August 21, 1931

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In the] }s Interests of The Jewish Community

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Interesting and Entertaining


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Prince Converts Palace IntoJewish School


IX—No. 29


Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Stephen ••;. London.—(J; T. A.)—Polish JewS. Wise of New York and Rabbi Isaac Boston, Mass.—(J. T. A.)—An edi- strong attack upon the writer and an ish newspapers are agog at the 1 Rubenstein of Vilna, Poland, are the torial notice appearing in the. Italian admirable^ defense of the Jews,-in story of Pruice Tshetvertinski,~ a two Jewish representatives named to Dr. Ruppin Stresses Importance Plan to Meet Weekly on Wednes- Herald of New York over the name of which they pointed out" the. import- weli-kiiown A. Jew, Dr. Preuss, Wrote Docufriend of the Jews, who the executive committee of the World - day Noons'Starting Next ment Which Guides of Jewish Press in Strengtha certain Gugliucci of Detroit, Mich., ance ;; of the . Jewish contribution to has' turned over hi3.palace for the Conference for Peace Through ReliMonth Republic ening Jewish Ties • •..-;"• in which the writer made a scurrilous civilization. purposes of-a Jewish School. In gion which met here to lay plans for attack upon the Jews has led to an. The resolution' passed by the Order addition he has helped to create a * Steps were taken toward the or-outcry on the part-of, other publicaBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—A crowd esti- its world congress in Washington in Berlin.-n(J. T. A.)—There are now: fund of one thousand dollars for mated at more than 10,000 people November, 1932. (fanization of a B'nai Brith luncheon tions in the Italian press in defense Sons of Italy reads as follows: ; over 500 Jewish periodicals being pub* :the school. • Whereas in an article ; club' at a meeting of the executive In accordance with resolutions milled around the Reichstag building of the Jews and evoked a spirited lished throughout the world, accordThe palace is located in Zhaludek committee, of the local B'nai Brith adopted at a preliminary conference resolution at the recent convention of the Italian press an unknown styling near Shtutzin, in the Vihia 'dis- here in celebration of the twelfth aning to statistics compiled by Dr. lodge, held last Monday night. Pres-' niversary of the constitution of the in September, 1928, the executive nimself? as an Italian, a resident of the* Order: Sons of Italy. : ; Arthur Ruppin, in a two-volume' work trict. ' • 'ent plans call for the first; gathering committee decided to hold ija world German Republic. Special ceremonies entitled "Sociology of the Jews**' of this club at "noon September 16 at Writing in- the Italian-HeraTd, Mr. Detroit; 'made. an attack against the were held in the Reichstag in which congress in the capital' city. of. Jewish people in general, and whereas which has just been published hereby Gugliucci declared that *the word the Hotel Hill. An attempt is being the chief functionaries of the German United States next year with the parthe Juedischer Verlag in Berlin. Three made to secure Mayor Richard Met- Jews means a thief. You cannot find the Italians and the Jewish people ticipation of representatives of all re;overnment and .of the Prussian cabhave always been on friendliest terms hundred of these are published in an honest Jew. -There never was and calfe. to inaugurate the new moveligions, Catholic, Protestant, Greek, inet participated. with, each' other and have in common Yiddish, seventy in Hebrew and the never will be. In my opinion no Jew ment with an address on his recent This anniversary of the founding of Orthodox, Jewish, Buddhist, Moslem rest in various other languages. the sameideals as to the proper conis fitted to iive. They are. inferior trip to France. the German republic recalls the serv- and Theosophist. and not part of the human race." In duct of man toward Ms fellowman, Dr. Ruppin points out that the ices^of the late German Jewish states„ All luncheon meetings will be held reply to a letter from Alexander Brin, the convention condemns his statelargest centers of the Jewish press man, Dr. Hugo Preuss, who is generWednesday noon of each week com- publisher of the Jewish Advocate of ments as false and unwarranted and are in Poland, the United States and ally recognized as the author of the .mencing promptly at 12:15 and ad-this city, he added that he was "antakes this opportunity , to reaffirm Palestine. In Poland there are 171 constitution which the German Repubjourning at 1:30. There will be butenemy of the Jews" and declared that and reassure the Jewish people of the President Louis Harris Is in periodicals in Yiddish and 24 in Helican Reich finally adopted as its own. one speaker who will be briefly intro- "there is no room for the Jews in the love and respect of the Italian people Charge of Campaign to Sell brew. In the United States there are Dr. Preuss ranked with Dr. Walter .duced by the chairman. The club United States." • towards, them and to commend the Tickets for Holydays^ 65 periodicals in English, 41 in YidRathenau, who was assassinated by plans to feature the outstanding leadTwo Italian publications, the Italian Jewish people for the ideals and the dish, three in Hebrew, and two in anti-Semites, as the greatest Jewish ers in the political, civic and educaNews of Boston and the Italian Echo great men they have given the world Spanish. Of those in the United A special drive for new members diplomat and statesman in the Gertional fields in Omaha. A plan of of Providence, R. I., came out with a throughout the ages. States eight are dailies, 68 weeklies, has been launched by the Beth Hameman Republic rotating chairmanships with ; every drosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Dr. Preuss, after receiving his edu- Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Pales- and 18 monthlies. They include four member of the club being given an Burt Sts^, under the supervision of cation at Berlin and at Heidelberg be- tine development scheme for which daily newspapers in Yiddish and one opportunity to preside at a meeting Louis Harris, president of the Shule. gan his career as a member of the the British government will raise a in English (Jewish Daily Bulletin). has been adopted. Between 1667 and 1920 a total of According to Mr, Harris, tickets faculty of the University of Berlin. loan of $12,500,000 was rejected by • ' Every. member of the,local lodge can now be bought at the synagogue Subsequently he began writing on the Arab Executive at a stormy meet- 3,477 Jewish publications have apwill be given an opportunity to enroll for the High Holyda^s of Rosh Has- German state problems and thereby ing attended by 31 of its 48 members. peared in various countries. Dr. Rupin the club at the inception. There Honor roll students for the Talmud honah and Yom Kfflpur at a very he came to the attention of the poli- By a majority vote the Arab Execu- pin reveals. Of this number 217 were will be no dues. The only fee will be Torah for the months of May, June, tive decided not to recognize the in-daily newspapers and 1,083 were nominal cost. ; !. tical leaders of Germany. He wrote the luncheon for those who attend. formal conversations between individand July have been announced by A cantor of known repute has been a book on the development of the ual members of the Executive and the weeklies. The purpose of the enrollment is to Judah L. Wolfson, principal. Schollimit the weekly circularization to Survey Reveals That They Find arshif, deportment and attendance are engaged specially for. the high holy- German State which led after a time government. Strengthening Bonds. to securing for him a recognized posiDifficulties Getting those who can and are' interested: in In devoting a special chapter to the factors considered in selecting the days. The congregation is having the tion with the Democratic party which The Executive also agreed not to entire Shule redecorated inside and •attending. The luncheons will be Jobs Jewish press, Dr. Ruppin emphasizes honor students. nominate the Arab advisor to the dihas since become the State Party. outside. . open to the enrolled members and any Those on the honor roll: rector of the development scheme and that the Jewish press is highly instruNew York.r—(J. T. A-X—Following other Ben Brith or out-of-town visitor Theofficers © , f the congregation When the war came and the Kaiser agreed to draft a statement in which mental in strengthening the internaClass I: Melvin Schwartz, Marcel.who may attend as the guest of an close upon the recent investigation are L. Harris, president; S. Riekes jwas forced to flee from Germany, Dr. tional bonds and interests among that revealed a colossal amount of a Altman, Lea Kraft and Harvey vice-president; Louis Blotcky, treas- Preuss associated himself with the its objections to the plan would be set Jews in all parts of the world. enrolled member. forth. Burstein; Class 2: Lois Barish and . The'.B'nai Brith luncheon Club idea ignorance and of prejudice against Ruth Falk; Class 4: Ephraim Ger- urer; Sam Elewitz, secretary; M. late Friedrich Ebert, the first presiWhen the Arab candidates for the "If not for the supply to one JewJias •ilong been iii effect among the the "other fellow's" religion among shater; Class 5: Harry Goodbinder; Yenger, H. Wohlner, M. Minkin and dent of the German Republic, and was position of advisor to the development ish community of news regarding the young school children of New,York N. Wilf son, trustees. later named Minister of the Interior. • -lodges of the Order, located on the director learned that there. was no activities of other Jewish communClass .6:. Hannah - Baum; -.Class 7: During the. shifting political, tides •West Coast. This is the first attempt City, there has come another survey Ahuyah Gershater, and Dave Zwibelsalary attached to the post but only ities, it would have been impossible that came upon permany in the early to introduce this :plan among mid- revealing a .widely existing j prejudice expenses s o keen competition develop- to maintain inner contact am onj&.-th» Class\--^ti ^ t h A B e ^ i i d f t S o l year of^thfc Republic, Preuss was a : r^pf .schppl ...^western., lodges.. The;,, lack ; of -janjt againstg ^ r ed for it. anT ILuW"'Finer"ana Ethel Jewish people tinder present circumtower of strength to the government similar/ Jewish clubin the city indi- teachers on grdunds of race; and reli- Adier. stances, when the Jews are spread Lewis French, the director of the authorities. He was largely regarded i ^^ ' ^ More complete l t ded gion. . •.. .' •'.-•., . • ' •' ". ' V . ^ j '-,'••'.• "-•':• '.' ^ ed drr More, development scheme, is due here thorughout many countries," Dr. Rupas the outstanding political figure in tails with regard to the plans of the The results of the survey were anpin continues. This mission is being Germany of the days after the 1918soon. The Jewish advisor to Mr. dub will be furnished to the mem-nounced by Clyde R. Miller, director carried out by the Jewish press. French has not yet been named aldebacle. bership in communications which are of the Bureau of Educational Service, though the Jewish Agency Executive "The general press, naturally, can In the summer of 1919, however, he has recommended Harry Sacher, forshortly to be sent to them. Teachers College/Columbia Univeronly devote a limited space to reportresigned from the cabinet because of The committee in charge consists sity. Gala Day of Fun Is Promised his differences with his associates on mer member of the Zionist Executive ing Jewish affairs. The Jewish press, of the following: Rabbi David A. According to Mr. Miller's findings, however, makes all possible efforts to to AH Who Atthe signing of the Versailles Treaty. Goldstein, chairman; Philip M. Klutz- competent and qualified, teachers fail report all events of the Jewish comtend At the same time he continued the nick, vice-chairman; J. J. Greenberg, to obtain positions because they are munity in the land in which it is pubwork that had been entrusted to him Harry Cohen, F. J. Alberts, Sam Be- Jews or Catholics or Unitarians or belished, and also of the Jewish comber and Dr. A. Greenberg, ex-officio. cause they do not happen to be of the Selichoth Services to Inaugurate A-full day of fun is promised by of preparing the new Reich constitumunities in other countries. It also tion which was adopted that year. ' Season for Conservative the program for the annual Omaha Nordic race. takes up a definite attitude towards Dr. Preuss died in 1925 at the age Montreal. — (J. T. A.) — A lively Synagogue Hebrew dub picnic to be held Sun" I t is exceedingly difficult,1': * Mr. Jewish questions in other countries day, August 30, at Fontenelle park. of 65. MiDer declared, "for many-\ ^ f court battle is expected on the issue and takes up the interests, where they The:workers of the Conservative Games, .contests, a baseball game, teachers to get positions. Catholics raised recently by Director Fernand are in danger, of Jews in other counalso find difficulty to get positions\in Synagogue ' membership campaign free dance and various entertainment Dufresne of the Montreal police de- tries." various sections of the country!'-: C^f have oeen •excedingly active," accord- features are included. partment when he forbade. Jewish course in most places it is next to |m-. ;mg to; J . ; ^ Greenberg, chairman of Under the-leadership of Hyman delicatessen stores from, selling their membership.* A meeting of all theSchrjer and Dave Chesneau, the folpossible for people not of the [ foodstuffs on Sunday for consumption race to obtain positions. Very! often? (workers will be held "next Tue'sday, lowing assortment of contests will be outside the premises of the stores. A when our bureau receives a cafljteifill! August 25, at 12:15 p.' m., at the Hill staged: Blind man's buff, shoe kicktest case is now under way. , ; . Commique Says Arab and Com- an opening in some school or c#le|ge;j ip^el^ffhen. a complete detailed report ing, horseshoe, fat man's race, run- Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—Anti-SemiThis action by the city authorities munist Intrigues Must Be the religion desired is very definitely! of fiheip progress will be made. ning broad jump, three-legged race, tism in regard to the Jewish school is the second of its kind within a short designated." question has cropped up as one of the Suppressed : Recording to Rabbi David A. Gold- running backwards. most important local issues in con- period. Not long ago the owners o: stein; with the approach of the High ThePsi Mu baseball nine will meet Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The governLondon.—(J. T. A.)—Unless the in-, Holidays5 members of the synagogue one of their strongest, opponents in nection with the election campaign fruit stores were prosecuted for selling their commodities on Sunday. A now being conducted for representament has no objection to the Jewish frigues of Communist agents and are redoubling their efforts to intro- the Southern diamond circuit in a test case led to a signal victory for land settlement at Gross Gaglow, Dr. Arab: leaders now going: on in Palesduce'more people into the life of the regular league game at 3:30 o'clock. tives to the Quebec parliament. tine are suppressed it will surely lead The Jewish school law which was the proprietors when Recorder Semple M. Steiger, the Prussian minister of synagogue. Dancing will begin in the pavilion to bloodshed, the Union of Zionist Repassed at the last session of the Que- recognized their right to remain open land, said in the Prussian diet in re-The; first service of the year for at 8 p. m., with one of Omaha's popuon Sundays. ply to an interpellation by the Hitvisionists declared in a press comthe Conservative Synagogue will be lar orchestras furnishing the music bec parliament is still being used for lerite deputy, Wilhelm Kube, who had munique issued here. The Revisionanti-Semitic propaganda, purposes by the Selichoth service, to be held on There will be no admission charge. asked for an explanation of the govKovno—(J. T. A.)—Lithuania is Midnight, Saturday, September 5. ists have sent the same information the opponents of the liberal Party. During the afternoon, a number of ernment's action in providing-land for contained in the communique to thesuffering comparatively less from the Cantor Abraham Sivowitz will officiate The Conservatives, under the direcjuvenile entertainers will present a settlement purposes at Gross Gaglow Colonial Office, drawing its attention world-wide depression than other for the first time at this service. Rabtion of the party leader, Camule program under the direction of John "to aliens" at a time "when the land to the state of insecurity and request- countries, it became known when., of- bi Goldstein will interpret and explain Houde, the Mayor of Montreal, are Feldman and J. Riklin. The Hazomir ing effective, steps for the suppres- ficial New York.—(J. T. A.)—The pre- of German peasants is being sold at information regarding the the service so that even those who doclub, comprising several promineni making every effort to use the Jewish sion of unlawful agitation and for in- country's financial status was: made iiot;understand Hebrew will find it inschool question as an issue in thesentation of a silk talith and prayer auction by the tax authorities bebusiness men who have scored sucstructions which will prevent the agi- public. " : • • ' • • ; ; ; J . : ; -'. teresting and satisfying. Heretofore, cesses in previous concerts, will sing. elections and they hope in that way book to the newly appointed Jewish cause they cannot meet their taxes." tation from reaching such a dangerThe interpellation concerned the Official figures show- that;emigjra-i the young people have rarely attended A Westinghouse fan donated by Sol to defeat the Liberal party which has magistrate, Bernard Mogilesky, temous stage in the future. tion from Lithuania in the last Selichoth services, but this year the Lewis will be given away; free ai had its stronghold in Quebec for theporarily interrupted the proceedings estate at Gross Gaglow acquired by past thirty years: in the Bronx Traffic Court. the Federation for Jewish Land SetSimultaneously the Revisionists three months has fallen off ^marked- synagogue anticipates a large attend- the picnic. In accepting the gifts, Magistrate tlement with the aid of a loan from Four Jews are candidates in the made public a letter to the Zionist ly as compared with the same period ance'of young men and women. present election campaign. Two ofMogilesky said: "from my experience, the Berlin Jewish community for the Executive in which they view with a year ago. In the last three months "Selichoth services," Rabbi /Goldthem, Peter Berkowitch and Joseph I am convinced there would be less purpose of starting a settlement of only 478 persons emigrated as great concern, the absence "at this stein pointed out, "it "meant to be a Cohen, have been Liberal deputies to crime if more boys and girls became German Jews on the land along the serious,moment" of the entire execu- against 3,404 in the same months preparation for the days of meditathe parliament. The other Jewish can- more closely affiliated with their lines of the scheme launched by the tive from London, and the fact that it last year. . ; tion and prayer, Rosh Hashonah and didates are I. K. Mergler, Laborite; churches and synagogues. There they Union of Jewish War Veterans. "is not making representations to the On the other hand the sums remit- Yom Kippur." The foundation stone for the Gross and N. Rombach, Independent candi would form lasting and worth-while British government regarding the sit- ted by Lithuanians in America to Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.) — With th date. associations to carry through life." Gaglow settlement was held in June. uation." their relatives here has decreased by St. Paul.—A drive. to secure the eight B'nai Brith Hillel Foundations The settlement, established with the The Revisionists also point out that fourteen per cent in the last three naturalization of all Jewish residents scheduled to open in as many univer aid of the government, already has a the government is proceeding with the months as compared with the same in '• St." Paul and Minneapolis was sities in a few weeks, the B'nai Brit number of Jewish land workers on it. realization of the Palestine develop- period last year. launched by the St. Paul B'nai Brith. Wider Scope Commission is planning scheme "in spite of the Jewish In explanation i t is pointed out In view of the tightening of federal to renew its activities for the comini Agency's expressed dissatisfaction." that Lithuania is better off because regulations towards unnaturalized season. The Revisionists remind the Zionist it depends less on foreign loans than aliens the B'nai Brith council at its Kovno, Lithuania.—(J. T. A.)—"I can establish co-operation with the All of the seven B'nai Brith distric Executive of the confidential resolu- other nations, being primarily an ag executive meeting decided to act to fully sympathize with the idea of Arabs only in a peaceful way," he degrand lodges have agreed to what tion of the Zionist Congress' political ricultural land, the land providing a prevent the deportations of unnaturalknown'as the Borinstein plan to rais< creating a Jewish National Home in clared. commission regarding the plan and livelihood for the. bulk of its citi- ized Jewish residents here. At the regular meeting of the Herr Mann informed the Jewish funds for this-work. This plan, sug- Palestine," Thomas Mann, the famous ask the Executive for assurance that zens. Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club on TuesTelegraphic Agency that he is now German novelist and Nobel Prize wingested by Louis J. Borinstein, of the resolution will be strictly adhered day, August 18, the following new working on a new novel entitled "Joner, declared in a statement to the dianapolis, national chairman of th Shanghai, China.—The sum of $50,to. Chicago.—rLessuig J. Rosenwald 000 is bequeathed by Silas Aaron Wider Scope Committee, provides Jewish Telegraphic Agency. He add-seph and His Brethren." It is a bibli- officers were elected to head the oreldest son of Julius Rosenwald, inter- Hardoon, the late Shanghai Jewish that each B'nai Brith district shoul ed, however, that he has "no sym-cal theme, he said, and in order to ganization for the next six months: Once Stronghold of Assimilation nationally known philanthropist anc millionaire, for the translation into raise a quota equal to five dollars pe pathy for these extreme Zionists who have a good background "I made a Mrs. M. Crounse, treasurer; Mn. Florence Plans Jewish School businessman, was elected vice-chair- Chinese of the English text of the member. The resultant income will follow in the path of the German ex- special trip to Palestine, paying par- Sam Pollay, secretary; Mrs. J. Elkm ticular attention to Jewish life there. reporter and hospitaller; Mesdames U Florence,* Italy—A Jewish paroch- man of the board of directors of Sears Hebrew Bible as published by thebe used to carry on the work of th tremist groups." "I was greatly impressed with the Blumkin, Jake Hellman, H. M. Steh* ial day school is being planned for Roebuck and Company, and .also Jewish Publication Society of Phil- Hillel Foundations, the A. Z. A., th Herr Mann said that the extremists Florence, which only a few years chairman of the executive committee adelphia. This curious bequest be- Anti-Defamation League, Palestin in the Zionist Organization are caus- work of the chalutzim in Palestine. J. Zusman, M. Zusman, L. Bailin, V ago was one of the. strongholds of Lessing Rosenwald i s a resident oi came known when Hardoon's will was house building and other activities o ing a great deal of harm to the Jew-They impressed me as genuine ideal- Rosenstein, R. Rubin, executive cow mittee. ish national movement. "The Jews ists," he declared. Philadelphia, made public here-»-^. the Wider Scope. Jewish assimilation in Italy,




