July 3, 1931

Page 1

Interesting . and f Entertaining

Interests of The Jewish Cortimuqtty '• Jfiutered AB •ecouaw •£r Salt matter oo Januarjr z v i m , at postofflce at (Imnha £• £«fc«u under t i e Act. of March 8. W7a


OVERMi l m


Palestme Uewry Has Low Mortality; Rating-

Starts Auspiciously


Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Palestine Jewry has the lowest mortality percentage i n the world, being 9.6 per thousand, according to a statement submitted to the Jerusalem health secretariat by the Jewish National Council. In the last five years infantile mortality among Palestine Jews fell 50 per cent, the statement points out. Infantile mortality among Jews here is 60 per thousand, ^wbieh is lower than the infantile mortality in Germany and England. Infantile mortality in the Emek is 30 per thousand, the lowest in the world.



Harvard iii Law, Visits Here David Sher, 23, son of Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher, is spending the summer here with his parents, after having graduated from Harvard Law School "coxa laadq." Only< twenty-four out of a class of 360 in the Harvard Law school graduated thus with honors. Sher also has an B. S. degree from Harvard Arts College. During his studies, there he was awarded three scholarships. In his second year of law he was appointed one of Boston's defender's of the indigent before the courts, and in his third year was made a member of the advisory board of students, being salaried to lecture to the freshmen, write briefs and analyze cases. While Sher has as yet reached no definite decision as to where he intends to practice, he is contemplating locating with one of the leading law firms of the east, particularly in New York City.

IX.—No. 23


The Jewish. Community Center work and having appeared in several Summer Play School was inaugurated Central High School operettas; SelTwice Recently that Authorities Some Say United States May for: this year Wednesday morning, ma Levin, who has attended. Brown District Convention to Be Hel(J July;: 1,'with prospects bright for an- University and Rockford; Rose ForLessen Country's Chances in St. Paul July ^ Have to Act in Palestine other banner season. A capacity en- man; Harriett Greenblatt, and Mrs. - by Anti-Jewish Move 5, 6 and 7 y' Situation rollment helped brighten the opening Greenblatt. The distribution of milk will be unBerlin (J. T. A.)—Jewish sporting of the kiddies' month of constructive Seven hundred delegates and visit' Basle.—(J. T. A.)—That the der'the direction of Mrs. I. F. Goodcircles here are up in arms -as a replay. ' ' ors from four Canadian provinces^ yention of the United States may be She will be assisted by Messult of the decision of the German William Holzman, president, of the man. Nebraska, North and South Dakota* necessary i n the event that the movedames Sam Green, William Levy, M. sports authorities not to permit the Jewish Welfare Federation.and ComWisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, ment grows to convert Palestine from Berlin Bar Cochba to participate in and Minnesota, comprising District a mandated territory into a country munity Center, greeted • the young- L Gordon, B. Friedman, Howard Mildthe British Olympiad. The refusal to rrand Lodge No. 6, are expected to where Great Britain will practically sters at the opening ceremonies. E. er, Morris Jacobs, Al Newman, Philip allow tiie Bar Cochba athletes to comattend the sixty-third annual convenrule without assuming any obligations M. Segal, physical director, charmed Levy and the Misses Tillie Rice, Ruth Kendis and Blanche Zimman. pete in the British meet is particulartion at St. Paul, Minn., July 5, 6, 7. to the Jews is ,the opinion that pre- the children with some stunts. ly surprising since some of Germany's Community singing -was. led by Miss At the Mayor's Recreation CommitSam Beber of Omaha is present vails in Basle where the delegates to leading sprinters and distance runsecond vice-president of the district. the Zionist Congress are anxiously Iilyan Chudacoffl Miss Chudacoff, tee meeting held at the Creighton ners are members of the Bar Cochba The Omahans who will attend the watching the present session of the music director of- the school, has as- University gym Monday morning to Club. sisted in the music department at conclave include Henry Monsky, welcome Mayor Metcalfe, the mayor Mandate Commission. Athletic officials claim that the Bar Harry Lapidus, Irvin Stalmaster, Sam ' It was reported here that the Man- Central High School and is frequent- called on Samuel Gerson, director of Cochba athletes were barred from the Beber, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Dr. the J. <! . C , praising his work in condates Commission was considering a ly heard over radio station WOW. A. Greenbergj Philip M. Xlutznick, British Olympiad because they did not nection with the . inauguration and project to remove Palestine from the Several new members have been Dr. Meyer Greenberg and Abner Kaifile their entry blanks in time. Later classification of a mandated territory, added to the Play School staff, ac- advancement of the Summer Play man. this explanation was changed and it thus relieving Britain of its pledge in cording to Miss Sophie Rbsenstein, di- School. He evinced eagerness for the was admitted that other consideraRegistration for all B'nai Brith city to support; such a project. The the Balfour Declaration and: of its rector of the schooL They are: Janet tions prompted the exclusion of the members will be held Saturday night, obligation to establish the Jewish Na- Graetz, piano pupil of Carl Tanberg Center Play School furnished the inJewish athletes. Unbiased athletic when the General Committee will also tional Home in accordance with the and voice pupil of Mrs. Carol Mar- centive for the school playground be in session. The conclave proper, PaTestine Mandate. hoff Pitts, having done some solo which-opened this week in Omaha. Chief Judge of New York Is quarters are of the opinion that the will open Sunday morning with adJewish athletes have been kept at • The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Highly Praised in Windresses of welcome from state and home only because of anti-Semitic learned that Italy is strongly objectning Award city officials. The convention banjealousy and the fear that the speedy ing to this project which also involves quet will be held Monday night. The Bar Cochba relay team may bring New York <J. T. A-)—Chief Judge France's giving up her mandate over election of officers will be held TuesBenjamin K Cardoso of the Court of some distinction to Jewish athletes. Syria while both France and England' This is the second time within a Disturbances Are Result of Rul- day. Appeals of New York"State is one of remain' in Syria and Palestine reA reception, music, dancing, golffortnight that German athletic circles the three winners of the Roosevelt spectively in control of finances and ing Adverse to Nagi Stuing, sight-seeing tours, ladies' enterWarsaw. — (J. T. A.)—Between Medals for distinguished service dur- have manifested anti-Semitism. Two military affairs and the people of dents' Desires tainment, tennis, bathing and boating a third and a half of all the phy- ing 1931, according to an announce- weeks ago the Democratic press these two countries govern themsicians i n Poland are Jews, statis-. ment by James R. Garfieldj president urged the German Tennis Federation Vienna (J. T. A.)—The Egyptian are included in the program prepared selves. Forty-Rye Needy Youngsters tics made public by the economic to reconsider its decision to deprive of the Roosevelt Memorial Associaconsulate in Vienna has lodged an of- for the entertainment of the visitors. France is understood to have anAre to Get Summer Most of the Omahans who will atsection of the Yiddish Scientific tion. In awarding him the medal the Daniel Pram, German singles cham- ficial protest with the Austrian fornounced her ultimate Teadiness to Vacation tend the convention plan to motor to Institute in Vilna show. In Lodz, pion, of his titles and amateur standeign ministry against the hoodlumannouncement says: .give up the Syrian mandate in which St. Paul the second largest city of Poland, ing. Prenn, who was supposed to be ism of Nationalist students from the "As Chief Judge of the New York case Palestine would remain the only The Children's Health camp sponmandated territory in the Near East, sored .each summer by. the Nebraska 56.9 per cent of aB the physicians Court of Appeals, it has been said of a member of this year's German Davis University of Vienna who beat up and thus strengthening the position" of Tuberculosis association will open on practicing there in 1926 were Jews. him by a former Governor (Alfred E. Cup team, has not been reinstated injured a number of Egyptian stuDuring the same year there were Smith) that he 'embodied every quali- and his disqualification is generally dents whom they had mistaken for those who demand an end rto 'the Pal- Monday. 7,310 doctors of anedidne through- fication consonant with the ...highest laid to petty Anti-Semitic jealousy on Jews. rniandate.. Everything is in readiness at the Greatly embarrased by the actions Tie United States, al- camp house, located on the hills' at out Poland. Of these only 5,775 judicial ideals; a scholar.of immeasur- the part of tennis officials. 7^ gave their religion, -and of this able attainments, a - lawyer of unof the Nationalist students, who in : thcmgh not a member of; the^League 78th and Center streets, awaiting the number 1,905, or 33.5 <• per cent, their anxiety to wreak vengeance on bounded legal eruditions,^ the. very coming of forty-five of Omaha's most of Nations* is also involved in matters gave, their'religion as Jewish. - It embodiment of impartiality," fairness Jewish students because of the AusCincinnatL—(J. T. A.)—Since its concerning the Palestine Mandate needy children. Here, they will "x is believed, however, that most of and justice^ . ..-':.•;,.--".•_• ^ 2«4**fan* Constitutional Court's decbri ' foundation in 1929, the Loan Society, Tests: on the American-British Man- main until Septembdr^lst going the~4,535 physicians who <!id not invalidating special privileges for the of the B'nai Brith Mexican Bureau, "~"Ai a"time wh«n-some of the lower ; through a * "dally"reiSne^of Health da*e Convention t£ -December.3, 1924, give their religion are also Jews. courts have been under fire, his inNationalist students have , also .at- situated in Mexico City, has aided and officially proclaimed i n effect by building and health instruction.... 5 tacked a number of visitors to the Ro- Mexican Jews to the extent of. more tegrity, love of justice and highmind'^rtsSeht Cooliage in December, 1$25. Last year thirty-one children .were tary International Congress, the Aus- than a million dollars. The Loan Soed approach to the duties of his post " The purpose of this treaty was Tiot cared for at the camp and with the Seattle.—(J. T. A-)—The question trian government issued strict or- ciety is still operating successfully. have been « model and an inspiration ~only to assure the United .States nuniber this year being- increased to to the courts throughout the country, whether the Christian church shall ders to the Vienna police to put an When B'nai Brith established its .every right in mandated territory that forty-five,' every' available space in proselyte among the Jews is <one of end to the student disorders. and a token to the public of the Mexican Bureau nearly ten years ago, the Allies acquired from Germany and the camp house wfll be used. soundness of their judicial system.: the most important on the agenda of in order to ameliorate the condition As a result of this order and the Four Jewish children were among "her allies but particularly to give efHis penetrating mind and unusual' lit- the national council of the Congrega- disturbances when the students at- of thousands of impoverished immi'fect to the 1922 joint resolution of those given this privilege last sumerary felicity have -clarified for the tional Church and the general conven- tacked cafes and beat up guests, the grants from Europe who found themCongress which viewed with favor the mer and there are four others who establishment of a Jewish National will go there this year. London.—(J. T. A.)