September 18, 1931

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• • • •

Initie Interests of the "Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

t as Second-Class Mail Mntler on Janiinr^ 27. 1821, at. rogiollice nl On\ahn.. Nebraska, nnder th£. Act of March 3. lbTSt



Registration Open for Tfclmud Torah



IX.—No. 33

Hundred Workers Comb City for $15,C

Registration for new pupils for the Talmud Torah is now open for month of September at the| Lecture Series Has Stimulated the J. C. C, according to announce* Even More Interest Than ment made by Jpdah L. Wolf son, Lazarus Is to Sing in Previous Years principal. The new semester bef at Cincinnati Temple Advanced sale of tickets for the gins October 5. ; The Educational Board of the Berlin.—(J. T. A-)—Grave anti- guests. Many were wounded In the Community Forum Lecture Series Talmud Torah urges those parents • David Lazarus, former Omaha singr Semitic excesses, resulting in the in- panic which ensued. Among, the this winter was "announced today by who wish their children to receive er, was invited by Rabbi Samuel Wohl ' jaiy of scores of Jewish men and wounded are many non-Jews who Herman H. Auerbach, chairman of the a thorough Jewish education to of the Reading Road Temple in CinForum Committee. ^From the orders - women, took place here on Sunday, looked like Jews. cinnati, to chant the Kol Nidre hymn thus far received at the Jewish Com- register them before the month is for the Yom Kippur service Sunday Over a hundred men and women at- are in lieu of the care they are giv"the second day of Rosh Hashonah, over. " Arrived Too Late. munity Center from holders of season when organised Nazi forces surroundevening. Lazarus -sang at Temple tended the Buffet Supper at the Jew- ing to Omaha children and to Omaha Berlin. — A slight miscalculation tickets to past lecture series it apish Community Center, Monday eve- sick. Failure to raise the money with, ed the leading synagogues of the city Israel in Omaha a year ago. pears that the program announced for saved the Jewish community of Berand fell upon Jewish worshippers as Through a competitive contest held ning, September 14, and enlisted their which to pay our allotment to these they emerged from High Holyday lin from a wholesale massacre, it is this winter has stimulated considerlast June, Lazarus was awarded an- services in the emergency Philan- agencies means only one thing, that able local interest. revealed here in connection with the services. other scholaship at the Cincinnati thropies Campaign, being conducted we abandon to dire fate our own anti-Jewish excesses on Bosh HashThe program includes Senator Robthis week, to raise $15,000.00 neces- Omaha people, Failure to raise our Simultaneously attacks were organConservatory of Music onah. ert M.'La Follette of "Wisconsin, who sary to meet the committments of the budget this year may mean the clos- ized in various sections. The Nazis, The attack of the Hitlerites, reports will speak on Wednesday evening, Jewish Philanthropies to local and na- ing of the doors of the local institu•hidden in streets adjoining synaassert, was scheduled to be carried out October 14. The Senator's subject tions which we are supporting. The tional agencies, for 1931-1932. gogues, lay in wait until the services Stimulated to determination to Talmud Torah and the Old People's had been concluded. As the worship- within the synagogues while the ser- for his address in Omaha win be succeed in raising the needed funds Home, will not be able to get their pers, dressed in holiday regalia, vices were in progress, thus cornering "What Progressives are the worshippers and transforming the For." all those present pledged their sup- minimum budget if we cannot raise passed through the streets homeward Magical Theatrical Troupe to Others on the program include Proport in this emergency campaign. the $15,000.00 in this emergency." bound, the Nazis, shouting "Down houses of worship into places of Give Two-Hour Racing massacre. fessor Samuel D. Schmalhausen,.notAll cards consisting' of prospects "Most of the agencies to whom al• with the Jews! Germany Awaken," Performances Miscalculating the duration; of the ed Psychologist and lecturer, who will The B'nai Brith luncheon meetings who either failed to contribute this lotments have been made by the Jewrushed upon them. In a moment the streets were transformed into scenes services, they arrived several minutes speak here on December 16. Oliver A magical theatrical, all proceeds to be held every Wednesday noon got year or cut their subscriptions from ish Philanthropies are able to raise of bloodshed and confusion. Even the after the conclusion of the cere- Baldwin, labor member of Parliament of which are to be used for the equip- off to an excellent start this Wednes- last yew, were quickly distributed more money than alloted to them, elderly Jews did not escape the vio- monies. Infuriated by the miscar- and son of the conservative leader ping- of fee Jewish: Community Cen- day at the Hill Hotel with over twen- amongst the workers present. All were they permitted to conduct indeduring the week teams have called pendent campaigns in Omaha." lence of the Nazis, who, after felling riage of their plans, they launched and now member of the British Coali- ter gymnasium, will be staged at the ty-five members attending. their attack upon the worshippers tion Cabinet, will appear in Omaha on Omaha Jewry to make good the Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe gave an their victims, trampled upon them Center auditorium on Sunday, SepLapidus addresses Group. who were homeward bound. on January 13. 'Mr. Baldwin is maksolemn pledge given to the 29 ageninteresting and -inspiring talk on his with their Tieavy nailed boots. tember 27. Howard Huntington and "Let every Jew in Omaha answer ing his first American tour and Omacies dependent on their support for An SOS was immediately issued to his greater shows will appear for two Tecent trip abroad. Harry BL Lapidus The attack upon the Jews was althis question: Are we ready to settle their very existence. presided. together unexpected and came as a its members by the Union of Jewish ha will be the second city he will performances. sixty cents on the dollar, with the The matinee performance will be at Those who attended were enthusiMonsky Speaks. " surprise even to the police authorities Veterans, but their aid, like that of visit on this tour. sick and tubercular, with the widowed the police, arrived only after the HitRabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago 3 p. m. and the evening performance astic about the luncheon meeting who arrived upon the scene of the at"Don't you men and women of and orphaned children, whose sole lerites had attained their goal. project. The next is scheduled for is scheduled to speak on February 10. starts at 8:30 p. m. The show will be " tacks only after the Jews had been Omaha think that you are doing charThe lecture series will be closed with popularly priced. It will be sponsored Wednesday noon, September 23, with ity for somebody else when you are source of support is the generosity of badly victimized. Strong evidence exan address by Maurice Hindus on by the athletic council of tie Center, Dr. Neuhaus, psychiatrist as the contributing to this fund," said Henry those whom God has spared from ists, however, that the attacks were poverty and distress?' asked Harry March 24. Mr. Hindus, who is a not- headed by Irvin C. Levin. .speaker. not extemporaneous but rather the reMonsky in addressing' the workers Lapidus in an address on Monday eveed authority on Russia and is now It is the plan of the local lodge to Bult of long preparation. Loud speakHuntington is today regarded by Monday sight. "Our contributions to traveling and studying conditions In the National. Magiciaaia. Association as nave weB-known speakers address l i e Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home, ning. Mr. Lapidus cited one example ers erected by the Nazis at the Gedathat country, is expected to present a leading figure and frequently re- these luncheon .nestings, representa- or to the "National Jewish Hospital after -another on the basis of his perechtnia."jfiitche-i and ajC/^e IRomanissonal and intimate knowledge, *a s fresh picture of the "Five-YeaT ferred to as a second Houdini. He tive men in Omaha's industries and che* "Cafe, roaring "Perish Judea!" chairman of the budget committee, of Plan" for economic development in is to give a straight jacket perform- professions. Among those who, it is while the attacks- were in progress the disastrous consequences that may Soviet Russia. planned, will speak are included W. left the.unmistakable conviction that ance on the Omaha streets on Saturensue if the Philanthropies fails to the attacks had been carefully, plan- Dr. Sher, Chairman, Reports on Season tickets for six lectures for day, September 26, in which he guar- Dale Clark, banker; Harvey Newpay its pledges to the agencies. three dollars may be obtained at the antees *to beat the world's record in branch, editor; Paul Grumann," direcned and carefully organized'. Activities of Group Dur"A United Jewish Philanthropies tor of Joslyn Memorial; Louis TeJewish Community Center. freeing himself from the standard While one detachment of the'Nazis ing the Year Campaign is not only a saving in Glendale Jacket. Omaha police will Poel, dean of Creighton law school; •y perpetrated excesses in the vicinity of the expense ot collecting and discarefully examine the jacket before F. X. Bible, Nebraska University the 'Kqtoanisches Cafe, rendezvous of A review of the accomplishments of tributing funds but is in reality a football coach. Jugo-Slavia Grants they bind and hang- him head downwriters^ and artists, in the Kurfur- the Social Service Committee of the saving to every individual contristendam section of Berlin, other Nazi Jewish Community Center and WelReligious Antonomy ward. butor," continued Mr. Lapidus. Demands Removal of Headquar- Luncheon report meetings were forces launched violent attacks in fare Federation during the past year . The evening' performance-is. of two ters from London was reported on at a meeting of the hoars duration aid is designed to inBelgrade.—(J. T. A.)—Eeligious Uhlandstrasse, Knesebeckstrasse, scheduled for Thursday and Friday to Paris group last Thursday by Dr. Philip autonomy to all national minorities in terest the most skeptical of adults as Tauntzein and Nollendorfplatz. noon at the Hill Hotel. The campaign A group of fifty Nazis invaded the Sher, chairman. Jugo-Slavia is guaranteed by the new well as children. This is the first committee was confident that the Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Vladimir Jabot- campaign may be closed this week. Reimann cafe, frequented by Jews, Dr. -Sher- reported that last, year Constitution proclaimed by King Omaha appearance of the troupe. insky, leader of the Zionist Revision- However, the campaign will continue broke all the windows, demolished-the the Social Service Committee grant- Alexander. ists, who took a six months.leave of until every dollar of the budget is furniture and began to fire at the ed seven scholarships to Omaha boys With the abolition of the dictator- Jewish Deputy Named absence at the time of the World raised. and girls as loans enabling them to ship, formal guarantees are given for to Czech Parliament Zionist Congress, due to internal further - their college educations. religion liberty to all citizens. Pro- Prague.