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- In ike Interests of the ' Jewish People
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Kna-nd ns Second-Clacs £3a5i £Xat "•' C January 2T, 1021, at. J'osiodre jif Oranba, Kebrssfcn. nnt T " A c t of Id&rch-S. 2S70
O3SAHA, K3BBASHA, " D X E S B A Y , DECS2IBER SO, 1931 •f?
mi isira \ Efdjcji Wednesday
i Professor Charles Krcr.tz cf CoDr. Chaiin GreKiboarg, New York lumbia University vrill lecture cr* author, philosopher, and- lecturer, ITcif, sen cf I l rthe . r.e~ly-orgimi2cd Jewish colrciy •will speak at the Jewish Connnuuity 1EL. *?J.« at Bira Bidjan on Wednesday, J a m - Lzcdzctg Free Center on Monday evening, Jcnuary ary 6, at the Labor Lyceum, Twen4, at 8 p. m., on "The Future of honored, by fcsL TCfTrn CUP £l""*~. . to the jnost out- ty-second and Clark strcts, at S p. a . 57% of People' A inics Sh( the Jewish Youth in America." -rnier of Zeta Beta Professor Hnntr: just recently re-The lecture is being given under Hitler Succce* the auspices of the Poale Zion and Tau, &e olirr Jewish college fra- tzmsd from Bira Bidjai), where he Itcl States. ternity in the U , A.)—Tr>e Te-ss-s supervised ths organizing cf the LIoscow—(J. Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—The Jews the Rational Workers* Alliance. A £i£or at Harvard, above nasied colony, which it iswill bs the first victims should J3.it;resident in Jerusalem constitute 57 nominal, admission fee is ; being . Justin' is a ..Jdczt of the/Har- planned will he in the. near future ler coise ito ppTFer in Gerrasrry, - Culminating the' efforts of local per cent of >the total population charged in ordsr to cover expenses. where he is tu on rclijriocs irtovevard chapter ci 7ztz Beta"Tau. HeSnnly established" as a Jewish 're- Emll Zionist leaders - for . a, number of there, according to reliable census Chaizn Greenberg,- a professor of •vrill be presented years, Omaha .'Zionist^organizations figures made available this morning. the Jewish Teachers'^ Seminary in public. \ Educa•.iow present a united front "with the The lecture is being give:s under Of a total of 90,526 in tna city, New ". Yorki" is touring the entire Conv formation o£ the United Palestine 51,300 are"Jews, 19,850 Moslems country at present. -For.-years he the auspices of the Icor of Omaha. Council last Monday evening at theand 19,000 Christians". According to was a •' leader of -• the -Tzejra Zicn, There trill be no collections. en on Jewish Community Center. these figures the Jewish population world-wide. youth organization. He eveThe Council will be the &ial au- has increased by 1.80C. The figures is reputed to be outstanding arsons the Jewish, lecturers in this country. thority on all Zionist "activities in do not, however, H , L.dwi declared that Hitler | f ^ ^ f f j ^ ^ S u t "include certain S .i*—:-* U i j will be unable to fulfil Ms ag£GTZ- Hsbbi Albert G. l.lin.da of Kinnaapthe city, its nine constituent organi- quarters ofr. Jerusalem which if ! ated promises to Ms adherents, upon olis, who will discuss the reform sations have decided. They are the counted would have shown the Jewassuming power. Pushed hard to Zionist Organization, Senior Hadas- ish population to _ have increased , take some action that will maintain znovemer.tjiah, Junior Hadassah, Pioneer Wo- 6,000. Babbi Kinda is considered a briltht confidence of his followers,, he inen, Mizrachi, National Workers' The Moslem population in Jerusaand c.r. able exponent will in all probability persecute the | Alliance, Poale Zion,; National, Fund lem has. increased, 6,000, while the Jews. It is much easier to perse-1 of th-e nevcer tendencies in KcforJn Council, and the Greater Palestine Christians" have . increased only cute the Jews, Kr. Ludwig stated, Judaism.. He. is u £mro?,T.c ot w e Committee. 4,500, thus shifting them from to Philanthropic, p Scisis- than it is to institute economic and Hebrew Uirion College and since IOCS '• The last time that all of the local second place .which they occupied has been Kcbbi^of Temple Israel in E d i l Zionist groups were formed into -one according to the 1922 census, to tiftc, aEdd Edacatiesal political r'fc us. Minneapolis. E e lias nino boon accohesive unit was fourteen years ago. third place.. Purposes Boycott asd ladteiaents'. Ccaxi t h e coin.ir..Tiii"l. work tively engaged in ;. M. F . lievenson, a representative (if -tinue Unabated;'New '. . in his own city r.s veil RE In ivn~ Chicago.—(J.' T. ' A.)—Signifying >f the Ziomst^ Organization, vras portent Jewish effort in America nxui .' ••••.-" T a s Measure"'""' their intention of continuing the bene...riectgd president of the United Palsbrosd. ficent traditions initiated by their estine" Committee. Other officers Warsaw—(J. , T., A.)—Rejecting On January 17, Kabbi David ArotsX father, the five children "of Juluis named: are: -.Mrs. H. -SichHn, of the a bill presented by.the Club of Jew^ son vcill present the conse-rvntivs Eosenwald filed notice with the Cook Poale Zion, first vice president; MorIsh Deputies for a reform of ths* view point r.nd on January £4 the p County recorder" of the incorporation ris Minkiii, of the National Workturnover tax system, the Polish' by Pro essor series Trill "be concluded by of • the "Eosenwald Family Associaers' Alliance, second vice president; Parliament at its last session of Iowa State U I.Ioses Jun tion," for philanthropic, educational, Morris Friedel, of the Zionist Organadopted instead a government mea£pMlk o n O r t h o d o x scientific and charitable purposes. ization, secretary; Mrs. Julius Stein Sir John Sisspso'n Emphasises | which permits the, payment of_ of Senior Hadassah, treasurer. . The neworganization is to be sepNeumann Confers With Sena- sure He Is Not Hostile to j As usual, each of these lectures the turn over tax in instalments in^" arate from the Sosenwald Foundation tors and High Officials President Levenson appointed the stead of _ one lump sum as formerJewish Efforts . | will be .followed hy open disevsand ether . benevolent/activities of following to serve on the'executive About It ly required. sions. All of the speakers are able Jnlius Bosenwald. The association . board with the officers: L MofgenShanghaL— (J. T. A.)—"There is! exponents of their points of view as " The -Jewish Deputies were jclnsd has been formed by Lessiug J. andno truth whatsoever that' England stern, National Fund Council; Philip Washington, D. C— (J. T. A.)—A by Deputies; of ' other national" miWilliam Kosenwald of Philadelphia,,' will ultimately repudiate the' Balf our well as' able sneakers. " Elutznick, Zionist Organization; Mrs. great deal of sympathy and under- norities = in" voting against the govM / . ^ . ^ « . . . u «*&.. three daughters, Mrs. Adele.R. Levy Declaration ana leave Palestine to its Morris Franklin, Junior Hadassah. standing- exists among American ernment project. ' s an honor ?'"- " " at the *aniver- of New' York, Mrs. Edith S. Stem, fate," declared Sir John Hope SimpEach organization is entitled to statesmen in the development of the three representatives in the Council Jewish National Home, but there is a VHna—A" delegation of .. Jewish sity and has to'In active in forensic New Orleans, and Mrs. Marian S. son, author cf the Simpson report, need for the dissemination in a" sys- leaders will proceed to Warsaw for circles, maldr; Le Hs.n-ard debate Stern of Chicago. L'he Sie vjuarcistnen.' FC Where • the , co-operation of the and now in Shanghai as head of the -. While no "funds have been set aside Chinese Belief Commission, while QT'.~ ? srr-horaore. tor presentation by theCent Zionist groups in Omaha is desired tematic manner of authentic data the" purpose of requesting, the cent C---val Sigh, he made for the association and no. program the approval. of the . Council must with regard to all matters pertaining tral Polish government to "curb'the Consenting to. di. :( f'.xxd vnii Srst be obtained, according to thto Palestine, declared Emanuel Neu- Boycott agitation which' is 'bring- ir env'srVs rc*"i in «&, olarsh'p "and Itas been' agreed spon, the losenwald question for the first ;ime, in en in- i mann, American member of the •criaeed a t r.later date t i l ^iv'ti^s. . - . • children - expect to give it the same terview -with "Isras s Messenrcx." ! tonstitution. ratified by-the organiing the Jews, of Yilna to; a- state.of y Zionist Executive. Mr. Neu-'destitution;, it was asrioimced here via ft-ill be simoiiT? ced • in the isJ -sreciarnt of the scope which characterizes thsix fatii- s>,-l Fohn reiterated the views zations. Sltmist conflicts in ddates -World At Central man had several conferences with following a ' special ' meeting 'called er"s .philanthropy but will de-rots 1 £ ^ t : i frc; student and all other conflicts _ are to, "be' Justice •d m the report, altheragrh ersil Stziaits' , Apres Brandeis concerning current to discuss the situation. ' '"•'". g a.a.1 star of themselves to matters too small avoided by,- the United Palestine Zionist problems g ing body, ,aptcia p •pnasiEJ; and a series,of in"'The; Vilna' University. Senate-has •fho debate tocrr, Timer cf the state ii.e ^.tto^raia s: ojiuE^iOxi TO k*i^8 i jg-^-ig^ position ana that i s is Council. Joint cultural meetings, -c-'vCHIuSSAOil "CO these events -vnu S>e lews with a .number-:of. senators suspended ' all ; acadeaie - 'organisajjoint p drives, and joint terfew i K3c ~lc *-- the Jewish asp-^-"^ • CoimxtuTiity twrsporcr~T?r atcst, end psrtici- •care of. „ , —... i •ations in tree mcmM -s c f ,he tions "• which... sign.6d';.thB ; boycott:agi- par.T in a • Julius Sossawald, vrlio has. -besa ill p^estipe Palestinian efforts' srs planned.' P l .be antfHgh government officials. for several months, Tfrixl hzxz .no " The purpose of She Council "is the ' I t is -understood.'that these conver- tation ".appeals--wSidh:''itr3' be.in'g "dls- Of i p . T^01™tiiG-CL O^-v Ere : Lin- -dlr2cting.tlie_jsrpaiidlteTCE .of'te-s •^enrollment ol all "orgi-nistti&as do- sslions=had, a. bearing-.; on-: ths.-.- SHOTS- . tshxxted'- - in -large •' -qusutitiss ia' Zhs •InS !?ale£fili-ir»j) .pir Zionist' vorls in ment which"-is afoot "to-;bring••aSput streets, • theaters--.asd ' puilie' build- To oi i eor< that xne ii-ose~wjud -family Association -| Omaha into a- Council which has for the creation in this country of a Pro- ings of the • .yilna district. ^'Jewish-ealorjss is Sabbath follow the esampls its program the development of aPalestine Committee, similar to tiiose p set by Jclfus |I one of ths caisf points" -of contention «Sund ' W a r s a w—Anti-Semitic :"agitators Participating in the services at of | which .aggravates the relations beiealthy interest in Palestinian enter- existing in European countries. Rosen^rald and spend the fuud .within a period'-of tr,-entj"- tvre£n the Jews and the Arabs. prises, the harmonization and integra- Mr. Neumann expressed to the Jew- in the village of Bialo-Podolska" are Temple. Israel on the evening of Fri-tha 1don of all-Palestinian elror.fcs.-.in the ish Telegraphic-Agency correspondent using aeroplanes to circulate leaf- ".day, January S, s t 8 p. nu, Mrs. Wil- five years. He expressed the belief, however, vrzs eritkneed hv the attendance of lets propagandizing ". the economic city, and the stimulation. of • greater his satisfaction with the result of liam this edacatioi5JiI Kerics. Maurice Sant-'Holsman and -Mrs. Nathan activity tovrard ^the end that the these interviews. One of the import- boycott against the "Jews, -the Uantel not impossible. • will deliver the messages Plan World Jewish lid cpsned the 3s£te*e r-crieF irt Nf»; .-ideal of Zion rebuilt may be more ant leaders of the XT. S. Senate em- "Folks-zeltung" report. "I believe England wiH remain true j Ycmbcr. The Crater Players* Ga^d ich they gave on Sisterhood Sa.bspeedily realized." to her pledge End help the Jewish" ,i ,.,,,. diiccd the r- .e pl?.v of I-!-pdv-1|r b a t h . • ' - . " " • • ' • •- -' - ~ phasized that "ninety-nine out of a Buenos - Aires—Efforts-; to perpeople to upbuild their country. i k t i Lewisohn . "Adam;" end the Easrorair hundred men are sympathetic to your suade Jewish leaders in Buenos cause, but most of them know little Aires to halt preparations for a Socictv cr.vc P. co-nrrrt <*f Basle.:—{J. T. A.)—The convocation ths sane time-. Enjrfn-nd vrill sss about the actual, T -siiFic -which cvDKed cor.siflp-rl situation." i i " of the mass meeting to protest against the cf a trorld congress of central Jewish it that the rights of the" Arabs «t O |j *.:•TpT-.-Jr.iU c- V-J .i»Sii J..L. The American member crg^niEations engaged in co-ouers-tion vrMeli thev ere entitled--will-not abls cTithusiasiT! find, interest among; Federation Annual World Zionist Executive further stat- anti-Semitic excesses and ths antithose -vrho heerd tliera. •work vras decided upon at a confer- [ compromised in any vray," Sir ed that more than ever he is con-Jewish boycott movement were unence here of. representatives of Jew- asserted. The EymposiuEi vdll "be lolloped by vinced today of the importance of dertaken h*.re by the Polish Minisish co-operatives in Poland, Lithuj ^n interesting lecture by Marvin ter, Dr. "Wlcdislaw Mazurkiewicz. such a pro-Palestine movement among Tha animal mertins of the Jewish ania, Latvia and Palestine. . ! Lows-nthal, traveler End. author, v4io non-Jewish friends of the Zionist .uV' Comcranity Center and Welfare FedThe Association of-Jewish' Co-o^rucause. "When this movement is well eration vrill be Leld on Sunday eve- tive Org-snizations in Poland %vs.s cuj "The Trails of the .TTanccrinir Jc^r" Injunction Issued Against Pub- organized it is "bound to have a saluning, Pelmarv T, at the Jewish i en Jan-Kary SI. For February 14 jg lishers of Inciting tary effect on the progress of ZionComnjiinitr Center, it -was announced Beeessary for the convening of such j 1 scheduled a lecture concert bv Abraist work here and abroad. The TePictures today hy TTilliara L. Holsman, pi"es- yet been • decided upon.. : • incraaiTigmaining time he will spend in this ;i tolfc ident of the Federation. " Breslau—(J. T. A.)—The Bres- country before his departure for. Lonsongs End ; i of a'congress, the dstc cf vrhieh has not <Je\rish This vriil "be the £rst annual meetlaa" court has taken steps to check don and- Jerusalem will'-.be• devoted •ontribiition 17313 51C. ?. 