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7n tlze interests .of iiw Jswish People
S. ISB 7
J&Uvred a s SCCOJH5-C13S3 Slall a a t l t , ' - «• mtr.iry -23. IS2a. a i I'ostoQce a t Uicalta. N o l t r a i i a . tuule *.- "~r M nt M;:rtli il. 1STO
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Vienna—n3. T. A.)—-The antiSemitic incitement in -Austria, particularly "the University clashes, have cost the government a large loan, the "press here -reveals. The -withdravral of "the proposed -railway loan by "the German faanlring' Sam Swariz to !Talk Jar l i n n of Cahn Speyer is ascribed by Albert Stein tolle the press "to t h e -anti-JeTdsh agitation vrhieh is mounting in "the jcauntry. The -papers Tram that xx continuance ^Fathers and Sous of hundreds-of 01 t h e campaign against'the :.3evrs-vail Jewish iamHiss in Omaha •srill hreak -force othsr banks into the same posibread togefhsr and publicly express tion of the &editanstalt. Austria's their -visTrs "on the -relationship .be- leading bank, -vrhich is headed by tween faiLar acid -son -at .tlie tenth Baron Xonis lEloihschild. ismnal jEather ;and '-San dinner ~to be JbeTS -Sunday eve-
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ficlal Xibsral Pr-r , folia resignation cf Z-'rz J Craarge Sir bsrt, vrho v.-z.r- H:rj ^izzztiry in last coalitlci! z""- :i»™cnt. i j creating1
3Iiss of St. Xonis to J. Lecture at 2. C. C. cdr.ss- DonalJ.
because tempt to icep H.2 • ' patli. 3Iiss "Slargnerite lUewnieysr of "St. Sir Herbsit, Xouis, nationally Imovm. .-•social vrarkg victoiT .-.o Iczz election, er, will 'tee 'the'next-speaker on the th f l i b l s vrho Community Tiaram'"lecture .series at sepp-ortsd 21z the "Jewish Community Center tions. torium -on "Wednesuay evening, -Nov. 18. "A "Social "Worker Xoaks a t "Har-u=:bcr of j riage and Uivoree" is 3Iiss Hewning, JSJOY. 22nd, meyer's subject ;f or the ..lecture, airs. st-theJevnsh ComHerbert Arnstem, .president ;af the loinunity XDenter. cal Council of Jewish "Woman, will T h e "B'nai IBrith introduce the ..attractive -speaker, 'is ^spessaring the ^.— *> —i» rjn tht. nxraibcr of landless Aracs. whose youth belies -her -years of exannual event jointperience along this line of social rtax xxsnci ci xns l y Tnth "the ^Social n-! sstine Develc-T1 work. Service Committee 0 Over 2,a00,000 ! titude cf Arab Ica J — Miss Jsewraeyer 'has. an _e:ccellent of t h e lederation background, l l i s s I'Jevvmeyer who is English as S and the "Jewish a granadanghter of tlie -late "Rabbi ^Woman's "Welfare * Toiigne Sam Swartz Adolph"3I6ses, early leader of lisform Organisation a T e ttrdcr.t self-aearsav*—Jevri Tor Tathers ! ^ York.—(J. T. A.)—The CEng-, "Judaism, was bom 'in Xouisville, .making plans -for a organized in f enne unixs have In 1SS9. She ireceived "hjerjhigher ed-' a faanqast "to - snrpass in beauty and lish language today janks^ncxt ;to T»"arsavr as an quality -of f "the ^h foodd rfche h "rime annuall Yiddish a s idie -mothar tongue of-Jews ucation a t the Universitj''"of Chicago t the inrrccr::: dinners "they served heretofore. throughont the ivorld, according Jto and -the "-New "York School of Social ^hisa have ss. :,,." '.._ -"Give "Hie .kiddies "the best time of statistics ohtained by the'-'lerrrish' "^7-ork. sumed an ala. _ Iiss -Kewmeyer.has been -connected, "their .life," demanded 3Irs. X. 3?eve- Telegraphic Agency-" ' - • with rthe Memphis .AsEOciated ChariisEf, Mrs. J . Alberts and 3Irs. J . The .statistics rreveal "that oi the mala shock, representing -Qxe Jewish mare than lo,0fl0,C00 =3erws rin oiffer- ties, was'". district supervisor of -the and the noi^ibariiit: Crtricts. ,__, „,,_ _ -"Women's "Welfare ent countries, ahout 8,000;000 -speak Baltimore "Hebrew "Benevolent SocieIt iecsuio •r^ciarsr.'-y to close ation o D "Yiddish as ilieir another tonguej^vdiile ty, -and since January, 1930, ;has been "University of .director of cfiie -Jewish TTatnily Servtlie xommittee -ar- •more than .2,500,000 JETCS .siJeak ^Engite period. Ovnr r r o hisdrcd r = iis"33ureau'dnSt. Xcuis. .She-is great- pie were inizroJ. in ranging -the Isan- lish. " quet. The English langnage :has ;taken l y .in .Heinand as 3 • speaker :in national " riot-' T«IT"-S -"^^-'-=cnrin -» the Om *lAnd. -show "the precedence over German vsiiich' iorm- and '.state .TsmEetencei of .social wor nig taox pxaca i i i •-The-educational committee x j f erly .ranked nest -to "Yiddish -es.-±he -father how "to do The riotir it," replied--th-e most -popular language Jipolien ;hy Council .of Jewish "Women will give 2. rz.?rx. vrhich als ~esx2rn Dcbaxir* o Kansas Ci men -folks on -the Jews. -There are "today, only ;appcrqsi- .hmcheon -for "liiss .J^ewmeyer T7edclosed zzzziz rreak-end in sr. effcrt xo =r=i~ k .nesday. "-Sirs. LHas .'Hcibman, a -pej- committee, vrhich mately 1,000,000 Jesra -^ho i the chssrpicr-Eaip trc^-i sonaliriend jat;thesociarvrorker will ': ' jnclude D r . ThUip" ainsi fcr ivro years . I n t h e space of trwenty-iive ^ ,be -Sinner -hostess a x d will '•.•entertain many non-JsTrs 1_ S h e x , xiiairman; k ish speaking 3 l e r dormg her ..stay in Unialia. I . -' • ~Wm, L. Holzman, the "number grewjfrom 100,000 on 1S75 to 1J100,The - Tcmrm series • is •. sponsared iah r.ei^hb3r3 frail an argsnired anaSemitic atiael:. ™* " * " ~ ..Ttfa-r Parish, T*r." Q00 j n 3.900, xeaching rthe. tiignre of Liointly hy the Jewish Center :ana t h e ' Council - of ^ " jHeyer IBeber, IRab- J2jo00,000 at t h e -present tune. "While t h e mnmber :oi;.: ^English "Women. Their -programdhiis far this "Bi I5rederii± Coha, Rabbi Thxvid A . 'speaking Jetrs constitute only^sixteen season 'has 'met 'with Goldstein, Philip -31." jierSnt a n insniase jier-cent, an increase i s predcted predicted an : •Silvermah,' Tisw-nf the ziact -that :mora-than : 8,COO.COO-Jaws tnday Jive i n a n -English A. ^ccsi »itns> will lbs had l>y a l l •speaking environment. T h e ifntuxe j ia&srs and E,=a:. 'rzeividsd the xish I generations-vnll-ih^refore ..speak IEngtlie anti-Semitic crtcontiicka is avoided i n the Taat- [aishcas their native tongue, it is "fore-! ter^ of xi£iai?_: rsservafiuns i n ad- least, -• •- • •-.-'.vance BI Ike dinner. -3n irrevious ]"_ '"- ''• • • . jyears many iatlt2rs"-.thsiighi cf tb™ ,' a.—(J. T . A.)—A .society treat to :thcir -sons afcicst -at the" for'.transferring "Polish Jevrs to Jast • moment. The coniiuiiies s a ; Spain for settlement there has aiounces ;ihat*"rfissryations i o r the . been established :in "Vihia. it Is dinner nn SunEay evening, -Noveih- . reported.m the *^rihia Courier," hexJ22nH, vrill'hi closea cnHIiursSirs. INettie Cherniss. "78, ~pnssed . a "Jevrish daily. . ,. Hay evening, TTvovemfaer ^ISth, -and those -swishing* to'"aitend :the ban- -away TTsdnesday -evening ;at" the . T h e report states that -the quet should malre-their .ressrraiioss iiome of "her daoghter, JHrs. ZFTarry :movement -VKLS .initiated. by a either isefore or on that date, ijy Soldstrom. She Jiad -been a -rssident -^Vilna Jew, jyx. Gotixied, ofOmaha f a r 45 :years. Timeral wxiiing 1 or -Dhunmg • -the .Jewish" .declares ,he i s a .personal "friend "services are heing held a t :the Jewish .Community _ Center^ The death ef Dr. T>avid Grcss, ZZ. xn former."President.Zamoxa of IFuneral £Home a t 10 a.rm. rthis^mornwho died EILLCCHIV in Glcr-wccd, en ing. Burial --rrill he .at -Fischer's -Spain ,and o&tainsd t h e mesesTempk? Israel, Tvill" be toastmaster of "JTarm cemetery. Thursday, 2\overabsr 5, crme as r, rsary concessions from the Span-..-..._ ..•the evsning and vrill present to tlie shock to Omahcus. A Ilascnb ±s.She is survived, hasides-.her-daugh.ish government to settle the atccmled fcy Iiindrtids ci Tianqueteara a ijrogram of unusual ter, by two sons, X*ce Cherniss and .on the-land. . •' as held in •merit and "interest ±0 both fathers and Xeonard Cheniss, "both nf- Omaha. morning, and ke was ctrried at the s .assembled there that evening. Sam Bwarbi vdll ^peak for the fathGolden Hill cemetery hire tha zn^iit ers and Albert Stein vrill respond i o r afternoon. Serviee? were a t fhe Jevrfile .sons. There vrill be plenty of funsral iarsa, with ILabai David Eongs, led Joy Jilrs. David Goldstein. A. Goldstein officiating. Thrneas "Wintroub i s agam Eeleetmg T>r. Grors was gnidiiitai f J c •newest and choicest -movies for the Creighton -coilrgE of meJicine i s i~~, "Idddies (young and old) and 3Iax v.-here he was an honor stu^rrt. He •Barish i s .preparing a spechil "treat, interned rrt the St. -the Jiature of vdiich he -will mot di- Atlantic City.— ( J . T . A . ) — l e a c e i .Judge 3Iack in'his cpeningaddress -vulge until a l l ^he reservations are in, in "the -Zionist movement after seven- j called for peace and emphasized his 2.9D, •guests "seated and .^sadet. teen vmonths of pariisan strife, was j belief that "the convention woiiid see j g e ^ survrrad b s vife, ^.thil. assure'd, a t least -on i;he .surface, l i t s w a y "to .creating harmony :in tlie and a three-year-old s Lsonard; hi? ] when the thirty-fourth anniTal con-' movement. mother, Sirs. H. Gross of Omsis.; f cirr" •vention of -the ^Zionist Organization zs, ilrs. 3.. £. Zrovitslrv, IJlSv. SzoM Tlszfs fox Unity of America approved 2. coalition adXovers of "2ion jaust ccinpo. ministration of ten presented t o i t difierences; they must set by the Committee and miiie in fe furtherance nd Oscar Grczts of Cii:;r™o. The personnel agreed unon the" quarrels xa Sis after *len"thv ^ 1 3 l e fitcrnal "P^mcipies 01 ZiznC ' ism,""wns the -note sounded b> Scbsrt delibazation was presented to" the Convention hy louis Xipsky. former SzoH. The convsnticm adopted president of the Organization, vrho expressing co-opsrstiox. "rrith the fiovsnnnesit Jsliist Accord Higlit also offered a declaration of prin- "tion ciples which -will animate the group. leadership of Nahum "Sokolow, jrrer* to JPxasilzs ID 3jjHeiB of Judge Julian W. Hack is to bedent of the World Zionist DrgankaA iectura CGHISS en 'S^isle Acrreiion. Xater v.-hen Judge honoraTV -president under the agreeiioned the jiame ox Dr. Chaira. ment reached ~srith Xouis liipsky and " servative IBndapest;—(J. 31. decision, Dr. Stephen S. V.'ise -vice--presidents. mann, tl.e convention xoro in a ^ be cciiiucKii r j HabLi DaviJ -which it is expected will have a diar- lEohert -Szold aresxxains chairman ox taneoTis tribrnxe to tlie f orrr.er -presibing effect on_ Jewish stndents the Administrative committee vrhiie dent of the T7orld Zionist DrgCTiss- otii^"1* _i_x2~-*"^ 1 v ^^Oi'iii^'^ **t iO°C^ ^^ xy are-rienms of tlie jmrnenis clau- Habb' Ahha Sillel Silver and 3Iorris tion, interrupting Judge Hn " ' at the J. C. C.. '::T» sus, was -handed down fcy fhe Jlun- Jtoihenherg are the Trice-chairtaen. oress for five minnt? and concluding the singing CE Saiilrvali. garian .Supreme Court, vrfian it or-Judge "William M. Xewis is to ba tlie dered the government rto accord the diairnian a£ tlie "Uation-1 U s a M i c a rdiritatcs Z t bs frte to cf lune Ic^t-jrr^ a -right t o practice .to a Jiolder^ of a committee, "with Jacob de ~Enzs as The convention r£r>pted by zzziz ioxeign. jnedical diploma. vice-chairman. Xoais IP. Usdzer Is to-ation a xcsahiiiGS .Sitting in the case of a Jewish be the chairman of "taeTTnumce xomXouis D . Urandsis en physician, Dr. ZHupferstem, mittee and IHarry "Fierce, treasurer. fifth tnnsrrsnuTy "wbicb. GCCUTS iroaght an action for damages Abraham Goldberg is eliminated emfcsr IS. T h e rerolotian -reads xis j 01 against the Sangarian state, which from "the -administration upon the de- follows: Jie ssid had debarred -him ±rcm prac- mand of ^he Xipsey jprcnp after ~ "Dn the ^.pprcacis nf_yozrr ~zrzr.tyiicing Ms pxofassion, an -&s ground severs contest. fiffa "airthdey ^~ ±hat Jie i a d a foreign diploma, ihs"Before presenting its •final typaeg Supreme Court -xevexstd the action ol immt Ihs Commitree of Six TcMdiiiSii £aitii in your Icadarsiip aux» i s all th~ lower courts. Bean appointed to iifayj airout the appreciation year i Tlis casern Dr.Xnpfeistein is typ- TeccmcEkiticTi of i l l - opposiiig tjxirtxs •ieai of-a -considerable nuniber of Jew- in Ihe inovcnicr.t, delibzratoi en s ish professionals who haveiiaen com- proposal to x.nsi3 a pzaaridiora of pelled to go ahrsaii 'to ~B^zaxe theirfbrez to consist oi Itc^srt Szold. jjrofecniQnal education fecauss o f i f e Xonis Xipsey and enforcement of "n3naerus , clausus. maim. l l a n y of them have b^zn xefusesl psr-1 The fonaaliy cusamission to practice upon their xstoro esX fcy •±0 Sungary. Tlie Jlspixastcin d-cis- -px^zznza of . i k t n ihrc_ li don, i t is bd'eval, will ret an impx.i~ delegates and «.r2 than CZB
v Center
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In Concert