Honor Roll of Talmud Torah








Talith and Siddur Given Magistrate


Thomas Mann, Noted Novelist, Lauds Work Done by Palestine Chalutzim Ladies Labor Lyceum

Club Elects Officers


PAGI! 2—i3JE JEWISH PKESS, FMDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931 population of New York City is Jewish, the facts today are that less than 8 per cent of the population of the prisons where the city's felons are Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by sent are Jews^ Today only 3.56 per cent of boys THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY in state institution deliquents and misdemeanants SIOUX CITY OFFICE between the ages of 12 and 18 are Jewish. At JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street the state institution for delinquent girls, only Subscription Price, one year • - - « - - $2.50 out of 511 are Jewish, and in general the number . Advertising rates furnished on application—'' •-• of/Jews in prisons and reformatories is sinking to practically, a negligible quantity. This is a monument to Community Centers, Talmud Torahs ' Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building summer camp's and Play Schools, and all instituTelephone? ATIantic 1450 tions which aid the upbuilding of the character DAVID BLACKER - - - -Business and Managing Editor of children. FBANK B. AGKERMAN - - - - - - . .-,->• - - Editor


he said, "gave a turn,** the rich man also illustrated by spinning around the platter to its original position. And so, the poor man was out of luck again. But the moral of the story, I suppose, is that "things may suddenly give a turn" and let us hope, for the better.

Tilling It InGATH By



JEWS AND THE CHICAGO FAIR Chicago is planning, as you know, a world exposition in 1933, and there is going to be a decided Jewish angle to it, aecordnig to H. L.. Meites, the editor of the Chicago Jewish Chronicle. Meites has written a book for the occasion—a voluminous history of the Jewish population of Chicago. One of the most interesting tales of the book is the story of a Jewess, to whom Meites credits much of the early growth of the pineapple city.

Beard points out that it was at thtj taverns, where men gathered for theii: liquor, that King George of England, was first denounced as tyrant. All of the early American Revolutionary organizations generally held tlieir meetings in taverns; In fact, Raleigh'Tavern in Virginia became almost as much of a patriotic synonym as Fan» euil Hall of Boston.


