/n t/ie Interests of The Jewish Community Kuicren BB second-class" inai posiofllce nt Omnbn: NehraBk,
Interesting and 'Entertaining » on January Jft. UBO, at ..the Act ot March 3. 1KKL
Einstein Submits New Field Equation Paper Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Professor Albert Einstein, father of the Theory of Relativity, has submitted to the Prussian Academy of Science a new scientific work entitled "Systematic Eesearch of the Compatible Field . Equation Consistent with Riemann's Theory of Distant Parallels." Professor Einstein's latest scientific work has been eagerly awaited in German scientific circles.
Delegates and Visitors from Ten Cities Attended Annual Conclave
Abraham Sivorwitz of New York Is to Assume Duties This Fall
IX.—No. 22
THIS SUNDAY IS Bhthplace of WORLD ZIONIST TO BE "FLOWER WorldZionism CONGRESS WILL OPEN MONDAY DAY" IN OMAHA Important Issues Face Delegates Convening at Basle, Switzerland
Jewish Community Is to Be Thoroughly Canvassed by Army of Workers
, Basle, Switzerland.—Next Monday, Hyman Goodbinder of Omaha, repA concentrated one-morning drive June 29, delegates from every corner resenting Lincoln Chapter No. 3, was this Sunday will constitute Omaha's of_ the : globe will convene here to ait elected president of the Missouri Valcontribution to the annual Zionist as a Congress for a people that, two ley Alaphs Association of the A. Z. A. "Flower Day." The city will be canthousand years removed from the at the annual convention of the group vassed by workers seeking small doland of its ancient glory, gathers in Omaha the past week-end. nations, all iunds to go to the Jewish again to plan the route back to the National Fund lor buying land in '. Other officers named are Erwin Holy Land. Palestine and the Gewerkschaft, the Wezelman, , Omaha, vice-president; People's Tool campaign for the Holy This seventeenth World Zionist Lloyd. Isaacson, Des Moines, secreLand. Congress will be of great significance tary; Iz Marowitz, Sioux City, treasto the world-wide Jewish movement) urer; Al Schatz, Des Moines, senior Morris Friedel -will be in charge of since it is the first Congress sinca sergeant-at-arms; Oscar Mayeroich, the drive, assisted by a committee junior sergeant-at-arms; Solber Wascomposed of Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Copyright J. T. A. the bloody massacre of '29 and the series of adverse decisions since at ser, Kansas City, reporter. Caleb BeMorris Minion, Mrs. I. Hurwitz and THE STADT CASINO love of Kansas City is the outgoing Rabbi David A. Goldstein. in Basle, Switzerland, where the the hands of the Mandatory. president. Basle has played a historic role in Many organizations have signified first Zionist Congress was held in on the call of Theodor Herzl. the efforts of a people to establish Approximately two hundred took' Many of Teachers for Center their intentions to aid in the "Flower 1897 This year the 17th Congress will a Jewish National homeland. It was part in the activities of the two-day Day" collections. Those who have al- also meet in Basle. School Are Already in this very city thirty-four years ago conclave, which was climaxed with a ready definitely enlisted for Sunday's Appointed Hyman Goodbinder that the. first Zionist Congress was dance at the J. C. C. auditorium Sunwork include the Senior Hadassah, called by Herzl, at which time he preday evening. the Daughters of Zion, the Zionist Plans are being completed for the sented his breath-taking plan for the district, the J. N. F. organization, the A smoker was held Saturday everedemption of his people. It was in ning at the Center. Two business ses- third annual play schoi| to be held Pioneer Women, the National Jewish this same Basle that the word of apsions were held, one Sunday morning at the Jewish Community Center dur- Workers Alliance, Henrietta Szold ing the month of July;; Reservations proval was given four years ago, Girls, Free Loan Society, A. Z. A. and and the other late Sunday afternoon. only 300 chil- Junior Hadassah. furthering the final plans for the Sunday afternoon "was featured with should be made early as : Jewish Agency. And today in Basle a picnic and swim at Krug Park. dren will be accepted. 4 ""All volunteer workers are to meet An excellent teaching staff has initial judgment will be passed upon Games and contests were staged unat 9 a. m. Sunday morning," Friedel the workings of the Agency. der the direction of E. M. Segal, J. C. been appointed for the; school. Mrs. stated. "The north side workers will Fred Brodkey, a professional dancer, meet at the Labor Lyceum, where Mr. New Probe Planned for $12,500,The problem of leadership is vital. C physical director. Accept Melody of Hatikvah for According to all present indicators, Saul Graetz was general chairman will be in charge of "all dancing Morris Minkin will be in charge, and 000 Palestine Developthe New Hymnal Chaim Weizmaim, long the moving of the convention, which was spon- classes and games and will be assist- all others, are to gather at the JewAdopted ment Scheme spirit of the world Zionist organizasored jointly by the Omaha Chapter ed by her sister, Miss "Evelyn Adler. ish Community Center. We welcome Miss Adler was recently graduated tion, will resign from his active leadWawasee, Ind. (J. T. A.)—What No. 1 and the Sam Beber Chapter from the University of Nebraska with any and all who desire to aid this Geneva (J. T. A.)—The findings of ership. Who will be his successor is worhty cause." •was probably the most exciting ses- No. 100. Phi Beta Kappa honors.. the Simpson report will be ignored a mooted question. Cities represented by chapters in The Gerwerkschaft supplies the sion of, the Central Conference of Many are demanding that the ZionAmerican Rabbis in the last thirty the Missouri Valley Alephs Associa- Miss Babe Newman," a student at Chalutzim and Chalutzos of Palestine and a new set of facts and figures to years concluded here with the revised tion are Omaha, St. Louis, Topeka, Peru Normal, will supervise a mari- with tools and implements and farm be ascertained by a development au- ist policy change from one of conUnion Hymnal ready for publication Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, onette project. Mrs. Sara Rae Seker- necessities which enable the Jewish thority on the spot will be the basis ciliation to an attitude of aggressiveminus the "words of the ancient Kil Des Moines, St. Joseph, Kansas City, man and Miss Edythe Dolgoff, mem- families to earn a livelihood as inde- of the recommendations regarding ness in the form of a "counter-ofbers of the Center Players Guild, will pendent farmers in the Holy Land. the $12,500,000 Palestine development fense." Another important issue Nidrei hymn. After a long discussion Kans., and Kansas. City, Mo. assist with dramatics. ^ Sunday's joint drive will be the scheme which the British government looming tip is settlement along ecoa motion of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver eighteenth annual '"Flower Day." It is now framing:, Dr. Drummond nomic lines with a view toward a Miss Adele Wilinsks?who attended of Cleveland to include the melody of Hatless Jewish self-supporting majority verChicago Universit Kol Nidrei for its "sentimental "value" assisted in is entirely separate and distinct from Shiels, under-secretary of state for Jewish sus the Weizmann policy of educathe Colonies and the accredited Britl i e kind«rg«te tional social and "health development ish representative to the" sessions of staff. Miss Frances'Grfeeh; a member The-debate over Kol Nidrei was Girl's Headgear and the shelving of Herd's ecotWmic the Mandates Commission, told that of the Omaha Public School teaching Plays Over Radio hardly more animated than the disand political ideas. . body when it opened its discussion on cussion centering around a motion to Peterboro, Ontario (J. T. A.)—A staff and the 'Misses Ruth Romm, Palestine. While positive figures are not By Center's Guild exclude Hatikvah from the Hymnal on young Jewish law student of this city, Selma Levin and Ruth Shyken have Although the deliberations of the available, a tentative preliminary rethe ground that it is "Zionist propa- who ordinarily goes hatless, had to also been appointed. Are Well Received Mandates Commission were closed to view of delegates points to the folganda/' After a four hour debate borrow a woman's hat, which he wore Mr. E. M. Segal, athletic director the press, Dr. Shiels' statement on lowing division on a basis of 241 delethis motion ^was rejected by a vote of while taking an oath in the course of at the J. C. C. will have charge of all A" flood of complimentary combehalf of the British government was gates: General Zionists, 81; Laborites, 54 to 42. .......I swimming -and sport activities.'" Mr. ments has testified to the excellence a visit here to the local county When Rabbi Leo Wolsey of Phila- clerk's office to swear out an affi- Dave Chesnau will direct handcraft of the one-act plays being presented issued in the form of an official com- 72; Revisionists, 44; Mizrachi, S4; and toymaking. over radio station WOW every Wed- munique. In discussing the develop- Radicals, 8; other groups, 2, " (J. T. A.)—Permits; forjsaeramen- delphia, chairman, of the Hymnal re- davit of search. tal wine may be issued by rabbis to vision committee, presented the comHowever, more teachers are needed. nesday night at 10 p. m. by the Can- ment scheme, which he left for the Since Jews must wear a hat or some close of his statement, Dr. Shiels said Orthodox Jews, even though the lat-; •mittee's report, a veritable.verbal hur- other headgear when taking an oath, Anyone wishing to volunteer their ter Players Guild. The plays are being given under that "it may be regarded as common ter are not members of; the rabbis' ricane' broke out since the commit- the young student, not having a hat services may do so by calling or seecongregations, accordingitq _a decision tee's exclusion of Kol Nidrei reversed of his own, tried to borrow one, but ing Miss Sophie Rosenstein, director the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr, ground that a comprehensive .scheme rendered in New? Sorte <2ty byTiFed- the action of the Conference last year .there was not a hat in the office. In- of the Play School, at the Jewish dramatic director of the J. C ' C Hy- of development is called for in the inman Shrier is business manager and terests of both Arab and Jewish comeral Judge Frank-'J.Cofeman. Sfudge a Providence when by a vote of 64 tent in his hunt for a hat, the bud- Community Center office. Sal Michnick is assistant business munities and for the fulfilment of the d ^ d i i i C ^ ^ 6 V n m e | t tp Registration can -be made at the ^ y ^ ; _ ding young lawyer went but into the Coleman responsibilities which the British gov- Many Pay Final Tribute to Charmanager. Center any day. The fee is $1.00 for rei'in the .Hymnal in a new form suitons'"of^"sacramental corridor. The first person to pass return 500 itable and Philanthropic The cast for last Wednesday's play, ernment has for the general welfare wearing a hat was a girl. The young the entire month. •wine which was seized during a raid ed.ito .modern points of view. Worker Marraige a la Mode," consisted of of Palestine. The.committee reported that it was man explained his need and the young on a branch store of the Fruit IndusHarold JCroloff, Ruth Ziev, Mrs. J. M. "unable to find a suitable version," lady graciously removed her wideSeeking Suitable Officer A large crowd gathered at the Jewtries, Ltd. ,•-.'.'.'". Erman, Harry Colick, Rebecca Kirsch- "In framing a scheme "which will ish Old Peoples' Home Tuesday afterhaving discussed the Aramaic and brimmed hat. Red with embarrass- National Dental On motion of Emanuel Hertz, .attor- Hamburg versions both of which were bwT»*n, Martha Himelstein and Max meet with these requirements the noon to pay their final tribute to ney for Rabbi Lazar Predmesky,\who, rejected. Some rabbis pleaded for the ment, but loyal to Jewish tradition, Group Honors Weinstein. government has made every effort to Mrs. S. Ravitz, who died suddenly on the young man, arrayed in the flimsy on two occasions issued wine permits traditional version of the hymn while Musical accompaniment for all per- ascertain "the views the interests of May 23, at special memorial services Dr.D.C.PlaU formances to a patrolman, Judge - Coleman set others objected to the associations sunshade, stood before the clerk and is being furnished by both parties. It is hoped in the near in her honor. solemnly took the oath. aside the search warrapit iissued by connected with this version. ..,.-, Nathan Sekerman and Sara Rae Sek- future to be possible to announce the Mrs. Ravitz was eulogized by the Commissioner O'Neill and. [ held: that As a reward for three years of ser- erman. Abraham W. Binder is the musical general outlines of the scheme which speakers of the day, Dr. Samuel Gerthe raid was illegal. ":>Coiyhais^oner vice to the Creighton University Denof the Hymnal which is to be will be placed in the hands of an offison, Harry Silverman and Rabbi N. O'Neill had issued the 'warrant on the editor tal School in the fields of exodontia published shortly after five years of cer appointed as director of develop- Feldman. The former two spoke in affidavit of Patrolman Harold "King, work. It contains 267 hymns for all and anesthesia, Dr. David C Platt ment. The government is taking ac- English, while the latter spoke in •who testified that on -April 11 he had occasions. has been awarded a key signifying : tive steps to secure the services of a Yiddish. Mrs. Anne Friedel, who actpurchased two bottles of ;wine. from The revised Union Hymnal submit- Oscar Mayerowich was chosen ed as chairman, introduced the speaksuitable officer." a branch store of Fruit Industries, ted to the Conference is used in 400 president of the A. Z. A. chapter No. Ltd., in the Bronx. King admitted, Reform congregations throughout the 1 at the semi-annual election of offiFor financing this plan, the govern- ers and-also made a short address. Cantor A. Schwaczkin of the B'nai however, that he had told the rabbi country. As a result of the revision cers of the organization. Other offiDetroit—The board of directors of ment proposes a loan of $12^500,000 Israel chanted the memorial rites. that he was a Jew who Iiyed in the 177 hymns by non-Jewish poets and cers selected are Ervin Wezelman, the American Legion 1931 Convention which Parliament will be asked to auAll of the speakers praised highly neighborhood, though he was not 'a ;cbmposers were removed from the vice-president; Morris Franklin, secCorporation announced the appoint- thorize under a government guaran- the work of the deceased and the high member of Rabbi Predraesky's = con-, Hymnal now in use, and the new mu- retary? Sam Finkel, treasurer; Art ment . of a special committee to ar- tee, Dr. Shiels declared.*! feel confi- type of womanhood she exemplified. gregation. '•}:; ;•(; - ';. ' . range and have charge of Yom Kip- dent that the scheme when fully work- They told of how she devoted the best sic service includes 200 new hymns by Lipp, reporter; Saul Graetz, chaplain; "Certainly the regulation' was in- Jewish composers and poets. Sam Garrop and Ben Rosen, serpur services for visiting delegates to ed out will make a very marked dif- part of her life to helping the sick tended to include more :than: members geants-at-arms. the convention, which will open here ference and better the economic con- and poor and needy of the city, reRabbi Wolsey, chairman of the reof a rabbi's own congregation," {Judge vision committee, hailed the revision Mayerowich, who is also a member dition of the country and thus prove gardless of creed, administering Zeon Yom Kippor Day. Coleman said. "It did not, I believe, as the greatest contribution to Jewish of Xi Lambda, has been active in'the Nathaniel Goldstick, chairman, of great advantage to the whole pop- dakah in the true sense. intend to include every Orthodox Jew,- music in the history of Judaism. The Mother Chapter of the A. Z. A. for stated that ample accommodations ulation." Mrs. Ravitz was one of the organbut unless the class 'worshippers'' can principal aim of the committee was the past five years, during which will, be arranged for every LegionRegarding the method of the devel- izers of the Jewish Old Peoples' Home be identified, I do not think a rabbi's to compile a new Hymnal that would time he has been vice-president of the naire, who will come for the conven- opment scheme, Dr. Shiels made it and was president of the Daughters order for the benefit of any Ortho- deepen the. consciousness of Jewish chapter, secretary and chaplain. He tion, and in order to know how many clear that the government has no in- of Israel Aid Society besides being afdox Jew resident in the neighborhood religious life through the works of the is also an officer in the Missouri Valdesire to attend such services has di- tention of governing the procedure filiated with many organizations. can be unlawful." . . • r • ley Alephs Association of the A. Z. A. rected an appeal to Jewish Legion- on any assumption based on existing finest Jewish poets and composers. The chapter is planning a series of naires throughout the country to com- estimates, facts and figures. "The Ninety-eight new poems have been municate with him at 1417 Penob- whole problem will be carefully invesaccepted for use in the new HymnaL summer activities. seqtt Building1, Detroit. Although three of the selections are tigated by a development authority in by Gentiles none of these selections Mr. Goldstick said that keen regret Palestine whose recommendations will ar being used in other religious servhas been indicated by the officers of be framed in the light of the facts so The annual picnic of the Workjnen's Harry Dworsky was elected presithe American Legion over the mix-up ascertained," Dr. Shiels stated. ices. Circle branch number 173 -will be held dent of the B'nai Abraham Society of in convention dates, compelling the this Sunday, June 28, at Lakeview Will Make New Probe. South Omaha at the election of offiholding of the first session on Yom Omahans Are Honored The Hollywood Yiddishe Company Dr. David C. Platt. Park, East Omaha.. He emphasized this point because cers the organization held Sunday Kippur, but expressed assurance that By National Hospital will give a benefit performance of a honorary membership in Omicron this regrettable error will not occur "some of the facts and conclusions at theof South A set of dishes will be given away Side Community HalL Yiddish play for the Bikur Cholim as door prize to the holder of the contained in the Simpson report have again. Other officers chosen are L. WolfKappa Upsilon, national honorary winning number. Games, amuse- Harry Lapidus was re-eelcted vice- Society at the Jewish Community dental fraternity. He is the first Jewbeen challenged in Jewish quarters. It son, vice-president; M. Tatleman, secments and prizes for both- children president of the National Jewish Hos- Center Tuesday evening, June 30. The ish dentist to ever be so honored at will be clear, however, from what has retary; A. Schlaifer, treasurer; GoodTarrytown, N. Y. — (J. T. A.— and grown-ups have been arranged pital at. Denver at the recent annual play is entitled "The Chains of Love." Creighton. just been indicated that the develop- man Meyerson, H. Fladderman and A. Mayor Eugene H. Lehman has won Admission is fifty cents. meeting of the institution held in by the picnic committee. The Bikur Cholim Society is an or- Dr. Platt has served on the Creigh- his first major skirmish for better ment authority will not start by as- Jacobson, board of directors; M. KatzThe affair -will start at 1:30 p. m. Portland, Ore. He and Henry Monsuming the correctness of any set of man, Ben Martin and A. Newman, and -will continue through the after- sky were elected to serve on the Na- ganization which aids the sick and ton faculty for the past three years. government since he assumed office in statistics relating to the problem but arbitration board. March. After an investigation, the He is also scout master of Troop No. the needy, giving help to all who resoon and evening, -with the dance hall tional Board of Trustees. will verify on the spot the facts necInstallation of officers will take opening' at 8:30 *p. m.) Ojhe |pknic |s. s Thei institution is the oldest nation- quest it. They also made heavy con- 62, faculty moderator of Pi Lambda Mayor, announced bis dissatisfaction essary to ascertain before proceeding place at a special program on July With Police; Chief of Tarrytown and Phi fraternity, advisor of A. Z. A. open to the public;* adtilts mil be, Id, non-secretarian institution for the tributions recently to the Jewish Philto draw up or to execute any part of 5. Goodman Meyerson was named chapter No. 100, and is on the staff his methods in resisting crime. The anthropies and the Fresh Air Camp free care of .the bubercnous poor in charged twenty-five cents admission n chairman of the program committee^ the development schema of the St. Joseph hospital. Chief has just resigned. • fund. and children will be admitted free. the entire country.
