the. Interests pJ Jewish'Community: Bmerrr) HB second-clnss innll tnntter on m lit Oiimtia. NHtirnvkn. undrr the
Interesting and Entertahnn a
•Zi. vri\, n t 1nn-b 55. I«7A
Oratorical Winner
Edward J. Solomonow, Creighton Arts sophomore,, was awarded second place in an oratorical contest in which students from the various departments of the university were entered. Protest, to Bill Depriving Them Solomonow's subject was "A Eulogy on Knute itockne." Soloroonow is a of Educational :: member of Phi Beta Epsilon, Jewish - •:.. ' ^Rights social fraternity. He is the second Montreal—j.. T. A,)-^-The Montreal highest in command in the R. O. T. C. Jewish School Commission has resign-j battalion, and is .a member of Chi Deled. .MonteeaL Jews, ,wha forithe first ta Chi, advanced military fraternity. time m the history of .North American t • , '•
Plan Old-Faaihione<l Round Table Forum
old-fashioned, round table-discussion on "Zionists Problems" will be sponsored by the Ioc|l Zionist organic ; zation at the Jewish jCommunityl CenJ o h n H a y n e s Holmes a n d G a r - ter next Tuesday evtening, April 28
here lerc to to discuss mscuss Zionism Zionism as as an an ideaL ideaL TThe ^ ^ open to|tne event hfi ^ I am interested, p'rtn^rwy; ^ in the .' -,?-:'»?.';:?'•;-•']: ^ ••£?*•
Rabbi Gives Oath Witness
More Workers Are Needed to Attain $42,150 Goal Set for the Campaign.
question of practical . PalA rabbi was called on this week estine «ffers a refogs for. Hie opto administer the oath required of pressed Jews of the.-cForid; it is a Jewry were last year.given the right; 'witnesses in the Essex Market symbol of- the unity of' the Jewish' to control the education of their own Court on l i e East Side of New people,'* declared Dr. 3dhn. Haynes children when the Quebec legislature! York, when Jewish witnesses ob'passed a- bill creating a Jewish board! Holmes, who took the affirmative jected to taking oath on a Chriswhich could either, open separate ride of the question, "Will Zionism' '• tian Bible. ' Immediately upon returning to the opening of the drive. Luncheons schools or renew the agreement with succeed or fail?" in a. debate 'This innovation, according to the Omaha, William L. Holzman, general wfll be held each day of the drive at ,|he Protestants, found themselves here sponsored by Avukah, American k.—{J, T^ A.)—It was the court officials, has proved a suc- chairman of the coming campaign of. the Jewish Community Center for the again without a voice in school mat-' Student Zionist Federation. Jewish institute of the Blind in Vienna; cess and will probably be con- the Jewish Philanthropies, selected his workers. Mrs. B. A. Simon is in ters when the Jewish" commission of. Plea for Steps t o Rid S t a t e ence Darrow, noted Chicago lawyer, -^ich first called a congress of the tinued in the future. chairmen for the various groups —••*«««•> «• in •charge of the luncheon committee. Mr. seven sent its resignation to. provinStatutes of Slurring opposed Dr. Holmes and Rabbi Ste- bHncLof all nations in 1873, a short Gerson has written a new workers* the coming drive, which opens May 11. cial Premier Tascherean." ; -:;, r ; References phens S. Wise acted as chairman, tims after jt was founded by LudwigMr. Holzman announced the followsong. • The commission resigned .in a body An enthusiastic: jiidience ap- August Frankei: It was the Vienna ing chairmen: . "We have set a quota this year for as a protest against the recent T>asr Philadelphia. {J.T.A,) — That in plauded both speakers and* l a t h e d Jewish Instituts which first suggested the campaign that we believe will be Associate General Chairman—Harry sage in the legislature of a bill which the eyes of the law of the common- when Rabbi Wise, in his opening re- a t that international congresslthe fora fair contribution by Omaha Jews to H. Lap*idas. deprives it iri the future of the legal r wealth of - Pennsylvania a Jew I S marks declared, "I am here only as nation of a uaified Jraille script for local, national and international Initial Gifts—Harry A. Wolf. and educational rights given it a year classed with an infidel, that mar- impartial chairman. Let the 'Goyim' the Wind,-the speci 1 study of blind causes,", said Dr. Philip Sher, chairQuota—Dr. Philip Slier. ago, including the privilege of estab-j iages performed by rabbis in Penn- fight it put.1 people's psychology and the special man of the quota committee and honGeneral Solicitation—Abner Kailishing separate Jewish schools in sylvania are not legaL since the legal Dr. Holmes, declared, that there training of the hart as a substitute orary president of the Jewish Commaa and Philip M. Klutniick. Montreal. i right to perform weddings is limited was ample room in Palestine, for all for the eye in scho< is for the sightmunity Center and Welfare FederaWomen—Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Bill Pass~J Over Protest j *° "ministers of the gospel, justices the Jews who desire to go there and less. tion. **In order, however, to reach All-Community Affair Is Under .Mrs. L. Neveleff. 'The decision of the Jewish School!?* t h e * " " £ and aldermen" and that sufficient natural resources ta allow This was revealed by Dr.JSeigfrietl this quota every Jew in Omaha should Auspices of Women's Wel.. Organizations—Sam Beber. Commission to resign, j x strength- *»* ? n ^ ! l ^ them to-live-there- and even t o Altaian, th* pr^seti itBrectorVof the fare Organisation South Omaha—-Goodman Meycrson give and give liberally." "Israelitische•-•, Blin|en-Institut" of ened by last Sumlars^otiference of ^ i T f ^ ^ f ^ T ^ MUST KEEP FAITH and Harry Dworsky. _ • i_ i j ii u J ' an article in the Philadelphia Jewish prosper. He pointed out that Pal- Viennavwho came tof New York to atJewish communali leaders ofe all shades %_ A Mother and Daughter dinner emestine in the past, had supported a National Firms—Harry H. Lapidus. Goodman Meyerson and Harry . . . , .," ... *• 1 Exponent by H. B. Hartogems, the World Conference on Work bracive of the entire Jewish communPublicity—Jack W. Marer. population of millions and could unDworsky, who are in charge of the of opinion, where the prevailing senti- ( *-**"»" , : Speakers—Milton Abrahams. Sooth Omaha committee, are now doubtedly do so again." wHere in for the Blind. Representatives of 37 ity will be given under the auspices of ment was that the Commission should ! Baltimore lawyer. . nations attended the conference the Jewish Women's Welfare OrganiYoung People—Julius Bisno. making up their list of workers. this country," said Dr. Holmss, "we laissez-faire its best citizensJ relinquish its mandate. At Sunday's! After criticisingof the "supmsiess zation at the Jewish Community. Cen""The Vienna Jewish Institute with Lancheons—Mrs. B. A. Simon. They expect to have more than fifty rnan of the Commission .pointedchair-1 outj who art willing to leave good erough judge Palestine from a purely cam- 70 children in its school and 150 ado- I ter on Sunday evening, May 8, at 6 meeting Samuel Livingstone, workers from South Omaha to raise that the government had passed the. alone," Mr. Hartogenis points speei- mercial stand point. In Palestine, lescents in various homes, is known p. m. The organization plans to make "I believe we have - a wonderful their quota of $1,500. ; group of chairmen for the coming • bill, over the protest of the Jewish' fically to the archaic conditions of however, there • is a new spirit, a activities for the education this an event. According to Sam Beber, chairman Commission, even after the conimis;jthe laws of "Pennsylvania and Mary- loftly idealism, a hope for Israel, a of. the .blind, are carried oa," said Dr. . Invitations have been sent out to drive," said Mr. Holzman. "These e £ Trarions-chairmen will4iave i-barge of, t i e organizations committee, mpro siqn had sent •• a letter to Premier land. He refers specifically to the great spiritual adventure." :{»Altmann. "The successful training it .all the Jewish, women's organizations the work in their groups and[with tfhe *&** .seventy-five organizations will fc Tassfcerean, threatening .to resign if 'well-known decision made in .the Mr. .Darrow said^ I know af } various haaSjerafts, in sculps i n the city,,and the president of each aid of the general committee will se- *»' asked to contribute to the fund. the Lill .werei-passed. _*_=».-.. [ Supreme^ Cgnrt of.. the. United, States tie in- will l»e^<»a«d"npon J«r a .few brief Tect *heir co-w«Bkers^' .\.-- A --4- r A Last year a substantial sura yras The Jewish School Commission """"••" of, in Jg44 i n the Girad "Coflege. «ase~ tw6 days and made a thorough study terest of, and • has" ssrved as an ex- remarks. According to Abner Xaiman, chair-1 Ple^ged by «ie organizations. r J t 1 « seven* members was created in April, Mrs. Abe Grcsnberg will speak for man of the general solicitation, grovp.j n0**^ t 0 increase this amorftlt to $1,lays down as a rule of law of the subject. I lingered for an- ample for, other schools for the blind. 1930, by an • enabling act of the pro-! and guidance for the state of Penn- other day—there was no train out. "From a Jewish standpoint too, itj the mothers, and the response for the he expscts to have at least two hnnvincial legislature, permitting therrsylyania the theological doctrine of Palestine is a barren country and has been regarded by Austrian Jews, daughters will be given by Bernice dred and fifty men in his group. This g p "W« m » s t keeP ^aith w i t h o u r as one t>f their most important instito-1 Yousem. l e b creation of a separate Jewish school j Christianity.' • alweys has been. Less than oney continuing to send them aid, An interesting program has been committee will have charge of the P system in Montreal in the event that; Mr. Hartogenis_ characterizes as fifth of the soil can be tilled. Ths tions. la our school we give the chil- arranged ' said Harry H. Lapidus, associate genby Mrs. Herman Jahr. The solicitation of pledges from aU men an agreement was.not reached be-, "nothing less than startling" the fol- ancient stories of the great popu- dren a thorough training in the He- invocation trill be given by Mrs. Louis n o t lincluded nduded m the chairman of the drive. "These " " ^ ^ns' tween the Jewish School Commission lowing quotation' from the opinion i lation Palestine held are fables. I t brew language and Jewish history, Neveleff, president of the Jewish "Wo- Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Mrs. L. people look to us for help, for food, 1 and some of the children are trained and the Protestant School Board. The pf Justice,Story on the Pennsyl-1 Neveleff, who are in charge of the for clothing. We must not fail them. bill in^response to the* vania statute" books for 90 years: | c a n n o t e v e n support its present to become organists and choir singers men's Welfare Organization. A fea- woraens' division have been promised We must give so that our people in b l was passedd i^ ture will be tha Sokol Marienetfe en- the united support of the various wo-] Europe and Palestine and elsewhere, in synagogues.** Jewish educational problem here: In case of a devise in comfort," Mr. Darrow said, "theremare. no industries in Palwhere Jewish children are being eduT for tho propagation of Pennsylvania Judaism or population The Vienna Jewish institute is the semble, presenting "The Water Gobas well as our people here in Omaha, cated in schools controlled .by the Pro- •deism or any. other torm. of infidelity estine. Take the hand of England only Jewish ins^raie-f 6f ithe blind in lin" and "Punchinello." Miss Thehna mens' organizations in the city. It is will receive the assistance to which testant School Board. Casper will give a violin solo, wiich expected that more than two hundred they are entitled." thereCmust be_ plain, yositiv^e and ex- away f roni : Palestine and all ths j all -Europe: Dr. - Altaians £? press provisions demonstrating not Jews will have their throats cut. All There are between' 7»580 and 8,009 will be followed by community sing- women will taks an active part in the MORE WORKERS NEEDED Political Issue Raised only. ihat4 Christianity . is not. to - be the Jews who go to Palestine, are Jewish blind all 0ver:ihfe; world, Dr. ing. The benediction vrill be given coming drive. But a few months "ago. after Figures compiled by Samuel Gerson, MEETINGS START by Mrs. Fredarki Cohn. taught but that v it ih not to be im- actiiated by" religious motives." Altmann estimates.'': ii(\«I longed negotiations with the Protestexecutive director of the drive, indi; The young peoples' group, headed Mrs>. Nate Mantel wfll be toastmis; I j ant School Boardtha Jewish' School pugned, or repudiated." •- ., • >• '••-'. cate that more workers will be needed tress. Mrs. Jack Alberts is chairman by Julius Bisno, held a meeting last, for the coming drive than last year. Mr. Hartogenis;.also refers to the -Commission entered into a ' IS-^year for the affair, assisted-by Mrs. J. M Sunday, at which-time the presidents J1 agreement with the Protestants, by publication by" Justice Brewer in "We must have at least 500 workers Malashock, Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. of various groups of young people in this 1905 of his Haverford College lectthe terms of. which Jewish children year in order that every Jewish the city met and discussed plans for B. A. Simon and Miss Blanche Zimwould continue to be educated in' the ure entitled "The United: States, A person in Omaha may be visited and the coming drive. man. } Protestant schools. Thus the prir- Christian Nation/'which slogan, Mr. given the opportunity to pledge to the Reservations are being taken by At the first general meeting of the fund," said Mr. Gerson. "Our work; ilege of creating a separate Jewish Hartgenis says, "has been taken as speakers bureau, a plan was outlined sold on Palestine one hundred the vintage unexcelled.; Their fruits Miss Blanche Zimman before Thursschool system was not taken advan- the law of the land In yery many to have a speaker appear before every ers in last year's drive enjoyed every and delicious. day, April 30. ^ t a g e of., ^;. •-..;"". '• . ;•.