In the Interests of The [ Jewish Community ! Entered as Second-Class Mall Matti Postofflce nt Qmabn, Nebraska, undel
Interesting and Entertaining
unary 27, 1921, at of March 3, 1879
ithor Praises y Contribution of Albert Einstein
Four Jews to Aid in Unemployment Relief
Baltimore Temple Choir to Exclude Women, Gentiles
IX.—No. 30
Baltimore.—(J. T. A.)—A radical Writing on "The Universe, from change in policy of the choir of the Crystal Spheres to Relativity," ProWashington.—(J. T. A.)—Of the Har Sinai Temple, which will exclude fessor Frank Allen lists Professor Alsixty leading citizens who received. female voices and Gentiles, has anForty-Eight Hours of Continu- bert Einstein among the world's nine Group Headed by Sokolow to a call from President Hoover to nounced. Har Sinai, of which the outstanding scientists and calls his ous Disturbance in become members of the advisory Rev. Dr. Edward L. Israel is rabbi, Come to This Country contribution to science the most revocommittee of the new unemploy- is one of the three Reform congrega'. Nablus Shortly lutionary the world has so far proment relief organization headed by tions in Baltimore. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Business duced. The author also includes the Zurich.—(J. T. A.)—A large and Walter S. Gifford, four are Jews. in Latin Characters The action is said to constitute a jrent on as usual in Nablus where late Professor Albert Michelson in his influential delegation of Zionist nad They are Bernard M. Baruch, a new departure in the synagogual musAcceptable in Poland complete quiet prevailed after almost list of the greatest scientific thinkers. non-Zionist leaders headed "by Nahum prominent financier of New York "The profound genius of Einstein," Sokolow, president of the World Zion- and one time head of the War In- ic of Reform Jewish Congregations 48 lours of continuous disorder in the Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Every teleSenator Robert M. 'LaFollette, Jrcourse of .which, a high police official the professor writes, "has transform- ist Organization, and including Dr. dustries Board; Milton E. Esberg, in this country. : "The music of the Synagogue," the graph office in Poland must accept America's youngest senator will open Maurice Hexter, one of the Ameri"was seriously injured, three Arabs ed the universe from absolute to relindustrial leader of San Francisco; wounded by British police,-three oth- ative * values. The easily conceived can members of the Jewish Agency Julius Rosenwaid, merchant and announcement stated, "has always Hebrew telegrams written in Latin the Community Forum series for thu peculiarly identified with male characters, the minister of posts and winter with an address on Wednesday ers arrested on charges of sedition three dimensional world has emerged Executive, will shortly come to the philanthropist of Chicago and Rab- been voices. Har Sinai has decided that it United States in the interests of the and British troops occupied all public into one of four' dimensions in which bi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland. will enhance, the beauty of its re* telegraphs announced. This is a re- evening, October 14, Mr. Herman H. petition of a previous order made Auerbach, chairman of the Communtime, ceasing to retain independence, Jewish Agency, it was decided here "buildings. Iigiqus service to have the music rennecessary in view of the refusal of ity Forum Committee, announced is blended with space. The conse- at the specially convened meeting of dered by a male choir." provincial telegraph offices to accept Wednesday. the Agency's Executive. Jerusalem.—British troops are now quences of this new conception can"We feel," the announced added, such telegrams. An array of brilliant speakers will occupying all public offices and build- not yet be fully realized." While the most important question "that this introduction of an all-male The action of the ministry followed make up this year's program. Pracings in Nablus as" a result of Sun- Einstein's doctrines, he declares, are discussed by the Executive at its twoall-Jewish choir into a synagogue an interpellation regarding the mat- tically every important question conday's dash between the police and the more far reaching than Newton's and, day session was the political developwhich will continue its Reform ritual ter by the Jewish Parliamentary club. fronting the public today in the field Arabs during a demonstration of 1,- more so than the work of any other ments which have taken place in the and liberal traditions is a significant In May the ministry of posts and of politics, economics, psychology and 000 Arabs as part of the general scientist bring nearer "the long cher- last few weeks in London and Jerustep in American Jewish life." telegraphs issued a similar order re- social ethics will be presented by the strike called by the Arabs as. a pro- ished dream of the unification of the salem, especially the Palestine develgarding Yiddish telegrams in Latin speakers who include, in addition to test against the government's having physical world." opment scheme, important decisions characters. These Yiddish telegrams, tie Senator from Wisconsin, Maurice granted sealed armories to the outwere also adopted regarding financial however, may only be sent within the Hindus, Dr. Samuel D. Schmalhausen, Zionist Executive Denies Weizlying Jewish colonies. Sunday was and organization matters. borders of Poland while no such lim- Oliver Baldwin of England and Rabbi the second anniversary of the 1929 In connection with the recent poliman to Accept Laborite itation is imposed on Hebrew tele- Solomon Goldman of Chicago. riots. tical development the Executive Nomination grams. Dr. Samuel D. Schmalhausen, eduadopted a number of important decisLate in the afternoon a large crowd cational psychiatrist and lecturer, is ions in the interest of Jewish coloniof Arabs, including several hundred London.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim scheduled ior an address on Wedneszation and the work of upbuilding the Weizmann, former president of the veiled Moslem women, sought to stage day evening, December 16. Dr. SchJewish National Home. With regard World Zionist Organization, informed a, demonstration in the bazaars in face Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The refusal of malhausen gained a national reputato finances the Executive resolved to of the government's order prohibiting the Executive of the Jewish Agency the sport organization in the city of tion following the publication of his demonstrations. The demonstration Moscow.-—(J. T. A-)—No more Jews issue an appeal to the Jews through- that he had accepted its offer to go Lintz to participate in the annual allfamous book, "Why We Misbehave." was blocked by a large detachment of from abroad, can now be registered out the world, emphasizing the im- .o South Africa, in December, to aid Austrian swimming tourney because He will discuss an important phase of portance as wellas the urgency of British police under command of Sup- for settlement at Bira Bidjan, Far the drive there for the Keren Haye- Jewish swimmers were also scheduled psychology. funds. Special efforts at fund-raiserintendent J. M. Kyles. sod, the chief financial instrument of Eastern Republic, where the Soviet to take part in the contest was conBaldwin on Tour. Disregard Warning. . government once planned a Jewish ing in the United States, Canada, the Agency. demned by the Austrian Swimming' On Wednesday evening, January 13, South Africa and Holland were also . Disregarding Kyles' warning to dis- republic. A Merezhin, vice-president At the special meeting of the Association. But Premier Tascherau, liberal, Oliver Baldwin, labor member of the decided upon. perse, the mob began throwing stones of the Comzet, the government deAgency Executive in Zurich this week At a meeting of the executive comGets Even Larger LegisBritish Parliament, author, and son of and other missiles, several of which partment for settling Jews on the Among other things, the meeting it was decided to make a special fund- mittee of the Association it was establative Following Sir Stanley Baldwin, will visit Omaha struck Kyles and injured him severely. land, informed the Jewish Telegraphic divided the work of the members of raising effort in South Africa, the lished that Sep Staudinger, former on his first lecture tour in America. the Executive. It was decided that United States, Canada and Holland. champion of the Austrian Swimming Kyles then ordered the police to fire Agency. Premier Tascherau, the Liberal Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago, and three Arabs were wounded. They Further settlement will be limited Dr. Chaini Arlosoroff, Palestine Lab- It is not known whether Dr. Weiz- Clubs Association, was responsible leader of Canada, was elected by a twere taken to hospitals and British to the Jewish groups that have al- or leader, should conduct the political mann's acceptance of the Jewish for the action of the Lintz Sport club. safer margin than he enjoyed before, a scholar of note and one of the leadtroops (were ordered into Nablus. Ef- ready arrived from the Argentine and department in. Palestine. Berl Lock- Agency's offer will make it impossible Staudinger was branded as a poor in the campaign just finished. Tasch- ing Rabbis occupying a conservative forts of the mob to create another dis- Lithuania, although applications have er, - American member, is to reach for him also to accept the offer of sportsman by the executive commit- erau was the candidate whom the pulpit, is scheduled to appear on Wednesday evening, February 10. turbance were promptly quelled by been received from Jews in Latvia, London by the end of this month to the British Labor Party, to stand as tee for his anti-Semitic tendencies and Jewish people supported. Rabbi Goldman is considered among1 take over theadministration and the military. . .'•"•••".' \ Poland, Roumania, France, Belgium, has been announced to appear before its candidate for the House of ComEverywhere else the police had thi Brazil, the United States, Australia propaganda departments. Emanue mons in .the Exchange Division of a special sport club court to answer MontreaL—(J. T. A.)—That the the leading orators in the Rabbinate. The Forum series will be concluded Neumann,'another American member, situation well in hand and no othe and .China, Merezhin declared. Manchester in the next election. The for his unsportmanlike conduct. Talmud "teaches Jews to kill Gentile with an address by Maurice who is noiar ar the "United States, is untoward incidents were reported. Showing some of the applications Zionist Executive-iSas definitely de- Because of the Lintz Sport dub's children" was the amazing doctrine on Thursday evening, March 24. Mr. to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, to arrive in London at the: beginning nied that he would accept the nom- action the annual swimming meet has preached by Dr. Raoul Poulin, a Con- Hindus who is a leading authority on Merezhin said, "we could have tens of October; with a number of plans ination. had .to be postponed until a new loca- servative candidate for the Quebec Russia and its people is now visiting of thousands of Jews from other 1 "for attracting private capital to Pal- In the meantime the Manchester tion could be found since the Lints legislature at a political meeting in Russia and will bring to the Omaha countries coming to settle at Bira Bid- estine enterprises as well as with Guardian and practically the entire athletes declined to compete. with or St. Victor. audience new data and a fresh point jan if we wanted them. However, the plans for establishing strong co-op- London press expresses certainty that against' Jews. Jewish sport groups* Referring to the Jewish school of view on the political and economic eration between the leaders in the question of extensive Jewish immishould Dr. Weizmann become a candi- are determined to see the incident to question, the anti-Semitic speaker is developments in Soviet Russia. gration to Bira Bidjan is not being United States, London and Palestine- date he would undoubtedly be elected. a finish and to prevent a contest for reported to have said that "the libconsidered now by the Comzet be- After remaining in London ^or some The Manchester Guardian editorially an Austrian aquatic championship eral leader, Premier Tascherau, al- The month of November is still Report Made at Luncheon Meet- cause open but Norman Thomas, socialist time, Mr. Neumann is to" proceed to it I s entirely premature." asks today "will Dr. Weizmann run? : which bars Jews from competition. though himself a devout Christian, candidate in the last presidential ing Held TuesPalestine for an extended stay. Merezhin pointed out that the Jews The Evening Standard says "should Among those selected to represent nevertheless warmly sympathized election, is expected to fill this date. day who arrived from Lithuania were obDr. Weizmann accept the Labor Par- the city of Vienna in the tournament with Jewish problems and was in Definite announcement will be made liged to accept Russian citizenship beHebrew Schools Take With forty new members enrolled ty's invitation then the Labor Party were two members of the local Ha- favor of giving the Jews a separate early next month. the Conservative Synagogue member- fore leaving Lithuania because the Vacation Without Pay wiU secure a fine catch because Dr. koah Sport Club. school system. Fourth Season. "But how could Tascherau make The Omaha Community Forum un'ship is well on the way to success,~ac- Lithuanian government wanted to be Weizmann is not only a man of wide such a step when it is no secret that der the auspices of the Jewish Comcording to J. J. Greenberg, chairman certain that they would not return. Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—The "United knowledge and attainments but posthe Jewish Talmud teaches that the munity Center in co-operation with of the drive, who is enthusiastic about AH of the Jewish immigrants will be Hebrew Schools of Detroit are dosed sesses a personality of magnetic settled in Soviet collectives in the for a month's vacation, but for the force." murder of Christian children by Jews the Council of Jewish Women, is inthe results. is justified and mot considered a sin." augurating the fourth season of the At a luncheon meeting held at the Bira Bidjan region where there are first time sjtace the traditional vacation is- being' taken, since 1918, all M. Standard, a Jewish country ped- lecture series. The Forum has conHill Hotel .Tuesday Greenberg praised now 3,846 Jews, Merezhin stated. Denies Candidacy. employes' will go unpaid during the dler from Quebec, who happened to sistently maintained a policy of open his co-workers for their accomplishentire period. From janitors up, the London.— The Zionist Executivi be in Dr. Paulin's audience, protested r.nd free discussion of vital public ment and thanked them for their co- Hartford Gets Hebrew -: scrubwomen in all buildings, office denied that Dr. Chaim Weizmann, vehemently ag-ainst the libel, shout- questions, and has established a repoperation. ' • - ' . University Friends Chapter former president of the World Zionist The teams' are to continue their Hartford, Conn.—A local chapter of help, teachers, principals and the sup- Organization, would accept a Laborite Tel Aviv, Palestine.—<J. T. A.)— ing, "It is a barbaric lie. Prove your utation for the quality of the speaksolicitations for another ten days. The the American Friends of the Hebrew erintendent are taking this month's nomination to the House of Commons Seven new streets in Tel Aviv, the all-. pernicious statement." ers invited to discuss their questions. goal set is one hundred new members. University has been launched in Hart- rest, without pay, as a Tesult of the in the next eelction. The Daily Her- Jewish city of Palestine, were named The speaker then admitted that he Nearly six hundred subscribers to the The influx of new members is be- ford. Plans are under way to achieve trying conditions in which the schools ald had reported that Dr. Weizmann for seven notable figures in Jewish had never studied the Talmud. The course attended last year's lectures. find themselves. ginning to cause the officers and a membership of 500. would be asked to be a candidate history. One was named for a Chris- audience, however, came to his aid This year's lectures will be continued trustees to be concerned with the from the Exchange division in Man- tian woman. The seven whose names with anti-Semitic cries and Standard's under the same auspices and will be problem of seating all of the members were commemorated in these new life was in danger. He was saved Riven as in previous years at the chester. and their families in the Center audistreets are the late Lord Melchett, from a severe beating by the efforts Jewish Community Center. Season torium on the High Holidays. Every Dr. Alexander Marmorek, Bernstein of some Liberal friends. tickets for the entire course of six effort is being made to assure seats Cohen, the prophetess Deborah, Rablectures may be obtained at the price To Start on Hebrew f or the membership, but because there bi Naftali, Zwi Jehuda Berlin, and of $3.00 by writing to or telephoning are little more than five hundred Zev (Vladimir TiomMn). University Building: Lubavitcher Rebbe the Jewish Community Center. pedition. Pieces of the rope with London.—The remains of a house seats available, it has been found believed George Eliot, the famous British Mr. Herman H. Auerbach is chairto be that in which Rahab, which Rahab lowered the two spies to to More to Poland man necessary for the synagogue to re- the woman of Jericho, sheltered the Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) •The return, novelist, is honored for her novel of the committee which includes safety have also been found. quire that admission to services be two spies of Joshua before he atof Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of Daniel Deronda," which stamped her Eiga.—(J. T. A.)—The headquar- William L. Holzman, Jack W. Marer, As part of his plan of attack Joshby .ticket only. There will be no tick- tacked the city, have been uncovered the Hebrew University, raised hopes as an early Zionist. Lord Melchett's ua sent two spies to search out the for the immediate beginning of con- services to Palestine are too well ters of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, (Rabbi Mrs. Herbert Amstein, Milton Abraets sold. by Professor John Garstang of LiverJoseph Isaac Schneursohn) famous hams, Sam Beber, Rabbi Frederick ' As previously announced, the Con- pool University in the course of exca- land. When they reached Jerusalem struction work on the -central build- known to be repeated. Dr. Marmorek, Chassidic rabbi, will be moved to Po- Cohn, Rabbi David Goldstein, Mrs. servative Synagogue begins.its year vations on the site of the ancient city they obtained shelter in the house of ing of the Hebrew University which a prominent physician, was a pioneer land within the next few days, the Max Holzman, Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Rahab which was situated in the wall is to house the Institute of Jewish Zionist who died in 1923. Bernstein of services Saturday, September 5, at of Jericho. Lubavitcher Rebbe informed the Jew- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Reuben midnight, with Selichoth services. Although its timbers are charred of the city and had a window on the Studies and an auditorium. The struc- Cohen was also an early Zionist and ish Telegraphic Agency. Kulakofsky and Judge Irvin Stalmasoutside. When the king of Jericho ture is to be built from the $500,000 a leader of Kishinev Jewry Tiomkin, Cantor Abraham S^vowitz will offi- and its walls ruined, yet much of the ter. Wig headquarters are being removed ciate -for the first time; Rabbi David interior of the house is preserved. learned of the presence of the spies, gift of Mrs. Sol Rosenbloom o£ Pitts- an outstanding Russian Zionist an to Poland on the request of his Polish he ordered Rahab to give them up. burgh. chief rabbi of Elizabethgrad, died four A. Goldstein will preach the sermon. Fragments of the thatch which covWork has already been Kosher Delicatessen Instead of obeying the king she bid The plans for the building have been years ago. Rabbi Berlin was th followers. J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the ered the roof, pieces of the beam and started on packing the Lubavitcher at the Cofelt Market father of Rabbi Meyer Berlin, presisynagogue, announces that just as on bits of the charred roof will be them to the roof of her house and designed by J. Clarence Levi, New Rebbe's great library. Since his exile the Friday evening services during brought to London for Sir Charles told the king that they had come and Vork architect, who made a special dent of tiie World Mizrachi organi from Russia in 1927, he has been liv- There is nothing new they say, unthe year, all are invited to come. He Marston, backer of the Garstang ex- gone without her knowing who they trip to Palestine for that purpose. zation. der the sun. But the Jewish paiat* ing in Riga. were. In her conversation with the adds further that all, young and old in Omaha is being introduced to S spies on the roof, Rahab proved to alike, are assured of "a cordial welfood which years back would have Two Jews to Represent have been well informed of the progcome at an impressive and inspiring "Fall Frolic" to Be been undreamed of. Holland on League Assembly ress of the Israelites since they had Selichoth service." Amsterdam, Holland.—J. Iimburg, Kosher "Bacon" is the novelty b*. Given by A. Z. A. crossed the Red Sea. member of the Dutch Privy Council, ing offered at the new Cofelt Market She told them that she was certain Many Jews Unemployed Bucharest—(J. T. A.)—All deposi- within a year. Depositors whosi and Professor E. Moreso, both mem- at 16th and Douglas. In order to inWith the annual "Fall Frolic" at Warsaw.—There are now 34,000 un- the Fontenelle Hotel September 6, the of their ultimate conquest of the land tors of the Banca Berkowitz, one of funds are more than 1,000,000 lei will bers of the Council of Dutch Jews, troduce this kosher product, "Beei employed people in Lodz, the Man- Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 will in- and asked them to Teward her by Roumania's leading banks, which be repaid within a period of from one were appointed the Dutch representa- Frye," to the Jewish public, CofeH's chester of Poland, according to offi- augurate its fall social season. Art sparing herself and her whole family. closed on August 12, because of the to two years. tives to the twelfth Assembly of the is giving Kosher "Bacon" free to *C cial figures made public This num- Randall's Boyal Orchestra win play, After she had let the spies down international financial crisis, wiU be "We gauarantee this arrangement League of Nations which is to meet customers making a purchase of one dollar or more of their Kosher prcber includes many Jewish. textile with about three hundred couples ex- through the window of her house, repaid one hundred cents on the dol- with our entire property which is noi in Geneva in September^ they warned her to take her whole lar, according to a written announceducts. workers. • pected to attend. mortgaged," the announcement of the Kosher "Bacon" is but one feature Unemployment in Lodz has hit the Reports from out-of-town A. Z. A. family into the house which she ment issued by the Berkowitz Broth- Berkowitz brothers declares. This Bloch Named Swiss of the Kosher delicatessen department Jewish tailors, bakers, tinsmiths and chapters indicate a large visiting dele- should distinguish by placing a scar- ers who guarantee the repayment property is estimated to be worth Consul General Berne, Switzerland.—Eugen Bloch, at Cofelt's, where a complete line «S all those engaged in the needle trades gation." Novel fall decorations will let string or rope in the window ?rith their personal property. particularly hard. As the result of carry out the theme of the dance, through which they had made their The announcement states that all 470,000,000 lei. In addition the bank brother of the famous Jewish derma- Kosher delicacies can be had. The the unemployment situation more which is open to the public Special escape. who had deposits in the Banca Berko- has immovable property worth 135,- tologist, Professor Bruno Bloch, was market is equipped with a separate thah 15,000 Jewish families are: on entertainment will also be featured. After the conquest of Jericho Josh- witz up to 150,000 lei wfll receive 000,000, making 605,000,000 lei guar- appointed Swiss consul-general in electric slicer, separate knives, and c the-, charity list of the Lodz Jewish Ralph Nogg is chairman for the af- ua ordered the two spies to save them immediately. Those who have anteed for, the repayment of ttu Australia. Bloch has been Swiss con- separate board on which they slfet community. deposits; of 500,000 lei will be repaid bank's obligations, , •". sol at Sydney for the last ten years. kosher meats. fair. • Rahab and her family- - - -—,„
Hebrew Telegrams 'LaFollette Opens Season October 14
Find Remains of House Where Rahab Sheltered Joshua's Spies
Jewish Bankers of Bucharest Pledge Private Fortune to Repay All Losses
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AttGUST 28, 1931 In this respect Sir Chancellor has been a staunch ally of the Arabs. After t h e 1929 riots he returned to the Holy Land with a bitter dePublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by nunciation of Moslem barbarity but in short order THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY tried t o equalize the blame between t h e Jews and the Arabs. He i s the author of t h e theory in the sioux crnf OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER^-308 Pierce Street Simpson report that in estimating t h e absorbaSubscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 tive capacity of the country for Jewish immigraBy Advertising rates furnished on application tion, t h e unemployment of the Arabs must be RABBI LOTJIS L NEWMAN taken into account. We have him to thank for Congregation Bodeph Sholom, New York blocking by administrative measures one large Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building land transfer after another. He also was responTelephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - Business and Managing E d i t o r s i b l e for hardening the tenants' ordinance not to HENDRIK WILLOM VAN LOON Jews of Medina,, offering to accept FRANK K. ACKERMAN - - - - . - . Editor mention prejudice in appointments and a sys- in "The Forum" for September has their whole system of religion with,
By the Way
Tel ling It
I had never thought of a Torah serving as shock absorb let Dr. Gordon explain. "Some years ago, you recall^ evolution fight in Tennessee, young son reading, the papers asl me why all the fuss about evok He couldn't see how it imperiled of the foundations of faith. "Does not the Talmud say?" aske my son, "that adam kof hu, \ hava talu baacborav," that "man was an ape, and a tail hung from his back."
