January 22, 1932

Page 1

Dedicated to the Idads of ' Judaism

Interests ofthe Jewish People -Kliti-n-i! us Xeruml-Vliixs Rln" I'.iRiofllop -it'Onmlni -NflirrinU'

r'»•• Jiiiui;ir>•*?«.' t f c u ill r H I P Art ,,f M.ir.h :t IST'.I

Vol. IX—No. 51


Name Judge Simons ^ B e n c h

To. Speak mh - Orthodox Ju&msffi-

President Himver Greets American Palestine Group


r, rpr ; Detroit--(J. T. A.)—President Hoover has nominated Judge Charles Simons of the' United States District Court for the bench of 'the Sixth United States Circuit Court of ApWHITE HOUSt Each Organization Urged to 'Be. peals and has submitted his name to •WASHINGTON the Senate fox approval. Represented at Center Marvin Lowenthal to Illustrate Judge Simons, -who is well known in Professor to "Discuss Orthodoxy January 11, 1932. Sunday Morning " **The Trail of the WanJewish circles, here, is 56 years old at J. CvlcLThis'Sunand has had an active political career. dering Jew" A call for a conference of- dele. day. Evening gates' from various -Jewish .-organiza- He sat on the' United -States' Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, to which he is . Travel-talks on art treasurers, histions in Omaha, to consider what may now appointed,- from 1924 to 1927, Professor Moses, Jung of the toric monuments and old world life be done to commemorate the name by temporary designation." School of Religion, of J&e Universiin the Jewish by-ways of Europe, of Harry iapidus was issued by Dr. t y _of Iowa, will discuss Orthodox North Africa, and Palestine will ~be A. Greenberg, chairman of the temJudaism next Sunday; evening, Jan. the treat of those who will come to porary committee, for next;.Sunday, 24, a t ' the Jewish- Coinmunity , Cen. 11 mk interosted t o J a u a . t b e t a group, of hear Marvin liowenthal at the Jew- • Jan. 24, at 10:30. a. in., at'the "Jewter. " •;-. • - ' . • ;:-" ''-tiagfiia&ad mm aaft *onaa V* to be Conned to spread p ish • 'Community Cent"sr on Sunday ish Community Center. .:. .' / j ;This will be -the final, lecture of lti h rehabilitation ^ e h . . and apprscl&tion of .the exening, Jan. SI. • "Those organisations ..who have n o t the symposium. oh . Religious MoveIs going forward;in Palestine under Jewi A auspices, and yet. appointed tlieir delegates" should •Marvin Lowenthsl, writer andments in Judaism which"; is part of to add my expression to toe sentiment snong our people la do so immediately, or make" proper traveler, has "written of his eight the ' Sunday Evening Educational -tvnr of tte realization of-the age-old aspiration* or •" arrangements ' for representation," years rambling- in new worlds for: Program spbnsbred by the Center "tts Jewiao people for the restoration of tnair national • said Dr. Greenberg today fri-making travelers, under the title, "The Adthis winter. . •- '. honeland. I shall appreciate i t if yoo'will present By his announcement of thie conference. versierie's Notebook," under the pseu' Professor Jung is the head of the! ~ cordial greetings to tho.se attending the diinar la " 'I do not believe it essential that Payment of Arrears Is Mooted donym H. Ben Shahar. His work has Department of Jewish Keligiori atj gasM-ngton on January 17ti> to advan:e this ent«rprls». > the appointment of delegates to' this attracted much enthusiastic comment. -the University of Iowa. He received Question conference await formal action of his training, in -European Universi.Tours taithfully. Thousands of tourists annually visAgency, organizations. I believe that the ties at. London, yienna, and Berlin it the historic sites and monuments presidents may take upon themselves and also at Dropsie College in Phil; and glimpse something of the charto represent their organizations "at - Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) —Six hunadelphia. acteristic customs of the great Eurodred ^Jewish teachers in the Zionists Dr. Moses Jung the conference next Sunday mornProfessor Jung also served with pean peoples. Yet few are aware ing and appoint one other member schools of Palestine went on strike the Hillel Foundation at the Univerthat in almost every corner of Eurlast Thursday pending settlement of to serve with the president. Some sity of Illinois for a period of five ope and around the Mediterrenean's organizations meet only once a month their demands.by the Jewish Agency, years as director of religious educashores, the Jews have likewise left Executive. Twenty-three thousand and to wait for a regular meeting tion, and during the summer of relics of their ancient culture and, Zionist Qsgaoisa>ttaB> of the organization to appoint dele- Jewish school children were affected 1928 he directed the Hillel Foundahere and there, still carry on their by the strike. iiijirtb A gates would naturally delay the calltion School at the University of traditional life. ing of this conference. Each organThe teachers demanded that the Wisconsin. He is the American conLike the cathedrals and castles of ization will,, however, have an op- Jewish Agency issue contracts to tributing editor, to the Jewish Ency- j Christian Europe and the Moslem portunity to hear the report of its teachers for the current year; guar"dopedia, he is a former executive I The above is a photograph of "the port of rehabilitation of Palestine as delegates. antee payment of eleven months sal- message of President Herbert Hoo- a Jewish National Home is incorp- antiquities of Spain and North Afrimember of the America-Oriental soca, the Jewish monuments embody "We, therefore, urge every organ- ary during the year, and sign prom- ver, ' sent through Emanuel Neum orated in the foreign -policy of the and perpetuate one of the moulding ciety, - a member of the American $2,500,000 Is Goal Under l*adr issory notes for the. four months i . ership otJVIorris ization to be represented next Sunday Academy..for Jewish ^Research, and ann, 'American member of the World United States. forces of the western world. They, morning, and notify us immediately arrears from last year. . the author of the Principles of JewRothenberg Neumann in his address pointec too, lie on every hand vithin easy Zionist executive, ot the meeting of Following intercession by the Pal- g Q o u t s t a n d i n g m e m bers of the U. out that $200,000,000 tad been sent as to the persons representing ish Law, a comparative study in soestine Jewish National Council and S. Senate, House of Representatives, into Palestine by -Jews in the last reach. But the average traveler cial legislation. New York—(J. T. A.)—The them." barely knows of their existence or the Jewish Labor Federation, ^the j a n d o t h e r i e a d i n g Washington nota- decade. launching of a $2,500,000 united camRabbi Aronson their meaning. Jewish Agency agreed to contracts Commissioner Mead described the "Conservative Judaism does not paign for Palestine by the three Mr. Lowenthal proposes to tell for the -teachers and to guarantee ie group met in Washington progress of the Jewish colonization •want to discard the past but to re- leading agencies of the Zionist movewhat can be seen and experienced the payment-of eleven months salary. ___ ment, the Palestine Foundation Fund, and agriculture in Palestine as perunder the auspices of a shape and reconstruct the past so .,-KT^I-O J JTX of.this Jewish past—which is a part It insisted, however, owing to lack' spOSoring committee which included (Continued on Page 3.) that it will continue to be vital, ere- i the Jewash National Fund and Haof Europe's past and a heritage of of funds, upon the postponement of! vice President Curtis, Senator BorWashington—(J. T. A.)—The ative and to give warmth to the! dassah, was decided upon Sunday at our common civilisation. the payment of arrears. a conference attended by 500 repre! ah, Senator La Follette, Senator King : Jew,"-Rabbi-David Aronson of Min- sentatives of the Zionist and non- name of Judge Benjamin N. CardoHe has wandered among the JewAs an outgrowth of the situation,! j others, to discuss "The Palesa n ( zo, Chief Justice of the Supreme neapolis stated.- Sunday evening in ish remains of France, England, HolCourt of New Tork, is being promi- there is the possibility that the i tine Situation in its International . ^jscussing Conservative Judaism on Zionist groups. J land, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Morris Rothenberg was drafted as nently mentioned here as successor Agency will carry out its plan of; Aspects," and listened to a presenthe J. C. C. adult educational proI Czechoslovakia, Poland, Morocco, and chairman of the campaign following to the post on the bench of the Su- decentralizing the school system, by j tation of the facts by Prof. Felix gram. transferring the burden . of financial | Frankfurter, Dr. Emanuel NeumPalestine. He has visited their ana prolonged ovation by'the delegates preme Court of the United States "Conservative Judaira agrees with upkeep to the communities, while re-! ann, and Commissioner of Eeclamacient synagogues, haunted their "Orthodoxy^in_jthat Judaism _ is 7 not and high tribute to hislleadership by left' vacant • by - the resignation of taining its central supervision. tion Elwood Mead. crumbling ghettos, descended into the speakers^ Associated" with Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. ,an abstract philosophy but a ~civili3startling subterranean ritual-baths of American Palestine Committee "atJon "of a ; nation and needs "all' the Rothenberg, as co-chairman, <vi3}/be • Senator Royal.;S.Cbpeland of New the twelfth and thirteenth century, The group organized as "The Six Jewish Youth Shot things that go toward" making: a Judge "William. M.. Lewis, Xouis Lip- Yotkf.it is understood, is prominent pilgrimaged to the 'shrines .of ".ifewiSBh • sky, James Marshall; • Abba Hillel American Palestine Committee for among those urging _ the appointdvilieation.--Conservative -Judaism Crossing Roumanian saints from the • Carpathian . to .the, the furtherance of the restoration of , stresses tradition," nationalism,. na- Silver and Nathan Straus Jr., Felix ment of Judge Cardozo upon PresiBorder Atlas mountains, studied numerous Palestine as the Jewish National 4iorial memories, hopes and aspira- M. Warburg, Dr. Gyrus Adler, Judge dent Hoover. Irving Lehman, Rabbi Stephen S. Homeland and the Dissemination of tions. • '., Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—The village museum collections, and amused himaccurate information as to the pro- of Soroca, Bessarabia, where six Jew- self with the legendry and history, "Conservative Judaism agrees with Wise and Judge Julian, W. Mack gress of the upbuilding work in the ish young men and women were bound up with these treasures-.and •Reform Judaism in being conscious were elected honorary chairmen of Holy Land." of radical changes taking place in the campaign. ; D t Solomon Lowenkilled by Roumanian frontier guards scenes of a vanishing world; • / ' • : our environment We agree, in thei stein was named treasurer, with HarThe dinner was the first function was placed under martial law. I need for interpreting Judaism, re-] ry L. Gluckman and Abraham Liebof its kind for a Jewish cause at- Rabbi Sisser of Soroca was re- ! Dr. Ben Greenberg has been shaping, reconstructing it, but not \ owitz as associate treasurer, and Jo- awarded a two-year scholarship at "The Guardsman," by Fernac Mol-j t e n d e d b y s a c h a r e m a T k a b l y galaxy quested to guarantee peace in the 1 | seph C. Hyman, honorary secretary. the Manhattan eye, ear, nose and nar, will be the Center Players j o f American statesmen, the mostin- community during the progress of j discarding it.: The>- speaker further pointed out j Sunday's meeting witnessed an en- throat hospital in New York City, Guild's second offering of the season :. fiuential members of the government the" funeral of the victims by General j that Conservative Judaism believes! thusiastic demonstration for Pales- as a result of competitive examina- on Wednesday evening, Jan. 27, at; departments and both houses of Marcowitz, the military commandant, j in the old, historic combination of _aj tine upbuilding, and heard non- tions. 8:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. i Congress joining. Rabbi Sisser declined to give this, elected presw-rtten_ and an unwritten Torah. | Zionist leaders pledge the continued The production is being presented | I n preS enting the situation, Pro- pledge, No incidents, occurred, how- i d eMn tr so f Mt h eBDr aa uu gd he t ewr Ba so f Z i o n W c d . For the past several months he Claiming that the Conservative) co-operation of their groups in the has been on the staff of the Belle- under the auspices of the Jewish; fessor Frankfurter stated that sup- ever. nesday afternoon at the J. C. C movement is against "fossilized Jud- upbuilding work, : ; vue hospital in New York. He is Woman's Welfare Federation. Mrs.; General mourning was declared in Other officers chosen were Mrs. aism." Rabbi Aronson maintained Messages were received from the now a member of the staff of the L. Nevelef f is president, and Mrs.! Soroca while the funeral services S. Fellman, vice president; Mrs. A. that it was also against revolutions; Executive of the Jewish Agency in Manhattan hospital. Irvrn Levin is chairman of arrange-' were held. All the shops of the town ; Shsfton, second vice president; Mrs. in Judaism but for evolutions. j London and Governor Franklin D. j Dr, Greenberg spent the past two ments for- the play. were closed, and" 10,000 people fol- J(J, Lindsay, financial secretary; The . cast under the direction of "The conscious evolution of Juda- Roosevelt. weeks in. Omaha visiting his par- Mrs." Herman" Jahr" includes ^Earl: S. Yanofsky, well-known editor lowed the funeral cortege. Mrs. L. Friedman, recording secreism is Conservative Judaism today. Agency Body in U S. ents and friends. He is the son of Sigel as the guardsman, and Mrs.| and lecturer, of New York city, will The indignation at the summary i tary; Mrs. J. Goldware, treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg of 519 Judaism has likewise evolved in the ^ 0 ^ a o i z a t i o n o f abodytoreplecture this evening, Jan. 22, at action taken by the frontier guards j Mrs. A. Hirsch and Mrs. A. GreenSouth 26th street. 8:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum on continues. I berg1 were made chairmen of the • t(rmc "Can We Now Make Peace With The "Cuventul," Itoumania daily, • raffling of a hand-made table cloth, changing and whose en-j the Soviet Government?" cided upon Saturday night at the states that the youths were the vic- Rabbi Herbert Parzen of Portland, •ifro-nment is constantly changing. The lecture is being given under tims of a trap by one of their com- Ore., was the principal speaker, "Sometimes, in critical periods, first meeting of the American memthe auspices of Branches No. 173 panions, a police agent, who posed while a, recitation on "Chaimisha Judr'sm evolved consciously. But bers of the Council since the meetand 258 of the Workmen's Circle as a smuggler, and who was also! Osor B'Shevat" was given by Hy•usually, this was an unconscious ing in Basle last July. Dr. Cyrus Adler and Robert Szold and the Mid-west District Commit- kil'^"! by the guards, and declares • man Eisenberg. Meyer Brown, president of the process." were empowered to name a commit- Jewish National Alliance and a tee. No admission charge is being that the youths could have easily j As an example of -the gradually tee to study plans,for. such a body made for the lecture. been arrested, inasmuch as the place] ^ evolvemcist of Judaism Rabbi Aron- and to bring back definite recom- member of the World Zionist executive, will be in Omaha on Tuesday where they were halted was not froz-; H I ' J ( | son mentioned the change in the ob- mendations at the next meeting to en, but that the guards chose to j «*'-wVi servance of Yom Kippur, which was be held within two or three, months. and Wednesday, Feb. 2 and S. He-will speak here under the ausoriginally the occasion for public shoot instead. j pices of the United Palestine Coun*b ncintr and merriment. He also A number of government acthori-1 Jersey City—The Jewish Communi- cil, council' of local Zionist organiz7i-entioned the promulgation of the ties have issued protests against the j ty Center of Jersey City will launch ations. The place and time will be dietary laws as an example of an occurrence, among1 them the Bessaraevolvement. "In this evolving, Con- a $50,000 Emergency Campaign in announced in the next issue of the bian Minister Richbanti. Minsk—(J. T. A.)—Samuel SchusPress. servative Judaism stands for spirit- February.. Senator Iov, belonging to the party ter, a student in Minsk university, ual calories." was expelled for permitting the cir- of Prime Minister Jorga, telegraphed Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—The estabDr. M. Margolin was chairman for his potest of the "Adeveul," leading lishment of a memorial to Julins cumsicion of his new bom son. the evening. The traditional Jewish rite was per- Roumanian daily. "I protest most Rosenwald by the peonle of Chicago formed in Schuster's absence, upon emphatically against the six mcrders, is suggested by the "Chicago Amerithe initiative of his wife, who is a re- which are six stains on the face cf can" in a leading- editorial in its I ligious Jewess. Schuster was offered Roamania,".he wired. columns. the. alternative of divorcing his wife, The bodies of the victims disclosed The paper States that it is fitting "The Zionist organization is the environment for Palestine work. or being expelled from the univer- that they had been shot several times that a visible memorial to Julius "Secondly," the interviewee continheart and soul and spirit as well sity. by the guards. One of the victims Rosenwalc! whose work will live oc Abraham Muskin, 71, a resident as the brain of the Jewish Agency," ued, "in order for the Jewish Agenhad three bullet wounds in his body, be established as partial expression •of Omaha for the past forty-five stated Rabbi Herbert Parzen of cy to be able to do the actual nracand the body of one of the girls was "of the reverence and gratitude TO tical work in Palestine it is necesyears, died suddenly at his home, riddled with bullets. feel for this man who thoupht anfl 3101 Lafayette street, last Friday. Portland, Ore., who is spending a sary to have a vital Zionist organizMrs. Phineas Wintroub Deputy Landau arrived in Soroca achieved so much for others." few days in Omaha while on a tour ation, as the Zionist organization He was a retired meat dealer. and appealed to the Jewish populaIn recognition of the late Jewish Surviving besides the widow are of the middle west under the aus- is the heart and soul and spirit as Phineas Wintroub in the leading; tion to remain calm inasmuch as an philanthropist's deep feeling- for tine feminine role as the actress. The four daughters, Mrs. Sam Kaplan, pices of the Zionist Organization of well as the brain of the Jewish supporting cast comprises Mrs. Stan- j Benjamin C. Morgan, 25, of 2804 investigation has already been in- masses, the paper proposes that the Agency." Mrs. J. A. Gross, Mrs. H. Malashock, America. ley Levin, Mrs. Morris Friedel,! Ruggles St., passed away Tuesday augurated. funds shall come, not from a few and Mrs. Max Simon; two sons, He gave as his third reason that Martha Himelstein, Sal Michnick, and, after a prolonged illness. He was a His tour is primarily for the purlarge donors, but from the masses Arthur Muskin and Dr. Nathan Mus- pose of stimulating memberships in in ' order to educate the American Harold Tnchman. i practicing attorney snd had graduin the form of small contributions— Idn, and fifteen grandchildren. the various local Zionist districts. Jewry to the "peculiar position that Creighton university He The following plays will make up! in the dollars and half-dollars-of th* the Palestinian Jewish community Funeral services were held Sun"The reasons making it necessary a member of Pi Lambda Phi remaining presentations by the ( men, women and children of Chiday afternoon, with burial in the to fill the Zionist membership Tanks and Zionism occupy in the intellec- the Guild for this season: "Sun-Up" byi fraternity. cago. In that way it would really Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. to1 the fullest possible is threefold," tual and cultural life of the Jewish Lulu Winer, on Feb. 21; "If I Were ! H e 5 s survivea by nis parents, represent the sentiments of the city's people, it is necessary to have an Rabbi'' Parzen maintained. You," translated from the Yiddish! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morgan; two Mrs. Joseph millions. "First, a large membership is organization that should have at its of Sholom Aleichim : by Maurice! sisters, Esther .and Sarah Morgan, One Million for Museum. necessary: in order to make it pos- disposal publicity facilities and edu- Schwartz, on March 20; "The Silver) a n d a brother, I>r;. Samuel. Morgan. Koines, la., died at Des SSoines Satnrdav afternoon. Chicago.—Fund? from thr sible for the Zionist organization to cational organizations. rn-rrl " by fm Sidney SiHnpv Howard, HnrnrH. on n-n TVfn-p 1, i Services were held \ \ ednesday sfCord," body was shipped to Omaha snd i of Julius Rosenwald will insure the "The Zionist Organization can on•speak in the name of "American j ternoon at the Chesed Shel Emes, funeral services were held Sunday [ completion of the Museum of Science Denver, Colo.—(Special)—-After Jewry. For this, it is essential that ly supply that if it has a sufficientj with burial at Pleasant Hill cemeafternoon at the home of her parand Industry, Leo F. Wormser, atless than one hour's deliberation^ the the Zionist organization mobilize ly large membership that should entery. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, "416 torney for the estate, announced. jury in the District Court in Den- within its ranks a goodly portion able it to undertaken all their necesNorth Twenty-first street. Burial The estate, it is expected, will be sary projects." ver Wednesday returned a verdict of of the Jewish community." was in the Golden Hill ceiseierv. I called upon to contribute $1,050,000 guilty against Lazarus Beannan for The rabbi pointed out that this Rabbi Parzen states that the Besides her parents, she is sar- •! to complete the interior of the buildThe United Palestine Council, recriminal libel in circulating scur- became particularly important when membership dues to the Zionist or All interested are invited to atrilous pamphlets against the Na- the organization must diplomatically ganization of $6 per year is the posi cently-formed body of local Zionist tend the free Naturalization School -rived by her husband and a daagh- I ing. tional Jewish hospital, Dr. .1. D. meet with Various statesmen to con- tive declaration on the part of the groups, will hold a special meeting held at the Labor Lyceum, 22d and ter, Dorothy, of Des Moines; & sister,! . Mr. Roeenvvald during his lifetime: Bronfin, its medical director, and verse about Palestinian conditions individual Jew that he is in reali next Monday, Jan. 25, at 8 p. m. Clark Sts., every Monday and Fri- Mrs. M. Leoa, and two brothers, j contributed $5,000,080 as an endowSam aad Joe Wolf, cf Omaha. xnent fund for the museum. other officers of the hospital. 'and needs the creation of a favorable ty a nationalist anil s Zionist. at the Jewish Community Center. day evening at 7:3D p. m