'A.}—The ITicve- j ing srrue the reorganization and conths boycott agitation against the chiefly to the furtherance of this mat^ -"The Golden Bride," an oatstona" solidation cf liis Jcvridh Jews_ launched by" the Nazis and has , he stated. revive the «Te\Tisii i'erri-! • y ;stioii founded bvj f;fi ing Yiddish play from the" pen of Center, the Jr^ish Welfare Federagranted an injunction against the I i ths late Israe" William Siegel, will be presented by tion, and the 'Jevish Philanthropies publishers of the "Schlesische BeoV the Nathan Weinstein Yiddish Play were ^eHected early this year. bachter" and the "Schlesische Tageground in Pol; and a vrorldJev;H ish conference Is projected, for the j szeitung,", for - carrying on their ers ~t the Brandeis Theatre oa Pri- While the.detailed plans for this i\j se-i P'urpose of discussing rae^ns 01 se-1 front pages "illustrations inciting day evening, January 1, New Year" annual mestir.^ iiavi. not yet been c-uring: territory available for <!cvr- j a^sinst the Jews. night. According to many reports determined, - it. is-- expected that" the •Washington—(J. T. A.)—-An I isii • The action cf the court followed "The Golden Bride" is one of th program'. TFill include reports, on allportant group cf representatives, £ho complaint of "15 Jewish shop "The Eeligious Significance of Eu-best plays ever produced on tbphases of tLa —ori c^rri;d cr. bcth Houses cf Ccr~rcrr. iz r c r c : :tr kespers. . In handing _ down its deYiddish sta~e. gene Oi^eil's 'Mourning Becomes ccr" through t) 2 g p ,\ z Electra'" will be the subject of the Featured will be Nathan ein- tions as declared that the_ as e.sct:cn c i cir.CErs; h-u'.jed, v cisionthe court T'CS^ C" stein, nationally laio-vn as a Yiddish first lecture to be given by Eabbi for the e boycott g the Jews is 'concf boycotttoagainst trary the principles on which toldstein before the newly-organized character cctor, the 13-ycar-oM 13: rf ths h civilization is based and- described Junior Society of the Conservative ana "Weinstein, "vro^der girl c2 iZie j ^ Koniolard i:~ ral Yiddish stage," s=d a lar~e conj Synagogue on Monday evening, JanL _the pictures as infringing on the ; ^.0*1371-0x1 pany cf Yiddish players. uary 11. respect for a political system'. "rv r'c-n.fts. llusical a-orabars aad Epedalfc:=3 r -» ^ ^ ^ — The court's injunction also pro- The group consists of 25 young wohibits the use either in editorial or men, "who are sponsoring a series of •will also be given. Xr. Weinctern tcpas io ba ilrla' advertisement matter, slogans .such Monday evening suppers and lectures as "Do Not Buy from the Jews, on the second and fourth Llondays of to present cr.3 Y i d d i i play a vrc~; psctedly ~c:_cl a~c. Vii; - r f c!- ' - CT Only from Germans," "Germans each month at the J. C. C. in Omah-, espectinj thereby to reI «^r^4 " ./i— ""* Buy Only from Germans," "Germans The series is to be called "Books vive Yiddish culture in the city. In lovir™ „ Lc.it r t ^ Mix Only with Germans." and Men." Eabbi Goldstein will dis- his previous eppesraness in Onicha One of ths three pictures which cuss books that are of Jewish in- •crith his company ho has had •=£- tha" cVrid* 'CS^f-Az.? Fjr'crS j the " Pa os caused the complaint of the Jews terest or that deal with basic human usually large audiencss. "Our productions viil bs of thsHill c:-clar. • was a showing of Calvary with the experience. On alternate llondays r headline, "That I s Bow the Jews he will take up the lives, thought, and £cni2 high quality a3 in the pa:t,3' ru*. vjvee Nailed Christ to the Cross.' The achievements of great Jews in the Y7einctdn stated. "Get your tickets second showed Christian shops 19ih and 20th centuries. for *The Golden Bride' now in cr£sr j * (7" *> i**f *.•* C / — ~* ^. decorated for Christmas/ find car- The suppers will begin at 5:20 in TD ^ot choice seats." Tickets z.i ths ried the title, "Yet Christians S the lodge room, cvA the msctir.es will Branueis Thcatra bos oflco rarj-i . n.Jw ' J ^» to Jewish Shops for .Their Christ- be over promptly at 8. from fiftv c=r.ts to a collar. mas Shopping." The third picture Beservations for the first meeting was that of a man hanging from a 11 must be ir.ad? v.o inter beam with the description, "The re-January than Thursday, January 7. They p a y .« ...» . . 1 - suit of Jewish-""competition. Chris- be csUr made by calling Zllzz Anna lintztian traders -driven to suicide by jnanat th J J. C. C. A norrtirul clitrgs competition with big Jewish stores.'' of fifty cents will L2 nic.de for thu supper. Miss Sally Horgaa is prc:id£^t, Sophia Ho3C=3t£in, vice-resident; " Z let . < % .\ . Laiinisecl 'in Bussis Esther Faiar, E2cretary; Hos2 Itoccasteinr trs^urtr; Tcby^ Flas, rep=rccr. Kiev.—{J. TV A.)—The for 2i:3 ?urp333jj / . of tlig Jewish script wns resolved up- Bsisaa ICo Lcr.sa on at a CQaferenca called by the JsrrSsparafa -ish Scientific Institute in Kiev. Tho sub-district of E A committee was sppctsted to pro 1 pcxtly v.itli - J ^ pare t&e preliminary step. ? necessary vdil hs *ri carry through" this pro.fss* and partly
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PAGE, 2—THE: JEWISH FEESS, WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER SO, 19SI to take place last Aug«bt, are extended for eight months, -according to' the decree. Until these elections FMtake place, the 'Jevvish communists • •will contiraia to be rnaaaged.by Government CoiTsmipfars appointed by the Rome.—(J. T.- A.)—A decree en- Miisistrv of R l i fprcjag-the n-ew.-Jewish -Com:minitj* Eussell: Decidedly so. The. ..Jew 1 LaW was published in- the "Gazetta cannot rid himself of a feeling of Jewish Architect' t® S?.'.|>crvfsc Oscisle." . .-,unsafety. That is perhaps .the reaAccording to the new law, the Jew- Espositien ;Constmctioii son why he Tiurries to achieve maish communists- will J>e divided into • Brussels. — The Belgian Governterial success. He believes that tweaty-six-.Kehilloth, based on their merit appointed the Jewish architect material wealth will protect him. Dr. V. E. LevSae, territorial. composition. All Italian de Lange, Honorary Saerctary of tliG His view is plausible in the presof feJo-«{Jeaisfcry arad cstritloa, Jewish Coramunity in Antwerp, to provinces are included. ent "social structure. The Jew is the Cre*fe&toa University School Every Jew ' is required to join, a draw tip the plan and supervise the of Medicine. much, -more nervous, restless, sensiewish •community in flie district work of the most important section of tive—that's- • why he excells in the the construction of the. World Exposiarts-;—than- we are. No wonder a Editors Note.—Readers of this where-he-resides. • The term of .elections for the Jew- tion which will take place in Brussels Jew discovered psychoanalysis. newspaper may receive answers to There was a pause, like after "a any question regarding the general ish Communities which were sdied- in 1SS5. lively • machine gun engagement. subject cf health by sending a self-addressed envelope Russell relighted his pips with the stamped gesture of a soldier wha has just with their questions to Dr. Victor come through a severe physical'test.. B. -Levine," Creighton university, His smiling, eyes seemed to say: Omaha, Neb. "We've, talked enough about the Jaws for a. sunny : :tmoon; after H all,'in' a world chuck full of mys- 1: THE-'PUBLIC' HEALTH The Opening: of the teries one cannot spend all one's _ , •- MOVEB1ENT .' •: time, thinking and worrying about .. Public health was even a probihc 'Jews. It would not be healthy [ ancient times. The hiscither for us or for the Jews." In lem in very tory pf!:; the .earliest : civilizations any case, I Ehifted the conversation By JOSEPH BRATNIN to the- depression,1'a topic always gives jclear^evidence: of; the existence 5019-Under^vood Ave. Phone GL S951 On ' the " tip of your tongue when- of pjiblic health .measures. Ancient Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, "Greece, England's most distinguished phil- age, not of his own free will—still ence, music Jews ^dominate. .Yes," I ever a conversation lulls. :' • . J.. RADUZINER, Propr. and Rome had some ideas on J hyI: Is an econamic depression pro- giene osopher and mathematician gives his reminds one of a Poale Zion leader consider them superior; to us .; Cfensanitation. Cyrus .the views on the Jewish problem in an in his ready-to-wear suit and has atHes.- Are you. going; -to: tell; i-me ductive of a return to interest in Great, and We vdsh to E-nncunce that •we have opened a deliwho showed much concern that all of you are going to pack keen sense of humor-acquired; we spiritual values?" exclusive interview with the editor catessen store carrying a complete line of delicatessens, for the soldiers in the Persian of the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. .presume, during his six months \ im- up , arid go out to Arabia ?" Bercheese, kosher smoked meats, fresh fruits and vegetables. Russell: I would not say so. The received from his father,the Ice cream and soda fountain. We cordially invite your A stimulating interview, the second prisonment in 1918, or perhaps, trand Russell, in jerky sentences dole receivers do not buy books. army, advice: "Thy chief anxiepatronage. Bertrand Russell ever granted to a while he was an attache at the Brit- punctuated by tha.jneiry twinkle in The man who looses his job does following ty should be to provide for health, ish embassy ,in Paris some 35 years his kindly eyes, replies to'my ques- not feel exactly like taking up a foi Jewish journalist.—Editor. thou oughtest to care to prevent ago. Tall, svelte, extraordinarily tion as • to what he thinks, of Zion- course in classic literature or math- the Army from falling into sickOPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY vital for a man just a few months ism. "There is-., but.s one' raison ematics. But I have noticed a dif- ness at .all." Hippocrates, the "All right, let's talk about the d'etre for Zionism; it is persecution. short of 60, his clean-shaven face FREE DELIVERY ferent mood in America. People father of medicine, advocated boilJews," sighed Bertrand Russell, the philosopher who views the world as dominated by naive, .continually I believe that Zionism V is a, good are less cocksure of themselves. ing and filtering all drinking water. .It is The pragmatic attitude to life is merely an aggloemration of atoms smiling eyes under bushy brows, he thing for tfie Jews in;Poland.; : The people of the Tigris and the M»»«nr«»fr»<T and electrons and handles centuries has the appearance of a clergyman a .hope for better, days,' for a. freer losing out. The fellow who believes Euphrates valleys possessed drains and human species as readily as a out on a spree. Now and then dur- life,. but. it does not^solve^ the- Jew- that by creating r slogan he solves and other sanitary conveniences. Jewish clothing manufacturer deals ing our chat he would remove a ish question 'of-jttie/^rprldi provided an economic problem is not so Carthage had the oldest known cisout a pinochlt hand. -So vve talked short bulldog pipe from his ironic you. think there.is/a Jewish world popular today" y in this country. To- terns.. -Rome had sewers as early . 'v : about the Jews, one"'forenoon in the mouth ' and - become serious for a question." day • : came • across a news item. as 800 B. C. Moses, about 1600 B. Gramercy Park apartment of W. W. brief moment. When, one would "".'But what about the /Jew.' y^ho Senator so and so very seriously C, advocated and enforced many Nortno, the New York publisher get 3. glimpse of Bertrand Russell, feels himself "a national''- entity 'in advised his constituents to "stop hygienic laws which were prevenwho -was playing host to the dis-the conscientious objects, "who dur- search of a physical ••' fatherland, whining and knuckle down to work." tive rather than curative. '/''." tinguished English mathematician .ing the war defied Great Britain's lord." Russell?" ; . . . " ; Nothing wrong with this suggestion The early advances in hygiene £jid- philosopher now visiting, for the war enthusiasm almost single- ; "Forget the .lord. ~I don't believe except that it was brought forward Are Your Brakes adjusted even? handed. bi ' nationalism and- I cannot' inake as a . remedy. Now, that. type, I and sanitation seemed to have been fourth time, this free country of Does your car steer hard ? forgotten after the fall of Roiae. an exception for Zionism." ours. "Zionism." A small proposition. notice, is definitely vanishing. Does your car shimmy ? During the Middle Ages sanitation I: What about Einstein? He is Of course I did realize that to a You don't mean to tell me that the Earl Russell went on chatting in and hygiene were not at all reckDoes your car weave in the road? scientist of the calibre of Russell Jews of the world seriously think a Zionist. Do your tires wear on the side? hi. easy, smiling conversational oned with. The situation was so Russell: Einstein explained to the JewJsh question is i»rol>ably a of banishing themselves'to a oneway. At no time did he try to bad that perfume was much in dePLAY SAFE—DON'T TAKE CHANCES secondary matter. It does not af- horse country? . That "wouldn't do me when he lived in Switzerland he overpower me with an assortment mand to • hide body odor. • Bathing was not a Zionist. Now that "he See Yousem" fect his philosophical Weltans- at all. I object for selfish reasons. of philosophical abstract terminolonot in vogue. One English chauung. But Russell, who, by theWhat would we do without Jews in lives in Germany and witnesses the gy. 9A graduate of Cambridge, was INSPECTION FREE king invented the Order of the Work Uniier Snpervlsion of Factory Trained Men way, recently became Earl Bertrand Europe, or, for that matter, in ersecution of his race, he supports who studied in : Prance and Ger-Knight the Bath in order to reSOB GUARANTEED WE KNOW OVU BCSISESS Arthur William Russell—by herit- America? I shudder. In art, sci-the, Palestine movement. I -would many, lectured, in China and wrote ward a of ,G30 of Xew Brake nnd WlieeJ Alignment greater sense of cleanliness do the same. his formidable "Introduction to et Tour Disposal •I: Einstein is surely not a chau- Mathematical Philosophy" in an among hib courtiers. Spices were •much sought for in order to make vinist. As a pacifist he is an in- English prison -cell, Russell is a ternationalist. Still he believes in Tare phenomenon pf..a cosmopolitan, palatable and . endurable ., food very . and • very highly Zionism.. versatile Englishman who can be a ; poorly preservedNo wonder that Russell: Do you want Einstein to great "scientist without losing his bacterialized. plagues .swept Europe again and be logical ? He is a genius.. There charm. .... cannot be any doubt, that, logically (Copyright 1031 b^- Seven Arts Fea- again, .and at times wiped out as QOC-T. ^' v 'much.as a quarter of the population ana.ly.zed, there ,is & conflict beture ;'of whole'-cpCTiirfes,,,v • • -; t tween Einstein' the . internationalist A Trial Will Convince You -, andT ^Einstein the Zionist.. But Ein"The" early ' attempts, "to sanitation stein's Zionism', is merely a. .'protest took the form _ of safeguarding ROUGH DRY;; :;:.;: against anti-Seiiiitism. It is " a against. .contagion. In the sixth Everything .washed spotlessly clean. Flat proud protest and I understand it. century,-A. D», the ^.spread, of lepI snioN work beautifully ironed and folded. You asked me about/Zionism as a rosy ied t o the- initiation of crude * . Wearing apparel dried, in fresh .filtered air. practical political movement... As .methods .of-isolation. Effective quarTowels fluff dried. such, I say, it is a\ small proposiantine, "however, was not introduced tion that cannot solve the "Jewish until;"A3:T4;;.when Venice adopted' it Scperlb. •world problem. as _ a-,: measure against an : epidexnie r --'•'• Shirts hand finished 12c each. YCU WILL ENJOY \ I: What are you going to do of plague. 