interesting and Entertaining
Interests r i Jewish Covimu\'^\ Unterefl an second-CIMSS mnt p r o i o n -Jiuiuary Zi. liKM, at ' poWnglrp nl Onmhn NVhraskl "~" JJ * the Art of Mnnti X lK7il
»f k\ I NAT1ONAI
. Warned of L o c u s t t A L L n A I 1 U W A L Jerusalem. (J.T.A.)—<The danger t
Lapidus Issues Call for More Workers to Help in
Polish Mfests Unite to Battle AntiSemitism
j j of a possible invasion qf_ locusts in Warsaw—(J.-T. A.)—A move, the plantation zone.of Palestine was memt" among Polisfe priests to com! called- to the -attention of plantation owners by the government in an B'nai Brith Takes Initiative to bat Imti-Sebitism |n order to speed" Tip the return of 6ie Jews to Palofficial communique. _ Remedy Unemployment stins andthus ^ | i s t in the realiProgram Open to the Public to Thef communique' urges the plantEvil zation of the proghecy -of the reers to make special efforts' with the Be Given at 5 p. m. turn of the Messiah -is now under aid of, smoke, sceens to prev*»nr the 1 Tuesday A national conference on discrhn- way here. In t »day's issue of settling, of .swarms of locusts in view i n a t i o n against .Jews who are un- Pszeglad Catolidci, Father MontTlie long-awaited moving of the oi'A possible-.. invasion >-feom the employed is being planned for some szor, the foundei of the moye^ a time within the near future, TalmudT^rah; into-the Jewish Com- southern Palestine area ..where ment,published v i i appeal to all cording to an. announcement: issued Catholic priestff-t( unite in order munity Center-building real- drought is imminent.. ized this comin™ Tuesday afternoon, : The drought would drive the lo- by Judge Albert Cohn,, president of to oppose anti-Seinitism. B'nai 1 B'rith for district Grand when-the -City.-Talmud Torah at 21st costs to orange grove zones and r , Haint, Jocal., Yi [dish daily, r V —•' ™"'* *~-tht»^;^+-;»+ " » 'a1 Lodge »»-:«. No. 1, as outcome -of and .Burt, the Dundee and the South ports that JR. groa; i of priests for conference.on the problem*" held at this .purpose has already . been Omaha branches will be officially con- other irrigated areas. the B'nai B'rith Club lionse. ' solidated into one city-wide instituorganized.. . } tion, meeting at the Center.' The national conference will ba "- : * "' *' " — A-pregram open-to the public has sponsored by the B'nai. B'rith been, arranged and will be given at Organization as a part of the pro- Make the J . ' C C. from 5 p. m. to 6:15. gram being conducted by its Antiin Ancient Ruins ; On Tuesday all the children of the Defamation League.. . three former branches will meet at In making his annoucement of the Jerusalem.' ( J-T.A|)^-A large coltheir respective schools and will be I proposed National conf erencer Judga lection of pottery skmging to the taken to the Canter in automobiles. Goldberg Includes Jewish Pales- Cohn said, third or fosirth- *xt tury. was''found *'- in Proposed Union of '• — "Reports' of current conditions in under the flopf cif; ioman . buildings Program i Dominions j the field of employment have given near the forum Sebs stia, the ancient Dr. Philip Sher, chairman, will open —:——— I cause for deep anxiety to all those Samaria, by'the joipt expedition of the meeting with & -few?brief rremarks. I A member of the Talmud Tcrah will'! •New York. (J.T.A.)—A federation _interested in maintaining the Ameri- Harvard University, the Hebrew speak on behalf of the students; ' o f Senutic states^ each a Dominion can principle of equality of oppbrt- University, thesBnlish School , of A great deal h a s appeared in Archaeology and r-tbe Palestine ExJudah Wolfson will, speak on behalf M *** British ^Commonwealth ^ of of the teachers - a n d • : W i I U m - - ' l i . . B o l z - l ^ : ^ a ! 4 i 0 ^ ^ A - - a . ? ^ ^ 1 ^ e B b n e the press recently pointing t o an ploration Fund. J •_• ;j__i •of £ A.T__ T ' J j . Com-Vi-'-l 'included a s - a -Dominion and a s , a unfortunate Tinfni+nnato riisr-T^TniTmtjvt-ir H-M-I+TIIIP - An enormous "wa^Teservoir, part discriminatory • attitude Tjnan, president the •Jewish munity Center, will speak on behalf .memberof this federation, is pro- toward Jews who are seeking em- of an old Roman aijueduct was also . j[psed by Abraham Goldberg Amen-1 l t It i th f th uiicoVered. • of the Center. j[posed by Abraham Goldberg, Amen-1 ployment. It is the purpose of the -Among the ether, fiods xa&de were c n » Zionist leader, in a pamphlet B'oai B'rith in calling the ^national a large' block ef•• etude -believed-;-to i n . just d i been s c r t o I p a t i ( > n f Arabism," ^ : o has he the-' continuation o*aff Israelite causes that- provoke a wall previouly discovered,- and a lem. The conference ' will also number of tombs containing "many New of the UJ. vt e urotrratn program. attempt to find some cure for, the glass vessels in an exeUent -condition, , "In our plans for Palestine we and several lamps. The committee responsible for ef- s h o u i d s t r e S s the aim to create a situation." fecting the moving of the Talmud f e d e r a t i o n of English, Jews and Torahs into the Cenfcas building con- A ^ b m e a n s o f a f r e e dominion,"
Max Fromkin, Sam"jKavitz, a - i r i S m of a ll'Semites, since Commonwealth ""Lackowy Htrfy Marcus and H<irrj_ tbe _ Reiner, who is &n ex-officio member Z^: o f t h e Semites would be inks president of the Talmud Torah. | c l n d e d i n that federation of nation." Its beneficial results are already "Arabian a c c o m p i j s h m e n t s i n the last shown in an mcreased registration of ^ y e a r ? in the territories where pupils. they .were free from' oppression and could demonstrate '.their reative powers have been negligible," Mr. Goldberg says further. "What have the Arabs done in Mesopotamia or in Arabs proper? They are indeed fortunate in "that Egland foots the bills . of defense. Otherwise there I! would have been murder and blood] shed in religious, wars. It is not in the inteFest of the Arabs to have an Rabbi Wise States Christian Arabian" Empire, no matter how ^Clefgy Pledge Their anxiously English statesmen may ; • support. , " r ; ifefcirejt for their own selfish plans. The brighter hope lies in federation . Christian ministers throughout the of states—free dominions in the courtt'ry will lend their • aid to the \ British Commonwealth—and among movement that i£ now on 'throughout these dominions the Jewish Dominthe land to raise $2,500,000 to.carry ion of Palestine. ~ on the Joint Distribution tjommitee's "_ "We must admit that Col. Wedge program of eocjal and .economic ,re- j wood saw' much further than many construction among 'Jew's |uj Eastern*j o$ the1"Jes?4 jwho stand at xttu rudder an Central Europe. .This, announce? of the 'Zidniit movement. We have ment made by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, only tliis***) add: that the Arabs national chairman of the j;D.C..19T)l and Indians' should join in that feCampaign, who stated .that Christian . deration" of states, thus emphasizing clergymen will preach sermons from - the value" of- the unified Semitic race, their pulpits urging Jewish citizens ' In -time Afghanistan, on the threshof the country to support the Jewish hold of India, may also be invited relief work abroad. .;"'. to Become'a member. England has The of fer of - cooperation on • the had many a sleepless night over part of the Christiaii. clergy, Rabbi Afghanistan. It is v/ell known that Wise' said, came as the result of "a ttussiaj has been making all sorts •request made by him1 to individual bf: advances 'to Afghanistan for no clergymen. Although, he stated that • pther reason than to obtain through he expressly expected no financial it an entrance into India. The aid from the ministers, many checks [ Afghans are possibly Semites. They have come to him from them,- in- may even be Jews. They themselves duding a gift from the Episcopal assert that'they are the lost'tribe of Bishop of Georgia. In this letter | Benjamin. There is thus the posBabbi Wise asked for "exhortation sibility that they form with Engand prayer" and declared that he land an entente of the outmost imfelt it would be helpful to the cause portance to the integrity of the Emif the clergy would preach a sermon pp the work of the American Jewish pire.' Joint Distribution Committee and Jewish Immigration the purposes of the campaign. Rabbi Wise also stated the "outto Argentine Greater Bide of incidental assistance granted to non-Jews in various countries of- Despite immmigration restrictions Europe, such as aid given to 15,000 and the prevailing economic situation •Russian peasant families, trough the which led to a general decline' of Agro-Joint in Russia, the Joint Di- immigration in the Argentine, Jewish sributibn Committee records show immigration to that country was that no less than $5,700,000 out of greater in 1930 than It was in 1929, > total expenditure •' of ?80,000;000 according to a report received by the during the last 16 years'was ex- New York office of Hias. Last year pended by the Joint Distribution 7,805 Jewish immigrants settled in Committee in purely ; non-^sectarian the .Argentine, while in 1929 the relief through such organizations as number : of Jevrish iaimigrants was the American Relief Administration, 5,986. Of the 7,805 Jewish immigrants American Friends Society, American Conmiittee for Armenian whb entered tne Argentine last year; an Syrian Selief, Tubercular;. Child- •GfiZZ cam from Poland and 1,773 froim other countries* 1 ' ren's Fund in Germany, etc. • •
VOL. IX.—No. 14
CLAMS FORMULA Ah Appeal for Generous Giving in FOR CURING CANCER Campaign for $42,150 for 29 Liverpool. (J.T.A.) ~— What is Beneficiary Agencies
claimed to a thorough analysis of the nature and cure of cancer is contained in the diary of Dr. Judah Levite, a German-Jewish "doctor of the 18th century, Simon Swerdlow, an elderly Jewish tailor of this city who now owns the dairy, declared. The manuscript, which is in Hebbrew, came into the possession of Mr. Swerdlow's brother, a physician, who gave it to its present owner on his death bed. Brought from Russia nearly 40 years ago, Mr. Swerdlow has devoted his spar*, time to translating it. He says that the cancer cure outlined in Dr. Levite's diary is a liquid composition of a number of simple and harmless herbs.