. "Figuratively speaking-," continual , Nordau, "the Jew Is constantly, hol-iir.jr his hand in front cf his no;e tc hide its peculiar cquilinity, which r.?By DAVID SCHWARTZ caliarity, by the way, he shares v ;;": the £ll-conqaerir;g Sonians of c*.;. Why be ashamed of our natural, £.-••. i WHISTLING ZIONISTS : The Zionists of America are gath- above all, national characteristics" ering at Atlantic City at a time when No, let us develop them, on the c?-IGtcken Chats spirits are not soaring. Tha whole t trary, form them in the right mo'.'.-, world ssems all enveloped in clouds ferae! -will bs herself again. Thip :-By and the Zionists have to do a lot of the true essence cf Zionism. iilr&M. Newraan whistling to keep their cearege up. POSTILITY OF GENERAL Let me, therefore, effer them a bit PRESS of reminiscence which may make it a Bet despite the Nordaus, there vr.= • .--THANKSGIVING little easier to whistle. Let me point little enough sympathy that the E x Vv'ith the scent of burning leaves' out the fact that Zionism isn't the j • and the first-nip of frost in the sir only movement that's having its dif- ists £-ot—except from the small coone's thoughts turn to Thanksgiving ficulties. That's -a sort of negative terie cf enthusiasts. If the Jev:?:h press was largely hostile, the rrnand the annual family feast. The of enccarageraent, to be sure, Jewish was mere so. They fHf.r". traditional turkey assumes its right- form we Jews know that the negative \rarat the Jevcs among them, yc; ful place • and the dinner is built but plays a tremendous part in life. The seesningly were not .smxioiT.s to ret around this piece <je resistance. Ten Commandments are negative. We them to emigrate to Palestine. • -' i Jpruit'Cup Jews have long known, that say what Beef Eau&jlon Saltines J you will against negatives, two nega- A non-Jewish paper in Nashv"!"-c thus ridiculed Zionism. "The Jcv= Olive's Celery tives r:ake one affirmative. are traders. They lire largely by Uoast Turl;ey Cranberry Sauce H A G U E A N D B A S L E •, • , their vrits, by the sharp bargr'n? : Candied jSweet Potatoes . But the movement' which "I have'in 'which they drive with others. N.-v-. t Imperial Salad I Blitz Torte; ffi[-' ; Tec-Nuts mind,"in .^articular; jBSt;.iK>v;, which, if instead of living off others they j Myron Cohen, 14-yenr-old son of I Bouillon-^ pounds .beef, 11-2 "it" seems to'".me,'.should? offer in;-its have to live eff themselves, they are |Mr. and llrs. Goodman Cohen,, will be ! quarts cold water, I tablespoon salt, history, some solace, to the Zionists apt to have a pretty hard time of It. ja featured violin pokifst tX a concert > 1-3 cup carrots, 1-3 cup onions, 1^-3 is the international peace movement. When Greek meets Greek, then comes | given sX the Omr.ha J.'usik Verein, 17 By JACOB D E HAAS f! cups celery cut fine. Cook 5 fo 6 In 1808, the Czar of Russia, called the tag cf •war, and when JCTT meets j ana Cas>, under the direction of Prof. On October 13, one month prior to There was a report that was pre-after he had assumed, in 1914, the hours. Strain "and serve. the .first world congress to deal with Jew in a trade, well, it is apt to be jF. A. Kern, on SuiHt&y evening, Nov. : y g his seventy-fifth birthday, and on pared for him a year ago. He Shad responsibility of chairman of the the question of international peace. a regular-Kilkeeny eat-fsg'bt. In the j15, Candied Sweet Potatoes—Boil 6 5 at about the twenty-first anniversary of left his copy in Chatham with some Zionist Provisional Emergency Com- large potatoes until done. Peel and That was the first overstep towards art gallery at the Centennial there is jpupil rr«.?/J.ack. Jiaster Cohen, the cf Frank will be our first Zionist discussion, I called, other papers. He knew 1 had a copy mittee. The amount of time he de- slice them. Put. in a dish -with 4 the bringing about of international a picture called "A Hot Bargain at ipauied at the pia:ie l^- Aiiss.accomBetty votes to Zionist affairs is more comon-Justice Brandeis in Washington, of. it and some other documents and tablespoons butter or crisco, cover peace. The Czar cf Russia was led Cairo." It represents two old tradD. C, for one of those periodic dis- had • written for them, . The whole pressed since 1923. He avoids during with Karo syrup.' Bake until syrup to that step by a book written by a ers in Cairo. Egypt, bargaining' for a FellEan. Ke v.-ill plsy "Der Sohn Der Haide" cussions on Zionist affairs that have matter Was in His mind in logical se- the period the court is in session, the is candied. Russian Jew, Ivan Blioch, a great horse. Evidently each had raet its (The son of the steppes), by Keley been the pleasure as -well as. the rou-. quence. He had worked out precisely fatigue - of frequent conference in match, it is Skinflint against CloseImperial Salad—-Drain the juice economist and railroad builder cf tine of these two decades! Not a •wor.d the possible balancing of cause and which .he Jndulged freely daring the from 1-2 can large pineapple, add fist, the irrestible body comingRussia. /.iany fatereKtinj: numbers wiil be passed in reminiscence. We addressed effect.- As he planned it he left noth- war years but on the other hand he \ tablespoon vinegar and enough water At about the same time, the first against the immovable. Something: ourselves immediately to a problem ing to chance or what is often worse devotes all of his summer vacation to to make a pint (2 cups). Heat the world Zionist congress was convened like this •would be the case if the on the prog-rr.ni. A <te.r>ee and social thai interested us both, a question misunderstanding. That discussion ;Zionist reading, Zionist thinking, and mixture to boiling and dissolve in it at Basle. Jews all had to live off one another.*' •vril! follcv: immciiirtelr ?Xter the prothat has to do with some tomorrow ended the session" was practically •the receiving of .Zionists, "who -wish to 1 package lemon jello. As jello be- The international peace movement The public h",~ bnc to and the day after, and yet may not over. We talked of other things, consult him. This summer, largely as gins to set add -3 • slices diced pine- and the Zionist movement were born THE LAST LAUGH attend. prove unrelated, to,-.the jiinmediate touching lightly on current problems, the aftermath of tKe Congress, and So people thought in the days cf 2 perentoes cut fine, 1 about the sains time. present if;vfh&t weha&> separately 'ZJoTOstic,:' iion-Zioriistic. •But--.--tb,e the political situation, he received a apple, Herd. The Jewish papers which I WCH??I! J."bor ]T.,rajirr Her© pepper cat iip i ineditmi size planned proves tangible arid prac- heart of our talk was this one prob- slew of visitors at Chatham, but the ber cut up, 1r cup grapes seeded, 1 IVAN'AND THEODORE have quoted which declared Zionism i front Fdestinc lem and when disposed of the Zionist dedication of his vacation to Zionticable. iiBpossible are dead—but Zionism still I Golds Krfrso-, vc'J known Palesapple cut fine, and 1 cup chopped Many world conferences oiv peace Had there been a listener present leader soon disappeared in the ism is part of his fixed program for celery. Turn into, a wet ring mold have been convoked since that first lives. The non-Jewish paper which j tine Jewish If.brvr leader, has arrived he might have been impressed with justice, busy with the duties of his years. to set. When ready to serve turn out Hague conference, yet peace is not could see Jews only as Skinflints and | in the United St-tfS IT the interests the rather dry, -wholly unrhetorical office. The Brandeisian leadership in on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves. Serve here. Yet "who doubts but that, it Closefists is dead also. Nearly. 200,000 Jews are in Pales- ! of the TTomeft'5 Pioneer Organization. and undramatic exchange of views, Zionism is avowedly a unique one. It with mayonnaise. will ultimately -win? Hal? and Heartyand the easy give and take of "our They hare a university there— The ii?eord, despite all the does not fit easily upon the Zionists, Blitz Torte—1 Cup flour, 3-4 cup And if Ivan Blioch shall ultimately tine. conversation. Next he would have He looks at seventy-five hale and for they are of all groups perhaps sugar, aad schools. They are civilizinjr and i reverses is not a bad. one. triumph, who shall say that Theodore 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon been amazed—and this amazement hearty, tetter if I may tell him so the most readily vocal, and he is the baking powder, 4 eggs, 7 tablespoons Hersl may not? dominant influence of the new Pales- I Even Moses h&c, to mark time for holds good for nine' hundred and in print, than he looked a year or "silent leader." It would probably not water, 1-3 cap mazola or butter, 1-2 tine. j 40 years in the wilderness, ninety-nine- out "of every; thousand two ago, as keen arid alert as at any sit easily upon any other public teaspoon vanilla. Sift and mix dry NICK AND WILHELM On the 'whole, I should say, thei (Copj-rig-lit, 1SS1, by the- Jewish TeleZionists^—at Justice Brandeis* com- day during these twenty-one years movement, Jewish or non-Jewish, for ingredients, add beaten yolks, water jrmphic Agency, Inc.) Ivan Blioch was able to obtain the Zionist visionaries have had the last plete mastery of the details of a com- that I had been favored with the op- Justice Brandeis, an unusual type of and mazola or butter. Bake in two support of the Russian Czar to back paratively obscure piece- of "work portunity of discussion and talk with American, and I know of no man in layers until slightly raised and some- his dream. Fantastic enough, that which he desired to employ as the ful- Mm. Nor on reflection do I see much European public life who corresponds what . Take from the oven, cover a-despised Jew should get support for crum of a new leverage for Zionist change in the manner of his approach to him. There are of course every- them set. with stiffly beaten whites, add such a measare from the most reacachievement in Palestine. to problems which became familiar where scholarly men remote from the 1 cup powdered sugar, mix together tionary of monarzhs! crowd, somewhat immured and dis- (as a .merangue) and sprinkle But not more fantastic than that tant. Bnt such men, as a rule, da chopped walnuts over both layers. Theodore Herzl.. should . be rsceived not play a part in the life of the Return to oven, bake 25 minutes .Emperors and:Sultans. world, and have no great concern longer. Remove from oven, put to- byThe sponsor of Blioch lost his with the trivial of current existence. gether with a chocolate filling of 3 throne and a Bolshevik firing Nor do they accept as the axiom of tablespopons cocoa, 2 caps powdered squad. Butfaced the Peace idea g-oes Brakes and Vjrhccl .Ah>nr.-( life, in all its phases, that "arithme- sugar, 1 tablesjjjjon vtnazola or but- marching- on. tic is the mother of safety." Bran- t 1 taspoon'^nfila'antj coldblack Wilheljn srsd: Abdul who conferred UT DOWN the -wash board cold,black deis on:*th*e contrary is ^possessed of ter, 1 teaspoon £ " • .''• Are'Your Bruges adjusted eTcnT with Herzi also iost- their thrones. — ICK DP tiie telephone call AT an unquenching interest in the life of coffee to thi^r" out- ' S e r v e " -crith Zionism Does yoar ccr steer 'hard ? too will probably go marcha garnish of whipped crean^ .and 2815 for a better and more economical the world, and inore particularly and ; Does your car shimmy? ing on. chopped nuts. > ;-:._ precisely he had dedicated one lobs Does your ear weave "ir, the road ? laundry serv?r.es. of his brain to Zionism. Do your tires wear on the side? SHOW ME YOUR TONGUE, Jewish communal liquidation which SAID NORDAU CHAS. PLAY-SAFE—DOST TAKE CHANCES., There is nothing vague or general -is now in process. The forecast came SIMON It was about 1895, I believe, that Everything -washed sweet and clean. Flat ;abont him. There is, therefore, noth- easy to him for he had no need for ™«^t- -neatly ironed and-folded." Wearing 1XSPECTJOX FEEE ing vague about his Zionism. It em- the gregariousness and luxury which Herzl wrote his. Judenstaete and apparel and towel? fluff dnea 8c per lb. braces a knowledge of every phase of made the boom delightful. In the showed it to his friend, Max Nordau. c AIE Work rn-'j"- «i]|H-vis : <ir r' f « . '< -- ^r-ain<><: Men 10 /o discount ^Thursday, Friday and it, an interest in everyone of its Jewish field he had no craving for And Nordsu, who was a physician Saturday rt». r. ; i i •pnifnt, manifestations and a very precise splendid temples and centers, because as well as writer, said to his friend: of ?.cv H:.-!,»> vr.C n . y knowledge of most of its many rami- he not only felt that they would . "Herz-el, shovr me your tongue." Shirts Hand Finished 12c each fications. Just, as carefully as on prove : distressing burdens, but they But if it was insanity, as Nord'au CHAS. SIMON RECOMMENDS THE January 5- of, each-.year- he sends in wereall morecr less obstacles to him first believed, then the insanity must bis membership."dues to the Z, O. A., on that road which all Jews should have been of 3 contagions character, ^ i and has. done so since he joined in follow—the road to Zion, or at least for soon Nordau had run up a similar temperature. 1912/ so he reviews every report, the road of its redemption. reads every letter, and stores in his TURNING THE PAGES Few men are single minded in their mind every salient fact, not'' only devotion to an idea; fewer can culti- History offers yet another consoabout the American organization, but vate that habit. Few men devoted to lation to the Zionists gathering at about Palestine, and the world politi- a study of detail manage to hold on Atlantic City. If they feel that sentical situation. His meticulous pre- to first principles. The trees never ment today is not favorable, let them Phone AT 2815 2815 Farnam cision is the spur that drives some, obstruct the Brandeisian vision cf but turn the pages cf the newspapers and has cast many by the wayside. the wood. He may let you lead him and see what the leaders of opinion Few, indeed, attempt to follow him, on.and on for hours—at the end he felt about them when Herzl first for again, unlike most Americans he will be examining the axis on which broached r'. his project. does not disspiate his energies by all the talk revolved. Because of this The Jewish Messenger and the Hecultivating , a variety of interests. there is a tendency to interpret and brew Standard were at that time the Courtesy compels him each year to explain his answers, or his letters, or two leading Anglo-Jewish periodicals : , l < i f ' .write in answer'to hundreds of Jew- to regard them as oracular. In in New York. ish invitations that "the duties of the Reality he has expressed his thought court precliide" his "accepting 'invita- —-a very.. simple, one perhaps, but The Jewish Messenger"said: "Ziontions,. Jhut;'.JLJielies©"that *i£ Ihe^.was there is neitner spore nor' less to it, ism is-'a dream of delusion. 'Judaism free ox ibejpne'rorisJdutiesVbf' the su- than what-he hssisaid. That reflects in'America'will have none of it." : V preme .court,, he would ..answer, that itself again in his Zionism. He lias The ' Hebrew' Standard wrote: other obligations "preclude" his at- enlisted for life. Dark days, bright "There is a continual tircus-wagon j HIS Doudr: tendance. For his Jewish interest is days, there is a job ahead—let's go on going the rounds. Some people never know when it is time to jump on. The wholly Zionistic and pro-Palestinean. . with it. His creed is as simple as latest is the proposed formation of .a Zipnism has priority with hint—both that. 'Jewish colony in Palestine, where cur mentally and otherwise. Here, he people c&n rule and govern themsays, is something well -worth,doing; "Discipline" ' T something that can be done, and that ; Facing the Zionist world at seven- selves without being subjected to the tyranny and despotism cf a powerful can be achieved. He does not inter- ty-five, if he permitted himself a THINGS TOEAT pose a resolution. He goes ahead, at slogan, Mr. Brandeis would probably government. Ex-Register Levy, K&bonce. At. seventy-five -he .writes, in- repeat what he wrote me a month bi Klein and others were .the speakj stantly; the: letter ,tMtt;-need?7to be ago, '"men, moriqy and discipline" ers for this .movement and they inwritten, -answers -the question that could do everything we need to do. sist imperatively that New Ycrlc City X , ! I I1 merits immediate answer, and finds "Discipline" does not mean obedience. must take the first step and that -' ! I f l i f means, "put up the cash." Gentlej time to encourage the crestfallen and It implies self-discipline, orderliness, the weary. And there is always a regularity, and individual accuracy. men, this is fcl de rol: Look around I 2924 Lsavenworth word of appreciation for those who . There is another front to him, too, you. Help your starving brethren at ] actually.: do things, who "follow as a Zionist, not merely the man who your own door." . JAckson .9408 through" and make good their volun- searches deeply into the how and why Remember both of these papers tary promises; If a thousand Jews in of a problem, or the man who has a quoted.