April 3, 1931

Page 1

"[ - In the Interests, of The. Jewish Community

Interesting and 'Entertaining

Bnterefl us •econd-claw oull matter OB i u u n JR, lisa.: 5 MtO at Omaha. Nebmka. under UM Act ot,Maxcb j,'WJ g



\ Jew Is to W«Jstraet at Vatican

Gerson Speaks to Alpha Kappa Delta .Samuel Gerson y&s'z the principal speaker at the meeting of;Alpha Kappa Delta, a sociological fraternity, held at the Y. W; C'A. on March 26. His subject was "Adventures in Jewish Social-Service." He also spoke in Lincoln at an organization meeting .of- the Lincoln Welfare' Federation.

VOL. IX.—No. 10.

Finds Intelligence Higher FOUR OMAHANS ON COUNCIL Among Jewish Children NATIONAL OF J.D.C. DRIVE

New York. (J. T. A.) The average sistency of the findings of the Prague. (J.t.A.) "Naftali Pried, a Hebrew books, and appoint a libraSuch reof intelligence among Jewish children varipus .investigators. •white-bearded Jewish fish and vege- rian. • • . .---.,. • . , . -,.,... . " ' ' Parley to Consider the Acute table merchant from Polonia, a [small In casting about for a man to bill is higher than among non-Jewish, is peated corroboration of results is Beber, Lapidus, Monsky and Sher to Direct Nebraska Problems Manifested Durthe conclusion reached by Dr. J. B. indeed rare in the studies of race Carpatho-Eussian town, * who has this post, the Vatican communicated Activities ing Recent Years Mailer, research associate at the differences." ' achieved some repute as" a Hebrew with Dr. Emanuel Friedman,' dean Teachers' College, Columbia UniverTo what extent these differences scholar, has received:an appointment of the famous rabbinical seminary .'in Four Omahans^—Sam Beber, Harry Geneva. (J. T. A.)—The second con- from the Pope to conie ,to the Vati- Frankfort, Germany. Idealizing" that sity in an article, "Studies in the between Jewish and non-Jewish H. Lapidus, Henry Monsky, and Dr. ference to consider the problem of can as librarian of "the .Vatican's none of the recent graduates 'of the Intelligence of Young Jews," which children are native or acquired is 1 anti-Semitism in European universi- Hebrew library and as Hebrew in- seminary would fill the. Vatican's appears in the current issue of difficult to determine on the" basis of •Philip Sher —were among the two ties will be held in the middle of April structor to the young priests at- need DnFriedman . began searching Jewish Education. these researches, he says further, hundred and fifty prominent Jews and in the -peaceful Swiss town of Nipon, tached to the Holy Sew" The article includes the findings but it is reasonable to assume that Jewesses.from all parts of the counthrough his old records and' came located on the shores of Lake Geneva. of a large.number »f psychological the trials -and ordeals of the Jews try selected to the board of directors across Naf tali Fried's' name. Fried accepted this, unusual post Representatives of anti-Semitic as •studies, comparing ' .the intelligence troiighout the centuries, placing a of the reorganized Joint Distribution Before the war, Fried, a povertyCommittee at the conclusion of the for a Jew on the understanding that well as Jewish student organizations of Jewish" and non-Jewish children, premium on mental acumen m the two-day stricken young man, sought admisconference of that* group held of various European centers will gath the Vatican should provide him. with sion to the seminary. Dr. Friedman presenting a summary of reports of struggle for survival, operated as in New York last week. As members a kosher kitchen, permit him to aber at the same table and attempt to some fifteen investigations which selective factors in raising-the averdissuaded him from coming1 to Gerdiscuss frankly the acute Jewish prob- stain from work on Saturdays and many and prevailed upon him" to re- Among the i^eventy-Seven Who appeared in various technical jour- age intelligence of the Jews • as a of the national council of the organization, they will direct the J. D. C. Are- Awarded; These Vallem which of recent years has made Jewish holidays and.-make arrange- main in his local rabbinical seminals, such as the British Journal of group. activities in this state. uable Scholarships itself so manifest in most universities ments to provide him- with a relig- nary. In the meantime - Fried -was Psychology, the Journal of EducaDr. Mailer presents examples of The New York conference officially ious quorom required for Jewish serof the continent, often resulting in tional Psychology and in various studies of the comparative intelligwriting scholarly dissertations and Eight Jews are included in the 77 launches the campaign for two and a vice^. To these conditions, the Vatibloody riots, disorderly demonstraence of Jews and non-Jews in schools half million dollars for the relief of sending them: to Dr. Friedman for scholars, novelists,, poets, sculptors doctors' dissertations. tions, propaganda for a numerus can has given its consent. • "In practically every one of these of Detroit, Cleveland, California, European Jewry. One million dollars With the passing of years f painters and other creative workers clau6us against Jews, etc. The. story of t o w Fried came to approval. researches" Jewish children were New York City and London, England. of this sum will' be raised in New Dr. Friedman forgot about his am-•• who have been awarded fellowships by be selected reads - like a veritable bitious protege in Carpatho-Bnssia •' the John Simon Guggenheim Memor- to attain a higher average of inOrganized by I. S. S. York. ago the but when the request of the Vatican' ial Foundation, according to an an- telligence than their non-Jewish Felix M. Warburg is chairman of The conference, is being organized fairy tale. Some months J the Joint Distribution Committee. t>y. the- International Student Service Vatican decided to reorganize its came'he bethought himself of Fried \ nouncement by Henry Allen Moe, sec- classmates," declares Dr. Mailer, Eabbi Jonah B. Wise of New York jCpltural Section; of which the moving Hebrew' library, acquire additional and communicated with the Vatican. 1 retary of the Foundation. Seven of "Their superiority was especially •will direct the national drive, while the eight Jews are Americans and the marked in tests of abstract intelligis James Parkes, an English ence and those involving the use of Albert Ottinger will be head of th* other-is an Argentiaan, inan ,who has recently written a book 1 language. Jewish children excelled New York campaign. For creative writing in either poeon anti-Semitism. Tennis Champ of try, prose or the drama, Maurice Hin- in intelligence age for age. Although At the conference it was pointed out The International Student Servic Germany, a Jew, dus and Emjo-Basshe have been there is evidence that the Jewish that the need of the stricken Jews in Was founded, immediately after the fellowships. Hindus is the child was found to score higher age Final Number kof Charm School Europe is gTeater than ever befor. war, in 1920, its main purpose being Unfairly Ousted granted author among-; other things, of "The for age in the elementary grades The speakers gave a vivid picture of to render material aid to the students to Be Presented MonRussian Peasant and the Revolution/' as well as in college. The most the plight of Jewry in Poland, Rouin the impoverished countries of Cenday at J. C. C. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Daniel Frehn, and "Humanity Uprooted." Basshe is striking aspect of the studies premania, Russia, Bessarabia and other tral and Eastern Europe, without disGerman tennis champion, who repre- a former director of;, the New Play- sented in this abstract is the continction of race and religion. For this "Charm in Dress" will be the title lands, where Jews are facing starvapurpose it has already spent several William Sultan of Chicago to fented Germany successfuUy in many wrights Theater and the author of of the final number of the Alpha Tau tion and ruin. international tennis tournaments, was many dramatic works, millions of dollars. Speak at Dinner to Be In Omaha, no separate campaign Charm School .to be presented Monday compelled to surrender his championHeld April 15 . Harry Gottlieb of Woodstock, N. Y., will be conducted, as all such drives evening, April 6, at the Jewish ComOf late years the International Stuship and withdraw from the tourna- and Doris; Rosenthal of Silvermine, have been included in the Jewish munity Center. . Miss Florence Ladent Service has also been occupying William Sultan) of Chicago, pres- ments, following anti-Semitic agita- Conn., received fellowships for creaPhilanthropies, which has alloted a Boschin will give the talk to be folitself with cultural problems and has tio a 8t h i m ' . , tive work in painting and .sculpture, lowed by an elaborate fashion show just share to the Joint Distribution been attempting to bring the students ident of district grand lodge, number; £ ' SfU» ^ at which models will display spring Committee. district' . Mr. Prenn is. a. Pohsh Jewwho had ^ e " A ^ t a ' s t e w e r of New York of various nations into closer touch. sis, B'nai B'ritb, in- which district y naturalized in Germany. awarded ateiiowshi f o r ' 8 t u dfca fashions for morning, afternoon, dinLast year the J. D. C. campaign was Omaha is included, will be the guest -Jf? recently . Work Begun at Bienville GermanTenius ' E us-, ner and formal wear. The displaj held jointly with the Palestine drive, of the local lodge on W e d n e s d a y , T After deciding to take Up the fight April 15. pende* him ^ c a u s e ; he. aUegedly? de-1 c o t m t r i e a of thSNorth American conwill be presented by the Brandei but this year the leaders of the two >; .• . . firm tinent.• -. . 'Judge Herbert Rhoades will speak store. against anti-Semitism in the universi^ ;-...*; . , • , Mr. Sultan is,on a tour of the manded money from a racket firm! thought best to hold separate camtheir rackets." ties, S. called a conference district, appearing before the various_,The other ;t*$ Aipericans granted at an open, meeting of. the Omaha Hepaigns. Miss LaBoschin returned recently of Jewish, and Gentile students for lodges, and; carrying to the com-, i The suspension has created a sen- Guggenheim fellowships are Joseph P. brew Club next Sunday, April 5, at from Europe where she visited the i sport' circles. The general the Jewish Community Center, acthis purpose in January, 1929, in' mittee the message of the work of. Fishman, deputy" commissioner of corfashion showings. She will discuss is .that Prehn is not guilty. Bienville, near Paris. As a result of the B'nai B'rith.•."•He";will also visitiectio^*1n~i&ew• Yojk -who' wjll make what should be worn for certain octhis conference, a tfontmitiee of six lodges in Council Bluffs, Lincohi and There is also fear that Germany, with certain studies' abroad; in the field of casions and the latest dictates of students,' three 'jews and tiiree leaders S i o u i ^ t y w y ' y ; l : : ' u \ - I •'•'..'"' fashion for the spring and summer of " antl-Semitijs: organizations, was, .' .Omaha Lodge .number J$54..,•^WSrSTtSbev - Randalls»©rcht9iti«i -wH3 choseJK^^a&^p)^^^ versity of Missouri,''who will conduct play during the "fashion show. second -conferencei to continue the honor; of, Mr. ^ ^ j researches on the chemistry of growth The fashion talk is the last of a workbegui^inVBienville. ' ;. in certain domestic animals abroad. iBV«ningf: • Agfll"';l6r^ TfteJ public will iseries of' four talks on personal : The Argentinan Jewiis-Dr. Salomon be invited to ' the dinnfer. At the charnu The first talk was on "Charm Russian Press Claims These Horowitz, chief of the institute of same time a class of new. members and Cosmetics," the second on "Charm Jewish Organization Hindgenetics at the University of: Buenos •roll be:" initiated. - This \ group 'Will and Health,' 'the third on "Charm in ders Soviet Plan Aires, who will come to the .United be known as ; the .William., L. Holzthe Hostess." This series is\jeing States to carry on studies in cytology man. Class, in* honor of (William L. sponsored by the Alpha Tau sorority Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Charging that . ..::•. Following a custom o£ many' years and genetics. .7 j Holzman, president of [the Jewish which meets regularly at the Jewish! the small town Jewish charitable orCommunity Center. The sorority has ganizations (hilfs-geselschaften) creCommunity Center and Welfare standing, the Social Service Commit- T h e scholarships, which are worth tee of the Jewish Welfare Federation $2,500 each, are from the $4,500,000 invited all girls and women who are ate a local patriotism which keeps the Federation of Omaha. ; ' Judge-Herbert Rhoades elements in these towns from goThis class will be giiien the full is distributing packages of Passover fund established by former Senator interested to be their guests at this poor 1 food to the Jewish inmates of the and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim in meming to cities and regions of the hy the Omaha affair. That Is Wha't "Forum" Calls team. The initiatory work will; be various state institutions. Dr. Philip ory of their late son,- John Simon cording to announcement made by Miss Anne Gitnick is president of Soviet other Union where industry offers Sam E. Klaver, president of the or-j Palestine All-Jewish Guggenheim. . them work, and a livelihood, the held at the Jewish. Community Sher is chairman of this committee. the sorority. Miss Ida Greenbaum ganization. His subject will be They are reaching people of the I City Center. I.' F. Goodman is chairman will be chairman of the evening. Hos- Soviet Jewish press has just launched "Boys and Girls." Jewish faith in the state hospitals at a campaign for the abolition of these of the degree team. . t President Klaver has also arranged tesses will be Ruth Tuchman, Jeanette organizations. Tel Aviv is called "the new Jewish Irvine Levin; president of 'the Lincoln, Hastings, Norfolk, the state Lloyd George Is Turner, Zelda Charney, Sne Hoberfor a musical program. Among those man and Marian Honowitz. Mrs. capital of the world" and is recom- local lodge has announced that this penitentiary, the Douglas county jail, help which these societies give Honored by Jews who will take part in this program Samuel Gerson is sponsor of the club. to The mended as a tourist attraction in the occasion will be a city wide event. the= Girls' Training School at Geneva, elderly persons who are unable to monthly travel section appearing in Harry B. Cohen, vice president of. the Boys' Industrial School at Kear- . London.—(J. T. A.)—"In commem- are included the Omaha Police DeThe fashion show will be produced fit into the social and industrial the April issue of The Forum and the lodge is in charge of-the &i- ney and the institution for feeble- oration and in grateful recognition of partment Glee Club,: which recently on a lavish scale comparable to the scheme of the new Russia is held by Century. The paragraph on the Pal- rangements for the dinner and-the minded at Beatrice. ' • . the services rendered by David Lloyd appeared at a downtown theater, show recently given by the Brandeis some to be a justification of their estinian city says: The packages contain matzos, George to the Jewish people through- Nathan Sekerman, Sarah Rae Seker- store at the Fontenelle Hotel. existence, but a writer in the Moscow general program for the day. "One of the most interesting cities The initiation of the; new mem- fruits, cakes and other Passover deli- put the. world .this tablet is set up," man and Shirley Janoff. Ernes, Yiddish Communist organ, de; All.members and their friends are of the Near East is Tel Aviv, the new bers will bring to a close a very cacies. reads, the- inscription on a tablet set ' • nies* this. Jewish capital of the world. Situated aggressive membership campaign. up in. the Ceiriog Memorial institute invited to attend. The meeting will Randall's to Play He says that "the number of eldernear Jaffa in Palestine, the town now Phil Klutznick i s : chairman of the f Warsaw.—A-group of < 360 Zionist in Denbighshire, Wales, by a group begin promptly at 3:30. ly poor -who must remain in their has a population of about fifty thouat Psi Mu Dance home towns and find something to do pioneers (chalutzim) left Warsaw for of British and Egyptian Jews. campaign. sand Jews drawn from almost" every membership The institute, named for, Ceiriog, Mr. Sultan is a trustee^ of> thei Palestine. A crowd of several thouArt BandalPs Royal orchestra will there is so small that it is not necesquarter of the globe. The languages of Cleveland Orphan Home, • a member s a n d persons gathered at the station the Robert Burns of Wales, is defurnish the music for the Psi Mu sary to maintain these charitable sothese people and their press are either of the board of directors of the ^Tew- ^ bid bon voyage to the youtKful voted to commemorating distinguishdance to be given at the Paxton hotel cieties. Such men can be looked after Hebrew or English. Our observing ish Charities of Chicago;, a- member Zionists. ed Welshmen. . just as effectively by the Soviet bodon Sunday evening, April 5. traveler, who" returned from Tel Aviv of the Jewish Distribution Committee Proceeds of the affair will be used ies concerned with general social welLondon.—(J. T. A.)—Lord Passhas said: 'After being buffeted about of new York, and very active in all toward the backing of a team by the fare. Enough of these specifically field, Colonial Secretary, "has tendered the-world for two thousand years, Jewish activitiea in Chicago. He is Jewish charities breeding Jewish nahis resignation to Premier MacDonald J fraternity in the Southern League of ( tional trades and occupations. The Judaism has finally acquired a home considered a forceful speaker. ' of which it may well be proud. The but in order to suit the Prime Minismuny baseball association. They charity atmosphere of these societies the only fraternal organizacountryside for miles around is under ter's convenience the formal announce is entirely at variance with the ideals intense cultivation. And districts are ment of the resignation has been with- tion to attempt this in the history of of the Soviet order." f developing fruitful soil through scienJerusalem. (J.T.A.) To. the ac- cluded the famous*. Petach-Tikvah- held until June when J . ' H J Thomas, the league and will be the only alltific irrigation. Moslem herders of companiment of Oriental .festivities, Judeida agreement in 1921 as a now secretary for the Dominions, will Jewish nine in: sandlot competition Will Present Schatz's Work goats and camels gaze with somber .eternal peace was pledged between result of which Petach Ti:vah has take over the portfolio held by Lord this year. Admission is one dollar to National Museum eyes upon these developments. They Passfield, the parliamentary corre- per couple. Boston.—A group of leading JewJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—New nego- the Jewish colonists of Motza and since not been molested. seem rather resentful of the progress tiations between , the Jewish" Agency the Arabs of Colonia, whence came spondent of the London Jewish Chronesses here have launched a movement being made by these people-who have j and the British,government win begin the rioters who destroyed Motza, the icle reported. ; to acquire the masterpiece of the proNamed Fellows of American so long held Palestine in joint tenure April 14 at which timefthe proposed colony nearest t o ' Jerusalem, • during Two Plays by Mrs. Ever since the publication of the College of Physicians phet Isaiah as painted by Professor with them—yet are powerless to com- $12,500,000 u development plan, will the riots of 1929. It was during the White Paper of October, 1930, which Boris Schatz, founder of the Bezalel Romonek Produced Baltimore—In recognition of their pete against the flood <>f francs, ru- come, in for discussion, Dr. Chaim attack^on Motza that. fiv£ members stirred a storm of protest in Jewish contributions in the field of internal Art School—who is exhibiting his bles marks, dollars and pounds sterl- Weizmann declared.in an address be- of the;. Macleff familiy and their The - University of Nebraska Uni- and non-Jewish circles throughout medicine, 277 physicians including 25 work and that of his son, Bezalel, In ing, which are^ pouring into the city.' fore the Jewish National Council here. guests -were kilitd .'...-.'•-• versity .Players of Lincohi and the the world, there have been repeated Jews were made fellows of the Amer- this city during the entire week—and Tel Aviv,. even without & religious The peace pad was initiafca,! by o f P h s l c i a n s a t t h e an _ Jewish Community Center of Omaha rumors that Lord Passfield had te-j i c a n C o l l Dr. Weizmann; pointed out thit for to present it to the National Art Gal^significance, may soon rank equally Simcfa Broza, the first Jewish .col- are producing almost simultaneously signed, would resign or was about to nual convocation of the organization lery in Washington as a contribution this plan a tri-partite agreement be*.with Jerusalem as a tourist attractween Arabs, Jew? and Britain is es- onist to return to Motza after the plays written by Mrs. Philip Romonek. resign. of the Jewish women of Boston, here at the Alcazar. tion." sential, thus affording the '••••first' op- riots. Broza, once charge^ with the . . T h e : production at the Jewish Comportunity in a decade to confer with murder-of' an Arab during the riots r munity Center will take place the latthe Arabs on ~ a practical ..question was Teleased -when the evidence ter part of April, and is being spon- Legality of Yiddish, Bifurcated line May Hebrew Documents from which political negotiations against him was found .$0 nave been sored by , such people as Bernard SzoldjProfessor Paul Grumann, Dean frabricated. Settle Mosul Dispute might follow. Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—The RouThe pact was entered into in the of Fine Arts, and Miss Alice Howell, Moscow. <J.T.A.) Jewish Anti- sia. The Leningrad spokesmen dehead of the dramatic department of manian supreme'court here was asktraditional Oriental manner with the Death Rate of Berlin Jewry Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A bifurBeligious Congress opened here with clared that many "nests" of former the University'of Nebraska. I ed to rule on the decision of a"Czerslaughtering of a sheep to wipe out cated pipeline carrying 70 per cent j Twice. That of Birth Rate nowitz court that documents written seventy delegates representing every bourgeoisie are flourishing in Leninbe directed by Mrs. Herman Jahr. of the Mosul oil to Haifa in Palestine j Berlin.—Figures showing that the the blood feud, j class of Jews from all parts of the grad and that that that city is still Tryouts will be held on Sunday af- in Yiddish or Hebrew are illegal. and 80 per cent to Tripoli in Syria' death, rate among the Jews.of : Berlin] Amongr the witnesses to the signIn making its .decision the" Czerno--Soviet Union in attendance. Frederick ir:-*. Kisch, -v.,;-. ternoon- at a o'clock at the Jewish a center of Jewish nationalism. ; ifl thy Scheme now being, considered. is more than twice as'great as the «ing « - was — - Cofc " v •*—!«**. Jtl J r witz which i« in Bukowina: Bukowina; once session was a Community Center. All types are reman of the Palestine Executive of itz court whieh'Vin The surprise of the sessio Delegates from Crimea and other to settle the long-standing controv-' • "* were made ~ —-"*-''-— birth- "rate public here ''--' toersy over the route to be taken by day. In a population of 174,000 there the Jewish Agency. Shortly after quired and the casting is not limited part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, report from a Leningrad delegate places indicated that the anti-relig" the-MoSul pipeline from Iraq to the •were 1,176 deaths or seven in. every the. pact had been signed, Dr. Chaim to any particular group- or age. took into consideration an old Aus- that secret Hebrew schools and ious campaign is making no headway Everyone, with a desire to act is in- trian law that "did not Tecogirize docu- rabbinical seminaries are still in exMeditteranean, the .Hebrew newspa- thousand while the births totaled only t^eizmann visited Motza. i l i e former caoital-of Eus- among the Jews there. ments in YiddiBh, or. Hebrew." '.Shapiro was the man-who-con- vited to try out. «>er, Doar Hayom, reoorts todax. three la everr thousaadV'-" \

