^ Intlie Interests of the . Jewish People
ted to the • • Idc amsm
£' p
Kntervtl as Second-Class Mai! Matter oi £• j£ Ly 27. 3921, at Post office at Omahni Kebrnsfea. nnder th; pj s i.March. S. 0ST9". -• ...
•pi C o h n t o
\ Give Lectures • -;•: ; for Sisterhood
Nationwide Figures Show Inroads Made by the Economic Depression
BabM Frederick Cohn will conduct a course of; lectures for. the Sisterhood of Temple Israel during the 1931-52 season, the first of which will be given" on Tuesday morning, Oct. 13, at 10:30 a | m. at the Blackstone hotel. .
• ••
• \ o . S5
"Ernes" Calls for Another War by League of the Godless
The first of the community forum lectures series, sponsored by the Council cf Jewish Women and .the. Community Center, will be "an address fcy Senator Robert -M. LaFoIlette,' Wisconsin : progressive, on Wednesday-'evening, October 14, at the Jewish Community Center. The • senator's subject will be ""That Progressives Are Fightmg For." If you haven't bought your ticket yet, phone or write to the Community Center-,
The subjects for the lectures will Moscow—(J. T. A.)—The failure New York—(J.,]T. A.—A large in- be based upon events of present-day of the pre-holiday anti-religious caminterest, such as the disarmament concrease in the number of Jewish fampaign conducted by the Jewish secilies throughout 'the IJnited States ference held this winter, the Spanish tion of the League of the Godless, has i i i h b i t t f G situatipni ^the; bi-cententacy--of George •who have in the course of the present aroused the "Ernes," Communist Jewyear been forced -to apply to"Jewish Washington, and other events as they ish daily, to call for a new war occur. • i ' ; . . • • • • .Welfare institutions for ; aid, is: reDr. Cohn. will review sucn books as against Jewish clericals in Soviet vealed by the Bureau of Jewish Social America's youngest senator, Kobert Will Durant's "Adventures in Genius," Russia. BeseaTch. The statistics compiled by In an article in the "Ernes," the M. LaFollette Jr., will open t i e Com1 Johan Bojer's ''Everlasting Struggle," the Bureau disclose- the very large statement is made that the Jewish munity Center's lecture c o u r s e inroads made upon Jewish families H. A. Overstreet's "Enduring Quest," clericals are responsible for the reWednesday evening, Oct.. 14, in the An extension series of lectures orsj ' I n inaugurating this- program for and "Living Philosophies," a symposiby -the economic depression. fusal 'of the-' Jewish workers to reCenter auditorium. "What Progres- current Jewish problems, concerts of j adult .Tevisb. education, the Jewish um of twenty-two modern thinkers.; • The sum 'of $1,432,897 was ;expendspond to the propaganda of the Godsives Are Fighting For" will be the Jewish music, and the organization of JGommuJi Center is furthering and Mrs. M. L. (Bud) Cohn, Walnut less League. It also charges the Jewed for relief in the first six months subject of the Wisconsin solon, whose a school for Jewish studies will fea-j Irstein&ii^ the purposes which in3863, will be in charge. of the year 1931 by'Jewish charity ish members of the Godless League age is given as 35. d tBre the nevf ediacationsl program to j spired the foundersandd builders of groups as against the sum of $1,§28,with slackness in the anti-religious The son of Fighting Bob LaFollette be inaugurated in November at the j the Center five year? go," stated 894 for a similar period in 1930. This campaign. It is this failure, it comhas "more personal popularity, than Jewish Community Center, according j Marer in commenting: on the program. represents an increase of 39.3 per plains, which has produced a state of any single member cf the senate," ac- to announcement inaa'e today by Jack j "There is tic c'«-?stior< in my mind affairs where entire Jewish colonies 146,000 Aliens Sefpsed Adiais- cording to Frazier Hunt, in a recent W. Marer, chairman of the Center! that the Center vfH pr . cent in the expenditure, while .the refuse to appear in the fields on the numbre of families subsidized have sion Djiring the Fiscal issue of Cosmopolitan, despite the fact committee. l rpose of ptimul"t"iTig: Sabbath, even during the present high increased by 43.8 percent. that progressives are unpopular In . Year This is the first time in the his-j actritie? ns is= b^injr season of harvesting and threshing. Dependent children Under care of many quarters. tory of Omaha Jewish communal ac-1 means of this rTnptarn, J-'iany of us The "Ernes" further complains that . Jewish, agencies- in the United States The Jewish Community Center Season tickets -at $3 or $1 for tivities that the J. C. C. has attempt-; crave «,n opportunity fe- "sear authorsWashington—J. T. A.)—Approxicontinue to increase although the Sunday School will begin its year at the wives of the colonists go to the mately 146,000 aliens, who normally single admissions may be purchased ed so intensive and all-inclusive & j taiive men and vomei tjlSCUi-i' V'M' number of admissions has decreased, a special Consecration service held at town in order to have their poultry would have been admitted to the Uni- at the Center, from lecture commit- program an .ng to serve the com-! current probler !'{KMde-ni Jewish the Conservative Synagogue this slaughtered according to the orthodox ted States were refused immigration tee members or the Council of Jewish irrunity at large. the figures show. • .•; Itferareli giotL OIU:::' j life, fee elig Jewish ritual. visas during the fiscal year ending Women. Preliminary arrangements o'-' folk There, was an increase of 8 per Sunday morning at 10:30 a. m. nc J The preliminary plans prepared by stare pcrirr.y "New synagogues are springing up June 30, due to a rigid enforcement have been made for a debate between The feature of the service will be •hh lorecent in the child care population in g jj music UiEt is symb the committee in charge call lor ?v.t that; 1930.over 1929 with only 1 1-2 per the symbolic handing down of the in the colonies,".it continues, while of the public charge provision of the Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi, three main divisions of the prograir.: \ " he committee 1F ( ,r>; to be cent increase in the number of chil- Torah from generation to generation. •weddings are held according to Jew- immigration law, it was announced in and Senator L. J. Dickinson of Iowa raass ;ctmties, organisation of n £ Crnshs JCVT1" v~:\nis t? A grandfather will receive the Torah ish religious tradition, circumcisions a letter from Secretary of State Stim- on the tariff issue, on Oct. 24, to take 'P-ithe medium for pi\v~v'%i^ dren accepted for care. lor Jewish the place of the November lecture, j ish a exhibit. studies; and E J j interest," . This situation is even more accentu- from the Eabbi and hand it to the are performed; Jewish religious son to Presidnet Hoover. teachers are even engaged for the son, and the son to a grandson. Eabbi Prof. Samuel Schmalhausen, psycholo- { ! The -projected edncniior i program This sJhsrp reduction in immigraated during the first six months of Mass Activities A". Goldstein will conduct the instruction of the children of the col- tion admissions places the number of gist and author of "Why We Misbeippin-it the . 193L. During this period 34 child pavid onists. "Sunday night is Center ni service. Cantor A. Sivowitz will lead immigrants who entered the United have" will be the speaker Dec. 16. h sctivities care agencies reported . an average the singing. "A pitiless war must be launched States in the past year 88 per cent Oliver Baldwin, M. P., son of Stanley During; f£^,~"C ^~yl ,v will will feature the the year's years policy. poli k"- council monthly population of 7,868, an in uproot these conditions,' the below the quota allotments. During Bald-win in the English cabinet, oI. ! the winter season on Sund y evening! All children of the Sunday School to PhiUp M crease of 10 per cent over the corre! vmner "Emes" concludes. at the J. C. C. will be presented E ( this 12-month period, only 48,528 Jan. IS; Rabbi Solomcn Goldman, Feb. sponding period of 1930, although the and their, parents are cordially invisas were issued for quota ^ immi- 10, and Maurice Hindue, an authority series of lectures, concerts and plays j intake had decreased by 16 per cent. vited to attend. grants, while the annual allotment on Ens^ian conditions, and author c-f dealing "with current Jewish prob-i The first session of the Sunday • 'The upward trend in child care ; amounted to 153,714. Bed Bread" and "Homaaity Up- leans OT themes. School takes place Sunday morning, population has been associated with The preliminary plans include s.\ The sharpest reduction was notable rooted," on March 24. a pronounced-increase in the number Oct. 11, at 10 a. m. The morning symposium on Eeforra. Conservative.] during the last nine months of the of children in boarding homes. Data will be given over to registration and and Orthodox Judaism by ouistund--j year, with the number -of visas in the for the first six, months of 1931 revea" class assignments. Eabbi Goldstein ing authorities and representatives of | non-preference class cut 94 per cent. an increase of 20.7.per cent in the will supervise the Sunday School. the respective movements in moderr-i The non-quota visas issued declined " fogterhome population over-the cor- Every teacher on the staff is trained ..AY'; I intercity Judaism. It is expected that ir. this; from 107,469 in 1929 to 45,999 in responding ^period of 1930 ( whereas inpedagoguy and of the eight teachoab 1930, a reduction of 57. 2 per cent. ers six are at present teaching in the the institutional, population increased Jir^mRev. Plank to Address Jewish The • non-quota irnssi grants who reof nEtional • promiBeace as Kara-ice j only 1.8 per cent.—T-he-rincreasing1 ten- Omah'public school system. 1 ' • ; -Women ^i Center Sunday ceived visas included '"NSJO alien resiSsnuaels, notes writer- zcz\cL Zionist ; In accordance with the policy of dency toward placement'of children • tas a wart! dents' Y*iio" -returned iram'" temporary I isEdor: Kenry H™r5ntiT €hz,nc<u~.c>™ cf • Community Center, 'air;.-Jewish -._»...——«_ -Afternoon-"-——.-•— fii private fariiily homes has produced •-i«n»ty to visits abroad; 1,455 aliens coming to i the IvlenorahAssociation, snd Profes-children in the city are welcome to a mark0i?Sn*ange-in.the ratio of inish ComMiss Shirley Treiman has assumed | sor Hordecai M. Eaplan. A community/affair, to which all the United States, temporarily for [ i represeisi; •, enroll. stitutional and foster, home popula :ify series the Jewish women in the city are in- the purpose of study; 132 native born her • duties as case -worker for the In s.ddition it is planned to presers' iitiunity Cer er in • tion. During the corresponding per vited will inaugurate $he thirtieth American women who lost their citii Community Center -and Wel- Jeirish folk music through one or twi ! are the E.UV . iods of 1930 an'd 1931 the proportion this fn'I. season of<th/ Jewish Wornen's Wel- zenship through marriage to aliens. fare Federation. Announcement of concerts. The Center Players Guild j Cub of children under care in boarding il; fare Organization on Tuesday after- These did not represent new immigra"• the club in b? f will perform in a series of plays in i T" tvo homes has increased from 43 per cent noon, October 6, 2:30 p. m. at the tion. Approximately 55 per cent of the same series. * I finning the Senior to 48 per cent. Jewish Community Center. " merit, is dona -3d by J Stnithe quota visas were issued to fathMobilization of all welfare and re^ The. Crawford, Neb., high schowol Jewish Courses , Rev. Laurance Plank, pastor of the ers, mothers, husbands, wives and r. The marries me lief organizations is going forward football eleven, coached by Elmer First Unitarian Church, will deliver I'he org-ariisstiori of £ school for | t. Pr,7 v.'ill be enirr:eare nnuaally, and to reach 376 cities with populations Jreenberg, former Omahan and Uni- the main: address on "The Signifi- minor children of American citizens. Jewish studies will include study! the firpt club to v,-i :hree- tiT>ief- vill Benjamin M. Day, Commissioner of of over 25,000. Emphasis is being ersity of ITebraska star, over- cance of Social Work." The speaker groups in the following subjects: j cpf.n -norTT).ciricnt po? iB'ion <-•'• the oup. placed on the safeguarding of social whelmed Hemmingway, 51 to 0, in its will be introduced by William L. Holz- Immigration in New York, has rer^oaern Jewish history developed j *" ^r ;;s to select v,- i?r-rs~. to repservice programs as well as securing first battle of the season and the first man, president of the Community signed from his post and his resigsrouna movements ETIC sifrnlfic&Ts.t i reper.t IF r,i:-(i. -western. nation has been accepted by President _ relief resources from public and pri- game under Greenberg's tutelage. Center and Welfare Federation. personalities of the IP Hoover.; Goir.Tnuniijy Cc;i1:cv <tcHpte vate sources. centuries; current Jevjsh. Ilterarcre. j •oumsment w Greenberg won national recognition . Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the includirig Jewish authors and baolcsj at Nebraska, being chosen for the Big Jewish Women's Welfare Federation by non-Jews on Jewish themes; mod-! ^>er 2H p,nd not : Six eleven and for the West team in will give a welcoming address. Piano ?r or : ; : ens Hebrew literature; and classes injcebp.te fpar-i ?: • present if c!i ts last annual East-West battle at and violin solos will be given by Anne Ruback. and Harry Robinson. Hebrew and Yiddish. ' I ' l n andition," tlie dub San Francisco. Tea will be poured by Mrs. WilIt is also planned to offer to those! i * ' ntsrciuo " liam Holzman and Mrs. Harry Wolf. interested courses in sociolo'-v, The program chairman is Mrs. Her- New _York.~-j(J. T. A.)—Babbi .Louis ehology, diction, public speaking, j the eoTnirnttpe -on debt man Jahr. L Newrdan! will, b» 'ope of;the speakI rxsusic appreciation, and trailing for | "=j],c r0^m^livr- w c.lur e ? isis^s of "Mrs. Jahr has arranged a splen- ers on a transcontinental radio broadj club leadership. •• j j>.-v;fr "p>.v,r^nr.. fhn "MiUon did program to inaugurate_ our. or- cast on theoccasicn of-the-'sixty-third , Allan Art Exhibit j Abrahams. FrsTiU: Ac Mr: S. Weinstein, 45, of; Midland ganization's thirtieth y year of activ- Canada birthday party • luncheon at Segel Announces Schedule of an". The cxilmjustiisg- feature of t h e ( ^ o h s r ^ i^-n KEir.i.-v.-sk: Fort Worth, Texas,..formerly of ities and relief work," stated -Mrs. the Governor Clinton Hotel,- Saturday, reshyear's prograra vfill be s Jewish art i ^ >am iachcruu O M i'-a: Classes for Gym and Omaha, passed away Monday after a Neveleff, and as p October 3J Other " speakers?-' include president of the 1 Swim -c'd di-rir~ veryfshprt illness, according, to word Women's Welfare Federation, the old- Heywoodf IBroun, Bishop "McConnell, i cf Tr received here.. . . . - ' " • ' • est Jewish, woman's organization in Norman Thoaas and dfee'rs. p^rs Fall and winter gym and swimming He is survived by his .widow and the city," I welcome all- the Jewish Mahatma Gandhi r III listen in and elasses will begin Monday, October 5» two daughters, Mrs. Leon Hoffman women to "attend our opening event respond • 1 to the greetings. The broadat the Jewish Community Center. E. and Miss Dorothy Weinstein. v r Tuesday." . ' . cast will be over station WOE a t . 2 IX. Segel, physical director, has arp. m. Eastern - standard : time. The ranged aii attractive schedule this u-v« , / rl- -T luncheon is being-, held under the season which "should give each and auspices of the India National Conevery member an opportunity to gress of America. ;•-... throw, off surplus energy and pounds Treinsan. Miss and at the same -time accomplish poise, gracefulness, alertness and fither appointment was officially made ' , . , __, : ness of mind and body." last week by William L. Kolsmaa..! «i C Z\ I IT C.Tl Berlin— (J. ...T.. A.) — Threats were - imposed . upon th Nazi rioters, : president of the Community Center , '^s-' The schedule for this season: against the Jewish inhabitants of responsible for the attacks on the and Welfare Federation. ~" Men's gym classes, Monday and '"Night school for adults vrill reopen Berlin ( as retaliation for the severe Jews on Sbsh Hashonah, _by the High She -will ba in .charg-e-of the fan„_., _^_ ~ Wednesday, 8 p. m. ' nest "Monday night,: Oct.