December 18, 1931

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In the. . intei ests oj the Jewish People

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S3 JSecoml-Clara "HaH £Sat! at OaiaU.i, Xcbrsstn. anflt

,,. January Ti, IT-1, ai ~« Ac? of Mxrrci! 5. 1SV3

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JDEIW£73 J! Antwerp.—(J. . A.)—A rne-v trorlJ A.)—There chsss cinJE?T)IcT! xs established here by a Jewish : r ~ frora Poland, George S.otar.cT i-ofessor Samuel D. Scbxnalhausen 1 of ihe,speed of the change. Uo lon;j- Playing 103 r_ Here, ; stimulating addresses ever delivered j er does the -world adhere to a morality in the COURTS cf e'even hoars, loobs to marriajje as the high- otrsld %von 3S5; 13 Trcre a Ijy "tlie •' gave ons of the -most intellectual snd •Acfirity trnn and there are ! on the Community Porum -platform in est status, -with, the reproductive he lost seven, Lutancwslri, vflio has si: L iTc j his lecture on "Sex in Civilization" a t Thythm basic. Sex has hecome, like beaten Altkhina i: blindfold playing, tsrs "the Jewish Community Center Wed- it or not, experimental, -as science. is now heralded a; t i e rrcstcst BzlOn Sunder everir.r. Dec. ->fro- ) j Sex morality cannot be guided by •wis- gian chess champion. Shcih mternational A . 7L...A. day-Lnesday . y y evening. g dom out rxi the -past. And the youth •>Tiiich be celebrated throughout', Schmalhansan in his address sound..- . preach to Judaism" under t i s ex.?-' Ttaitsd States -and Canada ±his ed i h e note of the JISW asocial order are confused." •. . . which -he maintained was inevitable. pices of the Adult Swuciilct—I Sunday, Trill be appropriately obis the key not "only to a ^ 1» i ^ ; ^ „„ •program initiated by ths ," rr 1.1. served in Omaha, the birthplace of "Humanization arid socialization" of .but also to a recreation. I f *""" "" " *"* Corassuuity Center this .year T..c ' -the order, Trith a program continu- our system -was i i s objective. our -civilization is breaking- down, a Conservative Synagogue Is r--:r.z;ring through the afternoon and evs- He ^pointed out that at "the present new civilisation i s coming to birth." •'6 izig xnis e^sn.t ^oiHi-iV ith l:.~ time civilization is undergoing great mafle a strong pier. •nm Jias ccni Habbi Albert Gordon of Temple changes, precipitated by the world for a; humanized :SQdiety which would _Adath Jeahnnim of Minneapolis, war. This ;has aaade TIS neurotic, he eliminate the cut-throat competition A dinsier sponsored by ths Crrand has brought', about now extant. -IHe plsadsd -that;paxehts rspufed to be outstanding °stated, should-not think of •their own 'children ! 7£ tc:l L'zil\Zl o among the -younger JRabbis, v/ill give o* confusn confusion, "bs held st £ o'clock precesamg' iiie j the main address at t h e ^meeting to "A sexual ^revolution:is taMng place to the exclusion : of l^the others but lectore. .Thase. making1 resen-ations ! should look upon all ..members of at the present ..time. , After the war JS held in the evening-.nt :the Jerrish for ±k& dinner will, of course, re- j Community Center auditorium. The the -women ionnd a new ireedom, and one great -human family. Ho paid main the lecture which will ] oi Jie j meeting is open to the public. The they are the .center iin the sexual JSV- high tribute to .Huasia as "the laboraDr. A. -L- £— r, cL.rcitor start not later tlisn S o'clock. ]ll£i£- \ olution. Jn. pra-war idmes ihere was tory -where the experiments are feeing'B'nai guest speaker has chosen "A Sle at .the) IL, carried on for a new social order. something 3iali-sacred accepted as to A. Z. A." as the subject of his University moral; the home -was the essence of "Where life i s hard pressed ihe.body t h e address. TI--> - r cf the .Jew," izy night series fast not attend- | that-morality. assumes a -new significance and there will be "the ^-_c=;t - =- s~ at the_opp „,—„ - « - „ The open .meeting will be preceded the dinriEr -will be admitted to i "When ^the -war .caused a numerical _i/a on life. The:young peoBy a. hanquet. The main speaker excess of women, something -new i a d meeting cf auditorium at 7:S0 to hear- Dr. \ r> zEmh-sr 2 5 at the banquet -will bz Harry Lapi- to occur. The -pain .today as the -pain ple .realize that '.sexual freedom is i n ."age rooms the ultimate empty. - Something- in- at 8:15 p r . - ". dxis. • « Center. Dr. ternal will come of itself to give it .at "the .Jew.:: i C=:nr _••• The entire day's program is besrs reces-n depth and dignity, and personal re- Sadiar ^cs c~e— _ ing snan=ared jointly by Chapters spect." "The . Iso. 1 and 100. . The first feature iot :&e possible t o J: in demand He stated that our present civilisaThe' -s?ill be a basketball game JbetT,-£en t O 4»*iG£2 J l O v ^.—i-EnCi" j *" ""•*• " ~" -" qsste ^s a lecture:". ing- t is563.1322: tion i s a bankruptcy - of traditional the quintets of the .tvro chapters. dinner. i „----_. things. The pains and predicaments It -was orsgiz ^ \r-zl that Dr. At the evening meeting Halph A "leader of relicious thinkers and of -family liie today, he forecast, will. Sachar to -" 2sogg of Chapter-No. 100 "will repeTnsii ea- [ ,_ was called-; 3 P^neer^n at ih*1 teing- about .JuIfUlmest of true values, resent -A. 2L- A.-, speaking on "A. Z. to the he J social and human. A- in -Social Service Worlr." The *^ eWlsi! w2TAt£r IT; ' w _r c f The .speaker was introduced by Dr. campaign -traditional degree of. Judas 1 lined at its head £• , ~" ,~, a n d .'Production'^to-."Be Present- "William H. Thompson, Ihead of psy- and cabeus, a play depicting the cternul forced to postpone his er.gsg ed Sunflsy -Evening, chology and philosophy at the "Munistruss^e- of the JOT, .Trill be prelie that Dr. cipal -university. Herman Auerbach,. January 3 ssnted_ by ajtcam from Chapter Uo. which he h£zs a cirscted .for or lIns chairman of the Community .Pcrum, undertcoi the mrscicTship of tne| ":^ J five years. The purpose of! 1~ composed" of "Israel T3efcbvicir"ErE-'nai ..B'xith ."HUM Foundation a t i f ^ Society i s to re-interpret JudaThe Center Players' Guild will of- made the introductory remarks. ; •vrin Wezehnaxi, Louis Levinson, Art i i p p , Sol Tuohman, Ssm FinJcsl, Er-" fer as the second production of the The Community Tonim is sponsored the "DiiivTesitT, he was a professor; T^ thsl^^ Trin Chudacoff, "Ernest Pjissman, Sam eason, Pernac 3Iolnar*s comedy, jointly by the Jewish Community in' theViistory department at Prcfessor .Satilan was £sso-: TJniversity of Hifeiois. The popularj ^ " Sd The Guardsman," on Sunday eveCenter -and the Council of Jewish Tnrkel, Sam Ikloskorits, lilorris d with .Br. Juaali L. Hashes ity of i i s courses sms ..common 'S^--^^ ning, Jan. 3, at 8:30 p.TO.This Woman. Txanldin and Harold Barish. sip' among the student body. ! j-^t c... A musical progrram is also being cintillating play was originally ••A .luncheon will be given honoring j ~£T~ planned. The committee in charge produced in America by the .New Dr. .Sadiar at the HDl'hoteJ at noon j ' ^ of arrangements consists of Ervrin Tork Theater Guild with Alfred Wednesday, December 23. This Trill | ^ X { ^ ^ , ^ ,3vezaiman, William Wolf, Oscar ,unt and Lynne Tontaine in the •be the last of the luncheons during' was graduated in .ifa' eading roles and recently made by DU. ±ie r e - : 1902. Uayerovdch, Halph Nogg. this calendar year.. them into a motion jiictaxe. reived sn A. B. 'from the College; A. Z. A. vras founded in Omaha Translated from, /the . German, by Sam JJeber c:i .Tiny 3,1924. Since lohiar, a "Viennese, 'has put "into this its inception it -has installed one delightful .comedy, a eMczicss of, hundred and iif£y chapters. manner-.•and'-sopMstic^ti.03;: of situ-' stion -that. is "truly - continental. Sny epoyu The -story'-concerns,'itrelf frith an W'i.^^. «»*.»«^»Wi 5 • Jewish'-Organizatiim iti actor and .actress who -have been Prcfsssor jlcrcecai srish-Jobless happily Jnarried 3or sis months. A t Bv3MiXig-2.t 'Forestry CoHsgfi .Is -fa-ies irszldj and honestly this rtime -the .actor senses that iiis Warsaw.—(J. T . A.)—The execusituation in Bioaar Sleiaorial to Bistingui^aed vdfe. as -becoming , a trifle .bored,an brougrht .about by p ' The Daughters of Israel Aid' so- fact she -even evinces a passing in- tive of the "Warsaw iehillah has. aeLeafier j -nation sud scier.tific ciety named its officers for the en- terest in an attache of the Russian manded that the government take Vvl suing term at the monthly meet- embassy and. his stunning uniform. •action to combat the virulent :antiSyracuse.—(J. T. A.)—The c o r n e r - j ' ^ ; ^ ; ^ ; _ "Wit± - \ / ^ ^ seaa- : Jewish fcpycott agitation. .ing of the organization held Tues- The actor decides in a moment of xnie of the new \Louis Marshall} s ^ . - a i t r r.or se^^scepaw^ oy g day afternoon at the Old Peoples desperation to masquerade as the forestry -Science' building an - a d d i - ' ^ f f™^> proaieias £Ba needs « In a resolution, adopted, the liome. Prussian Guardsman and win idshilkih -points out that the fion to the State College of Forestry \ £f, Amerkan Jew, reorganamg i,, The officar^ elected are rMrs. A. wife over again. The -results com- tion of the incitement endangers ^nat at Sjracuse Uufversiry, as a Woif, president; Sirs. "S- Parber, prise nne nf the smartest and wit-only "the Jewish population, but the •welfare of the entire ^country. vice president; Mrs. ~K. Tatle, treas- tiest of comedies. I t :says further that the continnea urer; Jilrs. I. Enlalvoxslry, secre- 3Darl -Seigal -plays the part of the tarj-; !Mr3. 31. ITriedel, finance sec- Guardsman in the Guild produc- elimination of Jewish ^employes :froni men joined :rnstitutlans -encourages IS. Smith in the ceremony. Tetary; .Sirs. A. lilaisel, Tecording tion. The part .role of the actress government : •-.._. secretary. •is flayed by 3irs. "Phineas "Win- the boycottei-s. ;building g will be erected at a cost o The resolution calls upon the govf.oub. Other members of the cast jilrs. B. A. Shnon vras chosen -$600,000. The funds are to be SZLchairman of tlie board of directors. are IMxs. Stanley Xevin, Martha ernment to recognize the economic plied from :the $100,000,000 'bond ll equality -of'.the Jews and to .cali ' a ] . ^ ^ iss e pufcK= buildings. Others on the board include ~&Ies~Himelstein, -Mrs. Morris Priedel, Sal conference -;of Jewish • economic or-j lEchnick and Sol Tuchman. The fciiilding is .nsiaed in honor of dames 31. Xneeter.. ^B. Triedel, J. Bernstein, J. Pinkel. J. Adler, S. play iis "•.under the direction of 3irs. ganizations for the purpose of com- i:he late Louis "Marshall in recognibatting-the agitation.. . . tion of ius'issny years of effort .for Olander. 3irs. S. Fish -was elected Herman Jahr. reforestation and conservation. Presito the membership committee. Tilna.— (J. TE. A.)—Two police dent of the board cf :trnstees of tie commissars and the comrnsndant^ of college for many -years, Sir. JIar; &all the Tolice Reserves in "Yilna -wfere was one .of -the .leaders '.in 'the E r s dismissed by the authorities for.their to 'establish a state colieg's cf i S i t i :riots i t which h i h forestry at Syracuse University. Or.3; day at part in 3h anti-Semitic p uilrs. B . Xulakofsky, .assisted by l sons, E b !months' t h ' ilinocr c of ."Mr. Marshall's Eobart, Bueharait.—(J. T. A)—The sum of a -group of Jewish women, is in occurred i n "Vihia on 2?ov. 10. graduated Irsm ibis school. • szrricss were held at S.605J255 lei, approximately S50.000 charge of the booth/:at the Eilpat.'Detroit.—(J. T. A-)—Detroit Jews 'The -jxsvj edifice Trill contain a lib-residence, 105 South was assigned by Parliament for Jew- fick store selling tuberculosis seals lield -a -mass meeting on Decarabar ish cultural purposes in next year's for the ITebraslca Tuberculosis as- IS to protest -the snti-Jewish distrib- .mry -dedicated to-the memory of the! street, vdxb. surialin the Qolaen 'Hill : r r : ?" budget. sociation. The hooth opened Thurs- jances in Poland. ' ,' This sum represents a reduction o: day and will gontinue ifor a week. T ".... T 'be CUB of tha fir.cct cf 1its land cxil 15 per cent. " 'Other booths are being operated .•Warsaw,—(J. T. A.)—The •will .contcin ~z~ -urrriva! -d llccticr: j Halash^cl:. —?. _ . _ caar The Jerdsh community believe at the "Brandeis Stores, and at. thenient commission for the .relief of of "Works ci5 farssiry. that the allotment of the subvention postoffice. the "smemployed i n Poland, in ~rsis merely an attempt on the Tjart o The purpose of the sale of seals sponse to '.an.ingtziry. by " ~ , , _^ -,— the government to quiet publi •at the booths is to obtain small Telegraphic Agency, -made, iiti clear al vahzs in fcrartry i tsrr, lire. E. opinion, but that actually it intend suras irom those who were not so- •that Jewish .suffersrs from th ^will be vcspl to exteml no help to Je~ish cultural licited ' "by TOail. The association omic crisis must :depend upon Jetdsi be an c-udirrr needs. uses the iunds :to support two chil- •Drganizations; for :'smelioratiqn'• of pacitv of : " : . In substantiation of that belisf thej dren healfii camps, a nutrition their situation. TbjB'-.:governmeat coai-p .The u»—-_r CJ. mission 'is, Jiowerer, •preparing to •co- marked ih: twentieth ar.nix-ercar~ cf cr/3 pointio^herfactthat despite repeated board, a specialized nurse, and -promises, the -government "has not yel tuberculosis clinic, "besides spread- operate with Jewish groups, i t ex- tae ai -tare -».:-, sing health, education. id last year's subsidy. plained. s i—iiltS:




