October 23, 1931

Page 1













Dedicated to the

Interests of-the • Jewish'People. „-. . . •—:—.'-' •.:: '.,—-.




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Enterril ns'SecriiicJ-Ciass Mas.;-••'.g i on Jaini.-irv Z7, itlUl. ut l'ostoffice ni Omab.1. .NehrasUV-.fr'g the Art nf M.-irrb &.lb7!>





fetes Plans

-No, SS


Polish'Court Orders • imrin • Coriipensation to Jem - 'Fired from Factory


_ Warsaw;—(J. T. A.)—A. court decision which may effectively restrain the boe Members of the Jewish Community of research work in this field, but indiscriminate firing' of Jews from, Center will enjoy the privilege of at- has also created a reputation for him- government owned industries was Need for Calling of World Con- tending the lectures, concerts and self as composer and conductor. Officers Named at Meeting s i i' handed down here. plays to be given this winter on SunJ. C. C. Tuesday | gress Is Empliaf? Art Exhibit. The court ordered the government day evenings beginning November 15, Evening I to pay compensation to a Polish Jew, The Education Program will close '• ' :•-••'' .:••' • . s i z e d / - . ' ' [ ' " ' • ' ' ' • as part of the new Adult Jewish Isaac Langsanx, on the ground that Educational program .sponsored by in the month of April with a magnifi- he had been unjustly fired from a to- Philip Klutznlck was chosen presicent exhibit of Jewish Art and a lecPhiladelphia.—(J^T. A-)—The need the' Center* it was announced today bacco when it was taken over dent of the local Zionist District st for reshaping Jewish life the world by Jack W. Marer, chairman of the ture on Sunday evening, April 24, by by thefactory government. '•• the election of officers held at the Lewis Losowick, on the "Jew in Modover, an<i the imperative necessity for Center Committee in charge of these Jewish Community Center last Tues- CIS The case is unique in juridical recern Art." -the convening of a world Jewish Con- activities. . t day. . ^- , ords and it is anticipated that it In addition to the above Sunday gress for' the discussion of the prob"Sunday Night is Center Night" Other officers named are Morris j ""p^ set an important precedent. lems of the Jews in all the "lands promises to become aagfestitution and evening programs many other interFriedel and M. D. Brodkey, viee-presi- fe^* : where they reside", was the. keynote regular event on the 1Hlenda.r of so- esting programs are being planned, dents; Jos Tretiak, treasurer, and £: which include a number of plays by sounded at the opening .of the ninth cial and educational life of the Jewish Sam Davis, secretary. Those selected V4S JaUiii I". annual session of the: American Jew- community in Omaha. . Considerable the Center Players Guild, a program r - --, for the executive board include M. F. £ ish Congress here. . , . . . • • interest and enthusiasm has been dis- of Yiddish Plays, a concert by the uertruae uruci Levensoa, Max Barish, N. S. Yaffe,„, .A.group; of several hundred dele- played in Tecent weeks since the an- Hazomir Singing Society," a debate beDr. A. Greenberg, Charles Mann, E. t ! " r *£ gates "representing Jewish, ctinunuhi- nouncement of the Sunday evening tween Kansas City and Omaha, as Weinbarg, J. Ustzrnan, Eabbi David 1 tteb *" Mrs. Hernia part of the Midwestern Debating ties arid organizations throughout the program. Several organizations inA.' Goldstein, Jacob Pesrlstein, I. j "'' country, heard Congress leaders de- cluding the B'nai B'rith, Council of League tournament.. DansTjy,-Dr. 0. S. Belser, J. Rosen-i .scribe the" scute- -political, economic Jewish Women, Hadassah, Zionist Admission to these events will be berg, John Feldmaa. The outgoing j it f> T% |, and social position, of the Jews in var- organization, and others have indi- free to active and senior members of president is M. F. Levenscn. I JtiMii ious countries and verge the necessity cated an interest in the proposed plan the Community Center, while non- Arab's Opposition1 to Him Keeps U A resolution was passed empower* Growing Confor; a courageous reformulation of and their willingness to aid in carry? members will pay an admission of 50c ing tha president to appoint, this disp] policy arrived at "with the fullest co- ing the proposed plan to successful to each event. This is a.sew! and adstantly triet's delegate to the. national can1 I operation of all fepresenative Jewish completion. ditional service to Center members. ventipn of the Zionist Organization of bodies the world over. In advance of each lecture, concert, Jerusalem.— (J. T. A.)—The Palesto be held in Atlantic City Samuels to Be Here. or play, tickets will be mailed to tine Government's removal of the Je- America .The convening of a world congress .v 1 L on'November S, 9 and 10. The Sunday evening educational every paid up senior member and rusalem Grand Mufti as the virtual as the only adequate forum for-the A reportfor the year was rendered j presentation of these problems was programs will begin with, a play by two tickets will be mailed to every dictator of Palestine Arabs and Amin at the meeting by the secretary and •is Qi el Husseini's retreat from political treasurer. Rabbi Goldstein delivered j iJiii.fi £". urged in the addresses delivered by the noted playwright and literary paid up active (family) member. life is now imminent as a.result of critic, ..Lndwig Lewisohip. "Adam" will Dr. Stephen S. "Wise/honorary presithe main address, • outlining the pres- ! the increased opposition to him on the ent status of Zionism the world ever. dent "of the congress; Bernard - S.' be produced by the Center Players part of the Arab population, includ- Jacob Pearlstein, executive director ' . • : e »-, pev Deutscht president, and Bernard G. Guild.' r; ing even his ovra employes, it is in- of the Center, spoke on the prospec- On On Sunday evening, Nf^ember 29, Richards, executive director. realiig, Nr dicated here. . .. se-\ e as All Jewish groups engaged in Maurice Samuels, author of "Ye Center PI, tive program of the local Zionists.. st S c The Palestine Government, which M. F. Levenson, retiring president, ol the Zoia I similar/activity were invited to join Gentiles" and -many other noted Center under successive High Commissioners, also spoke.. with the congress in its plans for a works, will inaugurate the lecture offer .of thP : series on the "Jew, in the Modern including Lord Plutaer and Sir John world congress. • Nationally, plans are progressing son v: A list of free employment agencies Chancellor, has desired tha removal for tha congress. It is predicted that "Adam," TT ra-jre It may seem -wise to postpone for a World." year or two or" even longer the con- A series. of discussions on Reform, in Omaha, including the Jewish Com- of the Grand Mufti, butThas been un- no obstacles will be encountered at Host uni vening of a conference preliminary to Conservative and Orthodox Judaism munity Center, has just been an- able to act lest its re\ ersal of Sis the conclave as press dispatches indi- tare, the p3 the calling of the "World Jewish Co is being planned for the Tnonth of nounced by Mayor Metcalfe, any of Herbert Samuel's ordinance that the cate a settling of all differences be- with proloj which may be called upon to furnish Mufti's appointment; as President of tween the Brandeis-SIack and Lipslrj" j tagoraist OJ December. gress, Dr. Wise stated. competent help to those who. wish to the Moslem Supreme Council be per-factions. ! -,%^.^ Ben-Shahar. ' actci assist in the campaign to "Give Some manent, strengthen rather than weakOn Sunday! evening, January 31, stiraate detsils of h Man or Woman Employment and Do en the Mufti's position, has now deMarvin Lowenthal - (H. Ben-Shahar) cided to take advantage of the rising writer and traveler will given an il- It Now." lustrated lecture on "The Trail of the This idea is part of the..plan of tide of opposition against him. is vo.i.e, the city's Citizens' Unemployment Wandering Jew." Arab forces, which for some time itv ia vfi have been working against the Mufti, On Sunday evening, February 14, Committee."-The.list of agencies:" Abraham W. Binder, will give a lec- Men's Employment Bureau, 317 So. have greatly increased " in recent The anneal J. C. C. Pre-Season ture recital on "Jewish Life in Jew- 19th St.,-Tel. AT 8122;" Women's Em- months. Aware of this growing opish Music." Mr. Binder is an Ameri- ployment Bureau, 402 City Hall. Tel. position, the Mufti has" endeavored to Doubles. Handball Tournament -vrill coraes to hi can musician -who has devoted his en- AT 8122; Labor Temple, 19th andartificially increase his popularity by get -under way Thursday evening at The Omaha Community Chest cam- tire life to the study of Jewish music; Davenport streets,.Tel. JA 6571; Vet-securing Mohamrae-d:'' Ali'svburial in the Jewish Community Center Co-arts paign goal for this year is $523,938, He has not only.done a great deal erans'.. Employment Service, .201 the Dome of Sod; as -^ell'M the -pom- frith fourteen paired teams; ••• . W. C.£!raser,^president, of the Chest, Courtney Bldg., JA:1575; Urban pous, .burial .there: of former Kiag announced Tuesday morning. •"; League (for colored help), 2010 No. Husssini. ,;-''".'' are as follows: . Increased needs for relief make thi 24th, WE 18S3; Jewish Community The 'Multi has further tried to ex- - M. Bioom-H. Sich vs. Bye, Monday, the largest Chest budget that Omaha Center,:20th and Dodge, TeL JA. 1366; ploit the- propaganda against the 7:00 p. m. . . emst has ever been called upon to. raise. South Omaha Merchants' As-oeiition, armories in the Jewish colonies by C. So&olof-B. B. Cohen vs. GoldThe need of money for food, clothing, 24th and O streets, Tei. Tl'A. 5050; personally conducting this campaign. berg-Rosen, Thursday 7:00 p. r i . shelter, coal, care of the .sick, care Masonic Belief and Employment Of- This visit to Palestine of the Indian Levin-Sokolof vs. Tunier-'Weiner, cbci. of the aged and care cf needy chilfice,. Masonic Temple, Tel." AT 1815; Moslem leader, Shawkat Ali, was Thursday 7:00 p. ra. dren are some of the major needs. Employers' Free Employment Service, used by the Mufti for the same pur- Marks-Epstein vs. Herman-Her-j : r r s _ KEth .^ Ssl^-r c . 107 South 24th street,"Tel. AT 5362; pose. All • these endeavors, however, •Rich, Thursday 9:15 Mr. Fraser said that the increase Bricklayers'- Headquarters, 21st and have proved futile, and the distrust over last year's budget of $64,685.is Sadofsky-Yaife vs. Coming, AT 5295. '\ entirely the result of the increased de- Jewish Youth Heeding of the populace in the leadership of Thursday 9:15 p. in. mands for relief. of Berlin Police the Mufti is growing rather than sub- Adler-Zorinsky vs. "Wmtronb-Trin- j j ^ r . "We are faced with relief demands trosh, Thursday 8:S0 p. m. j siding. President that far exceed the budget increases,* Frank-Franklin vs. Finkel-Grossj _____ "The Mufti's %pffer~\is finally Fraser said. "Smaller sums have, been man, Thursday 7:45 p. rn. *""*" broken," an Arab sfc^sbls declared to A allotted to the educational and char- New York.—(J. Tr A.) —The Jews Max Alts'chuler-J. Ban vs. Bye, a representative wpthe "Doar Bayof Germany have formed self-defense acter building agencies, to provide om," -addingyv^JSK longer will the | Sunday 2:30 p. rn. SJf i\,<.U further funds for i relief. These units which will function permanently Mufti reprpsenT__Ara\^politieal opinagencies voluntarily accepted these re- for the protection of the Jewish Community, is the statement made by Dr. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An appeal ion. ductions." Alexander Eosenfeld, of Berlin, vice to the Arab youth to present a united The Commnnity Chest campaign will open November 10 and close No- president of the World Maccabee front and become the- storm troops vember 20. J. N. Shannahan is cam- Union, in an interview with the. cor- in the movement to boycott imports paign chairman and for the past eight respondent of the Jewish Telegraphic and Jewish products, has been issued Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky, 51. pass- v**<^. "" by Jamal al Husseini and published in months has.been forming a campaign Agency. ed away at her home, S19 North A. tsUZ . organization and educating the'work- Dr. Eosenfeld, who was injured in Arab newspapers. \ Thirt3--eighth Ave., last Saturday} ^£^.; ers-in anticipation of the most diffi- the anti-Jewish excesses on the Jew- "Your country does, not expect yoa evening. She had been a prominent i ^'Ci_"~pr* ish New Year, arrived in the United to sacrifice. your innocent lives, but cult task in Omaha's Community and long-time resident here. js ^ , e ^ States in the interests of the Maccato defend them," says Jamal Effendi. Chest history. Mr. Shannaha gave up Besides her husband, she is s-ar- {^^ * his annual vacation this year because bee Organization -and hopes to be "Your country expects you to wear vived by two daughters, Mrs. Sylvia 1 ^ ' ^ of wofk in preparation for the Chest able to raise funds for the erection what you weave, eat what yoa sow, Spivak cf Chicago, and Mrs. H a s comm of a stadium in Tel Aviv, which will drink what your hands produce, and campaign. Langrnan cf Tifnn, O., and one son, t y *"*. 'Workers and prospective givers house the Maccabee Jewish Games in this way break with the traditional John, of Los. Angeles. j The .'•'" . enslavement and prevent the terrible seem to realize without being told next year. The funeral was held 'Monday j le program \riiici •that.-more, effort and larger subscrip- The defense units are a direct out- fate which threatens to overwhelm afternoon from the home. ' tteas must be. forthcoming this year/' growth of the anti-Jewish New Year, you, your country and the entire stated Dr. Kosenfeld. "These defense East." Mr. Shannahan said. ^i* This appeal follows on what purILW.Pierpoint, chairman of the units have'been assigned to guard budget committee of prominent busi- Jewish _meeting places, .and their ports to be an analysis by Jamal Efib. M.%^)' ^ss °^w«>. ^BSJ-- .fee. J Y Wt ness men, which, studied the "needs of speedy organization has prevented re- fendi of British Imperialism, the .aim newal'of the attacks on the'Jews. of which is said to be to sever Palesthe various chest agencies for two months before making up the final The only Jewish, districts which are tine from other Arab countries, by budget, pointed out that the total now in any danger of further at- planting the Zionists in Palestine. budget for relief," care of the aged, tacks are in towns where the Jewish Zionism, according to him, aims to' A' proposal to President Hoover by j homeless adults, care t>f needy .chil- population is not dense," Dr.-Eosen- create a Jewish" government, which, B. A. Simon, president of the Table j will in the.future extend to the neighdren, care of the sick, is $334,028, and feld explained. Supply Meat company, suggesting! that the amunot for aducational and "Outbreaks such as thatywhich oc- boring; lands and in this" way • result that guarantee of bank deposits by! character- building activities this year curred on. Bosh HashonahV-jndicate in Zionist domination of the East. the federal government would be one! what is. bound to happen in tnenear will be only $125,910. Tray'of relievisg the present economic! depression,"will receive the attention! "Eleven agencies," Mr. Pierpoint .future," is the; opinion of Dr. Eosenof the nation's chief executive and! said, "are classified as 'educational feld. "The masses of Germans are no longer controllable and are looking the secretary cf the treasury. j and character building.'" '•;-...' K. P. Dodge. He listed the following: Bed Cross, for an outlet'_for their poisoned Simon wrote President Hoover onj Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Christ minds.; The result is, naturally, that N. P. Dodge -will address .the open October 14 and Tuesday received aj Mrs. Lester Meyer, 24, of 5SSS Ma- meeting of.the Hadassah at the J. C. reply front Lawrence Slclisr. the] Child society, Girl Scouts, Jewish the Jew is made the target. Although Community Center, -Nebraska State Hitler may deny responsibility for the son street, was seriously injured in an C. Wednesday., afternoon. . His ad- president's secretary, stating that the j Conference of Social Work, Salvation riots on Eosh Hashonab. and on other automobile crash- near Lincoln, 111., dress will start at 3 p. xn. • The gen- matter will he placed before the; Army (part of its activities), Social occasions, he is responsible for the Monday night." Her father, J. P. eral public has been invited. executives. j Settlement, "Urban League and Y. W.general frame of mind and such out- Louis, of Kansas City, was killed in "The suggestion of a Rational re-) the accident. • • C. A. , ' / ..••;••" • : breaks must be laid at his door." discount corporation v;as very timely I Lester Meyer and his mother, Mrs. ;o Be Held "An example of Chest management National-Socialism in Germany toand will- be very helpful, but still it | and policy, Mr. Pierpont stated, " i s day not only constitutes the greatest 'E. Meyer, left Monday night by plane does not solve the problem, ss the at,Center on Snncla,5r funds contained in the fact that $73,000 will evil to Germans, bat. it is the greatest for Lincoln. Mrs. Meyer was least available for this .corporation j be spent '£or "the care of the sick and menace to the world peace, he stated. seriously hurt 'of the four passengers Sain Beher, Philip Slutzaick, and are. comparatively small when we re-! in the car, suffering a dislocated nip. Milton Abrahams vrill be speakers atl gari the bulisns of bank deposits,*' j promotion *of health through the VisThe others hurt are Mrs. A. B. Loins a banqaet for fifteen rasiees of the said Mr. Simon in his letter to the I iting Nurse Association, which last and Mrs. Kalph Shaw, both of Kansas Sam Beber Chapter I\To.' 103 of the year made 66,733 calls on sick perCity.: ... . - .... -,. . . ' , .;. sons, and for the work of the Hattie B. A. 2. A. to be'given by the members Munroe Home for Crippled Children/' The. four were motoring frora •of the group Sunciay sveninu at 6:30 .Kansas,City to-•Chicago., from where p. m. at the J. C. €. "After many di Eabbi Frederick Cohn will give, the they planned to" motor .to Canada. Joe Goldware is clisiriaan bf the ness men, banker Scfrnitzler second lecture in the series which the affair, and BiU Wolfe is toastmaster. J etc, the ifiie tlici Sisterhood of Temple Israel- is spon- Diet Itefeats' -Motion for • • •"• Eabbi David A. Goldstein will givej pressed is that if Arthur Sehnitzler, world-famous soring on Tuesday, October 27, at .SeiecMta' Prohibitionthe invocation. I their funds are £ Berlin.—The Th.nrir.gian B!c-i 27 a Jewish author and playwright, died 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone hotel. The' program will ha festered by at his home in Vienna • Wednesday His subject will be "On the Evevote of 21 to 1G dsfcated tha ITaa" songs by tha "Cooper Candy MarveL" night, according to word received of the English Election." 2>Irs. flayer Kiotion for the prcbibitioa of Eeh-> Mrs. L. Kevsleff is spansoriag tie L. Cohn will ha in charge. chitc here at press time.






