September 4, 1931

Page 1

In the Interests of The Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

Entered as Second-Class Mall Matter on Jan' E -„ 1921, at .-- Vo*toffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the. Act' "~* S3 h 3, : 1879 =

COMMISSION ON MANDATES GIVES I^PROVAL Report Says Body Pleased that • Order Maintained in Pal'•'•'•', estine in 1930

VOL. IX.—No. 31


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inenbaum Is eading Zoologist

To Make Tour for Moslem University

Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—One of the greatest zoologists in Poland is Dr. M. Tennenbaum,. director of the Jewish high school for boys "Le'Or." Dr. Tennenbaum is recognized as one of the leading zoologists authorities in Europe. In recent years he headed a number of scientific expeditions abroad for the Polish government. ' He brought back with him many rare specimens of animals, fish and birds which have been placed on exhibition in the government zoological museum of Warsaw, one of the larg*est of its kind in all Europe.

Jerusalem. — (J. T. A.) — Shawkat Ali, Indian Moslem leader, has informed the Arab paper, Al Mokkattam, that he will meet High Commissioner Chancellor in England and also make another visit to Palestine shortly in the interests of the Palestine Arabs. After six months, when he will be free of Indian affairs, he will tour the Moslem countries to raise funds for a Moslem university in Jemsalem, he declared.

Your Greeting Problem Solved!

ADMINISTRATION ACCEPTSJEWISH RESPONSIBILITY Approves of Action of American Delegates at World Congress