The only thing that is left us today. that serves as a substitute for these public forums is the smoking compart* ment of the trains. HIGH IN THE ADIRONDACK^ I vacation resorts have suffered as well A train ride like liquor seems in FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor met a Unitarian lady who knew inti- as other interests, it is evident that some mystic fashion to make men FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent mately the late Rabbi Louis Kopald. there is still enough surplus and indrop the ordinary inhibitions and beANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent With what affection and reverence come among the Jewish well-to-do and come communicative. And you do she spoke of him! Together they had middle classes to make possible the hear some strange opinions. served on the School Board of Buf- reasonable support of the organiza! HEBREW CALENDAR There was A. J. for instance. He falo; together they had worked for tions of service which have been rearis a Jewish grocer on his way to Cali6691 1931 liberal causes in the community. Lis- ed during boon times. All that is "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" fornia. By his looks—a very plain Rosh Hashonah ____^iSaturday, September 12 tening to her tribute, I realized once necessary is an increased sense of HISTORY OF CHICAGO JEWS man. Without any pretenations to Together with the general population, the again how grievous was the loss personal responsibility. This woman was a Mrs. Kohn, who Yom Kippur , Monday, September 21 or beyond the average cul1st D$y Succoth _ .Saturday, September 26 Jewish people in this land, as well as in many which American Jewry suffered in the Those who have been relatively un- came to Chicago from Bavaria, some- profanity ture. other lands, are going through a period of dis passing of this lovable and gifted scored by the present difficulties where, in the decade of 1830. When Shemini Atzereth —.Saturday, October I appreciated also how deep should feel a heightened sense of she arrived, there was no schochet in CURING SELFISHNESS Simchath Torah _ Sunday, October 4 tress and anxiety. The Jews, however, are madt Rabbi. an impression a Rabbi of many-sided The trouble, said A. J. to me, as I oblige. An effort should Chicago, so her son harnessed his onday, October 12 to feel the, depression and stress of the time more qualities and interests can make upon noblesse Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan horse and set off for the east and listened, is with the family. And then; be made by all societies and instituRosh Chodesh Kislev Wednesday, November 11 keenly because of the prejudice against them that the commonwealth in which he serves. tions to broaden the base of their brought back a schochet. A. J. revealed to me how proud he is finding expression in all walks of life. If Jews The influence of Rabbi Kopald is membership, so that the burdsn may Then the High Holy Days came was of his children. "And what I can 1st Day Chanukah _L; ^Saturday, December Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Friday, December 11 are refused admission to a hotel, they can easily cherished by multitudes whose lives rest upon many rather than upon a around, and there was no synagogue do with my children, any one can do." in town. The pious woman sobbed. First of all," he said, "I wanted few. Fast of Tebth. ____ _I_ Sunday, December 20 find other hotels where they are made welcome. he touched and illumined. But we only have eight Jews in town. my children to be unselfish. At the A struggle for survival is now goTheir pride may be hurt, their self-consciousness How can we have a synagogue? HOW PETTY, IN CONTRAST TO bottom the trouble of the world is too ing on, and only the fittest will may be irritated, but they are not seriously and the words of this Unitarian lady, are asked the son. "We have no Miny- much selfishness." emerge. But each person must THE GERMAN REPUBLIC concretely incommoded thereby. When, however, the comments of Jews whom one shoulder his rightful share of obliga- an." "How did I make my children unGermany is now celebrating the twelfth anni- Jewish young men and women are refused posi- meets in vacation time who affirm tion. As you might guess, he harnessed selfish?" versary of the Constitution of the German Re- tions, for which they may be fully prepared and they known no Rabbi whatsoever! To his horse again and was off to the Well, 111 just tell you one of the public, a document which was authored by a Jew- well-equipped, just because they are Jews, the be sure, one encounters many who ROBERT NATHAN, AUTHOR OF east, picking up two peddlers and many devices which I employed to imare in contact with the synagogues "Jonah," "The Orchid," "There Is An- brought them to Chicago and estab- press unselfishness on their minds." ish statesman, the late Dr. Hugo Preuss. Dr. matter becomes much more serious. These young and community efforts of the other Heaven" and other works of lished a synagogue . "Let us say, for instance, I was cutPreuss ranked with Dr. Walter Rathenau, Minis- people often have families that wait for the sup- citiesJewish from which they come, however equal charm, fulfills the promise in It was this nucleus of small Jewish ting a cake, and my wife perhaps askter of Foreign Affairs who was assassinated by port they may render them, and there is no choice distant. person which his books hold forth. business men who gave much of the ed me for a slice. I always made it a anti-Semites, as the greatest Jewish diplomat and left them, but either to deny their origin and re- But there are others who boast of As is his writing, so is he. This is first decided commercial impulse to point to give a noticeably larger slice statesman in the German Republic. ligion or to suffer the agonies of searching for their ignorance touching Jewish af- not surprising, for all good literature, Chicago, writes Meites in his history. to my wife. That was only one of The lot of the co-religionists of Preuss and jobs indefinitely. It is not infrequent that a Jew- fairs. They lay it to their lack of like all good preaching, is self-revela- This synagogue, by the way, stood many ways of graphically impressing Jewish training in their youth, thousjh tory. Every sermon of sincerity is a at the site of the present postoffice unselfishness." Rathenau during these dozen years has grown ish youth is obliged to declare himself as a "Pro- they make no effort to better the sit- confession of individual faith on the in Chicago. There is a tablet on the steadily worse. Under the Kaiser's monarchy, it testant" of some definite demonination, and then uation for their own children. Judaism part of the speaker. postoffice, which reads to the effect: WIPE THOSE TEARS AWAY, is true, the Jews were under restrictions, written sit in the office or the shop and listen to insult- may not touch them closely in their Mr. Nathan's latest book, "The Or- "Here stood the first Jewish syna- BABY "Or take another childhood proband unwritten, but nevertheless they constituted ing remarks about Jews, without being able to home town, but when their children go chid" has a wide appeal, and even gogue in the city of Chicago." to cities with large Jewish populalem. The crying child. My children And a son of this Mrs. Kohn, Abrashow even a sign of displeasure. The matter is "The Christian Century" has just rea prosperous, proud and looked-up to unit of world tions, there is no excuse for an ab can't understand other children cryham Kohn, was a personal friend of viewed it. Mr. Nathan is related to Jewry- At that time the world market was at its becoming more and more aggravating as time sence of Jewish affiliation. "Reliing. How did I go about to secure Benjamin Nathan Cardozo and Abraham Lincoln, and presented Linpeak, and German Jewish business geniuses were goes on, and the problem has been made the con- gious interest depends," said one lady Justice many of the spiritual qualities in the coln with a flag, when the President this result? You will laugh, when I in the lead in shaping Germany's domestic and cern of many social workers and reformers. to me, "upon the magnetism of the personality of the great jurist are left in 1861 to assume the duties of tell you, but it worked." "I would make it a point on numforeign finance, commerce and industry. Today, present in the author. He is, of his post . By far the most distressing aspect of this individual religious leader.' erous occasions to convey the impresthe picture has changed. The Jewish fortunes problem is the fact that the discrimination is "No," I replied, "it depends upon course, deeply interested in the litera- EINSTEIN ON SALOONS sion for instance, that I had hurt my. have.been swept away; the Jews are hounded by practiced not only by Christians, but by a goodly what each person goes out to seek.' ture of fancy, and deplores the rise Professor Einstein in an article not hand or my foot. And when I did it, of a new school of writing, typified University folk too often imagin virulently anti-Semitic Hitlerites who, parasitic- number of Jewish business men and professional themselves superior to the synagogue by the works of Faulkner, which lays so long ago in one of the American and the children expected a wry face, ally gorging on the economic difficulties of the firms. The prejudice against Jewish secretaries and the Jewish community. stress upon the savagery of human monthlies, after professing himself to I always made it a point to smile. be a total abstainer, deplored one re- Don't forget that children are the> German people, have thoroughly propagandized or clerks is prevalent among Jews almost as much "In my childhood," said a lady, " nature. the theory that the ailments of Germany are due as it is among Christians, usually on,the plea that felt the need for a God and a religi6us Everything is calculated, he says, sult of the disappearance of the sa- most imitative of creatures. Crying He pointed out that the cafes doesn't alleviate their pain, and it is to Jewish intrigue, a collusion between the Jew- the Jewish boy or girl is too bright &n<L too anx-belief, but the interest disappeared. to depict the primitive and brutal ele- loon. where men gathered to drink in Eur- merely a senseless' habit that children ish bankers and the Jewish communists. Con- ious to become indispensible to the business, and My daughter ^ s no religious feel ments in society, and nothing is left ope served also as public forums, fall into from want of proper educaing, though she jittends regularly the unsaid. It may be that this type of stitutionally, the Jews possess equal rights, but so becomes too intimate with all the intricacies Unitarian churclf." where the topics of the day were dis• story may have great sales value, but cussed, opinions ventilated and clari- tion." politically they are more ghettoized than in pre- of the shop or office before his or her integrity I agree with ai recent literary critic the works of Mr. Nathan are among fied. America, said Einstein, had now WHAT, YOUR FINGER IN war days. or loyalty can be tested. The Jewish business who said that he had only one criti the finest produced in this country in no such place. People as a whole, as YOUR MOUTH! to make .of the Unitarians, the last decade. There are exquisite "A friend of mine," continued A. J. • One might suggest that as a result German man will, of course, deny any anti-semitic bias, cism "there are too few of them." He moments in "Jonah," and "There Is a result he thought, were deprived of "had a child, who was always suckJews are against the Republic. But such is by no as does also his Christian colleague, declaring that meant Gentiles, however, not Jews. Another Heaven" has inexpressible a great educational influence. ing his thumb.' means the case. As a matter of fact, they realize business is business," and that in business neither I told the lady that Judaism was piquancy. THE REVOLUTIONARY "I took that child to my home for that the Republic is the only form of government favoritism nor animosity should be displayed. more than "ethical monotheism," The test of a writer's permanent TAVERNS a week, feeling sure that I could cure that can hope to bring back political peace and Whether the charge against the Jewish employees belief in God. Judaism is a civiliza- place in the literature of an epoch is It would be very easy to furnish it of the habit." security. Though they are suffering today as is correct or not, and any such sweeping charge tion, a culture, a community, as well to be measured, not by the number any number of illustrations from When I got the child home, I had a creed. of his readers, but by the judgment American history substantiating the a little talk with him. "Philip," I said, never before, German Jews believe, with just against a whole race is of necessity a fallacy, the as"But why," she asked, "should one of discerning critics. Mr. Nathan is truth of this idea. In fact, some 20 "what is today?" cause, that once the present economic depression fate of the Jewish youth seeking employment in confine himself to only one such cul- still in his thirties, and it is likely that years ago, Henry Adams, one of the "Today," replied Philip, "is Sunis alleviated, the anti-Semitic Hitlerites will be these days is tragic, indeed, and the notice of ture?" as if to be a Jew meant to be as he matures he will gain the recog- most significant of American histor- day." exposed in their true garb, as demagogues who Jewish employers of labor should be directed to without general or universalistic. in- nition he so truly deserves, as one of ians pointed out that the American "Now tell me what tomorrow is—« the finest exponents of the enduring Revolution was largely born in the and the days after that." Philip anuse anti-Semitism as a weapon for political power the situation. We should not urge Jews to employ terests. (Continued on Vagc 4.) colonial taverns. And even Professor so that they can use their country for personal only Jews, but we must insist that the general "Why," was my rejoinder, "should values of our times. be the one cultural, comgain. When Germany has a "full dinner pail, discrimination against Jews by Jews is based upon Judaism munal and religious interest which STOKE CLOSES 5 P. M.^ATURDAYS 5:36 P. M. the rights of the Jews will be in actuality what prejudice, which we decry, is rooted in bigotry, some Jews studiously reject. they appear to be on paper now. and at a time like this it is a manifestation of dis- Jews who avoid their own fellow^ loyalty to our people which is unpardonable. The Jews and pride themselves on their neglect of everything Jewish are "diBy DAVID SCHWARTZ Jewish youth beg for an opportunity to show their vided souls" who though they may not DELINQUENCY DECREASE ability and their usefulness, and this chance A tribute to'the inestimable value of the pre- should not be denied them by Christian business be conscious of "their loss, are robbing and their children of the MILWAUKEE JEWRY trentitive philosophy in modern Jewish social work men and certainly not by their own people, whose themselves only agency they can attain psychic Parodying Shakespeare one might is paid by Ernest K. Couter, general manager of sympathy and good-will they have a right to ex- and spiritual adjustment. The venom say there are columns in stones, and the New York Society for the Prevention of pect.—Philadelphia Exponent. with which some assimilationist Jews running brooks—and even in running speak of the Jewish elements in their trains. This is being written in beCruelty to Children, in an article appearing in the nature makes one realize how basi- tween train stops in the city of MilOutlook. By comparative statistics, the writer they hate .themselves for being waukee, far from the madding Broadreveals a startling drop in Jewish crimniality and TAXI SERVICE IN THE EMEK cally born Jews. It is' unmistakably a way. delinquency in New York due chiefly to organized A Jerusalem correspondent calls our atten- pathological ailment." Milwaukee, Nathan Gould, editor of agencies which combatted the evils of this wrongthe Milwaukee Jewish Chronicle, doing by proper care of the plastic, pubescent tion to a modest announcement in the advertising Ten thousand Jews have been made boasted to me, feels itself particularly columns of the Hebrew press in Palestine inform- legal residents of Palestine by the ac- fortunate in the seeming almost total child. ing the public that a taxi service has been in- tion of the Mandatory Government. absence of antisemitism. Some time back, a quarter of a century to stituted Afule'to Emek Jezreel, the Valley Jewish immigration r "1 continues, As regards the current business be exact, the police commissioner of New York, of Israel,from which become known as "the Jew- though for the pre: t the influx is slump, a less enthusiastic note was Theodore Bingham, upset a complacent Jewish ish commonwealthhas relatively small..- Defeatists ought to struck. Yet in Milwaukee, there came in miniature." community by publishing a statement that Jews look at the figures of Palestine's in- to me a story, apropos of the busiOur correspondent writes that "in the Emek creasing Jewish population. It would ness slump, which ought to cheer the comprising one-fourth of the population Contrithe inauguration of a taxi service means more make'them sing a different tune. spirit. ThcTasieftSho&on Imih buted one-half of the criminals. The article, feaWhen the economic depression subthan it does elsewhere. It means that the period tured in the various papers, stirred up a hornet's sides, the upbuilding of Palestine is TABLE DIPLOMACY nest. The commissioner's figures were challenged of farmwains and wagons as a method of human certain to go forward with renewed A wealthy Jew, followed the good OU wouldn't ride in a solid old Sabbath tradition of having an by well-known statisticians. Marshall, Schiff, transport is passing, because the Emek is ex- vigor. tired, springless automobile— Magnes, Rabbi Silverman, Judge Rosalsky, Con- panding and leaving behind its hard pioneering It may yet be that in our own times "orach" (a guest) for the Shabboth years, when every suggestion of luxury had to be meal. All of the food was placed on we will see close to 700,000 Jews in gressman Goldf ogle, and many other leading Jewso why walk in hard soled, un-* rigorously eschewed. It means that more peothe Holy Land. The international no- a large platter, with the larger quanish spokesmen were joined by many non-Jews, as titp facing the host while the slimmer tice which has been taken of the Basel yielding shoes? . . . The buoyant,' Arthur Brisbane, Congressman Bennet, Judge ple wish to visit the Emek and its settlements Zionist Congress is ample proof of tity facing the host while the slimmer on business, on tour, or on pleasure, that the Crain, Magistrate Walsh and Madison Peters, in foot conforming cushion sole in the deep roots which the movement the "orach." denouncing Bingham . . . until Bingham apolo- Emek is assuming increasing importance in all has struck in modern life. Now if How to get the better side to himDr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes is to gized and threw the blame for his figures onto a aspects of Jewish life in Eretz Israel. It means, only Jews would assist in the eco- self was the problem of the orach. nomic aspects of the enterprise, its Very adroitly he began to tell a walking as shock absorbers are to subordinate. "Hence," he said, "it becomes my n short, that the Emek is progressing." success would be a matter of only a tale. "I want yon to understand, Mr. Jews must thrill at reading such news. Beduty manfully to repudiate them." Host," he began, "that I, too, was riding. In looks and feeling, Reed "i: once very rich, but all of a sudden Bvt th«? comn'otion had a definite beneficial cause out of all the disgust and disappointment ew years. Shoes are modern foot equipment. result. Jewish communal leaders became active that marks the despatches abou£ massacres of MEMBERS OF SYNAGOGUES things gave a tuna—and I became a poor man." As he said the words In Omaha Only at The Nebraska's in their determination to nevertheless decrease Jews in Saloniki, and attacks upon Jewish stu- throughout the' country are undoubt- 'gave a turn," he illustrated it by edly planning to renew their afdents in Vienna and elsewhere, such news emerges Shot Sections—Main Floor whatever amount of Jewish delinquency there filiation with congregations. While spinning the platter around so that as hope sustaining and as an encouragement for was* on the adage that "an ounce of prevention financial stringency has affected mul- the better part was in front of him. is worth a. pound of cure." Led by the late Julius the continuation of a great effort which has made titudes, the religious, communal and The rich man saw what had hapM. Mayer, judge of the Children's Court, and the the Emek Jezreel an historic monument in Jew- philanthropic institutions ought not to pened. "That's all right, Mr. Orach," he said, "I understand how that is— be made to suffer. late Jacob H. Schiff, the Jewry organized agencies ish history.—Detroit Chronicle. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN in fact, just the reverse of that hapSevere readjustments are going on to prevent the inculcation of a distorted sense of throughout our entire economic life, pened to me. You see, once I was wrong And they succeeded. , Couter shows that A state established religion is a religion un- but the synagogues should not be very poor, and then, suddenly things Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York