-5, at 7:30 ily service and child care departments. ,^"-'" "-"" 1? Men's wrestling, boxing and tumb- sentences imposed upon the Nazi Court. of .Berlin... .. _ ... '". p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, Twentyrioters for attacking Jewish worship-; . After an all night session, the court c r ling, Tuesday, 8:30 p. m. second and Clark streets. Classes will under the general supervision of Ja- * _ ^ v "^^ "''Womens' slenderizing classes, Tues- pers on the High Holy Days, are sentenced 12 Nazis to", a. year's im- he held every Monday and Friday eve- eob S. Pearlstien, execctive director "^--. made in a manner of anonymous let- prisonment, eight to a year, and three day and Thursday, 10 a. mr> of the-J. C. "C. and Welfare Federa- - . - - . - :;g ; - Womens' slenderizing classes, Tues- ters received by the Central Verein months, two to 17 months, one to 20 tion. lSSl.~of German Jews. months, and four to nine months. The All men-and vromen interested in days and Thursdays, 2': .p. fa. Ivliss Treiman graduated from the "c-\'^1^Z-'.* The letters threaten that syna- rioters were found guilty of disturb- learning English and the fundamen- social sendee department of Wash- - ^ *•;_ ; 4Girls' slenderizing 'classes, Tuesh. days and Thursday, 6 and 6:30 p. m gogs will be set on fire; that.Jewish ing the public peace and conspiring tals of American citizenship and gov- ington University in St. Louis is 1S29. *f.,„"*.!...*._. 1 Girls*'games, Tuesdays and Thurs- passersby in the Kurf uerstendam against religion. ernment are invited to b-e at the recsi\ing a bachelor of science degree - .J ihe section will be drenched in oil and Seven of the 34 Nazis who had opening "session at the Labor Lyceum in social work. Since 1929 she days, 1 p. m. Junior B Boys' gym, Mondays and set on fire; and that Jewish families been held for trial were released be- Monday night. The school is free, been associated with the Jewish nwill be seized, beaten and imprisoned cause {of • lack of evidence against and all are welcome to attend. Wednesdays, 4 p. m. ' .' in cellars" until they perish of hunthem. I<I. Crounss is president of the LaJunior B girls' gym, Tuesdays and ger. bor Lyceum. Thursdays, 4 p. m. recoivoa Individual lettei-3' carrying the Junior A boys' gym, Mondays and same menace were addressed afco to Wednesdays, 7 to 8 ^r-iB>Merman Jtii '.iich cocr the Swimming classes follow each gym individual members of the Central titVerein. clasfe throughout the schedule. :~c ' : : : n ; irs-.cr ','or An open letter was addressed to the Abraham Sherman, £3, passed crrcy Ilc-rnsan Falcr hzs bosri E-trard;d a . z:. r:;v government by the Central VJsrern. yer.r's scholarrhip to Crcishton Uai- cepartrccsts cl t::; The Verein asks the government why in St. Paul on Sept. 25. Mr. Sh-zrrs.zzi, , r r^, • lsl:ci cure cl it has failed to actively support the who v/as well known hcvz and a, form- varsity for outztar.db.™ chility playcd at th? C. 11. ?. C. cr.Trier resident, had nuny acquaintances i , e f s n organized opposition creation, p Fort Crock this summer. Ycur.g j -;rc.:a ir. rr N i threaten in Omaha. to Nazi; cultur^ ^ Th The Nazis ! He is survived hj five gc-nerctions, Faier, v/ho vras cc:"_t lieutenant, cc~> d"rl~z ^ William L. Holzman will show mov- the existence of^Germany, the letter ing pictures of "Travels in ^Foreign asserzs, since i are simply await- including a son in Oniahi, llr. Julius Lands" Wednesday evening, October 1 ing ,-jn opportune moment to continue Sherman. In Omaha he also has three a commission cs sccc-r.J iii^tcncnt in, _"^.3*tr.' grandchildren, eight great grandchilin the auditorium of Temple Israe! their outbreaks. 1 ~1 ! -' : at 8 o'clock. Another Jewish cemetery desecra- dren, and two greet great grandchil- of 21.""" " " At the cair.- --S -'-== r::n c - c ! ' j A f r . . . . . .- Mrs. William L. Holzman and Mrs tion was reported in Kitchem Loer- dren. P t f l t p - p«»V2Ir. Sherman made frequent trips to Max L. Holzman are sponsoring the rach. This is the one hundred and 1 sixth Jewish cemetery desecration in Omaha despite his grest age, his Izzl Ho hen clso1 torn prrrr'r:rt ir Ir". i j— c-zzzcu ' T t-" ---"'"-.affair. •' < 1 f r visit being four months ego. A yzzz Sco-2t circle :, h^vlTjl."- vba f.'rsl , ^ir> cl-. r rr; i ' . ; " / . . The public is -cordially invited, am] Germany. :e -TC3 hero to attend ths golden Jevrish E ^ l s Sxu? Ir. Cn.ri:._cr:; j Z.:-c:.J::= £>"-; ~«-~_-"-"•::•a nominal charge of 05 cents is be Berlin—Severe sentences, unprece- iTeddmg cunivcrsar;^ cf lit. s n i Ilrr. ing aslred. The proceeds of the eve* nir.j go to tlia' Tenrale Sisterhood,. enttd for oiftnses of this aafarc. Julias Shsrsrs::,
LaFolleUe.to Open Comntuniii/ - Forum's Series
Greenherg?$ . Wins First Game
Rabbi;Newman. •< -: to Speak on Na- •
8. -Weinstein, Former*,- Omahan, Passes Away
: >t. tlie -Labdr:Ijyceam.
Lands" to Be Shown
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1931 mature judgment and authority to the f problemsof Judaism in the west, and the needless drift from Conservatism to .Reform for p purely social reasons is i to be b checked k certain under his ministrations.
EWISH Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska by
I am told too, by insiders, that there very recently, it was the financial asare several members of the Supreme sistance of Justice Brandeis which Court of the United States who not saved the English edition of Dvar, the infrequently in their conferences, pace! Jerus.;aiem dally, fror collapse-, the floor and use these dynamite TWO KOUES A DA^ FOE phrases.
Instead of affirming their'readinesa ON THE SAME SUBJECT Though he acts behind the scenes, Perhaps there is no vice which is to co-operate in-- the "new Brandeis is todF.y -as active as ever in not a little bit of a virtue, and I sup-
program of the World Zionist' OrganZionism. For the last several months ization, the-enraged and baffled fol- pose, the same might be said of a stream of-• Zionists have been n.aklowers of .Chaim Weizmann snd.Lcuis swearing. For one thing, I believe it- ing their hegira to the Justice's sum- RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Lipkey in this country announce .that is a sovereign .-hixinaniEing influence. mer home at Chathf.n, they • wiir'enaeavor to. overthrow,', the Again, it seems to act as a sort of Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York They are of ?. vide rpng-e, these visBrandeis-Mackl group, at the forth- catharsia. A person who swears off itors—from the more professional his peeve is not apt to go nursing coming convention of the.Z. 0...A. , Office:.^90Brandeis TheaterlBuilding,: . . v types of Zionists to the academic type, This threat-is.-typical of .the tactics his grudge.' Thirdly, it seems to me of Frankfurter and Ra'den. The Jus• " • ' • ' •""•>--••••'•.telephone: ATlantic 1 4 5 0 / : >•'-•--\ . : .•]'• Orthodox Judaism is'.confronting mean the continuance of its essential with -which - those now in control of to be a sort of integrating; influence, tice lives as might be expected a very DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor the same pfoblenis -ap Reform'. At excellence, not its vulgarization. the Z. 0. A. have had to "encounter that lifts us up from our customary | regulated, systematized life, a'lul it is FRANK R./ACKERMAN - ' '•-.->.-. > - > . ; r T - Editor i.orpor and makes one conscious of the the recent Conference of the Rabbini- , If Judaism in the rare and pro- for many years. "-..•'" said,' thr.t' T6r th'e" past Vear he. has FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - - - Society Editor cal , Association - of fthe : Rabbi Isaac phetic terms in which =these men voice • The Lipskyites would-substitute reservoir of fire within. assigned two .hour"? 'of'every day to FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs,' Iowa - - -. - Correspondent I do not mean to start any camIchdhan Theological Seminary in New it were the genuine possession of the noise and publicity for constructive Zionist work.' '• ANN PILL - - - - - - - - - - - - Sioux: Gity, Iowa, Correspondent Yorlt City, the factors affecting, Jud- Jewish masses, we would: witness a action. Interviews in the-- general paign for explosive language." There ' I have heard it whisriei'ed incidentis nothing quite so aism iri. America were considered, regeneration of Jewish literature, press filled vv-ith sound ahd--fury and disgusting as inwith; special reference to the influence culture and spiritual effectiveness, in •political intrigue-wherever -possible discriminate resort to these exple- ally, that the recent more sympathetic of Orthodox Judaism; '*We have all social causes, the like of, which we are their method; of Zionist service. tives. I have no doubt that in fre- trends of the British .covernment toCultural activities in a community tend ,to hallow man's exist- kind's of Orthodox Rabbis," said one have never known in, the. annals of all Anyone desiring;-to--know- the inward- quent cases it is merely a camouflage wards the -Palestine cause is due to the subtle urjrinps of the Jewish Suness of.;'.the: nsw---Ziotiist - orientation to cover up emptiness -erf thought. ance, supplying the source which moisiens the parched soil of of the,.speakers,v-"froni..the .baseball- Israel. playing, hatless, debonair and colYet now and then a little swearing preme Court Justice. should read;the;statersents by Israel human life. In this respect the Jewj^of Omaha have never been legiate ' rabbi "to the- Hasidic,- Kaftan- "Yours is a curious • profession in Brodie :snd "Emanael Neumann on seems to • be called for. As Oliver IN THE MAIL backward—good times or 'bad*our^tiimunityi Ms fojjtered a pro- wearing. b,ernsut. '< • • ; ' » ; modern life," said a talented young1 their return "-.frraSi-abroad; .-Nathum Wendell Holmes put it:' Man is the 1. Kenrv furwitz, editor o'f the p-am aiming: to develop the Jewish consciousness and'keep kindled ,. It fehouldbe the mission'of the as- economist to. me as we journeyed by Sokolow also emphasises; the eco- more lovable for a little -weakness. ; 'Elenofah Journal.' "I "was much intersociat-ion to establish . a. uniform boat from Woods Hole to New York. nomic approach in his declaration rethe Jewish cultural interest. , Our community forum,,our lectures/ standard for the 'orthodox rabbinate "Has not the Rabbinate .lost its func- garding: common effort "by Jews and YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE. ested in your ''notes on a "Jewish Talking about this changing world T r a d e r Horn?' " -\ToukI you1 tell' : me our plays, our various' coUrs.es, our myriad of classes all have in Ajnericai";''Besides being steeped tion entirely1?""'; : ".'.•'• .:, • . . . Arabs. : and changing values, Bernard •• G. who he isT "I'd rppreciate it'very' broadened the community outlook and 'all' 'Iteve 'deepened the in Jewish learning and in the Torah, When I questioned' this commenta~ Perhaps the Lipskyites will be able m u c h . ' ' " • • • ' ' ••.••* thej speaker said that'the RaDbi must tor further, I learned that he knew to make trouble at the Zionist con- Richards tells. a piquant story whose spiritual assets of our Jewry. Our activities in this direction possess 2. Joseph Gross,'Bulletin Building:. locale is Russia. complete -secular back- Jewish history quite well—in part, vention in the United States, it has Pa',: <;I hp.ve ,fi;st faiishhave spread so as to affect even bur non-Jewish friends and ground' •ina'order A Jew i n Russia carne to a well- Philadelphia, t o attain "that har- strange to say from "Stranger than ieen done before. But they have also 1 ed reading your column "in Saturday's neighbors.; . • . ! • • • . . :;. '•. monious fullness of personality so fiction"—and had traveled on horse- been defeated on several-'strategic oc- known Moscow "schadschen." ' "I have a pretty daughter, and I Jewish World 'of this cit<-. Permit m<i necessary for the equipment and in- back through the Caucausus where he casions, and this also may occur On'the front page is found the contemplated program of the fluence of .a spiritual leader." to say to rou-and'through Dr.-" had spoken to the Georgian Jews, who again. Now is the time for friends am willing to give a 'dowry of five George Gordon, vine by the vr.y, used thousand rouble for an acceptable Jewish Community Center for the coming year. It is the most Thus at one stroke the speaker de- claim to follow the same type of life of the Brandeis-Mack-Brodie economic husband. What have vou on your to b e ' a Philatfelphian, thst-the'. TalDUtstanding and ambitious program ever yet undertaken. While plored the excesses to Which "modern- their ancestors '.• adopted --when5 they program to come forward zealously lists?" mud 'does-not contain the statement ity" has gone among Rabbis, and at were dispersed- in the Babylonian and give their support. Now is the it embraces all of the features of, the programs of previous years, the that Adam was a-monkey. It -does' same time urged that the ortho- Exile. time for those Reform Rabbis who , "Well," replied the schadschen, "I say that he had a 'tail. This j? re- • .ts many well-thought out features and additions make it uni- dox Rabbi should be abreast of se•hope a nice Neprnan." If the men who today became have been speaking of the need for sponsible for the current impression zersalistic in appeal, emphasizing- iriass activities arid giving more cular knowledge and methods.' It is clergymen would enter public life and reconstruction in the Z. O. A. to lend "A Nepman," replied the Jew—"no that the Talnrod said that Adam was that won't do at all. These ZNepmen heartening to observe this combinaoeople a chance to take advantage; of Its manifold benefits, besides tion of liberalism and piety.. It may politics, there would • he a revolution p. helping hand. We wish a minimum live too precarious an existence under, a monkey or looked like one.'' governmental ethics." I reminded of political controversy, and a maxi8. Jacob Turner, 4147 Ogden Avc--, serving the community at large. "Sunday night is Center night," be that eventually' the Reform^ Orth- inthe Stalin regime. Have vou' roivone my friend that many,men who for- mum of economic enterprises. Chicago, III.: "I hasten to scud this else?" ve hope, is destined to become the by-word in every Jewish house- odox and Conservative groups in this merly went into the ministry, have line to let you know that your column Well," replied the schadschen. "I country will approach each other entered politics via the law, but that lold in' Omaha. Symposiums, lebtures, concerts, and plays will more clearly. It would be distressing, is to me the f,iost friicvp.lilr that- I have an engineer—a fins fellow." the moral atmosphere of the commun'.b-operatively supplement the Fprum lecture series. The organi- however, if the intensity and discip- ity "An engineer!" replied the Je.vr. find in r.nr of ' t h e Anplo-Jowish has unfortunately been little im"Well, that's hot so bad. Bat many newspapers. I wish, yon v-ouUl do :ation of a school for Jewisii studies will afford wide-spread opr line which Orthodoxy represents proved. of these engineers are having: trouble more delving into ancient newspapers jortunity for furthering one's pet subject. Included among the would give way to the expediency, "Politics has a distinctly disinteBy DAVID SCHWARTZ with •the government. A friend of. and ma.cr.zine for sidelichtp on Jewconvenience and adaptation which grating influence upon the idaalistic liversified courses offered,, will bej modem Jewish history. Jewish mark both Reform and Conservatism. young lawyers, who at their graduamine, who is an engineer, just I; .st ish history. They are most interesting. Finding your sense of humor to novements and personalities, current Jewish literature, modern "We must have a nucleus of obser- tion are determined to take up the week was sent to Siberia." be skin to my own, I applaud it. IiY-BYE, MR. MI3NCKBN : At this, the Schadschen grew irate Hebrew literature,-Yiddish and Hebrew classqs, sociology, psy- vant Jews to whom Judaism is a ser- cudgels for civic righteousness. More- ^ y Mr. Mencken, you're and he stormed. "You don't expect for ious interest, demanding sacrifice and over, many of the. men -who are our :hology, diction, public speaking, music appreciation, and training effort, .rough. So in substance says Mike five thousand rouble to get a factory ANSWERS if the experimentalists on the most effective 'crusaders,' like Nor2. Have written you pevsrrnallv the .'or club leadership. Another significant feature which cannot be circumference of religious life are not man Thomas, would have made splen-' Gold in the Masses, hand, do you?"' name. Hcwever. 