"Stag" on Tuesday Night
thorughout Eastern Europe, are steeped in tragedy,-with dread in their Stag and Smoker for hearts. With every other means exCampaign Solicitors hausted, they appeal to us, as suffering human beings, and as kinsmen A galaxy of vaudeville stars of who are tied to-us by brotherhood and national prominence together with through whose reins courses the same popular local talent will parade be- blood as ours. They are destitute fore the workers of the Philan- through no fautt of theirs, and but anthropies campaign, who will for a trick of fate we too would today gather at a "stag" and smoker on be in their predicament, drinking the Tuesday evening, May 5th, at the dregrs of life. True, we who live in Center auditorium. Omaha are going through a business Georgie Price, famed Broadway depression, but what we are experistar and counterpart of Eddie Canr encing is but a puff of wind. in comKohn Again Heads Architects New York.—Robert Kohn, noted tor, will volunteer his services. He parison with their harsh lot. We canNew York architect, has been re-elect- is now appearing as the headliner not and. must not lay down on our ed president of the American Institute at the R. K. O. Orpheum theater. job and forsake these poor unfortof Architects for 1931-32. Mr. Kohn Manager Roy Pierce has also prom- unates who need our help." is. president of the Society for Ethical ised to secure other material that For Self Preservation Culture and is'a past president of the may be available for the occasion. Indeed, Lapidus stressed the fact An effort will also be made to seNew York Building Congress. He is {. that we 'most succeed in our Philthe architect who designed the beauti- cure Orrille Rennie, master of anthroptes-drive as a matter of self ful Temple Emanu-El on Fifth avenue. ceremonies at the World theater, - preservation. Not only are w* jm-' and acts appearing there. ' ~ -' Etching our lives by making this a Refreshments will be served at better place to live in for our chil-the rfose-ofrtfce program. —Ab feridren and ourselres through matt* -: man will act as master of ceremontaining and eupportin? thtsc variies during the entertainment.. ous agencies, he emphasized, but if we fail we and onr children wit! be |1 A determined army of cam- the ones to eventually suffer thereij paigners, tried and true, are by. "Success in our Philanthropies H- lightening their belts in prep- drive," Lapidus put it, "is an insur|j aration for Omaha Jewry's most ance policy to us for our own futuite. 11 crucial philanthropic campaign. When we take care of the consump* Ij —the drive for $42,150 by the tivesr we are but protecting ourselves* • J Jewish Philanthropies which will When we support an orphanage, we making it better for our ' owq get under way on May 11. The are children. When we lend our aid tfl quota, cut down to absolute ne- our European brethren, we are makItemized Figures on Pledges, Colleccessities is' the minimum needed ing the world safer for all Jews, ourtions and Expenditures on Last Year's Philanfor the twenty-nine organiza- •selves included. When we contribute thropies Speak for Themselves character building agencies such at &Vtioni which will be the bene- to. the Talmud Torah, Wider Scope, etc., 41 f iciaries of ttie money raised. we, prepetuate Judaism for posterity subscribers pledged. -$43368.51 KI * Despite the enthusiasm dis- and we build a constructive generaS | played by the workers an their tion to carry on. Paid out to the following, to April 1: ||i meetings thus, far, Harry H. . ."If for no other reason, our .selfSodal Service Committee_l_______f 450.00 Lapidus;'. associate general chair- preservation demands that we pat Jewish Old Peoples' Home'. 1,775.00 tiiis campaign over the. top."
man of the campaign, has issued a teall for more| workers: ;
Wise Memorial Hospital 2^75.00 tity Talmud Torah 5,326.00 475.00 South Omaha Talmud Torah . 825.00 Jewish Consumptives Relief Society Allied Jewish Campaign __„ 6,629.00 National Home for Jewish Children 225.00 187.50 Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society1,500.00 National Jewish Hospital 1,800.00 Jewish Orphan Home Training School for Jewish Social Workers • . 112.50: .American Jewish Committee 75.00 National Farm School ..____ 225.00 Ex-Patients Tubercular Home 56.25 Bureau of Jewish Social Research 37.50 National Appeals Information Service National Conference for Jewish Social 37.50 Work 225.00 Leo Levi Memorial Hospital— S83.00 Center Sunday School Stationery, Printing. Postage, Tele1,000.00 phone, Telegraph __~ 750.00 Clerical Work 600.00 Supervision 300.00 Miscellaneous ~_
Total Cash on hand Indebtedness, as of April 1: Allied Appeal Fourteen National Institutions Seven Local Institutions __
$3,715.00 _$6,629.00 . 1,818.00 _ 1,881.00
TotalLosses on subscribers who left city or died, as of - April 1 Estimated future losses
•'• ,-,* .: . .,:,..*
I $
_$10,32S.OO ? 1,250.00 _ 1,393.76
Approximately 66 2-3 per cent of the pledges for 1930-1931 have been collected.
""Now,' above ail b*tiier ^tries, every able-bodied *man and woman in our cbiBTRunity must Mspdnd,"' stated Mr. Lapidtts,"because the great economic crisis make3 it Imperative that we redouble our effotts; and our results. It is a sad commentary on our humanitarian spirit if one hundred-per cent Governors Island, New York.—Two of those-eKgible do not respond—Now. Jewish non-commissioned officers of is the time to stand up and be counted the United States Army were among in our laiSny of workers.** the eight to whom the first Soldiers' 1 Greater : Medals to be presented since ConLapidus .pointed out that due to the gress added the award to the army present business depression the or- list of decorations in 1926 were givphanges, the hospitals and the various en. The two Jewish soldiers decoratrelief organizations are receiving j ed are Master Sergeant Benjamin more applications than ever before. Roth of the Air Corps and Sergeant And because income surpluses have Maxwell Weinstein of the i8th Indepreciated,, more workers than ever fantry, both of Brooklyn. are needed in order that every posSergeant Roth was honored for sible donor be seen and made a con- his heroism in fearlessly endeavoring tributor. to save material stored on the BarHe urged every Jewish man in rier Cliff in the South Polar region the community to be at the mam- where he went as an airplane mechmoth stag and smoker for campaign anic with the Byrd Expedition. When solicitors, which will be held at the the cliff gave way, Sergeant Roth Jewish Commnniry Center . this heroically sought to save a large Tuesday evening. "Every red- cache of supplies. Sergeant Weinblooded Jewish citizen will be there" stein received the Medal for bravery was the challenge Lapidus left with in rescuing a Russian woman emigre the community. from a burning building in Tien "Although the Philanthropies can- Tsin, China, in 1928, when he was not solve the unemployment problem," stationed there with the 18th InLapidus continued, "it can solve the fantry. means of buying life-giving milk and food for hungry babies, medical at- Sergeant Roth, who was the onlytention for the sick, social and eco- Jewish member of the historic Byrd nomic rehabilitation for suffering Expedition, was promoted last year thousands who want nothing but the to master sergeant in'recognition of opportunity to live. Yes, their plea his meritorious sen-ices at the Sooth. Pole. While with the Byrd Expeditto us is for a chance to live. ion he had in his possession a talith, Steeped in Tragedy . i . . and tefilim as well as a )prayer book, "Our .people in Germany, In Russia, Sergeant Weinstein has been in the in Poland, in Palestine, in Roumania, army for 14 years.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1931 >A board*'meeting ipll be held at JMeyet Linda and B.Efeenberg, ticket chairmen; Mrs. M. Brodyy program 1 p. m. preceding1 the meeting. chairman; Mrs. J. GoWware, puHirity Lag B'Omer, which occurs this Tuesday, i s ' chairman. Golden Hill a Jewish holiday to which all too little attention' The Hazomir, known for their reftPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by The Golden Hill Society heJd an is given. Known as "The Scholars' Holiday," i t ' dition of Jewish melodies, have doTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY election of officers at the home of is a festive day unique in the celebrations of na-; nated their services to the Daughters SIOUX; CITY OFFICE i Mrs. L. Epstein Tuesday. Mrs. I. of Zion for the occasion. WUUam I* '. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—30E| Pierce Street tions, and coining in the midst of the Sepjnra days Perelman was elected president. it was in years past the occasion of general joyOther officers named are Mrs. Sam Holzman, who recently returned from Subscription Price, one year - - - . ' - - - $2.50 Epstein, vice-president; Mrs. D. B.a trip which included Palestine, Will ousness. By Advertising rates furnished on application speak on his tour through the Holy Epstein, secretary, and Mrs. Joe The Sephira days of- remembrance extend RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Land. Greenberg, treasurer. Mesdames H. TJ from the second day of Passover tp the first day The picture, "Palestine as It Is ToCongregation Rodeph Sbolom, New York Olander, M. Horn and J. Corby, trusof Shabouth, a total of fifty days. In ancient Palday," points out the achievements in Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building tees. the Holy Land during the past ten Telephone: ATlantic 1460 '•' estine these days were set aside for the counting Hadassah years. Through the courtesy of P. DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor of the Omer, a measure of about seven pints of! Pedua's ancient university, aceord- ture, and the unfolding of other ecoPRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - i - - -CI7~~--.i.'Z EEditorU , FRANK R dt The banner meeting of the season Wintroub, "The Bells," a Russian picseason, for reaping t h e bar- j ing to Dr. Cecil Roth in his "History nomic enterprises in the Holy Land o f t n e FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent! P ^ " ' ^ ' . tare will be shown. of t h e J e w s i n every vestige of ^pessimism vanishes.! Omaha Chapter of the HadasANN PILL - - - - - -' SiouxT City, Iowa,' Correipondent'l ley- in the land of Israel. Lag B'Omer is the thir-j Venice" was the scene — sah woa was Vtolil held Wprlnpcdav. Wednesday, AlJTll April 29th Every Zionist and every Jew is - -between • . . Agency . ! ao>i 29th The negotiations the at the J. C. C. A beautiful tea wa» urged to attend and learn of Pales_ -"^[ty-feiradayin this counting of the Oiner andi ££"»* T^iJ^Z?