Interests., of the •Jewish Pebvle 1
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SecoHil-Vlnss Mali iJjitJe? o nJ a n u a r y
2T, U C 1 , a t -
sf office at Omaha. Nebrwia, uncle? eta Act c£ L'areii o i s i D
" " i^
VOL IX-—No, 41
n. Government Is Not Anti-Semitic"
Chicago. — (J. T. -A.)—The. Uexi. Jerusalem.—(J. T.-A.)—There will •can Consul in-Ciicago, Safael Aveno change in the freight or "paslarya,- -disassociated the1 llejxican enger railway "rates' in Palestine degovernment from anti-Semitism in a pite the depredation in the value statement- xaads to the Jewish Telejf the pound sterling, a declaration Eeonomic Boycott Inaugurated in the current "Official Gazette" Open Warfare •Against the'Jews graphic-' Agency.-i - - •• • -' ' '• •.The ."-anti-Semitic tendencies of the t a t e s . ••'..' •'• .'. , • . ' - . - •-.-.'••.' • . •• Hiraitened'by; ' . ' • " • . By 2,000 Warsaw paper, "La Patria," are not the views Similarly the same rates and fares •"".. A r a b s " Stores of the government, the Consul saldj or freight- and-.--passengers - from J; - T. A.)—With no pointing out -that "La Patria" is not ; -Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Chief of Syria will continue to be. charged on . Jerusalem.—i. : tha official cr;-a:i the. taiif -in. Syrian, piasters without ; cf the War TlinPolice of the iVilna <listriet, Yiszara, regard to. variation in. the rate of enthusiasm and; with Sh&wkat Ali, T the Indian 'Moslem'-leader,, declining istry, C5 ii a s r u i decpztch allegedly had been dismissed as ' . • .-•--election as a member o£ l i e Execu- from Ilejxico T a penalty: for: permitting the; Vilna exchange. tive, the Moslem Congress concluded police! to participate in the anti-Jewr its sessions naming an executive of ]J ish outbreaks, has-been promoted to twenty-five members with the Grand iead' the police • department in the Mufti as President. Posen district, it is reported..... . The Grand Mufti': of Jerusalem, Simultaneously "with this announceAmin el Husseini, succeeded in. perment came the report that a Jewish petuating himself as'.the.director of -™orl:er, DvrorMn, "was -sentenced - by the Islamic Congress movement when tha Vilna court to eighteen months the. Moslem Congress after much deimprisonment on the alleged charge bate adopted' a resolution declaring of having! beaten a soldier -and a future Congresses must be .com- Valuable 'MEnuscripts Presented Christian "'ivoaian, neither of whom Disruptive Tendencies of Revis- that Thousands ©f people, Jews and number. Never did he turn anyone to Jewish Theological prised of the present parti cipants, ionist Action Greatly appeared in court and :whose names with the addition of such members Gentiles, throughout-the country, are away who asked his assistance." Activities Suspended Deplored even are unknown. " as the Executive may decide to inmourning the death of Harry H. On account of the death cf Boycott. Indeed, there was & constant stream T. A.)—The Eevision- vite. This resolution- was vigorously •' New York.—(J.;T. A.)—Through a Harry Lspidcs, the Jewish ContLapidus, beloved humanitarian and Warsaw.—Two thousand Christian istLondon.—(J. opposed by the Shawkat Ali. gift by Mrs. .-'Nathan J. Miller, the of from all walks of life waftParty was officially warned by sssiEity Center has suspended philanthropist, who was assassinated ingjjeople stores in Warsaw carry prominent the "World Zionist Executive that its Library of ths -^Jeipsh Theological in his office to'ask a boon of him. .Attack Jews.- " ' • all activities until Monday, Dec signs, "Poland for the Poles," as "disruptive tendencies" as indicated by unknown assailants Tuesday at No man was too humble for Harry Seminary of Aiherica has come into ' 25. . Warfare against the Jews if thepossession part of the boycott agitation of theby the resolutions adopted at Calais, of threa valuable manumidnight. Lapidus; no task was beneath his digThe Center was closes! all dsyZionist efforts continue in Palestine scripts of works by Moses Maimonianti-Semitic "Rozwoj" orgaization, it •will not be tolerated. One of the largest crowds to ever nity, no detail too small for liira to Thursday. Activities were BSSwas openly threatened at a session is revealed in* the" *'Gazeta Warza- The, Eevisionists at a special condes, the greatest Jewish thinker and pesded Wednesday, Thursday, attend any -funeral in Omaha paid overlook. •wska," organ of the National Demo- ference in Calais, about two months of the Moslem Congress. scholar of tha Middle Ages, Profesand today, and will. fee suspended Great Britain" was severely atNational Offices. their last tribute to a revered leader cratic party. back, granted, its members the privil- tacked as • the' Mandatory responsible sor Alexander Marx has announced. Saturday and Sunday. After being very instrumental in One of the msmuscripts contains the Thursday afternoon at the .funeral Another, Attack. . ege of deciding for themselves -wheth- for Zionist activity :in Palestine and The J. C. C. Sunday School Arabic-"original-of the third'part of services er they wished to be members of the •will likewise suspend its regaa protest was addressed' to the Scores of Jewsvwere injured- in lar program this Sunday, but I rrranity .Cer Poznan when a mob composed of sev- World' Zionist Organization and to League of Nations sharply condemn will liald Memorial. services for | first president and which he helped J nr,d served in that capacity for three ing the establishment of the Jewish eral hundred students .attacked Jews pay the Shekel. much influence on the' teachings of Harry Lspidus on Sunday snorn- I establish and maintain. This was j terms. -He was vice president oC proceeding to. a concert given by the Disclaiming any intention of sup-National Home. •••--•••- " ' as Al- ' ing at 10 a. ia. ' . '. ' The -findings of the Wailing Wall such' outstanding'• scholastics Jewish actor^ Jacob Weislitz, the first pressing opposite views within the orever h<eld froin the j the N fvtioii M i Hospital lor Thomas' Aquinas. .The Tsliati'd Torah .will act re2 • T> V•es public Jewish gathering held since ganization, the Zionist Executive Commission - appointed' by the League bertus-Magnus'and Z)£I3 VQT *XY\d The' first two parts of the same authr , t *- . •5" —was •warns the Revisionists, however, that of Nations were rejected- by the deleccnvena trtil Monday. Center. the anti-Semitic disturbances of Jas' ».v_ * or's corrnrevtary ^n the Ilisbnah in ; ' * — it will combat .with every means at its n Fjt=.,\c:"fc gates on the ground that the Hosiers Arabic are ts a " ~zc extent sti'l nnT h e anr.nal ccrprcsE.Uor.E.1 month, the -Warsaw, press reports. C Co * t "•C * ' f t » t / disposal invasion and anarchy. accept neither the Mandate nor tfca NerrTpatbreaks. Possible. ' _ crnrter cf ths Ccr.ccrvrtlre tyvzcc - _ cry. The o " The - statement further makes it authority of the body appointed by c ,• — New outbreaks; against the Jews •clear that--"the-Zionist E-ecutJra re: may occur atL"-any-rmonieatfij--vit .i serves .the Tight to vcr^te propo-r-b to 2 x.--e fata cZ a •crt"" "c-*- - •--"- 7---t s2 en -1c?diio stated in an interpellation.- submitted the Actions Committee to pro;3cl the rection" by Ilaimcnidcs in which tr-c In .tM:Sejm :by:;tlis\C3Tib' of -Jewish unity and integrity of the Zionist Orauthor replies to the el-irga cf heresy i . A campaign against the Jews in Deputies, urging the government t ganization against all attacks." of the Conservative fcynagogas. bin- j jj e r oj? which all Moslem countries are to co-raised against him. This interesting executive committee of take measures to prevent their re treatise' was known only through, a "The Unity. of the Zionist Organiplicity marked the services cf the ^ n e j e w Social Service commisoperate was mapped out by the Concurrence. py zation," the statement continues, "is gress in resolutions; adopted. A boy- Hebrew, translation, and the recovery sion; on the board of the Nations! raan whose greatness never changed Jewish Numerous; Claiisns. • ;. based • upon national solidarity with cott against all Jewish goods .manu- of tbe original text is of great significff his life. Form School; committee ths si ^piicity cance. ". The copies' of the three works l i hi lif Warsaw.—A formal motion, f qivth the Jewish people and the external factured; in; Palestine will be anHe is survived by his widow; a | chairman of the Jewish theological establishment of a numerous'clausus world, built up: by more than thirty nounced; in • all--Moslem countries. Si-of the Cairo sage" were written in daughter, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster; two J seS j^ nar 5es of Chicago and Newin Polish I Universities in order t years of - work. Persistent --effort multaneously,-a widespread propagan- Southern Arabia in the fifteenth .and sons, Lester, and Earl. Earl, a stc-j York; on the executive committee of • give Christian students a percentagi must therefore be made to protect it da will be- conducted against* Zionism sixteenth centuries. • dent at the U. S. Naval Academy j the United Palestine Appeal; and on in accordance with. their-number a, against disruptive tendencies." which is declared'to be a catastrophe at Annapolis, p , rushed- to Omaha by ^ g €£e cutive committee of the Naestablished by the census now in profor Palestine. tional Jewish War Campaign.. plane in time for the' funeral. gress -was.introduced in the Sejm by Dickstein Named The • conference ; also decided : to Outlay for Jewish-' Scores of friends from out of tovm . Active Locally the National Democrats. form a $5,000,000 corporation, shares .' Relief Marked by Asserts Pcsiticn cf Jews- Most were here for the funeral. Ke was also a. past piresident of Chairman House in which are to; be purchased by Says Poland Garden of Eden. Honor Gcard • Acute; Reveals Boy-'• the Jewish Welfare Federation, Moslems.. throughout the world, for Warsaw.—Poland is a- Garden of Immigration The body of Lapidus lay in state j treasurer of the supreme advisory . cott . constructive efforts in Palestine, in Eden to the Jews compared with in the rotunda from 10 a. ra. "to j co-uxicll of the A. Z. A.; a former New York. —(J. T. A.) — Relief America, states the anti-Semitic Washington—(J. T. A.)—Congress- an endeavor to counteract the ac-funds disbursed by thirty Jewish Berlin—(J. T. A.)—-The first open noon Thursday. • A guard of honor i member of the executive committee tivities of the Jews. "Gazeta • Warszawslia," i n v i t i n g man Samuel Dickstein of New York agencies in the first nine months of appeal to German Je-Rry to unite acted daring the period as follows: of the E'nai B'rith District No. 6; -American Jews to confine their in- has been elected chairman of the th.3 dangers g with-which Frora 10 to 10:30," Leo Eosenthal, a past president o£ the local B'nai 1931 show an increase of 41.5 per cent to counteract th terest to American anti-Semitism House' Immigration Committee. h growth th Ike Simrnart., William L. Eolzrnan, B'rith lodge; a- director of the City they are threatened by- the over the expenditure, in 1930, accordrather, than to. Polish affairs. This is the first time on record that ing to figures compiled by the bureau cf "the , Hitler movement has bees Earrv A Wolf, Isadore Abranison, Talmud Torah; active in Sionist The paper quotes articles from a Jew has been named to this importof Jewish Social Research and. made issued by the.,CentralVereincf Ger- and-Abe Goldstein; from 10:SO to worlc; in the Chamber of Commerce, Acerican sources pointing to anti- ant post, as-well as-the first time in man Citizens of the Jewish Faith-, 11, J . H. Knlaliofsky, David Blacker, the "Ad-Sell, the Athletic club, the public here. \ Sfiisitism in the United States. ' recent years that an avowed liberal The number of Jewish families re- representative, body of German L F. Goodman, Harry Trostin, Abe Highland Conntrj club, the Omaha Herzberg, club,, andserved as officer on the question of. immigration has g and Morris Milder;__frotnj _ _ Hebrew j ceiving aid has increased 42.8 per cent Jewry. Phili Sh j headed the Committee. The appeal declares that the po11 to 11:30, Dr. Philip Sher, ilarrj j i n e T c r y i_.._,.._ Nathan Weinstein, -eminent -Yid- since the corresponding period ia arg Jewish organization Mr; Dickstein, who was born in dish character actor, has returned to 1930. sition of German Jewry. i s . most M h h k E b b i D i d A G l d t i J j h Mahishock, Eabbi David A. \iOiGsteiii, I j the ciiy. He was also prominent Russia in 1885 entered the House of Oniaha -with a large company of Yid^ " Of the relief funds expended by .cute," and >"Mle calling for- peace, Henry Monsky, A. V. Shotvell. and! n synngogual activities. jid ' expressing their confidence ia Ales Bernstein of Chicago;. *rorn 1 Representatives in 1923, and has been dish players for a lengthy stay. In national philanthropic work seventeen Jewish Agencies in as and' for 11:80 to 12, Eobert Smith, Sara Beber, i a leading figure in the fight in the The first offering by the Wein- many cities 46.5 per cent weretoad- the present ' government-, " "as was without an. eciual ir, this Committee for a humanization of the stein players will be "The Golden minister aid to Jewish families suf- concerted- action on the part of Ger- Earry Silverman, Jack W. Karer, C. I sector of the country, an assoimmigration laws. Prior to the open- Bride," to be presented .on Friday fering due to unemployment. The man Jewry. ; elate of such men as Felix Warburg', A. Sorenson and Charles Betts. "The increasing political acuteof the present session of the Con- evening, January 1, New Year's sum of $586,282 was spent'by these Nathan Straus and Julius Jlosenwald. Pallbearers. Ss>>ms Friedel in Charge of ing ness of the last weeks," states the gress, Mr. Dickstein declared it to be night, a t the Brandeis theater. "The agencies for unemployment relief. ' I Lapidus was also active in local, Active pallbearers were William L. c£te & placing and Collecting 3?^d his intention to continue the fight for Jolden Bride" is reputed to be one The proportion of relief expendi- appeal, "and the spirit of enmity and >er, Henrj- Monslcy, | sstate ™ nntional ^ntaonai politics. politics. Only Only last last Boxes a liberalization of the immigration of the best plays ever produced oa a tures for unemployment to total re- and brutality which is coming mere Holsman, Sara Bebe: obert Smiih, David I ^ptemDer he had an audience with + and more to the foreground neces- Harry A. Wolf Robe: legislation. •<;o-" hal and Dr. A.' -d'esidcnt iloovcr on the, economic Yiddish stage. It is in four acts and lief expenditures ranged from 7.1 per sitates the concentration cf all our j slacker, Leo, ^oser i situation of iho xrest. In addition to Congressman Dickcent to 71.5 per cent, while the ratio powers to try to avoid this evil Greeaberg. The Jewish National Fund Council was written by William SiegeL P^^JP!, will in the future handle all J. N. P. stein, a number of new members who There will also be. ten ..musical of unemployment cases to the total trhich is Epproa'ching German Jewliiv pallbearers were W. F. Honorary paiiBe; "K ^s .