Geneva.—(J. T. A.) — Satisfaction New York.—(J. T. A.)—Full rethat order had been maintained in sponsibility for the acts of the maEvery year more and more people realize tfie adjority of the American delegation to Palestine during 1930 was expressed vantages in running their greeting for the New Year in the recent World Zionist Congress by the Mandate Commission of the was. accepted by the Administration League of Nations in its observations the Rosh Hashonah number of the Jewish Press , . . . and of the Zionist Organization of Ameron the Palestine reports presented to moire and more of your friends are using tins medium as ica, in an official statement which it at its last session. the solution to their greeting problem. • • •. called upon adherents of the move/ The observations of the Commission ment throughout the country to avoid i also take note of the statement of Dr. internal difficulties and continue their Drummond Shiels, accredited British By expressing your felicitations id!your friends, efforts to rebuild the Jewish National representative to the Commission that your relatives, and your associates . . . . for the very nomHome in Palestine. The statement the British government is endeavorwas issued by Robert Szold, chairing to facilitate Jewish immigration inal sum of $2.00 . . . . you make sure that you will not man, in behalf of the Administration, to Palestine without prejudicing the chide yourself for having embarrassingly forgotten somefollowing the first meeting of that Arab majority by increasing the ecoDivisional Meetings Planned by body since the return of the delegates onei nomic capacity of the country to abUnion of American Hebrew from Europe. sorb immigrants. Los Angeles Rabbi Starts Series Congregations The Commission comments on the The Jewish New Year edition appears next Friday, The statement pointed out that the of Lectures with That preparations of the agricultural deCongress, "convened after two years Purpose Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—The reliSeptember 11. Join aU your friends in sending your velopment plan and welcomes the recgious needs and spiritual welfare of of unparalleled political stress and greetings in tKs safefyi^yway by phoning the Jewish ognition of the British representative Los Angeles.—(J. T. A.)—With the tile Jews in the small CUuiujuuXlitiesand serious internal as well as external of the fact that improvement of rela- object in view of "bringing back0 into Press immediately.... ATlantic 1450. isolated hamlets has led to a program difficulties" and that "sharp differtions between Jews and Arabs is de- the Reform congregations of America of divisional meetings by the Union of ences as to policies and leadership pendent on a just settlement of ques- the idea of the confessional, Rabbi American Hebrew Congregations and threatened the unity of the Zionist tions of an economic nature. The Julius A. Leibert of Temple Emanumovement." The four-fifths majority its affiliated organizations. Commission also declares that it fol- El will begin a series of sermons on of the American delegation from the A divisional meeting is a gathering outset lowed not without some uneasiness that subject. Although at present itself to averting this of all Jewish families in a limited pre- danger applied the fluctuations of the Mandatory's there is no concerted action or sentiand in this "it was eminently scribed area, regardless of theological successful." policy in Palestine and expresses the ment against the confessional in Jewdifferences, for the purpose of discushope that the new endeavors will ish congregations, in the Reform conStabilizing Influence sing and solving the problems in the solve the problems of Arab-Jewish gregations it has been almost entireRosh Hashonah Issue locality and with a view of intensifyIn addition, the statement, which is relations successfully. ly disregarded, Rabbi Leibert said. to Appear Next ing interest and loyalty in Judaism. the first official pronouncement of "The confessional," he declared, Legislative Council. The Jews in small communities, at the highest governing body of AmeriFriday In special observations the Commis- "has both a historic and a psychologipresent, are receiving much attention can Zionists between conventions, sion welcomes Dr. Shiels' statement cal basis, and if ever the confessional through personal visits of rabbis and since the Congress, says "the majority The Jewish Press appears today that the Mandatory Power intends to was needed it is needed today when through congregational organizations. of the delegation helped to organize with only a four-page edition in set up a legislative council in accord- our economic depression, our world- Two Thousand Partake in the lieu of the fact that next Friday Many of the sisterhoods and brother- a strong bloc of general Zionists However, There Is No Fear of hoods ance with the White Paper of Octo- wide unrest has made of us an undevote several meetings of the which exercised the balance of power our mammoth nmpnai Jewish New Events of Organization's Pogroms, in Gerber, 1930. Note was taken of the fact stable people mentally. Only today I year to the Jewish problems of the between the two extreme wings, and Year issue will be published. Annual Festivity many that departures from the White Paper was approached by two of my consmall communities, inviting those per- served as a stabilizing influence in This Rosh Hashonah .number Two thousand of Omaha Jewry fro- will Contain an interesting and will -be made regarding various mat- gregation who wished to unburden sons living in the isolated groups to the Congress"; "worked assiduously to In a special interview with the these gatherings. themselves, and the. cases are num- licked at the annual picnic of the ters. bring about the election of the coalierous where such an unburdening to Omaha Hebrew Club held at Fonte- varied array of features and arti- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Max EisThe Commission also expressed the a rabbi would be of inestimable value cles, chosen specially for our read- enkraemer of Berlin, a former offi- But the Jew living in the isolated tion Executive on the broadest, lines hope that the Mandatory Power will —would be the means of saving a nelle Park Sunday, August 30. ers. Watch for this "edition of cer of the Central Association of Ger- hamlet and small community desires that circumstances permitted"; "gave The afternoon was spent in various editions" next Friday. give effect to its intention of reor- wrecked or a losing life." man Citizens of the Jewish Faith, a more than personal visits or invita- expression to the protest of American games, young and old, men and woganizing the municipalities and convice-president of the Abraham Geiger tions to participate in congregational Jewry and of the Jews ofjQie world" ferring on them wide powers. The The confessional is nothing new in men participating for. tiie fifty prizes Lodge of the B'nai Brith and a mem- activities. He desires an opportunity against the actions of those officials which 'were Vlistributed among the Jewish religious history, Rabbi. Lei"" Commission" declaresfhat it considers ber of the board of the German Jew- to meet his co-religionists in the vic- of Great Britain, the Mandatory that a periodical compilation of ac- bert pointed out. "The expiatory contestants. ish War Veterans' Association, gave inity. At a general gathering such eminent, which were in violation, of curate statistics on unemployment sacrifice made in the ancient days The Psi Mu baseball nine emerged his opinions on the present status of as the type of a divisional meeting, the Mandate and which constituted a victorious over the Gerber Auto Parts carried with them the necessity of would be of the greatest value in dethe Jews in Germany. Mr. Eisen- he will be given a chance to discuss breach of trust against the League of after a hard-fought tussle, 5 to 3. A confessing sin," he declared.. "And the problems affecting the locality. Nations and the United States, as well termining the annual quota of labor kraemer is now in New York. confessions became more prevalent special entertainment was furnished as against the Jewish people; it aided immigrant contingents. " H e Fascist agitation," he declared The results of these meetings is ex- in the framing and adoption of * at the game by Captain Justin of after the destruction of the Temple. pected eventually to bring him closer Hope that the report of the Wailing 'Tachariun' was repeated daQy. There Huntington's troupe of performers 'is constantly spreading, especially in resolution defining the aims of the Wall Commission would finally define is in Orthodox: Jewry stHl the- confes- who was raised some thirty-five feet the small and middle sized cities to the organized communities. the Jewish and Arab rights to the sion in contemplation of death, the by his hair to a tree. The captain New York.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Walter where there is nothing to combat its A divisional meeting, it is believed, Zionist movement and secured the Wall and put on end to past controv- •Vidou/ and there is -the *Vidou ha has iron hair and displayed remark- M. Kotschnig, general secretary of the spread. The feeling against the Jews will engage the interests of many adoption by the Congress of a "well members of the organized groups and thought out economic program for inersies was also expressed. 'Godol'. of Tom Kippur. In the 15tb able strength in his tug of war with International Student Service, here is therefore steadily- growing strong- enable them to participate actively in creasing the absorptive capacity of century the Yom Kippur Koton, the six huskies pulling at his locks of for the Mt. Holyoke Conference of er. This is helped by the acute eco- a religious project. This will natural- Palestine, for the stimulation of inthe L S. S., deplored the attacks on nomic need of Germany which in lesser Yom Kippur, was introduced as hair. ly mean further stimulation on the dividual initiative, and the gathering Two Warsaw Jewish a day of confession, and during the About five hundred attended the the Jews in the universities, in an in- many ways is bringing about a feel- part of participating congregations, of capital for the sound economic deMiddle Ages the penance of >FShe- dance at the pavillion in the evening terview and stressed the attention ing of utter despair. The hungry and sisterhoods and brotherhoods. velopment of the country." Theaters to Close vua' was prevalent in,Hebrew life. to the tunes of the Highland orches- which the L S. S. is devoting to the the unemployed lend a willing ear to European Jewish student problem. "I the National Socialist siren, especialWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Already bad- "It is only in modern times'that-* the. tra. ly affected by the unemployment sit- confession was dropped from the rit- Irvin C. Levin and a committee of consider that part of the work of the ly since they feel they risk nothing. uation, Warsaw Jewry received an- ual and from the prayers of the mod- J. Riklin, J. Feldman, A. Kaplan, H. I. S. S. dealing with Jewish matters In their, opinion things cannot be any other blow when the managements of ern synagogue, and now.:I feel that Shrier, M. Resnick, and J. Eulakofsky within the university as one of its worse for them in any event, whereas the S=a!a and Central Theaters, both the rabbi can do an immense amount were in. charge. The games and con- most important tasks. Two consid- in the promised Third Reich, their lot, Jewish. houae3, announced that they of good for liis congregation if he re- tests were directed hy E. Segal, J. erations lead me to that conviction: they believe, may be improved. 