Dedicated to the
" In the ' i ' . .Interests of the .. ' Jewish Feoyle ~ .
Is. .Ust,<Ul'i-- Of
••n', Ilfil, in KuU-n'ii us 'SecondrClass filnil -filnttef on i ~£ » I'osioSIice ;il Onmlj.i, Nel>r;isfcu. miller tbe * ' *^- .in-fi 3. 1.N7!'
C t i %tcah Service
irith Electiei Officers Thursdav
I'Ndzi Students in i/ -Austria'Are Given ! . . Special Privilege*
: Ben Stiefler o l the local 1 I iel Brotherhood announces \JC i Vienna—(J. T. A.)—The Austria I Ten thafon Sunday evening, Dec. 6, from Election of officers for the en- j cabinet fess confirmed the demands: cf I 7:15 to 7:30 under the auspices of ''Only by extra discipline, which in Jew will keep his identity in the fu- sains term for the local lodge, of Nationalist students for special p r i -, the National Federation of Temple the past has made the Jew superior, ture. But unless vs can make bein the the B'nci Brith will be held at ! iieges for Aryan studs cv end €hanakah Concert and Program Brotherhoods, over radio station can the Jew keep alive the traditions ing, a Jew advantageous once, more, the Jewish Community Cester- versities, which in the past have l~d WLW, Cincinnati, - 700 kilocycles, of his forebears arid hope-to survive the" Jews will- loss- the content of Qr'.Open to Public This to numerous anti-Semitic attacks. nest -Thursday .-eveaing, Dc^einthere will be broadcast a ,Chanukah without making his existence mean- their identity-without losing-the idenThe government establishes tfr ber 10, according to sanoatsceSunday. Evening service. •.-•'. ':. ingless," " Maurice Samuels declared tity," he. •warned. German national character of slueraent sade by. Dr. A. Greenberg, The "special service- will - include a in opening .the; lecture division of ,the V Samuels g.a v e • "extra-discipline, present president. ents unions, although it states that The Chevra B'nav Israel congregaIDS :omir Singing Society of Community Center Adult Ed- mentally" as the'way to keep the. con| students from various nations possess tion, 18th arid -Chicago St., will cele-. ."benediction- over the lighting of theJewish Omaha 'A present a program of ucation program, Sunday night. "He candle.s, songs, music, and -a-short tent of -Jewishness•.alire.. . " A V tend-'quality rights. The new status' ex-' v d bfate ' its forty-seventh, anniversary usJc Sunday evening, Dee, must realize, as "did his ancestors, Maccabean message. , . ency to shirk the e3:acticris of rigor.hides opposition en the ground that with a "Chanuljah' Concert" "and" prdCommunity Center, that he has to work harder, mentally ous, self-diseipliru ;uch an arrangement is unconstitu- which wi •Jewish .hrentering to gram this Sunday" evening, 'Dec 6, IT than members of other groups in orand make him imional. submerge, the Starting at 8 p. in. The event is of Educa :ioriEl program for Sunday der* to" maintain the -advantage ob- ab'le .to. withstau'l t" o eicteina! pres' The government's decision in open to" the public without any" adsponsored bv the Center f tained-by extra discipline." •' •• -' " . plication prevents even Jewish i sure.".:. To' survive "? a vital influjnission. charge._ '•' ; tne-1 this year. _•__. ( . . „„,; rn^vprfe from becor Samuels rnore than lived up to exence and-keep Je\i .ah morale from : • William .Milder, chairman of • the converts .zornir Choral society will pectations- as a lecturer,,- holding- -Ms being '. undermineJ, Saraaals pre1 anniversary: celebration^ "was. assisted r.ic-.-^rs of German students unions, present a program that v-111 include : audience tensewith -his eloquence scribed an; accep tar; ^ cf the weight in "arranging the- affair.' by Harry T. "v r""~t either loin. Jewish, unions toik songa,'..traditional ami synagogue and jnastery of. his subject; The ex- of the;..Jew's dsctln; arJ re-ostablisinationals, or form separate i music, aiid coniposruons especially "Weiner and H.~~Marcusi * Milder—will' ; tent of his hold on the audience was ment.-of-the,contacts -with the. traditheir - enra. ' j X^J. -t «•..-.; y.. C --J i.-^ V-'^ « V\ *--.;. -\V:.C*?lX:l\l . make the . introductorj' .remarks, folX*.. illustrated when a 10-minute inter- tions that gave the Jews of 'the mid- Author of "Why _ We. BILbchave* v-.ons lowed by brief remarks by Marcus. Schv-"ac£kin, director of the society. \ Several short talks are on theAr.nual Flag Bay to Be Held mission was held during: the "middle dle ages Strength "end mental alert•to Appear at J.-C. C. WedThe orrraiizstio- inchKle? 26 singers Aliuri ;of the lecture. At the end of the in-ness. • ' ; '" . . '. program, including "Synagogues in in addition to an orchestra and has This Coming Suntermission, every one of his listeners Mental.; discipline.? he 'said, would nesday, Dec 16 Israel," by Philip Klutznick; "Macbe?"a preparing for this nnd ©thet returned to hear the • second part of do away with...psychological misery cabees," by Sol Wezelxaan; "Jubilee ..' ' . • ' ' " • . d a y - ' • '• I conctTtF for the "past cisrbt months. the^address. • ;' . • -• and would "give-the Jew an - advan- - Professor Ss.ra.-uel D. Sehmalhausen, and Education," by Jndah Wolfson. ' j The Omaha oTjfranisntipr, is one of I. Morgenstern was chosen presiSpeaking on "Will the Jew Sur-tage again. " • eminent psychologist, will be the next : • Besides singing;, by ensemble and ! feT.v Jevish Chc~.] societies in the dent o? the locarJewis'h National fund Vive?" Mr. Samuels divided his subspeaker to appear os theCommunity -Henry -Monsky JEtrodured the ( audience of 'America" and "Hatik: j country . elevotip.p th?im.j--<iH*es to thft Forum'rostruui, when he will .'speak j vah," several ; numbers will be an election of officers held at the ject into two natural parts: the his-speaker. Jack W. Marei presided. ; development of s. finer understanding on "Sex in Civilization" at the Jewsented. by" the B'hai Israel choir - and Jewish- Community -Center 'Monday toric setting of the Jewish situation, "preciation of folk lore in and the modern consequences of that ish 'CovEmunity Center on "Wednesday .'._"'.'" orchestra, directed by Cantor. Ab- evening. . iah Festivity t© Be Held music a? veil as of traditional pvna"\T7JTT~-"" evening, December 16. • Other officers elected were M. T>.setting. . ...• : ',; raham Schwaczkin. Their iurobers cogue wiE include "Hanonis Halolu And Brodkey and William Alberts, vice • In giving the status of the Jew Prof.' SchihaXhausen has gained i Center tare so stimulated the collecting Moas Tzur," and "B'tzais Israel." presidents; Miss Ida Daytch, secre- in the middle ages, Samuels stated wide resown as EH author End Isc- j PHf: of rich musical sources "Zmiros". •will be given by the Seltz tary, and Miss Tobye Steinberg that "they constituted a superior ortarer. : He has lectured at Harvard; With plans completed and final re-j j-atherlutir.jr '^rf fro if. al! comers of the Baumer .and Hozamir trio, also dir- treasurer. On .the executive board are der or caste or brotherhood." Their and other eastern -educational-centers, hearsals for stunts in progress, every- world where Jews have .li v< and creincluded M. F, Levensbn,; Morris superiority, he mentioned, was due to ected by Cantor Schwaczkin. but this is his first western trip. thing is in readiness for the Senior j £ted folk lore. While Ibis Other • musical numbers are: . a Friedel, J. Lintzman, Dr. O..S. Bel-three main reasons. • l i » Interest is -attached to the coming The' first was education. " "At a selection' by a" string trio "consisting zer, Mrs. I. Hurwitz, Judah Wolfson. lecture because of the heightened im- held in the Center on Saturday eve- j many Jeivish Choral scv ties have alof Harry Eobinson, Lawrence J. Publicity chairman is Morris Friedel. time. when emperors, as Charle:; portance of the general subject of December 12,. according to those ready Rttaineu prominence among magne,.could not •write, illiteracy.was Ful! Prograsa of - Activity Pinkel, and Oscar Weinstein, acpsychology to the laity, as evidenced Flag Day ••hcrc-p of the even1 j musical crjranisctirms its kind, the exception among the Jews. • Their i ch companied by Harry Braviroff; ."Eli, Planned'tor Coming • in- recent years. Single admissions at! n fund > be presented a ety is mThe local The Omaha EsiTTioit Jewish National ctivities reverence for mental matters • disacti Eli,", and "A. Dudele", by Lawrence will partake this Sunday, Dec. 6, in one dollar may be obtained at the! . " ' ' " . ' , .Year ' ". . the Carnival are a "five-cerits-s- eluded in the group of Pioneir-n= in the J. Jinkel, accompanied by Margaret the nation-wide annual Flag day, tinguished them" from all others." Center. dance" scheme and cabaret, both in "ield of Jewish nn?f=ic, E' "The element of- a personal disciHurvritz.= sponsored by the J . N. FY Ida" Daytch pline i n Jiygiene/'- the speaker pointed Mrs. L. . Neveleff, was re-elected . recrer.tir^^*!j Thi? prof -•s.rn Ifkp ;-M the others in A few excerpts from "Why We |_ the Center auditorium; rpcreationa.' p y is chairman for Flag'day. thej amusements in the gymnasium, cr enderj the serif??: of "Snmlsy Kisr'/t. is Cenout, " w a s the second factor which president of the Jewish Women's WelMisbehave," the best knows of is s. [ direction of E. 11. Segal, physical di- [ ter Nigrht" concerts and lectures, i s All vcorkers . tvill „ meet Sunday made the J e w "of t h e middle ages fare Organization, at a meeting of works of Schnaalhaasen, -who morning a t 3 a. m. a t the "Jewish outstanding." Their superior order that.. organization 'held last Tuesday master cf epigram, follow: rector-of the Center; Ponder Elver," | open to members of the Jevrjsh CornCommunity"" Center and will from of life .and clsaniiires3 helped them at the Jewish Community Center.: "Jealousy is a reflection of wand- a gambling resort in .miniature;! menity Centc r. Tidcri? s r e issued there make a house-to-house .canvass when. _the plagues broke out and en- " Mrs. J. .M. Tilalasliosl:- was elected ed egotisin." •tr,ii-l up senior and active graphology ana and fortune fortune teiiing: tel " • . ' -EranholoET ex- \-fre e pat of the Jewish homes. perts; a dramatic sketch by the Cen- members •he Contcr, others abled "them to escape comparatively vice president; Mrs. Irvin •Stalmaster, All proceeds go toward ouying land unscathed, he said. (•mii'PszinTHz. hnth food recording•• secretary; Mrs. H.. A. "Men. do not love truth. • Wist thej ter •plfji-o-rc* 'Aon cf CO cents. concessions, bolt in Palestine and aiding the Jewish other Newman, corresponding ' secretary; desire is'the-bolstering tip of'tfe-elr ana Players; H-v of the Siir.i];.iv rai'tiing, a n i immercus <The,third element was the fact that Judge Irvin Stalmaster's recent Chalutzim to settle on the soil there. Mrs. Charles ••LevinsKJ, treasurer, and inadecniate human nature which trath novel sttmts, which ai-e to besecret) nin 3rc:rrsi bro the Jews . were scattered • all over only took, "What Price Jury Trials?" has Miss Daytch reports that wh'Je a Ehirope,.. were t h e only- international Mrs. N. • Mantel", ssditor. " . is-acle to proviae in the nesn sircg-l _^_-,.^ e C-—H-^ ?~ i- --—n« to I one next Sun de •gle of liars for. competitive End received widespread commendation good number of automobiles have people (geographically). -They had All of the '.new officers will be inoccupy e"cry bit of space in tbo Gen-j sue dam. will be doscii from many reviewers. been volunteered f o r t h e Flag day, an., international language,, and trade ;5talled'sti-Gis;. firsi meeting" of theelusive advantages." ter for the evening. j Kar cm Among the printed" comments are more cars are needed. .The"Zionist infevijtable' ..drifted into their hands new year, • Tnssday, Jan..' 5^jst which A clty-vride canvass .for the sals I ir. "weapon infe the following; • organizations- in 0raaha'-arE--pianning.. "because "the- other' people vrere not time the- officers'-vdll.iasuguraia..:ths C? "f'C^CO^I "cr '"'""" " " ' I "Mr, Staknaster is exceptionally strong representations for the one-interested in trading. -new. program -.adapted for-the year. caiieel cut "the well qualified tcr Vfrita-On the merits day drive. Among those v?ho have In additioii--to the former activities feiiorfty." The Jew stood in a- relatively of the jury system in modera.litiga- signified - their intention of supplying splendid-position -until the l l t h cen- of that, organization in the field of "Freedom In lavs is vdthoi2t cues- sale has rep tion. In' support 'of .his contention strong corps of workers a r e the Jun- tury, t h e speaker pointed. out. Then, .Family Welfare work, the. ne.w. pro- tioa the most perilous of sdventsres, i record crowd is anticipsted. the month of Pior Hadassah, Senior Hadassah, piothat juries should civil anal 'Maanv of-the csxmuiittees for the sf-j a. change i n the economic structure gram will include a project of co-op- the most beautiful-and poignant t f jn ndc5it-!-or> t o t h e Hawo: tnCTP ' " \v : of experiersces. PYnpnVnc« " ! -fc?-r cases, the author musters_ impressive neer Women, Poale Zion> Zionist dis- of the western desperate .of fair report the fonn-clation of uovei i ITiir • COTiCPTt ?> 'i-?ct"re b-i- i/TOfesPOT TVofi made his loteration \vith the Jewish Community desT>era.ts» : id as proof of the inroads which have a.H trict/Daughters of Zion, Henrietta more trying. As the merchant class Center, aiming to develop the social 'Marrlsge as conventional coercion f « - Oscar HaFero-vrich, hea.'•Icrdecsi M, fi-?,p!ar. on S'undar r.ifht. ready been made in a system which Szold ' Girls', Greater Palestine Cam-. rose, so the merchant class began to facilities and activities of the Center. the decorations group, promises. an i n^. 2". iHis lecture is-.being snontradition alone has hallowed in thepaign, National Workers Alliance oust the Jew from trade competition. '• While the -details of the new pro-is on the verge of banlcroptcy. tial love as ritasl and roxitiiie is no! entirely ne^ idea in embellishment of br the Conseri-'&ti\-e Svnagopac. minds of the Anglo-Saxon people. It and the Mizrachi. the ject have not yet been developed,, the longer honored as either sacred -or Up to now the Jevr had been subCenter. •• Art Grossman, chsirm ssor Kr.plan is reputed tc be (What Price Jury Trials?) serves a jected to intolerance merely because officers of the organisation, stated sweet.': o£-the avrards committee, states thatj the outstanding; leader and philosovaluable purpose in bringing deafly that plans are being made for a. reof the "dislike of the unlike?' Now, and simply before" the lay, mind the Samuels Speaks; at he sexual -revolution is the rsost pher of Conservative Judaism IR a motive had been added—business vival of the at-one-time-popular. an- •recent -and the most profoasid- phase the vdriiiers it inaividusi ana ciuo America. The Conservative SyBfidefects of a system which- plays so nual ball which is being-scheduled' for sales. Ssra '. competition.general chsir- sro£ue is important a part in the life of a of the scientific revolution." • - -* • •zasn of the Spsteln, Zionist Dinner .. "However," the speaker stated, Saturday evening, Jan. SO.' C-Kmival, and EyrnEri dir.ncr on an'E.TijriT!£r for on onnna' d e m o c r a t i c people."—New York . "Oar "labor leaders, are not labor! that; orc?.r-ior. with Profp?,r,ts chEirmE.n, sre About one hundred attended t h e "modern anti-Semitism was not bora Times., „ „ . . , , . ieaders at all, but the lieutenants cf i e ^ lf ,%, oratiT , r i n directiBg ' the final until; the 19th century." He disdinner of t h e local Zionist district "The' book is a revelation and a capitalist.." l'"^!*^.'*** "'" tinguished between the old antiTits for he stunts, "which j Ti"niisn?t' i v T i e n Ti"?