June 12, 1931

Page 1

Mtefesting 'Jewish G&nfnuniiy^ Kuten-O an Becoiiil-clnai: Bt -otmi tut N e t



^ * ? * e i . . o n < J~Birtj«ry irj. IJKJU at ~ •*%/>the. Act nf Mnwh 3.



VOL. IX.—No. 20

to Ijeetve

for a Year's

Flay School


Jews to Have Right of Access

. M i s s .Sophie .Rosenstein has been appointed director of the Jewish Community Center-Summer Play School, to be held at.the Center during July. Registration Open for Children Philanthropist'and Banker Was . Miss. Rosenstein is well Qualified From Ages of 6 : ' " Internationally for the position, being a teacher* at to 12 Noted Franklin grade school and the Center ! Registration is now binder -way for Mortimer L. Sehiff, only son of the the third annual Summer Play' School late Jacob HT Sehiff, famous Jewish of the Jewish Community Center to •philanthropist and banker, and brothbe hsld during the-month of Julyi The •er-in-la'w of Feljx M. Warburg, died enrollment,'which is-open to children Suddenly last week, one day before from the' ages of six to twelve," will ' reaching* lie age hi 54. be limited to 300. | " He was. a leading member of Kuhn, London.—(J. T. A.)—Ruling - that place near the Wall the cabinet Ark Miss Sophie Rose&stem has been " Loeb & Company, and a director in the Moslems possess sole ownership of containing the Torah Scrolls and the appointed director of the Play: School. " many, important banking institutions the Wailing Wall, which forms an in- table on which the Ark stands and on She -will be assisted by twenty-five ' and railroads. Last month he was tegral part of ;the Haram-esh-Sherif, which the Torah is read. volunteer teachers. L . "elected president of the National which is the property of the JBoslem ' These appurtenances may be used This year the pupils attending the Council of'the Boy Scouts of America. Waqf or religious trust,-the report of only, on the following occasions, the Talmud'Torah, which is now, housed . As- an outstanding, humanitarian he the International Wailing Wall Com- Commission rules: at the special fast in."the Center, 'have been invited to ' "was one of the largest contributors to take part in "the" Play.. School . and mission, made public here, recom- days or public prayers ordered by the _ the : Federation for the. Support of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson their rasponse-has been encouraging. mends that the Jews shall have "free' chief rabbis of Jerusalem, with due Jewish Philanthropic Societies of) access to the Wall for the purpose of notice given to the Palestine governThe purpose of the Summer Play New. York. - He was chairman of sev- Mr..and Mrs. Samuel Gerson willlka Medical schools, and has been acdevotion at all times, subject, how- ment, on Rosh Hashonah, on Yom Kipleave August 1 for, Chicago, where tive in the local Social ^Workers' Club i School is to provide a happy and coneral Foundation campaign opening pur and on other holidays recognized ever, to explidt stipulations. dinners and in 1925 was chairman of they will spend a year of study at and in'the recently formed Omaha structive vacation- program -for children during the summer,, because the chapter of the American Association The Commission, which consists of by the government and on which it one of four "million-dollar days;" He the graduate school of social science Community. Center realized that durof Social Workers. ' administration at the University of three members, Charles Barde, a Swiss has been customary to bring the Torah was also president of the Jewish ing the time of xeleass•from school Before coming to Omaha, Gerson jurist, Eliol Loefgren, former foreign to the WalL Board of Guardians, to the presidency Chicago. - . . . . desks and prescribed courses: of.. study The temporarily enacted prohibition was associate head of the Irene ifaufGerson has been the efficient and of which' he had only recently been children need to enrich their Jives : against the use of benches, carpets, mann Settlement at Pittsburgh,' one capable director of the destiniesof the re-elected and an honorary vice-presiLeading Points of Report of Miss Sophie Rosenstein through a program*«if joyous activity. mattings, chairs, curtains and screens of the largest settlements in the Omaha Jewish" Community Center and dent of?the-Jewish Social; Service AsWailing Wall Commission and against the driving of animals at The Summer Play. School idea has world. He was associate haad of Hale Welfare Federation as executive diSunday School. She is a graduate of sociation. certain hoars during- prayers is to be rector for -the.-past--'five years. He House, a settlement in Boston, found- become so popular that New .York After his graduation from Amherst has also guided the reins of the Jew- ed by Edward Everett Hale and di- now operates nineteen - such schools, Central High School and has a Teach- 1—Wailing Wall Property of Mos- made absolute, as is the injunction to lems. in 1896 'and the receipt of an honor- ish Philanthropies in its two years of rector of Camp Hale in White Moun- with the Board of Edncation of New ers' Certificate from Omaha Univerkeep the door at the southern end of sity. 2—Jews Entitled to Free Access to the Wall locked during certain hours, York paying part of the operating exary degree; from bis alma mater- in existence. The board, of directors of tains of New Hampshire. The new director is vice-president - Wall with Stipulations. •--. ' '*• : , the Commission decrees. 1906, he studied "abroad and spent the Center and Welfare Federation Mrs. Gerson was also prominent. penses., of the Junior Hadassah and "wrote the 3—Jews May. Bring Torah Scroll several. years .learning l i e railroad has grantecLhim a, year's leave of ab- She graduated from Eadcliffe and -The, openinj? session will be. held The bringing of tents or curtains to to Wall on Stated Holidays. business by active work on two lines sence from his. duties to enable him later stUaied at the Pulitzer School of July 1. Meetings/will continue, for prize stunt for the regional conventhe Wall is also to be prohibited, even 4—Use of Benches, Chairs, Cur- for a limited time. The Jews are not and studying banking in-- -Hamburg to pursue'his' study of social work. Journalism* Columbia. She formerly four weeks, five mornings a week, tion held recently in Kansas City. tains, Screens at Wall Barred. to be permitted to blow the Shofar and London. He was one of the sign- Mrs. Gerson .has resigned as assist- edited the. Jewish Press; was assist-' from 9 to 12. ^The^essions will be 5—Political Speeches in Wall Area near the Wall nor to cause any other ers of .the Mexican debt pact in 1922 ant secretary of the Council- of Social ant secretary of the Coundl of Sa- short and fuU of interest for the chil- j Prohibited. disturbance to the Moslems that is ._ .:•_'•:-•• •••['.. '••• dal Agendes,iis .vice-president of the dren. and it, was his suggestion that prompt- Agencies. .- _ -;. : 6—Wall Must Not Be Disfigured. avoidable. The Moslems, on the other ed the proposed. merger of indspen- During his five years in Omaha Council of Jewish rWomen and chair- • -It. is 'hoped. to ..include outings to 7—Jews and Moslems Have Right hand, are not to be permitted to carry .dent--steel manufacturers. Mr. Sehiff Gerson has. brought prestige and hon- man of the Peace group--'of the Conn- parks in order to teach the youngsters to Repair Pavement in Front of out the Zikar ceremony close to the was one of the early proponents of or .to the Jewish Federation and to tSL; is in charge Of the Book Review love for. the outdoors. .. Play classes Tha Missouri Valley District conWalL Wall during "the progress of Jewish and swimming classes will contribute .branch banking and advocated the ventjonof the.A. Z. A. wilt be held s He is~first vice-president of section' for ihe College Oub, and is to' the ;children's ; i^iysical welfare;} in Omaha en Juna 20 and 21, under .8—Moslems Must Not Cause An- devotions or to cause annoyance to the Jamendment of thai Federal Reserve the State Conference for Soda] Work, on-the-e^ecative cojnmitfee v of J ^^jttoyai»e to Jews a* Wiat".-"... Jews in any other "vray. Moslems also ^wiH -contribute Act to make it possible.- v a member of^the~program"C©tramttefe [alaw^i^bttc^^fedtocil^-iJe^^fo 9—Zikar Ceremony During Jewish are not permitted to make *B£ructoral to their aesthetic' development and and Sam Beber No. 100 chapters of , ? Durin^thefJiforld ;Wai\ he was ac- and nominating committee &f the Na; Both Mr. and Mrs. Gerson will Devotions Not Allowed, alterations that interfere with devoskill.. , . ' . . ' the order. Two hundred visitors are ; !tjve in government service and in re-' tional Conference for Jewish Social leave today -for"'Minneapolis' where Must Not Blow Shofar tions of Jews at the Wall. lief and social service activities. He Service, a member of the executive they will attend the National Jewish . Classes will be informal, and a expectedto attend. near WalL was a member "of the'executive and committee of the Council of Social Conference of Social Work: They will 'friendly atmosphere will be encour- Those cities represented with chapPolitical Speeches Barred aged to permit individual expression. ters in the Missouri Valley associafinance committees of the War Work Agencies, chairman of ^*the program return here and remain until Aug. 1. Political speeches or demonstrations • A series of programs have been ar- tion include St. Louis, Kansas City minister of Sweden, and A- Van Kem- at any time are prohibited in the Wall Council of the Y. Mr C. A.,;and of committee of the Council of Social ranged for the \ daily assemblies, Lincoln, Des Moines, St. Joseph, pen, a former Dutch colonial official area. The Jews and Moslems have the executive committee and finance Agencies, on the national advisory which will be Tield in the main.audi- Sioux City and Council Bluffs. was appointed by the British govern- the right and duty to have the pavecommittee, of. the ..'Jewish Welfare council for.the American Association torium Monday will be Song Day, On Saturday afternoon and evening ment in May 1930, with the approval ment in front of the Wall cleaned and Board with both of which organiza- for Old" Age Security, on Mayor MetTuesday Show Day, - Wednesday Fun June 20, registration of alephs and of the Council of the' League of Na- repaired if and when necessary, upon .tions he served-in; France. • His most calfe's City Playground Committee, Day, Thursday Happy Day, and Fri- visitors will be held at the Jewish tions, to investigate Moslem and Jew- giving due notice to the Palestine govan honorary member of the American important War service was as one-of day Surprise Day. ish claims to the Wall, which torms ernment. Legion, member of "Institute for SoCommunity Center. the committee'of eleven to co-ordinate Registration can be made any day The following day a breakfast wil part of the western exterior of the army service agencies. Mr_ Sehiff cial Research of -Omaha University at t i e Center from 3:3<X to 5 p. m. be had in the morning, followed by ancient Jewish Temple, The Commis.also served.as a director of the Unit- and special lecturer at the University of Omaha. He has also lectured at Mrs. Anne'Gotsdiner is in charge of a bus sight-seeing tour. An outing sion spent a month in Palestine last ed War Work Campaign. • the Creighton University of Nebras- Denver, Colo.