March 4, 1932

Page 1

In the Interests ofthe Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of ' Judaism-

Jlntertd ns Second-Class Mail Clatter on January *§* imu,--n . PoBrofflce nt Omaha. Nebraska, under the Actof March 8.-1BTO - ~ -



Press in Russia Permit Jews to Launches Attack Trade in Silesia Against Pesach Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The central

government has issued an order to Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A severe at- the authorities in Upper Silesia to tack against the observance of the permit Jewish peddlers "to travel and Passover holiday in Kussia and trade throughout the region without gainst those -who imported matzoth any restrictions. • Tidied by the Communist Yiddish This government order reverses a JS. • • law long in operation which prohibitThe Charkov "Stem" calls for the ed trading within 15 kilometers of creation of an atmosphere of social the border for all who are not resicontempt against all those who pro- dents of this section. mote the importation of Matzoth to Russia. The American-bourgeoise, the : paper, charges," utilize the matzoth campaign for conducting anti-Soviet agitation. . -.... . .

Vol. X—No. 5

Pan Arab Congress Temple Brotherhood NATIONAL FUND Scheduled in Mecca Sabbath Is Planned For This Evening NIGHTPLANNED London.—(J. T. A.)—A Pan-Arab congress will shortly be convened in Mecca, capital of Hedjaz, according to a Eeuter despatch which declares its information comes from Jerusalem. The purpose of the conference, it is stated, is to form an Arab League of Nations to combat imperialism and emancipate Arab states from mandatory control.