• •









> ; •









Oriental Rites Mark Peace


Pact by Jews* Coloiiia Arabs

Jewish AntUReligious Organizations in Russia Fail to Make Any Headway


r •



Story of the Exodus A Re/resmng Account How We Reached the to



giving protee^tm to bootleggers, im- These meetings are held a^ the Canaan* He wa» a aaan of Common moral and gambling institutions," Conant Hotel the first Monday of sense, and before attempting any uch month, but on account <4 the said Professot bellman. mass movement he sent spie> from The selection of city employees by Passover holiday the meeting this his headquarters at Abel-Shittitn to competitive examination and the month is being held at the Center. spy out the stronghold of Jericho on appointment «f auRlclpal judges Passover goodies will be uerv*a. Jewish Women's Welfare the other side of the Jordan, by the governor are changes which Members and friends are cordially Organization once he received .their report, were reccosrended by Mr, FeUman. invited. A regular meeting of the Jewish \e immediately gave orders ,that all Mr. Philip Schwartz and Mrs.' %hs twelve tribea of Israel prepare to Women's Welfare Federation will be Robert Glazer apjpfcared in a dialogue held on Tuesday, April 7^ at the Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club advane. The grossing was tn&de at "On th« Phone." Jewish Community Center, starting The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club one of the fords of the Jordan, the Miss Rose Brandeis gave two will sponsor a musical program on priests with the Ark of the Covenant at 2:30 p. ra. Abe Saitttnan will speak on "What piano numbers. Sunday 'evening, April 5, starting at going first. An4 Io, when the feet of After the program the members 8:80 p. m., at the Labor Lyceum, the Jewish Community Center Means thft priests touched the waters, the river'miraculously 4lvided eo that tbe to Me." Julius Bisno .will also of the Legislative and the Civics 22nd & Clark. groups served tea. whole host was able to, cross on the speak, The entertainment will include: New members announced vere: violin solo by Tillie DoglofT, aceoai* Plans are being made for a Mothd bed. . . ._.• . er-fiaughter banquet to be held Mesdames &. B. Bernstein, A. D. panied by Dora Dolgoff at the piano; The Siege Frank, 1. M. Weiirer, Joe Goldware, piano selection by Eebeccab'r Garrop, May 10. t h e first halt was aV.dugal, ^*ere A board meeting will be held at Dave Katleman, Julius ftosenfeld, accompanied by Tillie Dolgoff at the the invaders observed .the Passover 1:30 Tuesday, preceding the regular Victor Shapiro and R. Vann. * violin; a recitation by Betty Tat* laid ate unleavened bread.. Then, they meeting. The Course in Current Topics naff, pupil of Amy Woodruff; violin laid siege to Jericho, t i waS * city under the direction of Rev. Freder- Selections by Florence Lee, accompf palms in the.midst of gardens of ick Clayton will be resumed Tues- panied by her mother, Mrs. Harry Chesed She! Ernes balsam trees, tad it Was rich because Kabbi Manuel Laderman of Chi- day, April 7, i t the Jewish Com- Lee; a "Mosquito Dance" by Fferpf the luxuriant ferjfciUtj? of the soil. cago, who is conducting the Pass- munity Center at 10:^0 a. in. Dr (Continaea on Page 5.) But .they that dwelt in it were weak— over services at the B'nai Israel Ciayton*8 subject will fc« "The as b^yei been. all.tte occupants ever synagogue, will be the principal Modern Novel." pince. Jericho lies.deep in the valley speaker at an open 'meeting of the Mrs. Mors*'s elafts ift **A4olesof #ie Jordan, fall 800 feet below sea- Chesed She! femes on Monday, ence" will meet, at the Iewish ComFor 50 Years leyel, aftd the climate there is feat afld April 6. msnity Center Ftiday ftft6i«no6n, humid and emrvating. The city has Yo«r Towel Man April 10 at S E. This data Is always fallen an easy prey id an in- All members are ~urged to attend p sponsored by the £ ducat ion departOmaha Towel Supply Oft. vader. Joshua's army had to do little and to bring their friends. ment »t the Comncil. 209 So. 11th St JA. more than shout one lusty ©oof, and Council of Jewish Women by the grace of the Lord "the wall Ratntnhge The March meeting of the Jewfell down flat." Whereupon the tins CouHcil of Jewish Women will Israelites rushed in, paiaged its in- ish Women was held at the Jewish CARD SIGNS UETAX. SHINS habitants in proper military fashiofcj Community Center Monday after- have the annual rummage sale the PEOCES8—STENCILED SIGNS last week in April. If anyone having and then burnt the place to toe noon. The program presented at ground. this meeting was sponsored by the any discarded clothing vriU get in touch with Mrs. B, A, Simon, GlenJericho commanded the gateway to Legislative and Civics study groups dale 1028, she will call for t i e Cloth and Paper Banners OFFICE WINDOW AND the western hills, and with that con- of the Council of which Mrs, Philip bundles. TECCK UETTERINO quered, the way trfts open for the Schwartz and Mrs. Robert Glazer 1405 Harney JA. 52W Israelites. Several roads led up from are the respective chairmen. Hadassah Cultural David Fellman, associate professor Jericho to the Canaanite strongholds The April meeting fcfthe Hadasin the hills. One led to the city of of political science at the University Jebus, later called Jerusalem, but this of Nebraska was the guest speaker. sah Cultural Group will he held on BRANDEIS too steep and difficult to attempt. So In his talk on "The Political Boss" Monday, April 6, at the J. C. C. SHOE REPAIR DEPT. starting at 2 p . ra. Mr. Fellman described the "Boss' instead the invaders took the trail The program will include a book Reasonable Prices which led almost due west to Mich- as a man of ho principle, as a permash. Even this was by no means an son -who stoops to •' anything' to gain review by Rabbi Frederick Conn on Delivery Service eas? pass to climb, especially for an his own end. "Power and wealth "My First Two Thousand Yeats," Use Toor Charge Account army encumbered with women, chil- come to the boss as a result of his an autobiography of t i e Wandering Jew. Mrs. M. F. Leven&on will read dren, and flocks. But the home-huna paper on "Passorer,"and current gry Israelites were not to be stayed. events will be read by Mrs. Abe TJp, tip they clambered until at last Greespan. they were on the very top of the NATIONAL plateau. "' Good, neat room in very nice M ACCESSORIES, INC. KBNJ.TEDY. HOIXAJfp ft DKtACY Jewish Home. Just right for a 1502 Cttr Natlenai Bank Hldg. bey or girl. 1 "Everything for the Auto" PROBATE NOTICB CaB AT. 7728—2446 Bart St. In the Matter of the Estate of Satoael 2501 Farnam—AT. 5624 A. Bobertsen. Deceased.