—Having carv- legal world the function of the judge tion of the Christian Church which police surrounded l i e University dis- selves barred from the United States are now in session here. Both sects trict and the unruly students were by the immigration laws, it was with Home in Palestine. The Doctors' Wives Club bridge ed a permanent niche for himself in in shaping and developing.the law. agreed to merge into one body. roughly handled by the police when the purpose of eventually helping the "His judicial opinions and decisions and tea. benefit which w a s . given at aviation's hall of fame by completing The Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Halliday, they sought to renew last night's riot. Jewish community of Mexico, to be the camp June 19th netted the camp the first successful glider flight have high authority in all parts of the able to "stand on its own feet." By; fund close to seven hundred dollars. across the English channel from United States, revealing a spirit con- general secretary of the national 1929 that community was aided to church extension boards of the comBerlin—The introduction of the and back to to England vinced that human sympathy is not The fund is still lacking, however, for France bined denominations, is strongly opprinciple of racial discrimination not such an extent that it was feasible to the care of the extra children. The France, Robert Kronfeld, Austria's incompatible with judicial integrity posed to missionary work among the only into the universities but into all establish a Loan Society. premier flyer, claims the prize of $5,-. "I am an optimist regarding the fu- public are urged to send their camp and reverence for the past, and a Business men were enabled to earn ture of- Palestine- Jews have never donations to the WorldrHerald Health 000 which the London Daily Mail has mind 'supple enough to go ; to the Jews and he is supported in his views matters of the rights of citizens is fa offered for the first round trip glider great armory of legal maxims and by the Federal Council of Churches vored by the Vienna -Neueste Nach- a livelihood as the result of this Fund, failed:'when they have been deter- Camp column this week. committee on goodwill between Jews richten, the organ of Foreign Minis- and only a year ago, B'nai Brith felt mined to achieve success. The aspira'•If those who contributed to this flight across the treacherous channel. draw out the one best fitted to bring tion toward a homeland is deep-root- work last year could see the good Kronfeld's exploit had added dan- the law into accord with the present and Christians of which Dr. S. ter Johann Schober, the Berline: that it might gradually withdraw; ed in Jewish tradition. The oppor- their dollars have done here they ger in that the trip back to France strivings and deserts of mankind. His Parkes Cadman is chairman. Tageblatt reports today. This is in di from its Mexican work, confident that tunity presented today to make this would.be happy and proud of the fact was made in darkness. The Sunday creative intellect has played a signifiWhile there is a strong sentiment in rect contradiction to the statement the Jewish community there could dream come true is one denied our that they are among those who Dispatch editorially hails his pluck as cant part in the adjustment of legal these two denominations for a vigor- made last year by Herr Schober t take care of itself. forefathers. It must not fail." The recent troubles of the JewisK brought health to frail little bodies giving tremendous stimulus to this and judicial conceptions to changing ous united Christian evangelist move- the Jewish Telegraphic Agency thai ment to convert the Jews, the general the equal citizenship rights of thi market vendors in Mexico have howThis was the opinion expressed by and color to pale cheeks," stated those new branch of aviation. Last year social conditions." ; Kronfeld was awarded the internaformer Senator Nathan Straus, jr. in charge. Judge Cardozo, who is a native and belief is that Dr. Halliday and Dr. Jews will always remain unrestricted, ever made a continuation of the work Flyers Trophy for 1929 and the. an- resident of New York, is of Spanish- Cadman will be upheld in their stand the Tageblatt points out. necessary. Mr. Straus declared that the rebuild"Give these kiddies their chance ing of the Jewish National Home in next—give them a chance to boast: nual aviators prize of the Interna- Jewish ancestry. In 1927 he was and that plans for proselyting of Palestine will be an "anchor" for the ^Oo-hoo Skinny, I'm going to the tional Aviators League for his gliding elected for a full term as Chief Judge. Jews win not be given official sancachievements. At one time he held Jews "in the midst of a bewildering Health Camp Tomorrow'." When former President Coolidge in tion by the united denominations. the gliding distance record now owned and often antagonistic world." 1927 invited Judge Cardozo to succeed by a German. Baltimore Youth Wins the late Oscar S. Straus as a member The Austrian flyer's glider trip was of the Hague Tribunal, he declined on Scholarship France to Suggest Britain Madrid.—(J. T. A.)—As the first fect on world Jewry as well as on Baltimore.—(J. T. A.) —Reuben made 146 years after Jean Pierre the ground that he did not believe a Make Palestine Crown Colony articulate move of Spanish Jewry, international liberal opinion. The Cairo.—The Eastern News Agency Robert Kramer, student in sculpture, Blanchard, a Frenchman, and Dr. A. judge should hold any other office. announces that it learns from reli- who won the Beinhart traveling schol- Jeffries, an American, first spanned A unique one-act play will be pre- granted complete religious liberty and Federation also voted to take steps to able quarters that the French mili- arship at the .Maryland Institute this fiie channel in a.halloon, in 1785, and sented next Wednesday evening, July equality by the Republican regime, investigate the national archives and 8,-at 10 p. m. over radio station WOW leaders of Spanish Jewry from Mad- to study rabbinical affairs and to intary authorities are preparing a year, has sailed for England to visit 22 years after Bleriot made the first : airplane flight across the channel in during the weekly hour of the Center rid, Seville and Barcelona gathered vite Jewish scholars from abroad to scheme to abolish the' French man- Jacob Epstein, the famous "sculptor.! 1909. Kramer, has also won a scholarship at Players Guild, when Mrs.3 Herman here to organize the Federation of study the Jewish question and Jewish date over Lebanon and to declare it a ; Jewish Communities of Spain. Ignacio history in Spain for which purpose the Institute for next year. '* French colony. Los Angeles,—(J. T. A.)—The Tal- Jahr's proteges will give "Song of Bauer, the leading Jew of modem funds will be sought from Jews mud Torahs under the auspices of the Psalms," based on the Biblical "Song Spain, was elected president of the throughout the world. Steps were Jewish Educational Association closed of Psalms" and written in blank Federation. also taken by the Federation to estabtheir doors on more than 600 children verse. lish cultural contact with the Spanish The Federation adopted a number Mrs. Jahr is enthusiastic about the Washington.—(J. T. A.)—For the for lack of funds. For a period of time given to the Guild and the re- of important resolutions dealing with Jewish centers in Spain's eastern first time since 1862 immigration dur- several months the teachers have sponse received from the audiences Spanish Jewry, the most significant colonies and in the Mediterranean 1 ing the present fiscal year will fall been working without pay in the hope Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—In order to I is now more or less self-supporting, below 100,000, the total not being ex- that the United Jewish Welfare Fund listening ' in. Besides a great number of which was one instructing Senor countries. The newly-organized Federation supply Jewish students at Oxford and advices from London are to the pected to exceed 96,000. This is the drive recently completed would bring of phone calls at the studio, letters M. Ortega, a member of the Federawill link the Jewish communities of have been received from distant effect that an ever growing number' tion's council, to approach the govUniversity with kosher meals, the lowest figure since 1862 when 91,985 them relief. Madrid, Barcelona and Seville for points, including Memphis, New Mexernment with a request that it reLondon (England) Lodge of B'nai of students are taking advantage of immigrants were admitted. Before The drive was not a success and no ico and even Africa. open the famous synagogue in Toledo cultural educational and religious afBrith has been financially supporting the kosher food. 1914 over 1,000,000 aliens were ad- money was forthcoming to meet a defairs. "We would appreciate it if those as a Jewish house of worship. scheme during the last two years ficit. . The London lodge, during the past mitted every year for six years; listening in and liking our weekly ereby a lady keeps a restaurant year supported among other things, This ancient edifice built in 1360, Immigration officials set the numone-act plays would write to the was turned into a church after the for Jewish students. The restaurant the Jewish Adult Education move- ber of emigrants in the last year at studio about it, as this would aid us expulsion of the Jews in 1492 and it Bira Bidjan-Bound Jews ment in England, which it founded 60,000, unfavorable economic' condiArrive greatly," Mrs. Jahr stated. three years ago, the Habinah Players, tions here and the lower cost of livbecame known as El Transito. In Moscow.—The first group of Jewthe Sabbath Observance Bureau, and ing in their native countries prompt1888, this structure dating from the ish workers from the Argentine who the Palestine Research Committee. days when Jews, Moors and Chris- are bound for the Jewish settlement ing aliens to return. Paris (J. T. A.)—With anti-Semitic Will Help Business tians lived together in the famous Philadelphia (J. T. A.) —: The incidents in France no longer unusual, New York.—(J. T. A.—The scienat Bira Bidjan, Far Eastern Republic* The lodge is also considering the Castilian City, was converted into a Jewish population of Philadelphia is organization of a Jewish youth fraBerlin.—The notorious "hate pray- the Jewish community was startled at tific improvements of industrial orarrived here. The group, consisting 235,000 or 12 per cent of the total ternity similar to the American A. Z. ers" introduced into the public schools a report of the first Jewish cemetery ganizations and methods Juad the in- national monument. The interior of 33 people, was welcomed by th* population of the city, according to.a A. of B'nai Brith. Such an organiza- of Thuringia by the now repudiated to be desecrated in France. An old crease, iffusion and stabilization of decorations, which are in the finest local Jewish Communists at a special study made by Ben Rosen, educa- tion would have hranches all over Hitlerite minister of education, Dr. and historic Jewish burial ground at prosperity are the aims to which the Moorish style, were cleaned and re- celebration. Fourteen other Jewisli tional director of the Associated Tal- England. The lodge will publish the Wilhelm Frick, were abolished today Rosenwiller, Alsace, was invaded last Twentieth Century Fund, founded by stored. workers also going to Birn Bidjan, mud Torahs.. The. 1930-31 American first number of.its own newspaper by the provincial diet. The motion night by vandals who smashed twenty Eward'Filene of Boston, has turned joined the Argentinian In instructing Senor Ortega to take Jewish Year Book gave Philadelphia !early-in July, and its latest endeavors banning the prayers was supported by tombstones and did other damage. A the attention of its philanthropic ac- steps to have the synagogue reopened, at Hamburg. All of them are stalled 8 Jewish population' of 270,000 as of are in the direction of establishing a members of the Socialist, Communist, search for the vandals has thus far tivities, according to the annual re- the Federation declared that such a workers and have brought a full com1927. .'.', _. _-'• / . ~ • _ Jewish statistical bureau. .port, - ^ _ - . . . - r ^ - ~4—- * n j Peoples and State parties, ^f^^ proven fruitless. reopening would have «n excellent ef- plement of tools with them.





