In the* Interests of The Jewish Community
ItUeresHng and Entertaining
lint e n d ire) KecuiKi-cluita ninli uiuttet an Jtiuiiafj S ' nt oruuhii. Ni'lirnFkn. IIU«1»T the A n ot li $£•
to «.
Judge Says Jews Missouri Valley i Rarely Violate Law Conclave This week-etui Delegates and Visitors From Ten Chapters to Attend Annual Convention
; Dallas, Tex.—(J. T, A.)—Speaking out of almost thirty years' experience with the law, Judge William Hawley Atwell of the United States IHstrict Court here declared that Jews are rarely found to be law violators, Judge Atwell made the statement while sentencing a large crowd of prisoners and in the course of his customary address on such occasions, Judge Atwell has frequently made re-~ marks from the bench, while sitting in New York and Brooklyn.
J. Milder Passes Away; Prominent in Jewish Circles
Lapidus Named to Conference Office Harry Lapidus was elected vice-: president of the national conference of Jewish social service at the annual, convention held in Minneapolis the early part of this week. Samuel Gerson, executive director of the J. C. C and Welfare Federation, represented Omaha at the conclave. Maurice J. Karph of New York was elected president of the conference. The conference adopted a resolution urging steps to prevent "social and economic catastrophes." like the present economic depression.
VOL. IX.—No. 21
Past Presidteiits Win B'nai Brith Offices
Plans Being Made for District Mr. Jacob Milder,v 68, prominent Convention in St. Paul pioneer in local Jewish circles, unexSoon pectedly passed away at 3 a. m. Thnrsday morning in" Kansas City, The second annual convention of Dr. A. Greenberg was elected to where he and his wife were visiting. the Missouri Valley. Association of head the Omaha lodge of the B'nai Mr. Milder had been ^slightly ill for ; Alephs of the A. Z. A. will be held in Brith at the semi-annual election of the palst month. '. ' Omaha this coming Saturday evening officers held at the J. C. C. last Besides his widow, the deceased is ! and all day Sunday!: Approximately Thursday evening. survived by_ seven, s,bns, Harry R., two hundred Alephs. and members of Other Officers named include Abner Morris. Harry B., ffilliam, Hymie, tne B'nai Brith arc expected to parKainaan, vice-president; Isadore Abe and Ben'Milder, ill of Omaha; a ticipate in the convention activities, Abramson, secretaryj Harry Frieddaughter, Mrs. Benjainin Taxman of man, treasurer; John Feldmaii, guardKansas City; a siste^, Mrs. J. Moss ian; I. F. Goodman, warden; N. S. of Omaha; seventeen • grandchildren A. Z. A. Conclave Yaffe, Goodman Cohen and Sam Beand one great grandchild. Registration—Saturday, 6 to 7:30 ber, trustees. , Funeral services have been tentap. "m. at J. C. C. tively set for this morning, from ths The executive committee consists Sunday morning,.8 to 9 a.m. home. The body arrived here Thursof alt the past presidents of the lodge, Smoker—Saturday' night; 8:30 p. day afternoon. the new officers, and following elect; <in:*aVJ. C. C. Plans Being Completed for Sum- Mr. Milder was well-known for his ed men: Dr. Sam Stern, H. Franklin, -Business Session -Sunday, •10 a. mer Play School Which Morris Friedel to Be in Charge Nathan Fine, Leo Abramson, Sam philanthropy and -charity. He was - m. at J." C C. Opens July 1 of Joint One-Morning Green and Dr. O. S. Belzer. also a member of various organizaPicnic"ana-&wimrr-Krug Park, 1:30 Drive Included in the lineup of officers tions and was especially prominent *» p. m., Sunday: A call for more volunteer teachers for the ensuing term are to be found in synagogual activities as a member -Gonventaon.-'Oancs — Sunday, 8:30 to enlist for the Jewish Community of th2 B'nai Israel Synagogue. The eighteenth annual "Flower many past presidents of the lodge. p. m., J. C. C. ballroom. Center Summer Play School to be hskl Day" will be held in Omaha this year Due to the infusion of "old blood" inat the Center during the month of on Sunday, June 29. The one-mornto the executive body, the newlyJuly has been issued by Miss Sophie coming from St. Louis, Kansas City, ing drive will be under the direction chosen officers plan to make the comRosenstem, newly-appointed director Topeka, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Des of Morris Friedel and will bev a joint ing term one of the most -active and of the Play School. All wishing to Moines, St. Joseph and Sioux City. campaign for the Jewish National interesting in the history of B'nai serve as an instructor are urged to 'The conclave will open "with regisFund and the Gewerkschaft, the PeoSaul Graetz, Brith. It is planned to bring speakDr. A. Greenberg tration Saturday evening from 6 to Chairman of Conclave and Secretary enroll at the Center. ples' Tool campaign for Palestine. ers of national repute to Omaha and • Among the new projects that have 7:30 p. m. and will be climaxed withj Other members of the committee to provide a cultural program that of Association. been added to the Play School pro- Marcell B. Nolish,\for eight years assisting Friedel include Mrs. M. F. the convention hall Sunday evening. will be of interest to the members of gram are included a harmoniea band cantor at Congregation Hahavis Is- Levenson, Morris MlnMn, Mrs. 1. Registration will be held in the; the lodge. for boys, a glee club, a kindergarten rael^ in New York City, will- conduct Hurwitz and Rabbi David A. GoldCenter committee room, with special ; District Convention orchestra, and a marionette project special Friday evening and Saturday stein. badges for those here for the convenPlans are under way for a "livefor the older group. tion. The Omaha Chamber of ComThe aid of the allied Zionist organmorninj? services at the Beth Hamewire" delegation from Omaha for the Added to these will be swimming, g^rosh. Hagodol synagogue, 18th 'and izations has been enlisted. The groups merce is aiding with the registration. District No. 6 convention of the B'nai story telling, sewing, handcrafts, Burt streets. • that have already signified their inSmoker Brith to be held at -St Paul July 4 games, toy making, sports and outtention of helping are the Senior HaCantor Nolish, besides serving as Saturday evening a smoker will be to 7. Sam Beber of Omaha is at door projects. Outings are also be- cantor in-New Yorkj. was also affiliat- dassah, the Junior Hadassah, the Cairo.—(J. T. A.)—Although the heid J at_the.J,,C. C. lodge room. An pressnt second vice-president of the ing planned: ed with the Metropolitan and Aborn Daughters of Zion and the Henrietta new Spanish government is anxious district. address will be d slivered by Sam Be- Cairo.—(J. f. A.)—Palestine, which " Enroll Children * Szold Girls, besides the Zionist disto help Sephardic Jews obtain SpanOpera companies of,'New York. He ber, president of the supreme advis- is now one of ths few - countries in Miss Rosehstein * emphasized the is considered one of the few great trict proper and the J. N. F. ish citizenship, it does not intend to The Omahans who have already sigo e of the world whose population does not nesd of enrolling all children early, The drive, which is entirely indeencourage mass Jewish immigration nified their intention of attending inpay an income tax, may have ito be- as the number is limited'to 3OO.'Mrs. cantors now in Amgriica. clude Henry Monsky, Harry Lapidus, Cantor Nolishh reciaitly gave several pendent of the Philanthropies, "will be to" Spain or the creation of a new Irvin Stalmas|;er^ Sam Beber, Dr. A. gin paying, according to a report by Anne Gotsdiner is taking l brief\ with Sunday morning only national home for the Jews, because concerts on the coai^. JSe is at pres**"* Eastern News, Agency," which g j ^ p M. Klutznick, Dr. tiil jin* i li IIiii ~'IiT_TMlfciiiJfifT" fnn'ii Hie devoted to it and only small donations the coBntry's condition would. Meyer Bebeirsnd Abner Kaimaiu•'•'•'•.,. to 6 p.: ml The registration fee is f I Hahavis synagogue and is vacation- sought. Anyone, wishing to volunteer this impossible, the first official ; which recently investigated: Palestine for the. entire four weeks. Children his services is asked to get. in touch nouncement of the Spanish govern- According to political gossip, the ing in the west.•:•-.. finances, will fecominend the imposi- between the ages of six and twelve with Mr. Friedel or any of his com- ment fully defining its attitude to- candidates -now in the field for section of a tak on all incomes "over are eligible. mittee. ward the Sephardic Jews, issued here ond vice-presidency are Arthur Brinn, $1,000 a year. president 6€ the United Jewish CharThe Play School has obtained the Fregger Is First All proceeds will go to the Jewish by the Spanish consulate, declares, Another recommendation of the services of Mrs. Iiethausef of the ities of. Minneapolis, and Jos?ph National Fund, which buys land in "Taking into consideration the fact OTDonnelL Commission, according to jBrandeis Stores to instruct the sewin Essay Contest Palestine for the Jewish people, and that the question of the Sephardic Grossman, Chicago attorney. the Agency, will be toabolish the"un- ing classes. the Tools group, which supplies the profitable railway routes, in Tales- The serving of- milk and graham N.; Samuel-Freggpr has been award- Chalutzim and Chalutzos with imple- Jews has been renewed in connection Plan Memorial tine and Teplace them by bettarroads crackers will be a -feature. Members ed aprize. of fifty dollars for'winning ments and farm products to enable with the creation of a republic in Spain, the following announcement is Services for and a frequent auto bus service under of the Jewish" Women's Welfare or- first place with air -essay entitled them to start their farms. made: government control,-- from which Sir ganization will take care of the -dis- "Judaism and Evolution".in-'.the! prize 1 8, Ravitz Samuel Perry CDonhell,-chairman of tribution of the milk," with* Mrs. oration es«ay contest "sponsored by Headquarters for the "Flower Day 1. The edict of 1492, expelling the -wfll be at the J. C. C All workers the commission, believes the govern- Philip Swartz in charge". Special i memorial services in comthe department of - Synagogue and are to meet at 9 a.m. June 28. North Jews from Spain, became invalid in ment can derive great profits." since when entrance to Spain memoration of Mrs. S. Ravitz, reSchool Extension of the- Union of side workers will convene at the Lab- 1 The O'Donnell Commission, which New York.—(J. T. A.)-^>avid Sar- American Hebrew .Congregations for or Lyceum, where Morris Minkin wfl has been permitted without distinc- cently deceased president of the Old Sam Beber, tion of religion or nationality. Peoples* Home, will be held on Tueswent to Palestine in January to in- noff, president of the Radio "Gorpora- university students. . • '. • -• Convention Speaker • be in charge. vestigate the efficiency-of the-Pales- tion of America, received a* "diploma | Fregger,-who is a student .in the "2. There never was a purely anti- day afternoon, June 23, at 2:30 p. m. Ory council of the order, A, Z'. A. tine administration and to effect eco- of'honor" from Pratt .Institute, at'the foreign service department of Georga- The French government has con- Semitic movement in Spain, the ex- at the Hoine, 2504 Charles Street. A songs will be featured, the associa- nomics in its operation, recently re- annual commencement" exercises.' The town University in- Washington, re- ferred a decoration upon William pulsion" of the Jews having been due committee of the Old Peoples' Home tion's officers will be formally intro: turned to England. award, - made fot ?'ffistinguishetl turned to" Omaha Sunday to spend the MorriSr president of the Jewish The- to the hatred of all other religions. is in charge. duced, special entertainmsnt will bi achievement" was, igiven for the -firs* summer - with his parents, Mr. and atrical agent* according to word reA special law was published in The services will be conducted by furnished and refreshments served." M r s . J . F r e g g e r . ••: -."