Urge Appointment of Judge Cardozo


Next Center

Dr. Ben Greenberg Awarded Scholarship


Lecture Tonight

Meyer Brown Is to Be Here Next Month

Circumcision of Son Causes Jew to be Expelled



Rabbi Parpen Stresses Value of Zionist Organization Work


Bearmait Convicted of Libeling Hospital

United Palestine Council

Naturalization "School

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1932 challenge and answer to present-day the Hitlerist movement: Of course, semblance which transcends the nathere are some' obvious differences, tional differences comes from the disintegration." that both are the product of Incidentally, we get an Interesting too, he adds. Britain, unlike Ger- fact new political modernism, which, explanation of how antisemitism came many, was not defeated in the war, this is the main trend of our times. Thia to take the place it holds jin Hitler- so that there -is iy> necessity to in his view, that Mosley, an Engism. "The difficulty was in the deli- shout for' the tearing up of the is, lishman, an officer, and a gentlecate, task of balancing National with Peace Treaties. , man, like Hitler, the ex-Austrian Socialist. It was all very well to Differences house-painter's assistant, and MusM Jewish State." And there is Capel move the masses with promises of the solini, the one-time blacksmith, and Neither, he declares, is: jthe new Pownall who has taken to circulating confiscation of Capitalist property, Party addicted to any race-conscious Lenin, the minor aristocrat gone MarEnglish editions of the notorious an- but what about the heavy industral- feeling. It' ist nib$; antisemitic We xist, knows that the Democratic tisemitic works of the octagenarian ists, the big business magnates who shall cot • Witiness in London that game is already a sham and that ,Qerjnan. ex-Deputy Fritsch, of the all the time are putting up the funds spectacle of cohorts of young Mos- the great Parliamentary bluff ia ; "Pammer?'; Publications, which, in for Hitler and his movement ? Hitler, leyites -heaving half-bricks through about to be called. their turii,: published the German always agile, solved this problem by the plate-glass windows of Salmon The conception of crisis is no longtranslation'of Henry Ford's "Inter- distinguishing between the industral- and Gluckstein, as the young Nazi er in doubt, he concludes. Britain's ists and the bankers. Industrial capnational Jew." All sexual humanalstorm detachments did in the case ity, all business dishonesty are held ital was productive. Therefore that of Messrs. Wertheimers in Berlin. crisis is with us, justifying Mosley's warning. Mine, as he said to up as the monopoly of the Jews, and was O. K. Banking capital was loan The main difference between the Melville, was the only party to fore,no wonder South Africa's Minister of capital, the Shylock kind of capital. two movements, Melville repeats, is the Interior, Dr. Malan, threatens the Therefore that was the particular the fact that one is English and see the crisis and to prepare a poliJews, to"awaken antisemitism" when kind of capital which, the Nazis would the other is German. Yet the re(Continued on Page 8.) •he has been reading Capel Pownall, confiscate and grve to the Deutsche sand has written to him that "he finds Volke. the book most interesting and inforBut you can hardly raise barricades By JOSEPH LEFTWICH mative and as the responsible Minis- or exhort your storm troops to street had alleged that they got their tea of Belloc's own family has arisen (Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish cheap as a result of Jewish domina- ter desire to express his appreciation fighting with, an involved analysis of our vindicator. . Telegraphic Agency,. Inc.) of the interest shown in the book in the difference between productive capNot that Belloc, with his splendid tion, and told .his audience in .the. South .Africa's problem in this con- ital and loan capital or by explaining Same people -will shrug their shoulproper boycott manner, "I would not ders! at this heading. There is no gifts as a writer, can be compared into a Lyon's shop. I would rath* nection -arid the solution thereof, b,y .how Mr. Rothschild is a bloated fianti-Semitism in England, they -will to the wild anti-Semites tich as the go nancial tyrant in league with M-oser starve, and I would rather go with- the South African government." say, and I agree, but while we are Polish National Democratic students, When Hitler,: discredited after the !cow,,winle Mr.; Hagejijtjez'g'.is a good luckyj in having • no anti-Semitic or the Hitlerist desecrators of Jew- out my smoking than buy tobacco at failurejpf: his" *- attempted, coup d'etat'hearty? 'German friend -of the underSalmon and Gluckstein." There is movement in England, we have plenty ish cemeteries, and I have not yet in Munich with Ludendorff, came out dog. 'This is wbere Hitler trotted out of ahti-Semitic cranks, and some very recanted from the view which I ex- the notorious Joseph Bannister, who of prison after serving his term for his Judenfrage, or antisepiitisin. sends out piles of scurrilous literature fine ."'writers like Chesterton, and pressed in the Jewish press at the treason, he was without a following, There are a number of Jews, or semiCHA9. Hilaire Belloc, and St. John Ervine time his "Jews" appeared, that after ?. iut "the evil Jewish influence." he was not allowed to speak in pub- Jews, in the German banking world SIMON There is de Willmott Newman, who whose stand on the question of the all, in insisting on the race distinclic, he was held up to general ridicule, (as indeed, mercifully for Germany, Jews has landed them in the com- tiveness of the Jews, Belloc was sup-has discovered that not only was Len- and there were actually reports put there are in the scientific, the literSanitary Laundry New Customer Campaign pany of the anti-Semites. Incident- porting the contention of the Zion- in a Jew, but that practically every- about in the Press that he had been ary, aristic, shipping, newspaper, thePresent this add to our salesman with family bundle, tt ally, I recently met James Parkes, ists and the Jewish Nationalists, and body is a Jew—Kerensky, Masaryk, certified insane, and was to be placed atrical and other worlds in Germany). will entitle yan to have THREE SHIRTS finished without of the International Christian Stu- was actually their ally, a view that Kemal Pasha, von Bethmann Holl- in a madhouse. Yet in a short time Therefore instead of just downing the any ebtagt. Offer good until Monday, Febr. 1st, lnweg and who only differs from the l l dent Service, who was responsible for was printed with approval of the Hitler has become a dominating figbanker for being a banker, let's down the Christian-Jewish Students' Re- leading Zionist Revisionist Journal. rest in blaming Satan, instead of the and unless something very sober- the banker as being a Jew, or down SEMI-FLAT—Everything -washed sweet and clean. conciliation Conferences at Bierville But we have some of the wild an- Jews, because "the Jews are so won- ure, Flat pieces carefully ironed and folded. Wearing aping happens to Germany soon there with the Jew, down with the alien. He and at Nyons, where an effort was tisemitic cranks, too, in England, our derful a people, God's chosen, that seems to be nothing that can keep him is doing better than we are. Thus parel returned damp. made to bring about some sort of Nesta'Websters, our Lord Alfred Satan has concentrated all his wiles out of power, with his gospel of re- ! Judenfrage and thus all this business understanding between the Christian Douglases, our "Patriot" crew, with upon them, letting other peoples volt against Germany's enchainment, about pure Aryanism and our old 6c per lb. and the Jewish students at the vari- their constant harping on the "Pro-. more or less alone, to use the Jews, Shirts Hand Finished 12c Each ous Continental Universities, unfor- tocols of the Elders of Zion," and the largely unsuspecting instruments, as mixed up with his mad notions about friend race brotherhood. So, in due are thrown tunately, without the success hoped insignificant but vociferous British his method for overthrowing God." starving the Jews out, inquisitioning course, half-bricks for by the organizers," as the recur- Fascist group, with their black shirts There are the people who go about them, deporting them, depriving them through the plate glass windows of rence of the anti-Semitic student ex- and knee-breeches, and denunciations London sticking tabs on the walls of of citizenship, stringing-them up on Messrs. Wertheimer's stores, and the cesses in Poland, and the threatened of the Jews as the cause of all the houses and of underground stations, lamp-posts, and generally wreaking Isaacs and Rebeccas among the uni2815 Farnam Phone AT. 2815 upon them the vengeance they would versity students receive a clout over outbreaks at Vienna University evil that has befallen the British Em- bearing legends like these: like to wreak on France, but dare not. the mouth or are seized by the hair shows, Mr. Parkes, the author of pire, a la their Commander, General Infectious "The Jews and His Neibrbour," in Blakeney, or General Prescott-Decie, It does not do/ especially in these and hurled to the ground." which he goes lambasting the anti- who found himself lugged into court "The League of Nations rules Brit- times of crisis, to dismiss people and "Of course, all this beating up of Semites, mentioned that he is a a few years ago by the big catering ain; the Jews rule the League of Na- movements because they happen to be proletarian or bourgeois Jewish stutions!" "The Jews are not unemploycousin of Hilaire Belloc's, so that out firm of Lyons and fined because he ed." "You pay taxes to keep the small or even because their ideas are dents leaves the Bankleute, the big mad. Lenin was the first to show and powerful and rich Jewish Old how a determined minority can en- Nick of Leihkapital-cum-Kommintern force its will on a great country, and perfectly safe and sound, just as in his Bolshevists : still hold Russia in England during the war the patriots thrall. Mussolini, came next, and his who used to stand outside the pubs castor-oil Fascists, laughed at as singing "Boys of the Bulldog Breed" { Copy of this advertisement is exact reproduction of | much as the Hitlerists ever were, an- would smash up the shops of little I statement by the Commercial Law Journal, Com- I nually commemorate the anniversary German bakers in Camden Town, I mercial Law League of America. ' • I of their inarch on Rome as the be- leaving the Big German Noises of the ginning of a new era. city and park lane and Windsor Park Representatives Equitable Life of New York immune." Mosleyism Not- Dead 540 Omaha National ATlantic 4367 • ;•.. And so the fstetftnat the Mosley Importance of Youth Home Phone—JAckson 4?46; WAlnnt 8755 Party in England got a knock-out in And the upshot of it is when you ;the recent English elections does not realize "that all these modern poliinecessarily mean tb^t i t is no longer tical movements are necessarily born :to be reckoned w ^ ^ ^ We" are only at of a state of crisis, and depend on Bie "Buy the Best Coal f ;the beginning egSU^-finglreh: "crisis, acuteriess of "that crisis 'fdr^their -**It is Cheapest * iand unless i t s ' duration is miracul- cess."' This happened with Leninism ••..-, ... In the tong Run" •ously shortened,' \ Mosleyism, as in- in Russia, and Fascism in Italy, filt isignificant now in iEngland as Hitler- is happening now with Hitlerismtan OUR SPECIAL Usm was in Germany a few years ago, Germany,- and Sir Oswald-Mosley Reimay grow equally crisis-fed to Hit- lieves ; that "it- will happen - one <|ay ilerist dimensions. And consequently, with Mosle^tem: »r England. !. Wfgat fi jthe hints we keep getting about other chances has Mosley? * " similarities between Mosleyism and He has' the chance of his slogan-— Hitlerism, not excluding antisemitism, youth at the polls, is Melville's conSmokeless—Long Lasting—Very Little Ash—A Real Bny deserves a little serious attention. clusion. Russia, he points out, l a s Sir Oswald Mosley, scion of an old known how to harness youth with -its aristocratic family, came into English League of Young Communists, l i e politics as a brilliant young member Komsomol .and .Mussolini has bis of the Conservative Party, whose youth organization, and indeed, it is ATlantic 4444 thirst for action drove him into the just on tliis question Sas to who shall Socialist Party, where he rose imme- capture the youth—Mussolini or tiie diately to office in the government, Pope—-tha$ the.Italian State and tine until its conservation and slowness of Vatican have again beett engaged in ..•• * movement in dealing with the unem- b a t t l e . . . 5| ployment question, whose developYouth politics, he continues, has ment into England's crisis he rightly even broken out like a kind of measles foretold, drove him out again into in- in our historic s political parties, so dependent action. that- we now have our young ConserBefore MacDonald and Snowden vatives and your Young Liberals, and FORMERLY DISTRICT JUDGE, FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OR thundered about the crisis and formed Sir Oswald Mosley, at. the. head o£ a .NEBRASKA. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY, DOUGLAS COUNTY, their crisis-national' government, Mos- Young Party/"wa& too" astute a poliPRESENT ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEBRASKA. ley had his flaming red "crisis" pos- tician . not to come in on the tide x>f < ters out all over London, and "Take the youth movement. Action" is the name of his organ. It In England, youth politics are is inevitable that movements born of more difficult, however, Melville A comparatively small sum set aside each /"TiHIS book is a revelation and a sensation. With his background, Judge similar conditions should have certain shows us, than it is in the Continental countries. On the Continent, as things in common. , It was Wyndham year for an Equitable Life Annuity will | . StaJjnaster is in a splendid position to take us behind the scenes. : he says,* University • youth—student Lewis, the paint<ir-novelist satirist, ^ just exktly k h does d in i WHAT PRICE JURY TRIALS. TRIALS Y what he guarantee you a fixed monthly income of who was the leader1 of English vorti- youth—has a traditional organization He shows us how the trained judge, owing to our present jury system, sits and is regarded as the intelligentsia cism, and is one of the group of in$100, $200, $300 or $500 for life, beginning at tellectuals which has gathered round in embryo, the raw material of the by helplessly during the trial and has less voice in the final decision than any age after 50. If you prefer* the annuity the Mosley banner, who, in his book future Government class. In Engthe umpire:'of a backyard baseball game. on Hitler first proclaimed the affinity land we have no student youth in may be purchased by a lump-sum payment. between Hitler and Mosley. And now the Continental sense. -There is no However, much we may be disturbed by what we learn from this book, we corporative consciousness or orC. F. Melville, who is in charge of the nevertheless will feel grateful to the author for giving us a glimpse of the foreign page in Mosley's paper "Take ganization, such as is known abroad Action" has followed up the sugges- Our University student do not reSecret goings-on in a jury trial. tion in "The Truth About the New gard themselves collectively as the LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TKE UNITED STATES embryo intelligentsia. So our youth Party." ' In writing this book the author may have stepped out of bounds or violated politicians start at a disadvantage. "The following pages," he begins, Compared with the case of the Stalsome unwritten code which forbids-making known the other side of the "are mainly about Sir Oswald Mos- ins, the Mussolinis and the Hitlers, picture of our system of jury trial. If this be true, we take off our hats ley's New Party, but they also have there is no easy task. Hitlerism something to say about Herr Adolf and Mosleyism resemble each other to him who braved it, and assure him of the thanks of those whose grateREPRESENTATIVE .Hitler's Nazis. There have been so inasmuch as both are movements of fulness will far exceed the possible censure of a few. many rumors and denials about the the modern world with policies of 545 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Phone: AT 4367 alleged resemblances between the emergency and based upon the conWHAT PRICE JURY TRIALS is in every way unique. No book like it OMAHA, NEBR. German and the English movements ception of a condition of crisis. has ever been published before. Once and for all it tears away the veil of that the time would now seem to be Both are in a sense National Socialright for a survey of the actual facts ist movements, springing from the secrecy from the Sanctum Sanctorum of the jury room and discloses what of the matter." Left but serving also the interests is going on inside. . . of the Eight and supported to some A Flour known for its marvelous baking qualities. Not Anti-Semitic The favorite where economy is watched. For Omar • There is nothing of the antisemitic extent by big business. Both are about Melville. But he sees that opposed to Communism, while at the Flour bakes more loaves per sack — and eliminates .Wyndham Lewis "has swallowed the same time revolutionary in another costly baking failures. Hitlerist pill whole,'with its doctrine kind of way. Both have sought to of pure racialism." And the point for organize and train youth on a quasijus is whether -what holds good for military basis. Both •would abolish ., i SWyndham Lewis holds good also for Parliamentary procedure if needs be. Mosley-'and Mosleyism as a whole. Both hope to achieve dictatorical T Melville doesn't think that in the mat- powers by legal means if possible. " .;. , Phone or write A : ter of antisemitism "it does, although Both are Nationalist and both have there may be a desire on the part of attracted to their standards large numbers of various sections of the some of its followers that it should. Community, Right and Left, who are "Mr. Lewis is right," he says, "in disgruntled with political orthodoxy seeing certain similarities between ready ,to try a new experiment Hitlerism and Mosleyism. Where he and solve the National problem of goes wrong is that in his hurry to to the hour. ATlantic 1450 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. make use of Hitlerism to prove LewFinally, Melville says, there is the isism, he fondly imagines that this National-Socialism from which, as he avowed fact that in the creation of r the new Party Mosley was definiterightly 'sees it, both; Hitler and ly influenced by the phenomenon of ley take their derivation, is solely the

