f the Pioneer Club who will act as- master of ceremonies. Saturday evening. Bridge formed are in charge of arrangements for Little Miss Sylvia Friedman will the evenigs entertainment." the meeting are Mrs. M. Leaff, Mrs. present a novelty act ,of acrobatic and N. Widesky, and Mrs; A. Rosenthal. tap dancing. Dena Wolfson will sing The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock. a group of popular songs. "The Stillman sisters, recently returned from a tour on the Publix Circuit will give several accordian and trum- . A Passover Program was present• lilVen Oy, pet numbers. ed a t the luncheon meeting of .the Proceeds of the dance: will .go to- Ladies Auxiliary, last Tuesday aiterThe Annual Financial Report will wards several of,the .organizations, nopn. A skit "The Passover Seder" be presented at the meeting of the who are sponsoring .this dance.. was. presented by.. Mrs..'Meyer Das? Senior Hadassah, Tuesday, afternoon, '-•: V kostsky, Mrs. John. G. Levin, Mrs. Ky.Mrs. C.. EL. Raskin, Treasurer' .of William Mazie; rMiss. Dena Baron $he Chapter. .Mrs. aiid/Miss. Sylvia^ Friedmaij./.. V j . r ; /will also /present a report .on'/the J Miss .-Sylvia Friedinanrand Mis. Hadassah Bazaar;., whicli'^ was". Abe Stillman presented several P'a'ss- receHtly. . Members of the. Ladies Auxiliary 6ver: readings. Miss Mildred Baron of Shaare Zion will/be" hso.tessesat and Miss Anna' Kanof sky each "presa bridge party on Wednesday after- ented a group of vocal solos. noon, March 25. The affair will be EigHf new members were taken in:Rabbi; H..R. Rabinpwitz will held i in the "Cocoanut Grove, begin- to the' auxiliary at this meeting. It this • evening-oti "The Jews in Engning'at 2:30. The following members was announced by Mrs. Philip Sher^ land".- -The . regular - service will. beof the auxiliary have assisted on the man, who presided, that -~ the ^April gin at 8; o'clock. ;-.. -., -_. ticket committee for. the partyi Mes- meeting of the club would be in the Next Friday-evening, the members STANDARD dames A. Slutsky, Lester. Heeger, form of a dinner for the members and of the Junior Congregation wiH have Louis Sinikin, Leon " Shulkin, John their husbands. ..... ' . ' . . ' . , ., complete charge h f h j service, i .O ;«f..the C. Levin, Bueben Miller, Meyer Das(4.5O-21) member will serve- as cantor, another koysky, Joe Friedman, Joe Kutcher, will give:a.shQrt\address,.and several D.Mazor, J. M. Krigsten, I. H. Levin, of the membersc will.>comprise th^ Ben Sekt, M. Lazere, Harry. Fish, The third and last at a series of Morris Weiner, William. Mazie, and lectures on Reform Judaism' will be B. Shindler. EINSTEIN TFOREST, Mrs. J. H. Mosow charge' of given this evening by Rabbi Lewis -; Kew.'York.^-TRe/yisit of, Dr." Althe refreshments. Mrs. Morey Lip- at • the regular - services at Mount bert Einsteui."to"flie tlnited Stales, shutz is general chairman ..for the Sinai Temple "this evening. Last week which.came to a close at a banquet Rabbi Lewis spoke on "The Basis of held in New York under the auspices party. " " '. Reform Judaism". His sermon -subr of the American Palestine Campaign, ject tonight will be "The Task, of will be commemorated by American Reform Judaism". ' Zionists through the planting- of an Members of the A.. Z. A. Chapter Einsfein Forest in Palestine on "the will .be guests at the services next land of the Jewish/ National Fund, it "We feed the multitude" was announced by Mr. Emanuel Neu•Friday evening. ' . BARNEY HOBERMAN DAVID HOBERMAN mann, president of the Jewish N With Tasty Foods Virtue is her own reward.—Dryden. tional Fund of America. The project was inaugurated shortly before ,DrEinstein's departure from Los Angeles; by the local .Council; of the Jewish" National Find in conjunction with the Palestine Labor 'Committee at;a;,3iuge Jewish mass meeting. ;

MISSAMMA PILL, Correspondent



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