November 20, 1931

Page 1

- • In the Interests of the - Jewish -People


Ideals of

textid as Second-Class 5iaiX Matter on January. Z2, 1021, a t rest office at Omaba, TJebm*tf"*£ tuuler tho Act of March 3, 1S79



TMs National Executive iw. Constitutional C«

.As the n-r-t chc? closed r.cst 1- urzia;-, Xovem-. ber-.2S, Tli-r. \-;HLas Zzjr the

Four hundred people aTe expected* in the arrangements of the dinner to attend the tenth annual Father and program for the banquet. .4.1- i e d in and Son Banquet to he held at the In line with the custom of previous


ewish Community Center next Sun•" •- Authorized day evening, November 22, at G:30 p. m. The annual event is being. Atlantic City—(J. T. A.)—The Nag sponsji b h Social S i l Service S i tional Executive Committee, of the oredd jointly by

years the out-of-town students attending colleges in Omaha will be the guests of Omaha Jewry at this banquet. Milton S. Abrahams, attorney, will be toastmaster for the evening. The speakers will include Sam Swartz, representing the fathers, and Albert Stein, representing the sons. In addition to the speakers of the evening a program of sonjs is being arranged by Mrs. David A. Goldstein and Abner K.aiman. A ventriloquist will entertain the group cfter din-

Jewish PJCCJ r "A 50 to- press a day earlirr n:vi TTCCI:.

All items c r i r.evs mast be ¥ in nest wee!: by laszCzy, November 2i, 3 - . m- ct t i e latest.

Is to feature .

A debate will feature the meetiri:;' of the Omaha Hebrew club to be i.elf . nest Sunday afternoon at the JcTris": Comnranity Center. . ; A Central High school team coirposed of Edward Kosenbaurn and Ber. Shrier will uphold the affirmative or. | the question, "Resolved: That Coir-, palsory UnemtsloTi-ient Insurance | Legislation Shoiild^Ee' Enacted." The' negative will be argued by a Techni-' ccl high, school team of Louis Slklin • und Meyer Levinson. ' • j Irvin Levin, president of the Orns- j ha Hebrew club, will preside ever the







<\ t






Zionist Organization of America w i s abolished and a National Committee of 150 was constituted the, supreme - authority in the American Zionist dzhzie. ' • movement by a change in the Constitution authorized at :the closing session of the 34th annual convention; of "the organization. •:. • The Convention, in accordance , 'with the proposal ,'madfi byfeeComMaurice SairucU * ted !:cturer and author, will 1:? t: r.ext speaker en mittee of Sis, elected J73 members" to r.crm, former presidet ' of the , the educaticnal r " '-— o f the Jewthis new National' Committee which I Zionist organisation, will visit i ish Commanit" C r.ter. He - will is to meet at feast four times a year. :. imz before the end of the year, j speak here Sunday --.cning, Nov. 2 \ ! - — * -=3 before ti The remainder of the personnel of 77 During the lact I- -- years the liter -• - «,.«. t h p liter-1 i t -£ -££.rned here. j is to be elected by the; Zionist disary and piib!ici.£tic activities of l l a u Dr. VTeizmsnn,' who is scheduled tc j tricts, Hadassah and Zionist camps, rice Samuel have I:?.-; him to the fore conduct the Palestine-drives in South • each district, chapter or camp being LTr. L,er .; as one of the cLl^t, most versatile •Africa, -Trill arrive there in the r.icentitled to one representative for evstopping in Pales-1 and" most • interesting figures in in-_ s-1' Ilrs. 7.'. ,. ery 100 members. " The Committee is telleetual America. Distinguished, as j ins e: L rotite. empowered to' fill vacancies in its a student of science and literature, hs j I5 Tanks by a two-thirds vote of its has also-won- for Hmself -a unique) CvT members. reputation, as a jdear,- widely-informed j , "-*'• v" !^ - The Convention ended on a note of and fascinating ktturer. ,Ouring the last 15-years, fee i s s spent nearly peace, with the adoption of important 3 6.-1-^1, r one-half "of"* Ms time In studying," on - resolutions relating t o practical work .tit \ (,,. *, the spot, the social and cultural dewhich were submitted to the Convenvelopments of -Europe and the;Near tion by the-Committee of Six. The Dr. Philip Sher East. His lectures are" therefore practical work of the' -Zionist, movecTsaw.— (," filled with intimate" and instructive J Heads Committee in Charge ment in America in accordance with C pictures of the centers cf -civilisation these resolutions, is to be directed Committee of the Federation and the rf^ri t^'Z ~-~Z~\ ^between "East cf Suss" and "West of Kansas Citr,'Y' Forfeits Debate;^?" t !7"v 5 c z along sixmnjoT parts. to "Lozsl Forensic Repi :~ff . ^' ^%-^i^^'~\'I^l'Z.f' v-B'nai Brith. The Jewish Women's J the" Golden Gate," -and -whether his . The Conventiondnstmcted: ,1. /Tha Welfare Organization is co-operating reseatetlTes . I* 0 "- 1 " T * 1 ' 1 ; U _ 1 " " **I " *• • subject be-"The Triumphs and Fail- - • • an increased Zionist " propaganda ures of Science,**' or "Ths Clash of among Jews and non Jews lie inau The" Jevdf popu JH v:as attaci:East and West," ne "brings to bear - Ben • SLaslowslcy ' and ^ Ephraim gurated; 2. That, the Jewish Nationa ed, a number o vrere wounded, Marks, representing the Omaha Jewids --exposition both en unusual acaFund be strengthened; 3. That greatMilton S . Abrsliaias - Jewish shops ish CcKsmunity -Center, won the de- the windows OJ demic training andtha fruits of many er support be rendered ~ the Palestine were smashsd and th Perete . -.- - Toastmaster. ere libra years of travel s.nd _ observation ,- bate with the- St. Louis T. M. H. A. foundation fund; 4. That middle class "ririsr eight hundred vol-ames, held in St. Louis last Ssmday, .Nox-enico 'stored in a capacious and responsive "settlement in Palestine" be 'stimulated ner, and. a movie furnjshed^by P.hinef PrusPrus ber 15. At the same time Kansas was destroyed in the town of The first mid-winter conference, of as Wintfoub of the Securities Fitei memory; and private initiative-be encouraged Irov by a raob cf anti-Semitic students : .City 'Y" forfeited the debate in this for the * purpose of accelerating th« the Sx>uthwest-Eegipn-of: Junior Had- Corporation will be presented. Philip . As a*'lesder"~iit the" world Zionist series by cancelling the clash sched- from Warsaw. absorbtive;.capacity of Palestine;. 5 assah was held November 14 and 15 Sbkplof, aged 9, talented young : per- movement and "a.; resident of PalesIn Leisbsrsr Jewish stndents -p-ere Bled for Saturday night in Kansas That Jewish youth groups be formed; in "St. Joseph, aTthe Uobidou hotexl. former, will sing and dance. tine, !Maurice S a r r " ' h i s a profound City.The Omaha Junior Hadassah memS. That '.exirting. Hebraic institution: knowledge of coni'-Z\:~s in the'Holy This is the 4th -annual forensic clash•I( ' bers who attended are Annette Bendbe sncouragad. Land and the proi'-ns surrounding in which the two organisations havejea*. fac^t-i er, Ethel Stoller, Ann Greenberg, and For' a period before the Conventhe Zionist inoveru-.C3t S. i world over. llr. Samuel is T""-'~"*-^Y versed in iseea competing a s raerabers cf t h e j s - ^ t c . »c ".a tion's closing it was feared that th< Mrs. Morris M. Franklin. The conthe economic prcb!.:~3 rf eastern Midwestern Debating: League, and is! t. c : d i c e ,^=. "> newly concluded peace pact was ini ference was called to discuss, plans the-third-time,that, Omaha-has woT>]i~*" - " rt—" for the sixth annual conference Europe. periled when a resolution was intro dccsd in- the Eesoluiion's Committes which will be held the first, week in Llr. Samasl -vill "-zzzs "'Can;Jew- tha.isonor-s in the annual event. U "• ^ i : -'. — z Icctares' here St. "Lo-ais tesn'xron last year. - urging that praise arid tiianlcs be ex-June s.t St. Jo?3^h. To fill a,J--~-*e;t.r-^ r.~or- A3 ry Z-rnvsi" CJ""KOV. 'ZJ. '•'•••" pressed to I>r. Chai.-n T7ei2msir.i, 'IOT- j women of tlie city f &r a conr^3 This Vvill 1st t1;? sccor.1 lecture' of mer President o£ tlie "World Zionist J 011 the Bible, a course on -"BiKe Apthe series cf Sunday Night EducaOrganization. -The Brandeis.'group, preciation" will be g givui by p y Kabbi tional programs Fponsorcd this winter tegrity of the Jewish People Eequires' r^r n,;r\ .in this Co:iunitfcos, saw in the resolud A the Creation of a Jewish State i n ] J " J - ' c David A. Goldstein under the auspices by the Jewish Community Center. tion an attempt t o . .repudiate the T of the Conservative Auxiliary every Admission to these events, includ- Palestine." The topic involved a dis-j » -_—-*e stand of the American Zionist delegaenssion of new and current coatro-1 v >^rr t- cs ~\ - a second and. fourth Tuesday of the ing the lecture by 2 laurice'" Samuel, tion toward Dr. Y/eizmann a t the last " The regxdar Sunday matine dance which afforded ecsal j e *. i <; Zc-, World Zionist Congress; in; Basle. sponsored by.the P s i Mn fraternity month at 10:30 a. m. at the J. C. C. will be free to active and senior mem- versial material to the negative E.S well! m » : » . t ~ « ,. c They threatened to -withdraw;from •will be' held a t the^ Jewish Community The first of the lectures will T>e held bers of the Community Center, wMIe opportuzdties | SMI_**1.C t~^ . . . non-members- win pay an admission as to the affirmative. the compromise • pact should the reso- Center .auditorium-on Sunday after- next Tuesday. The " Y " debating team consisted of ' Many women have for. some time of 50 cents to each event. This is a lution be presented to the Convention noon, November 22. Patroimesses.for,last week's dance felt their lack- of Jewish knowledge, new and additional service to Center Echeal Feinstein and Herman Gorafor a vote. They, explained that they Inik. j r*~t - ? " ~ ^ ~ "* "^t ^ would have no objection,to a^resolu- were Mrs. L.'Neveleff and Mrs. Irvin particularly of the Bible. They pre- members. The Omaha boys brought home.not I F' cr^c- t'- v *"" tion of praise for Dr. Weizmann, pro- JLevln. : Patronesses for this .week's vailed on Rabbi Goldstein to give the • A ticket will be mailed to every t^ and' Mrs. course. As far as is known no such paid-up .senior member and two tick- only a well earned victory, but also! T r - . * - - > vided no reflections1 were cast on the dance* are Mrs, -L." Neveleff / : course is being given a t present. ' • --.'..'",. ets to every paid-up active (family) high praise for the ability of their —-.--,-> f. -~ i - - . - = action of the American 'delegation at J. Malashock." •: c,_ opponents, the fine sportsmanship of When interviewed, Uabbi Goldstein member. • ' ' Basle. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise : and " "*Jintmy~Jones, formerly with George the " Y " debaters and the many cocr- j t • Robert Szold led the opposition-to the E. tjee/jwill fuftnish t h e music: _ The said 1"The Bible really contains .withtesies extended to them during their j c dance will: be in its covers the most thrilling pages r e s o 1 u tion. After deliberation feature' 6f thi^ •;week's ; stav in St. Louis. i : in all literature." a prize waltk \ ; \" ...'. • • ..:..! throughout the day and. well into the • night, the members of the Committee arranged a compromise. V- -. • •'.;"' • t"> •> _ Due to the fact that the next meetBudget of $90.000Adopted ^ ing of the B'nai Brith would fall on The Convention adopted, .a. budget November 2B, Thanksgiving- day, the •ffl 390,000. Of this sum $55,000 are lodgeV meeting- scheduled for next allocated to A'oministfativ.e expenses, weak has been postponed to a future and $30,000 are to be applied to-the, - One of the most difficult presen- L ^ , ; the'bahavior difficulties in re- d a t e . . • r stabilizing factor, red action of the deficit ^which}t tations ever -andertaken by the Gen-j c:s 1 to_ the children, and blank gard lif i" th i b ' i to approximately $140,000.- \ Th&.'re-: and Vsound;;family ; y U^-is ; the^^basis London.—A memorial to the late mainder of.:$5j0QQ;^"ttp;?je;{spent':fp!E for satisfvin? -civilization," civilization." Miss spaces in the children's emotional David Belasco, noted Jewish dramatist tex Players Guild was successfully'-—for .a ;.a. satisfying produced when "Adam," by L r ad~ig: 7 •••."... cultural work; ; ;|of' V"th4;H Avufcaby Marguerite INewmeyer t'of -St. Louis, l i f e . '•- " and producer, in the form of a plaque Lewisohn, was. given before a large i rc Young- Judea and.tlie Hebrew weekly,' nationally' known < social worter, told The chairman of the evening was •will be erected at the Savoy Grill here. the:'Community^ Forum •. audience at Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president of . • The •plaque-, which is a gift, from audience at the Center g This opened the;| / , the? Center Wednesday evening in the Council of Jewish Women, who, Morris Gsst, the late Mr. Belasco's Snndav eveninsr. cv 1 her; lecture, "A/Socia.-vWorker Looks with the Community Center, sponsors adult education program series of the! n-r. CT "- -^ , son-in-law,' will ha erected close to Important- Concessions . ''•: 1 5 the""Community Forum. Herman H. the table "where the playwright was Jewish Commtiiuty Center. ;ar-c" " cr c. I Atlantic Cityi4r<JJ-' ;T. A.)—Ifnppr- a*.; \ Marriage and .piyorce' . "tant concessions; with regard to cer- tn her lecture* Jkllss Newmeyer out- Auerbach, chairman of the Forum, wont to sit, and where he met' his Though" handicapped by a p l E y j ' r s~r '•-' c friends and devised many of his plans, which has very little cction and con- | ,tain classes of Jewish settlers'iii Pal- lined five outstanding points to which ruide the introductory" remarks. modern social workers adhere. estine and significant, changes in thethe they use an individualistic apcomposition and future operation of First, proach, realizing that each case must the Land-Development Scheme have be treated separately. • Second, they r"^c"~ v *bean granted by Great Britain fol- recognize both' the constructive and lowing representations by the Jewish the • destructive in marriage and famAgency, it was announced just prior ily . life. Third, they are aware of to the formal, closing of the. Zionist the ^positive and the Tiegative. ele^p g Convention, by Emanuel Neumann, t F t h they th d i that diments. Fourth,admit American member of the World Zionvorce is . sometimes advisable,- but ist Executive. " ' ~ •• • . only as a final resort when family Mr. Neumann annonnced that he "life has; 'failed. Fifth, they accept (Continued on Page 7} and uphold the tradition that mar£,