1 would like to add \ T o Mike of course, anybody is :oo highly lauded is the Art exhibit planned for the Spring, which to do too great harm with their ex- did clergymen. Asfor the accusation through, who does not join to the BRANDEIS SAVES that the. man I hrve mentioned sufthat the modern ministry is an out;vill f ill a long-felt nedd, rounding out a" well-balanced program se- tremism.' fers from mi ovcnvhrlming modesty, JERUSALEM DAILY march of the Red drum taps. Putting worn calling, I recommend that the Mr. Mencken on the shelf is of course ected to meet the tastes of the most exacting. • It is a fact, I believe, that has per- and I hope you \-iiI be move successRabbi" Ebin declared that three doubting Thomases, sit with the Rab- quite conceivable. But not for the colated even to the rank and file that | ?Ul .hsn I hr.ve been, in rnr attempts. major troubles afflicted the Jewish bi in his study from nine in the morn- reasons cited by Mike Gold. At the present moment the jnen in charge are busy working religion in the old days when Brandeis was jio get him to publish his impressions... today. "First we have' made ing till he leaves it at six, and then Mencken, I believe, is a little of a more conspicuously affiliated with the; 2. Dr. Gordon will doubtless reply out the details of this^healthy program; "tiinae^money and energy- our children good Americans but tve from eight to eleven! let him hear the for the reason perhaps that Zionist movement, that he not only"; to your objection. are being spent unstintingly to make-it; successful from every have forgotten to make them loyal Rabbi's phone calls, listen to his dic- has-been 3l:Thank you. sit with him in the private and he has been too successful. He has gave his time' s-nd thought, but gave j angle. ; It will, when successfully completed, .esfeiblish a.new high Jews. The Jewish religion has relied tation, (Copyright. IPf.l. by the .Tevish Teleraised a school who have absorbed heavily in the hundreds of thousands, | support of individuals, while"the group conference, read his 'corregraphic Agency, lnc.> standard for our cultural activities, arid Satisfy^vital need in our upon j masses have been neglected, and -we spondence, race *v;th m'm to lecture his ideas and who can do his tricks from his'purse. almost as good as the Baltimore It is less generally known, however, < his side in comcommunal endeavors.- But, the'work^has in vain if so, forhave neglected the centralization of. appointments, that Brandeis, even in recent days' It is better to dwell in a comer of him on ppas- maestro ^himself. Jewish religious affairs. mittee meetin£r.\ g, g I could illustrate this very "well, if j has saved a number of Zionist pro- ,. I the housetop thiiii with p brawling •\Vhile we may look askance at the toral calls, and da th^ thousand and r ril\: woman in a wide house.—"Proverbs. last proposal, it is certain that Rabbi one things i n ' the Rabbi's ordinary I cared to mention names, by citing jects from collapse. In fact, the name of one cf the greatest figmovement for a" better community life, :1^o become vibrant with Ebin's diagnosis of the first two ail- week-day, noz X mention hhis teach- ures of Jewish literary life in the last ments is sound. We have said tne and whatever little Jewish values and Jewish- sources. The Jewish^Community Cen- same thing regarding Reform Jews. ing, preaching quarter of a century.. . j study and writing he can succeed in This man is really a tragedy though > ;er is the medium for the stimulation of cultural advancement, The emphasis of the last generation doing. '' ' public generally does not know,' -and it is squarely up jto us to^co-operatean: vitalizing its program/. was upon Americanization; to say we Lazy Rabbis n a y offer evidence of the ' / how low he has fallen. But on the | appreciate this interest can take care the inutility of their calling, but the insides they know and he knows that of itself; conscientious . Rabbi is harassed and his day has passed. Our tasks as Jews should be to besieged on every side. There is no The trouble is that he has been too Judaize bur people, and this requires limit to what he can do on behalf of successful and today his disciples The Jewish Holyday season, is brought to a close this week- watchful attention. Orthodoxy is for the. betterment of his congregation, have, learned his methods and can outend, with the celebration: of Simchas Torah. Simchas Torah is those who like it. Degree of ritual and the distribution of the religious original the original. observance is a matter of personal impulse injthe community life. Even a day of gaiety, of merriment, in which the Jewish people rejoice taste. But there are certain funda- the "playboy" Rabbi" is busy after a MENCKENS ALTER EGO in the possession of theTrTBookof Books. On this occasion as the mentals which must be-incumbent up- fashion. I do not expect Mr. Mencken's stock Jews finish the reading" of the Torah, they immediately turn to on all Jews, whether Orthodox, Con- It is told that an English coster- to parallel quite so precipitous a deservative or Reform. These cease to monger, cried after the Prince of cline. But Mr. Mencken too h£3 been the beginning of Ganesis. and start over anew. This ancient cus- be a matter of individual predilection Wales: "There goes one of the idle too successful. tom is symbolical of the eternity of the Jew, constantly perpetuat- and enter into the realm of a common rich." This month, the American Mercery j The prince who had just come duty. From those minimalia there from his 'steenth social affair at contains an article jointly the product j ing himself and his Torah. .; .; no escape. which he had served as the customary of Mencken and Charles Angoff. As long as the Jewish people shall continue to read and re-canIf be You can't tell which is Mencken's we cannot bring to the funda- "decoration";. in the same role as read their Torah, they; from annihilation. In their wan- mentals ths loyalty of the Jewish many. Rabbis, said to his Equerry: and which is. Angoff s. And not only this article. Take Angoff's recent derings over the face^ e; glob.e, the Jewish people have been multitudes in this country, Judaism "Rich, maybe, but idle, never V\ "History of American Literature." If will be in grave peril. ~ But if all Jews '.The Rabbinate piay be a dying prokept from degenerating into migratory :gypsis by their life-stim- consider themselves bound by certain fession for those1 who would wish it you knew nothing abouwthat work j ulating Bible. Persecuted^'cniall sides by intolerable nations, they basic injunctions, we can permit in- so, and the desire is undeniably father and if you closed your -eyes as in an prided themselves anden^appea^.themselves in a noble Book.of dividuals to determine for themselves to the" thought. But. the eminences Old Gold Test, the.chances are you have said,' Mencken wrote it. Lhe Ages which lightened "the burdens of a. miserable Ghetto exist- to what extent they will enrich their of distinguished' pastors in public life would Buy Where Ycur Clothes Monc-3So similar is the tone, the spirit, life by ceremonies, linguistic and cul- —in economic, ' humanitarian, educaence and illumined the'^badges of shame" forced upon them. Made tHiral enterprises. ' the style and flavor. Mr. Mencken ' tional, philanthropic and community Buys Most in Value to choose between freedom by baptism or ifieir Torah, they secauses—not to mention the distinc- has been too successful. Rabbi Ebin, deplores that the fact tively religious and organization PROM BOSTON CAME lected the latter with-its idealisticprinciplesr we have lost sight of the forest work the clergyman does in his own ANGOFF ., ' Small wonder that we Jews have guarded.this imperishable "that by virtue of the trees, namely, that specific field, indicates that the reHe" is an interesting young fellow, treasure so zealously. The Torah and its monotheistic concepts, we have forgotten the Jewish masses port of the ministry's demise has beeSi this .Charles Angoff. Nominally, asand. thought only of individuals. exceedingly exaggerated. » is "our outstanding contribution'to civilization and our "greatest sistant to Mr. Mencken in the editorcould be more correct. While ship of the American Mercury, it.is. ;Iaim to mankind's gratitude. As! a world «pic, it presents a pan- Nothing Judaism has been preserved by the "C'J is an excellent letter wherethat Mencken now .leaves orama of the drama of humanity^ giving life's lessons and phil- aristocrats of the Jewish spirit,--who with . to coinjhejicj> a description of whispered the editorship almpst completelv to osophies in their fullest meaningnot only in ancient days but also have always set the standards, its in- Judaism.- We ought think of Jud- Angoff. .' • " • ; ^ ) - V " •-" has depended upon;the extent aism- as <a creed, a cult, a community, in modern times. Its literary merit remains unequalled, although fluence , From Boston he'.hail&—young Angto which this" spirit has permeated, the a cultirre.dnd a. civilization. - off. -'Gossip says, I don't know how it was written in a day when the human mind was supposedly still Jewish masses. , j it is, that he was : too'individualpubescent. It is the foundation and the instrument of education, ] Usually; the ,"vulgus" must be .en- '0. ^Beilin's -collection of stories: true istic -to satisfy the code • of Boston j tertained' -with: breed and circus, "Baptism" qrg. grai>liic''"and', powerful. constantly gaining new'glories. / . ; . ; , journalism and-left.' He .is still ua-, whether they be in the days of Caesar They are in the sombre mood which der thirtyv Though he can write a Amidst the precarious shoals; of the world's;Intolerance, the <kr Mussolini. Today the commoners we: have been accustomed to asso- lusty; English as. pure, as t^e best1 Sefeiv Torah has been a lighthouse of invaluable service, safely in Judaism usually wish, a common- ciate with tales of Eastern Jewry, biit Menqkenese, he can sliagft].? "ii ,.l'i~1i, program. The Jewish Rabbitts many "of them paint unforgettable almost as wickedly. \And*'he tit's cz\guiding...us'to harbor.; .Its eternity has been.our eternity, and if place too; often establish the tone of the pictures. It "will be a long time belikeness to the sage cZ ~ . - I, we hope to ; remain.; the "deathless people*' we must watch most synagogue, the Y. M. H. A., and the fore the literature of Israel will cease other more^—he can swear as elcracr.tly. 'i community. When we seek to dis- to deal with pogrom, persecution, carefully the preservation of our epic or epics. seminate. Judaism ; we must not de- frustration and despair. * PURPLE LANGUAGE base its coinage. I think it is time, by the v ay, i~"t.l national iHinOrities in Turkey have •; Those who create- the -canons of Rabbi Jacob Kohn, one of the fore- somebody sa5d a word ia- -defense c* If recognized ^ by the State which taste and judgment-are not the. unin- most leaders of. American- Conserva- swearing. has always: in £he past, issued matric- formed and undisenminating, but-th.e tive Judaism, is to,be'Rabbi of Tena- I am aware, as ail are, cf ths cc^c { ulations. s . to those given stu- writers j dramatists, lecturers, JJabbis; pl& Sinai, Los Angeles. The congre- agairist swearing. . "Tliere Is even a'[ and Other Good Clothes Makers statesmen and publicists of Jewish gation is to be congratulated on trie great international society v . h c 1 se'e | ,_,._. of Turkish' schools. ' Thfe.n/eW law- is- considered partica- life. - Ernest Bloch, - Edmond Fleg, choice of its new leader, 'who is an purpose is to limit this csplcr;%c ' ^ ' CTS'S Istaiitml— (J^ ^ ^ .anjust ibecause of the date/of its Nachman Bialik, Louis D. Brandeis; orator, scholar, and organizer of tKe of .speech. Yet it seems tc ~ •> I i SrtricfSibiJs which •will will i affect a large nce,-being .^.published after the Stephen S. Wise, Ludwig Lewisohn, highest talents. Only the severe eco- a :prsctics, which has zsair., . 1 *c number] of Jewish, i&aergratluaies. &i iin Conclusion of,the University examina- Claude Montefjere, and men of their nomic depression would have made vigor these many centsrii"=•*-• ' Turkey-j were issued >by- fHe: Minister 'tions.-'-Sfti<ientsi'therefore, will 'be stamp are the standard-makers for '' Hprc is no possible the services of Rabbi Kelsja all-of t3iis opposition, csrast'. -•'' . ~" . f Ednid^ion .Sta'dents of .Minority Minority s< hom\ aiKl the . of These men .-make: -for-Western Jewry. compelled •._to; wait ' a t .least another'Judaism." today. . j som& inherent need. r•hr y.-f>!irterful Schools! as well ll as of:-Foreign. f F C Col- year/before being; able to stand for articulate- the Jewish heritage an r 1 : Opportunity ••--. His -congregation in Hew Yori, Nqt, so long ago, there die 1 a s.icct | - leges Will henceforth, be Teq'urfed*' to •eiamiriationsr fequired, "•" ish terms. which he:served for many years, over- Jewish leader. F e w h a v e e r ^ j c - t c undergo a. special examination before When the world wishes to,know the built itself .in the., days .of the boon; publie esteem as did, he. ^*c. 'A I ALT, being permitted-;,to-,• matriculate .in sum of§50,000 ' wals character;and extent of Jewish influ- heavily mortgaged, with its.meiaber- should mention Ms name and rcj i'.zt Turkish universities according to thebequeathed to the Orthodox Jewish enee in modern society, it must turn ship financially prostrate, the syna- the purple of his language erica r \new ruling. . • . , .•. ;•'-.• • ; - Schools in'Poland by; ah American io the v^ftings-and; VorkV ctfrtne'se go|jue'-at 100th-street."and-West Ena colored the same tist of the x-""-11—', , ' ijijjg new regulation airns at reJewish manufacturer, Max . Lauter,- chief spokesmen'• of;Jiidaisni;'in-Msz dyenne, -found; itself unable to con- I suppose a howl would greet - o. Y"* ( stricting : the matriculation in univerand ac^ioii^"^_e;nosts;of Jewry every-" ;_tinuf.;•„rBabbi..Kohn's, coming- to tht personally, I confess I &4rr "-•= h rsities 6f members of. national minori- spiel, according . to information re-, where must' seek toeleH-ate their.in- 1 Pacific Coast is'eertaia to 'give -isn. all t i c more for the strength of i" ~.t I tv "TOOTS, ' among: them the Jews. ceiv«fJ by the Minister of Interior clinations and interests to the heights petus to 'Conservative Judaism, and to ex-piosiveness. It was . bea L.1LZJ1 iz This ordinance lias been promulgated here, from the Polish tConsul in New attained, by them. Then the diffusion strengthen th©- Jewish consciousness watcli—quite as" aesthetic a? c ctcr 4 despite the fact that schools of the York. of Judaism among the masses will in this region. Rabbi Kohn brings at' sea. Subscription"Price; one .year —~—u~--— - .-..--.•„.-...•..:_.....§2.50 V Advertising rates furnished on application
ly tfie/Way
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Nov,-I World F :
New, ReStrietioiis X-'l '.Affect Turkisft.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS/ FRIDAY, .OCTOBER-2,- 1831 ; Bluffs entertained the Auction Bridge low placed pleats snd espelet sleeves trn'c ]?v.^.-;i- p r ,.;, 1 i r r i i e ,> ^rl -'iistingsished the styling- of the frock. < incl-c, J-r ir - t v , :r "" - h - " j.l.svt ;',TBe ~Sigma\ Kappa Chi sorority Card Club.™""'• '" * Her brewn felt hat favored '^c t-'lr- ' i r ? :r i;~:: , • h< ~' >> -"- h~<-, opened its. fall'_season ! Tuesday eve^ Mrs.. William Alberts -was re-elect- iiing at. the J ; C. C. with an election ".Rabbi Morris J3V Taxen -wrote s brim and pheasant trim. j svf-i's- - rr,—•?. "i">~r, o'1"-"!- fiip':r- jri^ves ed to Head the' Auxiliary of the" Con- of' officers. Those ; elected' are "AHS •very interesting editorial-on--the City •The costumes chosen by /"if-F l.rcirr-, 1 ; i -•••>,". \r', i'. ? ,.• i^-n-.d \--v-;\ ; servative Synagogue. "Other'officers Herman,' president ;''GcIdie -Fish, vice- Talmud "Torah...:.. "' .. " '* Patrick also eniphasiseu t':r ctLri.c- r,A, <c — j-.c:-- -;! •" <• '.:^ri', chosen are Mrs. Dave Shermsn, first president; HarinahGossick, secretary; tivensss cf'the jacket costcmss. Ir j vice-president; Mrs. Ben Gfazer.'sec- Dora. Dolgoff,' .treasurer; : Sylvia • "HumoresqiJe''.was voted by'Photo- one act she appears 5n an .effective; • • • •. •• Pearl man, reporter. - 'Maxine . play as the greatest picture produced lirht-.'weisrht wodsn eorabhuns: £ TEV j ^ ^ <"' ca"? ' dow B W T ^ m a p p with., black, the.; light .hue malring a i-than want r,i lmov:lr(i.cG,—Frankhn. jn 1920.' \ ' , •;..-'' . . . " . . • „ . • Plans are -beiag --fqrsia.Ia.t"d. far a benefit -bri dge . in. -the near ' future. THE JACKETjCpSTUME "•- . . <::': &fs. Irvin" C. Levin will "again.. spbiiV. The'.'ino-fle'of' the jacket costume was or the sorority .this-year.!-"Meetings; ihe choice of tke.'cast of "Friendship" are being- h'eld every otter Tuesda'y."" '.•which...opened in"-Jfew. Ycrk : 'recently. TEN-YSA^S AGO. ' - -...\: .-. George M. Cohen, who made her stage Mr. and-Mrs. J. J; 'Slosburg entsr- debute in this play, was attired in a auie'd for visitors from Sedalia, Mo., .•youthful interpretation ©f the fur at a- dmner- party at the Athletic- •jacket e-aseintle, 'the -satin" dress ^ 'matching the" color of the lapin, while iub.".v ;,,..,-' ..