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State one of ir™ forcrtry in •&_ The Junior Society of the Conservative Svna^c^uG lias ccmplctcd Hew lrork.—(J. T. A->—The foun- travel between two paints with, the its organization nud has electca cfae dations of the Einstein relativity direction of the earth's motion and following- tenrporsry officers: Sarcn theories "have been in part reaffirmed back again as compared with -fee time ISO TrrciJ- , " fcy a repetition a t the Zeiss "WaiiS atof travel perpendicular to the line of rtcin, vice TsreciScat; ^Ssthzr l?aisr, Sore Uorszsteiu, Of '»!_£! U . Jena of flie famous Michelson-3Ior2ey •motion of -the earth. The two fccanis secret 18S7 espsriment, the surpxbins re- are made to inter!ere wi Jo. each ether urer, 2nd Tobye J: L-s, repcrtsr. ar~_rure Lie liabbi D s ^ d QcIdEt^ln is xxivisnr jcr Oil sult of which later stimulated Pro- and produce a clisracteristL pattern. •fessar Albert Einstein t o deirelop his ' Hcch G5H£±~ four crms of -ths Joes of t i e srsap Tvitich is 71213111?^ v jtcrs el ihaoxien, i t was reported "fay theapparatus, censtructed with the coScience S«arviee. operation • of the Zcdzs Optical ComThsre JS -no "ether wind" flowing pany, was orar two yards long. Tiie ^^m i w««*iJ»!S I 1 !; TT. 3 . Oil Co. through the atmosphere because of T/hole vxis xci*Jiz ox rpuzts gls^s and i-jT TCT> - c the .motion of earth through space. suspended on -mnEC?o:i3 sprir.S'S, Uy Her Oil "«2r™zr."r ^.^i« * ±J-* 1 This deduction .made by the late .Pro- tlis ttse of xitnrors tae total s~£h of fessor .A. A. ^liclicl^Dn and his col-each ray in this initxieroincte?- was em.—(J. T. A.>—Paris c league from i i i i r cxpariiasit vrss Emdo twmity*ciit. fsct. 2ota ion cf C^.I^-^fc 1 i > n^ain verif;cd m "Jena by Dr. G. Joos. tbis app^xatus ikroygh a xlrht raxs'E •crj t.-:- ^ ~ — !X5i3 erperimtnt consists in trying- should, if there is s n etlisx-draft r zlzzz-z.i."—~ — - jn.-,i ;ar to detect a dlfferencs between -the caune *, shiffcin* JO2 the uattcxa. 2?: -3 r3 cr c rrhTra. """" """" * " " ^ " ""*"""" ' time required by 2. .beam of light t o


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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,1931 tion is to erace .the leading Jews from the face of the earth and t« isolate the Jewish5 peoplevfrom the levf Sofia.—The .Bulgarian government rest cf the world.' declined to grsnt the Jewish, request to'prevent the p-oblicatio-n. of an eli- Love Is the tnecHcine oi\ all moral citing brochure entitled "The His-evil.-—Beecher, toric Airas of Israel," What was lu:cury yesterday is comThe brochure declares that "the only %ray of achieving world sanita- fort todav,—Abbott.

Bulgaria- 'Winks. -.. a t EncitcBieat. . . . .

