July 17, 1931

Page 1

/n the Interests of Tito 'Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

Knterea as second-dans mall mattet ou Jbiiaary ?<, 1U21. at pogtotnr* at Omaha. Mchraikn. under tbe Act or Unroh K. HJ7H.


SnUATTONIN Center Director Has SALON1K1 STILL Excellent Background ISDOUBIFDL \ Though Calm Reigns, Jewish • Leaders Unconvinced Worst Is Over

Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstien, 36, of New York City, who becomes executive director of the Omaha Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation for one year during the leave of absence granted to Dr. Samuel Gerson,

at Harvard in the fields of history and politics, being an assistant in Political Science in the University of Michigan and also an assistant in the history department at Harvard. But Mr. Pearlstien's social service background is also .convincing. He started his social service work in Boston as community director of,the Dorchester Welfare Center. He then became supervisor of the Boys' Welfare Department at Detroit, dealing mainly with the delinquincies of youngsters. This was followed by his appointment as associate director of the Jewish Centers Association in Detroit.

Italian City Erects Monument to Luzatti Rome.—(J .T. A.)—Vicenza, the city where Luigi Luzatti, Italy's famous Jewish prime minister, established the first co-operatives and people's banks, has honored him with a monument. Alberto de Stefani, former minister of finance in jtfussolini's cabinet, who was the chief speaker at the ceremonies accompanying the dedication of the monument, lauded Luzatti's patriotic services to Italy. - Luzatti, who became minister of jcommerce and agriculture when he ijras only 28, was one of Italy's most 'languished statesmen and ecoajists, his policies saving the country Irom bankruptcy x on several occasions.


IX.—No. 24

Nanutti^SoKolow to Head Zionist Movement HIGHLAND GOLF Sessions at the Seventeenth Congress Continue to Be Enlivened by TOURNAMENT IS Heated Discussions* NOW UNDERWAY

Saloniki. — (J. T. A.) — Although peace and order has been restored and , the tension among the Jewish population lessened, the leaders of the'SalMarvin Treller Defending Champ oniki Jewish community declared that —Ben Yousem Wins they are not convinced that the worst Medalist Honors t of the anti-Semitic agitation is over, and added that they stand in great The batfte for the championship of '.need of moral and material support the Highland Country Club niblick Nathan Sokolow, veteran Zion- existence in the United States, the from their fellow Jews throughout the toters is on rv with prospects bright Palestine Economic Corporation. world. : for the "hottest™ golf tourney of the ist leader and ardent advocate Mr. Pearlstien next went to CleveThe resolution provides that in the That their fears are not unwarrantof a Jewish National Homeland, future club's historyjgi land as Research Director of the Jeweconomic work in Palestine . ed is evident from an editorial in the Marvin T r e u W i s the defending was elected president of the should not be conducted by the Zionish Welfare Federation there. In . Venizelist organ. Nea Makedonia, titlist. Ben Yousem served notice on World Zionist by a wearied Con- ist Executive but by specially organ1930 he represented the Allied Jewish -•which started the agitation now his competitors by winning medalist gress meeting at Basle, Switz- ized economic corporatipBB acting inCampaign in the South. **.* '~~.., says "the thing is not finished. We honors with a 74. dependently of the Zionist ExecuMr. Pearlstien was impressed with may have a few months of calm but The annual Razzberry tournament erland, according to late press tive, the latter being consulted only, the splendid progress and pioneering it is certain that at the first opporLong Branch, N. J.—(J. T. A.)— was held Wednesday, while play in dispatches. regarding the organization and perwork which had been accomplished by tunity the anti-Jewish movement wDl Resolutions favoring the five-day the regular tournament started on Sokolow has always been a sonnel of these corporations. the Omaha Jewry and the Community working week, condemning discrimi- Thursday. All round matches, match warm booster of Weizmann, reL manifest itself in still more terrible The tasks of these- corporations Center. He was, also. High in"-bis form." nation against JewsT in employment play, will be eighteen holes. One xv praise of the. achievements « E Dr. and in educational institutions, com- round will be completed each week, tired chieftain, and it is believed will be to stimulate safe and • profitliberal Greeks, however, are quietable private investment in Palestine, Gerson during his five mending President Hoover's accom- with the: finals scheduled for Sunday, that he will in general favor the to assist small investors, to attract ly seeking a rapprochement, between tor. The Center building, he .£nds, plishment of intemitional debt sus- August 5. Weizmann policy. He has work- large capital for industrial enterGreeks and Jews but everybody here compares favorably with those of "far pensiori>sendorsing Iworld disarmaThe pairings for the first round long and unceasingly in the in- prises and concessions, to organize is impressed with the presumed larger Jewish communities. m e n t & $ condemning the Michigan ' strength of the Nationalist Greek terests of Zionism. Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstien. are: the marketing of Palestine products The new director pledged himself ^ i p n law as "incompatChampionship Flight Union of which" M.r Gonatas, the govand to study opportunities for openBy his election to the presi"to carrying on of the fine work beible wij&tiie spirit of the American Ben Yousem vs. B. T. Friedman, ernor of Saloniki is rumored to be finds himself looking forward eagerly dency of the Zionist movement, ing up new fields for Palestine in* Constitution," were passed at the Sam J. Leon vs. Leo Nogy, Bud Wolf the honorary president. Former Prime to assuming his local duties, he in- ing done here." dustry. Mr. Pearlstien has returned to New closing session of the Rabbinical As- vs. Harry Malashock, Louis Hiller vs. Sokolow automatically becomes Minister George Cafandaris, leader of formed a reporter of the Press upon the opposition to the Venizelist gov- the confirmation of his appointment York. " He will come back to Omaha sembly of America. Richard Hiller, Marvin Treller vs. president of the Jewish Agency. "Non-Confidence" Vote The question of birth control Jerome F. Heyn, Bill Yousem vs. Ed ernment, whole-heartedly condemned by the executive board at a luncheon to assume his position on August 1, At the stormiest session of the accompanied- by his wife and three- roused a controversy at the rabbin- Treller, R. L. Shless vs. Al Mayer, After nearly six days of prothe SaloniM outrages when he visited at the Athletic Club Monday. Zionist Congress the fight between year-old son. Since last January Mr.: Pearlstien tracted bickering and negotiations ical convention, and .after a discus- Jake Malashock vs. A. H. Brodkey. the city. the supporters and opponents of Dr. has ..been, campaign director, for the the 17th World Zionist Congress sion it was referred to" the commitPresident's Flight .•• No Probe Possible. Chaim Weizmann, president of the r r : American - Palestine ' Campaign,' the unanimously adopted the followtee on the interpretation of the JewH. Ferer vs. Phil Levey, Ed Krause World Zionist Organization, reached -•-With parliament recessing for the fund-raising agency for the .Jewish ing resolution as to the ultimate ish law, which is to study the ques- vs. J. C. Pepper, Harry Kulakofsky a dramatic climax when the Congress summer there is no chance now of Agency. ",. aims of Zionism: tion and report at next year's con- vs. Lester Simon, Paul Blotsky vs. M. adopted by a vote of 123 to 1W a ".clearing up the question of the guilt The new director has an excellent "Zionism, is a national movevention. . Yousem, H. Arnstein vs. Jake Spiesresolution of the political comniission of' government officials such as M. educational background which fits ment to secure the freedom of the Judaism Sanctifies Marriage berger, M. Iseman vs. .M. Ferer, Elwhich in effect amounts to a vote of '- Minardos, Saloniki press . chief, who him for his post A graduate of the Jewish people. It adheres firmly Birth control is contrary to the mer Rood vs: E. Nogg, A. B. Alpirn non-confidence in Dr. Weizmann- according to a report, is about to be University .of Michigan, he obtained and unalterably to its aims as , -Jewish -faith, .ss. M. S. livingst«>rutenets of the However, the adoption of what is -transferred, :nor;df; probing the con- his master's degree in European hi laid dojen ia the Basla prograia according to « xesefctsoa -opposing i t i interpreted as an expression of ranPresident's Flight * ~» duet of Governor Gonatas .himself as gradjiate _wpik He_ then (to create for the Jewish people :'well"' asJo^*jjiaKngV ail impartial* inIryin Levin, President, Names which was adopted at the convention Joe Cohn vs. Ben Posley, P. Kula- in Palestine a publicly recogaixed sure of Dr. Weizmann's leadership of the Assembly of Hebrew Ortho- kofsky vs. L. Sogolow, Sam Green vs. after being at the Zionist helm for -'quiryi into the' whole period leading Committees—Picnic Is and legally secured home) and to dox Rabbis of the United States and 14 years, brought no comforc to the ' u p to the outbreak. Harry Brandt, Morris Milder vs. C . C Planned bring about in Eretz Israel a sor Revisionists, his most outspoken Canada, or Keneseth HoTiabanim. Katleman, M. Katleman vs. Walter Meanwhile, owing to efficient palution of the Jewish problem. The critics and opponents, who a little The annual picnic of the Omaha He- The resolution declares that birth Schimmel, S. Goodman vs. Ben Silver, trols, "especially at night, calm conhomeless and landless Jewish later carried out their threat to leave brew Club will be held this year on control is against natural as well as H. P. Farber vs. Dave Ferer, I. B. 