July 10, 1931

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In the Interests of The Jewish Community JSntered as secoud-dnsa mall matter on Jon postofllce nt Omnha. Nebraska, under the Act.


\ 1KO, at 1 3. USTd.

FIERY SESSIONS ENi WORLD ZIONIST MEETING IN SWITZERLAND Clashes Mar Outstanding Leaders Make Stirring Serenity of Pleas Conclave

Interesting and Entertaining OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1931

VOL. IX.—No. 23

Blames Jfewry for Freiberg Passion Play MANDATORY Victoria, British Columbia—Inertia on the part of the Jewish community is / held responsible by Frederick Landsberg for the failure to prevent the presentation of the Passion Play in Victoria, B. C, the city which honored him a. year ago by voting him as its best citizen. After singlehandedly using every influence, in his power to prevent it being shown in Victoria, Mr. Landsberg found that he had begun his efforts too late, due to the delay of other members in. the community in. coming to his aid.

GIVES Palestine to A«et Directly; on Visas STEPS TAKEN TO HELP HOMELAND

Economic Equilibrium Restored, Palestine Government Reports in Memo

Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Applications for Palestine immigration certificates front Zionist refugees in Russia will in the future be received and acted upon by the government, immigration authorities, without reference in each case to the Colonial office, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency has learned. In this way, applications are to be expedited in line with the Jewish Agency Executive's long standing recommendation to the government.


London.—(J. T. ^(L)—Facts and figures to show that the economic equilibrium of Palestine has been restored are cited by the' Palestine government in its annuaL report to the Manonstrative protest against the speakThe decision of the seventeenth dates Commission of the League of e r ^ a n d the ALaborite delegates at"World Zionist Congress as to who Sam Beber, prominent local comNations. The report cites increased tempted to shout him down with cries shall: lead the * movement or munal leader, was chosen first vice* building activity, new buildings to the of .."demagogue,"and appeals to the whether the reins should be turned president of District grand lodge No, value of $9,250,000 having been erectchairman to forbid the continuance of over to a praesidium had not been 6 of the international B'nai Brith at : ed during the year, the continued exhis speech." "• . determined at press time. A comthe election of officers featuring tha pansion of citriculture and the slow plete report on this most vital "I indict the present government of sixty-third annual convention held in consolidation of the position of the factor in Zionism today will be St. Paul the early part of this week< England on this tribunal of the Jewprincipal factories* The fact that the Plajyand Learning Combined at carried in the next issue of the Beber was second vice-president durish people before'the moral conscience Nesher Cement Works has shown a Center's Annual SumJewish Press. ing the past term. He is the youngof the world as having, tragically failprofit of $9G;O0Oiand that the Tel mer School est man in the history of the order; ed to ftttfflTits' obligations under the Jewish Quarter of Salonika to Be Aviv silicate planl has resumed proto hold such a high post. Reconstructed With Govern- duction is also pointed out. Palestine Mandate to the ' Jewish ' Sokolow. Opens Congress Even though the Jewish Communment Subsidy ' Never in the thirty-four years of people," Dr. Wise called out. ity Center Play School is ten days Dr. A. Greenberg, who is president Emphasize Absence of Disturbances old, registrations are still being made Sam Beber. its history has a Zionist Congress - "Dr. Weizmann's speech sounded of the local lodge No. 354, was electSaloniki. — (J. T. A.) — George like a statement by the British govIn the introduction to the report by children who have been hearing of toeen so dramatically moved ed to the general committee of the ernment/' he continued, "but my word Maids, Greek minister of finance, has the fact that comparative tranquility the manifold benefits and. pleasures weighed down by fate, Nathan grand lodge. low, the seventy-year old chairman of will be a statement to the British placed 500,000 drachmas ($65,000) at prevailed is emphasized as is the ab- derived by those attending. Close to seven hundred delegates .. the Zionist Executive, declared in of- government. Whether it will be the disposal of the governor of Sal- sence of any disturbances which is and visitors from Canada, Nebraska, All classes have been -well organficially opening the 17th i Zionist Con- necessary to speak against England onfld for the reconstruction of the credited not only to increased security ized and are working in full swing, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South gress with a' plea to ihe- Jews of the depends on whether we shall have a Jewish quarter of the city, which was forces but also to the fact that the according to Miss Sophie Rosenstein, DaKota, Illinois, Michigan and Minne:world not to despair when they meet leadership which shall speak to Eng- almost entirely destroyed by fire-as temper of the populace became per- director. sota, were in attendance. with defeat because a fight for a land." Dr. Wise then declared that he a result of the anti-Jewish riot here. ceptively less violent and inter-racial Each day some new feature is inThe greatest ovation of the convenjust cause is bound to lead to victory. offered no indictment against the As a result of this money becoming antagonism somewhat less bitter. An- troduced into the program. Last tion was given to Beber at the conEnglish people. "How," he asked, available it is believed possible that other factor in the 'restoration and Thursday slides from the Union Pa- Annual Scholarship to Jewish clusion of his report as president of '•Forward, Not Backward" stone buildings will replace the dilapconditions cific on National Parks were shown Saving that some people may call "can I indict . • Lord Balfour Lloyd idated wooden dwellings in which the maintenance of . -peaceful -» the supreme advisory council of tha Girl to Be Awarded George, Lord Plumer and General by Gilbert" Harry, and Mr. Wright of this optimism, Mr. Sokolow declared was the gradual disappearance of the Aleph Zadik Aleph, the international September 1 Jews "previously lived. that."it is in optimism that the secret Smuts? It is these who are repreArab boycott of Je*lsh products and Boy Scout headquarters delivered a junior B'nai Brith movement which he Seventeen Greek and three Jewish a revival of economic intercourse, the short address. Friday, several num- "Th'eiocal Council of Jewish Women himself founded here in Omaha eight of the preservation of our people lies. sentative of the English-people and not Lord Passfield High Commissionorganizations, including the B'nai report notes. More-than ;-a"|eW Arab bers were" given" by the comb orches- is now ready to receive applications years ago. Hopelessness and Zionism are opposite contrasts; forward and not back- er Chancellor, and Keith Roach, dis- Brith, met here and adopted a resolu- bankruptcies during^the year were a tra, directed by Miss Lilyan Chada- for its annual scholarship loan, acThe complete list of officers chosen tion expressing regret at the disturb- -consequence of the boycott the gov- coff.cording to ah announcement made by are Harry Lashkowitz, Fargo, N. D. ward is the; motto of Zionism. The trict commissioner in Palestine." f ances and confidence in the local au- ernment adds. •present' Congress' is one of realities Justin Wolf - addressed the Play Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman of president; Sam Beber, Omaha, Nebr., "Security, Land, Immigration.*' thorities. Representatives of the press Regarding the Mandates! Commis- School Monday morning. On Tuesday "the educational committee of the and means, to-look facts directly in The three major points for the who -were invited to the conference sion's question as fe wha| measures the assembly was featured by" dance Council, following a special meeting first vice-president; Joseph F. Grossthe face more than ever." man, Chicago, 111., second vice-presi« establishment of the Jewish National promised to aid in the restoration of of that, committee Tuesday at'1 the ' Applaud Weizmann. -..'.;'•• Home are security, land and immigra- peace and in the improvement of re- were taken for securing^'the estab- numbers and comedy by Sam Brown, home of Mrs. Herbert Amstein, pres- dent; Otto G. Felton, Chicago, III., lishment of the Jewish National Home and a comb number and song by Joe secretary; William Bensinger, East •} Five minutes before .the opening of tion. Dr. Wise said. "Security should lations between Greeks and Jews. The the Palestine goveinnjfcnt refers "not Harris, a Play School pupil. ident of ttie Council. .VY,--*"-' St. Louis, HI., treasurer; Dr. A* jhe Congress -Dr.- Chaim Weizmann not' lest on .British bayonets but on parley also decided to summon anoth- only to last &e^lcfca^ # «HrfiiiimlaT«afip loan fa ©pen fo any Greenberg, Omaha, Nebr., and Ed E« New members goes an end of-the will ajxd efforte-.on the er conference tjf-afi^Greek, Jewish and back to 1920 and enumerates ten to the Play SchoSl's teaching staff in- Omaha Jewish girl for further study entered- the .hall with the entire'ZipnBarron, Sioux City, elected to the .Executive following "'" - • - •him - - - •to - ^ g part of .British officials in Palestine national professional groups to take steps taken to indicate the growth of clude Mrs. A. Pitler, in charge of sew- No particular school or type of study general committee. Jtribuflfc- ?As .Weizmann entered the who incite the Arabs against the j steps to end all misunderstandings. the Jewish National Home. They are ing classes; Miss Louise Pitch, as- is specified. Reports were rendered at the conJews. We do not demand safety for hall the entire gathering rose en Applications should be made to In the meantime the - minister of as follows: sistant in dramatics, and Miss Gerclave on the various activities of the masse and applauded vociferously for our men in Palestine, but we demand justice and the -minister of aviation aldine Straus, accompanist for danc- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky in writing by order. The district voted to raise Steps in Growth of Home. several minutes. The loges were oc- that the; British government grant together with the governor of SakonAugust 15. The final decision as to ing. 1. Jewish immigration was legalcupied by many prominent guests and security for "women, children and old iki are looking into the cause of the the winner will be made on Septem- $45,000 for the Wider Scope during the coming year. men who were the,especially chosen outbreak. Senator Ascher Mallah, ized. diplomatic officials. ber 1. victims of the 1929 riots. Our second Deputy Bessantchi and M. Tacoel the 2. The Turkish embargo on land Funds available for this scholarship demand is free and legal access to the legal adviser of the "Jewish commun- purchase was withdrawn. Jabotinsky Wins Applause work have been raised chiefly through 3. 800,000 dunams of land passed :.