You remember that "Cross of Gold" speech which won the Democratic nomination, for Bryan. The East, you recall, -was at the time for the Gold Standard, and out of l i e West came the champions for silver. Bryan was warning against the DARWIN AND THE TALMUD peril of listening too keenly to the AGREE East's • reactions and ignoring the I confess that I had never heard West. "Barn, down yoar great cities FREDA BOLKER MILDER Society Editor tematic discrimination against Jewish labor in before of such a saying in the TalFANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, l a * Correspondent an article entitled: 'The Seven Blun- only a.few small modifications to suit of the East," and the country will go mud. I don't believe Darwin ever ANN £ILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, 'Correspondent public works. ders of the World." By "Blunder" he the taste and prejudices of his fel- along pretty much the same. But| born down your prairies, and your bigl =«"*« a more radical statement in line In small matters as well as in important ones, means: "A gross and avoidable mis- low Arabs." The Rabbis rejected the with his theory of evolution than this cities will droop and fade away. That, take which brings irreparable disasproposal, however, but "had the Jews bias, cramped his official administration of his HEBREW CALENDAR upon the perpetrator thereof." of Medina accepted Mohammed's of- in effect was the gist of his great utterance of the Talmud, and yet how duties. Yet the Arabs complain. It" seems that ter few of us are acquainted with it. "Blunder Number Three" and "Blun- fer* the Jewish faith today would be harangue. 5691 1931 nothing but a Moslem as High Commissioner will It is time that some scholar really; -Saturday, September ,12 der Number Four" are of distinct inthe dominant religion of the greater Rosh Hashonah HE ALWAYS CAPITALIZED got up some outline that would give satiate them. While the Jews, the people who terest to us Jews. '"Three," accordpart of Asia and northern Africa." —Monday, September 21 Yom Kippnr And there was and is unquestionsome genuine idea of the contents -Saturday, September 26 have most ground for complaint, say little, but ing to Van Loon, was "The Destruc- We wonder, llr. Van Loon, whether ably some measure of truth in it. us 1st Day Succoth _ of the Talmud. I have read a few tion of Jerusalem by Titus, in 70 A. L—-Saturday, October 3 as always look forward to the future with hope IX, forcing Jews into exile all over your rewriting of history, BO glib and Those of us Who dwell in New York that essayed to do this, but to me, Shemijai Atzefeth-. -Sunday, October 4 obliterating the pangs of the past. Sir Wauchope the world and helping thereby Hie dis-> so clever, is • accurate. Rome, you are apt to exaggerate its importance. they have all been disappointments. Simch-ath Torah __ should have prevented the Refor- We f eeT that it is the hub of things, onday, October 12 is a soldier and we look forward expectantly to semination of that Christianity which say, Rosh Chodjash Cheshyan mation by compromising with Lutlierr and out of it radiate all things that This is notably true of the typical an administration which uses the iron hand collections of Talmudic aphorisms. eventually was to destroy Borne." Rosh Chodesh Kislev —Wednesday, November 11 and the white man should never have makes for significance. Scanty as my knowledge of the TalPerhaps Van Loon is unfortunate in tactics of the military order. The Moslems of taught natives in their colonies to 1st P a y Cfianjikah. . . . . Saturday, December 5 There is a story they tell about a mud is, 1 believe, that I could compile Jerusalem have long needed such an iron hand the choice of language, though "In- read, write and think for themselves, certain well-known English Jewish a better collection than most of these and "The Story of Man-inasmuch as this paved the way for and if the new High Commissioner will but applytolerance" kind" contained, if we remember cor- the eventual expulsion, of the eiviliz- writer. For obvious reasons, I do notare. BEHIND THE SCENES it the Holy Land would benefit. rectly, similar examples of ill-chosen ers. "If" is a small word, but, as thecare to mention his name. But this WANTED—A BEST SELLER writer has achieved a large measure The Jewish students in our American colleges and sharp phraseology. proverb runs, it "means an awful of his success by writing on religious It is a work that, it seems to me, are still under fire. Considerable discussion has It is certain he might have selected lot" cries aloud to be done, and I think, it themes. been aroused on the topic by the publication In his words with greater care, for we Van Loon speaks of the "small Well, one day, so the story goes, he requires for its consummation, a man find him saying, "The Romans had modifications" which Mohammed de- was in a printing shop, and the print- who knows both the Talmud and Harper's of an article by a Christian professor, had a great deal of experience with manded to adapt Judaism to Arab er raised the question whether the whose mind is fully abreast of the "Mr. Woodruff," who takes it upon himself to the Jews. They had known them in- inclinations. It is in these smal! word "God" should be capitalized. modern current. Such a work, it analyze the different experiences by and discrimJEWISH POLITICAL timately for several centuries and minuties that religions differ, but Whereupon this writer remarked, seems, ought easily to prove a best inating against Jewish students in entering the they must have clearly recognized they are the very essence of life. always capitalize God." RACKETEERS seller. Do you want the sex angle, country's institutions of higher learning. Five men's club of the synagogues of the that that strange Judaic nationalism, Foakes-Jackson, the great Church And I have an idea that this anec- which seems to be a sine quo non of "Every Jew," he declares, "and every Chris- Rockaways met jointly in the temple of Congrega- based upon the most rigid laws of an historian, once wrote a book entitled dote contains no little measure of the best seller of today. There is tian knows that the chasm between the races is tion Dereeh Emunah, Arverne, and passed resolu- uncomprising spiritual intolerance, "The Parting of the Roads," to which truth about New York. It capitalizes plenty of that in the Talmud. The the sort of thing one could deal Ephraim Levine made a contribution. on things—perhaps more than serving Talmud, too, was contemporary with broad and deep. I have seen the ranking scholars tions calling upon the Democratic Organization of was with in only one way—by leaving it They pointed out that Jews of the them. the birth of Christianity. What does in a college graduating class unable to secure good Queens County, New York, to have "the Jewish severely alone. Instead of putting a first century made a choice: was Judthis contemporary document say of positions because they were Jews, while at the Race" represented on the judicial ticket to be vot- "cordon saniteire" (I borrow the ex- aism to remain Rabbinic or was it WHERE HEBREW that faith? same time intellectually inferior- Christians were ed on at the election this fall. Specifically, the pression from a French general who to compromise with the paganisms of FLOURISHES Take the city of Minneapolis, in I nominate for the work of writing being placed easily." The writer explains that resolutions recommended that William P. Weiner, suggested such treatment for Russia the Mediterranean nations. Judaism which this is being written. Some a best seller on the Talmud, Dr. few years ago) around the small chose Rabbinic nationalism, and rewith the stampede for college educations that fol- now a local Municipal Court Justice, be elevated aenclave of Palestine, turning it into mained Judaism. In the same fash- fifteen hundred miles from New York Moses Hadas, of the chair of .Greek at Columbia, who is also principal of lowed the war years, the authorities felt it neces- to the County Court bench or the Supreme Court a first-century Indian reservation and ion, Judaism in the seventh century and yet there are more children prosary to restrict the number of admissions. At this bench. It should be noted that Justice Weiner leaving those queer people blissfully might have come to terms with nas- portionately receiving a Jewish edu- the Hebrew Union College for Teachpoint the admission committees found themselves is president of the Men's Club of Temple Beth-El to themselves and to the fury of their cent Arab religion-nationalism, but it cation in Minneapolis than in Newers. A RABBI—LIKE * reflecting-' racial prejudices of the of Rockaway Beach and president of the Consoli- own partisan strife (which in the end would have ceased to be Jadaism. York. One Talmud Torah, presided over BEETHOVEN would have made them destroy each Christianity is for the Gentiles; Islam communities which the colleges served. Pressure dated Men's Clubs of Queens. The cynics may be other), they not only interfered with the Moslems, chiefly the Arabs; by Dr. George J. Gordon has an en- A good story that I heard here the came from the alumni. The result was -the de- correct in their thought that the high honors the the affairs of those obstinate zealots for and Judaism is for the Jews. Each rollment of over 900 children. The in- other day concerns a Jewish rabbi, cision to "keep down fee Jewish percentage but justice holds in the field of Queens County Jewish but they besieged their capital city of these religions has its universalis- struction is Ivrith ba Ivrith. The (Continued on page 6.) do not seem to be doing so; admit a limited num- Men's Clubs had something to do with the organ!?- and took it by storm and destroyed tic elements, but by their distinctive school is modern in every aspect, even to the inclusion of a swimming pooL and forced the survivors to spread features they survive. ber of white Jews but close ^ doors to the zation..of this joint meeting and with both th& it I dare say, that all of these children all over the length and breadth of the others." / The writer regrets that the colleges general resolutions and the: specific recommenda- vast imperial territories." We're Going to Goldziher and numerous other Jew- could be transplanted in Palestine and then began to use: devious rejection schemes and tion. This, however, is a matter of political tedi- Van Loon says that the ideas of the ish scholars have shown the indebted- would feel perfectly at home there. Make specious arguments instead of possessing the nique—and we aa*e not in politics.*" But "that'Men's ••^inysterieus ne-ir^rophet" were "as ness of Islam to Judaism, but it is Certainly, they would have BO lang1*9 candor to explain their position; "A less stiff- Clubs attached to Synagogues, presumably conse- dangerous to the safety of the state clear that Mohammed wished to form uage : difficulties. Yet they are a religion of his own, with himself as thoroughly American — as purely necked race of people^he said>,-"<>r one less ac- crated to the promotion! of the religious ideals'for as the teachings of Lenin and Marx chief protagonist. The Rabbis were t it seems to me, as were customed to endure ^discriminations might not which the synagogue stands, should go into poli- were to be to that of .our modern strict monotheists, who did not fancy American, att the those early J*uritans, who, too, "were capitalistic and industrial society." have survived this treatment. Bui; the Jews kept tics is of deep concern to all Jews everywhere. adopting a slogan which made Mo- fond of discourse in the tongue of the applying for admissions to the vei^y colleges that These men's clubs took advantage of their syna- IT MAY BE TRUE THAT TITUS hammed his prophet; they had never Hebrew prophets. were rejecting them. Jews have a persistent way gogue affiliations to impress political leaders. should never have destroyed Jerusa- sanctioned a slogan to the effect that SHOCK ABSORBERS Lord is God and Moses is His He has ideas—this man, Gordon. ARE YOU? of getting what they want." They prostituted the Jewish religious cause to lem, and should have left the Jews "The Prophet," Why then should they acThe Jew's traditions, the writer declares, promote a political candidate in a field where, of alone. Those Reform Jews who be-cept an Arab camel-driver in this He conceives the functions of a good A. Z. A. No. 100 in the "Jewish mission" as an Talmud Torah to be not only the inmake it hard for him to fit into the Christian col- all places, neither religion nor race nor color lieve role? Fontenelle Hotel argument against Zionism 'will, of struction in Hebrew and Jewish Cullege. "The Jewish student finds himself at cul- should count for aught. The late Louis Marshall course, disagree with Van Loon. They Writers like Van Loon are unable ture, but to act as a religious shock September 6 tural crossroads. His mind not infrequently be- once raised his voice against the Jewish Political regard it as providential that the to estimate the psychological, cultural absorber. i;nt«»n»»»»:8»nw:»m»«t»»H comes a battleground between two impulses, that Club, and scattered the racketeers who traded in Temple was developed, and Israel and racial, person el and emotional inwhich enter into the life.of to conform to his Christian environment and totheir unholy fashion on the Jewish name for their sent forth to disseminate its mission. fluences religions, nations and cultures. They be accepted on equal terms and that, on theother political scheming. These five Synagogue Men's To be sure, they will not agree with see only the superficial resemblances. Van Loon that the tenets of the new hand, to'adhere to his Hebrew heritage and to Clubs of the Rockaways stand excoriated before Christian cult were an expression of Moreover, it is not correct that Judbe different from the Christians." The writer all decent Jews as tricksters who sell their most Israel's spiritual task," though Maim- aism did not have another*opportunity The Nebraska Recommends makes the claim that "On the basis of pure schol- precious patrimony for a political pot of porridge. onides has said that both Christian- to attain world influence: in the arship the Jewish applicant for admission can —American Hebrew. ity and Islam are a form of Judaism seventeenth century, the Sabbatein palatable to the Gentiles. Zionists Mosaianic fervor swept over Christian more than hold his own against the Christian and those Jews who deplore the ills as well as Jewish Europe, but once student; it is this circumstance more than any which "Golus" has inflicted upon us again, Rabbinic Judaism refused to other that drove the college administrators to the PROSPERITY IN LITHUANIA everywhere, deplore the Destruction degrade itself. To paraphrase the various unacademic changes in the admission reA Jewish Telegraphic Agency report from because they realize that we have led words of the prophet whom Van Loon quirements. "Overzeal at one's books," he adds, Koyno states that Lithuania is suffering less an anomalous existence for nearly seems to admire so much: "What matter it if Judaism had won the whole "is not regarded by the average Christian as a from the world-wide economic depression than 20 centuries. world if it had lost its soul in the desirable thing." other countries. Emigration from that country The late Israel Friedlander remark- process." ed that it was not a question of PalWe are not so much interested in the views has shown a marked decline, only 478 persons estine versus the Diaspore, but Pal- We pride ourselves that Judaism expressed by "Mr. Woodruff" as we are in the having emigrated in the last three months as estine plus the Diaspora. Had Israel has retained its pristine purity throughout the millenic, and that it fact that the subject has come up for discussion compared with 3,404 who emigrated in the same retained its chief center in Palestine, has been the religion of the few, not period last year. Remittances from relatives in we could have spread throughout the in gentile circles. It is well that such a topic be because of any demerits in itself, but nations, in the same fashion as the aired in a magazine of Harper's universalistic ap- America have decreased by 14 per cent. because it is a discipline of the mind British. We could have been missionThe explanation given for this situation in aries peal. We Jews no longer say "if there is discrimof a great doctrine which the as well as of the body. I recall the ination." We know there is discrimination in our Lithuania is that the land ^primarily, agricul- national life of Eretz Yiarael would charming colloquy in "Joseph the colleges and the first step in eradicating it is by tural and depends less than other countries on have replenished an£ invigorated. We Zealot" which formed the basic for may not disagree with Van Loon's my poem several years ago: "The notifying the discriminators that we are bringing foreign loans. . ;: For Days of Moderate Temperacentral notion, but we do not like his Abbe and the Rabbi," when the Abbe the warfare into the open. The Jew has every Although it is clear, on the question of emiasked the Rabbi why Jews do not ture and Cool Evenings, for or many of his subsidiary right to his own individualistic culture and he has gration, that the decline may primarily have been verbiage ideas. Most rigid laws of an uncom- summon their worshippers to pray by Both Town and Country Wear. every right to a higher education. Our demands due to the depression that exists in countries promising spiritual intolerance, tolling church bells, the Rabbi led" the for equality in education will not be met until we which previously received such imniigrants, as "those queer people," "the fury of Abbe to the market: he showed him The Nebraska Featherweight Felts have battled, and battled unquittingly for ourwell as to the fact that countries like the United their own partisan strife (which in one fish-stall where only a few purare as light and soft as eiderdown chasers were gathered; the fish, how"right to learn." If we are to succeed, we can no States are practically entirely closed to immigra- the end would have made them de- ever, were choice and costly. Then . . . expertly felted and hand-finished, each other)"—these are not longer "turn the other cheek." tion, the general content of this cable is sufficient stroy he showed him another stall where they can be easily and smartly shaped pleasant expressions, and Mr.Van to inspire joy that at least one people is not as Loon would have done better to omit the multitudes milled about, to purto your own liMng . . . light and comchase cheap and common fish. The hard hit as most others. And. because the posi- or correct them. fortable, the ideal hat for summer and lesson is obvious, and we recommend HARD TO SATISFY tion of the Jewish community always corresponds They accentuate the popular mis- it early fall wear. to Hendrik Willom Van Loon. Jud"One Englishman Goes: Another Comes." to that of the non-Jewish, we are indeed pleased construction of early first and second aism has been more interested in preA Vast Selection of New Shades This brazen headline in one of the outstanding to learn that in Lithuania prosperity is not a century Judaism which the late serving the excellencies for the minGeorge Foote Moore did so much to Arab dailies of Jerusalem on the appointment of cloak for politicians, but is an honest-to-goodness amend, and Travers Herford before ority that appreciated them, than in MALLORY HATS Sir A. Grenfell Wauchope as High Commissioner condition of blessedness for the land.—^Detroit him had combatted. A few reckless disseminating an inferior message, ROYAL CLUB HATS of Palestine to succeed Sir John Chancellor, whose Chronicle. words in a popular magazine article however popular, to the millions. By term of office expires next month, gives a fair can undo the amelioratory influence its intrinsic quality, Judaism is still ready to rise or falL idea of the Moslem attitude. There is a poignant touch of irony in the of scholars for decades.