•were Jewish, not Arab papers. the world responded to every situa- word of encouragement when all Against such opposition did the first • " r - ** ,«. ^ tion as promptly as he does, thinking looks dark and dismal. There is a Zionists battle. And Ncrdau came; as precisely as ne does, Palestine Branded that very few are privileged out in a statement against vdiat he j •would have -been, overwhelmingly . to know, a Brandeis I saw at Alexan- called '" the gentle rabbis of Germsisy A :-*-FIodr'-: known- for Its •marvelous hakmg qualities. Jewish by this time. •••/;: '. dria in Egypt, at Government House and tha United States vrfeo. have been Tbe favorite where economy Is watched. For ©nsar . t in Jerusalem, and in Paris; a po-psoMRjj .our efforts." - -•"•• ' " * ; • ' — « S Flour bakes' more Issves gsr sack — and eliminates Quickly•• T o u c h e d i n - -: . -.: Brandeis who has - said his word, en LETTEBS TO. NORDAU costly baUing failures. occasion in the United States. That '.[Wrote Nordau: ''The' antisemitic i Jewish Matters - , is the forthright, vrfiole- propaganda has turned 'people mzd ] ., Those who Lave described-Mm as •Brandeis hearted outspoken and direct cham- in • Germany •• and Austria, and there austere and forbidding know nothing •pion":qf'.therj.ewishipieople'. '.It.Is this of the" man. He-.is " "as. emotional ' as spokesman"of Israel, "fearless'in great seems ''to be 'no prospect cf a change most of us, and in Jewish matters affairs, and'"silent-leader" from day for the better. Altho so one can se- , more quickly touched than many of -to day, that I salute-on his seventy- cuse -the, certainly of being a parasit? , or a money-grabber, say mail is ofte: . us. Feeling with him' prompts the fifth birthday. S. M UV-J > : weighed down with insulting aac-nj- J thought—I have listened. to him re- (Copyright, 1931, by the Jev»isli mous letters from the other side c f j hearse the whole gamut of Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) the' Rhine. Ho-sr many Jews there ar; J woes in explanation of Jewish weaknowadays who think it necessary ±cr j ness ,and .waywardness—but when their material welfare to der*" "their j crisis reason steps in then rlogic is en- Berlin.—-A new gevcrr.nicr.t g chroned" and mathematical accuracy in December which rail bJin Hit- race and religion when In the pres- • guides -the-'action-. - That -shapes a lerite party into po^er, vras prodict- erne of Gentiles. It is like a bull thai Brandeis different from ids-'- neigh-1 fid_by the Nazi Jendcr* G.' Slrscscr, covers himself --itli a horse's hide Err*. bors. He foresaw-the'-Woi-ld liquida- { ~Jt'2jUQ in the Bo.-lin StOli Tdncz. things- the fre/ud Trill not "be disco?-' tion-when-the-beora was "at its lieiglu-,* —-~C~tC Fulls SLCT^Iy Z2. ereel, forgetting all the ^vhlle-that the • and that forecast jscladed all that' Czacho-Sl©Y2ld& horns are protruding.®
ty tfte
ness; -is
PAGE -S—THE JEWISH-PUESS/FRIDAY; NOVEfi?BER.-.13,rl93JL. Mrs. A. t. -Kulakofsky, fa honor -6* >f, the marriage of their daughter; l . and Mrs. Krupinsky, incelebraion of "their marriage.
Chaplain Refutes Charges Made by Hitlerite Newspaper
Henceforth the paper will appear only twenty-four times monthly, oiniting editions oji the third, eighth, thirteenth, eighte:ath, twenty-third Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The '?Emes," and.^twenty-cightli cf each month. Jewish Communist daily, which has The ^general press in Moscow conbeen vigorous in its campaign against tinues* to a'ppear sever* days; weekly. the Jewish declassed and the Jewish The cautious seldom err.—Confuereligion, has adopted the five day 1US. week.
Maurice Heurasn •was elected Mayor! •unemployment relief lies been tenof Jackson, Michigan, winning; overjdered tc tlie Special. Gifts Committee ef E&acatioa • • Washington.—Rabbi Abr£in, Simon his opponentfcya rote of iwesty-one j of the Governor'.? Commission to raise . ' . . " • • I $S.SOO$OB for unemployment relief i& was elected president of the Board •to one. of Education for the' District cf .".Mr..' Herman is President of j the state c>£ Illinois by Julius BosenTemple Israel of Jackson, •-' - j v~ma, Jewish philanthropise, •Columbia.' ' - •• Kr. Eoscnv-sid's contribution is theQuarter MIHicsi for largest which the committee has thus lew Elected'Mayor ©f far received and is contingent upon Tows five other gifts of similar amount. Commissioner | CMc^go.—A gift cf $250,000 for Jackson, — C i t y
Ralibi Siiapa Heads Board > ,
A Student Sabbath honoring out-towu, Jewish students attending chool in Omaha will be sponsored by the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary at the Conservative Synagogue. _ Members of the Auxiliary will act as dinner hostesses in their respective homes preceding the service for the tudents, which will. be held at the synagogue at the J. C. C. on Friday, I December 4. • •- • i
, Berlin.—<J. .T. A.)—The allegations o£*:the Hitlerite organ, "Voelkischer Beobachter,"- that" Jews, in Great Britain eluded ,war. front service by obtaining" job's in' the adniinisr trative services and the labor batitalion," were vigorously repudiated by Rev. Michael Adler, . Senior Jewish Chaplain to the British forces during . As its first major activity * of the the war, in response to an inquiry year, the Senior Council of Clubs of "from the Union of Jewish ex-soldier: the J. C. C. will hold its Chanukah in Gernlany; ' arnival a t . the Center on Saturday . . Rev. . Adler declares the statement evening, Dec. 12, at 7:30. The entire of the anti-Semitic organ to be totally Center.will be given over to the Coununfounded, asserting that 80 per cent cil for the evening, and rooms on all of the 50,000 Jewish soldiers in the floors will be occupied with various British army saw active service on activities by the constituent organizathe front line.. tions of the Council. The Jewish soldiers fought side by Prominent members , of Omaha's • side .with tli eir non-Jewish comrades Jewry will be hosts and hostesses for and shared all the perils of active the event, .which will be the first o£ service. The administrative service its land, ever held in this city. Speccontained only a handful of Jews, and ial displays of Jewish literature, and in the Army Pay Corps there were ceremonies, stunts, a-half-hour draaltogether two officers and 176 men matic sketch, dancing, and various rewho were Jews, out of the total num- freshment and game concessions . are ber of 50,000 Jews in the army. Thesi among the items planned for the evefigures give us an idea, Mr. Adler ning's entertainment. ; •. , states, of the number of "Jews who - As a special feature, a carnival ediwere in active service. tion of "The Megillah," the Council . The Jewish population of the Brit- publication, has been planned. This ish Empire was in 1914 estimated at will be the second edition 6t the bul420,000, of whom 275,000 were in the letin, the first having been published United Kingdom and the rest in th week. According to present Dominions and India. The 50.00C lastplans, the special issue will consist of Jews who joined up constituted eight pages, and will be distributed therefore, 11.91 per cent of the total to all patrons of the carnival. number of Jews who were British \ citizens^ 'Eleven thousand men—" Tickets have been on sale for the about 20 per cent—were in the non- past week, and from latest reports are increasing rapidly. combatant forces. Two thousand, on sales hundred and ninety officers and men Awards are to be presented the club were in the Eoyal Army Service and the individual selling the greatest Corps, 360 in the Ordinance Corps, number of tickets. 1,400 in the Royal Army Medical " Sam Epstein is general chairman Corps, many of whom were Idllec of the . carnival. Ida Blacker is in while attending the wounded in the charge of ticket sales and Joseph frontline and 2,300 were in the Eoy- Solomonow is handling publicity. al Flying Corps. Of the 260 Jewish flying officers, 29, which is 11 per A.Z.A.No.1 cent, were killed in action and 11 obtained the Distinguished Flying On November 23, the A. Z. A. No. Cross. To this number we must add 1 will stage a pre-Thanksgiving, getthe 5,000 who were in the labor bat- together at the J. C. C. The affair talions. Two-thirds of those in the will be featured by entertainment labor battalions were Jews who were furnished by members of the chapter born in Russian and who in the last and also by outsiders. ' Eabbi Gold18 months of the war were. sent, to stein ;will speak on Judaism as reFrance and Belgium.. In::this~way lated to'. Thanksgiving. Wrestling 39,000 Jewish men—80 per; cent of and boxing matches will also be held. the total- number of Jewi; in the Boy Scout Troup No. 72, which is army, were front-line soldiers, Eev. sponsored by this chapter,, will be guests. Adler concluded. . ,'=>-. ••;'. : their There are many surprises in store for those; who'attend-and a good time is promised all.- Food will be served by* the sponsors' wives.
• - - Senior Council
Get Acquainted Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Fit Woodwork and Painting Radiator Repairing
16th and Cuming Sts. JAckson 7640
852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. ' JA. 4811
Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and NigM
Before Buying A New Automobile It Will Pay You To Consult Max Barish
BOWLING ALLEYS 16th and Harney—4th Floor
2562 Farnam JA. 1997
ELLIS and LA EUE, Proprietors
of-JewishThe Legislative department of the Council of Jewish Women will meet at the home of Mrs. Philip Schwartz, 118 So. 31st avenue, Wednesday, November 18, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Schwartz is the chairman of this committee. ; This is the first meeting of the year, and an outlineof the work will be presented. Anyone interested is welcome to come. The Current Topics Course will meet at the Jewish Community Center, Tuesday morning, November .17, at 10:30. Rabbi Gplstein's . subject will be"Ghandi." : Miss Sara. Landman, field secretary of the Nation^ ^lOuncil of Jewish Women, was aLwsitor in Omaha this week. Miss Landman was honor guest at a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel Monday when Board members of the local Council entertained.
Definite plans for the-club's large stag were formulated at the regular meeting of the Nathan Strauss'club at the J. C. C. last Tuesday. The committee in charge consisted of Jack Adler, chairman; Sam Zorinsky, Abe Bergman and George Klein. ..The club's representatives to the Senior Council of Clubs are Millard Sigal and George Klein. Jack Adler is chairman of the ticket committee of this club for the Chanukah Carnival, to be given by the Senior Council Sunday, December 6. The club plans, as their part in the carnival an elaborate gymnasium demonstration, with the co-operation of E. M Segel, physical director. The Nathan Strauss boys have entered a basket ball team in the Class "B", league at the Center .
f • J . M: rAT.ARRT'4 Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp and Facial Manipulations - : Arthur Baildlns—208 So. 18th Down Stairs ' ' "
Sigma Kappa-Chi'-
At the meeting of the Sigma Kappa Chi Sorority held at the J. C. C Tuesday, final reports were made on the benefit bridge sponsored by the organization recently. The member; of the group have expressed their ap preciation to all who attended and Zion helped make the affair the success The Daughters" of Zion will hold it was.
Q: meeting Wednesday, November 18 at 2:30 at the J. C. C. A board meeting -will be held at 1:30. All members are urged to attend.
The November meeting of the cultural group of the.Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, was hj-l'd Monday, Nov. 7, at the Blackstbne. ""Mrs. Theodore Lewis of Sioux City was guest speaker. She spoke on,her travels through Palestine, stressing the importance of Hadassah wort, especially iiTmedical and health centers. She laid particular emphasis on the gratitude that is felt throughout Palestine for the noble work which is being done by the American chapters of Hadassah. Mrs. Meyer Friedel read an interesting paper on "Succoth.' Current events were read by Mrs. J. J. Friedman. The following contributions to the Hsdassah gift fund are announced: Mr. David Freeman in memory of his father; Mrs. J. H. Kulafcofsky, in memory of Mrs. Jarohm Kulafcofsky; Mr. .and Sirs. Jack Lincoln, in honor n{ the confirmation of their con; Mr.
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
Boston BlUIard Barber Shop ICth is Farnara
We Solicit of s. Pleasant Business Relationship,
Electrical Contractor 653 Electric Blag, JAckson 1045
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Boss A. F( Flowers For Ail Occasions 1st ITScor router elle SSoteo ATIaiiiic <
Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances Refrigerators
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Floral Displays Our Specialty
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Is'Jest I-tke'
IRENE JOHKSON .Irene Beauty Shop Facial Blemishes Kemoved
Will Slake No Effort to Secure Reversal of British Government's Decision
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Free Estimates Given at Your Home On any Slip Cover ' Drapery or Curtain Work
Specializing in Scalp Treatment MISSES EAELTZ
Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Vladimir Jabo tinsky, Revisionist leader, informe the correspondent of the Jewish Tele graphic Agency, that neither ho no; his party, will renew negotiations wit the British government for his readmission to Palestine. - Mr. Jabotinsky emphasized that h< does not wish' the Zionist executiv or the Jewish Agency to intervene his behalf. ' "Neither I nor the Eevisionisi Union," declared Mr. Jabotinsky "ever approached Mr. Thomas or an o£ his subordinates in England or i: Palestine on the subject of my vis to Palestine." "As to Mr. Wedgewood's parliamentary intervention," Sir. Jabotinsky continued, "I consider it most welcome from the political point of vievr and appreciate it all the more because it was not due t$ any initiative on the part of either myself or the EevisionisS Union, being simply a spontaneous English protest against a morally revolting injustice."
c o o
053 \rotia-Sezaia ATIaatie
"Daughters of Israel A regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid Society-will be held on: Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 2 p . m. at the Old Peoples' Home, 2504 Charles St. Please attend.