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i reputed •>piost" of

-nfsh tha ritied into with the to B "vie-

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER .23, 1931 Take eight hours of sleep every Steppin' on each other's heels, let mft by—look out! day. Be out in the open air at least one Say, what's all th' rushin' for? What's it all about? hour a day. Expose yourself to skyshine and to sunshine. Play a little ever:' day. Put the "What's the use of mshin'? Let us spirit cf play into your work. Tasks loaf awhile; that you do not enjoy very easily Watch 'em push, an" run an grab; fatigue. We'll just sit and smile. Have an outdoor hobby in -which As they scramble down th r . road you can be a persona! participant— gaily we vrill shout. hiking, golfing, tennis, swimming, Say, what's all th' - rushm' for? canoeing, rowing, horseback riding, ; By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor What's it fill sibovst?-7 1 of bio-cbemistry and nati-itlczs, Stresjaoes Living . the CreiskUa* University School A very important factor conducive of SSedicine. to physical breakdown is strer.-acus ' (Ed. Note—Readers of this news- living -with its many hears of fatigupaper may receive answers to any ing' concentration snd too few hours Je.nisa'e~>, (,T. 7, A..) — A considquestions regarding the general sub- for relaxation. Far too many of us make of life a Kiasrars force -without erable addition to the p.r.tion^ Jewish ject of health by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope with their direction, a noise without sigrafi-| land possession? iv, Pp-iestinp. has been questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, cance, a speed without accomplish-! made through the acouisitio-n' of"a Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) ment. Far too many of rash breath- \ further land f.re^ in thr Valley of lessly y through g life and never ence 1 Jezreel by the Jewish National Fund • SAVE YOUR HEART it was announced heve, We have already discussed disease possess our soul before vre die. J-IS a result cf this acquisition of in early life, improper diet and emo- "Rushing to the office, rushing out to land on the slope of the hill Kumi. the eat. back, and rushing home tional imbalance as factors in break- j Rushing neighboring1 Jewish settlements will be ing do-wn the efficiency of the heart. DCRTI the rushin' street. enlarged. Settlements benefiting from We shall now consider other factors Rushing up, and rushing- down, rush- the sew land aJiotments Include the equally important. ing in an' out, ffamous colonies of Ain-ilsrod, Geva, 4. Lead a clean life. Say, what's all th' rushing TlJoseph and hc small holders' setSyphilis is a very important causa What's it all about? | tie-merit t of heart disease and of diseases of | land allotments will very -materially the blood vessels. In this country we "Rushing after money, rushin I contribute towards the economic suchave about two nnd a half million fame, men and about six hundred thousand Climin', pushin', shovin'; cess of these settlements, it was women "who have a positive Waster' It's a dizzy game. stated. mann. 5. Give yourself a fair chance for complete recovery from disease. When you have had a spell of sickness, give yourself all the chance in the world for absolute recovery. If j ? your doctor orders you to stay in bed or not to go to work, obey his orders religiously. Rushing back to work be^ cause subjectively you feel better is no proof that objectively your health has come back to normal. Remember that recovery is a very much slower j process and is often of much longer 1 s duration than the condition for whic?:; you required medical aid. 6. See your physician at least once' X a year and your dentist at least twice a year. " Need of Examination. '^ if A Peppy Colored Band Many people who have heart; v Also disease do not know it until they go j for a physical examination demanded j MANY NOVEL SURPRISES of them by some organization they J % Featuring wish to join or by some company for j f| which they wish to take insurance, j 'THE FRATERNITY'S CROONING TROUPADOR Give yourself an overhauling as you do your car. Surely you are worth $1.00 Fer Couple more to your family, to your friends Eemember—It's s. Fsi ?>Iu Affair and to yourself than your automobile. Let your physician tell you how to play the game of health.- Do not be satisfied merely with the knowledge that -you have j some physical defect which should be corrected or that your health still happens to be good. The greatest, duty-of the physician is positive teaching—teaching people \


terious>; cabalistic . "spells over, t h e i r crops. . . . ' ' . . . ; ' ;"";.'.' . . ' . . .


(IA Christian People"

Pieire Van Paasen Analyzes the 'PAASEN' It .is about time, it seems to me, that we drop the word anti-Semitism from our every day vocabulary and journalistic parlance. Not because the thing it is supposed to stand for has disappeared from the face of the earth, or £hat it is wearing away so fast that its ultimate extinction seems certain within a measurable sjpace of time. We seem as far away from realizing the brotherhood of men as ever we were. Why we should drop it, or at least restrict its use to special circumstances, is that the word anti-Semitism has an aloof, academic sound. Its meaning, does not come home to you. It has a certain scientific .tang. Its terminology is as distant to the layman as antinomianism, for instance, or transsubstantiation. With anti-Semitism it is as with certain diseases of the human body, 'whose medical nomenclature fails to hold ^the. slightest terror for us^ but which when translated in the homely and expressive every-day language of

; ;

the man) in the street, leaves us with a distinctly disagreeable sensation. Anti-Semitism, the term that is, has too remote a bearing on what it really is. It is a cloak that makes' a more or less distinguished rustle as the wearers of it move about, like the sensuous "frou-frou" of silk, which also has been known to hide putrid reality. "Anti-Semitism" parades in the company of names denoting scientific, political, social and even humanitarian movements. But in reality it is the most ghastly thing on earth. For after all it is a form of hatred. It is "judenhass"—Jewhatred. And,hatred is hatred whatever its human object and whether it hides itself under a sonorous appelation or not. Let us call things by their right names, then. We may gain at least something in clarity. In supplanting the word anti-Semite with Jew^-hater let us proceed withcare, however. The man who says "I don't like Jews" is not necessarily an

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Objectors to Jewish Influence A citizen may object to a preponderating Jewish influence in the intellectual life of'his country. He may be afraid that Jewish influence will end up in giving direction to the spiritual evolution of his own tribe. This does not make him an anti-Semite yet. It does not always involve hatred of the Jews. There is no causa to grow hysterical over such theories. They permit of equally calm discussion as does the desirability of seeing the proletariat run the show in cartain countries, or the nobility in others, or a religious organization in still others. It may be argued, without hating anybody, that every people is entitled to develop its own civilization untrampmaled in strict harmony with its own character and nature. The Jewish people should have this right also, not on paper alone, but in reality. And in their case the past is ample guarantee of what might be again. Individuals are fully . entitled to criticize the moral value of Judaism. Criticism of Jewish values or of Jews is not anti-Semitism. But when a man goes so far as to link himself with movements that seek to curb Jewish influence in a given country, he has already crossed the border which divides criticism from hostility. Let us be generous about it. Let us concede that he is in earnest about the matter and thinks he is serving his country. Let .us not call him an anti-Semite'-or a Jew-hater yet. But when he goes to the extent of inciting others to use physical force, when he, as the editor of "Der Angriff," Hitler's Berlin sheet has done repeatedly, • declares that Jews must be beaten up and made to*bleed, when he says that "Judenknackerei" is inevitable (following months of Hetze and incitement by himself) then he is not proceeding, along civilized linas. As a matter of fact in that case he is a scoundrel, pure: and simple. There is no other word for it. In this case also we gain in. clarity by calling a spade a spade. -1

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2815 Farnara

anti-Semite and should not indiscriminately be stampeded a Jew-hater. I caxi -easily1 enter into the frame of mind of one who feels no attraction towards Jews whatever. Another may feel the same way about Poles or Negroes,- about • Cockneys, Baptists or Parisians. • Of course, generalizations in judgment of this kind are dangerous, the more since they affect a mass of people coming under a common denominator. Jews are, moreover, apt to suffer a whole lot more from this sort of wholesale prejudice than any of the other groups of the *kind alluded to. "When a man begins to dislike groups, he becomes also an easy convert to anti-Semitism.



I * f'We.&re.af.Gh.ristian people," so ran ihe Hitlerite'proclamation in Thurinf gia, "vraf glitjuldf only buy from Christian foik/ ; flb.ei -Jews plan the wreck :Q'f our | country, f' We must love God 'and-hate.Jhe;"Jews and prevent the 'execution of their nefarious desig Herr Hitler was told that the founder of the ^religion he invoked said: "So anyone'says ITove God and hate his brother, the, same i s a liar." He paid no attention to it. He appeals to sup,erstilioiV to/prejudice, to greed, to hooliganism,. Or sadism, to religion alike so long as, the effect might harm t)\e Jews, in some way. He circulates the .old blood-libel, spreads the Protocol-forgery, befouls the memory of dead men, such as: Lord jVIelcheit and does not hesitate to "concoct the most ludicrous yarns to gain his ends. He tells the readers of his papers that the Comintern and Well Street are in conspiracy to wreck the present economic system, that -Sir Herbert Samuel and Lorcl Reading caused the flight from sterling in England as an act of Jewish vengeance over England's non-fulfillment of pledges in Palestine; he would have his clientle believe that Jews are behind the unrest in China; Jews behind the movement for independence in South Africa; Jews manipulating the strings in ths American crime wave; Jews backing Ghandi; Jews running the Rio de Janeiro white-slave traffic; Jewish employers .debauchingjChristian shopgirls in Berlin; Jews, Jews, Jews! The Jews robbed Germany of her colonies. They stole the Fatherland's merchant fleet. They stabbed the Imperial army in the back. They inspired the murdsr of Serajevo. • They mesmerized President Wilson. They murdered five thousand German soldiers with the Turkish army, in the gardens of Damascus. They started the Palestine riots of 1929. They pledged the world crisis. They suck the blood of new-born Christian children. They murdered Jesus Christ, that "good German." The Jews, the Jews, the Jews! In revenge and punishments for these heinous crimes, Jews upon Hitler's orders are systematically eliminated from ths economic life in Germany. • The percentage .of Jewish owners in the metal business has fallen off from 70.5 per cent in 1913 to 57.3- per cent in 1930; in the iron business from 43.9 per cent t o 41 psr cent in the same: period." The total number of GermaiCiaiiks - shraiik 9.3 per cent from 192S*to ji.930 J;*faut while the number of corporate banks of noiiJewish character fell 6 per cent and that of private banks of.rion-Jewish character 8.5 per cent, the number of private Jewish banks fell 19 per cent. The figures for 1931 will be much higher.