Veizmann i s I to Visit Palestine-'

1 •••€ p r e ••.noi t o -

.•>r!r?r-ate • !•€



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B'nxd-Brith Meeting -ThursdayPostponed




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riage is a stablizing factor in life, and - that sound family life is the bssi? for a satisfactory civilization. "Security, family life, and a home" were stressed by Miss Newmeyer Cantor A. Schwaczkin will feature as the underlying values of marriage. the program-arranged-by. the .B'nai : - "Fighting, abuse, nagrging, and the Isael congregation in celebration of like", she pointed out, "are some of their forty-fifth anniversary Decem- the destructive forces in family life. ebr 6, according to William Milder, And while previously the social workers always- tried to keep the chairman. The program Vv-ill be started with family intact, they now admit that the kindling of the Chanukah candles. sometimes- these- destructive forces Cantor Schwaczkin will.ehant saveral .become so grest .thr.t it is best to i melodies, including the singing of dissolve the marriage ties. "Haneros Hal-lo-lu,".. lor.-; cfLlo-Os- i "However, divorcs rhould-be a last ' - Tsur," psalm l^o. 114; the; march, of • resort to ba lised'' o:ily "when family the children out of Egypt; psalm No'. life has failed." Divorce most times 115, "Adenoi Zchoronoo." He will be creates new situations, new problems assisted by his choir and his orches- more, baffling than before. In some Sara SsSor tra. cases, of course, divorce can be conThree Omahar.s v--ho have They leave Jndge Irvin Stalmaster will deliver structive." -••-„.,.:„„.- _:.—~ .—- ,-„. the address of the evening:. Piano Arguments advanced by the speak- besn activelv identified with n a t i o n a l ! —jj C ,-, ^ ~ c ~ —"] *•*+••- •• ~. -^.-,.,j.:--r solos will be rendered by Margaret er against divcrci? include the wom-E'nai Brith activitiss—Sam Bsbar, \ ^ ^ ; ' ~] " 'r-~~*i>~,~ c'" ~^-'~'~ • Z - ^ Z : ^ "1^1.1""..'- IS' Hurwitz, end. Lawrence Pinlcel, vio- an's 3O5S of her background of staGrand Lc:~2 -•";. continuing linist, Trill give several vocal ntu»i- bilityy and her feeling g of security, fesr." 11-the difficulty of her economic adjust-

" Mr



or r

rwho occupied the pulpit here from 1892 to 1896, will deliver the sermon on "Oar Sixtieth- Anniversary." Hen*. [ .ry Kosenthal is chairman for the eve-. | ning. David Eoscnsioek, president of Temple Israel, will deliver the introj ductory address. Rabbi Frederick I Cohn will rase speak, Alfred. S, Mr-yer is chnu'inan of the 1 celebration committee. The dinner is f beiag1 prepared and served by the Si$jterhood, the cc-FBirittce .feeing headed by Mrs. Mollic Cohen. • .' ;

4Sixtieth Anniversary '

The sermon for Saturday morning The 60th' anniversary cf. Temple Is- is'"The Drejirn cf Beth-El." rael win. be celebrated tonight with appropriate services, preceded by a gtioual dinner. KaddisJ? •will be recited this month Dr. Leo M. Franklin cf Detroit fcr Joharins &c-!ijr*.o\t..


s Financial Leaders


Candle lighting 4:20 p. ra.


Nov. 20,

Meet Your Friends


at the


Services Tonight Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "What Do Parents Owe Their Children?" .;:;:.

Course in Bible Appreciation Beginning next Tuesday morning at 10:30 Rabbi Goldstein will give a course in "Bible Appreciation." Nine lectures will be given on. the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10:30 a. ra. at the J. C. G. These lectures will constitute an, introduction to the various books of the Bible. They will aim to reveal the literature and ethical beauty of this great book.


When recently the "Vienna House of aura of myth-laden pathos. Probably household the Viennese House of the Rothschilds closed down, interna- Amschel Rothschild did not wait for Rothschild was left the alternative of tional finance realized that a land- death to be imminent before he rec- removal to some other country, to §== mark in, Central Europe had disap- ommended inbreeding to his sons. 'Be England or France. • Having delivered these terse commands to his that as it may, however, the fact repeared. ' The author of this article gives us mains that Amschel Rothschild was Viennese cousin Lionel Rothschild departed unostentatiously. And of the a close-up of Louis Rothschild, head international in his thinidng. I! After the collapse of the Viennese renowned solidarity of the House of of the Vienna House and describes Ida Daytch the events that led to the collapse of Credit-Anstalt the head of the British Rothschild there remained .only the Next Week The Thanksgiving dance to be held the Viennese Credit-Anstalt. We .pre- House, Baron Lionel Rothschild, made •well-entrenehad impression that its Rabbi Goldstein has chosen as the by the Omaha chapter of Junior paper is unquestionably safe no mat- topic of his sermon for Nov. 27, "Do sent this timely feature through the his appearance in Vienna. He was in a terrible hurry, had no ter which member of the family is its Children Owe Their Parents Any- Hadass3h at the Fontenelle Hotel on courtesy of Victor Wittner^ editor of November 25 promises to be the orthe Propylaen Verlag.—The Editor. _ time to lose. His conferences were maker. thing?" ganization's biggest social event o£ few, chiefly with persons of official A "Grand Seigneur" the year. Randal's Royal orchestra Among the many international in- status; but he spent hoars studying Louis Rothschild, the head of the will furr.ssk the ntnsic Many novel stitutions that the war and post-war the book of books—the ledger.- He Viennese house, is dissociated from events are being planned for the eveperiods have caused to fall asunder is added, calculated, combined. The re- the great tradition of these financial ning-. the international House of Rothschild. sult of this strategy of figures was a kings. He has become an Austrian The Pre-seascn • basketball' league Ida Daytch, general chairman, is The Rothschilds of London and Paris curt order: His Viennese cousin was grand seigneur, one who promenades at the J. C. C. has postponed its three and Vienna are closely consanguinous. to withdraw from all Austrian busi- amiably round about the world of games on Wednesday evening and being assisted by Gertrude Gerber, as far as their conversation is conr ness; the money necessary for the commsrce. The atmosphere of Vien- will play Sunday afternoon, Novem- advertising director, and Tobye Steinberg, tieket chairman. cerried —but in the management of, settling of all obligations resting diber 22. First game is at 1:30 p. ra. their business afafirs they are only rectly on the Viennese House of Roth- na effeminates, causes energies to Dr. Victor-E. Lrevine spoke to the Schedule for afternoon games: distant relatives. The lengend has i t schild was made available; in ex- evaporate too quickly. Solomon Rothorganization about "Diet" a t the last 1:30—Psi Mu vs. Kaplans. that.-when old AmschelEothschildlay change, the Viennese house, provided schild, he who discoursed with Metregular meeting, •which, vtzs heldj 2:15—AZA No. 1 vs. AZA No. 100. Thursday, ifoveTriber 19. dying, on September 19,1812, he sum- security for the loan and bound itself ternich, was still carved out of the 3:00—Deep Rock vs. Herman Cigar moned his five sons to his bedside and to dispose of its. many objects de luxe hard wood that made success certain. commanded them to adhere to Jud- whenever a favorable . opportunity He loved money for its own sake, Store. Standings of league: aism always, to discuss and carry out should appear, and thus to transform loved it as his master, not as his Team W. L. Pet. all their financial affairs together frozen wealth into interest-bearing slave. His joy in a happily completed ". 2 0 .1000 and to marry only women of their assets. Should considerations of so- transaction was like that of his great Psi Ma 2 0 1.C00 family. It is traditional for the foun- cial pride make it impossible to earry brother Nathan, who left a fortune of Dsep Roeks : 1 1 .500 ders of proud dynasties to die in an out retrenchments in the Viennese four hundred million dollars to his Hermans' heirs. Nathan once was routed to Kaplans 1 1 .500 wrath when an English aristocrat AZA No. 1 „ „ 0 0 .000 (Continued from Page 1.) 0 0 suggested that his sons would not be AZA No. 100 .oco as bsnt on money-making as he. Impicture of Bihar's life as gleaned petuously Nathan retorted: "I want great Rothschilds to be Jevcs and from, his father and mother, porthem all to devote themselves entirely business men. To a British duke vrho trayed by Earl Siegal and Martha to business—that is the way to hap- boasted of baing the first Christian Himmelstein. Outstanding in charjiness. It takes much shrewdness to baron of England Nathan Rothschild acter portrayal and acting were Hysmass a great fortune, but ten times replied: "Then we are colleagues; for raan Shrier, Mrs. Stanley Levin, Sal Try the Sanitary way of solving the more is needed to preserve it." Solo- I am the first Jewish baron cf Eng- Michnick, Dorothy Cohrt, Ralph Nogg, dreaded weekly washday T - Call AT mon Rothschild made his son, Baron land." Lionel RoQiscMld, the present and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. Others 2815 for better and more economical Anselm, imbibe this wisd§mas if it chief of the Britfsli'honse, has liis of- •who did excellent work in the cast : ; Jaundry • servicejs.' -•were the very «lixir of life, Baron fice in a modestly furnished room •were Mrs. John Beber, Mrs. Slelvin Anselm did the same for his son, which he shares with his head clerk, Radraan, Mas "Weinstein, Leo Baron Albert; and Baron Albert and access to him is not difficult for BroTsn, and Stanley Levin. Rothschild too left his son Louis the those who have serious bosiness to Everything washed sweet and clean. Flat Music was furnished by a trio conipiritnal heritage of this ancestral discuss -mth him. lake many of his sisting of Arm Ruback, Harry Robinwork neaSy ^irorisd and folded. Wearing apparel returned .damp. Towels luff dried irinciple. But Baron Louis did not family, he is said to sympathize son and Leonard Korney. The scenery 6c per pound. se either the money or the wisdom the Zionist movement; his genuine •was painted by Mrs. Meyer Beber, concern over the less fortunate of his if his fathers correctly. while the stage -was in charge cf Sol Shirts Beautifully. Hand Finished At that he is not ons to spend his people is well-known. An unbridge- Miroff, assisted by Sasn Greenberg 12e each able gap yawns between this faithful days in worldly pleasure. Many and Irving SternMH. Make-*«ip was Rothschilds, London and Paris cousins adherence to tradition and the ultra- in charge of Mrs. F. H. Koddy; propCHAS. SIMON RECOMMENDS THE . included, have exhibited much more Toryism of Vienna. Tragedy lies in erties by Mrs. J. Pearlstlcn and dish in: their enjoyment of love and the somewhat nlocking observation: Harry Saferstein; publicity, Mrs. life. Business acumen and thriftiness What a Rothschild gained a baron John Beber. did not prevent his fatter, Baron Al- has lost. bert, from amusing' himself with Yet Louis Rothschild is thoroughly beautiful actresses; i t is no indiscre- intelligent, \rith the skepticism innate tion to wrench from oblivion his rela- in thoss who see clearly. Hou-ever, he tions with Helen OdDon, that ravish- does not take off his gloves vrhen he Pbons AT 2815 2815 Farnam. ing woman, born for love, who now touches business, and hence cannot in direst poverty clings to the shadow test its quality accurately. After the ofSJife somewhere near Vienna. Al- fall of the imperial court all the curbert Rothschild, who played chess for rents and forces that Icngad to esa- gold krone and -with a gently, ma- cape from the confines of a too narlicious smile refused to sanction the vovr, too undeeorative state centered publication' of letters from Heinrich about Louis Rothschild. He became Heine to one of Ms ancestors—ba- known as the last stand of the old cause these letters dealt only with monarchy—only, as a wag put it, he moneyv Albert possessed one good wore on his head the shilling instead quality^—he never wanted to be in the of the krone (crown). limelight. He did not like to enter into great" new affairs; he preferred Diminished Wealth his own familiar littFe path. The Can we, therefore, wonder, that this Rothschilds"' gained their wealth as man let himself be made the head of bankers of- nations—it is not for them the Credit Anstalt, that he succumbed to tecome connected with the powers to the flattery of its directors and of the day, with the financial oligarch lent it his fine name? There is no of the bank directors and the plebian such thing as disembodied rule; one riches of industrial magnates. Money can rule only by means of one's mamust keep clear of such alliances. terial elements, one's person and monay. Ruthless extermination may GOOD THINGS TO EAT His Judaism have been inevitable for all the relics Make up a Party and Climss Baron Louis Rothschild himself is of old Austria. The House of Rotha bachelor; only his money has wooed. schild probably was fated to follow Cantor P. Pinchik [ at a. Which is a. twofold transgression the house of Kapsburg:. Above is shown Cantor P. Fine!::!:. \ against.the family commandment. He Baron Louis Rothschild has become nationally-known cantor, who ycill , { tier had been expected to marry one of an extremely wealthy private indiv- appear in a concert on Sunday, Nov.' f the Rothschild girls and thus to bind idual. His truly aristocratic, lordly 29, at 8:30 p. in. a t the Odd Fellovrs '* 2924 Leavenworth the family interests with an addition- nature revealed itself in the settle- Hall. :i 3Ackson al golden band. But Louis Rothschild ment of his obligations. True, in acstood firm as the Prince of Wales, cordance with the news, simpler mode sacrifice his happy soli- of their lives, ;the Rothschilds no 'Government Asks Sothschlld tude to financial union. Baron Louis longer pay more than they owe or to'Re-establish Credit&BsisIt Vienna.—Baron Louis De RotlisRothschild maintains a pxjrely super- have guaranteed. Louis Rothschild is u j ficial adherence to Judaism; he re- said to suffer deeply because of his chtld has been approached by t .c2 Austrian government vrith the re-, gards it as a spiritual mortgage on estate though still huge, has diminA Flour known for its marvelous baking qualities. his free .coalition and woold have re- ished.. Possibly he will one day look quest that he re-establish the Creci-J The favorite where econaiay is v/atched. For Omar « lieved himself of it long ago did not through those unpublished letters of tanstait as-a'Rothschild bank. Flour bakes more fsaves frer.saek — and eliminates tHink that might bring notoriety. His Heine which his father, Baron Albert The government is prepared to concostly baking -failures. , .. sensitive nature shrink from any- Rothschild, would not let go, and tribute toward meeting- the obligaintimate friends are almost- all mem- there, possibly, he may come across tions of the bank. bers of Vienna's feudal Jockey club_ a not entirely unknown anted ote: A James'P. Warburg Gets and his inclinations and views are famous. poet, visiting the founder of Swedish Award identical with those of this aristocra- the French dynasty, Baron James New York.—James P. 1'VErburc, tic circled Characteristically, Louis Rothschild, found,him .in. s state of Rothschild had to ba recalled -from a great distress. "I'm going mad/' vail- son of Paul M. Warburg, Jevish hunt when the'then Chancellor Scnob-: ed Rothschild.:"As long as you don't banker and philanthropist, has beer. er needed his consent for the fusior throw money out the window I don't decorated with the Eoyal Smr'ish of the . Bodenkreditanstalt with the believe it," returned the poet. Where- Order cf Vasa, First Class. Credit Anstalt. Only after the stag upon Rothschild lamented: "But that's Architect Gets Geld had -been shot did. this... famous' and my. madness—that -I never throw Medal Award fateful agreement come fnto being. money, out the wlndovv!" ' . . .Chicago, 111.—Ernest A. Gntnsfeui Not until this "year'did we;'-learn/just • ".That tms'mddtiess is not hereditary Jr., voung • Chicaso Jewish architect, what' Ro'thschitd" '''put' -in "the- bag" "on in" "the -Rothsc'liilcT family' has" been was presented the 1931 gold medal cf that-.occasion:' thirty, /million .shilling, amply proves" by "its Viennese peiou. . the Chicago'chapter cf the Americii. Specific abilities, rot- in anaccus (Copyright^ 10-31, by Seven Axis Fea- Institute' of Architects, or the «kcT££tomed soil. Ifie primary" ami of th< ture" Syndicate.) of the Adler planetarium.

