February 12, 1932

Page 1

Defeated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests oj. the Jewish People',, -as Ki'eoiid-CInBa MMI Mntier" on January 27, 1921,-at


nl Qniahn. N'pliraufcn nmiprttip Art at Mnrrh 3 IKTfl

Federation Presidents




pf Lecture-Recital of Outstanding Merit Moved :


• 'Up .


The lecture-recital by. A. W. Bindeiy an- outstanding, American . musi-, dan, who has dedicated his life to! the study of lewisb. music, will be. held on Wednesday evening,. February; 17, at the Jewish Community Cen-' ter, instead of Sunday, as previously announced. His subject will be "Jewish Life and Music" Mr. Binder will not only lecture; he will illustrate by singing and playing on the piano. He is brought here as part of the adult educational series sponsored by the Center. Omaha's guest next Wednesday has done remarkable research in Jewish music, and has made a name for himself in the field of composing. Only last week at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York the Manhattan Symphony orchestra produced Binder's new composition, an overture "He-Ch'alutzim,7' 'conducted by the composer himself. It created quite a stir in musical circles.1 He is at present musical director of the .Ninety-second Street Young Men's Hebrew Association," New York City; choirmaster of the Free Synagogue, at Carnegie Hall, of which Dr. Stephen S. Wise is the Rabbi, as well as instructor in Synagogue ,and Folk music at. the Jewish Institute' of Religion. Mr. Binder's lecture-recitals have attracted large audiences throughout the country.

- * ^


-V I




/ Dr. Philip Sher Honorary President

William L. Holzman President of Federation

RABBI SOLOMON GOLDMAN SCORES OUR CIVILIZATION Noted Rabbi Says Americans Axe Not a Civilized People

Rabbi Solomon Goldman, outstanding orator, scholar and author of Chicago, excoriated our American civilization in his "discburse"on "ATe We" a Civilized People?" at the Community Forum lecture at the J. C. C. Wednesday. He gave as his definition of a civilized people a people intelligently controlling a changing envronment/ This, he charged, the American peoYiddish Stars Are to failing ,ta do., Appear Here Soon pleAsareproof of his assertionsi he pbint•ed^to* the; American school system, the Al Harris and Eugenia Erganow, family, our amusements, our -politics, both outstanding Yiddish performers our economic structure, our journal-1 -ii*ij^ -York,*; wilt 'appearhere in-, a ism, and our religion. He spoke with in pp concert and two one-act plays .on. an: eloquence -rarely heard here. Friday evening, Feb. 26, a t / t h e '"America is..marked by two unKnights of Columbus, under " the worthy - qualities," Kabbi Goldman auspices of Workmen's Circle, Branch stated, in speaking about religion, 173 and 258. ' . . "hypocricy and intolerance. The Harris is a famous impersonator Scopes trial is characteristic of our of the New York Jewish Art theater, intolerance. And the Amricans deand Miss Erganow,is an; interpreter feated Smith for ^president because of of ballads and folk melodies. his religion, though we were supposed to be the first to separate church and state." -........ The troubles with our school system, he pointed, out,, lie in bad equipment, poor personnel, boards of education, and text books. In .discussing the family, Itebbi Goldman* said, "We are turning our - Bucharest—.(J. T. A.)—Instruc- heads away : from ~ the family prob-; tions to facilitate the migration to lems and today we have no homes, Palestine of 150 Jewish families from only boarding houses." • ; ~ "Our movies are pitched to levels the' Marmarosch district, "Bukowina, were received here by the Hebrew of 14-yeaf-olds. In politics, the ^party ' • Immigrant Aid and Sheltering Aid is above the country." Society, from the headquarters of Rabbi David Goldstein introduced the Has-Ica-Emigdirect in Paris. the speaker. Herman Auerbach, chairSimilar instructions were received man of the Community Forum, made by the Zionist Organization Execu- the introductory remarks. tive here from the Jewish Agency Executive in Palestine to' make thenecessary preparations for migrationto Palestine, on a 'large 'scale,' of Transylvanian Jews.The steps taken by the Jewish Mrs. Anna'Sogolow, 76, of 1819 No. Agency and by the Emigdirect are the results of efforts made during 21st St., died Tuesday afternoon. She the past few months ,to colonize a had been born in Minsk, Russia, but number of Transylvanian orthodox had resided in Omaha since 1907. Jewish families in Palestine." • She is survived by two sons, Louis Sogolow of Omaha and M. H. SogoLodz—Five suicides among Jew- low of the University of Illinois, and ish workers were reported here in a daughter, Mrs. Rose Adelman, Sandusky, 0. pne day.


Highland's Annual Meeting Wednesday The annual meeting and election of officers and new directors for the Highland Country Club will be held at a mammoth stag Wednesday, Febr. 17, at the Omaha Athletic Club. The meeting, will follow a dinner at 6:30. A varied program of entertainment has been arranged. Plans are being made for the banner year in the history of the club. Abe Herzberg is present president.- • . ••

Actors to Hold Try-Outs Sunday .The Center Players Guild announces try-outs on Sunday, February 14,- at' 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community- Center- for'three bne^-act plays' to be "presented in 'April. * : " Hyman: Bhfler is-general director." TheL;tHfeefcdTS are. Lairra .Berek* "Haskell Cohen and-'Earl Siegel:-"-' :~ '

Graves Desecrated Berlin.^M°re than- -1,220 Jewish graves- -were—decorated—and j: tombstones demolished in cine hundred and seven Jewish: .cemeteries in Germany in the past height years, np until •November, 1931, according to .statistics compiled by the Central : Union of German Jews. '•:



Abe Goldstein

CONSERVATIVE AND The outstanding dinner meeting in the annals of the Conservative Synagogue will be held Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 6:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. Over 200 people' are expected to attend. A committee of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary is making elaborate arrangements for a "Chicken Dinner" at the nominal charge of 65 cents per plate. This committee is headed by Mrs. B. A. Simon. Rabbi David Goldstein promises to present a specially prepared program of unusual merit. • -' Immediately following the dinner a very important meeting will be held. The officers of the-congregation will present for consideration. *a proposition which concents each individual member vitally. "AH those who, for some special reason, are unable to attend the dinner should make every possible sacrifice to at least attend the. meeting following," the Synagogue heads urge." The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 p. m. Mrs. Abner Kaiman has been appointed chairman of a special committee of the Auxiliary to encourage attendance at the dinner. A telephone squad headed by Mrs. Ben Glazer will make an effort to reach every member for reservations, A joint committee of the Congregation and the Auxiliary, headed by J. J. Greenberg and consisting of 25 "men and women, met Monday, Feb. 8,.-worked, out. the details of the entire evening. "Tuesday evening, Feb. 16," said J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Synagogue, "is in my opinion, one of. the most important -days on the calendar of the Conservative movement in Omaha. The matter that is, to be considered by the members is of such hxrposhig character that it challenges ; wbra's for expression. 'All-I -can -say^-is tifct nay individual who is a believer of Conservative Judaism owes it to himself, if humanly possible, to be present."



Sam Beber


L. Neveleff



V "i

Wise; Progress Shown Lipsky Is Named to Lead Fund-Raising Palestine Drive

Resolutions in Memory of Harry Lapidus Are Adopted*

New York.—(J. T. A.)—Louis Lipisky, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, has been elected chairman of the Administrative Committee of the American Palestine campaign, the fond raising inSociety; M. M. Barish, president of strument of the Jewish Agency fer ..William L. Holzman was re- the Talmud Torah. elected president of the Jewish Palestine. The nominating committee which Community Center and Welfare presented the names of the officers In a statement issued in connec- Federation at the first annual and honorary officers, all of whom tion with the news of the election, meeting of the consolidated JewMr. Lipsky emphasized that he ish organizations held at the were unanimously elected, consisted of Harry A. Wolf, chairman, Sam Beshared authority and responsibility Center Sunday evening. ber, Dr. A. Greenberg, J. H. Kalakofwith his five associates, Judge WilDespite the handicap of times of sky and Jack W. Marer. liam M. Lewis, of Philadelphia, James distress, the reviews of the work acWaldman Address Marshall and Morris Rothenberg, of New York; Rabbi Abba HiHel Silver, complished during the past year Waldman was introduced by Harry of Cleveland, and Nathan Straus, Jr., showed progress consonant with Oma- A. Wolf, local member of the Ameriha's high standing among the nation's of New York. Jewish communities and an optimistic can Jewish committee. The guest speaker paid tribute to note was prevalent for the future. Vitalized activity was the keynote of the memory of Harry Lapidus, statthe reports rendered during the eve- ing that "Mr.. Lapidus exercised a great influence for good on Jewish ningBesides Holzman, the following: of- life throughout the United States." ; In giving the present picture of ficers were elected: Jewish life -throughout the world, Mr. Henry Monsky, first vice- Waldman painted a dark, gloomy president. scene but himself provided the rays Joseph Solomonow and William Sam Beber, second vice-presi- of sunshine which make the future look brighter. Wolfe will constitute the Omaha Cen- dent. ter debate team which will clash with Mrs. L. Neveleff, third vice- "Anti-Semitism," he stated, 'is a the representatives of the St. Louis president. protest against the equalities and Jewish Community Center on March of the Jews. It is not religions Harry Silverman, secretary. rig-hts 13. These debaters were chosen last but racial; the antagonism is essenAbe Goldstein, treasurer. Sunday at try-onts from those comtially dive to fear and onvy, intensiThe following honorary officers fied by the economic struggle-- -Sttd peting in- the "Senior Council debate were chosen: tournament. group prejudices. Dr. Philip Sher, honorary "The Jewish problem is not merely The subject for the St. .Louis de- president. a problem of the Jews; it is a probbate is "Resolved; that the Jewish Mrs. Harry Lapidas, Mrs. lem of the world and of every counReligion Is No Longer a Vital Force in the Lives of the Younger Genera- Morris Levy and Harry B. Zim- try in which they live. The Jewish man, honorary vice-presidents. people form an important and even tion." Morris Waldman, secretary of tha necessary element in the lives of the Solomonow is a member of the American Jewish Committee, deliv- countries in which they live and Creighton University and Council ered the address of the evening:. His wherein they must continue to live." I Bluffs A. Z. A. debate team.- Wolfe subject was "The international Scene In Soviet Russia, he stated, the is a member of the Omaha University in Jewish Life." problem is being- solved by dissoluand A. Z. A. No. 100 teams. Resolutions of the executive com- tion. While anti-Semitism is not alTwo Noted Speakers to Address mittee of the Jewish Community lowed there, yet Judaism is being Group at B'nai Israel Center and Welfare Federation in eliminated by a subtle process of athe' • Synagogue memory of Harry Lspidus were istic propaganda. As the situation of the Jew is inread by- Sam Beber, while the enMax Rudensky tire assembly stood with heads dissolubly bound up with the situation of the people among vrhom he lives, Leon Gellman and Max Rudensky bowed in reverence. -will address the mass meeting beThese resolutions were prepared by there must be an adjustment, both on ing arranged by the local Mizrachi -a committee including Sam Beber, the part of the Jews and the nonat the B'nai B'rith synagogue, 18th Henry Monsky, Harry Silverman and Jews. There must be a new conception of the state in which all are and Chicago streets, this Sunday eveJack W. Marer. recognized as equal. ning, Feb. 14. Progress Waldman predicted that peace will Gellman is president and. editor A year ago the Jewish Community of the Yiddish Jewish Record of St. Center, the Welfare Federation, and eventually take the place of war, and Louis. He is" also an executive of the Jewish Philanthropies were con- justice would come into its own. All the world Mizrachi organization. solidated into one unified organiza- this trill take time and must be atGellman will arrive Sunday, morntion. The annual meeting Sunday tained through the slow and tedious ing and will stay at the home of proved the success of the co-ordina- process of education. He urged support of all movements for peace and A. G. Weinstein. At two in the aftion of local communal endeavors. ternoon he will hold an important Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive di- international good-will. conference with Mizrachi members, rector of the Jewish Community Cenduring which he will give them conter and Welfare Federation, pave the fidential information. report on the Federation. William Segrel Is Notified of Rudensky Holzman gave the presidential welA. A. XL Appointment come and reports were rendered by Mr. Rudensky is a New York ZionJack Marer, head of the Jewish Comist leader touring the middle west E. J.I. Segel, physical director of nvanity Center Committee; Mrs. L. the Jewish Community Center, was for the National Fund. Before comNeveleff, president of the Jewish Wo- recently officially notified of his aping to. this country he.was a well men's Welfare Organization; Dr. pointment to the National A. A. U. known editor in Russia. It is stated Philip Sher, chairman of the Social handball committee and also to the that he is an excellent speaker. Service Committee; Harry A. Wolf, National A. A. U. wrestling commit, Other entertainment will- also be. president of the Jewish Free Loan tee. provided at the meeting. A feature Harry Silvern an will be selections by the Hazomir Singing Society, under the direction of Cantor A. Schwaczkin. N. Levinson is chairman of the Mizrachi committee handling the mass meeting. S. Eavitz is president of the Omaha' Mizrachi; E. Bloch, secretary, and A. Cohen, treasurer. M. Venger is chairman of the executive committee, which consists of Rabbi N. Feldman, S. Katelman, H. Marcus, A. Hirseh, N. Levinson, Rev.- A. Schwaczkin, S. Riekes, and C. D. Mendelson. • The Mizrachi is • - the organized Orthodox" Jewry for the, upbuilding' of Ereta Yisroel on the basis of the Torah and traditions. - •' :





m of Local Jewish Effort Proves

Honorary Vice-Presidents

Federation Vice*Presidents


Vol. X—No. 2


Mrs.: Stein Dies

Mrs. 'Philip Stein, 58, of Los Angeles, a former resident of Omaha for a good number of years, "passed away last Thursday . evening, according to word received by relatives here. She had been ill for a week when she succumbed. The funeral "was held Sunday. She is survived bj her husband and seven children.