10 Per Cent Discount on Thurs., FTL, Sat. Polish Law Bars Proselytes to about anti-Semitism? Our Seven Coui'sc , - . .Look, to , Fntcre Russell: Russia is. showing; as Judaism TIT That • DINNER The modern ; health' movement is what to do. Anti-Semitism can be -._•'-• ; Country CHAS. SBION RECOMMENDS THE • a definite ^ana .conscious effort, to uprooted only by education, : state 50c f Served from \ ^ "' 'N education/ It must be a positive Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)-^The law pro- prey'ent. jdisesge: 5ri" 'the; ;future. I t is education - against anti-Semitism. hibiting ' Christians from becoming' .not.a. movement to. cope with existwhich is a capitalistic product. It is proselytes to Judaism in Poland is ing pestilence. : The modem movethe last barricade of nationalism. As to be challenged before the Supreme ment" is - said to date fron 1842 in England pubsuch it must be exposed and ex-Administrative Court by a Pole when Chadwick ; "On the Sanitary plained to children and grownups. named Raczynski, who is bringing an lished Ms" report, : I: But you cannot expect a capi- action against the Ministry of the In- Conditions • 'of the Laboring PopuPhone AT 2815 2815 Farnam talistic country to expose anti-Semi- terior for refusing to give permission lation of Great Britain." This retism as a by-product of the capi- for his acceptance' into l i e Jewish port . led to a- general campaign for environmental • sanitation which talistic system? Community. "B-ay the Best CssJ Russell: No, but even in a capi- When Raczynski came to the War- spread from "England to America ^ ^ Cfeeapest talistic country, once it reaches a saw Rabbinate, asking to lie admitted and to the other, countries of the In the Long certain level of civilization, anti- as a member of the"Jewish Commun- civilized w o r l d . ' * " ' " • ' • Semitism cannot survive. We in ity, the Rabbinate. .pointed out that The .public health movement reEngland have reached that stage. this was impossible •• because the law ceived' great impetus from the OUR SPECIAL Really, we have no Jewish problem. declares that only such people who work ;of the great Frenehmaa, Louis You cannot reconcile the chauvinis- were formerly Jews and "became bap- Pasteur... His. bacteriological re0 tic anti-Jewish cry with our people. tized '"may"be accepted 'as members of . searches led to modem, methods-of Can you? During-.the war, when the Jewish-,Community,! if they desire .protecting from disease, such as'diswe sent Lord Reading to America to return to.their previous faith, but infection'' and": imrn'-anization. As a r r s Lactins—Very L:i'Jc Asb~A tier.- E as our Ambassador, we never that Christians who. were not prev- result' "of the' stimulating work of thought of his being a Jew. If our iously members of the Jewish faith Pasteur boards of health in city attention hadt e e n drawn to it by must not be accepted as proselytes. and _town .became more efficient some of you Americans it would and, more important'agents ia health not have made the slightest differ- Raczynski then applied for permis- 'conservation. ; The .U. - ". Piiblie sion to the Warsaw Government Comence. Health-1 • Service, -; once merely an missioner, and when he refused, to I: "If- you were given dictatorial agency for the "care of sick seaMinistry of the Interior, who con- men, authority in a country like Poland the gradually became . a national firmed the refusal, pointing out that or Rumania, how would fou go there is no one in Raczynski's-family force in the field of hygiene. about putting a stop to anti-Semitic who was ever a member of the'JewInternational Aspect outbreaks? . ish faith, and that it was therefore Of late ' years the' public health T OR Russell: By instituting the most to grant such-permission movement has assumed an is terns- j severe punishment for anti-Semitic impossible on the ground of reversion to former aspect. . The Office International activities and by carrying on an in-religion. d'Hygiene. Publiqae was organised tensive positive education against ) 2924 Leavenworth anti-Semitism as a social, political When the question came up in at Paris . under the coa\'entlon of and economic (disease. There is no 1927 following a complaint that sev- Rosas in 1907 to take acre cf health JAckson 9408 doubt in my mind that if a govern- eral would-be proselytes had been re- problems -which - transcended questo be admitted into tions of national boundaries. After ment .sincerely wants to eliminate fused- permission p O s . y , an the World War 'the League of Naanti-Semitic outbreaks • and. ; propa- the Jewish;; t d g T community, ganda it can do so. Anti-Semitism official statement was issued "by the tions •' created' a Health Section, can be destroyed only by Govern- Minister" of ""the" Interior denying any which.' "has rendered signal service Government interference. Such a pro- in fighting epidemics in .Poland*- in ment .action. • A Mom baoxTn for Its marvelous . baking qualities.. veer for &u. Equituble Life Annuity will I: "Could such a procedure also hibition, the. statement. said, even if Russia, £nd m the Near East,; in • The favorite vyftare economy Is watched. For Omar1 stop the anti-Semitic hysteria of it were asked for by the Catholic .standardizing-' health s t a t i s t i c s ganrantcc yea c Srcif .trcnt'-If f"iCx--rc of Consistory, could, not:.toe issued be- throughout the" world,. and in simFlour fcalios Eicre loaves p^~ sack —'and.eliminates the Hitlerites? , Bassell: The, Hitlerites are trying cause it would .be "a 'contravension of plifying the ' tasks of raaritliae r-2 Failures. , -. . . . • : r; to convince themselves that they are the religious liberty' ''guaranteed in quarantine. the Constitution. The reports, the good -Germans by persecuting the - There--have--existed-.four ideals as Jews. In a ease like this, you see statement went on, have probably •-the- ^ -desirable - -'objectives in public the perfect illustration of -where ariseq ;.frora -.the fact that the Polish ;healtii..' The. Ancient "Persians, Sparchauvinsim leads if permitted to ex-Babbiriate-imposes very difficult con- tans and EoJiians " demanded health j pand unhampered. •-.'. The Hitlerites ditions on iateuding -proselytes, in or- •to : develop - nien.-; to withstand 'the T1 V { lI will break .their .own backs. Any der to test their earnestness. Very rigors -and hardships of war. • The political party that .-mustr resort to frequently- it happens* that the Minis- 'Greeks sosglit: iealth ' for personal X Vr , „ , . % racial prejudice in order to main- try of Public Worship is appealed to beauty. T h e Hebrews desired tain itself is-tottering on its last by intending proselytes' to intervene health in order - the better to • exwith' .iiie Babbiiiate"'ia order ta fa- press • man's : int.ellectaal and' spiritlegs, appearances '.."notwithstanding. In-1 i ' I: Do .'you see.;;i5ievJew:;ES-s-rfep- eilitsfe their admission-into the Jew- ual, ''potentialities. Ths modern p : 'resentative : of; ";&'." iteligion .or''"as-"--afish, fold ''•."'.•.. .'.•;;- , ' • .— ideal HI. faeaith is 'a ccmbinaticn of mtional'?--f.; *.!£••:"; j: •"• •• : "'; ;'.:.- .{•-. The.VYiddish • daily/;"Nsjer. Bajnt,'* y, j j A the ideals <s£ the past. Mart is Russellr'Nettlier.".";f" M^:the.,'Jew 1 "pointeel but, however, a t the time that to .«onssrve . health- ta maintain : : 545 Offlaha Natioasl Bank Eldg., Phons: AT 436? as belonging id a ~ distinct - race.- -.; there was .in existence sn" order.pro- physical efScieacy, to develop • perI : Would :you -;sajr the Jew hashibiting: the admission of proselytes sonal beauty, asd to attain intellec• • OMAH.CKEBE. : specific racial'' characteristics ? to' Judais.2? .' " . . ; " - . ' 'tuai and spiritual beighths.
" / •
Questloa Agitating Czseli-SIova" Maa Jewx^ for Some Time
A meeting vital to the future of the Chess Club has been called by Nathan Fine, president, for Monday evening at 8 p . m. at the Jewish Community Center.'- The room where the players will meet will ise on the bulletin board on the office desk. Besides the business meeting, chess matches "will ba held. Beginners "as vrell as experts "are* invited to'attend.
Glueck, assistant professor of Hebre™ language at Hebrew Union college and instructor Li the Bible at the University of CiscIsEEti, has bssu namad diresior of the Americas School for Oriental Research in Jerusalem. He is the' first Jen? ta be nsfeed to this post and is believed to fos the youngest person eTer thu3.hop.ored. Dr. Gluesk will occupy the post Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)r-Dr. Nelson
from June, 1832, to September, 1933, on leave from -his positions in America. • • • •' • . " .' In a statement issued-by'Dr.-Jisliaa HcTgenstera,' "president -of 'Eebrew Union College, and a member of ths Boird of' Trcstefe" of "the Americas School for Social'Sesearch, lie'declared: "It is most gratifying that'a member of cur faculty-,'" p'Erticklf
one of oar younger and most promis- as a research fellow ia arcliaelogy in ing members, has been added to the I927-1S2S. list of distinguished directors who The American School for Oriental have held this post in the psst, Each as' Prafessor Jainss A. 'Montsomerrj .Research' is the 'csr.tcr cf most of tlic cf the University of: Petusylvsnia, C, 'world's "achaeological work in' the C."Porry of Yale and. Wills am F. Ail- j Eoly Land, and- serves »s a post-graduate' institution for archaeology and bright of Johns Hopkins." ~ '• .. Ths- call to Dr. Glueck is regarded -Sexnities in-Palestine.- • It-is supported : r,s a" tribute to his vrorkin -Palestane- by 100 •American'titdyereities. '
1 . Prague—(J. T.' A.)—Tha RabbiniBlanche -Binstein" was "unanimously cal' Board ' of 'Czechb-Slqvalda lias * ruled that Rabbis may officiate at elected- president of-the "Alpha ;Tau funeral service's of Jews whoso bod- Sorority at, a meeting :held Tuesday; D e c e m b e r 29.: ;> •,'. • • _ .••'.:'.-.'• ies, " are to be cremated." The. other newly-elected officers, are . Tho question-has .been agitating the .Jewish community for some time Sophie Hajperin, secretary;; Lillian and in. 1929 even gave rise to a law Koom, treasurer, and Sylvia Lipsman, j . " ; . ; • ; . ' . . . ; • . .- • ! ; •.'. suit against the Prague Jewish Com- r e p o r t e r . An affair, at .-which ;the. officers, will • muhity. Tha immediate causa for the Board's ruling1, however,- was be installed and new members initiatthe protest against the action of ed is being, planned.. Mrs. Jacob "S. - Chief- Kabbi Dr.* L. Levy in offici- Pearlstein is sponsor of the group. ating at a cremation in the town : of Bruenn. . •- The matter was brought -by the - About ^-twenty" members -of .the * local Jewish community to the Rab- Omaha Chapter No. 1 motored down binical board for a decision, andaf- to Sioux City last Sunday for the te* deliberation the latter made the basket ball game between their chapfollowing statement: ~ ter and the Sioux City chapter, the - "Where the body is to be cre- Omaha quintet finishing ahead, 27 to mated, the Jewish rites • of wash- 21, in. a game packed with thrills. A -ing the body, shrouding it and re- large crowd witnessed the game. citing ..the Jewish prayers are still The entire Omaha line-up played necessary. The . ceremony must take heads-up ball. By its victory, the .place in-the Jewish cemetery, or in local team" gave warning of its deterexceptional cases, in the home .of mination to repeat its district A. Z. -the dead person. The urn contain- A. "basket T>all championship of last ing the ashes may be buried .in the season. .Jewish cemetery, in a special vault, provided for urns. Jewish officials, • however, may not .officiate "in the The Xi Lambda fraternity, will crematorium nor may they deposit the urn, but they-may recite the stage its annual New Year's eve dinner dance at the Women's Club. The Kaddish. . decorations to be carried out will be In 1929, a lav/ suit was brought in the fraternity's colors of green arid^ against 'the Prague Jewish .Com- white.. Several outside .entertainers' munity by the family of Oscar Eg- have been secured to present new, erer, an actor, whose'ashes the for- varied novelties. • • mer refused . burial' in the - family ilalph Nogg .is chairman of the .vault "because he had been cre- committee in charge. Bids were sent mated. The . Government over-ruled out for the "affair." the .Community, declaring .that no . Clayton's Collegians will furnish ' "religious' community . has the right the music ' .' _ ' " to' refuse honorable burial to any of its__ members.
