Interesting and Entertaining
Interests of Jewish Commui •sJL Bnleivd «• Beoonrt-clnM ni«ll - 2- Q voatofflce at^onwha N«»bra»>f^
'n J«uiu«ry It. ita ital. at"
Visions a New "Europe Might Have ;Dynamic Judaism Been PredominNew Orleans.—(J. T. A.)—A dyna- i antly Jewish" mic Judaism of the future in which a i new generation will rediscover ceremonies and customs that have been' discarded in a Western world was prophesied by Mrs. Maurice Steinfeld ;o'f New York, president of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, in an address delivered here.) : Religion is still the basis of the Jew's j existence and the unifying force of his life, Mrs. Steinfeld said.
VOL. IX—No. 12
42,150 Is Quota Set
far the App
Cleveland.—(J. T, A.)—If it had hot been for the pogroms and enPictures to Be Shown at Meeting forced conversions of the Jews durTuesday at Jewish Coming the Middle Ages, the western munity Center world might now be predominantly Jewish instead *>f Christian, Dr. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Salo Baron, professor of Jewish history and literature at Columbia . William L. Holzman, president University, declared in an address at the Temple here. of the J e w i s h Community • Pointing out that the Jews .are a Center and Welfare Federation, prolific race, Dr» Baron said that Will Jbewelcomed home-from his -since legislative \restrictions, mar, extended trip through the Oririage quotas • and economic limita\ ent. at a nieeting at the- Jewish tions have been'lifted - during the past century, the jJewish population Community Center Tuesday eveof Europe has increased more Tapning, April 21. The public has Istanbul.—(J. T. A.) — With the idly than any ptljer. population of Istanbul cut by nearly \ beei** invited to attend.; ••-\ 100,000 in l i e last four years owing Holzman left Omaha the first week to a considerable exodus of non-Turkof February and is expected to return ish elements, Kemal Pasha's governJewkh Agency Pays Tribute to' ANTfc tomoirow. Included in his itinerary ment has taken cognizance of the British Wa^Time *«*« were; Palestine,; Turkey, Italy and city's moribund condition by making • •- • • ' ' P r e m i e r ' j : Egypt At- the' "welcoming, party" plans for industrializing it and makwill be shown moving pictures of his : , -^ ; > . ; William L. Holzman ing it an agricultural center, the Mantravels. London.—{J. T. A.)—There j : A "welcoming-home" party "will be Forty-two thousand one hundred the B'nai Brith, Jewish National Fund, chester Guardian reports. • " Sam Beber is chairman for the ty of room in Palestine for the Jewish-j given complimentary -to William L. and fifty dollars is the quota of the People's Tool Campaign and the Mi*A considerable number of those who evening and is in charge of arrangeNational Home without rendering! have been leaving Istanbul are. Jews. coming campaign of the Jewish Phil- rachi. ' ments. " T h community is Hol^an at the Jewish ^Community homeless any of the present inhabit-: h e entire i i is Stirred by The leading commercial and financial anthropies for the year 1931-32, which happy to welcome Mr.' Holzman back, J e ^ r Tuesday evening in, honor of . Agencies False Reports in Columbus elements of the city, "who have found opens in Omaha on May 11. This The complete list of beneficiar* - * ~ Beber stated. --"His -• -accounts .- • • i his ^c return from an extended tnp thV Zionist success in tHe future the ] home," Daffies through various parts of' Asia" and" more the; AraBsjind' Chrisfians of thel it impossible to conduct profitable bu- quota was set by the budget commit-' agencies is as follows: of Jhis travels are always a treat, and Europe. • siness in Turkey in view of new laws tee of the Jewish Philanthropies at country will "benefit, declared David ^ the countries which lie visited upon Ohio.—(Ji T. A.)—B'nai f its' meeting last Sunday at the Jewish LOCAL AGENCIES and the economic depression, both of " - - ' "eorgei Liberal leader and * this tour make it certain that he will Brith officials-here referred to the. An- which have operated in such fashion Community Center. . . . Jewish Education. premier of Great Britain when the fiold his audience more spell-bound Balfour l>e^ratioli wa¥ issned,~at'* * ^ - ^ n i a f a o n League ^theplacmg ofj ^ to eliminate non-Turks, Old People's Hone. w This quota for the coming year is than «ver. . .'. ws in an. unfavorable light as* dinner tendered Turn Jhere by the JewSocial Service Committee. less than the quota for. last year. . JejrishSituation a result of-references in glaring head- j j u L m m y n u j L y p r n u A U ish Agency.' "'- "."*/." ~_- ''- • Economy in operation, less cost of, NATIONAL AGENCIES « Holzman's illustrated lecture on his : Tiie dinner, winch was irt recogni- lines of the -newspapers of this city to CONVENTION SERMON raising and. collecting the funds and the "Jew/V-a .nickname applied to one American Jewish Committee. journey is •- of • especial interest this tion' of ^s""services to tfie" Jewish of the two prisoners of the Ohio state a more systematic method of disBureau for Jewish Social Wf time because of • the unprecedented people, marked the opening of a cam-^ tribution, has permitted the redacwho has conditions of th? Jewry of the counpaign for funds t o establish a'colony, tion of the.qnota, «*en though 'nine fire at that Ex-Patient's Tubercular Home, Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the " morel>eneficiary agencies have been tries through" which he passed.- In in Palestine named for Lloyd Geoige. New York.—(J. T. A.)—The YidDenver. m o r e Conservative— Synagogue "has been Italy the entire status" of the Jewish dish press .need have little fear about The colony, which wfll be called JJam-j added to the list to receive funds Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. honored by being invited to deliver from the new quota. communities has been altered by a its future existence in this country, at David, is to consist of the two. Jewish Theological Seminary. in question is not a the convention sermon at the annual new community law whereby" the Jew- according to opinions on the^part_oX Rabbi Isaac Elchanan TheofogtAt the meeting of the-budget comish people are given greater autonomy Iea4injf-men-~iri ~the~profession, ex- TonT^ear Nahalal, and will be com-~j member of the Jewish faith and only conclave of the United Synagogues of cal Seminary. acquired the nickname "Jew" when -mittee the quota alloted to each America, to be held at Atlantic City than ever before, with, conmh^te-power pressed at the conference of "Jewish pletely established by "1934 at a tota! Hebrew Theological School of | he came to the penitentiary nine years agency was carefully checked, and the starting next Friday, April 24. of i»elf-6rganization. ; writers and representatives of other cost of $75;000. Chicago. because of his Semitic-looking final allotments were unanimously ap;• More than two hundred congrega' In Turkey the Jews are passing Yiddish cultural institutions, which The white-haired Liberal leader told H Jewish Consumptive Relief SoPrisoners at the peniten- tions in the United States and Canada proved by the committee, which was through an important crisis; The concluded its sessions here:. u . the impressive group of "personages^ ciety. made up of representatives of various on being questioned, claim that will be represented at the convention. economic situation there is such that Jewish and non-Jewish", who had gath- j The conference adopted a number of I groups in the city. The $42,150 to be Jewish Orphan Home, Clevenickname has not ' ~en used for thousands of Jewish residents have resolutions, with a view to'furthering ered to do him honor as a; friend o'i I raised this year has been allotted to land. the J ^ n ifdfce4tS leave the'country. = the work of the forces now interested the Jewish people, that "^there has'J l tire twenty-nine beneficiary agencies Leo Lcvi Memorial Hospital, < ' -^The.;situation in. Palestine is, of in Jewish culture and also. _with the Hot Springs. . ; ::.,»r<ff--< that will -receive funds this year. streamer headlines in course, still acute. ^ All of the Mos-intention of rendering some "practical the-Arabs or toI'the Christians. Their National Appeals Information ,' lems are H6t-yet Willing to co-operate assistance t o those members*of the rights "must be respected but both the papers was an attempt to incite hatred May Bring Outstanding Speaker Service. • against the Jews. and. 'during recent -weeks there have Yiddish literary profession that are at Arabs and the Christians have so far The campaign this year will start National Conference for Jewish ; • The Jews of Columbus are of the Harbin, Manchuria.—(J. T.' A.)— 6eenr manifestations of continued present without any means of utiliz- thriven owing to the success of the ! on May 11. Final plans for the openSocial Work. opinion that this is a most serious The Jews of this community, in comtroubled The fellahin. are still de- ing-their talents. • -'.;; •: " •'"••'-''-' '••• Zionist-movement." - . • National Desertion Bureau. j charge as feeling has been running mon with those elsewhere in the Far ing of the campaign will be announced termined to; keep the .peasants.-in a soon. The drive this year will be con: , Stresses Jews' Historic Eight high since the confession of the two National Farm School, Doyles' It was decided to perpetuate the East, have become alarmed at the state of dissatisfaction and have; captown, Pa. of the conference by a similar After describing the Zionistachieve- convicts to having started one of the daily and systematic pogrom agitation ducted along lines similar to that of It is expected that the National Home for Jewish Chilments in the past eleven years in ntil-j -worst conflagrations of its kind. The being broadcast'from a secret radio last year. ,every:year;. to create t the.Jewish Agency in their negotiaa more dren, Denver. izing natural resources and in-.intro-;J-two prisoners will undoubtedly be station that calls itself Kutiopov.^ women8 tions with the. British government unemployed Jewish writers and the during an educational system, Lloyd sentenced to death, National Jewish Hospital. Den- . which is the name of a Czarist gen-1 Portant part in the coming campaign concerning the White Paper. • • - who • - - was -kidnaped -• from — - -last•* than it did last year. It is hoped that ver. existence of the scientific Jewish in- George emphasized the historic right.' eral Paris the campaign can be opened by some Training School for Jewish Sostitutions; to take all possible meas-1 of the Jewish people and stressed the', year. IX notable speaker. The committee in cial Work. ures to help the Jewish Typographi-ffact that this opportunity to re-erect, The hidden station is somewhere in Wider Scope (B'nai Brith). cal union; to encourage - and further^ Jewish life as a separate people( the Far East, reputedly in Shanghai. charge of the arrangements is making the publication of Jewish books; to should not be neglected now ^'because Daily it has been broadcasting ap- an effort to bring to Omaha for this INTERNATIONAL APPEALS assist in the work of" the different later ifcmay be too-late." peals to "kill all the Jews and free event one of America's outstanding American Palestine Campaign. Jewish schools; to call upon the Jew-j "The add of persecution,*'.he pomtJewish leaders. holy Russia of the Palestine Labor Campaign. ish press for greater exertion in her ed out, "kept the Jewish national ideal "The quota this year is less than Special lectures calling for revenge Hebrew University. half of the development of the Jewish, bright and free irom rust. Prosagainst the Jews are on an important last- year, and this is because the Joint Distribution Committee. masses and in the solution of new-perity has greater danger.for the Jew Awarded by Z. B. T. T. to Amer- part of the station's program. The Jewish Philanthropies has proven its Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Jewish problems which are constantly in' store than persecution.": ican Doing Most for broadcasted speeches are often in real worth and success in Omaha," New York (J.T^)—Criticism of arising, and to appoint a special «om- j He-concluded by .saying that since Jewish National Fond. said Harry H. Lapidus, associate Jewry English and are received on short and New York Jewish leaders fo"r negPeople's Tool Campaign. chairman of- the coming campaign. lecting to fight discrimintion against mittee f or co-operating with the Jew- the Jews retumed, "Palestine has In |few York City at the Central long wave sets throughout China, "Every Jew in Omaha should be conMizrachi. Jews in office employment in this ish actors' onion in an effort to raisev been- enriched by contract with every Park ^Casino" on the night of Stay Japan and India. The general plans of the drive are vinced now that through the efforts city was voiced, in- a sermon by Rab- the Yiddish theatre to greater artistic national civilization. We-are entitled 9th, i i e Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, the ailv = heights. • :' • ' • ••' • : v • : {to expert g r e ^ things from~soc^ of the Jewish Philanthropies the work U being rounded into-final form. Bi J." X. Cohen. . '.. y . Midwest largest and oldest Jewish college fra- To Attend _. •..