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The next meeting of Hadassah be held at 'the J. C. Ci on "Wednesday afternoon, November' 25. -- ' "Philip "SHifaaucl5"."wfll 'address the group/ speaking "on the" Zionist situation as 'affected by" the* convention held in Atlantic City. -;vMiss"Hermine Sirschman m i l give" a program of popular vocal selections. Tea •will:;be served by Mrs. A3 IPraak d h i

The second meeting'of the Current Topics Course was held at the Jewish Gommunlty. Center Tuesday morning, with Eabbi David A. Goldstein as eader. The subject discussed was 'Ghandi." , ; . "Si?ty-three-year-old Ghandi, inignificant in * • appearance, .homely, weighing'- only ninety pounds,' going about half-naked, with a bottle of goat's" milk" in one' hand and' dates in the other, is one of'the greatest men in the world today," said Eabbi oldstein. "He has'been rightfully •











the financial budget for this work, was approved.. The list of officers elected includes: -Henrietta:'.Szold, Honorary President;-Mrs. Edward., Jacobs of New . York," President; Mrs. _ Sober* Szold, "Miss -Pearl Franklin, Mrs. Samuel Halprin, Urs. Henry Harris, Vice-Presidents; Mrs. ..iSainael - J. Rosensohn, Treasurer; Mrs. Hoses P . Epstein, Secretary; Miss Alice Sel-

& ;NOVEMBEB-.13,. 1S31

igsberg, Honorary Associate members of the Board. ' The National Board of Esdassah is to .'be comprised c£ the following: For. a three-yea? period, Mrs. Moses P..Epstein, Miss.Pearl Franklin, Mrs. .A. IL Promenson, Mrs. Lewis Goldberg, Mrs. -. Samuel Halprin, Mrs. Samuel J.- Rosensohn, Mrs. Israel B. Brodie, Mrs. Suiidel Doniger, Mrs. David B. Greenberg; for two years,


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The Workmen's Circle, Branch 173 are giving a concert Sunday, November 22, at 8 p. in. at the Labor Lyceum ;at 22nd and Clark. Some o Omaha's best musical and dramatic talent will take part. The local branch will appreciate the patronagi of Omaha Jewry. . . , ;'•

a 1 M.

Alpha'Tan \At a meeting, of Alpha Tau held last Tuesday evening; at the J. C. C Mrs. Jacob Pearistein, who recently came from New York, attended a new sponsor. ..- ' .•••'•Under the supervision of Mrs Pearistein, it was decided to Mv semimonthly reports on note-worth; topics. ;' "" •-•• . ' The sorority has decided to tak part in the Chanukah" carnival.-

A regular meeting .of the Pi Alph liarabda was held Sunday, Novembe: 8, at the J. C. C. Further plan: Trere" discussed for the "Senior, Coun til Carnival. Edith- Schneider ha: been appointed chairman of the stun committee, and Genevieve White is charge of the ticket sale.


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Ths Irene Johnston • Permanent Waving' salon, 2-3S Aquila Court, .is an authorized agency for the Realistic method " of permanent • Miss Johnston iras schooled under the .Marinello system in Chicago, -which features the massag'e and the care of the-hair. This system has been established for over thirty years. At the Maiirsello System School Miss Johnston inade a complete study of the removal . of facial. blemishes and has specialised in had .a satisfied t that. _She; has clientele at the Aquila Court since she has been there, a period of over six years. Previously, "she hsd" operated a beauty parlor in the Securities building:. . tf The Irene Johnston Beauty Parlor also carries a full line of cos'metics together -with beauty creations" by Audrea P a Vsl and the Bal-Prn" antiseptic shampoo oil.

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Atlantic City.—(J. T. A.)—The Hadassah closed its convention here with the adoption of a number cf resolutions and the election of ofThe Girl Scout "Troop for the J. C ficers. C. decided to have a ChanukaH pro A budget of $350,000 was adopted gram at their last meeting. Afte3 and the proposal of ths Hadassah announcements had been made by thi board that the curative %rorl; of the scout leader,*Miss Anne Linsman, thi organization be transferred to the girls went through their regula organized Jewish community of Pal routine. A court of honor was helc estine when it is cblo to g u c t


• c

National Tire & Battery

Atlantic City.—(J. T. A.)—A split between the Zionist Organization of America and the Hadassah, which seriously threatened the entire Zionist movement in the United States was averted when Emanuel Neumann, American member of the World Zionist Executive, persuaded the Eadassah Board to reverse its decision to withdraw its. six members from the newly elected Zionist Administrative Committee. . - ' • • ' The decision to withdraw tro^i the Zionist " administration, had been adopted earlier in the" evening-, at a special meeting of the Hadassah National Board held-behind closed doors, after the entire Hadassah delegation had walked out of the convention hall as a protest against the addition of six the slate of thirty-two names proposed for membership in the new Administrative Committee by the Committee of Six. The Hadassah delegation declared the addition of the six new individuals, the .majority of them adherents cf the Lipsky group, to fcs. a breach of the arrangement reached three days previous whereby it was agreed that in bringing, harmony into the Zionist movement there should be no victor and no loser. While consenting to remain with the Zionist Organization In respons; to Mr. Neumann's appeal, the Hadassah sustained its decision to cut in half its .membership dues to the Zionist Or'sSnnStion. , Henceforth the Kadassah will pay. only" 50 cents per year to the-Zionist organization, instead of $1, thus reducing its contribution by approximately $20,000. "



The Harper Method Shop is owned 'and operated by four sisters, ' the Misses Barbara, Irene, Bid and Theresa Early. For twelve years the Early sisters have been at their present location, 632 World-Kerald Buildisg, at which place they started their beauty work. All four of the Early sisters graduated from the Harper Method School in Eochester, New York, where they specialised in the care of hair, skin, and nails. They also learned the special method in scalp treatment taught by t school only. The Harper Method School is forty-three years old, with cSces in all the principal cities in the United States and abroad. The Harper Method Shop has five efficient operators working steadily. They c a n y a full Iiae of Harper Method • products consist' 1115 of creains, lotions, rouge, powder, • and - tonics. They can be phoned at Atlantic 0344.

Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and Night


Workman's Circle:

At the weekly meeting of the Henrietta Szold club held at the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday, final plans were made for a "progressive party" to be given Saturday evening, November 21. ;. V ''•' The party vrill. start at the horn of Miss Elsie Lazarus, wiff be .continued at the home of Miss Kost Skafer and will be^completed at th> home of Miss Sylvia Jonish, when a -buffet supper will be served, followed by dancing. . A very active program, both social and educational, for the coining sensc-n is being arranged.


sidered by many a second God. To ~handi .God is the most real thing in the "world. He spends a great part - A regular, meeting of the-Golden of his time praying, and. in every Hill Society will .'be held at the home crisis he has sought relief and help of Mrs. E. Sidman," 401 No. 31st St., through means of prayer. on Tuesday, November 24 at 2:30 "Ghandi wants the "world to rise Pm. • ; ' • ' " • • above the brute. He has no armies or navies' with which to fight, but has a new kind Qf power—soul force. He does not approve of cowardice, his belief is that one has courage when The Pioneer Women's Club appeals he fights or when he suffers, but to the people of Omaha to help them when he runs away he is a coward. raise their qaota of .this; year for According to this great man violence $1,000 by contributions to their an- is the cause.of all humanity's ills. nual bazaar, which will be held on He says every man is sincere." December 6. Rabbi Goldstein brought out that in All proceeds of the bazaar will be sent to the Girls' Agricultural School the many problems which Ghandi has in Palestine. This gives the girls an faced he has won none of them by opportunity to become real Chalutzos fighting. "He stands patiently and takes all the blows dealt him, and to carry out our work in Palestine. Mrs. J. Kaplan, chairman of the does not whimper," said Rabbi Goldbazaar, announces that contributions stein. "His enemies are baffled. If are coming in slowly, which makes he -would fight back to. try to escape the workers work that much harder. they could handle him. However, as " "Please accept our committees and it is he -usually wins, because they give what yon can." was her message. are nonplussed, and cannot fight one who does as Ghandi does." At ths pge of 8 Ghandi was engaged, and at 12 he was married, according to. Rabbi Goldstein. He said j Plans are progressing nicely for Ghandi's wife then an illiterate child, the mammoth benefit and card party has learned from him, and today is to "be given by the Daughters of Ziorf at his right hand, his greatest helper. at the municipal auditorium on De"He took up law, and practised in cember 6. I South Africa," said the Rabbi. "He • The chairmen of this affair are saw that" the Indians living there filesdames W. Solomonow, J. Gold- were being perescuted, and then gave ware, Max Arbeitman, Sam Platt, M. up his work to fight the South AfriBrande, B. Eisenberg, L Kulakofsky. can government. He taught how to and L. Shafton. -•"••-_ fight violence with love. -. - The organization has also decided "In 1914 he returned to India, and to hold its annual bazaar at the same was recognized as a Savior. He astime and place. Those, in charge are sisted Great Britain in the war; he Mrs. S. Platt, president "of the or- sent no armies or weapons, but ganization, and Mesdames M. Braude nurses, and stretcher bearers. S. Weinberg, A. Wolf, L. Rosenblatt, "Shortly after this he founded a &. Greenberg, M. Goldstein. school. The teachers had to take vows The local'gronp is an auxiliary of of celibacy, even though they were the-Jewish" National, fund."_ All their married, also' vows of non-violence, proceeds go toward .buying land in and non-possession, that is, they were Palestine and developing- the land al- allowed "only the absolute necessities ready bonght. ' They are at present af life. • • - . . • under contract to raise $5,00Q in "Ghandi turned against the many yearly Installments of $1,000' to in- labor-saving devices and machines stall' water in a new colony in the used in Europe, such as-' electricity, Holy Land. All money raised in this ahd knitting arid weaving machines. affair will help' defray this year's AH India began spinning, and once quota. • . .: •-."'•' again.wearing homespun. This prac• They have issued an appeal to any tise naturally made a great differone" interested in J. "N.;.F. work who ence i n . Great Britain's trade, but it has a car willing .to was.the word of Ghandi and it was drive for a few hours in' aiding them respected and followed. ' pick up donations for the bazaar to .-. "The following- statement. made to : get in touch" with" them. ."".' L' . Ghandi. by one of England's leaders They also" ask that all who can get is as true a characterization of the tip tables for the (rjrd p a r t y . " ' man-as; we'can hope to have: Ton are so sincere you embarrass us, you are so simple, yon baffle u s . ' "

Henrietta Szold

Mrs. L H- Levin, and .Mrs. ."EL H.jt» reduce by one-IiEif the atnonnt re-j Sorae.—Angelo Me Subenbvits; for one year, Miss End-to-aired from immigrants entering-jItslins Jewish general. ?B*\ appointed. ice EBdn. and Miss Frances Lesser. I Palestine under the category cf in?,-- j president; cf the hi< wrt military migrants frith aeass. | trihstssl ta ts-e COTIT; fle in rpcopni Tie asaount required trill sow be! The jrrjjrd : 5S3- pounds instead cf cse thousand [ of Mpdeims's i to the GTtxiY' Mode"?..1* is Iimovm. M pounds. , I Italy's greatest expert- em military This concession trill be 3 London.—(J. T. A.—The office, upon the recommendation of soos ES the incidental legal "details questions and is a. noted writer on military subjects. the Palestine'government, has agreed I have been settled.



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Pablished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH- COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on.application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone; ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER -•--•• Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la;. Correspondent ANN PILL - - - • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


becoming his son's pal. The road to understanding is one including interest in one's son's likes and dislikes, and frequent confidential conversations, with a sympathetic approach to childhood's manifold problems. Kindness and the willingness to help can go a long way toward winning a boy's heart. The best sermon is a good example; a father must furnish that sermon, making his conduct such-that his son would be proud to pattern after it. ; On the other hand, in this modern age the sons must learn the lesson of "Honor thy father." If a barrier has risen between father and son because of differences of beliefs or customs, or because of old world and new world differences/ the son, who has the advantage of environment, should take the lead in briding the gap. Attaining of one's majority is no excuse for not heeding a father's sound advice; his counsel is given for filial love. It is every son's solemn duty to live up to his father's expectations. He must treasure the precibusness of the family's fair name. Honor him and respect his wishes and you, the son, can in part recompense him for a debt which can never be paid in full. A mutual feeling of fellowship and companionship between father and son should be the striving of both. If each treats the other as though he were the other's best friend, he will thus become the other's best friend. -