•-.-• -;' • •; states, excepting in the Supreme per cent," was the way William L. are all well-grown ' minute of the work and this year it : Jewish organization in tha city before ;'i In the meantime the political oppp- Court of the United States." He also Holzman summarized the impression Their wineries are especially fine. will even be more fun, because in this the campaign opens. According to Many large industries are progresTnenta of Premier Tascherean, who points to the facts that while Penn- the Holy Land made upon him on his drive we mix work with fun. This Detroit Schools Are Milton Abrahams, chairman of this ) was in the main responsible for the sylvania is perhaps tne leading of- protracted visit to the Mediterranean sing in Palestine and two recent addiyear people will welcome the Jewish committee, more than seventy-five Philanthropic worker, for our people to Teach Hebrew - passage of the original bill giving fender in this direction, many other and the Near East, during his address tions- were very commendable, Holzspeaking dates have been made. on his journey before a large crowd man stated. These are the Rutenberg "', Montreal Jews school rights, began tostates are equally deficient. Detroit. (J.T.A.) — The movement The initial gifts «ommittee headed appreciate and realize the important project, which has harnessed the Jorof friends who turned out to give him Commenting on this 'article,' the = make a political issue out of the Jewto introduce the study of Hebrew in by Harry A. Wolf is expected to be and necessary work that it is doing." ish Ethool question, claiming that the Jewish Exponent calls on the leaders a "welcomingi-home" party at the J. dan and brought electricity to Pales- the high schools of Detroit has finally General headquarters for the drive completed within the next few days. ;Prsmier of Quebec had "sold out to in American Jewish life to . take) C. C. Tuesday evening. Sam Beber tine, and the Potash industry on the triumphed, withthe .decision by Frank is at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Wolf stated his committee will be the Jews" and attempting to arouse steps leading to the elimination of acted as chairman and- short addresses shores of the Dead Sea. Any person desiring to enroll as a "The Colonists work hard and un- Cody, superintendent of schools, to ready to start active work on the worker may do so by calling1 at the latent anti-Semitic "prejudices among siurrings references as well as all were also given by Harry A. Wolf and introduce the course in Central High campaign during the next week. tha Catholic French-Canadians of the religious inequality on the statute Harry Lapidus, after which "hot ceasingly, men and women, side by School in September. Central High Jewish Community Center or JA 1366. ALLOTMENTS side. Their spirit is extraordinary and dogs" and beer put the finishing books of the various states. ; province. School was closest because it has the The $42,150 to be raised in the comt o u c h e s t o a " h o m e y , " i n f o r m a l a f - they will succeed because they are largest attendance of Jewish students. ing drive has been allotted to the Mrs. ; Ravitz Heads hopeful and have faith." . • fair..-- '• ' .-. • • • . '• •". -• Superintendent Cody's action fol- various committees in the following He also paid tribute to Palestine's Daughters of Israel "All our efforts for t h e upbuilding lowed the unanimous vote of the of Palestine are nlore than worth roads, to the Una and Nathan Strauss Board of Education requesting the ad- quotas: ..$22,000 MrS. g_ Ravitz was chosen presiwhile," Mr. Holzman stated. "There soup kitchen, the Hadassah, the Uni- dition of Hebrew to the high school Initial gifts ..... ..— .. 12^50 dent of the Daughters of Israel Ladies is room in the Holy Land "for thou- versity, its Jewish National Fund and curriculum provided a sufficient num- General Solicitation the advancement made by the Hebrew _ 4,000 i Aid Society of the Jewish Old PeoWomen . . Paris. (J.T.A.)—As a result of Rivka was the name of the Patriarch sands and thousands of Jews who are language, which is recognized as an ber of students signified their inten- Organizations . _ 1,700 j pi e s Home at the election of officers today suffering poignantly in Eastern ; tion of signing up for the course. the learned decision of a Parisian Isaac's wife hence an authentic official language in the country. L500 j n e id Tuesday afternoon. South Omaha — Europe, and if we can somehow get Tha action of the Detroit school of, civil court, that Rivka is just as Biblical cognomen, the district mayor 200 Other officers selected by the group National Finns them into Palestine where they can Jewish Suffering ficials followed similar steps recently ' good a Biblical name as is Rebecca, looked up his Bible and could find 500 I Mrs. A. Wolf, vice-president; Mrs. Young People — a r e live and live happily,. it is our duty as Harry Wolf, who had attended the taken in New York and St. Louis, Jewish Paris has among its female no wife of Isaac called Rivka. When S. Maizel, corresponding secretary; humanitarians and as Jews to do convention of the J. D. C. in New where courses in Hebrew are also bepopulation the newly named Rivka the matter came to court a number Total $42,150 Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, financial secreeverything possible to attain that York, told of conditions in Europa ing offered in the secondary schools. Judith Friedman over whose naming of rabbis certified that Rivka was "With the addition of nine new- tary; Mrs. Kate Tatle, treasurer. among the Jewish people. "The Jew' a n extensive legal controversy had assuredly a good Biblical name but end." agencies this year, every Jew in The speaker gave an alluring pic-1 j s a people in Europe are still living Jewish Court of the judges could find no Rivka in arisen. Omaha roust pledge to the Jewish ture of the picturesqueness of the] in a state of war," he stated. "The The matter came up for adjudi- the Bible. in order to be as- Neisman Elected Jewish Homeland, describing in detail Joint Distribution Committee is doing Arbitration Formed Philanthropies cation under an old • French law sured that the work of our twentythe many interesting scenes. He marvelous work in sustaining life and to Head Thorps which obliges parents to give heir Lubin Named Sacramento's nine beneficiary agencies can be Paerson, N. J. (J.T.A.)-, A . Jewpointed out the vast difference behope in these suffering brethren of children only such • names as . hare First Citizen Harry Neisman has been elected ish court of arbitration has been carried on without interruption," San Francisco—Simon J. Lubin, tween the Arab and the Jewish colo- ours. been especially approved in France. president of the Thorpeian Athletic said Mr. Holzman. "I have just reestablished in this city for the purHe graphically described the misThe baby in question is the daugh- pioneer Jewish merchant and civic nies, showing how the Jewish colony turned from Palestine, and I have Club for the ensuing year. Other ofis well-laid out, modern and prosperery and pain endured by the Jewish pose of dealing with disputes bet- seen the work that some of our ficers chosen are Harry Chudacoff, leader of California, was signally ter of Leyser Friedman a Jewish clerk who desired to name the baby honored by this state when Governor ous in contrast to the mud-brick j people in Russia, Poland, Germany, ween Jews involving breach' of con- agencies are doing there, and I am vice-president; Harry Weiner, secreRivka Judith after her grandmother. James Rolph, Jr. presented him with houses of the Arabs with their colo-1 At the convention Wolf pledged the tracts, torts, domestic relations, more convinced than ever that our tary; Dave Cohn, treasurer; Sam The mayor of the sixth arrondisse-1 a diamond-studded medal in recog- nies kept unsanitary and in a state of continued support of the Jewish citi- juvenile delinquencies and religious people are in need of our help, and Zweiback, reporter; Morris Franklin, ment refused to register the baby nition of his selection as the most slovenliness. The Arab women live! zenery of Omaha for the relief work. disputes in which rabbinical law is the best manner in which we can aid athletic director; Jack Resnick and AI Lapidus pleaded for the carrying not involved. under that name, claiming that the outstanding citizen for 1930 in Sac-| in a slave status and are very envious them, is by pledging to the Philan- Soffer, sergeants-at-arms. The board of the Jewish women who enjoy equalout of our pledges for relief. At his ramento, the capital of California. law prohibits the use of Rivka. The The Jewish arbitration court was thropies which aids those agencies of trustees consists of Irvin Levin, instance cards containing the names Mr. Lubin, who is a son of the ity and freedom. doing such good work over there." chairman; Abe Meyers, Iz Sokoloff. city official claimed that while the of those who have not yet fully paid organized at a meeting of Jepthah Everywhere, Holzman declared, The campaign will open this year on , The organization is planning an amlaw permitted the use of Biblical late David Lubin, founder of "the Lodge No. 143. B'uai Brith, at which names, Rivka did not fall into that International Agricultural Institute could be seen the fruits of Jewish, in- their pledges for last year were given Samuel Haimowicz, vice-president of May 1L An effort is being made to bitious program of activities for the in Rome, is a recognized authority dustry. The orange groves are won- to volunteers in the audience for a secure a nationally known speaker for coming year. category. the chapter, presided. final "clean-up," on agricultural marketing problems. derful, the lemons there are large and While the father pleaded that
Initial Meetings Are Held
William Holzman
"Rivka" Ruled Just as Good a Biblical Name as "Rebeccah"
IX.—No. 13
Chairmen ies Drive
: An,
, starting at 8:15. Ph|lrp cnce Darrow Argue ^" "M. Klutznick {will lead the discussifon. It Out The Hadassah wifl serve tea and, York. IJTEAI) — "I am hot at the conclusion of the forum.'
I C C i SPORTS By Henry Magzamin
The matches for this week in which came in for second money and Iz Sok*.••... .','•" •* the boys will take part are Collins vs. oloff showed; Pollock, Rosen,vs. Franklin, White vs.] Ths team of Chudacoff, Zjyeiback, Culkin, Malin vs. Epstein and Marks Neisman and Fellman won the 500vs. McDsrmott. j yard relay race. ;^~* Leo Weitz, tlie bowler*4 won the We see that some of Omaha's best horseshoe pitching contest and Sain Jewish tennis players have entered, Zweiback came in second h^ the Oild the Creighton university tennis tourn- j Dobbin event. ' >.. UJ f <> •• ament. Outstanding are Nate Cutler j and Jos Cohen. Cutler is a former j Asks Firms Whether They ! Central High and Nebraska university ( Refuse Business from Jews high school star and is a ranking! Toronto.—A demand that every aujunior player, while Cohen is a tomobile insurance company licensed star. These boys should go very far to do business in Ontario, Canada, toward the championship. j make known whether it refuses JewOthers who have entered are Sam ish business, was made of all chief Whits, who at one time could play executive oCficers in Canada, by R» •with the best of them and who "yours Leighton Foster, superintendent of intruly" has established as the dark surance of Ontario. The memoranhorse and Benny Rosen a player of| dum was sent because of allegations unknown ability. of discrimination against Jews. The matter had been raised on the floor E. M. Segal tells us that the girls', of the Ontario Legislature. indoor baseball league will get under, way Wednesday at the Center gym. There are four teams entered and the J. C. C, are in for a tough trip to the championship. Coach Segal, however, FUR STORAGE has some real players on the squad with, whom he hopes to win the chamRemodeling and Relining pionship. 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703