1. The continual friction between the Intensified Efforts. would close thi3 week. The clos- introduces the confessional—not in C. C. Physical Director, and Dave ing of these two theaters will deprive the narrow sense of the wojd—but Chesneau. The outstanding perform- Jewish students and professors on the "The National Socialist newspapers "The people of Europe do not out- prominent diamond and tobacco mermore than one hundred Jewish fam- the rabbi should be a depository of ers in the contests were Iillie Pollay one side and non-Jews on the other are intensifying their anti-Jewish ef- wardly show the signs of the economic chants. There is no anti-Semitism ilies cf a livelihood. and Nellie Edel in the junior girls in Central and East-European univer- forts. One writer in the Westdeut- travail which is being experienced on there at all. his flock's troubles and anguish." events; Joe Kaplan and Sonny Rich- sities is one of the greatest handicaps schen Beobachter deals candidly with the continent," was the observation of Rabbi Cohn and family attended ards in the junior boys division; Har- in the achievement of the purpose of the possibilities of exterminating the Rabbi Frederick Cohn, spiritual lead- several services during their journey. the university, which is advancement Jews whom he compares to vermin. er of Temple Israel, who returned He participated in a Jewish service riet Rifkin, Max Merriam, Herman Levinson and Frank Brookstein in the of learning and preservation of the In the same article l i e writer revives Tuesday from a tour of Europe, on held on the boat the last Saturday of elder groups. The women's events intellectual values of humanity, to the blood ritual accusation. which he was accompanied by his wile the return voyage. were a walkaway for Mrs. Frank which purpose Jews have undoubtedly "Thousands of otherwise decent and and his daughter, Miss Madeline He also met quite a few Zionists Brookstein, who captured a total of made very great contributions. level headed citizens read and believe Cohn. The first meeting of the local lodge greet the year 5692 because it pre- four prizes. Goes Beyond Universities. going to and from the world Congress While all of the European countries t£ the B'nai Brith will take place sents us with an opportunity to be"On the other hand, I feel that these statements; the more so since at Basie and found that they spoke Thursday evening, September 10, at gin the work of our lodge again* The Irvin Levin has asked that anyone while the Jewish problem goes beyond there is no possibility of enlightening complain of the severe business de- very discouragingly of the conclave 8:15 p. m. at the Jewish Community new year challenges us to bring new possessing a. number f99L" regardless the limits of the university and can- the German environment sufficiently pression, Rabbi Cohn found that this and the present condition of Zionism. Center. The feature of the meeting life and interest into the lodge. Here- of serial, call or leave word for him not be solved in the university, it is against such slander. When, in addi- unsettled condition is not obvious on The Cohns enjoyed visiting for the will be the address of the Hon. Fred tofore, we have contented ourselves at 301 Electric Building. more serious in the university than tion to such occurrences, the German the surface except in England. In first time in the Scandinavian counWright, presiding judge of the Fourth with giving our money and energies anywhere else, and we have at least courts free the editor of the West- the latter country a large number of tries, Ireland and Holland. They were Judicial District. Judge Wright has to the splendid institutions which the J. Bernstein Furnace the right to expect that the univer- deutschen Beobachter — as happened grown-up men may be seen hanging most fortunate in weather conditions, an outstanding reputation as a wit B'nai Brith maintains. That, of course, sity face the problem in a spirit of last month in Cologne — from the about the streets, idling, probably be- not having a bit of hot weather the Company Consolidates land humorist. impartiality and free itself from thi charge of insulting the Jewish reli- cause of the dole. is highly praiseworthy and it is entire time. "Everybody seems to be working in In addition to the principal address enough to recommend the B'nai Brith Way back in 1910 in an unpreten- Tule of slogans and prejudices. Thas gion and provoking group hatreds, it Rabbi Cohn is -wasting no time in there will be an installation of the to any Jew with a sympathetic heart. tious frame building on the north- while unable to ultimately solve thi is not to be wondered at that even Germany," Rabbi Cohn relates con- inaugurating the fall program of the new officers by Sam Beber, first vice- But this year we want to do more east corner of 20th. and Burt, a new- problem, it ought to create an atti- among the intellectuals there is a cenvng the country which according Temple, as the opening services will president of District Grand Lodge No. than that. Without taking anything comer in the Jewish community tude which in itself would facilitate marked trend towards National So- to newspaper reports is supposedly be held tonight and the Temple Sunthe hardest-hit country. "The stores day School vfill start Sunday. 6, an inaugural address by the new away from our charitable enterprises launched into the sheet metal and fur- the solution of the general problem cialism. are crowded and the places of amuse"Of special significance are the deand hence in turn, the university president, Dr. A. Greenberg, and mus- we propose to give our membership nace business. For twenty-one years velopments in the German univers- met't are overflowing. The people ical numbers. Refreshments will con- the kind of programs which will draw that man, J. Bernstein, has continued problem. ities. The academic youth of Ger- look happy and contented." clude the evening's program. 8 Jews Win Scholarships of them to our meetings in large num- in that business, growing as the city many which heretofore was strongly "Kowever," Rabbi Cohn points out, Hungarian Government "This of course presupposes an enDuring the coming term one meet- bers. expanded. to render impossible the re- devoted to the ideals of freedom, now "when you look into conditions as Budapest.—Announcement has just ing a month will feature some outToday his company is consolidated deavor currence of violent outbreaks against supplies the chief sources for Fascist they really exist, you find that a been made by the Minister of Educastanding speaker. Invitations to" adwith the.Independent Metal Products, Jews in the universities, which is un- leadership. The official Hitlerite or- great many are being sustained by tion concerning scholarships for colGovernor Isaacs Voluntarily dress these meetings- have been exlocated at 1014 Seward. The firm worthy of the spirit of any true uni- gan proclaims proudly the fact that means of state aid, particularly the tended to men like Judge Harry Fish- Takes 10 Per Cent Cut carries a complete" line of gasolin versity. After the second conference the Hackenkreuzer flag flutters ever prciessional men, as the doctors and lege graduates. Under the new proer, presiding judge of the Criminal Canberra. Australia.—If Australia and oil tanks and manufacture all vision 240 scholarships will be availbetween Jews and anti-Semites this organizations in twenty institutions dentists." His conclusion was that able for study in a university outside Courts in Chicago, Prof. A. L. Sacher, does not improve its economic condi- types of steel tanks. of higher learning and that €0,000 one could not judge from appearances. author and the director of the Hillel tion it will be no fault-of GovernorBernstein has done sheet metal an year at Nyon, a number of meetings students are true to the Hitler pro- "We did not experience any dis- of Hungary or in advanced courses Foundation at the University of Uli- General Isaac Isaacs, who has just furnace, work during his twenty-oni have already taken place between rein a Hungarian institution of learnagreeable incidents or any ill effects ing:. Eig-ht Jews are among the schol, nois and Philip Seman, executive di- voluntarily reduced his salary by $5,- years in the business for a good man; sponsible Jewish and anti-Semite stu- gram. "In my opinion there is at the pres- of anti-Semitism in Germany, or for arship winners. rector of the Jewish Peoples' Institute 000. He is entitled to a salary of $50,- homes and downtown buildings in thi dents on a national basis in various of Ghicago, the largest Jewish center 000. Governor-General Isaacs has al- city. In this time he has built up countries, a thing which before th( ent time no fear of pogrom attacks in that matter, anywhere," Dr. Cohn staW. "And we did not notice the Goldberg Named Deputy building in the country. Among the so given up his annual judicial pen- reputation for integrity and ability. conference would have been practical- Germany." Hitlerites at all." ly impossible. While I do not wish Attorney General of Penn Nebraska notables, Attorney General sion of $7,000 and has refused to acC. A. Sorenson has been invited. cept the annual allowance of $10,000 Warsaw. — A Yiddish theatrical to be over-optimistic, realizing the Riga.—The well-known Jewish mus- The Coins found the ghetto in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Eerman Goldtroupe under the direction of Jonas difficulties as I do, I do certainly feel ician M. Wachalter has been invited Amsterdam very interesting. The berg of Wilkcs-Earre, Pa., has been Most of this, preparation has been for living expenses. there have a special market of appointed deputy attorney general of Sir Isaac is the first native-born Turkov was denied the use of the that the results already achieved of- to be the first conductor of the Latmade by the Intellectual Advancement Committee headed by Rabbi David A. Governor-General of the common- theater in Rymanov, Galicia, unless fer more than sufficient encourage- vian State Opera. Wachalter comes their own on Sundays because they the state of Pennsylvania. He is the Goldstein. When interviewed Rabbi wealth as well as its first non-Pro- the performances are given in Polish ment to justify an earnest and per- to his new post from the Berlin State are closed on Saturdays. Among the first Jew in the state to hold such a severing continuation of oar efforts. Operp. Amsterdam Jewry are some very high office. - '• .••'.' .-. > • chief executive. _ . instead of Yiddish. _. - -. Goldstein said: "We are baaa&