It was way back in the seventeenth century that our Pilgrim fathers first set apart a day wherein all might give their thanks as a united people with one voice. The Thanksgiving idea grew, and now we as a mighty nation, as one, give praise on the last Thursday of every November to the Lord for His bounty. The American holiday had its origin with the Pilgrims, devput followers of the Old Testament, and the Pilgrims in turn borrowed the custom from the ancient Hebrews, who similarly gave thanks after the harvest m theu* Homeland, Palestine.. Next Thursday, as we pause from our everyday routine in Thanksgiving, our thoughts naturally turn to the Pilgrims. And as we ponder, we come to the realization that all of us are Pilgrims. To many of us Jewish people, Ellis Island was our Plymouth Rock. To others of us, we have not yet reached our spiritual haven, but GOOD THEORY AND BITTER keep everlastingly on. With the collapse of our economic palaces, still others, indeed, all too many FACT of us, can find nothing for which to give thanks. The average individual is bewildered by the These—who put their entire faith and strength numerous drives now being conducted for all kinds on the economic elements—these are the ones of causes. Most of ^these causes are good. Some who; need an inculcation of the time spirit and are entitled to more consideration than others. meaning of Thanksgiving. Far more precious Perhaps nowadays the individual justly finds it than monetary affluence is God's blessing of life necessary to be selective. He has to decide for itself and the means of sustaining it; the sanc- himself as to the relative merits and urgency of tuary of the home; and the minimization of sick- the appeals that are constantly made to his purseness and death. If we think we are hard hit by- strings. Altogether unfair is that attitude which having to scrimp and save, let us by comparison takes refuge behind the excuse of "too many think of the hardships and privations endured by drives" and refuses to respond to any of them. our forefathers^-hardy men and women who set Equally unworthy is the tendency nowadays to aside a day of Thanksgiving, though surrounded resort to the argument that charity is only a by grave dangers and comforted by the barest sugar-coated palliative that soothes the conscience . needs of life. The necessities of today were more of the giver and pauperizes the recipient. We are than luxuries yesterday. And what if we do suf- told that what we really need is to revamp our fer now from an-economic depression. We have whole economic system in such manner as to learned invaluable lessons thereby. We have make charity unnecessary. found that adversity can strengthen home ties. The theory is a good one. It is true that We have found that no matter how poor our home charity often pauperizes people and robs them of orMwtattered our garments#6 areiiehin free-: their self-respect. It is true also that our social dom,j religious liberty and equal opportunity. But above all else, we have found that when all else and economic structure could stand a lot of refails us-T^tar crops, our business, our banks, our iramping so that any person who is willing and legislatures—we, distracted Iranians, can fall to able to work might not have to' go idle. We admit our knees before God Almighty with our plea, that there is something hopelessly stupid about a ^Help us, Jehovah, so that we may not perish." social order which-witnesses the spectacle of thouThose who are in danger of perishing, those sands of human beings starving and shelterless in in pur midst who are suffering from lack of food, a world which produces more food and more goods clothing, or shelter, must receive, our aid, if we than it can use. are to re^fly^ give thanks to the Lord. Our There is nothing new about this argument. thanksgiving for pur own livelihoods must be It was Maimonides who long ago declared that tempered by the solemn realization that there are "the highest form of charity is the prevention of some in w;ant.l The best way we can give thanks poverty." This is the ideal in the direction of y which the world is slowly but certainly moving is to alleviate their need. today. The social change will come but it will not come overnight. Nor. will it arrive through the ; ^ AND SON force of a bloody revolution. It will come only as JBy now, the Father and Son observance has enlightenment comes. And that is a slow process ; ^ feeeome an integral part of our communal life. Thewhich requires infinite patience. banquet for dads and lads next Sunday night unIn the meanwhile we are faced with the grim der the auspices of the Social Service Commis- fact of unemployment and impoverishment which sion of the Community Center and the B'nai no theory however valid will satisfy. The sick Brith has marked its niche as,an annual institu- and the needy must be cared for. No argumentation. The intimate feeling fostered by such cele- tion on that proposition will be of any avail. No brations adds a fresh, needed factor to the tra- arm-chair philosophy will answer the problem of diiaonal ideal of family relationship in Jewish life those who seek employment and cannot find it. The Jewish family has .been the basis of Judaism, The work of charity must go on while the its closely-knit ties outstanding, a bond of new social order is evolving. They who refuse to cohesion which has safeguarded the future of respond to appeals for emergency help because of Israel. a belief that our social system is all wrong are In this setting, the picture of the stern, harsh only hiding ugly greed behind hypocritical barJewish father belaboring his son, pulling him by riers of a social theory. They are worthy of conthe ears to the" beth hamedrosh for' study seem; tempt—Brooklyn Examiner. incongruous. On the surface, the Jewish parent had no heart for his son. But this outward appearance was only.a cloak for a tenderness which SEEING THE LAND; was awkward in expression, a willingness to unThe other day we came across an exquisitely dergo the utmost sacrifices for the sake of the printed volume of pictures of Palestine which was child. There was, perhaps, no coddling, no fond- published recently in Germany. All the photoling, but in the true test—the desire to suffer for graphs dealt with the religious life of Christians a child's sake—the Jewish parent reached unsung and Mohammedans in the Holy Land. The volume glory. And yet .externally he masked his deep contained als o two picture s of the Wailing Wall feeling behind the sternness which marked the —but it did not have a single scene of the new treatment he received at the hands of the world. Jewish Palestine. This seems to be particularly With the passing of time and the disappear- strange whe n one bears in mind that within the ance of the Ghetto, the emancipated Jews con- past four decades the Jews have established over tinued to extol the family life as a high ideal of fifty flourishing colonies in Palestine and they Judaism. But parental and filial devotion as- have built up Tel-Aviv which is today the only sumed a new, soft aspect, an aspect which height- modern and most beautiful city in the land. Howened the beauty of the relationship. That atti- ever, this gross neglect is explained by the fact tude has developed steadily. Today, by such af- that Gentiles nave only an antiquarian interest in fairs as this Father and Son banquet, our dads are Palestine and it is to them only a country of inade to realize the vital importance of becoming quaint survivals of a glorious past The same atmore intimate with their sons. • A lad hungers titude has been shared by all important tourist for a confidant, one who can understand his bureaus which have shown their patrons everyproblems and aid in their solution. No one is more thing antiquarian but have not found it necessary capable of, filling that position than his father. to take them even to one outstanding Jewish No father ^an afford to miss the opportunity of colony.—Sentinel, _








From Contemporary Pens

"Too bad," repeated Joe. "By the way, X, did you hear that Sara who •was sick so long was cured hy taking up Christian Science?" "O yeah?" said X, sitting up all alert.



2*ow I may have given tlis impression that X was a rather simple sort of person. If you have received that impression, you are all wrong1, for in an unsystematic sort of. way, X was well educated, and as far as Hebrew goes, very -well educated. And when Joe told X that the more simple' Sam had been cured by Christian Science, it aroused something in him. It threw something into his machinery. He got up and paced the floor. You could see that he was excited. I blow what you think, reader. You think, it gave X the idea that he, too, should take up Christian Science. But you are all wrong-. For the idea, it gave him, was just the contrary. It gave him the idea that he should take cp Judaism.


RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholora, New York

"THE BIBLE IN SONG: THE Stories of the Pentateuch in Rhyme and Song" is the title of a delightful volume winch the Bureau of Jewish Education has just issued. The poems are by the late Samuel S. Grossman and the music by A. W. Binder, of the Jewish Institute of Religion. Mr. Binder suggests that these songs be used "as a basis for the Bible lesson; as a final summing up for the Bible lesson; as common assembly songs, and as the basis for tableaux and pageants." "We "congratulate Mr. Binder on his enterprise in placing to music the charming poems of Mr. Grossman. Religious schools today are departmentalizing the teaching of Jewish and Hebrew so'ngs in the same "way that they departmentalize the Hebrew, project and other work. We are confident that "The Bible in Song" will be heartily welcomed everywhere. It will heighten the enjoyment of pupils in the religious school program and impress vividly and pleasurably the Bible stories in their memory, bis, principals, teachers and parents! Take note of "The Bible in Song." LINCOLN STEFFENS IN HIS amazing autobiography includes items of immense interest. His chapter on "The Ghetto" is unforgettable despite the tragic and sordid tale it tells of conditions on the East Side. Mr. Steffens writes (p. 244): "I had become as infatuated with the Ghetto as Eastern boys with, the wild west, and nailed a mezuzah on my office door; I went to the synagogue on all the great Jewish holy days; on Yom Kippur I spent the whole 24 hours fasting and going from one synagogue to another. The music moved me most, but I knew and could follow with the awful feelings of a Jew the beautiful old ceremonies of the ancient orthodox services. My friends laughed at xne, especially the Jews among them scoffed. 'You are more Jewish than us Jews,' they said, and since I have traveled I realize the absurdity of the American who is more French than the French, more German than the Kaiser. :, . But there were some respecters of my respect.-- When Israel Zangwill, the author of 'Tales of the Ghetto' came from London to visit New. York, he heard about me from Jews and asked me to be his guide for a survey of the East Side; he saw and he went home and wrote 'The Melting Pot'." JOSEPH ROTH HAS WRITTEN A saperb novel entitled: "Job.1 On'ce more the ancient tale lives anew. H. G. Wells made it the theme of the "Undying Fir^f Andreyev has dealt with it in "Anathema." It has been dramatized by Horace M. Kallen and others. It exercises a continuous fascination for the modern mind. "Job" tells the story of a Russian Jew who suffers grievously both in his native land and in the United States. The world crashes about him, and grief stalks into his life. At the end of the book, his fortunes turn once more; his long-lost soa, like Job Huss' beloved boy, reappears, and there is hope for Mendel Singer. "Job" takes its place among those novels which are imbued with the "Judenschmerz," yet have a universal meaning. Joseph Roth, writes with great compassion in his heart, and he conveys it in abundant measure to his readers. "Job" should be placed at the sjde of the tawdry novels of a few American Jewish authors "le-havdiV "Job" is a gem of a rare quality; many of the latest stories of local origin are vicious imitations.

MAUDE ADAMS HAS ELECTED to act once more. What is the role she chooses? Portia in Shakespear's "Merchant of Venice." What a pity, that the old ghosts must walk again through the medium of the Jew whom Shakespeare drew, building better than he knew. Shylock will always plague Israel because he is a figure created in the image of Gentile beliefs regarding the Jew. He is a projection of the Christian will to imagine the evil qualities which prejudice has associated with Jewish character. Perhaps it is too much to expect that the "Merchant" will be dropped from the repertory of great actors. Mantell, Sothern, Hampden, Arliss, Skinner and countless others have rejoiced in the meaty part (no pun intended) which Shylock offers. By the same- token,-Julia Marlowe and numerous others have seized upon Portia with the same gusto that actresses of the -modem school cherish for Nina-Leeds in "Strange Interlude." Everyone will hail Maude Adams on the boards once more, but why~£Iio-uld Portia fee resurrected through the magic of tsx art? ^CANTOR YGSELLE. . EOSEN'blatt recently visited a Beform syna£ogae with his frier.d, 'and paid its Babbi the compliment of saying "he j ™« a the he Kjost "froBaxsi" of the Ec-J farmers.

It is an excellent tiling to welcome "frommigkeit" in the liberal synagogues. Reform Judaism has little power to replenish and enrich itself. Those Reform religious schools which recruit teachers' from their own confirmants and graduates will find the content of their instruction rapidly thinning out. Confirmants of Reform religious schools usually lack knowledge of Hebrew; they are Zionists only rarely; they are not reared in homes where Jewish ceermonies are observed; they do a minimum of Jewish reading. Conservative or orthodox households, on the other hand, oftentimes create the milieu from which come the best equipped teachers for the Sunday schools. Unless the latter introduce more Hebrew, give more time to the intensive preparation of their students in the full content of the Jewish tradition, and fire them with enthusiasm for all Jewish causes, recruits for the teaching staff must be sought among the more pious interested persons of conservative or orthodox training.

LITTLE BUT BIG It is a little thing—this little bit of advise that Brandeis; is wont to give —and yet, I believe, it summarizes Branded more than anything else. And perhaps it explains more than ought else the clash in the Zionist world that has at various times revolved about him. Other Zionists talk of historical consciousness, of ciiltv.ral Zionism, of political Zionism, and what not. And Brandeis tr,ras aside and pays: "There is s little thing- to f<p; do that, and do that well: the rest will follow." Arid these academic Zionists cannot understand such v,n attitude.


They cannot quite understand his type. They forget that Brandeis besides being one of the exponents of the labor movement in America was also one of the exponents of the scientific efficiency—I believe, it is called, the' Taylor system. You remember when he fouplit the attempt of the railroads to raise the railroad rates. You remember the railroads said, they -were losip.p money. AND HEALING COMES Brandeis turned to them. Sure, but X said to himself, if Christian Science, a religion started by a simple 3'ou can save v, million dollars a day woman, can cure Sam, si-.rely Juda-j by introducing: efficiency. And he ism with all its heritage, with its j showed them how and where. It was rich historical, intellectual, and emo- a different sort of vr?.y of fighting a peoples' battle—vnth mathematical tional content, can cure rae. "Faith of our Fathers, thou shalt figures instead of figures of speech. If my memory is correct, the Bible heal me," said X, as he brushed the dust off a Gemarah, which had lain some-where denouncing pome of the "Our proph« unopened for years in his bookcase. oracles of its day sr.vs: 7 X began to go to schrde. If you I ets_£re full of wind.' don't knew what a schule is, let me] Ko one could ever say that of tell you that a schcle is a synagogue. | Brandeis. He talks very little; he It "was arcand. Succoth time, so he j just sees a little thing- to do, and does bought an Ethrog and Lnlav, And at j it well, and the rest- follows. the Schul services, you could see him ] Copyright, 1SS1, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. chanting the verses from the Psalms j and waving- the leafy branch forwards | Care is an enemy to life,—Shakeand upwards and diagonally. And on Friday night, if you went to X's home speare, there were candlesticks there, and a Char.ce generally favors the pruspecially good Shabboth meal. Soon everybody around the synagogue be- j dent.—Jonbert. gan. to look around for X, to consult' Vim on this and that. X felt that he had rooted himself—-had become one with his environment and past. Hooted, he became relaxed in bod;; and mind. One day, he chanced to open accidentally the drawer in which he had kept all of his medicines. There they were. He had not touched them since the day he had taken up Judaism. The faith of his fathers had cured



You have heard of people professing to have been cured by Christian Science. I suppose oar friends, the Jewish "Scientists, claim similar restorations. And onr Chsssfdic friends, of course, point to numerous cures by the "rebbe." But have you ever heard of good old time Jadaiszs effecting a cure? So listen to this—a story I get from Rabbi Solomon Metz ROOTING VS. ROTTIXG of Washington. The moral of the story,-1 presume, is not so rrrsch, that there are any inX TAKES PILLS AND herent medicinal values in Judaism or POWDERS any other religion, but that if you are X had been ailing for some years. a Jew, be a Jew, He went to one doctor—to another, Peace comes not from isolation. and still another. One doctor gave You can't disconnect yourself. Trees him a tonic; anot&er, pills; a third, a cannot grow in the air. They must powder; a fourth recommended the be rooted. So mest you, End yon. removal of his tonsils; a fifth, And there's healing in being- rooted. thought Ms molars ought to be dravni And he who is not rooted, rets. out. Now this is no funny story. As I have said, Rabbi Metz vouches for BRANDEIS* BIRTHDAY it. This week marks the 75th birthday The loag asd short of it is that X of the Jew:, whom Senator Hoke went around, despite all his doctoring Smith of Georgia once described as with a wry face. He had pains in the "the greatest Jew since Jesus Christ." j region of his stomach. That looked Of course, I refer -to JLoais D. Bran- I like stomach trouble. But in another dels. Ordinarily, one celebrates a j moment those pains would switch to man's birthday by delivering panegyhis back, and he thocght it must be rics to Ms merits. lumbago. Then the aches would go I prefer to celebrate it by noting to his feet and he was sure it was what I believe is the dominant trait rheuirsatisra. in the person that is Louis Brsr?d€is, Well, to make a long story short, HIS WAY OF LIFE one day X was sitting quietly sipping bicarbonate of soda and chewing asWhat is that trait? pirin as he mused over Ms aches1 and In his splendid biography of Justice Brandeis, Jacob de HESS says: his pains, when Joe carae along-. "in legislation, in organization, or SAM AND CHRISTIAN in common place business he is apt to SCIENCE advise, "Go home, select a little thing"Hello," said Joe. to do, and do that well; the rest will "Don't hello me, Joe. If you had follow." If lie has a motto, it is ray aches and pains you wouldn't hel- Goethe's line," "In tier beschraukung zeight sick erst der Meister." He has lo so much," said X. "Too bad. You c-aght to go and the craftsman's love for doing- things •well, rather than the common desire see the doctor," said Joe. "Listen, Joe," said X,-"if one apple" for many avocations. a day keeps a doctor away, then dur- There's gold 'in them thar words'— j ing the last year,, I did not eat over "Go home, select a little thing- to do, * End do that well." ] a hundred apples."