Over a Third of All PoMsh Doctors Are Jewish





Unique Jewish Play Over Air Wednesday

Los Angeles Talmud Torahs Close Down

London Jewry Contemplates Junior W^ai Brith in England

Philadelphia Jewry I 12 Per Cent of Total

Annual Immigration Reaches Low Ebb

Anti-Semitism Gains fieadway in France

Spanish Jewry Establishes First Kehillah Since 1492

' 1, V ? - "

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931 As a member of the Jewish fold petual slumber, the. Ne\? Palestine! the result was twelve injured .and many more J where the rule of "gam ^H Jatov" appears to have gone -on that 18-day placed under arrest. holds sway, I suppose we should, but reducing diet, the Forward stopped These incidents are on the economic side. The its English page, even the New York consider the Starr Faithful case. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by latest episode which has causal a Jewish protest WorH which for so many yearS:.ofBut I do not intend to go into any THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY is from the spirited angle. r The government has of the esoteric'or} philophical • angles fered one of the. most lucrative fields SIOUX CITY OFFICE ' of that affair. Several Jewish angles for the Jewish writer is "olav hasha* v. •hahged "Nathan Straus Street? in Jerusalem^, JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER-308 Pierce Street have appeared to help out the Jewish lorn." I coirtd "go on and citft mare site of the Nathan and Iina Straus Hc»lihpenter;' news commentator:^ I': refer to' the and more dfataj*ies, but I see, you a.U Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 to Chancellor Street, after the present High Com-, fact that it appears that Samnel'Un- ready have* your* handkerchief on your Advertising rates furnished on application' • .missioner, Sir John Chancellor. Aside from the . ''-. ' ''" '"'*'' termyer is the,lawyer and friend of •eyes. RABBI LOtHS I. NEWMAN pertinent facts that the previous High CominisDr. Carr an^T^Brm,th^e\^h THEY KEEP TRYING Congregation Rodeph Shalom, New York psyco-analyst h&a been, extensively 1 sionersvSrtr" Herbert Samuel and Lord Plumer, You would think that "would leant <quoted. • •'.;... Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building " '. have had no streets named after theih, and the 'em," as the little ungramraatioal .•/'•'. Telephone: ATlantic 1450, , . i ^ , Palestine tradition,not to name streets after livSTARR FAITHFUL AND school boy said. Well, you're,-all :.. MY EECENT COMMENT UPON Jewish obligations as little as pos- D,R. BRILL DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor ing persons, the renaming of Straus Street is a damp, as the, slang expression, goes. Charlie Chaplin Has not found fayor sible. 'They are constantly running' . I only saw an extract of Pr. Brill's In the first place, there is talk of the FRANK R, ACKERMAN . . _ _ . _.- - , - I Editor breach of etiquette* a manifestation of bad taste, FANNIE KATELMAN, Council' Bluffk, la., Correspondent in the eyes of Rabbi Maurice N. Eis- away from Judaism and the Rabbis ANN PILL - - - - - • Sioux City, Iowa,-Corfespbnderil and a new display of the anti-Jewish feeling pre- endrath of Toronto* I mentioned tfcafc are" constantly seeking td drag them remarks, and so perhaps should not Forward coming out with a monthly speak, but what I did see, seems to English magazine, there is even talk valent in the ranks of Palestine government offi- Chaplin "has also denounced the ten- back. of a Yiddish daily seeking to resutv me totally wrong.., dencies making for war in terms Once upon a time a man started to cials. The name "Straus" is significant of the rect the Jewis.^ Tribune, and in anINDEPENDENCE A which convince me more than ever drag a huge bull by the tail, bat the The great psycho-analyst speaking other quarter, comes the persistent highest philanthropy in the Holy Land . . . his . The Fourth of July has of late btecome little that he is a Jew." bull suddenly charged forward, and of Starr Faithful brought forth thig clatter about an .effort to start a free benefactions are still carrying on noble work Rabbi Eisendrath says: "Such an dragged the man with him hither arid generalization: "that a woman to be speaking sort of Jewish organ to "tell more ;than a birthday celebration in which the happy must needs have some one man the truth about things Jewish." nation pays tribute, to tiie heroism of those which the government should be shouldering. His example of pure,' uiidulterated chau- thither. The man reproachfully cried very much in love with her." of such loose arid unobjective to the bull: "Say, who 'started • this patriots whb^e!; courage,, launched the United name stands for the highest ideals in non-sec- vinism, thinking we have rarely'seeri." My anyway?" Unless American Rabbis ' Now it seems to me that this is YORK'S PECULAR Statesupon its. so highly successful-career among tarian life . . . . but 'Straus Street" is no more. brother Rabbi bids "Sherlock Holmes"1 are careful, they will be dragged help- just the reverse of the truth or at NEW SITUATION < the worl&powers. The significance of the Fourth Newman to, discover •tfie Jewish birth lessly about by the forces of assimila- best only the half and the lesser half The fact is that New York offers of Romain Holland, John Galzworfhy, tion they seek t6 control. On theone of the troth. For it seems to me that the paradox of being at the same of July and the Declaration of Independence—for ! George Bernard Shaw, Jane Addaras, hand I find inadequate the emphasis Starr Faithful must have had anytime the largest Jewish city and the decades the joy, of orators—has* seemingly receded John Haynes Holmes because they of Reform Judaism in its exposition number of men who could have been most difficult one to run a successinto tbte background; Its'symbolism is almost forhave declared their abhorence of war. of the heritage of Israel; and on thevery much in love with her. The ful Jewish publication. gotten" in the rush and bustle to go to a "glorious A SIGNIFICANT RESOLUTION In the first place, Shaw was called other hand, I find both obnoxious and trouble with her, was that she was ;; The reason for that is two-fold. The , Fourtfil" outing. • ; :. several years ago by a group dangerous the tendency of many Rab- very much in love with another perThe National Conference of Jewish Social aof "Jew" first reason is, that by the very fact European' anti-Semites, as an ed-bis to surrender to the currents of as- son. I do not know whether I make Always thjit historic day of the year has been Service, meeting at Minneapolis, adopted a signifiitorial in the old "Freeman" describ- similation and de-Judaization. Who myself dear, but the point, I am try- of the enormous Jewish popluation, of "and will continue to be associated, at .least within cant resolution which it dispatched to President ed. "Addams" is closely related to the ought set the tone for Judaism, the ing to make is that it is easier to be New York, the ordinary general dailthe deeper recesses of pur consciousness, with Hoover. The thesis of the resolution was to thename "Adam," though the Bible does laity or the Rabbis? Who ought de- loved, than to love, and the fact that ies, give extensive space to Jewish "freedom." But we today give little though to following effect: It urges the President to deal not make clear whether it believed the cide, for example, whether Hebrew someone may love you, may neverthe- news. A Jewish paper must give exwhat that "freedom" stands for in toto. "Free- with the present emergency, not only to alleviate progenitor of the race to have been should be included in the Religious less leave you cold as a day in De-cellent coverage indeed, to give more Jewish news, than say, the New York dom" and the Declaration of Independence have the present and immediately impending suffering, an Israelite. "Rolland" is similar to School curriculum—Jewishiy-ignorant cember. Times. varied meanings and connotations, all applicable but to lay the foundation for the effective preven- the name "Roland" which many Jew- and uncultured Jewish "success-mon- VICK AND STARR Secondly, that Jewish social, comish families are adopting today for gers" or Rabbis and educators who and each fraught with vital, significance. The tion of similar social and economic catastrophes in their If you've seen the "hit" play of munity sense, as it holds in the small sons. Dr. Holmes is considered ought have enough courage to stand Declaration of Independence has been the Magna the future. The resolution also urges the Presi- equivalent to a Jew in many circles up and fight for a sound and state- that Jewish playwright, Vick Baum, Jewish towns, is obviously impossible. Carta of all oppressed peoples. I t was a political dent to take steps in the form of Federal relief because of his pro-Zionist policies and manlike religious school curriculum? Grand Hotel, you recall the character, Thus, should the New York Jewish who knowing he is an incurable and Echo tell you in its society columns, Ten Commandments which" was to free the na-on a large scale, to alleviate existing and future his large Jewish following. must soon die, almost exults in the Mrs. Isidore Goldstein gave a tions of the world from monarchial tyranny. It suffering. Thus the Conference of Jewish Social We can apply the same reasoning RABBI SCHANFARBER'S VIEWS fact, as hs looks on definitely at thethat bridge, you are not quite sure which voiced the very basic tenet upon, which a Jewish Workers placed itself on record as viewing with to Galsworthy, Wells arid anyone else on Reform Judaism in the new decade whole world. Nobody can harm him of the 20,000 Isidore Goldstein's it is deserve thorough and earnest considwhom Rabbi Eisendrath would like to now. He laughs at everybody. The —and that's more than that. National Homelandvis being constructed . . . the ipprehension the winters of 1931 and 1932. It bein another editorial. Recent- eration, and on another occasion claws of the universe have been clipright,of all people to govern themselves without lieves that existing charity organization will have suggest ly I had an opportunity to witness shall attempt to present my further ped as far as he is concerned. THE TRENCH NOSTALGIA obsequies to any ruler. the means to cope with the emergency to come. the performance of "Chariot" in "City opinions on the subject. But Rabbi Sounded melodramatic, but consider Gilbert Seldes, one of those two However, the freedom expressed by our This resolution is of genuine importance. Based Lights." Could anyone approach the Schanfarber is apparently unaware of that last letter of Starr. Now, at bright Jewish Seldes boys, thinks » existence of those "careerist RabDeclaration of Independence is even more vitally as it is on a thorough knowledge of social and personality of the great Chaplin in the great many of those who were in the a mood other than that of good hu- bis" who are more interested in carry- last, she almost glowers at you inlast war, are now anxious for another deep-rooted and significant than this—in its ex-economic conditions, gleaned by the Jewish social mor? Rabbi Eisendrath with ele- ing favor with those congregants ecstacy—she can eat how much she pression of individual liberty. The seed had been workers in the course of their daily investigations, phantine seriousness has singled out whom they believe to be influential wants without caring whether she war. There is a sort of Trench nossewn—"All men are created equal"—not to be it cannot and should not be ignored. The Presi- a brief sentence, forgetting that the then in defending essential Jewish gains or not. She can tell people talgia. I am inclined to agree with Seldes, that they are too fat, or that she taken literally but meaning that all are entitled dent, we are sure, will give serious attention and intonations and inflections of speech values. and personally believe, that in not ., doesn't like their clothes. She can to equal opportunities without discriminations be- practical heed to this resolution. The Minneapolis —and I hope of writing as well — Within the past decade the "pros- flirt with all the men, whose winks many more years, we will soon see sometimes care hot caught by in- perity cult" has bred certain perniccause of social or creedal casters. In the abstract Conference is to be congratulated for its progres- sensitive some more sabre rattling. Economic ,-., ears. ious tendencies in the Rabbinate and advances on the streets she hasdepression, it seems to me, works to , secretly relished, but had before conthat is the aim of all thinking mankind. The ab- sive and non-sectarian attitude toward the iprob"which with the advent of the economic foster wars, in two ways. Firstly, bestract, unfoi*tunately, is not easily, transplanted lems confronting this country.—Kansas City AS A MATTER OF FACT CHAR- crisis may vanish. The heart of theventionally ignored. Fiction will have to step on the gas cause economic depression is general- , j into the practical, but a recognition of our goal is Chronicle, lie Chaplin has never settled the ques- laity in this country is being moved ...... ly the result of .economic maladjusttion whether or not he is a Jew. 1 because the pocket-book is being flat- to catch, up with truth! a progressive step toward achieving it. We have ment brought about by such things as ., • have been told that in Whitechapel a tened. Extravagance and luxury may THE WRITING ITCH practically obtained world physical deliverance. tariffs. „ Secondly,, economic depresrelative of Chaplin "dawaned" in the give way in the Jewish community at JEWISH PHYSICIANS The itch scribendi is a strange dis- sion fosters, war, because it makes What we need today is spiritual and social free"Shuhl" with a relative of my infor- large to greater sobriety and zeal con- ease. Consider the blows the Jewish JLife tame, unexciting. and weary—and Among the most fascinating things in the mant, but rumors transmitted by thecerning Jewish religious responsibildom in the true sense. When the soul of the newspapermen of New York, in par- the sound of the drums, and the irreworld has been liberated and man's true freedom world's history is the record of the many and in- seventh son of a seventh son must ities. Those Rabbis who veer like ticular, received during the past year. sponsibility and lack of the ordinary acclaimed; then the Declaration of Jndepeiidence valuable services which Jewish physicians have not be too hastily credited. Chaplin weather-cocks in the breeze awaken Young Judaea went to sleep with its worries in the barracks accordingly the fact that they must stand four- fathers, the Jewish Tribune . an-begin to attract. Stating these facts, will have accomplished in full that which it has always and everywhere rendered to humanity. denies in his. "Autobiography" that to N he is a Jew, if 1 recall the item cor- square to the wind if they are to be nounced as suffering from a case of does not mean that one indorses war. Whatever may be said of the accomplishments already in a good measure achieved. rectly. It is well known that a few more than figureheads in their com- coma, seems to have relapsed into per(Continued on page 6.) of the Jews in other professions, in that of medi- months ago he replied in answer to muniteis. cine they have been not only practitioners but a query: "Why should I say I am not Only a few of the Jewish laity in IMPART^LITY pioneers and pathfinders. From the time of thea Jew if it gives multitudes of Jews .this country can be expected to chamTJhe charge has been made, frequently, and Lawgiver, Moses, when the priest was also the happiness to consider me one." It pion an intense and vivid Jewish pronot without cause, that the whole trouble with physician who had to diagnose disease and tois certain that Chaplin has had many gram; if the Rabbis abandon it to "purr at the legs of the defeatists,' •.-•the Palestinian situation and the Holy Land-is prescribe treatment, to the masterminded king of Jewish associations. Refore Judaism will become a sham Once a prominent Western Rabbi, that all parties are biased and allow their pres-the doctors in medieval Itimes, Moses Maimonides, according to an apocryphal tale, in- and Now Is theTime and This a delusion. 'indices.to smoke-screen the true-facts. But there even to the late Ehrlich, the Jewish physician has troduced the daughter of a less promIs theYear of Years for is another factor in politics, in Palestine as well without let or stay devoted his life and his labors inent Rabbi to the famous comedian as elsewhere, which is quite generally true . to the services of his followerers. Go Where we in the hope that he would help her the rights of a minority people are usually ignored may, search what annals we will, scan what pages to a position in the "Cinema world." and trodden on if diplomacy sees any advantagi or clime we please, the Jewish physician is always The father of the would-be actress urged his daughter's talents' upon By DAVID SCHWARTZ therein. found among- the most self-sacrificing and at the Chaplin to the accompaniment of his During the famous "trial" after the 1929same time the most 'successful experimenters customary eccentric and delightful SWEET IS ADVERSITY Arab riots, it is to be recalled, the Jews—the ones teachers and practitioners. In this one instance, gestures. Some people have all the luck — Chaplin gave, the daughter an opwho had been murderously attacked and had toeven Papal Bulls and the prescription of royalty luck even in adversity. There is Dr. portunity and she became a celebrity. fight back for their very lives, were compelled to proved ineffective. The people simply had more A few weeks after the initial inter- Joseph Tenenbaum, for instance, a not only carry the burden of proof against the confidence in the Jewish doctors and, since, as view with, the father, Chaplin met the prominent physician, one of the leadMoslems before the Shaw Commission but in ad-Satan said to the Lord, "All that one has would Rabbi who had brought it about. The ers of Polish Jewry in America and dition had to battle against the hostility of Brit- one give for his life," they disregarded the pro- Rabbi thanked Chaplin for his help- prominent generally in Jewish community life. ain's Palestinian Administration. At that time, hibition of popes and the prescription of kings fulness, but Chaplin replied: Besides medicine, Dr. Tenenbaumis "Don't thank me, Rabbi—it is I especially, were charges levelled that the case Besides, pontiffs and potentates themselves vala devotee of letters.- He has written who ought to thank you. I watched of the Jewish people must be wrong, for'surely ued their own lives too highly not to call tiie Jew- carefully tiie gestures of Rabbi Y—• several books. A couple of years ago their claim that the Palestine Administration of ish physician in times of dire distress and under as he talked to pie, and I learned fifty be wrote a book on Sex. 'Well,-it had Great Britain was partial is preposterous. new motions for my next picture." a pretty good sale, then like most the despondency of disease. Rabbi Eisendrath will have books, it faded out of the horizon. Some very recent typical incidents demonModern conditions have greatly changed to What say in exegesis of this particular Then all of a sudden comes word strate just how "impartial" the British Adminis- Jewish occupations and slightly modified Jewish tale, I scarcely dare to guess. that the government of the Free tration in Palestine can be. The Government is traits. Yet the Jewish mastery of medicine has State of Ireland had ordered the book Leather Lined at present building a Jewish agricultural school remained unchanged and undiminished. In the RABBI TOBIAS SCHANFAJRBER suppressed. Newspapers carried the near Mount Tabor, the funds provided by a be-laboratory and the schoolroom, at the bedside and is disturbed by my recent strictures story, with attacks arid defense etc "American Judaism" and de- Well, anyway, a new edition has been quest of Sir Ellis Kadoorie, a Jew who left $600,- in the lecture hall, the pre-eminence of Jewish upon votes a lengthy article in "The Re- announced by the publishers as a re000 for Palestine educational purposes. The gov- physicians is indisputable and undisputed. The form Advocate" to refuting them. sult of the publicity. ernment decided back in 1924 that the money world's Traubes and Henles, its Frankels, its Numerous colleagues visiting New You don't always have to drink milk should be spent for the benefit of all sections of Conheims, its Weigers, Neissers, Oppenheims, Ja- York on their way to the sessions of from contented cows to be happy. the community, and only after strenuous objec cobsohns, Lambrosos, Mauthners, Kaposis, Still the Central Conference affirm their A COLORFUL OBSERVATION own recognition of the shortcomings Rumor also says that Teneribaum tions by the Jews, consented to use the funds foi ings, Stackers, Eulenburgs, Haffkins, Remaks, of Judaism as it is preached is planning a trilogy of works on the two agricultural schools, one for Jews and th<and Jacobis are Jews. So much, in fact, is.the andReform applied today. aspects of sex. Well, we other for Arabs. The Arab school was complete( success of Jewish experimenters admired and so It is not enough to say that Ortho- several ought to be able to use.them—there in short order and is already operating. Th< greatly is the unselfish service of Jewish physi- doxy and Conservatism likewise have are only several million books now. on As We Buy So We Sell! Jewish school is being conducted with the services cian appreciated that the large and leading medi proved themselves unadopted to- con- the subject—and none of them seem Gladstone cases of genuine cowhide leather temporary Anierican Jewish needs. to say very much, . of seventy-six workmen required. On. this spec cal institutes of modern times have been almos Recently (just arrived is time for the 4th). 1*011 leather I met a man "who called himifically Jewish institution being built with Jewis! entirely and everywhere under their direction. self "an unobservant Orthodox Jew." This sex preoccupation reminds me lined—solid steel frame—top straps—inside of a story that the late James Hunomoney, the Government employs only six Jews am The Grankfort Institute under the direction compartment features. Colors black and brown Doubtless he meant that his sympath- ker of "Pathos of Distance" fame. It Ehrlich> the Institute of Experimental Therapeu- ies incline towards Orthodoxy, but he seems that a lecturer speaking before in new beaver grain finish. A matTt&ous, inseventy Arabs. There is an endless stream comparable value at $ 9 . 8 5 . such examples, ranging from the allotment fo; tics in Dahlem and the experimental laboratory does not practice its rites and cere- a colored congregation cast forth the monies in toto. of the Ifaiser Wilhelm Institute at Berlin under observation that "after all, there is education to the wide variance in amount of lan< Many Conservative Jews of this only a little difference between the the direction of Wasserman, the Pasteur Institute SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY grants by the government. For instance, the gov stripe are likewise to be found. When sexes." at Paris under the direction of Metchnikoff, and ernment is building a road from Afuleh to Nazwe reach the non-observance of Re- "Bless the Lord for that little difareth. It awarded the job to an. Arab contractor, the Rockefeller Institute in New York under form Jews, we are in a "Tote Stadt." ference" interrupted one of the colThe weakness of American Judaism ored brethren. who then hired Arab labor exclusively, even goin Flexner. • ^:. may not be due to the content of the l afjeid to obtain it. A group- of Jewish laborer* Verily; 0f medicine, as in religion, 'the Jew tradition bnt to the attitude of THOSE JEWISH ANGLES COKRECT APPAREL FOB MEN AND WOMEN resented this and gathered to protest When or seems destined and divinely chosen to give light the laity.itself,American Jews for the I'm not quite sure whether we dered to disperse by the police, they refused an and leading unto the nations.-^Jewish Ledger. iaost part wish to be bothered by should always bless the Lord about it.