"Appearances Deceiving in Europe"~Rabbi Cohn

Noted Speakers on Bnai Brith Series, Starting on Thursday



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931 Dr. Sunlight, Dr, Diet and Dr. Quiet Sunlight serves as a mental stimulant. It acts as a tonic to the mind. Berlin.—The Moscow Yiddish Art Frankfort, Germany—The kehillah Mental tests for children attending Theater will spend the forthcoming leaders heer have been forced to the sun classes bring out the fact that Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska by winter season in this city in a series most urgent measures to carry on the mere exposure to sunlight brought of guest performances. Arrangements THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY work of the Jewish welfare organizaabout marked improvement in menhave just been concluded by Jacob SIOUX CITY OFFICE tions. For the past few months the tal capacity and in general alertness Zhitomisrski, the leader of the troupe, JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street arising from a rapid co-ordination of to take over one of the Berlin thea- organized institutions have been sethought and action. ters and to prepare for the opening verely hit by the economic depression. Subscription Price, one year - - - - - « • ••> •••• 12.50 At the' commencement of the son Advertising rates furnished on application of the season which is expected to be Steps are now being taken to prevent classes many of the pupils were listin the latter part of September. the closing of the institutions. less, tired or lazy. As the sun classes ' First Service Opening Service continued, they gained in self-confiThis Saturday, September 5, at midThe opening service for the fall will dence, in self-reliance and in powers Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building I night, the Conservative Synagogue foe held at Temple Israel tonight, of observation. They finally developed Telephone: ATIantic 1450; ^ "will hold its first service of the year. starting at 7:45 p. m. Rabbi Fred- an excellent esprit de corps, inDAVID BLACKER - -•-•- - - - - - Business and Managing Editor The Selichoth service held either at erick Cohn, who returned Tuesday : FRANK B. ACKEBMAN , - - - . . . _ . _ - - _ ^ . Editor, midnight or in the early hours of the from a tour of Europe, will speak on creased vitality and initiative. AimFREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - • - ~ Society Editor lessness and lassitude disappeared, morning has always exerted a strong his trip abroad. FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, Iowa - - - - Correspondent and the children manifested a confascination on the Jewish people. For ANN PILL Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent stant craving to tackle a set piece over a thousand years Jews have preSaturday Morning of work and to get it completed. pared for the Days of Awe—Yomim Service will be held tomorrow mornTHE BRITISH CABINET Influence on Emotions. Noraini—Bosh Hashonah and Yom ing at 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Cohn will By • The coalition cabinet of England formed to save the British Kippnr—by going to Selichoth. Sunlight or ultra-violet also faspeak on "Our Jewish Heritage." RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN from economic disaster is significant to the Jewish people from The. service is largely penitential in vorably influences the emotions. It several angles. The most obvious Jewish sidelight is that for the character. The confessional and prayexhilarates and induces a sense of Sunday School Opens Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York first time in England's history two Jews simultaneously occupy ers for forgiveness are the most movThe Temple Israel Sunday School cheer and gaiety. It dissipates gloom part of the liturgy. These praywill open its fall term this Sunday, and depression. Few people commit positions in the British Cabinet. The Marquess of Reading added ing ers interpreted by the chanting of a "JEWS GO TO COLLEGE" IS THE stantial and generous gifts. No onestarting at 10 a. m. suicide on days of sunshine. Most of 1 the foreign ministry to his already imposing list of British high trained cantor bring tears to the eyes title of an article by Harold A. Wood- who knows the record of Jewish charRabbi Cohn announces that all pu-the suicides occur on drab and murky offices, and Sir Samuel Herbert, former High Commissioner of and take people out of themselves. ruff in the September "Harper's". It ities and the unselfish and overflow- pils are expected to be present to be days and during the sunless winter Palestine, became a member of a British cabinet for the fourth Selichoth" is a necessary preparation is written with much insight and first ing generosity of dozens of noble enrolled. All new pupils should be months. hand knowledge of Jewish psychology, Jewish philanthropists can doubt this present at the opening session Suntime by his appointment as Home Secretary. The elevation of for the High Holydays. To quote from Norman Davey: In America, Jews of the second and family life, and group action. It statement for one minute. "The sun is a dispeller of ill-humor. day morning. these two men to such important posts in a time of crisis demon- third generation rarely attend Seli- must, of course, be read with caution, He is tVf healer, the life-giver. He is I myself have found Jewish stustrates anew the well-known truth that England is impartial and choth services. It is regretable that but it deserves to be read. Mr. Wood- dents more responsive and grateful to the only true doctor of the troubled unbiased in its selection of the men who are to guide her destinies. it has lost meaning for them. The ruff quite correctly believes that of- individual teachers who have befriendmind. He is the best apothecary in. This perhaps explains why England is noted for her statesmen Conservative Synagogue, in accord- tentimes the Jewish parents may ed and helped them than, on the whole the world. There is no tonic sold for ance with its desire to "conserve overdue their solicitude for their chil- are Christian students. But still they and the high calibre of her political leadership, gold over any druggist's counter so whatever is valuable in Judaism, is dren. "I recently heard a dean anremedial as that celestial pick-me-up be loyal and generous not only to Reading and Herbert are not wholly wrapped up in their planning an intelligible and impresswer the question, 'What is the chief individuals but also to the Christian which is poured for nothing each Jewishness, but they are known as Jews and unmistakenably sive service. The Conservative Syna- problem with your Jewish students?' morning over that wide counter colleges which have helped to prepare recognized as Jews by the British and world public—and have gogue wants the Jews of Omaha to with the one terse word, 'Parents'." them for a living ? I believe that they which is the brim of the earth." taken an interest in Jewish affairs. Indeed, the New York Times derive inspiration and consolation at "Racial solidarity and family co- will if their affection for the instituin its biographical sketches of the members of the new cabinet ''Selichoth," just as did our father hesiveness on the one side, and thetion is warmed and cultivated while E'nai Sholem Services mother. traditions of a Christian college on they are undergraduates and after The Congregation B'nai Sholem will calls specific attention to the fact that Lord Reading and Sir andThere will be impressive readings the other provide, then, for an array they have left its halls." By Dr. V. E. Lerlne. professor hold High Holyday services at 28th Samuel are Jews. This is as it should be. of bio-chemistry and nutrition, in English. Cantor A, Sivowitz will of forces which create for the Jewish and Farnam streets. It is on this note that I shall leave the Crtighton University School The formation of a new cabinet is vitally significant from an- chant the prayers. Rabbi Goldstein student genuine spiritual conflicts. a discussion of Mr. Woodruff's artiof Medicine. Law Offices other Jewish angle. It means the end of the Passfield regime, will explain their meaning. He will He has, furthermore, certain racial FRADKNBCKG, 8TALMAKTKK Jk BCBKR (Continued on Pag- 4.) preach a sermon entitled, "Wanted, with his determined hostility to the aspirations of the Jews. While traits which interfere with his adjust650 Omaha National Bank Bids. THE BENEFITS OF a Conscience that Hurts and Chal- ment to his environment, and which MOSSKY, EATEUUM * CRODIS8KT, KOTICB OF DISSOLUTION SUNLIGHT we as a people have seen our hopes rise and fall repeatedly and lenges." NOTICE! *s hereby given that the underset him apart from his Christian felAttorneys signed luivc this day dissolved tbe parthave been disappointed innumerable times, yet with the coming The Conservative Synagogue heretofore existing between them 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. (Ed. Note—Readers of this news- nership low-students." Mr. Woodruff's anaexunder the .firm name of Midwest Hatcheries into power of the National Government in England, we have every tends a cordial welcome to all PROBATE NOTICE paper may receive answers to any and/or Midwest. Company, nnd the lysis of these "traits" is at many In the Matter of the Estate or Harry questions regarding the general sub- the said Morris Commission Uolnnan remains as the reason to believe in a favorable change. With two Jews in the Jews of Omaha. points inaccurate; for example, he is Turek, Deceased. sole owner of the said Midwest Hatcheries is hereby {riven that the creditors ject of health by sending a stamped and/or Midwest Commission Company. Cabinet, for one thing, we can be fairly certain that there will not wrong when he says, "Although Jew- of Notice said deceased will meet the executor of self-addressed envelope with their Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day snid estate, before me, County Judge of questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, of August, 1931. Friday, September 11, 8 p. m. ish students are on the whole indif- Cousins Connty, be a continued blowing of hot and cold at the same breath, to Nebraska, at the County . MORRIS HOUMAN, September 12, 8:30 a. m. ferent to the mass excitement of the Court Koom. In said County en the 29th Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) PHIL, OSSTROVICH. quiet the rightful demands of an unjustly-treated minority, who Saturday, dny of October, 1931, and on the 29tn day S-28-31—4T. Saturday, September 12, 6 p. m. stands, they are, nevertheless, of December, 1931, at 9 o'clock A. M each Sunlight adds considerably to our are being "played with" diplomatically. Besides a new head in Sunday, September 13, 8:3d a. m. football day, for the purpose of presenting their much more emotional than Christian clnims for examination, adjustment and al- general well-being. No plant, animal JACK W. MAKER the Colonial office, a new official takes charge of the Near East Rabbi Goldstein will preach Friday students, who are frequently disgust- lowance. Three months are allowed for e edit0T8 t o or human being can live without i t Court B a a n "» Sj: pwsent their claims, from Division and a new High Commissioner, Wauchope, assumes the evening at both the Saturday and ed with Jewish effusiveness." OF ARTICMS8 OF INCORPORAthe 20th day of ^ptember. J331. It invigorates physically. It enhances NOTICE TION OF STERLING UNDERWRITERS „ . .. BKYCE CRAWFORD. Sunday morning' services. Cantor Mr. Woodruff, it transpires, is a O-4-St. reigns of the Palestinian government. The new Police Commismental powers and bring to the front Notice is hereby given that tbe underConnty J d Sivowitz will chant the prayers. pseudonym for a prominent educator, the more positive and stimulating signed, pursuant to tbe inws of the State sioner of Palestine has already demonstrated his firmness and ot Nebraska, hare formed a corporation, Law Offices but he apparently has touched certain emotions. the name Of -which is Sterling Underwritefficiency in quelling the lawless elements of the Arab agitation STALMASTER * BKBER Conservative Auxiliary and its principal place of business is sources of experiences which make his FRADEJfBIJHG, Sunlight is a powerful bactericide. ers 650 Omahs National Bank Bide. in Omaha, Douglas Connty, Nebraska. The Jast week. Prime Minister MacDonald is known to have dissented All members are urged to attend reactions by no means without reserOmaha, Ncbr. object* tor which this corporation in It also raises our internal resistance formed are to organise, pnrchniie, lease or OF DISSOLUTION from the "Passfield policy" and Stanley Baldwin has issued a the opening meeting of the Ladies' vations in their seeming friendliness. NoticeKOTICB is hereby given that the Empire to local or general infection. It helps -manage tosaranee companies of oil classes and kinds; act as general or special Auxiliary of the Conservative SynaHe describes the "systematic snubbing Cleaners & Dyers, a co-partnership, con- to build the red cells of the blood agents for toinsurance statement denouncing the Passfield White Paper. companies of all • sisting of I. i \ Goodinnn and I. Schoengogue which takes place Wednesday, and persecution to which Jacob Kabotkinds; to adjust and -appraise losses for wald has been dissolved: that I. Scboen- and to increase its coagulability. It Thus, the entire complexion of the situation is changed. With September 9, at 2:30 p. m. at the insurance companies; to purchase, discount' wald has retired from said partnership, sky is subjected-by John Cabot, to and that I. F. Goodman remains as the improves the excretory function of nnd sale sf notes, trade acceptances, achostile elements eliminated, Jewish statesmen should not encoun- J. C. C. receivable and other evidences ot the extent of being blackballed from sole owner of the said Empire Cleaners t the skin, giving rise to a healthy counts indebtedness; to purchase nr.d set] stocks and. the said I. F. Goodman wih ter such rough waters in their efforts to steer the Jewish bark Many important features will be the alumni club. "And when, the day Vyen, and bonds in other companies and corporapay all of the outstanding debts of the skin, soft, velvety and slightly moist. tions and to purchase the company's own brought up at this meeting, among after his cold-shouldering of Jacob said Empire Cleaners * Dyers. into the safe harbor of the Homeland. stock; to purchase, own, mortgage and at Omaha, Nebraska, this 24th flay It keeps the muscles and nerves in sell all character of real and personal them being a report of the nominat- Kabetsfcy in the'alumni club, John ofDated and to do all other things necesAugust, 1931. tone. It therefore gives bodily poise property sary and incident to the conduct of such I- P._GOOr>MAN, of the Kadio Trades Association ing committee. Rabbi Goldstein has Cabot calls at the Jew's office with and prevents overweight. business and to have tbe power to estaban interesting message for alL. lish branch offices throughout the United his smooth arguments for a sub- 8-28-31—4T. stated. Sunlight, in a word, is one of God's States nnd foreign countries and to purA nursery will be equipped at the An. active campaign for new mem-stantial contribution to the coffers of chase, lease -and own real and personal MllTON B. ABRAHAMS, Attorney way of preventing disease. bers is being carried on by the memproperty outside of, as, well i s in the the college that has done so -much to show, for mothers who bring their 400 Brandeta Theater Bids. State of Nebraska, and to transact its Medicine in the last