—Dr. Angelo Goldstein, Mandates Commission Issues strife within his own group has reAcmy of Workers. These totaled $1,100. portionate allocation of State funds Jewish leader, was elected a member Stipulations Which Must turned to active leadership, demand- Wm. L. Holzman, general chairman So far this semester three appli- for religious purposes are promise of the Czecho-SlovaMan Parliament ing the immediate shifting of the of the Campaign, presided at the Be Met cations for scholarship loans have to all recognized religious groups. by the Jewish Party Executive of headquarters of the Revisionists from Monday evening meeting-, Harry been granted, amounting to $600. Under the terms of the new consti- Czecho-Slovakia. Lapidus, Henry Monsky, and Sam Last year the Social Service Com- tution, all official posts are open Dr. Goldstein succeeds the late Dr. Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The condi- London to Paris. Simultaneously with Jabotinsky's Beber are co-chairmen. The corp of mittee, which is a beneficiary of the equally to all citizens without dis- Ludwig Singer who died several tions under which a mandated territory may attain autonomy were set emergence from his retirement, the workers include the following: Milton Mrs. William Alberts was re-elected Philanthropies, took care of sixty ju- tinction. weeks ago. forth by the Mandates Commission, Rassviet, official organ of the Re- Abrahams, Herbert Arnstein, Mrs. president of the Auxiliary of the Con- venile delinquencies. By their efforts in accordance with the special in- visionists, publishes the official by- Herbert Arnstein, Leo Abramson, servative Synagogue at its opening seven were paroled through court or-1 structions from the Council of the laws of a proposed independent Zion- Frank Ackerman, A. B. Alpirn, Mrs. meeting Wednesday afternoon at the der and fifty-three were satisfactorily League of Nations. Jewish Community Center. ist organization, the creation of which Wm. Alberts, Dave Blacker, Max handled out of court. Two major conditions were stipu- Jabotinsky demands, to oppose the Barish, Mrs. Dave Blacker, Reuben Mrs. Dave Sherman was elected The functions of the Social Service lated by the Mandates Commission: present Zionist organization. first vice-president; Mrs. Ben Glazer, Committee are to care for and preBrown, Mrs. Reuben Brown, Simon First, the actual situation in a mansecond vice-president; Mrs..I. F. Good- vent juvenile delinquency cases, to. Mr. Jabotinsky's insistence upon Bordy, Dr. N. S. Belzer, Sam Beber, dated territory desiring autonomy the formation of an independent Zion- j A. H. Brodkey, Mrs. Sam Cohen, man, recording secretary; Mrs. Ben- provide for- scholarship loans, child jamin Minkin, corresponding secre- care, institutional work outside of Philip M. Klutzniek, executive sec- real contribution in the development must be euch as to indicate that the ist organization may result in a per- Dave Cohen, Allen Cohen, Joe Cohen, tary; Mrs. Israel Dansky, treasurer; Omaha, and the annual Father and retary of the A. Z. A., has accepted of Jewish Consciousness and intelli- csnntry has reached a state of de- manent split in the ranks of the Re- Harry Cohen, Dr. Frederick Cohn, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, auditor. the chairmanship of the Committee gent appreciation of our rich heritage velopment whereby the people can be visionists. Son banquet. entrusted with self government un- A meeting of the World Executive Samuel H. Davis, Dr. I. Dansky, The following were elected' board Harry Dworsky, Dave Feder, John The committee consists of Dr. on Club Work at the Jewish Conv through the medium of Club Pro- der the difficult conditions of the members: Mesdames Jack Alberts, A. Philip Sher, chairman, Rabbi Fred- munity Center for this year, accord- grams. I am happy to accept this reof the Revisionists has been arranged Feldman, William Feiler, Dave FishB.' Kaiman, M. • F. Leyenson, Paul erick Cohn, Rabbi David A. Gold- ing to announcement made today by sponsibility in the belief that real re- modern world. Second, the country, to take place in Brussels next week, man, Dr. B. T. Friedman, Phil FeldBernstein, I. -W. Rosenblatt, - Philip stein, Mrs. William Alberts, Mrs. J. Jack W. Marer,. chairman of the Cen- sults may be attained in the work upon receiving autonomy, must give in an endeavor to conciliate the dif- man, Morris Ferer, A. D. Frank, Mrs. i=£4utzniek*= Jlbese^ ibgether=witlwthe with young people belonging to our to the League of Nations guarantees ferences in the party which the lead- Ben Glazer, I. F. Goodman, Dr. A. Mrs, IR. terCommittee^ the jeihnplqglcal religious and ers ikLJiot hesitate i g characterize as^ officers and* other members to be ap- Kulakofsky, Philip Klutznick, Leo jjreenbergjJDave Goldman, Mrs. Dave Over twenty clubs in the senior sad XJoinlSunity'TCenter7" I"Wok TOxward pointed by the president, will serve Rosenthal, Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, Irving intermediate divisions embracing a to a fruitful year of activity and I and language rights of its national extremely serious. Jabotinsky and Goldman, Dave GreenbergT Abe <ioldminorities will be protected. as the executive committee. his closest adherents, Tiomkin, stein, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, J. J. Stalmaster, Dr. S. Z. Stern, Harry membership of about four hundred am confident of the hearty co-operaSilverman, "Mrs. A. Wolf. young men and women will come un- tioii of the Club Sponsors and the With regard to the principle of eco- Schechtman, and Berchin, refuse to Greenberg, Ben Glazer, Robert Glaznomic equality the Mandates Commis- participate in. this conference unless er, Dr. M. L Gordon, M. E. Handler, der the direction of Mr. Klutznick. In clubs themselves." "Achar Hataunis" sion regards it as desirable that the the Revisionist headquarters are at Max Holzman, Mis. Max Holzman, As a first step in the direction of addition, a group of volunteer leaders newly independent countries should be once removed to Paris, where Jabot- Wm. L. Holzman, Mrs. H. Hirschman, Dr. Romonek Heads organizing the club work for the comwho sponsor the individual clubs, will Dance on Monday obligated to observe the open door insky is residing. ing season a senior Council meeting Robert Kooper, Louis Kulakofsky, Mid-West A. A. U. actively co-operate with the club di- was policy, over a stipulated period, in re- Although Jabotinsky is insistent Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, J. H. KulakThe "Achar Hataunis"- (After the held Thursday evening, Septemrector in developing a co-ordinated Fast) dance will be given at the Jew- Dr. Philip L. Romonek was elected program of activity which will in- her 17th, at 8 n. m. in which the lation to those countries which are upon breaking away from the present ofsky, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Phil ish Community .Center audtiorium on president of the Mid-western A. A. U. clude such educational functions as following clubs Zionist organization, it is nevertheless Klutznick, Earl Lapidus, Irvin Levin, participated: A. members of the League. Monday evening,. September 21, under at their annual meeting held at the inter-dub debating tournaments; ora- Z. A. No. 1, A. L. A. No. 100, Psi Mu, understood that he would concede to M. F. Levenson, Mrs. M. F. Leventhe sponsorship r of- Omaha Chapter Fontenelle last week.' the continuation of payment of the son, Harry Lapidus, E. Meyer, M. D. torical, declamation and essay con- X. L., A. Z. A. No. 7, Theater Guild, No. 1 of the A. 2. A. '' . official Zionist shekel by Revisionists Micklin, Goodman Meyerson, Dr. M. tests; the annual dramatic presenta- Tonka Koda, Pi Alpha Lambda, Fa Free Loan Society Twenty-five patrons have been obfas private individuals, should they Margolin, Harry Malashock, Morris tions; a series of holiday festivals and Han, Alpha Tau, Karmelites, HenHas Made 1,368 -tained and according .to the advance Jews Welcome to choose to do so. Milder, Jack Marer, Henry Monsky, a varied recreational and social pro- rietta Szold, Orchestra, Halevi ticket sale a large crowd will attend Loans Mrs. M. Marg-olin, Mrs. Benj. Minkin, gram, which will include dances, Urges Council Meeting. A committee on reorganization o China, Says Advisor carnivals and other mass and group the Council, consisting of Julius Bi& the dance which is open to the public Vienna.—Dr. Robert Strieker, leader Morris Potash, J. Richlin, Dr. A. S. Art Randall's orchestra Trill play. ; It was inadvertently announced New York.—(J. T. A.)—That Jews activities. of the Zionist radicals, and now a Rubnitz, S. Ravitz, Harry Z. Rosenno, -chairman; Rose Stein, secretary Special arrangements of the A.. Z. are welcome to .China, is the stateLeo Brown, Shirley Hobennan, Ervin in last week's press that the Jew- member of the Zionist Revisionist! feld, Dave Rosenstock, Louis Sommer, A. Pep Song", the anthem, and the ment made by Judge Paul Linebar- "Club work, when properly directed Wezelman and William Wolfe, pre- ish Free Loan Society of Omaha Executive, urged the immediate con- Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A. Steinberg, Sweetheart Song have been prepared ger, legal advisor to the Chinese gov- and stimulated may be an invaluable sented detailed plans for a reorgani- made 58 loans during its existence. vocation of a Party Council of fifty Dave Sherman, B. A. Simon, Louie by Art Randall and will be.presented ernment, addressing the Joint Annual aid in developing character, personal1 zation of the council and also an outFifty-eight loans were made members from all countries in order! Somberg, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. to an Omaha audience for the first Convention of the Chinese Engineer- initiative and civic responsibilities, line of a program of activities for the during the past year. In its short to avoid a possible split in the Party. Dave Sherman, Dr. Philip Sher, Mrs. said Klutznick in an interview today. coining year. These plans will be pre- existence the Free Loan Society time at this dance. ing and Science Societies. Dr. Strieker, Dr. Robert Lichtheim, B. A, Simon, Harry Trustin, M&x JErwin Wezelman is chairman of the j Dr. linebarger asserted that the "We hope, this year, to stress- espe- sented to the clubs for their consid has made a total 1,358 loans to in- and Meer Grossman, while opposed to Wintroub, HaiTy Weiner, Mrs. Most committee in charge,'- assisted by Art Chinese appreciative of the cially Jewish Content in the club pro- eration and adoption during the next dividuals who were temporarily in Jabotrnskj-'s viewpoint, are anxious Yousem, Mose Yousem, N. S. Yaffc, Grossman, Oscar Mayerowich, Her- broad mindedness and tolerance dis- grams. I sincerely believe that the two weeks after which the program need. to prevent Jabotinsky's secession Miss Blanche Zimman, H. B. Zimmat man Babich and Louis Levinson. played by Jews, .. from ihe Party. . . and L B. Zimman, Jewish Community Center can. ™«fo* * will be announced by Klutznick,