The Sign of Good Workmanship
Barber—For Those Who Are Particular
The Super Service Station at 18th and St. Mary's Ave. is pro-ad of its growth and thankful to the people of Omaha for. their generous patronage. This station com-" bines under one roof all kinds cf service for the automobile. It has 25,000 square feet of floor space and all the latest equipment to do vrork quickly* economically and correctly. This station is o-sraed and operated by Paul W. Jacobs and has a yearly pay roll of $40,000, making it the largest station of its kind, in- Omaha. The Super Service Station is : wholesale and retail agent for the Firestone Tire Rubber Co., and at this time of the year is particularly active in the sale of Fire"sfohe Uaixe:n¥s. xnis—"battsryr made and guaranteed by Firestone is a happy combination of long life, extra power and low cost. ' In addition the Super Service Station, for the convenience of its customers, never closes.
Nathan Strauss Gliib
"Satisfying the customer" has proved to be a key.to success for the Hoberman brothers, Dave end Barney, who .have .built up the business o'f the National Tire Shop,, corner" of 17th and Capitol Ave., upon that .theory. • The Hoberman brothers are celebrating their second anniversary at the National Tire Shop. In this short time they have effected a greatly increased business due to their policy of pleasing all their customers with their extra-fine services. Any motorist who is stuck on the road can call the National Tire Shop at Atlantic 6427 up till I I p. ra. for road service. They are also an authorised Goodyear service station. They service and sell batteries. "With winter coming on, we will be glad to have you drive up End have us drain your radiator, refill it with fresh water and add alcohol as needed," the Hoberman brothers stated.
AKD SLIP COVER CO. 213 So. 19—JA. 20-iS
• 45th & Fsntsa
OV-'WfeSii. Ali.-i.wKr H_.-"aJ'«!«»
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€43 1st NatloiisI Bank ' ATlmtk 2ZS7
•s V .
c \ lit'\WL W i ' :^<<i*i •
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c. ^
v si" ~t C reei,
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lies! Bottling' Co,
Drink Ideal Beverages Purest and Finest • 20:2 K B . 23th Street—\TC. C345
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10:—Nona Better At Any Price
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They pointed out that Jewish students, unable to gain admission to many private American educational institutions, are flocking to foreign Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by countries. The University of Wisconsin has nearTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ly nine hundred Jewish students and about 1,700 SIOUX CITY OFFICE are registered at the University of Wisconsin, the JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street majority from other states. "They come west beSubscription Price, one Tear - - - ' . - ...-' - $2.50 cause tolerance increases in that direction," Dr. Advertising rates furnished on application Conning stated. "But this migration creates problems. We hope these problems will be faced Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 in true Christian spirit." In the words of these DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor executives can be found the real solution to the FRANK. R. ACKERMAN - - Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - * Society Editor problem. The Jews, subjected to the soul-eating, FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent unwritten numerus clausus, raise their hue and ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Towa, Correspondent cry in vain. The answer must be worked out by the Christians converting their own members from their illogical, bigoted prejudices against 1931 5692 the Jewish people. And with understanding would . Wednesday, Nov. 11 come tolerance. *Kosh Chodesh Kislev Saturday, Dec. 5 1st Day Chanukah The report at the international missionary Friday, Dec. 11 council, therefore, seems idealistic from the Jew*Rosh ChodesH Tebeth Sunday, Dec. 20 ish viewpoint. The dubious point in the whole Fast of Tebeth _ . __ Saturday, Jan. 9 procedure is this: was the council in earnest, or Rosh Chodesh Shebat Monday, Feb. 8 is this a mere cloak with which to hide proselytiz*Rosh Chodesh Adar _ _ :? Wednesday, Mar. 9 ing activities? Frequently we have in the past Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar _ Tuesday, Mar. 22 heard of cases where supposed good-will gestures Purira __. _ Thursday, Apr. 7 were meant to be "bait" with which to draw the Rosh Chodesh Nissan -..-,. . Thursday, Apr. 21 unwary. We may, however, be doing a grave in1st Day Passover _ Thursday, Apr. 27 justice here by even suggesting this; at least we 7th Day Passover Saturday, May 7 hope that sincerity prompted their utterances, *Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ JL Tuesday, May 24 and1 if so, their motives are worth our greatest Lag B'Omer Sunday, June 5 encominum and heartiest co-operation. Hosh Chodesh Sivan Friday, June 1(> Shabuoth , ;• -Tuesday, July 5 'Rosh Chodesh Tammuz _ Thursday, July 2i Fast of Tammuz ______ Wednesday, Aug. «J Rosh Chodesh Ab
From Contemporary Pens
Movies and Tabloids are finally registering their This week Omaha has embarked on its ninth influence on the churches. Not in that pictures, annual Community Chest drive, a mighty cam- courant and static, are' affecting church attendpaign for $600,000 with the minimum set at ances—statistics on this phrase .are not yet avail$523,938 . . . a sum absolutely and unequivocally able—but in that they threaten to revolutionize needed to the last cent in order to maintain the the customs and standards of worship. Experi•city's various social and charitable institutions. ments are being made by certain denominations, Other communities have gone over the top to using the dai'kened auditorium for the worshipvictory and Omaha too must successfully solve pers, supplying the movie to convey a religious its severe problems of increasing the funds ob- or biblical theme to substitute for the sermon, tained from a people whose contributing power flashing words and fusic on the screen to dishas been sapped by the economic depression. place the hymnal." The fact that our contributing' power has., The economies in this type of worship are been crippled means that every one of us must colossal, including -the elimination of the preacher dig deep, far deeper than ever before, into his and the choir from the budget, though it may be pocket to help his brother in distress. Many who necessary to turn oh the lights for the collection. have been accustomed to give and give generously This form of service, from news reports, attracts find themselves in the position where, they in larger congregations than the standard form of turn must ask for aid. Others, too proud to seek worship in the churches has been drawing recharity, have eaten into their meagre savings and cently. The experimenters seem to hold two insurance policies until they have reached ' t e opinions;1 that the value of worship is to be judged end and now in desperation must ask for help. by the size of the crowd it attracts, and that reMen and women just as capable as yoiuand I . . ; . . ligion may be poured into the hearts or souls of all anxious to work, willing to accept any type worshippers without any intellectual effort on of employment . . ; are searching in vain for their part. If this be so, then are we indeed en something to do. They are hungry and in need the eve of a revolution in the customs and man. . . . through no fault of theirs. We will not, ners of worship unlike any change that has occannot stand idly toy while the heavy ;hand of curred since the period when prayer was subwant and misery descends on these unforunates. stituted for sacrifices. We cannot enjoy the comforts, aye, even the. luxBut such a revolution is not likely to occur. uries of life, while suffering human beings drink There is a distinction in the heart of a man seekthe dregs, without food, without clothing, with- ing to pray between a popular song on the screen out fuel and without medicine, without room-rent. and a hymn which is calculated to express a spiritWe who have steady incomes and regular jobs ual reaction. A Bible incident portrayed in a cannot keep bur self-respect unless we satisfy movie is not a religious message calculated to the basic needs of food, clothing arid shelter for convey a modern spiritual thought to the mind those who are without them . not when the as well as to the emotions. We take it that this demands on our Community Chest j have ^ been experiment need not worry-church leaders as to trebled and quadrupled because of economic ill- what they must do to convert their edifices to ness. " •:.; ..'. . ' :••'.;'•. , . .' .-> : . ": '••'.' accommodate the new form of worship. Humans In times, like these we must do' more than are not returning to dark caves for prayer meetgire, according to our means. We must-make up ings and, when they seek jto find communion with for those who formerly gave but now must take; their God, wifl not cease i cerebration.—American we must tap our reserve in order that Omaha's Hebrew. j vital -welfare needs may be met. Let every one of us fill our pockets to capacity and then "Dip Deep." WHERE IS SHYL0CK? Just like the Jews, we might say. For the Jews of America gave $56,200,870 to . /A SORE SPOT Jewish and non-Jewish^philanthropies during the ' Education, knowledge and culture know no yeai-which ended August 31. quota restrictions; intelligence is for all. These The amount, announced by .the Jewish Teleare basic truths underlying the educational sys- graphic Agency and published in the New" York tem in our country and any disvergenee from Times, is based on fifty-nine" individual gifts of them is false to the high ideals fostered by the $50,000 6r more, given to various causes, and on founders of our institution's of learning.funds raised by national Jewish organizations and If you confront any sound-minded American their local units. • with these obvious axioms he would not hesitate The sum raised by national organizations for a moment in readily admitting them. All the specifically Jewish charities totaled, we read, §30,stranger then is the anti-Semitism which is so 335,000, and individual benefactions for Jewish prevalent in our colleges and universities. The and non-Jewish causes reached $25,865,870, of anglo-Jewish newspapers have been aware of this which $20,497,120 was contributed to those of . ' acute situation for some time and have been de- non-Jewish character. Gifts specifically for Jewish philanthropies nouncing this un-Ameriean> practice lustily . but in vain, chiefly because they reach the class included one of $1,000,000 and fourteen of $100,of people where the victims are not the imposers 000 or more, while those for non-Jewish included of the discrimination. That such, unworthy dis one of §10,000,000, five <tf $1,000,000, and four' crimination against the Jews is coming within teen of $100,000 or more.; It is a record, says the New York Catholic the realization of non-Jewish groups was evi News, of which any group in Americamay well denced here in Omaha early this week. "Arrest the spread of anti-Semitism in America, partic- be proud. "But it is no surprise to well-informed ularly in.the colleges, by converting Christian: folk to hear of thi samazing benevolence cf our from prejudices against the Jews".was the key- Jewish friends. They are always the most gennote of the.appeal made by two executives of the erous donors to charity, and their institutions are International Missionary council, Dr. J.'S. Conn- among the best conducted in the land." In proportion to their numbers, this wholeing and Dr. Conrad Hoffman, at an inter-denominational ministers' meeting at 'the Y. M. C. A sale philanthropy of the Jews, believes the Boston They deplored the violent anti-semitic outbreaks Post, "constitute a record in the noble art-of givwhich were frequent in European universities last ing," and The Post wonders whether it is generalyear and pointed to American universities as sore ly realized how much Jews give to charity.— Literary Digest. ntiy. .spots in
RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York
science and the state serve in God's Epsilor, Pi, Pi Lambda Phi, Taxi Epplace as ultimate averters of evil sllon Phi and 2eta Bets Tan. This ig and insurers cf good. To them now just as it shoald be. "We are confiaccrues the supernatural function that I dent that the scholastic records of lapses from God." \ non-fratemitr men v.-ould tell a si on Bravo, Professor Kallen! We can- ilar talc. not expect the distinguished Pragmatist to be a voice -in ths wilderness of SHAAEE EMETH BULLETIN OB! contemporary Godlessness, leading the St. Louis, Mo., contains the following "toei reach" back to the living God. word to parents: "The parents who But it is salutary to have pointed out cell for children on Sunday morning to us that we have joined ourselves to are earnestly requested to co-operate idols in place of the God of tradition. with us in eliminating all honking and Perhaps the next step \rill be a recog- shouting for childrcn at dismissal nition of the futility cf these deities, j time. rtg-e before hand End a thorough-going mystical revival some designated place to meet and with a rediscovery cf God as a Per- let ths children fine! their respective sonality and Being .jvho shares our cars without unnecessary honking." life and whose life vre share. Ths modern Religious School has We trust, too, that the God-idea will many tribulations, but this is a new. be more than "the narae gn~en" to a one. Who ever dared say that parents certain technique, s. certain method, in of today ere not interested in their the human struggle for survival." children? The honks speak eloquentDoctor Kallen may utilize these terms, ly and noisily for themselves. but they cannot serve for our liturgy. The God-idea needs a more vivid and THE OLD TESTAMENT SERVES dramatic expression to become a po- as the basis for a French satire of the tent factor in moulding- individi a! End League cf Nations, There is nothing collective human character. new under the sun!