From Contemporary Pens

By the Way


regardless of the fact that 27.4 per cent of the recognized by God.

made to pay the chief penalty. While gave a turn, and I became rich." As


ISITIKG , • . . Mr. and Mrs. David J. Haykin and children, Joan and Hudson, of Washington, D. C , -are visiting here in Omaha. Mr. JBayldn is associated with - the Congressional library - in Washington. - '


modes for youthful wearers and those of modified tUgiity for matrons were j s b o w n l





.'Velvets and felts, were the ; predomF. B. M. inatiBg materials, and black, rose, red, kiltie green and mascara brown were .Several new books have been; pur- the favorite colors. -•'. / .

chased by the Council of Jewish M<h "Mrs.-Hanna Falk and., daughter, men for the circulating library at the Among the satins displayed for auMiss Clara Falk, Los Angeles, are the Blackstone hotels tumn wear; is- a. new color "called ice; guests of Mrs. Jacob-Rosen.. Mrs, Those who, enjoy Vicki.Baum will As is proper, t t e color tarns out ; to Joseph Block honored the visitors at be pleased to read her "Martin's Sum-* be-' a very -pile! green-blue, so delicate luncheon at the Paxton" Tuesday. Mrs. mer." Other new ' and interestiiig that "it is almost white. Falk and'daughter"leave tomorrow for books are; "Dwarfs Blood," by-Edith Oliver;. "Gambler's Wife," by ElizaChicago. I saw a picture in one of the local .GOLDENBERG-ALBERT held from 7 until 11 o'clock in the beth Stern; "Love Goes Past," "by papers of what seemed to roe to be NUPTIALS evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mildred Shrago of Chicago is Ursula Parrot, writer of the "Ex" an exquisite and romantic new fall . The wedding of .Miss TJla Albert M. Tatleman, 5135 South 25th street. visiting here. She plans to stay about books, and "Devil's Due," by Phyllis outfit. and Abe J. "Goldenberg, Lincoln, was Miss Shiff will be attended by Miss ten days. Bottome. . The Empress Eugenie hat of black solemnized last Sunday at noon at Etta Tatelman, maid of honor, and felt, with its audacious tilt and luxthe home of the bride's parents, Mr. Miss Sadye Tatelman. ... Best man will Several of the women at Highland urious ostrich plume, was designed Miss Sophie Ban of Chicago, is visand Mrs.jHyman Albert. Rabbi N. be Sam Schiff and Harry J. Freed iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Country Club wear the clever new for opera, matinee, afternoon bridge will serve as usher. Feldman performed the ceremony. Joe Ban. She will be here for three dresses with the divided skirts when parties, or tea. The bride wore a • Channel model Among those who have entertained weeks. playing golf. They are extremely A black velvet frock was presented . of ecru lace, made floor length for Miss Shiff were Mrs. M. Tatelcomfortable and neat looking. by Bonwit Teller as the type of dress "a cocktail jacket, trimmed with a bril- man and Mrs. H. Camel, Mrs. J. TatelMr. and Mrs. M. J. Rachofsky and most in keeping with the spirit of the liant buckle. She carried bride's roses man, Misses Sadye and Etta Tatel- children of Dallas, Texas, left for Paris informs us that pajamas are hat. The rather low cut square neckand lilies of the valley. man, Mrs. M. Arbitman, Mrs. Fred their home Tuesday morning. They still in fashion, that is, awfully fem- line, used a generous four-inch band Mrs. William Alberts, matron , of Hahn, Mrs. J. Lintzman, Mrs. J. had been visiting their parents and inine ones are. For example, pajamas of white ermine as a decorative fea-honor, wore a peach chiffon frock and Shyken and Mrs. S. Sacks of Council friends here.. with three wide flounces running hor- ture. There was a suggestion of the carried Ward roses. Joseph Golden- Bluffs. izontally around each leg, pajamas Empire influence at the waist, which berg of. Fargo, North Dakota,-brother Mrs. David Sperling and children with godets set below the knee, and was belted with fine wooden buttons, of the bridegroom, was best man. PARTIES of Sioux' City, Iowa, are visiting at the godets tricked out in 11 tiny lace woven in a pattern and tied at the After a northern wedding trip Mr. back. The slaeves were mere capeMrs. Irving Stalmaster entertained the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ruffles apiece. Very effiminate. Goldenberg and his bride will reside 18 guests at luncheon and bridge at Marks. lets, the hips molded, and the skirt in Lincoln. the Fontenelle hotel on Monday. About two hundred women' wit- full and flowing. A 'reception was held in the eveANNOUNCE BIRTH nessed the style show luncheon at the It was a lovely thing. Very charmning at the home of the bride's parMr. and Mrs. S. D. Poska of Cres- Paxton hotel last Monday. Extreme ing. Mrs. Sam Degen was hostess to ents.from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. A f a m - eight guests at luncheon'at the Fon- ton, Iowa, announce the birth of a fly dinner was. given at noon-at--the tenelle last week. son, Sherman George, on August 5. home of the brids's parents. : Many Mrs. \Poska was formerly Miss Rose ' out-of-town guests, including several Siegel of this city. from Kansas City attended the wed- Miss Ida Daytch entertained 14 guests at her home Sunday evening in Omaha's Style Center ding. honor of her cousin,. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mollye W. Green has returned from a ten-day vacation in MilwauSabin of Brooklyn, New York. ZELEN-MOSKOYITZ kee, Wisconsin, where she was the Miss Celia Moskovitz, daughter of guest of her sister, Mrs. Ellis B- HasMrs. N. Giller will give a benefit sel. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moskovitz will be a bride on next: Sunday afternoon, card party at her home, 1608 Burt Miss Bess Goodsitt of Milwaukee August 23, the date of her marriage street, Wednesday, August 26, fo: accompanied Miss Green here and is to Max Zelen, son of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Shifra Volsenson of Esterpole ths guest of Miss Belle Green. Miss Russia. Sam Zelen of Lincoln. Goodsitt is a sister of Sol Goodsitt, organizer of the first Milwaukee A. SOCIAL NOTES KRAFT-JACOBSON Z. A. alumnae group. Miss- Betty Jacobson, daughter of ~ Mrsi Samuel Saltzman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jacobson, and Marvin, have returned from a month's Lou Riklin and Norman Green, repNathan H. Kraft of Kansas City, .son vacation in Manitou, Colorado Springs resentatives of the F. and F. Cough Of Mrs. Herman Kraft of Kansas City, and Troutdale-in-the-Pines. Drop Company, are returning this were united in marriage at 6 o'clock week-end from an eastern business last Sunday at the Congregation- of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon have re- trip. They will remain here until afIsrael Synagogue. Rabbi N. Feldman turned from a wedding trip and are ter the holidays when they will reperformed the ceremony. at the Blackstone. sume their tour. • The bride wore a white moire gown, made in the princess mode, and a long Henry Coren and Morie Wintroub The Jacobson sisters trio appeared tulle -veiL She: carried bride's, roses. left by motor for a few weeks at Lab on the program at Camp Brewster, . Miss Sophia Jacobson, sister of the Okoboji. Saturday, August 15, given in honor bride, was bridesmaid and wore pink of Miss Clara Brewster. net with blue accessories, -while Miss Mrs. Oskar Slutsky left Tuesday fo Lea Goldberg, another bridesmaid, Rockville Center, Long Island, where PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS wore yellow net.with orchid-hued ac- she will visit her brother and sister cessories. . in-law, Dr. and Mrs. B. I. Fishkind. Louis Kraft, Kansas City, brother While in the east, Mrs. Slutsky wil of the bridegroom served as best man also visit with her son, Dr. Ben Slutand - Jack Jacobson, brother of the sky of New York City, formerly EXCLUSIVE Omaha. bride was usher. CURTAIN CLEANERS After September 15 Mr. Kraft and his bride will be at home at the Ad- Mrs. Harry Ferer and daughter, WA. 1350 5007 Leavenworth miral Arms in Kansas City. Miss Selm'a Ruth Ferer, have returned from California, "where they spent th< GREENBERG-LIPSEY summer. WEDDING PLAN YOUR F A L L On Wednesday, August 26th, Miss Miss Zerline SOmberg, daughter o1 DECORATING EARLY Lillian Lipsey will become the bride Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg, is visit of Mr. Elmer Greenberg at a home ing for two weeks at -Kenflworth, 111. MAX SHRIEK'S SONS wedding, in the presence of tha im- before leaving for school at Ware Phones. AT. 4744—JA. 7855 mediate family. Belmont, at Nashville, Tenn. The bride will be attended by her sister, Miss Mildred Lipsey. Mr. Abe Sadoff of Sioux City will be best man. Following the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the bride's' parents, from eight to eleven o'clock; honoring the young coup who are leaving for Crawford, Nebr., where Mr. Greenberg will be head football coach.and instructor in mathematics. No invitations have been issued for the reception.