From Contemporary Pens
Fall Frolic
The Arabs are hard to appease. Sir Wau- cabled despatch from Jerusalem to tile effect that chope makes the fourth High Commissioner and all Jews who had entered Palestine in an irregular his predecessor, Sir Chancellor, might be termed manner since the last census of population "Was as the one most pro-Arab in his policy. While taken will have their entry legalized by permitting the general tenor of the Palestinian policy is form- them to register as immigrants. It is difficult to ulated in the London government chambers, the adjust oneself to the thought that the Jew might local High Commissioner has a great deal to dob e a n immigrant, viewed perhaps as an alien, in with the actual carrying into effect and execution the land of .his fathers,' the land of his /historic of the higher-ups' orders. _•__—--v-1-—•=•'"—>>^ past.—Philadelphia Jewish Exponent : ^ v ?^*"% ••; _________—rvyrrT. :..:''***.-*-ar-^^- - 3 -
———-•- -
. ;' • — — — - —
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"BLUNDER NUMBER FOUR," says Van Loon was "the refusal of the Jews to make common cause with Mohammed, thereby throwing away their last chance to make Judaism a world-wide religion." He calls it "a most costly hallucination of greatness 4hich deprived Judaism of its last eshanee to become a. world; power. Mohammed "made overtures to the
B'nai Brith Seeks Data on Unemployment Detroit.—Aroused by reports that Jews themselves are responsible for prejudice against fellow-Jews in employment, Pisgah Lodge No. 34, of B'nai Brith, has chosen a special committee to investigate conditions and to seek data that will throw light on the problem, _..-• -—-•-*
Stetson, Mallory and Knox Featherweights
Bi(a—Mai* Floor
S jiSWISH FBESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1931 SILVER -ANNIVERSARY - -' • •' Etbe} Stoiler spent a week in guests of Bluma Keveleff and Lil- , Sioux City, Iowa, where she was the -San Freeman. Mr. and "Mrs-'David Sherman will guest of Miss Sara Kaplan. t e '.at home to their relatives and They are being extensively enterfriends Sunday, August 30, from 4 to tained while here. A beautiful dancMrs. H. J. Cooper returned Wed- ing party .was given in their, honor 7 o'clock in the afternoon to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding an- The annual fall reunion of the berg, David Zolot, Morris Zolot, nesday from a lour-week visit in at the Highland County club Monday niversary. No invitations have been University' of Nebraska alumni of Irving Schneider, Jacob J. - Marx, New York with her brother, Harry evening and a, dinner dance will be the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity will Morris Poaster, Emanuel Wishnow Koaonowitch and other relatives. issued. -. (Continued on Page 6) Those assisting the hostess will be be held in Omaha this week-end, and Joseph .Ginsberg, all of Lincoln: Miss Jlernice Sherman, Mrs. B. David under the sponsorship of the Omaha William Silyerberg, Fred. Sherman, Mrs. Jules Shapiro of Lineeln is Nefsky and Misses Mildred and Har- Alumni Club" and the Lincoln chap- Bernard Lipman, Morris Gordon, convalescing from an operation at vdet Nefsky of Lincoln arid Mrs. Ml iter. - Alumni of; the Nebraska group Burnell c KooU^b; Abe Sadoff,- Carl the home of her parents, Mr. and ten^, J^neasDnbrofsky,. Julius Mrs. S. Altsuler. Bernstein of Council Bluffs -who was from ^various' parts, of the country are expected to attend. Mosow, Gerald Conn, Dresmond BaEXCLUSIVE a bridesmaid at the wedding. rish and Sidney Barish, all of Sioux The feature of the roundup will be ZELEN-MOSKOVITZ CURTAIN CLEANERS sorority honored Mrs. Greenberg at a Nathan Fine is convalescing at NUPTIALS a dinner : dance at the . Paxton . Hotel City; Max Glazer, Ft. Dodge, la.; the Clarkson Memorial hospital where kitchen shower at the home of Miss BAR MITZVAH WA. 1350 5007 Leavennorth W. Zolley Lenjer,. Kansas • City; The wedding of Miss Cel Moskovitz Roseline Pizer last Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Castleman re- Sunday evening at 7:30, with music Samuel Bender, Frank Novison, St. ite underwent an operation on Ms of furnished by Randall's orchestra. Louis, Mo.; Milton Berkowitz, Ponca, arm. and Max Zelen of Lincoln was solem- and Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg and ceded'in-honer of the Bar Mitzvah ; daughters, Ruth and Gertrude," honthe son, Arthur, on Sunday, August Sunday afternoon a stag smoker will Neb.; Hyman Osheroff, Erickson; nized Sunday afternoon, August 23, • • • : v ' ' ; /; be held at the Paxton. An ooting at the home of the bride's parents, ored the young couple with a party at • 2 r : Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Greenberg and Dr. Edward Alberts, Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moskovitz. Rabbi their home on Thursday-of last week. . and Mrs. William Friedman of is;-on the program for Saturday: are spending the week in St. Louis, - • 'David A; Goldstein read the marriage -Pes- Monies, Iowa, -were • out-of-town evening. -.,-,;. : ;--' - -MGL, visiting relatives. Enjoy more leisure duri Arrangements for the affair are' aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Morguests. : ;•"•• •-.':.' . lines. The wedding march /was played HEEGER-MINKIN ing the hot summer t The - Bar Mitzvah ceremony- took in the hands of Milton Berkowitz; ris Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Isidore Chiidacoff and" Leonard WEDDING "• ; days—Send your family • o r n e y . ' ••. ' . . .-.".•'.' Mrs. A. Minkin announces the mar- place Thursday morning at the syna- Henry Chart, Alfred Fiedler, Max Sherman. washing to the— Kramer, and Harry B. Cohen. gogue at 24th and Nicholas, streets. "The bride wore a'Patou model of riage of her daughter, Alice, to Peter Among the out-of-town guests exMrs. David M. Newman left SatF. B. M. ghite chiffon organdy and a white J. Heeger on Sunday, August 9, at pected, are: Carl- Sokolof, Henry urday for Chicago where she will picture hat. She carried bride's the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester HeeAttractive visitors from St. Louis : Mrs. Sam Herzberg -was hostess f or- Rosenstein, - ..Tulsa, : Okla.; Arthur visit for about ten days. On ner reger, Sioux City,. Iowa. -Rabbi VHi RomnijzTylfir, uTexas;; Milton Shefts^ are here - in Omaha—-Miss Radine HArney 1102 turn trip, she will stop in -Des |Miss Jeanette Moskovitz, 'sister of Rabinowitz' performed^the ceremony-; isix guests at luncheon atthe-Fon"-' Okmulgee, Okla.; Louis .and., Jerry. Noveson and Miss Ruth Goldstein— (OUR NKW IMIONB NUMUKIJ) Moines. * ' tenelle Monday. , iinbride and maid of honor, wore a which was witnessed * y only: the : charming and popular southern girls, Diamond, Chicago; David Wohlner, •mediate family. — ,\ tel green • organdy • frock. -Miss r Schenectady, N. Y.; Cassie Baron, Misses Esther Wolf and Sarah KapJred Shrago of Chicago; brides- After a honeymoon ' trip to the BIRTHDAY PARTY AT Nebraska • City; Louis and Jacob lan spent the week-end in Missouri ELMWOOD wore a gown of powder blue Black Hills, they will reside in De .•<••• - Bererely Jean Pessen, daughter of Finklestein, Leo Hill, Rabbi H. Jolt, :Valley, Iowa, visiting with the latese with a cocktail jacket. Both car- Smet, South Dakota. v . Omaha's Style Center Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pesseiy celebrat- Hyman, David and William Rosen- ter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. . Briarcliff roses. and Mrs. Max Garber. ed - her fourth birthday •with a pidnc groom's attendants were Julius RECEIVE FOR LESTERat Elm wood park - last Tuesday after= visit friends in Philadelphia and Cambrother of the groom, and S I M O N S : < - ' " "•' " v - - •.-• . Irving Goldfarb and Lester and den, N. J. les Keller, both of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon, 611 No. noon.: A number of affairs wers given in Fred Giventer have returned from a ption "for friends followed the 50th street, will receive at their home ;, Guests were Lois Segall, Harriett motor trip to the Minnesota lakes tony. . • •.••-... ....,-.. on Sunday, August 30, from 2 until Colin, Donna Singet, Esar Segall, her honor before she left. The and a week in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Misses Fanny and Edith Ostrovich enSonny -Donnelly, .Diekey Kohen and a wedding trip to Colorado 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and 8 unOPPOSITE OBPHEUM Messrs. Giventer, Goldarb and en and his bride will reside in til 11 in the evening to ^honor .their Herald Conn of Omaha, and Harriet tertained for her at a bridge-lunchNathan Cohn plan to motor to Chieon and dinner-dance. Miss Bess at the Pine apartments.* newly-wedded son , and. daughter-in- and Betty Rae fcubby, Beverely Steinberg, Lrwin Maduff, Yale - Got»Uner, Borsky gave an evening party in her cago and Milwaukee over Labor Day. law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon. Lawrence Steinberg and Stanley hcnor, and Miss Sylvia Upsman gave JBERG-LIPSEY Katelman of Council Bluffs. a supper for her. H N G ,' . • ; • .-.••••- ' CLOSING DATE OF PLAN YOUR F A L L Lillian Iipsey, daughter of mGHLAN&CLUB PLAN RUSH PARTY "• BIRTHS ad Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, became DECORATING EARLY Tie K. T. dub of Central High Doctors Henry Brinton Mikelberg school will give- a rush party for •ide of Elmer Greenbeirg, son-6f .; The lorxnal closing dinner-dance at MAX SHRIEK'S SONS nd Mrs. Sam Grenberg, at a ihe Highland Country • Clnb^i will - be and Rose Rena Mifcelberg of Philadel- eight rushees at the Green Garden Phones AT. 4744—JA. 7855 '• wedding on: the evening• of given: Saturday :• evening* • September phia, Pa^ announce iix birth of a tearoom Wednesday afternoon at 1 st 26, in the presence of the 5, according to the officers of the daughter on Monday^ August 24, at o'clock. Miss Marva Cohn is chairman club. The • clubhouse will "be open in- the Women's College hospital of that of arrangements. bride was attended by her sis- formally, however, during the early city. , . Dr. Rose Hena Mikelberg was for- RETURN FROM TRIP ; iss Mildred Lipsey. Abe Sadoff fell months. merly Dr. Rose Rena Minkin of OmaMrs.- David A. Goldstein and sons, Sunday afternoon at Highland dub ux City was best man. owing the ceremony,' a recep- a two-ball mixed foursome was played ha; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jonathan and Jeremy, have returned to Omaha after spending the summer was held at the home of the in which Mrs. David Ferer and Mar- Minkin. FOR YOUR in Minneapolis, Minn. vin Trellef were winners. parents, from 8 until 11 o'clock ing the young couple. A number of the players had in- Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Alperson an'. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg are formal parties after the golf game, nounce the birth of a son on August SOCIAL NOTES Miss Frances Mae Rosenblatt, on their, honeymoon trip. They including Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hene, 25, at the Methodist hospital. Kot in 20 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip make their' home in Crawford, years h a v e Mr. and Mrs.-Dave Goldman, Mr. and Rosenblatt, has returned frorn a fourVISITORS tori like :ka, where Mr. Greenberg will these b e e n bead football coach and instructor Mrs. Herbert S. Arnstein, Mr. and Miss Nina Bassin of Kansas City week vacation spent in Chicago and « t t « r e d so 16th and Howard low-priced. Mrs. Edward Treller, Mr. and Mrs. will be the house guest of her. cousin, at the resort of Michigan City, Inrinathematlcs. diana, where she visited with her Members of the Sigma Delta Tau Harry Eiseman and Marvin Treller. Miss Ruth Hofner, for the coming week.
Annual Fall Reunion of Sigma Alpha MM Here This Weekend
s .
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• . - •
A Feature Value Group in Our Annual
Malashock's Jewelry Needs
Miss Edith London who visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis London, for the past three months, rer turned to Hollywood, Calif., last week.
Introducing! IV
Mrs. David Katzman of Kansas City is visiting her parents," Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shamberg. Mrs. Katzman was formerly Miss Rose Shamberg of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kropman of Mason • City, To_wa, were .the. house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weinsr last' week-end. Mrs. Kropman will spend the remainder of the week here. Her daughter, °-Miss Lillian Xropman, will join her the end of the' "week and they will return home together. A number of luncheons and bridge 'parties are being planned in honor of Mrs. Kropman. Mrs; Weiner was formerly Miss Rose Kropman of Mason City.
Cellophane . Wrapped Package
En order to acquaint you with this marvelous product manufactured by- the Kosher. Star Sausage Mfg. Co. of Chi. cago, HI., we offer you, one 8-oz.: Cello}phase wrapped package of sliced Beef' frye free with every purchase of $1.00 " or~ more in our Kosher Delicatessen Dept. of any,of the following products:
Strictly Kosher SALAMI Pound . BALOGNA, thick
' • Pound •
BALOGNA, straight, Pound WIENERS Pound
Frankfurters Pound KNOCKWURST ' Pcund
29c 29c
89c . 87c
Our Delicatessen Dept. equipped with a separate electric slicer and separate knives for slicing Kosher products.....