••:-•••ceived here. . . . . time. ",'"'"'""• 1924, facilitating the obtaining of Cantor]A. Schwaczkin of the B'nai The only business- session will be 5,115 Jews Enter Spanish citizenship for Spanish Jews. Israel Synagogue. The meeting will held Sunday morning at 10. in the in Nine Months "4. The Republican government has be addressed by Rabbi N. Feldman, lodge room and will be open to memheard with particular pleasure the Se- Samuel Gerson and Harry Silverman, bers of the A. Z. A. and B'nai Brith. Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Two hunphardic Jews' Spanish sentiments all of whom were associated with Mrs. From 1 to 2 Sunday afternoon a dred and twenty-m'ne Jews were adRavitz in her many philanthropic and which, however, does not mean that charitable picnic will be held at Krug Park. mitted as immigrants in April and endeavors. the Spanish government intends to Games and". contests • will be staged 5,115 in the period from July ,1930, The entire community has been inencourage mass Jewish immigration from 2 to 3 under the direction of to April, .1931, the Bureau of immivited to attend th2 memorial services. or the creation of a new national E. M. Segel, with valuable prizes gration announced. During the same Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The sum of i High Commissioner Chancellor from During 1930 the registers of tto awarded to the winners. A swimming period 263 Jews left the country $6,225,000 was spent in Palestine in [ Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of Department of Lands show Jewis home for the Jews, as the country's condition would make this impossible. party will be held from 3 to 5. while 38 left during April alone. the financial year ending September the Jewish Agency, asking that the purchases of land to have been in "5. The Spanish government which 43,882, metric dunams {10,975 acres) report be transmitted to the SecreThe convention dance will begin in 30, 1930, (Jewish year 5690) by the the Center ballroom at 8:30 Sunday Indians Use Sling Like David's Jewish Agency and its affiliated or- tary-General of the League of Na- valued at $4,086,300 and land sales b has no religious coloring, is interested in seeing that Sephardic Jews evening. A good orchestra has been St. Paul, Minn.—(J. T. A.)—Among ganizations, including the Palestine tions for the information of the Man- Jews during the same period amount- should be united with Spain by langed to 24,510 metric dunams (6,12s obtained - for the occasion and the a collection of tools and weapons re- Emergency Fund, according to the dates Commission. uage and culture, and therefore speacres), valued at $3,440,050. auditorium will be' prettily and ap- cently acquired by the Minnesota Jewish Agency's annual report on the Sources of Agency Expenses. cial classes will be arranged here for Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—It is unconpropriately decorated. • • State Historical Society from. Indians development of the Jewish National The Agency's report indicated the Touching on the work of its col language and culture and a special stitutional for a civil court to force a onization department, the Agency reof the Pigeon "River Reservation is a Home submitted to the Mandates following sources of its Palestine ex, Committee Heads man to accept a religious divorce, deleather sling of a type similar to that Commission of the League of Nations. penditures for the year ending Sep- ports that despite l i e above-men newspaper will be issued in the Cas- clared Supsrior Court Judge John J. The general chairman for the contilian language, -which is the langtioned handicaps, it continued th vention is Saul Graetz of Omaha used by David in slaying the Phil- The report, a 35-page memorandum tember 30, 1930: uage spoken by the Sephardic Jews.' Sullivan in striking out from a civil (Continued on page 6.) is accompanied by a covering letter to listine giant, Goliath. divorce decree a ruling that a husband Chapter "No. 1. Co-chairmen are Leo Keren Hayesod,' $2,110,000; Jewish must consent to a Jewish divorce 'Marks, Arthur Kazlowsky and Aaron National Fund, $960,000; Hadassah from his wife. The decree containing • Perils. Various committees of chapMedical Organization, $575,000; Wothis provision had been granted by ters one and one hundred are: men's International Zionist OrganizaJudge Dessart, who sentsneed Larry tion, $175,000; Palestine Emergency Dance: Art Grossman, chairman; Press to serve six months in jail fo£ Fund, $2,165,000, and Hebrew UniverOscar Mayerowiteh, Morris Franklin; contempt of court after PIT.PS refused sity, $240,000. publicity: Bill Wolf, chairman; Ralph Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Readers of popular books tnora accessible to to accept a. rabbinical divorce front Nogg, Leo Maries, Saul Graetz; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.—(J.T. A.) nearly like their own Temple worship The memorandum reports that in transportation: Harry Colick; picnic —Because tha Jews of Sault Ste. as it is possible for me to do. It will 1930, 4,944 Jews were registered as scientific works are not deterred by readers who find the Library too far his wife. anil swim: Sam Fleishman, chairman; Marie are too few in number to main- be conducted as my regular Sunday immigrants by the government, in- difficulties in the way of their get- out of the way by circulating its Judge Sullivan, who himself had Ralph Gross, Joe Goildware; finance tain a synagogue service of their own, morning service. I purpose that there cluding 695 tourists who were given ting the books they want, but readers books through the Jerusalem Library signed the divorc? decree last Decem« and registration: Harold Barish, Sam the Eev. Marshall W. Hoyt, pastor of shall not be one thing in connection permission to remain at the expira- of popular works want them near at located in the city. ber, said he had thought that everyFinkel; housing: 'Irvin Wezelman, the Central Methodist Episcopal with the whole program in which with tion of their tourist visas. Jewish hand, it may be concluded from the Latest statistics show that the Uni thing in the civil bill was in ordet chairman; Henry Kosenstein; dating Church of this city, has undertaken an all their hearts all Jews cannot par- emigrants numbered 1,679, leaving a fact that since the removal of the He- versity Library, started in 1925, ha when he signed it, since it was a conNorman Korney, chairman; Martin unique experiment. In co-operation ticipate." net Jewish immigration of 3,265, as brew University Library from the 230,000 catalogued volumes of whic' sent decree, but said had he seen the Falk, Arthur Lipp. with Rabbi Leo M.., Franklin of Tem- In connection with the first of this against 3,503 in 1929. Of the tota center of the city to its new quarters 95,000 are in German, 44,000 in Eng- provision for the religious divorce he The officers of the association are ple Beth-El, Detroit, whose guidance series of services held, a letter was number of immigrants, 2,417 or 49 on Mount Scopus the character of the lish, 38,200 in Hebrew, 12,000 in would never have signed it. Caleb Belbv:e, Nordaunian Chapter Dr. Hoyt has sought at every step, he read from the pulpit from Rabbi per cent came from Poland; Yemen books in circulation has considerably French, 9,000 in Russian and 8,700 in Mrs. Press has announced that she Yiddish. During the last year 14,000 will appeal Judge Sullivan's decision. No. 22, Kansas-City, Kans., president; is conducting at frequent intervals at. Franklin in which he stated "it is not sent 425; Russia, 420; Roumania, S13 changed. Saul Graetz, Omaha, secretary; Hy the time-of his own regular church Dr. Hoyt's purpose to lure any Jew United States, 260; Germany, 138 Before the Library's removal, 64 volumes were added, 38 per cen1 Lithuania, 123; British Empire, 96 per cent of the books in circulation (5,300) of which were Judaica, in Lena Bernstein Hurt man Goodbihder, Chapter No. 3 o. services, a'special service along disaway from his faith. On the con- Iraq, 91; Latvia, 91; Austria, 69, and Lincoln, treasurer. .tinctly Jewish lines and-to which the were popular works, principally fic- eluding 2,251 in Hebrew; 2,266 wer Attempting Air Record trary, it is his earnest desire to other countries, 501. Jews of this city are-invited. At these tion; with the Library less accessible added to the medical department, 1,- Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Lena Bernstein, services excerpts from the Union strengthen the Jewish consciousness The number of Jews employed on the books of this type in circulation 260 to the collection of works on so- famous French woman flyer, brdka Vandals Continue Uprooting Prayer Book are used and hymns are in every Jew, for he knows that the public works was slightly higher in have dropped to less than half their ciology and pedagogy and 700 to th her ankle at Istres, France when her of Fruit Trees finest contribution the Jew can make 1930 than in the previous year, but i former number; the number of scien- natural sciences and mathematics de plane hit a heap of sand in taking off Jerusalem.—The. eighth. • case o\ selected from the tUnion Hymnal . to humanity is his example of loyalty still remains extremely low, the tific works borrowed has on the other partments. on an attempt to break the world's Writing to Dr. ?Franklin, Reverend vandals uprooting trees in Jewish and devotion to the faith' of his fath- Agency finds. hand considerably increased. The l i - The Library receives more than 1,- straight line distance record. Her fruit groves was reported from He- Hoyt said: "It is -my wish to provide brary is making w effort to make its 500 newspapers and nericxiieals. 43,882 Metric Dunams Bought plane was completely destroyed. a service for .your people just as dera-
Heads B'nai Brith Lodge
Jewish Agency Spent $6,225,000 in Palestine in Hebrew Year 5(590
Michigan Minister to Hold Special Services for Jews
Hebrew University's Library Has 230,000 Catalogued Books
T H E JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at. Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year - - - . - ' - . . $2.50Advertising rates furnished on application' T»
Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - SiouxrCity,~ Iowa, Correspondent
had concerned himself with the prayers or weeping of the Jews at the Wall; suddenly and very recently, their interest became acute. In retrospection from an impartial standpoint the decision of the Commission should be satisfactory to all. The Moslems have once and for all established their right of ownership to the wall; the Jews are to have free access to worship. The Arabs have lost a useful political weapon, it is true, but if their intentions are what they profess the verdict paves the way for more amicable Jewish-American relations and goodwill. The Jewish people have, of course, sacrificed certain Jewish religious traditions and ritual for poh'ticar expediency but have in turn eliminated an exasperating issue of racial and nationalistic antagonism. It allows for a greater concentration of thought and action on the real problem of peace in Palestine and the peaceful development in the Holy Land of a homeland for the Jewish people.