Planned Outbreak Nazis Too Late for on Rosh Hashonah Massacre

Campaign to Continue Until Every Dollar Is Collected; Prospects Good for Success











Klutzniek Is to Head Club Work at Center


THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at dmaha, Nebraska byN THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ! :|" - - ..-


Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application





,. ;•

Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATIantie 1450 ' DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor" - FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor . FREDA BOLKER MILDER - - - - - - - Society Editor •'. FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, Iowa Correspondent ANN PILL Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


$15,000 SHORT

"If your brother is sinking in quicksand and you help him not, you are.guilty of murder." } iThis' unmincing challenge was flung into the camp of Israel a few years back by the late Louis Marshall, peerless genius of international Jewry. "Murder" is a "shuddering" term . . . . but it-makes us sit up and think. And that is exactly what the Omaha Jewish community needs today—something that"willmake u s s i t up and think . . . . aye, and think twice. The $42,150 quota set by the Jewish-Philanthropies last May was to be Omaha Jewry's contribution toward keeping our brethren from sinking . . . . the Chalutzim of Palestine, the destituteof Eastern 'Europe, the sick, the aged, the needy at home, our orphans, our Jewish education, our various charitable institutions, Yet, we fell $15,000 short. "If your brother is sinking in quicksand and him not, you are guilty of .murder." At home, everywhere our-brethren are sinking . . . . because of unemployment, because df depression, because of anti-Semitism, because of disease, because of a myriad of uncontrollable circumstances . . . . sinking, iinless help is forthcoming—help which includes yours and mine, •. • The grim necessity of the present supplementary drive is not a publicity stunt it is unfortunately all too real. Institutional work hangs in the balance—lives hang in the balance. The need is greater than! ever before; therefore, the response must be greater, not less. Suffering has drawn us all closer to one another, has bridged the social gap and made us one. World Jewry must stand together—subscriptions must be increased^ never diminished. Omaha's spotless reputation for liberal giving, Omaha's promises to thirty-one local, national, and international agencies, are being put to the acid test. A structure of years of philanthropic building is in danger of tottering about ouY heads unless we forget our own comparatively insignificant losses and instead consider our brethren whoare; steeped in tragedy, groaning under unbearable burdens, suffering inexorable woes, with starvation dogging their footsteps, ii :;. ;. • Every dollar, donated in this supplementary •campaign is an almjghty messenger for gdofcl. Eyerj• dolter will softenthe hardships and suicidal sorrow of" some fello#-^iv. Kjeyeie we rallied to an emergency^ now must be that time. The Jewishheart must stilll |.|.humanize misfortune and must^^ ^ ^ \ moral fountain of Jewish lif& -Vourbrother's hand is outstretched^ ^ let it not be said that you left him empty-handed; •;



j.The beautiful, appealing melody of Kol Nidre will echo throughout the Jewish world on Sunday evening and will re-echo through Jewish hearts, irresistibly drawn toward 4hek God Almighty on the holiest of holy days-—Ybm Kippur. B ^ i magnetic force, unequalled, unexplained, Jews who' through the year seem divorced from their religion prove their birthright on the Day of Reckoning, the Day of Atonement; Whether it be fear or whether it be contrition or tradition, the Jew observes Yom Kippur. He may not chant the solemn prayers, he may attend a movie, and yet in some manner> by spme means—as fasting—he will evidence liis heritage. By some sacrifice, small or large, he will on Yoni Kippur display his; loyalty, his fealty to his Jewishriess. This spirit of sacrifice. lia$ been everlastingly interwoven with the Day of Atonement. Before the destruction of the Temple, Yom Kippur was an occason for"special sacrifices on the altar. From two goats brought before him, the High Priest selected by lot one to be set apart for the Lord and slain as a sacrifice; the other, the "scape-goat" was then brought

sun bath and the beneficent ultra vioAmerican Zionists, acting'^apparently let rays. To the great number of inin concert with the defeated "group valids, who are bedridden we have to abroad, to break the unity of the add another and surprisingly large? present Zionist administration may group who are, auto-ridden. , receive considerable public attention, No wonder that Richet called man but we trust that when the time for "homo stultissimus," or ."idiot-man,1* action comes, they will fall short of r because, haying knowledge of the pretheir objective. : vention of disease, he does not apply; Like Satan who went up and down that knowledge to the best of his ad* the world and to and fro in it, cervantage. . tain trouble-makers are seeking again By Dr. V. E. Levine, professor More Hygienic Living. to bring chaos and debility into the of bio-chemistry and nutrition, the Creighton University School Civilization must go forward It American movement. The present of Medicine. must not retrogress. 1% must learn to administration is in dose touch with the finest Zionist . mentalities, and (Ed. Note.—Readers of this news- do for the indivi^uaj i^felation to his their prograin grows out of the best paper may receive answers to any health w h a t i i ' n a s done1 for him in wisdom the movement can afford. So questions regarding the general sub- relation to his material advancement, of health by sending a stamped compelling is this policy that those ject self-addressed envelope with their It must correct'the'weak points in its who formerly were opposed to it are questions to Dr. Victor E. Levine, structure and must" devise ways and giving their increasing loyalty and Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.) means of removing and preventing objectionable features. support. The present administration SUNSHINE AND CIVILIis not made up of office-seekers or Already we have begun to make ouu ZATION place-holders, but of Zionists who mode of living more hygienic. Rickets, To be out in the open air when- tetany and osteomalacia, sun-defiplace service to the cause above every ever possible and as long as possible ciency diseases, are becoming milder other consideration. They are not minded" to enter an" is the great need for every man, wo-in their manifestations due to the undignified scramble for control; they man and child. The sun bath is even prophylactic measures which are nowmake their casfe before Jewish public more essential as a means of con- being universalized, and there looms opinion, and rest upon it. In the serving health than the water bath. large the hope of their complete disBy meantime the present administration Persons who visit the seashore for the appearance. Cod liver oil has beRABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN is proceeding with constructive'eco- purpose of bathing derive great bene- come a household word. The sun nomic work. Even though the. money fit from exercise in the sea water, but bath is beginning to be used as often Congregation Rtfdeph Sholom, New York stringency militates against the in- greater benefit from exposure to the as the old-fashioned bath. Our housvestment of large sums, there ought sun. ing conditions must be improved to be sufficient to promote tha key enToo many people fail to get the allow a greater influx of the potent LOUIS PERSINGER, THE Dis- lated the story of the Ferdichever tinguished teacher' of the violin, has Rabbi who opened his penitential dis- terprises whereby new immigrants bliss that comes from sprawling on rays of the sun, and we must learn many tales to recount of the tempera- couse, saying: "A'world turned topsy may find employment in Palestine. the green turf and from playing and once more to become a race of outmental artists He .has known. Once turvy I see before my eyes. In years Barking and snapping at the heals of working close to Mother Earth. Too door men, women and children. Civilization is a great gain, but it upon a time a world-renowned vio- agone, the Jews spoke truth on the Zionist economic leaders today will many people are ill from sunshine linist, whose fame had made him streets and in the market-places, but avail little, except to throw scorn up- starvation. The individual who thinks also is the mother of prevailing ill slightly egotistic, was introduced at a in the House of Prayer they told a on those who adopt tactics of harass- that he is out in the open in his closed health. It is the home, the office, the automobile fails to realize that it is workshop that are doing great harm social gathering to a local celebrity. lie. It is the other way now; on the ment in this fashion. his car and not he that is getting a to us. We have developed a race of Rabbi Schulman's statement which "This, Mr. Sachatascha, is Mr. streets and in the market places they is motivated throughout by the antimen who fear the skies. We do not George, one of our best amateur vio- all speak falsehood, but in the House Zionist obsessions of fifteen years r.jro make sufficient contacts with nature. ance of these house of superstition. of Prayer they tell the truth. linists." indicates how insincere many of the Out in the Open. If synagogues were adequately sup"Oh, yes," replied Mr. Sachatasche, A riddle? Here then is the ex- so-called Agency group are in their ported by the masses as well as the We are too much coped up and • "these amateur violinists!" planation: honesty and good faith arrangements locked in by walls and ceilings. We The amateur, -who was really a tal- were the torches lighting their path pro-Palestine pretensions. The safety classes, systematic of the Zionist cause rests with Zioncould be made each year for the in- transact our business, we learn our ented musician, rose nobly to the oc- in the olden days. And so they made casion. "What did you say your good the Scripture word of a right- ists; if a few pick up stones to throw creased attendance at the High Holy- lessons, we write our songs and our poems and our books under ceilings. name was?" he inquired of the illus- eous Aye and Nay, and all their trad- at the prominent figures in the move- days. ment, they are injuring only themWe paint our pictures, we twang our Religion that is built upon a fear trious player. ing was done in good faith. But selves. They are digging a pit for lutes, we eat our food, we get our that the omission of an annual visit The latter looked amazed, but said, when they came to the House of others into which they will thempleasures in pent-up places. We make to the synagogue will entail disaster "Sachatasche, Sachatasche!" Prayer, they would beat their breasts selves fall. our loves and dream our dreams is not religion, but blind and prim"Oh, yes," countered the amateur, and say: we have defrauded, we have cramped in by walls on all sides. We itive voodoo-worship. The whole pro"but what business are you in?" robbed. And that was a lie, for they therefore lose the fullness of spirit cedure smacks of hypocrisy, from the THE "MUSHROOM SYNAGOGUE" had been true to God and their felis the subject of much discussion in "Rabbi and Cantor" who cater to that comes with perfect health, and THE APPROACH OF YOM KIP-low men. Today it is the reverse: in cities with large Jewish populations. these sentiments, to those who sit in we lose that largeness, that calm mapur brings to mind the ancient in- their trading' they lie and defraud, Nothing could indicate more pointedly the "pews." It brings disrepute on jesty and that universality with which junctions of the Jewish tradition, re- and in their confessional prayer they the spiritual unhealthiness of Ameri- the whole household of Israel and its the skies and the heavens fill our garding repentance.- Asceticism has speak the truth.'' ' 'soul. '• •• ' ' '. , i i . • • can Jewry than the annual appear- faith. never appealed to the Jewish mind, and insistence upon ritual for its own RABBI STEPHEN WISE HAS sake has been equally abhorrent. The returned to this country after a Hasidim illustrate this attitude «ith strenuous summer of activity abroad. many 'admirable stories. Once upon in splendid5health and his vitala time; we are told, there came to'the ity is boundless.0'1 His'address at the Rabbi;= of Kosnite -a .man-who- wore •Basel -Gongresa^w^, "without doubt, satk-cloth next his«body t>y way of one of the most notable utterances of penance and who always fasted from his career, and it played a direct role Sabbath to Sabbath. in the firm attitude which the British The Maggid said to Turn: "Dost government displayed recently tothou think that evil temptations will wards Arab agitation in Palestine. If go out of thy way? They nest like the police force, the troops and the vermin in thy sackcloth. He is a bet- colonial officials had acted in 1929 ter man who pretends to fast from with the same vigor and decision, the Sabbath to Sabbath and secretly unhappy events -of August and Septakes a couple of bites of food each tember could have been forestalled. day; for he merely deceives others, Dr. Wise's words, were at last heard but thou art to thyself a deception by the Mandatory Power because the effort to discredit them by some and a lie." Zionists themselves proved futile. JAMES FDCHS HAS TRANS- The efforts of certain disgruntled forward and the High Priest confessed the sins of all Israel and prayed that this special sacrifice would be the sin offering for the entire nation. Then, as a symbol of the desire of the people to drive all evil out of their midsfy the scape-goat was driven out into the hills and desolate places* outside of Jerusalem, J But the destruction of theiTemple meant the end of sacrifices upon the altar. Prayer and charity, the rabbis taught, would take the place -of sacrifice. As we pray we remember that before asking forgiveness for our sins of the past year, we must first forgive our neighbors for any sins committed against us. On this solemn day we resolve, to do better during the year to come than during the year past. We still wish to chase evil and misfortune to the desolate places outside of our lives, and, above all^ we must make sure that charity—Zedakah—be our present-day sacrifice t o b u r Lord and our'fellowmen. • -



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f AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1931 Mr. and Mrs^Harry A. Wolf; Mr: and Mrs.-M. E. Handler, Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, Judge and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster," Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzman, Wrannic Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mr. and Mrs. Harry TrustmrMr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg, Meyer-Freeman, Lou Riklin, Mr. and Mrs.-William Holzman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Monsky, Mr," and-Mrs. Carl Kateljnan, Dr. and-Mrs. Meyer Beber, Saul-$rraetz,";Mr.-and Mis. M. Mayer-owfchl .„ . '. ^. :_ .c-i..1,- ...... : ,.•-•.