From Contemporary Pens

By the Way

luggage Values!

Genuine Cowhide

Gladstone Cases

3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931 sey, 'president; Beatrice Roseman, secretary; Cyril Leon, treasurer, and Baraona Slosburg, historian. New officers are Ruth Eomm, president; ftamona Slosberg, vice president; Bernice Yousem, secretary; Shirley Barish, .treasurer, and Henrietta Myers, historian. ••

cago Sunday, while Mrs. Rubin will Mr. Morris Braude left: Tuesday for were a one-piece affair with a PI TAU PHI spend several weeks here. a month's visit with his, son-in-law f medium width around the waist Miss Bertha Cotick was elected and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton tied in" a large bow in tte back. The president of the Pi Tau Phi sorority Mr. and Mrs. Morris Breitfeid of Reiss, in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Reiss material was a print with large flow* at the election of officers held ut the New York City arrived here Monday was formerly Miss Cecelia Brande of rs of pink and blue oh a white.back home of Miss Sadye Wolk last Wed~to visit with Mrs. Breitfeld's parents, this city. ' .; ground. _ They were on a charming nesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Turner. Mrs. BreitOn July 4 Mr. Braude will also oung lady with long black hair'and •Other officers chosen are Misd feld was formerly Miss Ida Turner visit with his son, Cadet M.- A. Brau- air skin, who is visiting- here from Sadye Welk, secretary-treasurer; of this city. . , .," - de, at West Point Military:: Academy, Los ^Angeles, Calif. Miss Rose Colick, reporter, and Mtsa Richard Hiller with a net score of who Will have secured a; week-end Lillian Miroff, sergeant-at-arms. 72, -won the Class A Medal competiMrs. E. • B. Hassel and her two furlough from .the West Point 'SumEngland is noW in the grip- of an tion with handicap at the Highland children, Beverly and Manny, have mer Camp. . : outdoors complex. Everyone is seek. Chesed Shel Ernes Country Club Sunday. Class B-Jion- arrived, from Milwaukee to spend a ing the pare ozone and ultra-violet A regular meeting of the Chesed -ors went to Elmer Rood, who scored few weeks with, Mrs. Hassel's parMr. B.:TAi Simon, .has returned from ray. Hikers and bikers infest the Shel Ernes society will be held Mona net 69, while Herman Goldstein ents. Mrs. Hassel was formerly Miss two-weeks stay in Excelsior countryside practically nude, and day, July 6, at 2:30 p. m. at the 5s CREENBERG-ZARETSKY Mrs. Abe Kaiman of Milwaukee, was low in Class C with a net score Ann "Green of this city^ Springs, Mo. Mrs. Simon will return bathers lie about the beach with only Chessd Shel Ernes building, 19th and | WEDDING cousin of the bridegroom, was an out- of 68. , • .: a bath towel as a covering. In Paris Cuming street. ' next week. F At a "very pretty ceremony at the of-town guest at the wedding and is Qualifying play-for the club chamDr. Ben Slutsky of New York City glass houses are quite the craze, and -Beth Hamedrosh Synagogue last Sun- a '-guest at the Kaiman home. pionship at the Highland dub will arrived Monday for a three weeks Mrs. Philip Fine has returned from now we hear of the architect in Long He can't be wrong whose life is in . day, June 28, at four o'clock in the start next Sunday,- according • to •visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago, where she spent the past Island who is building a glass house .the right.—Pope. afternoon,' Miss. SaHy. " Greenberg, HIRSCH-LUStGARTEN George Miller, professional, and will :O.".'.SIutsky.; ... \. ' : . . . . . • ,. ' three and one-half weeks visiting with on Long Island. Hie -walls are three daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Word has been received here of the be continued all Week. . her daughter -and .son-in-law, Mr., and inches thick and fireproof. What ^ Greenberg became the .bride of Ben marriage, of Miss Esther Lustgarten, SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. L'Osheroff, and son and daugh- next? SHRIER PAINT AND ;D. Zaretsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. formerly of Omaha; daughter of Mr. MARE Miss ; Louise Ziegler, : student at ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice WALLPAPER CO. I Gerson Zaretsky of Chicago. A bridal and- Mrs. William Lustgarten, to Mr. and Mrs. IsyRosenthal cele- WJellesley, arrived Wednesday to Fine. There is a tendency in Paris to Complete Line of Paints I supper followed in the vestry rooms Henry Hirsch of • Chicago, on Tues- brated their silver,wedding anniverr spend the summer, with her parents, make the large summer hat of two and Wallpaper f of the synagogue. . . day, June 30. • ••Miss sary Sunday ( when they were at. home Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler. The Misses Esthyre Wolfe and materials with the crown and the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL £ The bride wag lovely, in a gown-of Ziegler ivisited at Norfolk, Virginia, Tillye Sigal have returned - after a edge of the brim matching. to friends. Phone AT. 4744 %-pale pink eyelet embroidered, organ- GARBER-GOLDBERG before'returning : home. two-weeks visit with friends, and relaFor'example, a large picture hat * die, floor length, fashioned with,short The marriage of Miss Constance BIRTHS; tives in Onawa and Sioux City, la^ has a crown and a. brim edge of black sleeves and tiered shirt. With it she Goldberg, daughter of - Mr. andi Mrs. ' f MK' and "Mrsr Joseph ~Bonoff anMrs. Nathan Weisman and daughAmong, those who entertained for Italian straw. The brim itself is of wore a large pink hat, and eggshell Isaac Goldberg, to Mr; Hyirian Gar- nounce the birth ©f a son on Tuesday, ter,- Merriam, leave Sunday for a them were Mrs. A. Sherman of On- black taffeta, with a flat taffeta bow gloves. Her boquet was of bride's ber of Huron, S. D., took place on -June 30, at the Clarkson hospital. short stay at Okoboji and Sioux City. awa, Mrs. Max Merlin, Mrs. A. Lef- in front.' Beneath the brim the hat roses and babies breath. The groom's Sunday, June 28,": at .the J. C C , Mr. Weisman and son, Charles, will kovich, Mrs. A. Wissot and Miss is faced with simple white taffeta, sister in a gown of flesh satin was Rabbi N.-Feldman officiating. Dorothy Tilevitz of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Leo' Abramson- an- join them over week-ends. Enjoy more leisure durand at that, there is nothing simple " h e r o n l y a t e n d a n t . •-'•••• • The bride was lovely i n a white nounce the birth of a son! a t the ing, the hot summer about the whole affair. Mr. and Mrs.* Zaretsky will reside satin gown fashioned in the prevail- Methodist hospital on Wednesday, days—Send your family Dr. A. A. Steinberg has returned TO CAMP 1NDIANOLA i n Omaha. ing mode, and carried a. shower bo- July i. washing to the— after, a year's post graduate study at Mr. Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. ALPHA TAU quet of bride's roses and lilies of the The Alpha Tau sorority held the the University of Primsylvania in and Mrs. A. Goldstein, left Tuesday valley.; Mrs. Louis Gitlin, sister of VISITORS ^MISS BABIOR WEDS night for Indianola at Madison, Wis., last meeting of the season Tuesday Philadelphia. the bride, was maid of honor, and : Miss Fanny Fox of Kansas City, CALIFORIAN • where he will spend the summer as a at toe J. C. C. They presented their % Mr. and Mrs. S. Babior announce- the bridesmaids were < Misses Sara Mo., who arrived Saturday to be the Mrs. B. Somberg and son, Bennett, counsellor at the camp. sponsor, Mrs. Samuel '.ierson with a ;the marriage of their1 daughter, Ida, Ann Noddle, Helen Hahn, and Ann guest of her brother-in-law and sis- leave Tuesday for Camp. StrongHe was accompanied by Bernard \£.pe filled with artificial flowers in t . (OUU NEW rilONB NL'MBEIt) to David R. Weisblat of Los Angeles, Hahn. Maurice Goldberg, brother of ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Bushman, heart in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. iionor of her wedd;i<jj anniversary. on Sunday, June 28, at the home of the bride, was best man, and Albert is a popular summer visitor. Miss Somberg will spend a week in Chica- Chapman; Richard Gordon, son of Dr. the-bride's brother, •• Abe Babior, in Garbef, -Rudy. Mittleman and George Fox was graduated this June from go on her way home. and Mrs. M. L. Gordon; and Leonard Gall were ushers.' Following -the the University of Kansas, where she that city. Kulakofsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. The young couple will be at home ceremony a dinner was held for 125 was elected to Phi Chi Theta, nationDr. Victor E. Levinejias returned Louis Kulakofsky. g u e s t s . "- -" . '• - • .• ••:•••• r •• " ." in Los Angeles, following a irf al professional commerce sorority. from Ft. Snelling, where he was with f wedding trip on the coast. After a; honeymoon ^ spent in the Her parents, Mri and Mrs. S. Fox, a medical unit. He leaves shortly for HIGHLIGHTS Mrs. S. Babior, who attended the Black Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Garber will are planning to motor here soon to another period of service at the EdgeSIXTEENTH AT FARNAM Although the bronzed complexion i-wedding, Is visiting at the^Abe Ba* be at home in Huron, S. D. spend a few days. is no longer so popular with the rewood arsenal in Maryland. l?bior home there. turn of femininity, the sweltering HIGHLAND Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Levin left Mon- weather of last week found many Miss Lillian Shapiro of Chicago is IKAVITCH-MILLER An all-day golf tournament will be the guest of Miss Libby Blacker. They Omahans seeking refuge in the cool;day on a vacation by motor. ^ENGAGEMENT held* Saturday in connection with' the plan to stop at Green Lake, Spirer, ing water and breezes of Peony. ManyMr. and Mrs.; Harry Kavitch, Grand Fourth of July celebration and dinnerMr. and Mrs. J. Goodbinder and Minn., and Gull Lake at Brainard, bottles of olive oil, cocoa butter and fIsland, announce the engagement of dance'at the Highland Country Club. family have as their guest Mrs. Good- Mum-, and other Minnesota lakes. other sunburn lotions were used, most | their daughter, Miss Ethel Kavitch, Among the reservations are those of binder's aunt, Mrs. J. Schoehet of of them futOely. to Abe Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf for six guests; Loyal New York City, who arrived Tuesday Mrs. Edward Lincoln and children, Observed at the beach last week— r Joseph Miller of this city. The mar- Cohn, six; Sol Degen, four; Sam Leon; for an indefinite stay. This was the Alden and Barbara, motored to Mani- A pair of adorable pajamas. They 4 riage will take place August 2. Miss four; Charles Simon, four; Abe Herz- first time in twentyrfive years that tou, Colo^ for a two-months stay. \ Kavitch was graduated from~ the berg, four, and Milton Livingston, Mrs. Goodbinder. and Mrs. Schoehet Senior Highj Sthool at Grand Island. four. had seen each other. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cohen have, reMr. Miller was graduated from Tech turned from a motor trip to St. Paul The directorate of the- Highland High. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubin of Chi- and Minneapolis. While in St. Paul EXCLUSIVE Country Club started a d u t innova- cago "will arrive Saturday to be the they ,were the house guests of their CURTAIN CLEANERS tion Tuesday in serving an 11 o'clock guests of Mr. and. Mrs. M. Rosen- uncle and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph CAIMAK-KATZ WA. 1350 — .500? Leavenworth Miss Elizabeth Katz, daughter of breakfast at the club.in place of the stein. Mr. Rubin will return to Chi- Supornick. »,, . . Mrs. Ben Katz, became^ the bride of usual 1 o'clock luncheon forjwpnjan's Jack Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. day, which is to be continued each Ben Kaiman, Sunday afternoon at the Tuesday morning during the season. Omoktfs Style Center B'nai Israel synagogue. Rabbi Henry Bridge and golf will follow breakfast. Grodinsky performed the ceremony. Store Open Store Closed The bride wore a white satin gown Members of the TJ. T. Club of CenUntil 6-.30 P. MAH Day f ankle length, fashioned-in the p tral High' Sehcrol entertained at their g mode, and carried a bouque informal dance at the club last ThursFriday •railing Saturday white roses and sweet peas. Mrs day evening. Parents of theputgoinjgr Orpkeum Opposite S. Zalkin, matron of honor, wore a officers : "were chaperones for the own of yellow satin. • d a n c e . -. -. . / . _••"•; -V-'The bridesmaids were Miss Elsie Outgoing officers-are. Mildred Lipizarus, who wore orchid organdie, liss Mary Korney, pink net, and Miss )orothy Saltzman, green crepe.; Bernard Kaiman, brother of th< Fbridegroom, was' best man, and "A. Zalkin, Oscar Taub and .Keith FOR YOUR |Peltz were. ushers. Louis Katz was Sheer, clear, dull chiffon and Fabric slip-on gloves that sell so iring-bearer, Esther Kaiman, flowe service weight, with dainty picot fast we cant reorder fast [girl, and Delma May Zalkin and May tops and French heels. All summer colers. enough.. In eggshell and white. fdell Richlin, pages. I Following a reception at the homi Main Floor Main Floor I of the bridegroom's parents, the cou Iple left by mbtor for a short wedding ftrip and on their return will be a 16th and Howard dome at the Theodore Terrace apart Slip? fashioned to fit. Pure, dye A-U-wool, fashioned to fit your kmerits. silk crepe m lace-trimmed and figure-snugly. Striking novel tailored -styles. color effects. Sizes 14 to 40. Main Floor