self-expression and cultivation of values and appreciations attuned to the realities of the living moment'is gaining ground. And, whereas inthe past-the cultural and educational opportunities were limited to the few, today the. general public needs Tonight and seeks, (often in vain, sad to fi r p "The Prophet of Nazareth," is the say), to enter ;into the secrets of subject of the sermon to be delivthe world about us, to penetrate into distant stellar space, into the ered by Rabbi Frederick Cohn at r• it? marvels of the,atom, arid especially the services at Temple Israel tohi into the workings of social: proces- night. Tomorrow Morning Are Your Brakes adjusted even? By -HARRY MENDELSON ses, history of civilization, into the Does your car steer hard 1 Tomorrow raoruing Eabbi Cohn mechanism of contemporary social, Does your car shimmy ? As one persuses the cream of peated even now, ,"Ain sof l'Torah," splendors of the book sitting^ along- economic and political life, local and will speak on "Dreams." Does your car weave in the road? dih American journals one is immediate- "there is no'end to- learning," rooted side gray-headed ineri' -whose eyes international. The findings in the Y>o your tires wear on the side? ly struck, by .the growing, number of itself .into the consciousness- of even haye become * dimmed with decades field ~ of psychology have sharpened Kaddish will be recited this SabPLAY SAFE—DON'T TAKE CHANCES articles dealing with" adult education the common folk was so effectively of study of the ancient lore, legal- the hunger and curiosity to know- bath for Florence Slesburg, Boss Right off hand one is inclined to translated into a living, pulsating istic writings and their numberless something .about the secret chambers Sommer, Samuel Livingston, CaroSee Yousens . V. lina Cahn, Moritz Sachs. conclude that apparently over-night reality in every day. life .that "the c1o m m e n t a r i e s . '•,.'••-'.-' . . . . ; . ' INSPECTION FEEE of their "own minds and to experiTwentieth century men 'and women ence the glorious a dventure of the American public, has become Jews earned the world recognition of AJ5 Work Cnfier Supervision of Fsirfcrr Tralnefl Men 'OB GUARANTEED 1TE EKCW OCR ECSISESS adolt-education-minded. .That may" be being the People of the Book, not may smile -at what they call thinking and the joy of creation by •fr10 ©f Xeir Brake anc n'fi«e3 -i so as far as extensive education, for so much because they were the sole "antiquated useless stuff/' and with drawing from the" depth of their beadults is concerned. Indeed mass hun- possessors -of a "written national lit- justice may -revolt at the old educa- ing upon the "latent intellectual and ger for adult education is but a re- erature; but rather, I believe, be-" tional" system, but the high esteem aesthetic ".resources: inherent in alcent social phenomena; and yet more cause of their high esteem for study of -our.,ancestors .for. learning not most every human being. BY F . B. K. than "two million adults are now en-arid learning. The talmud chacham, to ber taken lightly' by,;iJs^sophistiLimitless and inexhaustible have rolled for" correspondence courses, the learned man, the scholar, was cates. '" True,'; our highly • febraplicaitedbecome the realms into which the Messrs. Louis Braunstein, Martin evening classes and lecture courses. for centuries the social idol regard- and" fast • - (changing civilization:, 'de- human mind might .penetrate for inGluckman ,and Joe Scharf were hosts 22KC L ST. r AVT-, mands an entirely different • sort of less of his economic" position. Some "Almost everybody is ashamed to adventure and the joy of at' a banquet arid stag party at the OCCX appear ignorant," as Everett Dean of the greatest Talmudic scholars study. ; ; Progressive educators and spiration, were simple craftsmen—tailors, shoe- mentally^ alert individuals Well rea- creating. And yet what do we find ? Hotel Chieftain last Saturday night, Martin puts it. etc. Literally hundreds of lize', 'that the old, .static, .highly A sad, pessimistic and almost "neu- honoring Jack Marer of Omaha whose Interest in adult education in makers, sayings learning are to memoritex system of education'. is rotic civilization," as Schmalhausen engagement to Miss Anita Glbckman America, however/ is older than our be found glorifying in the Talmud a con-now useless, in fact, but;a sad re-puts it. Just a short time ago I was recently announced. Covers were existing educational systems and siderable number even inand minder "of a lethargic and supersti- told a young mother that the youth laid for forty-eight guests. the Bible. much of it had its origin outside the tious-past,'More and more, cultured impress me as being sick and tired system. It had long been the prac- Kept Light Burning men Mrs. H. Maduff entertained the : an4 women are beginning to; see of life, that the zest of living and tice of people with alert minds to When Europe was sunk in ignor- education experiencing is missing in their lives, members of her afternoon bridge club as the intellectual' maturmeat regularly for purposes of dis-ance and superstition it was the He- ing of the mind, as' self-mastery, as that they are like, ships without rud- at her home TTuesday afternoon . Remember cussion and mutual aid in the pur-brew Yeshivas, primarily theological the attainment of. insight, discrimin- ders, that the< poison of pessimism suit of knowledge. The practice is seminaries, along with Arabic uni- ation, habits of. dispassionate judg- has permeated their very being. And All the New Things in The Sewing- Circle of the Senior Haas old as Socrates. It was con-versities, that kept the lamp of ment, she immediately came back with the dassah met Thursday afternoon at the " critcism and emancipation from tinued through the "dark ages" by learning from becoming entirely exChina . . . . Glassware . , . . Silver suffering home of Mrs. Richard Gordon. vulgarities and. tyranny of herd report that all "they're the Dominicans; it gave rise to the tinguished. And that tradition of the from is ignorance.: Isn't that the o p i n i o n . ::'•.'•• Norelties . . . . Pictures . . . . Gift Goods Mediaeval Universities; it attracted learning, as the greatest of social American System Users case with the rest of society? Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill enterscholars and students to the home of virtues and even of- mitzvahs, and It is up to the creative teachers, While They Are New the de Medicis in Florence during as the individual's outstanding posThe.American educational system, artists and philosophers to bridg-e tained the members of their evening the Italian Renaissance. The Re-session, was carried on into the mod- as ' it "took" form during the first the vast gap between the millions bridge club last night at their home. • formation in England, in placing the ern times. For centuries the syna- three-quarters of the nineteenth cen- of medieval minds walking all about A large crowd attended the third Bible in the hands of laymen, gave gogue was riot only a Beth Ha't'fi- tury,' reflected the conditions, the us and the great cultural reservoir 1116-18-20 Earner St. of a series of lectures and book rean impetus to a type of adult study Iah, a house of prayer; a Beth-Ha- ideals, and the aspirations of a pio- and mighty storage house filled with views given by Rabbi Frederick Cohn which probably had its origin among knesseth, a house of gathering—a neering and agrarian society,. In. this marvelous achievements of the last Headquarters for Everything in the Line the early followers of John Wycliff. community center; but also a Beth- society life was simple, community 300 years in the arts, sciences (nat- of Omaha Wednesday afternoon at the Hotel Chieftain. He gave a reUntil very recently most of the sci-Hamedrash, a house of study and was isolated from community, human ural and social) and philosophy. Huentific, philosophical and literary learning for old and' young alike. wants were few, the culture level manity hungers for .vision, informa- view of George Bernard Shaw's famculture of western • civilization was There were to be seen and are still was low, and a general condition of tion, beauty, inspiration and joy of ous play, "The Apple Cart." This the achievement of amateur scholars. to be iqund in many parts of Eur- economic equality and security pre- creation to offset the extremely series is being sponsored by the local To the Hebrews study and learn- ope and other sections of the world vailed. But during the past gener- mechanized, routinized and monoton- chapter of the Senior Hadassah. The \ ing were "••oh the same level with youngsters of tender ages just being ation and a half social changes of ous industrial bread-and-butter tasks. next lecture will be January 5th at r y F 7 < r> \\ the Hotel Chieftain, -when Rabbi Cohn godliness. The expression, oft re- initiated into "the mysteries and the most profound character have I know of no field of endeavor so will review "New Germany." I • ( I 1 r - ' ! >* t V~ shattered the old order, and on its rich in opportunities .for genuine soruins there is arising a highly in- cial service for. young- men and International A. Z .A. day will be tegrated' arid mechanicaji civilization women of. vision as the field of adult celebrated with a program next Sunwhich i3 marked by ;vast industrial education. \ day. William L. Hqlzmsn of Omaha \-_A /Cc Ctl££[: ,/ i c u - I L L rrccr combinations, minute division of labor will deliver the main address. complicated monetary arrangements, Certificates will be presented to the intricate systems and coinmunication initiates to the Council Bluffs chap—.international in scope—concentra- Auto Show to Be -\UIiVCfu7S \ ter: Bernard Balaban, Jake Fox, Jake tion of population in", urban centers, Held$(i • January Gordon. There "will also be musical wide ; differences^- in; wealth and inA Trial "Will Convince You i o r . rr.. to £ p. r.. come, commercialized . amusement • An announcement* riiade Jjy A. B.numbers on the program. and recreation, the relaxation of Waugh, manager.^- of the Omaha moral standards and sanctions, the Automobile Trades'association, marks Everything washed spotlessly clean. Flat CHA9. disintegration of time-honored insti- the opening of the annual Omaha Cuban Deputy Attacks i I work beautifully ironed and folded. SUIOX tutions, the repudiation o i ancient Auto Show in January. The show, Wearing apparel dried, in fresh filtered air. Jews in Public Speech,'; philosophies and theories of the* uni- according to Waugh, promises to Towels fluff dried. verse, and. the general heightening surpass last year's million dollar Havana.—(J. T. A.)-—For the of the tension of life. ,.-..'" automobile exposition. The 1932 first time in the history of Havana 8c per Ifo. "Bsj the Best Coal To this new order educational poli- show will be held at the. Ak-Sar-Ben the epithet /'dirty Jews" was uttered - Shirts hand finished 12c each. It Is Cheapest Coliseum January 16 to 23 inclusive. publicly by a government official cies and programs have but partial10 Per CGnt Discount on Thurs., FrL, Sat. In the Long Ems" ly adapted : themselves. They still This year's show will have an 8-day when Dr. Mencia, a member of the run. Previous Auto Shows have Cuban Parliament, delivered an anticontain numerous elements which CHAS. SIMON RECOMMENDS THE can be explained only;in-terms of a had only a six day run. A Sunday Semitic address at a banquet in honOUR SPECIAL civilization which today is only a presentation' of all the latest models or of the former Minister of Foreign w i l l b ei n c l u d e d . ' - • • • • Affairs and now a member of the memory. Senate, Senor Francisco Mario FernOutstanding Adult-educators beandez. _ gin with the thesis that the spread Sunday Closing Imminent of science has given to modern civil"We shall not permit the dirty Melbourne.—A compulsory Sunday Smokeless—Long Lasting—Very Little Ash—A Real Buy ization a dynamic quality which no closing law, which would most ser- Jews to choke us," Dr. Mencia assertpast culture has possessed in any-iousy affect Je-wish; shop-keepers, will ed in his address devoted to a de2815 Farnam Phone AT 2815 thing like the same degree. They be considered by the Victorian Parlia- scription of the economic situation in argue very cogently, therefore, that ment. Cuba. • ' • ; ; . ' ' ' " ; the indoctrination of the adult and [ The remark is interpreted here as The ordinance was introduced in ATIanflc 4444 especially the child with a set of Parliament as a result of a vigorous aiming at Harry Guggenheim, Amerfixed beliefs and attitudes is to un-anti-JewisH campaign., conducted in ican Envoy to .Cuba,. rather than at fit, him in the world as it is. Since the Australian press. the. resident Jewish'population. The nothing is stable in the external en- The ordinance stands a good chance attack on the Jews -is featured in the vironment, .the- individual-should have of being- adopted, since all political Cuban press. ^ : " a mental equipment which, is high- parties support' it.:"" ' ly : sensitive to change and capable Vilma Teacners' Strike ' \ of" rapid adjustment. . Vilna.—A 'general strike was do-' International Hitlerism He should, be as ready to adopt here by teachers in the Jewish new ideas and points of views, as to New ' York. — Central', American clared schools,--because-" they, "have not reJewish organizations will ] be cominstall the. most up-to-date labor savceived their salaries ' for several pelled to take a hand in combatting ing cV/icesr-in his dwelling,-or to introduce the latest inventions into the anti-Semitic movement • organized m o n t h s . . , . . . : , . . ..... „ . . • . . • . • his factory. And the industrial. civil- by Adolph Hitler which is assumin, ;' All-'classes have'been-.'suspended as ization, which; is sweeping'"America an international ; character, it wasihe result of tMs__a_ctlon. The strikarid the world is placing-a premium stated here by Max Eisenkraemer, ers. • include- - 'teachers^ • in .the;. Yiddish, increasingly on the elastic mind. To former official of the Central Verein Hebrew :--an<L ' .Votthpdox .'; religious Schools. succeed the individual.must be' capa- of German Jews. ^ • &00Z> THINGS TO,EAT bleof keeping- abreast of the swiftly .moving procession of ideas, fashMake up a Party and Climax ions and- inventions. • Hendrik - Van Loon many years a Perfect Evening at ago-; succintly diagnosed the cultural ) and educational' problems. of Amerwhen he stated that "The trouble ) ica with the world is that there are too 2924 Leavenworth 20th century mechanics with ) many JAckson 9403 17th century social minds." Few appreciated "his" words at that i.i->. a-1* time, but" the depression • and the international crisis ' has disturbed the .extreme smugness, self-complacency A comparatively email sum set aside each' and especially the- indifference of millions to cultural pursuits -arid parA Flour known for its marvelous baking, qualities. year ior an Equitable Xife Annuity will ticularly to: genuine scholarship. Now The favorite where economy is watched. For Omar guarantee ••you-, a fixed.;jaontMy '"'.income of the men and women of thought and Flour bakes more loaves per sack — and eliminates vision, the dreamer and the artist, costly baking failures, $100, $200, $300 or $5Q® for life, beginning at who for many decades were like isolated voices in the age after 50. If you prefer, the annuity ing into their own. Since comingm&f be purchased.;by; a lump-sum pay from Palestine I "had often repeated that I knew-of no country where the introvert, the meditative individual, was so lonely and. ineffective as among the American go-getters, ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TEB UKITED STATES high-pressure, salesmen and successdrunken business men.




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Netr Values However,'like so many myths, beliefs, -and* once-honored- values,. the idolatry of success,- -measured iiTso many dollars, cars, houses,-etc.,-received considerable-blows in tha last two years. Arid the. criterion of; life' in terms of "personal development,


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\ ^


A check-up at the regular meeting of the organization Wednesday afternoon at the Center showed that the financial part of the bazaar, carnival and dance held recently -was also highly successful. organization hopes to be able Federal Court Decides Against to The send in to the Jewish National . : Constitutionality . ' Fund their quarterly installment on • •'•-. - - of Law the/water project in Palestine before J a n .


. . ; - • • • ' • • •





being supported by the Polish rabbisate because of the religious complications involved. Under the Jewish l&w, the- presumption of death from a prolonged absence is not admitted, nor am a wife obtain a divorce from an absent husband. It Is in this position, designated by the term Agunoth, in which American wives now find themselves. ; . Ten Jewish men married to Ameri-

Sishinev.—(J. T. A.)—The impoverished states of the Jewish com" A living dog is better than a dead munity of Bessaraba has. again been lion.—Bible. brought to the attention of the gov-

Among the chief c p r e - - :c ' J • sauted bv the Jewish delegation the ten thousand ) s.?;£.i33st the gevcrnrncnt's intimation the q-aestion is pg planning the closing cf the iiesscrabi ~ 'Stastenlose'* nuraerous promises on the part of the ! only Jewish high school in Bessaracentral g-cvemme' ese "Staaten- ! bia


Deroit.—(J. T. A.)—The alien reg- Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive •istration bill; passed by both houses director of the J. C . C , and Welfare of the Michigan state legislature and Federation, gave an interesting short signed by Governor William Bruck- address at the meeting. er on May 29, 1931, -was, declared A cash donation and an antique "unconstitutional in a decision handed table cloth to be raffled off later down by Federal Judge Ernest were announced as gifts at the meetO'Brien and signed by the appellate ingcourt, Judge Arthur C. Denison and Judge Charles C. Simons. The decision temporarily enjoins the state/from- enforcing the law, and the next step of the legal forces] . All arrangements are completed in opposition to the measure"•will be for the annual bazaar •which will be to request a permanent injunction. held this Sunday, December 20, at The ruling handed down by Judge the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second O'Brien declares the bill to be uncon- and Clark streets, under the auspices : stitutional pn^ the ground that the of the Pioneer Women's Club. , state has no right to invade Federal . The organization points out that a jurisdiction in control of immigra- .variety of excellent articles will be and states tion. .Sixteen points of unconstitu- sold' at reasonable prices ; tionality were cited in the bill of that the patronage of the general complaint drawn up by the fOTees op- public'will be appreciated. posed to the law, headed by Theodore All proceeds will go to the ChalutLevin, Fred M. Butzel. former Judge zos in Palestine. Patrick H. O'Brien, Nathan L. Milstein of. Detroit, and Max J . Kohler PITauPM of New York. f The Pi..Tan:Phi Sorority held an ; "The court is of the opinion," deof.- officers at the regular clares the decision, "that the power election meeting of the group last Sunday ] to regulate the terms and conditions at the home of Miss Eose Colick, i under which aliens may live in any;-with the following elected: of, the several states having beenj Mildred Lefitz, nresident; Helen given by the constitution of the fed-] Garber, secretary-treasurer; Lillian eral government and that; govern- i Miroff, segeant-'art-arms; Lillian ment having exercised it, the right of! Jonisch, reporter., -' the federal government is paramount] —. and- exclusive and the act under con- j side-ration is an unlawful invasion] of it. ' . ' "This court therefore is of the! opinion that the act passed by the legislature of the state of Michigan is unconstitutional and invalid, because it seeks to usurp the power of government exclusively vested by thej Constitution in Congress over thej Cyrus Adler Is Recontrol of aliens and immigration." President of Com-