Marry Lspidsis

Hsrry B. Zi


Morris Levy

PAGE 2-/THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1% 1932 tried takeover all the phases-, of.. the •women's work, have,given UDstintingCenter work. I have not told you ;ly of their time to the innumerable about -our library containing j hun- Cpnter problems^ that have arisen dreds of; volumes; of our.„ recreation during the past year. This small roiim; of "the scores of "organizations group took charge of the Center that meet daily in the Center; oE the work, and have coped with the situahundreds of -little boys and girls who tion in a splendid manner. To these ust the facilities of the Center, andj individuals go the credit of the s u b j e c t s . : :t •••"'""• : "j •-'': ~ other activities too numerous to men- smooth volunteer management of the ; While '• this"" program is '<hew, ' and tiojn. For one to really Understand Center. Mr. William L. Holzman, jjtm(-v"eJu)niEi%ted'. and' 'time saved by we have not as yet had ah oppor- and visualize the scope of the Center president of the Jewish Community ih'e.'coAsoJidation of thesfe threte ortunity to Judge its" fuIT value, we work would require spending day and Center and Welfare Federation has ganizations into one, new, all inhave received evidence from our adult night at the Center, just to observe attended all of our meetings, and I ^ v M ^ * # * $ P ^ it^ljWftll membership .that it is filling a long the thousands of boys and girls, men desire to thank him for his timely ^^feiih&t^^'t^esidllitii^tMa?* desired need. Whether it is this form and women who use it, who take ad- suggestions and invaluable advice. I y^ar' juSt2fie^r"Tthe|;,ex;)pW;atidnf} of of adult work or not, there can be vantage of its facilities, and who are desire to thank the Center Committhos? whtt pu$m£tt>d Anff etfdoised' I1!?' ' ' ' L'f! no question that some method should living examples of definite results. tee for their work during this past sueh.4 c6pso;lidation?!:: I jpelie^e t jthafe VyjJiiam L. Holzman, president of tie'used to keep up the interest of year, and feel that these individuals the lafiEWer, to this !<iuestio^i bia$r' .be Generally speaking the Center has the, i Jewish; 'Community Center and our adult Jews. fqilrid: in an - .analy4isro:f 'the • follpwhad a year of much activity and ac-have demonstrated their usefulness in Welfare1 Federation, gave the follow! ing. three [problems: f J^ ing {presidential greeting at the ancomplishment. Mr. Pearlstieri, our this community. Senior Club Council. Following is the report rendered apply the scientific measuring rod ;l-.v-How*.hasJ-j the Federation nifet Work among our younger members Executive Director, has given much meeiiijjj; Sunday: •" The entire program of the Center ay Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive di- to the experiences of the jpj^st year, the financial 'obligations of- the' past Tnual 1 —-those.'from'46 to 21 years of age— thought and work to the Center; to has been to furnish to our people ! We| welcome , you to the first an: : rector of tbe Jewish Community. Cen- and as a disinterested, jbi^et^er try y e a r ? ; • • ' ^ • • - • " i r - ' '.' ?"-, ;-• •:-• ;'•• • ^ - ?-f nital , meetings of. the Jewish Com- has! taken forward steps during the him goes the credit for a great deal a place to obtain Jewish spiritual ter and Wdfare Federation, at the to record achievements or? .point to 7 2. How ; ' successful •j'ahd : efficient Center ana Welfare Federa- past year. The Senior Club Council of this activity, for he hag displayed aid; to educate all; to provide recreaannua' meeting Sunday: shortcomings. :l[i : ;. '-.:r''••'" was the Federation;.in 'meeting, Oie nianUy We ;\jrel<{ome you and trust the is composed t of all of the junior a thorough understanding of the tion; to establish a home—a ComFortunately, limitations of time increasing 'needs- iresultirig 'Irani' unf tiori.'• Even a brief acquaintance, such as reports ; which you will hear will groups tha^ .meet in' the Center, and many problems of the Center. munity Center—for all. We want mine, with Jewish communal en- imposed on me by this evening^ pro- employment', and the general economic prove interesting and beneficial to : through this body carry on their our Center to become an integral The Jewish Community Center deavor in Omaha makes one sharply gram and a wholesome regard.. for depression?,: " . t;>;.;.;• ?b-|i-;,;-s|fr.?".:;t .;.-J iH^usPF '"•*:•:•"• work, under the direction and conpart of our Jewish people and tha Committee, composed of Robert H. the distinguished speaker "ahead of 3. Ami j finally,! h_p*;; fart,=• has >we. conscious of the importance and sig r Community as a whole. It is a high flTfiis has been % year of planning trol • of the Center and the personal Kooper, in charge of the building; to select for consid new organizatio'n 'been able'to co-ornifgance of this occasion. This is me, compel me : 1 hard workl puring l i e past direction of a trained leader. We are Philip M. Slutznick, in charge of the ideal—but one that can be accomthe first anniversary of • the new eration only a"fewj'to my! -tfrijid,' S'.h.e dinate,, community planning, : and en- and liJergon,' ; Saniufei u l g , ' who had trying ito . make the * Center an at- Senior Council; Harry Trustjn, in plished by a continuation of a proFederation and in a significant sense most significant r results, lof. the i past list greater" participation in the yyear- \ Mr.;' ^ t b »< number of tractive plaice-for them; we are as- charge of membership; Irvin tevine, gram that has been carried on in the wo are gathered here tonight not year. . . • ':_.'._' ... ,, -,. •.,": t'L-,...-- functional activities of the Federa- been** ^Our'-directorSfbr: f yearsi left -for-Chicago and -he, has sisting them in their' programs, pro- in charge of the physical department, past years and the co-operation of t i o h Y ' '• • • -••••;•. oztfy" to report achievements of the The criteria I should like to apply been succeeded by Mr. Pearlstien.' viding places for them to meet. For Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, in charge of our Jewish people. past year, but to a larger degree we this evening are found in the *s£m All in all, has the new Federation Our efforts in conducting the afpersons of this age the program must are to attempt to evaluate the valid- mary reports of the Jewish Com- made progress'along the lines just ity of the plan of organization adopt munity Survey which formed. *£he enumerated, and was that progress fairs of the Center and' the Federa- be one of education, recreation and and we, the entertainment, and the large numed at the annual meeting of a year basis for the reorganization of,last in any measure due to the new form tion have been successful officers, are proud' of: the task which ber of clubs that are using the ago.. Of organization? y e a r : .. • '• • '••..'• ; •'•• ,-" ' • . . . - ' 1 3 '': has been accomplished. Our Forum, Uppermost in one's mind is this At the very outset we must be with the aid of the .Council of Jewish facilities of the Center is indicative "Basically," says the Survey, "the question: Has the consolidation of purposes of . a Federation is-to con- reminded that prevailing conditions Women, has kept' dp its high stand- of the success of this program. Physical Department. the Jewish Welfare Federation, The trol the planning and' giving ; person- naturally tended to handicap the de-ard in keeping with its policy of an Jewish Community Center, and the nel in this community; to see to it velopment of a new program. This educational feature ; of the Center. The gymnasium and swimming pool Jewish Philanthropies into a uni- that adequate funds are raised and past year saw the rise of unprece- The" Physical Department under Mr. of the Center are among the most fied all inclusive Federation proved that they are then distributed as dented conditions, which more than Segel, ha» demonstrated the neces- popular of the Center activities, successful? What evidence can be judiciously as possible; and third to ordinarily taxed the resources of the sity of this, department. Those who Young and old alike participate! in adduced from this first year's ex- plan on the basis of solid informa- Community -and the vitality of the attend these classes can testify to the the classes and the benefits provided perience to ascertain whether or not tion of community needs, the activ- leaders. Because of these conditions benefits derived from our Physical Our women's classes, especially, have Omaha's Jewish communal work can ities which the Jewish community re- there has been, on the one hand, a Department. !' ' shown a marked increase during _the best_be carried on through such form : quires to .fulfill those needs." . ;..-. depletion in the material resources past year. Under the excellent leadDuring" the,"p&t year the Talmud of organization? The plan which the Committee;on of the community, and on the other, Torah has .moved .'into; the Center ership of ouc physical director, I a n conscious of the difficulties Reorganization submitted and subse- there has been a constant and conand- classes are now con-Emanuel Segal, this department of confronting me as a newcomer to quently adopted by this body embod- tinuous rise m demand for the ser-building ducted in well ventilated rooms and the Center is recognized throughout this community in this effort to ied the prnicipl.es.I just quoted. The vices of the Federation. in an environment .which should speak the city, as one of the most efficient. evalnate the expirement. On the committee was also of'.the' opinion Nevertheless, it is gratifying to be well for the' work" of the school. Social Activities. other hand, I am, perhaps for the that "considerable expense can be able to report that during the past The Center-Sunday School has It has heen our aim during the same reason, in a better position to saved and a great deal of duplica- year the Federation met all of its reached. its -., capacity. The in- past year to bring to the Center l •I. financial obligations, both at home about structions given ;are appreciated by •forms of Jewish activities. Since this and to National causes and institu- all who come in contact with • the is a Community Center, it has been tions. Indeed, the Federation was children. our desire, to make it one in reality, able, even though at some sacrifice, The Family Welfare Department as well as in name. Therefore, we to respond to the request of the Community Chest to save a substantial has plenty of xrojrkjto do, part'-*:larly made special effort to hold in the portion of the Chest appropriation during this pressing period, but it is center all forms of dinners, banquets, for 1931, in order that Omaha's re- keeping up its record of high stand- dances, teas and socials of a general nature, some of which produced a lief v agencies might utilize such sav- ard of accomplishment. ings for the relief agencies. The The Jewish "Women's Welfare As- small revenue-for the center. We Federation itself further absorbed sociation has become an active ally are now equipped to serve groups the increasing demands from our to the Center. We welcome them, from ten to five hundred, and it is own people, providing food, shelter, knowing that .thejr .efforts will be surprising to note the great number of groups that iave tafcea advantage CIU8. ana clothing, for all of those who rewarded with success. .SDION This Offer Good Until Febr. 19 either applied voluntarily or were re- You will hear reports from our dif- of this service. We feel that ' b y ferent activities, such as the Free bringing these people to the Center for ferred to us for aid. |When you buy your new waffle Association, the Talmud Torah, all forms of activity, we are proSanitary Laundry New Customer Campaign. Despite conditions, all of the com-Loan iron, you will hear the children, ducing a great good. By this one Old People's Home,. Social Service, This add presented with family bundle will entitle mittments to National causes and from the GiaE&jjan of the Center methods we have brought into Jihe often calling for waffles. They you to have two shirts finished without any charge. jAgencies^havis> thu$~far..he^n, jnet Committee, a n l ^ u r Executive Di- Center numerous^ people who hereto4 o ^ on waffles . • healthful, crisp jregularly in accordance ;with , the showing! ^efficient services, all fore, would have gone elsewhere l o r ^original allotments and appropria- rector, and delicious. * • ' which are ^greatly appreciated. this type of activity. tions of the Jewish Philanthropies. of Everything washed spotlessly clean and dried in The staff has done- excellent work; Membership. .. All of this was accomplished only time, does not permit "the mention Tour dealer has a new stock of fresh filtered air. While our; membership now stands because strictest economies in opera- of each of them. waffle irons right now. Look them Shirts Hand Finished 12c each at a high figure in comparison- to tion and administration were effectI can not refrain from mentioning OTer today. r other years, it is not as high as i t ed; only because of the business acummen and courage of our leaders the sad loss Omaha and the Jewish should be. This source brings reveas well as the loyalty of the com-Community has sustained in the pass- nue to the Center, which, of coarse, munity at large. However, I am ing of our beloved Harry Lapidus. is much needed. The very low rate Phone AT. 2815 2815 Farnam doubtful whether this could have Mr. Beber will read the resolutions of membership, &s recently revised, Council Bluffs Phone 1444 permits any person, or family: to been accomplished to the degree that of your Executive Committee. belong to. the Center. Qf course, i t it was during" this trying^ear-,'had is desired to haveL* members' who parit not been for the fact that the new ticipate in the Center "activities, Jind .form of organization enabled the by increased membership, it not only leaders to view the community needs BUT THE BEST COAL-Cheapest in thaLong Ron produces more revenue, but means as a whole, to have." access to every CONSUMERS PETROLEUM DEEPVEDj' greater participation in the facilities resource and pool these resources in of the Center. *an effort to meet the emergencis, without impairing the efficiency of Best Grade Theater Guild. 1 To enumerate and account the BLEND Forked Clean . LUMP, $7.00 any one department or service. I varied The Center Players is composed; of All Forked p Small In SIxe, Bat and numerous activities of the NUT, $6.50 am convinced that had this consolida- Jewish Community Center would re- a group of young Jewish men and t o r s e In Beat. The Biggest Furnace Value : Coal Borsnln In tion not taken place a year ago, it A BIG SAVING TO Omaha a great deal more time and women interested in the production COKE USERS would have become an urgent neces- quire space than allotted, and even then of plays. During the past year this sity and unavoidable at this time. would:not_:be. complete, for the work group has produced a number of difLUMP, $7.00 I do not want to sound- too op-and/accomplishments that are daily ficult plays, with much credit and CONSUMERS GOAL CO. timistic, nor do I want to convey the going on u r the Center are. of the success. Under the leadership of Mrs. CERTIFIED -WEIGHTS BY A SWORS AND BONDED impression there is no need for con- type that, are difficult to put into Herman Jahr, this group has gained WEIGHMASTEU . ' cern over the immediate future with words or writing. Much of the re- for itself a splendid reputation ifor AT 44441 respect to the Federation's financial sults/of the Center are of an in- amateur productions. This form' of responsibilities during the coming.' tangible type.. "'"_' activity, gives these young men $ year. V A watchful eye must be con- But* summarizing'.briefiy, it may women an opportunity for exprestinually maintained;" the highest ef- well tie said'that the usefulness of sion, a display of talent, resulting ficiency and economy in operation the Center is growing;' it is main- in much good and benefit for -the heed be observed; and undaunted taining and winning for itself an participants, as well as entertainment courage and devotion of both, lead- enviable position in this community; and education for the thousands; of Small Additional Charge for Payments ers and the community at large, its standard of accomplishments, are persons who have . witnessed the must be sustained, if we are to con-high. plays. . i tinue to safeguard the integrity of Community Forum. '• However, I.do desire to point out Long and Short the Jewish Community of Omaha. In conjunction with the Council of a few of the phases of the Center Wave Combination The second test by which we mayprogram during the last year that I Jewish Women, the Center has conjudge whether or not the consolida- believe should be called to your at- ducted a Community Forum. As in tion has been a vital force in the com- tention. : past years, it has been our endeavor •; munity, is in respect to the manner to bring to Omaha, for lectures and One of our main aims during the Priced Complete in which the Federation met the in- last an open forum, the very best talent year was to carry on a program with Tubes creasing needs for its services in the the field affords. We have estabfield of family relief, child care, and lished in Omaha, as a result of our the other forms of social service. combined efforts during the past sevIn normal times the relief demand eral years, an institution that has in a community such as Omaha is relCITIZENS POWER. & LIGHT CO. brought much praise and glory to atively 'constant. There is ~ at all the Center. We are much indebted times a certain portion of malajusted to the splendid work of the memfamilies and individuals, widows and bers of the Council of Jewish Womorphaned children, or the occasional en, and especially to Mrs. J. Harry "Schlemeil" who is unable to adjust Kulakofsky, who was chairman of to the complex ways of modern civilithat group for the Forum. Herman A Fls^r known for Its raarrelows baking qualities. zation. In normal times the problem Auerbach, this year, again gave of The favorite where economy is watched. For Omar of caring for these people in a comhis source of experience and knowlFlour bakes snore loaves per sack — and eliminates Receives all the regular broadmunity such as this is mitigated by edge to make the Forum a success. cast programs as well as all costly ibaking failures. the fact that the family groups usWe are grateful to him for his tireshort wave programs. Foreign ually come to each other's aid withless efforts on behalf of the- Forum. stations, police calls, -airplane out reference to communal agencies. - Sunday School. messages, e t c . . . . all -with single , But in times like these many a famdial control. ; , During the last year the Center ily, hitherto entirely self-sustaining Sunday School has shown much promust resort to our aid. In many such gress. It is due to the splendid work Representatives cases the family group—the brothers of Rabbi David A. Goldstein, who and sisters, aunts and uncles, who Equitable Life graciously consented to act as the might have under normal conditions superintendent of the school, as a of New York come to their aid, find themselves also volunteer. He will give a more dehard pressed and are in no position to Your Present Radio Taken in Trade tailed report of that activity, and 545 Omaha Nat'l Bank be of material aid and assistance. .•' therefore I will not dwell upon that, AT. 4367 The records of our family service except to say that the Center is department indicate that such was the much indebted to him for the time situation in Omaha during the past Home Phone: JA. 4746, and energy that he has put into the year. Sunday School, and on behalf of the WA. 8755 It; is safe to say there is not a famCenter I desire to thank him. As stated at the outset I have not £SX3««SXXS3»M«XSXXX^^ (Continued tm Seventh Page)



Annual Report of Executive Director By Jacob 8,. Pearlstien

to-interest the,adult membership pf the Center. With this, in1mind, we started, afid i t ' i s nqw in progress, the Adult Educatidriai program. This consists of a; series- of lectures, .discussions, concerts, recitals,: plays and exhibits—all of, a. strictJy. Jewish nature and embracing' a "wide,'field jof

Holzman, Delivers i Presidential ill! jKlessage





This Week's Money Saver


Dry Wash—5c Per Pound



Marer Reports on Activities of Center





The New 1932


7-Tube Superheterodyne





Morgenslern & Wolfson

$5.00 Sends One to Your Home




Organization News


Sisterhood Lecture Rabbi Frederick Cohn will lecture on "China, Japan and the League" on Tuesday morning a t 10:30 a. m. at the .Blackstone hotel on the series of lectures being given for the Temple Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. M. L. Cohn is in charge. ' < '.

Daughters of Israel

Notes of

the R-Na d u b a t Temple Israel Sunday morning, Febr. 14, at 10 a. m. Miss Naomi Gross, a,pupil of Cecil Berryman, will render a number of piano solos. Sunday evening a valentine party will be held for members of the club. Gertrude Rothkop is president of the 'organization.