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Wherever you go—whatever you do—here are the frocks that will keep you charming and cooL ' , .


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Sports and spectator frocks of washable silks—monotone prints in white and pastels r^ printed and plain chiffons for summer dining and dancing. . Second Floor i



f ~ / Jr.,.







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, \

PAGE 4-rTHE JEWISH^ PRESS, FRIDAY. JULY 8, imr. usually poor.

Flat foot i« comm<m.

white pine Jimbera with brick-laid The "bay window" of the middle aged patterns, between. The roof ia of and prosperous man, is an unmistakhand-made tiling, the color effect beable sign of overweig-ht. Backache ia ing dark brown with splashes of a frequent complaint among the overgreen. weight. It partakes of the nature of Leading from the large reception a dull ache or tired feeling. room to the upstairs is a circular stair Overweight makes more trouW?*^ way with ornamental railings. The some a condition of arthitis, bronchi* room next to the reception room is tis or asthma. The more weight on typically Louis XV style, with washan inflamed joint, the greater the disBy Dr. V. E. Levine. professor room and clothes closet adjoining. comfort and the more the irritation. of bio-chemistry *nd nutrition, The living room leads to a large sunBronchitis and asthma are harder to the Creirhton University School: room with stone walls-and floor and of Medleiae. bear for fat people, especially those a large stone fireplace. Next to the of advanced age. kitchen is a large breakfast room DISADVANTAGES OF OVERSerious Impairments. WEIGHT with rubber-tiled floor and cases for News Enactment to Restrict all china. Overweight may be accompanied by (Ed. Note.—Readers of this newsAgricultural Land A sleeping compartment on the sec- paper may receive answers to anyserious impairment of the hearty Transfers ond floor consists of a large sitting questions regarding the general sub- blood vessels, the kidneys, the gatr ject of health by sending a stamped- bladder and the pancreas. The overJerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — A new Toom with a corner fireplace in self-addressed envelope with their weight individual shows a high proProtection of Cultivators Ordinance French style with an adjoining sleep- questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, portion of enlarged heart and a highwhich aims at legally recognizing the ing room, dressing room and bath. Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) er proportion of high pulse rate and occupancy right of tenants, squatters On the second floor are to be found high blood pressure than the individand grazers has been enacted, signed, seven more bedrooms and three Slight overweight we have already ual of normal weight. The overweight baths. published in the Official Gazette and stated is a very great advantage for are also more disposed to kidney disimmediately promulgated. The new On the south side are three heated the child and for the young adult. ease, to diabetes and to diseases of ordinance is designed to protect Arab garages. The shrubbery and trees to- Overweight, however, is a very dis- the gall bladder. agricultural tenants who were always gether with the beautiful garden add tinct disadvantage in people 40 years The overweight are also handicapcompensated by Jewish land purchas- an appropriate atmosphere to h t ththe of age or more. The greater the ped in the event of disease. They ers when displaced from their hold- home. weight beyond the normal, the great- have less chance of recovery from an ings even though no law to this efer the physical handicap. acute infection like pneumonia. A fect existed.. By JOSHUA BENDON Overweight does not kill, but it-surgical operation upon an obese perUnder the ordinance a tenant is de- Breaks Traffic Law to Keep predisposes to many various troubles. son is beset by the danger of infecfather of the founder of Ararat) fined as a person who has cultivated in Good With Rabbi The anniversary of this country's The practice of the insurance com- tion and hy a marked delay in the birthday provides >Mr. Bondon with Son of the Revolution Lieutenant Abraham Seixas of Geor- a holding for at least two years unNew York.—(J. T. A.) - - Morris panies is to consider overweight a healing of the wound. reason for this brief : glance into gia—those were only a few of theder- an agreement with a landlord, Chapnick was driving his laundry 'American revolutionary history and many Jews who flocked to the colors paying a fixed rental in money or wagon the right way through a one-very serious disability and to treat it the part played by the Jews,—Editor. as though it were a disease. in support of liberty. kind, a person hired for agricultural way street until he saw the rabbi of Overweight is a mar to beauty. A The batlefield was not the only field work and receiving as remuneration his congregation. It was the Sabbath When July fourth rolls around in fat face is less expressive than a thin upon which the Jews of that time did a portion of the produce of the hold- and he feared the rabbi might disap'the regular cycle of the seasons, and one. Overweight predisposes to their liberal bit. ing he cultivates, and heirs of such prove of his working. So he turned anemia. The complexion is liable to patriotic orators speak their lines on tenants. his horse around toward his home, 717 be sallow and pasty. The skin may the revolutionary contributions of Services of Solomon The law also provides that instead Fifth St., and drove right into a show boltches, puffiness, acne, black. "our ancestors," Jews from Florida The unquestioned service^ of Haym of merely notifying tha district comto : its rival state on the Pacific ocean Solomon are to be recalled in this missioner regarding a land transfer, policeman. The policeman gave him heads, inelasticity and sagging. Since and from the Gulf of Mexico to the connection. He served not as a sold- the landlord must henceforth declare a summons for going the wrong way overweight influences emotional attilegion of the Great Lakes need have ier in the ranks but in his capacity the object of the transfer and the or-in a one-way street, but Chapnick got tudes, a fat person is likely to display no fear of embarrassment. On ths as banker and financier; in his ownder for the eviction of tenants must a suspended sentence when he told indifference and apathy. An exprescontrary they too may wax eloquent sion of indifference, apathy or pasway he was very likely worth as not be made unless the court is satis- the reason in Traffic Court. in their own right. The scroll of much as several regiments of soldiers. fied that provision has been made for Moscow—Whether political educa- siveness detracts from the beauty of honor of their ancestors in the years Nor was Haym Salomon, great as tenant occupants. It is also provided tion propaganda among Jewish work- any individual. •when American freedom was being were his contributions to the cause that only failure to pay rent or toers should be conducted in Yiddish Troublesome forged on the anvil of history is a of the impoverished continentals, the cultivate the land holding can justify or in Russian formed the principle Overweight introduces postural and long and fascinating one. It becomes only one of his tribue to offer them eviction in which case the tenant is subject for debate at the convention static difficulties. The posture is in addition, a remarkable manifestafinancial aid. of Jewish leather workers which is not entitled to compensation. tion when viewed against the backThe records are incomplete on these Under the provisions of the Ordi- being attended by 2,000 workers from STALMASTEIt & BEISKIJ ground of this historic fact; that out soldiers behind the front, who en-nance grazers who continuously for all parts of the Soviet Union. The FKADE.VBrSO. fiuO Omaha National Bank tilde. of a population of close' to four miltrusted their fortunes as well as their five years by "right of custom, usage factory authorities sided with the NOT1CB OF DISSOLUTION OF lions, the Jews, it has been estimated, i Copyright J. T. A. lives to the colonists. But many a "KENO PRODUCTS, INC." proponents of Russian, asserting that or on sufferance" have established summed up to no more than three i LT. COL. DAVID S. FRANKS, ! patriotic figure emerges. There was Notice is hereby given thnt at a sptcial meet hi E of I he stockholders of KKXO who was one of the highest rankgrazing rights cannot be evicted by all Jews speak Russian. thousand. PliOKCCTS. IXC, hel<l OH Uecemlwr 17, ing Jews in the American armyl Joseph Simon of Pennsylvania, Jacob the court unless the High Commis1U3O. at 9 o'clock A. M. in the office of From obscure accounts, from old during the Revolutionary War. He, L Cohen of Georgia, the Gratzs of lrvin Stnlm.-istrr, nt which nil the ftlocfchold^-rs of said corporation were letters grown musty with time, from was also one_ of the first Jews in thej the City of Brotherly Love, their sioner is satisfied that equivalent proit was moved, seconded and u i t a y vision has been made towards the American diplomatic service, serv-y carried thai fcaid corporation i>e dissolved. the yellowed leaves of contemporary ing in France and Morocco. compatriot and neighbor Jacob Hart, livelihood of the grazers. In !»ccordnmt> therewith, notice is hereliv COURTESY—SERVICE gazettes there arises the truly magand in Georgia Mordecai Sheftall; The enactment of the new law came Kiven flint KKNO 1'KOHCCTS. INC., has. by order of all its stockholders, been disnificent story of the Jewish participa- In Georgia, one Jew, David Eman- men who individually and collectively solved. 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 as a surprise to the Zionist Execu(Signed( tion in the war that made thirteen uel, lived through stirring war exper- offered their monies and their credit MOVING — STORAGE — tive which learned that it would be 24th and Seward r.\ui. H. jonAN, colonies into an independent nation. ience in battles; once he escaped al- so that the straggling colonies might PIANO MOVING published soon without, however, havFl-OTP L. PAYNTER, The three thousand colonists who be- most miraculously from death at the be free. Phone JAckson 6363 HAlllil- O. CUtTRCUlLL. ing received any intimation that such •U-G-12-31 longed to the Mosiac persuasion con- hands of an enemy squadron that had 24th and Cuming Here is a roster of men, faithful to Phone ATlantic 1060 stituted less than the proverbial sea- captured him. In 1801 a grateful great adventures in human liberation, revolutionary legislation would be KONSKV, K l T t E M A S * CRODINSJSTf, In Charge of Registered soning; but like the strongest of sea- state rewarded him for his revolu- of whom every American has reason rushed through without the customAttorney*. Pharmacists 73? Omaha National Dank B i d e sonings they exerted an influence far tionary explicits and for many an- to be proud. The patriot who recalls ary month's notice for criticism. While it is believed that the law is NOT1CM is hereby given thnt the unFREE DELIVERY in excess of their comparative bulk. other service to his fellow citizens the events of that day of days one dersigned have pursuant fo-the laws of the FUR STORAGE perhaps designed to interfere with State of Nebraska formed a corporation. Furthermore in a country divided by electing him governor of Georgia. hundred and fifty-odd years ago canthe important transfer of land near The mime of the corporation is TUKNKtt Cleaning—Remodeling—Relining COUUT KKALTX CO., with its principal against itself, when patriot rebels More Heroes justly reserve special encomiums for Wadi Hawareth to the Jewish NaAt moderate prices office in the City of Oinnha, Nebraska. were mortal foes of patriot Tories it the part'played by an enlightened and tional Fund, in legal circles here it is The corporation is authorized to mniniitiu 110 So. 35 St.—TeL HA. 2737 and operate a general real esinte fooWi •was no more than natural that the Another figure of exceptional- in-r patriotic fragment of 3,000. cunipirny nut! to purchase, lense, sell unS opined that the law is not entirely terest' wasDavid Salisbury Franks, encumber real mid persvnnl property of ail division should extend into the tanks (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- adverse. kinds: to engage in tlie coasrrnctiou J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor even of that small number of three who attained the rank of Colonel in graphic Agency, Inc.) business, to issue boudg. mortgages aiid the rebel army. He was a member all other evidences of indebtednesa. The thousand. But it is of historical in"NEW FOR OLD" authorized CMpit.il stock is fia.UOO.OO, ronsist.ng of 7.XI shares, par value $100.00 terest and even of some significance of General Benedict Arnold's staff but I. BERKOWITZ 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 per share, all common aud when issued that by far the majority of that num- was cleared of any complicity in his shall be fully paid and uon-nssessalile. Furrier The corporation shall cummenee business ber was conspicuous on the. side of superior's act of treason. In the when the Articles «re filed h» the office later years of the revolution he was FUR STORAGE of the County Clrk of l»out;la Couutj, Kethe declarants for independence. brnska, and continue until JmiDitry 1st, Remodeling and Relining Even before hostilities broke out sent on several minor diplomatic mis'MSI. The highest amount of iudelitenlnesa sions. ; New Haven, Conn.—(J.T.A.)— The shall nut exceed two-thirds of tin? capital Jews were actively supporting the 2818 Leavenworth—TeL 3A. 2703 stock. This restriction, however, shall not Harry H- La Dirt us. ['resident* Tress. apply to nny indebtedness where the paycolonial leaders in their effort for Another Franks who distinguished skull of a child of the pre-historic NeOne of the largest and most beautiment of same is secured by real estate. himself in the forces o j the revolu- anderthal age was found in one offul suburban residences built in Omaautonomy from the motherland. The nffairs of the t'ornoratioai shall be ndtion was Colonel Isaac -Franks who the four caves which are being ex- ha is under process of erection in the ministered by n Bonrd consisting of two. The Hoard Bhall elect President, Secretary Southern Patriots enlisted in 1776 when he was no more plored near Athlit, Palestine, by Loveland addition, West Pacific, with and Treasurer from its memlters. The minn.-il meeting of the stockholders shall In Philadelphia several of the sons than seventeen years old. At oneTheodpre D. | McGdwn, representing the Cooper Construction Co. as genCHARLES SIMON be held the second Wednesday in January COMPLETE STORE AND of the American Revolution signed an time he was captured by the British the American School of Prehistoric eral contractor and B. Kvenild archiof each year, at which meeting the DirecUeeommendi OFFICE OUTFITTERS tors shall be elected and- immediately agreement to discontinue the-impor- near Long Island but hej managed to Research in its joint excavation with thereafter the Directors shall meet. an*, \V» Occupy The Sanitary Laundry tect elect the officers. The Articles may be tation of goods from England. Among escape and find his way, back to histhe British School of Archaeology at Orel 10.000 Hqnarr Feet T h e Best of All taaiulrr Son-Ice* amended as provided for in the by-laws. The home, which is considered by those who signed are several names troops. •'. After the Revolution he set-Jerusalem. Announcement to this efThe corporation shall have a seal. Southwest Corner Dated May 6th, 1K31. AT-2815 that have a familiar ring: J Benjamin tled down in Germantown, Philadel- fect was made ^yesterday by Dr. Geo.many as one of the city's very finest, Eleventh and Douglas Streets HAKKT B. COHBN, Levy, Samson Levy, Joseph Jacobs, phia, and at one time rented a house Grant MacCurdy of Yale University, is built in old English style on the CAKIi C KATKL.WAM. Phone JAckson 2724 outside. Every modern improvement 4t-6-19-31. Hyman Levy Jr., David Franks,that he owned to President Washing- director of the American: school. known for a residence has been placed Omaha. Nebr. Mathias Bush, Michael Grate, Bern- ton. This Neanderthal skull is the, sec-into this home. FBADENTJCRG, STALMASTER tt BEBEIt ard Gratz and Moses Mordecai. Three brothers, Solomon, William ond to be found in Palestine. The exNew and Old C50 Omaha Satisnal (tank Bltg. In South Carolina, a year before and Abraham Pinto—the first two, pedition has already discovered skele- The kitchen is any housewife's deNOTICE OF AKTICUS8 Of lNCOKVOKAthe Declaration was signed, Francis graduates of Yale—served in a Con-tal remains' of the Mesolithic age and light—the frigidaire, cabinets and the TION OF "COHEN * FKL.TMA.N". IMC." like being all built into the walls with KNOW ALL MEN BY. TUKSE FRKSSalvador, a hero if ever there was necticut regiment. The Hays family the Cro-Magnon man At Reasonable Prices KNTS that the undersigned have formed- a one, was elected to membership in the in New York made its contribution to Miss Dorothy Garrod has been in no obtrusions whatsoever. This idea corporntion under the laws of the State N. C NIELSEN of .Nebruskit. The name of t i i s corporahas also been carried out in the other JOB FOUNDRY provincial assembly of that colony. the front. The Sheftails in Georgia charge of the excavations. tion; shall be "Cohen & Feltmnn, Inc." with 117% North 16th JA. 5880 rooms, there being concealed radiaAND MACHINE WORK its principal place of transacting business He was highly regarded in that body helped to recruit almost an entire regat Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature tion. REINFORCING STEEL and held posts on its most important iment from among the Jewish popula- People's Tool Campaign to of the business lo be transactedrodthe object and purpose for wiiich tkin corThe outside of the house is of heavy committees. When the colony was tion of Savannah. Captain Cohen of Include Jews of Poland poration ia organized and established shall be to engage in the buying, selling and attacked by Indians at the instigation Virginia, Major Lewish Bush of Jews in Poland will be included in N B P , STAI.MASTER * OEBER dealing generally, either wholesale or reNATIONAL of the British, Salvador raised the Pennsylvania^ Major Nomes of South the Peoples Tool Campaign for the 050 Omaha National Rank Bldg-., tail, in meats, groceries, restaurant wares, Omaha. Nebr. fruits, cundies, coufeci ions, soft drinks, alarm and took part in several of the Carolina (who was aide de camp to declassed Jews, according to a deACCESSORIES, INC. produce, poultry, bakery goods, provisions MORTGAGE skirmishes that followed. He died a the general in chief) Captain de lacision adopted at the - convention of NOTICE OF CHATTEL and any and ftll other kindred 'terns of Third Ave. and 11th Street SALE merchandise generally hnnJleil in markets "Everything for the Auto" month after the Declaration of Inde- Motta, Jacob de Leon, Reuben Etting Notice la hereby Kiven that the underPhones: 89 and 519 of the type as the one being OTgnnized, inthis organization, which was held in signed will on the 27th day of July, 1SKJ1. cluding the power to buy and sellreal espendence was signed, scalped, at the (who enlisted at the age of ninteen) COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. at 2444 tate and sublet parts of leased property to The People's Tool at Lnriroore Arenue, Onwhn. Nebraska, aell hands of the savage allies of Eng-Major Solomon Bush, also of Penn- New York. departments of unit-store operations car1o the highest bidder for cash oue 1917 Campaign was originally >; started to ried on by the corporation. land. Coupe, Motor No. 191.Tr.B8, corerod The authorized capital stock shall be sylvania, Manuel Mordecai Noah (the aid the declassed Jews of Soviet Buick by a chattel mortp:i£i> executed by" J. B. $50,000.0" to be divided into SOU shares of Crawford to Nate Kaplan on the 2i!th day the par value of $300.00 each, all of which Russia. Taking into cognizance, how- of April, 11(30, and nssicned to Walter C stock shall be common and suaU be fully ever, the present critical situation of Daris, said mortgage being filed of record paid for nnd non-nssessjible when issued. ia the office of the County Clerk of DougSaid stock may be issued for cash, real Polish Jewry, the convention de- las County, Nebraska. estate, leases nnd leaseholds, personal sale will be held for the purpose property nnd personal services. The corcided to devote mcye attention to of Said AND foreclosing said mortgage and satisfyporation shall commence business upon the aiding the Jews of that country with ing the amount now due thereon, to-wit filing of its articles with the County Clerk The sum of $119.00 with interest at f! per of Douglas County, Nebraska, and it shall factories and tools. cent per nnnum from January 14, 1931, continue doing business for a period of 00 yearB from said date. The highest amount More than 700 delegates from and accruing costs. of indebtedness to which this corporation AVAI/TER C. DAVIS, AT ALL GROCERS various parts of the United States 7-3r3t. . shall snhject itself shall not exceed twoAssignee of Mortgage. thirds of its capital stock, but this reand: Canada attended tne convention. Hade by striction shall not apply to indebtedness