Gershater, LUIie -Leraer, Max Res- MR. and MRS. HAROLD. W. mek, Edward Rosenbaum and Rose BRANDT and daughter* LTTA JG¥, v Fisher. "' " ' ' •' '•• 35">9 California St., wish- all their friends, and relatives both far and . near a year of health, happiness HENRIETTA SZOLD CLUB; • The new officers of the Henrietta and prosperity. Szbld club "were installed at a "regular meeting of the group at the J? C. C. MR. ana^MRS. A. STEIN and family, Tuesday. These" are: Elsie Laiarus, Stein Delicatessen, 1414 No. 24th St., friends and president; Sylvia Jonisch,~ secretary; relatives' .best ^wishes for • health, ^Blanche' Soskin, treasurer; arid Ida happiness^ and ^prosperity; for -the Blacker reporter. --—_.••* v The chib is planning, a fc»6d - sale :. comirig.^ear." •: • _- ~ \. ~to*-Ve-held at the'Brandeis* Store-in Y«a'.'a. Happy New Year". the": very near" future." . . . . >: .;'' Z It • pays -iih new ,and used - A very successful steakrfry was re- cara' ~trom^ buy-your SAM BDOOM.:"' cently held at:Meadows, Nebr; :.-,-i'••-*•-:

COUNCIL LIBRARY ' >' ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - - Mrs. Joseph. Miller of Los vAngeles The -newest in -fiction., can be-pro* ;.'.. Mr. arid Mrs. N. Willson announce is visiting in Omaha with friends; and Cured' at:the^Gouncil -of Jewish sVfpthe engagement of .their-.daughter, relatives'^fOr: a few- weeks.-- ; *, «,-•>• men's 'circulating^ library 'located^ on Rose, to Sidney Katleman, son of Mr. the ..main floor ; of \the BJackstene i "and Mrs. S. Katleman. '••••••- --. •Mrs.- .Philip Krasne, Los Angeles, hoteiS-"'.-'_'V-'v; \--.s^\ :•';'• - :^--:\- : , .The,season's firgt eoncert given by California, -the-- guest of'.her; par- ' ;.Mrs.; Beft.;Hene is;'Bbraiiwir,and,r is KitchenChats the.Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club with PELTZ-SALTZMAN. ENGAGEMENT ents, Mr. and-Mrs... Harry- 1L Ferer. assisted' by .*;' Mrs." Irvin 'Stalmaster. the-best of"local talent will be pre, Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzmari of Coun- Mrs. .Krasne - was formerly. -Miss Volunteer workers V in ''".the",; Jibraryi Beated Sunday, October 25, at^8 p. m cil Bluffs announce the engagement of Bernice Ferer of-this city,'--. Mrs. which -is open from iO *o^docfc in the Jat the I^bor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark: their daughter, Dorothy; to-Keith morning until 4- o'clock in the afterAdmission; is twenty-five cents. Pelta, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Peltz .-. Mrs. - Sam "Herzberg:.. entertained noon every day" except- Sunday, are TOMATO CASSUP of Omaha. - No wedding date has seyen, guests . at. dinner.: at .the JFon-r Mesdames Edward * Schimmel, I. N. . b e e n s e t . .. . , ' . ' . •• . tenelle -hotel Sunday. ., , - . -Weiner, "H." Shapiro*-Lester Lapidus* " 4 quarts sliced tomatoes. Mi Yaffe Reopens -1 quartvinegar. Walter Schimmel, Albion Speier, -Max > 4 tabiespoons^saft.-' : .'\ : ANNOUNCE BIRTH / ^ :, AWARDED FELLOWSHIP ; His Violin studio Holzman, Eltner .Gross,^Morris:,Ja- ' ~ 1 tablespoon allspice. • j ' ; ,' 'A, daughter "was ,born to Mr. arid •!„ Miss Pe^ri Sherman, daughter.'•.of cobs,1 "Sam; Biaieicj Howard-Milder, I; . . 2 tablespoons mustard. -: . ' Max ~ Yaffe,:. radio seleist for ithe Mrs.. Leon Mendelsohn on August 29 Mr. and Mrs. Joe "Sherman, has "left T;:\Goodman,!Phil'Schwartz, Ben-Min^,.:'Coek- tomatoes with; vinegar and past-five years, has reopened his vio&t the'Methodist Hospital.' .', i for New York GtyV where she will kih,' Herbert .;-Arnstein,- •-.•• Samuel Hs lin studio at 2441 Pinkney St. -' ' " seek;a"master'sVdegree in retailing; Greeny *E.• ;Kt»oper, Phil- Levey^. and salt until. tender. Rub through sieves, add ^pic€&_ and seasoningB; and • MVr Yaffe .has played in popalar - Mr." and Mrs. Harry' Weinbefg;. of at theNew York University. Miss Gfersort "Levey; ...'..• I sugar-to. taste. Boil slowly 3 hoursV Omaha -orchestras- and has : appeare*l Chicago announce the birth !of a Sherman','who is a graduate of the Bottleand seal when cold. .on various local programs. He played daughter, Charlotte Sorelle, Septem- University of Nebraska, was awarded COLLEGE DAYS RETURN for- the state music teachers convenber 12. Mrs. Weihberg was formerly a year's fellowship at the New, Yorkr Vacation days are-over.. Again the 1 tion-last April and for Mr. Francis PJCKLED PEACHES Miss Bess Haspel ©f institution. .. . portals of learning, beckon the stuMcMilhan, noted violinist. He also 2 pounds brown sugar."... '.'... dent to school. . - -'appeared^as soloist for. Temple Israel vinegar. " . .. 1 BARMITZyAH, " . " : MISS KAY yisrrs HEftE "'.-.'C:. Bliss -LouisiR Ziegler, will ^ehter her ';* 21 cups ai the New Vear* services and also for ounce thick ^cinnamon. ! "'._,•'..Mr. and Mrs. H. Lippett were din- T One * of the interestmg -and attrac- junior Vassar.;, David^Sher "tte*. Hebrew Club memorial seryices.' "1-2 jounce" whole, cloves. " "" ner hosts to 35 guests on Sunday eve- tive fall visitors is Miss'^Molliei Kay and Justin Wolf 'will return to "their . ; Yaffertogether "with Margaret Hvir'4 quarts;peaches. V *" ... . . . ning, September 6, «t their home, 622 bf Portland, Ore., guest of Miss* Rose alma mater, Harvard. JMiss Bamona •witz/and Kenneth Golden, presented North : 27th Street, in honor of Jthe Brandeis. Miss Kay-is president of • Siosburg, will attend ,W;ard-Behrioiit *r'. Boil .'sugari'vinegar "andr spices.10 a~ musicale for the local' B'ani Brith inihut'es. "* Dip peaches quickly", m hot Bar Mitzvah. of their" son," Reuben. : the Portland section of thfe.Council school at NashyillerTenni-— " water then rub off fuzr with a cloth.. last Thursday;" • Out of town" guests were Mr. and of Jewish Juniors and is delegate to Miss Blume Nevelpff;..has chosen Mrs. I. Krasne and family of CaKland, the Biennial convention of the organi- Faun Bonne",academy in' St.._L<)uiSf Place a few 'peaches at a, timej'in :the ^ Nebraska, Mr; and Mrs. M.-Rrasne, .ration in-Bridgeport; 'Conn;, 'winch yhereVshe will.'study- piano, and Miss syrup.v'Cook uritilthey can bp pierced " Jerusaienu--TT^n .Ihbusand dunams ^wttfi'a fprk7 Pack/ in' sterilized jars. in ^Pale^tine-- have -be«i planted with Mr. and Mrs. Krasne of -Council will start' OctobeV 11. : ; ' 1 / "' Anne Tretiak - •will - attend - school: • ifi Adjust rubbers arid! fill" each jar" to prjinges by ^fte' Jewish chalutzim in t B*iuffs. .;' C V" "She will •''•visit; in - Chicago, Philadeloverflowing with hot strained, syrup. the course-e of- the past yea*jv accordphia, Pittsburgh;' New- York and "•' Bennett Somfelg will-go W- Mex.- Put "on sterilized covers and seal jars. ing: ' & t h : figures^ published in the Washington' en route, to .the/ conven- ico," Mo.y where he- wilt -enter-th^- MisBIRTHDAY Jewish.-Agency Bulletin jast"issued. ' Harriett Taub will celebrate her tion, and will return by boat from souri Military Academy. ...'., . . „ ' _ PLUM" CONSERVE ~ fourth birthday Saturday- when she New York to New Orleans "and by Miss ^ Rose- Brandeis will continue 4 pounds red plume. will entertain at an afternoon party way of California." her' studies- and teaching at Omaha 2 oranges. '.•".. ?©r 12 guests. .' UniyerSityj_and MiSsi Niojaa^»Bn^?ha - 1-2 poond walnuts. PATRONS FOR DANCE last year studied: in" Los Angeles, will leup seeded raisins. SOCIAL NOTES / ' Patrons "at 'the "Aener Hateunis," also' attend Omaha University. Wash plums. Remove stones. Add . Mrs. Saul Dahziger, whospent the after the fast dance, sponsored by the FOR YOUR Herman Rosenblatt, "who attended summer with her twin sister," Mrs. Omaha Chapter i of A. Z. A.-include: New, York-University last year, will raisins and oranges which have; been Victor Shapiro," has returned' to her Rabbi arid MrsT David Goldstein, register at Nebraslta University in sliced very fine. Measure and add 3-4 cup sugar, to each cup fruit. Cook home in San Antonio, Texas." " Mrl and Mrs. Dave Goldman, Mr. and Lincoln; slowly 45 minutes,7 stirring to keep Mrs. Sam Beber, •; Mr.. and- Mrs. - Max from burning. Add lemon juice and Miss Helen Pitlpr. is in Chicago, Barish, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Klutznick, FOR THE YOUNG GIRL . chopped huts. Seal in sterilized jars. where she is spending, the holidays •Harry B. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs.">Mose Children will g©= in "for woolen with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Wolpa. Yousem, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Levin, frocks as whole, heartedly as have 16th and Howai'd their older sisters. Fabrics" are" woven . Cleverness is serviceable-for everything, sufficient for nothing.—Amiel. ;and;jfcnitted, monbtoriesV 6r^ mixtures, ' accenting neatly .tsdlored lines, button trimmings, and varied, pique" collars and cuffs. Brown and green lead. \ . Cherry red fleece coats featuring OmaJia's Sti/le Center strietly tailored'themes with doublebreasted closing "arid velvet collars -are at^active^^arid -would; •; win^ the ihfeart of-every -Kttle maid. They are. the"latest in''girls' toats. T ' ' '~ -- \'~ -You'll be

Says Arab Press Not To Be Taken Seriously

the Mandates Commission for reference, the Secretariat states that the Arab press is tendentlcu? and cannot Geneva.—^The Secretriat of the be taken seriously as a suurce of unMandates Commission of the League prejudiced information. of Nations has decided to discontinue the reviews ©f the articles in theArab press referring to Arab-Jewish Quality Decorating relations and other problems connectCosts No More! ed with the Mandate. In explanation of its decision to MAX SHRIEK'S SONS discard these reviews which. were forPhcnes AT. 4744 —- JA. 7855 merly submitted to each member of|

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GgJdsfeM-Ctiapman 's Modern Version.- of Color Com bination