* boxes itself, it was decided at a meet- have been added or substituted on the numbers and dances, together •with relief load varied from 3.8 per cent to lieiiaci lor.g; been a inernbcT of Baxt£r,__Abe Goldstein, C. A. SorcnCommittee are believed to be more t ing of the group Monday evening. other specialties. Included in the68,4 per cent. | the Republican state central cornmit"A Boycott is being propagated} sen,, J. i±. Kulakofsky, Senator "" Collections will be, made twice a-year, friendly to liberalized immigration. . cast is the "wonder little-girl-of-the against the Jews in both th- towns HoweU, Harry B'alsshock, W. Dale j tee and tha Dovsjrlas countv central during the weeks of-Passover and Yiddish stage," IS-year-old Diana and . the villages," the appeal re- Clark, Morris B. Jacobs, Judge Cnss. j committee, besides being a member ir, Succoth, with none authorized to col- Jewisli Immigration Weinstein, who made a- tremendous Ab e Kersberg, Chief Justice j of the Ec}n;bljer,n state executive veals. "In the' press and at pubeizmann lect unless he has credentials; signed hit with local audiences in-her rf t V Xcbrcs^a ra-j cc—i'ttc :atherings endtem-snt to vio'-_ JiC g by the Council and the presidents vious appearances hem •.'•-To is openly preached. ' of the various Zionist organizations Mr. Weinstein expects to give one 'The Bosheim. document reveals c -• Zionist Presidency eace cin the city. . Ottawa.—(J. T. A.)—A total of Yiddish play a week in Omaha. "We mentality -which pauses s.% no vicl-j Jtlorris Friedel was named chair- 19,390 persons entered Canada dur- are trying to stimulate Yiddish cul- •London.—(J. T. T.)'—Dr. Chaim €BC£," the statement "XI <- f CO C man for the handling of the boxes. ing the months April to October, in- ture with these plays," he stated, Weizmaim, fomer President of thsCentral "Verein has for years points ; At present there are three hundred clusive, which covers the season of 'giving satisfactory shows, pleasisg World Zionist Organisation and theoat the danger but the short-sight" 1 Jewish National. Fund. Boxes out- active, immigration, according1 to a and entertaining.. In the past we Jewish Agency for Palestine, has have tried to shift th IV Cc-t standing, but he and_ his committee statement issued by the minister of have demonstrated our ability, and consented to stand for the presidency able truth £—ay. Hillions JiiUians ot v a.- ELope to place a box in every Jewish immigration and colonization. This in the future we -will corst-imss t i e of the English Zionist Federation, st rsans are fighting- with us ags lr-1 -~^s. 1 Iiome. represents a decrease of 75 per cent •same high quality acting and produc- the aiHFoal convention on Jan. 10 10. the encitenasnt and violence, as th" 1 The various Zionist organizations in comparison with the correspondin; tions." ' M. Elder, the present incuaabent, Unholiness of esr days,*5 the state- > •will aid in the placing and collection period in 1930. • i is resigning Ms post ia favor of Dr. aent ccnclades. of the boxes, with the money colThe Jewish immigration this year Converts Must Join • Weizrasna. The .latter is sow honlected by the members of each organ- dropped-to'a" very low level, 117 Jews cf orary president' .of fes organisation ' - JU I T ization credited to that organization. entering Canada during the period Jewisli Students Union to which he was elected," prior to Jewisii January to July; 38 , during the the' World -Zionist Congress to. SH months July, August and September Vienna.—<J. T. A.)—The Minister tha vacastw created by the deatli of suider, - reeeivsd ths - Gxosk ore ' I r ^ " IX and only. 7 during the month of of Education,'.Emmerich Csermsli, -in Lord Mdcbstt. . .' . ' Thssnix" third class, i>y SKthc-risr,- , l ^~ a pubEc speeeb. inade it clear .feat tlon of ths President of the Gre~l; j tT "^ lace October.; Jewish converts to the Christiaii faith 'repuhlio. . „_ : : W O S L D ' .^r..^ must . identify ihemsslves witli . fije London.—(J: • T. A.)—The Jewish Axiother Jewisli Mayor in----; **" \ Jewish student union when the law race ha? a great faculty of produc O n t a r i o . - . , . • ' ••• kippsa fross Haifa ing men of great ability, Sir Olive Cornwall, Ont. — Aaron.-Horowitz. establishing ths German National SemQTe «B!erefiiit~ef Venice"' Sanchsster, N. H.—Following the Lodge, noted British scientist, statec local.- manufact'.rer and commons' character of the student unions is Haifa.—Grange sliisping- oa a Ia action of irisny cities- throughout the scale recently.' worker,'- was -reelected -.Mayor p. passed. „.£• * » ™ - r-Aa exception is to be made csly coantxy 'in- elhsinatSag from thdr. "The Jews," he said, "eviace grea Cornwall -for a third term. • f En public school • corriculsm the .study j big He is thesecond Jewish!'Mayorin for such converts as are the offsensitiveness to music and the arts of Shakespeare's play 1!Ths Mercbast| - THirt isErriages whoss .a and presumably 'in other directions the .'Province of,-.Ontario,-David Kro' spring of inised -cestors.. have:. been German' bred for of .Venice," this • city lias added its [.shipped, to SeanilnGrian cz' exemplifying for instance in the ess holding the office: of : firstMrsagis ; ';o the increasiiig list. ., | cases, to Csstral Europe-. trate in- Windsor. generations. " '' if Spinoza." L.1
""" ^
- — •
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931 among Jews and among other people, Solicitor General in the Socialist gov-1 to unite the workers in the struggle erriment, who died last week. From against their oppressors. A. S. Lieb- among-us, also,- came Emanuel SL:nerman, whois immortal-as the. found- wsll, the" Minister of' Mines -in the er of Jewish Socialism, was at. the present •'•government, arid the young head of the group.' A public meet- men; who today control -the' Whiteing was held in August, 1876. A chapel and-Stepney-municipalities. " 1,211 .Visas. Granted -copies were published of a In Reminiscences ' • 14,838 A&oited by wards the end.'of 1889 and the be- thousand Socialist- manifesto, • and the result; . I well recall planning .Msy day Quota Law ginning, of', 1881, the "Doctor," as was the formation: of•' a Jewish tail- pageants -with " Walter. Crane . (what Hyndman constantly preferred to him, ors' trade union. The official lead- wondefcl script he -wroteI) cam(J. T. A,)—-A total might often have been seen marching g ers, of Anglo-Jewry, headed by the; paigning* with. Jack- .Williams,, and of 1,211' visas eagerly .up and down his study while to the United States, upon- the other side of the table stood Chief Rabbi of the time, Dr. Alder, inarching with ..Victor Gray-son (whom representing an tinder issue of 92 per pace for pace. John were alarmed and started an of- Mr. Elton does" .not mention—the cent, were granted ir« the month of y i d ju alir.ost p fensive against the Jewish Socialist first man returned to "Parliament or, September to aliens both entitled to l H l Helen TayT Stuart:, lulls'. daughter, immigrants. There were by that time! lor* • Joseph1 Cowen (not the Zionist 300 members in the organisation. The^ a purely. .Socialist platform—a shoot-j preference end not entitled to preferleader',' but :a non-Jew of that name, number of -Jewish immigrants in ing star that, biased.across the sky! ence, it was officially disclosed by the state department. who was; a radical member of parlia- London was growing rapidly. When and as suddenly -disappeared). Basing Its figures on reports reToday, wften 1 am settling down ment), Dr. G, B. Clark, and a num- Wintchewski, the veteran Jewish Sober of 'others "came to the first sseet- cialist poet, arrived in Londin In to those .conservative tendencies Dis- ceived from American consular ofraeli saw as characteristic' "of Jews ficers assigned to 21 countries, the ing at .which.the Social Democratic „ „ before Hyndman had (though, I hope, retaining all my old state department reveals that these Federation 'was founded. Before} eco• ' ea year many: yearshad passed a lad of 18, i J e ™ , % So,cia,Iift' _ h e . y o t e _that sympathies-for the suffering and op- countries which are entitled to a total fresh from a Scottish cottage, whose ^ ^ d found the Jewish workers pressed -— doubtful only whether of 14,S3S visas monthly, representing namewa S Jaines Hamsay McDonald, » \ r L o n d o a .t a completely _ wage-slaves, Marx, -whose teaching's iiave created 10 per cent of their annual quota of had joined the new organization. ^ ^ *% i l f s> «*»«* makers, the Workers' Paradise of Soviet Eus- 148,381, failed to receive 13,627 visas The book teems with stories of the j ^terproof coat makers, and tobacco sia, can help) Mr. Elton's book of the quota due them. reat iartist-noet. Morris, of of works*. The Jewish Socialists were thrills me with the memory of wild The sharp cut in visa grants is atgreat, artist-poet, William William Morris, Georg^TBernard Shaw, of Edward the fiercest antagonists of the sweat- inarches, the defiant singing of revo- tributed to a rigid enforcement of the Carpenter, resigning his orders and ing system, that was at the. time the krtionary , songs, and the glow of restrictions requested by President ing the grave of their master. immigrant Jewish popu- comradeship in a. cause in which we; Hoover. his Cambridge Fellowship, of Henry curse of the : •'••',"••-.•• Their Spirits Met By JOSEPH LEFTWICH Salt, throwing up his post at Eton, lation. : Of the. 1,211 visas granted for one had •E.Tkshc.'k faith. I do not suppose that in the 35 England's most aristocratic college, : These. fearly -aiteznpfcs to establish Yet even snore fascinating is the month, 779 went to aliens entitled to years, that raarx lived in London, Havelock Ellis, of Laurence Hous- a Jewish Socialist movement-in Lon- glimpse it affords of the meeting of preference £.nd 432 to aliens not enDid they ever meet, these two, the voice was silent for everi While during a good many of -which Dis- of don in the seventies were successof Cunninghame Graham, of Disraeli and . the spirit of Mars, titled to preference. Apostle of Revolution, and the Saint Marx, the grandson of Rabbi < Marx Taeli was at the height of Ms -power, man, ful only for a time. By 1879 the •srlieri Walter Crane, of other gifted men, Hyndman "in his intensely Equally large cats have been made Levi of Treves, had no time -in the of 'Imperialism, both living in the the two ever met. Yet their spirit and artists and thinkers, who group had broken up and there were British, frock-coat" tried to convert in the number of visas granted in same. London, both of Jewish blood, midst of his anti-capitalist thunder- met, it seems, and the "meeting is poets only a few individuals left who still <f in those early days flung themselves both baptized by their fathers while ings to raise his voice against the graphically described in a fascinat- into carried on propaganda work. But in to Socialism the aged Jewish states- other countries whose annual quotas the people's movement. man In the red gs.h&rdiner" s.r)S won are 5.MS znd Vihkh ere not restricted massacre of thousands of Jews, who, they were young, both counted by 1884; when the pogroms and the May ing book called "England Arise" by his interest, almost on t h e verge of to 10 per cent monthly. Only 37 visas the worfd still as Jews, both; though after all, were to him an anti-social, Mr. Godfrey Elton, which Jonathan Bernard Shaw Selling Laws had brought an immense num•were issued in August to such counsevered from Jewry yet concerned element. Eeligipn and race, he held, Cape have just published in London, "Justice" ber of Jewish refugees to London, the grave. tries. with Jewish .problems, Disraeli to were both wrong, and both, he a well told tale of the remarkable it was reorganized, and for a time We get a glimpse of Karl Marx's Kindness In us is the honey that bless and Marx to curse, Disraeli to preached, must be destroyed. To ways and the remarkable people by daughter, Eleanor Marx Aveling, London was the ceiiter of the world- blunts the sting of unkindness in anPaul, centuries before, there were laud the Jews for their faculty of Self-control is self-completion.—* wide Jewish Socialist movement. This married Dr. Aveling and met acquisition, their conservative tend- in his cause neither Greek nor Jew. which the great British Socialist and "who other.—Lsndor. Bul\rer-Lyston. state of affairs continued until the with tragedy, thanks to Aveling, a encies, Marx to denounce them as To Marx, now, in his cause, there Labor movement came to be. ever-growing movement of the immiIn the same year of the pogroms, scoundrel with dangerous personal grants to America transferred the hucksters whose god is money and was neither Jew nor Genitle, only bonds? Was there anything to link exploited and exploiters. Workers of in 1881, not many weeks before they charm." center ot New York, where it is still We see people walking in Fleet so strong that the largest Yiddish them, Disraeli, the aristocratic Se- the worlds unite, was cry. Jewish began, Marx's friend and disciple, phardi, the-idol of his queen -and-of emancipation, at bottom, he said, H; M. Hyndman, who was then 38, street or the Strand stop to stare daily newspaper, the "Forward," is English nobility, and: Marx, . the meant the-emancipation of the world, with prosperous business interests at a bearded -gentleman in top-hat, even now also the largest Socialist Tedesco, the battle cry of the "dis- its liberation .from the Jewish spirit, and of good family and social stand- frock-coat and good gloves, accom- daily in the world. possessed of the downtrodden of the which he identified with the spirit ing, who had been converted to So- panied" by a ruddy-cheeked personage of grasping commerclialism, the cialism the year before by reading looking like a sea captain and wear- Hostility to Immigrant world? Jews all over the world have been! mentality of tha trader and the gold- Marx's "Capital" on board a Cun- ing a soft shirt and blue serge suit, Socialists arder during a business expedition or another red-beared man, ail hawkrecalling these days that it was fifty bug. Right through the nineteenth cenAre Your Brakes adjusted even T Spinning his threads of world- to the United States, and became ing copies of a small news-sheet. tury and the whole of the first deyears ago that the savage wave_ of Does your car steer hard ? pogroms broke over Russia that revolution, Marx lixed on in London, the founder of the Socialist move- They were Hyndman, William Mor- cade of the twentieth, however, the Does your ear shimmy ? j ris, and Bernard Shaw selling the ment in England, giving his whole drove hundreds of thousands, of Jews at Haverstock Hill, for two mroe Jewish Socialists in London conDoes your car weave in the road? ' to - seek refuge in England and years, until he, too, was carried to life to it henceforth till his- death Socialist organ, "Justice." A grotes- tinued to carry on a feverish acDo your tires wear on the side ? .- • • America. Amid the protesst that his last resting place - in Highgate more than 30 years later, is shown quely attired young Irishman, who tivity, publishing1 Socialist looked like an insurance canvasser PLAY SAFE—DONT TAKE CHANCES went up in London at that; time, cemetery, almost within sight-of the making his way down Curzon street, papers, periodicals and pamphlets, neither the voice-of Disraeli nor the house where he had lived, and almost to be received by Disraeli, in the and displayed an unusually poor crop conducting big Socialist clubs, and INSPECTION FREE voice of Marx were heard- Eighty in sight, also of my own home, where hope of converting him to Socialism. of ginger whiskers and an unenvi- many -who had learned the language coat, is the description Work Tnticr Supervision! of Fociorr Trained Blew days before the first pogrom oc- I sit writing this, and sometimes Mr. Elton pictures the meeting in ablen Norfolk of the country, particularly the ETEE.T ^OB GUARANTEES* of . WE JiXOW OFR BCSI?