—(Spedal Correspond- registration. The registration fee swim, and picnic will be given in the summer, taking evidence on Moslem ; In addition to his honorary degree ences—Plans and polkies looking to is $1. afternoon, climaxed with: s dance in and -Jewish claims to the ancient ,from Amherst, he was-an officer of shrine, and the report issued today an increase in the usefulness of the the evening. ,the French Legion -of Honors,an' %as submitted to liie British govern- New Brunswick, N. J.—(J. T. A.)—» National Jewish . Hospital at Denver Radio Address on ;cer of the Orfler of thefSacreH ^ Emil Ludwig, noted German-Jewish ment in December 1930. as one of the foremost medical and 'ure of Japaru He was'- "also.Ahe ;.rebiographer, yesterday received the MAYOR ISINVITED Spinoza Prohibited social service agendes in the country/ Some" .Appurtenances Allowed .cipient of a-degree of imaster <rf l u nonorary degree of doctor of letters will be formulated at the 31st annual BY CABLE TO SPEAKJ .The regulations governing Jewish at the 165th annual commencement imanks from] the Springfield: Y; Mi The Hague.—(J.^T. A.)—-The broad- meeting of the Hospital which will be |C. A. College. ' -^'iJ > " ' - . ; : '. casting of an address on Spinoza over The Omaha Retail Grocers' asso- access to the Wall for the purpose o: exercises of Rutgers University. In held in Portlahd, Oregon, on June 14, Mr. Sehiff was vice-president'of the the government radio station has been according to an* announcement made devotion, as laid down by the Com- conferring the honorary degree upon ciation cabled Mayor Metcalfe Chamber of Commerce of the state of refused-by the radio program-com-i mission, are namely, that the tem- Mr. Ludwig, Acting President Brett Paris Tuesday, inviting him to speak „ New York, a trustee of the. Provident inittee. Dr. J. D. Bieren de Haan, by Rev. Dr.. William S. Friedman, at the • gTocers* meeting August 13. porary instructions of the Palestine read the following citation: well-known philosopher, was to have founder and president of the Hospital. 'Lo^n Society of New York, the, N "Emil Ludwig, native of Germany, The cable said the local grocers were government in September 1^29 conTrustees and Directors of the HosiYork Foundation, . t h e - Baron • <ie delivered the address. cerning the; use of appurtenances of author, dramatist ana vigorous cham"anxious to hear about yoar trip an Hirsch Fund, the New-York/Zoologi- In refusing permission for the pital from various parts of the counyour impression of grocery business worship.be made permanent with the pion of liberalism, whose sound histry will attend and since this is the cal Society arid the New York Botani- broadcast, the committee stated that modification that it be permissible to torical scholarship, so typical of hit conditions in France. • cal Garden. He held the rank of the address would disagreeably affect first Tneeting which the Hospital has fatherland, combined with the genius major* in the military intelligence di- those who differed with the views ex- held in the-Northwest special delegaof his pen, has given to us those tions will come to- Portland from vision, Officers' Reserve. Corps. pressed in it. sparkling masterpieces of biography Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma and other which have appealed to the reading Northwestern communities. public of the world. In appreciation of No Curtailment in Service the position you occupy in the world of letters and of your great accom. The key-note of the year's work will come many pleasant and happy days The. Health Camp for Undernourplishments in teaching history in its be struck in the presidential message ished Children, sponsored each sum- for Omaha's frail little folks. This most fascinating form the trustees of of Dr. Friedman and will dte the fact mer by the Nebraska Tuberculosis as- event, which is the largest undertak- Rutgers University have directed me Moscow.—(J. T. A.:)-—rLocal "author- lost children. One Jewish woman, that "throughout the entire period of sodation, will open this season on ing ever sponsored by the group of to confer upon you the degree of docities at Astrakhan have^ begun nound-: leading' a crying child was halted and depression the National Jewish HosJuly 1, and will continue through women, is open to the public. tor of letters." ing up the participants in a concerted a ' crowd • quickly gathered. Threats pital has not curtailed its free, nonAugust. As usual, among those Thirty-one undernourished younersectarian nation-wide service for men, terrorist campaign against .the Jews to lynch her because it was alleged prominent in keeping up the worthy sters were given eight weeks of of that Trans-Caucasian city. The that the child was the one that is mis- women, and children suffering from work of the group will be found health upbuilding and health instrucaction of the offirials is' the result -of sing were not carried out when the tuberculosis, and that the standard of prominent members of the Jewish tion at the camp last year and now a wide conspiracy on the^part of a; woman proved that the child was her treatment for the 500 patients served community. . fourteen additional children will be by the Hospital during the past sear band of former "black hundreds,"*the own. cared for. With this enlargement of A bridge-tea, given by the Doctors Russian equivalent".. of the £ u rlOux Ths members of this band will be was. not lowered in any way. This the project every available space in Wives dub of Omaha, to obtain funds Elan, which for .several weeks,]has tried for counter-revolutionary activ- record is distinctive among philanto buy beds and equipment for the the house camp is to bs used this thropic institutions according to Dr. been indting the populace with" tales ity and for seeking to make trouble Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The circulatiof. additional children to be cared for summer and forty-five instead of Irvin C Levin. of non-existent atrocities by Jews on for; the .Soviets by choosing the old Friedman, and has given rise to widethis year, will be held at the camp thirty-one of Omaha's under-privileg- of the Hitlerite papers in Germany : spread commendation. Christian children. ' •-, ,- " site at 79th and Center streets on ed children will return to their homes is continually decreasing, according methods of. indting one nationality Dr. Bronfin's report will detail the Irvin C."Levin, outgoing president : One rumor spread by the band al- against another. September 1 with rosy cheeks and to statistics just compiled by the Cen' '.. results which have been secured by of the local lodge of the B'nai Brith, Friday afternoon, Juna 19. leged that Jews had stolen Christian healthy bodies to start their school tral Association of German Citizens was elected to head the Omaha HeTo date 189 tables have been sold, Hie National Jewish Hospital in carchildren, dismembered their bodies work. of Jewish Faith. ing for'children afflicted with active brew Club for the ensuing term at the and Mrs. R. Kulakof sky is leading the and boiled the remains in huge ket- Two Cincinnati ; election of officers of the organizasale with fifty tables to her credit. The Angriff, Berlin organ of tht The selection of the children who tuberculosis of the bones, joints, tles. In supporf of their allegations, tion at the lodge room last Sunday. Mrs. Kulakofsky is a member of the Nazis, has dropped from 80,000 last are to receive this attention is left to and lungs, through the recently Temples Merge glands the anti-Semites dted an advertise1; He succeeds Sam E. Klaver. directorate of the Nebraska tuberculfall to about 45,000 now, while tbt the tuberculosis nurse of Omaha, the erected Heimeman Building for tuberment appearing in an Astrakhan paOther officers chosen are: Jerome osis association, having bsen elected Visiting Nurse association and physi- Berlin edition of the Voelkischer BeCincinnati— (J. T. A.)—By virtualculous children at the Building. This per in Which information was sought Kulakofsky, vice-president; Sol Ros- to that position at the annual meet- cians in charge of the children's obachter, chief organ of the Hitlerof a lost deaf and dumb boy and an- ly .unanimous- votes the members of Building offers the only service of its enberg, re-elected secretary; John ing on May 1. She is also a member clinics at the University of Nebraska ites, which never had more than 5,000 other youngster who, after loafing in the Plum Street Temple and the kind in the country and fills a long- Feldman, re-elected treasurer; J. Rik- of the camp committee. Harry Lapi- School of Medicine and Creighton readers, now has less than 2,000 neighboring villages for some time, Reading Road. Temple, the two lead- felt medical need. lin, Sam Altschuler, and L. Morgan, dus is a member of the association's Medical college. Tlie provindal Nazi papers are al: ing Reform congregations of the. city, finally returned home. executive committee. Research Shows Progress trustees. , Interest in this camp is growing so suffering regular losses in circulaWith this as . an excuse, - ruffians ratified the actions of their board of Plans are being made by the in- Prizes for each table and several steadily, but there are still many tion, according to the Central Assv* The continued progress being made .have been stopping Jewish mothers trustees in effecting a merger of the by the Research Department of the coming officers for • an exceptionally surprise prizes, are planned for the Omahans who are unfamiliar with the dation's figure. "Arbeiter, Bauem, Hospital in its efforts to find a specific large picnic to be sponsored in the bridge benefit. The prize committee health work being done there. The Soldaten," the new paper of the walking "with their children and: ex- two congregations into the new K. amining the children to see whether Bene Jeshurun and Isaac M. Wise cure for tuberculosis will- be reported near future by the organization as an has selected exquisite things that w Doctors Wives club is most anxious to Stennes faction, which recently broke they belonged to the women with congregation. The merger will prob- 1 upon by Dr. H. J. Corper, Director of all-family frolic for the Jewry of the please feminine hearts and lure -cof- acquaint the public with this work, away from Hitler's party, now has a •city. Research. fers into the bag from" which wiU the camp, and its surroundings. whom they were or whether they were ably become effective in the falL circulation of 30,00.