'tinues and the tension has decreased people which is compelled to mir the Congress Hall when the delegates but where a" Jewish quarter abuts a . • Mr. Solomon Siegel, 66, a resident Sunday, August 23, according to an- Jewish law and states that "Juda- Zimman vs. Charles Simon. grate strives to overcome its abrefused even to permit their minority normal political, economic and "Greek section, as all do, there is a of Omaha for 43 years, passed away nouncement made by Irvin C. Levin, ism not only sanctions marriage, but Director's Flight resolution with regard to the ultimate also sanctifies it." spiritual conditions by re-estabfeeling of two distinct camps with the Monday night at his home, 1720 Dor- president of the organization. Abe Goldstein vs. Rube Brown, aims of Zionism to be put to a vote. Another resolution adopted by the lishing itself in the historic homefear of agression ever present on the cas street, after a long illness. Features will be a Jewish HistoriHarry Rosenfeld vs. Max Barish, Vic ... Funeral services were held TuesThe resolution criticizing Dr. Weizland through large and unintercal program, moving pictures, danc- Keneseth Ho'Rabanim opposes any - Jewish side. . , day - from the home, with burial at ing, games and special events, details change in the calendar which would Shapiro vs. Sam Schwartz. mann declared that "the Congress rupted immigration and settlethe Beth Hamedrosh cemetery. The of which will be announced later. expresses regret at the views uttered endanger the fixity of the Sabbath. ment and recreating in Eretz deceased is survived by his wife, by Dr. Weisanann in his interview Israel its national life with all Committees appointed by President This resolution is to be submitted to Etta; five daughters, Iva, Belle, Levin are: with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the members of the different congrethe essential features of a peoEsther, Leah, and Mrs. Sam Poska of and regards his reply to the interple's existence. The Congress Executive and Budget Committee: gations, and as each congregation Creston, la.; two sons, Abe and Earl; Jake Biklin, John Feldman, Judah adopts it a notice to that effect will pellation on this interview as inadeemphatically rejects any attempt a brother, Aaron, and a sister, Mrs. Wolfson, I. Radinofsky, Max From- be sent to President Hoover and to quate." In his interview with the to minimize this fundamental aim Ross Bessel of Glen Cove; R. I. Jewish Telegraphic Agency on July 3, of Zionism." ' the Secretary-General of the League Wins One Thousand Dollar lrin, Harry Lapidus, J.. J. Friedman, : T h e Jewish Comumnity Center Play ' * Mri .'Siegel -was a pioneer' member Dr. Weizmann said that he had no of Nations. Scholarship to Jewish School is half over, and according to of the. Omaha Hebrew Club, and H.Onicb, Dr. David Cahn Platt, M. sympathy or understanding with the Blank, H. Shrier. Previous to the recess to enable the Training School all indications Mil be the inbst^suc- also of the Modern Woodmen of demand for a Jewish majority in PalSick Committee: Jerome Kulakofpolitical commission and the steering jcessful in the three years of its exist- America. estine because the world will construe sky,chairman; Sam Altschuler, J. A one thousand dollar maintenance committee to reach final decisions re- this demand only in one sense, that e n c e . • " • • / . ' ; • '- • :"• > - r ; V , * • .:. Freed, A. Richards, A. Monsky, D. fellowship has been awarded to Miss garding the future leadership, and as the Jews want to acquire a majority, : The marionette work Ss progressing Onich, D. Schwartz. Elsie Poska, case worker for the Jew- an outgrowth of the disturbance the at the expense of the Arabs. "rapidly, according to Miss Sophie Investigation Committee: M. Blank, day before when the Zionist flag wa Americans Back Censure • Rosenstein, director of the Play chairman; L. Morgan, A. Kaplan. torn down, Abraham Lang, chairman 'School, due to the interest manifested initiation Committee: Albert Kapof the Basle, revisionist organization, All of the 52 Revisionist delegates, by the members of the group. Their Max Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. lan, chairman; Abner Kaiman, John was tried by .the congress court and 30 of the 34 Mizrachi (Orthodox Zionmarionette play is almost ready. H. Marcus, 1923 Vinton, won the Feldman, Ben Handler.' Mrs. I. Grossman has assumed the suspended from all Zionist activity ists) and a great number of the GenThe toy orchestra is preparing spe- highest award at Camp Gifford by chairmanship of the Jewish National until January 1, 1932. Resolutions Committee: Sam Klaveral Zionists (Centrists), including alcial numbers. All members of the or- winning the much-coveted title of er, chairman; Fred White, J . J . Fried- Fund box collections, according to an The Congress adopted, by a vote of most the entire American delegation, Black Diamond Scout. This title -is man, Sam Beber, Sam Swartz. chestra are kindergarten children. announcement made this week by the 87 to 74, a minority resolution offered voted for the resolution. Those who have been featured at given to the outstanding scout in the Membership Committee:; J. Riklin local chapter of Hadassah. Hadassah by the revisionists, disapproving the The withdrawal of the Revisionist the assemblies are Manny Segel and camp, which was attended by sixty chairman; H. Shrier, L Radinofsky has taken over the exclusive collection spirit of the renunciation of the na- delegation was preceded by tumultu. •. • ' • ; " and his Midgets, Miss Delight Hel- b o y s . . •.' ..... ; . . , • • •;• • . tional idea by the administration of ous scenes in the course of which Wm. Bishoff, L. Lipp, J. Fried, John of these boxes and her official repreMarcus is a member of Scout Troop Feldman, Albert Kaplan, R. Dorinson sentatives are the only ones now lett of the Y. W. C. A., Hyman Shrier the Hebrew university in Jerusalem Meer Grossman, British Revisionist and Louis Lipp. Mrs. Nathan Seker-. No. 25. C. IL S^hoessler is scoutand instructing the Zionist executive leader, sought to justify the RevisionWays and Means Committee: Irvin authorized to collect them. . \ :•''•,•. man's stunt class has given several master. At present three hundred and fifty to safeguard the national spirit in the ists' action by a declaration from the C. Levin, Jerome Kulakofsky, Sol amusing productions. \, -university's administration. platform while Vladimir Jabotinsky. Rosenberg, John Feldman, J. Riklin, J. N. F. boxes are distributed among Chicago—The will of the late Prof. Albert Kaplan, Louis Morgan, S. Alt- the Jewish families of Omaha, but New members who have been added Revisionist chieftain, in dramatic to the staff are Mrs. Frank Ackerman Albert A. Michelson, filed;• in" probate schuler, M. Blank, S. Meyerson. American Economic Plan Mrs. Grossman plans to double this fashion jumped on a table, tore his court here, reveals that the worldand Haskell Cohn. -•/ Adopted delegate's card into shreds and called Publicity Committee: John Feldman number within the year. The comb orchestra is working on famous scientist left an estate of chairman; Louis Lipp, A. Kaplan, D. These boxes in the Jewish homes Basle—The creation of specially on his followers to do likewise. military numbers assisted by drums. only.$37,000. ' has been one of the main fund raising organized economic corporations to Blacker, J. Crounse. The Revisionists' action followed be established in every country of the refusal of the Congress, by a vote Talmud Torah Committee: J. Feld- projects of the Jewish National fund. the 'world to stimulate investments of 125 to 62, to put to a vote their man, chairman; J. Riklin, N. Yaffee. The election of Nahum Sokolow to in Palestine and to aid Palestine in- minority resolution on the ultimate •-; House Committee: Sam Altschuler, head the world Zionist movement is dustry was approved at the Zionist Zionist aims. The minority resolution Harry Dworsky, chairman; S. Mono in one sense a tribute to the work of vitz, S. Babior, A. Schlaifer, M. the J. N. F. for he has always been " Congress. Miss Elsie Poska said "the Congress declares that the Crounse, Ben Handler, J. Lintzman one of the most ardent supporters By approving this resolution the establishment of a publicly recognized ish Welfare Federation for thfc past Congress voted for the separation of and legally secured home in Palestine and workers in that cause. D. Swartz. ' Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—That Beth but was rebuilt again. three years. At present the assets of the Jewish economic from political affairs and for the Jewish people which is deJudiciary Committee: Joe Tretiak, During the period of reign of King Zur, the ancient Palestinian city loThe scholarship is for one year at the removal of Palestine economic manded in the Basic program, and the National Fund is estimated by Paleschairman; M. Brandeis, A. Kaplan, B. Rehoboam, son of Solomon, the town cated eighten. miles south of Jeruthe Training School for Jewish Social salem, was inhabited almost continu- again boasted a considerable popula- Feltman, H. Onich, H. Marcus, J. tine officials to be $11,375,355. Most Work, a graduate school, and was won work from the control of the Zion- constitution of the Jewish National of the funds are spent in acquiring ist Executive, an idea first ad- Home in Palestine, which is assured ously for twenty-one centuries^ from tion, and it was during this period Wolfson. through competitive examinations vanced ten years land for the Jewish people in the ago by Justice in the Palestine Mandate, means the Vigilance Committee: Harry Lapi that it was fortified. the early Bronze Age until shortly beheld throughout the country in May. Louis D. Brandeis. An amendment transformation of the entire manfore the Christian era, is the discovMore than 200 coins of difefrent dus, chairman; Fred White, Harry Holy Land. The land then is the perMiss Poska is a graduate of the offered by the Laborites, which pro- dated territory of Palestine on both petual property of the Jews, being Wolf, Wm. Holzman, Henry Monsky, ery made by a joint expedition of the periods and much pottery was found Max Fromkin, J. Riklin, Dr. A. Green- leased out to Jewish farmers at rates University of Nebraska. She will poses that the Jewish National Fund, sides of the Jordan River into a JewPresbyterian Theological Seminary in in the ruins of Beth Zur. leave Omaha in September, first visChicago and the American School of Simon Maccabeus, father of Judas berg, Sam Beber, M. Long, S. Swartz, that enable the farmer to build up iting her parents in Lincoln and then the principal Zionist land-purchasing ish state, namely into a commonhis acreage and flourish. Judah Wolfson, Irvin Stallmaster, L agency, and the Keren Hayesod, the wealth with its population being » Oriental Research in Jerusalem. Maccabeus, retook Both Zur from the leaving for New York. The training The Jewish National Fund's income Morgenstern, Sol Rosenberg. chief financial instrument of the Jewish majority." Many relics of various periods in Syrians and" expelled all of its Hellenschool opens September 28. Appointees: Inside Guard, A. Rich in the year 5690 was $1,357,555, an Jewish Agency, should be encour the history of Beth Zur, the site of izers. The town then declined rapidly. aged to intensify their national eco- Agency Agreement Stands Three graves containing skeletons ards; Irvin C. Levin, Representative increase over the income of either •which is 3,300 feet above sea level, 5689 or 5688. Every country in- Hitlerites Would Bar Nonnomic activities simultaneously with were also found on the site of Beth Jewish Community Center. have been discovered by the excaA motion offered by the RevisionEntertainment Committee: J. Rik- creased the amount raised by the J. Aryans from Markets the establishment of the new eco- ists to the effect that the Zionist vators. These relics i ndicate that Zur. These graves are believed to date Berlin — The National Socialist nomic corporations, was incorporthere was some habitation in Beth irom about 150 B. C. and the skele- lin, chairman; Judah Wolfson, L N. F., with the exception of Belgium Congress should annul the agree! : and Egypt : i • • • faction in the Berlin City council ated into the resolution. Morgenstern, I. Radinofsky, Albert . tons are supposed to be those of SyZur as'far" back as 2200 B^Cjand ment with the Jewish Agency which have demanded that stalls in the pubj The Fund owns 281,683 metric du- that around 1600 B. C. the town was rian-Greek soldiers who invaded Pal- Kaplan, John Feldman, H. Shrier, M. created a working basis between U. S. Has One lie market places be reserved only] Brandeis, J. Tretiak, M. Potash, A. nams, the equivalent of 30G.410 old to -well populated. Several centuries estine at that time and whom the (Continued on Pay? ±\ a One such corporation is already in gtylo dunama. w ."" ~ '' %J~>~^' fat. "Aryan" poultry-dealers,^ V> later the city, was completely, burned, Maccabees fought. Kaiman,