Organization News

(From the American Hebrew) k after the slaves departed he gathered which enabled the wanderer* to teach So long as Joseph was still alive, his army and set out to recapture Mt, Sinai. At thik hoU spot the Lord entered into an ^agreement with the ' the Hebrews were left at peace in them. Gosfaen. Dwelling in the generous The runaways, heavily laden with; people, promising to care for them H of the River Nile, where there the booty they had taken from their and prosper them on condition that was never drought and seldom famine, former masters, had not been able to they kept His Commandments. The they prospered exceedingly and multi- gravel fast; indeed they were still no Israelites remained a t Sinai about a plied until "the land was filled with farther than the Bitter Lakes when year, and then, led by Moses, they set them." But when Joseph died, and iPharaoh was' almost on them. And out for Canan, their Promised Land. his service to the country was forgot- they were indespair, for the Red SeaThey struggled along in a northerly ten, the Egyptians turned on the alien' barred their one way of escape. But direction across the desert until they folk, and took them captive, and made the Lord came to their aid and mira- reached an oasis named Kadeshculously parted the sea for them. The Barnea, and there they encamped them slaves. waters were £wept. away so that the while awaiting the report o f the spies Taskmasters lashed them to work Hebrews could cross over on the dry they had sent in advance to Canaan. on those huge buildings of brick and1 sea-bottonu But when the Egyptian But when at last the report came, the stone the ruins of which are still to army with all its chariots and horses children of Israel were terrified. Of be seen in Egypt. They built "treas- tried to follow, the waters rushed the twelve spies only two, Joshua and ure-houses" that is, f ortessea or gar-;1 back to their place and the whole Calebs brought back an encouraging risons for the ruling Pharaoh. (The host was drowned. • And thus were story. The rest declared Canaan to ruins of two of these "treasure-1 the children of Israel delivered from be a land of mighty forests inhabited houses," Pithqrn and Ramses, have bondage. by giants! been located in modern time.) Bitter! One can well understand the reason indeed Was the travail of the He-Toward Mount Sinai for so exaggerated a report. The brews,, for their masters were without In a snow, tortuous procession, they mercy. Nor did their sufferings abate pushed on toward Mount Sinai, which Canaanites, living in a fertile land, with time. > was one of a little range of volcanic were well-nourished and rather adBut- then the Lord had mercy on mountains almost 200 miles southeast vanced in the art of war. To the halfHis people and sent them a leader of Goshen. It was a gruelling jour- starved desert bedouins they must innamed Moses to deliver them from ney, for the Hebrews were not accus- deed have appeared a fearsome folk. bondage. The story of that deliver- tomed to desert travel. Food gave The Israelites utterly lacked the courance is recounted in the Book of Exo- out; there was no water; the desert age to attempt an invasion and dus, and i t is a story full of wonders. tribes attacked them. Very soon the whined with chagrin that they had Moses had to bring down ten fell runaways began to wish they had ever left Egypt. plagues upon the Egyptians before at neve* left Egypt, where they had al- Whereupon the Lord was wroth and last Pharaoh would let the Hebrews ways had at least enough food to eat. swore that none of that generation go. Even then the tyrant was not But the. Lord was with them, and b y ' , s a v e t h e heroic Joshua and Caleb sufficiently humbled, for immediately Moses' hand. He performed miracles; w o u l d b e privileged ever to enter ' Canaan. Full of despair the Israelites had'to return to the terrible wilderness of Paran and wander there 38 years. Apparently thejf became mer&r . By. Heriry J ^ g z a i n i n •__' ly another of the many wretched be-, Oscar Mayerffwich, - the genial douin peoples- roving about in that wasteland. .. J , - - - .. .. manager.of the A*~Z* A. No, a, has giTen me wlsat ha conSi<Jers an AUWandering Ceases Sta* J . C. C team: Forwards, But at last, when the nest genera- Greenberg of the A. Z. A. No. 100 tion grew to manhood, the aimless and Sodofsky of the same team. At wandering ceased. T/he young He- Center* he places Bill Gertick of brews, bora anditear^dTtB the ^fierce the Sterlings, at the guards he fcas want and wild freedom of the desert, Rosen of A. ZL A. No. 1 and Phi} had the courage of desperado^ They Gerelick of the Sterliaga, If the were sick of the •tfflderriess. with its other managers of the different blistering, heat by day and freezing teams have an "All-team" in mind, winds at night. So led by the aged we will be glad to consider it. Moses, they struck out anew," toward To the Rhythm of ELECTRIC COMPANY Canaan. They tried to enter the land Spring football has started at the directly through, the South Country, Creighton University and we find but discovered Iheir way barred by two of Omaha's best Jewish athletes hostile native tribes roving in that oat for the Varsity. AT Th« two Wdn* region. . ners, Lou and Henry, are making There was nothing left for them, strong bids- for the best guards to WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. therefore, save to make a wide detour appear on the Hilltop. Henry, who ; ; F O R :;• to Elath, then around Mt. Hor, and s only a sophomore, has been; thus on through Moab to the Rivet : ^: $1.00 Per Couple \ r Jordan. I t was a long journey and hampered by a bad knee. Great 638 Securities Btt*-~AT. 4451 indescribably hard, for hostile tribes things are expected from these two boys. Hera's a lot of luck, fellows. infested every -mile of the way. But the Hebrews had by now become $ Kardy and desperate people* No. mat- The Girl's city basketball leagu* CHARLES SIMON ter how heavy the odds against them, ended last veek with the Jewish Ueconuneadi lassies in fifth place. Not so good they could not be stayed. and not set bad* but we must conThe Sanitary Laundry The Moabitea, who at the time were sider that this was Mr* Segel's first The Best ot All Laundry Service" a weakened nation, did not dare rettlfl sist the wild Hebrews as they came yea? with the girls' Mxtet and he Faroam has really accomplished a great deal plunging up from the desert. But the Amorites* who had but recently We save great Hopes for a winning "• conquered the i-egion north of the team next year. River Arnon, were less docile. The Johnny Rosenblatt, all-around ath* Amoriteshad two-kings, Sihon and lete and" good:* fellow, will soon de-rj Og. Sihon ruled over the. Southern JOB FOUNDRY part for spring trainig camp. HeKingdom, GUead* but he did not AND MACHINE WORK for the Hebrews to invade: his r^alm. has been giten a try-out with REINFORCING STEEL He went oat to meet them at Jahass, Western League ball club. Johnny on MoabHe. soil, and was utterly de- ia one of Omaha's beat "sandletters,' feated. The victorious Hebrews He plays in the otrtfield. swept up north and forthwith invadThe Psi Mu will have the only Jew-ed the rich pasture-land of Bashan, Third Ave. and 11th Street ish ball l cjijb j j in the ci^f. ^f Fund^. ^. foi f which was ruled by Og» At Eldrei Choice of the finest homes. The favorite 'where, 'economy is Phonea: 89 and 619 watched. A luxury within .the reach of all. Its high reputa-: they met Qga army-, defeated it, a.nd the team are being, raised by their i COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA tion recommends tfiaVyou try it. : 1 _ . •' : slew the. king. And then the He-dance to be held'at the Paxtd&: brews were virtually the masters of Hotel this Sunday, April the fifth/; all the region north of the Arson and The boys fceed cjuite a bit ©f th* east of the Jordan. "COld Cash"., .;; The Moabitea and Midianites ia a Talking to. Nate Cutler, Creighton belated effort to resist the invaders employed a magician named Balaam tennis stajr. B:e teBs me that the to curse- the Hebrews; bat the Lord Omaha, tennis club courts will soon turned hia words to blessings, andi the he open for use. The Club grounds COMtUETE STOREJ AND " ButterNui conspiring races were severely punish- are the favorite summet spot for OFFICE OUTFrrTfiRS ed. And then Moses* who had led t!»a ma,ny of the Jewish boys. One «atn find Joe Cohen, gam. BenHebrews-all this time, went up on Or*r Mt. Nebo to gaze across the Jordan der, Jule Goldner, Kate Cutler, and Southwest Corner at: -the kmd which hi? people was L. Friedman out there any day* Eleventh end Douglas Streets about to conquer. It was not his lo With such an array of tennis talent Phone JAckson 2'/24 to.enter that landV There, on. Mt we wpuld like to see a Jewish tennis Omaha, Nebr. Keb© he bteat&ed hia fesi: and was;team this •Japan Tea buried no one knowa where. For his btatK! great work was, donej Israel stood on Many of ti& boya attending the ^reshoM a*XSi^an,.; ;. ton W ^ entiftd theft awiaat MID WEST •When, Mo$es was a^wV to dfohe a$poia:te4JosiSu>^th<swm^o* $Tun* ?# cleaned np last yea?, gilt taking the JsinglSi!, afid thda Bill hia successor. Joshujv had proved ' d Mtk JSorrts filaAer t<» Wan. mettle i nmany an adventure during fe JBlacbt, ^ p tfo liraJaj&i^ia:: #*$ ^^eiSessfi; MA and h[ was well fitted for thft hard: task of leading t i e Jewish invasion intd entered.

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FBABKSBFBO, BTA1LMA8TEB & BEBER Att SO Omalu 9t«tlon«l Bant BlAf. XOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OF FAETXEHSHIP N o « « Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing: between Harrv H. Koibers and Harry Sortie, under the firm name of Sostin and Kozberg at 1502 Korth l>Oth street, at Otoana, KebtdBta, has been dissolved tnd that th« saha bnsinesi will be carried on by Harry Sostin, who will be responsible for all flirt present and future debts of the said basisess. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this I7th flay of March, 1981. fiARET H. KOZBBRG. HARRY. SOSKIN. 4T—3-ST , STAiMASXEK * BKBES Att«rnty» 80 Oinalw Satlbnat Bonk IfOTICE OF DISSOt-TTTIOX OF V . -VIGWJA. VAJLV'SS, IXC. N«tioe to hereby eWea that, mt a special } tteetlng of all ot the Stockkoiaers of Vlctot Vulnw, I n c . held «a Nwrember IT. 1930. s t Qmaaa. jiebraska, the lollowing S l t J d n •w*» m»ftnlm«t»«ly y ndo^ted; ^ B IT RESOLVED, That Victor Valve*, Iac^ be and t i e satte. IS hereby dissolved ana tkst the officers «f t t e cotporstlon be and they are hereby authorized to rUe notice et said £!R8Otatt«a wan the Secretary ot State at UnceJn, Nsbraska, and to publish notice of said dissolution m the J e i s h rres* at iPmaJia, PfehtnsJt •' ILlJlR, President. HTMIK 'Secretary. 3-20-4T