- With aTinging "Ani Maamin," ex- land, and our third is fredom of im- ity,' conferred with the minister of the Council's circulating library at the pressing his faith in the destiny of migration. Blackstone Hotel and contributions to justice, A. Avraam, and explained the into Jewish hands. Oscar Mayerowich was installed as the scholarship fund. 4. A rabbinical council was estabthe Jews, that electrified, the. dele- " "During the past two years we situation to him after submitting lished and tile Jewish religious court president of the Mother Chapter of gates and visitors to. the Zionist Con- have had hone of these things. We memorandum, The members of the educational the A. Z. A. at th committee are Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, gress and that brought them to their have had bad; laws administered by M. Avraam said that he was con- recognized. regular meeting of Mrs. Sam Gerson, Mrs. Morris Jacobs 5. The High Commissioner empowfeet in a hurricane of uncontrollable worse officials; We had utter and vinced that the Maccabee Sport Club the organization last Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Max HolzCtpplause, Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader tragic insecurity". fWe had restric- is innocent of the charge of the press ered the Jewish community to organ Thursday. Mayero- man, Mrs. Joseph Stern, and Mrs. J of the Zionist Eevisionists and one of tion even-cancellation of immigration. and the National organization that the ize itself. An estimated attendance of five 6; General government measures wich is also ser- H. Kulakofsky, chairman. the outstanding opponents of the We are justified in i saying" that the Maccabee representatives' had utilized hundred boys are expected to be asWeizmann policies, brought to a dose establishment of the Jewish National their presence in Sofia last year to for the country's well-being also benegeant at arms of sembled in Milwaukee when the openhis thrilling two-hour address before Home has been practically"annulled attend a meeting of agitators favor- fitted- the Jewish community. the Missouri Valley ing session of the eighth Internation7» A fiscal policy exempting raw the Zionist Congress. • by fiat of the British government.""' ing Macedonian independence. L Aleph Association o: al Junior B'nai Brith (A. Z. A.) con"Let us make a last experiment the A. Z. A. Characterizing" ; Dr.-' Weizmann's .With the police and special military materials from the tariff and the imvention is called to order this Sunday with Great Britain," he cried out. "I speech as a personal i apologia and • not detachments fully armed patrpling position of a duty on imports. morning, July 12th. These young Other officers in 8. Land settlement and the cadas believe in the honesty of the civilized a political address. Dr. Wise empha- the streets, complete order has been men, all between the ages of 16 and stalled include Ervin •world. If we would have truthfully sized that the Congress "will never restored throughout .the city. Sue tral survey are progressing. 21, will have traveled many "hundreds Wezelman, v i c e 9. The government constructed a described to the British public the sit- accept the MacDonald letter as set- Jews and five Greeks, implicated -in of miles from all parts of this counpresident; H o r r i uation as unbearable we might have ting right the White Paper. } The let- the rioting, were sentenced to three network of road communications setry and Omaha, in order to take part Franklin, secretary New York.—(J. T.. A.)—Denying in the important functions which are obtained justice. What can we ex- ter is not a treaty of peace but red days in. prison and fined. 400. drach- curing access to the most remote JewO. Mayerowich Sam Finkel, treas- Maryland's claim to having intro- scheduled throughout the entire three pect from Britain if by innumerable cross relief for those sorely 'wounded mas each -while another Greek was ish colonies. persuasive speeches we declared our- by the Grand Mufti, Lord Passfield given a 20-day-prison term; 10. The government granted a sub- urer; Art Lapp, reporter; Saul duced religious liberty into the New days of the conclave. selves satisfied during the entire and the pogroms. The municipality and various phil- sidy to the Zionist schools, private Graetz, chaplain; Sam Garrop and World, the tercentenary of which is Philip Seman, director of the Jewnew being planned, B. H. Hartogen seven-year period. If we are truly anthropic organizations are in the Jewish schools, the Tel Aviv hospital Ben Rosen, sergeants-at-arms. ish People's Institute of Chicago, is Letter Cancels White Paper. sis, Baltimore Jewish attorney and optimistic, let us seek the fault in meantime rendering emergency as- and afforded employment during Art Grossman is to be editor of th to address the convention Sunday af"All major and minor pogroms in historian, in a letter in Sunday's New our leadership, its defections and its sistance to the Jewish victims of the time of distress. chapter's monthly publication. ternoon and lead a discussion forum York Times, presents evidence to Palestine hurt Great Britain at least weaknesses. disturbances, many of them having on problems of interest to Jewish show that not only is this claim un as much as they hurt us. Our lead"I cannot believe the world wishes lost all of their belongings in the fire. founded but that the very opposite i: youth. In the evening, a city-wido to close the doors of Palestine to the ership maintains that the MacDonald the case, even up to the present day. open meeting will be held for th« Jews, but if it were true, if our pro- letter is a virtual cancellation of the Crediting Roger Williams in Rhod' purpose of acquainting the Jewry of White Paper. . However, not the British orientation which I helped Island with first having sponsored re- Milwaukee with A. Z. A. and its probring about, was really a mistake, White Paper but immigration permits ! ligious liberty in the New World, Mr, gram. then I do not believe that the fate of were cancelled. England's answer to Hartogensis points out that it was no Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—One of the The degree team of Milwaukee the Mufti-led pogro mists was the canIn the history of the Rothschild art . the Jewish people depends on the de'.greatest private art galleries in the treasures more than one picture had until 1819 that Catholics were ab- Chapter No. 39 will present th« cision of one nation. No religious cellation of permits. Our. leadership's world is now housed in the palace of diplomatic and financial episodes of solved from taking the oaths of ab- Judas Maccabeus Degree, a two-seen* Jew, no irreligious Jew would believe answer was the whittling down of the Jewish National Home into a bi-nathe Vienna branch of the famous an international character hovering juration and abhorence as the test o playlet symbolizing the strugglf this. I believe the Jews are a powerBerlin.—(J. T. AOr-General Erich ful factor in this world. I believe in tional state. We have had insults, in- Ludendorff, former German war lord, Eothschild family. While other aris- around it. There are paintings which office and that Jews fell under the against bigotry and race prejudice i which the seven cardinal virtues oi dignity, shame and degradation from suffered another blow to his rapidly tocratic families of Europe have been required twenty years to reach the same exclusion until 1825. the power of truth Ani Maamin." Saying that it "is time that thi A. Z. A. are portrayed. Richard Gut* The unparalleled ovation that greet- the British government which learned dwindling prestige as a result of. his gathering art treasures for fifty gen- Rothschilds. There are rare pictures ed Jabotinsky after this conclusion the art of fifty-fifty from the Jewish Jew-phobia when Count von Dohna, erations, the collection of the Vienna by great masters whose value can misrepresentation be broadcast every stadt, director of the B'nai Brith came as the climax of an address in Agency, fifty per cent for the Arabs grand master" of the German Masonic Eothschild's is only some two or three hardly be estimated. In the art gal- where as bunk," Mr. Hartogensi membership, Cincinnati, is speaker of •which the Revisionist leader pleaded and fifty per cent against the Jews." lodge, won.'..suit for libel against the generations old. But the Rothschilds lery of the Vienna Rothschilds there notes that in Maryland "the test ol the evening. It was at this point of Dr. Wise's general in the courts of Gotha. are such art connisseurs that in a is, for instance, one portrait, a Fra- office is upon the faith of a Chris for a rejection of Premier MacDonOn Monday noon, a novelty lunchald's letter to Dr. Weizmann inter- speech that the Congress was thrown In Jamisiry, 1928, Ludendorff, in a comparatively short time they have gonard, worth millions of dollars, tian," wtih exception for Jews, wh eon is to be given at the Schlit* preting the Passfield White Paper. At into an uproar. Dr. Weizmann rose public address, alleged that Count von accomplished in this respect much whose inestimable value can be seen will announce their belief in future Brewery. The convention ball will b* .same time a stirring passage in from the platform and in a half dem- Dohna, knew of a plot of Jewish Free more than the oldest aristocratic fam- from the fact that when ex-Kaiser rewards and punishments; those of all held in the evening. Tuesday is del Wilhelm fled from Germany in 1918 other creeds and non-believers and voted to sessions. The convention*, *thew6peech asked for one further1 at- onstrative fashion left the hall while Masons to murder the Arch-Duke ilies of Europe. Dr. Wise was speaking. tempt at co-operation with the BritDuring a period of seventy years he had a picture by the same master atheists alike are excluded from of will formally come to a close at ft Franz Perdinand of Austria-Hungary ish government. in order to provoke a world war but the Rothschilds became the owners of under his coat. To Wilhelm it was fices of public trust despite the fed- banquet in the evening. Here, Sans Beber, of Omaha, founder of A. Z. A, Weizmann Address that von Dohna did not take steps some of the greatest private art gal- more important to save this picture eral constitution. "Witnesses and jurors alike are dis will deliver an address. Annual Wise Indictment Basle.—After leading the Zionist to prevent it and therefore was guilty leries in the world. The Parisian and than his entire estate in Germany. Vienna Rothschilds especially spent Even many art specialists do not qualified if unbelieving in a God wh awards will also be made . The stormiest session of the present movement for thirteen years, Dr. of high treason. Aleph Zadik Aleph is sponsored In court Count von Dohna produced enormous sums of money and much know the real value of the Rothschild will regard and punish; blasphemy, Zionist Congress came when.Dr. Ste- Chaim Weizmann formally and defdenial of Christ in the very language under the Wider Scope of the B'nai effort and used much discrimination a letter from General LudendorfFs phen S. Wise of New York, speaking initely laid down his office; in conart collection in Vienna. While the as the representative of the Ameri- cluding his report at the Zionist Con- first wife, whom he discovered in in the gathering of their art treas- galleries of the Parisian Hwtfaschilds of the above edict of toleration' of B'rith. 1649 is punishable severely; Sunday can delegation came out with-an ex- gress. In a tworand-a-half hour ad- 1927 after living with her for 25 ures. They didn't merely buy the best 'the Christians' Sabbath, the Lord's are at least semi-public and there is a years, stating that Ludendorff was that could be had at the market or at coriating indictment of England for dress he not only outlined the diffiMove to Larger Quarters Day, established in commemoration - its failure to fulfill the obligations of culties undergone by the Zionist not pursuing the troth and that he international auctions, but they also catalogue for the perusal of connois- of theis rise The Crandell Fur Shop has mov«4 of our Saviour from th the Palestine Mandate, and a bitter movement since the last decade and was a neurasthenist who, out of hat- employed a number of "silent brok- seurs, the gallery of the Vienna Roth- grave',; religiously consecrated mar- into new and larger quarters at 8551 attack on the| leadership .of Dr.; Weiz-; emphasized 'the facts -that j although red for, the Jews, ;had invented the ers? who went about; among the high- schilds is strictly private, only; a few riages alone are legal and not. civil Farnam St. The shop specialises, in m a n n l At one" point J the .Congress1 times have changed" since 1918,- Zion- legend that Germany was the "victim est? aristocracy; and; sought to pur- personal friends havtnf fee privilege or contract marriages, although tin fur. storage, remodeling, cleaning 4 was thrown into an uproar'when Dr. ists remain » unshaken, :bi|t; outlined of a super-state of powers composed chase certain • pictures or other an"V" ' Sir'"•*'<» TO"VM of viewing the ctUectioa. ' .-_-__• state grants civil divorces." Weizmann left the platform in dem.(Continued on Paze 4X' ^•^•j of Jesuits, Jews and Masons. ,. :, tique*. .' r_-^r-