"THE CHALLENGE TO ISRAEL"! am convinced that every human being WiJKoTn Orton ft-tnn in November •NVirpmhei- "Mar-! byr William "Har has a yearning for the understanding per's" is so remarkable an article that of and communion with the infinite. it deserves consideration in a full- In many this hunger is repressed, prolength essay rather than in the limit- ducing agnosticism and atheism; in ed confine of this column. Nothing others it takes the form of interest in from a Gentile pen in the last twenty- poetry, art, music and religion. To call it fear, a sense of helplessfive years is more indicative of the influence of the Jewish tradition in ness, an elementary curiosity, or blank modern life. Professor Ortou vrites ignorance is not an adequate explanawith immense discernment, and tion. Ths religious instinct seems to though he speaks to the initiates of be as potent a factor in all of tss as both Gentiledom and Jewry, his words the other chief cravings—for food, WHAT IS FAME? IT IS AS deserve to be read by the uninitiated love, protection and the like. elusive as the proverbial wiil-of-theas well. Ludwig Lewisohn, Maurice Samuel, ARTHUR SCHNTTZLER'S DEATH wisp. Recently I was told the reand other Jewish prophets of cur day removes from modern life one of its mark of a college freshman who said have been heeded by the western Jewish literary titans. He belonged of his favorite football hero: "He is world; the Jewish message continues to the group of which Wasserman, immortal—for the time being." to burn itself into the very substance "Werfel, the Zweigs, Lewisohn and THE BULLETIN OF CONGEEGA- Moscow.— (J. . A.)—A governof the non-Jewish soul. Let every Jew others were shining' examples. Schnitdecree pr; artisans the same tiun Anshe Emet of Chicago contains peruse 'The Challenge to Israel." It zler was clearly influenced hy Freud, be sstory cf a recent meeting cf the | p1 irr ii Iv1 i iaefgf eeEc t a sraore ^"kers was issued and will fortify his pride, make him more Nordau end ethers of the modern psy- the th <"n 200.000 Jewish consciously and ideally an adherent of choanalytical school. He was Vien- Jan's Club. Not only were Hebrew j faTTn the Jewish- way of belief and life. But nese to the very core, •with all the ong-s sung, but the president cf lh<=. | T h e~^srcnrii^si+inv, mnflo en address ^dJ™^ ;•„ -T«_ i The decree, which is limited limitpd to tn made an in T He-! finalities which characterized the organization more anon. riicmocrs of fo-opcratire Rrtcls, probeautiful capital of Franz Joseph's brew. "There vr&s not a slip up in the-j many words he let loose during t h e j v i d c s : 1- Chiklron of such artisans UNDEESTANDING LIFE vanished empire. be admitted to all government is just as nsressary as the good life." He. wrote brilliantly of Jewish prob-j s on z.Ti equal basis with workUrns, and one cf his last interviews! Cicb^condactin? its sessions in raodBertrcnd Eu-sell and his disciples c speak continually of ths "good life" related to the status of the Jew to- era Hebrew! It is hard er.o-jg-Ji tfi| JS .nd their children. 2. Rent, as a sufficient objective for modern day. He dies as a Jew, and lies buried persuade the men :o sing Jewish electricity and water charges are to h level of the workfolk. But the religionist insists that in Jewish ground. He was a "Modern song's in English, let alone in Hebrew. be reducd to the The right ethics must find an auxiliary in a of the modern" and literary historians \ And for the president to speak in Ke- ers' rates. g to belongg to philosophical-mystical appreciation of will undoubtedly turn to his writings I b r e . w woald__indicate that Mcshiach co-operatives to be membership extended to at theis same j foodartisans, the universe. for further evidence concerning the had come. Needless to say. Dr. as workers. 4. Medical and somon Goldman is Rabbi of Congreca[ f The Russellitas -would affirm that dominant currents of our times. tion Anshe Emet cf Chicago. ' cial help extended to artisans by the their Humanism gives them "Undergovernment will be the same as to standing" and would quarrel with the A GROUP OF THE YOUNG FOLThe Alumni News of Columbia uni- workers. religionists type of "understanding." lowers of Prof. Mordecai M. Kaplan Here is ground for a genuine con- of the Society for the Advancement versity carries the rating of 25 fra- The decree also makes a number of troversy but it is independent of the of Judaism held High Holydays Ser- ternity houses: the first four fratern- concessions to invalids. Artisans necessity for establishing as a chief vicas at a summer resort adjacent to ities, with the highest scholarship are j reaching a stipulated ge arc to regoal of men the achievement of the to the metropolis. The services were Greek letter Jewish societies: Alpha jceive state pensions. "perceiving or comprehending life." conducted according to the Conservative ritual, and there was DO preachKEU.GIOUS SENTIMENT OR ing. We wonder if this was due to the lack of it is largely dependent np- satisfaction with the prayerbook seron temperament. We choose to be re- vice alone, or throtzg-h a belief that SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM ligions in the conventional sense in unless preaching is of ths highest accordance with our emotional bliss or quality, it is better omitted. Doubtotir family and educational back- less the iater reason was predominant. ground. Both the agnostie and the It is an interesting commentary upon believer may be correct in their re- what some of the young intellectuals spective vie-wpoints. Who shall say? are thinking today. There is an inescapable dilemma in both philosophy: and religion; it rests NELSON A. CRAWFORD WKITwholly with otrr own individual per- ing on "Goddesses of Learning" in Mr. sonality Vvhich horn cf the dilemma Mencken's esteemed monthly, narwe elect tcr grasp;:™ rates that the girls in colleges who wished to be free from the peril of WHEN I DISCUSSED RECENTLY Roman Catholic influence "may join the religion of Thomas Edison I men- Phi Omega Pi, which admits to its tioned the remark attributed to him ranks only women 'whose fathers, as he emerged from a coma for a brothers, grandfathers, husbands or brief moment: "It is very beautiful uncles of blood relationship are Maover there." I declared that the great sons in good standing.' Originally the inventor may have been prompted to sorority was known as Achoth, a Hethis utterance because the rational brew word for sister, and the badge /T • bore Hebrew characters, but despite controls of a lifetime were down. • • cc It may have been a Frendisn state- the large number of Jews in the Mament or the result of early training, sonic, order it developed a complex • • • • • or of 'public opinion accepted against against being mistake for a Jewish his better judgment. At the conclus- sisterhood and altered its name." This ion of the discourse, a Gentile free- is almost as bad as the Jewish frathinker protested on the ground that ternity which originally began with I was seeking to build too heavily Hebrew letters of strong Zionist sigupon what might have been a fleeting nificance, but who altered them to irrational sentence by a dying man. Greek letters later. But after all, T [7 In reply I said that it would be inter- what's in a name ? esting to know why Mr. Edison should JL have retained in his subconscious "GOD'S RPVALS AND ALTESNAthose ideas which were fecussed in his tives appear to be displacing him and utterance. taking -over his functions," writes Merely because the psychologists Horace M. ;KalIen in an article en can explain the specific items leading "Current Substitutes for God" in the to certain statements does not explain November "Thinker." "The modem entirely what basic equipment in our temper has been by way, of setting up mortal makeup gives rise to them. I religions with God, cults in which art,
or Under?
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FOKMAN-BATT NUPTIALS SUNDAY In a beautiful fall setting last Sunday evening at the Birchwood country Sunday, November 15 club, Miss Bertha Batt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Batt, became the Psi Mu dance. 3 p. m. Center bride of Dave Forman, son of,Mr. and ballroom. Mrs. A. _Forman. Rabbi T7. Grodin*'Adam," a play by Ludwig Lewsky and Cantor A. Schwaczkin officiisohn. Center Player's Guild. ated. S p . m. The aisle "was decorated "with tall Wednesday, November 18 baskets of fall flowers placed at regCommunity Forum. Marguerite ular intervals and the marriage was Newmeyer of St. Louis. "A performed in a setting1 of palms and Social Worker Looks a t Marflowars. riage and Divorce." The bride "was lovely in a gown of Thursday, November 19 white satin, fashioned "with long B'nai Brith. 8 p. m. Gnest sleeves and made in the princess speaker, Dr. Abraham Sacher, style. Her veil "was of tulle and lace of University of Illinois. and held in a cap of lace. She carried a sheaf of Calla lilies. The bride's attendants "were all gowned in satin and carried arm bo-v Sunday, November 22 quets of crysanthemums to match Psi Mu Dance. 3 p . H L Center their accessories. Miss Anne Batt, ballroom. "who served her sister as maid of honFather, and Son banquet. 6 p . m . or, -was gowned in green with which she -wore shell pink accessories. Monday, November 23 Bridesmaids -were Mrs. Louis Bordy, A. Z. A. No. 1 Smoker. 8 p. m. -who wore pink -with blue accessories; Sunday, November 29 • Miss Rose Forman, who was. in blue Psi Mu Dance. 3 p . m . Center •with pink accessories, and Mrs. David Ballroom. B. Bernstein, in peach satin with bronze accessories. Monday, November 30 Recreation Institute. 7:30 p . m. Mrs. Batt, mother of the bride •wore a sleeveless gown of black velTuesday, December 1 vet made with a beaded yoke, and Jewish Women's Welfare Or•wore long black long gloves. Mrs. ganization. 2:30 p. m. Forman, mother of the groom, was Hecreation Institute. 7:30 p. m. gowned in a black lace dress trimmed Wednesday, December 2 •with velvet and made "with long Recreation Institute. 7:30 p. m. sleeves. ' Thursday, December 3 Mrs. Harry Copelman, sister of the groom wore ivory crepe with green Eecreation Institute, 7:30 p. m. accessories, and Miss Betty Forman, another sister, wore pale pink satin «< "with green access orias. Albert Batt served as best man, and groomsmen were Louis Bordy, An educational program for the Morris Franklin and David B. BernJewish people of Omaha every stein. Ushers were Haixy B. Cohen, Sunday evening, beginning Carl Sokolow, and Harry Copelman. November 15. Out-of-town guests -were Mr. and Free to active and senior memMrs. L Merlin and son, Jack; Miss bers of the Jewish Community Sybil Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. Mas MerCenter. lin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Merlin, Miss Sunday, November 29 May Eozofsky, Mf. r and Mrs. A. FinLecture. Maurice Samuels, leckenstein, all of Sioux City; Harry turer and author. Auspices Batt and son, Sam, of Chicago; Mr. Center Committee on Adult and Mrs. Emil, Herman, and Miss Molly KaplaS, Columb*us,''~Neb.T-=TVrr: : ' Education. S p. m. ~" and Mrs. Nats Bordy and family, Sunday, December 13 Genoa, Neb.; Jack Finkenstefn, l i n Concert. Hazomir Singing Socolnj^il Margolis and Eugene' Mosciety. 8 p. m. kowitz, St. Louis. ••'. • ~:", After a short honeymoon trip to Chicago, the couple "will be at home monthly stags all through the fall at 3166 Lincoln Blvd. , and "winter season. E. Treller, chairman, and Al Mayer are in charge. HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB Plans are being made for a New The Highland Country club "will liave its first fall stag on Nov. 17, at Year's Eve party the club will give the Blackstone hotel, and will have at the Blackstone.
Coming Events
'Sunday Night Is Center Night"
CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY month, wO! spend the remainder cf Dansky, president of the sorority, of the six senior captains, and Miss | Miss Ann Leaf, vcha had been on Mrs. Dollie Pollack Elgatter the winter there with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Madeline BEST, housemother, Dansky and Miss Bernstein are both ] the Orplieurn Circuit, went to New host at a family dinner party at her Morris Breitfeld and Mr. Breitfeld. Mrs. Jacohs, Mrs. Charles Shire, and f workers. Miss Pizers team scored York, where her set vouhl soon open, home on Thursday evening, NOT. 5, to rs. Edward Gugenhehn, patron- j highest in the drive. Kv. ;:nd Mrs. Julius Kipper of Ch> honor her son-in-law and daughter, William E. Kaimsa is attending the esses. caro visited with their daujrhtcr. Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ScMmmel, the National Bottlers* convention at Dal- The color motif of orange End yelBose Gilbert, Omaha, ami Moliie occasion being their first wedding an- las, Tex. Junior Hedap^ah eonapiPteel i.'ians low was carried cut in the decora- Fishman, St. Jos, will be guests r.t niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Abram tions of the tea table. I the Sigma Delta Tr.u house In Lincoln for e. tea to be {riven at the EiackSchimme! of Lincoln attended the af- PHI BETA SIGMA TEA Out-of-town guests were Hiss Es- I this week-end. Returning alumni et stone hotel. fair. Fourteen members of the famiThe Phi Beta Sigma sorority gave ther Swisslosky, Columbus, ang. Miss jthe house will include Esther Swisly were guests. | loskv, Colzmbm, End Frzncrs Eirlsii-. a rush tea Ia~t Sunday afternoon at Laura Berek, Oraaia. ! Sio^x Citr. the home of Miss Edythe Dolgoff in IN HONOS OF BKIDE-TO-BS honor of the Misses Bath Shykesi and At the annual Journalism School Miss Gertrude Lewis entertained at Esther Spar, rushees. Miss Cele Wolk banquet, sponsored by Theta Sigma TEN YEARS AGO a bridge luncheon for 25 guests at her is president of the organization. Classes for girls in "Mcthercrrfi." Phi, honorary journalistic sorority, T..W A T 4. TIT home Sunday in honor of her sister. Miss Roseline Pizer was awarded hon- were organised t y tne Jewish TCc— Edith, -whose engagement to Abe HADASSAH "GiYE AND GET" orable mention in the feature wilting en's Welfare Organisation. 11":. Krantz was recently announced. Miss LUNCHEON contest, results of which vrere an- Dolly Eigutter vcr.s in charge err Shirley Schneider, Brooklyn, N. Y-, nounced during the evening. She is a demonstrated her talks -with a 1 -"rThe "Give and Get" idea, used in who is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam the larger eastern chapters, has been member of Sigma Delta Ta-a and a size doll. Krantz, shared honors. f Mr. sad I£rs. Henry Ivlonskr r " ~ adopted by jthe Omaha chapter of senior in the school of Jcmmalisn. t , Mr. aad Mrs. Eeuben Enlaliofsfcy r-On. Tuesday evening, the Misses Hadassah this year as a means of tsrtained at a ciriner at the AtK-t Eva and Sarah Taub entertained at raising their Medical fund budget. Sigma Delta Tau was awarded hon- Club for Miss Celis. Eichards cf Er* k i > r * *i a dinner in honor of Miss Lewis, and Each woman who gives or raises orable mention a t the recent Home- Jose, Calif. on Sunday, Nov. 17, Miss Sarah $10 for the fund will be the guest at Mr. and Mrs. J. I . Slosberg erireSlutzkin will be hostess at bridge in the "Give and Get" luncheon which coming Decorations contest. The decorations were based on the Ne- tained at dinner at the Athletic C.c ^ her honor. will take place in April. This lunch- braska locomotive yell. A red End t * , » t I < eon will be Hadassah's most impor- white locomotive manned by a Corn- for Mr. aad lira. Ben 7z.xmzr oT Eldorado, Kans.. who were vis;.'""" CELEBRATE "BRTTH" tant event of the year, and the guest nasker was shown about to run down I* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swarte cele- speaker will be a national officer of a baby Austin with a Jayhawk in the hsre. brated the "Brith" of their son Sat- Hadassah from the east. driver's seat. In the background, a urday morning at the Lutheran hosThose who have already raised danger signal clanged back End forth pital. $10 or more are: Mesdames Julias wamingly. Underneath the capAbrahamson, J. Adler, Max Arbeit- tion, "Rah - rail - rah - Ne-bras-ka ANNOUNCE BIRTH man, E. A. Bleieher, M. Brodkey, Sara Xe-bras-ka." Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Soskin an- Cohen, M. Brandds, J. Castleman, I. nounce the birth of a daughter, Dansky, Sam Epstein, J. J. Friedman, The Misses Ruth Bernstein, Grace Max Fromkin, J. Geld ware, Max Kap- Dansky, Shirley Ann, on November 3. iioseliue Pizer, members plan, Jack Kaufman, Mrs. H. Lippet, of Sigmaand Tau, are working en E. V. Lorig, S. Pizer, A. Jtoroin, J. the annualDelta EXHIBITS PICTURES finance drive of the Unl"William L. Holzman showed motion Rosenberg, H. Rubin, Sam Rice, Dave versitv Y. W. C. A. iliss Pizer is cue pictures .of his travels abroad at the Stern, Julius Stein, and H. Wohlner. first dinner of the Carter Lake club i —*' *•—> f «• ^ ^ auxiliary held Thursday a t the Rome XI LAMBDA TREASURE HUNT V hoteL Mrs. William Holzman was • The annual treasure hunt of tha Xi one of the committee members Lambda - fraternity was held Saturcharge of the affair. day, Nov. 7. The last clue was the new Vagabond.. Night club where a dinner-dance followed. SOCIAL NOTES MAX SHRIEK'S SONS Mrs. Archie Jacobs and her sister, The management of the clab proPhones AT 4744—JA 7S53 Miss Isabel Rosenblatt, are at the vided special accommodations -which contributed to make the occasion a Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn. success. Mrs. Sam Degan was hostess to 10 This event was tire most outstand•ruests at luncheon at t h e Fontenelle ing in the history of the group. hotel on Mondav. 's t h e enviable SIGMA DELTA TAU NOTES p a tion o u r $2 5 Mrs. Frank Wirthsafter, who has Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Taa FOR YOUR Cresses Lave-! Of course, been seriously ill at her home, is im- had as its guest last week-end Mrs. you c a n f i n d $25 proving. j Miriam H. Jacobs of Fort Wayne, dresses in most any Tnd., regional advisor and past naMiss lobby Elewitz spent the week- j tional president cf the sorority. The Etorc. but OXLT AT end in Lincoln where she attended i Tfceta chapter is in Lincoln, Nebr. HEK-ZT3EKGS CJITI TOU the Sigma Alpha Mu party. In honor of Mrs. Jacobs, the chapfind tin? iyj>e that make ter entertained at a formal tea, to yen "loot lite a milMiss Jeanette Turner, daughter of which representatives of all sorori16th and Howard lion."' Thai's because Mr. and Mrs. M. Turner, who has ties on the campus were invited. In we use sneh extreme been in Tulsa, Okla^ for the past the receiving line were Miss Grace
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GETTING READY FOR WATERWAY PLAN—-Here are two views, left and right, of a monster hydraulic dredge at work cutting out the path of the Beauharnois ship'and power canal, which, when completed, will join Lakes St, Louis and St. Francis, on the St. Lav.*« rence river, near Montreal. The canal, which will be 800 feet wide and 27 feet deep, is being constructed to overcome the rapids between the'lakes, The dredge cuts.a path at the rate of 200 feet a day. The project is a .part of the St. Lawrence waterway plan.
