"Interesting : and Entertaining
Interests of The_ Jewish Commiui\ ICterra as ne<-anil-class mall • pCBtnttlrp HI Onuthn NebraBkn.
: January it. IJKl, at
Jews Admitted WM.SDLTAN .^337 " to IX. S. in January TO ADDRES:
New Discoveries at City of Jericho
Jerusalem.—<J. T. A.)—What may prove to be. one of the most valuable finds of recent years was uncovered j by Prof. John Garstang of Liverpool University near ancient Jericho where Congress Since, his excavators uncovered a complete —: — the War to Open necropolis with graves dating to 2000 <f Waiiam Holzman C l a s s " t o B e ing to figures made public "by t h e | B. C. Professor Garstang, who is \ June 29 United States department of labor's] Installed at Open examining the causes of Jericho's fall' bureau of immigration. Meeting London (J.T.A.) — The seven-! before Joshua's hosts, says the necro-' A total of 837 immigrant alisn i s c o n t a ins many pottery vessels. Zioaist Congress William Sultan of Chicago, presi-" Jews arrived and only 17 left during ^ W e 7" at "Bade,"swftrerIand on June p o JThe real value of the new finds will dent of District Grand Lodge No. G of January while 4,091 immigrant aliens 29 where the first Congress was depend on th3 further discovery of the B'nai Brith, will address an open of all races arrived and 4,397 left, convened by the late Dr. Theodor any art objects and articles of daily •neeting of ths local lodge at the Jew- With the 337 Jews who were ari- Herzl on August 29, 1897, the world ose that may have been deposited in •sh Community.Center on Wednesday' mitted in January a total of 4,3G3 Zionist Executive announced here. the tombs. Jews have entered th;3 "United States The Council of the Jewish Agency since July 1. 1930, and only i76 left. will' also meet at Basle on July 16. This meeting will be preceded by an ordinary session.*. of , the ' ^Agency's ] Administrative Oommitee on July 13. - The collection of shekel fees, payment of which is the only qualification for the right to vote tor uejegatss to the Congress, must be comJ "Washington.—(J. T. A.)— While J •fthe tiumber of ail aliens,leaving the, United States was greater than those! '•' arriving in January, nearly 20 times] as many immigrant alien Jews ar-1i rived here as left in January,, accord-1
Weizmann Denies Having Any Zionists Executive. . Simultaneously instructions will be Parleys with the issued regaiding the appointment" of' Arabs
- B l S g r . 5 ; : .
••• •
WUliamHolznuin to Head Gigantic Drive for i I
>L^i«: l i t e Second annual campaign j the- Jewish Philanthropies," said Mr. Of the Jewish PhflanthTOpieS Of **PWn»- "Because the need of this
Omaha will/ be conducted in ^ J ^ n 5 t a 2 S ' S ^ r k t e b2'. Omaha from May 10 to May 29, j coming more widespread, this year we 1931., This announcement was' have included a number of beneficiary made today by William L. Holz-j agencies that we did not support last
"Passport" and. *TLo^b Cannot Make We feel that the needs of our. man, chairman of the drive for year. people locally, (nationally, and internaAgency's Council, while the Zionists the ;Dead Danced! jMys written by funds this year. Harry H. Lapi- tionally are so; great in these times of' Jerusalem (J.T.A.) — "I have had ;.representatives on the Council'will Mrs. Philip Eomonek.jare to be nroducad at the Jewish Community Cendus is associate chairman. distress, that, we must not fail to no negotiations with the Arabs and be eltrted as usual by the Congress. tefc on May 5. The premiere producoverlook any worthy cause." . • , '. The Jewish Philanthropies of all rumors to that effect are inThe forthcoming Congress is extion will take place at the J. C. C Headquarters telligent ; anticipation," D n : Chajm pected to be one of the most imOmaha is a fund-raising organiCampaign' headquarters will be at Weizmann declared here at a press portant neld since the "War. Among of Nebraska in Uncoln the latter part zation for numerous local, nathe Jewish Community l.ast conference. Simultaneotisly the Zion- the problems to be denied by the of April, tional and international Jewish year more than two Center. William Soltan Bernard Szold in his evaluation of hundred localist leader dismissed as fantastic Congress will be the official Zionist However, Number of Governphilanthropic, religious and evening. Th e program, which' • wil I Shawket Ali*s alleged statement in attitude towards the British govern- these plays says Mrs. Romonek is posment and Municipal Jewish charitable causes. Last year Jews took part in the drive for funds sessed of a realistic sincerity. -Uiat and this year it is expected that this start a t 8:30, will be featured by the which he quoted Dr.' Weizmann to ment in connection with the White Employes Few installation of a new class of initiates- the effect that Jews would penetrate Paper, Zionist stand towards the gives;her plays a feeling of yibrant $42,000 was raised for these earth warmth. She has a fine feeling! into the order, known as the "WMI'anv all Arabia. Dr. Weizmann said he Arabs, the financial status of the for dialogue and a conversational apWinnipeg.—(J. T. A.)—The Jews agencies. Executive Meeting* Holzman Class," in honor of the presi- had merely expressed the hope that (movement, and internal Zionist re- proach, and an exceptional back stage of Western Canada, numbering only This year, according to Mr. dent of the Jewish Community Center the influence of the Jews would ra- lations.. A meeting of the executive comsense that makes her plays highly about forty thousand throughout the Lapidus, twenty-nine agencies and Welfare Federation. diate through the entire East. three prairie provinces and British mittee of the Jewish Community playsble." Columbia, wield a political influence will share in the fund. The Center and Welfare Federation and " The new "class will be given the full Dr. Weizmann reiterated his prevMrs. Herman Jahr believes that all out of proportion to their numbers amount to be raised this year the newly selected Board of Govritual by the Omaha lodge degree ious statement that the second parti "Passport" and "Love Cannot Make here, l^anj towns in Western Canteam of which I. F.Goodman is chair- of the negotiations beween the Jewernors will be held at the J. C C. at the Dead Dance," are a distinct con- ada haye^tewish mayors and Jewish has not yet been announced. man. This will culminate an inten- ish Ageny attd the British govp-ri10 a. m. Sunday morning to conSuccess Last Year tribution to Jewish dramatic xepetotre. aldermen, although the Jewish popusive'membership drive under the lead- ment would begin on April 18th. ' • a "I have for years been endeavoring to lation in thess towns xisuaily consists "Last year, the Jews of Omaha re- sider the budget of the Philanership of Philip Klutznick. . correspondent of the Jewish Teleget plays of this type. 1 feel sure of a few famifiesV.; sponded splendidly to the appeal of thropies for the coming campaign. •'Everyone should plan to attend," graphic Agency learns that the that this production will be a real enstated Harry B, Cohen, vice-president British negotiators will be the Lord Jews too playvan important part in couragement for local talent." number wO! be swelled to at least of the jQmaha lodge and chairman of Advocate Craigie Mason «Aitehisnn; the councils' of the1" various' political' three hundred and fifty. Henry Monsky describes the dra"Authoritative Jewish demand is not the progiam. Malcolm M&cJtanald, son of the Preparties of Western Canada, this being mas as "masterful delineations, colorThe drive will be divided Into i-in the.nature ; jnier MacDonald, and ^me represent' for a Jewish statejit does not ask the especially t r u e ^ f ; Wmnipeg, » | groups composed of women, men, ful presentations of Russian Jewish others; Jews d^-sire testimonial; \*o,,an /outstanding ative each; from the Colonial v^and i h popstfetaoii fei b i co*mj»rathe JJewish being initial gifts, organizations, foreign r _Dllhfi_era of riafitv »m # n a i -Brti*i-*Brip^*o^^^pY^ iOffi«si?imA ^tfir-Oikfieen^rvtivefy* larg«, poliUcianE "haw t» reck*5*&Teigu^Qff«SBr "ind tne'^Chaficell^ry corporations. There will al#o be » Mrs. Samuel Gerson •srho covered" velopment within their ancestral land. J, vital message o f .the Exchequer. r speakers bureau. Chairmen of these the tercentenary Shakespearian cple- on with Jewish votes as well as JewWhat Jdndof polity will eventually Prague (J.T.A.). — The Czecho^ ish influence. for all Jewry^ We plan to make it a, Eeferring to Keren Hayesod, the from.the interplay of the two bration at Stratford on Avon for the Of the four deputies which Winni- SlovaMan council decided to approve various groups will be announced city-wide event." -J, chief financial instrumentality of tne emerge shortly. Sultan, besides being a noted sppak- J e w ish Agency, Dr. Weizmann saidj Q9minant cultures and races in Pales- New York Herald-Tribune has this to peg sends to the Federal Parliament a law providing for complete Suntine say: er, is outstanding in his work for J e w - ] t h a t t h e distinction between natipnai I ' lurther^complicated" by Protestin Ottawa, one is a Jew; of the ten day rest in the province or Slovakia. "Mrs. Romonek's plays have caught deputies which Winnipeg.sends to the This ordinance has been approved Max Klein Dies isVTEftUses. He is a trustee of the] ^ ! p r i v a t e ' initiative is artifiriaL ant and Catholic Christian influents, : islftauses. Cleveland Orphan home, a member of The Keren Hayesod is a financial what place s-uch a polity may assume very'-skillfully-the violent contrasts of Provincial Legislature of Manitoba, despite 12 years of protest on the in Los Angeles the board of directors of the Jewish pionier without, which business en- in the British Commonwealth of Na- Jewish life. In both the poetic one is a Jew; of the eighteen alder- part of the Jewish community and phrases -ofthe Tahnud are richly intions or in a possible federation of men in the Winnipeg City Council^ the Jewish press 'which have conDistribution Committee of New York, terprises would have been impossible Word has been received here of the and prominent in varied activities in and anyone belittling the Keren eastern peoples, no man is shrewd terwoven, yet they mirror also the two are Jews, while of the fifteen demned the law. Jewish papers recent death of Max Klein, 58, in Los little comedies of character which are members. of the Winnipeg board of characterize the law as a Passover Angeles. He is survived by the widow Chicago. ;.-•.-. Hayesod belittles the foundation of enough to foresee." typical of Jewish folklore and folk education one is a Jewess. This is a present from jthe government which and two daughters, Rosella and DoroThese are some of the statements our work, Dr. Weizmann stated. music" made by Felix Frankfurter, professor high percentage, when one takes into is either bound to ruin the. Jewish thy; one brother, William Klein, of A Keren Hayesod worker is fulof law in the" Harvard Law School, "in consideration the fact that the Jewish religion or Jewish opportunities for: Buffalo, N. Y., and two sisters, Mrs. filling^a tragic mission, laboring in an article in the April number of population of Winnipeg is only-about earning a livelihood. ' S. Hirschberg' of Omaha and Mrs. Av an atmosphere of suspicion as the Foreign Affairs, a quarterly publish8 or 9 percent of-the general populaThe law means that Jews will be M. Lesser of San Francisco. result of a fruitful incitement -large- ed in the. country. The article is ention. . obliged to abstain from their woi-k or The deceased father and mother ly frDin/Palesfine, he asserted, jDif- titled, ' The Palestine Situation EeBut while Jews occupy a very prombusiness •for JIS|4 .day^ in -the year in- were the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob licultifeS«oti»ithstanding, but for the., . ^ inent part as elected representatives cluding 52 Saturdays," 52 Sundays, a Klein, pioneer residents of Omaha, h Ainerican ^crisis the: budget would With regard to the definition of a n the legislature bodies of Western number" of Jewish: holidays and the who resided here for over fifty years. have been; covered^ "national home," Prof, Frankfurter Canada, the number of. Jewish, em- legal state and Christian holidays. Istanbul (jiT.Ai) The' Turkish quotes with approval the following] Warsaw.—{J. T. A.)—The proposed ployees in the various municipal pro-government has issued a ruling that Bridge Tournament definition given by Norman Bentwich, vinicial and federal government offiwill do much to prevent the. children Omahan to Conduct : Registration Open attorney general of Palestine, in' the plan of draining the Pinsk swamps in ces is next to nothing... Planned by Fa Hon of Turkishi Jews f jtym ia|±endmg • the British Year Book of International -Polesic and making the land available The chance of a Jew getting such Service for settlement is not being considered schools maintained by^ foreign —""' for Talmud Torah A novel and unusual bridge tournaLaw for 1929. as a Jewish matter by the Polish gov- a position is so slim that Jews do sot sionaries. Hyman Goodbinder of Omaha, stn-.' . ; "A national home connotes a terri: s even try for them. This seems te be . The Board of Education of *he City; ment will be sponsored at the Jewish fint of thej ^University of Nebraska, tory in which a people without re- ernment, Leon Koslowsky, minister part The decree ainn^unces-; that of the general Jewish economic Talmud Torah announces that regis- Community Center by the Fa Hon schools maintained by -the minorities, -will conduct the services at the A. Z. ceiving the rights of political sover- for land reform, made clear. will have the same standing as Turk- A. Sabbath to be conducted by the eignty, has nevertheless, a recognized v H e explained, however, that "we isolation in this country^ a phenome- tration for new pupils for the coming sorority on April 16, 22 and 29. The ish schools. ; Lincoln, Nebr., chapter of the Order legal position and receives the oppor- .shall naturally not discriminate non which Jews are beginning to feel, semester is open. All interested in tourney will be held in the lodge room. A silver trophy will be given to the This announcement is made in con- this evening. Harry Lotman will de- tunity of developing its moral, social against any nationality but we do not although they do not know exactly enrolling pupils are asked to call one receiving the highest score at the Jackson 3007. intend to extend any special favors to nection -with a recent law forbidding liver the sermon. now it originated. and intellectual ideals.'