Brotherhood Sabbath will be observed at Temple Israel this evening, starting at 8 o'clock. Nathan S. Jacobs, former president Ben Ari Says Preliminary Con* Hope Split in Nazi Ranks V "Jewish National Fund Night" of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel, yersations on Proposal Aid Re-election of Hindwill be celebrated locally on Tueswill deliver the sermon. His subject . enberg Held day evening, March 15, at the J. will be "A Sensational Headline." C. C , -with a program open to the The services will be read by Eu- New York.—(J. T. A.)—Although Berlin.—<J. T. -A.)—Adplph Hitler, general public. gene N. Blazer. Ben Stiefler, presi- there are reports to the effect that leader of the Nationalist Socialists, Similar observances are being held dent of the Brotherhood, will give Arabs and Jews have denied that ? has entered the lists for the presithroughout the world commemoratan introductory address. The Temple negotiations for the division of Pales; dency of Germany, following his ing the thirtieth anniversary, of the chorus choir will sing, and Max Yaffe tine have taken place, these denials formal appointment to the faculty of founding of the Jewish . National will play a violin solo. are only of & diplomatic nature. Pre• the University for Political Pedagogy Fund and the-fiftieth jubilee year The dinner which was originally liminary conversations between Arab in Braunschweig, thus automatically .of "the beginning xsf Jewish colonizascheduled to be given tonight has and Jewish leaders have taken' place becoming a citizen. tion in Palestine fey Choveveth Zion. been postponed to a later ^iate. with the view of materializing this In law circles, however, the opinion - Zalman • Rnbashov -will deliver .the Brotherhood Sabbath is being ob- scheme and in due time more definite ir expressed that. the head of the main address. Rabbi David A. Goldserved all . over the country at the information will be made public. • electoral commission •will refuse to stein will also speak, and the Haz-* present time. Everyone is invited This statement was made to the Outstanding Palestinian Woman omir Singing Society will render .Much Interest Evinced on His to attend tonight's services. recognize Hitler's candidature on the Jewish Telegraphic Ajrency by Itta-ground that he 13 a foreigner. several selections. ; " ' Leader to Speak Friday inar Ben-Avi, editor-in-chief of the Talk on Russia At the same time the Nationalist and Saturday Rubashovis vice president-of the Doar Hayom, Hebrew daily in PalesMarch 24 Abe Herzberg was re-elected presiParty of Dr. Alfred Hugenberg deWorld Zionist Actions tine, who arrived for a three month Goldie Meyerson, noted Palestinian cided to name Colonel Theodore Dues- dent of the Highland Country Club editor of the Daily Bavar at T « l A brisk advance sale of single tickvisit in the interest of the Palesterberg, Deputy Chairman' of the for the fourth .time at the annual woman leader, will be in Omaha on Aviv, Palestine. Ke has edited many ets for the Maurice Hindus lecture, tinian colony, Kathania, commemorFriday and Saturday, March 11 and Thursday evening, March 24, indiHebrew publications and lias estab' Steel Helmet League, as its candidate meeting Tuesday afternoon. ating the late Nathan Straus. Other officers chosen are Jerome 12, under the auspices of the local lished a reputation as an author, cates that the final event in the Omato oppose -Hindenburg's re-election. Mr. Ben-Avi, who is the originator Pioneer Women. Word has been received here of ha Community Forum series for this philosopher, and lecturer. of the idea of dividing' Palestine into v The split between Hitler and Huthe death of .Mrs. Mollie London, 57, An active program has been ar-. The .affafr is •under the auspices season will bring out the "standing in Huntington Park, Calif. Mrs. Lon- cantons, presented, this proposal for genberg somewhat encourages the ranged for her during her two-day room only" sign. "Russia and the -hope of the Jewish population that stay. She will speak at the Conserv- of the United Palestine Council of World" is the subject of Hindus, who don,- who moved to Huntington Park the first time, twelve years ago,, in Omaha and the local Jewish National a special issue of the New Palestine - Hindenberg's chances for re-election ative Synagogue Friday evening and is author of "Bed Bread, "Humanity jeveral years ago, was a resident of of an article entitled "The Free State are stronger. •will also speak over radio station Fund Council. The program-is edu- Uprooted" and other unbiased books j Omaha for many years. ; On the other hand, there is some WOW that same evening. She has cational in nature, planned to ac- on Eussia. Besides her widower, Morris Lon- of Palestine." He has also recently doubt in Jewish circles that Hindenspoken over the radio in "every towii quaint the public with the-vwork be- Hindus "has just returned from a don, she is survived by a daughter, published a book on this subject in ' burg at the first polling will secure she has visited during her present ing accomplished by the J. N. F., seven months' tour throughout Rus- Mrs. Edith Dienstein, of Los Angeles^ Paris. and so no funds will be solicited. The idea of this plan, Mr. Ben-Avi ' an absolute majority. Should a sect o u r . ' . • • ' • • . -. •. sia, where he carefully checked up three sons, Al Kadner of Inglewood, ond election become inevitable they On Saturday afternoon, March 12, - A committee, of the two councils j the progress made since his last visit Calif.; Nate Kadner of St. Joseph, explained, is to have Palestine become see a contest between Hindenburg at 2:30 p. m., she will address a is arranging a dinner in honor of a year ago. Having been born in. .Mo., and Sam Kadner of San An- the Switzerland of the Near East, and Hitler. group of Hadassah members at the Bubashov for March 15. It will be Russia and understanding the mental tonio, Texas, and a brother, Herman with separate cantons for the three elements in the country—Jews, Mosheld at 6 p. m. at the J. C. C. home of Mrs. A. Romm. In the first polling in order to win processes of the Russian people, Hin- Alperson, of Omaha. lems and Christians—with full local the election, a candidate for president Saturday night she will address dus has been able to interpret the autonomy in each canton. Under this an open meeting at the Jewish Commust secure more than half of the vast experiment under way there, Sioux City A. Z. A. plan to which, Mr. Ben-Avi eaid, he munity Center, to -which the general valid votes cast. On the second balmore accurately than almost any othhas reason to believe, Arabs would public is invited. • lotlot, however, a relative majority is er student of the Soviets. He deto Play Here Sunday give their consent, at least six JewGoldie Meyerson was reared in sufficient. The. presidential tgrm of scribes the working out of the Fiveish districts could be created imWisconsin, graduating from a Mil- The Sioux City A. Z. A. basketball Year Plan, particularly the attempt office is for seven years, and he mediately, thus constituting the Canwaukee college and normal school. team wDl clash with the A. Z. A.~ No. to put agriculture on a business basis. may be re-elected for an indefinite ton of Judea, with nearly a quarter After teaching school for some time, 1 quintet at the J. C. C. gym Sunday The Hindus lecture will show that number of terms. of & million souls, including: a minshe left for Palestine in 1921. where afternoon at 2:30* p.-m. The Nazi press in the meantime is mankind has never known a world she became famed as a Jewish wom- Each defeated the St. Paul five, such as the one the Russians seek to Max Gabel, recognized as one of ority of Arabs, just as there will reutilizing the forthcoming elections to most outstanding actors and play- main a minority of Jews in Moslem .an leader. ' intensify its campaign of agitation there being a difference of only one create. Religion, private property, the wrights of the Yiddish stage, Trill and Christian cantons of Nablus, She is prominently connected with point in the respective scores, so a the modern family and western standagainst the Jews. the K'vutzah Nerhewi, is secretary tight battle is expected Sunday. ards of sex morality are taboo in the in person head a NEW York company Nazareth. Bethlehem, etc. "The great advantage of this sysof the Moatzoth Hatoaloth, the new regime and Hindus will relate of Yiddish stars who will present Abe Herzberg | tern," he said, "is in the fact that Union of Working Girls, is s m a n m Q . Annual how the Russians seek to rid themHeyn, vice-president; Sam Leon, 'sec- ber- of the executive committee of Investigate Slnr j all the income of the Jewish canton selves of these institutions, and what Card Party to Be .retary., and Harry Malashock, treas-" the Washington.—President Herbert C. they offer in their stead. | will go directly to that canton and Histadruth, and is an executive ; ; would enable, it when necessary %9 member of the Pioneer Women in Hoover has orderfeS (the Secretary of Held Wednesdayurer. Single admissions at SI may be obThree new directors have been add- Palestine. I raise international loans for strictly War and the Secretary o i t h e Navy tained at the Center office or from ed! Charles Simon, Morton. -Degen, i Jewish development. "».•-' She was sent as a delegate to the to investigate t h e - S u r on ^Che pa-fUrs. J. H. KulaKofslcy; chairman of The Jewish Women's Welfare or- and Dr. M. I. Gordon. " United States by the Histadruth, triotism of the Jews in an article the education committee, Council of j "The spirit in Palestine amoiiy ganization will hold' its annual card There will be a mammoth stag the and has been "lecturing throughout which appeared in the "Army and Jewish Women, which, with the Cen1 | Jews end non-Jews is very much in party at the. Jewish Community Cen- week after next. Particulars will be the country for the past two months. Navy Register." • 1 ter, sponsors the Community Forum. i favor of this plan, because it would ter Wednesday, March 9, at 2 o'clock. announced next week. - The club's ; lead to peace and harmony between This affair is parf of the program roster of members has already shown all elements in the country." of the organization, working for a an increase this year. reduction of tha mortgage on the Jewish Community Center.- *In courtesy to the J. W.