Interesting and Entertaining
Interests of The 'Jewish Community 4_
ifiuiered as eeeoiid-clnsa mnll matter DO January Zl, ivzi, at pOBtdfflce nt Omnho. Nebnmfen. under the Act of March S;.lBTd.
VOL. IX—No. 18
Palestine Has 258 Lawyers
in New CE FOR Jews Win Jersey Primaries JEWS, CHRISTIANS TO MEET IN 1932 Newark (J. T. A.)—Two Jews were fleeted mayors and nine Jews were nominated for the state legislature by the two major parties in primary elections throughout New Jersey. Julius Reich, Democrat, was reelected mayor of North Bergen and Joseph Mayer, Republican, was renamed chief, executive of Belmar. Abram Preiskel, who led the ticket in Passaic and was entitled to the mayorship, refused it, and was named director of public safety.
Emery Volunteer Worker at zetmgat Center Morning
Jerusalem—From Tiberias, Ramleh and Safed with three lawyers each, to Jerusalem with 82, are the figures given in the Official Official Proclamation Separates Gazette of the number of advo- To Convene at Time of Washingcates of practising in Palestine. ' Church and State in ton Bi-Centennial BirthAfter Jerusalem comes Tel Aviv '-•: Spain daywith 53, followed by Haifa with New York (J. T. A.)—Tie Nation• Madrid (J. JT. A-) — As foreshad- 35, Jaffa with 27, and lower down al Conference of Jews and Christians owed, the new Spanish government the scale. Nablus has ^ N a z a r e t h will convene in Washington, D. C , has now issued a! decree proclaiming j 6, Gaza 5, Hebron 4, a few places in 1932 just previous to the hi-cenKehilloth of Turkey religious liberty and setting aside the J with three and some others with, tennial celebration of George WashMeet After 8 Years provision of the: old Spanish constitu- one or two, making a total for the ington's birthday, Protestants, Cathtion that recognized . Catholicism as whole country of 259. olics -and Jews representing all secIstanbul (J. T. A.)—After an inthe state religion. The new decree tions of the United States, have sigterval of eight years, during which grants equal religious rights to all nified their intention to participate. the council of Turkish Jewish comSpanish citizens without discriminaReligious liberty and mutual undermunities did not meet in view of tion of any sort. standing will be the themes. Omaha Jewry is confronted go forward until every Jewish man the absence of government sanction, ; The announcement that such a dethe council, consisting of 60 repre- with a crisis, which must be suc- and -woman,in the city will have .been The executive committee of the Nacree would be issued-was the -seen.' |\ • : . '• •' sentatives of the Istanbul and pro- cessfully met! tional Conference indicated that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on May A Spiritual Challenge vincial Jewish communities has consubjects will have to do with the Marked Departure Shown in vened here and replaced the commitA by Alvaro Albornoz, Miguel Maura In the Philanthropies drive for In this drive the spiritual quality of and Indalecio Prieto, ministers of jusuniqueness of the American experiWorld Zionist Congress tee of notables which had been con- $42,159, a total of $30,000 in act- our citizenry is being put to the test. tice, interior and finance respectiveence with religious freedom in spe"' Agenda ducting Jewish communal affairs. ual pledges has been registered. It is easy to raise a given quota in ly. At that time Srs. Albornoz, Maura Lose Onljr One Out of Forty- cific community situations, and conA report read at the meeting re- An aggregate sum of $6,000 has prosperous times, but the true mettle and Prieto announced the .determinasideration will be given to areas of of community can be tried only ia London—The absence of the name vealed the serious economic plight of four Strikes in tion of the government to extend to cooperation ' between Protestants, of Dr/CJhaim Weizn^annfrom t n e list the Jewish communities and the been assured, leaving $5,150 to times of dire need and necessity. War, 1930 Jews equal rights with all other ciH pestilance and faminine have and are Catholics, and Jews. Newton T. Bak- of speakers who will address the measures being taken to obtain the be raised. izens.They expressed the desire that Jerusalem^ ( J.TJL) —-Of 44 strikes er, Prof. Carlton J. H. Hayes, and opening session -of 'the 17th World necessary funds for their administraOmaha's philanthropic escut- taking their toll of human life. Jews their sentiments in this regard should of Jewish workers ia Palestine dur- Roger W. Straus are chairmen of the Zionist Congress, which is to con- tion. cheon is unblemished. The are starving, are without food or shelbe'made "known to the Jewish world, ing 1930, only one ended in l i e National Conference of Jews and vene at Baste on June 30, is the most We have the opportunity to do standard and ranking of our ter. " Even before the decree was issued workers' defeat, according to a re- Christians. our bit toward averting disaster to striking feature of the Congress', Jewish community is equai to thousands—but to do so we must the Jewish community in Spain was port just issued by the statistical The National Conference is intend- agenda made public here by the Zion- J officially recognized for the first time section bf the Jewish Federation of ed to further democratic living by ish Executive. . - that of any in the country. We rise to spiritual heights which will | since the expulsion edict of 1492. This; Labor. ' I n 36 cases the strikers' helping Protestants, Catholics, and must not, cannot allow a blotch make us realize our responsibilities Dr. Weizmann'a general review of recognition was in the" form of the demand - were satisfied and in seven Jews to understand each other. "Re- Zionist, which has marked the opento mar our record at this late and test our resources. If we are official dedication -of the first syna- compromises were reached. Arab ligious liberty was an 18th century ing of all Congresses since he has Jews, we must do our bit for our Jewday. workers lost two out of three strikes ish philanthropy. We must all take been president, will not be part of gogue to be established in Spain ideal, and it is not enough," Mr. gg Meeting Sunday Morning recorded during the same period; Clinchy'said' in his annual report. this year's opening program. The genup the challenge and be among the h i since 1492 and the granting of the It is therefore the duty ef every first to participate in the final cleanThe question of "organized labor" -"We now know that we must estab- eral review will be Jnade by Nahom Vienna Papers Shame Fascists first piece of ground from the Madrid individual Jew in the community, up. lish channels of communication bewas l i e cause of the largest- number Jokolow, chairman of the Zionist Exby Reprinting Priest*s municipality for a Jewish cemetery. every able-bodied man and woman tween -the religious groups compris- cutive. He will be followed by Chaim of strikesamong Jewish•workmen, Many to See Theory ' The decree proclaims that all religwho has the pride of Omaha Jewry ing America. Democracy depends tfachman Bialik, famous Hebrew but this principle, the report points Last year we raised $43,206.76. ions may be ^professed privately or at heart, to be present at the mam- This year we are going to raise at upon community-mindedness, and the soet, and Dr. Leo Motzlrin, chairman out, should riot be indentified with Vienna <J. T. A.)—In an attempt publicly' and does away with the oidmoth rally of all volunteers to be life of a community requires comruling "that non-Catholic places of that vhderlying the term "union munication between the groups mak- f the Zionist Actions Committee, to demonstrate -the shallowness and held at the Jewish Community Cen- least oar quota, $42,150. Over 1650 •worship; while tolerated, could not labor" in other,countries. Here the ing it up,; Our prejudices against peo- with addresses on Palestine and its insincerity of the young generation of ter Sunday morning, May 31, at 10 individuals have pledged, and about have" public entrances on streets or chief aim of "the workers is to attain ple in cultural groups other than our importance for the Diaspora and .Austrian anti-Semites, a numbert of a. ra. At this time final plans will 375 remain to be seen. Every cent which we fail to raise ionism and the present position of Vienna papers have resurrected * Old be formulated which will bring vicanyiother outward-manifestation of an equitable distribution ofthe' emby unhappy asmeans less for each of the twenty** -'•'•-•-• • - ' * ' ' - " - ^ ^ their, nature. Citizens and .civil em- ployment., availahSej a i d . theiins^;-, sociations in our minds. It is possible e w r y . tory to the army of Jewish work- nine local, national and international 1738 by a Catholic priest, Father ers. ployes wiJ^Jaot be obliged b l i d to take t k partt ence, therefore, is either oh the en- to free people from prejudices by agencies which are the beneficiaries Mathias Fuhrman, in which he disin religious rites or to attend masses, rollment of workers through the Shabuoth and Memorial Day^/made of the campaign. Every cent raised cussed at great length his intriguing by the provisions of the new decree. Labor Exchange, which registers all having Protestants, Catholics; and theory that it was the Jews who it necessary to postpone the gigantic goes toward alleviating the suffering It also announces that no government applicants whether members of Jews meet each other in a fortunate finale tfll next week. Since a large among the sick, toward providingenvironment and to fix pleasant memfounded and built Vienna. employe will be compelled to state, or trades unions or not, or through number of people have not been conories and appreciative opinions in our some machinery agreed upon by both 1 The Vienna papers have pointed- tacted, the work of solicitation must homes, warmth, clothing, shelter and admit his religion and bars civil and minds regarding members of other food for the aged, the weak and the Mrs. S. Ravltz7~57r prominent in ly shown the youthful anti-Semites military officials from taking issue sides. social divisions." unfortunate; toward giving Jewish ewish charitable activities, died sudjthat they are living in a city estabWage conflicts were the cause of with the religious affiliations of their education to the spiritual hungry; to Mr. Baker described the National denly Saturday night. .Burial was in Ushed by Jews, are enjoying the ten of the strikes organized by Jew r subordinates. ward rehabilitating wrecked Jewish Conference, of Jews and Christians as ish workers, while a snialler perthe Golden Hill cemetery Sunday, fruits of Jewish toil. lives; toward carrying forward coloni"an organization which associates a The Catholic savant made a painscentage were, the result of non-payRabbi Grodinsky officiating. zation work in Palestine, meeting our number of thoughtful and earnest ment of wages. Tel Aviv heads the She is survived by her husband, taking study of the old literature religious needs and fostering Jewish people in an effort to analyze and list for" the number of working days one daughter, Mrs. Mollie Gendler of bearing on the origin of the city and life and culture. allay the prejudices which eirist bespent years examining ancient tomblost through strikes. 530 being the Sheridan, Ia-; four sons, Harry, OmaMrs. Julius Stein was re-elected total from theallrJewish City; Haifa tween Protestants, Catholics, and ha; Ben, Sheridan, Ia.; Dave, Okla- stones on Jewish cemeteries. Father No Pessimism next, with 520 working days' Jews. The Conference seeks to mod- homa City; and Dr. S. E. Ravitz, Fubrman claimed that even 108 years president of the Omaha chapter of Pessimism cannot defeat our purcomes derate and finally to eliminate a sys- Chicago; two sisters and a brother, after the exodus of the Jews from Hadassah for the ensuing term at the pose. While Jewry has always been lost, then Jerusalem with 469, Sharon colonies with 32Q, Ness iZiona tem of prejudices which we have in Mrs. A. Hertzman, Mrs. .1* Finer, and ; Egypt, that is 1,200 years before the last meeting of the season Wednesday long-suffering and patient, it has with 59, RishonJtesZion with 9 and part inherited and which disfigures Morris Silverman, all of St. Louis; ; birth of Christ, Jews pitched their afternoon at the J, C. C. never been pessimistic. We may not and distorts our business, social and and.three grandchildren. tents in the vicinity of what is now Other officers re-elected are: Mrs. be able to realize our hopes today, Biennial Meeting of Council to; Petach Tikvah with 7. politicalrelations." B. A. Simon, first vice-president; Mrs. but we always look forward to realizv' Be Held Soon Mrs. Ravitz was. one of the organ- Vienna. At that time, he asserted, numerous J. J. Friedman, second vice-president;. ing our hopes tomorrow. The National Conference is ah orizers of the Jewish Old Peoples home, Pasadena, Cal. (J. T. A.)—The last ; I London (J. T. A.)