* three bridges. Tables will also be had the Jews because such action might Turkish subjects from attending the for bridge, poker, bunko and pinochle. result in the needs of the Polish peasforeign- missionary schools and proA prize will be given at each afantry remaining unsatisfied." M. vidiag that children between the ages N fair. A special surprise has been arKoslowzky pointed out that it would *of seven and twelve whose parents ranged for the men, and a door prize take at least 20 years to convert the 'are Turkish citizens must attend will be given. Refreshments will be swamp region in Polesie into fertile Turkish schools. served. land The ruling classifies the schools "The aluminum cupola appears to Rame.—(J. T. A.)—The recommend1 Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The Hitlerite Asked whether Poland intends to ation that the great aluminum dome us to be in contrast with the entire vain attempt to reach an undermaintained by the Jewish, communities in Istanbul, Smyrna and Adrian- participation in the government of the standing with the leaders of the Thu- follow the example of the Soviet gov- of the Roman synagogue be abolished surrounding old architecture," Pro- Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — The proople as Turkish schools. In Jew- province of Thuringia, the first state ringian Peoples Party, but they were ernment in alleviating the plight oJ on the plea that it is out of harmony fessor Pacentini declared. posal to establish an income tax in ish quarters here the decree has eli- in which the Nazis achieved a post adament to support the vote ousting the Jews by assisting impoverishec with the aesthetic principles of modThe Roman synagogue was built in Palestine has been abandoned, the Jews to settle on the land, M. Koslow ern architecture has nothing at all to 1904 and its architectual plan was out- Revisionist Hebrew daily, Haara, recited great satisfaction because it will of responsibility, is at end with the Dr. Frick. keep Jewish children from going to vote of no confidence passed by the By his control of two such import-! zky said that Poland is different from do with politics, being based purely on lined by the leading Italian architects, ports today on the basis of informathe missionary schools and compel Thuringian diet in Dr. Wilhelm Frick, ant ministries as that of education and Eussia and "we cannot follow the So- artistic consideration, Prof. Marcello among them the father of Professor tion obtained from a government them to choose between the Jewish or minister of education and interior. interior Dr. Frick was enabled to car- viet system. Our swampy land must p a c e n t m i j a m e m b e r of the cominis- Pacentini. source. Adolf Hitler made a hasty trip in ry out many of the anti-Semitic pol- be sold in an individual way when sion appointed by the government to Turkish schools. icies advocated by bis party. Dr. converted into fertile soil." prepare a new city plan for Rome, told The explanations of M. Koslowzky the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Frick was the leader of the continued anti-Jewish agitation in Thuringia. put a new light on the scheme *oi There has been rumors that the Besides introducing anti-Jewish pray- draining the Pinsk swamps and Jew- Vatican was instrumental in the comers in the schools, later declared un- ish leaders here are now unanimous- missicn's recommendation which was Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—A perfumed made purchases in the shop have reAn annual prize of,?100 for an es- The contest is open to students of the constitutional by the German High ly agreed that the scheme is unworthy made to Premier Mussolini. brand of anti-Semitism in the literal turned their purchases when the sign Court, Dr. Frick sought to have anti- of being considered by the Jews, such Professor Pacentini pointed out y dealing with Arab-Jewish rela- Hebrew University. sense of the term has now made its was called to their attention. schechita legislation passed, fostered consideration merely overshadowing that now that the surrounding ghetto tions from the point of view of ethappearance in Vienna. In the very more acute Jewish problems. anti-Jewish propaganda, discriminated nas been razed, the synagogue finds nography, religion, philology, econoAlthough the suggestion to settle itself isolated amid the archeological heart of the city where the exclusive Will Lecture on mics, history and education was an- Elect Commissioners of against Jews in public office, and in impoverished Polish Jews on the ruins and buildings of ancient Rome. shopping center is located, a new pernounced by Felix M. Warburg, chair- B'nai Jacob Synagogue various other ways. fumery shop has opened, specializing Soviet Colonies Pinsk swamp lands is not new it was man of the American Advisory Comin so-called "anti-Jewish cosmetics." given new stimulus by Tytus FiliThe seven commissioners elected to A move to form a children's ormittee of the Hebrew University, in The windows of the shop contained a Madam Gina Madam, who just reIn Arabic and in English honor of the fiftieth birthday yester- head the B'nai Jacob Synagogue at ganization as a "living monument" powciz, Polish ambassador, to the to Jews large sign announcing that the man- turned from a long trip in Soviet RusUnited States, when he informed a day of Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancel- 24th and Nicholas for the ensuing London — J. E. Mills, Laborite, agement did not want Jewish patron- sia, visiting the Jewish colonies there, term are M. Grossman, B. Shafton, to the late Nathan Straus, which delegation of the American Jewish lor of the University. complained in the House of (Commons age, but the sign gathered such a will lecture on the Jewish Colonizawould be dedicated to keep alive the Committee that not only was his govA special committee, appointed by Harry Steinberg, H. Turek, L that the Palestine government -writes crowd that the police ordered it re- tion in Russia on Sunday evening, Dr. Magnes, is to announce the topic Schwartz, C. H. Gilinsky and J. Kap- ideals that motivated Mr. Straus in ernment investigating the scheme, but its communications to the Arabs in moved and it is now to be seen inside. April 12, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd his philanthropic work and as a that it was favorably disposed to the of tine essay each year, and for this lan. and Clark. No collections will be B. .Shafton is chairman and Gross- leader in Zionism, here at a Nathan settlement of; Jews on the Pinsk Arabis but uses English in com- Jewish tourists who have overlook- made. year the; subject is "Descriptions of ed the anti-Semitic sign and have munications to the Jews. 1 swamp lands. Straus memorial meeting. Arab life in Hebrew- literature.* . man and Turek are the "Gabi."
Wine and Matzoth in the Jury Boom
Austin, Tex. (J.T.A.) — DeclLning to release Abe Rosen, a local Jewish merchant from jury "duty during Passover, Charles Wheeler, who skiing over a . murder c^fe| I which Eosen is rare of the -instructed Sheriff . Cokgi < ] ;£t White to permit sacramental wine, matzoth -and other Passover foods to be brought.to EoPlays Written JgrlMrs. Philip sen every day during the Passover holiday. ; Romonsk to B^Prodnced the •;.•
I structionj will be issued
VOL. IX.—No. 11
Hitlerites Lose Thuringia, Their Supposed Stronghold
Hebrew University Offers Prize for Best Essay on Arab'Jewish Relations
Dome of Roman Synagogue to Be Razed for Aesthetics
A Perfumed Brand of Anti-Semitism Is hatest Vogue in Heart of Vienna
Conservative Synagogue News
Legal, Education Status Quebec-City (J.T.A.) — The provindal. lejps^latnre. of Quebec has adopted tne new' t)avid Bill, ratifying the contract recently entered into between the' iProtestant Sdiool Board and the 'Jewish School Commission of 'Montreal. According to the bill, the latter henceforth loses all legal and. educational status. The Jewish members of the Pro* vincial Legislature, although opponents of separate Jewish, schools, fought against the new bill, declaring th^at the-contemplated law deprives the Jews of the rights, to establish their »wn: schools ajb,any; time; that it takes away the-rights and powers-.of*-the—Jewish -School CQmmissi&rf' and'- ihWtr 4tr'•leaves' the: Jewish school>[qiies^ioti 'iri' Montreal as-acute as ever.;.. ; •; .: J ; .'The amendment -proposed by Jo-seph Cohentii insert a clause in the bill that the Jewish School Commission shall bei.vested^'with rer spect to the education of'persons of the Jewish faith, with the same powers as the Catholic and the Protestant commissions was defeated. -"What the'Jews want is not privi-J leges, but rights," said Joseph 1 Cohen, • in attacking the government bill, "the ' same rights as - are--enjoyed by all other elements of the population." He claimed that Under the British North America Act, Jews were qualified to sit on the Council of Public Instruction, as soon as the Legislature has passed a law to that effect. By last -year's legislation, though this was not recognized, they had at least obtained a commission enabling them to control the education of their children. This is withdrawn from them this year, he pointed out. When Mr. Bercbvitch spoke of t2b influential Jews who had helped the French-Canadians in the early days ojf the colony, Camillien Houde, Mayor of Montreal and leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Legislature, came back with the menace of Bolshevism, saying that "if "we Have complete Christian control of dur schools, we will be safer against ifee doctrines of Lenin aricT.l*rotzky." This view was shared ^ y nearly all tjhe Conservative. .deputies ; who *. gosed the bill on the ground 11 ^^ i its it present^fform it gives %|' even in Jews certain rights".which]cannot'^ tolerated.
- Nineteen thirty-one marks the banner year that the National Tire Shop, local tire dealers,' have handled the Goodyear "lines,;H'acco?dihg' to' Barney and David Hoberman, proprietors, who had some',;interesting comments to make onvtha tire* business. " " '" ~ f .";•.; '••J- ' , • "You know," said" file . Hoberman brothers, "the tire business: :has]developed so rapidly it is l i k e ' a n Arabian night's dream. I can remember Jiack in the fabric tire / days when 3,000 miles was a long-distance for tires to travel, throughtfae early cord tire days, the straight side tire developments, the pneumatic cord, truck tire progress, all pioneered by Goodyear, up through Supertwist,'the new cord that makes Goodyear balloons stand the gaff of modern low inflations, to the high mileage of today. • "Tire prices are lowest in the history of the industry, about 65 per
1931 Revue" Offers Gala Attraction at BrandeisTkecMer Friday and Saturday
I ••
Beautiful girls, tuneful music, gorgeous costumes are feaitures of Benefit Performance for, Browriell Halll Building Fund
Sabbath Services . Candle lighting time^-6:12 p. m, Friday evening servicesr-8 p. m. Saturday morning'—8:30. a. m.
Rothschild last week contributed 20.000 shillings to the budget of the Kad'dish 'will be recited this Sab- Vienna Jewish community to enable the community to meet ail the debath for William Rothschild. mands made on it by Jews for Passover relief.
. N e x t Week
Book Review
The last bo6k review of the season,' under the auspices of the Sisterhood, will be given Tuesday afternoon, April 14» at 2:30 p. m., at the Biack-j stone' Hotel.' Dr. Cohn will review H^ H. Richardson's "Maurice Guest."
Membership Meeting
! This- Tuesdajrivening^A'prfl 'ii,' ail the members of the synagogue are urged to attend a general membership meeting at the J. C. C at 8:30 p. m. Matters of great importsnee to.the life of the synagogue' will bs discussed. '
Miss Alice Keogh and Mrs. Richard Wagner are in the cast of the "1931 Revue' Two beautiful reasons why Oma- bs used for the Brownell Hall gardt and Police Lieutenant Pat Payne also have leading roles. building fund. More than one hundred Omahans The Misses Jean Redick, Alice will take part in the cast. People Foye and Dorothy Higgins, who from every walk of life, society have taken leading roles in recant girls, school girls, matrons, busi- Junior League shows, also have ness and professional men, all have prominent roles in the revue. been assigned parts in this big fun A full orchestra under the direcextravaganza. Howard Perkins of tion of Harry Brader will play acFostoria, O., who directed the Ne- J companiments for the twelve cljortTaska Diamond Jubilee pageant, is ! UP numbers. Costumes for the directing the Revue. Mrs. Louis show and scenery are said to be C Clarke is general chairman and unusual. The cream of Omaha's talent in finds time to play accompaniments ' Those who have seen rehearsals musical, dramatic and dancing' for alt rehearsals. j of the show proclaim it the finest lines, has been gathered together. County Attorney Henry Beal and j musical comedy that has ever been Stars of previous Junior League Eugene O'Sullivan appear in a assembled in Omaha. There are revues, the Community Playhouse humorous skit, "Not Guilty," in plenty of good seats still available and other local groups are: taking which Municipal Judge Lester at the Brandeis theater box office jjart^in the Revue. Proceeds will' Palmer, City: prosecutor Al Brun- at popular prices.
lians should see the "1931 Revue" are shown in the above photograph of Miss Alice Keogh and Mrs. Richard Wagner, who are chorus members of the number, in the "Cafe Rouge," which is one of the sixteen scenes in the two acts of the fast-moving revue to be given at the Brandeis theater Friday.and Saturday night, with a matinee Saturday.
cent lower than motorists paid for them in 1914," they continued, "while all wholesale commodity'prices are 25 per cent higher. And the remarkable thing about these low tire prices is the fact that the motorist is getting from 15,000 to 20,000 miles on tires a s compared to the 3,000 back in 1914. Constantly improving tire manufacture has meant that in- spite of greater annual gasoline consumption, according t o United States -Bureau of Mines reports, renewal tire sales have fallen off from 5.4 tires in 1917 to 1.4 tires per car in 1930. "Then about balloon tires.- Since they w e r e introduced in 1923 they have been gradually crowding out the high pressure type of tire so that within a f e w years thej[ will be ^fisted exclusively on hight pressure t i r e s . " £ The N a t i o n a l | gir&"fJ3]|pp has the complete line of Goodyear all-Weather and Pathfinder tires, and as the Hpbsrmans point out, the original design principle'; o f ' t h e ^all-Weather has not been changed i n the 25 years t h a t it has been used b y the company, proving its effective traction, h e declares.