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TATLEMAN-SHIFF Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freed announce the approaching marriage of their Bister, Miss Edna Shiff to Sam Tatelman. The wedding will take place at 2 p. m., Sunday, August 23, at the synagogue at 24th and Nicholas streets. Rabbi H. Grodsrinsky will officiate. A family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tatleman will follow the ceremony, and a reception will be

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Founder o# Esperanto

Scientific Prize Is Won by a Jewess

Council Bluffs News

A. Z. A. "Fall Frolic' on Labor Day Eve

Special entertainment will feature the "Fall Frolic'Vto be given by the The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688Sam Beber chapter of the A. Z. K. of the Independent Order of theon Sunday, September 6, at the Fonsucking, yet the child never once put B'nai Brith will hold a meeting tenelle Hotel. Tap dancing and spehis thumb in his mouth." next Monday evening, August 24, cial song numbers have already been And there you; have .the homely at the Eagles Hall. . arranged for to aid Art Randall's orphilosophy of a'man, who sells grochestra in making the affair a sucArthur Steinman of Toronto, Ont., ceries—-And :while I smiled at some of cess. the things he said, I could not help is spending a couple of weeks here visiting at the home of Mr. and All chapters in this district of the but feel that here, in this humble A. Z. A. have been extended invitaa potential philosopher. Mrs. Ben Telpner. man was tions to attend the dance, including IN THE LAND OF THE Mrs. R. Ross has returned home St. Louis, Sioux City, Lincoln, Des BUFFALOES' following a two weeks' buying trip- Moines, Kansas City, Council Bluffs, I spent some time, also, in the ofin New York City. St. Joseph and Topeka. Sioux City, fices of the Buffalo Jewish Review, Des Moines and Lincoln have already Katelman returned Miss Toby though I failed to see the editor, Mr. home Msnday from Leawnworih, signified their intentions of sending Teplitz, the editor of that publication. down delegations. Four Jewish playwrights are in-Kansas,, where she spent the past What is the outstanding fault of ten days visiting her broth«r-in-law^ The general dance chairman is the Jews in Buffalo? I asked Ben- cluded in the list of authors whose and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. Ralph Nogg. Dan Lintzman is chairjamin Bartzoff, the business managerJ dramatic works are included in Burns man of publicity., Harold Kort of decof that paper. It is always more in- Mantle's annual selection of the ten Misses Sue and Dorothy Stombler orations and Sidney Coyne of tickets best plays of the year. teresting to read criticism than praise of Toronto, Ontario, arrived here The four Jewish authors are Moss Monday to spend the remainder of and finance. so I always prefer to know the faults. By SIDNEY WALLACH The dance, which on Labor Day eve, Hart, George Kaufman, Louis Weit- the month visiting at the home of "The outstanding fault," said Bartis open to the public. Year after year the stature of the ,s a matter of fact, an international I tion between the uttered sound of an zoff, "is ths lack of coherence—a zenkorn and Vicki Baum. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Aba Leibovitz. Kaufman are the authors of "Once in founder of Esperanto increases in the anguage.: . Dr. Zamenhoff hoped for object, act, or quality and its meanof division among many spirit public estimation. The growth of in-a time to simplify, it and to make it ing. Weitzenkorn wrote Mrs. William Bernstein and son, a Lifetime." groups." ternational interdependence is contri- acceptable first to those peoples "Five Star Final" and Vicki Baum is Donald, returned home Suaday folHence the need for an artificial buting n« little to extending the useBut Bartzoff is hopeful that his pa-the author of "Grand Hotel." lowing a ten day visit with relatives Nicely furnished, large room fulness of the language. It is safe to among whom the Yiddish speaking language. suitible -for couple or a woman, When Dr. Zamenhoff first tackled per is doing much toward bringing say that in time Dr. Lazarus Ludwig ews lived. in Chicago, III. with privilege of using entire Zamenhoff, the Polish Jew, who fathHe found many obstacles in the way the problem of an international lang- about an increasing spirit of unity. house. Only two persons in ered Esperanto will be hailed a pro-chiefly, of course, the unwillingness uage he too hoped to revive a dead (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleMrs. Isaac Stemhill and infant fami'yWill let for the care of phet of world.amity. This article is COMl'LETE. LINE OF removed graphic Agency, Inc.) son, Vernon Bernard, were the house. 2444 Burt Street. written especially for the Jewish Tele- if a dominant people to accept a sub- language and give it new, potent, inSunday from the to their home graphic Agency and Jewish Press.— ect language as its own medium. He ternational life. He gave that plan up The Editor. Mercy Hospital. ;hen set to work on compiling the in view of the difficulties and problems come of which are presented anguage of Esperanto, a work which Mrs. Max Steinman of Winnipeg, In Cracow, Poland, one thousand e completed in 1878. above. Then he turned to the creaAmi HII kinds of JKWISII Canada, arrived here Monday to men and women gathered from forty itOOKS with nr without CHARLES SIMON There have been international tion of a new language. d translation. Ucst visit at the home of her mother, countries all over the world to honor anguages created before of which the Itecommetwls silk uuil wool talcsim. He quickly made the discovery Mrs. W. SeigeA, and brother-in-law, the name of Dr. Lazarus Ludwig most important was Volspuk. But itthat by far the vast part of a vocabThe Sanitary Laundry and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen. Zamenhoff. -The Beet ot All Laundry Service'' Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—What will was clear that in every respect the ulary consists not of independent She will be accompanied back the • In Warsaw the city authorities new language compiled by Dr. Zam-roots but is drawn from a rather be the largast and most completely 8819 first of next month by her daughter, I 2560 Cuming St., Omaha agreed to change the name of Dzika inhoff was its superior and the su-small number of roots with enough equipped cancer research institute in Farnam Vhones : Street to that of Zamenhoff Street in perior of every other artificial lang- derivatives to suit the language needs. the world is now nearing completion Miss Esther Steinman, who has Atlantic CH2O and Ilarney 7010 remembrance of Dr. Ludwig Zamen- uage designed by man. made her home here for the past As a result of diligent research, care- in the Jewish Hospital of Budapest. hoff.: year. Pause for a moment to consider the ful selection and compilation and a The Rockefeller Institute, the English In Bialystok the city turned out en whys and wherefores of an interna- steady process of elimination he final- Rothschilds, and Otto H. Kahn, I>I:NULI;<. S T A I . M A S T K U X HI:IM:K masse at the unveiling ceremonies of tional language as well as the prob- ly created Esperanto, a language with American financer and philanthropist, G50 Omaha National Sank BidsOmaha. » h r . a • monument to the. memory of Dr. ems that must be solved in creating less than 3,000 word roots which in contributed the funds needed for the NOTICE OF IHSSSOI.UTION OF Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhoff. STANLEY'S, INC. turn were drawn from most of theerection of the institute which when FUR STORAGE Notice is hereby (riven that nt n special These three events following each one. ready will have cost several million European languages; and without the Remodeling and Relining neeting of the stockholders of Niaulev s. The inconvenience .of a multiplicity other in rapid succession in the past Inc. h'-ld on Hecem)H>r 30. 18.T0. at UT.mhs, absurdities of a grammatical struc- pengoes. 2818 Leavenworth—TeL JA. 2703 of languages is self-evident. It has Nebraska, the following resolution w"° few weeks combine to revive among illi:tHliiol>R.\ :.<Ir>ptc(1 : ture marred with exceptions and been clear ever since antiquity and other than his own disciples the name -UK IT UKSOLVE1*. That Stanley's, "sports." He exhibited both ingenuity PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Inc.. lie nnd ihc same is hereby dissolved and fame of Dr. Lazarus Ludwig was justly pilloried, in the story of and tUHt the <>ffi>-<-r» of 1 IK? <-oruor.ition be the Tower of Babel where the diver- and a remarkable sense of simplicity and they are hereby authorized (o file noZamenhoff, the Polish Jew who in his syntax so that it is possible to tice of said dissolution with Ihe Secretary founded the international language of sity of languages is attributed to a 1 of Slate ill Lincoln. Nebraska, mid to pHbJACK W. MAKER lisli notice of said dissolution in the JewEsperanto. But it is not far fetched divine curse. Not the most gifted acquire its grammar without any of Court House ish l*ivss tit Omaha. Nel»r:«!kfl." to suppose that the day will come student can hope to master more than the normal difficulties that await the NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF IN'COItrOKAATTHST: DAVIS COIIN. TION OF STEKX-INU CSDKHWKITEKS Julius Sam nelson, President. when all the world will join to paya small fraction of even the important student of foreign languages. Secretary. 4t-"-24-31 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 Notice is hereby given that the undertribute to his memory. For, in hisexisting languages. The resulting Best Artificial Language signed, pursuant to the laws of the State MOVING — STORAGE FKADEN'Bl'RG, STALMASTEK & BEBER confusions are considerable. Not only of Nebraska, have formed a corporation, own way Dr. Zamenhoff was the man PIANO MOVING All told therefore Esperanto is conAttornrjH the name of which is Sterling Underwritof peace of his time; arid by his ownis the difference of language a bar-sidered the most practical and intelli- ers and its principal place of business is GM Omaha National Bank Bide. in Oinaba. Douglas County, Nebraska. The rier between peoples but it is very NOTICE TO NON-KESIDENT methods he has encouraged the wider gent of the artifical languages that objects for which this corporation is DEFENDANT formed are to organize, pnrehnse, lease or understanding among peoples that is inefficient -and destructive of good have bean presented to the world. To McUOUUAli COSSTKUCT1ON COMmanage insurance companies of all classes will. With the growth of internaso essential for a lasting friendship of l'AXV, a foreign corporation: kinds; to act as general or special Dr. Zamenhoff published his first and You are hereby notified that on the 30th A Harry U. Lnpidus. President- Treas. tional^ unity and international co-opagents for insurance companies of nil 7 flay of July,'1931, l.yman-Hichey "Sand & kinds: to adjust aiid appraise losses for book on the subject in 1878. He folraces. iWere heiaAjxeX "eralion^in politics and economics it is Gravel Company filed its petition nnd cominsurance companies: to purchase, discount surely" stand ^witli 'the•;advocates of apparent; that much would be saved lowed up its appearance with a series and sale of notes; trade acceptances, acmenced an action in the LHstrict Court of Douglas- County, Nebraska, against you, receivable and other evidences of peace in the forefront of the elect of if an international language would be of lectures and the translation into counts the object and prayer of which petition is indebtedness; to purchase ard sell storks to receive the sum of $13,901.13 and interEsperanto of some of the classics of and bonds in other companies nnd corporathe 'earth. adopted as the" medium for all interests and costs uf this action from you. for tions and to purchase the company's own sand nud gravel Hold mid delivered lo you Dr; Zamenhoff began his work- on national' convocations. Actually the the world's many languages. By 1887 stock: to purchase, own. mortgage and COMPLETE STORE AND COURTESY—SERVICE and that in said action a writ of nltachsell all character of real and personal an international language more than growing unity of the world makes the there were enough enthusiasts of the property OFFICE OUTFITTERS menl was issued and levied upon C"~ and to do all other things necesI*. & II. Dragline, Model No. 400. W* Occupy and incident to the conduct of surh half a century ago. He was born in adoption of a common language a new language to come to a conven- sary Von are required to answer said petiOver 70.000 Hqnare Fret business and to have ,th« power to estabtion. Esperanto societies sprang up lish tion 0 1 1 or before the 21st day of Sep1859 the son of a family of- language more and more urgent step. branch offices throughout the United. Southwest Corner t M l l l H T , 1S1S1. 24th and Sew ard all over Europe and America. Later States and foreign countries and to purexperts. His father and his grandLYMAN-lilCHEY SAXD & GUAVEL CO.. chase, leas<« and own real and personal Eleventh and Douglas Streets l'lainliff. Phone JAckson fitffiS China and Japan adopted its use alNeed for Language prupcrty outside of. as well as in the father before him were language inBy FllAItBN'BURti. STA1.UASTKB State of Nebraska, and to transact its Phone JAckson 2724 24th and Cum ing & ISUUEll. Its Attorneys. It has been suggested that an al-most semi-officially. Hundreds of en-business structors in the schools of the Czars. in all parts of the United Stntes 8-7-4t. Omaha, Nebr. Phone ATIantic 1000 thusiasts labored as missionaries in and in foreign countries. Th»rffaiis of ready .existing language be utilized Zamenhoff therefore came to his fa the corporation shall be condmUd hy a In Charge of Registered the cause. The French and Italian MONSKY, KATI.KMAN ft UUOIUNSKV for that purpose. But here human Hoard of Kirectors which shall IK- not less cility in languages through a natura than two nor more than Kev-n and who Attorney* Pharmacists inheritance. But he extended his in- passions intervene and make the Academies of Science endorsed its use shall be elected hy and from (he stock787 Omaha National Bank Olds. as an international medium at conferadoption of an acceptable language i FREE DELIVERY holders. The annual meeting of (he corterest beyond the purely lingual and NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION poration shall be! held at the Home Ofences. A report to the English prem- fice In the Comity Court of Douglas County, on the 2nd Tuesday after the 1st day into the wider field of international next to an impossibility. Besides the Nebraska. ier by the Modern Language Commit- in January of each year. 'Hie officers of usefulness. What this Polish Jew problem of acquiring that language by the corporation shall l>e President nnd In the Matter of the Estate of Klza Zack tee of England recommended Esper- Secretary those not born to it would remain as and such other officers as the Knisely. Deceased. JOB FOUNDRY succeeded in doing was to fashion Board of Directors may deem necessary All persons interested in snitl estate are great as ever. Because of the imper- anto as a "skillfully constructed lang- from time to time 31 ml shall lie elected by AND MACHINE WORK language which by its simplicity as hereby notified lliMta petition has In-en 0. fections of the natural languages uage—easier to learn than any other the Board of Directors. The authorized fikd in said Court alleging that said deKKIN FORCING STEEL well as by its close relationship with capital stock shall be $2T>,COO.O0 divided ceased died leaving no hist will and praywhich, like Topsy "just growed" and natural language." J. L. KRAGE. proprietor into 2T>00 shares off the par value of $10.00 ing for administration upon his estate, xnd the important existing languages bi each, $12.2X10.00 of Which shall be common did not develop from a rational prothat -a hearing will lie had onKsaid petition and $12,300.00 of which shall be pre"NKW FO*t 6fil>" fair to become the speaking medium gression and plan there are many dif-j As evidencs of the language's pop- slock >>efore said court on the - Jlh day of ferred stock. Th<» preferred stock shall August, l»5t. nnd that if they fail to apof all the people and to undo the curs ficulties in learning a new language. ularity the following statistics are of- l>e entitled to preference over the common pear at said Court on the said ^iHb tiny 1619 Farnam St.—AT.' 8481 stock as to dividends at. the rate of (t% per fered: There are 250 journals pubof August, 1»31. at. !• o'clock A. M.. to conof the Tower of Babel. and shall also have a preference Many more difficulties than would be lished in Esperanto. The language is annum test said petition, the Court may grmit over the common stock in the distribution Third Ave. and 11th Street the same »<nd grunt administration of said assets. The preferred stock shall be Thought of Converting Yiddish encountered in an artificial language taught in many universities (New of estate to John Huell Knisely or some other Phones: 89 and 519 subject to redemption at the option of the suitable pfrson and proceed to a settleIt is of historical interest that a purged of the irrationals. Further- York university broadcasts Esperanto company upon any dividend dat<« at. par ment thereof. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA plus any dividends unpaid to date of reFREE RtJBBER HEELS DRYCE CllAWTOUn. one time Dr. Zamenhoff had the ide; more all basic vocabulary in a natural lessons over the radio). The books of demption upon the vote of not less than 8-7-3t. County Judge. WITH AUi-nXIIP SOLES language i s arbitrary. With the exmajority in interest of the outstanding of converting Yiddish into an interna J. FEILKlt STEltN, Attorney Esperanto literature are growing in the common stock. Notice of the intention of Men's Half Soles $1.00-$1.25 034 Peters Trust BnilcHng tional language. There are many wh ception of a few anamatapoetic number rapidly. Thousands of people the company to redeem the preferred stock Ladies' Half Soles . - $ .75-S1.00 LEGAL NOTICE he mailed thirty days before the date maintain that Yiddish being the lin words which convey a sound signifi- speak it every day. In short it mayshall of redemption to each holder of preferred In the Couuty Court o£ Douglas County, cance there is no reasonable associastock of record to his last known post ofgua franca of the wandering Jew is, Nebraska. be said that Esperanto i s gaining ad- fice address. The preferred and common In the Matter Of the Estate of Abrnhnra 2408 FAUNAM herants everywhere. stock or either thereof may be increased Rnsinsky, deceased. at any time on the vote of the holders of To the heirs-nt-lnw, creditors, and all \ Dr. Zamenhoff died in Warsaw in not less than a majority of the aggregate AND other persons interested in said estate amount of common stock outstanding. Any 1917. XOTI are hereby notified that n petition stockholders of the corporation, desiring 8t. has been filed in this court on the 3rd day dispose of his stock must first tender of August, 1U31. by I'earl Uasinsky allegIf the hopes for increased interna- to We want to call Jo the attention of the Jewish public thnt -we are Retting in Our New Address is bis holdings for purchase t o the corporaing that Abraham Knginsky died 011 the now a new'supply of tlw seasonable .religious articles. Machzeirim with Jewish tional unity and co-operation are real- tion. Should the corporation buy or acMst day of November, 11K2S, intestate; that 3553 FARNAM ST. AT ALL GROCERS and Knglish translations, prayer books, Toleosini, silk and wool of the best, quire any of its stock, through any chanat the time of his death he WHS » resident ized, i t may be that the work of this nel, said stock, if 'thereafter sold in port of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd kind, etc. ' • ' : " " Made by in whole, must be tendered to the then that he was possessed of the fallowing dePolish Jew will be universally accept- or stockholders who shall be privileged to scribed real estate, to-wit: A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Uncle Sam Breakfast Food ed as one of "man's greatest achieve- buy it in amounts, proportionate to.their Fur. Storage—Remodeling— The North one-halt of Lot 4, Block respective stockholdings in the corporation G4 and the South one-half of Lot 4, Itemembcr our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I Cleaning—Relining Company ments. Certainly it wiU be a kind of and in the event any one or more stockBlock 04, original City of South Omn• ordered the following articles of pure silver nnd plate silver candle sticks, Kidush Reasonable Prices poetic justice'to a member of an op-< holders elect not to take his or their pro- HArney 2737 ha, now Omaha, Douglas County. NeOmaha Nebraska I cups, iladeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying ojie of them should be portionate share of said stock, then such braska, nud the South 2 feet of Lot pressed people if, out of Bialystok proportionate share of stock shall be ten7, and nil of Lot 8 nnd nil of Lot 0, • so kind nnd let me know iihend of time, so I can have it ready for them. to the remaining stockholders in the Block 114 original city of South Omawill;have come the lingual currency dered I I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice'stock, of most beautiful proportion of their'respective holdings." In ha now Omaha. Nebraska. j Ksrojjim and Ijtilovim for Succoth . . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will please let the event the corporation does not. elect That Bald petitioner has an Interest in of the world. k me know so that I can have it ready for him for Iontif. "__••. lo acquire any stock tendered to it. such said real estate b^ing the surviving spouse New and Old . of said deceased; said petitioner prays (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- stock must, be tendered to the then stockthat a hearing Ite had 011 said petition, holders who shall be privileged to buy it graphic Agency, Inc.) that notice thereof be given as required by in amounts proportionate to their respec-