«ESS curred Disraeli had died, and his encounter red-rosetted pilgrims seek- Disraeli's home of the Socialist] ^ Bernard Shaw in those younger people, threw themselves en,088 cf JJCTT' Brake and YTljeel Alignment Equipment; Etonian, Hyndman, in his intensely days. at Vocr ^Disposal thusiastically into the general SocialBritish frock-coat, and Disraeli in "We meet Sidney "Webb, now Lord ist and Labor movement. a long red gabardine, with his deep- Passfield, and Lady Passfield, then But from the start, some of the ly-linel yellow face, with the curl Beatrice Potter, has lately, as English. Socialists "made no attempt plastered down over the forehead, part of. the backwash, of the Pass- to conceal their hostility to the imand the protruding lower lip,, almost field White Paper, been assailed up migrant Jewish Socialist. The movedeathly in its masklike impassiveness. and down the Jewish press as an ment whose leadership was an InST. MARY'S AYE. -li One eye was closed and the other anti-Semite,. because a Jewish journ- ternational {as was its anthem) and only partially open. With a bizarre alist setting outijip look for anti- which replaced nations! banners .'by study of the the red • flag of world-wide brothersensation. of addressing himself to Semitism in h e r l l east, end of Lon- hood, had to them a definitely EngA Trial "Will Convince You some Eastern^ idol---so remote, so^pro- Jewish tailors in foundly impassive was that deeply- don, thonught he-?bad found what he lish character. • They shrunk from ROUGH DRY: •, • d an e^sy i task, since cosmopolitanism, and I can still regraven, countenance. Hyndman plungg , y p g , wanted, Everything washed spotlessly clean.. Flat call Victor Fisher resigning his seat CHAS. ed to the assault. Hepolicy reminded'to this type everything about on work beautifully ironed and folded. is anti-Semitic if it "said isn't platiDisraeli of his own social that Jews SIMON the Executive of the Social Demo r/~' / Wearing apparel dried, in fresh, filtered air. he had adumbrated as a young man, tudinous, sentimental hyperbole. I cratic Federation when Zelda Kahn! *"" // T Towels fluff dried. in his early novels. "Peace and com- have her study in: Booth's "Life and was elected a member, because he fort," he said, was what the people Labor in London" .and it would never could not sit together with a foreign v: l : :; v ' --;"~ <.v, A U • • " , 8 c p e r l f o . • •• - • wanted to hear about. "Peace and have occurred to me, reading it, to Jewess. As recently as 1925, Dr. KB CREAK ••' • .•';•-.• -'• S h i r t s h a n d f i n i s h e d 1 2 c e a c h . comfort" is not a bad phrase, Dis- dub her anti-Semitic. Should she Clark, who was one of the original you -•-... 10 Per Cent Discount on Thurs., Fri., Sat. raeli remarked thoughtfully, in slow, have praised in her study sweaters founders of the Social Democratic QZT Scvc-^ Ccrr?" deep tones. He opened both eyes and sweated because they happened Federation, with Marx and Hyndcompletely, and smiled. "What do to be Jews? Some of the Jewish man, went to the Summer School of CHAS. SIMON RECOMMENDS THE you mean by comfort?" he asked. trade union leaders had harder the Independent Labor Party in orServed irorr "Plenty to .eat, enough to drink, good things to say of "the Jewish sweat- der to repudiate the idea that So5 p. in. to ? ?. clothes, pleasant homes, thorough ed- ers, and still have. (This very week cialism had been founded by a Jew. ucation, and sufficient leisure for the Jewish Ladies' Tailors' Trade "Socialism did not originate with Union in London is carrying on a Marx," he said. "Marx had nothing J _ all," Hyndman replied. campaign "to, stop sweating in the to do -with the idea of starting the v Twilight East End," and there are quite a International Association. "Utopia made to order?" said number of strikes in progress in Workmen's The International was formed by Phone AT 2815 2815 Farnam Beaconsfield. "Why not say Social- consequence). Besides, whatever Lady Mazzini, was assisted by a few ist movement? That is what you Passfield may have said of Jewish friends," who including myself. Karl mean." He gazed a t Hyndman re- sweaters, it is not Jews, whom a Marx's "Capital" was "Buy the Best Coal original. flectively. Well, long ago, in an- page or two further on she describes The real credit belongsnot ; to Robert • It is Cheapest other life, Beaconsfield reflected, he as "the purely parasitic population Owen and William Thompson, from la the Long SUB" had been Disraeli—and, yes, there of. East London,"-Jand "the mongrel whose "work" Marx borrowed freely. was a possibility. He began to ply population surrounding the Jewish Even the world: "Socialism" was| his visitor -with questions. Exhaus- Community, sucked downwards by coined .by Owen. OUR SPECIAL And the Socialist; tively the strange couple canvassed currents of drink: or vice." While ideas 6f the Independent Labor party the Socialist scheme, as it existed on the same page she speaks of "the are derived -from. K«ir Hardie, who then in the brain of Hyndman, in- present condition of the East End was greatly influenced by Owen.5' spired by Marx." In the middle of Jewish tailors as mentally and physiit all", a. butler presented Lord Row- cally, progressive,"/ adding, that "if It was felt- inside the Whitechapel Sraokc!c?s—Lfr.g Lrst?r "^y I .if lie As*—A Honl Buy ton's compliments, but Beaconsfield they alone were-concerned no inquiry and Stepney Branch of the Social asked evea his most intimate political would be needed. Democratic ^Federation in my tine, henchman to wait. The discussion twenty ..odd , years , ago.... The r onThis was going on in the years Jfewish'• Members.,though the dist/ictj continued for another- hour. between 1881 and 1892 and 1893, at was 'largely._Jewish,' the ..HQII-JCV ish j Did Mr. Hyndman really think very time that we had the great part ,'of; .the ...^population furni. _:cd| Socialism .had any chance of sac- the of immigration of Jews from about half • the considerable brandi C ~ .cess? It is only possible through rush Eussia to England and via England membership did not liide their such a democracy as you speak of, to America. ir ^is- I I fjnd' it, therefore, like for Jews, "though for the most he went on, thus not ruling but suc- strange that there is not a word in part they got on well with . their cess altogether; But a warning- he Elton's book :of' .the"."immense Jewish comrades, and a good deal of H had to add,r.and who knew the rulers Mr. Socialist fervour which these Jew- intermarriage resulted. of England if not he? "You can ish immigrants from the lands of .UV, »«• r ]*•* & never carry it out with the Conserva- pogroms We took an active part in the and persecution brought tive party. That is quite certain. with them to the East End cf Lon- early, hopeless fights for Socialism, Your life would'become a burden to don, the ferment 61 Socialist agita- that Herbert Barrows fought at Hoxyou. The moment you tried to real- tion, the hive of Socialist industry, ton and John Scurr at Bethnal 2924 Leavenworth ilze it on our side you would find which they created, originally in the Green. Today. Hoxton is a Socialist ) JAckson 9408 yourself surrounded by a phalanx of Yiddish language, it is true. My stronghold, and. John .Scurr is Sogreat families who would thwart you friend, Dr. TchgrikQwer, has written cialist member for Stepney, and at every tarn." And, who: knows book on the beginnings of Bethnal Green till, the last election, with what -memories, -part, bitter, part athenotable Jewish -Socialist movement, in when Major Nathan, a strong Libdiverting, he added: "They and their which he makes it clear that the eral candidate, and a Jew, won it By A comparatively small mm set sside each women! . I do not say it to discour- Jewish Socialist movement, ha: a handful of votes, was represented age you," he finally said to Hynd- built up that important whidi A Flour kudWB for its marvelous baking qualities. by Walter Windsor, one of my nonyear for aa Equitable Life Annuity will Socialist man, "but you have taken upon your- party, the Bund, and has given Jewish comrades in the Whitecfaapel Tfee favorite where economy is watched. For Omar leadguarantee jmi a fixed- monthly Income of self,-^ heavy work indeed. It is a ers to the Russian Social Democrats Branch, who was also one cf those Floor babes more loaves p«r sack — and eliminates very difficult country to move, Mr. to in the Branch who married Jewish costly baking failures, the Bolsheviks, to the Austrian $100s §200, $300 or-ISCK! for life, beginning at Hyndman, a -very difficult country, Social Democrats, to the Polish So- girl comrades. We were the tubindeed, and one in which there is cial Democrats, thumpers of Mile End Waste and of and to other Socialany age after 50. • I£ yon prefer, the annuity more disappointment to be looked for ist bodies, originated in London, in Victoria Park. And one of us, Joe Fineberg, who is now in the foreign than success. But you intend to the East End of Ltedon, before the go on?" • may be purchased by a lump-sum psymenU British Socialist ' movement was commissariat in Moscow, was electUndoubtedly, Hyndman said, he in- founded. In May, 1876, five years ed, to the Executive of the Social Democratic Federation. Out "of'bur J tended to go- on. before Hyndman went to Lord Bea"Then I shall have the pleasure of consfield, six years before his So- number, too, came Rose Rosenberg, OFE f OC TIIF, "•CITES STATES seeing you again," Lord Beacons- sial Democratic JETedoratino held its who is Barssay MacDonald's • secrefield said. inaugural meeting,. ten - JeTrtsh iia- tary (she was also my contemporary But they did not meet again. Dis- .raigrants from Kassfa. iset-ia London at school), and Miss Tuganda, a raeli's long journey "VTas'. almost •and-formed a society;• the- first Jew- Jewish girl, who already at "that time was Secretary to -Borsar. Law, and over. It had been, indeed a difficult ish' Socialist party : i s Erglsnd. continued to be his secretary when country to move end he xrzs weary. he became Prime Minister, thus anIn a few vreeks Disraeli yrss dead. Jewfsii Socialist H 645 Otnaba ticipating Hose Rosenberg in her : AT 4367 • Byndraair tamed 'to ' Haverstock The purpose, it xrzs stated, tras to mucli-paragraphed role. Today she Hill T?here dwe!£ Karl Mars, as yet Socialist propaganda and t is Lady Melville, the widow of the unknown iajihe English public' _To- spread. Socialist 'ideas everywhere «{»K$5S9MGJ»&9SSSK3!Wtt^^
GOOD THINGS TO EAT Make up a Party and Climax a Perfect Evening at
11 i i
sf ~ Stay « ^ ^
v ^• On December 17 the Junior Hadas- opposition- to the lnw which, the I _„ sah held the "Hadassah Night" in govBrsiDEXit is GndssTorin^ to rush the auditorium of the Jewish Com- through before tha Christmas ras'ic, cr^d cf Hit **ZZLIZT£ i f U rl* r e ir*"^"1 rJ ?^ , '*~ T x^s to acquire •a munity Center. There was an attend- ce£3. Ths Socialists contend that ance of about 500 people. His3 Annette Bender was in charge of the ia order i s bssons a law ths 131 j T ^ , 2 «w requires the approval of a twoprogram "which was as follows: A -welcome address by Mrs. Morris thirds majority, inasmuch as itcsnr->- y<fvs. Siga.—{J. T. A.)—The Latvian stitutes • a change in the constitu- government acceding to the request of Everts r. c son-1. -. r- Ihc best CRIJ£. Franklin, president of the Junior : • • .-••••• • endars.—Beaconsfield. '.New Propssitioa to : Safeguard Hadassah; an introduction and -an- tion. the Jewish Deputy Dubin, annotmceS nouncement of the. program by Mss Gercoaa "Parity" Lalfelei Annette Bender "of Junior Hadassah; Insane''. . ,L a talk on Young Judea Work" by Lee Leipzig—(J. T. A;)—The cozn- Shames, of Junior .Hadassah, -who is •pulsory sterilization of ..the,, Jews in the sponsor of ..the . .Young- Judea order to bring •' about the racial club; greetings from Namoi Kovitz, "purification" of .'Germany will. be president of ..the. Young Judea Clah undertaken b y ' the Nationalist So- No. 1; a piano selection by :33velyn cialists -when they take over the Waldman of Young Judea Club No. reigns of government, it was an-l j a vocal selection by Euth Cooper nounced at the Congress of the Na-and Mildred LaytinV accompanied by tional Socialist Pharmacies' and Phy- liberty Cooper; a recitation by Beatrice Eisman of Young Judea Club sicians ' being held here. No. 1; a dance_by. Annette Forman, The Nazis will endeavor to estab- Sylvia Winer of Young Judea No. lish the dominance of the Nordic 1; a recitation by Dena Himelbloom Tace by "criteria of race hygiene of Young Judea No. 2; a piano and and eugenics" according to a reso- violin selection by Gertrude Orich luton adopted by. the Congress, To and Leonard Korney; "Entertaining achieve' this end,, intermarriage with Sister's Beaux," a short skit, by Lee Jews will be- forbidden and special Shames, Sylvia Botkovitz and Lillian race bureaus will be established for Miroff of Junior Hadassah; greetings the purpose of preventing mar- from Senior Hadassah by Mrs. M. riages which would •undermine race Levensen. The Peerless Cleaners are lodominance of the Nordics. Miscecated at 4420-22 North Twentieth genation will be forbidden by statute The feature speaker of the eveWrecked Cars Rebuilt We Solicit street; phone number, Kenwood Germany's population accordingto ning Ares introduced by Mrs. Max AUDITS Curtains and Upholstering: Your Business the Nazi plan is to be divided into Fromkin, who is the sponsor of the 1500. .SYSTEMS three groups, to the. lowest of which Junior Hadassah. Mrs. Theodore N. Doors Tightened to Fit The Peerless plant is sow five the Jews will be relegated and who Lewis spoke on "Glimpses of Old INCOME TAX Woodwork and Painting years old, its space having bees, are to be eliminated through en- World Jewry." The last number on Radiator Repairing forced sterilization. The first of the program was a Jockey Chorus doubled within the past five these groups are the ISTordics, toler- Dance by the following members of years. ance being extended to the next Junior Hadassah; Sylvia Rotkovitz, ; . - , « -r »-—. /- " **~ ' < - " * " Electrical Contractor group below as a sort of suffered Hazel Zavett, Sylvia Giventor, lillian They are dyers, cleaners, hatMiroff and Lee Shames. 603 Electric Bldg. helots. ters and tailors. Their building 16th and .Cuming Sts. 852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JAckson 1045 Reporting this resolution, the Gerr xi^ror .'L'.-1 is especially known for its beauJAcksoa 7640 JA. 4S11 man press labels the project, as Ladies Labor Lyceum tiful lighting effect. The payroll crazy and suggests that the initiaconsists of twenty-two, employing tors should be placed under mental ^" "{^r " c - r -^ - - - •-wi ' '"'l\ all of the latest and newest methobservation. \{ ods ia giving satisfying results Miss Margaret Fuller •will continue u u U her Mothers Course at the Labor to the customer. Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark, They deal in both wholesale and for the Ladies' Labor Lyceum club Bowl for Your this Tuesday evening at S p. m. The retail trade, featuring cpaick, efYou can now bay Health's Sake public is invited. ficient service, as a result c£ a EEO as low as After this next lecture, the course Photo which they boast of a long list of xaj.«aiii*lv. X i i i l Alleys Open will be conducted by Miss Fuller Lansing . satisfied ecstorasrs. They have . . Day and Night every other Tuesday instead of a fleet of trucks to serve the weekly. : city, offering' fast delivery. They I Eev. Frank G. Smith, pastor of also clean and renovate fcrs, and AK-SAR Pi Alpha Lambda the First Congregational church, will as a feature give sioth proof BABISH, Pres. BOWLING ALLEYS ' review "Nathan ihe Wise," by l,essbags. 