PRENUPTIAL" AFFAIRS FOR , bridge tea at the home of her parents,- Mr. and- .Mrs. Sam 'Attsuler of MISS KALIS - ;~ . - :.. 'Miss Joie. Kalis," whose engage- t)rnaha, Yv'h'en she entertained last .ment was 'recently "announced to Sunday afternoon in honor • of Miss E'raiik W. Blotclry has been the .in- Ruth Hofner, who" will be married on spiration for many prenuptial" enter- October 18, and .Miss Nell • .Marks; a Mr. and- Mrs. Louis Ackerman pre^a*»ai^'ii^»iv«i«^wiaM»W^*-. bride'of-October 111. • tainment " " -ented the City Talinud Torch Sun- : ; -MAX SHRIER'S SONS ' day School with a piano. - On I": -/-.ay evening. Mr. and . Mrs. * Prises were won by Mrs. Harry 3L Louis B'.otcky entertained at a dinner Milder, Mrs/ David Bernstein &n4 At a - meeting_of-the Progressive at-their home.—Mr.-and-Mrs.-Robert Miss Cele Wolk. - " " Club; John Beber.rT,vas.elected secreKooper were dinner hosts on Monday tary antl treasurer,- and I. -Sternhill, at" fhe Fohtenellel "'Tuesday-"Hrs. CELEBRATE FIRST ' " - Phones—AT. 4744—I A. 7S53" - ' reporter. - • -; Paul Blotcky entertained-for sixteen ANNIVERSARY , guests at' luncheon* and bridge'st her Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Krasne vdU Mr. and Mrs. Edward ICreller enterhome, arid Wednesday .Mrs. Louis celebrate' their first wedding annitained ' 35 guests at dinner £t the Blotcky was hostess to 25 guests at versary on Sunday, October 1. Mrs. the Blaekstone"at 1 o'clock luncheon Krashe -was formerly Miss Betty ZelSrandeis restaurant, to. celebrate Mr. and bridge, in .honor of Miss Kali's!. insli- of "Sioux City. "-' Treller's birthday. • • '•". • ". EXCLUSIVE _——TiiDttiLft-JiIiirsdcii Pfecto. Miss "Ruth Cohen -will entertain' at The Sisterhood. of Temple < Israel .CURTAIN CLEANERS a buffet suppeV Sunday "evening 'and SIRTHS :. Mrs. William Alberts. • planned; a" ThanlcBgiving dance. -.. - - , Mrs. Arthur Katskee a t luncheon and . Mr. and-.Mrs. .Morris -White -an; "WA.'1358' "5007 LesTenwcrth bridge the -foliowing-Monday.; ) '--, nounce the birth of a daughter Tues- ond \ice-president; 'Mrs. I: •-•F.VGood-Mrs. Herman Krasne of .Council day morning a t the Methodist Hospi- men," recording secretary; Mrs.; BenSUBINOW-MAHKS WEDDING tal. jamin Minldn, correspondiiiir-' secre/-Miss .Nell, Marks, daughter,of Mr. tary; Mrs. I. Dansky,- treasurer; -Mrs..'and Mrs. , Frank Marks,. hss set the Mr. and J l r s . Lettn-Gross announce J . H.Kala!cof sky, auditor."- • • * - : 'the:birth of-a son <>nSeptember 22 a t ;. Those -electsd board roeroberB are r I' l! her * marriage^ to,_IrvhV. RubLnow of the ^Methbdist hospital; "-, • ^ - • iljesdames Paul Bernstein, .F; J . :A1Pjttsburg,_Kansas, ^ormeriy^of^ Ljifc coin, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. : Rubr j A . d ^ g h ^ r / ^ a s ^ b o r n - ; to~;- Mr.*'ani 'nrckj--A; : -FT-- ^"^frnfln,"7VT. ;Fi":I>&vfiijs2inc ' i ' ' ' " ' Mis. -David-Bleicher- bri-September~-23 .- - Mrs.—Alberts - haa —announced -4he . The-wedding ..will . take .-.place : on a t -the. Methodist ..-hospital: -._•:• .. -following, committee; chairmen:-Mrs. Sunday, evening^ October. 11, "at 'ihe -J. J. Greenberg, membership; -Mrs. ; ; : Birchwood clubv -, ? -*/- .;-_•. - - . . . - •MRsV PEARLSTiEN AND- .-.- *':' • \ ", -.John Beber, religious^/ Mrs; ~B. A. Simon, social; Mrs; -David Goldstein, iTVC/Ti?. ; Attending' the_ bride will_be her sis! f «"-> ' ter,"' Miss._Ruth.. Marks,, as.v maid of Mrs. JabobJS.::Pearlstien, and 1 small educational; Mrs. R. Kulakofskyj com:-hbnpr,"Mrs. Jules Shapiro ""and.'Miss -ion, Edwardi/arrived here last "Tues- munity coroperation; -Mrs. -Paul BernStvle Without Exlrovoncnct -Belle RubinoV" of: Lincoln,, and Miss •<day irom - Tulsa, .„ Oklahoma, '-whefe stein, sick? visiting- and ~3 congratulaBertha-Strauss of-St. Louis, brides- they have been visiting, to "join Mr. lapn; . Mrs. -Ben . Glazer, telephone; maids. '. .'._. . . . . _ .-'•'•.'-\- Pearlstien,: executive/ director of tEe Mrs.-Abner-Kaiman,;ways andTneans; : -Sani-Rubinow ; of -Lincoln - will - be Jewish : Cpminnnity'' Center.•••-"- * " - Mrs.'M. F . Levenson, program; Mrs. best man, ^and. Jules -Shapiro of^ LinThe Pearlstiens" are afhome at 118 Mose - Yousein, publicity; Mrs. Harry coln, Stanley, Marks, Leo Marks ush- South? 3 i s f Avenue. . ' , : "-W." ' ' Lapidus, gift fund; Mrs. J. Stalmasers. r_.-, - ; . ; . . : . - • : iV" '.'•'/' ter, house; Mrs.. Sam Green, nospitality; Mrs! L F . Goodman, peace group. - Miss . Marks .has been ; honored _at several, prenuptial affairs. On .ThursMiss Irina Gross^has returned t o day- of last week Miss Ruth.Marks Lansing, Michigan,.after spindirig"the Miss. Silverman graduated from TechIholidjxsij^th//hjLgu£tij/the^Glad nical higfr^school in September.. Saturday "afternoon Mrs/ BL^TurkeT stone sisters. entertained a t her home. Sunday afPI LAMBDA PHr ternoon, Misg : Marks shared - - honors Miss Helen' SommerB has • returned HOUSEWARMING •with Miss Ruth Hofner, a bride of from a trip to New York Cityl " T - . The Creightqn University chapter this month, when Mrs. Jules Shapiro of the Pi Lambda. Phi fraternity will : h'j. snteftained at a bridge tea. . • Edward-H. • Glucky "who attende d 4hehold its annual.housewarming for Sunday evening.Mr. and Mrs. M. Ainerican Legion convention in -De- rusfeees at.. an affair to be given at • I . ? : «; v - • ' , « . . Fogel entertained a t their home. Miss troky Mieh.-rWiIPvisit- in Chicago and the fraternity house tonight. Cele "Wolk will be hostess on Sunday, Milwaukee before returning home.""" October 4, and Mrs. A. ,M. Gfeenbaum 1 t i will give a luncheon on Wednesday, . Miss Hermine Hirschman, daughter October 7, for'Miss Marks. of Dr.. and.Mrs. 1H.. Hjrschman', who has been visiting with relatives in Lps Angeles, California, and TS1 Paso, BETS DATE FOR YOUR .Miss Bertha.Batt,.daughter of Mr. Texas, for ths. past four months, will and' Mrs. .Joe Batt,. has set Sunday, return home Monday morning, ,. November 8, as the date of her marLester Giventer i s convalescing at Tiage to Dave Forman, son of Mr. ~ Mid "Mrs. -A.be; Forman. .... . . . " . '- the Covenant hospital. [ • •
Painting;- Paperkang- ing,-Decorating •
To the world of women to ^ style means CarrriSn's , •
We Present ihe Nciv
for-those reaUy granfi events to com*. And St'Jl be B temptation to arrive a little Jeter ilmv. tte others, to'rEEke a granC entrance in these frocks—featured at
Smart : accessaries to complement your gown .
Dance to en Omaha Orchestra
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•ENGAGEMENT- PARTY " '../'. Mr., and IVIrs; William. Gimple and Mr. and; Mrs.. Nathan :Wilfson en- son have, motored to" Oklahoma Ci'ty. tertained one hundred •. and ; fifty to visit with their daughter -and SGngnests-.at.a dinner, party at the J e w - iri-law, JMr; and. Mrs. JLJil. Gasper...:, ish Cofcmmity . Center Sunday evening in honor of their daughter, ..Mrs." Dave" Kuklin" and ; daughter, Rose, and-her..fiance, Sidney....KatUr' iBetty Jof'Liricolri, ^Nebraska, spent last man,.whose engagement was recent- week-ena "with "Mrs. 'Kuklin's sister iand'brother^in-law, Mr. an'd Mrs. Sam ly announced. . . -." • The -marriage of :the young. couple, _ 4 l t s u l e r ; ^ > '•'- •• ;-.--- - • . - • ; - will take place on February 7. -'-- • • ; Mrs. A., L." Sebring and small son, ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT , L Eugene \Donald, have returned - home Mrs. Anna Lewis announces the en- to .Ghicago rafter visiting, here with gagement of her daughter, Miss Edith Mr. Se'bririg's parents, Miv and Mrs. Lewis, to Abe Krantz,- son of Mr. and iAi Silyerinan,' and .'with Mrs.- Sebring's Mrs. Isaac Krantz. . ;.' ...;. . • brother-in-law, and sisterrin'-law, • Mr". "."• No date has been set for the wed-andMfs.'B'. Eiseriberg.'; : " - . ' - " . \ Mrs. •; Sebriftg•" 'was..-";'. accompanied '-) home;by•'her.-sisterrin-law, Miss-Aiin POSTNUPTIAL DINNER .Silvermah,"";who wili'make her .future Mr. and ^Mrs. -Nathan Belzer enter- home- in Chicago ,iwith-theiiSeb'rings. tained-at a dinner jand-bridge-at thieir home Sunday evening in honor .of, Mr. End Mrs. David • L, Krantz who "were recently married.
16tli and Howard -.X.'-
i l i n g . • • • ;
• - • • • ; ' ' . . ' . :
.: . - • '
Enjoy 7 more leisure by. having iis do your la'undrying for- you. .- .