Slowly Ostracized

To pay for their crimes and "purify Germany from the Jewish poison," the Jews are to be ousted from the theaaters,'- -from - thet conservatories of music, from art schools and~ actors associations. Applications for positions are returned with the questionnaires: "If you do not happen to be Jewish, please sign this statement." It is enough to have a Jewish wife to bar one from holding an official position in Thuringia. Scores of the ablest actors and musicians have but recently lost their living for this reason. Methodically, inexorably the Hitlerites are .removing Jews from Germany's cultural institutions. The outside world hears of a savage attack occasionally as recently occurred in Berlin on Rosh Hashonah, but they No Use Arguing ' i t must be clear by this time that are not aware of the more insidious there is no use : arguing 'with ;;Hitler silent terror that haunts the Jews of and his clan.. 'Appeals to'human de- Germany, the horror that flies by cency, to the principles of love, to dark and in the night. Even partial justice have failed. There is no use lists of "Nazi" excesses, tortures, nailing their lies and exploding their moral cruelty, discrimination pracfoolish theories. Heaven knows it is ticed against the Jews of Germany easy enough. Only it makes not the are gruesome documents. Jewish slightest impression on them. Hatred teachers are the object of an organhas simply blinded them to reason and ized hunt. In several districts where the Nazis are supreme they are recommon sense. quired to teach that Christ was a .The Hitlerites were told by Jacob German. ; Wasserman and other liberal German When an effort is made from JewJews that the Jews were not a nation, ish side to- explain .Jewish character not a people, not a race. The answer and institutions, National Socialists was a whirlwind of Jew-baiting in describe it as "an attempt at spiritThuringia under Frick. Hitler was ual denomination." , The Jewish rereminded over and over again that the ligious societies of Pleuen in Saxony, Jews wanted to be no more than Ger- invited the higher schools of the city man citizens of the Hebraic profes- to take turns in visiting ths Synasion. He screamed that it was a lie, gogue. On their visits the Rabbi ada piece ;6f. oriental cunning, deceit, camouflage. Writers set about parad- dressed the teachers''and students on ing before his eyes the contributions Jewish worship and Jewish moral law. made by Jews to culture in the Reich, This resulted in the National Socialist to their brilliant participation in interpellation in the Saxon Diet: science, in philosophy, in art, in liter- "whether the government approved ature and the theater. He Teplied by that the Synagogue was visited by throwing obscene taunts at the head the high school teachers and students of Freud and Adler and Wassermann. in Plauen, whether it was prepared to His young bullies began to insult a investigate the case and bring those man like, Einstein and Hitler's papers responsible to justice and what it intended to do in order to protect the gloated over it! youth from like attempts at spiritual A German Jewish journal came out violence." , recently yet, ^ calling upon Hitler's Student associations clamor for the sense of patriotism by giving figures introduction of the numerus clausus. and names of Jews who died for the Jewish students are beaten up daily. Fatherland in the mud of Flanders Jewish attendance at Munich univerand France. Hitler answered with a sity has dropped as a result from 655 brutal attack on helpless Jewish men in 1925 to 240 in 1930. In February and women leaving a place of -sT'or- of this year the Berliner Tagablatt ship. He; instituted a boycott against felt "constrained "in'•the interests of Jewish merchants-in smalt' commun- justice" to draw' attention to the peities arid terrorizes those who feel dis- culiar manner -of-"justice frequently inclined to heed his barbaric' decrees.; administered where Jews' were-inHe MarnsffarmeTS to be blithe loblc- volved.- " Jewish : business men, espeout.for-.Jews.^wanderiiigi around-.thfef-' cially in small towns, are'virtually countryside as they Might throw mys- | ostracized by the Christian commun-

Jewish National Fund Adds Area in Jezreel

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• -|

7. "Rest-and relax. j All work and no play has a wear-1 ing-out effect on; the heart. The heart has a great deal of reserve power, but we must not be foolish enough to overtax it and to squander its re-} serves. } for some reason wor othsr they have recourse to litigation their case is "handled-in a manner that is mockery. They cannot1 look to the j evangelical pastors for aid or sympathy. For the General Conference of the Evangelical Church, the State • Church in North Germany, has come • 7 out in favor of National Socialism. Justice fails them in many places, re- ,' ligion turns a cold shoulder en their plight. The scandalous libels dishonor them. The persecution de-humanizes them. Their, fear cf being accused of'dual.nationalism or alien? !; has dejudaized thousands cf Jews in , I the Reich.




TT -c- C~:~, -

Suffering in Silence Jewish cemeteries are desecrated. Synagogues befouled. Jewish girls rare molested. Scarcely a day passes without a new sample of Jew-hatred , coming to the fore somewhere in Ger- ( many. Pages upon pages of individ- j ual cases of assault and battery could j be drawn up. .] And still for the most part German > Jewry is suffering in silence. It does not rent the air with lamentations. It does the only thing that can be done under the circumstances, viz: "remembering1 that Germany produced a , oethe as well as an Atilla, a Schiller j as well as a Hitler. The tragedy of ' the Jewish people, of every suffering minority is that its only appeal lies in asking for more justice, more love, more light Heroics avail nothing. 'esistanee sharpens the cynicism ot brute nationalism and makes it redouble its oppression. * The thing for Jews elsewhere to bear in mind is that these things are taking place in the Reich after four thing to ponder over is that the Jews of Germany form less than one per cent of the total population, that they consider themselves loyal. German citizens, that, they gave an altogether disproportionate share to the development of German commerce, industry, banking and culture, that assimilation had made gigantic progress in their midst, that they were very often plus royalists .qae. lo rei. The thing to ponder is that if these things can happen in Germany! So- far Hitler has only been rehearsing. Of this' many responsible observers are convinced. Which would mean that the real.thing is to come yet. Blackly winter is drawing near. If the signs fail not it will fee a winter 'of misciy.. Hitler thrives on misery. -And.misery knows no law! (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Tele- graphic Agency, lac).

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-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23', I9SI ordiestra of fourteen, pieces. This Socialist agitator, Eelf-iemcd i i s orchestra will also be presented in a Axnerican Hitler, it "sras learredhcrc combined concert with the Choral l i r . .Lieclecke will make a tour cf Club. It is the desire of the organithe United States and Trill iritiate a i sation to secure new. members to effort to ealist Americans as s e c - --« P XT'*-" r.either group and anyone of musical bars of ..the-Nazi Org-anisatics in ths pihility is -urged to see l i r . Harry Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—A- campaign United States. Among the canters lie n Americra Ncsi crganization, indeWhevs tlisre is P.O choice, we ague of Nations, However, Bender a t the, Center any Monday to ally all Nordic elements in the will visit are Philadelphia, Cincinnati, pendent c£ the Berlin organisation, well to make no Favor Permanent evening. The entire organization now United States on a Hitlerite Fascist Detroit, Cleveland, Bochester and Al- hat identical in ideology, must be or• Calendar consists of about thirty-four musi- platform trill be launched in Decem- bany. ganised in the United States. w Anti-Rellgioiis -Jewish'' ber by E . W. Liedecke, nationalist "A struggle between Fascism and An independent American HitHer- PATEONIZE OUE AD^'EKTISERS Youth. Insist Tiiat It ; ,. Geneva.—(J, T. A.)—No compre- cians and singers. .--.. -. Be'Seized'-* * - - -. * hensive changes in the calendar will he "authorised b y ' the international Moscow.—(J..T. A.)—The demand conference on Calendar reform which that the Moscow Great Synagogue is holding its sessions here, it was should be seized•.and converted into indicated. a Jewish labor dab has been made The Conference, which~ was called again in a resolution carried •unani- by the League of Nations, considers znoosly a t an anti-religious mass i t inadvisable to propose any changes meeting held here. A Jewish •worker at iMs time in view of the' existing •who proposed the resolution said that degression. -~ : •when a delegation of workers -went "While it is believed that in the relast year to put the same demand to solutions adopted the Conference will the Chairman of the Moscow Soviet, not commit itself to any of the plans M. Uchagov, he had replied. that so proposed, it is:understood that it is long as the large Moscow Cathedral, in favor of some^form of perpetual "Hhe Church of the Savior," was not calendar. • Y,/[ ~• ~ confiscated, there could be no ques- The opposition to. any revision of tion of confiscating the Great Syna- the calendar was led by Jewish repgogue. Now, when this church has resentatives and officials of the been pulled down, he proceeded, we Seventh Day Adventists. ' demand that the Great Synagogue, Dr. Charles R. Marvin, the United too, should be given up for nus for a States delegate, explained that he was club. unauthorized to commit the U. S. A second- Jewish worker who sup-Government to any plan approved by Wrecked Cars Rebuilt ported the resolution said that it was the Conference. .' : I Service With a Smile , AUDITS not the first time that the Jewish Curtains and Upholstering I Free Delivery •workers were demanding that the syn- fions of the council taking part. SYSTEMS Doors Tightened to Fit ', 24th anS Seward Streets ' agogue should be given over to them Joseph Solomonow was appointed INCOME TAX Woodwork and Painting t .WE. 8800 \ for the purposes "of a club, or that it editor of the new publication of the should just be closed down. But council, with Helen Gittel and Leo Radiator Repairing every time that the demand was put Brown associates. Solomonow to the Moscow Soviet, they were told plans to as have the first issue of the that there were 40 times 40 churches paper distributed next week and twice in Moscow, so that if a^rfew were a month thereafter. Courteous Service [ taken over for cultural purposes, or . Preparations for a debate tourna16th and Cuming Sts. Delivers Anvwhere 852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. •were pulled down, because they were ment between the clubs" are" being In'the City * I JAckson 7640 JA. 4811 impeding traffic, there were still made at present. ATIantic C1GC plenty left for use by the faithful. Synagogues were in a different case, Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club they were told, because there were (. only a few, and they could therefore A musical and dramatical concert not be closed down without violating with some of the best of local talent the feelings of the believers. We will be given by the Ladies' Labor -workers refuse to accept such an ex- Lyceum Club on Sunday evening, Bowl for Your Before Buying planation, he declared, and we de- October 25, at 8 p. m. at the Labor Health's Sake A New Automobile mand our representatives in the Mos- Lyceum, 22nd-and Clark. Admission cow Soviet that they should carry out is 25 cents. Isadore Abraiasoa. It Fill Pay You "Artistic Framin Alleys Open the wishes of their electors. The Ladies' club will also sponsor Isadora Abramsos has been To Consult Day and Night rummage sale on November 9. Anyoperating the Ahrainson Audit There was an abundance of over aone Max Barish having a bundle^ is asked to call Company in the Brandeis Theat2,000, mostly young people, at the the of the rummage sale. re building since 1923. Prior to anti-religious mass meeting which Mrs.chairman Crounse, Jackson 2982, or going into practice for himself was held in the Collonade Hall of the Mrs. J.M.EDdn, ESvtiical Contractor Webster 3910. he was associated with, several Moscow Trade Union building. BOWLING ALLEYS of. the largest public account6 Jo Ceo _16th and Harney— 4th Floor ing firrng, in the city. JAckson 1045 A. Z. A. No. 1 2562 Farnam ECUS and LASCE, Proprietors Abramson specializes in inTroop 72 of the Boy Scouts, which JA. 1997 come tax work of all kinds, is being sponsored by A. Z. A. chapSince 1926, he has .been admitter No. 1, is giving a demonstration ted to practice as agent "before to the chapter at the next meeting the_ treasury department of the Sunday afternoon. J United States. Council of Jewisli Women a In addition to his local afThorpeians Dr. Paul Grumann, director of the filiations, Abramson maintains S J. ML CALABRIA Society of Liberal Arts of the Joslyn Chas. S. Doclie: a connection in Washington Preparations are already under Memorial, will be the giiest speaker Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp Coramsrcial Artists i 1{. Eadlos . through the Arthur S. .French Es-Sos Serviced at the October meeting of the Council •way for the club's annual New Year and Facial Manipulations & Company. He numbers anong Eve frolic, planned as themost ! .. 'Photo Engrave of Jewish Women, Monday at^2:30 I Electrics! his local • clients some of the Arthur Buiiaing—SOS So. p. m. at the Jewish Community -elaborate and interesting the group "most prominent firms asd inDona Stalra has ever had. I. C.. Levin, general Center. '. " ";•' .'• 5 dividuals in Omaha. Dr. Grumann's subject will be chairman, .is; assisted by Morris M. - "We are in a position here," "Woman's Responsibility in the Fine Franklin,- advertising manager, Sam Abrarnson wants the readers of Friedel, D. Cohn, H. Niesman,, Lou Arts." ' ; the Jewish Press to know, "to The Sign of . For many years Professor Grumann Myers, E. Euback, and S. Elewitz. . handle the bookkeeping of those Barber—For Those was director of the School of Fine • The newly elected officers; recently Good Workmanship concerns whose business does Who Are Particular oCT So. 1Arts and Professor of Dramatic Lit- installed, are Harry Werner, presriot warrant the full-time servOffices Brandeis Theatre Bldg erature at the University of Nebraska. ident; Harry Chudacoiff, vice-presiFoxton Billiard Barbtr Shop i . ATIantic Hi! 6 icss of a • bookkeeper." : "The Council deems it a great ad- dent; Dave Bleicher, secretary; Sam IGth & Famam OMAHA Despite his work, Abramson vantage to the city of Omaha to have Zwieback, athletic director; Lou has found time to be very active him as a resident, and all members Meyers, sergeant-at-arms; and Morin communal endeavors and orris M. Franklin, reporter. A banquet are urged to be present at this meetganizations. He. has served as ing," said Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, was tendered to the outgoing officers u secretary •• of the B'nai B'rith by Harry Chudacoff and Lou Meyers. president of the council. • since 1925 and has been secreFollowing Professor Grumaim's ... An, anniversary program arranged National Tire & Battery tary of the Omaha Workmen's talk an informal tea will be given. by Lon Meyers, assisted by Ed KuCLEANERS Loan Association for the past back, commemorating the 22nd birthBatteries Serviced Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, chairman of three years. DYERS h i C l b the hospitality committee "will be in day of the Thorpeian Athletic Sold and Guaranteed Club The Abramson Audit Company charge. Mrs. Stalmaster will be as- was an innovation. HATTERS Kth ana Capitol Ave.—AT. 0427 is located at 852 sisted by the following members of The active" program planned for Tour Potronagre Solicited Theatre building; the TAILORS her committee: Mesdames Louis Som- the coming g term will start; with a berg, Dave Goldman, Milton Living- -wiener roast on Saturday night, Nov. sr is Jackson 4811. i '— ston and Charles Simon. 5, under the direction of Sam Friedel. Eaek week in this space we "We hoped that all new members will print a few interesting will attend and guests are welcome," '•-.:...'.'• Fa-Hon Batteries as Low as $5.03. 4420-22 North 20' said Mrs. Arnstein. jottings about cse of oiir : Service Anytime—We Never Closa Our Specialty The Sorority is contemplating a A board meeting will' precede the "progressive .Hsady Service Guide siverKEirrrood 1500 party" Saturday, October Super Service Station BS88 K"o. EiiJs Strpct—SE. 163S regular meeting at .1:30 p. m. tisers,.- taken i s alpliabeticsl 25^'to be held at three homes, nameISth Jja3 St. Slary's—AT. 7337 order. ly at those of Harriet Wolsky, Bernice Hadassah Falkr Laura Berek, endmg up with a The next meeting of the Omaha slumber party at the home of Leah chapter of. Hadassah will take place Goldberg. on Wednesday, October 28, at the J. C. C Mr. N. P. Dodge will address HABPER'METHOD SHOP Pi Alpha Lambda j the gathering. The Pi Alpha Lambda has started Whea You Need Specializing in Stop or Phone Fcr Mrs. Joe Goldware will give the cur-its fall_ activities with a dancingj Scalp Treatment rent events. Mrs. Sarah Giller will bunco party held at the h6me of GeneTour Delicatessen Needs Doa't Sscrifice MISSES EABLY entertain with several vocal selections. vieve White. Always on Hand S13I C32 This will be an open meeting and A regular meeting was held Octoi n Fancy Groceries ATIautic 0344 the public is invited. • ber 11 at the J. C. C. TRY Fresh Kosher Smoked Uezte a Spedsitv ».