-,„ - - "of charitable, religious and philan- The general headquarters at the JewDescribing the; results of his re- - Problems of Jewish • literature, the experiment'not only for Palestine but ternity, will again present the "Gottl Community Center 4 L ish is ubusy each Jewish theater and unemployment in* for the worldj not only for the childC0UIIC11 C o n f e r e n c e thropic agencies can best be carried ' "" ~ '" " ~" cent investigation,••- Rabbi heil Medal" to the American who has day and evening making preparations l i e ranks of Jewish writers were Ten of Israel, but for all the children " ^— — • ' - . . j out. This is because they are not said: done the most for Jewry and Judaism Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president of bothered with the problem of raising for the five hundred workers who are | of men." "Some agencies frankly declare, thoroughly gone into. during the year 1930. the local Council of Jewish Women money, and can devote all of their expected to take part in the drive. through printed slips handed out to The Gotthefl Medal was first awardattend the Midwest Conference of j time and effort to their good work. This year an effort will be made to callers, that Jewish applicants will ed t»y ZBT in 1925 to Dr." Stephen the National Council, which will be And not only that, but the general call upon more than one thousand pernot even be registered for employWise of New York. In 1926 it was cost of raising and distributing the sons who did not pledge last year. In ment, let alone given a chance to see order to do this it is necessary t« received by David Brown of Detroit, held at Joplin, Mo., April 20 to 22. money is a great deal less." prospective employers. And some have at least five hundred workers. It was next given to Aaron Sapiro. Bialystok Jewish Paper Among the new agencies added to have had the brazen, effrontery to. For 3928 Julius Bosenwald of Chicago Discontinues Publication the roster of the Philanthropies this An appeaJ is going out to eveiry orpost placards. declaring: 'For the received the fourth medal and Felix Warsaw.—Neie Leben, the Bialy- year are the Jewish Theological Sem- ganization in Omaha to furnish workpresent, Jewish applications not ac- William Sultan, of Chicago, presi-1 bias, was born during the civil war M. Warburg of New York City restok Jewish daily newspaper has dis-inary, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theologi- ers. cepted'. One Agency manager, ..the dent of District Number 6 of the B'nai when the B'nai Brith prevailed upon ceived the honor last year for 1930. "This year we must have workere continued publication. It had been cal Seminary, Hebrew Theological more quickly to dispose of a roomful Brith, was the principal speaker at Lincoln to rectify a discrimination Although Zeta Beta Tau presents published for 13 years. from all walks of life," said Harry A. School of Chicago, the Wider Scope of '_ : of applicants, told them en masse: the initiation of the ''William Holz- made in an edict by General Grant. the medal it leaves the selection of Wolf, one of the leaders in this year'* I'm sorry, but we have no jobs open man Glass" into the local lodge at the . Sultan was high in his praise of the the annual awardee to editors of the drive. "Every Jew in Omaha should for bookkeepers—or Jews.'. Jewish.Community Center Wednesday work of the National Hospital fpr :Aiiglo->Jewish newspapers and magapledge liberally, and in order to re»£>3 "What is the most feared question evening." Irvin Levine, president of Consumptives at Denver, in the up-zines of the United States. This comevery Jew we must have the worker*; posed to a Jewish applicant for a the Omaha lodge, was chairman. building of which Harry Lapidus mittee includes Moses Mosesohn, the to call upon them during the days o£ job? It is 'What is your religion?' "About 1846," the speaker pointed played such an important role. He Jewish Tribune, New York; Isaac the drive. Every Jew should be wJJJNot training, talents or experience, out, "revolutions in Europe sent many also spoke highly of the Cleveland Landman, American Hebrew, New ing to give just a few hours of hie but faith, seems to be the primary German and Eastern European Jews Orphan Home, of which Judge Irvin York; Jacob Landau, Jewish TeleDetroit.—(J. T. A.)—Justice Henry city commissioner. Mr. Goldstein is time to this important campaign." requisite in getting a job. . Agencies to these shores. They didn't receive Stal master is a trustee. Especial graph Agency and Jewish Daily Bul- Butzel, chief justice of the Michigan president of the Texas Retail Dry Any person desiring to voiuoitesr. •use the semisecret terms—No. 1. No. the expected welcome from the Seph- praise was given to Sam Beber as the letin, New York; Charles H. Joseph, supreme court, led the Republican Goods Association. Jake Weingarten may call Mr. Gerson, Jackson 1866 2 or No. 3—-to describe applicants. ardic Jews who had already settled founder of the A. Z. A. Beber's name, special writer, Pittsburgh; Joseph state ticket in Ms re-election to the was elected city councilman in Sher- and be placed upon the list of workey*. a One is a Protestant; a Two is a here. said the speaker, will go down in Jew- Cummings, Bnai Brith Messenger, Los bench in last week's election. Milton man. The campaign this year is expert?^ Angeles; Aaron M. Neustadt, Ohio Behrendt and* Benjamin B. Gordon, Catholic; a Three is a Jew. Recently • « * "Finally a group, of these newcom- ish youth history of America. • to last twelve days. in the course of my investigation, I ers decided upon an association to St. Louis.—Mrs. Elias Michael, inThose initiated in the "William Jewish Chronicle, Columbus, Ohio; Jewish candidates for common pleas ; applied for a position with a great give sick benefit and to help any Holzman Class" were S. M. dayman, Howard M. Wertheimer, the Jewish court judgeships were defeated, as dependent candidate and one of the i corporation. -with over 34,000 em- widow of a deceased member. But Julius Drolick, Eabbi David Goldstein, Eeview and Observer, Cleveland; was Dr. Albert Krohn, candidate for most prominent Jewesses in the city, 1,374 Jews Enter ployes in New York, and reputed primarily the thought they had "in Nathan Fine, Dave Krantz, Yale Krol- Alexander Brin, Jewish Advocate, the school board. was last week elected to the St. Louis Boston; Jacob Fishman, Jewish Mornto discriminate against Jewish appli- mind in forming this group was to off, Louis lipp, Edward Shafton, Carl The Detroit city council reaappoint- board of education. She led a ticket Cuba in Past Year cants. A careful scutiny of the 4- obtain an association that Jews^—ir- Sokoloff, Sam H. Stern, and Bernard ing Journal, New York; Philip J. ed Milton M. Alexander and Harry of nine candidates. Herman C. WaldSlomovitz, Jewish Chronicle, Detroit; Hershberg as members of the Wayne man, Republican, was the only Jew Havana,—(J. T. A.)—During t*# page, 7&Hquestion application blank respective of where they were from, Theodore. past year 1,374 Jewish immigrants eR-showed no basis for religions classi- whether reform or orthodox, Polish or L F. Goodman was in charge of the Rabbi Gerson B. Levi, the Temple, county board of supervisors. The elected to the board of alderman. tered Cuba. The largest number nt 'fication is the keystone of the whole German—should be able to meet on ritual. Those participating were: Dr. Chicago; Felix N. Gerson, the Jewish capital punishment bill, in opposition * * « i arch of religious discrimination, I common ground." A. Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Philip Exponent, Philadelphia; S. M. Mol-to which, were enlisted the Jewish Baltimore.—Meyer Reamer, Sidney Jewish immigrants came from was about to say to myself that the "Thus," stated Sultan, "The B'nai IQutznick, Sam Leon, J. Malashock, amed, the Reflex, Chicago; Frank R. press, the rabbis and many Jewish Traub, and Jerome Sloman were the 560 men, 328 women and 172 Ackerman, the Jewish Press, Omaha, leaders, was defeated. ;. rumor concerning the company Jewish candidates for the city council Next in number of immigrants Brith has been the greatest factor in and Harry Silverman, Nebr.; Eugene Block, Jewish Journal, false. Bnt—in an off-hand, after- Bringing about anity in Israel; striv- -• A dinner was tendered Mr. Sultan who returned the victors in the Dem- Roumania, which sent 84 Jewish * * * thought manner, the interviewer ing always toward the upbuilding and at the Fontenelle prior to the meeting San Francisco; Henry C, Segal, Amerocratic primaries. Daniel Ellison, Re- 52 Jewish women and IS children Dallas, Texas. — Victor H. Hexter, by the directors of the local lodge and ican Israelite, Cincinnati; H. A. Horo- former president of the board of edu- publican, won out in his fight to retain Cuba. From Lithuania there came iisked, 'And -what isv your religion?' uplifting of that ideal." . witz, Jewish Transcript, ' Seattle, and my answer went into the upper The speaker told how 'the anti-Defa- their wives. Harry *B. Cohen, vice- Wash., and Joseph Frey, tae Modern cation, was elected to the city council his seat in the council and Abraham men, 15 women and 11 children. left square on the page one — in mation league, which has done excel- president, was chairman of the day's View, in last "week's election here. In Wa- Finkelstein was unopposed as the Re-Palestine there came to Cuba 10 JewSt. Louis, Mo. ,__..„/ ish men, 8 women and 10 children* lent work in eliminating prejudice and co, A, M. Goldstein won a place as publican eouncilman candidate.
ies Drive
Bu ommittee flakes Atlptments for Various Benefkiaries
o f . Q foj.^assistance of
Wm^Stdtdh Speaks at Wnai Brith Initiation
Jewish Candidates Are Victors In Several Political Skirmishes
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS; FHIDAYj APJBL W; 1931, we too esteem "Known Omaha Week,", a four-day civic.event which starts Monday. Omaha is our city and we point with pride" to" its achievements. Published every. Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by During the ordinary course of daily routine, we THE JEWISH PRESS; PUBLISHING COMPANY are prone to be near-sighted and overlook the SIOUX GITY OFFICE manifold benefits, derived from the place where JEWISH COMMUNITY. CENTER—308 Pierce Street we lijve. The gate city of the west, Omaha can lay claim to being the economic capital of the Subscription Price, one year .•••. - - - -.-. - -.» $2.50 world's richest agricultural empire. Omaha today, Advertising rates furnished on application ranks as one of the greatest butter-producing 77 cities in the world. For the past five years it has manufactured and sold from thirty to forty.- , Office: 41)0 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 '• five million pounds of butter per year. As a live
saying that Morris was an immensely Wealthy man—a millionaire >nd on the other hand, we have such a man a John.Adams aying that he wasn't wealthy at all.