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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH.PRESS, FRIDAY,'NOVEMBER 20, 1831 I.Iiss Rose Brandeis -spent last Eueben is - a member of Tassels, ]m a r r y <L JL>£UVS. •week-end in Lincoln, Neb., where she women's pep organization and a Sig'Though she wi c <• J \ attended the Sadolph Ganz concert. ma Delta Tan. Sunday, November 22 Roseline Pizer, Omaha, is the cam- strange, passions. ~ p t Psi Mu Dance, 3 p. m. Lodge SIGMA ALPHA MU pus chairman in charge of ticket Judith had the Hf "• ' ± •.'- L room. Singma Omicron of Sigma Alpha sales for a banquet at which Leonard that made her a » Father and Son Banquet. 8:30 JJu entertained 50 couples at- a bow- Stromherg, famous Swedish novelist the crcsaxrel that n—r~" r « <• , p. m. ery party held at the fraternity house will speak. The affair is being spon- for two generatioT" Basket Ball League. 1 p. m. in Lincoln Saturday, Nov. 7. sored fcy the alumni group of Thets Gymnasium. And through V <The house was decorated to present Sigma PM, professional honorary for facsimile of a bowery, and the women, and Miss Pizer is president Monday, November 23 z * guests were dressed accordingly. Sev- of the active group on the campus. hos.rd:ng, wooing, A. Z. A. No. 1 Smoker. 8 p. m. eral Iowans, who had come to attend She is a member Gf Sigma Delta Tau. th'e Iowa-Nebraska game, were guests Members of Sigma Delta Tau were echoes from Fir^- z of the fraternity. Many alumni and presented with a beautiful set of Tsst-Isss cjuicksnii^^ c" " -^^y ^ t ^ Sunday, November 29 guests from Oinaha, Lincoln' and chinaware by the Sigma Delta Tau 0. S. Eorrecg. - ' -> r ' " "" - < = Psi Mu Dance. 3 p . m . Center Sioux City attended. Mother's club. This club was or- All items must be in next week ] Memphis and Baltimore before asof the Earth," and ' P" — ' « ~ Chaperones of the affair were Mr. ganized two years ago and is comballroom. by 5 p. m., Tuesday, as we will go suming her present post as head of and Mrs. Dave ZolGt of Lincoln. posed of the mothers of both active now has a new bocl , "71'" l ' c i — Monday, November S O < to press one day earlier due to the family service bureau in St. Chairman in charge of arrangements and alumna members. Mrs. S. Piser, God." Rolvagg, r , c r -.- * '— •? r landed in New I r - i . z ^ -\ ",_ •" Thanksgiving falling on Thursday. Louis. She is in demand as a speakRecreational Institute. 7:30 p. m. was Milton Berkowitz of Omaha. Omaha, is president of the group. fisher boy. Ee did not know a word er in national and state conferences Tuesday, December 1 of English; in his pockets were tm of social work. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED NEW BOOKS AT COUNCIL Recreational Institute. 7:30 p. m. PHI DELTA EPSILON American dime, a Korme<riaii penny A seminar was held last Friday LIBRARY Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gotler of St. MRS. BUEKENROAD TEA Wednesday, December 2" and a railroad ticket to Minneapolis. night at the PM Delta Epsiloa home Louis announce the engagement of HOSTESS Among the interesting new books He worked hard, went to grade school s r Eecreational Institute. 7:30 p. m. at 335 S. 38 St. Dr. Radman, intheir daughter, Martha, to Jack Friein the Council of Jewish Women's Mrs. M. S. Bufkenroad was hostess Thursday, December 3 structor in obstetrics at Creighton circulating library at the Blaekstone and then to college. Ee is now a. deri of Omaha, son of Mrs. J. Si Frie- t a tea from 3 until 4:30 o'clock on professor of Norwegian literature at Recreational Institute. 7:30 p. m. read a paper • on the "Problem of hotel are: den. St. Olaf College, Minn, KG writes is Tuesday afternoon at her home honHemorrhage to the Obstetrician." Miss Gotler has been visiting here oring Mrs. George Rosenfelt, formerSaturday, December 12 "Night Rester and Short Stories," Norwegian and his splendid work has Among those participating in the by Arnold Bennett. with her brother-in-law and sister, ly of Memphis, Term., who is making Senior Council Chanukah Carnito be translated for xss. discussion were Dr. Levine, Dr. SternMr. and Mrs. Morris FriedeL "Judith Paris," by Hugh. Walpole. val. 7 p. m. her home here. "Their Fathers' God" portrays the hill and Dr. Greenberg, all of the "Maid in Waiting," by John GalsL Assisting Mrs. „ Burkenroad were Creignton medical faculty. vital problems of readjustment •which worthy. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT . Mrs. Clarence Bergman and Miss Lee This was the first of a series of face the second generation. The com"Promiscuous," by Macy, author of Mr. and Mrs. David Lincoln an- Rehfeld. Y e l l o w chrysanthemums seminars to be held every Friday "Ex-Wife." munity is settled; pioneering hardw.a H^vprc nounce the engagement of their were used throughout the house; night at the Phi Delta Epsilon home. ships end loneliness are largely of "Their Fathers' God," by O. E. Roldaughter, Kona,, to Joe Horwich, forAn educational program for the the past; but the children born of ragg. merly of ChicagSj, son of Mr. and Mrs. SHIRLEY SCHNEIDER HONORED Jewish. People of Omaha every Judith Paris is the famous "Hogue Louis Horwich. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krantz •enterSunday evening. Herries'" daughter. With her flamMr. and Mrs. Lincoln will honor the tained 26 gxrests at their home ThursFree to active and senior memEose Gilbert, Omaha; Mollie Fish- ing hair, bird-like body and wild young couple on Sunday, Nov. 22, at day evening at a farewell party honbers of the Jewish Community man and Ruth Dorbin, St. Joseph, ways, she was an alien to the Herries j their home. Mr. Horwich's parents oring Miss Shirley Schneider, New Center. Mo., and Helen Leavitt, Iowa City, clan; to Will and the wealthy London are expected in from Chicago for the York, who has been their guest for Sunday, November 29 la., were guests of the Sigma Delta Herries; David's placid home at TJ2occasion. two weeks. Miss Schneider leaves Lecture. Maurice Samuels, lec<e i ,-"**^Tau house in Lincoln last week-end. dale; the Rockages, proud in the No definite date has been set for Sunday for an extended visit in Caliturer and author. Auspices, Grace Dansky, Ruth Fox, Oinaha; shabby country grandeur; and the the -wedding. X fornia. • r. ' • Center Committee on Adult Miriam HirscMeld, North Platte; Cards of Boursernouth, whose beautiJewish Educational Activities. Florence Gilinsky, Woodbine, la., and ful daughter, Jennifer, refuses to BIKTHS BIRTHDAY PARTY Helen Steinberg, Council Bluffs, all Sunday, December 13 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern anMr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberman enmembers of the Nebraska chapter of nounced the birth of a son on Nov.tertained Sunday afternoon in honor Concert. Hazomir Singing SoSigma Delta Tan, have been asked to 12, at the Methodist hospital. of the first birthday of their son, ciety. 8 p. m. be charter members of the Outing Donald Lee. club, a new organization being sponIt's opportune time to Mr. and Mrs. Sam "Weiss announce The precious furs ?tou ha've longed for . . . the magsored by the Women's Athletic assorenew your rooms. the birth of a son on Nov. 12, at the SnSCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Morris Seidman of Lincoln, ciation. nificent models that are recognized fashion successes . , , Lutheran hospital. Miss Eva Bogdanoff entertained 40 Neb., is visiting with her son and MAX S H R I E K ' S SONS Ruth Rueben, Omaha, attended the guests a t a miscellaneous shower at daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David ike elegant fabrics . . . smart silhouettes . . . high-class Phcaes AT 4744 — JA 7855 MRS. HOLZMAN HOSTESS TO her home Sunday afternoon compli- B. Cohn. Mrs. Xkihn honored Mrs. Kansas Aggies-Nebraska game in iailoriiiQ . , , all for vov.r chooszno iomori'oxo. SOCIAL WORKER menting ^Sliss Clara Zalinsky of Kan- Seidman on Thursday afternoon at Manhattan, Kan., last week-end. Miss Miss Marguerite Newmeyer.of St. sas City, whose marriage to A. Bog-six tables of bridge at Mrs. Neble's rowwi^ Louis arrived Wednesday to be the danoff will take place on Jan. 3.. Tea room. Decorations were in the gnest of Mrs. Mas Holzman at the Out-of-town -guests were Mrs. J. Thanksgiving motif. Blackstone hotel and to address the Zalinsky, Miss Jeanette Baron, and Omaha Community forum on "A So- Miss Ida Bernstein, all of Kansas To -the Jewish people of Omaha the arrival of Mrs. F. M. dayman was hostess to the nationally known cial Worker Looks at Marriage and City, Mo. Mrs. Max dayman of Kansas City, Divorce," the same evening. The her house guest, at a bridge party on brilliant social worker and her host- RECEIVES PROMOTION Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. dayman ess were girlhood friends in KenWord has been received that Miss will visit here until after ThanksgivWho will give a tucky. Wilma F . Stern, who recently left ing. Mrs. Holzman entertained at dinner Omaha for Washington, D. C , where preceding Miss Newmeyerjs lecture she had an United States appointMac Eiekes has returned from an in the Jewish Community Center, and ment has been awarded an efficiency extended eastern business trip. at S P. M. at the the educational committee of the promotion in the United States VeterCouncil of Jewish Women, headed by ans Administration- Department of &+< Mrs. Max Blotcky and niece, Miss Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, gave a Budget and Statistics. Miss Stern is LaVeme Feblowitz, are visiting relaT'rimmcd tvii 19th and Capitol Avenue the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris tives and friends in Chicago for the luncheon in her honor. Do not miss the opportunity of hearing one of the most fe| a i A granddaughter of the late Eabb: Stern of Omaha. Thanksgiving holidays. Before rehighly paid artists in American musical circles if Adolph Moses, Miss Newmeyer was turning to Omaha they plan to visit . Ei educated at the University of Chicago SOCIAL NOTES in Detroit and points east. 5SiS3I33a'S®3I3I33iSia3S3SS3IS!aiS333S33!313ISSi2i3S3S33!3MS; Mrs. Mary C. Franklin and . the and the New York School of Social Work arid engaged in social work in Misses Ethel Stoller, Annette Bender, and Anne Greenberg, spent the weekend in St. Joseph, Mo., at the Robindoux hotel, where they attended the Jr. Hadassah Southwest Regional Jp -wishes t o announce convention. ' f thatr SIXTEENTH AT FASNAlf . Mrs. A. J. Kohlberg entertained at a bridge-luncheon at the Blackstone hotel on Wednesday, Nov. 11, to hon^ is now with the or Mrs. Abe Melchor of Milwaukee, former Omahan. Out-of-town guests were Mesdames I. L. Levey and M. JL. Levey of Sioux City. Oth^r guests Call him at were Mesdames L. J. Kohlberg, Benjamin Minkin, Heine Delrogh, I. Fiedier, M. J. Levin, Rae Nienan, SimpFitch, Badger. Marten, son Melchor, Rose Frieden and Sam to pick up your next bundle Lipssy. Caracul,, Persian, Platinum


"1 —•*-!, *- 0~ 4 If* H-l «t-\


•*• X- f- #•




Coming Events

"Sunday Night Is Center Night"

Sigma Delta Tan News














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HAROLD'S CHILDJtuSN—Papa Harold Lloyd, of screen fame, is pictured with Peggy, Harold,.Jr., and Gloria. This is the baby's first picture in eight months. Weighing two pounds 14 ounces at birth, now at nine months he tips the scale at 16 pounds.

WHAT 60-HOUR RAINFALL DID—Waters of the Chagres river are seen pouring into Gatun lake of the Panama canal, threatening the drawbridge and rendering passage Of vessels impossible. The flooding of docks and locks of the canal was caused by a 60hour rainfall, which terminated with thQ slide of 200,000 cubic yards of earth into the canal at Gaillard cut Inset shows how slide at Gaillard cut also blocked the track? cf the Panama railway.

V iii "


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^m^Ht&sMmfie&^M^ COMPLETES HOOVER'S PORTRAIT—Baroness Violet B. Wenner is shown in Washington with the portrait of President Hoover which she has just completed. The president posed for the.canvas inthe executive offices. It will be exhibited at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933, and then placed in the Illinois state art gallery.

RECORD GATHERING OF OCEAN GREYHOUNDS—Never previously in Great Britain's maritime history have as many great ocean liners gathered in England as are shown in the photograph, taken at Southampton, England, with a total tor.nage of. 316,000 at dock. At the top on the extreme left is the Empress of Australia. At the next dock are the Aquitania, left, and the Maurctania, in the foreground, with their four funnels. Behind them, left to right, are the Majestic, largest ship in the v/orld, the Homeric and the Berengaria. In the upper center is the Arandora Star, baby of * n e outfit.' On the upper right is the Empress of Britain.