—With the bien- experiment of Dr. Albert Michelson, ganization of individuals as citizens, was president of the Daughters of Jews came to the neighborhood of Mrs. J. M. Erman, financial secreThese vital activities are not to nial meeting of the Council o£ the interrupted by death, -will be com- not as offidal representatives of the Israel Aid Society, a member of the Vienna by way of Rome, many fam- tary; Mrs. David. Stein, financial sec- be curtailed. It is unthinkable that Jewish Agency for Palestine^ f-less board of directors of the Talmud To- ilies migrating together and oceupy- retary; Mrs. Sam Cohen, .recording this Jewish community should ia churches. than two months off, the Jewish pleted by bis associates. Tah and a member of the Women's (ing themselves with trade. The chief secretary; Mrs, J. Rosenberg, corre- these times of peculiar distress be Agency's Executive -officially ? jan-i trade of the Jews of that day was in sponding secretary, and Mrs. A. faithless to its tradition. This is Welfare Federation. nbunced dates for the election of *ion-^ precious stones and minerals, chiefly, Eofflm, treasurer. no time for a council of defeat. Zionist members in Germany, Enggold, tin, iron and agate. The IsraelMrs. J. Rosenberg read a report of Thin is a time for the inspiration land, and Bakowina (Roumania). The ites of that ancient day, Father Fuhr- the Southwest regional convention in of the psychology of victory. Council, the supreme governing body man wrote, scooped iron from the the absence of Mrs. J . Stein, delegate Help that inspiration. Be at the of the Agency, will meet for the first rich Austrian mines and sold it to the to the conclave. J. C. C. Sunday morning at 10 a. m. lime since it was organized in Zurneighboring peoples. These Jews also The luncheon which was scheduled The Jewish = Community Center, was a lovely "Bathsheva," bringing ich in 1929. carried agate stones from Gennania to be given on June 10 was postponed closed its little theater season Wed-out her tempestuous denial of the which they sold in the Orient. Others indefinitely. In England the elections have been claims of society upon the individua dealt in tin from England which they fixed for June 7, in Germany for June hesday evening with a program of In memory of the late Mrs. Max Beatrice Levin played the older sis transported to the Rhine and Danube 14 and in Bukowina for June 20. The j two one-art plays and a recital of Lerner, ardent Hadassah worker, ten ter effectively. districts. Some were merely entreentire membership of the Council i s ' string music trees -win be planted ui Palestine by Hyman Shrier and Grace Levin, A humorous three-act playlet enpreneurs while others did the actual the board members. 220, half Zionists and half Non-Zion- j The plays were the work of Mrs. the young lovers in "Passport" were titled "Help! Help! Auxiliary 1930mining. ists. , • • |IPhilip Romonek, whose excellent backexcellently cast and played their parts 31," written by Mrs. David A. GoldFather Fuhrman's odd theory has The Non-Zionists elect their repre- ground of Jewish lore afforded the skillfully. Others in the cast filled stein and fully staged in costume will been substantiated to some extent Yiddish Art Theatre sentatives in a manner that best suits material from which these intensely in a colorful picture of Russian vilthe May luncheon to be given Jewish plays were written. "Love even by anti-Semitic "racial scienlocal conditions. This year's elections To Open on Broadway feature by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the CORlife. tists," who have voiced the opinion in England will be conducted by the Cannot Make the Dead Dance," a \ lage Frank Mach, violinist; Oscar Weinthat the Austrian Danube coun- The Yiddish Art Theatre company servative Synagogue on Wednesday, Board of Jewish Deputies. In Buko- story of the revolt of a young girl stein, cellist, and Harry Braviroff, against the destiny planned for her try was originally inhabited by an an- headed by Maurice Schwartz will be June 3, at 1 p. m. at the J. C. C. This wina the Non-Zionist members will be pianist, played two groups of string by her mother, and "Passport," a cient Semitic race which had a great located uptown in one of the Shubert will be the closing event of the seachosen at a conference of representatrios which were received with enstory of the flight of the Talmudic admixture of Jewish blood. Even Dr. theatres in New York when the new son for the auxiliary. tives of Jewish communities and Kerthusiastic applause. student from the machine of militarThe play will be directed by Mrs. Hans Guenther, professor of racial theatrical season opens in September. en Hayesod delegates. Four hundred persons attended this ism were distinguished by beauty of Herman Jahr, with a cast of ten parscience at the University of Jena, i; The Germany Non-Zionist members Mr. Schwartz himself has appeared j program which was the concluding convinced that the pious Christian on Broadway twice before in English ticipating. According to Mrs. Gold-will be elected along lines similar to language and variety of characteriza- one for the Center Players Guild this Mrs. S. Ravitz stein, who is in charge of the day's folk in the Tyrol are descendants of productions. the constituent meeting for the Coun- tion. season. A social hour, followed the program, the play is a tragic-comedy the so-called Dinaric race which conMrs. Ravitz's entire life was deMrs. Herman Jahr directed the cil in June, 1929. At that time the program, during which tea was served Next season Mr. Schwartz will pre- and promises many laughs. German Non-Zionist members were plays, giving them a setting which by Mrs. William Holzman, Mrs. Her- voted to philanthropy. She was af-: tained much Jewish blood. sent plays on Broadway in Yiddish. Sora Miriam Blank will present ft elected at a meeting of presidents of enhanced their romantic fervor. As bert Arnstein and Mrs. Henry Mon- fectionately known as the "Mother Among the playwrights who will be solo dance number and Melvin NewAward Prom Swedish of the Jewish Old Peoples' Home, and the figures moved across the stage Jewish communities, heads of religsky. represented in his repertoire are man a drum solo. Mrs. J. Harry K^5ious bodies, leaders in industry and their shadows were cast up behind (Reviewed by Mrs. Samuel Gerson.)' the members of the Home especially Government Tchekhov, Moliere, Ibsen, Shaw, Gor- akofsky will preside as toastmistrasst, Julian Clarence Levi, one of the mourned her death. . commerce, and members of the ad- them into gigantic figures symbolic ky, Shakespeare, Rolland, Sholom She spent the best part of her life leading architects of the country and Asch, Jacob Gordin, Ansky and Sho- Reservations must be. in by Monday, ministration of the Central Associa- of the strength of majesty of Jewish Mrs. Max Lerner June 1, and may be made with ••- . with the sick and the poor of the city, president of the Architectural League lom Aliechem. tion of German Citizens of the Jew- traditions. J. J. Greenberg or Mrs. Ben was decorated with the Royal SwedIn both plays Martha Himmelstein Zedakah. She was a ish Faith. Dies Last Sunday administering ish Order of the Nortn Star, with the played the mother with sincerity. She well-known figure at the old Wise England is entitled to seven NonMrs. Max Lerner, 46, died Sunday rank of Knight of the first class in New York (J. T. A.)—Joe Wehm Zionist members on the Council, Ger- gave an impression of emotions deep- afternoon following a week's flhiess. Memorial hospital, visiting with the recognition of his interest in Swedish Einstein's Son-in-Law ly felt but held rigorously within conGets Film Position Jewish patients every Saturday and and Lew Fields, famous stage com* many seven and Roumania six. trol. John JFeldman brought to the Burial took place Monday. She is bringing them Jewish dishes especial- architecture and for having sponsored Berlin (J. T. A.)—Dmitri Marin- dians who have not appeared togoifc part of the Shadchen in both plays survived by her husband and three ly prepared each Sabbath. an exhibit in Stockholm last year. Mr. off, Dr. Albert Einstein's son-in-law, er for nearly two decades, will be j*.. the sense of Jewish humor which pro- children. Levi has also received decorations has been appointed art and scientific united in a new show to be present* In establishing' the Jewish Old PeoServices Tonight duces a laugh before the lines are Mrs. Lerner was active in, com- ples' Home and the public hath house from the French government for his director of the ethnological film un- ed this fall. The noted pair of comiat, The Conservative Synagogue -will said. Max'Weinsteint played the rab- munal affairs. The board of directors Mrs. Ravitz had to overcome many architectural achiew*nents; Other dertaking by Robert 3. Flaherty and are now appearing in a radio efctt conduct short Sabbath services this bi with dignity and a fine poetic use are planting ten trees in Palestine in obstacles, but perservered until she awards have come to him from Chile organized by "Porza" an international which brought them out of their m«r Friday evening at 8 p. m, ' of his voice. Rebecca Kirschenbaum her memory. and Italj. achieved her go&L tirement < .artistic and scientific organization.
Need $5,150
Mrs* S. Ravitz Dies Suddenly
Center Ends Theater Season Successfully
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 poor man. "You see, when 1 'Jin't get standing work of Einstein should be acclaimed asj enough to eat, I take the' 'pipke' and that of a German citizen, the philanthropy of j smoke it and it allays the pangs of Rosenwald as an American,! the discoveries of hunger." ' /'• Published every Friday at Omaha,'Nebraska, by Weizmann as an Englishman, and so on down the .By DAVID SCHWARTZ That sounded sort of reasonable. : : THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY list •1 The rabbi left. The next day he visit, SIOUX CITY OFFICE > ed one of bis rich parishioners. : '[•-. But we ar£ fully justified in our Jewish raHE ORDERED NO JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce S t r e e t ' ial pride. Every nationalityboasts of its disHe, too, was smoking a pipe. "What "DITTOES" is that?" queried the Vabbi. "That, Talking about one thing or another, iguished sons'. Paderewski is haiied as a mafSubscription triced one year • By Rebbe, is a "feif." Rabbi Metz of Washington tells a \ Advertising rates furnished on application yelously-talented Pole, Caruso was known as a good story about a Jewish storekeep- "What is a 'feif'?" RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN world-famous Italian; Dimnet is always spoken of er out in Pennsylvania, who one day "Well, you see, Rebbe, when I eat ,17 Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York as the great French thinker. We, tooi are a received a case of goods, with bill at- too much, I just take a 'feif and smoke it, and it overcomes that heavy tached. /Office; 490 ?randeis. Theater-Building'^ • ' distinct people; there is something which sepTelephone: ATlantic 1450 arates us from all others. Then why should not Jake looks at his bill and reads: feeling." "O, my friend," exclaimed the Rabclaims. This balancing of forces, a "What passage in the services did "Four dozen overalls at $6, a dozen; DAVIP BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor we too claim our Straus, Isaacs, Bergson, Roths- j you like best?" asked the Rabbi in a sort of revolt against defeat, does not five dozen ditto at $7; three dozen bi, "if you gave some of your meal FRANK R, ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - J * Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent child, Rutenberg, Lubin, Landstein, Brandeis, and conversation with a congregant who mean that the battle for honesty is ditto at $9; 11 dozen ditto at $6.50." to the poor man, he wouldn't need a A N N P I L L - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, CoiTespondent the host of other famous sons of Abraham? off, that it has been quietly lost. seemed to be greatly affected. Jake was in consternation. He sum-'pipke' and you wouldn't need a Nothing of the sort; it merely indi"The passage from your pulpit to The opponents of religionist classification fail! moned his partner, Abe. "Listen Abe. 'feif." cates that the roads are open and that your seat," replied the congregant, They sent us nothing but dittos. We THE CAPITAL CLERGY when it comes to the converse of their proposi-1 HEBREW CALENDAR whose emotion had been due to his a modicum of victory is lying around never ordered dittoes. What are we The capital city is rather fortunatetion. If any group of individuals, even a college 5691 ^ 1931 boredom. Rabbis should never in- for the asking. Agnosticism does not • going to do with dittoes?" ly situated in the way of rabbis. RabRosh Chodesh. Tammuz.. -Tuesday, June 16 graduating class,- were asked to name a great quire from worshippers concerning make one a social parish, and it is "What are dittoes?" queried Abe. bi Metz, whom I have just quoted, can admitted that man is not always -Thursday, July 2 Jewish scientist, a great Jewish artist, a great their sermons or services. Fast Of Tamm|i7 "Who knows," returned Jake, "but do more than tell a good story. He heroic. Main Street has accepted as Rosh Chodesh Ab , Wednesday, July 15 Jewish poet, it is quite certain that the nonwhatevef they are, we don't want '. :. r¥Tl- _«___ J _ . _ _ T«—1_ O O * f ." • *_ • ^ J __ ."*• A ^_l 3 1 _ _ _. —1— — 3 —. J 1 J much of the iconoclasm of H. L. Men- them—the people around here don't can think clearly and sharply—one of It is told that a distinguished RabJewish students would be non-plussed and would -Thursday, July 23 F a s t o f A b —,'••;-• -^'"••'• - , the best minds that I have come cken as it needs . . . Greenwich VilRosh Chodesh Ellul .Friday, August 14 be at a loss to answer a single one of these in- bi once made what he believed was a lage does not quite eliminate the buy dittoes—I never even had a call across in my wanderings. And there is something else that seems to me Rosh Hashonah ___ -Saturday, September 12 quiries. But, suppose on the other hand, they distinguished address. In the pres- home and romantic love is more firm-1 for one ditto." ence of a friend, he asked a colleague Jake and Abe went into conference. ; Yom; Kippur_ L:. Monday, September 21 were asked to name a Jewish character in fiction. his opinion. The colleague welcomed ly instated than ever before. It is^ Of course, they could have opened the distinctive about him — he seems to 1st Day Succoth .Saturday, September 26 All would unhesitatingly mention "Shylock." Ein« the opportunity to criticise the ser- expected that a girl will marry the; case and found what the dittoes were, have formulated something of a definite philosophy of Judaism that can Shemini Atzereth -Saturday, October 3 stein put it succintly when he stated that if his mon with considerable gusto. Greatly man of her choice, and that she will' but then they were afraid, once they stand up against the erosion of modb3 an intelligent human being both -Sunday, October 4j theory of relativity proved to be true, France perturbed, the Rabbi sought solace before and after. To be sure, manyj opened the goods, the wholesaler ern forces. Simchath Torah . Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Monday, October 12 j would hail him as a universalist and Germany from his friend, who said f to him: young women may have as much dif- would never take them back. It was And then there is Rabbi Simon, the "Why did you ask F— s opinion? ficulty in getting back into the home finally decided that Abe should go to)reform leader of Washington. I have Rosh Chodesh Kislev __Wednesday, November 11 j would acclaim him as a native son, but if it proved New York and find out from the] Don't you know that when a donkey on self-respecting terms as their sisnot had the opportunity of meeting 1st Day Chanukah . ..Saturday, December 5j to be untrue Franee would point to him as a Ger-j brays, it's the bray of a donkey ?" wholesaler himself. ters of a decade ago had in breaking him, but his reputation is one of high Rosh Chodesh Tebeth . , .. Friday> December 11} man and Germany would denounce him as a Jew. away; but in any case, they may ad- He went. Two days later he was integrity and fine culture. Fast of Tebth -Sunday, December 20 This is universally true. The achievements of a Harper's magazine contains an ad- mit that they do not have everything back. Rabbi Loeb, another of the capital "What did you find out?" asked city's spiritual forces, is a charming Jew are pridefully heralded as the work of a citi- mirable article on the Negro's atti- they want without marriage and chilJake. soul, really lovable, with fine scholarzen of the country in which he lives. In con- tude towards the south, wherein a dren." Thus a new conservatism "I found out that I am an ass and ship and unhyphenated devotion to narrative is related regarding General OUR HEROIC DEAD trast, every wrong or misdeed committed by a Robert R. Lee. The latter in com- marches in upon us. Let us hope that you are ditto," replied Abe. young people who demand their inJewish interests. Memorial Day tomorrow marks the 63rd | Jew is pointed out as the defalcation of a member pany of a friend met an old negro alienable privilege to make their own PIPES, PLUTOCRACY AND birthday of the fallen heroes of the nation. As of the Jewish race. For this reason all Jews are •who tipped his hat to him. The gen-mistakes, will learn a few lessons PROLETARIAT CIRCUIT-RIDING RABBIS we honor the departed soldiers who gave their eral returned the salutation similarThe late Solomon Schechter, it was, mutually accountable for each other and upon from the experience of the generation Another good one which the Washlives for their country—our country—our sorly. The friend in anger asked the I believe, who coined the phrase —immediately preceding them. ington rabbi tells, is difficult for me each devolves the heavy responsibility of not dorow is tempered with pride, pride in the fact Jewreason, and General Lee answered: "catholic Israel." I should like to coin to reduce to writing, but I will try. I ing anything which might "drag down" the name the phrase "Methodist Israel." No, I "I cannot allow a Negro to be more ish soldiers have not been an unimportant factor hope my communistic and socialistic of an entire people. A Jewish mother was hastening in- friends don't make too much capital am not recommending the adoption of polite than myself." of American forces in the struggle for indepento the motion picture where Edna out of it, for it easily lends itself that any Wesleyan tenets as to baptism, We can therefore be excused if we are a little dence and in the wars since, nor have they been grace or anything- like that. But I No social document of recent years Ferber's "Cimmaron" was being way. far behind their fellows in arms in being hon- proud of the accomplishments of our fellow-Jews. has been more revelatory of psycho- shown, without buying a ticket. The do like the "circuit riding" of their It concerns some rabbi who came Indeed, it becomes almost necessary to offset to ored by the nation. logical conditions among1 the formerly usher stopped her and inquired the from a little village in Russia to the ministry. • some extent prejudicial opinion, especially for a young generation of "Bohemia" now reason. She replied: The record of Jewish soldiery during the bigger centers. In his village, he had I'd like to see the rabbis circuit rid"Why not? Doesn't your sign say, never seen any pipe smoking. small minority people who have been the victims grown to maturity, than the letter World War stands out gloriously. Of the 200,ing. Expecting one man to preach a 'Kimm Aran'." When he came to the city—upon good sermon week after week is ex000 Jews who served in the United States army of so much libel and slander. When one appre-J left by Ralph Barton, the cartoonist, before he took his life. Doubtless the during the war, 1,100 were cited for valor, 150 dates that under present conditions it is prob- artist was the victim of his own tem- A certain Mrs. Catling is said to visiting one of his poor parishioners, pecting a little too much. Wouldn't he noted him smoking a pipe. received the distinguished service cross, and three ably the best means of counteracting ignorant perament, and possessed a more than have sailed for Palestine in connec- "What is that?" queried the rabbi it be much better, if every rabbi, say, perfected half a dozen sermons and antagonism, its worthy purpose far outweighs the j usual share of the eccentricities of tion with her plan to move the Chris- in Yiddish. were awarded the highest honor the government kept on going around the circuit genius. Speaking* of the melancholia tian Science centre there, after havcan bestow—the Congressional Medal of Honor. charge that it is in bad taste. "That is a 'pipke'," responded the (Continued on page 6.) ., which was increasingly overtaken him ing inherited $500,000 from her fathAs there were 4,228,000 Jews in the United States he said: "It has made it impossible er. Hasn't Palestine enough "Tsuros" at that time, about 59 out of every; 1,090 served, for me to enjoy the simple pleasures without adding this additional probas against only 50 out of every X,000 of all other of life* I have run from wife to wife, lem? from house to house, and from councreeds. In addition, over: 300,vbf Spur American try to country*- in a ridiculous effort "The biggest Jewish show on Jewish soldiers were decorated by'the Allied govto escape from myself. In doing; so earth" was staged in a mid-western ernments. TRIBUTE TO A JESUIT PRIEST I am very much afraid that I have city in connection with the Allied To the present generation Jewish war heroes French' Jewry will be joined by Jeweries of caused a great deal of unhappiness to Jewish drive. A division of campaign generally means veterans of the late World War. other lands in paying honor, on May 28, to the those who have loved me. I am fed workers "emulated the Ziegfeld FolBut members of our race have distinguished them-j memoryof Henri Gregoire, Catholic bishop, on' up with inventing devices for getting lies." "Singing, 'Bringing the Bacon selves on the battlefield for our country in all [the occasioii of the centennary of his death. This through twenty-four hours every day Home' and 'We're Over the Top,' 35 with with bridging over a few months, the other wars of the country, also. Despite the] unique honor has been earned by this Jesuit priest periodically, with some purely artifi- pretty girls expressed their elation over this victory (oversubscription of fact that at the time the Colonies decided to break of a century ago. because he, more than any other cial interests." Here is the story of the division's quota) in song." The away from Britain's apron-strings the Jewish individual, was responsible for the emancipation one whom the world called "success- following day "Rubiner's Rabbonim" population was comparatively small and that some of French Jewry by the Revolutionary Assembly ful;" he at'-nits that his life had been announced its oversubscription, by "glamorous." But in the end bore- strutting into the dining hall, dressed fought on each side, yet history records definitely 142 years ago. dom, combined with other factors in black robes and 'yarmulkes,' the more than fifty Jews who fought with the vicHenri Gregoire was the maker of the motion growing out of it, broke down Ms will women wearing the traditional headtorious American army in the revolution, twenty- for the emancipation of the Jews. When a spe- to live. Of interest in connection with j gear, the 'sheitels.' Mr. Rubiner himfour of whom were officers. The best known of the story of Ralph Barton is an arti-i self 'Eili, Eili' and an orchestra played cial day was set aside for the deliberation on the cle by. Haney Evans in "ScribnerV popular hymns." Other "sensational these are Colonels Isaac Franks and David Salisbill for the granting of equal rights to Jews, this magazine entitled, "Goodbye Bohembury Franks. Manuel Mordacai Noah of South stunts" were employed^ whereby 'he Jesuit exclaimed: "Fifty thousand Frenchmen) fia." She points out that the "cult of particular city was "placed in the Carolina served en Washington's staff, and Major Yacht shapes for dress and business wear. arose this morning as slaves; it depends on you Bohemianism is dead, gone entirely, front rank of American Jewry's fundBenjamin Nones was commander of a legion of Soft straws for sports. They're here in evas an intellectual movement, eighteen raising efforts." The reading cf this whether they shall go to bed as free people." ery new braid and new style development. 400 men that fought in nearly every battle in the years after its inception. We learn Expert hat men to give you conscientious Gregoire wrote a book advocating the phy- from this article iwhat has happened narrative in the "Jewish Daily BulleCarolinas. Mordecai Sheftall, commissary gentin" makes one furiously to think reservice. eral of the Georgia troops and later of the entire sical, moral and political regeneration of the Jews. to the "radicals" of the mid-war per- garding the effect of American "jazz Hats—Main Floor Continental army, is listed as one of the heroic The Jewish Encyclopedia, commenting on this iod, among them Edna St. Vincent life" upon Jewish community activMillay, Louis Untermeyer, Floyd Dell book and on the sentiments of this Catholic bisities. Eecently a prominent Cantor defenders of Savannah. and ethers. I commend this essay as was described as the "Ziegtfeld of hop, states: History tells us that in the War of 1812 one of the most enlightening that has Jewish music;" a metropolitan Temple "The arguments advanced in his book in appeared in a long time with refer-: Players' group produced "Broadway," Colonel Nathan Meyers, Captain Meyer Moses, DRRECT APPAREL FOB HEN AND WOMEKSamuel Noah, Isaac Mertz, Benjamin Gratz and favor of the Jews are in no way original; they re- ence to our young people. > The fol- and ether banal and meretricious proJudah Touro distinguished themselves. There peat the often-advanced statements that the Jews lowing quotations deserve attention:] grams presented. One of American "The past eighteen years of experi- Israel's greatest spirits recently ;wore more than sixty Jews in the American army are not worse than the average, and that the inmarked of the influence of the presthat invaded Mexico in 1845. General David de justice of medical legislation was largely respon- mentation have produced their results ent depression upon the morals of the Leon was twice voted the thanks of Congress, and sible for whatever faults are peculiar to the Jews. —some fortunate and others sad. The-communities: 'Sweet are the uses of young of 1920 had the worst of it, and, Lieutenant Henry Seligson was sent for by Gen- He therefore demanded for them full enfranchise- if they belonged to the smart set' adversity'; it may be that the arrogeral Taylor and complimented for his bravery at ment, including political rights. What gave spe- (either in- New York or Newtonvflle) j ance and recklessness produced by Monterey. In the Civil war the Jews fought on cial weight to Gregoire's pamphlets was the fact their lives were pretty well thrown the recent artificial prosperity will both sides with equal bravery and daring. Some that he spoke as a professing Catholic priest who away—The young people of today,'1 give way to a greater respect for Jewish values." Bat the "sensational 8,000 of them were in uniform, and of these 40 advocated the enfranchisement of the Jews from those who are just leaving college, stunts" and "Follies" of the campaign were staff officers, 9 generals, 18 colonels, 40 the point of view of canonical law, and desired to have the benefit of the situation.' described and others like it give little They may choose their loyalties and. majors, and 205 captains, The highest officer prove that the Church had always been favorable be blameless. If they like the conse-j hope that salvation is as yet at hand. quences, they may be modern a la Jews should imitate the best, not the; was Brevet-Major General Frederick Knefler of to the Jews." 1920; or they may, if they are not !cheapest elements of American life. Indianapolis. There was also one Jewish chaplain, Henri Gregoire's sentiments, therefore, were afraid to risk believing, be modern a Humor has its place, bat vulgarities Rev. Jacob Frankel. those of a simple, truly religious and very hu- la 1931, Or they may choose the in- jmust not be introduced even for the The first volunteer to answer McKinley's call man person who battled that those who did not "between despair that emerged about collection of a few additional dollars. in 1898 was a Jew, and the first to fall was also a possess them might enjoy the same rights that 1925 when the results of taking Social notes in the average AmeriJew. Fully 5,000 Jewish soldiers were in the field he had acquired. Whatever honors are accorded things apart were found to oe less during this Spanish-American War. In short, the his memory were therefore honestly earned by a than might be desired. The ideas that can Jewish, 'weekly are read with enbecame serious about this time were' thusiasm by everyone, though oftenJewish people deplore war—are the world's great- man whose name goes down in Jewish history for expressed only too well in Joseph. times their grammar and style are est peace-lovers, not because they are in the his honest political and social views.