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*_ Sigtaa Kappa Chi

The first supper of the season to The Sigma Kappa Chi Sorority is be given by the Conservative Synagogue Atlxiliary -will be held at 6:15. giving a benefit bridge at the JewTuesday ievening, October 27, at the ish Community Center on Tuesday, J. C. C. ! Immediately, after the sup- November 3, at 7:30 p. m. There will per all will take a trip-with Mr." and be a prize for each table. RefreshMrs. " William Holzman through ments and a general good time is "Travels of Foreign Lands." ' promised to all. r .''•'. • «• Mrs. F . J . Alberts, chairman, and , Please buy _jour .tickets early, as her co-workers' have planned a real none will be sold at the door. chicken supper, with all. "the trimnun's." Hurry, members, invite your -.-...- --.-HAZOIUS guest and phone your reservations in The Hazomir Choral Club will be Sd y before-Suridayjto Mrs. F , J . Alberts,, presented in a concert afthe'.Center Glendale 2360; Mrs. Ben Glazer, Wal- the Sunday of Chanakauh. This will nut 5048; or Mrs. Irvin" Stalmaster, be'the first concert of its kind ever Walnut 5100. presented to the Jewishpdpulation of Admission to the supper is 75c per Omaha. It will also feature the first adult, and 50c per child. Non-mem- performance of the new leader of the bers are InviteS to see this most in- organization, ' Cantor Abraham Sehteresting reel,- ^Travels in Foreign waczlrin. Lands," at the nominal charge of 25c Cantor. Schwacsldn in the few The showing: of the film will start weeks that he has been head o£ the promptly at 8:15. 'organization has molded together very creditable group. The concert Senior Coanci! -irill feature traditional and foYlz songs. Sam Epstein was appointed general It is the aim and purpose of the orrfsairrnan for the Senior Council car- ganization to present to the Omaha nival to he held early in December, at Jewry concerts of different naturas p. meeting1 of the council executive and characters. The group vrill alsi committee last-Wednesday evening. in the near future present a series of Definite plans were made for the broadcasts that vrill give the Jewish carnival, which will occupy the en- people of this .vicinity au opportunity tire Community Center for one eve-to hear Jewisli music." ring, ^atii all constituent orgaiiisaThe Cantor has also orgiuizsd