Nordes : At a reorganization meeting of the Nordes ClubJ the following were elect-; e& <r£ficers of the grrcrap: Ann Goodbinder; president;; Al Oruch, vicepresident; Sophie Beber, secretary; Gertrude Poster, treasurer; Mollie Ackerman, reporter; Harry Kurs, sergeant-at-arms. 1 The sponsors '• are

Dorothy Corenman and Etta Tatel- Parlor at 119 South Fifteenth street, TT>aTI is the latest in local coffee shops. The next meeting will be held Febr. E. A. Meyer and Irving Cassman 16^ when plans for a "leap year" are managing the place. party will be discussed. Roxy's is built to give comfort, rest and recreation. Rockrimmed' paths, bordered with a profusion of potted plants and flowers, lead here and there among sturdy trees and the leafy ceiling permits just enough! Roxy's Coffee Shop and Billiard

Entertainment and Foods at Roxy's

light from a hundred hidden globes to complete the illusion of a shady forest dell. For the diversion of the patrons there are billiard tables here anfi there on the green turf, heavy carpeting of the establishment. A flower bordered path leads to recreation at bridge, pinochle and other games in a beautiful card room.


"The Epoch of America," a popunew book by James Troslow A regular meeting of the Daughters lar Adams, will form the subject of the of Israel Aid Society will be held on sermon by Rabbi Frederick Cohn "at Tuesday, February 16, at the Old Peor Temple Israel this evening.

pies' Home, 2504 Charles, at 2 p. m. A board meeting will be held at 1:30 p. m. \


Saturday Morning1

•_ Tomorrow morning Rabbi Cohn will speak on "What Price Glory?"


The Hadassah Se'wing Group will -Kaddish will be recited this Sab-, meet at -the home of Mrs. Simon bath for Jacob Eosenfeld and August Burger, 127 South Thirtieth street, E. Rothholz. - - - • - • • on Monday, Feb. 15. - Contributions for the Hadassah linen Shower are., still being received.' -Anyone having contributions i s asked'to send them to Mrs. J.-J. 'Friedman, chairman. • • A "Leap Year" dance will be given by;:the Omaha chapter of Junior Hadassah on Wednesday, Febr. 17, "at A Very interesting." review of the the.Omaha Women's club. Miss Ida Fine is chairman of the - book, "Red Bread," by Maurice Hin- dus was given Monday by Rabbi Fred- affair. • Her committee includes, th<? erick Cohn at the meeting of the Ha- Misses Bess Bernstein, Anne Hertzdassah Cultural Group, which was berg, Sarah. Stoller, Rose Ries, Lillian Slutzky, Tobye Hertzberg and held at the Blackstone. . The Russia of today was vividly de- Goldie Seidman. - , scribed by Rabbi Cohn, from the beA surprise and a novel program are ginning of the first revolution to the being planned for the dance, 'which is present Stalin dictatorship. open to all members. . : . Mrs. Max Fromkin is chairman of this group. All Hadassah members are eligible to belong and are asked to bring their friends to these interOmaha Chapter No. 100 will be esting and cultural gatherings which amply represented at the district are held every second Monday of each tournament' of the A.: Z. A.' to be - month. held at Sioux City starting today. The following compose the basketball team being sent down: ; Abe Bergman, Millard Sigal, Sol Yaffe Plans have been completed for the George Mofson, Nate Cutler, Mortonr second annual Pdrrm Ball to be given Ferer, • and Julius Kaplan. The dehy the Women's Auxiliary of the bate team consists of William Wolfe Conservative . Synagogue Saturday night, April 2, in the Jewish Com- and Ralph Nogg, while Ralph Nogg is the Mother chapter's entry in oramunity Center auditorium. At the general meeting Wednes- tory. A social meeting was held last day tickets were distributed, and the drive to obtain patrons is now being Sunday. Israel Hornstein gave two conducted. . readings and Milton R. Abrahams, sponsor, addressed the group. Refreshments were served. '

"Leap Year*' Dance by Junior Hadassah

Hadassah Cultural


Abramson Audit Co. 852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 4811

Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Fit Woodwork and Painting Radiator Repairing

FOX BODY & 16th and Cuming Sts. JAckson 7640

A. Z. A. No. 100

Conservative Auxiliary

AUTOMOBILES ••;• You can now buy a REO as low as $ 9 9 5 Lansing .

Reo Barish Motor Co. MAT BARISH. Hres. 2562 Farnam JA. 1997

BOWLING •-•"- -Bowl for Y o u r r: -• H e a l t h ' s S a k e , ; Alleys O p e n -••••" D a y a n d N i g h t

AK-SAR-BEN BOWLING ALLEYS _ 16th and Harney—4th Floor 3L.US afid LA UlIE. Proprietors

Pioneer Women

Aft of the officers of the Pioneer Women were re-elected at a special meeting held February 9 at the home of Mrs. S. Nitz. They are: Mrs. I. Hurwitz, financial secre-' tary; Mrs. H. Kichlin, recording secretary; Mrs. S. Epstein,-treasurer; Mrs, J. Richlin, publicity; Mesdames J . Fillman, H. Rothkovitz, S. Nit2rS. Okun and J. Kaplan, executive board. Goldie Meyerson, noted Palestine leader who is now touring the United States, will be in Omaha March 11 and 12, under the auspices of the


Miss Rose Stein was. elected the best all-around Fa-Hon for the.previous year and "was awarded a gold pin. This award is to be made annually. . " -. . . *"; \..'"-:J!. •• ' ' " , The Fa-Hon bridge team defeated the_ Psi-Mu at a challenge match • Thursday evening. '- ;-.;•-. The Fa-Hon sorority is making plans for a Valentine party to be The tenth anniversary of the Ladies held at the Morris apartments. Lyceum club will be celebrated Sunday, February 14, with a dinner and excellent program for the members At a meeting of the Henrietta and friends desiring to attend. The Szold club Tuesday evening at the affair will be held in the Labor Jewish Community Center, the repLyceum, with the dinner starting at resentatives of the American Land6:30 p. m. scape School, a branch of the AmeriAll those wishing to join in the can Drama Directors Institute, Miss observance of ten years of activity Mabel Davis and Mr. George Marof the organization in Omaha's Jew- tindale, spoke on the Lecture Classes ish life are invited. The affair is and forty lessons to be conducted at for both men and women. ~ Only 50 the New Paxton hotel in the Mexicents per plate is being charged. can room, the first to be given the For reservations call Jackson 2982 latter part of next week. before Sunday. The purpose of the lessons is to train directors, who will prepare the Miss M. Fuller will lecture before people for television,'which it is bethe Ladies' Labor Lyceum club" on lieved will be perfected in a few Tuesday evening, February 16, at years. * • . ' . . ' . . . the Labor Lyceum. ••••-•; Everyone is invited; admission is free. _ . . . - . . . : : . : . . . ; .



Ro-Noh The following officers were named to head this Central high group at a regular meeting held last Friday at the home of Ronald Reuben: r- • , Herman Goldstein, president; Marvin Pizer, vice-president; Harvey Leon,- treasurer; Herbert Kaplan^corresponding secretary; - Lawrence Green, secretary. ; "\..~...

W o m e n .

• - • - • • •

The new book by a Chalutzah of Palestine, translated into the English by Maurice Samuel, is' still available" till March.l for $1.50. After that,the regular price of $2.50 will be charged.

Ladies Labor Lyceum Club

Henrietta Szold

Recreation Department

Appointed Agent. of Pacific Mutual

The Recreation Department of the Jewish Community Center is planning a very extensive program for March and the remainder of February. The first main feature of the program will be a ladies' ping-p'orfg tournament which -will " commence soon. A combined men's and women's ladder tournament will be held and will continue until April 1. • In addition, a doubles snooker tournament is planned, to start next week." The open rotation tournament will be held about. March 1. Awards will be given the winner of every tournament.


J. M. CALABRIA Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp and Facial Manipulations

The name "Docherty Deep Etch 'Cuts'" h a s become a by-word for • quality throughout this entire section, due to the high standard of work done by the Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists and Photo Engravers, 507 South Twelfth. St., ATlantic 1192.

A. MARGHESI Barber—For Those Who Are Particular Pa*too Billiard Barber Shop .-*-: ICth * Fnrnam

BATTERY SERVICE National Tire & Battery ,.' Batteries Serviced Sold and Guaranteec 17th and Capitol Avc—AT. MS? Tour Patronaee Solicited

firettese Batteries ns Low as ?5;05. Service Anytime—We Never Close

Super Service Station


The best proof of the quality of their work is found in the accounts handled by the firm. They do the work for the Union Pacific, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Fairmont Creamery, Woodmen of the World, and the larger agencies, like Bozell & Jacobs, and Buchanan-Thomas, as well as most of the larger printers and publishers.

Electrical Contractor 603 Electric Bldg. JAckson 1045

ENGRAVERS Chas. R. DocHerty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers

Let Us Help Beautify Your Home "Artistic Framing Our Specialty"

507 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1192


Ross A. Peterson Flowers . For All Occasions





Stop or Phone For Your Delicatessen Needs Always on Hand Fancy Groceries Fresh Kosher Smoked Heats

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Floral Displays Our Specialty Ko. 24tb Street—KE. 1688 'Say It With Flower*"

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Sol Lewis • 2004 Farnam Street ATlantic 4486


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LEWIS C SHOLES, Realtor ] Skill in PropertjManag-ement Brings Larger Net Returns SO Tears Experience

Dundee Delicatessen 112 No. 50—GLendale 0778 WM. HKKZOFP. Propr.

JA. 0067—!iO5 TattPrson Bnildlng

DRAPERIES Individualized Ccauty Service at

There Are Ifo Bones in

There Is No Waste In 1513 Earner St. At. B806 "{Formerly Monheit's Beauty Salon)

illSSES EAULS 633 World-Herald Building ATlantic 0341


nmm FUEL co. E. WETNBEEG, Prop.

Free Estimates Given at Your Home On any Slip Cover Drapery or Curtain Work


Walnut 4480

AND SLIP COVER CO. 213 So. 19—J A. 204S

"Where Quality Is Supreme"



Ideal Bottling Co. Drink Ideal Beverages : Purest and Finest 1S03 Ko. 20th 8treet— WE. S«M3

WHISTLE-VESS Beverages—24 Ounces' 10c—None Better - : At Any Price" 1131 No. ISth St—WE. 21S1


QIAHALACE LAUNDRY 5007 Leavenworth WAlnut 1350


Pharmacy Prescriptions accurately compounded by expert chemists only. Free delivery to any part of the city. 24th and Seward

WE. 2860

The Same Quality Food and Efficient Service at Reduced Prices. Chicken and Steak Dinners §1.00 . Murphy's Famous Chicken Sandwich 65c

Corporate Securities Co., Inc. Murphy's Dinner Palace G40 1st National Bank . ATlantic 2237




13th nnd St. Mary*—AT W l

Specializing in Scalp Treatment

^ C h a p t e r ! ^ 1 of the A.^ Z. A. Mr. David Cohen. he d a send-off smoke^for. tiie hasD a Y i d Cohen, formerly associketball debate and oratorical teams ^ ^ G o l d s t e i l i.chapnian's and on Sunday February 7, at the home barman's, has been appointed agent i of Hyman Goodbinder. ' vfor -"""the " 'Pacific Mutual rr , Life. InsurPaul Spor, "Prince of Pep," with ance Company. his entertainers presented. many Mr. Cohen had the' jewelry and clever song and dance numbers. pocketbook department at GoldsteinSam Finkel was announced as the Chapman's and Carman's for. the past winner of the songs and yell contest, nine years. He has in this time receiving a gold medal presented by built up a wide acquaintanceship and the alumni for his effort. The ad- a host of friends. visory board surprised the chapter with a midnight novelty lunch. The mother chapter will sponsor the next play by the Center Players Miss Mary A. Parker will lecture Guild.. "Sun-Up." on "Russia" at an open meetinjt of

1207 Howard Street JAckson 5885


Zingerli Floral Co.

Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA



The company i s a member of the American Photo-Engraving Association. They point out that photoengraving is a very exact Service. To obtain satisfactory a r t work, zinc etchings, newstones, halftones and color plates, it is necessary to consult a competent photo-engraver first-

The Sign of •]: ^ Good Workmanship

PAPER t NOTIONS We Solicit Your Business And Can Assure You of a Pleasant Business Relationship.


The company is proud of the splendid reputation built up on the foundation of service and quality, all of the many employees being constantly alert and "on their toes." Charles D. Nolen and John Correa, the owners of the establishment, point with pride to the many unsolicited testimonial l e t t e r s which come into the office saving that the writers can not get better work done anywhere. ~ The ability of the men and the complete equipment play an important part in this.

Arthur Balldinc—308 So. 181 h Down Stair*


A.Z. A. No. 1



Get Acquainted


Dine and Dance a t the


VAGABOND CLUB No Cover Charge No Minimum Food Charge Ker.wood 5944 4112 No. 52nd StrecS

4917 Center Street WAlnut 1S50


THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - §2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN -, Editor FREDA BOLKER MILDER Society Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ANN PILL . . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


awarded by him to Jews; that he thoroughly enoyed his Jewish acquaintanceships, as Dr. Zacharis, Abraham Cohen, Rabbi Isaac Lesser, Abraham Jonas, Isaac Fenno, Benjamin Gratz, Judge Dittenhoffer and others. We give slight notice to the fact that when General Grant banished the Israelites from the military district which he commanded, it was Lincoln who at once ordered him ;o revoke the unjust order, and restored our brethren to their homes and pursuits. We honor him not so much because these incidents may demonstrate a friendliness to the Jewish people but because they form a link hi the chain of princpiles for which Lincoln unbendingly stood . . . tenets so dear to Judaism. He found solace and light in our Book of Books, the Bible. The Hebrew Commonwealth, not the Republic of Greece, was to him the pattern for his democracy. His life strikes a concordant note in Jewish life in his intense opposition to anything neighboring on bigotry or oppression, of the slave or any other people. He led his country through searing strife to vindicate those traits in him so idealistic to our people—social justice, human compassion and understanding, freedom and equality for all regardless of creed, race or color. On his birthday we, believers in that same lofty goalr should be reinspired to continue our constant striving toward that altruistic ideal.



: •'


B y


PROFESSOR WILLIAM POPPER of the Department of Justice at the University of California has issued through the University of California Press a translation of the first thirty-five chapters of Isiah amended according to the demands of parallelism. Previous tc this work, Professor Popper had made available a translation of the first ten chapters, with a detailed argument in support of the emendations made. As far back as 1918 I had the honor to collaborate with Professor Popper in a publication entitled: "Studies in Biblical Parallelism." My own contribution was a historical study of parallelism as a poetic motif, and an analysis of the structure of the entire book of Amos. Parellelism, let it be said, is "that form of literary expression in which one and the same thought, but with varying "words and imagery, is repeated in successive lines." Professor Popper is a careful and thorough scholar, who has won widespread repute among scholars for his editions of Arabic historical texts. In his studies of Biblical poetry in the light of parallelism Professor Popper has made a contribution which cannot be ignored by Old Testament

MARJORIE DAMSEY, A YOUNG Jewish authoress, has written a strong but repellant novel entitled: "A Woman like Me." It tells of a certain Nancy Prager who lives only for her beauty, and who is destroyed by her obsession. Miss Wilson, (a nom de plume, by the way) makes her central character a • 'Jewess, though this does not become apparent to the reader. until the book is well under way. Nancy Prager is a Jewess in name only, and perhaps in certain aspects of her psychology. The fact that the authoress has given her a Jewish name is an interesting commentary upon the naturalness with which "WHY I AM A TEW" IS THE many writers are coming to regard Jewish life in the metropolis. It title of a pamphlet, by Rabbi Albert has ceased to be a problem; it just G. Minda of Temple Israel, Minneapolis. It is the printed version of "is." his address at a Forum of Faiths "A Woman Like Me" is powerfully held in the Municipal Auditorium in written, but the pathological quali- which the participants were Mr. Clarties of Nancy Prager do not make ence Darrow, a Catholic, and a for enjoyment in the reading. 'Miss Protestant. The "Christian Century" Wilson, has graphic powers of obser- criticised Forums of this type revation, analysis and expression, and cently, but if only to bring forth so we are confident that her succeed- admirable a discourse as that which ing novels, when she turns to more Rabbi Minda has made available, they attractive themes, will give her a are more than worth while.


RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York -I*

RABBI SOLOMON GOLDMAN IN his "Scrapbook" quotes from the Midrash and Herodotus. From the latter he chooses the following parable: "There was a flute player •who saw fishes in the sea and played upon his flute thinking that thus they would come out on the land. Being disappointed of his hope, he took a net and gathered in a few out of a great multitude of the fishes; and seeing them leaping, he said: /You had best cease from your dancing now; yon would not come out and dance then, when I played to you.'"

The Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, symbolizing the consolidation and unification of the Center, the Federation, and the Philanthropies, has proven its inestimable value in the communal life of local Jewry. Few, if any, questioned the wisdom of the co-ordination of these three groups, a year ago, but we did not realize in its full significance the effectiveness ot the amalgamation until the panorama of the p»st year's work was depicted at the first anniCHAIN BLOCH, ACCORDING TO versary meeting Sunday evening. the New York "Zionist," has includWe have been living through most trying ed the following story in one of his compilations: "In the year 1898 when times, unprecedented conditions which have taxed Theodor Herzt and David Wolffsobn to the utmost our human and material resources. were on their way to Palestine, they The reports rendered Sunday made us feel that stopped off in Greece to view the historic sites. As they visited variour consolidation had been effected barely in From CoMevtiporaryPens show ous famous locations, Herzl would time, for without the complete co-ordination of that he was deeply moved by the Center, the Federation, and the Philanthropdeclaiming long passages of Homer ies, without saving in one department to aid anin Greek. Wolffeohn would watch, HEBREW UNIVERSITY greatly impressed, not knowing any other overburdened group, without the eliminaThe graduation exercises held last Monday Greek. 1 don't .understand how ycu tion of considerable expense, duplication of ef- at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus is 'can get so worked up by these fort, and over-organization we could never have so another manifestation of the determination to strange things,' he commented. Herzl successfully weathered the distressing Btorm of "carry on" by the pioneers who are rehabilitating regarded him with a look of comas though to say, 'Only a 1931. It was only by the pooling of our resources the Holy Land. Despite all obstacles, their spirit miseration, poor Lithuanian ghetto Jew, after and centralizing of our man-power that we met remains undaunted. The indifference, at times, all.' they arrived at Jersusalem, all of our local, national and international finan- even the antagonism of the British Colonial of- theWhen two went quickly to the Wailing cial obligations and that we could satisfy the fice, the depression from which no coun- Wall. Arriving there, Wolff sohn was ever-increasing needs of family relief, child care try has economic profoundly touched that he began been spared, the hostility generated by so to recite Psalm 126 in Hebrew- Herzl and the multiplicity of other social service prob- the Arab agitators-rthese cannot deter the men watched him, greatly impressed, not lems. This same sound, constructive business and women who are embarked what is gen- knowing a word of the language. principle brought dividends in greater all-around erally recognized as one of the on greatest experi- Finally he grasped Wolf fsohn's efficiency. hand with vehemence and, with tears in modern history. in his voice, said: *You have beaten But, more than developing a harmonious ments The Hebrew University is keeping pace with community through the joint co-operation of all, the agricultural and industrial development of the me."' the merging of our forces into an all-encompassFRIEND, ALBERT BENDER, country. In a sense it may be said that in MY ing organization has given us a reservoir, of in- ancient California, who hails from Dublin, the progress of the Hebrew University is even will be interested to know that the spiration and a source-spring from which we can greater developments in other directions. column "Make Mine Manhattan" in continue to build an improved local Jewry. Since itsthan inception in 1925 this institution of the New York "World-Telegrapher" Through all of our activities" there is the one learning has succeeded of the 150 Irish Jews in New in arousing the interest of tells York City. underlying purpose, that of raising Jewish life to world-Jewry. It has also the co-opera- Hyman Edelstein, also a Dublinite, as: high a plane as possible. Social work alone tion of the world's foremostenlisted scholars and think- has come to Manhattan from Canada cannot accomplish this; it can but lead the way. ers, with the. result that in the * comparatively to organize "A League of the Sons So' our accomplishments of the past, deep-rooted short period of its existence it has earned for it- of-Aaron." According to Mr.' Edelstein, who is a Jewish poet of disachievements, spur us onward . . . still thinking self an enviable name. Under the directing tinction, a Miss Ceil Wilder addressed and still planning along the-lines of communal genius of that colorful personality, Dr. Judah a meeting of the Society for the endeavor.. And so we all must heartily endorse Leon Magnus, it bids fair to become one of the Advancement of Judaism recently in Gaelic. In a debate between Trinity the proposals Sunday of a comprehensive and world's foremost institutions of learning. World- and.'. National University in Gaelic, sound program of child care, more pronounced Jewry is proud of the Hebrew University; and the award was presented to a.certain Jewish education, and above all Jewish education the Jews of America are pleased to be counted Lionel Abrahamson. To be sure the have long asserted that they for our children. This needs more than fund- among its leading supporters.—Jewish Exponent. Irish are descendants of the Lost Twelve raising; it means actual co-operation of the entire Tribes, giving rise, doubtless, to the Jewish community in carrying out a well-balanced name Jeremiah among them. Mrs. Phillip Gowen, wife of the -well-known TALMUDIC WISDOM program. In such a program there is no room for a publicist1, hails from Dublin, Sadness is not a sin, but no sin hardens the Jewish those "who neither know to spin, nor care to and Albert Bender, the beloved bookheart so much as sadness. toH." man of San Francisco, still speaks with a rich Irish brogue. - * * * Sadness is the worst quality in a man. It is ALBERT EINSTEIN'S REPUTAHUMAN IDEALS the attribute of an incurable egotist He is al- tion as a lover of his people is not ( One hundred arid twenty-three years ago to- ways thinking: "Something should rightfully undeserved. Illustrious as he is, he day Abraham Lincoln, the great Emancipator, come to me; something is wrongfully lacking to still finds time for Idndly deeds to was born amidst humble surroundings. Rabbi me." Whether in relation to substances or spirit, individuals and groups. Recently the great scientist, now at Pasadena, Isaac Mayer Wise, a contemporary, apocryphally it is always "L" wrote expressions of his philosophy claimed that Lincoln was descended of Hebrew upon four postcard size photographs * * * himself and sent them to be given parentage but this view is not substantiated by is only a hair's breadth between sad- of as prizes during a benefit tea-by any historical facts. Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth ness There and bitterness, and bitterness leads to heart- the Hadassah chapter of Fresno, president of these United States, nevertheless de- break. Calif., ""'Service not domination' is serves all the respect and esteem which we Jewthe device that makes for the hap* * * '. .', ' .piness and welfare of mankind and ish people can show to his memory. To the one obsessed by sadness, his very body the community." Another inscription We pay but passing atention to the fact that feels heavy to carry around. He "cannot abide read:. "Kindness unites, but craftiLincoln numbered many Jewish friendships himself; he cannot abide the other. Jew. *. ness separates • men." By courtesies of this kind, Proamong his treasured memoirs; that he offered * • • fessor Einstein has endeared himself embassy appointments to both Italy and HonduThe most delicate dissatisfaction with him- to multitudes the world over. A ras to Jews, who refused in order to be of more self is associated in a man's life with sadness, but single glance at the benign countenservice at home; that many official posts were the most complete joy is born out of holiness. Valley five. Jewish boy.trained as a skater, not as the various big tournaments are on the great natural lakes or out- just around the corner, like prosperiside skating ponds, but rather on ty, only much closer.: The. Center small indoor rinks, in New York City, has always been known for the splen By STANLEY F. LEVIN took the lead from the 100 per cent did handball players and should re Monday, amid the cheers of thou- Nordics, Canadians, Norwegians, peat with at least one A. A. U. trisands, with the strains of the Star Scandinavians and others and raced umph. Right now the principal point Spangled Banner playing in his ears, them to decisive defeat. of interest is.the battle between the young Irving Jaffee was crowned Center and the Y. M. C. A. for the with the Olympic laurel as the Leslie Burkenroad, former Central honor of being host to the A. A. .U, world's champion of champions. high school all around star and cap- meet early in march. Jaffee, a slim young broker's clerk tain • of the 1917 Missouri Valley from New York City, had shortly championship basketball team, was The two local A. Z. A. teams will before won his second speed skat- the only Jewish athlete mentioned ing championship of the current at a recent coaches' meeting during not take the court this week, in the Olympic competition and by so do- which time the mentors tried to de- Center basketball league as they ing had given the United States her termine the outstanding all-time star leave this Friday to do battle in fourth consecutiva Olympic champion- of their respective schools. Burken- Sioux City at the mid-western disship. . road was among the four great stars trict of the A. Z. A. basketball tourIronical indeed, that Jaffee, a Jew, chosen from Central high school, the ney: Omaha No. 1, the defending chamshould be the individual star of the cradle of great athletic heroes. pions, are favored to meet Des meet that attracted skaters from Moines in the final round as the many nations. Ironical, because Lake The J. C. C. girls team swamped mother chapter basketeers have dePlacid, New York, the scene of the winter Olympic meet, is owned and the Fremont Orioles 52 to 19 as was feated Omaha No. 100, Lincoln and Goldenburg, Brookstein Sioux City, the other entrants. operated by private business men expected. whV. boast that only Nordics like and Hurwitz were the big guns for Local hopes are pinned on the themselves are permitted to enjoy the locals. Divine and Chesnau played ability of Franklin and Grossman to a bang-up guarding game. the. pleasures of America's winter come through with the necessary playground. . . . points, backed up by the Center Max Altshuler, defending J. C. C. jumping of Babich and the close Jaffee could not be forbidden, as he wore the shield of the United handball champion, is favored to re- guarding of the two back court States, emblazoned on his jersey. tain his title at the Center tourney hawks, Captain Rosen and Turner. How those ardent Americans must now being played. The four court Turner and Grossman are members hayg; moaned and groaned as the artists are rounding into good shane. of the mythical all star Missouri

ance on the photograph above the mottoes is sufficient to demonstrate the manner of men Professor Einstein is. It is always heartening to the morale of the people of Israel that the great ones of their own self should bear in mind constantly their interests and activities;

Telling It InGATH .;

"ANIMAL KINGDOM" BY PHIL. lip Barry is one of the finest of his plays, but it is so thoroughly "Gen» tile" in its gentility that it seems out of place in New York. When we witnessed it recently, the audience seemed almost entirely nonJe-wish. It was as if Mr. Barry's play by a process of natural selection had drawn to it only the Gentiles of the city with tastes, manners and diction like his own. "Animal Kingdom" is restrained, giving utterance with a few words, to strong emotions underneath. Leslie "Howard portrays his role of the scion of an Eastern aristocratic family with amazing accuracy. As in other Barry plays, the people who enact his characters are the very persons they simulate. Both the Barry method and the audience drawn to it should be contrasted with Elmer Rice's "Counsellor-atLaw." If Mr. Rice has left anything unsaid, it can scarcely be noticed, and if George Simon does- not give vent to all the emotions in the range of human feeling, it is not the fault of the playwright or of Paul Muni, the actor. At the "Animal Kingdom" the audience holds itself in check with wellbred decorum, but at "Counsellor-atLaw" the observers "let themselves go" and enjoy themselves hugely. It is an interesting contrast in racial psychology and displays the varied types in the large city.



that captivate with new higher waist lines, clever little jackets and touches of fine Baby Irish Lace


And They're Most Outstanding Values at This Low Price/ pROCKS that have far more smartness and *- charm than their small price tag indicates! AH the newest . . . the most popular details for spring, 1932! Frocks that go places . . . at all tunes! There's a frock particularly suited to you m this group . . 4 come in and try them on . . . soon.

Chapter 100 will be there, in the hopes of being able to spring a fast one, and down at least one adversary, but the chances are slim. The Century chapter has a number of splendid basketball players on her roster, but the boys lack the well known A. Z. A. spirit. Instead of playing up, they play on various teams, because as one hopeful expressed himself, he would rather play on a contender than on a last place A. Z. A. team, despite the fact that he was an A. Z. A. man. "One for all and all for one is always a good motto." More on the Ike Mahoney StoryMahoney playing under the name of Thomas with the Herman Cigar Store lineup is a professional athlete and as such is barred from all amateur competition except such competition as being a member of the Center and playing in a regularly scheduled league game. Any man playing against Ike in a game anywhere or any time but such league games, automatically becomes a professional in the eyes of .the A. A. U. and in high school or college athletics. Let this be a warning to all team managers and players. The above information comes direct from the president and secretary of the Midwest section of the A. A. U.

high place among the* authors of our day.

authorities. Those who are preparing the scries of commentaries on the Bible for the Jewish Publication Society would do well to turn ;heir attention to Professor Popper's -writings and to bear in mind the suggestions he offers. Most of the changes * he has introduced into the text, "have been made in order to clarity of meaning on the basis of regularity of form and are concerned with the non-parallelistic members." "That the revised text prepared by the translator in accordance with these principles is closer in spirit to the original than the Masoretic text can be confidently, asserted, even if the claim is not made that the author's exact words have been restored." The significance of this translation is obvious, and Professor Popper is to be congratulated upon his achievement, and the •University of California Press on their enterprise in presenting' it to readers.

The frock * • -, with waistlines at a new high V • . flatteringly youthful.

The frock with attractive touches of lovely Baby Irish lace on dark colors. Top — Gigolette model in b l a c k crepe print blouse, $16.95

Black crepe with surplice closing, Irish lace trim $16.95

The frock with the popular j a c k e t in m a n y interesting variations.

Left—N i 1 e green lace, sash cord of coral velvet, $16.95 *gS3§jZ5&Z



iLATLEMAN-WTLFSON FOR CALIFORNIA VISITORS NUPTIALS Mrs. J. H. Lesser and daughter, The marriage of Miss Rose Wilf- Phyllis, of California, who have been son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nath- visiting in New York, will spend an Wilfson, to Sidney Katleman, son three days in Omaha en route home. of Mr. and Mrs. S. Katleman, was Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky solemnized Sunday evening, February will be at home in their honor this 7, in the ballroom of the Blackstone Sunday afternoon from 4 until 6 hotel. Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln o'clock in the afternoon. Honors and Rev. Abraham Schwaczkin of will also be shared by Mrs. Sarah Omaha performed the ceremony in Richards of California, who will rethe presence of 600 guests. turn home with the Lessers on Tues. " • ;'.-'• :..'•-• Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Abe day. Wolfson, cousin of the bride, sang No invitations have. been issued. "O, Promise Me" and "I Love You Truly." She was accompanied by lUiss Eve Katzman at the piano and WERTHEIMER TEA Mr. arid Mrs. Sain Werthehner Sam Epstein on the violin. Miss' were at home to their friends SunKatzman and Mr. Epstein also played day afternoon from 2 until 7 o'clock, the -wedding marches. in honor of their son and daughterThe bride was lovely in a -white in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimsatin gown fashioned with a lace er, Jr., who recently returned from yoke, fitted bodice and floor length their wedding trip. Mrs. Wertheimer, skirt. Her veil fell from a lace cap, Jr., was formerly Miss Eleanor Livand she carried a sho-wer bouquet of ingston of Belvidere, HL •white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Wertheimer were Miss Sophie Eoginsky, cousin of assisted by Mrs. Sol Degen, Mrs. the bride,, was maid-of-honor, and Henry Rosenthal, Mrs. Morton Degthe Misses Miriam Greenberger, l i l - en, Mrs. Max Holzman and Miss lian Johnson and Rose Giller were Hazel Degen. bridesmaids. Melvin Katleman served The tea table was decorated with his brother as best man, and grooms- a centerpiece of spring flowers, and men were Harold Katleman, Harry calla lilies were used in the living Xievinson and Sam Schwartz. room. A reception and dance followed the ceremony. The young couple left the VALENTINE'S DAY TEA following day for Houston, Texas, Mrs. Ben Shapiro and her sister, and other southern points, on a three Miss Ruth" Pollack, will give, a tea week honeymoon trip. at home on Valentine's day, Sunday, Among the out-of-town guests at February 14, from 3 to 6 o'clock in the wedding were Mrs. Rose Wein- the afternoon, to honor two brides-tostein and daughter, Miss Dorothy be and Mrs. A. M. Grneskin, formerWeinstein, of Fort Worth, Texas; ly of Kansas City. The Grueskins Mrs. J. Weinstein and son, Edward, recently moved to Omaha. of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mrs. Bess KatleThe brides-to-be are Miss Anita man, Miss Elizabeth Sandlovitch and Gluekman of Council Bluffs, who is Miss Sarah Hill of Lin com, Nebr.; to marry Jack W. Marer of Omaha, Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron David, and Miss Grace Rosenstein, who will of Leavenworth, Kans.; Misses Edith wed Dr. Mark Marks of Kansas City. Fingerfish and Jeanette Baron of Assisting hostesses will "be Mrs. Kansas City; Mrs. Paul Kaplan and Robert Glazer, Mrs. Jack Melcher and . daughters, the Misses Kate, Dora and Miss Sylvia Chait. Sara Kaplan, and Mrs. L Levitan af About 50 guests have been invitSioux City. ed. The Valentine motif will be folAmong the last of prenuptial af- lowed in tea-table decorations and fairs in honor of Hiss Rose Wilf- red roses will be nsed. son was a bridge party on Tuesday afternoon, February 2, when Mrs. SURPRISE PARTY Miss Elsie Lazarus entertained six Dave Katleman entertained at her couples at her home on Frroay evehome. ~ -jr. •*"•*'* ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Neesman enter- ning at a surprise party i n honor tained at a dinner party honoring of her sister, Miss Pearl Lazarus, the young couple. Miss Sophie Rog- who celebrated her sixteenth birthinsky honored the bride at a bridge- day that day. Valentine decorations were used. The table had as a cenluncheon at the Paxton hoteL

Sunday, February 14 Psi Mu Dance, 3 p. m. Tuesday, February 16 Conservative Synagogue dinner, 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, February 17 Concert-Lecture: A. W. Binder, 8 p. mv, '^Jewish Life in Music.** (Adult Educational program.) • Thursday, February 18 Debate: Alpha Tau vs. A. Z. A. No. 1, 8 p. m.