—Detroit Wood Krutch in his "The Modern( fearfully and wonderfully made. Thus slightest cowardly, but because they preach and Chronicle. Temper" published about four years we read that "Miss L. and Mrs. K. later. Mr. Krutch offered very little; will travel leisurely throughout the live the highest ideal of humanitarianism and hope for the reinstatement of the an-Jsummer months." Or, "His many brotherly love. But, if duty calls and our counThe Creative Force is the life of the soul dent nobility of mankind, but now we friends will be delighted to hear that try is embroiled in warfare, the Jew can be found as well as the Life of the body; are beginning to see that he reckoned Mr. H. B. has had an operation from in the foremost ranks of our country's military •without the persuation of the sun (or which he is recovering." Or, "Mrs. K. affairs. The pigthat wallows in the mud, anon, Seeks moon) and the inevitable tides of re- was the former charming Miss S. beaction." fore her marriage." Or, "A coterie of something clean to scrape himself upon. the sub-debutante contingent of the RACIAL PRIDE Then follow these strikingly vital peninsula succeeded in making the afA liar or dishonest person needs a long mem- sentences: "On all hands people are fair interesting. Mrs. Ws lovely It is the contention of many people that the searching for new values and restat- young daughter, E., was among the achievements or accomplishments of a great man ory; an honest man can afford to forget the past. ing the old ones. Man's conception bads greatly admired by the guests." should be recorded merely as thqse of a citizen/ ^f fhis xnriverse and himself has chang- Were is not for such social items, rather* than ij^ose of a TeHgionist;; Applied to the Before you have said ft about them, ask your- ed); ,science is,here to stay, but phil- many of the weeklies would languish ^ly and metaphysics point their for readers. Jewisn. peopte» -ito®1 opinion Means that thie
the Way
The Straw Hat for Every Occasion $050
A VerfectTodd fbrEretybody
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ment exercises, of his daughter, Miss Sigmund Myers, at- ihe Blackstone, ing, there win be an amplifying BJ»Bara Terer, who graduates from having come for the opening ;of the tem installed on the stage of the audi"Ward-Beimont school. The exercises Highland Country club last Saturday. torium,'" Mrs. Marsh said. will take place Monday, June 1. "Recipes for salads anil desserts, as A novel, 'S^arm Hay-Hoe Dance," Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lowenstein of Mre. Darifl M. Newman well as recipes for cooking food, will MRS. ROTHEOP HONORED Detroit/Mich., are spending this week will be given by the K; T. dub of he given to those attending the show. Mrs. H. J. Bothkop was hostess at at the Blackstone with Mr. Lowen- Central .-High school tomorrow eveThe food that is cooked at the cookCrratb€ake a. beautifully appointed-luncheon Tast; stem's father, Simon Lowenstein. - ning, May 3JB, at the Birchwood club. ing school will also be given away. About 3 0 rfiu^es will attend the anS-4 cup butter, 3.1-2 icup sugar, 2 Saturday to honor her daughtef-m-j " / law, Mrs. Joe Rothkop who with her] Mr. A. Sherman and daughters, nual mformal social aff?iT of "the «o- «ggs, 2.-1-2. -cups flour, 1 cop -milk, 3 Elected to Royal Society jority. ••""". ._.;•'.. . ••'•'.." teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon husband returned '"two weeks ago. Jlrs. 'S. Stolurow, and Mrs. L. Tacom, Wash.—Dr. 1. Spector of 7 TJnigue, decorations and country Avanilla. Mix together flour, sugar, and this city has been accepted as a rfrbm Portland, Ore.j where -they haive "haTnsohj-and.iirs. A. B. Cherniss, ; ifeen Irving. Covers were'•lafd;fnrsix-" in frbm St. -Paul, Uinn., and-are costumes - will carry out the 3arm iintfcer; remove 1-2 cup -to sprinkle member of the Royal Society of Arts •t e e n . . • ' • •' • ~' ' : "" ~ •••"•' . ~ guests of Mr. ^nd Mrs. ^ h idea. Bperry's' 3 i g h t Cltib orchestra OT top, add eggs, milk, baking pow- of Great Britain. This society has" will ! der, and vanilla. Beat well. Bake in as its patron the King of England Mrs. Joe Eothkop -was formerly -Sherman and family. Sam Josephson of Kansas City, Mr. a long pan in s. moderate oven. -Miss Dorothy JLavich ctf Tiemont. and as its vice-patron the Prince of and Mrs. Morris Ferer, Mr. and Mrs. IDr. Samuel Z. 3?aier, who is spe"Wales. Before the war only two Mickael Eattlsman, Mr. ar.d Mrs., 3FOR l«Ht& Soft Ginger Bread cializfng it'rthe^ EnivErstty of WashBaskets of spring flowers, candle- Morris Milder, Mr. and,Mrs. Hobert American citizens belonged to' it, Mirs. iR. Mi Shlaes -who leaves jiext ington, S t Louis, ^spent "the week-end One cup brown sugar, 1-2 cup dark namely, Theodore Roosevelt and Dr. ,, -lighted rooms and handsomely gowned Schless, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs, svra week i»make-her home in Phoenix^ visiting in Omaha. P> 2 eSgs, 3-3 cap butter, 1-2 cup Alice Smith of Tacoma. Six kings .feminine guests added a decorative and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and was ithe ionoied : guest- .at ,a i -t note to the attractive formal opening Mr. i blaik coffee, 1-teaspoon soda, 1-2 tea- are listed among its members. Harry Ginsberg. hmcheon given at the Blaclrstone Dt. Ben Greenberg who is pursuing j spoon salt, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon %.* of the Highland Country club SaturDr. Spector i s associate professor Others dining at the dub 'were 3Hr. "^T,' day evening. Lace and chiffon, or- and Mrs. Abe Herzberg, Jlr. and 'Mrs. hotel hast Tuesday. Thirty-five gufists post graduate medical studies in New One of the feature events at the ghlger. 1 cup raisniB. of history and literature at the Colattended. Tork City and Europe is in Omaha on Spring Homemakers' Show to be pre-| Sift dry ingredients, add raisins lege of Puget Sound, *J*L gandie and the smartly new embroid- Harry fiosenfeldt, Mr. -and Mrs. iSiga. sihort visit with "his parents, Mr. sented at the city auditorium, June 9 a nd stir, cream butter, and sugar— J "^" ered batiste gowns, worn with match- mund Myers, Mr. and Mrs. William ]BIK1!HDAT and Mrs. Sam Greenberg. %--^ ing jackets or those of velvet fabric, Degen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward *E»elto 12,-will be a frae, all-electric cook-; eggs and beat well. Combine coffee Mrs. -Abe ilolker was hostess at a - \ '- were popularly chosen for the formal ler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam "Bsrzberg, THr. party yet home Saturday afternoon, in ing school, open -to all housewives of and syrup. Add to first mixture and V,.- evening wear. Omaha and vicinity, Mrs. B. E. Marsh lastly the dry ingredients. Bake m a and Mrs.Max Chapman, IMr. anil Mrs. honor jof Ihe seventh birthday -anni- PHI BETA SIGMA SPRING DAUCE Mrs. Abe Herzberg, wife of the Karl Kattleman, Jlfix. and Mrs. ;Leon versary of Iher son, Joseph SBolker. newiy appointed chairman of the slow oven for 45 minutes. Cover with president of the club, wore aJklaggie Stern, Ur. Jind Mrs. iPhflip Levey, Mr. Guests were Edwin Milder, Buddy Three bridfis-to-he will be honored HomemakerE' Show, announced today.! powdered sugar. |uRouff model gown of madelaine blue and Mrs. Ben Danhaum, 3Htr. and Mrs. IRosenstock, Charles Arostein, Nathan by their sorority, Phi TJeta Sigma, at T h e cooking school will be one of j =.-. crepe, the bodice closely fit- Manning Handler and Mr. and Mrs. Brandeis, IHoward Johnson, Buddy their annual dance which will be held the roost unique and modern home- many new housekeeping methods and ted, and the low hipline terminating Mose "Yousem. Eeichstadt, Jack Schlanger, Norman .Sunday evenhtg, June X, at the Bireh- making events ever staged in Omaha" it is for that reason that w e are pre"in a floor length fullness. She wore iBolker, Louis Eahn and Esther.Joy j-wood club. The honorees are Miss Mrs. Marsh said. "All housewives of j senting this interesting cooking a short jacket of matching shade, GEDRlCK-OiEWJB ^ENGAGEMENT of Chicago, and Louise Bolker, Ruth ^Hofner, Miss Cele Moskovitz, Omaha and vicinity are invited to at- school in conjunction -with the Bomepink souffle fashioned the tend. We will feature electric cook- makers' Show." Mr. and Mrs. Gedrick of Detroit, 3ffirs. M. IE. Milder, Mrs. George JLahn and .Miss Hell Marks, whose HAmey"7545 |- gown worn by Mrs. Morris Milder, Jttich., announce rthe engagement of of Chicago, Mrs. Morris Brandeis, ments have recently been announced. ing and refrigeration entirely. I am Nationally known home economists M. S. £APLAN. Prop. the princess mode forming the fitted their daughter, ^Bessie, to TSli l e w i s , Mrs. Dave Bolker, Mrs. Leon Cohn, Assisting Miss Cele Wolk, chair- of the opinion that modern home- will conduct the school. "For the com"waistline, and the skirt tjf extreme son of Mrs. Anna Xewis. Mr. TLevris, Miss Eose Brandeis and Mrs. -Howard man, with the ^arrangements are the makers are anxious t o learn of the fort and convenience of those attend: dfullness. Her short -velvet wrap w a s •a. former resident of Omaha, now lives Milder, Misses Evelyn Goldberg, Edythe Dolof peche color. vgoff, Lois Filvm, Bsss Spar ami an Detroit. CHICAGO VISITOR HONORED Peach lace fashioned the frock JEvelyn Kahnan. .Mrs. George Isahn of Chicago -was j worn by Mrs. Louis Hiller, the low de- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY honored at a luncheon given by her colletage conforming t » princess lines Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Erakovsky of GhlMATT DANCE and the full skirt showing1 i h e fitted •>*iago, formerly of Omaha, will cele-sister, Mrs. ^Harry ^R. Milder, last The Psi Mn fraternfty held the anhipline, and a black velvet jacket was; brate rfheir rtwenty-fcfth wedding an- Tuesday. Twenty-four guests were nual May dance at the Fontenelle present. The table, which was set in worn. .Mrs. Michael Kattleman wore jnvexsary in Chicago on May 30. Seventy-rfive couples atbuffet style,, was very -effective with pavilion. a black crepe gown, imprinted with tended the event at which a cabaret center piece of yellow spring flowers, gold flowers, and a black vel- MISS HWRIGHT HONORED program was given. -and pairs of yellow and green candles. . -vet wrap. Black chiffon fashioned Mrs. Clyde Itrasne jof Council Leo Herman was chairman, assisted The afternoon was spent in playing Mrs. Dave Rosenstock's gown, the Bluffs entertained at s. beautifully by Ben Stein and Henry Magzamin, in cards. molded hipline and full floor length appointed buffet bridge luncheon Satcharge of the arrangements. skirt distinguishing style points. Mrs. urday complimentary tto Miss Yetta LEAVE IFOR TEXAS Sam Herzberg's Chanel model gown "Wright, bride-to^he. JMr. and Mrs. S. M. Gilman and was of blue crepe with a eowl neckMiss Wright was also ihonored at a daughter, Lee, are leaving this weekline of white satin, ;and Long full hridge party Thursday ^afternoon -at end for Dallas, Texas, -where they will Bkirt. Mrs. Sigmnnd Jtfyers wore •which Mrs. ILeuis Hardnig' was attend the wedding of Miss Rutb Koprinted chiffon in beige tones, -and a gan, neice of ISrs. Gilman, and daughblack velvet wrap, while her' daughFOR YOUR iOT of 3to. aadajrs. 31. H.~Eogan, for£- ter, Mrs. Albert Pdllyea of .Chicago, 3BAR merly of Omaha. wore a beige and "white ;printed crepe Mr. anaittrs. M. ^White will celeMiss Dorothy Hingle -will .accomand a. brown velvet wrap. brate the Bar Mitzvah of iheir son, pany .the Gil mores on their motor ivaryt satin fashioned Mrs. Harry Bernard, Saturday Tnorning-, May 30, "trip. They intend "to return in -about Hosenfeld's princess gown, the long at ^the iB'jiai Israel synagogue, 18th "two weeks. full skirt showing an irregular hem- and Chicago streets. f± line, and Mrs. Clarence Bergman wore VISITORS 16th and floward a. white .Chantilly lace gown fashioned XTTNCHEON Ulrs. Jfilbert Pollyea of Chicago is with poplum and long skirt, with 3U Miss .Annette .l^anger ;was hostess orchid velvet jacket. Mrs. Milton at luncheon at ±he IFontenelle Saturlivingston's flower printed chiffon day t o honor Mrs. 1M, X. -Fanger of showed a predominate color of blue devshnxd, who, with: Mx. Fanger ania and w a s worn with a black velvet son, Donald l e e , is -visiting Iflr. d a n wrap trimmed in ermine. Black chif- ger's ^parents, Mr. and HHrs. Louis $on. with lace inserts at the-deccllet-j a g e and s. black velvet jacket was j Mrs-lM. L. I'anger i s the ^former worn by Mrs. L. M. Cohn. Miss EaeiBercu of Omaha. THie visMTB. Edward lEreUer's black chiffon j itors left Thnrsday ^for their home, gown showed a yoke of lace, and Mrs. { Ben Danbaum's white CTepe evening PLANS ^EUROPEAN TRIP fown was beaded in silver and 'wornj Miss Bertha "Newman is planning an with a scarlet velvet wrap trimmed extensive European trip. She will .in sequins. Mrs. W. W. "Watchell of sail on the S. S. Eurona, June 20. 3few York, sister of Mrs. Danbaum, After stopping in Paris fox five days, wore a black net gown trimmed -with she •will travel to points in Switzerseqnine, and a black velvet jacket, land, Italy, Germany and Austria. and Mrs. Dave Feder wore a jade Before returning she will -visit with green Chantilly gown, fashioned on relatives in Budapest and m Checosloprincess lines and a jacket of match- vakia. She will return on the S. S. fag lace. "White crepe, conformingto Bremen in September. . the new mode, fashioned Mrs. Loyal Cohn"s gown, and Mis. Morris Jacobs ATTENDS GRADUATION •wore a flower printed chiffon on a AaTon;Ferer has departed forlNashgreen background and slippers of vilie, Temx., t o attend the commencematching green.