The Trend in Englan V




K iHKstorian s Analysis of Antisemitism in England

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Notes of

(Continued from Page 1.)

Hitler is going to attain supreme power in the Reich in March," Mr. Van Paassen said. "Chancellor Bruening told M. Pierre Laval on the, occasion of the former's visit to Paris that this must now be taken as an inevitability. But when that takes place there will not be any wholesale exoducs of the Jews from the Reich or a massacre, as some

serially observed by him while head of the Palestine Survey Commission's : Agricultural section, and stated that • the' Jewish achievements there deserve world recognition. Members of. Committee Tonight Among those who joined the AmerRev. Frank G. Smith, pastor of ican Palestine Committee at the May- the . First - Central Congregational flower hotel, gathering are: Senator church, will participate in a symWilliam "E. Borah, Chairman, For- posium with Rabbi Frederick Cohn - eign Relations Committee; Secretary this Friday evening at the regular of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde; services at Temple Israel at 8 p.m. Senators Walter F. George, GeoTRev. Smith will speak on the subgia; Robert F. Wagner, New York; ject, "If I Were a Jew.' Rabbi Cohn Tom Connally, Texas; Thomas J. -Walsh, Montana; Gerald P. Nye, N. will speak upon the subject, "If I • Dakota; Royal S. Copeland, New Were a Christian." Saturday Morning York; William H. King, Utah; Robert M. La Follette, Wisconsin; A. H. On Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn Vanderberg, Michigan; Thomas E. will deliver a sermon on "The SabWatson, Republican Majority Lead- ath of Song." er,. Indiana; Burton .K. Wheeler, Kaddish Montana; House Majority Leader, Kaddish will be.recited this SabHenry T. Rainey, Illinois; Congressbath for Minnie E. Spiesberger, Fanman J. Charles Linthicum, Maryland; .Chairman House Foreign Af- nie Spiesberger, J. L. Brandeis. Sisterhood Lecture fairs Committee, Paul John Kvale, The subject of the next lecture Minnesota; Carl R. Chindblom, Illinois; Luther A. Johnson, Texas; by Rabbi Cohn in the course being John Q. Tilson, Connecticut; Assist- given at the Blackstone hotel under ant Secretary of State James Graf- the auspices of the Temple Sisterton Rogers; Greene H - Hackworth, hood, to be held next Tuesday, Jan. Solicitor of the State Department; 26, at 10:30 a. m. will be "The PoJohn Lord O'Brien, Assistant U. S. sition of France." Mrs. M. L. Cohn Attorney - General; James Brown will be in charge. . S«ott, Director of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace; Congressman Ruth Bryan Owen, Florida; Miss Bess Goodykoontz, A s : By sistant Commissioner of Education; George A. Hastings, Secretary to Mrs. David M. Newman the President; Norman Hapgood; Dr. Elwood Mead, U. S. Commissioner Chocolate Souffle. " of Reclamation; Miss H. A. Schnurr Cook 1 cup milk, pinch of salt Assistant Commissioner of Reclamation, and K. A. Ryerson of the De- and 2 oz. bitter chocolate in double partment of Agriculture, and expert boiler. When hot add 2 level tableof the Joint Palestine Survey Com- spoons flour dissolved in milk." Cook 10 minutes. mission. Mix 4 level Tablespoons sugar, 4 level tablespoons butter, and yolks of 4 eggs together. Pour over chocolate mixture and cook 1 minute. When cold add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in a pan:placed in hot water until set, and serve with whipped cream. • • :

Kitchen Ghats

Organization News

Council of Jewish Women

. Whipped Cream Cake. 1-2 pint whipped cream. - T 2 eggs. '. 1 cup sugar. . ' l.i-2 cups flour, - ;. 2 teaspoons baking powder.' 1-2 teaspoon salt. ••*•'" 1 teaspoon vanilla" or lemon. • Whip cream very , stiff, idropi. in •whole eggs and ' stir' easily; - S i f t sugar 3 times and fold in. Sift floiir, salt and baking powder 4 times and fold in. : Flavor. Bake in a shallow loaf pan. .

"A" cabaret luncheon will be given on Monday, Jan.'25; at 1 o'clock at -the .Blackstone hotel honoring this year's . new members of the Council of Jewish Women. . - Dont miss this lovely party. There ijrai be a-delightful skit, tap dancing with clever dialogue, fancy dancing and a musical trio. Guests are welcome, and we particularly want our new members to come, as they are the honored guests of the day. . "..-•"... *' Make your ' reservations early with. home of Mrs.. Sam "Epstein, 1509 Mrs.J Dave Goldman, Glendale 2522 South 33d St., on Tuesday, afternoon, Jan. 26, at 2:30 p. m. ~ The charge will. be ?1 a person. * A board meeting of the Counci will be held the same day at the Blaekstone at 12 o'clock.

Hadassah Linen : Shower

Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club

The Ladies Labor Lyceum .club will'sponsor a lecture by -Miss Margaret. Fuller- on ..Tuesday, evening, . The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Jan. 26, that 8 p. m. at the"Labor will hold its annual linen . shower Lyceum, 22d and Clark. Admission next Wednesday, Jan: 27, at the J. is free. " - ' ' ' • - _ .' - • . C. C. Mrs'. J. J. Friedman, gen Miss Fuller's subject will be "Boy eral chairman, and Mrs. M. F. Lev-and Girl Relationship; the Boyenson, program chairman, have Crazed Girl and the Girl-Crazed worked untiringly to make this af- Boy." fair the finest of its kind. There will be a clever skit entitled, "Morning Becomes Hectic,' written by Mrs. Moses P. Epstein The next suppe»-lecture of thi The cast of characters includes Junior Society of the Conservative Hadassah President, Mrs. Clyd Synagogue scheduled for Monday Krasne; Amenda, the maid, Mrs. J. evening at the J. C. C. has been J. Friedman; husband, Mr. Abner cancelled, due to the illness of RabKaiman; daughter, Muriel Frank bi David Goldstein. son, Willard Friedman. Rabbi David Goldstein will speak on "The World's Greatest Love Story.'.' Selection-wil be offered by the musical trio con - Newly-elected officers of the A. Z. sisting of Miss Ann Ruback, pianist; A. chapter No. 100 were officially en Mr. Harry Robinson, violinist; Mr, installed at a meeting of the C tury Chapter last Sunday. Ralph Leonard Korney, violinist. Mrs. A. D. Frank and her as Nogg succeeded William Wolfe as prsident of the group. sistants .will serve tea. Arrangements have been made bj The affair will be held on thi Tegular meeting day and all mem the club . in regard to the district bers and their friends are urged t< tournament "of .the A. Z. A. to be attend. The linens are heeded mon held soon in Sioux City. Debate trythis fear than ever, so don't fail t outs will be held next Monday.' come' and bring your contributions Either linen or cash contributions will be equally welcome.

Junior Society

A. Z. A. No. 100

Alpha Gamma Mu

A meeting of this sorority will held .at. the J.. C. C., every othe Conservative Supper Thursday beginning Jan. 28, accord The next monthly supper to h ing to Rose Kelberg, president.

given by . the . Conservative Synagogue will.take place Tuesday,Jan 26, at 6 p. m.,"at the" Jewish Community Center. All members and their guests are cordially invited to attend this supper, which will be prepared and served by the Womens Auxiliary of New York—(J. T. A.)—Pierr< the synagogue. . Van ^Paassen, special corresponden Reservations may be made .with Mrs: B. A. Simon,"chairman of the of. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, committee in -charge. ' ... . arxxved m the United States for a The supper will be-followed b y ' a t W ^ mr O n J h 1 ^ t U r e t 0 U r V . a. program .in celebration of "Chamis- t-h M who has spen e p a' sVan t s e vPaassen, en ha Oser B!Shevat,'; the Jewish^ Arbor years abroad as ; ; «_.•n __--vr-_tiyL i:•;- newsrjarjer newspaper corresnondent." correspondent," anc arid yrh Day or New' Year' •'* of the•:mTrees, which is celebrated in Palestine this, has recently concluded a tour o: Germany for the Jewish Telegraphii1 month. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will give Agency, is of the opinion tha a review of "Job," the book by Jos- A.dolph Hitler will come into powei in March. This will not mean, how peh Roth.


ever, either a wholesale exodus of th( Jews or a massacre, he declared. Golden Hill "For .the moment the Hitlerite prop A regular meeting of the Golden agandists.are, toning down on the Hill Society will be held at the anti-Semitic part of the program

have expected. Hitler is going to crush the Jews economically, as his fellow nationalists have done in Poland. He plans to make proletarians out of the Jewish middle classes and drive them into the arms of revolutionary movements. When this comes about Hitler is ready to deal the Jews a final blow," Mr. Van Paassen stated.


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tional Fund and the Chalutsira Fund. honored by the Papal Academy of This decision is the first of its Science, "Accademia Pontificatia Dell kind in the history of the Kehillah, Scienze," for his philosophic study Warsaw. — The anti-Zionist tendand is contrary to all previous action of the "Mendel Theories." encies of _ the Agudath controlled with regard to Zionist subsidies. At the festive inaugural cereWarsaw Kehillah was made manimonies of the Academy, the Pope fest when the Kehillah Executive re- Jewish Scientist Honored by personally handed Professor Enrifused the Zionist motion to extend a Papal Academy • quez the award and in a short ad10,000 zloty subsidy to the Palestine Eome—Professor Enriquez of Pa- dress lauded the. achievements of Foundation Fund, the Jewish Nathe young Jewish scientist. dova, young Jewish scientist, was

Get Acquainted



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Warsaw Kehillah Refuses Zionist Subsidies

Art Robinson, proprietor and manager of the Nebraska Drapery and Slip Cover Company, 213 South Nineteenth street, is offering, as a special until March 1, free labor on the making of all draperies, curtains and slip covers. The Nebraska Drapery features the making by specific order of curtains, draperies and slip covers to meet every home need at low,; reasonable prices. Mr. Robinson points out that now is the most logical time to obtain draperies, curtains and slip covers for your home, as fabrics have never been as low in price as they are at the - present time nor have they ever been as beautiful in variety and color schemes. In their show rooms they have designs of every type, something to satisfy every taste. A feature which has gained great popularity and unusual success is the criss-cross drapery. In giving a tip to the housewives, Mr. Robinson states that the use of slip covers during the entire" year not only protects the new furniture from soil and wear but also gives a decided touch of dash and color and beauty to old furniture. "There is no home," he. points ont, "no matter how gorgeous or expensive it is, that is effective to the fullest extent of its beatffcywithout the proper curtains or draperies." . " Mr. Robinson -will be. very glad to show samples in your ~ home and give you an estimate without any obligation to you. •Just call Jackson 2048 for an appointment for any time—any day or evening1—at your convenience . '. . and find out how to beautify your home.