As far as the Jewish people are concerned, the momentous WaiUng Wall issue is now a closed incident. The decision of the international commission of three disinterested individuals- that the famed wall is Moslem propertybut that the: Jews have a free right of access for worsnip> (with certain definite restrictions) is regarded by some as another manifestation, of the Jewish people losing headway in the Holy Land. Others have gone DANGER SIGNS so far as to say that the Commission's failure to The hue and cry of economic discrimination recognize the rights of the Jews to blow the Shofagainst Jews as shown by "Christians Only," the ar on high holydays is "an insult to the fundamental rights of Jewish worshippers." Still oth- Passion Play, the crucifixion story, unchristian ers, including Chief Rabbi Kook of Palestine, have sermons, and the like has not even subsided when expressed their satisfaction with the decision con- we have presented to us another incident which cerning the status of the Wall. None of the Jew-- helps to substantiate the claim of many Jewish ish leaders, however, saw any particular reason and a few Gentile leaders that the Jews in this to rejoice in the verdict but . . . and this is the country must immediately bulwark their defenses important point. , . they are all ready and willing and head off what threatens to become a boycott to abide by the findings of the Wailing Wall Com- against Jews in this country of freedom. The latest manifestations of this medieval bigotry is mission, i Contrast .this to the Arab viewpoint. Even the resolution passed at the Pittsburgh convenbefore the report was issued the Arabs stated tion of the Presbyterian General Assembly, which they would not accept it, and now practically all prescribes that pre-marital examination of memof the Moslem luminaries and councils have re- bers of that denomination be performed "by a served till later their ultimate expression on what Christian physician." Our Jewish contemporaries have every right they intend to do about the Commission's report which..-has already been proclaimed as effective and reason to condemn this act of an important by the Palestine Administration. The Arabs Christian group. It is possible that the words might easily be said to have won the case, since 'Christian'-' physician slipped in inadvertently! the only check on them is the prohibition of the At least, we doubt very much if the Presbyterian Zikar service during the Jewish prayers, while denomination will give literal heed to the langthe Jews have been forbidden to bring screens, uage used; intelligent-thinking people substitute bencjhes and other appurtenances of worship to 'competent physicians." But an object lesson the Wall or to separate the men worshippers from may be drawn from this incident—it is but one the ]women. Nevertheless, the Arabs—on the more indicator to the many already showing a grounds that a non-Moslem group cannot have tendency underfoot to a slow but invidious disjurisdiction over a question involving Moslem crimination against non-Christians which must be Holy, places^reffise tp let go, of one of their fav- combatted for our future welfare. To allow such orite" weapons.foi* propaganda in inciting ignorant things to multiply and pass by unnoticed is to peasants and-fan their' hatred against Palestine invite continued subtle discriminations. Jewry. •• ' That none but a Christian physician could be The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his col- competent to say whether one is. physically fit for leagues have constantly; used the Wall of. Weep- marriage is on its face preposterous and ridiculing to inflame religious prejudice, as a cursory ous. If they had said "only Presbyterian physiexamination into the recent history of the Wall cians" there might perhaps have been some readiscloses. The Wall is the only holy place in Jer- son for the isolation. But to distinguish between usalem in which both Moslems and Jews have a Christian and non-Christian physicians is to set direct concerhi This Waimig Wall forms part of up a false, baleful standard. Medicine is a science, the western exterior of the ancient Jewish Tem- a science for all mankind, and to science religious ple, , the last vestige of that famed shrine. The or racial barriers should not be tolerated. That Wall is also part of the Harem-esh-Sherif, to Mos- science is for the use of all mankind by praclems second only to Mecca in importance. Near titioners taken from all mankind, and for a great it is the Mosques of Omar and Aksa. The Jewish religious denomination to enter into the economic case as presented by the Commission in a scholar- field and designate the physicians to be employed, ly and erudite report traced the Jewish practice according to religious belief, is unworthy of the and right to worship at the Wall from the third ideals upon which that religion is founded. century to the present day, quoting from Roman, Christian, Moorish, Turkish, Moslem and Jewish authorities to substantiate an unassailable and SHAMING THE ANTI-SEMITES unanswerable viewpoint. At no time did the Jews s A few years ago a novel was written entitled claim ownership or title to the wall—merely the 'A City Without Jews," which pictured Vienna in right to free and Uninterrupted worship. The absolute control of the hundred per centers of "evidence" of the Moslems was based on religious Austria, and devoid of Jews. It was a rather myths and miracles; as exemplified by the claim desolate, un-m.spiring, inartistic, morally and of the Moslem Supreme Council as "evidence" the spiritually corrupted and degenerated Vienna deBurak legend that Mohammed's horse stopped on picted in this book, and the description was a little that very spot when it carried him from Mecca on too much for the Hitlerites of those days, the his celestial journey. How, ask the Arabs in their Hakenkreuzler. One of them assassinated the fanaticism, can humans presume to interfere with author. Allah's divine manifestations? • Now comes another novel bit of information The first commission to investigate rights of from Vienna. It seems according to an ancient worship in connection with the Holy Places was book, published in 1783, and written after many planned in 1922, in accordance with Articles 13 years of careful study by a Catholic priest, that and 14 of the Palestine Mandate. But, the Com- Vienna was founded by Jews; that Jews lived in the neighborhood of that city 180 years after the mission never came into being because agreement Exodus from Egypt. And these statements are could not be reached on it. So the British govern- substantiated in a degree by "anti-Semitic" ment from time to time promulgated rules which scientists. were intended to keep the status quo. In 1925 The story is being published in the papers of the Palestine government prohibited the bringing Vienna, says the J. T. A. dispatch for the purpose of seats and benches to the Wall by Jews. The of shaming the anti-Semites who are roaring for real trouble started in September, 1928, during the blood of the Jew, or at least for his expulsion. Yom Kippur services when police forcibly removed a screen which separated men and women wor- We doubt whether these stories will have the deshippers, upon complaint .of the Moslems. Since sired effect of shaming the anti-Semites. But it that date the Moslem leaders have preached to is interesting reading. We don't believe that an their ignorant followers that the Jews sought to anti-Semite would x^re particularly whether a encroach on Moslem Holy Places, and intended to Jew founded Vienna, and he, the anti-Semite was even take from them the venerated Mosque of robbing the Jew of his labor in building up the Omar to rebuild the Temple of Solomon there. city. It is a little too late to shame the adult, or Their insidious whispering campaign culminated even the adolescent anti-Semite and bigot. Antiin the riots of August, 1929. The Arabs built Semitism is instilled in early childhood, and it is a thoroughfare through the Wall so that the Mos- childhood that will have to become the world lems could maliciously pass to and fro and dis- laboratory for experiment in world brotherhood turb the Jewish people while at worship and be- and fellowship. — B'nai B'rith Messenger. gan to use the noisy Zikir ceremony to disrupt 'Jewish? worship. Even while the investigation Some religious people believe that in order io was on.the Arab leaders did not cease their spite- be pious one must be ascetic, and to be good one ful operations.; For hundreds of years no Moslem must be miserable.
Front Contemporary Pens
Telling It In GATH By
RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York SYNAGOGUES ARE FEELING the pressure of financial problems, but the so-called Jewish Community Centers are suffering even more sharply. An eastern community erected a fine edifice a few years ago largely through the instigation of the so-called "Reform Jews" on behalf of the "Orthodox." As usual, a heavy mortgage was laid upon the structure. With the advent of the depression, the "Reform Jews" tired of their "toy," declined to make substantial contributions in order to decrease the mortgage, and sought to saddle the burden upon the unwilling shoulders of the "Orthodox." Now the situation grows daily more critical, and it will be necessary either to close the structure, or to sell it, if possible, to a non-Jewish organization. In other words, the "JewisTi Community Center" is everybody's and nobody's responsibility. A synagogue has tradition and its survival is a matter of pride to tha community. Moreover, the synagogue is built upon the central concepts of Jewish worship and education. In larger communities, the erection of the "Jewish Centars" may have justified itself, though they too are grappling with ever-rising financial vexations. But in the smaller communities, the secular "Jewish Centers" have been almost akin to a folly for which reckoning must eventually be madtj. Those communities which are contemplating the erection of "Csnters" at the same time that they minimize synagogue budgets will do well to ponder before they place upon their backs a new "Old Man of the Sea.'' RABBIS WHO, WORRY ABOUT their attendance af ;^eligious services will do well to ponder this tale of the Hasidim: "Because of his great acumen Rabbi Usiel IJurwitz of- Lublin was sumamed Iron^dge, as one who could sever the hardest knot of perplexities. He was a zealous Mismagid, and as such a bold adversary of the Seer, whom he importuned with all manner of questions and objections, some of them meaning personal offense. Once he asked him: "Why do people come to fyou for aid in difficulties and not to me, seeing that my learning is of greater note and volume than yourg?" The Seer made answer: "I have often propounded that question to myself in the confusion of my sanses, but what was not plain to me before, is plain to me now. People conie to me, because I wonder at their coming; they do not come to you, because you wonder at their not coming." COMPETITION IN THE RABbinase waxes apace. The dwindling of congregational memberships and the disappearance of many small synagogues places upon many men the obligation of seeking employment outside the Rabbinate. Doubtless a sifting process is going on, and the bstter men will su'rvive. In the meantime the men who are determined to remain in the Rabbinate will do well to continue their studies until the situation is relieved. The concentration in the larger cities may be only temporary and eventually the drift back to the suburban cen* ters will be resumed. In the "process of elimination" in the Rabbinate, unfortunately the "Rabbinically fit" will not be permitted to continue. It is the "Go-getter" in the American Rabbinate who has the chief chance to succeed. Robert Nathan in "Jonah" makes the high priest inform the Prophet that he cannot become, an effective Priest because he does not understand the "problems of administration." , American Jewish scholarship must not be blighted in the present economic pestilence. We must conserve the standards which have been created, however, imperfectly and laboriously, within the past few decades. MEXICO IS CONDUCTING AN anti-Semitic campaign. Alas! All the bulls which Sidney Franklin has slain in the arena have died in vain. In all probability there are assimilationists below the Rio Grande who are asserting that Mexican Jews should be more Mexican than Holbrook Blinn in "The Bad Man." THIN-SKINNED READERS OF the "Jewish - Daily Bulletin" affirm that the tragic items of persecution, frustration and despair it contains make its persual a constant torment. The "Judenschmerz" is by no means easy to bear, but bear it we must. If anyone refuses to subscribe to a
Jewish periodical because of its doleful contents, let him be reminded of the philanthropist who, on hearing the sad tidings of the Schnorrer. summoned his butler and said: "Throw this man out; he's breaking my heart." SHOULD ELABORATE EULOGies be uttered at the bier of the departed? A Rabbi once was given a long fulsome account of the deceased by his son-in-law. The Rabbi could not understand the latter's tremendous enthusiasm, despite the fact that the departed was a man of stetling qualities. Later he discovered that the son-in-law was an "advertising man' who had carried his "high-pressure salesmanship" even into the sacred domain of remembrance. RITUALS OF NOVEL QUALITY spring out of the life of the people. If they Ifave particular appeal they are repeated. With repetition comes acceptance, and with acceptance comes validity and even sanctity. Recently at a Bar Mitzvah party the father of the family in a brief address to his son said: "Many of you here have witnessed a celebration in honor of some returning conquering hero. Maybe he flew across the Atlantic—Maybe he swam the channel —or perhaps he added something startling to science or literature. Yet a great city turns loose its enthusiasm and pays homage to that particular man of the hour. It is customary at the conclusion of such a function that the mayor of this great city presents to the distinguished person, 'a key to the city.' I am not empowered to present such a key, but I cannot let this occasion pass -.without tendering my son a similar symbol— one that could verily be called, 'The Key to the World.' For today, he is a man and receives his diploma. Not in the form of a parchment,.!but instead his first 'Latch Key'." j Thereupon the Father with appropriate words of exhortation presented to his son a key on which were inscribed the words: "Should you ever wander and need cheering when you are sad, remember this key will always open the door that leads to Mother and Dad." The Bar Mitzvah lad thereupon replied, saying: "This is indeed a great moment in my life and this key is a sweet thought . . . . I will never give you any causa to change the lock that this key fits. I will always carry it, well knowing the symbol for which it stands. It will always bring: me to your door step and once inside it must also open the door to my heart and pour out to you all that love and affection that I will always have stored up in there for you, dear Mother and Dad."
shrinking. According to him, we will RUTH AND FANNY in the not distant future approach a Ruth Bryan, the daughter of the condition of things where the state Peerless leader, Wm. Jennings Bryan will have few things to do. Jefferson, and Fanny Hurst, are going gy-psing too, entertained a similar ideal. And through Denmark. Recently Ruth, I might as well cast modesty;aside, who, by the :way, is a representative and say, that for long I have cherish- in Congress from Florida, gave an ined the same opinion. Let mie cite terview in which she explained, why just one thing. Suppose, the age old .she preferred Fanny Hurst above all dream of the abdonment of war as a others as a companion on these Gypsy means of settling national disputes trips. The reason, said Ruth, is that should come into vogue. I think that Fanny's style of humor and Ruth's at this day, it is fair, to believe that perfectly match. war will go the way of the piracy There is a hint here perhaps. In and the duel. At least you will agree choosing your friends, see, if your with me, I believe, in the feeling that styles of humor match. Maybe some •, there is a possibility of the abolition day some psychologist will come along .., of war. and reduce it to a science. They will adjust laughometer to your ribs— j JUST A LITTLE PHILOSOPHY tell thea story of the traveling salesWell, now, suppose it does come man and the farmer's daughter—ami true. It seems to me, that this one if your girl's riba vibrate in the same reform in itself, will almost work ratio as yours—well, she's the girl havoc with the political state. For for you. remember, that something like 60 or 90 per cent of the present incomes of THE WAY TO THE STAGE government go for purposes of war. They say that a stage struck girl In other words, virtually all of the once came on the late Charles Frohmachinery of taxation would almost man, when he was in an irritable be done away with. Besides, you mood. "Oh, Mr. Frohman, I do so would do away with all the military want to go on the stage." establishments—in all of its various Frohman looked up, and grunted: phases, military, naval, veterans hos- "You will find the stage through pitals, etc. Without an army, with that door, then turn to the left." He little taxes—what will the national had given her the literal directions to government be like? I think it would the stage. tend to go back to the condition of A somewhat different story is told things before the Civil War, where about Max Gabel, the Yiddish theater patriotism was a local affair—where' director. A girl came to him and one was a Virginian, first, or a man' asked for an audience to demonstrate of Massachusetts first—for the naher histrionic prowess. Gabel contional government would scarce be sented to listen, as she went through more than a foreign representative some scenes. of the states. As she finished, she breathlessly ORANGES, NOT MINISTERS ran up to Gabel: "Well, what do you What has all this got to do with think I should do with my talent?" "I think you should get married," the Jews, you ask. Well, I think it has a lot to do with it. If Dean Inge replied Gabel dryly. is right about nationality shrinking j THE DRAMATIST'S CHANGE in the future, if Jefferson was right And speaking about the stage, some —and lastly and oh so modestly, if I statistician has recently been making, am right, then in the talk of Zionism a survey: and he finds that there in political terms, we are colliding were something: over 100 flops on with the future. Broadway—about 20 hits, and about What we should do is to forget i 20 moderate successes. In other words, these academic terms of state, nation, all told, about 150 plays saw the light etc., and just send people to Pales- of day, and about 15 perhaps were tine, build up the economic and cul- hits, 15 per cent averag-ed fair and tural life. That's all, that is import- 60 per cent lost money. What I ant. The state,-whether Arab, Jew- should like to know is—how many ish, British or what-not—will be plays which were offered never even taken for a ride in the future. In saw the stage of production. other Words, I have given a prescription for the removal of all our wor- BOO—THE BLACK ries about, Zionism- Don't worry CHAMBER! about Parliaments, rights—just plant Had you gone during the war-—ot orange groves there—and everything as late as 1929 to 52 Vanderbilt aveelse will take care of itself..Oranges nue, right around the Grand Central ;. and not ministers of Parliament will Zone—or rather had you gone into decide where the future of Palestine the brownstone house of that number, shall rest. n'-Kvj on Page 5.)