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Pale green net fashioned Mrs. Walter Schimmel's gown, horizontal tucks of the material forming the fitted hipline, and the skirt showed three ruffles of net bound in green velvet ribbon. "Her matching wrap -was of taffeta. Mrs. Max Holzman wore a smart pointed gown, the green and .yellow pattern on a white background. About three hundred members and guests dined at the club. Mr. and Mrs. William Yousem entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dave Feder and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn at their table. In a "no host" group were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs.
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PA<JE 4—TIffi JEWISH PRESS, FRJI>AY, MAY 1.4 per cent and this year by M That again Mr. Levine told me is. would be aligned to take his place;' additional .3 per cent. Dr. Berechdue to the elimination of the brain! there would be a shuffling of personjahu pointed out the increasing difelements from communist leadership alities for several months and finally ficulty of making even the slightest and the intrusion of the muscle men. a strong opportunist would emerge gains when the figure is so low. The The government, he maintains, is who would be still further removed British government report on l t serious in its campaign against anti- than the present leadership from the says that over 60 per cent of Semitism, It is inspired in its efforts purpose and idealology of the revolu[children in the government schools to stamp it out chiefly because of its tion. opposition to the church and its cam- Stalin's present tactics, Levine be- Surpass limits Set by Ophthal- a r * Dr. Berechjahu's report shows that paign is another weapon in that lieves, are heading the country into a otologists Two Years this year the Jewish schools of Tiberstruggle. But it is inevitable for the circle back to monarchy. When that Ago Jews to suffer when the tendency is happens the world will watch aghast ias and Safed have been.rid df the more and more for'strong arm meth- at the history of a nation of 160,000,- A report of Dr. M. Berechjahu, prevailing scalp disease. The Jewish ods. The Jewish young of Russia, Le- 000 and the Jews of the world will head of the School Hygiene Depart- schools of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and vine declared, rebelled against the watch with anxiety the fate of three ment of the Haddassah Medical Or- Haifa had previously been cleaned commercialism of the ghetto. They millions of their brothers—a segment ganization in Palestine, supported by up. would like to see a new and better' of history's peculiar people scattered Haddassah, the Women's Zionist Orghetto established. Out of an in-' in a land of extraordinary extremes?, jganization of America, gives most Rome.—Prof. Federigo Enriques, grained sense of justice however they If Isaac Don Levine is right, thej encouraging news about the results! mathematician and philosopher, and are against an oppressive dictator- consciousness of the world will b e ! o f t h e b of f Ih u l t y of the UniUni done among the children a member Ihe ffaculty ship. jolted anew and with an intensity in the Jewish schools there, this versity of Rome, has received word Their future culturally, constitutes never equalled before. year that he had been 'appointed an honorthat of a Jewry freed from pilpul. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleIn his report to Hadassah, Dr. ary member of the Royal Academy Atheism is making great strides graphic Agency, Inc.) Berechjahu states that his depart- of Science at Stockholm. In view of Isaac Don Levine, biographer of Those three millions are being vapid- opponent and break up tils meetings among the Jews who saek an escape Russia's dictator ("Stalin," Cosmo- ly affected by the shifting political when he was a Jew. When Trotzky from the severe orthodoxy prevalent ment supervised 25,340 pupils. They the close relations between this inpolitan) forsees colossal changes in fortunes within Russia. In the Com- was shot upon and when a fireman Einstein May Spend paid particular attention to tra- stitution and the Swedish Academy, Russia which will strongly affect the munist party, for_ example, where smashed in the windows of his car,in some localities. Yet Mr. Levine choma, and scalp diseases. Since which makes the Nobel prize awards : Winters in California millions of Jews in the country. In believes that sooner or later the hisi Hadassah has been conducting its in physics and chemistry, it is bethis interview written for the Jewish their numerical importance, though upon the tenth anniversary of the toric traditions of the Jewish people 1 Telegraphic Agency and The Jewish at all times highly overrated, was at revolution, the evidence for hooligan will sooner or later exert its influ- Berlin.—(J. T. A.)-California made j antitrachoma campaigns it reduced liever that Professor Enriques will Press Mr. Levine discusses what these one time fairly considerable, it has and terroristic methods was clear. receive the 1931 award for physics. such a favorite impression on Prof. the prevalence of this eye disease ence upon them. changes will be and How the Jews will now decreased amazingly. Mr. LeProfessor Enriques, who is known Throughout history lawlessness and be affected by them.—Editor. Albert Einstein when he visited the from an average of 40,73 per cent as the "Italian Einstein," participatto 10 per cent. vine explains this shift by a reference rowidness have been abhorrent to What of Russian Jews? Pacific coast of the United States last ed in the last International Mathethe Stalin is Russian for steel. And to the present nature of the party Jews. The biography of Russia's master winter, that he is now ssriously think- . Two y e a r s matical Congress as chairman of the Russia today is a land of steel. which has substituted hooliganism fjr ists declared at their conference and has had a long journalistic associa. . . .the . naxt- few . . I lets HprlnrnH ing of.. spending winters It has steeled itself to the greatest intellect. The one remaining Jew in Return to Monarchy? in the press that the reduction of Italian delegation. tion with Russian history. He hasthere. Levine judges that Stalin is driv- made five trips -to Soviet Russia as self experiment in history. It is be- a position of some importance is a Dr. Einstein's inclination to become trachoma in the schools had reached ing hammered in an anvil of five-year Stalin henchman, Kaganovitch, a J e w u.g straight to hjs own downfall. Just correspondent variously for the Chi-a winter resident of California has its ultimate limits. plans arid dictatorships. Like steel it from Homel, White Russia, who a t ' a s the Rbmanoffs by their corruptaon cago Daily News, the New York been strengthened by an attractive olThe school hygiene department FOR SALE inefficiency ™fi«ency became beca™ the tool of Globe and the Hearts publications. c o n t i n u e d tT m t o r e d u c e t h i s fi has a capacity for magnetism where- 38, is one of the three secretaries of ^ fer reported to have been made t o , ?' S S" Am leaving for California. Will by it has attracted to itself the at- the Communist party of which Stalin the revolution so the extreme oppres- He lays claim to having unearthed him by the California Institute of, ure - L a s t y c a r ik w a s reduced by sacrifice beautiful 5-room bungatention of the entire world. It is a himself is the general secretary. sion and muzzling that are unmatched the famous "Willy-Micky" correspon- Technology at Pasadena. low. Also five rooms of splendid FKADEKBIKG, STAL51VSTKU £ BEBEB land of steel, too, in one other aspect: Kagranoviteh, incidentally, is said to by any other period in history, are dence, the exchange of letters befurniture. Attorneys this vast Eurasian expanse that speak Russian with a strong Yiddish tween the two royal cousins, the late C.7# Omaha Kat'onol Bank Bids. New York (J. T. A.)—Joseph RumMRS. A. SILVERMAN—Wa. 5951 spreads half way across the face of accent just as Stalin spsaks the langCzar Nicholas II and the ex-Kaiser shinsky, composer for the Yiddish PEOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Harry j the globe is in the fist of a man of uage with a decided Georgian accent. Wilhelm. Fourteen years ago he pul - theater who was for many years as- I'Vwniau, Deceased. ! steel. Stalin, named in his Georgian lished the complete correspondence sociated with the theatrical activities Norice is hereby given that the creditors I The Jew revolts against oppression of the said deceased will meet the admin-I birthplace as Joseph Dzugashvili. at all times, Levine told this interbetween the Czar and the Czarina. He I o f Molly Picon and Jacob Kalisch, istrator of said estate, l»efore me, <_>junty CHARLES SIMON Stalin is himself a kulak of a heroic viewer. That" is why his importance has written variously on the Russian will become a partner ot Joseph Edel- J tho Count j' Court Kouni, in said County, j ItecommeDds type. He has grasped securely into in the Communist Party is now on revolution including a widely t-ans- stein, manager of the Second Avenue t on the 23id day of July, 15KS1, ai><l on the I 23r<l day of tw*pteml»e-r, 1931, at SJ O'clock his fist the might of leadership. He the decline. The Sanitary Laundry lated study of the life and career of theater, next season, The announce-1 A. M.. each day, for the purpose of pre•The Best ot All Laandry Brrrlee" has ousted the old communist leaders senting: their claims for exumiuatton, adLenin. For the present he makes his ment that Mr. Rumshlnsky had part- justment und allowance. Tsree months are The Stalin-Trotzky feud which has «816 among whom there was represented home in the Greanwich Village sec- ed company with Miss Picon and Mr.allowed for the creditors to pi^sent their received the dramatic attention of the AT-2815 Farnam claims, from the 20th day of Jnne, 1931. that dramatic figure of modern histion of New York, where he has com- Kalisch has created a sensation rest of the world and has been interBKll'B CUAWFO11D, tory, Trotzky, and now towers alone County Judge. pleted his book on Stalin. Yiddish theatrical circles. on the horizon" of Russian political preted by many as the triumph of FUADKXBl'RG, STALMASTEU & BEREK Written from an anti-Communist scheming mediocrity against heedless Attorneys dominance. point of view, although as he says genius, was fated to end with Stalin 630 Omaha Nat onal Bank New and Old Furthermore, according to Isaac as victor. Trotzky was moving with scrupulous efforts at honesty in NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Don Levins, authority on Russian af- against the trend of the revolution, VIOLINS portrayal, the book is sure to be of In the District Court of Douglas -County, Nebraska. fairs and the author of a newly pub- says Stalin's biographer. Stalin and great interest and to stir considerAt Reasonable Prices l>y virtue of nn execution issued by ltob-1 | lished biography of the. Red dictator, Trotzky were both members of groups ert. Smith. Clerk or' the l>istrict Court oft able disputatious literature. Stalin M N. C NIELSEN iglns County, Nebraska, upon a judgthe present leadership is driving P. .s- oppressed within Old Russia but when emerges from the book as one who is ment rendered in the MuuiciiKtl Court of North lGth JA. 5880 the City ot Omaha, a transcript of which sia into the orbit of a rapid circle they grappled in a struggle for sunot a sympathetic character, nor a judgment was duly filed and docketed in which, by the very nature of circular- premacy Stalin's Christianity gave the District Court, within and for Dougcreative or magnetic or stimulating ISAAC DON LEVINE las County, in favor of JCxra Sidmnn. tloiug ity, leads back to the starting point. him a distinct advantage against his influence, but as the apotheosis of efbusiness as the K. Kidman Coal Co. plaintiff, and against Arthur C. Leflang, de"I see," says Mr. Levins "the return rival. "I don't believe for a moment" Biographer of Stalin, Russia's dicta- ficiency. If not for the turn of events fendant, in Execution Docket Number U7, of the monarchy to Russia within the says Mr. Levine "that Stalin encour- tor, tells some significant facts about in the revolution, Levine claims, his at Page SOB, I hare levied upon the followNATIONAL ing described property, to-wit: next fifteen years." I .Lot Six (0) Collins l'laic, nn addition aged anti-Semitism against Trotzky the new Russia that will eventually story would be unknown just as Henry * to the City »f Omasa, Douglas County, NeACCESSORIES, INC. Ford's opinions would not be heraldhut insofar as v Stalin's political cam- affect its millions of Jews. | braska, and I will nt 10 o'clock A. tL,.on Jews in Russia Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1931. at "Everything for the Anto" Russia before the war had the larg- paign opened wide the gates for hooli- working to bring about the downfall ed far and wide if not for the fact !1 the Kast front door of the Douglas County that he has let loose 20,000,000 cars. Court House, in the City of Omaha, Dougganism within the party, to that exof Stalin. est Jewish population in the world; 2501 Farnam—AT. 6524 las County, Nebraska, sell sa.'d properly at public auction to the highest bidder for Today, after the post war partitions, tent Trotzky suffered because he was It was at this point in our inter- In his own way, the biographer adds, cask, to satisfy plaintiffs judgment in the view that Levine made his astounding Stalin is modest and charming, with the number of Jews has been greatly a Jew." sum of ¥398.83, with interest; to satisfy the sum ot $25.00 costs and the increased reduced. There are still three millions It was easisr, as can be surmized, prophecy about the return of the the charm of a certain shyness. But and accuring costs. of "them in the land of the Soviets. to pluck up the will to terrorize r n monarchy to Russia. The peasants, in his office he is inflexible and as Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 27th (lay of May. 1031. he claims, have not yet had their say. liard as nails. C. R. MrPOXAI,I>. Sheriff, This man is now at the helm in nt-5-20 Douglas Comity, Nebraska. ' When their turn comes a catacylsmic' Russia. Should he die a weak group change will result. Lmv Offices The Jews are bound to suffer when! 