Get Acauamted

New York.—(J. T. A.)—The adoption of a plan which will extend wider representation to Jewish communities in the United States and a for co-nrdination of effort for Senior '^Hadassah \ plea benefit of Jewry were the feaTen more women have been, ad- the tures "of .the annual meeting of the ded to Hadassah's Honor Eoll by American Jewish Committee. sending- in $10 or more, which enEmphasis was placed on what titles them to be guests at the Give must be the future goal of the comand Get Luncheon which will take munity, a unification of efplace in the spring. They are fort for jnamely the good of Israel in America Mesdames • J. Abrahamson, Jacob and• abroad,' at a.public meeting in Blank, D. B..Epstein, O. Fas, Joe.the afternoon to "mark a quarter of Goldware, I. Grossman, Sam T£ap- a century of activity, in the " adlan, B. Xorney, E. V. Lorig and H: dresses delivered by Dr. Adler, one Osoff. the founders; Judge Irving -LehMrs. L Grossman heads the list of man, president, and James Marthus far with J88 -which she. Jraised shall, vice son of Louis Marshall, the late at a rummage sale.. .:.; of the committee. A splendid1 program is being ar- president Under the 3iew plan which was ranged for this luncheon, which-will presented to the committee by Dr. wind up the activities of. the chap- Cyrus Adler, was re-elected , ter for the year. An effort is be- president, the who committee is to have ing made to obtain Miss Pearl 300 members, instead of its present Franklin, national vice president of 100, and -will represent 200 Jewish Hadassah, as guest speaker. Miss communities throughout the land. In Franklin, who is a principal in a addition, the ~ committee comprises Chicago school, took a year's leave delegates from 18 national Jewish of absence so that she might visit organizations and SO members' at Palestine and make a thorough large. \ study of conditions there. She is . The change in the organization of expected back the end of February. .Miss Franklin was- honored with the committee," Dr. Cyrus Adler statthe vice presidency of Hadassah in ed, has been necessitated by the recognition. of her services to the growth of the Jewish populace which cause. Through her efforts, Chi- has doubled and the desire, to afford cago has what is reputed to -be the i equitable representation to all comlargest and strongest chapter in the munities. It is "proposed that every communcountry-•'..."•• ity of 1,000 Jews or over should be represented; that the representation Conservative, Auxiliary of the larger communities should be in proper proportion to the total. The committee in charge of the Communities with a population of third annual dinner of the Conserva- less than 1,000 will be entitled to tive Synagogue has completed their one representative. plans and promise an interesting and The following officers were reantertaming program for the affair, elected: Dr. Cyrus Adler, president; vMch. takes place Sunday, December Julius Eosenwald and Judge Irving, 17, at the J. C. C. ; Lehman;, vice presidents, and Samuel Jack Marer is chairman of the D. Leidesdorf - of New York, treasfollowing committee, who are co-op- urer. Among the new members electerating with the women of the Aux- ed were Eeuben Oppenheimer of iliary, which is sponsoring the din-Baltimore, Lessing Eosenwald of ner: William Alberts, Eobert H. Philadelphia, and Dr. Leo Wohlman Kooper, David Greenberg,:B. A. Si- of New York City. mon, A. H. Brodkey and Rabbi Gold- .Messages of felicitation were restein. . ceived from leading Jewish organMrs. B. A. Simon is chairman of izations in America and abroad. the following committee: Mesdames Jack Alberts, Sam Green, Ben Glazer, Dave - Sherman, Charles Leyinson, William Alberts, H. Hirshmarin, I. Berkowitz, Sam Kaplan and Abner Kaiman. Mrs. M. F. Levenson is program chairman.

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1CS "Unemployment -Belief" was .the Warsaw—(J, T.-.A.) —...President topic of Rabbi David Goldstein's lec- Hoover will,be asked to take up with tare befpre the. Current. Topic di- the Labor Department the" cases" of vision of the Council of Jewish Wom- more than a thousand Polish Jewish en Tuesday morning. He. advocated men married; fca American women, not only: immediate relief, but also who, are -.unable., to secure visas to -"the a permanent one. United States to rejoin" their ".wives, ^"Congress -should appropriate sums it -was. indicated' .here. to alleviate the present crisis," he;-.All those who have been . left stated. ; '.'There ate nine _mfllion THI-.! stranded, by the refusal of the Ameriemployed.. are badly in need Poland to [jijjiu^t'u. and tiiiu they uicj. ai;c uiiuxy JJU iictuiI can taxi consulate cujjsuidie in in .roisiiu TO grant grant them tnem off help. Only through federal help.-the- necessary papers for United can an we avert a weaker race through States-admission today organised into undernourishniaiit. a single organization for, the purpose "To avoid another such condition of presenting a" collective -demand for in the future, we should establish an their rights. Representatives of the unemployment insurance to give aid Union will appear before the Amerito those who through no fault of can consul to present their demands. ;heir own are unemployed." Should these representations fail, an appeal will be addressed to the presiOne life—a l£±la gleam of time bs- dent of the United States. "rween two eternities.—Carlyle. Tlie causa a£ ii»-a stranded men is

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eminent at a conclave convoked by j lose" are still Eirfi'c?in«r rom the bur* the Minister for Bessarabia, General ! densome formalitic-s o.Greeted with Sishkasu, for the purpose cf discuss- I the sstus oi tlon is Ft ill cs uncrc

can, girls have just received American visas, following instructions from Washington, according to repeats in the local. Jewish press. Snrpriss is expressed that whereas these, ten men married only recently, there are hundreds of cases of men who have been waiting for years for such -visas.

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Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 Advertising.rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ANN PILL - -.- • - - Sioux City. Fowa, Correspondent

TWO QUEENS In the year 473 B. C. E. a Jewish woman, the queen of a non-Jewish emperor, became one of the most revered and honored in the memory of a people whose rich history abounds with heroes, heroines and glorified martyrs. The praise of Queen Esther is still sung and resung each Purim as in festal spirit the Jewish people celebrate their being saved from annihilation at the hands of the Persians through the intervention of the Jewish empress. Xerxes the Great, notwithstanding that he was favorably disposed towards the Jews, almost caused their extermination by weakly giving his consent to a plot with that design formed by his prime-minister, Hainan. At the risk of her life, Esther pleaded for her people in their dire distress. Her danger-fraught intervention succeeded, and the Jews successfully defended themselves and were" saved. " Two and a half thousand years slowly roll by and as the panorama of history unfolds itself we again find a non-Jewish king enamored with a beautiful Jewess. Civilization has supposedly advanced, yet the Jewish subjects of this king, as the Jewish subjects of Xerxes, are in dire distress. But King Carol II of Rumania seems not to heed, while right-hand men like Professor Jorga plot the further ruin of the Jews. English newspapers meanwhile scream headlines that Mme. Magda Lupescu, the famous Jewish beauty to whom Carol lost his heart and for whom he had previously given up his throne, was renouncing her Judaism in order to be able to become queen. The blue-eyed, titian-haired Mme. Lupescu, nee Wolf, is the daughter of a Bucharest Jewish junk-dealer who later became a banker. When the then Crown Prince Carol forsook his rights to the royal throne of Rumania to flee the land with his love, the world said much about their love idyll. After an elapse of time, Professor Jorga persuaded Carol to return to Rumania and end the farcical reign of the boy King Michael, World of gossip declared the love match over. Gossip was wrong, for Queen Helen was divorced and a royal crown seems destined for Mme. Lupescu. History, we have been informed, repeats itself. According to such indicators, Mme. Lupescu would lend her royal support to alleviating the plight of her Jewish: subjects. But, we fear, that even if Carol makes her queen, she will not follow the example of Esther. As a matter of fact, up to now Magda has, if anything, caused the Jews more trouble, the Rumanians antiSemies falsely claiming that she was using Carol to aid the Jews. At least, this has made excellent propaganda fodder for their cannons of poison. The reports concerning her renunciation of Judaism seem inconsistent with the reports some years back that she had accepted Catholicism upon her marriage to Major Lupescu. And, all in •M, unless we are amiss—and we admit that it is hasiy to prejudge—the Jews of Rumania will not be blessed with a second Queen .Esther in Mme. Oupescu.

AT THE CROSSROADS In A.917 world Jewry took its first step on jhe concrete path which led to a Jewish National Homeland. The Balfour Declaration was the signpost which pointed the way. Up to that time the Jews in the ghetto, in the continual wanderings, in the Diaspora, had dreamed of a return to their ancient home and a fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy. Herzl had laid the foundation for their realization; but the world war was the proximate cause of our embarking on a definite, actual road to that Homeland. Since that time, a quarter of a century has elapsed. And where twenty-five years ago Israel was at the beginning of the road, it is now at the crossroads. Just as the world in general is facing a crisis of the greatest moment, so too is the Jewish National Homeland confronted with a most -critical period. Retrogression or progression depends on how we weather the next few years. The quarter of a century behind us can as a whole be considered fairly successful, when we recall the numberless obstacles which had to be surmounted. Changes after changes added, new problems constantly, and rapid adjustments of a world-wide movement are naturally fraught with difficulties. Insights into the present picture can be gleaned from the dinner given by the Jewish Agency for Dr. Chaim Weizmann in London last week. Dr. Weizmann in terms of today's Zionism represents the ousted leadership. If fair, even the opponents of Dr. Weizmann must admit that hesis outstanding as a scientist, a statesman and a diplomat, and ihat he sacrificed much for the sake of what he deemed best for the Jewish National Homeland And yet, whether it be because of adverse cir-

cumstances 6r misdirected policy, during his leadership the National Homeland idea did not prosper as it was hoped for. The series of setbacks suffered by Zionism in the past two years were sufficient for his political foes to effect his repudiation at the Basle Congress last summer. The road of his successors is a difficult one to traverse ; their leadership will in a large measure determine the future road toward a Homeland which,Israel will take at the crossroads. Another important factor for the future outlook is the attitude of Great Britain. Successive administrations have taken varied views on the Palestine question, and the smoke-screen of diplomatic hypocricy has beclouded the issue. The favorable Labor Party has augured well for the Jews; that augury was amiss. Now, we have a National Government. Its attitude also seems promising, and whether their statements are mere empty gestures or genuine will play a prime part during their regime. A fundamental reason for British co-operation can be gathered from the following extract from the speech of Col. Leopold Amery, Secretary of State for the Dominions, at the Weizmann.banquet: "But there are also practical reasons which have made the promotion of this ideal of British interest. Nowhere is that growth of influence more important to us, and more likely to be fruitful of welfare to mankind than in those ancient lands once the cradle of our civilization, that lie between the Mediterranean and India. In that growth, Palestine, by virtue of its position, is the natural keystone, strategically, commercially, and spiritually. It can only fulfil that function if in every one of those aspects all its latent possibilities are developed. In that task, our only possible allies are the Jews. They are the only people who are willing to give to it their money, their brains, and their hearts. The fulfillment of our mandatory obligation, therefore, rests, to my mind, not merely on sympathy with an ideal, not alone on our solemnly plighted word, but on what I believe will come to be increasingly realized is a true and lasting identity of interest." The omnipresent economic element is also vital in the upbuilding of a Jewish National Homeland. Up to now, the Jewries of the world, especially of America, have poured millions into Palestine. The economic upheaval has affected them. This means that the most substantial power in Palestine's economic support is waning. It means that Palestine must look more and more to her own resources. It but proves the foresight and wisdom in the Brandeis-Mack platform to stress the industrial, and build up Palestine enterprises so that the country can become self-supporting. Accordingly, at the national convention last monm this program toward self-sustenance held the limelight. At the crossroads, Israel must turn one way or the other. Leadership, Great Britain's attitude, and the economic development of the Holy Land will determine the path to be followed in the veiled future.

From Contempof&ry Pens

course in our colleges serves only "for the prolongation of puerillity." Now, that's pretty bad, I think, for the colleges. If H. G. Wells, the njsn above all others who thinks By DAVID SCHWAR the pathway to Utopia is along the avenues of education, thinks so lit(Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish tle of the bachelors of art, why I say, it can't be such a misfortune, Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) to be denied admittance.



RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York

A LAYMAN WAS ADDRESS^ ing a Chanukah dinner. He had praised the people of Israel to the heaven of heavens. He had lauded the valor and fortitude of the Maccabees, and after nearly a half hour of harangue, inquired: "In what cause can -we of todaydisplay our powers of endurance?" The audience -was tempted to rise as one person and reply: "By listening to after dinner speakers." A NEAR TRAGEDY TOOK, place in a metropolitan synagogue recently. Mr. Cohen fainted and Mr. Levy was compelled to carry him out. The excitement was allayed, however, when the congregation realized that the misfortune had occurred just as the ushers were about to pass down the aisles for the collection. "THERE MUST BE NO SOLOS henceforth by the choir," said the Parnass to the Cantor. "What do you suppose we are paying four singers a salary to do, if not to sing?"

call it 'the saving remnant,' We need today in Israel saints and martyrs whose lives are as flames, and by whose incandescence all of us can be illumined." Unfortunately Rabbi Fineshriber's address was curtailed because of the lateness of the hour. Though Chanukah dinners are becoming an annual event with a distinct ritual, it should not become habitual to place the chief guest speaker so late on the program that the audience has either left or is dropping with fatigue. Nevertheless, Rabbi Fineshriber inspired his hearers wth tihe fervor, the eloquence, and the insight of his message. Truly the late Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf has found in the splendid leader of Keneseth Israel a worthy successor. When Jefferson was asked as he came to Paris: "Are you taking Mr. F^qnklin's place?" He replied: "No one can take his place; I am only his successor." Rabbi Fineshirbeir is not merely Babbi Krauskopf's successer; he is veritably taking his place insofar as any man is capable of doing so. Oftentimes stronge men in pulpits are followed by weaklings, but in only a few instances today is this the case.