2562 Farnain ing at the regular monthly meeting Two new members, Bess Platt and 16th and Harsey—4th Floor p07 SO. 12 Street and program of the Omaha section Bertha Sltrtsky, "were admitted to ELLIS and .LA HUE, Piopnetors JA. 1997 They have a separate departATkntic I1E2 of the National Council of Jewish membership of the Pi Alpha Lambda ment which does complete alteraWomen on Monday, December '28, at at a meeting held Sunday, December tion and repairing. There is slsc 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community 20, at the J. C. C. The girls have Center. .. . been preparing scrap books which a separate department for " Dr. Smith has given many im- they are presenting to children conn portant reviews in the last few fined to the hospitaL The Peerless Clessers state thst months. The Council expects a large most people have. E2 erroneous attendance at this review of one of Let Calabria make the combFlowers istpressioa coaceming dry cleanEac-ios SeiTlced the most important Jewish classics. ing of your children's hair a Ing. "More dry cleaning," they For All Oeeasloss All women who are interested are Elostrical Appliances. f. p l e a s u r e . . •• point out, "preserves the life of s. Fleer FcnteneliSe Hotel cordially invited to hear Dr. Smith.': .Artimr Ballfiies—203 So. ISUiThe Board meeting will be held gannest; clarification enables I Dosra Stairs ATknile 8S0C : the same day at 1:30 p. ro. ^Delegates clothes to get a thoroiigii elean^ - i . ^ ^ if for the National .Convention to be if" held in Detroit March 27 to April The Peerless Gleaners have sup- | 1, will be elected at the January Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The League . "The Sign..-of ported athletics at the Jewish | IPlorsl Display of Nations Secretariat has published meeting. -..I Barber—For Thosa Good Workmanship Goinraxrnitj Center for the past I Qin: Specialty in Yiddish and Hebrew the pamphlets The Omaha chapter is, entitled to "Who Are Particular few years, having saclied teams I three delegates and expects to be 100 issued by the Information Section on Offices Sranaeis Theatre Bldg 2-lih S1T«!E—KE. iGS Paxton BiU3ar3 Barber Shop in the various Isagus?. I per cent represented. Send. in any the various aspects of the League of OMAHA r Et T?ith Flowers'* 12th & Fsrnasa suggestions yon .might Jhave as soon Nation's work, such as Mandates, as possible to Mrs, . Moe Linsman Minorities, Permanent Court of Inor Mrs. Herbert Arnstein. . ternational Justice, Intellectual Cooperation, humanitarian activities, etc., published hitherto in English, French and German, the official lanKationsI Tire & Battery CLEANERS A regrjax meeting of. the Omaha guages of the League. Stop or Phoaa For Batteries Serdesd chapter pi Hadassah will be held The publication in Yiddish and HeDYERS "YOTXT Delicatessen +* Sold and Guaranteed Wednesday, December 30, at the Jew- brew, for the information of Jewish Alwsys en Ezmd ish Community Center at 2:30 p. TO. HATTERS• 17th end Capitol ATB.—AT Dr. Victor E. Levine, noted author- readers, follows on the request of the Faacy Groceries TAILCES ity on nutrition, will be the principal Polish Government, made to the last Fresh Kosher Smoked Meafe I i~z,~-Kz r* ;<• r ^ ; z\ sneaker; His subject will be "The Assembly of the League of Nations, which adopted a resolution" instruct" ' "i;Child." • • . ' • . - • • • • • " • A group of Jewish folk songs will ing the Secreariat to carry out this i o presented by": Mrs. Jacob Raznick, decision. Batteries us Low as $5.05. 4420-22 North £0 Service Anytime—We Nerez Close acaompanied by Miss Anne Euback. The "information pamphlets have EEswood 1500 Mrs. Jacob Pearlstien "Will give a re- been published at the same time also .; Super. Service Station ; port of the findings, of the Jewish in Polish and Ukrainian. 333 St. Committee. Tea will be served, by Mrs. Al Frank and her assistants. i
I- . .
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irf1 H i . hiViftLlWIITlUlflLfttflnMrir \ WlHiMMIIiftiaii
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InSiTlduaiSsea Beacty Eerric: s t
ixlrs. J. II. Ennan has received a n&te of thanks from the Daughters of Israel Aid Society of the Jewish Old People's Home, thanking her and the Entrfi-Nous dub for" their lib- Vienna—(J. T..A.)-^The Miniseral donation to the institution. The terial KJouncil -unanimously adopted letter states that they "could not have the draft of a law,which, would grant special rights to Aryan stugiven to a mors worthy cause." dents in Austrian -universities, despite the vigorous opposition expressed against the measure in the Parliamentary debate. The Thorpeian Cabaret party to The draft was declared to be unbe staged at the Home New Year's constitutional and aiming at the eve will bo an evening of unexcelled creation.* of a Jewish ghetto .within fun, entertainment and jollity, ac- the University., by the Socialist ;ording to the promise of the com- Deputy' Leuthner who led the oj> mittee in charge. position^ ' .!. A crystal room decorated in car- Deputy Leuthner. pointed out that joival style will be the scene o£ thefo? the last 160 years German and' jnerrymaking. Talented performers Austrian culture has been closely will assist in rounding tfat a well- interwoven with Jewish * contribupslanced program. A nationally- tions. The Jews have made the highpnown troupe of entertainers has est contribution which'- are inseparpesn secured for the affair. The able .from German "culture," he" said. Dixie Samblers will furnish the The Socialist; 'deputy. also, "emphasized that virtually one-half, of 'the nusie. " ' The party is "being limited to 100Viennese population is not" German, sad even: their names testify to their souples. racial mixture. He mentioned the non-Germanic name of Dr. ; EmJunior Hadassah meridi Czermach, the^ present Minister of Education.. Junior idadassab. is sow Tasking The government is introducing the plans for a laifee benefit bridge law because peace within, the uniparty., which will be given some time versity requires it, the. Minister of ia January. Hiss .. Bess Kirschen- Education replied to the opposition. baum will ba the chairman" of this He' urged Parliament .to pass the affair. bill, declaring- that its rejection For February the organisation is would— renew-the danger of.: disturb-' . .-'planning a huge Leap Year Depres- aace at t i e university. sion Party Bid affair of "hich iliss .Toe • Social-,: Democrats are, bowIda Fir.3 ia the cxiairxnaa. determined to continue their
Are Ks?>-3oEes l a
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Free Estimates at Your Horns On say Slip Cover Drspery or ; Curtain Work
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PAGE 5—THE. JEWISH PRESS.^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931 o£ t h e ' "Bzzk Commission of NewSIGNS OF THE TIMES the Jewish unemployed. It York, would be among those closest also directing its attention to Indeed, there Ere some signs the; to t h e president. • point t o a revivifying of t h e Jewish many Jewish employers who openly By journalistic life. Thus, t h e Current discriminate 'against Jewish labor. Mrs. Dsvid I I , Newman Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky The Jewish Public Kitchen recently SANTA IN NEW YORK Jewish Record, recently started (Sidand. daughter, Bayla Mae Grcdins'sy, x <«m trOxCL vii£2.x s m c s « ^ s En*.,-..p ney "WaHadi's new monthly- has hadorganized by the local labor organisap a phenomenal success i s t h e brief tions 33DW gives the unemployed two liavs moved into their sievr Iionss s t cf the sst in, so: "Ap?les Mspled Jewish syr»a681 North Fifty-eighth street. ess have found iitt unnecessary to t i n e i t has 138011 going. Much ex- meals daily and is being warmly supapples. ported by all sections of the com.iiploy "xsinysn" men. With •unem- ceeding t h e hopes cf its sponsors. 1 cup light brown sugar. SOCIAL NOTES And another sign cf t h e times is ployment rife, t h e idle naturally drift flour. LIrs. Lou Com of Waterloo, la., is 11-2 tablespoon to t h e synagogue to "daven" Esd the seeming: determination, after the -butter. visiting here at the home of Mr. and 11-4-tablespoon receivership proceedings a r e comtalk. • tesspoen cinnamon. His. "William Saiman. pleted, t o re-establish .the Jewish B u t times must be even, harder Cream butter a n d sugar. Add I than I suspected, if a story that Tribune, under different auspices. flour a n d . cinnamon.. Beniove core Ms, A p Tiiss Frances Schenberg of Chicago from apples and fill centers with t h e comes to ray ears is true. • , HE TALKED TO HIMSELF | Wanted: A s elderly, strictly is thsjiouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. mixture. Place .apples in a &eej> dish The central figure of t h e story is ) Did you hssr the one about a Mr. j GREENBERG-PLATT WEDDING orthodox Isdy. Favorable conToday a group, including Mr. and Platt?" •with t h e rest of t h e mixture and add Santa Claus. One of thoss store j Goldberg sprung a t the recent Zionist ] The marriage of Hiss Ida Platt, Mrs. Morris Jacobs and their guests, dltioriS. CrJi in person a t Santa Clauses, whose job i t is to 3-4 cup of warm water t o moisten daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Samuel will motor t o Lincoln, where they will Mr. and Mrs. H. Harris and son,the mixture around the apples. Bake t stand near a Christmas tree, and j convention? T.4E9 BecstHr St, j I t seems that Mr. Goldberg sufPlatte to Peter Greenberg of this city be t h e dinner guests of Joseph Nef- Joseph, spent Sunday in Lincoln, Neb. s ia a h o t oven taita apples a r e soft. ||nlisten ^ t o children, tell him what they j fered from a great weakness. He was son of Mr. and Mrs. William Green- sky, attending a musical following WEn >r Christmas. Keep adding water t o prevent burn- berg of New York city, was solemn- the dinner. Sam Greenberg, a student* at the ing. Serve cold with whipped cream. And this particular Santa cf whom ! always talking t o himself—and lie ized a t 6:30 o'clock Sunday evening didn't like it. I am writing looked t h e p a i Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzman "will be Illinois School of Chiropody, Chicago, •pera t t h e home of t h e bride. Rabbi H, H e went to a doctor, who gave him ! I is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tcaa . Fisli' Savory on Toast fection. His generous bulk, his ji Jovidinner hosts a t their new home on Grodinsky and L. Harris officiated. some sedative powders. Mr. GoldH. Greenberg, 5121 Davenport street. al face, his patriarchal beard, seeded Saturday night, .Dec 26. On Sunday 1 small can white tuna. Bedroom and Kitchen.' hut little artificial trimmings, t o ; berg took them. But they seemed to Miss I d a Bishop sang preceding night Mrs. Jacobs' brother, Manny He vill be here during the holidays. 1 pint cream. : visualise t h e Yuletide saint. ; produce no results as far as his, ail- \ 13 ota Furnished the ceremony, accompanied by Miss Iseman, will entertain a t a buffet din2 pimentos. was concerned. | Ann Bishop, pianist, and Mrs. David ner a t t h e Blackstons hotel. Hiss Lee Shames spent last ••week- •1 green pepper. And so h e stood, listening1 and ment He n e r t went t o a physio-therapist, j Krantz, violinist. A color scheme of chatting with t h e children. 2 tablespoons" butter. On Tuesday night t h e visitors -will F d ™ . D e * ~*°f 9 S ' I a "' who gave him hot baths one after the pink and white was used throughout attend t h e dinner t o be given by the I P » ^i 1 3 ? k " " ; 1 ., . , , ,, A little girl came u p . 2 tablespoons flour. . other. He took more baths i s a week w the house, and the ceTemony was par- Isidore Zieglers for their daughter, I Des Monies, ^ a t t e n d e d fee annual "You want," spoke u p Santy, a than h e used to take in a year. He j Salt and pepper t o taste. formed before a background of tall walking doll and a-box of candv"* Melt butter, add flour and cream never was so clean "before—but he • Miss Louise, honoring Miss Weill and oinner-daace of t h e Beta Kappa P h i FOE RENT baskets of pink rose3 and palms. "Yes," smiled t h e little girl," "and kept on talking to himself. Finally, j and cook "Instil creamy. Add fish, Miss Cohen and also William Feiler. sorority. a baby brother." The bride's gown w a s of China Three furnished rooms in prisalt and pepper, pimentos and green ras g pscliTcolie was advised t o go t o a ' A baby brother. I am all out cf snaiyst, vAo tried his "bsg of pharmaMrs. J. M. Erman returned Sunday pepper chopped. Cook 2 minutes rose crepe fashioned "with a short On t h e following night Mr. and Mrs. vate home. Reasonable rate. Louis Somberg will be dinner hosts a t jacket and a floor length skirt. The from a three-week visit in Minneapo- longer. Serve on toast o r toasted brothers. All I have is a little col- copeia en hfea. j Call ATiantie 4S7S. Sunday call ored boy, b u t he's damaged. If you He read of gown w a s trimmed with Aleneon lace their home. lis, Minn., where she was the guest cracker. * l i t f rds to K r a list of words to j&r. want I can give you a pony instead."