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ENGLISH WAS GREEK TO THEM You have long ago heard that story of the girl who was swimming in Coney Island and who drowned although she cried for help and despite the fact that there were many expert swimmers about. But she called for help in English—and so was not understood. A similar motif has the one: "My girl lives on the Grand Concourse, but she speaks English." Of. course, both of these are high exaggerations. You will have no difficulty in being understood on Coney Island even if you speak a purest English and the girls of the Bronx, I dare say, know on an average, six or seven times as- much English as they do Yiddish.
Father's Day, June 21 A Thousand and One Gift Suggestions for "Dad!" First of all give "Dad" a Tie—Nebraska quality hand-made Neckwear will be most appreciated by "Him"—-and by you when you select from the thousands of new arrivals in . . . . Quality Hand-Made
DEAN INGE ON THE FUTURE And one never realizes it so much, as when one has been absent from it for some time. Upon returning to the village and seeing' all these Jews, (Sollen sie gesunt sein), the almost blasphemous thought came to me. that perhaps Zionism was superfluous. "Why cannot the Jews of New York hang their harps here on the willows and sing the songs of Zion? There are no willows in New York, you say. All right—must you have willows? Can't you check the harps at the Grand Central Station? More seriously speaking—haven't we all been over-emphasizing this business of political states? I noted the other day that the "Gloomy Dean" Inge—in his prognostication of the future sees the siate gradually
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH formerly Miss Bessie -Lipsky of Omaha, arrived Saturday for a six-weeks visit with her aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyerson. Many parties are being planned in her honor. Mr. Auster plans to drive to Omaha in a" month and after ~a short visit here he and his wife will motor home.
3,. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931
Miss Sally Siporin, daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin, left for Detroit, Mich., where she will spend a two-weeks vacation with her sisters and relatives. Miss Siporin plans to return June 29 .
ing raffled away at the affair. Excellent talent in tap dancing, singing and boxing- is being obtained for the occasion. The committee in chargeconsists of Jack Adler, chairman, Daughters of Zion William Lohrman, and Max FreedA report on the recent concert and man. ' • ' movie given by the Daughters of Zion Pi Alpha Lambda featured the organization's meeting Miss Helen Gittle was elected presilast Wednesday at the Center. The dent of the Pi Alpha Lambda group kffair ^was a great success and the committee has '^expressed --its .'-appre- at the semi-annual election of officiation to "Omaha Jewry for the splen- cers Sunday. Jacqueline Lipp was : chosen secretary-treasurer and Alice did support received.** Goldberg reporter. AH funds on hand wfll be sent to A swimming, party for club memthe Jewish National Fund within a bers will be held Friday afternoon at week. The Daughters of Zion are plan- Peony Park. ning a rummage sale for the fall. All women who have bundles are asked to save them and to call Mrs. S. Platt, chairman of the rummage committee.
Organization News
-Dr. and Mrs.-Philip Romonek have just returned from St. Louis where Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schwartz of Lin- Dr. Romonek was invited to appear coln' are visiting -wilh'Mrl Schwartz's on the program at the convention of j mother^ Mrs. B." Schwartz." • ' - the National Triological Society. They were gone about two creeks. •••.-'• "-. Mrs. .N. Levinson'of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting with relatives here. She Mrs. H. M. Ferer is leaving Sunday BLOOM-COHEN WEDDING and Mrs. Michael Kattlemah and Airs. is the wife of Nathan Duke Levinson, for Los Angeles, California, where Mrs. B. Cohen announces the mar- L. M. Cohn. former Omahan, who was popular as she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. riage of her daughter, Miss Rose A similar affair will be given to- a. singer and athlete. P. N. Krasne, formerly Bernice Ferer Cohen, to Saul Bloom, son of Mr. and morrow evening. of this city. She will be accompanied During her visit here Mrs. LevinMrs. H. Bloom of this city on Sunby her two daughters, Thelma and son is staying at the home of Mr. and day, June 14, at the home of the Mrs. Dave Feder honored Mrs. Mrs. J. Baum. Ruth. bride. Julius Bressler at luncheon last SatMr. Ferer will join them in August. Rablri Grodinsky performed the urday. Mrs. Bressler is leaving soon They will return together by way of Miss Beatrice Aditenberg of Kanceremony in the presence of the im- for an extended eastern trip. Nathan Strauss Fraternity the Panama canaL sas City is visiting here with her mediate family. A card party, consisting of bridge, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. RobinThe young couple will make their HONORS MADELINE COHN Mrs. S. Friedel and daughter, rummy and pinochle, followed the son. home at 103 South 52nd street Miss Fanny Hart honored • Mi«ss Many a, have returned from- a three short business meeting of the fraterMadeline Cohn, -who leaves soon for months visit in Chicago, 111., and nity at the J. C. C. Tuesday. Ice ENGAGEMENT Europe, at a luncheon at , the Fon- PERSONALS cream and cake were served. Mrs. D. Gerber and daughter, Isa- Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Levy of Chi- tcnelle Saturday. The group is sponsoring a program cago announce the engagement of belle, have returned from St. Louis, RO-NO CLUB with special entertainment on July ; their daughter, Myrtle, to Max E. BIRTHDAY PARTY where they have been visiting- with Sylvan Frankel -was elected presi- 28, with an expensive wrist watch beJanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jan- Mr and Mrs. J. Goldware will relatives. dent for the coming semester of the. ger of this city. No date has been entertain, twelve guests at their Miss Gerber will leave today for Ro-Noh Club of Central High School set for the wedding. Sioux City where she will visit Miss at the election held June 5. Other PAINTING home Saturday evening on the ocIda Fish and other relatives. with a GUARANTEE officers elected were Marvin Rizer, casion of the' birthday of their ZALKIN-KATZ WEDDING vice president; Gerald Gross, secrethat COUNTS! daughter, Miss Esther Goldware. The marriage of Miss Sara Katz, Mrs. Morris White and niece, Miss tary; Harry Leon, treasurer, and MAX SHRIEK'S SONS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katz, VISITS WITH RELATIVES Dora Freshman, will leave today for Bernard Chapman, correspondent secQuality Decorators to Eli M. Zalkin was solemnized Sun- Miss Molly Rabinowitz of New- a two-week trip to Chicago to attend retary. Plans for a dance to be held AT. 4744 Res. JA. 7855 day evening in the ball room of the York - City has arrived to visit h?r the wedding of a relative. this month were discussed. Jewish Community Center. Rabbi aunt, Mrs. Jennie Kotler and other David A. Goldstein read the. marriage relatives. Miss Rabinowitz will spent Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Levin dePi Lambda Phi lines in the presence of about two two weeks here and will visit in Colo- parted Tuesday by motor for Sioux Wednesday and The Creighton University Chapter hundred guests. A reception- and rado, Utah and Yellowstone Park, Falls, S. D., from where they will Thursday Specials of La Pambda Phi, national social fradance followed the ceremony. before returning east. drive to Lake Okaboji to spend about ternity, is planning to move into new The bride wore an eggshell satin Those who have entertained for a week. quarters soon. The chapter announces Semi-Flat „ 6c gown trimmed in lace, and her veil Miss Rabinowitz are Mrs. A. L. Cohn among recent honors won by members and Mrs. Ike Kramer of Council of tulle was caught with flowers. She Wet-Wash __ 4c Mrs. Betty Sflverman and daugh- of the group is the awarding of his carried a bouquet of roses and lilies Bluffs, Mrs. Dave Parker, Mrs. Myer Colnic, Mrs. Sam Rips, and Miss Ida ters, Sylvia and Bernice, and sister, fourth debate letter to Ben Kazlow•of the -valley. Miss Helten Janger, have returned sky, the election of Ephriam Marks as Kolter. The bride's attendants were Miss from Florida where they spent the vice president of the Pan-Hellenic H HArney 7545 Sophie Roginsky, maid of honor; winter months. On their return they Council, and the ^graduation of Frank 3 M. S. KAPLAN. Prop. Miss Rose Wolfson, Mrs. Harold HONOR DAUGHTER Siegel and Mrs. Allan. S. Zalkin Mr. and Mrs. J.Tretiak, 3004 Lin- stopped in Chicago to visit with their Ackerman from law school "cum laude." bridesmaids. David Denelsky of Des coln Blvd., will be at home from 2 to brothers. Moines was best man and: groomsmen 5 and from 7 to 9 o'clock on Sunday, were Morris Katz, brother of the June 21, in honor of their daughter, bride; Harold Siegel and Allan S. Zal- Miss Anne Tretiak, who is graduatOmchtfs Style Center kin, brother of the bridegroom. ing from Central High School June 20. No invitations will be issued. Miss Roginsky wore a pink crepe •gown with matching accessories; Miss Wolfson, blue crepe; Mrs. Siegel, who DOCTORS WIVES GIVE BENEFIT is a recent bride, wore her white satin Mrs. R. Kulakofsky leads the sale wedding sown, and Mrs. Zalkin was of tables for the benefit bridge tea gowned in yellow crepe. which the Doctors Wives Club -wfll Opposite Orpheum little Maydelle Richlin, in a white give this afternoon, June 19, for the Lion's health camp for the underlaee frock, was flower girl; Delma Zalkin and Marva Lansky, pages, nourished children. •wore pink frocks. Little Bernard This camp, which is sponsored by Lansky,- ring bearer, completed- the the Nebraska Tuberculosis association will'open July 1 and continue through bridal party. Mrs. Abe Wolfson sang, "O, Prom- August. ise Me" and "1 Love You Truly," pre- Mrs. Kulakofsky is a recent member of the board of directors of this ceding the ceremony. After an extended trip in the east association and on the camp comthe couple will be at home at 2911 mittee. Izard street. BIRTHS . _ FOR BRIDE-ELECT Word has been received of the birth Mrs. David Crounse entertained 12 of a. daughter to _Mr. and Mrs. L Pickguests at luncheon and 'bridge at the us of Chicago, UL, on June 15. Mrs. Faxton Tuesday, to honor Miss Con- Pickus was Miss Esther Kattleman nie Goldberg, whose marriage to Hy- of this city before her marriage. jnan Gerber will take place June 28. VISITORS ENTERTAIN Mrs. Alfred Auster of New York, -. Mrs. Jack Hurwich and'Mrs. Roy Hoffman entertained sixteen guests at a luncheon-bridge party Wednesday at the Elks Club in honor of Miss — Eva Hurwich, whose marriage to Ben Passer of Council Bluffs will take FOR YOUR place Sunday.
B00 New, Better
HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB The Highland Country Club is havhig a series of "open house" affairs daring the season, and the first of the events was given Saturday evening, with a large number of guests present. Among the dinner hosts were Mr.
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Comwicam The Comwicam camp fire girls decided to hold all summer meetings at Kountze park at their last regular meeting held at the J. C. C. Tuesday. Election of officers will be held at the next meeting.