SCORNS NATIVE AMERICA—TO FOLLOU* G.LNTE:- -This r c r r - '•• Nilla Crcm Cook, daughter of the late Gscrpe Crcri COOK. .itor-.s tc cinest daughter cf the Occident to turn her beck upor. her cv Oiorj" ct Bobrace the cau^e cf Gandhi r.r.d jcin his ".cr m v ..I oo bepnarcs, Indis. Hiss Ccck £".ys that cr. Dec. £1, vhcr. .she b tized in the wttcrs cf the Gcr.£C?f c?.i henceforth sVi'i: v **is.v r c c CvsC *** 5. r.t the falso and illusory pleasures of life cs lived 1 T

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CH1NSSD POST'ANTI-JAPANESE PLACARDS—Rumbles of war in Ilanchuria ere heard in San ?rancisco'a Chinatown, v/hero hundreds of anti-Japanese colored posters urge Chinese to boycott the Japanese. Victor Kwong, Chinese nationalist leader, is shown above discussing one ox the "hate posters" v/ith his follov/erc.

r.ST I-:C:;ORZD IN CAPITAL—"r?. i:crbc:-".rc I-1RS. HIZAr v£; crcc'.oi ir. rr.rn son Hc f^r tnc II"^" t, JxmM "-"- ' T ^ ^ Hearst, laid tha ccrr,cr£ cra_ f^r

~ "*•

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931 the'influence of" Hadassah which enabled the Brandeis group to oust ipsky aud his adherents" from power. The influence of Hadassah was noticeable at • the present Convention, where the Women's, organization was able to obtain a two-thirds vote on: all questions presented t o ; the Gon(Continued from Page !)•

clubs and organizations of the. Cen- Nobs! Prise to Baptised ' '" Warburg of the Hambwrg family, not- first attained note through hie reter. "In response to such recjuests Jew ed as a botanist and former president j search work or> the oxidation process • and also the requests of many who of ths World Zionist organization. j ITS living oe]!s. Stockholm. —.Professor Otto H. •wish to play in the orchestra, Harry Saferstein consented to assume-the Warburg, a baptized Jew, head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Bi-F B A U E N B l ' B t i . STALSiASTJSK & J5EBEH OSCAK -JKK, P . AS. li5,l-TE.Nm,'K, leadership of such orchestra. .'-.-• OSCAR T . E)«E.*iK, T S I I L I I ' 51. K L t ' T Z j r i C K ••• .Mr. Saferstein, an able musician. ology in Berlin, has been awarded the C*>0 NnUornil Hunk 15U?fe'. Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his reC.">0 Onsalin NotionnS 8?nnh BUSp, A' popular; music -.orchestra is be-?himself, has had considerable experi- search'work on cancer cells. . Orna!ia,-Xebr. KOT5CK O F INC'OKPORATION O F : ence .in conducting orchestras of this ventioiu. - ! . •'•;.. . ' ' - > • • ' ir.g organized under ;the .direction of N O T I C E TO N ' O S - U E S I D E X T ASiSOKK'AN 5>;\ KSTOHS, I N C . Professor Warburg, who is not to DEI'EKDAST Harry Saferstein) .Tinder, the auspices type. Noiice is iiei-fiby iu'iviMi tb;il t i l " unijcrA. L. McKillip, lirs; IUK1. ronl iinnne n n - Ei£iit>(' lii'.vt- ifirorpornteil « m t e r »h» lruvs pf •:;the. Jewish ".Community .Center. " • The first rehearsal and organiza- be confused with the Professor Otto Toknowii, a iioii-rt'sident of t h e (.oimly of of' fin.' .JStjiie of >;e)>r;i,skn. us "AJ',RUIl.'AN Otto Kahn Resigns -In. .recent^; vzeejlss i h e r ^ has -been' tion --meetingr • wifI take-'place • next: I>ongl;is a n d Sttite o£ X c l i m s k n : I N V E B T O K s . i X C . " whose priuvipjil ii(;w'«c. XXVIN. . New York--Ottp S,'. i§b p i'ou a r e - h e r e b y liotitieil tinst on t h e - l l h 0 ' iMiSim.-ss is ill Oniiiliu, Nt:ln-a«>-.n, T!>,^ considerable; dernancLf4r-. a. popiaiar X>r- Tuesday'.." evening,: - Nov. 24, at r 8 Attotnej' ot Law. day of October. -1U31. the Merchants ami liiiture of t h e IdisiiirpK t o »>»• iriinsix'tt-il i= dent, of the Metropolitan;.Opera. com4 chestrk; thatJ wrquldE^serVe lhe r needs of o'clock, and'those wishing to join,this SSI Electri* Buiidiug. M.'iiiuftfCttircrs Securitn'S Co. filed i t s (M-ti- i; goneTiii inves; n"sent bstphfeps. iitoliultn^: pany and chairman -of-: its:-bpard: 'of the'Jewish '.Gbnaniumi^ jCsater- ;f or: the orchestra are feked. to attend.: •' . " tiou iiiKl commenced mi j'etion lr. tlie HiP- ihe puTiihasc iuiii s:ile of dt'iMivilies, mi<5 Court of Pouclus County, NebrasUa, tlie I'vTiPtiip.' nii«] I^oii-inf;- of r^n? e^'Mfn. TJie directors for,.the.last..thirteen years, many - social! events- spksn&r^.d by. 'the To Brian Taylor, -whose place of residence trict npi'.iiist y o n . t h e object umi prssyvr c< suiihoriziMi •.•npitii) RSock is SHUXIO.(M). uU o t i s *nikiK^yn and. upon whom personal v-'hich Offices . ;• : has announced his resignation; from perjtioji is to reco%-er ihe sum fit which if- ioninmii, und Si00,(10 if. Hit' i>;\l service of summons cannot be find, dej

had just received a cable from London containing news; of an; encouraging character, which he'could; not divulge,' iiTdetail, however,; at this time. ' ' "For several months .we have been endeavoring to bring about certain b o t h p o s t s . FKADEJfBUROi STAX.MASTE51 & BESEJ! •..•••" "; • s- I ' *50 Omaha National Bank B i d s , Omaba. modifications in the government reguNOTICE OF ISCOUPORATIOX OF lations bearing on the immigration of FRAIJKNBURG, STAtJlASTER & BliBEIl "SIIL.BEU OIL COMPANY." Attorneys .• certain classes of settlers into PalesKXOW MEN RY THKSE I'KES: : Louis E. Lipp, attorney, announces ENTS, thatALL 630 Omahn -National Bank Bid?., the undersigned have lormed a tine," Mr. Neumann stated. "We have . NOTICE OF SALE the moving of his, office from the corparjrfiou muler the laws of tiic State of just gained a concession in this re- In the'District Court.. of DougJns County, Omaha ; National Bank Bldg. He isNebraska. The name of the corporation shall be "MILDER OIL COMPANY" with • spect, which, I hope will be officially Nebraska. By virtue of a decree and order of sale now associated.with the firm of Leon its principal place of business «t Omaha, announced shortly, and the effect of issued out of the District Court of &• White, who have moved from 1028 Nebraska. The objects of said corporation which will be, I am sure, to stimulate Donglas County, Nebraska, nud in pursu- City National Bank building to 504-shall be to operate and maintain HI; establishment for the handliiig in-all ways of of said decree of said Court in an Jewish immigration into Palestine ance lubricating oils, greases, gasoline and pe— action therein indexed at Appearance 10 City National Bank building. troleum products of every kiiuV and nature and induce a corresponding acclera- IJocket Ko. 277"iHiil Jit I'nge No. 31S, whercand: all kindred articles and to acciniru liy Jn Philip M. Klutznick is plaintiff and tion in the tempo of Jewish coloniza- Nebraska Securities Investment Corpora- ' • • • - • - : • ; "Law Offices purchase or otherwise and to dispose of tion." tion is defendant* the undersigned will at FK.iDEXBCTtG, ST.4LMASTER & B E B E U in any manner stock, bonds, debentures and securities of every kind and descrip10 o'clock a in. on thfi 12th day of DecemReferring to the changes in theber,. 1031, at the east front'door of the 650 Omaha .National B a n k B l d s v Omaha. tion und to exercise all tlio rig-iits, powers and privileges of ownership thereof nnd Douglas County Court house of the City of NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Land Development .Commission, Mr.Omaba, Douglas County, Neliraskn. sell~ at to lend money anil negotiate loans^ upon "SAMGOLD MILLIXBIfE COMI'ANV" any security: to purchase, lease; hire or Neumann said that the Jewish Agen- public auction to the highest.- bidder for KNOW A l t MEN P,Y THESIS l'UES- othenvise acquire nnil persoun) propcash the following described property, ;»It cy had been considering- its attitude represented as stock of the -Fidelity old- LNXS. (hat the_ Undersigned hare formed erty or any interest therein and sell, disunCer the laws of I he t*t;ite pose, lease, tonvey, mortgage or othertoward the Land Development scheme Line Insurance Company, a Nebraska- cor? aOf corporation Nebraska. T h e n a m e of t h e c o r p o r a the certiiiente numbers of: said tion* shall b e "SAMGOI-D . M I L L I N E U V wise encumber the said property or any and had under consideration for theporation, stock and the numlier of shades represent-:, O O i t y A X X " w i t h i t s principal place of part thereof anil any iniproveirifiits therepast several months the appointment ed l»y eacli certificate heiug set out las b u s i n e s s a t O m a h a . Nebraska. T h e g e n -on, and to do eacli Jind everything necesfollows: • • - - • . • * • : -. : . . eral .'nature of t h e business t o he t r a n - sary, convenient or proper to carry cut the of a Jewish adviser. . No. 1200 for 100Q shares; No. 1201 for s a c t e d a n d -t"be object :md p u r p o s e for objects herein specifically emimeraled and ST4 shares: No.1002 for 1037 shares; No; which t h i s corporation i s organized a n d particularly the operation of business for Study to Check Hadassah Influence 1203 for 1095 shares: No. the handling of nil kinds of petroieum 1204 for 8S3 .shnlt be t o lease, o w u . control products whether wholesale or retail. Prior to the closing of the Zionist shares; No. 1205 for 007 shares: No. 12C(i established^ or operate t h e b n s i n e s s of wholesaling o r for 9 S G shares: No. 1207 for ; " > 7 0 shares; Convention in the early hours of theNo. 12QS for 042 shares: No. 1200 for 092 retailing, clothing, millinery a n d ladies' The authorized capital stork shall be r e n d y - t o - w a a r • a n d general m e r c h a n d i s e , $2.1,000.00 and all o£ said stock shall He morning a resolution was adopted in- shares; No. 1211 for SOT shares: 1210 for or t o c a r r y on t h e t r a d e o r business of common and of fh« par value of tlOfl.Ofl S O U shares: No. 1212 for S U 3 shares; No. structing the new Administration to 1213 for 912 shares-: No.- 1214- for 039 m a n u f a c t u r i n g , producing, " b u y i n g , sell- per share. Said stock-sfcill be full} paid ing; o r t i n g , e x p o r t i n g a m i otherwise up and non-assessittTie. The corporation make a thorough study • of the rela- shares: No. 1215 for 940 shares; No. 1210 d e a l i nigm pin. a n y a n d nil k i n d s of c l o t h i n g shall commence doing business upon the tion and the Hadassah as well-as with for 80S shares: No. 1217 for 043 sharps: .•liid m e r c h a n d i s e : to buy. own, sell, lease, filing of its articles with the Coiiniy Clerk No. 1218 for <U>2 shares: No. 1210 for (ifS i m p r o v e o r o t h e r w i s e deal i n a n d with of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall tion and the Hadassah as weil as with shares: No. 1220 i o r 064 shares; No. 1221 real e s t a t e of every kind o r c h a r a c t e r a n d continue for a period of fifty years from for 503 'shares: No.- 1222 for COS shares; with the Order Sons of Zion. personal property i n c l u d i n g t h e said date. The highest amount of indebtNo. 1223 for 333 shares: No. J22i for 1001 s t o c k s . a n d securities of o t h e r corpora- edness shall not exceed two-thirds of its The study is to be undertaken in an shares; No. 1225 for 5C9 shares; No. 1220 t i o n s ; t o loan a n d t o borrow money a n d to capital stock, but this restriction sluiH not SG5 shares: No.. 1227 for SSI shares. make, execute a n d deliver m o r t g a g e s , apply to'indebtedness secured by morteffort to check the influence of Ha for Also one certain surplus note in the sum bonds a n d o t h e r securities, t o secure t h e gages or liens upon nny of the corporate dassah in the affairs of the Zionist of $4,043.2S made and executed I>y the r e p a y m e n t of a n y money b o r r o w e d a n d . property. The affairs of this corporation Casualty Insurance .Company t o take a s security for t h e p a y m e n t of a n y sliall be mniinged by a Bo.orrt of Directors Organization, which played an exceed- Conservative to the Nebraska Investment t>ccurities Corloaned m o r t g a g e s , b o n d s a u d other of not less than two members. The aningly important role since the spli poration, dated December 24. 1929, and money securities, a n d t o d o a n y a n d all other nual meeting of the corporation shall be signed by Itees Wilkinson. President, and t h i n g s necessary t o t h e c a r r y i n g o o t of held ou the second Wednesday in January between the Lip sky and Brandeis H. E. Benzel, Secretary: such sale to satisthe principal p u r p o s e s above e n u m e r a t e d of each year, at which meeting the stockgroups. The Hadassah, it is pointed fy the judgments, liens and encumbrances nnd t o d o a n y a u d all t h i n g s p e r t a i n i n g holders shall elect a Board of Directors in said decree set forth and to satisfy all and thereupon the Board shall elect a out, with a membership three times costs accrued and accruing costs, •ill S to t h e c a r r y i n g on of t h e b u s i n e s s nbove Tresident, n Vice-1'residetit, a Secretary described. that of the Zionist Organization, and provided for in said decree. and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices, • T h e authorized c a p i t a l stock shall be excepting those of President and Vieeequal voting rights, has, during /the Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 23rd day $3,000.00 • a n d a l l • of said stock shall be Presidcnt may be held by one anS the 1031. past year, practically - controlled, th of October, common a n d of t h e p a r Talue of ?100.00 same person. These articles may be • - • r n i L I P Si. KX.UTZN1CK. per s h a r e a n d a l l of said stock shall be amended at any regular or special meetZionist situation in America. It was l l - 2 0 - 4 t . . ... . fully paid u p a n d non-assessnble. Snitl ing of the stockholders by a "two-thirds