Coming Events Sunday, February 21 Psi Mu Washington Day tea dance, 3 p. m. Monday, February 22 B'nai Brith open meeting. Harry Lashkowitz, president Grand Lodge No. 6, Fargo, N. D., guest speaker, 8 p. in. Tuesday, Fenroary 23 Debate: A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. A. Z. A. No. 7. Wednesday, February 24 Bridge. 8 p. m. Sponsored by Henrietta Szold girls. Monday, February 29 Banquet: Workmen's Loan Association. Tuesday, March 1 Supper: Center Player's Guild. 6:30 p. m. "Sun Up," a play by Lulu Wollmer. to be presented by the Center Player's Guild, & p. m. (Adult Educational Program) Meeting: Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, 2:30 p. m. Board meeting, 1:30 p. nu Wednesday, March 2 Meeting: Ladies' Free Loan Society, 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 8 Meeting: Deborah Society, 2:30 p. m.

terpiece a large birthday cake with candles on it, and at either end of the table were two red and white candles. Each side of the table had two large wishing bowls from which red streamers ran t o each place. The guests included the Misses Hannah Gossick, Bess Bernstein, Roth Shapiro, Ruth Hoberman and Marian Weinberg, and Lowell Marcus, Isra Bercoviei, Henry Graexiberg, Albert Simmerman, Joe Greenstone and Her-

1 MAX KAPLAN S A Y S - I Enjoy more leisure by having us do your laundrying for you.


(Our New Phone Number)

jert Marks.

The Young Judea dub gave a party Saturday night of last week at the BRIDGE CLUB home of Miss Annette Forman. Miss Blanche Rothenburg enter- Eleven couples were guests. Prizes tained the members of the Sunday in bunco were won by Joe Harris Afternoon Bridge Club at her home and Liberty Cooper. unday. Cards were followed by a buffet supper. Iota Tau sorority entertained at a The guests included the Misses Ida rush party on Sunday afternoon at Bercovici, Elsie Lazarus, Sara Mal- the Green Garden Tea Booms. Dinashock, Martha Iippett, Bertha New- ner was served at 5 o'clock and man, Euth Leibovici and Rose Shafer. bridge followed. Prizes were won by TWigp Lee Shames and Miss Hazel SOCIAL NOTES Zavett. Miss Sylvia Bezman spent the past Iota Tau of Sioux CSty will give weekend visiting here with her par- an anniversary dinner on February ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bezman, and 14. 'Members of the Omaha chapter friends. She is living in Chicago are invited* -with her sister, Mrs. J. Rosenbaum. Isadore Kkshlin, son of Mr. and Dr. Herman Jahr -was called to Mrs. J. Eichlin, left for the Midland New York C5£y Sunday on account debate tournament in Fremont Thursday. Eichlin is a senior at North of the death of his father. High school, where he is an honor Mrs. Leo Milder left Wednesday student and led the honor roll last morning to visit in Blair for a week semester with 6 A's. with Mr. and Mrs. I. Sherman, her brother and sister-in-law. Miss Ruth Pollack, telephone supervisor of the classified advertising department of the Omaha World Herald, attended the north central district association of newspaper classified advertising managers convention in Des Monies. She was chairman and one of the speakers. Milton Mayper is spending two weeks in New York" City. During his stay in the jdty he is purchasing merchandise and also visiting with relatives. En route Mr. Maypex stopped a few days in Chicago. Invitations have been mailed to all former Omaha men and women now living in Chicago, and those visiting Chicago, to attend a get-together luncheon and bridge at the Great Northern hoteL Sunday evening, March 6, given by the Oma-Chi dub if Chicago. The second annual spring dance of the Oma-Chi club will be held at the beautiful Bal Tabaiin in the Sherman hotel on Sunday, May 1. Herbie Mints National' Broadcasting Company Radio, orchestra will furnish the music

Melodrama to be Presented Sunday

"A Servant by Her Own Chadwill be the presentation offered by the Nathan Weinstein Yiddish Flayers at the Knights of Columbus this Sunday evening. Prices are still down at 50 and 75 cents. Mr. ^Weinstein states that "every mother and father should bring their children to see this show. It has a message which they will not forget, besides being jane of the best Yiddish shows ever produced." The entire company will appear in

Error By a typographical error in the recipe for Quick Coffee Cake in last week's Press, one and one-half cups

Shrier Paint and Wallpaper Company Phone ATlantic 4744

Omaha's Style Center




"We Are Ready ...for Spring

"Go Ahead" $



Jewelry Needs

2932 Dresses introduce n e w fashion interests, high necklines, side button arrangements, high waists and broad shoulders, the new small details are too numerous to mention. Misses' and Women's ; Sizes.

16th and Howard


Second Floor

Opposite Blackstone Hotel 3566 Faraam Harney 5121

r 0 a Yoor Way Home . Stfcjp'at fhe Kenyon Delicatessen for your Delicatessens, Kosher smoked meats, and Tancy Groceries.

Space Always Available For YourConvenience We Are

Open Evenings and Sundays


DRESSES that make smart women stop in their tracks— at a price that signals


Free Parking


the production. There will "be musi- of butter appeared instead of one and one-half tablespoons. cal numbers between acts. All seats are reserved. They n a y be obtained at the Knights of ColumHave Your Paper Hanger bus box office on Sunday after Specify "Wall Paper from 10 a. m.


. . .and New Suits that smart women crave on sight at the same easy price!—

Fashion Details That Make the Men Find

Broad shoulders, a wide mili. taryline. >, straight slim waisted


There Is a supreme combination of style, fit and quality in footwear—a value achievement that every man should know. The Nebraska invites you to see the New Bostonians . . . they're an entirely new development in fine footwear at popular price!

-Price Details That Make S e I e c 11 n g a Suit at Herzbergs So Simple! ••"Whatever price you can afford to , j a y is here . . . for Herzbergs Suit r prices range from . . .

$15 to $150 Fourth Floor

* • > • • • « •


Brief, close-fitting, ultra chic jackets. yery slight detail... a grand simplicity. M u c h s i d e - buttoning on jackets. Ifew colors: Corsair Blue, Mellow Brown, Beigeen and the always popular Black.

Juniors', EQsses' and Women's Sizes

The new suits are as slim, and trim and slick as a dress; they flatter the figure like nothing you ever saw. Everybody who has seen them has fallen on the spot. Second Floor

Greater Sboe Sections—Ttlaln Kk>«r—lf«rtfc {

X-RAT FITTING SEKYICEThe New end Better Way to fit Sheeil




wrm BATH

loo Rooms Press $3 DOWN! ISO Roo*«

Headquarters Aviaiion aiuS Motor Clubs. Old fashioned hospital;*?*. Luxcricna accommodations. Famous Dance An EppJey HoteL


OLD-TIMER EXPLAINS HOW FIRST LOCOMOTIVE RAN—Kirby Jackson, 99, of Chicago, reputed to be the world's oldest railroad man, shows Evelyn Hirsh, left, and Mary Patterson how the first locomotive, the Rocket, was operated. They are looking at a replica of the old engine in Union Station, Chicago.




.< . - 4 . t ' I , • '•

, 1 ^


Vi •


A WINTER QUEEN—Miss Betty GlendinnLng, of Scarsdale, N. Y., who was chosen the fairest at the annual Dartmouth winter carnival, Hanover, N. H., proudly displays the silver cup presented to her after she was crowned queen.



^"rl *


5 !


WAXING ELOQUENT—Here is a sight that would melt the heart of any spectator. The wax model shown looks as though she could wax eloquent on the subject of fires and firemen as she is carried from a burning museum of wax figures at Coney Island, New York. Fourteen real persons, asleep in the building, barely escaped.

PLAN GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE—The governors of four states and the former governor of another are pictured in the executive mansion, Albany, N. Y., planning for the annual governors' conference, which is to be held in Richmond, Va., this year. The governors are, left to right, Norman S. Case of Rhode Island, Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York, former Governor Cary Augustus Hardee of Florida, John G. Pollard of Virginia, and George H. Dern of Utah.

SOCIETY WEDDING—Society notables from Chicago, New .Philadelphia and Boston attended this brilliant wedding ceremony, that of Potter Palmer III to the former Rose Movius at Brookline, Mass. The couple is shown leaving the church after the ceremony. He is a soil of the Potter Palmers of Chicago, and the bride is a 'daughter of Mrs. Alice West Movius of Brookline.



TO THE FRONT THEY MOVE—This photo of a trainload of Chinese soldiers being shipped to Shangp "" hpi nma taken in Chhp^ g'vtf wqr at lfl£7. bnt this aarna scene ia being re»enacted today,-. today,-

ASMS DELEGATES IN PARIS—Miss Mary Woolley, president of Mount Holyoke college, and Senator Claude Swanson, of Virginia,^ official U. "S.^ delegates to the disarmament conference atGeneva, are snapped arriving at tiffi S t Laaire station, EariSi j»JSBBtfi. tfl ^urlsat.

ON THE JOB IN FAR EAST-Ednai.ee Booker is the first woman to serve as a war correspondent duriiig actual hostilities in the Far East, She is shown in her Shanghai office with .her native Chinese assistant standing beside her;' . — — •