Subject to Explicit Regulations, Jewish People Shall Have Undisturbed Right to Worship at Historic Wall







Levin Heads Hebrew Club

Soviets Begin to Round Up Ku W^B d

Jewish Women Are Active in Work for Health Camp



S %. .


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1931 fourth dimension. But here and there grateful. One day she couldn't rewas in his day recognized as the leader of AmeriX had picked up a Hebrew phrase and strain herserf: "You know; said M can- Jewry; Jacob Schiff - was a. generous and a superficial acquaintance with' He- Simonstein "I know a>ery nice boy-^ noble-hearted financier who achieved world-wide you would like him—-he would make a: braic custom. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by fame for his services, but who would let the tOne day an acquaintance brought fine match for you, but I guese he THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY mightiest of money barons wait while he fulfilled the news to X that his father was wants a girl with money—you know SIOUX CITY OFFICE dead. X wanted to say the right how those nice young fellows are nowhis religious duties. The father left a great heritJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street adays—they all-want money. If you thing in the emergency. age to the son—the heritage of his business, of "There is a sentence they say when only had $500 or a $1,000.00." his philanthropy, and of his race. And Mortimer Subscription Price, ope year - - - - - $2.50 a death has occured," said X—"O yes, Mrs. Simonstein sighed. Theyoxms ••; • / • • • r -'By Advertising'rates furnished on application L. Schiff, imbued with hia father's spirit, desocial worker smiled sympathetically, "sof ganaff litliyah." RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN veloped and iadvanced this lofty idealism. The What he had meant to say of course as if to indicate that she appreciated was "Baruch Dayan Ernes" (Blessed her jrood intentions anyway. Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York torch of service kept kindled by Schiff tradition is the righteous Judge.) Instead, he What Mrs. Simor.stein never knew was not dimmed but instead brightened in the Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building had to the phrase which was that the .yjning woman was the Telephone: ATlantic 1450 second , generation. Mcst sons of distinguished IT IS TOLD THAT THEEE JEW- Dridged. The layman of American meansresorted "the end of the thief is the daughter of the millionaire, Arthur DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing- Editor fathers either fail to live up to expectations or ish gentlemen visited New York and Israel should realize that the main- gallows." Lehman, and the niece of Lieutenant PRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor Governor Herbert Lehman. FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent else live in the reflected glory of their forebears. determined to spend the night in the tenance of religious values in their "AINT IT AWFUL?" ANN PILL - - — - - Sioux City, Iowa, Corespondent But not Mortimer L. Schiff. He won his spurs in topmost room of the highest skyscrap- midst is a prime obligation, the neMrs. Gelder had just come back SEEING IS BELIEVING hotel. When they arrived at the glect of which will make confusion his own right and is deserving of the highest er from Paris—where she had been dil/fr. Rosen had been finally perhotel at midnight, the clerk in dismay only worse confounded. encomium for his own accomplishments. vorced. She obtained an apartment suaded against his own inclination tot HEBREW CALENDAR informed the"m that the elevator serone of those big swanky structures attend a lecture on birth control. 5691 1931 To begin to even mention the varied and vice had brokea down. Nothing THE FIVE-TO-FOUR DECISION in in the seventies—and sat in her room He came to the auditorium—sat for of the Supreme Court upholding the —Tuesday, June 16 many-sided achievements, interests and philan- daunted the three travelers determtiosh Chodesh Tammuz_ —free but lonesome. She arose and a few minutes—and then was introfreedom of the press in the face of ined to walk the forty-five stories to Fast Of TVimmn* - " .Thursday, July 2 thropies of Schiff would be a Herculean task. His room. Jacob promised that in an attempt to suppress a "scandalous peered through the window to the duced to the lecturer, who happened -Wednesday, July 15 interests found their level in the deep channels of their Rosh Chodesh Ab _. to relieve the difficulty of the paper" as a public nuisance contains windows of another apartment across to be lacking in all of the rudiments —.Thursday, July 23 scholarship, knowledge and science; his heart order Fast of Ab ' climbing, he would sing the first fif- an interesting Jewish item. The par- the way. She described the form of of physical attractiveness. Rosh Chodesh Ellul _L_Friday, August 14 opened warmly to all, regardless of creed, who teen stories; Isaac, that lie would tell ticular newspaper in Minnesota de- a man gazing at her. After a momentary chat with him, .Saturday, September 12 needed sympathy and support; in regard to com- funny stories the second fifteen stor- clared that certain public officials She was lonesome—so she gazed the lecturer left and was introduced Rosh Hashnnah to some in other aisles. —Monday, September 21 munal institutions he was generous not only in fts, and Solomon, that he would tell were under the thumb of a "Jewish back. Yom Kippur______ Then the man waved to her. gangster," and in the accusation, repMeanwhile, X took his hat and besad stories the third fifteen. 1st Day Succoth __ -Saturday, September 26 money but in kindness and helpfulness. His winShe was awful lonesome—so shs gan to make his way out of the hall. resentatives upheld the cause of "The With musical and anecdotal accomShemini Atzereth _ -Saturday, October ning personality, his magnetic force and great paniment they managed to reach the Jewish race." Here was a pretty waved back. "What's the matter,? Why don't Simchath Torah ^_ -Sunday, October sagacity made him outstanding in international thirtieth story. His two fellow-visit- dilemma for the Jewish liberal who He motioned with his hand for her you stay, Mr. Rosen? Stay for a little while—urged some of his friends. Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan ••...... Monday, October 12 finance and banking circles. The development of ors thereupon turned to Solomon and is a liberal at the same tima that he to meet him on the street below. She was awful, awful lonesome—so "Listen to what she has to say—mayRosh Chodesh Kislev . -Wednesday, November 11 youth was of particular interest to him, and it said: "Now it's your turn for the rest is a Jewish patriot. be she will convince you of the need Bat we refuse to allow patriotism she went down. 1st Day Chanukah c__; ^.Saturday, December 5 was due to his keen powers of organization that of the trip." Their faces met and There he was. of birth control." to be a refuge for any scoundrel, .Friday, December 11 the field of scouting has been extended to practic- "And, oh," said Solomon. "What a Jewish or otherwise. The freedom of simultaneously they both exclaimed r "That's the point," replied Rosen, Rosh Chodesh Tebeth sad story I have to tell you. I left Sunday, December 20 ally every every community in the United States the key with the clerk." Fast of Tebth _ „ • ... "Why should I stay—I am already the press must be protected, and oth- "Is that you?" It was her husband whom she had convinced—you see I just saw the er laws must cover libelous stateand to a number of foreign countries, and in speaker." against the Jewish people. The just divorced in Paris. recognition thereof just last month he was elect- THE LIST OF DELEGATES OF ments SUMMER PLAY SCHOOL (Copyright 1931 by the Jewish attacks in the "Dearborn Indepsn- 'IF SHE ONLY HAD $500!" the American Zionists to the Basel Omaha's Jewish Community Center was a ed president of the National Council of Boy Scouts Congress has been announced. As dent" injured Jewish prestige severe- It happened about two years ago. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) pioneer in one of the j most progressive steps in of America. During the war his activities were usual, the Z. O. A. cannot put forward ly, but they ended, not with the abate- Every day an attractive young woman modern child eduction when three years ago it manifold. In the realm of art and literature he its full strength, and many of its ment of the journal as a "public nuis- would visit Mrs. Simonstein on the Fuchs Wills to Brooklyn though morally it was worse. East Side. She was a social worker, Art Institute inaugurated the Summer Play School Since that has been a constant benefactor, and in communal members for varied reasons, are un- ance," The savagely false statements were and Mrs. Simonstein was one of her able to make the European trip this and organization work in general he has both held The art works and the $194,977 day our Play School has proved one of the Cenwithdrawn and retraction was offered. cases. year. residuary estate of Emil Fuchs, paintoffice and led in contribution of energy and funds, ter's most popular activities; it has served as a Jewry in this country does not wish The Congress promises to be of unThe young woman was a very coner and sculptor who committed suimodel for a number of similar schools in the city, always identifying himself with the Jewish group; usual significance, and a thorough- protection at any price, for it knows scientious worker, and she seemed to cide in December, 1929, will go to and the idea has spread throughout the country. but never divorcing himself from the non-Jewish. going reorganization ought to be ef- that in the last analysis, unwise laws take more than a professional interest the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and a double-edged sword. Moreover, in Mrs. Simonstein. Sciences, according to the appraisal The reason for the Play School's success is This loss of a second-generation ruler in the Schiff fected. What the present leaders of itarehas confidence that laws which are dynasty is a loss of a perfect American citizen. the Z. O. A. accomplished at Clevefiled. And Mrs. Simonstein felt deeply obvious. Instead of the children spending their land in 1929, should be transplanted just in general, will be just to them vacation playing entirely at random, for the upon an international scale to Basel. in particular, and vice versa. month of July a systematic program, construcThe nature of the Jewish dispersion, Hence the decision of the Supreme For those who recognize the need for additional life tive and full of fun, not only keeps the children however, is such that four chief zones Court contains no "Jewish issue" as insurance . . but feel they cannot afford to provide it nowl of activity must be considered; ons is such. It happened that the material out. of mischief but combines recreational activin question related slightly to a sinPalestine, the heart of world Israel; ities with educational facilities in such a manner The NEW the second is Eastern Europe, with gle Jew, but in all other respects the that the youngsters enjoy every moment. The principle involved was concerned with the most needy Jewish population; advantages of this unique idea have already beien THE BLINDNESS OF BIGOTRY the third is London, where, for the the very basis of liberty in the modThe bigoted and the blind are alike in that present, the political efforts of Israel ern state. Hence the decision • is tried and proven, contributing an excellent opportheir vision does not extend beyond the confine: must be concentrated; the fourth is viewed by us strictly on its merits, tunity for wholesome recreation, physical develof their skulls. But the blind have the advantage he United States, where the chief and in such a light, it seems to us opment and moral and mental discipline. another instance of the widening lijbover the bigoted in that their infirmity does not economic resourcjes IJJe. " From the viewpoint, of Jewish education, the eralism of the Supreme Court. >»• We are a d»s6rjsict|B peoptej who are Center'sSummer Play' School is of' inestimable stupefy them I and does net rob, them of every ruled It indicates that Louis D. Brandeis we are divided. What provides an immediate life insurance estate and Oliver Wendell Holmes have won value. It is probably the best possible' medium sense of propriety, fairness and justice, while the a pity becaua"e thatrwe calnnot focus our forces at low initial rates. Liberal options for for enriching the Jewish background of the chil- bigot lacks the very conception of property and is at one point. Other peoples can hold victories for liberalism sooner than Whole Life plan when your income has addren attending. Taking the child in an adolescent neither just nor fair. heir Congress on their own territory; their most ardent admirers hoped. justed itself. Benedict Spinoza still remains a •e must seek the hospitality of neuTo be more specific. Hardly a function takes period when he is still plastic and his future moldMAX KAPLAN or friendly nations. Herein lies controversial figure, though he has able, the Play School builds up a Jewish environ- place at which a Christian minister offers a prayer tral been dead over 250 years. The broadthe anomaly and the tragedy of the AGENT casting of an address on Spinoza over ment by daily association with all types of Jewish when he does not drag Christianity and its triune ewish world status. 545 Omaha Natl. Bank BIdg. — ATlantic 4367 youth in a Jewish, institution under Jewish super- god and savior into his petitions and supplications. Nevertheless, the Congress sessions the government radio station of Holland has been banned because "ths vision and instruction. Not only does it provide No matter what the nature of the occasion may if the Zionists are among the most address would disagreeably affect the base for a general character building but more be, no matter what denominations, the audience olorful of modern folk assemblages. those who differed with the views exBasel, the vexing problems of the important it gives us the chance to inculcate and may be composed of, whether the object is one of At Life Assurance Society of the United States movement since the outbreaks of 1929, pressed in it." F. N. CROXSON. Agency Manager implant high ideals of Jewishness and Jewish cul- charity, education or patriotism, whether there will undoubtedly I am reminded of the words of the receive a thorough are many or few Jews present, it is the Christian frontiersmen who arrived at his cabture, guiding the- thoughts of the children along consideration. The world-wide ecoto discover that the Indians had the proper paths. By furnishing the right incen- god that is invoked by name and attribute, and it nomic depression does not create an in driven off his cattle, kidnaped his is a Christian prayer that is offered. It is nothing agreeable "Stimmung" for the Basel tives and the proper Jewish environment it broadfamily and burned his home; he gathering, but it must be held deens the spiritual horizon and deepens the Jewish unusual, in fact, for Christian ministers to pay to spite leaned on his gun and said: "Well, all obstacles. The depression consciousness of the youths who are fortunate to the triune deity even at a dedication of a syna- has made now, ain't that just too ridiculous!" many American Jews more gogue or at a celebration of a purely Jewish inSurely someone must have interattend. ready to listen to the appeal for setl ' , For the past two years our community has stitution. tlement in Palestine, but, at the same sposed an objection to Dr. de Haan's address; in the same fashion, somePhysical blindness is decidely a blessing, time, it has curtailed the funds avail- one witnessed the beneficial influence of the Summer must have taken the leadership able for colonization. The present Play School on the upbringing and education of when compared with such mental blindness of weakness of Zionism is- a reflection of in the excommunication of Spinoza in the Jewish children. This year indicators point bigotry. Those who indulge in such practices do the universal economic debility. At the seventeenth century. What an intoward an even more successful school. It will not seem capable of i realizing even that their con- Basel stress is certain to be laid upon vidious distinction in the annals of last one month with meetings five mornings a duct is disgustingly; offensive to fair-minded and the economic aspects of the work. It history to be accounted among, the week. An elaborate program of classes, games, clear-visioned people, who possess an appreciative is to be hoped that economists, rath- persecutors! than mere word-makers, will be Even though unpopular opinions dramatics, sports and outdoor activities is sense of propriety and fairness. Their range of irjiven may grieve and wound us, cannot we an hearing. planned. They will include story telling, sewing, vision is so circumscribed that they are unable to learn to listen to them? It is easy, handcrafts, games, dancing, toy makingj swim- comprehend the true meaning of religion. It Zionism rests upon, the broad foun- moreover, to avoid hearing an unof popular enthusiasm and sup- palatable radio address; a twist of ming, sports and outdoor projects. The ages of seems impossible for them to understand that dation port, but the necessity of stimulating, the dial and "the rest is silence."1 the children eligible for registration are between true religion is broad and tolerant and that sec- even in these days of darkness, the six and twelve years. The number must be limit- tarianism and denominationalism belong to the ndustrial, commercial and manufacted to three hundred, so anyone who can should by church and have no place in public gatherings uring enterprises of Palestine, must be ignored. Even with a delegation all means register his child and share in the fruits and general functions. some of American Zionism's of an institution which makes a life-time impres- t It often makes one sad to think that the af- minus most active workers, the delegation By DAVID SCHWARTZ sion for good on the youth and becomes a source fairs of the church should in this age of light and from this country is certain to make Thelosieft Shots onlorth of strength and vitality for Jewish development progress be entrusted to the unintelligent leader- a forceful imprint upon the deliberaSCENES ship of such blinded bigots. It does not seem at tions of the Congress. Basel' will bs METROPOLITAN in the community. Emma Goldman tells it. It hapall unreasonable to suppose that this condition the cynosure of Jewish eyes the world pened ' soms twenty-five years ago. over during the next several weeks. alone accounts for the fact that in many instance; The famous radical had just entered TORCH OF SERVICE off to a zestful, sunshiny the church is losing ground and intelligent peopl< The first interests which the lay- an East Side restaurant, when she In recent months the scythe of grim Death the voice of Dr. Zolataroff, anstart every niorniiig in genuine has' cut a devastating: swath within the ranks of are turning in utter disgust from their spiritual man penalizes in the time of finan- heard other famous radical of that day, guides. Yet, there is comfort in the thought cial stringency relate to religion and Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. Walk Jewish leaders. Last week was added to the reeducation. Many Jewish communities crying out: "One cup of coffee—exthat, despite the habitual blindness of bigoted cent list of departed illustrious Jewish leaders the throughout the country are dispens- tra large! a mile in them—or ten; your feet magic name of Mortimer L. Schiff. Tribute to leaders, mankind as a whole is constantly pro- ing with the services of Rabbis and This was followed by another cry: piece of herring—extra large.' will feel fine at the end of the jaunt his memory is paid by outstanding men in all gressing and stupidity and ignorance are more and teachers, or are offering less than a "One And then came—"One bowl of soap— more making way for intelligence and enlighten living salary to them. walks of life, both Jewish and Gentile; for, while • • . It's all in the cushion—an in* This is robbing Peter to pay Paul. extra large." ment. —Jewish Ledger. Schiff was always ready to aid any worthy JewEmma couldnt understand this Man does not live by bread alone or visible, permanently springy feaish cause, his interests were never limited to the by spirit alone; he needs both. The extra large business. She went up to Religion must win by way of the cross, and next generation of American Jewry Dr. Zolataroff and asked him what ture, exclusive to Dr. Reed Shoes. efforts of any one creed, but his sympathy with will be grievously the loser if parents had given him this ravenous appetite. and devotion to helpful, worthwhile work extend-' not by way of the crown. "economize" in the religious training Thereupon Zolataroff explained his InOntaht Only at The Nebraska ed to all humanitarian endeavors. From his life system to her. It boiled down to of their children. Through communThe political preacher is found more often in m ore than from the life of any other presentity effort, the institutions which have something like this. Half of the time, Sk*« Seettraa—Mala Floor—North day American Jew—we can draw the lesson of Caesar's antechamber than in the upper chamber. been built in prosperous times, can be he had no money to get any food, so religious and racial good-will, the importance of a maintained adequately and. wisely. when he did get a few dollars, he Truth must stand on its own merits; it i Every person should realize his re- made up for his missing meals by broad universalistic outlook upon life tempered by sponsibility, and should not seize up- ordering extra large courses. a recognition of the stock from which the in- its own defender; it is crippled when clothed with on the present business stagnation as A TEENY LITTLE MISTAKE j an armor. dividual came. -•• CORRECT APPAKELi fOH MliNANU WOMBS Bernard G. Richards tells this one. aft alibi for evading his rightful duty. Mortimer L. Schiff was the great son of a X was an am-haaretz. His knowledge If the burden is spread over a who carried on the glorious tra- } A -worthless religion? is always depende.nl larger number of contributors than of Hebrew was about as limited as ditions of his family. The father, Jacob Schiff, upon the state for support heretofore, the difficulty can be Jack Dempsey's knowledge of the


