-, In the ~ hvtefesis of-The \ Jewish Community
Interesting and Entertaining
Kiitered -«• eeconfl-clnw mall, nuttier .'on Jatinar; .2VIU2U at. post office at llmiba. Npbranka. trader tba Act ot March S. 187a.
TO OBSERVE A.Z.A. SABBATH £ Local Chapters W %^\ induct p
ArrivesHere New York-^-Dr. AMbah J . Ettinger, noted ~ Jewish, agricultural expert^ is now in this country visiting the various leading Jewish communities to
FOR JEWISH GIRLS Way They Can (Jet Married in Poland
VOL. IX—No. 9
To Be Mere CORRECTS BOOK forVassover
A Feature Replete S¥itj Reader Interest
Anti-Jewish Implication Deleted • Rabbi Manuel Laderman, young Through B'nai Chicago rabbi, who is graduating this Brith
Starting with this issue the Jewish. Press inaugurated a new regular feature which is outstanding in the realm of Anglo-Jewish journalism—"Telling It in Gath," by Rabbi Louis I. Newman of Congregational Rodcph Sholom, New York. All we.ask is that you read but one of the brilliant, short comments from the incomparable pen of this religions leader, author and lecturer . . . . and yon will read "Telling It in $ath" each and every week.." . - . . I ' . -. .
year from the Chicago Hebrew colCincinnati—(J. T. A.)—One of the lege, will be in Omaha to conduct the standard histories of the world will delete a . passage' 'unfair to * Jews as the result of negotiations' with the B'nai Brith anti-Defamation League. The passage referred to begins, as follows: "The victorious Bolshevists preceded to form a new government, with Lenin as its head and Leon Trotzky, a Jew who had spent some time in America!, as his first lieutenant . . . and proceeded to put into effect plans of extreme socialism, the red flag was hoisted over the public buildings* etc." •-•*' Officials of t i e anti-Defamation League pointed out in a letter t o t h e historical society which publishes the volume, that "obviously Mr; Trotzky*s religious affiliation has no bearing upon the particular historic' event that is described in that chapter in your history. The implication that there is some connection between these events and Mr. Trotzky's religion wfll be resented by many of your possible readers." Officials of the historical society immediately replied that at the next printing the suggested change will be made. Rabbi Manuel Laderman
Warsaw.—(J. T. A-)--^-An organizaSecond Performance Is Given by tion to provide dowries for about 25,Guild by Popular Services at : Com, 000 Jewish spinsters, thus enabling Demand Center O them to marry, has just been founded .No better tribute to the success of here. It is virtually impossible for a , - International A. Z. A. \ <s ftwill the presentation .of "The Jazz Singer" Jewish girt in Poland to marry withl e observed by the Omaha^ ers 1 and the growing esteem with which out offering* her fiance a dowry, but .and .100 this evening, whe. >bers the Center Players Guild is being rebecause of the grave economic posi•r,of .these two gokiups will-hi garded can be paid than the fact that tion of, Polish Jewry i t has become inof. the services!! 6fr- the Conservative by popular request the play will be creasingly difficult for thousands of Jk Synagogue, at the Jewish'Community given again next Sunday. It will be Jewish,parents to provide such dowCenter auditorium starting; at 8 p.m. given under the auspicss of the Senior ries and thus marry off their daugh-. . The services will be followed by reHadassah at the J. C. C. auditorium ters. I freshments to be served by members on March 29, starting a t 8:15. Mrs. of the Junior Hadassah. • '. ' . The new organization bears the old Sam Cohn and Mrs. Abe Greenspan * Eight-minute orations will be given •Hebrew name of "Mishpa,". meaning" are co-chairmen. by Ralph Hogg and William Wolfe of family. - Members are required to pay-i " W h e n *"The Jazz. Singer" was proChapter No. -100, andlrwin Wezelman an initiation fee oLJELve ilotys, about idaeed last Sunday, over two hundred of "Chapter No. 1. Their topics will fifteen cents. If a" member weds af-1 patrons had to be turned away. Not be, "What We Expect from Judater belonging to the organization forj even standing room' was available, as ^ i s m ? " "What We Can Do .'for'Judaone year sha must pay an additional, six hundred jammed their .way into and "The Ideal Jew." monthly tax from which the dowrythe auditorium to watch the Players fund will be raised. Graetz, president of the MothRequest for Modification of Guild, under the direction of. Mrs. The founders of the organization e r ChapteT, will conduct the first part Regula ions Is DeHerman Jahr, score their third and are shortly to have an enrollment of of- the services, and Arthur Kazlownied most triumphant success of the seaat least 25,000 members, thus enab-J sky, head of the Sam Beber chapter, Dr. Akibah J. Ettinger son. ling every unmarried member to re-' Washingtbn.- {J. T. A.)—The re-will conduct the services for the secaid in the nation-wide effort of thecejve a dowry of about $500 when ond half. Innumerable curtain calls attested qrest of a. del* yation of New York to the enthusiasm with which the play The' opening prayer will be given by Jewish National Fund to carry out she obtains a husband. rabbis who caHi 1 on President Hoovwas received. • Sal Michnick, who Elmer Shamberg, and the closing the five-year Ussishkin plan. er last week to isk for the modifiraHaying^directed Jewish colonization played the part of the Jazz Singer, prayer will be given by Meyer Levy. LEGION COMMANDER tion-of the: sacramental wine regulawas easily the outstanding performer. Ushers will ba Max Platt, Joseph activities under the auspices of the tions rdta l ihe of TA am rw cnrcmir ^ ' ^ f« ***>*** Goldware, Maurice Katz, Martin Falk, lea in pre-war ^Russia, in Argentine Passover services at the B'nai Israel He gave to the part just the amount and. Brazil, Dr. Ettinger has to his lUiilll Irl UlIlrliRu obligation to report to the governami Oscar Mayerowich Synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. of feeling and emotion that it re' fflWPI AVC HDiTNINP• naent the. names of those to whom The Omaha observance will be but credit also a great record of accotnThis will be the third time that Rabbi quired. vUll.vjuiY-b~ U i E f u H W wine was rejected in a decision handone chain in the special servicestobe plishment in Palestine, where he The "find" of the show was John Laderman, who is fluent in both Eng• • J ed down here by Seymour Lowman, conducted by 125 chapters of the worked since 1918 as agricultural Feldman, who filled the role of Yudellish and Yiddish, will have officiated secretary of the treasury. Junior B'ani Brith throughout the counsel and agricultural director of - Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—Captain Ralph' assistant Mr,. Lowman ruled, however, that for Holydays services at the B'nai son the Kibitzer. His naturalness and the Zionist Executive. T. CNeil, national commander of t i e those rabbis who have been refused country and Canada. the perfectness with which he put Israel synagogue. Kovno.—{J. T. A.)—The order to : American Legion, has agreed, in a -wine,permits because of their failure -eliminate aliens from employment afSince the inauguration of- A. Z. A. Since 1924 he has been director of conversation forth his droll humor had the audiwith Alfred M. Cohen, His first sermon will be delivered Sabbath in 1928 the annual sendees the land department of the Jewish international president of the Order to make the required reports hereto- ter January 1932, was practically an- on Wednesday evening. He is also a ence in laughter throughout the perhave grown in popularity until they National Fund. formance. Laura Berek, taking the The five-year plan for Jewish land B'nai Brith, while on a^visit in Cin- fore will have permits issued them HI nulled by the minister of interior, university graduate, and will receive part of the cantor's wife, had a very have become an integral -part of the Arevecius, a t a conference with spe- his master of Arts degree from the cinriatd, to bring before the executive time for Passover, provided they are purchase in Palestine, initiated in this difficult role to carry out. While she religious program of the order. cial representatives of the Jewish University of Chicago this June. country rec3ntly ; by Menacnem M-j commttee of the Legion the matter of now prepared to comply with the regwas very effective in parts, there were Telegraphic Agency in the presence Ussishkin,-will provide an opportun- effecting a change in the date of:the ulations. tunes when there was a lacking of convention to be Keld in Detroit. i "Under- th? ^presmt Jegulations, of the director of the police departity for 300,000 more Jews to settle in polish which couldn't b3 helped for ment, Nowakas. The original date, calls for the open- Mr. Lowman explained, "sacramental Palestine, declared Ettinger. one so youthful. Rebecca Kirschwiing of the convention on September wine for Jewish congregations is only As a result of this conference the baum as the hero's sweetheart, played 21st, Yom Kippur day, which would issued through, regularly ordained minister issued a written' statement iier role "charmingly and effectively, prevent many of the more than 30,000 rabbis . in charge of a congregation to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Jerusalem.—(J. T. A;)—L&rd Lyt- while Max Weinstein in the Bart of._ Jewish members "of. -the Legion .from having & syas a__ ar^, established saying: that Hie labor resti ton.xhairman *f the board of the Palattending the sessions. place of public-worship. A rabbis fean be enforced only with reference to estine Potash Ltd., the company de- the cantor also gave a very eteditthble Barton, national adjutant get wine up to one gallon per annum thos3 aliens who entered Lithuania veloping the Dead Sea concession, ar- performance. The leads were given %ale: Professor I s Working on A style show will be presented a t James FF. B excellent support by Irving Bsitel, the ~J. C. C , under the auspices of the of the American Legion, in reply to a ior.each adult member of his congre- after July, 1929, but not those resid-j rived here to inspect the plant and a New, Novel the progress being made. He will re- Martha Himelstein, Harry Colick, Alpha Tau sorority, sponsored by protest by Sigmund Livingston of gation, not exceeding five gallons for ing there before. . Project Nat 1 e Sekerman, Leo Brown, Abner Since most of the Jewish aliens main in the country ten days and durMrs.- Samuel Gerson, on Monday eve- Chicago, chairman of the B'nai Brith any cne. family, by applying to the ing that time will be the guest of i Kamum, Sara Rae Sekerman, Sam • New Haven.—(J. T. A.)—Dr.- Pin- ning, April 5, a t 8:30 p. m. This will anti-Defamation League, said that supervisor of industrial alcohoL Wine, have been in Lithuania before 1929, Ferer, Abe Saltzman, and Yale Meychas : Romanoff, who holds a post- be the. last discussion of the Charm the' executive committee is -the only may be either delivered to the rabbi' the new law will not affect them. The High Commissioner Chancellor. erson. The chorus consisted of Ida minister also gave assurances that body of the Legion that has a right to School given by this group. for distribution by him, or if the rabgraduate fellowship in Samftics at Bishoff, Ann Bishoff, Ruth Margolin, Yale 'University, in an- address dis- : The latest in fashion will be shown change' the: original date, and informed bis prefers, he can issue an order oni Jews who were forced by the provinMargaret Hurwitz, Pauline Hurwitz closed that he is working: on a -pro- by live models, through the dourtesy him that the next meeting of thea winery to deliver the amount to a J rial authorities t o sign pledges that j Zionist Colony Will Be N a m e d and Helen Adler. of several of Omaha's larger departcommittee is scheduled for May 14th member of the congregation entitled they will not seek employment, need f o r Lloyd George ject - which aims to explain the Old ment stores. Miss Florence La Bosand 15th. to wine direct from the winery. "It was a wonderful cast to work I have no fear, because these pledges Jerusalem.