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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 Yet at the same time, • does it cot play dealing with the family hittorj the Sabbath of the Jewish calendar would never seem a little queer for a person whose of the Barrymores. coincide with Saturday or any other certain day The Adlers, on the Yiddish stage own accent, is foreign, to b® telling a mob of natives- what this country have a career, not a little paralleling of the week, and in each succeeding year would that cf the Barrymores on the Engneeds? ~ Pcblished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by occur on a different day of the week. As is true Wass'fc it possible for tbis Jewish lish, stage. Well, it will be interestTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY in Soviet Russia today, religiously-conscious Jews Communist to give her message with- ing to watch the new experiment. SIOUX GTTX OFFICE have a most difficult time in knowing when their out phrasing it in so objectionable a YfHAT PRICE— JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER-3Q8 Pierce Street •way? Isn't it possible, too, for even HOMELINESS! Sabbath falls. Today it is On Tuesday, tomorrow a Communist to convey his or her The world really continually grows Subscription Priee, one year - - - - - - $2.50 on Thursday. And in a day and age when remessage 'without getting hysterical? more and more interesting. There By : Advertising rates famished on application ligion must battle desperately to hold its people, Can't one 'be a prophet Trtiiie prac- was a time for instance, when a rough RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN ticing a little restraint? migrating, artificial holy days will make deep inOffice: 490 Brandeis Theater Building looking countenance, was a great Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York roads into an already weakened condition where handicap. Today, it would seem even TWO ATHEISTS certain types of ugliness ere not only DAVID BLACKER . - « - Business and Managing Editor keeping the prescribed day of rest is dwindling Reference w&s made in this erudite detriments, but actual assets. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor column last week to Dr. Isidore SiegFREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - Society Editor fast. This is doubly true if religious observance There is Edward Robinson, the star A DISTINGUISHED MUSICIAN ported from Madrid that the Grand er's desire to put religion en a nonFANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent would have to even more drastically compete with cf "Five Stzi Final." Robinson, Rabbi of the Bulgarian Sephardim recently told me of a conversation beANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent sectarian basis. Dr. Singer would whose real name is Goldenberg, credeconomic forces which require a man to "be on tween a Cantor and Max Bruch will visit Spain and deliver a seres of abolish the synagogues, but confesses its much of his success to his gangthe job" Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. We appreciate whose arrangement of the "Kol Ni- lectures on the hstory of the Sephar- that he himself likes to go to "schul" sterisli looking countenance. And dim since the Expulsion of 1492. MEETING ABYERSXTY occasionally. the motives actuating the movement for calendar drei" has become a cello classic 3?ou remember the late Louis WolThe Catholic nunneries have become an in-reform—economic and commercial saving to- "How do you like my 'Kol Nidrei?'" "The Rabbi," we read in the "Her- I should have told at the time, heim. His nose was smashed in footaid-Tribune, "who has written sev- apropos cf this, one of rsy favorite ball, and years later, he found that asked Bruch. stitution in church life as a refuge for the disil- gether with simplification. But, we say, such a eagerly "My forefathers and I have always eral Spanish plays, is a man of liter- stories. his boon and bane. lusioned and heart-sore women who have suffered plan should be abandoned unless the simplifica- liked it," was the answer. "On every ary culture and worldy wisdom, and Tvro atheistic Jews were sitting' accident He wanted to have the proboscis from the baser elements in human conduct. A tion can be accomplished without destroying Jew- one of the countless occasions we have is laboring for the maintenance and discussing atheism. rectified and beautified, but the strengthening of the Spanish tradiSaid No. 1: "There is no God. That Movie people said, No. It was that Jewish nunnery, however, has been unheard of— ish and secular coincidences of days, and robbing either sung or played it." tion among the many thousands of is just a superstition." And he went smashed nose, which marie him so or rather, was unheard of until last week when the past of its historic beauty and memories. "THE DREYFUS CASE" IS BE- Spanish Jews in the Balkan coun- on into a long discourse, essaying to great a film asset. Irene Palasty, who, according to the news dising shown in motion pictures, and is tries." The increasing importance of prove the non-existence of a Deity. It seems to me that facts like these a stirring production. After reading the Sephardim is destined to be a patch is regarded as the greatest Jewish actress "Sure," agreed No. 2, "there is no prove the relativity theory more than Keyser's volumne on the "Cause factor of importance in contemporary God. Who believes in God? Only Kichaelson measurements of the in Hungary, announced her intention of establishJewish life. Celebre," published a year ago, the speed of light. fools, women and children." ing ^ Jewish nunnery in some quiet Hungarian cinema has an especial appeal. The In New York City a large colony And so they talked. In f*ie midst MULTUM IN PARVO village as a haven for Jewish, women disappointed revival of interest in the case is an settled on the Lower East, Side; later of the talk, No. 1 drew an apple from For succinct comment of the graft : interesting cultural and social phe- they moved to Harlem, Where many his pocket and began to eat. in life. Miss Palasty admits that she is borrowinvestigations in New York, I know nomenon of our times. of them are being ministered to by "What about making a 'broche' being her idea from the Christians but says it is inFor the most part the picture fol- social service institutions and settle- fore you eat?" asked No. 2. "What nothing better than the one sentence THE PUZZLES OF HUMAN of former Judge Jacob Panken: comprehensible to her why the Jewish nunnery lows the historical record, except in ment houses, the former clientele of are you—a goyT' NATURE "New York has the best judge that the important feature of Dreyfus' which has moved to new localities. has not been developed by the Jewish people be"But there is no God—you said so money can JUV." ( pardon and his restoration to military William Lyon Phelps, in his new book "HuPerhaps when they arise to affluence yourself—why should I make a fore her day. She undoubtedly is convinced that ANCESTORS rank. The impression is left with the they may give a new membership to fier dedicated home for disappointed women will man Nature," unburdens this interesting thought: observer that Dreyfus was vindicated the aristocratic Sephardic synagogue broche?" It would be rather interesting, If "That has nothing to do with it," It is probable that a complete knowledge by only after he signed a petition for a of the metropolis, unless, of course, replied the other, "whether there is. you cocld get one's ancestors and sort serve as an influence for good and will bring peace where as the real circum- they form their own. In Seattle there a God cr there is no God—no Jew of scramble them together in the and contemplation to those war-torn by the stress citizens of one country of the citizens of another pardon, stances are that it was only seven is a large Sephardic community with will eat without making a broche." same room with some of their decountry, would make war impossible. In 1914, years later when Georges Clemen- its own institutions and synagogues, of the times. scendants. If you get. let us say, cleau became Prime Minister of and the promise of a decisive influ- JOURNALISTIC BOOM Daniel Webster, that old rockribbed the average Englishman supposed that the averLofty idealism is above reproach; no one should age German lieutenant was inhuman, some kind France that the wrong was righted. ence in the Jewish affairs of the patriot and conservative, and introWhatever may be the situation fi- duced him to one of his collateral deNevertheless the screen version from northwest. belittle sincerity. Miss Palasty believes that she of monster; the soldiers who fought against him the very first moment makes it abso- The distress of the Saloniki Jews nancially, there \rould seem to be no scendants, who happens to be the incan be of service to some Jewish women and her knew depression in the House cf ternational anti "patriot. Max Eastbetter. The average German thought Sid lutely clear that Major Esterhazy was has been one of the foremost sorrows literary Israel. idea is certainly superior to the outlet sought by Edward the traitor, and the sympathies of man, or let us say. suppose you get Grey—a quiet English gentleman who the audience are entirely with the un- of world Israel during the past year. No less than two new journals sre the TTilna Gaon and brought him toall too many, namely, suicide. But nevertheless loved birds—was In this connection it is interesting to shortly to make their appearance. A a dark, designing, smooth hypo- justly accused* Captain Dreyfus. with one of his great-greatthere are good reasons why a Jewish nunnery has critical villain, plotting read of the publication of a book, weekly, sponsored by James Wise, to gether great grandsons who happens to be with lies and treachery The scenario "-writers had an oppor- "The Messiah of Ismir, Sabbatai be called "Onion" is expected to make not been founded in the past and should not be against the peace of Europe. Lichowsky knew tunity to write an admirable detective Zevi," written by Joseph Kastein, and its debut in November. John Smer- Sam tVarshswsky, publicity man for established in the future. Consolation is not to be better. Mr. Gerald Stanley Lee was on the right story, keeping in the dark the identity translated by Huntley Paterson (The tenko, I am told, is to be managing the radio pictures. And it may interest you to know that Warshawsky has won by fleeing from life's strife. Moses struck track when he suggested that millions and mil- of the real culprit, but instead they Viking Press). In Palestine the Se- editor, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise will just written a play, which is soon to chose to appeal to a more worthy set the keynote when he said, "He who bears his part lions of dollars be expended by each country to of emotions than curiosity. Major phardim are an'important communi- pen the editorials. be given Broadway production, called and their pronounciation of the And daring November, the Current "Women of Destiny." of the burden will live to enjoy the hour of con- advertise its real nature and aims in other coun- Picquart, Labori and Emil Zola are ty, classic Hebrew has formed the basis Jewish Record, a digest of periodical splendidly portrayed, and the latter's (Copyright, IS SI, by the solation." I t is unJewish and not in accord with tries. Spend at least part of the money now deof usage in the revived national Jewish literature, edited by Sidney speech regarding truth driven underJewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) speech. the tenets of our philosophy to follow the line of voted to threats—for every battleship is a threat ground is superb. Wallach, is zlss scheduled to make its The glory of the Spanish Jewry deappearance. least resistance and run from our sorrows and dis- —on dissemination of knowledge. It is regrettable that the film has parted at the time of Great ExpulTHE ADLERS EXPERIMENT German Misrachi Out appointments. The Jewish people owe their sucbeen made with less artistry and sion, but with the doors opening anew Interesting and true, and yet so difficult of photographic skill than the customary into Republican Spain, it may be that And even the Yiddish, theatrical of World Organization cess in life, their perpetuity to the fact that the American production; in fact, if I am the Separdim everywhere will experi- world, whose demise has been so long application because there are so many elements not blood of "the toughest people" is coursing in their *'The Dreyfus Case" ence a renascence of cultural and prognosticated, refuses to stay down. Berlin.—-(.T. T, A.)— The Mizrachi of conflict within the ranks of nations. There is was mistaken, veins. made abroad. The directors have spiritual activity. YvTiile Thoiaasheisky has withdrawn organization of Germany has officiin the activities of the mob from Broadway, Maurice Schwartz is ally decided to .sever itself from the This Jewish way of meeting adversity and not the misunderstanding between Jew and Christian; brought and of the preSs, though at times the still struggling bravely with his Yid-\v orid Mizrachi organization, because and between Christian and Christian, as evidenced withdrawing from pain and ugliness of the world mob is somewhat too noisy for screen dish productions in English. of the anti-WeismsTin attitude acioptis well illustrated by an ancient Jewish custom— by the Protestant-Catholic differences; and even purposes. They have not, however, The Adlers are trying a new twist ed by the Mizrachi organization at a. suggestion of the furore the on -Broadway. Ir.stead of attempting the last Zionist Congress. the ceremony of cutting our garments when our between Jew and Jew. Here are a couple of in- given case created jrir countries outside of The German Slizrac'hi are also disstances. A professor of religious education at to give Yiddish shows in English, nearest and dearest oh earth is lying dead before France. As one listens to the speeches By DAVID SCHWARTZ they are proposing to take English satisfied with the attitude of the Columbia university made a study of prejudice of Major Henry, General Mercier and as, is to be performed standing up. This teaches: shows, and translate them into Yid- World Kizrachi at the Congress when among children. A young Italian girl thus deothers of the military caste, Galsit rejected the Labor proposals with dish. : Meet all sorrow standing upright. The future may worthy's play "Loyalties" comes Their first venture will he a trans- regard to financial and economic HISTORY OF be dark but we shall not reject its burdens. To fined Jews: quickly to mind. Whatever its shortlation cf "The Royal Family," the questions. They eat matzoth, cabbage, fish, bananas and comings, "The Dreyfus Case" is a not- 4NTI-SEMTISM rail at life, to rebel against a.destiny that has cast achievement, and should be seen Charles D. Isaacson, former music our lives in unpleasant places, is of little avail. pickles; they believe in Moses; they eat from gold able by every Jew and non-Jew in this critic of the defunct New York Globe and silver plates and don't like to work; some of country and Europe. It ought make —the man who was largely responsWe cannot lay down terms to life. The Jew cannot divorce himself or herself the Roman Jews hated God, and wh«n they pray our assimilationists pause when they ible for ranch of the rannicipally the sight of a patriotic sponsored concerts, is writing a book. from the community, either by suicide or by her- they touch their beards and say: "Baba la Frisca." contemplate French Jew suffering at the hands The theme has nothing to do with mitized isolation. Each is part and parcel of itsWhich means, "We praise Thee, O Lord." of those with whom he sought to music It is our old friend, AntiSemitism again. The book is to be If this sounds funny, read what a Jewish boy serve his country. joys and its sorrows, its hopes and its disappointa history of the various movements "The Affaire Dreyfus" stimulated ments—each must make the best of his infinite said about Christians: against the Jews, the blood libels, the a renascence of. Jewish values; it They eat bacon, ham and other things that nelped produce a Herzl, a Fleg and a concoction of the Elders of Zion congifts of birth, life, nature, soul, sensation, imagination, desire, reason. As the ocean never freezes are not kosher, they go to church on Sunday; Lewisohn. Its depiction on the screen spiracy, Hitlerism and the like. A.variation, in other words, of the so the gate of rejuvenated life is never closed. In Christinas is their favorite holiday; they pray in can only serve to arouse lofty senti- motif recently elaborated by Heyweod ments on behalf of justice and broththe words of Johanan ben Zakkai, the best preach- front of-the cross and take their hats off in erhood. It ought to impel us to think Broun and George Britt in "Chriser is the heart, the best teacher time, the best church; the "Prodisens" made their Klu Klux anew of Sacco and Vanzetti, slain by tians Only." Klan; Jesus is their father, and the Christians a "judicial murder," and of Mooney EVEN CHIEF RABBIS friend God, and the best book the world. copied the Bible from the Jews and translated it and Billings in California, beating Anti-Semitism is a long story, bat it at their prison bars and call- really is capable of great condensainto English. - ^ blindly urg for justice. tion, and the best condensation that WANDERING SH^BBAS I ever heard is the old wheeze. You Similarly horrid things were said by ProtestWord from Geneva gives assurance that the ant youths about Catholics, and the reverse . "THE NEW YORK HEARLD- remember it? I think it^ran. someTribune" in its Book Section recently thing like this: "The condition cf jiternational Conference on Calendar reform How, therefore, are we to solve the problems had three Jewish items in "Some the Jews is • bad in Germany. In called by. the League of Nations will not authorize of human nature? And who are we to start with Foreign Literary Notes." One de- Hungary, it is even worse. But in any comprehensive changes in the calendar at in an attempt to solve the problem, with the chil- serves quotation in full: "Emil Lud- Roumania, it is not so bad. In Ecuwig, the much-discussed, much-criti- mania, a Jew can even become chief this time in view of the existing depression. How- dren, or the adults who teach the children? cised and much-read, announces that Rabbi." ever, the trend of the conference is decidedly in It is. a jsainful puzzle, this- riddle of human he expects shortly to resume his au- _ I am not, of course, referring parfavor of some form of perpetual calendar to dis- nature; and if it could not be solved by the sages thentic family name, the good Hebrew ticularly to Roumania. I am not postplace the present means of keeping track of the of the past thousands of years, we fear it will take patronym of Cohn. "This name Cohn/ ed on the day to day barometer cf he writes, "seems to me distinguished anti-Semitism. passage of time. more than the present wise generation to defeat and worthy, and there is no reason SHE WAS A COMMUNIST tern The favorite plan is the George Eastman the injustice of prejudice.—B'nai Brith Mes- why any one should be ashamed to Anti-Semitism is, of course, a horbear it. I am sorry that I lost it in scheme calling for thirteen months of twenty- senger1. my childhood because my father had rid spectre—and yet sometimes, when eight days each with one blank day in each year decided to have his children chris- I think of what a peculiar sort of and two such blank days every four years. Under tened.* Cohn Junior does not accept people we Jews are—well, I begin to as valid the reasons which prompted lose some of my severity towards the HEBREW CALENDAR . the Eastman plan the term "week" would be dihis father to make the change, and anti-Semite. vested of its historic sense and employed in a 5692 1931 The other" cay, the writer of these he tehrefore returns to the frankly i /> BUILDER ©f fisie BioSor cers ptodeccs « lines passed that Hyde Park cf Hew strange, artificial meaning. Even scientifically it *Rosh Chodesh Kislev „.._ Wednesday, Nov. 11Jewish name." York—Cohrmbus Circle. i ccrapsslcn car at c sllghffj-* lower pirscc. has its defects, as the leading astronomers in. 1st Day Chanukah _ Saturday, Dec. 5 Emil Ludwig's action will doubtless You have been there—if you Lave cause much fluttering in the doveEurope have gone on record as opposing the new *Rosh Chodesh Tebeth _ . _ Friday, Dec. 11cotes of the Levys who became Liv- been to New York. You have heard j u s isefecf of America's finest sfcee?—M^gfcfss the soap boxers there—the atheists, calendar. They point out that it would divest the Fast of Tebeth _„_..„ „ Sunday, Dec. 20 ingstons, Leeds, Lees or What-Nots, I —pr©cf«cc$ t^ compenScre shoe—Mllic?-C©ol*. Communists, Single Tasweekly cycle of its astronomical value in testing Rosh Chodesh Shebat _._ -...-Saturday, Jan. 9 and the Cohens who became Curtis, Socialists, ers, Health Culturists and what not. The ssmc plant builds both shoes—the same ~__ Monday, Feb. 8 Cole, and other allegedely non-Jewish There was a young woman speakthe accuracy of the ecliptical cycles of the past, *Rosh Chodesh Adar _...... names. The irony of the situation ing, on the occasion to which I reVe Adar . Wednesday, Mar. 9lies in the fact, however, that when and destroy its value in using it as an unchanging *Rosh Chodesh dklfffo! workracn. Is it eny wonder that MsHcr: She spoke with a distinct foreign •' ___._ Tuesday, Mar. 22 Jews ^appropriate Anglo-Saxon or fer. unit for time measurements in the future. They Purim Cccl; values heve ««s©d c mild panic in tiie Si 0 accent.. She was a Communist. She Thursday, Apr. 7other names they Judaize them. claim that the weekly cycle was used by astro- Rosh Chodesh Nissan ...._„ was ..shouting: "We Communists" in field? What is there Jewish about Mer- every other breath. And . she was _.. Thursday, Apr. 21vin, logers and astronomers as a umT for time-meas- 1st Day Passover Marvin, Morton, Elaine, Irving, continually harping on' "What this __ Thursday, Apr. 27 Martin, and the like? Emil Ludwig's country needs." She was a Jewess. urement as far back as 2,000 years B. C. and that 7th Day Passover We R©»* ftave yocr s?re to A® Roosevelf for the accuracy of the Metonic cycles and the saros *Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ _ _ ___ Saturday, May 7 act is a sign of self-respect which PROPHECY AND DIGNITY fall' ought to heighten Jewish pride of _ Tuesday, May 24 nomenclature cycles are tested by the unbroken weekly cycle Lag B'Omep „.._ . Now, I have no objection to Jews everywhere. The DreyAll Sunday, June 5 fus Case influenced its generation; or Jewesses being Communists. The which has been handed down to us from time im- Rosh Chodesh Sivan truth is, that I am rather glad to see Shabuoth Friday, June 10 the murder of Walter Ratheau in our memorial in uninterrupted succession. S&«e' S«aUoi»*—Mate Floor—JK<wik has had a similar effect. Cohens that the radical 'movements, irrespec. Tuesday, July 5 time? Our astronomical records antedate Mt. Sinai, 'Rosh Chodesh Tammuzs who are teetering on the edge of an tive of what they are, contain so large _ Thursday, July 21 abyss of supposed non-Jewish an- a percentage of Jews. I think it when the law of the Sabbath was given to Israel. Fast of Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Ab Wednesday, Aug. 3 onymity should think of Emil Lud- shows intellectual vitality. I think it From that day to the present time we have an shows the prophetic spark. Our an. Thursday, Aug. 11wig, once Cohn sad Cohn once more cestors unbroken record tjjat the seventh day of the week Fast of Ab were the greatest prophets of Friday, Sept.. 2 AKYONE WHO WISHES PROOF the world. A lew should be a prowas obser/ed as the Sabbath by orthodox Jews. *Rosh Chodesh Ellul Saturday, Oct. 1 of the capacity of Jews for patriot- phet. Siiould be a Utopian. Should A thirteen-month calendar with a blank day and Rosh Hashanah UJTL- re?. a~EK ASD woxn „.* should witness the tenacity with dream of the end of social injustice migrating Sabbaths would result in serious conAll Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre- ism and the coming of world harmony. which the Sephardirs have remained fusion in the relijrious life of devout people. Thus, ceding secuiar day. loyal to Spanish culture. It is re- That's all right. •i