The January meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Federation will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday afternoon, January 5, at 2:30 p. m. A musical program will be given by a trio, composed of Ann Bnback, Leonard Korney, and Harry Robinson. The following officers chosen at the recent.election of officers will be installed: . Mrs."li. Nevelef?, president; Mrs. J. ~M.; -.Malashbck, vice president; Mrs. V. irvin" Stalmaster,- recording secretary; Mrs.-H.' A.- Newman," coi> " responding" secretary; lirs. Charfes • lyevinson,' treasurer; Mrs. Nate Mantel, auditor.'" '• _ Tea will be served following the meeting. ' • A board meeting will precede the regular meeting at 1:30 p. xn.
Ctiesecl Shel Ernes
The Nathan Strauss Club held their semi-annual stag last Saturday night at the Hotel Fontenelle. Honored guests were. Isadore Novak and Harry Frisch. Frisch was recently selected as a halfback on the all-state football team, being one of the few Jewish players who have been so signally honored. Jay Stoler, sponsor of the club, was presented with a little token of gratitude for the aid given in helping the club progress. Hillard Sigal was toastmaster, and Jack Adler was in charge of the entertainment. The next social event on the club's program is a large dance to be held in the near future. '. . " - The-.Nathan Strauss - basketball team has made a most excellent showing "in the Class B loop at the Center by going through an undefeated season thus far. They are now' tied for first, place with the Hawkeyes and will, play for the championship next Sunday. Jay Stoler is _coach of- the quintet. _ • • •
Kitchen Chats
A.regular meeting of the Chesed By , . Shel Ernes will be held Holiday afternoon at 2 p.- m. at the Jewish Mrs. David M.- Newman Community Center. The list of names to be entered in Bremen Apple Torte the Golden Book will again be read Cook together 7 apples peeled so as to eliminate any possible inand cored and 6 tablespoons sugar accuracies. until apples are soft. Cream 6 eggs with 1 pint sour cream,' 1 teaspoon yanilla, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Sugar to taste, then add cooked apples and boil toA special meeting of the Ladies' gether until thick. Take 3 cups of Labor Lyceum club will be held Tues- finely rolled zwieback and in the day evening, at the Labor Lyceum, at bottom of a well greased pan put 2 8 p. m.~ cups crumbs, then a layer of apple At the last meeting Miss Margaret mixture and a layer of remaining Fuller gave her lecture on the club's crumbs. Dot with butter and bake raofeers' course. On January 12 she in a moderate oven.. xnE speak on "The [Relationship BeShepherd's Pie tween Boys and Girls." Chop enough cold veal or lamb to A benefit card party is being given by Mrs. M. Cohn at her home, 2420 make 2 cups and moisten with left over gravy. Put in a casserole and Charles street, on January 6. . dot with" fat or crisco. Cover with hot mashed potatoes. Spread over with beaten egg yolk, mixed with At a meeting of the Pioneer Wo- 2 teaspoons cold water. Bake in a men's club held December 29, it was hot oven for 20 minutes. found that the recent bazaar was a financial success, showing that 0ni3ha Jewry is giving the movement excellent support. Mrs. J. Kaplan wishes-to thank With the 1932 Auto show "just Omaha Jewry at large and especially the committee which helped her to around-the "corner,"motor car dealers and persons in allied businesses make the aiTair successful. . It was announced that the book, v.-atch the passing of-l£>31 "with the "The Plow Woman," which has been firm conviction that the shovr-by enjoyed during the past year in Yid- common acceptance one of the greatdish, is now available in an accurate est of stimulators—will a^ain stir and interesting English translation. tha pulsa of hesitant business, acto A. B. JVaugh, .manager Copies are available before January cording of the Omaha' Automobile Trades 15 at .$l.G0, and after that date at association. $2.50. Anyone interested may call An added feature that always Mrs. 3. Kichlin, Kcir.vood 0-123. creates a great deal of attention to } the Omaha Ilotor" Exposition"is.the J l l R S C ? 2-1&&&SSV.A iHerzberg Style" revue. -Plans 1 stores . The next regular mooting of the being' made by ths Hcrzberg ci stylo ar,il local chapter of Junior Hadassah to prers-ai a c ^ - y will be held next Thursday cvciingr, color r/t ths revue. A. Hsrzberg' January 7, a* the Jevrich Ccismunity declared that ths 2SS2 revue frould bo one of the most o-jtstandins pre<=°-ita"ong of ctvlo cvsr hold in . Mrs. Peter Grccnbors, forai;rly{ Miss Ida Calm plait, wr.z the rep-1 Banclaii's Orchestra will play at ressntative of the Oraaha' chapter at ths show. The orcisstrs. "ill be the national convention of Junior JKadassah held at tho No1" Yorhar cIc-.-r.tcd abovs tho Etr.-e in neccrihotel, New Yor2: City, Docesibar 27, tics '.vita IED plans D: tho Kcrzl;;rn: Stylo she 2S, and 2?.
Pioneer Women's Club
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Ephrain Weinbcrg Sphrcini Weir.berg is OTrr.er cr.d mar^ser cf ths Puritan Fuel Co., Walnut 4483. Mr. Weinbsrg cams to this country in 1907 from Palestine, he had stayed for a yea: business. He came directly to Fremont, where he opened a
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B.rrera~es—24 Ou^s 10s—Xcns Better At Any Pries
WAlrut 1850
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street; Subscription Price, one year - . - - . Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER -'.- - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACXERMAN i -; - - - Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ANN PILL •.- - • - . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
HEBRAIC LAW AND THE The ancient Hebrews prided themselves in the high standing of their women in the community. In a primeval society where men ruled with an iron hand the sons of Israel elevated their women folk to a position unexcelled in those days of yore. With the seed of full equality planted in the hearts of our people ere the rest of the world realized the injustice being perpetrated against the "wealcer sex," one would think that feminine emancipation would be led by the Jews. Just.this week we read a dispatch from Zurich which stated that the Zurich Kehillah had ruled that married women could not join the Kehillah independently of their husbands. Such rulings are not in accord with Jewish liberality of thought and social progress. This particular Kehillah's constitution provides that women may join the organization, but the Kehillah* interpreted this as referring only to unmarried women. In these modern times when women all over the world have succeeded in emancipating themselves, in abrogating old, unjust laws and having new, favorable ones enacted, it seems incongruous that the Jewish woman, whose position in society was always above that of her non-Jewish, sister, has been unable to free herself legally and in the strict sense from irksome Jewish laws. In order to preserve the integrity of the Jewish home, the bulwark of Judaism-laws in regard to the mothers of Israel were stringent. No Sanhedrin as of old has relieved the orthodox Jews of the unjustness of the "Halitzah," the release of the childless widow, "Agunah," the deserted wife, "Get," divorce restrictions, and other disabilities fencing in the orthodox Jewess. "Such laws, made originally to preserve the solidarity of the orthodox Jewish home, may make for the disintegration of that same home, unless changing conditions are met. We agree with the tenet of a well-known Talmadie authority who has said that "The chief difficulty lies not in the Jewish law/tself, but rather in the need for proper interpretation thereof." The Zurich Kehillah could have far more wisely interpreted the same existing law to all married women to join the Kehillah. Laws must necessarily be elastic, and to be effective must change as times and conditions change.1
solution to the problem—the government putting a percentage limitation on the privileged classes, as engineers, lawyers, doctors, entering the universities, at the same time undertaking to bring in worth-while'students belonging to the working classes. The former followers of the banner of numerus clausus face their own formula, as the solution to the present reactionary tendencies in European universities. But, as is too often the case, the same person does not both practice and preach. When the Jewish students argumenttatively objected to numerus clausus, their sallies were laughed down. The wind has Changed, and strangely—and yet not so strangely—these students now in danger of university disinheritance now frightenedly advance the same arguments used by the Jews before. But, numerus clausus, they have discovered, has evils which they somehow overlooked before. And, they have further learned, the world moves in cycles, and the man with the whip in his hand today may have the whip at his back tomorrow.
RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York
By RabM Louis I. Newman . GOOD WILL TRULY MAECHES on. The Buffalo Common Council's recent order barring "The Merchant of Venice" from city schools on the grounds that it was unfair to the Jews, had ah echo recently, according to a United Press dispatch. The Sev. Leonard V. Buschman, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, published a commentary on the Council's action in his church paper, in which he recommended that children be prevented from reading "Little Red Riding Hood." It presents, he said, a false picture of wolves, The newspaper item is headed: "Be Fair-to-Wolves-Week." I have written to Rev. Buschman as follows: "I am tempted to recommend a "Be Fair-to-Christians-Week" inasmuch as'your comment, coining during the Christmas season when you preach peace on earth, goodwill to men, presents a false picture of Christians. The Jewish people in reading your comments, filled with venom and deliberate misunderstanding, cannot do otherwise than think that many persons who masquerade as Christians are not sheep in wolves clothing, but wolves in sheep's clothing."
The news that the city of Manchester, New Hampshire, has added its name to the evergrowing list of those cities throughout the country that consider the study of "The Merchant of Venice" entirely unhealthy for the mental development of the adolescent boy and girl is indeed gratifying. CHARLES E. BLOCH OF There are many reasons why it is advisable theMR. Block Publishing Company obto remove this play from English courses intend- served his 70th birthday in Decemed for immature ond impressionable students of ber. Few men in America have done for the dissemination of Jewhigh school age. To begin with, there is no doubt more ish knowledge than. Mr. Bloch. He is that the character of Shylock presents a warped the friend of Rabbis, a devoted servpicture of a Jew. Whatever Shakespeare's mo- ant of the liberal tradition in Israel, a sage and far-sighted leader. tives, whether he was actuated by prejudice, and His hosts of friends everywhere reignorance or a desire for dramatic effectiveness— joice to do him honor and to wish the fact remains that Shylock is depicted in an him the ancient greeting: "Ad Mean Shanah." Mr. Bloch's headquarters unfavorable light. on 31st street in New York city are rallying-center for Rabbis of all In the second place, readers, critics, teachers, a. groups. It is a. mecca for visitors producers and actors, all tend to put too much from all parts of the world. Jewish emphasis on Shylock and not enough on the true life in this country is under a debt of gratitude to Charles E. Bloch for hero of the vehicle, Bassanio. A brief analysis the service he has rendered to it. of the plot structure of "The Merchant of Venice" shows beyond a doubt how minor a part Shylock JEWISH PROVERBS ARE OFimmensely descriptive. How was originally intended to play. The three stories tentimes many times we wish we had said in which Shakespeare wove into his drama may be an argument the" r bright thoughts called the pound o£ flesh, the casket, and the ling which come to us later! It"1 behooves then to recall the Jewish saying: stories. Bassanio is indirectly concerned in the "Sukkoth Nach die; Etfarogijn!" "The first and is the central figure of the other two. Ethrogim always arrive after SukOn the other hand, Shylock plays an important i kothl" part in the first story, but fails to appear in the JAMES OPPENHEIM HAS WRITothers. Furthermore, Shylock's relative insignifi- ten a striking essay on "A Psychocance, from a structural point of view, is empha- Analysis of the Jews." He says in "There is a restlessness in the sized by his final departure in the fourth act of: part: race, and conscience sits upon them a five-act play. like a crown of thorns. The true Jew is constantly asking himself: The exaggeration of Shylock's importance is 'Am I right, or am I wrong? Is due, in large measure, to a technical error. Shake- this moral, or immoral?' There is NUMERUS CLAUSUS. a lament in him, a tendency to see "Numerus Clausus" has been categorically speare made a minor character so vivid and inter- things darkly, a touch of cynical classified with .anti-Semitism and anti-Jewishness esting that he distracts attention from Bassanio, pessimism. He fears good fortune. As Potash or Perlmutter, said in in Hebraic terminology. The students of the who is supposed to be the central figure. This one of Montague . Glass's stories: various universities throughout continental Eur- error is further intensified by the attitude of "Everything lately has been going so ope have constantly and insistently repeated their Shakesperian actors. Ordinarily, a leading.man well, Mawruss, I fear there comes a If one * enjoys heartily, blunt demands for a numerus clausus, or percent- prefers to play the hero's part. Strangely enough 'schlag.'" misfortune lies just beyond. But Opage restriction of the number of Jewish students, in the case of "The Merchant of Venice," the star penheim's essay is filled with Chri-^ until the Jews have come to take it for granted always plays Shylock, a minor part, and leaves tologicai emphasis; and therefore should be carefully approached by that any hue and cry of numerus clausus must Bassanio to a lesser actor. Jewish readers. necessarily be directed against theni; The natural result of this twisting of values But bur friends, the promulgators of num- is to give Shylock's character a far greater prom- EDGAR LEE MASTERS WRITING "The American Mercury" on "A erus clausus in the past on the theory that it was inence than was ever intended. The importance in Democrat Looks at His Party" says: for the good of the university, have received a of every word he says, every gesture he makes, "If Champ Clark had won the Demodose of their own medicine and seem to like it and every opinion he expresses, is magnified be- cratic nomination in 1912, I might been made a Federal Judge at not. The bitter "ref uah" came about in this wise. yond all reason. It follows, therefore, that the have, Chicago, and that would have ruined In Europe, especially in Germany, the universities original distortion of Jewish character as exem- me. Wilson long hjtd me under adthen he discovered that I are hotbeds of reaction, interfering with and plified by Shylock, has, in later times, been mul- visement; had written a book in which I dejeopardizing the government at every turn. In tiplied many times over. nounced Hamilton and John MarshBerlin last week was convoked a great public conUntil a saner balance of values is restored by all, and that, cooked: by goose. WiladoTed Hamilton, and thought ference for the purpose of halting the increasing critics, teachers, and- producers', Shakespeare's son him superior to Jefferson and much acts of terrorization against the German profes- "Merchant of Venice" will continue to be mis- more valuable to the American Resors and other leaders lecturing for stability as understood, and from that point of view, a dan- public The result was that a Jew who believed in -honest money, and against reactionary action. Participating "were gerous piece. who had shied from Byres, got the professors of varied leanings, scholars of long Accordingly, it is all the more to the credit standing, political leaders, etc., including Prof. of those understanding; courageous and progres- The -Jewish Judge, whom Masters has in ' inmd" is \-3ansuel Alschuler, Albert Einstein. Their objective was to devise sive '"educators who; have seen fit to postpone the whom President Wilson appointed to ways and means of uprooting race hatred in uni- study of this play to a time ,when students are the United States Circuit Court of versities—which is the core of anti-Semitic prac- more mature, less impressionable, and more likely Appeals, Aug. 16, 1915. Judge Alschuler was~a candidate for the govtice. Einstein in his address expressed the be- to make rational estimates of character. ernorship- of Illinois on the Demolief that with education and knowledge and unticket in 1D00, coincident with Whatever arguments there may be for or cratic derstanding, conditions would change. But his against this Shakesperian play, this much is true, One of Mr. Bryan's campaigns for Presidency, but whether be Gentile colleagues were this time against such as Mr. Louis B. Benezet, superintendent of the the "shied away" from the national stanpacifism. A change in the personnel of the stu- Manchester schools, expresses it: "that there are dard-bearer * of his party, at the dent body—a numerus clausus fpr.the noia-Jews— plenty of classics which children can remember moment;I;do not'know. If true,1 Mr. remarks, constitute an in. they maintained, is the only way the reaction can which do not hurt the feelings of any people who Masters' teresting - addition to*; Jewish histo:jry; ; he remedied. in the , United States in particular may be called upon to read them." and American::'history in general..! As elsewhere, all of the professions in GerFrom a literary as well as from a sociological many are overcrowded. For example, 16,000 BRtJCE- BLIVEN HAS- WEITTEK p-aduate students of philology took the state ex- point of view, therefore, the action of Mr. Bene- in "The1 New Republic" on "Religion zet deserves hearty commendation. —Boston and Love in Russia." He says: aminations in Prussia. The government can em- Advocate. "Church^&atrotted .schools, are of ploy only 2,000 of these at the most, and the rest course absolutely forbidden, and any child who receives religious instrucmust remain "perpetual students" without means No more is Poland afraid of the Jewish voice tion;- must get "it in the home and_in of © livelihood. This is but recent, and the stu;a sesu-sarasfstitiotss. . ssanser.. His dents, coming from privileged classes of tlie past, in the Golden Land. Nations of the world, in- religions faith, if'he' has any, must no longer find themselves "privileged" in the com- cluding* the League of Nations as a whole,.