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You -will like the atmosphere at the Morrison Hotel. .All outside rooms •with bath, circulating ice water, bedhead reading lamp, • and Sefvi'dor. Nearest to stores offices, theatres and railro stations. Garage facilities, 'LEONARD HICKS Mantsslns Dirccisr


i d t ' You are hereby notified that on the 20ih day of July. 3331, Ii«)«3' Taylor, :\s plaintiff filed her petitio:i apaiiist you iu\ the district Court of Hcnglas Comity, >>.'ebrask.i. and recorded in Oockt-t 27C on Page Sii'i, thereof, ihe object ajxl pruyer of v.-hioh petition is to obtain a divorce from you on (he ground of wilful nhnmlonment without just cujse, for two years. You nre required to answer Siiid petition on or !«>fore the 2Tth day of 3)eccmXJKT, 1931, or BaUVpetition jigiiinst you -vrtn IK; true. ECUS' TAILOR, PlaintifL

stock m a y be issued for cash, real estate, vote of the outstanding stock. personal p r o p e r t y o r personal services. .IX-WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties The corporation shall commence d o i n g hereunto subscribed their names this 2Sth business upon t h e filing of i t s articles day of October, 1032. with t h e . C o u n t y Clerk of Douglas County. ELLA .M1LDEK, N e b r a s k a , a n d - s h a l l continue f o r a period KAE BHAUXSTJilX, of fifty y e a r s from said d a t e . T h e h i g h In the presence of : est a m o u n t of i n d e b t e d n e s s shall n o t e x E. J. HOLDMHEKG. H-G-31-4E. ceed t w o - t h i r d s of i t s c a p i t a l stock, b u t t h i s restriction shall n o t a p p l y - t o i n d e b t edness SPcnred by m o r t g a g e s or Hens upon NOTICE OF INCORPORATION-OF JEWa n y of t h e c o r p o r a t e p r o p e r t y . . ISH COMMUNITY CEXTEE AND H*E1> FAKE FEDEBATIOy T h e affairs of t h i s corporation shall be m a n a g e d b y a B o a r d - o f Directors consistNotice is hereby given that a corporation i n g of n o t less t h a n t w o m e m b e r s . T h e has been formed uiuler the laws of the a n n u a l m e e t i n g of t h e c o r p o r a t i o n shall be State of Nebraska providing for clinritaMe held on t h e first week d a y of J a n u a r y of and fraternal societies each y e a r , rtt which m e e t i n g t h e stockThe name ot tbe torpor.ition is Jewish holders shall e l e c t a B o a r d of Directors Community Center end Welfare Federaa n d ' thereupon t h e B o a r d shall elect a tion. • - • P r e s i d e n t , " a "Vice-President, a Secretary The principal of transacting its a n d a T r e a s u r e r . Any ttvo of said offices, business' is the Cifj of Omaha, Douglas l m a y b e held b y one a n d t h e same person. Comity, Nebraska." T h e s e a r t i c l e s m a y J?e a m e n d e d a t a n y The objects and r oscs for which the r e g u l a r o r special m e e t i n g of t h e stock- corporation is ere"! <- 1 .'i>d to which nil h o l d e r s by a t w o - t h i r d s ; r o t e of t h e o u t - Of Jts proicrtj .'"< "is shall be' <les t a n d i n g stock. —•;-"••*-•"*^r»—--—i<*-.'—•J-*y~-±-, -.- ToTta, « j e . T.j> T o t , c h i ' social,- beuiiIN W I T N E S S W H E R E O F , t h e . . p a r t i e s volent, philantLroi'u :-J educational achave hereunto subscribed their names this thitics; (b) To i.i.j>tr 7t i'lind-rnising ac30th day of September, 3031. tivities for pkilanthrt-,c. social and eduJULIUS SAMUELSON, cational purposes, ajii, to make contribuSAM L. GOLDBLATT. tions to such JewisU institutions, causes In the presence: of:: • - • n-c,-3i-4t. and.:agericies entiticd co stiiiport, financial or-otherwise; (c) to establish and mainIKVIN tain in 'Omaha, a Jewish Community Cen3IONSKT. KATIJlJIAJf. & GRODINSKY, fer:.BiiHilinjr for the purpose of perform7S7 OmaHa STctional Basils BI<3C. • ing ffeneraJJj-, the functions of ;; social IfOXICE O F 1 N C O B P O B A M O X OS* . <ei!ter:;(tlj the corporation shall hare the right' to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, . AUSTIN APARTMENTS, INC. Notice is hereby given that the under- devise, or otherwise, and to hold and mansigned have formed a: corpomtiou under age «ny and all. i>roi>erty, real or perthe laws of the State of Nebraska; that sonal, convenient or noccssarv for the «cthe name of said corporation is AT3STIN- eomplishment of any ct its objects, with Al'AUTMEXTS, IJCO, and the principal the right, "power and authority to soil, place of transacting its business is-the City. alienate, encumber .'and -. dispose. . of said of Omaha; Douglas County, Nebraska. The' property or any part thereof, when ami if general nature of the business; to be trans- such action may lie -necessary- to accomacted by, and the objects of, said corpora- plish any of its objects: (e).. AU' piopertv, tion are to acquire, own, hold, -Eaaiiatain unless the same lie• ielcl ns trustee for and operate the property known as tlse son:e specific benefit, shali constitute a Austin Apartments antl located at SSth and trtist faiHl-forlUe uses and purposes here''..•'• Davenport Streets in, the City cf Omaha, iribefOre stated. >The corporation shall commence business Douglas County, Nebraska, the legal description of •whieli: teal estnte is set, put nt Vpon filing of its Articles of Incorporation length in the Articles of Incorporation; 'to witiv' thk -County Clerk of Douglas County, imrciiase, lease, hire and otherwise- acquire .any nud all personal property nec. __ _ _. ._ persons wLo essary or incident to the maintenance and or pay membership operation of the said above mentioned real contribnte toward estate with the power to sell, dispose of, fees to any of tlie following: The Jewish Community Center of Omaha, the Omafca lease, convey, mortgage or otherwise encumber, the said real estate and personal Welfare Federation and Community Chest property or any part thereof and to do and "the Jewislr-Fliilaafhropies. The management of . tlie affairs of the , 'I any and all things necessary and proper in connection with'the holding,: mainten- corporation shall be vested in an Executive ance anil operation of the said real prop- Committee- to consist of "3 members. In aderty : to borrow or raise money and to dition to the officers and ^Executive Comissue bonds, nofSs. mortgages, debentures, mittee, there shall lw ii Board Of Governors stock or other obligations for that purpose on which reach Jewish- organization in and in exchange for moneys received by it Omaha which lins been in existence for or purchased or acquired by more than one year, shall be entitled to it or for any other object or purpose in representation. " ' • • • • . These articles may be amended at nny and about its business; to guarantee any dividends or bonds or contracts or other annual, or special meeting, called for thr.'t obligations in connection with the accom- purpose, after submission of proposed plishment of the objects hereinabove set amendment, signed by-at lenst 25 members, forth and to make and perform contracts thirty days in advance of sneh meeting, to of every kind incidental to or necessary- the Executive Committee. Dated at Oniabn, Nebraska, this 26th day for the attainment or furthering of any of the objects herein enumerated. The auth- of October, 3033. , : • WILLIAM L. HOLfeMAN • orized capital Sfock of the corporation is . HEN 11Y 5IOXSK1' $10.1,000.00 divided into 3O0O shares of com-:','-. 8AM-BEBER mon stock aud 2000 shares of preferred ;. MRS.- SADIE S. KULAKOFSKY stock, all of tlie par value of ijSl.oo each.: '' • HAKUX SIIAT5RMAN The preferred stock or any part thereof may be retired by the Jioard of Directors - : i '- ' ' ABB' GOLDSTEIN 1' I)R PHILIP SHEIl at any time after Janua-ry 1st, 1033, at par, : : MRS. 3.IORRIS LEVX plus any unpaid dividends necumnlated HARIIT B. ZUXMAN f ; thereon. The preferred stock is preferred A. B. AL.P1RN as to dividends and as to assets in the ' MRS. HERBERT A.RNSTEIX event of liquidation, dissolution or. windA. GKEEXBEBR ing np, voluntary or Jnvoluutary, of the corporation, .ill to the extent and under • ; ' - • • ' J. J. GKEENBEna ABE HEHZBKKG the terms anil conditions as set forth in HARRY IJVPIDUS full in the Articles of Incorporation. The : JACK W. MAKER corporation shall commence business upon HAIiJlY MALASHOCK the filing of these Articles in the-office of ; MOIilUS MII/DEIt the County Clerk of Douglas County, Ne: MRS. LOOTS XEVELEFF braska, and the issuance of D0% or more ; IRVINE STALMASTEB, o£ its total authorized capital stock and : shall continue until January 1, £Ci0, unless - - ' . HA3XEY A. ' WOLP sooner dissolved by the affirmative vote MRS. H .A. WOLF ; of not less than two-thirds of tlia entire :: ISIDOR ZIEGLER outstanding capital stock. .-With the assent ll-20-4t. in writing of the holders ot;GG'*2-3 per cent of all'the capitnr.stocfe of the corporIRVIN C. LEVIN ation issued aud outstanding, or pursiiant Attorney st Law to the votes given in person or by proxy, by stockholders holdiug at least CO.2-3% of, S01 Electric Building:. the'issued.".-anti '"outstanding:stock, of the corporation which is represented,and voted :.- KXOW ALL MEK- BT THESE PRESupon; ju person or by. pfosy at a. kneeling ENTS, that: At a meeting- of-the'-stockspecially ««dled for thnt;jnirp6se,»or a t an holders of- the Tip-Top Service Store?, annual. meeting; ' t h e Board- of -Directors Inc.,- held in t h e City o*.Omaha,' Xe'brasfcn. shall—have jpower" and tauUiority, -to. sell, on the\£7th day. of Octb^sr. 1031.-' in ECassign,-transfer, convey,' or'otherririse.dis- :eo.rdanee -with.the Articles at, Incorporation pose 'of. the property -'And'.assets, "of the of sait! corporation/there .were present,in 1corporation ng' nh;.entirety t'pi going con- person .rill of tlie outstanding stock cf • • cern on such terms antt conditioDs "as the. •sai<l:coinpaiiy. Board : of'Directors shall ; deem-, fit, 'Tight • Uisort auction dnly ir.s0e, Eeconded sm?. and just, either for cash or bonds, or enrrimt-•'. the s articles of incorporation ri shares of capital stock of any corporation said corporation were chanscd niid amend6r corporations;-or for aiiy kind or species ed in tfje-'fellewinsr rsnrticulars, to-wit: ; of property or .obligation .or: securities. ••"-•;• i : -; ARTICLE I. • - • . The .highest; amount, o?f indebtedness or Tlie 'T1RI2& of '••this corporntion shall-Vc which the corporation ,is at:any "AssocIfitetS; Grocers, .Inc." and t i e trad.: time "to Subject itsflif shnH:<not Exceed tvco» symbol "shall be "A. "6." .' thirds of 'its "capital ste-Sc ana -in no eTent Upon: ^motion duly made, seconded arOS shall exceed $110,000.00. The affairs of the carried it tras•: further resolved that fbe corporation sliall he administered by n president and! seeretnrj* of this corporaBoard :of Directors, t h e number of which tion bo and they are Jiereby nnthori^ed to shall be fixed by ..the. Ujtlawsi bat shall, bs sign, file and publish said amendment nq not less than 3 nor more than 5; the direc- by law required. tors shall elect a President, Vice-President, Witness the same sad corporate seal cf Secretary and. Treasurer. tliis corporntion by t i e president attested by the secretary this Tith (lay cf OctoH'ARITY A. WOLF. ber, 1S31.- H. H. AUKKBACH, TIP-TO1? SERVICE STORES, INC., H E N R I MONSKT, By 1>. TV. Bernstein, President. H. H. K00PE11. Attest: 31. Ropenstein, Secretary, • •. " S. J. GREENBERG, In the Presence cf: Irvia C. I/erin. U-13-31-4X ^corporators.

Seven T h o u s a n d . Tlm'-e lliindrecl f jij;ii!vF o u r iiisd S4/100 poIlarB (S7.;i-S4.M) wi;i? int<vre!it and costs of this action from y o n . and t h a t in snid action, a writ of attachment wns issued nn<\ levied v.pon f.ole "'•'. nnil 24, i n r>lock T01, Piinrtce Tlncr, nn ,iflditiou t o i h e City of Omnh::, U O I I K ' : ^ Comity XebniRka. You a r e required fo ;ii!5-T'.-er siiir! petition on or before Ihe. ^Srsl d a y of Novembe;-. 1S31. MERCHANTS & MAXCFACTUUF.KS " S E C U H I T I R S CO., nijiintiff. Fnid€Til>urg, f5trilmiiKter ii'ns! t*>eber, Ey O. T. Uocrr a n d I'hilip Kliitznick. JO-SI—4T Its A t t o r n e y s .

vnlue f>f each sJi«T(\ All smrfr i« so dp paid f o r win-it ISSIHMI nml sbnl'. be n o n - n s sessiible. Tlie corporal io^ shnH i'^R-,BitMK^e lusRiiK^K on November (i, 10,",!. i\iul. Kii.'ill coniiisii' 1 f<"." fifty yvti'S. 'The «y>.rfHTnliou P^Jnll )^ot Fn))i»M:i ii^oif t o jni .ind e b t e d n e s s hi t^NC^-Sf. of iV(>-ihiVtl^ OT iK' o:\]>i!:'.l s i o c k . l>ii{ t i n s r r s * r i ' ' t i o n

Ti't'asnvcr, suty t w o of vhU-U niuy hv InvW Ity tisc sninc JHTR'II!. unit ;ill oifi^crs KIISIM he olerted Jiy i b e Honni. Th»> meeting of tJse corT*ov;ition shall bf b.obl oii t h e fii'st: .Mondr.y ol" .inrHiiivy of *:!i1li. yrar. Thpfi' ArtkrlcF tiiny tie nm«>inl<>ti nt, atiy T^prnSjir o r Ri'^cinl JII.H?; in.^- *>1 ihp Kt oekhoUlev^ ov. tin 1 liCf'p.'mnnvr vole *H

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I just received a supply of Charraka articles: Chanuka candles and candlesticks, very bsautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah greeting cards." Anyone buying any. of the above-mentioned articles will get the story of C!hanukah in English and Jewish with Benedictions and Hymns' of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best Traleisim, silk and wool, at very -moderate prices, and also the best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling silver. ^ Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach Kosher articles of which I am the agent.

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winner of this .contest will ba given a beautiful Menorah and a box of candles, to be presented Chanukah. For further information, anyone interested should see Mr. Stadlan.