The Psi Mu ball club was seen in action for the first time last Sunday at Miller Park, where they met the comes easy prey for the propaganda! Cudahy Clix in a five inning affair. of Jewish world domination. If he The Psi Mu boys lost but they showed discounts one, kind of propaganda he their fans and friends that they will fallsf; Victim" f i i ^ another. He stops win a good share of their games this •vjeigliing the prps and cons—it is tool season. They received the bad breaks fatiguing—and 4:onipromises by just 1 of the game, being in the field during accepting the- notion' Hiiat there must' a- rain storm that made play imposba something wrong' with the Jews. sible, which' should have caused the 'The Jew has a -finger* in every pie— umpires to call the game. However, The Jew wants^to* eat Ws cake and the officials thoughs were elsewhere have ifcr-The J e w ; ^ too religious — and Clix ran up a lead that was too The-Jew is^ ania£b%ist-rrThe Jew is much for the Jewish lads to overcome. The Psi Mu pressnted a strong linethis and the Jeytsi&'&ifatA Thsse thisatod J^&gjmtA These sloslo up which was as follows: gans^ products of Unthinking parrothuman ignorance.*' But audibly he Bloom, first-base. i ^ ^ i ...» jjust as he h « d --r,«...-... answered; ... • - ' Epstein, second-base. „;• any selUng^fiogaBS. Even the -you, cannot stop itj *An3 v ( B. Seigal, third-base. pseudo-ffitelligent f goy ;breaks down should „,-..,,..,-_,-.-.. , , , . , . . Bogdonoff, shortstop. ual prbteiss* I |W6Sniisii akfcjtriilate you iB^ferji thisli p^alfeinche. Be accepts A. Epstein, right-field. tHeni and you ttiust; assimilate jyL, .AntiJOSEPH BRAININ Babich, center field. J does Jail that versatil2 Semitism ision, the decrease jiiSt beE. Seigal, left-field. Here for the first time Clarence lem of^eliminating stupidity and igBteicher, catcher. . Darrow, liberal torchbearer, speaks, on &ora&c£ Asjongfasinan will accept Turner, pitcher. the Jewish problem and on why anti- prejudice and [legends without atLater Semitism is rampant. . "- . Take In this intimate conversation with tempting to check up, to think for ment The Jewish laddies are dominating ._,.___„„_.,. —.-.—, 1{-—-r-, It* was simthe editor of the Seven Arts Feature himself,'there will betprejudfce, anti-j decreases. ' Besides/* tfie typfeio^ , j Nate Cutler and Mr. Segal have the Creighton university handball Syndicate, America's outstanding at- Semitism ply ;6ne of m^nytJiundreds, but it atSiti d ergo? a Jewish J i h prob-! b JJewish i h iramigrant i i h h d • He ;;and, has changed.; been conducting for tha pass few torney and fighter for individual freetracted atten**wv iiecause these boys,! tournament which is being held on the dom fearlessly speaks his mind, on a lem; Theiaverage goy"—Darrow used! or bis son is not the same as fifty who suffered -ifrota? sexual perversity,' university courts this week. Sam Ep- tennis. The classes are being offered New and Old topic of interest to every thinking Jew the word "goy" with a triumphant I years ago. weeks a class in the fundamentals in stein is the favorite by virtue of his were of the wealtfty class. It was as or non-Jew.—The Editor. smile—"well, he doesn't know anyDarrow leaned back; a dour smile Monday and Wednesday evening at 7 thing about a Jewish, question. , It flittered over his facs: "I'm not tell- representative' of ^.Jewish characteris-, baing the runner-up last year. How- o'clock. The instructors have a goodly At Reasonable Prices ever, he will ba hard pressed to win Clarence" Darrow, world-famed crim- doesn't'mean a thing to him. He is ing". you- anything^ hew. . I've never tics as the 7lerigtBVof the boys' hair.; squad out but would like to see more N. C. NIELSEN with such Jewish stars as White, Polinal lawyer, uncompromising: agnos- ready to call any one who is a bit j bothered about the-theoretical aspects But. there is a^kind of Babbittry that girls out. lncidently, this is a class i VA lock, Rosen, Marks and Franklin in k North 16th JA. 5880 thinks AnieTica, will-be.purified if all tic, merciless skeptic, is a gantle old different a Jew, a wop or a Pollack, j of the,;Jewish problem.* J've never for girls only. the running. crimes or perversities are written main, tired of words, utterly human as the case may be. Cohen beats him! thought abouirit^ Sometimes, in. a and, as. I discovered^ .an. incurable op- in business competition, so Cohen ist club, I hsar a voice say disparagingly: down to alien characteristics." Now is the-opportunity to learn to "How can that anti-Jewish prejutimist. As he sat there in the lobby no good. Our goy will shrug- his j 'He is a Jew.' I don't even turn swim if you do not already know how. CAKIl KHiNS MKTAT. NH1NS of .a modest New.York, hotel, sprawl- shoulders and mutter to himself: 'He's around. I don't try to argue it out dice be removed, Mr. Darrow?" I'KOCKSS — NTKN«'II.KI» HUitiH Mr. Segal and Mr. Foster are coning' comfortably in a deep club chair, a Jew.' And he feels that with that with that voice. Cf course I could Remove Prejudice? ducting various classes for beginners he might have been, to a superficial sentence he has explained the* whole tell it: 'He is a Jew—well, what of and also for those who wish to take The man who for fifty years has Cloth and Paper -Banners observery the mayor of a small Ameri- incident. It implies: 'What can one it? It means that most probably he relentlessly fought capital punishtheir various life-saving tests. Those OFKICK WIMtOVV ANI> can town or,.for that matter, a re- expect of him? He's a Jew; there is more intelligent than you who de- ment, religious bigotry and limitation TKUCK I.KTTKKINO interested are requested to see Mr. must be something wrong with his spise him. He has the same failings tired political boss. But as he looks 1405 Harney JA. 5277 Sagal at the Center. i of individual freedom smiled wanly. as you, and more abilities.' That As his furrowed face twisted into a at you,' calmly and tolerantly, this sep- business methods.' would be all 1 could tell that voice. skeptical smile his Indian face remind-; tagenarian's face -takes on nobility. We are noticing1 that many of the It wouldn't mean anything to the Bab- ed one of some portraits of Voltaire. His high, rounded forehead is that of Anti-Semitism Decreasing Jewish basketball stars have entered a thinker; His square, lined face, "As for the Jew, on the other hand bitt who has been repeating, parrotWILLIAM BKYDEN CO. other fields to keep in shapa during "Remove prejudice! You make me. marked by high cheek-bones, his j —if a goy likes him he behaves as if like end continuously: "He is a Jew,' laugh. If I knew how it can be done . the summer. Maxie Altschuler, the straight nose and upwards-slanting j something extraordinary had hap- without knowing that he isn't saying I might have succeeded in lots of roily polly coach of tbe A. Z. A. No. cyebrows, his fine long graying hair— •• him. He Tvill make the goy anything. Many years ago I also used things 1 tried in vain in my life-time. 100, is playing handball. Boggie Bog- . a' lock of ' which occasionally slips feel that h.3 (the goy) is a wonderful that same stupid sentence: 'He is a I suppose personal contact is the only donoff, Porry Lohrman, Pooch Bloom, 638 Securities BIdg.—AT. 4451 down •'to lie across his 'brow—give • fellow, quite out of the ordinary. But Jew," to closa an argument 'definitely.' remedy. Contact between Genriles [ Jake Stoler, Earl Seigal and Babich | Clarence Darrow a Mongolian or Ind- [our Jew "will be waiting for something Was I an anti-Semite? No, I too and Jews. Intermarriage of the right' are playing bassball with the Psi Mu. j ian appearance. An ancient Indian • to break this harmony. It is too un- was repeating, without giving it a kind. Good-will movements, but not Cowboy Sadofsky is sticking to hisj warrior. ! usual* to last, he thinks. When the'second thought, something that had of a purely religious character. The first love and may be found shooting CHARLES SIMON '"Is there a Jewish question, Mr. i break finally, comes—no one can es- filtered into my make-up. One day I best way of destroying a legend is; baskets every day in the Center gym.' lti*romniends Darrow?" cape emnity—he, the Jew, will turn said it, quite innocently, in the pres- to ridicule it. Jews—and, for that : The Sanitary Laundry The 74-year-old fighter against in- j victoriously to his co-rsligionists and ence of a Jewish friend of mine. He matter, Gantiles—should not answer 'Tbe Best of All Laundry Service" Thorp Meet tolerance is silent. His clear gray | say: ' I told you so. The goyism don't asked y me: "What do you mean by «8I8 . . . ^ r . • , °° ™ T anti-Semitism with religious tirade?, s of the Thorpeian Athletic Farnam youthful eyes become clouded. He j like us.' He will be right. It all that?' This simple question made me club held their annual track and field ^ ^ p f y Jaugh if out of Qt ^ suddenly turns into an old sage, skep-' comes down to this: Failure to.think. feel a fooL I had to confess that I bcourt.' Less rrfVstfcisiri arid more realmeet and picnic at Valley last Suntical and cynical^ ,JHti4 £yes _seeni to fpr-jxtneself on. the,'gpyish side, and< | had never thought about it, that it ism in our iSxlrftctual life- will turn day. In between showers the club! say: "You want 'ait interview. I'm av Jewish reluctance to assimilate." didn't mean a darn thing. We fell to the trick. TBatTis^wfijk I believe that members competed in the 100-yard quite ready to talk and give you "as; discussing Jews. It;occurred to me the era of^sderitoi—tfo? machine era, dash, running broad jump, 500-yard "Then you .believe in assimilation, Courtesy Service than that I liked my Jewish friends as some preachefs call itc—jFill pvergood copy as possibte-r-but we're Aot' relay and horseshoe pitching contests. Ir. Darrow?" better than many of my .goyish corae racial hatred. Today .only few T H U L L PHARMACY going to solve that thousand-year-old. JOB FOUNDRY Sam Stern won the century dash A N D MACHINE WOKE question." • . I Again the. veil came over Darrow's friends. I admired them for their in- people realize that there is ho such! 24th and Seward with I. Levin second, and Max AltWhat he actually, says is: "There is eyes. I could almost hear him say to telligence." REINFORCING STEEL In rharR« «r Krcislvml riiarmarlst thing as a pure^raia. Tomorrow"Itschular third. Freidel copped the morei than, a JewisTi questioif. There himself:. .^1 hardly believe in anything Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery tnan. a jewisn question, mere mmsen:.-i naroiy Deiieve in anytnmgj: T * h T #- n* will be common knowledge. Once I running broad jump, while Soffer x geHCe is a problem,- identical with the prob-' today, after half a century of fighting ^T f ^ _ n g f * "Are Jews more .intelligent than this bunk about^racialism, Jewish' o r | MONSKY. KATLEMAN * GKODINSKT ^ ^ " {;other people?" I asked, as soon as the Gentile culture, and all this glorifica-} Attorneys ?37 Omaha National Bank Bidequestion, had slipped out I became, turn of 'spiritual values' will be seen; Third Ave. and 11th Street TO BKtTOSE CORPORATION, LTD. ;aware that it was utterly foolish and as what it is-—cocaine to clear thinkPhones: 89 and 519 l'ou arc heioby uolilied I hat ou I lie 3rd that I was. blushing like a girl fishing, ing—then .anti-Semitism, like all petty , Two Beautiful Furnished day of April, 11)31, Frwl C. l^nrgcu, ns represents COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA plaiutilT commenced ;in action in (lie Munifor a compliment *: I. I | prejudice,;.will die.-; But not before. Single Rooms cipal Court iu and for the City of Onuiha, ; "Well, if you, want to knx>w, they! l a debuikihg the world the Jews piay lH>U?lns County, Nelimskn, upsinst you Single Rooms and Garage BKL.TUNB CDlll'OKATION. I^l'IJ., as «leare the most" intelligent titelligerit people I ' an important role." Call WEbster 3527 fraaant, U<Rket '£i, Nuralter 33, tbe object OF NEW YORK of wUich suit is to recover tbe sum of As I rose to leave the internationalknow," countered Darrow. "They alSeven Hnniln-J and lifty <$7Ti0.00) lK>llnr8, ly renowned al£>rney asked: "I did ways form the major part,of my audifor moneys p:iid to you under coiidilioiis Assets of over One and One-fourth Billion Dollars Harry U. i^npidus. {'resident- X^reas. set forth in the petition filed in suid action ences, regardless, of"'the subject I not say anything foolish, did 11" anil also to recover tbe costs of snid aeliou. You are bereliy further notified that ou It then occurred to me that Clearspeak on. So;they must be intelliAl»ril 3rd, 1831, an order of attachment for gent." For the first time during; the encs Darrow, the skeptic and cynic, is, the sum of $7TX).U0 and iilso for tbe sum of F. N. CROXSON, Agency Manager $.*>.OO, the proliahle costs of said notion, conversation the tense "face of the, a naive humanitarian, an optimistic was issned by the s»id Muiiiciiml Court in 545 Omaha National Bank Building—ATlantic 4367 «ud for the City of Omjiiiii, JJougrlas Coungreat lawyer relaved. He; chuckled, defender of lost qauses—of lost causes COMPLETE STORE AND ty, .Nebmska. in said action and was levied Omaha Towel Supply Co. OFFICE OUTFITTERS * on certain property belonging to you. skeptical expression gave way to which he often wins. Xou are further notified Ihnt said action 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 ;a naive, happy smiles!:.; The joke] |Cfepj3frigh;t;;i93i, by Seven Arts Feawas on April 10, 1931, continued by siiid Over 7e.uuu Huuare Fret court for trial to tbe -Hitk day of May, l'J31, "Just 'Around the Corner from Everytlung" j f changed his mood. He lodked around j «-|| i H \\ \ • tur^j Syn4jcate.) Soulhwest Comer . '.,'• at nine o'clock A. M., nnd that you mast answer tbe petition filed in said action on fcautiously, extricated sorrie cigarettes) ' ' * : : ' ''••''* , Eleventh Bad Douglas Street* or )>efore the said 2tith day of May. 11)31, Phone JAcfcson 2724 is pdcketr, ^from his " ~ ' whispering confi-} VKAVESBVRO. STAI^USTEK A BEBEK at nine o'clock A. M. Omaha. Nebr. FHKD C LA1MJKN. NATIONAL y: ^The?wife objects to it." He | P H I L I P T K L U T J ^ ^ . A«t.rneT. 4-17-31—3T Plaintiff. slighted his cigarette with the enthusS3* Omaha National Bank Bids, ACCESSORIES. I N C . JTKADENBCRG. STALMASTEH & BEBER XOT1CB OF _. -iasni of a little boy boy "patting "putting *bns over" J Att«rn«]rs-at-I<aw OF PARTNBK8HIV "Everything for the Auto" "im his teacher. -• . Jfotlee Is hereby given tbnt the pnrtnerOmahm National Bank Building, •'The Jews are dreamers, practical ship ben-tofore existing between lsidvr : 2501 Farnaai—AT. 5524 Omaha. Nebraska J-evlnson aud Bnruey Feiiisteiu in the «p:dreamers,: Perhaps that is the reason erallou NOTICE OF THE INCORPORATION OF ot the fruit, drpiirtmewt at ilie NATIONAL INVEHTORK, INC. •why they accomplish so much: in Grocery-Uas company -at BUI North lutli Notice is hereby siven that the underStreet, Omaha, Nolmisfcs, bus lieen liisaolvscience. They are intensely hungry eU «nd fhnt the nuld liusiuess will be carsigned have forntud it corporation under the AND laws of the State of .Nebraska, under tbe « B Uy Barney Keinsteiu who will be knowledge, and restless research ried name of NATIONAL INVK.NTOKS. INC., responsible for nil present and future debts 1418 Douglas •with its principal place of business nt BRAN DEIS Jworkers. They have a directness tiiat of saidf business. Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of Dated al Omaha, Nebraska, this «lh day SHOE REPAIR DEPT. "does not shrink from demolisning a of April, VBSl. the business to be transacted mid the objects nnd purposes for which this corporai s i w n LKV1NSON, AT ALL GROCERS barricade if it bars their path. Tradition is organized and established are to Reasonable Prices BAKNKV VK1KSTKIN. enrry on a general investment business: to Jtion-loving though they are, they sub- 4-10-31—»T Delivery Service Made by buy, sell and trade in bonds, debentures, teit readily to scientific evidence jUhey MOJJ8KT, KATtEMAN ft GUODINSKY, shares ot stock, securities. Scrip, chut lei Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Use Your Charge Account mortgages and renl estate mortgages; 10 Attarnry* have the courage to liberate Jhemoperate u sates organization for Ibe purCompany 737 Omaha National Bank Bldr. liK CONSTRICTION CO pose of soiling or disposing of nny of the iselves from mystical superstition. I Omaha Nebraska above mentioned Hems; to engage in Ibe KOTICE OB" fBOBATB OF WIX.X. speak of the intelligent Jews." general real estate, rental aud insurance In the County Court of Wonglas County, business, nnd to buy, sell and trade in -Nebraska. real estate, leasehold property and perWA. 5766 4610 DOUGLAS In the Matter of the Estate of Soul KosReligious Fanaticism sonal property of every nature oml deinsky, Deceased. '• , • scription; to improve any real estate or "Are the Jews less subject to reliAll persons interested In said estnte are persona 1 property owned by it; to borrow ? hereby notified that-it-petition has been money nnd issue bonds, debentures or obgious fanaticism ?' I prompted. filed in saia Court, praying for the probate J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor ligations of this corporation and to secure a, certain instrument now on file in said "I think that they are less slaves to of the same by mortgages or otherwise; to do Court, purporting to be the last win and nny and nil things incidental to nny of " N E W FOR O L D " religion, if that is what you mean. It testament o fsald deceased, and that a the foregoing. The nnrborized capital hearing will be had on said petition before stock shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10.strikes me now that anti-Semitism is said Court on the 18th day of May, 1931, 1619 Farnana St—AT. 8481 000 00) nnd all of said stock shall be comthat if they fall to appear at said furthered, by the -range of types and mon and of the par value of $100.00 per Court on the said lSth day of May, 1931. sunre, nnd shall be fully paid for when ;among Jews. The jJews themselves at 8 o'clock A. M. to contest the probnte of issued and nou-nssessable. Tbe corporasaid -will, the Court may allow and probate tion shall commence business upon the jdon't agree as to what they are, a re- said will and grant administration of said filing of Us articles with the County clerk to Sam Kosinsky or some other suitligion or a nationality.' Do they want estate of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shnll able person and proceed to a settlement continue for a period of fifty years from to be accepted as full-fledged citizens thereof. said date. The highest nmottnt of InCRAWFORD, debtedness to which this corporation may of their adopted country? That is County Judge. 4-24-3T subject itself Elmll not esceeil two-thirds the o.uestion which some- ignorant of its capital stock. The nffnirs of tbe FRADESBCKO. 8TALMASTEB & BEBEB corporation snail lie managed by n Bonrd 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 Americans ask •when they hear all AU«rney» ot not k-ss thnn two directors. The nnMOVING — STORAGE — nunl meeting of the corporation shall be that talk about Jewish nationalism. 60 Omaha Rational Bank Bids:. held ou (he first Tuesday of January, of PIANO MOVING Another day our Babbitt gets the NOTICE OF lMSSOtCTION OF W B T each year, nt which time tbe Bonrd of DiNEUSaiP rectors shnll nlso hold its annual meeting idea, as my friend Mencken puts it, Notice Is hereby given thnt the partnerand elect n President, Vice-I'resident. Secretary and Treasurer. Any tvro of said ofthat Comntunism and Judaism are one. ship heretofore existing between Harry B. Kozberg and Harry SosUin, under the firm fices may be held by one iind the same MltiWESf Of course the thinking man knows this name of Sosldn anil Kozberg at 135- North person. These articles mny be rnnenrteiJ 5»th street, at Omaha. Nebraska, has been 'THE' CREAM«• -TOWNf at any regular or special meeting of the ENGRAVING CO, INC. I to be ridiculous. But to a befuddled dissolved and that the snid business will stockholders upon the affirmative vole of ^N ARTISTS / two-thirds of all the outstanding stock. mina ana a parrot mentality the pte- !•*» carried on by Harty Soskin, fuIN WITNESS WHKltEOir we bnve y. ENCRAVERS \ 1 te hereunto set our hnnfts this 27th. day of ponderant percentage of Jews in the S»"3Sgr.' o« t&'^ K f Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is March, 1031. i J^oge.ATl.ANTlC 0 6 3 9 J revolutionafy movements has that ef- j oJ»ated at Omaha, jfehraska, this 17th day watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputaa a HKSRt c. MEIE::, I tion recommends that yon try it. • --..^. ->. . . feet. Then again he hears about in-i —• 'ttamty H. KOZBEUQ. J13 S0.I4YH.ST.OMAHA. WALT&K MEIEK. 1 IN ICE.- CREAM'CO. It» presence of ternational Jewish bankers and be- | HAttltx SOSKIN.
America's Outstanding inal L P ^ i HisMase
Leader for Individual Rights Denounces Anti-Semitism
Certified Public Accountants
SPRAGDE FURNACES Katelaran Foundry & Mfg. Company
For 50 Years "Your Towel Man"
Uncle Sam Laxative Food
Okay Bran Rakes
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
cjrsr-e«S~£i.s;ir-. «i.3"T,
JEWISH P$ESS, High Honor Roll with 6 A's .-... . also a perfect scholastic r e c o r d . . . . David Fellman, an Omaha boy, instructor in Department of Political Science University of Nebraska . . ." .awarded a fellowship in political science at Yale University . . . . Will some beneficient patron come. forth imd 'finance 'an : allJewish hour radio program in our city ? . . . . a" few years ago the local B'nai Brith lodge sponsored the first Sabbath Services ' Jewish program to be broadcast . . . . Candle .lighting time, Friday, 'April many letters and telegrams expres24—6:26. sions of approval were received . . . . Friday evening services—S p^ m. a wonderful medium of good will can Saturday morning—S:30 a. m. be realized ; . ." .Another King has been "Trumped" . . . . when Don Al- Services Tenight ~" fonso of Spain was forced to aSdicate Judge Irvin Stalmaster will occupy He enjoyed all the modern sports the pulpit this Friday in the absence '•and was. quite a "joker" himself r . . of Rabbi" Goldstein. Sarvioes wilfcbe he descended from the Bourbons (not} the .. whisky. _ distillers) where » mon- led by Jack-Marer.
Conservative< Synagogue
n.f.svfi^r,!* af ' r u t .>?•«•: j f ''
The Childrens' League for Palestine
The happy greeting t o William L. Holzman . . . . t h e lodge room aaditoriuni filled to capacity . 'i' . ; ; all anxious to listen, to the popular leader's description of the beauties of the ,Holy Land v .'»•."which was entirely -too brief". . .'.- promising however to discuss his travels and to present pictures at'a later date . . ; . Mr.Hoizman's "golfer's tan" gave him a ruddy glow which is very : becoming' . , . . . .the effective appeal by Harry Lapidus archy nourished the inquisition and Rabbi at Contention and Harry"- Wolf bringing, a generous expelled the Jews . . . . The venerable Tonigbt v Rabbi Goldeteiiuwill deresponse . . . . . and many volunteers Harry Friedman, the octogenarian liver the convention-"sermon* at the who has been a true and tried memoffering to aid in collection of Philannual concfave^of the United Synaanthropies pledges made ^during the ber of the B'nai Birth for almost "a gogue of America, which opens today previous year. .V. A little encourage- half century . . .:. hail and hearty deat Atlantic City. - More than two hunment for the business man will be the spite his years and a regular attenddred congregations in the Unit-p<l ant at meetings. adoption of the slogan , . .... "Don!t States and' Canada' are rbeing- repre-. . . . . . . . . . . . • •• . ' • . ' . • . . . - - 4 buy bye and bye, but buy, buy now" sented. ' ~ -. . .". and there will be an impression in business instead of a depression ••'.. . . . The foreman of the composing joom of the Jewish Daily Forward is Nexjt Friday Rabbi Goldstein BY F . R . K . an Irishman named Balder . . : . "Ihr speak o n " Whatsis Orthodoir Judaism ._ The Council Bluffs Chapter of the kent es glalben" . .; . T which is theSenior Hadassah will hold their an- and'Who Is'Orfhodoi?"- ' Yiddish term for Ripley's slogan . nual Rummage Sale next Monday, The second factor is the warning is- : The above is a photo of Rabbi (left), former gubernatorial candidate also Dee Goldberg was elected mayor Tuesday and "Wednesday, April 27, 28 "of Freeport, Texas . ' . . . . ; Sam Cohn.i .and 29, at 12 South Main street. A sued by the leading gold producers of Jonah B. Wise (right), national chair- for the state of New York, who will the portly gentleman who operates committee will call for alt bundles on the Rand in South Africa- that unless nian'.of. the two and a half million head the drive in New York City. The new gold resources are opened up in dollar campaign now being sponsored Joint Distribution Committee is one . the Pmaha.Paper Stock Company, be- Sunday morning. new. countries, the value of gold will by the'Joint Distribution Committee, of the twenty-nine beneficiary agencame "aero-minded" recently . . . . it '." The Council Bluffs Lodge No, 68S be forced up by at least.50 .per cent together: with, Hon. Albert Ottinger cies of the Omaha Philanthropies, •was-his first; air ;yenture . . : ^ imnie- of the. Independent Order of ,the"B'nai 'within the next five "years. '.This has whose drive for §42,150 will open here diately after the i"take-off" the plane Brith will hold a meeting next Mon- thrown .the chancellories of the.great May 11. Rabbi Wise has become nationally returned for a forced landing . . .". No, day evening, April 27th, at the Eagles jrowers.> into a panic,, and, has -pr£cipi- 'I <H"TT ^ , F a Hoiii At a bridge conducted by this or- note-J for his work on behalf of needy tated the most frenzied search for idear reader, there was not too much Hall. gold in the history of the mining in- ganization last week soma 150 people Jews both here and abroad. The J. ballast, just a case of strong winds The Sewing Circle of the Senior dustry, to.prevent a collapse of the attended. . The 'affair was a great D. C. uses its funds for the relief of success. There were tables for bridge, the Jews in eastern and central . . . . A genuine tonic for the blues Hadassah' will^ meet next Thursday af- economical and industrial structure. ;.. . . . the hearty- and spontaneous ternoon, April 30th, a t the home of General conditions in Mexico are bunko, pinochle, and rummy. The girls Europe. rapidly growing more favorabie to of the organization served refreshlaughter of Jules Gerelick ; . . . Photo- Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, Apt. 18 at ment!:. • , gold mining enterprises. the Oakland* Court. graph of Arthur Rosenblum is includUnder President Eubio's regime, •Entertainment for the evening conFLOWERS ed among those leaders of Los AnMiss Mildred Meyersoa was recent- foreign life and capital, are protected, -sisteil of Shirley Janoff, who sang a «:T WIUK ' geles community who are preparing ly elected president of theGirls' Com- titles are .secure and mining and miii- group of popular • songs, and Adeline AI.I. (1VKII TI1K WOULD ! for their annual United Jewish Wel- mercial Club a t the University of Ne- ing operations may be'eanded forward "Speckter, who dog-danced. The door FRED R. SHAW FUIWEI! SIKH' fare campaign . .'. : Arthur is one of braska, where she is a sophomore. without disturbances or other inter- prize - was won • by Miss Florence H 2 M5 I'.roadwjij l'bone « Levey. ; . ruptions. She Lincohi Wednesday the division managers . . . ' . also getafter spending her spring vacation ling...along nicely in his. law. practice.j here with her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. The average of intelligence among! Herman Meyerson. V-,-. - • •. Omaha Style Center r Jewish children is Wgher thari" among . ion-Jewish ones:.'. .T declared by Dr. The Ladies' Aid Society held a • J. B. Mailer, research associate of meeting • Tuesday - afternoon at the the Teachers College of . Colanibus Synagogue. Mrs. H-Brinh donated a•university .V.vMorris Kirschenbaum Sheffield set, consisting of "tray, ipitcher, and glasses, and this set was age 10, a pupil of Kellom school at ; won by Mrs. Mi L. Marks. Opposite VJS S_ _J Orpheum tains a peVfect record with i l A's . . . . . Faye Gold ware, daughter of Mr. and CoUman Yudelson, senior at the] ; JVIrs. Sam Goldware, leads the Central Thomas Jefferson high school, left «nWednesday for Iowa City to represent his school in the finals of the Iowa State debating, tournament. En route he stopped at Tndianola, la., to partic-' ipate in a debate "at the Simpson col-" lege. Collman has also been" chosen to play the lead in the Thomas" H. Jefferson senior class play, "Smiling. Through," which will be given next' month." " ' .
Council itiliiffs News
e Tale a Little Tub Frock Tells A scoot across the floor . . . . a tumble in the dirt . . . . a slide down the banister. That is the tale a little tub frock tells. But why worry? The THOR Washer wffl wash it spotlessly clean.
THORWAiSHER Washes Everything Cleaner A tub frock, heavy woolens ,or die sheerest lace . . . everythifig will come oat of the THOR like new.
50 Small tidditionml
cfcor^e'for p»»mentB
High quality and low price. Those arc the features of thii new, modern-type washer. A lifetime of washing satisfaction is incased in this beautiful, palegreen washer.