The historian will ever be grateful that, wen the G^Je City League championship. . J>ag§.jis npyr, b?ck in the for this book "because it'ton tains all city, in the insurance business. the relevant ' documented the case while the layman will find it a handy By Henry Magzamin r . and concise summary of the entire Zionist situation. Mr. Segal tells us that the ladies have started an indoor baseball league that is to be played every Wednesday a f the Center. So far four teams, Tie n-Tsin, Chlna.-(J. T. A . ) - T h e have entered, the Center, Eagles, r m j t J e w i s h d a i l n e w s p a p e r ^ t h e Announces West Side Boosters and the Night- P a i . E a s t h a 3 j u s t ^ d e i t s appearThe opening of his law office hawks. Gold baseballs will bs given aacB-bl T i e n . T s i l u I t ^ published in at 728 Union State Bank the winner and silver to the dubfin-R u s s i a n anA ^ ^ ^ u t r o (Morning) Phones: Office, JAckson 4600 ishing in second place. and its editor is L. BichovsTry. WhUe Kesidence, WAlnut 9760 „ the Utro is the first Jewish daily paNow is the chance for those who . in ^ F a r E a s t i t ig n o t t h e on] don t know how to m m to learn. The] J e w i s h ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ c ^ a . Israel's WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. Center's swimming classes ar6 now M e s s e n g e r # ^ English periodical pubopen and Mr. Segal and Mr. Foster Ughed monthly/being issued in Shangorge everyone to make the best of the hai by Ben Ezra. opportunity and join one of these Tien-Tsin, in the heart of China and 638 Securities Bid g.—AT. 4451 classes. There are classes every day two hours by rail from Peiping, the in the week. capital, has a Jewish population of about 2,000. Mr. Segal's tennis classes for girls have started. He i s giving these CHARLES SIMON The publication of few historical classes every Monday and Wednesday ICecommends works are timed so perfectly as was irom 7 o'clock to 8. The young ladies The Sanitary Laundry should take this chance to learn how 'TThe Great Betrayal (Brentano ?2.50) •The Brst of All Laundry Service" to ptay this'popular jgame. Mr. Segal by Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Jacob tSIS deHaas. Coming on the heels of the Farnam can give you expert instruction if you White P»per and the tremendous prowill attend one of these classes. Well, Well! The Center is to have test against Britain's Palestine policy a kittenball league, or, in > other this important book took on additionwords, an Indoor Baseball League. al significance. Tracing the British obligations in The games will be played on the CenJOB FOUNUKY Palestine since the war days the book tral High School diamond every SunAND MACHINE WORK links together in a most readable narday morning. Those wishing to play REINFORCING STEEL rative the entire Zionist documentary should see Mr. Segal. history and shows that Britain not only broke its pledges but has beChuck Slotkin, that up and coming trayed the Jews. Forcefully, scholarHebrew welterweight, is to meet a ly and in dignified fashion these two tough boy this Friday at the Auditor- internationally known Zionist leaders Third Ave. and 11th Street ium. Chuck is to meet the pride of plead the Zionist case before the bar Phones: 89 and 519 the^ Ford stable, namely, Johnny of public opinion. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
Mr. Allan Cohen
After July 1, P r o ^ ^ d w i n R. A. Seligman, professor of economics at Columbia University jfor many years and one of the country's outstanding economists, will become professor emeritus cf political j ^ n o m y , it Was announced by the University. Dr. Seligman, who i s editor-inc h i e f o f the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, recently sold his private library of 50,000 books, pamphlets and autographed letters in the field of sconomics, to Columbia Univer-' sity.
Certified Public Accountants
SPRAGUE FURNACES Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
Smogie. The customers will be insured of a real battle, as both boys can give and take with the best of them. Slotkin is under the management of Roy Feltman, the man who made Tommy Grogan. Talking to Dave Bleicher I wonder how many remember this sport star. He was one of the best Jewish athletes in the city. While at Central High he was a letter man in baseball, basketball, and football. He was also a member of the Center team
wonder Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy Is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high repula-. idsj that youi try iti tioni re^omniehdsj
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209 So. 11th St.
J A. 0528
Rummage Sale
Rabbi Goldstein was in Minneapolis on Monday to- address the assemblv at the graduation exercises of the Minneapolis Talmud Torah.
WA. 576S
For 50 Years Your Towel Man ' Omaha Towel Supply Co.
The Sisterhood will hold a Rummage Sale on April 14 and 15. Phone Mrs. I. Rosenthal (Wa. 0999-) and she will collect your things.
Father Lavergne's address has i-roused great indignation in Montreal Jewry and Station CKAC -has received numerous protests. AntirDefamation League of the B'nai Brith may take some action in the matter since a new. radio bill recently passed by the provincial governments, forbids using the air for libelous or defamatory purposes. .;
"Leisure." , f •; / • i i Sunday .evening - at,, 6:30. j?. .mfi .he. -will speak before the Young People of the First Congregational Church of Council Bluffs. ' On April jlS he will reviem^Thei .Adams Famfly" for, the Pr|fessib|nal ^Men's iCIub at noon, and jat \1 p.jni. lie will review the same book at tne •* Tanigfrt._ , Paxton Hotel f f f h e Doctors Wives "Religion u)|the New l>ay" will %z * Society. .,• ... "r... • i the s^ij^jjSf Rabbi Jf1re|er|ck >C#ni*« * tiast" Wednesday! Dr. Cohn adsermon at Temple Israel tonight.* dressed the Parent-Teachers association of Yates School on "Leisure." ,
- Tomprrow morning Rabbi Cohn's Vienna. — Baron Louis Rothstopic yall be "Sacrifices." child, head of the A u g e a n house of
: Babbi Goldstein- will speak on "What Kind of Jewish* Education < Do Owe 6'ur Children?n:'" ''
Notes of Temple •I
School before the Parent-Teachers association at 3:30 p. m. Monday on
Tomorrow Morning
Tonight Rabbi Hyman Rabinowitz of Sioux City will occupy the pulpit tonight. He will speak on "Some of Our Weaknesses.
KENNEDY, HOLLAND & DELA 1503 City National Bank BIdgr. "'. ' PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel A. Robertson, Deceased. ;Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis' trator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, • on the 28th day of May, 1931, and on the 28th day of July, 1931, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment .; and allowance. Three months are allowed ; for [the creditors to Preseriti their claims, from the 25ta U«y of April,. 3932. f f J.-.( i BBYCH CBAWPORD. i" • 4-3-3T -.....County Judge.
Harry H. Lnpldus. President- Tress.
Southwest Corner - Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
PnoneATLANTfC O6$9 313 S0.14TH.ST. OMAHA.
1405 Harney
Speaking Engagements
JA, 5277
Dr. Cohn will speak at Saunders FRADEVBCRC, STALMASTEK £ BEBEB OSCAR T. nOKRIl PHILIP M. KXCTZXICK, Attorneys SSO Omahi National Bank Bldr. NOTICE OP BISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby Bir«-n tliut the partner-] ship hrtvtofore existing; between Isidor J^evtnKmi auil Bnrney Feinstein in the op- I «ratiou of the friiit rtepartment. nt Uiej" iirocery-tSan Company af «n North 3i>thl street. Omaha, Nebraska, has been ilissolv- j ed and that the said husinrss vill be carried OH by Barney Feinstein who will lie ' responsible for all present and future debts , nt said business. l>nted at Omaha, Nebraska, this Uth day of April, 1931. ISIPOK LEVINSON. BARNEY FEINSTEIN. 4-10-31—4T
BRANDEIS SHOE REPAIR DEPT. Reasonable Prices Delivery Service Use Your Charge Account
Everything for the Aato" 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524
FBADEXBCRfi, STALMASTER & BEBEB Attorneys SO Omaha National Bank Bide NOTICE OV DISSOLUTION OF PARTXKKSHII' ' Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Hurry U. I KozlM-rgr nnd I lurry Soskin. inuler the firm:: name of Sofskiii nod Ko^berg. at 13*12 North 20th street,'at tWnaha, Nebraska, has'beeii' dissolved nnd tjiat the «Jiid .business will be carried en by Harry SoBkiu. who will* Ite fespoiitiilUe for- nil tbe prewal ami future debts of «he «aiil business. Dared at Omaha. Nebraska, this 17th day' of March. 1931. < -.•. : • . HJKKI H. KOZBEKQ. 1 HAKRYSOSKIN. 4T—3-27 . FKADENBCIW?. ST14LMASTEK & B£BEB Attorneys SO Omaha Satianal Bask Bld«. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF VICTOR VALVES. IXC. , Notice is hereby gives that, at a special meeting of all of the stockholders of Victor Valves, Inc., ield oil November 17, 1030, at Omaha, Nebraska, the following resolution wns iiniinimously ndopted: "BE IT KKSOI/VED, Thnt Victor Valves Inc., be it nil the same is hereby dissolved and Hint the offieers of the corporation be and they nre hereby nuthorixed to file notice of said dissolution with the Secretary of Stiile nt Lincoln. Nebraska, nnd <o noblish notice of £&id dissolution in the Jewish Press at Omnha, Nebraska " WILLIAM MILUKU, President. HTMIE MILDER, Secretary. 3-20-4T FKABESBCBG, STALMASTEB & BEBEIS Attorneys-at-I>aw Omabm National Bank Buildlnr, Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF THE INCORPORATION OF NATIONAL. INVESTORS, INC. | Notice is hereby given that the under-' signed bare formed a corporation under tbe laws of tbe State of Nelirnsta, trader the I name of NATIONAI, INVESTORS, INC., with its principal ulnce "of business at! Omnbn. Nebraska. Tbe general nature oi the business to be trnnsacted iind tbe objects and purposes tor which this corporation is organized and established nre to carry on a geneml investment business; lo buy,-sell and trade in bouds, debentures, shares of stock, securities, scrip, chattel mortgages nnd real eBtnte mortgages; to operate a sales organization for the purpose of selling or disposing of any of tbe above mentioned items; to engage in the general real estate, rental and insurance business, and to buy, sell nnd trade in real estate, • leasehold property and personal property of every nature and description; to i hi prove any real estate or personal property owned by.lt; te : borrow money and issue IHMKJS, debentures or obligations of-this corporation and. to secure the same by niortcages or otherwise; to do any and all things incidental to any of tbe foregoing. The authorized, capital stock shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000 00) nnd all of said stock shall lie common and of the. par value of $100.00 per share, and shall l>e fully pnid for when issued and uon-nssessnble. The corporation shall commence business upon tbe filing of its articles with the Conmy Clerk of 1J on gins County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The nffain- of the corporation shall be inanug ^. by a Board of not less than two dlrocr»rs. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Tuesday of January, of each year, at which time the Jtoard of Directors shall also hold its annual meeting and elect a President, Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles may lie amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders ppon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding1 stock. IN WITNESS WHEKKOF w& have hereunto set our hands this 27th. day of March, 1931. WALTER MEIEK, In presence of 4-3-31—4T SAM BEEBEll Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc.. of The Jewish Eress, published weekly: at Omaho, - Nebr., required l>y the Act of. August 24, 1012, for April 1, 1JB1: Business Manager, David Blacker, Omaha, Nebr. Known stockholders, mortgages and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: None. Sworn to and. subscribed before me this first dayi of AprU, 1931.1 Milton B.J Abrahams, Notary Public. : (My commission expires March 3, 1934). ;
1619 Parnam St—AT. 8481
.Courtesy Service
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Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Rakes AND
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Made b y
Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond Company Omaha
- * * PAGE S^-*rHE'JE?WT5irTRfi3S; FRIDAY,
Satellites Prospect for Jewish Baseball Stars in Big Leagues
By Bernard Postal In a land.where Jews play an ever Increasing part1 in tHe development of sports, they-have been comparatively inconspicuous,-in tbe great American game -of -baseballs As ,a new season is about to get .under way Jewish baseball, fans throughout the country will be interested, in this article. — Editor. ."L
Mortis Goodman are leaving today to spend the week-end at Iowa City and 's will be accompanied back home by Mrs. Goodman, who has been visiting her. sister,1 Mrs. Kraverman, "for* the W. L. Av. '•I - -. BY F. R. K.: past month. \ " *••* - Empire •Cleaners _ 45 30 .600 Malashock Jewelry .. 44 31 .587 William Sultan of Chicago to be guest _ 41 34 .547 Wardrobe -L^._ ~_Ll Miss Robe_ Mendasonj daughter of speaker <xt B'nai Brith open meet: ...... 38 37 .507 Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson, won first Ben's Jewelry place in the Humorous idiVision of the Yousem Battery „...„.- 30 45 .400 . - T h e Coun^,Bluff?"Lodge No. 688 Annual; Declaratory i Contest which Kaiman insurance .—..-.27 48 .360 of. the Indenpendent Order of the was held at Thomas Jefferson H i g h ' • The Empire Cleaners by reason of B'nai Brith will hold an Open Meeting School Tnesday. 'The School Ero- ( ijheir victory over the Kaiman Insurand iErogrjun next Monday evening, gram," was the title of. her topic. ance became the champions of the Airfl JJEStii; at eight o'clock at the Miss Mendelson is a 'Sophomore at league. \, The Malashock Jewelry trimEagfe&HalL; •;.:'.'• the-T. J. High School. ' j med the Bens Jewelry three games - MK jwilliam Sultan of Chicago, 111., and retained second place. wiU bel the principal speaker and honDoctor Dave Platt with a 237 single Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaaron ored guest. Mr. Sultan* is President and the Malashock Jewelers with a of the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of David, of Leavenworth, Kansas, will 958 game total were the features durthe B'nai Brith. Initiating of new spend the week-end here visiting at ing the evening. members .will be conducted by Mr. the home of Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. ;"!j and Mrs. Julius Katelman. ! The annual stag banquet will be Sultan also. - A musical program is held on April 20th. • , . also being arranged. The entire com- j "~ munity is cordially iiiyited to "attend j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herzoff left this affair Mondayeveriing. | Thursday for Los Angeles, California, Palestine have "been obtained by the to make their future home. Mr. and Jewish • national Fund ' of America "since the- effort was inaugurated The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Mrs. Herzoff have been living in Sioux ' three months ago,' it was declared at City,->Iowa, since their marriage last Senior HadassahwilL hold an importthe headquarters of: the Jewish Na- ' ant meeting Tuesday afternoon, April month. • Mrs^ Herzoff wasVformerly : tienal Fund of America. 14th, at the-Hotel Chjeftauv- The Miss Gertrude Kroloff of CounciJ Study Circle witf'b^j^ja^twcf o'clock,! Bluffs. n preceding the regular^ »6etiny. An I ; : election of officefsi •Us in? ;«nsuing j 40,000 D u n a m s Pledged HT W1KK term will also be heM. • -Plans wfll bet T-.-' •• i -^_ *. ~ Al.l, OVKU THUS WORLD , , ., . --. -•- 2, *^* ° *, ' Financial commitments securing t mane for their Annual Rummage Salei,.. . ,-., . . .. *-*Ju FRED K. SHAW «*• u ni k , , j ;, , .. - . , the fulfilment of more than one-fifth which will be held the. latter j>art of of the five year Ussishkin Plan for Kl.UWliU SHOP this month, All members are urged S45 Kromlwiiy 1'houe 4i land acquisition and reclamation in to attend.