Sons of the

The Role Played by Jews in America's Liberation





Many Individuals Distinguish Themselves in Colonies' Battle for Independence





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C. lEVIN, Attorney 301 Electric Bid jr. . Eckstein Starts 30th Year -_— Notice in the District Court o County, Nebraska. Chicago.—(J. T. A.) — When the Douglas TO VILMA T I U W E M J HASTING Ravinia Grand Opera Company opens •whose place of residence i s unknown and upon whom personal service of summons its twentieth season at Rivinia this cannot be had, defendant ; YOU AKE HEREBY. NOTIFIED THAT on the 3rd week, Louis Eckstein, Chicago capit- day of ..February, 1931, Clarence Hastings alist, will be launched on another year as plaintiff filed his petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County of his hobby, that costs him between Nebraska. Docket 271!, Page :!3!>, the ob$100,000 and $200,000 a season. The ject anil prayer of which petition is to ob tain a divorce from you on the ground o; Ravinia Company is entirely run bywanton and extreme cruelty and other imconduct. Mr. Eckstein who, with the exception proper Ton are required to answer said petition of the late king of Bavaria, is theon or before the 17th day of August, 1931, only man in the world to have his or said, petition against you will be taken. as true. ctAKENCE HASTINGS. personal opera company. I'laintiff.

Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha



PnoneATLANTIC O6$9 313 SO.14 TH.ST. OMAHA.

secured by mortgages upon nny of the corporate property. The nffairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board, of Directors consisting of not less than two meml>ers. The nnnual meeting of the corporntion shall be held on the first week day of Jiinu.'iry of each year nt which time the stockholders shall elect a Uoard of Directors nnd thereupon the Board of Directors shall elect a president, a- vicepresident, n secretary nnd n treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at nny regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the nffirmntive vote of two-lhirds of all outStan dinc stock. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their hands this 8th day ot Jnne, 1931. SAM COHEN, UOIf C. FBI.TIIAN. In the presence of lrvin Stalmastm. 4t—6-12-31



PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931 Nathan Strauss Fraternity

Back Inside Story of Rumors of Benny Leonard's Return to the Ring By HARRY CONZEL, The boxing world has been shaken from its lethargy-; by rumors? that Benny Leonard, Jewish snorts ambassador extraordinary, is intending to re-enter the ring1 and resume his brilliant record as America's premier boxer. Harry Conzel, eminent sports writer, tells all the inside "dope" about Benny's retirement and comeback, after a visit to Leonard's training quarters. Will Leonard come back? Can he come back? These tjuestions Conzel answers in his own inimitable way.—The Editor. A couple of months ago we noticed at Gus Wilson's gymnasium at Orangeburg, which is within commuting distance from New York, a young man weighing a hundred and seventyseven pounds. He was the possessor of a rather sizable professorial paunch. His movements were those of a tired business man. There was, however, in his keen athlete's face, topped by carefully combed slick hair, something that did not belong to the none-too-impressive physique of this young man of thirty-five. He looked vaguely familiar to us. But we did not pay much attention to him, he had gone up to watch Jim Londos, the wrestler, pulling and tugging against carloads of human flesh in preparation for his match for the world championship. But the sharp, eagle-like profile of the "tired business man" intrigued us. We asked our old friend Gus Wilson about his identity. Gus, a great ladder, smiled, shrugged his shoulders ' and muttered something about "another one of these white-collar guys, hanging around for an overhauling." Well, that was that. The other day we dropped in again at the "Wilson Health Farm. It was a hot day. A few dozen athletes were training, slapping around the medicine ball, skipping the rope and playing handball. In the open air ring somebody was shadow-boxing. Watching the graceful footwork of the fisticuffs artist from a distance, we mentioned to our companion: "That fellow looks like Benny Leonard."

promoting, the teaching of physical culture at New, York University and other such enterprises, which gave evidence of his definite withdrawal from professional prize-fighting. We who knew the inside of Benny's withdrawal never doubted that he meant i f We knew that he was sick and tired of training and of keeping his rapidly increasing weight down. We also were aware that his bank roll, thanks to the advice of an astute financier whom he had met through his friend, the late Nathan Straus, was putting on weight even faster than he himself. And we knew that the story of pleasing his mother was genuine. Benny, being an exemplary son, could not stand torturing his mother, who suffered whenever he entered the ring for battle. So we were among those few who did not bid "au revoir" to Benny when he quit We shook his hand and said "Good-bye."