^tkiv\Aent hje iekA Secretary-Treasurer. Any two Secretary. ~ Jitirgan | life will! grow larger. Support and Mtest: J r A . "C. EEXITEDT, o£ theSse1"offices, excepting those of PrvsiH. A.: WOLF. _- de**«bed encouragement will be : increasingly'= 51 ellt tijnd ' Vice-rresklent, mny be held liy Nortel |L»2 of! Lot 10 i f ;«loct J. A. C. KEXXEDT;" . The principal plac4 ofjtftuisjfctliig liig i its t s p p Place, laa n Addition c(Q to' the iCit^'** Cy*Oj **ej$?Fle'B£I>:oui Otnaha, A. W, GORDOX, J is e ^s ^ snail il be b in i .thei t h iC *CJit | O t h given to -education, to primary and J IBXGIJISII CLUBS OF A S g S 3 oMCls iCodnty, Ne'l(cn£kn, SB inrvef«^i; j i t of Directors. ouglas, Couaty, Nebtasiia. •I , ; , . < ; . Douglas, Couaty, Nebtasiia. •of secondary schools, teachers' training AMERICA. ,> i The object" aliii purpose t h e corpora- plaited and" recordeU,, COTtificate of which Th object" aliii purpose o i - •• By K: E." Webster, I^resident. t d d th l i t i f f b the th C "hereby given that OH the 1st. tion and t h e powers i t sliaH>%ave shall be schools and theological = colleges. What- dayNotfces-ls (Continued from Page <2*y - - •* > the plaintiff'by L. A. lloltE, Secretary. of January, 1032, the total outstanding: to acquire, own, hold, maintain aBd op-ty Treasurer to of Douglas County, on tbeWitness: H. Marquardt. ever is of value in the spiritual her- indebtedness, erate certain parcels of real estate in the Gth day of November, secured and unsecured, of 1829; that plaintiff fly in Omaha •which has come to our REALTY COMrA-ST, City of Omaha, fully set forth in,the Arti- allegvs thcie is now Aue the plnuitiff o itage of the Jewish people will, i)e aVENETIAN.COURT l f Incorporation, I t i d shall h l l also l h Nebraska corporation, •with its rincpipal cles of and have said tait li lien the Bum of $312.07 withhiuattention as being in dire need, that h *e*t $31207 i conserved and further developed. place of business in Omahn, was $82.804.i)2. the'rieht MAX FKOMKIN, Attorney do any »1r t h i h ^ hh*«dB * * ^ ' M e r id e s t a t I 3 -p« idrtf$118.14 from Noe V p t t-o t d y and a ftthitagB has not been extended a measure of ••f • J- H. KULAKOFSKY, President. • • Peters Trtist Bldg. sarjrj to the holding g ana taaha'genient o r •cem her-«,• 1829; on ?22:30 from. May 10, ish art and music will, less and less, Attest: S. B. AUERBACH, Secretary. I83O; oh ?fc>5. B 9 Trom' July 13, 1030' on aid enabling them to sustain life and id reall estate; t t tto sell; ll conjrey, j bt said b g p be permitted to languish in the garJ. H. KTTLAKOFSKT. OF INCOnPOS1S.CS from Stay £0. IiJSl, and ou jfc.00 NOTICE OF or otherwise dispose of any or all of the, hope. •RATION-OT ROXT INCORPORATED. toper • ; :• LOUIS KULAKOFSKT. real estate "mentionedd in the e Articles t «if' from July 33- 1831, t&getheit wftb rets of impoverished artists. Jewish Notice is hereby grivej) that I lie under.cent ot said nmouut, as attorney's fees, : I believe we have met the problem and I d 4o k .contracts .and d . - . . • : • K E C F E N E T L A K O F S K Y , Incorporation scholars,; will, less and less, be doomed r-rcosts of snit aud the sum'of $3.00 for re- signed fncorporntors taive caused to be ith t in i connection t agreements therewith. ' '' :: Majority of Directors. to much greater degree of success filed inthe .uffim.* of tlip Secretary of State demption notice fees. . . . .... p to; carry; :No£Ece is 'hereby given that on the 1stp y on their researches in p The authorized st ock of. the coxmul in the oftice itil'f 4prayp.th«t: »i debase;be entered of tiRbtiuil)e:jpf iiebrasfcii than might have been the case. The; poratiOH shall,, : capital $1 $100,00(^.00 divide* i n : : d a y of January, 1932. the total outstanding ' i ,-.„ tho'ammmit due him.as n jiem niton of th«.: tWtniJS. Cler*. i>f the County of h of f *l00.0O *l000 each. h : . ; : :? consolidation of the organization into \] jCaridle lighting time,:l$riday, Feb. erty' 'and obscurity. Jewish writers indebtedness *f BUTTERFLY PRODUCTS shares The existence, of said corporation shall; Said- reali estate : tJOBether -trtth- th^ amount Dou^lnp n»d: State dt Nelirnskn, Articles INC., a Nebraska corporation, and philosophers will, less and less, CGMPA"NY, duo SOT nttorney'fe fees, .reiliepipeien notice of ljifcetjSOisilioB of Uoxy Incorporated. one functional group enabled us i to ;i2,--SilO p. m gin on the filinp of a otfpy of; its Art!-.' With i t s principal place of business in cles of tlncorpOration yrith tine -. County: ;fieee'and Utecostis, and that ap6u the de-Said jArtiicfesttnrovidt* as follows: be obliged-to depend on penny-a-line Omaha, was $2,248.01. 1 merge the budgets, to pool human and 1. ; tlfhe ! iihmii of tbe Corporation is £au)t oc payment of such ninaunts found Clert of Donsms Conntj-. Nebraska.-snd' Tonight! MICHEL KATLEMAX. President. contributions to struggling publica- Attest: EL A. Nt'I.SOX. Secretary; due him p.-ithiti. thirty days ifrbri date of Ross rincpjrpontteti: BhaJl continue for a period of 50 years; material resources of the entire com'-. 2. ; The ;pri»icliMvl ^Incp of transacting ^ g ! The liiphest amount o£: intleiltedneaa to sudi fiecrea, that said; -real:estate m a j be MICHEL KATliEMAN, inanity with a far greaterJdegree; o^ ! <Eabbl Goldstein wall I preach :on tions. More and more; "the renaisance • . - . - - . . ?whieh; said corporation shall at niiy time sold to satisfy fbe siime aiifl, costs of-suit the of Jlife Con>orntion is the City H. A. NELSON, ; Dangers of Patriotism." . * : •• pi the Jewish spirit, which has in-5 1 and snlu, ana that stiid defendants nnd all of Omnba, County ni' iiouplas. swbjeet -itself -shaH not eseeed two-thirds ' i l efficiency than might .-have been: the; - Majority of Directors. 3. Tine fTKJierill n:Knr>' ot the business of it» capital stock but said restriction persons claiming l>y, through wr under f ected our communal "enterprises, willCongregational Dinner case otherwise. . . ? ' : U i;J; frora to be trammeled is to uiaiut!>in nnd oiierNotice is hereby given that on the 1st shall not appty to mortgages placed on them, or any of them, be cxcloded and foreclosed of any and all : interest, nte n ristaunmt. pool and t>il!inrU piirlor Through, this means, Sve; -were; able a Tuesday, Feb. 16, iihe auxlli- envisage! these precious potentialities day of January,l»32. the total ontstanflmg the siiid real estnte. ; retnil esinblishof NATIONAL UPHOLSThe business of the corporation Khali be rights, tjttetn,'«*ates in, oriiens^npoD the nnd. to oi>ernte a p?netri! to make sacrifices• ini :sdijne. depart-; will sponsor their njionthly Con- and will regard them as legitimate Indebtedness, . • ' . jnent for the buying !III<1 selling of tnerTERING CO.. a. Nehraska corporation, conducted by a lioartl of three Directors said real-esmte. claimants for' the liberal support of •with - its principal • place of business in ana the Officers consisting of a presiXou jwifl eacb of yon are" required to an- chnnQlBe to the genentl puhlir. and to own, ments in order to meet the demands il dinner. A ' stimulating Sense, .sell,TOortg:i£:ere:ii or personal propOmaha, was 54.271.K3. .. .:'... dent, Tice-Presiaent, Secretary and ^Treas- swer said petition on o r before the in the family service department. '1 ;a'nd[interesting program;will be pre- the whole community.". erty in connect ion «:iih or necessnry for urer shall be elected from the B o a i i of day of February. 1032. M. KATZMAN. President, :. r . To. my.mind this is a program worth the ootMUict of sjiid Iiusiness. Directors.. . . Attest: DAVID"TvATZMAN, Secretarv. But in this connection; I should like to sented.. M. laCHARDS, ' . '•; .' T ; •' 4. ; TJMJ »«rhovize(} c;ipifnl stock of the It shall "be- necessary t o have the : METEE K < T Z M A X , . . By Fradenbore. Stabnaster & Bebot, point out that private relief agencies • V;Alt 8 o'clock, after the ;dinn.er, there striving for . Corporation Bhr.H be ?1O,(KK).OO. ilivided unanimous vote of all the igsned'and outM. KATZMAN, . • . . • • . • : : His AttoriacyB. , :We. have -here in Omaha able, vigorinto 180 shares of n pur value of JIOO.OU standing stock for the anieiKiment ol the should not be alone in •bearing' the Majority of Directors. a* yery important ^meeting of each. Articfes «r for t i e paBsape -of any motion, " , _ " . . - - - ." burden of care for innocent victims-of ] •'eritireH congregation^;'LA Targe ous; and forward-looking leadership in 2-12-32-lt. 5. The existoncfi of (he Corponition : 9es6ltitiou or for. nny act o{ the corpora: BBOTWEIX, • MOSBKY. pur president" and: -members'of; the Bhftll, t»egiri on thefilinjE:of n ropy of its ^io(U" ' - •' ' !•'• ;'i , •" V B I U P M. KlitTTZXICK, AttbfBey. economic distress. The city; the state "off members i s necessary: All ' •':<:': xnasee, :Att Articles of liicorporAtt«»n ^-iih the County this 9th day < r f ? * r « i r j . 1832: 600 Omaha National Bank Bide. Executive Committee and the -other and the nation must ibeaj'jresponElbfl? 337 ttmalm BftW i are therefore itrged stongiCtefc of Oooglas Co\inty, Ncbraskii. and •. KATHAN^WILPSON, ; tabnU <nr>Htintie for a -|>eriod of W years. : • - HAIUIT i I S B E K G ity for the malajustinent jof; jt£j citti Qy ito attend; so that thejl-may: have Committees of the Federation. - With or INDEBTEDNESS. . ; ; C-.- STUe highesi nmonnt oC imlebttMlness .Natice is hereby given that all existing : - " J©BHO ZL>ns. There is an ijic^easihgly idi hroioei.. in; •-.:' determining i the. .,policy the firm support of the,entire:com- debts [to wliii'h this Corporation shall at nny Incorporateia., of Beo Barish Motor Co., on ibe : munity and continued; faith. in the31st day M ' 1«-'subjected sbnll not exceed twoM iug recognition of i; ithtis;; j J4|" the Synagogue.-r. • .%..-•' •••> of December, 1931, amounted ta. l i i the .pjesetiee of: S X)f ftb enpitat stock. 2-12-32-ft.; A M E I p S C A . • •? £•"• • t . . i . i essential righteousness and humant h e sum of ?3».Go2.«7. -••: - :'. .;:i;' among those who ate iiri-close The"b\usiness of the Corporation shnll Kti i heieby given Oiatiat the annual U. IS- BARISH. PresidentI j-j *'Book -of; Semembrance" ness of our .work, we most, and shall, S»e ew»«lHcted by a Bonrd of two I>irector» , t , GKODIKSK.T * f tbe -Aasocinte^ English CIUUB of •«\th social service''-! Jtrablems I aii(i • • K. RAKISH, :" to be ^selected from the -stockholders. The TAKCE, Att»r««7-K. ' : held OB' the *tb day. of January, attain whatever" goal we set to ac. K-BSODKETr work. Nearly every state.5n'flie\raicm 1 ^A<iditidhai contributions'have' Directors from their uumber Bhnll eleet n tiSh U iB rftkhid K«ii<»«r B a n t Bids-' Being a majority of the Hoard and iw«ed,' *hfe- Articles : of :Presidei»t, Vlce-I'neRident, Se<Tetary nnd recognized its responsibility for- tBe ^received in tnemory of Peter Mokabr hieve. of Directors. : • w«re amendefl by uunni- Treasurer.' Any IHreclor ruuy hokl one care of orphaned or deserted children and Mpine; Slate. ; Their names will; or more of the offices. •• In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham MOJJSKT. O-EOPIKSKT 4fc AsrricLfij n . MAX FBOMKIS, Attorney. 8. These Artjctes mny be amended by L Kui.ikofsky. Deceased. and "Mother's pension" seeks to;projr be inscribed in the "Book of Remem- ' SHOrWELL, . . ... VAJiCE. Attorneys- - • «l»J«a. alnd * geneml purpose of the a majority vote of the issued and out" Notice is hereby pivea thnt tbe creditors ¥ * : Xnut Bide. •"-'_''' vide that care and protection. We brance." ef this Corporation » to conduct standing common stock at tiny regular • » 7 Omaha National Bank-"Bigg. of said -deceased will -meet the ndisiniBtraschool, both Ijy residential nnd exten- meeting or at any specinl meeting. • fcOTICE OF OffcOKPOKATlON1 OF are, more and more, making use of _;'.!-.T": : .. NexTWeek _. .• ; .*:..~3rd3CICK8 OF. rVDEJtXEDVESS tors' "of said estate, , liefore HIP, County - W t t T S O N STKIKBKBO NOBGAN , Jndge of B o n s h s Csiintr; Nebraska, at m methods -of -teaching: nnd instrnctinK • EltNHRT A. MEYER, this resource in meeting our problems. , Rabbi Goldstein has chosen as: the Notice is-hereby given that ou the let . ; . " KBALttCOMFACT" all -subjects $• t« write, puitlish aiid sell IRVING CASSMAN, County Co_urt Roomj in said Countr, »f aanuary, 1932, the- total outstanding - N o t i c e i s hereby rireifth.it Nafhah Wire- the text materials and to do all things inciIncorporators. . There are also other public funds, /subject of -his.-, sermon,, .-"Is,, Ife. VI isei Oky o n t h e Sth'day bT ApriU 15>32' . and ou the indebtedness,- secured aod unsecured, of fson,: Harry' Steinberg* nnd Joe SlorgsaL 3iave: Srh day of June. IDUi a t ? «'cloct A. M.. dental and neeessnry t« the currying out MAX FItO'SIKlN. "Witness. which are available- or should be made or-Praiseworthy to Live Entirely for> the EASTERN MOIlTfAGE & LOAN COM- associated themselves together for the pur-- each. day. for the purpose .of presenting a furtherance of the purposes of this cor92 PANX, a Nebraska corporation, with its pose of forming a corporatiou under the; their claims for exanHaution, adjustment. poration. •" available. In a crisis of this sort, it Others?" principal place of business in Omahn, •was laws of. the .Sta^e of Nebraska. ARTIC1.E III.: : and 'allowance; Three months are allowed behoves us to utilize every possible MOXSKT, GROOIN6KT * $38347.07. The name of" tlie corporation shall IK»: ^forr .the The principal .office, and place of busito .presentsheir the creditors c p r t s r claims, ' ^ VAKCK, Attorwey*. H. A. WOLF, President. ness of this corporation shall be located resource with which to meet the need, child care—this community is large Attest: H. H. AUEKBACH, from'-the 5th day-of MnKSiv 1032, Secretary. in the City of Omaha, L>ouglns Comity, SOT1CE Of INCORPORATION OF "II. -. . - , BKXCB OUTTFOUD, arising out of a nationally widespread enough and rich enough in. human & J. BLEAT'COMrANT." H. A. WOLF. Nebraska, and the corporation shall have 2-12r32-3t * County Jnflge. H. H. AUE11BACH. the right and-power to do bumness in all NOTICK IS HEREBY UITEN thnt tbe unemployment situation. material to take care, of its.dependent, • IJR. PHILIP SHBR, states, and in foreipn countries, nnd to nntlersigned, pursuant to the laws of NeSHOTWEIi, MOKSKT.^EODIKSSX * establish Majority of Directors. I am now turning to the last-of children .at-home; our work with .pro^-. ., .-and. maintain branch offices in bEaska. hnve formed a corporation known TASCE, Attorneys. such states and countries.us ''M. & rf. Ment Company." having its three problems I set out in -the be- lem children is not sufficientj_cgrire-; Notice- 5s hereby- siren- that on the 1st 737 Omaha national Bank BideABTICI^K IV. principal place of business in the City of ginning of my report: to what extent lated with that_ofjthe_ family service; day of Jannary, 1332,-the total outstanding Omaha The objects for which this corThe total amount of the authorized cap7BOBATE NOTICE , indebtedness, : secured nnd unsecured', of from OMAHA has the Federation been able to enlist scholarship work for needy; students; the In the Matter «f the Estate of Bertha ital stock of this -corporation. shall' be poration is formed nre, to maintain and NOKTHEKN "MORTGAGE & F I Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50^)00.00), 0«ri«- •wperiitH ;n market for the purchase, sale, Alpirn, Deceased. wider participation in its functional is unco-ordinated; the? Jewish Com- NANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporadisposition nnd denting in. nt Notice is hereby given that the creditors ed into two thousand shares (2.000) of the delivery, -with its principal place of business wholesale nnil retail, either or both, of nil activities, and; how far has the new munity Center program needs 'revita- tion, of said deceased -will meet the adminis- par value of Twetity-fi«e lH>Barsf ($2u.0(l) and in Omaha, -was mi-otsnr~ - every, kind and variety of food suptrator of said estate, before me. County each; nnd such stock-may be paid for in •plies and kindred TO POINTS f t Federation been successful in- co-ord- lizing, if it is to .serve.the purpose for H. A. WOtPj products nnd commodcash, goods, .wares and merchandise, or Judge of Douglas County, "Nebraska, at : Attest: H. H- AUEKBACH^Secretary. t-ff aefiulre, hold, lease, alienate, enwhich the Center^ was built. inating community planning? the County Court Room, in said County, both, services performed on t>ehnff-of the ities: cumber and .otherwise dispose of rcul escorporation, or-nny part of same, mid - •• • ' H . A m o i & -••*•• on the 8th day of April, 1932. nnd on the Pressure of work and the emer- .. Foremost-in importance in a well when issued, shall be fully paid nnd non- tate-or nny imprest -or estate in the same, 8th day of June. 3932, at 9.o"cloct A. M., A.' "W. GOEDON. to the extent necessary in the oneriuioii eacn <lay, for the purpose of presenting assessable. gency character of the problems with integrated Jewish community proMajority of Directors. With the assent in writing of the hold- of its business, find to borrow money nnd heir claims for examination, adjustment "which the new- organization was con- gram-is that of providing- an adequate ers of Bixty (60%) per cent of all tbe -cap- execute evidem^es of indoblednesR th«*r^f©r. and Allowance. Three months are allowed i Jfotice i s hereby jjiven that on the 1st authorized Wipftnl stock is Sltl.diKUKI. for the creditors to present their claims, ital Etock of the eorporntieu iestted nod The fronted from the very beginning, nat- arid sound program of Jewish educa- '•Say of January, 13327 the total ouTBtandinK outstanding or pursuant to the votes given all of whit* sftnll be common stock and from the 5th day of March, 1932. tion, _ Modern— -Jewk^i 'educational McGook, Alliance and urally absorbed—the- greater—part-of hrtebte<liie8B-«€ -the OMAHA -BCS-ASU in person or by proxy by stockholders when issued Khali be fully paid :>ii(i nonBKTCK CKAWFOED. XEEMINAL COMPANY, a Nebraska corThe corporation shall comhQldiwe at lenst sixty (60%) per cent of assessable the organization's time and energy. method has made it possible to elim- poration, 2-12-32-3t. Comity Judge. with itsprincipal place of busiIntermediate the issued and outstanding jstock of the mence business upon tlic filmR of the This would undoubtedly account for inate any possible conflict between ness in Omaha,; was $9,400.00. . .corporation, which is represented nnd vot- Articles « r Incorporation in tlie office of BEN E. KATLOWSKT. Attorney - H . - B : Z I M M A N , President ed upon in person or by proxy nt a meet- the County Clerk of i>oup:las County. Nethe fact that the Federation's attain- education of our children in the pub- Attest: TVTSL.L. 424 Peters Trust Bide. BOLZMAN, Secretary. : ing specially called for that purpose^or at braska, aud shnli continue until .tanuary ments in this phase of its activities lic-schools and their attendance in He--. H . B. ZIMMAX. 1956. Its highest fimonut of iiulfnieflNOTICE OF AMENnMENT TO AKTI- an -annual meeting, tbe t>onrd of directors 1st. brew schools. The "Cheder" of a genVfM. L. HOLZMAN, shall have the power and. authority to ness shnll not excet'd two-t birds of its were not as great as might have been GOING CLES OF tNCOKrOKATIOJ. OF I S S E Rfock. The affairs of the corpora: VAL F . BAXTEK, 1?EKI>1!3TT WOKKMEStS XOAN ASSO- sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise cnpitHl eration or more ago with its unattrac- : had conditions been normal. "" Lv. OMaha I B D p. m. Feb. 19. - - M a j o r i t y of Directors. dispose of the property and assets of the tion ebnll be H<lministero<l by n Board of CIATION. •••:•,tive physical surroundings, spiritless I>irectors. whith, IHIIOKP OIIUTWIRO fixed by co-rporntioB ns an entirety or coing fo»Notice is hereby civen that, at a meetStill some accomplishments -may be Also on Trains Feb. 20 to andimliy-lawe, shsill lip two in numlter. who Notice i s hereby «iven ven tha t h a t on t h e 1st Ing of the Btocfcholders of the Independent cern.on stich terms and conditions us the the reported. . ' * - ' -' , , ' content of .the Cheder curriculum, is day BhaU be elecietl nt tbe nTirmnl meetinf: to J 45©2 the t h tota total t t l ontstandinR day of Jautinry, 4 10:45 a. m. Train Feb. 21 off Jautinry, 5©2, the o R board of directors shall deem fit. right «ml Workmen's Loan Association, beM on the i i ' l hi held on the second Wednesday in Jand unsecured, d off idbtd indebtedness, secured'' and 3rd day -of January. 1032. Article I V of the jnst. either for cash or bonds, or shares be ;iiow.'almost a thing of the past. the ~We succeeded, in -. organizing.'i nary of pnoh yenr. Board shall elert TURNER COUET : HEAX.TX COMArticles of Incorporation, -was amended to of capital stock of nny corporatiou or cor- tr«m this number n The Jewish education for 1'AXT. ^B 1'resiilent, Vi.-•*»-PresiRETURN a Kebraska corpOTati«E, ;-trftli. its porations, or for jtny kind or species of Jewish Medical Fraternity as i read as follows: property or obligntion of property or obli- dent. Keoi»>iary Jiiul TreaFiiivr. The Artiyouth alone is far from sufficient. principal place of business in Omaha, was ARTICLE IV . cal Advisory Board, .which'is cles -of IncorpornHop mny lie nmemipd nt To Reach Omdba by Midnight ?S6,0S0.50. T h e capital stock of this corporation gation of securities. any repular mpeiinp o£ the stfK-kholilers A. H . BE.ODKET, President mind an accomplishment of majof.Im-" Of what value is the learning, or the shaH be T ^ m t y ThotsSnfl (?20.<KXKOO) DolARTICLE TIL nt nny speoi;)i incetinE cnli>'(l for that Secretary. lars, i o be divided into eight hundred (800) The affairs of the corporation shall be or portance. Although onr Jewish Phy- enthusiasm acquired by the child in Attest: H. H . AUEEBACH, purpose, nftpr 3" diiys notirr of such proj i . H. BRQDKET, shares of common stock, par value to be administered by a Board of Directors, ir! Tv'v'r. inp line l»een il. H. AtTEKBACH, sicians have always contributed lib- his Hebrew school if at home he finds = (SSi-tlO) l>qllars. per share. shall consist of not less than three posed nmenflmrrif s to nil stockholders and upon n »ote • . Majority of Directors. EOUSD Secrettoy. -nor TOOT* than seven members, ns provid- mailed TAXES erally in medical services, many of parents for the most part unequipped of ihe owneTB of two-(hir<ls of the capital -ed in t i e by-laws, all of, whom shall be stock. The (*nrp"rnfion Phnll hnvo a seal. Notice i s herebysiven that en the 1st them have nfveH£eTeis~sto^a^Ioo?****>.-share his enthusiasm and the ^Notice herebyS5.0C Alliance . President etect-ed by the stockholders in the mandi day of f January;-1932. J 1 9 3 the total outstanding METER TATELMAN, Datn«2 October —ird. 1S31. from active participation ja. other things he learned? Beatrice , «2.50 ner provided by the by-laws, at their nnindebtedness of the" KOSENBERItT HOME MORRIS? ROSOFF, n«al TOeetinp. The Board of Directors -: Secretarju. €r. Isld. Oxford . .$5.80 Every intelligent parent knows how CONSTRUCTION- COMPANY, a Nebraska phases of our work. JACOB KOSOFF. shall ^promptly upon their election select -with i t s principal place of Hastings X o r k . . . .$i50 The Medical;Advisory Board lias important it is to keep pace with new corporation, from tkeiT number a President, Vice-I'reebusiness in Omaha, was S339-49.-; VANCE and HAKXLX B- COHEX, LOTT F s m tt« Many Other Tolnts H. H. AUEKBACH, President. already made nbtable contributions: toj .processes of learning or brush up on AttorneyB. Secretary. the organization and planning of 'thfe one or another subject in order that Attest: R. H. KOOPER, H. H. AUEIIBACH, XOTJCE OPPROBATE <W WDLI. Federation's medical and health-work.; we may be able to contribute to our ": . R. M. KOOPER, In the County Court of. Douglas County, Tietets Good Only in Coaches B. H. BKOWX. lik The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- child's mental and spiritual develop. Baggage Checked a t Excess Rate Majority of Directors. ganization has become"'formally af- ment. " I t is equally true with respect In .the Matter of the Estate «f-Jake FellChildren 5 t o Under 12 Half Fare Notice is hereby given that on the 1st mam, .Deceased. , , filiated with the Federation and there- to Jewish education of our children. day of Sanuary, 1032, the total outstanding Alh persons interested in said estate are For farther details Ijy enlarged its scope~ of-activities'by - A Jewish Community Center can indebtedness,^ seenred • and unseenred. of hereby notified that, a petition has been SOUTHERN MORTGAGE & FINANCE filed in said Court, praying ..for the proparticipation in all of the Federa- fulfill that want in American Jewish COMPANY, Ctty Ticket Office si Nebraska corporation, with ate of a certain instrument now on file 16th and Faraaxn tion's functions. . . - - . - - -; iife. Those who heard Maurice Sam- Its prinicpal place of business in Omaha, hi said Court, TrarporttnjT to "be the last ill and testament of said deceased, and uel at this Center some weeks ago was $81,37807. More than a hundred men-and woH . A. WOLF, President. that a hearing will be had. on.> said petiBnrHngton Station men have during the past year shared will appreciate the forcefulness andAttest: H. H. AUEHBACH, Secretary. tion before said Court ou the 27th day of Phone AT 6831 - - H. A. WOLF. FebrH»ry.-4982,-and that i f They fail to in the work of the various Federation fundamental soundness of such proH. H. AXTERBACH, appear nt-said Court on the said 27th day gram for a Jewish Center. In the committees, including, family welfare, R. H. BROWN. of FebTBRTjv 1932. at »-o'clock A. M., to Majority of Directors. eontest the probate of .said will, the Court child care, Center program, club ac- past year we have tried to approxif -„-."• may allow and jirebate said will and grant mate such an ideal program for this Notice i s hereby given t h a t on t h e 1st tivities, etc administration of -said -egtate ~tq- Brindel NATIONAL 3Fellnian or some nthisr suitable person and d a y -of J a n u a r y . 1932, t h e total outstandinB Yet there is much to be accomplish- Center; 1 am hopeful and confident indebtedness, secured nnd un secured, of proceed to a settlement thereof. . ACCESSORIES, INC. that this effort will be sustained and ed. There are many earnest, capable, • BRXCE-CKAWFOKD, the AUSTIN APARTMENTS. I N C , a Ne•• County Judge. b r a s k a corporation, with i t s principal and socially-minded men and women carried forward. "Everything for the AuU'v J!-i>-32-3t place o l business i n Omaha, w a s ?112,in this community who for one reason I believe that the nearest approach 200.00. SHOTWEIX. MONSKT. GEODtNSKT 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 . WOLF, President £ VANCE, Attorneys. or another are not actively sharing in to an ideal program for a Jewish A t t e s t : R . H . KHO.OA P E E , Secretary. the communal responsibilities—a way Community may be found ha a quota119 So. lath St. H . A. W O L F . 3JOTICE B T PCBIJCATION ON PETIK . H . KOOPER, TION FOB 6STTUOEEKT OF H X 4 L must be found to enlist their interest tion from a speech by our guest H . H . AUEEBACH. ADMINISTRATION ACCOCKt.and to extend the comradship and fel- speaker, delivered five years ago as Majority of Directors. In the County Court of Douglas Connty, Nebraska. lowship of work to all, leaving none the Presidential address at the Na- Notice is hereby given that on the 1st An Excellent Luncheon for In the Matter of the Estate of Elsa Zack who can give of their time and tional Conference of Jewish Social flay of January, 3032, the total outstanding Knisely, Deceased. indebtedness of II. A. •WOLF..COMPANY, All persons interested in said matter Service in Cincinnati. I know of no energy. I N C , a Nebraska corporation, .-with its. AND hereby notified that on the 30th day of We have been eminently successful better definition of a basic philosophy principal place of business In Omaha, was January, 1932, John Buell Knisely filed a petition in said County Court, praying that in the past year in co-ordinating the for Jewish' social work than the folhis final administration account filed hereH . A. "WO1.P. President. financial administration; our funds lowing statement by Mr. Waldman: Attest:•! B . H. KOOPEK, in be settled and nllo\red. and that a hearSecretary.-- -'-••• inR will be hart on said petition before .. H." A. WOLF,. _ ' . have been judiciously distributed; we "The trend in American Jewish AT ALL (3KOCERS said-Court on the 27th day of Te"brunry Hv H.- AUERBACfi, . have to a fair 'degree successfully philanthropy is toward diminishing 1932, and that if-you fail to appear be: LOUIS HELLEK, fore said Court on the said _27th day of Majority of. Directors. Made by. coped with the daily problems as they emphasis upon provision for depenTasty Sandwiches Febrnary, 1032. at D o t i o c t A. M., and came up; but I humbly submit to you dents and delinquents. This does not Notice is hereby, given that on the" 1st coutest said petUioir, the Court Hiny p r t Uncle Sam Breakfast Food at Our Fountain the prayer of Said petition, enter a decree total outstanding that we have not yet evolved a def- mean that Jewish communities will day of Jannary.1932, the Cotr.pany of "heirship. and make soch other and indebtedness, secured ; and unsecured, of inite community plan and program." cease to deal with the problems of WESTERN further orders, allowances and decrees, as MORTGAGE- &" FINANCE Nebraska Omaha to this Court may seein proper, to the end COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, with There is needi for sound thinking disease and dependency and delin- its that all matters pertaining to snid estate principal place of business in Omaha," and planning along several lines of quency. Hospital, child care work and was ?S3,493.t>2. may be.finally settled and determined. Catering to Ladies and Gentlemen BKXCE CRA"VTFORP, • community endeavor. I can, for in- relief will continue to reflect the ma- A t t e s t : n . I I . A HU .E RA.B AWCOHLjFS,e cPresident. •'-3-32-St. County Judge. r e t a r y . I.-CASSHAN and E. A. MEYER, Preps. stance, point to the need of a more jor items of our budgets, but the items JET A JET. A. TVOLFr H . H . AUERBACH, comprehensive and sound program of for the positive elements in Jewish FBADEKBCSG, STA1MASTEB & BEEEE » a n T - "