-W. Q., the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary will hold its March monthly meeting " earlier on" that day in order tha its members may attend the card party. The Xi Lambda fraternity. of. the >'• Eeservations should be made as Jewish Community Center was the soon as possible in order that ar- victor in a semi-final debate held rangements may be facilitated. Res- between the Xi Lambda and the Lecture at Labor Lyceum Under ervations are fifty cents a person- A. Z. A. No. 1 before the HebrewAuspices of Local The Social Committee of the J. W; club Sunday, Feb. 28, 1932. Icor r W. O., of which Mrs. F . J. Alberts is The question debated was: "Rechairman, will offer a distinctive pro- solved: That the Jewish Religion Is A lecture on the conditions of the . gram and refreshments. No Longer a Vital Force in the Jewish colonists in Bira Birjan, SoLives of the Younger Generation." viet Russia, will be given Sunday evening, March 6, at the Labor LyCouncil of The winners were represented by ceum by Gina Medem, who has just Arthur Lipp and Hyman Goodbinder returned from Russia. The address, Jewish Women and the losers by Erwin Wezelman which starts at S p. m., is sponsored — The California -Motion Picture -and Harry Weinberg. Max Gabel ! by the Omaha Icor Society. The Pi Alpha Lambda Sorority of Council for Junior Matinees issues a "The Great Love," Sunday evening, , Bira Bidjan is the section set aside the Jewish Community Center will monthly report which the National March 6, at the Brandeis theater. j for colonization by Jews and the Council of Jewish Women sends each meet A. Z. A. No. 100 in a semiOn Tuesday evening, March 8, the establishment by 1933 of an autonfinal debate of the Senior Council month to the Omaha chapter of the same company -will appear at the omous Jewish Soviet republic. This Debating League March * 6, at 3 Council of Jewish Women. Sioux City auditorium in Sioux City, project is part of the Soviet Five' '•"•: This report includes pictures of the o'clock before an open meeting of Iowa. Ycar plan. By Benjamin N. Cardozo month, the names of the producers, A. Z. A. chapter No. 100. Gabel is said to be one of the Fifteen million dollars has been Bet the actors, a synopsis of each play The Pi Alpha Lambda will be rephighest paid Yiddish actors and is aside for 19S2 by the Soviet governand information as to whether they resented by Bertha Slutzsky and .Bess One can hare an outlook on the times judges have been blind to it. •one, I have not allowed the official said to have scored probably more ment as a construction fund to help _are good for adults,, juniors and _ chil- Platt and A. Z. A. No. 100 by Ralph law-itself which'will be the outlook Dean Pound in one of his papers 4o: swallow up the man. I don't popular successes than any other man build up the new Jewish republic dren. . . Nogg and Wm. TVolfe. of the drill master, rather than the tells us about1 judges- who preferred mean that I am entitled to a great playing before the Yiddish footlights. Railroads, factories, fisheries, cangenuine strategist, the official rather a "strong" decision. By this they deal - of credit for so modest an He and his cast of fourteen are neries and large scale agricultural than the man. Take such a thing meant a decision that worked out achievement. In a court where the entirely new to Omaha audiences, projects provide the economic basis : as the call- of the calendar and the some harsh result by the .undeviating tradition of courtesy and equity is so they being in no -way associated with for this new srea. administration... of calendar rules. application of the method, of strict ingrained and inveterate as it is in any company that has ever played Just last week Michael Kalinia, president of the XT. S. S. R.t in » There is a w a y of doing such things logic to_ the development of a preced- the Court of Appeals, one would have in Omaha. as a drill master and a way of ent or a rule. They thought that to be a pretty hardened sort of sinIn addition to having written over statement to a Jewish Telegraphic doing them as a man. I had little in so doing they were vindicating the ner to be guilty of the particular one hundred plays, Gabel has had agency reporter, made it clear that of wrongdoing that has its orig under his management some of the Bira Bidjan will be a Jewish republic The Center Players Guild reached had a minor part as the preacher, but or no experience with such problems power and majesty of law. So, in a form in in the pride of office. But then, foremost personalities of the Jewish and not a mere autonomous territoras a judge, so perhaps I have no delightful article by Mr. Buekland, a new heights for the current season did it welL when you come to think of it, virtues stage, as Paul Muni, Bertha Ealich, ial unit. right to talk of them—I have somesketch bf Frederick W. Maitland, we in their" presentation of "Sun-Up," Mrs. Herman Jahr deserves a good important in the inverse order Molly Picon, L-adwig Sate, Aaron According to present plans of the by "Lulu Volhner, at the J. C. C. deal of credit for the able directing. times feared that I should make a are told of an English" judge who are to the credit that is due to those Lebedoff and many other celebrities. Soviet governmental heads, the Jews mess.of them myself—but, after all, was said to exult in a harsh judgeauditorium Tuesday -evening. Th'e The dialect used by all of the players "'The Great Love" has met with in Bira Bidjan will have their own largest crowd of the season wit- indicated tedious effort and much I watched the doings of others while ment, and seemed to be friendly to who. cultivate and practice them. in the central governI was a member of the bar, so I am injustice when the choice.-was nicely nessed the performance, which was practice. No one of us struts about with especial popularity during this high- representatives ment and other government bodies, ly successful road tour of Mas Gabel entitled to an opinion, whether it is balanced. Perhaps to these illustrasponsored by A. Z. A. No. 1. satisfaction for the self-restraint inThe play itself was of the type not only as Jews but representing th© The play dealt with mountain most fitted for the Center Players worth much or little. Then when you tions I should add the western judge volved, in refraining from the crime and his company. general population. pass from practice to higher probwhose strictness was a subject of of homicide, yet if the importance of folk. All the players were excep- Guild. Most -of the mountain folk lems, you get .the same antithesis. one of Lincoln's anecdotes. "He tionally well cast, and'each success- disliked government interference in the virtue were the measure of the Bible Appreciation fully carried out bis character role. their affairs. It "was only natural, Some of the worst decisions the would hang, a man; for blowing his credit we should all be crowing and Senator Howell Is In • The main burden of the acting was then, that the Widow Cagle should courts have ever made have come nose" in the street, but he would cawing wiST the pride of moral exThe next lecture in the course on from just this opposition. They quash the. indictment if it failed to cellence. So I don't assume to pride "Bible Appreciation," conducted by ably borne by Martha Himmelstein, strenuously object to her son joining Pro-Palestine Group who gave an admirably powerful the government's army. He goes thought they were not derogating specify what hand he blew it with." myself on the very modest virtue of Babbi Goldstein will take place Tuespresentation of '•Widow Cagle." She nevertheless, and is killed in action. from the soundness of a judgement I am not saying that examples so being merely a human being. Charles dsy, March S, &£ lChSO1 a. m. &t the Senator E. B. Howell of Nebraska gave one of the finest bits of charac- A deserter obtains shelter in her when they admitted its brutality. I horrible as these can be found among Francis Adams says in his aiitobi- J. C. C. is talcing ar, active interest in the ter portrayal seen on a Center-Guild home. "When she learns that he is concede. that there are times when the many judges I have known in ography that as he looked back American pro-Palestine committee rethe son of th man "who Tolled her the two win stand together—chiefly, years of practice too'long to be through the mists of the years the stage. cently formed in Washington, it was Sol Tuchman played the part of husband, she wants to kill him bnt I think, when the rule is to be ap- stated at a festive meeting. None predominant feeling -was one of satrevealed in. & letter by the senator "Rufe" very realistically. Jeanette instead later aids him to escape the plied is one declared by statute. Yet the less, the slumbering beast is" in isfaction that at least he had gone to Philip Elutznick, president of the Levjnson, a newcomer to the Guild law, jeopardizing her own life there- the concurrence is rare, is to be us, and may be waked to life and ttrroujrh life without making a con- "All Passions Spent," -written ly I local Zionist district. fold, showed great; promise in her by. This, because she conies _to the viewed with deep distrust, and is to fury if we feed hhn overmuch. The spicuous ass of himself.. That, I may V. Stockvill West, vriii be reviewed i "1 feel confident," lie states In realization that it is not government be deplored as much as it is dis- ravening official will seek to swallow ssy in passing, is my own paean of fcy Eev. Laurence Plank for the ; his letter, "that it will not be long portrayal of "Emmy." up the man. I interpret the invita- jubilation at the end of each judicial Sisterhood of Temple Israel on Mon- before the Jews will constitute fi • Max Weinstein was his usual re- and law but hate that has caused so trusted. liable self in the role of ; "Sheriff much havoc. The common law, unless bound and tion to be with you today as an ex- year, I am thinking that I ••n^gi.t day, March 7. majority of the citizens of PalestineWeeks." Ralph Nogg was effective Music was furnishei by a trio riveted by statute, has instruments pression of your judgment that what- to add another Terse, a verse of —Tha review will be preceded by a "When I Bay long, I mean, of course* as the "stranger," while Sam Green- composed _of Ann Euback, Harry at hand of many varieties and .shapes ever mistakes I may have made— thanksgiving that I have been able luncheon at 10 o'clock in the vestry within the next thirty, possibly fifty berg and Leo Brown injected- humor Robinson, and Leonard Korney. years, and in the meantime a trefor the molding of that justice which and I know that they have been to be a human being. That is s rooms of the Temple. into the play in the roles of 'Tap more than I like to figure or remendous change will be wrought i« 'is the end of her endeavor. The Sol Miroff was stage manager, asBeservations can be made with Todd" and "Budd." Abe Saltzman sisted by Sam Greenberg1. ' •'.'••'•" truth seems obvious enough, yet at member—I have at least avoided this that region." Mrs. Isadora -Chapman. (Continued on Page 2).