-.;.; H;Aroey: 1102.;..; (OUn NiiW 1'llONB KUMIJEU)
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FOR BRIBES-TO-BE ' Mrs. Jules-Shapiro of Lincoln was hostess - a t -a beautifully appointed
Formal Opsaing of the' - "
©wned-'-aisi-_"Il2i$aged;, by, ' PEARL SISRSHMAH 1 Offering -"
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dressed T . . Wherever joa ree rs:: ea tz a "^raad-lady,'** ele^siice. See thsin now at Herzbe'rgs, "reSocting to psrieetion &e "eyrobols of a mere r c a c r t : c's . . . XiOnger lengths; SIC-DVCS ivitli £xsrbslcr s, xriier slisaldsrs kud cvrzhsd-in v.acst !Hss! Black end •new 'fell' BroAm, G r e s i aa& Rust slisdes. -
' • , . ' . . ' Others, $18 to $195
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DELIVEHY SEHVICE—All oraers e l $2.00 or more delivered anywhere in the eity V
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FAGK 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 19S1 ethnic unity," says Nicholas * Murray 4 egg whites stiffly beaten. Butler, "but that ethnic unity may itSift flour once and measure. Add baking- powdei* and tall and sift toself, as in Italy, Great Britain, and gether 3 times. Cream butter and now the United States, be the sum sugrar. Ada rororinri an<! water. $ total of quite different elements." So small amount at a time. Add extract the burden of the solution to this and fold in esc, wl.ilef bcaio?.. Bakeproblem rests as much upon America in a lo ,f p : " 1 !..n i in>l ?? vi-nrii-',. as upon the Jew. However, for the Jew, the immeJellied Fruit Salad diate problem is the substitution of a Two tablespoons lemon jeUo. i more favorable stereotype for the tablespoon cold water, 1 cup boilingpresent one in the minds of the water, one-hsif cup augur, oiiff-hfl'f masses. This sort cf process is conteaspoon salt, 1 cup orange juice and stantly going on. Lippman says, pulp, 1 cup banana diced, 1 cup pine"Americanization is the substitution apple diced, 1 cup apples diced, 1 cup of American for European stereograted carrots. types." Similarly, we must substitute Soak jclio in cold water 5 minutes, a benevolent stereotype of the Jew for Ldd' boiling- v.Tbter, jemors juice and the present malignant one. sugar and salt. When it begins to How is this to be done? In a sense stiffen. a<id fruit. Turn into moid, to this is the crux of the wliole matter. chill. Remove from mold to a nest of However, having come this far tocrisp lettuce. Serve with mayongether, we may be able to part com> naise. pany here and still all reach the same However, the only way we can ap-but our stereotype of the Southerner. destination. For, having come within An aspect of the grave current problem "Employment Discrimination .proach the causes of discrimination is Occasionally, if the discrepancy bs- sight of our objective, we find that ;:; Against the Jew," is afforded by Lee to discover the causes of anti-Semit- tween the actuality and our picture is p New and Old E there are many avenues of approach Loevinger, 18,. member' of St. Paul Chapter No. 10, of A. Z. A. This es- ism; and the only hope that we cangreat enough, we philosophize that to the common mind. The newspasay recently won first place" over have of doing away with this policy here is the exception which proves pers, ths moving pictures, and the . • many other papers submitted from must lie in the possibility of changing the rule. A At Reasonable Prirep W, radio, are probably the three strongvirtually every section of this country the attitude that dictates it. So, if our The same thing holds true in regard est influences in forming contempori N. C. NIELSEN 3 and Canada, in the annual interna'.v^ivf>?;-':-' y.>.:^^::;y ;-.^Xy:^; tional contest conducted by Aleph discussion is not to be a purely acad- to the Jews. The average man hasary American stereotypes. In all of | l 117 Vi North 16th JA. 5SSG d Zadifc Aleph of the B^iai B'rith. — emic one, we must attempt to dis- never actually perceived a Jew. In- these fields there are Jews who hold —^.CJ-.l .-ilOtO. Editor. B. Miss Ruth cover, if- possible, a new approach to stead he has conceived one; he has positions of more or less influence. the age-old problem of anti-Jewish formed a stereotype of the Jew out of Upon these leaders rests the double Miss Ruth Tuchman sisd Jos B. Hummel. 1. THE PROBLEM such stray notions as 'Christ-killer/ duty of doing justice to their psople prejudice. . Miss Ruth Tuchman, daughter of Jos B. Hummel, city commissioner, "The Jews of New' York, nearly 'Shylock,* and'sheeny.' These notions and of serving America. NATIONAL Mr. and Mrs. Joseph" Tuchman, is is Miss Tuchman's running mate in half of the Jews of America, are sub- II. THE CAUSES come to him from his earliest assomaking a strong bid for the "Miss the Brown Derby contest which will Certain recent moving pictures have ACCESSORIES, INC. Many attempts have been made to ciations, so that* by the time he actject to an economic and industrial Victory" title in the Elk's contest in crown "Omaha's most popular man." boycott. There is, in New York, a justify anti-Semitism rationally and ually meets a real life Jew, he al- avowedly set out to create a new pic'Everything for the Aui©fJ connection with the "Siege of 1918." Thi3 duo is conceded an excellent silent conspiracy of anti-Jewish em- logically. Elaborate scientific hypo- ready has a complete stereotype-con- ture of war. The people have had a She represents the Tuchman Brothers chance to win.- Votes are being cast 2C51 Fsmam—AT. 5521 ployers." When such a statement can theses have been erected to prove that cept firmly fixed in his mind and be-glorified picture of war; in order to stores.in the popularity contest which till 12 p. m. tonight' at the city audicome from no less eminent an auth- the Jews are an inferior race, that fore his eyes. (Of coarse, this does change their attitude towards war we ends at-midnight tcaight. torium. ority than Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, they are unassimilable, that they are not hold true of everyone. However, must change their stereotype of warJ there; can be no doubt in anybody's possessed of definitely undesirable those whom it is not true of are those And the same (in this case, Jewish) Our New Address is 6 slices s-wieback grated. Needless to say, these who are not prejudiced, and who, leaders who have sponsored this noble mind that employment discrimination qualities. S5SS FARNABS ST. Beat egg yolks, add cornstarciv undertaking, can with equal consciagainst the Jew is a real problem. theses are all untenable. We have it therefore, lie outside the ambit of the milk and lemon juice, beating each ence, present to the.people a new picWhen i t is almost the universal prac- on the authority of Boas that no ra- present study.) ' By in thoroughly before adding another. ture of the Jew. If Jewish leaders of tise for Jewish graduates of normal cial differences have been found that Fur S * £ e Fold in the -vrhites of eggs beaten Mrs. David M. N'ewmsn This then is the basic cause of prethe press, the radio, and the moving schools to change their names in order will endure serious criticism. As a Cleaning-—Rclinig stiff. Sprinkle a battered pan with rnty 27ST Reasonable Prices to obtain jobs as. teachers, when Jew- matter of fact, the weight of what judice against the Jew; the fact that picture industry, would co-operate in half the zwieback crumbs. PEACH SUGGESTIONS ish applicants- at. employment agen- scientific evidence there is on the sub- the average man has a stereotype of this endeavor, a marked change in the Pour in mixture and sprinkle with Mix sliced peaches with marshmal- the rest of the crumbs. Bake 30 cies, are generally" told to: indicate ject tends to credit the- opposite view, the Jew which is a most unfavorable popular attitude could be brought picture. about within a remarkably short time. lows c u t in quarters. Add a few minutes in moderate oven, S5G detheir religious preference as that of that Jews are superior rather than inFEEE ECBBEK EEELS Se;ve cold •with However, this would not account.for •Certainly it is only through some such grains of . .alt. some Protestant denomination if they ferior. However, to invalidate these grees. WITH ALb HALF S(>5,ES whipped cream. the fact that there has been such an effort as this that any permanent or want to get a job, and when the heads arguments is by no means to amelioKen's Half Soles $1,00-51.25 of large business firms openly admit rate the prejudice. As Ludwig Lew- increase in feeling in the last decades deep change of either attitude or polDixie White Cake Ladies' Half Soles. ...J ,75-Sl.OO Sprinkle halves of peaches with This is due, I believe, to the fact that icy will be brought about. that, they will not employ men with isohn says: "We are hated for our cocoarrat, fill with ice cream. These easily 3 cups sifted cake flour. markedly Jewish characteristics, then wealth and for our poverty, for our emotions are much more For purposes of economy of thought may be served with syrup from t h e fit-r 3 teaspoons baking powder. it is high time that we pause and con- plutocrats and for pur Reds, for dis-aroused than subdued. The organic stereotypes will probably always be peaches. 3 /2 teaspoon salt. play and for hard-headness and warm state of an emotion often persists necessary. But ultimately we must - sider what our position is in "this land heartedness, for arrogance and servil- long after the original stimulus has Vs cup butter. Stuff peach halves with chopped develop an entirely new set of them. of Liberty." I3•> cap sugar. ity, for pushingness and reserve, for ceased to function. This is partic- Here in America we must have a dates and nuts. Serve with cream. 1 cup cocoamit. We find that, although the political speech and silence, for political par- ularly trua of unpleasant emotions, Serve peaches sliced in Mary Ann stereotype broad enough to include all 1 cup water. em3.r:'.'r;'i», of the'Jew is already ticipation and non-participation. If such as anger, fear and hatred. So cases. Cover with whipped cream. Americans. Then in specific applicai teaspoon almond or lemon flavmore i^an a-century old, curiously we desira assimilation you drive us burnt toast at breakfast may make us tions—such as employment—we will oring. , enough America has during the last out of your universities by chicanery irritable throughout the whole day.Place peach halves on pieces of not discriminate against, or for, cer! decade registered an increase of anti- and insult', if we do not strive after Durmg the war everything possible tain types but will apply scientific sponge cake. Serve with raspberry FRADEXBITRG, STAI.MASTEK & BEBEK jam thinned with peach syrup t o the Semitic feeling. As the interests aha assimilation you say we ought to go was done to arouse the people to a tests to determine the individual fit- consistency of a sauce. Attorneys. activities of America have, during where we came from." Indeed pre- high emotional state of fear, anger C3& Omaha Xat:on»! flank CJi'g. ness. America, herself is not yet comPROBATE NOTICE this period, been predominantly com- judice is a Hydra-headed monster; to and hate. The national temper was a pletely Americanized, for she has not A peach sundae may be made with In the Matter o£ tbe Estate of Jacob -mercial and industrial, so this new refute its arguments is not in the mood of murder. However, as we DeipnHed. yet acquired an adequate set of com- sliced peaches, marshmallows and Milder, Notice is hereby given that the creditors 'flood of prejudice has found economic least to impair its vitality, for its have seen, emotions are more easily pletely American symbols. When, for whipped cream paured over ice cream. of said deceased vrill meet tile ndminis- jjjili B a r r y EL. Lnnirtus, Prestrieot- '£'. irator of said estiHp iH^fore me. County expression in the form of widespread habitat is the^dark recesses of the aroused than controlled. With the the flickering rays of an Old World, Jndse of Douclas County. Nebraska, at employment discrimination against mind wherer-'tljfeh&lack reign of ignor- signing of the Ai-mistice there was no County Court ISooni, in s.iid County, candle, she has substituted the pene- CHEESELESS CHEESE CAKE tlio on the 13ih day of November. 1PS1. and OR the Jew. There are tens of thous- ance bolds\^|||jl$nd where contradic- concomitant dissipation of emotions; tbe luth rtay of January, lOSi, nt J) o'clock trating- gleam of a New World one 4 eggs. ands of girls in New York City alone tions, fallacies and untruths, may the mood of the people did not cease A. M.. e«€h 6;\T. for the purpose of pre- I hundred watt light bulb, then our eyes 11-2 quarts comstarch. sentinjj their cinims for es,Tniin,Tti»n, adwho are out of work for no other rea- bloom in rrrdrky security. ' COMPLETE STORE AND . justment, and allowance. Three months! * with the cessation of hostilities. But instead of vainly probing in the 11-2 cups condensed milk. are allowed for the creditors to present d son than that they are: of the Jewish.) OFFICE OUTFITTERS the-people no longer had the original murky and obscure corners of the 3 tablespoons juice. their elaiins from thp lOtrt <\ny of October, 1 faiths And this condition is by no ' I t would %e a great mistake," says object of their feelings. So the Jew, stage will be able to see clearly, and JJBI EiticcEc-wronp. cKwo Ore? 0-lS-31-St. means, confined to New York City or Woodworth, "to "suppose that' the hu- as so often before, became the butt. Cotinty Judge. to distinguish the stature of each inSoL'thwc?* Comer state. A prominent gentile minister man adult governed his conduct en- Among all his array of stereotypes, FIJABENBCUfi. STALMASTEIi &• BEBER Eleventh and Doo.cias Streets dividual actor upon the scene. Then has declared, "In almost every land tirely by reason and calculation of the average man found that the one Phone J Action 2724 will prejudice and discrimination be 6,"6 Omaha National 3>fir,k today; even though more brutal forms consequences." The sane person us- of the Jew (when that of 'the enemy* Omaha, Nebsv no more. NOTICE OF PKOI5ATE OF of assault have ceased, the Jew suf- ually justifies his conduct by a pro- had been substracted) was the most In the County Court of I>ou County. fers som& sort of economic discrim- cess of rationalization, but the actual reprehensible. One more word, perhaps by way of Nebraska. Therefore, the Jew In the Matter of tbe Estate of John H. 1107 Howard—JA. 02SS ination. In this respect, America is forces which determine his line of ac- was made the object of all the •war- a- postscript, is in order. It is a sound Bath. Oeoensed. MOVING — STORAGE All persons interested in said estn'e nre no exception." In the fact of this tion are often far from reasonable. time animosity. I t must hot ba sup- principle of psychology that like behereby notified thnt n. petition has* been PIANO MOVING situation we may very well devote So, if we are to discover the real posed that this was a consdoos pro- gets like; we -are apt to return kindiited in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file some of oor-thought to the problem cause of anti-Semitism, we must look cess, any more than one would tell ness •with kindness, and hate with in said Court, purporting to l»e the Just wfil and testament of said (leeer.seri. nnd of employment discrimination. not to the elaborate tracts of an Eis-the l)ook agent that he was kicked hate. So, if we are strong enough, we Hint a hearing will be hml on tuiii', potition heforp s:ud Court on the 17th day of OctoHowever, we must recognize that r enmenger, a Sombart, or a Drumont, out of the office because the toast return prejudice with oppression. ber, jTO.l, nnd fh.1t if tfiev f«i! to appear Every Tuesday, although this particular policy in its but to the state of mind of the aver- had been burned at breakfast. * But it Thus the Jew especially cannot afford at ssid Court on the suit? 27th flsjy of October, 15)31, at y o'clock A. M.. to eonSaturday ar>cl is only natural to vent one's spleen on to be intolerant—even of intolerance. specific application is a; comparatively age man. test the proliate of f.