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Jrpr.no JO so'dicrs, Lil ied ir ti -c recent c i.asb vitli the in I'Ickds r. are boms tl-rDi-I ho ;id cf streets of Senat»:, on Cisrr, «*ppar., cs ill o-sr.*i i£ i l i e : the ron tc rf Jn-rcb, Lc rr, < Ie-
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PREPARING WOJIEN OF POLAND AGAINST "NEXT WAR"—Feminine residents of Warsaw, Poland, are shown marching in a propaganda parade staged by military organizations of boys, girls, men and women of Warsaw. The women are wearing gas masks in the use of which they are being instructed with a view toward the "next war," when gas will be used more profusely than in the last.
tach-nt rt cf rrparcr r-
duty £{ r. p". rood leodinj1 into Llukdcr to L'.ock p OS| s:blc cn t i r c£ Cl-ir CSC SO* rs.
TINY HOS1E-MABE CAB—^This home-jsade machine, constructed by E. H, Griffin,of San Diego, Cal., has unk/ tliree- wheels and a four-cylinder motor, yet it can attain a speed of 50,railes an hour, with a y load of three passengers. _ It is-said to go 45 miles on a galloa of g£5>
mr,pnscir p^ a " ^ Ciavelaid. Ec::l;l i.. Ilcr^'f, rls,"/, c-tr r"r~"c~, i'jrr.z over the ccruniotrcticij cf the city ta iiardw ii, E-!or.. ..ru city law. director, who becomes sxtirg inaycr ursh; ^ :.o^i-pc: .Icr «io»t!»-» f/>•» mayor r^nxTcr is held •held ia February. I lorrcn. Y cakny cakhy atlor-icr, electiC3,f-3r Febr^arj". Korgxin,
.may ran for mayor. /
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PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1931 I turned in -.the:'only.•• victory of the "Y" players. . Levin and Wintroub "beat Dygert and Worth, Bloom and • Eich beat Heidman and Rydberg, and Altsdniler and Sadofsky •won by forfeit from: Sherrig arid; Hawthorne after a leg injury forced Hawthorne from the courts for the J. C. C. victories.
Candle lighting tims—-Friday, November 13—-4:25-p.-m.'.
Jewish Pathologist .in-.; Cancer Discoveries
spices of the Sisterhood on Tuesday^ Blank's services to aeranautics as th* morning at the Elsckstone hotel. H i s ; founder of the Roumanian-French Ai subject was "The Moscow Road." | service.
, IT { C
Attorneys Jewish Banker Gets Highest I g 650 Omaha NntionKS 25;tnk IBnihSing an Aeronautics Avcard XOTICK BY r i X U r A T I O N OX I'liTJ
i \ S ri-4
TIOX FOil .SKT'JXEMKXT OF I'fSAl Bucharest.—Aristide Blank, promiAIXUIXISTUATION* ACCOUNT. nent <J&wisli financier, and IJI the County Court uf Douglas Ccimtf ian aeronautics pioneer, was awarded Nebraska. In the Matter of tiie Estste cf John A the highest state medal for aeronautEiefcer, l)p::<.'::sed. All jiersoits interested in s;ti<T mailer ar< ics. The medal was presented by King hereby notifiei] that tin the "Jfirli day < October, 1331, JJoilre Kk-fcer fifeO » petitio j Carol on the occasion of the Interna- in said County Court, prayhi!* That h f I tional Aeronautic conference now infinal administration account *i!?<I litre i ! l ! a ndd allowwl. l she it "Thirteen. Years Afterward" will be session here, in recognition of Mr.!>e settle*! f from her rmst r s admin is! r:
' Home. of at
trix and lhat n bearing will ha had o said petition before son! Court, on tJ-.e 'Sitday -off November. ICOl, nnii that if yo fail to appear before s:iitl Court on sh*> said 21st day of Xoreinbrr. J5J31. at i h'eioci A. M.. :ir,il contest, said petition, tt> 'Court, may •jraur tbe prayer of &iid pet
f rtwining to s:iirt srnfe asstj deterrainetl.
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C50 Omaha 'NatEaaol Bank RuHclins PUOIJ.4TE SOTICK To Brir.n Taylor, ivhcse FJHCP of resWenc is «;nkuowii a ad tipon wtni-js persait; • tXOTlCE OF ISCOaPORATlQX O1J In the.Slatter of tbe Kstate of join: H. service of summons cannot befc;:<l,it'. •-SAMGOJLD j m i l X B R I COSll'AXX U-.nh, Uece:ised. is hereby given that the creditors : VY T.THESES ' lOJOVr A t ii MEN IIVY i'KES- of Notice t h r e e . • • . . - • • v ^ U -•?'•:'••-: • . You ar^ herpby notifies' thnt on t t e 20; 1 said deceased will'moot the executor «f ENTS. that the undersigned have foraied day of Jiily, V£~,l, IIn!)jr Tay'ior. ;;s ji'air a corporation vmUer. the Jaws of.the State said estate. l>t-fore inp. County Judge of tiff filevi her petition ;tprtinsf. you in t i County, Xebntskal at the County of iNebraska. The name of the he corporap mvix ,c. " t-'ouufy, on the l!-ttn fiisf rict (.Olirt Cf l>Ol!2i;!S rjjjmly. X* Court.. Uoow, in e -X XAHUOIJ* M I t L I S tion shall be The Herman quint trampled the 1r , Kll. and on the 'lith b r a s1t a . ami reoortled in l)o<-kef 27(J o" Attorney at day jof Uecemher, COMl'ANTi' with i t s principal plr.ee off ih \ hel Kaplans, 3? to 12; the Desp Rocks day of VJ32, at V o'clock A. M..V.Tgt ~JTH, thereof, the object suul pnsyp f February, Fb business at Oinabn. Xebraska. Tee gen- d b X b k T SOI £Iectri cf which pstiiicn is in'obtain a <;ivo'r«e V L. ] 0 r eral nature of the business Io 1* tran- each day, for the purpose of presenting from you en the groend of wiifnl abniu snowed under A. Z. A. No. 100 quint, KNOW AT.1^ 5IKX BY THESE PRES1C and. the objeet nvd pnrpose for. their clsiims for examination, uiljnstmenl onment. witliotrt jnst CP.USP. fcr rwo year ir 32 to 10; and the Psi Mu five set EXTK, th:it: At a mectinp of the stock- sacted Ilf f I which this corporation is organized and and allowamt;. Three months are allowed Yen are renuired t» answer sr.kl pen holders oi the Tiu-Top Service Stores. established shall be to- lease, own. control for the creditors to piysent their claims. 1 down the A. Z. A. No. 1 combination, Inc., beW in the City of Omaha. Nebraska, tion on or )>efore th«> 2Tth day of I>ee<;n or operate the business of wholesaling or from the 21st U»y oi November. 1931. l>er. 3fl."1, or said petition against you v;i SO to 17, Wednesday jiight at the on the LTth day of OctoTier. 3331. in ac- retailing-, clothin~. millinery and ladies' liltl'CE •1 bt taJien as tree. enrdnnce with the Articlrs of Incorporiitioii ready-to-wear and general merchandise. County Jiuige. Jewish Community Center. itCI'.V TATLOK, riaintiff. of said corporation, thore were presont in or to carry on the trarle or business of all of tlie oiitsfanding stock of manufacturing, prodocinjr. bityins, sellStanding of Pra-Season League person OK IXCOKPOliATIOX OF JEWsaiii company. ing, importing, exporting and otherwise NOTICE ISH COMMUNITY CESXEB ANT> WELll Upon motion tlnly mailo, seeomlpil :in<l ilealing in any and ali kinds of clothing a r e a s ffollows: . STAISASTEB & BDBEK , I'AKE FEOBUATIOX cmnietl the articles of hieorpor-.ition of OSCAU T. DOEKR, P . M. KLITZMCK md merchandise; to bny. own, sell, leas*-, W. L . Pc. said corpomtion were rbangetl ami simendNotice is hereby given that a corporation Jc mprove or otherwise deal in ::nd with Attorneys. Psi Mn Five 21000 etl in the folloTriiic' particnlars, to-wit: real estate of every kind or character and has been farmed tinder the laws of the C5S Ojna!33*>.atJoi!nl Bank EltTs. AIITICI.E I . Ktnte of Nebraska providing for charitable with personal property including tlie Deep Rocks .... ..2 - 1000 The' name of t i l s corpomtioti shn'l he stocks and securities of other 1 corpora- and fraternal societies. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Herman Cigar Store ^1 1 .500 "AssociateO Urocers, Inr." and tl:e- trade tions;- to loan and,to borrow money .and to The name «f the corporation is Jewish AMERICAN ISA-ESTOKS, INC. ]f symbol shall lie"".\.G." 1 mate," execute and - di'liver - m o r t i s e s , Commnuity Center a»id Welfare FederaKaplans 500: Xotice is hereby girpn th;it thp under r tion. : IJpori motion »Tuly m::«Ie. seconded. anil bonds rind other securities, to secure the sigjird bffve irrcorpcniie*! lyiid^^r Ttw law^ 0 A. Z. A .No. 1 - '_• _ — 2 •carricil'"it--TraS farther resolved that the repayment of any money borrowed and The principal place cf trssnsadins its of the StaTe of Nebraska, r.s "ASIEKlrAN president- and secretary of this corpora- to take as security for the payment of any business is the City of Omah:i, Douglas INVESTORS. IXC," -whose principal plaee 0 A. Z. A. No. 100 __ — 2 tion ,t>e and they are hereby authorized to money' loaned mortgages.' bonds .iu<l other County. Xebraska. aw O!3i»eK ef cf busiuess is at O I K * : ! , Nebraska. The Rigii. file and publish said amendment ns securities, ami to <lo any and .-ill other The objects and purposes for which the Eature of the business to !>e transacted is •by law required. -. . things uei-essary to the carrying out of corporation is organized and to which afi a general invt'Si-mrnt husinr-ss, bielnSing T. The Jewish Community Center Witness the name nnd corporate seal of the principal purposes above enumerated of its property and assets shall be >le- the pitrehasse :'-Ksl sale of senirities, -nnd ; • • • M.. R t l ' T Z N S C K j nandballers pulled^ out ahead of the this corporation by liie prcsiilenr. .ittcsied and" to «lo any anil nil things- pert ainins votrd, are: (a) To engage in social, bene- the lensitss suxl holding o£ rt>a! pstaie. T1M» j CiS Cntaiii Nst'iennS Bank R)«?c j by the secretary this 27th day of Octo- to the carrying-on of the business above volent, philanthropic, and educational ac- E-Rtbfirizofi capit.-il srock is SiiMKKS.OO. r,!J of 1 Y. M. C. A. teams on the J. C. C. l«»r. 1D31. Cni'sha, Kr!)r. > tivities; (b) To c-cntralise fund-raising ac- whicli is cOBffiOH. nmi SlflO.t3O is the p r r 1 described. . " . -. for philanthropic, social and edu- valne «f each share. All stock is to l>e | NOTICE TO >re-.;-Rr.SEJ3ENT ! courts Tuesday winning three •IH'-TOP KEItVICK STOUES. I X C . authorized capital stock shall be tivities y night, g purposes, and to raake contribu- paid for when issued nn<I Eh.iH be noi;-as- I By D. W. lirrnstpia, Prpsldent. DETEXBAST ; ' a and all of said stoet shall be cational $5£(K!.0p of the th f t ""<' of four matenesr tions ro such Jewish institutious. tauses Artcstr M.- lIosrasteln.S Eessable. The corT>ort;tion shsll ecm- j To A. L. McKiHip, f.rsr. ami r>>r=i ni-m? r p -: coniii)OJi"a"jid. of "the" par* valoe ^ nnd agencies entitled to support, finaneial per sliare: and all of said siock shall be or otherwise; (c) to establish and main- menre business on Xovem!>er 6. lf«."j, and ! kiKUT!!, n iion-resiilrnr ol: the Lourry of.; \ The Force and Trumbal team In t i e PrcEcnce of: Irviii C. 11-13-41. fnlly shall conrinnp for fifty yenrs. The cor- '• . Douglas and State of 'Xv'tiraski;: paid up and ron-assessablf. .Said tain in Omaha, a Jewish Community Cen; stoc.li may be issued for cash, real estate, ter Uttildiiijr iuT tlie purpose of perform- poration slinU not sabjfer itsrtf to an in- j Yen r.re bereb-r T!»>;1tj*.Mi thnt or: t h e -4; b ; debtedness in ereess fit rwo-tfcSrils of iis I finy <->f October. itCl. tbp Mfrchams a n 4 personal property or personal services. itig g<?ner;ilir, the fenctions of a social The corporation shall commence doing center; (d) the corporation shrill lmve tlie capital stoclr, bnt Thi? restriction Kti^*} not Kan!if.-;eri;rers Secnrifies? Co. !";!