Separate Economic Lang, Revisionist, Suspended by Activities From Political Court







Max Marcus Wins High School Honor

Find Relics of Two Thousand Years of Life at Beth Zur




PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931 he registered a lion at one of the

surface of the earth. Came the .medieval age hotels, along with a man T. R. Zann, he knew quite well that in a day or with its Black Plagues and religious tortures. The two, the truth would be 'oof. There proud Phonoecians, the stalwart Babylonians, the By DAVID SCHWARTZ was no permanent misrepresentation Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by tyrranical Egyptians, the belligerent Romans all involved. He was there merely to exTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY had waned. In contrast, there were the J e w s cite the public interest. SIOUX CITY OFFICE , ; decimated by Inquisitions, iniquitiesi inhumanities MR. MENCKEN "ENJOYS" JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street SONS OF THE FATHERS .-—yet two" million strong. In that day, people HIMSELF When Hendrik Van Loon, the writOur good Baltimore friend, Mr. thought that surely the Jews would disappear Subscription Price; one year - •*• - - - : > $2.50 er, learned that his son had gone in Mencken, is having a good time. He By J 1 from the face of the earth under their unbearable Advertising rates furnished on application ^ fox professional interpretative danchas gotten out a. card, 'which he is burden. That was in-the medieval era. But the RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN ing, he said: "If Otto Kahn can let circulating widely among his friends. T» his boy, Roger, direct an orchestra Jews livedon.and in 1825 they totaled 3,280,000. Mencken is the author of the card, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York and cavort. about in airplanes, why Today, we hear rumblings of a decayed Judaism but the card purports to be that of a Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building can't my son: become a professional Rev. I. Mandolowitz. A business card ,? Telephone: ATlaritic 1450 ^ •;,•'-•••- and the prophecy that the Jews are rapidly didancer?" which to them were not true. They WHY DO THE YOUNG-BLOODS -for the reverend gent. On it appears, DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor minishing in number—-but the number of Jews Young Kahn is not the only son of of the sporting generation in the felt this especially in critical moments Rev. L Mandolowitz, Sanitary Mohel, FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - . - * . _ Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor now equals approximately sixteen millions, a five- Temples wish the Rabbi to be present of their lives, as when at the ob- Schadchen and Schoechet—Day and wealthy Jewish parents who appar* FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent fold increase in a century of a people who were at their amusements? Why does he sequies of one beloved the Christian Night Service, Sewing Machines ently is not following in the financial ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent paths, of their fathers. One of Mr, supposedly dying out. Interesting sidelights are have to drink with them, tell doubt- minister would say in the name of Neatly Repaired. brought but in this regard by statistics compiled ful jokes with them, and otherwise Jesus: 'I am the resurrection and the Beneath this inscription is: Agent Warburg's sons, is, I believe, a celAlso life; he that believeth on me, though for the celebrated Beth Horon Vine- list of considerable promise. THE ZIONIST CONGRESS by Jacob Leschinsky, Berlin journalist. Though act in a manner not associated gen- he were dead, yet shall he live'—that yards of Adummin, Palestine Ritual one of the late Louis Marshall's sons erally with the highest standards of The seventeenth World Zionist Congress is in 105 years our people have multiplied fifty-fold, the Rabbinate? is to say, immortality on the condition wines and liquors for all occasions. is a forester and botanist. low history, and whether the leaders and laity, the general population of the world was only Why do not the laity,In their mo- of faith in Jesus; or among orthodox Bensath this second line: Rents Col- UNDERPAID CHECKER not to mention the press, laud or berate the action slightly more than doubled. The great increase ments of "enjoyment" prefer to be Jews, when at the burial the survivor lected, Funerals Conducted, Low Wed- PLAYERS of the delegates, nothing can for the present be of Jewish population came mainly as a result of let alone, minus the presence of the passes between the ranks of his ding Fees. A novel form of picketing was to friends, and they say to him: 'Be And so on—you get the general be sighted the other day at Coney Isdone toward changing the situation. True,we a great decline in the Jewish death rate, a much Rabbi? The psychology of the sit- comforted in the midst of those who uation has been explained at last in idea. land. Near the boardwalk appeared might indulge in prophecy and predilections, but greater decline than among other peoples. a telling phrase, communicated to me mourn for Jerusalem,' though it no a man, carrying a sign: "Strike. STRANGERS MAY KISS these, too, will in no way aid the attainment of the Figures also reveal that the center of Jewish by a friend. "We want the Rabbi at longer even occurred to him to mourn Please take notice' on your honor to Its a strange thing about this Mr. for Jerusalem. Or again, the call for goal of the Jewish people. Probably the best at- population has shifted tremendously during the our parties so that we can act so the checker players behind the stands supernatural intervention in the an- Mencken. He can say most anything titude is one of accepting a given status, making past century. In 1825 Europe had 83.2 per cent bad and feel so good." who want to make a living. You guished moment of suspense for the about the Jews, and you simply can't the most of it, and lending our utmost cooperation. of world Jewry, Asia had 9.2 per cent, Africa had recovery of the sick. They desired to get angry about it. One can no more broke your agreement." But man is human. So was the seventeenth 7.3 per cent, America had 0.3 per cent, and Aus- A NEW TYPE OF JEWISH AS- shift the burden of falsity from them- get excited about these things from Soon, if this keeps up, we shall is with us. It is the perWorld Congress. We cannot help but comment tralia had no Jews at all. Last year the percent- similationist selves, because falsity is unlivable; Mencken than if they had come from have an Amalgamated Union of son who discovers a delightful sumon a conclave replete with fiery outbursts, full of age of world Jewry living in Europe fell to 62.5 mer vacation place with few Jews, and and for their children they wished Ben Hecht. Just let us assume for a Checker and Chess players, a branch the American Federation of Labor. the unexpected, yet not without its disappoint- per cent, while in America it rose to 30 per cent. who looks askance at the coming of that nothing unlivable should be put moment, that some non-Jew had said of into their minds, that those young some of the things Mr. Hecht recent- And a very large number of the labments. We find Jabotinsky> the Revisionist fire- In Asia only 4.3 per cent of world Jewry lived any more. beings should not have the picture of ly said in his opus: "Jews Without oring checkering players will be Jews. brand who was expected to wave the red flag there in 1930, in Africa only 3 per cent, and in The old story of the Scotchman who life obscured by a mist and cloud of Love." I daresay, the American Jew- The professional checker and chess of battle at the Mandatory government, pleading Australia 0.2 per cent. Facts and figures are was set up to numberless drinks by untruth." ish Congress would have issued a player doesn't live off the cream of enthusiastic Jews is applicable here. broadside against him. But Mr. Hecht the land even in prosperous times, and for a final attempt at cooperation with the British undeniable. They give weight to the statement The Scotchman kept saying: "Where in these days of depression, the government. Dr. Stephen Wise, outspoken as that the Jews are a deathless people and will trod I work there are thousands of Jews, DOCTOR ADLER IS A HARE says it—a Jew says it and there's not now only check they get is on the board. a murmur. Strangers may kiss, as usual..-. but it was hardly expected that a mem- the earth as long as humans trod thereon. and I wish there were thousands and lovely spirit, with whom one hesi- the movie caption has it, but they more." After he had been treated to tates to disagree. How literal-minded cannot curse. But friends may curs<j CANNOT CAPITALIZE ber of the American delegation would be so vehis twentieth 'drink, a Jew asked: however, are his comments upon the all they want. And I suppose the CHESS hement and vitriolic in his attack upon the Weiz"And where do you work?" The phrase which appears in the Orthodox fact that we do not even get offendThese checker players get ten cents mann administration and a bitter indictment of Scotchman replied: "At the Jewish services at the time of bereavement ed at this raillery of Mr. Mencken is a game—that is, if they win from you. the British government. Nor would it seem probcemetery." To hear these Jewish Mourning for Jerusalem is an imper- that we know that down deep in his The chess player is a little higher able that in one breath the Congress would give a Christopher Columbuses speak of the sonal interest, far greater than the heart he is incapable of prejudice. priced—he gets twenty-five cents, but Promised Lands they have discovered woe of the individual, and therefore actually the checker player often "non-confidence" vote in Weismann for his atmakes one imagine that the Lord to recall it, links his own sorrow to PUBLICITY PRINCE makes more money, for the chess titude unfavorable to a Jewish majority in PalesHONORS FOR JEWS created these favored scenes for the the grief of his people; at the same PASSES battle manifestly takes more time. tine and in the next breath would elect to leaderA distinguished list of Jews figures among ruling Gentiles and a few pet Jews. time his pain is alleviated by the It is usually said that the reason The king of the ballyhoo—Harry ship Nathum Sokolow, right-hand man of Weiz- the men and women who have received signal That Jews make excellent summer knowledge of a nation's anguish. Reichenbach—is dead. Some may that Jews have not made any notable mann. Fortunately, the American plan for the honors in this country. home renters is illustrated by the tale Or, again, one might say that com- question the ethics of the profession showing in baseball is that baseball economic building up and development of the Holy H. L. Meites, editor of the Chicago Jewish concerning the Gentile owner of a fort will come to the individual, even of publicity, of which craft Reichen- does not offer the large financial opLand was adopted, and luckily no serious breaches Chronicle and a veteran Zionist, was named sup- house who, when her Jewish tenants as comfort has come to the nation, in bach. was easily the foremost prac- portunities such as pugilism, in which in September, called in all her the contemplation of the supreme tioner. But this monarch of the Jews have recently been so prominoccurred even though considerable provocation erintendent of the Chicago water department by vacated neighbors and said: "Take a good look sorrow—namely the destruction of the realms of publicity certainly contrib- ent. and spice were added by the suspension of several Mayor Anton J. Cermak and simultaneously re- at my house; you'll never see it so Holy Sanctuary. For what words uted to spice up life—and the keeper If Jews go in for a sport, merely and the uproars which greeted certain statements ceived the degree of doctor of laws for his his- clean again." can be greater in all literature than at the Celestial Gates, I am inclined for the money, may I inquire why and whichi threatened to halt proceedings and at tory of the Jews of Chicago. those of Doutero-Isaiah, saying to think, will wink his eyes at a lot such a prepondering portion of the times actually did. , Edna Ferber, noted novelist, and Solomon M. JEWS WHO HAVE ABANDONED "Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people.' of things, when he sees a fellow like chess players are Jews. Scratch a chess player and four out of five of ancient- Hebraic names should If Jews do not think upon Jerusalem, that coming along. In retrospectionf it can be; quite, unanimously Sjtroock, chairman of the board of directors of the their