•CENTRAL '? Students- leading' on ~-th#: Central High-school hdnpr'Toll for (last June were announced- in last week's schoolpaper, the weekly• Register.-£r . -.; ; 'Faye;Gpldwat^ again Ied with six; A's Sn&' Betiy" Fellinah was a closer second with fiye and a . ..,._. 1 Four and a half A's were (receiyetF .by'*Mollie AckermanV" Selma;: Berkowitz, Dorothy*; Kulakofsky, - Gertrude* ©rath, HbseUiCPerlis, EtiwelfOHteBHi *" Francis v^Itdseftfeld,- Esther Silvern* i Bertha: 1" Slutxky; Lawrence - Bori :.'Moi?is."Dansky,. israeF-HbrBstein. — i'.-'Htqse -recemng .four A'*^-were ^SRfrley B^rjshV:Rose Fishe^t Wittiam •' Frieden,- - -Edward -B^senbavni;.- and MajiriofrTattiteman. ; 'A&'-V- ^.i • Dorothy Freidel received" piTee- "and k half'•) A's'l and'tDofa-Dolgoff- ** "' EpsWti, tSlie/. terner, Dakdi £$ steinpHarold f^™i"^^! TC-ithM^Fiv m, "ancl Stanley^Schon-" bergei^.reeeiyedJthree. A's.^ ^^ ^ _ :

- . . v V - • • • •

-i •





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i M«l L." Sommer,. .'32,: has _beefichoseif news jeditor^of the Register for the- coming,semester... Mel^spent"-th.€ "month of Jul^; studyiiig 'journalism the - Dailyy Iewani stur I

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y »feer mycittct Mab*l went to " Aunt' Sarah's, Momxwas worrying and said sh«'4 §ive five dollars to know Mabel Wat -;tn«r* all right" ; **P.op toW her to give- it. to him and W-dtell her and then said to cell up by


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WORD PORTRAIT Conservative OF VICKI BAUM Synagogue Famed Autheress Tells of the News

expert, sire goes oh to offer opinions that are based on human understanding. The famous little fuzsy puppy-dog that coddles up against her Cheek in the photographs of her seen everywhere t&ese days was not in. evidence in the hotel reception - room, which was however crowded with great baskets of flowers from publishers, playprocWeers, admirers of her work, friends.

Notes of

vited to attend the Sabbath Shuvah RABBI L E. CARDON TO services, which consists of the reading: of special portions of the Bible. SPEAK AT B'NAl ISRAEL

VISIT Rabbi Louis 35. Cardon of Chicago will conduct services at B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and. Chicago Sts., for Yom Kippur. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his male choir -will chant the services. 1715 Douglas Street Yom Kippur services will start on Sunday evening at 6 p. n , Monday POPULAR PRICES Tonight morning they will begin at 7 a . m . Sabbath Shuvah "SENTAMENTALISM" $100 So 88 "The Sacred Interlude" will be the Rabbi Cardon -will speak in English Friday, September 18—-8 "p. m. . . "! The woman herself, of middle 1 to. 0 subject of Rabbi Frederick CohnV on "My Light and My. Redeemer." Rabbi David A. Goldstein will de- height, young, with straight somewhat Society Made H«a«ry 8*c Viski Banm,. authoress of Grand to. writing. She is now the foremost iver a sermon on "Why Is It So Hard stiff blonde hair bobbed, i s sympa- sermon this evening: at Temple Israel. Tomorrow Morning Hotel,-, famous - on- two continents for woman novelist of Germany and also to Forgive ?" thetically attractive. The hair, curiOwned and M»nac«tl ny 'her- best."setter and for the record- editor of the fashionable German Saturday morning Rabbi Conn will JEAICETTK FBCuCNFXLn ously enough, stands out, in unruly Yom Kippur Eve breaking dramatic version of the strands, much like the hair of Frau speak on "The Magic Trinity." play, is in the United'States for a magazine, "Die Diane." Besides, Kol Nidre—Sunday,; 6:30 p. m. Sabbath Shuvah will be observed visit. In an interview granted the Vielri-'Baum finds time to take care Yom Kippur Eve Rabbi Goldstein Will preach on Einstein. There is, indead/something with special services at Adass YesJewish Telegraphic. Agency, and theofher two children. more ot a resemblance t o . the two Yom Kippur will be obssrved beJewish Press she discusses her dis- At first glance, it wouldiseem that 'Life's Greatest Mystery." women, though of course Vicki Baum ginning Sunday evening, September hurim Synagogue, 25th and Seward JUST HECEIVED! f tant Jewish origin, for. there i s a Yom Eppur Morning is much younger. Both have a way20, when Rabbi Cohn will speak on St. Rabbi N. Feldman will speak tostrain -of Jewish • blood in her family. a chambermaid in a hotel .could hardly Four Cases of f morrow afternoon in Yiddish at 4:30 boast to as interestig a • life as that of managing people- and careers; "What Is Man?" Monday—8:30 a. nu —Editor. p. m. on "Repentance." of Vicki Baura. xJut -when Vickie Baum Frau Einstein has managed that of Memorial Service—10:15 a. m. Yom Kippur Day All orthodox Jews have been iri"But my writing is too sentimental. -wanted to write a book, she .turned her husband; Vicki Baum, her own. The Rabbi will speak on "Memories from Eretz Yisroel I The Yom Kippur morning service No one would1 ever; think of it as not to-her own varied life as musi- That Console and-Challenge." Some of Vicki Baurn's avowed UtVIN C. USVIN. Jewish,*! thus, with a qxiick candid cian, editor, mother, but. to the life "Will sell them from J2.2T. to I "sentimentaiism" may. be traced Xo will begin Monday morning at 9:30 Klectrie B XOTICE:»1OF INrOJtrORATIOI? OF Yom Kippur Afternoon $2.CtO « set I smile, Vicki Baum, authoress of of a hotel chambermaid. She took a the fact that she is Viennesa,in orig- a. m. Rabbi Cohn's subject will be IMTED CL.KANKK3, INC. "The Birth of a World." "Grand: Hotel," characterizes herself. "leave of absence" from all her ac- Mincha—3 p. m. Notice is hereby Riven that the under in, for that i3 the city of her birth The Rabbi will speak on "A Whale and her youth. Though now one of There will be a Children's Service n e i w l hurt' attsiHrintetl themnelTes toThose authors whom the world tivities, and went to work for eleven Setber ami have nrguuizeri a cnrp«rnti»n under (lie laws of the Ktnte of N<-l>r.inka. considers distinctly Jewish, she feel?, -hours a day; as a maid:' in a hotel. of a Story." the important figures in the publish- conducted by Mr. William L. Holz- The 256& CuminR St.. Omaha I same nt this Cttrpnmtton i» I'nlteil Ne<ilah-^-5 p. m. always have something of morbid There,. she got the human material Cleaner*. IHC. The principal plnce of tran inv- 'World in serious, somewhat cold- man, beginning at 1 p. m. AtlnnUc (MHO and Harney 7010 f sacting its Irasinmut shall he Omah.t. Ne Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The minded Berlin, she retains the VienMemorial Service probing, or of deep worldliness in *>r "Grand Hotel." Uraska, hut t&e Kenenti uaf ure of tl»e husi ness Khali 1* tu ensnse in the hwsinefcg ight That-Must Never Fail." The Memorial Service will take their books- -which- she feels missing Though not in any full sense of nese spark. •f <ly1»C dmning. presstne. revoraliag. place at 3:30 Monday afternoon. Dr. in her own books. "You see, I am notthe term a. Jewess, Vieki Baum is inrepairing .iml/'>r storing; of rags furs, (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish TeleMemorials draperies, evrtalna, iceaHnjt appnn>i and Jewish in any sense of- the word, I terested in Jewish problems to some Cohn's subject will be "Vanished othrr articlew; to bur. lease, or graphic Agency, Inc.) The names of the departed will be mortgage nnd aetl nil real and pcnuMinl do not.feel, myselft to- be Jewish, and "extent, and waxes, particularly eloGlory." property including trade mark*, trade naturally my writing is not of that quent on the subject of Adolph Hit- the memorial service. Please names »Q<1 to do am) oncace in nny »itrt out your Yizkor cards-and mail othor lawful acts aiirt transaction* American Jew Wins Highest nature." Those desiring. to have the names all ler's anti-Semitic platform for Ger-them.immediately to Mr. Philip.X3ntnecessnry to or Of use in the «»rrylnR on French Scholastic Honors ' of the httsinesc of the eorporariou or of of loved ones who have passed away Nevertheless; there is a strain of many. some part thereof. That the amoimt of znick, Omaha National Bank BIdg. Every Tuesday, Thursday, Paris.—The highest scholastic rankduring the year to be commemorated capital stock nnthorixed J» Ten Thousand Jewish blood in her'-family,, which "Bat of course I myself, am not an Saturday and Sunday at ($10,000.00) l>»lUrs divided Into one huning ever received in • France, was won at the Memorial Service will please dred tJOO) shares, each share of the par may be traced back for several gen- anti-SemiteJ" she says. "And all of •ralue of One Hnndred (?100.O(l» l»o!Inrs erations. Her husband, Dr. Richard that Hitler nonsense i s now a thing where the.leaders.expect payment in- by a nineteen-year-old American Jew- hand in same in wr'ting to Rabbi which shall be fnlljr pnid for when iMned ish boy. Marc Block of Galveston, the way of governmentpositions, anil non-assessable Ami may tte- paid, for Cohn. Lert, one of the conductors of the .of the past in Germany. Believe me, either In asanej or other property for the who attained first place in the examState Opera, in Berlin, is also of it is quite gone by, and -will soon be power over public ^func'js. These young value of sncli propertT- fixed hy the llonrj "WHERE OMAHA DANCES" inations for entrance in the French of 1'irprtors which shaft he condnaire. The men were dizxy with the idea of a mixedi German-Jewish origin. forgotten. UBM> »f ca—uifULfiwfnt ot this corporation with PolytecHnicunv and.the Ecole "NorKhali he on the 14th day *f September WANTED:— In the same frank way that she "I am not political-minded, and trypurer nationalism,. they wanted to set raele • Superieure. ion. and the terntlnatim of this corporaHarry Fisher's Orchestra Young man to work in themselves up aa more German-than tion shall be on the 13th day of »pptoml>rr judges her writing, Vicki- Baum to keep out of' all political commit1!>81. That the highest amount of indent The 'first is a collegefor military and STANI-BY HAI.I. Hardware Store anyone else. There i s something judges hereeK 'There- is-nothing ments. That, is difficult for an auedneSR or liability to -which this corpora Master of Ceremonies . engineering and the second an inUon KIISII at any time subject 0self to is BENSON- HARDWARE about-me in my stories. I am an un- thor, and particularly perhaps for an idealistic about that" nor tu exceed two-thirds 15/3) of the capSo much--for Hitler. A s far as stitution for training professors for 6060'Military Ave.—WA. 8469 ital stock. That the affairs of this corinteresting person," she declares, ^author in Germany. poration shall he conducted ny a Board Vieki Banm- i s concerned his move- colleges. with that same disarming smile. of Diri-ctors of not Irsa than two nor more HITLERITES THROUGH" than five ami the following officers: A ment is a thing of-the-past, and'his ntADCNVCBG, STAIMASTKK* BEBKtt president, a vice-president or more than STAR FROM CHILDHOOD FREE RUBBER HEELS "Bet the Hitlerites,; the National- campaign against the Jew* of GerAtt «ne vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, any two of which offices may be held WITH ALL. HALF SOLKH C30 Omaha Nnt'onal Bank Bids. One might disagree with tlSat; As Socialists were just yonng* men, boys, many can have no further sarious efby one and Hie same person. l'KOBATK NOTICE Men's Haff Soles $IJOQ-$L25 Incorponitors: a girl, Vicki was the star of a mu- who wanted'to parade and "salute and fects. In the Matter of the Kstnte of Jacob Ladies' Half Soles _ $ ,T5-$U09 sical family, being a child- harpist of sing military songs. This much must - "" UAVJl* MAttKKT,. This woman, who calls herself not MIMer, Deceased. Is hereby glrefl that the- creditors HAIIRT MA1UTIIS. Will serve breakfasts. Ideal for great talent. After she became "wed- 1>e said for them.—they; were all "political minded," but -shrewdly sees of Notice said deceased will meet rbe adminisGEORGE STAISES. AMERICAN SHOE tQHALDEKS College Students. ©f said estate lief ore me. County In the nr*'»eooe of: ded to her music1* in the person of idealists. There was no idea of per- into the human basis for the growth trator Jrfdge of Uoqglas County. Nebraska, at IKVIX C. LET1X. 9-lS-Sl-4t HA. «281 l e r musician-husband, however, she sonal gain motivating the members, of a popular party, is nevertheless tfte CooBtr Conrt Ksom, In said County. 3025 Myrtle Ave. • a t h e J3rh Jay Of Norembfr. 1031. and o n Law Oifirn gave up her harp playing; and turned a.- there so many other parties, the author of a story based on po-the 13th ilay «f January. 1932, at 5» o"clock FKAOKNBl RO. KTALMANTKR A ItEBSK A.-M-. each d a y , for t h e purpose of pre« • Owata Nati*««I n*ok BM(. litical movements and revolution, for aeutbtg their claims for examination, a d NOTICK OF IU«SOLCTK»N justment a n d , allowance. Three months New and Old Grand Hotel" was not her first are- -allowed for the creditors t » prroent Illlllllllllllllfltllllllllllllllllilllllllllllli KOTICK Is hereby given that the understKned a*ve this day dissaAvrd the partUwtr claims from the loth » a y of October. novel, though it has been her first JKTi. nership heretofore ex5«t!n«r between th«m BHTCK CHATTKOKW. mider the firm name of Midwest Ilntcheries ,rand success. D-lS-31-3r. ^County Judge. nud/or MidwoBt tomniission Comtmny, nttd At Reasonable Prices It may be the womanly, sentimen- MOXSKI, KATLKMAX A GRODINSKT, the gsid Morris H»l«mnti remains *s *h* sole owner ot the Mid Midwest Untchcrics dtt tal, ,4f,you will, manner of examining nml/or Midwest Commission Company. N. C16tb NIKLSEN 737 Oauha VatUnal Bank Bid*. U 7 K North JA. gs«o j her material that has brought such NOTICK; Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 2Stb day BY jfafafclCATiqy - o s Of Anffifct. 1931; " " r popular acceptance of her views. Her - T1OI* FOR 8KTTUSXKNT- OF MORRIS nm.7MAN. Reopened his violin studio IMUI. OSTltOVICH. manner is friendly, almost confiding; In the. County Court of Douglas County, September 15 disavowing the qualifications of an Nebraska. -* • MONSKT. R.VTEMIAN ft GRODINSKt In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Modem principles of instruction Attorneys OUT Mew Address is Ackerman. l>ecensed: which develop technique in 7S7 Omaha NattoMd Bank Bids. MONSKY, KATXEMAN & GKODINSKY AH persons hiterpsteil in said matter are 3553 FARNAM ST. shortest possible period of time. hereby notified, thnt on the • Mth day • of TROBATK KOT1CE 131 Omaha National Bank Bid*.