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you have your shoes the Bspssr C®. J. X» ERAUE, Prop

teis Farnnm St.

PAGE 4—*HE JEWISS BRESS, FREDAY, JANUARY 22,1982 berger . of the Memphis Hebrew letie endeavor. These clubs are sending to Tel Watchman. Aviv, despite a myriad of technical difficulties, Little Isaac was crying bitterly nearly two thousand Jewish athletes from the on one of the main streets of a big Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by city. His sobs soon brought a large four corners of the earth, including many interBy DAVID SCHWARTZ crowd about him. He was a miserTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY nationally famous athletes, as, for example, Danable looking little rascal and his SIOUX CITY OFFICE crying was loud and terrifying. An JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street iel Prenn, former captain of the German Davis INTERMARRIAGE elderly women stepped from the Cup tennis team; Dr. Ivan Osier, Danish Olympic The rate of intermarriages between crowd, and placing her arm around Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - $2.50 Fencing champion; Ely Katz, Finland's Olympic Jew and non-Jew in Russia is ter- the boy, asked sympathetically: By Advertising- rates furnished on application member, and the Messrs. Hecht, Soyker, Klein rific, Mr. Morris Waldman of the "What's the matter, my child, are RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN and Gottesman, championship tennis quartet of Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building American Jewish Committee tells me. you lost?" Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Czecho-Slovakia. Tryouts for the personnel of Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York The boy sobbed a moment and Whether you think that is a good then paused. He looked around at DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor the American team are being held in various thing or not, depends of course on FRANK R. ACKERMAN „ " - . - " | 4 i J o r parts of the country now. In Poland the Maccayour religious or racial view points. the large audience he had assembled. CHRISTIANS APPARENTLY GO among many of the children of Is- I do not set up as either a religious Then lifting his voice, he • shouted, FREDA BOLKER MILDER Society Editor bee organization is sending a one-hundred-man loudly: "Yes, Ma'am, I'm lost. Win to the defense of "The Merchant of rael, and place acquisitions of the FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent team, while strong representation will be had by Venice" because it supports their will imagination and spirit even higher teacher or biological expert, so I have somebody please take me home to Jacob Silberstein, the well known to imagine the Jew in a vicious light. than the accumulation of the hand no expert opinion to express. German, England, Australia and Egypt. In America, I should say that the clothier of the west end, who has LEADING THE WAY They must have continuous vindica- nd the business brain. melting process seems just a little just got in his winter stock of spring These Jewish Olympics will have a distinct tion of their instinctive desire to hold ; Of late, declarations from many and varied bit extra-hazardous, to use insurance overcoats, suits, neckties, shirts, hats the Jew in a position of inferiority. "Philosopher-at-Law" is the title sources regarding social injustices and inequali- moral and psychological value, in additional to They wish always to snap a whip over of a brilliant article by Joseph Per- phraseology. Of course, I offer this and umbrellas, which he will sell cheaper than anyone else in the city." ties have made the world keenly conscious of ex- the physical importance. It will give substance his head. The virtues of Shylock, even cival Pollard regarding the career of merely as an unexpert reflection. and life to the oft-repeated claim that a new type as Shakespeare drew him, are JewA SECOND VICTIM Judge Benjamin Cardozo. It is inisting conditions. The following extracts, howBRIDES AND CIRCLES his failings are human. We spiring to read these lines: "Born But take the recent case of Dr. Dr. Bloch, the big chief of the ever, are significant in that they constitute an of- of Jew is growing up, a Jew whose back is not ish; are dealing, however, not with a into the elite of American Jewry, Thomashefsky, son of the famous Jewish division of the New York ficial statement of the Central Conference of bent and whose soul is not shackled. It will add theory, but with a condition. whose ancestors, like Spinoza's, werte Jewish actor, Boris Thomashefsky. public library is a sort of national incalculable strength to the nationalism of the We Jews know that "The Merch- driven from Portugal by the Inquisi- You recall that as the result of the "Ask me another." Many are the American Rabbis: -. of Venice" incites non-Jewish iaon, he typifies most of the favor- little triangle, in which he was play- curious queries to which he is sup"Inequalities of wealth can find no moral Jew and will add a binding tie to unite Jewry the ant will; its teaching as a dominant able characteristics of his race. Like ing the central role, he was shot posed to know the answer. The world over. For once the athletes instead of bejustification when constructed on a foundation of part of the literature curriculum Spinoza, he believes that happiness and now lies paralyzed for life. other day, a non-Semitic reporter of exploitation resulting in poverty and want. We ing Poles, Frenchmen or Germans, will be pri- places at tension the relationships lies in the pursuit of Knowledge and; But there was a sequel to the the Bronx Home News approached Christian and Jewish stud- in the joy of understanding." story, which was never printed in the his rosrum with the question: "Why sympathize with measures to prevent private marily Jews. But, most thrilling of all, is the between ents. thought that Jewish athletes from everywhere "No one can say that the Sephar- newspapers. After the shooting, the does the bride circle the bridegroom monopoly. We regard all ownership as a social Jews have no opportunity to come dic strain in American Jewry is brother of another nurse visited the seven times at a Jewish wedding trust implying the responsibility of administra- will be vieing with other Jewish athletes in the to the defense of their people, ex- diminished in vigor -if it produces hospital. This visitor was a non- ceremony?" Jew, whose sister had married a tion for the good of all mankind. We maintain Jews' own homeland—without the dampening cept at great nervous cost. Teach- men like Judge Cardozo. Before the doctor could answer, his Jewish physician on the staff. The pretty assistant shot forth: "Sure, that the unrestrained and unlimited exercise of cloud of discrimination—for...the laurel wreath.-of ers, are or ought to be embarrassed, their interpretation of the play. J. M. DAIGER, WRITING IN Jewish physician and his non-Jewish don't you know, in order zu verdreprivate ownership without regard for social re- victory which shall go to the flower of Jewish in What would Rev. Buschmann say January Harper's on "The Bankers' brother-in-law got into a discussion hen ihr die kopf." The answer howspprtdom. sults is morally untenable." Calling for indusif the chief American novel taught Bankrupt World," illustrates the of the Thomashefsky case, the Jew- ever proved inadequate to the non« to public school pupils, including huge creditor position of the "United ish physician siding with Dr. Thom- Yiddish comprehending reporter. trial democracy, the statement brands as autoPresbyterian children, were Sinclair States in "this mortgaged and bank- ashefsky, and his non-Jewish broth- AN INGENIOUS cracy ,-ftie dictatorship of any class, capital or rupt world" with "the. 1931 version er-in-law arguing for the non-Jewish Lewis' '(Elmer Gantry?" labor, and states that the solution of the ills of Much harm, and no good can of an anecdote long familiar in the girl, who did the shooting. The dis- PROFESSOR They say it happened at the bethe present social order can be found "in the tricome out of the "teaching- of "The banking trade. A borrower, whom cussion ended with the brother-inginning of the semester in the Harlaw shooting the Jewish physician. for convenience we shall call a cloak Merchant • of Venice" in disproporumph of sound humanitarian principles which reTHEY ARE NOT JEWS So there are now two Jewish physi- vard Law school, in the class of a and suit merchant, goes to his bank tion to other plays in English litergard mankind as one. The worker who invests The Senatorial Investigating Committee The pound-of-flesh episode to ask an additional loan. 'But we cians at the hospital, lying in the certain Professor McCullough. his life's energies in a job and the welfare of cross-examining various international bankers re- ature. The prof had not yet gotten the the cry for revenge, the unnatural have let you have too much already, patients' ward. whose family depends on the successful niainte- garding their South American loans, has brought situations in "The Merchant" make the banker protests; 'you can't pay Which all goes to prove, that roll of students at the initiation of are all still a little too touchy his classes, and was in a quandary nance of the undertaking in which he is employed before that august body such names as J. & W. it difficult and objectionable literary what you owe now/ *Yes,' the cloak we and suit merchant agrees, 'I know on the question of race relations—in as to how to call on his students. material for impressionable youthful has inviolable rights, along with him who stakes Seligman & Company, Otto Kahn, of Kuhn, Loeb minds. Our young people can read that; but it was a terrible season— other words, there are still seeming- An idea finally struck him. his and his family's welfare on that industry & Co., Dillon, Read & Co. it for themselves, but they need not the prices went down on me, the ly many pitfalls to intermarriage. "Mr. Smith," he called out. dissect it in detai, unless we Jews trade fell off, the summer weather WHEN STALIN RAGED through the investment of capital." The exploitThere was no response. It is unfortunate that the average Gentile have constantly to broke prices in November, collecTalking about Russia, and who "Mr. Johnson," began again the ation of women in industry by giving them less reading the daily press reports is left with the correct,anits opportunity tions were slow—everything went isn't these days?—there is the story prof. falsities. than equal pay with men for equal work is con- impression that Otto Kahn and these other af- Rev. Buschman puts his pretentions wrong.* The banker, true to his told to me by Leo Glassman. No response again. demned, as is child labor. The adoption of such fluential gentlemen are Jews. Otto Kahn is a of Christian brotherliness to shame indurate character, is unmoved. It seems that one day the watch- "Well, this ought to get a replans which should provide for the formation of member of the board of a wealthy Episcopalian if he does not recognize a specific 'We've loaned you your limit and man guarding Tovarisch Stalin's sponse," said the prof as he shouted, situation, unrelated to other situa- more,' he says, 'and you know we quarters heard an uproar within. "Mr. Cohen." municipal, state and national sinking funds for church in New York. He is a thorough assimila- tions which may be analagous, but have to be careful/ The cloak and It did—five of them. Satin's voice was booming like a unemployed is also urged. Further, in connection tionist as are the other affluential gentlemen men- are not parallel. . Every city in the suit merchant is pensive for a mom- couple of cannons. The guard lis country should banish' "The Merch ent, then realizes that the appeal is tened and he heard Stalin giving HATS AND JEWS with its program of social justice, the Conference tioned above. : As one might have expected, it ant of Venice" from its text-books, hopeless. *Have you ever been in Hail Columbia. has given official recognition of the importance of It is unfortunate that we have no way of not because we Jews do not wish the cloak and suit business?' he someone appears that the rage for the Em"You offspring of a pup," shouted press Eugenie intelligent birth control, because the Conference saying to the world, "Don't blame us. These men utmost freedom of thought, but be- suddenly asks. 'No,' replies the Satin—"you hats is all due td a crook, you insect, you Jew—none other than Irv Straus, banker, disdainfully. 'No,' rejoins is "keenly aware of the many serious evils caused are not Jews." cause we know from bitter hardships blankety-blank, .blank blank-—you i; f publicity exploiter. . ... • ; the hapless and nowdesperate felthe sufferings it^rings to Jews a; ought to be torn from limb to limb. by a lack of birth regulation among those who by We Jews DO safferfpt the mistakes of these individuals It appears that Straus was bel W ' it and to the Jewish people You should go to.'the earfli. You reason of lack of health, or pf a reasonable meas- assimflationists. /We have irij&$vpastkiaq.d shall as a whole. should catch the cholera- Someone sought by Harry Glemby, a maim* ure of economic resources or.. of; intelligence, or: undoubtedly in the future. It wis Otto^KabJi's Christians,, betray their bias and facturer of hair nets, who complained ALEXANDRE TANSMAN, COM- ought to give you a sock in the eye— that the hair net business had so two socks on your feet. You should of all of these, are prevented froni giving to their church board that turned down a prominent ill-will if they insist, becuase they positeur polonais" is the title of a shot at sunrise—well, anyway, not fallen off that the net from the hair children that worthy heritage to which all child- 'Jew" who wished to join their Episcopalian are in the majority 4n pouring into brochure by Irving Schwerke, giving be net business was almost nought, to later than noon." the minds of their children the poibiography and works of a* disren are entitled^" . be slightly alliterative. church. The latter was informed, "We have our son which emanates from Shake- the So it went on terrifically, furioustinguished young composer and "conStraus had an idea. He got in ly. The. guard stood quivering, as speare's cruel, unjust and lying porquota of Jews." . cert-propagandist." Mr. Taiisman, we ; We care not whether one agrees in entirety touch with a French milliner to deStalin's fury was let loose. trayal of the Jew. learn from a review in "The AmeriA. national Jewish radio hour, conducted by with the views expressed by the Central ConferThe guard's cariosity was aroused sign a hat which would show as Mercury" is a "young Polish Jew the American Jewish committee or the American DR. HERBERT, L. WILLETT can ence of American Rabbis. What we are especialestablished in Paris," who won both Who was this that was getting al] much hair as possible. The Eugenie abuse? He pepped through th hat was the result, and now Glemly interested in is the fact that our rabbis are Jewish Congress should be sponsored to tell the promises for publication soon, "Th the first and second prizes in the this Jew Through the Centuries," where- national competition for composers door. There was nobody but Stalin. by is netting again. American people that we Jews are not responawakening to the vital factor the synagogue and in he professes to prove conclusively while still in the Polish army as a He entered. "Tovarish Stalin," he ONLY EIGHTY-FIVE said, "you sure are giving that man MILLIONS? temple should be in the formulation of social so- sible for the Kahns and their ilk. that the "Hebrew of history and volunteer in 1919. f what he deserved. There is no mincthe "modern Jew' have as little in They are Christians.—B'nai Brith Messenger. . lutions to the problems of the day. All too long M. Tansman is a Jew, but he is ing of words there. But where is From the New York Sun: "Junior •common racially as has the modern described as a "Polish composer." the man?" • our churches and synagogues have shirked their Hadassah expends the sum of $5,Italian with the Roman of Caesar's What have our anti-Semites to offer 000,000 for its responsibilities in responsibilities in being the forerunners and in- EXCLUSIVENESS IN COLLEGE time." : "You idiot," shouted Stalin at him, by way of comment upon this? Are Palestine, this budget being raised stigators of social reform and progress. Truth . This book will be interesting to they not opposed to the representa- "don't you know that every good annually by ten thousand young FRATERNITIES Russian must set aside ten minutes watch and analyze when it appears. tion of Polish fame in the new music moves forward, is progressive, and that is why Jewish women, who, in this way, In his remarks relative to abolishing Wom- Dr. Willett's manuscript is doubt- by a day for self-criticism?" a Jew? contribute toward the rehabilitation we rejoice that the Central Conference of Amer- en's Fraternities, as now conducted in the leading- less completed, biit we recommend GOOD, MILT—COME AGAIN ican Rabbis so vigorously voices our religion's de- Colleges of the country, Dr. Frank Aydelotte has caution to him. His thesis may not HELENE MAGARET, WRITING Credit this one to Milton W. Gold (Continued on Page 8.) mand for justice and equality. In this way, they touched upon one of the most vulnerable spots in be true, and if, true, what of it ? in the January "Forum" on "The Have not the traditions, ideals and Negro Fad" has these opinions to can deepen the inner meaning of our religion and the life of our student youth. Doubtless the spirit aspirations of Israel remained in offer, after speaking of the Negro onee again hear aloft the banner of truth and ver- that animated the founders of College Fratern- concordance with those of the past? renaissance in this country: "A We shall wait, however, until Dr. ity and of social progress, and become visionaries ities in.this and other countries was wholesome. similar Jewish Renaissance would be Willett's book is at our table. impossible. America is too well acof the future. With few exceptions, these Fraternities have with her Jewish citizens to wandered far afield. Exclusiveness, social caste, WILLIAM ROTHENSTEIN IN quainted Overcoat Headquarters Offers a believe that any prosperous merchant the January "Atlantic" writing on as well as other forms of snobbery, not to mention suffers from the pangs of medeival JEWISH OLYMPICS Remarkable Selling of "Post-Impression" j gives an in- persecution, and too familiar with Physical fitness, it is now generally conceded, prejudices ascribable to other weaknesses in hu- tensively graphic account of Jacob Jewish Startling Values! vices and virtues to sentistimulates the development of a healthy mind. man society, have taken hold, with the result that Epstein, the worltj-renowned sculp- mentalize the Orthodox Synagogue Men s an tor. We learn that Bernard Shaw beyond reason. Consequently, our TJie alertness and vitality of the Jewish mind has any possible good is overwhelmingly lost; and was ' ^ Young Men's interested in the sculptor during writers are far more honest become proverbial, but the average individual students of college life are seriously considering his year of youthful struggle: that Jewish than our Negroes. They present to his parents were opposed to his de- us real people with real emotions, thinks of the Jew as of inferior physique and whether they should not be eliminated entirely. Dr. Aydelotte's stand will be supported by termination to become an artist. instead of imaginary ones. Yet one body. He thinks in terms of ghetto walls with Epstein wished to work in Eurwould not commit the error of trying liberal-minded America. This distinguished the Jew handicapped, by their cramped, shackled ope, and "somehow" managed to go to identify the Jewish population with scholar and educator did well to speak frankly on living; somehow in the back of his cerebral cells there. Mr. Rothenstein narrates that the Swedes of Minnesota. There are lurks the memory that the Jew was not heard of the subject. This evil is common to all Ameri- he approached a Jewish society and recognized differences between all In One Great Grouo ,them to help the young races, but they are differences of in the medieval jousts or tournaments, and was can colleges and universities, and Swarthmore persauded Epstein; with further small contri- degree more often than of kind." College, of which Dr. Aydelotte is President, is no butions barred from the noble hunt. he was able to live and work It may be true that among negroes * But the average individual fails to take into exception. If Dr. Aydelotte can find a solution to for two years. the "plantation myth" is being rea small sned for a studio, vived, and that Jews are more grand account the rapid rise of the Jewish meteor to this vexing problem his contribution will be of he"With began to model Rodinesque fig- in the portrayal of living1 types toinestimable value to the youth of the country.— athletic stardom. In every sport on the majority ures, wanting in form, I thought, day. But -what of "The Rise of the $ £ ? f ? B° V^preciate. high quality overcoats and who of varsity teams can be found a Jewish stellar Jewish Times. but with a strange and uncouth Goldbergs" on the air; Milt Gross' th& «ll£? e « 0 D e ? i . i n t h e u r o v e r c°at buying will find power. "What you say about my s selling &ny offers the opportunity they have been look"Nize Baby," Potash and Perlmutter; sport performer. Though the Jews are a small work is true,' Epstein said, 'but do "Abie's Irish Rose" and the likeonnV 15W d umen c annW«se to advantage a new storm HEBREW CALENDAR minority, their athletic stars are disproportionHh? w l «. * f d r e s s - wercoat-you're justinot think that I am satisfied with Doubtless Miss Magaret would call in buying both in this selling. ately numerous in the athletic diadem. But the *Rosh Chodesh Adar _ _ Monday, Feb. 8 what I have done myself. I know them realistic folk literature of the its faults and if a regard for permost concrete evidence of the Jewish prowess in *Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar times, and would find in them no Wednesday, Mar. 9 THE MATERIALS form makes an artist a classi- trace of medievaldom. 1 y at trsctive sportdom is being concentrated into the first Purim rkh ft!S? ' specially woven overcoatings in — Tuesday, Mar. 22 fect f cist, I am a classicist of the Classie 8 m a n y WOt£ted back fabrics includ But it is a mistake to generalize fa?r n ^ ~ Jewish Olympics, scheduled for the latter part Rosh Chodesh Nissan . ,_ Thursday, Apr. 7 cists. " too rapidly concerning the psychology . Thursday, Apr. 21 Epstein has always been a stormy of even the "prosperous merchant" of March in the all-Jewish city of Tel-Aviv. Two 1st Day Passover _ Thursday, Apr. 27 petrel of art, but he is one of the of American Jewry. The "pangs of THE STYLES „ decades ago a Jewish Olympiad would have been 7th Day Passover . fo spiritual ^assets of modern persecution" are oftentimes more 5 1? e s s ^ esr —Storm Over0 0 8 Overcoats—Utility 1 Saturday, May 7 greatest a wild dream; two months hence the world's *Rosh Chodesh Iyar Israeli' Our Jewish Maecenases acute among sensitive contemporary f S & S S ? ^ ^r^ ""*" ^"t Col lar i, sport binoculars will be foccussed upon: the ^all- LagB'Omer „ __ Tuesday, May 24 should never hesitate to encourage Jews, however hardened by the comVast S d S t a S f " S t y l e s - F u I 1 Se^ed and Half Belt. ; Jewish w lid games. .. \ : •: \ ...Bosh Chodesh Sivan L Sunday, June 5 Jewish Musicians, for from them petition of business, than among their emerge an Ernest Bloch. They forbears. L The Jewish Olympiad is being sponsored by Shabuoth _ _ Friday, June 10 may SEE OUR GREAT CORNER : \ T 1 N D O F D 1 S P L A Y TODAY should aid Jewish artists and sculp- The adjusted Jew not only rn»sx the Maccabee World Union. In addition to stres- 'Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. Tuesday, July 5 tors, for from them may come forth bear the sting of prejudice, but also The Aebmska Does Not Quote Comparative Prices sing the par excellence of the athletic perform- F a s t of T a m m u z ••••••.._•-• «.' Thursday, July 21 a Jacob Epstein. Our "philosophers, his disapointment at discovering that and other creative spirits are "good-will movements" have not been Wednesday, Aug. 3 poets, ances of our youth, it will help call attention to Rosh Chodesh Ab . , the brightest jewels in the diadem a profitable investment in the allevia_ Thursday, Aug. 11 of our people. the remarkable development being attained by Fast of Ab tion of annoyances. "Myths" persist ..,,„ Friday, Sept 2 Those who have the means where- even today, and it is harder to lay Maccabee clubs in'the various foreign countries. *Rosh Chodesh Ellul ghosts of the past because they __ Saturday, Oct. 1 with to free from financial worrie the In many, the Maccabees have earned the utmost Rosh Hashanah , these gifted persons, should not b have no substantive reality than to respect of opponents by leaving in their wake a All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre- niggardly in their help. We must wreck a skyscraper of stone and FOE MEN AND WOMKN long trail of defeated teams in every field of ath- ceding secuiar day. not waste the genius which appears steel.