Abe Herzberg Heads Hhigland for Fourth Time

Rubashov to Head Program at J. C. C. March 15




Max Qabel to Play in Omaha and Sioux City


Court -Room Judge Asa Hitman Being

Justice Cardozo Gives the Official Versus the Man in ••'C... .-



I Reach;.'.."." Jits in "Sun-Up"

t h eL a w




Council Bluffs News

THE ^ Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

BY F. R. K.

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - -; •-. .! I'-: Advertising rates furnished on application


Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK E . ACEEEMAN - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

UNWARRANTED VICIOUSNESS *• Scurrilous attacks upon a person or a people are bopmerangBke in their reaction. The poisoned mind which generates such outbursts is usually consumed by its own venom, but not, unfortunately, until others have become infected. The Jewish people have become enured by time to the bitterness of false and unwarranted slanders, have even found salvation of a sort in the divine intuition of deriving light from darkness. For from deepest woe and vastest sorrow we as a people have found much spiritual power and transcendent worth. However, spiritual strength cannot fully balm a physical wound. It hurts us to read in the editorial columns of the Army and Navy Register, widely read by the army and navy regular and reserve personnel, that the Jews as a race are lacking in patriotism, that they are "willing to exploit our country, but not decause they would not defend it." In its last issue the publication states that these opinions do not express their beliefs but those of a correspondent, and therefore refuse to retract. The viciousness of the libel reflects the caliber of the men responsible for its being printed. It is gross calumny to accuse us of not having a land of our own because we would not defend it. It refuses cognizance of the history of our heroes—of Joshua, Othniel, Barak, Japhethah, the Maccabees, and a host of others who led our people in defense of our country; of Jabotinsky and his Jewish soldiers under General Allenby during the World War; of the courageous Chalutzim in August, 1929. Our government's statistics show that the Jews actually led all other nationalities in percentage of enlistments in the United States. Of the more than 150,000 American Jews who served in the United States, over 40,000 were volunteers, and seventyfive per cent served in combatant branches. There were 7,929 Jewish commissioned officers in the Army, over 3,500 American Jews laid down their lives, and about 11,000 were wounded. Also, on the board of the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense, consisting of seven men, three Jews served: Bernard Baruch, Samuel Gompers, and Julius Rosenwald. In addition the records name more than 600 American Jews receiving offifend it;" that " J e w s . . . have no country of their own, possibly becial citation for gallantry in action or devotion to duty. But irrefutable facts waste their strength against the bigotry of prejudiced anti-Semites. If the article in the Army and Navy Register had confined its charge to the peace activities of the Jews we would have no quarrel with it. For just as we were "first in war," so do we strive to be "first in peace." There is nothing contradictory in willingness to defend one's country and yet deploring war. We Jews are proud of our part in trying to exchange the olive branch for the sword. We are in the forefront in seeking that the agony and tears and sufferings of hundreds of millions during the Worl* War should not be in vain; that another world-conflagration should not burn out our energies. If this energy must be diverted in belligerency, let it be a war not against an enemy people but against depression and human suffering. If our country needs us, we are ready to go; but we strain ourselves that no country shall ever need men for another bloody orgy. We. are dedicated to bringing about a harmony among peoples. Our past, our religion, our purpose all pledge us to beware of heaping sorrow upon" others. We still believe in Isaiah's vision of swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. That is our goal. And we can strive toward that goal and simultaneously be willing to defend our country if defense be needed.