••(] irs p«>jbusiness upon the filin? Of its articles right to actiuire by purchase, least', gift, spj>ly to any mortgage • indebtednf^ps. The 85ou a n d commpuced tin n^tios; i r t h e i ' i s with the County Clprk of Douglas County. devise, or otherwise, mid to hold and man- affairs; of the ocrporniion slxnll be con- . {rict Court of Doiigl;)^ County, Nehrask.!, !, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period age any and all property, re.il or per- ilTtrieti by a Bor.rd ef not less than tv:o \ apnjnst you. t h e object nnd pr^yrT oi i which, petition is to pppcvpr !he turn of of -fifty yrars from said «iatp. Tlie high- sonal, convenient or necessary for the acand Qfficers est amount of. indebtedness shall hot: ex- complishment of any of its objects. With I ceed Itro-thirils of its capital stott. but the right, power and authority to sell, Tits this restriction shall not apply ro indebt- alienate, encumber nnd dispose of said by edness secured by niortsaKes or ?iens cpon property or any part thereof, when and if he i any of the corporate property. • " such action jiwy be necessary to accom- inert: The nffairs of this corporation shall be plish any of its objects: (e) All property, ou m.inajr«l by a Hoard-of Directors consist- unless the sanse be hold as trustee for year. ing of not less tluin rxro nsemlwrs. The some specific Iwr.efif, shall constitute a any Von"ar*. req«ir*-fi«J answer «i«i annunl meeting of the corporation sL-all be trust fund for the uses and purposes here- sfocthnlflers on the nff'iTTTir.trre voi e c held on the first first y -syreU day e y of January y of inbefore tTro-thirrts cf all onrstnnfjintr stock. or defers the -.5rii Ca'r oi Noveroiw ibf t t d stated. ; h i l meeting i th t t the stoctIX WITNESS WIIKEEOF. the parties \ each year, at whicli The corporation commence business have fceiTiinto snhscri^-^f! ih^iT rntnes en j p boaurs shall elet-t a Ttaard of Directors fili T its it Arricles of Incorporation this Gth day oi Noverr,l>er. 1SS1. UEECHANTS A 3TAXTFA-CTCKK!tS cT and thereupon the Board shall elect. ;j flpou filingFl;iJ,!f:"-\ President, a Vice-President. a Secretary with the County Clerk of Douglas County, ^nd the dnriition of the corpor:iand a Treasurer. Any two of said offices Nebraska, an«' A. JI. SCITI-UETER. > e perpetaal. The membersliip may be held by one and the sarae person. tion shall be r.f: o. Vecrx s.cl of all persons who contribute l a ' These arlicles may be amended at rtny shall consist i regular or special rceetins r.f thp. stoct-' •ttwrard or pay mrpjjrtiejfsbip fees to any of •*••— --* holders by a tisro-fhirds vote of the ont- the following: Tlie Jewish Communit-j- I ; stardins stock. . . : • - . ; Center of Oroata; the <>in;!h:i VT»>lf;ire Fed- I -—— IX 3VITXKSS WHKKEOF. the parties *>ratioa and.••'Community Chest and the "<• Jewish Philanthropies. iTE hereniito stihscrihefl their names this The manageinent. e f : t h p nHalrs of the 30th day of Sep*emlH>r. 1931. rorporation shall JUTirSSAM h Ive vesied in an Esecittive j i^» to consist cf "-3 members. In ad-i if In the presence of: -• ll-G-Cl-4t. IKYIX 55TALMASTER. iseen in existence for 'K+ MOSSKT, KATLESSAS Jt GEODIXSKr, Umahn wMch \ l be entitled to ^ JKi! jnore than CTie 13" Omaha Xclionnl Bank BWg. representatlosi. . •'•
j c c spoirrs
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1KT1N C. T<EVIX 'Attorney a t I.avr. SOI EJectric Bni'ulmg
•xperienc'u tutor:, former Pin- 4 T-V-.Z ijt i,n AustriEH University |J i ill tutor Gs?r^-Kin. Letin. Greek, i*'
. Although the elections witnessed the,!.:rgest number of Jetvish voters' in. ,".ccont. years^h^numher of Jewish:: ^Mandates was reduced from five 'to
London.— <J. T. A.)—William Susmaa, a Jewish .pathologist in the Services Tonight Manchester - Jewish - hospital,- is the sermon subject upon which Rabbi aw GCiccs P.2.bbi GoMstein v/ill preach a post- hailed in the London Medical Journal; Frederick Cohn will speak this eve- [jPE.1DEXBCEG, ST&UIASTEB BSBEB ning at the Temple services. and in the English press as the disAimistice day sermon on "The World G30 OinsJia Nations! Bank I NOTICE OF IXDEBTEI>^ Struggles Onward t o Universal coverer of important treatments for Tomorrow Morning Notice is hereby friven that the in<lebte<lcancer. Peacs.". , ' . - . ' The treatments "which are i ISest Week nection -with the pituitary gland, In view of the Father and Son cele- landed as major discoveries. Sisterhood Lecture bration taking place the country over, J.EO WILSON. : Habbi Coin delivered t h e second in EfiaS a majority of the Board Rabbi Golilstein has chosen as the his course of lectures under the auDirectors. Riga.—Keen disappointment in dren.'
> I -M
NATIONAL INC. gflS! F s r a a w - A T . S52-I
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Ore! icsira
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X V?, |.: • :
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c r y % TerU
The THANKSGIVING Can Now he Cooked .. • More Delicious, Tempting, Economical Sold 071
Easy Terms
Electric CooMng: brings a new zest to the Thanksgiving meal. • Foul and other .. meats may now be eooked in their own juices. Delicious... savory and health-: ful. Cook this. Thanksgiving ineakoiv: an electric range and enjoy this inost modem home delightl
World's fallszt KsisS
ilie thsatmospiiere a t t h e Morrison Hotel. All outside i c o n s v«1th batli, circulating ice water, bedhead reading lamp, a n d Ssrviaor. Nearest t o stores, offices, theatres and railroad stations. Garage facilities. LEONARD HICKS
- These artidi-s' mny be nmended at :my
:iiiuiial or' Kpecisl laeeiinfr'called for rhnr ;5e Notice is hereby siren, that the under- purpose, isftrr snbmis.sibn of proposed j ;g;J signed have- formed a" corporation under ainer.draent, signed by at least" -•"> inomliers. the laivs of the State of Nebraska: that thirty it d i advance d f snch h meeting, i days in of to j '^i the name of said corporation Is AUSTIN the Expeufive Cominittpe. * i iph Al'AHT.UENTS. JNO, and the principal Dated a t Omaha, Nebraska, this -Gih ilny •' ,54 pljce of transacting its business is the City of October, i o n . ' i ^ of Omaha. Donglas County, Xebraska. The TPIIXIAM IJ. F1OT.ZMAN i rf< general natore of the business to be transHENRY 5IONSKT i ;3S acted by, and the objects of. said corporaSAM DEI'.Kll I ,gl tion are io acquire, own, ho'd. maintain MRS. SA1>IE S. KrT.AKOFPKY \ ftf ami operate the property known as the HAI1I1Y SII.VF.UMAN i 'c$ Austin Apartments and located at SSth and ABB GOLDSTEIN* i -Oi Davenport Streets ia the City of Omaha, P K r n i r - i r SHEI: I gji Douglas County, Nebrasfca. tlie legal deMRS. iionnrs T.EVY * I ;^d scription.of which real estate is set out at HAUHY K. ZI1TMAN i 'gj length in tlie Articles of Incorporation;, to A. R. AliPIKN I :E^ purchase,•:'• lease,.' hire and otherwise acMKS nKRr-KRT AUNSTEIN ! .&e quire any ncd all personal property nec• A. «KET3N1T!ER(J i ,r4\ essary or incident to the maintenance and .T. J . GTIEENF.ERU i gS operation of the said above mentioned rohl ABE HEIlZr.EP.C, i DM estate rdth the power to sell, dispose of. HAIJRT T^APIDrS I •£•> lease, convey, mortgage or otherwise en; JACK \T. MAKEIt I b? camber, rbe said real estate and -persona! 11AUUY MAI.AS11OCK j -jjj property or any part thereof and to do MORRIS 1IILPEU -^ any and all things l-ccessary aniJ proper MRS. W H S NEVKT.EFF ! >-'! in connection -with the holding, waintenIKV1N STAI/MASTEE. ' U.'. >ncc and operation of the said real prop? HARRY A. \VOT,F '-•; erty; to borrow or raise money and to MRS. H .A. WOI,F .-: issue bonds, notes. lEnrtgaKPS, delwntnres. 1SIDOK ZIEGI.ER : i stock or other obligations for that purpose : -2 and in exchange for moneys received by it 10-30-4t or. for property purchased or acquired by^ , STAIJIASTEK & S5t;B:-.i: it or far. any other- object' or purpose i n .. • Attorneys and alront its business; to guarantee any 659 Omaha National'Banfc iiUls^ dividends-or bonds' or contracts or other : •; , ; ' -' ' NOTICE. OE-SAIJE _ .„ in connection with the-accon>_ Jhe District Court.of. Jpou?l:is County plishment of the objects hereinabove - Set. • . , bk '. :' forth and to make and perform contract's Nebraska: By. virtue of a decree and order of sali' i of every kind incidental'to or. necessary issced, out the: District Court of i [ out • of of the for the attainment or fnrtlieTing'-pf any <kf •issced, in pursu- i Coutjty, Nebraska, Dl Ct the objects. herein eunrae'rated. The auth- Douglas decree of f said id d f said i Court urt in an jj "Zi orized capital s^ock of the corporation is ance pf $105,000.00 divided into 3000 shares of com- actioii therein indexed at; Appearance £ mon stock arid .3000 shares of preferred Docket No. 277 and at Page Xo. Sis, where- | g | stock, all of the par value of'523.00 each. ia Philip M. Klut^isicK is plaintiff and ! •%<, The preferred stock "or any part thereof •Nebraska Investtncnt Securities 'Company. '*iL may be retired. ljy the Board of Directors a corporation, is defendant-,»I will at 30 ' at any time after January 1st, 1933, at par. o'clocta. in. on tfce 2Sth <lny;of November. plus any- unpaid dividends::, aecnmnlatea 1031* at the ea.st front floor'of the Dougcf thereon. The preferred, stock is preferred las County Court Urase of the City : ; as to dividends and as io.assets in the Omaha, Douglas County."Kebraska. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for . ^< event of liquidation, dissolution or windcash the following described property,-al! ~ ing- up, voluntary, or involuntary, of the corporation, nil to the extent and under represented as stock.of the Fidelity Old i -5th& terms and conditions as set forth in I/lne Insurance Company, a Nebraska cor- ' ~ foil in-the Articles of Incorporation." The poratiou, the" certificate nn'mbets of saisJ '~ corporation shall commence business upon stock and the number of shnres represent- I - ' the filing of these Articles^ i a t t e c S c e of ed by each certificate being set oct as | -. the County Clerk of Donglas County, ~Ker follows: braska, and the issuance of Z&Z, or more" Certificate No. No. of of its total authorized capital stock .and 1200 shall continue until January I, 2840, unless, ..S74 3201 sooner dissolved by tlie affirmative jote ' • 3037 1202 . of not less than two-thirds-of the entire 1283 . .10)5 outstanding capital stcci; With the assent ....0S3 1201 in.-writing of the holders of CG 2-3 per "' - 1205 . _SC7 cent of all the capital stock of the; corpor-. OSfi " VS&: atioa issued and outstanding; O? psrsuanS .. 570 •. 1 2 0 T ' to the votes given in parson-or by proxy, 'S20Sby stockholders holding- at teast 62.;2-S% <iX . . 120D the issued and -outstanding stock: of the 897 1211 corporation •whiclj.is represented and ^cfea : ' . . 2 2 1 0 . ^.- S!K> upon in person or hy proiy at a TneeUag. S'.- '• 1212 . _„. SG3 specially called for that purpose, or at an '-1213. anuuaj meeting:, the Board of Directors • ' 030 -.121*. shall have power and authority to sell, Ii3^ : i assign, transfer, convey, or otherwise dis12W5 pose of, the property: and assets of the . (J4.3 3217 ^_ corporation'ss aa eatirsty or going concern on such terms arid conditions as the Board of Directors'shall deem fit, right and just, either for ,c.ish or- bonds, or shares of cripitnX stock of any Corporation or corporations, or for any kind-or ss«Jcies of property or obligation or Securities. The Jiigiiest amount of indebtedness or liability to -which the corporation, i s nt any : tinie to subject itself shall net exceed ttro1227 „ SS4 thirds of its capital srock and in no event shall exceed §110.000.00. The affairs of the Also one certain snrplns note in the snri , corporation shall be administered by r. o£ §4,«43iS made and execnted by t t e '
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* •* *»
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niderfui Savings in
Conservative Casualty Insurance Companj Board of Directors, the number of •srliicii i to the Nebraska Inve'stment. t?ceurities Cor- i shall be. fixed by the Ey-la-vvs, but sliall be i poration, dated D^ceraber 24, 1523, zr.Z ' "~' not Isss than 3 nor more tlian 5 ; the direc- -signed by an . j ~ g y Eeps Wilkinson.. P tors slmll elect a President, Vice-President, H. H E. E Bensei. Bi S tsuch h sale to satis.Secretary: Secretary aad Treasurer. fy tlie judgments, liens and encumbrance? ' ~ HARRT' A . O i , in said decree sft forth and to satisfy s"!
• Iscorporators,
costs nccrned and accruing costs, all tt i -, provided for In said uecroe. Datrd at Onwha, XebrasUa, thJs 23r<J of October, 1C."1.
Values in" • History
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«* r>p ^ " r »
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1 SEE BY THE" Mr. Abe Stillman, who has -been ill in Hoqhester; Minnesota, is expected to return to Sioux City this week.