—Lloyd Gaorge will be Testament hy means of a complete set "In • either. event, record is to be will cot be considered. the second British statesman whose with," Mrs. Jahr complimented her of maps, all based on modern scien- hun of the Brandeis Stores, who reJerusalem—In connection with Dr. made of the transaction and a report name will be commemorated, in a charges. "All portrayed their parts tific research. . . . . . . . cently returned from Paris, will be the inain speaker. Chaim Weizmann's visit in Palestine on, i t is-to be submitted to the supZionist colony when plans made dur- splendidly and all worked together The board of directors of the HeEvery, chapter in the Bible, and the Eastern " Telegraphic Agency ervisor of industrial alcohol." ing Dr. Chaim Weizmann's visit to wonderfully. I believe that "The Jazz brew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid The affair is open to the public every period of history. mentioned states that political circles are "now Society (Hias) a t its annual election the Jewish settlements in the Emek j Singer' is the beginning of a new era therein will be. illustrated by these, Miss Anne Gitnick is president of considering a suggestion to proclaim of officers elected Abraham Herman are completed. There is already a for the Center Players Guild." the Alpha Tau; Ruth Tuchman, secre-' map?. Historical and .geographical Abdullah, emir of Transjordania as to his sixth consecutive term as presi- colony named for the late Lord Bal- She also points out that the Jewtary: Bess Cooper* chairman of' the points -will be definitely located,' -which 1 dent of the society. four, Balfouria. ish people want plays of Jewish inwill be of great assistance to the stu- advertising committee, and Zelda ruler of a Palestine-Transjordan state. terest. dent and scholar making a study of CLarney, treasurer. The second of a'series'of lectures The presentation was under the the. Bible. This is the first time that sponsored by the R-Na Club, will auspices of the A. Z. A. Chapter No. Buch a project has been undertaken. given this Sunday morning at Temple 100. It was also learned that Dr. RomaIsrael, starting at 10 a. m., with Jonoff, who holds a Ph. D. degree from seph Littau, head of the. Omaha SymDropsie College, is compiling an omophony orchestra, a s the speaker, j masticon of the Tannaitic Literature, Mri littau will give a demonstrated an important work for the study of lecture on music. Norman Wohlner,' One hundred twenty-five new books Tagore; New Collection of prose and the archaeology, typography, and hisA vivid tale of the magnificent, relation between man and man, a new pupil of Cedl Berryman, will present written in Yiddish have just been re- poems, Yeoash; Ways of a Soul, tory of Fil&tine, with regard to the constructive"work"of"the Chalutzos of culture and idealism." The Psi Mu fraternity, sponsors of ceived by the Omaha public library Warsha; Mysteries of Russia, Tanenseveral piano selections. genealogy of the Tannaim and Amor- Palestine has been given to Omaha She also pointed out the need to baum ; Jewish-American authors, the successful Sunday matinee dances and are ready for circulation. The public has been invited. iam, early. Hebrew scholars of theJewry through the visit of Chana make it possible for the. Jewish immi-, The titles include the following: Zelikovitch; Philosophy, Zhitlovsky; at the Jewish Community Center, anfirst fcenturies of our era. k' Denver.—A Catholic bishop was Songs, Warshavsky; Zoology, Hoff- Political Economy, Sachs; Seekers of nounce that on Sunday evening, April Chizik, one of the first pioneer women grant to Palestine to be able to make' He as also compiling a detailed in- to have come to Palestine to aid ina living." I honored by the Jews of Denver in a man; Works 3v., Solotaroff; Father the Truth, Hollander; Smugglers, 5th, they will give a dance at the dex of places in Palestine, Babylonia the upbuilding of the Jewish homeHer trip to this country is in the synagogue last week when the Rt. Sergius, Cossacks, Tolsoi; History of Warshavsky; Late Summer, Tagore; Paxton Hotel ballroom. and Syria mentioned in the entire land. The proceeds of this dance will be interests of the Pioneer Women's Or- Rev. J. Henry Tflien, retiring Cath- tho Jews in Poland, Hirshorm; Golden in New York, Halpern; Short Stories post-Biblical literature, utilizing all Mrs. Chizik, who was, brought to ganizations of America and Canada.1 ©lie bishop of Denver was the guest Peacock, Halpern; Editor, Hamsun; 4v., Fathers and Children, Nobleman's used to support the baseball team, the manuscripts and editions on that Omaha through the efforts of the lo-J For twenty-five years-she has done o t honor at a meeting in the Beth Dumb Beggar, Tanenbaum; Palestine, Nest, On the Eve, Turgenef; Dream- which they have entered in the Southsubject. cal Pioneer Women's Club, spoke a t a ' pioneering work in Palestine. The lo- Ha-Medrosh Hagadol Synagogue, one-act plays, People and Countries, ers, Victoria, Hamsun; Anna Karen- ern League. Only Jewish men will play on this banquet held a t the J. C. C Sunday.j cal organization made a special effort sponsored by the men's dub of the My Book, * Hirshbein; Rudin, Tur- ma, Decembrists, -Ivan Hyitch and at a luncheon at the Paxton Monday,* to. bring this noted personality here, 1 congregation. Leading Catholic Jew- ganef; Works" lOv., Winchevsky; Man Kreutzer Sonata, Tolstoi; Before the team and it will be the only all-Jewish team in city competition this season. at a mass meeting at the Center in i t being ^a ;sister organization to the ish and Protestant members of the Who Laughs, 2v., Hugo; Scientific li- Morning Star, India, Hirshbein. the evening, and at the Conservative, federated Pioneer "Women groups. I community participated. brary lOv; Works 8v., Weine; Works, Synagogue — nagog dinner Tuesday y evening, g j _ j ' ' ' •*' .. — — — Heiss; Works, Zola; Works 4vM HourJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The long"There is only one Zionism—con-j ^ r xv» = •• * " ^ » T f c * A wkhj Works 12v-, Verne. - standing dispute between English and Others are: Bad Woman, Reality, French interests • in the Iraq PetrolStories, Transition, Weissenberg; eum Company as to the site of the ed. "Regardless of how many White j / Ladies' Hero, Yerhitzkaja; Jews of Mediterranean terminus.of the Mosul Papers are promulgated, of how many! New York.—Discrimination against of Jewish students of high standing Jirndorf, Wasserman; Envy, Weissenpipeline from Iraq was definitely set- governmental declarations, tha contled today in favor of the English structive work-that we do in Palest Philadelphia.—(J. T. A.)—Archaeo-, resembling literary documents but al-] berg; Martha's Children, Suttnerj Jews by non-Jewish and even by Jew- who had to go abroad to seek instrucwhen it was agreed that the Mediter- tine cannot be changed,, cannot be an- logical discoveries, affording a picture so numerous school tablets, the latter j European stage: Collection of one-act ish employers, limitation of Jewish tion in medicine because they could ranean end of the line should be at swered. What we accomplish there is of Ur of the Chaldees as it was in the being clay copy books on which the t plays, Silberzweig; The Gardener, attendance at American universities, not get into American medical schools. our challenge to the-world. and immigration legislation that tends He advocated the formation of muniAcre Bay above Haifa in Palestine. days of Abraham are revealed in a early Sumarian students learned to to break up Jewish families were se- cipal medical colleges in New York "It is' the duty of Jews everywhere report received by the Director of the write. A 70-year convention was signed verely criticized by over three hun- built around the existing schools and to do their utmost to support their University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1 today between High Commissioner The preservation of many of the dred delegates representing a s many municipal hospitals, or of medical colChancellor of Palestine and the Iraq fellow-Jews and Jewesses who are from C. Leonard Woolley, field direc- houses which have been found, is recommunity organizations, synagogues, leges in connection with the Jewisl giving their lives for the establishtor of the expedition which that mus- markable and what gives them a spePetroleum Company, owners of the Zionist groups, and miscellaneous hospitals, at which all students wouk ment of the Jewish National HomeJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An Araeum and the British museum mainMosul oil concession. The convention cial interest, quite apart from that of inscription of four lines contain- Jewish groups, who attended the an- be admitted only, according to merit ends the hopes of the French inter- land. We must all help these pioneers tain a t Ur. their style and domestic arrange- maic 1 nual meeting of the Jewish Council of Bernard • Deutsch, president of th< to firmly entrench a homeland whore According to the report, more than ments, is the association of day tab- ing a reference to the place where ests that the terminus of the pipeline Greater New York on Sunday. American Jewish Congress, declared Jewish culture and ideals may be fosthe bones of Uzziah, king of Judah a score of private dwelling houses, to- lets, the majority of which are letters would be at Tripoli or Alexandretta, Hon. William H. Cohen, former con- "While we have been agitated, and ports which are under French suzer- tered and perpetuated without any gether with warehouses, chapels and and business documents, that have from 788-737 B. C were buried was shops, all approximately 4,000 years been found lying on the floors and in found by Dr. E. L. Sukenik, Hebrew gressman, who was elected president rightfully so, with the Palestine quesainty. By the terms of the agree- outside interference." University archaeologist, on a slab of the Coancfl, -urged fuller Jewish tion, the Jews of the world have beeti ment, the Palestine section' of the "The outbreaks proved the new old, have been -uncovered -there a s a the graves beneath the pavements. of hard limestone among a collection participation in the political life of shirking their duties toward other un« pipeline becomes the property of the spirit of the Jewish chalutzim," Mrs. result of excavations carried on a t a of antiquities belonging to the Rus- the country as a means of combating fortunate sections of our people." Palestine government at the end of 70 Chizik continued. "Because of the uniform lever over a wide area. sian Ecclesiastical Mission .here. Mr. Deutsch expressed the hops the growing discrimination against Weizmann Arrives in years. The convention is subject to riots every man contributed, just that In addition the archaeologists have ' that the American Jewish Congress The inscription is well preserved Jews. cancellation, however, if the necessary much more. They gave their wages, brought to light another building Palestine Dr., Mordecai Soltes described the would initiate a movement for a worW agreement with' the other countries their energy, their lands. These men which- they state, may well prove t o Jerusalem.—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, and the letters are.dear.* The enconditions of discrimination in the Jewish congress to consider the pres> graved script resembles the type through which the pipeline is to.pass and women are proving that in their be an ancient schoolhouse, for among leader of the World Zionist movement found on ossuaries in Jewish, tombs medical colleges, telling of the cases sins problems of discrimination. is not completed within three years. lives there is something fine, a betteri its contents were not only day tablets has .arrived here.
Lytton to Inspect Dead Sea Works
"Style Show" Is to . . BejGivenat-Center
Uttau to Lecture Before R-Na Club
Charm Wmjk, Pioneer leader, Stirs
I: New Books in Yiddish Received at Library Psi Muto Sponsor
Dance at Paxton
Council in New York Raps Discrimination Against Jews
Zionism,'Mrs. cauzikstat-ijNewL/iscoveries U i v e 1 i c t u r e \jT 111
Discover Inscription Ref erring to Uzziah
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
EHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING ''COMPANY SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price,-one year - - ••»'-•.-.- - -*- $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on appHc&tian
Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 OAVTD BLACKER - - ' . - Business and-Managing Editor tfRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - -•- - - - - - - Editor PANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspoi.dent
THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY On April 1 the Hebrew University will celebrate its sixth anniversary. Six years is a short span in the life of an educational institution, but during this brief period it has justified the hope of the Jewish people that it would become their intellectual center and workshop, the power house and experimental laboratory of the Jewish mind. The magnificent institution on Mt. Scopus is performing its historic role in a modern way— that of bringing knowledge and teaching to men. It has already achieved recognition as a welllaiown and distinguished center of research and instruction, in botany, in geology, and in science generally. Through it we are once more asserting our right to be known as the People of the 3ook, endeavoring through this University to be of service to scholarship and to all peoples of the Near East. By it the manifold and noted contributions of Jewish scientists, hitherto, so widely different throughout the world, have found their representation now in the Hebrew University—a haven of learning open to all men and women regardless of race or creed. The University is a living example that all learning is one and that "putting Judaism in a corner by itself is just as unsound and as unscientific as it is to try to dissociate philosophy from mathematics, or to set up rigid barriers between chemistry and physics." Palestine has always been the bridge of armies between Asia and Africa, the landing place of martial cohorts between Europe and the continents of the East Europe, Asia, Africa had made this their historical meeting place. And now the Hebrew University stands at the center of the world, an outpost of science, a link between the old and the new, between the Christian and Moslem and Jew. Palestine is not only the cultural bridge between the East and West situated on the crossroads of three world cultures, but it is actually a physical bridge, the dividing point of the three continents. Emphasis is being laid on all aspects of Jewish, Arabic, and other Oriental studies. As a background there are intersecting courses in philosophy, history, and letters, as well as an application of its laboratories and seiminars to the problem of Palestine and the Near East. If our fond hopes and aspirations are reach fruition, Mt. Scopus will be a mount of glory to Jewry all over the world. Its splendid situation, the inspiration of every stone that has an invisible message inscribed upon it regarding the history which has passed over it, all augur well for a great future and a great cause. Through it the ambitions of an Einstein, a Weizmann, a Magnes nnd many others are to be- realized.