*oc sensation. "What P r i c e Jury S u n d a y evening in honor of. Maurice Judaism and themodern anti-Semi•s is no -±ai3ctionrn.greligion. Goocbinder declares Samuels, -who spoke on t h e Gommun comprise snned for the most o januTrials?" is in every way unique. No -"Anti-Judaism is the hatred vrhich has not at its rocthe .imcarsiy j varied and entertaining -iI The Center Players' Guild v.-ili book Kke it has ever been published ity Center Adult Education program tism, of the Jew for his religion. If the fear of death." • -1 as.ths local Jevrxv vrili -.- • > before. .Once and • for all it tears t h a t evening. present Jew changed that'religion and came vat pro- away-^the veil of secrecy from-the „• Samuels stated t h a t - Palestine i s into the non^Jewish fold, lie was TiSl, OF; Sanctum Sanctorum of the jury room absolutely onshakeable a s t o i t s fu- readily .welcomed.. Anti-Semitism has br •\h Theater fiuced s am! discloses what is going on in-t u r e destiny, regardless of racial o r •nt religious connotation, but racial." The annual festival of Oitlld in New York €Wl§l Wl§l jfiifis."—Commercial, Lav? Journal, political differences; • the Temple Israel Sunday School -trill Accordingly,-under anti-Semitism one 0< r T~^ ' 1 The triaV-by ah,untrained law jury He pointed o u t t h e number of new be held Sunday 'afternoon, December juruiay cve;is one of the'most'absurd aspects of "enterprises which have s p r u n g u p in couldn't assimilate if he wanted to. 6, at 2:30 p. m. at the Temple.. i-vTnposium Samuels illustrated how today the that tissue of absurdities,—modern t h e Holy Land due t c Jewish endeavFoilow'ing the Chanl^h service conicrin, COIISCIT; nnd Oi-lhojurisprudence-- and court procedure. or. H e praised t h e indomitable spiri middle: man is being remorselessly ducted by Rabbi- Frederick Coha, the "The splendid acco~pIislMBests} contributed b"r 3e*vrs in iis eoiiritry 1 wf^^rr Eabb! Alhcrt G, MirKta driven out of the economic system. Chanukah. lights will ba lit by the .fol- made possible, in Palestine during-the! brjurr- Jewish ixurdcr&i Critics, of .the jury farce have ,been of t h e Jewish pioneers. ^ ; Pcie ; UU.1 ?n;l j i cf Minneapolis v~iY\ di^cwsK the P P "And unfortunately the" Jews are numerous, but lawyers and "judges William X . Holzman presided ai lowing, eight children: Elden'Lincoln, past ten years as a' resclt'e ce~! ss, to -coioruzs them on the lane, , invrrrspntifaave rarely been among them. Hence, the dinner. All arrangements wert disproportionately in trading." Along Loris Ferer, Hovi-ard Goldman,.UlUan votion and self-sacrifice • of Jews! DTide them "with a remarkable sys- i with this economic snihilatioh is an it f I gratifying to find a judge added Morris Friedel. throughout the'world are jeopardized j-te of health an ' sanitation aetivi- ' acute, intensified anti-Semitism, ad- Novitslcy, Jimmie Eobinson,. Marilyn to the list of vigorous critics of the Adler,.. Myron Subnitz, sad Dorothy ded to the dislike of the unlike. trial."—New York World-TeleEosenber^. The invocation wilt be Lecture "Whether we will it or not, thegiven, by Loraine Meyerson, a Chana''Judge Irvin-Stalmaster has "made Course on Tuesday pg -j ksh prayer by Betty Tarnoff, arecitaan interesting-, instructive and valu'.tion by .Gloria Novitsky and songs by phasize before • tiae Conservative j c•'-ildrsr. last' Friday- evening: Mr. Eothennerp, - v-hn is head of! able' contribution to .the literature" of I Kabbi Frederick Cohnhas chosen Justin Priesmsn. , Synsgogue_gro'ap , „ T_ the law. The thesis'-of Judge Stal- "Spain" as the subject for his~lectare American Palestine Campaigr/s! . "The Enemies of _ Israel,"- a play, « ^he J- c - C. Eothenberg made master, should lend zeal and energy Tuesday morning, December^ 8, at •Kill be-presented yith the follo'.ring surprise' visit to the city Friday zsid j effort to. secure $2SO0.ODO for both to the opponents and proponents 10:30 a. "m. at the" Blacksfone hotelJ cast: .The' prolo:gTie," Marian Mayero- Eabbi Goldstein ofTered Mia"MsruIpit buarei cf i Agsnci:, of civil trials by jury."-^-District .This lecture is the fifth in the series 'QOZ'~ UILiii:; .'ionistE z.'id nan-Sk:>n- i •wich; Mr. Solomon, Bob Silverman; for the evenin_ r\ i~i~~ j ^ fTJudge Loevinger, St. Paul, Mlnril ~y= being given for the Temple Israel on Xm Mrs. Solomon, Faye Go'dvare; Judah, tae Je^rs of ists - . _- • , iu.i.i>. oviumuii, r o v e xxuiuv^faie:, «j uuiiiu, America vrere 'an important factor ir. reports that 4-1.;fes economic slttsstion! "The reading of 'What Price Jury Sisterhood. 1, n r i l r r . , m Theparty mammoth Chanukah dance.and Leonard Rma- the • tremendous progress that WE: lias imperilled'nany cf the instite.-i by the local Daughters OM.fcofsfcy; S t W a r t G aMiriam, n z ; Simeon, Trials?' will prove to be a thrill of a Mrs. Mayer L. Cohn will be in card will be Miriam Eubniiz; in rebiiilding- Palestine during tions set "T~> •-^= ps.s-iten years. Zion. for the. benefit of. the Jewish! Ha-rmah lifetime."-—Sovereign Visitor. charge. Hannah, Helena Alberts; Ignorance, the past up in^the City Talmud Torah at ten years, National Fund will be .held at;the Millard Eosenbsrg; Grief, IsaSore onsnainiiy €'•enter this city;auditoriam next Sunday, Decem- Eiklin; Fear, Betty, Beeson; Evil, reported that some 820,000,000 WE: r at 2:30 sis 37:ter^ietr, K ber 6. A bazaar is beiiig held in con- Milton. Robinson; Truth," Euth Friedjunction "with the major affair. man; Guests — Eosalinc sd for t h e | Entertainment "of a varied nature Lois Barisli, Florercc Kos?. Tachnnn. SitJI creative Tickers n he morievn; imem •will be offered. Tables Trill bs fcedron Eubaits, I'l-ricn Vi .Vienna—(J. T. A.)—At a time cause of Ms friendly attitude toward for all kinds of card games, and aArthur Kulskafslcy; Trath's handl»*i L. an for the wien anti-Semitism is gaining ascen- the Jews.- In the face of this aval- prominent orchestra has been ob- maidens— Shirley Alberts, Rcth HIP introdancy in virtually every field-of the anche of abuse, Moissi persistently tained for the dance. Food -will also Trachtenbjrjr. Cecil Cohn Adel RiseP will be is tiis . oi (Co-t cultural and economic life of Germany maintained silence. Recently, how- be sold. ?5M<?pnt of man. and Austria, the tmawaited eoraiter- ever, his patience came to an end The chairmen for the card party Una Gross is in charge of costame Kabbi N. attaclc upon the anti-Semites by Alex- and in an article which appeared and dance are Mesdames J. Gold-ware, and mate-cp, and Ernest Priesman is 1 tp an, c. ander Moissi, internationally famous simultaneously in several German "W. Solomono"sr, 11.' Arbeitinan, S: musical acvemparust. The play is i be given Ct--, J German -actor'irho recently - achieved papers, Moissi told the Christian Platt, I.I. Braude, B. Eisenbarg, L •ander the direction of Hiss Bess | Hs.rrey M R FRJ distinction as a 1dramatist vrith his world a number of sharp truths vvith Ktiiakofsky and A. Sh^fton. i, Bwkfy b n r "Weinstein. \ r_c ; play, "Napoleon/ has created some(Confmaed oa Fage S.) Mrs. S. Platt, president of hte orter Abrathing of a sensation, the reverberaganisation, -who is ehairnan o£ the tions of %yhieh have not yet died out. bazaar, is being a s s i s t ! by "in Catn«l. Spaas At this period. -when the records J. Goldivare, LI. Braude, E. •egrasn inthe "were replete vrith . acts of physical Greenberg, A. T/ok, L. Soscntlaii h'B Odd Fellc^vT h^ll, v. lere on December 23 A. violence against the Jews and; more and II. Goldstein. The cznior it &t present or. 5 subtle -form of torture, Bloissi has 'Dr. A. Sacher, noted professor of All proceeds Trill go to the Jewish the CG^r^3, &: •A. -••.i^Tn.GXlCSl. JTi. c>' W S - - 1 C'"i"l"*A'CT,:TTh3 cc: chosen to pay off an old score against the University of Illinois, Ivill be National Fund t-o bay land in Falcs- on "BicL the anti-Semites in penetrating fash- guest speaker of the B aai Brith at a tins. David A. Grlitcii, ztt? th- cvz-\ irrlirr- -' hanuksh, ion. program jtneetiag to be held ct the The press in the Genaanie coun- Jewish Community Center on the eve- No Sfsts LzsSs tries has in xscent years conducted a ning of Dec 23. Kovno.—A lstr, rriich in Kppliccvigorous, campaign against Iloisd on Ilemhers of the Bocal lodgs end tioa rirtctlly dsrfca the JCVTD the Woifso the assumption that he is a lev,-, or their families ere Invited to bs pres- right to purchase stato lanas In Ziths City i;. ft least of Jewish 'descent,'and be- ent. usnia, was officially announced hsrc meinlcrs cf tlie i!? Green, '? i ftf'i: Ene, •TO,
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PPwESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931 healthy and strong. Now we are Is being done by sending Torgsin American. Food Corporation. adopting them- legally as'we have no drafts for food, clothing, or whatever has delivered thousands of packages vrithout complaint. children of our ovm. Had it not "been Is desired. for our dear senator and for the Na- Joseph Radiuowski is the local tional Jewish Hospital, they would agent for this service. He also han- Jewish k'i Decorated have been' like other crippled orphans dles transmission e£ money payable in the streets of Russia—or they in American dollars to Polan . Lithu- Vienna.— -Professor Leopold Moll, might have been dead long ago." ania, Latvia and Palestine, through founder of the Institute for the Protranquility no new troubles could rise Thus Dr. S——— mused and srailed the Amalgamated Bank of New Y ork. tectic of Mothers and Children was to plague the children. while Harry played the clarinet and Packages can now be sent delivered y ident llilkas in recLeah cheered. Tubercular Troubles. to the home, free of any duty. Sir. ognition of his social-hygienic servBut troubles did come, for shortly Radinowsld states that the European ices to the Austrian population. after settling down with their uncle and aunt, the effect of years of privation, of physical and mental suffering, of Tindernourishment, of lack of food and sleep, and of hard work, Psi Ma Cop Pre-Season Title j began to show. Hurriedly, the doctor The Psi Mu Club basketeers, holdwas called, and his diagnosis was, "A ers of the cellar position of last V very definite tendency to tuberculosis season, came through in the J. C. C. which will develop into active tuber1L Pre-Season League and became 'culo&is unless it is checked immedi- champions by trimming the Deep ITOU W KE CREAK ately." ;••;"•• Rocks Wednesday evening 28 to 16. had to rejoin the band for another Our so many times before as patients in - "New Year's Day, 1931. The chamconcert, and Leah must of course take , Harry's spinal curvature added its RRCJ Greenberg and Sadofsliy starred pion high school foothall team of Colo- the National Jewish Hospital. XN complication'to the prognosis. for the champs. "Why, surely I remember you, her place with' the other Sheridan rado and Wyoming -were playing an Shattered TIOW were the dreams of In the other games of the eve- j exhibition game in Denver, for theHarry I And Leah! How, well and rooters, because, the cheer-leader was future happiness. Broken into tiny ning, the Herman Cigar Store decalling for-the good old Sheridan yell. [bits, were the air castles which ancle, What are you doing; benefit of the Denver Community fine you look. 7 feated the AZA No. 100, 32 to -9 So, while Harry; played: the clarinet, here? Tell me all about yourselves." Chest. From Fort Collins, Colorado, aunt, niece-and nephew had started and the AZA No. 1 nosed out the land Leah cheered, Dr.. S—~--V!.ponand Sheridan, Wyoming, the players ; ."We came with the team from' to build on such firm foundations. Kaplans 32 to 23. had come, with their school bands, Sheridan. Harry's in the band." The dered over the story of this boy and For, having used all his savings girl, with its sad beginning and its . The regular J. C. C. League will ! words chased themselves-from -Leah's and an army of rooters. and part of his capital in bringing get "under way Wednesday, Dec. 16. Ten minutes,before the Idck-off the mouth. "I'm graduating' from • high happy ending. the children to him, the ancle had no Sheridan High School band assembled school this year; Leah graduated last funds to pay for treatment in a priHarry was no less excited. Harry and Leah were born in vate hospital. Placing these children J. C. C. Handballers Win Four oh the field and serenaded the crowd. year." ; 'Well it is good to see youboth Minsk, Russia, the boy in December, in state, county or city institutions Good music and a spirited drill Straight brought applause from the holiday again." This from the doctor. "Do 1914, the girl some three years earlier. was unthinkable because then they The J. C. C". handball artists ook crowd. The youngsters returned to you remembei- how during that whole Their father "was killed in the World would become public charges, in vio-four straight matches from the u their seats, the referee's whistle blew year just before you left the National War and their mother died of ty- lation of the agreement made with Knights of Coluinbns visitors Tuesyou used to tell me all about your phoid fever when Harry was tenthe Department of Labor at the time day evening at the J. C. C co-arts, and the game was on. .'•.•;."'. •was a foothall fan and life in Russia, and how much trou- years old. Their only living relative of their admission, and Harry and playing in the Inter-Club League. S ble you had joining your uncle here was an uncle in a far-off corner of Leah would he sent back to Russia. The four J. C. C. winning1 teams rarely missed a game. Dr. Sthe United States. in-America, and about your long stay •were: Goldberg & Sosen; Baa & was also an able child specialist, one of-the" best" in the Rocky Mountain on Ellis Island. Many a time you Homeless and alone, these children, Again Dr. smiled but now Finlde; S. Ssgelinan & Sokolof and region. But today he wanted to for-^children kept me with your stories the 13-year old girl and the 10-year his smile was coupled with a prayer Honvich and Mendelson. * * * get that fact, and from his seat in and made me late for an appoint- old hoy, were faced with the neces- of thanks to God for the National the stands just hack of the section ment." His own laughter was no Jess sity of making their way unaided in Jewish Hospital at Denver. For the American League Plays Scsday reserved for the Sheridan band and jjleeful than theirs. the world. And what a world it was! Hofheimer Preventorium of the Hos- The American Basketball League A comparatively scas-H suta set sxside eack rooters, he prepared to enjoy himself. Then a flood of reminiscences Ravaged by war, devastated by revo- pital, maintained for the benefit of •will play the second games of the year for an Equitable Life Annuity will But he was disappointed. Into the memories of the day when Dr. S -,. lution, under the iron heel of the boys and girls predisposed to tuber- League next Sunday; the first game Soviets, that world, already overcalled to the National Jewish Hosculosis, who could not pay for treat- starting at 12:45. empty seat on either side there caiaguarantee you & fixed monthly income of pulated a boy of about 17 and a young pital as a consultant on their cases, crowded with diseased and starving ment, was the only place to which Schedule of Games: <!IOn ^tt'l %*%Pl!