few decades business BY PCBMCAWOJC OJJ PETIin all parts -of the United states MOTHERS children. The nursery will be under bership committee of the Auxiliary bring them equal culture, who canNOTICE TION FOB SETTLEMENT OB1 FINAL has been slowly getting away from and in foreign countries. Th* sffnirs Of (By Dorothy Friedel, aged 14.) blame Jacob if he does not reach very ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. the corporation shnll be Pond m ted ny a the supervision of registered nurses with gratifying results. drugs. As a matter of fact, the phar- Hoard of Directors -which shall be not less Rome wasn't built in a day, yon say.and will be equipped with all sorts of immediately or very eagerly for his In the County Court of Douglas County, macist is now compelled to make a than two nor mere than seven and who Nebraska. shall be elected -by and from the stockCENTER SUNDAY SCHOOL fountain pen and his check book?" Well, neither were mothers made that toys and playground equipment. In the Matter of the Estate of Rebecca living by selling articles other than holders. The annual meeting of the corCastleman, Deceased Rabbi David A. Goldstein announces poration shall be held at the Home Ofway. All persons interested in said matter are drugs. The prescription counter now fice on tbe 2nd Tuesday after the let Hay that the Sunday School at the Comhereby notified that on the 24th. -day of They went through childhood year by in 'January of each year. The officers of RECENTLY I MET A JEW OFAufrast, Edith Bubenstein jind Cecil occupies a little obscure corner of the corporation shall be President and munity Center will not open until af- one of the leading American German Bleicher 1931, year. filed a petition in said County his spacious establishment. Secretary nnd such o?hcr officers as (be Court, praying that their final administraBoard of Directors may deem necessary ter the Holy Days. With Rosh Hash- Jewish families who had attended a They played and laughed; they had a tion account filed herein he settled and from time to time nnd shall be elected by onah" falling on both Saturday and* fashionable New England college. He allowed, and that they be discharged from Sunlight, Diet and Quiet. the Board ot Directors. The authorized mother dear. capital stock shnll be $25,000.00 divided their trust as exeeutriees and that a hearSunday, and Yom Eippur falling on has not returned to its campus since ing will be had on said petition before We are getting to rely more and into 2S0O shores of the par value of $10.00 They've been scolded each, $12,500.00 of which shall be common Sunday evening, it is obviously neces- commencement nearly two decades said Court on the 10th day of September, more for the maintenance of health They've been kissed— stock and $12,500.00 of which shnll be pre1931, and that if yon fail to appear before sary to postpone the opening date, the ferred stock. The preferred stock shall said Court on the said 19th. day of Septem- or for recovery from disease upon ago. He recalls the public campaign ber. They Tiad what we have be entitled to preference over the common At a farewell dinner and banquet Rabbi stated. 1031, at 0 o'clock A. M., and contest petition, the, Court may grant the the greatest of modern physicians; stock as to dividends at the rate of 0% per And we have what they missed. tendered to Mr. Hirsch Manische- The second day of Succoth and with anti-Semitic posters, calculated said annum and shnll also have a preference prayer of said petition, enter a decree of to lialt the "Jewish invasion." Gilbert over tbe common stock in the distribution heirship, and: make such other and fnrtber witz last week at Cincinnati, attended Simchath Torah also fall on Sunday. of assets. The preferred stock shnll be Have you ever stopped to notice allowances and decrees, as to this subject to redemption at the option of the by three hundred eminent Jews, Mr. It was found possible therefore to Gabriel has described a similar scene orders, Court may seem proper, to the end that all company upon any dividend date nt par FREE RUBBER HEELS When your mother's so .quiet and still Manischewitz's contributions and serin "The Seven Branched Candlestick." matters pertaining; to said estate may be plus any dividends unpaid to date of rebegin session only on October 11. It finally settled and determined. WITH Atili HALF SOI/ES The far away look in her gentle eyes, vices to civic life were glowingly demption upon tbe vote of not less than . This was before the war, and the HarBEXCE CRAWFORD, is planned, however, to have a Sucthe majority in interest of the oiifstiuMJing1 Men's Half Soles $1.00-$1.25 Gentle eyes that tears do fill. vard affair, yet it was an augary of 8-28-3l-3t. County Judge. common stock. Notice of the intention of eulogized. The affair marked the the company to redeem tbe preferred stock Perhaps she is thinking of days gone eve of his departure from Cincinnati coth party during the Succoth week what was to come. Ladies' Half Soles _ $ .75-$1.00 shnll be mailed thirty dnrs before the tfflte and also a consecration service on Offices of redemption to each -holder of preferred by Harold Woodruff says: "Jews have FBADENBURG, STALMA8TEB, * BEBER to take up his duties in connection Simchath Torah. AMERICAN SHOE REB11LDERS stock of record to his last known post ofWhen she was a little child; fice address. The preferred and common the capacity for expressing their loy690 Omaha National Bank Bid?. with the new and third Manischewitz S24 Sontb 24th Street stock or either thereof may be increased How she's been spanked and scolded Matzo plant now being erected in the NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF alty to an institution by very subnt any time on tbe vote of the holders of SIGMA RHO not less than a majority of the aggregate EXPIRE CLEANERS * DVER8 For. acting a little wild. New York metropolitan area. amount of common stock outstanding. Any Notice is hereby given that the underSigma Rho, a sorority consisting of stockholders of tbe corporation, desiring signed, 1. V. Goodman and Sam Beber, As testimony of the regard in to dispose of his stock mnst first tender ,. 12 girls has been recently organized. hare formed a corporation pursuant to the Army Band Concert And maybe mother is his holdings for purchase to the corporalaws of the State of Nebraska, under the which he is held, Mr. Manischewitz Officers elected are Marian Weinberg, tion. Should the corporation buy or nc- .: A-little girl name of EMPIRE CLEANERS & DYERS, Here September 12 •with fiuire nny of its stock, through nny chanwas presented with various gifts. president; Gertrude Oruch, secretary; itB principal place of business at nel, snid stock, if thereafter sold in pnrt Who's traveled the path before Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of Among these was a painting of himor in whole, must bo tendered to the then the business to be transacted and the obAnd is just a little wiser, sweeter and self done by Prof. Boris Schatz of Hannah Gossick, treasurer. stockholders who shnll be privileged to and purpose for which this corporation buy it in amounts proportionate to their The sorority has a combined party The official United States army ject better is organized and established shall be to band from Washington, which won respective stockholdings in the corporation Jerusalem, Palestine presented to him and meeting twice monthly at the operate stores nnd plants for the cleaning, nnd in tlie event nny one or more stockThan those she is caring for. and dyeing of wearing apparel, by Mr. Samuel Schmidt; the Hebrew home of a member. Miss Eunice highest honors in France during the pressing holders elect not to take his or their procloth and material of all kinds; to engage portionate Rhnre of snid stock, then such, late war, will give a concert Satur- in books of law, presented by Chief Rab- Rosensteih will be next hostess. COMPANY the tailoring business; to buy and sell proportionate shore of stock sh/ill be tenwearing apparel; to engage in any of said dered to tbe remaining stockholders in the day afternoon and evening, Septembi Eliezer Silver, president of the businesses as a wholesaler nnd retailer; proportion of their respective holdings. In ber 12, at the city auditorium. to bny, sell and lease real estate and perthe event the corporation does not elect Orthodox Rabbis of the United Fisher's Orchestra sonal property in connection with snid to acquire nny stock tendered to it, finch The concert will be given under the business States, Rabbis representing every and to do any and all things instock must be tendered to the then stockcident or in any manner pertaining to the holders who snail be privileged to buy it Will Open Season auspices of the South Omaha Post of large congregational district in the in amounts proportionate to their respecaforesaid business. The authorized enpitnl tive stockholdings in the corporation. In the American Legion No. 331. It will stock of eaia corporation Rhnll be Twenty United States, were present to d The winter dance season at the the event any one or more stockholders Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) and all of «~- AND honor to Mr. Manischewitz. elect not to tnfce his or their proportionate Roseland ballroom will open Satur- be in honor of General Pershing's snid stock shall be common and of the share of said stock, thon such proporpar value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) SERVICE Mildred Hickman, nationally-known "It can be truly said of you,, September 5, featuring Harry birthday, which is on the 12th. tionate share of stock shall be tendered t» per share and said stock shrill be nonthe remaining stockholders in tbe proporassessable, when issued. The corporation home "economist and well-known to Manischewitz, that in all the years Fisher and his orchestra which just tions of th<?ir respective holding. All of shall commence business upon the filing of such tenders must be in writing nnct must closed a successful engagement a' of your stay in Cincinnati, you hav its articles with the County Clerk of DougOmaha housewives, will conduct an remain open for fifteen dnyR nfter it is las County and shall continue for a period Announcing— made. In the event of fbe denfh of nny all-electric cooking school at the An- remembered the traditions and need Peony Park. of iifty years from said date. The highest stockholder, the company shall have the CHANGE OP LOCATION amount of indebtedness shall not exceed Stanley Hall, who has been featured nual Kadio and Household Appliance of your people, and have served them option to pnrchnse the stock of the detwo-thirds of its capital stock nut this B. MTOOFP PLUMBING ceased nt such price per share ns may be restriction shall not apply to indebtedness Show- The exposition will be held in unstintingly," said Mr. Oscar Herman, with Al Katz and his Kittens, a Coagreed upon. In the event of n failure to secured by mortgages upon any of the AND HEATING CO. agree the price sball be fixed by arbitrathe-Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, September widely known business man of Cin- lumbia Recording orchestra, and with corporate pioperty. Hie nffnirs of the tion, the company naming one nnil th« : MOVED TO corporation shall be managed by n. Board executor or administrator nnming tbe 14 to 19. Miss Hickman has appeared cinnati, and chairman of the banquet many star bands will be the new mas4705 CALIFORNIA ST. of Directors consisting of not less than other arbitrator, and such two arbitrators two members. The annual meeting of the many times before Omaha housewives. in presenting the guest of honor. ter of ceremonies. choosing n third. If n third arbitrator i« Phone GLendolc 2419 corporation shall be held on the first Monnot ngreed upon nfter request to net. snid Dancing will; be held every TuesThe Nebraska Power Company is "Differenz from many successful men day of January cf each year at -which meet- d Barry B. LapMus, President- Tress. S third arbitrator shall upon petition of nny ing the stockholders shall elect a Board of party interested, be appointed by the Dissponsoring the electric cooking school. of our race, you have never forgotten day, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. HONSKT, KATLEMAN * GBODrNSKTf Directors and thereupon the Board shall riet Court of DongJos Connty, Kebrnskn. 737 Omaha National Baak Bids. elect a president, vice-president, secretary The conclusion of two of three arbitrators Three other nationally-known home the humble mainsprings of the life of A special Labor Day dance will be and treasurer. Any two of said offices shall determine the matter. The corporate PROBATE NOTICE economists will also appear on the Israel, and you have never faltered in held Monday, September 7. e indebtedness be held by one nnd the same person or liability shnll not exceed In t i e Matter of the Estate of Elsa Zack may serving them." Many speakers laudtwo-tnirils of the capital stock nnd the All of the assets of the corporation may cooking school program. Mrs. Marsh Knisely, Deceased. corporation shall have a seal which Bhail be sold or transferred by the affirmative is hereby given that the creditors vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding contain the words "Sterling Underwriters, Greetings in telegram and cable- of Notice stated that she had not yet learned ed the loyal, generous character o: 4 COMPLETE STORE AND said deceased will meet the adminisOmahn. Nebraska," surrounding the words, stock at any regular or special meeting of trator of said estate before me. Comity the stockholders. These articles may be 5 who they will be. Madeline Boblsen Mr. Manischewitz, and among thesi gram came -from many points in tb Judge "Corporate Seal." The Articles of IncorOFFICE OUTFITTERS of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the amended at any regular or special meeting was Judge Alfred Mack and Senatoi poration may he amended upon tbe vote United States and other countries, County Court Room in said County, on of the stockholders upon the affirmative H We Oecapy and Cyraia Jordan, home economists of the holders of not Jess than n majority Ben Berman. General regret was exthe 2Sth day of October, 1931, and on the of the aggregate paid up capital stock out" Over 70,000 8<j»are Tttt wishing Mr. Manischewitz good luck. 29th day ot December, 1031 at S o'clock vote of two-thirds of all outstanding stock. E of the Nebraska Power Company, will standing. IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, the parties 8 pressed at the necessity of Mr. ManGovernor ;White of Ohio and Governor Sonthwest Corner A. M., each day, tot the purpose of preaid Jfiss Bickroan in conducting the have hereunto subscribed their ischewitz's departure from Cincinnati, Larson of New Jersey regretted their senting their claims for examination, nd- hereto of August. 1031. B Eleventh and Douglas Streets jnstment and allowance. Three months names this 24th day I. F. GOODMAN but everyone joined in wishing him S allowed tor the creditors to present 5 Phone JAckson 2724 SAM BEBER, -"Thi; "exposition will he<juife an en- good health and prosperity in bis new inability, to-attend-the dinner in per- are their claims, from tbe 2Gth day of SepWitness: M. IV TAGOAHT. Incorporators. K son, but joined with the others tember, 1831. Oraaha, Nebr. K. M. TULLT. EDWAUD HOMOLA, tertainment for th&women of Omaha IN THE PRESENCE OF: BBYCB CRAWFORD, PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK; ivSii*&i .Sending their greetings.. _, ^^-. S-l-3l-3t. , - c ^ fiounty Judge, z-i-.\ yicinjty,'' A. B. Waugh, manager place in the east» 8-28-31—4T, ____ * --**»