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 FKADENBCRG, STALMASTER tc BEBER STAI^MASTER & CEHER RIOVING — STORAGE — the time comes. But, Mr. Levine is of TRADENBUIMJ;>: Attorney* G50 Omaha National Bank Bide"COOPER CONSTRUCTION C©J PIANO MOVING NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF the opinion that by their colonization j 650 Omaha Xat'l Bank Bids.. Omaha "GKXEHAL. ST.-1T.ES lATSVltASClS BV PUBLICATION OV PETIupon the land they incur lesser dan-1 NOTICE COKVOUATION" TION' FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL. KNOW AI,I., MKN BY THESE PUESger. Massacres and pogroms have al- AUMIMSTKATION ACCOUNT EXTS, that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of tiie State ways taken place in heavily populated In I he Comity Court of Douglas Couiify, of Nebraska. The name of this corporacities. The settlement of the Jews: Nebraska. tion shall be "GENERAL STATUS INIn the Matter of the Estate of Peter WILLIAM BUYUKN CO. FUR STORAGE j SUUANCE COllPOUATlON" with its prinDeceased. upon the land offers them a greater Chudacoff, cipal place of husiuess at Uiuahiu A'eAll persons interested fn said matter nre Cleaning—Remodeling—Relining Certified Public braskR. The general nature of the busimeasure of security. hereby notified that on the 11th day of ness to be transacted and the object and May. 1031. Harry Chudacoff tiled n peti'ion At moderate prices purpose for which this corporation is or-, in said County Court, praying that his Accountants Mr. Levine has nothing but praise final administration account filed herein gamzed »nd established, sbnil !>e as folfor the efforts to colonize Jews on the be settled and allowed, and (hat he be 110 So. 35 St.—Tel. HA. 2737 lows: To own and hold the stock nnd 638 Securities Bldff.—AT. 4451 securities of insurance companies nnd to from his trust as administrator land in Russia. He believes that the discharged own and hold the stock and securities of and that a tearing on said any corporation: to orgnnlne, purchase, petition before ^wid Court on the 6th day cultural future of the Jews will be of lease or manage insurance companies June. 1931, jjnd that if you fail to «pof all classes nnd kinds; to act as general safer in the colonies than anywhere ,pear before said Court on the said Oth day or special agent for insurance companies of June. 1031, nt 5> o'clock A. M., nnd conelse. "Dr. Rosen," he believes, "is test of All kinds: to adjust, nnd appraise losses; snid petition, the Court may jrrant the I. BERK0WITZ to act, as agent, broker or trustee for any prayer of s.-iid petition, enter a decree of carrying on a great piece of work." heirsliip, and make such other and further corporation, organization or person: to Furrier contract and transact business with its inIt is true that the strong collectiviza- orders, allowances and decrees as to this J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor rorporators. stockholders, directors and ofthat all FUR STORAGE tion policy has had its affect on the " ' ficers the snine ns with any other person, be J firm or corporation; to acquire the whole or "NEW FOR OLD" Jews, but being newcomers to thefinally setled and determined. Remodeling and Relining i nny part of the assets ana business of any BR1CB person, firm, organization or corporation, land, the policy is less harsh upon 3t-5-lo-31 1619 Farnarn St.—AT. 8481 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703 and to p.i.v for the same in cash, stock or County Judge. them. The fact that they are held bonds of this corporation, or otherwise; to own, lease and manage buildings or proptogether by Jewish traditions is cer- FEADESBCRG, STAL.MASTEK * BEUER erty of every kind, whether real, personal i Attorney* or mixed; to lend and invest moniea on it ft tain to be a strong force to resist C50 Omaha Kutfonaf Bank Bldg* own account, or as agent or trustee of pressure from without. Omaha. Nebraska. other persons or corporations, and to secure such lonns by mortgaging or pledgNOTICE « F INCORPOKATION OP "What about the continued antiing its own property, or ofhensisc: to pnr0 Harrj U. Lapidus. PresidentTreas. B CANUYLASU, INCOltrOKATED chase or pell securities, or property of any Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is Semitism in Russia," I wanted to KNOW ALT* MKN HX THESE FKESnature and description: to borrow money that ibe undersigned hnve formed AND Watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high repulaand Issue Us bonds, debenture*, or other know. "The news reports seem to ENTS a corporation under the laws of the State ^ tion recommends that you try it. evidence of indebtedness therefor, and lo of Nebraska. The name of this corporation indicate that it is as widespread as shall be CANUl'MKU, INCOKl'OItATKD, secure the paymf-nt of the same by mortgaging, pledging or conveying nny or nil with its principal place of Uusiucss at SBflflflflBBBBBBBBBBBflBflBBfll ever." of >.ts property Or assets; to trnnstu-t a Omaha, Nebraska. 1'he general nature of general insurance, loan, real estate, investCOMPLETE STORE AND AT ALL GROCERS the business'to- he transacted and the obment nnd insurance brokerage business; ject and purpose for which U'is corporaOFFICE OUTFITTERS to carry out all or nny part, of the foretion is organized nnd established shall lie Made by We « « i i p y going objects ns principal, factor, broker, to engage in the wholesale and retail busi-
In Biography of Stalin, Author Foretells Colossal Changes or Russian Jews
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Hakes
A Big Paying Investment Located at 1128-32-34-38-40 North 19th Street. There are five 5-room brick flats, a 7-room modern brick house and a garage in'the rear 60x60 ft. This property was constructed with the very best material and workmanship. All rented at §142.50 per month or $1,710 per annum.
Terms: Only $1,250 cash and the balance in easy monthly payments. The rents from this property will pay for it in a few years. The lot is 180 ft. east frontage on 19th St. by 140 ft. in depth. All improvements, including paving in both streets and alley are paid for, Today phone HA. 3916.
AT. 6635
ness of manufacturing, distributing and selling of candies, confections, ice cream, soft drinks, restaurant nnd luncheonette wares, beverages and cordials and to do any and all other things incidental, necessary, convenient or in any way pertaining to the carrying on of Such business, including the right to buy, sell and own real estate in Siiid business. The authorized capital stock shall be $£-.,000.00 and nil of said stock shall be. common and of ln<? par value of $100 00 per share and nil of said stock shall be fully paid for when issued nlid filial! be non-assessable. Said stock may be issued for cash, or for or personal propeity at the reasonable value thereof. The corporation shall commence business upon ihe filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and it shall continue doing business for a period of fifty years from s a d date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, but this restriction shall not apply to Indebtedness secured by mortgages upon any of the corporate property. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Hoard of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than thre.e members, ihe annual meeting ot the corporation shall be held on the first Monday of January of each year at which time the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board snail elect a president, a secretary and a treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended nt any regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all outstanding stock. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parlies hereto have hereunto- subscribed their hands this S t U ^ ^ M W31 OSCAR T. DOERK, l a the presence of Irrin Stalmaster. 4t-5-15-&.
. - ? - - . - -•-•-. - •--
Over jo.OOO Hquare Feet
Southwest Comer Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr,
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA
'.WE B 2467
agent, contractor or otherwise, either nlone or in connection with any person, firm, association or corporation; to tlo nny nnd all things Incidental, or in any way pertaining to any of the aforementioned powers, and if is expressly provided that the enumeration herein of specific objects and powers- shall not be held to limit or restrict in nny manner the general powers of flifs corporation.
The authorized capital stock shall be . $2").000.00. all of which shall be common and of the par value of $10.00 per share and an ot said Mock Shall l>e fully paid up and non-assessable. Said stock may be issued for cash, real or personal property, pood will, personal services, or nnytbing of value. The corporation Khnll commence doing business upon (he filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Uoiiglns County, Nebraska, and" slmll continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation stmll subject, itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The nffnirs of thin corpora)ion snail be managed by a Hoard of Directors consisting of not less than two members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall l>e held on the first Monday in January of i each year, r.t. which meeting the stock-' holders shall elect a Board of Directors, I nntl thereupon the Ronrd shall elect a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of snid officers may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles may be amended or added to by a vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding ctook at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names this 14th day of May, 1.131. C. 6 . TAIiMAGR, JOS. B. FKADEXBERG. In the Presence of: SAM MliSKP*-22-4t
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company
' v
PfloneATLANTIC 06X9'] 313 S0.l4Trt.ST.OMAHA.'l
PACE 5—THE JEWISH accompanist on all occasions when community singing takes place . . . » - The Confirmation .of. Omaha's youth, a social event - . , . . this phase in the education of Jewish youth' has caused the Bar Mitzvah 4» yield to the! ceremony of Confirmation . . . • the'f jproud parents; who happily.received i t their guests last Sunday must also remember to maintain their influence upon their children t o retain their vital interests in a Jewish house of worship as the center of Jewish life Tonight . . . . w e say "Mazzel Tov" to the confirmarit's of 1931 , ... . A suggestion "The Centenary of Abbe Gregoire" A social phase of our Jewish comfor an enjoyable entertainment . . . . munity life last Saturday eve- moving pictures of Palestine to be will be the subject of the sermon by Rabbi Frederick Cohn at Temple ning a t the Highland Country dub given by the Daughters of Zion SunIsrael this evening. . . . . formal opening of the club for the current season . . . . our reporter day evening, May 31st, at the Center Tomorrow Morning advises us that this was one of the . . . . we announce for the summer Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn's most brilliant affairs in the history of season the "Klosing" of "Kosher . we wish to topic will be "The Parting Blessing." the club . . « . . the women resplendent
Notes of
aimans osher
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931
A* Z* A* Essay Judges
MORE MURDERS ARE COMMITTED NOW IN PALESTINE Jerusalem—An increase in the number of murders in Palestine in 1930 over 1929, apart from the wholesale murder of Jews in .the riots of the latter year, is shown in figures just made public which reveal 326 capital crimes committed in 1930 compared with 96 in 1929. The increase in murders was paralleled by an increase in the number of attempted murders which went up from 154 in 1929 to 179 in 1930, and an increase in serious assaults from 274 in 1929 to 347 in 1930. Commenting on these figures a writer in a local paper says that "the large increase in the number of murders and attempted murders is doubtiess due to the fact that if a fellah is told he may murder Jews, against whom h ehas no grudge, in 1929, then it is surely permissible for him to murder his neighbor against whom and against whose family he has for long borne as unsatisfied and very real grudge. You cannot preach the religious duty of murder in 1929 and its impropriety in 1930."