Business Men Binding League
Council Bluffs News
certain of remaining with their clubs i League team; has las; its owner Judge for the duration of the season. Jimmy [ EmilFnchs who isTna^ing heaven and Reese, the expensive .second baseman! earth to - raise' his club' from the tail of the New^York Yankees, is backt end of .the, team standings.Two years again with Babe Ruth and his gang • ago he startled .ihe ^baseball world by and it looks as if he will stay: Ai- assuming the/management of- the though he has little chance of -beingi team. -In view "of-the fact that he a regular this year, Seese who hails i nevsr played a' game of baseball in Baseball is one of the few sports in from, California and whose real name his life, being familiar with the sport which Jews have not as yet reached is Goldschmidt, will get plenty of op- only from a financial point of view the top, although that is no fault of portunities as a utility man and a his action created something of a sensation. Judge Fuchs is a. former New the fans, managers, owners or sport- pinch hitter. The two unlikely "to shine this year York magistrate, ah immigrant from ing-writers. Organized baseball has long sought a Jewish star, who could are Jim "Levy" of the Pittsburgh Na- Russia who'jnoved • to Boston and" . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Braverman of draw the Jewish fans. John McGraw tional League team and Harry. Green- bonght an interest in a baseball club.Iowa City announce the birth of a of the New York Giants : has spent berg of the Detroit Tigers." Greeri- Newest Club Owner ' j son, born-Saturday, April 4th, at Iowa berg, a New York boy, is'only a much time and considerable money in The youngest and ..newest of the big City. Mrs. Braverman was formerly experimenting with likely Jewish ball youngster. He had a tryout last year W. O. Swanson league club owners is Sidney Weil of Miss Rosalie Richman of Council players. He thought he had his jum- but failed to make the grade. This the Cincinnati Reds. An owner of Bluffs. Miss Eudice Richman, and Mr. The' Jewish citizens of the comyeair "he is back, again and. while he ihary in Andy Cohen and .again in stock in the Cincinnati team since, he munity have evinced considerable inSing Solomon, but both petered out. may not stick his innate abilities have was a kid. Weil bought the whole terest in the program announced by and join in its work. To compliment On April 14 a new season of Amer- -impelled. Bucky Harris, manager of club two years ago after-having, made the Ad-Sell: for a bigger and better these leaders, like Swanson, on their j the Detroit team, to keep a watchful ican's favorite" sport gets under way a fortune as an automobile merchant.'. organization next season. The Ad- work is not sufficient and of no prac- j and once,more a.handTHl of aspiring eye on'him. Jim Levy, a product of 5 a : living advertisement tical benefit. If we are to really be the-Pittsburgh sandlbts.-is battling | f j team has not gotten anywhere in. S e U Jewish athletes seek to climb the path the last two years and the\ chances for the-city and has been recognized constructive, let us "pitch in" and beof glory, that-leads to the fame of a for the shortstop berth on the weak- are not bright for this year, but it is. Babe Euth,"a:Ty Cobb, a Walter John- ened St. Louis American team. Levy, no fault of Weil's. He has spent as an invaluable institution for the come a member. progress . and"betterment of Omaha. son and. a .Mickey; Cochrane.;.. When a former Marine, is a hard-hitting] left and right "in -an At the closing meeting of the season the umpires, shout "batter up" Jewish- boy who if he stays with the St.'Louis i-a winner for the fans, Monday-the Ad-Sell elevated W. Otto -team, will head the batting order and ball tossers will be in the line-ups of the jinx of hard luck and injuries has Swaoson to- the presidency and in a six | of /the major; league "teams. . . lend strength to the team's offensive.! j trailed his team. stirring address he asked for a camThe Jewish lad most likely to make Role as Magnates j B-sides the Jewish baseball mag- paign for at least five hundred paid• good this year-is Maxie Kosenfeld, a While no Jew has become an out-] nates and hopeful Jewish players, up membars-to inject into the organiconverted infielder, who is making a standing star in .major; league baseball there is another Jew in baseball of zation new blood and vigor. bid for an outfield job with the and while few Jews have even broken whom all too little is known. He Is Brooklyn Dodgers. Rosenfeld, once into the major league line-ups, Jews Al Sehacht of the Washington AmeriIn true generalship fashion, Mr. up: with: ~the St. Louis. • Browns, re-- have long played an important role in can League team. Schacht's active Swanson, who is also high in local r turns _to the. major leagues after sev- "the ownership of big league baseball playing days have long since been business circles and vice-president of eral seasons in the minors. _• A -native dubs. The late Andrew Freedman, over, but as half of the famous base- the Nebraska Clothing Company, will of-Alabama, where he. .played; with traction magnate and philanthropist, ball comedy twins of Sehacht and Al- inaugurate this campaign immediateAndy Cohen on the University of Ala- once owned the New York Giants. To- trock he has entertained thousands of ly. In the past the Jewish citizens of bama nine, Rqsenfeld's "fielding and day three of the sixteen teams are baseball fans for years. , Together this city have been active members of recognirmg the worthbatting.;.has .impressed ,Oncle Robbie owned by Jews^ andjOddly enojjgh all. wjth his.jjart^ier.Altrock,, be has de? *^e A^" body, " i r ^ l a r g e r measarid the Jewish' player is,expected tdj are in" the National league. • veloped a bagful of tricks and stunts m e s s o;f be in the line-up when the Dodgers! Th-i dean of the baseball magnates and nonsensical acts peculiarly adapt- ure it is to Omaha* what the Comopen their season.. . -..•.?; is Barney Dreyfus, owner of the Ktts- ed to the baseball field. Between in- munity forum "is to fhe Jewish sector Goldman and Berg . ---- - burg National League club. A leading nings, before games and jn the inter- of the city... Its value is "twofold, from during double headers *"«: cultural aspect and. from the busiIn Cleveland, Jonah Goldman, a. for- figure in baseball for two generations mission mer New York high school star, is "Barney" as he is known in the pro- Schacht and Altrock keep^ Washing-. aness viewpoint. The organization is M-ving". advertisement for Omaha, the regular shortstop of the Cleveland fession, broke into the game as the, ton's baseball fans in fits of laughter. Indians. Although he only made,his owner- of the Louisville, team in the (Copyright, 1931, by.the Jewish Tele- and Its bringing to the, city of out" graphic'Agency, l i e V • ^ j^standing /personalities to lecture has big league debut last year he has al- old ' twelve-team league. When the • •'' " "• i dons much to beautify, our-Cultural Louisville franchise was shifted to • ready made good. He has gained his phase of Jife. It is^Ior our welfare spurs and • the Cleveland fans are Pittsburgh Dreyftis went along. Get- -An honest man's +*>e noblest to boost such a project which is lendting along in years", he had recently looking to him to*-help the Indians of God. " :: — ing its great influence ,to increase} turned over much of the club's "afclimb in the American league raceOmaha's prosperity. We members of Chicago, the second- largest Jewish fairs to his son, Sam, but some weeks the Jewish community would do well ago Sam died suddenly and the elder What can't be cured must be encommunity in America, has two majto also, become communally-minded or league teams, but only, one 'of them Dreyfus suffered a'blow from which dared. has a Jewish player, Moe Berg, the it will be -difficult to recover. Dreyfus represents a type of basescholar of the" big leagues. '..'Berg, a Princeton graduate, master ball president that will be gone when of Waif a dozen languages, came right he is gone. Baseball has been his life from college to professional baseball. and when his team lost a game it was He' "tried playing the infield for a as if he had lost something precious. while, but later became a catcher and The Pittsburgh team is his personal '•" as the backstop of the White Sox, the creation. In the smoky city baseball " American league team, he is now a and Dreyfus are synonymous. In tbe /-"regular. His throwing and hitting affairs of the National League he has .have raised him to the level of the long been a power. It was he who led the fight to get Judge Landis to best catchers in the game. . -The other three Jews seeking berths become the czar of baseball when the on major league teams are not so sure game was under a cloud following the of being in the game when the sea- scandals of 1920. son starts. Two of them are not even .The fighting Boston National
MAX KAPLAN represents
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"Tendresse" la Gotham's exquisite high twist chiffon vrith the "garter-run proof Gold Stripe."
J»AGE f - T B E pWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 10,1931 Hopkins, says the New York American has found a method by which he The radio has brought about a great change can extract electric current from disin the complex make-up of modern civilization. ease germs. Some day, maybe, well Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by light our houses by simply tacking on Even in the spiritual and cultural phases of our THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY lives ethereal wave lengths have become an imsome wires to the diptheria ward of SIOUX CITY OFFICE the hospital. .'-; portant factor in the creating and moulding of JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street That is, a person with germs in him public opinion. With such a background, the reis simply full of electricity. That is Lowell, the Statistician Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 ligious groups of the country have taken advanI have told quite a number of anec- why, perhaps, we say we are shocked By Advertising rates furnished on application tage of a propitious situation and the various sects dotes in this column, but the best when our friends are ill. It's a terRABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN have arranged regular programs over the air. anecdote of the year has not appeared j rible pun, but it helps to fill a column here and I must quote it from George j in an indolent day. Turn the dials on any Sunday, any hour, and you Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New 'York Britt's and Haywood Broun's "Chris- J (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele: Office: 400 Brandeia Theater Building will hear a program by some one or other religious graphic Agency, Inc.) tians Only." Telephone: A t l a n t i c 1450 denomination. "Miracle at Verdun" by Chlumberg its uncanny suspense, until the very "President Lowell announced about DAVID BLACKER . . . - Business and Managing Editor In this respect we Jews have been woefully is a remarkable play, and is attracting last moment when the woman leaves eight years ago, that Harvard was FRANK R. AUKERMAN - . - - - - - - . - - . - - E d i t o r lacking and behind the times. The only program deserved attention in New York. It is the stage. giving serious consideration to the F A N N I E KATEiJdAN. Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent by a Jewish constituency heard here is the Jewish not gruesome though it deals with Moreover, the problem of individual question of limiting the number of By EDYTHE MILLER Art Hour once a week on a chain broadcast. Even the resurrection of the thirteen mil- character and the fate it shapes for Jews in the university. Dr. Lowell When in the midst of humble toil soldiers killed in the World war. itself plays a significant role. "Which made the statement that it was neces- And when I think I'm glad, then we in Omaha must tune in on Sioux City to lion It is rather supremely ironic and sa- would your Luchia have become?" sary to restrict Jewish enrollment be- Why should soft music creep into hear it and the reception of it is none too clear. tirical. The soldiers learn to their Salter asks the husband and the fam- cause he found that the moral influ5691 1931 My heart , . . and leave me sad. Rosh Chodesh Iyar.__ Saturday, April 18 Formerly, this program came over a local station grief that the world twenty years af- ily, "This demented creature, driven ence of students from this group was! Lag b'Omer - ______Tuesday, May 5but was eliminated in favor of a local religious ter their death has no place for them, mad by her experiences, or this radi- open to question. As a proof, he cited i Why do I feel the lonely call and that it is true, as the American ant woman who seems to have thrived that out of all the thefts of books ' Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Sunday, May 17 group. Of Dusk to Night; oh, why representative at the World Parliathem?" Was there any reason from the Widener Library,' those; Do others only hear the wind— 1st Day Shabuoth___ . Friday, May 22 Our Jewish community should see to it that! ment tells them, that the highest upon Rosh Chodesh Tammuz_ •—•••..,. ••••Tuesday, J u n e 1 6 a program sponsored by Jewish sources is given! benefit the war achieved was their de- for the woman to say that she would which had been traced to definite cul-j They know peace—why not I? take the road to perdition, now that prits showed that the Jews were 100 j J F a s t o f Tamrmiig .:;;...;: Thursday, -July 2 locally at least once a week. _ Such programs need- struction. Bruno and the others had doubted her, per cent guilty. The statement was' What use for thrust or lark to make R o s h C h o d e s h A b „•••••'••••-. -—^Wednesday, July 15 not necessarily be religious, though it could easily There are just so many less mouths other than the promptings of her own checked and found to be absolutely Their song ring in my ears F a s t o fA b •••/--. Thursday, July 23 and excellently be such in part. Our rabbis are! in the world to feed. Chlumberg puts nature and her desire for revenge both true. One hundred per cent consisted jAnd stir longings, for I must be on Salter and Bruno? "You ar«»lof just one man. No other case of' Rosh Chodesh Ellul"_. _______Friday, August 14 most competent to lecture, while our general talContent with sighs and tears. among the believers," she says to! theft has been traced." Rosh Hashonah _____ -Saturday, September 12 > e n ^ jg unlimited. Jewish musical programs, Jewa Rabbi, name by Sorgenreich, words Buffi, the artist, "and you among the What tortures me when poetry Yom Kippur ___„_, Monday, September 21J i s h i or e, short plays with a Jewish theme would be which indicate that no one of them be- unbelievers," to Bruno and the oth- This and That Impels the tears to start— Herman J. Manikewicz, big man of 1st Day Succoth 7, September 26 a cre( jit to our community. Other communities lieves a miracle has actually occurred. ers. Why does a sinking sun strike deep the Paramount organization, was at Shemini Atzereth -Saturday, October even smaller than ours are doing this successfully,! The Rabbi's speech has in it a pecu- j one time assistant editor of an EngA pang into my heart. sardonic note, and is unpleasant This recalls the definition of a mirSimchath Torah ______ -Sunday, October and there is no logical reason why Omaha cannot' liarly lish-Jewish publication . . . . Noel i hear. He demonstrates that ac- acle by the bishop of Beauvais in Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan ____.Monday, October 12 do likewise. Practically