Telling It In GATH :;

From Contemporary Pens


By the Way


I.'-1 •


) t


June Bride

•f -

JUNE WEDDING HIGHLAND CLUB The marriage of Miss Hilda Phyllis Parties at the regular. ladies' day GUinsky. to Sam S. Rochman, son of at the Highland Club Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. S. Rochman, was solem- given by Mrs. Anna Unger, who had nized at 12 o'clock noon, Sunday, June six guests, Mrs. Morris Ferer, five; David Feder, ,five;LMrs. Abe 7,'at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gilinsky. Only the Herzberg, three, and Mrs. B. Yousem, members of the immediate families four. •were present. Rabbi S. Feldman officiated. The ceremony was followed ATHLETIC CLUB OPENING by a dinner for the guests. Despite the inclement weather, the - The bride wore a rose beige lace Athletic Club Roof opening, "which gown with a cocktail jacket. Her was held in the ball room last Friday lace hat and accessories were of egg- evening was well attended. shell, and her shower bouquet was of .Among the reservations were those sweetpeas and Ward roses. of Max Fromkin, Joe Krasne, JXHXH The young couple are now on a two Ferer, Frank Blotcky, Edward Scbirnweeks' motor trip to Denver, Cglo- mel and Abe Milder. In the party of rado Springs and Estes Park, Colo. .tile'latter were Mr. and Mrel Howard Upon their return they will make Milder, Miss Sally Ginsburg of Sioux their nome with Mr. Rochman's par- City. Miss Ruth Hofner, Mrs. S. Rosan'tli&I of St. Joseph, Dr. David C. ents. Platt and Hymie Philip Milder.

GO TO WEST COAST Miss Edith London «f ,Lt>s .Angeles, and-.Detroit with relatives and Mrs. Julius Drofick and son, Billy formerly of Council Bluffs', is visiting "friends. ferolick, left, Wednesday for Los Aa-"with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. l^eles, Calif., where they will,remain London. : Miss Esther Rosen of LOB Angeles, with" relatives until September. They California, arrived Wednesday to visit will'be accompanied by Mr. Drolick, Mr. and Mrs. B. _A. Simon left •MTS. J. Falk. - , who will attend?the national conven- Thursday for Excelsior.Springs, Mo., tion of Hotel Greeters at Vancouver, where they ynU jspehd "several weeks. ^PATRONIZE OUli ADVERTISERS B. C. Mr. Drolick will return home by way of Lo's Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Caspar and OMAHA LACE son, Harold Eugene, and Mr. I." GasRETURN FROM DES MOIXES LAUNDRY par, are leaving Saturday morning Mrs.. Mamie Kneeter and .daughter, or Oklahoma" City, "where" they will EXCLUSIVE Mrs. Abe Maisel," and the latter's son, visit indefinitely. CURTAIN CLEANERS Philip Maisel, spent the past week in WA. 1350 — 5007 Leavenworih DesMoines, Ia^ with" Mrs. Kneeter's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gresnberg, atMrs. Harry Kneeter, who were guests tended the commencement "exsreises during the week-end at the" Kneeter at the University of Nebraska-last home in Omaha. - Saturday when their son, Elmer, was Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose of St. Jo- graduated. seph, Mo., spent the week-end with Miss Shirley Janoff has left for the Mrs. Rose's mother, Mrs. Mamie FOR YOUR ;ast to study dancing. She will reKneeter. turn about September 1. SOGOLOWS VISITING HERE Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sogolow of Miss Harriet Greenblatt had as her Campaign, UL, are visiting at the guest last week-end, Albert E. Locker home of Mrs. Sogolow's parents, Mr. of Minneapolis. and Mrs. Alex Greenberg. The visit16th and Howard ors will leave July 1 for Camp Cedar Miss Alice Stern has returned to Crest at Hollister, Mo., where Mr. the city after vacationing in Chicago Sogolow will have charge of a boy's camp during the summer. Mr. Sogolow is athletic instructor at the University of Illinois.


Jewelry Needs

Fur Storage and Repairing

Mrs. Abe Markowitz MOVE TO NEW HOME The marriage of Miss Yetta Wright, and Rev. A. Diamond officiated. A Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodbinder and ENGAGEMENT daughter of Mrs. George Wright of wedding dinner was- served following family have moved to their new home Mr. and. Mrs. Hyman Albert" an- BUFFET SUPPER 1 at 520 North .51st street nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder will Omaha, to Abe Markovitz, son of Mr. the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Markovitz are now daughter, Miss Ula Albert, to Abe J. entertain Sunday evening at a buffet and Mrs. Barney Markovitz of CounGoldenberg, of Lincoln, Nebr., son of supper of thirty guests, at their cil Bluffs, was solemnized Sunday af- taking their honeymoon trip to Min-PERSONALS ternoon, June 7, at 4:30 o'clock at Nathan Reiss, Sam Zacharia, and Mrs. M. Falkvitch of Council Bluffs. apartment in the Austin. neapolis and the Great Lakes by Dr. David C. Platt leave Friday for the Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs, Mr. Goldenberg attended the Univerin the presence of only the immediate motor. They will be at home at the Kansas City, whsre they will visit sity of Nebraska and is a member of BIRTHDAY PARTY families. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Chatham Court after June 15. with Harold Margolin, formerly of Mr. and Mrs.Samuel Greenhouse the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. No Omaha, until Tuesday. will give a birthday party for their date has been set for the wedding. daughter, Martha, who will be ten on students are returning home from Thursday from Milwaukee Downer Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Simon and Sunday afternoon. Invitations have their various institutes of learning to College for girls in Wisconsin. BAN-SPIEGEL ENGAGEMENT family left Sunday, June 7, for Los been issued. spend the summer with their parents Miss Lucile Krasne returned TuesMr. and Mrs. A. Ban announce the Angeles, where they will make their Miss Greenhouse, recently had the and friends. day from Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, engagement of their daughter,, Miss home. leading role in the successful proLeon Mandelson returned Tuesday 111. , to spend the summer vacation 'Bertha Ban, to Richard Spiegel, son duction of "Rackety-Packety House' from Harvard Business School to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Mrs. Bessie Speigel. A formal reception will be given at the Community Hall in Florence. visit with his mother, Mrs. Lena Krasne of Council Bluffs. Mandelson. Reasonable Prices for friends and relatives of the young Miss Esthyre Steinberg has reMRS. KOHN HOSTESS Herman S. Rosenblatt is spending turned from the University of NeTouple at the Conant hotel Sunday on Quality Work ivening, June 14. About 200 are ex- Mrs. Sara Kohn honored "her slater, the summer with his mother, Mrs. braska to spend the summer here Mrs. Esther Rosenberg of Chicago, at Morris Rosenblatt Mr. Rosenblatt is} MAX SHREER'S SONS pected to attend. a luncheon for 12 guests a t the1 Black- a student at the New York Univer- Hyman Goodbinder has also rePainting—Decorating Mips Ban and Mr. Spiegel are both stone last Wednesday. turned from Nebraska to spend the sity. AT. 4744 Bes. JA. 7855 graduates of Technical High School. Miss Jane Appelman returned' summer with his parents. No date has been set for the wedTHETA PHI SIGMA ding. BREAKFAST Theta, Phi Sigma sorority held a ENTERTAIN FOR MR. AND MRS. breakfast Sunday morning1 at ElmBROSCOW wood park. Omaha's Style Center • Mr. and Mrs. A. Zusman will be . kosts at a dancing party Sunday eve- HOME FROM SCHOOL ning, June 34, at the Birchwood Club to honor of their daughter and son- With the coming of vacation, the in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Broscow, who Were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. Broscow have just Orpheum Opposite Wednesday and returned from, their honeymoon in Thursday Specials Jhe east. . Invitations have : been isjiiied for the affair.


MILLER-GROSSMAN WEDDING Word has been received.from New York of the marriage of Miss Lee Grossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B- Grossman, formerly of Omaha, jtnd Sidney Miller of New York.