THE CONFIRMATION CLASS was small one year because the Eabbi had raised the standards of eligibility. "But Rabbi.," expostulatFOR A GLIMPSE INTO ed one of the trustees, "we built a theNOW edifying activities of our Temple platform for fifty Confirmants!" Brotherhoods. On "Bill's Page," sent out in the Bulletin of elite and culTHE "RABBI AND HIS WIFE tivated Boston's most beautiful syna.were paying calls one Shabbas af- gogue, we read: "Believe it or U tell ternoon. As they left a home, they one, the new bunch running this outsaid to the mother of the family: fit signs up one of them New York "We are so pleased to have met big-wigs for ou rnext •whirlgig. They you, since we are endeavoring to claims he's a 200 per cent guy. The come to know personally the mem- Rabbi is gnima turn on a swell talk; bers of our Congregation." wet gets aa a-1 food, and a new big "How are you doing it?" com- league song leader. The confab is mented the lady. "Alphabetically?" gonna make history. Grab a pasteboard before they're gobbled up. Ill A prominent Christian clergyman be seein' U subsequently. Yours for was introduced at a great meeting: a break." No one should be squeamas follows: "The Rev. Smith will ish about the fictitious Bill Beamish, now deliver the Memorial address, but truly we marvel at the devices after which the bugler will blow the to which we are apparently forced to resort in enticing attendances at salute for the dead." Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Young PeoRABBI ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN ple's and Temple gtaherings. Good spoke recently at a meeting of stu- natured fun is always in place, but dents at the Jewish Institutte of where, pray, is the People of the Religion. "Orthodoxy is becoming Book? more conservative;" reform is becoming more conservative, and in the process conservative Judaism is disappearing." Louis Minsky in the "Christian Century" has described the trend towards unity in American Judaism, but he believes that conservative Judaism is destined to gather rather than to lose strength. Perhaps Rabbi Goldstein is recalling the New Testament words: "What matter if Conservative Judaism gain the -whole world if it lose its own soul thereby?"

Again our attention has been brought to the discrimination practiced against Jews desiring to enter college—hy the American Jewish Committee report. I have no desire to discuss that report. I want merely to offer my own solution for the problem. I would call, my solution the foxgrapes solution. As you suspect, it has reference to the well known fable. Not being able to reach the grapes, the wily fox just said—"Oh, they're sour anyway."


Most of us reading that fable, say, the fox was just giving itself some soft-soap. We forget that by the law of probability, the fox may have as likely been right about those grapes as not. Of course, I speak only ES a layman. I've never been, a grape. But I should imagine that about half of the world's supply of grapes are sour. And so there is a 50 per cent chance that these particular grapes which the fox craved were sour. My idea is to say the same thing about the colleges. Then if you are barred admittance, you won't worry sn much.


• And there happens to be just now some pretty good testifying to make it easier to hold this contention. Maybe you've been reading H. G. Well's latest tome, as I have. Mr. Wells seems to know a lot. In his latest book, indeed, he seems to be running the Encyclopedia Britannica a good race. But I was particularly interested in Mr. Well's scepticism as to the value of a college education. He thinks the academic

DOWN IN ARKANSAS You remember the story of the man down in Arkansas who was charged with murder. The victim was one of the meanest men of the community. Still murder was murder, and the murderer was tried. After a prolonged trial, the jury brought in the following verdict: "We find the defendent guilty; we recommend that he be freed and extend to him the glorious thanks of the community for having rid us of a great pest." Perhaps, we should extend a similar resolution of thanks to the discriminating' colleges.

LUDWIG ON COLLEGES Mr. Wells is seconded by Mr. Emil Ludwig, another well reputed scribe. Mr. Ludwig, in his just published autobiography calls his college education "a hollow sham." So you see, maybe the grapes are sour. There is just one qualification to make—and that is an important one. Both Wells and Ludwig have reference to the arts course. They are not referring- to the vocational schools.

KISSING HER GOOD-BYE The world is full of problems now—not only Jewish problems, As a whole, I don't believe, that we attempt to face them. We try to put them off—and off. We are justlike Jske and his homely wife. Jake vras a traveling salesman, and wherever Jake went, Lena, his •wife was sure to go. Jake used to travel in a group with Sam and Al. Both Sam and Al were married too, but you never (Continued on Page 7,)

Holiday Greetings F YOU wish to enjoy the spirit of the season to its fullest plan a party where . . . . the cuisine is unexcelled, . . . . the service friendly, . . . . the surroundings luxurious.




Fast of Tebeth _ _ _ _ _ Rosh. Chodesh Shebat ^ *Rosh Chodesh Adar •"Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar Purim '. Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Passover 7th Day Passover *Rosh Chodesh Iyar „> B'Qmer . «. Rosh Chodesh Sivan

.*__ Sunday, Dec. 20 — Saturday, Jan. 9 — Monday, Feb. 8 Wednesday, Mar. 9 — Tuesday, Mar. 22 .._ Thursday, Apr. 7 » Thursday, Apr. 21 . Thursday, Apr. 27 Saturday, May ^>. Tuesday, May 24 Sunday, June 5

MY FRIEND,, MR. JOSEPH M. Levine, President of the Free Synagogue, has an endless store of anecdotes at his command. He tells of a. public speaker whose notes were in his inner pocket. As he spoke on American leadership he was forced to refer to them repeatedly. "What would our country have done without Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and what would our country do today if it were not for our great leaders, whose names are . ." ." and here the speaker's memory forsook him. In great distress he sought his concealed notes, and with great relief, shouted . j . . "whose names art Hart, Schaffner and Marx!"

RABBI WILLIAM H. FINEshriber of Temple Keneseth Israel delivered a masterly address at the Chanukah dinner of the Metropolitan Federation of Temple brotherhoods in New York. "There can be no true Chanukah without Hinxmk, no true Dedication -without Education."...-. "Fortunately," he said, "the Lord has not'left to oiuv own'"control the most important tMngs in life. •We Jews like other, mortals have •what is called a 'vegetative nervous system/ - or in :other words, • a subconscious mind, where these essentials are safeguarded. We might even







Marvels of Fashion and Smartness and Values That Will Literally « .?» Your Breath Special Price

MR. LEVINE TELLS ME ALSO of the "nouveaux riches" who were constantly seeking to improve their manners. The waiter at a fashionable hotel had received a liberal tip and bowing said to them as they left: "I hope you will come here again," and Mrs.' Nouveau Riche replied: "And you must drop in to see us soon yourself." JOHN ERSKINE RECENTLY addressed a group of prisoners at the Penitentiary at Welfare Island, New York. "These seem to be very intelligent men," said Prof. Erskine. "They are," answered a guard. "They are our picked prisoners; they are here for domestic difficulties." "No wonder," said Prof. Erskine, "that they took such evident delight in my address upon' Helen of Troy."


Special Dinners for the Holidays

THE SABBI WAS WAXING eloquent: "The Israelites are God's OMINOUS STATISTICS Chosen People, but the Eskimos are The Department of Health of the Govern- God's frozen people."

ment of Palestine has issued its report. Under the section of vital statistics, it publishes figures which should be of special interest to those interested in the future of a Jewish Palestine. The total population of Palestine, exclusive of wandering Bedouins, was said to be 783,996 on June 30, 1930. Of these 162,467 fell under the classification of Jews. The Jewish birthrate 33.44 is high, yet lower than that of any other community in Palestine (52.88 for the whole community; 69.00 for the Moslems. The same can be said of infant mortality; Jewish, 68.00; general* 154.28; Moslem, 169.55. ; ; Taking into consideration only the natural increase of the population (immigration at the present time is minimal), the Jews increased during the year at the rate of 23.8, per thousand, the Christians 22.7, and the Moslems 32.4. In other words, the ground which the Jewish population is losing to the Moslems is not very large and could easily be made up by more intensive immigration. On the other hand, unless Jewish immigration increases considerable during the next decade, the Jewish population in Palestine will form so small a percentage of the total population that talk about a Jewish homeland in Palestine will sound like the fantasy of a fairy tale."—Jewish Standard.


Hew high shades and blade i Crepes for daytime wear! [y sew prints for Holiday wear! * . / Crepe "After 6" frocks with long- sweeping skirts. « » . Satla and Taffeta ^sinal dresses i& -pastels Y-*"J Newest trimming- details of fsgotttog, for, Persian ernbroidery, lace, buttons.. Sizes 14 to 20—36. to 44 Sfcrift SectioB—l€t& St. Estate*


PAGES—THE-JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, BECEMBEK IS, 1931 at their home, honoring their son, Joseph H. Zusman.

TO BE WED SUNDAY Miss Ida Platt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cahn Platt, will become the bride of Peter Greenberg on Tiext Sunday at 6:30 o'clock in the evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rabbi EL Grodzinsky and Louis Harris •will officiate. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held from 7. until 10 o'clock, at -which the Mesdames William Kaiman and Abe Goldenberg, and the Misses Evelyn Kaiman, Frances Schenberg, R o s e Green, Sarah Ejurtzman and Tobye Steinberg will assist. Among' those who have entertained for Miss Platt are the Mesdames Dave Krantz, Maurice Franklin, William Kaiman, Jerry fiurke and S. Kaiman, and the Misses Evelyn Kaiman, Ida Daytch, Orle Penwill, Dorothy Ringle, Fannie Katieman, Mary Korn and Tobye Steinberg.

T f Sunday, Dec 20, 1931. 3?si Mu Dance, 3 p. m., Center Ballroom. A. Z. A. Day-Play, lecture, and concert. Tuesday, Dec 22, 1931. Bible Study Class, 10:30 a. m. Auspices Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary. Talmud Torah Meeting, 8 p.m. Board Room.

Coming Events Monday, Dec 28, 1931. Meeting. Council of Jewish Women, 2:30 p. m., Board Meeting, 1:30 p. m. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1932. Peace Group, 10:30 p. m. Auspices Council of Jewish Women. Meeting. Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, 2:30 p. xn. Board Meeting, 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1932. Lecture: Oliver Baldwin, M. P., "Europe and the Future of Nations," 8 p. m. Auspices Omaha Community Forum.

MISS AAGH IS ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. H. Aach of Lincoln announce the betrothal of their daughter, Helen, to William Feller, son of Mrs. William Feiler of Omaha. No date has been set for the •wedding. Miss Aach was graduated in 1927 from the University of Nebraska. where she was a member of the Mortar Board, senior women's honorary organization, and of the A. W. S. board. She was a charter member of the Tassels.. Following her graduation, from the university, she entered Simmons • college in Boston, Mass., graduating from there in 1928. Mr. Feiler is connected with the Nebraska Clothing' company in Omaha, in which, city the couple will reside following their marriage.