is it .the fault <»f the poetry of their the times, he will be a Jew. Imagine that up there, they h&ve visit old Massachusetts. To be sure agreed on that the major issue, which, predomin- Jewish Theological Seminary of America, were there are abundant names of Indian liturgy, or their, own Biblical illiter- longer list of virtues for whicp the;; Yet the only money to be found in ated the Congress was the question of leadership. honored at the commencement exercises of Co- origin, such as Wachusett, Sipivis- sey ? There is a beautiful and tender give you credit than down here. If chess is in the world championships. We confess, quite frankly, that we were disap- lumbia University. Miss Ferber received the hon- scott, Quisset, Seapuit and the like, sympathy in the thought that the in you have, say, popped things up a The game as a whole can never offer pointed in the ultimate decision. This is not in orary degree of doctor of letters and Mr. Stroock, but the Puritan names survive ex- dividual's anguish can never be sep- bit, for a sometimes boresome world, any money to its enthusiasts for two I shouldn't be surprised if the Celes- reasons: First, that it requires some Thus "Elnathan," "Eben- arated from his people's. any way meant to be derogatory to Weizmanri or a graduate of Columbia, class of 1892, was award- tensively. ezer," "Adam," "Elimelech" and othAdler had remembered tial bookkeeper properly credits you. intelligence to follow and second, beSokolow. Weizmann has stinted himself unself- ed one of the seven university medals given an- ers are to be found in the rural dis- thisIf inDoctor his youth, he would have been There is a Midrash, I am told, that up cause by its nature, a game of chess ishly in the Zionist cause. He has struggled un- nually to alumni in recognition of their achieve- tricts. I have yet, however, to dis- at the Zionist Congress in Basel, in the other world, some one asked can be viewed only by a small numceasingly in what he sincerely believes to be the ments since graduation. cover the famous dog "Moreover" who weeping as did the unknown authors Elijah, who would inherit eternal life. ber. Meier Hershtenkorn of Jaffa, Palestine, a was given this Biblical name because of "Lamentations" upon the woes of And Elijah pointed to an undis- PUGILISM'S PRIDE best course, despite calumnies and abuses heaped upon him by those who differed. The future gen- student at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- it says in Scripture: "Moreover, the Israel, "the men of sorrows and ac guished, obscure chap. He cheered I know very little about pugilism his neighbor. That was virtue and care less, but one phase of it alerations will give high encomium to his efforts. nology in Boston, was awarded the Dr. Stratton dog came and lapped up the water.' quainted with, grief." H. L. Mencken enough. in the current issue of his green-cov ways evokes my admiration. I refer But the factor which refuses to dwarf in our esti- first prize of $50 for the best student paper pre- ALFRED DOEBLlN, WRITING IN ered magazine mentions the fact tha' to the fact that the Jewish prize SINS OF PUBLICITY mation is that Weizmannism was given a lengthy, sented under the sponsorship of the campus pro- the "Prager Tageblatt" says of Sig- in December, 1926, he "issued a clar fighter does not fall for a fairly preI know the sins of publicity. You fair trial and was found wanting. Sokolow, a fessional societies. His paper was "An Introduc- mund Freud at seventy-five: "I ad- ion call for a funeral service for recall the story of the publicity writ- valent practice of changing his name mire Freud for two reasons, each Americans unable in conscience to veteran Zionist tried and true, is also heart and tion to the QuantumTheory." when he reaches the top of his ladder. equally good. I admire him as a subscribe to any of the prevailing er in the movies, who described the In almost every profession, you and I soul for the Jewish cause, but every^ indication The noted German-Jewish author, Emil Cohn benefactor new.movie as entrancing. The direcof humanity who has flung theologies . . . I renew my call for an points to his following the policy of his chief and Ludwig, was awarded the honorary degree of doc- wide the doors that shut in many agnostic tor looked at the copy. "Entrancing ? know Jews, who have dropped "skys service, with soothing music and witzs" and otherwise Nordicised leader, Dr. Weizmann. : tor of laws at the commencement exercises of Rut- who were sick and suffering. And I and a sufficiency of poesy, and en Is that all you can say for it. Why their names. The prize fighter not that almost looks like a knock." also admire him as a spiritual leader, gage to give space in this great orDr. Wise was not afraid to call a spade a gers Uinversity. only will not drop them, but someThat is one of the sins of the pubone of the first men in Europe to gan of constructive optimism to any Julius Daniels, assistant superintendent of as times, he even adds on something to spade, though he were indicting a great world enter the kingdom of the soul in the good one that turns up. It is surely licity man. Exaggeration, feeding the make it more distinctly Jewish. power like Great Britain. He deeply wounded the promotion department of the Edison Electric name of science." public on a diet of impossible superneeded." The Humanists can supply The Jewish prize fighter, has never Illuminating Co. of Boston, has been chosen for latives. the feelings of our diplomats, who, are actually In the same magazine which quotes one, and undoubtedly the Ethical Culsought to camouflage his Jewishness. Of this sin, Reichenbach was largethe presidency of the Illuminating Engineering attempting to match Great Britain in the strategy this article, F. H. Donner writes: ture service itself would be eligible. In that respect, I think he is inestim"East Against East" which appeared The funeral service of many libera ly free. He sought not so much to and chicanerous art of diplomacy, when he ut- Society of the United States. (Continued on page 6.) impress, but to interest you. When This far from exhausts the list, and is merely in the Zeitschrift furer Geopolitik, Rabbis, with the Psalms and other tered those now famous words, "We have had speaks of the "keen, all-seeing diplo- classic material omitted, might even insults, indignity, shame and degradation from typical of the honors conferred upon hundreds macy" of the Oriental world which is be considered appropriate. But the the British government which learned the art of of Jews for their distinguished services in their "being supported by greedy, ignorant omissions in themselves would be fifty-fifty from the Jewish Agency, fifty per cent respective professions. To add to the list of Jewish high finance and other inter- crucial, an<* would require the dropfor the Arabs and fifty per cent against the American-honored Jews those who have been national groups which do not under- ping of salient elements in religion Jews." Such frank analysis has naturally met recognized and have distinguished themselves in stand the sins of their opponents and without which the human race would which believe that a brother Asiatic be infinitely the poorer. Doctor Ada volume lending pride can with a storm of opprobrium in this country and other lands Would make be as truly steeped in Western ler remarks that he draws "a sharp ; elsewhere. But no amount of disapproval can to the Jewish name. culture as a European." Thus we distinction between the divine being Wonderful Values silence the prophetic ring of Dr.; Wise's plea for The names of three noted Jews who have have the poles of judgment regarding and divine life. the need of new tactics and a new leadership. A been chosen for honorsj overseas are deserving of the Jew, one expressing the attitude He makes a stirring appeal for high Men's Cool of civilization, the other of barbaric change of weather would be-good for the patient. particular mention. In Vienna, the city council fears ethical conduct, but like Mencken's and prejudices. The reverses suffered by Zionism since the last took steps to rename the Berg-Gasse, one of agnostic funeral ritual, the soul will Congress earned an opposition plan the right to Vienna's leading thoroughfares, and henceforth to FELIX ADLER IN HIS FIFTY- be missing. "Across the gulf of years (to our unknown successors] a trial, whether that trial were revisionist or a call it Sigmund Freud Gasse, in honor of the fam- fifth anniversary address says: "In a Imysend greeting, in the hope that long praesidium as advocated by the majority of the ous Jewish psychoanalyst. In Czernowitz, Ru- sublime passage, Isaiah exclaims: after my voice shall have been stilled, American delegation. If diplomacy and constant mania, the city council voted, on the motion of Dr. 'Woe is me, for I have seen the vision an echo of what has here been said negotiating with the Mandatory government has Siegfried Rosenzweig, to rename two of the city of the Eternal, and I am a man of un- on this anniversary day will reach Grays Tans Oxfords meant naught, a complete change of offense streets after Dr. Chaim Weizmann, head of the clean lips, and dwell in the midst of a them, urging them to carry on so as people of unclean lips.' The vision to bring nearer the day when the might turn the trick. But Israel's prophets of World Zionist Organization, and the late Dr. Ja- punishes the seer, condemns him in sublime vision which hitherto has ERE'S the big news of the cool clothes old were not listened to, and Israel's prophets of cob Pistiner, Jewish Socialist leader whd repre- his own eyes. The greater the vision been seen but faintly and intermitseason—The Nebraska has secured wondertoday are still unheeded. Though we are not sented Czernowitz for a number of years in the of the ethical ideal, the more poign- tently shall shed its fuller radiance ful values in men's cool Tropical •Worsted optimistic, nevertheless we along with every oth- Rumanian parliament. antly does he who conceives it realize on a transfigured humanity." Coats and Pants. Men of conservative tastes who feel that they require inconspicuous styles m cool er Jew hope that the newly-chosen regime will Because there are a few in Jewry who are the almost infinite distance between Doctor Adler's message which echo clothes find much to be desired in these cool tropbe able to cope with the susaive, deceptive vacil- lending discredit to the Jewish name, these hon- himself and that grandeur, that sep- across the years, but its accents will arates his performance from that will by no means be so eloquent as ical coats and pants. They're made for The lation of Great Britain. ors are important because they help to Off set the completeness." Nebraska by one of America's specialist clothes the echo from the Jerusalem over Why did not Doctor Adler em- which he has ceased to mourn. damage done by the prodigal sons of Israel. makers. They're deliberately priced at lowest phasize in his youthful days these levels to give you unusual value. Thus shall it be done to the Jews whom the majestic portions of the Hebrew Bible A DEATHLESS PEOPLE world delights to honor.—Detroit Chronicle. rather than adopt as an alibi the Samuel Heads British ALL SIZES! Some two hundred decades ago when conwords: "This is the law which God Philosophical Institute The Nebraska Does Not Quote Comparative Price* quering hordes swept over Israel, the victorious London—Sir Herbert Samuel, one gave through Moses," forgetting tha :«* INCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED NO : nations scattered the vanquished Hebrews o'er HEBREW CALENDAR they were intended in a purely meta o* England's leading statesmen and ife COMPARATIVE PRICES phorical and symbolic sense. Doctoi the first High Commissioner of Palthe length and breadth of the then-known uni5691 1931 -Wednesday, July 15 Adler in his economic upon the mo- estine, accepted the presidency of verse ... . secure in the belief that they had ef- Rosh Chodesh Ab „ tives that appealed to those who first the British Institute of Philosophical —Thursday, July 23 joined ,, fected the eradication of that stubborn race that Fast of Ab .. the Ethical Culture Society Studies in succession to the late Lord Friday, August 14 says: "It was the desire to rid their Arthur Balfour. Lord Balfour was Rosh Chodesh Ellul believed in monotheism. .Saturday, September 12 , lives of the burden of falseness—the president of, the Institute from its inTime passed and new persecutions were eh- Rosh Hashonah : Correct Apparel far lien and Women Monday, September 21 burden of ceremonies •£ religion ception in 1925 to his death in 1930. dured by these Israelites, who still walked the Yqm Kippur.