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ses On DeatK of MortirrierL* Significance of Family to Jewi Name SchiflB Stands High in the Realm Financiers of World

Energetic and Dynamic

Board. He was vice-president of the tennis fan. E. M. Segel, physical di- . Medals will be'given to the winners Chamber of Commerce of New, York rector of the J. C C , has decided to and runnerup. The medals are « f a State and a trustee of half a dozen sponsor an all-Jewish tournament. All very unique design this year. We hope to see a large entry list other organizations serving the pub- entries must be in his office by the this year. Either see Mr. Segel or 20th of June. The tournament will lic well. Hs even held the rank of begin the week later. myself for further details. major in the Officers Reserve Corps. Each entry must be accompanied Carried On The J. C. C. girl3 indoor baseball by 25c which will be used" for the In these and in other greater and purchase of medals. The matches team won t h e city championship last lesser ways Schiff fils was worthy of may be played on any court in the week. The girlg were undefeated durthe high distinction that had come to city. All matches must be played by ing the entire season. Bertha Shafthe family by virtue of the intellig- a certain time or they will be for- ton of the winners was one of the ence and public spirit of Schiff pere. feited. best pitchers in the league. Mr. Mortimer Leo Schiff, the white hope Segel gives the girls a great deal of pf his father, is dead at the early age Flt&DGKBCBO, STAtMASTJStt & KF.DER credit as this is the first time that Attorneys of fifty-four years. But when he the girls have played this sport. G3O Omaha Nat'onal Bank BIdg. meets the shade of his sire he can PROBATE NOTICE point proudly' to the name which he In the. Matter of the Ktrtate of Harry It's getting hot felks and the onlyDeceased. left as distinguished and widely be- Freeman, Notice is hereby given that -the creditors way to cool off is-to go in swimming. the said deceased will meet the udminloved, although among different of istrator of said estate, before ine, County If you don't know how to swim let •groups, as it was when it was left to Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, nt Mr. Segel and his able assistant teach County Court Boom, in said County,, him to carry on the family tradition. •the on the 23rA day ot July, 11131, and on the you. He has .various classes at vari•J3rd day ot September, 1031, at « o'clock ous times. If you are interested see A. M., each (lay, for the purpose of pre(Copyright' 1931 by the Jewish senting their claims for nomination, ad- Mr. Segal at the Center. He will be Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) justment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their glad to talk to you.

claims, from the 20th diiy of June, 1SW1. He was noted even in a society of BIM'CIJ CIUWl'OUD, men of training and culture for his own 3t—5-20-31 County Judge. We hear that Smiling Sammy Kaufexcellence. He was a man of many STAtMASTER * BEBER man, former Omaha boy, is playing parts, always energetic and dynamic. G50 Onraha Tiationr.I Bank Bids. NOTICE OF AUT1CL.ES OF INCOEVORA- professional ball with a Wisconsin He met even his death sitting up. TION OF "COHEN ft FKLTMAN, INC." team. Sammy will be remembered as KJiOW ALT, MEN BY THESK PKESThis vast energy which he possessed By Henry Magzamin ENTS that the undersigned have formed a the boy who pitched the Center to a corporntian under the laws o£ the State enabled him to reach out into a mulWell, folks, here we are back again of Nebraska. The name of tills corpora- league win some years ago. titude of private and public activities. shall be-"Cohen & Kelt man. Inc." withBy JOSHUA BENDER. into the fold after a two weeks lay tion its principal plncc of transacting business He was not above the customary, at Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature He attended private schools and later social amenities; ha could and did talk off. Ye author was in the midst of of the business to be transacted ami the The passing of the noted banker ami purpose for which this corand philanthropist Mortimer L. ShilT Amherst College where he was con- with equal fluency on his excellent exams and is indeed glad that they object FOR RENT poration it) organized nnd established shall be to engage in the buying, selling; anil recalls the significance of the Schiff sidered the richest undergraduate and collection of Persian pottery,, on his are over at last. dealing generally, either \vho!pK:rle or re2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, name to the Jewish and the general tail, 5n meats, groceries, rcsrnnrant w.'iros, which he left on that very account art collection byold masters.on a celpublic. This article especially writwith private family for fruits, candies, coitfect ions, soft drinks, The Psi Mu ball club came into its because he refused to be conspicuous lar filled with old wines; and on an produce, x>oultry. bakery goods, provisions ten for the Jewish Telegraphic Agenelderdly couple. own last week. They won their first and any and nil other ki nil red items of extraordinary hand a t poker and cy and The Jewish Press is a sumfor his wealth. merchandise generally handled in markeig. Call AT. 6141 game of the season last Sunday by a mar/ of tha life of Mortimer SchHF. of the tj-pe as the one being organized, inbridge. cluding the power to buy and sell real esFit to Follow Father 12-to-3 score. Theboys played real -rEDITOK He did not fail, as a citizen of high tate and sublet parts of leased properly to Kuhn Loeb and Company, in the standing, to participate in public and ball throughout the game and after departments of twit-store operations carIn a conclave of bankers, in the ried on by the corporation. the first" inning stepped out to win first decade of the present century far-flung outposts of the Jewish compublic welfare activities. He was one achieved its highest banking status of the signers of the Mexican Debt handily. The- authorised capital stock shall hemunities, in the councils of the world's $",0,000.00 to be divided into COO shares of as a railroad organizer. Wall Stieet The work of some new players feaflip i>;ir mine of $100.00 each, nil of which youth, the name of Schiff is one to Fact of 1922. He was one of the Still speaks with bated breath of the early advocates of the Federal Re- tured. Herman Levinson, former stock shall IK? common and shall be fully conjure with. paid for and non-assessable when issued. battle between the House of Morgan serve Act which did so much to estab- Central high school star, played a de- Said stock may be issued for cash, real 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 Schiff, to the world's money kings estate, leases and leaseholds, personal MOVING — STORAGE — and the House of Schiff, representing cisive part in the win as did Harry property nnd personal services. The corlish banking in this country on a means the House of Kuhn, Loeb and P[ANO MOVING , poration shall commence business upon the respectively the railroad ambitions of Levinson in center field, and his budsounder basis than it had ever known Company, generally recognized as secof its articles with the County Clerk Harriman and of Hill; a battle which before. During the war he served dy, Dave Willner, who was on the filing of Ponglas County, Nebraska, nnd it shall ond only to the banking institution continue business for a period of HO ended in a stalemate. It was natural both in France and in this country on mound for the winners. Both of the years fromdoinsr said date. The highest amount headed by J. P. Morgan. The loquactherefore that young Mortimer should the War Work Council of the Y. M. last mentioned fellows are Denver of indebtedness to which this corporation ious among the retired bankers, sitsubject itself shall not exceed twohave turned into a study of railroad- C. A. and for the Jewish Welfare boys living in Omaha for the present. shall thirds of its capital slock, but (his reting, at ease nv their city or country striction shall not apply to indebtedness ing and railroad financing. He took Willner allowed the losers only eight secured by mortgages upon nny of fhe club?, more than once refer with FUR STORAGE corporate property. The nffairs of this up his studies under an able tutor, hits that were widely scattered. something of an awe to the mighty corporation shall be manncrd by " •> Ilonrrt L,iw Offices Cleaning—Remodeling—Relinin g James J. Hill, whose name has be- FRADENBU KG, STALMASTEU ts RKUEU The Psi Mu boys look as if they of Directors consisting of not less than combinations engineered by the elder two members. The annual meeting of the At moderate prices come immortal in the folklore of Hill 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. had at last hit their stride. We ex- corporation shall l»e held on the first week of the Schiff dynasty, Jacob H. Schiff Mortimer L. Schiff. •lay of January of each year at which time Country. When Mortimer was twen- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF pect more wins in the future. 110 So. 35 St—Tel. HA. 2737 who in- his lifetime dominated the af"GKNBKAL STATES INSURANCEthe stockholders shall elect a Hoard of ty-two he became a junior partner in lMrectors and thereupon the Board of l'HCORPORATION" imer, the son. In this group he has fairs of his institution. Now that his reetors shall elect a president, a viceKXOW ALT. MEN* BY THESE PRH3Here is some good news for the president, a secretary nnd a treasurer. Any son, Mortimer Leo, too, has gone to earned fame by his own pioneering his father's banking' House and grad- E.NTS, that I he undersigned have tormed two of said offices may he he!d by one ually shouldered older responsibilities a corporal ion under the laws of the State his eternal rest, wagging tongues will right. It seems almost as if he had and the same person. These articles may-) of Nebraska. The name ot this corporaWhen Jacob Schiff died in 1920 he be amended at any regular or special been determined to ally himself with tion sbalj l>e "GENERAL STATKS 1Nexchange anecdotes on the skill and meeting of the stockholders upon the af.had reason to be confident that his SURANCK CORPORATION" with ils prinyouth activities in order to intensify firmative vote of two-thirds Of all outability with which the son inherited cipal place of business at Omaha, NeCOURTESY—SERVICE J. L. KRACE. Proprietor standing stock. braska. The general nature of the busithe mantle of his far-famed father. the justice of his characterization as son would fill his shoes well. ness to be transacted and the object and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties "NEW FOR OLD" Numerous were the Schiff philan- purpose tor which this corporation is orhereto have hereunto subscribed their Jews, among whom the name of "the younger Schiff." ganized ii nd established, shall be as folhands this 8th day of Juno. 1031. Fifty-four year old Mortinmer Schiff thropies. 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 lows: To own and hold the stock and Schiff is whispered like that of a SAM OOHKN, 24th and Seward securities of insurance companies nnd to was a Boy ' Scout and among the He contributed handsomely to the ROY C. FEI..TMAN. favorite legendary hero, have had own and hold the stock and securities of In the presence of Irvin Stalmaster. Phone JAckson G363 corporation; to organise, purchase, 4t—6-12-31 many an occasion to observe; that the youths he was acclaimed!as a devoted New York Federation and in campaign any lease or mnnaee insurance companies 24th and Cuming friend and leader and chosen as presiperiods acted as chairman and worker of all classes and kinds;-to act-as general distinguished son of a most distingR C. tKVlN, Attorney. Phone ATlantic 1060 special agent for insurance companies uished father did not forget his herit- dent of the National Council of the in the Federation drives for funds. or of all kinds: to adjust, nnd appraise losses; 801 Electric Build' ne. Omaha. Nrbr. Harry H. Lnpidua. President- Trees. Kt In Charge of Registered act as agent, broker or trustee for any NOTICE Or IXCOBPOB.4T1ON OF age. They have learned to know that Boy Scouts of America. In Jewish The library of the Jewish Theological to corporation, orgiinization or person; to ••ELECTRIC LUiHT SERVICE Pharmacists COMPANY." the son did not .loosen the tie that philanthropical work, apart from his Seminary of America was enriched by contract and transact business with its instockholders, directors and ofNotice is hereby given thnt the undorFREE DELIVERY bound his name to that of that amaz- contributions to numberless Jewish a precious collection of over 40,000 torporators, ficers the same it's with any other person, sign-'d have nssoeisfeU themselves toor corporation; to acquire the whole or getlwr and nave organised a corporation ing figure who despite colossal under- causes, he selected as his own special volumes and 4,000 manuscripts by hisfirm miy |>art of the .issejs and business of any under the Lows of the State of Nebraska, pet the Jewish Board of Guardians purchase. He gave to the New York person, firm, orfrmiizution or cornornlion. the name of the corporation is "Klectric takings and heavy responsibilities did COMPLETE STORE AND and (o pay for the same in cash, stork or Light Service Company." That the prinwhich concerns itself with the city's Y. M. H. A., the National Farm I. BERKOWITZ not fail to pray regularly on the SabOFFICE OUTFITTERS bonds of this corporation, or otherwise: to cipal pla<-e of transacting its business School, to the Allied Jewish Cam- own. lease and manage buildings or propshall be at Omahn, Nebraska; That the W« Occupy bath in the temple of his ancestors. wayward youth. of every kind, whether real, persona) Furrier general nature of the business to he tranOver lO.OBO Hquare F*et Mortimer Leo Schiff was educated paign, to the Hebrew Union College erty or mixed; to lend and invest monies on its sacted Kli.ill be to do a gonernl business Southwest Corner In His. Own Right own account, or ns agent or trustee of FUR STORAGE BS commission merchant aud selling agent; by a fond father in expectation of campaign and many another cause of other pertons or corporations," and to seto carry on any and nil business ns manuEleventh and Douglas Streets Remodeling and Relining But .among young boys and girls of preparation for a career with Kuhn which little mention was made in the cure such lonns by mortgaging or pledgfacturers, producers, merchants, wholePhone JAckson 2724 ing Its own property, or otherwise: to pursalers and retailers without limitation n« the world the name Schiff resounds by Loeb and Company. He was born public prints. chase or sell securities, or property of any 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703 to class of products and merchandise, and Omaha, Nebr. nature and description: to borrow money especially of nil forms of electricKl mavirtue of the achievements of Mort fifty-four years ago, on June 5, 1877, His donations were by no means and if.sup its bonds, debentures, or other chinery, appliances and plants an<t to liny, limited to sectarian institutions. Some evidence of indebtedness therefor, and to sell, manufacture, repair, eonwrt, alter, the payment of the same, by mortlet. or hire and deal in electric appliances; years ago he gave half a million dol- secure Knging. pledging or conveying any or all to buy or otherwise nccjuire, otrn, hold, CHARLES SIMON <ts property or assets; to transact a sell, convey, mortgage, rent, (ease, sublease lars to the Cathedral of St. John the of general insurance, loan, real estate, investor deal with any Interest in renl estate ItccommendB Divine. During the World War he ment nnd insurance brokerage business; wherever situated including improvements to carry out nil or any part of the forethereon or belonging thereto. The nmount The Sanitary Laundry served as a director of the United going objects as principal, factor, broker, of capital stock authorized is $25,000.00 diagent, contractor or otherwise, either nlone "The Best ol AU Laundry Service" vided into 250 shares of the par value of War Work Campaign. Always he was or in connection with any person, firm, JOB FOUNDRY $100.00 mich. which stock shall be fully S8I3 the urbane, civilized man of means association or corporation: to do any and paid for when issued and non-assessable AT-2815 Farnnm AND MACHINK WORK all things incidental, or in any way perand may be paid for either in money or who knew not simply the art of ac- ininiug to any of the aforementioned powother property for the value of such propKEIN FORCING STKEL nnd it is expressly provided that the erty fixed by the Bonrd of Directors which cumulating money but the greater ers, enumeration herein of specific objects nnd shall be vomlusive. That the time of comart of spending it and the still greater powers shall not be held to limit or remencement of this corporation shall be on in «ny manner the general powers the first day of June. 1931, and &hall part of giving money away wisely. strict of this ccrporntlpn. New and Old terminate on the 31st day of Mny, 1981. That the highest amount of indebtedness His pet hobby in recent years was The authorized capital stock shall be or liability to which this corporation is VIOLINS the Boy Scout movement, to which he J'jn.OOO.OO. nil of which sbnll be common at nny rime to subject itself is not to exThird Ave. and 11th Street and of the pnr value of $10.00 per share ceed two-thirds of its capital Rtock. Thnt gave generously of his money and and At Reasonable Prices all of said stock sbnll be fully paid the affairs shall be conducted by a Board Phones: 89 and 519 and non-assessnlile. Said stock' may of Directors of nor less than two nor more the highly appraised riches of his up N. C. NIELSEN be Issued for cash, real or personal. propCOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA than five nnd the following officers, a mind. It was he who, made possible erty, pood will,: personal services, or - .anypresident, a vice-president, a secretary thing of value. The corporation shall nnd n tie:isiirer nny two of which offices by underwriting its expenses, the commence doing business upon the filing mny be held by one nnd the same person. its articles with' the County Clerk of The number of directors shall be deterWorld Jamboree of Boy Scouts that of Douglas County." Nebraska, and shall conmined by the by-laws. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiai, was convened in 1929, from all over tinue for n period of fifty years from mlA. ,T. K. KATZ, date. The highest amount, of indebtedness S. H. KATZ. the earth to promote international to which" this corporation shall subject it-, In Presence of: Incorporators. self, shall not exceed two-thirds of its NATIONAL Irvin C Levin. 0-5-31-4t. friendship. capital stock.