} r>^ ^ 1 ^ f«*" " ^ H ^ ^ ; < " ^ " - ! i " ^ f first met them, and was attracted to orphans had little use for Harry and Harry and Leah could come for ex-12:45 Giants vs. Migets. woman, slightly older. t Leah. Tenaciously they clung to life «JJLU'U 5 * )i*\J\fj \p%J\.'iJ U i •V*J\}\J Ji.'t t y t j k/^-^jiiixijiiiij iil. t "Hello, Doctor, We're so glad to them as much by their quaint accent and as tenaciously to the scrap of pert medical treatment, without fear 1:30 Nathan Strauss vs. Pants Store of deportation. and their romantic story as by the 2:15 Eagles vs. Havrkeyes. see."' you. "How are you?" Eight with their uncle's address * * * hands outstretched for a cordial hand- medical problems presented by their paper they hoped with all their Store PIsy White So once more the children embarked Herman's clap, eyes gleaming', faces beaming emaciated, twisted' bodies; memories which, Castles Sunday'3:00 P. 31. •with smiles, they waited his response of'. the gala day when Harry was hearts, might some day be the means on a journey. A vacancy in the boys' ift ti; Ib-j* V'i* if • I , I } it' r p ^ © •"Bar Mitztfah" at the Hospital; of rescue, division of the Hofheimer Preventori- The Herman Cigar Store quintet' to the greeting. Minsk, with its grim horror of um occurred September 27, 1S26, and will tattle the White Castles of of the day Dr. S——- gave Recognition was slow in-coining, memories a clarinet, because Harry was so widespread misery, offered no hope, on the same day Harry entered the Omaha at the J. C. C. Court Sunday O F E ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TEE ITMI1 but it did come. With it came a re- him Two months later Leah afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. turn of .Dr. S •—-.. the physician, sure he could teach himself how to for the children, so they left for some: Hospital. unknown destination, wandering all joined him, having received the first Herman Cohen has furnished some the eminent child specialist. Forgotthe while, and wondering all the while vacancy in the girls' division. slick looking suits for his bays and Reminiscences. ten ;;was the game. Players, stands, -: They left the hospital together on Phil Gerelick says suits help a great crowd, holiday, all receded from his Memories that were interrupted by why life was so cruel to them. deal. mind in the joy of seeing again this the referee's whistle marking the end A stone pillowed their heads at December 20, 1927. brother and sister, •whom he had seen of the first quarter.. Then Harry night, and an occsaional crust of bread was their food. ! Dr. S-— — smiled again as he re545 Omahs National Bank Bidg., Phone: AT 4367 One day the first tinge of the rain- called the words of the letter the A, KEBR, bow appeared on their horizon for in uncle had written yo utheir rea tiny village they found a friend, turn home. . one who, though poor as they, opened "The children arrived home safely Jews here can now send money to his hovel to them and took them in. and are looking just splendid," the relatives in Russia •with the assurance Here was a stopping place in their uncle wrote. "Their stay at the Na-that the recipient will be able to purwanderings. tional Jewish Hospital has given chase goods from the Soviet Govern.The children worked long hours to them a good start in life to grow ment stores at reasonable prices. This repay their friend for. his care. Harry lugged heavy pails of water a trial will convince you. -.-.-. from the creek which flowed past the village up the hill to his protector's Try the Sanitary Way for better and AT T house. Day after day this lad toiled. money-saving Laundry Services, CHA8Nature took her toll, for a slight ELECTRIFIED suios Everything washed sweet and clean, curvature of the spine developed _then dried in fresh filtered air.' HO which gradually increased so that Are Your Brakes adjust* Harry became, as he described it : Does yoar car gteer hard • •;':'., .'•. -;5c p e r 1 b . . ' • later, "lop-sided." . Does your car shirarny ? Does your car weave fc To Land of Hope. Shirts beautifully hand finished 12c each Do vour tires wear or» the side? From this home Harry*and Leah PLAY SAFE—DON'T T KE CHANCES sent off a letter to Wyoming, from CHAS, SIMON RECOMMENDS THE which, they prayed, would -come -back the message ithafc would mean. pe3ce, IXSPECTION FEEE health and happiness.. . -. , .431 Tt'ork Unfltr SisporviSion a c And sure enough, in due time the EVEKT JOB C C ^ E W T E E a VT T>." message came. Their uncle was sending money for clothes and tickets to America so that they might join him. So Harry and Leah set out on that Phone AT 2815 2815 Farnam trip across the Atlantic which would end only when they had traveled across three-fourths, of N o r t h America. • But their joy was short-lived for their boat docked just two days after the Russian'quota-for the'year was filled. Deportation faced them—but deportation to what? Bade to their I home in Russia? They had no home in Russia.. Back to Russia? ; Suiside was better. , , . : . . . ; . . . , _ . • . But" their uiieie 'would not have this and with the help "of the senator from Wyoming," the children were taken inafion off the boat which was carrying them IS %&' back to Russia, just a half-hour before it sailed. Followed now months of detention at Ellis Island' while attorneys, enr gaged by the uncle, pleaded for these The waslier is only onetwo waifs with. the Department of fey ifaalf of your laundryImmigration. equipment. You slioisld Seven months on Ellis Island. Within sight erf. Ameriea^-and withliave both washer and in sight of the "boats which were" alironer. ways ready to take them back to Russia. 'Twixt Heaven and Hell. .The new THOB Combina' Sev^a months and then the gates 2924 Leavenworth of Paradise opened for Harry and tion is BOW selling at an; JAckson 9408 Leah for they were released to the exceedingly low price. A' uncle, under,- strict provisions ~.j that short time ago. the washer they would; never become public alone cost about this charges. But what cared hej>r they for that? much. 4 True, his life savings had been used for the expenses of bringing the chilSee this modern laundry A Flour known for its marvelous baking qualities. dren to America and for the costlier The favorite where economy is watched, For Omar display at the Electrified expenses of his legal fight to have Flour bakes more Foaves psr sack — and eliminates Terms Home, 4311 H i c k o r y them admitted. But thank God, he costly ba'dns failures. had his little business in Sheridan, Street. Wyoming, he had his home and always there would be food and shelter for his niece and nephew.;
e five if
\ ICff/OWS
Money Being Sent Direct to Relatives
Dr. S - -glowed in the reconstruction of the scenes on that long journey from New York to-Wyoming, made by Harry and Leah and their uncle and aunt. Never were four people happier. So Harry and Leah went to live in .Sheridan, -Wyoming., - They ,went. io-}sSiooV,'-lcs,thsd 'q'uiclily 'and laie-fr •, .
. . • .-r-!--'Surely .this -eras ionvnsy'a S u r e l y i n t h em i d s t o £ t h i s p e a c e
•Md 4J
nd &lcrn©y Si
California university and writer -of and activity of- his recently establish-! the classes now being formed is dif- j plans are worked out and S Storpopular philosophic essays. Hr. Gold- ed' school cf progressive education,.! ferenfc parts of the city for children I vey is being made for creating1 a class farb specialized in psychology, phi!-: specializing i n s highly individualized, j cf til sg-es and open both to -Tews and j for.pre-school children from the t ages. oscphy and education, and for the last intensive, all-around ' education' teat non-Jews. Two classes have been in ? of ; T P and r. . Frotvro yeara has b3en independently re- •"liaTincrdses" with t i e intellectual and of ™nr~r, •':'<•• searching in the field of ad-alt educa- Cultural -problems and needs of the at an teachers ss tion as" well as making a study of living1 present, and supplementing, en- j and Center. He wiii also assist fiir, i creative powers ani expression in richirsg- and deepening:.the cultural in- jMendelson iz his recently ins young children. Silences of existing educational in- j lecture and book review cc eth toowledge inMendelscn states that this addition stitutions en both in yotmg End old." jj neighborhood adult stuir circles, j Ecdasiastes. makes it possible to extend the zco-pe • Mr. Goldfarb will have charp? of| Ur. Islende'son also states that \ crsaseih JL.
Harry lilendelson, director of Omaa's School of Progressive Education, announces the adding to his faculty f Abraham Goldfarb, graduate of
(Continued from Page 1) a candor that has _ seldom been equalled by the Christian intelligentsia. Candle lighting time, Friday eveTo underscore the sharpness of his assertions, MoissI began by disclosing ning, December 4, 4:13. that in his veins_and as-far back as Chanukah he is able to.trace his family tree, Channkah is" celebrated this year there- flows no Jetrish blood whatsoever. He. is a pure Aryan strain, a for eight days, beginning this Friday mixture of Italian and German blood. evening, December 4. It commemorAs a Christian, states Bloissi, he orates the rededication of the Temple cannot stand by and see the virus of by the Maccabeans in the year -167 anti-Semitism infect Christian people, B. C. E. A s a result of their victory nations '• and states, robbing, them of «gain§t the Syrian Greek king, Anall semblance of humanity and jus- tiochus, the' Maccabees frustrated the attempt of Antiochus ta destroy • t i c e . •...;.-•' ' : '•'.-• - . ' - • " • • ' . • ' . . Judaism and the Jewish, people. : Moissi draws up a list of gruesome All Jewish hcsses. should celebrate anti-Semitic acts which he accuses ' some sections of the" Christian -world by "planning;, beautiful candle lighting "world of perpetrating. - Among them ceremonies each evening of the festihe cited the case of the seven inno- val. : Gifts ' should be •; exchanged, cent Jews murdered by the Czecho- given to the children, and special porSloyakian officer, Karl Horak, for no tions set aside for the poor. other reason than that' they were On the eighth day, with the lightJews. Czecho-SlovaMan justice, ing of eight candles, there should be Czecho-Slovakian public opinion re- "a special celebration af the climax of gards Horak as a herb, charges Mois- the holiday. si and no punishment Tvill be meted out to him. Where Jews are conServices Tonight cerned, Christian morality, humaneA special service in commemoraness and justice are trampled under tion of Chanukah and in honor of the foot, he says. Anti-Semitism has the college students takes place tonight at terrible result of transforming Chris- the Conservative synagogue. tian men into beasts. Mr. Abe Fellman, representing the "The' road of anti-Semitism is a Students, will speak on "The Student throwback to the dark days of the faces His Judaism." Dr. Meyer Middle Ages," declares MoissL Beber of the faculty of the School of Moissi's is the deepest outcry Medicine of the "University of Neagainst ruinous anti-Semitism which braska, will speak on "The Educated has yet been uttered by a member of Man and the Future of Judaism." the Christian intelligentsia, although Rabbi Goldstein will speak on it is true that Tnore than one member "Brael's Challenge to the- Student." of this group has been the target of Cantor A. Sivowitz, assisted by the sharp attack . because he was sus- choir, will lead the service and will pected of having one drop of Jewish sing Chanukah hymns. blood in his veins. :
t Acquainted
•Abramson Audit Co. 852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 4811
rgasfcaiibo News. Council of Jewish
Dr. W. E. Sealock, president of the Municipal university, w a s guest speaker at the November meeting of the Council of Jewish "Women, Monday afternoon at the Community Center. In his talk, Dr. Sealock emphasized the value and sanctity of human life; and that of achievements of peace. He explained that safety should be taught in the schools, for by thus impressing upon the people the sanctity of human life, war "ffill be
pushed a w a y .
"As long as thousands are. killed and injured on the highways each year, there is little use to attempt to build up sentiment against war on the basis of loss of human life," President Sealock said. Following Dr. Sealock's address the Peace group of the Council, headed by Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, chairman, gave an informal tea. Mrs. Heuben Kulakofsky and Mrs. "William L. Holzman, members of the nominating committee' presented the name- of Mrs. Philip Schwartz as nominee for the vice presidency. Mrs.; Schwartz was- at this time unanimously elected.: Mrs. Schwartz, who at present is recording secretary of the Council, •will turn over her duties to Mrs." M. Icnsman, who was also unanimously elazted. . ••
16th and Cuming Sts. . JAcksoa 7640
Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and Night
Members of the congregation and their friends are. urged to reserve Sunday evening, December 27, for the Congregational dinner. Prof. M. M. Kaplan of the Jewish Theological Seminary will deliver the address of the evening.
( BODY k FEffll
You can now buy a REO as low as
Animal Dinner
Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Pit Woodwork and Painting Radiator Eepairing1
AK-SAR-BEN BOWLING ALLEYS 16th and Hamey—ith Floor
BA3S1SH, l>res.
2562 Farnam JA. 1997
Bible Appreciation Course The next meeting of the course in Bible Appreciation will take place at the J. C. C. next Tuesday morning at 10: SO a. m. • This group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
and LA HUE, Proprietors
CALABRIA Let Calabria make the coinbing of your children's hair a pleasure.
program in celebration of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, will be held, opening with the lighting of the Chanukah candle by Master Edward Glazer. Louise Nathan will present a dancing solo and Abraham Dansky several piano numbers. Eabbi Goldstein' will give a short talk on "Modern Maccabees." . : The program will close with a tea to which all Jewish high school students are invited. A board meeting at 1:30 will precede.
Arthur Bnliains—208 So. tStb Down Stairs
A. MARCHES! Barber—For Those Who Are Particular Paxton Billiard Barber Shop lGth & Farnam
The Sign of Good Workmanship Offices Brandais Theatre Bldg OMAHA
rci rex operates ts.z Body and Fender Company, locat ed at Sixteenth and Cumin, streets, phone Jackson 7640. The Fox Body and Fender company specialises • in rebuilding wrecked cars; curtains and upholstering; doors tightened to fit; woodwork and painting; body, fenders and tops recovered; radiator glass installed. Mr. Fox is helping build Omaha payrolls by employing ten men, all efficient mechanics, to aid him is his business. Bom and reared In Omaha, lie has devoted the past sixteen years, to this body and fender vrork. For two years he was with, the Omaha Radiator Company, eleven years with. Shames Eadiator, where he became foreman and managed the Body for a year. He has cvraed aad operated Ms pressnt business at 16th and Cuming for one year now and reports that Ms business has been steadily Increasing. He states that right now is the heighth of the radiator season. Besides the body and fen&ar shop, Fox operates a service station on the corner of 16th and Curoing. Mr. Fox gives the'following: tipto automobile drivers as to their radiators: "In order to get the best results from your radiator, rov. should have the coding checked every spring and fall. The small amount invested by this precaution may save yon a large amount in the future. "Also, to protect the finish, cf sin automobile, it should be waxed, and polished every four months. Has can "be had for a nominal charge." Mr. Fox -compares the auto •with a irjinan body, stating- that Just as neglect of the human body brings a major ailment, so neglect cf small items on the car brings about - a serious trouble, adding1 gTeatly to the operative expense of the auto. . /—=v=r;
Sisterhood Luncheon
Crias, R, Dochertf Commercial Artie* r
i i
The . monthly luncheon of the Temple Israel Sisterhood wil be given on Monday, Dec 7, in the vestry rooms of the Temple, followed by an interesting talk by Professor W. Sealock, president of the Municipal University. ' Please make reservations with Mrs. Bert Hene or Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, who are in charge of this affair.