Telling It In GATH

By the Way

From Contemporary Pens


Tropical Worsted

Coats «><i Pants H



JULT 17, ISSl"

Jewish jgirl, and no particular school Elgutter, -will leave on Sunday for the sown, -up in tfae auie «r tes been created by the rabbinical or type of study is spedfied. The their homes. fr<mt, tnthe wfll be Sie tribunal of ^San Francisco ami Oakchoice of "the council will be anfavorite iaffld acting in conjunction with repnounced .September 11. Miss JSarah Turrtzman left Tuesday Much-stress w f l l i e lakl aon a ±en3- aKsentativfiE of Orthodox congregamembers of .the committee a r e .to visit in Minneapolis with Mr. and tions in the two cities. T. H. iiallen *axcy t o -widen ^*ke shoaltiers Mrs- "Hfiriiert Arenstein, president of Mrs. A. 2. Solomon. taper the ^waistlnie. IThfe •was«etected president and A. M. BittTPbe n=ete—blue s linked -up cwitii A etenteiBjy^of •the jeouncil; Mrs. Mas -Bolzman, JMIS. •man secretary. -Samuel .Gerson, Mrs. Morris ~Jacobsr Miss Sarah Cohen and Mrs. Ben-'dogs. 3 saw s. darling onefait t e col- millinery t o dominate ribs ^face, balThe Vaari Hakaskrutii is to see to book 'tnl -sa little ^ Mrs. [Reuben .Kulakofsky, .and "Mrs jamin Uersham -entertainal at a ancing the silhouette nTopetly. IThe -it that 'the kosher meat bill functions Joseph Stern. The group met Tues- shower Sunday afternoon in honor a t ctfee Sfewish Goimramrty straightening out of the «kirt is an- as rite tramers intended .and aneets U3& would * e artist, a >snn- other step in the balancing- of the sil- the traditional requirements. day at 'the Amstein home to eom- of .lUiss -Anna Saks, -*rho i s t o - be .plete ;plans 'for the ,project. taarfieti t o .Jack ZNewberg late in, tanned littbj -bloml -iS Jive,'in a ^sweeT houette when interest centers above .yellow .and -white ' dress and >witii a the-rcaist. The necessity of -ex.lreuH [Funds Jor this educational "mute, Water :Sn»ply »p Socr lAstyA y have been obtained through the ocoun- IPrizes were won tjy Ikailah Bel- large .yellow ribbon in .her hair, was jcarefully grBomea coifures 5i«irn^ Qonqiletion diligently .coloring an outlrnfid ciPs circulating .library .at "the iBlacfeAlite Stern and Bertha Slutzagain Taake woman's hair 3*er tarnwnJerusalem—The instolkttion -of a 3HK. AND 3ttRS. 'WEEINER HETUKN "Mrs. [Rebecca "Klappex, -Kansas -stone and through individual jcorttriscene i n which were a little -girl and 1 water supply at Jiamat David, ttke ZMr. and 3Hte. I z Harold Weiner City, is spending about ten'days with .butions. her dag stopping ijefore a "stop -sign I t will not be difficult t » be lovely -have returned from a three week her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. at a tnsy intersecthni. The jgirl and -beloved with fashions such as colony named for [Lloyd George, » 33EI BETA SIGMA iproeesdntg so -rapidly that it will ibe Bumeymoon trip in California. They and Mrs. Dave Green, and .family. was garbed in ^green a n d red, the SOCIAL 2«>TES The Tegular imfting ol the l?id .stop .sign was colored orange and these, n'-est pas"? finished within three monthB, Jtc^visitetl in 'San 3*Tancisco, Santa 33arwas held purple, antl the dog was a lovely eording to an announcement by the %ara, ILos Angeles, and other points. [Mr. .and .Mrs. [Paul [Phllipp .have .as Mrs. Barry Xaziere and "Morris Beta Sigma .Sorority Twenty-^ve .years ago 'D. [Ruben- .Jewish [National Fund. Tire work, Sn ."Southern California -and -the Cata- their guests J l r . and Mrs. .13. Irvine [Laziere -of ,^Sitnrx 'City; JMT. .and Mrs. Sunday a t t h e nome of 'Miss [Louis ilue. Modernistic TOIOT ^schemes. stem, Sioux City, addressed Dnaaha which is being done by the «etttere J . IH- "Weinberg .and Mr. and Jirs. .Filvin. uina [Islands. and daughters, aElita .and Jttyra, iff Jews on the situation in Huasia. at a themselves, is costing about $lDjKK). Ifi. ItfPfglTti^! ,flf »City, and • They are "now at home'hvthe Hew York City, -and .Mrs. IB. :E. ILebA little '.boy of 3our years came up meeting at Crounse ball. "Mrs. -Clara -Weinstein of [Montreal, Several of the more -recently -fonndTJCNIC ;Iing -apartments.. 32d and J&odge. anann of Cleveland, Miss .-Schoenbergt o [Miss BEiosenstein, principal of the -who "have -been guests of IMr. sad -ed settlements in the Emek 3exreel IThe .Poal JJron ^rcill hold a goicnic play -school, during assembly and of Chicago and -Mrs. 35. [Lehmann and 'Mrs. [Hymie Milder, have ^returned t o 3uly 2X> at -Elnrwotid 3>ark -for memVaad Haikashrttfli for on land of t h e Jewish National J^uud .small daughter, IBobette, said, "'Miss Hesenstein, 3 didri^t get Northern California 331GHLAKD d i U B 3IEWS homes. Jitrs. !F. D . [firaunstein will also be providetl with water sysi e r s and their .friends. any --.po'lieemari's wiiistte." Miss 2toTnursday evening dinner .has be- Iowa. and Miss 3iae [Bxaunstein of PittsSan Hakash- tems shortly. Such colonies a popular evening with memDstein -uses a whistle to gain the burgh,' Ta., and Mrs. [Byman :Gofan 3HL A£S3ifiON SLA^NS ITOUR Tuth ior the ^entire northern "naK of [Nachlat Pittsburgh, ^established "Miss -^Sally .-Shapiro of Chicago" i s rbers of the [Highland Country <club. attention of the JdiildTen. BhB «xof D e s Dioines, -also guests -of ^the •Word iias "teen jeoeivai ijy Seta Califomia t o supervise the enforce- funds from 3°ittsburgti Zionist, Ain piabxed t o him that none of ~tfce puA. special dinner is the feature ai spending .two weeks ^withiher imrther Milders, will remain for .a .longer ment of t h e new state kosher bill Harod and Tel Joseph. -Jieta Tau iriends of 3>r. Saul B. •the day. Among those at the rlub and sister, 3irs. 3 L TW. IBrandt canfl c nad whistles, iutt n e insisted Areuson, asssciafeE qpxolesssr of that he wanted one. Trials and tribuThursday evening were Mr. and .Mrs. -Mr. ^Victor Shapiro. chemistry xtt the vDnnrarsity of *CtntSam •Herzberg and MT.-and "Mrs. Ear"MT. and "Mrs. ILouis Matanky, Chi-, e riias- duuuii [Miss Gertrude ILipp tS 3New T&ork .ry 3liseman, who made up a fourTfee -play school is very linterestcago, -jgient the week-end with Mrs. a m o n t h *KaJhfoCTfj<«nl City, and Jber .brother, [Morris 'Xipp •finne; Mr. and Mrs. Sam [Leon mg. ;mother, :Mrs. Mollie intends its -spend the .spring and and .Mrs. Harry Maloshuck, who jof -.Chicago, :both ^formerly off ilhnaler and her ^sister, Miss Jda. iotter, summer -of next year in touring the faa, :are -visiting with itheir ^parents, together, and "Mr. and .Mrs. Fall fashions. We are all careand havje departed "for their home, Pacific, .from Japan t o Australia, David Peder and .Mrs. _Abe Berz- MT. anil .Mrs. ~S. Xipp. fully watching their trend, and s o i a r accompanied by 'Bliss Mollie Ulabino- probably lecturing in some of the J>erg j r . we nave almost LCOITK t o the wmcluswitz, who "has spent -a inonth iiere .universities en -route. .Alfred .Auster, .Anne .Auster, ion that we are going ^to like them. and at -Colorado Springs, -visiting "Dr. Arenson's book, "Chemical and 1HJSB ^Mary Upaky, of IBrooklyn, The changes in ?ttte iEieltl «tf milStfrs. S e n ITousem -won "the rmetfalielatives. The -visitors were -enter- Arithmetic," will he published next linery are more radical than in any ?ist -score ifor -.town clubs ioar HB :holes J*ew TTarfc, arrived last Friday t o tained at a -family reunion and picmonth by the -welWrnown publishers, other. The [Empress 35ugenfe sil. ajf qgtilf .at "the .guest-day open rtour- 'visit with .Mr. and Mrs. >'G. 'Bfyersan nic during their ;sstay. John -Wiley -and Sons uf Hew [York houette will .be .most proTninent, ffar A short inne. Mrs. Alfred J&izster, maHaent .at the f i e l d cclub lastThursCity. who >"has i»een visiting tere 3or ilie stressing t h e dtwawarcl rnovemerrt, 'day. Mr. and !Mrs. -S. [Robinson are leavDT. Arenson will visit in Xincoln, over "the nfaee, and -fee -rolled brfans, liasttfive weeks, -will return t o -Brooking Sunday morning -far 3Sew his lormer Jnnne, later .in the month. on both sides in boat ox derby fashlyn with them. *ObserYed a t Sighhmd "last land t o visit with :±kerr son. 33e is 'the son nf 3Sr. and Mrs. Hob- ion, ar sweeping well 'np~to show the : ay, woman's goH day— Mrs. '.and 3Irs. Alfred .and IRobinson, and: THTS. 3iabmscm, who -szt Arenson, -formerly of Xincoln hair *xm the VOOB side and down over 3talashock m a white .rajah -suit, with ! the &EB on ±he other. Quills and daughter, Jean, of .New Itork Gity live an 3iew Bedtord, Mass., - and now nf [Portland, OregoiL tthe "shortE" so -fashionable; 'Mrs. their -son, iHerbert, -who -is in iaiai— wings, :stuck jauntily bi the back of .are i h e :house guests of Mr. \Ephriam Tousem in white '-kitten's -fardther, 3Jr. and IMrs. Sexman 'M. -ness i n "Chelsea, Mess. The IfiobmP' 'car xrepe, -and JMrs. IM. IHeraberg'fi .in 3ahr. They will .continue on their Sons "willtoe-met in -.Boston -by their JStrauss Club will sponblack and white sports irock. When yon think of paint trip t o "Yellow £tone ZBafk after vk- .children, ihnroute, "they will visit sor a rally and qprogram at the Jew Tangerine was the -color of Mrs. with, their daughter, Mrs. U. ~M. .Aehor walipaper >. , iting :here i a r a -while. ! 3Michael ^£attlenimi s sports outfit, tenberg and MT. Achtenfaerg of JCan- ish Community Center -nest Tuesday •Evening. :s3id '^green xatton prints were worn .Miss tHelen Samuels of ^Detroit, ~sas City. They -will .also -stop over TTbe wrist watch which the club i s rby "Mrs. Xeon Stem, Jtfrs. Dave JPerin -St. Xouis and "Washington. -On t h e .Michigan, i s t h e '.guest of her gsandTafflfnp off is t o be awarded to the TMNT& CO. « r JUUL Mrs. Philip l e v e y - Mrs. Sam -way teak they -will g o i>y ^way of rparents, 3Hr. and Herman 2iJew 3bxk" City. Mr. and Mrs. JBobrn- winner, who is t o be -chosen at the <Green wore .a anesh ^port ifrock of Phone AT. 4744 -Stem. gpmk 'bine. -sen'^aat visited in JSew Bedford six T h e club fcehl 1* air irrst initiation 'G. ^Sehring 'of vCMcago ,is visit- •years ago. jof nesw membets WedneBday evening. -ing a t t h s iome of i i s parents, 3tr. and Sirs. rSam THeTgherg were- anil ZHrs. Solomon EBverman. 3ttr. Sarah -Jacobson, cornetist <tf the All the beauty of "the world t i s but ihosts at .a dinner .-at the ^ontenelle Setting 3»lans t o Jeave -Sunday. Mrs. Jacobson .-Sister's Trio and- Emember 1 deep, fhotel on JEriday -evening t o '.observe Silvennan -also of 'Chicago, rff *!Boats and [Her Buddies, ' CUKTMN "their -fifth -wedding ^anniversary. IMr. :girl nirhAgtrMj has axxived Jn 'Omaha *nsit -with 3ttr. and 34rs. iS. -^ WA. 1350 — 5007 lieavenwurtfa jmd 3Hrs. IHerzberg were --also 410816* vennan. t h e 'latter cpart of this ifor a weekis -vacation. 'The orchestra [EAT-RON1235 ^ t :the highland ^Country club .is 'booked l o r t h e -ensning -*wt> ^evening. .months throughout Colorado. 3irs. 3L Smenccff nf 'Chicago WISITORS lildren, Sanice ^and iSandor, are 2. Slrifidman and son, "Wil-, HSi. jmd IMrs. "Victor -Shapiro -hav£ visiting here -with TMrs. ISraehofffs lard, have been -visiting 3Hrs. iried4is their summer 'house -.guests 3Hx. parents, .MT. and 3Urs. "H. JDubnoff -man'B sisterr, Mrs. 32dwin iBearlove, in ^nd 3Irs. S. D . UaLiadger .and "Miss and ffamily. [Minneapolni. IMr. [Eriedman ,-*Gertxude 'Gurhisky <n: "San ^Antonio, daughters, ^luth ^ad Minda, will -IHDTexas; 3Ir. and Mrs^A. "Shapiro, Miss "WOMEN'S COUNCIL itar there t o -spend a rfew days, .after 'Sally Shapiro, and "Miss "Elizabeth they will all .-return together. iGurinsky of 'California. Application fEar t h e annual -schol- [Mr. [Pearlove JK state comptroller ^Numerous luncheons, drridges, dinarship loan sponsored ijy t h e -Bmafaa f Minnesota. -ner dances, and -swirnmiog • parties council of [Jewish "Women may "be .•have been given sin -their .honor. TSSr. .and 34Lrs. Milton Jacoby, [Miss made from -now until .August 35, IHr. and .Mrs. "Victor Shapiro, .and "Mrs. J . 31. liuiakofsky, chairman, i a s Anne •Kmstler .and Umanuel Xinst~3Bx..and Jttrs. Harold W.3randt'Were ,ler 'Of -Chicago, who arrived tast announced. joint fhosts a t a dinner dance a t t h e be tthe jguests xS [Mrs. Uollie The loan is open t o any Dmana JBighland Country -Club on -June -20. J&. color scheme of blue and .yellow -was carried out. Thirty-rsix guests -\gere there. TUxs. Joe Jlufarn, who Js Heaving shortly i o r 'ner nome -in San j&ntonio, Texas, also shared iionors-. IMiss Jllizabeth Gurinsky visited ihere but a -lew -days -en -route t o her Shame -in "California via ~Vanadian jrbute. ."Misses .Sally ^Shapiro, Gertrude <Gurinsky, -andMr.n>an2iger will leavj-within t h e week .for .their homes. .Mrs. Dauziger will spend t h e ~re: ,-mamder • of the -summer Aere.









Spring and Summer

With ike

Aroma of €he Orient

'Combined ^uztfe the


^resistible Havfxr

VISITORS Miss Jluth Newman, Chicago, is .spending "two weeks "with "her brother and sister-in-law, "Mr. and IMrs. Theodore-Newman. Jtfrs. S e w n a n entertained Saturday at luncheon dor *12 guests.



mid Scientifica


g for BreaMast igfor Iitmdh


Jewelry Needs

iarBinEffi: TRkere is no other qft fas compared ^tmth it

J.6th and Howard

MPLSN Enjoy more leisure during the hot summer days—Send .your iamily washing t o the—



COL, OMAHA j [Roasted,



Trad erm


Reichenbach Was Responsible for Many a Clever, Interest1 Holding Publicity Stunt.

that he craved, although have had it.

he could

Fame in the Making

1800 Latvia Non-Jews Use Yiddish Tongue ' Kiga.—(J. T. A.)—Tha unsus^ pected existence of a fair numbe* of non-Jews in Latvia who claim Yiddish as their mother tongue was revealed for the first time when the Latvian government made public a series of statistical tables giving figures on the race, religion and language of the population: of the country. According to one of these tables, one tenth of one per cent of the 1,800,000 non-Jews consisting of Letts, Germans, Poles and Lithuanians gave Yiddish as their mother tongue. This means that there are some 1,800 non-Jews in Latvia who use Yiddish as their every day mode of expression. On the ether hand 83 per cent of the 96,000 Jews gave Yiddish as their mother tongue.


be given at the next local A. Z. A. meeting -which will be held next Wednesday evening, July 22, at the home of Seymour Conn, 3006 Ave. B. All members are urged to atChita, Siberia.—(J. T. A.)—The tend. number of Jews in Chita, one of the important tradings centers of S i b e r i a ^ Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron and has been reduced from 6,800 to .1,500* small son of Shenandoah, Iowa, ac- since the end of the World War. The companied by Mrs. Barron's sister, falling off in the Jewish population is Miss Dora Markovitz of Council laid to two factors, the most.importBluffs, are expected to, return home ant being the fact that the capital of Sunday following a two week's motor the Soviet Far Eastern Republic has to Colorado Springs, Denver, and been moved from Chita to Chabarovsk Estes Park. Another factor responsible for the reduction of Chita's Jewish populace, Mrs. Anna Saltzman left Sunday is the concentration of Soviet recon-jf for Los Angeles, Calif., after spend- struction activities in such cities as ing several weeks here at tbe home Vladivostok and Nikolaievsk. . of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. What Jews thers in Chita are the and Mrs. Charles Saltzman. descendants of exiles sent to Siberia Mrs. E. Steinberg and daughter, by the Czarist governments. The first Miss • Belle Steinberg, of Detroit, Jews came here in the 1860's and Mich., will leave Sunday for thei 1870's. The construction of the Baihome following a month's visit at kal railroad and the Russo-Japanese tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris war led to an influx of Jewish populaPasser. They came here to attend tion. the Passer-Hurwich wedding.