Telling It
was acquainted with the matter, ha advised an immediate removal to Baltimore, tor the purpose of attempting to retrieve hia broken fortunes; at the same time, placing in his'hands five hundred pounds, with a written agreement never to demand its repayment, and. taking- as a nominal security the personal \ bond of the party obliged; to this sum, he subsequently adcted another five hundred pounds; neither of ^hiih loans were ever re) ."-- Mdrris, it seems, from this old biogtaphy, had persons "of the Jewish persuasion" who were .on terms, of intimacy with him, to such an extent that.he lent one of them 5,000 with only nominal
That is jrae- parallel. There are quite a few?bthfefsr For instance, the thread of niMc*t^ne---fflisiortune and disgrace Wgddedl io; gjpry. RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN^ Today, -we!!'afij Td 'fij slani l i wjth • bowed heads when. th«£ naine of?i||0bert. M ^ Congregation Rodeph, Sholom,. New .York 'ris: is menVdjn^lj N<t?nei btti^will^ or;him. 'Ahd'yet "soinc yearsvafifer the American Revolution, Robert MorDAVIJD BLACKEtt - - - - Business and Managing Editor stock market, our city has gained nation-wide re- " The Cantor of an. eastern synagogue, beauty of its teachings, and the more ris was in prison lor'three and a'half PRANK It A<:kERMAN - . . . . . : ; • . . . •. -Editor known. It is second to Chicago in receipt of all "was asked one evening to assist at an do you realize that Jesus was a Jew t yeairs-^-for bankruptcy. Americanization class. His special FANNIE KATKIJUA^. X'^iMiciLBJuffs^ la.'. Cnrrespoi^ent livestock, second in receipt of sheep, and third in] k was to guide the hand in a pen- and loved his people. Yet m Jew-| L i k e S a l o m o i l ) h e e n d e d h i s _ „ „. tas isfe communities of Europe during! ^ 0 ^ ^ . Salomon fortunately was I receipt of hogs and cattle. The fourth largest manship group of a mountainous im- the Middle Ages—and even in s o m e j s p a r e d imprisonment, Morris spent THE DAUGHTER OF •"'r railroad center in the United States, it is the larg- migrant lady. After an hour of pa- places to this very day the advent - n e a r l f o u r in prisonBARUCH tient instruction, he was released from of this sacred season of Holy Week, est retail center between Chicago and Denver. Washington papers during the past 5691 1931 duty; is looked forward to with fear and FROM GLORY TO JAIL Rosh Chodesh Iyar__ few days have been having a good .Saturday, April 18 And in consequence of its strategic position it has his"Do 1 you realize, ' said the super- dread because of th-j anti-Jewish It is pathetic as one reads his deal to say about a rumored romance Lag b'Omert:. ...• ^.Tuesday, May 5 j of course become a leading grain and milling cen- visor, "that the lady in question hatred that is stirred up in the words as he expects the sheriff to of Belle Baruch, daughter of Bernard Rosh Chodesh Sivan_ iSunday. May 17.1 ter, fourth in the corn market, and the home of weighed over 350 pounds." minds of some so-called Christians,' come and put him under arrest—*he, Baruch, with Charles Davila, Rou"You are mistaken," replied the and because of the outbreaks of | t h ^ man, whom, some said, twinn'd mania's minister. 1st Day Shabuoth^ v- -^g,-g; r>,.»y Friday, May 22; the largest lead refinery In the world. Rosh ehodesh^mmuz*^i^4^Tuesday, June 16 J Our city's development has in no small meas- Cantor, "it was her hand that weighed violence and bloodshed that-frequent- with Washington as being the two As Mark Twain said about his the 350 pounds." ly occur. By what grotesque dis- jnost important figures in America's death, the "report seems very much Fast j Fast. nrTiimmif** ti\ •**=! H i - r r h , ^ ^ July 2; urebeen due to the ability of her citizens to grasp tortion of the sense of loyalty to struggle for independence. Rosh Ch6desIv>Ab _. exaggerated, so Minister DaviJa is ^ July 15j opportunities for progress. Thus, we were placed The Monday following Easter I ad- to Moms was made a sort of Hoover' quoted by the Washington News as Him have ignorant followers of Fast of AbiJlLL^L. Thursday, July 23 on the first transcontinental air mail route and dressed a Christian-Ministers' Confer- "Jesus the Jew" persecuted Jesus'j a s f a r a s t fte material side of the saying that the rumor is without truth Rosh Chodesh Ellul Friday, August 14| since aviation came to the fore have always been ence of New York,on the subject: people,—the people He lived with I Revolution. And when Washington but adding, "I wish it were so." "Whither Religion?'* The questions and loved and prayed for and wept organized his cabinet, he invited MorRosh Hashonah „. -Saturday, September 12 an important air center and terminal. In Roumania, by the way, says the ris a n d which followed my address were deLet us, therefore, be careful > » Morris declined and recom- news, the rumor got about that the Yom Kippur .__ —JMonday, .'September 21 But business has not overshadowed the crea- cidedly revelatory of the state of mind over. to avoid loose language that lays • niended Hamilton. 1st Day Succoth____ .Saturday,^September 26 tion and development of all the cultural, educa- among my hearers. Anyone who young woman was not Belle Baruch, y Yet in the latter years of Morris' but Belle Borah. It happens, howShemini Atzereth „ blame for Jesus' crucifixion upon —Saturday, October 3 and social institutions necessary for a richer imagines that the gulfs between relife, he cries: "My money gone; my ever ,that Senator Borah has no chilJews." — These are notable Simchath Torah-_.__ furniture is to be sold; I am to go to Sunday, October A communal life. Omaha leads the country in home ligions and races can be crossed by the dren. words, Dr. Coffin, and they serve Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan _i__M6nday, October 12 ownership per capita and is second in park area mere fellowship of faiths meetings or to prison and family to starve." hearten all friends of religious good-will seminars is unduly optimisSHOMER HAS PEACE PLAN WASHINGTON VISITED per capita. The dry, sunny climate has made us tic. Liberals in all -denominations, to comity and understanding. This is being written in Washinga billion dollar health city, and the best testimon- be sure, can find a common denom- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who HIM IN JAIL ton, the well-known place of residence And to prison he went—and stayed inator; the highest human ideals, recently celebrated his 80th birthday of Mr. Hoover and a number of other • There is something magnetic about Judaism, ial of our educational facilities is the fact that whatever their literary expression, are with a memorable utterance, is the] for nearly four years^ Prison in Phil- notables. i h our illiteracy is only 1.9 per cent. Our cultural Washington came something that sets the Jew apart from racial author of other statements of endur- adelphia. ' ' ' ' ' And . , when —i ™ substantially the same. I met Abraham Shomer, the other and religious bounds. Born a: Jew, a man dies a life, always excellent, has been augmented by the But the intrusion of politics or ing beauty. Thus we read from his to Philadelphia, he was sure to visit day here. He, it will be recalled, place where Morris was jailed. Jew, whether baptized or proselytized. No mat- addition of the three and a half million dollar pride separates men far more than pen: "One part of the universe yields the claims to be the father of the AmeriWhat a piece of drama. The father Joselyn art memorial. With air and waterway the same teaching as any other if it good-will movements unites them. My can Jewish Congress. ter how hard he may try, a man can only- outcountry visiting the financier questioner, a clergyman from the is only mastered. The difference be- ooff t hthe I don't know whether I am supe wardly, but cannot inwardly, break, away from commerce growing in importance and Omaha's first tween the great way of taking things j Revolution in a jail! west, wished me to account for the reprospect bright for both, we can look forward to posed to tell this, but I understand A n d e v e n his ancestral heritage. Jefferson, when he came Shomer is at work on some neace mark of "an orthodox Jew who had and the small, between philosophy and, t o t h e Presidency, although he had no plan. He was talking to me about Probably the best example in history is Ben- the future for a continued march of progress, es- said to him that Christians •« ere re- gossip, . is only . the difference between}, f h off Morris, M r i Israel Zangwill the other day—adjamin Disraeli. Next Sunday marks the fiftieth pecially since we are at the cross-roads of Ameri- sponsible for the White Slave situa-\ realizing the part as a part of the! fu os re fMo r r r ^i e ^ * ^ ca, nearer the geographical center of the United whole, and looking at in its isolation! ° s was a Federalist of the mires him very much. I think that tion in the Argentine." Another quesyear of the death of the first Jew to become a States than any other large city. These, blended as if it really stood apart. I care not j aristocratic type, yet Jefferson lam- Shomer is the kind of figure that tioner suggested that this remark was Prime Minister of the British Empire and an ented that but for his imprisonment, Zangwill would have delighted to typical of "religious bigotry" to which very much for the form if in some English lord. His services to Britain made Euro- with a community life based upon, the highest he was opposed. Apparently the orth- way one has learned that he cannot! • ne I™Sfrt have invited him to his cab- write about. Here are some of the pean history, and his career, his Jewishness, and principles of religious and creedal equality and odox Jew's remark, arose in the midst set himself against the. universe as a* " i e t * sketchy outlines: At one time, a sucideals of justice, still make ours a city of distiny. of a discussion involving the relation- rival god, to criticize it, or to shake] BOTH SPECULATED his- uncanny statescraft show a triumph of percessful lawyer, president of a nation* ship of the minister's denomination to his fist at the skies, but that his 1 Thus, Morris like Haym Salomon al Jewish fraternity, he establishes sonality over racial prejudice. But, though offilocal politics.- • * * . . ; . • meaning is its meaning, his only ended his days, a poor man. The age the American Jewish congress on cially a member of the Church of jEpgland, DisI confess to being,taker) aback;by worth as a part of it, as a humble .in which, they lived was one in which,- novel .lines. For a time the country raeli was at heart a^Jew and he was?o£ inestimable the unexpected and unpleasant char- instrument of the universal power. It' great fortunes .were born and died rings with its plaudits; then Shomer service to Judaism throughout theS world. At acter of the question, and after furth- seems to me that this is the key to overnight. It was an age of- high embittered, withdraws. Starts writthat tithe theJJejyS m Eftglatid weiie with few er [inquiry as to tfie" reasons prompt- intellectual salvation, as the key to speculation, and Morris with great ing mbviesv Has bee'ri in Hollywood happiness is to accept a dike faith in confidence in the future of the coun- some time. Makes quite a success g t s nand^Vere d^V £ ^ e fr*>niParliament r*>niarlament and r ing rightsi £^clu&ecl g it, I explained mie;precarious posiand the one's heart, and. to be, not merely a try^ speculated too much. The bank- there, but money alone is not satispublic office so lhat his bapSsm'-^as thes key ' "* When the Jew was comniandedan.thejoast tioh abnormalities "which- arose as~a reP necessary, but a willing instrument in ruptcy laws of those days .were of fying; He grves't'Kat'u'p" arid is-Wt^' which enabled Disr^eli>to:open ^ > : p the :pp :p"pliticai Ipck; p *° be considerate:to theSEgyptian because Israel r suit. I also took" occasion to bring to working out the inscrutable end." course more severe than today. To- at work on a peace plan. d S j d iin E h command might hkve k Disraeli proved titat' in the very stronghold of jjhhad Sojourned Egypt, the the attention of my clerical friends day,, one does not gv to jail as in Maybe he will turn out to be an*anti-Semitism" it was possible'for| ai Jew to be.been regarded as:an empty phrase and as a mere; "Christians Only/'- by Broun and Dorothy Dix, commeenting upon a Morris's day for^ bankruptcy. other S. O. Levinson. I have-hot prospective marriage between persons trusted, to be followed, to be admired, and to be | 'theory. The Jew. had suffered so much in Egypt,; Britt. Without indulging in any selfstudied his plan. *' of. different religions, says: "There JEWISH FRIENDS beloved. His dazzHhg success at the Congress so some might have reasoned, that the memory! pity for Israel, the commentator is are enough matters about which a OF MORRIS WASHINGTON AlSD of Berlin obtained civic and political rights for'of his sojourn in that land was certainly notfeal-^ correct when he says: ^If the stone husband and wife can quarrel without j ZANGWILL . Browsing around among some old the Jews in southeastern Europe,' especially Ru- culated to make him considerate to the nation that falls on the pot, woe to the pot; if making it a holy war." musty books, I have come across a I met Shomer at the home of Dr. the pot falls on the stone, woe to the mania. I t was by Tiis strategic triumphs that the. had inflicted the suffering. little item, which so far as I know, Schapiro, of the Semitic Division of 1 pot." Nevertheless, the command is in full keeping has been overlooked. It is a para- the Library of Congress. He told a power of Britain was asserted in the north and graph in a little biography of Robert good little story about Zangwill, and _ south of that region which now includes the with the Jewish spirit of Justice. The Jew is In my Easter Sunday sermon, I tleMorris issued, I baiieve, in 1841. The it particularly apropos in this WashHomeland of the Jewish people. So we might most willing and ready to forgive and forget any dared/"Christendom owes fair play writer goes on to praise the personal ington environment. Washington, you :_,".._i..-__ — .-_• J " . , , people by teaching By DAVID SCHWARTZ A_ -,_! t o the Jewish even say that Disraeli laid the foundation of the injustice or injury done to him. He does not generosity of Robert Morris and in- know was the father of his country. British influence which today includes :the man-1 make a whole nation responsible for the wrong of aright the ,story of the crucifixion^ stances the case of a loan of a thouWell, one day, the late J. L. Gordon Were Jesus to return to the world toA STRANGE PARALLEL date over Palestine. In England"-; itself others 'individuals. He places the blame where it right- day sand pounds he once made, without approached Zangwill and introduced he would be horrified by the. asked that Jews be allowed toleration. But not] fully belongs, but goes no further. In the case cruelty which is perpetrated upon his It is a singular fact, which appar- any genuine security, to a Jewish himself as the father of a certain well Disraeli. He demanded a full admission of all < of the Egyptian, he realized that it was the govcompatriots in;his. name. The cruci- ently no one has noticed, that the friend. Who this Jewish friend is, I know fictional character, which his of both Robert Morris, the have no means of knowing, but I give writings had made famous. "That's Jews to all the opportunities of human life. And eminent which had brought misery and suffering fixion story is; utilized as an instru- careers Superintendent of Finance of the Rev- the paragraph, for whatever it is nothing," replied Zangwill, "I am the of persecution by millions who as usual he eventually was triumphant. His upon him "and that it was not the people at large. ment olution and Haym Salomon, who is worth, and I think it is worth a good father of the children of the Ghetto." looking?* fof an. excuse ,to hold in loyalty to the Jewish people, from whom he was Hence, he could at all times be considerate to the are supposed to have rendered him much deal. Zangwill, it appears, had ihe bigger subjection the very; race which pro"A gentleman of the Jewish per- family, but then Washington as the legally divorced, cost him /much. He was de- Egyptian even though his stay in Egypt had been duced the hero, of ^lie Christian saga. aid, had many similarities. For one thing, controversy runs suasion who had lived on terms of father of this country, had an even full of sadness and suffering. nounced in Parliament and in the streets by The persistency oi! dnti-Semitism is a through the life of Morris as it does intimacy with him, fell into sudden larger family. The same object lesson in the Jewish sense of .living denial pf^ the v^ry message that of Salomon. erlative adjectives concerning his Hebraic extracembarrassments and became greatly (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Jesus4 taught?? vj tion. In heated elections he was assailed as "Shy- justice is contained in the Jew's attitude toward which, On the one hand, we have some distressed. As soon as Mr. Morris graphic Agency, Inc.) ' A few days lateje % % .received from lock" and "Old Clo" (or clothes). But, despite the Russian. The lot of the Jew in Russia has Rv F i j|"j[^ C f f i Rt f ^ Coffin, Rector of Francis his great political ambitions, Disraeli never flinch- been far worse and more inhuman that it had been i Rev. Saint Johns's Church, Larchmont,
Cotitemporary Pens
S ^
By the Way
ed. Every insult against his Hebrew descent-was met with an avowal of it. Disraeli's life is but another example of the homely adage that baptism cannot change a Jew or his destiny. It is a simple fact that Disraeli lived his adult life as a Christian who had never ceased to be a Jew. To him the Church of his baptism was to be respected as an expression of the English mind; like the throne of peerage* it was a national institution, a church by law established. He was a Christian, but many a time did he make his way to the Rothschilds and confess his love for the old traditions and prayers. It is indeed believed that on his deathbed his last muttered words, in a language unknown to his.listeners, were "the great avowal," as his biographer, Sir Edward Clarks, called it, "Hear, O Israel, the , thy God, the Lord is one."