- Goldberg and told him t orespond and she "wore matching slippers. H e r Miss Weill attended t h e dinner of friends and relatives. £41© Woolworth "Yes, give me a pony instead," immediately with t h e first thought h a t was of silver tissue and a bouquet party given b y Nathan E . Jacobs a t the Fontenelle hotel on Monday night. said the little girl. of Johanna Hill roses. Dave Bolter returned Tuesday from that came to his mind. Miss Cohen did not arrive until Tues- a business trip t o South Carolina.,En "All right," said Santy. "Now, "Woman," said t h e pschycoanallst. Only members of t h e family and a listen, little girl, do me a little favor. "I like woman," replied I-Ir. Goldroute home he visited with bis brothfew friends were present a t the cere- j ______ Here's 3 cents, go around b y t h e er, Alex Bolker and family in Washmony which was followed b y a recep- j VISITS SISTER corner and get me a Morgen Jour ington, D . C , and with h i s mother, By DAVID SCHWAPwTZ "Eat," said the pschyco. - "I like t o I Miss Hilda Eisenberg, Chicago, i s Mrs. Bella Bolker, his brother, Mi& nal." eat," replied Mr. Goldberg. And so e LCi cl c ", I./V " ±" *"• J " ^ the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Harry M J .S S. Soloit went on, doing him little good. The loses and white tapers were used on jr-iXgnfillr-_ ,,__-__ „,„', v n l M , , _ « , - / . Eolker, and sister, Mrs. p TESTS FOR HUMOR Kulakofsky, during the holidays. Miss mon, and their families in Chicago, OVER-PRODUCTION more doctors he went to, t h e more i t ' i IT. t the supper table, and assisting t h e Eisenberg i s now a scholarship-ar• i . ^ L~s- v r A professor u p a t Columbia lias was costing him., and the worry about HL As Eddie Cantor humorously puts guests were Mesdames William K a i - tist-student a t t h e Chicago Musical been studying reactions t o humor. I t the bills aggravated his nervous it, t h e country i s suffering from r ,r T - \ xnan and Abe Goldenberg, and t h e college. Mrs. Irvin Rubinow departed Sat- over-prediction. seems his favorite test is to tell t h e trouble, so he talked more to himself V Misses Evelyn Kaiman, Frances Miss Eisenberg i s winner of t h e urday for h e r home i n Pittsburg, I do not care t o add t o t h e dis-following story and see how Tonthan before. Schenberg, Rose Green, Sarah Kurtz- $1,000 Verdi scholarship a t t h e Chi- Kan., after visiting with h e r parents, Finally, he wont back to the first tress b y further predictions., c o r laugh. man and Tobye Steinberg. cago Musical college for study with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marks, for two would I know how and what t o pre- One person meets another. "How doctor, "-who told him plainly _ that Following t h e reception, t h e bridal Broschowski. She was a scholarship weeks. nothing could be done for him. '"But," • f t r dict, even though I wanted to. For are you?" asks No. 1. couple departed f o r a three-week pupil of Solon Alberti, New York, ought I know, Mr. Hoover m a y be ^First class," repines No. 2. "Andh e added, "what do you care-—supV •honeymoon trip i n t h e cast. They will while h e was guest teacher a t Lam- Nathan Eeiss of Kansas City, Mo., re-elected, despite t h e depression, how a r e you?" do talk to yourst-lf- —what pO£ visit in Philadelphia, Niagara Falls ong conservatory, Denver, Colo., dur- visited here for a few days last do not feel about Mr. Hoover in the "Steerage," is t h e reply. ;J-9» and New York city, where they will ing t h e past summer and studied a t week . I might suggest a s a n improve•way of that Hoover-Mellon story they "Yes, doctor," replied Mr. Goldbe honored a t a reception t o be given the Juilliard school New York city, ment to t h e test t h e method said to berg, "but you don't know what a are telling. by t h e parents of t h e groom. Mrs. last year. Miss Fanny Fox of Kansas City, be used b y Ben Berrae i n buying "•nudnik" I BIB." Greenberg will also attend a threshumorous material. Mo., was week-end guest "of h e r sis- JUST A STORY C i f• When Miss Eisenberg was recently •(Copyright, 1SSI, by t h e Jewish day convention of t h e J r . Hadassah t e r and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. It" seems according t o this story Ben reads all of this Jrnjrtoro-cs maheard i n joint recital a t t h e College Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) a t t h e Hotel New Yorker. that Hoover and Mellon were walk- terial first t o his brother, Dave. If William Bushman. The bride's traveling costume was Little theater, t h e "Muisc News" ing down Pennsylvania avenue when Dave laughs, Ben doesn't b a y it. a suit of rough brown wool with a critic commented on "her marked Mr. N . Hadra of Chicago i s t h e the President suddenly stopped in THIS AND THAT racoon collar. With i t she wore a ability a s a dramatic soprano, with a guest of Mrs. Mina Jacobs a t t h efront of a drag store. < full, rich, unusually sweet voice, a •white satin blouse, a brown chenille »r"n Nathan Ausiifaei's "Superman,** s. "Lend me a nickel,"" said Hoover Blackstone hotel. beautifully managed tone and fine 1-U hat, and" brown suede shoes. life of Frederick t h e Great, i s soonj to Mellon. every pen I \ T ! v r.vr vr P T !: g free a t>' Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. "What do you want a nickel £or? to see publication. • Ausuisel a t Gne Louis. JRiklin and Max Stein, r e p ment. I'enn.incr Greenberg will reside in Omaha. time was a member cf the\, Zionist resentatives of t h e F . and F . Cough asked Mellon. HERMAN GOLDSTEIN HOST Out-of-town guests a t t h e wedding " I want t o call u p one of m yorganization publicity department. Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and Drop Company, are spending l i e holiKontreal.—(J. T. A.}—The ' 3 a c k - g were Mrs. Lou Corn, Waterloo, l a . ; Mrs. Abe Goldstein, gave a dinner- days in N e w York city. They have friends," said Eoover. FiriFPr Kenneth McSenna, who is really TV Arcli Miss Rose Green, Kansas City; Miss dance Wednesday evening a t his home been away from Omaha since Octo"Here's a dime," replied Mellon, cue of the MeUzinger hoys of Cin- j ^ the Provincial Government has found Prances Schenberg, Chicago; Mr. and honoring students home for t h e holi- ber a n d will return i n t h e spring'. "call u p both of .'em." cinnsti, iised t o be.secretary, before! many adherents among th<? local Jews J «s he went arty, to J . P . Morgan. Mrs. Baron, Sioux City," and Nate days. There-were 14 guests. SOME POSSIBILITIES Eeiss, Kansas City. John Wesley, playwright, is l e s v - j a n d ' a n effort i s now being made to g SCHOOL/NOTES.,. , . ,-,.. .. . Sis t j ing~sooii'for "H-ussia." ~~"'~~ "'""" I establish a Jewish colony in, the Prov- g CLEVER PLAY - — Justin Wolf, a s president of t h ethe President :s anywhere r r K : e oi ' Quebec j5 ll MISS KOItNEY .TO, W E D Jacob Leichtman, banker, near as , , is again g Invitations to Nathan Jacobs' party Harvard chapter of t h e Zeta Beta The initiators cf this movement j g Mrs. Fannie Korney announces t h e given on Monday night a t Fontenelle fraternity, will be their delegate bereft of friends zs rliis story would looming- i n Jewish public life, after have come from the ranks of the | ff Jlr. Vzxrt orgnn approaching marriage of h e r daugh- hotel a t 7:30 o'clock, were cleverly Tau have it, and I am quite sure that a lengthy abstention. a t t h e annual Z. B. T . conclave t o unemployed and declassed Jewish j *if SST So. £4th St. .fccteoT? 7034 ter, Mary, t o Oscar Tauh. The wed- original. A n igloo night d u b was the be Lillyan Tashrnan, cinema star, held in Boston during this vaca- the public after all realizes that the who see their salvation i n ] ' " ding will take place on Sunday, D e c cover feature ef the folder, where two tion. depression is world-wide, and I don't doesn't believe in dressing: up -your families settlement en t h e land. The first. 27, a t 4 o'clock i n t h e afternoon a t green.and white penguins were seen know -whether Hoover or the Demo- best in New York. They take good meeting called for t h e purpose drew] the Beth Hamadresh Adass Yeshurim talking i t over. The host, whose cratic nominee will get the bulk of m p3:j-tn:i2 .soj xpn-m 005. a large audience and S2 heads cf j eaver's Ocaners & Tailors Leon Mandelson, a student a t Harsynagogue a t 25th and Seward. A birthday w a s on t h a t date, promised Jewish voters at the forthcoming votbig metropolis, li she says. You getJewish families registered themselves j vard, will be with, his mother, Mrs. ing test. supper will follow t h e ceremony. Pressing1 and Repairing more attention looking not so dolled. as prospective colonists. A commit-1 his guests a "Giant Spectacle—SO Lena Mandelson, during the holidays. Better Cleaning, The bride h a s been honored a t a years in t h e Northland." But if the Democrats do get in, H a r r y Schneiderman (American was also appointed to negotiate! for L Less number of affairs. She shared hon•which Jews are likely to get political Jewish Committee) i s recuperating tee with the provincial government which, i Miss Dorothie MusMn, a sopho- plums? Here, I am trying to addfrom a n operation. We Cteli To? ami Deliver ors with Mrs. J o e Robinson, Mrs. L ENTERTAINS CLUB it is understood, i s ready t o grant the j til Ko. «Stfe 1491 Israel and Mrs. Joe Lehr, all of Chi- Miss Elsie Lazarus entertained t h e more a t t h e University of Missouri, to the "over-prediction" again—but Employes of the Zionist Organiza- colonists t h e necessary land and give I arrived Wednesday t o b e with h e r cago, when Mrs. Jake Robinson en- members of h e r Sunday afternoon •what can you do? Yon know how tion, have received no p a y for five them further aid when the mcvcrr-cr.t | tertained last Sunday a t bridge fol- bridge club a t h e r home on Sunday, parents, Mr. and Mrs: Arthur B. Mus- it is. weeks. i lowed b y dinner. Thirty-two guests D e c 13. The guests were the Misses Mn, over t h e holidays. I have a feeling1 that perhaps the Adolph Ochs is a frequent visitor will be properly ^organized. Another organisation called t h e , •were there. Other hostesses were the Ida Bercovici, Sara Baum, Shirley Sue best prize, in the case of Democratic to the White house. League for t h e Jewish Uncrr-?;cyc:". Misses Gertrude Korney, E v a andHoberman, Mary Johnson, Ruth Leibvictory, would come to Judge CarThe Misses Dorothy and I d a Lustis making energetic efforts io f i - J Sarah Taub, Lillian Gelpand, Edith ovicie, Betty Tuchman, Blanche Roth- garten. have returned from Chicago dozo, Chief Justice of the New York JEWISH JOUSNALISM -,- ' and Gertrude Lewis, Zelda Bush, enberg and Rose Shafer. Court of Appeals. In the event of a and will spend t h e holidays with their The life expectancy, ES an insurance Freda and Rose Soffer, and t h e Mesparents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lust- vacancy on the Supreme Court, I man would say, of a publication these ::7l rr.7crr—A1 dames M. Kirshenbaum, J . Broscow, garten. Miss I d a Lustgarten i s a nsuppose, no Democratic president days i s n t what i t used to be. FOR MISS STERLING L D . Dloogoff, M. Jacobow, D. •would fail to give Cardczo the prefrv Daring t h e past year, two of the Miss Rose Brandeis entertained 12 accomplished pianist and Miss Doro- erence for any Supreme Court posiSchwartz, A. Zusman, J . Mandelson, t.a L& t h y Bnstgarten a n accomplished viomost virile cf Jewish periodicals have guests a t a bridge t e a a t t h e BlackD. Firikel, and N . Belzer. tion. It is generally admitted that *w\ stone hotel on Saturday honoring linist. They will give a concert on there is so better jurist in the coxa- passed out of t h e picture, and I Enjoy more leisure r y asked Editor James Wise, wasn't i t a H Dec. 30 for t h e Friends of Music Miss llinnette Sterling -whose entry than Cardoso, and his political case of hardihood, to attempt some- H having; ns no J"oi-r ANNOUNCED ENGAGEMENT gagement t o Bert Brown was recent- This will be a private recital. associations are Democratic Mr. and M r s . J . Badaziner an- ly announced. thing new in the field, i a view cf that S Is-anarring for you. nounces t h e engagement of their fp" 4 -' AND SOME OTHERS. Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum, a. studaughter, Esther, and William G. "Well, I would call it, a c t h&rdiBernard Earuch would be another, dent a t Iowa university, Iowa City, Singer • of Omaha. The engagement U. T. DANCE hood, hut inevitable courage," Wise V w ; •• • = • i •was announced on t h e evening of t h e Invitations t o 100 guests were sent is spending the holidays with her par- to come back, into prominence. P a r - replied. Whatever i t he, I underout by t h e U. T. club of Central high ticularly, if Eitchie of Maryland, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirshen30th anniversary of Hiss Raduziner's should happen to be the nominee and stand, quite a handsome sum of school, for their third annual dance baum. parents. victor. You recall that i t was a t a funds has been gathered, and the edi- § a t t h e Fontenelle. (Our New Phone Number) Mads by JIo date has been set for the wedOfficers of t h e club a r e Miss Ruth Miss Rose Steinberg, who attends dinner gvien by Barsch recently t h a t torial force looks impressive; in other Cnele Sana Breakfast Fond Romm, president; Miss Bemice You- the University of Illinois, will visit the Eitchie Presidential boom was words, the portents are all favorable. sem, secretary; Miss Shirley Barish, here with h e r parents, Mr .and Mrs.formally la-unched. I N LOS ANGELES Should Newton D. Baker, of CleveWord has been received of the mar- treasurer, and Miss Henrietta Mey- H. Steinberg, over t i e holidays. land, be t h e nominee, I suppose the er, social secretary. riage of Miss Sonia Ginsburg, daughlent Jewish friend of t h e t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Elia Ginsburg of Miss Zerline Somberg, daughter of ;ion would be a rabbi. Los Angeles, and Louis Albert Bab- FOR BUSS GLTICKMAN Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg, arrived Silver of Cleveland, I ior of that city. Mr. Babior is the son Mrs. Joseph Scharf of Council Wednesday from Champaign where of Mr. and Mrs. A. Babior of Omaha. Bluffs and Mrs. Hyxnie Milder were she attends t h e University of Illinois, a m told, that Baker entertains a very joint hostesses a t a luncheon i n t h e to spend t h e holidays with h e r par- high opinion of BabbI Silver. Well, •we seem t o be going hack to- t h e Palm room of the Fontenelle the week ents."' VISITORS EXTENSIVELY silver standard anyway. before last honoring Miss Anita ENTERTAINED If Boosevelt is t h e ' nominee snd Many affairs have been planned for Gluekman, a bride of this winter. P I TAU P H I ELECTION two visitors^who will spend t h e holi- Through a n error, t h e name of Mrs. Pi Tau Phi sorority held a n election victor, "the Lehman "brothers a s d I days here a s t h e guests of Mr. and Scharf w a s omitted i n last week's of officers a t a regular meeting1 on presume,-Bobert Moses, t h e chairman Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Miss Aline Weill item. D e c 13 a t the home of Miss Rose Colof New Orleans a n d Miss E l ick. The following "were elected: We Specialize in berta Cohen of Nebraska City, cousin PITLORS HONORED President, Miss Mildred Lefitz; secreA surprise party was given D e c tary-treasurer, Miss Helen Gerber; of Mrs. Jacobs. RESIDENCE INTERIORS Luncheons were gives by Mrs.16 i n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert sargeant-at-arms, Miss Lillian liiroff, ? Jacobs a t t h e Blackstone hotel on Pitler on their eighth wedding anni- and reporter, Miss Lillian Jonisch. . Tuesday for 30 guests; on Wednesday versary a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. F2aEtiag an5 Decsmtlag a t Aquila Court Train Mrs. Herbert Harry Singer. Twenty-six friends DANCING PARTY Phosea At. 4744—2s, 7S55 . Arnstein and Mrs.pBert Hens, host- and relatives attended t h e event. The The Si^ma K s p a CM sorority i s esses. Thursday i M r s . William L . evening was spent in playing bridge. plaguing' for a daiieing party t o b e Holzman was luncheon hostess a t the Mr. and Mrs. PMor were presented given J a n . S a t t h e Fontenslls pawith a s e t of silver by t h e guests. Blackstone hotel. vilion. ^The comisittes in charge of On Monday, Dec. 28, Mrs. Frank arranging for t h e affair consists of SUBSCRIPTION BANGS • iVrt/ Blotky will entertaiix a t luncheon. On Yale Kroloff snd Sichard E l l e r Ann Herman, chairman, Iibby- Do!the following day l i r a . Morris Ferer goff, Marian Rubin a s d Hannah Gcsand Mrs. Hyman Ferer will nave a "are sponsoring a subscription danca siclc About 35 couples a r e expected few guests a t luncheon for t h e visit- a t the Blackstone hotel on Sunday to attend. ' FOB TOUE . ors. On Wednesday, D e c SO, Mrs.evening, D e c 27. Randall's Royal orchestra wiH play. Jacobs will be a luncheon hostess. S.D- T. LUNCHEON. CANCELEDEvening parties honoring t h e -visit-The luncheon t o ba givea Saty ors were given beginning with a din- ANNOUNCE BIRTH' ' urday a t t h e FoBtesells sptmDr. and Mrs.' Philip L. Romoneli anner. Tuesday, Dec. 22, by Alfred S. sored by t h e alumnae of Sig-sia Mayer a t the .Blackstone. . Mr. and nounce the birth of a daughter, DoroDelta Tau for t h e active memMrs. Walter Schimrnel were dinner thy Lipsey, a t t h e Lutheran hospital bars home 'for- the -holidays has \ ".".": hosts at the Blackstone on the follow- o n D e c ' 1 6 . • " . ' • . ' •... '.' been canceled because of t h e ing night, and on Thursday night; Mr. death of "Mrs. Irvin Stalmsstsr's and Mrs. - Archie Jacobs had a sup- MOVE TO H E W BOB1ES " ' U P . 23X& Mrs. Mas L. Holsmnn have father, Harry Lapidua. per and b i d moved from t h e Blackstena"hotel t o thsir caw hoiss a t SOD North Happy Hollow Blvd.