Abraham J. Sivowitz of New York City has been engaged by the Conservative Synagogue as cantor for the ensuing year, according to an a nouncement made-today by J. Harry Kulakofsky, president of the:: congregation. The new cantor will,.assume his duties in the fall. ; Cantor Sivowitz, "who is a graduate of New York University, is a wellschooled concert singer. He served from early childhood an apprenticeship with European and American cantors of renown, and studied for five years with such celebrities as Frank Rogers of the Juillard Foundation and Professor Luckstone of New York University, and many others. He commands an extensive vocal repertoire in six languages. The Conservative Synagogue's new cantor has for five years been chief cantor of the Jewish Center of King's Highway, New York. Last year he officiated at the Kenesseth Israel synagogue, the largest congregation in Kansas City. In commenting on the new cantor Rabbi Goldstein was enthusiastic "The Conservative Synagogue has acquired a musical gem in the person of Cantor Sivowitz. Possessed of a rich, sonorous and beautiful tenor voice, he comes from a family of cantors and musicians and grew up in the best traditions of Jewish music. „ His cantorial chant gives a most appealing and exacting artistic inter-, pretation.of the inspiring traditional melodies "of the Jewish Liturgy." The Congregation is entering upon plans for a rather extensive series of musical activities in connection with the synagogue. A choir will be trained later on. _.
Memorial Rites for Mrs. Ravitz
•", -, J t " i •
Old Worlds-New Whither Is the Jewish Youth of the European Countries T\*sto*n*?
Jews live and suffer. Einstein's insistence upon classifying himself as a Jew and identifying himself with his people wherever he goes, even when his mission is strictly scientific — as when, recently, he was guest lecturer at Oxford University, England—will •do more to revive Jewish consciousness in Europe than the last decade of chaotic oratory indulged in by our professional Jewish leaders. In Einstein the young Jews of Europe will find their leader, who may bring them out of the morass into which they have sunk since the war. (Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
The Rise of the New Type of Jewish TO SPEAK Youth, a Jewish Post*War Generation SEMAN AT INTERNATIONAL By REUBEN BRAININ
For the last quarter century^ we that leads to the Gentile world he the fire and fervor of pre-war days. Omaha—Philip Seman, general dinave bsen spealoiig of European •meets the assimilationist of yesterday, The old people despair of Zionism ever : Jewry in the same tone, without real- now on Ms way back'from. German solving their own immediate prob- ector of the Jewish People's Institute izing that the World/War and its- afof Chicago and author of numerous termath—the rise and decline of Zion- life. Thus, he tries to take refuge in lems. They understand vaguely that articles on Social Service and probthe abstract world. He interests himism, the economic plight of Eastern spiritual activities have become a luxEurope, the Bolshevist revolution in self in philosophy, and finds it ut- ury they can ill afford. They keep Russia, Hitierism in Germany—have terly out of contact with his own up their Jewish idealism because of produced a new type, a Jewish postwar generation. The Dean of He- problems. He attempts to attach him- their obstinate tradition of "aber Yidbrew Literature, recently returned self to the revolutionary Communist den seinen mir." The "aber" is growfrom a world tour, in this article gives movement, but is met with an exag- ing bigger and bigger. Ephemerally us a moving cross-section of this, to us, utter stranger, the European Jew- gerated propagandist^ fervor that in- it lifts them out of their drab, every,ish youth of today, whom he observed toxicates him for a while and then day lives and gives them a glimpse in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, etc. In view leaves him by the "wayside as a Jew of a brighter sphere; but the inevitof the World Jewish Conference sum- wha does not belong. able awakening into misery saps their ;moned by the American Jewish Confaith. gress in Basle this summer this arti- How Can the Young Jewcle is not only intsresting bat ex- Be Saved? External Life Wrecked tremely timely.—The Editor. Some years ago I saw, in a little I met him in a Paris cafe, the Jew, Europe; has never .recovered from Greenwich Village theatre, Eugene ish product of the postwar world. A the World War. Those who are O'Neill's play, "The Hairy Ape." At young man in his early twenties. He 'versed in the political, economic and the time it impressed me as a master- hails from Galicia; he migrated to social aspects of the Old World know ly epic of the man who does not be- France as a mere boy. The echo of 'the truth of this commonplace state- long. And when I observed Jewish pre-war Paris, the intellectual capital ment. It has also become utterly life in Germany I was often reminded of the world, drew him. He felt an banal to repeat that the aftermath of of the harried, tormented "Ape" of urge to express himself somehow. the war—the Russian revolution, the O'Neill's play. He—the young Jew— Perhaps in plastic art, perhaps in litPhilip Seman 'Versailles Treaty, the reshuffling of does not belong. Whether he has erature or music He "lived a hand-tothe East European and Balkan states, come from an assimilationist milieu, mouth life. Washing dishes at night, lems of immigration adjustment, has the birth of Fascism—has left its im- whether lie was raised in a Zionist or doing errand-boy and printing-ap- been secured to lead a public forum print on post-war Europe. That Eur- Yiddishist atmosphere, whetherAhe has prentice jobs, toiling just to keep discussion on problems of interest to opean Jewry as an integral part of drifted into the Socialist or Commun- from starvation. Now he is the true Jewish youth at the international "the European organism is undergoing ist or unattached intelligentsia — he Luftmensch who keeps body and soul convention of Aleph Zadik Aleph of a radical transformation, a process of does not belong. You may weary of together by haphazard activities that the B'nai Brith next month at Milrevaluation, a spiritual as well as a the expression or think it.an empty float to him by accident. Sometimes waukee, Wis. -.physical change of life, so to speak, phrase; but the words "he does not he manages to sink into a chair in a. During the.^ast thirty- years, Mr. !is but natural. Books—fiction, or belong" describe perfectly the rudder- •Bohemian cafe, where an unconven- Semah lias Ie3 a brilliant career in , historical in scope—have been written less young Jew of Germany or Aus- tional fraternity exists among the social service through his affiliations, derelicts—many, many of whom are with the Jewish "Educational and ,on the new Europe during the last 10 tria. years. But I have not read of any You may ask: What "will become of young Jews. Students whose univer- Charitable Association of St.' Louis, • attempt to express—or;-rather, define him ? How can he be saved ? Would sity career was ended by the war, lit- the International Conference of Boys* —the new European Jewry. I know an idealistic Zionism recapture him? erary novices, unpublished composers Work, the Advisory Board of Educa"that the task is a most complex 'one. I confess frankly that I dare not pro- and poets, seekers of new gods and tion of Chicago and the National As'European Jewry includes so wide a phesy. Internationalism beckons to religions, human jettison floating on sociation of Jewish Social Work of range of human and spiritual variety him, but even among the internation- the: surface of life. Disillusioned, which he is President. Mr. Seman is • that it wbuld be dangerous to general- alists he feels out of place. For they powerless to overcome his lethargy, a member of the faculties of both the ize. But hitherto we have ignored are leaving their home, they find* joy he takes a sordid delight in his hope- Jewish Theological College and North Western University. the fact that European Jewry today in cutting their roots, but he coines lessness and tragedy. isnot what it was fifteen years ago. to them as an alien who cannot point . We talk;'• His inner world is a re- It is estimated that between five .My contacts with the younger gen- to a cradle. Instead of accepting, him flection of the wreck of his external and six hundred delegates and visit'eration convince me that it is there as the true internationalist they re- life. He laughs at idealism and ma- ors from all parts of this country and • that the crux of the problem of the gard him as incapable of real inter- terialism alike. He scoffs at Zionism Canada will attend the convention. Jewry of the new Europe lies. Wher- nationalism because be did not pass and religion. He demolishes internationalism and waves nationalism ever I have traveled, the more inti- through the null of nationalism. FRABKNTJUSG. STAI,MASTEft * REHER mate my meetings the more I came to Except in Soviet Russia—where the aside. He criticizes existing forms of 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. the conclusion that, in Central Europe young Jew passes through an entirely art, but has no substitute to offer. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OF especially, our slogans of Jewish na- unprecedented process—East Euro- His negative' outlook is the only posi"KEKO PKODUCTS, INC." Notice is hereby given that at a special tionalism and spiritual renascence are pean Jewry realises confusedly that tive attitude he possesses. He ram- meeting of the stockholders of KENO INC., held on December 17, :(outworn and dusty. We have reach- it wilt have to ;wprk out its own sal- bles on wildly, losing himself in his PRODUCTS. 1U30. at 1) o'clock A. M. in the otfice of ed an impasse.. ". vation, each group in its own coun- own. words, laughing bitterly at his Irvin Stalmaster, at which all the 6tock~ of said corporation were present, Jewish youth in Central Europe is try. The New World has become a people and himself. Capitalism is holders it was moved, seconded and unanimously doomed> be shouts, and Communism carried that t>aid corporation be dissolved. drifting. Anti-Semitism, riding on mirage; so has South Africa. One In accordance therewith, notice is hereby .its highest crest, is whipping our hears a lot of talk about the Argen- is only for those •with a herd com- driven that KENO PHOI>UCTS. INC., has, l>y order of all its stockholders, been dis.youth into the Jewish ranks.: What tine as a substitxite for the United plex. : Jewry has. lost him forever.—I solved. have • met dozens of such candidates (Signed) are these ranks? They are neither States and the~ Canada of twenty PAUL H. JOUDAN, religious nor nationalistic. *'The syn- years ago. But one finds little en- for suicide in the cafes of Paris, BerFLOYD L. PAtNTKR, agogue has lost its grip and is func- thusiasm for ajmass emigration to lin, Vienna and even Budapest. Their 41-0-12-3! ^AKUY ° CHDRCBI .tioning as a meaningless dogmatic in- the Argentine. This because the van- name is "Legion. FKAOENBtJRQ. STAXMASTER *BEBEB .stitution as far as the inrierr life of guard of most families is in North 050 Omaha National Bank Blag. Einstein Oar Hope our younger generation is concerned. America. -Nationalism, as expressed through the . Our brethren feel that the task oi . The present situation in Zionism is NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORrORA^ OF "COHEN £ FEI/TMAN. INC." Zionist Organization during: the last rebuilding: their lives rests on their confusing the minds of East European TION KNOW ALL MKN B i THESE PUES"ENTS that undersigned have formed a .thirteen years, has become a fund- own shoulders. Even at best relief Jewry. The political stock of a Jew- corporation the the laws of the State collecting agency, intellectually limp- from America cannot solve their ma- ish Palestine has fallen even lower of Nebraska. under The name of this corporation shall be "Cohen Feltman, Inc." with ing far behind its secular environ- terial problems. I t , can'only still thjur those "gilt-edged'^ securities of its principal place of&transacting business Jtnent. The Hebrew renaissance move*- their hunger momentarily. Thus 192&, The Arab-jjewish problem looms at Omaha, Nebraska. The general uature of the business to be transacted and the .ment in Germany, to cite a single ex- it remains for old and young to plod bigger and more complex every day. object and purpose for which this corporation is organized and established ample, is dead. Present-day Yiddish along as best they can. Planning for Yet in this hazy, foggy atmosphere be to engage in the buying, selling shall and .literature and culture—whatever that the future is out of the question; the through which the European Jewish dealing generally, either wholesale or retail, in meats, groceries, restaurant wares, may mean—offer our young Jew only present is too difficult. Yet despite youth is wandering aimless and lost fruits, candies, confections, soft drinks, produce, poultry, bakery goods, provisions a second-hand, diluted, distorted re- the material Calvary which it must one bright light—one shining name— and any oud all other kindred 'ferns- of flection of world literature. He, the endure East European Jewry has re- gleams in the dark. merchandise generally handled in markets of the type as the one being organized, in.youth of the new European Jewry, The name is Albert Einstein. He is cluding the power to buy and sell real estained interest; in Jewish; education, parts of leased property to would gladly plunge into assimilation. the personality who, by his ethical tate and sublet of unit-store operations carBut this is impossible. On the path Yeshiva activities, Yiddish literature outlook on life and his pure, idealistic departments ried on by