under his name. Bat here Salomon What we today are interested in most is the] says nothing at all about it. He conpart played, by. the Jew in the- revolutionary war! tinues to put on his "tatith" on and 1 and the historic role in helping to create the, "daven" at his sehule, while Robert American Republic. Though it is not generally i By DAVID SCHWARTZ Morris continues to consult with him. known, it is an incontrovertible fact that of the! By RABBI LEWIS L NEWMAN UNDERNEATH THE Jewish population which dwelled on our shores THE CASE OP LEGEND one hundred and fifty years ago, a greater pro- Mrs. George L. Cohen, the charm- George shook his head and M. Clem- HAYM SALOMON By the way, Henry S. Morais in his g , portion than of any other foreign group—French, How Haym Salomon must be turn- History of Philadelphia Jewry told ' B h ill h German, Dutch, Irish—participated in the world- ing sister of Rabbi James G. Heller,'1 enceau frowned. "But what -will hap- ing in his grave! For the one thing the story how a messenger from the me this delightful story at the pen if the Poles get Danzig?" asked j on which even Mr. Kohler agrees was office of Morris came to Salomon shaking war which brought about our mighty na- told luncheon in honor of DrJ Stephen: Mr. Wilson. M. Paderewski bright- that Haym Salomon was a quiet and while he was in "sehule" at the Yom ened. He shook his leonine he mane.' tion. We should not sit by and let the glorious Wise last week: Two little boys were "Ah, that will be quite another j benevolent minded man. I had an Kippur services, and said money was part that the Jews played become more and more chatting. Said one to the other: thing," he replied, "their enthusiasm' idea if those spirit telephones could needed at once,- Salomon approached deeply sunk in oblivion. To avoid any further un- "Do you believe in the Devil?" will be so great there will be no out-' be perfected, and we could get the some of the other members of the "No," said the second, "it's like necessary and unpleasant notoriety about this afbreak and they will assassinate the spirit of Haym Salomon on the tele- congregation, but they said—nothing Santa Claus. It's your father." phone, he would say—whafs all this can be done—its Yom Kippur, isn't it Jews." fair we believe that the suggestion advanced by noise about? Be quiet—did I ever —how can we handle money? David Schwartz in his weekly column is most ex- The visit of Rabbi Judah Leon blow my own horn in my life? Monu"Humor such as this," say Messrs., Salomon who is as orthodox as cellent. As he points out, the proposed monu- Magnes to this country is proving an Broun and Britt, "is rooted in long ment—no monument, what care I, be theAnd rest, says, "Yes, but the governevent of signal proportions. His first ment to Haym Salomon provides for six bas re- address was in the Savoy-Plaza hotel centuries of persecution." They give quiet! ment has got to have it." liefs in each of which some acts of Salomon's is at a banquet in his honor by the a story of prejudice "from Peter THE ATTACK BY THE TRUTH OF MYTHS allegorized. Instead of using these for that pur- American'committee for the Hebrew Stuyvesant to Henry Ford," and end KOHLER Now that story sounds very legenpose, let them allegorize some other Jewish heroes University. Chancellor Brown of New with the classic quotation of Hainan's Max Kohler is a very estimable dary, and may very well never have of the revolution, as Manuel Noah of Washing- York university presided; Mr. Felix words to King Ahasuerus. The chap- man. He is a son of the late Kauf- happened, but nevertheless, I do not Warburg and Dr. Cyrus Adler spoke. I ter "Some of My Best" contains de- man Kohler, one of the greatest Jewton's staff, Jacob Leon, who fought under Pul- The believe, you can dismiss a legend as latter told of the occasion when! lightful bits. We learn that a radio
By the Way
Telling It in Gath
askl, Sheftall of Georgia, and Other famous Jew-
ish sons of the revolution. Thus, around Salomon's name we will build something that will typify and symbolize the role played by all Jewish patriots in early American history. • _^
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ish scholars that ever lived in America. I happened to live in the same to establish the College of William announcer that "Ross would be a bet- city as Dr. Kohler for some short ter name over the air than Rosen- period—the city of Cincinnati and I and Mary. thai." know what respect was entertained "Why do you wish to found a col"I remember," says Mr. Broun, for him, even by those who differed lege?" asked the English official. "It win be good for our souls," was "once at a New Year's party, a friend with his "weltanschaung." The Uniof mine was singing 'Go Down Moses.' versity boys would tell of visiting Dr. the Colonists' reply. "Damn your souls," came the an- A girl sitting on the stairway who Kohler then, I believe, in his sevencould not see the singer, said to me, ties, and finding the venerable savant swer, "grow tobacco." 'Ah, yes, that's magnificent. Only a bent over seme Hebrew work or some _, „ ,. . . Negro can sing that song.' Or, I told1 Greek classic—reading both the HeDr. Magnes was his usual gracious , . , 7, ., ,. „. . , *• ii. ^ *. u her, an TIrish Catholic His name is brew and the Greek in the original. and magnetic self. He seems to be „ \ . „ _ . ,, . 1 s MacNamara. There is an excellent And Max Kohler has carried on in glowing with health, and, as he says,! chapter entitled: c ; the good health of the Palestinians is': *?*'*£"', ".""' "" "A**•Liberal "*"=""Educa" uu *^" the same fine spirit of scholarship „_ excellent ? _ „ „ „ . recommendation „„,,„« . . tion," dealing with Jews in the uni- and devotion to Jewish interest. And an off «the versities. The chapter on "Profes- so what Kohler says about Haym Salcountry. sional Prejudics" begins with a quo-[ omon is worth listening to. Nothing is more encouraging than ., , tation from Dr. Stephen E. Wise: I to see the type of pioneer TAKES MIDDLE GROUND emerging in Palestine. The Jewish]• "The only profession I know of that Of course, the attack is not alto-' or Hebraic type is being transformed does not bar Jews is the rabbinical gether new. Worthington C. Ford profession," under our very eyes. American Ghetsome two years ago, made the same "An inquiry," we learn, "concerning to life produces distinguished men, charge, except that he was far more but it also creates gangsters. Pales- discrimination against Jews was made extreme than Mr. Kohler. Mr. Kohtine, however, brings only the finest at one of the largest teachers' agen- ler indeed, in his statement on Salo. _ .. , . . ., cies in New York, specializing in out contributions in human terms to the , . . . , . . . _ _ , _* T ._v __,..„ i of town placements. 'IT have been at mon spends some time showing how sum-total of Jewish values. twenty-five years,' said flimsy and inadequate W. C Ford's of Dr. Magnes at the ., manager, *I place hundreds of investigation was. In other words,! banquet and in Temple Rodeph Shoteachers every year. In all that time Kohler holds a sort of middle ground lom the next morning to a congregaI have succeeded in landing positions between the detractors and the extion which filled the synagogue, was for only six Jews.' The Jew out of treme halleluyah shouters. unforgetable. Hardened Zionists, ac-1 work who is looking for a job in New SALOMON'S GENEROSITY customed to first-hand knowledge re-; York faces odds of about ten to one| I said something about the quiet-' garding Palestinian conditions, were; against him." I ness of Salomon himself in a previous delighted and stirred by the informa-j In the Manhattan telephone book,' paragraph. And to me this silence is tion the chancellor of the Hebrew uni-' versity brought us, describing the there are five closely-set pages of very eloquent. Mr. Kohler in his double character of Palestinian topo- Cohens and three pages of Levys. pamphlet declares that it is true that graphy—Mediterranean on one side Neither name occurs even once in the Salomon helped out financially, refusing any compensation, such men as and Aramaic on the .other, the coastal New York social register. the
wished a
charter station which informed a well-known
. ^ _ -—— -
From Amsterdam, Holland, Budapest, and Hungary, come interesting statistical reports on intermarriage between Jews and Christians. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports from Holland that more than 44 per cent of the Jewish marriages in Roterdam on 1930 were with non-Jews; in Utrecht the percentage was 24, at The Hague 21 and in Amsterdam 13.3. In Budapest there were 630 intermarriages in 1930. Of 318 Jewish men who intermarried 244 took Roman Catholic wives, and of the 312 Jewesses who intermarried, 215 took Roman Catholic husbands. The Hungarian government's statistics show that intermarriages among Jewish men have decreased and the percentage among the women remains the same. It is clear from these reports that there is little cause for alarm in the larger centers of Jewish population, the greater dangers usually coming from the smaller communities. Budapest always showed a large number of intermarriages and the decrease among men is an encouraging sign. Assimilation is responsible for the large percentages of intermarriages in Holland, these percentages plain on one side, the desert on the he outlined the significance of showing decreases in the cities with larger Jew- other, this fact to the cultural, botanical, ish populations. mineral and scientific progress of the An interesting comment on intermarriage is Holy Land. The Hebrew university is contained in a letter from the pen of the late Dr. | making splendid strides, and is beTheodor Herzl, which has just been found. In it coming a power for enlightenment and Dr. Herzl declares himself as opposed to intermar- healing in the entire Near East. The peroration of Dr. Magnes, in which riage and thus disproves the claims of many Jews he spoke of Jeremiah of Anathoth, that marriage with non-Jews is prohibited only the ancient village visible from Mount for the religious-minded. It has never been neces- Scopus, moved his listeners to tears. sary to disprove such a claim,' intermarriage be- It is not surprising that the New ing the strongest disintegrating factor in Jewry. York "Nation" welcomes Dr. Magnes an illustrious liberal, as a "modBut the newly-found letter of Dr. Herzl should for as ern prophet" and seer. When Dr. all time shatter the arguments of nationalists Magnes asks whether Jerusalem has who' fail to see the dangers of intermarriage.— a new contribution to make to the Detroit Chonicle. enrichment of human values, the "Na-
tion" applauds the query. It commends him also for his words during the crisis of 1929. Apparently Dr. Magnes'has helped conserve the Jewish interests the public opinion of liberals which it has been feared at times, passed from, our side.
ADMITS SALOMON'S IMPRISONMENT Mr. Kohler in his pamphlet says he accepts the story of Salomon's imprisonment by the British in the Provost. Well, I believe that was i» 1778. Now consider this- John Adams estimated .that about one thir". of the people, and that the better class, were loyal to England even after the Declaration of Indepandence. And yet here was Salomon, an immigrant, only several years in the country, already in prison—so ardently did he espouse the cause of the revolution!