^ T spokesman and the British governgivan under the leadership of Mrs.tine's rapid progress. m T T r i A nrms\ -A srrT-r-^rsH T i n T T r n , ' •• » , , . ^T, j •** 1 oen*s ana the Jewish townspeople. On ment are now under way. Jewry Julius membership THE APPROACHING DRIVE j comes as welcome break in the sad span. Maiv| one occasion a comicai incident occur- must be on guard in order that its chairman,Abrahamson, in honor of the new memChesed She! Ernes A relentless, inexorable net is closing about j tfages, forbidden during the rest of the seven i red. It wasltrinnthecou sixteenth century, just interests may be conserved. The bers. d issues for the forthcoming Basle conChesed Shel Ernes' regular meeting biinor holiday the happiest in the anejerfect / ° of dearth; l ^obtained thousands thousands of Jews throughout the [weeks, are allowed. Tradition alsoentire madeschool this jj "It was a year and only world—in upon Omaha, the United States generally, Mr. Wililam Holzman gave a very will be held May 4. All members are end of June are now city for the celebration of the abroad. As never before our brethren, men, wom- year for the students. The scholars were allowed: Feast of Tubernacles. This was shaping themselves, and Zionist his-' interesting report on his trip abroad, urged to attend. a very descriptive talk of an and children whose ancestral line merges with special indulgences and usually went on a iulli shared by all the communities. One tory is certain to be made when thej tincluding h e U f ei n Palestine. Misses Betty day's excursion in the fields as a respite from!1 day while it was being taken from the delegates foregather. In the meantime j our own, are in stark misery and need. They Current Topics every American Jew should read Felix) Fellman and Esther Stein rendered the victims of circumstances—suffering, even dv-i their long, tedious lessons. Around this back-, German to the Italian synagogue for 1 "Each person in the United States musical selections and Master in divine service, it was seized by Frankfurter's article: "The Palestine! s^evr* Justin ing, because they want to work, but cannot. Star ground grew up jthe trtfe "Scholars' Festival," a use contributes from $96 to $114 yearly Situation Restated," reprinted f r o m ! Pnesman gave several vocal a riotous band of students, who would to fatten the bankroll of racketeers. tistics reveal that the number of Jewish destitute holiday celebrated by the Jews alone of all peo-not restore it before they were paid "Foreign Affairs" of this month. It, s o l o s is a vivid and statesmanlike utterance.1 M r s - J u l i u s St ein and Mrs. Sam This money, if diverted from predais increasing alarmingly. But statistics, however, ples. The Jews have become noted for their schol- an immense ransom!" Cohen were elected as delegates to tory criminals to legitimate business acute they may be, but dull the dark drama of arliness and intelligence. Judaism is a philosophy the Northwestern regional conference channels, might have prevented the pain and misery—they cannot give a true insight of learning and knowledge. No one can truly com- Justice Brandeis several years ago "There is no easy road, no magic for- to be held in St. Joseph, Mo., Maybusiness depression." into the enormity of heart-rendering despair, prehend and appreciate our faith without careful, told the story of the city in Eastern! mula," says the Harvard law profes-i 1 8 d 9 Rev. Frederick W. Clayton, rector E b l d during d i the th fight-! fih sor and author, author "for the achievement J Europe beleaguered ^ ] -. study. broken morale, desperation for crumbs, either act- devoted of All Saints' Episcopal church, quot„.. . i fc , ^ j i n S between the Russian troops and' of that co-operation upon which de-| T«e closing meefang of the season ed these statements from a report of ual1 or spiritual. This geniUS of OUT people h a s always expressed \ h e G e r m a n s . A t S n k k o t h t h e same | pend the peace of Palestine and its! ™u *« S™en »n the form of a lunch- the New York state crime commission It is primarily for these kinsmen of ours that itself i n t h e writing and t h e love Of books. And jtJewish community were in despair,' more shining significance for all the!eon » followed by canls, at the J. C. C. (Continued on page 6.) we are launching the approaching campaign in so, very appropriately, t h e modern L a g B'Omer for it was evident no Ethrogin would* | world. The quiescence of agitation, j Wednesday, May 27. Omaha for $42,150. Twenty-nine beneficiary h a s been made t h e Occasion for t h e fourth annual b * available. But one courageous j the better education of all classes, inDaughters of Zion y
Telling It
y s linesl C agencies, local, national, international, are to re-Jewish Book Week, May 3 to 9. No better time! ^ * ! \P*? e t r a ? e d . t h e . fnem C nonUCC The Daughters of Zion announces *' , j and emphasis on thee common ° one night,, and returned with citrons interests ceive the funds to be raised. Last year we proved jcould be selected to revive a nation's latent liter- which he had almost miraculously! of all sections of the population will the following collections marie for the f ll present ti f h l tInto i ill j Jewish National Fund by the collecdifficulties. thej that Omaha's unexcelled reputation for pliilan-! ary spirit and stimulate interest in books of Jew- been able to secure in a town beyond. resolve thropy was not misplaced, by oversubscribing a| ish significance. The Jews are the people of the The community was beside itself with whole texture of Palestine* life there tion committee, of which Mrs. N. Levmust enter unflagging realization inson is chairman, assisted by Mrs. L. quota in excess of this year's goal. We seek $42,- Book and their Torah is the peerless achievement admiration and delight. that Arab cannot dominate Jew, nor 150—an insignificant sum in comparison with the in world literature, representing the best in poeJ. Lieb donated a tree in memJew Arab, and that onlyy in a fellow-[ { told, "and it will be yours." magnanimous, marvelous work it will accomplish, try, prose and literature. It still serves as a pat- was "I wish no reward,"' replied the ship of reciprocal rights and recipro-j ory of her father, Mr. David BergLess than four dollars per Jewish person in the tern for all mankind—inspiring and educational, young- hero, "other than the knowl- cal duties can be realized the distinc- man; Mrs. Leah Wine donated for six community. This quota is not composed of "hit-1 As people of the book and as scholars we should edge that the privilege has been tive values to civilization of Jew and trees for "Pala Zion Valde." or-miss" figures, but the sum actually needed to I cherish and" foster a greater respect for Jewish granted to me .to perform this Mitz- Arab. When the Mandatory — and Collections were taken from Jewish more particularly its administration in j National fund boxes from the foliowcarry on. Though more worthy agencies liave j books. We should inculcate in our children a taste vah!" — abandons the negative tng: Mrs. M- Seiner, Mrs. Kreissel-. been added, nevertheless the quota has been re-! for books of Jewish interest and make certain Hasidic tales flow freely if once a Palestine role of umpire and assumes the crea- man, Mrs. S. Feldman, Mrs. J. Abram- J duced. The committee has closely scrutinized the that our historic role be continued for the future, j speaker releases the torrent. Scarce- tive tasks of the mandate its prob- son and Mrs. Leah Wine. Mrs. A. Hirsch collected from the administration and opration expenses and has exly an address passes in which I do not lems will be immeasurably simplified synagogue a t 20th and Clark streets The two obligations it has undertaken now narrata at least one ancedote ercised the greatest possible economy without I 1 for the National Fund. —securing the establishment of a Jewfrom Hasidic lore. Mr. Oscar Leoncausing a deterioration of service . ish National Home and safeguarding ard of Washington, D. C , on a reChairmen announced for the beneLast year the amalgamated drive by the cent visit to the capitol, told me the the rights of the non-Jewish com- fit picture of Palestine and concert Philanthropies passed the acid test and met with munities—will be revealed not only as unmitigated approval. The unity, not the divisreconcilable but in essence comple- combined to be offered by the Daugh1 | The Hasidim were walking OP TUT? mentary. The fulfilment of these in- ters of Zion at the J. C. C. auditorium j iveness, of our Jewish community was the basic i their Zaddik when the latter gave a ternational obligations will then rank j on Sunday, May 31, are Mesdamesf The infIuence;Of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise has [ deep and long sigh. cornerstone upon which the Philanthropies has th been built. Through it we work together unsel- been considered sufficient, t<f have his tirades; "Why is the-Rabbi sighing?" asksd among the fairest achievements of «' H l l l l i f • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U ' S Hasid of another. British empire, and the nations of the J • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J ! fishly for all the needy, eliminating the disastrous against the civic evils of New York answered by jone"Perhaps, with his remarkable pow- world will call hsr blessed." competition which created religious and class dis-, large paid ads in the daily newspapers. When a ers of sight, he has seen as far as THE ORIGINAL tinctions. And this unified campaign is a wel- clergyman will take the practice of his religion; that distant city and a house may be come relief from the multiplicity of drives to beyond the portals of his church dooi*s we can do' on fire." which we had been subjected in the past- I n _! no other than commend him. Why should minis- J " B a th o w d° y°uk n o w t h a t a no^se stead, our mammoth effort is quick, inexpensive, '' ters confine their activity to academic circles if! m a y b e o n fire?" i n q u i r e d t h e o r i g questioner. concentrated, effective. The haphazard records there is a moral issue to defend within their }inal"Well," replied the second Hasid, IS NOW SELLING Council of Jewish Women of receipts and expenditures have been displaced midst ? Who other than the men of the church or j "whether or not it is on fire, you must The April mesting of the Council of by an economic, certain audit of accounts without synagogue should show the way to moral better- admit that our Rabbi has remarkable Jewish Women was held Monday at" Regular powers of sight." loss. The individual contributor is also helped. ment? the Jewish Community Center. j 10c Loaves for Instead of a constant doling out of sums, one conr We like Rabbi Wise's words to his fellow | At a meeting of the Moslem Broth- Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president, tribution suffices, a contribution for a total which Jews when at the Free Synagogue recently he erhood in New York, at which Mr. who returned from the Mid-West conor delivered to any part gave her report. Mrs. Arnis not exorbitantly but scientifically worked out. urged them to take part of the responsibility in Syud Hossain presided, I had occasion ference stein was elected to the nominating of the city—per loaf This budget also assures us that no' popularized the municipal house-cleaning now under way: "I to speak upon the relationships be- committee to name the next president tween Islam and Israel. I recounted charity is to capitalize on that popularity to the love this city and! because I love it I loathe its of the Mid-West convention. At the 1608 N. 24th Street the well-known story of the Shadchan, meeting Mrs. Arnstein read a paper Tel.: AT. 1608 detriment of a more deserving but less publicized shame. I do not want Jews to gain high offices, who when be had the peasant's con- written by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, organization. Our leaders, too, derive great bene- bu^t l;do want them to lift this city up from the sent to his son's marriage to the chairman of the Education departfit from a concentrated driv.e. They are called to mire of its corruption." Czar's daughter, remarked: "Now that ment, entitled "Successes in Large duty only once a year and so can devote more To the Gentile woi-ld Rabbi Wise is known as- I have your consent, all that I need Sections since last Conference." time, thought, and effort, serving on one gigan- the spokesman of the Jews. Many Jews deny the is the consent of the Czar and his Miss Meta Lassen of Copenhagen, Mr. Hossain carried the tic project instead of receiving requests to solicit truth of this but the non-Jewish world cannot be daughter." tale to a further application, saying: Denmark, spoke on art. Miss Lassen for innumerable small campaigns. All of these otherwise convinced. We are satisfied that it "The difficulty with the Arab-Jewish stated that "art means joy, fulfilment and inspiration, art has to have a livfactors combined make for an all-embracive, com- should be so for we think that Rabbi Wise, cour- situation is that there have been pro- ing power to last, some think that plete, and constructive social service program for ageous liberal that he is, can only reflect glory fessional matchmakers in the situa- technique is all, but that alone cantion, with ulterior motives of their our Jewish community. \ upon his people.