KNOW OMAHA Just like the Gulf Stream, which passing through the vast Atlantic Ocean, a part of it and yet distinct from it, never losing its individuality but always detected by its deeper color and warmer temperature, so Judaism, passing through all nations, a part of them and yet distinct, ever recognized by its depth and intensity, gives intellectual and physical stamina to modern communities. In our city, as in others, the Jewish citizenry though keeping their Jewish identity have become part and parcel of the community and have lent their every effort toward the betterment and progress of Omaha,
in Egypt during the reign of the Pharaohs, and New York, an exerpt from his disone might readily suppose that the Jew might course. on "Good Friday, 1931" wHe ° hate and despise the very sight of a Russian. Yet said in part: "Let• us be careful not he does -not. On the c ontrary. His sense of to blame the Jews as such for Jesus' crucifixion. .Jesus* crucifixion justice is so strong that he in no way makes the would happened in Rome, Russian peasant accountable for the tyranny and Athens^have Alexandria, '< or anywhere, oppression which he has had to endure at the else, much as it happened in Jeruhands of the former or present Russian govern- salem. The respective counterparts ment. Whenever the occasion presents itself the of the various; types of people who Jew shows himself most considerate and charit- opposed Jesus could be found in any able to the Russian. There are today several city of the Roman Empire. In fact, they can be found in New York City thousand Russians living in and around New York j today. As a matter of fact, at the City. Few of them know English. The immigra- time of- Christ, the Jews were one tion of these is of very recent date. They show oft the most highly developed races, no aptitude or even a desire to become American- spiritually and morally in the world. observance of Holy Week, Good ized. The only one they come to and the only one In Friday and Easter, we must avoid they care to come in contact with is the Russian anything that will tend to stir up Jew. And the Jew most readily takes care of prejudice against the Jews. In the them. He either employs them or finds employ- earliest Gospels, Matthew, Mark ment for them. He helps them to buy things and and Luke, there is no prejudice nor against the Jews. Nearly teaches them how to get things. He writes their bitterness all the early Christians were Jews, letters and receives their letters for them. He and considered themselves loyal advances them money and supplies them with lit- Jews St. John's Gospel is erature in their own language. In short, the ar- bitter and prejudiced in its referrival and stay of the Russian in this country has ences to Jews. It is the one dark been made possible only through the considerate- blot on this beautiful Gospel of love and brotherhood . . . . The writer ness and the generosity of the Jew. (of John) puts this bitterness into Need we a more convincing proof of the Jew- the mouth of Jesus himself, an unish sense of justice? Need we a clearer demon- pardonable error, for Jesus was a stration of the Jewish spirit of kindness? Truly, Jew, loyal and devoted to the Jewreligion and to the Jewish people. if our anti-Semitic friends possessed the least de- ish He did condemn certain one and sire for truthfulness, they would on all sides find condemn them vigorously, but not reasons for changing because they were Jews. convincing and com
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1331 at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, May 3 at 6 p. m. "Mrs. A. Greenberg will speak for] the Mothers and Miss Berniee Yousem for the daughters. Reservations can be made with Miss Blanche Zimman, Haf ^4871 not' later ' thanMTEursday,' A p r i l 3 0 . [•;X^:";-
v -:--.-';•'•- :'::-./ -•' \
f,!The second*"pneg Shabbos" to be
Conservative Synagogue News
we would -like to see many fans out cheering for the boys. We were watching the Central High school ball team work out and noticed that Harry Altchuler, a brother of the well-known "Milt" is holding lown'f one of the fielding positions on the first team. Another Jewish boy seeking a fielder's berth is SpeigaL Looks like Coach Knapple will have an allJewish outfield.
dore Kraft, Meyer Kohlberg, David Bernstein, Robert Bernstein, Daniel • Miller, Maurice Tatleman, Leo Chodak Harry Spiegal, Morris Rosen, Paul Bogdonoff, Israel Hornstein, Irving Cbudakoff, Albert Oruch, Joe Karonda, Charles Levinson, Thomas Ha., kin, and Fred Cohn.
Notes of
Havanna.—A resolution pledging Cuban Jewry to redeem 50 dunams of land through the Jewish National Fund in the coming year was adopted Tonight &t a conference of representatives of Rabbi Frederick Cohn wilt deliver most of the Jewish institutions held a sermon on "Nature and Judaism" here. at the services at Temple Israel this evening.
sponsored bf5the/Sadies*1Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue will take Sabbath Services Sam Epstein has been established place-Saturday, April 18, at 2 p . m . Candle lighting time, Friday, April' as the favorite in the Creighton handat the home of Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE 17—6:20 p. ni. , members of the Central High School :.480S Dodge street. ball tournament. "Hawk" went to • Mr. and Mrs. L. Kurs announce the choir which sang a t Des Moines last ; An" unusually interesting * program the finals last year, losing out to Bill Friday evening services—8 p. m. marriage of their daughter. Addle, to Wednesday. Stalmaster. The dark horse of the has been arranged in the form of "An Saturday morning services — 8:30 Mr. Joseph Spector of St. Paul, Minn., tournament is none other than Sam afternoon in,Jewish Bookland" con- a. m. on April 5. " Rabbi" Frederick Cohri LEAVE FOR ROCHESTER : White, who, if he is in condition, sisting of exhibits of Jewish book.' of officiated. Tomorrow Morning ;•v Mr.>nd Mrs. f H- K. Mflcfer left Tues- 'interest and a recommended list for might take the championship. Other 5 * The couple are making their home day evening for Rochesfer^Mlnn. ~ '-'•' gift and home use. Jewish boys who have entered the j His subject will be "Hygiene' at Services Tonight in StTPaol. ' : Mrs. David A. Goldstein will review At the 'regular Sabbath evening tournament are Cutlar, Rosen, Marks Saturday morning's services. RETURNS j - - ^ •• • :^- Meyer Levine's book "Yehudah" which services tonight Rabbi David A. Gold- and Blacker. ( • ( FORMER OMAHAN.WED . . ..' Mr. J. Klein has r e t u r n ^ from" an 'deals'with life'in • Palestine. ? Kaddish "Announcement has been received extended stay inRochester,*MiahT'~ • This program is open to', ajl mem- stein will speak on "The Jewish EduChuck Slotkin the youthful slugger here of the marriage, of Miss Alyce Kaddish will be recited this SabbaJ.h bers of the auxiliary, who may make cation We Owe to Our Children." of the Feltman Stables took it on the Greenberg of New York to Mr. Morris VISITS IN DES MOINES reservations by. calling Mrs. Irvin chin when he met John Smogie lasti for Ferdinand Adler, Israel Oberfeld Leaf of New York, son of Mrs. C. B. Mrs. M.,Zalk returned j home Mon- Stalmaster, Wa. 5109. Friday. The bout was the best one| er, George Seligsohn, Emil Branrleis Rabbi Goldstein Honored Leaf of Los Angeles. Beth Mrs. Leaf day from Des Monies, where she spent of the evening. John hit Chuck with1 and Henry Wertheimer. Beginning April 24 the United Synaand her son were topneriy of Omaha. a week vwtStg^h^r - flaughtezy JUrsL everything but the water bucket, butj The marriage was solemnized April 1. Leonard Hockenberg, i and Mr. HoclT- D a u g h t e r s of Israel Aid SodetVj g o g u e o f America meets in Atlantic could not knock the youthful Slotkin i A regular meeting of the Daughters City, N. J., for its annual convention. The groom is a brother of Miss enberg. Young Folks Temple League out. Slotkin should never have been of Israel Ladies' Aid society of the Ann Leaf of the Columbia BroadcastMore than two hundred congregations The next meeting of the Youug j matched with the experienced Smogie.J Jewish Old People's Home will be held ing station, and of Mrs. Esther Leaf MOVE On the other hand. Chuck learned a Folks Temple League will be held in the United States and Canada will Tuesday afternoon, April 21, at the DuBoff of this city Mrs. Sam Shyder and daughters, home. be represented. Rabbi Goldstein has lot of pointers in the fight and it the'Sunday afternoon, April 19, at 5 p. m. Cecil and Rina, have moved into th3 Election of officers will be held. Al! been honored by the invitation to de- two should ever meet again, look out,! An interesting program has been arWEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. Smogie. Austin apartments. friends and members please attend. ranged. liver the convention sermon next FriFriends and relatives surprised Mr. day evening. and Mrs. J. Batt on Monday, April Z. B. T. DINNER MEETING. i We have noticed that the Epstein Henrietta Szold 13, at their home on the occasion of The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity held In his absence Judge Irvin Stalmas- family can just about start a ball club Last Book Review At the bi-weekly meeting of the their thirtieth . wedding anniversary. a dinner, business meeting at the of their own. Sam's younger brothter will occupy the pulpit. The closing book review of the seaHenrietta Szold club Tuesday, several They received many beautiful gifts. Blackstone hotel Tuesday. ers are trying out for the Psi Mu son, under the auspices of the Sisterimportant matters were discussed. team. Aaron Epstein is a catcher and j The date for the last Junior Forum Oneg Sabbath Group HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE COMPLIMENT VISITOR young "Hawk" is a pitcher. Old hood was given Tuesday afternoon at of which there were eight in all. has The next meeting of the Oneg flabthe Blackstone. Rabbi Cohn review Mrs. Joseph Blumeathal entertained "Hawk" is an infielder. The directors of the local B'nai thirty-eight guests at luncheon and Brith lodge and their wives entering Richardson's "Maurice Guest." bath group will be held at the home bridge at the Paxton, complimentary of Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster this SaturTwelve girls and twenty-two boys tained at a dinner at the Fontenelle . His subject | Winer, Minnie Sherman. to her sister-in-law, Miss Lillian hotel Wednesday in honor of Mr. Wil-' s p e a k e r f o r t h e e v e n m g day afternoon. Tha afternoon wil) be took part in the Marathon Swim durhas not yet been chosen. The boys were Ernest Wintroub, Blumenthal, whose marriage to Mr. liam Sultan, president of District No. Definite arrangements have been spent in a journey through Jewish ing March. Many learned new strokes Barney Brody, Norman Bordy, IsaMorris Brick will take place in the and found out what consistent prac6 of the. order, who was Omaha's made for a fund raising project and near future. bookland in anticipation of Jewish tice will do for speed and endurance. guest that day. Miss Ida Blacker is in charge. Work I Book Week from May 3 to 9. ExThe swimmers were limited to an I Ask Your Paperhanger will be started immediately on this. ANNOUNCE BIRTH hibits of Jewish books of interest will average of 880 yards per evening, I HOUSE PARTY for SHRIEK'S 1931 A tea wilt be given at the BlaekMr. and Mrs. Joe Marcus announce be a feature. A list of books recom- which with 14 swimming days made The Alpha Chi chapter of Phi Delta stone Hotel in honor of Mother's Day, Wallpaper Sample Books the birth of a daughter at the Clarkit possible to swim a maximum of Epsilon, national medical fraternity mended for Jewish homes will be disMay 10. A program, consisting of son hospital last week. SHRIEK PAINT AND seven miles during the month. at Creighton, inaugurated its spring musical numbers and a one-act play tributed. WALLPAPER COMPANY Those who completed the swim social season with a house party given' -will be given and Miss Ruth Le'hoWEEK-END AT IOWA CITY . . The novel "Yehudah," recently pub- among the girls were Misses Mae 24th and Hamilton St—WE. 4211 f Her committee! . . . . , ,. ... •, . . ,.r Misses Rebecca Kirschenbaum and at their fraternity house fast Satur-' yicio is * chairman, « • Anne > rw -t. u Sara o I hshed, dealing with Jewish life in Corenman, Eva Marcus and Florence 6 t day. consists of Miss Zweibach. Dorothy Margolin spirit last week-end Cnadow. The winners of the boys diPalestine will be discussed. 