And take that diary of Robert James Madison, "father of the con- Morris, the financial genius of the All this, of course, is a familiar! stitution," Edmund Randolph, Wash- revolution! When that diary mentale to every Jew except those who! -ington's attorney general, and at least tions Salomon on almost every other imagine we are living in a prejudice- a half dozen other of the notable fig- page—wjiat are you going to say less Utopia, called the United States. ures of the revolutionary period. In about it? Of course, Morris doesn't The authors' chapter, "The Way Out," truth, the list could be extended much tell much—its the laconic—"I sent for is perhaps the most important, though further, Mr. Kohler agrees, and Mr. Haym Salomon"—and that's about all. not the most effective, in the book. Kohler thinks this was very noble of Morris was a business man, and he To a certain number of humorous and Salomon. was brief, like all business men, yet intelligent people there lies the remthe mere fact that his name occurs edy of treating the whole sorry DIDNT TOOT HIS HORN there more than any other is signifischeme of discrimination as a joke. I Now, what I am getting at is this. cant and cannot be brushed aside. , am aware that any Freudian will Here was a man, who had been in the : identify this as defense mechanism. country only a half dozen years or so j HISTORY'S Yet it is effective. For instance, I —and yet seemingly on familiar terms EXAGGERATIONS am thinking of the encounter between with all these men of prominence, and j Yet for all that Mr. Kohler is right Barpo Marx and a well-known Long yet search his private letters, and we in saying, that Salomon's services Island resort The comedian had tele- hear not one word of boast—not the. have been exaggerated. This is probgraphed for accomodations, and when remotest attempt to toot his own ably true about most of the heroes cf he arrived a clerk eyed him and made horn. I history. If that were not true, it inquiry as to his religion. Mr. Marx's Imagine any man of today in such, would not have been possible for all answer was to walk boldly to the reg- associations. To say the least, he of these latter day biographers to ister and sign Harpo TMa<-Manr, which would get somebody to write a book' (Continued on page 6.) answered all objections and certainly made the hotel the butt in the incident. Jews have Hutzpah on numerous occasions, but it is doubtful whether, they can "carry off" their intention] with the skill of Mr. MacMarx. The futility of the entire situation can best be summed up in Mr. Broun'sj closing words: "My own feeling about prejudice, I am sure, is not merely an identification which I make with any put-upon group on account of my own inferiority complex. It is more involved than that. It has something to do with my inherent laziness. After all, only active and energetic people, can maintain prejudice. I f s so much simpler to sit back and say- 'Oh, what the hell.' And I must maintain that in addition to being simpler, it's also more sensible." Unfortunately, however, this Iaizsezfaire attitude will not open the There's satisfaction in selecting your doors to our children in schools and jiew hat from all that's new—you're colleges, desirable summer places for sure of the individual style and color our families, and jobs for our friends. your personality requires. New StetDiscrimination demands battle and battle- Jews must wage, even though son, Knox, Mallory, Borsalino, Royal they laugh, with tears in their eyes. Club Hats! Most wonderfully com-
A writer in a Christian Journal propounds the thesis: What if Jesus is a myth, merely an idea! It is unfortunate that a controversy, personal Examine, however, the potency of this myth and in its nature and bitter in its aspect, has arisen see its justification. And he touches swiftly the rest ura concerning the erection of a monument to Haym- great religions. "What are the higher powers?" **uhe?'s' a famous a f Eighty-first street near Broadway, Salomon, the Polish-Jewish financier who sacri- . • i- . . . t n j> • urtT Eighty-first street near Broadway, ficed all his material possessions for the strug- he asks of them Confucius answers: "We can]h s J clyosed i t s door8f fa d r d e r t o con_' gling Colonist forces against the British during not know the higher powers." This, concludes ths centrate upon itsThe Fifty-seventh street establishment. neighborhood, we the American Revolution. We would not express writer, is religious agnosticism. It has given us are informed in a "New York Sun" surprise if Jews and anti-Semitically inclined Gen- China. Buddha's answer is "The universe is the item, has become so Jewish that it retiles cast aspersion on each other upon the sub- highest power/' This, argues the writer, is re- quires a dairy with provision for Kosfoods. A few years ago, we learn, ject, but for outstanding Jews to squabble thus ligious pantheism. It has produced India. Mo- her Reuben's charged a customer $25 for to such an extent that the non-Jewish world be- hammed's answer is: "Law is the highest power a ham; in the law suit which folcomes concerned does not aid Jewish interests. —inflexible law." Mohammedanism has produced lowed, the customer's payment of only On the one hand, it is pointed out that he was Turkey. He deftly omits mention of Judaism and $14 was upheld. Henceforth no hams, even for $14, will be sold on the site the principal money-raiser for Robert Morris. He gives the answer of his religion: the old Reuben's. But "blintzes," . gave his all for a revolutionary group of idealists, * "But Christianity saysr "God in Man is the of pot-cheese, Bismarck herrings and the was incarcerated as a spy, suffered the unspeak- Higher Power." This may be termed revelation like, will be available. Years ago I able tortures of a war prisoner. He himself died —call it what you will—a myth! Call Jesus, The i the honor of seeing, among other penniless at an early age, though he had furnish- Great Discloser of God, a myth! But in doing so, celebrities present, Firpo, the. "Wild ed the sinews of war—the money which enabled do not blink the facts! Chrisianity has pro- Bull of the Pampas," who knocked Jack Dempsey through the ropes. But the Colonists to win out—and negotiated import- duced England and America!" we doubt whether future Firpos will ant foreign loans. These Jewish leaders who op- There we have it, Christianity has produced visit the Dairy in order to partake of pose honoring the name of Salomon, on the other America and England. And if these are myths, its Kosher foods. hand, make serious allegatoins of concealment let Jesus be a myth! Nothing succeeds like sucand misrepresentations about the project, fabrica- cess. And if one were to point out to him that "Christians Only** is the title of a book by Heywood Broun and tion o r evidence, and distortion of facts, claiming according to Tolstoi the distinguishing character- new George Britt. These- two members of that Salomon is no more deserving of this honor istic of Jesus is non-resistance to evil and that the staff of the New York "World- I Business Men's than hundreds of other patriots, to whom no that is precisely not the ideal of Western nations; Telegram" have set out "to determine I Bowling League monument was ever erected. nay that it is the ideal of many of the Eastern the extent of prejudice against the I and, if possible, its causes and W. L. Pet. Haym Salomon's greatness and nobility are be- peoples, what would the writer answer? What Jew, effects." Malashock Jewelry _ 40 29 .580 yond dispute. To say otherwise is to repudiate if America and England are Christian? Entering They dte a story from Somerset M. Empire Cleaners 40 29 .580! as fiction the dairy of Robert Morris, the innum- the lands of distant peoples and slaying them in Maughan's "The Gentleman in the Wardrobe 40 32 « .556 37 32 .536 erable reports of Congressional committees, the the name of Empire? Piling up material wealth Parlor." The scene is at the peace Ben's Jewelry 28 44 .389' Sparks manuscript, and the latest book on Salo- beyond the dream of kings and sultans? And conference at Versailles. "It appears Yousem Battery Kaiman Insurance ., 25 44 .362; that on one occasion M. Paderewski mon, by Charles Edward Russell. It is also true has Christianity always been successful? What The Empire Cleaners victory over was. pressing upon Mr. Wilson, Mr. that there are many other Jewish patriots who of Russia before the Revolution? What of Ar- Lloyd George and M. Clemenceau the the Kaiman Insurance and the Malashowed stirring public spirit and are worthy of menia? Yea verily, the myth doth seem uncon- Polish claims on Danzig. "If the shock loss to the Wardrobe resulted public mention. We>could further admit that vincing.—The Scribe. Poles do not getjt," he said, " I warn in a tie for first place between the there is a possibility of exaggeration in the tales To find true love, one must .become a true you that their disappointment will be contenders. The Ben's Jewelry defeated the of heroism about Salomon, but the main facts are lover, A true lover unfolds within himself true so great there will be an outbreak, Yousem Tire and thereby remained i s and they will assassinate the Jews." substantially true. love. Mr. .Wilson looked grave, Mr. Lloyd the
easily as all that. Scratch a legend, and you will find some truth under it. Let me give an illustration of what I mean. There are a thousand stories attributed to Lincoln, which, it may be taken for granted, Lincoln never said. Certainly, it cannot be possible that he joked at all of his life away, as the numerous stories, attributed to him, would indicate. And yet these stories were born of the spirit of Lincoln—they are Lincolnesque — they typify the man. And when such a legend was woven around Salomon— the course of his life—must have suggested it. This Salomon legend though possibly untrue, probably depicts the man better than any amount of historical research.
Good Judgment for Men to Select New
Spring Hats Saturday
plete showing Hat Headquarters has ever shown. Prices range—
Other Good Hats $3JZ5 and Better
: Correct Apparel for Men and Women
Tea Dance
by leading, schools throughout the na- Hadassah members and friends are The same ticket wffl entitle the tion. —;V urged to attend. holder to admission to the program In addition to Mr. Fellman's adand a chance in the raffle. Admisdress a dialogue will be presented by Daughters of Zion sion is only fifteen cents. The chairMrs. Philip Schwartz and Mrs. Robert man is Mrs. L. Richlin. The Daughters of Zion presented Glazer. It is entitled "On the Phone." J the retiring officers with pins and inEntertainers for the affair will be Miss Rose Brandeis -will give a piano stalled, the newly-elected heads at] announced next week. •number. • - •• i their last regular meeting, held a The Civics and Legislative groups week ago Wednesday. Mrs. S. Platt, : Fa Hon of the Council : are sponsoring this retiring president, received a solid The Fa Hon bridge tourney will be program, which, will be followed by a gold pin in recognition of her services held on three consecutive Sundays, ^£ar three years. April 15, 22 and 29. A great many . Hostesses assisting Mrs. Glazer :and j, The,other,.pins were awarded to! surprises are being planned by the Mrs. Schwartz at the tea are MesMrs. S. Rosenblatt, treasurer of the! dames Lester Meyer, J. J. Greenberg, National Fund boxes; Mrs] M. Levin-\ committee in charge of which Miss Harry Silverman,: Sam Cohn, Ben son, chairman of the National Fund] Sarah Pollay is chairman. Glazer, Joe Jacobs, J. H. Kulakofsky, boxes; Mrs. J. Goldware, recording! Many novelties will be had, and reJ. M. Malashock, Joe Marcus,.EL A. secretary; Mrs. L Kalakofsky, treas-j freshments will be served at each Meyer, H. A. Newman, Moe Venger, urer; Mrs. S. Fellman, vice-president; j round. A door prize will be given at Wm. A, Racusin, Mose Yousem, Wm, Mrs. H. Feldman, financial secretary, j each bridge, to which the public is inLevey, M. Linsman, Sam Peltz, Jos. Mrs. H. Stein's son and daughter, vited. The merit system employed by the Stern, F. H. Roddy, Max Holzman. ' Charles and Rose, entertained with Mrs. Philip Schwartz is chairman recitals in Jewish. Refreshments were' Fa Hon has been the cause of much of the legislation department of the also served. i good work on the part of the members. Ethel Rubin is still in the lead. council and Mrs. Robert Glazer is The Daughters of Zion and Mrs. M.! chairman of the civics department. Brande, chairman of the recent ba-' Miss Tillie Seigal, chairman of the This is an open meeting and all are zaar, wish to thank all who contrib-1 entertainment committee, reports that at the next meeting she will have arinvited to attend. ; uted toward making the bazaar a sue-1 A board mesting at 1:30 preceeds cess and also the following committee j ranged a club talent nightthe program. 1 . *• who assisted: Mesdames A. Bolker, E.' - The" annual Council:rummage sale Weinberg, A. Hirsch, A. Greenberg, No man ever became extremely will be held the last week in April. S. Platt, J. J. Friedman, H. Janoff, H. wicked all at once. —Juvenal. Those in charge will gladly call for Stein, B. Eissnberg, K. Wine, J. Sherdiscarded clothing or anything you man, M. Levinson, J. Goldware, L. wish to give. Please notify Mrs. B. Rosenblatt, X. Wolf, S. Fellman, A. A. Simon, Glendale 1028 and bundles Shafton, J. Abramson, H. Epstein, R. will be collected. Temin, B. Shames and I. Friedman. t e a .
. TURNER-KAPLAN WEDDING * Miss Ruth Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kaplan, became the bride of Mr. Nathan Turner of Macon, Ga^ last-Sunday evening at the Paxton Hotel ballroom. Rabbi David A. Goldstein read the marriage lines. Following the wedding there was a reception and-dance. • _ The bride wore a princess model of ivory satin. Her tulle veil was held in a snugly-fitted cap with a chinstrap. She carried an arm boquet of b-iie's rosss. The bride was escorted and given in marriage by her parents and the bridgegroom T>y his brother-in-law and sister," Mr. and Mrs. Soly Josephs of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Elmer Gross was matron of honor and Miss Rebecca Turner, sister.ofthe groom, maid of honor.The bridesmaids were the Misses Helen . Shapiro, Esther Saks, and Ann ZaUc. Mr. Walter Turner of Macon, Ga^ was his brother's best man. Grommsmen were Messrs. Lazar Kaplan, Edward Solig, and Edward Kaplan. The nshers were Messrs. Seaman Gross, Elmer Gross, Howard Kaplan and Harry Brody: After a southern honeymoon the young couple will make their home in Bainbridge, Ga,
a bridge luncheon on Tuesday at the Blackstone hotel. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stern entertained at a dinner -for ten children in honor of the birthday of their daughters, Lorraine Jean and Shirley Ruth, last Sunday. After dinner they were hosts at a special showing of "A Connecticut Yankee." BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. L Rozinsky announce the birth of a daughter at the Lord Lister Hospital, Thursday," March 26. Miss Esther Saks
Mr. and Mrs. Max Weiss announce the birth of a daughter on WednesMiss Esther Saks is chairman of day, March 18, at the Methodist hos- the third annual tea dance to be given pital. Mrs. Weiss was formerly Miss by the Junior Hadassah at the BlackFaye Colick. stone Hotel on Sunday afternoon, March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rochman anMiss Bess Bernstein is co-chairman nounce the birth of a son on February and the other members of the com17th. mittee are the Misses Blanche Einstein, Ida Bercovici, Rose Wilfson, La PI TAU PHI Verne Feblowitz, Gertrude Gerber Miss Lillian Jonisch was chosen as and Alice Minkin. president of the Pi Tau Phi sorority at their election of officers held March 22. Miss Bertha Colick was elected secretary-treasurer and Miss Minette Louis, reporter.