SffiED ' fl3 HSAD OF fflJAL PAIBf i « I BAZAfiR
Mr. Art Beigen is confined to his At a conference of representative home because of illness. members of, the various Zionist- orheld Monday evening, meeting a t the Shaare Zion i Mr. and Mrs. San Mosow and ganizations, Mr. D. L. Rodin was elected chairopen j children, Vivian and Lawrence, sufSynagogue, November man of the Annual Palestinian -the intensive work on the Allied Jewfered minor injuries in an auto accibazaar. The date set for the bazaar ish Camoaign, it -was decided at a dent last Sunday evening. is Sunday, December 13. meeting of the Executive Committee, The proceeds of the bazaar, which held recently. The Allied Jewish Edward Goldstein is recuperating is an annual event, will go toward Campaign comprises the' following groups: The Joint Distribution Com- from .an operation for appendicitis, the Jewish National Fund, the Chalutzim Fund, and. the Chalutzos mittee, the American Palestine Cam- which he underwent recently. Fund. paign, the Wider Scope of the IndeEdwin M. Baron, local attorney, Mrs. R. H. Emlein and Mr. Louis pendent Order of the. B'nai B'rith, won a contest sponsored by the junior Shilling will act as co-chairmen. Mr. and the. People's Tool Campaign. division of the Chamber of ComThe following: members of the four merce, by bringing in the largest I. Levin was appointed secretary, groups met at the first meeting to number of new members during their and Mr. H. Miller, treasurer. Chairmen for the various committees will draw up plans -for the campaign: A. membership drive. include, Mrs. L. Sinikin, Mrs. S. £L Davis, Dr.' H. At £evin, E. N. Levin, Mrs.. J. N. Krueger, Mrs. B. GruesJdnj Joe Levin, Ben Fish, Sam Greenstone, Barney Baron,. J. Kalin, • Miss, Alice Pill celebrated her Shindler, Mrs. D. Sperling, Mr. H. Sfc'H. Emlien, 31. Shiloff, I. Singer, fourteenth birthday by entertaining Epstein, Mr. N. Sadoff,' Mr. M. HenJoseph Guttleman and Max Brodkey. twelve "guests at a luncheon Wednes- dlyn, Mr. N. Elkin, Mr. A. I. day noon. The afternoon was spent Schwai-t=, Mr. J. Falk, Mr. M. Officers of the committee in charge playing bridge. Lazriowitch, Mr. M. Mason, Mr-. Wilinclude A. M. Davis, general chairliam Kantor, Mr. M. Kaplan, Mi-. H. man; E. E. Baron, treasurer; Eose Miss Elizabeth Passman was hos-Greenberg, Mr. H. Mirowitz, anti Mr. Lipman, general secretary, and tess to members of the Phi' Epsilon Louis Shilling. Morey Lip.shutz, publicity' director.' Tau Sorority at their meeting The organizations sponsoring the Mr." E / N. GruesMn is the chairWednesday evening. The evening was bazaar are the National Workers Alman for"the Mass meeting-. The comspent at dancing and bridge. liance, Poale Zion, Zionists, Senior mittee assisting Mr.- Gruesfcm inand Junior Hadassah, Mizrachi "and cludes Ben - Fish, Max Friedman, • Mrs. Fred Foreman of Sioux Falls Pioneer Women. Morey Lipshutz' and M. Shiloff. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Sioux City is participating in what Mrs. I. Marsh. is known as the Ussiskin Five-year plan to purchase 2,000,000' dunams of • Miss Ida Kaplan, of New .York land in Palestine, by purchasing 200 City, who is making an extended visit dunams which will be known as with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. "Nachlas Sioux City." The Sioux Kaplan, has been the recipient of a • Mount Sinai Sisterhood will hold number of social favors during the City organizations have pledged $1,000 per year for five years, to its first-Book Review meeting next past week. cover this purchase. Tuesday evening, at the home " of
Rabbi Lee Levinger, formerly of Sioux City. ' The book won a 82,000 prize, offered by the p^Wishers. The " detailed descriptions of the joys and sorrows of the' Kuper family, their rise from poor immigrants to influential leaders of- the community, provides interesting reading. Ercry Child "Urged to' Attend Sunday School and Tslraud Torsli
C0AHTHK1.AS OF.EffJBBTTEASi (Continued from Psge 1.) Palestine Mandatory power, has become noticeable in the past few months, it was stated here in the annual report delivered to the 34th annual convention of the Zionist Or;anization of America. The convention was opened by udge Julian W. Mack,' • Honorary president of the Zionist Organization f America.. The prasidental message was delivered by Robert Szold, chairman of the American Zionist Administration.' A report on political conditions now affecting Zionist activities in Palestine was submitted by manuel Neumann, the only American membsr of the World Zionist Executive. A pro-Palestine Committee, consisting of prominent American' leaders, may shortly be formed in the United States, it was indicated by Mr- Neuman. Mr. Neuman revealed that he had a series of important conversations and conferences." with leading figures in American life and that Senator Borah has expressed his strong .ppToval of such a pr6jectV in a let;er addressed to Neuman. Membership Maintained The Zionist organization has been able to maintain its membership, at a time • when all Jewish organizations are losing members, only through a 'steady and wearisome struggle against odds." The total membership if the Zionist organization and its ffiliated bodies on Oct. SO, was 47,G0, divided as follows: "Zionist Organization, 13,00S; Hadassah, 31,675; ,nd Order Sons of Zion, 3,277.
Mrs. A. J. Galinsky, 2022 Nebraska Mrs. Harry Bailin of Atkinson, Street. Nebraska, has been a guest at the •' Mrs. C. H. Hoyt, who conducts the home of her father, Mr. J. H. Bol-, book"page of the" Sioux City Journal, stein.' • will lead the discussions. . The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock. Rabbi and Mrs. T. N. Lewis spent The meetings.will-continue through Monday in- Omaha, where Mrs. Lewis Eighteen members of the Shaare the winter months, oh the third Tues- addressed the Senior- Hadassah on Zion Synagogue were elected to serve day of each month. for two years on the Shaare Zion her travels in Palestine. Board of directors, at the election Mrs. Louis Fish was hostess to the dinner, held Wednesday evening, in Nine Ace Bridge club at the Seville the social hall of the Synagogue. The dinner also feated members of on Wednesday evening, Nov. 11. the]cast of the ''Jazz Singer," which Miss Bertha Berger, daughter of was presented November 1." Brief addresses were made by Mr. Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Berger, became Mr. Louis Shilling and Mr. Joseph John Lansberg, president of the conAizenberg, instructors of the Hebrew the bride of Cecil R.Seff, son of Mr. gregation, Rabbi- H. R. Rabinowitz," School have announced the following and Mrs. A. W. Seff, of .CorrectionBarney • Baron, " Eli Robinow, and honor roll for the month of October: vine, Iowa, Tuesday evening, in the' Mo^ey Lipshutz. social hall of the. Shaare Zion' SynaThose who. received all "A's"- are The Board members elected include ;. ; ^• Theodore -Gilinsky, Morris. Passman, gogue. . Abe Finkenstsin, D3ve -, Ginsberg, The ceremony, which was witnessed Morton .Deskovsky,^ David-.-Ktmtz, William Kantor, Jacob Kuntz, Joe David Tilevitz, * Helen. Guttleman, by: 35 members of.-the family, was Kutcher, J. H. Moso w, A.I. Schwartz, followed by a dinner. Rabbi H. R. Betty Bain, Esther' Rivin, Isidore Eli Skalovsky, Barney Baron, R. H. Rich, Evelyn Gelson, Jack Mo'ow, Rabinowitz read the marriage lines. Emlein, Max Ginsberg-, Lester Hee.Sadie' Schwid, Nathan Ragisky, Jos. Miss Sadie-Shlkin is spending this ger, I. H. Levin, John Lansberg, Eli Slaron," Norman Rbsenthal and Sydweek end in Des "Monies, Iowa, where Robinow, Robert Sacks, and H. Marney Shapiro. sir; is attending sessions of the Iowa golin. Pupils "who received "B" in all State Teachers' Convention. Miss Mrs." S. H. Shulkin -commended the grades are Elvin Feinbers, Joseph Shulkin is a teacher in the Hopkins members of the Revue* Cast, on their Shaefer, Jerry Shafer, Dora Wi- School. performance; Hiss .Charlotte Salkin, godsky, Esther Weiner, Martin "WeiMr.. Nick Sherman "and Master Chas. n'er, Norma Aizenberg,. P. Schwartz, Shindler, responded in behalf of the Eleanor Rozofsky, Robert Pliskin, cast. Harold Plotkin, Morris "Aizenpeerg, 'Community, Singing was led-by A. "Do We Want Peace" wlil be the S Weinstein, Ida Epstein, Irving Montrose, Joe Levin, Tobia's Madler, subject of Rabbi Lewis sermon at H. Baron, with Mrs. I. H. Levin at Mount Sinai Temple, this evening. th,e piano. 250 attended the meeting. and Melvin. Eothstein. The sermon will be in keeping with Armistice Day which was observed this week. Rabbi Lewis addressed the Reform Congregation of . Lincoln, Nebraska, •Funeral" services for Sirs. Emma last Friday evening, in behalf of the 'Zobin, 914 Iowa street, who died "in Union of American Hebrew Congre- • The Senior Hadassah Card Party, her home last Saturday evening, were gations. In his absence, Rev. J. J. which was originally scheduled to be w held from the family residence last Davies delivered the sermon. The given at the Jewish Community CenSunday afternoon, with Rabbi H. R. ritual was read by Morris Pill and ter, next Wednesday evening, NovemRabinowitz officiating. Mrs. Zobin M. N. London. ber 18, will -be given that evening in was a resident of Sioux City for six Wednesday morning Rabbi Lewis the social hall of Mount Sinai Tempjfears. She was 66 years old. jpoke before the students of West le, instead. Surviving her are two sons, Jake Junior High School on the subject of Mrs. M. A. Marks, chairman of Zobin of Sioux City and Henry Zobin Armistice Day. the affair will be assisted by Mrs. Sunday evening, Rabbi Lewis will Jack Robinson and Mrs. Joe Levin, si Russia'; a daughter," Anna, who resides'in "Russia, and a brother, speak from the pulpit of the Metho- co-chairmen, Mrs. Rose Rabinowitz dist Church at Ireton, Iowa, at the and Mrs. Sam Lipman, will be in Max Lasensky, of Sioux City. /hvitation of the minister. of the charge of the refreshments. David Pahl, a resident of Sioux church, Rev. E. ,W. Tompkins. City for the past two years, died in Seventy members of the Temple his home, Monday morning. Funeral Brotherhood heard Mr. Henry W. services were held at the family resi- Shull, local attorney, who spoke at dence, 904 Court street, Tuesday af- the meeting Monday evening on Iowa ternoon, with Rabbi H. R. Rabino- University and. its board of control. The Benefit Card Party, sponsored witz officiating. Mr. Morris Pill presided at the dinby the Pioneer Women's Club, was He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. ner which preceded the meeting. Mrs. both a material and social success, Sarah Tarashansky, and his widow, S. Schulein was in charge of the din- according" to those in charge. The ner arrangements. Mrs. Rose Phal. party was held at" the home of Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Griffith entertained S. Sperling. An electric lamp, raffthe members of the Sisterhood at led off, was won by Mrs. Herman their meeting last Friday noon with Miller. a group of readings from "The VagaIt vas announced at the Bridge bond King." She was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. H. Waitt. Mrs, Party, that Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—Deputy A. M. Davis was in charge of th« a national executive of the Pioneer Peter Bercovitch, "who. is being program, and Mrs. Max Mushkin was. Women's -Organization will visit the local group, February 17 and 18. prominently mentioned 'for the post in charge of the luncheon. The officers of the Pioneer Women of provincial treasurer, and is supare urging the, members of the com'ported -by the "English press, anmunity 'to hold these dates op&n, ki T.ounced that lie would xsoi accept the consideration of the mealing zt the post If preferred to him, because of Sabbi H. E. Babinowitz will speak time. anti-Jewish, prejudices. which domin-
Mount Sinai Temple'
The Council u Bluff'ss Xodga. dga. Ko. K . CSS |{ Tho Council .BlctTs Chapter of-th#
Oi-:-tlie •' Independent Order of t e; Se Earlassali held a meetingp ' i Brith !idd_ d a msatfng Monday I B'nai Monday jj Wednv dsv Efrernoon at the Hotel
! evening at the iuagias Ball. Dr Dr. A A.; Chieftain." PIBTIS v;ere made for a Greanberg cf Omaha, KX? the prin- j Kumni?j:c Sale to be hold on Novemclpa! speaker and honored guest, arid; bcr ,.£ ," 24 ^n« £?. In the Marcus spoke of the good work the B'rsti) Ikuidi E, at W-0 Vv'ert Broadway. AM j Brith in this district I s ' doing, rnc3 j mzvaMvrs who hr.ve h-m-dles to jlonate j especially In ths Wider Scops «>- • shov.M call K I F , Locis K. Kstelman, 1 . •• Phor 178, v,-h0 is in charge of this | " The Talmud Torah Sunday School vision. Piano were mads" by the Lodge for pair | commenced regclar classes last Sunj day rnornins1 a t the Chevra B'nai a -Bridge Party, to be given in tbe i Yisroel Synagogue, 61S. MynsVer St., near • future for merbsrs z.nf, tfcc.fr! Censure is the tax a man pays t * with a large attendance. However, families. Farther srOTEncrmentF vrVd j the public for bsinjc emnieni.—Swift. children who were unable to be pres- ba in the next' issue of the Jewish i ent the op3ning day, are urged to be at the synagogue a t ten o'clock next Sunday morning, according to Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal, in charge of the Sunday School and Talmud Tbr-ah classes. More children are nrg-edto register immediately with. Mr. Stadlan in order to attend regular daily Hebrew classes. Special classes a r e being-- arranged for beginners, and all parents : — , .„ ^ '-r.*-;..' \hJ^';-:,:\Ll are requested to send their children, especially those who are six or seven years old, as that is the age for V. ,« t'^Jthem to form Hebrew knowledge..-'
The Ladies Aid Society will • hold a meeting- next Tuesday afternoon, November 17th, st 2:30 o'clock at the synagogue, '618 Mynster Street, All members are urged to attend. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim'! Association will meet next Thursday evening-, November 19th, at the Eagles Hall. All members are urged to ; attend. .. • ' 1 The Ladies Auxiliary. ,of. the Tal- i mud Torah Society are plashing to j give a Benefit Card :Party -on'Monday evening, November .SOthy' to' be held at the Eaglss HrJl. proceeds from. this- affair will go i;o the Talmud Torah-fund. • Miss. Florence Whit:330k ur^icrwent'' an operctirn far appendicitis last Thursday at the ICcrcy Eospitcl, and ; is/getting -along,;satisfactorily, She is. expected to. return hoir.s Sun-
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Eef uses Cabinet Post Due-to Anti-Semitism
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ate:- ths political life of the province. Afc the same time Deputy Bercovkch' sharply criticized the failure of i&s Dominion government to follow British precedent and select Jews as members of the cabinet.
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this evening on "A Blessing to America and Israel". He will base Ms sermon on the life. of Justice Louis "D. Brandeis,'who is celebrating his 75th birthday this week. The Father tind Son Banquet, sponsored by the Shaare Zion SynaHlb h ld M d i hold Monday evening, ggogue November SO. Ths date for the Annual Banquet of the Ladies' Auxiliary has tosa set for Wednesday .evaning, .Dscemt^r Ov EIrs. David- Goldstc-in, of Otiisha I r s .fc3sn;us.vlled to bo .tb* jguoat c-c!:er of t3io i
Th.2 Bcith.CoriisrSach week the columns of tho J e " ish Press will carry the name and brief note of a book of Jewish interest, that can be borrowed from the Public Library, a t Sixth and Jsefcsor Stresi. Ths boot chosen this week iii "Grapes of Canaan." "Grape- of Cancan", -written by Eb;:r. Erlich. Lorin^cr, published hy TJ;S Stratford Ccmjjnny, is a story of AcorftTTs Jev/Ki life. Mrs. Lev ini?Tf t>.? author, Is t h s rrife of
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