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JIYSTERIOUSLY WSAPPEARED—"Tomorrow I'll be riding with dad on my favorite horse, Heather Bell." Those \?efe the last words of Virginia Penfield, 19-year-old daughter of Clare J. Penfield, wealthy chain store operator, before she left the exclusive Mary Lyons school in Swarthmore, Pa., ostensibly for her home in Columbus, O When she did not arrive home, an intensive search was begun. This photo of her on "Heather Bell" was made during the _ summer vacation.
"BEAUTY BATTALION LEADERS"—ttfes Loeise Bond, left, and j Miss Muriel Cannon, are "head girls" of the "Beauty Battalion" of | the Pasadena, Cal., Tournament of Roses. The battalion's duty is to represent the city when notables coming to the tournament are to be met, and to hang garlands around their necks.
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LONDON TREATY TAKES THREE U. S. BATTLESHIPS—The London Naval Treaty of 1930 compels Uncle Sam to de-militarize three battleships. The U S. S. Florida, shown above, soon \nU be scrapped at the Philadelphia navy yard. The Utah is being converted into use as a radio controlled ship and the Wyoming is being used as a training ship.
DIAKOND'S STVEETHBAKT IN SHCLXJSIGN—Ilarioa 'Kiki" Roberts, cs-showgirl sweetheart of the late Jack "Legs" Diamond, slain racketeer, is snapped in the horse -of her mother, Ilrs. Grace Strasisick. in Boston. Miss Eoberts Is- m seclusion until the escitezaent over the killing of the aoioricus racketeer subsides.
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YOUNG GIRLS SING' ANCIENT CAROLS—These pretty maidens of Mount -Holyoke college are snapped in New York City as they harmonize on the theme of an ancient carol. They are, left to right, Virginia Mayo, of Philadelphia; Patricia Jenkins, of New York City; Eli&beth Parsons, of New Britain, Conn., and Efisabeth Alkire, of Portsmouth, N>H.
PRAY FOB CHINESE KILLED IN MANCHUBIA-—Chinese priests F»y before the jncracrfd i t Llufc-J den, Ilcschuria, for the spirits of unfortunate Chinese who last their lives in recent Ilanchuriaa conflicts. [•
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EUROPEAN "CULTUB3""~S3ipsror Hai!o Sslascie, of Abyssinia, tries out one of the tsselike guns whieii lie brossb* bsc!; to Ms country as a token ofthe Buropesn eol« lura that he admired on a reesnt tour ©I the continent. The eRsperor is cne of the best , v jhst|_in his.coonfssrpsia is Bisldnj efforts to Kedei-aise tfeo Aby£dSl?.n arny.i
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L a r c el Gratcay, investor of
carried Is's r'clc-rr? river frnrc Pest M@tt» N. IV •"p fb: > r c « cv. the! '??£«: &nd SM hew
PAGE ,7—THE 'JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931 **S33* ^3iS^<23aB»**<^ I jects into three groups;.].v One:-grpiip occupied rooms -with an average temperature around 53 -degrees-Fi. A sec=A. ond group occupied rooms, with the temperatures of which were kept between 60 and 67 degrees F. A third By F. R. K. • group .remained in rooms Train "temperatures ranging- from: 63 ^o'.TOfdeg-ress F.: .The rooms of all itiie-groups STUDENTS'KETUKN1 : election of officers will take place and were kept; well ventilated..:: Offhand ail-;members are":urged to be present. -HOME' T O ' S P E N D T H E •••• By we '"would be led to say: that itfie cMl^ V A C A T: I O N dren in the very cold rooms were risk1 RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN of Winnipe the "past%eek-end rii ;': Ifrs.; Mas Steiman ing; their health at such: low tempera; Canada, arrived last Friday ^S-EI ' "ber'.of the'younger* set who are attures. As a' matter of fact the .comCongregation Rodepb^Sbolom, New York ; : inou cold was- most frequent in -the tending \ various colleges have : conis was: "called Ifa'ere on account. ;-cf- ths : Genevaii—i< J. iT. A.);—Tlte passport; •warmest roomsr:and least in the cooler home to spend their holiday vacation serious illness of her mother, Mrs; -W. and visa, if crrmalities required! of frdS-C—C1 suffered a sttoke' • last grants rooms. •<:'". ; '- with their - parents. Among the, stu- Seigal, who' : "Or;: dhe Eve of 19S2" week, at the home of her aaagHter,; simplified ss .the result :;of aji investi- i s sernipnV: dents at the IJnivei-sity of Iowa who r RABBI LEFK0WIT2. recently- precahed a sermon; entitled:' ' These and iriany other observations :hs services this evening at Tcmlas is an excedingly; bus>* "man., • -I "To jfruch Going On—An Apologia." indicate clearly that we must habitr arrived from Iowa City are Miss j Mrs. Ben Telpner. Mrs. Seigal's con- gation .carried ;oh • by tne ' secretary-1 pic Israel, general: of the League of Nations, it | counted twenty-six -addresses: outside We. hope, however, if too much is uate ourselves to work and live dur>- Helen Whitebook, and Messrs. Harold 1 ditioh Is improving now./ - • . • "' was indicated here. • • ! ; • TCHtCl* his ovrn pulpit during the month of going' op. in the Synagogue Houses ing the-winter months in rooms of Saks, Leo Nogg, Seymour Cohn, MilA request to .all-governments has! *'_A-n Eatirac X o" Life' will be November. [Among . these I . v;as of the country, the Pantry Sales and much lower temperature than .we now ton Krasne, Leonard ELrasne, and . ;Mrs. I- Goldberg of Chicago, Illito spend been sent .by the secretary-general' j>abbl Conn's topic • for Saturday pleased to note a radio.'address, on Home Products Days will not be j have. . As it is, we are spending our Collman Yudelson. From the Uni- nois, arrived here Saturday : Justice Brandois. Rabbi Lefkov?itz eliminated. Without them, Judaism winter days between 70 and^ 80 de- versity of.Nebraska at Lincoln came a coaple of weeks here visiting her asking for information regarding:-the' xnoi-ninr. Mrs. " Saul Suvalsky end formalities entailed by the .systems in } "" :""*' °"'' ' t is in great demand as a speaker,' for ll lose its savor and its taste. grees P. Our living rooms are often Helen Steinberg, Ruth Bernstein and daughter. : force in connection with the admission i Mr. Suvalsky. amons the audience" which invited much hotter in the winter'than they Maurice Pepper. recited this Sabof immigrants. Miss .Lucylle Krasne, who attends him are the""Dallas'Bankers -Wives, HAS -A COUNTER EEFORMAare in the summer. Furthermore, we Tor Lena G. •fantlWoIowitE. The League is taking this step in ; !ATI the Employes'of the Dallas Power tion . Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the consequence ~>™«">«»«' commenced' *•"• to reform' -"*-—' Judaism? T..;J.,:™9 must break'the habit of developing the University of Ohio at Columbus, of the recommendation? j ' and Light Company, the American I am told that the men in the Rab- an almost exclusive shut-in, existence arrived'Friday to spend the holidays A. Z. A. celebrated the sixth Interna- of the Permanent Committee on Bli-1 at home. Legion, the Writers' Club,, the Wom- binical training schools are impatient during the winter. We should take tional A. Z. A. day 'with an entertaincf - the International Labor ; en's Law Study Clab and others* •with, the old-fashioned "liberalism" of long1, brisl: walks and hike even more • Miss Margaret Marcus arrived on : ing' and interesting program held Sun- 'gration •Office. This Committee rrg-es that-aj Laymen look'upon the Rabbi's extra-. a,-generation ago, and are seeking faithfully ih winter than in summer. Wednesday from Des Moines,; Iowa, day night ;'at tie Eagles' Hall, with' a single document, to be used free of J : Ff Temple speaking engagements and ,to'understand the new forces at work. | A breath of "cold fresh air is worth a where'she attends the DraTce univer-. large crowd attending. - charge, be • substituted for the large |' sity. .•-. .'•.-.. say: "You are too ambitious.. Why) Advocates of this unpopular "liberal- carload of cough syrup. Mi.;Wfiiiani Holzman,' prominent jircinber of: different: documents, end] do you try to much?" ', ..: lism" point out th'a$ EmiJ G; Hirach, Not only are cooler temperatures Messrs. Ernest Ross and Yale Mey- Omahaspeaker, was the guest of tlie certificates; which migrants -must tew J ''College l''art, .lid. — - (J. T. A.) They forget, however; 'that; the. Joseph ; Kr&uslcerpf,;\ David • Einhorn important in the prevention of the erson arrived home from LesingtMf»»eyenins •'and • gave the main address. procure before they can obtain a risa. • ?v,"iai students of the Universitv r rt .of 'their - generations em- frightful • incidence of •. winter infec- Mo., .where they are students at the H e mailed experiences cf his recent Rabin who is Tecognized as'a-speak-, / " l!) ~men "" "* -«.«-•*-•— — The procedure of obtefciBs: .differ-"' made the target Wentworth Military Academy. ;ized constantly" the "peoplehood" tions and resulting deaths, but they er with a message is'besieged vdth trip to Palestine. He ^ked f o r a ^ ^ ^ . ^ M certificates cf S n a t t a c k about a month apo in eldinvitations •which'he finds-it nest to ot Israel.. Nevertheless- their chief are also valuable in fighting disease. • Miss Rae Bernstein, who attends the closer co-operation between the tory, it was revealed vaccination, good conduct, occupation, their tic : impossible to. refsse. The hardest message vras in terms of American- It is fifty years since Trudeau'dem- University of Wisconsin' at Madison, ers and" the A. Z. A. boys. editorial In the nniversidentity, a^d health, for each cf vrhich -through Joe Soloinonow, chaplain of the lo- & larg-e fee is charged is regarded as ity paper.-"The Diamondbacl:," which thing in the -world for the Rabbi'to ization and universalization. Judaism onstrated the value of open air both arrived last Friday to spend a few do is to say "No." Laymen should may have stressed its humanitarian summer and winter in the treatment days - at home before spending the cal chapter, gave a retrospection of exceedingly complicated Tsy the com- \ sharply condemns the perpetrators. rather take pride in the service which elements, but in doing so it has al- of tuberculosis. In many schools spe- coming week-end visiting' friends in the year's happenings. The founder's rnlttee, snd that it imposed serious j The campus oran reveals 'died the men like Rabbi\Leftowitz renders; most lost a whole generation of cial open air classes all the year Kansas City, Mo. She will return to and grand president's message was ies for the migrants and their Ettack occurred on November £1, folround are being conducted for the tub- Couridl Bluffs next Monday to spend read by Henry Mendelson, secretary. they should give him every co-opera- young people to the synagogue.; ss vrell as additional ex- lowing a clance, "during what .is beerculously inclined children. Brodlcs tion and assistance; they~should free -The.Rabbis of a few decades ago used tents to good advantage in treat- the remainder of her vacation before Certificates of membership were pr lieved tc have been a demonstration pense. returning to Madison January 4th. were admirable Jewish leaders, but sented to four new members. Bernard him from irritations .and vexations; directed against Jewish students." ing influenza in Massachuetts and they /werespeaking to men and womBalaban, Jake Fox, Jake Gordon and they should not subject him to petty, ' The campus paper in its editorial Huntingdon maintains that the moren "with ^ a: home background of obThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Meyer Maltz. Jake Gordon, for the Position of Jews on personal politics. ' states that the ringleaders of the tality in the operating rooms in our servance. If modern Rabbis continue of the Independent Order of the new members, spoke on "W&at People today} are hungry for the hospitals could be. reduced 20 per cent B'nai Brith- will hold an important "living word'£ ancl if our Rabbis can to use the old Shibboleths, they will by proper air cooling. meeting next Monday evening, Dec furnish it to jews anft Gentiles alike, Telling- It in GATH—THREE all power to them.'Our chief ^con28th, at the Eagles HalL.. An election cern should he. for the Rabbi's; health. be forced to"fall bacfciipon the "Good Sassoon to Inspect Air Bases of officers will take place, and. all Yudelson, who presided as chairman. tion cf the Jewish farmers in the j university. "A bigot hns no plncc in London—Sir Philip Sassoon, Un- members are .urged to be present. He should not overtax "himself, and Wilt Racket" "in order to maintain a Invocation 'and benediction were pro- United States is much better than i a modem urr'verfity. The agitators place too great a strain upon his semblance of vitality in thier syna- dersecretary . of State for Air, will nounced by • Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, local t w c f ^ ^ c i t v j e w s > it w a s E t a t c d I behind thi$ unfortunF.tP gogues/ The way back to Judaism shortly proceed to Palestine to inMr. and Mrs.' Ben I. Seldin. an- Talmud Torah teacher. ia reports presented to the annual I should it develop that their intolernervous resources.Entertainment was furnished