the corporation, and.Zionism. But this interest lacks The. authorized capital stock shall be conception,of'.what the Jewish people v$50,000.00 to be divided into 500 shares of par value,of $100.00 each, ail of which are—or, rather^ should be—may re- the stock shall be common and shall bo fully capture the -imagination of. our dis- paid for and non-assessable when issued. Said stock may be issued for cash, real orientated Jewishyouth. This aside estate, leases and leaseholds, personal and personal services. The corfrom his scientific achievement, ac- property poration shall commence business upon the jcessible to only a very few. Einstein's filing of its articles with the County Clerk Douglas County, Nebraska", ami it shall pacifism for Palestine and the rest of continue doing business for a period of 50 yenrs from said date. The highest amount of the world, his complete disregard of to which this corporation of the materialistic aspects of life, shallindebtedness subject itself shall not exceed twoof its capital stock, but this rehis reverence for the genuine in art thirds striction shall not appiy to indebtedness as well as in religion, his firm belief secured by mortgages upon any .of. the corporate property. The affairs of this that the human mind can successfully corporation shall be managed by a Board Directors consisting of not less than solve the darkest mysteries of nature of two members. The anntial meeting of the —-these, must eventually conquer not corporation shall be held on the first week of January of each yenr at which time only the European Jewish youth, but day the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board of Diall humanity. rectors shall elect a president, a vicepresident, a secretary and a tressnrer. Any Exaggerated though it may sound, two of said offices may be held by one I see in the figure of Einstein the one and the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special ray of hope for our "new" intelligent- meeting of the stockholders upon the afvote of two-thirds of all outsia of the old world. By his'exampld firmative standing stocK. n Choice of i the finest homes. The favorite where economy is he urges them to become proud Jews, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed, their 9 watcheA A luxury within the reach of alL Its high repute free of fanaticism, ready to rebuild hereto hand, this 8tu day o y ^ mi. H tioD recommends that you try it. BB themselves spiritually not only in PalKOY. C. FELTMAST. the presence of Irvin Stalmaster. estine, but in every country where In 4t—6-12-31
puts an undeserved onus on the Jews Fox Quits as Director of As a result of the probe the re- Fox Film Corporation gional Communist Party ordered th New Yoifc—(J. T. A.).—'William removal of all members of the citj Fox, film magnate has resigned - as council from their posts, the repri director of the Fox Film Corporation, manding of state attorney Matatoi an office •which brought him an income and his transfer to anothsr post. of a half-million dollars annually. : M. Barsukoff, the chief of police, The resignation of Mr. Fox was anand l £ Gareden, the fire chief» will nounced . after; the entire Board ol be placed on' trial as being the > chief Directors was reorganized. Mr. Fox instigators, of the discrimination was the founder of the Fox Film Corpagainst the Jews. oration, as well as:its chief owner, until a; year ago wtien the company o ^cannot give good counsel went into financial difficulties. Six other directors besides Mr. Fox have A literary year book published in Tis cheap, it costs them nothing. also resigned from the corporation. Hebrew and entitled "Sefer Hashana1 has just been released from the His- SMVNBKY, KATIBMAN ft GKODDTSKY, '- - ' Attorneys. tadruth Ivrith press. The book is ed 731 Omaha National Bank Bide. ited by Menachem Ribalow and Zwi NOTICE is hereby glren that the nn Scharfstein. About forty prominen' dergigned hnvc pursuant to the laws of tin Stnte of Kebraska. formed a corporation writers, poets and publicists have con- The nnme vt the corporation is TUUNKI COUKT REALTY CO., with Its priuoijm tributed to this volume, which con office in the City of Omaha, Nebraska tains 350 pages. The corporation is authorized to mnintaii and opewte a general peal estate holdin The book includes articles on Soko company and to purchase, lease, sell nn real and personal property of a low, Solomon Gabirol, the Messianic encumber kinds; to engage in the eonstructio Idea of Solomon Molcho, Jacob Kahnr business, to issue bonds, mortgages nm all other evidences of indebtedness. Th Iben Giath and literary essays, poe authorized capital stock is $75,000.00. con of 750 shares, par value $100.0i try and articles on education, phil sistinR per share, all common and when issuer osophy and the labor movement, as shall be fully paid and non-nssessable corporation shall commence biisinesi well as essays on the scope and con The -when the Articles are filed -in the office of the County Clrk of I)ougla County, Netent of Hebrew literature. braska, «nd contlnne until January 1st The highest amount of indebtednos Among the contributors to th< 2031. shall not exceed two-thirds of the capita "Sefer Hashama" are: Abraham Reg stock. This restriction, however, shull no to any indebtedness where the pay leson, I. Silberschlag, Dr. Z. Ruday, apply ment of game is secured by real estnte affairs of the corporation shall tie ad I. Twersky, Dr. S. Bernstein, M. The ministered by A Bonnl consisting of two Mohr, L. A. Arich, Ephraim R. Lissit- The Board shall elect President, Secretnn and Treasurer from its members. Tli zky, Jacob Fishman, A. Epstein, annual meeting of the stockholders shn be held the second Wednesday in Jnnuar: Aaron Fishkin, S. Bass, Mordecai of pach year, at which meet hip the Direc Goldenberg, S. Dubnow, Joseph Mar- tors shall be elected and immediate! thereafter the IHreetors shall meet nn cus, S. Ginsberg, J. Greenberg, Israe elect the officers. The Articles mny 1> Amended as provided for in the by-laws. Efros, Joseph Reider, Hillel Bavli, The corporation shall have a seal. Dr. S. A. Horodetzky, B. Katzenelson, t>ated May 6th, 1!«1. S. Krauss, A. Z. Ben-Ishai, A. S. HAHUY B. COHEX, CAUL C KATELMAN. Chipkin, Dr. M. Waxman, Reuben 4t-6-19-31. Leaf, M. Ivansky and Dr. M. S. LevinIRVIN C X.EV1J5, Attorney son-Levi. SOI Electee Building. Omaha.
A. Z. A, is' a model cultural, social and athletic fraternity sponsored under tb« wider scope* of the B'nai-JJritb. for young Jewish- men between the ages of 16 and 21.
RUSSIA OUSTS ENTIRE CITY ADMINISTRATION FOR DISCRIMINATION Soviets Take Drastic Measures Toward Officials Singling Out Jews Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Official antiSemitism in the city of Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, led the Soviet government to take the most drastic measures and to remove summarily the entire city administration and place on trial some of its" officials. Following a shortage <tf kerosene in Dagestan, a shortage attributed to Nepmen, wbo^"ha^-5?qmo©aied large quantities, the city council ordered a search of the homes of all Nepmen. The Derbent chief of police, h o o v confined his search to the Jewisli section of the town against which the Jews protested to the state attorney Because of the tatter's failure to take any action, the Jews carried their protest to the regional Communist Party and the latter ordered a thorough investigation and ruled that there are Nepmen among all-classes of the population and that search of the Jewish quarter alone therefore
NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTI110? Howard—J A. 0288 CLES OF INCORPORATION OF TI* TOP SERVICE STORES. V.OVING — STORAGE — INC. PIANO MOVING KKOW ALL, MEN BV THESE PRESENTS: That at the meeting of the stockholder of Tip Top Service Stores, Inc., held i the City of Omaha, Nebraska, on the 2-tf dary of March, 1031, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of said Corporation, there were present in person a I of the outstanding stock of the CorporaFUR STORAGE tion. Cleaning—Remodeling—Relining Upon motion duly made, seconded an< carried the Articles of Incorporation 01 At moderate prices said Corporation were chanped and amend ed In the following; particulars, to-wit 110 So. 35 St—TeL HA. 2737 Article Four of the Articles of Incorpora tion were made to road ns follows: ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be Twenty-five Thousand (£30)00.00) Dollars divided into five hundred (500) shares of the par value of fifty (JOO.00) Dollars and all of which stock Khali be common and shall be fully paid up and iion-ass°ssable when issued and *nay be issnrri for cash or for real or perJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor sonal property in the reasonable value thereof. "NEW FOR OLD" Article Ten of the Articles of Incorporation were made to rend as follows: 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 ARTICLE X. '.. T*c Stocfc shall be transferable only on the books of said corporation. If at any time nny of the stockholders desire to sell and dispose of stock, such stockholders shall first offer it in writing to the officers of the corporation at par value plus accrued dividends, if any. and give the board Of directors 30 days in which to A Harry U. Lspicliii. President- Trees. 5 purchase such stock for the corporation or for such person or persons as the majority of the stockholders may select, to purchase the same. At the expiration o e said 30 days if the officers of the corporation shall not have purchased and paid for the same, the said stockholder or stockholders shall have the right to sell to COMPLETE STORE AND whoever will purchase, upon the same OFFICE OUTFITTERS terms and for the same price at which it W« Ocrupy was offered to the corporation. Over 10,000 Square Feet TIP TOP SERVICE STOUKS, INC., By J. LORKIS. President. Southwest Comer Attest: BA. ROSENSTEIN. Secretary. In Presence of: Eleventh and Douglas Streets Irvin C Levin. 6-5-31-4t.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
Thull Pharmacy 24th and Seward Phone JAcksori 6363
24th and Cuming Phone ATlantic 1060 In Charge of Registered Pharmacists FREE DELIVERY
I. BERKOWITZ Furrier FUR STORAGE Remodeling and Relining 2818 Leavenworth—TeL JA. 2703
The Sanitary Laundry The Best ol AU Laundry 2818 Farnani
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N. C. NIELSEN 117% North 16th
NATIONAL. ACCESSORIES, INC. "Everything for the Auto" 2501 Farnam—AT. 5624
650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTtCE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. By virtue of nn execution Issued by Itobert Smith, Clerk of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, upon a judgment rendered in the Municipal Court of the City of Omahn, a transcript of which judgment was duly filed and docketed in the District Court, within and for Douglas County, in fcivor of Kura Sidmnn, doing business as the EL Sidman Conl Co. plaintiff, and against Arthur C Leflang. defendnnt, in Execution Docket Number 27. at Page 500, I have levied upon the following described property, to-wit: Lot Six («} Collins Place, nn addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and I will at 10 o'clock A. M-. on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1031, at the East trout door of the Douglas County Court House, in the City of Omaha, Doug-, las County, Nebraska, sell saUl property at public auctipiuto the highest bidder for cash to Satisfy plaintiffs judgment in ihe sum of J3U6.!>?, with interest; to salisfjr toe sura of $25.00 costs and the increased and accurinK costs. Dated at. Omaha. Nebraska, this 27th day of May, 1931. C. B. McbONALD. Sheriff, 5t-5-29 Douglas County. Nebraska. IRVIN C LEVIN, Attorney. 301 Electric JBnUding, Oaiaiia. Nebr. NOTICE OK INCORPORATION OF "ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE COMPANY." Notice Is hereby given thnt the nndergiuHl have associated themselves together and have organized a corporation under the IJUVS of the State ot Nebraska, the name of the -corporation 3s "Electric Light Service Company." That the principal p!a«-e of transacting • its business shall be at Omahn, Nebraska; That the general nature of the bnsiness to be transacted Bhall be to do a general business us commission merchant aud selling agent; to carry on any nnd all business as manufacturers, producers, merchants. wholeBalers and retailers without limitation as to class of products and merchandise, and especially of all forms of electrical machinery, appliances and plants and to buy, sell, nianHfactare, repair, convert, alter, let, or hire and den! in electric appliaucos; to buy or otherwise acquire, own, hold, sell, convey, mortgage, rent, leas«, sublease or denl --with any interest in real estnte wherever situated including improvements thereon or belonging thereto. The amount Of capital stock authorized 1s $2r»,000.00 divided into UoO shares of the par value of $100.00 eneh. which stock shall be fully paid for when issued and non-assessable and may be paid for either in-money or other property for the value of such" property fixed by the Bonrd of Directors which Shall l»e conclusive. That the time of commencement of this corporation shnll be on the first day of June, 1031, nnd shall terminate on Jhe 31st U.-iy of May, IUS1. That the" highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation i s at nny time to subject itself is not to exceed tiro-fbiras of its capital stock. That the affairs shall be conducted -by a Board of Directors of nor less than tv.-o nor more than five nnd the following Officers, n president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer any two of which offices may be held by one nnd the B.itne person. | The number of directors shall be determined by the by-laws. J. B. KAT55, S. H. KATZ. Jn Presence of: Incorporatorg. Ixvia C. JLeviB. e-5-3i-«.
