interesting mud Entertaining
Intetesfs of The Jewish Community. •Entered as second-clnes rimU matter on pogtofflce nt Omnha. NVhrnskn. under the
.V 21. linn., at Man* 8. U57«.
VOL. IX.—No. 16
Phrases Is
The Omaha delegates to the SouthFiled! west Regional Convention of the Junior Hadassah to be lield^at Tnlsa, Philadelphia;—{J: Tl A.) ~ The : Oklahoma, on May 16 -and 17 are ~will-'of-Aaron" Zomberg, drawn"in* Ida Platt, president, Tobye Stem- No > Restrictions on Jews- Within •Bfebrew-and worded in quaint dSib-^ berg, Grace! Bos'ensteiny Jeanette - ;:':", Land's Economic -" lical phrases, has been admitted to Measurer of Light Was One of Besnick, \ and Hose Wilfson.. probate in the" Register of Wills Possibilities i will""attend proximately 200 girls -office. The document- is dated tie \ the World's Greatest the conclave. ^ Madrid.—(J. T. A-)—Within .fee eleventh day of Tebeth, 5691f and Scientists .. A pajam'a bridge supper, is planned economic possibilities ^of the country, part of it reads: | - Pasadena, (J. T. A.) — Funeral ifor Saturday evening, and an infor- the new Republican Tegimejwill -make '• "Whereas he sent fifter- us; did services for Dr. -;Albert Michielson, mal dance Sunday evening. The no restrictions of; any kind regarding Mr. Aaron, the son Jof Mordecai to him: aad ifne of '"the worl&'s^ greatest -scentists, Omaha bringing an envi- Jewish immigration to Spain, Alvaro Zomberg, and we came ; •who. Sled . here • Saturday afternoon able record to the convention, having Albornor, Miguel Maura and Indaletdo we found" him lying c<jnfined~to:his' in his • 79th • year, Were conducted fulfilled all quotas required by the Prieto, ministers of justice, interior sick bed'and he spoke fwiSiiiis own . and finance respectively^ have inform- mouth "and said: 'Befaold, I have here Thursday evening by Br. Theo- national office. ed the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's sent after you to'make a will bedore' G. Soares, pastor of the Union special correspondent, to whom they fore you as commanded because of Liberal Church. . ; granted a special interview. : ;. I death.' •' And thus • did1 he command -Born in -Germany of Jewish" parThe under-secretary of labor tcld us: That after -my death he who ents, who brought 'him* to America at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that is; entitled to inherit ~rae according the »age - of -two; Dr. -Michelson he would view with great favor the to the Law of Moses; shall Inherit The gigantic drive of the Jew-, started the campaign. Following the 1 "I have come to t±e conclusion that achieved the * highest reknown- in a entrance of Jews to Spain. • only the house I : own in Canada long career devoted' chiefly to experiPhilanthropies for $42,150j breakfast the workers immediately perhaps this period of depression is Senors Albornoz, Maura and Prieto with my brother-in-la^r.". -••.•-' E t t d O Qtt h prospects who ments in the measurement of the to aid twenty-nine worthy local,]\\Eta3:ted ^ ttheir te h the best time in which to hold a phildeclared that an ordinance granting anthropic campaign. The Jews must velocity of light. In 1907 he was necessary sum. to contabBte national, and international bene- i ~i be the last people to sound the Jereawarded the Nobel -prize forphysics; Organization Formed in Wash- equal Tights to all citizens of Spain | has nowf'been promulgated and will fieiary organizations i s now in lie was the first American to win : ington Hopes to Rise Into spirit and enthusiasm unequalled miah note of discouragement and deshortly, be made public Discussing, full swing, with every indication the award. Subsequently^ his pupil, in the annals of philanthropic spair," Rabbi Simon exhorted a large Prominence the position of the Jews in Spain with Dr. Mfilfkan, won the Nobel prize. pointing toward a successful drives in the community. Samuel audience. the correspondent of ths Jewish TeleHe used his oratorical eloquence to His last days were spent in making /Washington.—J. T. A,)—A new or- graphic Agency, the cabinet ministers completion of the campaign. The Gerson, executive director of the stir his hearers with the necessity of final preparations for tlje greatest ganization, the -"National Order of campaign, states: "Never in my Jewish Community Center, headoccasion to voice their unanimous bringing* the' drive to a successful experiment of his life-time, the meas- Protestant Clubs," with the ambition took determination to extend to the Jews quarters for the drive, is teem- experience have I met a more enurement of the speed "of a Tay of of rising on the ruins of the Ku Klttx equal rights with all other citizens group of workers. The ing with activity as the workers thusiastic After pointing out the necessity to light as it passed through a inlle- , Klan, is to be launched here by a without, discrimination of any sort and fact that it is harder than ever to ; progress toward the goal sought, meet the local and national needs l o n g y a c u u m - t u b e . •*•••' •'->•••?-••-- i ; group formerly affiliated with " the make their prospect write out his th sir desire of bringing this, to pnblic Plays by Mrs. Rdmonek to Be which will be taken care of by the The scientific worth of Dr. Michel- Klari, It "was learned here by' the Jew- attention as soon as possible. They with hopes of oversubscribing pledge only inspires them to Produced at^J.C. C. campaign, Rabbi Simon stressed the son's - measurements is regarded as ish Telegraphic Agency. : the quota greater effort. With such pep preare particularly anxious that their May 5 7 •vitality of the continuanc eof the work invaluable. At twenty-six he inventThe new • organization will admit sentiments in this regard should be valent, there is no doubt bat that A total of $19,000 in pledges of the Joint Distribution Committee _ed the interferometer, a device :for naturalized as well- as •' • native bom known to ~tbe Jewish world. Russian tea poured from Russian had been turned in a t the second we will go over the top". and the Palestine Fund. He called the splitting- a ray of-light,-aftd^unii-- American citizens. It has not been in- ' There is alsoio doubt that the p'res- Samoyers will be one; of the innova Luncheons Daily report of the workers made a t achievements of the J. D. C. the ing the segments -after •- they had dicated whether the Elan's animosity pn* isr«.ii«v, ^nTO^mPTrt-Vint oiw' tions a t the reception on the stag< The luncheons will continue daily ''greatest epic of benevolence, which passed -in' opposite directions. This against' Jews will be shared by the ent JSpanish government is -not opThursday's luncheon^ The Halfposed-to- the establishment -of the following the Jewish'-'Art evening on at the Community Center until the was"used~in proving thatjthere was newly, projected movement." mark, - i t was expected; campaign is completed. - The'. best no nation has equalled," and the PalJewish National Home" in Palestine, May '27 .at the \ Jermsh Community way estinian work "the superb adventure." no ether-drift. Prof. Einstern's .The organization is "for the purC t e when Mrs. M s Philip Kamonek's Kamnek's would be passed by Friday niorn- sign of the enthusiasm of the saidr m t e aidr although-the g y j ^ ; Center theory of relativity is"-based upon pose of uniting acceptable white male the ministers • workers is the fact that at the break- Joint Distribution Committee dwelling length^y on this P^ys, "Passport" antl "LOTB Cannot Ingr" this citizens of unrestricted -but Protestant frained#om T h e fact that Jews are alive in j t q ^ j ^ subject ill the>absenqe ^l A i e j:aJ ^ o Mm& ik e the Dead Dance" wfll be pre- • At. the. lunchteoa^of -the campaig- fast -more food was prepared than "convictions and .beliefs^ into_a strong ^jKi-ruux, m i certain parts of Romania, Russia," fowdBB •nOB&^ ^^-0^' ' '>^i^^ ^' ^ -*Si*etion of Mrs. Conpled was thought necessary but the Te^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -*Si*etion of Mrs. ners held Wednesday, the first re-, mutual, militant fraternal 'organiza11 no part in Jewish tion incorporated and mutually owned} sphere-of action they felt it undesir-' Herman Jahr. This win be an invitar port showed a total pledge of $12,-sponse was so overwhelming that all Latvia, and Poland, and other tJastern tion European countries," Dr. Simon nar-••••-•• tion affair affair to to which which the the city's city's most most had to go on short rations. communal affairs, Dr. Michelson' was by its members as a whole, and not by -*-"•"• > interfere. representative people wilt be invited. 825; Of this sum the initial gifts re"We wfll not fail", were the rated, "is due solely to the fact that universally regarded as a Jewish any cne individual or group, or indi. Tea. will .be. poured" by Mrs. William ported .$6,300; general solicitation, $3,447; women's division, $i,896.55; snecinot words of William L. Holz- the J. D. C. kept them alive. Since genius, and inevitably coupled with viduals, thereby eliminating all the Hpizman.: Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mrs. PhiDeltoJSpsilon organizations, $575; South Omaha, man, general chairman of the cam- the war we have given over eighteen Einstein to exemplify the dominance thought of patriotic commercialism." $506; young" people, $521.66. • paign. "Our community feels the million dollars for our brethren there, of Jewish scientists in mathematics Naturalized as well as native-born Makes Animal Award *&?. ,...., The workers "cheered lustily the need of its fellow Jews who are who were the arch-victims of the and physics. The meeting of the citizens are. accepted. -. . stein, to the accompaniment of string; , c 8 e J 1 news at the first luncheon that the in misery and want and shall live world debacle. The J. D. C. established two in California last winter, when The- annual presentation of the ! | ^ ? ^ V ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ °, "It stands for the protection of our Naguchi Medal by -the , Creighton; \ ^F^ Braviroff, piano, and Frank young people's division, headed by up to its inspiring tradition of the co-operative credit systems, built and Prof. Einstein studied Prof. Michel- institutions, municipal, state and nav oun schools, purged the living chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, nai ~ j £ '" * •_ • , . -. • , . Julius Bisno, was the first to go past. We shall continue to work equipped son's vacuum-tube, "excited the inter- tional, against the insidious inroads i ^ ' The plays will be done in the Mos- over the top. Their quota was conditions, and spent huge sums for till the quota is reached. It is the cultural and religious betterment est of the entire world. and imdermining motives and attacks ait style, psychological interpre- $500, and they have already turned hoped that the $42,150 wfll be of our suffering people. Approximate? Prof. Michelson's passion for the of those isms commonly. known as rtressing constant intervening in pledges amounting to $521,66. pledged by May 22. measurement of light was the;pas- communism and fascism, together of "life going on all over the stage ly a milion people have been aided— A special "clean-xrp' meeting" of but there is still much to be done. sion of an artist. "He was known with all sorts of isms,whose subver- Medical Society sessions at the Fon- without detracting from the import- At yesterday's luncheon Rabbi Frederick Cohn was the speaker. At the workers will "be held at the Cenas a watercolor painter, and as a sive movements are inimical to ourtenelle Hotel Wednesday. ance of the principals. The interiors violinist. He had composed several plans of constitutional government," „The. medal -is -given -annually. by will be. typically^Russian enhanced by Wednesday's luncheon ..Rabbi David ter at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. ; All those j "The J. D. C. went from alms and participating in the drive are urged( Belief to reconstruction. They are now songs, was an excellent" chess player, its promoters revealed. : c^- : ji;. .