The Junior Congregation, or "K-hal Ts'esrim" organized - their club last Senior Hadassah to''Hold Rummage We'dnesday at a meeting held at the ANNA PILL. Correspondent Sa!e Next Week synagogue, and will be sponsored by The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Mr. J. Z. Stadlan. The .following ofjfr^fr^ggg&j) Senior Hadassah will sponsor a ruin- ficers - were chosen: Shirley Maltz, mage sale to be held Moiiday, Tues- president; Arnold Hoffman, vice presday,' and Wednesday, November 23, ident; Norman Rosenthal, secretary, 24, and 25, in the Marcus - Building and Harold Fox, treasurer. Children Eudy Shindler was elected presat 540 West Broadway. Clothing of Services are to be held at the synaident of the Sedecm club, at a meetall kinds are being donated by- mem- gogue every Friday afternoon at five Miss Sybil Merlin was appointed bers. Anyone who has a bundle to o'clock, and every Saturday morning ing held Saturday evening in the Jewish Community Center. Other general chairman for the Jnior Ha- donate should call Mrs. Louis' ' H. at nina o'clock. The services every officers elected were Mary Kaplan, dassah Dance, which • is scheduled Katelman, phone 178, promptly, and Friday will be in charge of one memvice president; Sarah Rocklin, sec- for Sunday evening, '• December 20, she will call for it Sunday morning. ber of the club, and this Friday, in the Hotel .Martin .Ball Room. Miss retary, and Abe Turchen, reporter. Hoffman will give the sermon. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Arnold Plans were made for. a party Helen Friedman^was appointed chairEvery boy cr girl who is interested Thanksgiving night. Ethel Shindler man of the Ticket committee for the of the Independent Order of the should attend these services. B'nai Brith will hold a regular meetand Sam Sadorff are in charge of dance.' -,. Other committees appointed at the ing next Monday evening, November the- arrangements. > Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmeeting, .which was held last Thursr 23, at the. Eagles Hall. • All members mud. Torah will sponsor a benefit Members of the -Little Theater day evening, included one for the are urged to attend. bridge, party to be given on Mongroup of the JVC. C. are rehearsing Palestinian - Bazaar, in which the The Senior Class of the' Abraham day evening-,' November SO, at the "Eve in Evelyn", a one act play, Juior Hadassah' will participate.' Miss l Lincoln High School held its election Eagles Hall. The committee is now which they will present before the Rose Finsdd was, appoirited chairman at-work to make this affair a huge Fathers and .Sons Banquet, at the of this committee. She will be - as- last week and two Jewish students success, "and according to" the ad: were chosen to lead the class. Robert Shaare Zion Synagogue. The. cast sisted by Jessie Shiloff, Frances Eravanes sale of tickets a large crowd includes Sarah Goldberg, Kose Kiaff, lein, Eva Gordon,;:. Margaret Saitlih; Rosenfeld, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. is. expected.' Everyone - is urged to Henry Fisher, Raymond Fisher, and Gertrude Reznick, Rose Reznicl^ E. Rosenfeld, -was .elected . president save this date. Raymond Friedman. Mrs. E. J. Fri- Charlotte Salkiny Fanny Cohen,; So? of the senior class; and .Miss Pearl of Mr.-and Mrs. . Lawrence Lazar of New York City bourg is directing the production. phie Raskin, Mrs. Morris- Kaplan} Bernstein,'daughter Bernstein,' was chosen as secrs- spent Lillian Dbbrofsky, Gussle Stein, Mary W. th<i early part of this week | : -'''•. -;;-;^ Members of the Alumni Club gave Greenbaum, Sara .Wosk'off, and Sadie t a r y . here, visiting friends." While here he a "Hard Time" party, Saturday eve- Shulkin.: ;' The Council Bluffs Hebrew School •stayed at the Hotel Chieftain. / ning at the Center. The committee Mr. J. P. Newton spoke a t the classes have recently, been re-organin charge of arrangements included meeting on his travels in Europe The Tzofim Clcb, composed of boys i ized by Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stadlan, and girls of the Talmud Torah and Rudy Shindler, Jack- Mirowitz, Rosa- and Palestine. His lecture was ilInstructors. The beginners, called bell Wigodsky.and Inez Leaf. lustrated by moving pictures which Aleph Aleph or ' 1-A, have daily Sunday'School, will be organized at j Ethel Shindler and Jennie Mont- he took on the trip. a- meeting" to be held at the syna-i classes each day from four to five j?ogrue at 613' Mynster . Street next' rose presented a tap dance; Henry o'clock under the-supervision of Mrs. Sunday afternoon, November 22, at Ginsburg gave an impersonation of Stadlan. She also teached the Beth two - o'clock. Twenty-six spplications Henry Burbick; Fred Lerch and Sam Aleph, or 2-A; class from five until have already been received by "Mr. : Osheroff presented a humourous skit. seven o'clock. " Rudy. Shinder and Jack Mirowitz J. Z. Stadlan, who will sponsor, this | Mr. Stadlan teaches Aleph Beth, or club. There.will be two. groups," the.} acted as masters of ceremonies. 1-B class, daily from. fonr to six Juniors and the Seniors. Every "stu- I Shaare Zion Synagogue will honor otelock, and then front six to "eight dent interested, especially those who faathers and sons of the congrega- o'clock he has the Gimer Aleph, or signed applications, should attend the tion, November 30, when the annual 3-A class. meeting Sunday afternoon .when an Father and Son banquet will be held. _ , There are more .children registered election of officers will tata place. Mrs. H. Herman announces the en- Mr. A. H. Baron wiL. act as Toast- in these classes now than ever before. Mr. Stadlan announced that a gagement- of her daughter Mollie, to master. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 The program will include musical contest is being' held, open to all of the-A. Z. A. gave: a;Stair party Sam Falk, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Falk. The date for the wedding has numbers, brief talks by representa- students, for cutting out and pasting Wednesday evening-, November IS, at tive father and sons, community together pictures of a Menorah. The the home of Donald Hicharcb. A-regnot been set.

'-. News

iJscorations of Event to Carry Out a Biblical


ular-meeting, was held, from eight to tCi nine 'o'clock, and the 'remainder of the evening was turned into • s P Smoker. Henry Mendelson,- son of Mr. and Washington.— {.T. T. A.}—-LegislaMrs. J. Mendelson, has been appoint- tive measures crrAr-dyi'-S provisions ed chairman of a committee for the for further restriction of immigrasupport, and betterment of the tion, reduction of zll ojotns byTOper Creighton University Orchestra,, In cent, registration of anaif;,, and » g O Orsaha. He is a-freshman in the quota system for ail countries' of this college of commerce, finance and jhemisphere • vill be- enacted during journalism at Creighton. Ke is also'! the coming: -session, of Congress, II on the Creightonian, veekly paper, j was predicted in a statement issued staff, and is manager of the uni- by Congressman Johnson, chairman versity orchestra. of the House Committee, on KatvirRliEatioT?. gration PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS the last Ccmcress.

: Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood «?JH hold its annual Bazaar in the T'emple. SociarHall, Monday evening, November 23. The bazaar will be featured as a Biblical Bazaar, the decorations' and general theme of tlic evening elaborating on that tfieme. • -' ; Mrs. Herman Miller, who is general chairman for all. social events of the Sisterhood, has appointed Mrs. J. H. Greenberg and- Mrs. William Lazere,,for-the evening. - ' Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. Harry Jafre, co-chairmen of the ticket committee •will be assisted by the Mesdames' Sam Cohen, W. C. Slotsky, Hjman Fishgall, Eueben Miller, Philip Kalin, and William Newman. - Mrs. Meyer A. Marks is in charge o f the donations committee, and will be assisted by the Mesdames, E. N. Grueskin, Louis Agranoff, M. B. Herzoff, M. N.- London; and-Joe Miller. Mrs. E. J. Fribourg is chairman of the decorations committee. Her. committee includes Mrs. T. N. Lewis, Mrs. Si Krueger, Mrs. Lou H. Mitchell," and Mrs. Herman Miller. ' Mrs. A. L. Galinsky and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky, who are co-chairmen of the food committee will be assisted by the Mesdames Charles Baldwin, Max Mushkin, M. Silverberg and Abie Silverberg. A committee of Brotherhood mem- j vMrs. J. L. Levitt has returned to bers will be in charge of the grocery he home in the Bellevue Apartments, booth. The committee includes A. M. after visiting with her sonV David, Davis, E.. N. Grueskin, E. .E. Baron, who is a student at the St. John's A. J. Galinsky, Jack Eobinson, Mor- School, in • Delafield, Wisconsin." Mrs. ris Pill, Louis Agranoff, and Si Levitt spent several days in Chicago, where she attended- the Culver-St. Krueger. John football game. She was acChairmen of other booths include by her daughter, Helen, Mrs. lil.'-E. Baron, Mrs. Hymari Fish- companied who is a Senior at the University of gall, Mrs. Joe Miller, Mrs.- Abe Iowa. '. ".'1-Agranoff -and Mrs. Ben Brodkey. n The chairmen of-the-. Bazaar anMrs. Ben SchuKen is visiting at nounced that-arrangements are being made to accommodate a capacity at- the home "of•• her son-in-law and tendance. The doors will open at 8 daughter/ Mr. and Mrs. Preston Helo'clock. A coffee table will be. given ler, in Chicago. Mrs. S. Schulien away during the evening, as a door and Miss'Carrie Newbowers will join her there for the Thanksgiving Holiprize. :: :




Society News


. -"

" -

;'" ' '••••"• ."' •• ' '

Mrs. I". :Marsh,509 Isabella Street, entertained; members of the-Bridge ing Club; Wednesday afternoon, a s . a courtesy to her sister, Mrs. Fred .One hundred _and thirty newsboys Foreman, of Sioux'.. Falls, who is will ber the guests of the Jewish isiting here. :• Federation, Thanksgiving day, when they will be served with a ThanksMrs. A. - B. Friedman, has returned giving Dinner, at noon. The dinner home after spending several weeks will be; served in_ the social hall of in Omaha, where she visited with Mount Sinai Temple. friends and relatives. . Judge Oliver will be'the principal speaker at the dinner.' Various Thirty members of the Mount Siother business men will attend and nai Sisterhood Book Review group, speak, briefly. Mr. H. 11. Slotsky, met Tuesday evening at the home of advisor of the Newsboys Club will Mrs. - A. J. . Galinsky. Mrs. C. A. act as toastmaster. Hoyt reviewed "Brothers in the A musical program'has been ar- West" by-Reynolds and "Belle Mere" ranged and following the dinner and by Kathleen Norris. o •program, the boys will be guests of Mr. Richard Zeller, manager of Mrs. Nick Sherman was hostess tho Orpheum Theater, at the matinee to members of the J. U. L. Club, performance. Tuesday evening in her home. Bridge irurids for the dinner have been was the evening's entertainment. donated by the Business Men of Sioux City. Arrangements for the Misses Ann and Kate Raskin were affair are in the hands of Mr. A. M. hostesses to members of the PaceDavis. makers Club, ; recently. Miss s Anne Raskin gave a reading, arid Miss Frankie Goodman presented a "tap in dance. The evening was concluded with bridge.

. ^Thanksgiving Service

Rabbi Theodore N. LEWIS of Mount Sinai Temple will participate in. the Thanksgiving Service of The First Congregational Church, Thanksgiving morning. Reverend Percy Burtt is . the minister, of the Church, which is at Thirteenth and Nebraska Street. Reverend Burtt,has invited mem bers of the Jewish community to attend the service, which will begin at * 11 o'clock." - *. '

Mrs. William Bush was hostess to members of her bridge club,' Wednisday noon. Luncheon preceded a social afternoon!

Dr. Delia Galinsky has returned to her home, 230X Jackson Street, from Iowa University, where she took graduate _ work in jthe school of medicine. Dr. Galinsky will begin her interneship at the Jersey City Hospital, January i. .

singing of songs arranged by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, and several skits.

Mrs. R; H.-Emlein-Dance Chairman Mrs. R. H. Emlein has. been appointed chairman of the Talmud Torah Ball, which^is scheduled for Tuesday evening, December 20.-The dance which is the Fourteenth Annual Ball, sponsored by the Talmud Torah,'will be held in the Rigadon ball room.

Thanksgiving1 Program Members of the A. Z. A. Chapter will mark Thanksgiving day, with a special meeting^ Tuesday evening, in the social hail of Mount Sinai Temple. The program will he based on the Thanksgiving theme. , . Among those who will appear on the program are Rabbi T. ; N. Lewis, Rueben Halper, Charles Shiiidler, David Tilevietz, Loyal Kier, and Billy Mosow. : Ad\isors of the A. Z. A. will attend the meeting.

Mount Sinai Temple - The -subject. .of . the _ sermon at Mount Sinai Temple this evening will be "Edison—Benefactor of Humanity". The service will begin at -8 o'clock. Parts were cast Sunday morning for three plays which will -be given during the .week of Chanukah, by members of- the Temple Religious School.

f"- i

The famous Gooeye

Weather Tread is svpet'cr I in traction. Nofa how the ^ -; deep-cut, tight-gripping \

blocks are placed In fhs *" \; . cenfer of the treod, where f ' \. they belong. Press ths'. , ; palm of yowr hand upon v. ; this tread end fee! how V the.blocks grip end pinch V ' the fiosh. Th:s i"^rcfc-s V-"- the All-V/c-cJhcr Trcsd's V1 - '-\ • hold-fcsf octJon en psvc« \ * .,-.-.' /.^ roenf or r o a d .



"The Problems of the Second Generatien",'wilL be the subject, of Eabbi Hj- • R. Rabinowitz sermon this evening. The address will .be based on "Grapes of Canaan", a recent book by Elma Erlich Levinger. The Sunday School of Shaare Zion is-working on a Chanukah play •which will be presented Sunday afternoon, December 6. "Our Own Jazz Singer", a humorous sketch, -will be presented at the Annual Anniversary Banquet of the Ladies Auxiliary, -which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9. Mrs. David Goldstein, wife. of Rabbi ^Goldstein of Omaha, ;will be the principal, speaker.' "Rabbi-Rabinowitz will leave Saturday evening for Iowa "City, where he will speak before the Philo Club, "which is' composed of all• Jewish students, Sunday \ evening: - He will speak on "Jewish Problems of Parents' and .Children". _ Ten • new members were accepted into the Shaare Zion Congregation during the past month, making the total number of newly elected members; " 40, • since September 1. They are Stanley Eobinos, Edward Robinow, Ja?k H. Falk, K. F. Epstein, Morris Miller, Thomas Epstein, II. Shubnan, Paul Kaplan, I. Miller of Stevens, S. D. arid N.; Elldn, of South, Sioux .City, ; Nebraska. Mr. M.-E. Friedman'is chairman of the membership committee. • *

• •

; • : ' .

. \-



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Shaare Zion

Miss Helen - Friedman -has opened a studio in her home,-1720"Jackson Street, where she will teach elecution arid expression. Miss Friedman, Additonal members of the commit who has studied at ; the Goodman ' tee in charge of , arrangements for Theater School in Chicago, has apin a number "of ."theatricals in the Palestinian' Bazaar, which the peared the city. She is the daughter of ' Zionist organizations are sponsoring Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman. - Sunday' evening, December 13.' The net? members of the committee are [ Mrs. 'Barney -Baron, Mrs. Sam Pas- The Executive Board of the Junior msri, Mrs.'-Hose Babinov/itb, Mi?: S Eir.dassah, met Tuesday evening at Business and Professional Wo' Epstein, Urs. W B . Lazere, 2lr. J the men's Club. Plans were discussed Aizenberg-, Mrs. N: Eikin, I.L Satin, for Annual Dance, which will be 2 . H. Ernlein; Louis Sinikin,, and held the December 20: Plans were, also II. SefT. . " ' made for a Kid Party to be given Proceeds, of the Bazaar will b( Tuesday ' evening, ' November,. 24. -.diverted towards the Jewish tfatjona Misses Sarah/. Goldbsrg, Hannah : ,Fui:d, -vrhozs purpose is the redemp-; Sparling, Fannie .Cohen ind.S. H0I2tion of Vni land "in Palestine.' man are in charge of the arrangefied of her election to the Phi Sigma ments. Iota Fraternity, which is an honor Mr. M. Blank spolre Tuesday even- Romance Language society at Iloring in Storm -Lake, Iowa, before nir.gsid8 College. _ members of the Optometrists Asso"We feed the multitude" . Be thoii as chaste as ico and pure ciation. .,..--.. With Tasty Foods as srtQ-/, thou' shalt not escape Hiss Helen -Horzoff has- been noti- calumny.—Shakespeare.

Additional Workers for Bazaar Named

in., t...«.



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