Telling It InGATH

By the Way

From Contemporary Pens




SETS WEDDING DATE Miss Charlotte Heyn, daughter of Mrs. Siegfried Heyn, has set Feb. 2 a s the date of her -wedding to Sanders Steinbach, son of Mrs. Mina Steinbach of Omaha, formerly of St. Louis. Miss Rita Mantel will entertain at luncheon at her home on Saturday to honor Miss Heyn. That same evening Miss Madeleine Cohn "will be hostess to 12 guests a t the dinner dance at the Fontenelle hotel in honor of Miss Heyn.

FOR MISS MEYEESON Miss Mildred Meyerson of Council Bluffs, whose marriage to Leon Frankel of Omaha will take place late this month, was honored on Wednesday when Mrs. Ben Gershun entertained 35 'guests at a bridgeluncheon at the Fontenelle hotel. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. D. Gerber announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Gertrude Gerber, to Jack Levey, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey, of this city. No date has been set for the marriage. EDITH LEWIS WEDS The marriage of Miss Edith Lewis, daughter of Mrs. Anna Lewis, and ""Abe Krantz, son of Israel Krantz, was solemnized at 6 o'clock Sunday evening at the bride's home with Rabbi N. Feldman officiating. Following the wedding there was a reception at which the Misses Ann Eahn. Zelda Bush, Sara and Eva Taub, and Bertha Slutzkin asssited. The bride's gown was of Spanish tile, ankle length made with short beige lace sleeves. She wore a metalic hat, beige lace mitts and tile pumps. Her bouquet was of butterfly roses. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberg of Beatrice, and Mr and Mrs. Max Grossman and Mrs. Isadore Segal of St. Louis. BAN-SPIEGAL NUPTIALS At 7 o'clock Sunday evening, Jan. 24, Miss Bertha Ban, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ban, will become the bride of Richard H. Spiegal,



son of Mrs. B. Spiegal of this city. The ceremony 'will be solemnized at the B'nai Israel synagogue, with Rabbi N. Feldman officiating. After the wedding a reception and dance will follow at the Hotel Conant. After a two week trip to Chicago the couple will make their home at 818 North Forty-ninth avenue. Mr. Spiegal is connected with GoodmanMeyersons of South Omaha. Miss Ban has been honored at a number of affairs. Mrs. B. Spiegal, mother of the groom, entertained at luncheon for 20 guests at her home. Mrs. M. Wintroub entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon Tuesday afternoon, and Mrs. Joseph. Ban honored Miss Ban at ' » bridge luncheon "Wednesday.

daughter as matron of honor, and' Miss Zona Zalinsky, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Misses Eva Bogdanoff, Jeanette Baron, Esther Bernstein, Boslyne Nider and Eose Wilfson. Isadore Bogdanoff served bis brother as best man, and groomsmen were Isadore Zalinsky, Sam Schwartz, Morris Dzckstein, Carl Bernstein, and Sidney* Katleman. Little Sidney Willins •was* ring bearer and Betty and Eose Chartman were flower girls. They wore dainty crepe frocks. A dinner and dance for 200 guests followed the ceremony. Out-of-town guests were the Misses Eose Wilfson and Sylvia Parilman and Ben Stein, Joe Bernstein, Sam Schwartz, Sidney Katleman and Morris Parilman, all of Omaha; Miss Edith Baron of Council Bluffs, Miss Fanny Turick, Quisquaha, la.; Morris Lysen, Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon and family of St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bogdanoff will reside at 1911 Clark, Omaha.


Fine Quality

Coats andDresses

MRS. LTTTAU LEAVES ^Mrs. Joseph Littau, professionally known as Beatrice Belkin, has returned to New York City for concert engagements, after a month spent here with Mr. littau. She returns here in April to sing with the Omaha Symphony orchestra.

SHOWER Mrs. Jade Lincoln will give a miscellaneous shower Thursday, January 28, at her home, 3836 California, between 2 and 5 p. ECU, honoring Miss Rona Lincoln, whose engagement to Joe Horwich of Cbicago~was recently announced. Friends and relatives ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT are cordially invited. BENEFIT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hurwitz Mrs. Sam Altsuler entertained five announce the engagement of their RECEPTION tables of bridge at a benefit party Mrs. Mary Winer i s honoring Mr. for the iTnrfaiaqatt on Wednesday afdaughter, Ethel, to Irving Brookstem, son of Mr. Meyer Brookstein. and Mrs. Ben Friedman, who were ternoon, Jan. 13. ' No date has been set for the wed- recently married, at a reception Sunday evening, Jan. 24, from 7 until SOCIAL NOTES ding. 10 o'clock at the home of M f ^ a Hiss Kate Arlene Goldstein of New Mrs. Horace Rosenbmm, 327 North York City has arrived to spend two BOGDANOFF-ZALINSKY Thirty-fifth avenue. Mrs. Friedman -weeks -with her parents, Mr. and WEDDING Mrs. L D. Goldstein. The wedding of Miss Clara Zal- was formerly Miss Clara Winer. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. insky, daughter of Mrs. Esther ZalDr. M. L Gordon departed last insky, and Abraham J. Bogdanoff, Simon Whitebook, Mrs. Horace, Rosson of Mr. and Mrs. William Bog- enblum, Mrs. Sam Winer, Mrs. Harry week for Chicago, where he attended danoff, took place Sunday, Jan. 3. Winer, Mrs. Jack Joseph and HEss a mid-winter meeting and clinic at Rona Friedman. the Chicago Dental .society. in Kansas City. ' No cards are being issued. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Sam Snyder has left for a Miss Sylvia Parilman, pianist, and brief visit to Philadelphia. BRILLIANT DINNER PARTY Miss Sally Gershon, violinist. The bride, who was given in mar- Mrs. Morris Levy and Mr. and After convalescing at his home for riage by her sister and brother-in- Mrs. William L. Holzman entertained law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fingersh, 50 guests at a beautifully appointed the past three weeks, Harry Braviroff wore a princess gown of satin and duchess lace. Her tulle veil fell from a cap trimmed with seed pearls and rhinestones. She carried an arm Omaha's Style Center. bouquet of brides roses and lIDies of the valley. Mrs. E. Zalinsky attended her

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dinner at the Blackstone hotel Sat- returned to his studio on Friday of formerly Miss Reva* Noddle of this who was confirmed. He delivered a urday evening, honoring Mr. and last week to resume his piano teach- city. speech appropriate for the occasion. Mrs. Jonas Weil of Lexington, Ky., ing. " who arrived Saturday morning to be Miss Elsie Eiseman has just reDave Greenberg i s convalescing a t the guests of their son-in-law and Dr. Herman M. Jahr turned after a two-week visit with the Methodist hospital, following a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Holz- "Child Psychology** s t a luncheon of friends and relatives in Sioux City. major operation. man. the Omaha district auxiliary at the The tables were decorated with THT club Monday. Mrs. E. M. ZalMn entertained SunMr. and Mrs. MCT Arbitnian entercenterpieces of snapdragons and yeltained 50 guests at a dinner Sunday day afternoon for Miss Rose Wilfson, low jonquils, and lighted by candles. Mrs. Anna, Dobrin «f Minneapolis evening in honor of their son, Morris, a bride-to-be. Dinner was followed by bridge. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. JT. ^T "EVrmm and Dr. E m a n . WINONA WINSTON HONORED - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein enMrs. B. Spiegal has as her guest tertained at dinner at their home Fri- this -week Miss Estelle Bait of Chiday evening to honor their niece, cago, who is to serve as a. bridesWinona Winstein, former Omaha girl maid to Miss Bertha Ban this SonSIXTEENTH AT FARNAM who was the feature dancer in day evening, Jan. 24. "Crazy Quilt." Mrs. Max Fromkin was a luncheon WT_ And Mrs. William Greeostem hostess at the Fontenelle hotel Sat- of Belleville, DL, arrived this week urday for Miss Winston. That eve- for a ten-day visit here with Mrs. ning Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin Greenstein's. parents, "MV- and Mrs. entertained 10 guests at dinner at Hyman Noddle. Mrs. Greensteinwas their home and six guests at the Fontenelle supper-dance in her honor.

Values from $15 to $39J5 Offered in Three Groups



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Foundation Garments Styled for the Modern Woman by Venus The smart touch which completes your costume and really makes it a success is often the correct choice of a corset. Insure the perfection of your foundation wear and choose a Venus - with additional smartness. 9304—Combination of pink Baronette satin with fine all-over lace bust section. This is made on youthful lines for the slender and average figure.


Light Muskrats-Dark Muskrats — Ombre Muskrats — Ponys — Caracul — Lapfn and Northern Seals . . . THAT HAVE BEEN. REGULARLY SELLING UP TO $150M—TO CLEAR MONDAY* AT THIS SACRIFICE PRICE.

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' -''V

A BACKGROUND OF SKYSCRAPERS AGAINST THE FLOOD-rThis picture was taken from the flooded section of West Monroe, La., looking across the swollen Ouachita river toward Monroe's skyline towering above the turbulent, stream.

HIGH HAT—Although her ancestor? did their swinging from branches of the trees in the jungle, Messie, of the Bronx Park zoo, New York, says she prefers the higher branches of the tree of learn-; ing,- She is high-hatting all her friends at the zoo by reading the latest novel.

FAIR SAILORETTES—Miss Ann Swanson, left, of Chicago, and Miss Jewell Watkins of New York go a-sailing on Bis* cayne bay, Miami Beach, Fla., as the yachting season opens.

ADOPTS OSTRICHES —Noting the success of his master, John Bybec, at raising ostriches on his farm near Los Angeles, Cal., "Teddy," Bybee's dog, has decided to go into the business himself. He is shown with a pair of weekold ostriches which he has adopted.