Memory of Jewish Originatorof Leading Artificial Language Is Being Honored

Berlin.—(J. T. A.) — The annual prize of the international Federation of University Women for the best piece of scientific work by a woman was awarded to Bstti Heitman, the daughter of a well-known Hamburg Jewish family. . . Frauiein Heiman, who is thirtythree years old, holds a lectureship at the University of Halle in Indian philosophy. It was her work in this field that won for her ths prize.

BY F. R. K.

Four Jewish Authors Picked Among Best

Growth of Esperanto as International Medium of Expression Has Been Increasing Steadily


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tive stockholdings in the corporation. In the event any one or more stockholders elect not to take big or their proportionate share of said stock, then such proportionate share of stock shall be tendered to the remaining stockholders in the proportions of their respective holding. All of such tenders must be in writing and must (Continued from Page 2.) remain open for fifteen days after it is made. In the event of the death of any the company shall have the swered: "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- stockholder, option to purchase the stock of the deceased at such price per share as may be day and so on." agreed upon. In the event of a failure to "Listen, Philip," I said. "Today, to- agree the price shall be fixed by arbitration, the company naming one and the morrow and Wednesday, I want you executor or administrator naming the to suck your thumb as much as pos-other arbitrator, and such two arbitrators a third. • If a third arbitrator is sible—you understand—suck it all the choosing not agreed upon after request to act, said arbitrator shall upon petition of any time. But Thursday and after that, third party interested, be appointed by the Disyou won't suck your thumb any more. trict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. conclusion of two of three arbitrators So get busy—suck for all you areThe shnll determine the matter. The corporate indebtedness or liability shall not exceed worth." two-thirds of the capital stock and the And I told all my children to re-corporation shall have a seal which shall contain the words "Sterling Underwriters, mind Philip when he was. not sucking Omaha, Nebraska," surrounding the words, Seal." The Articles of Incorhis thumb to suck it—for beginning "Corporate poration may be amended upon the rote with Thursday there would be noof the holders of not less than, a majority sucking. You'll laugh, and yet the of the aggregate paid up capital stock outstanding. fact-is, that Thursday came around Witness: M. &. TAGGART, KDWAKD HOMOLA. and not a word was said about thumb K. M.



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law, and that upon suid hearing a decree of heirghip be entered and further administration of said estate be dispensed with. You arc therefore notified that n hearing will be had on said petition nt the County Court Room of said County, on Ihe Slat day of August, 1931, at 0 a. m., aud thnt if you fail to apptitr at said time nnd plnce and contest the said petition, the Court may crant the same, enter a decree of heirship nnd decree that further administration of said estnte be dispeiiHed with. lUtYCE CKA\Vroltl», 8-7-3t. County Judge.

FKADENUlltG. STALMASTEK * BEBER Attorneys 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF EASTERN TEXTILE CO. Notice is hereby given that nt a special meeting of the stockholders of the Kastern Textile Company held on July 20th. 1931. nt Omaha, Nebraska, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "BE IT KESOLVED, that the Eastern Textile Company be nnd the same is hereby dissolved nnd that the officers of the corporation be and they are hereby authorized to file notice of said dissolution with the Secretary of State nt Lincoln, Nebraska, nnd to publish notice of said dissolution in the Jewish Press ot Oinaba Nebraska." Attest: NATHAN OfcOSSMAN, Julius Somuelson. _ P i d




Organization News :mn»»it:in Daughters of Zion

The Coming Amusement Reveals Fluttering Role of Jewish Artists


SUCCESS By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor of bio-chemistry and nutrition, the Creizhton University School of Medicine.

ULTRA-VIOLET AND ITS AVAILABILITY Producers and Jewish Actors on (Editor's Note—Readers of this may receive answers to Broadway Are Legion as New Season Opens newspaper any questions regarding the general subject of health by sending a stamp_-

ed self-addressed envelope with their questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.)