every Jewish home in! to How is it that from all about cording to Jewish tradition, the res- Shaw's "Saint Joan," but it also im- Meadow sends me the news that Lee Rosh Chodesh Kislev. ..Wednesday, November 11 the city and the surrounding territory owns a urrection of the dead soldiers cannot plies that miracles cannot occur un-j Posner discovered the colored dancing! Gay laughter, cheer, delight 1st Day Chanukah ___ --—Saturday, December 5 radio, and our youth, listening in, will get a better be authentic because the Messiah has less persons have faith, and persons! genius who invented the Lmdy Hop' Wake with the sun; yet my solace Rosh Chodesh Tebeth riday, December 11 idea and appreciation of Judaism; and pride, in- not yet come. who have faith are singularly naive while having his shoes blacked . . . .' Comes only with the night. So what ? . . . . Editor Isaac Rosen- ; Fast of Tebth _ -Sunday, December 20 stead of indifference, would mark their attitudes. Chlumberg, the playwright, was a and susceptible to imposture. For a garten asks me to call attention to Ah, me! to wail at God's great gift Jew, but he has not made the Rabbi, solution of all these problems, I refer It would increase our cultural assets in the com- except for one caustic remark chiding my readers to Pirandello's play on the | the fact that Jewish Forum is to Of giving me to know munity, besides spreading good will to the general the nations on their brutality, any stage or to its text when available. celebrate its bar mitzvah with a great' And feel things beautiful without world. The Jewish Press is ready to lend its different in his attitude towards war Clearly, "As You Pesire Me" belongs juicy number . . . . Meyer Levin who Which I couldn't live . . . somehow. The general; conception of the Jew is that he whole-hearted support to the first Jewish organ- than his fellow churchmen. It is, to the dramas of the spirit and authored Yehuda is staging some very Why is my world of far-off dreams, belongs to the spiritual world, steeped in philoso- ization which will inaugurate and sponsor such a however, entirely in keeping with the psyche, of which we have had other intriguing marionette plays. Of hopes that cry in vain Jewish tradition that a Jewish play- brilliant examples in the past two de- Judge Lewis Tells One phy and religious thought arid Talmudic lore, ef- proposal. Or when I reach for seeming pearls wright should write another expose cades. Judge Wm. M. Lewis of Philadelfectively divorced from the physical world with Why do I find the rain . . . of humanity's hypocrisy regarding phia told the story at the meeting of .._.._...4t . . . - . • - . . . its premium upon bodily prowess. Because the war. the Jewish Consumptive Relief dinner. Jew has been constantly and continuously subA gentleman was up before his court Perhaps it may be true that the on the complaint of his wife. j periodic outbreaks on the European jected to slights and abuse and persecutions as a "Your honor," said wife, "this man, I continent are due to the pressure of misunderstood minority, people obtained the moBy DAVID SCHWARTZ my husband, wants to be married one' population, and that a little or great tion that his back was bent and that he was a Canberra, Australia. — Beginning week and divorced the next. I can't \ bloodletting is not deplored by people today no alien immigrants will be physical misfit. Somehow, in olden days a Jewlive with such a fellow. He's against or rulers. Ezekiel in Chapter 37 gives East and West permitted to land in Australia withish athlete in a sport arena did not make a harmIt seems rather odd for Frenchmen to become a graphic picture of the resurrection Just after we had bean lamenting marriage." out a special permit issued by the onizing picture. agitated at this late date over the issue of the of any army in the valley of dry that whereas out west where men are "I ain't against marriage," shouted department of external affairs in they are symbolic of the peo- men, Jews are elected governors, in out the husband, "I'm tip against it." accordance with the new immigration But in the late decades any question as to the Dreyfus case. The anarchronism is even more bones; ple of Israel, reborn for its great en- the east, a Jew can scorcely rise high-1 That of course reminds us r Judge restricitions. physical abilities of the Jew has been dispelled. startling when it only takes the innocuous shape j er than a judgeship—well, the situa-J Lewis, of the old gag about the de- The new regulation?, effective toHe has agressively proven his ability and has had of a theatrical performance. Yet in Paris to-day, U ^ Land. The tragic soldiers of tion has altered. I fendant who got up in court and said: day, the quota system entirely and to be recognized among the top-notchers in' every we are presented with* the; spectacle of minor riots ; Chlumberg's ghostly army in "Miracfe Right now, not less than three Jews j "I deny the allegations and defy the in addition impose a complete profield of athletic endeavor, despite the relatively being provoked by a play based on the Dreyfus at Verdun," however, have no place are being mentioned for the N- alligator." hibition on the entry of aliens of small percentage inpopulation statistics. Names triaL Royalist supporters are determined to to rest their head, and their only al- York governorship: Lieutenant Ga&- A Shocking Pun 5 t those nationalities who were not ternative is to return^ to the grave ernor Lehman, United States District subject to the quota law. Kfce Leonard), ^Friedman, Behr, Holman, Jacobs, wreck the play, and every time a performance isj when Professor Barnet Cohen of Johns' they came. _ ^ Attorney Medallie and Max Steuer. Sington, Berg, Schwartz, and a host of othel^ out- giyen, they resort to all the usual tricks to thatj Lehman and Steuer are democrats, standing, sterling athletes far too numerous to end such as use of tear bombs. At last I have "been told the differ- while Medalie is republican. What 1 mention have shown that the supposed inferiority Anti-Semitism., is apparently not the sole ence between a "Pappas" and a "Sch- will happen of course no one may A "Pappas" drops his know. I t seems possible that if the of the Jew in sportdom was but a fancifuiimyth, cause of their hostility. No doubt they feel that ahd a "Schlemiehl" Democrats name a Jew, the Republiand that once he was given an equal opportunity a ire-statement of the true facts of this historic picks i t up cans may counter by naming a Jew he displayed his innate ability and cleverness'to trial brings into disrepute the tactics of the higher —and then again they may not. And advantage, be it boxing, tennis, football, swim- military. Most of these Royalist rioters are Luigi Pirandello's "As You Pesire then again, there are rumors that Meming, track, basketball or any other sport. And young students of the military academy; the rela-j Me"' is, without doubt, one of the best dallie does not even aspire to the Resince the recent influx of Jewish Community tionship between the lost cause of monarchy and dramas now on the boards in New publican nomination for the governorYork. Pirandalto once more ; deals ship, but would like a federal judgeCenters with their health-building gymnasiums the army being rather close. with the blurred line between reality ship. , the coming crop of Jewish sport-loving youth —Canadian Jewish Chronicle. and illusion. It does not really mat- The father of Medailje, by tha way, seems destined to play an even greater role in the ter when the woman is the real. was the editor in pre-Soviet days of Luchia, who disappeared under pitiful the Bamalttz, a Hebrew periodical, world's gigantic athletic drama. circumstances during the Austrian at- published in St. Petersburg, well '••• Another mistaken idea which is generally actack on Italy* or whether she is Alma, known throughout the world of Jewry. cepted is that in the Biblical days when the Hethe cabaret dancer, seeking' to salvage, brews were the only monotheists and alone sought That legendary practical joker of Russian an herself by posing as the lovely maid- Chess—Not Pyorreali higher cultural and spiritual levels the Hebrews Jewry, Jewry,? Hershele Astropolier, is busy again. I t j en of the portrait, grown ten years An international chess masters Itj oldsr. Pirandello seems to wish to tournament will be held in New York knew not the meaning of athletic endeavor or seerns; jtlit jtliat th the S Soviet has b been try-j i t governmentt h convey the message that the world of soon and those who will compete are physical prowess. Contrarily, the Hebrews with # with na great success, to settle Jews i Capablanca, Heiuwitz, Lasker, Marspirit is under the control of their uncanny ability to excell in variedfields,par- Bidjan, a remote'section inSiberia..-.Someone ,with the shall, Eashdan, Steiner and Turnover. Iranian will. ticipated in sports far before the hearalded a twist of bitter humor "has started^-a story that is is. The woman says to Bruno, the hus- j I dont know about Turnover, but Olympics of the Greeks. Jumping and leaping working havoc with, the settiement plans. I t hand: "Make me as you desire me." Horowitz, . Lasker, Kashdan and When, however, she learns that Bruno Steiner are Jews. Thus at least four walls, in "all probability the forerunner of modern a story about three white bears. A group of imdoubts her identity—for sufficient out of. seven of the masters are Jews. hurdle-racing, were well liked amusements of migrants had just arrived in Bira Bidjan, having Chess has really been the Jewish reasons, it seems to me—she departs those hardy ancestors, of the Jews, (Psalms 18, been deposited by the train at some puny way- Jrom the household, leaving in doubt sport through the ages. Even the 29; Joel ii., 7). Swimming was especially looked station. They waited eagerly for a deputation of j whether she is the genuine Luchia, or rabbis esteemed it, some of them preupon as a delightful exercise (Exek. x; vii, 5; friends to greet them. The deputation in due whether a poor demented creature scribing i t as a cure for melancholia. Josephus-Antiq. xv, 151., 3). The Jews have al-{ time came. It consisted of three white bears, brought in by Salter, is the person There have been rabbis of course who have "felt that it was a great time ways been fond of acquatic pleasures and it is] who preceeded to devour the immigrants, "so that Bruno and the family seek. waster. And Moses Mendelsohn beShakespeare's "Hamlet" is a con-j general knowledge that they have produced some! their relatives will not even have a grave to come troversial play, and it will be a sub--. came the fast friend of Lessing over of the most powerful swimmers in the world. In- to." The Importance of It Suggests ject of perennial controversy to de-f the chess board. Mendelsohn made deed, the Talmud makes it imperative on a Jewish A truly Russian touch of simplicity to the termine whether Hamlet is a self- one of the best observations about Nebraska Style father to teach his son to swim. Hunting and. story. Far from being taken as a joke, its ef- defeated person, or a man of cour- chess that has ever baen made. "Fur ist es : zu ernst, and fur ernst ist fowling were also greatly enjoyed by the Hebrews feet has been rather serious. While similar tales age and decision, awaiting the psy- spiel zu fiel'spiel." "For a game, it is too chological hour to wreck his vengeTITST the right hat can only besewere for a time told in the East about the far ance. In the same way the woman is serious, and for a serious thing, it is from the earliest days. O cured where just the right hat fox Herod the Great is known to have been a bril- Pacific country, the probabilities are that Bira a theme for debate, and each, person too much of a game." And that truly every man is available. The Nebrasliant and fearless huntsman, this. Jewish king Bidjan is no Pacific Coast, and white bears are con interpret her as he or she desires. is the paradox of chess. ka's showing of new Stetsons, Malmaking the sport a royal amusement. He was undoubtedly numerous and hungry. Which makes The same dilemma that is inherent in A Versatile Chess Maestro lorys, Knox, Borsalino and Royal Club also admired for his prowess ,as an athlete and a' the problem of settling Jews there a very diffi-i the Behaviorist /psychology is ap- The most interesting of the Jewish is all inclusive—all that's new is here. chess players that America ever prosoldier, an accurate archer and javelin-thrower.I cult one.. But Hershele Astropolier and his free ,the teacher and parent, who duced was the late Isaac L. Rjce. iPrices range— Fishing was esteemed as a congenial avocation friends, cityrbred as they are, and scornful of the moulds the pupil and child; or the was a versatile personality for (Jeremiah; Habakkuk i., 15-17.) However, the. jungles, may have to shoulder muskets as did the individual who is the subject of their i There you. He was the founder of the Jews did oppose the creating of a gymnasium in pioneers of the West, and go in search of the three influence? At what point can we Forum magazine, the first man to Jerusalem about 190 B. C. E. and the introduction} or three thousand white bears. A Jewish state make ourselves as we desire our- manufacture electric automobiles, a of wrestling, the discus, and other features of • in Bira Bidjan, as grandly planned by the Soviets, selves to be ? What is the precise great lawyer and railroad magnate moment when we pass over from and many other things besides. Greek gymnastics. These had an evil effect upon cannot be achieved without eliminating bears and serfdom to liberty? And Other New Easter Hats He had a room hewn almost out of Jewish religion and morality and upon the re- other obstacles.-—Scribe, Pirandello has written an intrigu- rock underneath his home where he $3.25 and Better ing play, but he has "held out" im-played chess. The subterranean room capture of Jerusalem by the Maccabeans twenty portant information. There is not a was for the purpose of making it years later all relics of Greek barbarism were comThe Nebraska'. Hata—Xaia FI««r Prosperity is not to be found in the thing single fact or bit of evidence which noise proof. Rice was the inventor of pletely obliterated. This but illustrates a univers- weighed, in the thing measured, or in;the thing, is not immediately contradicted the the Rice Gambit in chess, and a gamal truth, that throughout our history the Jews counted. moment it has been brought into the bit, if you don't know chess, is a have always asserted that while the physical side action. Everything is made delib- strategic maneuver by which^ at the erately to have a "double entente." sacrifice of a piece, you gain advantof life is not to be ignored, yet in the eternal The Eternal Passover is the passing of con-! The author therefore has labored with age of position. struggle between the spiritual and the corporeal struggl CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEM artifice to construct and destroy his sciousness from the material-sensual plane of material, th h l d th h but the result i s a gripping* Adding to Unemployment in man, between the human soul and the human body man's spirit is infinitely superior to hisjexpressibnj^tiie plane of Spirit, as its dominat-' fascinating piece of work which re- Recently, so my informer tells me, body, man's spirit superior to his!ling center of expression. - is " infinitely • " s tains the observer's attention through Harry Hershfield met Irving Straw
Telling It In GATH
just back from Florida. "What did you do down there," queried Hershfield. "Well, among other things, I rescued four people from drowning," retorted Strottse. "But why, with all this unemployment?" came back Hershfield.