itfontefiore Points Out That Jews Face Graver Promlem Today
London.—(J. T. A.)—Declaring that the position of the Jews in Germany created a graver problem than any faced by Jewish leaders sixty years Judq, Charles MJoseph. earlier, Leonard G. Montefiore, presiOmaha, Nebr.—"Employment Dis- subject due to the lack of written madent of the Anglo-Jewish Association, pointed to this fact as characterizing crimination Against the Jew," is the terial available. Gold, silver and bronze jeweled the important changes that had taken subject of the 1931 international esplace in the life of the Jews since the say conetst of Aleph Zadfk Aleph of medals will be presented to the interAssociation was founded nearly sixty the B'nai B'rith. The following have national winners and each will be Komments Kolumn" in their finery together with the dec- heartily express our thanks to friends years bark, to protect the rights of been selected to judge the contest: given a year's subscription to the Jeworations made the event a colorful and critics alike who aided us in mainKaddish Mrs. Estelle M. Sternberger, New ish Book-of-Month Club. Jews. late spring festival . . . . Detroit Jew- taining interest in this column . . . . Eaddish will be recited this Sabbath At that time, said Mr. Montefiore, York City, Executive Secretary of the ry has gone over the top in their alAbner H. Kaiman. for Irene Bosewater. presiding at the 59th annual meeting National Council of Jewish Women The Nathan Strauss baseball team, lied drive . . . . Jews of Detroit have of the Association, the position of the and International Secretary of the which averages 17 years of age, batnot forgotten the spirit of maintainJews in countries governed by parlia- World Organization of Jewish Wom- tled the strong Florence Merchants to Sunday School ing the Jewish heart . . . . this city The closing exercises of the Temple ments was quite satisfactory and it en; Judge I. M. Golden, San Francisco, a 9-to-9 deadlock last Sunday at 22nd has suffered through the depression Israel Sunday School will be held was generally believed that the crea- chairman of the Anti-Defamation and Paul streets. far more acutely than any other city Sunday, May 31, at 10 a. wu 'Thetion of parliamentary government in commission for District No. 4 of B'nai J. Adler knocked in four runs, while . . . . and here we are plodding along, beautiful flower service will be ren-autocratic countries would completely B'rith and Charles Joseph, Pittsburgh, Zorinsky clouted a homer, and Novak endeavoring to reach our quota . . , . dered. do away with the handicaps of the editor of the Jewish Criterion. batted out two hits. Councfl of Jewish Women it is not our intention to criticize, but Jews, but present-day Germany proves Over five hundred original essays, The Nathan Strauss nine want The annual luncheon and last meetwe can find among Omahans, many ing of the year of the Council of Jewhow conditions have changed. which have a minimum limitation of games—no teams barred. Jews in the Holy Land will be shown. who materially reduced their pledges ish Women was held Monday at the Emphasizing another phase of the 1,500 words, are expected to be en"The Drag," starring Richard Barth. . . . yet continue to indulge in lux- Blackstone hotel. changes that have taken place during tered in chapter contests which will elmess, will also be shown. uries that are not at all consistent At this time Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Hyman Shrier and Rebeccah Kirsch- the past sixty years, Mr. Montefiore be held in probably 125 cities. The said that none could forsee then Chat young men, of Junior B'nai B'rith, Though an president, gave the annual report of enbaum will present a skit. with present times appeal was made by Jewish commit- all the departments. In the past year New York would become the greatest have been working many weeks in tee for a change of date Jewish community and that it would making personal investigation on the the 46 women have joined the Council, Nathan Strauss Group American Legion convention will open and most of these new members were become the most influential factor in Plans for a moonlight hike and for Jewish life the world over. He also in Detroit, Mich., on September 21st present. . . . . the day of Yom Kippur . . . An enjoyable program was present- a stag at one of the city's prominent stressed the important influence Zionhotels were discussed at the regular ism had become. because of extensive preparations al- ed after the luncheon. ready made the executive committee At the board meeting which pre- weekly meeting of the Nathan Straus was unable to change the date . . . ceded the luncheon it was decided to fraternity last Tuesday at the Center. $500,000 to Philanthropy out of respect to Jewish Legionaires send 25 dollars to the Nebraska Tub- The committee in charge consists of Philadelphia,—Two bequests totalthe convention will adjourn on Sep-erculosis association for the benefit of Jack Adler, chairman; William Lohr- ling $500,000 are contained in the Moscow (J. T. A.)—"We do not tember 21st, at noon, for the rest of the summer camp they sponsor for rnan and Max Freedman^ will of the late Mone Samuel Friden- wish to have anything to do with New baseball suits will be distrib- berg, former member of the Philaa special committee is undernourished children. The same the day . pigs," the Jewish students at the making arrangements for the Jewish amount was given them by the Coun- uted to the members of the team at delphia and New York Stock Ex- Grain Technicum in Borisov antheir game Sunday at the 32nd and changes, filed for probate here. One boys to be provided with places of cil last year. Dewey diamond with Monty's Lunch, bequest is of $100,900 to the trustees nounced when the authorities anworship on that date . . . . One of our nounced that the Technicum had been semi-flro aggregation. friends whose wife wanted to lose of the University of Pennsylvania changed to an Institute for Animal Jewish Women's Welfare weight asked our advice . . . . we sugfor the use of the University hospit- Husbandry specializing in the raising Organization . . . the electric gested that he keep her worried, al. of pigs. Scores of Jewish students The closing meeting of the Jewish refrigerator of which is the cheapest way after alL Women's Welfare Organization will The second bequest is for $44,000 threatened to discontinue their studies Hymns by non-Jewish poets and be held at the Jewish Community to the Jewish Welfare Society for if the change stands. perfection . . . . composers have been removed from Center on Tuesday, June 2, at 2:30 the erection of a memorial to Mr. In a number of other cities of the hymnal now in use by Reform p. m. Fridenberg's parents, the late Sa- White Russia Jews are raising serious This marvelous Electric Jewish congregations . . . . a revised muel M. and Esther Fridenberg. The constitution has been revised objections to pig raising, some direcRefrigerator boasts of 15 hymnal recently adopted by a com- and will be presented for the approval Great Features that no tors of collectives having even offered mittee of rabbis was completed last of the members. A report will be "la music Omaha ranks with the having one of the great conductors. to resign when asked to change their other refrigerator can largest cities of the United States and week . . . . Reform Judaism had often given of the year's work. A large atmateh. It is an addition to collectives from grain raising to pigof the nation." I find that your musicians compare been criticized for a lack of unity in tendance is hoped for. the new home that will raising. Many workmen have also Omaha music lovers are purchasing favorably with those of any other its song service . £> .• Tobie Steinberg, continue to give unstinted The regular meeting will be preced- section," said Luigi Palaxi, Italian seats to the Palazi concert Thursday threatened to quit. active in local Junior Hadassah cir- ed by a board meeting at 1:30. service and enjoyment for night, June 11, in large numbers, but In the Koidanov region where speg ^ j f g ^ seven years _was cles, elected a vice president at the years to come. 1 cial pig-raising collectives have been plenty of good seats are still available leading tenor with the San Carlo fifth annual conference of the Junior Chesed Shel Ernes Opera Company, who sings in concert at all downtown music stores and at established, the industry is practicalHadassah which recently convened at A regular meeting of the Chesed at the Omaha Technical high school the Unitt-Docekal Drug store, Seven- ly unproductive, 97 per cent of the Tulsa, Okla. . . . The final congrega- Shel Emes Society will be held on teenth and Farnam streets. pigs dying in infancy. tional supper of the season at the Monday, June 1, at the Chesed Shel auditorium Thursday night, June 11. Palazi has selected two Omaha Center . . . . honoring the members of Eme3 building, 19th and Cuming Sts. musicians to assist him in his first the Choir . . . . young women who "Jiut Around the Corner from Everytldng" Installation of newly-elected offi- Omaha concert. Albert Sand will volunteer their services despite their cers will feature the meeting. All are play accompaniments for Palazi, who and Up domestic responsibilities . . . . Mes- urged to be present. sings in five languages. dames Isador Dansky, Ben Newman, Terms to Sort Purchaser Miss Irma Clow, harpist, with the Ben Minkin, Hyman Belman, Edward Daughters of Zion Omaha Symphony orchestra will be Levinson, Nathan Nogg, Joseph Everything is set for the combined assisting artist, and will offer harp Stern, Jake Blank and the choir lead- concert and moving picture program numbers between the various groups er . . . . Mrs. Sam Beber . . . . Judge to be presented by the Daughters of that Signor Palazi will sing. Stalmaster presiding and evoking a Zion Sunday evening, May 31, in the "1 am sorry that I did not arrive 1514-16-18 Bodge Street, Omaha - Nebr. hearty laughter in his response to large auditorium of the Jewish Com- in Omaha soon enough to hear the 4648 South 24th Street, South Omaha Mrs. William Alberts . . . . the death munity Center, starting at 7:30 p. concert of your Symphony orof Mrs. Sam Ravitz and Mrs. MaxAll proceeds will go to the Jewish chestra season," said Palazi. "In Jo1413 Douglas LerneT . . . . a distinct loss to our National fund, and anyone interested seph Iittau, Omaha is fortunate in community of two faithful communal in Palestine is urged to be present workers . . . . unselfish devotion of and enjoy some excellent entertainWith the Mrs. Eavitz to the Old Peoples' Home ment while aiding a worthy cause. arid many other charitable organizaThe program is well-balanced, with tiocs will be long remembered . . . numbers of interest to both young Mm. Lerner also was a conspicuous and old. example of the woman who was al- The Hazomir choir, which has been ways prepared to give aid to all winning the applause of many organworthy causes . . . . We insist on con- izations by their rendition of Jewish Combined with the gratulating Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. and Hebrew melodies, will give the Herman Hirschmann and the other concert. members of the woman's committee Mr. William Holzman will deliver who prepared the luncheon for.the a talk on his experiences in Palestine Philanthropies workers at the Center during his recent trip. A Palestine . . . . and Lylyan Chudacoff, the picture taken by the J. N. F. and deand Scientifically Blended charming young lady who is the piano picting the progress made by the
Organization News
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PAGE €--THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 I Now, for, ought-I know, Otterburg, L©s-~Angeless California, and i s , *t njay or may not have been the right tW home of her son and daughterman for the post, but it's passing in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzstrange that the criticism by the Naman. tion is purely on the score of his be- [ F. Mr. B. Balaban left Monday for ing a "German Jew." And when ynii' j « . . . Minneapolis, Minn., to be gone about coasider the fact, that the Nation at I Students to Graduate week when the engagement of Miss a week or ten days. MISS ANNA PIJX Cprr^owrf^t : thaj; time, too, was supposed to be | Week. : Cylia Gerhnn, formerly of Council something of a liberal spokesman, the Bluffs, but now: of Chicago, to Mr. - Among the ' students from 'the . Nine Jewish' students will; graduate surprise is all the greater.' • from the local High Schools next Morris Gershun, also of Chicago, was University of Iowa who are coining NAMING YOUR BABY week. Commencement exercises for revealed.: Miss Gershun is a niece of home this week to spend their sumAll news for the Sioux City page ;Max Rhoade and myself were con-[Thomas Jefferson High School will Mr- and Mrs. Jake Krasne. No date mer vacation are Seymour Cohn, must reach the Sioux City correferring the other day, and being as• be held next Thursday evening, June for the wedding has as yet been set. Milton Krasne, Leo Nogg, Leonard spondent hot later than Tuesday both of us are: bachelors, the conver- 4, a t 8 o'clock, at the city/auditorium*. evening, to appear in the issue the The Agudas Aehim Society will Krasne, Harold Saks and Helen Over 150 visitors from Lincoln, sation naturally drifted to the educa-Commencement exercises^ for Abrafollowing Friday. Please mail news Whitebook. tion of children, and from that, to the : ham Lincoln High School wil be held hold a regular meeting next Thurs; ! Seven children will be confirmed at to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, Omaha, Des Moines, Minneapolis and matter of naming-Jewish children. We the following evening,Friday, June day evening, June 4, at the Eagles Chicago, are expected to attend the Miss Doris Gilinsky of Woodbine, (Mount- Sinai Temple, Sunday morn- or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock. Ivre Conclave which begins tomorrow both deplored the fact that whereas 5f a t . eight o'clock at the city audi- Hall. Iowa, is spending the week here vis- . ing-,: May 31, at the annual eonfirmathere exists such a multitude of beau- torium.Everyone is invited to attend, and continues through Sunday. <tion service, which will begin at 10 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson will iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and tiful Old Testament names, Jewish! Among those to graduate frqm the Morey Lipshutz and Leon Dobrof.