- -




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Notice is hereby given that on the 1st. Say of January. 3932, the total outstandins indebtedness, secured and .unsecured, of ATLAS SECURITIES- COBPOUATION. a Nebraska corporation, -with its principal place of business in Omaha, wns $">:).!»4S.!jO. H. A. WOLF. President. " Attest: R. H. BROWN, Secretary. H. A. WOLF. 'HENRY MONSKT. H. H. AUERBACH. Majority of Directors. Notice is hereby rfreu that on the 1st dav of January, 19S2Tthe total outstaiidinff indebtedness, secured and unsecured,- of IL C FAIDLEY COMPANX INC., a Nebraska corporation, with its principal plaee of business in Omaha, was ?234.0,i<>.7G. H: A. WOLF.:Presiaent. Attest: R. H. BROWN, Secretary. ... J3. A. WOLF.: H, H. i AUERBACH, R. II.'BROWN. ^; :'.: Majority cif Directors. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st flay of January,'.1H32, the lotal oiiTstandinc injebtedness. secured-and ; unsecured, of the OVEULAND SECURITIES CORPORATION, a Nebrastet--corporation.-.with its principal place of -.Business in Omaha, was $B3SriT7 . •' • ' ::: . V '"HilAl WOLF. President. Attest: Tl. H. ATJEIUiACH,'Secretary. H. A. WOLF1. II. H. AUEltBACH. R. H. BROWN. Majority of Directors. Notice i s herel>y given that on the Is day of January. ]032. the total out standing indebtednpss, secured ami unsecured, of STANDARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY a Nebraska corporation, with irs principn place of business in Omahn. was .51GT.12S.3S H. A. WOLF, President

Attorneys 630 Omaha Jfati B t . Bldgr-

Orel. :0.000 Square Feet

Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.

PKOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Harry H. Lapidus, Deceased. . Notice is hereby <riven that tbe creditors of said deceased will meet the executors of said estate, before me. Connty Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at t he County Court Koom, in said County, on the 30th day of March, 1032. and on the Slst day of May. 1932, at i) o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting: their"claim for examination, adjustment nnd allow nnce. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 27th day of February. 3Bf;2. XillYCE Ci:A\TF0ED, 2-3L County Judge. TTKADEXBCRG. SIAISUSTEU & BEBEK, P. M. KO.UTZXICK. O. T. IXTEKU 630 Omaha National Bank Klilc. In tbe Distict Court of Douglas County, To Florence fiolden nnd HoIJen. first and reai nnme unfcnovrn, her husband, Margaret H. Naylor nnd Baylor, first and re:il iiume nuknown, Sier hnsbaud, Doreci Croivell and Crowell, first and real name unknown, her Inisbnnd. Lillian H. Walter and 'Vrnlter, first and real nnme unknown, her husband, nnd nil persons having or claiming-any interest in the following described propertv, to-wit: The North 1-2 of Lot. 10 in Block 17, Hanscom place, .in addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, ns surveyed, pinttetl EIK! recordetl: Notice is hereby siren that on the 21st any of January, 1932, Charles M. Richards filed his petition nnd commenced an action in the District Court of Doviglns Connty. Nebraska Docket 2S3. I'.iRe against the above named defendants anil others,, the object and prayer of which petition i»

You -srill like the atmosphere at the Morrison Hotci All outside rooms with Bath, circulating ice: water, bedhead reading Samp, and Servidor Nearest to stores offices, theatres and railroad stations, Garage facilities. LEONARD KICKS


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A. Z. A. Tournament Over 350 Attend ; ; f 'I • r iProgranii ^ '" • i AnnualjFe,d^ration • ! r ^~~" i < • ; • H Friday^ February 12th , ^ ^ {Meeting ; 9 aifm.—Registration; Hotel Mar:;' j