^1- tie "chapter to\ the .individual who unusual lighting effects and the cos- Goldstein spoke. '- aiding the Jews to fit into the ecodone the most meritoroBs service. t o a t t e n d . " .•'.';'; ];';••• j liked companionship . over a' bridge^ "It Relieves" in and will support ithe has Breakfast Tuesday • :~±i_i _t J. > ,,• . .• , * turning %fll carry out in all particnomic picture by teaching them a table, and at the age of seventy-five icontinued American policy of absolute 400 Workers Ont ulars 6the type of garment worn by The campaign officially opened trade, buying tools and machines. m this state for the advancement of . . . . . * * preventive medicine.• .••'_•; played tennis "like a man of forty". separation of church rand-, fetaf fs There are about four hundred They are enabling them to live, to theRussian Jew of the era of 1860. Tuesday morning at the breakfast "It believes in and wiU. support an' • Dr." E . R . Hays of Falls City re- Mrs. Herman Jahr says: " I t is aheld at the Canter." Harry Lapidus, workers who are helping toward put- trade, to build their lives anew, giving undiluted white race for .our .country,^ ceived the award last year. The most interesting experience to bring associate chairman of the drive, gave ting the campaign over. The list of them a new status, a standing." and opposes all laws permittingf Inter- committee on awards consists of theideas behind Mrs. Rononek's vital the inspirational address which prospects who are being thoroughly marriage between white and colored JDoctors V. E. Leyine, J. Welch, H. plays into living form and the cast is canvassed number ovjer three thous- Palestine Achievements von W. Schulte, W. N. Poynter, and working very hard to make this a Dr. Simon also told of the great and. •-'.'•-."• races. H . : Bartholemew. The presentation fitting'climax for the most successful Auxiliary Supper to work being1 done by the Jews in PalAs the workers gather about the was made; by-Dr. Schulte, i A request for data and material^ on tables, they recount avidly estine. "As a non-Zionist," he stated, season that the Center Guild has ever Be Held Thursday luncheon Omcers of ttie^fraternity••;flie 4>ast had." Hasidic lore has been issued by Rabbi Orthodox Rabinical , their varied experiences during their "I say to you that the Jewish people were M. H. Brodkey, consul; The date of the next monthly sup- solicitations. One of the most grati-I in that laud have done more in fifLouis I. Newman of Congregation BoCollege May Close Lyearv J. Weiss, -\rtce-consul; TEL. Eiklin, deph Shoiom, New York, who is preper to be given by the Ladies Auxili- fying reports is the interest shown teen years to redeem Palestine than scribe; L Eosenstein, chancellor. paring for the publication in English ary of the Conservative Synagogue from non-Jewish sources. Among all the Arabs and all the Turks have Chicago.—(J.T. A.)—The Hebrew, of a volume entitled, "An Anthology Theological Seminary of Chicago, has been changed, to Thursday, May the contributors announced were a accomplished in fifteen hundred of Hasidic Lore," or "Ethical Tales of known as the "Beth Midrash laTorah 21, at 6:30 p. m. at the Jewish Com- Presbyterian minister in South j years." Named to F. P^, A. theHasidim." The "Sisterhood Sabbath will be obmunity Center. He said that the reason for any Omaha and also the son of Rev. Frank the only Orothodox-rabbinical semin- ; N e w York.--^Judge" J u l i a n W . Mack served, this year in conjunction with This supper,' which will be pre- Smith of the Congregational church. disturbances in the Holy -Land was Rabbi Newman is culling from Hasi- ary in this country outside of New and Lillian DVWald, have been n a m e d "flis literature in Hebrew, German antl York, may be forced to close its doors directors' of t ^ T o r e i g n P o T i c y "asso- Mother and Daughter Day on Satur- ceded by a regular Shabuoth service, that the rich absentee land-owners Dr. Simon Speaks other languages the ethical stories, for lack of-funds', it became \ known: ciation. " f- - . - - • - , - •_- - -.-_.- .^.-.-;- day morning, May 23, at 10 o'clock is being held in honor of the choir. A pre-campaign spirit of enthus- were afraid that the Arab peasants at Temple Israel. the content and point of which' make of the synagogue. iasm was generated at the mammoth will learn the higher standard of livthem appropriate for his contemplate " Services will be read by Mrs. Wil- The following are the members of meeting and rally held at the Cen- ing from their Jewish neighbors and ed book. • • liam L. Holzman, and a short talk the choir, which is to be honored: try to throw off the yoke of serfdom. will be given by Mrs. Nathan Mantel, Mesdames Hyman Bellman, J. Blank, ter Monday evening, with Dr. Abram He is especially interested in the He praised the cultural,'educational the president of the Sisterhood, fol- L Dansky, M. Kenyon, B. Minkin, Simon of "Washington, D. C , rabbi and industrial development there, and many Hasidic tales which are current lowing a hmcheon which will be served E. Levinson, B. Newman, N. Nogg, in this city twenty-seven years ago, •the intensiication of a religious cononly in verbal form and may be known in the vestry rooms. to the Jewish people from hearsay. W. Racusin, Joe Stern, and Sam the the guest speaker. sciousness. Rabbi .Newman is interested - in An interesting program, -vrith Mrs. Beber, leader. Wolf Speaks hearing from any reader of the Jew- A formal dinner dance Saturday A number of improvements have Harry Eosenfeld in charge, will take Judge Irvin Stalmaster will pre- First Parent's Day William L. Holzman, general chairish Press who has information of in- evening, May 23, will officially open been made at the club, particularly place. Reservations are being taken side. Aimer Kaiman will introduce man of the Philanthropies campaign, terest to offer. Appropriate acknowl- the social season of the Highland upon the golf course. New furni- by Mrs. Max L. Holzman, Blackstone the members of the choir. Rabbi to Be Held Sunday acted as chairman. Harry Wolf .chairedgment will be made in the collec- Jountry club. Special- decorations ture has been obtained for the lawn Hotel, Goldstein will give the address of man of the initial gifts committee, Omaha A. Z. A. chapters No. 1 tion for stories sent in. ....". ; and. novelties are being planned for near the clubhouse, and shady rests the evening at the services, to be made a brief plea for a speedy victory and No. 100 will celebrate Parents' Dr. Levme Elected the formal opening, which is expect- have been put on the tees. conducted after the dinner. in raising the required sum. "Well Day Sunday afternoon, May 17th, at ed to be a" gala event. The omcers of the Highland are Reservations may be made through to Head "Academy" forget about present hard times," the Jevish Community Center. Flexner Elected to Harold Kendis and his Creighton- Abe Herzberg;. president; Jerome Mrs. B. A. Simon and her comWolf said, "but those whom, we are Parents' Day is an innovation sponsDr. Victor E. Levine, professor of vice-president; Sam Leon, secmittee. ': Honorary Academy iaris will furnish the music for the Heyn, saving, those who need our help so ored by the A. Z. A. dedicated to affair and have been engaged to retary; Harry Malashock, treasurer. bio-chemistry and nutrition at direly, will remembeT us forever." Jewish mothers and fathers. In Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Simon Flex- play at the Saturday night dances Committee heads are: Milton Liv- Creighton University, was elected previous years, the A. Z. A. has Telegrams were read from Jonah B» ner, director of the laboratories of the for the entire season. Eeservations ingston, chairman of the house and president of the Nebraska Academy celebrated Mothers' Day annually. Wise, national chairman of the J. D. of Sciences at the closing session of entertainment committee; Mose Youare being taken by Harry B. Cohen. Rockefeller Institute, New York, was C, and Morris Rothenberg, national Addresses will be delivered by elected a member of, the French The Highland is laying plans for sem, chairman of the greens com- the thirty-second annual meeting chairman of the American Palestine Mrs. Max Fromkin and Rabbi FredA Joint Distribution Committee held May 8 to 10 at the University Academy of Sciences in the section of a most active season. Special atten- mittee; Sam Leon, chairman of the Campaign. erick Cohn. Julius Bisno will be campaign with $3,000 as the quota of Nebraska at Lincoln. This is the finance and budget committee; Mar-, jnedicine and surgery. In the ballot- tion will be paid this year to woming Dr. Flexner received 39 votes. en's activities, especially golf. Every win Treller, chairman of the tourna- highest -honor Nebraska Scientists was inaugurated in Council Bluffs chairman of the program. A quartette will introduce three new intercan bestow upon one of their col- last Monday. Prince Cantacnzene of Bucharest 6 Tuesday will be Ladies Dayj and ment committee. 1800 Americans in Palestine national A. Z. A. songs. leagues. Julius Rosenfeld is chairman of the The board of directors Includes votes and Professor Abelous of Tou- other days will be set aside for The program is in charge of Leo Washington. (J.T.A.) — Of the The Nebraska Academy of Scie- drive. Other officers are Louis .BernHarry Eosenfeld, Milton Livingston, louse 3• . events for the feminine members. Marks, Harry Weinberg, Harry Ro- 386,272 Americans now living ift Dr. Flexner is one of the world's Mrs. Abe Herzberg is chairman of Edward TreQer, Ben Danbaum, Mor- ences is affiliated with the American stein, vice-chairman; Herman Krasne, senstein, Norman Korney, Sam various foreign countries, 1,800 of most famous scientists, having made the Ladies Entertainment committee, ris Ferer, Manny Handler, Morris Association for the Advancement- of treasurer; Ben Kubby, secretary. The executive - committee is com- Meyerson, Morris Katz and Sidney them are in Palestine, accord;r»g t» important discoveries in the cause and Mrs. Mickey Katleman is chairman Milder, Max Chapman, William L. Science. The local division of the estimates made by the state departCohen. cure of several diseases, among them of the Ladies Golf committee, and Holzman, Dave Feder, Dr. A. Green- national association has over four posed of Louis Katelman, Ben Seldin, ment . In Poland there are 3,00® The public has been invited to atHarry Cherniss, Philip Saks, Frank infantile paralysis, spinal meningitis Miss Florence Wolf is chairman of berg, Mose Yonsem, Harry Lapidus, hundred members, from every branch Americans. Krasne, Dr. Isaac SternhUl, of science. tend, publicity. and L B. Zimman. and influenza.
Four Hundred Workers A*e Soliciting Three Thousand Prospects; Are Nearing the Half-Way Mark
Dinner Dcrnee to Open Highland Social Season
PAGE 2—THE JE\H§Jt PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 15, l f e l ity in these limes of peculiar distress is not faithless-to its tradition pi- blind to the duty it owes. To you who have not yet given your share and Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by who may by some> accident be omitted from the THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY list of those solicited, remember this: Jewish hisSIOUX CITY OFFICE tory admits of only two, kinds of Jews, those who JEWISH -COMMUNITY CENTER-T308 Pierce Street " give and those who receive. For us there is no Subscription Price* .one year.:- - - - - - $2.50 middle ground. Send in your name either signed :: Advertising rates furnished on application to a pledge or to a request for aid!