3Ut This was the first of. the many af- Kaplan and Sylvia Lindenbaum. in IewaiCity, la., where they attendvision were Albert Faucek, Daniel irs to be given by this fraternity.' A hike is to be given Sunday mornReservations may be made by calle d 1MB Pbr Beta. Delta spring formal. Greenfield and Paul Giller. Those in charge of the entertainment ing, April 19, and the group will hike ing Mrs. Stalmaster. Other girts who participated include were W. Tell, chairman; A. Fellman to the Walking Club shack. LEAVE FOR HOME Sarah Jacobson, Bernke McCloud, | Miss Sylvia Bozman is president Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Taxman of and H. Rosner. Pearl Marcus, Sally Morgan, Rose { and Miss Grace Rosenstein is sponsor Kansas City left Wednesday for home. lindenbaum, Phyllis Soref, Dorothy I of the Henrietta Szold Club. Mrs. Taxman has been visiting in Omaha with her parents, Mr., and Camp Fire Girls Mrs. J. Milder, for the past two weeks By Henry Magzamin The Comwicom Camp Fire Girls deand was joined here by her husband, The Psi Mu ball club, the only Jewcided to sponsor a Mother's tea on Tuesday. HArney 7545 Mother's day, at a meeting held at ish aggregation in the city, is to play Council of Jewish Women M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. their first game next Sunday at MilFOR YOUR VISITING IN KANSAS CITY The Omaha Council of "Jewish the Jewish Communi^ Center Tuesler park. The struggle will start at day Mrs. William Bushman' and son are Women will conduct a rummage sale * 3:30, and the opponents will be the visiting with Mrs. Bushman's parents April 27, 28 and 29. Anyone who has j Cudahy Clix. The Psi Mn boys lookHathiah Society jn Kansas City. . furniture, bric-a-brac, or clothing they; ed good in the few workouts that they ; A special meeting of the Hathiah want to contribute to the sale should have had and as the season progresses Sunday, April 12, at RETURNS FROM VISIT call Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028.1 should have a real ball club. the Jewish Community Center for Miss Edythe Dolgoff just returned Mrs!' Simon who is in charge of the Bob Jakobson, a former Western election of officers. Those elected from St. Louis after a week's visit motor corps will either call personally 16th and Howard,. —1i leaguer, is coaching the boys. They with relatives and friends. or send someone to make the collec-l were Irving Yaffe, president; Daniel need plenty of "stand support" and tion. ' ! Miller, vice-president; Bernard White, secretary; Isadore Mittleman, treasAT LINCOLN PARTY The Council is anxious to make this urer; David Bernstein, sergeant at Messrs. Max Eiekes and Edward an unusually large rummage sale and arms, and Hannah Baum, reporter. Rosen attended ^he Sigma Alpha Mu anyone who has something they want A social committeer including Danhouse party at Lincoln last week-end. to give should call Mrs. Simon immeiel Miller, Morton Soiref, Bernard diately. White and Phyllis Green was appointSING IN DES MOINES ed to plan a hike for the near future. The Misses Esther Horwitz, Sadye Dr. Frederick Clayton, who c o n - An athletic committee, consisting of | Kohlberg and Bluma Neveleff were ducts the Current Topics course, will David Bernstein, Daniel Miller and | not hold a regular meeting next Tues- i Yaffe, was also appointed. Pi Lambda Phi day, as he is out of the city. He will j Ephraim Marks was elected head of be back ^Tuesday, April 28th. The} N o SOul is exempt from a the Creighton Chapter of Pi Lambda class will meet at regular place at ^ t a r e o f madness.—Aristotle. Phi, national social fraternity, for the 10:30, at the J. C. C. coming year. Other officers chosen are Maurice Alperin,' vice-president; Jewish Woman's Welfare Justin Levey, secretary; Earl Ross Federation secretary; FrankIipp, pledge-master; 1 A most interesting:' program has If you are tired of tampering w i A that old iron of Harold Kendis, correspondent; Harry EXCLUSIVE been arranged for the Mother-DaughColick, assistant treasurer;'. Herman yours, trade it in on a new Sunbeam Automatic CURTAIN CLEANERS ter'banquetjthat is to be given by the Faier, assistant secretary. WA1350 — 5007 Leavenworth Electric Iron. v . Jewish -Women's Welfare Federation
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Organization News
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Phi Delta Epsilon Hyman Alexander of New York was elected counsel of Alpha Chi Charter of Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity at Creighton university, at its annual elections held last Friday night at the fraternity house, 127 N. 40th St. Other officers named are William Tell of New York, vice-president; Bernard H. Bloom | of Brooklyn, chancellor; Abraham Appelsis of NewYork, scribe; Morris C. Lev of New York, historian, and Nathan Sedofsky of New York, marshall. Discussion of the spring social season occupied the attention of the • members and plans were definitely laid for the most active social program the fraternity has ever at-: tempted.
Jewish Scientist to Speak Over Vatican Station Borne.—Prof. Tullio Levl-Civita, professor of mathematics at the University of Eome, and the only Jewish member of the Academy of Pontifical Sciences, is to speak over the new Vatican's radio station on mathematical and physical science during the conference of the Academy. Professor Levi-Ciyita, who is one of the leading scientists of Italy, has an important place on the agenda of th« ccBitrence. .
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PAGE 4^JlH&JEWISff P R E ^ PRIDAl^ APRIL 17, 1981
? •
Overheard in a dining did depriving Jews- of the light to kokCf«ars from one Bernard Elian, prom*<•• • -iij;LLJ « n m 1 i n e n t diamond onerator in Antwerp .operator Antwerp, room: "Don't you know flat the stuff office in villagfe. .and county govern-^ inent ments; barnui^'the election of a Jew Belgium; who has resided there for 25 you are drinking i s alow poison"... < as sheriff except when the entire vU- years . . . ' . and is Tisiting i n this coun- That's all right" . . . . replied the
lage is Jewish; forbidding Jews to ac- try . . . ; He declares that there is no inebriate, "I'm in -no hurry". . . . quire the ownership • o f land or to so-called Jewish problem, at least, no take a mortgage : or lease peasant outward manifestation of any Ope Station homesteads and lands; banning them Elfcin state* that the Jewish populaMr. Morris Mendelson, who has been from being salesmen in.shops owned tion in Belgium l a s iaereaaed rapidly a resident «C Council Staffs', has Jew, used a Jew" in -contact with h j i - by Christians; preventing them>from and that 59,000 Jews are established moved to Omaha and will open the terical artist-society, in- which his engaging in mining; limiting their se- in Antwerp . . . . The Center Players Paramount Service station at TwentyJewish strain had no deeper character lection of places of residence; and! Guild are rehearsing two one-act fourth aad Decatnr on Sunday, April significance than his being'a theatri- subjecting them to more severe penal- P^ys written by Mrs. Philip Bomonek 19. As an opening feature two quarts cal man. Maxwell Bodenhein is in ties than the Christian populace for which contains a Jewish background of oil will be given free with every this fame group, who .sincerely have civil and criminal offenses. of a century ago . . . . and John Feldpurchase of five gallons of gasoline no concern with their accidental birth maa will be cast in the role of a. Sunday. among a people.* Yet among all of "Schadchen" . . . . several new addithem, there is an intensity of emotions to U»e Players Guild will appear tion, an occasional somersaulting of in these plays . . . . Mitzi Green, little character, that remembers their JewJewish movie star, has a contract for ish origin. The world puts them into 40 weeks at $706 per week, which h&s the heap of Jewish writers. been approved by the court . . . . The That has no significance. The only story of Naftoli Fried, Jewish Hebrew Omaha Towel Supply Co. student, who was reported to have Jewish, writers must be> those who de209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 been appointed a librarian of the Yatiliberately set to'work with materials cans Hebrew Jibrary * . . . has been that belong only| to their own race; discovered as untrue .. . . Some more they may draw Ion ths lengends—as Junior Hadassah gleanings . . . . Dorothe Messianic legends, and the legends • 1 - By MARTIN ABELSON 1 thy R.: "The man who brings up nine of', the wonder-working rabbis; they J or ten children today deserves a lot Is there a specific market for, books books. iAsk any' writer, and he will book tfiat "goes over." It is the con- may draw on folk-customs,they may of Jewish interest? D6 American t^U youjjie/«an ; t get his "Jewish" traversal book. The shrieking- injus- Iraw on life among Jews ianywhere, of credit" . . . . Annette B. answers, T ! —"-'- writers, particularly novelists, I noXe^'publisjied. At the same time you tice book, the ^Jewish problem* book.! Preparations for the second annual i "Deserves it? He can't get along a nubli demand in the! some place where they are thd* the choice of their materials? lAre.the; hfea^ that Wuidi and such a big publish- Suchh!7 is the woric of ^yj Heywood; Sroun j they have Philanthropies drive j without it" campaign is four weeks hence, enthus-i T , . , . , „,. ... younger writers going toward "Amer- j er i s hunting for a real Jewish novel, and George Britt, "Christians'Only. achieved a certain isolation. In such . . . . . . . , . , J Jews are being acclaimed first citiheads a r e already a t ! „. ... ,., . . ican" or toward "Jewish" materials ?! that the Viericfcs are going to con- Maurice Samuels sprang into promin- works, the shriekof the Jewish prob- lasbc division . .. ,. . 1 zens in many cities which is a great Some of these questions fundamental ] ^ .. j ^ Two T h o u s a n d ence with that type of book, "You their worK . . . . busily engaged . . . _, . . . , . . . . . .. , to in organiz-i lem books and th<B shriek of the ghetto . , , aid in establishing better feeling feeto an understanding of the current of i _ ^ , . , ... . _, , e the the modern Jewish contribution to" Years" tnck with a few more Salo- Gentiles." Ludwig Lewisohn, though books will not'' be heard. And, it ing a systematic canvass . . . t. h tween different religious groups success of last years drive clearly in a much finer strain, still writes American literature, are answered in me and Wandering Jew stories drawn seems, such works will find it diffiChas. L. Kaufman of Norfolk, Va., a indicated the pubbc's approval oi the with the sama appeal, the rage against cult to get to be heard, at all. this survey made for the Jewish Tele- j from the Talmud. graphic Agency and- the Jewish Press. j One young writer offers this testi- injustice, and it was this motif that (Copyright, 1931;, by the Jewish Tele- Phrtanthropies . . . wfaiefa elnnuiates ^-Editor*. duplication and operates the distnbu-j ^ ' mony: He.had already published two brought attention to his "Upstream," graphic Agency, Inc.) turn of charity on a sound business . . . . . , in theme, the first of his books to nov Let us not argue whether or not it! , ' . ^ A _, ,.., L • 4.1. *.