On Sale in a Specially Priced Event 450 SMART NEW
Paramount Service Station
Three Jewish students from Abraham Lincoln High School participated] in the District shorthand and typing' contest, which was held, at "Missouri' Valley last Saturday. Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson was first in accuracy in the novice typing division. Pearl Bernsteinand lily Kushner participated in the novice shorthand contest, which won first place also.
"First Fashions" of Summer 19S1
If you purchase your THOR Washer ' " now, we will include two handy draintubs. These tubs may be rolled from place to place.
Electric Shops
Nebraska Power € 17th and Harney Sts. - 2314 M St
SEARCH FOR GOLD WOL^ 24th and Decatur St. at-".
Notes of
The Childrens' League for Palestine was organized January 1, 1931, by Martha- Greenhouse, .president, -and Lucille Batt, secretary. Charter' rnemS berjs of—the organization"XJe Ray GoWberg, Mildred • Layton, Hallie Bialac and Ruth Somberg. . . . _ The'dub meets the last Wednesday of every month at. the...Jewish Community Center. Members must be between the. ages of 10 to12. All dues Tonight ; received are sent to Palestine for the purpose of establishing a home for . Rabbi Frederick Conn will speak on young working girls. All girls wish- "The Black Napoleon" at the services ing to become members of this club at Temple Israel this evening. are asked to come to the next meeting, which will be held at the Jewish Tomorrow Morning Community Center on Wednesday, His subject Saturday morning will April 29, from 4 to 5 o'clock. be, "The Heart of-Judaism." Warsaw—While Jews are S3 per cent of the entire population of WarKaddish saw, the number of the Jews. emKaddish will be recited this Sabployed in municipal institutions is bath for Fannie P. Gluck! only 4 per cent of the local employed.
. :;./
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3, FRIDAY, APRIL 24,1931
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH — — — • — — ^ — •
them, those around him will laugh and
ish newspapers in Soviet Russia, and "Christians Only" has served a magnificent And burst the Jewish book publication is enor- say "he is hearing voices. 1 purpose in bringing to the fore just how ghastly out into a loud guffaw . mous. This cultural prominence of is the distorted picture of opportunity and equalthe Jews in Russia is stirring up a DECEIVED WAR degree of jealousy among the Gent- DEPARTMENT Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by. ity and good-will. These two Christians fearlessiles which this author believes bodes Some of them are so ratoinal in THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ly and ruthlessly bared the facts which show that no good for the future." The Meno- most of their moments that they deSIOUX CITY OFFICE the Jew in our largest center, New York, faces ten rah Journal contains an article on ceive the most sober. There is a JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street to one odds in gaining employment. They demonthe future of Yiddish in Russia Jewish inmate in the asylum, a man Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 strate in their exhaustive investigation that in the which also indicates that Russian of some considerable education, particBy Advertising rates furnished on application j Jewry is faced by stupendous spirit- ularly versed as a linguist. He speaks professions, in industry, in commerce, in practicRABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN I ual and communal problems. In a some half dozen languages. Jewish, ally every field . . . except the rabbinate . . . the TJ ; real sense, Soviet Russia is a work- though he is, he thinks he is a MohamCongregation Rodeph Sholom, New York Jew is being crushed. The prejudice itemized in Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building shop for the future of Israel in the medan, and has an obsession for this book indicate bigotries that are active and Diaspora. If Judaism can survive Telephone: ATlantic 1450 not passive—a numerus clausus that is the more "A Night in the Underworld" is the universe which was clearly not de-Bolshevism, perhaps it can survive numbers. DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Thus, should you mention, say, the FRANK R ACKERMAN A C K E R -M- -A N E d- Editor i t FRANK R. dangerous because it is secret. Some, in fact title given to the program of one of' signed for life, and which, to all ap-J even the slow progress of Palest- number twelve—he will immediately
Telling It 1•SS<§§j InGATH 1jjjidi
the leading men's Temple Clubs on the J pearances, is either totaly indifferent' ine's reconstruction. reco reply, that in twelve months, the MoAtlantic seaboard. On the broadsheet j or totally hostile to it, to stay clinghammedans will capture New York. sent out to the members and friends/ ing on to a fragment of a grain of Irrational as all of this is, yet not so | brew Congregation congress a prominent Jewish _ __——_„— ..^g ^.^jg status of affairs. At the American Hethere are pictures in keeping with the sand until we are frozen off, to strut long ago, he went up to the war deKingdoms arise and kingdoms pass away butspeaker said that this economic situation is not HISTORY'S CYCLE as follows: "You and our tiny hour on our tiny stage with partment, convinced the officials there tne p y report of the American Jewish Com- your friends will sit down and bethe knowledge that our aspirations, that he was a government secret serv! mifctee Israel endureth for evermore, says the Midrash.i That the Jews are a deathless people has been contained a similar import. But we needn't served refreshments, reminiscent of J are all doomed to final frustration, ice agent, specially assigned to war By DAVID SCHWARTZ matters and was assigned a room, proven time and again. The Romans who crush-i h i d e t h e f a c t s - T h ev e r y secrecy with which em- the days when the Statute of Liberty and that our achievements must perheld up her head." We are ish with our race, leaving the universe stenographic service and the like. It ed Israel are gone, the Greeks who ruled her arei Payers exercise discrimination discloses the weak- pridefully as though it had never been ? was there that his insanity finally was CAPITOL SCENES no more. For over four thousand years the J e w s j n e s s o f t n e i r position and the wisdom of bringing told also that "those wearing tuxedos AttenThess are glowing words and ought j Th e c i t y o f Washington counts discovered and he was transferred to have survived the prehistoric paganism, the Baby-; lt t o liSht f o r discussion, consideration and action.: d^J^JTenjoin^d: your 'Cat1 be included in an anthology of modern j s o m e twelve thousand Jews. Perhaps, St. "Elizabeth's. However o n ethin is Ionian polytheism, the blandishments of an U n-! » S certain . . . anyone whoj honie .» "Between the acts will be* spiritual utterances, indicating the t h e m o s t pa thetic portion of this popIS INSANITY churchly church, blossoming in the unfertile soil \r e a ds "Christians Only" will have dispelled any j vaudeville and after the play, the high yearning of the great ones to-i u i a t i o n is a group of 150 Jews at St.*TALKING CURE of persecution. Now, with the abdication of King' doubts he may have possibly had as to the infrac- «<>°r will be cleared for dancing until day. No one has the right to say Elizabeth's asylum, the largast asy- Many of them when they recover, that ours is an irreligious age if itj l u m f o r t h e i n s a n e i n A m e r i c a . A\\ Alfonso X m of Spain and the establishment of a \ticn o f religious liberty, equal opportunity, and t h e ri can evoke beautifully philosophic and; told> t h e r e a r e a b o u t 4 0 0 0 p a t ients a t | get a shock when they learn they are Republic another chain has been forged in t h e | ^ht of all to a chance to make an honest j c h e s t r a J in an insane asylum. "How did I get poetic statements from men, who, as yium. O f that number, as Ij link of inexorable world history; the old story has, Hving. It is all too unfortunate that the Jews will! Ninety per cent of the program an- in the case of this illustrious jurist t ht ahvee E s stated, about 150 are Jews.| here, Mr. Cohen," is their query. Cohen tells me that the principal repeated itself. form the great percentage of the book's readers, nouncement can be accepted as jeu and this scientist, are outside the do-, T h e s e i n s a n e are largely veterans of means of effecting their cure is getwn Ie t h e d'esprit; the balance, however, is demain of conventional, organized re-| i d ttie w a r > and a s s u c h ) a r e m i n s t e r e King Alfonso's abdication ends a royal Span-, * Gentiles—who ought to read it—won't, ting them to talk "out their hearts" to ligious activity. t o in a Jewish way, by George Cohen, ish dynasty and writes the closing page to a Iongj Laughing the situation off is unsoothing adthe physician. Once they can get Jewish Welfare Board representa-' them to loosen up their tongues and chapter in Spanish history, interwoven with the; vice. A man doesn't feel like laughing on an G a y Nineties Party" without over- The Fellowship of Faiths recently the tive in Washington. life story of the Jews. Whether it be by strange! empty stomach. And the unjust victim of blind J stepping ths boundaries of discretion held a symposium at the Community j About half of the 150, Cohen tells unload their mental burdens, the progcoincidence or by causual relationship, those coun-i bigotry, if he does laugh, laughs with a bitterness' in the matter of temple literature. Church, with Dr. John Haynes Holmes, me, got into the asylum by "coming nosis is hopeful. o u I d men>s c I u b I suppose there is a hint here, even tries which extended a welcome hand and decent'that belies his smile. Such psychology may do' ^ programs be in-in the chair, on the subject: "What( to see the President." opportunity to the Jew have prospered and those for flitting, caustic insults but not for a deep-h° lerab |y ba f nal? Should they reflect Makes Life Worth Living?" Thej Scarcely a day goes by in Washing- for those of us that are sane. We i - i .• i ,, T , . , . . . . ( ' • i M J J i-i , •, • . , . the vulgarities of extra temple life? great edifice at 76th street and Fifth ton, when the guards at the White need someone to listen to our troubles. A good conversationalist, I suppose, which trod on the Jew's rights as a human being? rooted evil practiced deliberately, in vast and by S h o u l d n o tthe sypagosae attempt, at avenue, formerly Temple Beth-El and. House do not stop some pathetically would never go crazy. later the temporary abode of the Riv-1 dsmented person coming to see the and actually or virtually drove him from the landj^o means decreasing proportions. Instead, we least, to uphold standards of Jewish erside Church under Dr. Fosdick, was. correspondingly diminished in the standing among! Must recognize the problem, get the whole, true entertainment? President. And naturally, among WHAT—NO HAM! the world powers. Nor was Spain an exception.] story and take steps to adequately combat it.IB xttft& o n e t h i n s to have witty, de- crowded to the rafters for the meet-' them there are a fair proportion of Several weeks ago, the Jewish Weland another ing. Representatives of the religiom i Jews. fare Board at the Washington ComWhen the Church began its systematic decimation! Richard E. Gutstadt, head of the B'nai Brith i 1 ? ? thing to import the cheapest methods Islam] They give all ?orts of pretexts for munity Center, tendered a Seder for wanting to see the Chief Executive. the Jewish veterans in the hospitals One of the Jewish insane who isand asylums about Washington. There r ~ 1 now at St. Elizabeth's came to see the | were about a dozen patients of St. 1w in Spain began in 1391 with the first general mas- and psychological ghettos. To quote him on that °rld" by a temple organization may nage spoke for Christianity, and ij President, when Wilson was in the Elizabeth's asylum present. s eccu d The seder was going along Very sacre as a result of the preaching of the priest occasion: "The organization best equipped and beven f ^ be j n f humorless, but was the speaker for Judaism. Doubt- White House. the best-intentioned groups, less the evening was profitable for the nicely, and even some of the insane "The President wants to see me," Fernando Martinez, and reached its apex in^ 1492 most highly qualified to combat these evils is the; even the best-intentioned groups 1 seeking to attract the present pleas- listeners as an exhibition of inter-re- he boldly told the White House guard. patients joined in the chanting of the with the inauguration of the Torquemadian Inqui-j B'nai Brith. What we need most of all today is ure-loving generation should have a ligious good-will, though for me, it of"How do you know the President j Hagaddah songs. Just as the part of sition . . . driving out the acknowledged leaders j leadership, leaders to train the army of Israel for! sanse of the fitness of things. In allfered points of value by reason of a wants to see you?" asked the guard. the Seder, where all the wonderful in arts, science and literature. j the battle of the future. And we must look to the j probability the particular entertain- few striking utterances from the lips "I was at a moving picture," was miracles are recounted, one of the asyModern Spain is striving to regain at least B'nai Brith for that leadership." We agree that ™ent -in T f i f w^fL^f"1^55 * nd of a few of the speakers. the reply, "and I saw the President lum patients arose excitedly: "I won't One of them declared that it bs& in, a measure her ancient glory and splendor. I' the B'nai Brith is the focus and the perifery of ' charming, on the screen, gesturing to me with stand this longer, I have been waiting * " butmuch the publicity preceding it surely left to be desired. long enough for my ham and eggs." hooves us all not to ask anything from his finger to coma." Many Spanish leaders hope that the Jews may be! the Jewish circle and the backbone of constructive A study of temple bulletins and others, but always to give and give to His male nurse who accompanied instrumental in that rehabilitation. Soine months!! Judaism today. If we are to be led out of the men's clubs announcements through- them: "If we expect to gain some-j MR. LEAGUE OF NATIONS him, seized him and led him back to back an official decree was issued, inviting the, maze, some organization like the B'nai Brith must'! o u t t h e country furnishes much food thing from another person, we are inj During Wilson's administration, St. Elizabeth's. Jews of Spanish descent to return. Lately, over j point the way. And/the sooner started, the bet-jI fthat S J ^MenckenV f i S L f S"aESoftriean r ^ S L Mercury' **£•JS his power." A second remark ad that jj there were any number of these in- ON THAT SUBMARINE the ^protest of Church officials, the .first Jewish, life is a rose garden through which^bane:. who came with, grandiose VOYAGE does not rec2ive them weekly. synagogue in Madrid since the inquisition was, we pass, one plucking the flowers, an-1 schemes, and believed that they were Washington Jewry just now is given governmental recognition. And now, the "Go-getting paVtors" are to be other the thorns. Rev..White toM the; divinely inspired, geniuses, Messiahs boasting of a representative on the UNCHRISTIAN PRETEXT Nautilus. The Jewish representative found in Christian as well as Jewish story of the bride who immediately! a n d Napoleons. new Republic has declared full religious liberty after ths marriage csremony con-J One day Cohen on his routine visit, on that submarine expedition to the pulpits. The committee on plans for Christians should not continue to use the New for all groups, including the Jews, and has reiterfessed to her husband: "I can't cook.", called on one of the Jewish inmates, 1 pole is a former Jewish officer of the ated influenrf» is i<? no no lontrpr TMV Testament account of the crucifixion of Jesus as ai p««hv+orinn changing pastorates of the southern j "Hello, Mr. Goldberg," said Cohen, navy» Isadore Backman. atea that tnat thp'Church's tne v^nurcns innuence longer poP r e s b y t e r i a n cviireh Glares that j The husband responded with His con-j j fession: ion: "And I am a poet." He^^ "Mr. Goldberg tent. Political and civil rights are being given pretext for fomenting hatred against Jews, de-t & is dead. It's Mr. Backman is a graduate of AnnaRabbi Philip S. Bernstein of Rochester in b y ? ° 0 t e d , t h e -tronomer Harlow Sl^p-; League of Nations," replied Goldberg. polis. Well, there was Roth who went c h u r c h e s w h e n they s e e k a the Jews and the heads of the Republican cabinet Clares article i n t h e Mav issnp of H s t W . entftfol' **"* , ley to the effect that every particle in; j ^ hs w o u i d a n s w e r to no other u article i n tfte M a y issue Ot Harper's, e n t l d e d,nt nee w andthey theydedemand a man ^ u n i v e r s e was drawn by inevitable; name than "Mr. League of Nations." with the Byrd Expedition, and now we are known for their friendliness,„ to w p apsator, s t o r ,and . _ the _ Jewish „_„ have Backman. It won't be long now people. This opens a possibility for a large Jew- Unchristian Christianity." After arguing that, who is "young," «a go-getter," "a attraction to each other. until we get that article, "Jews who - • : -Spain • - • -from • • —Eastern •• mover," a "humdinger," who A clergyman in the gathering in- ] SCEPTICAL OF CHEERS ish immigration into Europe. -the New Testament version of the crucifixion htrash have been to the Pole." Or, perhaps, a s a good front a n d w h s Yet strangely enough, Cohen tells " V. quired: "Cannot we then say that God The present official Jewish population of the could not be true, from all Jewish accounts of the cially " One spiritually is Love?" Professor Shapley an- me, that -while each of them is con- it will be called "Polish Jews." period, Rabbi Bernstem says: country is put at four thousand but it is imposminded layman of an important swered: "You may not be far from' vul f<? absolutely of his own delusion, (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) sible to judge the number of "lost" Jews, or sects were 'But even if the New Testament accounts church, the committee reports, said right." (Page H. L. Mencken who in e a c f t l s s^ptica of his fellow mate's g 3 a l m o s t t h e m a r r o n e of Jews who secretly havfrretained some elements", completely true, why should Christians cou-, there had not been "a new thought the «"«* «P the American American Mercury Mercury for for this this month! month!! ™» ' Lots of hard words are spoken over m the of Judaism. Many keen men, among them the!*"" 16 t o foment hatred against Jews? If ortho- presented in that pulpit in twenty says that he was taught in his boy- to h e a r v o i c e s the saxophone. lum, when the fit comes on one of | late Anatol France, declared that intermarriage', &ox Christians really believe that in the drvineljr years, though it had changed pastors hood that eventually all astronomers times." "Itching ears," in- lost their wits; we must not be surhad brought Jewish blood into all the families of j ordained sacrifice of Jesus all mankind was to beseveral _ Creased desire for entertainment in prised, therefore, that the modern asSpain. Spain would benefit by an increase of the saved, why should they be angry with the people! the pulpit, woridiiness and a demand tronomers are becoming "mystical", j Jewish population. Jewish intelligence and econ-j * n a t produced both the Saviour and the agents of' for sensational aie methods to atttract and "religious.") J J other reasons asDeborah Kallen, sister of Profes-j omic skill could aid the commercial and cultural,the sacrifice? Is it not a strange and perverse!' " ^~for unrest "*""*" ""' by the committee in sor Kalten, is exhibiting drawings,' which makes the so-called crime of Judas] enterprises and bring about a mutual advantage to theology the pew. and the Jewish people not only inevitable but also "Many ministers who have ceased designs and paintings by the Child- ( all concerned. of the School of the Parents'. necessary to its doctrine, and then blames them to study, if they would eavesdrop, ren Education Association of Jerusalem, i for it? would hear complaints of slothful- Palestine, at the Jewish Club in J ECONOMIC REMEDY Demonstrating The Nebraska's System of Selling the They drift from place to p;ace, New York City. The day will come The best way of destroying a legend is t o | "What if the case were to be reversed? Let ness. Season's Greatest Clothing Values NOW When perhaps using thejr old material till when Palestine will be a center of Every Man Wants Smart New ridicule it. Jews—and for that matter, Gentles its imagine a world in which Jews overwhelmingly the church tires of them and they bur- an artistic renaissence in Israel. Clothes for the New Season —should not answer anti-Semitism with religious outnumbered Christians. What if the Jews in den their friends with complaints and These children's drawings are a tirades,.but should simply laugh it out of court." such a situation were to seize upon some well- excuses." Apparently the conditions habinger of what is to come. in Jewish life are duplicat-This is the theory advanced by Clarence authenticated (not questionable) Christian crimes obnoxious ed alsewhere. Felix Morrow in a brilsuch as the murder of Savonarola, Servetus, or Karl K. Kitchen, whose initials, Darrow, America's famous lawyer and torchliant article in the Menorab Journal, though K. K. K., are In no wise reHuss, the slaughter of Saxons, Waldensians, and { bearer of individual freedom and liberty, as the lated to an unlamented hooded order, solution to the constantly-growing menace in Albigenses, the tortures of the inquisition, the Ahead" declares that modern religion narrates that "the other day a taxi America of economic boycott and discrimination atrocities of the Crusaders, and were for endless is competing with secular amusement, driver named Cultiz walked into the than with antithetic philoso- office of the Home for Aged and Inagainst the Jew. And strangely enough, it coin- centuries tQ teach and enact them in such a way rather phies. The Christian church finds it as to move Jews to hate and persecute Christians? Hebrews and dumped one huncides with the cures advocated in "Christians necessary to resort to sensationalism, dred and one pennies on the desk of Only," the widely-acclaimed volume from the pen How would the twentieth-century Christian, made and "shouting" is not, confined to thethe secretary. He said he had kept And Other Good Clothes Makers' Smart Suits Included in This Great Group, Offered at of Hey wood Broun and George Britt. Their idea to suffer for the crimes of his ancestors, react to Methodists alone. "Go-getters" and all the pennies he had received in su6hacondition? "socially attractive" ministers are the is to "treat the whole sorry scheme of discriminWould he not have the right to tips from the last two weeks. But product ! of the American before any further information could ation as a joke." This Freudian defense mechah- t u r n to^ weU-meaning Jews and say, "What you inevitable $ scene; the ideals which the community are doing is fale to the highest principles of your at large cherishes are duplicated in be obtained from him, he retured to ism, they claim, is most effective. his taxi and drove off." We know that these men, recognized as Qut-j religion? •" its leadership. . Max Fischer, in Geopolitik (Leipstanding non-Jews> are opposed to any and all' After asking Christians to re-examine their When the American laity resolves zig) we are told in the "Books Abof Marvelous Quality Hard-Finished Worsted higher forms of discrimination, but it is a sad comment- religious instruction to children in the light of its to^da section of the New York Her^ g Suits for Men and Young Men a Feature! mil «eate| the status effect on Christian prejudice against Jews, Rabbi ary upon present civilization: that they must offer smp and enlightenment, it mil leaders m its own image. Until such ^ ^ ^ ^ _ f f t i S e m i t i s m u s Bernstein concludes I as the only panacea of prejudice an attitude of U ALL SIZES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN! ,„ , , ,,. . ... •-. . . . . time Babbittry will be triumphant, « L in der Sowjet-Union." He reports humor and ridicule. Indeed, it is itself ridiculouS "I do not suggest this as a complete solution , a n d daymen seekingg a soft berth-! the Russian Revolution has Regular sizes! Stouts! Longs! to think that the economic embargo against the of the problem of anti-Semitism. I am fully aware! win prefer to a greater change in favor with the Short stouts! Extra sizes! Jews and the barring of the gates of opportunity! of the other factors—racial, social, economic—| Babbitts rather than to of the Russian Jews J*OTB—DONT S T O ' D l DOLLAR FOB NEW CliOTHES can be laughed out of existence. They forget that] which are mvolved. I realize ^almost too ] ^ ( ^ ^ % * ^ c a na mm- than that race has experienced anyVSTO. XOV SEE THE NEBRASKA'S GREAT VAXLES where else in the world. "They have P this bias has been handed down without logic or that a small mmority group 4 ^ ister of tastes and principles carry his reason from century to century until has b be-Jsue.its SEE FARNAM STREET $25 SUIT WINDOWwith him to enjoy been given all the rights of citizentil it h ts own distinctive life in the midst of the c o n g r e g a t i o n a i o n /wi ship; they have been recognized as EAST OF ENTRANCE the most culticome inbred; that race discrimination is more; majority is bound to suffer. But I believe that if an d request the best, a national minority; in sections than a passing fancy which is taken as a joke but! Christianity will cease to associate the Jew with vated, and the most challenging in his where the Jewish population is large. instead is the venting of spleen by people seeking evil in the minds of each generation of Christians program. ^ Yiddish schools have been estab•; that this economic boycott has de-ja fairly happy relationship can be achieved, based ^ J a m e s ,—^.Mysteri(ms lished; in four of the largest univeloDed in our "land of the free" to unsuspected on the highest ideals of both faiths and consistent U n i v e r s e » a s k s t h eqnestion: "Is this, versities, special Jewish departments have been organized. : Correct Apparel for Men and Women 3 ^ W ith frontier embracing an area much with the enlightened spirit of the twentieth t h d l > ^ ^ ^ ^amounts to? To * • There are a large number cf-Jew-' 1 FANNIE KATELMAN, Countil Bluffs, la., Correspondent;..' * T o w c ._„„. ANN PILL - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent; m a n v > J e w s w e r e
Q f « ^ +rt ua^a Q « Q afrsud t o h a v e
™ ^ « ™ ~f « » exposition of
By the Way
MEN - A Smashing Valoe Offer!!!
than is generally realized.