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Vienna Rothschilds Own One of Greatest Art Collections

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1931 Broad and round heads are the char- for more than a couple of generations, fied leadership, must recognize that their reliIts the old story "frojn shirt sleeves acteristics of inferior people. gious organization is the beacon light for manI have searched for treasons for to .shirt sleeves." And perhaps it ia k i n d . . . . h o t that they are salaaming to political their conclusion and can only find well that way. The Torah seemed Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by that the long-heads have concluded anxious to bring about that very conexpediency or money dictates. If we arq in need THE JEWISH PRES& PUBLISHING COMPANY of a new social order, if we are in need of peace that they are superior by the simple dition. The year of jubijee, in whicK geometry of admitting it. They admit all lands reverted to thfcir. original . SIOUX CITY OFFICE and good-will among all mankind, if we are in owners, was designed for that purthey are superior. • JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street need of social equality and justice, the church Well, I dont know—maybe the long pose. Mr. Rosenwald is following thg heads are superior. But aH I want Jewish spirit in providing for the disSubscription Price, one year - - - - •-- - $2150 and synagogue should blaze the path. Instead of By a preaching uncontroversial abstracts, let^theni ^fulthem to do is to explain the fact that tribution of all of his philanthropic Advertising rates furnished on applicationRABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN ^ the broad heads and round heads in- funds within twenty-five years. fill their true function arid lead the. people toward clude such figures as Beethoven, Congregation Bodeph Sholom, New York world txuths—then all religions will be inculcatPlato, Napoleon, Pascal. Shall I go WASHINGTON A JEW? ing the identical tenets and no one will have the . Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building and add to the list? No. Let them The temperature is in the nineties. temerity to suggest that religion is expiring. Telephone: : ATlantie 1450 answer to these first, and then 111 Maybe that explains it. I am referrand of South Africa, is, a much more ing to a good lady genealogist, who NATHAN S0K0L0W, the veteran OAVn) BLACKER Business and Managing Editor give them a few more. comes forth, under bold headlines, to Zionist leader, in his opening address difficult task than to lead a single FRANK R. ACKERMAN - _T Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent announce that George Washington at Basel, charged the Shaw Commis- people in one land, and to deal with SOME MORE THEORIZING ANN PILL - - Sioux City,. Iowa,, Correspondent sion with confusing the issues after a single political situation, and with Amazing is the human effort to was a descendant of King Solomon. the outbreaks of 1929. In this con* one set of political economic and psy- prove one type superior to the next. She doesn't say which of Solomon's Our good friend, Arthur Brisbane, thousand wives was the mother, but nection he recalled "that a Jew from chological questions." JURISTIC RECOGNITION Here is the essence of the Jewish was in the habit of semi-annually, just knowing that Solomon is the Kishinev had said to him, 'God save At a time when our judicial system is under us from commissions and we will save tragedy, and the secret of Jewish cradle-like issuing a pronunciamento father is reassuring. I think it is REOGION IN VACATION ourselves from pogroms,' It is inter- weakness in the face of the Gentile that superior people have blue eyes. very fine. George Washington was fire and an undercurrent of corruption has Preaching to his congregation on the last aroused the indignation of right-minded citizens, Sunday before his vacation, a New York minister esting to note that the title of an world. We may be able to organize Havelock Ellis, once came forth with not a Christian. That I long knew. protest meetings from South Africa the statement that the genius is eith- Nowhere in his writings, in his miliit is a bit soothing to learn that Chief Judge Ben- reminded his hearers of the importance of pre- article in a current magazine speaks to Canada, and from Shanghai to Tel er short in stature or talL A middle tary orders, does he ever mention of President Hoover's "Sins of Comjamin Cardozo of the Court of Appeals of New serving the religious attitude of mind and of the missions." Aviv, but Great Britain knows that in sized man could be no genius. From Christ, although he mentions ProviYork state has been chosen to receive the Roose- spiritual energies in the hot days of the summer each country we are a minority. The which, all I can gather is that Bris- dence quite frequently. But I never velt medal for distinguished services during 1931, months. "The poisons which enter our system IN "DAVAR" the Palestine Labor world rules us because we are divided, bane has blue eyes and Ellis is not knew till now that George was a Semite. He was a man, whom any given by the Rosevelt Memorial Association. through the summer can be withstood only by publication we read that the "Obel and we suffer from Passfield White middle sized. people could be proud of, despite the Papers and other indignities because Lombroso was sure that the genius Especially is this a cheering encouragement and the anti-toxin of a vigorous spiritual life," he (Workers' Dramatic Studio) produced we cannot mobilize our resources for debunkers. He comes forth from all was always a degenerate. Freud, satisfaction in New York, where the Jews have maintained, and urged his people not to neglect for the first time the comedy, Vol- one decisive blow. their analyses, a genuine man and that the genius is merely the offshoot silently suffered humiliation because of the Sea- their religious works and not to slacken their pone, by Ben Jonson, as modernized were it not for the fact that I am of an inferiority complex. Dr. WatMany of our finest Zionist leaders by Stephen Zweig." Thus Hebrew bury investigation which exposed a goodly pro- energies during the vacation season. The fact is culture marches forward, whatever are in this country, but they find it son, the behaviorist, says it all rests sure that the good lady must have on the unstriped viscera. Moreover, gotten some other Solomon all mixed portion of Jews among the non-Jews. that inany people, otherwise pious and observant, the interference by politicians and po- difficult to serve the cause adequate- Watson says at birth, all stand on a up in the Washington genealogy, I'd Cardozo is recognized as one of the world's become negligent not only of their religious, but gromists. Several years ago the ly because they cannot settle in Pal- parity. Since the days of Rufus be real proud of it. Theatre Guild of New York presented estine. The next leader of the movekeenest and ablest jurists. I t is common gossip also of their moral obligations when they leave "Volpone" with Alfred Luat in the ment therefore, must be a man of un- Choate, we have been in the habit of that he would today be on the United States Su- their homes in search of physical comfort and role of Moses; now it makes its how common skill at unifying diverse describing that phrase of the Declara- MODERN DAY KISSING preme Court bench, were not another Jew, Justice recreation. With the relaxation from material in Palestine. Just as in the.smallest units of Israel at the same time that tion of Independence, "all men are You remember that poem you read Louis Brandeis, a member thereof. When in 1927 strife and worry, the principal object of a vaca- hamlet of New England there. is a he can speak vigorously and forth- created equal" as "glittering general- in your school days by Leigh Hunt, ities." But conies Watson, and says, beginning: "Jimmy kissed me when, President Coolidge invited Cardozo to succeed tion, there seems to come also a certain loosening public library, so in the tiniest village rightly to the nations with which the that it is the cold, scientific truth. we met." present destiny of Israel is interof the new Palestine under Jewish Oscar Straus on the Hague Tribunal, he declined of the bonds of duty and a weakening of the feel- auspices the progress of cultural and woven. Weizmann has served well, F. P. A., the Jewish columnist of All I've got to say in winding up because he believed that no judge should hold any ing of responsibility to the religious community, spiritual life is given impetus. despite his errors of the last decade; this discussion is, let us not assume, the Herald-Tribune has just written other office. Since his elevation to the highest of which they are a part, and of its laws and inthe time has come for Zionism to open that it is the size of the head, the a modern version of it. Here it is: "Jimmy kissed me in a dream pigment of the skin or anything else judicial post in the state of New York, his judi- stitutions which they otherwise regard essential. CHAIM WEIZMANN'S SPEECH a new chapter in its leadership. So did Elsie, Lucy, Cora ] that determines superiority, before we at Basel was no masterpiece, but an cial opinions have been a model and inspiration as It is indeed strange that the person who is apologie for his share in the forces Bessie, Gwendolyn, Eupheme ! '. EMANUEL JULIUS MARRIED are sure, that there is such a thing as cited authorities throughout the country. He pos- scrupulous in his religious observances during the Alice, Adelaide and Dora. i superiority. which have brought catastrophes into sesses every qualification consonant with the year, who rarely fails to attend synagogue serv- the Zionist movement. It would be Marcot Haldeman and became EmanSay of honor I'm devoid j uel Haldeman-Julius. Marcot Halde- THE HOUSE OF THE Say monogomy has missed me highest judicial ideals, the very embodiment of ices and who is careful in maintaining the ob- best for Zionism today if Dr. Weiz- man is a niece of Jane Addams, the But don't say to Dr. Freud impartiality, fairness and justice. He has shown servance of the dietary laws in his home, becomes mann were to step aside from the social worker, and blue blood of Ang- RED SHIELD The Austrian house of Rothschilds, Jenny kissed me." that human sympathy is not incompatible with forgetful of all these things when he is away from leadership. He states that the Mac-lo-Saxondom thus affiliated itself so the papers say, is being liquidated. It would appear that the modern Donald Letter was a nullification of with blue blood of Israel. Out of judicial integrity, and has revealed an amazing, home, enjoying the bounteous gifts of nature and of the Passfield White Paper and a this union emerged the famous little The buildings depreciated more than goes in for plural kissing. Perhaps, ability to legally adjust judicial conceptions with beholding the glories and wonders of nature's reaffirmation of the Balfour Declaraa score of millions, according to the he feels that there is some truth in Blue Books, of which, we are told, same account. the school boy's confusion of monogprogressive social conditions. God. Bent upon satisfying his physical needs, he tion and the Mandate. This should he 21,000,000 are sold every year; a total The reason given by other bankers omy with monotony. sufficient to demonstrate to the deleof 100,000,000 have been sold to date, In an era when racketeering and the crim- becomes oblivious to the higher demands of his gates at Basel the unreliability of Dr. though of course Mr. Haldeman-Julius for the fall of the famous banking WHY SCHIFF GAVE inal underworld hold the spotlight of publicity, nature, to the great spiritual values of life. Many Weizmann's leadership. house, which at one time held Europe has been publishing for more than in its palm, is the friction that has They are telling an interesting it is all the more refreshing to have due and prop^ of us become so absorbed in the pleasures and By the time this column appears five years. anecdote of the late Mortimer Schiff,. developed between the various er mention made of a man who has proven a tower diversions that a" change of scenery and new at- the Congress will have made its deOne day, he received a letter from oft strength in the realm of justice. In contrast, tractions afford, \ so. immersed in the joys of life cision as to the headship of the move- We are informed that Haldeman- branches of the Rothschilds. some small Catholic College in ManJulius is called the "Woolworth of . The first Rothschild, you remember, his personal gifts" stand out all the more brightly that the camp or the seashore'or the mountain ment for theriext^Cwoyears. It may bookdom," bat !we "are: convinced is supposed on his dying bed <to have hattan asking for .contribution. —teaching the undeniable truth that if more present to us, that we forget the standards we be that Weizmann will ride into con- Woolworth should be called the importuned the members of his fam- Schiff wrote back: "If you show mci trol again by virtue of the contending headlines flashed the prowesses of Cardozos and ourselves have regarded indispensable to a com- groups' inability to agree among "Haldeman-Julius" of the department ily to stick together. And the truth some good reason, why I should contribute, I will be glad to make donaless streamers were devoted to Capbnes, our great pletelife, and abandon ourselves to the lure of S-hemselves upon one person to take store trade. No one will deny the is that the early greatness of Roths- tion." value of these informative little blue child was built on this cleaving tomen would be greater and the gangster type material enjoyments that comes to us in the va- control. It may be that a "col- books. Did not Will Durant original- gether of the members of the family. Whereupon a solicitor came and enlegium" will be elected, of which ly write his "Story of Philosophy" for cation time. thusiastically spoke cf the college ssd would be relegated to the discard. Weizmann may be a member. the Haldeman-Julius series ? Did not But a new generation has arisen, its work. After about three minutes which "knows not Joseph." Temporary emancipation from the cares and Even if the movement in many reof this, Schiff told his secretary to anxieties of the office and the shop, from the spects should suffer for the time be- Maynard Shipley contribute many of RELATIVITY AND make out a check. RELIGION'S TASK his best articles, and Clement Wood drudgery of housekeeping and the worries of ing, a fresh start in the leadership his finest criticisms for it? Do not ROTHSCHILDS The solicitor then resumed talking A bee has been let loose in many and varied I don't know why it is, but blood to express his appreciation, when he everyday life, does not mean emancipation also should be made. Zionists appreciate Rabbis utilize the miniature-sized Christian church circles with the publication of what Weizmann has done on behalf of doesn't seem to be very thick. Abie was interrupted by Schiff.- "If you Lewis Browne's latest irreverence, entitled "Since from all that we hold sacred and inviolable, an the cause, but new days have dawned, volumes for their sermon-prepara- Kabibble perhaps expressed the truth want to know why I decided to make tions, for "Kal Bo," "everything is in Calvary." Browne, an ex-Rabbi who knows how overthrowing of the well-established principles of and the time is out of joint. It is a it?" And if they do not, should they pretty accurately, when he said: a contribution, I can tell you it. % "Only a friend can be an enemy, a appreciate the fact that in your reto write dry facts with a romantic twist so as moral and religious conduct, disregard of the pity that Pinchas Rutenberg is not not? relative already is." marks, you did not try to tell me that to-fascinate even an adverse reader, has traced higher things of life. The consciousness of God available;, he would be an ideal man for the leadership, despite his ten- Now we learn that Haldeman-Julius Very few are the fortunes that last and of duty should be stirred to a more active (Continued on page 6.) /in his newest opus the rise of Christianity and dency to rule with an iron hand. It is to be a candidate for the United a more virile spiritual energy when we are a t States Senate next year. Ever since its decline. Without the injection of his own permay yet be that he may be drafted as sonality, the writer calmly and cooly insinuates rest and in close contact with the marvelous work; President of the Z. O. A. and the Henry Cabot Lodge passed away, the Senate has lacked a great literary Store Closes 5 P. M.—Saturdays 5:30 P. M. that the great religion is expiring and indicts the of nature. While observing the raging ocean or Agency. light, but if Haldeman-Julius is electthe towering mountain, the. blooming flowers and To borrow an inadequate metaphor, church for its failure to lead in today's struggle ed, the gap is certain to be filled. the trees laden with luscious fruit, the beauty and and doubtless somewhat trivial under- Stranger things have been known to for social justice. ^ majesty of nature in its verdant fullness and rich- the circumstances, the Zionist moveThis work is something new. We have be- ness, we should be filled with gratitude and ment is in the position of the United happen. come accustomed to Gentiles either praising Jud- adoration for the Author of nature, the Father of States in relation to the Davis Cup THE SHELL OIL COMPANY IN tennis matches. v For years Tilden aism warmly or denouncing it scathingly. But the universe.—Jewish Exponent. ruled the field, s and the Cup came the June issue of "The Sign of the for a Jew to write thus of Christians-^that is inconsistently to this country. Then he Shell" denies that it discriminates deed novel. Naturally, the book is skeptical, for began to slip, and defeats followed. against Jews. We hope the facts bear Browne is a critic and radical extraordinary. In An interlude followed when many out the denial. In meeting anti-SemOPERATIC SPONSOR younger men sought to gain the skill itism, Jews have so often had the a different locality or in a different era that inVarious men, various satisfactions. Long requisite for the recapture of the "shell game" played upon them that diting would have cost the author physical tor- ago men of means learned that the more accumuthey have become skeptical. ture, if not his life. Blended with the historic lation of this world's goods is not an end in itself. Cup. To date Ithe victory has not come, but the Americans are on the origins of the majority religion, its greeds, its The chief benefits that accrue to the affluent are threshold of capturing it at last. This corruptions, its failures, is found due tribute to the services they are enabled to render, the libb- is due to the fact that a group of fine those followers of the church who practiced what bies they can gratify, or the cultural enterprises new players have been given strategic opportunities for development they preached and helped preserve civilization By DAVID SCHWARTZ they can aid. Wealthy Americans size up very under fire, and have grown into maand brought back the true doctrines of their rewell in comparison with rich men abroad4n this ture stature. ligion. But the impression left upon completion So it is with Zionism. Even if HEADS AND SUPERIORITY matter of their pursuits and avocations. The late of the picture is that the church is failing. In Maurice Fox endowed a Civic Auditorium at La there should be a period of confusion, Dr. Isidor Lhevine, author of that its dominance over half of the world, the church until the younger men have attained transiently suppressed work—Ariahas obtained a success which has brought it Porte, Indiana. The late David Guggenheim saw experience, confidence and authority, dne has turned anthropoliogist. Lhefit to give an impetus to aeronautics. Julius the movement ultimately is sure to failure. vine has left for some savage island, Rogenwald erects hundreds of schoolhouses for benefit. Dr. Weizmann may "stage a where they practice shrinking heads. LOU wouldn't ride in a solid The indictment against Christianity con- Negroes throughout the south. And, aside from come-back" this year, but he can last Folk of that island, it seems, may tained in "Since Calvary" is applicable equally to philanthropy, one individual may go in for rare only another two or four years start out needing a hat, size seven tired, springless automobile— Judaism—is applicable to. all modern religion editions and another for race horses. But Louis Strong, uncompromising, undefeatist, and end up with a bonnet of an inch young men, of whom Jabotinsky is so why walk in hard soled, unContrary to the general hue and cry heard about Eckstein, who for twenty years has sponsored the symbolic, are appearing on the hori- less. I have read somewhere that Hipus, the fundamental principles underlying our out-door opera company at Ravinia, Illinois, at yielding shoes? . . . The buoyant, popocrates, the father of medicine, lives are as intact today as ever. But the vehicle considerable cost, probably gets full quittance in zon.To be sure, it takes a long time be- gives some prescriptions for achievfoot conforming cushion sole in for the expression—religion—is in need of re- the satisfaction he derives from that artistic un- fore a Jewish leader of prestige is ing variations in the size of the head. Dr. A* Reed Cushion Shoes is to pairs.. Religion is not the inherent will of the dertaking. There was a time when as a clerk on created. Jewish leadership is enorm- But some first hand accounts of ously difficult. William Zukerman whole people doing it, should prove individual for the finest in life; it is only the a small salary his favorite recreation was the walking as shock absorbers are to writing in the New York Times rechannel for its'outlet. Modern youth, modern concerts for which Milwaukee at that day was marks: "Leadership in a movement interesting. Perhaps Dr. Lhevine will introduce a new vogue in civilization. riding. In looks and feeling, Reed j intellectuals are too free-thinking to accept un- famous in addition to its erstwhile fame for the like the Zionist, requires a greater de- Maybe, the women folk of the future questioningly fundamentalists' ideas which to amber brew! The rustic auditorium, at Ravinia on gree of talent, skill and ability then •when they visit the beautician will be Shoes are modern foot equipment* r i"'" f> is possessed by the average or even asked: "Would you care to have your them do not seem logical. Truth and morality a summer evening, through its presentations, af- by the more brilliant statesmen. head done over? Wouldn't you like a In Omaha Only at The Nebraska's progresses and the modern individual wants hi: Shoe Sections—Main Floor fords many people a measure of delight in their Zionism is a movement not of a single topper just a little more dolchiocereligion to mirror that progress if his faith is to people. Theoretically, Jews may inphalic than your present noodle?" lives which they could secure in no other way. It remain unshaken. Browne points out that the is comparable with the Lewisohn Stadium open- deed be one nationality, but practic- HEADS DON'T ALWAYS WIN ally they are a most diversified peochurch has failed to Iead»in the fight for social air season on the grounds of the College of the ple, to say the least. To lead at one Up to now, the delchiocephalic (long justice. So has every religion, ours included. If City of New York; The efforts of Louis Eckstein and the same time Jews of Russia headed);people have been doing a lot CORRECT APPAKEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN the synagogue and church are to hold the proper is giving Chicago and its suburbs these annual and of France, of Poland and o: of boasting at the expense of the esteem and respect, they must carry the banner brachiacuphalic sources of pride to fresco presentations please many, but probably Great Britain, of the Balkans and of the Nordic braggarts. The long head, of battle for human rights high . . . . they must Germany, of Palestine and of the United States, of the Baltic Stated they tell us, is the sign? of superiority. lead 'not be led.- The laity must look u» to sancti most of all himself .—-American Hebrew, _