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 510 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
Uncle Sam Laxative Food
Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Made by
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PnoneATLANTIC O6j9 3J3
disgrace to Detroit, particularly to those of German descent." Lack of numbers at this meeting was made up in ceremony, pomp and a great deal of military show. A dozThe Little Theatre of Temple Isen Hitlerites in the "military uniforms of their organization carefully scru- Tel Aviv, Palestine.—(J. T. A.) —rael, Boston, Massachusetts, devoted tinized everyone who entered the halL Thousands of Zionist Socialists have to the production of plays of Jewish Shaken the World Just as it is impossible to speculate The red flag bearing the black swas- been arrested in Soviet Russia in the interest, announces a national oneon the full effects of Napoleon and tika, emblem of the Hitlerites, the last few weeks, the conference of the act playwriting contest. Plays must the Napoleonic period on the world's flag of the German empire ; of t i e Jewish Agricultural Union meeting deal with some aspect of Jewish life history, so it is vain to attempt a Kaiser's days with crosses and eagles, yesterday for the first time since 1926 and must be. submitted before Januprophecy of Freud's significance, supplemented by the Stars and was informed by a foreign delegation ary 1, 1932. other than to acknowledge its tran- Stripes, decorated the halL of Zionist Socialists which submitted A participant may submit more scending importance. In the years The roll of drums and a bugle call an authenticated memorandum on the than one play, but no manuscript previously published or publicly present-his maturity he has effected the marked the opening of the meeting, subject. . • r -thought, the language, and even the followed by the presentation of the The memorandum enumerates ed, orhaving won any prize, will ba -mores''of the civilized world. ' Psy-Fascist colors the giving of the Fascist scores of tragic instances of Russian considered. Plays are to be sent to choanalytic terms unknown before the salute, songs and the shout of "Heil, Zionists exiled to the farthest corners Rabbi Harry Levi, Temple Israel, days of Freud have almost lapsed inte Hitler, HeiL" of Siberia and -" Central Asia. The Boston, Massachusetts, unsigned. The Herr Gissibl's address was a comthe commonplace." • The significant memorandum also charges that hun- writer shall identify the title with MB flood light his theories have cast have bined attack on Jews, Catholics, dem- dreds of these Zionists are being tor- name in » separate letter. effected world habits; Our Literature ocracy, America, German-Americans, tured and kept in isolated prisons set Names of the judges, who will be teems with reduan concepts. Our Socialists and others. He warned his aside for political offenders, in con-persons eminent in the field of drama, changing laws and social manners re- gradually diminishing audience that centration camps or in "minus" which will be announced at a later date. Two veal the distinct influence of the phil- it would have to choose between the is a remote place to which offenders prizes of $25 and $15 are offered, Soviet Stiff: and t i e Swastika. -?We are exiled, far removed from indus- and other plays deemed worthy will osopher from Vienna.And there in the fcity of his choice will not be fooled by your sugar-coat- trial centers or places with concen- receive honorable mention. The Little he rests and works: a mild mannered ed democracy," he shouted. "America trated Jewish populations. Theatre of Temple Israel reserves the recluse who-without striving too has fought against us and is responsible Signed copies of letters and docu- right to present any of these plays shaken the world to its foundations. for the collapse of the Vaterland." ments giving details of the sufferings without payment of royalty. Prize But the speakers were challenged and hardships of the Zionist exiles are awards will be announced on or about (Copyright 1931 by the Jewish by their opponents in the audience also contained in the memorandum. March 1,1932. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) who told the Fascist spokesmen if they liked Germany, better they should go back there. Then the antdFascists walked out in a body.
Intellectual Sovereign • * - •
A Biography of Sigmund Freud, the Father of Psychoanalysis By SIDNEY WALLACH.
Last May Sigmund Freud, Profes- as people were beginning to say, of once a week on Saturday afternoon, a sor of Psychology at the University my race. I put up without much xe=| card party; outside of that, every of Vienna and father of the far famed gret with, my non-admission to theminute from morning till evening, or Freudian theories of psychoanalysis community; for.it seemed to me that rather till late into the night is used was seventy-five years old. For forty in spite of this exclusion an active to the last second for the uninterruptyears his name has stirred to thought fellow worker could not fail to find ed stream of analyses, treatments, millions" of intelligent men and women some nook or_ cranny in the frame- study, reading and learned pursuits. all over the world. He has aroused work of humanity. controversy and provoked enthusiasm; "These 'first impressions a t the Eternally Searching has achieved violent antagonism and University however, had one conse- "All his gigantic labors in the forms equally violent defense/" During all quence which was afterwords to prove of analyses, study and shaping of those years he has been a stormy pet- important, for at an early age I was conclusions,- this activity which has rel of the scientific and "philosophic made familiar with the fate of being worked directly upon thousands and world. And in all that time he' has in the opposition and of being put by extension upon mfllinna of men has lived quietly in the same house, in under the ban of the compact major- gone on for half a century without Hungary Awards the city of Vienna; has gone meth- ity. The foundations were thus laid helpers, without assistants, without odically about his tasks; has studied, for a certain degree of independence secretaries. Every letter is written Honor to Zukor with his own hand, every investigation observed, written and worked. Al- of judgment." Haverstraw, N. Y. (J. T. A.)—The ways he has been a man of extensive There is no doubting his independ- carrier out alone, every piece of work and arduous labors. A capacity for ence of judgment. It was made man- brought alone into final form. This Meeting a Success, Except That Hungarian Cross of Honor was conferred upon Adolph Zukor, motion meticulous, almost beaureaucratically and an urge to work have constituted Hardly Anyone Was in picture producer, at his country estate his most descriptive characteristic just ifest in his student years and early in dutiful turning to account of every Attendance near here by Count L. Szechenyi, as scintillating wit is the mark of his practice. And it has remained second of apportioned days become Hungarian Ambassador to the United George Bernard Shaw or paradox is with him throughout his scientific daemonic through the amount of Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—The Hitlerites States. Maurice Chevalier, Joseph the measure of the gargantuan Gil- career. Incidentally Freud came to work he accomplishes." science through a reading of Goethe's came out into the open in Detroit—' Schenk, Sam Katz and William Engbert K. Chesterton. What has been the substance of but they failed to conquer. The cham- lish were among those present at the essay Die Natur. Fifty years later Because of his colossal absorption he won the Frankfort Goethe prize for this well nigh painfully careful effort pions of German Fascism drew an ceremony. of this hour after hour and day by audience of less than 100 to a meetin colossal works his name has been his contributions to philosophy. day research into human realities. carried to all parts of the globe. It ing aimed for an attack on the Jews, has made him an intellectual sover- Starts Researches democracy, America and a dozen othTo answer that question adequately Beginning in 1876 he worked in a would mean to marshall the entire lit- er evils, but long before it was over eign and has placed him with Einstein, Lenin, Trotzky and Ford among psychological laboratory. He studied erature of current research and spec- half of them walked out on the the dominating quartet in contempor- under the eminent psychiatrist Char- ulation on normal and abnormal phy- speakers. . ' ary history. Einstein has modelled cot in Paris. Somehow he became in- chology. His theories have traversed Heinrich Spanknoebel, of this city, anew our concepts of the commos terested in a study of hysteria. From from the neurotic to the so-called nor- and Fritz Gissibl of Chicago, hailed Lenin and Trotzky have flung a per- .that time there was set in motion the mal kind. In a sentence it may beas the champions of German Fascism manent challenge to the world's econ- train of reflections that culminated in said that his work deals with the ex- offered substitutes for Bolshevism, omic order. Ford has dedicated to- his conclusions in psychoanalysis. planation of human behavior and Sovietism and all existing world evils day's and tomorrow's industrial life*. From 1886 until 1900 he resided in pleasurable or painful experience in —and their solution lay in a political And Sigmund Freud has thrown open Vienna, practiced as a physician and theories of a subconscious mind burd- alignment under the "swastika," the man's soul and probed deepest into began the accumulation of the mater- ened with repressions chiefly of a sex- emblem of Herr Adolf Hitler. And beial, for his many books. With the ual character and relieved by a skill- cause so few responded to the call of its heavily webbed recesses. of Dreams" began his ful catharsis through self revealation the German Fascists in the Deutsches - , Yet strip his biography of mention "Interpretation unconscious bid world fame. It and dream memories. Haus here, Herr Gissibl said it was "a of the immense achievement of hiswas not widely for noticed it first theories^and^ the jest of his life ap- appeared. .BuVwith the when years it Tollpears dull arid prosy. ': ed up a cumulative importance. It has since become the Genesis of the His Jewishness He was born' in Freiburg, Moravia Freudian psychologists^ and . even of in 1856. He studied at the University those leaders in psychologic thought . . . who still work on washof Vienna' and "at the Sorbbnne in (lflcejung andAdler) who have driftday . . . and have not discovParis. His Jewishness does not ap- ed from the master's ways." The book pear to have weighed heavily upon was the forerunner, of half score ered the.\, him.- Yet once he "delved into mem- others* in which he has continued his ories of his past and brought up "the researches and speculations on the history of the human mind. By his Automatic following pictures: efforts to answer nian's eternal "ques"My parents were Jews and I have Washer remained a Jew myself. , I have rea- tions he has reared to himself a monument of honor. ;?' son to believe that my father's family Qa 1 y old - fashioned", - were settled for a long time on the Stefan Zweig has written of. him housekeepers d r e a d Rhine; that as a result of persecution that every genius wears a mask and jwasbday.: Today washof the Jews during the fourteenth and Freud's is that of utter inconspicuousday: should be just as fifteenth century) they fled eastward ness. Somehow nature has contrived pleasant, as any day in . and that in the course of the nine- a balance to bis own tendency to live the week . . and it is . teenth' century, they migrated backj plainly. "None of his time," Zweig with, the Automatic from Lithuania through Galicia into tells, /'at once charilly and prodigally Electric "Washer to do, German Austria. •.'..'v expended, has ever been wasted on the washing. There is When in 1873 I first joined the Uni- .vain outward show, on offices and digno tiresome labor." They nities. There has never been any versity (of Vienna). I was met by terms, are so conyenir. some appreciable disappointments. demagogic substitute of the creative ent that every home Above all I found, that I was expected man for the created work. Every should have one. ' week of the thousands and thousands to feel myself inferior and an alien because I was a Jew. I refused' ab- of weeks of his seventy-five years folsolutely to do the first of these things. lows the same round of prescribed I have never been able to see why I activity; in academic term time a should feel ashamed of my descent, or, lecture in the University once a week; AUTOMATIC
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1931 sult of underweight in the youna adult a slowing of. the heart and lowering of blood pressure. In young women menstruation may cease. On account of the lack of fat cushions, the various organs of the body may show displacement from their normal anatomical position. The young underweight often shows a tendency to fatigue, a decrease in performance with regard to physical or mental EABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN % labor, and a marked apathy towards effort. Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York In the problem of overweight, we should always keep in mind that Telephone: ATIantie 1450 weight tables are not always to be DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor SAJBBI HARRY/ STERN OP MON- the courage to face these issues befollowed religiously, for they take no FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - Editor treal recently. described the dilemma fore they proceed with! their life toaccount of the physical make-up of FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent of ihe so-called neutral non-Zionist. gether. Merely to postpone does not By Dr. V. E. Levinc professor ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the individual. One who is longof bio-chemistry and nutrition, In illustration of the difficulties of settle a problem. boned and broad-shouldered and has a the Creighton University School neutrality; i e quoted the story narof Medicine. large palvis must take on more rated years ago by Shmarya Levin. CANADA'S TARIFF WALL MAY WHO WILL LEAD? weight than one who has short bones, campers had only one blanket result in the establishment of several YOUR WEIGHT narrow shoulders and a small palvis. When the seventeenth World Zionist Conven- OVERPRODUCTION OF RABBIS Three for their sleep tinder the stars. The manufacturing plants in Montreal fo The three American Jewish schools of theToo many young women who are 'fion opens at Basle next Monday, a new chapter right camper pulled the blanket in the making of Kosher products, inThe Advantages of Overweight. ology find themselves in a predicament this built like Asia are trying hard to bewill be written in Jewish history. At this historic his direction, the left in his, and the cludingiMatzoth, fat and cleaning (Editor's Note—Readers of this come Miss America. spring. A decade ago the number of American products. Canadians may not welmiddle camper throughout the entire Switzerland site will be decided the fate of the newspaper may receive answers to Jewish niovement which has started our people Rabbis, taught, qualified and ordained under night was left -without a covering. come these "by-products" of their any questions regarding the genera! policy, though employment may subject of health by sending a stampKitchen Chats on the glorious road to a national Jewish home- American auspices, was insufficient to fill the de- Thus it is always with the "neutral." tariff be afforded to large numbers of local ed self addressed envelope with their mand of the congregations seeking spiritual leadBy land. This being the first convention since the Jewish residents. "INTERMARRIAGE AND MIXquestions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, ers; today, only a small proportion of the 39 gradAugust riots by marauding Moslems in 1929, the Mrs. David M. Newman ture of races is advantageous to hu- Once it was said that trade followed Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) ShawCommission, the White Paper, the Simpson uates of the three schools have been called to manity at large," says Prof. Ernest the flag; now it may be said that Halibut Poulette Report, a series of events each adverse to thepulpits—and quite a number of older men are in A. Hooton in his newly-published kosher manufactures follow the tariff. We hear too many people speak of the biological disadvantages of overTake 1 inch slices of halibut and Jews, it becomes necessary for the Congress to search of positions. A survey of the situation volume, "Up From the Ape." In Yet we must not forget that form into rounds and fasten with a '--determine'anew what policy must be pursued to indicates that the number of congregations has many cases the children of mixed Hospitals throughout the country weight. overweight may have its distinct ad- tooth pick. Place in a shallow pyrex blood are found to be taller and of are struggling heroically against th attain our goal. The Palestine status has reach- not diminished, indeed, several new and thriving greater vitality than either of theinsuperable difficulties raised by thevantages. Fat, like the devil, is en-dish with butter and bake 20 mined a crisis because the Mandatory persists in itscongregations have been organized in different parents. In many Jewish commun- depression. The free wards are over- titled to its just due. Overweight is utes, basting several times with meltweak diplomacy, side-stepping the real issues and sections of the country. The plain, simple fact ities intermarriage between members crowded, but the wards from which not a liability in the first years of ed butter. Season with salt and pepnot co-operating whole-heartedly but instead is that the seminaries are graduating too many of the same Jewish social caste is not revenue was derived are almost life. As a matter of fact, it is better per and serve with Hollandaise sauce. empty. Operations are being post- up to the age of thirty-five to carry One-half cup butter, 2 egg yolks, 1 looking