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PAGE a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 3," 1931 life and thought throughout the cen- Science." They have not taken up evening as follows: Bens Jewelry vs. his ideas of a moral code divorced Mal&shoek Jew^hy and Kaiznan Inturies. from religion or of the superior moral surance vs. Empire Cleaners. New Ethical Approach? ideas of the New Testament. Does What Einstein has said about an their silence betoken a trend toward ethical code not requiring support Einstein and Montefiore in their apfrom religion, a code with divine sanc- praisal of Jesus as an ethical teacher, tions, is a point of view that has or toTrard the opinions of Klausner? found expression among: some of our Will they agree -with Einstein and Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Peruvian Eabbis. Rabbi Bernard J. Hellor, in consulate here announced that the Ee„ , Rabbis Kaplan and Goldman that public of Peru was allotting free land addressing the Central Conference of ^ n o divine sanctioilE for colonization. At the same time i American Rabbis last summer, cited m Q r a l c o d e j and are essentially principles of huthe consulate warned those interested Rabbis Mordecai Kaplan, Solomon j man relationships evolved by the race in settling in Peru not to negotiate Goldman and Herman lissauer as the i out of its experience through the cen- with swindlers who have been obbut Ms cosmic snse of awe at the! apostles of Jewish Humanism who turies? Will they submit to Profestaining money under false pretense mystery of the universe is but a mod- affirm that "the ethical and social sor Einstein's silence on the reality from prospective colonists here. strivings of men need not and must ern translation of the songs of the of God, and be satisfied with an apnot be linked up with any theistic The consulate's announcement has «arly Biblical psalmists." , proach to the universe that is a state Doctor Louis L Newman, another creed or God-idea. The basis and of mind, a cosmic religious sense that j no connection with the recently disand, cussed plan for extensive Jewish Reform Rabbi, of Temple Rodeph sanction of any ethical act, say they, impelled Kepler and Newton, Newton and must be its utility t o the individual aye, Einstein himself to the unravel- colonization in Peru. Sholom, pleads that Einstein and reing of the mysteries of the universe. ligionists are not at variance: "Ein- or' to the group." Are the Rabbis mentioned by Rab- (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- PATRONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS/ stein is stirred by the awful mystery graphic Agency, Inc.) of the universe, though he refuses to bi Heller the prophets of a new ethiexplain it in terms of a Personal God. cal approach in Judaism that eo-InWANTED — Young man, high school graduate, who knows Religion makes a mistake if i t seeks cides with the opinion of Professor some bookkeeping to take care t o force scientists to compromise Einstein? of coal office. Nominal salary, We might also inquire whether 'with their ^own severe standards of but opportunity to learn, the logicality, triad and experiment. If Professor Einstein, in his reference to trade. W. L. Av. the New Testament, has not been JEWISH PRESS BoxSl the scientists express religiously— MAX W E B . _ 4 2 SO .583 motivated sentiments merely in order preceded in his Tiews by recognized Empire Cleaners ; —41 31 .569 This article presents the reactions or as one~wfib rewara's "or punishes. significant, quotation suffice „ « » - to allay the suspicion that they are Jewish scholars. The fact is that we Malashock Jewelry —41 34 .547 of- Orthodox. Conservative and Reform He asserts that a moral code requires SabM Jose ben. Chalafta, i n inter- anti-religious, they are false to their can find many statements in the writ- Wardrobe rabbis to Professor Einstein's ideas of Ben's Jewelry —38 34 .528 ings of Kauf mann Kohler and Claude cosmic religion as presented specifi- no support from religion. H e does preting the Biblical phrase, -Behold chosen calling. Science and religion G. Montefiore that are in accord with Yousem Battery 30 45 .400 cally i n a new book "Cosmic Relig- not think that man i s a free agent space is n i n e , held that -space i s an are not enemies, but they are brothers 45 .375 that of Einstein. TvnjTngn Insurance ", 9*7 ion" (Covici-Friede). This analysis who can be held accountable for bis aspect of the infinite. omnipresent "of different temperament and occupaThe regular schedule of the season I t i s of passing interest that, whereobtained by the Jewish Press and the deeds. He sees man as a creature God; that we cannot limit God and tion." Jewish Telegraphic Agency, points as Professor Einstein is an ardent terminated with Tuesday evening's 5 One is tempted to inquire: "Why out how the apparently radical ideas who acts in accordance-with "an outer declare that the -world is TTia -place. Zionist in spite of his acknowledg- play. However, it will be necessary and inner necessity," . and therefore And Doctor Leo Jung of the Jew-] do the Rabhis look at Einstein so •of the great Jewish scientist -were'received by the American rabbinate.— not any more responsible for what he ish Center of New York,asserts.: "The i placidly?" Are the Rabbis of today ment of the superior ethical religion for the contenders to play off the Editor. does than an inanimate object for the Jewishness of the Scientist Einstein indifferent, or are they themselves of t h e New Testament, a professor at postponed games in order to decide the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, j the winners. movements it makes. seems to me to be expressed in his imperceptibly succumbing to an inEinstein has said: Joseph Eausner, while conceding that I The Empire Cleaners jumped into Every young woman Since m a n i s not a free agent, Ein- passionate quest after unity and in escapable logic of scientists such as Jesus surpassed Hfllel in his ethical' first position by their victory over the ' 1 do not believe in a God "who re1 wan+s lovely shoes stein would substitute for a code of bis sense of humility and awe in con- Einstein? Our historical knowledge •wards or punishes." ~ ideals, asserts that two thousand Ben's Jewelry. The Yousem Tires projects the picture of a Baruch Spin"I do not believe in a personal morals with divine sanctions, a sys- templation of the universe." years have proven, that the Jewish tumbled the Malashock Jewelers into Turning from Rabhis who represent oza who was excommunicated by the t e m of social relationships worked out -God." people did not. err in rejecting the i second place by a great spurt in the " I believe Buddhism more than any by man's intelligence on the basis of orthodox Judaism, we ponder the ob- Rabbis of Bis day^ "He was cursed by teachings of Jesus which were sev- j final frame. The Kaitnan InSQTBBce growing experience, applied servations of one who is known as a day and night; in sleeping and rising; ered from the national life of the j destroyed the 'Wardrobes hope by • other religion, reveals a sense of cos- his through education and with sympathy. conservative teacher. _ Rabbi Xxsuis in going out and in coming in; with , rxiic religion."-? Jew, "for Judaism is a national life." winning two successive games. -~"I believe that moral religion i s And yet, a Rabbi of .American Israel Finkelstein, on the faculty of the all the curses with which Joshua Many of the Rabbis have discussed Ben Yousem was high with a total Jewish Theological Seminary, holds «ursed Jericho and Elisha cursed the carried further in the New Testament declares: the cosmic sense of Einstein, as pre- of 568. Here's just one of s T h e religion of Albert Einstein that "the world will have to .be far children." t h a n in the sacred writings of the sented in his article on "Religion and j Postponed games for next Tuesday score of charming mx- , will not be approved by certain sec- better organized and educated before Our question arises from a distortJewish people." ample* of "Dorm-Dell" : the scientist's religious experience can tarians but i t must and will be aped view of Spinoza's excommunica'""I believe religion and science a r e be made universal . . • Einstein, proved by Jews." tion. Modern scholars, such as AlexShoes to choose from at irreconcilable antagonists." speaking as a scientist, says nothing ander Marx, Max L. Margolis and I t is remarkable that none of the Orthodox, Conservatives about the reality of God; perhaps he Leon Roth, maintain that the act of Rabbis questioned his Jewishness. Reform represents holds that human experience can give excommunication was a "political' Professor Einstein, though concedOn a moment's reflection one might us no understanding of His essence. move on the part of a community 'that ing that the cosmic element m a y ' b e be tempted to say that the Rabbis In that he is once again in agree- had just gained the prize of tolerance ] found in the Psalms of David and in who include Einstein in the religious OF NEW YORK f, t h e Prophets, claims that it is strong- fellowship of " Israel instead of ex- ment with most of the mediaeval Jew- and feared that it would suffer -un'? « r in Buddhism. He grants that the cluding him, are reform Rabbis who ish philosophers, though they held less it separated itself from one who Assets of ovej One and One-fourth Billion Dollars SEA SAND KID vTJIble of the Jew has gone far beyond are not exacting a s the Orthodox or that ignorant as we may be of.the taught heresies -which were resented BEIGE KID. ' i h e religion of • primitive peoples, the even the conservative. This opinion ultimate nature of God, we must be by the world at large. Our Rabbis convinced of His existence by l i e no- are not manifesting an unusual reacreligion of fear—''fear of hunger, of BLUE KID P . N . CROXSON, Agency Manager overwhelmingly controverted by bility and marvelous xnrder which are is tion. They are exemplifying an atti-r-wild animals, of ilmess and of death." BLACK the comments and lectures of several revealed - in nature and in the world tude that has "colored normal Jewish 545 Omaha National Bank Building—ATlantic 4367 • B u t he finds the social or moral idea to. the new punched y orthodox, conservative and reform of t h o u g h t s tot plain and in combinai oE, God "carried further" in the New Babbis who are a. unit in -refraining tions. r •i Testament. with Judaism from denunciation and bent more upThe same insistence on linking the 'Israel's Most Distinguished; on demonstrating that Professor Hinif Son" I?' Bteiri's .'-views; • iaisJ"-. expressed in. his essence ~of Enjstlan^xosinic religion .<-' " These views did not call forth any book,- "Cosmic Religitm;" ;are funda- with the essential spirit jaf Jugaism 217 South Sixteenth St. Is voiced by Reform;Rabbi, Doctor "-adverse criticism. The Rabbis'still mentally those of, Judaism. "• Doctor David de Sola Pool of the Nathan Krass of Temple Emana-El: adhere to their contention that he is Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue of "The religion of Albert Einstein will "Israel's most distinguished son living" or -profess to see " t h e Jewish' New York City s a y s r "Passage after, not be approved by certain secretarpassage in the Bible shows that Ein- ians, but it must and will be apr ness of Einstein." Einstein disapproves of a code of stein's -cosmic religion sense is the proved "by the Jews . , . . Einstein has of the Bible's religious teach- no sense of religion in the sense the morals that-has any relationship to heart 1 God, either as the one who reveals ing . The' Rabbis . carried this on •professional religionist uses the term, or sanctions its underlying principles, further. Xet "but* one searchingly nor even in the sense of the peasant,

£ Cosmic Religion of Professor Einstein

Peru Offering Lands Free for Colonisation

The Reactions of Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Rabhis t

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crisis through which we passing. Jews are particularly severe sufferera in New York, iecaeSe tst thfc disaster which overtook t&* Bank of United States and ©the* institutions.