-be- wjgsstasd. "the shodf' of emphatic atheistic teaching la Kschoel,. producT*unity. They must now struggle for bread and came used to our protests; tliey loo!: upon-them ".ing .at least is fee. y'osnger childrenmiter, and naturally .they are wroth at this aew to a certain extent as excellent advertising, med-i- a-..stai3: of bswiMsnsent ^sll. es% • tha little girl'-fins said, •ffsier of things and become reactionary. And cf iuiris for certain parties and individuals.—r this jw.ayi"-&her.e. is, a ®$ Jewish Review, • ••ourse tliey do not relish, the, conference's .sole j o b / *
but I don't believe in Him.* I should be amazed ;o learn that more than cne-tenth of one per cent of the Russian children come out of school any less wholeheartedly devoted to atheism than they are to Communism. This is at least one reason why the congregations in the churches are steadily dwindling. They have today hardly any communicants who are less than SO years of age; even if the government should now pursue a laissezfaire policy toward them, it would be only a question, of a few decades before they were starved out and disappeared." "As for the notion that 'Communism is a religion in Kussia,' as it is commonly interpreted this is plain nonsense. Communism is an obsession, if you like. a monomania, but it is not in any sense mystical. Religion lives on faith, but Communism lives on works, and in the long run, if it does not provide these works it will have to go." Here is an excellent description of the state of religion in Soviet life. Judaism is suffering in common with Christianity, but religious warfare seems to be at a standstill. The persons who believe that the disappearance of the Jewish people would likewise cause Anti-Semitism to disKussia. But why should we throw out the baby with the bath? Cannot we have both Judaism and Christianity without perpetual hatred by the majority against the minority faith? It has been suggested that we Jews Have no cause to complain:
Jews as individaaLhtasssn beings are at peace and secure-under the -Bolsheviks, and the oppression of their religion' shoals be regarded- as the price they must pay for good treatment. The obvious answer is: the Bolsheviks should not seek to dri%*e so unfair 'a bargain. Judaism ought to be as safe in. Russia as Jews. We should not be-forced to adopt,the role • of Crypto-Jews. Torquemada and his ilk produced the. Marranos; why should-Stalin and his-colleagues bring into being: a raoaem counterpa of these unhappy beings. The Bolsheviks make a mistake if they imagine they can destroy Judaism. They can create a godless generation, but the force of Judaism in its own 'ight and through Influences from Palestine and other lands is certain • to bring about its u l t i m a t e regeneration. In the meantime, "we hope that Russian Jews -will hold fast to the covenant, even in secret, until Bolshevism has found its anti-religious attitude unsatisfactory sad impractical. "IS LUDWIG LEWISOHN A REPresentative Jew? is the topic of Eabbi- Charles E. Shufman of Glences, We trust that Eabbi Shulrnan did not defend Mr. Lewisohn too vigorously. Recently a Jewish periodical which took up the defense cf the author cf "Israel" lost a number of subscribers who did not like his fortright statement in criticism of a vicious attack on "A Jew Speaks" the Anthology of Lewisohn's •writings. Lewisohn is a fine whipping-boy for'Reform Jews. They do not like his opinions, and therefore they take as an excuse for condemning him the weak points in .his armor. History and literature •will sweep away petty critcisms of a few of Lewisohxi's contemporaries. Writings of greatness are imaiortel, and when the petty pin-prickers &re dnst, Lewisohn's utterances will be part of Israel's spiritual heritage. MOURNING BECOMES ELECtra," "Easiness Worries and Nervous Breakdowns," "If I Were a Christian," and Tsycho-Anslysis: Fad,
Fraud or Faith?" are:the topics of four discourses vrhich I have made available in. liBJeographed form. If 3&th." any cf my "G' &t.u readers are in« tercsied in reccivi g copies of these 'crvv£.rd them on p e name and address. receipt I am convinced that we ought cultivate an interest in the written as well BS the spoken word of the pnlpit. Jews throughout the country find much stimulus in the printed sermons o; Dr. Holmes of the Community church. The Eabbis should disseminate their discourses in order to promote discussion of Jewish. themes as such, and the Jewish view-point towards general problems.
!'T t
Bucharest.-—(J. T. A.)—Four hundred Jewish, st'uaeats will be dislodged as the result of the government's decision to close the Czernowitz Jewish nigh School. The closing of the school is in line with the plan of the authorities to effect economy by closing down the Jewish schools which it subventions. The Jewish high school in Kishinev has already been closed. The Cemovritz school was originally established ss a Hebrew Gymnasium, and subsequently was taken over by the government. The Jewish character cf the school was, however, retained. Hie action of the government has aroused the vigorous protests of the Jews. Following intervention by the Jewish. Deputies, the Educational Committee decided to recommend to Parliament that the schools be allowed to retain their official character, but that the government will not be responsible for their budget. At the same time Parliament is urged to obligate the jEXjvernment to do everything within its power to find new posts for the teachers displaced.
Charge Purchases Parable in February
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PAGE 5—THS- JEWISH PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1931 Miss Brown was honored at a dinMiss Evelyn Pinkcs and Miss Mol- Fanny Fox of Kansas City, Mo. ' j rett is a. man "possessed," a domestic ner Tuesday evening, when Milton lie Tesslar of Sioux City, and Miss despot, passionately determined to. \ keep his family UToaarvied, untaintBerkowits was host at his home. Ethel Rubinson of Des Moines, la., PI Lambda Phi Blethers Club Mr. and Mrs. Ebser Gr-essberg of are t&s hosse-gsesis c£ Miss Lee A Mothers- Club f cr t^e Crsish- I ed: iy the' Trorla; & warped and Crawford, Neb., shared tosors. ton university ehspisr sf T i Lamb-* "STOuBded Paritas,, -Klio,. lacking in Parity, mtsst torture In purity's SOCIAL NOTES Miss Dorothy Abraxas epierisnied hss Bees formed. lirs. J. linti-I . -Ms. and -Mrs. 'Max Fromldn -vdll is couples st hex home last Friday Elfe&tKiili is s. eclicsic lady, lying isotsr to Elk City, Neb., next Sunday rrenlsg" in honor cf Hiss Euth Orli"behind eternally closed Tindovrs, her to attend a dinner given by Mr. and ko2 cf Sices: City. ctearr fa E, hensse of terThe £dh Trill raesttt irstThTirE-l™ TI 11 ancJackiRgr in the will to Mrs. Harry Ford Turner. AccomI s t the chapter! strength, slis lies looking up at the day of each ra panying Mrs. .Fxamkin. will be Mr. MUSICAL CHICLES 31st E-rensc. The In. sis of Homer £i»» Ch.Evseer. Brownhc^ES, IIS Nort and Urs. Josepa Littau. ssd lirs. Ray On ISosday cftemcoa Hr. and be held Thurs- i ing, the tncnacr ci broken •will, is Winston of Net? York City, an aunt lirs. Gecil BerryniEii had a piano nest neetinr w the' inrpetuoas laiiplit who will resof Mrs.. Fromkin wi.o is spending recital at'.Trnich the guests cf honor cue Elisabeth from her Victorian several weeks here visiting relatives were Miss Ida Lustgarten, vfho studand friends. ies piano in CMcago with Suaolpli NEW S-OQSS Among; the new ooto ct the CocnMrs. Morris Eosenblatt and son, G&nz; Misses Eliaaa Neveldf zzd e*'X f^-^ Tp?«—:—^ "V " Soss Steinberg, vho are hone from Herman, a student at Nebraska Unilibrary at tic Zl ^t-'vCuc L e d zrcr versity, have .motored to New York college lor the holidays. cJl: ihc d c r r z Among the pupils who took part City, where they will visit .with Miss j were Monica Jafree, Shirley Epstein, Ann Eonell, Miss Lea Rosenblatt, Street," l~ i l r v ' f 7-s : r- T.-and Saul Rosenblatt, Mrs. Rosen- Lois Cohn, Dorothy Friedel, Scsej pole fomsr is c.r. f-tc"crt'-"" r*r-*~ rC .-Brandeis, Milton Eobinson, Abraham 1 blatt's children. extremely y':T.~ re . Ilcr"^' , S r ^ c. Dansky, and Naomi Gross. It tells the rirrr cf I'c:"cl r~c K^ Miss Goldie Zusman is spending fjunilr in "i:~r'E zrz. ir Arf"~'cr Miss Ida and Miss Dorothy Lxist- Tbis bo-ok is cc-jslr^ rr-ui" comTcr/ik the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julius Baron and Mr. and Mrs. Ben garten, -who are studying piano and! and discus.--DTI. violin in Chicago, are home for the Novak of Nebraska City. holidays, and presented a program play -which was a big success in Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sogolow of for the Friends of Music on Wednes- both Kew York £.nd Loaders. It is Champain, I1L, are spending the hol- day at I I a. a . at the home of a family chronicle based en two roidays here with their parents, Mr. Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson. ' mances, is that of Elisabeth Barrett and Mrs. Alex Greenberg, and Mrs. astd Robert BrcTrain.g', *-rid that of Anna Sogolow. DAVID LAZARUS VISITS HERE her sister snd a soldier. Kr. SarDavid Lasarns, scholarship staMrs. J. R. Busliinan and son, Jor- nt- Et t i e Cincinnati Consarvatorr dan Fredrick, of St. Joseph, Mo., are of Music, has been spending the last visiting with Mrs. Bushman's par- 10 days with his parents, Mr. and! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Greenberg. Mrs. H. Lasaras. He leaves Scn-j day morning for Cincinnati. Imsie-i Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Block of diately -cpon Ms return, He will be-J Moline, HI., spent the holidays with gin rehearsals for three operas in j i their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abra- which he is to take part. ham Block.
• Tuesday,; Jan. 5, 1932 Peace - Group • Meeting, 10:30 a. m,, . auspices Council cf Jewish Women. • Monday, -.Jan. 11, 1S32 Dinner, 6:39 p. m. Junior Society, of' the Conservative Syca-
The bridal couple are sow on a Mr. and Mrs. Barney Miller..©! Green Bay, Wis^ announce the en- honeymoon trip in Chicago. After gagement of their daughter. Miss their return on January^i.5, they -will Belle Miller, to Fred Levey of Oma- xeside at 2801 North TWenty-fourth . ha. No date lias been set for the street... . Out-of-town guests ^ t the, red•wedding. ; ' Miss Miller arrived here Friday of ding were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinlast -week and is the guest of Mr. son; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lehr und Levey's sister, Mrs. Louis-Neveleff, sons, Milton and Sollie; and Sam for a time. She is being feted at Yonaver of Chicago, and Mr. and a number of interesting, affairs, t i e Mrs." Harry Cornblatt of S t Louis, • - ' • • first a family party given on Friday Mo. evening at the Neveleff home. On Saturday evening Mrs. Neveleff "was BIETHDAY LUNCHEC-IST hostess at bridge for her brother's Mrs. Michel Katleman will be hosfiancee. tess at a luncheon at home on JanMr. and - Mrs. Michel Katleman, uary 2 to compliment her daughter, brother-in-law and sister of Mr. Le- Isobel, who will celebrate her 11th •vey, entertained at a supper party birthday on that day. Following at their home Sunday evening for luncheon, the 12 little guests will 20 guests honoring the betrothed try their hands at cards. pair. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS BOSEN-ISAACSON NUPTIALS •Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eosenstock anA pretty ceremony late Sunday nounce the birth of a daughter on afternoon united in marriage Miss December 21 at the Lutheran hosLucille Isaacson, daughter of Mr. .pitaL and Mrs. M. Isaacson, and Albert fcosen of MarshSeld, Wis. Eabbi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eobinson anDavid A. Goldstein officiated. nounce the birth of a son on DecemThe bride, who -was charmingly ber 27 at the Methodist hospital. gowned in an afternoon frock of turquoise blue, tTas attended by her BBIDGE-BREAKFAST sister, Eose, and a brother, Moody Miss Dorothy E. Margolin enterIsaacson, attended the groom. A tained at a bridge-breakfast for 21 buffet supper for 50 guests followed gitls Sunday, in honor of Miss Minthe service. nette Sterling, a bride-to-be, and The couple have departed;^or Min- Miss Helen Friedman of Sioux City, nesota; after which they will go to la., who is visiting at the Margolin home. Marshfield to make their home. TAITB-KOENEY "WEDDING ATFONTENELLE The wedding of Miss Mary Kor- NEW YEAR'S EVE ney, daughter of Mrs. Fannie KorAmong those who have made resney, and Oscar Taub took place ervations at the Fontenelle hotel New Sunday, December 27, at 5 o'clock Year's Eve supper-dance are Sam in the afternoon, at the Beth Ham- Xatleman, Council Bluffs, 4; Prank adrosh Adass Yeshurim" synagogue. Blotcky, 6; Max Holzman, 4; JoUabbi N. Peldman officiated. seph Bonoff, 6; Morris Jacobs, 10. The wedding inarch was played by Miss. Thelma Gaspar, -violinist, and ENTERTAINS WELLESLEY Mittrm; JJohmson, pianist. . COLLEGE CLUB : The bridge wore a gown of white Mrs. MaxHolzman entertained satin fashioned; with long sleeves, a Wellesley College club at tea at her tight bodice arid a long, flared skirt.: new home on Monday from 3 to 5 Her veil was of white rfHr net with o'clock; Among those who assisted a J a c e cap. Her bouquet; was of her were Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and white roses. She. wore a string of Miss Louise Ziegler. About SO guests pearls, a gift of the groom. called. Ward r6ses combined with ] Attending the bride were l e r sis• ter, Mrs. Joe Lehr, matron of honor, and Mrs. Lea Tauh. J o e Lehr, Brother-in-law of the bride, gave her in marriage. Little Harriet"^Taui? •was flower girl, and Master Milton Xehr of Chicago, ring baarer. : Les Enjoy more leisure by attended Ms brotuer, t i e having us do your v*raub groom. laundryirsg for you. -ITollo-wing the ceremony, a bridal dinner for 150 gcests -was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Eobinson, uncle "and aunt of the bride. The dining room was decorated in pink, green and white, and the floral (Our New Phons Number) centerpiece was made up of yellow chrysanthemums and pink roses.