Numerous affairs have been given '-in honor of Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Sabin of Brooklyn, New York, who are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Daytch of this city. Among those who have entertained' for the visitors are Mr. and Mrs.-J. Daytch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laserowitz, Mr. and Mrs. M. Afbitinan, Mr.' and Mrs. Harry D. Haykin, Miss Tobye Steinberg and Miss Ida Platt. Miss Ida Daytch* entertained six couples at her home Sunday evening, August" 23, and also" on Tuesday evening when she entertained for fourcouples. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lasero— witz will entertain 20. guests at their home Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sabin. TO VISIT IN NEW YORK Miss Eva Lipsman, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lipsman, left Saturday, for New York, where she will be the. guest of. Mr. and. Mrs. A. Teppler. Miss Lipsman will also
Annette Riklin School of Dancing
t -%
announces re-opening
f. 16th and Douglas—JAckson 4441 Omaha's Most Beautiful and Complete Food Market Orders for $2.00 or More Delivered Anywhere in the City
Odd Fellows Building, 19th near Dodge Class and Private Lessons in all Types of Dancing SPECIAL TAP ROUTINE Studio Phone: At. 2219 Res.: At. 6948
Not only are lur t o a t t low in price,- tout they ere m o r e laeautiruny made, more heaulifutly lined and more beautifully r a e h1oned than coats that sold for ."twice tliis price last year.
A Sure Way to Sta«: the Fall Smartly: Northern Seal— Muskrat— Galapan— Puny—
Sheer Wool!
B e a TI t i I n 11 y trimmed -w i t & other fine furs.
With sheer Woolens positively enthroned as a fall favorite—you'll want to share in their grand success. Wear them from morn till night—in Black, and in the rich.fall shades of Spanish Tile . . . Tallyho Green . . . Tripoli Red . . .Honey Brown. And for those who seek satins and crepes for fall chic, we've a . delightful showing of these also . at $15, $25 and $39.75. '" " Other Fall Dresses, $16.75 to $195 Misses' Sizes 12 to 20. Women's 36 to 48. Half Sizes 14% to 24% Herzberg's Dress Shops
C h a r g e purchases payable in November. A small deposit will hold your coat in Will Call.
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1931 death rate Increases as the months cure. These are "tuberculosis and grow darker and decreases as the sun- anemia. There are also several dislight returns. JSven spring- fever with eases in which sunlight, together with its feeling1' of aimlessness and lassi- a sufficient intake of food calcium tude arrives at the end of winter, that and food phosphorus, serves as a speis at the end of a long period of prac- cific remedy. The diseases are rickets, tically sunless days. The same feel- osteomalacia or softening of the .J ing is often noted on rainy or foggy bones and tetany. Whenever a tonic is needed, as in and cloudy days, any time of the year. six-month leave of absence ordered infection, in convalescence, in musIt is often described as the under-theby his doctors because of a complete weather feeling. It very often disap- cular weakness, in general debility, in breakdown in health. Father Edward By Dr. V. E. Levine. professor pears with the coming out of the sun anemia, in neurasthenia, before an opFlanagan sacrificed his health for of bio-chemistry and nutrition, The fact that the winter months are eration and after an operation, sunthe Crei-hton University School the home. It is no secret that accompanied by a marked increase in light or ultra-violet can be used to of Medicine. financial conditions did much to morbidity and in mortality should lead very great advantage. Sunlight or cause the breakdown in his health. SUNLIGHT AND DISEASE us to store up sunshine in our body ultra-violet is a very valuable aid to "The home is non-sectarian. It (Editor's Note — Readers of this during the summer months and should a progressive physician. receives no assistance from church, newspaper may receive answers to even lead us to use artificial-sunlight There is an Italian proverb which city, state or Community Chest." any questions regarding the general during these months. The uss of an states that where the sun does not go, subject of health by sending a stamp- artificial source of ultra-violet in the doctor goes, and a German proed-self addressed envelope with their winter is especially indicated for peo- verb which states that the doctor questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) ple with sub-normal vigor and poor makes more calls on the shady side of the street than on the sunny side. health. Sunlight Is a Cure. Lack of ultraviolet is believed to be BY F. R. K. partly responsible for the increased There are several diseases in which PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS rate in sickness and in death during natural or artificial sunlight goes a The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688the winter months. long way towards bringing about a of the Independent Order of the We are practically away from sunB'nai Brith will hold a meeting next shine for more than half of the jear. COMPLETE LIKE OP Lair Offices Monday evening, August 31, at the As a result of inclement weather dur- FKADKVBUKG. nSTAL.UASTKR & BCBEft C30 Omaha Naliennl Bank BUI;. Eagles Hall. ing the winter months, the little sunOmaha. N>br. T.'OTICE OF 1MS8OLUTION Mrs. M. L. Marks returned home light available is hardly utilized at all. Notice is lM>ivl>y given that the Kmpire It is lack of sunshine that is be-Cleaners & Dyers, a co-partnership, con- I And nil kinds of JKWIKK Sunday following a two weeks' visit ing of I. F. (ioodnmn and I. Xchoen J KOOKK with or without lieved to be partly responsible for sist wald has lieen dissolved; that I. Schoen • with relatives in Chicago, III. Knglish translation. Host hns retired from until partnership, f people weakening physically during Wiikl silk and wool talcsim. and I. P. Goixim/ui remains us the The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim the winter months and succumbing sole owner of the wild Kmpire Cleaners & I>.vers, and tbe said I. V. Goodman \rill Society will hold a meeting next easily to disease- Pneumonia, influ- pay nil of the outstanding dei»(s of the Thursday evening, September 3, at enza and the common cold are most said Kmpire Cleaners & l>yer«. listed at Omaha, Nebraska, this 24th day I 2560 Cuming St., Omaha the Eagles Hall. prevalent in those regions where and of August, l'.Ol. l'hones: I. F. OOomiAN. Atlantic 0(00 and JIarney 7019 in those seasons when there is least Leo and Yale Meyerson are spend- sunshine. Maughan and Smiley, of 1. SCHOKNWALU. ing a few weeks visiting in San Cornell university, have shown that 8-2S-31—IT. Antonio, Texas. £ BEBE1I during the winter months treatment FKADENBCUO.. Attorneys 050 Omaha National B»nk BideMr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman with ultra-violet reduces the incidence FREE RUBBER HEELS XOTIt'K TO MON-K1SHIIMEXT of the common cold about 40 per cent. WITH ALL HALF SOt.KS left Sunday for St. Louis, Mo., to DEFENDANT To McKOLUAL COXSTKUCTION COM Death Rate Higiicr in Winter. Men's Half Soles $1.00-$1.25 spend the week visiting relatives. l'ANY, u foreign corporation: Ladies' Half Soles ....$ .75-$l.M heretir notified that on the 301h It is a well-knewn fact that the dayYouut art July, IDS], l.yinan-Uk-lu-y Sand & Mr. William Bernstein and Gravel Cotnyniiy filed its petition aud comAMERICAN SHOE KEBUILDERS menced HII acliou iu the IJislrjet Court of daughter, Pearl, and son, Julius, re24OH F A U N AM Comity, Nebraska, iigainst you, Ihe object and prayer ut which petition is turned home Tuesday following a to receive ihe sum of $13,!Kll.i;; aud interweek's visit in Chicago, 111. ests and costs ut tL»s uction from you. for Rooms tVanted
a Jew Arthur Schnitzler, World Renown Author, Answers This Pu Says He Is He
a Jew Merely Because G M * Be Born One A s Tbldk to DAVID EWEN
Council Bluffs News
Many of us. would be hard put to instilling into- me a profound interest necessity. It would, as a matter of fact, be diminished a hundred fold. give an adequate answer to the quesr in and appreciation for my race. tion, "Why are you a Jew?" Arthur "There are those who, born to But since we are not living in such a Schnitzler, the world famous novelist, strictly pious parents, have been rig- world, conditions everywhere have answers that question in this exclus- idly inculcated in Jewish' principles driven me into a greater and greater ive interview obtained for the Jewish and dogmas. Such people, it can berace-conscieusness. Telegraph Agency and Jewish Press. said, are Jews because they were born "I was first'made aware of the fact —Editor. Jews. But with me it is altogether that I was a Jew during my univerSome of us are Jews only because different. My father, a very gifted sity days when, as a member of a of an accident of birth. We are Jews and famous physician, had very slight philanthropic society which meted out only because we were born Jews Oth- connections with his race. Eeligious sparse charity to needy students, I ers of us, however, are Jews for a education Tiever entered into my early was made aware of the fact that Jewmuch more potent reason. We feel life; religious thought of any kind ish students were openly discriminatour race deeply within us, we react never influenced it in the least. And ed against. That made a profound keenly and sensitively to it, *e think so, in the early years of my life, impression upon me. It opened my ever in terms of it. That is of a which stretched well beyond my adol- eyes to a condition which had always greater importance in branding us escence, I could hardly be called a existed but to which I had been as blind as a mole. But my eyes were Jews than any accident of birth can Jew, although I was born one. be. "Why I am a Jew? Certainly, it is now open, and from that time on I Mrs. B. Balaban and daughters, Three adults want 2 or 8 Arthur Schnitzler, one of the great- not because I think that Jewish cul- realized how much injustice, how Mildred and Shirley, returned home rooms in refined Jewish family. est living literary figures in the world ture is the greatest of all possible much blind and hot-tempered hate, Sunday, following a two weeks' Write Jewish Press, Box G3. is one of the latter. He is one of our cultures or because I feel that the how much bitterness and stupidity stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. was levelled against the Jew. And almost desirable Jews. Although he is Jew is the greatest of all possible huprimarily a novelist and a dramatist man-beings. Chauvinism of any kind ways an ally of the oppressed, I be- Mr. G. Whitebook returned home —one of the world's finest—he has whatsoever, I have always felt keenly, came once and for all deeply inter- Tuesday following a week's visit time and again lent an eager pen for is unforgivably stupid. It is true, of ested in the Jew. Jewish problems with relatives in Chicago, 111. Meals and Lodging the cause of Judaism. In play—form course, that it is the tendency of a became my own intimate problems. Los Angeles.—Mrs. Jules Kaufffor he has given us. Prof. Bernhardi — persecuted race to be chauvinistic, I absorbed myself with Jewish one of the most vicious attacks against especially if it has sensitivity, culture thought and culture. I had become, man, former president of the Council the stupidity of anti-Semitism yet and sensibilities. That is why thesuddenly, a Jew in heart and in soul. of Jewish Women of Los Angeles has been elected president of the Los Anpenned. In novel form he has given Jew must always exert especial care JEWISH HISTORY AND geles Municipal Art Commission. us the Open Road, in which Jewish in avoiding it. For chauvinism, after CULTURE Call problems are discussed with penetra- all, defeats its own ' purpose. You "Of course there must be other reaw Ottcea tion, lucidity and power. Besides this cannot convince anyone of your pro- sons why I am a Jew. I might point 1-UADEN'nCIiGft aSTALMASTKli MRS. S. M A N D E L & BKBKIl there remains the mountain of arti- found 'capabilities if youare contin- to the fact that my studisa in Jewish G50 Omabai National Bank Bids. for Appointment 1«'OTJCIO>F JOISSOttTIOJf cles which he has contributed in order- ually trumpeting about them through history, • culture and thought have NOTICK Is l»vl>T gtvpn that th<? umlor1919 Burt St. At. 9892. to clarify the position of the Jew inbugles. Let your actions speak loud- awakened something deep within me igiiel have tlHs day dissolved the nurtlershlp he ret of; w existing lietweeu them er than any \Wbrds!" Yes, we may be the modern world, and to attempt to and that I have found something of under the firm lytme of Midwest Hatcheries explain to him his inmost problems. proud of our racial heritage and of myself in them. I might point to the and/or Midwest Commission I'ompany, nnd he said Morris Holzraan remains as the It was to talk about Judaism that our history, "we may refuse ever to fact that I have come to realize that sole owner of the said Midwest Hntcheries •tuil/or Commission Company. I came to visit Arthur Schnitzler in conceal our identity; but modesty is the problems of the Jew affect not l>atcd Midwest COURTESY—SER VICE at Omaha, Nebraska, this 25th day always an enviable virtue . . . . No, of August, 1931. his spacious home in a suburb of only people very near to me, but afVienna. And speak about Judaism he emphatically not, has chauvinism fect me personally as well. This, l'lllU OSTUOVICH. did in great detail, for it is ever near made of me a Jew. : True, I have in much more than any accident of 8-2S-31—IT. 24th and Seward to his heart. He spoke to me of many recent years come' to realize that birth, has made me a Jew. 3IILTOX E. ABRAHAMS. Attorney Phone JAckson Ki 400 Bramlels Theater B i d e things relating to Jewish interest. But thers is a unique importance to Jew"I might add, in conclusion, that BY PCB'l.ICATlOX O7? PETI24th and Cuming most • important: of. all he clearly ex- ish culture and that the Jewish con- being a Jew requires a consummate NOTICE TION FOB SETTLEMENT . OF FINAL Phone ATlantic 10»>0 ADMINISTRATION' ACCOCNT. tributed much to the world of thought plained to me why it is that he is a grace and tact. I have already spok- Iu the County Court of Douglas County. In Charge of Registered But every man of learning realizes en about the stupidity of chauvinism. Nebraska. Jew. Pharmacists that the Jew has not been alone in But chauvinism is not half so bad as In the Matter of the Estate of Rebecca ?:istlemiui. Dot-eased. NOT BECAUSE BORN FREE DELIVERY this respect. We must always re- a complete indifference to and an All persons interested in said matter !