by the veteran Myron C. Edward. A. will contain a number -written by The quantity of ultra-violet that Blatt will do the "Terrible Turk" and Jews. Ferenc Molnar will have two finally reaches a person depends upof bis plays during the season and if you are in the know, you are given to understand that it is a play bio- his old favorite, "The Play's the on many factors. First of all, we graphy of the career of Jed Harris. Thing" has been converted into a must reckon with the seasonal variaArthur Goodman's prize winning light opera. Henri Bernstein's "Fe- tion in the amount of ultra-violet play, "If Booth Had Missed" will be lix" will strut the stage. Ben W. emanating from the sun's rays. The play will be brought over from ultra-violet content of the sun's rays, Technically the new theatrical sea- put on by William Brady associating Levy's England as will the fate also of G. we have already stated, is highest in son begins in September of every with the Shuberts. B. Sterns, "The Man Who Pays the summer and lowest in winter. Ultrayear. But there is open season for Jews Abroad Also Write Piper." Two of Vicki Baum's suc- violet is not only most abundant in theater gossip all year round while Aben Kandel is down for too many cesses will be put on for the benefit summer but it is also most intense. the first fruits of managerial labors plays and things to count; a comedy of the American playgoer. There will Ultra-violet may fail to reach us begin to be seriously discussed around "Hot Honey," a two character play, also be a play by Bruno Pranck and because of the clothes we wear. We and about August. During this month 'Interview," and several other trifles. probably one or two others to keep must remember ultra-violet rays the old and the newly budded play- Sam and Bella Spewack are ready the foreign-adapter, William A. are very readilythat absorbed. order wrights are informed that their plays with their opus, "The Star Witness.' Drake, busy. Last but far from least to secure the biologic benefits In of will (or will not) go on the boards Philip Goodman and William B. Fried- we must record the forthcoming pre- rays very little should interposethese •with the important date thereof clear- lander are to produce. Jed Harris sentation of Emil Ludwig's "Versail- tween the sun and the surface of bethe ly specified. Here again you must be will put on a play half-fashioned by les," a play dealing with the Peace body. The shoulder strap of the bathon your guard against Broadway. Ben Hecht. Moss Hart will be pre- Conference. ing suit keeps the skin underneath Often it has the habit like the repeat- sented as an author once again by from tanning. ing record, to talk of a play or a part Sam H. Harris, this time in a musical And Some Novelties again and again while nothing comes coin'.dy, with Irving Berlin as his as- Among the novelties and divertise- Porous, thin and loosely woven of the talk. sociate. George S. Kaufman and ments will be a season of opera comi- clothing presents to us a better More than once a manager an- Morris Ryskind will do the book for que boldly presented by Charles L. chance for the appropriation of ultraWagner. Ed Wynn will present "Ths violet raps. Th3 type of clothes worn nounced that he will produce a play a musical show, "Of Thee I Sing." only to change his mind. It is even Lew Leslie will again present Laugh Parade," a novelty of his own by women is better adapted to the re•whispered among the more suspicious sketches for a new. edition of his composing, Maurice Schwartz will ap- ception of ultra-violet than the type followers of the contemporary theater series of Blackbirds, sketches briefly pear in a series of plays in English of clothes worn by men. that a shoe string producer uses the written by Nat Dorfman. Horace beginning with one by Sholom AleichUltra-Violet in Country. fall theatrical forecast as a bait liveright as producer will do Edwin em, "If I Were You." Boris Thomas- Impurities in the air also conspire wherewjth to catch ready financial Justus Mayer's "Things As They hefsky and Regina Zuckerberg will do to filter out the ultra-violet rays. The backers. Here, however, are the re- Are." S. N. Behrman will have a an English operetta, "The Singing great offenders in this respect are ports of the month of August. You play on the boards: "Love Story." Rabbi" which this scribe suspects will smoke, fumes, dust, bacteria, and may winnow away as you please. Manuel Seff is given as co-author of be an amalgam of Second Avenue moisture. In an industrial center or It is unnecessary to enter at length "Blessed Event." Elmer Rice is pro- bits. in a big city less ultra-violet is bound And there are bound to be surprises to reach the individual. The free upon the part played by the Jewish ducer and also author of "The Left as yet unrevealed. producers. Their name truly is leg- Bank." open country offers more ultra-violet u. ion. Nowadays at any rate it -is im- . This year the imports from abroad Rom-all -©f fche-foregoing it is safe than the crowded:1 city with its tall to foresee a busy season at the thea- buildings and more or "less dusty possible to conceive a season without ter. New Yorkers and visitors to the streets and smoke-laden atmosphere. its extraordinary quota of Jewish adgreat metropolis may prepare their High altitudes, mountain tops and ventures into the .fortunes of the amusement charts well in advance. cities high above sea-level furnish theater who are technically known as Less fortunate out-of-towners will no more ultra-violet than lowlands due to producers. The old timers among doubt be regaled by road shows or, at a conspicuous absence 5n the atmosthem deserve a chapter apiece for the very least, by cinematized ver- phere of smoke and dust. their part in the contemporary drama. sions. Let them make note. From In addition many new ones have come New Windows Beneficial. the above account a good share of Dn the scene. Ordinary window glass also operates their amusement will, willy-nilly, be The old group consisting of the Kaufman Is Expected to Be Apdrawn. to keep out the beneficent ultra-vioBhuberts, the Erlanger enterprises, pointed Minister to John Golden, Sam Harris, Greenland Denmark Gensler, Schwab and Mandel, the Belwyns, Hammerstein and the Thea- Jersey <Xty.—(J. T. A.)—United ter Guild, has met with keen competi- States Minister to Siam David E. tion from newcomers to the ranks, Kaufman, was the guest speaker here from men like Chester Erslrin, Jed on the subject of "My Experiences as Harris, Eddie Blatt, Philip Goodman, a Diplomat in the Service of the UnitLew Leslie and a dozen or more ed States Government.*' others. "It is no longer true," the speaker One significant absence from the declared, "to define diplomacy as the 14th and Jackson Here 62 Years .. . ATIantic 4411 ranks of the producers this year will art of concealing the truth. A new We Specialize on Wrecked Cars be the name of that grand old man, era has dawned. Diplomacy as pracDuco PaintingSpring, Axle Repairing David Belasco. The others go on as ticed in the present day is not the conBody Eepairing ~" Frame Straightened before. Even Arthur Hammerstein, cealment of the truth to attain a selWe .Rebuild.-'Em—They. Look i i k e New Again who has met with many losses and fish end but is clearly, openly and unheartaches, persists in his devotion to derstandingly arrived at by "wholeH i e modern muse of musical comedy. some discussion of every subject at issue,.at the conference table." Stars Still Shine 3 As in the past the advance an- The qualifications a present day Camel power makes the Bouncements make ample provision diplomat must possess were described far the stars in the dramatic firma- -by the Minister -who emphasized that wheels go 'round ment. George and Ira Gershwin con- must have the interest of civilization in Arabia tinue to contribute their tunes and as well as of his country at heart. lyrics to the gayety of Broadway/Ed- "Every action, every utterance of the die Cantor is reported to be writing diplomat reflects the attitude of bis ikits for an Earl Carroll musicale. country. It follows that he must at While the story is frequently heard all times exercise the cardinal priniihat he intends to retire from the ciples of tact, discretion, and sound .stage "this year as before it may prove judgment." )o ba just a story—and good publicity, ' The speaker included a report of lake the famous last appearances of the conditions of the. countries to Khe European dancers and virtuosos. "which he has been sent as United Mary Ellis and Basil Sydney are re- States Minister. Before his selection ported to be a prize possession of the as the American representative to Erlanger enterprises. Oscar Straus1 Siam, the office he now holds, Mr. music will tickle the ears of the play- Kaufman was the American Minister joer in an operatic woven, believe it to Bolivia where he acquitted himself ness associates ha-»e F you -were a na)r not, around the Kerensky months with unusual distinction, but which he telephones. tr»e of A d e n , In R u s s i a . .-;• >• • • • V P e o p l e In the Arahto, yon would was forced to leave after a short stay ••%• familiar w i t h raited States hare There will be music too from the because of his health. He described -carts « « . telephone service brain of the Hart-Rodgers combina- Bolivia and its two capitals, Sucre, that because with it they; tion, from Jerome Kern and from ye and Le Paz, the potential capital. « R common there. can talk with alYoa probably would most anyone at any ilde mastere, Sigmund Romberg. When he received his appointment, taow little about thoc • * • beeausa George Jessel will delight his usual he related, he told his friends that he automobiles, telewith it they can ludiences, and the other favorites of had been given the highest position call help instantly in any enter* and other modern conHie lighter and more serious moments the United States Goevrnment could eency . . . because their friends •*enJences common in America. and relatiYeg hare telephone* "What ire call the standard of the stage will, it is no more than bestow. This was indeed the case . . . because it is worth so modi «f Bring varies in different fair to expect, command their familiar since the Capital of Bolivia is fully more to them than the lew. countries. A camel cart -would rounds of applause. 12,500 feet above sea level. cents a day it costs. be out of place in oar midwestern cities . . . aaarerAll told, the producers, actors, lyric The United States Minister to Siam This Company's desire is to mf aatfrc wKh a telephone provide telephone service which writers and song composers, and of is strongly rumored to have been seWould fee an oddity la Arabia is satisfactory to its costomem course, the playwrights, will be in for lected as the next Minister to Den. . . and his trtnVhmwi would inereryway . . . -its aim is to a crowded year. • '? mark. Announcement is expected beact be worth much to continually make service him because none of his Aarons. and Freedley will produce fore the month is over and in view of better and more-rateable friends, relatives or busito each person who oses it. a Negro musical drama and a comedy the strong support that has come to (with tunes) in which the Gershwin Mr. Kaufman as well as the extraboys will have a hand. Hyman Adler ordinary record of his diplomatic hisNORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY will produce a musical show. Leonard tory, it is regarded as certain that lie Bergman has cornered the season's will be chosen to represent America Fagan market and win run two plays at Copenhagen. In his compilation of the forecast for the 1931-1932 theatrical season, Mr. Bendon has gathered the facts about the Jewish participation in the Broadway offerings. The article is expressly -written for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and The Jewish Press. —The Editor.

An unusually important meeting of the Daughters of Zion has been called for Wednesday, August 26, at 2:30 p. HL, at the J. C. C As a special let rays. Window glass allows the passage of the luminous rays, but unfortunately intercepts the ultra-violet rays. A sun parlor with windows closed is as useless as an automobile without a drop of gasoline in its tank. Although ultra-violet prevents rickets, white rats kept in glass boxes exposed to bright sunlight nevertheless develop this disease. In the last few years new types of window glass have been made. These new types allow the ultra-violet rays of the sun to pass through. They are now being used in some hospitals, in some sanitoriums and in some of our modern hotels. There is no doubt that in the very near future the old window glass will be universally discarded for the new glass that permits penetration of the ultra-violet rays.

order of business will be taken up, all members are urged to be present. The regular meeting will be preceded by a beard meeting at 1:30 p. m. The organization plans to hold a rummage sale this fall. Details are being -worked out by a committee consisting of Mrs. S. Platt, chairman, Mesdames H. Braude, J. Rosenblatt, K. Wine, N. Levenson. Those who have old clothes or bundles to donate are asked to kindly call any one of the committee and their bundle will be called for.

Hathiah Club

Kitchen Chats Mrs.

David M. Newman

Date Pudding. One package stoned and chopped dates, 1 cup nut meat, 1-2 cup sugar, 1-2 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1-3 cup milk, 2 eggs. Mix together, sifting flour and sugar together. Add the beaten whites. Bake 30 minutes and cut in squares and serve with whipped cream.

A constitution for the Hathiah club was adopted at the regular meeting of the organization held at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. A picnic was held by the club at Elmwood Park last week. New members voted into the organization are Sol Dorenson, Morton Sopirek and Abe Resnick.

Brownies One-fourth cup Crisco, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 squares bitter chocolate, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1-2 cup flour, pinch, salt, 1-4 cup chopped walnuts. Cream Crisco and sugar, add beaten eggs, melted chocolate, vanilla, salt, flour and nuts, 1-2 teaspoon baking powder. Spread out in a layer 1-2 inch thick in a greased pan and Sixty-two sections of the National bake in a moderate oven 20 minutes. Council of Jewish Women are report- Cut in oblong slices and roll in powded to be in active co-operation with ered sugar. the head communities in an effort to solve their vocational gnidance needs. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS




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*»AGE 6rr-*EHB ^ W K H PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931

~-M Jew Chosen Mayor of. City in Dutch East Indies


: ;



; , ; ; ;