The most important cause of high* good-natured rivalry between institutions is keen, but invigorating. No blood pressure is emotional instabilione could wish for a more fruitful ty . . . worry, doubt, anxiety, bursts of temper, envy, jealousy and fear o l milieu for Jewish endeavours. failure. Rule 4. Put Your Best Efforts 'Til Tell the World" is the title which a contemporary Rabbi has Into Your Task. adopted for his Rabbinical reminisDont be satisfied merely cences. Could he not have discovered "getting by". something less colloquial and more Before God's footstool to confess classic? •".-•.. • A poor soul knelt and bowed his head. "I failed", he wailed. The Master
Telling It By
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York A MASTER SAVANT Office: 490 Brandeis Theater1 Building said •' '• ! ; Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Albert Abraham Michelson is dead. In his "Thou didst thy best . . . that is DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor passing the world has been bereaved of a most success". Mass production in confirmants is to gather instructive items for any FRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor Rule 5. Find Happiness In Your. famed son—the discoverer of the speed of light, weekly column. The metropolis is a deplorable. One Religions School in FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent Work. ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City,\Iowa; Correspondent the man whose research made it possible to know the east will have this year over fascinating center for a kaleidoseopYou may find it nowhere else. the distance of ^the stars. In his lamented death, one hundred Confirmants, but they isally changing scene. After five The goal of life is purposeful and will be in the neighborhood of thiro'clock recently in the office of a theUnited States has lost her foremost scientist, teen years of age. This is a blow at prominent manufacturing firm across HEBREW CALENDAR creative living and not happiness. the first American to win the Nobel prize and in- other religious schools which are the street from the attorney's office Happiness is a by-product obtained 5691 1931 -Sunday, May 17 disputably one of the country's greatest contribu- seeking to, raise the standards and in which we were meeting,, a group Rosh Chodesh SivaiL. in the performance of duty. It can By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor .Friday, May 22tors to the knowledge of mankind. requirements for Confirmation. The of men were seated at a table, busily never be had by direct seeking. 1st Day Shabuoth__ of bio-chemistry and nutrition, the Creighton University School entire religious school curriculum Rule 6. Choose Friends Wisely. occupied. It transpired that they Rosh Chodesh Tammuz-Tuesday, June 16 j Probably the highest tribute to the work of •f Medicine. should attain its climax in the trainAvoid bores, vacuums, everlasting were intent upon an important matFast of Tammtiz —Thursday, July2jMichelsW was paid by his mighty contemporary ing for Confirmation. Children should faultfinders, unsympathetic indiviter—playing bridge. Apparently New "THE GAME OF LIFE" Wednesday, July 15! Jewish s^ant,Prof essor Albert Einstein. . Dur-not be confirmed until their third Yorkers are the same as folk every- The human being is five individu- dauels, and those who hold put no Rosh Chodesh Ab » .Thursday, July 23 ing Ws(recent visit to these shores Einstein work-1 year of public high school, and the where. Fast of Ab als in one form. He is a physical inspiration for you. .Friday, August 14 ed side by side with Michelson and had this to say religious school should be graded acRosh Chodesh Ellul Rule 7. Get Interested In Somebeing, an emotional being, a mental about him; "Idichelspri is, in the deepest and most cordingly. This means that the aver- A letter in "Davar," the Palestine being, a social being, and a spiritual thing That Is Useful And That Will age of Confirmants would be in being. The human being is an in- Occupy Your Time. noble significance of the word, a torch-bearer of age the neighborhood of fifteen. The Labour Daily, English weekly sup- dividual functioning with five cylinDo not be idle. The idle brain CHARITY'S CALL human knowledge. He has dedicated his life to third year of public high school is plement, contains a letter in which is the devil's workshop. Make the ders. He is most efficient and most Two hundred and seventy-five years,, ;ago research work without any thought of material desirable, rather than the fourth, so "L C." comments upon the Habimost of your hours of leisure. successful when he "hits on all cylwhen the first group of Jews sought entrance to returns. His work is evidence not only of a most that two events of importance in the mah's Hebrew production of ShakeRule 8. Give Something To Life. inders". To be at his best he must speare's "Twelfth., Night." He calls these shores, Peter Stuyvesant, governor of New amazing capacity for delving into the maze of the educational life of the pupil will not Giving brings happiness much ^absolutely Talmudic," develop the physical, the emotional, Amsterdam refused them admittance until they physical world, but of a genius for abstract think- occur in the same year. The older Shakespeare greater than getting. To live a little the mental, the social, and the spiritConfirmant, however, the more and continues: "My thesis is Habipromised that they would always take care of ing, doubled by an intuition and imagination with- the you must give a little. The unparual side of his nature. Happiness certain he or she is to be well-in-j mah, which, as far as I could judge, their needy and sick. Those hardy trail-blazers out which no scientific discoverer can reach the formed in Jewish educational and took him as a text on which to is a triangle, the sides of which are donable sin is selfishness. Rule 10. Be Decisive and Conpreach the difference between the physical vigor, mental equilibrium, from whom some of us descend kept that promise unknown spheres." spiritual values. sistent. and emotional stability. and Mitnagdic attitudes in and never cast the unfortunate among their numEinstein readily states that Michelson's More and more congregations Hassidic In order to attain the complete Set a definite goal for yourself. Jewry. Sir Toby as interpreted is ber upon the community at large for maintenance. thorough experiments laid the background and throughout the country are moving that more essential part of Hassidim life we have formulated certain Do not wiggle and wobble. Heat Since that early day, many a change has occurred. foundation for the theory of relativity and that he towards improvement in the prep- which Ansky's Dybbuk omits; while rules. Some of them pertain to the dissipated leads to no accomplish* The Dutch New Amsterdam was supplanted by inspired the conception of the revolutionizing aration of Confirmants. When a few Malvolio, instead of being the ill- physical side of the human being, ments, but the heat gathered in the schools are more intersome to his emotional and mental locomotive brings thousands to their an English New York. The United States threw theory. Dr. Michelson's passion for exactitude important ested in numbers than in standards, humored old estate-steward of the side, while others pertain to his destinations. Success and progress off the British yoke and developed to a power was a by-word. He poetically proved the existence they muddy the waters of Jewish text, is the perfect testy old Lithuasocial and spiritual side. To-day we are the rewards for consistency. among nations. America became the welcoming of beauty in seemingly cold numbers, and was a pedagogy. They betray the mere- nian, down to the Ephraimite Sib- shall present some of them. Rule 11. Aim High. boleth, who reasons everything out haven to the oppressed, persecuted Jews of true artist in the realm of scientific investiga- tricious and showy attitude which, from first principles, and whom you Eule 1. Have Faith, Hope and Few people reach heaven because Europe. But through the constant metampr- tion. Whenever asked why he devoted a lifetime unfortunately, is too often associated expect to sit down and repeat Tal- Courage. they set the sky as their limit. phases the Jewish people continued to care for to studying unromantic figures in the hope and with Confirmation. "Two men look out through the "Life is but a sheet of paper white mudic tractates by heart whenever their own needy and sick. And in Omaha we Jews possibility of correcting a mistake of one one- The custom also of Confirmation he has a moment to spare . . . The same bars. One sees the mud andOn which each one of us may write robes is gaining headway, as a pro- drinking bout is a perfect instance the other the stars". His line or two. Then comes the are today still doing our mite toward fulfilling millionth, his simple answer was invariably, "Be- test against the ostentation and com-of what I am referring to. As per- Rule 2. Be Calm. Take your night. that original promise made to Stuyvesant, as evi- cause I like to do it." But contrary to his fellow- petition in gowns which obtains work and your pleasure and even Though thou hast time but for a formed by Habimah, it is Hassidic denced by the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign scientist, Einstein, instead of devoting part of his among girl Confirmants. A fine blue from top to toe; yet the singing o f \ j ° m troubles with the least amount line robe for the boys and a white robe for $42,150 now in full swing. of emotional expenditure. Eliminate Make that sublime; life to the social welfare of humanity or of his for Hassidic snatches and the dancing girls,-appropriately inscribed Not failure but low aim is crime. But the Jewish people do not have to look to people, Michelson took the path of the individual- and the hurry and worry. embroidered, adds greatly to the of a Halutz polka are in no sense a Rule 3. Be Cheerful, Amiable and an ephemeral promise to Stuyvesant for charit- ist-artist, taking no part in community activities, solemnity and decorum of the Con-break with Shakespearian tradition. able giving to aid their brethren in want. It is! G e n t i l e o r J e w i s h - H e b e i o n ged whoUy to the uni- firmation Exercises. Rabbis and They merely go to reinforce that Sociable under all Circumstances. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS laity alike should bend every effort school which holds the correct title part and parcel of Jewish tradition, descending versa! realm of science and art. to cooperate in .heightening the qual- of the play to have been Twelfth even further back than the Biblical tithe; it is Unfortunately, Michelson died on the eve. of ity of Confirmation as^an influence Tfight; or, Whatfll You Have?*" deep-rooted in Jewish life itself. The principles his "Last experiment.": Many years back he com- in the lif e jot the children and th*e Thus the Hebraization of culture of Jewish Zedakah were set forth in the Bible, pleted laboratory experiments that fixed thefvelo- community^ Otherwise, Confirmation goes on apace in Palestine. Out of its technique developed in the Talmud, and its city of light at 186,173 miles a second. Eight is merely a circus, and the pupils the new Zion is certain to emerge not merely a distinctive Hebrew civfortifications built up during the medieval times.J e a r g &go h m a d e ^ s e c o n d g ^ t test to deter- applause-seeking performers. ilization in its own right, by a As long as Israel has existed it has had its or- mine light's speed, with revolving mirrors flashstrong influence moulding and re"Oh, they don't do this in our real ganized charity. ing light beams back and forth between, two shaping the culture of other peoples said, a pupil to a religious Behind Jewry's history is a vivid tale of thou- mountains. He then determined the speed of; teacher. Could anything more which enters Palestine. sands of years of common experience of persecu- light to be 186,213 miles per second. But his love school pointedly illustrate the attitude tion. Each of us has inherited a past in which for exactitude would allow him no rest. Realiz- which so many parents and young One of the most amazing neighsuffering has created a background for noble and ing the tremendous importance that precision of people hold with reference to the borhoods of Jewish settlement m modern times is the region between self-denying help as a picture ©f what it meant this measurement plays in astronomy and physics, Jewish Sunday School? Central Park West and Riverside to be a Jew. It has united all Jews by a bond of Michelson decided, on a third test which would from East to West, and 59th brotherhood and kinship which has created an eliminate the inaccuracies caused by air, vapor, It is told that the Rabbinical Drive father of a famous Broadway enter- Street and 116th Street from South irresistible hold upon us. Our obligations to the atmospheric conditions, etc. So he arranged the tainer was listening at home to the to North. The Ethical Culture Society past and to the future make it imperative that we scientist's dream—a vacuum tube a mile long and anecdotes and wise-cracks of his bril- (which, incidentally, Just celebrated oversubscribe in the present campaign. If those three feet wide through which he was going to liant son. The latter noticed to his its 55th anniversary), a host of synchagrin that his father kept looking agogues, numerous Jewish" national who have given can possibly give more—forego a luxury or two to give a fellow-Jew, who is suf- send a ray of light and measure its speed. His at his watch every few moments. organizations, schools and instituthe father said: "Excuse me, tions are to be found In this locality. fering in misery and despair—it is their solemn long hours in the laboratory on this was a con- Finally Al, but I must tune in on 'Amos and tributory factor in his demise. Death may have It is the residence of many of duty to do so. Those who have not as yet doAndyV» American Jewry's foremost leaders. snatched him from his crowning.achievement but nated should give now, giving the utmost they can Walking down Central Park West afford and then some more above that. Every it cannot obliterate the pioneer work he has ac- Signs in New York are immensely one may meet Rabbi Stephen Wise, donation should be made not according to what complished in penetrating the physical secrets of enlightening. Thus across the street Rabbi Leo Jung, Rabbi Mordecai M. from the Astor Hotel on Broadway Kaplan, Mr. Leo Huchner, or anyyou have but in comparison to what those who] the Universe in which we live. there is a sign: "For Metzias come one of a multitude of Jewish notables. need your help do not have. They are your k i n in here." Throughout the city there Committee meetings of Jewish steeped in tragedy, enduring inexorable woes, are other signs: "Business is shreck- groups are held in this neighborhood. groaning under heavy burdens, their last opporlich; the manufacturer is Mehullah." In short, it is perhaps the most tunity sluiced away. Starvation dogs their footNo wonder H. L. Mencken pays trib- strategic Jewish locality in this ute to the influence of Yiddish folk country today. It is the pulse of steps—food; clothing, shelter are forbidden speech upon the American language. American Jewry. Needless to say, uries. The sick, the ^orphans, the spiritually-hunJewish activity in such an envorinBEGINNING gry—in dire need, they look to you. ment is immensely Inspiring and "Avoid generalizations about 'Pharisees' and Walking through New York Your, contribution may seem insignificant— streets affords sufficient opportunity heartening. The competition- and