>re JEWISH uotiflul that on the 24th day of member that the Jew is only one part avoidance of Jewish interests. A Jewhereby August, 1J131, Kdith ltubeustein nnd Cecil "If I am today deeply interested of a great civilization. Bleicher filed ;i petition in said County should strive to attain something of a Court, in my race," he said to me, slouching prnying thflt their final Jidminislragolden mean: modest and unassuming tion account filed herein lie settled ami comfortably in the soft couch of his POWER OF FOREIGN allowed; and that they be discharged from at some times, but loud-voiced when their trust as executrices and that jt hear-i study, "the outstanding reason is not INFLUENCES will lie had on said petition before! the emergency presents itself. That Ing J. L. KRAOE. Proprietor because I was born a Jew. Strange "Why, then, am I a Jew ? I am fa snid Court on the 19th day of September,} is the type of Jew I have always J!)31, and that if -you fail to appear before I to say, as far as I am concerned, this Jew, first of all, because foreign in"NKW FOK OLD" said Court on the said li>th day of Septem- | ber. 1931, at 0 o'clock A. M., and contest j is the most negligible reason of all. fluences have driven me. willy-nilly to strived to be." said petition, the C.'onrt may grant the 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 True, if I had not been born a Jew my faith. I am certain that if I wete (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- prayer of said petition, enter n decree of lieirship, and make such other and further graphic Agency, Inc.) I could not today have been a staunch living in the best of all possible orders, allowance^ and decrees, as to this advocate of my race; that is self-evi- worlds where racarhatred, anti-SemiOonrt may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be dent. And yet, I must add that acci- tism, Jew-baiting were all unspeakfinally settled and determinwl. } CHARLES SIMON lilt ICE CUAWFOIUV dent of birth I feel has been the most able and unheard-of, I would no mdfe S-2S-31-3t. ^ , County Jud-c. Recommends negligible reason of all in making me be conscious of my faith than the Law Offices ; The Sanitary Laundry race-conscious. It was the most ne- most stout-hearted skeptic. In such J J , . STAI3IA8TER & BEBER , "Tbe Best ol All Laundry ttf-rvlce" gligible influence of all in driving me a world, I am sure, race consciousness CM Omaha National Bank Bids. | NOTICE OF LNCOUPORATION OF ultimately in the acceptance, and inwould be of very little importance' or AT-285 KMPIKE CMJASEKS * P1EKS Funds to keep Father Flanagan's Notice is hereby given that the undersigned*' I. F. Uoexlmfn nnd Sam Belter, Boys' home from closing are asked have formed a corporation pursuant to the latvs State of Nebraska, under the in a statement issued by Father P. name ofof the " JEWISH BOOK STORE , ; J S 8I. EMTIKB CI,KANRKS & DYKUS, AFlanagan, brother of the founder, with its principal place of business Jit We want to call !o the attention of the Jewish puhllo that we are cettine in Our New Address is Nebraska. The general nature of now a new supply ol'tlw seasonable religious articles. Maclnelrim with Jewlslv Father E. J. Flanagan, and in Omaha, 3553 FARNAM ST. the business to lie transacted and the oband English translations, prayer, books, Toleosim, Bilk and -wool of the best and purpose for which- this, corporation charge during his absence. The ject kind, etc. .•"'.' ..-•'. •.-•"• is organized and established shall be to statement: .operate stores and plants for the cleaning, pressing and dyeing of wearing apparel, A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English "Unless an emergency appeal for cloth Fur Storage—Remodeling— and maie'rial of all kinds: to engage In the tailoring business; to buy and sell Cleaning—Relining HeraeniUcr our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand'of a few customers I funds is successful, Father Flana- •wearing appnrel; to engage In: any of said HArney 2737 Reasonable Prices ordered the following article" of pure silver hnd plate silver candle sticks, Kiilush businesses as a wholesaler nnd retailer; gan's Boys' Home will be forced to cups, fiadeses, etc. .Everyone. who is interested, in buying one of them should be; to buy, sell and lease real estate and perclose its doors. sonal property in connection with snid BO kind nnd let me know iihcad of time, so I can hare Jt ready for them. business and to dp any and all things in"The campaign to keep the home cident 1 have just received dirot-t from Palestine n very nice stock of most beautiful ! or in any manner pertaining to the Biui nnd Lulovim tor huctoth . . . Anyone (leslrinc to buy one will please let I open is being conducted by mail. aforesaid business. The authorized capital know &o that I cna have it ready for him for Yontlf. f stock of said corporation shall be Twenty New and did The quota of $87,500 is needed to Five Thousand Dollars M&i.OOO) and all of said stock shall he. common and of the pay the debts, interest on the mort- par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) VIOLINS per share and said stock shall bt> nongage and to supply maintenance for assessable when issued. The corporation At Reasonable Prices the next six months. shall commence business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Dong"The income of Father Flanagan's las County and shall continue for a period . € . 16tb NIELSEN 117% N North JA. 5880 fifty years from said date. The highest Boys' home during. the past year of amount of indebtedness shall not exceed has decreased 60 per cent. Patrons two-thirds of its capital stock bnt. this shall not apply to indebtedness who formerly contributed large restriction secured by mortgages upon any of the property. The ntFnirs of the amounts annually, have written say- corporate corporation shall "be managed by a lio.trd ing it was impossible for them to of Directors consisting of not. less than NATIONAL two members. The annual meeting of the give as much this year. corporation shall be held on the first. MonACCESSORIES, INC. of January of ench year nt which meet"The people of Omaha and the day ing the stockholders shiill elect a Hoard of middle west have never failed the Directors and thereupon the Hoard shall 'Everything for the Auto' a president, vice-president, secretary home yet, and regardless of depres- elect and treasurer. Any two of said offices 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 be held by one and (lie same person. sion we are hopeful for the success may All of the assets of tho corporation may of the campaign. The home is sup- be sold or transferred by the affirmative of two-thirds of all the outstanding ported entirely by the public, and vote stock at nny regular or special meeting of stockholders. These articles may be we have no organization to which the MID WEST at any regular ot special meeting we can turn. Unless the money is amended of tb e - stockholders upon the affirmative ENGRAVING CO t lNC, vote of two-thirds of all outstanding stork. forthcoming, we have no alternative /r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties \ ARTISTS ^ than to close our doors and return hereto have hereunto subscribed their names this 24th day of Ailgnst. 15131. _ / ENGRAVERS .',_ the boys to the streets and alleys. I. F. GOODMAN Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is SAM BEBRIt, "I have replaced my brother, PnoneATLANTic 0 6 3 9 watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputaIncorporalora. 313 S0i!4TH.ST. OMAHA. tlon recomnienda that yon try i t Father Edward J. Flanagan, founder IN THK PRESENCE OF: and director of the home, during the PHILIP M KliUTZNICK.
Thull Pharmacy
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
[*m wonder
Fl o u r
tutud and gravel »«ld nnd delivered to you and that iu said uction a writ of nttachinetil was issued and levied upon one I'. & U. Dn.Kline. Model No. 4UU. You are required to answer said petition on or before tbe Slut day ot Mepteui-lier, MJ3L LVMAN-IUCHKT. SAND & tilt A VIS], CO. riaini if I. Dy FKAl»KXi:CKU. STALMASTEK & ISEBKlt. Its Attorneys. 8-7-4t. JACK \\. MAKER Court H«a»c SOT1CE OF AKTKLES OF 1NCOUFOKATION Ol- STKULINt; I'NDKKWIUTKK:
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, pursnaut to the IHUS of .the State of Nebraska, huve formed a corporation, the name of which is Sterling Underwriters and Its principal place of business i s in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects for which this corporation is formed are to organize, purchase, lease or manage insurance companies of nil classes nnd kinds; to net ns general or special agents for insurance, companies of all k.u<ls: to adjust and appraise losses for insurance companies; Iu purchHSe. discount and sale of notes, trade acceptances, accounts receivable and other evidences of indebtedness: to purchase ar.«l sell stocks JinU bonds in other companies and corporations and to purchase the coiup:tny'& own stock: to purchase, own, mortgage and sell ail character of real nnd personal property and to do all other things necessary and incident to the conduct ot such business aud to have the power to establish otr.ves throughout the United States mid foreign countries and to purchase, lease '""I own real and personal property outside of. as well as in the State of .Nebraska, and to transact its business in all parts of the United Stnles and in foreign countries. Tin- :-ffairs of the corporat«on shall be couduitod by a Uoflrd of directors which shall be uol less than two nor more than sev-n and who shall be elected by and from the stockholders. The annual mcctiii); of Ihe cor IMM-atioii shall be held nt the Home Office on the -nd Tuesday aflei the Isr dny iii January of each year. Tlie officers of the corporation shall be President and Secretary and such other stficers as the Board of Directors may deem necessary from time to time nnd shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The authorised capital stock shall be $25,C(MU)0 divided into 2300 shares of the par value of $10.00 ench, Jfl2,lJ0(l.<Hl of which shall \>e common stock and $12,500.00 of which shall l»e preferred stock. The preferred stock shall be entitled to preference ovor the common stock as to dividends nt the rate of (>% per annum and shall also have n preference over the common stock in the distribution of assets. The preferred stock shall be subject to redemption at the option of the company upon any dividend date at par plus any dividends unpaid to date of redemption upon the vote of not less than the majority in interest of the outstanding common stock. Notice of the intention of the company to redeem the preferred stock shall be mailed thirty days before the date of redemption to each holder of preferred stock of record to his last known post office address. The preferred nnd common stock or either thereof may be increased at any time on the rote of fhp holders of not less than a majority of the aggregate amount of common stock outstanding. Any .stockholders of the corporation, desiring to dispose of his stock must first tender his holdings for purchase to the corporation. Should the corporation buy or acquire any of its stock, through any channel, said stock, if thereafter sold in part or in whole, must be tendered to the then stockholders who shall lie privileged to buy it in amounts proportionate to their respective stockholdings in the corporation and in (he event any one or more stockholders elect not to take his or their proportionate share of snid stock, then such proportionate share of stock shall he tendered to the remaining stockholders in the proportion of their respecttve holdings. In the event the corporation does not. elect to acquire any stock tendered to it. such stock mnst. be tendered to the then stockholders who shall be privileged to buy it in amounts proportionate to their respective stockholdings in the corporation. In the event any one or .more stockholders elect not to take his or their proportionate share of said slock, then such proportionate share of stock shall be tendered to the remaining stockholders in the proportions of their respective holding. AH Of such tenders must lip in writing and rnnst remain open for fifteen days after it is made. In the event ot the death of any stockholder, the company shall have the option to purchase the stock of the deceased nt such price per share as may be agreed upon. In 11IP event of n failure to agree the price s&.ill to fixed by arbitration, the company naming one and the executor or administrator naming the other arbitrator, and such two arbitrators choosing a third. If a third arbitrator is not agreed upon after request fo act, said third nrbiiralor shrill upon petition of any parly interested, be appointed by the Pistrict Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. The conclusion of two T>f three arbitrators shall determine the mntter. Thn corporate indebtedness or liability shrill not. exceed two-thirds of the capital stock and Hie corporation Shalt have a Seal which shall contain the words "Stcrlinc Underwriters, Omnhn, Nebraska," surrounding the words. "Corporate Seal." The Articles of Incorporation may be amended upon the vote of the holders of not less than n majority of the aggregate paid up capital stock ontstanding. Witness: M. T,. TAOGART,
K. M. TUL.Z.X. 8-14-**-
I. BERKOWITZ Furrier FUR STORAGE Remodeling and Relining 2818 Leavenworth—TeL JA. 2703
Harry U. Lnpldu*. President- Treaa.
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
Kateban Foundry'£ Mfg. Company Third Ave. and I lth Street Phones: 89 and 513 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
Uncle Sam Laxative Food AND
Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Made by
Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond Company Omaha
The Rothsdxilds M Home that room from evei really belonging to the epoch.
intimate, Personal of the Famous Family of Paris*
Baron Edmond de Rothschild Celebrated Last Week By MADAME E. D E GRAMONT
When I was at Lausanne, taking my little girls to see Dr. Combes, the Baronne Adolphe used to come and see me in her yacht. She had the habit of crossing the lake of Geneva in every direction, in order to convey boxes of grapes from her vineries to inhabitants of the water side. She had an estate at Pregny, and her house formed a pleasant meetingplace. The Princess de Brancovan came from Amphion, the dHaussonvilles from Coppet, Monsieur Tronchin from Bessinges. All Europe used to stop with her. The Empress of Austria was on her way to lunch precisely at Pregny when she was assassinated on the landing stage at Geneva. The Baronne Adolphe used to like going in trams and mixing with the crowd. Dressed on those occasions in an old-fashioned mantle and a black straw bonnet she looked like any other old body. The paradox caused her amusement. She had an aquarium full of blue trout fed daily on an ox's heart and would allow a whols year to go by without looking at those living turquoises, but liked them to be there. Having no children of her own, she made her nephew Maurice de Rothschild her heir.