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ELECTRICALLY Don't dread summertime cooking with your, old fashioned cook stove. Electric cooking is like cooking beneath a shady tree—At is so cool and pleasant. Put your dinner on to cook, set the controls and don't enter the kitchen until dinner is done. Electrically - cooked food is delicious . . . . all natural juices of meats and vegetables are retained. - .Make a pleasure of your summertime cooking.

HERE'S $15 FOR YOU? Buy your electric range now and receive $15 in trade certificates, good for trade, payment of bills in any store or professional services any place in your town.


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The affairs pt this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall l>e held on the first Monday in January of each year, nt which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors, and thereupon the Board shall elect a President, a Vice President, n Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said officers may IK> held by one and the same person. These articles may l>e amended or added to by n vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding stock at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names this 14th day of May, 1J«1. • JOS B^ FRADENBERG. In the Presence of: . _„ .. SAM BEBER. 5-22-41

FRA/DENBTJSG. STALMASTEK & BEBF.K 6SO' Omaha National Bank Blilfr. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF "KENO PRODUCTS, INC." Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholders of KENO PRODUCTS. INC., held on December 17, 1030, at S> o'clock A. M. in the office of levin Staimaster, at which all the stockholders of said corporation were present, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried, that said corporation be dissolved. In accordance therewith, notice is hereby Riven that KENO PRODUCTS, INC., has, by order of all its stockholders, been dissolved. (Signed) PATH. M. JORDAN,' FLOYD L. PAYNTER. HARRY O. CHCKCHILL. 4M5-12-31 „.:,:•:• FltADKNBUKG. 8TAX.MASTER & BEBER . AND PH11.1P KT.CTZKICK -.•: v Attorneys CSO Omaha National Bank Bldsr. . NOTICE OF SHEKIFF'S SALE " •In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. By virtue of an execution Issued by Kobert Smith, Clerk of the LHstrict Court of Douglas Coiroty, Nebraska, upon a judgment reudered in the Municipal Court of ttte City of Omaha, a transcript of which judgment was duly filed and docketed iu the District Court, within and for Donglas County, in favor of Kzra Sidm.in, doing business as the K. Sidm.in Coal Co. plain.tiff, and against Arthur C. Leflnng, defendant, ill Execution Docket Number 27. at Page SOG, I have levied upon the following described property, to-wit: Lot Six (<i) Collins Place, an addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and 1 will at 10 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1931, nt the East front door of the Douglas County Court House, in the City of Omnha, Douglas County, Nebraska, sell said property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy plaintiff's judgment In the sum of $396.S3, with interest: to satisfy the sum of $25.00 costs and the increased and securing costs. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 27th day of May, 1931. C. .B. Mc"DONAL,D, Sheriff, Ct-5-29 - Douglas County, Nebraska,


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Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy fa Watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that yon try i t . .

IRVIN C. M5VIS, Attorney S01 Electr'c Building, Omahn. NOTICK OF AMENI>MBNT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OV TIP TOP SERVICE STORES, INC. KNOW ALL, MEN BT THBSK I'HESEMS: That nt the meeting of the stockholders of Tip Top Service Stores, Inc., held In the City of Omahn, Nebraska, on the 24th day of March, 15)31, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, of said Corporation, there were present in person all of the outstanding stock of the Corpora-: tion. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Articles of Incorporation of said Corporation were chnnped nnd amended in the following particulars, to-wit: Article Four of the Articles of Incorporation were wade to read as follows: AttTIOr-E IV. The authorised capitnl stock of this corporation shall l>e Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars divided into five hundred (SO0) shares of the par value ot fifty (£30.00) Dollars and all of which stock shall be common nnd shall be fully paid up and non-assessable when, issued and may be issned for cash or for renl or personal property in the reasonable value thereof. Article Ten of the Articles of Incorporation were made to read ns follows: ARTICLE X. The stock shall be transferable only on the books of said corporation. If at any time any of the stockholders desire to sell and dispose of stock, such stockholders shall first offer it in writine to the officers of the corporation nt pnr vnlue plus accrued dividends, if any, nnd Rive the board of directors 30 days in which to purchase such stock for the corporation, or for snch person or persons as the majority of the stockholders mny select, to purchase the same. At the expiration of said 30 days if the officers of the corporation shall not have purchased nnd paid for the same, the said stockholder or stockholders Ghnll hnve the riprht to Sell to whoever will purchase, upou the same terms and for the same price nt which it was offered to the corporation. TIP 1OP SRUVICK STOKES, IN(V By J. LORKIS, President. Attest: M. ltOSKNSXKIN, Secretary. In Presence of: ltrin C Levin. 6-5-31-4t.


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MILLION IS PLEDGED FOR 109 Jewish Communities Ally Selves With J. N. F. Plan

like cod, halibut, herring, salmon and sardines. These supply iodine and also Vitamin A and D. The sixth great principle is the extension ' in the use of whole cereal, like whole wheat flour, -whole wheat bread and whole wheat breakfast :food. These supply residue as well as the anti-neuritdc vitamin, the antipellagra vitamin and ths anti-sterility vitamin. By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor of bio-chemistry and nutrition, If these simple principles are adthe Crei;hton University School hered to, the main features of an adeof Medicine. quate diet will be fulfilled. We do not have to be scientific, highly trainTHE GREAT AMERICAN ed nutritionists to eat properly, just DIET as we do not have to be graduates of (Editor's Note: Dr. Victor E. Levine, author of this series of articles, an engineering school in order to was honored recently by his election drive an automobile. as president of the Nebraska Academy of Science at the annual meeting of the Academy held May 8 and 9 in Lincoln. This office is the highest that can be given in this state in the field of science). By

FRIDAY, JUNE 12,1931


Council Bluffs News


By F. R. K.


Greenberg-Saks A popular June bride-to-be is Miss Esther Saks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks of Council Bluffs, whose marriage' to Max Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenbsrg of Omaha, will take place Sunday evening, June 21st, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster Street.

brother's bride, the former Miss Yetta "Wright, and in honor of Miss Esther Saks, June bride-to-be. In last week's issue of the Jewish Press, it was erroneously stated that this party was in honor of Miss Hilda Gilinsky.

Mrs. Ben Telpner entertained twenty guests at a Bridge Party on Sunday afternoon, May 31st, in honor of Miss Saks. On Wednesday evening, June 3rd, the Misses Sophie and Rose Eossnstein of Omaha entertained at three tables of Bridge at their home in honor of Miss Saks and also in honor of Mrs. Sam Katzman, a recent bride. This week's affairs include a Bridge Party on Tuesday evening when Mrs. Morris Arkin of Omaha was hostess for twelve guests, and Wednesday evening Mrs. Charles Fellman entertained at a Bridgre Party. Miss Fannie Katelman will honor Miss Saks at a Bridge Party at her home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanrael H- Katelman and son, Stanley, and Mrs. Katelman'a sister, Mrs. Louis S. Braunstein, returned home Monday following a ten day visit in Kansas City, Missouri. They also visited in Leavenworth, Kansas, and Excelsior Spring, Mo.