Telling It In GATH

From Contemporary Pens

By the WcLy


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1931 trip to Estes Park, Colo. be gone two weeks.

They will Okoboji to spend the week-end of the Mrs. A. J. Jaeobson and daughters, third anniversary dance at the HighFourth. Clarice^ and Joyce, of Chicago, HL, land Country Club July 23. Sam arrived Saturday to visit at the Finkel is chairman of ararngemenfcs, Miss Ida Lustgarten who spent last Assisted by Ervin Wezelman and NorMrs. Sadie S. .Mayer and son, Al- home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman week-end in Omaha with her parents, fred S. Mayer, have recently taken Nachschoen, and Miss Lillian Nachman Korney. Fifty bids have been has - returned t o Chicago to resume an apartment at the Blackstone hotel. schpen, for a;few weeks. Numerous issued. her piano studies with Rudolph Ganz. Jerusalem.—(J.. T. A.)—A part affairs are being given, in honor of She will return t o Omaha in .August. Of the city .wall of Jerusalem, beMrs. Jaeobson -during her visit here. Mrs. M. White and children, BernMotza Settlers May Leave '7 lieved to date back at least 200 Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, her a s - ard, Sylvia and Irving and her niece, If More Colonists Don't Come ( B. C , if not earlier, has been unter, who is a student of Michacoff of Miss Dora Freshman, have returned Jerusalem.—If more settlers are not covered by Palestinian and British Chicago, is spending the summer in from a two-weeks visit in Chicago. added the Jewish colonists at Motza, engineers while making repairs on Omaha with her parents. • * While there they attended the wed"an ancient Roman sewer 'within the one.of the settlements that was.deding of Miss Goldie Rosen, formerly stroyed during the 1929 disturbances, old city of Jerusalem. Miss Minnette Ziegman spent the of. Omaha, to Julius Selinger. will leave the colony, leaders of the During their execavations preIt is really a pleasure to see how settlement say. The colony claims ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT RABBI AND MRS. GOLDSTEIN TO week-end visiting in Chicago. liminary to making the repairs, < Mr. and Mrs. J. Zalinsky of Kan-SUMMER IN MINNEAPOLIS Mrs. Abner Kaiman is recuperating much the children at the Jewish Com- workmen came up against hard that it cannot maintain its position Mr. Leon Cohn returned Wednessas City, Mo., announce the engageMrs. David A. Goldstein and sons,. at the Nicholas Senn hospital from an munity Center Play School enjoy their rocks which on further examina- with only 15 families. day from Cleveland, Ohio, where he milk or cocoa-malt and graham crackment of their daughter, Clara, to Abe Jonathan Amos and Jeremy, have deappendectomy. ers served during assembly, 10:20 in tion was found to be a wall of J. Bogdanoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. parted for Minneapolis where they visited for a week. stones, each some four feet by two the morning in ihe auditorium. William Bogdanoff of this city. will spend the summer with Rabbi VISITORS feet. . Dr. and Mrs. H. Melvin Radman Mrs. Manuel Finkenstein said ~ A reception was given in their Goldstein. By means of tunnels cut through will arrive Friday morning from BalThere is a growing trend toward these a passage had been made for daughter of Los" Angeles, Calif., are honor last Saturday evening in Kantimore, Maryland, where Dr. Radman Specializing in visiting here with relatives and bias cut lingerie in the attempt to the old sewer. When the stones sas City by Mr. and Mrs. Zalinsky. RECEPTION has been interning in Mt. Sinai hospreserve the sleekness of line in the No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bender honored pital for two years. They expect to friends. were finally uncovered workmen silhouette. Fabric contrasts rather their son and daughter-hvlaw, Mr. make their home in Omaha with Dr. had excavated 29 feet of earth. Miss Sarah Kaplan of Sioux City is than lace are preferred. For instance WOLFE-KUTLER WEDDING and Mrs. Sam Bender, of St. Louis, Radman's parents. the guest of Miss Ethel StoUer. She a georgette gown in pink has a border The marriage of Miss Bertha Kut- Mo.j who were.here for the week-end, in folds of georgette in three shades plans to visit for about two weeks. ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- at a reception at their home last SonBikur Cholim Mrs. David Green who has been of pink. Irs matching jacket is simliam Kutler, to Herman Wolfe, Chica- day. Mrs. M. Zabrach, mother of -visiting in Kansas City for the past The next regular meeting of ths Mrs. Joseph Rosenbaum and son, ilarly trimmed. go, took place June 28 at the Adass Mrs. Sam Bender, also spent the two weeks, has returned home. Bikur Cholim Society will be held on Jordan Maynard of Chicago, are visYeshuren synagogue with Rabbi Feld- week-end here. For dresses that are low cut in Monday afternoon, July 13, at 25th iting here with Mrs. Rosenbaum's back and for practical sports wear, and Seward street synagogue. A man officiating. A wedding supper Mrs. N. Wilfson, Mrs. A. Neesman parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bezman. 18th and Jackson Sts. petticoats are approved. The new complete report will be rendered on at the bride's home for fifty guests ENTERTAIN FOR CHICAGO and Mrs. H. Neesman left for Exmodels have fitted waist and hip sec- the Yiddish play held at the Center followed the ceremony. Mr. Wolfe GUEST •• ••.. • .-'. '_...• . celsior Springs, Mo., Sunday, to be Miss Faye Goldware and Joe Gold- tions and there is one model with hip recently in the organization's behalf. and his bride spent the week in Oma- Miss Anne Zweiback entertained at gone for a month. ware have as their house guest, Miss section of white satin and circular ""Ivery member is expected to be and we will cheerfully give ha and left Friday evening for /their bridge a t home Saturday t o honor Ruth Gilman of Davenport, Iowa. skirt of georgette on which a bow present. new home in Chicago. Miss Dena Cohn, her guest form ChiDr. Maynard M. Greenberg left prompt delivery anywhere cago. Guests included the Misses Saturday for a two-weeks -vacation in Among the numerous affairs planned knot of satin is appliqued. in the City for the visitor, i s a moonlight hop Rose Shafer, Ida Blacker, Sylvia Minnesota. Xi Lambda HIGHLAND Fall millinery will be radically diffor tomorrow evening, which will be ferent from that of previous fall seaDespite the inclement weather, the Jonisch, Minnie Zwieback, Gertrude The Xi Lambda will sponsor their given by her hosts. Many invitations sons. Materials will be soft felt, Highland Country Club attempted to Wine, Elsie Lazarus, Sylvia Bezman, Mrs. B. A. Simon has returned from haVe been extended. Rona Friedman, Marjorie Kaplan and make merry-on the glorious Fourth. chenille, and a silk velvet with twoa three weeks stay in Excelsior Many reservations were made for Blanche Sosldn. tone back, _ so that the under-color Springs. Joel Simon of Lincoln spent last shows through. Brims, rolled and the dinner-dance in the evening. Mr. Miss Gertrude Wine entertained for week-end visiting in Omaha. dipped, and much trimming1, particand Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and Mr. the visitor, at a swimming- party, at Mrs. Morris Brandeis entertained at ularly feathers will be used. Those Peony park Sunday. Miss Cohn is and Mrs. David Rosenstock entera bsnefit bridge for the Hadassah at tained at one of the large dinner par- a former Omahan. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Shapiro and of you who have saved those beauher home last Tuesday. Twenty-six SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM ties, t o honor Mr. and Mrs. Emil Irving Rubinow of Lincoln spent last tiful ostrich plumes, so fashionable women, were present. Prizes were years ago, will be fortunate. The Rosenstock, Sioux City, and Mr. and TENNIS CHAMPION HERE won by Mrs. J. Berkowitz, Mrs. Hy- week-end here. models.have a distinctly Renaissance Mrs. Gus Rosenstock, Kansas- City, Mr. and Mrs—M, Mayerowich have nian Cohen, Mrs. Margolin of Kansas their week-end guests. as their guest Mrs. Mayerowich's cou- City, and Mrs. Joseph Castleman. Mr. Al G. Scoring of Chicago, for- and even Moyea Age feeling. But extremely flattering. So what care sin, Mrs. J. M. Miller and daughter, merly of Omaha, arrived Monday for Mr. and Mrs.-Abe Herzberg will Miss Bonnie Miller of Los Angeles. we? Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer and a week's stay, with his parents, Mr. entertain at' dinner at the club. Mr. Calif. Miss Miller, who is Junior and Mrs. M. S. Livingston will be State Tennis champion is en route daughter, Nellie, spent the week-end and Mrs. S. Sflvennan", and his brothEveryone has a grand time at the Kosts at .dinner and' Mr. and Mrs. east, where she will play in the Jun- with their son-in-law and daughter. er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Highland with golf and cards. The Sam Herzberg will entertain. Among ior National tournament.' While in Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Shapiro of Eisenberg, atmosphere is so restful and cool. And Mr. Lester others who will entertain are Mr. and Omaha she is playing in the Mid-west Grand Island, Nebr. the luncheons are divine. Women Mr. and Mrs. Efc. Orenstein and chil- forget their diets when Dorsey's fried Mrs. Michael Kattleman, Mr. andtournament at the Omaha Temple Rothchild pf Denver, Colo., was also their guest. dren, Harriet and Henry, and Mr. and chicken and hot biscuits are served. Mrs. Leon Stern, Sol Degen, Harry Club. Miss Miller is 15 years old. Mrs. L. L Wolk, aH of Minneapolis, Wolf, Charles Simon and Loyal Cohn. Miss Betty Fellman returned Minn., arrived last.Friday to be the PERSONALS . Tuesday of last week, Mrs. E. You- Hymie Philip Milder returned last day morning.from a two-week visit guests of relatives here for a week. Tuesday - they visited in Fremont sem and Mrs. Morris Micklin tied for Friday after spending a few days in with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman of Har- with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosen and low net honors in the weekly com- Central City, Nebr., on business. lan, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs; Sam Rosen. While in petition at the club in Class A, each EXCLUSIVE Omaha they have been guests at numscoring 38. Class B honors went t o Dr..and Mrs. J. M. Erman, Dr. S, CURTAIN CLKANERS Dr. and Mrs. Max Block and Mr. erous informal affairs. They leave Mrs. Leon Stem with a net 39. Z.. Stern and Mrs. Morris Stern wil WA. 1350 — 5007 Leavenworth 4eave • Sunday morning; x>n a. motor and Mrs. Ben Stern motored to Lake Saturday morning -for ^Minneapolis. ZIEGLER DINNER HOSTESS Miss Louise Ziegler will give a dinner Saturday evening in the garden of her home for Mr. and Mrs. Milton ; Jacoby, Miss Aline Kinstler, and Omahtfs Style Center ? Emanuel Kinstler, Chicago visitors, i who are at the home of Mrs. Collie lElgutter. .. . •'...'. ',•.-.' ...- ':J,':\;, Leo Unger of Council Bluffs plans _ picnic supper Wednesday for these Fguests, who spent last Tuesday in Orpheum 1 Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs." Abram Opposite The Edward Schimmels