He's Fit

bis age, thirty-five years, does not frighten him. "I'm good enough to tackle a lot of those leather-pushers who rake in fat purses without knowing the first thing about the art of self-defense." All of this makes us believe that before very long we will be a«ylftrmJ7»g Benny's definite announcement of his comeback.

What It Would Mean To Jewish sports fans Benny Leonard's return to the ring would perhaps mean more than to • any other element. They have stood helplessly on the sidelines while Jewish boxing prestige took tumble after tumble. The Al Singers, the Sid Terrises, the Ruby Goldsteins and all of the rest of them proved to be nothing but false hopes. They looked great till they met their Waterloo—and all of them did meet it. Even Kid Berg, the White chapel Flash, was stopped on his expedition to the lightweight throne by that human machine gun Canzoneri. The only Jewish champion still holding on to his crown is Maxey Kosenbloom, the middleweight. But he is leading his division not so much because of his brilliance as because of the weak opposition he is facing. There was a time when Benny Leonard's ring exploits shed great lustre on the Jewish name. He was not only recognized as a master artist of the ring, but was a splendid ambassador of the Jewish people in the world of sports. His gentlemanly record was a byword for honesty in the business of boxing. Today, when wrestling is gradually taking away the center of the stage from boxing, Benny Leonard's return to the ring— win or lose—would do much to bring boxing back to that standing which it enjoyed five years ago. To the Jews Benny's comeback would bring back their most colorful sports representative who, in the words of the late Nathan Straus, "has done more to defeat anti-Semitism than dozens of good-will committees or miles of propaganda literature." (Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

When we saw him the other day, seriously at work to regain his flashing form, we realized, after a short chat with him, that times have changed. No, he did not admit that he was preparing for a comeback. Although his clear eye and the fine color of his skin stamp him as ready to tackle any of the present crop of welter and even middleweights, Benny says that he is at Orangeburg be-cause he wants to look presentable in •a bathing suit this summer. When we asked him about the rumors of his comeback Benny assumed a diplomatic pose and muttered something to the effect that the future will talL "You're a sucker if you don't come •back,"' interrupted Sammy Goldman, manager of Tony Canzoneri, the present holder of the crown which once adorned Benny's brow, "You can do a hundred and forty-seven pounds easy and you'd beat Young Jack Thompson (the welterweight champion) as sure as four fingers and a thumb make a fist Then your end for a Mcfight would crowd a hundred A Quick Transformation thousand dollars." When we got to the ring we rub"I'd go in a minute if I were cerbed our eyes. It was Benny Leonard, greatest Jewish boxer of all ttmes r re- tain I could get that kind of money," tired undefeated lightweight cham- confessed Benny—which does sound pion of the world. Under the broiling as if the former ruler of all the light- Chicago's Jewish sun he was whipping an imaginary weights is not so absolutely certain Population Grows opponent to a standstill, gliding in about staying in his ivory tower. and out, bombarding him with a mur- Insiders will tell you that the Wall Chicago (J. T. A.)—The Jewish derous two-fisted attack, from time Street disaster gave Benny a beatto time smoothing the meticulous ing. While he wasn't knocked out he population of Chicago is now 302,164, part of his hair with his glove in surely went down for a count. He an increase of 14,033 in the eight characteristic Leonard fashion. Wil- is in need of funds—who isn't these years from 1923 to 1931, according to son poked us in the ribs and whis- days? Besides, it is acknowledged a study of the Jewish population and pered: "There's your white-collared that the late Nathan Straus had much its distribution in Chicago by the to do with keeping Benny away from Jewish Charities of Chicago which business man of two months ago." was made public here. In 1923 a surWe have seen miracles happen more the ring. No wonder that Leonard, vey conducted by the Jewish Welfare than once in the world of sports. We now that the great philanthropist has have seen sluggish, clumsy gymnas- passed on, views the situation with Board on the distribution and size of ium workers step into the ring on the different eyes, Benny always liked Chicago's Jewish population revealed fight night and amaze .the scribes by the spotlight He reveled in the 288^31 Jews within the boundaries of their perfect timing and judgment. plaudits of his many admirers and the Windy City. "We remember forty-five year old ath- would not have exchanged the sincere The results of this year's study letes running young men to the affection of his Jewish followers for shows that the Jews comprise 8.9 per ground in marathon races. Time and a genuine crown of gold. And then, cent of the 3,360,734 inhabitants of again we have marveled at Tilden, Benny actually does love bathing. the city. On the basis of the Jewish tennis monarch, staging a comeback There is in him the feeling of the Charities' figures Chicago is now the on the courts despite the advance ver- artist and virtuoso who expresses third largest Jewish city in the world. dict of experts that he was through himself completely only when he is New York is the largest with Warsaw and a has-been. But the transforma- in the ring. He admited to us that ranking second. tion of Benny Leonard in two months from a paunchy, phlegmatic-lookine individual into a hundred and fiftyfive pound agressive fighter startled ; us more than the best of Kipley's "Believe It or Not" cartoons. Eyeing represents the king of Jewish fighters in the ling, we would not have hesitated to wager our last penny that Benny was ready to go on at a moment's notice OF NEW YORK against any top-notcher of his weight Assets of over One and One-fourth Billion Dollars and give him the boxing lesson of his


When Benny quit the ring six years ago he startled the-sports world. It _not happen very often that an athlete at the very climax of his career abandons his profession. In the history of boxing you can count j the undefeated world champions on the fingers of your left hand. Benny's declaration of independence was not taken seriously at the time. His claim that he was quitting to please his mother was scoffed at. Cynics branded it a publicity stunt. "When the purse will be big enough hell be back swinging bis fists," - they commented. But as time went by they revised this opinion. Apparently Leonard had meant it. He spurred fabulous offers for a comeback and devoted himself to coaching, hockey

1JLFE INSURANCE and ANNUITIES F. N. CROXSON, Agency Manager 645 Omaha National Bank Building—ATlantic 4367

We Are Taking This Opportunity to Express Our Sympathy and Condolence to

MRS. J. MILDER AND FAMILY on the Passing of Our Very. Dear Friend, Jacob Milder :

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stein and Family of Los Angeles, Calif.

Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. Among those leaving Sunday for underwent a minor operation last Friday at the Jennie Ednrandson Hospital. She is now convalescing there. next week are Messrs. Sam MeyerMrs. L. J. Tiber and children of son, Leo Fitch, Sam Bubb, Max Conn, Richard Godon, Sam Stein- Los Angeles, California, spent ten berg, Joe Passer, Ben Kooler, Simon days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg, Nathan Nogg, Sam Lin- Harry Cohen, enroute to St. Paul, coln, and Sam Steinberg. Several of Minn. Mrs. Tiber was extensively these men will be accompanied by entertained during her stay here. their wives on this trip. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman and children will leave Sunday by motor The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. held an election of for a month's trip including St. officers at a meeting held last Wed- Louis and Kansas City, Mo., and nesday evening at the home of Chicago, I1L Henry Mendelson. Milton Yudelson Donald Richards returned home was elected president to succeed Joe Tuesday following a week's trip to Solomonow. Other officers chosen Minneapolis, Minn. were Sal Michnick, vice-president; Henry Mendelson, secretary; Julius Mrs. L. London entertained thirtyBernstein, treasurer; Hymie Kramer, to children and sixteen mothers at senior sergeant-of-arms; Paul Hoff- her home Wednesday afternoon in man, junior sergeant-of-arms; Ernest Ross, reporter, and Joe Solomonow, chaplain. Julius Bisno of Omaha was the guest speaker of the evening and spoke of the A. Z. A. work and of the coming convention to be held in Milwaukee, Wis. The installation of new officers will be held on Wednesday evening, July 8, at the home of Seymour Cohn, 3006 Avenue B. Among those who expect to attend the National A. Z. A. Convention in Milwaukee, which starts July 12, are Joe Solomonow, Yale Meyerson, and Sal Michnick.

Milwaukee, Wis- to attend the An300 Lithuanians to nual National Grocers' and Butchers* Go to Bira Bidjan Convention to be held in that city Moscow (J. T.'JL)—Three hundred Lithuanian Jews have signed up to go to Bira Bidjan, the Jewish settlement in the Far Eastern Republic, N. Rashkes, leader of the Ozet, the society for settling the Jews on the land, declared. Rashkes had been sent to Kovno by the Ozet to recruit Jewish workers for Bira Bidjan. The Lithuanian group includes a number of experienced builders, carpenters and blacksmiths who are mostly young men between the ages of twenty and thirty. A group of eight Jewish workers from the Argentine have arrived on their way to Bira Bidian.

Soviet Plane for Jewish General Moscow.—(J. T- A.)—One of the three military airplanes built with funds raised through popular subscription and presented to the Kiev, airdrome is named Yalrir in honor of the Jewish military chieftain. General Sonah Yakir, commander of the Soviet military forces in Ukraimia. In addition to General Yakir, another Jew occupies high military office in Russia, the second being General M. Gamanuk.

Kitchen Chats Mrs.

By. David M. Newman

Pnff Paste Two and one-fourth cups flour, onehalf teaspoon salt, one-half scant cup ice water, one and one-half cups butter. Sift together flour and salt, cut in butter, with a knife doing it on a board. Then take out the large floured lumps. Heat up the mealy flakes to form a well. Stir in ice water to moisten but not to make it wet. Flour the mixture a little and roll out to one-half inch thickness, put on this one-half of the floured lumps of butter, fold over the top, press the edges together firmly, roll into a long strip then lay on the remaining bits of butter as directed,' doubling it in the opposite direction. Flour slightly, fold in threes and fours. Chill an hour, unroll the same way in which it is rolled before chilling. This is the foundation for French Pastries and paddy shells.

Rabbi and Mrs. A. Wolfson and family arrived in Council Bluffs Tuesday from their home in Palestine, and are visiting at the home of Rabbi Wolfson's sister, Mrs. HFried, and Mr. Fried. A family reunion in the form of a picnic supper was held Thursday evening at Big Lake when about forty relatives were present. Rabbi Wolfson will leave Sunday for Devils Lake, N. D., while Mrs. Wolfson and children will remain here for a few weeks' longer before joining him. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman and Mrs. Harry Cherniss are leaving today for St. Paul, Minn., to attend the Annual B'nai Brith Convention. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill entertained the members of their Evening Bridge Club at their home Monday evening. They recently moved into a new apartment at 145 Vine Street. Gwendolyn Meyerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson,

Plans for a stag to fee given sooft by the fraternity were discussed at the reg-ular meeting1 of the organisation Tuesday at the J. C. C The group is planning to sponsor a junior tennis tournament for Jewish youths. One of the club's members, Nate Cotler, recently won the North Omaha tennis tourney by winning over a fast field of entries. Anyone interested in further information concerning, the junior tournament can get in touch with any; member of the Nathan Strauss. honor of the eleventh birthday of her daughter, Adeline. The children spent the afternoon playing1 games, and the mothers' diversion was bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron David, of Leavenworth, Kans., will spend the week-end here visiting Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. anil Mrs, Julius Katelman. Mrs. L. Meyerson will leave Sunday for a month's stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo.