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS* FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1991 have, in the main, expressed a differ- today we' see how the sens of oldNew J«*rish Daily in Pofish ent point of view. His estimate of the leaders right here in New York are Warsaw.—A newr Jewish- daily in current situation is aU the more im- following in the footsteps of their the P o l l * language has made its appressive because -it is uttered, with a fathers. There may not be any out- pearance here undar the name ot calm -objectivity /which is free from standing young Jewish leaders on the Nowe Slowo (New World). horizon now, but they are bayond the perfervid chauvinism. "There is no breakdown in the anti- horizon, and, in a crisis, will suddenSemitic feeling in America. I do not ly appear to do their work effectively, soundly. There is no cause for pessimism with see any appreciable let-up of that "The Jewish students I have found intolerance. It may not express itregard to the college Jews. Because in the colleges would inspire any one self in such crude fashion in many inof the interest taken in their Jewish with hope because of their outlook. development by such organizations as stances as it used to, but it is still a They are responsible to Jewish life, situation to be reached with seriously. the B'nai Brith these young men and frank and straightforward. They thorwomen are growing up to be well- It is true,, of course, that progress has oughly dislike cant, unctuousness and been made in certain directions. The grounded, balanced members of the sanctimoniousness. With such men to Jewish community, who promise to exchange of pulpits between minis- lead in the future American Jewry ters, the interfaith seminars which provide a sound foundation for the is safe." growth of Jewish life in the United give Jew and Christian an opportunity to exchange opinions have been States. helpful. But they have not yet pene"Youth is showing a distinct anti- trated into the large masses of the IKYIN C. IJ5VIN. Attorney. LWIRIN Ml Electric UailM a t , Omaha. Sehr. AND pathy to dogmatic religion. That people, and have not affected the bulk NOTICK OF INCOJfTORATlON O f does not mean a hostility to Judaism, of public opinion." "KLECTKIf LIGHT 8KBVICK COMPANY." for Jewish students, no matter what By DAVID MANN Nolice is hereby given that the underWhether it be this persistent pre- sign. ¥ <1 have associated themselves totheir views on religion, always feel and have organized u coritorat ion *p Allan tic The annual commencement exercises swers to these queries as Rabbi Nath- and those who are now matriculating. a bond with Israel. There is a dif- judice or the bensficial influence of gether under the 1<!)TI-S of the Stnte of Nebraska, In a hundred different universities an Krass. The robe of the minister had heard that during the past year ference between the reaction of a Jew the educative process, the Jewish the name of the corporation is "Klcciric Service Comptmy." Thnt the prinaward diplomas to thousands of Jew- has not held him bound to his pulpit he had visited quite a number of the community in America never enjoyed Light pla-e of transacting its business AT. 1 3 O O ish students. Are they a potential exclusively. He has touched the lives Hillel Foundations established and and that of a Catholic or Protestant. a better state of communal health. cipal shall lit' at Umnbst. Nebraska; That (he For the latter two creeds the church strength for the Jewish community— general nnttire of the bnsiness to he transacted shall be to do a general bus.ness or are they lost? Rabbi Nathan of American Jews in the small towns maintained by the B'nai Brith on var- itself is the central factor. If the The Jewish Identity tis commission merchant ami gelling Hgfirt ; Krass, one of the foremost rabbis in as well as in his own metropolis, New ious university campuses. The Hillel bond between tha individual and the to carry on any and all business us manu "Jews are getting to be more self- facturers, America, known for his study of the York. The men and women who have Foundations have been described as prodmers, merchants, c-hoie church is broken the religious affiliaconscious in a healthy, normal way. snlers and retailers without limitation »8 problems of youth, answers these heard him from the lecture platform important factors in the transformato class of products mid merchandise, and tion ceases. But not with the Jew, While they assimilate as Americans especially of questions and, incidentally; discusses nil forms ol electrical maFOR RENT the, future of American Jewry.—The know him as a scintillating critic, a tion of Jews in the colleges where! who finds his entire life enveloped with their neighbors, they increasing- chinery. Hvplianccs and plants and to l>uj\ manufacture, repair, convert, aller. Five-room all-modern ApartEditor. keen observer—but, above all, as com- they are located. Rabbi Krass was' by a series of factors which constitute ly feel their Jewish identity at the «ell, let, or hire And deal in electric Rppliauces; ment with breakfast nook and prehensively human^ Which is asibviously the proper person to ask) Judaism and which cannot be made same time. They show their interest to l»uy or otherwise acquire, own, bOid, every home convenience. Worthsell, convey, mortgage, rent, lease, sublease Scores of colleges throughout the much as to say that Nathan Krass is whether these Foundations had made I synonymous exclusively with the or deal «ira any interest in real rtrt while seeing. in matters outside of Jewry and Judwherever situated inelmiiuR improvements country have disgorged their-annual conversant "with men's foibles and a difference. His reply was agres- synagogue. aism by their generous participation thereon or Uelonging thereto. The amount HA. 4108 — 3005 Lincoln Bird. replenishment of young men and wo- sensitive to their ambitions. of enpitnt stock authorized i s f2Q.000.00disively affirmative. in philanthropic work, social service, Tideri into 250 shares of the par value of men who set out to show their elders "There can be no question about it. Optimistic About, which stock shall be fully cultural and civic development. Their $30U.0W paid for wlteii issued and non-assessahle how easy it is to subdue the world. Rabbi Krass The young men and women with Judaism Jewish activities, on the other hand, and may t>e paid for either in money or It was because of that wide repute whom 1 have come in contact during Of these hundreds of thousands of "One of the things which has are on the increase and not on tho other property for the value of such property f.\ed by the Board of Directors which which he enjoys that 1 sought him graduates a generous proportion are my visits to the Hillel Foundations helped to deepen the interest of stushall be <-omluslve. That the time of coroJews. That is, of course, in those in- out hi that great Jewish Cathedral— are more self-respecting. They are dents in contemporary Jewish history decline, the conversion or defection of mciicejneut of this cor]K>ration shall be on first day of June, 1931. uud fch.-ill stitutions that have no fear of pollut- Temple Emanu El—on Fifth avenue, not ashamed of their Judaism. That is the Zionist movement. It has wid- some Jews to the contrary notwith- the terminate on the 31st day of May. 1961. standing. That the highest amount of indebtedness New York. The interior is as ausing their cultural purity lay admitting lack of shame is no distinction, of ened their horizon and set them to or liability to which this corporation is Fears with regard to the future of 1107 Bowartl—JA. 0288 terely simple as the outer architecat any time to subject jrself is not to exJews at all. • . course, but it indicates the remark- thinking more seriously on the cur- American Jewry are groundless. Even ceed iffo-ibirds of ks capital stoi-k. That ture. But Rabbi Krass seemed someMOVING — STORAGE — A minimum of five thousand colthe attaint shall be conducted by a Bonrd able progress that has been made rents of Jewish thought. However, of Directors of nor less than two nor more PIANO MOVING lege graduates join the Jewish com- what different than he is in the pul- when one thinks back to the situa- the political phase of Zionism, is not tlran firt and the following officers, a president, a vice-president, a secretary munity every year. Do they leave pit. His eyes seem to be "piercing the tion that often existed years ago." really what attracts most of these and a tieasnrer any two of which offices college prepared to assume their re- future; his voice is dear and yet it is college men and women. It is largely mny bo lieUl by one and the same rxTwon. Having received a nod of assent to number of directors shall be deterJUDAH WOLFSON The sponsibilities as Jews, or do they seek wistful. That vitality and sparkle my query as to whether he had visited the romantic and cultural aspects mined by the by-laws. which are identified with his platform those • broad paths which lead into a Equitable Life of N. Y. ews at college ten or fifteen years which appeal to them. It gives them J. H. KATZ. separation from and indifference to utterances seemed to have shaded into ago, I asked Rabbi Krass whether he an outlet for their emotional Jewish S. H. KAT7.. 545 Omaha NatL Bank. AT. 4367 lu Presence of: lncorporatora. FUR STORAGE Jewish life? These questions per- subdued rhythm. could notice any real difference be- life." Irrin C. Levin. C-5-31-4t. Life Insurance — Annuities Cleaning—Remodeling—Relining turb a majority of the parents. They But his views on American Jewish tween the students of today and those Rabbi Krass is optimistic about the and Home Loans At moderate prices also agitate Jewish leaders -who pon- life remain vigorous, straight for- of a decade ago, whether there was present and the future of Judaism in FKADKVBl II<;. STALMASTK1! 4: BEttER AM) PHILIP KUTZMCK der on the future. ward, reassuring. I wanted to dis-any apparent intensification of their America. But that does not mean 110 So. 35 St.—Tel. HA. 2737 Attarney* Perhaps few men in America are cuss the young Jews in the colleges, ewishness. 630 Omaha Kat.enal Bank Bids. that hs complacently accepts this as •s adequately equipped to hazard an- those who have just been graduated NOTICE OF SHEKIFF'S SAI.K the best of all possible worlds. His Wider Grasp of Jewish In the District Court of Douglas County, views on anti-Semitism are startling, Nfbrasta. Affairs 15y virtue ot an execution issued by Uobcoming from a man whose colleagues crt Smith, Clerk of the District Court of "The young college Jew is more Douglas County. Nebraska, upon a judgposted. He has a wider grasp of ITCVIN C. I.EVI*. Attorney ment rendered in the Municipal Court of J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor the City of Omaha, a transcript of which S01 Klectrc Building, Omaba. Jewish affairs. He comes into closer NOTICE judgment was duly filed and docketed ia OF AMBXOMENT TO AISTItlie District Court, within and for Dong"NEW FOK OLD" contact with Jewish ideas. This' is CtKS OF INCORPORATION OF las County, in favor of Ezra S.dman. doing TIP TOP SERVICE STOKES, due to the increase of Jewish activbusiness as the K. Sid man Coal Co. plain1619 Parnara St.