"Sunday Night Is Center Night"

1-4 teaspoon salt. feld, Florence Kilinsky, Helen Stein- and James Burroughs, of Omaha, S eggs. berg, Euth Greenberg and Eegina and Fred P. Sherman of Sioux City, Melt butter, add green pepper and chapter delegates, are members of Heller. the Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigraa I cook one minute. Add flour, salt Alpha KB, vrho Trill attend the s.n-\ snd milk. Stir in cheese cruras, Sig-iss Alpha Mn irasi nations! convention of the fra- i bread crumbs, baking* powder, beater Sigma Omicron chapter of g 1 Alpha- MB celebrated its joint lo- ternity at New Orleans, December ! yolks and whites beaten stiff. Bake 29, SO end SI. They are leaving on} i cal ana national Founders' day banquet at the Cornliusker hotel, Sun- the 20th for a brief tour of the! moderate oven. day evening1, December IS. Harry j south, visiting various southern chap-! B. Cohen and Herbert Neveleff, ters before the convention begins. prominent alumni from Omaha, is i sooice, and Fred P. Sherman of Sioux ts Beta Tat City, president of the chapter, was Members of Zeta Beta Tau held j I toastmaster cf the affair. Louis their monthly dinner at the Black- j | Goldstone and Sidney Epstein pre- stone hotel Wednesday evening1. De-|| '""Il-^r, \Zr ^J1*! \ \ -'-,"-, sented "Rpll Call," which was a re- cember S. Herman Friedman of | | .TC i F ^ T " H A I T J A V ^ Sfk* sume cf the activities of the found- Council Bluffs made the dinner jf i , r , >r, If, F ^ c!> e r ' f ers of the chapter. A feature cf the banquet was a humorous publication edited by Louis Goldstone. Mas Glszer headed the committee on arrangements. Al Batt and Carl Sokolof, alumni from Omaha, atBy tended. Mrs. Bcrid Fil. Enjoy more leisure by having us do y our The pledg-e group of Sigma Alpha ns- for vou. entertained at their annual Cheese and Grwa Pepper Scuffle j B 3 tablespoons butter. !2 pledge party at the chapter house S tablespoons flour. j sj Saturday night, December 12. Pec1 cup milk. i J* orations were in the fraternity col1 teaspoon baking ponder. j «• ors, purple and white, and featured -Of 4, 1 cup soft bread crumbs. j j* a large replica of the pledge pin. 1 cap yellow cheese (chopped). - £« Entertainment was furnished by the U 4 tablespoons green pepper (chop- j tf Royal Sereuaders. Chaperoses vrere Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill of Lincoln ana ped). Mr. Marino, instructor at the university. Refreshments were served. The pledges entertained the actives HOME FROM SCHOOL Alfred snd Allan Fiedler snd Har•with a Chanukah party Sunday eveV Miss Mildred Lipsey, daughter of Pollack were among the Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, "who ning, December 13. Gifts were ex- old alumni present. is a student at the University of changed . rff^A Illinois, vrill arrive home WednesHarry S. Cohen, 'alumni delegate. Ruth Fox, Ruth Bernstein, Beraice day to spend the holidays jirith her parents. She will bring- with her Rosernan, and Ruth Reuben were in< X i as her house guest, ' Miss Ruth vited to a tea given by the Motar We Specialize in , , ^ , >• \ Frank of Florida, who is also a stu- Boards on Sunday afternoon, DecemRESIDENCE INTERIORS dent at Illinois. Both are Sigma ber" 14, to honor the sophomore and junior women of high scholarship Delta Tau sorority pledges. standing. Opposite Psistisg and Decorating SOCIAL NOTES A bowling team has been organPhones At. 4744—Js, 7S55 Mrs. Abe Cohen left Wednesday to spend a week with her father ized which consists of Miriam HirschHGUTS—9 and friends in Cheyenne, Wyo. From there she will go to Denver to visit with her sister, Mrs. F. B. Madison.

'HI BETA EPSILON FORMAL PH Beta Epsilon fraternity of Creighton university will hold its anMAX FROMKINS HOSTS nual winter formal dance Saturday, M E and Mrs. Max Fromkin en- December 19. The affair will be held tertained at - dinner at home last in the Seville room of the Knights cf Tuesday evening, honoring Mr. and Columbus. Mrs. Joseph Littan. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weinstein, PSI MU DANCE Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, Mr. Sponsors for the weekly Psi Mu and Mrs. Sam Saltzman, Mr. and dance this Sunday afternoon at the Mrs. Harold Brandt, and Dr. s Victor Community Center are Mesdames E. Levine. Moscovitz snd J. Abrahamson. Mrs. Fromkin, chairman of the Hadassah Cultural group, had Mrs. YOUNG JUDEA Littau as her guest at the regular The second 'group of the Young: monthly meeting of-the.-group Mon- Judea Club, sponsored by Miss Elsie day noon at the Blackstone hotel. Siseman, has been organized with the On Thursday Mrs. Max Fromkin 'oilowing officers: Dina Hixnelbloom, had as her guest, Mrs. Theodore N. president; Rose Kirschbaum, secreLewis of Sioux City, la., who was tary; Eva Kuzait, treasurer. guest speaker on the annual Hadassah "Nite" program Thursday evening1 sponsored by the Omaha chapter Junior Hadassah,. of which Mrs. Sigma Delta Tau Fromkin has been the sponsor for Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta Tsni the past 11 years. of the University of Nebraska initiated Helen Steinberg of Council WILL VISIT PARENTS : Mr. and Mrs. • Elmer Greeriberg Bluffs on December 12.. Out-ofwho reside in Crawford, Neb., will town alumnae present were: Mildred arrive Wednesday to spend the holi- Meyerson, Council Bluffs; Laura day vacation with their parents, Berei, Omaha; Lucille Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsey and Mr. Ornifia, and Esther Swislowsky, Coland Mrs. Sam Greenberg. Mrs. El- umbus. A formal banquet was held mer Greenberg was formerly Miss Sunday at the chapter house in honor of the new initiate. Lillian Lipsey.

Kitchen Chats

Campus Notes


Max Shrier's Sons


An educational program for the Jewish people of Omaha every Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder spent Free to active and senior memSunday in Lincoln, Neb. bers of the Jewish Community Center. RABBI GOLDSTEIN SPEAKS Sunday, Dec 27, 1931. BEFORE ALTRUSAS Lecture: Professor MordecaiM. Rabbi David A. Goldstein was Kaplan, 8 p. m. guest speaker for the Altrusa club ; Sunday, Jan. 3, 1932. at the dinner meeting on Thursday ; "The Guardsmen," a play by : evening at the Conant hotel. His " Molnai, Center Players'Guild, subject was "World Affairs Today.' 8 p. m. MISS KAPLAN BETROTHED Sunday, Jan. 10, 1932. At a prettily appointed. luncheon MA-DEL SORORITY Lecture: Rabbi Albert Minda. given at the FonteneUe hotel on The Ma-Del sorority, which has xEeform Judaism. 8 p. m. Saturday, the engagement of Miss been newly organized, will )az\e its - Sunday, Jan. 17, 1932. Gertrude Kaplan, daughter of ' Mr. next meeting on Sunday, Dec. 20, a t Lecture: Rabbi David Aronson, and Mrs. Jake Kaplan, to Sam the Jewish Community Center. The Conservative Judaism. 8 p.m. Zweibach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max sorority will meet every other week Sunday, Jan. 24, 1932. Zweibach, was announced. The wedinstead of every week as planned. Lecture: Professor Moses Jung, ding will take place next summer. On the program, Rose Kaplan wiB Orthodox Judaism, 8 p. m. The announcement was a surprise sing several songs and Mildred Berg Sunday, Jan. 31, 1932. to the 14 guests who were prewill "tap dance. Monica. Yaffe will Illustrated Lecture: "The Txail sented with miniature "Diamond" accompany the girls on the piano. of the Wandering Jew," by lings as iavors. The table was Marvin Lowenthal, 8 p. m. beautifully arranged with sweet peas, roses and pink and white tapers. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. SECOND ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yaffe enterJake Kaplan entertained for the young couple at a dinner at their tained 50 guests- at their Home, home for the immediate families. 2441 Pinkney street, Tuesday evening, Dec 8, in honor of their There -were 6*5 guests. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and FOR YOUR Mrs. Abe Kaplan of Avoca, la., Mr. Mrs. Maurice1 Giller, who were celebrating their second wedding anniand Mrs. Harry Kaplan, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ruback of Denison, versary. la., Mr. and Mrs. L Chenitz of AtThere were four tables of bridge lanta, la., and Mrs. Mariem Bada- for the younger set. Prizes were mes of New York city. won by Miss Esther Werner and Will Bloom. GITNICK-BROWN ENGAGEMENT BAR BHTZYAH DINNER 16th and Howard Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gitnick anOver 100 guests attended the Bar nounce the engagement of their Mitzvah dinner given by Mr. and daughter, Ann, to Harry B. Brown, Mrs. A. Zusman Sunday, Dec. 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown. Formal announcement of the" betrothal was made Sunday at a luncheon given in their honor at the Brown home. Saturday evening1, Dec. 19, Mr. and Mrs. Gitnick will HIGHEST QUALITY BURNER OILS be hosts to 50 guests honoring their daughter and Tier finance. ..AT'LOWEST PRICES FOE CASH

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MISS GLTJCKMAN HONORED Mrs. Hymie Milder entertained 63 guests at luncheon and bridge in the palm room of the Pontenelle hotel on Wednesday, Dec 9, to honor Miss Aaita Gluckman of Council Bluffs, whose engagement to Jack Marerof this city was : recently announced.


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t 1s

' WHERE TORNADO PROVED FATAL—A tornado strildng Texarkana, Tes., left death and destruction in its "wake. Many buildings were demolished, causing the death of several persons, and fatally injuring • Others. Above photo shows house of Mr, and Mrs. Perry which was carried 50 feet from its foundation and crushed against a tree. A second tornado followed in the same region. w<.

< ^ *.-



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\l A POSSIBLE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE SPEAKS AT COLLEGE—Newton D. Baker, Cleveland lawyer and war-time secretary of war, mentioned for the Democratic nomination for president, speaking before the intercollegiate World Court conference at Oberlin college, Oberlin, O., declared "a new world war is likely at any moment." Left to right, at the college, are Miss Hope Keachie Thompson, noted lawyer of Philadelphia, Dr. Ernest Hatch Wilkins, president of Oberlin college, and Baker.

NAUGHTY BLIMP—Sight-seeing passengers riding a blimp above the municipal solarium of St. Petersburg, Fla.j have been called "peeping Toms" by these pretty son bathers who believed they were screened from human eyes. They have lodged a protest against the blimp's activities and are using clothing until the ship can be made to "behave."

HEBE'S A SEAL BRIDGE TOURNEY—Enthusiasm over the world pp bridge play between Sidney Lens and Ely Culbertson at New York has penetrated even into the Hebrew Homa for the Aged at New York where these enthusiasts, all more thss 80, tepisy each of the hands ss it is reported. They are, left to risht, BecMe Solomon, 81; Fannte Aaronson, 83} Joseph Foshtet, a kibitzer, 89j Szzoh Goldbsr& 93, aad Beajoicin GlklnnaB, 90. '

CANINE CHRISTMAS— With "Shep," a famous trick dog in the role of Santa Claus, the dogs on the farm of Rennie Renfro, at Van Nuys, CaL, enjoy a truly canine Christmas. Renfro is a noted dog trainer and gives this annual Christmas party.





T E N D S DESERT FLANT Keeping the 'Vatsr barrel" cac- \", tus plants, thct nsrk the h-'gh- f ways, in a f ourfshir.g condition is the Job of Jliss I.Ielba Bennett, cf Palm Sprlrs?, CcI. It's r.cccsrr-rjfcr her ta make the rc-or-ds en horseback in crdsr t? look rafter fill cf the novel r&rl-orr, ^>sc Me typical cf the zc,T?ovz\£ir de;crt.