- * 4.1. u J * I Lubin, another young man was named basas . . . . the meating of the budget, ^ public notice. His novels, and works outstandin^ citiaen o f S a c r a m e n t o ! is'desirable that Jewish writers write' modern in treatment The third novel [ELECTRIC COMPANY] committee cJeciding the amounts to be j C a l i f o r n i a . _rhe a t t i t u d e o f a u t o . since then have been in the main a OWAMA about Jews. While there are Jews h * d * ^"^ *%!Z?l ^ * ? ™~ continuation of the thought of "Upallotted the beneficiary organizations i ,., . , 5 6 living in strange countries, there ^ u p " ^ f " ^ v PuMuhew' :readers. m- stream," with tlie solution to the , , , ,r , . , 1 mobile insurance -companies towards always be two cultural groups, those ^nably pronounced it by far his best problem given as a return to Jewish . . and the applause, which greeted! ^ ^ s u b m i t t e d „ J e w . s fa tte who insist on assimilation; and those w o . r k - Several P u b l ^ h e « . however. of Mrs Herbert A t o aappointment and Mrs.) and Zionism. Lewisohn, of the announcement ofmthe n c eQ{ O n t a H o fa a re ect ed t h b o o k The h e a d o f n culture who insist on preserving the national J . f \ , °. « all the ' "Jewish problem" writers, has, Sophie Neveleff to head t h e t e n ' S ^ NATIONAL ^ b Fred a a Jewish heritage. Let us see only if there! the Prominent house, in conference with dnr^ion . This is an opportunity j had the courage to go at least half author, assured him that the firm ACCESSORIES, INC. are external forces that enter into a QQOT rf to demonstrate your Jewish p n d e . . . . ] way. decision that a writer or artist should was interested in having new writers Cancellation Ends Twelve-year resnltedfa volunteer your services and give your. "Everything for. the Attta" on its lists, and if they thought his These two types of Jewish books make purely on ideological grounds. Battle by Polish t 6evel that the haJf share the Community Chest went; future books would deal with Ameriwill find a market, it seems. Among 2501 Parnam—AT. 5524 Let us take eases of young. AmeriJews ^ ^ f o r the letters nies ^ over the ^ . . the Y. ^ C A. goal, c can writers, Jews, and of some who can material, there might be some whom? Probably they are takpn up representative of the was reached and now let us all unite. w e r e are not so young. We know several agreement. But books of Jewish as qukkly by gentiles as by Jews. If of thi^ Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The publica- in putting this aver so that the good general practice ^ ^ b u s i n e s g hat was of the young writers well enough to background wouldn't do. The Jews a "Jewish problem" book is written by tion in the Official Gazette, Dzienik refusing insurance tfrom citizens name of Omaha's Jewry can continue can't buy them. And who else a gentile, then Jews are the first to be able to tell of the actual factors based solely upon their nationality or Ustaw, of the law cancelling the CzarBKANDK1S Happy is the news that reaches our religion . . . . Last Tuesday in Newj buy it. If a Jew re-states the good ist restrictions against the Jews, gives that make them write about night- should ? SHOE REPAIR DEPT. The statement of course seems old charge, then it is the gentiles who the law executive force, puts all citiclubs or about the east side1.. The York City Rev. John Haynes Holmes i strange when one looks at the list of first echo his cry, and the Jewish book zens of the Republican on an equal Reasonable Prices older ones we may all read. and Clarence Darrow faced each other j Delivery Service Suppose a writer wants to tell about best sellers. And yet, just what is a buyers rush aft having waited that footing and abolishes once and for all as opponents . . . . in a debate "Willi one instant to make sure the approv- these anachronistic laws, many of Jews. W i l l h e find a publisher, an] took of Jewish background? Zionism Solve the Jewish Problem ?M) Use Tour Charge Accsvat Two Beautiful Furnished audience, a market? Certainly there j . The best-seller "Jewish" books have ing echo has come. . . . . Dr. Holmes argued in favor of which date back to 1843. The law reSingle Rooms are a great many "books of Jewish in- invariably been "ghetto" books, draw- Jewish Life Zionism while Mr. Darrow was opmoving them from the statute books terest" being brought out.' A glance ing their popular appeal from the eleposed . . . .Rabbi Stephen Wise was Call WEbster 3527 But there is a third type of book. was passed by the Sejm and the Senat the spring lists would bring the ment of the picturesque, just as a & A J e rtnyal the chairman . . . . Ex-Sextons of Jewate a fortnight ago and needed only o fJ e w i s h lifef number into dozens. Two big houses book about life among artists has its ish congregations who were induced rising not out of oppression, but out publication in the Official Gazette to brought out books by Professor Ein- appeal in the unusual, the grotesque, by representatives of a wine firm to of agreement of a Jew with his sur- make it operative. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor stein, one about Zionism, the other rather than in the human problems i organize new congregations for the With the publication of the law in roundings and his background. TAYLOR GRAIN CO. about the Cosmos. A novel about involved.: ; j purpose of promoting the sale of . "NEW FOR OLD" ( 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. In such work, he is one of his peo-the Official Gazette finis is written to Zionism by Ludwig Lewisohn has i sacramental wines . . . . are "whining" Such books invariably center their a twelve-year fight on the part, of the SUGAR — GRAIN 1619 F u n m St—AT. 8481 gone into several editions.. There are story about some holiday, "The Drry ple just as Thomas Hardy was anJewish members of parliament to i because of the expose of the wine Englishman of Wessex. STOCKS and BONDS . which mas exposed by several books about Palestine just j of Atonement" i s a favorite tidej"racket" . . wipe these laws from the statute —Prraate Wires— Two such books were issued over a books. From the first days of the brought out—one by Maurice Samuels, [ Hardly a popular Jewish book or play the B'aai Brith anti-Defamation JAeksoa 3«»—AT. 2008 one by Dr. Stephen Wise and Jacob; has been written, or movie made, that year ago: "Reubeni, Prince ' of the reconstitution of Poland in 1919 the league . . . Serious damage to the de Haas, a novel of chalutz lifeTbyj did not have its climax set in a seder Jews," and "The Rejected Messiah." Jewish deputies have fought for the good name of Jewish communities CARD H1GV8 WKTAI. R1I1NS prompted the action of the l e a g u e . . . . Meyer Levin, some volumes by minor 1 festival, or with high services in the Both dealt with Jewish historical ma- abolition of thi^ discriminatory legisPKOCKMM—KTKNUW.EIt S1K.VN Recently Rabbi David Goldstein was publishers; Heywood Broun andj synagogue on the Day of Atonement, terial, with Messianic legend. They lation: in Congress Poland. the guest speaker at the 16th annual George Britt have written a book i From "The Jazz Singer" to Bloch's were even picturesque, imaginative, In other parts of the Polish repub14.07 Howard-JA. «288 I graduation class of the Minneapolis about discrimination against the Jews; "and company" this is the case. To they might have been taken up as lic, which before the war belonged to Cloth and Paper Banners 1IOVING — STORAGE — Ben Hecht has a best-seller entitled the gentile world it must seem as if "Two Thousand Years" of the Wan- the- German and Austrian -empires, the OFKIOK UriNIHm AX1> Talmud Torah It was revealed by PIANO MOVING TMeCK LKTTKKIVil "A Jew in Love." Other Jewish auth- the Jew is in one continual state of dering Jew was taken up. Except restrictive laws against the Jews were one of the speakers that Rabbi Gold1405 H u s e r JA. 5277 that they weren't written from that ors have been busy; Fannie Hurst is j beating his breast or eating matxoth. stein had a law career in mind . . . . abolished in the days of Jewish emanagain a best seller; Irving Fineman j And yet, how much of this enters into picturesque slant. They were hand- cipation in the 19th century. but when advised that there was an led by Jews as a German might hanwon an important prize for a first 1 the Jewish life of the modern Jew?, over abundance of lawyers he decided Among the restrictions that are now Courtesy Service dle the Seigfried theme. Neither book relegated to the scrap heap are those novel. Certainly, there must be some; r>*,*4*~. c . ' L, to study for the rabbinate . . . . and l nelt0 WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. THLTLL PHARMACY gained any popularity .though both that invalidate documents written or specific destination for this flow of » scenes FKADENBCKG. HTAUIASTKK & BKB1K the writers who became fa24th and Seward were splendidly written and construct- signed in Yiddish or Hebrew or in books of Jewish subjects. Who buys A mous for picturesque ghetto scenes, ed. In chnrre «f them? Who reads them? "Why? S O Omaha Narten»l Bank Bid*. Jewish script, including those of a we may name Zangwill, Fannie Hurst, TeL WE. 2000—Free deinery NOTICK Ol DISSOLUTION OF PART- | If such books, having something of partial public character and even NERS HIT Market for Jewish Books 638 Securities Bids.—AT. 4451 Anzie Yezierska (what ever became picturesque appeal, stand little those of an entirely private nature; Notice is .hereby jjNvru that the pntiuerAsk any publisher, and he will tell of-her?) Sholom Asch; etsc Bhip ]ieretufon> existing between Harry H. chance of notice, what of the middleKoittert; ami Hnrry Sestin, trader the firm you there i s no market for Jewish There i s another type of Jewish asm; •< Sohkin mid Koxln-rg at l.V>i North class books, the natural stories of FRADENTUTKG. STA1.MASTKK £ BEBEH 20th street, lit Umahn. Nebraskn. has beea New and Old OSCAR T. IMJKKR Jewish life on week days? "The Rise disaolved and liiai the said business wiii CHARLES SIMON toe carritMt on by Harry Sosktu. wh» wOi PHILIP X. KLCTZNICK, Attorneys of David Levinsky* was such a work; be respansiMe f»r nil ike prpsent and tmUfTonamenda 63* Omaha National Bank Ifide. ture debts of the said business. by some strange chance it became a NOTICE OF niSSOLUTIOIf Dated at ttmntaa. Nebraska, tai* 17tk The Saaitary Laundry At Seasonable Prices » OF PARTNERSHIP classic. But ordinarily that i s just of March, 1931. represents Notice is hereby given that the partner-The Beat *t A H bumtrr BmittT UAKKX II. KOZBBUG. the type of book publishers are shy ship heretofore existing bet-ween Isidor N. C NIELSEN 5 UAliitX SOSK1N and Barney JFeinstein in the opof. The young novelist mentioned, LerlnjBon 4T—S-27 eration of the fruit department nt the .IVt North 16th JA. 5880 f whose third novel was in this class, Grocery-Cia8 Comimny at K01 North 1(51 h FKAUGXBCRG, STAL.MA8TKK & UKB£K Street. Umaaa. NfJ.mtkn. ba« been dissolvOF NEW YORK At found it difficult to find a publisher.; ed and that 1be 9a\d btulness will lie carried on by Barney1 Feinstein who will be Omaha N*tl*«al ftaok when finally brought out, the book responsible for nil present and future debts Assets of over One and One-fourth Billion Dollars Uiuaha. Nebra»ka was not "taken up." Another young of snM hnsiness. NOTICK OF THE INCOKTORATION OF Dated at Om Omaha. Kebrasta, this <ith day "SATlOSAt. INVESTORS, INC. novelist, acclaimed for his first novel of April, 1031. April 1031 K«Uce la a*rel»y given 4-hat the undprISIDOR LEVIXSON. of American life,, wrote a second novel aitned hare formed a corporMti«u twder the JOB FOUNDRY BAttlSBr KEIXSTEIN. AKD F. N. CROXSON, Agency Manager laws of tke KTnte of Nebraska, finder the of American Jewish life, and was 4-W-31-4T AND MACHINE WORK name of NATIONAL lNVBSat)18S, 1NCL, asked by his publishers to keep it in •with its principal i4ace of business »t 545 Omaha National Bank Building—ATlantic 4367 KENNEDY, HOLLAND ft DKI.ACX REINFOKCING STEEL Omaha. Nebraska. The gtueral nature of reserve as a third noveL and mean1565 City National B u k Bide tke business ta be trttBsactc* and the obJeets and purpows for which this corpornritOBATE NOTICE while to supply them with a "second AT ALL GROCERS ti«a is •rsmniat-d and est»bU»hed lire t* the Matter of tbe Estate of Samuel novel" that did not have a Jewish A.InRobertson, carry en a eeuenil UiTesiBKnt business; ta licensed. tray, sell and trade iu lwwids. (lelient tires, Made by Notice i s hereby gii-cu that the credilors background. snnres ol stock, securities, scrlii, ch.iltel
Prx$lem" Books and Scenes Only Types That Sell
For 50 Years "Your Towel Man"
Simple E^rtr^yal of Jewish Life Has N o Market it*
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Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputa-: tion recommends that you try it, ..