-~Jewish Transcript. own." Mr .Hossain reiterated the not satisfy." Miss Lassen was highly Thus far the enthusiasm of the workers has friendliness which enlightened Mos- in favor of the development of Jewish even surpassed that of last year's sensational camlems feel for the Zionist cause, and art and urged the Council to support HEBREW CALENDAR paign. They are accomplishing the miracle of his words received hearty applause a Jewish art exhibit as soon as the from the audience. Prof. Felix Valyi. occasion arises. 5691 1931 making a jolly affair out of these annual drives, Marguerite Brown of the Oma—Tuesday, May 5ia distinguished European publicist, haMiss the occasion of singing get-togethers which ce- Lag b'Omer_ Art Institute spoke on the "He—Sunday, May 17elaborated on the same theme, and brew Spirit in Painting and Art." In ment friendships and instill the spirit of fellow- Rosh Chodesh Sivaa. took occasion to mention that in —Friday, May 22also ship. All of the tried campaigners of last year are 1st Day Shabuoth 1932, the 300th anniversary of Bene- her talk Miss Brown named a numIn One -Tuesday, June 16 dict Spinoza's birth will occur. He ber of leading Jewish artists and deagain in the ranks, but additional workers areRosh Chddesh Tammuz_ scribed the work they are doing. Great Group -Thursday, July 2( expressed the hope that Jewish comwelcome and desired and needed^—to glorify an Fast of Tammuz Mr. W. L. Holzman gave a short Ages at -Wednesday, July 15 j munities would officially participate talk on the coming Philanthropies ideal. For, this year a monumental task faces the Rosh Chodesh Ab 6 to 14 -Thursday, July 2 3 j in the celebration. I reminded him of drive. The council increased their _£. Years army of workers—a challenge to the spirituality Fast of Ab tha American branch of the Societas Rosh Chodesh Ellul ..Friday, August 14 Spinozana, of which Mr. Adolph S* pledge 50 per cent over that given Consisting of sturdy standard materials— of the Jewish people in this community. The task Tweeds, Cashmeres and Cheviots. Tans, Rosh Hashonah last year. -Saturday, September 12 which confronts us is a severe one^—it is one thing Browns, Grays, Blues. Fancy mixtures. Oko is.the leader and also told him - A nominating committee consisting Monday, September 21 of -commemorations in 1927 of the Wonderful values. to give generously for philanthropy out of burst- Yom Kippur —. of Mrs. Frederick Cohn, chairman, 1st Day Succoth _. -Saturday, September 26 250th anniversary of Spinoza's death. Mrs. Dolly Elgutter, Mrs. Albert Newing smT?luses,. but genuine philanthropy is the .Saturday, October 3 In that year I had occasion to speak man, Mrs. Ben Glazer and Mrs. A. H. generous giving when incomes are not so phe-Shemini Atzereth ^ -Sunday, October 4 on Spinoza at a Methodist university, Brodkey were named to nominate the nomenal. We are going into the battle buoyed up Simchath Torah the College of the Pacific, in Stockby determination to oversubscribe. We cannot Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan _,___Monday, October 12 ton, Calif., at a commemorative event, two new directors for the coming fail—we cannot falter. Because if we do, weRosh Chodesh Kislev -Wednesday, November 11 arranged by a non-Methodist member year. In One The last meeting of the Current .Saturday, December 5 of the Department of Philosophy. Topics don't suffer—it is the needy who pay. In this 1st Day Chanukah Course will be held Tuesday Great Group riday, December 11 1932 will also be the centenary year morning at the Jewish Community Agea coming campaign we are not teaching people to be Rosh Chodesh Tebeth of Goethe's death, the two hundredth 9 to 18 Fast of Tebth _ at ..Sunday, December 20 Center. Dr. Frederick Clayton's subsorry for themselves but to be sorry for the other Years anniversary of the birth of George ject will be announced later in the fellows. We cannot be a party to the lowering of Washington and I may add, the 90th daily papers. ^ THE JEWISH POOR "this group of Boys' 2-Long Pants Suits anniversary year of Congregation the standards of Jewish life; we cannot abandon consists of all-wool long wearing Tweeds in Rodeph Sholom, New York. "The Kingdom of God—the Rabbis held—is the fight against deterioration of health, the batvarious colorings . . . Grays, Tans, Browns, Jewish Women's Welfare Blues, Mixtures. tle against tuberculosis, the rehabilitation of ourinconsistent with a state of social misery. They Federation Israel Brodie, chairman of the ecounfortunate"brethren. No one was ever the poorer were not satisfied with feeding the poor. Their nomic committee of the Z. O. A. A regular meeting of the Jewish The Nebraska Does Hot Quote Comparative Prices INCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED NO COMPARATIVE PRICES for too much giving. Figure out now the maxi- great ideal was not to allow a man to be poor, not makes the most eloquent and inspiring Women's Welfare Federation will be mum you can donate—not according to your cir- to allow him to come down into the depths of Zionist' address today. I t deals al- held a t the J. C. C. Tuesday, May 5, Boys' Own Store—Ttarth Floor cumstances as they are or were, but instead as poverty. They say, 'Try to prevent it by teaching most entirely with the economic and at 2:30 p. m. A very important discussion is to be held. A report will compared with the circumstances of the vast num- him a trade. Try all methods before you permit industrial possibilities of Palestine, be given by the chairmen of all combut it is "poetry in action." Whenber of Jewish destitute who need your help. But, him to become an object of charity, which must ( ever I hear Mr. Brodie describe the mittees. - above all, dp y o u r share to, raise that $42,150— degrade him, tender as yojir; dealings'with him!j growth of Palestinian industries, the A talk •will be given by Mr. Abe almost certain success of. the Dead Saltzman on "What the Community our honor, our prestige, our standing in the eyes] may be'". : Correct Appnrel tor lien and Womea — 1 r | _ ; I ^ S , Schechter, 1893. Sea p r ^ W , the expansion of citricul- Center Means to Me." <rf the Jewish world are at stake. . 3 : . • i• • I !
From Contemporary Pens
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fAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY'l, 1931 the Highland Country Club dances the 1 man and Archie Jacobs, both members ville room of the Knights of Columbus club. -.-..•• entire summer season. of the Grad Clab. The ; first affair'will be held the Next Sunday, May , 3 , the. annual . Among those taking part in a play, latter part of May"." Prom Day of Zeta Beta Tau, ihejjar- "The Queers Birthday,'^j?art ol the ents are to Be entertained x t a <Enn2r entertamment_ weie Frances .BloomJeanette^ Polonsky, ^Etheline Yio bfe given .aijthe fraternity, house, "i'l PI L.4,M SUPPER UANCE ; kV^:>K4 Tf'hyllis "Berkowiti. : Unique' plans are being carried out Mrs. Max flolzman -was in charge of to make the formal sapper-dance "JO £ SCHOOL the properties-of the play. • the Creighton chapter-of Pi ; Arnong the/: girls : racesynig ~" A-l Usherswere Sylvia Shafer, Jean Phi, national social .. fraternity;"-the grades i a posture, a t , Omaha.. TechniKoha, Barbara Be3rman and Betty outstanding social %vent in the Jiistoiy { cal "High school during health^ we^k of the "fraternity.—-The-affeir"is.being;:' were "-Esther-^ ~Hoseabergi anil -Alice Kulakofsfcjv - Mrs., Hj-man Greeoberjj is leader-of Troop 2 of the Jewish heH-tontglit-at the University- cJotr— Community Center . . . Surprise favors -and -cppiea of the "Chi-Bophj" chapter publication; -will Central High School named its PIANO RECITALS •ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Missouri, is guest of her parents, Mr, be distributed to the guests. The honor pupils last Thursday • Mrs. A. Berkowitz of Sioux City an- and Mrs. Dave Wells. Yale Trustin and Sarah Gilinsky ' committee in "charge include^ Prank at the Orpheum, ami 38 names were nounces the engagement of "her daughware "among the pupils of Mr. and Lipp, chairman; Earl -Hoss, , Milton added to the rolls of the Beta chapter ter, Mary, to Mr. Louis Riklin, son _Miss Fannie Greenstone of Denver, Yudslspn, Morris Steinbsrg and Wil- of the National-Honor society. Schol- Mrs. August IS.. Borglum who took of Mr. and Mrs. A. Riklin of this city. Colorado, is the guest of her sister liam Woolfson. Harold Xendis and arship, character, leadership and ser- part in the recital presented a t the SchTTtollef and Mueller auditorium on Miss Berkowitz is a graduate of and irother-in-lawC Mr. and Mrs. Edhis CreightonianswOl, play. vice are the basis of selection. last Thursday. Central High School of Sioux City. ward Newman. William Freiden, Rose Steinberg, Mr, and Mrs. Cscil Bjerryman preMr. Riklin is a graduate of Creighton PHI BETA EPSILON Rebecca Kirshenbaum, Irving Chuda- sented, a group of, students at the university, having received a degree AT THE SPRINGS Abe Fellman was elected to head coff, Harry Rosenstein and Jack Ep- same auditorium last Tues<ia\\ of Bachelor, of Science and of pharMrs. Archie Jacobs left Saturday the Phi Beta Epsilon Creighton so- stein were among the students receivAmong those taking part were maceutical chemist. for. a ten-day stay at Excelsior cial fraternity, for the coming year- ing this high honor. Genevisve Stein, Lois Cohn, Shirley No date has been set for the wed- Springs, Missouri. Other officers are Leo Fellman, viceEpstein, Isabelle Katslman, Abraham ding. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg left president; Julius Bisno, secretary, and GIRL SCOUTS Dausky, Naomi Gross, Milton Robinlast* Friday by motor to spend two Morris Stalmaster, treasurer. son and Bluma Neveloff. RETURN FROM HONEYMOON More than 140 Girl Scouts of Disweeks at the Springs. On the program of the recital of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brodkey trict No. 3 attended their district Miss Benrice Yousem ZETA BETA T A « INITIATION have returned from their honeymoon PERSONALS of awards Thursday -evening in Se- Harry Btayiroff and Frank Mach preMiss Bernice Yousem will speak for Ten pledges became active members and have moved into their apartment Mrs. Esther Shapiro Brandt, who the daughters at the community-wide of the Lincoln chapter of Zeta-Beta in the Austin. Mrs. Brodkey .was has spent the past 10 days in New Mother and Daughter dinner which Tau fraternity at the annual initiaMiss Sylvia Adler before her marYork City, is expected home early this given under the auspices of tion, of the group. Those initiated are riage. the Jewish Women's Welfare Federaweek. Edwin Brodksy, Morris Pepper, Ed tion at the J. C. C. this Sunday evewin N. Sommer, and Robert Singer of WILL RESIDE IN SOUTH Mrs. William Bushman and son re- ning, May 3, at 6 p. m. Omaha; Willard Davidson, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner, who Mrs. Abe Greenberg will speak for Harold Speier, Sioux Falls, R. D.; El-j wera married "in early spring, are now. turned home last Saturday after SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM the mothers. mer Share, Columbus, Nebr.; Robert at home in Bainbridge, Georgia. Mrs. spending several weeks in Kansas City An interesting program has been Washerman, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Leo' Turner was Miss Ruth Kaplan of this visiting Mrs. Bushman's parents. arranged by Mrs. Herman Jahr. Spadowsky, Norfolk, Nebr., and Sid- ( city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam1 The invocation will be given by ney Ziffren, Rock Island, 11L The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonoff are Kaplan. now living at the Austin apartments Mrs. Louis Neveloff, president of the initiation was followed by a banquet Jewish Woman's Welfare Organiza- at ths Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln, at at 38th and Davenport. FAREWELL PARTIES tion. A feature will be the Sokol which honor guests were Mannie IseMiss Ruth Smutsky, who departed Marienette «nsemble, presenting "The Among those taking part in the last Friday with her father, Joseph'. Water Goblin" and "Punchinello.' Smutsky, and brother, Louis, for] Herzberg spring frolic held at the Miss Thelma Gasper will give a violin Knights of Columbus granada ballCleveland, Ohio, where they will make solo, which will be followed by comYour Parties are their home, was honor guest at sev- Toom last Thursday night were Miss munity singing. The benediction will Pearl Cohen, Harry Giller, Bennie eral farewell parties last week. individually distinctive be given by Mrs. Frederick Coin. On Monday Miss Mildred Falk en- Stein and Max Cohen. when given at Mrs. Nate Mantel will be toastmis- II tertained eight guests at dinner at II Mr. Lee Dover of New York, na- tress. Mrs. Jack Alberts is chairman home, and on 'Tuesday Miss'Rose Meyer had a small dinner party "at tional secretary of the-Zeta Beta Tau { for the affair, assisted by Mrs. J. M. I I Peacock inn; Wednesday Miss Goldie fraternity, was the guest of the Lin-! Malashock, Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. Omaha's Newest and Sidman entertained- 12 guests at coin chapter of the- fraternity last; B. A. Simon and Miss Blanche ZimLargest Hotel bridge; Thursday Miss Bess Swartz week-end. A stag and banquet was man. given in his honor at the Corhhusker Exclusive but was hostess at a bridge and farewell not expensive shower for 16 guests, and on Friday Hotel. Jean Richards, Rosalie Alberts and Miss Sarah Levine had 16 guests at Betty Jean Jacobson were members of No extra charge for Bridge Miss Fannie Myers, principal of the cast of "Heidi," which was prea party at her home. arrangements following Mason school, was elected president of sented by the Community Playhouse luncheon the Elementary School Principals' club j Children's theater. BERTHS . Luncheons .85 and $1.00 Mr. and Mrs; Nathan J. Horwich at a dinner-meeting Thursday evening.! with the season's at the Blackstone. She succeeds Mrs. • TO PLAY AT HIGHLAND announce the birth-of a sos, Justin, . Choicest selections April 17, at the Methodist hospital. Alice Peterson, of Dundee school. Harold Kendis and his Creighton- If Mrs. Horwich was formerly Miss ians have been engaged to play for Miss Rose Brandeis played a piano Esther Davidson.
For Daughters
sented last Wednesday were Kos» Goldstein, Betty Fellman, Dora Dolgoff, Rebecca Kirschenbaum, Elinor Cohen, Elaine Kaiman, Ruth Bloch, Beaiah-Kay, Theodore Kowalski, Mil* (Continued on Pagp 4.) -
Ask Your Paperhang:er for SHRIKK'S 1931 Wallpaper Sample Books i SHK1KK TAINT AN 13 ! WAU.PAPEK COMPANY f |24th_nnd Hamilton St.—WE._42u|
—Malashock's FOR YOUR
Jewelry Needs 16th and Howard
".' Mr. andJUrs. William O. Wiseman ent-Tea'cher AJssociatfOT*'meeting* of •announce the birth of a daughter on Adams school last Friday evening. 'Sunday, April 26. Miss Adelle Epstein : has left to ! iVISITORS - , make her home in New York. City. i Mr. Harry Rubinstein of Denver i s Mr. Albert Shrier of the Shrier jrtopping over in Omaha"this week-end Paint and Wall Paper Company win, 'while on a debating trip for the Denreturn today from a buying trip to ver university. He is the guest of Chicago. Mr. Hyman Shrier. Mrs. Joseph R. Lazarus and daughter, Charlotte of Pampa, Texas, arrived last Sunday from Des Moines, Where they have'been visiting for the past three weeks. They are visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs.-H. .Lazarus. - Mrs. Lazarus was accompanied here 'by her mother, Mrs. Anna Fenberg, ind sister-in-lawi Mrs. Louis Fenberg, both of: Des Moines. They plan to ' rtay here until Sunday. Many affairs Me being given in their honor.
Miss Rose Gladstone is convalescing at her home^ Harinan Goldstein has been appointed one of the councillors at Camp Indianola, Madison, Wis., and ,vratt spend the summer there with a nnnfber of boys from Omaha and the snrroundingrterritory.
AT THE FONTENELLE " Among those at the Fontenelle' per dance last Saturday evening were Mr. and-Mrs. J. L. Newman,; Mr. antf , Among the spring visitors are Mrs. Mrs. Max Holzman, Mr. and Mrs. MelGeorge Kahn and children, Esther, vin Levin and Mr. arid Mrs. Stanley Joy and Louis, who arrived from Chi- Levin. cago Sunday -to .visit Mrs. Kolrn's mother-in-law and father-in-law, Mr. TAKE PARTS IN PLAYHOUSE and Mrs. S. Kahn, for about two PRODUCTION Barbara Jean Goldman, Barbara months. , Mr. and Mrs. George Kahn formerly resided in Omaha. Before her marriage Miss Kahn was Miss Ida Segal!. Mr. and MrSi D. Nefsky of Lincoln motored to Omaha Sunday. Mr. L. Melchior of Milwaukee, formerly of Omaha, visited here for a lew days last week. -Al Rosen of Minneapolis, Minnelota, visited in Omaha for a few days last week.
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Showing Now The Newest
Miss Lottie Hellerstein of Denver, Colo., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx of Lincoln, Nebraska, parents of her fiance, Mr. J.lay Marx. Mrs. Bernard Bloch of Kansas City,
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PAGE 4—THB JEWISH ERESS^ FRIDAY, MAY 1, 19$* He -will siar in a dual W& Day.Surprise," under the direction of i In Concert . . , . KabSi Victor Eppstem of Temopera to be presented in Cincinnati, Mrs. Max Fromkin.- The cast includes, ple Beth Israel of Havana bitterljr David Lazarus, Omaha.youth who M » y 2 6 ; -••••-:•-'•••;•'• - " Annette Bender, Helen Adler, Herbert assails Rabbi Fram's report.. : '.. statis now studying at' the*' Cincinnati Kaplan, Tobye Steinberg, Edith Doling that thousands are suffering from conservatory, recently sang the roles goff and Lee Shames. Ida Gitlin will starvation and poverty . . , ', Rabbi of "Hermann" and "Schimil" in "Tales Words are men's daughters,; but render -vocal selections and a style Epstein perhaps lacks sufficient opof Hoffman," presented by the Cin- God's sons are things. —Ma^leh. revue will be presented under the di- 0 timism . . . . which reminds us of a cinnati Grand Opera company. rection of Rose Bosfenstein. story concerning a local* couple . . . . . T h e affair is-jop^ii to all Jewish "Wifie" arrived home from a shopmothers and daughters. Refreshments ( ping trip several hours later than will conclude the/jfrograrn. usual . . . . "Did you think I was, lost "dear," she asked her iratei hubby. . . . "No," he snapped, "I never was an This Evening T Sabbath Services optomist." ; . v . "The Reform Movement in JudCandle lighting time, Friday, May I " U n e m p l o y m e n t Discrimination Good'news from Sam Gerson, execuaism" will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's —6:33i Against the Jew" i s the subject in the tive director of the Philanthropies topic at tonight's services at the TemFriday evening services—8 p. no. By Henry Magzamin International T2ssay\ Contest . . . : .- . . . 1,600 new prospects added to e sponsored by'the A* Z. A. . . . . w e Saturday morning—8:30 a. m. Hard luck again came' the Psi Mu' ** * the list of present donors . . . . t h e compliment the A. Z. A. heads who ball club's way last Sunday when they campaign quite the largest and most chose this subject . . . . it is the real engaged the fast Standard Car LoadTomorrow Morning significant task before Omaha Jewry Services Tonight menace of America .and quite interesting team. The Standard boys landed . . . . success of the drive depends] His subject for Saturday morning Rabbi Goldstein will speak on ing . . . . the book "Christians Only" on the offerings of Babich in''the .very greatly on the number who will'volrevealed sufficient information in ?What Is Orthodox Judaism and Who first inning, but the frat boys re- is "Justice and ..Equality." unteer their services . . . . 250 workr ers, the "cream" of Omaha's Jewry j convincing us that a serious problem Is Orthodox?" at the services this turned the compliment when Aaron Ask evening. This is the first of a series Epstein smacked as sweet''a double Kaddish . . . . are prepared to demonstrate confronts American Jewry Harry Lapidus to relate the storyof'; • their confidence in the "milk of huKaddish will be recited this Sabof three'sermons on parties in Jud- as one could which with the bases loaded. The frat boys ' gained an- bath for Alexander Pollack, Aaron man kindness" .- . . . A "stag" and the young Jewish fellow who sought aism. smoker is scheduled for Tuesday, eve- { to lease an apartment restricting other ran by a beautiful squeeze play \ Herzberg, Henry Miller and Eugene ning at the Center . . . . an all-star 1 j e w s . . . . it is very apropos to the. pulled by Hawk Epstein. With a 5 . . . "Next Week ' vaudeville program which will include j above discussion.. . . . If your child toi3 iead everythfiig looked rosy for L l v i n S s t o n - (notcap. RabBi Goldstein will discuss the the frat:boys until Babich balked, giyGeorgie Price, headliner of the R. K.j ^ O. Orpheum Theater and other acts ital) of the Jewish world (the capital "Reior^n! tMbyemehi i n Judaism;' ilfej ~ :xn^; Ihfe; ^Loiding team an unearned bich in the fourth inning looked • from the current bill of local theaters, of the world is in Wall Street) . . . . Successes ami • - runj liBabicn had one bad inning i and mighty sweet and with a little warm Quick—Clean - Economical . . . . and some popular local talentl your answer shouldjbe, Tel Aviv cost the frat boys the weather should be right in the money. The frat boys played a 100 per cent also . . . . refreshments will follow thej an article describing the city as a game. program . . . . don't miss it:. ;"'. ifj tourist attraction appears in the cur- Iipsejr, president; Shirley Barish, Sel-^ ' Porry Lohrman who received Ba- better basabail than they did last Why coddle an old-fashma Berkowitz, Dorothy Freidel, Minweek. will be the treat of the season . . . toned stove when it is so ' Goodman Meyerson; Harry Dta-orsky "SmiKng 15am" Josephson the "play- da Freidman, Dorothy Kay, Cyril Leon, Henrietta Myers, Ruth Romm, ful" proprietor of the Hill Hotel . . . . easy to own a modern elecand Dr. Morris Margolin are waxing Epstein, Franklin and Pollack have CAltn SIGNS MKTAL SlfiNh enthusiastic . . . . . expressing bright agreed to pay for a luncheon provid- Bea Roseman, Bernice Sessel, Romona reacned the quarter finals of the PKOUKKK—STBNCII.KII SIISN'H tric range? prospects foe an increase in the quota j ing that twenty-five or more of the Slosburg, Edith Whitebook and BernCreighton University handball chamice Yousem. workers who volunteered to collect of the South Side division . . . . more| pionship matches. Hawk Epstein is Banners Electric cooking will bring Cloth and Paper AND power to you boys! . . . . Harry Wolf previous Philanthropies pledges would still the favorite, but was hard pressed I.KTTKKINIJ attend the meeting at the Hotel Hill JUNIOR HAD ASS AH OFKICR you better cooked foods, a has an imposing list of "busy busi-! to win his last game. Franklin and J A. ,5277 Tltl'Ck ~ .ness men" under his direction . . . .' . . . . 