Mrs. Louis EL Katshnan left Saturday evening for St. Louis, Missouri, The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of for a two weeks' visit with her the A. Z. A. held a meeting Wednesparents. day evening at the home of Yale Meyerson. Among the students from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln who I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marcus and returned home this week to spend' family motored to Parksville, Mistheir summer vacation were: Misses souri, Sunday, returning home the folHelen Steinberg, Mildred Meyerson, lowing day accompanied back by their and Ruth Bernstein, and Maurice daughter, Miss Marian Marcus, who Pepper. is a student at Park College, to spend her bummer vacation at home. Mrs. Philip Sherman and daughter,

- The- Jewish - communities in states of the union-stands committed to the active financial support of the land acquisition and reclamation plan t)f the Jewish National Fund, and are Miss Saks is being extensively en-determined to contribute their share tertained pranuptially. Mrs. Sam of the $5,000,000 required over- a Greenberg and daughter, Mrs. Louis period of five years for the realizaShafton, of Omaha entertained at a tion of the Ussishkin Plan, unanimDorothy and Elaine, of Sioux City, tti;ir.i»»»sw beautifully appointed Tea at the ously adopted at a national conferIowa, are spending the week here Greenberg home Sunday afternoon, ence held in "Washington, D. C, in visiting Mrs. Sherman's parents, Mr. May 24th, in honor of the finance of the early part of February. BY WIRE and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. ALL OVEK THE WOULD their son and brothsr. Seventy-five Mm. David W. Newman The great American diet consists One hundred and nine Jewish comFRED R. SHAW guests called during the afternoon The Sewing Circle of the Senior munities have, through their leading essentially of bread, cereal, meat, poFLOWER SHOP The Theta Phi Sigma Sorority, to tatoes, pie and coffee. This breadHadassah met Thursday afternoon at The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a 5 545 Broadway Phone 41 • citizens and specially created commitCHEESE TORTE tees, entered financial commitments cereal-meat-potatoa-pie-coffee diet i One and one-half pounds cottage which Miss Saks belongs, honored her mealing- next Tuesday afternoon, Jane the home of Mrs. M. Yudelson. totaling $1,350,000 for the acquisition the daily ration of millions of Ameri- cheese, 1 cup sugar, 4 eggs, 1-2 pint at a Dinner-Bridge at the Hotel Pax- lGth, at the new synagogue, 618 and reclamation of 53,631 riunams of cans. This type of diet does not keep cream, a pinch salt, rine and juice of ton on Tuesday evening, May 26th. Mynster Street. land as the property of the Jewish experimental animals in good health j_2 lemon, 1-4 cup flour, 1 package On the following evening, Mrs. Julius The Annual Talmud Torah Sunday people under the auspices of the Jew- and vigor. Such diet is deficient in zwieback (6 oz.) one extra cup sugar, Barron of Shenandoah and her sisters, School Picnic will be held on WedMisses Dora • and Tillie Markowitz ish National Fund. The redeemed calcium and is somewhat overrich in 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-2 cup melted •were joint hostesses at a Dinner- nesday afternoon, June 24th, at the zone is to be known as the American phosphorus in proportion to the cal- butter. Fairmount Park. The Ladies AuxilTract. These figures do not include cium it contains. It is also deficient Roll zwieback -fine, mix with 1 cup Bridg-a Party at the Hotel Chieftain iary of the Talmud Torah will have at which time Miss Saks shared honplans formulated in New York City in intestinal residue, in vitamin A, sugar, cinnamon and melted butter, charge of this affair. All children are ors with Miss Yetta Wright. ThirtyOmaha has pledged ?500 for 20 in the antirachitic vitamin, in iron, set aside 3-4 cup of the mixture to especially invited to attend. and in some cases in iodine, in the sprinkle over top. Butter a 9-inch two guests were present. On Thursdunatns. day evening, May 28th, Mrs. Harry spring form, spread and press zwieMr. Louis H. Katelman, member of Announcement to this effect was antipellagra vitamin. How are we to make this great back mixture on bottom and sides of Cohan entertained at three tables of the General Committee of the Disissued at Jewish National Fund headBridge at home complimentary to trict Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Inquarters as an outline of a report American diet adequate? Man is a form, beat eggs without separating, Miss Saks and Mr. Greenbsrg. bundle of habits not subject to much with sugar until light. Add salt, ledependent Order of ihs B'nai Brith, which will be submitted to the forthspent Sunday in Waterloo, Iowa, coming Zionist Congress. The report correction or change It would there- mon and rine, stir in craam well. Add where he participated in the Initiation will be submitted through Emanue fore be advisable and practicable to cheese and flour and mix all together COMWICAM Pour into zwieback Neumann, president of the Jewish use the ordinary stereotyped diet as until smooth. A meeting of the Comwicam camp of new members at the Waterloo See the many important improvements perfected National Fund of America, who is a a base and to add there to certain lined form, sprinkle remaining zwie- fire group was held Tuesday, June 9, Lodg2 open meeting and banquet. by WESTINGHOUSE engineers! See the superbly •member of the American delegation foods that will compensate for exist- back mixture over top and bake in a at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Ralph Castle of Brooklyn, New ing deficiencies. These foods we shall slow oven (325 degrees) one hour Cookies were sold by the girls to styled custom cabinets—with the smart-looking, to the Congress. then turn off heat, let stand in oven raise money for dues. Lillian Mono- York arrived here Tuesday to spend The states and the communities call "protective foods." easily cleaned Buffet Tap. Challenge us to prove 1 hour or until cold. Remove from vitz will receive a prize for selling a month visiting her parents, Mr. and participating in the realization of this Dairy Products that you can save $50 to $150 yearly with this ecoMrs. E. Gilinsky. the largest amount of cookies. plan may have their names linked The first and most important prin- spring form, place on carving plate nomical refrigerator. Do not commit yourself until -with the historic Biblical sites often ciple with reference to protective and serve with strawberry jam. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achira you get this important information. included in the zone which is to be foods is the extension in the use of Society will hold a meeting next VEGETABLE SALADS reclaimed by the Jewish National dairy products. The present conYou are more than paying for a beauThursday evening, June 18, at the Lettuce, cress, celery . Fund, under the terms of the resolu- sumption—half pint of milk par capEagles Hall. tiful WESTINCHOUSE Refrigerator Cucumbers, tomatoes, cress, diced tion; adopted by the Washington con- ita—should be increased to at least now. We will prove it to you. A very carrots. Miss Lucille Krasne, student at ference, which launched the work for a pint. email cash payment puts a wESTINGThe first of the foreign langruag-e Shredded cabbage, green peppers, Ferry Hall at Lak? Forest, Illinois, this proj set four months ago, on the Milk enriches the national diet with talkies to come to Omaha, "My Yidradishes, romaine. returned home Tuesday to spend the HOCSE in your home—24 months to occasion of the visit to this country calcium, phosphorus, superior protein, Sliced tomatoes, diced cucumbers, dishe Mama" a 100 per cent all-talk- summer vacation with her parents, of Menachem "Ussishkin, world presi- i and with a fair supply of vitamins A pay the balance. Call or phone. ing, singing Yiddishe feature will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne. green onions. dent of the Jewish National Fund. and D. Tomaine, asparagus tips, sliced ra- shown at the Ritz theater, Friday The second principle is the extenand Saturday, June 19th and 20th. When Mrs. Julius Baron of Shendishes. sion in the use of leafy vegetables, "My Yiddishe Mama," a drama of andoah and her sisters, the Misses Peas, string beans, lettuce, green like lettuce and cabbage. These are modern Jewish life in America, por- Dora and Tillie Markovitz entertained rich in waters oluble vitamins and in peppers, diced beets. trays the decline of the old Jewish thirty-two guests at a Dinner-Bridge Shredded lettuce, tomatoes, chopped Tesidue. traditions and customs in Jewish Party at the Hotel Chieftain on May celery. The third great principle with reFrench endives, cucumbers, grated American youth. TheJead is taken by 27th, the affair was in honor of their ference ;to, protective fopds.is the exMiss Mae Simoni' 'premiere Jewish carrots. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—When Hit- tension in the daily intake of raw dramatic stage and screen star. SupAll these should be served with These lerites vote against government fruits and raw vegetables. porting her are Cantor Schmilikel, French dressing. subventions for rabbis it is not supply the anti-scurvy vitamin. The Boris Rosenthal, Shelam Mendelsohn news, but when they support a citrous fruits, lime, lemon, grapefruit and many others. Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club measure granting a subsidy to the and oranges, are rich in this vitamin. Included with the feature presentaThe Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club will Jewish clergy, that is news. And Other ^Essentials hold a basket picnic Sunday, June 14, tion will be three all-talking Yiddish this news broke today in the ThurThe fourth great principle lies in at Ehnwood Park for members and short subjects. Hymie Jacobson with ingian parliament during the vote the extension in the use of the inside their families. The picnic will start Miriam Krassin in 'The Jewish on the church budget. Gypsy," a Broadway type of musical organs instead of the muscle cuts of at 2 p. m. Together with practically all meat. Heart, liver, kidney, sweetThere will be prizes for the women dance and song film; Joseph Bulov other members of parliament, the breads and brain are rich in iron and and the children. Signs will direct and a supporting cast in "ShoemakNazis supported the church budget in vitamins than steaks and chops. the people to the club's tables. The er's Romance," a comedy of European measure but not until the measure The fifth graat principle involves organization desires that every mem- life, and Sadie Banks with Cella Perhad been passed did they learn to the extension in the use of sea-fish, ber and family attend. son in "The Broken Doll." their chagrin and to the great amusement of the rest of the chamber that the budget also included a subsidy for rabbis' salaries.

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ALPHA TAU The members of the Alpha Tau sorority entertained at a treasure hunt Saturday evening, June 6. The hunt began from the home of Ida Greenbaum, and ended with a weiner roast at Hummel park. The treasure was found by Faye Polsky of Lincoln and Sam Berman. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson chaperoned the affair. Mrs. Gerson is sponsor of the club.;; ; R-NA . :; . ,/ • .Miss Gertrude Rothkop was elected president of the R-Na club at a recent meeting at Temple IsraeL Joel Cherniss was chosen vice president; Miss Bess Gbldware, secretary; Philip Laserowitz, treasurer, and Miss Lillian Koom and Ernest Priesman, sergeants-at-anns.

20 Jews Are Named to Plan Commission Moscow!—(J. T. A.)—Twenty Jews were appointed members . of - a new commission of 75, which has been instructed to work out plans for -a second five-year plan for the industrial and agricultural development of the \\Soviet Union. Simultaneously the Sovnarkom, the Soviet cabinet, named A. I. Weinstein and I. K. Gamburg, to the All-Russian Arbitration , Commission, which is settling labor disputes arising in the Soviet Union. Pittsburgh.—At the annual inter national convention of the Boys'-CUrt Federation of America held at Washington, the annual long service medal for work with boys was awarded to Sidney A. Teller, executive- director of the Irene Kaufman Settlement, Pittsburgh, jand director of the Emmz

Farm Camp Association.

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"Expel theJews", Mexican Traders Demand

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent \^^


DEADLINE! All news for the Sioux City page of the Press must reach the S. C. correspondent by Tuesday evening, to appear in the following Friday's edition. Call 86619, the Jewish Community Center after 1 p. m., or 88453 after G..p...m.

Toronto Compulsory Bible, < Reading



Torotito.-^-Th© Toronto board of education rejected by a large m&jority the recommendation of its management committee to discontinue the use of three volumes of "Bible readings" in the public schools. Some time ago, when rabbis and liberal groups here protested, against this special Bible, reading, the board's management committee by a small

cation, the ; rabbinical councii of -Toronto stated that "nothing dhould 6e introduced into the curriculum of the schools which would create invidious sectarian distinctions between pupil* and" which humiliate or antagonise any religious minority."

Joel's Racing Stable to be Sold

London.—(J. T. A.) — The" gneat racing stable of the late Solly Joel, worid's diamond king, is to be sold. The horses will be placed on sale on m a j o r i t y : d i s a p p r o v e d - o f - t h e s e r e a d - •July 1 atr Newmarket. Pending itbeif i n g s . - -•••' • •'• •• '•-, • ••.'•• •' '- . sale, Joel's horses will continue! ift In its protest to the board of edu- scheduled races.