Organization News
SISTERHOOD LUNCHEON The monthly luncheon of Temple Israel will take place in the vestry rooms on April 6. Following the luncheon an interesting program has been arranged, at which Mr. C. E. Gray, well-known grafologist, will read character by handwriting. The affair is in charge of MesANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT dames Molly Cohn and L Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lessin of New Reservations should be made early York ann ounce the approaching mar- with Mrs. L Chapman. \ riage of their daughter, Sarah, to Dr. Charles Mandel, formerly of Omaha, CARD PARTY this Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. Lintzman will be hostess ata card party, for the benefit -of the Jewish National fond on Monday, RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz entertained April 6, during Passover, at her home ........ at a reception for thirty people in 3647 California. honor of their sister,'Miss Elizabeth She will beassisted "by Mesdames Katz, whose engagement to Mr. Jack A- J. Kulakofsky, Nathan Levinson, I. was recently announced. Kalakofsky and M. Brodkey. All wishing to attend are asked to call Haroey 4229. Mrs. Lintzman has j BRIDGE PARTY { , Mrs. M. Moskowitz entertained at asked all to make "tables "and to keep ' " ' !*a beautifully appointed bridge party the date open. " ^Wednesday evening, honoring -Miss Mrs. Hyman Greenberg was a noni Yetta Wright, bride-to-be. ; ' hostess guest at the luncheon given a jweek ago Saturday in honor of Miss ENTERTAIN 'Mrs. Dave Levine and 'Mrs. ^•"M- Kaplan, instead of hostess as an-" •"•'* ~ Erman entertained seventy guests at nounced last week.
WEDDING IN NEW YORK ML;s Rose P. Weiss of New York became the bride of Mr. Harry Grossman, formerly of Omaha on March 7, according to word received here. Mr. Grossman's sister, Miss Lena Grossman, also formerly of Omaha, will wed Mr. Sidney Miller of New York on May 30.
Council of Jewish Women The March meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held Monday, March 30, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. . David Fellman, associate professor of Political Science, at the University of Nebraska, will speak on "The Political Boss." Mr. Fellman is well known in Omaha, having graduated from Central High with highest scholastic honors. He was prominent in university activities during his four years study in Lincoln. For four years he edited a column in the Nebraska Daily. He was the originator of the student government plan which, is being adopted
.- . • • . _ • _
A. J. Ehoades, chairman of the Junior Division of Chamber of Gommarce, was the main -speaker at the last meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. He spoke on "Know Omaha." Mr. Milton Robinson entertained the group with piano selections. The three Jacobson sisters gave several musical numbers on the piano, violin and cornet. Little Ifta Lerner gave several entertaining recitations. Mrs. Max Fromkin announces a $10 donation from the Junior Hadassah to the Hadassah Linen Shower, which was held in January. Mrs. Sam Cohen and Mrs. Abe Greenspan were appointed co-chairmen of the play, T h e Jazz Singer," which will be given for the second time under the auspices of the Hadassah on Sunday evening, March 29. All
Ladies Labor Lyceum Club
EXCLUSIVE CURTAIN CLEANERS WA. 1350 — 5007 Leavenworth
Malashock's FOR YOUR
Jewelry Needs 16th and Howard
The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club wil sponsor a musical program on Sunda evening, April 5, at 9:30 p. m., at th Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark street. On the same evening there will be a raffle of a twenty-six piece silverware set
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Thursday the First Time Offered at Less Than $2JO a Pair
New Lace-Top
ETA KAPPA TAU — T i e Eta Kappa Tau will meet this evening at the home of Ethel Bloom. A one-act play, *iPuIling Sam's Tooth," will be given by Charles Mogfl, Nate Kirks and Maurice Kaplan.
You Must Be in Good Form ear Clothes Smartly! -.--
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Chicago.—Lottie Lehman, soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera company, received word that she had been decorated with the Cross of Knight of the Legion of Honor. Not only is she one of the firsts Germans to receive this award sines the war, but she is also one of the few so honored.
Never -was hose so romantic as the newest laee,tops. In concealing its charm, it reveals a delightful bit of coquetry that is Paris. Oh, but it isn't the lace top alone that makes the hose so enchanting. .*
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 19&1 We are a districted generation, clay feet. The cynicism regarding: ho- The middle generation of today is th« plagued by economic breakdown, ha-{man nature and human capacities insurgent generation of fifteen yean rassed by spiritual anarchy, and vie- which produced a reaction against the ago. They have learned stability for civilian heroes of war days resulted themselves through the necessities of •timized by moral lawlessness. «.u~ reign •»«:,«. nt «*si-^OTY*vf-iA*i i-n l u m li-fa anA t\iTtni&1n h e e xexiitheir sown life, and through tthe in of corruption in liifrih high 4-VIAII. If we are in an impasse, the only ; _ the way out is by wise and clear-sighted, places of responsibility in the United gencies of acting as guides to theifi leadership. Economic forces underly States and elsewhere. Muncipal ven- children. In a Talmudic narrative J ality today may be fostered by pro- Rabbi Alriba calls his sons: "My chil- ^ Spengler writes of "The Decline of: our situation, but even these are sub- hibitive laws to which the public re(Continued on page 6.) the West." Sigmund Freud describes] ject to intelligent control. We may fuses assent, but in large measure its the discontents of "civilization" and'** suffering from a lack of strong toleration comes from the indifference declares that we cannot be happy be- leaders because we have been sur- of an electorate deadened by the naMAKE YOUR feited with strong men. The great cause we are "civilized." Not even tional scandals during the early years Einstein, explaining his credo in "The the realistic optimism of Charles Reservations NOW of the last decade. It is a commentary Beard, asking in one volume the ques- Forum," says: "I am convinced that upon our moral disintegration that we for Passover Meals tion, "Whither Mankind?" and an- degeneracy follows every autocratic should find honesty in officialdom unsystem of violence, for violence inCall. HA. 2358 3617 Farnam swering it in another volume "Toward usual and surprising. Even though Civilization," can quite convince the evitably attracts moral inferiors. depressed and perplexed of the era.Time has proved that illustriousH integrity be an elementary human vir- I ris.' tue, it seems almost impossible of at- j Stuart Chase gives us the credit and tyrants are succeeded by scoundrels.' Announcement debit side of the ledger in "Men and ! America may be suffering today from tainment. We can have no stability Machines." Joseph Wood Krutch por- the functioning of this historic ten- in other walks of life until we have Kosher Meals trays what is really the "modern dis- dency. During Ihs war we idealized righteousness in local and national EVERYDAY government. our leaders, but after it we discovered temper" and Walter Lippmann, in a Also, Meals for Passover By the side of honesty in our leadbook which serves increasingly as the that like ordinary mortals they had By RABBI LEWIS I. NEWMAN Blake Reaervatlons ership we have the right to expect efScriptures for feebler commentators, fectiveness in the planning and execuS.MANDEL "Uncertainty is the hallmark of our hood through handiwork. What hap- the reign of probability that we may throws the individual so completely tion of a scientific program of statesBurl. AT. 0S92 times. Rarely have men felt so pened on a small scale at Nottingham observe other upheavals among the upon his own resources that he is beTAYW)K GRAIN CO. manship. Our peace-time generals, wildered. Clarence Darrow arises in nations. Recently I heard Kirby acute a sense of insecurity touching and in obscure German villages; has 737-38 Grain Exchange Bidg. like their military prototypes, seem the foundations of their social and now been transferred on a colossal Page, Editor of "The World Tomor- a public forum and stigmatizes the For 50 Years SUGAR — <;KAIN to be interested only in muddling will as a "doctrine of despair." The economic order. The World War scale .to whole nations. The machines row," foretell the emancipation of STOCKS and BONDS Your Towel Man through. Human nature may be unHumanists, on the other hand, strive should have been sufficient to con-have heaped up goods, but they Have India and China. No less a conserva—Private Wires— willing to acquiesce in the regimen to bolster up man's drooping spirit by tive than former Ambassador James despoiled the masses of means wherevince us that what we call our civiliJAckson 310.**— AT. 2008 Omaha Towel Supply Co. and discipline of a systematic eco-1 zation is superficial, and that we arewith to purchase them. The machines W. Gerard has declared that the suc- assuring him of his own nobility and 209 So. 11th St. JA- 0528 nomic and political cheme, but even still unreclaimed savages. But we1 have freed men for leisure, but they cess of the five-year plan in Soviet his power to attain the good,- the the burdens of a rigorous plan are lived during the war period under the hav failed to show the road to sal-Russia may alter the methods of gath- beautiful and the true. H. L. Menpreferable to the confusions of plancken, adopting the approach which ering, investing and distributing illusion that by some queer contrar- vation without labor. Finally, when lessness. We have a right to ask of leads Freud to analyze religion as an iety of forces mankind was actually the surfeit of production has been wealth to which the Western nations CAKD SIGNS MBTAL 8HJN8 capitalism whither it is tending. We "illusion," decides that man does not have become accustomed in the last reached, the owners of the machines making progress toward the ideal. FKOCKSN—STENCILED SIGNS have heard it said that in a short few centuries. Nationalism is expand- need religion if he possess sufficient Our present doubt springs from have flung the workers into the ing as an instrument of liberation for manly courage. The Humanist "will time we can expect the abolition of HOMAN SIGNS streets, saying: "We have enough mathe collapse in our economic system, poverty. But scarcely have these to refrain" is overborne by the hethe oppressed peoples. Hans Zehrer, Cloth and Paper Banners terials; if more are created everything the effects of which are noticeable in words been uttered before the idle OFFICE WINDOW AND writing in the "Vossische Zeitung," donist "will to partake." Bertrand 1513 No. 24th WE. 1428 -will be worthless." TRUCK LETTEKINO all countries. Recently I witnessed a and hopeless begin to walk our shows that a wave of chauvinism is Russell, seeking to give common-sense 1405 Harney JA. 5277 sight which dramatized the contradi- POVERTY AND WEALTH The best place in town to streets. Food rots in the fields though again sweeping the countries of the opinions on the "Conquest of Haptions in current society.. In" the very buy your Passover merchmillions are undernourished in our piness," achieves only the further beBy the side of vast wealthy stands _ heart of New York's busiest district, pitiful poverty. NSutton Place in New TOrM a n d i s d e s t i n e d to t h w a r t ef cities. Capitalism continues the game i andise at cheapest prices. deep in a canyon between soaring York is next door to disgraceful slum forts on behalf of international co-op- fuddlement of the already confused. of empire among the less developed; A full line of delicatessen BKANDEIS monolithe fashioned for modern in- sections. Fifth Avenue and Park eration. He says in part: races, but nationalism threatens t> — dairy products — cookies SHOE REPAIR DEPT. dustrial and mercantile enterprises, I Avenue are a few blocks away from "Certain measures are indispenoverthrow its deep-laid, projects. and candies of all kinds. saw a bread line over two blocks long congested tenement house regions. In sable, measures that chiefly work toTretyakov's "Roar China" gives us an Reasonable Prices with serried ranks of the unemployed. great metropolitan centers the masses ward strengthening the power of the Borsch t — Bring your expose of our western imperialism, Delivery Service ^ head of the line faced a small live in the fear of want, while in oth- state and toward leveling the differobadient to the slogan: "First the own jars Use Your Charge Account church on the front of which was dis- er parts of the country the classes ences between the possessed and the missionary, then the trader and finalOut of town mail orders played a sign: "Alms distributed" to live in complete serenity, imagining dispossessed, whose rivalry is now ly the gunboat." The day may come filled promptly the poor at 9 a. m. and 4 p. m." These that because fortune has smiled on poisoning the air. It may be objected when not only China will roar and Shabby, hungry creatures had appar- them it has distributed its favors