28 appeared and "Yosselson" MOTHER DAY PROGRAM Pollack were two unforeseen players cleaner method of cooking 1405 Harney Plans have been completed for the jwho have accepted the chief respon- was forced to pay . . . . those present who have knocked over some of the and save hours of drudgery sibility of the campaign . . . . the in- "fressed like Scotchmen . . . . Joseph- Mothers' Day program of the Junior universities best men. Pollack and son also writes in to tell us of a sign' Hadassah to be given Sunday afteritial gifts subscription . . . . the pledge Franklin will bear watching as they for you. WII.UAM BRYDEN CO. of raising one-half of the entire quota which reads, "Mom ain't here but "we n o o n > May 10, at the J. C. C. have been playing heads up handball. . . . . Phil Klutznick and "we" con- got Pop on ice." A feature will be a play, "Mother's tributing our share through, the gen-j "If Jews are to be blamed for the The girls at the J. C. C. have been eral solicitation group . . . . our Majors! crucifixion of Jesus, Greeks should alplaying indoor bassball and have quite Securities Bids.—AT. 4451 638 A small down payment brings this modern cooka team. They are in a league that Mose Yousem, Joe Greenberg,] so be blamed for killing. S o c r a t e s . . . . ing method to your home. The balance can be plays their games at the center. Any Ben Steifler; Sam Eavitz, Nathan! Americans for the death of Lincoln"'1 paid in easy monthly terms. girl wishing to play should see E. M. Yaffe and Irvin Levine and their asCHARLES SIMON Two Beautiful Furnished Segal. sociates Harry Silverman, A. B. Al- . . . . a very logical statement made —ENJOY AN ELECTRIFIED HOME— by Rev. Geo. M. Stockdale in a serSingle Rooms perin, Abe Brodkey, Phineas Wintroub', The Sanitary laundry Single Rooms and Garage Chuck Slotkin, the pride of the Jew. . . . all express cheerful desire to, mon at St. James Episcopal Church 1 Tbr Kext of All laundry Srrvlee" Call WEbster 3527 ish colony, is in a bad slump. He .enter the battle for human relief. < in Boston . . . . "What church does has lost his last two fights to comAn editorial comment in the Jewish your family belong to?" . . . . thus Furnam paratively newcomers. His fight at Exponent complains that the move-! the auditorium was lost by a knockCourtesy • Service • Low Rates ment for establishing a spirit of good i inquires an old gentleman of a youngCourtesy Service out in the first round when Chuck 'will between Jews and Christian is, ster . . . . a n d the little chap replied,' stopped one with his chin. The other sometimes carried too far . . . . refers i "I don't know, but I think we are T H U L L PHARMACY loss came by way of a decision. ' -to the Jewish and Christian convicts Cafeterians" . . . . The figures of the 24 th and Seward JOB FOUNDRY . celebration of a Passover-Easter cere- • Federal Census Bureau reveal one In chars? or KreiMrrrd Pharmacist Joe Turner, former Central high AND MACH1NK WORK mony at Sing Sing prison . . . -.which' Tel. WE. 2000— Free delivery minister for every 200 communicants and Illinois university baseball star, RKINFORCIN(; STKEL was held on Easter Sunday . . . . Jewis playing with the Psi Mu of the • ish convicts formerly celebrated with of the Christian churches . . . . and represents Southern league. Joe is one sweet & , -!a Seder'. . . . we say that this matter] less than one rabbi for every 2,000 ball player when he is in shape and ought to "Passover" until next year Jewish communicants. '" ." \ ' \ "•" \ should win his share of games this . i . . . . H. Mike Chasson a former Oma-J OF NEW YORK year. Besides being a real chukker han, now a popular and successful Third Ave. and 11th Street Joe is a dandy hitter. We remember Assets of over One and One-fourth BHlion DoHars business man in Gary, Indiana . . FUR STORAGE Phones: 89 and 519 that Joe is one of the few that have Mike, who has a host of friends here COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA Remodeling and Relining broken a window in the Central high was private secretary to Eoy Towl 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703 : building by a clot from the home present Police Commissioner, who was F. N. CROXSON, Agency Manager (Continued from Page 3.) plate. a member of the City Commission, 545 Omaha National Bank Building—ATlantic 4367 during the years 1919 to 1922 .'.. Harry H. i.nt>1rius. President-"TrMin. Jj ton Saylan, Esther Stein and Jean We are wondering when Mr. Segal Here is a spectacle of two Rabbis conWise. will sponsor an all-Jewish tennis TAYLOR GRAIN CO. tradicting reports concerning existing A costume recital will be given by tournament. The boys who enjoy this 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. conditions in Cuba . . . . Rabbi Leon pupils of Edith Louise Wagoner togame have been clammering for a SUGAR — GRAIN Fram of Detroit who visited there renight at 8 p. m. at the Schmoller and tournament to yours truly. If we reSTOCKS and BONDS COMPLETE STOKE AND cently returned with glowing reports Mueller auditorium. Those taking —Private Wires— member correctly, Sam Epstein is still OFFICE OUTFITTERS JAckson 3403— AT. 2008 part include Sarah May Graetz and W* Omit*? the Center champ by virtue of winOver 3S.000 Kqiuirr Pert Josephine Rubnitz. ning a tournament held quite a long Southwest Corner time ago. Eleventh; anil U^oirlas Streets A recital by Myron Cohen, 12, son New and Old MONSKY. KATLEMAN 4 GUOIJINSKr,' Pfiorie JAcfcson 2724 of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, and Attorneys : Omaha. Ntbr. "37 Omaha National Bunk Bide. j Elinor Cohen, 10, daughter of Mr. and: NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL j Mrs. Charles Cohen, will be presented Omaha Towel Supply Co. At Reasonable Prices In the County Court of Uouglas County, by Frank Mach, violinist, and Harry Nebraska. 209 So.11th St. JA. 0528 N. C. NIELSEN In the Matter of the Estate of Soul liosBra'viroff, pianist, fat the Art Institute 1 insky, Ueceased. | U7Vi North 16th JA. 5880 Aquila. Court, on;Thursday evening, All pelsous iuterestid iu suiil estnte nre hereby notified that a petition has been May 7, starting atj 8 p . m . Betty Fellfiled in said Court, praying for the i>rubnte man is accompanist. The public has ot it certain instrument now ou file iu said ANDCourt, purporting to be the last will ;iud NATIONAL been invited to attend. testament o fsaid deceased, and that a i
• -
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"0WN; i 'WEB'
HAYRACKPARTY The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 will sponsor a hayrack party Saturday evening to start their spring soeial season. The party will start from theJ.CC. SISTERHOOD LUNCHEON "The outstanding event of the social calendar of Temple Israel Sisterhood will be the Reciprocity luncheon to the members of the sisterhoods of Sioux City* and Lincoln, to be held'at the Blackstone Hotel on Monday, May 4. Following the luncheon, a most interesting program, will be given. Mr. Bernard Szold will give a number of special readings and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs. L. Hennes will give piano selections. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Clarence Bergman, Walnut 6681. U. T. MOTHERS LUNCHEON The mmebers of the IT; T. club of Central High School will entertain their mothers at a luncheon on Saturday, May 2. Arrangements for the luncheon which will be given at the Omaha Athletic Club, are in care of the Misses Ramona Slosburg, Ruth Eomm, and Cyril Leon. Short talks will be given by Mrs. A. Romm and by Mrs. J. J. Freidman. Dorothy Freidel will read an original poem, and Evelyn Chaiken will speak in behalf of the alumnae. Members of the dab are Mildred
Okay Bran Flakes
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hearing will be h:id ou said petition before said Court ou the ISth day of May, l'J3I, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said ISth day of May, 1U31, ut U o'clock A. M. to contest the prolmte of 8nid will, tWCourt may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Sam Itosinsky or some oiher suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BKYCK CRAWFOKD. 4-24-3T Couiity Judge. IBADEXBUHG, STALMASTKK « BEBEK OSCAK T. IWKRtt rHILIP M. KLUTZMICK, Aftsrners 65« Omaha Matloaal Bank Bide. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNKBSUll' Notice is hereby given that the partnership horetofore existing betweeu lsidor Leviusou aud Unruey fcVinstein Iu the operation of the fruit department Ht the Urocery-Uns Company at 801 North loth Street, Omaha. Nebraska, has been dissolved and that the said business will be carried ou by Barney Keinstein who will be responsible for all present aud future debts of said business. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this Oth day of April, 1U31. BAItNKV FE1XSTK1N. 4-10-31—4T MONSKY. KATL£MAN * GKOD1NSKY Attorneys •337 Omaha National Bank Bide. TO BEL.TONE COKFOKATION, LTD. You are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of April, 31)31, Fred C Largeu, as plaintiff commenced au actiou Iu the Municipal Court iu and for the City of Omaha, Douglns County, Nebraska, against, you BELl'OKE CORPORATION. L l ' l ) , as defendant. Docket 2), Number 33, the object of which suit is to recover the sum of Seven Hundred and fifty ($7o0.00) Dollars, for moneys paid to you under conditions set forth in the petition filed in said action and also to recover the costs of said action. You are hereby further notified that on April 3rd, ]U31, an order ot attachment for the sum of $750.00 and also for the sum of $00.00, the probable costs of said action, was issued by the said Municipal Court in and for the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, in said action and was levied on certain property belonging to you. Xou are further notified that said action was ou April 10, 11*31. con tinned by said dourt for trial to the L'Cth day of May, 1»31, at nine1 o'clock A. M., and that you must answer the petition filed in Enid action on ot before the said iKSth day of May, 1931, at nine o'clock A. M. FRED C. LAltGKN. 4-17-31-3T Plaintiff.