From Contemporary Pens


PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 luncheon in honor of Miss Bertha Misses Bertha Colick,- Lillian Miroff, Batt, whose xsarriage to David For- Jeansette Hesnick, Minnette Lewis man will be solemnized on November and Lorraine King. 8 at the Birchwood club. The annual Thanksgiving dance is scheduled for the evening cf NovemSOCIAL NOTES ber 26. Miss Ida Daytch is chairman Miss Bess Kirschenbaum returned of the affair, which vrfll be given at | Tuesday'from a vacation In Chicago. the Fonter.elle, En route home she stopped in Iowa City, Iowa, to visit her sister, Miss BONOH NAMES PLEDGES Bcaoh club of Central high seieol Rebecca Eirschenbaum, a student at Iowa University. held a meeting Sunday, October 18, at -FOR MISS FREEMAN the home of Marvin Pizer. New Miss Lillian Freeman and fiance, Herbert Neveleff, have been the inMr. and Mrs. David Bleieher have pledges are Norman Bolker, Ervin centive for many social events. On as their guest, Mrs. Bleicher's sister, Chaikin, Jerome Gordon, Lloyd MaiaSaturday Miss Ann Freeman enter- Miss Bernice Faigin of Cleveland, O. shock, Howard Kaplan and Sheldon tained at luncheon and bridge at the Miss Lillian Epstein honored Miss Shurnow. Fontenelle honoring the bride-to-be. Faigin at a bridge on Friday evening. RECEIVES PHI BETA EPSILON Saturday evening Mrs. Ida Levin and SCHOLARSHIP CUP Mr. and Mrs. Nate Greenberg enterMrs. Alex Boknick of Chicago is Joseph Solomonow of Council Bluffs tained 25 couples. On Tuesday Mr. visiting here with relatives. was awarded the Phi Beta Epsilon and Mrs. Samuel H. Davis and Mrs. scholarship cup for the ensuing1 year. J. H. Freeman entertained at luncheon Mr. and Mrs. J. danger and family, This cup was presented to the fraand bridge at the Paxton for 2§. Mr. accompanied by Mrs. Betty Silverman and Mrs. Morris Levy entertained fif- and daughter, Sylvia and Bernice, ternity in 1929 by Philip Kkstznick, teen couples at bridge on Thursday motored to Chicago to attend the wed- alumnus. It is awarded annually to the evening. Friday afternoon Mrs. Harry ding of their son, Mas Janger to Miss Sommer will entertain for Miss Free- Myrtle Florence Levy of Chicago, Creighton member of the fraternity man and on Friday evening Mrs. which took place on October 11 at the maintaining the highest scholastic average. The former recipients of the Louis Neveleff will entertain at a Webster hotel. honor are Abe Fellmau, 1929, and Jofamily dinner honoring her son and his fiance. The Misses Jeanette Lev- Jack Kaiman is rapidly recovering seph Fellman, 1930. inson, Sophie Handler, Bee Levine and from a tonsilectomy performed last TEN YEARS AGO Lydia Eoss will be the joint hostesses" week at the St. Joseph hospital. The Sisterhood gave a dinner in the at bridge at the Blackstone hotel on vestry rooms of the Temple on SimSunday afternoon for Miss Freeman. Miss Faye Goldware and Max Reschoth Torah. Sirs. A. Eisler and Mrs. nick of Central High School were Harry B. Cohen and Mike and Dave Cora Wolf were in charge cf the afFreeman will be hosts at a stag party among those picked from Douglas fair. county high schools as ranking highfor Mr. Neveleff. est in mental ability, health and per- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treller spent sonality to compete in the American several weeks at Excelsior Springs, TO ATTEND WEDDING Among the out-of-town guests who Legion's Nebraska Young Citizens' Mo. Mrs. Mas Block spent the week at will attend the Neveleff-Freeman contest. Innman, Neb., with her parents. wedding are Miss Blume Neveleff, who attends Fount Bonne College in HADASSAH PARTY St. Louis, Miss Eadine Noveson, Miss A theater party at the Orpheum Ruth Goldstein, Miss Frances Levey, followed by a supper and frolic at the and Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Levey, also Paxton, was held October 22. Miss Lee Shames was chairman of of St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neveleff and daughter, Loraine, and the affair, Miss Sylvia Rothkovitz, FOR YOUR Mr. and Mrs. Dave Neveleff of Chi- co-chairman, and assistants were the cago. apartments. BUtTHS Mr, and Mrs. A. Cohn annonnce the birth of a son at the Lutheran hospital on Thursday, October 15. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Poska of Lincoln announce the birth of a daughter on October; 19. Mrs. Poska -was formerly Sara S. Abrams of Omaha.

mjk^ MILDER-HOFNER NUPTIALS One of the most beautiful of OctoCenter Calendar ber weddings took place Sunday evening in the Paxton hotel ballroom, Sunday, October 25 •when Miss Ruth Hofner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hofner, became the A. Z. A. No'. 1, banquet—6 p. m. bride of Hymie Philip Milder, son of Monday, October 26 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milder. The Council of Jewish Women, Tea— ceremony -was performed by Rabbi H. 2 p.m. Grodzinsky and Cantor ' Abraham Community Forum: Debate beSchwaczkin. The former officiated tween Senators Dickinson (Reat the "wedding of the groom's parpublican) and Harrison (Dements. . ocrat) on the Tariff Question, The bride -was lovely in a go-wn of Brandeis Theater, 8 p. m. eggshell satin made in the princess Tuesday, October 27 vogne. The front of the bodice sho-wed a round neckline, and the V of the Conservative Synagogue. Conback neckline was encrusted with a _ gregational Supper, 6 p. m. wreath of- self-toned flowers. The bridal veil of tulle and lace was held Coming Events in a cap of lace. The boquet was a beautiful shower and was composed of Saturday, October 31 Angelas roses and baby's breath. Dance—Jewish Community Center ballroom. Psi Mu. Mrs. Howard Milder, matron of honor, wore a gown of apricot satin Monday, November 2 with blue accessories and carried an Lecture — Dr. Albert P. Van arm bouquet of Ophelia roses tied Dusen. "The Morality of with.blue chiffon. The bridesmaids Birth Control," auspices of were Mrs. Leo Milder, who wore del Council of Jewish Women. bine satin; Miss Nina Bassin of Kansas City, who was gowned in pink Tuesday, November 3 satin trimmed with a blue velvet bow, Board Meeting—Executive Comand Mrs. David Bernstein, who wore mittee, Jewish Community peach satin with a tinge of green. Center and Welfare Federa• They carried bouquets of different tion. . • ' shades of roses, each tied with chiffon to contrast with their gown.. "Sunday Night Is Two little flower girls preceded the bride down the aisle and scattered Center Night" petals from small tulle-tied baskets. An educational program for They were Phyllis Milder, who wore the Jewish people of Omaha, peach taffeta, and Harriett Colin, who : every Sunday evening, beginwas in yellow georgette. Both wore ning November 15. large ribbon bows to match their Free to active and senior memfrocks, and white slippers. \ bers of the Jewish Community Mrs. Hofner, mother of the bride, Center. wore a gown of maroon lace made Sunday, November 15 with a cocktail jacket. Mrs. Milder, "Adam," a play by Ludwig mother of the bridegroom^ favored Lewisohn. Center Players silver chiflon . with matching jacket Guild. and accessories of jade gTeen, The groom "was attended by Howard Sunday, November 29 Milder, who served his brother as best Lecture—Maurice Samuels, lecman, and Leo Milder, Abe Segall and turer and author. Auspices, David Bernstein, groomsmen. Center Committee on Adult A reception and dance followed the Jewish Educational Activities. ceremony. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Taxman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bassin, and daughter, Miss-Nina Minnette Margolin, to Lawrence J. Bassin;, MK"and Mrs." Herman Fried- Finlel of fet Xouis, Mo. "Mr. "Finkel man, Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldberger, is well known in St. Louis musical Mr. and Mrs. X, Friedman, Nate Eeiss and dramatic circles, being an accomand Mr. and Mrs. I. Levich, all of plished violinist and vocalist. Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Shapiro, Mr. <?.nd Mrs. Louis WEDDING OF INTEREST Xotman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lotman Mr. and Mrs. A. Solson of Bassett, and daughters, Selma and Gertrude, Nebraska, annouce the marriage of Miss Mildred Nefsky, all of Lincoln, their daughter, Mae, to E. Micky Nebraska, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kruppinsky of Omaha, formerly of Kabinow of Pittsburg, Kansas. Fremont,'Nebraska, on October 14. Mr. and Mrs. Hymie P. Milder are Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. at present on a honeymoon trip by After a two weeks' eastern honeymotor. Upon their return they will moon, tHey will reside at the Austin ' be at home at the Nottingham apartments. NEVELEFF-FRKEMAN WEDDING. The wedding of Miss Lillian Freeman to Herbert Neveleff will take place at the home of the bride on Tuesday evening-, October 27, in the presence of the immediate family. The ceremony will be followed by a reception from 8 until 11 o'clock.

FOR BRIDES-TO-BE Mrs. David Krantz will entertain" at home on Monday evening honoring the Miss Ida Platt, Edith Lewis and Lillian Freeman, brides-to-be. FOR MISS BATT Mrs. H. M. Stein entertained at a

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TIN PLATE KEIH 4A"D ATTRACTIVE HOUSE GUEST—F.ac/ael Torres, be&uUfut cctress, is seer with TTiUis,Tr B. Leeds, son cf the kte fin p'ote !">-, rt FwweH Field, L, I., prior to f jirg tc Ncvark ri'-pct m <>nier that Hiss Torres might fi-lfiU r r'ate efpagesr.est. TLey Lad f.ovn from Oyster Bay, Leeds' home, vhere Kiss Toi'ies: Vixs, &. veekend guest. L,eeds, vho is the {crmer husband c£ the Princess Xenia, denied that £ marriage

BACK WHERE THEY STARTED FROM—Left to right, Hugh Herndon, Jr., his bride, of Albany, N. Y.; Mrs, Dixon Boardman, Herndon's mother, and Clyde Pangborn, are snapped in New York in front of the plane in which the two flyers took off from New York on a world flight. Although they failed to lower Post and -Gatty's time they were the first airmen to fly across the Pacific ocean from Tokio to Washington, without a stop.


HISTORY RELIVED — At the Yorktown sesquicentennial celebration, Old Ironsides, above, daddy of American sea fighters, looks on in startling contrast to the modern battleships. At right, Mrs. E. B. Or-


ange, queen of t h e celebration,

NEW YORKERS VIEW. LARG EST AMPHIBIAN—One of the latest developments in air transportation, the largest amphibian plane, is shown flying over New York, as snapped from an accompanying airplane. The plane recently christened Clipper" by Mrs. Herbert Hoover, scats 40 passengers and five members of the crew.



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Chicago, on a trial flight, >McV lasted 48 hunts and covered a large part of the middle west.



THE KASTEF* SAT— Members cf the "Committee cf 100," wealthy man who vacation in Florida, and ir.eot or.es a year in the north, paaee at Henry Ford's Greenfield villags, Dsarbora, Ilich., to lock at the chair in which Thomas A. Edisar. sat whils perfectins the firct electric light b'dh. Left to r,'~"i*, rrar..\3 JeW, Edison ^/or]:c*; Gar \7cci, fcxt to the "Comnlltcs cf 13C"; |{ Clayton S. Cccpcr, Th2r.;-3 J". IPar.ccart, Fhila II. Gcls.it, H. 7». :jThair.as and John A. Ccol:, *r.