Four years ago Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn of .j Chicago inaugurated a much needed Jewish Book j Publiafied every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, 67 Week, to acquaint the populace mote intimately: THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY with Jewish works. The movement has since, Nebraska-Easter 810BX q g ^ OFFICE gradually assumed national proportions, and for JEWISH COMMDNITY CENTEE--308 Pierce Street Humanists continues to make this year the week of May 8-9 has been approstrides. Recently a magazine has apSubscription Price; o n e y e a r - - - - - - . - - New Frenca crepes, English peared wherein the Bo&s&ist viewpriately selected as Jewish Book Week, coinciding By Advertising rates furnished on application point is expounded in articles and ed* Rtnucfcundss, Cameo crepe, with Lag B'Omar, the Hebrew festival of scholars. itorials. Rabbi Herman Iisseuer, Eagle crepe, and the most inRABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN The plans being forinulated fot this observfounder and leader of the Jewish interesting fancy patteme in Congregation Eodeph Sholom, New York ance in Chicago should serve as a guide worthy stitute of Los Angeles, a Jewish Hunew Spring neckwear. t Office: 490 Brandels Theater Bvatdiag of emulation. A committee of forty is hard a t manist group, is favorably mentioned S j O O S-joQ § 0 0 0 Telephone: Atlantic 1450 work in the "Windy City" getting the co-operation Walter Ligpman's "Testament of "Martin," "Sanford," "Myron," and so by Judge Ben Lindsey in his latest DAVID BfcAC&Efc <• - - • Bootless and Managing Editor of all the book stores and the city's public library liberalism" was ottered a t a banquet forth, except that they may begin book, "The Dangerous life." Other OtherNeckwear gjc to $j.& FRANK & ACKEEMAN * - ----. * - * - -.:- - - - Editor to make displays of Jewish books and books <m.> in his honor at the Academy of Poliwith the letter "M," suggesting Rabbis of Humanist inclinations are PANNIB JKATELMAN, Council Bluff*, la., Correspondent Jewish topics and by Jewish authors, They are tical Science recently, fie said in "Mosbe," or the letter "S," suggest- forging rapidly t6 the front. a r t : <<We It may well be that through the »ast. assume that the fa- ing "Shmuei." Perhaps Jewish paralso doing their utmost to spread t h e idea] P Humanist Influence in Judaism, a new tore will surprise us. We must ac- ents may incline towards Hebraic HEBREW CALENDAR throughout the country. group of religious essays will be writknowledge that ire do cot know, how fiam^s 'le-Haklis" if the law is said 5691 It would be well if this year Omaha could en- oar destiny will unfold. The only to forbid them. One of the interest- ten, a new set of prayers and medita1st Day —^.Thursday, April 2 ter into the spirit of Jewish Book Week^-ActuaHy, sure foundation of action is truth that ing sociological items of history is tions will be offered, and a new im.Wednesday, April 8 not merely in name only. I t would be Well if the experience will verify, and the great the manner in which Jews have *Jud- pulse given to religious activity 7th. Day Pessaeh™. our young people. Humanism April 18 educational committee of the Jewish Ckjmmunity concern of the liberal spirit with hu- aized" ultra Gentile names, leading among Rosh Cnode"sh Iyarl fceema to be an ideal faith for young Lag b'-Oineri May 5 Center took it upon itself to sponsor the observ- man freedom rests at last upon the the Gentiles to spurn them and turn people; whether they will adhere to that at almost any cost men to Hebraic ones. Rosh Chodesh SivaiL. -Sunday, May 17 ance. They should not experience any difficul- confiction must keep open the channels of un- Dr. William J. Cooper, United it when they mature junder the buf1st Day Shabuoth-^ -Friday, May 22ties in securing co-operation. For instance, the derstanding and preserve unclouded, States Commissioner of Education, fetings of experience, rmains to be Public Library has just announced the receipt of lucid and serene their receptiveness of has expressed his opposition to theseen. Nebraska-Easter one hundred twenty-five new Yiddish books by truth." linking of religious education with the THE FOUR QUESTIONS This is admirable doctrine and those public school system. He does not outstanding authors besides their galaxy of Jew* Another Passover is here and once again ish works printed in English, and we feel certain pseudo-liberals who pretend to be wish religion to be taught by & lay world ; Jewry, has occasion to celebrate the m that they will be willing to lend their aid. The welcoming towards new manifesta- teacher in the public schools. "I IfrewTOrma&izedno of Jewish and general religious would like to see a longer school day mg shirts from MaafcitibjB, raentous hour which sounded the death knell to books ranking high in the realm of recognized tions belief, ought take Mr. Lippman's idea and perhaps see some religious orBy DAVID SCHWARTZ Baffle and Yorke—enlv im Egypt's tyranny .over her liberty-donscious slaves literature which are on Jewish topics or by Jewish to heart. The battle for free thought ganization take advantage of it, but O m a i a at Th« KebnwH. who willingly risked their lives for freedom. The writers are numerous, and the propagation of I have already tried it and it does not Wtw stripes, new f i g erM *t battle for liberalism likewise is work. You may as well recognize the THE TIMES AND THE nights, of that quaint and picturesque Jewish their interrelation with Jewishness will stimulate « 8 » eolers. Collar aitEcfce4 —collar to match. Vast sbewceremonial—the Sadurim—are past, and before usj Jewish interest and will undoubtedly redound to unending. The liberals of yesterday fact," writes Dr. Cooper to a confer- WORLD A most interesting interview with when entrenched in power, are only ence of pastors and religious teachers 'Jiff stretchBs a week of traditional significance. our advantage from the external world. Such too ready to persecute and excom- at the Central Y. M. C. A. in Phil- Adolph. Ochs appears in the current Frankly, as you read this, did yotif family educative propaganda gives us a finer apprecia- municate the liberals of the hour. adelphia, "that the school system will Editor and Publisher. It will be reobserve "the Seder Service in all the pristine ritual tion of Jewish literature as well as giving us a never carry on authentic formal re- called that when the employees of the White Broadcloth New Jewish stories are making the ligious training. You may further World prior to its sale received the and beauty ? Did you listen to the fiaggadah and plan of buying tJiat paper and runbetter standing in the community. $i.oo to $4.50 rounds in New York. One tells of the recognize that the American school dip into the wine on "Dem," "z'fardeah?" PerJewish gentlemen sitting at a motion system is shaking itself free from ning it themselves, they gave credit haps you did. And again perhaps you did not. picture of the famous Madame Du- tradition." Apparently Dr. Cooper's for the idea to Mr. Ochs, of the New At least you can, Unfortunately, rest assured that Barry. Not knowing her history, one experience in California and elsewhere York Times. Now Mr. Ochs is back from Honoa large percentage of your American Jewish gentleman asked a Gentile near by: has taught him a lesson he needed to lulu where he has been vacationing, "Who was Madame DuBarry?" learn. friends'; missed the historic, exotic Seder. Inter- ** and he expressed great regret that The Gentile answered: "She was a FOR WORLD CONCORD I recall the occasion when Dr. est has -waned even in those families in which the employees plan was not consumrococo coquette?" Cooper, then superintendent of eduOrthodox tradition has been deeply imbedded The olive branch becomes the Jew much bet- "What did he say?" inquired the cationmated. He declares that had he been of the State of California, apfrom generation to generation, from father to son.' ter than the sword. Because the Jew has ever second Jew of the first. peared before the legislature to de- in New York, he vrould have provided The praying is forgotten, the food is American- been the prey to warring nations, because he has "I don't know," was the reply, "he fend the proposal of release time for the financial guarantee necessary for ized, the spirit and fervor vanished. Only the so often felt the strong arm of the conqueror, is stutters so." religious education in connection with the employee ownership of fee World. J Mr. Ochs, it appears, has a very' the public schools. I had a somewhat wine-drinking is still important, and that prin- it any wonder that the Jew looked upon peace as Mrs. Finkelstein was noisily con- pointed correspondence with him ontgood opinion of the New York World, Synonymous with security and permanency, andsuming her Borscht at dinner when a cipally ;because of prohibition. subject in which I too* occasion d e s P i t e ^ e f « * t h a t lt w a sa rival o f What a glorious opportunity we Jewish par- therefore, longed for the time when the swords messenger hastily entered to say: the i_ i_..t • - . „, . ! his own and be wanld liked to to urge upon him the viewpoint that his own and he would have liked to ents are letting slip by! Here is a holiday week of international strife would be beaten into "Mrs. Finkelstein, your husband has no public officials, representing all have seen it continue despite the fact Nebraska-Spring which lends itself to the imagination of the chil- ploughshares, and the lion of war would lie down had a terrible accident" groups of the community, should lend that with its disappearance, his own Undisturbed, Mrs. F. continued to his voice or influence to the support paper has gained in circulation. dren, afestival which by its very nature magneti- beside the gentle lamb of peace? You remember those lines of Scott, | consume the Borscht. legislation which tended to join cally attracts. What an impression we could What, then, has the Jewish contribution been "But Mrs. Finkelstein," shouted the of who depicts the victorious foe lamentHew pattern e f f e c t s an4 and state, religion and public make iipoh their plastic minds—especially ia it to this movement? How have the Jewish people messenger, "your husband is dead." church ing the death of his rival: color effects galore in Dt*$. education. batten, Glover ami Uhivtrial important to offset the Easter glamor. With what endeavored to beat swords into ploughshares? Mrs. Finkelstein unconcernedly con- It would be immensely regrettable "My fairest Kingdom would I give Pajamas. Coat style, JflMdy tinued to lap up the Borscht. a romantic tale could we delight our children as How have they sought -world concord? if Dr. Cooper, now lifted to a na- To bid Clan-Alpine's chieftain live." sbyl*, Enssian bloase. AJI I haven't quoted it entirely correct'•Haven't you any,feelings?" said we mak,6 them>eager td search for the 'lAfikomen" The whole Jewish literature, from Biblical the messenger, "your husband has tional post, should seek to foster a. ly—but it is somewhere in Scott, and nses! Regulars! Extra long I system fraught with grave perils to and the*ensuing reward to the lucky finder; the times, through the medieval period, to the modern been killed." Extra large! A d eis til the religious peace of the community^! *W *«. 5 ° ? * leaning arid sitting Of the male elders on soft age is largely an exposition of the ideal of peace, Then Mrs. Finkelstein between Jewish it seems, that the leaders should do nothing; ^ S ^ r s a spirit, spirit it 9 5 TO cushions; the mysterious opening of the door for a n d a prophecy of the inevitable realization of spoonsful, said: "When I finish eat- which would place them in the rolej owner of the New York Times shares. the per^nially-expected arrival of Elijah. How peace on earth. * The Bible teaches the lesson of ing this Borscht, are you going to of suggesting religious instruction OMISSION OF BERLINER Other Pajamas during school hours. We wish a Yet I searched for something about the children would like to hear the story of Pass- peace page after page. Abraham, as we recall it, hear this woman give a scream!" tO $I2.$Q over which would rival their favorite fictional said: "Let there be no strife, for we are brethren." "I am the Rabbi's Tchtcherman,' maximum of spiritual training for our Emil Berliner, the famous Jewish in^ g people, p p , but they y should secure ventor, whose inventions did so much stories,"'the story of a people who miraculously The Midrash and the Talmud are full of prayers said the Hasid. it in the home, in the religious school, for the phonograph, telephone; who and heroically cast off the shackles of bondage glorifying the desirability and beauty of peace. "What do you mean?" asked a and the temple house. invented the radio "mike" and a dozen and journeyed to find the Promised Land. They The traditional "sholom elachem" with which Jew friend. If Jewish parents were better other things. Next to Thomas Edi"Well," answered the Hasid, "when too would thrill to find how t h e matzoth sym- greets Jew signifies "peace be upon you." The my Rabbi performs a miracle, I go: equipped to fulfil their obligations in son, I dont believe any other Amerithis respect, there would be less in- can inventor, influenced such a wide bolized ! the unleavened bread made in the wilder- daily devotions of our pious ones have consistent- Teh! Teh! Teh!" clination to shunt the responsibility diversity of inventions. And yet there ness; that the "Charoses" represents the mortar i y and persistently re-echoed the Jewish cry for upon the shoulders of professionals in is not a word about him. prepared by the hard-driven.Hebrew slaves; that peace. A supplication for peace among all the Revisionist fanatics in New York the synagogue and community. Let me be understood. I am abthe bitter herbs are to remind us of the bitterness nations of the earth is a feature of Jewish wor- City sought to prevent Rabbi Magnes Rabbis are not clergymen, accord- solutely sure that the dictionary's from making an address at the So-ing to a German court decree. Roman of slavery; that the door opened ostensibly for ship that cannot be overlooked in these significant ciety omission is not to be attributed to any for the Advancement of JudaElijah'signified a welcomerby the Jew to all. This times when the whole world is striving for Isiah's ism. Such conduct is unworthy. Dr. Catholic priests and Protestant minis- j anti-Jewisa bias. In fact, It is more ters are approved as clergymen, but j towards Jews generally than is all £& ancient story, but it is always new andwise dream of universal peace. Magnes deserves to be heard, what- Rabbis are not. To be sure, if there1, e v e r hopecj. Thus, in the first ever his opinions. The obstructionNebraska-Spring fresh !^pd there is no ex-cuse for any Jewish child All through the ages, great Jewish leaders had been no Rabbis, there would havfc two Volumes, we meet with such pernot belfig well-acguainted with it. Through these have advocated the wisdom of peace and attempt- ists should remember that the name been no Catholic priests and Protest' sons as the late Rabbi Berkowitz of is remembered, while the ant ministers. Moreover, if there had alluring tales and through the Seder we can teach ed to practice i t in their own lives. Coming downj,of Jeremiahthose Pittsborg, Jadah P. Benjamin and who threw him Into New and complete selection Our children to love the beauty of Jewish tradi- to modern times, we find several Jews who stand the cistern have been consigned by been no Judaism, there would have several Jews^ of whom I had not even been no Christianity. tbafeit'g a pleasure to cbccw heard. tion. •/;'. forth prominently as champions of the peace posterity to oblivion. Apparently Hitlerism in Germany from. All styles in unidi But; Passover has a moral for the elders as movement. extends from the political to theBENJAMIN AS DON JUAN suits, athletic &&& knit and factor in the in-, well a!, the youngsters. I t is the link which binds There was Ivan von Bloch, that Russo-Polish An interesting judicial arena. If Rabbis are not 1 was particularly pleased with tte fancy sMrte and shorts. popularity of Temple and clergymen, what, pray, are they? i!ket splendid biography of Judah P. Benus'wili| our l?ast, that pierces the mists of the financier and economist, whose monumental En-creased • Union State Community Seders is the decrease of German court would do well to re-jamin, the Secretary of State in the a'ges. ; As of yore Passover today still marks the cyclopedia of War, in six volumes, is said to have Tiome $1.00 to $4.50 life in the large cities. Families Southern Confederacy. I was pleased passing of winter into spring; it buoys up ourinfluenced Czar Nicholas II, to/enunciate his who have not the facilities to observe read the story of the Shofar which with the fine humanness of. it—the Athletic Shirts acd Short! Rabbi, despite the best intentions courage, reminding us that np matter how bleak famous "peace" declaration resulting r i n • the tha.celebration in their own homes the inclusion of thosS little human inter50c to $2.50 * and efforts, could only describe as a turn to the synagogue and center. Shofar. In England, Rabbis are est .things which are generally omitand dreary^tfie. winter b6, spring'will eventually Hague Conference of 1899. Moreoyer, the decrease in the knowl- called "ministers"; in America, they ted In these ponderous great works, blossom ^everything iiito; beauty and freshness. .. Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof was the founder edge Hebrew among Reform. Jews are called "Doctors." Perhaps the de- and yet so flavor and spice a biograHowever, even-far more important, the Jew sees of "Esperanto," intended by1 him to be a universal throwsofthe responsibility for the con- cision in Germany will help to re-phy. Thus, we are told that Benin the h^ii^xan, everlasting memorial of a peo- language.' jamin was so ^aScinatiag to the girls, duct of the Seder upon the Rabbi and establish the title of "Rabbi." as a youngiitutoT, that one stern parple passing; from slavery t o freedom. Our rethe Cantor. Though in this way,, the I>a^id Lubin, an American, an idealist, a It is always in place to quote the demptiori;irom the tyranny of the Pharoahs was successful business man, also ranks in the group personal note in contemporary Juda- famous bon mot: "Ever since they ent refused' to intrust his daughter is diminished, it is heartening to started to call the Rabbis doctors, to him, lest; scbe.4all in love, and that the firstinstanee of a wholepeople revolting from Of, peace advocates by virtue of his co-operativeism know that the synagogues are cen-Judaism has been sick." By allhe actually ifiarriedone o fthe pupils the chains of servitude and affirms the funda- marketing idea. • — •:•••. ters Of ingathering «t the time of the means, let us be Rabbis, but let no •who did fall in love with him. mental maxim that liberty isthe inalienable right The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in-l&ll- great festivals. Another custom which whether German, English or BRILLIANT YOUTH of every, individual and every ftebple. Our con-w^s a Jewy Dr. Alfred H. Fried, a founder of the seems to be in greater demand among court, American, deprive Rabbis of their Walter lippman, the former editor tinued celebration is our "recognition of our ad-German Peace League,and author of many books Reform Jews is the observance f rights under the law. of the New Republic, and more lately for the departed on the herence t o t h a t doctrine, even today. -Today, the on the lubject. Mention must also be made of thememorial editor of the New York World, was Nebraska-Spring Seventh Day of Passover. We can old PhaVdahs are dead, but iii their stead are new* eminent Dutch jurist, Tobias Asser, who divided encourage this interest without seem- The number of Jewish children in tendered a dinner this week, which modern tyrants who are creating aasocial misery honors with Dr. Fried in the award of the prize. ing to promote "Btaddish Judaism." Brooklyn appearing in Children's was attended by the leaders of the and thrafldom from which only leadership of theA distinguished authority on international law Anything reasonable' and beautiful Court on charges of delinquency in- civic life of the: country. New Golf Sweaters in old from 587 in 1929 to 1,000 last lappman was only 23 years neck, crew tmk, pull highest calibre can liberate 'us. And Pesachj. the and a strong champion of social justice, Asser was which brings Jews to the temples <le- creased 1 approval. Oftentimes the in-year, primarily because of the busi- when1 he wrote Hs "Preface to Polisleev* or sleeveless i ^ . ^ , Festival of Freedom, reminds us that we as Jews made a delegate to the Hague Peace Conference (Seryes stinct of the people on such points is ness depression. It -was also . ex- tics,* and it created so much of a stir Solid color, plain and j«fare dedicated to be in thefore in the battle in 1899. more reliable than the opinion of ra-plained by an official of the Brooklyn] that Roosevelt, as one newspaper put qusrd weaves. Fine woeS, Federation of Jewish Charities that it, "adopted it as. his credo." Then against social slavery. w o r s t e d and zephyr. AH There are many others deserving of mention. tionalist leaders. the large number of delinquents was] he wrote "Drift and Mastery," helped sizes. Prominent among American peace apostles-are American Jewish parents who caused by the classification of ped-( found the New Republic and is supTO Individuality, is the reason for existent life. Oscar S. Straus> who was a member of the Court search for names which do not sug> dling as delinquency. j jiosed 4o hate b«ea largely the author must be individ- of Arbitration at Th% Hague as well as 'of thegest/the people of Israel will do Well TH* social conscience of economic' of Ute 14 points «JWwte>w Wilson, Life is, bat to be ih existence itm Golf Sweater Sets ualizedd hence its importance. is 'Paris Peace Conference by virtue of his endeavors to ponder upon the episode in Frabfefc* debacle are quickly evident The fact His last job, tjiat «f editing the World h importance Individuality is $5>$o to $zi.oo the element of variety, and has its source in the 'for world peace; also, Salmon O. Levinson, whose totlch tells of the desire of a French that so many children become ped- did not, to my own opinion, add any dlers U an indication of financial n*ed farther glory to, his.-name. As one xneerew j ,t e ^ ^ rKellogg Peace Pact has become i t i l l Jewish father who wished to call hi* the home. Jewish philanthropic or- newspaper critic put it, his editorials, known/ Then again, in our, American Rabbinate ] daughter Rivka, though an old ^r® in ganizations throughout the country*-%niie they would have made splendid AFPAREt, FOR MEN e*pe- particularly in the eastern cities, «R things to frame and hang on the wall, CORRECTAND WOMEN

Telling It In GATH


By the Way


From Contemporary Pens




testify to the unprecedented demands somehow did not hit the man on the (OfifcfinHd os Page 5.) mad* apon them aft a result, of the.