THE JEWISH PfcESS Conservative* 1 Synagogue News

Moscow Yiddish Art Theater Will Spend Winter in Berlin

Frankfort Kehillah Leaders Seek Aid

Notes of Temple Israel

Telling It In G ATM



Poetry Corner







Dance Chairmen

Lobel and Irving Handelman. Many affairs have been pven in their

1931 . from a month's vacation in Minneapolis.

Beads Jr. Hadassak

Meals and Lodging

The Omaha Chapter of Junior HaBalph NogR and William Wolf are honor. dassah held their first meeting of the Hyman Shrier is in Denver, Colo., in charge of arrangements for the David Wohlner i s a graduate of the for season Thursday at 7 o'clock. Plans visiting with Harry Rubenstein, for"Fall Frolic" of the Sam Beber Chap- University of Nebraska, class of ^ for the year were made and committer No. 100 of the A. Z. A, at theand a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu merly of Omaha. He will return Fontenelle Hotel the evening of Sep-fraternity. He has been manager of tees were appointed. Wednesday, September 9. the general insurance department of Call the A. Ferber Agency in Schenectady Sain and Hess Moskovitz and Louis for the past two and one-half years. Levinson returned Tuesday evening Mrs. Less and Mr. Tfgrwfl»l ma-ri forfrom Kansas City, where they visited for Appointment merly resided in Omaha. for a week with their grandparents, 1919 .Bart St. At. 9892. and uncle of that city. The entire party will start back East Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Corpal Cohen of GretMilder, Mrs. Leo Milder, and Mrs. BROWN-FREED WEDDING ZETA BETA TAU MOTHER'S na, Nebr., are returning home this Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown announce Howard Milder were joint hostesses. CLUB week after spending ten days in ExGarden flowers and white tapers were the marriage of their daughter, Pearl, The mother's club of Alpha Theta celsior Springs, Mo. t o Jack M. Freed of Brooklyn, New used as table decorations. The afterchapter of Zeta Beta Tau of the uniYork, on Wednesday, August 26. Thenoon was spent in playing cards. versity of Nebraska at Lincoln, were Mrs. Henry Q. Marx of Alexandria, FUR STORAGE Mrs. Jules Shapiro "will entertain ceremony was performed by Rabbi entertained at the home of Mrs. La., who underwent a major operation Remodeling and Relining Goldstein in the presence of the imme- for Miss Hofner on September 27. Louis Sommer on Wednesday, Sepat the Emanuel hospital, is convales- 2818 Leavenworth—TeL JA. 2703 Ralph Nogg and William Wolf. diate family. tember 2. cing at the home of her sister and Mr. and Mrs. Freed left immediate- RECEPTION FOR ZELENS tember 6. Nogg is general chairman brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nate The mother's club held their SepMr. and Mrs. Sam Zelen were hosts and Wolf, who i s president of the ly after the wedding on a motor trip Kort. tember meeting' at the fraternity to California. They will return by at a reception at their home, 2144 N . chapter, is ex-pfficio in charge. house in Lincoln when plans for a •way of Washington «nd Canada the Street, in Lincoln on Sunday from 3 Art Randall's Royal Orchestra will buffet luncheon in the future were to 8 o'clock in honor of their son and furnish the music and special enterlatter part of October. decided upon, and contract bridge daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max tainers "will be featured. was played. Zelen, who had returned from DenFRANKEL-MEYEKSON 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 Others who are helping arrange for ver, where they, spent their honey- the affair include: Publicity commitENGAGEMENT :.. "'• -.'. V MOVING — STORAGE — SOCIAL NOTES MAX SHRIEK'S SONS PIANO MOVING | : }MTJ and Mrs. Herman Meyerson moon, Mrs. Max Zelen was Miss Cel tee, Dan i-JptCTrty", chairman, Meyer Dr. David Calm Platt and Sam Phones AT. 4744—JA. 7855 Moskovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Council Bluffs announce the- enRosenbaum, Joe Monovitz; decoration Zacharia leave- Friday by motor tor Mrs. Morris Franklin. gagement of their daughter, Mildred, L. Moskovita:, before her marriage. committee, Harold Kort, chairman, Kansas City, where they will visit Mrs. Morris Franklin is president t". Xeon Frankel, son of Mr. and Art Gerber; finance committee, Sid until Tuesday. .. COVRTESY—SERVICE GOLDEN WEDDING of the chapter; Miss Bessie BernMrs. David Frankel of Omaha. Coyne, Ralph COMPLETE LIKE OT ANNIVERSARY stein, vice-president; Miss Sophie Miss Meyerson attended the UniMany A. Z. A. chapters of the Mis- Mrs. S. R. Singer and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Singer will be souri Valley Association are sending Rosenstein, second vice-president; versity of Lebraska at Lincoln, and of Buckingham Manor have returned 24th and Seward is a member of the Sigma Delta at home to their friends Sunday, Sep- large delegations of members to theafter a seven-week visit in Chicago Miss Bessie Eirschenbaum,. financial tember 6, from 3 until 7 o'clock at dance. Those in the association are treasurer, and Miss Fannie Katleman, Phone JAckson 6863 Tau Sorority. Mr. Frankel graduatthe Tiome of their son-in-law and the chapters at Omaha, Kansas City, and And nU kinrts cf XSW1SH recording treasurer; Miss Esther 24th and Coming ed from ihe University last June. BOOKS with or without daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort, Goldware is reporter, and Miss Tobie c translation. Best Phone ATlantic 1060 E He belongs to the Zeta Beta Tan 3668 Davenport Street, in celebration Mo., Kansas City, Kans., Council Among those who will be away over «ilk suit) wool talecim. Bluffs, Sioux City, Des Moines, St. Labor Day are Miss Rona Friedman Steinberg, sergeant-at-arms. Board In Charge of Registered Fraternity. of their golden wedding anniversary. Louis, St. Joseph, Lincoln and Topeka. members are the Misses Anna Hahn, Pharmacist* and Miss Gertrude Wine, who leave J .iffia-n Koom and Gertrude Gerber. No date for the -wedding has been No invitations have been issued. F E E S DELIVERY Omaha Friday evening to visit friends set a s yet. Those assisting Mrs. Singer are 2560 Coming St., Omaha Mrs. Sam Riseman of Lincoln, Mrs. ing in Colorado, motored here Wed- and relatives in St. Louis. Plumes : College, Calif., where she will resume LESTER SIMONS HONORED A farewell dinner wiU be given in Atlantic C620 and Mirse; "HQO Harry Singer, Mrs. Ben Stieffler, Mrs. nesday and will remain over Labor Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon were at Millard Krasne and Mrs. Edward Day. honor of the guests a t the hotel Chafe her studies. Miss Nefsky attended home to friends and relatives last Krause. before their departure Monday eve- the University of Nebraska last year. Sunday in honor of their son and ning, September 7. BRODKEYS RETURN J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor All of Mr. and Mrs. Singer's chilMrs. Edward Lincoln and children, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey will *NEW FOR OIJJ" dren and grandchildren will be here Mrs. E. Weinberg has returned from Alden and Barbara Jean, returned Simon. Mrs. Simon was Miss Gerfor the occasion. Among the out-of- return Monday from a three-week 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 a week's visit in Fremont, where she Wednesday from Manitou, Colo., trude Siegel before her marriage. town guests will be Mr. and Mrs.visit in California with relatives and AT was the guest of her son and daugh- where they spent the summer. Mrs. Simon was assisted by Mes-Henry Horwieh and children, Elenore, friends. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weindames J. Blank, Ernest Myers, Philip Wilbur, and Elliott of Chicago; Mrs. berg, and her neice, Mrs. B. Redman. Al Fiedler leaves today for Man! Ringle and the Misses Ruth Kay. Lu- Dade Stine of Hollywood, Florida; MRS. LEON STERN WINS BY CHARLES SIMON While there Mrs. Weinberg was honor ton, Colo-, where he will spend a week cille Weiss, Lucille Goldenberg, Jen Miss Rella Singer of Chicago; Mrs.HIGHLAND TOURNEY guest at parties given by Mrs. J. -with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Izxy Feldman and Kuth Ziev. Mrs. Leon Stern won the ladies Henry Q. Marx of Alexandria, La.; The Sanitary Laundry Orchid and green were the colors Mrs. Abe Goudchaux and children, club championship at the Highland by Monovitz, Mrs. Bavendure and Mrs.Fiedler, who have been in Manitou "The Bert of AH lMwmirj for the past month. carried out in all the decorations. On Francis Lee and Leopold II, of Bigdefeating Mrs. Mickey Katleman in Premetsky. No. 100 the table was a center piece of roses, Cane, La., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward the finals, 6 to 4. Mrs. Stern was WITH 2815 Fan— A T . 2815 Miss Belle Noveson, who has been Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity enterand tall princess candles in the bridal Rosenthal and son, Herschel, of Chi-also the medalist in the meet. visiting here for the past week with tained at a dinner-dance at the Pax colors. cago. Miss Anne Zalk has returned to herton hotel on Sunday evening. Harry The bride wore a gown of flesh ROSE BRANDEIS RETURNS GN chiffon, and a shoulder corsage of Cohen Wa8 Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter o: home in St. Louis. MARK 51ST ANNIVERSARY Our New Address is roses. Mrs. B. A. Simon, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brandeis, has 3553 FAKNAM ST. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Horn of this Mrs. Leonard Hoekenberg of Des Ralph H. Gross returned Saturday the groom wore a gold lace gown, and dty celebrated their fifty-first wed- returned from a two-week visit in Moines and son, Buddy, are spending Mrs. A. Siegel, mother of the bride ding1 anniversary Sunday, in Duluth, Chicago with her uncle and aunt, Mr. wore black chiffon. this week with Mrs. Hoekenberg)s and Mrs. Louis Levinson, formerly of Fur Storag*—Remodeling— MirnXj where they motored for their mother, Mrs. M. Zalk. Out-of-town guests here for the oc-Vacation.. .... -•.... Omaha. Cteaniag—Retinntg . i . ,. casion were MrsVA.' Siegel,'her daugfr*; HAxney £737 Reasonable Price* Children of Mr. and Mrs. Horn inMiss Blama Neveleff will leave on ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C MRS. FROMKIN RETURNS clude Mrs. A. Robinovitz, Mrs. J. SylSeptember 14 for St. Louis, -where she Golder of Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs. van Hersch, of San Francisco; Mrs. Mrs. Max FromMn, prominent matwill study piano at Fort Bonne acadMax Siegel of Cincinnati, Ohio. ron of the young Jewish set, and son, H. M. Levin, Sioux City; Mrs. Joe New and OH Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon are now Krasne, Fremont; Harry Horn and Bobby, who have spent the past two emy. at home at the Venetian Court apart- Maurice Horn of Los Angeles; Sam months visiting- in Los Angeles an Miss EsteUe Aanmson of Tolsa, ments, 118 South 31st Avenue. Horn of New Orleans and Fred Horn southern California, returned home Okla., is the guest of Miss Esther today. At Reasonable Prices of Omaha. BlcmenthaL FOR MISS HOFNER Max Fromkin, who motored to Mil They, also have eight grandchildren N. C. NIELSEN Miss Ruth Hofner, daughter of Mr. and two great grandchildren. waukee and Elkhart Lake, Wis., fo: North 16th JA. 5880 Miss Harriett Nefsky of Lincoln, »nd Mrs. P. Hofner, has set October several weeks preceded them hom< Mr. and Mrs. Horn are expected to Nebr., will leave next week for Mills 18 as the date of her marriage to Hy- return to Omaha the latter part of by a week. mie Philip Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fromkin, who has been very September. Mrs. Harry R. Milder. active in Hadassah eirdes in th NATIONAL Miss Hofner was honored at a lunchOmaha unit spoke before the Hadas BAR MITZVAH eon for the family at the Paxton sah organization while in Los AnACCESSORIES, INC. Mr. and Mrs. H.^Dolgoff announce hotel last Tuesday when Mrs. H. R. geles. Mrs. Fromkin is the present the Bar Mitrvah of their son, Edward, "Everything for the Ante" Saturday, September E, at the 24th sponsor of Junior Hadassah in Omaha. FOR YOUR 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 and Seward Synagogue. WOHLNERS HAVE GUESTS A reception wfll be given at the Dolgoff home in his honor on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner of 4916 EXCLUSIVE day, September 6, from 3 until 6 No. 16th street, have had as their MID WEST house guests for the past ten days o'clock. CURTAIN CLEANERS their son David Wohlner of Sch ENGRAV1NC CO,INC. N / WA. 1350 5007 Leavenworth ARTISTS RABBI AND MRS. COHN RETURN nectady, New York, who motore< 16th and Howard _,-. ENGRAVERS > here accompanied by Mrs. B. Less, FROM ABROAD Your ehoiee laee, heavy -woolen sister of Mrs. Wohlner, Miss Esther PncneATLANTlC O639' Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn reblankets or those greasy overalls turned Tuesday morning from a trip 313 S<Xl4TH.ST.0MAHA. . . . everything is "washed «lean abroad. Their daughter, Miss Madeas new in the Decker Blectrie line Cohn, who accompanied them on Washer. Its -washing efficiency Enjoy more leisure durtheir tour of Europe, is spending a is amazing. Deeker is low priced, ing the hot summer few days in the East and will return too. days—Send your family home this week. washing to the— Rabbi and Mrs. Cohn were accomAND panied here by their daughter, Mr& BenHerzberg of Chicago, who will "be their .guest for the next three weeks. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. AT ALL GROWERS and Mrs. Ralph Fredrick Cohn of (OUK KKW PHONES NUMBER) Made by Dixon, ID., who have been vacation-