for that such a policy would take decades India, utilizing Gandhi's weapon of ently been waiting for several hours all others with equal generosity. Eco- to put into effect and that it would passive resistance, will be free, but all NATIONAL and would wait two hours more, since nomic inequalities are not new, but be useless at the present moment. i oppressed nations will apply in their ACCESSORIES, INC. we passed them at 2 o'clock. Could men's resentment against them in That, however, is the greatest possible Rabbi N. Feldman j own affairs the Wilsonian doctrine of anything more pointedly expose the terms of systematic political protest mistake. Long-range policies are the self-determination. It remains to be "Everything for the Auto" OP shamd and hypocrisies of our boasted is in the nature of a novelty. The de- only ones worth while and anything the Congregation "Adath Yeshseen whether Bolshevism with its 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 urim" is soliciting the patroneconomic system ? preachment of world revolution will bacle of October, 1929, was not mere- else is futile. We are just beginning age of the Jewish people of sweep the field, or whether capitalism It is not surprising that men are ly.a stock market incident; it was in- to hear thunder in the far distance. Omaha—to buy from him Matliberalized and humanized, will postPerhaps our present mood of indedicative of evils inherent in our ecozos and o t h e r articles for less inclined to boast that all is well Pesach. pone the advent of violent change and in the status quo. The post-war, nomic organizations so graphically cision may change when the first bolt make upheaval unnecessary because epoch has beeq distinguished by se- satirized by Ernest Teller in "Mass- strikes. The storm is gathering more of its conversion to humanitarian and rapidly than we imagine and the man mensch." The Sherman Anti-Trust vere financial adjustments. .Perhaps altruistic service . who will not hear it today must feel J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor Law was calculated to prevent comthe present distress is only another WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. episode in the process of deflation. binations in restraint of trade. Wheth- it tomorrow." "NEW FOR OLD" NEED FOR AFFIRMATION Qn the. other, hand it may be sym- er hugei mergerscome within the PESSIMISM OF? TODAY *" Certified Public 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 In the domain of religion and ptomatic of far more profound de- meaning of this legislation 'is debatA thorough going pessimism has Accountants ethics the need for affirmation refects in the contemporary economic able.: It remains true, however, that | 638 Securities Bids.—AT. 4451 mains more insistent than ever. Clifprogram. We are told that a new the net result of the great combina- settled upon our times. Oswald ton Fadiman, writing on "Winds of play, "Miracle at Verdun," has" been tions in our decade is to throw thouDoctrine," describes the conservative produced in Europe which places on sands of the white-collar group into tendency at work among European the lips of statesmen, clergymen and unemployment and to disarrange the j CHARLES SIMON men of letters. Franz Werfel, whose financiers the dictum that the only operation of the business system.] Upcommenrta "Goat Song" is one of the classic benefit the World War conferred was Restlessness is the accompaniment of 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 dramas of this time, is said to have The Sanitary Laundry the destruction of the eleven million the revolutionary changes in comMOVING — STORAGE — •The Best of All Laundry Serviea" written a book, "The Pure in Heart," soldiers who died on the battlefield. merce and industry. When men.' tms PIANO MOVING •wherein he pleads for a return to the Their resurrection twenty years later imagined themselves prosperous they AT-2815 old conventionalities. Victorianism unsettles the entire world. America sought to throttle the slightest hint' will never again triumph, but a new is tightening her immigration laws at dissent; they passed stringent laws moral orderliness is certain to arrive. because she fears the few thousands regarding free speech and free as- j Courtesy Service who trickle in through the almost sembly. They may soon regret these FRADENBURG, STAUXASTKR £ BEBEB THULL PHARMACY barred gates. Modern medicine and over-harsh restrictions when the f ew i Attorneys seek to apply them to the disgruntled j 24th and Seward hygiene, therefore, seem to have be5* Omaha National Bank Bide. JOB FOUNDRY la ctaarre • ( Registered Pharmacist NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTmany who formerly shared in the I trayed us. NERSHIP AND MACHINE WORK TeL WE. 2000—Free delivery ' The improvement of social condi- propaganda of suppression. Notice is hereby given that the partnerREINFORCING STEEL ship heretofore existing between Harry H. tions and the rise in the standard of We hesitate to predict what the! Kozberg and Harry Soskin, under the firm name of Soskin and Koiberg at 1552 North living, though they are supposed to next ten years will bring to pass in j 20th street, at Omaha, Nebraska, hns been lower the birth rate, have neverthe- American and world affairs. Moun-, dissolved and that the said business will be tarried on by Harry Soskin, wh» will New and Old less brought us new problems. There tainous units move with ponderous! be responsible for all the present and future debts of the said business. are always more mouths to feed and slowness. Nevertheless we must reDated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 17th day VIOLINS Third Ave. and 11th Street more souls to protect. At the same member that within our own time we "HARRY H. KOZBERG. Phones: 89 and 519 At Reasonable Prices HARBI SOSKIN. time the machines we have invented have witnessed the disappearance of j COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA 4T—3-27 have proved to be our undoing. Per- the Hapsburg, Hohenzollern and Ro-1 N. C NIELSEN FRADENTVDRG, STALMASTEB & BEBER haps the workers in Toller's "The Ma- manoff dynasties.- We have' expert- ] 117% North 16th JA. 5880 A Att*meyn chine Wreckers," as in Hauptmann's enced a catastrophic World War. We 60 Omaha National Bank Bids. "The Weavers,""were right when they have seen a people of a hundred and NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF VICTOR VALVES, INC. Sought to wreck the machinery which sixty millions surrender to the poliNotice is hereby given that, at a special threatened to rob them of their liveli- cies of Communism. It is not outside meeting of nil of the stockholders of Victor Valves, Inc., held on November 17, Dealer in 1030. at Omaha, Nebraska, the following
What Will the Next Ten
JOE ADLER Kosher Delicatessen
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
More and More of Our Best People Are Succumbing to the Charm of Our
SPRAGDE FURNACES Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
Jewish Books and all other Religious Articles
WA. 5766
There is a difference inCoal But the buyer has no way of judging it. You can't tell coal by smell or taste nor can you tell by its appearance whether an inferior grade has been mixed in, or substituted for the grade you ordered.
Three months" ago we announced to our public that superlative snakeskins were available m our new shoe salon. The first month business was good - . . the second month, quite extraordinary . . . and already this month it's been simdyf extraspecial ... . that's the best recommendation "we can think of. • •: i Shoe Salon—First Floor
resolution was unanimously ndopted: 1 •TIE IT RESOLVBO, That Victor Valves, Inc.,- be and the same is hereby dissolved and that the officers of the corporation be 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. 3527 and they are hereby authorized to file of said dissolution with the SecreI wish to call the attention of all my notice tary of State at. Lincoln, Nebraska, and to customer!* to the fact that I Just republish notice of said dissolution in the ceived a fresh stock of nil kinds of Nebraska " Matzoa of the best qualities, and a!s« Jewish Press at Omaha, •WILLIAM MILU'ER, all kinds of Paasorer articles like President Matzo flour, cake Sour, egg Matios, WILLIAM MII<r>ER, cookies, cic. HTM IB MILDER, Also, I \rant my customers to reSecretary. member my own make soap, kosher for 3-30-4T Pesnch and nil kinds of Bokeach's FBADXVBDRG, 8TALMASTER * BKBER Kosher articles for Pesach. Attorneys SO Omaha National Bank Bid*. NOTICK OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that nil existing debts of Lord Lister Hospital Co., on the « s t day of December. 11)30, amounted to the «nn> of Two Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-EiRht, DolHarry H, Lnpldua. President- Tress.
The sure way of getting what you pay for
Is to leave your coal problem to the coal dealer you have confidence in. He won't sell you any bargains because the legitimate profit of coal is too small to permit bargains. However you can rest assured he will send you this grade and the amount of coal you ordered. ;.
Southwest Comer Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Consumers (jbal (p. AT. 4444
- - u »X iVh »«j i-Kii-rTaa. J.
Xtm Occupy Orer 30,000 Square Feet
Flour u
Choice of the finest homes. The. favorite where economy is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high repulation recommends that you try ft. •.
PnoneATLANTIC O65S| 313 S0.l4TH.ST. OMAHA.
Uncle Sam Laxative Food AND
Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Hade by
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
!ars and KiftN^CU £ » £ » >
President. MABGARBT A. HENRT, DR. B C. HKNRT. JOSEPH B. FKADBNBtTRG, Being a majority of the Board of Directors. 3-13-lt FRADENBURG, STALMA8TER * BEBER Attorneys — Omaha National Bank Bid*-. NOTICE OF niSSOLUTION OF VICTOR VALVES, INC. Notice is hereby given that, at n special meeting of nil of the stockholders of Victor Valves, Inc., held on November 17, 1930 at Omaha, Nebraska, the following resolution was unanimously ndopted: "BE IT RESOLVED, That Victor Valves, Inc., be and the same is hereby dissolved and that the officers of the corporation be any they are hereby authorized to file notice of saifl dissolution with the Secretary of State at Lincoln, Nebraska, and to fuijlish notice of said dissolution in the ewisa Press nt Omaha, Nebraska." WILLIAM MILUER, President. WILLIAM MILDEE, HTMIE MILDER.
Being a majority of the Board, of Directors. S-20-4T
t omments Again the ..Catholic, Protestant, and Jew, meet together . . . .. in common appreciation of the work which, each is doing » . . . t h i s time, in .Denver, XJolo.^.at the Beth-MedreshJ Hagodel ^Synagogue. . . .-where honors were paid to the retiring Catholic bishop, of the Denver diocese . . . . the.Rt. Bey. J." Henry Tihen . . , .may this toleration and broad-mindedness be expressed everywhere . . . . it is.a.tremendous and. .vitaL factor in, our. civic life . . . ..Here is,a;contrast . . . . a local prominent dentist whose' 11-year old son attends.a public- school in. one faf the leading: residential sections complains:, that-a pair of children in the .same school grade . . . refused to associate with the. boy . . . .declaring that their- parents forbade them' to play with. Jewish children . . • .JDayid
Sarnoff, Kadio Corporation, head . . J. of: pious, oldr fashioned; Jewish: stock .'»... . makes,it. a rule to spend the Seder -night witbl his1 parents . . . . important conferences' to the contrary, whicK is just a little reminder to others . . . . What Hondrhaired youngj business man arid his. wife "whooped" it up.at a hotel ballroom last SaturV day eye? . . . ..the young.man is generally known as a "soher"". individual to.his friends . . . . we mean-his.contenance of course . . . . ',' "Dr." John Haynes Holmes, author, of "If I Were a Jew" and" Kabbi Stephen Wise, leading:the battle for civic, betterment . . . . their; statements of'the corruption of: the New. York city, government* has given ," Jimmy "Walker, New' York's "clapper" mayor considerable concern x , . . "Palestine football mad" reads a headline . . . . Five thousand people attended a.; game reicently . . . . we.will soon.havejJabe Ruth and. his baseball: stars demonstrating the;popular summer sport to the Palestinians, . . . . Now. that.-the Passover season ; has arrived; blood libel stories against / Jews arei being revived . . . . . in Bukovina. and. in- a village near Vilna. crowds, assembled and threatened, rthe.Jews . . . . The marriage of \ Ruth Kaplan to Nathan Turner^ a ;Georgia boy,-.atithe:Paxtoh
27,: IS81
vative Synagogue News
ontfidd, and Morris'at work- of "Chndr Stotfcin first. Other -men include Gasper, Tommy CampbeK in » four-round bootSchriebman, Greenberg and-Ginsberg. ing match at the auditorium. Chaek -has great possibilities >aml with the The Jewish' boys' did not fare so right kind of management should/go well in the city handball tournament planty far in the give and take trade. heldvat-the Y.3M.:C. A. last,week. (Continued.on page 6.) Max Altschuler, the champ last year, wasj put oaafc by.: Sherrig who -pulled the same trick in the A.- A. U. tourna-: FLOWERS ment. The •: rest of the boys were at w IKK dropped by the wayside in the early ALL OVKK TIIK-'WOKLU g rounds.