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point out the excellencies in Pharisaism as well as but it is an integral: part toward making up the the defects." This is one' of the proposals adwhole. It may be the means of rehabilitating the vanced recently by the educational secretary of lives of an entire family who now dread existence. the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in Especially in Eastern Europe do the Jews look to America in a report to the Educational Commisus as their; saviors. At least here in Americajsionof the International Council of Religious Eduprosperity will return and hope reigns in the cation, recommending ways of bettering Christian hearts of even our pooi'est. We can give without Jewish relations. denying ourselves the best of life. But—the Jews The "generalizations" referred to are; it is of Eastern Europe—ask them how fares it with quite apparent, the defamatory references to them and they answer: "Better than next year." Pharisaism which had their origin in early Chrisrhink what that means! I t is the cry of despair- tian writing. ing hearts who have no hope for the future. We It is high time that these slanders be weeded are their only hope. And in Palestine—where out of Christian teachings and out of dictionaries Jews have sacrificed life itself in their dauntless and encyclopedias and text books. rehabilitation program—can we now desert those It is high time that Christianity, recognize pioneering souls who made that beloved land its tremendous debt to the Pharisee and his teachblossom and flourish? Whose labor and whose ing. achievements are today the pride and glory of the It is high time that invective give way to Jewish people the world over? Our honor, our fact in dealing with Jewish religious leaders of prestige, our hearts and souls forbid our forget- 2,000 years ago, who, in the face of bitter perseang Local, national, international—twenty-nine cution and powerful opposition preserved and worthy beneficiary institutions, each tried and cherished the great religious teachings which tested, cannot, will not look askance at Omaha countless millions, Jew and non-Jew, now hold Jewry. Especially, since the budget has been dear. scutinized with meticulous care and pared and Christian scholarship of today is revealing in pruned until not a single superfluous expenditure a truer light the message of the Pharisee. Leaders in good' will efforts will find their remains. m . task aided by the beginning that has been made We have thus far in this campaign shown— in righting a 2000-year-old injustice. and we shall continue to show by its speedy and ---Independent. victorious completion—that this Jewish commun-
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Singer Wins Zw B.T.. H "Freshman Award"
Oneg Sabbath
Jewish Mayor Rules "Town of Hi Jewess Gets Rare Post
The next Oneg Sabbath sponsored * St.' Louis, Mo.—The only Jewish New York, (J. T. A.)—The first by" the Ladies Auxiliary of the Con- mayor of a Missouri municipality woman ever appointed a deputy attor'.'.- • ,' By servative synagogue will be held was discovered in the person of J. ney general in the Bronx is Miss Ber^ Mrs. David M. Newman Robert M. Singer was given the j Saturday, May 15, at 2:30 p. m. at Lowenheim, chief executive of tha Schwartz, who has achieved Jt Zeta Beta Tau loving cup awarded ,the home of Mrs. Morris Margolin, Bridgefcm, the oldest town in the reputation as a clever young trial annually by the University of Ne-Gingerbread Upside Down Cake 112 South 38. St. state. Bridgeton, which was incor- lawyer. Miss Schwartz, who is 28, braska chapter to the most popular and!. best all-around member of the One and one-half tablespoons but-J There will be a five minute talk porated in 1843, has a population of has ambitions to be a judge. fraternity freshman clas§- The pres- ter, 1-2 cup syrup, 7 slices or more of by Mrs. M. F . Levenson on "Jewish 121 and of these two families are entation wos made at; tiie Founders pineapple, 1-4 cup walnuts, 1-4 cup' Philanthropies in Bible Times**, and Jewish, one of which is the family Day banquet of the; chapter at the raisins. • . [by Mrs. Morris Margolin on "Jewish of the mayor. Mayor Lowenheim is : Fontenelle HoteL ;' : ; Melt butter in a heavy skulet, add; Philanthropies in the Middle Ages",a popular man in this town and is] Nathan Jacobs* was..;toastmaster. syrup and heat to boiling point. Re-[Mrs. Joseph Lipsey will lead a dis- a subscriber to a number of Jewish] 1 FOR YOUR movefrom fire, strain juice from can-' mission on "Jewish Philanthropies in periodicals. SETS D A T E ; ; ' : '• '• ••' • ; : ; : • tinder the auspices of the. Omaha Those responding to toasts included ned fruit and lay as many slices as j Europe**. This will Jbe followed by Herman Friedman, president of the Miss Sylvia Goffstein has set Sun-chapter of the Eed Cross, «n the oc1 will fit in the bottom of the skillet.'a short review of three current Ask Yoar Papei hanger yi May 31^ as Hihe date "of her mar- casion of the fiftieth anniversary of Z. B. T. grad chib; Hubert Sommer, Fill the spaces between the fruit with' Broadway plays by Rabbi David A. president of the Lincoln chapter^ for 1931 riage to Mr. PhiL Friedman. The its'founding. About six hundred per1 I for SHKIKK'S SHKIKK'S ]<m i ' • Morton Richards, Louis Somberg, ' nut meats and raisins. Let stand in Goldstein. Wallpaper Sample Books I wedding will take place at the Bnai sons are expected ta attend. j Wallpaper warm place while preparing batter. | ^ Robert Singer, and Joel Simon. rogram tQ afl m ^ Israel synagogue at 3 p.m. Many War workers • will be present in f SHKIKK FAINT AMD 1 One and three-fourths cups flour, ) b c r s o f ^AtamBXV b y m a k i n gr e s . On Mother's Day the University affairs are being given iii" her honor. uniform; decorations and menu will j WALLPAPER COMPANY f 1-2 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon baking |_ ,• ... ,»__ „ u_ tr • ' 16th and Howard ervations Margolin, Har- ^24thancl Hamilton SU— WE. 4211 \j be carried out in the military theme. of Nebraska chapter presented Mrs. 1 powder, 1 teaspoon each ginger King! and I Louis Sommer with a jewelled Z. B. 1985. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED War-time community songs wili be cinnamon, 1-4 teaspoon cloves, 1-41 Mr. and' Mrs. A. Jacobson an- «*ung. The banquet -will be at 6 T. mother's pnu Mrs. Sommer is I teaspoon nutmeg, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 3 president of the Mother's dub. nounce the •'• engagement of their o'clock. . Three members; of :. the chapter, tablespoons butter, 1-2 cup sugar, 1 daughter, Betty, to Nathan H.Kraft, Morton Richards, Morris Pepper, and egg and 1-2 cup syrup. son of Mrs. H. ICraft of Kansas DR. STERNHILL HONORED ., Sift together all dry ingredients, Harold Speir,- were awarded special Dr. Isaac SternhUl of -•Council City, Missouri. A" reception' was' cream sugar and butter, add beaten held at the home of Mrs. Jacobson Bluffs was. ^elected vice president of honors by, the University of Nebraska ^gg and syrup, add dry ingredients 1 the Council Bluffs Medical Society. for high, scholarship. Sunday, May 10. No definite date and lastly add the boiling water. Beat : Dr. and Mrs.' Sternhill attended, the has been set for the wedidng. well and pour , over the pineapple. Iowa State. Medical Association con• S. A. M. ELECTS OFFICERS SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM vention in Des Monies last week. Fred Sherman of Sioux City was Bake 30 to 35 minutes in a moderate MISS GILINSKY TO WED elected to head the University of oven. Remove from oven and turn Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilinsky an- DINNER DANCE Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha cake on serving plate with fruit side nounce the engagement of their Serve either plain or with? The annual spring formal dinner-1 Mu fraternity for the coming year. up. daughter, Hilda Phyllis, to Sam dance, of the Creighton University whipped cream. Bochman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, nation- Other officers are: James C Bur. 1 Eochman of this city. The wedding al medical fraternity, will be' held at roughs of Omaha, exchequer; Morris Gordon, Sioux City, recorder; Milton will take place on June T. the Blackstone Hotel this evening; Berkowitz, historian: "Henry G. : The committee in charge of the Chait, assistant exchequer. OMAHA LACE PERSONALS affair consists of Abe Fellman, chairLAUNDRY The Misses Cecelia and Mirriam man, Mayer Tell, and Si Moscovitz; EXCLUSIVE Martin, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.Forty-five couples are expected to Grandmother Gets Diploma CURTAIN CLEANERS Harry Martin, are leaving by motor attend. >-• East Boston, Mass.—Mrs. Samuel May 18 for California. En route W A 1350 — 5Q07 Leavenworth Saperia, a native of Russia, and a they will visit with friends at Tulsa, OMAHA CHI ELECTION Oklahoma, Ft. Worth, El Paso, At the semi-annual election of of- grandmother, has" achieved the disTexas. In the fall Miss Mirriam ficers of the Oma-Chi dub of Chica- tinction of graduating from the city's Martin will attend the University of go last Thursday evening, Herman evening school. Mrs. Saperia, who Southern California at Los Angeles, Wise was re-elected president; M. J. -came here 26 years ago, entered the Wednesday and j I where she plans to finish her college Lipp, vice-president; Dr. Irwin Osh- school in 1925, attending two after- u;: noons each week for four years and eroff, secretary; Al. Wolf, treasurer; Thursday Specials f edacatioh. and M. D. Kasper, sergeant-at-arms. then two nights each week. -At the The annual spring dance given commencement exercises she was preMiss Tobye Flax has returned Semi-Flat _-6c Sunday evening in the grand ball sented with a certificate of profichome from an eastern trip" where Wet-Wash „ 4c she has spent the past two months room of the Steuben Club was a iency. visiting in" Philadelphia', New York huge success and was attended by about 900 people, a good percentage and Boston. New Haven, Conn.—Fellowships to ;:; being Omahans visiting in Chicago eight Jewish students are included in' i ]; HArney 7545 •Mrs. Ida Goldberg left for Kansas and Omahans now residing in Chi- the award of 176 fellowships and | M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. City, Missouri, where she will visit cago. The orchestra, professional scholarships announced by Yale Uni- *? her daughter • and son-in-law, Mr. entertainers and the enthusiasm of versity. ant5 Mrs. M. A. Mokofsky, for twothe crowd helped make the affair weeks. From Kansas City she will a success. The entertainment committee ango to Excelsior Springs, where she Omaktfs Style Center nounces plans "being under way for •will spend two moTe weeks. a gigantic picnic for July 5th. This Miss Sara Jacobson of the Jacob- picnic is being arranged so that the Omaha people visiting Chicago over son^ Sisier's Trio has left Omaha to join "Boots and Her Buddies", all- the holidays may • have an oppoiSgirl orchestra, which is now touring tunity to meet their old friends who the country, with headquarters at are now residing in Chicago. liricoln, Nebraska. PLAN "CIRCUS PARTY" Mrs. Harry Braviroff and son, Members of the Karmelites dub Harvey Braviroff, have returned are planing a "circus party" for tofrom a four-month visit in Phoenix, morrow evening, May 16, at the home of Miss Sylvia Giventer. Miss Arizona. Bertha Holzman and Miss Ida Kotter have charge of the arrangements. BIRTHS Word has been received, here of SIGMA ALPHA MU the birth of a daughter to Mr. and The annual Mother's Day program Mrs. Mat Klein of Buffalo, New York, on May 6, Mrs. Klein was of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity of the formerly Miss Lottie Selicow of this University of Nebraska was held at the chapter house in Lincoln last city. Sunday. Louis Goldstone of Omaha was chairman of the progTam. Louis WITH THE SICK Mrs. A. S. Alpirn, who has. been B. Finkelstein of Lincoln was the ill for the past five weeks at the principal speaker. Nicholas Senn hospital, is now con- Many out of town guests were valescing at the home of her son-in- present. Plans were formulated after the program for a Lincoln Mothlaw and" daughter, Mr. and Mrs. er's Club, similar to the Omaha David P. Feder. Mother's Club. The Omaha organiMrs. J. Batt underwent a major zation is headed by Mrs. Goldstone, operation, May 8, at the Immanuel with Mrs. I. Fiedler secretary- treasurer. hospital. The-"week previous six new men Miss Elsie Lazarus is recuperating were initiated into the chapter. The at the Methodist hospital from an men inducted were Henry Chait, appendectomy underwent ' Monday Omaha; Louis M. Goldstone, Omaha; Milton Moskovitz, Omaha; Emanuel morning. Wishnow, Lincoln; Phil Dobrofsky, DANCING PARTY AT HIGHLAND Sioux City; and Julius Mosow, Sioux Miss Bernice Yousem,daughter of City. The S. A. M. group was again Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem, will entertain at a dancing party Saturday honored with a scholastic award this evening, May 16, at the Highland year, winning a bronze placque given for the fifteen highest scholastic Country Club. awards. In the past four years the Afternoon . -, . a f RABBI COHN TALKS TO WAR fraternity has won the loving cup fairs . . . at the signifying first in scholarship among WORKERS cotmtry club .; r M Rabbi Frederick Cohn will be thethe fraternities twice, placed second evening dinners .- -«•* principal speaker at the banquet to the third time, and won the plaque June "weddings »- -.- .i be given a t the Fontenelle May 21 this year. graduation . . . outdoor parties.