National Tire & Battery Batteries Serviced Sold and Guaranteed 17th and Capitol Arc—AT. C527 STour Patronage Solicited
J ,
Stop or Phone Tor Your Delicatessen Needs \ Always on Hand Fancy Groceries Fresh Kosher -Smoked Keats
Mussolini and Italy - under his regime was the subject of Eabbi David Goldstein in his address to his semi-monthly current topics class of the Council of Jewish Women. - Rabbi Goldstein gave a resume of Mussolini's rise and. compared Italy o2 today with -Italy- as it was before &O dictatorship;- He... told - of ' the Fascists, their, growth and power. .•"The Principles of Philanthropy" will be the subject upon which Eabbi Goldstein .will speak at the next lecture on Tuesday; Dec. 15, at; 10:30 a. m. at the J. C. C.
Deborah Society A mixed meeting of the Deborah •Society will be, held Tuesday, December S, at 2:30 at the J . C . C ' An election of officers will be held. All members are urged to attend.
The first ineeidng of the Chesed Shel Ernes in the Jewish Community Center will be the next regular meeting to be held "on Monday afternoon, Dec. 7, at 2:80 p. m. It is important for all to attend, as the first reading of the Golden Book will be had in order to make corrections and additions before the final printing. Judah T7olfson, principal of the Talmud Torah, will be the speaker of the day. At the conclusion of the meeting, tea will he served. All members are urged to attend and to bring their friends, if they wish.
Conservative Auxiliary The regular monthly Electing of the Conservative .Synagogue Auxiliary will bo held •TVedr.2S{3ay,"PecemI:er 9, at 2:30 p. si. at -the Jewish Community Center. Following the business meeting, a
4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
Batteries as Low ns 53. Senrice Anjrtime—We Xerer Close
The Junior Hadassah ig taking a leading part in the Flag Day fir; by the various Zionist organizations for the Jewish National Fund on Sunday,.', December 6. Ida Daytch chairman for the drive. . ... . ., At yesterday's meeting of the Junior. Hadassah, a Chanukah program was given. There was an exchange of gifts,' and refreshment were served. Mrs. Parrot, pupil o: Helen Faffing Weed, gave a reading and the pupils of- Fausteen Potts gave "several dance selections. Lillian Ghudacoff was accompanist. '-. On December 8 at .the Omaha Athletic dub the local chapter will give a pajama, swimmings and;bridg< party for members only. Euth Margolin is chairman of. the affair. . A Hadassah night .program, open to the public, will be given on December 17. The event is being sponsored by the Junior- Hadassah, th Senior Hadassah, and the. Youri; Judean club." -" Annette Bender i chairman. .
Super Service Status
A Mothers' course, consisting o: six lectures on "Modem Parents," b. Miss Margaret Fuller, will "begin # the Labor Lyceum under the auspice: of the Ladies Labor Lyceum' clu next Tuesday evening,- Dec. 8, at p. m. These lectures -nil "be given for the next six Tuesday evenings. The public is invited to attend th; course, which is free. The lecture ~ deal with how parents should, act toward and care for their children, (Continued on Pa<je 8.1
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Free Estimates Given at Your Home On any Slip Cover Drapery or Curtain Work
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CLUB Beverages—24 Ounces 10c—Nona Better At Anv Price
Courteous Ssrrks
11SI Ko. ISth. St.—MTS. £131
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Ideal .Bottling' Co. The Pioneer, Women's Club has postponed its bazaar from Dec. to Dec. 20, on account cf the Jewish National Fond Flag Day. -
112 Ko. 50—GLendale 077S
»• a
PAGE 4--THE JEWISH PRESS, .FRIDAY,- DECEMBER 4, 1931 Sir Isaac was therefore hailed and acclaimed as a victory over prejudice and narrow-mindedness, an acknowledgment that the Jew could possess those Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by qualities necessary for rulership and that the Jew THE JEWISH PKE3S PUBLISHING COMPANY was not being trampled down politically because SIOUX (3TY OFFICE of his racial origin. Sir Isaac was put on a hisJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Kerce Street toric pedestal with Disraeli and Luzzatti. " Subscription Price, one year - - - . . . §2.5Q , But tune has wrought many changes. LuzAdvertising rates furnished on application zatti, one of the greatest of Italian prime ministers, never forsook his Judaism but everlastingly Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 • kept close to the pulse of Jewish life throughout DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor the world. Disraeli, who ruled Britain and creatFRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - ' Editor PREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor ed her Empire and made her queen the "Empress FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent of India, though he had in early life been bapANN PILL . - - • - . Sioas City. Towa. Correspondent tized, always—in the midst of his glory—boasted of his Jewish blood and his Jewish nobility. The HEBREW CALENDAR third Jew of comparatively modern times to rule 5692 1931 a country—Sir Isaac—cares not to listen, to the 1st Day Chanukah. •__«_ __ Saturday, Dec. 5 heart-beats of his fellow-kinsmen. Ever since his *Rosh Chodesii Tefaeth ',', *' Friday, Dec. I I appointment, Sir Isaacs has seemingly been going ___ Sunday, Dec. 20 out of his way to minimiae bis Jewish, origin, arid Fast of Tebeth _ _ _ _ _ __ Saturday, Jan. 9 to weaken whatever Jewish affiliations he may Rosh Chodesh Shebat— ___ Monday, Feb. 8 have. When. Sir Isaac was sworn in to his high *Kosn Chodesii Adar ', Wednesday, Mar. 9 office, he made no attempt to respond to the con*Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar, : _ Tuesday, Mar. 22 gratulations from. Jewish communities and orThirim ___ _ Thursday, Apr. 7 ganizations. Since his inauguration he has at no Rosh Chodesh Nissan time attended a synagogue, though, a special invitation was extended to him by the Melbourne FOR THE CHILBREN . " Great synagogue during: the High Holydays and Tiny tapers with their glow of hope and cheer though he has repeatedly attended Church, servwill brighten thousands of Jewish homes during the eight-day festival of Chanukah, which is ush- ices. When a Jewish newspaper representative ered in tonight. In thousands of other Jewish in Melbourne requested a New Year message to homes, Chanukah will be meaningless... no mini- the Jewish communities of the world, Sir Isaac ature lights will illume the evening's shadows; wrote: "It is not within my province to address no explanation or understanding will dispel the any message to Jewish Communities, and it would children's darkness concerning a beautiful holi- be grossly improper for me to reflect in any way day of their people. By this contrast the lives of upon political institations in foreign, countries." some Jewish children are being enriched with the And just recently he refused an invitation to atspiritual legacy of their ancestors; the lives of tend the United Memorial Service1 for the late others are being' pauperized by what they are- General Monash, the mighty Jewish Commanderin-Chief of the Australian forces during the World missing. • A people, a race cannot live solely in the War, who lived and died an observing Jew. present and the f u t u r e . . . the past with its storeWhat course he wishes to take ia regard to house of memories forms a golden trestle linking: his ancestral lineage is his own affair. It neverus with the rich heritage of our forebears and the less hurts us close to the heart when one of lending us vision and inspiration for the future's our ranks achieves prominence suet then forgets unknown. The Jewish people today must realize, those whose hearts ached with his in his struggle as the Jewish people have always realized, that and rejoiced with his in his triumphs. The fact their destiny is subtly interwoven with, their past, that Luzzatti and Disraeli boasted of their Jewish a past in which Israel has defied the impossible blood did not detract from their greatness but and has survived as a distinct, pure people despite enhanced it. The fact that Sir Isaac seeks to hide the oppression and suppression, of torturous de- his Jewish lineage does not enhance his greatness cimations. One of, the greatest sins of many Jews — but detracts from ife. _ . . . its is shameful but true . . . is their evidence to hide their "Jewishness. This self-delusion is being transmitted to their children and the children in their ignorance fee^ that there must be a reason, for the iJe$r cloaking his identity. These same youngsters read with the greatest of interest the battles of the crusaders, maul over A STRANGE INTERMARRIAGE In Paris a family quarrel will foe carried to again and again in their minds the stories of outnumbered warriors battling successfully against the courts under strange circumstances. A Chrisgreat odds for a principle. They dream about tian, girl having married-a Jew, the couple decided heroes of olden days who died for their country. that males would be brought up in the Jewish What could grip their imagination more compell- way, females in the Christian. A boy now having" ingly than the story of the Maccabees? Haven't been born, the mother objeets to the circumcision they the right to that tale of heroism? Why not as "an illegal operation." The courts will now tell them, of the days 2099 years back wnen King have to decide whether or not circumcision is ilAntiochus Epiphanes of Syria tried to force a legal. I t is doubtful whether an operation which pagan Greek culture upon the Hebrews, realizing has been advocated on general grounds can be so that as long" as Jewish idealism was alive, his hold over the Jews was in danger. How the practical called, but we are less interested in the outcome idealism of the Jews under the leadership of the of the trial than in the curious situation which Maccabees brought victory to a battling handful the trial reveals. It is comprehensible that a Jew of Palestine farmers who were overwhelmingly and a Christian, having lost most of their feeling outnumbered. How the mighty fight of the As- for their ancestral religions, should marry and nsanians stemmed the tide of heathenism which bring: up their-children in their own lack of faitn. •w&B sweeping over Israel. Let them know that But that a Jew and a Christian should marry and Chanukah celebrates the rededication. of -fee Tem- arrange; in advance to divide the family between ple, which had been desecrated and the altar of them is about as absurd a travesty of the meanthe high priest had been displaced by a hideous ing of family life as we have ever heard of. idoL Flame your children's hearts with" Jewish • : One thinks of the future of such, a family heroism and the stirring-, ihriBing adventures of with genuine distress. What sense is there in Judaism's stalwart sons. Rekindle their Jewish family life, in a common 'upbringing; under loving hearts. For, we not only owe this t§ ourselves; parents, when the father and the mother become vr© owe it to our children—to fully equip them the propagandists of dissimilar religions, and tha mentally for their later contacts with the non- children finding themselves divided by a religion depending-on their sex! Jewish, world. And if the spectacle is absurd in relation to As for us, let us remember that practical the significance of the famliy, it is-even more abidealism is statt straggling today. That the Chan- surd in its relation to the significance of religion. ukzh tapers symbolize the triumph of light' over We cannot for the hfe of jus imagine what kind of dark. That the increase of the number of candles Judaism and what kind of Christianity must be from one to eight on successive nights of Chanur in the minds of this curious people.—Jewish kah is the increasing- glow of a growing battle for Standard. the spiritual enligittfenment for, which the Mac. cabees gave their lives.
From Contemporary Pens
it back to be cashed. The teller looked at it. "Bst Mr. Cohen, your signature, was always a cross mark, and. new you sign it with r a circle.' By DAVID SCHWAET2 Jake. 4 . . . . . . . . . . i.,. - . . , t aluays pot uch, HE CHANGED- HI Jake was every bit rf CT v V~ - ^ came to America. / r ' he u o* " * *T .By with Mm a wife anc t :ce r i nf Harry r New, you can imagirc vh^n c : < j «-f c r c RABBI LOUIS I NEWMAN P Jewish coses to a new land at t'^t . "" .-n I cL^e it, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York hss ta hustle for hlir~""£ n *-"~ ^ , i*tell Mr. he has a great deal cf ' <• ' r - " ~ c" It seems to rea=o- i"rt r~T~ T the same couldn't go in j a u c k k - c " t "-1 n v i*> s man INTEEMAEEIAGE IS A PEREN- indies tall. The curious reminder re- though, he wenM hsrr " *" " .—^ y ~ I'l ' - r Ur problem and causes much heart- curs that Alexander Hamilton and tunes, he thcugfet cf e ~~ *- 1 , ~ ache in Jewish circles. If we axe to Aaron Burr, great lawyers in New nig'ht school, but j*cm I.T'-T- ^-^ ' II — trnderstand its causes aright, we must York ISO years ago, were also about Trhen you ecrne hoir" r~c *-r~ 11study the human documents -which equally matched in height and no ds.y in the- factsry. TT or T emerge from individual experience. taller than Kresel and Steuer. fact, I His dreaiBs cf c ' "~r "—i v "It is more than a little wry that never realized. In f-ct. l"" " ' "The London Jewish World" transT lates from the Yiddish "Tog" the fol- two Jewish boys, traveling with im- eyen. laamed to- sign h \ - " i c . ! must do lowing letter with its illuminating poverished families from villages in his eco-riOisie dreams tc-c 1 < t c - "'• r u to the and. somewhat pathetic story; it is the former Austrian kingdom Es progressed fro-ni c fct'— ~™ •written by a modern Jewish girl who Promised Land, settling1 ia the crowd- foreman cf s factory r - J '^r~ station places the responsibility entirely with ed lower East Side, excelling- in opened! a little fsctcry cf h" the Jewish men for the marriage of school, studying" Isw, finally arisirfgr— And pretty soon Jake IT i z t z -£"so many Jewish girls outside of their in accordance witB. t i e American saga tory. faith: "When a Jevdsh girl marries —Into power* influence and fame, at Fifteen years cf hard Trcrk a s *'Three dollars unt!- twenty-font a non-Jew," she says, "and the sons the law, sfiould fall afoul of each, Jake- vrss s rich, man.' Bet- the bard. cents," replied the ticket "other with, sucfi profound results on of Israel pick for their wives daughwork told cs h i s . His vrs5 def p- "I'll p r you s ( ters of other faiths, can there be any the life of the day. e ly Ensd, Ms h a i r presseturely greater breach? Indeed not. But the The historic feud between Stener bleached. One day Tie czras in to fcis replied Jske. replied tire agent conquestion is: Why are the Jews at- and Kresel which, reaches into the bank on sons basiaess, asd the teller ticket. tractive to Gentiles and not to each -Erlanger case, the Bank of the Unit- •was struck by the signs cf .physical temptuovjsly and pv.i back the T i l teli you. at III do."1 resumed other? Does the reason lie in the ed States, and other causes celeisres, deterioriation vchidi he noted in Jste bearaJng. "Ill give you mental, physical or spiritual differ- is not particularly edifying. No one Jake. | ence? Physically it is agreed that looking upon the clash between tEesc- "Mr. Cohen," lie cried, "jm. look] The agent snsrisd. That tiefeet if there is no differenc e between, a two men, midgets in size, but giants ©Tit. Tv'hj' don't you take a| $S^i. YouTl pay that Einount cr yon Jewess and a non-Jewess. Mentally, in mentality, can ever declare that the •worn. rest. A vacsliou will uiate a. new get no ticketit has been proved by University Jewisls people stand tcgether as a man cat c£ yon. After so ruEj-y years "Listen, Mr. Esilread/* snM Jake, tests, that girls surpass boys regard- tmit. i cf hard, work, you are entitled te a "you're a' business KIEB. ?tnd I'm A less of their religion. This fact hurts between the soss of Israel V2CS.tiGiL BesideSj you are- a rich. business man. You, Trstit fS.24 and the Jewish, boys more because they areConflicts conducted with, especial ferocity s i now and can easily afford it. I have offered you £2, Kcv.% 111 make have always been accustomed to hold because, the intensity and emotion"Yes, maybe you are righ.t,?T re- a proposition. Ill split the differrecords for scholarships. And when alism ofof the Jewish temperament. plied Jake. "I don't feel so they are suddenly confronted with the on S2.6£. encc snd gh fact that their sisters are snatching 'Count no man Lappy iintil1 he Is dead' i maybe a vac&ii-Qn •w-ould do me Kurd-sr beamed from the ticket from them intellectual honors, they runs the old Greek saying . 'Pass no! good. WEI you. make out a cheek for ent's eyes at this, as- he slammed like ife not. They turn in consequence judgment on the SteuerKresel coirtro- rae payable to niy&elf for $1,003 and thhe ccrtrdn devm the ticket window, from the Jewish to the non-Jewish versy until the last eii&pter has taen 111 sign it. That ought to be enough bringing tl~e convcrsstian, tc an end. 1 girls in the hope that with the lat- written." In the meantime, Jewish far & little trip to the Cat skills. lake looked and rocarded the afobservers of the warfare cannot help I I've told yen before. Jake hsd front. ter they will maintain their reputa"Anii-Semiie^ lie tion of superiority, so flattering to experiencing distinct heartacte and! never learned to "write. He slwsys as lie slid away. distress. got somebody to write the checks for their masculine vanity. ; him, and he used a cross mark for his LSWISOHK'S KEW When, this reaches the reader, the . "There is also, perhaps, a spiritual _ The most rruscMerotis liars are '• So the teller made out the racatio first issue of the new Wise pnbHcaaspect of the Jewish girl turning those -who keep sliding on the ', szkd. Jake signed It sad handed [ (C<mtfmisd en Fage £) from the Jewish man. One cannot of truth.—Hare. help thinking of Freud's Oedipus complex theory, •which is so prominent among Jewish mothers. They cot only exalt their son, the KadcEsHel, Cepy of this advertisement is exact reproduction cf and slave for him, fet frequently statement bu the Commercial Lav: Journal, Comforce their daughters to do likewise. mercial Law Lecgice cf America, In this way they raise the boy to look upon ihe woman's sacrifices for the man as a rigfitful due. The modern Jemsh girl naturally znd most properly resents such an attitude and rebels against it. The inevitable re<s sult is lack of harmony between, modern Jewish men and Jewish women. But so long a s J i s masculine element of the Jewish'people remains unchanged and the antiquated attitude toward women continues, Jewish intermarriage is bonM to extend." r
A LITTLE JEWISH MAIDEN inquired front her mother: "Is there a real Santa. Cbms?.* "To tell you the truth," answered the mother, "No." "Then there is no God either," commented the little girl categorically. The story does not give the reply of the mother, but we ardently hope she had listened carefully to her Rabbi in a discussion of children's religion, and that she likewise utilized sound common sense.