Court-Room Judge As a Human Being

the primary election^ held in Council Bluffs last Monday, February 29th, two Jewish men were nominated for public office. Joseph B. Katelman and George S. Steinberg received the nomination for alderman-at-larg-e on the Republican ticket. The general city election will "be held on Monday, March 28th. Two alderment-large will be elected. The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Senior Hadassah will hold their reguar monthly meeting next Wednesday afternoon, March 9th, at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. An entertaining program has been arranged, featuring a one-act comedy sketch to be presented by a group of students from the Abraham Lincoln high chool. A bassoon solo will be given by Bernard Balaban. All members are urged to be present. Morris Grossman left last week for Excelsior Springs, Mo. He will also visit in the eastern cities for a couple f weeks before returning home. Word has been received here of the irth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cherniack in Stamford, Conn., Wednesday, March 2nd. Mr. Cherniack s a son of Mrs. L. Cherniack of 'ouncil Bluffs. Miss Bessie Perimutter will leave next week for Boston, Mass., for an extended visit with her grandparents. Louis S. Braunstein spent the past week visiting in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah ociety will hold a meeting next Wednesday evening, March 9th, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, 618 Mynster street.

SPORT NOTES By STANLEY F. LEVIN Here is one for Ripley. I t was told to me by a rabid A. Z. A. basketball fan. The mother chapter of A. Z. A., this year, met and defeated A. Z. A. 10O four times. Lincoln A. Z. A., Sioux City A. Z. A., Des Moines A. Z. A. and the champions of the northern district, St. Paul, yet they did not retain their Missouri Valley title won last year in Lincoln. The Deep Rock cagers chalked up another victory when they overwhelmed the Father Flanagan cagers in a charity game played on the Center court. The homeless- lads just were not in the class of the classy oilers "who are tough enough to hold more than their own against any kids' team in the state. Young Herman Levinson, the diminutive former Central high eager, was a regular on the Nebraska university B varsity team this year. Levinson played a good game at forward, but was forced to see the B team colors trailed in the dust by most of their opponents. A fate suf-

fered also, by the Cornhusker varsity. Elmer Greenberg, good old muscle bound, former Nebraska Big Six football star and honorable mention all-American, has finished a splendid season coaching football at Crawford high school. Elmer's football teams accredited themselves quite well and the big boy is now one of the most popular young men in the northwestern Nebraska town. Lou Weiner, Creighton U. football letterman who quit Creighton this semester, is still in town, though rumor says that he will enter the University of Pittsburgh. The Bee-News and the WorldHerald lads are tied for first place in the Junior Cage League. Harold Barish, the handsome boy with the cute mustache, wishes it known that he is the coach of the Bee-News lads. The mid-western A. A. U. handball tourney will soon be held at the Center. My guess of the winner to be, is Abe Marcovis of Des Moines. IBTIX C. XEVIJf, Attorney. SOI Electric Bids., City. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Mairowiti, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate fire hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Conrt alleging that said deceased died leaving no last •will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 26th day <rf March, 1932, ana that if they fail to appear at said Conrt on the said 20th day of Mnrcii, 1832, at 0 o'clock A .M.t to eontest Bakj petition, the Court may grant the game an8 grant administration of said estate to Mai Niti, or some otter suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 3-4-32-3t County Judge. FBAUEXBURG, STAUtfASTER & BEBElt 650 Omaha National Bank Bids-, Omaha, Nebrasta *~* NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that the •undersigned have associated themselves together to- form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is "Permanent Architectural & Building Exhibit, Inc.," and the principal place of business is in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The general nature of the bnsiness to t>e transacted is to conduct display rooms for the exhibition and display of building equipment, building materials, fixtures, building and household accessories and personal property of every nature and description, nnd to lease, rent and sub-let space for the exhibition and disptay of any such items. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, divided into 100 shares of thg par valne of $ltX).OO each, all of which Is common stock and when issued shall be fully paid up nnd non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its articles of incorporation in. the office of the County Clerk and continue for a period of 50 years. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to •which the corporation shell at any time subject itself shall not exceed tm-o-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a B o n d of Directors of not less than three members, who shall be chosen from among the stockholders at their annual meeting. Ttie articles of incorporation may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the capital stock at any regular or special meeting of the stockBolders. In the presence of: O. T. DOERR. SAM BEBEB. P. M. KLUTZNICK. 3-4-32-4t

1832, at 9 o'clock A. M.*, each <3ay, tot the Elizabeth E. Von Dusen or some other purpose of presenting' their claims for ex- suitable person snd proceed to a settleamination, adjustment and allowance. m ent thereof. Three months are allowed for the credCounty Judge. itors ' to present their claims, from the 2-1S-32-3L 18th day of March, J932. BRXCE CRAWFORD, 2-2C-32-3I-, Connty Judge. FKADEXBUKG, STALMASTER & BEBEK O. I . D O S K S & P. M. »-"——"'«""""•