- Tuesday, Jan.-12/1932 Bridge, 7:S0- p^-m. Henrietta Szold Girls. • Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1S32 lecture: O m a h a Community Forum presents: Oliver BsM; ' win, "M. P., speaking on "Europe and the Future of Nations.** S p. m.
"Sunday Night Is • :.•-,. .Center
A program for the Jewish peopis of Omaha. Frea to active and senior paid up members of the Jewish Community CenterSunday, Jan. 10, i.932 Lecture: Eabbi Albert Minda, on the Eeform Judaism movement. Sunday, Jan. 17, 1232 Lecture: Eabbi David Arcns, on tiie Conservative Judaism movement Sunday, Jas. 24, 1032 Lecture: Professor Moses Jcng, • on Orthodox Judaism. Sunday, Jan. 31, 1SS2 mnstrated Lecture: M a r v i n Lowenthal, on "The Trsils of the Wandering Jew." Ssinaay, Feb. 14, 1S32 Lecture Concert: Abraham Binder presenting Jewish folk songs.
Coming Events Sunday, Feb. 7, 1932 Annual meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation. Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1932 Lecture: The Omaha Community Forum presents Eabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago, speaking on, "Are We a Civilized People 2" blue formed the decorative color scheme. ENTERTAIN FOR VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. L Berkowitz, 615 South Fifty-sixth street, will entertain at a tea for Miss Eae Brown of "Kansas City on New Year's day from 5 untfl 6:30 o'clock in t i e afternoon.
Mrs. Stella E. Greenberg and daughter, Elaiue, of Chicago, HL, Kabhl Frederick Cchn.-SITES spsater will visit for several weeks at the at s luncheoa grrcn by the Delphian home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Green- society Tuesday at the Faxtos hotel. berg. PHI BETA EPSILON FOS1IAL Mrs. Charles Eertnanson returned Phi Bets EpsHoxi, Crsightoa UniFriday from a three weeks' visit with Tersity fraternity, held their ammzl Mr. and Mrs. J. WolcHnsky of Chi- dance Saturday, December 19. A cago. Mrs. Hermanson was exten- banquet preceding; the dance •'eras sively entertained and was also the held in the Social Room cf the guest of Tex Gninan at her night Knights of Columbus dub. Members dub, Planet Mars. and guests later convened in the Seville Room for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn were Among the out-of-town guests Trho hosts at a dinner last Wednesday in vere in Omaha to attend the formal honor of Mrs. Conn's brother, Moe were the Misses .Louise EersoS, Laks, visiting here from New York Frances Jacobson and Bemice GoldCity. stein of Sioss City, Is., and Miss Miss* Mary Maisel cf New York City, formerly of Oznaha, spent the last week as the house guest of Miss Ann Greenberg. Many social courtesies "were extended Miss Maisel dirring her visit. Dave RoMnsou and Hy Shrier departed Tuesday iBoming for Kansas City.""They"wSr"return Sunday.
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EEADY FOB ACTION AGAINST CHINESE—The "eyes," or snore projerlf, sccct ships cf a Japanese airplane squadron, arc cboitri resting at a teiaporary airdrome near Ckan Chun, Ilanchuria, awaiting orders to so into action.
i i ' '
SIVERS ON RAMPAGE—Aerial view of the village of Webb, Miss., inundated by the. waters of the swollen Tallahatchie river, a tributary of the Mississippi. The river broke'through levees, flooding the countryside and doing thousands of dollars worth of damage.
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DIVA IN CHOIR—Serafino Di Leo, Chicago Civic Opera star, is shown singing with tha choir at HolyName Cathedral, Chicagor at a holiday mass.
BOOSEVELTS HAVE HOLIDAY.BEUNION—Gsvcracr r r u i l l i s D. Hcrrcrdi cf NC Ycrk is seen surrounded by a Iscppy faaily group gatlisrei tcgclLcr in the executive xsaasion at Albany ever the holidaj-s- Go\*emor Koossvclt ir sees LelcLrs Asnc Dill, his grtuiddacshter. Others are Franklin Eossevelt, Jr.s I£r&. FraaLIii XLcost\"c!t, Urs. James Eoosevelt, the s®veraor!1s moiHer, and Jclhn Eoosavclt. • I Irs. Ccr& Dcil, i&s is seated cs ths cxrs c£ hie their.
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ri ' RIDING THE STOEM-i-Prevented from entering the waters of Pugefc Sound by terrific stems, this" schooner the Commodore, is shown riding the heavy seas off the coast of Washington. Later she came safely into port at Seattle. The Commodore recentlywon a sailing race from Honolulu to Cape Flattery.
WITH BOWED HEADS—FOB A DIFFERENT EEASCK—Pallbearers? ct fcc funeral of Marvin Hart, slain Hollywood liquor racketeer, ars pictured'carefully keeping their •faces covered as the camera snaps while they cany the gang victim's body to hearse.
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DOUBLE POWEE—Franl: B. Steams, noted engine dcslgnar, exhibits a new type- isotor wHcli has no sleeves o? valrec, to a group of automotive engineers in Cleveland. The engfce is a tvrc-cycle mstor and is bcilt alscct entirely ox aluminun. 'Steams clalas that doubls the poorer 1P c~tair.2d. He iics spent 12 rcarj in its psrfection.
cf Vrr
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PAGE.7—THE JEWISH PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1931 Jewish heavyweight champion-King-fish Levinslry. A concert and a door-prize-of five We were told that this paper volumes cf "A History of the United specialized in things of a Jewish InStates" in Yiddish "will be given by spirational nature. Hence the idea By DAVID SCHWARTZ (the Jewish Socialist Verband at the was taboo. ; Lyceum, Twenty-second and Well, maybo. Bat somehow we r r J1Labor VT d a r k streets,.Sunday, January 10; at McFADDSN'S MALICE • ; " ' feel that there is .perhaps as much $:Z0 p. m. Admission is twenty-five _Mosc:ov,\~(J,T.lA4—The work in This column is , of courre nonof an inspirational content in the I cents. ' • " ' . ' Bira-Eidjari is aehind schedule due to theme suggested, as in much of the Minister of Turkey Rescinds Ol- partisan". Yet for once we are glad the inefficiency of the workers and ' t j ' ' -«•,*•*> t«" to be anything but that. inspirational blab that. does see its J institutions entrusted with the task, der Given ,T7i£hout His 'way in pnnt.- - , ,-. We note that in Pennsylvania, i complained M.i.Buzehko, chairman of Kridld i;< W-1..J. L Mrs'. Gifford- Pinchot has' announced Take this man—^Kingiish LevinI the Fair.Eastern" Executive' Committee herself a candidate for tHe-'saitt oesky; /His real naiiie. i.j Samuel Kraof the Soviets, at a- conclave of the Istambul—(J- T.A.)—The order of cvpied' by Representative McIrV.dden. kow," But entering; the .prize ring, Caid!s lighting tine, Frilav, Jan. Bira-Ekljau; party end Soviet workthe Ministry o,f Education compel- We extend to her- our - best 'wishes ", ;•-• ,_.V "Fridayhe adopts a more: Jewish name. I 1, 4:15 p. ci. ers. ' . . . . . ;-•, * i-;':'; : • •"The-Haster Word of 1932" ing attendance in -Jewish- and Chris- for' success.' .Not that' we, arecare not for the -motives .that lead Greater efficiency .and. an extension . •. -Friday-Evening tian schools on Saturday and Sun- much opposed to'Mr. J.IcFadden, but be the topic.of ,the sermon"to bs tc these greater "Jewifications" of of activity must be displayed if the day was yesterday declared invalid we are convinced that he needs a delivered by Eabbi Frederick Cohn names. Rabbi. David ' A . : Goldstein has Sufficient -for me, that Soviet •Government is to be enabled to by the Minister of Education in angood long rest. His 'utterances in at the Temple Israel services Friday here, in one calling at least, men chosen as the: theme for his sermon •fulfill its promise.to create a national evening. official press communique. at the Conservative . Synagogue Jewish Deputy Denounces DisCongress recently show that he must are not afraid to be openly Jewish. Jewish, aixtixnoioous 'v*nft is. Bira BidThe Minister declared that the or- be under some nervous strain. No abilities. Before Parr The" prize ring is perhaps the only, services Friday evening, "Why Do jar.,. Mr. BuseJiko asserted, der of Dec. 23 which info'rmed all completely self-possessed man could the •'• Righteous Suffer and Why Do field in - which this is so. Saturday Morning Mr. BuseSko pointed "out that some minority schools that they would be have spoken so. - If Mr. McPadden the; Wicked Prosper?" He will re10,000. hectares'of,-crop lip.ve not been Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn will THE SILVER STANDARD ' "." • required to observe the Turkish finds the rest a little boring, we fer particularly to the Book of Prague.—(J. T. A.}—The .disabili- cleared .and that only about 5 per cent Walking along the boulevards the Job. rest day, Friday, and would not be suggest that he move to Germany speak on "The New Book." • ties which the Jewish populace IB cf the. cons, has'bee-n threshed. The ether day with Professor Eliash, permitted to close twice weekly, had and meet Herr Adolf Hitler. The whatsover, in the matter is utterly Czechoslovakia is forced-to. endure work 'of building, •honsess and i-oads, as 1 Yiddish scribe, we-saw along the opbeen issued Tvith his knowledge. and outrageously unfounded." two should get along splendidly. Roumanian Jew to Supreme were' made the subject .of a lengthy well .as Hid entire work r>f organizinjg: posite side of the street—Goldman. The rescinding ^of ,±he order folSo much for the answer of Mr. BLAMES'" JEWISH'"• ' • complaint in Parliament .by Deputy Statfc"-farms''aiir, collective farms is "There's Goldman," we remarked. Labor Council . . . •• lowed severe criticism - from . press Kahn to McFadden's charge that : Dr." Angel0 Golstein. . . ' • • •'/•_'•_ behind^ schedule;'•• • "No, not Goldman any more," obpublic. The action of the Ministry, -FINANCIERS . v • ' r_ " Jewish bankers were responsble for Bucharest.—The.Jewish Senator S." i 'Between Hitler and ' McFadden, served Professor Eliash." "Don't Deputy Golstein, speaking in behalf was declared to be an infringement what "he terms the sell-out to GerDinerman,. Director of "Banca MoldVenom you know t h a t ' all the Goldmans, ava," was appointed a member cf the of the Jewish Party, called the : atupon the Turkish constitution and we believe McFadden to be themany." worse. Consider: here is. a man Professors of colleges Goldsteins, Goldbergs, Goldfarbs have Bucharest, tention of the -government to the disthe minority rights guaranteed., by Roumanian, Supreme Council for Lab: of the CANTOR:.FQJl ..PRESIDENT':;;. all'--changed their name?" and'high' schools in Bukovina are dicrimination' practiced against the international'treaty;" ' •?,-:•• /whjo gets "up in^the Congress: or Matters. . . ; •• . : -. ¥ e undei^tand that Eddie. Cantor ; "No, I .didn't know that." Staatenlose, particularly in Carpahto-" rectly accused of spreading: antiSimultaneously^ With •'•'the -official' 'United States: and tells America that' .?is ;wxitiiig'another book, -in which : The naming-, of Senator Dinerinan "Sure, they've all gone back to ..the.''cause pf; things, as. they, are is Russia, who, he said, are being made Semitic • propaganda in tlieir class explanation of the Minister' of- Eduon -whichhe the Silver standard now." rooms ""by the forxner Minister for Buis in recognition of his prominence in the victims'of-party-politics. . . cation, the Home "Minister 1. an- tti; be iound; in three Jewish bank- he•"presents-a-platform proposes "to run. for the Presidency. I ask you, is not this a jokfe? the economie.field. .'His expert faiowl- ; .He demanded the withdrawal of the kowina, Dr. Muster.•.ers. Mr. McFadden of course, did nounced that it has circulated among : We ;•;. hope he is elected President. ..(Copyright • 1931 • by the Jewish 6dge^ a'fld adVice are regarded ES of.compulsory" SundaY closing1 law- in • "The profe'ssoi:s- are virtually comall. the ministries).'of the : Turkish not mention the word "Jewish." He Now;Owe'-'say that, not "because.he Telegraphic Agency, inc.)' the •greatest value .to. the government. '^ratisava which'is seriously affecting pelling their, students to conduct anti-* goxernment the draft of a < law, is smarter than Hitler in that re- is Jewish, but because, it the status of observant Jews. Deputy Jev,'ish propaganda Simonp the peasbased on minority rights as recog- spect.. He merely mentioned-three seems .to us, thatmerely Golstein" coniplnined against the un- ants in the Bukowina vIHag-es," denized in the T r e a t y o f • Lausanne, bankers, who are known to be Jew- man for the place. he is the logical .'; equal imposition cf church, taxes clared .Dr. .Muster, in an article which . . . vlich will in' the future render, it i s h ; - . - •••:; • ' He is the logical man for. the upon the'Jews:at a time"when their appears .'