century '; •*
stumble. * « *
'into a
Old Fashioned Revue to Feature Program
Miss Betty Fellman, also a junior, The rummage sale will be held on and Mrs. Harry Rosgnfeld. 5 at the home of Mrs. S. Richman. was a close second to this year's high April 27, 28 and 29. Please call Mrs. Please make reservations early with Mr. Bandarin read a paper on Folk record holder. She made five and B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028, or Mrs. Mrs. Sam Appleman, At 9942. Songs. Mr. Corngold, a resident of one-half A's. -! A. Somberg, Ha 5495 and your bunPalestine, was the principal speaker, The Junior Hadassah Motherdles will be called for . addressing the group on the obserDaughters of Zion Daughter tea, which is to be held in ETA KAPPA TAU CLUB vances of the Jewish holidays in PalA benefit picture of Palestine and the Jewish Community Center main estine. Members of the Eta Kappa Tau Hadassah a concert combined will be offered by auditorium Sunday afternoon, May club will give a party Saturday eveThe literary meetings are held the The board members of the Omaha the Daughters of Zion at the Jewish 10, will feature a highly entertaining ning, April 25, at the home of Miss first Sunday of every month. The program. The Old Fashioned Revue, Sarah Simon. Twelve couples will at- Chapter of Hadassah are asked to at- Community Center auditorium on public is invited to these. For infortend a special meeting to be held FriSunday, May 31. The picture, "Pal"as our mothers used to be" promises tend. Those in charge of arrangemation call Mrs. J. Richlin, Kenwood many laughs, There will also be a ments are Charles .Mogil, Rose Kel- day, April 24, at 1:30 at the J. C. C. estine as It Is Today," shows the ac- 0420. on a matter of great importance. complishments achieved in the Holy one-act play, and several musical berg, Maurice Kaplan, Ethel Bloom. The next meeting of the Omaha Land during the past ten years. With numbers. Chapter of Hadassah will be held on! it, through the courtesy of P. Win- They always talk who never think." Miss Rose Rosenstein is chairman GIRLS HIKE —Prior. Wednesday, April 29, at the J. C. C. troub, will be shown "The Bells," a PRETTY APRIL WEDDING i visiting here with Mrs. Rosenberg's and will be assisted by the Misses TilThe Henrietta Szold club members and will be in the form of a "Mem- film depicting Russian life. The Th<? marriage of Miss Sylvia Adler.j parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Friedel. lie Markovitz and Lillian Slutsky. hiked to the Walking Club shack, Sun- bership Tea," with Mrs. Julius Abra- Hazomir Choir will give the concert. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adler, day. The girls had a hiker's lunch, hamson, membership chairman, as All proceeds will go to the Jewish to Frederick Brodkey, son of Mrs.,.M. Mrs. J. Krestul of Des Moines is Miss Sophie Rosenstein is planning consisting of hot dogs, pickles, pota- hostess. National Fund. The Daughters of Brodkey, took place Thursday eve- visiting here with her mother-in-law to spend the summer at Kinacamps, to salad, olives and pineapple, and A novel program has been arranged Zion are attempting to raise their ning, April 1, at 8 o'clock, at the and father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. near Boulder, Colo., as a counsellor. then sang songs around a huge fire. and members and friends are urged to quota of $1,000 for tha year, which FOR YOUR home of the bride's parents. Rabbi Krestul. They returned home in time for sup- attend. New members are especially amount they have subscribed to for David A. Goldstein officiated. Only Mrs. Irwin Osheroff of Chicago, per. asked to attend as this tea is in their a five-year period in order to install members of the immediate families Miss Ruth Reuben, student at the formerly Rose Fine of Omaha, attendhonor. | a water project in a new Palestinian •were present. University of Nebraska, who is spend- ed the $50 Give or Get luncheon, given Mr. William Holzman, who has just colony. They hope to partially raise The bride was lovely and dainty ing spring recess at home, had as her April 15th by the Senior Hadassah at returned from a trip abroad, will their year's goal by this affair. in a gown of pink organdie, trimmed house guest, Miss Harriet Speck of the Stevens Hotel, Chicago,. Illinois. speak about Palestine. Misses Betty with sprays of forget-me-nots and a Fort Collins, Colo., a schoolmate. Dur- Miss Henrietta Szold was guest and .; Pioneer Woman's Club Fellman and Esther will render sevmatching hat. She wore lace mitts ing her stay Miss Beck was extensely speaker at the luncheon. Mrs. Osher16th and Howard eral musical selections, and Justin The monthly literary meeting of the and carried a shower boquet of pink entertained. off secured the $50 for her plate in Priesman will sing. Pioneer Women's Club was held April Council of Jewish Women roses. Miss Evelyn Adler, sister of one week's time. The April meeting of the Council the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a frock PERSONALS Temple Israel Sisterhood of blue organdie. Eddie Brodkey, Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is spendMrs. I. Kulakofsky has left for Chi- of Jewish Women will be held Mon- The Temple Israel Sisterhood has brother of the bridegroom, served as ing a couple of weeks in Excelsior cago for a week's visit with her par- day, April 25, at the Jewish Communset May 4 as Sisterhood Reciprocity t best man. Springs, Mo. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lipsky and ity Center at 2:30 p. m. At this time Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Day for all the members of the Lin-, The bride is well known here as an family. j president, will present her report on coin and Sioux City Sisterhoods. artistic dancer. Mr. Brodkey is en- Rabbi Frederick Cohn was the A luncheon will be given at the _ the Mid-West Conference of the CounPIANO RECITALS gaged in business. The couple will speaker at a 6 o'clock dinner of the Harry Braviroff, pianist and in- cil of Jewish Women, which she at- Blackstone hotel and a most interestreturn from a honeymoon to reside Big Sisters' Club Thursday evening structor, will present his pupils in the tended April 20, 21 and 22 at Joplin, ing program is to follow. Included in here. at the Y. W. C. A. the program are several very interfirst of three recitals Wednesday eve- Mo. esting readings to be given by Mr. Miss Meta Lassen will speak on Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Milder returned ring, April 29, at 6:15 o'clock at the SECRET MARRIAGE "What Art Means to Me." Miss Las- Bernard Szold, head of the CommunMr. and Mrs. W. Jonisch announce Friday from Rochester, Minnesota, j Sehmoller and Mueller auditorium. I Those taking part will be Betty sen is from Copenhagen, Denmark, ity Playhouse, and a two-piano numthe marriage of their daughter, Anne, Fellman Rose Goldstein, Stuart Ganz. and has had charge of Art Exhibits ber to be played by Mrs. Louis Hinss to Sam Katzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Orlikoff departed Tues-tD o r a > Dolgoff, Betty Jane DeWitt, throughout the United States as well M. Katzman. The couple have been day to visit her sister and brother- i secretly married since February 8, in-law in New York. She will be; Billy Ottman, Mildred Laytin, Fayliss as in Denmark. Miss Lassen's talk , Ask Your Paperhanger ? joined in Chicago by her father who Boston, Dorothy Cole, Paul Taggart, will concern Jewish Art. 1930. i for SHRIEK'S 1931 I Miss Marguerite V. Brown of the ! . Mrs. Katzman is a past president of will accompany her east. Mrs. Orlik- Edward Lynch, Margaret Erca, Alyce Wallpaper Sample Books I Kappa Chapter of Theta Phi Sigma off plans to be away about a month. Barta, Raymond Wendell, Helsn Mc- Omaha Art Institute, a former stu- f SHRIEK PAINT AND |; Kenna, Dolores Watts, Marie Planck, dent at the Damrosch Conservatory in sorority. j WALLPAPER COMPANY { Elaine Kaiman, Elinor Cohen and ReNew York, will give an original musiMiss Selma Levin, who was at cal interpretation of "Jewish Artists 24th and Hamilton St.—WE. 4211 ' school in the east, has returned to becca Kirschenbaum. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hellerstein of Omaha. She is with her mother, Mrs. PERFECT SCHOLARSHIP RECORD and Their Relation to Music." A board meeting WiH precede the Denver, Colo., announce the engage- Ida Levin, and sister, Miss Grace Miss Faye Goldware, junior at Cen- regular meeting at 1:30. Levin, at the La Salle apartments. ment of their daughter, Lottie, to Mr. tral High School, daughter of Mr. and Tb.3 Current Topics course will meet J. Jay Marx of Lincoln, Nebr., son of Wednesday and Mrs. Sam Goldware, 302 South FifMr. and Mrs. Perry Silverman have tieth avenue, led the list of honor Tuesday, April 28, at the Jewish ComMr. and Mrs. H. Marx of Lincoln. Thursday Specials Miss Hellerstein, a popular member moved into their new home at the students at the mid-semester with six munity Center at 10:30 a. m. Dr. Clayton's subject will be "Crime." Forest apartments. of the younger set in Denver, attendA's, a perfect record in every study. Semi-Flat ._ 6c I ed the University of Nebraska and is Her course consists of Latin, French, Mrs. Jacob Riklin is expected home College algebra, solid geometry, phya member of the Delta Phi Epsilon I Wet-Wash__ 4c | sorority. Mr. Marx is a graduate of today from Boston, where she has sics and journalism. Only four CenOMAHA LACE thei Uhmnsity of Nebraska and is been visiting her sister. tral Bigh pupils have made this high LAUNDRY practicing law in Lincoln. He is a scholarship since 1922. Miss GoldEXCLUSIVE Mrs. William Racusin took part in HArney 7545 member of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraFor the Hard ware plans to enter the University of CURTAIN CLEANERS the production, "Death Takes a Holiternity. No definite date has been set M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. Chicago college of medicine upon her WA. 1350 — 5007 Leavenworth day," which was presented at the graduation of bigh school. to Fit! for the wedding. Community Play House April 13 to 21. PROM PATRONS ,.... }|; ! We've a grand new Mr. and Mrs. Walter SchtntoSfeT •r Mis«"-Esthyre>> Steinberg- left" Wed* s h o w i n g of H A L F were among the patrons who occupied nesday to resume her studies at the SIZES all the way specially arranged boxes at the junior- University of Nebraska after spendfrom UVt to 20 ft and senior prom of Creighton university, ing a few days with her parents, Mr. 22</2 to 40'/i . . . a s well as regular sizes from 14 which was held Friday evening at the and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg. up to the large size 50 Fontenelle. • * • at • « • • Norman Bolker has his right arm in a cast as the result of a fall while VISITORS jumping hurdles on the Dundee school Miss Florence Meyers of Kansas grounds last Friday. Norman fracCity left Tuesday after visiting for a tured two bones just above the wrist. few days with;.her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Milder. Mrs. Ben Milder is visiting in Kansas City with her brother-in-law and Mrs. J. Rosenberg and daughter, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Helen, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is Taxman.
Malashocks Jewelry Needs
Organization News
Half-Size Dresses
Gorgeous Imported Lace Trimmed Pure Dye Silk
1,100 pieces in all — we had to buy these in huge quantities to offer them at such very low prices.
Dresses that sponsor the new reverse prints . . . eyelet embroideries . . . coin dots . . . hand fagotting for daytime "wear . . and the most entraucing organdies, nets, taffetas and embroidered batistes you've ever seen for evening wear! AH new, and so lovely they 11 fairly "walk out"
Others—$39.75 to $125
Regular $3.95 and $4.95
Guy Tulett
HOSIERY Designed to insure ECO-nomy for die discriminating DEB-utante
$1; '
Eco-Deb is the solution to a problem . . . the answer to the prayer offered up-to us by dozens of our best young customers who "just can't BEAR it, my dear, to wear ANYTHING but SHEER HOSE," yet who are "simply SUDDEN DEATH, no LESS" to fragile stockings. Eco-Deb is made of seven wearresisting threads, yet made in the favorite 45-gauge you're accustomed to finding at $1£5. It combines appearance, strength and * most modest price in an inspired manner. Hosiery Section—First
Feels this is the greatest value he has offered in his entire baying experience.
All made of the same lovely pure dye French crepe, with a choice of 15 beautiful pattern laces. Colors—White, peach, flesh, idle, blue, eggshell. regular sizes.
PAJAlvlAS, GOWNS AND SLIPS TO MATCH Heavy quality pure dye French Crepes with individual selected, imported matched laces.
Colors are white,
eggshell, nile, peach, blue, flesh, in all regular sizes.
ISO Rooms Pnc*4 From $3 JO DOWN1
J-lo»t to i n * notables. Headquarter* Civic, Social, Business, T Aviation and Motor Clubs. Old fashioned hospitality. Lux* urious accommodations. Famous Dance Bands.
An Eppley Hotel.
The entire main floor underwear section will be devoted to this event.
« iis;f.r&*«*««.$*t
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- -<
MARINES DJ NICARAGUA GET BRIEF REST—Following hours of rescue work without rest, a contingent of marines in Nicaragua under Lieutenant Commanders Hatfield and Brown takes a brief respite.
YOUTH IN BLACK-;—To better accentuate , ' her"youthful blondness, Miss Anita Page, of the movies, wears a black tulle evening frock with a scattered pattern of gold nailheads to match her yellow hair. Gardenias lend a charming touch.
BLUE JACKET VIEWS RELIC OF SPANISH FLEET—This U. S. blue jacket at Manila finds'an interesting object-lesson in naval strategy in the weather-beaten relic of the once proud.Regina Christina which - wasl aJ»art "of the Spanish fleet wiped" out by American forces under Admiral Dewey in jthe Battle of Manila Bay on May 1* 1898.
FOR ALMA MATER—Wellesley_college(Wellesley, Mass.) girls know exactly what to do in case of fire on the campus.: They say. they can get into action rn record breaJcing time. Photo- shows members of/the volunteer corps, left to; right (in front), Chiel Dorothy Upjohn, Scarsdale, N. Y., and Driver Barbara Smith of Wellesley* Hills,.Mass.; (behind) Nora Nelson, Scarsdale, N. Y.; Philippa Bassinger . of Cooperstown, N..Y.; Pauline Cohgdon, Waban, Mass., and Ruth Craig of Montclair, N. J.
FAMILY^ WIPED /OUT—This crash, near Blue Springs, Mo.:, ended the search for work of Claude Epps, who was taking his family from Tennessee to Kansas City, Mo.', in search of a job. His wife an<| daughter were killed when the Epps car crashed into a bus, overr turning it and fatally injuring him. Photo shows the wreckage. •
AMERICA'S FOREMOST WOMAN EDITOR AT PLAY— Mrs. Eleanor Patterson* taking an hour or two. off" from editing Washington paper,- tides through Rock Creek'Park, -.• .beauty-spot in the national capital!
MERELY AN OLD PREHISTORIC CUSTOM—This "bear walk" is the favorite means of locomotion employed by 11-month-old Clara Mae Macintosh of Los Angeles. Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, noted anthropoligist of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, says children who 1 ' walk on all fours are healthy, well-developed, graceful and very intelligent. DOG MUST HAVE TREATMENT ACCORDED HUMANS—Raymond Lewis; _an assistant at New Brunswick, N. J., animal hospital, is seen with Prouse, dog sent to the famous clinic of the Mayo Brothers at Rochester, -Minn., for treatment. The dog is suffering from a disease which ordinarily afflicts only humans and .not dogs—cancer of the bone. Prouse is a three-year-old English setter owned by Mr. and' Mrs. Robert -Thompson, of Rahway, N. J.
KING'S FAVORITE'S FAVORITE CHAIR—The Countess Du , Barry, herself, mistress of King Louis XV, and one of the most colorjful characters in French history, is said to have used this handisome sedan chair now on exhibition at the National Museum in I Washington, D. C. Miss Mildred Douglas is sitting in the seat_of r . the unhappy Du Bftrfyjwho finally was guillotined, i .
IN THE ROUGH—Bobby and Mrs. Jones pose aboard the Don Lee yacht, on their way to Catalina Island, where they saw the Bobby Jones trophy tournament for amateurs,,
" JT)
3; FRIDAY^ APRIL 24, 1931 •:^:'-y-
• •-
'•: .:• *; - r ^;:>^. • ^ ' '
. •••.'X-\-y .
em Young Jewish Children in Omaha and elsewhere are in need of our help. It is not their fault they do not eiijoy the advantages of lif e—^ttieref ore it is our duty to keep them happy, to feed and clothe them! We owe it to them! They are our people! They are entitled to an education, religious and otherwise! We must help them—we must keep their faith! Through the Jewish Philanthropies yon can do this.