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'' Herman Levinson, former Cantral nrogress in, tire development »nd new The excavators, according to Dr. La Higft sciKxrt star, is to j t o j wfl* the 'metltads rf repair. Gorce> hare discovered that Sodom Tfie firm maintains & staff of men Psi Km ball clttfr. Henme is conwas actually three distinct cities, one sidered one of the best second base- who are experts i n the tfre repair built epon another. Dr. La Gorce was men in the city and! altouM prove a line. Moreover, the Roberman Brothtold by Father Mallon that there i s ers pointed out that EC you bring tires v great heJp to Psi Mu. eyery indication that the city was in for. repair; at their shop and you —\ wfped out by a conflagration of great Hazomir Club < As nothing ha» feeen heaxd from get » definite promise ot when they intensity, penetrating s o deeply that At the regular monthly meeting of the offSce concerning a tennj* towrna- are to-be done, you can absolutely dethe stones of.the first city, seventythe,Omaha Hazomir Club, at which two feet below, were scarred. • : ment tnis writer and Nathan Cntler pend en that promise being kept a Mr. B. Korney was master of cerewill sponsor a a aH Jewish Tourna- guarantee against annoying delays. The work of the Sodom excavatio© monies* the following program w a s ment, A n entrance- list w i a b e was began, a year ago by a party of give*: . posted on the Center BuHetin board, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER: f oar priests under Father Mallon and Misses Gertrude Oruch and Kebee- ...:- v Sabbath Services and all those interested will be able more than 300 workmen, operatingi dicah Garrop, piano selections; J. Se- Candle Eghting time, Friday, May Health week will be observed at to eater. Watch the board and the rectiy under orders from the Vatican. The Jewish groceryman who pat- linsky and E. Sebi, vocal numbers'; 1 ,The work i s expected to take at least 8:15 tonight at "Beinpie Tsra^. Th* Jewish Press for frorther ronizes; unwittingly . . . .national a speech, by Mr. Gersnon; I/. Kor-15, 6:5Q p.m. ten years, ! Serviees Friday evening, 8 pan. food product corporations . . . . . ney, violin solo; and Jewish numbers coflgregation will be addressed by ments. .. who. refuse to employ Jewisn sales- by the Hazomir choir. The singers Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m. Dr. S. G. Zemer of Lincoln. men.. . . . . despite the general con- were accompanied by the Misses G. MnssoKni Gets Medal , clusion; that Jewish boys posses keen Oruch and R. Garub. After the Services Tonight From Italian Jews | Toittorro?r M o n t i n g sales ability . . -. . and others -who program, refreshments were served. Rome—In appreciation of their reRabbi Goldstein will speak on "ReRabbi Frederick Cohn will speak buy from chain clothing firms . , J .. sponsibility for the new Italian Jewform Judaism — Its Successes and : that employ diplomatic methods in on "Numbers" at the services toLadies' Labor Lyceum Club Failures". This is the second of ish Communities Law, Premier Mus- morrow morning.. declining to accept Jews in their or"Guaranteed tire repairing, and w e The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club three sermons on parties in Judaism. solini and Minister of Justice Alfredo ganization . . . . . Georgie Price, mean just that," declares Barney and Rocco were presented with medals'; by Here ia your oppartunity to R. K. O. vaudeville star, who wassponsored a mother -and daughter David fioberman^ proprietors. o€ the ; Kactdisb a delegation of Italian Jews headed by get a home for your business so amusing with' his dialect•>narra- program Tuesday evening, May 12, Oneg Sabbath Kaddish will be recited this Sab- National Tire Shop*. Goodyear tire Chief Rabbi Angelo SacerdotL and a home for yourself at a tives . . ,:v,.. telis us, that the in-at the Labor Lyceum, i ;The organistation at 17th- and Capital Avenue. This Saturday at 2:30 p.m. membath for Julius Meyer and J. L. bargain price aad on the zations expresses its. thanks to the cident in Batte, Montana,! during the "A great many people believe that easiest of terms* Rothschild. Klan^days . . . . . w a s a true and committee and the entertainers who bers of. the Auxiliary will meet at it daesztt pay t o have tires repaired^ actual, experience . . . . .* Oti* idea made the affair such a .huge success; the home of Mrs. Morris Margolin That's partially rue. If you have the A "two-story pressed brick of the typical Beno,' Nevada, daily ..The program consisted of Miss for an afternoon of Sabbath pleaswork done by men who dent know building; "With a large store FUR STORAGE greeting-. . . . "Haver you .had;-your Beulah Kay> violinist, accompanied ure. The program will consist of room and basement on the * the fundamental principles of tire : divorce today? . . . , . Divorce suits by Gertrude Oruch, piano j a recitaCleaatn^—Remodeling—Relating first ftoor and a 6-room modbuilding; or, if you insist on repairs being filed there every two minutes. tion by Dena Himelbloom; vocal three brief talks on Jewish Philan-, At moderate1 price's ern flat on the second floor. I on tires that are too far gone to be Dr. ..George: Baker wealthy banker selections and piano numbers by Re- thrapy through the ages. By Henry Magzamrn Located at the southeast | worth; the money expended. 110 So. 35 St.—TeL HA. 27S7 who died a t the age of- 91 . . . . beccah Garrop; a recitation by LilRabbi Goldstein will conclude the •corner of 26th and Grace Sts. Sam Epstein, has been crowned the "In oar tire shop the men are grad>was known for his brevity of speech lian Pollay. '. afternoon by a review of three 6» ft. frontage on 20th St. handball champ of Creighton Uni- nates of the Goodyear Tire Repair . . . . . his only speech contained but Mrs. Mr. Rosenstein spoke for the J Broadway plays, successes of the versity. After being the rtuinerup School and are factory trained t o Priced at only $5,000 with " six words . . . . ."Thank you andmothers, telling "why w e celebrate Courtesy Service for two years "Hawk" beat Pollack know tire construction. That enables $500 cash payment and the God bless you" . . .' . . Baker once Mother's Day. Rebeccah Garrop re- currant season. Please make reserin two straight games last week. them to know after thorough examT H U L L PHARMACY balance at $50 per month. claimed that his longevity was duesponded for the daughters, stressing vations through Mrs. Morris MargoPollack, a comparatively unknown, ination whether or not the tire is 24th and Seward to the fact that h e never worried the importance of every day being lin, 112 So. 3S St. defeated McDermott. McDexmott worth a repair, and if it's not, they l a char&e »r KrgUirrrtl Pharmacist about anything . . . . . the wealth mother's day. was the the hope hope of of the the Gentiles, Gentiles, but but he he won't hesitate to Tel. WJS. 2000—Free delivery was „ tell . . . .you. „._. that he possessed would worry n o Refreshments -were served at the Shabtroth Dinner could not cope with the masterful | Tire repair equipment in the Naone . . . . ! conchiston of the-program. Mrs. J. ATlantic 6<iS5 ^ The last eaogregational dinner of playing of Pollack. In hi& game, turaal Tire shop hasbeen completely Elfcin was chairman of the affair. In Chicago . . . . . where nearly tne season will be given by the 217 John L. Kennedy BIdg. with Epstein Pollack seemed host in [ reconditioned and some new additions j every well dressed man. is suspicioned CHARLES SIMON the first game, bat came back strong, «^<forecently to bring, the apparatus Auxiliary} the first night of Shabff*'<*nmmemT8 by the out-of-town visitor as a " actFa Hon in the second game to give Hawk, up to> standard thus keeping pace w uoth, Thursday, May 21, at 6:30. • eteer":. . . . . and is not . . . . . The Samterr Laundry In the bridge tournament that was a bad scare. Hawk's experinece ambling out onto Michigan Avenue held by this organization some time This function is rendered m honor • T h e Best or All Lamirtrr came in very handy and he soon tats inhaling fresh lake breezes . . . . . ago, Mrs. Rose Levin was announced of the members of the choir who by sewed the series up. Cimm and gazing- a t the vast array of as the winner of the trophy. Mrs. their faithfulness and talent have Benny Rosen and Morris Frankskyscrapers and right a t the W. fiahn and Sarah Malashock were beautified the services during the lin defeated the dao Epstein and spot* where Lingfe was "blotted" out second and third prize-winners. Blacker to win the doubles in the year. and thanked our stars that At a very beautiful affair that same tournament Blacker and EpNew and (Kd 8 we were a resident of Omaha . . . . was given by this organization, the stein were the favorites and this era and Harriet Woisky for the with a frequent greeting -of a pass- Mothers of the members were honwriter believes that this fact went daughters. The membership caming friend . . . . . ..than the jost- ored. The affair was a Mothers and At Reasonahfe Prices K to the boys' heads and turned the paign will close June 2 any girl ling of frowning and hurried pedest- Daughters banquet at which a gathagainst them. Franklin and wishing to apply for membership N. C. NIELSEN i game rians The ghetto . . . . and ering of 40 attended. Miss Rose Rosen on the other hand played w m | should give their same to Rose Stein Kwtb I6th JA. 6880 f derful handball and easily took the • almost forgotten t e r m ' . . . . . Max- Stein, president of the sorority, was or to Sarah. PoHay. In the latter well Street between Halsted and Jef- toastmistress. Miss Sarah. Pollay favorites in two straight games. ferson . . . . . closed on Saturday spoke on behalf of the daughters, part of June the sorority will give an unique affair -which will carry a her subject being "The Duty of a and open on Sunday . -.'-.. Those who believe that girls can The Mercandise Mart . . . . . world's Daughter". Mrs. H. M. Stein re- two-fold purpose, At this affair the not play baseball should witness the largest business building . . . . . the sponded, for the mothers. She spoke best all around Fa Hon will be indoor baseball games at the Center. chosen. wholesalers and manufacturers . . . . on. "Mother 'as: a: Pal.'^ The proMr. Segal's girl team are in the Economists tell us that 25% of otrr incomes, ' who are still doing business, i f you gram tka£ followed consisted of IHss lead by virtue of their win over, the a qtrarterof c(r8ry.dailac weeam,;g<M5 for food. l!07 Howartl^-JA. 0289 please . . . . . Jubilee week begin- Rebecca Garrop in a group of songs, That's too muefc money to go anprotected Eagles in. last week's game. The MOVING — STCWAGE — ning today . . . . . g o l d and white Miss Tillie Seigal in a group: of w!t8T eteciric rrfrrgeration is witMn the reach melee was full of action and resulted PIANO MOVING bunting the chief decoration . . . . . "Blues Songs", and Betty Jacobson of everyone. in a pitcher's battle between Bertha the streets swarming with people at the piano. Shafton of the Center and Maxine awaiting, the parade . . . -/. .Which The program arranged by the Steihcamp of the Eagles. Bertha, will portray the historic aspects of sorority for the rest of the spring av southpaw, had the better of the New York.—(J. T, .A.)—ibe. JBibli'-' t NATIONAL 7 argument and was given good supChica'go truly a genuine term calls for a Fathers and Daughtbusiness stimulant that other cities ers banquet on June 9, at the Cen-cal account of the destruction t>? fire port by the rest of the girls. AqcEssowES, INC. would do well to emulate . . . ,:.. ter.. Louis Lipp has been chosen a s of Sodom has been substantiated by "Everything for the Auto" Albert -A, Michelson the great Jew- the speaker for the occasion. M. the investigations of the Rev. Father FKADEVBITKG, ST.M.MASTER & BEBER Attorneys Take the first step Iiindenbanm. will speak for the fath- Mallon, a Jesuit priest and head of ish scientist who died last week . . 2501 Farnam—AT. 6524 0o0 Omaha > a f l Bank Bids., O m b a the Pontifical Archaeological Expedicontributed important discoveries in toward protecting iOTIC BIT rCBLICATIOX ON P E T I tion, now. making excavations in TK>X F O B KETTIJEMEKT O F F1XAI, the service of. the government . . . . tlrat 25% of yooar inAUMIS1STKATIOX ACCOVNT Transjordania. editorials lauding his wort fail to WANTED come today. Call " l a the'County Court of Douglas County, This was reported by Dr. John mention the fact that he wasa N Nebraska. b s k your nearest Electric Responsible honest man as partIn the Matter of the Estnte of Peter Jew ner for money-making proposition. Oliver La Gorce, vice-president of the I WILLIAM BRYUEN CO. Onutacoff, l»ec*nse<l. Store and let our National Geographical Society and asAJi persons interested in snid matter are No capital required. Man can hold bereby oo*iSed thnt on the 11th duy of salesman call on you present position, if occupied. sistant editor of the National GeoWaj. J93I. Harry Chudacoff filetl « petition In said County Court, prnyinff tfcat his graphic Magazine, who has just arand tell you more of BOX 354 final ndministration account filed lieroin rived in New York from a trip to the g 638 Sechrities BIdg AT. 4451 l>e settled :ind aUo^ved. nnd that he be the advantages of discharged front his trust ns administrafor Orient. and tliiit a tearing will be had an. said electric refrigeration.
atmans osher omments
buys .land or the Jews in..Palestine, ( and the organization's message to Omaha Jewry i s to spend a most enjoyable evening and at the same time aid a most worthy cause.