.-•!•; r r . l .- 1 » j i. , ' ; •

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here--- thak spa, PaaV -of •/ CMcsgOj, •.•Illinois, -sr* ..;vkWord -has ...been^Test^wed;, r rived-lait^'.Friday'to'.viat'" at^ffie'lionie Yale ""Sleyersojv ' £res]b3£ajv' at ''the Military Academy at Les' and Gaf e Now Cipen of Mrs. %olf s brother-in-law snd sis- Wentwortlj ington, Missouri, *has been placed 04 ter,; Mr^and; Mrs. Ben I.Seiain. Mr, Members of the Iota Tan Sorority distinctive Honor Eoll, due1 to his will entertain, the Alpha Chapter of Sid's Cafe and Delicatessen, icpened Wotf will return to CMcsgo nest the sdiolastic record, He is the soa their sororitjr from Omaha, at a last Saturday et-70S Pierce i street, Monday;., while his wife and son will high of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Meyerson. uncheon meeting, Sunday afternoon, is the latest word m Sioux City remain for a few weeks. in the Marygin tea room. The occas- cafes and delicatessen stores. . Leo Nogg, student- at the UniverThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim ion is the first anniversary of the They carry a full line of iaiported ocal chapter.. After the hecheon and Kosher smoked meats, cheese, .etc Association ,•rail hold .a. regular meet- sity of Iowa, who recently .nnderwen$ a brief program and meeting, the Kosher meals are served at all hours. ing next "Thursday 'evening, 'February' an operation here, is expected to reguests will adjoum to the K. C. gym- Their fountain service is a specialty, 18th, at the. Eagles' Hall. Plans will turn to Iowa City next BJond&y fc« nasium, to witness the A. Z. A. bas- making the establishment an ideal be made for the' joint celebration of finish the semester's -work. He is to leave the first of next ketball, tournament. place to stop after the show or Washington's birthday, to be held at expected month on a trip south for his healtti. the synagogue February 22nd. Tuesday evening the Iota-Tau sor- dance. prity M e t a t the homer of Misses Rose Sandwiches and lunches for parties Mr. and Mrs. Lonis J. Richards and and Delia Sbiloff. ' are featured. They also serve deson, Donald,! left, this week for St. licious hot corned beef daily. Miss libbie Dervin was elected Paul, Minnesota,' where they will president of the Chat and Nibble club, make their future home. Paris.—(J. T. A,)—Declaring that held recently at the home of Miss LilMr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel haw it cannot be possible that Jews are lian Turchen. Other officers elected returned home, following a ten-day no longer able to rise to the heroism were Hazel Kantrovich, vice-presihoneymoon trip in Chicago and Rock of their historic forefathers, Sholora dent; Shirley Fein, secretary; Ann;e Island, Illinois. They expect to go Schwartzbard, avenger of the Jewish Herman, treasurer. BY P. R. K. to Lincoln today for the Zeta Beta pogrom victims in the Ukraine, The Junior Hadassah met Thursday Council Bluffs Jewry will celebrate Tau fraternity week-end house party. issued a stirring appeal to Jewish evening at the Jewish Community the bi-centennial birthday of George After February 15th, they will r be at youth throughout the world to orCenter. The feature of the evening Washington with an open meeting home at the Fintel apartments, No. ganize for self defense. was a book review, presented by Miss and program, to be held at the Chevra 2 2 2 . ' -."" . • . • " ' • . , . In his" appeal, Schwartzbard stated: Anne Cohen. B'nai -Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myn"There is bat one radical method : ster street, Monday evening, February left for us to take. We must answer A large crowd attended the Linen Members of the Ivre Club enter- 22nd. This affair is being sponsored Shower and.F- dge Party given Wed- the enemy with' liis own weapons. tained their wives and friends at a by the local chapter of the B'nai nesday afternoon at the Hotel Chief- We will not be aggressors. We are bridge party, held in the Community Brith, the Chevra B'nai Yisroel; So- tain by the Council Bluffs chapter of the last to attack, 'but we must also Center, Monday evening. The party ciety, and the Agudas Achim AssoSenior Hadassah, and the affair be the last to yield." followed the regular monthly meet- ciation; - • An interesting and enter- the was termed a great success, both "soing. , taining program is being planned by cially and financially. .The linens rethe committee, consisting of Mr." O. ceived will be used for thsir "PalesThe Epsilon Phi Sorority acted as Hochman, chairman, and Messrs.' tinian hospitals. hostesses at the first bi-monthly tea Louis H. Katelman, Ben E. Kubby, dance, given at the Community Cen-^ Richard Gordon, S. Shyken, Dave Fox Rabbi Frederick Cohn will lecture ter last Sunday afternoon. Lee Her-and Dr. Isaac Sternhill. Everyone is Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Deputy Isaac zoff and his orchestra furnished the urged to save this date and make at the Hotel Chieftain February 17th. Gruenbaum, one of the outstanding Mrs. Simon Steinberg left last music for dancing. Refreshments plans to attend this affair. leaders in Poland, whose vigThursday for Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Jewish were served. battle to secure the improvevania, where she will visit her brother orous . Word has been received here of the and sister-in-lavr, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ment of the conditions of Jewish life The J. C.. C. Business Girls Club birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.Brandeis, former residents of Coun- has made his name known on both met for dinner and bridge at the Se- John Baird Quigley at Hutchinson, cil Bluffs. Mrs. Steinberg will also sides of the Atlantic, will shortly ville Cafe, last Wednesday evening. Kansas, on February 4th. Mrs. M.visit in New York City and Atlantic leave his native land to take up Mr. Abe Kozberg is recuperating, L. Marks, mother of Mrs. Quigley, is City, and expects to be gone about a permanent residence abroad, possibly in Paris, as a protest against failafter undergoing an operation re- expected to leave today for Hutchin- month. ure of the government to alleviate cently. --•'••"" son. the position of the Jews. Miss Sarah Pine, of Chicago, IlliMessrs. Sam Meyerson and Sam nois, returned to her home Sunday, The Pacemakers club met Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Steinberg spent the first part cf.the following a ten-day visit here visiting Joint Arab Jewish Action on Wheat, Flour Imports Bessie Zeligson. Miss Fay Klass as- week in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Miss Eudice Richrnan. Haifa.—Joint Arab-Jewish actioD sisted the hostess. The program in- they attended the annual board meetMrs. Abe H. Marcus and children has been pledged by the Chamber* cluded a reading by Miss Kate Ras- ing of the Iowa State Grocers' Asso: -"•-"' of Fairbury, Nebraska, are visiting at of Commerce throughout the country kin, and a group of songs by Miss ciation. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to consider the question of wheat Frankie Goodman. Bridge;; and reand flour imports. freshments concluded the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wolf and small H. Saltzman.

Cityan, who .has returned here to make her home. . -

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent


• • • • •

2 p . m.—First round basketball, K. . Describing the present! conditions of the world as! the birth pangg of C. gym. First round debate, Jewish a new, era, .Rabbi Frederick Cohen, Community Center. Over 150 Members of .Organiza- of vOmana, addressed over 350 .mem- 8 p. m.—Oratorical contest, Shaare bers of the Jewish cominunity, who Zipn Synagogue. tion to ParticiSaturday', February 13th : attended, the fourth annual Federa-: : ,...-•• \\ p a t e • > . . ; . ; , . • •• . ; : 9- a! m.—Registration, Hotel Martion banquet and meeting, held Tuestin. .' •• .'•.•• - : • .' • . .'. . „ ; One hundred.and fifty members of day evening. 10 a. m.—Second round debate, the National A. Z. A. organization,; "It is a blessed privilege to ;be representing, ten cities and!as- many living in the present age," said Rabbi. Hotel Martin. [,. }•. •'.., -- ...,'• !• 2 p . m.—Theatre party, Orpheutn chapters, came , to Sioux City this Cohen. ''This era : can indeed be •.- • . . : ; •! morning for the. Midwestern District called as unique one.' We are par- t h e a t r e . ; . . - ' ' •' •}. .'• Tournament, which will take place ticipating in the creation of a new .6 p. m.—Second round, basketball,; here today, Saturday-and end Sunday world. Our present' depression,, .our K. C. gym. ' . . . v ,' } eveniag with a final farewell banquet. present troubles are but the bith- ' 9 p. m.—Dance, Bellevue apartment • • ' . ' . ; - . _. :'.0.'••. .; - ' Starting this morningj with the con- pangs of a: new': era—-an ; era '• of in- b a l l r o o m . : i Sunday, February 14th . . testants registering at the Jewish ternationalism." i' M: , , r - : ! Community Center, the tournament . 10 a. m. r—M. V. A. A. meeting,' the means; of the radio, Hotel will get under way this afternoon, and"Through Martin. the rapid transportation of air•when the preliminary debates will be planes, the world has shrunken in 1:30 p. m.—Final debate, Mt. Sinai held in the Martin hotel. The prelim- size until it is but one neighborhood. Temple. inary debates will continue through 3 p. m.—Final basketball, K. C. Saturday, the finals of which will The radio has drawrfthe world closer together until the entire world reads 6:30 p. nu^Farewell banquet, Jewtake place Sunday afternoon in the Mount Sinai Temple, 14th and Ne- the same, its art is the same, its ish Community Center . music is" enjoyed by the entire world," braska street. continued Rabbi Cohen. Mayor Hayes will greet the oratoriRabbi Cohen cited the League of Sioux City an Honored cal contestants this evening, at Shaare Zion synagogue, when the ten Nations as being the greatest fac-: at National Meet representatives will meet during the tor in the new era of internationalMr. W. C. Slotsky, secretary of the regular services at the Shaare Zioh. ism, and emphasized that despite local Associated Retailers was elected The orations will take the place of the present difficulties abroad, it has not one of four directors of the National regular Friday evening sermon. Emil been a failure. Association of Retail secretaries, at Lovich, general chairman of the Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, who also the annual meeting of that organizatournament arrangements will intro- addressed the meeting, stated that tion in New York City, last week. duce Loyal Kier, who in turn will pre- an organization such: as the FederaSlotsky who was accompanied sent the orators to the audience. tion, was a barometer of the Jewish to Mr. New York by Mrs. Slotsky, reAmong the contestants will be Mr. Jculture and Jewish consciousness. turned Tuesday. Samuel Gorulnick, of St. Louis, who "We must dedicate ourselves heart placed second in the National A. Z and soul to the work of the FederaA. tournament last year. tion, to its cultural '• aspects as well Name Chairman for The basket ball games will bn jas its social," he said. Building Carnival played on the K. C. floor, at Eighth Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis urged Mr. Si Krueger was appointed and Douglas streets. Among the con- that peopl egive the Federation chairman of the annual building fund testants for this event will be thfi ! their the fullest support. "Our Jewish carnival, sponsored by the Federation Omaha team, which won the district; organization, religious and education- Building Fund. The date for the tournament last year. j must come first," he said "Com- carnival and the committees to assist Saturday night the out of town con-1 al, pared with the Jewish communities Mr. Krueger will be announced this testants ,and guests will be. enter- of other 1nations, the United tSates month. tained at a'dance given in the Crystal Jewry is - still the richest -in;; the Mr. Krueger is active in Jewish ballroom of the Bellevue. apartments. world.' When to charity, to communal affairs, serving at the Lee Herzoff' and his orchestra .will education,'and ittocomes religious organiza- present time on the board of directors furnish the music- for dancing! tions, don't cut your dues," he of the federation. He is a member of The high light of the tournament pleaded. Mount Sinai Temple and Brotherhood. will be the farewell banquet, to be tendered the visitors, Sunday evening, • Mr. A. . M. Davis compared the at the Jewish Community Center. A Federation to a big wheel, the dues program of special interest has.been that the people paid, to an investplanned, according to those in charge ment, and the good derived from the MT. SINAI TEMPLE and the awards will be made at that dues, to the coupons of the investment. He urged the support of the ;,Rabbi Lewis will speak this evetime/ ; : ning on "Brown America," a recent ....... Among the guests at the banquet local Jewry. Mr. A. H. Baron introduced the book dealing with the problem of the will be officers of the local B'nai Brith Lodge, Rabbi Theodore N. Lew- speakers. Mr. H. N. Slotsky led the negi-o in America. is, Eabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and mem- community singing, and Mr. Joe Merbers of the council of Sioux City. lin and his orchestra furnished the Isadore Mirowitz will, preside at the music during the dinner hour. Rabbi SHAARE ZION banquet. ' '•" M. Braver offered the invocation. Among the visitors who arrived in The A. Z. A. oratorical contest will Sioux City are Mr. Philip Iflutznick take the place of the regular sermonand Mr. Julius Bisno, executive offi- B'nai Brith Meeting at Shaare Zion this evening'. • cers of the National A. Z. A. Organito be Held Tuesday ' zation. Local contestants who will particiRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak pate in the events are Morris Lefkovich, oratory; Loyal Kier and Mar-before the B'nai B'rith lodge next vin Klass, debating, and Abe Beechen, Tuesday evening, using as his sub- Mrs. Sam Pickus entertained. at! a Max Turchen, Sam Epstein, Leonard ject, "New Material on the Mendel luncheon bridge this week!in the Baumstein, Samuel Epstein, Isadore Bailis Trial." Hotel Martin, honoring Mrs. Ellis Kantrovich and Dave Kaplan, mem- .Following' the address reports of Bottighiemer of Peqria, 111., who Is bers of the basket ball team.' tho A. Z. A. convention will be heard visiting with her parents here, arid "Every effort has been' made to and refreshments served. Mrs. Julian White, a. former' Sioux make the tournament the best in the history of A. Z. A." said Mr. Morris Lefkovich, president . of the, local chapter. "True A. Z. A. spirit- will prevade from the time of registration By Miss Rose Lipman, Superintendent until the final banquet Sunday eveAlthough the Federation has con-]George.Blum and Miss Frances Emning." '. ; " '' 7. ; General chairman of the tourna- tinued in its usual way to admin- ] lein. •ment is Emil Levich and assisted by ister relief to those in want, to guide ' Volunteer leaders play an importthe following committee chairmen; the character of its Jewish youth, ant part in our organization, for Publicity, Is Mirowitz; finance, Sam and to provide a meeting place for without them, these clubs could not Epstein; tournament book, Max Tur-all Jewish organizations, throughout possibly function. chen; debate-oratory, Lyola ' Keir; the city, the year T931 has been just The problem that has concerned us Athletics, Abe Beechen and- Leon- a bit different than previous years. more vitally this year than ever beDuring 1931 we were confronted with ard Baumstein; reception, Morris is that of relief work. As a Lefkovich; housing, Sam Berman; two factors of great importance. fore, Dating, Morris Borshevsky, and ban- First, we were forced to acclimate result of the unfortunate financial quet, Is Mirowitz. M. Baumsten and ourselves to the economic conditions circumstances of our community, •Morey Lipshutz are the advisors of I1 that are upon us, and with the help which is true of others, we were the group assisting on the tourna- of our House Committee, we have compelled to assist more families and ment. The hostesses for the affair cut down our expenses to the mini- individuals than' in previous ' years. are the Misses Elizabeth Passman, mum. Secondly, we* were forced to During 1931 we had under our care 140 cases, totaling over 650 indiFrances Jacobsen, Rose Tesler, Louise move into new quarters. Herzoff and Frankie Rosenthal.. "After a lapse of six. weeks, during viduals. Out of this number fifteen which time the new quarters were be- families were dependent upon the ing remodeled, the Center clubs and Federation for absolutely every neces classes have been re-organized with sity of life. Auxiliary Meeting The work of the Federation in much enthusiasm. Fifteen clubs meet Being Postponed regularly, with 400 members enrolled. eludes medical assistance, given A calendar of the meetings and their through our local physicians, and , The regular meeting of the.Ladies leaders, includes the" following: Sun- legal service, given by our local atAuxiliary of'Shaare Zion. Synagogue day, dancing class, Miss Lena Gins- torneys., Forty-six persons' applied has been postponed until Monday, berg, leader; expression. class, Miss for jobs during the'year, and: out Feb. : 22. Mr! E. J. Fribourg will Rose Tesler; Brownie Pack, Miss Mil- of that number 25 were placed. The be.'the ..principal speaker, of the eve- dred Baron and Miss Elsie Brodkey; -Free Loan Fund made 14 loans durning. . The husbands of "the members the:Junior Maccabees, Rudolph Shind- ing the: past year, which were inwill,be guests at the meeting. . .: ler;"- the Senior Maccabees, Mr. Frank strumental in re-establishing the Margolin; the -Young Judeans, Mr. families who received the service. A Lefkovich; Boy Scouts, Sovel number of out of town institutions Death Claims Resident Mo.rris and. agencies also received iheif an Heshelow Isadore Mirowitz. Mr. M. Dizon, 77 years old; died in • Monday a^d allocations from the Federation. — Americanization class, his home last week following a linger- Mrs. N. N. London; Deborah club, nual alloting a certain stipend to the ing illness. Funeral services were Miss, Sadie Shulkin; Newsboys club- By Talmud Torah, the Federation makes held in'Madison, Wis.-, where the body Tuesday—Community Center Little it possible.:for boys and girls unable was sent for burial. Theater group, Mrs. E. J. Fribburg; to.pay tuition, to attend the Hebrew Surviving are his widow, two. sons, The' school. .Pacemakers club. and one daughter, Mrs. M. Black. Wednesday—Business Girls' .club; .Plans are .being made, for our AnEpsilon Phi sorority, Mrs., Arthur nual-Building Fund Carnival. Mr.;S 1 i-. Sanford; the Phi Etta Phi'Sorority, Krueger. is the. chairman.' of the Miss Eva Bass. : . ' .. carnival, this year. ; ; Thursday—Center Dramatic club, ; The Federation' is serving an es Miss Florence Coates; Alumni. He- sential need -' in the T community. It "We feed the multitude" brew club/Mr. J. Aizenberg arid Mr is the work of every- Jew in our city, With Tasty Foods , Louis Shilling. and cannot function without the coFriday—Girl Scout troup, Mrs operation of everyone. ••—• g y m . -


, WEStilXAKTfZ,x

• .



Society News




Schwarizbard Calls '• Jews to Self-Defense

Council Bluffs News

Deputy 'Gruenbaum to Leave Poland

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