From Contemporary Pens
Australia Joins Those Barring
By the Way
^_T f
Your New Spring
physical strength and beauty
hold their monthly cultural meeting one particular book wanted by the departure for the Near East and at th6 home cf Mrs. Sam P™^™«»™ university is searched for by a num- Europe. Mr. Lippmann will be free ber of book sellers in different coon- m write on domestic -and 4ntor 3007 Nicholas, on Sunday evening, tries at the same time. April 12, at 8 p. m. Mrs. I. Hurwitz national topics which especially apwill continue her readings of Jewish Books written in other dialects used peal to him, the Herald-Tribune anJewish Women's Welfare history. Interesting discussions will by Jews in various parts of the world nounces. Federation be held. All members are urged to have been collected by the University The date of the mother-daughter attend. Library. Special attention has been Demands Austria Bar banquet to be given by the Jewish to the literature of the Sephar- German Fascists Eta Kappa Tau Club Invaluable Gifts Boost the Li- given Women's Welfare'Federation has been dic Jews, written in Spanish with HeThis organization is sponsoring a Vienna.—The Liberal press called brary of Palestine changed from May 10 to May 3. Res- hike next Sunday at 7 o'clock in the brew characters. The Library has on the Austrian government to Institution ervations may be made with Miss morning to Elmwood park. Two baserecently acquired 300 volumes in this prohibit German Fascist leaders Blanche Zimman, Harney 4871. dialect, which is still used among the from entering Austria as they are ball teams have been organized and New York.—As a result of the $5000 descendants of Spanish Jews in the planning to do shortly in connection they will play their first game Sun-; gift o f Mr. David Shapiro, owner of Near East. Conservative Auxiliary day morning. with a scheduled ten day National the Jewish Day-Wahrheit of New BENDER-ZABBACK The next regular meeting of the turned from Kansas City to make In addition to the lists of desiderata Socialist conference to be held here. This will be the start of the club's York, the Yiddish collection at the HeWord has been received here of die their home here. "Mrs. Viener was Ladies' Auxiliary of the Conservative spring activities and all members are brew University Library has increased prepared by the University from bibli- Paul Joseph Goebbels, Hitlerite leader marriage of Miss Ann Zabrack, formerly Miss Pauline Lieberman of Synagogue will take place on Monday, asked to attend the hike, which will from 5000 in 1927 to over 7500 in ographies in various Yiddish diction- of of Berlin, is scheduled to review April 13, at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish start from the home of Charles daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Zabrack Omaha. 1930, according to a report by Dr. aries, book sellers in Frankfurt and a special parade of Austrian Nazi Community Center, preceded by a Mogil. of St. Louis, Mo., to Mr. Sam Bender, Hugo Bergmann, director of the li- Amsterdam have recently sent the troups. board meeting at 1:30.' son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bender of IN HONORARY SOCIETY brary, just received by the New York University valuable lists of old books Following the business meeting, at this city. office of the university. Dr. Berg- iTom which the Library will make up Misses Lillian Upsey and Grace which the various chairmen will jjfve j The marriage was solemnized Sun- Dansky, students at the University of Ask Your Paperhanger I mann states that as a direct result of," new lists of books i,Jssing from the I day evening, March 29, in St. Louis. Nebraska, were elected to Pi Lambda a report of last month's activities, for SHRIER'S 1931 I announcement of this fund, friends of present collections. Owing to the in- I1 Mr. Bender is a graduate of Cen- Theta, national honorary and educa- there will be a program consisting of By Wallpaper Sample Beoks j the library throughout the world be- crease in Yiddish books, the Univertral high school and attended the Uni- tional sorority of the Teachers' col- a review by Rabbi David A. Goldstein gan to send gifts of Yiddish books. sity librarians have succeeded in idenMrs. David M. Newman SHRIEK PAINT AND on "The Conquest of Happiness," by versity of Nebraska. He is a member lege. The present collection includes impor- tifying anonymous authors and real WALLPAPER COMPANY Bertrand Russell, a group of piano se-> of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. tant bequests by the late Dr. Charn names of such authors as wrote under lections by Rose Braudeis and an ICINGS FOR CAKES 24th and Hamilton St.—WE. 4211 a pseudonym, and in establishing one Spivak of Denver and the large liCONVALESCING eight-minute oration on "The Jew and Vanilla Icing system of spelling writers' names, a ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT | brary of the late Dr. Joseph HazanoJerome Gordon, son of Dr. and Mrs. One egg white, L.l-2 cups powdered vitch of Warsaw, which was classified difficult problem due to the change in Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Colick an- M. L. Gordon, who has been seriously World Peace," by Sal Michoiek. The opening prayer will be led by sugar, 1-2 teaspoon almond extract. nounce the engagement of their ill following an operation at the Nichby the Society of Friends of the He- Yiddish spelling introduced during the Pat egg white in a bowl, beat stiff, brew University of that city. The past fifteen years. daughter, Rose, to Mr. Harry^Holz- 0 , a s g e n n h o g p i t e l i s n o w c o n v a iesc- Mrs. Paul Bernstein. add powedered sugar and almond ex- Society in Warsaw itself has made man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morns • Hadassah Cultural ! tract, add cream to make right con- large gifts to the university. Holzman. No definite date has been j Impressive and inspiring was the sistency to- spread, set for the wedding. "It is particularly difficult to lo-j CONVALESCING book review given by Rabbi Frederick cate old Yiddish books," stated Dr. Mr. Maurice H. Lipp is convalescing Conn on "My First Two Thousand Orange Icing ENTERTAIN Bergmann in his report, "because tbe: at the Lord Lister hospital from in- Years." This review was given beOne and one-half tablespoons but- Y i d ( f i s h b o o f e m a r t e t i g v e r y b a d l y o r . Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiman enter- juries sustained in an automobile acWalter Lippmann, recently editor fore the Hadassah Cultural Group on ter, two cups powered sugar, rine of tained at a party Sunday evening in cident last Frdiay. of The World, will become a regular ganized. Many Yiddish books have Monday evening at the Jewish Com- j an orange and enough juke for the honor of their son, Jack, and his fibeen disregarded and despised as of conti'ibutor of signed articles to the munfty Center. 1 right consistency to spread. HArney 7!>4fl ancee, Miss Elizabeth Katz. no-account by their owners, and as a New York Herald-Tribune in the MOVE Others on the program included M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. This announcement was consequence have completely disap- autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Abramson have Mrs. M. F. Levenson, who read a paUncooked Chocolate Icing ANNOUNCE BIRTO peared from the market. Sometimes made on the eve of Mr. Lippmann's moved into their new home at 2019 per on "Passover," and Mars. Abe ME. and Mrs. Sam Jtahsky announce North 51st street. One square chocolate, pinch salt, 5 Lj Greenspan, who read some interesting tablespoons boiling water, 1 teaspoon the birth of a son, Jardon Norman, on current events. vanilla, 3 cups j>owilered sugar. March 25th at the Emanuel hospital. MOTHERS' DAY TEA The meeting was well attended by Melt the chocolate over hot water, Miss Rose Rosenstein is chairman an enthusiastic group, including vis- . remove from fire add salt, water and ON TRIP Omaha's Style Center of a Mothers' Day tea and program to Miss Evelyn Green of Norfolk, be sponsored by the Junior Hadassah itors from other cultural clubs in the vanilla, add sugar and beat untS city. Mrs. Max Fromkin is chairman glossy. Make icing stiff enough to Nebr., formerly of Omaha, departed girls for Omaha Jewish mothers and of the group. spread without running. last Saturday to visit her uncle and daughters on Mother's day, May 10. aunt, Lieutenant and Mrs. Benjamin She is being assisted by Misses Tfllfe Pioneer Women's Club Stern, in New York. Diogenes struck the father when Markovitz and Lillian Slutzfcy. The Pioneer Women's Club will • the son swore. ON EXTENSIVE TRIP Opposite HADASSAH Orpheum witz, 615 So. 56th St~, on Monday, Miss Elsie Eisman, daughter of Mr. are' It is always good when a man has will April 15. All those interested The Hadassah sewing .group and Mrs. Dave Eisman, left Saturday ' two irons in the fire. —Beaumont. for an extensive trip east. En route , meet at the home of Mrs. I. Berko- welcome. she will visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Grossman, atr Milwaukee, and with her cousins, Mr. and • Mrs. Langman, at Tifton, Ohio. She' will .return .in time to enter Creightbn "university1 ~this fall.
Organization News
Kitchen Chats
Wednesday and Thursday Specials j Lippmann Joins Staff I of "Herald-Tribune" I Serai-Flat ._. 6c j! Wet-Wash _ 4c I
For Storage and Repairing
TO VISIT HERE Miss Nina Bassin of Kansas CStj, Mo., will spent the week-end in Omaha as the guest of Miss Ruth Hefner. VISITING Mrs. Lou Marks is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grean, at; Norfolk. VISITS HERE Mr. Jack Weinberg of Hastings, Nebraska, spent the past weekend as ; guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg. Mr. Wein-j berg js managing the Cornhusker theater atr Hastings. '
Sixteenth at Farnam
Everyone Copies
YOUR NEW FROCK WiU Be Easy to Find in This Assortment of Clever Styles Navg Georgettes Black Chiffons Printed Chiffons Pastel Chiffons Printed Crepes Polka Dot Crepes Bi-ldea Prints Flat, Canton Crepe
You'd guess each frock cost more than $15. Everything's here . . . boleros, finger-tip jackets, lingerie trim, the game of color contrast, short, cap and bracelet length sleeves. Navy, black, brown and of course, the season's pet colors.
BACK FROM VISIT Misses Minda and Ruth Friedman have returned from a week's visit at Crete, Nebr. SPENT HOLIDAYS HERE Mrs. Benjamin Taxman o l Kansas City spent the Passover holiday; in Omaha with her parents, Mrl and Mrs. J. Milder.
Sizes for Juniors, Misses, Women
IS GUEST Master Robert Allyn Weinberg, son of Mr. ajid Mrs. Sam \yeinberg of Fremont,- Nebr., was a guest of his i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg, last week. V HF.RE Miss Rlna Snyder arrivpd here Sun day froni Chicago, Illinois, whete she has been residing, to makeher-horns here with her mother, Mrs. S. Snyder, at the Austin Apts.;
Is Known By the Details It Has
HONORED Miss Evelyn Adler, student at the. University of Nebraska, has been j elected to Phi Beta Kappa, national j honorary scholastic fraternity. TO MAKE'HOME HERE Mr. and Mrs. J. Viener have re-
MalashockY FOR YOUR
Jewelry Needs 16th and Howard
Those tvlto will have nothing but better dresses will enthuse over these new "Advance Summer Sorority Frocks in delightful contrasts — flowing chiffons, luxurious laces and prints for all occasions.
Tlnrd Floor
Black Brown Skipper Blue Gray White on Black Blue or Brown Second Floor
Sale of 500 Pairs
€ape Skin Gloves Slip-on styles in the colors called for this season.
i.; ti t i
!4IMARY, THIS IS A COW**—When a survey of Los Angeles schools revealed that 25 per-cent of the 1 elementary students never had seen a real cow and 50 per cent never had seen a calf, the board of i education decided something drastic should be done. After some thought a traveling "bovine special", [was sent on a tour of the schools. Photo shows a group of children viewing the unusual exhibit and thereby getting their first glimpse of real cows and calves.
%/ S W% SHOVING THROUGH—When this picture was taken the ice in the Hudson river was 13 inches thick, yet the steamer Poughkeepsie, shown above, managed to break her way from New York to Poughkeepsie. The trip was made to test her new ice-breaking bow.
RARIN' TO GO—This photo of Robert Buck, 17, was taken just "after he received a license for his plane, Yankee Clipper. This.was one of the final steps to be taken preparatory to hopping off from A little R o o s e v e l t Field, L. I., for Havana, making three stops, p en route, CAMPAIGN TALK each way, and returning within 48 honrs. I tired after a busy day of vigorous ^4] campaigning, Mayor William Hale I, Thompson, of Chicago, chats with SECOND BEST—"Blue Dan" doesn't mind being chosen the second*""'one o f h i s a r d e n t supporters, RAIN OR SHINE?—Galoshes—or shoes? This was the perplexing best dog entered in the annual Westminster Kennel club show at ' . 8 "schen, building commisquestion confronting Frau Einstein, above, wife of the German Madison Square Garden, New York. You see the very finest canines s i o n e r - "Big Bill" has been wagscientist, as she visited Los Angeles, to do a little shopping. . i n the country are entered so that means that this English setter J n g a s*1"611000* battle for re-elec« probably is the best of his class. He is owned by Dr. A. A. Mitten ,^on* of-Philadelphia.' —**— _h_h
ALL IN STEP—To the rhythm of beating tom-toms, Miss Madelaine ' Vincent, customs house employe, watches the parade of the wooden soldiers. The soldiers are Javanese mahogany idols, sent to San RENT FOR A SONG—A song a day is the rent charged by F. L. Hunt, Lawrence, Kas., piano tuner, Francisco by C. Templeton Crocker, wealthy sportsman, cruising; for the hundreds of bird homes he maintains there. / He has all sorts and types of homes, to please even the South Seas. ' the most particular bird. Photo shows Hunt with just a few of the bird houses.