His exceptional wit, his linguistic powers, his aptness at phrase and deed, even his white hairs which were a momento from a South American fever contrasted when he was twentyone, they constitutd stuff, for commnt in the public prints. But he did not encourage this comment. He kept on postponing work on a story of his life which had been contrasted by one of the young-go-getting book publishers. Reichenbach. was occupied in bringing fame to others. He sold fame at so much per. He was press agent for a barnstorming magician and for the United States government; he made many a moving picture star and many By SIDNEY WALLACH a producer's fortune; he publicized Miss Pearl Cherniss left Saturda; Harry .L. Reichenbach was. one of duced in the language of the barker: but he applied exceptional talent and stage presentations and South Amerithe strangest Americans of the new "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen intelligence in a small time circus. can Revolutions. He was a dealer in evening for St. Paul and Minne and modern age.-' His work was to and see the marvel of the modern Later he was to extend his spiel plat- the least tangible of commodities; apolis, Minn., for an indefinite stay bring.fame to those who wished- it. In pursuing his work, he managed-to .age, the silver king who turned no- form in behalf of the great American fame and reputation. But tha eulogMr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun and achieve a real fame of his own.—The toriety into gold pieces; the prince of circus that is Hollywood, and even on ies and obituaries recited and written Editor. the international stage where war and about him, testify to his extraordipublicity experts, the ruler of refamily of Schuyler, Nebr., returned BY F. R. K. clame, the basha of ballyhoo.' Butpeace were reshaping the world in the nary success in his strange and to their home today following i Harry L. Rekheribach, who died last there is more to be told of him than eventful years that followed 1914. ten day visit here at the home o strangely trades of fame for fortune. Among those who attended the week> a year before he attained- his the circus handbill would emblazon. Gershun's sister, Mrs. W (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleThere are legions of stories about National A. Z. A. Convention in Mrs. fiftieth birthday, achieved a- rare dis- He could lie and cheat and deceive in Solomonow, and Mr. Solomonow graphic Agency, Inc.) him of which the following are best Milwaukee, Wis., this week were tinction during, his- lifetime: he was the pursuit of his tasks, and he did, Prior to their visit here, they spen known and perhaps the best. Sal Michnick, Joe Solomonow, Yale in possession of the key to fame. glibly and gladly, whenever it was Some years ago a strapping bronzed Meyerson, and Milton Yudelson. Sal two weeks visiting relatives in ChiOnce in a moment of forgiveable necessary. It was part of his profellow registered as T. R. Zann at a Michnick, who was the delegate from cago, 111. They made the trip over boastfulness he said that, given fession. But in his personal and priNew York hotel and requested that the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 land. enough funds for his purposes, hevate life, he was of extraordinary his private piano be crated and wrap1 of the A. Z. A., was chosen chaircould bring about a war between two recititude and of unusual charm. ped, to be sent up to his suite. The man of the General Constitutional or more of the Balkan countries; that Agudath Israel Council (Continued from Page 1) next morning a hotel waiter called to and Ritual Committee at the Congiven a not too ugly young woman For Publicity's Sake Will Meet take Mr. Zann's breakfast order and vention. with no exceptional charm or ability Vienna—The central council of th By his works he can be acclaimed was surprised to be asked for twenty- Zionists and non-Zionists far the upA report of the convention will Agudath Israel, extreme Orthodox he could, within a fortnight have her a latter day Barnum, whose strategy five pounds of raw steak. building of Palestine- was defeated at name emblazoned in the glory of organization, will meet in conferenc was directly traceable to the stunts of the Zionist Congress by a vote of The waiter drew back in astonishMazda lamps on the great white way. at Koenigswart, near Marienbad, the gentleman from Bridgeport, Con- ment. 113 to 50. People believed him because-he had necticut. He may have had a direct Czecho-Slovakia, on August 18 to The agreement which the Revision"It's for Leo," the hotel guest rein the past.done just such things. discuss among other matters, the inspiration from the tactics of the ists proposed to annul was consumAgudath's stand on Palestine. The Reichenbach, the son of an undis- Barnum organization with which he marked casually and pointed to the mated in Zurich in August, 1929, Good future for hustler to organization, which is officially anti tinguished Jewish family of Frost- was at one time connected. Funda- piano crate, where a lion was lazily after protracted negotiations in establish himself in a growZionist, is divided on the question o burg, Maryland, can best be intro- mentally he was a barker of fame licking away at his paws. FUR STORAGE which the late Louis Marshall, Dr. ing Coal Business and help Before the morning was over the Palestine. Rabbi Isaae Levin, a memRemodeling an<l Helining Chaim Weizmannu, the late Lord manage it. Must know u ber of the Polish parliament, is hotel manager had evicted the tenant 2818 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703 Melchett and Felix M. Warburg bookkeeping and must know ~ and his strange pet. But by that time president of the council. the city well. Write age, g the news hawks were on the job and played leading roles. Since its creaexperience, married or sintheir human interest stories describ- tion the Jewish Agency has been opgle, and references. ing the episode made the front pages posed by the Revisionists. of the dailies. It was freely granted, BOX 15 JEWISH PRESS as Mr. Reichenbach had foreseen, that Non-Jews Cable Chicago—The Pro-Palestine Fedthe opening of a First National PicJames Willard has opened the ture called "Tarzan among the Lions" eration of America, composed of nonl!07 Howard—J A 02S8 American Shoe Rebuilder at 2408 was in no way obscured because of Jewish organizations and prominent MOVING — STORAGE — Farnam street. Willard, who has FREE RUBBER HEELS the newspaper publicity surrounding Americans sympathizing with the PIANO MOVING been a master cobbler in the repairWITH AT,!, HALF SOI.ES Zionist work." in Palestine today, caMr. T. R. Zann and his jungle pet. ing of shoes, has at his command the Men's Half Soles $1.00-$li25 At one time Reichenbach was en- bled to the 17th Zionist Congress latest in shoe repair equipment. Ladies' Half Soles ....$ .75-$1.00 gaged to promote the sale of a paint- which had been in session in Basle, The shop is featuring frse rubber Switzerland fto "take heart and proAMERICAN SHOE REBU1LDERS ing which has since . become famous soles, guaranteed, with every shoe -2JO5T F A J K i A M under the title "September Morn." In ceed with the wonderful work of job. restoration in Palestine. Christian a flash he had found a way to sensationalize it. First he had the paint- America is applauding your untiring J. jr. FKIKIMIAN. Mtotr ing exhibited in the window of a Fifth efforts against all odds on behalf of 534 l'et«-r» Trust B i d e City Avenue store. Then he hurried down the Jewish homeland." In the Couuty Court of Uouglas County The message is signed by all memto the East Side where he picked up l k Neliraskji. , _ ,. In the Matter of the Estate of J. Ueiwge half a dozen ragged youngsters and bers of Federation's executive board. J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor Seiulerbauf, Dfoenseil. hired them to stand before the winAH persons interested in said matter nre "NEW FOR OLD" hereby notified that on the 8th day trf dow in rapt admiration of the charms July. 1031, Chtis. J. Senderh.iuf filed » 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 that were exposed. With his scene all petition in said County Court, prnyins that his f.nal administration account filed ready he telephoned Anthony Comherein l>e settled ana allowed, mid tliijl Everyone making a purchase Sunday, will receive fresh stock who at that time was the Pooh he l>e discharged from his trust as Administrator and lhat a hearing will be had Cookies FREE— Bah of the vice raiders and described on said, petition before said Court on the COURTESY—SERVICE Tth day ot Angnst, H»l. ami, that if you the scene of the apparent corruption Collections on pledges of the fail to appear before saidI Loiirt 011 the of the morals of the city's youth. said Tlh day of August. I'.TO. at » o elotfc Omaha Community Chest are on a A M., aud contest bald petition, the Court Comstock acted promtply. The sen- par with 1930 collections, Ralph J. may grant the prayer of said petition, BAGEL BAKED DAILY 24th and Seward enter S decree ofTieirship, and make such sation that followed won the picture Reed, director of the Chest, informed JOB FOUNDRY other and further orders, allowances BJHI Phone JAckson 63G3 deciees, as to this Court may seem proper, acres of front page space, sold it atmembers of the board of directors. AND MACH1NK WORK ABE I^UFF, Proprietor to the end that nil matters pertaining to 24th and Cuming a high price and made it one of the On July 1, 1931, the Chest had coiREINFOKCINd' STKKI. said estate may be finally settled and dePhone ATlantic 1060 termined. B R Y C B C U A W F O U D > most familiar wall decorations in the lected 64.269 per cent of the total 7-17-3t. County Judge. In Charge of .Registered American home. pledged in last fall's campaign, as 1KVIN C. LKVIN, Attorney Pharmacists against 64.^72 for the first six months SOI Electric Bids. "Virgin of Stamboul" FREE DELIVERY of 1930, R*ed stated. Legal JSotiee in the District Court* of Douglas Count j', Nebraska. „,,.„,.. There was-still another time when "The report of the collections, is Third Ave. and I lth Street TO VIL.UA TIDWEJLL UASTINUS several turbaned, Turks registered in very encouraging," said W. C. Fraser, whose place ot residence, is unknown and Phones: 89 and 519 upon whom personal service ot summons a city hotel and the word passed president of the Omaha Community COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA cannot be had, .defendant; iOO AUh We Move July 14tfr to around that they were in town on a Chest. "The July report shows colHHKKBX NUTLF1ED THAT on (he 3rd PMMMraMaaMimi^M day of February. littl, Clarence Hustings 3553 FARNAM ST. mysterious oriental mission. The ex- lections on a par with those of last as plaintiff filed his petition against you citement was keen when it was re- year. During the early months of iii ihe Uistrict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Docket 2T2, i'«ge 23!', the obported that they were traveling 1931 collections were somewhat beject anil prayer ot which petition is to obFur Storage—Remodeling?— tain a divorce from you on the ground of around the world on a mission to find hind thosfc of last year for a corre wanton ami extreme cruelty and oruer imCleaning—Relming the daughter of their ruling shiek, the proper conduct. ..... sponding4 period. Every dollar is HArney 2737 Reasonable Prices l o u are required to answe* said petition virgin of Stamboul. It did not matAND on or before the 17th day of August. 1»31, i^rgentlyneeded this year and we hope ter that the Turks were later discovor said petition agninst you will l»e tafeett to, exceed'fast year's record for total UB f ered to be ham actors hired for the ' «'IJAKKNCE UAST1NUS. ?-3-4t. l'laintiff. occasion by a well-known publicity collections, before the fiscal year CHARLES SIMON AT ALL GKOCERS man. The picture "The Virgin of comes to a close." FBAJDENBUKG, STAI.MASTER * BEBEK UecomniendB 630 Omaha National Bank Bide-. Stamboul" had plenty of advance pubOmaha, Nebr. Made by The Sanitary Laundry NOTICE OF CHATTEL BIOKTif.AGE licity. SALE Uncle Sam Breakfast Food "The Best of All Laondry Service" Then there was the day when New Notice i s hereby Riven that the underCompany signed will on the 27th day of J u l j , UKtt. Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy Is York awoke to find placards all at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M at ^Hrt Omaha Nebraska watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputaFarnam A X 2 8 1 5 U r i m o K Avenue, Oro»ha IveljriiBkii,. sell r _ tion recommends that you try it. w around the city in which the words to the highest bidder for cash one 1W7 Mr. Adolph Wolk, who was engaged "outside the law" initialed P. D. were Buick Coupe. Motor No. lUlu.^, cohered by a chattel mortgage executed bjf •>• « boldly conspicuous. Most observers in the barbar business in Omaha from Crawford 10 Nate Kaplnn on ^JMhJiAy New and Old of April.'1030, nud a s s i g n e d . t o Wa took it for an anti-crime campaign 19i2 to 1924, but who left for Minneby New York's finest. I t developed apolis in 1924, has returned to this subsequently that Priscilla Dean was city, where he intends to again open a M f e w^fbf he.d for the purpose At Reasonable Prices starring in a picture called "Outside a barber shop. He was accompanied of foreclosing said mortgage aud satistjing the amount n o w due thereon. IOrW|t: N. C. NIELSEN the Law." here by his family. The sum of $1JU.OO with Interest nt » w r cent per annum from January 14, lJJi, North 16th Reichenbach once revealed that he and accruing c o s U . ^ ^ , & D A v l s had planned a movie stunt that never Cuza Urges Jews Be Barred 7-3-3tAssignee of Mortgage. came off. He had planned a capture From Army ; of the actress Clara Kimball Young Bucharest.—The exclusion of all FRADGKBCKG, STAI.MASTER- & BEBER by Mexican bandits and a rescue ex- Jews from the Roumanian army beAttorneys NATIONAL 650 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid?. pedition by the United States cavalry. cause they are not fitted for military NOTICE OF ADMlNlSTKATIOIf ACCESSORIES, INC. Of his work with the allied commis- service was demanded by Professor In the County Court of Douglas County, sion in Italy he commented that "I Alexander Cuza, leader of the stuNebraska. "Everything for the Auto" In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob got the Italians so worked up that dent anti-Semitic movement and a Milder, Deceased. 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 ' they would fall down and worship member of parliament, during the deAll persons interested in said estate are hereby notified tli»t a petition lias" been Wilson's picture every morning be- bate on the King's speech in the filed in said Court alleging .that said defore they gave the Pope a thought." chamber of deputies. ceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and But he was not always so boastful (hat a he.-iring will be Iisid on sniil petition When Theodore Fischer, one of the lipfore s:\id courl on the 3st. <l:iy ot AuKust, of his achievements. More often than Jewish deputies, protested against 1931. and Hint if I hey fail t o appear nt said Court on the s;ii<l 1st day of August, not he went about his plans quietly Professor Cuza's plea, the anti-SemVJol, nt 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said until the flare of mighty publicity itic leader launched into a personal petition, the Court may .grant the same nnd grnnt nriministinlion of said estate to suddenly shed its light upon him as attack on all of the Jewish deputies Emma Milder or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. well as upon the initial object of the which was received with applause by Ste $6a4 Tris* O BRXCH CllAW'FORV, scheme. It was not fame for himself many of the deputies. 7-10-3T County Judge

King of Ballyhoo Brings to Self in Briiiging Fame to Others

Council Bluffs News







New Shoe Repair Shop Is Opened



of the

FufPs Bakery At 1419 North 24th Street

Standard Shoe Repair Co.