out solely for the protection of her own young men. It is not unknown, however, that the helpful to the racial stock. a few extra pounds of weight. poned and the middle class is spendtablespoon lemon juice, 1-8 teaspoon German Jews raise up barriers interests. What attitude is to be taken toward presidents of the Hebrew Union College, the Jewing an absolute minimum on medical cayenne pepper, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-3 These extra pounds serve good need against marriage with East EuroGreat Britain is a problem which taxes and per-,ish Theological Seminary, and the Jewish Institute peans, in the same way that Ashken- care. in times of emergency. The growing cup boiling water. Mash butter, diplexes the greatest Jewish minds but it is a prob-j of Religion have met to discuss the situation. zic alliances were once tabooed by the Pat O'Leary, struck down by anchild may be beset with many diffi- vide in 3 parts, put piece in sauce lem which this Congress must tackle and def-They have agreed to limit the number of their Sephardim. If the long-established automobile, was asked whether he culties. He must get acquainted with pan over hot water with lemon juice graduates. They will institute more stringent re- families would accept unions with wished to be placed in the pay ward the world about him. He must learn and egg yolks. Stir constantly and initely solve. strong and vital persons of rising or the free ward. He answered: "Put to conquer disease. He spends pro- do not get too hot as eggs and butThe Jewish Agency, the economic plan, immi- quirements for admission to their institutions. Jewish households, whatever their me in any ward that's safely Demo portionately more energy than the ter will separate. Add second piece gration, conciliation* the Legislative Council are Working with a more careful selective process, the origin and name, it would replenish cratic." But today, the Jewish Pat adult in his effort to master the art of butter, as it thickens add the third also among the issues, all vital to the future of law of supply and demand will eventually solve the race enormously. Jews need not O'Learys are sure to choose the free of living. In times of physical or piece of butter. Heat well, add water the Zionist movement and the Jewish national the problem. Many rabbis, now ordained and to marry out of the fold in order to gain ward without hesitation. It is said physiological strain the few extra and cook 1 minute. Remove and seastrength; they need marry that travelers to Europe are seeking pounds may stand him in good stead. son. homeland. But in our estimation these issues be ordained, will naturally be forced to abandon biological only with fine folk of their own race. accomodations in the third class and When sick he can rely upon his re- Or serve fish with tartar sauce. the profession. It will be a pity. But, in the long dwindle in significance before the real issue inConsiderations of money, influence that the steamship companies are do- serve to carry him through. One cup mayonaisse, 1-3 cup minced volve<nin Zionist life, and for that matter, in allrun, the fit will survive and find their places in and "yichus" too often thwart healthy ing all in their power to stimulate inchives, 1-3 cup minced gherkin pickDanger of Tuberculosis. Jewish life, an issue which is not in truth recog- those pulpits where, for whatever reason, the marriages. terest in this cheaper form of travel. must never lose sight of theles, 1-3 cup chopped parsley, 1-3 cup nized as such—unity and concerted effort of all leadership now halts or limps. Perhaps the pres- It has been known that ambitious Apparently they believe that a half factWethat underweight in early life is chopped capers, combine and serve. for the common good even if at a sacrifice, under ent oversupply will bring about quite necessary young Jews of East European line a loaf, or even a third, is better than a bar to physical efficiency. The Boiled salad dressing may be subHuman needs continue, partic young boy or girl who is underweight stituted for mayonaisse. a leadership having the support of every Jewishj eliminations in certain directions, and will lead to will deliberately remain bachelors none. ularly for shelter, medi is more susceptible than the wellrather than marry girls of their own member, a leadership that can speak authorita- an improvement of even the present fine tone of group, in the hope that ultimately cal care nourishment, and education. But thenourished boy or girl to the sensation THIS AND THAT tively for all. The General Zionists, or Central the American rabbinate.—American Hebrew. German-Jewish maidens of pedigree money with which to satisfy these re- of low temperature, and shows a Altar Brody, the "poet of the Ghetto" is one of the sponsors of an groups, the Revisionists, Mizrachi, Poale Zion, and wealth will eventually smile upon quirements is absent. greater incidence of infectious disthem. Oftentimes exter-marriage ocZeire Zion, Hitachduth—these are eloquent eviHospitals are borrowing from the eases and increased susceptibility to organization which proposes to pro"HUGH OF LINCOLN" curs because Jewish young men turn banks and money is being raised the common cold, influenza, bronchitis duce on Broadway Jewish shows in dence that Zionism is split into warring factions English . . . . Arthur Fleischman is aside from the Jewish community, against the future. What a ridiculous and tuberculosis. Announcement is made that at the request each of them proclaiming their partial solution doing the publicity for the Ludington thereby minimizing the "chance" of outcome of our present-day economic as an all-round panacea. No group can hope to of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith. the the Jewish girls. This creates social system. Capitalism labors and brings Excessive underweight or drastic Air Lines . . . . David Resnick who successfully battle great odds if it remains dis- Charges Scribner's Sons, New York publishers, confusion and weakens Jewish soli- forth the apple-seller at the street- reduction in weight before the age of enjoys almost a monopoly of the pubthirty or thirty-five may lead to the licity work of organizations having to united. Why can't all parties merge into one with will remove the old English ballad "Hugh of Lin-darity. * s " corner! complete break down of health even do with the blind, in a recent radio coln" from the next edition of an anthology of a single objective? In this dire hour of need our to the point of bringing on tuberdeclared that Babe Ruth and othleaders should in mutual consultation and by amedieval literature which is used in universities. IN LONG ISLAND, N. Y., A IT IS TOLD THAT WHEN PRESI- culosis. There has been as a matter talk er star ball players owe their prePresbyterian widow has established coalition of forces work out plans for improving The publishers state in a letter to Dr. I. M. Ru-her claim by a ruling of a Supreme dent Hoover lived in London during of fact a considerable increase in the eminence to unusually good eye-sight, war days, his automobile struck an our lot. Never have we faced such cataclysms of binow, secretary of the B'nai Brith, that in the Court justice, to bury the body of her inebriated gentleman who fell to the past few years in tuberculosis in proving again that "the ayes have it." Eddie Cantor and Dave Friedman obstacles and never therefore has there been such next printing of this volume "Jonne Armstrong" husband in a Presbyterian cemetery, pavement in a heap. Mr. Hoover in young women. Heart and Blood Pressure. have collaborated again. Title of the a need for sound, wise, and statesmanlike leader- will replace "Hugh of Lincoln" as a representa- despite the protest of his mother, a great distress leaped from his car and book is "Yoo-Hoo Prosperity.'" tive English ballad. There may also be noted as a reJewess. The latter asked the Justice lifted the tramp to his feet. ship. What a step forward it "would be if by to give her the body of her son so The gentleman let loose a string of some miracle at this Congress each faction .would This is welcome news. "Hugh of Lincoln," an that he might be buried as prescribed oaths which quite overcame Mr. Hooforget that it is working for its individual ends execrable Dark Age propaganda survival that has by the Jewish creed, the faith of his ver. "Never," he said, "have I had and remember only that it is striving for thelong been permitted to poison the minds of stu-people. anyone say anything like this to me welfare of the Jewish people. How woeful, de- dents in high schools and colleges, deserves im- The dead man's wife, on the other before in my life, but never have I plorable and suicidal is this process of mutual mediate relegation to permanent oblivion. hand, contended that since they mar- been more glad to hear anybody say three years ago, her husband had anything." Much is being said today strife within our ranks! The pale excuse persistently offered in the ried been a Presbyterian, and a member of about governmental leadership or case of "Merchant of Venice," namely that as a Masonic lodge, that he had baen lack of it, which must come to Mr. English literature it has some mystic, indefinable happy with her in his new religion, Hoover's ears. We wonder if he is STILL A FAGTQR value, has long been the defense of educators who and with her had attended the Pres- glad to hear it. If the country is When Shakespeare had his Jewish character, have insisted upon forcing the slanderous "Hugh byterian church. The mother affirm- really uninjured, as was the intoxiShylock,. say "I will buy wjth\you, sell with you, of Lincoln" invention of Dark Age hate brewers ed that all this did not mater. Her cated tramp of London, Mr. Hoover son had faithfully observed all thewill not mind the expletives. talk with you, walk with you, but I will not eat into the curricula of high schools of the land by Jewish feast days, she said, and he But if the expletives are accomwith you," he was giving expression to the non-way of Chaucer and his "Canterbury Tales." had come home to her to participate panied by genuine material -wounds Jew's idea of the essential difference between- Jew The "ritual murder" slander which "Hugh of in all Jewish rituals, and he had sev- in the body politic, the sensitive skin and Gentile. Even in far off China, where a tribe Lincoln" seeks to perpetuate is so patently, a eral times asked that when he died, of the erstwhile Food Administrator must be quivering from the millions of. Jews had for centuries been established, the monstrous lie of Dark Age design and proportions he should be given Jewish burial. Chinese word for "Jew" meant "sinew-pullers," that any effort to condone its circulation under The Justice listened, cited prece- of darts being flung at him. Perhaps and gave the body of the de- it might be an excellent thing if Mr. which was associated .with the Jewish method of .the guise of art and culture is an outrageous vio- dents ceased to his wife. For if he were Hoover might include in bis duties as dividing the slaughtered animal, so that certain lation of every right and principle that mankind buried in Jewish ground, said the Jus- president those of Food Administraparts would not be eaten. tice, the body of his Christian wife tor. holds dear.—Cleveland Independent. could not rest beside him when she In big cities as well as small the In modern times, however, practically all of died. The J. P. Smith Shoe Co., Cttlcaco, Mater* cry of the hungry is ascending on the rising generation readily admit their enjoyhigh. Harold Laski in an article A JEWISH TRIBUTE TO ment of a "ham sandwich," in fact, tosuch an THIS TANGLE OP HUMAN RE- quoted in the "living Age" brilliant1|LOYDGEORGE extent that one would think that kosher food as lationships has often occurred in cases ly analyzes our present leadership; it a Jewish question had .receded into the back- Ramat David, named in honor of David Lloyd of marriage between Gentiles and deserves careful and constructive perground. Nevertheless, very recently New York, George, is the second Jewish colony in Palestine Jews. The Bible declares that a man usal. should leave his father and mother Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, New Jersey, to bear thfe name of a non-Jew. He, for whom the and should "cleave unto his wife." •TWO PERPLEXED RABBIS" IS Shoes that help you meet speed with speed— and a few other states have adopted statutes colony has been named, bears one of the best He- Doubtless the Justice made a common the title of an editorial in "Landand cheerfully, continuously —are necessities t o making it unlawful for non-kosher food to be sold brew names. I t is one of our national symbols; sense ruling in permitting the Pres- Freedom," an "International Record day. Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes —the only shoes with that pep-producing, ease-insuring as kosher. Right today a New York commission the City of David, the Kingdom of the House of byterian wife to bury her Jewish hus- of Single Tax Progress" wherein the feature, the genuine Cushion Sole—are the is investigating the status and sale of kosher David, Messiah, the son of David. David Lloyd band in non-Jewish ground, in thediscourses of Rabbi William Rosenlogical shoes for a fast pace age. They articles with a view toward their regulation, after George is worthy of having the new settlement absence of any specific provision by blum and myself a t Passover are disare wings to your feet! the husband to the contrary. cussed. "Rabbi Rosenblum believed court charges had been made. This investigation named in his honor; he possesses a deep feeling The situation arose out of the fact that the present crisis would bring: &n Illustrated has at least brought to light the fact that the of respect for the Bible and for the People of the that no arrangements apparently 'industrial Moses to lead the people The Composite . *.A Dr. A. Reed Cushion kosher element in Jewish life is not quite as de-Book; he had a great share in the drafting of the were made by the Gentile wife and out of the economic wilderness.? Rabstyle that fits like a charm and puts you on « Kght'Stcpping basis. Black Kid, Broun Kid. cadent as had been generally thought. two historic documents—the Balfour Declaration Jewish husband. Intermarriage at all bi Newman said, 'No one can look upon the anguish of the unemployed times presents problems, but these and the Mandate, in which England, together The chief reason for this is that while a good can be in part avoided if the non- without asking that a new Moses The genuine Cushion Sole in Dr. A. Reed many of American Jewry are content to eat non-with other powers, announced the restoration of Jewish member thereto agrees to af-arise who will lead America and the Cushion Shoes is a shock absorber kosher foods in the restaurants, in their homes the People of the Bible to the Land of the Bible, filiate with the Jewish community world into a new Promised Land the kosher laws are one of the last forms of And more than ,once this great statesman has and faith, and bring up children if flowing with milk and honey'." . . . It larrups lassitude! Jewish ritual to be abandoned. The Jewish en- stood up in the defense of these documents. He any as Jews. "Strange," says the editorial, "it is vironment of the past has left its impress and differs from other statesmen in that his sympathy Too often, however, a laissez-faire that neither of these devoted rabbis In Omaha Only at The Nebraska so even in the laxer Jewish homes the Jewish at- for Zionism is derived from the depths of a rela- attitude is adopted by both parties to whose words are quoted apprehend S*«e Section—aiata FIooi—Nort* marriage; they decline to make the message of Moses. Strange, too, mosphere frequently remains and if the dishes tionship to the Jewish people and its achieve- their the initial decisions involving mat- that they apparently do not know of are not strictly kosher the meal is at least "kosher ments in the sphere of culture, religion and ethics ters of personal belief. The result is Henry George and his proposal to style." In New York City, where half of the and not solely from practical motives. There is that either their descendants or their make the message of the Hebrew lawJewish population of the United States lives, the no other statesman today to whom we are so in- surviving relatives are compelled to giver a vital force in our own age make the decisions for them. These and time." In other words Moses anproportion of meat killed as kosher is greater debted. are often painful and bring heartache ticipated the single tax and the proCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND "WOMEN than the proportion of Jews to the entire populaWe are grateful, and we award a place of to one group or the other. gram of Henry George. Moreover, a tion. The estimated Jewish wholesale meat bill honor to those non-Jews who* have aided pur pep- jYoung couples of different origins new Moses is not needed since H for. 4 year should be twenty-five million dollars. pie.—Jerusalem Dpar Hayom (Daily Mail), and ancestral. religions should have George has already come.
Fifty-three per cent of the butcher shops in New York are kosher. The persistence of some form of kosher observance may be further gleaned Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by from the purely commercial efforts made by cerTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY tain manufacturers, as cracker and soap compan. SIOUX CITY OFFICE ies, to assure the Jewish public that their proJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street ducts are within the kosher restrictions. Indeed, Subscription Price, one year - - - - - » $2.50 some companies deal only in kosher articles. If Advertising rates furnished on application recent statistics mean anything, "Kosherness'r in American Jewish life, though diminished in importance due to adaptation to environment, is still Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building a Jewish factor to be reckoned with.
Telling It
It is dear that even the single taxers can quote scripture to their own purpose. Woodrow Wilson once spoke of a "Single Track Mind"; apparently the followers of - Henry George have a "Single Tax Mind."