-o'clock. The •confirmants include Lilbe at home to all their relatives and Mrs. Charles Saltzman. sky are co-chairmen for the general mothers seem to be entirely unaware Thomas Jefferson High School will friends at their home at 1518 Avenue lian and Annette Baker, daughters of Mrs. Julia Abrams and Mrs. Emma plans of the Conclave. An elaborate of the fact, when i t comes to the lab- b e H B n j y Men delson and Collman D next Thursday evening, Jane 4, in 'Mr; arid Mrs. D. L. Baker; Norman elling of their offspring.. p • 'Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs.. John Hattenbach entertained at a bridge program has been planned, which inYudelson. honor of their son, Collman, followFLOWERS cludes an informal dance at the BellePerhaps, 1 am so fond of these HeBrodkey; Abe Cohen, son of Mr. andparty Saturday evening. BY WIRE thO se to graduate from the ing his graduation from the Thomas vue Saturday night' and a formal din- braic names, because they are so.A b r a h a m Lincoln ALL OVER THE WORLD Mrs. Ike Cohen; Bernard Marks, son Jefferson High School that evening. High School will FRED R. SHAW Mits Ann Singer was hostess to the ner dance at the Warrior'hotel, Sun- American. I mean that they are so be Misses Rae Bernstein, Louise .of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer A. Marks; instinctive of original Americanism— FLOWER SHOP day evening. Mr. A. M. Davis, presiIota Tau sorority last Saturday eve^Harriet Rosenblum, daughter of Mr. Mrs; Anna Saltzman returned Fitch, Ida Krasne, Margaret Marcus, 545 Vrondway Phone 41 of the Americanism of early days. dent of Mount Sinai Temple, and the '••'• and ; Mrs.' Ben Rosenblum, and Mel-ning. Bridge was followed by dainty Tuesday following a year's stay in Bessie Perlmutter Sonia Saks, and refreshments. Plans were begun for Jewish Federation will deliver the Consider our great early Americans: Philip Freeman. ....''. ; yin Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; Sun- Benjamin Franklin, -Daniel Webster, a summer dance at Shoreacre gardens principal address at the banquet ; Adolph Rosenfeld. : Noah Webster, EzeKel Webster, day evening. " i The ladies auxiliary of the Talmud • Members of: the class will be hon-to take place July 4. A number of Others who are in, charge .of com- Israel Putnam, Daniel Boone, Abra- Torah society; 'will bold a meeting 15 pred at a reception in the Temple An- out of town guests will attend the mittees on arrangement'ared Mra( S. ham Lincoln, Samuel Sewall, Eli Yale, next Wednesday: afternoon, • Jiine 3, •" hex, Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 6. dance. H. S'hulkin, Ben Brodkey, j Lester Nathaniel Hawthorne. And among at the new synagogue, 618 Mynster The program of the servicfe follows: The Phi Epsilon Tau- Sorority gave Heeger, Dave Ginsburg, Lou Agran- the women there are plenty of Hep- street. Mrs. H. Fried will serve as Invocation, Lillian Baker; floral ofa dinner in the Venetian room of the off, E. N. Robinow, Ruben Miljer, Abe] zibahs, Rebeccas, Abigails, Beulas, hostess. fering, Annette Baker; The Three Seville cafe last Wednesday evening. Agranoff, E. N. Grueskin and Mrs.etc., etc. Crowns, Bernard Marks; a pledge of An announcement of interest here (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Teleloyalty, Annette Baker; prayer before Summer flowers and pretty favors Abe Agranoff. was made in Chicago, Illinois, this graphic Agency, Inc.) decorated the tables. the ark, Harriet Rosenblum; reading from the Torah, Melvin Rosenfeld; Chicago, III.—Mayor General Mil- Jewish Colonists in Crimea . The Question club held a stag dinreturning the Torah, Bernard Marks; ton J. Foreman is a lieutenant gen- to Get Rations the meaning of Judaism, Norman ner and smoker in the Venetian room er~. eral, having been, advanced to that Moscow—A total o* 18,340 Jewish Brodkey; address to parents, Abe of the Seville cafe last Tuesday everank by Adjutant General Carlos E. Qmn&PekoeTea Japan Tea ning-. colonists in Crimea will be provided Cohen; prayer, Melvin Rosenfeld; (Continued from Page 2) Black of the Illinois National Guard. with food by the government in sermon and blessing:, Rabbi Theodore The promotion was made as a result view of the food shortage prevailing Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg and preaching those for a year or so. Lewis; violin solo "Eli Eli" Harold of the recommendation of Governor there, an official announcement sons motored to Omaha Sunday, Buck, presentation of certificates by Not only could the rabbi produce a L. Emmerson in recognition states. The food commissariat anA. M. Davis, president of Mount Sinai where they attended the confirmation better sermon by producing fewer, oLouis f nounced that all these Jewish colonlong service. congregation; adoration and Kaddish, service of Temple Israel. sermons, but ijhe congregations in that General Foreman, it is said in local ists gi^en monthly rations of En Kelohem, congregation. way would 'get the Sermons of. all the Miss Evelyn Chaikin has returned rabbis, instead of confining .'them- military circles, is the first Jew to bread, sugar and tobacco until the to her home in Omaha after spend- selves to the diet of the same rabbi have been promoted to. that rank in new crop is harvested when the food ' • ;''. grants will be repaid in grain. Rabbi Lewis to ing1 a week as a guest of Miss Bern- day after day, week after wesk and Illinois. iceI year after year. Address Central G r a d s ; ^
Council iBliiffs News
Social News
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•<M are Delicious
EabbiTheodorTNTLewis-wiil a d - i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * * * •
Our good friend, Ike Marcosson, dress at the 1 the home of Rabbi and ' : tt. R. who interviews for the Saturday Eve_™ Central — „ . - . High ^ 6 ? 6graduates — v ™ -V-.r"Mrs. baccalaureate services Sunday after-, T)O K- MMW : 1 . ning Post tells a good one about the noon at 2:30 in the High School audi- Rabinowitz. Hitlerites in the current S. E. P. torium. Miss Bluma Merlin, who is asso"One day, a young Israelite ap:. Among the large class who will graduate are included the following ciated with the RKO divisional office peared at the office of a friend, wearJewish students: Arnold Baron, Rub- in Minneapolis, will spend the week- ing in the lapel of his coat a button, in Bird, Sara Dimsdale, Mae Erin- end visiting at the home of her par- showing a large ^figure " 1 . " Asked whether the button indicated memberberg, Joe Ginsburg, Bernice Gold- ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Merlin. ship ' in somes 'dinging, or athletic;sostein, Israel Greenberg, Bernard HerMiss Ruth Wigodsky has-returned zoff, Naomi Horwitz, Isadore Kantor, „ . ... -r . -r • • i i homa after spending the vpast few Marvin Klass, Maurice Lasensky,' .. . _, C , „ . • 7 playingf A ™ A L i «.,i A m ! months in St. Paul, Minn. AnneKate Maron, EthelWilliam Miller, Ann Ras. -. ' kin, Raskin, Bozofsky, JEWISH AMBASSADOR The Sisterhood and of TO MEXICO William Mosow, Abe Sekt, Ann _ , _, ., , _ _ . , i JUUUUI omai Temple concluded their T er, Joseph Skalovsky Dave Wigody ^ ^ y ^ w]tha ^ According to the papers, the antisky, Roma Wigodsky, Herman Wolfe, ^ t h f t ^ e x o f t h e Temple,' Semitic front, has now been extended to include Mexico. - . ; and Harry Zifkm. [ evening. Over 150^ attended; ( Perhaps it may offer us some litner, which was; followed by: a social tle consolation to know that in the hour.': Rabbi Speaks in administration of Abraham Lincoln, Fred Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. the American minister to Mexico: was Behalf of J. N. F.Philip Sherman, was recently elected a Jew. His name was Marcus OtterRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz addressed president of the Sigma Alpha Mu fra- burg. , . a meeting of the Jewish Community ternity in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. SherThere is no mention of Oiterberg, in Aberdeen, S. D., last week, speak- man is a sophomore at the univer- strangely enough, in the Jewish Ening in behalf of the Jewish National sity. cyclopedia. -Fund. Approximately $1,000 was raised at the meeting, by the mem- Mrs. D. Berkowitz has returned! WHAT—A GERMAN JEW! It seems that this man,*Otteiburg, bers of the community. home after spending the past year was a Jew fram Germany, who canie in Los Angeles, California. over here at the time of the big GerBaron, Harry Zifkin and man immigration here—in the fifties! BENEFIT BRIDGE B e rArnold nice Three young Sioux City women are | Goldstein will take part in Otterburg settled in Milwaukee, arid sponsoring a Benefit Bridge Party, the class play to be presented at opened a cigar store. At .the • same next Tuesday evening at Shoreacre Central High School next Wednesday time, he became interested in politics. When Lincoln was elected, OtterGardens. They are Sophie Raskin, by the graduating class. burg was appointed consul. At that -Fannie Cohen and Rose Osheroff. The Senior Hadassah held its last time Maximilian, was trying to estabProceeds of the bridge will be turned meeting of the season Tuesday after- lish a monarchy in Mexico. The pay over to a national Jewish organizanoon in the Jewish Community Cen- of consul was only $1,000 a year, and tion, the name of which has not been ter. The regular business meeting Otterburg found he could not live on divulged. The affair will be a Pajama Bridge.' Over 125 are expected included a report of the linen shower that sum. So he resigned. But Sewheld some time ago by the chapter. to attend. ard, Lincoln's secretary of state, seemed to like Otterburg and had him The following students appeared in a dance recital at the Sioux City promoted to minister. Shaare Zion I get this information from the School of Music, Tuesday evening: Summer services will :be held in Sonia Daskovsky, Sylvia Friedman, New York Nation of the sixties. Shaare Zion synagogue every morn-, Thehna Shindler, Shirley. Lazere] When the Nation heard of Otterburg's ing at 7 o'clock and every, evening at J Doris Pill, Lorraine Raskin, Pauline promotion to the ministerial post, it 8 p m ' ! Raskin, Serene B ar rent, Lucille waxed wathy. It could not believe, The junior congregation will hold Musbkin, Lois Levitt and Jack Merlin it said, that America was so deficient in diplomatic material, that it needed its final meeting of the season toto recruit ministers from German morrow morning. Mount Sinai Temple Jews. After the distribution of report Tonight's service at Mount Sinai cards, pupils of Shaare Zion Religious Temple, will be devoted to the reSchool will be taken to Riveiside ligious school. At the regular servpark for an outing. This will conCanadian Jewry to ice, which is known as Religious clude the sessions for the summer. FightAntiSchool Night," prizes and certificates will be awarded to children of the Semitism FUNERAL SERVICES school' who have distinguished themFuneral services for Bernice Leone selves, either by perfect attendance, Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—The nucWolfsony six year old daughter of excellent work, or both! Rabbi Lewis leus of a permanent body to repreMr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolfson, 1029 will speak on the work of the school. sent Montreal Jewry, and eventDuring the summer, a brief prayer ually Canadian Jewry, as the South Newton street, were held yesterday in the family home. Rabbi service will be Tield at the Temple, American Jewish Committee and Theodore N. Lewis officiated. The every Friday evening at 7:30. There the American Jewish Congress repchild died Wednesday following a wilf be no sermon at these services. resent American Jewry, and as the Jewish Board of Deputies repre* lingering illness.1 She is snrvived by DAY, JUNE 7 sents British Jewry, came into beher parents, three sisters, Fern May, Mrs. J. N. Krueger will head the and Rhoda of Sioux City* and -Mrs. committee of Senior Hadassah "Wom- ing here as the result of a repreCecelia Prayer of New Haven, Conn., en who are in charge of the Jewish sentative meeting attended by deland a brother, Desmond, of Sioux National Fund Flower Day. Flowers egates of over 20 Jewish communal organizations and by many Jewish City. will be sold on Sunday, June 7. communal leaders. London (J. T. A.)—Carl Laemmle, ': The meeting was called by the Anti-Defamation president of the Universal Picture B'nai Brith's League to form an organization' to Corporation, was awarded a gold combat the anti-Semitic agitation medal by the committee of the Facul, "We feed the multitude'' ty of Arts, for the picture "All Quiet which has lately taken on a serious \ ' With T^sty Poods!, on the Western Front'- which was •and aggressive form. adjudged the greatest film of 1930. N
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