Conservative Synagogue News
Notes of )
20th and Grace
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Jones Investment Co.
of your income fOT food
certainly you can afford # Electric Protection for it 1
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Organization News HadasSah
Mrs. A. Weinbergj chairman of the Hadassah gift fund, announces donations from1 the following: Mrs. L. ~ Laserowitz,: Mars. M. Brodkey, Mrs. Sam-Kaplkn, Mrs. Moe Krasne, Mrs. J. LiebV Mrs. J. Daytch. "It is very gratifying indeed to know that so many of our women . are responding-sd generonsly in this .direction, as the money .is used to plant trees in Palestine," stated Mrs. Julius Stein, president.
Daughters of Israel Aid Society A regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid Society wilj be held on Tuesday, May 19, at the'01d People's Home,' 2504 Charles St., at 2:30 p. m. All are urged to please attend.
I. BERKOWITZ Furrier FUR STORAGE Remodeling and Retining 281$ Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703
F B A D E ^ B C B G , STAXO«ASTEK & CKBEB Barry H. Lupin1 us. frestdent- Tress.
. Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
Daughters of Zion A regular meeting of the Daughters: of Zion -will be held on May 20 at the J. C C. starting at 2 o'clock. Every member is urged to be present, especially those who have tickets out, as the ticket chairmen, wish a final report on the tickets status to date.
','[ v
plans are being coinpleted for the benefit concert, movie, 'and vaudeville show combined, which will be sponsored by the organization on Sunday, May 31, at the J.C.C. In addition to the picture on' Palestine and what it has accomplished in the past ten years, there will be shown Richard Barthelmess in "The Drag", a First National picture.donated through the Kpnrtesy of Mr. P. Wintroub. ; H The Daughters of Zion hope to make this the outstanding affair of the sek&n. All proceeds will go to the Jewish "National - Ffad wfiich
3. 3. FRIEDMAN, Attorney 5M retm Trust Building NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice, is hereby given thnt all existing indebtedness of the L«riji8on Frutt Comtirsr. Incorporated, on the 1st day of iril. 1031, amounted to the sum of $",&<8.a£ NATHAN I,EVINSON, President. KATHAN I.EVINKOX, GEOltOB W. ItEYE, HARRY LEVINSON. Being a majority o* the Board of Dlleeters. lt-5-15-31
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 51S COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
650 Omaha National Bank BM{. ntOBATE NOTICE In the ilafter of the Estate of Em.inuel Vak* Dressed. Notice Is hereby eiven thnt the ctedttorg of said (f«rease<T -nfll meet the exeentOT of said estate, before me, Conuty Judge of Doojrlas. Comrty, Kebrngkn, at the Connty Court Room, in said County, on the '3rd day of July. M81. nnrt on the 3rd day' of September. WSl. at 9 o'clock A. ML, each any. for rhe pnrpose'of present IRK their claims for exnmJniition. ndJiiBtment and nllownoce. Three months nre allowed for the J ereditora to present their claims, from the 1st day irf June. 1031. BUYCE CRAWITORD. 5-8-31-3T County Jndge. SAM E . KT.AVEU, Attorner 003 Omaha N a t i Bank Bide* I n the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska l a the Mattef of the Estate ofKaierzina Zietnba. Deceased. To t i e heirs-at-lnw, creditors, and all o t h e t persons interested in said estate: Ion. ate hereby notified that n 'petition h a s been filed in this Court on the 30th day of April. 1031, b y John Zlemltn. allesj i > e t & a t Katerzina Ziemba died on the 5th d a y of October, 1923. intestate; thai at the^ttBKj of her death she was a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd that she was possessed of an estate of inheritnnce ; in t h e following described real esfate, towit: . L o t . Seven (T), Block Fifty-two (D1-*), in the <-ity of South Omaha, now part of the Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska, as surveyed plrttted and recorded. •• That said petitioner has an interest In said real estate being the surviving mate of saia deceased said petitioner prays that a hearing be had on said petition, that notice thereof be given a s required by law and that upon said hearing a deeree of heirsnlp be entered nnd further administration of sal<l estate be disposed -with. s o u are therefore notified that a hearintr will be had..on said petition at the County Court Room o f saM Connty. on the 29th , «ay_ of May. 1031, at 0 o'clock A. M.. and tnat i f y o u f a n t o appear a t said time and place and contest the said petition, the Court m a y , grant the same, enter a decree of helrship. and decree that, further administration of said estate be dispensed W i t h .
' * 'b'«"• n 5-8-31-3X
.• '
-•. -
• •: .
BBTtOi CRAWTOftD. County. Judge.
Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KltAGE. Proprietor
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petit Ion before •aaiu • Court on t h eflthd a y of * June. 1031..; and t h a t ft you fail to nppparliefore saia Court on the said 8th day of June. 133J. at ft o'clock A. M., ami contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of s»id petition, enter a deewe o t lUfirship, nnd m a t e such other mid ftirthor orders, allo^ranoea and decrees as to this Court may seem preberj to the end thnt all matters p*rtnfiring t o said estate may be finally netted atul tfetetmincd. .. B S T C D «aiAWFO»T>, i €»Kinty Jadge. . AM«ney 650 Omaka Xatfmal Bank Bid?., Omaha. Nebraska. NOTICE A r OJCORPORATIOV OF C A X D I L I S D , IKCOKFOKATKS KNOW A I X MEX BY THESE PKESI2XTS that the nndersigned have formed a corporation vernier t h e lmr» of th« State of Nemnalra. The-iwiine of tltrs cornocation Shall be CANDYT.ANTJ. IN'COltl'OlIATED, with i t * principal place of business at Omaha, Keferasfc.1. Th^ general njiftire ot the IVosiness t o Uo transacted nnd ttte object and purpose f o r \rhicit this corporation I s ors^nbtwt and estnl>tis&e<l sfcall be to engage in the wholesale a a d retaB business of TnanniactnTtefr. distriAuting nnd selling o t candrPS, confections, Jce eream, soft d r i n i s . restaurant and luncheonette •wares, btverages and cordials and to do any and all other things incidental,, necessary, catvrenfent o r In, a-ny w a y pertaining to t h e carrying on of such busbteas, inclutl'iig the right to buy, sell nnd oien real estate Ln said: Uasioe»s.The authorised capital stBcfe shuU be $ JJ,000.00 and all of said stocfc sftall b e connnon and of Site par rnlue o f flSO.OS pec slinre and all sir said stock shall be fully paid for when issued nnd Shall be non-ussessnl>le. Said, stock muy be issued for cash, or for real or personal property a t . tfte reasonable- value thereof- The e»rporafton shall commence bttsines* nptiir tfte ETins of its articles with the- Coanty Ctert of lhi«R!as County, Nebraska, and ft shall rantinue Ooinp busineas. las a. period of fifty years from said date. Tbe bighest am«rnt of indebtedness to which this corpomtion shall subject itself' shall mot exceed tiro-thirds of i t s capital stoefc, fcnt t&ist restriction shall not apply ta IntIeft.terlTi«s secured by mortgages ttpoa a n y o f the corporate property. Xh affairs ot tltis c&rw»rjttion s&all l>e c d fiy a Boax& of TMrectors conslstI B S ot not less tfraa. t w o nor mots (ban three menr&ers>. TDe atnrosl meeting- ef the corporation s&aJI be- helii o n the. first Monday of Jpn-aarj of eaci. year a t Tchicfi time the stO'Cfc&ortfers s&aH elect n B«nni of Diwaetaca; *nd tbessopaa t&e B«ani ahaiB elect a. president. » iecretary s o d a treasurer. Any" two- ot said offiees may- &e held by one ttfflel the Ktms person. TScse articles m a y be amended at any regnlax or special raeettag ef t h e stockholders vpon f&e affirmative Tote at tiro-thirds of aH outStn-mHng s t o c l t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sarties hereto have hereunto subscribed- their hands tbis 8th day ot. May, 1931. P H I L I P M. KLCTZIOCK, ; OSCAR T. DOKIUC I Ta tne preBente o f Irvta StaTmwster. «51531
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Roman Synagogue School Only Remnant of Ghetto Jews Pici|iresque Ghetto of the Eternal City Because of Fascist Love for Beauty By DAVID KLEINLERER Among the multitudinous transformations that have been made in Koine as a result of the Fascists' passion for change, the most recent is the demolition of the ancient Roman, ghetto. Where once a. throbbing Jewish life existed there now remains only a heap of bricks and boards. Only a Jewish school and the famous Roman synagogue stall stand as monuments to the ghetto Jews of the Eternal City. —Editor.
through the insults of the fanatical Roman mob. The history of Roman' Jewry is the 2,000 year old history of the city itself and of the Papal regime. In 1554 the Jews were forced to lfrrs within the walls of a ghetto. The creator of the ghetto, Pope Panl IV; was a native of Venice where even, now hatred for the Jews is strong. His infamous decree "cum nimis" ordered the segregation of the Jews -from the rest of the Romans within the confines of the malaria ridden narrow district on the shores of the Tiber.
3, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931
deference to the wishes of Roman Jewry, particularly the former ghetto residents. Instead of being entirely demolished the dome will be altered so that it fits into the archiectural scheme of things, thus permitting the last vestige of the old ghetto to remain. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Perhaps I am .going a little too strong. For Knox in "The Great Mistake" doesnt absolutely say that Hoover is Jewish. To be perfectly fair to him, he only gives it as an opinion of some. Let me quote him: "Some say that Hoovers came of Huguenot blood and that the family name was once Huber . . . Others would trace it to the German-Jewish colony around Frankfort and spell it Hoffer." Knox himself, indeed, while giving the story of the Jewish origin, thinks it more likely that the family was of Swiss or Flemish origin, for he says, the family seemed to be fond of agriculture, and such a characteristic does not inhere to the Jew, he adds.
JEWISH PRESS IN THE SEVENTIES I have been rummaging through some of the old Jewish periodicals of several generations back. One meets some curious things. Thus, the Jewish Messenger in 1870 reports an item from London of a plan to send several hundred Jewish families from Prussia to America. The Jewish Messenger became alarmed, and implored London Jewry not to burden America with so many ! German Jews. Listen to it: "Our people with ali their benevolence and i tcannot be overrated have enough to do^to maintain our gigantic institutions and kindred societies, and all this they do readily and most cheerfully: but to add to the burden, the maintenance and support of hundreds of impoverished families, ignorant of our language and perhaps without trades or professions, cannot secure their co-operation. We entreat most respectfully, yet most earnestly the committee to rescind their resolution. There are at this time quite a number of poor Israelites in our midst who would gladly return to Europe, if they had the means."