Erdm Contemporary Pens
You Mast Have Comfort i
to Bald Speed
TASE 'S—THE JJbJWiSH PEESS, T30DAT, JUKE 56,1931 HoHenblatt, in honor of the for i&e opera and theater Trill trail .a 35r. and -Mrs. David BoBcer nf hex daughter; Ittrs. B. Arbiteman, bit. High s ^ d i s s will i e featured daughter, ILanise, and Mrs. in loxmal evening gowns, but "She arms Mrs. Bolkert mother, have returned in memory a£ iker mother^ Mrs. Z. -will be bare, though _a "variety of in- from a -two-^-week visit -wilii relatives SLatleman, in honor of ttiie birth xt£ a grandchild; Mrs. Abe Clotz, in honor shoulder fim-rff;i capes andand friends in City, So. of the marriage of her son; Mrs. 1. Jackets wXD be worn. Anne ~Lm£znian ^retnmed Jflion- Saber, in %onor of ihe birth of a CoatBieachi»-fche hem of iiie frock TgTandchild; Mrs. B. Kiekes, in honor sxe usually unbelted, partially fitted, day from Minneapolis, Minn-, of -the birth of a graudchild; a memand are rather full -rmripr -tne aims. she attended ihe ^national mni ior Jewish social service. "While orial to Mrs. C. White, Mrs. Shapiro The shawl collar -will be good ngarp llliss 3iase 3Banerny -will 3K ionnred of £ birth of a grandchild. this season. 3?ur "will te extravang- "there she also -visited with friends. A Jewiah NatL 3Pmid box was colantly used. Mrs. Alex Xiipsman "who underwent day "this Saturday afternoon "with. s. lected from airs. JS. Ittendebson. appendectomy i s recuperating at party at ifir liome. TISITOES Nicholas Senn hospital. 'Guests s r e 'Grace X»oucks, TQvian Miss Jeanette "Wbitten of Des art ^fhfi Pontenelle Saturday given by MAEKLAGE tfc© Moines arrived Friday ID Jose i t e guest ^ . luncheon "was given Saturday by SHvermans •&B "WTHSPK Hazel livers, Gwendola Chnmey, Rae 'Goldberg, ^Pauline 313"Mr. Bud Sirs. W. 38br. and Mrs. H. _A. . Hesnick in honor of TWt«g 3Erances Tamer until nest l i v e in IJBS "the marriage of "their daughter, iBer- Hay, 3?ranees Smsley, Lenare Morton, Mn, TTarTJpt, ^Rfflrrrij Sarah Beber, Soof their daughter, Grace, "who "was Monday. •pbie Beber, 3Sdifh "WoHstm, Shirley iha, "to Hymie ^Wolf of Chicago. TEhe Isabel 3£nrovsky,~.NeIIie 3?edersen, iLugraduated from Milter Park school. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Silverman and -wedding \srill be ^performed iBunday xile ZHoagland, Tftmiel ^Peck, lEathexine 3?ox and Harriet Taub. Twelve guests were -present. Mr. and Mrs. 1H. E . Rosenblatt children, Hadassah and Elaine, left ! •evening, June 28, .cat ihe Beth Hame- i-Peterson, Gladys 3?errel ami Dans bave as their guest Mrs. Bosenhlatt .s last week for lias Angeles where they Miss T.minTi Nachschoen enterOF INTEREST TO W05IEN drosh Hndassah Yeshnxin synagogue, Schwartz. mother, Mrs. Ann Sobel and ner Bi tained -eight guests at a Pa jama will make their future home. A Jtussian samovar, brought ix> ,25th and Sevrarfl rstasetB. J&. supper ! ter, Mrs. Ann Lrpkand and infant Silverman has been very "-e party at her home Monday Mrs. America 3>y "the late David Ironikin, :at ibe "home of r&e bride's jjarents iiliKi'iCiBE daughter, Ariene, of St. Louis. prominent in local Jewish activities. evening in honor of Miss Alice 2vovMr. and Mrs. Morris A. Brandeis •was exhibited by his daughter, Mrs. follow rthe ceremony. She was the first president of the insky of South Sioux City, Nehr. Dan B. GTOSS, at a liussian program After ^ short ioneymoon, -fee eaa--were ihonored June 16, rfheir -nineMrs. Al Lavin and daughter, Mari- Besides Mis? Novinsky, the guests Jewish Old Peoples' Home, was presiand garden party driven by the literarple mil make :their home in Chicago. teenth -wedding anniversary at a BUT— -ture lyn of Chicago are visiting here with included Misses Betty Goldberg, "Lil- dent for four years of "the South Side Kliss Elizabeth department of the Omaha "Wom-prise -party given for "them by their relatives. lian Greenberg, Sally Cohen, Eva j Talmud Torah, had charge of all welan's Club at Ihe clubhouse the afterdaughter, TVTrss 3£ose Brandeis. Covers IBHITHS The marriage jof Miss Elizabeth; SchwaTtz, Bertha Cohen, and Rose fare work done by the Jewish Fednoon of Tuesday, June 17. Utabbi and Sirs. David A. Goldstein -were laid for twenty-five gnests and Eatz, daughter of Mrs. Ben Eatz, to! Mr. and Mrs. L. Bhimenthal andj el of Omaha, and Miss Fannie I! eration in South Omaha, serveil on Mrs. Gross wore a Hussian suma color scheme of green and white announce tthe birth nf a son :at ClarkJack Kaiman, will be solemnized at' son, Russell, and Mr. and Mrs. Maxj of Council Bluffs. High the "Welfare Board for several years, "was used. TEhe evening was spent in mer costume, "woven in a fine cross 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, June' Bavis and children, Lesley and Shtrson hospital Saturday. score prizes at bridge were "won by was president of the Hadassah, secstitch, and made by her own hands tplaying bridge. 28, at the U'nai Israel synagogue, ley of Hollywood, Calif., are Mis? Goldberg and Miss Greenberg. retary of the Council of Jewish Womwhen she was a child in TTkrainia. 18th and Chicago streets. and Mrs. Jack Xancoln with relatives here. en, served as chairman of the B.ciiShe saved the dress -to wear -when Mis? Anne Zali motored to Des gious committee of the Conservative mounce rthe birth of is daughter, Miss Elsie Lazarus will be maid of she, became old enough "to come to lEsther ^Elaine, June 22, at :ihe ZLord Mrs. Barry JErankfil had nine .guests America. But she found the costume honor; Mrs. A. S. Zalkm, sister of -the Mrs. L. Orloff of Marion, Ind.. is Moines, Iowa, Friday, returning home Auxiliary and "was president of the a t a luncheon at i&e iFantenelle Monlister hospital. visiting: "with her niece, Mrs. Julius Sunday. She vras accompanied back Ladies of "the Golden Hill. day, and Tuesday. Mrs. "William inappropriate in New Haven, Conn., bride, Miss Mary liorney, and Miss Newman and Mr. Newman. home by heT mother, Mrs. M. Zalk. Dorothy Sahzman, "will be brideEwhere she first made her home, and Boasberg entertained twenty-^two 5HIGHLAND COUNTRl' CLUB who had been spending three weeks thereafter used it only for masquerThe second of a series of open luncheon guests. in Des Moines visiting her daughter, Miss Rose Forman has as her! ade "parties. Mr. TCni-man -will be attended by his h o u s e ufiSts PAINHNG Missfis M a r C o h n MTS : L e a a r d 3iouse nights -was -held at Highland brother, Bernard, as best man, and A.< ^ ^ ^ i " ^ Hockenberg. The gown was displayed at the exB.ONOH TARTY a GUARANTEE Mrs. Nathan "Wiseman and daughCountry club Saturday. Among Avery, of Tulsa, Okla. hibit of the Nebraska Artiste' asso- S. Zalkin, Oscar Taub and Ejeith Pehz a n d that COUNTS! ter, Merriam, leave Sunday for a tfhose who made reservations for the The annual Bummer dance of "the ciation at the Omaha Public library as ushers. { Club, Central Sigh School fraMAX SHRIEK'S SONS Paui Rubinstein of Denver is visit- short stay at the Okoboji lakes and evening were TVTTB. A. "W. Brandt Jionoh isrnity,-was given bist Monday on the in 1921. Little Esther lEaiman, sister of the Quality Deconitare ing in Omaha foT a few days. "While SiotK City. THTS Michael Katleman, for -eight Athletic Club roof. A large numbeT Decorations of orange and black groom, will be flower girl, and Deima | AT. £744 ttes. J A. 7855 jruests; IMr. and .Mrs. lieon Stern, for of out-of-town guests attended. The were used on the lawn •where tea was May Zalkin, Marva Lansky, Maedell, here, he is staying at the home of Mr. MT. "Wiesmar. and son. Charles, and Mrs. Morris Bialic. -will join "them week-ends. •eight guests. Hichlin, pages. Xittle Louis Eatz will Gollege Cuib orchestra played for the served, be Ting bearer. affair. PERSONALS Daughters of Zion The S a i Hesh fraternity entertainOMAHA LACE Miss Hose Steinberg "was named j The bride-to-be has been entertainMrs. Harry Abramson and son, The Omaha Daughters of Zion -wish -ed at iiheir annual Kuminer dance at the "best laugh-maker" at Camp ed by Mrs. Max Tvat7., Mrs. B. Kai- Morris, left Friday foT Hollywood, | to announce donations for the Jewish islLVEliMAKS WILL GO ABEOAD LAUNDRY -the Highland Saturday, ^Reservations -where they Jji. and Mrs. Harry Silverman are Brewster -where the North and Cen- man, Misses Dorothy Saltzman, Edith -where they wl will visit Mrs. Abramson's! National Fund collected by Mrs. B. EXCLUSIVE -were made for sixty. leaving July 1 for Montreal from. tral High school girls spent a week. Baron, Mrs. J. Richlin, Misses May brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Rosenblatt, treasurer of the organizaCURTAIN *aiEAN£KS Mrs. M. S. Iavrngston unLartamed -where they will sail to spend the re-! The announcement was made at the and Rody Pelts, and TVlrs. J. Cohn. Mrs. 1. Mitchell. They "will remam tion:—Mrs. M. Brande, in honor of "WA. 1350 — 5007 Leavenworth After a short honeymoon, the con- for six weeks. the Bar Mitzvah of her son; Mrs. S. six guests at ihe "weekly woman's day mainder of "the summer abroad. They' closing banquet a week ago Thursday awards and "thej pfe will reside at the Theodore Terat i;he club Tuesday to honor Mrs. "will visit ;in England, France, Swrfc-'. night. Life-saving "Happiest," "Best all John Quigley of Kansas City. MTS. zerland, Germany, Belgium and Hoi-. '"cutest" and other leaders were race Apartments. land. ! Around," Thilip Levey bad four guests at 'luncheon "that day. Golf and bridge Their children, Bob and Margie, named. Miss Steinberg, "who -wasdress fabric. "Wools are the chosen •will leave June 29 for Los Angeles to graduated this June, is a "member of materials for all other eostumes. followed luncheon. be -with "their grandparents, Mr. andthe national honor society. Black "wil! be the smartest color, Mrs. JS. M. Levey, duringthe absence with the rust shades and the browns; J Mrs. Michael Katleman again anAlthough it may seem a bit prev- close second. White is still of "their parents. SIXTEENTH AT FAKNAM nexed honors at the Highland by ious, fall has already marched into chosen color for evening, "with black winning low net honors in "the "weekly If you want comfort m the golf Unix, coolness in the spotlight with the showing of ad- flame, guardsman blue, and the pasBADASSAH ladies' day competition -with a net the afternoon; jaunfxness on the street; crispness vance costumes at the fashion revue BEEAEFAST tel shades strong competitors. score of 36 for nine holes. sponsored by "the League of Advertis-will have a The Junior Street dresses "will come to about in the evening and fashion wherever you go— 3n class B Mrs. Thilip Levey "was breakfast Sunday morning, 8 o'clock. ing Women of New "Fork. eight inches from -the floor. Dinner low -with a net • count of 40. The committee in "Velvets — Dull, carded, chiffon, and dance frocks will be comfortably A -twio-ball mixed foursome vdB. be charge consists trf Miss Alice Sfinkin, -transparent, and cotton—-Itead as fall long, barely touching, "while gowns ATI^IND THIS FASHION .SELUNG at Highland Sunday." chairman, 2nd "the !Misses .Annette Sender, 32tiffil Staler, Uose and Hose Tuns. . Reservations may be made by call-, ing any jnember of :the cammittee. care being planned :for «ach of .coming
A June Bride
TThe Highbmd iield -a -stag -party, "Wednesday ^afternoon and Evening in lionar of 3isw anembers. A ;gc3$. -tournament vnth jirizeE for -the •vaxiOUB events was a feature. IFollowing dinner, Bobby Jones' jgolf picture was Bhown. Over H0O TeservationB -were made. Hew -members are Abe W. Brandt, Joseph E. 3losenfeld, 31. "H. Bbjzer, Burke B. Bene, ZLeon Stem, Harry Biseman, J. A. I'aTber, -N. G. Samuel, Ernest 3Togg, ;Bam H. Stinger, Jake Slosburg, Jr., -Harry IPeflmeter, 3Ben; Bilver and Victor Shapiro. •; HISS PIZER DELEGATE TTD JCHETA SIGMAIKHIJttEET Miss IRoslaine 3?izer, daughter Jttr. and Mrs. Simon Bizer, left day for Columbia, Mo., ^where attend i;he "national xonvsntion of Tbeta Sigma 3E*hi, national 3ro •J'; i|ournalistic sururity. Miss Sizer i s -president off ihe braska chapter, -which : is sending 3ier BS chapter delegate. iShe :is acfive -on ihe ^Nebraska campus -where ;sbe is xditor of ^he *3T" iook, publicity xhairman of His ~S. W. C. A., n. anemlier of the Daily Isiebraskan staff and was junior attendant a t ~±hs irecenf Ivy day iestivitieB. iShe 3s a, member JBf .Sigma Delta ICan Borurity.
RESSES Flit Off Ev to Shop This Event
wear em
Mrs. David iChesnean, -ca 3!ecent Ibride, "who -was "Miss JQara iScnreibanan, -was lianor guest » t » Jnncneon
\ | Wednesday mad \\ '•* Thursday Specials U Smra-Jlat fie | Wet-Wash
3WB be crisp, ami
I NATIONAL HArney 77545 . E. EAELAN. Tnrp.
1 Malashock's j FDETOUE
Jewelry Meeds 16th anfl Howara •
SUk Crepes, Silk Shantungs, Normandy Wmle, Linen Eyelet Batiste* CMffon Wmle, Shanray, Silk Picque* Cotton Mesh
Planned to Set ihe Entire Town TulMng
Omaha's Style Center
m&B xnH Bhiifi Lungw 3*astel t«idfib jacket, annSels •wfflnmt BnsemblcB in "fire iniffit ynu've -ypn-ttirR sunnner.
iciures J"*\!« * WAW-'^ "*
THEIR AIMEE BACK HOME—Photo shows a part of the vast, throng gathered at Los Angeles station to greet Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, high priestess of Angelus Temple, on her return from a world cruise.
ANOTHER "LONE EAGLE"?—Ruth Nichols, famous aviai trix, is busily engaged in New York in mapping route she' hopes to follow in making a transatlantic flight—the first' solo Atlantic flight attempt eiiice the epochal achievement of Colonel Charles Lindbergh. Miss NichoJs plans to take off from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland.
JUDGED BEST "(AND UGLIEST)—Miss Elfie Hayden holds her prize-winning bulldog:, Beanzo, declared best in his class at Aqueduct, L. L race track.
LIKE DAYS OF OLD—Here are some of the prancing steeds which will carry plumed and armored knights in the streets and parks of Minneapolis,-Minn., during the .thirty-eighth triennial conclave of the Knights Templar of the United States, from June 20 to 27. Most of the figures are of heroic aiie and will lend much color to the elaborate decorations.
NEW FLAGSHIP OF U. S, FLEET—The U. S. S. Pennsylvania, modernized battleship, will become the flagship of the U. S. fleet in September, taking the place of the U. S. S. Texas..
BEAUTY J'SHOP"—IN CHINA—A Chinese beauty operator is seen at work on the Bund, principal, thoroughfare of Hongkong, China. An American sailor looks on.