—AT. 8481 INC. tiff, and afpriust Arthur C. .Leflang. deities and the infiltration of these ef- KNOW A U . SIKS BY THESE fendant, in Execution Docket Number 27. l'BKSKNTS: ;it I'age 0C0, 1 have levied upon the followforts into the daily life of the college That at the meeting of the stockholders ing described property, to-wit: man or woman. The movement for of Tip Top Service Stores, inc., held in l^ot Six ((>) Collins I'lace, an addition the City of Onuibit. 'Nebraska, on the 24th to (be City of Omaha, Douglas Couuty, Nethe rebuilding of Palestine, the effort day of jMarcn, -1^1,. in accordance with braska, uml 1 will nt 1(1 o'clock A. M. ou Articles of Incorporation of said Corof the Joint Distribution Committee (he Tuesday, the 30th day of Juue, 1931. at • ^ - ffarrr HH. tarpMn*. President- U.'reaa. 5 | poration, there tffrtv present in person all the t&st front door of the Doi!g!a3 CsoiiLj to rehabilitate Eastern European of the outstanding stock of the CorporaCourt House, in (he City of Omaha, Dougtion. las County, Neliraska, sell said properly Jewry, the persistent tragedies of Upon motion duly made, seconded and at public auction to the highest bidder for e carried tbe Articles of Incorporation of Jewish life which force themselves said <-;isli U> satisfy plaintiffs judgment i>j the Corporation were changed and amendsum of JvK)6.KS, with interest; to satisfy upon the attention of every American ed '.n the following particulars, to-wit: the sum of ¥2.">.0U t-usts and the increased Article Four of I be Articles of IncorporaCOMPLETE STORE AND and iiecurinc costs. Jew—these provide a strong link be- tion were mad>> to read as follows: Dsieil at Omaha. Nebraska, this '27th day OFFICE OUTFITTERS ARTICLE IV. tween the college Jew and his peo- Tlie authorized of May. iu;tl. IV» Owiipj capital stock of this cor1 C. T > . McDONAMi, Sheriff, Over 10,000 Hqunrr Fret ple. In bringing these youths to aporation shall lip Twenty-five Thousand 5t-5-lXl Douglas County. Nebraska. ($2."i.U0n.lM>) Dollars divided into five tiuuSouthwest Corner realization of their duties and privil- dretl <S00> s-hrtrcs of the par value of fifty Law Offices ($.~i0.00) Dollars and all of which Mock eges as Jews the Hillel Foundations Kh:il| Eleventh and Douglas .Streets FRADENBCRG, 8TALMASTER & BEBEU he -common nnd shall be fully paid are performing an invaluable serv- up and uon-assessalile when issued nixi G50 Omaha National Bank Bids.' Phone JAckson 2724 may be issued for cash or for or perNOTICE OF INCOKPOUATION OF ice." iOn:il property in the reasonable value Omaha. Nebr. •XiENEKAL STATES ISSLUASCti CORPORATION" And what of this talk of the assimi- hereof Article Ton of the Articles of IncorporaKNOW ALL MKX UY THICsE ritlOSlative tendency of college Jews, their ion were made to wad as follows: BXTS, I hat the undersigned have formed AKTICMS X. alleged drifting away from the faith? The stork slinll :> corporation under the laws of the Slate l»e trunsferablo only on of Nebraska. The name of this corporabooks of said corporation. If at any COURTESY—SERVICE "There is no sign of disintegration the tion shall be "UBNEItALi STATES 1Ntime niiy of I he stockholders desire to sell SL'itAKCK CORPORATION" with ils prinof Judaism among these young peo- and dispose of stock, such stockholders cipal place of business nt Omaha, Nefirst offer it in writing to the offibraska. The general nature of the busiple. As far as those students whtv shall cers of the corporation at par value plus JOB FOUNDRY uesB to be transacted and the object and dividends, if any, and give the come from an Orthodox- or Conserva- accrued purpose tor which this corporation is or24th and Seward bonrd of directors 30 days in which to AND MACHINE WORK gauized nnd established, shnll be as foltive atmosphere are concerned, many purchase surh stock for the corporation, Phone JAckson 6363 lows: To own aud hold the stock nnd REINFORCING STEEL for such person or persons as the masecurities of insirrance companies mill to are inclined to be loyal to the tradi- or jority of the stdcknolders may select, to own mid hold the Mock and securities of 24th and Cuming purchase (he same. At the expiration of tions in which they were brought up. Bald nny corporation; to organise, purchase, 30 days If the officers of the corporaPhone ATlantic 1060 lense or mnuagc insurance companies In general, however, there is a trend tion shall not have purchased and paid for of ail classes and kinds; to net ns general ibe same, the said stockholder or stockIn Charge of Registered or special agent for insurance companies to a liberal form of religion. It-can- holders chail h(fve the right to sen to Look ahead ten years before you buy of all kinds: (o adjust mid appraise Josses; will purchase, upon the same your next cook stove. Buy a stove that not yet be identified with any partic- whoever Pharmacists to act as agent, broker or trustee fer any terms nnd for tie same price at which It Third Ave. and 11th Street Small corporation, organization or person; to will be as clean, efficient and modern in ular brand of Judaism, but it is pro- was offered to the corporation. FREE DELIVERY contract and transact business with ils inPhones: 89 and 519 Til' TOP. vSKBVICK STOKKS, IXC, Down ; 1941 as it is today. t-OT-poratois, stockholders, directors aud ofgressive and socially-minded, and a t By; 3. LOKK1S. President. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ficers the same ns with any other iterson. the same time rooted in Jewish life. Attest: M. ROSENSTEIN, Secretary. tirra or corporation: to acquire the whole or Payment Jf you are planning on buying a new In Presence of: > any part of the assets and business of *njIrrin C l«Wn.,:!' 0-5-31-4t. person, firm, orgnnizHtion or corporation, I. BERKOWITZ ;. cook stove, don't invest until you see the trt FRADEXBCSG. 8TAL3IASTEK t B K K E B and to pay for the same in cask, stock or FBADEJTOCRG.fSTAtMASTEK ft BEDEK new ELECTRIC STOVE. The electric bonds of this corporation, or otherwise; to CSO Omaha National Bank B i d e Furrier own. )<>«se and manage buildings or prop. 030 Omaha Rational Buik Bids. stove will be just as efficient ten years Balance NOTICE OF IHSSOX.CTION OF erty ot every kind, whether real, personal NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORAFUR STORAGE or mixed; to tend and invest monies on its "KBNO PRODUCTS, INC." from now as it is today. TION OF "COHEN * FM.TMAX. INC." Easy own account, or as agent or trustee of Notice Is hereby given that at a special Remodeling and Relining KNOW ALL WEN BY THESE 1'ttKSother pertous or corporations, nnd to semeeting of the stockholders ot IvKNO KNTS that the undersigned have formed M COOK ELECTRICALLY! I t Is the cure such Joims by mortgaging or pledgPKO DUCTS. INC.. held on December 17, corporation under the laws ot' the State Terms 2818 Leavemrorth—Tel. JA. 2703 ing AND its own prtrperty, or otherwise; to pur1030, at 9 o'clock A. M. i s the office of cooler, cleaner, better and cheaper cookof Nebraska. l The name of this corporachase or cell securities, or property of any Itvin Stalmustcr, nt which aU the stock- tion shall be • C*hen & FeUrman, Inc." with nature and description: to borrow money ing method. holders of said corporation were present, its principal place of transacting business
An Interview With Rabbi Krass About the Future of American Jewry
23 OO
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ir was moved, seconded and unanimously carried tfeaj *aid corporation be dissolved. In accordance therewith, notice is hereby e v e n that KBNO VHODUCTS. INC., has, by order of all its stockholders, been dissolved. PAUL H. JOKDAN, FIAJXD L. PAl'NTER. HAKK1* O. CHCKCHli,!,. 4t-0-12-3a
at Omaha, Nebraska. The general uatnre of the business, to be transacted and the object and purpo»e for which this corporation is organised and established shnll be to engage in the buying, selling and dealing: generally, either -w»»le»ale or Te-> tail, in meats, groceries, restaurant wares, fruits, candies, • confections, soft drinks, produce, poultrv, bakery goods, provisions and any and all other kindred items of merchandise generally bandied In markets of the type as the one being organized, inMONSKY, KATXKMAJT * CKODINSKV, cluding the power to buy and sell real estate and snblet pnrtg of leased property to 737 Omaha National Bask departments of unit-store Operations carNOTICE i s hereby given that the. un- ried on by the corporation. The authorized capital stock shall be dersigned have pursuant to the laws of the : State of Nebraska formed a corporation. $.10,000.00 to be divided into 500 shares of The name of the corporation Js TUKNEK the par Tdlue of flOO.OO each, all of which COUKT liiSAl-TS: CO., with Its principal stock shall be common and shall be fully off ice in. the City of Omaha, Nebraska. paid for ana non-assessable when issued. The corporation is authorized to maintain Said stock may be issued for cash, real and operate a general real estate holding estate, leases and leaseholds, personal company ana to purchase, lease, sell and property and -personal services. The corencumber real and personal property of all poration shall commence business upon the kinds; to enpa-ge in the construction filing of its articles with the County Clerk business, to Issue bonds, mortgages and of Douglas County, Nebraska, and it shall all other evidences of indebtedness. The continue doing business for a period of 50 authorized capital stock is $75,000.00, con- years from said date. The highest amount sisting of "tZQ shares, par value $100.00 of indebtedness to which this corporation per share, nil common and when issued shall subject itself shall not exceed twoshall be fully paid and non-assessable. thirds of its capital stock, but this reThe corporation shall commence business striction shall not apply to indebtedness when the Articles are filed in the office secured by mortgages upon any of the of the County Clrk of Doucla County, Ne- corporate property. The affairs of this braska, and continue until January 1st, corporation shall be managed by a Board 2031. The highest amount of indebtedness of Directors consisting of not less than shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital two members The annual meeting of the stock. This restriction, however, shall not corporation shall be held on the first week apply to any indebtedness where the pay- day of January of each year at which time ment of same is secured by real estate. the stockholders shall elect a Uoard of The affairs of the corporation shall be ad- Directors and thereupon the Board of Diministered by a Board consisting of two. rectors shall eKct a president, a viceThe Board shall elect President, Secretary president, a secretary snd a treasurer. Any and Treasurer from its members. The two of said offices may be hem by one annual meeting of the stockholders shall and the same person. These articles may be held the second Wednesday in January be afaended a t .iny regular or special of each year, at which meeting the Direc- meeting of the stockholders upon the aftors shall be elected and immediately firmative vote of two-thirds of all outthereafter Che Directors shall meet and elect the officers. The Articles may be S IN WITNESS "WHEESOF, the parties amended as provided for in the by-laws. hereto have hereunto subscribed their The corporation shall have a seal. hand* this * * d f J u n e ^ m Dated May 6th. 1931. i, KO? CT PKfiTMAN. iflARRY B. COrTKtt, " CAUt, C KATHLJAAN. In the preseiiSe of. t r v X n Stalmaater. 4t-0-19-31.