DR. ISIDOR S I N G E R HAS made public s. letter which he hasj received from Professor William Orton, author of the remarkable article entitled. "The Challenge of IsraeL" The Professor tells of a letter from a reader "full, of .the bitterest .enmity and derision. Apparently in the eyes j of this correspondent, it is an unpardonable offense to suggest that the Gentile world has anything at all to learn from the tradition of Israel and its "sanctified sdciology." • The idea seeras to have surprised and psine<J nrsnjr other estfraable people, among them those earnest souls in both camps whose hopes of social regeneration rest upon materialistic and deterministic premises, to the exclusion of all others- One is sometimes tempted to thlnt, with Andre Mauxois, that people need an excuse to hate and resent being deprived of one. But those of us who saw, in the years 1914-1918,, what hate can do, and see now what wrecltage it leaves in its train, are seekxng batter use for our spiriual energies. Our number is increasing, and with sack efforts as those of year society, the future may hold that synthesis for which, to our mutual loss, we have Do you know that the company operating the waited these 1,800 years-."
By IRVIN STALMASTER 'FORMERLY DISTRICT JUDGE, FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF, NEBRASKA, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY. DOUGLAS COUNTY, PRESENT ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL. OF NEBRASKA. HIS book is s revelation and s sensation. With his background, Jtwfge Stalmaster is in a splendid position to take us belilsd the scenes. This is just exactly what he does in WHAT PRICE JURY TEIALS, He shows us how the trained judge, owing to- our present jury systssss, sits by helplessly during- the trial and has less voice in the fesl decision thsn the umpire of a backyard baseball game.
However, much we may bs disturbed by vrhat vre learn froin this book, we nevertheless, win feel grateful ta the author for giving us a glimpse of the ; secret goings-on in s. jury trial. In writing- this, booh the author may have stepped oat cf bounds ct violated. some unwritten code which, forbids making known the other side of the picture "of oar system of jwr? trial. If this be tree, we take off o*or hats to him who braved it, snd assure-. Mm cf the- thsxfks of those- whose gratefulness will far exceed the possible censure- of a. few.
QIMUTYOFGSEATNESS \\ Dead Sea project, Palestine Potash, Ltd, working Not many moons have passed since world on the concession for the extraction of the mineral .; Jewry rejoiced in: the elevation of one of its num- salts of the; Dead Sea, although operatEDi? for a . ber to the highest post Australia -eouM offer. Sir little more than a year is already employing over .Isaac Isaacs, the son of a Jewish immigrant tailor, four hundred people and supplying- fifty per cent was not only the first Jew to be named Governor of fiie bromine requirements of the English marGeneral of Australia bat was also the first .native^ ket? There appears to be every indication that ^Australian to beso signally honored. The joy of; Palestine Potash, Ltd, will eventually; develop into the Jewish populace at the 8Mk<mncemmt came asthe basis for a very extensive heavy chemical ina softening influence after the discomforts en-r dustry in Palestine, which will give employment dured by the Jewish, community penjing Sir to thousands of persons. Isaac's selection^ At that time the JewsTof. AusBo you know,; too, that during- the past seatralia had to bear the brunt of the opposition di- son, 2,600,000 boxes of oranges were shipped from rected against Mm and the constitutional depar- Palestine to foreign countries, principally* to Engture invoked by it. The protest meeting of thfi land? It is anticipated that within the'next five jPsrotestant Association at the time is only one years the qusatity available for export -purposes instance of the trend toward anti-SemitisBi which will approximate 10,000*000 boxes. resulted from the opposition'centered arotmti the - Here ist indeed, evidence of an industrial and person of a Jew, and caused a gWct deal of dis- commercial gravsrth. vJMeb even, steptfes cannot quiet to Australian Jewry* The official choice of completely"overshadow!—Boston Advocate, i. •'
WHAT PRICE JURY THIALS is. in every way unique. ' N© book like it has ever been pn&iisfaed before. Once and for all it tears sway the veil of secrecy feesn the Sanctum Sanctorum cf the jury room and dfsdoses'whai is going1 on inside.
KARL K. KITCHEN m HIS column in "The New York Sun" n&r* rates the following tale: "George Trosk, who- is Judge Sesrlrary's chief lieutenant, was walking with his 5year-old, daughter,, Marian, in. Central Park the other d!ay when the little girl spied a pigeon on the path. " 'Look, Daddy, there's a Jewish pigeon** she-exclaimed,-tugging-a& hsr father's sleeve" Why eb yea say -feat?' he countered, looking at the bird, which was pecking at a small object. " 'It's eating a matzah,' explained the 5-year-oldf who had recognised the object m the .bird's bilL" MAX STEOEE ANB ISBDOE I . Kresel were the subject c€ a recent article by Forrest Davis irt tits "KFsW Yoik.-World-Telegssaa.* "Each, says tfee author, "w^ri-ed Ms " ^ y op tea exfcreasc peve^tyv Botls, sxe sisall ta.cs. about of a size, perhap s five feet £ix
wn-e or |
490 Brandeis T
PAGE -5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 4/1S31 Albert Shrier is in lincoln attend- will have a rush tea at the Blackstane j ing a Paint Dealers' Convention. hotel- on Sunday, .Dec 6, at 8 o'clock hx the afternoon. Miss Esther Horwits spent the Miss Bertha. Coliek is ehairniaa, Thanksgiving Day and week-end in sad zaemBers assisting i e r are the Sioux City visiting friends. Hisses Minnstte le-sis, Helen Garber, and Sose Ccliek. M. and Mrs. Jack M. Freed Lave motored here from the west coast NEW SORORITY ORGANIZED ' and are visiting Sirs. Freed's mother, A new chapter of tie Iota Tan so-Mrs. Becky Brown. Mrs. Freed "was rority was formally installed Friday Miss Pearl Brown before her marri- evening by some of the members o£ age several months ago. the mother chapter from Siosis City, la. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Weinberg Officers of tHe ne-s? sorority are motored to Chicago where they spent president, Miss Lee Shames; secreThanksgiving1. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED tary, Miss Sylvia Eotkovitz; treasMrs. E. Sterling announces the enurer, Miss Sylvia Giventer. Sponsor Mrs. Bessie Bosenthal has returned of the club is Hiss Annette Bender. gagement of her daughter, Mnnette, from St. Paul and Minneapolis, where to Bert N. Brown of Norfolk, Neb., The sorority is planning a formal she spent the past week with rela- dinner at the Paxton. to he given Sunday, December 6. son of Mrs. M. Brown of Omaha. tives. Psi Mu Dance. 3 p. m. Center No definite date has been set for soon to celebrate the installation of ballroom. the -wedding. officers. Miss La Verne B. Feblowits has Hebrew Club. 3 p. m. Lodge returned from an eastern trip on ON. THE BOOKSHELVES room. KULAKOFSKY-NOGG which she accompanied her aunt, ENGAGEMENT Monday, December 7. Several interesting new books have Mrs. Mas Blotcky. The engagement of Miss Ruth Meeting. Chesed Shel Emes, 2:30 been purchased by the Council of Kulakofsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. p. m. Jewish Women's Circulating library The -Misses Eona Friedman and at the Blackstoae hotel. A. I. Kulakofsliy, to Ernest Arthur Tuesday, December 8. Gertrude Wine have just returned Nogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Board Meeting. Executive Com"Betura I dare Not," by- Margaret from a -week's Thanksgiving visit in Kennedy, author of "The Constant Nogg, of Council Bluffs, la., "was anmittee of Jewish Community St. Louis. " Miss Friedman visited Nymph," is a story about HtJgo nounced on Thanksgiving day. Center and Welfare Federawith her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, dramatist, who has been inNo date has been set for fee -wedtion. S p. m. Friedman of University City, Mo. vited to Syrarrvrood, beautiful counding. Lecture. Rabbi David A. GoldMiss Wine visited with her cousins, try place of Lady Geraldise Eivas to stein. 10:30 a. m. Sponsored Mr. and Mrs- Sam Hudman of St. amuse Lady Agatha, Aggie, the agANITA GLUCKMAN AND JACK by Conservative Synagogue Louis. W. MARER HONORED ' Auxiliary. ing beauty whose face filled half the The guests were extensively enter- Sunday supplements, a n d whose Compeer chapter of Ivre '. entertained hy relatives and friends. tained 30 couples at the post-Thankswhims made or broke fashionable Coming Events giving dinner-dance Saturday at the dramatists. England's most famous DAUGHTERS OF ZION BAZAAR Saturday, December 12. Paxton, honoring Miss Anita Gluckcritic had been summoned to her bedAND CARD PARTY Senior Council Carnival. 7 p . m . man and Jack W, Marer, whose enside when her baby was born to read Hostesses for the Chanukab card Donne while they gave her chloroSunday, December 13. gagement was.recently announced. party and bazaar which wili be given form. Psi Mu Dance. 3 p. m. Center by tEe Daughters of Zion at the City ballroom. PARTIES At the week-end party Potts meets auditorium nest Sunday are: Hes- many people who expect much from Tuesday, December 15. Sixteen guests were entertained by dames H. Delrogh, L. Sherman, S him, and also the stem contemptuous Peace Group Meeting. 10:30 a. Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn at luncheon at FeHman, Joe Batt, S. Platt, J. E. 18-year-old girl, Marianne, and feds m. Council of Jewish Women* the Fontenelle on Saturday. Kuklin, L Beber, A. Wolf, L Kula- his own young self again, that wistWednesday, December 15. kofsky, N. Levinson, M. Arbitman F. ful, honest, eager, self that he had Meeting. Community Chest. .4 Dr. M. I. Gordon was host to 10 Greenberg, M. Goldstein, A. Shafton. thought forever buried beneath years p. m. guests at the supper-dance at the William Monovitz, M. Linda and J. of publicity. Lecture. Professor Samuel D. Fontenelle Saturday evening. Goldware. Schmaulbausen, on "Sex in T h i s sophisticated, witty and All othjjrjLJgakjngup_ tables for tale of Hugo' this event, call Mrs-. A. fc>haitonr~orweek-end party has at the. same time auspices Omaha Community tained eight guests at luncheon at the Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, chairman of the the poignance and emotional freshForum. Fontenelle Saturday, honoring her card party. sister, Miss Bertha I. Kohn visiting ness of "The Constant Nymph." here from Des Moines, and Miss Ida "Sunday Night Is MATINEE DANCE Platt, who will be a winter bride. "Without My Cloak," by Kate The regular weekly Sunday Matinee O'Brien, has been selected the DeCenter Night" dance sponsored by the Psi Mu will cember choice of the British Book soMrs. Abe Herzberg was hostess to An educational program for the be held at the J. C. ballroom this ciety. It is a story of an Irish fami20 guests at luncheon, and bridge at Jewish People of Omaha every Sunday, from 4 to 6 p. in. Jimmy ly. The Considiaes of Mellick were the Fontenelle hotel on Saturday. Sunday evening. j Jones and his melody boys will fur- a family, a clan—so strong that Harold Tuchman, son of Mr. and Free to active and senior mem- ' nish the music. the children and the in-laws were abMrs. Michael Tuchman, entertained bers of the Jewish Community Sponsors for the dance this Sunday sorbed in it. The story of these 20 guests at a party on Friday eveCenter. are Mrs. Charles Levinson and Mrs. children and more particularly of ning- at the Spring Lake pavilion. Sunday, December 13. J. Bernstein. Denis,. the third destined ruler who Mrs. Michael Tuchman chaperoned Concert. Hazomir Singing Sorebelled against the clan, is a vivid Z. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB the "party. ciety, concert of Jewish music drama of Victorian Irishman, enThe Mother's club of the Alpha thralled by tradition, constrained by 8 p.m. BIRTHS chapter of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, their priests, distorted by passions Sunday, December 20. University of Nebraska, held their that they never recognise, and in the Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Shimmei A. Z. A. Day. montily meeting at the home of Mrs. end preserved by a certain fatalism announce the birth of a son on Nov. Sunday, December 27L Goldstein on Nov. 18. The next that kept them sane. 26 at the Lutheran hospital. Mrs. Lecture. Professor Mordecal M. meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Schimmel was Miss Julia'Enstler of Kaplan. 8 p . m . L Grossman. Glencoe, HI., before her marriage. Sunday, January 3, 1932 "The First Lady Brendon," -by Guardsmen," , a . play--by •- RUSH TEA Robert Hichens, author of "The GarA son was born to Mr. and Mrs. "The Center Players' Guild Nathan Weinstein at the Lutheran • Momai. The Pi Tan Phi, social sorority. den of Allah." ' This' is a magnifi8 p.m. hospital -«o. Nov. 25. Sunday, January 10.. Lecture. Rabbi Albeit Minda. BAR MTTZVAH Reform Judaism. 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. NJReznick invite their Sunday, January 17. friends and relatives to the Bar MitzLecture. Rabbi David Aronson. vah of their son, Samr on Saturday Conservative Judaism. 8 p. m. morning, Dec 5, at the Adass YesSunday, January 24 hnrim synagogue, 25th and Seward Lecture. Professor Moses Jung. streets. No invitations have been isOrthodox Judaism. 8 p. m. sued. Sunday, January 31. MRS. AUERBACH IN CHARGE Illustrated I-ecture. "The Trail OF DINNER of the Wandering Jew," by Mrs. Herman Anerbach will serve Marvin LpwenthaL 8 p. m. as. chairman of the annual gridiron dinner to be given by the Omaha Women's Press club on Jan. 27, at SOCIAL NOTES EADINOWSKI the Paxton. . Mrs. J. Borden of Sioux Falls, S. D., is visiting 'at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman.
iids Carnival s
. rv-.-.