of said deceased Trill meet tbe administrator ot said estate, before me. County Judge ot Douglas County. Kehriiska, at the County Court Room, ln_said County, It that on the 28th da^of M«y. lasi, ,md on « would woum be De false iaise to to suppose suppose xnav othe Jnl 1931> n t clock this coldness of pubKshers and public c»ci r** dday, J2l°tfor S: ° °'. * the purpose of presenting tneir uclaims examination, adjusttnent is enoughK:to turn writers . : - always •••. . c:from • CUCa a r . f o rfor tho nnrnn»> o f nrRRiAnd allo wan re. Three monihs lire allowed such subjects. The greater part of for the creditors to present their claims, writers take life as they live it; write from the 25th any of April. 1S131. BUXCK CUAWl-'OUU. only of their irrimediata contacts, in- 4-3-3T Couuty Judge. stead of attempting to make the con- MONSKX, KATIXHAN * GROD1NSKI Attorneys tacts that lead into a life they choose 937 Omaha National Bank Bids. to write about. That is, their acci- TO BKLTOXE COKPOKAHON, I.TB. dentarsociety makes their •writing; it Yon are heTeby notified that on the 3rd is. not their writing that niakes. their day of April, 1031 Fred C. Largen, as commenced anKctiot in the Munisociety. In cities, through Anierican plaintiff cipal Court in and for the y of Omaho, Uouglas County, Kebritsk; . ii gainst you colleges, in Greenwich village, in BELTONB COla'OKATION, I/1'U., as <leMontparnasse, the young Jewish- iendant. Docket 29, Number S3, the object -which suit is to recover the Sum of American writer is little of a Jew, he of feeven Hundred and fifty ($700.00) Dollars, for moneys paid to yon untfei conditions travels with the crowd. Lester Cohen, set forth in the petition filed in said action the son of a physician who once wrote and also to lecover the costs of snid action. You are hereby further notified that on a very good novel of small town Jew- April 3rd, 1931, an order of attachment for the sum of $750.00 and also for the sum of ish life, became the author of "Sweep- $50.00, the probable cost s of said action, ings," and other stories of the Pard- was issued by the said Municipal Court in and for the City of Omaha, Douplas Counj ways, an American family whom he ty, Nebraska, in said action and iras levied on certain property belonging to you. never felt. , • xva are further notified that said action Nathan Asch, the son pf tlie Jewish was on April 10, 1931, continued by said for trial to the 26th day of May, 1931, writer Sholom Asch,""WTites directly of court at nine o'clock A. M., and that you must answer the petition - filed in said action oa . mm young Americans, clerks, stenograph- or. before the said 2Cth day of May, 1931, ers, sometimes poets. Hecht, when he at nine o'clock A. M, FJtE
l i f e as They Live It
IBS' j finally got around to writing abouta SiiiiiiiiiniiKiiiiiiiiiHiiiiin
Plain till.
Katelman Foundry& Mfg. Company
Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
Harry H. Lspldu*. rresident- Xreaa.
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Oooglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
mortgnges nntl renl estate mortBiiBes; «• operate u sales orsnulzntion for the purp««e «f Bulling or disposing of any of the above mentioned item*; to engage iu the senentl real eatate, nsiriMl mrf Insurniice business, mid to buy, sell imd tr»de in real csluie, leasehold property and personal property of «very unture and deBcriptioji; to i n prorenay real estate or personal property o-vrned by It; to borrow money ivnd issue bonds, debentures or obligations of this corporation and t« secure the same by mortgages or otherwise; to do any and nil things incidental to any of the foregoing The nutborized capita] stock shall be Ten Thousand Ltoflnrs <*1O.000.00) and nil of snid stock shall be common and of the par value of ifioo.00 per share, nnd shall l>e fully paid for when issued and uon-nssessnble. The corporation snail commence business upon the filing of its articles wifh the County Cleric of Uouglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from Said date. The highest amount o£ indebtedness fo which this corporation may subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. Tlie affairs of the corporation shall be manured by n Bonrd of not itKS than I wo direct ors. trie annnal meeting of the corporation shall be held ou (he first Tuesday of January of each year, at which time the Board of Directors sbnl] also hold its annual meeting and elect a President, Vice-President, Sec- ! retary and Treasurer. Any two of said of- j fices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at any regriilnr or special meeting' -of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of nil the outstanding stock. IN "WITNESS WHEREOF we hav* hereunto set our'hands this 27th day of March, 1931. HBNRI C. MEIEU, WALTER MEIER, In presence of &XH SXEB£S i ft H IT
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha Nebraska
I JiSWi&fci j f & i & S ,
T, J&3P3HL 37,3S33.
The work of every one of these .agencies is carefully checked and "passed upon by the 'budget committee. Each agency i s doing a separate and distinct class of work and each is important and mec«ssary
Jewish Education— To arouse in our children:»'love ;snd understanding ttf the cultural-treasures of Judaism. Old Peoples IHome— Cares ior aged Jewish nnen -and "women and >endeavois rto <brbag '.snnshine -and * comfort i-to 'their declining years. -Social Service'Committee— Grants scholarships i » deserving Jewish students, l&eeps i n "touch with Jewish inmates i n estate linstito-^ I tions. Attends Juvenile Court sessions regularly, ihelping ^parents anil children in "their difficulties.
-American Jewish Committee— i&ids in obtaining equal .lights fo Jews wherever "they are denied iftem. [Bureau far Jewish Social IResearch— Is st clearing; .house ±o • which conmnmiifies may look ;for information in rfcheir connnunity organization Tnroblems. Ex-Patients Tubercular IHome, Denver— Cares 3or those Jewish i»atients, ^discharged rfrona tuberculosis sanatorium, as ;yet unable tto care Jor-themserves. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society— Facilitates lawful -entry of Jewish 'immigrants at ^various parts of Thdted States, Cuha,;South .America, Australia :2nd "South Africa Jewish TheologicalSeminary— "Trains xahhis rand teachers in conservative Judaism. •RaKbi Isaac TRlrinrmm Theological .Seminary— lEromotes rtbe study of Tahnud and assists in the education and preparation ir£ .students Jar ±he (Orthodox JRafahinate. Hebrew Theological School oof Chicago— Modern "institution ior higher Jewish learning. Jewish Consumptive Helief "Society, Denver—, . • i.Accents, men. and rwomen in-StH stagrES of tuberculosis. Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland— Cares ifor - dependent children. p p s Cares :ifnr .Jewish ;sicksuffering 5ro rheumatic diseases. ..••.-. National Appeals Information Service^— JA. xlearing "house 3or organizations making ajroealsjn ihe United ^States i o r Jewish xauses. National -Conference -for Jewish ^Social Worfe— Organized -to discuss problems oif Jewish: Social Work and ipromote uniforniity of action in Tnatters of Jewish ^Communal activities. ^National Desertion Bureau— Aims tto ttrace family deserter. National Parm -School— To train city bred boys in scientific agriculture. 3vational S a m e for Jewish Children, Denver—
To care tfor children "whose parents ,are tubercular and are ^patients in •luherculosis hospitals in 33enver. ^National .Jewish Hospital, IDenveT— Treats without charge and ^without distinction of cresd, those muttering from tubercular tendencies. Training School rfar Jewish Social "Wort Trains for all fields of Jewish social •work (competent :men and -wxnneh). BTith'Wiaer Scope— Through 3Iillel foundation Anti-DeTfamation a league, A. Z. JA., gives .Jewish studsnts sa .better inowledg'e of the Jew, defends the Jewish iimnre wherever lassailed, atEachfiB over aOOBO boys^with a program of cultural and social Activities.
American Palestine Campaign—: IFOT :the upbuilding- of ihe Jewish -Na^ f tional Home ;m ^Palestine. ' ^Palestine TLabor Campaign— r "Helps rthe.organized rworkers xfi l£s&~ ^stine iilan intelligently 3pr t&e thousands of Jewish immigrants and Tteaches "them mew rways^joiTmaKtnga Hiving. . aStteew'Tihiversity— . IProiides educational opportunities ifor Jews •who are denied i±tem selse•where.
• "
JewiBh ^National Tund— IRaises lunds 'to ^redeem tfiie >sbil off ^Pale^tine ifor ;agricultuial ;and urban colonization. IMizrachi— . Maintams schools i n Palestme Vsfco give the :youth traditional and asscular education. Stands 2or uninca-tion oi Torah and Xabox. Joint Distribution Gommittee— To alleviate distress and suffering of 3e\7B in Eastern ^Europe. Helps them gain an economic footing. Peoples Tool Campaign— To cfurnish ^odls Jor 2,000,000 Jews in ^Eastern 32urope so -that "they :may build "new "lives. Jewish Telegraphic Agency— Clearing i o u s e i o r Jewish news. HJiings ifitst hand information irom important centers throughout tthe ?woiid.
The hudget committee of the Jewish Philanthropies by a careful analysis of the needs of the 29 beneficiary agencies has set ihe quota of Omaha for ihe year 1931-32 at $42,130. Every dollar of ihis quota must he subscribed and paid in order to be assured that each agency "will continue with 3ts work. ^Dhe Guilds-crftfteiFfi^Ssli^bilflTifhrDptes are apportioned to agencies that are doing-spfendid ireligmus, ehar3tahle, mi%Q philanthropic ^vvoi-k in Omaha, in fhis country and 5n Tiiarious parts of the ^\'ofld. IThe money is used for ;6hose i^3io need It—-for "SIOSE \who cry out daily for help'
Tlie call of our people is great! F r o m ^very comer *M fftie igfcihe, -distress, hunger and want are overtaking Jew ish people. W e %vho sare ahle Ito them, should do so now. by subscribing liheially to the Jewish thropies. Gwe for these worthy causes!
€lhir people look t o u s fox this aid, for clothes, .for food, for medical care, tfor anilkffor^he?babes. for the mecessrties of life They .are expecting us tolhelpiflieni—-they rely upon our assistance — we must keep faith with thenx!
is a strange thing. I t is by the stroke of F a t e that we JSTC able l o give—that we are so fortunate to cnj oy the things in life these unfoitiiiiates do not «ven desire. They -want bread! They need clothesi must furnish them. They are our pe ople!
Be a worker too!