Among the hooks of Memoirs few placed 80 millions at the government's a great deal, his house being open to may be compared to Madame de Gra- disposal. French and English politicians, to inoritfs masterpiece, "Pomp and Cirmembers of the Academic, to beauticumstances" in. which this eminent TASTES ARE SIMPLE ful women and the gratin. He knows figure in the French world gossips His health is bad, and, a second wittDy, frankly and honestly on the Louis 33V, he never lets his Fagon how to show himself absent-minded with a good grace and a feigned simParis aristocracy. Her reminiscences leave him. plicity which put all his guests at on the Kothschilds are more revealing The Baronne Edmond has simple their ease and enable them to enjoy and more human than all the heavy volumes written about the Rothschilds tastes. With a large straw hat on her themselves. His cousin, Lady Crewe, house. Jonathan Cape and Harrison head and dressed in a linen frock as the wife of the British ambassador, Smith, the publishers have graciously pink as the cheeks in which once the laughs at his sallies. The Berthelots, consented to the publication of this dimples smiled, she loves to pick flow- sitting side by side, say nothing but article in the Jewish Press on the oc- ers in the meadows and meet her hus- look happy. Balfour talks about the casion of the 86th birthday of Baron band' at the station when he returns weather to avoid talking politics. The Edmond de Rothschild which occurred from Paris. Princess Pierre d'Arenberg, pretty last week.—The Editor. They have three children: Myriam, and distinguished, covered with heavy Nowadays rich people pullulate. who is a misanthrope, James Armand, diamonds, replies in a thin, musical You can't help treading on them. who is a misanthrope, and lastly voice to the Italian ambassador. Boni {Copyright, 1931, by Seven Arts FeaWhat is wealth? Material. But it Maurice, the most rackety and ubi- de Castellane points out to Flament ture Syndicate.) takes King Solomon to build the Tem- quitous of the Barons de Rothschild. the architectural shortcomings of the Maurice is my favorite. He amuses place. ple. me because of the way he hides bis The fame, of the Rothschilds is due In his youth, Manrice, alias Momo, considerable intelligence beneath a to extraordinary qualities which have was a very good looking boy. Somevague, distrait manner; if necessary been passed on throngh several genhe will stammer and be at a loss for what filled out nowadays, he has the erations. appearance of a rajah. An altruism •which exercised anony- a word. He^managed to win the afTo get him out of the way of the fection of his aunt Jullie, who made mously for the succouring of unforcostly embraces of the ladies of Paris, him hsr heir. He possesses the famtunate strangers is one of their chief his parents sent him out to explore ous gallery in the Rue de Monceau, -virtues. They also possess this wisAbyssinia. He almost died of dywith the ceiling painted by Guilio dom: the art of discrimination. Romano, full of glittering showcases sentery and lost all his hair. I have never known the Rothschilds it recalls the Galerie d'Appllon in the Among other members of the Rothof Vienna, but I have seen a great deal of those of Frankfort, London Louvre. In the other apartments— schild family who lived in Paris menand Paris. They all have their own well padded, according to the Roths- tion should be made of Alphonse and idiosyncrasies, but are cast in one child custom—Houdons, Falconnets Nathaniel, cousins to the three brothmould: the family mould. Moreover and Clodius rise on pedestals, and the ers, Alphonse, Gustave and Edmond. none have put into more successful walls are adorned with Bouchers, Nat- I only just saw Baron Adolphe. He practice the proverb: "Unity is tiers, Greuzes and Hubert Roberts. In was a frivolous, gallant old beau and strength." They subordinate them- fine, no monarch is surrounded by died when I was still a child. But I selves hierarchically to one another such splendour. often went to his widow's, Aunt Julie, Maurice is the owner of bloodstock who liked to see company. SKe was and hWe^preserved the~JewS^"patriarchal sense; If one of them makes and often wins a race. He entered not handsome, for all her fair wig, expensive mistakes—it has happened Parliament, being ambitious to do so but remarkably intelligent and very —the other members of the family in spite of the Baron Edmond who well-informed; she used to smoke fat come to his aid, and not a ripple of bad no "wish to be a depute's father, cigars as she read the reviews. She his misadventures ruffles the surface. and has been a success there. He is had also a passion for photography They avoid shipwreck and leave no popular and carries "weight in the and made me pose before her cameras. Lower House. flotsam about. 1 was impressed by one of her saIn accordance with an age-old in- ENTERTAINMENTS lons, which was entirely Louis Seize. stinct of their race, each one of the GALORE In fact the very perfection of its patriarchs stays in his tent. Until He entertains a good deal, in fact Louis Seize' quality would prevent the past few years the Rothschilds never crossed a stranger's threshold. And then what I admire about the Rothschilds is that they are genuine.
Organization News Hadassah Among the recent hostesses of Hadassah "Give and Get" luncheons were Mrs. Harry Iippitt, Mrs. Louis Epstein, Mrs. H. Wohlner, and Mrs. J. J. Friedman. The "Give and Get" luncheon will be held in the spring and each member who has raised ten dollars will be privileged to attend. These luncheons have proven very successful in other cities and Hadassah is confident that Omaha is capable of doing as well, if not better. This will be the predominating Hadassah affair of the coming season. Mrs. ft. Bleicher is chairman. The following contributions to the Gift Fund are announced by Hadassah: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Weinstein on the birth of grandchild; Mr. J. Krantz and son in memory of wife and mother; Mr. M. Klein, in memory of his wife; Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldbarg, in honor of the marriage of their daughter. Many thanks to the generous donors.
appointed at the main meeting. The opening talk of the year will be given Mother Chapter by ftabbi Goldstein. Yom Kippur Dance Flans for the season's activities will The Mother Chapter of the A. Z. A. be discussed at this meeting. All is making plans for an "Achar Bat* members are urged to be present. aunis," "After the Fast," dance at the J. C. C. ballroom on the eve folThorpeian Athletic Club lowing Yom Kippur, September 21. The Thorpeian Athletic Club has Music will be furnished by Randall's inaugurated its fall program, during orchestra. which a full season of activity has A feature of the evening wflr l*e been planned. The first meeting of a special rendition of the three A. Z. the fall season was held at the J. C. C. A. songs by Art Randall. last Wednesday evening. A couple picnic was held by the club Every author, in some degree, porlast Sunday at Linoma Beach for trays himself in his works, even be it against his will.—Goethe. < Continued on Page 6)
Conservative Auxiliary Of unusual importance is the opening meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue, which will take place Wednesday, September 9, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C-, to be preceded by a board meeting at 1:30. One of the special features will be a report of the nominating committee MOVES OFFICES Dr. Nathan Muskin announces the removal of his offices to 706 Brandeis Theater Building, where he is associated with Dr. H. T. Sullivan. '
AVer feet TooA
ARE GENUINE They did not fall into the vulgar error—which the children of the great Samuel Bernard were unable to avoid —of disguising their name and their religion. Created Barons in 1815 by the Emperor of Austria as a reward for services rendered, they, added that title to their patronymic of the "Red Sign," "Rothschild." This name lias passed through the generations as an abiding synonym for strength and power, something more impressive than that of richer people—if there are any!—the Rothschilds having given their wealth • something outstanding which I-do not observe in any of the great middle-class families of today. The reason is that the Rothschilds have the gifts of greatness, of state and of liberality. They instinctively make for the highest and . it is thanks to them that France has been enabled to keep some of her finest treasures}-precious furniture, tapestry and plate, old pictures, would long ago have crossed the Atlantic but for the Rothschilds' protecting connoisseurship. In this, as in very many other things, they were ahead of their time and in Jacob Pejit's day were already bunting out the finest work of the preceding centuries. What surrounds them remains immovable. They never give up what has passed into their hands. The Baron and Baronne Edmond de Rothschild have always lived much to themselves. The fancy took them to go up the Amazon as a family-party —the Baron, the Baronne, their daughter, Myriam, and the tatter's governess. For weeks they sailed about together in strange lands. The Baron Edmond's collection are as celebrated as his connoisseurship. Among other things, he owns the finest drawings of the eighteenth century. Though a member of the Institute, he is also what one may call a lavish donor/ He recently gave thirty million francs to the Institute Biologique—and I pass over3other instances of the sort. When war was declared in ;19i4 she immediately.
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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1931 HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS ,.>* . ,, He replied as follows: Dear. Mr. The Henrietta Szold Girls are planKidnaper: You have very evidently ning a steak fry to be held Sunday got me all wrong. I am not a rich at Meadows Park in Louisville, Nebr. man. I haven't got a thousand, let (Continued from Page S.) Blanche Soskin is general chairman alone five thousand dollars. But of the affair, assisted by Elsie Lazwant to tell you that I am interested given for them Friday on the Atharus, Sylvia Jonisch, Ann Zwieback in your proposition." Belgrade.—(J. T. A.)—While Ss- letic club roof. and Ida Blacker. (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele phardic Jews throughout the world The party will meet at the home of •. graphic Agency, Inc.) are making ready to avail themselves A card was received at the Press Miss Lazarus, leaving there at five of the opportunity of resuming Span- office today from Miss Berta Newo'clock. Miss Lazarus is the new ish citizenship in conformity with the man who has been abroad for sevAll news for the Sioux City page president of this organization. offer of the new Spanish government, eral weeks, and is at present in Bermust reach' the Sioux City correthe Sephardic Jews resident in Jugo- lin, Germany. Part of the message spondent not later than Tuesday slavia have no such intention, accord- reads, "Thank you for your copy of evening, to appear in the issue the ing to Leo A. Amar, writing in a lo- the Press which I enjoyed reading in following Friday. Please mail news cal paper. . ; <•• • Final plans for the Pep Meeting Kosin, Austria." (Continued from Page 5.) to Anna Pill. 2216 Douglas street, Amar points out that Jugo-Slavia's and dinner, which is to be held at or call 8-8453, after 1 o'clock. Sephardic Jews have no desire of emiShaare Zion Synagogue Sunday eveAren't the new fall outfits stun- members only. Swimming, boating, Prague.—(J. T. A.) — The" Czecho- grating to Spain since they are Joyal ning, August 30, have been completed.: A large and elaborate chandelier, races and a baseball game furnished ning? Rubach was formerly Miss Eva The dinner which will begin at 6:45 Slovakian ministry of education has citizens of Jugo-Slavia and have alpresented to Shaare Zibn Synagogue Very shortly many affairs will 1>e the day's diversions. p. m., will start the season for thebegun an investigation into the use of ways been well treated here. The by .the J. N. Krueger family, in mem- Baker. Synagogue. Invitations to the dinner, public school textbooks containing Sephardic Jews of Jugo-Slavia have given for a popular October brideory o f the late Mr. Krueger, will be Psi Mu Miss Frances Rutstein has returned which is free, have been limited to anti-Semitic marks. The probe w.i? no reason for going to Spain because to-be. dedicated at a large and impressive The Psi Mu fraternity held a smokhome after spending two weeks visits members. of the congregation and the result of protest on the part of no happy memories bind them to that service Sunday afternoon, August 30, er Monday evening at the J. C. C. Mr. ing in Omaha. An era of prosperity is said, to be their wives. No children will be per- Jewish leaders whose' attention had country, Amar declares. The ceremony will take place at 5:30 Jacob Pearlstein, executive director of been called to tHe volumes by Jew- The Jews, as a national minority, at hand in the apparel trades bein the main auditorium of the synaMiss Bernice Levin has returned to mitted to attend. . the Center, delivered a rousing speech, are well treated in Jugo-Slavia, where cause of a single item—the quaint Mr. John Lansberg, president of ish parents. gogue. The .chandelier,, richly deco- her home after a month's visit with to the members. Irvin Levin, advisor, : One geography text generally used the people, as no others in the world, Empress Eugenie hat—caught the the congregation, will act as toasti rated,, with innumerable crystals is relatives in Scotland, S. D. also spoke to the organization. master. Jack Merlin will sing a group in the schools contains the following foDow the precept "we love every bro- public fancy this summer and lured constructed of . bronze . and .stained Sandwiches and drinks were served ther, no matter of what religion he millions of shy dollars into circulaCantor A. ^ glass.. It. contains thirty-nine bulbs, • Isadore Harlowe of Btoomfield, -vis- of Jewish folk songs. at the conclusion of the meeting. ; symmetrically arranged^ The Shield of ited in Sioux City last week.' ' [, Pliskin will present a group of He- : ."In Slovakia the Jews had a virtual may be," Amar asserts! He adds that tion. brew : melodies; He will ;b^ ; accom- monopoly of trade as well as of in-the Jugo-Slavian Jews have suffered David is arranged on the chandelier, These jaunty rakish