Viola Dana was playing in "Life'8 . Amsterdam. — The government of Darn Funny" at the Sun. ' The gayety theater opened for tha the.Dutch;East Indies has-appointed F. C. van Lier mayor of Cheribou, a season, and Manager Johnson ancity on the Dutch island- of Java, ac- nounced a reduction in prices. cording to word received here today Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus and from Batavia, the. capital of Java. children returned from Colorado Paris—(J. T. A.)—Roumanian Van Liev, who is an .engineer and Jerusalem.—(J. I , A.)—Jewish ar; where they spent a month. v . . t . tists^throughout- the* world were in- medical students in French universi- president of the Cheribou Association iymy^wyY^^MyswrsOT .Mrs, J. J. Friedman, who had been ties will no longer be able to receive vited by the Jewish National Fund, for Jewish Affairs, is the first Jew visiting with her parents at Washing-, the ctief Zionist ;land purchasing 'state-certificates of doctorate in ac- to hold the-office of mayor in the All news for the Sioux City page ton, D. C , for the past several months agency, to submit designs for the fifth cordance with a decision of the min- Dutch East Indies... . must reach the Sioux City correV, returned to her home. istry of education. Thus the campaign volume of the Fund's Golden Book. spondent not later than Tuesday Schoolmaster Fools Sneering against Jewish, students from Rouma-; Marvin Treller left to resume his The design should express the object evening, to appear in the issue the Politicians , • nia studying in France has reached studies a t Kemper militafy school. of the Jewish National Fund, the only following Friday, Please mail news Cantor A. Pliskin will hold serv- text (in Hebrew letters) to be "Keren its climax and Roumanian. Jewish Tarrytpwn, N. Y.—(J. T. A.)—The Mrs. Louis Sommer entertained at to Anna Pill. 2216 Douglas street, ices at the cemetery: every " Sunday Kayemeth Leisrael, Sefer Hazahav, students wha fled from their home sneers of Tarrytown's political bosses luncheon at the Athletic club and at or call 8-8453. after 1 o'clock. morning between the hours of 10Kerach V" (Jewish National Fund, matriculating iit Roumanian univer- at Eugene H. Lehman, a school teach- an Orpheum party for visitors. and 12, during the month preceding Golden Book, Volume V). sities because of the numerous er who has * become mayor of this . . P l a n s h a v e been made for a conBosh Hashonah, instead of every clauses now meet the same fate in town, are now things of the past. The ,'gregation dinner, to be held at Shaare If possible, sketches should be submornings as was previously an- mitted in water colors and the design France. ' •' -• ' ''••-• ' • . • .. '•• schoolmaster mayor, has dropped his Pioneer Jewish Bankers Resign s Zion Synagogue,, Sunday, August 30. nounced.* The dinner i s sponsored by the memIn the future Roumanian students ruler and i s wielding a mop over the Positions should be accompanied by an explicit During\ the- weefe; just preceding description which should also indicate in French universities will receive town's speakeasies and has enlisted bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary. The Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow, '3405 Los Angeles.—(J. T. A.)—Marco "committees in charge have announced Nebraska St., announced, the en•Jhe holidays, _; the services will be the materials to be used in executing only a certificate stating :tb^at\they -the public in a clean-up campaign, H. Hellman and his brother Irving H. ; that there 'will be no charge for.the, gagement of their daughter Vivian, held every morning. Hellman, who since the consolidation the design. The design submitted is have completed their studies* This which i s proving a real sensation. "dinner. Ilowever, invitations will be to Arnold Bramson, son of Mr. and-\ certificate, howeveiy does not entitle of the Bank of Italy and.the Bank of to be for the front coyer and reverse Immigration Fraud Annuls .strictly limited to members of theMrs. H. G. Brainsbn, ofr Des Moines, SIOUX CITYAN PROMOTED and the back, all of the size of the them to tak© the annual examination Marriage America have been vice-presidents of ! "congregation and .their wives. No Iowa., The date for the wedding has ; Mr*: Ea. Pierce, assistant manager Golden -Book,' which i s 66x49.5x14.3 before a special commission;: for I; * - New York.—(J. T. A.)—Supreme the merged institutions have resigned •children will be permitted to attend.' not been set. • •"-•* ''•'•'' of tile Orpheum Theater, has re- centimeters. The. volume will contain state; certificate which would enable •Court Justice Ernest E. L. Hammer their offices much to the surprise of ;" The. 'purpose of the dinner :is. a them to practice in France. ' ~':^~Jlias granted an annulment to Mrs. the financial world of Southern CaliMrW. Louis Sinikin -was hostess>. at ceived word of his appointment as 500 pages, each' 65x49 centimeters. 1 '. [ "pep" idea. It, will be the first gathmanager of the Orpheum Theater, in The idesign is to be accompanied by a It is not yet known whether-""this Gussie Miller Rubman from Leibsh fornia. ' 'ering of the season, and will tend'to a bridge' party, Sunday afternoon, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Pierce left sealed envelope containing the name commission wiU be .a /mix^d body Pesach Rubman on the ground that Both Marco H. and Irving H. Hell'•create more interest for the congre- as a courtesy to her sister, Miss for Des Moines to fill this appointand address of the artist. ' consisting of French;. and Roumanian the defendant induced her t o marry man have been constant and active gational plans of the coming season. Sally Gorchow, whose marriage to ment Tuesday. ; ..:- *v -.. . 'The judges will be Dr. Saul Teher- representatives. Nevertheless Jewish $mn in Cuba in order to enter this workers in nearly every Jewish charMr. Barney Baron will act as toast Mr. Peter Krane will be an event nikovsky, famous Hebrew poet; Her- student circles are anxious lest this country outside the quota laws in itable and social activity in Los An, master during the evening. Commit- early in. September. . man Struck, noted artist; and S. A.commission be influenced' by1 anti- 'December, 1929, and then after living geles, and Irving H. Hellman is now Bridge at five tables was. concluded tees who will! have charge of the arVan' Vriesland, Zionist leader.* Three Semitism in examining Jewish stu- with her a few weeks abandoned her the honorary president of the United rangements include, Morey Lipshutz, by a dainty luncheon. prizes are offered, a first prize1 of dents. and disappeared. Jewish Welfare Fund of this city. Robert Sacks, Sovel Krueger, L H. $175, a-second prize of $125, and a Mr. and Mrs. L. Kronick, 1100 Levin, Lester Heeger, Phil Sherman third prize of $75. All designs niust Jennings St., entertained/ a number and Max Friedman, on the general reach the Jewish National Fund headof guests Wednesday evening honorcommittee. quarters in Jerusalem not later than ing their son-in-law and daughter, i The Menu committee will be com- Mn and Mrs. Ralph Glick of ChicaOctober 20, 1931. posed of Mrs. Mason, chairman; Mrs. go. Mrs. Glick before her marriage $30,000 Spent in Battling Pests Q. Grueskin, Mrs. J. Kaufman, Mrs. July 25 was Miss Ruth Kronick. Which Ravage Farmers' M. Dizon, Mrs. H. Levin. Mrs. J. H. Mosow, Mrs. Meyer Lipshutz and Mrs. Out of town guests who were Crops among the guests included Mrs. M. Max Herzoff. Glick, mother of the bridegroom; Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Nearly Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. I. H. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ostrin and son,$30,000 was spent by the Palestine deLevin will head the committee in Eugene, and Philip Gardner, all ofpartment of agriculture in its co-ordcharge of the dining room. About 350 are expected to attend. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Cy Kozberg inated large scale campaign against of Omaha, and Miss Josephine Koz- the plague of field mice which ravMoscow.—(J. T. A,)—Simultaneousberg of Cedar Rapids, Iowa* aged Palestine crops last year causing ly with the campaign against the apTuesday evening, Mr. and. Mrs. the loss of some 65 per cent of the proaching Jewish holidays that is beE. Chesen entertained, honoring Mr. total winter crops in the Plain of Esing vigorously pursued at this time and Mrs. Glick. Thursday evening, draelon, the Emek and around Mount by the Jewish section of the Union of they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tabor, according to an official com- Militant Atheists, the Yiddish ComWork has begun oh Mount Sinai A. Kozberg. Friday evening Mr. and munique, giving details of the cammunist newspaper, the Ernes, began Temple, in preparation for the serv- Mrs. S. Kozberg were hosts at a paign against the pests. the publication of a series of letters ices on. Rosh Hashonah and Yomgathering in their honor. The area' affected by the plague in from various parts of Ukraine' and Kippur. the' northern district was approxi- White Russia which indicate that a Mrs. I. Merlin has returned home According to an announcement by mately 633,000 dunams of which 100,after spending a week visiting with 000 was owned by Jews. . Under or- real crusade against the synagogues Rabbi Lewis, seats in the Temple is being waged. during the High Holy Days will be her daughter Bluma, in Minneapolis. ders from the department of agriculFour pamphlets in Yiddish attackfree to al^-jnembers. There will be And these are tires you can trust, can be proud, Miss Mary Rozofsky visited with ture all villages and settlements in ing the Jewish religion and Jewish no reserved seats. the affected area were required to ap- nationalism are off" the press and are friends in Minneapolis last week. to have on your car! They are the latest lifetime] ply approved measures for fighting receiving wide distribution. A numguaranteed Goodyears of a high quality that is) Miss Freda Albert is visiting with the field mice. The first stage of the ber of anti-religious slogans hate possible because Goodyear builds millions more\ friends in Chicago. campaign, a comprehensive poisoning been coined and- a i * being given exof the whole of the originally affected tensive- circulation.^ The chief slogan tires than anybody else. Let's look 'em over!OK! Mr. J . Golder has returned home area, was completed by middle Nois directed t o the Jewish worker, urgafter' spending a week visiting with vember. ing him to remain1 a t work on Rosh Funeral. services for Ben Mandel- his son in Chicago, 111. In the meantime, increasingly large Hashonah and Yom Kippur in order stam, former resident of Sioux City, areas were reported as infested in the to help the Soviet carry through the who died in Fairfax, South Dakota, Mrs. Nickolas Sherman was hostess south as well as in districts hitherto Five Year Plan in four. Provision were- held from Mount Sinai Temple^ to a number of guests Tuesday eveconsidered to be immune in the north. has also been made for the organizaning, as a courtesy to her guest Tuesday afternoon, with Rabbi A single timely application of "Zelio' tion of anti-religions shock troops to Miss Bess Cohen, of Lincoln, Nebr. Theodore N . Lewis officiating. He is why they are superior to many high-priced tires 1. grain, sufficed, however, to reduce the wage a campaign against the high The evening hours were spent at survived by the widow, two sons, mice in the northern district to nor-holy days.: bridge. • . •• • •'•••• and one daughter, Mrs. William Seff, mal numbers. A second application In Ukraine and. .White -Russia; the whose home is in Baltimore. Miss Rhea Finsod of Chicago, is of "Zelio" exterminated from 40 to 60 conversion of synagogues to other visiting at the home of her mother, per cent of the pests. uses continues. Thus in Brailov, Mrs. M. Dizon. The' mild winter stimulated the Ukraine,' the active atheists secured Mr. Archie Kroloff of Chicago, breeding of the mice and new areas permission to turn the town's Beth visited this week a t the home of were again reported as being overrun Hamedrash into a dub house. *••• <i by mice and it was considered essenIn Krasilow, Ukraine, an intense his , parents, Mr.* and Mrs. Sam tial to proceed with the second stage anti-religion campaign has been €d<$ . Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis was Kroloff. (30x4.50) of the campaign—intensive poisoning veloped. with a demand • by local wo"i .guest speaker at the Lion's Club '•meeting in Elk Point, last ThursMiss Sara Tannenbaum, of Minne- and gassing—as soon as possible. The ers that the synagogue be converted : day noon. Mr. Sol Silverberg of apolis is a guest this week at the second stage was brought to a suc- into a school. The* orthodox group in lElk Point, was in charge of the ar- home of the Misses Margaret and cessful conclusion at the end of April, the town, is fighting this demand vigOther Sizes Equally Low 1931, with some 85 per cent of the orously* but it is not at all unlikely rangements for the meeting. Rogie Kozberg. mice in the north and 75 per cent in that the synagogue will be assigned TUBES ALSO LOW PRICED the south wiped out. Morris Merlin spent last week-end to the* education board so that the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS with friends at Lake Okoboji. The area of land treated, affecting Jews will have no place in which to PATHFINDER PATHFINDER some 350 villages, was almost a mil- hold their services-at the coming holy Size Each Pair < Slsw Each Pair The Jewish Braille Institute of lion dunams and nearly 9,000 villagers days. Reg. ci. .$4.39 $8.54; 4^0-21(29x4.40) $498 $9.60 America has just begun the publica- and colonists, gave voluntary labor. In : Krivorog the Choral Synagogue » /.« « A A n Heavy Duty Truck Tires tion of the Jewish Braille Review, which had been converted into a cul"We feed the multitude" CM*) 5.60 10.90 Mx5.$17^5 a » . 29.75. monthly magazine intended for free tural center three years ago gradually With Tasty Foods distribution to the Jewish blind in the began to resume its' former functions. ,4,75,19 C28X4.75) 6.65 1 2 ^ 0 7^0-20(34x7^0) . . 29.95T I English-speaking • countries. Now a campaign has been started to 5J5-21 (31x5.25) 8J57 16.70 6.00-20(32x6.00) . . 1 5 ^ 5 use the building for all but religious meetings.: -

MISS ANN A PILL. Correspondent



Cantor' Plisldn to Confine Services to . Sunday Mornings




Social News



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Mount Sinai Temple Prepares for Holidays

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Ben Mandelstam Dies at .Fairfax


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. Moscow.—(J./T. A.)—The Soviet government has released 700^ prison'ers from the Moscow prison and took steps to reduce the! sentences of'108 other prisoners as a- result of sharp criticism of Soviet methods of admintering justice by Aaron Stole, a Jew- Warsaw.—(J. T.JA.)—A thirty per ish member of the commissariat of cent decrease in the number of dijustice. vorces among the Jews of Warsaw for Writing in the Izvestia, the official the last six months was reported by organ of the Soviet government, Stolz the rabbinate which attributes the demanded a change in the policy and drop to the economic difficulties of methods of administering justice. He the Jewish population.. In the last criticized the present methods of class half year only. 85 divorces were distinction in which a worker received granted while in July all records were one-third the punishment meted out to broken when only two, Jewish divorces a professional man or intellectual for were issued. • Another reason for this exactly the same offense. decrease is the fact that the Jews are Jews have been among the chie: Tinable to pay the fees incidental to a sufferers from this system since the? divorce. are numerous among the merchan1 Not only has the economic crisis reand professional classes who have of- duced the number of Jewish divorces ten been sentenced to from three to but i t has also been responsible for a five years in prison for an offense decrease in the Jewish population of meriting a month's jail term. the city as a result of the declining birthrate owing to the disinclination War Hero of young Jews to marry. Lynn, Mass.—The junction of Sum- Warsaw now has,about 25,000 less mer and Blossom Streets has been Jews than it. had' a. decade ago. In named Benjamin Sackson Square in 1921 the Jews constituted 41 per cent memory of the late Benjamin Sack of the total population- while now they son, the first Jewish boy from Lynn are no more than' 30 per cent. to die for his country in France durAt the same time birth control, is becoming more popular among Jewr ing the World War.




National Tire Shop ROAD SERVICE TILL 11P.M. Phone AT. 6427 Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Omaha, Nebr. -

HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors

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