• I

fAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1931 PI LAMBDA PHI Kisch Eli been doing Work along this The moral is: If you want to make A banquet at the Fontenelle Hotel line with tine Emir Abdullah. your enemy your friend, ask him to Kitchen Chats last Sunday" evening- culminated a It is something of s fantastic ides lend you something. week of initiatory exercises for «.six And maybe if we ask the Arabs to —this idea of Goldberg, and yet I Mrs. David M. Newman (Continued from Page 4.) new member^, of Pi .Lambda Phi, nahelp us build Palestine they may come think there is meat to it. , • •-• ? tional soda}-fraternity a t Creightoa and join us. street. After Pulitzer's almost vio-1 HOW FRANKLIN WON FOE University. Those initiated into the Cocoanut Souffle WHAT IS THE NAME, fraternity are Harry Golick, Herman Two tablespoons .better, 3 table- lent style and Frank Cobb's gusto,! ' It reminds me of a little ancedote Fafer, Arthur Smith, Ben Smith, and spoons flour, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, 4 they seemed rather pallid and acad-, of Benjamin Franklin. There was one SAID JOLSON of Philadelphia's most .noted men, who Al Jolson is back on the legitimate, William Wodlfsoh, all of Omaha, and tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, eroic sort of stuff. Milton.Yudelson, of Coandl Bluffs, j 1 cup cocoanut, pinch of salt. In a sense Lippman did his best had somehow taken a dislike to end that reminds me of a juicy little Speakers at.the banquet were Ben; Melt butter, add flour when blend- work in his twenties. We generally, Franklin and who fought him at every ancedote told of him. Some years ago he was brought by & friend to the Kaslowsky, Ephraim Marks, and Dr. ed, stir in milk. Cook until smooth. suppose that if a man starts out bril- step. H.C. Platt Frank Ackerman was^ Beat yolks with sugar, stir into milk liantly, his progress will be accom- Well, what do you think Benjamin White House and introduced to Presitoastmaster. J mixture. Cool slightly, add cocoanut panied by an increasing brilliance. In did? Did he go out and fight this dent Harding. -|*KLOTZ-FBEGGEB WEDDING 1 EETtlRKS FEOM CALIFORNIA Moving pictures concluded the eve- to vanilla and lastly fold i s beaten practice, however, it generally does foe? No. He sat himself down and "Mr. President," said the friend, 1^ MISB Neoma Fregger, daughter of Mrs. Leon Cohn returned Tuesday ning's entertainment. •wrote a little note at the t i m e - "let me present Al Jolson." not work out that way. whites. Bake in a pan set in hot wat' Mr. and Mrs. Y^ Fregger, became the, evening from California* where ^s Franklin was at that time of course, er in moderate oven for 50 minutes. ABB GOLDBERG'S PLAN The president smiled, and Jolson bride of Mr. Abe Hote, son of Mr. visited for three months with her CARD PARTY not the celebrity, he was destined to put out his hand, Baying: "I didn't Serve with chocolate sauce. Abe Goldberg, who, has an unusual- become. He cat bimielf down, as 1 - and Mrs. T. Klotz, oh Sunday evening, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; J. Lintzman will be hostess at ly keen mind, and I have often won- said, and wrote a little note to this quite get the name." March 22, at the J. C. C. fcabbi David Mrs. Hugo Kren, in San Francisco, a card party for the benefit of the Chocolate Whip A. Goldstein officiated. The ceremony and *with friends in San Jose. Jewish National fund on Monday, One cup milk, 1 square Baker's bit- dered why he does not write more in foe of his, and told him that he underwas followed by a supper and dance. April 6, at her home, 3647 California. ter chocolate, a pinch of salt, 2 table- English, instead of clinging so closely stood that he had a certain book, WHOLES ALE!—RETAIL! The bride wore a princess model SPENDS HOLIDAYS HEBE She will be assisted by Mesdames spoons cornstarch, 2 yolks, 1-3 cup of to the Yiddish field, has just pub- which he wanted very much to read, | Complete line of | lished a little book called "Pan Semigown of ivory satin. Her tulle veil and would he be 80 kind as to tend Miss Esthyre Steinberg 'arrived A. J. Kulakofsky, Nathan Levinson, L sugar and 4 whites of eggs. j tism vs. Pan-Arabism." "was held in a' snugly-fitted cap with Wednesday from Lincoln, where she Kuiak»fsky and M. Brodkey. All it to him. Put milk, chocolate and salt in doua. chin strap and. she carried a bride's is a student at the University of K To my mind this little book sounds The book came very shortly after, 1 wishing to attend should call Mrs. ble boiler. When chocolate has meltSHRIER PAINT AND I boquet of roses and sweet peas. The braska, to spend the holidays with her Lintzman > at Harney 4229. She has ed, beat until smooth, mix cornstarch a most appealing note. Instead of i and what is more important the foe WALLPAPER COMPANY I bride was given in marriage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stein- requested that the women make in a little cold milk and stir into hot antagonizing the Arabs, Goldberg who lent him the book became there24th and Hamilton St.—WE. 42111 lather. berg. mixture. Cook 20 minutes. Mix proposes to look at the Zionist ad- after one of his staunchest friends. "tables" even before being called. Mrs. S. Gatler, sister of the bride, yolks and sugar, stir in a little of the venture as part of a general Semitic was matron of honor. Bridesmaids VISITTNG HERE hot mixture, add to rest of mixture adventure—part of a magnificent yyrfc^:va3> •were the Misses Grace Elotz and Rose Mrs. A. J. Solomon and baby and cook 2 minutes. Chill and just Semitic renaissance. He proposes inShukert. The ushers were Messrs. daughter, Sandra Jeanne, are spendbefore serving add the vanilla and stead of trying to reconcile the Arabs Joe Cohen and Carl Lagman. Little ing the month of April visiting with fold in beaten whites. Pile lightly in in the Trans-Jordan region, in Syria, - (Continued from Page 4.) Lorraine Fregger was flower girl, and Mrs. Solomon's mother, -Mrs. M. a glass dish and sprinkle with chopped the Moslems in India and in Egypt to go out and let them aid in the Morris Gatler ring bearer. Arlene White, and her brother, Mr. Fred S. ence Lee; novelty number by Mr. nuts and serve. Sixteenth and Farnam furtherance of the Zionist plans. For Dansky was train bearer. White. Mrs. Solomon's home is in Guy Stevens. Zionism, he sees not only as a means Tickets for this program are only is being arranged by Ida Blacker Prior to her marriage Mrs. H o t s Minneapolis. '•.,•fifteen cents and the same ticket and Sylvia Jonish. A tentative de- for helping Jews, but as Jews are was entertained by Miss Grace Kioto, will entitle the holder to a chance bate team has been selected for the composite o fthe orient and the ocdand Mesdames J. Fregger, M. Fox, J. TO CHICAGO dent, they furnish the logical agency • FaHc, J. Rosen, I. Dansky and H. Mrs. Sam Friedel and daughter wiD on a twenty-six piece silverware set. inter-club debates. for the introduction «f western ideas Dansky. After a hrief honeymoon the leave for Chicago Saturday evening —among the Semites generally—for couple will make -their home -at the for an extended visit there. Fa-Hoir A. Z. A. No. 100 the occidentalization of the near east. Winona apartments. The Fa Hon Sorority of the ComA regular meeting of this organiFOR THE HOLIDAYS munity Center -will present as one GETTING ARAB SUPPORT COHN-MINKIN Miss Dorothy Muskin, a student a t of their activities a novel bridge zation was held at the Center last I rather like the idea, and I underSunday. Plans are being made for The marriage of Miss Edith the University of Missouri, arrived tournament to be held April 16, stand that something of this nature is a smoker to be held in the near to Mr. Abe H. Cohn was solemnized home yesterday morning to spend the 22, and 29, instead of the dates in fact already being done. Thus, Dr. future, with Sam Meyerson in Sunday, March 22, at the home of holidays with her parents, Mr. and that were stated in last week's ediWeizmann recently spent some days charge of arrangements. the:/bride's parents. Mrs. A. R. Muskin. tion. • Final reports on "The Jazz Sing- with Egyptian leaders, and that Col. The tournament will be held in the er" produced under the auspices ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT IS VISITOR Bnai Brith Lodge room at the CenMr. and Mrs.: S. Babior announce Miss Kate Goldstein of New York ter. A silver trophy will be given of the Century Chapter, showed it the engagement of their daughter, Ida City, formerly of Omaha, is visiting to the winner of the three bridges; to be a great success. to Mr. David E. Weisblat of Los An- here with her parents, M t and Mrs. the person receiving the highest Eta Kappa Tan geles, Calif., formerly of Cleveland, I. Goldstein. She will remain until bridge score being declared the winPlans for the next four months Ohio. April 15. ner. Tables will also be had fdr were formulated at an executive FOR YOUR With Miss Babior is a graduate of Techbridge, poker, bunko, and pinachle. meeting of the dub held Monday nical High School, winning the ON BUSINESS TRIP All Wen are urged to attend, as Cape Collar World-Herald scholarship in 1928. She Mr. Hymie Philip Milder returned the Fa Hon have a special surprise evening at the home of Charles is also a former student at Creighton Saturday from a week's business trip for them. There will be entertain- Mogfl. That's Worn The next regular meeting will be ~ University and is a member of the to Kearney and Cozad, Nebraska. ment, and the girls will serve re- held this evening at the home of Tau Delta Gamma Sorority. Mr. freshments. The chairmen of the Rose Kelberg. A book review will Two Ways Weisblat is a graduate of Western VISITS HERE committee in charge is Miss Sarah be given by Sarah Simon. 16th and Howard Miss Evelyn Green of Norfolk, Pollay. Reserve University of Cleveland and is now engaged in business in Los Nebr., is visiting with relatives in Jamaica Jews Planning: The collar taay also be Angeles. . ; Omaha. Henrietta Szold tied to frame the face, The young couple plan to be marA number of important matters Jewish Parochial School A Jewish parochial, ot day, school others have fox-trimried in the summer and will make MOTOR TO SIOUX CITY were discussed at the biweekly meetWednesday and med cuffs. la skipper their home in California . . . ^ , ...iS_ Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Oriikpf f mot- ing of the Henrietta Szold d u b Tues- is being planned for Jamaica, Queens, blue, black, tan and * - -1' ;-— ored "to Sjfioux City'Wednesday to day. A fund-raising plan has been Thursday Specials gray. Trimmed with spend the first day of Passover with decided upon and the girls have alENGAGED genuine fox in shades PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ready begun their work upon it. Mrs. B. Brown announces the en- Mr. OrHkoffs parents. Semi-Flat — 6c of snowy white, beige, gagement of her daughter, Pearl, to j Because of the Passover holidays, Wet-Wash — 4c chico. blue, red and Mr. Jack M. Freed of Brooklyn, son IN NEW HOME the dub's social event of the month HERMINE HIRSCHMAN cross. Dr. and Mrs. O. C Gotdner have has been postponed. Attention of " of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Freed of of HAERT ti. COOPER Brooklyn, N. Y. No definite date has moved into their home at 5104 Dodge the club has been centered on a Artist PupilSpeclallziHg to been set for the wedding. street, and will have as their week-(novel entertainment to be held soon, Voice Placing—Correct Breathing HArhey 7545 i end guests their sons, Julius and Sylvia Lindenbaum and Sarah Kapand Enunciation for Beginners The Same Quality M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. Meyer Goldner, students at the Uni- lan are in charge. BECOMES ENGAGED Studio 304 N. 36—Phone HA. 4068 The program for the next meeting Mrs. L. Morgan announces the en-, versity of, Nebraska. a Year Ago Would gagement of her daughter, Miss Ruth Cost You $89.75 Barish, to Mr. Morris Nusbaum of MOVE Rockford, E l Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hilder have moved into their new home at Apart-; APPROACHING MARRIAGE merit 106, Austin Apartments, 38th Featured Holiday Mr. and Mrs." M. Hurwich of and Davenport. Among those who Omaha announce the approaching have recently moved into .the Austin at marriage of their daughter,- Eva, to j Apartments are included Mr. and Mr. Ben Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 1 / F . Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. MI Passer of Council Bluffs, which; Jack Orlikoff and Mrs. Morris Rosenwill take place on Sunday, May 24. blatt.


X |f | !



Organization News

GOLDSTEIN CH4PM4NS Vionnets Genuine Fox Trimmed


Malashock's Jewelry Needs




RETURN Mr. and Mrs; Dave Cohh and children, Julius and Jerry, returned last Saturday from California. Mrs. Cohn and her children have spent the past two months in California, Mr. Cohn joining them there three weeks ago.


Spring Dresses

*S'-iW If You Have an "Eye for Color99... You'll Have a Grand Time Selecting From These Saturday Groups! i~ The newest two and three-color contrast dresses are assembled here to perfection . . . so new and dramatic you simply MUST have one! Will you take black, white and g r e e n . . . red, blue and white . . . daffodil and lettuce g r e e n . . . brown and w h i t e . . . black and w h i t e . . . blue and white . . brown, beige and orange? Flat crepes and chiffons . . . for your every need. Sizes 14 to 2 0 . . • 36 to 44



Others at $59.75 to $125 Sink Floor











51d in /Pictures




J V j " : .-"'.;",,•'. " • : • . ' ! . , • ; • > ' ,





HERE'S TO A HAPPY LIFE!— Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Weissmuller, she the former Bobby Arnst, stage star, and he the swimming champion, are felicitated by friends at Miami Beach. Fla., following their marriage. Left to right, A. J. Henderson, Mr. E. McNamara of New York, Joe Daly of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Weissmuller, and Mr. Dobson of New York.

"V- ^ - ^ ' V

» ^


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^ > -

' • • .


IF YOU FEEL'OLD,1 TRY THIS—George M. Sanford, 77, of bakland7CaL. retired' whool teacher and shipyard worker, has begun pedalling back home from the Atlantic .•55?8L*?_*?.? 8 tw<>"y€ar cycling tour of the nation, which already has passed the 5,000-mile mark. .L ' • : . /




v ,-V j



- U . ,''


*T- • - V - . -

HER BEAUTY WINS—Beauty of face and figure,-coupled with grace and charm, caused Judges to choose Margaret Eckler as '•; "Miss Miami 1931." -


• > . " > . ' ^ - ; ^ ^ . ' '

MAN-SIZfcDTASrajt5ough he is confined to a San" Francisco hospital, William H. Wattis. shown above with his wife, as president of six combined contracting companies, will direct the operations at Boulder Dam, one of the greatest engineering feats ever undertaken by the federal government The project ranks second onlv to the Panama canal. Cost is estimated at $165,000,000.

lii •

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HEAR^YOURSELF TALK!—New Yorkers are having fun listening tiieir own voices. Photo shows Miss Joan M. Dermott trying out neifr":automatic''voice recorder. All you have to do is drop a quarter into the slot, wait for the signal, then begin singing or talking." 'The patron receives a record which he can play as often as he 'v . desires on an ordinary phonograph. -

iNOT SO BAD AS IT LOOKS—These undergraduates at Hunter college, New York ; are "rolling the bones," but, wait, it's in a revival of the ancient end honorable game' of "Tesserae," which is played with "African Dominoes." Left to right, Rose Shaber Ethel Margoles,jSylvia Epstein and Katherine Vauiles.

S O L V E S UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM—Clara Cage, pretty miss of Hollywood, Cal., unable to find suitable employment as a typist, obtains a tricycle and becomes an ice cream vendor.

. . . . ,.,




AIMEE'S- NEW SON-IN-LAW—Composite photo ehows Roberta Semple and" William Bradley Smyth, purser of the ! steamer Tresident Wilson, who were wed at Singapore. The Syotmjjj couple probably will continue a round-the-world tour Withthe_bride|aniother, Airaee Semple^McPherson,evangelist.

HIGH AND DRY—There's work to do in this home at Beachmont, Mass. Following the recent storm, daring which the unusually high.tide entered scores of houses, ton's of sand were left, burying floors to a depth of three feet. In the living room, shown above, the boat, which had'been stored for the winter, ••-• «axne ia-handy*. ' , , . , , : .

"GOING SOCIETY"—"Death Valley Scotty"—beg pardon, Mr. Walter Valley Scott—is "going society" after leaving his Death Valley castle for Hollywood, Cal., because he heard the place was to be made a national park. Mr. Scott is shown taking up the gentle art of dancing. '



PAtSE T—THE munities in .the btisineBS world met here at the chamber of commerce office and discussed questions vt vital concetti to Palestine business. On the basis of these discussions the cham-; ber -will present it& views to tJie Com-! mlsibn, •

Notes of Temple

FRIDAY, J&83L, S, 1981

The appointment and instructions are in line with the recently promulgated Jewish communities and united them in a union of national structure. •

Jewesses from Abroad Wed Americans in Cuba

\ j

Conservative Synagogue News

A surprise party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geoxge Roffman, in celebration of their fifteenth wedding anniversary, Sunday night at the Oddfellow's Hall in Omaha. A supper was followed by bridge and dancing. Covers were laid for sixtyfive guests. This affair was planned by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman of Omaha, and by Miss Ruth EoEman of Council Bluffs.