million and two million Jews were to the Jewish papers are frequently tak-j with the things editors were wont to pour in. ing exception to these vituperative;«ay in those days. Editors, of course, } frequently had to pay for it. Bennett remarks. AMERICAN JEWISH GIRL was frequently attacked in the street Thus, the Asmonean reprints the OF 1849 and beaten up. He invariably ran One gets from delving in these old story of a circumcision, from the New stories of these attacks on him in his periodicals, a feeling of the complete York Herald, in which Bennett of the papers. difference in outlooks. Yesterday! Herald, had his chuckle over some Bennett not only had his chuckle at seems to be a sort of dream world. non-Jew, who for love of a Jewess, the Jews. He even said worse things submitted to tbe rite of circumcision. Mary Pickford sensed this outmoding j when she recently expressed the in-j Said the Herald in 1849: "This sac- about the Catholics. And originally he tention of destroying at her death all rifice circumcision he made for love, had been a Catholic himself. the films in which she appeared. She and yesterday that wonderful rite was ITALIAN ARTISTS feels that they will look naive to the solemnly performed upon him 'at the ARE JEWS Jewish synagogue. And the ceremongenerations of the future. The Asmonean in the "fabulous forHere is a good illustration of this ies through which he had to pass be- ties' reprints an article written by process from the columns of the As- fore the application of the knife were Major Mordecai Manual Noah, in anmonean, a Jewish periodical published the most curious. How tie preserved swer to N. P. Willis, well known in New York in 1849. It is a letter his gravity of counteance all the writer of that day. It appears that from an irate parent to tbe editor— time is as great a mystery as the rite Willis was not, fcr one reason or anthe parent aroused to anger because itself. We hope he will survive the other, given a ticket to the Italian some friend had published a poem operation." opera of New York. Willis thereupon written by his 14 year old girl. launched an attack on the Italian ERA OF PERSONAL Editor, the Asmonean: opera and said, "most of the artists JOURNALISM On reading: the Asmonean, I am Of course, this was the day when of the Italian opera are Jews." amazed to see therein a few verses personal journalism was in its glory. So Noah came back at him in a written by my daughter. Not being 14 Editors were in the habit of getting very pretty piece of prose. I am soryears of age, she is entirely too very personal in their remarks in ry, I can only give a few snatches young for her compositions to appear, those days. Walter Winchell with his from it: "Ceme with us, dear Willis, in print. I deem this explanation nec- "blessed eventing" and "getting this essary that the readers of your paper way," etc, was mild in comparison and let us imagine ourselves some (Continued on page €.) may not suppose its publication was sanctioned by her parents who would shrink from bringing the effusions of a child of her tender years before the, critical eyes of the public. B. Hart. Isn't it horrible—this idea of print-' ing a poem by a 14 year old girl. But that was the prim age, when, little children and women were to be seen and not heard.
t • •• • --tThe ancient Roman" ghetto by the River Tiber, without doubt one of the most unique phenomena of Jewish life A CONVERT OF in the Galuth, is gone. Where but a CONVICTION By DAVID SCHWARTZ few months ago a vibrant Jewish life In general, a rather starchedly digwas pulsating there now remains a nified air pervades these old periodic-1 few half-destroyed buildings as the Picturesque Existence HOOVER AND HEBRAISM als. Seldom is there the unbending of j last vestige of the quondam ghetto. It A touching picture of Jewish life in I knew it wouldn't be long—and homor. Once the Asmonean does tell, has fallen a victim of the Fascist pas- I the Roman ghetto during its last cen- here it is. Herbert Hoover is a Jew! an anecdote—anent the return of ' sion for beauty and under Mussolini's j tury of existence is given us by the How do I know it? Very simple. Heine, the German poet, to the Jewish order the ghetto has been razed. famous German historian, Gregorov- John Knox says so—says it in "The fold. Jewish life in the Roman ghetto ius. "The Jewish women," he wrote, Great Mistake" in which the PresiIt relates how the famous German was particularly colorful in the eve- "have lost their charm. On their faces dent is-taken for a little ride by one Professor Gans, who was converted . ning -when the populace returned from a smile appears no more. Where is o f his critics. about the same time as Heine, was the campo die Fibzi, the nearest mar-; the beautiful Biblical Rachel ? Israel It's one of the oldest tricks—just asked about his apostasy. ket place.. Then Jewish life would be; is in exile. He sits by the shores of call him a Jew, and your case against "And you, Proftssor Gans, you at its best on the Piazza Montanara the Tiber, alongside of rags and old the man is proven. were converted from conviction?'' and in the surrounding gtietto streets, things from which he barely draws a When they said Abraham Lincoln "O yes," replied the Professor, "I Far into the night one could hear the livelihood." was a Jew—well, he had a good patrihad the conviction that I should never laughter, the cries and the noise of j Yet the power of long, attachment i archal Jewish name, and he wore a be able to obtain any office as long the ghetto children. Old and young' and of mutual suffering was strong.! beard and told jokes like Eddie Canas I should confess Judaism." SEIZED BY ALARM were wont to sit in front of shops and' When the walls.of the ghetto fell in' tor. Remember that this was in 1870. WHEN BENNETT discuss their.joys and sorrows for all 1870, simultaneously with the capture When they said Roosevelt was a to hear. of the city by the Italian nationalist Jew—well, if Levine can become La A Jewish periodical is alarmed at the CHUCKLED In this ghetto a new language was army, the ghetto residents declined to Veen then Roosevelt might have come thought of several hundred German Judging from these old Jewish files, created, known as "Guidaico-Roman- leave the walls within which they had from Rosenberg. Jews coming here! What would they there was in early America much esco'' "(Roman-Jewish). In this tongue suffered so much in the hope of a But Hoover—"hoo ever** thought it have thought could they have known mere outspoken flings at the Jew than the famous Italian poet, Gionochino more promising and brighter future. would come to him. that twenty years mer, between a there is today. And the editorials of Belli, wrote an-entire series of beau- Around - the-impressive old" theater tiful sonnets. The language is now building, in the heart of, the ghetto, "being thoroughly, studied by the Ital- Jewish life went on. On the Piazza ian Savant and poet, Crescenzio del Pesceria, the Jewish fish market conMonte. In this language the several tinued to do business as in the past. thousand Jewish families who reWith the coming of Fascism, its nfeqned within the old ghetto walls high priest, Mussolini, sought to beaucreated their legends, their unique tify Home and to display to the world poetry and a rich folklore. the ancient monuments of its imperial past. His gaze fell upon the ancient An Old Story' theater in the ghetto which Augustus The history of the Roman ghetto is Caesar, built in memory of his son-inan old story intimately related to the law. In order to isolate this building history of Boman Jewry and that sad and to make it outstanding in the city epilogue of Jewish independence, the i f was decided to raze all the old destruction of Jerusalem. Even be- houses and shops which surrounded it. fore the time of Christ, in the heyday of imperial Rome.- Jews dwelt by the I witnessed the beginning of the banks of Tiber. Cicero, the Hitler of work of destroying the historic Jewish his days, even then wrote about the settlement. Tearfully, the older ghet"Jewish invasion" and of the danger to residents watched -the demolition of which the Jews represented to the their homes as the work of beautificaRoman power. His anti-Semitic pam- tion went ahead. Where whole genphlets had their effect and the Em- erations had built and created, there peror Augustus ordered the Jews to is now nothing but a heap of bricks live only on the right bank of the and boards. The Jews of the ghetto, together with their personal belongTiber, on the "Trastevere." ings, were moved . to the municipal: In the days of Nero, the fiddler, houses, in various sections of suburthe Jews in Rome numbered 80,000. ban Rome. After the Jerusalem tragedy this number was materially increased by Only Jewish School the thousands of Jewish captives On the other side of the bridge whom the victorious Roman legions, which crosses the Tiber, a few hunbrought with them to the Imperial dred metres from the ghetto, there now stands the only Jewish school in city. •-•..• " The Jewish settlement in the "Tras- Rome. It bears the name of the late tsvere" soon became too congested, Jewish senator, Signor Polacco. Daily and so the Jews were granted permis- now Jewish mothers bring their chil.Even those rich, cream mixtures—so difficult separated£rom the rest of the food? sion to live in the Egerian valley and dren from all parts of Rome to this to freeze under ordinary circumstances— storage spaces! school in order to give them a Jewish the Clemenei Forest. This gave the : come from die Frigidaire freezing comJew-baiters of ancient Rome no rest, religious training. It is a great comfort to know that yon may In line with the policy of beautifiand we find the satirist Juvenal shedpartment firm and frosty and perfect/ count on the Frigidaire ''Cold Control"* ding bitter tears over the fact that catdon it was planned to remove the Andina.3*ttprhhigljr short time/^ to produce perfect frozen desthe valley where the Roman gods dazzling aluminum cupola of the fa-' too, for as soon as yon tnrn the mous Roman synagogue, whieh is now' were supposed to meet the sacred serts every single time! nymphs was being "desecrated" by the last religious historic monument Frigidaire "Cold Control" dial to that remains among the ruins of a the "unclean Jews." ^Colder," the air surrounding The "Cold Control"forfasterfreezing The Jews of Rome witnessed the Jewish life of two thousand years in your tray fell of dessert-mixture of ice cubes and desserts is one of die riss and fall of the most powerful and the Eternal City. The recommendamany outstanding advantages of is very rapidly reduced to fastmost extensive empire of ancient tion of the planning commission that Frigidaire Advanced Refrigeration! the dome be taken down because it is times, and later, the victorious march There are many others. It is these freezing,zero temperatures^ major improvements, developed by of the new religion, Christianity. They out of harmony with the general archAnd this intense cold is conFrigidaire, that have made household survived the dangerous and stormy itectural scheme of the city has now refrigeration so healthful, convenient been vetoed by Premier Mussolini in days of religious wars and lived tentrated on the contents of tbe and economical. Weinviteyoutocome freezing compartment,,, seated-m in and learn all aboatthenu
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MISS ANNA PILL, ftfcWW»ft{Wl<W^/^WKIMWI>rt<^^
; * DEADLINE! " ' News for the Sioux City page of th£ Jewish Press must reach the Sioux City correspondent not laterthan Tuesday evening; to appear in the issue the following Friday. Please mail news to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, or phone 8-8453. •
Joseph- B. Katelman wts elected yice-p'resident of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 104, at the annual election of officers held last Thursday a t the Eagles Hall.
and Jack Fox, of the Abraham Lincoln High School; and * Florence Whitebook, Rose Mendelson, Regina Klein, and Henry Mendelson of the Thomas Jefferson High School.
Mr. O. Hochman spent the early Celebration to be held at new part of this week in Des Moines, Synagogue. Sunday Afternoon. Iowa, where he attended the State Plans have been completed ofr the A. O. U. W. Convention. •••' gathering of the. Council Bluffs Jewry at the new Chevra B'nai YisAmong the students who spent roel Synagogue at 618, Mynster St., the past week-end in Iowa City parnext Sunday afternoon, May 17, com- ticipating in the State Music. Contest mencing at three o'clock. were Esther Steinberg, Morton Adler, Bernard Balaban, Sidney Maduff, The Ladies Aid Society will hold a regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon, May 19, at the new synagogue, 618 Mynster Street. ' ^
Among those who will take part in the Abraham Lincoln High School senior class play to be given Friday evening, May 15, at the Broadway Theatre are Misses Louise Fitch, Rae Bernstein, Ida Krasne, and Bessiei Perimutter. The play is entitled, "My Lady's Dress", by Edward Knoblock.