-iiil will, the Court may allow nnd probnte sniil wil! BTH? recent development, i t is, in its es- Lippman, analyzing the basis of or- the nearest and most defenseless ob- The Jew must practice, as well as grunt nfimission of said estate to TISP FUR STORAGE sence, no whit different than all the dinary human conduct, tells us that ject. And the Jew, constituting a preach, this lesson we find in WilOmaha ^National F-;;i!k or some oilier miitablc person and nrocved tv -x upitlement Remodeling and Relining multifarious manifestations of preju- we do not act (as we think we do) on small minority living close to the liam James: "The first thing to learn thereof. BKTCE CKAWFOIU), 2S18 Leavenworth—Tel. JA. 2703 25-31-3f. County Judge. dice, which; have been directed at the the basis of our preceptioiis of the;en- rest of the population, was the first in intercourse with others is non-in"VfltEnE O3IAT1A IWNCTIR" Jews in ages past. To pretend to find vironment, but we act instead on the one who came in the way of this terference with!; their o-vsm peculiar v-tth IBTIX C.XETIX, Attermey ways of being happy. Neither the distinct, and therefore rational causes basis of our impression of the environ- transference, of wartime animus. :8?I ESwtrSc Bu5Sfiin . Harry Fisher's Orchestra e whole of the truth nor the whole of for employment discrimination that ment, which is really a psuedo-enSTOTJCE OF IXCOItrOUATIO?? OF find ?TAXH;i' R A H , So we see that the fundamental the good is revealed to any single obUNITEB CLEANERS. INC. Master o£ Ceremonie* are not bound up soul and fibre with vironment-'composed of those impresCHARLES SIMOK Notice is herelsj- civen that the nndercause of the existence of anti-Semit- server. It is enough to ask of each of Uccoramends the whole problem of prejudice sions of ours which have been called Q.is-e iisEOCiaf^a themselrcB toism is the existence in the minds of us that he should be faithful to his S&ttter and h-sve orerfiiiized n corpornfion against the Jew-involves a very nar- up by the patricular stimulating sitThe Sanitary Laundry raider the lar-s of the J?tatc of Nct>rnska. most people of a most unfavorable own opportunities and make the most The name of tlsiti corporation is United row and archaic view of the psycho- uations. Those impressions of ours "The Best ot All Laundry Service Cleaners, Inc. The principal plnce of trnnstereotype of the Jew; while the im-of his own blessings, without presums.ifting its business shall !>e Onialm. Ne- i logical basis of human actions. Pol- are in the form of stereotypes which 2815 Faraatn A T .2815 mediate cause for the increase in pre- ing to regulate the rest of the vast brnskit. but the generjil nature of (he linsi- j icies ars merely the expressions of at- we carry around with us, and which ness shall be to engase in the business j judice since the war is that the feel- field—even by economic coercion!" of fij-jr-s, ciP.iKip.g, pressing, renovaiinc. titudes. Employment discrimination we substitute for the actual perceprepairing and/or storir.s of rufrs furs, ings of th strife have not entirely died urnperieR. curtains, wearing ftppnrcl and against the Jew is merely one mani- tion whenever we are stimulated or out but have been redirected towards other similar nrticies: to buy, lease, or festation of the anti-Semitic attitude. confronted by a familiar object or sitmortgnge nnd son nH rent and personal the Jew. y incJofJinp trnrte roarks. trade Norwegian Adventists Join It will benefit no ong for us to re- uation. For instance, we have, each and to do and enjeace in any :I<K] Jews Against Calendar Reform all other lawful nets and transactions cite statistics, or narrate incidents, or our own, stereotype of Main Street HI. THE SOLUTION p y to or of use in the cftrryiup on classify kinds of discrimination. and of New York, we have stereoOslo—The Union of Adventists of of (he I'fisiness of the corporation or of In spite of the virulence of their at; some prtrt thereof. TTint the nmoimt of J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Neither the fact of employment dis- types of the Harvard man and of the tack, prejudice and discrimination may Scandinavia has decided to join the Cilpiinl stocfe authorized is Ten Thousand W Jewish opposition to the proposed JO-OO) Drtlnrs divideil into one huncrimination against the Jew, nor theWesterner, we have stereotypes of not; be wholly injurious to the Jew. ."NEW''FOR O!.D dred (JOO) shares, each shnre of )he par undesirableness of its existence can be! the Italian and of the Irishman, and It is probable that because of this calender reform .which would create a rnlue of One Kt;nt!rp(t (f-WOxmt Dollars 1619 Farnarn St.—AT. S4S1 which sbnU be fully p«id for niien issuert questioned. But-" once we have diag- we have stereotypes of the New Eng- persecution the' Jew has developed blank day, affecting the fixity of the Kiiil non-assessable nnd may be paid for Jewish Sabbath. I either in money or o'he>r property for the nosed.the disease, we are no longer in- lander and of the Southerner. So certain compensatory qualities which vsine of snch property fixed hy the Board At a meeting of the Adventists, it when we meet a Southerner, what we of Directors vrhieli sfenH l)e conclusive. The terested in the symptoms, but demand enable him to surmount greater ob- was-decided to work in co-operation tirr.e of comroen'^ment of this corporation to know the causes and cures. ! see is not the; individual personality stacles than those, more favored are with the Jews in their mutual aim of efcall be op. tbe 14th fiay of September, >3I. anil the termination of this corporaon shall be on the T3fh <lny of Septejnbpr. capable of overcoming. However,, even preventing the occurrence of the blank ->SlThat the liighesi. amouni of iruiclitif anti-Semitism is not fatal to the day. edness or linbHitT to Which this corporation Shalt nt any' time solijeet itself to is AND Jew, it is a vital problem to America, not lo exceed fwo-tbir<Js C2JZ) of file CftpA Flour known for its marvelous baking qualities. ital stock. Tlmt the nffairs of ihis corfor anti-Semitism is - antifAmerican- 1XGNSKY, KATXEM.AN "ft GKODINSKT, The favorite whe^e economy is watched. For Omar porntion Bhr.II be conrtiicteil hy n Uonrd Attorneys. of Directors of not. !PSB thnn two nor more ism. .Abraham vlincoin said that Flour bakes more loaves par sack — acd eliminates 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. five nnd the following officers: A America was conceived in- liberty and NOTICE BY PUBLICATION- ON PETIpresident, n rice-prcsiflent or more than costly baking failures. AT ALL GROCERS TION FOB SETTUSMEXT OF FINAL one rice-pres.feif, JI secretary nnd a trrns-, dedicated to equality. But prejudice AUMLISTISTKiVriON ACCOCNT, urer. any two of which offices rnny be held Ire the County Court ot .Douglas County, Made by I^y one srj<! the Mme person. is the destroyer tjf Liberty, and disIncorponitors: • • • crimination is the antithesis of Equal- Nel>raeka. Uncle Sam Breakfast In the Matter o t the Estate of Harry PA VIP STAEKKU Deceased: . • ity. In the words of "Everett Dean Acfcermnn. Company •HAUKT MAUCUS. All persons Interested in said matter are CSEOKGE STAIM3S. Martin, "If Liberty is to exist, the in- hereby notified that on the 14th day: of In the presence of: • September, 1031, Esther Ackerm.ia filed dividual must be zealous for the free- petition IKVIN C. LEVIN. 9-lS-31-4t. j in County Court ptiti i said id C t C o t prajing p j i that Uer final administration account tiled dom of others; \he must be willing herein be settled and allowed, and thiitislse Mtr.tement of the ownership, -mansppthat people differ from him. Nothing be discharged -from her trust ns executrix ment clrcnlntion. etc., of the Jewish and thnt a bearing will be had on said peProps, published weekly Rt Omaha, Kebr., j destroys Liberty so surely and quick- tition' before said Court on the 10th day ;-8i * &tI%*,¥- li required by the Ant of August 24, 1812, for] October. 1031, and that if rou fail to ly as the spread of ; intolerance." of October 1, *3!K>1; Dnsiness Mnnaper, ISavid appear before snid "Court on tire saw lOiii Ulacfcer, Omaha, Xebr. Known stocUroM- , of October, 1031, at 9 o'clock A. M.. America cannot fulfill her conception d:\y ers. mortgages and other security holders, snd contest-said petition, the Court may holding one pet cent or more o£ bonds, in any true~sense,if she is anti-Sem- grant the prayer ot said petition, enter a niortgrn i?cs an<i other gectirilies, none. decree of heirsftip. and innie sucii oilier itic. The jew, although he may be a and further orders, allowances anci £e~ Sworn f» &ni subscribed lief ore me this 1st day of Octo'wr, 3031. as to thia Court may seem; proper, small minority, is as much.a part of crecs, FRANK It. ACKEUJIAN. • to the end that all matters pertaining to Notary Public. America as the Nordic. "Doubtless s.'iid estnte may bp finally settled nnd <2etorminefl. BRl'CE CRAWFOun, cOTcinissiort expiree ths m.li day ot. in a nation there must be a basis of 9-18-31-fit. Couaty Judee.
^ ;:'-,11111
m$mm 1 1 :
Kitchen Chats
I. BERKOWiTZ Furrier
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1931 tributed toward making- the meeting so outstanding a success.
S. A. M. Fraternity Pledges Seven,-I
Ladies' Labor Lyceum
Rome—(J. TV A.)—One of the fin- would fill many pages. In some uniest examples of what Jews can do for versities, the one at Pisa for exthe enrichment of culture in lands ample, most of the important posts •where barbarous anti-Semitism does are held by Jews. In the universiCandle lighting time, Friday evenot bar the doors to them and where ties of Padua, Bologna, and Turin, it is not considered necessary to in-one finds such names as Prof. Ben- ning, Oct. 2, 5:25 p. m. stitute a numerus clausus to save detti, an authority on physiology; the country from the "Jewish menace" Prof. Sanati, Prof. Senramanin-Ya- Shamini Azereth and Simchath Torah is Italy. In the home of Mussolini the Tnir and Prof. Lustig, who presided This Friday evening we celebrate Jews have made such tremendous con- at the last anti-cancer world contributions to every phase of social, gress. Recently Dr. Eisenstadt has Shemini Azereth (the eighth day of solemn assembly). This is the conpolitical and cultural life that it be- come to the fore. cluding festival of our holiday seacomes almost difficult to believe that Scientific Authorities son. It is always celebrated after the they constitute but one-tenth of one Until recently, Prof. Del Veccio, seventh day of Succoth. per cent of the total population. Simchath Torah, or the Rejoicing editor of the Inter-National Journal There are entire provinces in Italy of Legal Philosophy, was rector of of the TorrJi, is the second day of in which millions of people live where the University of Rome. Prof. Del Shemini Azereth. It celebrates the there are almost no Jewish families completion of the reading of the Veccio, together with the economist, Torah and the beginning of the new and no organized Jewish communities Prof. Arias, who is known as the Fas- series of Torah reading for the com—Calabria, Sicily, Apulia, "Sardinia cist Karl Marx, are the two most im- ing year. and the district of Naples. portant Jewish personalities who had In the last sixty years, that is, been adherents of Fascism since its Service Tonight at 8 p. m. •since Italy became, an independent inception. • Rabbi Goldstein will preach a spekingdom, Italian Jews who received Jewish scientific authorities are equal citizenship from the new mon- especially 'prominent in the physio- cial Shemini Azereth sermon on "Judaism and "World Brotherhood." Canarchy gave their fatKerland names of mathematical faculty of the Univertor A. Sivowitz officiates at every international importance in science sity of Rome. Among them are two service this week-end. Following the and art. Jewish statesmen and econo- Prof. Enriques, the Italian Einstein, services this Friday evening we shall mists helped the. young nation to and Prof. Levi-Civita, the only Jew- again enter the Succah for Kiddush. achieve the status of a world power. ish member of the Papal Scientific Italy was not slow to recognize the Academy. Prof. Levi-Civita always Saturday Morning accomplishments of its gifted Jewish heads the Italian delegation at inServices begin at 8:30 a. m. The citizens and holds their names and ternational philosophical congresses. Yizkor service takes place at 10 a. m. achievements in reverence. Rabbi Goldstein will deliver a memorial sermon. Sociologist Leader.
French Decorates Louis Wiky
Paris—Louis Wiley, Business MarcThe University of Nebraska chap- [ *Ser c f * h e J 1 ^ Y<f? J ™ ^ «'a* ter of the Sigma Alpha Kit frater- j h( fwrea by the>_* rcrcn Goy. nity has announced the pledging cf \ ^ l e T 1 . l l i " kRV''J 1\';T1UU1C'> "--'T^et olOT1 s vnth n c r>i rnv : the the following n e r . . \Z ?' i' l '" ' < >
A musical and dramatic concert will be given by the Ladies Labor Lyceum Club on Sunday evening, Oct. 25, at 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum at Twenty-second and Clark streets. Admission is 25 cents.
A. Z. A. 100 Meetings of the organization will be held on Sunday afternoons here^ Tonight after, instead of Wednesday evenings. ThlTklosing services of the holy day The next meeting will be held season will be held this week-end. ToSunday, October 11. night, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a sermon on "The Best Philosophy.'
Gerald P. Cohn, Sioux Citv: Jack J r a c . : 1 ^rcsicien,., ,.;. j;oumor, conEpstein, Omaha: Sens. Fleishman, ' ' ierrea upon him the cSecoi'E'.ticw of of the Omaha; Paul Karx, Lincoln; Leo j ^V""'"""/""- ;"_. •"? Colonial Orefer. Hill, Lincoln; Harry Eosenstein, i r > l a c U b u l r O i ber'niOmaha; Abe Poaster. Lincoln. Boston.—AT; csterspinr; coi"'sp on Sigma Alpha Me ranked first j "Peretz and I-Iis, Place j r Yiddish LHamong all social fraternities at the! erature'" will be offerpft this KeRf'.'stev University of Nebraska in scholar-j by the Ms^nchnsciis De-pm-i men',, nf ship last seTnester. [ Education, University Extension S vision.
P att Elected
| A. A. Rfibaek. v-'cll 3-:POV."TI af- P. ~>I ixiver <w<} writer, in ;• srries; of r. \ wccldv 5ccti-?'es.
Saturday Morning
Dr. David C. Piatt •eras elect? Tomorrow morning Eabbi Cohn's president of the Compeer chapter of I r— topic -will be "Consummation." Ivre for the ensuing term, succeedinc ! f$ A. H. Brodkey. Other officers in- i pt cinde Edward Solig, vice-president.;^; j'/" Cantor Edward Schiff cf Philadel- and Abe Friedman, secretary. A private, informal party T a s ! $ phia, who conducted the Succoth services at the Chevra B'nai Jacob syn- held by the grroup at Olive Crest on i k agogue, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas. Wednesday, Sept. 23, attendee by 20 j i j j '•*trill .also conduct services there this couples. week-end. He made a hit last week.
Ctievra B'nai Jacob
By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor of bio-eheinislry and nutrition, the Creighton University School . of Medicine.