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f-->- • = ) ,
"TiThv F-cr' here t r T'r; C*
l r E. M. Segel E. M. Segel, physical director of the Jewish Community Center, has charge of recreational and gymnasium events which will be given at the Center Saturday evening, Dee. 12, in connection with the Serdor Council Camivsl.
ITr 1 " '*""*^
On Sunday afternoon at 2:20 p. tribe annual Chanukab. festival of the Temple Israel Sunday school vrfil be held. Both young End -old are invited.
RArney 1192 (Our Kevr Phone Number)
Who Carae to Stay," by IL E. Spencer; "Windymere," by AEee Eoss cent study of a good woman who was Clover, and "The Tangled Web." bv a carrier of eviL It is the outstand- L. M. Montgomery. ing novel cf Hichen's career. -For seven years Lady Brendoa endured ,tae hell of marriage to a disLet US submit IDEAS solute" cynical, polished megalomaniand COLORS for yosr ac Suddenly, one night as they Decorating Novr! camped under the shadows of the pyramids, she foiind the cocrage to 1L4X SHEIES'S SONS break away. But was her soul so Phones AT 4744 — JA 7855 scarred, so contaminated by contact with his evil spirit that she, a lovely and deeply loving woman w a s doomed even in a happy second marriage to be a carrier of eviL FOR RENT Thia_str,rv of Ladv Breadon sad her efforts to escape from the s dows of a hideo-js past is the most =, with, id.ce Idtchamazing and powerful of Mr. lain- i= en. Dovrastairs. ehen's novels. CALL WE S527 Other new books are "The LadjE
ms: New-Gipsy Crepe Forecasting the vogue cf rougli crspss for daytisse ivear, issbr Soned is the neiF high shades EBd beautifni color End fabric coiabinations. Sizes 12 to SS.
Mrs. P. J. Heeger of De Smet, S. D. is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Wl
Mss Dorothy R.; Margolin spent Thanksgiving week-end in Sioux City, la., visiting with friends and relatives.
16th and Howard
Miss Rina Snyder, daughter of Mrs. Sam Snyder, who has been convalescing from an operation at the Clarkson hospital, has returnedv to ner home. '
On Sale en the Third Floor.
AP.Z HIGH /ft. Crepes end Sheers
For Women and Misses V i / s^iJ-<_*^4*
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A Sn3 of finds . ; . and wonder of all wonders » . of genuine sxieda cioth, and Qalj SSs. For wear indoors if the hsnz-s is chilly . . . for wear: outdoors for football games, for open esr driTing, for golf . . Jor a thousand different uses. "We admit it sounds beyond belief , . . hut it's 1xue, they're only £9e.
These new fa-fticras show •the tendency towards b r i g h t shades a n d new pastel tints. Choose from daytime and § ~o'clock models. Second Floor
a If
SECOND FIRE RUINS BEAUTIFUL LINER—The beautiful New York-Bermuda liner Bermuda, only three years old, is shown being gutted by fire at Belfast, Ireland, where she had been taken for repairs following^ disastrous fire last June at Hamilton, Bermuda.
EXCITING "RED" ENCOUNTER—Detroit police are seen wrestling with a Communist following a demonstration ia the center of the city.
FIRST MARSHAL OF FRANCE IN CANAL ZONE—Marshal Franchet D'Esperey, first marshal of France, is shown chatting with General Preston Brown at an American military review at Fort Clayton, Canal Zone.
WHAT FUN!—Fay Marbe, singing comedienne, fresh from the Pacific coast with a nice coat of tan, arrives in New York just in time to do a little coasting in Central Park. B*l"^"»
CHILD 1G TRIES SUICIDE—"I d.dr.'t take the dolicr out. of the purse—honest " TZldzvd Cta'ver, IS, of Los Angeles,, vidx t'art £ciitc"rr. hcadirg it "decth note' n capital klters, i\i.c-~ tnc1- her father s gun fron a crewtr end vcunced berself critically by shooting herself below the heart. The girl's mother, Mrs. Hugh Culver, wept as she told how she had missed a dollar bill from her purse and had reproved her daughter, believing- that the girl and a yocTsger brother had tsken the money to buy
v. *vi: Jv
/: /
HONEYMOON FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD—" Hire. Charles Healey Day is seen waving farewell to San Francisco as her husband opens up the throttle of their round-the-world honeymoon plane, en the last leu of their glo&e trip,—a Jump to their home at Ridseway N. 3. They arrived at San" Francisco by steamer from Asia.
* "
,-,1 IJfHS VICE ?ESSIDS1<IT GETS EIS SEALS—£a-t3 C'.^ur ^r»d U t e Jrc-J;
PAGE 7-—THE JEWISH-'PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931 guest "speaker and honored guest. She Ernest Ross, student at the Went- t-wentj'-eightli anniversary Wednesday Moin-es, lov/a, spent Thanksgiving will speak on the new books at the Tvorth Military Academy at Lexing- evening with a celebration held at Day and v.-eek-end here visiting her library. All members are urged to ton, Mo., spent Thanksgiving day and the sjTiagogue when, fortr members ps:-ents, Mr. e,nd SIv.s. Louis Marcits. be present. week-end here visiting his mother, •were present. Among those present She brought a Delta Gamma Sorority Mrs. R. Ross. v;ei-e seven charter members of the sister also as a s"uest at the Marcus " A t ; the.', second.-of.-.the-.series" of society who have been members ever home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss en- since its organisation. . They are the Book" Reviews 'given "by' Rabbi 'Frederick ' Cohn,' sad"- sponsored by the tertained the members " of. their eve- Messrs. G. Whiteb-ook,. Barney G';Ilocal chapter of the Senior Hadassah, ning bridge club at their home Tues- insfcy, Julius Katelrnan, Saiii FriedYak Mey€]'son. Ktutif-nf af Wentwhich was'held,at the Strand Theat- day evening. man, M. Marcus. Abe • Gillnsky,. cml v/orth JJilftarv Acstk-tvn- nt Lexingre-Ballroom:" Tuesday * afternoon, a E. Gilinsky,' Speeches were giver., ton, lie. r.pc^i- Thanksgiving Day large crowd • attended. -'Rabbi Cohn : The Ladies Auxiliary of. the Tal-fpllwed l>v refreshments. mud Torah sponsored, a Berrefit ?..xii\ the v-eek-cru1 here visiting bis reviewed" the 'book "Red Bread", bridge party given at the Eagles parents. Mr. RVH\ ?Jrs. Sn'~. Mcyerson, Miss Marg-aret l\lz.rcus, freshman Hall :Monday. evening-, when a large • Miss" Marian Marcus,. daughter of crowd attended, and they wish to at the Drake Universitv at Des Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marcus, is now express their appreciation and taking a course on Laboratory Techthanks to all -who helped to make F f l A D E X B O l G . STAI,.liAS XEK, & CEKEK nicality at the Council Bluffs Clinic. OSCAK T. DOEKR, F . 3i." KLVXZMCK, this affair such' a success, both soAttorney**. Miss Marcus formerly attended Parks cially and financially. G50 Omaha XutioEial rsank nk^&". College near Kansas City, Mo. |j F o r your CIirtiHifeah KrHTivKOTICE O F (SCOUPOKATION O F The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So riety ?• bvancee: Dep]-;: Pct^, Oer-k Miss Helen Steinberg, student at of Council Bluffs celebrated AKEKECAS IXVESTOIiS, S>."C. their I' Pads, Fovintair! Fen?. PertNotice is heroliy given thc.t (lie iii'derthe University of Nebraska at Linsioit'd have incorpornted nut?or ch<; laws |i ciis and Caler!f?"r> miikc Ul?a) coln,, spent Thanksgiving and the FBADESISCRG, STAt-MASTEIl & EEBEH o f ' t h e Srnte of Nebraska, as "A.MKUUTA.N INVESTIHIS, INC." whose principal phitrc week-end here visiting her parents, Attorneys of busiaess is at Omaha, ISebrunku. ; The Mr. "and Mrs. Simon .Steinberg. GoO Omaha N'ational Bank U!dg^ miture of the busitu'SK ro IK? L?rtiisn<'ie<l iK
(Continued from Page 1.)
rapid grovrth as an intellectual center of Jewish life, its advance in agriculture, cainmerce and industry provide a contemporary illustration of the self-sacrifice, the devotion and the idealism of the Jew concerned with the destiny of his people. "What the*Jews.have accomplished in Palestine within the brief space of ten years is one of the epics of all time. It is a record of pioneering and of self-sacrificing vision that has few parallels. Within the space of ten years some one hundred thousand n investroont luisiiseFS. snchurmp Jews immigrated into Palestine from ~ XOTICE OF SALE the District, Court of Douglas Coimfv, the r^s-clsp.s*? ;nul s.".le of ^e<rurltfps. ?UK'. all sections of the globe, but largely •. The . Sewing. Circle of the Senior In the lostsiug und tsoUanc; oi rc:ii cs;s;e. The Nebraska.. from the countries of eastern Europe, By virtue of a decree nnd ordt^r of sate EiithorizuiJ' cr.pitn] stock is ^in.fwn.OO, :;]! o£ Hadassah.met Thursday afternoon at issued out of the iiistriet Court of which i s con'iTnon. nnil slOvi.OU is rbe p;\r •where oppression and discrimination the home'.of Mrs. L. Fichtenberg. Douglas County, Nebraska, nniS in- pursu- vahie t>f e.'ich share. A]: stock is TC by had made their lives a -nightmare of ance uf said decree of s:sid Court in nu pnid for when issued iin<j~shaTl be IIOB-HET h e corpora? ion stinM1 comaction therein iuOesed ;:t Appuarmn.-e sossabSe. terror. The great majority of these • ; . ' " ' ; IRVIN' C. I-EVICV . potjket No. Zll and nt l';!^G NO. Kl's_wliere- mence business on Nor^njber C, I.' -"!, ' ; -. • ; ' ) i t t o r n e y c t Law pioneers were young men and women, shall continue for'fifty j'er.rp. 'The tr.rin "UUiiip M. KliTtzuicli i?. pljiiuiilt" ;nul ; • ' . ' " • 301 Electric KuUdirig-. Nebraska Securities'" Inves'tnwiit. Corpora- pi>r:itiot\ sli:-H not sishjt'Ct it?^lf to :ir, instudents in the universities of Poland, tion is defendant, the undersigned -will r.l dfhtt'tlness in excess vf tvortliinis f>£ i ' s Rumania, Hungary and other, I counKXOW AIAJ MEN BS THESE PltES- 10 o'clock a jn. on the V2th. ci:ty nf l.'eci'ni- cnpifnl Pioefc, hut rhis restrirrion shall not : ENTS, that: At a mwting of the stock\ier, 1331, at thy east front door oE the apply to any raortsacc- indebfei'iiPEK. The tries. Their lives had been dedicated holders of the Tip-Top Service Stores, Douglas County Court house o£ the City of jiifuirs o£ the coirpor:;! ior. Pb;sH he mental introspection, their trades' lne. r liuld in thy City of Omaha. Xel>r«sfca, Omaha, Jiouglas Coimty, XcUmsku, "st'l! i:i liiieletl by :i Donr<i of nvi le^F "hnn t ^ o consisting: of n oa t i e 27th tiny of • October, 1!)31. in ac- public auction to the highest bidder for direi'tors. raid oWiryrs and occupations kept them indoors. cordance with the Articles of Incorporation cash the following described pn.'pi'rty, s;l! Prt'siuent, -^"ice-Prosiileut. Seoretriry an<l But then they came to Palestine, not of. s:ii(i corporation, there were present in represented as stock of the Kidelity Old Treasurer, nny two of which may be held person all of t i e outstanding slock of j Line Insurance Company, a Nebraska cor- by the snnie person, and nil officers shnll only their outlook upon life but their Mr. and M r s . H . Saltzman said -company. poration, the certificate numbers of said be oiocti-'il !iy the Bonn], The ;i]>ini:<.i means of . livelihood underwent a Upon motion duly mn<le, seconded jind stock and the DUDIICT of shares represent- meeting of t h e corporiitiou shnli be heW : . M r . a n d Mrs: H . Saltzman were of Council Bluffs, a n d S a m Z. Saltz: carried the articles of incorporation of ed bv each certificate being set cut as on t h e first Monday of Jinniary of e:\ch '. change. year. These Articles inisy be fimeixlntl nt h o s t s t o t h e t w o hundred relatives m a n of O m a h a ; all "who were present, £:ci(l corporation were chanced and amend- follows: rojrular o r specinj meetinfr oi ihf particnlars, to-wit: Borne Burdens. No. 1200 for 100S shares; Xo. 1201 for nr.y and friends a t a dinner p a r t y held and -who presented t o t h e i r mother a ed in tbe following AIITICLE 1. S"4 shares: No. 100- for 1037 shares: No. stockholders on t h e affirmative voie oi "The task that confronted them l a s t T h u r s d a y evening a t < the Chevra diamond .dinner ring. M r . Saltzman Tlie name of this corporation shall be 1203 for i«>.-) shares: No. 1KH for SISD two-thirds of nil outstanding- stnefe. IX WITNESS WHERSiOF. the pnrtiei? demanded the courage of'the most ad- B'nai Yisroel synagogue, in celebra- ; was given a gold watch, t h e gift of ''Associated Grocers, Inc." and the trade shares; No. 1205 for 'M~ sh:iros: No. 12GU have hereunto subscribed th^ir liEmtfS on symbol shaJJ be "-i. G." for OSii shares: Xo. 1-07 for ."{> sliares; venturesome, the perserverance of .the tion of their fifty-fifth wedding a n - ;his fourtesn grandchildren. Upon motion duly ni;i<Jt\ seconded and ZSO. 320S for P42 shares; No. 1200 for !K!2 this Gth daj- of >~ovemher. W"i. K. ,T. noi,iisKRK«";, it .was f tin her resolved thnt tlie shares; No. 1211 for SL>7 shares: 1210 for most loyal. These qualities the Jew- niversary. M r . a n d M r s . Saltzman ' A m o n g t h e out-of-town guests carried A. II. SCHLUETEK. president nnd • secretary of this corpora- MM shares: No. 1212 for S03 shares; No. In Presence of: ish pioneers demonstrated. They h a v e t h r e e -daughters a n d t w o sons, •present .were M r . a n d M r s . A b e H . tion be and they are hereby authorized to 1213 for 012 shares; No. 121-J for !J3!> SAM BI3JEIL ll-sS-Si-4i drained pestilential swamps and con-, U r s . A b e Marcus of Eairbur y, Nebr.; :Marcus of F a i r b u r y , Nebr.; Mr. a n d sign, file and publish said amendment as shares; No 1215 for 1)40 shares: No. 121li law required. for 808 shares; No. 1-17 lor (H3 sh.ircs: verted the soil into garden . spots. M r s . H e n r y Madufiy and Mrs. D . F o x , Mrs. B e n Cohen a n d Mr. a n d M r s .byWitness the name and corporate ser.l of No. 321S for W!2 Pharos; No. 1210 for GG3 this corporation by the president, attested shares: N"o. 1220 for (>64- shares: No. 3221 They cleared rocky ground and plant- of Council-Bluffs; arid Ben Saltzman, H a r r y Saltzman of Harlan, Iowa: Vby the secretary this 27th day of Octo- for 5G3 shares: No. 1-22 for oas sharps; ed thousands of trees. They took ber. TJ31. No. 1223 for ")G3 shares: No. 3224 for 1001 TH'-TOP .SERVICE STORES. I X C barren land and with the magic of ir- Sunday School Chanukah Program shares; No. 1225 for 581) shares; No. 122(5 invited to be present. At five o'clock, Uy 1>. W. Bernstein, 1'rosident. for SOJ shares: No. 1227 for 6S4 shares. rigation created orange groves and Attest: M. Itoseustein, Secretary. Also one certain. surplus nofe lit the sum to be Held Sunday Afternoon regular Friday evening services will vegetable gardens. Observers who In Uie Presence of: Irvin C. I.eyiii. of ?4,('(43.2S made and executed by (lie The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah be held. Harold Fox will be the Conservative Casualty Insurance Comjir.ny had thought that Palestine, had dej to The Neliraska Investment. Securities Cor"Chazan" to conduct the services. Sunday Sihool will present a Chateriorated into sterility found that poration, dated DeeeciJfer 24, lS-i), nnd JLJ-JSaturday morning, services will be Sunday IRVI:N c. signed by Kees Wilkinson. 