RaW5i ilanuel Laderman of Chicago will again:conduct the services at.the ;B'nai Israelsynagogua, 18th and Chicago streets^, this Passover. . His first sermon will be.delivered on .Wednesday evening. The services will again be. chanted Sabbath Services 'Thisi Evening i by Cantor A. -Schwaczkin and his SIMM' Magic Man"^ will be.-the. sub- male choir of fourteen voices;.Cantor • Cafldle; JBightingiinieJ "Priday>'March fi. <Hn I? road way I'hone We were very pleased ; with the • ject of "tbe*sermon to be delivered.by Schwaczkin, who during his four 27—5:55 p . m . Habbi! Frederick Colinat ithe; services years here.has developed one ofCt&e * Services "Friday evening :at':8; p. .finest choira, of the midwest,, has preSaturday, morning at 8:30 a. m. at~ Temple Israel this evening. pared for the Passover services an«enei based- on; :,the book by /that itirely new musical score. title by Honore de Balzac. ServicesjTotiight Thn cantor studied under Professer ,Wienkalman of. Vienna and?-Professor ' Thelocal'-A/ Z.< Ai chapter will par"Yandrstadt of . Pressburg. ."Bellas ticipate in- the services, this evening."; Tomorrow Morning ~sarig. with (such famous cantors* as. N. Addresses .willi be; giyeri^.by*members /-Saturday -morning Rabbi • Cohn's . Belzer • and S., Rovnor. iBefare.comtopic wilt beT *The Undyjng! FirS." ; to this country,he was.cantor in of tfae»A>Z».A.* Ralph ..tiie.- largest. synagogue. o£ Pressbt^rg Wolfe end Irwin if or -14 years. 7 -Members ^»f-> t h e ' Janior^'Hadassahl .Kaddish v The members of. the choir, are Sol "will ^be. hostesses a t a social hourKaddish *wjlinberreeitedrithis^Sab~for• Herman Cohn^and Samuel Dorinson, Isatloi'e Middleman, : Sol . lowing* the services. Soroff, Daniel rMiller, Hershel MagzTCatz. •' -amjn, Charles Stein, Hyman. Kaplan, ; Passover Serviees * Bob FeTer;and;.A. Sherman, sopratro; Leo Bernstein and Max ^Baumer; *t>nThe first Seder-^-Wednesday eve-*i Passover Sendees ors; M. Tipilinsky, David; Slobodhtsky, ,ning,. April 1. :iThev fics&^Passoiverj service will 4>e : and Henry Magzamin, bass. Synagogue . services, IThuxsdayi, held .on Wednesday nights at 6- p.: vs. i morning, - 8:30 a. • m. TThe "service, wilbbe brief so as £6-give! • Friday momujgf.at£8s3a a> m. the .-members- an opportunity to? hold: Seder in their homes. ! Next1 Week ^Services; on,Thursday.; morning will On" Friday evening, .April - 3, the start a t 10 a. m. Rabbi; Goon/will BY F.R/^K. Sabbath of i Passover week, Rabhi -speak on {'Freedom's Wondrous : A-?Z.cA. Sabbath?Tonight (Prepared) Goldstein >\«11. speak on: "The Ideal Story." ) The Council Bluffs Chapter-No. 7 Which. Liberates'Modern_ Jews from ;;On~the~;Sabbath of Passover, .April of the Aleph Zadik Alefeh-will con.0tu Bervicssv wilLstartf at 'Ti45t:p.-. m. duct special services in observation of TheiETwo>ToidTSla*eTy," with partic.Rabbi Cohn'a aerraon/will.be.on ?TJie ths National A. Z. A; "SabfeathT Day: ular^referenceio Albert Einstein's re* ;Stat«s:bfi .Eabarty*." T 'tonight, March 27th, at eight o'clock cent, book, "About Zionism." ySaturday,iApril Ai he vwill :speak on .at the; new Chevra B'naf Yisroel Synagogue, 818 Mynster street. The en'.The"Sops of* tire services will be conducted: by members • of "the loca Ichapter. Sunday. School Seder j Michnick will give *he-opening.prayThe SundaysScboolJSederivwflh be, er. .Joe Solomenow will .lead"-the serr By Henry M^tgzaitdn held on Sanday/^norhing,^ApxU.V5,'at vices with all the members participat- VWe hear that tb<> Psi^Mu; will have 10 a. m. ' . ing, Abe L. Katelman will .deliver.- the -a baseball team -in sthe Soothern sermon. His subject will be "Youth League this year. The firat boys have (Half Gallon Jugs) and Judaism." some dandy' men on. their Toster and Hotel ..... .a: beautifuV affair attended "The local program will be a part of "shouleVgive any team in 'the Jeague" a by oiyer 40Q people . . . . featuring en- the national observance as programs real.'ffght. Some of the boys piayed fruits and Passover ytertainment; following the ceremony and services are T>eing held by. more with the" Shames last year. smoked? meats . , . .• Dave Bluraenthal in; a ?'Kazot- than 140 chapters . throughout the •* Among the rmeni/are Porry Lohr'ska"' dance. and'. Lazar - Kaplan in - a United States and Canada this eve- man r ia.dandy- pitcher; Izzy Bogdon.novelty:"tap'! number receiving.merit- ning, off, at short; Hawk Epstein, at short ed applause . . . . Signs of the times This: is the first time the A. Z. A. second; "Seigal, 1 Brown and, Stollet .in , . . .. Isadore'Abramson, secretary of chapter have .i conducted their own the ,B'nai: Brith> lodge.-mailed a state- •cervices..r Eve^ojifef both-^oi4 : nd r ment for does to' one of the delin- young; are\ urged foTattend thes3-.ser-= quent-members, -in the .amount: of vices at the-synagogue tonight at 8; * $22.50. . . . .2 received the following o'clock. r/eply byiretornTnail . . . . ."Send me ^Passover will- begin next Wednes;$T.5u.in cash.and 111 owe you$30.. - -Standing room onlyJ a t the perform- day, April 1, and services in obser-^ > the Jewish people of Omaha that on account af the ance of: tiie "Jazz Singer" . . . . the vance of the holiday will; be- held a t S.lB^O. sign attracted an elderly lady the ChevraiB'hai'Yisroel-jSynagpgue, depressed conditions th«y take thfe opportunity and offer a 11' who inquired whether it was the name 618 Mynster. street, commencing Wed.of the fraternity that was sponsoring nesday evening at.6i30 o'clock. On B "follbwiiigMow CASH prices: 'the play . . . ..one of the outstanding Thursday services will be held at the successes that has been offered by lo- synagogue~-in' the moTning. commencevening cal-amateur players . . . . congratula- ing at 8:30 o'clock;.-arid'iirthe 1 tions to John Pekhnan1 for. providing at 6 o'clock, • and on "Friday/ morning •• many hearty laughs . . . .also to Sol beginning at 8:30 o'clock. Usual services will be held at the Michnick who played the lead in a -professional manner . . . . and well de- synagogue for. the "Sabbath" on,Friserved praise to the other members day evening, at six o'clock,- and" Saturr of the cast « . . .'\Mr. and Mrs.Abra- day morning, commencing at 8:30. ham A. Mark now residing in Los Angeles . . , .former Omahans who are •Mrs. Samuel- H. Katelman, who reincluded among the leaders in' Jewish cently underwent-an • operation at-the communal work . . . ^ Mr. Mark re- Mercy, hospital, isnow convalescing at flected as president of the?Hebrew her home at 601 Willow avenue. Sheltering: Home for the; aged . . . . The Sewing. Circle of the Senior 'Mrs. Mark (Lena Bernstein) who is 2&16 * the i daughter-*>f Mrs. Esther Bern- Hadassah met' Thursday afternoon at steinSShames of this city, is president the home of Mrs. Henry. Maduff. of the" Junior Auxiliary of the H.^S. H. The Ladies' Auxiliary of: the Tal. . . . A news item states thatr*there •are 25,000 less traveling-salesmen mud Torahhave postponed their next meeting from•• .April' 1, until the folthan there-were 10 years-ago . . Perhaps they stopped at a ''-farmer's lowing Monday afternoon, April 6, due to "Pesach." ifcouse" . . . . •
the Passover witk following ilelicacies
Council Bluffs Neivs
Whole Wheat Matzos Soup Nuts (Mundlen)
EggNoodles . Egg Matzos Cake Floor
Wheat Cereal Assorted Preserves Oraoge Marmelade
Assorted Garfes
Red Horeerafish
Dingy-White Dainty-White
Washes Everything
Veal Rosst,
Elecfcnc:Shops ,
17th and Harney Sts. - 23t4MSt.
iGroumi Meat, Ib. • EhouUler Steak, Ik . HEtib Steak, lb• Brisket, 1b* •
Roberts Milk andSour Cream m
Sold on:Easy Terms • With theThoriWasher^wewill include two Mtandy. drain-tuhS.:ThesetabsTmay;>be xblied - from* place to place.
Vegetable Fat Gitric Acid
PRICES —1,000 DUGES, AND CAPONS FOR PESA€H North 24th Street Phon«
Those table linensIthatyou guard so carefully . . ;.are they washed dainty-white or dingy-white? The new ThorXWasher always assures you of immaculately clean laundry pieces'. The linens, shirts, aprons . . ; every^thingas washed cleanerjuid safer.
mm? AVer feet fbr£veiybodyj
i Once 1more weldelight in offeriBg this special service to our fimuay: Jewish; customers and friends during Pesach week. 7 This: niilk-and butter is being produced under strictest :«npervision; of'Rabbi N. Feldman, and has the same purjtyy -feeshness andihealthgiving qualities BS: onr regular product.