Sunday, Jiily 19 FREE — FREE — FREE


Bread — Pasteries w FreshDaily

Thull Pharmacy

Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company






iiiuiiiiiBiiia Uncle Sam Laxative Food

Okay Bran Rakes

AdolphWolk Returns Here After Absence






3, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931

10. Go horseback riding, but take it easy, ride slowly, and sit comfortably, in your saddle. The horse is bound, to reduce after trudging about under a heavy weight 11. Sleep a lot and get up late in Seattle.—(J. T. A.)—Opposition to cil which met at the same time. the morning. Metabolism is slowed immigration restrictions as being un- The general feeling of the Congreup during sleep. You are saving cal- Christian was voiced at the closing gational and Christian Churches, ories, which go to your bank account session of the first united convention which together number more than a The German Kaiser had a paralyzed of deposited fat of the Congregational and Christian million members, is that they should arm but the world never knew it. The Sleep more than eight hours a day. Churches here. fully co-operate with and encourage limitations that you suffer are not the things that you want to bring out The more time you spend in bed the No resolution was drawn up on the Jews in the practice of the latter's more appreciably evident is the subject of immigration or the lower- own religion, whose fundamental all the time. weighing down of the bed springs. ing of tariff rates, but the papers ideas they regard as being identical "Forget that there is anti-Semitism. read in favor of a more liberal policy with their own. Types of Sleepers. It is there like the clubbed foot Do not worry about it. I don't worry There are two types of sleepers, in both matters are to be published about it. Why should I worry? I those who sleep horizontally and those with resolutions on other subjects. only worry about those things that who sleep vertically. The man who "We have no Christian right to more worry themselves into a cure. No stays up late at night is apt to make room than we need, while others are over-crowded," declared one speaker matter how hot it is outside—it may up for lost sleep while at work. f be a thousand degrees—I do not worry 12. Do no housework or other work The Golden Rule must apply among about the weather. I cannot make it involving effort. We have many nations. •cooler by talking about it. "Efofrts to secure privileges at the times observed that the maid is often "Let us respect ourselves. Let us thinner than the mistress. The more expense of other peoples, black, be Jews in the fullest, the truest and maids in the home, the fatter the hos- brown, yellow, white or red, whether Los Angeles—(J. T. A.)—Mayor the finest sense. Let ns give out love, tess. If your maid wants a raise ant! through isolation, discriminatory and John C. Porter, a member and offithat beautiful and wondrous thing of you feel that you can't afford it be- unwarranted immigrant exclusion, or cial of the Los Angeles Church human love. And in distributing the cause you have lost heavily in the other plans and programs, are un- Brotherhood and who prior to his best that is in us, let us hope that a Wall street crash, tell her that she is Christian.'' election is said to have admitted that Since this liberal branch of Pro- he had been a member of the Ku geting a free course in reducing. little bit will come back to us." (Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts Fea 13. Avoid the sunshine. It will testant churches is opposed to prose- Klux Klan, was publicly accused By DAVID A. BROWN ture Syndicate.) damage your bonnet and your gloves. lyting amongst Jews, the subject was this week of bearing prejudice Keep on the shady side to protect not even brought up in any of the dis- against Jews, Catholics and Negroes. t seemed so real that Heifetz looked | ment. I shall have a fight. I know them. Deficiency in sunlight will in- cussions of the Home Missions Coun- An affidavit was placed on file as though he were stepping forth I shall have a fight with a taxicab crease your weight. In ancient times driver, and I shall be arrested. They with the City Council to that effect, from the walL In this room sat the girls, when very young, were put into by the knife, the fork, and the spoon which stated that Mayor Porter had most distinguished assembly of men will take me to the police station and darkened rooms and fed richly so than by the sword, the gun and the made the following reply in answer On one side was Jascha Heifetz, say, 'Godowsky, the distinguished that they would acquire extreme ro- pistol. musician, the great pianist is arrestto a question why he would not apMax Brown and the late Leopold tundity. The girls in those days ed.' It will be a news story and for Oliver Goldsmith wrote the Desert- point a Negro on the public comAuer, who was buried in a Catholic gladly submitted to the process be- ed Village. In this poem he attrib- mission. cemetery, but who attended a meeting the first time the world will know cause rotundity was then regarded as utes the plight of the deserted village "I cannot appoint a Negro on that that <Jodowsky is not a great Russian, for the purpose of building a school a great physical attraction. In those to the accumulation of wealth. You commission, as I could not appoint a but a Jew." of music in Palestine. He was in good old days every girl was worth will recall the famous lines: And there expressed in his quaint Catholic or a Jew or a member of that room—not as a Catholic, not as her weight in gold. Nowadays com- "111 fares the land to hastening ills a other religious groups to certain Christian, but as a Jew with other English, Godowsky, the great musimercial advantage is often taken of By Dr. V. E. Lcvine. professor prey Jews who were going to build a school cian, had condensed the whole philof bio-chemistry and nutrition, the fact that absence of sunlight Where wealth accumulates and men commissions. And anyway you people did not support me in the elecof music in Palestine for Jews. No osophy of the eternal question: "When the Creighton University School causes an increase in weight Animals decay." at Medicine. tion." matter where they buried him later— is a great man a Jew?" A year later marked for slaughter are fattened in If Goldsmith lived today, he woul* The affidavit was placed on file he was then in that room. There were Einstein expressed it more brilliantly darkened compartments. give one glance at the people abou with a letter asking the Council to also Godowsky, Gabrilowitsch and a when, asked for a definition of rela(Editor's Note—Readers of thi 14. Wear out your rubber tires in- him and exclaim : tivity, said: "If my theory will be newspaper may receive answers ft take cognizance of the fact that all number of other celebrities. vindicated, the Frenchmen will call any question regarding the general stead of your rubber heels. The auto- "111 fares the land to hastening ill a races and creeds are not equal in the It gripped me, as I sat on the side me a Jew and the Germans will cal subject of health by sending a stamp mobile threatens to convert us into a prey eyes of the Mayor. as an observer. Godowsky, a short- me a German. If my theory fares ed-addressed envelope with their ques nation of abdominal giants with atroWhere fat accumulates and men detions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, Creigh egged man was sitting in the center badly, the Frenchmen will refer to me phied legs. In any large city you will PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS cay." on a chair that had been raised—a as a German and the Germans wil ton University; Omaha, Nebr.) see at almost any hour of the day piece of the stage, scenery—on a plat- say that Jew Einstein'." Last week we laid down seven im overweight men and women sitting form. His legs were dangling back portant rules which the unwise fol snugly in balloon-tired, shock-absorbBut what does it all mean when re and forth as one speaker after anlow in order to put on weight. Toda; ing, and luxuriantly-cushioned cars, other told of his part in the proposed duced to a formula of behavior? '. we take up a few more of these in supposedly riding for the sake of BUY FROM YOUR DEALER undertaking. The conversation and would give this recipe to my fellow structive rules. their health. discussion developed; it grew livelier. Jews: 8. Smoke all the time. Excessiv* Follow the Rules. And all the time Godowsky's short Forget the Chip smoking quiets your nerves i We are very sure that if you follow legs were moving back and forth. "Do not go around with a chip on smoothens out the ruffles of you Suddenly somebody asked Leopold your shoulder. Do not constantly and temper. It is great for saving calor- these fourteen rules laid down for Godowsky: "Tell me, why do you want everlastingly complain that you are ies, the unburnt food being deposit& your benefit you will meet with emina school of music in Palestine?" And, handicapped. If you have a clubbe as fat. ent success and win your objective. as though somebody had exploded a foot and you have your picture taken 9. Play bridge instead of tennis And then you will realize the truth bomb in the room, a startling change you do not show your dabbed foot. play poker instead'.of golf. of the statement that more people die too^.place in^the ,man.

Church Opposes Immigration Restrictions as un-Christian

Take off the Chip cmd Contemntttiom of Jewish lAfe of Today


of Americans Greatest Organizers Gives Spme Tips on How to Get Along Better These observations by one of America's outstanding communal leaders as interestingly as fiction. David A. Brown is known the world over as a campaign leader whose dynamic personality has raised millions of dollars for various communal causes. In this article, written exclusively for the • Seven Arts Feature Syndicate and Jewish Press, he reveals himself as a forceful commentator whose personal experiences provide a liberal education.—The Editor.




I do not like to suffer for somebody else's acts. I was on a train once in a smoking car. Four Jews were playing pinochle. If they had been playing their game without shouting and demonstrating, I would have had no objection. But the entire car w playing their game. There were quite a few people in the car and they •were all compelled to play. I was reading a book. My patience was commencing to be exhausted, but did not know who the pinochle players were—nor did I care. I noticed that not one of them weighed more than 170 pounds, so I took a chance. I said to them: "Why should this whole car play your game You are four Jews and the whole car of people are laughing at you and commenting on you—not on you as individuals but as Jews. Don't you think that you owe it to your people to make such comment unnecessary?" From that time on they really played the game, very, quietly.

Cooks aWhole Meal for 2 Cents

Why a Palestine School?

Some years ago I was telephoned to my Detroit residence from New York and was asked if I would come to New York on Sunday to attend a meeting. There was to be a conference of distinguished musicians who at that time were trying to foster a school of music in Palestine. The man who called me was a good friend of mine and he said: "We don't want you to do anything but just listen to the discussion of these great artists. If you sense anything coming out of th< meeting, we would like to have you give us your impressions as to how to proceed with this school of music how to proceed with the raising o: funds."

Personalities Plus The meeting was being held at the apartment of Jasha Heifetz. It was a beautiful apartment in the Forties or Fifties. A duplex penthouseregular Romeo and Juliet balcony — drapes lavishly and tastefully placer The magnificent scene was topped off by an excellent portrait of Heifetz

He spoke in a deep Russian voice. Just to give you as near an illustration as I can of what took place—I shall try to reproduce his exact phraseology. He said: "Why do I want a school of music in Palestine? Who, me? I am Godowsky. What am I? Jew! No. I am Russian. And the newspapers the next day, what do they say: 'Who is it, Godowsky, the Jew?' No—Russian. And Jascha Heifetz. I love Jasha. My sweet Jasha. No greater violinist ever lived. Leopold Auer, you taught him how to play the violin and Jasha plays so exquisitely. He has such marvelous technique, such human presentation. What is Jasha? The Jew? No, Russian. And then, Gabrilowitsch, the great conductor, a marvelous, wonderful pianist, a sweet man, fine Jew, and when the newspapers speak of Gabrilowitsch, they ask: 'Who is he? A Jew? 1 No, Russian. "Some day I shall have a fight with a taxicab driver. I do not like taxicab drivers, and I shall have an argu-



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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent


All news for the Sioux City page must reach the Sioux City correspondent not later than, Tuesday' evening, to app'ear in the issue the following Friday. Please mail news to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock.