MAKES WAY FOR PBOGRESS—Government improvements in Washington, D. O, necessitate" the removal of this prize redwood tree hear the Department of Agriculture building. For 40 years the tree, i which was 38 feet in diameter, looked down upon thousands pf tourists..

VOLCANO ACTIVE 'ONCE MORE—Excitement ran high in Hilo, Hawaii, when news spread that Kilauea, world's largest volcano, was active again after many years. Above, the cameraman gives you an idea what the volcano looksjike .whenJt sends forth clouds of steam and bubbling lava. -a.

-• ± •/-* r»-~ ;>< s ;^r ^


IN HIS NEW OFFICE—Secretary of Commerce Robert P. Lamont is photographed for the first time in his new office to the recently completed Department of Commerce build* ings—one of the great new structures in the national

STILL RUNS AFTER THIRTY YEARS—Fred Wright, young Tennessee mountaineer, surprised the Los Angeles license bureau recently when he applied for a license for his 1902 automobile. Wright drove from Tennessee to Los Angeles in three weeks and he intends driving to New York. He is shown above wittthis "antique."

ANOTHER MEMBER ADDED TO ROOSEVELT FAMILY—Above we see the bridal party ©* Miss Elizabeth Browning Donner, popular young society girl, and Elliott Roosevelt, son of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, immediately after their wedding at Bryn Mawr, P».' Left to right are the Governor and Mrs. Roosevelt, the newly wedded Mr. and. Mrs. Elliot* Roosevelt, Mrs. William H. Donner, Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of the governor,vand.Mr, William H. Donner.

> t

- PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22,1932 Toe objects for -which this r«rtion of Dr. Goldi's works on bac-Omttha. poration is formed lire, iti mflintniii utid teriology. operate a market ior the purchase, sale,

Matinee Daiice Sunday

died' lenvinp no last will nnd t>ra\ins for jidminislrnt ion upon Iiis osii:te. iinii that a hearing will lie lind on said petatioir before said court on the lith day o£ February, V.W1. ami that if they fail to appear at Rsiid Court on I lie sai<I ffth dny of Fetfrnarj-. I«32. -nt !> o'l-lock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may prant the same unt\ grant iidminictrntioB of said estate to Ahrnhiini U. Alpirn or

delivery, disposition and •denliug 4», at MOXSKY, GROD1XSKT & TvhoJesali and retail, either or lioth. of nil and every kind and vnriety of food supplies and. kindred products ; and coramod-' • 737 Omaha Kati Bank B i d e : ' . ities; to [acquire?, hold,; lease, alieiiate, enXOTICE BV PtBLICATlOJT ON PETI- enmber and othen\'ise dispose of real esTION FOB SKTTXKSCEN'r OF TJXAI* tate or any interest or estate in the same, to the extent- necessary Jn the operation some other suitable persou and proc<>od to AliMlXISTBATlOST ACCOUNT. • l a the County Court of Douglas County, of its biiBJness, and to horrotr mofiey and a settlement thereof. execute evidences of indebtedness therefor. lillYCE CltA\VFOlU>. »HM«>>«M»M KebrasKa.' ' iZZSX -ln> the Matter of the • Estate a! Barry The uutkorized capital stock is ftO.OOU.UO. C'otinfj" : all of whieh shall l»e common stock and 1-15-31-St. Tnrek, deceased: • • Door prizes -!will be git&i ^ at^ itiie Newark, Grand Secretary of the Or- dance. ; A ; popular" 'orchestra,.-; will ••• Alt persons interested in said mutter are when issued shall t>e fully paid mid non- SHOTWEtL, MOSKKY, ihereby notified that on the lfcith day Of assessable. The corporation shall com1 and VANCE der Sons of Zion, who became chief «......-.-»*•>', iaa2, Louis Tuiet filed a p peti- inence bnsineSs upon the filing of the * s ; Oraatia » f 1 Rank Eflilg. Articles of lacorperation in the office of clerkf of the assembly, and Mjlton furnisiuthe; inusiCi..?,. < ' •: 1^ >• • • tion iin safca County Court; JJOTICE-OF AMMIX1STRATIOV sa C y ; p y g : th»t the County Clerk of Douglas Comity, Ne- • In the County Court of Douglas County, bi f l administration d i i t i bis final accotfnt filed jlterelt iKatz of Woodbine, clerk to the Combraska, njnd shall continue until Jannnry in be settled and nllo-wed, and that be lie Nebraska. ' • . mittee on: approved bills. Elmer E. Zeitung,: and declared ''tftst under discharged from i t s trust as-exeouttir and 1st, lSoS. Its highest jwnount of indebted- ^'3n the. mutter of ihe estate of Abraham ness shall not exceed' two-thirds of i t s L- Kutofcitfsky, Deceased. :;.:. Candle lighting time, Friday^evethe; Constitution all Gerj&ns !are "that:a bearing will be had on said i»etitiou Brcwrn * of Cartexet "was sworn in as' •beioie ^aid Court on the 13th' day of capital stock. The ftftairs of the trorpora- • All pfersotiK intpresteil in snid estate nre , - ^ ;r Los Angeles—Professor Albert Ein- majority - leader and Assemblyman equa| i befrarethfe '3&w, ianfliiKkt; Ger- ning, Jan. 22, 4:42. l•^eb^ua^y. 1932, and that if j-pu tail to ap- tien shall be administered by a Board of hereby notified that a petitioii has been pear before said C»Qrt on t i e said lath Uirectors, trhich, unless otherwise fixed by filed m snid Court nlWgivg that BH»<\ destein will shortly announce a new and Hood of Newark, will be the leader manism; :meaas German •; citizenship." d f i'eUruary, t ' U f <lay of 1932, at 9 o'cteci A.M M., the by-laws' shall l>e two in number, who ceased died leaving JIO lurt will and prnyThe Nazi constitution," the • court ; Rabbi Herbert Parzen of the Aha-; simplified form of his Unified Field of the Essex County representation and contest said petition, tBe «2ourt may fehall be elected at the annual meeting to i n s for administration upon his estate, grant the prayer of said petition, enter a be i e l d on the second Wednesday in Jan- and that a benring will be hnd on said Theory, states the Los Angeles "Ex- which numbers 12 and is the largest stated, conflicts w i t h / t i ^ "German i a i Sholom Conservative synagogue decree of heirship. and make such other nary of each year. The Board shall elect petition before onid court on "the tfth day aminer" in a copyrighted story. in the state. There are in addition constitution and is dividing the Ger-~at PortlaAdj! Ore., will occupy the and further orders, allowances and de- from this number a President, Vice-I'rasi- of February, 1032. and that if they fnil mans into nationalities. '•-'•. pulpit -of - the Conservative syha- crees, uo to this ^ourt may seem proper, dent. Secretary and Treasurer. The Arti- to appear at said Court on the snid Oth The paper says that the announce- two other Jewish Assemblymen, Sid! the end that all matters pertaining to cles of Incorporation may be amended at day of February, 3!>32, at I) o'clock A. M. ? ^ • = i ;gogue. ; His subject was 'The Role to ment will be made at the California ney Simandl of Newark and Joseph Dying E m b e r s said estate may l>e finally settled and de- any regular meeting of the stockholders to contest said petition, the Court may of the Past in Jewish Life.' termined. Madrid. • •— The projected *epara.or nt aay specinl meetinp called for that prant the same and pi-'.nt ndmlniBtratlon Institute of Technology. Altman of Atlantic City. purpose, after 30 days notice of such pro- of said estate to J. Harry Knlakofsky and BKXCE CRAWFORD; tion of the Jews by the Spanisn reposed amendment in writing has been lleuben W. Natelson or some other suitl-22-32-3tCounty Judge. public will lead to the revival; of . The next monthly supper to be mailed to all stockholders and upon a vote nble person and proceed to a settlement tof the owners of two-thirds of the capital thereof. , KAAB, Att»rwy. Los Angeles—Aliens in the employ medieval race natred, "El Sigfc* "Fur given by the Conservative Synastock. The corporation shall have a seal. BRTCE CRAWFORD. 1058 City Karl Bask Btdc. Richmond, Va.—Fifteen per cent of of the city school district are being tur," Catholic organ published'here, gogue will be held Tuesday, Jan. 26 Dated October 23rd. 1931. County Judge. l-I3-31-3t. the students registered in the Insti- discharged from service and replaced MOKRIS ROSOFP, NOTICE OF PROBATE : at 6 p. m. at the J. C. C. t h r e a t e n s . , : " • •-• '•-'•. JACOB KOSOFP. In the County Court of L>oitglas County, tute of Jewish Studies in Richmond with citizens, in accord with a section JACK W. IK.1RKR, Attorney. l-22-32-4t. Challenging the Liberal^;«pi?ess '-! Reservations :may be made - with Nebraska. • Caunty Coart Hoiiw, CUr are Christians, it was disclosed here of the California code, which bars Iu tlie Matter of the Estate of Theodore Mjrd. • E. A. : Simon, chairman. The In the bounty Court of Douglns County, whieh favors the" return of• tfiie J e ; FRADENBIEG, STALMASTEE * BEBEK NeitrnskH. Rudolf Keese. Deceased. by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch, a direc- aliens from public service. :• . supperj .will 'be followed by an inter- All perso.-ti interesled in said estate are CStt Omaha. National Bask Bids. In the Matter of f i e Adoption of Evelyn tor of the Institute. ; The only exemptions, are :for per-to Spain, the Cathplie^rsaa]Sedar^s testing: program-;:; J ! ' • ; ;.-.''• hereby noiuiml that a petition has been CuUen, Minor. fil<jd in Eaid <^urt, praying for tlie j>ro- UOTICE BT rTTBI-ICATlOJr OJf I»ETI- To all persons interested in the above enThe Institute of Jewish -Studies sons who have declared their intention "that the government:; shdujdj adherfi baCt> of a certain instrument now on file TIOV FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL titled matter: conducts classes in Hebrew, History to become.citizens, provided naturaliz- to the wise decision of iiHel gltt-ioiis in isaiil Court, purporting to be toe;last : AIHBXNISTBATIOS AXXKMPNT Tou are hereby notified tbnt on the Wth Court «f Pouglas County, day of January, 1032, a "petition was filed and Bible with special lectures on re- ation is obtained withia six months Catholic King who save^:" Spain; by ' T h e regular sujjper-lecture of thewit! and testament of eaid de<.-e:ised,; aad i IR Che County : a hearing will be bad on sliid petitf«n K e U r a S f c f l i : - - ' ' ' : •" *.'•'•' ' •' ' ; ••:••• Society : of. the Omservative that iu thiB Court by Mary Sallander. a pesilated subjects. . :; of the time permitted by law. A expMling the Jews.!' -. - ;H ; - Junior beaore said Coort on the -13th day-. *>f In O>e matter of -the estate of Emannel fteiit «{ Douglas County. NebraBkn, v™?Synagogue,. schednled .for Monday has February, 1832, and tnat if they fail, to Vaks, Deceased: io^ fot 'tKe 'Adoption of RA!<\ minor, and woman citizen who is married to an appear at suid Court on tine Enid 13th dsy : A)l persons interested in said matter fare the eoiiseut theivto of Jock W. Marer the heen postponed. ' v-a , / ; of Fehrnory, 1»32, at 9 o"cloct A. Mgr t o•Hereby notified that on the 7th day of legal giiarfltau si snid minor was filed on Portland, Oregon—In a public hear- alien may also be given employment. H e a d . : , : , . ::.--'-.. '•• . Vj eontest the probate ot said wHt, t i e Gouri January, 1032, Sam Beber filed a petition the same date": that n henrinc will be Irtjndon.—rA.-. M. Hyamson^..director ing before 2,000 .people in the Munmy allow and probate said will'and grant in said Connty Court, prayintr that his hnd on said petition for adoption before Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns, administration of t h e Department of Jjmnjgi'&tion of said «etate to Hans F. final administration account filed herein sni<l -Court «n the 20tn dny ot January, nicipal Auditorium of Portland, Rabbi and will shortly resign his presnet Reese, Val J. Peter and Marshall DiDou be settled and allowed, and that he be 1932, at » o'clock A. M., In the Comity of the f Palestine \gpyernmefct, h a s Henry J. Berkowitz sat as arbitrator or some other suitable person and proceed discharced from his trust ns executor nnd Conrt Itoom of Douirlns County, Nebraska, been appointed-. secretary., of l i e post to assume his new duties. to a settlement thereof. that a hearing will be had on said peti- and - unless yo» oj>)K>»r at eaid time nnd in the dispute over €he 1932 price of Jerusalem.—The resignation of Dition before said Court on the 8th day of place and contest sjiid petition, the Cnurt BEXCE CRAWFORD. Board of AnglonJcwisii, Deputies, the milk to the farmers of the state. February, 1932, and that if yola fail to mny grant the prayer of said petition, rector Hyamson.of the Department l-22-32-3t County J d appear before said Court ou the said Gth ^hereby «:i5«l «:ii«l minor shall l>e adopt«l «dopt<4 by The hearings, which lasted two of Immigration of the Palestine gov- FRADEXBCKG. STAUtf ASTER £ BEBEU aay of February, .1932, at 0 o'clock A; M.; fhe said. Mary Jerusalem—The drop in the EngKallauder. days, were held in the form of a trial, lish pound Is a trick.on the part of and contest said petition, the tourt.may BltTCE CRAWFOKP, 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. ernment, eliminates the last Jew who grant, the prayer of sold petition, enter l-8-32-3t. Couuty Judge. with batteries of attorneys Tepresent- Jewish financiers, the- Arab paper*] has served as a departmental head Sunday, Jan. 24* 1932. a decree, of heirnhin, and make Mich- other NOTICE OF SALE ing both sides. Rabbi Berkowitz's "Falastin," charges.and-, further orders, allowances and deTRV1N C. LEVITV. Attorney. •In the District Court of Douglas County, in the Palestine government. Mr. Lecture—Prof. Moses M. Jong, on '.,...• ? - . ( e e , as as to this his O>urt O t may y seem pproper, p e , • 8«l ElMtTlo Bldit.. CHy. decision which was accepted, by both Hyamson, it is recalled, has reached Nebraska; d that t h t all ll matters t t s pertaining t i i t ''Orthodox Judaism," 8 p . m. to . . 1'KOBATE NOTICE The paper says that Jewish ^finanBy virtue of a decree and order of sale to the end sides, was a compromise between the estate may be finally settled and *leue ! In the Matter of the Estate of Mollie J . out of the Uistiict Court of Uoug- Biid p«tite of delegates for Lapidos the pensionable age liut has still issued Kalakofefcy. Deceased. County, Nebraska, and in pursuance terminedproposals of both parties and pro-ciers have maneuvered the ^financial Meeting three years before reaching the agelas Memorial, 10:30 a. m. situation' in' "order to 'compel Great ; Kotlce i s hereby given that the creditor* of said decree of said'Court in an aftion , BKTCE CRAWFOBTV vided for a sliding scale from ?2.10 of compulsory retirement. therein indexed at Appearance Docket Ao. i-15-31-3t. " : . County Judge. ; af raid (iccvnseil will meet the fiilmlnlsMonday, Jan. 25, 1932. ira<«r <rf -said estnie. before me. Coimtjr 277, and at JPage No. -318.-•wherein- Philip to $2.25 a hundred pounds'of'milk, Great Britain to yield to Zionist deJudge of Douglas Conuty, Nebrnskn. a t MONSRT, GROIHXSKV M. Klntznick is plainOff and JJetoaska Dbeate—Psi Mu-Pi Alpha Lambda. based on the Los Angeles 92 score mands. ftbe Comity Court Room, in said County^ and VAJTCE' Securities Investment Corporation Is deMeeting—Council of Jewish Wom«n tlse-SBddar ol March, 3032. and oil the butter print price plus a 22-cent diffendant, the undersigned trill at 10 o'clock 137 Omaha Kati Bank Btdc. 2nd day of May, 1932, at 5> o'clock A. M^ M. on the 13th day of February, 1932, >OTICB OF APMINTSTRATIOKT en, 2:30 p. m. Board meeting, ferential. Budapest.—The only Hebrew pub- A. at the East front door- of the Douglas In the County Court of Douglas County, ench' day, for ttie puri>ose of presentine their claims for examination, adjustment Moscow—Uri Larin, one of the 1:30 p. m. lication- in Hungary, "Hatzofeh," County Court House of the City of Oma- Nebraska. ha. Douglns County, Nebraska, sell at In the matter of the estate of Bertha and {illownnce. Tbroe monllis are allowed Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1932. leading members -of the Soviet govsuspended publication due to lack public for the creditors to present their claims, unction t o the highest bidder for Alpirn, Deceased. cash the following described property, all All persons interested In said estate from the 30th day of January, 1932. ernment and initiator of the Jewish Bible Class—10:30 a. m. Auspices of funds. New Jersey—(J. T. A.)—Assembly- colonization as stock of the Fidelity Old are hereby notified that a petition has BRVCB CEAWFOltn. Conservative Synagogue Auxilisuccumbed to The publication had appeared for represented Line Insnrance - Corporation, a Nebraska been Sled in said Court alleging that said l-8-3l-3t. County Jnflge. man Joseph Greenberg of Hoboken pneumonia atmovement, corporation, the certificate numbers of said ary. the age of 49. twenty years trader the editorship of was sworn in as Speaker of the stock and the number of shares repreMeeting—Pioneer Women's Club, Dr. Ludwig Blau, director of thesented by each certificate being set out House, at the opening of the New Jeras follows: . . . Rabbinical Seminary. 2:30 p. m. sey State Legislature. He is the Ko. 1200 for 3096 shares •_ Ko._ 1201 SOT 874 shares; No. 1202 for 1037 shares- No. first Jew to be thus honored in 14 Bucharest—Valeria Pop, tmtQ re- '. Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1932. 1203 for 1093 shares; No.-•> 1204 tor «S5 years and the second in the history cently closely identified with =the anti- "The -Guardsman," a j»iay.by Molshares: Ho. 1205 for ~9f>7 shares: Ko. 1206 nar. • Center Players' Guild, 8 for SS8 shares; S o . 12W-for 570-shflres; of the state. ' Warsaw.—The Jewish publishing Semitic Cuzist movement, 'was" ap^Ko. 120S for »42 shares; Ko. 1209 for 892 house, "Central," one of the oldest shares: Other Jews to occupy posts in thepointed Minister of Justice' by the Kb. 1210 for'89G"snares; "Ko: 1211 State Legislature are Louis-Weiss of Roumanian government," *" succeeding; Hadassah linen Shower—12,30 p . and largest Jewish book publishing for 897 shares; Ke. 1212 for 863 shares: 1232 for 912 shares;- Noc 121* tor 93S .."'" •'. " - . ' "' " * " concerns in Europe, was closed when Ko. Ckmstantin Hamagiu, who died~last " ~ m . '; shares; S o . 1215 fOT 9W Bhares: TSStZK it was unable to meet its obligations for .898 shares^ S o . 1211 -Ior: « 3 - Bhms*> Week. ."' ' • -" • ,- ,'. • - :'-. '.,.'- -Thursday, Jan. 28, 1932. ' Ke, 121S for 662 shaieG- Ko. 1219 -for 663 which are estimated at approximate- shares; Meeting—Senior Council of Clubs The appointment is verjr disapKo 1230 tor &Si shares: No. 1221 l y 260.C00 zlotys..~v, for 563 shares;• KO.-O222 for TKB. shire*,8 p. m. . -. ' - .. pointing to Jewish circles. The pr5n« Ko. 1223 for 533 Bhires; So. J1221 for: 1001