hats not only dustry. The peasants who were ex- no persecution here in many centur- won favor themselves, but set into Fa-Hon which has, been designed by Mr. K. Miss. Mary Kaplan has" returned panied by Miss Mildred Baron. E.,Westerlind, a Sioux City architect. home after visiting tot- several - Mr. Morey Lapshutz is chairman'of ploited as laborers, took to drink and ies and hence have no thought of motion style machinery idle for sev- At a meeting of the Fa-Hon MonThe chandelier is. lighted by three months with her sister Ida Kaplan, in the general arrangements. He will could not free themselves from Jew- leaving the land for whose liberation eral years and would for a time, al- day evening, it was definitely decidbe assisted by Robert Sacks, Sovel ish influence. There was virtually no and victory they have fought and leviate economic depression in their ed that the club would join the sencircuits. At the ceremony Mrs. Krue- New York. ' . Krueger, I. H. Levin, Xester Heeger, Slovakian settlement in which the shed blood. ior council at the Jewish Community ger, widow of J. N. Krueger, will light industries. business and inns were not in the Philip Sherman and Max Friedman. the first, Louis Krueger will light the The Nine Aces met at the home of In France they are making the Center with Rose Stein and Rose In speaking of the plans for thehands pf Jews..,,The Jews-were the Von WeisI Leaving Palestine second and Mark Krueger the third. Mrs. Herman J. Chorney last Friday masculine little derbe so feminine Moskovitz as representatives. dinner Mr. Lipshutz said, '^The pur-richest element of the population in Cantor A. Pliskin will chant sev- evening. • The girls decided to again enter Jerusalem. — Dr. Wolfgang von that Lord Derbe himself wouldn't eral appropriate hymns. Mr. Otto the debate tournament and try to reMrs. Sam Levine was elected treas- pose of this-dinner for the members Slovakia. But with the overthrow of WeisI, leader of the Palestine Revis- recognize it. Austro-Hungarian monarchy ionists, is leaving Palestine soon. Graf, a faculty member of the Uni- urer ancLMrs. Al J. Turchen reporter. and' wives is to start the season with the For example, they tilt the hat over tain the cap which they have won versity of Wisconsin, will play sevThe next meeting will be held at pep and to instill the members with there came a change. The Slovaks It is reported that he will be re-the .right ear and hang a veil over for three consecutive years. Tryouta enthusiasm for coming congregational freed themselves from the influence placed by Meer - Grossman, English the. right-eye. The veil slants "across will be held this following Monday. eral piano solos. A memorial prayer the home of Mrs. Harry Fish. of the Magyars .and Jews and again Revisionist, and vice-president of the events." will be recited for the late Mr. Kruethe upper part of the nose and leaves became masters of their -glorious Union of Zionist Revisionists. ger. Mr. Mark Krueger will present Mr. and Mrs. H. Trachtenberg the left eye free to do its work. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS homeland." the gift in behalf of the faculty. Mr. have returned to their home in Another school:book declares that John Lansberg, president of the con-Avoca, Iowa, after visiting here at "in Judaised Munkacz, Czechs were gregation will accept - it - in - behalf of the home of the latter's parents, kept prisoners of war during the the Synagogue. Rabbi H. R. Rabin- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker. Mr. and (Continued from Page 2.) fifties." owitz will conclude the program with Mrs. Trachtenberg, whose marriage a brief dedication sermon. was an event of August 2, in The service is open to the public. Council Bluffs, Iowa, were the in-who was much of a deceiver, and spiration for a number of parties managed to get himself elected to a (4.4O21) during their stay. Among tbeii position, Txefore his congregation really knew him. hostesses were Mrs.: Sam Baker, He was, of course, a disappointment Mrs. M. L. Ruback, Mrs. N. Maizel, and one of the shrewder members of Mrs. J. Banwell, Mrs. Joe Merlin the congregation took it upon himand Miss Dorothy Tilevitz. Cast of characters for a play to self to diplomatically effect his rebe presented October 15, was chosen moval. Mrs. Sol Falk is visitahg with Tuesday evening, by the A- Z. A. "Rabbi/' he said, "we like you very This Year's Convention Comes Chapter, at the Jewish Community friends in Lincoln, Nebr. Out on Yom Kipmuch, but really, you are too good foT Center. The play chosen was pur a town of this small size. You ought Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Silverberg en"Seventeen" by Booth Tarkington. to be in London or New York. There Arnold Baron and Marcella Levich tertained fifty guests, Sunday evening you would be appreciated to the Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—Hilford Stern, were chosen to play the leading at the Martin hotel on the occasion of l i m i t . " : X ! - ; ' B'nai Brith leader and chairman of ! ' . ';\ ',•:•'.; 7 •' '• masculine and. feminine roles. Other the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. " T h a t ' s true,answered the rabbi, "I the' committee that attempted to semembers of the cast are ' Louis A number of out of. town guests were am cut out 'for a bigger sphere than cure a changein the opening date of ~ Slotsky, Morris Bernstein, Sam Ber-among those present. the convention "of tfie American Lethis, b u t ! ^ v e arcbntra'ct.'' ' man, Abe Beechen, Alfred Levich, "O, that's-all right, Rabbi, dont let gion, which is to open here on the Mrs. R. Levitan, 505 Omaha street, Marvin Beechen, I'adore Mirowitz, 2X, Yom Kipthat worry you, 111 fix it, so that you morning of Sepfemoer 1 Lillian - Magaziner, Rose Shiloff, announces the engagement of her pur' day, made public a number pf can break your contract.'' Serene Barre'nt, Rozena Sacks and daughter, Esther, to Mark, H. Blacker statements which reveal that Legion ;>"But ifjt;go to a larger city, I'll of Rockingham, North.Carolina. The Sylvia Baumstein. ..,.. leaders are anxious in the future to need;references." -* : Ernest Fribourgi well known local dats for the wedding > has•'. not been "Don't let; that worry you, Rabbi. avoid the mistake made ~this year of attorney, who rhas been active in set. Miss Levitan, who is a graduate Jill see that; you get the very Best of holding the convention on an importthe Little Theater Work here, will of Central high school and well-known recommendations from our congrega- ant Jewish holiday. "The QUALITY Tire Within The Reach of ALL' direct the production. Leonard in local musical circles,, is visiting at tions." Mr. Stern made' public a statement the home of her sister, Mrs. Sam Baumfflein is general chairman for To make a long story less long, the from Alfred M. Cohen, international Stein, in Hamlet, North Carolina. the arrangements. Rabbi obtained these recommenda- B'nai Brith president, who writes, The purpose of presenting the tions and was soon on the strength of "while all that-we undertook "was not play is to raise funds for the A. Z. Miss Ruth Davidson was hostess to them engaged by another and wealth- obtained, nevertheless I believe that our protest this year will prevent a A. district tournament to be held a group of intimate friends Tuesday ier congregation in a large city. afternoon, at a luncheon in her home. recurrence of the'unpleasantness for here in February. The afternoon hour3 were -spent at ' It. was not long before this large all future time. I shall compTy with congregation realized the elephant on bridge. . ! Mr. Barton's request for the dates of its hands. . " the Jewish Holy .Days that fall in Miss Sara Mosow and Miss Leah ;The, president of the congregation September or October next year and Herzoff, September brides, • shared went to see the president of the pon- this office will hereafter undertake Tickets for the High Holy Day honors at an evening of bridge Thurs- gregation; which had recommended to furnish such information from year ::.'• '•' . ; "•;•'• Services at Shaare Zion Synagogue day evening, when the Misses Sadie T u r n . , ; . , ..••/• to year." r ."Why this man is a lemon. How Shulkin, Elizabeth Raskin and. Rose will be on sale Sunday morning, Aug. Mr. Cohen refers to a communica30, from 10 o'clock until 1 o'clock at Lipman entertained at the Sara Davis -did you dare to; write such*flattering tion from National Adjutant James F. -..'-• the' Synagogue. During the • week tea shop. Miss Mosow and Miss Her- Tecdmmendations?" Barton of the American Legion w.ho ; tickets will be on sale at the Victor zoff have both set September 6 as the "Everything we wrote about the asked for the dates of the Jewish date for their respective weddings. rabbi is absolutely true," replied the •* • ' Hat and Shirt Company. first president; in fact, he is like God Holy Days in 1932 so that Legion himself. That's- what we wrote, and leaders in the city where the convenMiss Ida Cohen and Miss Ethel tion is to be held should avoid setting Fisher of Omaha visited this week at we are prepared to stand :by every a date to conflict with important Jewword of it." the home of Miss Ruth Orlikoff. : .;'ish holidays. Mr. Barton also said "He is like Beethoven. "Well, BeeMr. and Mrs. Ben Adelstein anthat at the forthcoming convention, nounce the birth of a son. Mrs. Adel- •Mr. and Mrs^ Philip Agranoff of thoven was deaf, so is this rabbi. He "the forenoon session will be a brief stein was formerly Miss Bertha Minneapolis visited recently at theis like Moses. Moses stuttered, and one and will be devoted mostly to the DAVID HOBERMAN BARNEY HOBERMAN home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shulkin, so does this rabbi. He is like God Greenberg. opening of ceremonies and the usual 2005 Villa avenue. A number of cour- for God 'ist nischt kein mensch,' and greetings." The session will adjourn . Mr. • and Mrs. Morris Miller an- tesies have been extended them dur- neither is this Rabbi." NEW FRESH STOCK—ALL FIRSTS—FINEST QUALITY IN GOODYEAR HISTORY in time to permit Jewish delegates to nounce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. ing their visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DIPLOMATS AND LADIES attend Yom Kippur services. : Miller was formerly Miss Mae Sher- Shulkin honored the guests at a dinPrice Price I see by the Jewish Daily Bulletin It is believed.that all elements here ner and theater party. Mr. and Mrs. man. Per Pair Per Pair Price Each Price Each that David Kaufman, the American Orthodox, Conservative and Reform, Leon Shulkin'were hosts at a party 9 minister to Siam is quoted as saying will join in one committee to accomMr. and Mrs. Eli Robinow and son for the guests. that diplomacy today is no longer the modate Jewish Legionnaires for Yom and Miss Marcia Robinow are visiting 129 X 5.00] A number of friends.and relatives artful concealing of the days of yore. Kippur services. friends and relatives in Minneapolis. 10 80 Apropos of that,' Dr. Gordon, to surprised Mr. and* Mrs. Louis Fish whom I have referred, several paraMr. and Mrs. Otto Graf of Madi- on the occasion of their fifth wed[29x4.40] [30x5.00] son, Wis., are guests at the home of ding anniversary Saturday evening. A graphs back, tells a good "mashul." The doctor attributes it to the son of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam social hour was followed by a buff the famous Ben Jehuda. supper. Among the guests was Miss Weiner/ Melbourne.—(J. T. A.) — Effective "When a lady says no, she means {3OX&251 [29x4.50] Ethel Stoler of Minneapolis, who is immediately the entire Australian maybe, and when she says maybe, she visiting Miss Sarah Kaplan. Miss Dorothy Rutstein has returned means yes, and when she says yes, government begins operating on a five home after a week's visit with friends TRUCK TIRES day week basis. Only the most essenshe is no lady. • in Chicago. Arab Press Continues [30x4£0] "When a diplomat says yes, hetial services such as post office emCampaign ployes will henceforth be at work on means maybe, and when he says mayMiss Ruth Orlikoff has returned Jerusalem.—The anti-Jewish camlost as a result of the complete abolihome after spending the past two paign set on foot by the Arab press be, he means no, and when he says tion of Saturday work in government weeks as a guest of her brother, Mr, and Arab organizations in connection no, he is no diplomat." departments, work will begin an hour [28x4.75] Jack Orlikoff in Omaha. with the government's announcement INTERESTED BUT earlier during the rest of the week. a fortnight ago that sealed armories EMBARRASSED All Sizes Greatly Reduced t t Big Savings on Tubes t Buy Now! This new government policy will Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rubach de- had been given to some of the re- Apropos of the current slump, I am make it possible for Jewish civil serparted recently for New York and mote Jewish colonies continued un- told up here, that interest in Jewish vice employes in Australia to observe points of interest in the east. They abated. affairs is as keen as ever; but money the Sabbath without conflicting with plan to be gone a month.. Mrs Over the week-end a meeting of for Jewish purposes not so readily their jobs. Arab leaders was held at Talkarem available. in which representatives of Talkarem, A local lawyer explained the situa- Rabbi Michael Alper, chairman of ROAD SERVICE 11 P . M. Jenin and other Arab villages adopt- tion with a story. the publications committee of Avukah, ed a resolution protesting against the A local man who was not getting the American Student Zionist FederaCor. 17th and Capitol A Y C Omaha, Nebr. Phone AT. 6427 Jewish colonies getting the sealed ar- along so very well with his wife, re^ tion, announces that Joseph S. Shu, "We feed, this multitude" mdries' and calling for an all-Pales- ceived a note from a gangster threat- bow of Boston, has been named'editor ; . HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors ; «.'_ With Tasty Foods _ tine* Arab conference to discuss steps ening, to kidnap his wife, unless he of the 1932 issue of the Avukah anto be taken in this connection. forwarded $5,000.
Society News
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Pep Meeting, Dinner Sunday at Synagogue
p a s s a g e :
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•; •• • • •
Organization News
Cast Chqsen for Play "Seventeen"
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