by Convention of Jewish Farmers hel-1 in | ance cannot be curbed, had best withis not through the Good-Will Move- spect the aviation bases there. nounce the birth of a son, born last GIB- ment. We have utmost respect for "THE JEWISH HOME Thursday night 'at their home_ at 611 Lorraine Meyerson, who gave s read- New York. draw," it concludes. xaltar or Quicksand"- is fciv,j -die of the recipients of Good-Will honors, Jewish Populace of Oakland Drive. A Brith will take ing; Florence Whitebook, who gave a .an address • in. a Symposium - before in fact "some of our best" friends" Amsterdam 62,443 place today, with Rev. A. Diamond in' ""olin solo by Mendelson, and a tap Amsterdam—The Jewish popula- charge as "Mohel." a group of southern Sisterhoods. We are to be found among them. But to dance by Lorraine and Florence Meyread also that the "Henderson Sister- capitalize a. few acts of common good tion in Amsterdam at the beginning charge erson, accompanied at the piano by of 1931 numbered 62,443 according hood planned the sessions wisely. Leo Meyerson. nature and ordinary friendliness by to Miss Marian Katelman, and U T . statistics compiled by the AshIt is quite remarkable what this means of dramatic gestures on the kenaizic Maurice Katelman motored to LeavCommunity and made pubsmall band of women was able to part* of Jews makes us ludicrous in lic enworth, Kans., and Kansas City, Mo., B'nai Brith Jewish accomplish. It arranged the social our own eyes and in the .eyes of Sunday, returning home Tuesday. Unemployed' Bureau side in a way that-it never infringed Gentiles. They were accompanied back by their Chicago—The. sum of $1,000 to upon the serious side of the program The work which Mr. Everett Clinsister, Mrs. Abe Bear and her son, establish, a Jewish unemployment King Saves Jew and yet it was complete, warmly chy.has promoted in the universities Aaron David, of Leavenworth, who Bareao. _was appropriated'" by the hospitals and highly original. There is excellent and deserves every -supBy Timely Trill spend a week here. General Committee of the District was no rushing. Most of the time port. But spurious good-will efforts Grand Lodge of the Independent OrGift all the delegates were in' the Temple are certain to betray themselves in der B'nai Brith. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. .7 . Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—HOT? attending to the business of the bi- all their insincerity and sham. The of the A. Z. A. will hold an import-1 A Committee of five has , been' King Carol saved a Jewish State Federation and the luncheon, Good-Will movement may be growing ant meeting nest Wednesday evening , named to investigate the problem worker, Moische Marmor, of the banquet and the barbecue were "bigger and better" for those who December COth, at the rorne of Joseph cf Jewish unemployment and to set Petrosani from eviction and the just pleasant interludes in nn "earn- seek to batten upon, it. But. I 0s u .Soloir-enow, 213 ^"tsrsr-n street. An up the bureau. J, . s.J9f_? "s .property is., jsvealed £ £ h t f ^ d S est conference.. . - . ~ . ~i yp ^ y . Prof.' ^ereTn the Roumanian press. I have heard of Night Club,, Cab- Orton displayed in Jiis "Challenge to The Jewish worker, father of aret and Supper Club dances for the Israel." 13 children, owed the governYoung People's Leagues; - I '-have \ The penchant of certain reform "Juci "Around the Corner from Everything? ment 10,000 lei in ;taxes on his heard of minstrel shows and Tr.'.:ae- Rabbis for those"Christjanophile tenda property. Unable to pa}-, threatville shows for the Men's Club?. ~But encies is a sign of the hollowness .of ened, with eviction and the sale this is the first time I liave-l^-rd the Judaism, they profess. . Their inof his home by auction, Uarof a barbecue for a Sisterhood. "With stitutions have no inner vigor, and mor appealed directly to the such ingenuity' in. arranging pro- hence they must inject the hypo\ King for aid. The entire famgrams, neither the Jewish home nor dermics of good-willnickism. It is a ily of Marmor was about to Judaism at large, will be built on mistake which we may soon regret. be ejected when a messenger arquicksands, but will in truth "be "as rived bringing the 10,000 lei O firm as the Rock of Gibraltar. from King Carol's private treasury "GOOD WILL MARCHES ON! says a headline in an eastern Jewish •weekly. "There is less prejudice- in 2413 IKTIN C. XEVEf. Attorney America now than-ever before in its SOI Electric Blag- City™ history." The obvious comment upon NOTICE OF ADMIXISTBATION such misleading statements is:, "Stuss," which means"'piffie!' There l S ! ™ t y C ° U r t ° f D o o s l a s County, i of is no limit to which" these GoodWillnicks will not go. -The -whole AU persons interested in said'estate are With the § L-W...4 hereby notified that a petition has been procedure is --obtaining -farcicil asfiled in said.Court alleging: that said de\ ly-3e. V. E. Levine, professor pects, and is degrading Jewish selfbased died learms. no last will and prayof-bio-chemistry and nutrition, ing1 for admiiDStration upon his estate and respect. . •.; '•']('v\-.•.;••• ' that a hearing u-ill be had on said petition the Creighton University School e ld c UT o n t h e ?e^°r-1S32. % that t .jf tlie.r 2nd.tail day toof appear Januof niedicine. 1 o?o ary, ar.S THE LONDONrJEWISH WORLD aid C UI Ott the d ^ a y ot January, ! o *" 5 t , prints a photograph:;; by -the Asso-i ; (Editor's, Note—Readers of this ?oat 0 o'clock A. 31. to -contest said ciated Press showing the Chief Rabbi newspaper may receive answers to 1932. petition, the Court- may grant the same Combined with the •• and grant administration or said estate of the British ^Empire .reading the any, questions regarding the general to Jarohm Knlakofsty or some other suitspecial Memorial Prayer, at the Arm- subject of health by sending a stamp- able person'ana proceed to a settlement istice service.' In the foreground can ed-self-addressed envelope with their thereof. BItY.CE CRAWFORD, be seen, some- members:, of the band questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine> 12-ll-31-3t - County Judge." £ of His Majesty's Scots' Guards, who Creighton university, Omaha, Nebr.) . FKADEXEUUG, STAX3IASTEB& EEBEP. "gave an impressive Trendering of O. T. BOEER, P . M. KLTITZXICK • GJO Otnaba XationaV Bank Eld "Adon 01am." -- - - ;• THE COMMON COLD and Scientifically Blended Rabbi Hertz -and Dayan GoUop are We have stated that it is not the : of UTCOKPORATION" OP shown in their Rabbinical gowns and cold weather that brings "the winter "NEBKASKA-IOTVA TKl-CK.JTEBSHXAI.'* in Omaha . _ Notice is hereby givea' thnt the- undercaps, and are standing before the diseases, but the habits of life which signed hare formed a eorpdratiou nnder microphone. At one stroke the past we adopt when cold comes. Let us the laws of tho Stnfe of .^Nebraska. Tlie o{ this corporation slinH be "Neand the present are linked. If Juda- therefore look into some of the modes name braska-Iowa Track TeiminaV' tfjth Ha ism can survive from the days of of: living which we accept for the win- principal'place of business at Oroalja. NeThe general nature of the busithe Voice which spoke to the young ter. In the first placa we all overheat brasta. ness to be transacted and the object end Samuel of the loud-speaker of our our homes, our offices, our factories, purpose for \rtnch thjs corporation is orand established .shall be to own, times," it is certain to continue for and even bur classrooms. -We have a Kanized lease, condnct and operate motor trans12 millenia to come. • port terminals: to equip nnd maintain by wrong arid .exaggerated idea of the 1 purchase, eoiistraction. lease or otherwise, value of warmth. Nature has'made buildings and eqaipment to be used as and 'il i 1 1 '"';;]?! truck terminals; to own. operate anc! MY FAVORITE WORD "TQBIT- wise provision for acclimating .us. even for conduct track lines for the hauling and 1 i : zer" continues to win new linguistic to cold '-weather. We must look ot in- shipping of freight; to purchase and equip and other motor vehicles for nse on triumphs. In a recent issue of the ternal forces for biologic regulation trucks motor transport freight lines; to contract "Literary Digest . we read: "The rather than to protection from exter- with other persons an<i companies for the nd of terminal facilities; and to <3o all world will be kibitzer at the Lenz- nal forces through an usa' things -yriiicli "'say fce necessary nncl/or mospheric environment and through Culbertson bridge duel." Here the proper to carry cut the objects and pur.fereinaboye set forth. The authorword is used in its correct etymologi- excessive non-porous wearing apparel. poses capital Btocfc shall be $10,000.03 nnd cal sense, and is further imbedded By: overheating ourselves the natural ized, r, r all of said stock shall be common and of in the consciousness of th*e American defense mechanisms are weakened the par value of $10.00 per snare, and all There is 7:0 cikcr Cojfee of .said stock shall ba fully paid np and card playing public. This, of course, end,.our! resistance, is-"much lowered. tion-assessahfe The . corporntion Khali - to be coiizpzred zzilk it means 99 per cent of the entire popu- , Cold is stimulating-.,- It. increases commence doing "business upon the filing articles witli the County'Clrrk of the circulation,' induces 3: sense of oi-rJts--: lation of our republic. Boiiglns Cotsnty, Xebraska, and shaJi convigor and freshness,.and brings abdut tinue for a period of fifty years frotn said "jjatc.". .Tlie highest smoimt of indebtedness "SISTERHOOD PANTRY SALE,," increased ".oxidatioh of* oiir food in- sliali not exceed two-thirds of Jfr capitol ."Luncheon and Dinner Served. Foods take. People-with sedentary occupa- stoek, but this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured- by- mortgages or tions, working, playing and sleeping of all sorts will be sold: Groceries, Sold liens npon any of the corporate property. teas, coffees, delicatessen, cakesy can- in even slightly overheated rooms de- The affairs of this corporation shall be by a Board of Directors consistdies,* jellies, jams, pickles, noodles,- velop a great tendency; to fatigue and managed ing of not less than two meinbets. The ' £™3l^ breads; rolls, and smokes; toys and to flabby musculature. :They are apt annual meetinjr of the corporation, sliall be held on* tlie first Monday in Jannsry of pantry supplies-" This is Judaism to,be overweight.-. ..:', •• '•' . eacli year, r.t which laeetinfr the stockholcienhanced and why not? Have we not • Slight overheating (75 degrees P.) ers shall elect a Board ol Directors and the Board sbalT elect a Prpsiincreases the heart action and the 'thereupon heard of "Bacchjuden?". . . dent, Ji VSce-PreEident, a Secretary and a body temperature. It reduces the inTreasurer. Anv two of said offices may In a nearby state we read that the held by one-and the same person. These Sisterhood will have a card party clination to do physical work. It be articles may be amended at any rejralar brings-, onfatigue prematxirelyor special -meeting of the stocfchaiaers by with a "Home Products Day."~ As a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. The observations of Parker and IN "WITNESS the final stanza of a poetic effusion, TYHEBEOF. the parfies Palmer made-on 5000 school children have hereunto srubseribed their sasaes tliis we read: "To the-buyers of our Bake :. i CIIARL~S V? Sale, to be held in Temple Hall, in New York City should cz cf ^t> 3PHIEIP II. li please answer ..our call. Come one— cial interest to. the teacher. .There i __ I^^ l ci: come all." Rabbi Solomon Goldman investigators divided their young sub-' "B. ~j. 'H %
1 I i
hes ¥
1 !
fcresistible Flavor
I i
Exhilarating for Breakfast . .Refreshing for'Lunch ^Stimulating for Dinner
room. L»c HLT^ ?L L'dd h*& crcz will furnish ths casic for ores mr~v be -'irra^iC'l for t>cf mcnib.Ts cf c-y HCOJ dancing. _ is favors, dJcorstions, «»nd is interpreted J,S ir.c^irg: ll.ct J*c novelties will enhan^ the evening's esistirg- J.vich cc~^tcr£cs pert' ^sfion for which, it ves cbt-incl ci entertainment.* The committee in charge of the ar- great cost and trcub'e by thoJewrangements for the part> Inclu>L ish community from the llln~, v-ill Larry Sampson, Chcrlc? Urb-ch, no isager be st'owetl and vlll have Cecil ,Seff, Bamey Dob-rf-L-;u Lr.w- to be abolish ..d. rence» Baron, Milton Bo'ih'" End At the 8211%. tinw, hovevr, , ' c Dave . E y " assurance cf he cc.^stltut^n ZTthe governS3i.nt-t.i-t rc-:£l. i,s " 22' Mr;1Jack Robinson and c!i;!aron, llofli for any retigicn* is giiJiiGLtecJ ^Barbara . an<l Seymour, are visiting by the state, ib* rscoHed iviui cctis.with the former's parents, in Dssfaction. The constitution, hovs,*cr in no way refers spccif-'cally to the ,Moines. Jews. • Louis and Hymie Hurwitz have arrived in-.the .city'to .'spend..their wiiir fifai ter vacation with"" their. parents, Mrl and Mrs. T. Hurwitz, 1114 Virginia.