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zn.igrs.~Zs entered time the bitterness and the pain of and CT emigrated. The tDtal -number persecution, let him henceforth be the rcm Palestine in Atsprotector of all the oppressed. Let it be his pride t o be the defender of free' fre™ 12?t .Usited States ts dom and justice for all times. Let. him teach his children! (This last is to me the most important solution of all, Candle lighting- time, Friday, Oct. I Tmughi £ •-*jfor the problem of the -world is, after 23—5:24 p. m. F.bbi Frederick Coh-R*F sermon subt T f r e •C.vit'v i m m i g r a n t '&. all, a pedagogical one—a theme I have Friday evening services—8 p, m. •' j ted as compared with 14.E16 in the iec vill be "Greta Men.'' been propagating in my •writings for 1 same period a year ago. con-stit-atiisg many, many " years now). And by S s decline of 10*726, or 724 per cer,t. their example, the world will be * ' 1r .'if topic npoa taught not the .Jewish religion or the Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The near! ihir <87£) 1 v " ' ' T 1 *--npak a t the Christian religion, but the oldest and Best Insurance Against Life." rived from Hi —a iar the only religion of all—the religion the th •ee rrijicipa. Oct. 27 of 'man's humanity to man'—the repes.it s our :es ; Great Br I tain vras ligion of charity, tolerance and hu- Members are urged to mate reser- 1 second vritli SB5, followed by Germany manity. vations for the congregational supper J -with 245, end France with PS, Cana- l i ddish v:iH be recited this Sabbath to ."Yes. If man is a spark of God, be given by the Auxiliary on Octo- I da contributed 1.10S and Mexico 17;';. The program consisting conssting of j]i n August of-last year SI.752 irrnrnhe cannot serve Him any better than ber 27. The an "Ask the Eabbi" forum and several j grafts v grafts -were were ad admitted Europ ttedd from E by being good to his fellow sparks/' uropean selections rendered by Cantor Sivo- J countries, 4,137 from Canada, and 4£u \ T1' Cohn (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish rit i t i t "b t i i a i n •sritz is certain to "be er.teriaiaig 5 f PIT r«:f o f fron Mexico. The -pereentegs oi Cs: f Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Promptly a t 8 o'clock the supper crease since -a year ago was 75 for rt " pt the By DAVID, EWEN guests will -go down to the Center Europe, 73.2 fcr Canada, r,v.d 5?;3fcr auditorium to view the pictures, -Mexico. . -0F1 t h e Sil-Vara is a name well known not ed -plays, each, one a gem in its own But if we do—and we must always "Travels in Foreign Lands," shown- . the A larger', proportionate decrease is only throughout —Europe, 'Jbut- in unique way; he has been among the be conscious _of the .fact ..that it is by 'Mr. and Mrs. William Ho'zraas. !*>* T u i a l revealed for the etiota immigrants, America, too. Here he is kno-wn as most penetrating minds of literary nothing more than mere speeulation, ( i i the number cf this class admitted the author of- that brilliant piece of Austria. And though he is hardly after all—can we have a better line cynicism Caprice, which was produced more than 40 years of age, he is al- as to how the Jew of the world will Next Week ' '••"": •with such astounding success by the ready definitely numbered among the solve his manifold problems, as to his Habhi Goldstein will discuss the a per c e . Theatre Guild several years ago. Butliterary figures living in Vienna. fate and his future, "then the evoluplay, "Adam," by Ludwig Lewisohu. Seven alien residents cf the United Known to millions of Americans as The Rabbi has chosen to review this I States in Europe his fame is far greater. departed-for permanent resiIn Vienna, when I met and spoke tion of the American Jew ? Analyze "Pa and M a " because of the weekly For there he is not only kno\vn as. a to Sil-Vara, I discussed with him the the American Jew's present, study his riav ia anticipation cf the produe- ceuce in- some foreign coi:r,try icr playwright—and such dramas as Die problem of the Jew. Sil-Vara, a Jew life and his Weltanschauung, his "Seth Parker" programs broadcast tion of it by the Center Playe/s Guild ! every a imisigi-ants admitrec a^mit ? (1•mist. Frauen von 40 Jahren and Castle himself, has ever been interested in standing in the world and his children, nationally • every . Sunday evening, m Nnwmhpr 15. t Emigrants leaving curing grre \ t-sian Fire are discussed and known Jewish questions. He has "written fre- and you will know his fate and hisOrnahans will have an opportunity to 19 SI. I . for throughout Europe—but also as Eur- quently, and with crystalelear intelli- future. I admire the - American Jew see this famous couple in person, when There -were £79 indigent aliens re- the ope's most discerning critic, as one of gence, on Jewish problems—because profoundly. He, of all the Jews of Seth Parker and his Jonesport Neigh- tion of the Ad-Sell League's yearly moved to their native land at their f its truly penetrating minds and as its he well realizes that the problem of the whole world, has attempted the bors come to the 'Omaha auditorium, program. This is also the or.ly Ad- own request during August. 1PS1, -ted most rebellious pacifist who has fear- his race is likewise his own problem. most sane and rational solution of Saturday night, November 7, under Sell program open to the general pub- practically all of vrhom going to EuJ repp the auspices of the- Omaha Ad-Sell lic, Mr. Swanson said. lessly shaken his fists even at the ropean co-antries. "The problem of the Jew," he said, his problems. Not that the American : • .' '" t , mightiest of Austria ' and who has"how can one ever hope to enumerate Jews "are without their problems still, League. ing There v.-ere 1.5S4 aliens deported in j "Ma and Seth Parker" receive more !ion in idared in their faces to denounce war all of them ? The problem of assimi- but that the solution that they are August, 1981, as compared vrith 1.2GS as savage and butchery. • d-oring- August, IS 30.v lation, the problem of anti-Semitism, working out is, so it seems to me, the confidence and are asked for more adS v3€t He is deservedly considered as Vi-the problem of'Zionism. The problems inevitable one. The American Jew de- vice and counsel than any other mothserves the praise and the honor of er and father in America. enna's outstanding literary figure. He are without end! The Omaha program, -which is a the entire Jewish world. He came has translated practically every Ameri from foreign countries with all the part of a national tour, will consist can play that has appeared on the How to Solve the Problem? Harbin.—For the first time : German and Austrian stage; he has "How will the Jew solve these prob- outward marks and characteristics of of a "gathering of:'Jonesport folks." • Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A Jewish- the Kanchurian government car. ' "Seth and Ma" will lead the group in girl, Lydia KovarsM, Eged tv^-er.ty•written dozens of brilliantly construet- lems? Who ventures to prophesy? the Orthodox. Two or three generabeing-, a Yiddish theater will )"• t - tions passed and then the Jew, bysinging and story telling. There will three, has received the decoration ef tablished in Harbin. be humor of the type that has caused the Lenin order from the Soviet GovACCESSORIES, LKC, some inexplicable magic, had slowly Permission fcr the opening c' millions of Americans to look upon ernment and is the youngest civilian become an American. Seth Parker as a beloved character, to receive this award which is the Yiddish theater vczs granted or.l; a. prolonged negotiations vith the c "If I were to be asked which of who has brought joy and pleasure into highest within the government gift. the problems which are now facing the hearti of many persons. The honor -was bestowed -upon Miss emasent Previously the g-evei" the Jevr cries out most for solution, if Otto Swanson, president of the Kovarski for her \ecrk- in training 1 " a c i ised its sanction on the t : . I -were to be asked with what problem Omaha Ad-Sell League, Saturday qualified workers to become instruct-' it had no Yiddish censor. solved could the.Jew be made most urged Omahans who plan to attend ors in Soviet knitting factories. Nothappy, my answer •would be: with the Seth Parker program on Nov. 7 Jew as Arbitrator the" solution of the problem-of as- to reserve their seats a s soon as pos- withstanding her youth., Miss KcvarHcvno.—Jalicb- Robinson, formr:'[• similation. Once that problem is sible a t Ad-Sell League headquarters ski is also the director/of a technical Jevfish deputy in the Lithuanian p-&~school -with a student -pody c± Iifte solved^ the solution of every . other on the .mezzanine of the Fontenelle iiement, was appointed by the Lit"' hundred. problem facing the Jew will likewise, hotel. uanian geverniinent to represent it : I feeL reach sohrtdon-^and shortly "We have only 4,009 seats available the IntersationEi Arbitration Cor.rt. afterwards. .: and 2,000 of these seats have already which is to arbitrate its difference "I might as tvell say; "at once that "been purchased by -Ad-Sell League vcith Germany. it has already seemed to me for ever members and other Orr.ahans," Swanso long: that the assxmpstiori- of- the son said. ._ ~TA"'-iioiainal'"a"diniji: -J" charge of § t , "'Beginning Tuesday• evening-, Octt>--| that J am not now speaking of' the with ho additional charge, for reserva- ber 27, at the North Side'"Branch Y, j Don't depend upon . these' Jewy alone h u t rather of every : other tions, has, been set by the. Ad-Sell W. a A. '£t-.8 .o'clock, H. H. Pinkett j poor and obsolete refrigerarace, and - creed—is fc^r^ the most part board of directors for the Seth Parker vill conduct 2. lecture and discussion j p- o- V cr^a» i tion methods. They are inevitable.',-- I t -is the trend of our program, which is' the major attrac- course in trNe^ro Histcry." endangering the health of 'civilization.* to acquire a certain uniformity. You %ill.notice, for example, your family every. day of that" the Chinese "have already cut: the year. their tinls and comb their hair in European fashion, that- the Japanese Have an electric refrigeraare -wearing European clothing-, that tor installed in your home. the TuTks have given up th'eir fez and •will undoubtedly soon wear the StetElectric Tefrigeration safe•V son hat. And, speaking of Jews, guards the health of your •where, pray, are the earlocks, the garfamily. It also saves money bardine, t h e four-cornered garment, for you by saving food. the -woman's -wig of yesteryear? Even the most Orthodox of Jews must confess, however, much i t may hurt him to do so, that they-are rapidly passing- out of importance iii the life of the average good Jevev

Vienna's" Foremost Literary Figure American Jew







23-Year-Old Jewish Girl Gets High • Soviet 1


Balance Easy Terms

SAFE General Eleetrie Kefrigeration mil always keep your food fresh and sweet . . . winter and summer. - You need year 'round, refrigeration to protect the health of your family. Invest in an electric refrigerator today.


"Assimilatioi!, to be sure, need not mean" the surrender of: religion and individuality. F a r from i t ! . In fact, or very probably, very few people can escape their blood or their race, however much they may wish to do so. They are something- so deep -within us that they are irredicable. But that does not mean, of course, that -we cannot harmonize -with our surroundings, too. .We become Austrians, and we remain Jews—-just as the Jew in America is so gloriously an American .°

. - ' - . • • •


LEONARD HICKS stag S/rortor


' Beginning Monday, October 26, two er three Front Eatrar*ce Street Cars, (to be operated later on as 1-man cars) will bs pat into service on your line.


TCKE CO. IXC. KNOW ALI/ : MEM BY THESE PIIESBXTS: That the undersized have•• formed' a corporation unilet the lairs of t t e Stnte of NehrnsSa. £Tir. name is GATTE CITX fnnXITUUE CO., I X CTCJthits principal place'of-business, i s tfce City of Onrabn. _Ttie corporation is authorized to eiijraKe in "tbe general xsrliolesnle and retail iurnitnre business and to buy. sell, lease and: encumber any and nil xeal <jr personal property requires in tbnt: connection-- Xbe capital stock is $25,000:00. par. value .$100.00 per share,, all common, fullj paid eitiie^ in cash or property -srtsen issues], nnct. n'oTiassessisble- v The cprporatlen shall commence .business, sritlt tbe filing of the Articles of. Incorporation -crith. the Connty Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd shall conl'mve -.until June 1st, 1CS1. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed .t-n-o-tSiirdE of the capital. : At the numial meeting to be .fceiC the second "Wednesday in January of each year, the stockholders sliall elect: -pot less tfesn two nor more, than -five directors and immediately thereafter -tie directors shall meet nnsj elect a president, Tice-presdiest. secretary and treasurer. Tfce sifnirs of the corporation shall be adiciniBjereti "by the officers and "(JJret-tcrs. Articles may be amended. . The corporation shall have a &CaI.A's'd all the c.sscts of t i e corporation may be Fold or disposed of as provided in the Articles. . . . - . Dstefl AtisvJBf 10, 1S31. 1TXESS \ tSi H. E. COEES. C. GKATLESAS : H. MAEQTJABDT.





J- f - ~» IT »




A SILVER STRIPE across the front end cf -. - these cars will enable you to know feat yoa must board them at the Front End.


"The fate and the futur e of the Jew! Americanized or not, assimilated or not, let the Jevr be,.in the future, the heart of the world. The world bears a grudge against the Jew. By all means let him go ahead and refute the world her v/rong!.Havingbeen oppressed so bitterly through the ages, having learned for so \long a EIONSRX. KATXEBIATI £ ~37 Omaba JCatiosal .Bwk OF AKTICZ.ES OF

You will like theatmosphere at the Morrison Hotel. All outside rooms "with !bath, circulating ics •water, ;T>eShead reading lamp, Servidor. Nearest to stores, offices, theatres and railroad stations. Garage facilities.

To-Pcrirons'-oftlie ,] .-. ... / -. _•• Kansas Avenue-Albright Car Line:

Can't Escape Yonr Blood






That will be the only difference! You get ext at the -Front End instead of the Rear End. . You can get off at either end of the car, Just as yon do now. The Serrice will be the same. The ear is the sase, except that there wi3 be extra seats on the Rear Platf erst. •.*».«... - « * « . .

WatcK for the SILVER STRIPS. If You See It, Get GiK4t The Front End Instead 0 1 The Sear.


^->, 1440



•—i "

P. S.—These cars have bees remodeled, Jffid others v~i bs.rexnode!ed, by Osiaha mechsincs,'about thirty extra men being, employed. Materials- r.i\ purchased in Omaha.