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and issue its honds, debentures, or other evidence of indebtedness therefor, and to secure the payjwnt of the same by mortgaging, pledging or conveying nny or all Ot Its property or assets; to transact a general Insurance, loan, real estate, investment nnd insurance brokerage business; t» carry ont all or any part of the foregoing objects as principal, factor, brokec. .agent, contractor or otherwise, cither alone or in connection with any person, firm., association or corporation: to do nny and all things incitlentnl. or in nny way pertaining to »ny of the aforementioned powers, and » i s expresidy provided that the enumeration liereifl vt specific objects »i>« powers shall not be held to limit or restrict In any manner the general powers •of this corporation. The authorized capital stock shnll be ?2T>.000.00. nil of which shall be common and of the par value of $10.00 per share and all of said stock shall be fully paid up and non-assessable. Said stock mny be Issued for cash, renl or personal property, good -will, personal •services, or anyIking of valne. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing ot Us nrticles with the Comity Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty yenrs from enid date. The highest amount, of indebtedness ta which this corporation shall subjert. itself, shnll not exceed two-thirds ot its capita) stock. The affairs of this corporation shall oe managed by n Board of Directors consulting of not less than two tnemliers. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in January of each yenr. at. which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors, and thereupon the Board shall elect a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said officers may be heia by one nnd the same person. These articles may be amended or added to by a vote of two-tliirfls of all the outstanding stock at nny regnlar or special meeting of the stockholders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe parlies have hereunto subscribed their names this l*th day of Mny, 1931. , . C. 6 . TALMAGE. JOS. B. FRADENBEKG. In the Presence of: SAM BEBBR,
Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Made by
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company. Omaha
3, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931
not yet taken up the conservation of Roffman of Co. Bluffs will be the Chatham Court Tuesday afterhealth "and the prevention of disease matron-of-honor. Leon Harwich, noon in honor of her eon, Edward, with the same enthusiasm and wholebrother of the bride, will be best who celebrated his sixth birthday. f • • heartedness with vhich we carry on man. Miss Eddy Pearlman will play our industrial and commercial enterthe wedding marsh. Miss Frances Pollman of Kansas BY F. R. K. prises. Mr. Passer and his bride will leave City, Mo., arrived Sunday to visit In the business world we have immediately on o honeymoon trip; her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack adopted the yearly inventory to find GREENBERG-SAKS WEDDING upon .their return then will be at Steinberg, for about two weeks. out how we stand in a business and The marriage of Miss Esther home at 2120 So. 9. St., Council financial way. Why not adopt an in- Saks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bluffs. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Philip Saks of Council Bluffs, to ventory which will give us informaof the Independent Order of the By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor tion about our health and well-being? Mr. Max Greenberg, son of Mr. and The Talmud Torah Sunday School B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next of bio-chemistry and nutrition, the Creighton University School Why not have ourselves checked up Mrs. Sam Greenberg of Omaha, will will hold their Annual Picnic next Monday evening, June 22, at the of Medicine. so that a slight knock in our engine be solemnized Sunday evening, June Wednesday afternoon, June 24, at Eagles Hall. may be corrected before further dam- 21, at eight o'clock at the Chevra the Fairmount Park, commencing at B'nai Israel Synagogue, 618 Mynster YOUR PERSONAL age results? Miss Florence Glassman of Iowa INVENTORY Street. Rabbi Herman Cohen of St. 2:30 o'clock. Games and races will ''Zionism," Dr. Stephen S. Wise re- ish interests in the Holy Land have be played and prizes will be given. City, Iowa, arrived Tuesday to be Keep Up Health Paul, Minnesota, uncle of the bride, (Editor's Note—Readers of this cently stated, "is the loftiest and the occurred; at this, the first congress Everyone is cordially invited to at- the guest of Miss Esther Saks. Miss In order to be successful nowadays noblest enterprise upon'which Jews thereafter, must be decided the pol- newspaper may receive answers to we must be in full vigor and vim. I will perform the ceremony. The tend. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Glassman will be one of the bridesany questions regarding the general wedding march will be played by ; have adventured in all the centuries icy which will make or break Zionist subject of hsalth by sending a stamp- would suggest certain measures for Miss Lillian Chudacoff of Omaha, Talmud Torah will furnish the ice maids at the Greenberg-Saks wedof 'the Diaspora. Zionism is a pas- aspirations. ed-addressed envelope with their you and for me that would aim to accompanied on the violin by Miss cream for everyone who attends. ding Sunday. sionateand mrwithstandable effort of Basle is a magic name in Zionist questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, keep us fit. Beulah Kay of Omaha. Mrs. Louis the Jewish people to reconstitute history. Thirty-four years ago at this Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) Harry L. Cherniss is spending the The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Visit your physician and your den- Shafton of Omaha, sister of the themselves as a factor in the life of very spot in Switzerland Herzl called 1 tist at least twice a year even though of the A. Z. A. will hold an im- latter part of this week in Dea We live in an age characterized bj groom, will be matron-of-honor, and the world, self-based, self-rooted and the first Zionist congress and proefficiency. We have become masters you feel as healthy as a brick. There Miss Sonia Saks, sister of the bride, portant meeting next Wednesday Moines attending the annual conself-insisfcent." claimed that a sound working solu- over the land, the waters and the are many serious diseases that do not will be maid-of-honor. Miss Ruth evening, June 24, at the home of vention of the State Bar Association. But,:despite the fact that many tion had been found at last to the skies. We have conquered the forces hang out the red-lantern of pain or Kulakofsky of Omaha and Miss Henry Mendelson, 10 North 28th St. claim that the world that flounders in tragedy of Jewry, -the establishment of nature and have made them yield even discomfort heart disease, kid- Florence Glassman of Iowa City will An election of officers will be held Mrs. Louis Passer of St. Louis futile materialism envies the Jew who of "a Jewish State." The best way to our whims and desires. We have ney disease, diabetes, high blood pres- be bridesmaids. Dr. Ben Greenberg and all members are urged to at- arrived Monday and is visiting at can anchor his energy and emotion to to realize this, according to Herzl. gained almost complete mastery over sure and hardening of the arteries of New York City will serve his tend this meeting. Julius Bisno of the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Passer. the ideal of Palestine, there are many was to mobilize large capital and nature, but we still are irrational may be present, but the individual brother as best man. Groomsmen Omaha will be the guest speaker. She came for the Passer-Hurwich —both Jews and non-Jews—who look establish a sound economic system in primitives, because we lack commaml may not be aware of their presence. will be Harold Saks, brother of the wedding. upon the Zionist movement as a waste Palestine. Since that day, the policy over ourselves. We have adopted the Such conditions are usually found in bride, and Dave Greenberg of OmaMrs. Harry Cheraiss entertained of energy, an impracticality, and an of Zionism has changed on different slogan of efficiency for the material unsuspecting people who go for a ha, brother of the groom. Little fifteen children at her apartment at PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS impossibility. occasions and now, in 1931, Jewish about us, but not for our own lives. physical examination demanded by Betty Saks will be flower girl, and All, however, whether Zionists or Zionist leaders must decide anew Health, our greatest national re- an insurance company, by the firm Arthur Kulakofsky will be ringnon-Zionists readily admit that by what is the best way to realize a sources, we squander recklessly. We they work for, or by some organiza- bearer. now Zionism has assumed the propor- Jewish national home. are indifferent to personal and to tion they wish to join. Among the affairs given this week tions of an international movement Have your physical defects correct- in honor -of the bride was a bridge community health problems. We have A Vital Issue. of immense importance. Zionism is a ed as early as possible. party given Tuesday evening by Probably the greatest issue at the vital factor in Jewish life of today Go to Physician at the same time cast about for his Miss Dorothy Saltzman who enterSeventeenth congress will be what and any Jew, whether pro-Zionistic or Go to your physician not only when anti-Zionistic, who is interested in idea of Zionism is to guide the man- successor. Weizmann has announced you are seriously ill, but also when tained at three tables of bridge. On modern Jewish history is interested uevers or the organization? The his resignation upon previous occas- you are inconvenienced by minor com- Wednesday Mrs. Harry Frankel of in the highlights of the Zionistic field Zionism upheld by the Brandeis group ions, but each time was persuaded to plaints—a sore throat, a carbuncle or Omaha entertained at a bridg-e party The Jewry who have at all been in . . . which now holds the upper hand change front. However, this time it boil, headache, chronic constipation —luncheon-bridge party. That eveterested in the Jewish endeavors in in America . . . is that of Herzl — is fairly certain that he will not re- shortness of breath, dizziness, poor ning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky and Mr. and Mrs. Louis KulaPalestine—and it must be admitted looking for mass immigration, settle- sume leadership. vision, lack of concentration, loss of kofsky of Omaha entertained at a ment on economic lines, on industrial Administration Executive. that many of these are not Zionists— memory, spells of fainting. dinner dance at the Highland Counwill watch with eagerness and also cities and world markets, as the most The Zionist organization of AmeriUse the prophylactic measures try Club in honor of their niece and practical ways of hastening the realiwith anxiety the deliberations a ca has adopted a resolution favoring known to medical science to prevent You can save $50 to $150 yearly Basle at the seventeenth World Zion- zation of the Zionist ideal, a Jewish the election of an Administration or serious infections. Get vaccinated for her fiance. On Thursday afternoon with a WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator Mrs. Arthur Robinson entertained ist Congress starting June 29. For self-supporting majority in Palestine. group of men who shall collectively smallpox. If going on a vacation get at a bridge party at her home, and The proponents of this thsory will — the latest scientific development enjoy the powers vested now in the immunized against typhoid. Protect what is decided at Basle will greatly influence if not actually decide the undoubtedly clash with the Weizmann Presidsnt. Whether this view will be yourself and your children against that evening Miss Anne Greenberg for the safekeeping of perishable was hostess at a bridge party. fate of the great Jewish adventure of policy. Since Weizmann's group has generally adopted is dubious. diphtheria. foods in the home. It actually costs been in the saddle, it has successfully the Near East. Who will be the next president of When you have a slight ailment, a shelved the economic and political the Zionist organization, an office PASSER-HURWICH less than your present old-fashioned Approaching a Crisis plans inaugurated by Herzl. They which automatically carries with it cold, an attack of influenza, a runThe marriage of Miss Eva Hurequipment. Get the facts before you There is no use hiding actualities have felt that the Zionist cause could the presidency of the Jewish Agency ? ning nose or a slight temperature, go wich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. home and rest or better still go to behind a smoke-screen of words. be forced chiefly through diplomatic Judge Louis Brandeis could probably buy any refrigerator. Hurwich of Council Bluffs, to Mr. bed and stay there until all the sym- Ben Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zionism today is fast approaching1 the means. receive the office if he desired but to ptoms subside. The best curative and crisis of its career, the turning point M. Passer, of Council Bluffs, will For one to get the impression that date he has steadfastly refused to al- recuperative agent is rest. which will decide whether we should these two groups combined make the low his name to be considered. Rothstake place Sunday, June 21, at five To cure is the voice of yesterday. o'clock at the Beth Hamedrosh Haglook for success or failure of the aims total picture of modern Zionists is child is a promising candidate, as is of itsfounders and the "wish of the erroneous. Indeed, one of the most the veteran Nahum Sokolow. The lat- To prevent is the divine whisper of odol Synagogue, 19. and Burt Sts., Jewish people. Since the last Con- remarkable developments in Zionist ter is a followerer of Weizmann's con- today and tomorrow. Omaha. Rabbi H. Grodinsky will gress several events adverse to-Jew- life during the past war period was ..ciliatpry^ policy. .The Radicals will perform the ceremony. Mrs. Sam the increase in the number of separate possibly support their leader Gruenparties and independent groups with- baum of Poland, while the Revisionist front. Those who knew what was in the general framework of thp favor their firebrand, Jabotinsky — happening there called it "The Black movement. These include th3 Gen- but neither has much of a chance. Chamber." {Continued from Page 2) eral Zionists or Central Groups, the Menahem Ussishlrin, of National fund It was there that scores of crypt 2004 Farnam A t . 4486 Mizrachi or Orthodox Zionists, th.? fame, has a strong following, but in- you would have seen on the doors the messages of Germany, Russia, Mexico REFRIGERATION" Radicals, the Revisionists and the sufficient to win the presidency. name—Code Compiling Company. and other countries, were decided by Refrigerators—Radios—Jewelry Left Wing, consisting of the Poale Rutenberg, electrical wizard of Pal- Above the name of the firm was the the chief American decaders — the estine, is also mentioned but is not a Nordic, Yardley and the Jew Mendelname: Herbert D. Yardley, President, Zion, Zeire Zion and Hitachduth. sufficient compromise type to win and below that, Charles J. Mendel- sohn. The Jewish Agency Issue. out. Others being mentioned are sohn, SecretaryYardley has just written a book Naturally, within the party politics Sacher, Motzkin, Kisch and Gurion. about it—and it tingles with exciteAll around, it seemed a very innoof these various groups will be found From the maze one can glean only ment. most of the issues which will face the one indicator . . . a compromise candi- cent thing, but there were more thrills (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleNo Other Electrical in the few rooms of that office than present Congress. The General Zion- date will be the probable victor. graphic Agency, Inc.) in many miles even of the battle Refrigerator Can ist, of course, have faith in the Jewish Agency. The Revisionists are the MATCH most bitter opponents to the Agency. They also are opposed to the compromises being made with the British government. The Mizrachi, aside from its stressing of the religious program, opposes the present regime because of its disappointment in the worth of the Jewish Agency and its distrust of the political negotiations with the British government. The other minority groups usually allign their forces, favoring a socialistic, labor program. i*0ne of the most mooted issues for the Congress is what policy is to he taken toward Great Britain. The British government has been pursuing a vacillating policy, one moment seemingly to smile on the Jewish hopes and the next moment by official decree giving our aspirations a severe setback. The present regime favors diplomacy and negotiations. Minority groups are exasperated with Shortcake without strawberries ? Unheard of! "wishy-'washy methods" and demand 1 no more compromises with the ManTTTTLLIAAIS Iee-O-Matlc, on And it's just as thoughtless to serve wheat VV the authority of engineers datory. The opposition says the exe* -. ' <••= "i who know electric refrigeration, flakes without flavor. Whole wheat flakes cutive has been too yielding, and is the most complete lino' of refrigerators built today. "It lias seek an aggressive program leaderneed added flavor to insure the appetite apmany superiorities of design, ship and a "counter-offense." many advancements of detail,
Basle-Where Zionist History May BeMade
Council Bluffs News
An Impartial, Concise Resume of the Major Issues Involved in the Seventeenth World Congress June 29.