Engineers Find Ancient Jerusalem Wall


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fand the Walter Schimmels accom.panied them. VISITORS DEPART ' Mrs: Joseph- Rubin and son, J. Lewis, of San Antonio, Texas, who have been visiting Tiere- for* the past six weeks with Mrs. Rubin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein,-will leave shortly for her home. Mrs. Rubin has been very extensively entertained during, her visit here. TO VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Max Fromkin and son, Bobby, will leave Sunday to spend the remainder of the summer in California. They will return some time i n September by way of the Canadian Rockies.

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Neighbors of Sheiks

of reconstruction in Palestine has! been slowed-down t o a dangerous degree, and the Congress will be faced with the serious problem of deciding what ways' and means to adopt i n orde> to safeguard the existing structure of the Jewish National Home and to establish it on a broader basis."

in Palestine, -we on our part, contemplate no political domination. Bat they must also remember that we on our side shall never submit to any political domination. Provided that the Mandate is both recognized and respected, we would welcome an agreement between the two kindred races, on a basis of political parity.'

Would Dismiss Officials Playing Saturday Games

Jerusalem.—The chief rabbinate at Palestine has called on all national Jewish institutions in the country to dismiss any of their officials who participate i n Saturday. sports. Hie Agudath Israel, extreme Orthodox or-. ganization, has been! making a deterLetter Righted Wrong. At a military 'outpost El Galiah mined fight to prevent Saturday there is a hotel owned by three Jews. After referring to the White Paper games. It has asked the' High ComArab Warning It was there that Dr. Stahl witnessed of 19S0 and;the Simpson Report, the missioner to exact an ordinance makA warning to the: Zionist Congress an unusual scene: a Passover-celebra- issuance of which resulted in his ing such games unlawful. to take no steps that would antagonize tion in the heart of the Sahara. The resignation as president of the Zionist the Arabs was made in an official mesbitter herbs, hard ahd heavy matzohs, Organization, and of the Jewish sage from Geneva addressed to the Government Denies Policemen haggadah readings; they were -all Agency, Dr.. Weizmann declared that Congress by Sheik Emir Arslan, rep- Taught Jews Use of Firearms Premier' MacDonald's letter to him there in that unique memorial to the resenting the Palestine-Syrian delegaJerusalem.—Replying to the alarm interpreted the White Paper, righted Jewish holiday of redemption. tion in Geneva. The mes»age empha- voiced in the Arabic press, the Palesthe wrong done by the White Paper sizes that Palestine has been an Arab tine government issued a statement "Jews" and "Israelites" and emphatically reaffirmed the Balcountry for fourteen generations. announcing that sealed armored cases Dr. Stahl found a large Jewish set- four Declaration and the Mandate. In a stirring address Louis Lipsky, had been given to some of the remote tlement of two thousand souls in the Dr. Weizmann also took occasion to oasis-city of Gadaiah, a thousand point out that while his administra- former president of the Zionist Or- Jewish colonies and that police offimiles southwest of Algeria. Most of tion has "consistently, sometimes, in ganization of America, defended Dr. cers had tested these arms. This conthe Jews of this town are arisans in the face of strong pressure from cer- Chaim Weizmann but criticized the tradicts the allegation of the Arabic gold and silver. Many of them are tain of our constituents, done every- British government in an address out- papers that police officers had taught merchants, doing a large-scale busi- thing we properly could to facilitate lining what his group in the American the Jewish colonists how to handle ness over the length and breadth of the task of the Mandatory Power in delegation feels represents the present arms. the desert. The men, Dr. Stahl re- Palestine," there was evident ever situation. "The Mandatory Power has con- Mandates Body Puts Off ports, are all slender brunettes, with since the beginning of the civil adfiery eyes and coal-black beards and ministration "a certain apathy and tributed nothing substantial to ease Mandates Question Basle.—The question of admitting the women have a rare exotic beauty. indifference" in the personal of the Dr. Weizmann's unenviable position." Mr. Lipsky said. "It allowed hostility Iraq to the League of Nations and On Sabbath afternoons the women Palestine Government, "at times gather in one of the paties of theamounting almost to hostility towards to grow in the Jewish masses as if in- subseqaently the question of the posconvey their mute testimony to a peo- richer Jews, where they sit on swings different to the consequences. It in- sible abolition of the Palestinian and ple that is no more. Sometimes these and sing old Spanish-Jewish love the policy of the Jewish National sured a policy of denial with stolid in- Syrian mandates has been postponed relics are living flesh and blood that songs, while refreshments are served. Home." difference to the effect of British Jew- for one year by the Mandates Comdiffer in many ways from their an- From time to time fragrant rose- He took the Mandatory Power to ish relations. If anything it has- be- mission. cient ancestors, but which carry a water is poured over the guests to task for its "reluctance to take any come more rigid and more rigorous in active steps in support" of the Jew- the last few months after the Macthread of continuity binding the pres- keep them cool. ish National Home policy. He atent to the remote past. We Move July 14th to It is here that Dr. Stahl found a tributed the unsatisfactory attitude of Donald letter which led the Jews- to Several such finds of Jewish in- division between "Jews" and "Israelassume that a change in attitude 3553 FARNAM ST. terest were discovered by Dr. Leo ites." The "Israelites" are the de- the Palestine administration to the-might be expected." Stahl well known German Jewish scendants of several Berber tribes fact that the civil administration in Disowns Wise's Address journalist, and Paris correspondent of who in the seventh century adopted Palestine has been and still is largelyFur Storage—Remodeling— recruited from men who "have very Turning to Dr. Stephen S. Wise's Cleaning—Relining the Vossiche Zeitung, who recently re- Judaism, when a number of Jewish Reasonable Prices: turned from an extended trip to the kingdoms began to be formed in this little understanding of Zionist aims address of last Friday, Mr. Lipsky said HArney 2737 and aspirations, who come to Pales- that his group did not share Dr. Wise's Sahara desert of North Africa. Dr. region. The other Jews regard Stahl brought back with him reports themselves as somewhat superior to tine unprepared for the complex task adverse criticism of Dr. Weizmann's policy. However, he did not deny that of Jewish settlements in the heart of them, claiming to be descended from which they have to face." COURTESY—SERVICE Dr. Wise spoke for the majority of Business Basis Created. the desert itself. He reported find- Jews who came to the Sahara Desert ings that indicate a Jewish kingdom even before the destruction of the Turning to the economic policy of the American delegation. of the tenth century. He tells of First Temple in Jerusalem. the administration, Dr. Weizmann 24th and Seward groups who have been forcibly consaid that its endeavor to lay the Haam, Organ of Revisionists. The Jewish youth of Gadaiah is Phone JAckson G3G3 verted to Mohammedanism and who very well organized. It is interested foundations of an economic structure, Reappears 24th and Cuming have as a result become crypto-Jews, Jerusalem. — The Hebrew daily, in everything that is going on in the capable of expansion and eventually Phone ATlantic 1060 the Marranos of the Moslom. He Jewish world everywhere. Everybody of becoming self-supporting and in- Haam, organ of the Zionist RevisionIn Cliargc of Registered tells of descendants of Berber tribes subscribes to a Jewish publication dependent and of creating a nucleus ists, which was suspended on June 17 Pharmacists who agas ago adopted the Jewish re>vhich appears in the Orient, either in for further development, has been by the Palestine government for pubFREE DELIVERY ligion but who are even today looked French, or in Arabic They would all achieved. He declared too that as a lishing a poem which endangered down upon by the other Jews whose be willing to pack up and go to Pal- result of the labors of the Chalutzim public peace" was permitted to reline of descent contains no such sudstine at any moment. This year, and the investments of the Keren appear. The poem in question had den transformation. they are sending their rabbi to Pal- Hayesod, the Jewish National Fund criticized the recommendations of the and the Jewish Agency, a "business Wailing Wall Commission. Rich Source Book of Jewish Life estine to report to them on the sit- basis" for the development of Palesuation in the Jewish homeland and to J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor The country is a rich source book FKADE>THTRG. STALM.V8TER tc BEBEIt ind ways and means for establish- tine had been created. of Jewish life. Att»rncy» "NEW FOK OLD" Concerning Arab-Jewish relations, ing themselves there. 65« Omaha Nafl Bank BideIn Algeria he found settlements Dr. Weizmann declared that the 1619 Farnam SL—AT. 8481 NOTICE OF AWMIXISTKATIOX with thousands of Jews. In all Al- Business Methods Arabs "must be made to feel, must In the County Court of Douglas County, geria Jews "engage in trade chiefly in In this oasis, where the "musafites" be convinced by deed as well as by Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Estate of Jacok textiles, white many of them are a. Moslem sect;which, refuses to have word, that, whatever the future num- Milder. IXewiiaed. skilled artisans. As a rule they live anything to do with the other Arabs, erical relationship of the two nations All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that n jx-tition hn> been at peace with their Arab neighbors lives. Jews and Moslems get along filed iu said Court .•tlleg.ng that said <ieHarry U. L«pi(1u«. President- Xrea*. o-awMl died leaving no lust will and prayalthough of late some friction has ap- vrey well. But in another oasis, La ing for administration upon his estate, and th.it a heartMK will he li.nl on s.-ii<! petition peared because the Jews rank as uat, Dr. Stahl found great hostility before s.iid omirt on the 1st <l:iy of AllRUlt, French citizens while the Arabs are on the part of the Arabs toward the I'JSl. ami that if they f«55 it, appeal ut said Court on the s:iid 1st day of August. counted as natives. Most of the Jews Jews. In La Guat there are about 1031, at !> o'clock A. M, In contest na'.A petition, the Court may ffrnnt the same Good future for hustler to live in European quarters. The larg- 100 Jewish families, mostly artisans. COMPLETE STOUE AND anil erant ailniinisiration of said estate t* establish himself in a growest Jewish community is in the cap- Because of Arab hostility they live in OFFICE OUTFITTERS Kmma Milder or some other suitable perto » settlement thereof. %»> ncruvr ing1 Coal Business and may son and proceed ital city, also called Algeria; the sec- a separate street, and do not conduct BUYCK CltAWKOKH, O r « IfcM* Mi| Marc Fret develop into other business, ond largest community is in Constan- business with the Arab townspeople. 7-10-3T County Jndg* Southwest Comer too, either as partner or tino. Even the, poorest Jew of Con- Nevertheless, they are quite prosperFKADEyBFKG, STAI.MASTEK A RKRKR Eleventh and Douglas Streets help manage it. Write age, stantine sits down to a Sabbath table ous, from trade with the nomadic BeG5« Omaha Xatlonnl ltank Bids., Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. N>br. experience, married or sindecked with flowers. douins, who aTe very good customers. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MOKTt.AGE Omaha. Nebr. pie, and references. Dr. Stahl brought back fascinating ne Jew told Dr. Stahl that for 45 SA1-K stories of the Jewish settlements years he has been doing business with Notice is herehv given that the uuderBOX 15 JEWISH PRESS Sigaed will pu the LTth day ot July, 1051. farther inland. several chiefs of these wandering at the kolir of 11 o'clock A. M. nt 244*-] Luriinore Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska, sell In Tungurt, an oasis in the Sahara tribes and he has during all this time l o the highest bidder for cash one 1V17 desert, there are about 800 Jews. lost no more money than would a Buirk Conpe, Motor No. Ull.VMW, covered by a chnttel mortgage executed by J. U. Among them and among the non-Jew- European merchant doing business Crawford to Nate Kaplan on the ^Uth day of April, 1930. nncl assigned to Walter C. ish population as well a legend is cur- with people who have fixed homes. JOB FOUNDRY Davis, said mortgage being filed of record rent about the existence of several in the office of the County Clerk of DongIn the big oasis-city of Busada AND MACHINE WORK las County, Nebraska. Jewish kingdoms in the tenth century (which means "lucky place"), the last REINFORCING STEEL Sa.'d sale will be held for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage and satisfyof the present era. The most im- station in the desert, only a few hunHOT Howard—JA. 0288 ing the amount now due ihereiMi. !o-\vft: portant of them is reputed to have dred miles from Algiers, Dr. Stahl The sum of $110.0(1 with interest nt S jier BIOV1NG — STORAGE — cent per annum from January 14. 1'JSl, been ruled by a woman, Queen Kali- found a large Jewish setlement of PIANO MOVING and accruing costs. ana. Bedouin shepherds to this day about 2,000 people. All the banks and WAI/TKK c. DAVIS. include in their ballads and chants coffee houses in this town are in Jew7-3-3t. Assignee of Mortgage. Third Ave. and 11th Street the story of the "sultana il yahud' ish hands and many Jews are gold Phones: 89 and 619 IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney Ml Electric Illdg. the great and noble Queen Kahana. and silver smiths. They have a beauCOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA Legal Notice in the District Court • ( At several adjoining oasis . settle- tiful synagogue and a remarkably Douglas County, Nebraska. ments, stone monuments are found well organized communal organizaTO VII.MA TimYKI,Ii HASTINUSi whose place of residence i s unknown and with Hebrew inscription. One such tion. upon whom personal service of summons . FUR STORAGE cannot be had. defendant; YOU AKK monument gives a date-, in Hebrew: (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleRemodeling and Relining JIKUKBY NOTIK1K1" THAT on the 3rd "in the year of the rule of Kahana." day of February. 11131. Clarence Hastings graphic Agency, Inc.) I 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA- 2703 as plaintiff filed his petition against you