The regular matinee dance" will be held this Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Community -Crater au£Seaiispices ? of• o f tthe he ditorium under; ~£Seaiisp>ices Psi Mu. Sponsor^/this Sunday'--axe. p M Irvin I i Levin• L iand'l i l^eveMrs.


Conservative Synagogue


United States

Einstein Simplifies Theory

VANCE, Attorneys.


Services Tonightl-l'K^

Non-Jews at Jewish Institute

Conservative Supper

Aliens Losing Out


- ; Junior. Society


Lasi Jewish Departmental •

Rabbinical Arbiter

Other Countries

More Poison


Only Hebrew Paper in Hungary Suspends

Initiator of Jewish Colonization Movement Dies

Jew Speaker of New Jersey Assembly

Cuzist Named Justice Minister


Jewish Publishing House Liquidates

Why Buy a Washer Alone?


cipal question which awaits siitlement by-jk?Department of Justice is thai ?0fKt& #litus <of the ~r-i^~u

•-:'• ':• :SatnrTday,'Jxn; 3ft, 193^., junior Society Party, 9- p.^ ra.

Soviet to Permit?Passover Food

tei?; will.' i p w ; cagaaiij be:: indefinitely

,.F<a&. 1, 193Zf Meeting—Chesed.Shel Ernes, 2:30

388 shares;. Ko. 1237 for. rSspyiet govern- for sderstanding No. 1238 for 508 plates; Xo. 1233 ; ment whereby' the fatter'will permit shares':.'•' . -': Also one certain 'sarplns oote in' <6e the sending of inatzoth and other sum of $4.643JS made and executed by foodstuffs for Passover by Canadian the Conservative Casualty Insurance" Company to the Nebraska-lDvestwent SecuriJews to their relatives in Russia. ties- Corporation dated December 2i,-1929. \: An official announcement to this and signed by Eees WUkinson, President, 7 ana H. B L Beictel, Secretary;-'snetf sale-to effect was issued by the. Society the Judgment, .-liens and encumwhich is now. making the necessary satisfy brances in eaid decree set foftb' and to •preparations to.organize large ship- satisfy all -costs accrued and accruing: all as provided for in said decree: ments of matzoth packages to Jews costs, ' Dated at Oriiahn." Nebraska, this 13th day of January.'1932. ••-•.-• living in the Soviet Union. : PHILIP M. KLUTZN1CK. - Paris.—Dr. Horace Goldi, former- l-15-32-4t. - . ly a physician at the Hadassah "hosMOKSKT^-GKODIXSKX A pital in Jerusalem, and for the last SHOTirEM-, ' ' TAJTCE, Attorneys. •. two years connected with the Pas SfOTICE OF INCORPORATIOX OF "M. . * -J. B1EAT COMPANY." " teur Institute in Paris, was award- ;; ~*= SOTICK IS HEREBY GTVEN that the ed the Prix Martin by the. Paris g , -pursuant to the laws- of Neformed a corporation T braska, have p Academy of Medicine. " h as "ML-&: J.-Meat -Company," having its The award was made in recogni principal-Tplaee of business in the City '-«t

p o s t p o n e d / _-~ • • ' / • " ; "

: - - : W '_••'-•"'.'•

Hitlerite ^eeltljr iii JHollanxl , p : Tuesday, -.FetU % 1932*. Amsterddm—THe'r Cutih; ^Hitlerites piiblisnedv&e first; issue] of a paper, "Hahenkrihs^" whose jjiirpose is i to meeting,; &i30. •"; fti?;'agitate against the Jew^." Fot the 'Szold vs. A. Z. ; present the "Hahenkriris" "will appear Debate—Henrietta A. No. 100. weekly. Sunday, Feb. 7. Wafd Paper Urges ArabJewish Welfare Federation Annual Jewish Understanding . ; meeting, 8 'p. m. v Cairo.—An understanding between Wednesday, Feb. 10. Jews and Arabs is urged by "La- Lecture—-Eabbi Solomon Goldman, Reforme," a Wafd newspaper-pub- ' . of Chicago, "Are We a Civilized lished here. .•••-.• --'-• .. ,'r-;";':'-••:••• = People?'-' Auspices Omalia ComThe newspaper makes light of thfe munity Forum; 8 r m. contention ' t h a t a s the • Jews; enter the -Arabs;, must, leave fl^alesiine. Poor in the ^timelof Ihe Tnrksi Palestine has advanced only;oMhgrto t h e Jews, says "La Ueforme," and: Arab1 Jewish' friction is the work of med- .Free to Active'and Senior paid up members. dlers, in and out of Palestine. There Sunday, Jan. 31, 1932 is no hope for the country without Illustrated Lecture—^Marvin LowJewish capital; i t is stated.


"Everything for the Aat»'! 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524


Okay Bran Flakes AT ALLJ GROCERS Made by

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Combined with the

Irresistible Flavor of Brazil

published in the Ausburger National







If Bought Separately — $79.50 each

and Scientificallyi Blended * inOmaha . *. *

Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha

M*iis Great SALE!

With the

enthal, "The Trail of the WanCommunities Merged dering Jew." Auspices Jewish Siena.—Official ceremonies marked Community Center, & p . m. the merger of the Jewish CommunSunday, Feb. 14, 1932. ities of Florence and Siena in acConcert-Lecture—A. W. Binder, 8 cordance with the new Communities p. m. Ordinance. ; ' . Sunday, Feb. 21, 1932. ; • Berlm.—The Supreme Cpurt of "Sun-TJp," a~ play by the Center Augsburg, ivigorously condemned the Players'-Guild, 8 p . m . anti-Jewish boycott proclamation

Uncle Sam Laxative Food

and Ironer

shares; JJo. 1225 for 5<H) shares; X o .

for 8«S shares-; No. O227 tor 884' No. 122S for S83 shares;. No.-1223 fois8S5: Montreal.—Afte^engthy negotia- shares: No. 1230" for SS2 shares; y o . 1231' for 891 shares-; ico.—1232 for 8S«t Fhaxe*: tions the H e b r e w ^ g ^ r a i i t Aid So- No. 1233 for ' "' ihed an tm-share's; JCo. ^^w^..<uL ^u,. ou^^





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Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee , to be compared with it Sold by AH First Oass Grocers Everywhere

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" \



;MI$S :A^NA::PU:±,,:Co7respO7uU7tt

3 "';-.': Party. Wednesday :

Program, Supper and Prizes to • Be Features of - Event ' Elaborate plans for the Palestine bazaar, next Sunday evening, have been ^completed by representatives of \ every Zionist organization in the city. The ;bazaar, which will be held. in the. Community Center, will" open at , 4 o'clock .with a-cafeteria-supper. Booths will' be : "arranged on the iflopr of;; .the Center auditorium, and - will feature many tliversfe,attractions. ; . ' Proceeds ' of'tne 'eve'ning will be turned'towards" thV-Jewish ^rational Fund &nd the .ChalutilntIFund. v „'•' - The committees ,jn charge, of, .the various depaHinqrits'of''ithe?bazaar' , include the following: •, Raffle committee, . Mesdames S. Levine, chaifr man, Joseph Aizenberg, ; Abe Stillman, N. Elkin, Charier Easkin, LoUis Shindler," Herman Mirowitz, Mr. Kaplan; Bam Passman, Mr. S. Ratner and Mr. I. Levin. The floor raffle committee includes Mrs. William Lazere, chairman; Mesdames M. Lazriowich, Joe Levin, B. .Herzoff, S. Levitan, and L. Agranoff.

. ',


The advertisement committee consists of Mr. H. Epstein, chairman, and Messrs. J. Falk, Dave . Rodin, Louis Shilling, J. Aizenberg, M. Hendlyn, N. Sadoff, N. Elkin, H. Miller, M. Lazriowich, M. Mason and Mesdames S. Levin; Sam Passman, N. Elkin, B. Baron, J. N. Krueger. The grocery committee is composed of Mr. J. Falk, chairman, and Messrs. M.'Mason, Louis Shilling, Dave Rodin, Dr. K. B. Courshon, J. Aizenberg, I. Levin, M. Hendlyn and. Mrs. J. N: Krueger. Mr. M. Mason, chairman of the clothing committee, will be assisted by Mrs. J. N;~Krueger and; Mrs. I. Levin. 'Preparations for the cafeteria supper will be in' the hands"oT Mrs. Sam Shulkin, chairman; ..Mrs! ,.B. Shindler, co-chairman, and Mesdames E. Rubinstein, J. ShihdlerV'M;"Brodkey, J; Shulkin; A. W.Kapiaii, B. Sherman, S. Lip'man, S. Mbso'w/H. Miller and S. Epstein. Mrs." B. Shindler is in charge of the furniture committee. She is as-sisted by Mrs. R. H. Emlein, and Mr. Louis Shilling. :••••.-.• The dining room will be in charge of Mrs. Sam Passman, chairman, who will be assisted by Mesdames SJ Levin andK. EL Emlein• ^Members ofc 1

the Junior . Hadass'ah' will ;afep; ^ssist.

The publicity committee1 consists of Louis Shilling, chairman ^Messrs. Abe Stillman,-J. Aizenberg and L Levin. A wholesale committee consists of N. Elkin, chairman; H. Epstein, M. Kaplan, H. Greenberg and M. Satin. The committee in charge of arranging the booths will be composed of Mr. Sam Ratner, chairman; Mr. M. Mason, Mr. .M.Levich, Mrs. S. Sperling and Mrs, M. Wktesky. Mr. H. Mirowitz is in charge of the paint and hardware booth. Mr. JosephT Aizenberg is chairman of the program committee^ He is assisted by Abe Stillman, Louis Shillicg and L Levin, v , '.The out of town committee includes Mrs. B. Baron, chairman;-J. AJzenberg, J. Falk, M. Kaplan, Louis Shilling " and Dave • Rodin. The executive committee in chafge of the entire general arrah.gien\ehts is headed by D. • L.; Rodin! i Assisting him are I. Levin, M. Miller, Louis Shilling, Mrs. R. H. Emleih. • 1 '

3TNAG0GDE EECTS v:l ITSNEW OFFICERS Members of the Tephereth Israel Synagogue elected Mr. H. Lazripmtch president, at their annual meeting and election,"; Monday evening Mr. L Sterling was elected \ricepresftent; Morris Lazriowitch, treasurer 3. Gelfand, corresponding secretary' 3. C. Levich, recording secretary.' The following were elected to the iirectorship: Paul Kaplan, Sam Ratler, Ed Shafton, Sam Marsh and VI. Reznicki -I•;, "

\dtional Workers Planning Concert A concert, in which three New "fork artists will be featured, is beng planned by members of the Naional Workers Alliance. Mr. Hernan Mirowitz is chairman of the arangements: for the-concert, which rill be given'in February. ' .Assisting Mr. Mirowitz are Mr.,and Mrs.; NJElkin, Mrs. H. Mirowitz^'Mr. M. Mason, Mr. Sam Levin and Mr. Sam; Ratner. The concert will:-be given at the Community Center.