Elaborate plans have been made ,by local members of the Nebraska University Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity for the Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bottigheimer Fraternity . Reunion, Saturday and and daughter of Peoria, III., are Sunday, in the city. Mr. Fred Sher- guests at the home of Mrs. Bottigman, president of the Lincoln heimers parent, Mr. and Mrs. Ben chapter is in charge of the ar- Schulein. . . ... , rangements. Mrs. I . , Mirken entertained Mon* Saturday afternoon, the guests of the fraternity will be entertained day noon at a bridge," honoring 'Miss at a matinee. In the evening a. Dorothy Margolin of Omaha, and swimming party will be given at Miss : Estelle Avery of Tulsa," Ojda. one of the local beaches. Sunday The bridge party held in the Davidmorning members and guests will son Tea Room was preceded by a 'participate in a golf tournament at luncheon. the Highview Golf Course. Sunday Mrs. Sophie Lebowitz entertained afternoon, the young women who in her home Sunday evening, honwill be guests of the fraternity will be entertained at a tea in the Sara oring her guests, Mrs. A. Kaplan Davis Tea Room. Miss Vivian and Mrs. S. Mason of Des Moines, / ' s . -. Mosow will be hostess of the tea. I o w a . ' ' •„• '.:•.•'••;_:.. The members of the fraternity will The Phi Etta, Pi Sorority closed hold a smoker at the Seville daring its season recently with a picnic the afternoon on Sunday. Sunday supper at the home of Miss Rose evening, an elaborate dance in the Shiloff. :_':: Warrior Hotel will climax the conThe Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met clave. .--..• Guests from out of town, who are Wednesday evening at the home of expected to attend the reunion are Miss Margaret Kozberg. Miss Celia Hy Rosenberg, Lou Finkelstein, Halpern of Oskaloosa, and Miss Manuel Wishnow, Morris Poster and Mildred Sherman- of Des Moines •Leo Hill, of Lincoln, Nebr.; Harry were guests. A business. meeting Cohen, Louis Cohen, Dave Feldmah, was followed by bridge and refresh.;;'•:. .. •-.. Lou Zorin, Harry Rich, James Bur- ments. roughs, Isadore Mann, • Al Fidler, Miss Minnette Sterling and Miss Max Kramer, Ed Rosen, Elmer Ruth Cohen of Omaha, are visiting Greenberg, Milton Berkowitz, Buddy riends in the city. Moskowitz,' Sam Mindell, Carl SokMrs. H. Holdofsky, accompanied olow, Al Bait, Mike Freeman, Herbert Neveloff, and Henry Chart by her daughter, left recently for of Omaha, and* Max.* Glazer of Ft. a-visit-with friends and relatives in Dodge. New York City.

Social News


Auxiliary's Ice Cream r Social Is Success

Mrs. Leon Shulkin entertained a •ridge party, Monday evening, honiring Mrs. Nick Sherman, a recent iride. "

a laudable effort in itself, it must remain futile" and result in the same difficulties as soon as the Mexican peddler and small merchant become a potential danger to these large scale importing and manufacturing interests.

RUSSIA ACTS TO RAZE ANCIENT JEWISH GHETTO Ghetto in Derbent Dates Back to Days of the Medieval Age

Miss Esther Cohen of Des Moines, Iowa,' is a guest at the home of (Continued .from Page 2.) her brother-in-law and .sister, / Mr. Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The Soviet and Mrs. Arthur Kaplan, 1422 Regovernment has instructed the city ably above many of the professional becca. administration of Derbent,- a fortified types of Jews, who often look, down seaport in the Soviet republic of DaMiss Ruth Mushkin Is a guest upon him. <• . gestan (Caucasus) to abolish the Jewat the home of Mr. and Mrs. M . H . Why the prize fighter should take ish ghetto there which dates from meMushkin. Miss Mushkin is enroute so high a stand, 1 don't know. I can dieval times and to let the 500 Jews from her home in New York City, only guess. For one thing, I believe living in this ghetto to find better to California. that physical strength has a decidedly quarters. The destruction of the moral effect on a person. The man Miss Ruth Grueskin was hostess who can pack a good wallop, who ghetto will be a further step in the at a bridge party and dinner, Wed- knows that if he wants to, he can de- emancipation of the Jews of Derbent. The city of Derbent was founded nesday evening, honoring Miss Rose liver a left upper in your solar plexus, Feldman of New York 'City, who is that will knock you out, isn't in the by the Persian king Kohbad at the beginning of the sixth century to proa guest at the home of her. father, habit of apologizing for, anything. 1 tect 'Persian territory against the Mr-VHl. iFeldmah. : ; Secondly, I think there is something raids of the Chazars who were later . Thursday r. ieyening,; Mrs,, Jacob fundamentally honest in all sports. converted to Judaism. In 733 the Knox entertained at a bridge party *Che sportsman is apt to disregard all entire" city was converted to Islam. irrelevant things—religion, color, or The Jewish population is descended honoring;, Miss. 1 Feldman, \ ; \ >.previous condition of servitude. If from the military colony established you can fight as a good as another between 530 and 578 A. D. Mr.- Alva Abrans has returned man, you're as god a man as he in the after a two week trip to Minnesota When Derbent was one of the leadsportsman world. In the^ general Lakes and Canada.' ing cities of' the Chazar empire, the world, this is not always true. Social Jewish population' was' sin important Miss Anne Maron, daughter of standing, race,' severything counts in element. The number of Jews deRev. and Mrs. J. D. Maron, is re- the outer worldi In that sense, the creased when the Tartar raids began cuperating after a major operation. sportsman world is more ta the ideal. and later when Shah Nadir forced the She is a patient at the Lutheran Perhaps, we shall have to go to the Jews:to accept Islam on the pain of prize fighters t<| learn true morality. Hospital. death. In 1813 Derbent came into the (Copyright, 198t, by the-Jewish Teleon of Russia .'"' '" '"• ' .'. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bloom and graphic^Agency, Inc.) Until recently Derbent was the refamily of Los Angeles are guests ligious and cultural center of tne Cauat the home of Reverend and Mrs. casian mountain Jews. A century J. N. F. Flower Day. \' , /, j J. D. Maron. Mrs, Maurice of ago Derbent boasted of 435 Jewsand A sum of approximately •. $40,000 Menekin of Detroit is also a guest was raised for the Jewish National this number was tripled by 1886. Durat the Maron home. Fund in this country as; a result of ing the Russian Revolution the resithe seventeenth annual Flower Day dents of many neighboring villages in nearly 300 Jewish communities of fled to Derbent, thuis further increas"' the United States, according to a ing the Jewish population. ' ' statement issued by Harry J. Kahri, acting president of the Jewish Na- Bordon Named to Connecticut Mr. Edward E. Baron, local at- tional Fund of America, In New torney, was elected to the member- York City alone. Flower Day "Hartford, Conn.—Attorney Abraham S. Bordon of this city has been ship of the governing body of brought in approximately $15,000. District Six of the Bnai Brith, at the convention held recently in Minneapolis. Mr. Baron, who' is active in all Jewish Communal work, .is Honorary President of the Sioux' City Federation of Jewish Social Service. He was at one time President of the local chapter' of the Bnai Brith.


The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare 'Zion Congregation, sponsored an Iee| Cream Social, on the lawn of the Synagogue, last Sunday afternoon which, according to Mrs. Barney Baron, was both a social "and material success. Mrs. Baron Mexico City.—(J. T. A.)—True, tures who are willing .to sell better expressed her thanks to the com- Mexico is swept by a wave of eco- goods at a cheaper price and'with "a mittee, and those" who attended, for nomic resentment which might safely better understanding of the Mexican's their co-operation. be styled as anti-foreign or anti-Sem- preferences and credit necessities. Mrs. Maron was assisted by Mrs. tic, according to one's individual They are willing to break their comJ. Mosow, Mrs. D. Mazor, Mrs. R. viewpoint and preferences. However, petitors tinder one pretext' or the othH. Emlein, Mrs. D. Rodin, Mrs. Joe there are several reasons for this er. They have given money, furnishLevin, Mrs. I. H. Levin, Mrs.' E. smouldering excitement and it is quite ed slogans and denounced their comBarish, Mrs. Phil Sherman, Mrs. as well to take them fully into con- petitors as smugglers in short they Louis Slotsky, Mrs. Joe Krigsten, sideration. First of all, there is the have resorted to tactics which- recall Mrs. J. Haligman, Mrs. H. R. intense nationalism prevailing in ad- the blackmail and rough and ready ministrative circles, a nationalism activities of the knight-robbers in the Rabinowitz. ; '• „ which surpasses all experiences in middle ages. And when this point is reached, we past years. Secondly, the f"~*. must be noted that the Mexic* Meal must look for political enlightenment. structure has not changed. _• the Public opinion here and abroad realefforts of President Calles a .^ .J years izes that ex-president Calles is the Newly elected officers were in- ago to implant a "system of institu- great: power behind the throne of stalled at the meeting of the Icta tions and do away with the Candillo, President Ortiz .Rubiq and thatnothr Tau Sorority, last Friday evening. the man on horseback." The structure ing can be done without him. AU of this is true and in no way exaggeratThey include Bernice Libennan, has remained basically the same, it is ed. Nevertheless, Calles, an allegedPresident; Ruth White, Secretary, still the dictatorial and semi-dictatorly sick man is unwilling to use his Rose Shiloff, Treasurer, and Rose ial military system which keeps up a power too often, and prefers to leave parliamentary pretense but is deterTester, Social Chairman. the Ortiz Rubio administration alone Following the installation, the mined to crush any opposition, be it in-its everyday tasks and problems. members adjourned to bridge and political party or an individual before Calles is, one might say, the rock a luncheon. The meeting was held it is able to invade the sacred prem- which keeps the government stalble ses of power. at the home of Miss Lill Merlin. out of reach of its enemies. - But at Press Agitates Against Jews. the same time, it can be understood Further, there is the press propa- that the governmentj or at Jeast imganda actively fostered by foreign portant parts of it, feel highly their commercial interests and destined to dependence and try to sneak out of it. ruin the competition of the Jewish Political Chicanery. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz returned small merchant. This propaganda asSo it appears that the government, this morning from the Western sumed, until recently, a very serious . Coast, where he has completed a aspect and only after a protest of the weak and unpopular as it is, tried to ten day tour in the interests of the Polish Charge d'Affairs, Mr. Mer- play up to certain interests antagonJewish National Fund. dinger, could the leading papers be istic to Calles who has always been In his tour, Rabbi Rabinowitz in- induced to drop their anti-Semitic extremely friendly to the Jews. Calles cluded the larger cities of Colorado: tone. These same papers, the Uni- has kept silent in this anti-Jewish Salt Lake City, Utah, and Seattle; versal and the Excelsior, no longer campaign, undoubtedly for reasons of speak of an anti-Jewish, but of an his own which need not concern us Washington. anti-foreign campaign, a fact which here. But he knows better than anyone else where the limits lie and what HEBREW SCHOOL VACATION does not deceive anyone but is high- must be done to correct evils and ly indicative of the growing realizaBEGINS ON WEDNESDAY tion of the inevitable difficulties abuses. Calles is still the grand old man of Mexico and can always be reChildren of the Talmud Torah abroad. The development shows what lied upon to avert complications which were freed Wednesday from classes the Mexican government could do if in the long run must spell disaster to to begin a two week vacation it decided to fight the anti-Jewis"h his own country." Classes were closed with a picni campaign, conducted by a number of It might also be taken for granted at Riverview Park. The children small papers and scandal sheets and that the thousands of peddlers conaggravated by big street signs and were taken to the park in tin paid propagandists in the streets and stitute a serious economic problem for school bus. Refreshments were serv Mexico and that the government is business centers. ed by the Mother's Club. fully justified in taking a hand in it. Foreign Groups. This situation is aggravated by the Jerusalem—Addressing the Haifa Last, but perhaps most important return of tens of thousands of MexiYouug Moslems Association, the are the insidious machinations o: cans from the United States where foreign commercial groups, mainly in- the economic crisis has thrown them Grand Mufti of Jerusalem urged t creation of a pro-Arab federation terested in the importing and manu out of work and force.d them to refacturing business. These busines patriate. The government feels righthouses, mostly with their main offices ly or wrongly, that-this ever increasin overseas countries, have amassed ing number of destitute repatriates considerable fortunes and established should have preference. It is therea virtual monopoly in many merchan fore trying to make place for. the "We feed the multitude" . disingf goods. They feel that their Mexican peddler and"offers him a- prepredominance-is threatened by th carious existence, even if this be: i With Tasty Foods Jewish small merchants and manufac harmful to other elements. But

government in the form of ft pJan for . the organization of a co-operative bank among the settlers at Berwick, one of the settlements of the Trust, whose colonies have been hard hit by the fall in the prices of primary products. The Australian Jewish Land Settlement Trust, which has for some years bean engaged in promoting Jewish, agricultural settlement in Australia, founded two such settlements, Berwick and Shepparton. Because of the . unparallel crisis in the Australian Melbourne.—(J. T. A.)—A plea to fruit industry, both settlements have the government of the state of Vic- been experiencing such difficulties toria to save the Australian Jewish that the future of the, Jewish land land Settlement Trust from impend- settlement undertaking in Australia ing bankruptcy was answered by the was seriously endangered.

appointed by Governor Gross as associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Hartford County. This marks the first appointment of a Jew to one of the higher Connecticut courts for some years, although of late' a number of lesser posts have been conferred upon Jewish citizens^


WE/ AVer feetTood for Everybody

Foreign Interests, Press Stir Mexican Anti-Jewish Agitation


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