How Jewish Groups Have Survived in the Sahara Desert Many Who Were Forced to Conversion Still Retain Their Jewish Customs ; By Z. H . WACHSMAN There are Jews in the Sahara Desert. A French, journalist just re-, turned-from a trip in the interior of. the Sahara tells of Jewish settlements, of Moslem-marranos, and of the legends of Jewish kingdoms in an interview especially written for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the Jewish Press. - In few spots on earth do the old and the new meet as brazenly face "to face as on the stretches of. North Africa where the Sahara desert ex-

tends its transcontinental length. The Westernized traveler, driving in his automobile may meet a caravan of Bedouin tribes, and exchange with them the refreshments of the hot road, the precious drops of water or the nutritious dates. Further along the fringes of the Sahara and even in its mysterious interior, the traveler will find relics, of ancient peoples and ancient civilizations. Sometimes these relics are stone symbols that


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• ' •,

Moslem Marranos

Further on in; his desert, trek Dr. Stahl came to Tungurt where there is a sect of Moslem marranos. In 1640 a tyrannical pasha imposed his will upon the Jewish population, and forced them to accept Mohammedanism. Today* the descendants of those unwilling apostates area group apart. They do not wish to retorn to Judaism but they cling to recognizable Jewish customs. They marry among themselves and live apart from the other Moslems. Because of their separtist life they have retained their early Oriental appearance and are frequent ly mistaken for Jews. Many of them have among their possessions age-old heirlooms that mark their ancient kin ship with the Jews. Prayer books and other Hebrew books are handed down from child to child. They art kept with special reverence, although no one among them is left who understands the script or the language The Arabs are cool to these Moslems and so are the few Jewish familiei in the city. The number of thest Marranos, Dr. Stahl reports is rapid ly diminishing.


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wonder Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. 113 high reputation recommends that you try i t


From Tungurt to the next largi Jewish settlements the road passes b; a small oasis known as Oarga. Then are not many Jews there but thei: g | lodgings and businesses are disting | uishable by their superior cleanliness


FIERY SESSIONS AT ZIONIST CONGRESS (Continued from Page 1) the program that awaits the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. The settlement of at least 50,000 Jewish- families in Palestine, the raising of a Jewish loan for Palestine, the establishment of a department for Arab relations within the Palestine Zionist Executive, the development and encouragement of private enterprise in Palestine, the strengthening of the Jewish National Fund, and of the Keren Hayesod, the ma%tenance of Jewish rights under the Mandate, the consolidation and extension of existing achievements in Palestine and the building up of the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency on a broader and surer basis were the chief points in the program for the future outlined by Dr. Weizmann. Kehillahs Gravely Affected. "The position of the Jewish communities in all parts of the world has Undergone a. change, for the worse and we have' been more gravely affected than anyone else by the world wide economic depression. Our work

in the IHntrict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Docket 2T2. Page 23». the object and prayer ot which petition is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground'tof nnolon aud extreme cruelly and other improper conduct. You nre required t© answer Raid petition on or before the 17th day of August. 1031. or said petition against yon will lte taken as true. IXAUBN'CE HASTINGS. -4t. riaintlff.


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HON8KX. K.AT1KMAN * GRODINSKT. Attorneys. 73? Omaha National Bank Bldg. KOTiCK is hereby given that the undersigned have pursuant to the laws of the Stare ot Nebraska formed a corporation. The nnme of (he corporation is TUKKER' COCltT KKAi,TY. CO.. with its principal office in the City of Omaha. Nebraska. The corporation is authorized to maintain nnd operate n general real estnte holding company and to purchase, lease, sell and encumber real nnd personal property of all kiuds; to engage in the construction business, to issue bonds, mortgages and nil other evidences of indebtedness. The authorized capital stock is $75,000.00. consisting of 750 shares, par value $100.00 per share, all common n-nd * when issued shall be fully paid nnd non-assess.ible.. The corporation shall commence business when the Articles are filed iu the office of the Comity Clrk of Doiiffla Comity. Nebraska, and continue until January 1st, 2031. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the cnpilal stock. This restriction, however, shnll not apply to any indebtedness where the payment of same is secured by real estate. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a lionrd consisting of two. The Board shall elect President, Secretary and Treasurer from its members. The niinnnl meeting of the stockholders shall be held the second Wednesday in January of each year, nt which meeting the Directors shall be elected nnd immediately thereafter the Directors shall meet and elect the officers. The Articles may be amended as proriden for in the by-laws. The corporation shall hirve a seal. Dated May Cth. lflSl. HARUT B. COHEN, CAHIi C KATEI.MAN.

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Doctor, Lawyer, M


AS FRIEND OF ALL NEEDY IS GREAT Many Come to Him for Aid; No One Turned Away

By MARTIN ABELSON ' With commencement weeks already a memory thousands of young Jewish men and women have been, sent into the employment market. Those' who graduated from high school, if they intend to continue their studies, wonder to what end they should direct their studies. Many graduates of colleges and professional schools are still faced with the problem of discovering a field in which they can make a living. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Jewish Press here give a general survey in which the "various professions, trades and industries are re-evaluted from the possibilities they offer to the young Jew today.

sities in Ireland, Austria, France. Others go to the rural colleges, to the South and West. When they graduate and come back to New York to practice, however, they will find sledding hard. As for law—let us .take the warning of Bernard S. Deutsch, president of the American Jewish Congress, who speaks as a lawyer. "It is a matter of public knowledge that, the legal profession is, at the present time, substantially overcrowded," he says. 'So much so as to constitute a serious economic problem for practitioners in general, and the more recent comers to the bar in particular.

Legal Field

"In addition, the prevailing eco nomic depression has made itself felt in the legal field, as elsewhere. This has necessarily narrowed the field of employment, automatically affecting young Jewish law clerks and practitioners, and thereby adding to the already existing burden of discrimination which, unfortunately, pervades even the sanctity of the law, where justice is presumed to be rooted. "At present, it is the disposition -of the legal profession to so control admissions to the bar as to exclude, insofar as possible, those candidates whose cultural and ethical background is found wanting. This would serve a two-fold purpose; first, to uphold the zealously guarded dignity and nobility of the profession, and second, to deplete the rapidly growing ranks of lawyers, by elimination of the unfit. , "In view of the general and specific difficulties above set forth, it would be well for the Jewish student aspiring to the bar to carefully review his qualifications, and to assure himself of financial independence, before attempting the long, rough road leading Overcrowded to the legal Parnassus." There are plenty of dentists, there are enough engineers to "populate "To assure himself of financial inRussia, architects have nothing to do dependence," puts it very neatly. The but make ' projects for imaginary young Jew must not look to law for cities of the future. The wise young his living, for some while, if he ingraduate, though realizing that all sists on going into that work. As' these things may change, finds in the most people look to their profession present situation this much of a warn- for an income, it would seem that the ing: he wants to choose an occupation bar is, for the majority of aspirants, or profession that will not get "hung eliminated. What of the less popular, but conup" in bad times; he wants to find siderable professions? What of jourEomething to do that is needed. nalism, social work, teaching, the rabStill, what he wants most—often binate? It has repeatedly been pointand what his parents want for him ed out that there are far too many is a certain respectability, an entry schools of journalism, as the profesinto the educated classes, a profession sion is a small one, and the prepara that labels him at least a university tions made for [it are far out of pro-T graduate. The two most respectable portion to the advantages it offers. professions remain medicine and law. At th'e moment, in New York, hunIWhat are the chances? dreds of capable journalists are withThe story in medicine need not be out work. retold. Books have been written recently, pointing out the difficulties Social Field Growing that beset the Jewish student who so The social field is growing, and much as desires to enter a medical trained workers are in demand. There college. If he is a New York boy, is a special training school for Jewish even an extremely high average may social service workers, the students not help him into a local medical are usually doing graduate work, of/Ichool. Some, determined to be doc- ten students already hold masters' tors, go abroad to study—to univer- and doctors' degrees. But it is evi-

Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief ? For the last generation, and in good times, the song was simple enough. It went, "Doctor, lawyer." The father might have been a merchant. The son had to he a doctor or a lawyer. Next best, an architect or an engineer. On the second plane of desirability, a dentist. Those professions; by and large, embraced the extent of the Jewish parents' ambitions for their children. Today, there is a depression. Now, a depression might be a very temporary thing. "Why should a young man just entezing college take into consideration the fact that lawyers are having a pretty bad time of it during the depression? By the time he is ready to take his bar examination conditions will probably have changed. Today, there are too, many doctors in the cities. It is true that if a physician wants to go out to a j town he" will find a great.niany7spo:E amoring for his services, but what Jewish young man thinks of going out to a small town as a physician?

dent that this field might easily be over-crowded if even a fourth of those who ordinarily would study for law should turn to social service. Jewish young women have turned to teaching as heavily as the young men have turned to medicine and law. The point might be made that this steady, respectable and decently remunerative profession has perhaps too long been the province of women. In the grade schools it is rare to find a male instructor outside of the shops. Above teaching in high schools, unfortunately, it is rarely that a Jew is found. As, for a man, a teaching career can hardly be considered a "career" unless he feels he has a chance at a professorship, the general discrimination against Jewish professors in the colleges severely limits the possibilities in that field. Gradually, more bright young men are turning to the rabbinate. But it is, of course, a field limited by the number of our congregations. The general effect of the depression on the graduates seeking professions must be to scatter them. This in itself, may be good. It may cause more young men and women to specialize in minor fields to which they discover themselves suited. It may even bring a certain proportion to go into "the store" or the small business built up by their parents, and to find that they can be useful in that way, that they can put their energies to developing, modernizing, the "business." The scattering of the younger Jews from medicine and law may even send some* of them back to the trades. The danger is that the "luft mench'*—the person who""* lives on air" practices a dozen professions, without one real means of support, will develop in America. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

Admit Yiddish Is Their Mother Language Warsaw.—One-half of all the Jewish students in the high schools of Warsaw have declared that Yiddish is their mother tongue, according to statistics compiled by the economicstatistical bureau of - the • Yiddish Scientific Institute of Vilna.

BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Professor Albert Einstein's reputation as a benefactor of the poor and needy is growing as rapidly as his fame as a scientist,, the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learned after spending several hours with the Einsteins at their summer home in Caputh, near Berlin.' Although it is generally known that the famous savant is continually pestered by curiosity seekers who waylay him daily in order to pose impossible questions on every conceivable subject, it is not so well known that a good proportion of his visitors are needy persons, none of whom are ever turned away empty-handed. While the J. T. A. correspondent was visiting the Einsteins, a number of poor people who called on them for aid were given a hearty meal. While neither Frau Einstein nor Professor Einstein would say much about it, it was learned from their neighbors and from personal observation that the number of those knocking on the Einstein door for assistance is increasing daily. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the number of individuals whom the Einsteins help directly is larger than those aided by anyone else in Berlin. Practically everything that the distinguished scientist earns he donates to some charitable cause. The Einsteins keep a long list of the names of people to whom they regularly send gifts. Whenever Professor Einstein gets a request for his autograph, and such requests are frequent, he always grants it, but asks for a small fee of from three to five dollars for some charitable cause. The great scientist's artistic leanings are indicated in the portraits that adorn the walls of his bedroom. On one side is a picture of Michael Angelo and one -of*Schopenauer by Emil Orlik. On the opposite wall are two small portraits of Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo, the two scientists to whom Einstein is most frequently compared. In his large collection of books, Ghandi's autobiography is : most prominent. Most of the Professor's visitors are Americans, who daily introude upon his solitude. Not a day passes without its contingent of visitors, mostly curiosity-seekers. To the flood of questions that his visitors ply him with, Dr. Einstein always gives goodnatured and humorous replies, no matter how silly the queries may be.

SUCCESS By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor of bio-chemistry and nutrition, the Creighton University School of Medicine.

RULES FOR REDUCING (Editor's Note—Readers of this newspaper may receive answers to any questions regarding the general subject of health by sending a stamped-self-addressed envelope with their questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) It was T. L. Stoddard who wrote the well-known book, "The Rising Tide of Color." In this book he points out the fact that the yellow and black races are rapidly developing power, and that they will soon successfully compete with the white race and even gain ascendency over it. It will take, however, many generations before Stoddard's prophecy fulfills itself. Be that as it may, the question is of no particular concern to most of us. We wish to mention a more imminent danger—by no means remote, and already beginning to overwhelm many members of the white race. This present danger we shall refer to as the "Rising Tide of Corpulency." About one-fifth of the American people are already burdened with excessive weight. Excessive weight after the age of 40 is a real impediment to an active and vigorous life and is a threat to health and longevity. We have been asked to give a few practical rules for reducing. We shall begin by giving you the reverse side of the picture, by laying down a few rules for getting fat. Rules to Follow. 1. Work like a crocodile and eat like a horse. In other words, exercise too little and eat too much. 2. Take double portions and eat between meals. The consumption of food per capita is greater in this counthy than in any other country. Be patriotic Keep up the record. 3. Avoid salads, fruits and greens. They do not furnish many calories, but because of their vitamin content they cause food to burn up more quickly. 4. Do not miss a day without afternoon tea or the dainty sandwiches and coffee after bridge. You need that extra food to show how well you like your hostess and how well you enjoy the party. 5. Take a midnight lunch whenever you go to the symphony concert, the movies, or the legitimate theater. What after all, are a few calories among friends! 6. Appreciate the generous father, the fond mother, the kind-hearted neighbor who is always bringing to you samples of her culinary art, the

boy friend who never fails to bring a box of candy, the genial host, the good cook, the persuasive grocer, the attentive waiter, the business luncheon, and the public banquet. .Anti-Alcohol. 7. Take as many cocktails as you want. Take a few before eating some during the meal, and some after the meal. As soon as you "get organized" you will feel care-free, indifferent or apathetic, or you may even pass out of the picture." Thus you save many calories. Very few habitual drunkards reach the age of 40 or 45 without becoming -overweight. Alcohol depresses bodily action. It cuts down the metabolism or the energy to burn food. The more alcohol you indulge in the greater your chance for being overweight. We shall continue with the rules for reducing in the next issue.


Johannesburg.—The Chofetz Chaim, famous Polish rabbi, has sent an appeal to a number of Jewish communities in various sections of South Africa asking them to rescind the decision which these communities recently adopted against having "meshulochim" or solicitors for European yeshivahs visit. The Chofetz Chaim's appeal characterizes this decision as a "gezaira" or evil decree. Of late the South Africa Jewish communities have been complaining that too many "meshulochim" visit them to seek funds for yeshivahs. The communities therefore decided to allocate a certain portion of their budgets for these yeshivahs and have asked the solicitors not to come to South Africa.

T h i s is 1931 .... • • • are you cooking

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Appeals Against "Meshulochim" Ban

Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A decree demanding that the 5,000,000 kustars in homecraft industries increase the production of articles for daily use by 78 per cent of last year's production and thus bring the value of such production up to nearly 4,000,000,000 roubles ($2,000,000,000) was issued by the Soviet cabinet. In the manufacture of such kustar products native raw material combined with foreign models and patterns will be used. Furniture, build- Bread is the staff of life; books the ing materials, leather, drygoods, knit children of the brain. goods and kitchen utensils will be emphasized by the kustar industries, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER3

Small Down Payment


a good many of which are operated by Jews. ^ Five hundred stores are to be established in centrally located points for the distribution of such articles. The decree emphasizes that the proletarian nature of the kustar must remain unchanged and capitalist element eliminated. The impression here is that the decree means that the government is trying to establish some sort of Nep (new economic policy) which the country needs badly, without at the same time making it a step towards capitalism. A month ago the government issued a decree cutting by 33 per cent the tax on the production of the kustars.

Old fashioned "cook stoves" are gone. The electric stove should be in every really modern kitchen. It makes cooking a pleasure. No more hot kitchens or blackened pans . . . no more "watching" meals. Electric Cooking is clean, cool, quick, easy and economical. Before you buy your next stove see the electric stove. A small down payment places one in your home. Balance easy terms.





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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

TALMUD TORAH HONORROLL / ^ Mr. Louis Schilling and Mr. Joseph ' Aizenberg, faculty members of the Talmud Torah announce the following honor roll for the month of June. Those who received "A" in all grades are Perry ,Osnowich, Sarah Weinstein, Joe. Maron, Morris Aizenberg, Margaret Ariv, David Kuntz, Martin Werner, Helen Guttleman, Nathan Eoginsky, Jack Mosow, Milton' Mazie, • Eleanor Rozofsky, Judith Rivin, Esther Rivin, Harriet Ray Kassove, Ruth Weiner, Lillian Werner. The following children received "B" in. all grades: Benjamin Sacks, Betty Osnowich, Ida Epstein, Harold Plotkin, Irving Friedman, Betty Bain, Morris Lass, Hyman Weinstein, David iTilevitz, Anna Lass, Katie Lass, Eva Shafer, Betty Ray Mosow, Paul Schwartz, Robert Pliskin, Leo Rich, Seymour Robinson, Arthur Rivin, Dorothy Cohen and Philip Zeligson.

All news for the Sioux .City page 'must reach the Sioux City correspondent not later than Tuesday evening, to appear in the issue the following Friday..Please mail news to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg spent last week end visiting relatives in Mapleton, Iowa. Mrs. William Lazere'and sons have returned/home after spending the past two weeks visiting in Omaha with the former's parents. Misses Sonia Rich and Ruth Wrgodsky'visited friends in Minneapolis last week-end. . Miss . Mildred, Sherman and Miss Rose Robinson of Des Moines, Iowa, are,guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson. Jack Slotsky ot St. Louis). Mo., is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Slotsky.

These Groups Take the Place of Kehillahs in South America

LOCAL CHAIRMEN Buenos Aires.—(J. T. A.)—To the A M NAMED FOR Jewish public outside of South Amerit may sound strange to hear that J. N. F. PROJECT ica the liveliest, the most active, the most Dr. B. Courshon was named chairman, and Abe Stillman, secretary, of the committee responsible for the raising of $6,000 necessary for the acquisition-of the Sioux City plot in the Palestine. The project, which is nation-wide, involves the expenditure of five million dollars, and will be presented to the 300 delegates at the international Zionist congress which opened the biennial session recently at Basle, Switzerland. The share of the Sioux City community in the tract includes 200 dunams land. One hundred and nine Jewish committees throughout the United States are co-operating in the project, "which in its entirety comprises200,000 dunams land.