The Book Case "CHRISTIANS ONLY"—Vanguard Prees, 100 Fifth Ave, New York. "We may not share common faitfe, a common cultural heritage, a t e a man racial background. But thfcfft i t just one life, and that we most &&& in common if we are to be able to maintain a finger-hold upon this flying sphete." Heywood Broun, famous columnist of the New York WoTld-TelegrUon, makes this impassioned plea tin abandoning race prejudice; ft 5s Contained in the Snal chapter of *Qltil$8tians Only" (Vanguard Press), the most extensive study of anti-J^wisll discrimination ever ma8e in Amtriefc. Mr. Broun wrote this book In Cftthiboration with George Britt, snoQfet member of the same newspaper's WStorial staff. The exhortation for a relaxation i J artificial -barriers all around comet after s listing of handicaps fenaovstered By Jewi In every endeavor *h8 activity of life. It takes tip discrtlninations in education, in getting a job, finding a home, joining a club and all the other forms of the evl. Alttmgh the study centers in New York, it (Continued on page 8.)

| Havana, Cuba.—Ten Jewish girls ' who came to Cuba during 1930 from j Large Contribution various European countries were marA contribution of rf $50,000 to the ried here* to American Jewish men,! American Palestine Campaign, which who later took .them to the United is seeking $1,600,000 fcNew York for States, where they "were admitted outMrs. Philip Friedman, who recentthe maintenance of Jewish reconstrucside of the quota. During the past Sabbath Services Tonight ly -underwent an operation at the. tion activities in Palestine was made year, too, one American girl married Candle lighting time—6:05 p. ra. Jennie Edinundson Hospital, is now most surprising news of^the by Felix M. Warburg, one of the hon- "The/Status of liberty" wm.be the J Friday evening services—8 p. m. convalescing st her home at ^ orarTSxSmen o f t t e campffinIt * * * * . < « • * * « Frederick Cohn's * Cnh. a Palestinian citizen who is •week comes from Denver, Colo, f tne i campaign, it, . orary cnairmen 01 • __ . nnow Q W K-aitinnor aa Dreference waiting ffor preference visa visa to to First Ave. Saturday morning—8:30 a. m. the Jewish News reports possible fore- was announced by Morris itothenberg, sermon at Temple Israel this evening. enter the United States. closing on the mortgage of the Beth national chairman of the campaign. The Council Bluffs Agods* Achinr Snefl Raised to Peerage Hamedresh Hagodol Synagogue . . . . Mr. Rothenberg also announced a Society have postponed their next Tonight Tomorrow Morning onetrf the most prominent in the west §10,000 contribution by the Nathan London.—Harry SneH, Labor aiemRabbi Goldstein -will speak on "Themeeting Hntil Tharsday «vening, . •*•.« Denver Jews, however, are nn- Strous, jr., Sirs. Irving Lehman find His topic tomorrow morning will be ber of the Palestine Inquiry CommisApril 16, due to 1iie Passover hoMaon, to whose report he appended & Ideal That Liberates," with refer- days. derstood to have evolved a plan which Hugh Grant'Straus, and also a-?f,500 "The Song of Songs.' long series of reservations which al- ence to Albert Einstein's recentlyif successful, will raise sufficient contribution by Lt. Gov.Herbert H. most amounted to a minority report, published book, "About Zionism." funds to eliminate the mortgage . . . . Lehman. ""' • Riga.—Word vnx received .here that Kaddish has been raised to the peerage by Eabbi C. E. Hillel Kauver, admired King Alexander of Juge-Slavia had 1 Kaddish will be recited this SaT* King George and succeeds the late as a great scholar, is known as one appointed G. Fietelberg, Jugo-Slavia bath for Meyer Hellman and Fanny Earl Russell as, pparliamentary under- Schedule of Passover Services COBEUI to liatvia. The appointaneJlt of of the foremost Rabbis in the counTuesday evening, April 7—6 p. m. Fietelberg raises the number o£ Jewe try . . . „ He has received several atj secretary of state for India. Sachs. Wednesday morning, April ,8—5:30 in the diplomatic corps here to three, tractive offers from large Jewish i Ravenna Named Italian communities . . . . b u t will probably a. m. fhe two others being M. Brockman Royal Commissioner Book Review remain with his congregation Thursday morning, April 9—8:30 ana M. Gleugmati, consuls of Rome.—Felice Ravenna, well4m©wn whom he has served for almost thirty The last book review of the season Jewish lawyer, was appointed by the a. m., with Yizkor (Memorial Serv- and Bulgaria, respectively. years . . . . I t is hoped that commununder the auspices of the Sisterhod Italian government royal commis- ices) at 10 a. m. Rabbi Goldstein United States ities elsewhere will give serious No rule is so general, which sdmite will be- given Tuesday afternoon, sioner of .the newly created union of will preach at the memorial service. thought to their obligations . . . 1 and not some exception. Italian Jewish communities with Inj April 14, at the TJlaekstone. Rabbi structions to call a congress of • all thereby avert a plight of this s o r t . . . . California Kosher Bill Conn "will review H. H. Richardson's The integrity of our Jewish itistitu Quashed Desire is a perpetcml rack, vt hoiseNext Friday Jewisk communities some^ time tk tkais should be the concern of every "Maurice Guest." San Francisco—The kosher meat ifiill, still ^oing round as in 1932. Rabbi Hyman Rabinowitz of ISoux Jew among us . . . . . we are all bill novr pending in the state legislaCity will be the guest of the congregequally responsible when a calamity ture and against whieh the Board of; Closing Passover Service ation and will preach at the regular Jewish Ministers of northern Califor%nmnd the Corner from occurs. The closing Passover service will services . "Christians Only" Is the title of a nia recently declared -unswerving op* took by • Heywood Broun and position, will die ia committee. That be held Tuesday evening, April 7, at George Britt . . . . deals with anti- is the word just received by the board 7:45 p. in. Dr, Cohn's subject wfll guests. Everyone is urged to save from legislative leaders in Sacramen- be "A New Thing." Jfewish. discrimination in the V. S this date for this affair. B t P. R. K. • . - •;."•..: .• cites examples of N. Y. employment to. Clyde Krasne left Saturday eveagencies refusing to accept Jewish The bill would provide prosecution Among the students from the Sunday School Seder nings for Hot Springs, Arkansas, to for those falsely: labeling aneat as applicants for positions . . . . and deThe annual Seder for the children versity of Iowa who arrived borne be gone about three weeks. votes to other forms of discrimina- kosher- A penalty of. fine or imprisof the -Sunday School will "be held Wednesday morning to spend the tion in the professions, at college, I n onment -or both is provided. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enterholidays were: the Messrs. Harold h l h lik Sunday morning, Apnl 5 at hotels and the like . denying a Seeks Material Dealing with a. m. tained the members of their bridge fair economic opportunity to our Mordecai Noah There will be songs and responses. S e y m o u r C o h n > ^ ^ Krasne, and club last Thursday evening at their young people is a serious matter.... Descendants of Mordecai Noah, the The Pesach collation will be provided Albert Harding. Miss Helen White- home. • Walter Winchell, noted columnist, famous American Jew who died in book, who also attends the Univer~ states that the Gentiles will get a 1851, who may be in possession of by the Sisterhood. sity of Iowa, is expected home today. -...; ''"'/"'"""' ' "' — real "break" during.Passover . ... . documents or of authentic information All visas for prospective im-j because they will have the breadline relating to Turn, are asked to get into' ment. must uvw now ibe approved «JJ byi; Approximately Approximately one one hundred hundred pe persons ti. i I : J —- -——>•"»& v« ..——, ~ ~ » uuu — .w a~- ™,~ imigrants m e r a m s iuust» « «pi*4.w»tu fte Sabbath Services con. . . . We have our Jewish problems in j ducted last Friday evening by the this country but nothing compared to of the John Day Company, New York • .ing mch approval. the situation in Germany . . . . where City. j This ruling will militate, with par- Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the Adolph Hitler and his gang have "Tin Dr.Goldberg, who is the author Cfj-tieuUir theg Jews who A. Z. A.,, at the Chevra B'nai YisPan Alley" and other works, is ^ j i ^severity, against g caused many anti-Semitic outbreaks coming to "Belgium from xoel synagogue, 618 MynSter Str. . . . . we think that this man Hittler now completing-, a full biography of Eastern Europe in increasing num- The local program was part of the is talking thru his "hittel" when he Noah, who was prominent in the early hers. In less than a decade the Jew- national observance of the Annual speaks of the'Jewish menacfe . . . . political, diplomatic, dramatic, jour- ish population of Belgium has grown A. Z. A. from 44,000 to nearly 100,000. Gleaned from the Junior Hadassah nalistic and social life of his time. r The entire program was conducted Chatter . .^V Bess Spar: "I'm putting "Yehuda" Picked by by members of Jiws local chapter. Sal Promoted to Major in U . S . on weight, Doctor, what shall I do? Book Club v ; - - :, "v"^.-: Reserve Corps ^ ^ V_;V ^ Michnick gave i^ opening and CIOB. . . . Do'cior: "Pusli ^oursejf .away' Jernsalem.—The proMotiGB of Capt. ing prayer. 7 from the tfcble three times a day*.... Meyer Iievui> ia 'member of ^ fee JSchard Gimbel of the 310th field ar~ services, with all the members parWorthy ^f comment.. . . th§ geira- of thW Jewish TeLegcaplne tSlety of the United States reserve tieipaiilg. Abe Eatelman delivered was Selected as the book for March • ine spirit -&f," the cast of the "Jazz of the Jewish Bwk Chdv It is a «orps to the rank of major was an- the sermon, speaking on the modern Singer" wljen called upon, for a. Jte- story of cTiatefadin who have gone to nounctsd here. Major Gimbel has been view of "Youth and Judaism". peat performance . - . w e are in: the military service since shortly l in Palestine^ a'new life, The Ladies Auxiliary of the TalTxnced thai/Omaha audiences Alternative se&e&txons pi^ed forafter this country entered the mud Torah will meet Monday sfter. a play with a Jewish human interest this, month by ,tfte Jewish Book Chib -wax. He began in service as a ber of the famous Yale battery or- Boon, April 6, at the new synagogue, background . -. .;. also the injection of] • a l e : '-« T h e Religion "of a Modern Yiddish terms and sayings . . . . When eral," by Leon Harrison, late rabbi ganized at Yale university in 1917. 618 Mynster Street. Jay Rachman, the Bee-News dramatic; of Temple Israel,. St. Louis; "The Major Gimbel is connected with The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 68S critic stated that Feldman could be- Way. of Some Flesh," a novel by SaDy Gimbel Brothers department store. of the Independent Order of the compared with the original creator of: Chayes; "Cosmic Religion and Other B'nai Brith will hold an open meetthe "Yudelson" character . . . . he had • Opinions and Aphorisms," by Albert Landsteiner, Freud Get ing and program on Monday evening, in mind Sato Jaffe . . . . who is prov-i Einstein; "A" History-of "the Jews In Austrian Honors Vienna.—Dr. Karl Landsteiner of April 13, at the Eagles Hall. Mr. ing a sensation with New York audi- the United States," by Rabbi Lee J. ences in the Rringelein character of Levingex;. and "Seed of Abraham —, the Rockefeller Institute, Nobel Prize William S/Jtan, President of the the play '<Grand Hotel/* Jaffe was The Jews iff the-Ages,'' by Rabbi winner in medicine for 1930, and Dr. District Grand Lodge N». 6, will bom in Belfast, Ireland, and thus an- Morris S. Lazaron. Sigmund Freud, eminent psychologist, come here for a visit and will be other Irish Jew ia proven a fact. The have received honorary membership thi principal speaker and honored Business Men's Bowling League ter~ medals from the Austrian Medical urinating a successful season . . . . a Association, according to an announce Other Countries group of forty boys whose contests merit made here. FLOWERS provide a spirit of friendly rivalry... Barring -of Jmmigratton to ' The Austrian press comments on BY ALL OVER THB WORLD the rectification of the Vienna tmivei>Toledo, Ohio, now boasts of a Jewish Belgium I s Blow FRED R. SHAW bowling organization composed of 16 Antwerp.—All immigration to Bel- sity's injustice, since both scientists FLOWEE SHOP teams numbering 8& men . . . . Philip gium was practically shut off today 1 were not appointed to ordinary proPhone €1 (Faivel) Stein, a former Omahan, who as a result of the growing unemploy- fessorships because they were Jews. H E45 Broadway is one of the most popular citizens in the Los Angeles community . . . . devoting his time in the interests of various charitable institutions and identified wth the leaders in all- com^ munal affairs . . . . Sam L. Zimmerman, former secretary of "Wm. 3ScKinley lodge, recently retired as the President of Ramah lodge, leading General Electric Refrigcnttor offert t B'nai Brith lodge in Chicago . . . . s a » e of advantages. Its k»w prices comMax Konecky, who was editor of the Bulletin (now the Jewish l"*esB> repbined with exclusive G-E modem fe»resenting & large brokerage firm in. tur6$ make itooe of the best reMgttmot Chicago . . . . and contributing articles to various publications . . . . PobeyS on the market today. tash and Ferelmeter are with, ne again . . . . not in the revival of the You save mobey, food tb&k lot of l»bor play . . . .just a business partnership and time when you empfojGof engineers in Palestine.... we have I a Potash and Perelmetei\in our i£ty exatioa to aid you k die home. . . . . one a deputy assessor and the other a dealer in paper and notions . . . . A young business woman whose Once more we delight in offering this special service to our charm and . personality Has "been a many Jewish" cnstoiners and friends during- Fesach week. great aid in her business success.,.. Mrs. Harold (Esther Shapiro) Brandt.


Council Bluffs News

Yes Madam,

food, Time, and itong* Con ven*€*€« —die new Gcn«r«l Electric Refrigerator


Robert's Milk and Sour Cream Butter

Christians, Jews, Arabs Discuss Their Problem Jerusaieb.—(J. T. A.)—The Jerusalem chamber of commerce, fhe vniy ] organization in Palestine in which businessmen of the Arab, Jewish tend Christian (communities are represented, will present a ttoiled petition on buEmess conditions here to the O*Donneli Commission which is investigating the economic and administrative > status of flie PalestinB goverhmeHt. } Representatives of *H &*** com-

ThiiJ milk: and butter is being produced under strictest Bupervision of Rabbi N. Feldman, and has the same purity, freshness and heaithgiving qualities as our regular product.


You may obtain our Passover milk or butter from any of our route men or youngrocer


Buy-Now On Eisy Terms A small down payment brings the G-l to yoiit b&me. Tfee balance ia easy monthly terms;


Electric Shops

Nebraska Power € 2314 MSL



SIOLJX CITY NEWS " > ^ o^ MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent


DEADLINE' All news for the Sioux City page of the Jewish Press must reach the Sioux City correspondent not later than Tuesday evening to appear in the issue the following Friday. Mail news to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas, or call 8-8453 after 6 p.m.