E^a^«< v *:*•






Sunday morning-. The committee in arc urged to attend and to bring charge, are now. at work to make this their friends. Plans were also made sale a big success. for a Book Review Class, which will be conducted by Rabbi Frederick Mrs. Nathan Adlcr entertained ;i of Graaiitu on the liryt Tuesday tiventv-five ' guosts st a fond'scn, (. BY F.-iS." K. c followed by bridge at the Hotel"month. aThis cour=-c. viucii oi willevery InChieftain Monday afternoon. clude curreai. events and book reSenior Hadlsssab to Give Benefit The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 65Sviews, will be given for the nominal MISS/ANNA PILL, Corresj)o7ident : Bridge Party Nest Wednesday of the independent Order of the Bnal ehai'g'e of two (iollart tor the ten •Afternoon. " • Sir Herbert Censursd by Party Brith will hold a regular meeting The Council Bluffs Chapter of the.nest Monday evening-, October £5, lectures. The ill's t lecture will be for His Handling of Elecjriven Korembor t'.. at the Strand Senior Hadassah will give a Benefit at the Eagles HE.1!. Theatre Bsllroom. T tion Negotiations will be open Bridge Party next Wednesday afterto the pafa'fc. noon, October 28, at 2:30 o'clock at At the first mosting of the season The Junior Maccabees, a boys' club, -London.—(J. T...A.)—Sir Herbert the Strand Theatre Ballroom. Pro- of the Council BluiTs Chapter of the has been organized under the sponSamuel's political future is the sub- ceeds from this affair will be used S-enior Hadassah Wednesday aftersorship of the Maccabee Club. The Advance, ticket sales for the "Jazz ject of much speculation and comment for the Hadassah Medical Organiza- noon at the Ectel Chieftain, Mrs. A number of Jewish boys and girls organization includes twenty members were on the honor rolls announced by whose ^ges range from 12 to 15 years. Singer" Musical melodrama which today' in the press and in political tion in Palestine. Mrs. Louis H. Kerraan J<Iarc\vits, President, enitznian, will be presented November 1, by circles generally, in view of the electhe various schools of the city. Among Isadore has been \ elected the Ladies Auxiliary, indicate that a tion campaign, in which polling has Katelman is chairman of this affair, nou-iced the following chairmen for returned to Fr.irburv Koncir.^, acthose on the Central Hish Honor Eoll, presidentShindler and reservations should be mads 2? the various committees for the enof the group; Henry Gins- capacity audience will . witness the been fixed -for October 27. Although who received A or B on all subjects berg', . vice-rpresident; soon as possible by calling her, phone suing term: Mrs. Louis H. Katelnsan, companied by Kr. Marcus, who spent Perry Osnowitz, Sir Herbert-remains" Acting Leader are Paul Sperling, Julia Bereskin, treasurer, and Jack Merlin, secretary. presentation, according to Mrs. M. ITS. Everyone is assured a good Hadassah Medical Organisation; Mrs. the past week-end here. Sulamith Bsreskin, Naomi Sacks, Rudolph • Shindler/ . vice-president, of H. Mushkin, .who is in charge of the of the official Liberal Party, which time, and prizes and refreshments Ike Xrasne, Infants Welfare; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adi-er enterPredell Brodky, Ruth Kozberg, Tillie the older, club, is acting as advisor. ticket sales. "The Jazz Singer" will continues to form part of the Na-will be given. Sam Meyerson, Jewish National tained the members of their evening be presented at the City Auditorium. tional Government and retains his Bass, Goldie Devine, Sophie Franklin, When Fund; Mrs. Kenry Madiifi, Member- bridge club at their home Monday the members reach the age of filinisterial post as Home Secretary, Marie <Jshero£f, Rebecca Stillman, 15, they are aatomaticaUy elected to The ticket committee assisting, Plans are completed for the. An- ship; Mrs. M. Yudelson, Palestine evening-. Sarah *Share, Herman Wigodsky, the older Maccabee club. Mrs. Mushkin include Mesdames.Sam he is opposed in his constituency, Dar- nual' Rummage Sale to be given bj- Supplies; Mrs. Leo Fitch, Program; Stanley Herzoff, Max Baron, Albert Weiner, J. N. Krueger, A. Stutsky, wen, by a Conservative candidate, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Talrrvud Mrs. Nsthan Adler, School Lunch• Herzoff, Sudolph Shindler, Milton S. Salzman, A. L. Baron, Sam Shul- as his majority over the Conservative Torah next Monday, Tuesday, and eons, and Mrs. Ben Harding, Linen Jewish Barrent,-Milton Taxer, JackDevine The Senior Maccabee football team kin, Sam Lipman, Max Herzoff, A. candidate at the last election was enly Wednesday, October 26, 27 and 23,Showers. "Warsaw,—A decision to organize « and Benjamin Sacks, Ethel Baron and went through several hours of strenu- M. Herzoff-, T S. Kosberg, Joe Cohen, 462 out of a total .poll, of nearly RS,- in the Marcus Bldg., located at 540 Plans were made for a benefit special committee to dosl with the ous drilling Sunday morning-, under M. Silyerberg, . A. Silverberg, J; 000, it is"thought, very: possible that Sylvia Borshevsky. West Broadway. Everyone is urged bridge-party to be given next Wed- problem of Jev-iph unemployment in North Junior high included on itsthe supervision'of Frank Margolin, in Shulkin, "S.-Greenstone, S. ;Herman, he may be defeated this time. to have all bundles that are to- be nesday afternoon at the Strand Poland was adopted at a meeting of Honor Eoll, Betty Rosenstock, Isadore preparation for • their game with the E. Hurwitzi. M. E.", Friedman, B. I Sir'Herbert is standing as a Free donated ready to be called for on Theatre Ballroom and all member? the Jewish Economic Council. team of the Alumni Talmud Torah Trader, and Mr. L. Airey, the secre: Shindler,; Max Lasensky, J. KaufShindler, Margaret. Kosberg, Alice Conservative As. Fill, Sadie Taxer, Newton Sacks, club, which" is scheduled for this mann, - B., Broscow, H. Fish, Sam tary of the Darwen 4t Annabell Emlein, Mateel Stein, Caro- month. Last year, the Maccabee Baron, M.; DiZQn, Leon Shulkin, Ben sociation, said: lt" will be a, fcpen lyn Fishgall, Sylvia Herzoff, Ruth team eked out a victory of 6 to 0 over Epstein, SL A. Levich, Joe Friedman, fight on the tariff issue. Captain Singer, Perry Osnowitz, Beatrice the other team, which is a stimulant M. Daskovsky, Milton. Mushkin, Rbt. Graham became the prospective ConHerzoff, Roseagene Passman, Herman for greater effort this season. •. \ Sacks, I. H.' Levin, Serene Barrent, servative candidate two years ago. Brodkey,- Philip" Silverberg, Libbie Mqe Lazere, Joe Kutcher, Ben Sekt, Our view is that this is a Conservative Olensky, Isadore Shindler, Esther Parts have been cast for "Show John Levin, Henry Sherman, Victor seat; it has been for thirty years, except for the victory-of Sir Herbert Friedman, Miriam Barich, -Betty Osn- Off," which will be presented by theMazie and S. H. Shulkin. Samuel at -the last election." owitch, Ted Skalovsky, Lois Levitt, J. C.. C. Dramatic club this season. Melvin Rosenfeld, Jack Merlin, Bern- The cast includes Tillie. Shindler, LilAlthough Sir Herbert is himself ? ard Marks, Mina Slotsky, Alvin Brod- lian Magaziner," Max Zeligson, Morris suffering from the lack of an arrangekey and Milton Galinsky. ment between the Liberal and ConBorshevsky, Marcella Levich and Joe Barricks. Isadore^ Mirowitz will diservative elements in the National CJrect the production. He will be asgovernment, he was the subject of "a sisted by Miss Florence: Coates. good deal of outspoken' criticism" at Members'of the Pioneer Women's club are sponsoring a raffle which a hurriedly called meeting of the ParMrs. W. H- Griffiths, executive di- will take place early.'.next month. An liamentary Liberal Party, over which rector of the Tuberculosis association electric clock will be the raffle prize. he presided, "in accepting a position .Mr. Joe Dimsdale was chosen;presi- spoke before members of the Business Mrs. N. Widesky is in charge of which, in their opinion, gave Liberal dent of the Beth Abraham Synagogue Girls' club Wednesday evening. the arrangements. She is assisted by members, no protection in the constiSixth and Cook streets, at a meeting Mesdames N. Sadoff, J. Leubovich, tuencies against Conservative candiSunday afternoon. Miss Sadie Shulkin has been chosen M. A. Levich, S. Ratner, S. Levine, H. dates." A resolution was proposed, Other officers were J. Kriv, treas- advisor of the Debrah Club. A cor- Fish, N. Elkin, J. Sirken, J. Kanofsky, the report says, which amounted to a urer; Joe Corchow, secretary j Abra- seted list of the officers elected last J. Wolfson, M. Manaker, F. Gorchow, virtual vote of censure on Sir Herham Bailin and Charles Shulkin, week includes Ethel Shindler, presi- M. Dervin S. Sperling, M. Sperling, bert Samuel for his handling of the dent; Anna Lipton, vice-president; So- D. Sperling and M. Lear. trustees. .-,-• negotiations. Complaint was made . Mr. Kriv was named chairman of phie FrauCdin, secretary; Rose Albert, According to the chairman the mem- that the Parliamentary party a* a the book committee.! He will be as-treasurer, and Tillie Franklin, public- bers of the club are evincing great whole was not consulted before the ty chairman. sisted by Mr. Dimsdale. enthusiasm over the project, and a vital decision was taken. Mr. Horegreat number of tickets have been Belisha, who is also a Jew, submitted Vernon Corablatt was elected presi- sold, although the entire territory has the following resolution: "That this dent of a newly, organized social club, meeting of the Parliamentary Liberal at the J. C. C. Herman Rubin was party, while determined to support chosen vice-president; Inez Leaff, secthe Prime Minister as the head of the Everyone knows that one of the Mg thrills retary, and Si Reznik, treasurer. The National Government, regrets the reSHAARE ZION of getting.a oeiv car is riding ©a new tires Mr. A. M. Davis was re-elected club will choose its name at the next sult of the negotiations reported by 1 all sronnd. president of Mount Sinai Congrega- meeting. :The first late Friday evening serv- Sir Herbert Samuel, which seems to tion Monday evening, when the Board ice of the year will be held at Shaare indicate "ambiguity. in the interpretaToday new. Goodyears sre so cbesp tkst of Directors held its meeting in the • The Boy Scout troop has changed Zion Synagogue tonight. Rabbi Rab- tion of policy and may lead to conTemple. He will serve in this posf- its meeting date from Sunday after- inowitz returned this week from New fusion in the constituencies." you csn. have thzt szzns thrill on yowr prestion for two years,;;.Other officers noon to Saturday evening. York, where he has.spent the past few cat car. Sir Herbert, as chairman, declined largest fisrc bisilder« 'e- you the elected were Hymah Fishgall, viceweeks, accompanied by Mrs. Rabino- to accept the resolution, on the ground greatest vslus for felie ce ? j>r You csa'Jsaveihe safety— the fresh msw pay. president; Mose Weinberg, treasurer, The Brownie'Pack, hsld its meeting witz, and their daughter. that the meeting'was not representaand Mike Skalovsky, secretary. . V ast Sunday afternoon at Grandview tread—the stout new yltality of SapsrtTi"lst tive and had befen hurriedly sum""ark, under the sponsorship of Milcard •— the boaest railesgs c£ Goodyear moned. . -•;•*-' Lrear Fathi dred Baron and Elsie Bredkey. -MT. SINAI Stillman Addresses Pathfinders at the Iowes£ prices itz. liisiory.

- j t i






>\ c









ers for:


B'naiBrith Meeting-

Sidney Kaliri and Martin Daskovsky "A Year of Jewish History" will appeared on the program of the last be the subject of the sermon by. Rabbi Young Judean meeting. Members Lewis, this evening, at Mount Sinai newly elected to the, group include Temple. Earl Wigodsky, Robert Jaffee and Morris Leffer.

It steads'to ressoa that Goodyear—world's

Mr. Abe Stillman spoke to members 'of the B'nai Brith at their, meeting Tuesday night on "The Political and Economical Conditions of the Jew Today." :•• - ; ; • ; • . ; _ Madrid.—(J. T. A.)—The desire of The Alumni Talmud Torah Club has A business meeting followed.the adthe Spanish republic.to make amends dress. Refreshments: concluded the begun plans for a Barn Party, which for the persecution of the Jews in forwill be given this month. Two comevening's program. mittees were also appointed at the Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Recognizing mer years was made known by the meeting. They are, Isadore the right of Jews to defend them- Socialist Minister of Justice, Don FerfJadassah'-; Luncheon. last Lunin and George Shindler, Debate selves in cases of- emergency, Dr. nando de- Los Rios. and Rudy Shindlery, Ros- Grzesinski, president of the. police de- : Speaking before; the National Asto Be Held Tuesday Committee, abell Wigodsky, Jack Mirowitz and parment, advised the Jewish youth to sembly on the question of separation engage in sports in order to develop of Church and State, Senor de Los A musical program, and reports of Inez Leaff to the Play Committee. Rios turned to the Catholic Deputies their physical strength. . the Mid-Western convention; will be Members of the Ivre Club will give "Dr. Grzesinski's advice came in theand reminded them of the history of features of the program, which will follow the 1 o'clock luncheon next a "Monte Carlo" party next Wednes- form of an interview which appeared the Spanish Church, its persecution of Tuesday noon, given by the Senior day evening. Decorations and favors in the "Berliner Juedische Zeitung," the Jews and the role it played in the Hadassah chapter. Mrs. William Laz- will be in keeping with the Monte "The Jewish • youth should- develop expulsion of - the Jews from Spain. ere will preside at the luncheon and Carlo, theme. Dancing will form the their strength in order to be able to -"The- Spanish Republic wishes to make meeting, which will be held ,at theevening's entertainment. Mr. Ben D. defend themselves against the Nazi reparations for such -historical injusJewish Community Center. The meet- Brodkey is in charge of arrange- scoundrels," the police president as- tice,". Senor de; Los -Rios declared. ments. ing will be the first of the season. serted. : • • • . • • ' • • • •. • • V The Minister of' Justice opposed The government is strongly urged equal provision for all religions conOver 175 attended the. Cafeteria- today to prohibit the Nazi -barracks gregations. , The government, he said, Supper and Card Party/held Wednes- by the Berlin "Vorvaerts/' which as- should be guided by the particular day evening in the annex, of Mount serts that Jews proceeding to the object of each religious congregation. Sinai Temple. The affair was spon- synagogue in the neighboring Koer- He proposed that the churches seek Miss Ida Levey.was hostess to mem- sored by the sisterhood. nerstrasse are beaten by the Nazis. their'own sources of income. bers of the Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority Wednesday evening. A surprise pro- ORGANIZATION PLANNING gram was concluded. with a buffet TO HOLD OPEN FORUM supper. The Jewish National Workers AlThe Junior Hadassah Chapter has liance and Poale Zion Club are planset Sunday, November 1, as the date ning an open forum to discuss varfor their annual membership tea. The ious questions of Jewish problems. tea will be given at the Hotel Martin. The meetings will be held every two weeks, beginning November 15. Mrs. A. Greenstone entertained" a The date for the play "The number of guests at a luncheon Tues- Schechita" given by these organizaday afternoon, in the Shaare Zion" So- tions will be decided upon in the cial hall, honoring her daughter, Mrs. near future. Eli Seff, .whose marriage was a recent event.

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A. Z. A. Party

'.Miss Suth Wigodsky entertained Members of the A. Z. A. Chapter eight friends at a dinner and bridge Thursday evening in the Castle Court completed plans for an autumn Hard Time party, to be held October 31, at Inn. . the Jewish Community Center. Morris Mrs. Nicholas Sherman visited with Borshevsky was named chairman for the affair. iriends in Omaha last week. Ten new members of the A. Z. A. Irving Pill, son-of Mr. and Mrsreceived the first degree initiation at Philip' Pill, will celebrate his Barthe meeting. Mr. A. H. Baron, Sioux Mitzvah, Saturday morning at the City attorney, spoke at the meeting en "Ideals of the A. Z. A." Shaare Zion Synagogue.

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Gerald Plotkin. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fiction, will celebrate his Bar lliizvah, Saturday morning at the Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg recentBeth Abraham Synagogue. ly purchased two dunams of land in Palestine, in honor of their grandson, Stanford Morton Edolstein. Announcement of the gift was made at a recent Jewish National Fund meeting. sl

Wa isei the multitude" With Tasty Foods

A happy childhood is the pledge of ft manhood.—Alcott.


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