Jewishness iriHer Blood

Jeannette's Frock Shoppe


Shabbos Shuvah




Roseland BaBroom

FOR RENT Furnished Rooms


Max Yaf f e Violinist


September, 10:n, Esther Ackermnn tjleil a PKOBATE" SOTICK Petition In said County C«trt nrayine WEbster 2869 In the Matter of (be Estate of El»a J£nd that her final nrlminlgtration account filed nisely. Deceaseds herein lie settled>nd' allowed, and that she MiiiiniiiiuuuiunuiuiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiii Notice is hereby given that the creditors be discharged from her trust as executrix of said deceased will meet the admjnls- ami that a hearing win he had on said peWtor of said'estiHe. W e r e me, Cmmty tition before satd Court on the 10th day tad^e of Douelas County, Nebraska, at toe ot October. 1931, and that, if yon fail to County Court Uoom. in said County, «n avpeor before said Court' on the said 10<h lie 2»th <lny of Ocfoher. 1951. and on the ilfl.v of- October. 1SJ31. at » o"clock A. iL3>th day ot Vtsxmlter, JiKJl nt it o'clock Mid contest sal«! petition, the Court mar A M.; each day, for the purpose ot pre--Krant the-prayer of said petition, enter a senting their claims for examination, std- decree of heirship. and make »neh other instment ami allowauce. Three months and further orders, allowances and. deFUR STORAGE are allowed for the creditors 1o present crees, as to this Court may seem proper; their clntms. from the 2Uth dny ot Sep- to the end that iill matters pertaining to Remodeling and Relining tember. 1931. suiiA- estate may IK> finally settled and detennined, URi'CB CUAWFOKH, BUICE CKAWFOUIK 2Si8 Leavenworth—TeL JA. 2703 »-4-31-3t . County' Judge. ^-is-si-st. . = . Coont.v Judge.



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2-129 Decatur St. ,,_ - *° ***' tP^l?16 a t * e n tio n o l <he Jewish pnbllc ttint we areffettinffIn now a new supply of thft seasonable religion* articles. Machzeirbn with Jewish and English translations, prayer books, Toleosim, silk and wool of the best kind, etc. '


llemember. our fainons Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 ordered the following' article? of pure silver nnd plate silver cnndle sticks, Kldnsb cups, Hadeses, fte. 1 ETeryojie who i s interested in buying oile of them snould be 80 kind ana let im kno^r' ahead of time, e» I can tare it ready for them. VtriLi^^dP? i ^ S l J ^ d l r c t : t ! r o mPa] estine a very nice stock of roost beautiful fisroBlm«Ba tnlOTlm for Succoth . . . . Anyone desirinir to bur °»e T " 1 Please let me know so that I «aa hare it ready for hint for Xontif.

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Harry U- Lapidus. President- Xreas.



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We Ocf npy Ore* :0.000 Square Feet

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I* the Matter of the Estate of Harry Turek. l>ect-ased. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors ©f said deceased v.ill niect the executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of l»ouKlas County. Nebraska, at the Comity Court lCoom, in said County OH the 29th day of Octolxr. 1031, ami on the 29th day of December, 1031. at 9 o'cloe* A, M-. w»rh day, for the nnrpnse of prcseutine their claims for Pxamination, adjustment and allowance. Three months nre allowed for the creditors to present their claims, front the 20! h day of .September. 1JKJ1. BRICK CttAWFORP, 9-t-St. County ;T»:dge.

l,n\v Offices e R . STALMA.STEK ft UEBER 050 Omaha National IJnnk Bids;. Omaha. Nebr. SOT1CE OF MSSOX.CTION Notice is hereby given that the Kmplre Cleaners & l>yers, a co-partnership, consisting of I. V. (lOndmau and I. Schoenwald has been dissolved: that I. Schoenwald has retired from snld partnership, and that I. V. Goodman remains as the sole owner of the said Empire Cleaners & l>yers. and the Mid 1. F. Goodman will pur nil of the outstanding debts of the said Empire Cleaners & l>yersIMted «t Omaha. Nebraska, lhis 24th day of August. 1031. I. F. «<K»r>MAN, I. SCHOENWALD. 8-2S-31—4T. OIBets FBADGXBl'RG, STALMASTKR ft BEBEIt CSO Omaliu National Bank Bid?. NOTICE OF INCORPOKATIOM OT EMPIRE CtEAT.EUS & 1>VKKS Notice is hereby given that the under signed. I. h\ UooAman and Sam Ueber. have formed a corporation pursuant to tbv laws of the Stnte of .Nebraska, under the name of EMPIKK CLKAKKKS & UKKKS. with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska, The general nature of the business to be transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized «nd established shall be to operate stores and plants for the cleaning. pressing und dyeing of wearing apparel, cloth and material of all kinds: to engage iu the tailoring business; to buy ami Bell wearing apparel; to engage in'nny of Raid businesses as n wholesaler and retailer; to buy, sell and lease real estate nnd personal property in connection with said business and to do any nnd all things incident or in any manner pertaining to the aforesaid business. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be Twenty Five Thousand Dollars (Jf^VUHX)) and nil of said stock shall lie common nnd of the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per share and said stock shall he nonassessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the tiling of its articles with the County Clerk oE Douglas County and shall continue for a period of fifty years from snid d;ite. The highi-st amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but this restriction shall not npply to indebtedness secured by mortgages upon any of the corporate pioperty. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Iioard of Directors consisting o£ not less tbnn two members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on thefirst:Monday of January of each year at which meeting the stockholders shall elect n Hoard of Directors sr.d thereupon the Uoard shnll elect a president, rice-president, secretary and treasurer. Any two of said ofhees may be held by one ntul the same person. AH of the ussets of the corporation niny be sold or transferred by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the outstanding stock nt any reguhir or special meeting of the stockholders. These nrticips may be amended at nny regular or special meetine of the stockholders upon the nffirmatiVe vote o£ two-thirds of all outstanding stock. IN WITNESS WHEKEOF, the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names this 24th day of August, 3331. I. P. GOODMAN SAM BEBT3U. V IN TITF, PRESENCE OP: T H I L I P M. Ivl.DT27N*ICK. 8-US-31—IT,


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313 S0.!4tH.5T.OMAH£.




LA FOLLETTE'S JEWISH SECRETARY We have no Jews sitting in the Senate of the United States today, but we have perhaps the next best thing to it—a few. Jewish t o y s who are secretaries to" Sen&torsr: I was in the office of Senator.jLa ^ o U e t t e t h e other d a y . .


- "::


'•.. "".•;••;•. -



Over a t the desk s a t a rather handsoma young fellow, swarthy complexion, black eyes. His appearance tallied no little with description of Senator La Follet'cet himself, but he /was not tha Senator. He was Maurice B. Pasch, secretary to the Senator. Pasch cpnaes from New Holstein, Wisconsin—about 80 iniles north of Milwaukee, La FoUette, I believe, is the youngest member in the United States Senate. And Pasch is keeping his end of it up—by bsing t h s youngest secret a r y of any Senator. For Pasch is only twenty—although he looks five or six years older.

Ernestine didn't like. She left home. Married a man named Rose in England and came to America. That was around 1830. She and Frances Wright became the first two champions of woman suffrage. I t was largely from Ernestine Hose, that Sosan Antony was inspired to her suffrage labors. It -was Ernestine Rose who first presented a bill in the legislature of New York, giving women some say over their own property. She travelled all about the country speaking' for women's rights.

*The redaction in revenue of tb» DAILY REVENUE OF street car company during August was $26,589," said Mr. Shannahan. SHEET RAILWAY "The reduction in revenue in Omaha, however, has not been as large as in COMPANY FAUS OFF other cities dee to the fact that the

The daily revenue of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Company is from $600 to $1,000 per day less than it was a year ago, according to a statement by J. N. Shannahan, president of the company. The company has reduced its expenses by more than $200,000 this year, according to Mr. Shannahan. ALSO FAMED ABOLITIONIST Even with this cut, the company will Besides being one of the very earl- not be able to meet its operating (Continued on Page 6} j costs and pay bond interest and taxes.

business depression is not so severe in Omaha as elsewhere. "Because of reduction in our revenue we have been forced to ask for immediate relief, either by the elimination of the 3 per cent occupation tax or by an increase in fares," said Mr. Shannahan. "If we can get relief through the elimination of the occupation tax, we have informed the city council that a raise in fares will be unnecessary."