The following students were among those who received all A and B grades during the past year in Woodrow Wil3;000;Expected to Attend; Elason Junior High and were consequentborate Program ly on the • school honor roll, recently ~ Arranged announced: Bariny Levin, Libbie Der-' viri, Sarah Sadoff, Hazel Kantrovich, " .: : ; Copyright, J. T. A.\ i j ' Elaborate plans have been comShirley Fein, Gabriel Kovel, Daniel Tills photo shows a section of the'mass antf-Jewteh demonstration of \ ipleted for the annual Talmud Torah Stein, Fannie Holflowsky, Lucille Ap10,000 Mexican traders .and meroltartts held to the streets of Mexico ' 'picnic, which will be held at RiverCity on June l. . The .banner in the iforegroubd,' one of many similar pelang, Martin" Dishlip, Lloyd Kro.anti-JewWi signs carried by the knarHjers, reads: "The lJeagne of ^•jview Park, next Sunday, afternoon, nick and (Rose Rozofsky. ]• Bazaar Stores of Miexico, Affiliated xvith the .Pi N. R. (official governEnrollment for new. classes, in, the The following'students of West June 14. Mr. Mi Lazriowich is genment party) Asks the Expulsion of theJews."': H i.eral chairman for the picnic. . He Hebrew School have been held, every Junior ;high school'are among those 1 : is" being assisted by over 50 men andday this week in the Talmud Torah. whose names appeared on the honor •-women, who hold the interest of the The last day for the enrollment for roll of that school: Sarah Share, the Congregation. Rabbi Landman the summer term will be Monday, Evelyn Gelfahd, Sarah Weinstein, jlocol Talmud Torah very high. wJUl assunia his duties on September ! An elaborate program of games June 15, from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. first arid;will officiate during the Jennie Montrose, Cy Reznek, Eva •:and entertainment has been arranged; Mr. Joseph . Aizenberg arid Mr. Dvorkin; Nathan - Feinberg, Margaret Ettlinger to Mexico • High Holy Day in the fall. A feature of the afternoon. will be Louis Shilling, instructors in the Tal- Kriv, Rutli Baker, Minnie Okin, Sani Austin, Tex.—Dr. Hyman J. Ett- : Rabbi Landman will continue as the taseball game between the Alum- mud, Torah, announce the following Edelman, Sam Rivin, Irvan. Maron, linger, professor of pure mathematics chief editorial writer of the American ni Hebrew School team and the Mac-honor roll for^thie past month: Ethel Lewis, Ruth Friedman and in the University of Texas, has left Hebrew Magazine, and as editor-incabee team. ;Those who;have received; A in all Frances Matz. / for Mexico City to spend a week or chief of the Standard Jewish EncycloProceeds of the ; picnic will' go to- grades i include: . Helen Guttleman, The; following students of Hopkins ten days inyestigatihg the condition pedia. ward the upkeap of the Hebrew Nathan Raginsky, Sadie Schweid, Mil- School have the: distinction of having of the Jewish community, with speschool. Over 135 children are eh- ton Mazie, Sara. Weinstein, Joe Mar-their names placed on the honor roll cial reference to the situation recent- Theologian Denies Jews rolle'l this year. Classes include be- on, Morris Aizenberg; Eleanor Rozof- for the year: Albert Zeligson, Her- ly created by the ejection of Jewish Sentenced Jesus Berlin.—The assertion of the New ginners up to the graduate class. The sky, Betty Bain," Eunice Rivin, Mar- man Weinstein, Esther Rivin, Alvin vendors from the public markets/ Testament that Jesus was tried and Hebrew school also sponsors the garet Kriv, Dave Kuntz, Ethel Lewis. Feinbergj Norton Bain, Samuel KapLandman to Return to Active sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin Perry Osnowitz, Nathan Feinberg and Alumni Club, which meats weekly and lan, Betty Bain, Bernice Levine, Be- Ministry is not in accordance with facts. Prof. boasts the membership of 100 young Morris Weiner. atrice Kaplan, David Tilevitz, Joe Manasseh Miller, president of the Hans D. Lietzmann, famous Orientalmen and women, who at one-, time at- Tha following received B in all Maron, Clara DvprMn, Gertrude Lass, board of trustees of the Congregation ist and theologian, told the Prussian grades: Eugene Gelson, Robert Pli- Ada Epstein, David Cherpakov,- Frantended the Talmud Torah. Beth Elohim of Brooklyn, N. Y., an- Academy of Science in a lecture deskin, Pearl Schwartz, Leo Rich, Harry On the general committee, assistces Maron and Dorothy Wutkin. ing Mr. Lazriowich, are • Mrs. B.~ Nadler, Harold Plotkin, Ida Epstein, Among" those Central High school nounces that Rabbi. Isaac Landman, livered before that body. Professor Lietzmann pointed out ShindJer and Mrs. R. ~R. Emlein, co- •Wallace: Rosenthal, Evelyn. Jacobs, students whose namss appeared on editor of the American Hebrew, and editor-in-chief of the Standard Jewish that the Sanhedrin never passed any Morton Rosenfeld, David Tilevitz and chairmen; Mrs. A. Slotsky, treasurer, the honor roll for the year are Arn- Encyclopedia, will return to the active sentence on Jesus and that the Roand Mrs." Louis Sinikiri, treasurer. Esther Werner. old Baron, Tillie Bass, Julia Bereskin, ministry and will associate himself mans never executed any sentence Other committees follow: • : • Sulasmith Bereskin, Abe Cohen, with Dr. Alexander Lyons as rabbi of passed by the Sanhedrin. Goldie Devine, Sara Dimsdale, Mary Ticket Committee Edelman, Bernice Goldstein, Albert Mrs. M. Lazriowich, chairman; Hersoff, Bernard Herzoff, Stanley Mesdames A. W. Kaplan, A. RosenHerzoff, Neomi Horwitz, Meyer Kapthai, A. Sloutsky. B. Shindler. B. Sherman, A. Tilevitz. S. Lunin, J. Morris Gordon, student at Nebras- lan, David Katz, William Kaplan, Shmdfo, -SI Greenstons, B. Epstein. ka university in Lincoln, was chosen Loyal Kier, Marvin Klass, Ruth KosS. "Lijtai&n, E. Rubinstein, L. Linikin, to furnish.the art-work for the uni- berg, Bernard Lazriowich, Lillian F. GoTchow, C. Barricks, R. H. Em- versity Humorous paper. He is a Magaziner,- Max- Maron, Edward Millien, H. Erinberg, N. Sadoff, B. Shil- sophomofcre in the * university and a ler, Doris Rosenstock, Neomi. Sacks, Rudolph Shindler, Abe Singer, Eun'off, J. Lewis, A. Wisotskjj, I . ' Mer- graduatq of Central high school. ice Stillman, Rebecca Stillmanf MUton lin, G. Shulkin, MJ. Lazsre. Taxer, Herman Wigodsky," Roma WigDonations ,;; [ ' odsky,' Shirley Wolf and Fannie Zif• $Irs. B. Sherman, chairma^ [Mrsj kin. Phjfl Sherman,' Mrs.' B*. Shindig'.Mrs! KfSinikin, J. London, J.[ Ka^iqn; M, H^hdlyn, A. W. Kaplan I and ;M. Laz-; • •Mrs. J : Shulkin, general chairman Rabbi Lewis Is to riowich. bf the Picnic sponsored by the Ladies Attend Convention Refreshments Independent Farane, has named the Mrs. R. H. Emlein, chairman; Mes- committees who will assist her for the Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis has dedames B. Sherman, A. W. Kaplan, B. affair. The date for'She picinc, which parted for Chicago and other eastern Shindler, J. Shindler, M. Laxriowich, will be held at Rivervicw Park has points. He will attend the Central A. Tilevitz, S. Lunin, B. Shiloff, C. been Set for June 28. Conference of American Rabbis in Barricks and Frank Gorchow. The committees follow: Mesdames Wawasawe, Indiana, during his trip. I. Klass, 3. Lefkovich, B. Shindler, I. Laymen will have charge of- the Gate Committee M. Hendlin, chairman; Sam lap- Levinthal, M. Levich, N. Magilensky, brief service which is held every Friman, E. Chesen, J. Robin, A. Slotsky, M. Kantrovich,.J. Shapiro, L. Herman, day evening at 7:30 in the Temple. r . H. Herman, J. Zeligson, I. Wigodaky, M. Seff. M. Dervm, M. Rozofsky, H. Haifetz, Raffle Caramittee Bridge Proceeds Tillie Shindler, chairman; Mes- S. - Greenstone and A. Arkowitch. dames M. Lazere, R. H. Emlein, M. to Junior Hadassah Lazriowich, Ed. Shafton and A. Ros-J. N. F. Flower Day Proceeds of the benefit " bridge, enthal. Nets Good Results given at Shoreacre Gardens recently Other committees include, Publicby the Misses Sophie Raskin, , Ttose ity: L. E. Shilling, J. Aizenberg, Max The total sum of $61.29 was raised Osheroff and Fannie Cohen, were preBrodkey and Abe Stillman. Sports: Bernard Laziorwich;'Park Committee, last Sunday through the Jewish Na- sented to the Junior Hadassah . orA. W. Kaplan, chairman; R. H. Em- tional Fund Flower Day. Mrs. J. N. ganization. The amount was .^23.60. lein, M. Lazriowich, J. London and Krueger, chairman for the drive was Music during the evening was furnBen Sherman. Merchandise: Phil assisted by the following: Mesdames ished by Sam Berman and his eightAlt Types • AH Sizes • All Prices Sherman, chairman; Isadore Kaplan, Barney Baron, A. Goodsite, John piece orchestra. The gift to .the HaLansberg, Reva Wigodsky, E. N. dassah was a surprise feature of > the *"A. M. Davis and M. E. Friedman. Grueskin, and the Misses Sadie Shul- evening. • - . '• Fat your puncture money and the value left in those tires into kin, Sybil Merlin, Ruth Feldman, Ida neiv Goodyears. Saye yourself trouble and money. Get out Feldman, Mary Rozofsky, Sally Gorchow, Elizabeth Raskin, Anne Cohen, Special Trade-in Proposition on new All-Weathersand Jewish Chief of and Rose Lipman.






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Members of the Sioux-City Chapter of the A. Z. A. elected Isadore Mirowitz, president, at a recent meeting. Other ofifcers follow: Morris Xefkovich, vice president; Sam Berman, secretary; Alfred Albert, treasurer; Sam Epstein, senior sergeant at arms; Emil Levich,-junior sergeant at arms; Lawrence Silverberg, reporter, and Abe Beecheii, chaplain. Officers-will be installed June 17. Twenty members of the'chapter plan to'attend the Missouri conclave at Omaha, June 20 and 21. Hymie Hurwitz, official delegate, Abe Beechen and • Isadore Mirowitz will attend the national convention at Milwaukee during July.

Federation Worker Is to Attend Convention

Social News Students of the University of Nebraska, who have returned home during, the past week, include Julius Mosow, Morris Gordon and Fred Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman visited this week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. Oransky, of Des Moines, Iowa.- • • Misses Dorothy and Gladys Weinberg departed last Sunday for Greeley, Colo.,-where the former will visit with friends and the latter will study at-the summer school of the university.

Police at $1 a Year

Inkster.Mich.—(J. T. A.)—Until Friday this village of 1,500 people was not only without lights-because it could not pay its street lighting bills, but it was also without a chief of police. Inkster went completely "broke" and could not pay its office force. But Friday Ben Landsberg, Dearborn township treasurer, came to the rescue, and offered to work for $1 a year as police chief. His offer was accepted, although one of the village fathers said: "In our present condition it's a hold-up to pay a police chief $1 a . year, but we'll pay it." Chief Landsberg must make his rounds with the aid of a lantern, .as the village remains'.: in darkness for lack of funds to pay for the lights.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, Edward Miss Rose Lipmaji, superintendent W. Baron and Mrs.. Philip Pill motorjf -the Federationbf; Jewish Soda ed to Sioux Falls last Sunday, where Service and Jewish ^jCommunity Cen they visited at the home of Mr. and ter, will attend the'JJational Conven- Mrs. Fred Foreman. Palestinian Student Wins tion of Social Service; in Minneapolis aext week. While there she wjU at- Misses Dorothy and Frances Rut- Physics Award tend sessions of the Jewish; Social stein visited over the week-end with Boston. — Meier Hershtenkorn, a Palestinian student of. Jaffa, now, a Service Conference, which will pre friends in Omaha. student at the Massachusetts Instidede the other ^meetings. i^""1" % : Mrs.- M. Appelarig, recently under- tute of Technology, and a member of went an operation in Rochesfre. She the M. I. T. Physical "Society, was awarded the Dr. Stratton first prize is expected 'home next week. of $50.00 this week for the best student paper presented under the sponFame sometimes hath 'created somesojshrp of the ^cpmbined professional "We feed % thing' of nothing.—Fuller. societies. His paper was, entitled "An With Tasty Foods PATRONIZE OlJB ADVERTISERS Introduction: to" the Quantum Theory.."


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