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Legislative Council? Another, vital issue is JewishArabs relations. The straggle in this connection lies in the Legislative Council. The American Zionists have goae oa Tecord a* being sppeseej to a Legislative Council until the Jews would be assured of an equal wpressntation. All, however, agree on the abstract proposition that the relations should he as cordial as possible. Many leading Zionists in America wish to press upon the Palestine Administration the burdens of schools •and education, health and sanitation, emphasizing instead economic enterprises so as to attempt the creation in Palestine what is the physical basis of their ideal, a Jewish majority. Of course, the question of leadership looms up on the Zionist horizon. Weizmann, who has held the reins for some time, has announced his retirement from office. All factions praise his wonderful work for Zionism and
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the' uncertainty .with regard-to future his resources and. energy in the up-naissance," is designed to acquaint political development in Palestine building of the country or who seeks the student of history with the insti-" have had a most depressing effect on in it a refuge and an'asylum from tiitions and forms of life developed the influx of fresh capital anjd on the the persecutions of the'--Diaspora by an ancient people of Semitic origeconomic situation of the; | country should be enabled to come to Pales- in during itheir sojourn in Europe. generally, and*what the riots; of 1929 tine without any restriction." ; The Jewish side of the Crusades and the Arab boycott which ^followed and the Inquisition will also be prePleads for Opening of Gates MISS ANNA PILL, Corresj)O7ident failed to achieve' was achieved by sented, and an attempt will be made The memorandum concludes with a Gives Report to Mandate Com- the political restrictions that.;Came,in plea that "the gates of the «nintry to delineate the Jew in his importmission of League of ; their wake in the period tnat fol- be opened to Jewish immigrants who ance as merchant, banker, diplomat, lowed. ; , .. sailor, philosopher, physician i and . Nations All news for the Sioux City page The Jewish medical institutions of shall be admitted not as alien immi- teacher of medicine. grants but as sons repatriated to, their must reach the Sioux City correGeneva.—(J. T. A.)—The-Palestine Palestine continue to bear almost the country. It is our firm: and . sincere spondent not later than Tuesday government has done nothing to "en- entire cost of the maintenance of the conviction that this ; right of the Jewevening, to appsar in the issue the Jewish health service which caters to following Friday. Please mail hews ,, Miss Leah Herzoff was elected courage close settlement by Jews on the members of the Jewish commun- ish people to Palestine does not: in the Hear Chancellor to the land, including state lands and Proceeds of the Talmud Torah Pic- to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, president, of the Junior Hadassah. waste lands," as provided for in theity, and only one-seventh of the total least way prejudice the rights of the Leave Palestine Chapter, at the final meeting of the nic, held last Sunday in Riverview or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock. education expenditure of the Pales- Arabs to- their full economic and culPalestine Mandate. " tural development." season, held last Wednssday in the Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)'— Sir John" Park, amounted to $650. Mr. M. LazThe Palestine government has nottine government is contributed for Sara Davis tea room. Miss Herzoff Chancellor, - High Commissioner of erowich was general chairman of the the education of the Jewish populastrengthened the hope in the early Palestine since July, 1928, will leave affair, the benefits of which go to-the Iota Tau Sorority last- Saturday succeeds Miss Ida Feldman. Miss fulfillment of the pledge that Pales- tion although the Jews form twenty the country permanently in August ward the upkeep of the Talmud Torah evening. A business meeting was fol- Herzoff has been active in the Hadas- tine would be placed "under such po- per cent of the settled population of sah work for several years. She is a when he completes his term,: the Hebus, and the purchase of school sup- lowed by Bunco and a luncheon. litical administrative and economic the country and pay 45 per cent of brew newspaper, Haaretz, reports toplies. Other expenses of the Talmud Cantor A. Pliskin sang a group of member of the J. C. C. Busin?^s conditions as will secure the estab- its revenues. day. The Davar announces that it Torah are taken care of. by..the'board Russian folk songs before members of Women's Club. lishment of the Jewish National Annual Memo to Mandate Body learns that Albert M. Hyamson, chief of directors, and an annual allocation the Rotary "Club at their meeting in Other officers elected are- Rosalie Home." These are the principal charges immigrant officer of Palestine, has from the Federation of Jewish Social j the Martin, last Monday noon.. He Sacks, vice president; Sally Gorchow, The Palestine government's departBaltimore.—Historical explanation Service. { was accompanied at the piano by secretary, and Bess lipshutz, treas- ment of immigration has continued to made against the Palestine govern- of the Yiddish language the medieval left for England after having signed urer. 'Members of the board of direc- function not as a department for the ment by the Palestine Jewish Na- Jewish money-lendefr and the Ghetto up for five years of service, although• The ticket raffle, a sterling-silver} Miss Mildred Baron.' tors are Mary Rozofsky, Ruth Marx. encouragement of immigration but as tional Council, the official representa-' will be included in a course on thehe has reached the pensionable age pet of candlesticks, was won by the tive of the Palestine Jewish communjThe names of Mrs. R. H. Etnem and is eligible to retire. Rose Finsod. Rose Lipman, and Fran- one for its discouragement. . holder of ticket number 285. Mrs. U. ' j.= ity, in its annual memorandum for lasting contributions' of medieval 'and Mrs. L. Suukin, were omitted last ces Jacobson, recording secretary. H. Emlein, who was in charge of the week in th*e list of women who as-! Although several measures have 1930 which was submitted to the Man- Jewry to culture science and comraffle: has asked that- the person who sisted on the Jewish National. Fund i been taken by' the Palestine govern- dates Commission of the League of merce1 to be given at John Hopkins Turkish Jews Publish has'this ticket," get-in touch with her, Flower Day collections. ment with a view to effecting a Nations when that body began its dis- University during the next two se-New Newspaper Grunsfeld Gets Medal thorough reorganization of the police cussion of the Palestine question. to receive the gift. mesters by Rabbi Samuel 'Rosenblrtt, Chicago.—(J. T. A.) — Ernest A. Istanbul—While one group of Turforce, the peace and protection of the - The feature of the program^ a basethe eldest son of Cantor Josef Rosen- kish Jews in Smyrna is seeking to Grunsfeld, ;• designer of the Adler After making the above summarized ball game between the Maccabee andj Summer Formals Planetarium,.which was presented to Jewish community are by no means complaints, the Jewish National blatt, it was announced here. convince Turkish Jewry of the advanAlumni teams, was won by the Mti«tHold Limelight the city by his uncle, Max Adler, hasassured, because the Jewish personnel Council's memorandum demands that Rabbi Rosenblatt, who is the spirit- tage of abandoning their mother cabee club, with a score of 6 10 '2. awarded the gold medal of the of the force has not been increased the Mandatory Power should place ual leader of Beth Tfiloh synagogue, tongue, Ladino, or Judeo-Spanish, in On Social Calendar^ been Sidney Bergen and Sidney Baumsi«:in Chicago chapter of the American In- and because the Transjordanian Fron- Palestine "under such appropriate was rscently appointed lecturer in favor of Turkish, another group today were stars of the game while George Shore Acre Gardens will be ihej. stitute of Architects for the Chicago tier Force, as hitherto, remains "Jue- conditions as shall assure the devel- Jewish literature at John Hopkins. launched a new Jewish paper in this Shindler played an excellent game for scene of the Summer Formal given by architect whor-.did the^most outstand- denrein." opment of the creative efforts of thf The course, officially entitled, "A His- city which will be published in Lathe alumni. This is the eighth gami: the Question Club next Tuesday i»ve-1 ing piece of work during the preceding Effected Economic Conditions Jewish people, and shall ensure that tory of the Jewish Communities of dino. The new organ of Tnrkish Jews the Maccabee Club has won, this sea- ning, June 23. Jimmy Lewis and hifjj year in Chicago. The political disappointments and every Jew who is willing to invest Europe in the Middle Ages and Re-is called "Labor del Oriente." son. orchestra will furnish music for danc- • ing daring the evening. A number of out of town guests are expected to attend. Cecil Sef f is in charge of the reservations. Miss Sadie Shulkin visited at the The Iota Tau Sorority has set July home of'Mr. and'Mrs. R. Miller in 4 as the date for their summer formal :which will also be held at Shore Acre Sioux Falls this week. Gardens. Among those who will have Miss Roth Marx and Mrs. Leon charge of the arrangements are Kcse Marx are visiting in Omaha at the Tesler, Mazie Kaufman and Sara Dimsdale. home of the latter's parents. ffi*^
Social News
Miss Ida Cohen, 815 Sixteenth. St, spent last week-end in Minnesota, where she attended the military ball. While there she was a guest at th? home of Miss Annette Papkin. • •
j | i "\\ -.:•'
; (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. H. Fish aild; son Martin' left recently for New 'York, - where * they will spend! the summer months visit- consolidation of its colonies with | some success. ing Trith friends. • •' ' . ' * • , . During 1930, the report .notes, the ' Mrs. .Anna Levinger^ • 201 • • .Ida Jewish National Fund, in co-operation Apartments left Saturday i for > Yank- with the Palestine Economic Corporaton!, S. D., to visit her son and daugh- tion,, completed, the drainage works in ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold- Le- the Haifa Bay area, the total cost being $125,000, the,area now being fit vinger. for afforestation and cultivation. An Mrj and Mrs. Louis. Goldberg and area of 913. dunams -was afforested children left Sunday, for" a three- during the year by the. fund, which weektour through the Black Hills and planted nearly 250,000 trees. National fund forests'now cover_an area Yellow Stone park. of 4,971 funams, of which 1,213 duMiss Freda Albert departed recent- nams form the Balfour Forest a t | .ly fir Minneapolis, for a brief visit, Ginegar. from! where she will go' to Madison, - Building Investment $3,750,000 Wisi.l to attend the summer sessions The Jewish Agency sets the total Jewish investment in building. works at tpe; university. .* f ="..':. [>' :. in 1930 at roughly $3,750,000, of j ; Mp-and Mrs; J. Minukin and chil- which about $1,000,000 was. spent in 1 dmi,5 Isadore and -Gertrude, and Mr.Jerusalem, f 875,000 in Tel -Aviv and andiMrs.I.' Goldmaii 6f; Kansas City, $400,000 in Haifa. - , [ '. ; yisiiJfld in - the city ?duringn the ! week, Reports on industry, the Jewish Agancy declares 'that while""generalj while! en route to California. conditions' were far from favorable | Doris and Betty Marx, daughters during 1930, 'output was well mainof Mrs. Johanna'Marx, left last week tained in certain groups of Palestine for" Minneapolis, where they will visit industries, including the metal, cement, flour-milling, woodworking and t~i with ^relatives. canning trades. A census of indusDaye Singer has returned home tries, exclusive of certain heavy inafter spending the past year studying dustries and the transport and building trades, showed 2,276. enterprises at Grinnell university. employing 9,362 persons and with a Miss Marcella Koolish visited in capital investment of $4,994,520. Added to these are the figures for the Minneapolis, last week-end. heavy industries, such as the Nesher, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman of Cement Factory, Sherman Oil Works, Sioux Falls visited with relatives and Palestine Electric Corporation, e t c The number of children in the friends her ethis week. education department- of the Jewish Misses Rose Tesler and Sara Hal- schools under the supervision of the pern visited last week in Omaha. They Agency rose to 22,533 at the end of were accompanied home by Miss Lib- 1930, as compared with 21,031, in the previous year. There are now 258 bie EHowitz of Omaha. schools in the system and 897 teachBernard Lipman spent last week- ers. At the Hebrew University the year end in Minneapolis, where he attended the Sigma Alpha Mu Summer for- 1930 was again one of consolidation rather than of extension, new develmal. opments having been postponed in Mrs. Dave Shapiro and daughter of |riew of the unsettled conditions preKansas City are guests at the home vailing in the country, the Jewish Agency's report states. A total of of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie. 177 students and auditors attended Mrs. Marie Finkelstein, Mrs. EtheJ courses; the academic staff consisted Ring and Mr. and Mrs. Will Racusin of 11 professors, 15 lecturers and 36 of Omaha, were recent guests at the assistants and instructors. Achievements of University. home of Mr. and Mrs. A."Mazie. Chairs of mediaeval Jewish history] The PhivEpsilon Tau Sorority met and rabbinic literature were establast Wednesday at the home of Miss lished during the year; the depart-) Bernice Goldstein. Bridge was fol-ment of archaeology continued its excavations in the neighborhood of Jerulowed by a luncheon. salem, and prepaartions for the joint excavations at Samaria to be underMiss Sally Dimsdale was hostess to taken by the department in conjunction with Harvard University made good progress; the School of Oriental Studies completed the compilation of its concordance of Arabic classical poetry; the Institute of Chemistry was . •?We feed the multitude" installed in the newly-completed WatWith Tasty Foods. tenberg building.
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