Council Bluffs News BY F. R. K.
t ' The percentage of people with superior intellectual qualities is greater among Jews .than among any other nation, according tp Sir Arthur Keith,' eminent British biologist, who in an article in the Ltmdoh Daily Mail on the question qf whether it ; Approximately ?3,{>00 was raised is possible to breed supermen deat the Sixth Annual Building Fund Carnival, held last Monday evening clares that the Jews might by. this in the City Auditorium. Over 1500 time have become a race of superpeople attended the affair. Dancing, men if they would have destroyed The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim games and side shows interested the their weaklings in a heartless fashion. attendants from .7 until 12 o'clock. ; After discussing the caste system Society will hold a meeting next and the British aristocratic Thursdiay evening, May 21, a t "the A cafeteria lunch • was '-••_served of-India 1 system as methods of breeding sup- Eagles Hall. - : : ; •,- . • throughout the evening. ] ;_. : erior^ types of rrienj Sir Arthur says:., ;. Mr,;, Max - E. r Friedman; - chairman I T h e Council Blnffs Chapter b f t h e of -the < event,1 ^expressed his ^satis- /'"There is another great human Senior Hadassah held a meeting faction, over the outcome of the afr experiment in human breeding which Tuesday afternoon ai the' ^Cjiie'ftain. fain He said,. "I want to take the I',cite:'with, a certain degree of dif- Hotel; Rabbi Frederick Cohn of means of The Jewish Press to thank fidence — because while it supports r Omaha was the guest of honor and the many men and women who gave' it also weakens my' contention. The principal speaker. He reviewed the so much of their time and effort to-, Jews have .been breeding in insolated book entitled "My First Two ward making this affair the success communities for at least one hundred Thousand Years" and commended it ; it was. It, is indeed a pleasure to generations. They are, in the full very highly. . : serve-as chairman- for an event such significance of the term, a race. Mrs. Herman: Matrowitz, president; as ;this,»especially when the Sioux "There : have been .contaminations and Mrs.' Louis H.* Katelman, viceCity rnen and women are so. kind or intermixtures. . As. the result of president, who were chosen as delin extending* their co-operation." , a- self, imposed isolation, they have egates' from the local chapter, will The proceeds; of the Carnival go strengthened certain, desirable qualitleave1 Sunday*'for 'St. Joseph, Mo., toward ,a permianent home for the ies. In proportion, to their numbers to attend the Southwestern Regional Jewish ^Community Center. 'the. Jewish- race produces a greater Convention of the' Senior Hadassah. number of men and . women with aptitude for business .than any Dr. and-Mrs. Isaac Sternhill left other; i t , can claim zaore -.than its Tuesday for Des Moines, Iowa, to share of genius —-, in mathematics, attend the Physicians State Convenphilosophy, and in every form ,ot tion this week. art. ' ' Mr. M. Lazriowich, general chair"Had the Jews' been destitute of man of the Talmud Torah Picnic which is scheduled for June 14, will a deep love and sympathy for the be assisted by the following men and weaklings: and failures i of. their own BX Wllttt ALL OVKK TJ1U WORLD women. Mrs. B. Shindler and Mrs. R. denomination—they might have been FKED K. SHAW H. Emlein, are acting as co-chairmen by this time a race or supermen. It PMnvcu snor. on the general committee. Mr. Louis is man's heart, not his head, which : | 543 P.roadway ' ' 1'tione 41 makes him eugenic&ily blind. j Schilling and Mrs. Joseph Aizenberg are in charge of the publicity. Mrs. M. Lazriowich, chairman of the ticket committee will be assisted by the Mesdames A. W. Kaplan, A. Rosenthal, N.,Sadoff, H. Erinberg. A. Sloutsky, B. Shindler, B. Sherman, A. Tilevitz, S. Lunjri, B. H. Shiloff, J. Lewis, A. Wisotsky, R. H. Emlein, C. Barricks, S. Gorchowj E. Rubenslein, S. Lipman, J. Greenstone, J. Shindler, B. Epstein,.I. Merlin and-G.-Shulkin,. Mrs. R." H. .Ernlein/chairrhan of-t3ie raffle committee will-ba; "assisted-by TiUie Shindler' and - Dorothy Mazor. Mrs. L. Sinikin is secretary and Mrs. A. Slutsky, treasurer for the- affair.The picnic is sponsored by the Hebre->-» Mother's association and the Board of Directors of the. ; Hebraw school Procee<ls go toward ,-the"* up r keep of the Hebrew school bus. 4-p
$3,500 RAJSED
At a rneeting ^of the Ivre Club, held last week, committees were appointed, and plans made for the Annual lyre Conclave, which will be held in Sioux City, this year. The dates for the meetings are May 30 and 31. Approximately 200 guests from Omaha, Lincoln and Des Moine° • VI are expected to attend. : • i | li >. Mr. Morey iipshutz is the General . Chairman f6r the Conclave, and Leon: Important 'on the; ;so<iial calendar Ei Dobrofsky, '—'" this [ week is the informal reception, jtcy, secretary. c y ; ; ;;They y jity • be assisted, by the;fdlldi«iny -commit-: bej^ivys 'this evenirig' byfRabbi and tees: Ladies Entertainment Commit- Mrsi 'IJewis in the social; hall, of the! tee, Mrs. S. H. Shulkiri, chairman; Temple. The reception will be held Mrs. L. Heeger, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. at the close of the regular Friday L. Agranoff, Mrs. J, C. Levin, Mrs. evening services, and will honor the Moe Lazere. ' •- . new members who have joined ' : Hotel and Reservation Committees Mount Sinai Gongregttion. '•/•• Ben Brqdkey, chairman; Moe • Lazere Miss Frances Passman, daughter and Ben Sekt. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passman, beFavors Committee: Lester Heeger came the bride of Lee Green.- son and- Bert Brodkey. ;of Mr. and Mrs. A. _Green .of Os• Questionaire and Registration Comkaloosa, Iowa, on May 5. The cere1 inittee: L. E. Dobrofsky, chairman; mony was performed in Des Moines, Lou Slotsky, Isadore Mosow, Eli in the presence of the immediate Robinow and Sam Chesen. family. Mr. and Mrs. Green will Publicity Committee: Morey Iipmake their home in Oskaloosa, folshutz and L. E. Dobrofsky. lowing a honeymoon, south. Decorations and Flowers: Dave Ginsburg, chairman; Jack Upman, Mr. and Mrs. T. Epstein will Lou Slotsky. motor to Omaha Sunday to visit with Special Entertainment: Mprey Lip- their son Frank, who is a student shiitz, chairman; E. N. Grueskin, and at Creighton University. Loster Heeger. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fish.and daughter Men's Luncheon: Lou Agranoff, Ethel, and Mrs. B. H. Epstein spent chairman; Jack Lipman, Art Samplast week-end in Iowa City, where son and H.. Slotsky. Special Finance Committee: E. N. they ~ attended the Mother's Day Eobinow, chairman; Leon Dobrofsky Exercises of the University. and Lou Agranoff. Our Little Social Club ; met this Refreshment Committee: Kueben week at the home of Mr. and Mrs: MUler, chairman; Jack Cohen, Will Joe Merlin. Bridge was followed by Goodsite, Morey Miller, Sol Golda buffet supper. smith. / Formal Dance Committee: Lester The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met Heeger, chairman; Frank Margolin, last Saturday evening at the home Barney Dobrofsky, Lou Agranoff, of Miss Sara Halpern. Abe Baron and Art Kaplan. Lester Davidson, son of Mr. and Date Committee: Abe Agranoff, Mrs. Abe Davidson, arrived in Sioux, i chairman; Earriey Dobrofsky. [.' Reception Committee: E. N. Grues- Jity this week to make bis home ' kin, Lester Heeger, Rueben Millei, with his parents. ' John Levin, Ben Brodkey, Lou Ag: ran off, Abe Agranoff, Leon Dobrof- REPORTS HEARD AT sky, Dr.. S. H. Shulkin, Ben Sekt, SISTERHOOD MEETING Lou Chesen, A. H. Baron, Dr. J. N. Mount Sinai Sisterhood will hold its Krigsteh, L. J. Kutcher, E. J. Frilast meeting of the season this afterbpurg, Mrs. A. Agranoff, Mrs. Lou Slotsky, Mrs. A. Agranoff, Mrs. E. noon at 2:00 in the Annex of. the N. Grueskin, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Temple. The meeting will be someMrs. E. J. Fribburg, Mrs. J. N. what in the form of a memorial meetKrigsten, Mrs. Ben Brodkey, Mrs. ing for Mrs. Jennie Bolstein, who was Ben Sekt, Mrs. A. H. Baron, Mrs. an ardent worker of the Sisterhood, up to the time of her death. Eli Robinow, Mrs. D. Ginsberg. Seven members of: the Sunday Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review several School of Shaare Zion Synagogue will current books, and reports of the graduate from.the Sunday School, at various committees for the year will exercises to be held Thursday evebe held. '"•'..ning. May 21, in the Shaare Zion Synagogue. theme 'of the program.will be PIONEER WOMEN 1 : One hundred mothers and' daughbased onJ-'/thV. Ten Commendments. HOLD CARD PARTY ters attended the annual Mother and Each graduate will speak briefly on 1 Daughter banquet, sponsored'by the Members of the Pioneer Club spon- one commandment. Recitation, songs, Business Girl's club of the Jewish sored a card party in the Jewish Comand talks will comprise the program. Community Center, last Wednesday munity Center, yesterday afternoon. Miss Ida Heshelow of the Religious evening. Mrs. M. K. Lif son of ^Min- Mrs. H. Mirowitz was chairman for. School faculty will speak in behalf of neapolis, founder of the club; was the the arrangements. Proceeds are for the teachers. .'.-.•. guest of honor. ' : ~ the benefit of the Palestine ChalutFollowing the exercises a reception , Miss Sadie Shulkin, president, was zim. will be held in the Social Hall. Miss .the toastmaster. The program inDorothy Mazor is president of the cluded the following: Toast to.our class. Members include Rosenbell Daughters, Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz; Wigodsky, Fannie Zifkin, Leah Hertoast to our Mothers, Miss Ruth man, Inez Leaff, Dorothy Mazor, Marx; Invocation, Miss Rose Lipman; Ethel Shindler, Goldie Devine. (Continued from Page 5.) dance, • Ethel Shindler, accompanied by Libbie Olensky; piano- solo, Betty Rosenstock; reading, Rose Tessler, eighteen hundred and twenty years and, play, "Facing Facts," by Miss ago_walking:the streets of Jerusalem. Elizabeth Raskin, Miss Leah Herzoff Take our arm and let us follow the multitude and go up to that magnifi" and Miss Eva Marbn. ' ''•-.. Moscow. — (J. T; A.) — Professor cent temple on Mount Moriah. The Boris Brack, one of the leading agronsun is just rising, with gold the omists of Soviet Russia, and for the spires of the synagogues, the place of last four years chief agronomist of Mt. Zion, and casting its shadows on The j Services tonight 'at 'Mount the valley of Jehoshophat. See the the Conzet, the government' departSinai Temple will honor the new four gates are thrown open and the ment for settling the Jews on land members of the Congregation. Rabbi attendants with their silver trumpets and in industry, was exiled to Alma Lewis will speak on "Our Synagogue announce the morning service. Let us A-ta in Kazakastan, the place to which' and its Work". A reception will fol- enter. See the procession of the three Leon Trotzky was banished. Despite his affiliations with the Conzet, Prolow the services; • •• ' '.'<• • '• ' ' thousand Levites and singers. See fessor Bruck was recently arrested The Honor Roll for the Religious them ascend to the galleries with the and his exile followed. : .School "announced for the past month president of the choir—male and fe- ; It was an expedition led by Profesinclude ' the following students, Do- male singers,-with the harp.and the sor Bruck that' led to the selection of rothy Davis", Harold Lefkoyich, Sibley psalter—the tympanna, newel and Bira Bidjan, Far Eastern Republic, as Newman, Teddy Skalovsky, Miriam Kinna. Hark, they are commencing the site of the Jewish administrative Barish, Caroline Fishgall, Sylvia chanting the 18th psalm ... . They are unit to be created within the Soviet Borshevsky, Melvin Rosenfeld, Mar- all Jews, Willis, the very fathers and Union in accordance with an.official garet Kozberg, Frances Kalin and founders of music." statement made^ in September, 1926 Ruth Kozberg. : ' 'J I dare say, Noah, was exaggerating by Michael Kalinin, president of the a bit, but I suppose it served its pur- all-Union Central Executive Commitpose. tee of the Soviets, at the congress of IN RECITALS ^ y , . the Ozet, the society for settling the (Copyright, 1931,'by the Jewish TeleAmong those who have appeared in Jews on the land. graph Agency, Inc.) • music recitals during the past week 1 are Shirley Lazere, Cranie Hurwitz, Albert Blum Establishes Jewess Honored for Services . Hyman Bickoff, Isadore BjckQff, RubFour Scholarships to Woman Suffrage in Halpern and Sarah Halpern. . „ Paris—Albert Blum, New York : Washington.—A bronze memorial Jewish merchant arid ^philanthropist, •tablet upon which' are inscribed, the established four scholarships at the names of pioneer women suffragists University of- Paris valued at. ?l,600 Iwas unveiled in the headquarters of a year. Mr. Blum has' previously 'the National League of Wcimen Vofr"We feed the multitude" established four scholarships of s i m - ers/ Among the names wa* that of ilar value a t t h e University of S t r a s - lErnestine S. Rose, Jewish leader of With Tasty Foods bourg..;. . ••• ••'• "• .;. • ••' '/_:' '- '. • , woman suffrage in this country.
Committees Appointedfor Talmud Torah Picnic
A "Perfect Tood for Everybody,
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Shaare Zion ". ''••{ Graduation Thursday
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100 Mothers and Daughters at Dinner
Latest 1931
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