Attorneys 650 Omaha >'ntiemal Bant

J. FBEIDStATf, Attorney. 534 Peters Trust Bldr. NOTICE OF PROBATE OP WIIX In the Connty Conrt of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of James Tan Dusen, Deceasea. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in eaid Conrt, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on tile in said Court, purporting to be the last will nad testcment of said deceased, and thnt a hearing will be had on said petition Iwfore said Conrt on the 12th day of March, 18S2, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said I2tb day of March, 1832, nt 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Conrt may allow and probate said will and grant administration of eaid estate tc


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NOTICB OF INCORPORATION OF "WLLFSON STEINBERG MORGAN BEAMTT COMPANT" Notice Is hereby given that Nathan WHfson, Harry Steinberg and Joe Morgan have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be "Wilfson Steinberg Morgan Kealty Company." The principal place of transacting Its business shall be in the City of Omaha, Douglas Connty. Nebraska. The object and purpose of the corporation and the powers it 6hali have shall be

substance to that degree that there is absolutely no substance without itForm alone takes, and holds and' preserves substance, saves it from the welter of helpless verbiage that we swim in as in a sea of tasteless Low Bus Fares tepid pudding." This is my own faith. The argument strongly put is not the same as the argument put feebly any more than the "tasteless tepid :$ Denver, $10.00; Chicago, $8.00 pudding" is the same as the pudding served to us in triumph with all the 11 Sioux City, $2.25 glory of the lambent flame. The strength that is born of form and the feebleness that is born of the lack of form are in truth qualities of the substance. They are the tokens of the thing's identity. They i | 306 N. 16th St. JA. 8462 make it what it is.


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W1IXIAM SAAB, Attorney1038 City National Bank Bid* PBOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Theodore Rudolf Reese, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of (aid deceased will meet the administrator -with rrill annexed of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 18th day of April, 1W -"'1 on >he T-ffi day of June,



In the County Court of Docglas County Nebraska. In the Kctter of the Estate of Eric A Anderson, Deceased. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified that n petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file in scid Court, purporting to be the last will snd testament of (said <Jecease<l, and that a hearing will be had on eaid petition before said Court on the 19tu day of March, 1032, and that if they fail to oppear at said Court on the said 19th day of March, 1032, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of eaid estate to Amanda Anderson or some other suitable person and proceed to a Bettiemen thereof. BKTCE CKAWFOItD, 2-26-32-3t. County Judge.

HAS FEOBKDJ, Attorney. Petenr. Trust Bide.

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(Continued from Page One)

the daily exercise in calistehenics. of us prefer our literature like loudest achievement, as I have said. Some our food in less concentrated tablets. Perhaps it is not wholly negligible. I I do no more than suggest that the think we are coming more and more morsel hastily gulped down may have to a knowledge of the truth which a savor all its own for the discriminI have been emphasizing today, that ating palate. officialdom, however, it display itself, But I over emphasize and exaggeris the husk and that what is precious ate if I seem to paint the picturue is the man within. I am told at times by friends that of an active opposition that is more a judicial opinion has no business to than sporadic and exceptional to so be literature.v The idol must be ugly, amiable a weakness as a love of art or he may be taken for a common and letters. A commoner attitude man. The deliverance that is to be with lawyers is one, not of active accepted without demur or hesitation opposition, but of amused or cynical must have a certain high austerity indifference. We are merely wastWhich frowns, at winning graces. I ing our time, so many will inform fancy that not a little of this criti- us, if we bother about form when cism is founded in misconception of only substance is important. I supthe true significance of literature, or, pose this m%ht be true if any one more accurately perhaps, of literary could tell us where substance ends style. To some a clearer insight has and form begins. Philosophers have been given. There are those who have been trying for some thousands of perceived that the highest measure years to draw the distinction between of condensation, of short and sharp substance and mere appearance in the and imperative directness, a direct- world of matter. I doubt whether ness that speaks the voice of some they succeed • better when they atexternal and supreme authority,s is tempt a like distinction in the world consistent, none the less, with su- of thought. Form is not something preme literary excellence. A dictum added to substance as a mere proof Henri Beyle's, recalled not long tuberant adornment. The two are ago by-Mr. Strachey, will point my fused into a unity. Not long ago meaning.' The French novelist used I ran across a paragraph in the say that "there was only one ex- ters of Henry James in which hi ample of the perfect style, and that blurts out hia impatience of thes. was the Code Napoleon; for there attempts to divide the indivisible. H alone everything was subordinated to is writing to Hugh Walpole, now i. the exact and complete expression novelist of assured position, but then of what was to be said." The poor comparatively unknown. "Don't let man succumbed to its charm to such any persuade you—there, are plenty an extent that he was in the habit of ignorant and faruous duffers to of reading a few pa ragraphs every try to do it—that; strenuous selecmorning before breakfast. I do not tion and comparison are not the verj seek to substitute this Tegimen for essence of art, and that Form is no