1'resideni, unrt they had reckoned without a people nukah Play and Program Attorney at t a w . H. E. Benzel, Secretary; such sale to satisheld at 9 o'clock. Attendance' buttons driven on by need and motivated by a afternoon, Dec. 6, a l 3 o'clock at the SOI Electric Buildius'. fy the jutrgments, liens and encumbrances Bug II Now synagogue, 618 Mynster Street. All •will .be"-gives to those members of in said decree set forth and to satisfy n!l great ideal; parents and friends are cordially in- the Junior Congregation who have To Brian Taylor, whose place of residence costs accrued and accruing- costs, all as " H e " appreciates quality — and "The rebuilding of Palestine by is unknown and upon whom personal provided for in said decree. vited to be present. "Dreidlech" will regularly attended services the first now'g tlie time, to select his p i t these pioneers has been an illustra-. service of snmmous cannot be had. de- Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 2Crd 6ny six Saturdays. • be given to the children. .Refreshof October, 1031. fendant: , tion of the aims and the hopes of the from complete selections which 1'HILIP M. KLCTZNICK. A Children Chanukah Party will Yon are hereby notified that on the 20th ments will be served.also and everyJewish resettlement. Determined of July, 1031, Iluby Taylor, as plain- ll-20-4t. you will not find later. one is urged to attend this Chanukah be given at the synagogue next day tiff filed her petition .igMinst you in the that no exploitation shall mar the Tuesday afternoon, Dec 8, at 5 o'- I'isfrict Court ' of • Douglas County. Necelebration. moral worth of this colonization enand recorded in Docket 270 on MOXSKT, KATIJ35I.4X & GKODIXSKT, Regular Sunday School classes will clock. Games will be • played, and braska, "31 Omaha National £3cmk I>ltlg. Page :ii>2, thereof, the object and prayer terprise, the Jews have laid the most he held as usual Sunday morning at "Latkas" will be served. All children of which petitiou Ss to obtain a divorce NOTICE OF IXCOEPOKATION OP painstaking emphasis upon the. necesthe synagogue, according to Mr. J. are invited 'to attend all of these from you on the jrro-und of wilful abandAUSTIN AFABT3I1SNTS, INC. sity of self-labor. If there have been without just cause, for two years. Notice is hereby given that the underZ. Stadlan, principal. Every child is affairs, and a good time is assured onment You are required to answer said peti- signed fcack-breaking burdens, the Jews have have formed a corporation under everyone. tion on or before the 27th day of Decem- the "laws urged to be present. of the State of Nebraska; that borne them; if there has been the ber, 1937, or said petition against you Trill the name of said corporation is AUSTIN The Council Bluffs Chapter of the be taken as true. need for sacrifice, the Jews have APARTMENTS. INC.. and the principal The Junior Congregation, or the place of transacting its business is the City made it, and even if death has faced "KTial Tz'eerim" Society will as- Senior Hadassah will hold a regular U-13-31-4L KUCV TATLOR, Plaittiff. of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The meeting next Wednesday afternoon, them, the Jews -have paid even this semble this afternoon, Dec. 4, at general nature of the business to be transby, and the objects of. said corporaultimate price." • •••-: 4:30 o'clock at the synagogue to ob- Dec. 9, at'2:30 o'clock at the Hotel NOTICE OF INCOKPORATIOX OF JEW- acted tion are to acquire, own, hold, iB.iinUuu. ISH COMSnjXTTY CESTTER AND WELserve th6 ceremony of kindling: the Chieftain. Miss Eva Canon, librarand operate the property known as the FARE FEDEZiAYIOX ian a t the Public Library, will be the Notice is hereby given that n corporation Austin Apartments s.Btl located ct SStk nnd f i r s t C h k h MhfeJAlLMd l i f e is a shuttle.^—Shakespeare. Davenport .Streets in the City of Omaha, has been formed under the Jaws of Fhe Douglas County, Nebraska, tlie legal <2eState of Nebraska providing for charitable scription of which real estate is set out at and fraternal societies. length in the Articles of Incorporation; to The name of the corporation is Jewish purchase,. lease, hire and otherwise acCommunity- Center-a*.id Welfare Federa- quire any. sud all personal property nection. essary or incifient to the maintenance and The principal place of transacting its operation of .the said above mentioned refil business is the City of Omaha, Douglas estate with the power to sell, dispose of, County, Nebraska. lease,- convey, mortgnjre or otherwise enThe objects as<l purposes for which the cumber, the" said real estate and .personal corporation is organUciJ and to itticii an property or any part thereof ra:d to GO of its property and assets shall.-be <Ie- any and all things necessary 2nd preper. votrti, a r e : (a) To engage in social, beue- in connection with, the holding, imiinten- Only The Nebraska features favolent, philanthropic, and educational ac- ance and operation of the srad real propmous Manhattans, Ecgle E M tivities; (l>) To centralize fund-raising ac- erty: to borrow or raise money snei to tivities for philanthropic, social and eiln- issue bo-Dtls, rotes. iBortgnses, debentures, >ur ) rorke—the kind ''lie" wants. cational t 5 osea, anti to make contribu- stock or other obligations for thnt purpose tions to:such Jewish institutions, causes. and "in, escitnpe for moneys received Siy it and agencies entitled to support, finaBCinl or for property purchased or acquired by or otherwise; (c) to estatttish'and - mnin- it or for any other object or purpose in f«Bcy Shirts..St,@g tc tain in Omaha, a Jewish. Comraiinity Cen- and-about its business; to guarantee any ter Building: for the purpose of perform- dividends, or bonds, or contr.icts-or..other ing generally, the functions oT a social obligations in connection with the accomcenter; (d) the corporation shall have the plishment of the objects hereinabove set eo Stlrts, g2,5?> to ll4J< right to acquire by purchase, lease, gift; lorth end to make and perform.contracts devise, or otherwise, and to hold anct man- of every kind incidental to or neceEsary age any and all property, real or per- for the attainment or furthering of any of sonal, convenient or necessary for the ac- the objects herein enumerated. The'authcomplishment of any of its objects, with orized capital s^ock of the corporation is the right, power and authority to sell. $10o,000.0iJ dlTided into SOOff shares o" comalienate, encumber and dispose of said mon stock and 2G0O shares of preferred property or any part thereof, when nnd if sfock, nil of the par value of $25,00 each. such action may be necessary to accom- The preferred stock'or any part thereof plish any of its objects: (e) AH propertr, may be retired by the Board oi Directors unless the same be held as trustee for at any time after January 1st, li>"3, at par, err some specific benefit, shall constitute a plus any unpaid -dividends accumulated icre:c;i c r l J.ii.;iid trust fund for the uses and purposes here- thereon. The preferred stock is preferred inbefore stated. as to dividend's and *is <o assets in the The corporation shall commence business event of liquidation, dissolution or windupon filinff of its Articles of Incorporation ing up. voluntary or involuntary, of the ft' I- V V I witli the County Clerk of Douglas County, cf-rporation, all to the extent and under Nebraska, and the duration of the corpora- the terms and conditions as set forth in tion shall be perpetual. The membership full in the Articles of Incorporation. The shall consist of all Jewish persons who corporation shall comraence business upon E^'r-'crl Tc 1 v err. f contribute toward or pay membership the filing of these Articles in the office of fees to any of the following: The Jewish the County Cierk of Douglas Count}', NeCommunity Center of Omaha, the Omaha braska, and the issuance of ',ty~b or more Welfare Federation and Community Chest. of its total authorized capital stock nnd and the Jewisk Philanthropies. shall continue until January 1, 2040, unless X -The management of the affairs of the sooner dissolved by the nirirm.itive rote corporation shall !_>e vesfed in an Executive of not less than two-thirds of she entire Committee to consist of 23 members. In ad- outstanding capital stock. TVith the r.sser>t dition to the officers and Executive Com- in writing of the holders ' of (id £-3 per mittee, .there Eliall be a Board of Governors cent of all the capital stock of the corpor"on which" each Jewish organization-jjr ation issued Slid outstanding, or pursuant Omaha which has been in existence for to the votes given in person or by proxy, more than one year, shall be entitled to by stockholders holding r.t least (ifi 2-,'% of representation. tlie Jssncd-"JiDtJ outstanding stock of the These articles may "be amended at any corporation whicla is represented r.Dtl voted annual Or special meeting-called for that upon in.pers-m. or by prosy nt a meeting purpose, after submission of proposed specially called for that purpose, or at sn ( amendment, signed by at lea-st 23 members, meeting, t i e Board of Directors thirty days in advance of such meeting, to shell have .power anil raitliority- to sell, the Executive Committee. .-•. assign, transfer, convey, or otherwise disDated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 26tb flay pose of, the property raid assets oi the ct October, 1931. corporation as "an entirety or going con. - WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN . cern on sucii terms and conditions r.s the iC ••" " HEXRT MOXSKX ;. Board of Directors shall fieem fit, right SAM BEBEIi and just, either for cash or bonds, or MRS. SADIE S. KTJLAKOFSKT shares of capital stock of any corporation HAKnX SIIVVERJEAN or corporations, or fcr.any kind or species ABB GOI.DSTEIX. of property or obligation or soenriues DR PHILIP SHEIl "Xlse hisrbest amount ot indebtedness or KRS. MORRIS I.EVT : Cpir 7 c y-; - • liability to -which the corporation is fit an3 H-iKSX B. ZlilMAX time to' snbject itself'"shall not exceed twoA. B. ALPIRN ',, •':••:• thirds' of its capital, stock mid in no event MRS. HERBERT ARXSTEIX shall exceed S110.000.00. The" affairs of tho Ar -<JKEEXBESG. corporation. shall be administered by_ r • ' " J . a. GREENBBRQ X5O.*.*PE2 of Director.1?, fbe number of which ABE HERZBEHG •-.'•• shall bs fixed by the By-laws, but shall be .•- ^ '" HA11R1? LAPIDCS • not less tbr-B 3 nor more than 5; the direcJA.CK..W. MAKER tor s - i 1 el^tt a Pr^iCt t, \ »..e-rrt£.,uer' BAP.1I5T AL\LASH SocroLnrj snl 7v - = i - ?
tryN The Omaha plant of the American Smdting & Refining Company is now using Natural Gas—the finest of fuels—Hottest, Cheapest, Cleanest.
? So, 77th St.
"Everything for the 2051 Fp.vnfiro--iT, 5
for Less
d I-c X; -.rr.c;
Natural Gas from the great fields of Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma is now flowing into the furnaces of the smelting plant through steel pipe lines which form a part of the great network of •pipe lines which we have built and are building to serve Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota. And thus, an Omaha industry is now enjoying the advantage of the world's most economical and most easily regulated fuel. The Omaha plant of the American Smelting & Refining Company can now compete, its managers say, with other smelting plants throughout the country. Introduction of Natural Gas in the smelting plant in Omaha is another evidence of the progress of science and engineering^ A few years ago, though gas existed in great abundance, it.would not have been possible to transport it 500 miles through pipe lines. Today, with modem construction and with compression stations along the lines, and all-steel electrically welded pipes, satisfactory natural gas service can be furnished over long distances.
r_ '» » » J
Give E!
The advantages of this superior fuel, as enjoyed by more than 5,000 cities and towns in the United • States, is now available to the Middle West territory, of which Omaha is destined to become the industrial center.
3SJOX1I.IS MILbER MB" TOUIR NEVELE1T iinVNn V I N STAI^I4^TDIi S T A I ^ T HA12.1 A. T O t r Tin^ H 4. wor.p I^IO K\ Z GLEIi
37 Nebraska Counties Now Have Natural Gas, Host of Them Receiving It from Oar Company,
i: At"r.-'n"';,
11-20 4t.
Dealer I Other
J vkh Bed a
2429 Bccatur Strict
I just received a supply: of Clisaiuka articles: Chsnuka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silrer plate. Also, Chafiukah greeting cards. Anycue buying' any of the above-mentioned articles will get the story of Cbanukab in English and Je-vrish with Benedictions snd. Hymns "of .Chsnukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also vrant to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best TaleiisiB, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, asd also the best and most beautiful Sbabos' candlesticks, both silver piste and the very best sterling silver* - Boa?t forget-about my own make Kosher Soap and all Bc-keaca l t l l s of which Isnitfc-s agent. . ...
CTZJ ~:: yc } •
<i •
• J
v *.".*.,.