STREET RAILWAY REVENUES REDUCED MORE TBAN $1,000 While the reduction in street railway revenue is not so great in Omaha as in many other cities, nevertheless, the revenue of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company is falling off more than $1,000 per day compared to a year ago. The August reduction was $32,407. The falling off in riding in Omaha is appreciably less than in other parts of the * country, due to the fact that the business depression is not so severe in Omaha as elsewhere. . This revenue situation, coupled with, tiie fact that Omaha's street railway service is maintained at its traditional high standard, makes it apparent to any fair minded man or woman that the company must have more revenue or a reduction in expenses. The company has cut its expenses this year by more than $200,000. Even this substantial reduction, however, will not enable the company to meet its operating costs, and pay bond interest and taxes. It is for these reasons that the company has been forced to ask for an increase in fares, or for relief from its occupation tax, which is a special tax not levied upon those that do not ride the street cars. This tax is 3 per cent of all car fares. If the company can get relief from, occupation taxes, we will withdraw our petition for an increase in street car fares. We have asked the city council for this relief.

feonomical Transportation r^~

queen of the Tory belles during the Revolution. 1 have heard of the gifted Emma Lazarus. But if you were to ask me today what Jewess in America wrought the most pronounced^ effect on American life, I would mention the name of Ernestine Rose. And a week ago, I had never even heard of her. And as far as I knew, "she has been completely ignored by American Jewish historians. And yet, as Daniel Webster said of Massachusetts: "There she stands."

Senator ? Wagner, of New Y o r k , ! am told, also has a Jewish secretary. And so has Justice Brandeis. Both Brandeis and Holmes make it a point to select every year for their secretary prize students of the Harvard Law School. / And the former secretaries of Holmes and Brandeis have formed an organization Among themselves. Thus, if Jewish adulthood is but GREATEST AMERICAN slimly represented in Washington, JEWESS Jewish youth, is offering some com- I have beard of Rebecca Franks who TAUGHT SUSAN ANTONY pensations. Besides these secretaries, was the heroine of Scotfs Ivanhoe. I Ernestine Rose was a Polish Jewess. there are the Jewish cadets at the have heard of Rebecca Franks of Her father was a rabbi and was United States Naval Academy. There Philadelphia, who was probably the very very pious. Always fasting, which are all told about a dozen of them.

Dr. Schapiro of the l i b r a r y of Congress, in his younger years, was a professor in some Jerusalem school, muchly attended by young Arabs. One day, after school—it most have been raining or something—the young Arabs gathered around Dr. Schapiro while he sought to entertain them by telling them jokes, conundrums and what have you. The time dragged—the jokes were exhausted—and. it must have been raining still—so to keep them enterWAS SECRETARY TO tained, Dr. Schapiro told them all to: WISCONSIN GOVERNOR take their seats on the floor, and he Pasch for a time was assistant secwould show them something. "Everyretary to Philip La Follette, the govbody get paper and pencil,** he said. ernor of Wisconsin, but he wanted to see Washington, so Phillip got in JUST A SIMPLE TRICK touch with Senator Bob. I t so hapSo the young Arabs sat down, every pened that the Senator's secretary one with his paper and pencil and Dr. didn't like Washington and wanted to Schapiro began to call off numbers: be back in Wisconsin so the exchange 552-689-976-322 and so on and on and "Was : made-—the Senator's secretary on. For over an hour, he called off going to Madison and Pasch taking his numbers and then he told the Arabs Washington. to look at what they had written, and The La Toilettes like Jews, says without looking at any memorandum, Patch. So many of Governor Philip's he repeated those same numbers . . advisers are Jews, that when Pasch The Arabs were amazed at so prodigdecided to leave for Washington, the ious a memory. How could a man reGovernor said to him: "I guess you're member thousands of heterogeneous right in going—if you don't, 111 have numbers ? to build a synagogue in Madison How did he do i t ? I guessed at soon.** : once, and so will you and you, if you

have any Hebraic background. For, as you know, every letter in Hebrew is also a comber. And, if you know any parts of the Bible, by heart, all you have to do i s "'to translate mentally any portion of it into numbers. And that is exactly what Dr. Schapiro did. He knew the book of Isaiah by heart. He knew the first word is "chazon." In numbers, that is 8-7-650/ And so he went through the sentence, chapter and book.





r t l l



VITAL MESSAGE JEWS These Are Times That Test Men's Souls




*"" The fair name of Omaha Jewish Communal l i f e is at stake! For the first time in a quarter of a century Omaha is unable to make good its promise to maintain its Local Jewish Institutions, and its pledges to its National Jewish Institutions. They are dependent upon these promises for their existence. We kept them from making individual campaigns in Omaha to save you from being constantly harrassed by collectors. If we fail now the work of twenty-five years for a united Jewry in Omaha will be wrecked. Now is the time that every Jew must come to the front. Now, when the cry for help is the loudest, when distress is so keen, a few dollars may mean the saving of a life, as well as the saving of our communal life. You must show the mettle you are made of! You will help! You will come forward! You will stand up and be counted! We are not going to give up now! We are going to fight harder than ever! We must raise fifteen thousand dollars to balance the budget for 1931-32. This fund is not an increase over last year, but the amount we were short in our recent campaign. Some people have not given at all this year; some people have cut their subscriptions this year; some people have not given enough. A committee will call on you—give them your help and your cooperation. Think of those who are less fortunate than you are and give liberally. . Better still, bring: your subscription to the headquarters at the Jewish Community Center. Yours for a United Jewry, MRS. HERBERT ARNSTEIN MRS. I*. NEVELEFF . MRS. 3. H. KULAKOFSKY SAMBEBER RABBI FREDERICK COHN RABBI DAVID GOLDSTEIN HARRY