I BACKYARD KINGDOM—This rock castle is bounded on the west f by a rose trellis; on the north by: the cellar wall; on the east and (south by the backyard fence. It is the creation of IVilliam D. Pres'cott, son of an Oakland, Cal., artist. At one end, a gatekeeper's lodge built of gray stone stands, a gnome in knee breeches is at the
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VALUABLE FREIGHT—Frank R. Smith, age two, gets a hearty reception from his dog upon his arrival in Atlanta, Ga.; after a solitary trip from Cincinnati, 0. When Frank's grandfather, with whom he started from Milwaukee, decided to stop off in Cincinnati, he sent the bov southward, alone, with shipping instructions written • on a tag tied to his jacket
s0LVE !
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dooVtheturreted Endows are Kghted; water rashes over the chff. WHEN E A S T ^ O E S [ W B S r - B * U n * t s « _ _ , U*, Pata S p r i ^ . CM. do f e »»ch get . M of ft. " - ^ ^ ' ^^^gr^JaieilesbeneatKtK „,._ , .. . -.-,,-...». ^ ofreatinR roundupstyle.at an outdoor chuclc tabl«t
HUNGER PROBLEM—^To alleviate hunger, citizens of Zion
r- .51"
moat magnificently organized party. National Socialism "marches to do battle with the; Marxian criminals." Vienna. —-.An enormous collection Hitler is described; as "an unof- rare literary items, thousands of balanced •temperamental actor, an Bible prints, innumerable: Christian easily excited neurasthenic who i s books and manuscripts and a valuoverwhelmed by events of the'moable library arfe bequeathed [fe^itf •in an article by Weigand von unnamed Palestine : museum by' She in the Prager^Eageblatt, late Rev. J3r. William Hechler, Pro- Nazis Leakier Is Described as aw a W ^translated in the 4ta«5fi~ memtestant . clergyman who -was a close "Unbalanced Neurasber ofthe ^Living" Age. Herr von collaborator of Dr. Theodoir / Herd, thenic" •' Miltenburg "says in part as follows:* founder of 'poetical Zionist,, in -flifi "He lacks the capacity par latter's efforts to obtain a. charter "Jewish, H \ % for a Jewish state in Palestine. • feated in! Germany, declares' -Adolpn leadership and the ability" ttT t»ine Hitler, leader « ffr ihet- Gerraair ^aati- to a decision at the right time; JB3£? Semitic National-Socialist Party, in ler is incapable of carrying out a Elected to International a New Year's; message to his fol- firm decision with cool convictions Academy of Diplomacy ".Detroit. ~ Louis James Rosen- lowers which. appeared in Hitler's Like William II he cannot bear ifee berg, attorney and" '3egai advisor to organ, VoeBcisther Beobachter, and truth and dislikes anyone who teBs foreign legations, , has been elected which i s translated in the March it to him. He lacks the real politician's perception of realities but he nan * Jadhesh e' member of the Inter- number of the Living Age. often uses demagogic expressions Time was when Jewish Bolshenational Academy of Diplomacy at with effect. Paraphrasing an exvism and the enemies of the nation Paris. His; membership was sponsoredfeyDr. J, Alfaro, president of reigned supreme in the" press, in the pression that was once applied to public life, and -fc the Heichstag," General Boulanger, one might say - the Republic of Panama. American cities, and communities^ I i: 1 ..former says "-Hitler. ^The; ijerman worker, of Hitler and of his whole movebecome? hrairehaja-^" '"*' "" *'" despised: by the middle class, fell a ment, "A banner need not do much hopeless prey to the Marx fans, who thinking." for a'huge'American an tiie'am g r decejye jibe-people. Today there, afe . will be carrie^i'to 1-jjJeS££Pj3sndfni? ;Eppsejjjfpgnd Tatt Naught is so sweet as melancholy. ; 'writer ; eighki SiaSSan: inen -who represent • a political : 1' iasuiiis:a'political 'writerkttfyiotje* '
A visit Ao Pittshurg, Palestine
Jewish periodicals are devoting considerable space to the Haym Solomon monument controversy . . . . Max J. Kohler attacked the proposal to erect a monument in. New York City to the Jewish patriot of the Revolution . . and the Federation o£ Polish Jews are up in arms because of Kohler's statement . . . . that Solomon's sacrifices for his country are unfounded and exaggerated . . . . Dr. I. Spectqr of Pittsburgh., Pa., may mean to you Seattle, Washington, in his column, and to the rest of us the name of .the •'Good Shabbis" d^lares . . . '.. that the B'nai Brith attendance i s waning center of Pennsylvania's steel indusbecause its lodges have neglected cul- try. To these children, the boys and girls of Palestine, Pittsburgh is .a |#fc; tural interests and that it has failed to include spiritual work in its lage in their immediate neighboriioad. activities . . . . but our dear doctor Its American namesake has its sigoverlooks the fact that the radio, the nificance only because it stands spon-^ auto, the "bridge" game, the "talk- sor t a a new settlement in the Valley ies" and other modern lures have a of JezreeL The youngsters of the Hebrew pubtendency to interest our members... lic school of Kfar Baruch made a flyincidentally, non-Jewish fraternal oring excursion to the nearby tract of ganizations are. also in a deplorable condition because of lack of attend- land redeemed by the Jews o^lnttsance . . .-. Dave Scanltz, manager of burgh through the Jewish National Collins Credit Clothing house, vfas Fund, for the establishment there of, formerly the ice-skating champion of a settlement which, bears the name of Illinois . . . . he possesses more medals Pittsburgh. The names of other than a dscorated French general . . . . 2,000 students are enrolled at the U. S. Naval Academy . . . . and Earl Lapidus, son of the illustrious Harry H., is one of the fifteen Jewish lads at dear old Annapolis . . . a young chap who is making excellent grades in his studies and of whom all Omaha is prond. . . . _ It appears that Palestine will be reFall Off in Numerical Strength presented at the World's Fair in Chiand in Importcago . . . . D r . Melamed, noted editor, ance believes that it will be a splendid opportunity for Zionist propaganda . . . . Salonica.—(J. T. A.)—A snm-up of he complains that, certain reform rabbis have intimated to the World Fair the past decade in the history of the Committee that the Jews are not a Jews of Greece shows that there has been a gradual decline in the numernation . . . but representatives of a ical strength and importance of the An interesting report religion Jewish communities, most marked in from Prague . . . . JNaftali Fried, a Salonica, where the Jewish populawhite-bearded Jewish fish -merchant tion has decreased 15,000 since 1930. from Polonia . . . . .who has achieved some repute as a Hehsrew ,s?holai5.,..... -;• Tiles' Jewish population of Salonica "has received an appointment from; the today-is still, 55,000 which is 22 per Pope as librarian of the Vatican's He- cent of ^the. city's,total population of ecobrewlibrary and as Hebrew jnstriWft'pr to the young priests . ^|i^^Med; is" provided with a Kosh^r^&tpigo, arid ment*dil fisomv: a "minyon" for Jewish Iseryifees-f«H.; ^ees frora>^^^Mi^btt a n ^ t ^ | T^uctionM ofothfe: "^Jewish ^Jewish popi population he abstains from work and Jewish holidays;^,;. . .Herman was• Wise, president of tgl; Qma-Cbl <4ub £ jionsidsiabie.gafe;£6* the . . . . a group of fornier Omahans who are now permanently, residing in Chi- decade is Athens, whose Jewish comcago . . . . organized out a few months munity increased from 300 to 2,500 ago and promoting social athletic and the new people coming largely from " educational activities., v . . invitation Salonica. • is extended to all Omahans (we preIn 1920 a law adopted by the Venisume) to their May dance which will zelist government confined the Jews bs held May 10 a t t h e Steuben Cmb to special voting sections; in 1923 a Cohens de- separate electoral college was created ballroom in Chicago feat Levey's by one page in New York for the Jewish, vote, which is still in . . . . the Manhattan telephone book force for parliamentary, but not for contains iive closely-set pages of municipal elections, in spite of all the Cohens and four pages of Leveys . . . . protests of the Jews, and all the govand neither name occurs even once, in ernment promises to withdraw the the New York Social register . . . . law. Time was when the appearance of a In 1924, the Jewish right to substiname such as Cohen or Greenberg on tute Sabbath for Sunday in the coma big league baseball team would have pulsory weekly day of rest was abronow we find gated by the creation of a compulsory caused a sensation Rosenberg, Mishldn, Berg, Goldman, Sunday rest law. This was a severe Fallenstein, Rosenfeld and several blow to the Jewish community of other Jewish names on various major Salonica. league teams . . . . Jack Frieden, the There are two Jewish deputies in "bulky" minstrel man, is a radio enthe Greek Parliament: Mordshay Beetertainer . - . . who can bs heard on santchi, and David Matalon; and there j catch the "Dwarfies" program is a Jewish senator, Ashar Mallah. on! All three are Zionists and Venizelists. Conservative Judaism in Des Moines The Union of Jewish Communities attained i t s objective when its beautiof Greece, created in 1929 on t i e ocful synagogue was realized last fall casion of the creation of the Jewish . . . . The Tifereth Israel Synagogue Agency for Palestine, has not as yet of which Rabbi Lewis Grossman is the spiritual head . . . [ . i s really a credit done anything of significance. Two to the Jewish community of Des conferences: have been held. The Moines, Iowa . . . . $25,000 was ex- Union has asked for the appointment pended for the edifice which included of a Chief Rabbis for all Greece, but a Hebrew school and club house . . . . this has as yet not been done. The Jews of Greece are in need of Louis Cransky is the president . . . . The passing of Knute Rockne, himself help from Jews of other communities, in order that' they may regain at least an immigrant to these shores causes a loss to our country of a gen- in part the important place that they nine moulder of public opinion . . . . j have occupied among the Jewish comHis "fighting Irish" included Kaplan, munities of the orient, if not of the Schwartz, Goldstein and other Jewish whole world. . he was free from favorboys • itism and prejudice . . . . Eddie Cantor Minnesota Legion Asks Change acted as master of ceremonies at a in Convention midnight theater benefit for the JewSt. Paul, Minn. — Members of "ish Tubercular Sanitarium in Los An- the Minnesota American Legion and geles . . . . Will Rogers made a per- its auxiliary at their joint annual sonal contribution of §500 and also spring conference here unanimously donated his services, along with sev- adopted a resolution requesting th< eral other movie celebrities and national executive commitee of th vaudeville stars . . . . over ?10,p00 Legion to change the opening date was raised for this institution which of the national convention at Detroit is now operating under a large de- from Monday, September 21st t o ficit . . . . A late story concerns a Tuesday, September 22nd in order young man who was seen shaking his to avoid a conflict with Yom Kiphead violently and muttering "No! pur. No!" . . . . asked what "was the trouble The Minnesota Legion is the first he replied.. . . . "I'm a yes man in in the country to take official action one of the studios and I'm enjoying m this matter regarding which naa nics vacation.' tional "Jewish "Leaders have interPity's akin to love. —^Southerne vened with the national commander.
HecMer Wills Valuable CollectiontoPalestine
M -''
' i " 1 ' f . * .' ~ *" ' i f
Ludwig St«tfs Son Gets Professorship Geneva. — Dr. Arthur Stein, son o£ the late PrtHE. La Jwig. Stein, has1 just been appointed extraordinary professor of philosophy in the University of Berne. Since 1920 Dr. Stein has been a lecturer at the University of Berne. Warburg Fellowship in public for the year 1951—S2 was SHaounced by the. American office of •tte Hebrew Unidaraity in Palestine, The fellowship, which-was established by the children bf-Mi', and Mrs. Warburg, rwilfv'be granted to a young man. cr ^mman recently £radoated from a college or university, in Europe:*«* in America. The conditions of the award requires that -the winning applicant be qualified and prepared to devote a year to the investigation of a problem in public healttj ;»f special importance ifto Palestine! The department of hygiene of the Hebrew University js[ xm4er. * ihp direction of Professor il. J.
i ' •
Announcing the
Second Annual Campaign of the
OF OMAHA The second annual drive of the Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha will be held from May 10 to May 22, 193L The Philanthropies is the money-railing a ^ q y for important and necessary local, nsftlona! and international % wish needs- Every Jew in Omaha sliould^be a qohtributcf to this fund for in this manner the work *• of the rbeiieficiaiy Agencies can best be carried on*
29 Beneficiary; Agencies This year .29 beneficiary agencies wffl.r^ceiie support from the PhilanfttropiaB. Tliey-areHfp^iollows;—~: ' .•**.! LOCAL— u Jewish Education Social Service Committee Old Peoples Home -. NATIONAL— National Jewish Hospital, Denver Jewish Consumptives Relief Society, Denver Denver Ex-Patients Tubercular Home Leo Levi Memorial Hospital . . : Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland - \r. \. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society : National Desertion Bureau National Home for Jewish Children National Farm School Bureau for Jewish Social Research ^ National Appeals Information Service Training School for Jewish Social Work National Conference for Jewish Social Work American Jewish Committee Jewish Theological Seminary of America * Rabbi Isaac Elchana Theological Seminary Hebrew Theological School, Chicago B'nai Brith Wider Scope INTERNATIONAL— Joint Distribution Committee American Palestine Campaign Jewish-National Fund National Labor Committee (for Jewish workers in Palestine) Hebrew University Ort -vrs.,- * • Jewish Telegraphic Agency '•'••'<< :
A Proven Success
WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN Chairman "This year we have included in the drive a number of beneficiary agencies that were not. listed last year. Every one is doing worthy work and needs the help of every Jew in Omaha. The needs of our people everywhere is great—we of Omaha most answer their call and keep faith with them. Let us give liberally this year."
During: the past year the Jewish Philanthropies of O m a h a has proven its need. Various local beneficiary agencies have been relieved of the problem of conducting drives, and have been able to devote more time to their work. The general expense of raising, distributing and handling the funds has been greatly reduced by this concentrated eflFort. There has been a more efficient system of budgeting the funds and of utilizing the funds to the greatest advantage. It has proven its necessity in Omaha.