29 Beneficiary Agencies
A City-Wide Effort
Every agency of the Jewish Philanthropies is doing important and necessary work. In Omaha and all over the world, these agencies are daily bringing joy and life to our unfortunate people. You should help!
Jews in all walks of life are united in this effort. The Jewish Philanthropies is endorsed and approved by every Jewish synagogue and organization in Oinaha. During the past year it has proven its worth.
LOCAL AGENCIES— Jewish Education Old People's Home Social Service Committee NATIONAL AGENCIES— American Jewish Committee Bureau for Jewish Social Research Ex-Patients' Tubercular Rome, Denver Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Hebrew Theological School of Chicago Jewish Consumptive Belief Sobriety Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland Leo Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs • National Appeals Information Service
National Conference for Jewish Social Work National Desertion Bureau National Farm School, Doylestown, Pa. National Home for Jewish Children. Denver National Jewish Hospital, Denver Training School for Jewish Social Work B*nai Brith Wider Scope— Hillel Foundation —Anti-Defamation—A. Z. A. INTERNATIONAL APPEALS— American Palestine Campaign Palestine Labor Campaign Hebrew University Joint Distribution Committee Jewish Telegraphic Agency Jewish National Fond People's Tool Campaign Mizrachi
for those who really need it! The money that is raised in Omaha through the Jesvish Philanthropies is used in many ways for those who, really need it. Particular effort is made to aid those agencies-which are doing important and necessary,work. ; I n tills manner you are assure^ the money is {producing tkfe greatest good. By subscribing Jiberally to the «feivish Philanthropies you are giving ip the work of twenty-nine agencies—and by this same plan, your money is doing the greatest good.
Campaign Starts May 11
More than 1800 persons and organizations subscribed to this fund last year. This year this number must be increased in order to raise the quota. Every Jew in Omaha should give.
Be a Worker, Tool Not only, should you give but you should be a worker. Help raise the fund by giving a few hours of your time during the drive. You will enjoy talking to people about the Philanthropies— you will be cordially received, for the Jews of Omaha are heartily in favor of the Jewish Philanthropies and its work.
United- Synagogue has; foirfiaed t . long cherished dssire on the part 0} 'Hopolulu Jewry to hold regular JewCareta Ypunglove, director of .the H*is "steamship- President- Fiiimore ish' religious ssrvices. Despite tht cal girl scout organization fill be" a which sailed this. week, for _)Far .guest, .at the meeting. fact that for the first time in the Eastern ports, carried on twaid1 a history of the Hawaiian Territory, Sefer Torah, or scroll of the law. the Honolulu Lodge of the B'nai the first Sefer Torah-ever Brith held services on Rosh Hasli-Honolulu and was addressed ar.ah and < \*-rtt Kjppux; of. i;vt y*!ai> Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak this to Uie Honolulu Lodge.; B?na: •Brith,. the community still lacked the basis evening at the regular Friday night Honalulu, Hawaii.; The shipper was of synagogue worshipJT— jthfe -Sefer* the , United Synagogue of America. services en "Jewish Experiences -in ; To'rali..'. • • ' '•': ' ; j^"; V ; In sending the Sefer Torab, h# Spain/' The content of the address is in connection with the recent change of the Spanish government. •
The troop is headsd by. Hiss JDorotfe^;Firy| Sefer Torah t o Mosow, and Miss Dena Baron. Mrs.J Hawaiian Jews
Three hundred guests attended the "Treat Your Husband" dinner given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue-in the social hall of the synagogue on Wednesday evening. Follo^ng the dinner Mrs. Philip > All .news for the Ssioux City\ page Shsrn^tn, prudent; of jthe organizamust .reach the Sioux City corretion iittroduced lEe follpivirig who; took spondent not later than Tuesday part inl the prigfami Frances Etnlein, i . . • = • Evening,: to appear in the issue the Ethsl Shindler, Mildred Baron, Ruth following Friday. Please mail news Bernstein, Dena Baron, Rozena Sacks, to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, Mrs. W. P. Witschner of Kansas Martha Baron, The Confirmation Class of the or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock.. City, president of the Southwest Rag-1 Maroh, Mrs. Synagogue is meeting weekly and ion of the Hadassah Organization off At the last meeting of the general and Mrs.' S, • H. Shulkin. •will be confirmed in the Synagogue America, will be the guest speaker at f committee for the annual building A. H. 'Baron, local attorney on the eve of Shabouth. The class the Annual-Hadassah Linen Shower,' fund carnival, final check-up was on ''THe Emancipation of Wom- consists of Dorothy Mazor, Ethel 1 Shindler, Inez teaff, Leah Herman, made on the advertising committee Among-the young women who spent sponsored' by the! local chapter, next Fannie Zifkin, ; Goldie ; Devine and and the ticket committee, which be- last week end at Iowa City, where The liriin shower aridi program SRosabelle'Wigodsky. Miss Ida Heshegan its work last Monday, was given they attended the Junior Prom and be preceded by a one o'clock luncheon. I low is instructor of the class. instruction and assigned territories. the Phi Epsilon formal, are- Louise Mrs. Witschner, whose interest in Mr. Max Friedman, general chair- Herzoff, Serene and Roseannette Bar1 of the Young Judean At the Saturday morning, services, man of the carnival, which is sched- rent, Beatrice JLevitsky, Eva. and. Ida Hadassah is manifested by her ardent11 The membsrs 1 supports and: uh-tiririg' work. >itt deCub held an open, meeting /or thsir d h i i r i ' k > U d Leonard Leubowitz will celebrate his uled for May 11, announced that the Upton and Ruth Falk. liver a message on the work of th.2! Parents last ,„ Sunday afternoon. A Bar Mitzvah. ' j advertising, committee had far exceed\ tije members was followed > ed its quota. The programs for the Miss Charlotte .Gelsqn.was hostess Hadassah, i f t | j-i • i by: refreshments. -~i • 's ^ I "*!'. •carnival are in print .and will be to her sorority sisters on Saturday i Mrs. William Lazere, prescient 6( mailed ,. to every Jewish .family in evening, .Bridge formed the evenings the local chapter .wRl-presifk^as chair-1 Members i f Q^efip&ilbriPhi sorority nt^n. Miss-, Delia' Shilof f and = Miss ] Sioux City and surrounding territory! entertainment, assisted by* the Business" Girl's Chib Dena M. Baron will appear .on, before the carnival. The book con-' at their point'meeting on Wednesday, tains much interesting information Our Little Social Club met Tuesday program, following the. address by,by taking complete chargs of serving Columbus, O« (J.T.A)—A written Mrs. Witschner. Mrs. S.'Moscow is! about the Federation of Jewish Social evening at the home of Mrs. Eli Kapapology was received by Alfred M. Ian. in charge of the menu for the lunch- at the banquet. Service and the building fund. Cohen, international president of the - The ticket committee, which is makeon; Mrs. M. B. Herzoff is chairman The Boy Scout troop presented thsir( B'nai Brith, as a result of injury to ing a thorough canvas of the city is Miss Marcella Koolish, student a t i f o r t h e dining room; Mrs. Louis, leader, Mr. Louis Slade, a gift, in Jews of this community.through the headed by Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs.'"the University of Illinois, is visiting' Agranoff will have charge of the res- appreciation of his interest and work publication of stories in local papers ervations, and and Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Bernard Baron Baronis is PilL, aatt the of her Barents. Mr and ervations, William Lazere and Mrs. Morris PilL the home home of regarding the confession of two prichairman of the program and thejin the troop. They are assisted by the following Mrs. Louis Koolish. soners at the Ohio penitentiary, one publicity. r men and women: Messrs. A. M. Davis, of whom war referred to as the "Jew," The date for the Annual Mother and A. I. Sacks, Max Lasensky, M. E. Fred Sherman, student at the UniThe Hadassah, whose purpose it is to having started the penitentiary "fire Skalovsky, Robert Sacks and Abe Pill. versity of Lincoln, visited his parents, to aid in the upbuilding of Palestine, Daughter banquet, sponsored by the',more Mesdames A. I. Sacks, Joe Kutcher," Mr. wid Mrs. Philip Sherman during sends the linens to the national head- Business Girls-Club, has been set for • The "prisoner, in question is not a Wednesday, May 13. M. E. Skalovsky, Sam Moscow, J. the spring vacation. " quarters of the Hadassah from where 3r i member of the Jewish faith but had Harkoway, Phil Sherman, Joe Guttle-1 they are sent to the hospitals, orphan acquired the nickname at the instituNine members of" Girl Scout Troop man, B. H. Epstein, Philip Sherman, [ • ' « • • » homes and similar institutions in Pal- No. 9 will be invested at an open mset-. tion. The reports had appeared und;r l Ben Shindler, M. Laziowich, Louis;1 MUSIC Recital estine. AP credit lines. ; Sinikin, Sam Luebowitz, A. Sloutsky, Miriam Barish. daughter of Mr. and All members ami their friends are ing and tea, riext Sunday afternoon. Kobert Sacks, E. N. Grueskin, A. J. Mrs. Erichel Barish and Annabelle invited to attend the luncheon and Galinsky, Abe Agranoff and Reuban Emlem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.shower. Mill ! I. Emlein presented a joint piano reMiller. Mr. Friedman has expressed much cital in. the recital ball of the Sioux satisfaction with the co-operation the City Music School last Wednesday committees are receiving from every' evening. They were assisted by Myna "Substitutes for Religion" "will be Jewish individual in the city. The, Slotsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. tha subject of the sermon by Rabbi carnival is one of the largest affairs, C. Slotsky, who presented a group of Lewis this evening. . on the calendar for the year, . • J readings. Monday morning Rabbi Lewis adMarcella Levich and Libbie Olensky piano pupils of Miss Opal Bullanl. ap-~ dressed members of the Sioux City peared in a recital at the Schmoller Ministerial association at the Y. M. and Mueller Recital hall last Tuesday C. A. on the book by Rabbi Silver, "Religion in a Changing World." evening. Three addresses were made at the Rabbi Lewis spoke before members meeting of the Zionist Organization of the Rotary Club at their meeting held Monday evening in the CommunMonday noon, speaking on the life of ity Center. Rabbi Theodore Lewis i Ghandi. The title of his address .was spoke on the recent McDonald Letter; "A Saint Who Triumphed." Mr. Abe Stillman addressed the group j : The Junior Hadassah Organization on the life of Nathan Sokoloff, whose , WJH m e e t n e x t Wednesday evening at 70th anniversary is being bbservetl^ g o'clock in the Commumty Centsr. and Mr. Joseph Aizenberg spoke on An unusual and interesting program W. C. Slotsky, secretary of the lothe next Zionist convention ^at Basil,' has been arranged by the committees cal Credit Service Association, has reSwitzerland. v.^. j in charge. Refreshments will he ceived 'word of his appointment as -A resolution was ask the( served. A large number of' members member of the committee for rules National Executive Committee of.the a r ee x p e c ted to attend. and regulations of. the National ReAmerican Zionists to call a special tail Credit Association. meeting previous to the international conference this summer. . Mr. E. N.' .Grueskin was recently The National .Workers Alliance will elected-to the board of directors of sponsor the annual flower day on next the local Chamber"of Commerce.'" Mr; A d d r e S S Sunfla y- The proceeds go for theGrueskin is president of. the S.. C. work of the Chalutzim in Palestine. chapter of B'nai Brith. Miss Margaret Margrave, social 6ecfetary of the girl's dormitory -• at Morningside college was the principal speaker at the annual joint meeting of the Business Girls Club of the Y. W. C. A., the Community House and j the Jewish Community . Center. The j banquet was held in the Community ! Center with the Jewish Girls Club as hostesses. Other numbers on the. program consisted of skits presented by Combined with t h e "'/> _ , ..»'"-. the three groups. " r Miss Sadie Shulkin, president of the club, acted as toastmaster. The invocation was given by Mrs. Nellie Jones, secretary of the Y. W..C. A.
MISS ANNA PIU,, Correspondent
Social News j ;
B'nai Brith Receives Apology lor Stories
AVerfictlbod <Make it taste better-increase fbrErerybody* Food value
, f : - - ' « l ' . ' '.;-•
Program Planned for Junior Hadassah
Flower Day Sunday
Social Secretary
With the
" .":
Enchanting Aronia ; of the Orient : . ;! , :'
x 11*GS within the react ofALL. Lifetime Guaranteed Full Oversize
•..-'" . .
SUPERTWIST CORD TIRES Superior to Mony Makers' High-Priced Tiret
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
Program Given for War Committee Mount Sinai Sisterhood was in charge of the April program of the j committee on tha- Cause and Cure of | War. which met Wednesday noon at t the Y. W. C. A. Rabbi Lewis was the principal speaker on the-program, speaking on "Problems which arise from intervention by the United States in weaker countriesMrs. J. H. Greenberg is president of the Sisterhood and Mrs. T. N. Lewis is representative of the organization on the Cause and Cure of War committee.
A. Z. A. Initiate The following young men'; ^vere"? initiated into the local chapter of the A. Z.-A. at a recent meeting: William Rozofsky, Marvin Beechen, Sidney Slotsky, Dan Levich, Alfred Levich, Dave Kaplan, Dave •Wigodsky, Marvin Klass, Myer Cohen, Isadore'Kanfa'ovich, Bernard Herzoff, Seymour Levitskyy teo Krasnick and Morris Bernstein.
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