Youmay obtain our Passover milk or< butter* fromang df
15c 35c J5c 35c
m m
the field of. faith and morals" unbelief and codelessness have brought about {Continued from Page 5.) boredom and despair. Ths new voices ?' • are calling for clarity, constructive For the sixth time in. the history of belief and well-poised behavior. It is •Chuck reminds us of Morris the Shaare Zion" Congregation,.the well-nigh time that humanity came to Schlaifer. - This boy is always in children of the Synagogue or the junitself. Europe and • .America have there trying. • MISS ANNA PILL, Correspcmdent (Continued from Page 4.) ior Congregation, as it is lmown, will been a madhouse now for two' deLast week "yours truly" was talk-r conduct the' Friday evening services. >TTr\w/Awr«Tr«*r>w/^^ cades'; before 1914 we'lived'under the This service will be held tonight, be- dren, my children, my teachers, my menace.of militarism;' from 1914 to ing with" Joe Cohen, who is one of the ginning at 8 o'clock. The children teachers! My children who reverenced 1918 mankind completely lost its rea-city's ranking players in tennis./* He will officiate in the capacity of can- me, my teachers who enlightened son; since 1918 we have been seeking! is very anxious to see the Center have tor, choir and rabbi. Joseph Maron me!" The young adults who have set- to recover our balance, though we' a tennis team this year. There are will act as cantor. Jack Merlin, presi- tled down to the business of Jiving are ourselves * have been our own worst many fine men in the city from whom ' /Two hundred relatives and friends dent of the Junior Congregation will now being enveloped by the conserva- enemies. Disillusion may at last be- to pick a team. Many of the men are witnessed' the wedding of Miss Milmsmbers of the Omaha Tennis Club speak. Tillis Shindler will lead the tism which overtakes all persons of dred -Bravermari, 'daughter of Mr. and Members of tlje A. Z.-.'A.' chapter choir, which will consist of all the vested interests, property and human. gin t o give way to hope. Distraction and are considered outstanding. lilts.. H.i Bravermah to :Simon Rife,. will conduct the service at Mount members of the Junior Congregation. It remains for the still newer genera- may at last vanish in a new harmony ; 1 Besides Cohen there are Sam Beber, and unity. What mankind needs is a •A fitting and adequate service at son of Mr. SanY Rife, at; the Jewisjh: Sinai, tenjple this evening. This ser- Soloists will be Bertha Snoysky, tion to assert its inalienable privilege sense of a worthwhile, goal, an ob-former Central High arid Nebraska local synagogue will usher in the fes-Community Center, Sunday evening.- vice, which is one of the most im- Charles Shindler and Tillie Shindler. of belligerency and revolt. But the jjective which, , though Utopian, can University star; Nate Cutler, Tech tival of Passover next week. , Pass- The ceremony was performed by Rab- portant events on the calendar of the A Passover story will be told by Jen- transvaluation of values created by fire its energy ane"w. We echo the and Creighton star; Sam Epstein, for>over, which lasts seven days will be- bi M.-Braver, at tine end of the ban- A. Z. A", will begin at 8 o'clock, and nie .Shindler. Isadore Maron and Lib- the war's moral destructiveness is word of John Masefield: mer J.'C. C. champ, and L. Friedman, •gin Wednesday evening at sundown. quet hall of the Center, which was according to the committees who have bie Olensky will *peak. Passover rec-.j past. Floyd Dell, writing in "Par-"We seek the City of God, and. the a junior star from Central High. ; Services wili be held Thursday morn- decorated with palms, ferns and made the arrangements, an unusually itations will be presented by Sylvia ents'. Magazine," indicates that the large congregation will participate. haunt where beauty dwells, . young literary radicals of a decads ing at Mount Sinai Temple at 10 flowers. Herzoff and Betty Osnowitz. And we find the noisy mart and theSalomon story, "that is unimpeachable, Arnold Baron and Ray Barish wiil The brijie was gowned*in white sat-' o'clock. A feature of the service at ,• Parents of the children and adults ago have found that chaos spells unto justify this memorial. read the. ritual. The scripture for the sound jot burial bells. the temple-on that "morning will be. in, wearing -I'd' long' tulle veil,; and of the congregation are invited by the i happiness and unrestraint brings Friends and loves We have none, nor evening will be read by Bernard Skalcarrying a: bouquet of r6ses; Miss A POSSIBLE SOLUTION the Bar Mitzvah of Newton Sacks,: | committees oh services, to attend and neurosis and misery. The playmates j : ovsky. Alfred Albert: will speak wealth, nor blest abode, Rose'" Rife, sister of the groom, acted' Now this gives me an idea. I think Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Abe I. Sacks. \ participate with the children at this during days of irresponsibility have But the hope, th 2 burning hope, and it is broad enough for all to uni+3 disappeared, the girls have gravitated Rabbi Lewis will speak on "The I as maid of'hohbr/ Edward Robinow briefly on the Work of the A. Z; A.service. • the road, the lonely road." upon. I t is this: the proposed monu-_ to husbands who can give tham securChallenge'of Freedom to the Jew".at,, was best maii: • "Misses Ruth Kronick,' Mr. A.;M. Pavis, president of Mount ity and home; the men have chosen (Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts Fea- ment of Haym Salomon provides for 'this service. . ' i "•';,, Anna Raskin-an A Sara Kaplan of Mis- Sinai congregation will welcome the: members'of thb A. Z. A. and their souri Valley were bridesniaids. They some half dozen bas reliefs, in.which ture Syndicate.) mates who can be helpmeets to themThursday evening the second nighty families and friends. _wore.frocks of'pastel shades. Rubin some act of Salomon's life is a'leselves and mothers of their children. of ^Passover, Mount .'Sinai Temple will Rabbi Lewis has chosen, as his subgorized. .'. . If the challenging spirit of "Moonhold a Congregational Sedei;. Both: Cohen, Morris : Rosenthal and Emil ject for. this evening, "The Challengs LeVich served as; ushers.' Instead'of that, why not have the Calf : has vanished another set of the adults • anil children. of the conthat Judaism Makes to Its Youth." central figure as Salomon and let the Tha ceremony was followed by a values has emerged, and adult life gregation will participate in ..this Chanah Chisik, leader of 14,000 Following the regular services, a •bas reliefs allegorize some other Jew•••• • with its imperative obligations has Seder. It will begin at "6:30 o'clock'. dinner and dance. social hour will be held in the annex pioneer women in Palestine, spbks be-1 sought to devise its own estheticism {Continuad from Page 2.) ish heroes of the revolution. One of Mr. E. N. Grleskin is in charge of the fore an interested audience last Sat- [ and refreshments will ba served. All them, let us say, could symbolize • Miss Esther Cohen, daughter of and spirituality. arrangements for the Seder. He is urday evening, and told of the life, .assisted by the following members of, Mrs. D. Cohen, became the bride of of the Jewish men and women of the suffering, and achievements of the In the place, therefore, of reckless- arise. Their meat has been the de-Manuel Noah, who fought on the the Temple Sisterhood. Mrs. S. Schu-1 Fred Foreman, son of Mrs. P. Fore- community are invited to attend this pioneer women in Palestine. Mrs. ness the mood of caution has come. bunking—and you can't debunk unless staff of Washington, another might depict Jacob Leon, who fought on there is some bunk. lein, chairman; Mrs.' Max Brodkey,j man of Minneapolis, on Sunday. Rab- service. Chisik, who has lost a sister and a The madness to speculate has eventPulaski's staff, carrying off the bi H. R. Rabinowitz read the marriage Mrs. Morris Pill, Mrs. M. RocklinJ brother in Arab uprisings in Pales- uated in economic disaster. Our eco- ENOUGH IS LEFT wounded Pulaski from the field of Mrs. Louise Agrahoff, Mrs. Ben Pill, j lines in the presenca of the immediate tine, said that the women, or Chalut- nomic and political leaders are con- I believe Mr. Kohler thoroughly battle, still another might typify Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. L. S. Gold- family. zos, take a great part in the up-fronted with the task of salvaging the when he says that it was with great Sheftall of Georgia or some of the berg, Mrs. W. C Slotsky and Mrs. building of Palestine. wreckage which their own submission reluctance that he issued, his broch- valiant South Carolina Jewish heroes Miss Rebecca Sally Kriv became Louis Heeger. Traditional Passover the bride of Mr. Phil Kabakoff" of Mrs. M. Leaff presided at the meet- to the adventurers of the hour pro- ure, and I think he has made out a of the revolution. Thus the monuGongs, led by a chorus of children of New Haven, Conn., on Sunday eveing, which was sponsored by the local duced. In the field of international good case against the exaggerations ment instead of memorializing Salothe religious school will be a feature ning. The ceremony at which Rabbi The annual building fund carnival, Pioneer Women's Club. After the lec- affairs our western culture is engaged in: the Salomon story. He himself mon solely, would symbolize Jewish «£ the Seder. H. R. Rabinowitz officiated was held which was scheduled for Tuesday, ture Mrs. Chisik was featured at a in a race with a new semi-Oriental thinks a great deal of Salomon, and participation in the American revoluMay 12, has been changed to Monday I reception by this organization. > At Shaare Zion Synagogue, Wed-in the home of the bride. civilization which has sought to gain I believe there is enough left in the tion generally. : evening, May 11, to avoid a conflict i nesday evening, the services arid on • Thursday evenings.the service will Mount Sinai Sisterhood will hold of dates with other groups. At a! begin at 7 o'clock. Thursday, Friday] its regular book review meeting at meeting of the advertising committee, tind Saturday mornings the service the Temple this afternoon at 2:30 extraordinary success was indicated. The chairmen of this committee, Ben will begin at 8:30. Appropriate ser- o'clock. . . Brodkey, Moe Lazere and A. L mons will be .given by. Rabbi Rabinowitz at these services. Cantor A. Junior ; Hadassah; members held a Schwartz, announce that, practically Pliskin will chant the ritual. bsnefit bunco party at the Hotel Mar- every group that has gone out on this Rabbi H- R. Rabinowitz has an- tin last night. Proceeds will go to- committee is turning in one hundred nounced that arrangements have been wards the Junior Hadassah work in per cent coverage of their lists. These committees are expected to complete, riiade_with;Superintendent L. W;- Falk Palestine., thir work_by the 25th of this month. for all Jewish children to be excused from school on Thursday and Friday. The Iota Tau Sorority held its reg- Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. J. H. GreenExcuse! cifds:cani be procured from ular meeting last Saturday evening at berg are chairmen for the raffle comShaare 'Zion Synagogue. the home of Miss Lilly Merlin. P'ans mittee. Chances are being distributed, for a bargain bridge to be held in for, a lounge chair by this committee.' Another raffle that the children have April" were-discussed. .**..' > been co-operating with is on a pen and Cur Littie Social Club will hold its pencil set. A similar set will be given regular meeting next Tuesday eve- to each one who disposes of a certain number of these chances. Mrs. Kalin The date for the Hebrew school ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mrs. Greenberg are asking anyKnox. Bridge will form the evening's graduation has been set for Sunday one interested to get these cards of evening, April 12 at the Jewish Com- entertainment. raffles from the Canter office." anunity Center. This class, consisting The famous Goodyear AllThe ticket committee will begin its Mrs. Morey Lipshutz is visiting at of thirteen pupils, is the largest class Weather Tread is superior work April 3. The chairman for this ths home, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cain that has graduated from the Hebrew BARNEY HOBERMAN committee include Mrs. Louis Agranin Chicago. ; . in traction. Note how the Rc'hool. off, Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. deep-cut, tight-gripping, ' Registration for the new Hebrew The patented Goodyear Superfwist Cord Mrs. ;. J. J. Kuntz and daughter Morris Pill. School' semester _ will take place on blocks are placed in the Carcass is superior in vitality and long "We are extremely fortunate in seSunday, April 12, from 10 to 5, andEvelyn have returned from Chicago, center of the tread, where curing the co-operation of splendid life. Under continued flexing or sudden where Mrs. Kuntz attended the gradon Monday,"April 13, from 4 to 8. they belong. Press the uation of her daughter from the Uni- committees," said Mr. Max Friedman, road-shock, where ordinary cords fatigue palm of your hand upon versity of Chicago, " ' chairman of the yarnival. "We have or snap, the extra-elastic Supertwist cords Books Donated to no( appointed chairmen for the donathis tread and feel how stretch and recover, like rubber bands. cohhittee th's year, but are r.sk• Shaare Zion Library Phil Gerelick and Joe Turner of tion the blocks grip and pinch Ask us to show you on our cord-testing Mrs. Dave Davidson presented fifty Omaha visited ^ friends in Sioux City ing for volunteers on this committee. the flesh. This illustrates machine the extra-stretch . . ' . enormously Any man or woman who is willing to volumes of books on Jewish subjects over the week end. the All-Weather Tread's greater. of Superfwist cord over the co-operate with the other committees, to the Shaare Zion Synagogue library. hold-fast action on paveby volunteering to act on this comAmong those who spent last Sunbest standard cord. » « • • This gift includes among others a ment or road. complete set of the Jewish Encyclo- day visiting in Omaha are Abe Koz- mittee, is asked I to call the Center pedia, six volumes of "Jewish His- berg, Larry Sampson, Barney Dobrof- officel The chairmen will receive the tory," by Graetz, eight volumes of the sky, Abe Sadoff, Ephraim Baron, whole hearted and active support of a Jewish Year Book and other volumes. Stanely Krueger, Lawrence Baron and large committee." Clubs that desire^ to take charge of booths are asked to Milton Bolstein. get in touch with Mr. E. U. Grueskin, who is in charge of this feature. Mr. Sam Ratner acted as stage
Society News
•'•. •<££.
manager for the recent presentation of "The Yiddish King Lear." Mr. J. Riaf f acted as art manager. The part of the youngest son-in-law, Jaffa, was portrayed by H. Mirowitz.
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Will Goodsite placed third in a recent bowling tournament held at Fort Dodge. Among the many who have been playing, on the city league bowling team are Jack, Lipman, Morris Pill, Lou Lipshutz and Lou Agranoff, who comprise the strength of the Pill Bros. team. " Others who have shown an interest in bowling1 are Larry Sampson, Abe Kozberg, Gerald Pill and Barney Dobrofsky.
National Workers Cast Parts for Their Play
Bowling: Tournament Interests Many
A Complete Line of .-•
Good reasons
Parts are being cast for "Broken Hearts," a three-act drama by Z.: Lib-; in, which will be presented by the National Workers* Dramatic Club. • In addition to this project the National Workers have taken over the supervision of the Jewish Community Center library. The club has asked for the co-operation of the Jewish community in the donation of books on Jewish nature.
Arab Squatters Offer to Return Land
Jerusalem.—The Arab squatters who received substantial land ^grants j at Beisan are preparing to notify thej government that they are unable to | pay the required taxes and wish to
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