MISS.ANNA PILL, Correspondent
BE KEY TO MANY UNWRI1M TALES Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Discoyeries
which may prove to' be the key to much unwritten history of the pre-i documentary period were; uncovered at Ramath Rachel, the' new name given for the elevation near Tulpiot, , Mrs. Harold Levy, and son, Lawa suburb of Jerusalem," where- GdudThirteen students of the Hebrew Avodah, a Jewish labor settlement i s rence, of Chicago, 111., are guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr, School will be in the Graduation Class located. * • '••;.•••.,,?" and Mrs. A. L. Galinsky. During her next Sunday evening, April 12, when The excavations, which, are under stay in Sioux City, Mrs. Levy plans} the exercises will be held at the Jewt District Grand Lodge President to visit with Mr. i and Mrs. Harry ish Community Center. This class is the direction of the Jewish Archaeological Society, besides yielding sarto Be Guest at Meeting the largest in the history of the Bailing at Atkinson, Nebraska. cophagi and ossuaries, pointing to the school, to receive diplomas at one existence of an ancient Jewish cemeWilliam Sultan of Chicago, PresiMr. and Mrs. Enchel Barish visited time. tery and therefore an early Jewish dent 'of District Grand Lodge number The program, which will be held in settlement between Jerusalem and six of the B'nai Brith, will be the in Cedar Rapids last week. the Jewish Community, Center at 8 Bethlehem, have brought to light anguest of the local lodge on Tuesday o'clock, will include several addresses' Members of the N. M. A. Club will cient' pitchers, oil lamps, bronze figevening, April 14. j meet Sunday afternoon at the home of and musical numbers. ures, and a ; peculiar marble slab with ' Mr. Sultan is < on, a tour of the disThe graduates include Benjamin images engraved on both sides,' son Lottie Fineberg, at Jefferson, S. D. trict, appearing Before the' various Sacks, Isadore Shindler, Isadore Mar- i one'side'of which is believed, to-be lodges, and .carrying to them the mesMargaret, Rose, and Abe Kozberg, on Tillie Shindler, Tillie Franklin, an image of Baal Gilgal and oil the sage ;*of the yroijk of the rB.'riai" Brith. and Sol .Gbldsmith spent Sunday visit- Annaball Emleiri, Sara SadofF, Nathan* other that of Ishta,.thus placing,the He'Js'also scheduled to visi£ Lincoln, Feinberg, Perry jjOsnawitz, , ff Archie date (if the (engravings in the Middle ing friends in" Omaha. 1 Omaha, and Council Bluffs. ' • • K n t o r Henr Giii^jejfei tester iiLaj^ Bronze Age- <15b0 B J ' a V .< s Kantor, Henry, Giii^jejfei, ^ | Sioux City Chapter will hold its | Miss Helen Levitt, Miss Ida Fish, riowich and Jack Merlin. : ifieeting on the 14th, at the Davidson iThe elevation-is strewn with mos. Registration for the Hebrew School! Tea Boom. At the same time a and Lou Dimsdale, students at Iowa will be held Sunday, April 12, between aic prehistoric flints and caves ynth University have returned to school class of twenty-five new members will the hcurs of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. and( niches, one probably Hellenic, and be initiated. This group will be after spending spring vacation in I Monday, from 4 to 8, o'clock in the with Megalithic and Cultic shrines. A known as ;the William Sultan. Class, Sioux City. | afternoon. The registration will take cycldpic structure is believed to be of in honor of the'district president! Leonaid Barricks visited at the place at the School on 16th * and the Gilgal period. The diggings have The initiation will begin' promptly also-uncovered a city wall with ramat 9 o'clock, and will be followed by home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. I Douglas. parts and several caves with funeral I an address by Mr. Sultan. The meet- Barricks over the holidays. chambers -and galleries with hewn ing i s open to the B'nai Brith memsteps leading to* them. bers and wives. Mr. Joe Levine is in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belmont and 1 Part of vne wall of the ancient city IIFIPSt IN H F A I T H charge of the' initiation,-and' Mr. son, Jack, of Omaha, spent the noliwas excavated by Dr. Shick in 1877, Morey Lipshutz is in charge; of the:days in Sioux City visiting relatievs. HHliTO 111 I U I A L I I I but the present discoveries may prove general arrangements. to be of exceptional interest because Mrs. Harry Belkin of Grand Rapids, Following the initiation and meetof the material which is baing uning, an informal card party and Michigan, is a guest at the home of During the past summer the Clara, covered which, sheds new light on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Holdance will be held. land. She was formerly Berthaffl Wachtel Dental Clinic opened at the the prehistoric period. With" the beginning of the new trated Ketubah for prssentation to Note (in center) the drawing J*of the Straus. Health Center of Jerusalem, Holland. bridal season,; things will look much couples about to be married. Hebrew University and (on left and through the efforts and financial backbrighter under the Chuppah and a The above- is a miniature of the right sides) the scenes of the life of 1 ing of Dr. Henry Wachtel, who pledgMont.eal. — F o r the first time in new; cblor^ will be added to Jewish many colored illustrated Ketubah, ed $10,000 for this purpose. the history of this city radio was wedding ceremonies due to the re- drawn by an artist of note and mod- the 'Palestine pioneers. Its immediate program is examina- used to spread an attack on the appearance of the Ketubah, the insep- elled after the most bsautiful KetuThe illustrated Ketubah is not for Mr. Edwin W. Baron, Sioux City tion of teeth of pupils attending the' Jews. Speaking from the Station arable chaperon and companion of bah engraving in vogue among the; sale, according to Solomon Lamport, attorney will speak from the pulpit of Na al 0 1 8 Mh&nc& schools, supervised by the Hadassah; XJKAC on Bolshevism; Father Abbe Jewish brides since time immemorial. most cultured Jewish communities. treasurer of the Fund. It is being disShaare Zion this evening. His suborganized a choir for tha purpose ' School Hygiene department in Jeru- i Levergne, a Catholic priest, utilized The ancient Aramaic-Jewish. text of The drawings, centering around the tributed among the members of the ject will be "Moses as Depicted in'. makln S a study of Jewish Folk 1 salem, numbering about 8,000 and the occasion to Blame the Jews for the oldest matrimonial contract in tradition-hallowed text, symbolizes Rabbinate for presentation by the Jewish Legends." . oo f their training in oral hygiene. Of j Mr. Baron is a graduate of Iowa! S o n p . Over twenty have registered 1,555 pupils examined by the clinic' the spread of "Communism and to existence, was clothed in a new garb the ideals of Jewish family life and] Rabbi or minister; officiating at a University, and was prominent in the »P *° d a t e « T h e c h o i r » ™l*T ** during the months of August and insinuate that the exploded Protocols through the publication by the Jewish of the Biblical oath to "bring Jeru-j wedding as a gift-of the Jewish Na-' : fbresenic advisor of the Hawkeye .Club leadership of Mr. Sam Passman. September, only 41<> • <"* S6*? per cent of the Elders";of-; Zion were genuine. National Fund of America of an illus- salem to the forefront of our joy."tional Fund and member of the Legal Aid Com-Others who desire to join 'are asked had health mouths. to gat in touch with Mr. Louis Schilmittee of the Jewish Federation. ]} This already indicates how- large a ling. The regular choir under the direcscope; of'work awaits the clinic when tion of Sam Passman will chant theit ;enlDrges its program to include services, with Cantor A. Pliskin. " CENTRAL STTODENTS IN it. DISTRICT MUSIC CONTEST treatment- .The'work1 of the clinic At the services Saturday morning, is jd one by a number of volunteer denmembsrs of the Hebrew School Gradassigned by the Jewish Dental After'waning first place' in a subr uation Class will "be guests of honor. . !of Jerusalem-" together with a j district cohtest at LeMars recently,' \ '•• j (representing,- > Central High School,paj7.-time paid dentist whose salary ! sQisela Ptfli jwijt]4o}npete in thsi Dis-.& ^ by jijr. "••'Waehtel.j j Pr^Wafchiel has, shown keen interjt^ict conifc&t I ajb; WjiA I Grove" tomorrow. '*'*— will"'' iigpreiiiii! Ceritril in the esi'in'ithe development of dental hy\ "Cello divisibW riHermanf-Wolfe will gienfe in: Palestine and has equipped A unique service will be held at play second1 violin in the quartette the'cUhic after/o'^udy 'of similar clinics in the United States. -He also Mount Sinai Temple this. evening, division. provides dental literature to the Mediwhen at the invitation of Rabbi TheocaT Library of the Hebrew university,; dore N. Lewis, members of the Rotary BIRTHS Club of Sioux City will bs guests at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mushkin an- The clinic is under the supervision of, the Hadassah Medical organization, the services. Reverend Austin Par- nounce the birth of a son.. which is supported.by Hadassah, the; due, Rector of the St. Thomas Episcopal Church, and Rotarian, will, be Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stern, 301 Women's Zionist Organization of , " - •. the guest speaker. He will address Omaha Street,"announces the. birth of America the congregation briefly on "Goodwill a daughter. . _ - . . / Between Faiths." Rabbi Lewis will deliver the sermon Vienna Jewish Doctors entitled "American Contributions to Cancer Researches Religion." An invitation is.extended Vienna.—Much progress in cancer to the general public to attend this research . has recently been reported The Jewish farm and rural populaserviced by Dr. M. Edelman, director'of the tion in the United States has grown Vienna Cancer Hospital and several from 600 in 1890 to 80,000-in ^1930, of his Jewish associates. The hospi- according to a booklet of "Council tal was established with funds given Graphs" just issued by the' National by an ' American philanthropist, L Council of Jewish Women. ' •: Burnell Koolish, son of Mr. andChilds, in gratitude to Dr. Edelman In reviewing the neighborhood' and Mrs. L. Koolish, won the Annual Pills- who had cured him of a severe ill- communal institutions, founded by bury Oratorical Contest at the Uni-ness. the local sections of the National versity of Minnesota, where he is a Dr. Edelman and his associates have Council of Jewish Women, the statestudent. found it possible to destroy or dis- ment is made that these sections have The subject of Mr. Koolish's address solve cancer cells. As yet the experi- organized 14 community centers, 16 was "The American Jungle." He was ments are of theoretical interest only. summer camps and 8 clinics, kindergiven the first place over five other, Further experiment will show how.far gartens and nurseries—these instituThis is the chance of a lifetime to get contestants with a prizs of $100. He they are of use in healing cancsr. tions having an estimated value of PLUS values in tires. Rubber's cheap will represent Minnesota at the The experiments are, however, being $1,000,000. and, Goodyear' sales are breaking all Northern Oratorical League Contest keenly discussed now in the Austrian : With regard to activities in the inrecords. The combination means in Madison, Wisconsin, May 8. medical and general press. terest of foreign born women, the more than ever for your money. In his address the speaker attacked "Council Graphs" show that whereas the American people for adopting a J Compulsory Supply of Jewish in 1923 a total of 4,627 women have Ask for Special Spring Change-over complacent attituds during the era of Corpses for Anatomical Study been enrolled in classes conducted or Offer on Goodyear Double Eagle, New prosperity. ' Warsaw.—-The Polish Sejm rejected sponsored by Council sections, during Heavy Duty, All-Weather, Standard a motion by Deputy Isaac Gruenbaum the past year that total had been inAll-Weather Tires and G o o d y e a r Sisterhood Meeting Today that the compulsory supply of Jewish creased to 13,060. Puncture-Seal Tubes! The Mount Sinai Sisterhood will corpses for the anatomical research The scholarship and student loan meet this afternoon at 2:30 in the of Jewish medical students bs abol- funds provided by the sections of the Annex of the Temple. The regular ished. The vote was preceded by a National Council of Jewish Women business meeting will be followed by wordy debate between Deputy Bie- show an increase from six scholarlecki, pro-government spokesman and ships granted in 1914, to 134 scholara social hour.. An invitation has been received by Deputy Aaron Levin, Agudist deputy, ships granted in the year-1929. • the local Sisterhood, from the Sister- over the question of whether the Talhood of Temple Israel at Omaha, to mud permits the use of Jewish Mahler Memorial Plan Hits • New Snag attend the meeting v in that City- on corpses for study. May 4. A number of the Sioux City Vienna.-4-The honorary committee members are planning to attend. . formed to erect a monument to the Family of Six Embraces DAVDD HOBERMAN BARNEY HOBERMAN Next Friday afternoon • the Sister- Judaism late Gustav Mahler, Bohemian-Jewish hood Book Review Club will meet. Toronto.—A German family of this composer, "in" Vienna was confronted Two Books will be reviewed by the city, consisting of a man, wife, two with a new obstacle in its efforts to USED TIRE BARGAINS leader, and a general discussion will girls and two boys, has embraced find a suitable site for the memorial. GUARANTEED TIRE REPAIRS Judaism here. The man, Frank Vank, Prince Schwarzenberg has refused to follow, 'r" was circumcised by the local mohel permit the committee to locate the monument in Schwarzenberg Park. B. Wladofsky. '•' When the representative of the This refusal is the latest of a series, Jewish Telegraphic Agency asked Mr. of difficulties which have prevented Vank what prompted him to become the erection of a monument to Mahler a Jew, Mr. Vank explained, that his hexe, difficulties that have been inter"We^feed the multitude" .Bjble studies brought him to love the posed because of his Jewish origin, i With Tasty Foods jjqwish people and become one of although before nis death he wai banr «' '• ; : HOBERMAN B R O S M Proprietow r tised. them.
Society News
Edwin W. Baron
Speaker at Synagogue National Workers to Organize Choir
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Rotary Service at \ Temple Tonight
Spring Outing!
Sioux Cityan Wins Contest
time to YOURS !
SPECIALS 28x4.75 $6.65 30 x .4.50 5.69 29x4.40
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