Sacred Scrolls Are Held for Raiisoi
We suffer too much from illhealth. Society thus far has failed in maintaining health and vigor in Bucharest—(J. T. A.)—Ransom cf the human fold. Civilization has 30,000 lei is asked, of the Jewish combrought with it methods of living and munity of the township of Adjud, habits -which are subversive to thenear Bacau, for the return of 11 greatest development of the human Holy Scrolls which were stolen from race. Among the habits of living the synagogue on Yom Kippur night. •which are open to severe criticism A number of the scrolls are more may be mentioned the following: than 150 years old and are valued a t 1. The habitual izse of drugs. In one million lei, a fact which apparthis class belong alcohol, tobacco, ently was known to the burglars. patent medicines, headache powders, j laxative powders, tea anc' coffee in Among such Jews who spread the Saturday N i g h t excess name of Italy far and wide were Simchath Torah services at 7:30 2. Deficient elimination. We take Cesare, Lombroso, Luigi Luzatti, Alesp. m., will be concluded in the tra- too little exercise. We lead too much sandro Artom, Professor Enriques, ditional manner with processions of a sedentary life. We fail to get Professor Elias Lates and Professor circling the synagogue auditorium. In enough water into our system. We The Pi Lambda Phi Alumni AssoDel Veccio. Lombroso, one of the Budapest—(J. T. A.)—Anti-Sem- order that the children be not kept rarely do anything that causes us to ciation has been organized here to world's greatest sociologists, created itic agitators caught spreading pro- up too late the service will be con- perspire. Our physically inactive life aid the chapter of the fraternity at the Creighton University campus. a new school in that science and paganda against the Jews will be cluded no later than 8:30. often leads to chronic constipation. court martialed, the Hungarian govchanged all our ideas about crome, the 3. Chronic infection. We suffer to Officers chosen are Dr. David C. an extraordinary extent from fre- Platt, president; Milton P*. Abrahnms, effect of the social environment up- ernment has announced. Sunday Morning Martial law has been proclaimed quent colds, sinus infection, pyorrhea, vice-president; Lou Lipp, secretaryon the development of criminals and Services begin at 8:30 a. m. At throughout Hungary due in large ulcerated teeth, bad tonsils, adenoids, treasurer; Ed Shafton and Sam on the type of the socalled born crimmeasure to the growth of propaganda 10:30 a. m. the children of the Sun- appendicitis, inflamation of the gall Zacharia, trustees. inal. Not only was he an eminent charging Jews with responsibility for day School will assemble for a spebladder, gall stones and ulcers of the scientist but he was a great social re- the train bombing at Torbagy, when cial Consecration service to inaugustomach and duodenum. In women rate the new school year. Three genformer. His daughter,-Gina Lombroso, more than a score were killed. chronic infection of some pelx-ie oris emulating her distinguished sire. The police suspect the bombing was erations—a grandfather, a son, and gan is a great source of ill-health. a grandson—will participate in this Luigi Luzatti was a many-sidsd part of a Communist plot, but no 4. Our mental attitudes. Most of service and will symbolize the handJews were implicated. Anti-Jewish Pearl Kershinan announces the us live in a state of chronic fear, genius. His fame was not only as a ing down of the Torah from generastatesman but as a student of religi- agitators, however, have seized the tion to generation. It will be an in- •worry and dread. We go about from formal opening of the Little Hat Shop opportunity to spread among the relday to day carrying with us a bur- on the second floor of the City Naon, literature, art and philosophy. It atives of the victims the belief that teresting and inspiring service. den brought on by mental unrest, anx- tional Bank building'. She is owner was B"e who established the first co- the Jewish Communists were responiety and fits of bad temper. High and manager of the shop, which will operative .banks i s .-Italy and on a sible. blood pressure is often caused bv feature a one price hat at 51.77. number of occasions saved the counDespite the measures taken by the failing- to regulate our emotions. She has had considerable experipolice, who arrested a number, of the - -5: -Dietetic- h a b i t s ' Our habits of ence in the mlllinerv line. ti was a pioneer social reformer. In "Awakening Magyar" agitators, the eating are based "upon social usage statecraft Luzattii Italy's Jewish propaganda against the Jews is rapnot upon a physiologic and hygienic 6. Strenuous Jiving. We spend too prime minister, was not alone among idly swelling. The anti-Semites embasis. We consume too much white many hours in fatiguing concentraConservative Synagogue wheat and too much meat, and not tion and we allow ourselves too few Jews, Senators Marfurgo, •Wallembar- phasize that the bombing took place Auxiliary enough of whole wheat,, milk, cheese, hours for relaxation. We pass and go, Martara and Ancona, having, been on the Holy Days, and underscore that even Jewish Communists showed A special meeting of the board of eggs and butter, and not enough of nod and hurry by, and never once cabinet ministers and important figsufficient solidarity to arrange the the Conservative Synagogue auxiliary vegetables and raw fruit. possess our souls before we die. ures in Italian finance. outrage on a day when Jews do not will be held Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 1
at 1G14 rarnam Street ^.ver, Vy First V
Pi Lambda Phi's Alumni Organise
Pearl Kershman to Manage Hat Shop
travel. p. m. at the J. C C. Life and LanguageAs this meeting1 is of great imIt is in the scientific world that we portance, all board members are urged find many distinguished Jewish to attend. names. Professor Lates devoted a lifetime to research into the Ian- , Df- D * ^ Piatt, member of the Temple Sisterhood guage, history and customs of the i d e £ t a l , f ^ Creighton unrversity, has - announced the moving of The opening social event of the ancient Etruscans who inhabited Italy his dental offices from the Baldrige Temple Israel Sisterhood will take before the Romans. His dictionary of building to a newly-equipped office the Etruscan language is world fa- at the Redick Tower after Oct. 1. He place at a luncheon on Monday, Octar at 1 p. m., in the vestry rooms of mous. Thanks to this monumental will be associated with H. J. Jenkins, the Temple. The affair is in charge work, science is now able to carry on M. D. of Mrs. A. Herzberg and Mrs. C. S. further study into- the life arid lanBingman. Everyone is most cordialguage of that mysterious people. Textile Workers Strike ly invited. Prof. Grasziadio Ascoli i s also well On the evening of Oct. 7 at 8 p. m. Warsaw.—Sixteen thousand textile known for his studies in Indo-Germa- workers, including hundreds of Jews, in the vestry rooms of the Temple, aic tongues.: have declared a strike in Lodz as a Mr. William L. Holzman will give his "A list .of the Jewish scientists of protest against the reduction of their Travelogue on Europe. The public is most cordially invited. Italy whose fame is not parochial wages. On Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 10:30 a. m.
FOR you??
A few ccsis z Cry w ; '•"'vvecient, cool rr:~ C C T ; . ' " 1 : ; method to you. Z'^cl.:,: <""'.! money fcr j ou ir. :v: "j v • ?T.. food and tlrr.i. AI < f -" c ' , . ^ rs]c retained in -»,;-c- fco." - v _ •:;- ,.« c.v,k electrically." Nor.c ;: ocl.cj :i. And your tirae is vaiaabk-. tco. You can place a meal is tae even in the forenoon, and when the eveninjr comes, your meal is cooked perfectly „ , , ?.t. or\ly F. small
muni,. Member of Faculfy Croighton Unirersify'
.':-.• DR. DAYED-.C. PLATT'
Announces his moving from
201 Baldrige Building to a newly-equipped office a t 1113-14 REDICK TOWER, after October 1 •-.'.' For the practice of
Associated with H. J . JENKINS, U. D.
M. SOMIT Dealer in Jewish Books and other Keligious Articles 2429 Decatur Street
Phone: WEbster 3527
Every Jewish -child who is attending any Jewish Keligious School will receive at my place of business during the^days of Friday, October 2, from 12 to 5, and Saturday, from 2 to 5, a Jewish Flag for "Simchas-
"Just ground the 'Corner from
at the Blackstone Hotel, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give the first of his bi-monthly lectures and thereafter on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Please phone for tickets from Mrs. M. L. Cohn.
C \r'
• ^
J:^ ::..-SY TERMS
"'"'A Gcc^ CiiizcTZ "'ii-ccn-r
"•'•> ftrve"
r T - ^ -,
GOOD THINGS TO EAT Make up a Party and 1Climax a Perfect Evening at the Bud Husker f 1
2924 L/eavenworth JAckson 940S
Irre?f?tfble Flavor
Hadassah The first meeting of the Omaha chapter of Hadassah was held Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. • Mr. Jacob Pearlstien, executive director of the" J. C. C. and Welfare Federation, addressed the group ; on the importance of Hadassah. Miss Rose Brandeis rendered a piano solo. Mrs. A. Frank presided at the tea table. ' . -' . .
~ -r SI
! '•
The officers 'of the Bikur Cholim express their gratitude to the speakers and to the members who con-
_r ' "
] I
dr.z :c: Dinner There if r:n d':?.~ Co fee to be cc^rjz^d "litJi it r
o f t bm e e t i n g L
/ "^
D a u g h t e r s o f Zion T-e Daughters of Zion held a most interesting meeting last Wednesday. Kabbi L. E. Cardon of Chicago addressed the meeting and praised the work being done by the organization. A bazaar and rummage sale will be held in October. All who have donations to jnake ?re asked to call Mrs. S. Platt, Harney 1207. Plans are being mde to hold a large dance and card party at the municipal auditorium on Dec 6 during the week of Chanukah, and all other organisations have been, requested to Isold the date open.
Cholfe•:. y\ . A most successful meeting ^as held last Wednesday, with about.'400'"women attending. Rabbi L. E. Cardon of Chicago and Sabbi N. Feldman both gave excellent addresses wMch vron the praise of the assembly. Eefresb.ments were served at the conclusion
'• 1413 Douglas
Dr. Platt Moves
\7KC:-= F
S a i W - %r ^ i
B-^T"'" ' .
. ..n.rnrrrT .
„i i
Sold by All First Ckss &
for it
ANNA PILL, Correspondent ^A
1YOTKS1B1G B1SMBEL Many Are Emigrating Because of Adverse Official Acts
Mrs, L. J. Richards returned home Monday following a three . week's visit with relatives in Minneapolis, | ] Minnesota.
BT F. B. K.
London. '— <J. T. A.) — The hymn, "Aden. 01am" or "Lord of the World," the famous Hebrew Psalm of Unity, which is chanted as the final song of the Sabbath service, will for the first time on record be played by a British; Guard's band when the Royal Scot's Guard plays it at the second Armistice Bally of Jewish ex-service men on Nov. S. ; The -Royal Guard will play the hymn at the end of the service conducted by • Dr. Joseph' Hertz, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, and Dayan M. Gallop, Jewish chaplain of the forces, which will precede a parade of 3,000 to the Cenotaph. Lord Jellicoe, Commander of the British Navy during, the ..World. War,, will inspect the troops.