If feil
"Mr. and-Mrs. Abe Wa'.ensky "departed -Tuesday for Minneapolis, where they will make their home. Mrs.1 Walensky, b?foi-e her marriage on .November 24, %rr.> Miss. Marciii Robinow. A number of. social affairs wore given for Mrs. Walensky, ..before lire 'de'paiture'.' " ' " •
Co rrespomien (
. A *e'.v Lanl. • The club- is having a rummage at tl. Jc sals next _Tuesday and asks that spscsr! ' r anyone "having bundles call Mrs'. of E'.th i Crounse, Jackson 2^82, or Mrs. El- 27, to *rs\ Hem r Cn 'kin,-Webster 3910. .- • •
Sl,500 liaised at Meeting Sunday at Shaave Zion
(Continued from
" !'Senior..€ouncil . '.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rissnstock and •To complete an active ticket-sellingdaughter. Janet, visited over th« campaign which has been in progress week end at the liome of Mty andfor the past three weeks, the Senior Mrs. Emil Rosenstock. They •were '.Council Chanukah Carnival commitThe Jewish Federation of Social accompanied-to Sioux City by Jane .tee will launch its windup campaign Service, and the Community Center and Buddy Rosenstock, children of ;With a mammoth rally.of all members will be housed . in its new quarters, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstbe't.",- also of its' constituent organizations • at Fifth and Pearl streets, some time . .. this month, a:cording to Mr. A. M.! The Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare of Omaha. •the Center next Tuesday evening. Zion Synagogue will celebrate its Davis, President. Because of the sale of the building j ninth anniversary vrith a banquet in The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met A.-Z. A. No. 1 which the Community Center has oc-! the social hall of" the Synagogue next Wednesday evening in the home of The Judas Maccabeu degree team. cupied for the past eight years, it 1 Wednesday-evening, December 9. The Miss Louise Herzoff, 2718 Virginia was necessary to seek new quarters, j membership of the congregation and street: A business meeting was fol- which will put on its degree on International'A.-Z.-A. Day, has had many Until the new quarters are ready for t their friends have .been invited to at- lowed by bridge and a luncheon. rehearsals in the ' past two weeks. occupancy meetings of the various f tend.' „ organizations are being held at Mount! Mrs. David Goldstein, of Omaha, Miss Ruth White was hostess to Those on the team- are Israel BerSinai Temple, and Shaare Zionj will be the guest speaker of the eve- the Iota Tau Sorority Tuesday eve- c.o'vici,.'Erwin' 'Weselman, Louis LevSynagogue. The offices of the Cen- | ning. Mrs. Goldstein, who is the wife ning. Announcement was made • at inson. Sam' Moscovits, Louis Minkm, in the} of Rabbi Golstein of the Conservative the meeting of a sister sorority of Hoses Franklin, Sol : Tuchman. "Art ter are temporarily housed in Synagogue in. Omaha, is well known the same name, which .has beeti or- Lipp, William Chadacoff, Ernest Commerce building. • Sam Cackin, Sara Finkel, through the middle west for her •fa- ganized in Omaha. Miss Anhetie Priesman, Fred :-Turkel, and Ned Giventer. tKr Bender .is advisor of the > Omaha
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cf-ier fchss ensnoe is mass yov vA)l hear the ihl tcne (c steady ""hiimminc" pound) when you llirt yoisr telepHcne receiver to make ,CJ call. When you hear the C5G- tone «!l calls from your te!e-p!ione shoulc be rr.QCi£ by using the dial.
Cons rectory For Asslscen In Dial When looking in the directoryfora number to he aialeif it is essential to note carefully lK© first two letters in the centra! office name es these two letters must be cisled, ES well as the four figures. It is rygjested ih.p.i Pciges 4 and 5 in the Omaha Telephone Directory be consulted whenever assistance 5n c'iclinj is ne©de«l# These pogss contain complete ..ifs^or.TiStion on how t o use e cis! telephone.
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If. you :hsve a Harney or Webster tele-
Mount Sinai
Plans for the local celebration of International'A. 7/. A. Day, Dscem•hzv 20, ware begun at the regular 'meeting oi" the A. Z. A. hold Tuesday evening in I-Iount Sinci Temple. Rabbi Lewis cpoSe to the.ur'oup on the! significance Oi the A. 2. A:v?or!:.
' ciplan. > (P< a r e Vlildred
banquet a large birthday cake will be • Xi Lambda the campaign, visited Sioux City last j ShdareZiongiven.away'as-'a door-prize.:• ..Miss Freda Albert visited 'with . The Xi Lambda fraternity will hold Friday, _when' he' spoke before sixty i Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will.,,, preside. friends in Omaha over last ^week-end. its fourth annual New Year's dinner members of the Jewish community at! ."Chanukah, a-Protest Against SelThe committees include Mrs. Philip a luncheon. fish Jews," wiD be the subject of i Sherman, general.chairman; Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs. William Lazere and dance at the Women's club. This afKabbi H. E. Rabinowitz. sermon this J Shindler and Mrs. B. Sherman,, chair- sons spent - last week end visiting fair has always been one of the orevening at the Shaare Zion.Syna- men of the menu and Mrs. M.^Mush- with friends, and relatives,in Graaha.. ganization's outstanding events. -..Those, in charge of. arrangement's gogue.. j kin, chairman of thei dining "room. are Ralph Nogg, Sara Finkel, Art Sunday afternoon at 3:30'childrer The girls of the choir will serve the of the Religious- School will presem banquet. 'Ddughterhood'Dinner a CLanukah program. The feature of the program will be the play .The Daughterhood ,of .. Tephereth Cafeteria Supper Three hundred persons attended "What's Tonight," which will be preIsrael Synagogue,' located at-Sixth the Father and " Son" banquet at sented with the following cast: Hazel- ": 'Planned-for Pales-; and Sioux streets, will hold its an•Karitfovich," Lucille Appellang, Tessip Shaare Zion Synagogue Monday eveSometimes, after midnight on Sat••;.. ••: -.-"•'--".'-fihiah B a z a a r nual banquet, Sunday evening, .Dening. The "feature of the program Cohen;: Dorothy Dikel, Charles Shincember .6, in the social hall of theurday, December 5, all Harney and dler,.-Philip Zeligson, David Sirkeh was a skit; directed by,.Mps.(-(.E. J." • j „< . . . . - ' . . . . . Webster, telephones in Omaha will bs -A cafeteria supper will be" a fea- synagogue. Friboufg. and entitled "Eve'in,Eve- and'-Sylvia:-Herzoff. Miss; Mildred tureof the Palestinian bazaar; which Mrs. Abe Bain is in charge of the changed from manual to dial service, Sirken, MissLillian -Magaziner and lyn." • •. ;-•• '; ..• • . " . - . ; ; ; - . Evelyn-Kuntz are directing the will be held Sunday, December 13, at reservations. A varied musical pro- according to. H. L. Frentress, district Musical-entertainment was of fared Miss the Community. Center. Thirty-five gram has been arranged for the eve- commercial manager of the Northwesprogram. — by Orville ' Rennie, master of ceretern Bell. Telephone company. This The entertainment .will also include representatives of the Zionist ormonies at the R. EL1 O. Orpheiim," Gilwill add. about 14,800-dial-telephones ganizations were present at a meeta jjronp 6 / piano_ solos by 4-year-old Bert Kramer, Kelly Abdo, Jack Merto-the-number now used in Omaha. ing Tuesday evening, to discuss plans Morton Raskin, and a graup of song? lin and Lee Herzoff's orchestra! for the affair; Mrs. Sain Passman Customers of the telephone comMr. A. Mazie spoke in behalf of .the by Isadore Shindler. was inamea• chairman of : the dining pany in "these two districts who trill grandfathers; Mr. M: Baumstein''and hall during the supper of the bazaar. be affected by the change will find John C. Levin, in behalf .of the fath(Continued from Page 4) their telephone is ready to do its part ers; Morris Slutsky .and .Joe ^ i n s Baskets to Needy Are Pisin •continuing to provide dependable burg for the sdns,ahd Milton^ Mazie Rabbi -Lewis will speaTc this eve by Sorority tion—"Opinion"—will bs out.. .: : .. telephone, service, .as . .the new dial for the grandsons.' A three genera- ning on "Chanukah—Then and Now,': •. F o u r needytribated Jewish families * And you might try to guess who is equipment has been carefully tested tion table featured the arrangement at the regular service at'Mount Sinai supplied with "baskets': of food,,were last the living figure about which Ludwig and .made ready. Patrons will know of the dinner.' ' ' "V T.emple. Eight children of the Con- week, through the members of the Phi Lewisohn has woven "A Contempor- when to use the-dial as soon-as they The committee in charge, headed firmation class Trill" kindle the Chanu- Epsilon TauSbrprity. The: distribu- ary Legend," which the new magazine lift their telephone receivers to make by Llorey Lipshuz, chairman, included kah lights, and recite appropriate tion .was: made through the offices of will feature. a call and hear the dial tone, a stady . A. H. BaTon, who acted as toast- selections. They are: Eleanor Prus"humming-" sound. , When the dial the Jewish, Federation.: Miss Bernice •; For those who are not good at master; Lester Beeger, I. H. Levin, iner, J Betty .'• Rosenstock, Miriam Levin, -former president of the soror- guessing, 111 let,the'.-secret out. It's tone is heard an Sunday all calls from John Levin, A. Schwartz, M. E. Blank, Ethel Baron, Ahnabell Emlein, ity» vras in "charge of- procuring and none other than our mutual friend, Harjiey. : and Webster tslephones Friedman and EH Robinow- .. should be made by using ike dial. Carolyn Fishgall, Dorothy London arranging the gifts. Baron Hotyany of Hungary. Mrs. Max Herzoff and" Mrs.J . and Margaret Kosberg.
Kutcher were in charge of the menu, Next Tuesday evening, December 8, with Mrs. D. Mazor in charge of the the children of the Religious School dining room. The "dinner" was', pre- will present a Chanukah entertainpared by the Ladies Auxiliary." ment in the. social hali of the Temple. The plays will be presented; The first, "The "End of the Story," : will be directed by Miss Freda Albert. The cast includes -Buddy Galinsky, Robert Jaffee, Harold Grueskln, regular. monthly meeting of Haskel Lazere, Bernard Rosenthal, thg Junior Hadassah will be held next Blossom Kalin, Herman Barish, MorTharsday evening, when plans for the ton ; Rosenfeld, Eugene Sherman, dance, sponsored by the group, will be Haroldf Slotsky, Bobby Pill, Buddy discussed. Weinberg, Lynn Arkin, Stanton _ The dance will be given at the Mar- Cohen, Barbara Davis, Lorraine Rastin Hall ballroom. kin, Bobby Slotsky, David 'n~-iJ ' ---' Levin, Sandy Baron, Doris Grueskin and Barbara Robinson. The second play, "The Sabbath Angel," will be directed by Miss Ruth Marx. The cast includes Henry *2wo Sioux. City firms pledged ten Greenberg, June Rose Mushkin, per cent of one days', receipts to the Bobby Marks; Alice Pill, Buddy KaCharity Fund, according to announce- lin, Rosegene Passman, Ted Skalovment made by the Chamber of Com- sky, Ruth Weiner, Marion Fishgall, Irving Givot> Arthur Miller, Marjorie merce. . Mrs. E. Barish, of the Castle Court Wejnberg and Dorothy Davis. * • Inn, gave ten per cent of the day's The third play, "Bobby's and receipts last Saturday. . Bunny's Chanukah Play," is written The K. and K. Company, with Mr. and directed by < Miss Ann Pill. The L. J, Kutcher, manager, will give 10 cast includes Robert Cohen, Lois per cent of the receipts of December Levitt, Dorothy London, Bertram 10. In addition to the local company Bergen, Cecil Pill, Elaine Rosenfeld, each of its branches will do like- Margaret Pinkus, Leah Rose Newwise, in whatever town it is Jocated. man, Myron Heeger, George Galinsky, Elaine Brodkey, Harold Lefkovich, Lawrence Slotsky, Sibley Newman, Wallace Rosenthal and Edward Goldstein. The following honor roll has been Miss Sadie Shulkin, an active announced for the 'Religious School ^worker of the local Junior'Hadassah for the month of November: Dorothy 'group, was appointed regional chair- Davis, Harold Lefkovich, Marion man of the Junior and Senior Hadas- Fishgall, - Herman Barish, Bertram snh 'Relationship "Committee," at the Bergen, Doris Marx,- Betty Marx, district convention held recently in Bobby Pill,"Seymour Robinson, HarSt. Joseph, Mo. old Grueskin, Robert Marx, Robart Miss Shulkin served for several Cohen, Myron Heeger, Lois Levitt, years as pi*esident of the Sioux City BloSsom Kalin," Bernard Rosenthal, Hadassah chapter. She was not pres- Barbara Davis, Ros^ene Passman, ent a't the convention.' Alice Pill, Margaret Kosberg, Caroline Fishgall, June Rose Mushliin and Humanity is constitutionally lazy. Sylvia Borshevsky.
<. ->-••.; t t y i g
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Fifteen hundred dollars, towards a goal of ,38,000, Sioux City's quota in the Allied Jewish Campaign, was raised at a "kickoff" meeting in the Shaare Zion Synogogue, last Sunday afternoon. The amount vras subscribed by.those present at the meeting. - -Mr. Mendel -Fisher of St. Louis, secretary of the J. N. F. of this re•gion, and Mr. Arthur-Adams, of NewThe degree team is under the di,An original, skit entitled "Our Own group, and Miss Lee Shames, presiYork .City,' -were the" principle.speakJazz Singer," will be presented by dent. " A number of'social gatherings rection of Stanley Levin. . ers. Both emphasized the need of coCharlotte Salkin, Tillie Shindlei, Mrs. for the.two groups are being planned. operation for this drive, telling of the S. H. Shulkin, Mrs. M. Daskovsky, The business meeting -was followed Under the supervision of Coach use made of the money, and the wide A -Young Judea.-club was formed Quirin ad Captain Sid-Baurhstem can- Miss,Ida Heshelow, Mrs. -John Levin by bunco and light refreshments, field the Campaign covers. and Miss Mildred Baron and • Mrs. Sunday--under -the direction of --two didates for the Maccabee basketball Mr. E. E. Baron spoke on' the work Wna. Mazie, promoter, Hadassah -.members, Lee • Floyd Karp, son of Mrs. Sara Junior of the B'nai B'rith, whose Wide Scope team have been- receiving extensive at j Miss Sylvia Friedman will present Campaign is "sharing in" the drive,'and training for the coming / season In I a group .of-'dances,'Miss Tillie Shind- Karp will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Shames ar.d Sylvia Rotkovitz. North Junior High gymnasium, The .purpose.of the club is to get Saturday morning, December 5, at .Mr. I. Singer'told "of of the ler will offer.- a group of- songs, and r the,younger girls organized so that Ort, which is also sharing in the their first game, played . with the Cantor Pliskin will kindle the Chanu- the Shaare Zion Synagogue. „ ,. Blue Jays, an independent high school they ready tp.follo-w'Ja the campaign. h Maccabees i h _ Davis _ _presided at a meet- team, • the-• won with a kah lights,-with t h e appropriate . The Pace Makers club met Wednes- footsteps of their older sisters and beMr. A. M. blessing. Community singing of speing Wednesday evening of the work- j s c o r e o f 46 to I S . Every candidate cial songs written by Mrs. S. evening at the home of Misses come Hadassah members. Ida and Mildred Plotkin. The pro- Naomi -Kovitz wa-3 elected presiers of the campaign". The campaign ! Tecefved a chance to-play during the > < , , , , . . „ , . . ,- , was outlined a t the meeting workers evening. - H o n o r s of;, the game went Shulkm will be induded o n t b e J>ro- jrram, which included songs by Anndent, Sylvia Weiner vice president, Btarorii guard, and Baumstein, for- gram. . Lee-vHerzoff's ^orchestra will Raskin, and a reading by Bessie Rosa. perelick: secretary, and Annette were assigned their • districts, - - - ' - and-i!1"• to. <•-• T>_-_--_- —-__J — J -r.•_.:_._!.... *__ g w a r d . Zeligson, '• was followed by bridge Forman treasurer. furnish the music. " pledge cards were distributed. . In keeping with the theme of the and dancnig. " Sir. J. Rothenberg, field workei- for |
Maccabee-Team Begins -.Basketball Season'
i uf Ma-Del C C Sun-
ROAD S3B7IC3 T! AT. 6427
Gome? 17th .sad Capitol Avo. IOB: 1
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