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PAGE 4-^THE JEWISH PRESS; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1931 spent the - v where Angeles; Calif.,- where Tuesday i ^ a r i d -,-. other _ great; names y from Manitpu, past several" months. ' " past"fifive weeks. in Jewish history, rather than descenthey'spent the dants o f ineffective, pusillanimous Mrs. H. Bondarin is spending the Messrs. Dave Schwab and Harry week visiting relatives in Sioux City, "Court Chaplains" of fashionable recMarble "of Chicago, HL, spent the tories. >••..••. Iowa. BX F . R. K. past week here as the guest of Perhaps it is because the Reform • • • . . . . . . . •.< their cousin, Harry Rosenthal. Rosenwald's Nephew Named Rabbi believes that Liberal Judaism "Selichoth" to be held at Synagogue to Berlin Musical Post is not true to itself when it becomes at Midnight Saturday. the r Berlin.—Hermann Rosenwald, a neThe .Ladies. Auxiliary of dogmatic, intolerent of ^criticism and change. What a pity that in so many ; "Selichoth", the customary serv- Talmud Torah Society held their phew of Julius Rosenwald, American Jewish communities the Reform Rabbi ices observed annually on the Satur- first meeting of the fall season Wed- philanthropist and capitalist, today Kalisff, formerly' of Sioux City* were All news for the Sioux City page guests here,~this~ week. •' "sliould be regarded with.suspicion by day night preceding Rosh Hashonah, nesday afternoon, September 2, at became director of the Lessing High must" reach the Sioux City correthe Jewish masses! He is aloof, un- will be held at the new Chevra B'nai the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue. School. Herr Rosenwald was appointMiss Sybil Merlin visited with her responsive, unsympathetic to the as-Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster •ipondent not later than Tuesday ed to this post to establish a; musical Sister Bluma, in Minneapolis. evening, to appear in the issue the pirations and interests of the Jewish Street, this Saturaay^^eptembet S, Miss Ruth Krasne is expected to department specializing in radio and at midnight. Captor :J. Fleischer of return home next Tuesday from Los sound film music. following Friday. Please mail news common people. ' to Anna Pill, 2216 Douglas street, ; He places himself and his congrega- Omaha will be in charge of this or call 8-8453. after 1 o'clock. tion in a category apart from the service. The public is invited to ••-'' -"•'- - - main body of the people of Israel. attend. Either', by subtle.. cynicism or public Guest Cantor to Conduct Service Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein rebecome the bride of Mr. Joeffry preachment he casts contempt upon at Tephereth Israel turned home last Friday fromjja Strauss of Phoenix, Arizona, SunThe following names are included Jewish activities unrelated directly to Synagogue day morning, September 6.. The on the Honor Roll of the Religious his own version of Judaism, with the two week's stay in Excelsior Springs;' The holiday season will be ushered ceremony, which will be marked by School. Helen Guttleman, Jack Mo- result that sharp devages in view- Missouri. in with. the Schlichos Service which simplicity will take place at thesow, Nathan Raginsky, Dorothy point and social grouping appear and Miss Sarah Solomonow has rewill be held by two congregations of home of the bride in the presence Cohen, Morris Aizenberg, Joseph Mar- are accentuated^ : turned home from San Antonio, the city. Cantor Edward Schiff, who of her immediate family, at 10:30on, Sarah Weinstein, Eleanor RozofsWhy is it thki the .presence of aTex., where she spent the past made his initial appearance in the A. M. Rabbi Rabinowitz will of- ky, Unice. Rivin, Margaret, Kriv, Reform Rabbi, for example,'at a Jew- month visiting relatives. city last month, will conduct the serv- ficiate. Miss Herzoff will be gowned David Kuntz, Perry Osnowich, Paul sh mass meeting is regarded as an Mr. and Mrs. Irving Blecker and ice at Tephereth Israel Synagogue. in beige chiffon, with complimentary Schwartz, Milton Mazie, Betty : Mosow, "event?" Why i s it that so many ReThe service will be held Saturday accessories. ' . " • ' • Hyman Hil}* Betty; Osnowich, Nathan form Rabbis, with, notable exceptions, children of Stoneham, Colo., returned 'Plotkin, Esther Rivin, Irving. Fried- will not' co-operate with Hadassah, to their home following a two weeks' night, September 5, at midnight. Miss Sarah Mosow, daughtejr of man, Betty <6ainl Eyejyn' Jacobs,: Wil- but encourage the wbmeir members; of visit with relatives in - Omaha and Mr. Schiff, who was cantor in Philadelphia for several years, has re-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow, will be liam Dimsdaie,' Gertrude Lass, David their Temples to withdraw from and Council Bluffs. Mrs; tBlecker i s the ceived a number of favorable criti- married Sunday afternoon to Julius Tilevitz, and Herman Weinstein. oppose it? Why, in some commun- former Miss Bess Seldin" of this cisms, for his work. Among his critics Kroloff, of Phoenix, Arizona. The ties, are Reform Rabbis leaders in city. Choice Of the finest homes. The favorite where economy l i was the editor of the. Philadelphia wedding, which will take place at hostility to the Talmud Torahs ? watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputa- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krasne, acedition, of The Day, who predicted a 2:30 in the home of the bride will tion recommendj that yon try i t be witnessed by the immediate famcompanied by Mr. Krasne's sister, brilliant future for the young man. (Continued from Page 2.) The Reform Rabbi is not' in disMr. Schiff has written music for theily, and Miss Herzoff. and her fiance. agreement with the laity of Reform Miss Ida Krasne, returned home Following the ceremony, at which cle, asking my readers to peruse it Temples, except if they run counter holiday service, which he plans to Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will of- for themselves. It may be that the to the liberal spirit of their own sepublish soon. At Shaare Zion Synagogue, Cantor ficiate, both couples wiil leave for economic depression will decrease the lection, or seek to beat Judaism down ' Pliskin will lead the choir at the a wedding trip to Chicago, where number of registrants at the colleges to. the very weakest elements by Schlichos service, which will also be they will attend the wedding of and .universities this fall, and that which it can survive at: all. held. September 5, at midnight. Rabbi Mr. Archie Herzoff to Miriam Jewish students will be as welcome as It is easy for a Rabbi to place himH. R. Rabinowitz will read the. ritual Lowenstein. Mr. Kroloff and- histhey have been at summer hotels self in harmony with the assimilabride, and . Mr. and Mrs. Strauss, which formerly looked askance at tionists of his own; congregation who of tne service. will: make their home in Phoenix, them. are all the more dangerous because It is not pleasant to contemplate they are "on the inside." But Arizona. that we are admitted chiefly for thehard for Rabbis to set up standards Quiet simplicity marked the wed-sake of our prospective monetary confor Judaism in America, and to urge ding of Miss Ann iebowich/daugh- tributions as alumni, in the same way that his people adhere to them withA. large audience witnessed the ini- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lebowich, to that prominent metropolitan private out flinching. The current antipathy tial lighting of the Chandelier given Arthur Cohen, son of Mr. arid Mrs. schools admit children from Jewish to humanism in Reform Judaism is by the Krueger in memory of J. N. D. Cohen, lart Sunday afternoon. families who can be looked to for unworthy our liberal pretensions. HuKrueger, to Shaare Zion Synagogue. The ceremony^ took place in Omaha, large donations to building funds. But manism is a serious, earnest effort by The lighting of the chandelier was ac- Nebraska, in the presence of the if a by-product of the "depression is religiously-minded young .spirits : in companied by an impressive service families of the bride and groom. to be- more tolerable relationships be- Judaism to adapt it theologically to which included the saying of Kaddish Rabbi David Goldstein performed the tween Gentiles and Jews socially and the new age. ceremony, which was followed by acommunally, we cannot be blamed for for Mr. Krueger. We may not be in consonance with Rabbi Rabinowitz spoke briefly, fol- dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Samaccepting "the situation as^itis. 'their viewpoint, but because they are lowing the presentation of the chan- Lebowich, an uncle and aunt of the "But Jews will do well to remember aspiring intellectually and spiritually, 1 delier by Mark Krueger, and the ac- bride. that even after two generations in let us listen freely and willingly to ceptance in behalf of the synagogue Miss Lebowich was gowned in this country, the Woodruffs can write their words. by John Lansberg. brown chiffon velvet; Among those analysis of the Jewish temperament Cantor Pliskin and Otto Graf who who have entertained for the bride that might have been written of our is a" guest in the city, presented an during the past two weeks were Mrs. forefathers in the Judengassen, the Jewish Immigrants from Lithuania on Way to Berlin appropriate musical program. Max Bergen at a luncheon. arid Juderias, the Pale, and the Land of : i Riga.—The • first group of immibridge; the Misses Hannah Sperling, Israel itself. It ought make us hum Rose Rife and Esther Wutkin, at a We in the presence of the Jewish soul grants from Lithuania has passed through Dwinsk.on, its way,tosetlemiscellaneous shower and bridge, and within : our bosom. T tnerit in the Bira-Bidjan region of the Misses Fannie Rozofsky, Roma Russia. The group consisted of 40 Wigodsky, and Dorothy Merlin, at WHY, IT. IS ASKED/ SHOULD A people. They.were met at the LatA number of the Jewish boys and a dinner and bridge in the Wigodsky latest 'HEN you drive in. Reform Rabbi speak critically of Re- vian border Tiy the Riga "Osek" so£irls who graduated from High School home. .. • . ' • ' t form Judaism? Does it not give aid here, expect lots of atten- GOOD YEAR ciety under whose auspices they were last -June, plan to leave this month and comfort to the enemy ? Perhaps conducted to the Soviet border.. tion to your car, if you've PATHFINDER for various colleges where they will The hostess of the Nine Ave. Club All told 400-immigrants are ,ex-> time for it. Free attention Lifetime Guaranteed continue their studies. • • •: last week was Mrs. Harry Fish; !it is because the Reform Rabbi wishes Jewish leaders to instruct their^ Alfred Albert, Bernard Herzoff, Joe and you are welcome to The club has postponed the meet- herehts more wise'ly;,. §o that,the task pected to leave within a short period for Bira Bidjan. Skalovsky and Dave Wigodsky will ing from Monday evening to Wedit, w h e t h e r or not you enter .the University of Iowa for'their nesday evening on account of Labor of conveying Judaism.may not be so 4.50-21 (30x4.50) spend a dime. disheartening. Perhaps it is because Ann ' Arbor, Mich.T-^The highest freshman year. So come in regularly for Arnold Baron plans to study at the ' Mrs. Louis Fish will be the next the prosperity, cult has had a degen group average ever achieved of the erative effect upon wealthy Jews-in University of Michigan was attained ( University of Minnesota, while Marvin hostess. correct tire inflation,remo' ; : •'-.- , : the Reform synagogues of this coun this year by the Jewish women stuper pair. •:. : Klass has chosen Northwestern Unival of glass, tacks, stones try, and it has become necessary t Other Sizes '''•, dents at the Stone League House. versity. Neomi Horwitz will go to Mrs. E. Woskoff was hostess to a from tire treads, checking Equally Low Baltimore to enroll at Goucher Col- number of friends a t a reception in remind some Rabbis in Israel tha Their average grade of 89.1 estabof wheel alignment, batleger, and Doris Rosenstock will enter her home last Saturday afteroon, they are the heirs of Hillel, Akibe lished the record at the University. tery, water and testing— Brownell Hall, a college prep school, honoring her son Walter, on the oc-r GOODYEAR'S anything we do. We'll save in Omaha. casion of his Bar Mitzvah. Out of FAMOUS you a lot of time, trouble town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Al 8t. QUALITY and money. Try us and see! Plotkin and daughter Rita Goldie •We want lp:cil! tor the;afteritlon of the Jewish public that we are getting In now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Maclizeirim with Jewish of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Nate tire within the and English translations, prayer books, Toleosim, silk and wool of the best Sterling of Carol, Nebraska. fcind; etc ' • • • • reach of all* . The. season of Shaare Zion Syna. : ' -A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Mr. and Mrs. Caessler Golder.of Slaw Each Pair Heavy Duty Track Tires -*' <'•' g'ogue.was opened last Sunday eveDavenport, Iowa, were guests this . • Xtemember onr famous Kosher Soap. On the demnnd or'« few customers 1 Price S I M PHe» ' ning when members of the .congrega4.40-21 ( 2 9 x 4 . 4 0 ) . . . . . $ 4 . 9 8 $9.60 ordered the following article? of pure silver and'plate silver candle sticks,* Kidusb week at the home of the former's tion met for a dinner and meeting in cups, Hadeses, e t c Everyone who is interested/ in buying one of them should be 30x5 $ 1 7 . 9 5 32x6 $ 2 9 . 7 5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Golder. 4J5O-2O <29x4J>0> .. , . . . 5 . 6 0 10.90> £a kind ana let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for them. the social hall.. 7^0-20 (34x750) . . . . . . . . 129.95 4.75-19 ( 2 8 x 4 . 7 5 ) . . . . . 6 . 6 12.90 5 1 have Just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most benntiful Morey Lipschutz was in charge of Milton Bolstein and Gerald Pill Esrogun and JLuIorim for S u e c o t h . . . . Anyone desiring to bay one will please let the' 'arrangements for the dinner. departed last week for a three-week 6.00-20 (32x6.00) . . . . . . . . 1 5 . 3 5 me know BO that I can have it ready for him for Yontif. 5.25-21 ( 3 1 x 5 ^ 5 ) 8^7 16.70 Brief talks, and a musical program trip to the Minnesota lakes and T U B E S ALSO L O W P R I C E D Reg. CL 4.39 followed the dinner. Canada.