favorite where economy Is of alL
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JEWIS ILANT 29 ciary eneies
combined Philantiiropies drive is systematic, quick, inexpensive, effective*
LOCAL AGENCIES— Jewish Education OW Peoples Home Social Service Committee
No DuplicatUm~.~.'No Waste No Over^financing
»A33ONAL AGENCIES— American Jewish Committee Bureau for Jewish Social Research Ex-Patienis' Tnbercnlar Home, Denver Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Hebrew Theological School of Chicago Jewish Consumptive Belief Society Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland Leo Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs National Appeals Information Service National Conference for Jewish Social Work ^National Desertion Bureau National Farm School, Doylestown, Pennsylvania National Home for Jewish Children, Denver National Jewish Hospital, Denver Training: School for Jewisn Social KnaiWfc Brxth Wider Scope— Hillel Pomtdatum—-Anti-Defamation—A. Z. A.
Every dollar we fail to raise means that some brother or sister in stark misery and despair must do without food or sustenancechildren who ask for your help, the hungry who want only the crumbs of your Bread, the naked who are to be clothed, the sick who require your healing hand—they are more than objects of charity~-~they are human they are your fellow tdnsman-^ fUey make up the Jewish People* For the time being let us have a few less taisins in our cakes, let us smoke one cigar less a day, but let us never forget our flesh and Mood, our fellow Jews,
WTERNATIONAL APPEALS— American Palestine 'Campaign Palestine Labor Campaign Hebrew University Joint Distribution Committee Jewish Telegraphic Agency Jewish National Fund People's Tool Campaign Jffizrachi
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1931 »asas^sjffliffliSfefflafflaSia8ifflffiffi*S«»aWia«s«Kaiaaas^fM«»™™»
m&. j . a BOLSIHN
(Continued from Page 2.)"
Council Bluffs News
B r P . R. K. Mi's. J . H. Bolsteinj ardent worker of the" Mount Sinai Temple and Fed-in a talk Tuesday before the current The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal-^of the A. Z.'Astield aj eration of" Jewish Social Service j died topics class of;the.Council of Jewish at M1S5 ANN A PI LU Correspondent mud Torah Society will hold a regular nesday evening^ April W o m e n . „ • • • " • ' • • ' following an operation last Thursday were 1 meeting next-Wednesday,afterncAniihome . . . . . . Thfe crime>toU:<;ac> year represents fridrhriig.^ Funeral £&ryices were fheld affair May 6th, a t t h e new synagogue, 618 made for a "Parents Day 15 to 16 per cent, of the national in the home of E. E. Baron, 2222 Nestreet/ Mrs. J . Rodin win- *hfch^vfll-be *hfch^Hlbe held Sunday,-May.; y braska street, Friday "afternoon, with" wealth, would pay Qftthree-foBtibs^of aiynster y A discussion- was also held in regard 'RabBi Theodore N. Lewis offieiating. I ;the ijational; debt, and run the? federal serve as hostess at this wearing. to paving^another "Sabbath Day" pro-ii Mrs. • Bofsteih"is ;sarvj ved J jby~thej government'from; two and one-half; to (Couniiii Bluffs Chapter No. 7 gram since/ i e ; fbc *he first program held heldJasjp Jasf three years, Dr* C\^yton said.: V ' •; * •; i" son Milton,-'i;t 'Mrs.. A. Berkowitz announce the enmonth was a great success I jSociety may combat this modern Mrs;- Harry; Bailin. of ^Atkinson,'' gagement of her daughter^ Mary, to : piracy most,effectively, "he said, not REFORM SYNAGOGUE CUTS - Two hundred women attended the' Mr. Louis Riklin, son of Mr. and Mrs.- Tlie.'three final committees for the braska; two sister, MrSrE. E. Baron, Mrs. M. Marcus, who underwent an PRAYER ABOUT ZIOX annual linen shower and luncheon A. Riklin of Omaha, Nebraska. Miss, Building Fund Carnival have given by the Senior Hadassah Tues- Berkowitz is a graduate of Central | selected,, arid are now at work, week,, is now convalescing at her home ments but rather through "prevent-i day afternoon in the Jewish Com- High school. Mr. Riklin Is a graduate preparatory to the great event schedaV enule. ing criminals from breeding crim-1 London. <J/r.A.>~By a vote of 68 a tG 0 1 munity Center. of Crttighton. university,, where he re-J i j f M 11" ' inals," wholesome training of yuuth to 15, the board of tfurteea of the ^TJgS-^u K^ed J Sisterhood Meeting Mrs. W. P. Witschner of Kansas' ceivexl ceiv«»d degrees of bachelor of science and sending a multiUide of petty West London Reform Synagogue at j Harold Saks, junior at the UniCity, gave a stirring address, telling and pharmaceutical chemist, Mrs. ' Sam Mosow and Mrs. A. I.J Postponed 2 Weeks criminals to clinics rather than jafls. their annual meeting approved the ver ^j t y o f iOwa, was recently elected S l i f a prayer ffrom tthe h S g Sacks, co-chairman. They wilL be as-] Selection of Synag? a g a m e m b e r of the Delta Sigma Rh ; of the work of the Hadassah in PalesMembers of the lyre Club held a sisted ed by Mesdames Sam Shulkin, Ike1 ' Tte regular monthly maeting of the, ogue's prayer book that refers to fraternity, which is an honorary for- tine and pleading for. the support of Labor-Lyceum Celebration ine,k J. Harkoway,'EL.JBarish and Mount Sinai Sisterhood which was ., _.., ithe,various activities of the organi- stag party in the Hotel Martin Mon- Levine The public has been invited to a Zion. The prayer in question wasmsic f ra t e rnity. He was also chosen zation. She emphasized the good the day evening, H. Wigodsky. Messrs. H. Miller, Wil- scheduled for toda^r, has been post- celeWation to be held at the Labor "May it please Thee to look favor- to represent the University of Iowa at milk fund is doing and urged the! liam Galinsky, A. I. Schwartz, B. H. poned, out of respect ,ti> the memory ably upon Zion; build Thou the walls. a n ora torical contest to be held at" I Mrs. Henry ,Roder, who has been Shiloff, Sam Cohen, iiottis* Satin, of" Mrs.. Bolstein^ flnih jFriday, May "Lyceum, 22nd and ' Clark,, tonight. I of Jerusalem." w.omen to support this project. Madison. Wis., next week. He is the Mrs. William Lazere, president of making an extended visit with friends jfax Merlin and'Sam-KTbloff, will al- -lo1. The meeting ifrifl, be held in the May 1, at 8:30. There will be a masison of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Saks. <al program and' refreshments. Ad. the Hadassah, presided. Mrs. Theo- in the,city, has departed for Kansas, s o v^rk y^i tm*s group., . ] afternoon. Mrs. C f L Hoyt will pre;» : - ;-..;CAROL'S JEWISH dore ,N. Lewis gave the invocation. | City, where she will meet Mr, Roder.J jfrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. J; H. Green- sent"'several book reviews for the pro- mission is free. Agudas Achim society held an -. The affair is being given by Branch u PARAMOUR RETURNS open meeting i v ; A program was presented by Miss. From Kansas City Mr and Mrs. Roderi( j ^ r g ^re co-chairmen of? the Raffle gram,. • , .Thuralay. evening, at', S 1.73 of Workmen's Cirele, 158 Wptk1< i Delia Shiloff, Miss Dena Baron, Miss will go to Los Angeles, where they' committee. Their assistants * incfude " *' " -—— the Eagles HalJ. Dr. Matthew A. TinSouth, Orhaha •Frances Emlein and Miss Bertha plan to make their home. | Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs: M. A. Marks K e C C p t l O n a t j'MOUnt Bucharest:—The red-headed Mme. | e yw a s principal speaker and honored Heshelow. • ! Mrs/ Sam Cohen, Mrs. Joe Kutcner, Sinai *QIl MaV 15 Mafda LUJrtscu, the Jew?h paramour g u e , t A ngVL\^T meeting of this orMiddle-west District ComMrs. Sam Sudow of Aberdeen, S.j Mrs.-Ernest Fribourg is visiting Mrs. Abe PiU, Miss Eva Maron, Miss " ___l_il: • j «f King Carol of Roumania, is once ganization.will be held next Thursday D, and president of the Hadassah of, friends in Chicago, JBess Lipshu\z, Miss Bluma Merlin.' R a f c b j a n d M r s T b e o d o r e N > I ^ I mittee. more in the limelight as a result of e v e n 5 n g t M a y 7 t h j at the Eagles Hall that city, told of the work her chapI Miss Elizabeth Passman. ._;« tender •. J a receptitfh ^^- to ^- members — -i_i :•of .*> the new political developments in a t g will Hadassah Cultural , Mrs. S. Weisberg of Minneapolis ister was doing. Mrs. Barney Baron Roumania. Mine.- Lupescu, for whom The Cafeteria during the evenmg ^ day evet h eT e m p l e C o n g r e t i o n > F r i visiting at the home of her son-in law also spoke briefly.; The Hadassah Cultural group will Carol renounced right ofwith sueof the carnival is under the capable. . ningt M a y 15> a f t e r t h e TegX}]ar s e r y In conjunction with the luncheon, and daughter, Mi', and Mrs. A. H.direction of Mrs. Sam Mosow, who is hold its last luncheon meeting on ^ o n - eeBiU)n t 0 the throne inhis 1925. and direction of Mrs Sam Mosow who is ° ices. The reception will honor the the guests brought linens for use of! Baron, day,-May 4,. at 1 p. m. at the Conant in charge of the menu committee.; n e w members who have recently Hotel. Mrs. Max Fromkin," sponsor, whom he lived - in exile until he was FLOWERS the Hadassah institutions in PalesMrs. Max Brodkey, Mrs. Fannie Kro- j o i n e ( i t h s congregation. The former has been fortunate" in. securing the recalled by his people last year, is I:T wntit The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met loff. Mrs. A. I. Sacks, and Mrs. A. d a t e o f fte rec e P tio^was- Ma,v 1, but I tine. how living in the royal palace and is AI.I. OVKIt TIIK WttKI.U Mrs. Sam Mosow was in charge of Wednesday evening at the home of M. Herzoff will assist Mrs. Mosow. Jo u t o f respect t o t ^ m e m o r y o ft h e services of Mrs. Philip Horan, a not- j Teported t 0 playing an important, ed authority on ^Russia, and she will FRKD K. SHAW the menu. Mrs. M. B. Herzoff, din- Bemice Goldstein. • Plans were made Ticket sales indicate a large at- l a t e Mrs. Bolstein, postponed until the albeit quiet, role in the affairs of Ki.cnvEU siioiaddress the group von the Soviet. Dr. ing room; Mrs. L.