Jewish Community Center Young People Program

For the first time since fer a resentful reply brawii enine value as a plea for tolerance, the book connotation for that section of Broad- column might be called a handbook of dis-way in,. New York City, where the "Boston" Upton Sinclair has written which are usually settled without pocouragement for aspiring youngsters music publishers have their offices. a new book. It will be published by lice intervention. Hence the press is of the Jewish race. For it shows the As Dr. Goldberg writes, "Certainly I Viking Press, a strictly Jewish or* generally uninformed of these occurparticular and heaped-up barriers am not unmindful of the purely com- ganization Manuel Komaroff, rences, but in Jewish circles these which each must surmount. As it re- mercial aspect of Tin Pan Alley. The Jewish novelist whose "Coronet" was events are discussed and reported marks in the chapter on medical dis- Jew is a good business man; as wesuch a hit last year is finishing an- without creating anxiety in view, of crimination, "it reads like an adver- shall see, he paved the alley; he es-other novel—allegorical of course the lack of underlying causes and the tisement for Jewish doctors. If they tablished the first firms to appre- . . . . Harry Block, . formerly of generally friendly attitude of the come through, they must be good." ciate the possibilities of large scale Knopf's is now editorial head of Cov- French toward the Jews. It charges that 90 per cent of the production and of mass exploitation. ici-Friede One of the flops of office jobs in New York are closed to Into the business, however, he could the season was Nat Ferber's "Spawn" Jewish applicants, and then proceeds no _more help bringing something of which only goes to prove that when a briefly to analyze the opportunity and a racial poetry than could the Negro good writer of the Jewish scene goes hostility in various leading occupa- and the-Irishman. A humble poetry, literary the result is costly—to the tions. It~ surveys the' general educa- a lowly conception of words and mus- publisher . . . . Paul Banshard's book tional field and the medical college ic, yet tinged indelibly: with the hueon high class racketeering was acfield from Maine to California, giving of folk feeling and folk thought. cepted and later rejected by Harcourt T. A.)—Exploring exact figures and statements on the And today and even yesterday the Brace who after giving it to a lawyer at Jerusalem.—(J. Sepphoris (now known as Seffwrattitude toward Jews of more than a songs, that we hum, and hear over to read were afraid of libel suits. ich) in Galilee, Dr. E. L. Sukmiik, hundred of the Jeading universities of and over again, that deal with the Simon amd Schuster are now looking archaeologist of the Hebrew the country. It takes up the law, en- sentimental bosh so dear to the earit over. Clifton Fadiman, original sity, announced that he had univerv-. gineering, teaching, and, quotes Rabbi of the average person, come from the name unknown, is doing a book hour ered a tomb which the Jews disco of the Wise that,"the only profession that brains of the three races* most de- on the' radio. Middle Ages believed was that of does not:bar Jews is the rabbinical spised. Judah Ha-Nasi, compiler of the Mi8profession." na, the original Talmud. ;


The Jewish Community Center furThe B'nai Brith lodge has-changed nished talent for an entertaining prothe date of its meeting from Tuesday gram last Sunday at the County Poor evening to Monday evening, April 6, Farm, under the auspices of the Sunbecause of the Passover holiday. ' shine Club. The program will consist of a short Jack Merling presented a group of pipy by members of the Community songs; Ethel Shinder gave several tap Center Dramatic club, entitled "The dances; Frances Maron presented a Master Salesman." The cast includes A.Z. A NEWS novelty dance, a group of readings Ann Maron, Morris Merlin and WilThe A. Z. A. closed a successful was presented by. Sylvia Friedman, : liam Slotsky. - . • . basketball season, winning twelve and Reuben Halpern rendered several News About Authors and "Final plans will be announced for games and losing two in the city Y. violin solos.. Miss Sarah Halpern In addition to finding Judah HaBooks the large open . meeting .which. is M. C. A. league. They finished sec- furnished the piano accompaniments. Tin Pan Alley ^ Nasi's tomb, Dr. Sukenik has uncovIsaac ' Goldberg, famous Jewish • A juicy morsel of scandal is about scheduled for April 14. Mr. William ond to the Kleeblatt Athletic Club ered a number of other tombs in* savant, author of innumerable books to break in the literary world very F. Sultan of Chicago, president of the team. scribed with the names of other Hehas turned.his talents to the field of soon. Horace Liveright has returned Over 175 Attend Grand I . O ; B. B. lodge, district ,6, brew scholars of the second century popular music and in a volume called from Hollywood. An option on his will be the principal speaker at; this The season's total was twenty-four Congregational Seder "Tin Pan -Alley," published recently services was not taken up and he is and later. meeting. Twenty-five new. members games.and four losses. During the Paris.—(J. T. A.)—A steady growth season the team amassassed a-total of Judah Ha-Nasi was born in 185 and by the John Day Company, has set ogling his former publishing house, will be taken into the' lodge at this Over 175 members and children down a comprehensive and intensely but the dope is that he will not go in anti-Semitic feeling is accompany- died 667 points to their opponents 311. The about 200. He was the first of time. • following men composed the team: of Mount Sinai Congregation attend- interesting story of the .birth and back. He owns no stock having dis- ing the growing economic crisis ir> Rabbi Hillel's successors to whoce Turchen, captain; Beechen, Baum- ed the Congregational Seder, held in growth of popular music in America, posed of it when he left for the coast France, it is becoming apparent. The name the title of hereditary dignity, Carnival Ad Check s stein, Barish, Hurwitz and Epstein. the Temple, last evening, the second interposing as he writes the back- and as the business seems to be pros- Jewish sections of Paris, are almost "ha-Nasi" (the prince) was added BS attendance marked the A.night of Passover. ground of: the theater and ministrel pering without him the insiders are daily the scene of minor but never- a permanent name. As a result of tJp Meeting Monday Z. AA.large The. Seder/ held the first time in world. Sabbath service at Mount Sinai not anxious to burden the payroll . . . the less significant incidents between his having edited the Mishna he is many years, the Jewish and non-Jewish workers, arti- one of the most; important personages •was sponsored by Temple last Friday evening. Ray "Members of the Carnival Ad comIn compiling his book Dr. Goldberg The Literary Guild, half of which is sans and merchants. Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the . Barish, Alfred Albert and Arnold T of Jewish history. owned by the Jewish Ginsburg fammittee will meet Monday evening in Temple. The service was read by was confronted with the same situa- ily, have signed, with the Ay res AdBaron read the rituaL The sermon While the Incidents among the the Jewish Community Center for a tion that has been met with by every final check-up. The meeting will be- delivered by Rabbi Lewis was "TheRabbi Theodore N. Lewis before the person writing about any of American vertising Agency, one of the biggest workers are chiefly provoked by Naught is so sweet as melancholy. evening meal. Children of the RelMeaning of Judaism to Youth." in the country. The high powered alien workers, who are largely Polgin promptly at 7:30. cultural life, namely, that the so—rBurton. • After the services the congrega- igious School participated in the called typical American has had very outfit -will take care of the Guild ad-j Beveral incidents here have nianMr. Max Friedman has announced reading. Passover songs and recitaA dwarf on a giant's shoulders tees that tip to date the ad committee has tion and guests adjourned to the an-tions concluded the event. little to do with the development of vertising for the coming year. It j ifested hostility on the part of Parisnex for a social hour and refreshfarther of the two. —Herbert. far exceeded its quota. America's music The songs of Amer- means that the Guild will have to ian small traders towards Jews. Mr. E. N. Grueskin and Mr. Mor- ica were contributed by the Negro, " "Sale youpin," meaning "dirty Ticket committees will begin their ments. ris Pill were in charge of the reser- Irishman and . Jew, but it was thespend plenty . . . . Have you read, Jew," is heard everywhere in the The pen is mightier than the sward. work immediately after the Passover vations. Mrs. S. Schulein headed the Jew who founded Tin Pan Alley, a "Women'and Monks?" Don't miss it— poorer quarters. When the Jews of; holidays. it will be reviewed next week in this —Lyton. committee of the Sisterhood, who had charge of the meal, which included traditional Passover dishes.. She was J.C.C.NEWS assisted by Mrs. Max Brodkey, Mrs. Miss Frances Emlein and Miss Doris The Sigma Iota Sigma sorority and the Epsflon Phi sorority held a.joint Rosenstock visited in Lincoln, Nebr., Morris Pill, Mrs. M. Rocklin,- Mrs. meeting last Wednesday evening. Mrs. last week end where they attended a L. Agranoff, Mrs. Ben Pill, Mrs. M. N. Eeifly, manager of the Maison Lor- social function given by. the Z. B. T.London, Mrs. L, S. Goldberg, Mrs. enzo at Davidson's spoke at the meet- fraternity. While in Lincoln, Miss Louis Heeger, and Mrs. W. C. Emlein participated in a sorority in- Slotsky. ing. • itiation. Miss Bertha Finch spoke at the last ShaareZion meeting of the Business Girls' Club Mss Charlotte Rosenstock, who Is last Wednesday evening on'her re- attending school in Allentown," Pa., is No late service will be held, at visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Shaare Zion this evening. The regcent trip to Europe. Emil Rosenstock, during spring voca-: ular holiday service will begin at 7 - Newsies Club were given a; dinner tiori. " ••' ' o'clock. Dr. Kauvar of Denver, Colo., was Monday evening at the Center, to guest speaker at the services lajst Fridose the winter season. The dinner Leonard Weiner, Burnell Eoolish was given from proceeds of a recent and Earl Kline, students at Minne-j day evening. The service was cony t the h paper drive. Junior .congregation. sota university, spent their spring va-i d u c t ? < ^ bby - _.. cation in Sioux City, at the home of Dr. Kauvar,stopped in Sioux Cxty en The joint meeting of the Y. W..C route from Denver to Minneapolis. A., Community House and Community their parents. While in the city he also addressed Center Business Girls' ; Club, which Mrs. Arthur Kaplan and daughter the Junior; Congregation on Saturday wa3 scheduled for April. 15, has been Lorraine are visiting in Des Moines morning. postponed to Monday evening, April during the Passover. Pins were awarded to the following 20; The J. C. C. Business Girls' will children who have attended every Satbe" hostesses. This is an annual afMr. and Mrs. Wm. Lazere and sons urday morning service of the Junior fair. Meetings of the Business Girls spending the week in Omaha at Congregation, this year. Charles will be discontinued during Passover. are the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Shindler, Sol Shindler, Irving Pill, Monsky. Cecil Pill and Helen Guttleman. Books Members of the Dramatic Club will were presented to" Isadore Maron for present a short one-act play Monday The Iota Tau Sorority met last evening before the B'nai Brith meet- Saturday in the home of Miss Rose his services as Reader of the Law, m the Junior Congregation, to Isadore ing. The cast of the play "The Mas- Tesler. " , Shindler for two years. perfect at. ter Salesman," includes Ann Maron, tendance at Junior Congregation William Slotsky, and Morris Merling. Mrs. Jacob Knox was hostess to services and to Jack Merlin, president It is being directed by Miss Eva Our Little Social Club last Tuesday of the Junior Congregation. HonorCarries Standard Lifetime Guarantee Maron. evening. , > able mention was given Tillie Shindfor her active part in the Junior Better tires than many makers offer as their best. Tough, wide . April 12 has been set as the date Mrs. Charles . Osheroff of Grand ler Congregation. treads. Sturdy Supertwist Cord carcass underneath—a Goodyear for an open meeting for parents by Rapids, Mich., is a guest at the home Wednesday morning Rabbi H. patent. Profit by the savings Goodyear effects through building MILthe. Judean Club. The meeting will of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip R.On Rabinowitz will speak on "Impatibe held in the Center*. LIONS MORE tires than any other company I Chisen. . . ence." Thursday morning, at the memorial service which is traditional "Mr. Bob," a two-act comedy; which for the last day of the holiday, the Dr. H. M. Lazere of Chicago is was to have been presented Sunday spending the Passover week at the rabbi will speak on "Echoes from .evening, has been_pqstponed._ The home of His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jewish Souls," exact date of the performance will be Lazriowich. Next Friday evening Mr. Edwin W. . announced in a later issue of the Baron, well-known Sioux City attorr Press. Mrs. Dave Davidson, Mrs. Julie ney will be the guest speaker. The Abrams, Mrs. Minnie Hyman and subject of his . address "will be an-*' Jtlpunt Sincd Temple^ Jerome Hyman have motored to Chi- nounced in next week's issue ofthe • "Gandhi,' a Triumphant Saint," will cago and Philadelphia. Stanely Ja- Press. be the subject of the sermon this eve- cobs, son of Mrs. Davidson joined the group in Chicago. ning a t Mount Sinai Temple. . ;"'. Final Passover "services will be held at the. Temple, next Tuesday, evening, Miss Betty Rosenstock, pupil of (Continued from Pag- 7.) -&i 8 o'clock, when Rabbi Xewis,wjll Ethel Jamison Booth,-presented a speak on the recent book by Scholom piano recital in the Recital Hall of the Sioux City Music School, last takes in conditions throughout the -Ascby entitled "The Mother." ; ; ; ^ The following h/mor roll of the Re- Monday,, evening. She was assisted country. And then the volume concludes with ligious School has been announcedfor by..; Ethel Baron, who played second a chapter of clear thinking and plain piano parts for one number, and the month of March:• Harold Lefspeaking which will provide thought kovich, Dorothy Davis, Bernard Ros- Mary June Wadhams, reader. for both Jews and Gentiles. Looking cnthal, Robert Cohen, Miriam Barish, at the barriers of religious orthodoxy, Milton Galinsky, Rosegene Passman, Rabbi Lewis Heads it takes the attitude of "a plague on Margaret Kozberg, Dorothy London, Tuberculosis Ass'n both your houses." If that means asSylvia Borehevsky, Caroline Fishgall, similation, the book permits you to BARNEY HOBERMAN and Frances Kalin. DAVID HOBERMAN make the most of it. Broun remarks: For the third consecutive year RabNext Friday evening the Temple "For the sake of a.kihdly and com will "bold a Rotary service, one to bi Theodore N. Lewis was elected panionate world, I could wish that president of the Tuberculosis associa•which' alt the members of the Rotary ritual, whether Jewish or Gentile, tion. This, organization is making an d u b have been invited to .attend. Rabbi Lewis will deliver the sermon, effort to check up on all tuberculosis could, at the very least, be confined and Reverend Austin Purdue, • miriis-- seals and' is asking the co-operation to the office of worship, and not slopped over into the communal life .••.'••'•_ thm.or% a n y o t h e r k i n c b / / ter of the St. Thomas Episcopal j of all Sioux Cityans. outside." church will "participate in' the serviced Revealing stories of prejudice and Hadassah Delegates discrimination are1 set down in detail, - The Phi' Epsilon Tau Sorority will of them for the first time in •meet next Wednesday at the home of Are Electee some print. Among these is the oftenHiss Beatrice Levitsky. Mrs. William Lazere, president of heard word .of mouth legend of Presithe Hadassah, was elected delegate to dent Roosevelt's disclaimer of race the Hadassah convention in St. Jo-consciousness in appointing Oscar seph, during May. Mrs. Louis Agra Straus to his cabinet, and of its draPhone AT. 6427 Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. noff was elected alternative. matic refutation. The story is traced HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors e feed, the multitude" to its' exact place of origin and the What is food to one may be fierce date. With Tasty Foods poison to another —Beaumont. Without its strong -propaganda


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