!Ehe uflaii aff tQie 3FewMi IKrilan&ropieB has ^proven itself tto lae a IDuriaE tthe £rst year cof its '^existence, i t ifaas i»eeD *ble -Ito filimniate the *flin?licaiinn of ifiEfert an iiie -work of Jcalsing' ifmt^K Sxsr tfins "worit. It has
and volunteer to Iceip Q «Boet of raising tfiie mom^y, c«3feEting it, ana fiistribirfing 3t & -much HesBamder "the 31km <Df 4be Jewish 5iiilanthrorpieB than any -oflier "that 3ias «wear -been .used in tDmaha. TEherfi is safao 2. gEra± saviiig ±Q 'the <sfitmt «tf give of their ^fime-
till fSif
-~ more penny 'thai, i r yy Agency g h % spent in the anost
mm 0fr ifcse amoaey. W e see that ^flie mmney
May 11
PAGEG—THE-JEWISH PRESS, FBTDAY, APRIL 17, 1981 wunaKmumfiBisi^amM\^mimJSi^UBaaasuis^ausiff^vt^!^^
Council Bluffs News
Bv F. R. K. A unique service, inspiring and attended by a capacity congregation, was the Rotary Service held at Mount SENIOR HADASSAH I bridge club at1 their home last' Thurs-' Sinai Temple last Friday evening. The Council Bluffs chapter of t h s |d a y evening. Washkigton (J.T.A.). Congressman Members of the Rotary club and their Senior Hadassah held an election of Abe Bear and smaW son^Aafon"Samuel Dickstein of New York will families were guests of the Temple officers Tuesday afternoon at the become chairman .of the Hofctse itticongregation, at this service. Rev.' Chieftain hotel. Mrs. Herman Maro- David,: • of, Leavenworth, Kans., is Ali news for the Sioux City page spending, th^ week here visiting Mra. migration committee, displacing ConAustm Perdue, xector of St. Thomas) witz was re-elected as president. The must: reach the Sioux City correEpiscopal church* and Rctarian, spoke other officers were Mrs. Louis H. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius -gressman Albert Johnson, leading respondent, not later than Tuesday who is now chairman, if evening, to appear in the issue the I from the pulpit on "Fellowship of-. Katelman, first vice-president; Mrs. Katelman;; Mr. Bear, who spent the strictionist, h week-end here, returnwl home; Mon* e persistient claims now being made following Friday. Please mail news: : i Culminating:an-extensive irismber-' Faiths Harry Cherniss, second vice-president; v to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, ship catnpa'ign,-the-Sioux City chapter' The Th subject of Rabbi Lewis sermon Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, secretary; Mrs. day. Numerous affairs are being > the Democrats that they will cont:'Your* Husband Right" is the i jor call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock. trol the the next House materialize. mVon in in honor U n ^ A« itrol ' "American Contributions to Re- Alhert Krasne, financial secretary; given off..he the B*nai of MR> Mrs. «<>» Bear. B n i Brith B i t h initiated i t i a t e d a class of jan- for the dinner to be given by 28 heW members at an-"open meeting• Kgion,"and he stresssd the import- Mrs. Richard Gordon, treasurer, and Today it became known that the the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Mrs. J. Rosen entertained twelve Democrats are predicting that sufficon Tuesday evening. William Sultan, r a n c e a n t j meaning of religious free- Mrs. L. Cherniack and Mrs. O. Hochpg Synagogue, neitt Wednesday evening. t t l l brid rt S ^ president of the Grand Lodge of D i s - ' < l o m which America has vouchsafed man, directors, guests at a lovely bridge party San^; j 2 n t Progressives will unite wiUi them April 22, in the social hall of th"> j trict 6, was the guest of honor at the t n e m a n y creeds. Plans wer* made for-the annual Synagogue. The members of the'auxday afternoon at her home at 701 to control the organization of the The Iota Tau Sorority will meet to- 1 m e e t j n L district convention, which will be held Madison avenue in honor of her niece, House -when it reconvences in Deiliary have invited their husbands to morrow evening at the home of Miss J j j r g^ cethber or in the event of a special in St. Joseph, Mo., on JHay 18 and 19. Miss Esther Steiman. the dinner, 'which will begin at 7 p.. m. Sara Dimsdale Bridge will form the B . n a / B rith"loTl^ " a Js'making^a} session. In that casj Congressman Mesdames H. Marowitz and L. H. Mrs. Philip: Sherman, president of eveningfs entertainment. 1 tour of thsr middle west and has in-j Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson returned "Dickstein would become the . only Katelman were elected as delegates, the'Auxiliary win preside at the dineluded in his itinerary rteen of the Talmud' aiK * **ra- Albert Krasne, as alternate. home. Tuesday from Chicago, Illinois, Jewish commitee chairman. ner. The program: will open With;1 a, Our Little Social Club will hold its where they were called to last .week brief talk by Mr. A- H. Baron, local meeting this week at tKe. home of g^y^' City • - ] Torah received diplomas Sunday eve-'- Arrangements, were also made for uptin- the At the state department Congress; of Mrs.'' Yadeison's i attorney. Miss. Ethel "Shindler will Mrs. Boris Lsyjn. A .program, of. " - j . nins at e Jewis man Dickstein entered a sharp and program included the initiation ** « Community Cen- the animal rummage sale, which will parents, the 'tete Mr. and Mrs. Isra«l give a tap dance. Piano accompani- bridge will be concluded by a dainty ~f ^. new' members, the address by: ter*' T h e graduation exercises were be held on April 27, 28 an4 29. Every F r i e d m a n . : : ' ' : ' . - ; ^ - v • ' - ' • ' ; . - '•• •••'[•-'''• emphatic protest against the,departments wiH be played by Miss Sarah luncheon. ment's rigorous visa policy. He member is urged to donate any old Mr. Sultan and was concluded with.a a t ^ n < l e T d b / 3oO people; Halpern. Miss Frances Emlein will Jack London, presidant of the clothes, or salvage of any kind and to Mrs. Henry Maduff entertained the placed before the visa office officials ' dance and refreshments. give a group of piano solos. A sketch call Mrs. Ben Kubby, phone 4790LJ, members of her afternoon -bridge dab a plan whereby at least aged parent* "In t e s t e r Park" will be presented and children under 1G and wives ana who will be in charge of collecting all a t her home Monday afternoon. with the following cast: Dent M. Barbundles on April 26th. j children would be granted visas since on, Mildred Baron, Rozeha^ Kozberg, Sam Lipman and J. Maron. The Sewing Circle of the Senior Twenty relatives of Mrs. Samuel H: these categories would not compete Dean Baron, Ruth Bernstein, Tillie The class of graduates included Ben Hadassah met Thursday afternoon at Katelman surprised her at her home with American labor and hence j The following were received into Shindler; Dorothy Mazor, Mrs. S. H. the home of Mrs. Louis H. Katelman; Monday evening, the occasion being cause no aggravation of the unthe lodge: Joseph Kantor, Morris Ros-j Shulkin arid Mrs. Joe Kutcher. Albert visited recently in Chicago. Shindler, Tillie Franklin, enthal, Louis Franklin, Leo Franklin, °.n» her birthday anniversary.. The eve- employment problem. ; ..Mrs. S. Greenstone is in charge of Annabelle Emlein, Sarah Sactoff, ! The Ladies'Aid Society will hold a Tung's diversion vras bridge. v. TUT A -hit r> rL_ i i * r\ B. Ginsberg, Louis Simian, William E. Visa officials promised to take the menu, and Mrs. William Mazie is Mr. and Mrs. C. Oreckovsky of Des « _ „ „ n v^ m n , ' - „ ,. . Nathan Feinberg, Perry Osnowitz, meeting next Tuesday afternoon, | TLT ;^« ^ . - 4 . ^ *Av i. *«:' .'•! ^ Maron, D. rederman, Joe Merlin, l.. i Congressman Dickstetn's protest un•>»» chairman of.the dining room. Moines visited at the Moines, the home of the the lat lat' Archie Kantor,' Harry Ginsberg, LesApril 21, at the new synagogue, 618' Mike Kantrovich, Joe Nadler, der -advisement and it was underOver 300 are expected to attend the ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.; J. Kaufi Named Head of Montana Mynster street. Harry Holdofsky, Boris Levine, Sam ter Lazriowich and Jack Merlin. stood that they may confer with Sec-, dinner. Mrs. Sherman announces that man, recently. Following their stay Health Board retary Stimson regarding theinattet.. reservations can' be made- by phoning Budapest.—Dr. Ludwig Hoffman, Among-the students, from the Uni- Helena, Montana.—Dr. Louis H. Mrs. L H. Levin at 5-6121 or Mrs. , M i , , o n B,, one of the leading swordsmen of Hun- versity of Nebraska at Lincoln who. Fligman of this city has been chosen Paul Lester Heeger at 5-6181. ; formerly Hannah Kaufman. {Louis Strongin, Paul Kaplan, Philip gary and a former officer in the Hun- arrived home today to spend their president of the Montana :. State The. date-for the annual Mother and Chi3en, Joe Hendlyn, Max Schwidel- garian army, died here at the age of spring vacation are Mildred Meyerson, Board of Health. Dr. Fligman is a ' Daughter banquet has been set for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gutterman and son and Joe Miller. 66. *, • | Helen Steinberg, Ruth Bernstein and veteran member, of the Board, hav. M a y 6 . • • • ' - - . • • •: : • • ,'. ••'- . • son, Julien, formerly of Flandreau, ' r.T wutic • Dr. Hoffman, in the course of his j Maurice Pepper. " j ing been appointed by both RepnbAM. UVKIt 'I'ltlC WOULD have arrived in Sioux City, where they! T> • T • -IT J career as a duelist, fought 45 suc• • ••••jlican and-Democratic governors. This FRKD K.8HAW will make theit home. Mra. Gutter-t^K. 6nUCei^Vine ^ . __ • • • - • — » •HeaClS •-•>,.••• cesdfulduefe,-most ot them in defense Dr. and^Irs. Isaac Sternhill enter-'is the-fourth term he has served as M.I Urondwnjr man was formerly Miss Satorts. WeinPI.OWEU SIKH' I'hont , (1 P h i E p S l l O n T a U GlTlS of Jewish honor. ,talned the members of their evening' president of the. Board. . Members of the Business Girl's club berg. of the Community Center will be.hos——-—• • - . , - j : Miss Bernice Levine was elected tesses to the Business Girl's club of Pill placed first in, the dis-1 pjresident of the Phi Epsilon Tau sorthe Y. W. C. A. and the Community trict high school music contest, held _ ority at a recent meeting of the club, House at the annual joint meeting of at Ida Grove last Saturday, where she Other officers are Rogie Kozberg, secthe three organizations. The meeting represented Central high school in the retary and Serene Barrent, -treasurer, "which will be preceded by a dinner cello division. She will go to Iowa Outgoing officers are Louis Herzoff, Will be held at the Center on Wednes- City the first week in May to compresident; Bernice Levine, secretary, day evening, April 22. pete in the state contest. and d Serene S B Barrent, treasurer. Miss Margrave, social director of Plans were discussed for a spring the women's dormitory at. Morning.-' Mrs. Seymour Melvin of New York breakfast to be held next "week."
M1SS AN NA PI 14 ^Correspondent
1 J
Social News
college will be the speaker of the City is visiting friends and relatives' £ £ ? • £ ntld at t h^om7of u £
evening. Levine. The remainder of the program .will pg be arranged by the three clubs, each | j Mrs. -A. H.-Baronwas Aairmari bl organization^ presenting a skit, and, the Girl Scout bridge party given in musical numbers, ' * " """ the Davidson tea'rooiif last'Saturday Miss Ida Feldman is in charge of' afternoon. Over 400 attended the the program. Miss Bluma Merlin is party. "Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary chairman of the committee.for songs; of Shaare Zion are making preparaMiss Gertrude Reznek is in charge of tions for a Rummage Sate to be held the decorations, and. Miss Min Green_ . _ _ , within.the next few weeks. Mrs. stone is in charge of the menu. Rabbi Rabinowitz' will speak this p hilip Sherman has requested those evening on "The Mystery of the Hu- w h o n a v e donations to make to call A newly organized club, the Phi, man Soul." The service will begin at . o n e 9* t n e following women who. are Etta Phi sorority, has elected the fol- 8 o'clock. j in charge of the sale: Mrs. A. Sloutlowing officers: Esther Mirken, presiLast Friday evening Rabbi Rabino-' sky, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Mrs. I. H. dent; Tillie Bass, vice-president; witz was the guest speaker at the Levin or Mrs. Sam Weiner. Marie Osheroff, secretary; Rosabelle Conservative Synagogue of -Omaha,! ; Wigodsky, treasurer, and Edith Kapwhere he addressed the congregation P i o n e e r Women Plan iloff, reporter. The club is under the on "Some of Our Weaknesses." I leadership of Miss Blanche Reznick. Junior Congregation will resume its regular Saturday morning services to-! _ , ~ The Maccabee Club, under the leadThe morrow at -10:45. During the holi. **<>**?* Women are planning a ership of Frank Margolin, Sioux City M aa l" l^^ 6 ***& ff oo f M yy, 5 /aa** tt hh ee Jewish days, no services for the children, w e r e attorney, went on an all day hike out | Community Center. Tables -can be arto Stone Park on Sunday. The busiI ranged with Mrs. N. Widesky or Mrs. ness meeting was held in the afterMorris Sperling, who are in charge of noon at the park. Plans; were disthe affair. cussed for a party, April 25.
Will Hold Auxiliary ''Rummage Sale
Shaare Zioh Synagogue; within the
Bridge Party May 5
Attorney Occupies Shaare Zion Pulpit
Boy Scout Troop will hike to South . "The Bank of Life" was the subject Ravine on Sunday, .for its meeting. of the address delivered at Shaare Mr. Louis Slade is scoutmaster of the Zion synagogue last Friday ; evening troop. by E, W. Baron, Sioux City attorney." Mr. Baron compared the vast history Members of the. Center Brownie of the Jews to a great wealth, which Pack will the city-wide the Jews were failing and unable to Brownie Revel on Saturday afternoon draw upon. The Pack has as its leader Miss Mildred Baron.
The famous doodyear AllWeather Tread is superiorin traction. Note how the deep-cut, tight-grlppmg blocks are placed in the center of the tread, where they belong. Presj the paltn of your hand upon this tread and feel how the blocks grip and pinch the flesh. This illustrates the All-Weather Tread's hold-fast action on pavement or road. • • •
Mount Sinai Temple.
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that recommend a decide:
The Alumni Talmud Torah Club held an open meeting last evening at the Center. An interesting program was presented before the members and their friends.
Rabbi Lewis will use .as bis sermon subject this evening "Does Relief Matter." , The service will begin' a t 8 o'clock. Wednesday morning, Habbi Lewis spoke before the pupils of East High School on "What It Means Jo Be an American Citizen."
The Young Judean Club under the leadership of Isadore Mirowitz will have an open meeting on Sunday afternoon, to which they have invited their parents. A program and refresh ments will be features of the meeting.
The ticket committee for the buildmg fund carnival, scheduled for the. first week in May, began its work last j Tuesday. The committee headed by • Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. Louis A g - ' ranoff and Mrs. Morris Pill, plans to make a complete canvass of the city, and will have1 the active co-operation , of over 75 women who will- assist them.
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