'ANN A PILL. Correspondent §
-£hst-Aiuiual Dance: Sunday^night of th&' 'Junior Hadassafi; whjeh vvas_h?hir in the ball toohi'oj'the 5! art in' hotel.' Shdz .tlcrlinipresented h! nomber of novplty song < anil*' dance numbers throughout the evening. J Lee Herzoff T!s orchestra, (furnished* the music Sdwiird Corbsttto l)a Principa! for dancing' -wK*ile many played . Speaker, at Annual "•; J bridge; during:..the..^ening. .. .." Event •' The ' committee*' in' charge of "the <By Kenneth March, Associate Sport Writer for the Sioux City Journal.) dance included Miss Sybil Merlin and Mount Sinai Temple will honor the Consistent successes of Sioux City, Miss Helen Friedman, co-chairmen; Fathers and Sons of the congrega- Iowa, Central high school athletic j Miss Bess Lipshutz, Miss Ida Feldtion at the 'annual Father and Son teams may be-contributed in large man and Miss Elizabeth Aaskin. banqnet, Monday evening, December degree, to the part .taken in them 28, in the social hall of the'temple. "by Jewish boys of the city. /This - Mr. Edward-E. Corb'ett, prominent year. in particular have they done local attorney," wil deliver the prinmuch in the way of building' and cipal adress of tha evening. : He ! will Bindar Firnis a New Tyi*^ cf maintaining strong teams in the larg- • Students- o'f various collees and uni1 .versities who are in the city for fee introduced by Mr. Max* Pill, v/ho • Blusic irs Jewish Kcir.eest school in the state of Iowa. T71II act. as toastmaster of "the, eve- •On the list of'Little Maroon ath- -the winter vacation were honored at land ning. Brief talks will he given by letes this year appear the namse of the services' held in Shaare Zion Satisfied With Seraa Provisions, r Synagogue last evening. Rabbi David Mr. Sam Greenstone and Mr. EdJewish boys, all, of, whom are •Gordon, of Minneapolis,••was the guest - • -.• Disappointed i a .• .- A-new type.'of _-Jewish music is" beward E. Golstein, in behalf of thethree prominent in; sport \ circles of thespeaker, of the ' evening. His sub••.Others--.' : .-- .; . -' ing-- developed in- Palestine, according fathers. "Mr. • Charles . Urbach and school. With three major interscholpaster Bernard Marks will-respond astic sports on the program all ofject was "The Advance in Religion." to -a statement made by A. W» Binder, Madrid—(J.. ,T.'• 'A-)— The New Following the service the congrein behalf, of- the sons., composer and c'oadactor'pf Jew- , [• these men are letter winners in atgation adjourned, to the social hall Spanish constitution- has been re- noted The invocation .will be~ given by least one. ish :music in this, country, who hzs received with" mixed"-'feelings ;by the where an informal reception was held Itabbi Theodore N.' Lewis. Community turneeffrom a visit to the Holy Laud, The fact that a football is made singing will be led by Mr. H. N.of PIGSKIN did not hinder these honoring the students. Students rep- local Jewish community. Mr.,"Binder spent two months in Pairesenting the Universities of Iowa, General approval is expressed of Slotsky. Entertainment will be fur-three boys who were regulars on the estine devoting his time, to a study of nished by a . vaudeville act of thefootball team this: fall, and were South Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, the article which; declares that "na- the musical development'in'that land, Ohio, Illinois and Mbrningside Coltionality, sex,political, ideas and reR. K. 0 . Orpheum. vrey instrumental in helping Sioux lege, spoke. Dave Singer was mas- ligious creeds are.' not a ground for While there he conducted a. premier Mr. Morris Pill, Mr. A. J. - Gal- City win the state championship this ter of ceremonies at the reception. legal privileges which the estate does performance of his own "Overture "Heinsky, and Mr. Louis Agranoff are Mrs. Joe Friedman was in charge of not recognize.'' :. •Chaluteim"; (The.Pioneers) which was in charge of the Brotherhood com- year. the refreshments. Perhaps the most outstanding of Some circles'-of;_the • community written around musical tnaterial which mittee on " arangements; The menu .are, . however, "disappointed, with the he" gathered 'in Palestme'on a former v/fll ,be prepared and arranged by athe three performers is Herbert Baumsten, who for the second year, article, which _ denies municipal, or visit. - ; Sisterhood committee which includes state support to' the "various reliSirs. Louis Agranoff,' chairman j Mrs. will be a three letterman barring all gions. The young straggling Jew- "A new" type of Jewish folk - song A. L. Galinsky, Mrs.' S. Schulein, injuries. He has seen action on the Robert E. O'Brien, president ish community in Spain is expected was being evolved in the Holy-Land, Airs. M. Blank, Mrs. L. S. Goldberg, gridiron, on the basketball court, of Dr. Morninprside Gollege, will be theto continue to depend upon the small Mr. Binder said. This was due, ho J3rs. Louis Heeger, Mrs. Philip and on the track field. guest speaker at Mount Sinai tem- subsidy for its maintenance recentTo him goes the honor of directKalin, Mrs. Joe Levin, Mrs. Morris r ple nejxt Friday Evening, Jan. 1, ly established by the synagogue in claimed, to the fact, that a nation" wa^ ing the Iowa State championship Pill and Mrs. "M. A. Weiner. reborn in-that country, and'as'a rewhen the congregation will hold a Madrid. team from the quarterback The dinner will be served at 6:45football post. He is a clever football man, special students service. A number Some displeasure is also ex- suit thereof the folk song wliich'vvas 3'cloclc Over 200 are expected to which sung in the Diaspora was found unmade it possible for him to of colege students will participate in attend. Guests will include a num-lead the Central team over all op-the service and read the ritual. Rabbi pressed with the article which or- suitable to the spirit of the land and ders that all cemeteries in the fuber of students who are in the city position on a most representative Lewis will introduce the speaker. ture must ba placed under civil jur- its people. - 01 the modem Palestinfor the winter holiday, and a num- schedule in the state. Tn addition ber of out of town guests. to this he is a passer of no mean ability, a capable runner, and can get away long punts if called upon to do so. ' A number of new committees were On the basketball floor last season he nlaved at guard and won a appointed at a meeting of the Alumletter. This year, however, his of-ni Talmud Torah Club, held last The annual Talmud Torah Dance, fensive . abilities have forced the Thursday. Nathan Levich was apsponsored by the Mothers" Club of coach to him to a center posi- pointed chairman, of the" program the Hebrew School, will be held tion fromshift where will direct the committee, which also includes Inez Tuesday evening, December-29, in quintet as captainhefor the 1931-32 Leaff and Sol Sokolsky. _ the Eigaudon ballroom. Lee Herzoff schedule. On the track field spe- Rueben Ratrier, Rudolph Shindler and his orchestra will furnish music cializes on the javelin throw.he Dur- and Morris - Rifkin were appointed for dancing,' white bridge will oc- ing the summer he plays baseball cupy the ,time of those who do notand pitches for a fast going team in to the membership committee. George Shindler "heads the athletic care to dance. and about Sioux City. committee, with Irving . Lunin, and Mrs. K. H. Umlein is chairman of Marie Osheroff, assisting. . Another outstanding performer of the arrangements. She will be as-the 1931 Central machine was -Toe Henry Ginsberg, Ben Ginsberg and sisted by' the following members of Goldberg, who played throughout the Sam Janowitch comprise the Constithe Hebrew Mothers' club: Mrs. Louis season at a guard position and made tution committee.. Sinikin,' secretary; Mrs. M. Lazari- first berth - on an all-sectional and The Ways and Means, committee wichj. treasurer; Mrs. B.' Epstein, team. Joe's love for the game is composed of Edward Sperling, Abe Mrs. Ben Sherman, Mrs."- A. • Slutsky, state his hardness gave the fans many Singer ?nd Si Reznick* . Mrs. S. Greenstone, Mrs. J. -Shulkin, and \i .»'—•'a treat was one of the reasons It was anno'jTiced that'the future Sirs. A. W. Kaplan, Mrs.N. Sadoff, he- was and honored. Goldberg was one Executive Board would be composed Mrs. Paul Kaplan, Mrs; S. Broscow, of the best The famous Goodypcr A."U ' guards Central has had of committee chairmen. Mrs. Rose Rabinowitz, Mrs. L. Her-for many years. Wsaihcr Treed is superior -; man, Mrs. I. Merlin, Mrs. Ben ShindAbe Epstein, 230-pound wingman, in tracficn. Nefe how the ler, Mrs. J. Shindler, Mrs. S. Gorch'ow, Mrs. Charles Barricks, Mrs. A.was the other outstanding man. Abe deep-cuf, tight-grippFng \ was chosen as an end on the second Tilevitz, Mrs. "S. Lunin, Mrs. A. blocks cro placed h thsfall-state team. This was Abe's third Plotkin. center cf the frcad, whsre i year on the team. He also specialWith the approach of the basket[Proceeds of the dance will go toevents or. the track, ball season, and several practice they belong. Press the t ' g ward the maintenance of the school, izes inweight pa!m of yo-jr hcr.d upon and the school bus, which takes die and has earned a letter in this games played,. nine men ,were chosen from the Maccabee club by Sidney branch. children to the school. • this freed end foe! how ^ Baumstein, captain of the team. The the blocks grip cr.d p^nch Vs _members are: Baumstein, Bergen, Zeligson and Cohen, forwards; Bravfhs flssh. This i!!u£frctcs V-" ',\, erman and Lansberg, centers; Maron, 'the AH-Weclhsr Tread's \" '\ Grueskin, and Shindler, guards. hoid-fesf cctiof? on pave- ) : -V Baumstein and Bergen will be unrr.Qr.t or rcccf. e .-. ' » V ; was the subject Mr. to play until after the first Mr. Louis Shilling was elected E."Service" Baron <;hose to address members of the year, because of; ir*vjnes sufsecretary of the National Workers friends of the'A.-Z. A. a! their fered during, the • fpc .. f? : season. Alliance at a .meeting1 held recently, and Sunday afternoon in Shaare Zeligs.-.«5, Cohen and Brav'erman are which preceded a Chanukah' party. meeting Zion Synagogue, which commemorat- the only new additions to last year's Mr*. M. Lazriowitch was elected treas- ed Z. A, Day. "Youth successful team. urer;'Mr. J. Lubman, recording secre- can-International-A. t\ acquire the habit of giving need- .; The opening game bf the Y. 1,1. tary, and the following members com- ed service to their community," C. A. League -was Won by the IJacpose the executive committee: Mr. Mr. Baron. He told the audience said that cabees with a score, of SO to""4, A.' Stillman, Mr. Joseph AHzenberg, A. Z. A. work was a field wherein Kr. . I. Levin, Mr. J. Falk, Mr. N.much could- be achieved in the wayagainst the St. Thomas Episcopal team. Grueskin, with 16 points, led SiSin, and Mr. Sam Ratner, hospi- of service. the attack ' of the winners, while .t£lity chairman. Mr. Julius Bisno, of-Omaha, who | Maron's work: was outstanding. ' -" A report of the year's work was -s,-.:.;.„-.'•; " ' ' . given at the meeting by Mr. Shilling. is- the assistant ejxecutive of-the It was announced" that the National National A. Z. A. spoke on "Ideals j Mrs. Maurice Kaplan was hostess >, rWorkers participated in the J. N. F. of A. Z. A." He traced the history to members of the J. U. L. club and growth of the organization, and Monday evening. Bridge wasfo!3owed campaign and in the Workshaften spoke on the aims of the lodge. hy refreshments. drive. Talks were also given by Marvin A monthly stipend was set aside as Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis will ada, contribution to the Jewish Corn- Klass, Isadore SRrowitz, and Morris iriunity Center.' Future meetings will Borshevsky. The A. Z. A. quartette dress members of the Junior Hadaspresented a group of selections. sah organization at their next meetbe held at the Center. Kabbvi H. E. Rabinowitz deliered ing; the invocation.
, re
Shaare Sion
' Mount. Sinm
iVi- « / < - , ' , ,
Alumni Committees of Talmud Torah Named
Maccabees Train for Basketball Season
•. Gifts to J.- N. F.
Workers Alliance Is
- A series of parties, given in various homes during the past month have augmented the treasury of the A number of elaborate parties will Jewish National fund. Mrs. R. H. The National Workers Alliance will enliven the social reason next we--lEmlein, who entertained recently presented the fund with a check for $5, bring Mr. Chayin Grecnberg, noted Ivre club members will give daceb? and Mr. J. Kuntz presented the fund Zionist worker and lecturer, on _Sun- j party in the main ,bail room of the vrfth $10 from a party' given at theday evening, January 3. Mr. Green- Hotel V/arrior. Tljs party will be berg will address an open meeting. open to members and their quests, home of J. Xanofsky. which.will be held in the auditorium and out of town lyre merabsrs! Bigclow's orchestra will " furrl^h of the Shaare Zion Synagogue. The-speaker will use as his'sub- tho xemzis for dancing fron I I p. ject, "Problems of Jewish Youth in m. to 4 a. ra. A breakfast nUl conAmerica." Mr. Greenberj? has toured clude the enterfeinK?Gnt. Ecrin 3rodBecause" of the lac!: [ of facilities this country eKtensively in the inter- key is in charge of the ar riia Palestine Bazaar ' -which was ests of the National Workers and Question Club ntemfcers frill cprelicduled fosr Sunday, December 27* is .well scq'.iaintejj with existing conhold tl-.ziv usual"cttndard in p~rf:cs ditions."' ' !ias fcsen postponed. Wo definite date • has baen set as yet, however, cam- The committees in eharso of thewith z.zi elaborate dinner" at - iTittea? in charge wore of the opiaio'n meeting; announca ihat no collection? tl:e Hotel Warrior in the in~:n cfn'h-,t the Insaar .y.-culd take pjaes ( or solicitations v.ill be made that romo time rfirrin^ th middle. ofteveninf."'The Mcatiiijj will"-begin at 8:30 p / m . ••' "JA Z'-vni-i fiz^nair^.ticns of thedty *'-:•? cs-ofjivtfnT on preparations for »/•»« j..'i.ii'>
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1>? pff-ur,
Pi-nnandn '«vi;s 5>3 givnn
hundred oarcoaa attended tho
Proprietor? pr
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