"-. f-








sisters i n . Council Bluffs, and herGandhi Appeals for Peace, M. Somit,-in Omaha. ~ in "Palestine London.—An appeal for peace and Ernest Ross, who has been spending unity between, all -races in Palestine (Continued from Page 5.) the : summer visiting his uncle and Was issued by Mahatma Gandhi* BYF.R.K. aunt in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania^ "Palestine is holy territory for iest of suffragettes, she was one of returned home last Friday to spend a Jews, Christians and. Moslems since the' most effective of anti-slavery ora- YOM KIPPUR SERVICES few days here with his mother and ancient times," declared Gandhi. "I MISS ANNA PILL. Corre^poiident tors. References to her in the press AT CHEVRA B'NAI YISROEL sisters, prior to his leaving this week therefore appeal to all Palestine to of'those days highly laud her elofor Lexington, Missouri, where he will maintain the holiness of the country SS'iftlsifWgggggig^^ quence. We have but a few of those Yom Kippur, the Day. of Atonespeeches, but what there is, does re- ment, will be observed with appro- enter his freshman year at Wentworth which is based on unity of all races and also to uphold its religious spirit, veal a woman who could think clearly priate services to be held at the newMilitary Academy. its equality tfnd its justice for all the and straight to the point and express herself with that eloquence that comes Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Silver.and gold are not the only country's inhabitants;? of lucidity and terseness and direct- Mynster Street, commencing at sun-coin; virtue too passes current all down Sunday, September,20th. Rev. Abe Beechen was awarded a gold ness. .'. . '. . •'•..'".• Advertisers. Patronize J. Fleischer of Omaha will conduct over the world.r—Euripides. - . medal, for his victory in the recent In an effort to counteract the ef. . A. Z. A. Tennis tournament. He de- I can't understand the neglect of the services. fects of disbanding the local ComErnestine Rose. Even the Jewish EnKol Nidre services will begin at feated Marvin Klass. Over sixteen munity Chest, officers of the Federa- The annual B'nai Brith dance, and cyclopedia doesn't mention her. six o'clock Sunday evening. On Monmembers of the .club, participated in tion of Jewish Social Service have in- card party will be given this .year, day, services will be held all day, the tournament. SAYS WENDELLS WERE augurated a "Clean-up" campaign, to Yom Kippur-night, Monday, Septemcommencing at seven o'clock In the JEWISH Thirteen new members were introtake care of the deficit created. ber 21, at the Hotel Martin Ball morning. Memorial services will be Posters have been placed in all theRoom. The entire Mezzanine floor duced to the A. Z. A. Chapter at their Those Wendells were Jewish, of held at 10:30 o'clock. course. At last, the evidence has come. synagogues of the city, urging Sioux has been reserved for the use of the meeting last Wednesday _eveningi :The City's Jewry to take care of their B'nai Brith. Paul Ross and his or-date for the presentation of the play, It would, of couse, have - been someMr. and Mrs. George Roffman enFederation subscriptions immediately, chestra will furnish the music for "Seventeen," was announced as Octo- thing deplorable if we could not prove tertained over .'" for^i. guests at a and suggesting that those who aredancing, while ample facilities will be ber 7. Rehearsals are^under the di-any Jewish angle to so great a fortune. But'now, salvation has arrived.1 Bridge Party at thar'fhome Sunday not subscribers, do so at once. provided for those who play bridge. rection of E. J. Fribourg wbxiris prominent in the local Little Theater The,efforts of the^Board of DirectThis week, there will be ffled in evening in' honor of >MK and Mrs. ors of the Federation will not be re- Advance ticket sale for the dance, group. Leads in the play are Arn-Baltimore a claim by Leon Ruben- Fred Schwartz of; Chicago, Illinois, laxed until all subscriptions are which is open to the general public, old Baron, Marcella Levicb, and Syl-stein, a -well known Baltimore lawyer. who are their house guests this week. i,: cleaned up, according to the executive has been reported as far exceeding via Friedman. Rubenstein represents "a certain Mrs. Mrs. Schwartz is a sister of Mrs. that of previous years. Mr. Morey Numerous other affairs committee. Sauer,:wno is not Jewish. But herRoffman's. Lipshutz, who is in charge of the argreat grandfather was Jewish, she de- are being given complimentary to rangements is being assisted by theDeath Claiiu** Lo ills j clares. And her great grandfather was these visitors. Luncheon Meeting following: E. N. Grueskin, Abe Pill, original Wendell, disowned her 52 Years Old the :..••. for Mother's Club Leon Dobrofsky, A. L Schwartz, The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 grandfather, because he married out Morris Pill, Louis Agranoff, Joe Leof the Jewish fold! Ultimately, of of the A. Z. A. "held a Stag Party Louis Levine, 52 years old, died The Hebrew Mother's Club will vin, I. Borshevsky, Ben Levine, M. E. Saturday morning after a three course, the entire family became non- last Wednesday evening at the home open its season Tuesday noon, Sep- Friedman, Lester Heeger, Mark Sa- months illness. He was born in Rus- Jewish, but originally the Wendells of Mr. Ben Kubby, one of the advistember 29, with a luncheon meeting bel, Dr. H. M. Levin, Ben Brodkey, sia and came to the United States were very pious Jews. So says Mrs, ors/ of the club. This affair was in in the social hall of the Shaare Zion Reuben Miller, Max Bergen and Abe when a young man.;. He resided, in Sauer, who is an abiding Christian to^ honor of the hew members, and also Jacobson. ^ Synagogue. in honor of the old members who are Sioux City for the past 27 years. Mr. day. : The B'ani Brith dance will Open the. Levine had no relatives in this~couhRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Mr. Joseph Rubenstein believes there is enough leaving this week for various colleges. Aizenberg, and Mr. Louis Schilling social season of the Jewish Commun- try. A sister resided in Russia. authenticity to her contentions to warwill address the meeting, speaking on ity, and promises to be a success from rant a fight for a slice of t i n kdg: Mesdames B. Balaban and J. Seigel the reports of those in charge. phases of the Talmud Torah. entertained forty guests at the home juicy estate. , The Mother's Club is organized to Shaare Zion Synagogue of Mrs. Seigel last Tuesday evening (Copyright, 1931, by the Jewish Telefurther the interests of the local Hein honor of their sister, Miss Gertrude graphic Agency, Inc.) brew School. The Kol Nidrei Service at Shaare Somit of San Francisco, California. Zion Synagogue will begin Sunday Miss Somit will return to San FranHadassah Is to Open cisco next week after spending a Sioux City's, young people, who evening-at 6:15 o'clock. Rabbi H. R. will address the congregacouple of weeks here visiting her Season October 27 have spent the summer with their Rabinowitz parents are leaving this week,, to re- tion on the subject "Running Away The Senior Hadassah Organization turn to their studies in various col- from Ourselves." The Yom Kippur Service on Monwill bold its first meeting of the year leges. day will begin at 8:15 A. M. The serTuesday, October 27. A luncheon will precede the meeting. Reports of the Miss Helen Levitt; Miss Ida Edel- mon will be delivered at about 10 Plans of the Nebraska Elks' Assoconvention will be given at the meet- man and Miss Freda Rozmofsky de- o'clock. Rabbi Rabinowitz has chosen ciation for assisting the five thousand bfg by Mrs. William Lazere, presi- parted for the University of Iowa, "at as Ms subject "Do We Plead Guilty.' crippled children, which an Elks' dent. .' Ipwa City.; Lionel. London, Louis The service will~be concluded about state-wide survey found recently in . . . . . . Nebraska, 'were outlined Saturday-by Dimsdale, Morris Lasensky and Hy- :30 p. m. Registration of the Sunday School Walter C. Nelson of Omaha, president mie Hurwitz also left for Iowa UniMount Sinai Temple versity.' ••••••• .' ;-- • •'.'•.•••• •-•••• "-..:. pupils will continue Sunday morning, of the Nebraska State Elks' Associa• Kol Nidrei Services at Mount Sinai September 20, in the synagogue tion and secretary of Omaha Lodge Temple will begin at 8 o'clock, SunMiss Charlotte Rosenstock will schdol; rooms. Miss Eveljro. Kuntz No. 39, Which Is jielping. raise a Ian day evening. Rabbi Lewis will speak leave Sunday - evening to return to will act as Tegistrar, this'year. • thousand dollar ^permanent Elks' on the subject "What It Means to BeWellsely. Miss-Dena - Baron will maFoundation Fund for aiding crippled a Jew." This sermon will be the first triculate at the Ohio State Univerchildren through clinics and treato£ a series of two, the second of sity, at Columbus; menU ., _• T'(;. . . ... which Rabbi Lewis will . deliver on "Nebraska. Elks i r e at present enMonday, Yom Kippur Day. The servdeavoring to raise ten thousand dolIsadore Lasensky will 'Continue his ices for Monday will, begin at 10 studies at Ames, Iowa, while Frank lars for. a permanent foundation for o'clock in the morning..: - Epstein will take his senior year at crippled' Chilian's, ^work, in addition Registration for the Temple Re- Creighton University, in Omaha. '' to th$i regular per:VapIta tax of fifty ligious School will be held Sunday cents ,per member' for carrying on morning, September 20. Both old Sam and Sophie Hurwitz will enroll clinics and treatment," said Nelson. Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—Julius Rosenand new pupils will enroll at this at the University of Southern Cali"The Omaha Elks'- lodge hopes to time. They will be assigned'to their fornia. Philip-Miller will study at the wald,. internationally renowned Jew- raise its quota for this worthy work ish philanthropist, was the recipient through the sale of tickets to the classes and books will be distributed. University of Michigan. of the first of the three annual Chi- "Siege of 1918" exciting replica of a cago "merit: awards" created by theworld, war battle, to be held at AkBoy Scout Meeting Morris Gordon, Gerald Cohen, and Rotary Club of Chicago. The Boy Scout Troop of the Jewish Fred Sherman left Sunday for the The award was made in recogni- Sar-Ben field, Saturday night OctoCommunity Center will hold its first University of Nebraska at Lincoln. tion of Mr. Rosenwald's "distinguish- ber 3rd. Twenty-four young > • women of fall meeting, next Sunday afternoon David Levitt departed Tuesday eve- ed services to mankind." Omaha have entered the "Miss Vicat the Center. All boys who are in-ning to enroll at the St. John's AcadMore than one thousand prominent tory" • contest, selling tickets to the terested in scouting have been re- emy in Milwaukee.. Longer Wear' leaders of Chicago attended the pre-"Siege of 1918," in order to help us quested to attend this meeting. Isasentation ceremonies. Mr. Rosenwald ing Tire! . «• dore Mirowitz is the troop leader. Miss Florence Major has returned was unable to attend due to illness gain funds to carry on this. charithome after spending a week with and the award was given to his son able work for Nebraska five thousand crippled children, which our second Miss Frances Emleiri, daughter of friends and relatives in Chicago.' Lessing J. Rosenwald, who accepted survey showed." Deluxe in appearance; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein, has the scroll summarizing the achieve- Although the work has only been opened a studio in her home,, where Miss Ida Orlikoff is recuperating ment of- his father on. which the deluxe i n performgoing on two years, five rlinics have she will teach piano. Miss Emlein, in her home after undergoing a major award was based. been held at; Beatrice, York, Grand ance! A new and highwho was formerly associated with the operation. THE TIRE SENSATION A solid bronze plaque was also pre- Island and Fremont. Other clinics Sioux City Music School has studied er "standard t i r e " sented to Rosenwald at the luncheon are planned in the near future at piano under Ethel Jamison Booth, and Mrs. Max Kanner and daughter, Edith Burlington Ross of the Uni-Darlene, are^ visiting the former's and was accepted by Leo F. Wormser, Falls- City, Nebraska City, North value established by versity of Nebraska. She received parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lelchook. head of the Rosenwald Museum of Platte, Kearney and Columbus. Science and Industry, where it will Goodyear.' instruction in organ under Miss To date 296 children, ranging' in Eleven GREAT be hung. Bertha Kleckner. age from five weeks to eighteen Mr. and Mrs. S. A:' Greenstone In accepting this token, Mr. WormIMPROVEMENTS visited recently with friends in Chi-ser pointed to the long list of bene- years," have been examined at these clinics. cago. factions, philanthropies and civic Gamma Rho Sorority movements inspired by Rosenwald, * Elects New Officers Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis and phil- lauding JVOWSEtLINGAT HIiStORY'S LOWEST PRICES! at the same time his business dren returned home Sunday .after leadership and integrity. "These moMiss Rosegene Passman was elect- spending the past month at Colorado tives," he said, f'rather than the sums ed president of the Gamma Rho sor- Springs. distributed by Rosenwald reveal the ority, at a recent meeting held in the man, alert, yet patient, poised, bu home of Miss Rebecca Dimsdale." OthMiss Bernice Schrote of Chicago- i enthusiastic, honest and genuine, but er officers include Miss Elaine Mush- visiting at the home of Miss Hannal hearty and sympathetic, Julius Rosen kin, vice-president; Miss Rebecca Rocklih. wald, the citizen, the leader, the hu Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—Great "anxDimsdale, secretary, and Miss Beatmanitarian who has endeared himself iety prevails now among the Jews'In rice Herzoff, treasurer. Hungary in connection with the demMrs. Fannie Kroloff has returned to the. city and the nation." onstrations of unemployed regularly to her home in Phoenix, Ariz., after Named Chief Justice spending the. past year at the home Fred W. Sargent, chairman of the organized by Communists. Many of Mr. and Mrs. Max Friedman. Re- Jury of Award, in presenting the shops and cafes, the majority of them Chicago Criminal Court scroll, declared that the award had belonging to. Jews, have been damChicago. — Judge Harry Fisher, turning with her to Phoenix were Mr. for, its object "the recognition of dis well known jurist and Zionist leader, and Mrs. Jules Kroloff and Mr. and"tinguished personal service by a Chi- aged recently by the demonstrators. At the same time the anti-Semitic Mrs. Joeffry Straus. has- been inducted into office as Chief cago citizen and the generation in th organization, "Awakening Magyars," Justice of the Criminal Court of ChiMr. and Mrs. H. Feinberg of Can- youth and elder citizenry of Chicago has openly renewed its anti-Jewish il \- O \> ' J.'t cago. istota, S. D., announce the birth of a of a sense of continually higher ideals propaganda throughout the country. Urges Colonization to Save daughter. ' Mrs. Feinberg was theof citizenship: and civic duty, based on Agitators of the "Awakening Magthe ideals of the Rotary in the field yars" are now touring the countryformer Libby Shvid- •• Latvian Jews of national service, without regard to side, preaching the confiscation of Riga>—Economic disaster among race, creed, color; or, accident o Jewish property and the driving out Miss Bernice Liberman was hostess the Jews of Latvia can be avoided ; only if a government to settle Jews to members of the Iota Taix Sorority, b i r t h : " - " ^ ' W . -. • •>• ;-.••-:•:• ; : . - V of the Jews from all economic footholds for the benefit of the Magyar on the land in Latvia is launched,-, is at-their meeting Tuesday . evening. BARNEY HOBERMAN DAVID HOBERMAN "tfie opinion expressed by Latski-Ber- Plans were made for a dinner and mainder of the week in Omaha as thepopulation. guest of his aunts, Mesdames Harry tholdi," editor of the Jewish-daily, theater party for next Tuesday The governments attention has and Jake Weiner, Harry Stein, and been brought to the intensity of this ning.' Frimorgen, published here. Sam Wienzveg. new anti-Semitic campaign whose r Mr. Gustav • Hirshman, of Philavirulence is said to equal that of the delphia, Pa.,, spent several days here The Nine Aces held, their last meet worst days of the White Terror. In as the guest -of--Mr. arid Mrs. AL J. the home of Mrs. Merton Holz reply the government states that it ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Turchen and son. Mr. Hirshman and man. Prizes- were won by Mrs. Harry will not permit any anti-Semitic ter"We feed the multitude* rorism. Despite this assurance the MrsV.-Turchen, > who are cousmsy had Fish andT Mrs. Herman Charaey. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave, Omaha, N ebr. Phone AT. 6427 not jeeneach.other for thirteen years. ; ; Mrs. Joe Kbnter will be the next Jewish community's; fears have not With Tasty Foods been allayed • HOBERMAN BEOS., Proprietors *~~Mr. Hirshman is spending the re-hostess. -


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