Council Bluffs News

MISS ANNA PILL.-Correspondent








Large Attendance Marks Dedication

everytning but hold the Baby

June Graduates to Enter College

$ 69



•"' r


'• •


• / • ' •••'•'




Pep Meeting Starts Shaare Zion Season

A number of friends, surprised Miss Sara Mosow at a party in her • • • ' _ • _— ' . y home, recently. Bridge formed the This month seems to be a popular afternoon's entertainment. one for Sioux City brides, and three Miss Bernice Levine was hostess have chosen September 6 as the to. members of the Phi Epsilon Tau date of their wedding. Miss Sally Gorchow, daughter sorority, last Wednesday evening. of Mrl and Mrs. Frank Gorchow The meeting was the first after a will become the bride of Mr. Peter recess of six v.eeks. Krane, a t a quiet ceremony in A miscellaneous program of originChicago. The marriage will be peral sketches was followed by a busiformed in the presence of the im-ness meeting where plans for the mediate relatives, season were discussed, and refreshMiss Gorchow will wear a gown ments served. • of grey crepe, with accessories to ; match. •...-.;' :. ... > ; Miss Sally Halpern was hostess to , The bridge and groom will make the Iota Tau Sorority members last their home in Florida during the Wednesday evening. A social meetwinter, "coming • to Chicago to live ing followed a .. literary program, In spring. H| which was led by Rose Tesler. Mr, arid MriBi; Frank Gorchow and Mrs. Nathan Eichards and childi&is. Louis S.&iikin. of Sioux City ren, and Mrs. J. Rodin of Council irill leave tomorrow to attend the Bluffs, guests in the J. Jacobson : redding. home, were honored at a party given

Social News



Miss•-; Leah Herzoff, daghter of by Mrs. Jacobson last Saturday eve. . Mr. an4 Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, will ning.

STOUP&SCHAIFER *'We feed the multitude" With Tasty Foods

Mrs. J. Katleman left this week for Chicago where she will visit with relatives. i Mrs. A. Greenstone is visting friends in'Lincoln. Mr. Paul Kalish and Miss Annie

A jbrEvetybotfy


ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Omaha, Nebr. Phone AT. 6427 HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors

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