| ( In prenupfcial compliments to Miss • •«• I Mildred Meyerson and her fiance, Services for the concluding -holi- j L5'°« JFrankel of Omaha, "Mr, and, days -of 'Succoth will be held.st t h e ] ^ r s - Sara Meyerson, uncle and .aunt Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 °* the. bride-eiect, entertained at a : Myhster Street, at' six o'clock this family .dinner party Sunday. Covers evening, and Saturday morning com- were laid for twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Korris Grossman, mencing at S:SO o'clock. Memorial services, or Yiscor, will be held -at entertained e.t a family dinner patty the synagogue''also- Saturday inorn-j a t their home last v.-eek In honor of ing. "Simach" Tcrah celebration, or i their'niece and her fiance. Miss Toby "Bakofeth", will he held Saturday J Goldstein and Kiss Soseiine Pizer of evening commencing at eight o'clock, j Ojnaha, sorority sisters of Miss At a later horr refreshments will "be j Meyerson, were co-hostesses at a served. Sunday morning, services will j luncheon at the Fonteneile Hotel recently. Numerous other affairs are begin at 8:30 a. m. feeing arranged -in honor of Miss The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- Meyerson. She is the daughter of mud Torah Society -will hold their Mr and Mrs. Herman Mererson. first meeting of this season next "Wednesday afternoon, October-7, at "The Chevra B'nai Yisroel sj-nathe Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue. gogue held SJ clection of officers 61S Mynster Street. An election" cf Wednesday evening c.t the yynagogue, ©Seers will take place, and all mem- vritk the following chosen: G. Whitebers are urged to attend. book, president; II. Saltzman. vicepresident;- 0, Ilochman. secretary;
BERLIN (J. T. A.)—The decline o: Jewish • life in Turkey and the de Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will depart Mr. Louis G.' Goldberg, attorney crease in the Jewish population of "Seventeen", a three act comedy for New York City this week where and accountant,.will speak;before the the country from 140,000 to 80,000 in 'fill be presented Wednesday evening, he will officiate at the; weddingi of the last decade because of the disOctober 7, at North Junior "•- High, his brother, Rabbi Simcha .Kabino- members of B'nai Brith Tuesday evecrimination and intolerance to which ning at -.their.regular• bi-monthly undei'- the auspices of' the' A- Z. A.witz, to; Miss Peborah Rezmkoff. ; : . ; . ; / the Jews are subjected by the Turkish Chapter. Arnold Baron who- will Eabbi Babinowitz' brother was -grad- ifleetiiQg. has chosen as his sub- government was graphically described take the roll of Willie: Baxter, Mar-. uated from, a New. York Theological • Mr. Goldberg ject, "The fGold Standard and the Re- by a prominent Jewish personage who cells • Levich, as Lola- Pratt, and Seminary last June. lation to Business." The address will has just.returned from Turkey.. Sylvia Friedman as June-Baxter, will by a general discussion, Miss Bernice Goldstein was hostess be followed take the leads. .: ^: ' : The returning traveller. pointed ou \yhich .the' members will be invited to to members of the Phi Epsilon Tau ' The story, dealing ; ;witha young that the economic position of Turkish join. Mr. Morey Lipshutz will give a : Sorority Wednesday evening-. Plans man of seventeen, and his . failures report of the Annual Dance, which Jewry institutions and schools are lit .to" convince his. family of his ~ Man- were made for the election of: of- was ? given by the B'nai Brith Yom erally on the verge of collapse. ficers to: be held next; Wednesday hood^ is replete with humorous epi! Kip'pur night. ; The restrictions which are to be ap sodes,- and promises, to- furnish a e v e n i n g . ' : ' . ) ; . :..'.,--.; •; '-.;•. ''''. ,-•'•'' Refreshments and ; dancing" conclude plied at; the" beginning of the new gbod'evening's entertainment. - - • -t : "Mr- E. I, Fribourgis directing: the ,ed the meeting.: . ' ^ ' S school year with regard to the numpresentation. He has been active for ' The' Iota *Tau SororityTmet Tuesday ber of classes in JewisHSschooIs and several - years in the local little evening a t the ^Seville .Cafe,"; where the appointment of teachers will, to • Theater movement;' and - has •• taken a dinner; was given, in honor of; the Mynster Street. AH members all intents and purposes, mean the end •leads in a number, of their presenta- new members of the sorority.^FollowWashington — (J. T. . A.) — More of the whole of the important educa; tions/ Others in the cast are Leonard tional, work conducted for years "by than '27,000 aliens have received regMr. Robert Lappen cf Des Moires, Baumstein, Alfred Levich; Sam Ber- ing the dinner, the members adjourned to the theater. the Jewish communities in Turkey, istration certificates legalizing their Iowa, was a visitor in this city the • man, Isadore Mirbwitz,'IkJus'Slotsliy, right to remain''in*..the" country since the J. T. A.'s- informant claims. • Ac July 1, 1929 when the law legalizing first part cf this week, stopping" at Morris Bernstein, Lillian-Magaziner, Ifirs. M. Silveraan of Baltimore, Rose Shiloff, Katie; Kasfcin, /Rozena Maryland, arrived in the city this cording to the most recent figures, he the residence of ©liens- who .entered the Chieftain Hotel. . SackSj and Marvin Beedhen.v7" . : •' week, to visit with her'- parents, Mr. Schweitzer Tells of Great Need said, the 23 Jewish schools in Istanbu the tlnited States'prior-to June S, of Aid Across the Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Saks and were attended in the present schoo 1921/became effective. Certificates daughter, SorJa, left Sunday for St. Viennaand Mrs. Mike Skalovsky. Prior to -A monument to Seas her marriage Mrs. Silyerman. was year by 7,300 children. vrere.'refused to 'more ..than "4,0.00 ap- Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., for a Siegfried Marcois. Jewish inventor of Edith_ Skalovsky. Eecently they were ordered to cease plicants daring the same period. week's visit with relatives, Thev the first Austrian motor car, wil? be New York.—"If we take the misery erected in connection •vith the centenMiss Pansy Brown of Omaha is of the poorest, unemployed" men in teaching the Biblical books of the In'•making the . .announcement of made the trip by motor. these' official figures, the Departary of his birth. a guest at the home of Miss Lillian the United States and multiply it byProphets. _ A similar order was given ment • of Labor declares that thousThe Council Bluffs Chapter of the[ -Government authorities, members Dobrofsky. . to the large Talmud Torah school in 100, we may get a notion of the exAnnouncement of the cast fbr "The ands of foreign people have asked for Senior Hadassah will hold their first] of the municipality, and leaders in Smyrna. "The" Jazz Singer," which will be -preregistration to prove their presence meeting of the season on Wednesday j the automobile industry v-il] join the Anne. Cohen departed recent- tent of the plight of the Jews in The government also refuses to per- here prior to the specified date. This afternoon, October 14, at the Hotel tribute to be paid- Herr Mercus, who serited in November, was made this ly for New York City; where she Eastern Europe, and especially in PoAyeek _by Mr. Hal H. Buhtley, whowill visit with friends for a month. land," declared David J. Schweitzer, mit the Jewish schools to select their large number of applicants is due to Chieftain. Mr. J. A. True.- Super- died SS years age in Vienna. will direct the production. The; musiThe mode! of the first motor car financial administrator of the Ameri- own teachers, and requires them to the fear lest other states follow the intendent cf the local Public Schools, cal comedy will ba presented under Miss Rosalie Blumberg and Miss can Joint Distribution Committee and take half-trained Moslems selected by action of Michigan •which has passed will be the guest speaker, and allwhich Karcus constructed has for the,auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary Gertrude Fusfeld of Sioux Falls, S. vice chairman of the European execu- the government at twice the normal a law prohibiting the employment of members are urged - to ' make plans many'years been on display in the of Shaare Zion Synagogue. D., visited in Sioux City last Sunday. Vienna Technics! Museum. tive council, in an interview with the salaries. The Jewish schools have also aliens -while citizens are "unemployed. to attend this meeting. The cast includes Soval Heshelow, been denied a single teacher properly . Miss Frances -Emlein left recently Jewish Telegraphic Agency, on his Jack Merlin, Charlotte Sallrin, Nick Sherman, William Zelinsky, Tillie for a visit of several weeks in New arrival in New, York from Europe. trained in a teachers' seminary. The Shindler; Max Levine, Ephraim Bar- York City. Enroute to New York, Mr. Schweitzer is spending his vaca- government had declined to allow- instruction in foreign languages, peron, Maurice Kubin, Frank-Margolin, Miss Emlein stopped with friends at tion here. Eva iipton, Sidney Lindenbaum, Lee Atlantic City. Stressing the situation of the Jews mitting only two hours a week to be Herzdff Lou Slotslcy, Morris Merlin, Mr.:, and Mrs. Max Cohen visited in Eastern Europe and its relation to devoted to Jewish subjects. Jay Riaff, M. Sloatsky, Rose Tessler, at Lincoln,'Nebr., this week, with the health and reconstruction work Jewish pupils are constantly leavRose Shiloff, Serene Barrent, Annette their son Gerald, who is enrolled in done by the American Jewish Joint ing the Jewish schgsgjs^and entering Baker, Elsie Shulinan and Blanche the:.-University, of Nebraska. Distribution Committee, Mr. Schweit- the public schools. j>- In - many towns Reznik. . -:• :. : * -,k ~. i • •umibt'MiA- •- ~* The first rehearsal was held in the Leon Galinsky left recently for zer said, "I am sorry to state that where- there were ones hardly any . /synagogue , social hall Monday eve- Chicago, where he is enrolled "in the Bast European Jewry, especially Po- Jewish students in non-Jewish schools :v*** y at Chicago Uni- lish " Jewry, must be compared to a there are now as many Jewish chil•-mng. Bernard Passman, •'Dave • Al- School of Medicine, ; very sick man who is in great pain dren in the riori-Jewish schools as in ii hert. and Albert ^erzoff- will -have versity." • ••• -.-' . • . - . • ' • ' i charge of the. scenery and lighting eland whose only relief is the nursing the Jewish schools. Because of nationI , iects. • - The < play will be presented in Mr. and Mrs.- S. I. Skalovsky an- done by the Joint Distribution Com- alist propaganda, and the agitation .- thejcity auditoriuniv ;-'.? v . ,"» ' / : nounce the birth of a son. mittee. It is true, we do not know against the minorities, Jewish pupils .Miss Marcia "Rohitiow is visiting whether we can rescue the sick man in these schools find themselves conwith friends-and relatives in Minne- and have him fully recovered but we tinually attacked by'Turkish students apolis. can surely give him the hope which and anti-Jewish clashes are-now freenables him to endure and are easing q u c - r i t . • - . • • " • : • • Miss Rose Osheroff departed re••.•..'• the Junior Hadassah chapter "will sently- for Moline,-111., where she wJH his pain. oieet Tuesday evening, October 6, atmake her home with her brother and "What must be uppermost in the ]T|UILDING millions ; Ihe Jewish * Community Center: Off z- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles minds of the people in the present : cers will be elected to position of Osheroff. - • '•- " ..'.-' ' effort in the states in behalf of EastJL^morc lires than OSJV President and Secretary, vacancies oilier cojsspany ah?l cn» ern European Jewry—is how long taused by the marriage of Miss Leah will they be called upon to give? The j o y i n g lowest costs,' Herzoff and Miss Sally Gorchow; : job is not finished. The giver cantGoo<Iyosr offers Sot!ay Full plans will be outlined for the not now turn his back on his brethren ; the finest tires EISJI greatMoscow.—(J. T. A . W ' I find the '• rear at the meeting-/ © © Mount Sinai Sisterhood will resume on the other side, nor can he fail now Jewish, situation in.the Soviet Union est values you've ever : its meetings today, after a recess to uphold the hands; of the distributor better than in most European coun, -. ^8*EW Ail-Weather Balloons seen.' during the summer months. . Mrs. of the funds, until the latter has been tries," is the statement made by Sam''•' FauioKs Double E ^ I e s JAUSIZ* -A:; T:ret -/.:;rria* Sprake, Salvation Army worker, will able to finish the.job. uel C. Lamport of New York, wellClubs of the Jewish Community speak a t the meeting, telling of: the . "The Joint Distribution Committee, known Jewish social worker, to a rep\f. ^ j H X,^f ;, \ | Center will open their season during worlc- of the. organization in Sioux while 'keeping faith with the giver, resentative of the Jewish Telegraphic '-., . . . ' . - : ; ' . ...• . . ; ; ; ;he coming week, with elections for C i t y ; has .pursued a defnite ^)lan of reconofficers and open meetings for prosMrs. E. N. Gfueskin, -who I was struction with the view of enabling Agency here. > : "The realization of the Five-Year pective members. ' ••'•"•" ••- :'" -recently elected President of the The Business Girl's;'- Club' will' re- Sisterhood will preside at the meetf the suffering people ultimately to Plan as well, as the rapid industrial stand on their own feet. The J. D.development of the' country open the ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. sume its meetings next Wednesday i n g . ' - ' - . • .•.-'-.• . .'.:• • • '-'•-•: ','.'..'• C fed; the hungry, cared for the war same bright prospects for the Jews . evening. The meeting will be precedCorner 17th and-Capitol Are. . Phone AT. 6427 orphans, eradicated dreaded diseases; as for. the rest of the population," ed by a dinner. Plans will bemade : £ T the open meeting which' wilLtake" OMAHA,' NEBRASKA built homes for "the refugees, but Mr. Lamport continued. place the following week, and officers throughout " thes6 years i t ; helped r •• "The Soviet .Union is" the only /or the coming year will be elected. simultaneously, to create and recreate country which does in.actuality grant > "~Tryouts for the Dramatic •Chib'wJll .*- . C~ • i AX Over one hundred people attended institutions .that are .permanent in equal rights and opportunities to all Value Extraordinary! Quality Tires vitJiin the resck of AY,l ha held Monday evening; at; '8 o'clock the dinner given" by. the members!of Value and inconceivable without :tbe national minorities," he said. "The &t the• Center. Miss Florence Coates the Hebrew. Mother's Associatiort, }(I1-"- . - - j y ' ^ •will direct this\group and judge the Tuesday" evening, at the Jewish Comr aid of American Jewry. Above all Jews with whom I have spoken since rryouts on Monday. Successful candi- munity Center; The meeting^ opened it taught the /people the value of con- ray arrival in Moscow seem very lifcSisae Gaaraasee 'Csrc'eSy Mounted Freedates will be notified before the first the ^season r of - the organization, certed effort and of mutual aid." hopeful for their future and the JewFell OvereSse Balloesis —• Sat Them! —• Big ©versfee Con!* meeting of the year, which will' be which is interested in the work of ish youth is very enthusiastic." held Thursday evening of next week. the Talmud Torah/" Speakers of the 4.40421 Mr.- Lampert's present visit to M0S7 s.oo.19 i* lisa Maccabee Club won its first evening .included Mr. Jack London, ' cow is to arrange for; a Hussian marfootball game, of the season when "the Mr. Joseph Aizenberg, Mr. Max ket for surplus American 'cotton team defeated the Crescent Park Brodfcey, Mr. Louis- Schilling, and goods." " Bears, with a score of 15 to 8. Macca- Mr. Sam Lipman. . • bee stars of the game which was held Geneva—^(J. T. A.)—A complete 4.73-17 Miss Tillie .Shindler presented a at Hubbard Park, were Will Shindler group of vocal solos, and Sam Ber- survey of all possible avenues for im'4. f r* and BD1 Lansberg. man offered several violin selections. migration will be investigated by the • / / • The Phi Etta Pi Sorority, Marshall Executive Committee, of the PermaClub, Deborah Club aud Boy Scout nent Conference for the Protection of Troop will hold their first meetings Migrants, which is an affiliate of the Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—Acting upfa on October 11. -- • International Labor Office of the on instructions from; Moscow^ Soviet Cxtrn Savings If'You Buy Bn 1 A new group interested in "ForenLeague of Nations, according to a de- agents are conducting a .wide propasics has been organized and will hold Simchath Torah Services will begin cision adopted a t its eighth annual ganda in an effort to induce Jewish colonists to join the Bira Bidjan colits first meeting under the: leadership at Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight at conference. onization project and to proceed at of Arnold Baron, this week. Mr. 6:30. The children of the congregaonce for Siberia. ,-..•-•--•• Baron, who is a student at Morning- tion will participate in the procession Fide has been prominent in -the de- with the. flags and Torahs, this eveThe Soviet agitators- are primarily bating work of Central High.i • interested in securing Jewish artisans. ning at 7 o'clock. Miss Mildred Baron will meet with Free transportation is promised'all Tomorrow morning, the service the Brownie Pack on October 11. Oth- will begin at 8:30. In the evening, those who join the project, as well cs er groups who^will start their-meet- the service will start at 7, and Sunloans to finance "them in their colIngs next weekUre the S. I. S. Soror- day morning" the final service for the onization work. It is, however, stipur«*^ -sr ity, Epsilon Phi Sorority and Alumni holiday will be held. According to a cable Teport in lated, that all those proceeding to Crab, Bira Bidjan must adopt Soviet citiTomorrow morning, the service will the New York Times, toe Mayor of be a Memorial service, and Sabbi Budapest, Hungary, Dr. Eugene zenship. Rehearsals -for ^Yiddish • " Rabinowitz will speak' on the subject Sipoez, has been asked by the lead, Play, "The Schechita" "God and We, We and God." ? er of his party either to resign his Vaad Leumn'Opposes The religious school of the syna- office or to divorce his bride whom Calendar Reform" '••* .' The Dramatic "Club'of.the-Na'tional gogue will begin its sessions Sunday he married a month ago. The reaJerusalem—Unalterable opposition Workers Alliance and Pbale ZiW Or- morning, October 11. cl the son for the ultimatum was that the to the proposed calendar reform y?zs ganizations have begun jeliearsals for 'bride although now an adherent of expressed in a special resolution a Yiddish play."The Schechita", The the Christian faith, is of Jewish adopted hy the Vaad-; Leunii, Pale date for the presentation -has 'hot origin., , . •-. tine Jewish Council. bsen decided. * The.blank day which the ,Dr,. Sipoez is a'member of the Rabbi Eevvjrs will speak this eve- Christian Social . Party which is reforms v,*ould introduce-".will underning on the/subject "Israel and the anti-Semitic in its tendencies. The mine the foundations .of'the' Jewich Law." /.' other parties in the city council Sabbath""vrcich are !unalterably fixed - The Religious School which has the have indicated their resentment at by'the lev- of Is"'- ,for the seventh largest registration for many years, this interference -in ths private life day," the resoluti. I aints oat. "We feed the multitude"' will:contMJue its session Sunday mornWith Tasty Foods ing, QsS£ober.4. The classes begin at of their mavor. - Circumstances alter cases.—9:30./' ,_, , . burton,
Jewisii Inreiitor of Austria Homered on Centenary of. Birth
rc-y-1 ,
Lowest Prices in Tire'Historrl
Sisterhood Meeting to Be" Held Today
J. G/& NEWS',
100 Atteiii-IIebrew: • : •; • ~.: . Mother's Dinner
League Affiliate to •Survey Migration
Soviet 'Agents Seek'
Mayor Weds Jewess —May Be Ousted -
<~7Z. W,.^jt ^•^Bjgig.-.'S.i^gg^^