VETERAN STAR OF PASSION PLAY TRAVELS iTHE ENEMY!—'Tis the quiet before the battle—planes at rest at Fairfield air depot, Dayton, O., prior to beginning "attack" on American cities as part of huge maneuvers covering a large part of the eastern ~~ •'•'' "''. ' Jialf_pf th^United.State*'' *
By the Way
Makes Presentation
ITAIIAN MINISTER lAx&uLMli ltll|ll»llljiH
Urges Students Avoid Danzig and Vienna
liminary to this congress, a confer ence of Hebrew teachers federations from Poland, Koumania, Czecho-Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia and Palestine will be held here shortly. This conference will organize a permanent exchange of Hebrew teachers between .Palestine and Eastern Europe. A beginning has already been made by1 the Tarbuth Hebrew School Organization, of Latvia, which is sending a.number of teachers from thsflr country for one year in Palestine, wbie «. number of Palestine teachers will come. to Latvia for a similar period. An ^exchange of Hebrew students between Latvia and Palestine is also being organized.
Russia, so they tell us, has taken America for its industrial pattern. I t Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The central By DAVE) SCHWARTZ even plans to out-machine and outexecutive council of the Jewish Stuefficiency" us—if I may coin a phrase. dents Association of Warsaw appeal; • In that connection, a little anecdote ed to all Polish Jewish students, PAID TO EAT related in the Manchester Guardian is studying abroad, as well as to Jewish As this i s being -written David Lawapropos. Leader Points Out That Fascism student organizations everywhere, rence is bidding for the Washington "Mrs. Trotzky-was complaining of to boycott higher institutions of Differs Greatly from Post. Lawrence now runs a Washthe lack of ambition of Turkish, handHitlerism learning in "Vienna and Danzig, beington paper—the United States cause of repeated attacks on Jewish : Daily, but that, a purely government icraftsmen. Rome•; iS. T. A.>—-Fascism i s a .na.students there. i>' ' i "If we had a pane of glass broken, chronicle is caviar to the general.: It tionalist movement but one that does The world congress *«f Jewish stu-; •would be interesting to s e e what a most important pane of glass, and not base; itself upon racial'prejudice dents which was t o have been held in would happen to the": Washington send for the glazier, it i s months beand in ibis way it differs absolutely Danzig this year w31 not be held newspaper field, if Lawrence, an [ex- fore he comes. He says,/Why should from German Hitlerism, Alfred Roceo, there because of the numerous attacks ceptionally able newspaperman should I walk with my tools just for one Italian minister of justice and «ults on Jews. pane of glass? Now, if you were to take hold of the Post. ] ,: and one of the most influential leadThe world Mizrachi conference has break them all 1 . .'." Some years ago, Herbert-Hoover Berlin.—A conference to lay plans ers of the Fascist government, de- been transferred from Danzig to and Julius Barnes bought a .WashingThe Trotzkys, i t appears, are very for the convening of a world congress clared in an interview with the JewBasle for the same reason. ton newspaper, with some sort of no- American, if. we may judge from this for Hebrew culture and for the creaish Telegraphic Agency. There is no tion of making it '"ia" national daily. .anecdote, and maybe, that explains tion of a world federation for the race problem in Italy where various I happened to be a member of its in part, why Russia has gone effipropagation of Hebrew culture will be nationalities and races have always staff at the timev Nqthing came to ciency mad. held in Berlin June 21 to 22. Delemixed with each other and assimilatthe Barnes-HoovJef hopes however, gates representing the Hebrew Tared, Signor Rocco pointed out. cannot take responsibility for the in- A VOICE PROM AUSTRALIA buth schools of Eastern Europe and Since the signing of the Concordat numerable dinners. After v three -•'•''By way of the Hebrew Watchman federations of Hebrew teachers, writbetween the Fascist government and hours spent at i some dinner, I was of Memphis, I am in receipt of a leters and youth will participate. the Vatican the status of Italian told to write j\&t a stick/Thentaoniiig iar from a long way off. The writer Jewry has improved greatly, the JewAmong those organizing the conRiga.—(J. T. A.)—A world conwho, what, and when, and-let it go at i s Rabbi Jerome Mark of the Liberal ish religious communities having been ferences are Dr. Simon Bernfeld, Dr. gress of Hebrew teachers will be held that. I was really paid to «a't Synagogue- of Melbourne, Australia. accorded official recognition and givin Jerusalem in the summer of 1932, Max Soloweitschik, Dr. Meier Pines, Rabbi Mark, it will be recalled, is the Above i s shown Cadet Sergeant regiment on behalf of the unit, at the LAWRENCE AND A it was announced here. The most im- Dr. Jacob .JQatzkin, Dr. Solomon en many rights, Signor Rocco said. first minister of the Reform or LibHerman Goldstein left, son of Mr. conclusion of the annual encampment NATIONAL DAILY Referring to the school questions portant business before the congress Rawiwowitsch, and Dr. Alexander eral wing to take a pulpit in that, to and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, 102 North last week. •' The Hoover paper was. sold. Towhich has become an acute problem will be the organization of a world Rosenfeld, all of Berlin, and Moses us, mysterious continent of Australia. 54th St., presenting a ring to the reGoldstein has been appointed a day, it is in other hands yet the for Italian Jewry since the Catholic federation of Hebrew teachers. Pre- TQeinman, London. ; It is tittilating to one's ego, to feel tiring lieutenant colonel Stephen Dor- captain for the Central regiment for Hoover idea that Washington should Church was granted permission to that you have a reader as far off as sey of the Central High School cadet the year 1931-32. have a paper of national prestige i s give religious instruction in the pubthat How did the old song go? sound, and Lawrence, if he gets hold lic schools, Signor Rocco emphasized Something like: "when its midnight of the Post, may turn the trick at to make souls instead of faces beauti- that Jewish elementary schools in here, its Wednesday in Australia." I THE SOUTH CAROLINA which "Herb," with his numerous f u l . . . He is editor of "This Quarter" Italy have the same rights as other am writing this, in the bright glare MOSES FAMILY other irons in the fire, failed. of the noonday sun, but just at this Harry Simonhoff, an erstwhile a highbrow literary publication in schools. Special textbooks for Jewish As the situation stands today moment, the sun is hiding from Mel- member of the South Carolina legis- Paris . . . and both of the Madam's children in Jewish schools will be alWashington's dailies are not partic- bourne, and 111 wager Rabbi Mark lature and now a prominent member sons are at Harvard. lowed as a substitute for the Catholic ularly noteworthy. Its neighboring has been asleep for several hours. Its of the Miami bar writes: textbooks used in other schools, he deYES, YES—WHY city, Baltimore, has a daily press, in- fascinating, thinking of Australia bat clared. "You stated on one occasion that Chayim was a sallow, undersized, finitely superior to it. lets get to the letter. Adherents of religions other than the Jewish encyclopedia does not undernourished fello^ — just in that Lawrence should make a welcome the Catholic have access to the highmention the name of a Jewish Am- indifferent age between adolescence addition to the list of Jewish pro- A NOVEL STORY ABOUT est posts in the country, the minister bassador to Mexico during the Civil and manhood. prietors of newspapers. It is of justice stated. Among- the Jews NAVAL AFFAIRS war. 1 can supply you with many Chayim stood at one of the New strange thing that while there are holding high office whom Signor Rocsuch omissions. For instance, Chief Rabbi Mark had read the story of York street corners, as a fiery evangany number of good Jewish newspaco cited are Leopold MagTiea, general Justice Moses of the South Carolina this column about the phrase, "gesunt elist was expatiating on the faith. permen, there are very few Jewish prosecutor of Ban province, and RaThe preacher was just then in the owned papers. You can almost count in pupick arein." The American phil- Supreme Court before 1861, is not phaelo Ancona, president of the Anmentioned. Nor is ever any refermidst of a most graphic description them on your hands. There is Ochs osopher, Emerson, once complained cona court of appeals. He also spoke ence made to his son, Franklin J. about the squeamishness of his counof Hell, which he assured his hearof course, owner of the New York of Prof. Cesare Vivanti, one of the Times, generally regarded as the trymen who tremble before some of Moses, Governor of South Carolina, ers, awaited them, unless they repent- greatest authorities on Italian comduring the carpet-bagger period. He ed and confess their faith. country's leading newspaper, and these words which seem just a little mercial law, and the three Jewish Ochs also owns the Chattanooga taboo in polite society. I confess that was no doubt a first class scoundrel, The preacher cajoled, coaxed generals, Liuzzi, Segre and Pugliese a thief and what Southerners are I suffer myself a little from this Times. And there is Paul Block, who threatened, gesticulated, orated, dewho are regarded as the leading milowns a big string of papers. But squeamishness and hesitated to cite pleased to call at scalawag. But hav- tonated and fulminated and whipped ing a niche for himself in the Hall of itary experts of the country. the phrase; "gesunt in pupick arein," after you've mentioned these two his harangue to a conclusion with the Fame, he deserves mention." but Rabbi Mark makes me feel better, Long, medium or short, these names, you have about exhausted the query: "Do you want to go to hell. Rome—Rabbi Alessandro da Fano, field. I Should also mention perhaps by telling me something I did not To which, we may add the com"Vy not? " said Chayim composnew three-in-one stockings are dean of the Italian rabbinate, was toa chain of papers, owned" by a Jew, know, that the phrase really has ament, that while the scalawag son edly. the answer to your problem. day accorded the Order of the Grand named Adler, up in the middlewest scriptural background. The Rabbi who was governor, should perhaps writes z .' ;z'WHY HE WORRIED Officiale, the highest distinction ever and a few scattered sheets in Hie rest have been: excluded^ we agree with For several days, the guard had given to an Italian rabbi since the of the country.-—*^ •* -—--j.,."l^wondjjjr.;if yon age aware that^ Mr. .^SimonbQff as to' the father who of t i e Italian kingdom*, r (Continued on page &.)-—.— the Yiddish expression i s based; on waV chiex^jiistice, against^whorif the Perhaps, not altogether a tad finger of scorn was not appointed. , Proverbs/ Chapter Three, tVerse ing, but compared to the Jewish eminence in ."the theatrical field, not Eight. There the writer indicates THIS AND THAT "Just Around the Corner from Every tldng" \ strong, in my opinion, when you con- that the Fear of the Lord shall be Edward Filene, big department •t sider the thousands of newspapers in "health to thy navel." And . . . if store owner, has written a book, you have heard this one, stop me . . . the countryhave three graduating but I wonder whether you really did "Looking Forward in this Machine hems with double lace PULTIZER'S TABLOID hear it. A doctor was introduced to Age," which will soon be published "Hemlocks" which EXPERIMENT . . . Lewis Browne is maintaining his a lady as the "leading naval surgeon may be folded in. While on the subject of newspapers, in the U. S. A. To which she made record of turning one out about every smoothly to adjust the the Saturday-Evening Post in its cur- comment, "I know your profession is year—bis latest, "Sinco Calvary " a proper length of horent issue recalls tHat the late New specialized, but I did not realize that history of the church will be out on siery to the length of York World, in the days of Joseph you went that far." June 30th . . . Helena Rubenstein, so leg. Pulitzer one day experienced with a reports go, has cleared over ten miltabloid newspaper. The tabloid ANOTHER VERSION OF lion dollars, supplying beauty wants 1413 Douglas Hosiery Section—First Floor World sold like the proverbial hot THE DITTO STORY . . . her husband, Edward Titus, tries cakes, yet Pulitzer, says the Post, reThe Cleveland Jewish Review and fused to - continue'it. He took the Observer relays a letter to us from ground that" a newspaper was some- Arthur A. Dombitz of Philadelphia - -— - _ - £ thing more than "hot cakes'* and that (can i t be a relative of the late scholthe tabloid policy was inconsonant arly Lewis N. Dombitz?) with the^ best ideals of journalism. Mr. Dombitz tells a different verHe was a strange man—that man sion of the ditto story, which was Pulitzer. He could Jake as lofty a current thirty years ago. Instead of stand as this—refuse to tabloidize his ditto, the phrase then was "do-do," as paper for more mercenary gain, ;and the. abbreviation "do" was used, inyet at times, he would stop at noth- stead of the ditto marks. Solomon ing to gain circulation—even war was right about jokes anyway. There Pulitzer and another man, now still is nothing now in that line, it seems. outstanding as a national publisher When a story gets to be as old as of a chain of newspapers, even help- thirty years, you can safely resurrect ed to bring on the Spanish-American it and dust it off and pass it out as war—-just for circulation. At least brand new. such is the charge of a contemporary Does anybody know any other real historian. . old ones-?- ' - •" • • • > : ' . •-