__™^^__.____ "IT'lGIRh BACS HOIIE-^CIara rTrr h tlcP-c m'th her h : ; r ^ : T,zx EcS. hmn In _ teccntly w w w



method of a non-Jew, and Laster'swho know how good he can play. He >r Einsidr nf to i case has its vice versa for there "eels i t would be wrong to play with irrirnci'tati are many non-Jews who follow the a stranger, as i t would be for Jack \\t •j shorter hours of wort. Says EinDempsey to challenge some ordinary j stein: "The wnrkinc week in. all the today, while business, as a whole, ~.enz system. (By John Davis.) (Continued from Page 4.) I individual branches must be shortmay be in the slump, while, the .rail- Bruce Barton, the advertising man rank and file man to a pugilistic Card playing has gotten up in theroads claim they can scares; \ a r n the and: author of "The Man That No- bout. saw- Sirs. Sam and Mrs. Al along I eneu by law, go that v>nornploymer4 i will be abolished systematically, w o r l d . .. '•• „ • . - . _ . .:.••.• interest on their capital, while allbody' "Knows,": ;a popular imaginative Lenz studied magic in India, along with their husbands. 1 and in fixing- roinivnurri wares, care . It -wasn't so many years ago, that about you good hearted women- are biography, "of the founder of. Chris- •with bridge. He claims the game of And so one day, Sara and Al corwas among those at. the pre- '•ridge is originally of Hindu origin, the bnyir.jr one had jnst the faintest resemblance collecting money to relieve the unem-; tianity, Jake and asked him. "Of liminaries to the initial game of the ttributing ;t to the British soldiers! I power of workers P.ds to | course, we don't mean, to pet pcrto a guilty look after- a game of ployed,; while • Hoover is worrying, Lenz-Culbertsori'contest. And in" these stationed in India. The game ap-: | sonal, Jake, and maybe we shouldn't cards. . . - ; v • . ' •'. • . : ^ - j and hunger marchers wend, their way ! jprelimiiiaries f Lenz • displayed a fewpears t o . have a common parentage. i ^=1- *h<* !,,,4- T^TV i s i t , that This week, a group of-four, Sidney to "Washington—in one business there 1 of his majjieal tricks—for Lenz, who 'with, chess. I should say that by is no depression. In the bridge busiLenz, Oswald. Jacoby, Ely Culbertson whose wives couid be m. Z^ej •by.'-the' .way, was an intimate friend locks and technique i t is • a first but! John Vs*c:;]c-y, r,-~t r.uthor of a. and Mrs. Culbertson played \ theness, and I am not talking of the of the great Houdini, is also an adept Candle lighting time, Fridaj r , Dec. Follies never take them alonjr.week! Schwr.rtr, np.rt ?cc? cousin. of. chess. Consider the deck you, whose wife looks like new producgame. And to see that game • there land of bridges that _people sometimes at magic.. stage hit. i.~ effcrin with, its king, and queen and its whole 18, 4:15 ? . in. c herj tion—"Steel." cf rainy days—always tc came great editors, great financiers, j u m p ' 6 f f . " * " ; — • :-:• '--- - •;-•_, . Services Tonight other things, took, an system of . nominology which, duplialong with vou? great sportsmen. Moving picture men tie .Was? is ejijrnped In writOnlytjrecently: there met a t one oface "of,among cates in great measure the game of Rabbi Goldstein frill speak os spades, and hocus ppcus, right "Ill tell you," said Jake, "she's I ine a throe-volume history of PsI•were there to snap the group for thethe hotels of New York something "The Eevrards of Misfortune." ' so homely, I hate to kiss her good-1 iPtiiif froTT. the destmcT-ior, of Jerunews reels and press associations had like five hundred teachers, who came in front; 'of everyone's eyes, it waschess.. * . Aimaal Coag-reg-jitioaal Diaasr ., I n looks Lens appears very much a ten of clubs instead. Whereupon bye." i salem to the current era, taken the precaution to install spe- for a course in Advanced'Bridge. As Members and friends are again ; cial wires, that the news of the game a. profession, it has been estimated Mr.' ^Barton jumped up and turning the 'courtly gentleman. He is tall W A Y S OUT _ j.Tudre Irvine Lehman, who is beto make reservations for the of locks which said: "You have with that grayrsess r play by play might be rushed to that the income of the average bridge to Mr. Culbertson 1 x.jr. bnrcuei; nf>w, is p, great collec7 annual dinner to be gh en Sunday Ily friend, Gilbert Seldes, runs a j ;eems t o confer dignity. And he is sympathy. ' thqnsands of papers. tor of Jewish artj'ciep—odd mezuteacher probably tops that of anymyBarton evening, Dec. 27. Professor Mordecolumn in the Hearst papers, rery much the gentleman i n ' his dewas, of course, more or ike. The fight is nominally for §6,000, other profession* And it has drawn less facetiously referring to the pos-meanor. His eyes are q-aizzical, -very cai II. Kaplan -will be the speaker he has been talking on this depres- | sas. shofsrs which the winning team gets. Actual- to,its.ranks, men who a decade ago, sibility of Lenz, by sleight of Tiand much resembling the oculars of Bern- of the evening. His address prom- sioji proble; n. In one issue, he an- Herbert Lehman, the lieutenant ises to be ^the great event of the receipt of a letter from overnor of Kew I ork is a groat ly, of course, this money does notone can only imagine as looking methods,- dealing himself any cards "d Baruch. year. Omaha Jews will have the enter into the-game at alii.; Therather contemptuously at cards. he may need. •-. However, actually, man in Brooklyn, whose name ao fancier and urizs winner in kkenWhile Lenz is -Jewish, he is not Lasker. Tor there is no possibility for an. out- parti ralarly active in Jewish affairs. opportunity of listening to the most seems Jewish, who - v , o:fers a rather rie' events. money will be given to charity. A Think of Dr. Edward ; stimulating and one of the. most TThj- doesn't someone do a biogsum like §6,000 doesn't meari much years Lasker . was the 'chess cham- tsider does all the card shuffling. startling soration of the deDressior.. One of .his favorite theories is that j'n~>hir c-f t h " Pi:rr:!;~r5—Np.fhPn, Osto either Lenz or Culbertson. .Sidney pion of the world.. < • Today he r is a • However, Lenz once told me of anprejudice and opposition to the Jewcourageous Jewish thinkers i n This s-ag'gests America. car and Isidore—after the fashion Lenz, the leading Jewish, member of leading bridge'^player.-; Not infre- instance in which he did. use hishas helped the Jew. and ten million others corn: would i of Jararp Trus'ow Adsms bu tVl--t Next Week j dele. O-^aJSm-jlir the players, has-often .turned-down quently he writes for bridge publica- sleight of hand methods. I t was in The opposition, he declares, has the AdEms«=? tions. It must "ite a relief for some a game aboard ship. Lenz sat down had the natural reaction which might a way cat. Inasmuch, as ] On Friday evening, Dec 25, Eabj seeir offers of $l,,0b0. for. a single^ lesson un-]] Father of X . E, "Werner. illi in-bridge. \ , : ^ " ; ' ; : : . : : : of these chess players to finally land to play with a couple of strangers, be expected of any opposition or dis-bi Goldstein will preach on "Do Chil- there are about seven million So what is §6,000 dfor^la'yihg 150 in a game; in-which, one. plays not who, he. soon "saw,* were not above crimination—it makes him want to dren Owe Their Parents Anything?" employed, the solution would seem- j LV vriter, was regrnvd^d RS one oi' only for the; joy of playing; but In balance jobs with employes, j 3w York's poultry 1-cir.jrs. rubbers! ; • : " ' .-, - - .''• i - - " • . - " • " • ' • • ' • • resorting, to any kind of crooked succeed more, than ever. And as aceded one of the foremost players in ingly For various reasons, Mr. Seldes, j TTT T-TV, n i F?i'7 & T VKTli No, the fight is a question:of the which the bread and .butter worries playing. In fact, Lenz' quick eye sawresult of this himdicap, he believes, j America. He is noted for his however, objects to the solution. And j merits of the Lenz system vs. theare eliminated;. Laskey by the way,them substituting some phony cards. the Jew more frequently climhs to "psychic" playing, which simply you can't blame him. But it seem? | Have you heard the latest one Culbertson system. And whoever wins is an adept of the -Culbertsbn method. "Well, Lenz could be even quicker. the top. about Cohen. Well, anyway, to will probably add several Irandred So you see there is:no racial or re-"When the game was over one of the Culbertson- admits the genius of means that Jacoby emphasizes the to me that Mr. Seldes has even s jmake a short story lonrcv, it seems? psychological factors. His credo, he ligious line, in bridge. Here you have better reason that the one he gives, j !'-, thousand dollars to his bank roll as hat one day Cohen went to the crooks, who had lost, turned to XenzLenz, and he believes that if he suc;he-Tesult of the added prestige. For a, leading Jewish player using the and paid: "Say, either I am sea-ceeds in testing Lenz in the tourna- once stated as follows: " I believe, And that is, that the solution j 1MOTS io have z. suit made. that a knowledge of your opponent is j wouldn't work, sick or you are a bigger crook than ment it will prove the superiority of quite as important as a knowledge •' p o r plnmbir.g a little deeper, 1 "Hew mu he for .t £uit 1 am." his system. For if Lenz can't win of one's own hand. I make it a I obvious that these superfluous i asked. jpi Lenz-is a splendid type. So con-with his system, says Culbertson, no point to observe my opponent's every is matter how • little j ten millions, no "One hundred dol scienti.ius^that he will not play for one can. move.7: they may consul le, do consume in! replied the teii money, snyone except those intimates Culbertson has the dark fiery eyes Jacoby prefers to call himself a the aggregate.' quite a bit. Cohen ft'^-ied to He r o which are so often found among mathematical player instead of atheir consumption were cut Jews, but this is Culbertson's herit- "psychic player." -And his pedigree] is~plain "that we would have still him first, down o ^125, tlien to P10 5. The tailor a-rres age of his Russian ancestry. He isaffords_ sound basis for this predic-j more overproduction. • j "With eveiy permanent irare ire .ire In other crd finally to •V •j {Tiring free a Shelton Senlp Treata remarkable man—a deep student tion. His uncle was professor of words, suicide would only be aiding: ESi; g ment. rermnnent Waves at friend. Sam, As l i e went out—i. of economics and philosophy, as well astronomy at Columbia and Jacoby the depression. H $2.00 and $4.00 who ;.i couie F.loKjr. with him. as of bridge, and one might reverse himself was virtually raised on j , . Eslced: "V'h.y (liii you braxT.!?; PO Culbertson's statement about Lenz J mathematics. He first became i c - EINSTEIN AND MAZURS 2$ Marcel. F i n p e r "Wave. JXanieure. ZS Electric Facial. Eyelirow Arch and You know yov. are not jroand say that if Lenz wins, it will But there are other Jews with soquainted with the game of bridge at. S Henna- liinse be a tribute to the official system lutions. Mr. Paul Mazure, the ] inp to vr.y. anyway." the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity j at 33c each "which Lenz sponsors. house, where he played in tourna- writer, who is associated with the i "Sure.'" replied Cohen, "that's H Oswald Jacoby, Lenz's second,, is ments with Yale, Harvard and Lehman Brothers, banters, thinks i why I barpEinecl. I didn't want that the jrovemment should j him to lope so much.'also Jewish. TVhile, of course, not Princeton. so renowned as his chief, he is con- He is 28 years old and follows the gurate a great home building pro- j Ko man can lose wl;at he never had. nOet Supervision of profession of actuary. He is the only grain. Spend three billions or 3. STAtMASTERfitBEBEU Jlr. Paul ilorffan the construction of new homes, i V\"alton. one of the four players who has noton O. T. DOEKB, P. M. KLFTZX1CK S 837 So. 24th St.- Jackson 7084 « • G50 Omaha National Bank Elds. commercialized his ability. Occasionally he writes for bridge magazines. KOTICE OF IXCOKrOKATIO.V OF ">*EBHASKA-IO«A TKICK TERMINAL" He is fond of many outdoor sports,, Notice is hereby given tlint the under- including water polo and termis. He signed have formed a -corporation under ike laws of tic State of >*fiiraska. The is a bachelor and lives in one of the 1 name ot this corporation shall be **'Xe- most beautiful homes of Greenwich FOR RENT braska-Iowa Truck Terminal." %vith its Select New iron Gnu principal place of business at Omniia. Xe- Village. ' . * I Beautiful Bedroom and Kitchen.? brast.i. The general nuture of the busiQf to be transacted and tlie object and | Both Excellently Furnished " ness purpose for -which this corporation is or| ganized and established shall be to oirn, Jews In Pales-



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lease, conduct and operate motor transport terminals; ID-equip and maintain by purchase, construction;,. lease or othenvise, buildings and eqitipiri , to be used as and for truck terminals: Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Provision-, own, operate and conduct truck lines '' ? l li g ilr.fl al census totals officially announced; shipping of freight; i , purchiise :ind " equip trucks--and otbpr mtii ;-jTfMcles "for use on by_.the.-..Palestine .government reveal motor, transport freii _ . to contract that there are 175,000 Jews residing tvith other persons juid ceBipanies tor the use of terminal facilities: and to do nil in Palestine, 759,952 Moslems, 90,607 things which may be necessary and/or Christians and 9,539 members . of proper to curry out. the objects and purposes bereinabove set forth. The author- other groups. ized capital stocte shnli be 510.000.00 and The latter gxcraps, the Jewish Tele-, all of Eaid stock shall be common and of the par value of 510.00 per share, and all jrraphic Agency is informed, is com-J of said stock shall be fully paid -up endprised of the following: 8,000 Druses'.} non-assessable. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filinjr and about 1,000 agnostics, among: of its articles with the County Clerk ©1 whom are approximately 600 proDouglas County. Xebr.iKka, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said fessed Jewish agnostics. ! date. The ilfrheEt amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital C X.33VXN*. Attorncjstock, but this resrrici.ior. shall not. apply SOI Electric Biag.. City.

tine, Official Census

to indebtedness fwiin'd

liens upon any of the corporate property. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two members. The annual meetinc of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in January c.£ each year. Jit which meetinc the stockholders shnir-elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board shall elect" a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and. a , Sy a o of said aidoffices fices may r- two Treasurer, be held by one and Tliese d the h same person.Tl articles may be amended at any regular <ir- special meeting cf the stockholders by

a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stork. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hnre hereunto.subscribed their names this 15th Hay of December. 1031. C H A K I . E S VC. OOLE.