Mount Sinai Sisterhood Will give a card party Wednesday evening, Jan. 27, in the social hall of the Temple. Mrs. Sani Greenstone and Mrs. A. M. Davis are chairmen of the affair. In order to parmit the. men to attend the card party it has been scheduled for the evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. Attractive prizes will be given away, as well as a door prize, .according to,, the chairmen. '• • Assisting Mrs. Greenstone and Mrs. Davis will be Mrs. J. L; Levitt, Mrs. Ben Rosenblumj Mrs. I. : LeVhv Mrs. Abe Pill, Mrs. .A. L. Stein, Mrs. H. Jaffee, Mrs. A. L. Pinkus, Mrs. Ben D. BrOdkey; and. Mrs. Joe Hoffman. • • • ' • - .





ftUXHJARY COMfflrrTEES1 ARE ANNOUNCED AT INSTALLATION MEET Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue were installed at a luncheon meeting last Tuesday noon, when members held their regular monthly meeting* "Mrs.. ,S. H. Shulkin installed the new officers, who include Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. D. Mazor, Mrs. Eli Roniow, Mrs. J. C. Levin,' Mrs. J. M. Krigsten, and -• Mrs. Dave Ginsburg. . . • Mrs. Morey Lipshutz presided at the meeting prior to the installation. The program was presented by Morton Raskin, Elsie Shulman and Rebecca Stillman. Rabbi Rabinowitz spoke briefly, urging the members to co-operate with the officers, and with the synagogue. Mrs. William Mazie, Mrs. Rose Kutcher and Mrs. B. Shindler were in charge of the luncheon arrangements. The following committees were announced by Mrs.- Baron: Membership, Mrs. David Mazor, chairman; Mrs. J . r C . Levin, Mrs. J. Kutcher and Mrs. Robert Sacks; publicity, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, chairmiam; cultural and entertainment, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, chairman; Mesdames H. R. Rabinowitz, William Mazie and Meyer Daskqvsky; education and Sunday school, Mrs., A.' ,H. Baron: and Mrs. EL S. Rabinowitz; finance, Mrs. A. Silverberg, chairman; Mesdames E. S. Robinow, M. A. Weiner, M. Silverberg, L. Sinikin and A. Slutsky; hospitality, Mrs. J. N. Krueger, chairman; Mesdames Joe Friedman, Joe Levin. and John Lansberg; visiting, Mrs! :Jj Kaufman; chairman; Mesdames; J. Harkoway, A. Dikel, M. Lazriowitch, A. W. Kaplan, M. Lasensky and Rose Rabinowitz; house committee, Mrs. Sam Weiner, chairman; purchasing committee, Mrs. J. H. Moscow, chairman; dining room committee, Mrs. R. H. Emelin, chairman; Mrs. Sam Passman, Mrs. H. Goldstein and Mrs. L. Shindler; menu committee, Mesdames Milton Mushwin, Max. Herzoff and Mike Mushkin, co-chairmen; Mesdames R. Kurcher.B. Shindler, A'. Mazie E. Rubenstien, R. Levich, A. W. Kaplan and Frank Berger. Mrs. Baron announced the date for the annual Mother and Daughter banquet as Wednesday, May 4.

WORKERS AUXILIARY RE-ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. L. Kaplan was re-elected secretary of the Ladies Auxiliary of the .Workmen's Circle, branch 664. at a meeting held recently in the Community .Center. .-..-: '>•';." Mrs. William Heshelow was reelected recording secretary;. Mrs. J. Shapiro treasurer,; and Mrs. Max Dervin, presiding chairman. . ' A committee, to" visit" the sick was appointed with the following members: Mrs. A. Tilevitz, Mrs. B. Rifkin, Mrs. M. Shiloff .and Mrs. J. Shapiro.


SHAARE ZION "The Land of Eternal Spring" will be the subject of Rabbi Rabinowitz's sermon this evening. The address will deal with the Palestinian Arbor day, which will be celebrated on Sunday.


, •. • •• .

Children; jof; the Junior Congregation, Taimudi jTiofah, and Religious School wills|c9hibine their, memberships for \ sjdi ? • Arbor day', \ prpgranj Sunday morning' at 11 o'clock! m the Shaare Zion social hall. A program will be presented by the student body arid refreshments will be served members, of the Ladies Auxiliary.^

MT. SINAI TEMPLE "We feed the multitude'? With Tasty Foods

'ff Rabbi (Lewis will speak this evening on the life of Jane. Adams, the founder of Hall House. This subject was erroneously announced in the last~issue as the sermon last Friday.

floinmittes Named; ; ^or Junior Hadassah "The Junior.' Hadassah ' committee appointed to assist at the Palestinian bazaar next; Sunday evening was announced at • the meeting held Thursday evening1; ' They, include Doris Kaplan, Freda Albert, Dorothy Tilevitz, Sarah. Wcskoff and .Kate Kaplan. • Plans were* made " for a ""Swimming and Bridge" party, which...will be' given by_the_.members Wjednes;day evening, Jan. 27, in the Y. W. C. A. Those in charge .cf-the arrangements include Rose 'Ginsberg,- Sarah Goldberg, Rose' Berman'"'and, Eva Maron. * • '

• ism ..may.j??ejl.-.ii.ndrjtsel£._r.e.peating :in England the .Hitlerist triumphs ;in .Germany. And English r Jews, ;Crisis-hit-~like"*-the-rest -of-the British public, anxious as anyone else -to help in the restoration of stability in this country, and filled with misgivings fey"thej h ^ ^ j conveyed by Wyndham Lewis ; and others 'of '_his 'ilk ' a'bViii? " the' ; isiniiIarity between Mosleyism and Hitl'erism, may be xea'ssured by /Melville's-clear stateJment that whatever similarities there may be in- other respects,- Mosleyism is not antisemitism,. and that as Melville tells me, Sir Oswald Mosley : is,yery much concerned to have it known that.. hitting "Jews over the head; or- disfranchising Jews is not part of his-policy for ridding England of her- crisis, and that antisemitism i n no way enters into his ideas. of how to" save.his country.


Hadassah Meeting t : \Anniversaiy of ; ; ,;••• Tiiesday "*~-;.J'.:^Thirtieth '- JttriaiPiind,I? I Cele, The .regular monthly meeting of '? b r a t e d ••.,... the. Senior Hadassah will".be "held ^ - ( J . T.A.)—The Jewin tha Community Center, next-Tuesday, at . 2:30 o'clock.' A program ish National Fund .in the thirty years will be followed by the business of its "existence! Has raised the sum •of §l6;O00.6o6 with, which it has remeeting'.; \ deemed 32.0.000 dunams of land in Palestine, it was.."revealed Sunday night at a. dinner in the Hotel Edison, marking five decades of Jew,ish colonization work in Palestine and three decades of. work by the , A newly organized social sorority, land purchasing branch, of the Zion"The Achdus Club," will meet at ist movement. the home of Miss Sophie Raskin next Sunday afternoon,-for bridge and a . Eight hundred people, .representing social hour. The members include Zionists as well as non-Zionists atthe celebration. Nahum Sokothe Misses Lottie Fienberg, Sophie tended low, President of the World Zionist Raskin, Esther Wutkin, Pauline So- Organization and the Jewish Agency koloslcy, Rose Berman, Ann Raskin, for Palestine was the guest of honor Mollie Herman and Jessie Slutsky. and principal speaker. • The banouet. designated as a Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia Dunam Land "Dinner was arranged street, departed last week for Chi- on the basis of $25 reservations per cago, where she is visiting with her plate, each guest present contributing son-in-law and daughter, -Mr. and $25, the equivalent of the price of Mrs. Irving Goldstein. . one dunam of la.nd (1-4 of an acre) in . P,alest,ine. The 'sum of $20,000 Mrs. D. Chudakoff and son of was raised in 'this fashion. Lesterville, S.; D,, are: guests at the Nelson Ru+.tenburg. President of home of; the ^former's parents, Mr. q :Jevrish 'National'Fund.' presided and Mrs. A. Levine. and sounded the keynote of the evei ' ' ' Members of the Deborah club.enter- j ' Americans Jews," he pointed out, tained last Saturday, evening a t . a have contributed §5,000,000 of the bobsled party. ; The party began at $15,000,000 contributed to the Jewish thi. Community Center. - After the National Fund, the majority of ft Bodsled. ride, the guests adjourned in nickles,. pennies and dimes, which to the home of Miss Ethel Shindler has enabled the mirchase of 220 000 for refreshments.. . . . -: - dunams of lands upon which 48 agricultural settlements-'have been estabMembers of the J. I|. L. club met lished Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Despite the- depression, Mr. RutNicholas Sherman, 314 Eighteenth tenburg revealed, ithe receipts of the street Bridge was followed by re- Jewish National Fund for the first freshments. , ,, three, months under his administration have.shown; a slight increase Miss Bernice Goldstein .will be over last year. ....-;.. hostess to members: of the Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority next Wednesday evening.

Society News


(Continued from Page 4.)

of a national homeland for the Jewish people in the Holy land." Disputes to be Settled Outside Which goes to show what young of Land girls can do. These girls, it would Courts seem, raise more annually, than all the adults have contributed to PalesJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A drastic tine since Theodore Herzl first wrote ordinance enabling district commishis Judenstaate! sioners to make orders regarding the possession of land. concerning which IN THE MAIL Mr. Pine Twersky, a fellow litera-. a dispute exists is likely to cause teur,' erstwhile from Chicago, writes a breach of the peace, is published a letter to this department, which I in the "Official Gazette." The district commissioners are emshould print, if for no other reason than its flattering beginning. I powered by this land disputes oram afraid though, I can't print the dinance to summon .the parties conwhole letter, replete though it is with cerned to attend before him and to piquancies, for the reason that Jew- put in written statements their reish columnists can't afford to do spective claims, and after reading those things. E. P. A. and Heywood these statements they are to exBroun can very often fill their col- amine the parties,.take evidence and,, umns with the contributions of oth- if possible, decide who was in actual ers, but when a Jewish columnist possession of the land t at the time . does that, he gets no pay. "You of the- dispute. If it appears to the district comdidn't write it, did you," says the boss. "Why should you get money missioner that in the two months for i t ? " So I will merely reprint preceding the dispute any party has the last paragraph. . At the most, been forcibly dispossessed, he may they can.only deduct about,a hundred treat the party so dispossessed as if dollars for such a small*contribution: he had been in possession at such ! "In conclusion," writes Twersky, "I date. In such a "case; the 'party shall, have| one more verse to add to your be entitled-to possession until evictfree'translation of "Zellich sein a ed in due course of Jaw. Proceedings undeif rthis ordinance Melammed? ' • will be deemed to be proceedings be' ' "ShaJl I be "a writer ' ' ' " fore a magistrate as; regards taking i Replies the rejectionslipstic " evidence on :oath8 -service of orders, : Shall I be a fighter summonses and other documents, enMy ideas are pacifistic." I "Plenty of tsores,' believe me, forcement of orders and the like but no appeal will lie against any order whata life, whata life." You're right, Pine—whata life! by the district commissioner under . .; . But as Commodore Decature said: this ordinance. An .order made under this ordi"Don't give up the ship." : : nance will prevent the alienation of the land which is the subject of dispute and a copy of the order will be served on the registrar of lands. ? ;: (Continued from Page 2.) If the district commissioner decides that none of the parties was cy specifically -to meet lit. in actual possession of the land in H&w far the Mosley Party will go dispute or is unable, to satisfy himalong the Hitler road: time alone can show, but. there are very few people self which of them was in actual in England who would suggest that possession, he may order' its attachits defeat in the last general elec- ment, until a competent court has tion is the end of its story. In 1928 determined the rights of the parties, Hitler did not have a single Depu- but he may withdraw the attachment ty in the/German" Parliament, and at anyl time if he is satisfied that in 1930 he" swamped- it. The result there is no longer any likelihood of a of crisis?Hysteria, •- it is true, btit breach of the peace. crisis-hysteria has come also, to England now, arid' if the. crisis Therfri3 no time in life when books] grows, as seems inevitable. Mosley- do not influence a man.—Besant,

* I all .the Sunday ,sch6ol children. Ewriiy l child is urged to be present as a good time is assured for everyone. " ••



The Sewing- Circle of the Senior Hadassah met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. Yudelson. BAR MITZVVAH ; ; T The Bar Mitzvah ofAmold'Hoffman, son "of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Hoffman, will take place- Saturday morning, Jan. 23, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster St./ On Sunday afternoon, ; Arnold will entertain twenty friends at theater party at the Strand Theater, in celebration of his birthday.' ;

FRANKEL-MEYERSON Miss Mildred Meyerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson, has chosen Sunday, January. 31, as the date for her marriage to.Mr. Leon Frankel of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankel of Omaha. She is being excensively entertained. prenuptially. Among the affairs given in her honor was a luncheon-bridge last Tuesday afternoon, January 12, when the groom's mother, Mrs. D A . Frankel of Omaha, was hostess to twenty-four guests. . On Wednesday, evening, January 13, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Finkel of Omaha entertained twenty-four guests at a bridge party. followed by a buffet supper, at their home complimentary to Miss Meyerson and Mr. Frankel. Last Thursday afternoon, the bride's mother .and aunt, Mesdames Herman Meyerson and Samuel Meyerson were joint hostesses at a large luncheon party, followed by bridge, at the Hotel Chieftain. This week's affairs included a bridge party Sunday afternoon, when Misses Lydia Ross and Ruth Shyken entertained at the home of Miss Ross. Sunday night Dr. and Mrs. M. Grodinsky of Omaha entertained at a dinner dance at their home honoring Miss Meyerson and her fiance. Monday afternoon, Mesdames Max Cohn and Sam Bubb entertained at a luncheon at the Paxton hotel in Omaha, followed by a theater party at the Orpheum. Miss Meyerson was honored guest Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Harry Cohen . entertained the members of her afternoon club and had an additional table for bridge. Mrs. Ben Gershun of Schuyler, Nebraska, was hostess to thirty guests at a luncheon-bridge at the Fontenelle hotel in Omaha on Wednesday after-

.that-night - Mr. and- Mrs. Arthur- Meyerson of Omaha entertained at a bridge .party at their home cornpiimentary to this bridal couple.. On. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Goodman ..Meyerson of Omaha entertained at a; luncheon, followed by bridge, at her. home, in honor of her niece. Mr. and-Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained fifteen couples at a formal dancing party at the Strand theater ballroom last Saturday night, in honor of Miss Anita Gluckman and her fiance, Mr. Marer of Omaha, and Miss Rose Wilfson of Omaha and her fiance, Mr. Sidney Katelman, also of Omaha, who will be" married next month. Following the dance, a buffet supper was served at the Katelman home at 601 Willow Ave. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith' .will..hold '.'&, regular meeting next Monday evening, January 25, at the Eagles', hall. . :; : . •;-"':•'•. The Junior Congregation of the Talmud Torah will hold their regular Friday " afternoon services at "five o'clock today, when Arnold Hoffman, whose Bar Mitzvah takes' place tomorrow, will serve as the "Chazari." The junior congregation will entertain twenty members at a "Chamisho Oser" party Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the synagogue. The Ladies' Aid Society, whose monthly meeting was scheduled for last Tuesday was postponed, and will be held next Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 26th, at the synagogue, 618 Mynster street. All members are urged to be present. Mr. B. Markdvitz, who became ill last week, was taken to the Clarkson hospital in Omaha Friday, where he is convalescing. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday School will hold regular classes next Sunday morning, Jan. 24th, from ten until eleven o'clock, and then a "Chamisha Oser B'Shevat" party and program will be given for

OONER or later worn tires are going to let go. That may be dangerous.


Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—A Com! inittee to consider the operatino oi existing labor legislatoin in Palestine, to recommend such amendment* as may be necessary or the introduction of new legislation was appointed by the High Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenfel! Wauchope. Major Campbell, District. Commis-. sioner for the Jerusalem District was named chairman of the Committee, whose members include: Colonel Heron, Director of the Government Department of Health; Colonel. Hudson, Postmaster General;' Mr. Bowman, Director of Education; Mr. Hyamson,' Chief Immigration Offi,cer; Miss Nixon, Welfare Inspector;iPinchas Rutenberg, Auni Bey Abdul : Hadi, Elias T. Gelat and Dr. M." Smoira. The Committee will review in particular the provisions in force re-. garding the protection of children in wage-earning employment; the prevention of sweating evils; compensation for industrial accidents and compulsory sickness insurance. ' It will also examine the question of creating machinery for the finding of a minimum wage in Palestine. It will consider whether measures should be inti-oduced with a view to insuring that in all government and municipal woi-ks, whether carried out - by the Government or Municipality direct or through contractors there shall be conditions of labor similar to those guaranteed in works carried out under the Palestine and East African Loans Act of 1926. The question of fixing a higher minimum wage for Arabs and whether it is likely to cause an influx of Arabs to the towns which would swell the ranks of unskilled labor in the towns is likewise to be discussed by the Committe.

•Cheaper than acctdentt — look •t these tow prices on all tizes: GOODYEAR PATHFINDER

Honestly now, is it worth taking the chance of going into a ditch or having a.smash-up due to a blowout, when you can get fine new Goodyears like these for so little money? If you have any doubts about the condition of your tires, drive in. We Will look them over and give you the low-down. You can believe what we : say — we couldn't sfford to be anything but on the level. We know that as well as you do.

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Each $5.35 5.43 6.33 6.65 8.15

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Guaranteed Tire

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