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FAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY; J U P 26; 1931 Jewish Parents Scheme Keeps Personally, we are more easily inspired in more proletaran places. Put Tabs on Baby's Cries us to write in a beautifully carpeted, Philadelphia.—(J. T. A.)—Th.0 hf marbled sanctorium and our blood ventive genius of Dr. and Mrs. Leon congeals. Give us a newspaper office By F. E. K. Levy had added to' nursing science. instead, the old fashioned kind, with Finding their living and dining room* lots of paper on the floor, telegraph so far from the nursery that they basket of rose petals. Artie KulaGREENBERG-SAKS machines clicking, and the din of a could not keep regular tabs on their kofsky of Omaha, in a white suit score of typewriters—and more fe- - The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagotwo-months old son when his nurse gue in Council Bluffs was the scene and -white beret, carried the ring on was away, the ingenius parents hav« cund flows our fancy. . of a pretty wedding Sunday evening a. white satin pillow. installed an amphlifying system with, when Miss Esther Saks, daughter of Dr. Ben Greenberg of New York AH news for the Sioux City page a horn in the hallway connected to s DR. SPEISER NAMED Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks, became the City was his brother's best znani microphone over the baby's crib. must reach the Sioux City correSEMITIC PROFESSOR bride of Max Greenberg, son of Mr.and Dave Greenberg of Omaha, anspondent not later than Tuesday AT PENNSYLVANIA and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg of Oma-other brother, and Harold Saks, When the baby cries his parents iq evening, to appear in the issue the <Babbi' H. B. Rabinowitz returned other rooms can hear him and taka ha. Babbi Herman Cohen of St.brother of the bride, were grooms- the necessary action to stop his wail" ; following Friday. Please mail newsi this week' from a trip through the Philadelphia ( J . T . A.)—Dr. EphPlans have been completed for the Paul, Minn., uncle of the bride, per- men. 1 ing. ' ' picnic sponsored by the Ladies' Inde- to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, south, which he made in. the interests riam. Speiser, who headed the archaeo- formed the ceremony at. eight o'clock Mr. Greenberg and his bride left or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock. of the Jewish National Fund. While logical' expedition to Iraq last sumpendent Farane, next Sunday aftergone he- visited New Orleans, Mem- mer, where most valuable data was in the presence of 350 relatives and that evening on a six week's honeynoon in Riverview Park. moon trip to California. RECEIVES MEDICAL HONOR phis,, Tennessee, St. . Louis, Missouri unearthed, has been made fall pro- friends of the young couple. Committees who are in charge of The bride was lovely in a gown of and Chi«agx»4; :: , • fessor in the Semitics department of PASSEB-HURWICH the arrangements include, Mesdames Philadelphia—Dr. Jacob Furth «rf . ''Conditions in these- cities are not the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. white lace, fashioned in the prevailMiss Eva Hurwich, daughter of the Henry Phipps Institute, UniverJ. Shulkin, I. Klass, J. Lefkovich, B. ing mode, with long tight-fitting Mr. and Mrs. M. Hurwich, became Shindler, I. Levinthal, M. Levich, N. , One of the largest social affairs of encouraging," said Babbi Babinowitz, Speiser is twenty-nine years old, maksleeves. A white satin sash defined the bride of Ben Passer, son of Mr. sity of Pennsylvania, today received Magilensky, M. Kantrovich, J. Sha-the season was the Question Club "but liiv spite of the hard times, work ing him the youngest full professor the gold medal class 1, the American the .Waistline. Her long veil of lace and Mrs. M. Passer, at a pretty Medical Association's highest award piro, L. Herman, H. Herman, J. Zelig- Summer Formal, given at, the Shore- in Jewish Communal Institutions is on the faculty of the University. and tulle was worn cap shape* caught son, J. Widesky, M. Dervin, M. Bb- acre Gardens last Tuesday 'evening; progressing,; and is not being cur- Prior to his present elevation Dr. wedding Sunday afternoon at five Speiser for three years was assistant with orange blossoms, and she car- o'clock at the Beth Hamedrosh Hag- for a scientific exhibit of individual zofsky, H. Haifets, S. Greenstone and Jimmy Lewis and his band furnished tailed." / . :' : L ••.'• ': : professor in the Semitic^ department, ried a Bible, bound in white crepe, odol Synagogue, 19. and Burt Street, or original investigation in the field A. Atkowitch. the music for dancing and provided a 'or two years he KeJdYthe Guggen- from which fell a shower of orange in Omaha. Rabbi H. Grodfnsky per- of medicine. The presentation was Games and sports will be for the number of entertaining novelties heim fellowship and^for two years blossoms. A necklace of seed pearls formed the ceremony. Mrs. Sam Boff- made at the annual convention of the afternoons entertainment. throughout the evening. Forty couples prior the Harrison Research fellow- was her only ornament and white man was ia.itron-of-honor, and Leon Association. attended the dance, among whom kid gioves completed her costume. Dr. Furth demonstrated the results ship. .'. ' I : Hurwich, brother of the bride, was (Continued from page 7} were a number of out-of-town guests. L of researches in the disease leukemia . Mrs. Louis Shaf ton of Omaha, Dr.- Speiser is planning to resume best man. Milton Bolstein, Lawrence Baron, of humans and animals. sister of the groom, a s matron-ofhis researches in the Orient in AuA wedding supper for about fifty Leon Dobrofsky, and Cecil Seff were noted Mr. Silver standing In front of honor, was gowned in peach-colored relatives was held at the home of in charge of the arrangements for the the new gigantic Empire State Build- gust. chiffon and wore white lace mitts, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurwich in president; Louis Weinberg, recording; A number of Jewish students, at- affair. ing. secretary; Morris Brandeis, financial white slippers and carried Ophelia Omaha. tending Central High School were One day the guard came up to him: roses "tied with an orange bow. The Among the out-of-town guests who secretary; Sam Eosenthal, treasurer; honored by special recognition in the Mr. and Mrs. I. Pearlman of Mus-"What's the idea of always coming maid— of honor, Miss Sonia Saks, attended the wedding were Mrs. E. Michnick, guardian, and Messrs. High School Annual, which is pubatine, Iowa, visited last week at the here and standing in front and looklished by the Student Body and reJerusalem.—(J. T. A:)--Qn the ocf sister of the bride, wore white or- Louis Passer of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs.Sam Steinberg, Simon Steinberg and home of their son-in-law and daugh- ing at the building. If you have seen casion of High Commissioner Chan- gandie with green accessories and E. Steinberg and children of Detroit, Max Steinberg as trustees. leased last week. ter, Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, 2914 this building once, you have seen it a The installation of the new ofcellor's return this morning,-the Offi- carried red roses tied with a green Gisela F i l l w a s selected as one ofNebraska. Other guests of Dr. and dozen times. What's the ideah, huh? cial Gazette announces that a notifi- bow. ' The bridesmaids were Miss Mich., and Mrs. M. Evidon of Min-ficers will take place at the meeting: the four representative Sophomores Mrs. Shulkin during the week were 'Tin worrying—I'm worrying," re- cation of a twenty per cent remission Florence Glassman of Iowa City, and neapolis, Minn. for the year. Placing first in the Mrs. M. Hirsch of Chicago, Lou and Mr. Passer and his bride left that to be held next Thursday evening, plied Mr. Silver. of the tithe for 1930 and a fifty per Miss Buth Kulakofsky of Omaha. evening for a honeymoon trip in DesJuly 2, at eigth o'clock at the Eagles music Tournament held last spring Sam Pearlman of Muscatine, and Dr. "What are you worrying about?" cent remission for 1931 will become Hall. All members are urged to atgained her this distinction. Jack Pearlman,, who graduated this "You see its this way, Mr. Guard, effective. The 20 per cent remission Miss Glassman was gowned in white Moines, and upon their return will tend. Sulamith BeresMn was chosen as spring from the School of Dentistry organdie with a sash of pastelbe at home at 2120 So. 9. Str. in you see I own a building on the East "or 1&30 is in addition to a previous one of the four representative Jun- in Iowa City. Side and only one-thir full — and Iremission of 30 per cent' announced colored crepe. Her slippers were Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky announce iors. Her high scholastic rating arid pink and she carried pink roses. Miss don't know what to do—how to make last July. the engagement of their daughter, election as Editor of the High School Kulakofsky wore white lace with The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim the payments on my mortgage, so Mrs. William Mazie and Mrs. Victor Fannie, to Mr. Max Pirsch of Omaha. Becord were instrumental in giving what I am trying to figure out is how The redaction does not apply to rosecolored slippers . and accessories, Society held an election of officers No date has been set for the wedher this honor. . ! Mazie were hostesses to forty guests expect to fill up a building like this?" orange groves.v?-3airther tithe reduc- and carried a bouquet of pink roses. last Thursday evening at the Eagles ding yet. Marvin Klass and Morris Marsh at a luncheon bridge in the Davidson tions are being^considered for both Miss Betty Saks, another sister of Hall. Ben Kubby was elected pres,;were chosen as two of the four rep- Tea Kobm last week, honoring Mrs* NEW YORK BLACK MAGIC 1930 and 1931jmirops^destroyed by the bride, as flower girl.was frocked ident to succeed Ben Seldin. Other Maurice Xatebnan spent the past resentative Seniors. The former, a J. Shapiro, of Kansas City, who i s It happened in sophisticated New locusts, field rnicejand^drought. in green silk crepe and carried a officers chosen were Max Conn, vice- week-end visiting in Des Moines, la. visiting at the home of her parents, member of the debating team, High York, where everybody i s uptodate School band and Orchestra, held the Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie. Other out-of- and cultured and modern and educathighest scholastic rating of the boys town guests included Mrs. H. Wahl- ed—or supposed to be. in the June Graduating Class. Mor- stien of New York City, Mrs. E. M. It was shortly after supper that ris Marsh, who won the American Finkelsteien of Los Angeles, Mrs. H. Richard X heard a rap on his door. History medal because of his unusual Uatstien of Muscatine, Iowa, and "Come in." ability along this line graduated in Mrs. F. Karlow of St. Paul, Minn. There stood before him Zelda—a Mid-year with the highest scholastic young American woman. Zelda seemMiss Buth1 Davidson has arrived ed the average American Jewish type rating of that class.from' * Chicago and i s spending1 the —but there was a look of distress on summer months with, her parents, Mr. Zelda's face. Along with Zelda came SIOUX CITYAN HONORED and Mrs. Abe Davidson, Bellevue her father — a middle-aged man, 1 : AT A. Z. A. MEET Apartments. equally average looking.; .;c"'What can I do for" you?" asked Isadore Mirowitz, 910 Nineteenth Mr. Nathan Pickus of Waukegan, rabbi. Street was elected treasurer of the Illinois, is spending several days with the 1 The father took the initiative i n Missouri Valley Association of the relatives and friends in the city. talking. He explained that Zelda had A. Zj A. at the* closing session of the had some trouble with the colored Convention held last week-end in Mr. and Mrs. W. Cl Slotsky and elevator operator; The matter- had Omaha. Mr. Mirowitz is President of children have departed on a trip been taken to court, and the colored the Local A. Z. A. Chapter. <' . : through .the Black Hills. operator had been fined:—and now said Official delegates from Sioux City the father, every time Zelda sees the to the convention were Alfred Albert Mrs. Harry Glatstein of Muscatine; elevator operator, she is sure that he and Isadore Mirowitz. Others who Iowa, is visiting at the home of her attended the meetings are Morris Lef-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harkoway. is working "Kishuf" (black magic) on her. When the father; came to the kowitz, Morris Marsh,'Alfred Levich, word "Kishuf", he scarcely' said iti as Jack Eeznick, Emil Levich, Will SlotsForty friends surprised Mr. and hissed it. ky, Lawrence Silverberg and Dave Mrs. H- Feinberg of Jefferson, S. D., Of course, the first impulse of the „ Kaplan. at a party, in honor of their 25th rabbi was to tell thsntio forget it— Wedding -Anniversary. Bridge was that i t was all nonesense.' But: one followed by a buffet supper. look at the couple sufficed to Convince him that such advice would • be > comMiss Elsie Brodkey has returned pletely wasted. home for the summer months after "You are a man of God," concluded Members of the National Workers spending the past year studying, at the father—"can you tell us how we Alliance gave a Basket Party at the University of Wisconsin. T can put to naught this kishuf ?" Riverside Park, last Sunday afterThe rabbi mused. "Will you'promnoon. The proceeds were directed Mrs. B. Stepner and Miss Dora towards the organizations work in Zelek are guests at the home of Mr.ise me to do everything I tell you?" Certainly joined Zelda and her < Palestine. and Mrs. B. H. Emlein. father. Mrs. N. Elkin won the prize for the "Well, first of all j'every morning most attractive basket and Mrs. A. Mrs. Nat Cohen of Chicago, Illinois, Rosenthal won a statue which was visited at the home of Miss Mildred and before going to bed, Zelda must recite the Shma- Israel — and every raffled off. Treads~checked; Tires properly inflated Buth Baron, last week. time she recites it, she must put a coin in the "pushkey." The Iota Tau Sorority met last Enjoy your holiday without worry about "flats.'** And then concluded the rabbi, "you Wednesday evening at the home of both must immediately move from Miss Charlotte Gelfand. After a busiOld tires are luxuries. Tire up new for Summer} your apartment to another. ness meeting during which plans for A week passed. Again a rap on Babbi T. N. Lewis has returned to the club's Semi-Formal Yacht Party LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR OLD TIRES the door. It was Zelda v and her the city after spending the past two were furthered, a luncheon was served. 1 father again. They: were beaming. 'Special Offer on Goodyear All-Weathers and Double Eaglet weeks visiting in Chicago, and attendThe rabbi's advice had worked wonding the Central Conference of AmerMiss Buth Orlikoff was hostess at a lowest Price*, Finest Tires, in History! ers, they said and they came to thank ican Babbis in Indiania. He was ac- bridge party Thursday evening in her him. companied by Mrs. Lewis. Summei home, honoring Miss Ethel Fisher of Services are held at the Temple every Omaha, who is visiting here. LUDWIG AND INSPIRATION Friday evening at 7:30, with Babbi Emil Ludwig is back, telling a few Superior to many makersMugh priced tires. Lewis reading a brief service. interesting things—notably the fact Supertwist Cord Carcass' Miss Freda Sloutsky of "Cedar that he sold outright his first biograBapids, Iowa, is a guest at the home phy, that of Napoleon to his AmeriNEW CLASS ORGANIZED > of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sloutsky. can publishers for $1,000. Had he AT TALMUD TORAH had any anticipation of how the book 4.10-21 4.75-20. would sell, he ' could easily ' have (29x4.4p) (29x4.75) A new beginners class has been orMiss. Shirley Wolf departed recently cleareed a fortune on it. On a royalganized at the Hebrew School, for th« for New York and points east where ty basis, I suppose, Ludwig; would 4.50-20 summer months. The group, unde: she will spend the summer visiting have earned a couple of hundred - Q the tutelage ; of J. Aizenberg meet: friends and relatives. (29x4.50) (29x5.00) thousand on the volume. By the way, every morning during the week. Wasserman did a similar trick. He 4.50-21 5.00-20v July 17th has been set for the date Mrs. Joe Hoffman, Mrs. L. Bern- sold outright his "World's Illusian' the Hebrew S,chool vacation begins, stein, and Ben and Homie Bernstein to the American publishers for $500. ' (30x4.50) (30x5.00) July 15th the School will hold a pic- of Minneapolis, are guests at the home Ludwig has been seeing the sights nic in Eiverside Park. 4.75-19 5.25-20v of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eobinow. of New York again—and was partic(28x4.75) ularly entranced by the Morgan semi(30x5.25) Mr. and Mrs. L Levin announce the private library. Mrs. M. Kozberg of Los Angeles, So. impressed indeed, that he told California, and Mrs. J. Eedler of S brith of a son, on June 24. • LOW PRICES ON ALL SIZES • the custodian of the Morgan Library, Paul, will arrive in the city Saturday that if he were permitted to write his to spend several days visiting at th Federation Superintendent honje of Mrs. D. Berkowitz.;" Returns from Convention next book in that, library, he would give Morgan 10 per cent of the royalMiss Bose Lipman, Superintendent ties. of the Federation of > Jewish. Social The custodian of the library replied Service, returned Monday from Min- that he didn't flunk Morgan wouljl be neapolis where she-attended the Na interested in the ten per cent, but ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. "We feed the multitude" tional Conference of Jewish Social that he would convey the proposition Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Omaha, Nebr. Phone AT. 6427 Service, and National Social Service to Morgan. "If I could write there, With Tasty Foods I'd be inspired," Ludwig said. Conference. . - . '; ^OBEEMAN BROS., Proprietors
Council Bluffs News
« ^
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Rabbi Rabinowitz Returns from Trip
Social News
Central High Students Honored
Palestine Cutting Tithes 5ft Per Cent
National Workers Give Basket Party
TIREWTLBESME AIX TYPE§\ . , ALLSIZES . . . ALLPRICES Before you leave, come in for a
Rabbi Lewis Returns to City
5*60 5.69 6.65
.10 8.30
National Tire Shop