to acquire, own, hold, maintain and operate certain- parcels of real estate in the City of Omaha, fnlly set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, and shall also have the right to do any arid all things necessary to the holding and management of said real estate; to sell, convey, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any or all of the real estate mentioned in the Articles of Incorporation and to make contracts and agreements in connection therewith. The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be $100,000.00 divided in shares tt $100.00 each. : The existence of said corporation shall begin on the filing of a copy of its Articles of Incorporation with the Connty Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of 50 years. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said corporation shall nt any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but said restriction shall not apply to mortgages placed on tie said real estate. The business of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of three Directors and the Officers consisting of a President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the Board of Directors. It shall be necessary to have the unanimous rote of all the issued nnd outStanding stock for the amendment of the Articles or for the passage of any motion, resolution or for any act of the corporation. Dated this 9th day of February, 3932. NATHAN WIL.K8ON. HARRY STEINBERG, JOE MORGAN. Iucorporators. In the presence of: Max Fromkin. 2-12-32-it. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT To W. A. Lamere, first and real name unknown, doing business ns Ited I>ot Oil Company: Ton are hereby notified that the State Of Nebraska filed an ncfiou against you in th.a Municipal fourt of Omnha, Douglas Coui ty, Nebraska, praying for judgment f«-r $tiC3.T2 and that an order of attachment and garnishment wis issued by suld Court on certain property belonging to you, Fitvmted <n tbv City uf Omahn, Douglas CVunty, Nebraska, nnd tltnt said property oas been attached ami thnt said malt>:r came on for bearing on February 10, 1932 and has beesi continued for service until March 31st, 1932; you arc required to «wswer said notion on OJ before March 31st, upon your failure to do BO, petition •will be tnken as true. Judgment rendered agnlnsi you, ana the attached proptity gold on execution, and the process thereof applied toward the payment of said claim and Judgment. STATK OP NEBRASKA, By Irvin Stalmaster, Assistant Attorney General