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p p j f tmltinr nil their cultural Spain and the new Republican govand economic Activities. Their comernment will put no restrictions on' mon tongue it Mill Yiddish, But their immigration. among them there 1» * ytwnger gen'.". Asked .whether the Spanish governeration, grown m> in France, whtdh ment had officially revoked the decree in»l«t8 on the use of French at meet* of expulsion against the Jews issued ing* of this Organization afld its ftf* in 1492-by Ferdinand and Isabella, the ftilttU'd societies. Spanish ambassador declared - that this had not yet, been done. "However* Acute Need Exists for Common The Seph&rtUe Jew* ate also beI.hardly think that" this is necessary, ginning to «hew an Interest in this Language to Unite orguniration and would join it it the Miss Ruth Cohen of Omaha is visit- since the new government has already All 1 ; proclaimed full religious liberty for language barrier was not Jtt tb« ing friends in Sioux City.' • .; all apn-Gatholic Jews as well as ProParis. (J.T.A.) — A language way, nines they understand fid VidMiss Elizabeth Passman is a guest testants and others," he said. question has now arisen among the di«h. The name in true of the tmtivm at the home of her brother-in-law Senor Madariaga further stated Jews of France and it promises to French Jews, The suggestion that and, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Green, that children of non-Catholics in Spain become more acute with the passing French be used at Jewish gathering* and more, in Oskaloosa, Iowa. are now under ho compulsion to learn of time. Six languages' arc new is meeting with more favor here. Though Yiddish i t not the tenets of the Catholic faith, as spoken by the Jews here—French, destined to vanish soon in France, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlow an- was formerly the case in Spain under Yiddish, Russian, German, Ladino nounce the birth of a son, June 28, at the monarchy. He .said that the for- and Hebrew—each by targe groups, it appears that it will have to take the Methodist Hospital mer hegemony exercised by the Cath- and the question of a common lang- a "back seat" to French. olic Church over the political and cul- uage which, would unite all groups Miss . Velma Mitchnick of Dea tural life of Spain is now greatly for common Jewish purposes is now Jewish Artists Win Prizes Moines, Iowa, is a guest at the home curtailed, although he did not think being given serious thought in FranBaltimore. — The bronze medal • of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Miller.. that Catholic religious feeling among co-Jewish circles. awarded by the Maryland Institute the masses of Spaniards has been The largest group is the Yiddish- to the second best display of the Mrs. A. B. Friedman and daughters weakened since the advent of the Re- speaking one, consisting of; immi- Alumni Association exhibition was. Helen, Esther and Pauline have.re- publican regime. -"«," . *; } grants from Eastern Europe. The given to Mrs. Florence' Hochschild turned holme after a visit with" friends native Jews speak French, while the Austrion for her painting. "Flower ii^ OmWha. '' •- ^ ; - ; : > -: : • "• ; : • Jews of Alsace-Lorraine, the ' pro- Stalls in Richmond Market." The SAND'AND STARS vinces recovered from Germany after jury iselected the prize-winning ex: Mrs,: Henry RodeiJ of Kansas City the war, speak German. The Orient- hibits from almost 300 pieces of is visiting; friends; and relatives in The silver moon shines, an the al Jews use Ladino or Judeo-Span- work on display. . • ; diamond stars twinkle, Sioux City.;., ; ?; ; - ' ish, while the "intelligentsia" among Honorable mention went to ReuThe night soars o'er land and o'er the Russian-Jewish emigres who fled ben Robert Kramer, of the Rinehurt main; ', Morris Ruben departed last week from -Russia after the Bolshevik ReSchool of 'Sculpture, for the sculpfor Oakland, Calif., where he • will The Book of Creation before me is volution, speak Russian. ture entitled *'£arth," and to lfaac •open—; spend a month visiting with his sister, , The East European Yiddish-speak- Benesch for a group of costume I read it—and read it again. ~ Mrs. Yale Kobinow.". ing Jewry have already created a designs for "Aeronautic-Error," a I read and repeat the old, marvelous' central organization in Paris for the modern ballet. . Mrs. I. JHurwitz has returned home stories— from Ann Arbor, Mich., where she A voice I hear answering me: -' attended the graduation, of her son "My people shall be as the stars of Lou, from the University of Michigan. heaven, . ; She was accompanied by her son, As sand on the shore of the seal" Hymie. Oh, heavenly Father, not one of thy, Mrs. Anna Brodsky and daughter, sayings " Pearl, of Brooklyn, New York, are r Has "ever proved vain or untue; ' visiting friends and relatives in Sioux Thy will on the earth, as thy will ' c i t y ; •••'•;, ••' •.. ' •• [' in the'"-heaven " ' Must come, when its season is dufc


MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

DEATH CLAIMS JACOB KAPLAN AFTER ILLNESS :, Death claimed Jacob Kaplan,, last Friday, after a lingering illness., He is survived by one'daughter,:firs. N. iyyidesjcy, of Sioux (jity.and tvyosons Sam and Louis Kaplan.' Rabbi p , J^, Kabinowitz officiated at; the .funeral, Vbach was held from the family residence.

Three Hundred at irane Picnic : . 17 • Qyer 300 atended ! . ' the Picnic, spon-

Social News Despite.; the* torrid, .weather and sweltering heat, this week's social calendar has included three weddings, a novelty Yacht party and'smaller entertainments . for countless summer guests, who are visiting in the city. ...Saturday evening Miss Min Greenstone became the bride of Nicholas Sherman, in the study of Shaare Zion Synagogue. Rabbi E. R. Rabinowitz read the marriage lines in the presence of the bride'and groom's immediate families. Following a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman will make their home in Sioux City. Mr.Sher^ man is associated with the R. K. O. ! Orpheum Theater. '

sored by the Ladies Independent Farane,.last Sunday, afternoon. Proceeds -Miss Eleanor Lefkow, daughter of ;of .tie picnic, which was held at Bive'r,Mr. M. Lefkow of New York City, beView Park, will go .towards the charcame the bride of Sam Mopper of ity work of the organization. Carthage, S. D., Sunday evening, at Shaare Zion Synagogue, in the presence of 60 relatives and friends. . The bride, gowned in beige chiffon, with, white accessories, was attended by Miss Ruth Bernstein, maid of honEabbi Theodore N. Lewis, spoke be- or, Mr. Louis Kutcher, best man, and fore members of the Kiwanis club at the brides brother-in-law and sister, k [Wortnington, Minn., Tuesday noon, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Daskovsky. at the invitation of that organization. Following the wedding ceremony, The subject of his address was "What at which. Rabbi Rabinowitz officiated, it means to be an American Citizen." a dinner was served in the social hall of the synagogue. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Barney Daskovsky of Lewton, Iowa, Mrs. Murray Fisher of New York, Mrs. Irving Levy of Salem, South Dakota, and Esther, I believe, the realization of Mr. M. Lefkow of New York. them will do more to preserve peace \ After a trip to Lake Minnetonka, than any amount of peace resolutions. Mr. and Mrs. Mopper will make their home in Carthage, South Dakota. THIS A N D THAT Miss Ruth Bernstein was hostess at - Professor Bernard Postal is oat with his dogs and rifle, hunting for a shower and bridge party recently anecdotes about Baron Edmond Roth- honoring the bride. On Wednesday schild . . . . . I f you know any, send evening Mrs. Joe Kutcher honored them in care of this column or to Ber- Mrs. Mopper at a bridge party. Tuesnard Postal, the Jewish Telegraphic day noon, Mrs. Jacob Kutcher enterAgency, Grand Central Palace, New tained 40 guests at a luncheon and York and lots of gracias . . . . David bridge, in the Jewish Community Cen7 Friday noon,. ;Mrs. Barney !A. Brown may shortly lead another ter. campaign in the near future . . . . Daskovsky and Mrs. Irving Levy enAlice Hughes, New York Telegram- tertained at a luncheon honoring Mrs. World writer is back from a visit to Hopper, in. the Sara Davis tea robini Russia with a series of articles on Saturday evening, Mrs. Max Schwedwhat she found . . . . Don Glassman elson. was hostess to a number of named managing editor of a school friends honoring the bride. daily paper which is to cater to entire 1 The veranda facing the waterfront fcity . . . . Albert Goodman who wrote national prize college play is said to of -Shore Acre,. Gardens! will be the have a contract with producer . . . . scene of a novelty yacht semi-formal BlocK Publishing Company are an- party, Saturday evening, when memnounced as the American agents of bers? of the Iota Tau Sorority will enthe Hebrew University publications tertain. The veranda will be divided . . . . a new tone on American Jewish into three decks, with deck chairs and heroism in World War is in the works, yacht decorations, making a charmthe author being one of the valor ing setting. Eighteen couples are expected to attend. Jimmy Lewis -and decorated men . . . . [Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- his band will furnish music for dancing. A buffet supper will be served graphic Agency, Inc.) during the evening . Among .the out of town guests who Jews: in California Penal plan to attend the dance are Harold Institutions Fewer Barish, Arthur Grosman, Norman Los Angeles.—(J. T. A.)—Only 2.8 and Leonard Korney, Sam White, Osper cent fo the general population of car Mayerwitz, Lee Shane, Nate Fine, all state hospitals and penal, institu- Lee Gilman, Morton Faeir, Sam Cacktions consists of persons of the Jew- in, Libbie. Elowitz and Mpe Franklin ish faith. This was the statement by of Omaha, and Lillian Millman and Rabbi Rudolph I. Coffee, of Oakland Esther Kopoloff of Sioux Falls, S. D. jhairriian of the Jewish Committee for Personal Service, and former Mrs. Robert Schwartz of. Omaha, Chaplain of the State Assembly, at a is visiting friends and relatives in Sheeting of the Board of Directors Sioux City this week. Accompanied held in this city. by Mr. Schwartz she will go to MitIt was also pointed out that only chell, S. D., to visit before returning 5 per cent of the Jewish men released to her home in Omaha. Mrs. Schwartz from the penal institutions, in Califor- was formerly Miss Beverly Sax. nia, return as "repeaters"- as cornMiss Mollie Herman and Miss PaulBared to 12 per cent of others re- ine . Sokolsky were hostesses at a leased. slumber party recently, honoring Mrs. Schwartz ajid Miss Rebecca Shiffman Governor Signed It When of Houston, Texas., who has been visHe Wanted It Vetoed Sacramento, Calif. — (J. T. A.) — iting at the home of Miss Herman for Just before Governor Rolph signed the past month. the state kosher meat law, the head Miss Tillie Segal of Omaha visited j>f Shenson's Inc., chief kosher meat firm of San Francisco, called on the at the home of, her sister Mrs. Max jjovernor as he was rushing out of his Merlin. While in the city Miss Segal pffice.. As the governor was leaving was guest of honr at a bridge party his office, Mr. Shenson walked up to given by Mrs. Merlin,' last Thursday him and the governor greeted him evening. Friday evening Miss Dorowith the remark "Don't worry Mr. thy Merlin entertained in honor of Shenson, I'm going to sign that kosh- Miss Segal. She was accompanied to fcr meat bill." "Sign it," cried Shen- Sioux City by Miss Esther Wolf of >on, as the governor rushed ahead. Omaha. "I came here to ask you to kill it." Miss Esther Lebowitz visited .Yehudi Menuhin Named Honor- friends in Omaha this week.

Rabbi Lewis Speaks Before Minnesotans


ary Member of Paris Conservatoire

' New. York.—(J..T. A.)—Yehudi, 14year-old violinist, has been an honorHry member of the Association of 'Friends. of ; First Members of the J»aris Conservatoire. Other honorary jnembers of the association, which feave a banquet in honor of the AmerJcan boy violinist, are Fritz Kreisler, Georges Enesco and Jacques Thibaud.

STOUP & SCHAEFER «?We feed the multitude? i With Tasty ; Foods :

Mrs. M. Chudakoff and son of Tabor, S. D., are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Levin. Misses Sadie and Margaret Shulkin have departed for Minneapolis where they will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lifson. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt and children, Dave and Lois, spent last week end at Lake Okpboji.


;Mr. Irving. Shiilkin of Lo^3 Angeles, Calif., is visiting at the home of his sister, Wrs. William Mazie. v <


Vienna Street to Be Named for Freud Vienna^-(J. T. A.)—The Vienna eity council h*s taV«u steps to rename the fitfif-Gftsfee, one of Vienna's leading thofoTighfafPs, Sigmound Freud 6asse, after the famous Austrian psyehoaftaiysfc, gigmund Freud, who ha* hem living on Berg-Gasse for 46 ftmt». A motion to rename BergOasse was introduced and it will be voUxi upon in the coarse of the next few weeks. . ;• • It i« said here that the Socialistcontrolled municipality wishes in thii manner to atone for the fact that the federal government of Austria accorded no official honors t o the famous savant on the occasion of his seventyfifth birthday, which was recently celebrated throughout the world.

Guggenheims Again Sponsor Goldman Band Concerts New York.—(J. T. A.)—The fourteenth season of the Goldman Sand Concerts with the Edwin Franko Goldman conducting is now under way with concerts being given alternately during the Week on the Mall in Central Park and on the campus of New York University. Seventy concerts will be given this year and they are called the Daniel Guggenheim Memorial Concerts in memory of the man who made them possible in previous years. '


And half of thy promise has long been accomplished: Thy people became as the sand, As gloomy and trampled, as humble and wind-tossed As scattered on sea and on land.

You can buy a pair at these prices

Yea, half of Thy promise has long been accomplished So Says New Envoy from Spain Thy people is trodden as sod; to the United But what of the beauteous, the lofty, : States the shining, The heavenly stars, 0 my God? "Who in Spain hasn't some Jewish ~> • S. Frag.'" bl^od in his veins," Senor Salvador de Madariaga, new Spanish' ambassador to the United States, declared toChicago—(J. T.^A..)-r-^uiancial sucday to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency cess of the Michigan Boulevard Garwhen asked whether he was of Jewish den apartments ' constructed and descent. As far as he knew, Senor financed by Julius Rosenwald as model Madariaga said he was not of Jewish homes for negro residents of Chicago descent. : . has brought forth the construction of The new envoy, who arrived this further buildings of this kind as a week on the S. S.; Mauretania, is an way back to prosperity. Mr. Roseninternationally known publicist and wald's experiment in this new field critic, the author of several books in was a unique one. He decided to English as well as in Spanish, and a build modern apartment buildings, but former professor a t .Oxford Univer- conduct them on a basis where there sity. He has been: chairman, of .the would be a profitable return. . He disarmament section of the League of wanted to find out if large scale housN a t i o n s . " • • - , : . : ; v s i < < : \ , . - , ; , • • i " i .•• .-; •. ing operations could be made to pay. In an interview with the. Jewish The third annual report of the buildTelegraphic Agency", Senor Madariaga ing her shows that it is returning a said that Jews, whether of .Spanish or modest income on the original investother descent, are welcome ;to come to ment even in a period of depression.

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