-in- .the'• Romanian paper, How -absurd when one considers impossible for government departplace because the paramount issue pwn religious needs are but meager-. G«asvil Bukp'wina. . the relatively inferior position of ments to interfere in purely religily provided for. .in'.the...government's College Rertors'- • ous matters concerning mintbrity Jews in the banking world of Amer- is. the depression and anybody -that By F. R.-K. subsidy. . •. • - . • Amsterdam. —Two Jewish professica today, to single out three Jews can help us remove that deprescommunities. sion is obviously the logical candias responsible for the mess. ' The. Jewish Deputy challenged the ors 'were appointed Sectors of Unidate. Well, Eddie is one of the spirit -of- justice as - evinced - in the OTTO KAHN?S ANSWER; very few I knew, who has met the RABBI COHN TO REVIEW "NEW to St. "Louis Monday, while Mrs. Gross trial of Karol-Horakj Czech corporal versities in Holland. • Mexico to Limit Professor L. S. Ornstein has beers Mr. .Otto Kahn of course. "gave a depression and conquered it. And Clergymen who was. tried for the. murder of .two named rector of the State University i "GERMANY^"NEXT TUESDAY AT will remain here-for a few weeks. dignified answer ..to . Mr. McFadden. even if he can't cure it, he can Jewish'families.. The directions given at Utrecht. Mexico City.—The clergymen of ; HOTEL '-CHIEFJAIN. any sect in Mexico "will be limited to Here it is: "I should likV;.to say make it easier to bear with his J : Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha by the judge to_ the. jury are such as ' Professor N. J. Polafc has been ap..-<•••• The Ladies', Auxiliary of. the Tal- to awaken ...the. -utmost. apprehension pointed Kector of the Dutch Comnierone for each 50,000" people, according very emphatically,' that no .'member jokes. will review ','New Germany" at.the to a new bill which awaits only the of my, firm, no, one connected with CANTOR ENDS DEPRESSION fourth of; a. seriss; of Book Reviews mud Torah .will hold a meeting ...next with regard to the impartiality . of; c i a l University at Rotterdam. signature of President Ortiz Rubio to my firm had anything to do what- - Y o u remember that blue day when and Lectures: to be given next Tues- Wednesday afternoon, January 6th, at the law,'.he stated. .He attacked' soever .with ..the granting" of the the synagogue, 618 Mynster street. become a law. the reactionary administration in dler on the charge cf drawing blood moratorium, with any attempt to the Wall Street crash occurred. The day afternoon', JaiiCary 5th, 1932, at Carpatho-Eussia -which made it pos- of two Christian children for ritual morning after, all the victims how the Hotel .Chieftain. This course is influence the President to, take. the Mrs. M. Wezelman and small sible to place on trial a Jewish ped- purposes. • step he _ did, or with any kind of much they lost. Among the chief being sponsored by the local chapter propaganda whatsoever. I want to ^tellers was Eddie . Cantor, "who be-of the Senior Hadassah and is open daughter, Judith, of Chicago, Illinois, to the public A nominal charge of arrived here Sunday to visit her sisas emphatically as I can, that wailed the passing of a fortune. Nice furnished room for young say any allegation which connects us.iri , But-"Eddie propsed immediately to iwenty-five cepts will be made for ad- ter, Mrs. Ben Harding, and Mr. Hardman or couple. the remotest manner with the nego- solve .the depression. He didn't-is- mission. The meeting place recently ing, a t the JaRuKa Court. Mr. and 3021 Franklin St. AT 8961 tiations or proceedings of the mora- sue , bonds.' He issued books—two has been changed from the Strand Mrs. Harding entertained 30 guests torium, or with President Hoover of- them^ dealing with the depres- theatre ballroom to the Hotel Chief- at a "Watch Party" New Year's eve sion, . "Caught Short" was one, and fain in order to accommodate the in honor of their guest. "Yoo-Hoo Prosperity" was - the secF1L\DEXBCRG, STAXMASTER & BEBEK ond. Both of these books helped crowds, .that have been attending | O. T. DOERR, P . M. KLTTTZNICK Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Marcus and remove the depression for Eddie. these book reviews. 639 Omaha National Bank Bldg-. children of Fairbury, Nebraska, are Then Cantor started telling jokes on 5TOTICE OF ISTCOKPORATIOJT OF Beautiful Bedroom and Kitchen, ]; "NEBRASK.WOWA TKTJCK the depression over the radio and The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 spending a week here visiting Mrs. ISOKA Notice is hereby given that tie ; helped further to remove his depres- of the Independent Order of the B'nai Marcus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Both Excellently Furnished sigued have formed n- corporation under Brith. held its annual election of of- Saltzman. the laws of the State. of Nebraska. The sion. name of this corporation shall be "Neficers Monday evening, December 28, -l?raska-Iowa Trnck . Cferralnal,™ - with its To make a long story short, Edprincipal place of business at Omaha, Ne- die-seems to be making the depres- at the Eagles Hall. "Richard Gordon "2*3. Abe Bear and small sen, Uiaskn. 'Xhe general nature of • the busiwas elected preside:. £ to succeed Sam Aar^rt David,' cf Lcavcwvorth, all..ness to be transacted and tEE' object and sion a profitable business. _r~•••-•. Bubb. Other officers elected for the purpose for which this corporation is orNow anyone that can .do:, that is ensuing year are Sr.m Lincoln,. vices, returned home I'lcndar fcllsvrand established shalrbe.lp own, With every permanent -wave vrc are _•• ganized of course the; ideal" candidate for lease, conduct and operate motor transing a weed's visit here ct the ih'ciae giving free a Khclton Scalp Treaty •£ port terminals; to- equip nad maintain by president; Ben E. Kubby, recording ment. Pcrmane;-.c "Wavea at *; purchase", construction, Jeoee or otherwise, the Presidency. •"'-•• secretary; O; Hbchrnari,"financialsec-of her parents, Llr^ and Ilrs. Julius T -' ' btiiMinjjsoBd equipment to bo used as and FOR VICE PRESIDENT, . |2.C0 ,-ind 55.00 H for-truck retary; Louis H. Katelman, treasurer;" Katelman. ' vrmln.llb; to "own, operate and M. I*.Marks, guardian, and Messrs. • ' : ' - ''-.-• :•:• Marcel. Finger* - Wave, , Maniciuv. , *; •Mryluct jtrue'e- lines lor tho Ijauling anB B O I / S Z of freight: to purchase and equip Electric Facial, '^jc.brov- A"cS sv.u,'_ JJ (.tripping Harry Krasne, Mas Steinberg, and The.Council Bluirs"Agudas Achim •Lou Holtz i s another vaudevillian, trucks , U3fi other inofarvwMcles for. use on : Henna Kin so ,*'„„ ' ". "~ ' H m&tor tsriuisport-freljrht- lines; to contract ou nooa clcctrc refrigsociety •R-SU hold a 1 mcetirg1' next Louis Weinberg, trustees. who "seems to have" been helped by at SJC each ' " ' * | with otsier PGJSODS and companies for the ; The -new officers .will be installed Thursday ever.ir.g, January 7th, at use of terminal iacUities; and to dp allthe - depression." C:T.I"'C*I 1 " the things -K-Iitca. may be necessary anfl/or " Holtz made_ some money in vaude- at an open meeting' to be held on the Eagles' Hall. pioper to.carry out the objects and puryou 6o In the poses herelnal>o*-e set forth. The author- ville, but had invested that in stocks, January llth, when Mr. Harry Laskoized Capita* - stock sliall.be £10,000.00 and and lost it. witz of Fargo, North Dakota, who is icr iimc. all of said stock shall be rommmi'and of president of the District Grand, Lodge Drop Investigation''Into.Under Stiiiervisloa of the par value of S10-00 P*?r- share, and all Reduced in funds, he began to off C Corpses Mr. Paul Morgan of said stosk shall be fully paid Dp-and take his theatrical career more seri- No. .6 of the -B'cai Brith, will come B l l l l l Gzzci'd E,-:civic KeW -T *Tho nonassqssaWe. h o corporation snail sail . - Berlin.-—The -investigation-'against 837 So. 24th St,' coznmar.ea- doing businessup upon,tbtbefli filingg bbusiness g ously with the result that he" estab- here as the installing officer and guest students of Berlin .University: v-ho speaker. ; ; : ivitli the County; Clerk or t U riHI itl CountyClerk crr'or vi1' always at U Us rirHcIe? Cuny lished a record at the Palace'theat N b k d shall con are accused of---mutilating' Jewish Douclas Coimtv,-Nebrasko^-and. continuee .fn^a'Perlod .fn^aPerlod of fifty jenrj fiom iom Baid B d ater in New .York. . The .usual week corpses' with the swastika symbol vrz.s T highest h i h t amountt of f indebtedness ilntc. The indebtedness r i i r at 'that ;chief of vaudeville : -"Mr. and Mrs; Sol Gross of St. Louis, suspended. ' i ••':'-'."'"" shall 'not 1c-sceed -two-thirds of its capital Temperature stock, hat this restriction-shall:not apply houses was lengthened : to eight Missouri, arrived here last Thursday NATIONAL - * It is believed that the inquiry vas to indebtedness secured .by mortgages or weeks, so successful was he.-:- To'2:C\" 50 deto visit their daughter, Mrs. Louis H. dropped "when the authorities found Iten3 "upon any of the corporate property. ACCESSORIES* INC. The aff:.if3 of this corporation shall be day," Holtz is regarded as one of the Katelman, and Mr. Katelman; at the it impossible to fasten the guilt or, managed by Q Board of Directors consist- outstanding figures in his ' field. Oakland Gonrt.: Mr. Gross returned any one." of not less than two members. The "Everything forfeeAuk iur nnutial tneetiuK of the corporation shall bo And by some he is credited with poin held on the first Monday in January of having been the saviour of vaude2051 Earnam—AT. 5524 : each yeir, at -which meeting the.stockholdu er'; sn-ill elect a -Board of. Directors and ville from the debacle which faced
ike' Way
Bira Bfdlan Work . ..Is Failing Behind -..'; 'Agreed- Schedule
tncil 'Bluffs 'Newsi
For Rent
i Crosstown Beauty' §
Cell us today r.nd we v;ill send E. representative t c tell r e " nore of the r e v co'ivcniences cf clcciric rcfivforation.
thereupon tho Hoard shall elect a Presi- i t , ' . " .-•-.' -. '".-• i dent,'a Vice-President, a Secretary and a BRIDGE AND BOOKS Trqaaurer. Any two of said offices- may be held by one aud the same person. These Our Jewish. ! friends, Lenz and articles-may bo amended at ^.Jesn\ar or special loeetlnR of the stockholders by Jacoby, seem to be losing in the a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. great Bridge marathon. But the IX Vv'ITNCSS WHJ1BEOP. the parties have hereunto subscribed their names Has Jewish publishers of the bridge
books cannot lose—no matter which AT ALL GROCERS Made by ^
Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond Omaha
PHILIP M. KLDTZXICK, way- the tournament ends. Lewis PH f in the presence of: 12-l8-31-4t. Copeland, who is Jewish, is publishK. J. HOMJSBERG. ing the books of Culbertson and ITBADENBCEG, STAX.3IASTET. & BEBEB Simon and Schuster, who are also Attorneys Hebraic "are the Lenz publishers. C30 Omo!i3 National Bank B«ff. The bridge battle is of course XOTICE OF PJBOBATE OS" W I U , In the County Court of Douglas Connty, nothing but a publicity stunt to sell of the Estate of Harry H. the bridge books, and we presume
Southwest Cornar . Eleventh and Doubles Strc2to_ Phono JAdisso S5CS ! Omaha. Kc'jr. <
in eaia e
and proceed to ^ J ^ g ^ ^ f e i
and Winter Orcrccats
of an article on the new looming
County Jod
Copeland -will cash in along with Culbertson as the result of the seeming triumph of the Culbertson players, » "" But the tournament, as this is being written, has still some time to go, so, i t is to early to make any dsfinite" commentaries.
hereby notified that a petition bfls beep fil*Hi in. said Csett, prsyias for the probate of a certain instrument now on file SB said Court, purporting to^be the last wM and testament of saia deceased, nntl that a hearing -will he had on wild petrtion before salft Conrt on tie 23rd day of January. 1932. and that K they fall to appear at enia Court on the said 23rd >ttay of Janaary. 1932, at 9 o'clock. A M. -to-con^ test thd probate of faid will, the- Court A JEWISH DEMPSEY? may -allow and probate said VJl and We casually suggested, the other errant administration of said estate J o Minnie Lapidus, Henry Monsfcy and Irria day to the editpr of £n EnglishStslmaster, or some other snitable person, Jewish, organ t t S appropriateness 12-S0-31-3t
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Water-White Distillate <s4 Saw '38-40 gravity, per gal Zero Gaa Oil, 32-36 gravity, per gal -— ' Zero Fuel Gil. 28-30 srcvliy, per gal -—-
I !
P -aInstitutioa with Personal Service"
Hih asd Nicholas St.
Jackson 2111
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"An Jaelison 2111
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PAGE 8 .THE JZWIS1I PRESS, \TEDXESD* V, BECEMESII Z?. ssk-rs was sent to workers £'.re made 2£'e. hv. the; factorv cn the.