-Agronoff, reserva- for o picnic breakfast next Sunday. tendance, according to Mr. Max FriedHroadwny I'Uone *1 Victor Levine will speak on "These j state. "~ tions, and Mrs. B. Baron, program. Bridge and refreshments concluded man, general chairman. Changing Times." Current topics will | the meeting. ShaareZion be read by Mrs. Max Lerner and Mrs. "Estranged Brothers" will be theMartin Blass will read a paper on Miss Bluma Merlin has' returned home after visiting for several days . The Deborah Club will initiate seven subject of the sermon at Shaare Zion "Shevuoth." Among those E.'udents of in Minneapolis. Members and their friends are cord'new members at. their meeting Sumlay synagogue this evening. The sermon Junior High school whose names apafternoon. They include Inez Leaff, will deal with the lives of Heinrich ially invited. pear on the .honor roll just, released, **• Samuel Epstein, son of Mr. andGoldie Devine, Leah Herman, Rose Heine and Benjamin Disraeli." are Sylvia Borshevsky, Margaret Mrs.- B . H . Epstein,' won his major Albert, Mary Kaplan, Dorothy Gelson Monday evening Rabbi Rabinowitz Confirmation Class Contribution Kpzberg, Sajde Taxer, Norman Brod- I, at the' University of Iowa, in bas-and Fanny ZLfkin. The committee in will speak before the members of the The Post Confirmation class of the! key, Isadore,; Shindler, Philip Silver- ketball. He is a sophomore at thecharge of the initiation includes Anna %***. Class in " ' . , ^»"'i"»«»'- Religion," " 6- " ' at Temple Israel is contributing ?5 to berg, Bernard Marks, Annabell Lipton, Pearl Olensky. Ethel Shindler, Morningsule College, on "Jewish Fes- the Jewish Philanthropies. A proand Origin.' lein, Caroline Fishgnll and Rosanna, ls Sophie Franklin, Libbie Olensky and t l v aLeonard * t h e i r Leubowitz. celebrated his gram is being planned' by this class Dikel, who raceived A's in their major for Sunday, May 3rd, to raise money. Tillie Franklin. subjects. . ,\. •,..:;:.;1*.-.':;* Bar Mitzvah last Saturday morning at for the same cause. j The following received A's and-.B's A reception was tenThe Phi Etta Phi Sorority held its 't dh2er ! in all subjects: Perry Osnowitz,-Beatsecond meeting last Sunday. The club Comwicam Camp Fire Girls at the home of his parents. rice Herzoff, Marcella Levich, Alice This group voted three new mem-; is among the'newer organizations at Pill, Jack Merlin, Mina Slotsky, Ted! bers into the organization ^t their-' Skalovsky, and Sylvia Herzoff. " j Three hundred" dollars raised by tHe ttie Center. Rabbi Lewi§; to Give last meeting held Tuesday. The new Fund Box ' The following received A's ahd.-B's Nine' Girl Scbiits weTe invested with! are Pauline Schwartz, Sarah' Jch ' were "made during'.Lthe_'.4>ast Seriescof Iiectures members in tlieir major subjects: Lawrence ; Kolnick and Beatrice Eisman. ' „ _ . . _ - , -> :.', week, according: to Mr.:J; Aizenhersr, Tenderfoot and second class badges at j M o s o w , B e n j a m i n S a c k s , M a r y K a p - •-.-•<'•:•• '-•.• -^ .-•: - r ,T r > • '' t i ^ .,_. ^ ^ . meeting*last Sunday , after-) At the retiuest.efftl^e district oifice Arrangements are being completed ' - Sara °—— Ethel Baron, Rose-] chairman of the J Jwhich J . F.comm.ttee. r^e ; committee leilthercpl- noon. Mrs. C. F. Younglove, director. of, the Jewish; Natjonal Fund, Rabbi for a Mothers' tea to be given Mothtionswas" headed byMrs. B. Shind- of the local organization was the guest'Lewis has agreed td fulfill three ers' Day.
Society News
'(a t the'meeting. | spsaking engagements during the Eleanor Prusiner, Matel Stein and: •'••••'•••— ;— montJi of.May. He will speak in be- Austrian Radical Affiliate brought in Mrs. Rose vRabinbtvit* Newton Sacks. J ( Membrrs of t h e Hawkeye Club will] half of t h e , J . N . F , . a t Sioux Falls, with Revisionists committee. who assisted in . Among those whose nr.mes appeared close their season with a party on Marshaltown and Waterloo. '-' L Vienna—The Radical Zionists of on the West Junior High school honorj Sunday morning^ R a b b i , Lewis h a s Austria organized a Zionist DemoUtay 3 . roll are Sarah Share, who received A's' j been invited to address the Men's cratic Union headed by Dr. Robert in all subjects; Cy Reznick anil!SarahV . . TYjjv: Bible Class, of the " m Strieker and officially decided to Weinstein received A's m their major! ' . r . , „ ••,.-. , k „ • .. byterlan church. join the World Union of Zionist Resubjects. man, Mrs. Woskoff, Mr, B. visionists. Dr. Strieker will leave Proceeds of t h e Poale Zion- Flower The following received A's and.B's « £ ' at once for a propaganda tour in the Day, held last Sunday,"'netted $X°OP' in all their subjects: Jennie Montrose, [ „ ' The money is turned, over to the Na-j ' Rabbi Lewis will speak this evening Baltic states, Western Poland and Ir\ing Maron, Eva Dvorkin, Minnie' r[r. " D. Radin and Mr.' M. Hendlyn. Plans are being made^fora J. N. "F:. iional offices for the work in; Pales-' on-"A: Rabbi's Tribute to a-Priest," Jugo-Slavia' on behalf of the ReOkin, Sam Rivin and Sam Edelman. visionists. Day on June 7. - Plans were tine. The services begin at 8 o'clock. The following received a grade of j or the annual picnic, A or B in all major subjects v Nathan j which will go towards payDvorkin, Ruth Friedman,-Evelyn Geling for 200 Dunam land in Palestine, fand and Joe Divine. purchased by the local organization. Among those students of .Central and East High School who will take part in the Cantata "Father of Run-1 ning Waters" next Monday and Tuesday are Rubin Bird, Leah Herman, Samuel Janovitch, William Kaplan. Lucille Kronick. Earl Novich, Sam A i M « m ^ r s o f the LadiesV Auxiliary of »"«y Osheroff and Gisela Pill in the or- Shaare 2ion Synagogue willhold/their "" — ~ chestra. . . . Annual Mother arid " Daughter v banAmong those who will appear in the quet'Tuesday evening,'May 5 / a t 6:30 chorus are Annette Eaker, Abe Ep-in the social hairof,the Synagogue. stein, Ben Ginsberg, Harry Kanofsky, • Mrs. Philip.. Sherman, president of Sara Kaplan, Barnard Lazriowich, the Auxiliary will act as toastmisInez Leaff, Philip Mirken, Morris Rif- tress. Mrs. W. D."' Griffith, local club kin, Ruth Rifkin, Henry Salzman, woman, will give the principal adHarr>- Schulman, Rose Shiloff, George dress of the evening. Shindler, Sidney Slutsky, Rose Tess- 4 Mrs. Sam Kassove of Anthon, ja.t ler, Rosabelle Wigodsky, Fannie Zif- will speak in behalf of the mothers. kin and Harry Zifkin. Miss Sadie Shulkin. will respond, in
Poale Zion "
Meke it idste
Mount Sinai
Sponsor Banquet
A number of students are appear- behalf of the daughters, 'and ~ little ing in music recitals during the next Miss Hariet Kassove will respond in week. behalf of the granddaughters. Last Monday evening Bill Lansberg , Miss Lois Levitt will present a pupil of Mr. Harold Buck appeared dance, accompanied at the piano by with a number of students in a violin Louise Olson. Tillie Shindler will renr der a group of vocal solos. She .will recital. Lois Levitt, Libbie Olensky, pupils be accompanied by Frances Emiein at of Miss Opal Bullard and Earl Novich the piano. A skit, "Mother's Day,' pupil of Harold Buck, presented sev- will be presented with the following eral numbers at a students recital on cast: Ruth Bernstein, Dorothy Mazor, Sarah Kantz, Jordan Ginsberg, Dena last Tuesday evening. Mina SJotsky and Sara Weinstein, Baron, David Kuntz, Ida Shindler, pupils of Miss Katherine Anthony, Frances Maron, Tillie Shindler, Miss appeared on a students recital last Ruth.Bernstein will, present a reading appropriate to the occasion. Thursday evening. Mrs. Sam Baron and Mrs. A. SlutThe program of a matinee recital tomorrow afternoon^ by pupils of Miss sky are in charge o-fthe menu; Anthony will include numbers by Ruth A. M. Werner is in charge of the dinFriedman', Marion Fishgall and Bobby ing hall. Men of the congregation Marks. - , . •. - " will serve the dinner. ; Saturday evening Alice Pill will play several piano numbers on a stuAuxiliary Thanks denrs program by pupils of M r s . F . Donors Huntsman." •^. ;. •
"We feed the multitude" 'With Tasty Foods
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the/Workmen's Circle take the means of the Jewish Press to express their thanks to. those jvho contributed to the Flag Day, sponsored by their, .organization lasfr Sunday; Mrs. L. Kaplan was chairman of the commit***. .-
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