• « ;


knorrs iliczz crciu

All persons interested in said ostp.te are hereby notified that a petition has been

that a he.trins will be h.iA on said pennon before KRicl ronrt'oa-tlie 2n-3 fifty of J"ar.nnry, 3032. juid that-if ther fail "to appear .at said Court on the -nd fijiv of JnnuarT" iO32, nt 0 o'cloct-A.- M. t o crn!te:?r -sa.t petitiOH. the Court may jrr.nnt the snrne and grant itSini&istTntion of said cstr.'e to .TcrohTn Kulnkofsfej" or pome other svi* •r.ble. person and proceed t o

iii Ms.r •and Torlce




lD-l,S-Sl-4t. [ 12-11-31-:

County Judge.

:!ec§ne;-Shdf3£ 5C.

!7iA'::andjttarney.Sis.;:- -,, 2314 .We'sping"\Yater ; ;:Vails? :, Hooper J- Hoi& Bend Arlingtoi).'-..? CesLar Bluff* LouisviSia . AsMarid.

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or Acsns

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,st^i ,-.<:, ,r;J(T' [-:.^*.. , ."-'.-.*t--_ ( ' I j u j f e i&^'ss.e"^


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" Student News


MISS-ANNA PILL. Curresvondent

this evening on the subject,. "A berg were hostessesuto:the Phi.Bpsi4.will meet nest Tuesday afternoon at Golden Heart," Gn , dealingg with the an- Ion"Tau:sorority~\yWdn&suay evening!! the--'Jewish Community Center. niversary of Baron de Hirsh,-noted ( Miss Roseaaette'-. Barrent. . was m-\ _ H i d philanthropist. • • . - • ! itiated into., the c l u b . . . . . . . \ " | . Miss Sonia _ Rich has roomed : : Four- new- members have b e e n j • . —\ ' i noi.;a, after visiting with friends in added to the roster of the congrega-j The -Iota-• T s a : sorority met Tues-j Minneapolis. tion during the month. They a r e day evening at the home of Kiss DeMr. end Mrs. Jake Corarshon of Si Krncger, Sam Greenstone, Mas borah Silver. Bridg-e was followed Chicago are quests at *he A,.L, GalSclvwidelson and Abe Sadoff. This by refreshments. insky home. brings the total number of new members since September 1 -to -48. • ••;. ' •' Mrs". ' Win; ' Lasers • is' recuperating Kiss Bertha l>imsda?c of.. New... Refreshments served ; a t the Cha-in,her. home, after, a recent .illness. ,. York'City-has arrived in the" city to nukah.entertainment of the Religious .' • ' . The Senior Hadassah organization visit with, her parents. school were the gift of Mr. Ben

A . large number of Sioux City students, who have sj>ent the fall term at various colleges and universities, will .return to the city this. week and next, to spend the winter vacation with parents and friends. Burnell Koolish, who is a representative student of Minnesota .University, will .spend several days in the city during the winter vacation. "The balance of the holiday will be spent in New Orleans, whree he Feinberg of Jefferson, S. p. Sirs. will. represent the Minnesota . chap- Ben Sherman and Mrs. Ben Shindler ter of the S. A. M. fraternity, at .were in charge of the arrangements. their' annual National convention. Plans will be completed this week Bert Mazor will arrive in the city for. the Students Welcome Service, Sunday morning from Wisconsin at the. Synagogue, next Friday eveUniversity, where he has been' en- ning. Rabbi. Albert Gordon of Minrolled the past year. neapolis will be the guest speaker. " Louis Dirasdale, Alfred Albert, Li- A reception, during which a. number onel London, Ida Edelm-- iTreda of the students will speak, •will folRosmofsky, Helen Levit,.: . **-'tc Ska- low the service. lovsky, Martin and Sol Kronick, all of the University of Iowa, will arrive home in the course of the week to visit their families. Dave Levitt, a student at the St. Miss Eva Maron, 619 Center street."; John Academy will arrive home Sat- entertained at a bridge tea: Sundayurday. afternoon, honoring Mrs. Harry E. , Frank Epstein, a student in the Stone, of Los Angeles, who is a guest I School of Dentistry at Creighton at the home of her parents, Mr. and' University, in Omaha, will arrive in Mrs. M. Fish. . . •I the city Tuesday. Nebraska University students, who , Mr., .and Mrs. G. E. Jacobson and ! will spend the" winter vacation in daughter, Marylin, of Chicago, arc, the city are Gerald Cohen, Fred making an'extended visit at thehon:r Sherman, and Morris Gordon. of the . former's - parents, Mr. ar.d Charlotte Roseristock will -arrive Mrs. J. Jacobson. from Wellesly, and Doris Rosensotck will arrive from Brownell Hal! in Miss Rose Finsod was hostess reOmaha, to be with their parents cently at a Hadassah benefit bridge during the vaeatoiri season. party. Bridge, played at four tables, Louis Klass and Dave, -Yyigodsky was followed by a dainty luncheon. will arrive home from the University of Michigan. _- . . Misses ' Rogie and •„ Margaret-. KozMiss Dena Baron, a student of the University of Ohio, at Columbus, .will visit with her parents during the week. . ,

Society -News

During the coining week you will be visited by a representative of the Jewish Press, Nathan Gilinsky, who will call on ycu for your 1932 subscription. We feel that the Jewish Press fills a vital need in the Sioux City Jewish home as well as in the Jewish home in Omaha, and we therefore requested the rabbis of til e Shaare Zion Synagogue and the Mount Sinai temple to write their candid opinion of the Jewish Press. Following are their replies:

Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, Mount Sinai Congregation: The Jewish Press is one of the best edited Jewish weeklies, published in the English language. Its special articles are informing; its news columns are complete, and its spirit, aggressively Jewish. „ ••-•. / unqualifiedly endorse it. It merits the support of the entire Jeimsh community. ,




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Shaare Zion Eabbi H. E. Eabinowitz will speak



\ —*

Rabbi H R . Rabinowitz, Shaare Zion Congregation: There are two essential requirements that an intelligent reader expects from a weekly, namely, an impartial and unbiased report of the more important and lasting news items of the week* secondly, a sensible interpretation of the major events, which is done through the editorials and weekly columns. Judged by these requirements I find the Oinaha Jewish Press one ofiheiridispeiisableand entertaining weeMies^ in this section of buYcvwitriJ^ 1 wish to commend it most heartily for the fine Jewish spirit it infuses in its readers. Its tone is.vigorous andindicative of good health;its features entertaining and instructive.

v*- J-..~ \ r , y

It fulfills the necessary functions of a weekly in an excellent mann e r . : ]

8 0 c

'•••'•• '••• '


. ' • ••••' •', ' :



. . • . • • : • ••"'. •:

/ find it very helpful for its rich social items, asOmaha must be:co?isideredas a bigger sister to Sioux City. The Sioux^ City corYespondejttmti&be thanked for her guarding the privileges and rightsofifie ijbunger sister: I always look eagerly forward to its arrival, as I enjoy readingits various departments which put me in close touch with all Jewish events that transpire internationally, nationally andlocal :


dore Mirowitz. A message from the National Headquarters will be read by Morris Borshevsky. An added feature of the afternoon's entertainment will be a group Mrs. Barney Baron was elected of songs by the A. 2. A. quartette, Mr. Morey Lipshutz was elected President of the Ladies' Auxiliary composed of Jack Resnik, Leonard president of the local B'nai Brith of ;Shaare Zion Synagogue at their Baumstein, Martin Kosberg and Chapter Tuseday evening at their annual election, held Tuesday after- Morris Borshevsky. Miss Lillian' annual election. The meeting was noon in the Synagogue social hall- Magaziner will play the piano accom-; Mrs. David J. Baker and Mrs. Elipaniments. held in the social hall of Mount Sinai Temple.' Mr. Lipshutz; who Romihow: were elected vice presisucceeds E. N. Grueskin in the presi- dents; Mrs; Joe Krigsten, corresdja cy, is active in a number of ponding secretary; Mrs. Dave Gins- Flans for Fattier, channels of the Jewish community. berg, treasurer, and Mrs. John C. Son Banquet Begun Ho1 is president of the Kadima club Levin, recording secretary. Mrs. oi Sbaare Zion Synagogue, a mem- Baron succeeds Mrs. Philip SherMr. A. J. Galinsky and Mrs, Louis ber of the Board of Directors of man, who has served in the capacity Agranoff, joint chairmen of the Anthe Federation of Jewish SocialServ- of president for the past two years. nual Father and Son banquet, which ice, and has been active in the re- The following members of the will be sponsored by Mount Sinai auxiliary were elected to the Board Temple, December 28, have ancent Allied Jewish campaign. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky was elected of Directors of the Auxiliary: Mrs. nounced that. Mr. Edward Corbett vice president of the chapter; Frank M. Dizon, Mrs. Max Herzoff, Mrs. Sioux City attorney, will be the prinMargolin, corresponding secretary; A. Slutsky,, Mrs. R. Kutcher, Mrs. cipal speaker of the evening. Milton Bolstein, recording secretary; M. A.- Herzoff, Mrs. B. Shindler, Members of the congregation will M. Skalovsky, treasurer; J.-Kanof- Mrs.- Milton Mushkin, Mrs, Morey speak in: behalf of the fathers and sky, guardian; I. E. Kaplan, war- Lipshutz,- Mrs. H. Levin, Mrs. John several; of the" sons will respond. A den; E. N. Grueskin, Monitor, and Lansberg, Mrs'. S. I. Skalovsky, Mrs. musical -program will also be inHeeger. M. Seff, M. Satin, and M. Bergen I. H. Levin and Mrs. Lester The installation meeting1 of the cluded. trustees. The banquet will be held in the Auxiliary officers will be held Jan. annex of the Temple. 19, following a luncheon. The officers .were elected for a period of two years. Students Sleeted to-''-.

. Sunday Evening

s F t r r c T Lit ?.'•*-"•




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Honor Society

The first annual dance, sponsored Of. a-group of thirty-five high by members of the Junior Hadassah school students, who were elected to. chapter, 'will be held ijrt the ballroom the School Honor Society. Three of the .Hotel Martin Sunday evening, December 20. Lee Herzoff and Sioux City chapter of the Aleph Jewish students were included. They his orchestra will furnish the, music Zadik Aleph will celebrate the sixth jare.-Ma'ry Edelman, Abe Singer and •' • for dancing, while bridge on th'e Mez-annual A. Z, A. Day, Sunday af- Herman Wigodsky. Other active. members of the sozanine floor "will occupy the evening ternoon, with a program in the social for those v/ho do not care to dance. hall of the Shaare Zion Synagogue. ciety are Sulamith Bereskin, Naom Miss Sibyl Merlin and Miss.Helen The- program, /which .will begin at 3 Sacks and Loyal Kier. Friedman are co-chairmen of the af- o'clock, will feature an address by fair, v/hich promises to ba widely at- Sir. Julius Bisno', of Omaha.' Mr. tended, according to the reports of Bisno is the assistant executive the? ticket commitieos. : . .V secretary of the National A. Z. A. ' ; "A Universal Eeligion" will b the subject of Eabbi Lewis sermon Patrons and patronesses for the organization. evening will be Mr. and Mrs. A. M. 1, Mr. E. .E.. Boron, local attorney at £lount Sinai Templo this evening. Plans ZTO being, ccspleted for th I5avi3,*Kabbi and Mrs. H. -&. Kabino- •will also address members of the witz, Rabbi and' Urs. Theodore N. organization. B:*bbi H. E. Kabino- Student Service vhich f7ill fc2 hel Lev/is, Mr. and Mr"*. B. ?*- Gruaskin, Tritz vrfll giva tho invocation. Re- the first Friday in January- Dr. O'Brian "of Z-lorningside Col llr, and '1' Moreyy Lipshutz, and marks will be made by Marvin Klass 1l b chairman of the .afternoon, and 2saJ Li r.Ir.-:md J. Levin.

<„?, - . • V . •- •

Phone AT, 642?

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