•AEEr T© -IE •EilOtLIIi:
'I; 1^
1 FACTOR 41 SCH wu Ovet 400 are expected to attend the Jeeture Sunday evening by Dr. Chaim - Greenberg, former editor of a Jewish j>aper, and noted Zionist worker. The meeting will be held in the social hall of Shaave Zion synagogue, at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. Greenbarg1, who is well verged on subjects of Jewish'interest, will speak on "The Problem of Jewish Youth in America." Jewish National Workers' Alliance are sponsoring the meeting. - Admission is .twenty-five cents. It has been announced by the chairman, Mr. Louis Shilling, that no solicitation would be made during the evening. The committee assisting Mr.. Shilling in the arrangements includes Mr. and Mrs. A. Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Mr. Joseph Aizenberg, Mr. M. Mason, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Elkin Saturday evening, members and friends of the. National Workers' Alliance will hear Dr. Greenberg speak on "Job and His Trials." This meeting1 will be open to any one who will rnalie reservations with- Mr. Joseph Aizenfcerg. Refreshments and an informal social hour will "follow this lecture. Mr. Abe Stillman will preside Saturday evening. •
Two hundred and fifty attended the annual Father and Son Banquet at Mount Sinai Temple, I~st Monday evening. The affair was sponsored by the congregation and the Temple Brotherhood. Mr. Sam Greenstone and Mr. Edward A. Goldstein spoke in behalf of the fathers; Bernard Marks and Mr. Charles Urbach responded in behalf of the sons. Mr. Max Pill acted as toastmaster. The principal speaker of the evening was Mr. Edward 11.; Corbett, a local attorney. The evening's entertainment included a novelty song and dance, skit by Vivian and Jack Rens, and a magician act by Clifford Jorgenson. Mr. H. N. Slotsky led the community singing. Rabbi Lewis delivered the invocation. The committees in charge of the arrangements included Mr. A. J. Galinksy. Mr. Morris Pill, Mr. Louis Agranoff, and Mrs. Louis Agranoff.
Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Three thousand Jewish youths will this winter be enrolled in leading factory schools in the Ukraine. The youths will ba permitted from 107 Ukrainian centers where preparatory courses are now being given. They will then be ssnt to 21 of the largest factories in the Ukraine, to receive training for various industries, including railways, ship-building, coal, mineral and chemical industries. In this connection the press carries a number o f letters from youths in various factory schools denying allegations of ill treatment* A number of these communications carry the signatures of Jewish youths.
-Addresses Feature ... • ©f Alumni Meeting Brief addresses by members of the clab were features of the Alumni Talmud Torah meeting last week. Among thoca who .spoke before the club wera . Bernard Lazriowich, Abo Singer, Edward Sperling, Ruben Ratner, Rosa•• bell Wwjodsky, , and EudoJp'i" and George Shindler. . Following the program, the membars adjourned to dancing.. Music [ was .furnished by Miss Eunice Stillman, at the piano. -
A. Xh Galinsky home, have been a; luncheon, bridge, given by Mrs. A. M. Davis, in the Castle Court Inn, and a bridge party given by Mrs. B. Courshon, at the Castle Court Inn. Mrs. Courshon,. whose home is in Chicago, was formerly Miss Ida Galinsky. Members .of the Ivre club will entertain Thursday evening at the Hotel Martin.. Dancing and novelty stunts throughout the evening will be climaxed by a midnight supper. .
Among the many . out - of - town guests who will spend New Year's day with. friends and relatives ia Sioux City are Miss Ruth Shinebaum of Chicago, Miss Lucille Krasne . of Council Bluffs, Miss Celia Halpern of Oskaloosa, Iowa; Miss Dorothy MusIdn of. Omaha, and Messrs. Lazer Kaplan, Lornie Gross, Kris Krssr.e, Phil Garelick, Dave .-Bialeck, Joe TurOver 150 couples attended the an- ner, and Bill Garelick, all of Omaha. nual Talmud Torah dance at the KigMrs. M. Alpert and daughter Naaudon ballroom Tuesday evening. Proceeds go toward the maintenance omi of-Chicago, • who'are guests at the home of J. Jacobson, and.Mi;s. S. of the Hebrew school. . Mrs. R. H. Emlein_was in charge J. Gordon and .son Jerome cf Chicago, who are guests at-1 the Eobert Sacks, of the arrangements.
Charkov.—A conference will be held here for the purpose of discussing ways and means of organizing emigration into the Ukraine in the coming year. Participating in the conference, will be representatives of the government, Jewish social workers and editors of the Yiddish press.
Tokio—{J. T. Ccn'manity in C ly email and - : single city in ,crJewicH populatic ilies. the issuance 'of. visas to i In contrast with Cbira irhich ir. ts who belong ; o no country; i recent years has witnessed th. Cse. former Russian citizens, cr ii- ] yelopmsnt of- large,. Jewish, eorr.- legally. arrived .nigants from! muaities • in.: such centers as •' Harbin,' Soviet SUSSIE. • Jewish Prise .Efficiency Shanghai fend Tientsin, the " Jewish Moscow.—The . Stalinimlorf Jewish. crmmunity;- 'In "'Japan is .dying, a. region h&s received a £4,000 rouble drawn-oat ••5t?3ath,,.' ' prise from the Ukranini&n 'govern" The njeagerr.ess- of the-Jewish Blent for, its efficiency-in-supplying1 community-in. Japan • is not so surprising when one "recalls that in the Us wheat quota, ' w hole of the land with a populasviet tion of 90,000,000,:..' the European M.inslc.—five • Jcvrfsh workers, inpopulation 'numbers but several cluding one woman, vere a\rarded thousand, including si! members of L;T. A..)—A bold Enti- the decorction of tlis- "Tied Flai:** the foreign diplomatic -.service, con-' tlecs campaign openly conducted :n by the Soviet gorrenmenl in recognin-} Scr-.itic ccrs-i ire linsk factory,. "Cornmunar," ern- tion of their devoted services to the sulatcs, rrissions. teccbers mereial rcprescr.tatives. :ig more . than one . thousand j success of- tTie ?ive - Tear Plan la Many hundreds cf Jewis J ers, -was' disclosed '"when; an • snr ' White Hussia. '
Talmud Torati Dance Is
-Basket Ball Captain Herbert Baumstein, who was recently chosen basketball captain of the Central High School team, is confined to a local hospital as a result of a recent injury and nervous breakdown. The doctors have ordered him not to play the remainder of the season.
Berlin. — ( j : , T. A.7. for the. purpose of '" .Jewish;women -in. the.-nature of the • anti-Jewish campaign,1 with a purpose of .--fitting1' thern for. m the anti-Semitism, have" been or- by the Central - Union • of German Citizens: of the Jewish' Faith. . . : . . - ; - . The classes are part of the program of the Union to consolidate German Jewish forces ia the battle against the Nazis.:-'
Stating that this was a "rastless age" instead of an "irreligious age," Rabbi Albert Gordon, of Minneapolis, spoke to a capacity congregation last Friday evening, at Shaare Zion synagogue, during the student welcome service. "The change in our material life has necessitated a change in our Spiritual life," continued the rabbi. He deplored the materialistic view of life, and emphasized that as long as science will continue to produce such inhumane elements as poison gas, it can never take the place of higher spiritual values. Following the service, the congregation adjourned to the social hall, where an informal program was presented by students of various universities. '•
Two hundred guests attended a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich, honoring their son, Irving", who celebrated his Bar Mitsvah recently. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Sirs. J.. Palk and Mrs. M. Altman of Omaha, and Leonard and Dorothy Rossn of Sioux Falls.
have been honored at a series of delightful entertainments. Among their hostesses have been Mrs. J. Jacobson, Mrs. B. Ginsberg,1 Mrs. H. Goldstein, Mrs. D, Rodin, and: -Mrs. B. Wasserman. Mrs. E E Jacobson, who is also a guest at the home-of Mr and Mrs. Jacobsoiv has shared- honors with' ;he. other out-of-town ' guests.
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Miss Rose Tesler is visiting with the .will of the lai^e Mrs.. Annie Arfriends in Omaha. " bih of Bayswater. Miss Freda Albert is visiting with friends and relatives in Des Moines.
Breeyose knows diet cce of &s b:^ f>*-!!V ©I "getting a ncrr c=r is r££"r.£ c2 r.ctr tire" till crouad. Today ne"T .Gcodj'cars ere co ciscp dci 7^3 csa fcsvc £b2t E^=SC tbrsll ca roar prcreat car. . . a f H**> £•******% s czs bare cC
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Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grueskln of Kansas City ai*e spending the week end visiting with their friends and relatives.
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Hiss Rose * Rosenstein of '•• Omaha Jewesses" _......, visited with I.Iiss 'Sarah Woskoff reLona.on—The ' sups of..-$150,000 was cently. b'equeathed to" assfst • Jewish women
The following honor roll for the month of. December, has been announced by the faculty of the Temple Religious school: Stanton . Cohen, Barbara Davis, Doris Gruesldn, Arthur Jaffee, Harold Gruesldn, Sammy Heeger, Leonard Stein, Bernard Weiner, Lynn- Arkin, iilarion Fishgall, Herman Barish," Doris Blarx, Betty Mars, Harold Lefkovicb, Bobby, Cohen, Miriam Barish', ililtbn Galinskyj Ted Skalovslcy, Sidney Kalin, Carolyn Members of Mount Sinai Sisterhood Fishjjall, and Eocs Jean Passman. , will hear Mrs. Milton Perry Smith at their regular monthly meeting, g i noonl The; speaker k has next "vFridaiy traveled • widely in Europe and will : speak o'ri her travel experiences. The program will a One o'clock :ill follow • Dave Singer,' a student at Grinnell luncheon. ' college, wil speak at Shalare iZon synagogue this Friday on tha subSit ject, "When a Jew Is Alone." Mr. Kl during his high school .career Central, was prominent in the forMrs. Sam Shulkin has been named l field and an honor student. Sunday School cessions will be re- chairman of the Cafeteria Supper for sumed this Sunday morning, after a the Palestinian bazaar, sponsored by the various Zionist organizations of week's vacation.
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BisEiiss Jet^ish Head cf Soviet Farm Council • -
Moscow—Michael Gercbikcv, Jewish -head "of tbe1 Soviet Farm CounIlrs. II. H. Cohen of Yankton, S. cil,'' was .dismisse'dt"•: on the • charge D., was a recent guest at the home that he TTSS not;, stiffk'ently. active of her parents, Hr. and Mrs. A. Sait- in. orgarizaBg the; "grain- collection. lin. . ,. s
Sunday morning, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke before the Sunday School of the First Methodist church on "The Relationship Between the Jew and Christian." Tuesday noon he addressed the LeMars Rotary club, at LeMars, Iowa. On. Sunday evening, January 3, Rabbi Lewis will speak from the pulpit of the Methodist church in Elk Point, S. D., on the subject of his travels through Palestine.
Ps'JsSsdsrs ct £ic forrest prises ra tl^i^rr. Is stasis to recsoa diet Goodj-ccr—Trsrla'c
Members of the J. U. L. club met Monday evening at the home of Mr. 3J8WS. Surpassing Othets in Proand Mrs. J. Knox, Terrace apart• •. -pressing .and. Ad ments. •
Miss.Bernica Levins was.hostess to •Washington.^- (J. T.-A.)—The- Jews members o~f the Phi.Epsilon Tau so-are the most iEiportan* minority Wcdnasday evening. Bridge in. Turkey 'Meeting. . . rority and every. Jew is a loyal was follqwed-by refreshments." citizen, from the Chief Rabbi to the Next Friday Noon Miss Sadie Shulkin is visiting with most humble member of the population, declared Saradiagan Shukra friends and relatives in Minneapolis. Bey, former Turkish - Minister 'of Finance in an interview frith the corMr., and Mrs. J. Ostrin of .Chicago respondent "of the Jewish. Telegraphic and Mrs. M. Goldenson and daughter Agency. " " ' . • ' Minerva of Chicago have arrived in "Ho anti-Semitism or oppression the .city to visit at the home of- Mr. of the Jewish population exists.' or SHAARE .ZION and Mrs. L, Kronick., Mrs. Ostrin has, existed in .Turkey,".-declared the \vas formerly Miss Ruth Kronick. former minister, wha is in .the United States for the purpose of promotJilissss :Dorothy_ and Gladys. Wein- ing'Turkish trade... -"It-may be said berg visited with friends in Mankato, that the. sentiment -of friendship, be*. Minn., during the past week. tsreen' the' Jews aad the Mohammedan Turks is. an ancient .tradition,' :>lartin and Sol -Kronick, students he_continued, "and anti-Semitism.has at Iowa university, are visiting with never appeared in''Turkey.. Ia fact their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis'Jews, who; have not left. Turkey to Kronick, over the winter vacation. ' travel abroad, ..are -totally ignorant the city. The date for the bazaar of-anti-Semitism. We Mphammendan has -been set as Sunday, January 17. Ben Golder, who is a student at th* Turks treat the "Jews as our brethTVT T? -H It will be held in the Jewish ComJ . I N . I * . •or Chicago university, is' visiting with ren.- There .is., absolutely no'distincA collection taken at a recent re- munity Center. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Golder. tion or discrimination of any kind.'' ception at the home of Sir. and Mrs. . Asked to explain.why not a single 11. A, Levieh netted the su:a of $10.50 Center Opening to Isadore and Maurice Lasehsky," stu- Sevf is. a member of the Turkish for the Jewish Nction^i I'cud. Mr. at Iovra university, are visiting Parliament or otherwise identified in -• Be field January 10 dents J. Suntz presented the amount to the with their parents, Mr. and'Mrs.'Mas any-important capacity with the govchairman of the fund. Lasonsky. •' -• ernment, Shuku Eey, admitting .the Tentative plans for the formal fact, explained this, was due to. the opening of new quarters for the Miss Elizabeth Raskin entertained lack,of density of the Jewish populaJewish Community Center have been a group of friends' Sunday afternoon tion. = - - • ' . begun by the directors of the federa- at a Hadassah Benefit'•Bridge party ...The Jews.have achieved great pro-, tion. ' Plans to open the Center to gressin Turkey since the overthrow I the public oxi January 10 arc fcoinjj "We'feed the multitude" Members of the Pnccnvli^rs' club of Sultan Abdul Kaiaid, • Shukru • Bsy | ir-ada. The rivx quarters arc locaL^I met Wednesday e\ei.ing at tha Lowe stated. "Although there -Las neves1« With Tasty Foods ••. at Fifth and Pearl streets. of Miss Dorothy Epst_ln. bees any anti-Semitism,, the social!
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Mrs. Ezek Chosen ->atertained at a cvir": . : t" „ bridge party Tnursday afternoon ia s33 cf tl-c cour.trr ir- er the old j honor of !i~r graaddaughtcr, Eoc-as very Ityi t% eaty years j Bashefkin,'vho ia visiting ^ -go. TLa preset c;-J. fca of- the! the holidays. Zcvs itpiC IT^ni, CCC
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