Social News

Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Miss Celia Halpern of Oklahoma, Iowa, i s . a guest at the home of Miss Synagogue will give ah ice cream social on the lawn of the synagogue, - Mrs. S. Greenstone was hostess to Elizabeth Passman. Sunday afternoon and evening, July over a hundred guests Sunday afterMiss Sylvia Adelstein of Hibbing, 12. The public is invited to attend. noon and evening, when she tendered Committees i n -charge of the ara reception honoring her son-in-law Minn., is visiting with her. brotherrangements include Mrs. Barney Barin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Nick on, chairman; Mrs. David Mazor, Mrs. . . Sherman, whose marriage was an Agranoff. R. H. Enilein, Mrs. D. L. Rolin, Mrs. event of last week. Joe Levin, Mrs. Phil Sherman, Mrs. Archie Aroloff, who has an art Out of town guests included Mr. J. H. Mosow, Mrs. E. Barish, Mrs. studio in' Chicago, i s visiting at the and Mrs. Harry Gerson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schneider and daughter Leona, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Levin, Mrs. Louis Slotsky, Mrs. Joe Krigsten, Mrs. M. Haligan, and Mrs. David Daimond, Mrs. Bertha Sam Kroloff. Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and son Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, 1527 SumLeo, Mr. Nathan Hill, Mr. Isadore Hill and daughter Gertrude, Miss Ella mit avenue, entertained a number of Cohen, all of Lincoln, Nebr.; Mr. Ben guests at a dinner in the Sioux City Ellis of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Country Club, last Friday evening. Favors and table appointments carGoldberg of Beatrice, Nebr. fron? Page 2.) ried out the Fourth of July theme. Miss Rose Feldman of New York The after dinner hours were devoted rypur: college had done a lot for the : ' . •' • I i;".-: *;; City, who is a guest at the home of to bridge. her father, Mr. H. Feldman, and MrsBen Levine^ son of ?Mr.' and;Mrs: 1A. $ Nicholas Sherman, a recent bride, are HE REALLY MEANT Z. Levin, celebrated his Bar Jttitzyah il' tJ3f 'course this may be taken as insharing honors at several lovely parties this week and next. Sunday af- at Shaare Zion. Synagogue last* 'Sat- dicating; that Schiff was not interest> ' ternoon Miss Ida Feldman entertain- urday morning. ed in: Jews. But if you take it, that ed at a luncheon bridge in the Marway, you'll be wrong, I am sure. What Newton Sacks; son of Mr. land Mrs. Schiff was driving at, was the almost tin hotel, honoring her sister and Mrs. Sherman. Other out of towji guests A. L Sacks, is spending the week at invariable tendency of the non-Jew to included Mrs. I. Rivin, Miss Bluma the Boy Scout camp in Stone Park. think that a Jew can only be interMerlin, Miss Betty Friedman, Miss ested in things entering to the Jewish Gisela Pill will spend the week-end interest. Dorothy Berman of Minneapolis, .and at the Morningside College Orchestra Mrs. H. Copelman of Omaha. . .. I know a certain library, which has Camp in Lake Okobji, to take her ac- a Jewish "division.* The'h.eaa' of the Monday evening Miss Sybil Merlin customed place as celloist of the or- Jewish division is a Jew, and the head and Miss Mary Rozofsky were hos- chestra in a concert Sunday after- of the library as a whole is a nontesses at a dinner and bridge in the noon. Jew. This particular library is freSara Davis Tea Room, honoring Miss quently visited by such Jews as BernMr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman of ard Baruch, Eugene Meyer, etc., and Feldman and Mrs. Sherman. Sioux Falls visited. friends and rela- the head librarian invariably takes ; tives in the city over the week-end. Saturday evening Mrs. Joe Merlin Baruch and Meyer down to the Sem'and Mrs; Max- Merlin will be hostesses itic division. He cannot imagine that Miss Esther Kopilow of Sioux Falls a Jew can be interested in ought but to a number of friends in the formers : home, honoring Mrs. Sherman and visited with Miss Ann Singer over Semites. the week-end. • M i s s F e l d m a n . : • • • - • • ; • ' •. • • • : ' • (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Mr. Arnold Bramson of Des Moines MiSses Sara and Rose Lipman envisited friends in Sioux City over the son Tea .• Room, - Monday noon, as a week-end. courtesy to Miss Feldman'and Mrs. Mrs. Sam Mosow, accompanied by i S h e r m a n . . ' " ' • ' • • ! ' • > ' ; . her daughter Vivian and son Julius, ! : Mr.'and Mrs. Eli Skalovsky depart- visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ed recently 'for an extended eastern Julius Gerelick in Omaha, over the Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Immediatetrip. They were accompanied by their week-end. ly after a Jewish labor delegation had children, Joseph and Edith. called on him to complain against the Miss Rose Finsod visited in Chicago non-employment of Jews on governover the week-end, at the home of her ment and municipal works, High ComMiss Mafgafet Kozbefg was hostess sister, Miss Rhea Finsod. ; missioner Chancellor ordered all deto members of the Phi Epsilon Tau partment heads to employ Jewish Borority Wednesday evening. Bridge Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt and chil- labor. The delegation was headed by was followed by a dainty luncheon. dren are visiting- relatives in St. Paul, Isaac Ben Zwi, secretary of the JewMinn. • :'. : ish Federation of Labor. The High Mrs. Anna Herzoff. • and children, Commissioner told the deputation Louis and Stanley, are. visiting friends ! that no solution had yet been found In Minneapolis. ' - . . . ' • for the whole question of the employment of Jews on public works. : Mr. and Mrs. A^ H. Baron and Simultaneously the deputy district 'daughter, Beverly, departed last week Sioux City members of the Sigma commissioner of Jerusalem promised for Lake Minnetonka,. Minn., where Alpha Mu fraternity will be hosts to another Jewish delegation of workers they will visit with the hitter's para number of fraternity brothers and to consider its request for a minimum tnts, Mr., and JUrs. S. Weisberg. r friends at a dance, July 10, in the of fifty per cent Jewish workers on Hotel Warrior. In the afternoon of all public works. the 19th members of the fraternity will hold a, smoker at the Seville; while1 the girls who will be guests of First Jewish Professor at . the fraternity will be entertained at Lemberg U. "Wei feed ttie multitude" a luncheon in the Sara Davis Tea Warsaw—-The appointment of. Dr. With TastyFoods Shop. Hugo Steinhaus as dean of the deFred Sherman is in charge of the partment of mathematics at the Unigeneral arangements. Assisting him versity of Lemberg marks the first will be Morris Gordon, Julius Mosow* time that a Jew has been named to a lVhei yoir feet hurt Phil Dobrofsky. and Abe Sadoff. professorship at this institution. Dr. You hurt all over Steinhaus, a native of Yaslo, has been teaching mathematics at the University of Lemberg since 1917. The author of many works on pure and applied mathematics", Dr. Steinhaus has been issuing since 1919, toRabbi Theodore N . Lewis was re- gether with S. Banach, a year book cently honored with appointment on known a s "Studia Mathematica," two "important Rotary Committees. which i& devoted to functional analSenator Bertell Stoddard, • President ysis. He i s the inventor of a number of the Club appointed him to serve of optical instruments used in'logi; on the program committee and the metry for measuring' irregular dis! I SEE'HIM , : tances. * . •• ' • - - • ' - •_ i.__ international service committee.



Sigma Alpha Mu PartyJuly19


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Rabbi Named on Rotary Committees


important Jewish, organizations in that part "of the world are the Hebrew burial societies, or "chevra kadishas." In the Old World the sole function of a "chevra kadisha" (which literally means "holy society") is to bury the dead according to the Jewish Orthodox religious tradition. In other words, the "chevra kadishas" there are purely religious institutions, having nothing to do with Jewish secular life. -' In South America, however, it is different. Here the "chevra kadisha* has broad communal functions, which give it the character of a "kehillah," although officially it is not known as such. To give the reader an idea of a South American "chevra kadisha" and what it represents it will suffice for us to take as a model the Buenos Aires'''chevra'kadisha," of which all the other South American "chevra kadishas" have been imitators. The Buenos Aires "chevra kadisha" is an institution which helps dozens of other Jewish institutions. Special attention is devoted to supporting Hebrew schools, hospitals, orphanages and Jewish shelter houses. Besides these, it supports causes which bear a non-local and a broad Jewish national character. Thus it supports Palestine campaigns, relief funds for EastEuropean Jews and Jewish colonization in Soviet Russia. To carry on such, wide activities great sums of money are naturally needed. How does the Buenos Aires "chevra kadisha" raise these large sums? In the answer to this problem, really lies, the solution of. the puzzle of how-Tthe Buenos -Aires chevra kadisha" became the unofficial iehfllah which, although it cannot force, every; Jew to pay a communal tax, is in a position to do it, and does do it. It does it by capitalizing on the Jew's sentiment for being buried upon his death in a Jewish cemetery. This sentiment, which is very strong, forces every Jewr/to be a member of the "chevra kadisha" and to" pay it monthly dues.

Jerusalem.—(J.T.A.) — Freedom of religion has been established and the incitement against the Jews and the considerable hatred which found expression on numerous occasions has been practically abolished in Persia under the comparatively liberal regime of Rizah Khan, the new dictator ruler, a returning traveler informed the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. . Before Rizah Khan became ruler it was not permissible for a Jew to touch any object he intended to buy in a shop or market On a xainy day Jews were forbidden to show themselves in the streets. They were required to remain'in their houses, as the religious beliefs of the Persians dictate that water touched by a nonbeliever becomes unholy.

Under the dictator Jews are permitted to dress as they like and are not confined to the special dress which had been imposed upon them in the past. They may ride horses and' may live outside of the ghetto, which had also been prohibited in the past.* The Persian Jews, far from Europe, lacking in the partial protection afforded by a great personality, are in the midst of a fanatical Shiite population whose superstition that the very touch of a Jew caused pollution was the cause of unspeakable degradation and persecution. His houses must be built lower than those of the Moslem; he had no right to go armed; he might not pray loudly in the synagogue and he had to pay exceptionally high taxes. The Jewish population of Persia is estimated at about 60,000. The cultural level of the Jews has been poor because, of the continuous persecutions, but they are gradually emerging froni this state.

Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. Jewish National Fund Boxes to be Distributed Next Week. Rabbi S. Mintz of New; York City, representative of the Jewish National Fund, was in Council Bluffs last week in the interest of distributing boxes for the Jewish National Fund. Plans are being made to have a J N F box in every Jewish home in the city. A committee consisting of Miss Fannie Katelman, and Mr. Leo Fitch, and Mr. Herman Bondarim will be in charge of distributing boxes next week to those who- do not already possess one. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Association held an installation of the new officers Thursday ; evening at the Eagles Hall. Mr. Ben Kubby is the president to succeed Mr. Ben Seldin. Other officers installed were Max Cohn, vice president; Herman Handler, recording secretary j Morris Brandies, financial secretary; Sam Rosenthal, treasurer; E. Michnick, guardian; and Messrs. Sam Steinberg, Simon Steinberg, and Max Steinberg, trustees.

Miss Gertrude Gilinsky and her ~? brother-in-law, Mr. Ralph Castle, of Brooklyn, New York, arrived here Monday for a two week's visit at the home of Miss. Gilinsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. Mrs. Castle, who preceded her husband here a month ago, will accompany; him home. Mr. and Mrs. William Greenstein, ~~<( of Belleville, Ill.> left Sunday evening for their home following a months visit with relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs. While here, they;. attended the Garber-Goldberg wedding. Mrs. John Baird Quigley and daughter, Joan, of Hutchison, Kans., returned home Sunday following 4 month's visit with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. hi Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Marks now have as' their guest another daughter, Mrs. Irving Rosenberg of Chicago, HI., who will spend the month here^ '

Mrs." I. Goldberg of Chicago, 111., arrived Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Saul- Suvalsky, and Mr. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Suvalsky, for a couple of weeks. of the Independent Order of the Mrs. Sam Steinberg and Mrs. B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- David Kubby have returned home ing next Monday evening at the from a two week's stay in Excelsior Eagles Hall. Messrs. Louis H. Katel- Springs," Mo. man and Harry L. Cherniss, who atSam Gross is spending the week tended the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai Brith Annual Con- in - Milwaukee, Wis. vention this week in St. Paul, Minn., as delegates of the local chapter, Arab Students to Convene will give a report of the convention. Jerusalem.—A congress , of Arab students from Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Ernest Ross left last week for Transjordania and Egypt will be held New York City and other eastern shortly in Egypt, it was announced cities, to be gone the remainder of here by leaders of the Palestine Arab the summer. student movement. ' ,

KOSHER FOODCAN BE SHIPPED TO KIN LIVING IN RUSSIA Jews in this country will be able to transmit kosher food packages to their relatives and friends in Russia through Hias, . according to an announcement by Abraham Herman, the president of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America. The arrangements for this service were completed by Aaron Benjamin, vice-president and commissioner of Hias with headquarters at Paris, who stated that this ser.vice would prove a tremendous boom to Russian Jewry. In his statement Mr. Herman says that the food commodities will be strictly kosher and of the finest quality, and that care has been taken to have them reach the addresses quickly and safely. The prices of the kosher food packages will vary according to the countries, from $2 up, excluding the customs duty and inspection fee imposed by the Soviet government Those sending these food packages can at the same time. through the Hias send the money covering the customs duty and inspection fee, so that the relative or friend will have the necessary means to receive the package. It is important that the addresses of those to whom the packages are consigned should be correctly and legibly written. All information regarding these kosher food packages can be obtained at the office of Hias, 425 Lafayette Street, New York City.

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Bias Against Jews in Army Probed Riga.—Prof. E.- Lainrins, Latvian minister of. war, has promised to investigate a charge that in a nuniber of regiments of the Latvian army, Jewish as well as other non-Lutheran soldiers, are compelled to recite Lutheran prayers. The majority of the Latvian population is of the Protestant-Lutheran faith. The minister^ investigation was prompted by a statement made in the Latvian parliament by Brouno Kolnin, a' Social-Democratic deputy; He cited one case in which a Jewish soldi ier who did not know a Lutheran1 prayer byj heart &as "comjjelled to learn and tfien'recite" it publicly.

National Tire Shop V ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors MORE








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