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FAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1932 tef, Corinne, returned to Lincoln '-af- merly of Lincoln, will proceed with -of the Temple Israel Sisterhood. attend the services. ter, an extended visit with Mrs. Perl- his contemplated scientific trip. He Tomorrow Morning. meter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.will be in Omaha early in ApriPen . Saturday morning Rabbi Frederick Klein. route to Victoria, B. C , from which Cohn will speak on "Gold, Silver, port he sails April 16 for a fiveBrass." •Miss Martha Gotler has returned month tour of China, Japan, Java, from Alton, I1L, where she visited Australia, New Zealand, etc. Dr. Eaddish Enjoy more leisure by with her parents and friends. Arenson is, at- present associate proKaddish will be recited this Sab1 having us do your K .-* fessor of chemistry at the University laundrying for you. bath for Vera Sylvia Wertheimer and Dr. Nathan Muskin left Sunday for of Cincinnati. Baer Sonin. an indefinite stay-in.California. Sisterhood Lecture TEA DANCE Mrs. Joe M. Jliee and son, Donald, Rabbi Cohn will continue the disThe annual spring tea dance of are visiting-with friends in Chicago. the Omaha chapter of Junior Hadascussion of some current topic at the Tonight HArney 1102 sah will be held at the Blackstohe Jlackstone hotel Tuesday morning, Brotherhood Sabbath will be obFOR'BRIDE-tOiBE Esther Friedman of Omaha. : Mr. M. Brandeis returned Tuesday hotel on Sunday, March 20, instead (Our New Phone Number) Mrs. Jacob Kaplan was hostess to from the east where he has been of March 13 as previously announced. served at Temple Israel this evening. March 8, at 10:30 a. ra., as part of Mr. Nathan S. Jacobs will deliver the lecture series-under the auspices twenty-five guests at a beautifully 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Freeman for the past two weeks. Music will be furnished by Ran-the sermon, his subject being "A appointed bridge-luncheon at the Elks announce the birth of a son on March dall's Royal orchestra and in addi- Sensational Headline." Mr. Eugene club, Thursday, February 25, in 1, at the Claifcon' hospital. Mrs. Frank Brookstein returned tion several novel, entertainers will N. Blazer will read the services, and honor of her daughter, Bess, a brideSunday from Kansas City, where she be presented. Mr. Ben. Stefler, president of the VISITORS ^ b had been visiting relatives and The committee in charge includes Brotherhood, will give,; an, introducfriends for the past two weeks. A large boquetof red "roses was - Mr. and Mrs. R. J. light of MinneEthel Stoller, chairman; Ross Dol- tory talk. J 'i used • as a centerpiece. apolis, Minn.^ visited their son-ingoff, Ann Green, " Lillian Keiser, The Temple chorus choir will sing, Out of town guests at the affair law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Sam Geisman returned from Bess Kirshenbaum, Sara Malashock, and Max Yaffe will play, a violin •were Mesdames Max Garber, Joe Stanley F. Levin over the week-end. Mexico City last Friday after a Jeanette Resnick. . ' solo. • --• • - . • • . Kaplan and David Kaplan, all of Mr. and Mrs. Light were enter- three-week visit with his parents 'Everyone is cordially invited to Missouri Valley, la. tained at a buffet luncheon and there. BENEFIT BRIDGE bridge Friday evening by Mrs. Ida Prizes were won by Mesdames About 200 reservations have al- Rothkop, and Miss Betty Tarnoff, David Miller, Joe Kaplan and Morris Levin. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Philip Mrs. S. H. Singer has returned ready been made for the Benefit who read a quaint selection. MIES Levy entertained the guests at a Green. from Chicago, where she went to atluncheon and bridge at the Aquila tend the funeral of her brother-in- Bridge to be given by the Junior Anne Zwieback was chairman of the Society of the Conservative Syna- affair. A beautiful door prize was Court. Mrs. Moe Isaacson was law. ENTERTAINS , gogue next Wednesday evening at the given. Miss Ruth Slobodisky entertained hostess for Mr. and Mrs. Light at a J. C. C. An interesting and enter9?. bridge Saturday evening in honor dinner party Saturday evening, and Mr. Aaron Richards motored here ' of Gertrude Gerber, a bride-to-be, and on Sunday evening they /were the last week from Chicago with his taining evening is being arranged; MATINEE DANCE. Mrs. A. J. Solomon of Duluth, Minn. guests of Mrs. L Fiedler at a dinner brother-in-law, Mi. Irving Fohrman, besides the refreshments there will The chaperones for the Psi Ma be prizes for each table and also and bridge. Prizes •were won by Mrs. Sue Levy matinee dance Sunday, March 6, wiH to visit with his parents, Mr. andseveral door prizes. and the Misses Isabelle Gerber and be Mrs. S. Fish and Mrs. J. GoldMrs. A. Perimeter. He returned to Tickets may be purchased from Sarah: Kurtzman. Mrs. William Rubin of Fort Dodge, Chicago with his wife and daughter, berg. Iowa, visited her brother and sister- who had been visiting here for -the any member of the Conservative Society or at the door. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frank, past month. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox entertained last week. Mrs. Frank and daughHave Your Paper Hanger HENRIETTA SZOLD BRIDGE -thirty-five guests at a beautifully ters, Muriel and Elaine, returned Specify Wall Paper from Mrs. M. Schmidt of Fremont and with Mrs. Rubin to Fort Dodge Fri- sons, Aaron and Leo, are visiting Appointed dinner at their home SunOver one hundred guests -attended Shrier Paint and day evening1, February 28. The oc-day and spent the week-end there. here with friends. the social bridge and get-together casion was the tenth wedding anniparty given by the Henrietta Szold Wallpaper Company versary of Mr. and Mrs. Fox. After Mrs. Boris Levine of Creston, la., club, at the Jewish Community CenPhone ATlantic 4744 dinner the guests played bridge. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. MUSICAL PROGRAM ter Wednesday evening, Feb. 24. The program to i e given at the Prizes were won by. Mesdames i>. Lipman. Mrs. Levine will stay a A very entertaining program was Joslyn Memorial Sunday afternoon at given by Mrs. Stanley F . Levin, who Green, C Katzman and Mike Cohen. week. 4 p. m. under the -auspices of the played and sang several songs; Miss Omaha Music Teachers Association Libbie Abramson performed a famTO RECEIVE FOR NEWLYWEDS SOCIAL NOTES The women's auxiliary of the Con- Mrs. Irving Perimeter and daugh- will have two Jewish participants ous acrobatic dance with the accomwho are outstanding in musical ac- paniment a t the piano by Miss Louise servative Synagogue will honor the tivities. newly married cantor and his wife, Miss Rose Brandeis, well known Mr. and Mrs. A. Sivowitr, at a reyoung pianist, wiL play the following Center Calendar ception and. tea immediately follownumbers on the program: Revolutioning the regular. Friday evening servary Etude by Chopin, Sextet from Sunday, March 6 ices tonight. They will be assisted at Pi Alpha Lambda Sorority vs. Lucia for left hand alone by Doniserving by the members of the Junior Good Grooming Society of the synagogue. A cordial A. Z. A. No. 100 debate. Question: zetti-Leschetizky, and the Hungarian FOR YOUR '"^Begins at the invitation to attend is extended to all. "Resolved, that the Jewish Reli- Rhapsodie No. 6. gion is no longer a vital force in Myron Cohen, 13-year-old violinist, and an all-star cast of 14 people Finger Tips the lives of the younger genera- will give three selections. He will BIRTHDAY PARTY A George Washington birthday tion." 3 p. m. at meeting of A. be accompanied by Mr. Harry Braviroff. Myron will play Hungarian party was given by Mrs. Morris Cohn Z. A. No. 100. Dance by Haesche, Old Refrain by Tuesday, March 8 Saturday afternoon at her home in Deborah Society meeting, 2:30 Kreisler, and Allegro molto vivace, honor of her daughter, Harriet, on. Concerto op. 64 by Mendelssohn. Jjhe occasion of her seventh birthday. p. m. - • Wednesday, March 9 There will be other musical num16th and Howard Favors were George Washington •Jewish Women's Welfare organi- bers given and a talk by Rev. Lawrnovelties. The centerpiece of the table was a large birthday cake. zation card party,;2 p. m. Junior ence Plank. The program will be Covers were placed for Betty Rosen- Society of the Conservative Syna- given in the lecture room. Admission is free. ' blatt, '; Irving Maduff, Darlene Mar- gogue card party, 8 p. m. cus, Beverley Marcus, Beverley PasON TQUR, ^ . Coming Events Sensational Success Despite ihe Japanese-Chinese conSunday, March 13 flict, Dr. Saul B. Arenson, son of Jerry ( Cohn, Shirley Werner* Donald After One Year's Run in New York 50c or a game of ( PsiMu day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert^ Arenson, forCohn f and Frances PechacJ Let us give your hand fashionTuesday, March 15 able grooming of a sort that Jewish National Fund celebra—Be Sure and Reserve the Date— shows you "what's what" to the tion. Zallman Rubashoff of PalesIRTfiS FOR RENT Drop in at the very finger-tips. tine, guest speaker. Mr.] and Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt anBeautifully decorated, modern Wednesday, March 18 nouncp the birth of a son at Nicholas 3-room apartment, heated. 5 » / W V Billiards and BEAUTY SALON Board of Governors meeting, * Serin hospital Thursday, Feb. 25. closets, garage. $25.00. K U A 1 Coffee Shop 8:15 p. m. Fourth Floor Thursday, March 24 1544% N. 18th St. ,J> Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosencrans of AT. 0600 119 So. loth Lecture. Maurice Hindus, "RusWEbster 0593 KEnwood 1200 J>|Carrol, la., announce the birth of a -^Slaughter at St. Joseph hospital Sat- sia and the World." 8 p. m. Omaha Tickets Now on Sale at Brandeis Theatre Community Forum. ^firday, Feb. 27. Box Office Mrs. Rosencrans was formerly Miss

Notes of Temple Israel





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SUN BATHING ON DESERT—Desert sunbaths after the daily swim have become fashionable at Palm Springs, Cal., as this photo shows. Hiss Nancy and Miss Sally Bern, of Toledo, O., are seen ready to let the~snn do a littlertoasting after a dip in one of the pools at the resort.



SNOWSUDES PROVE FATAL —Bescne workers are seen digging away tons of rock, snow and debru on the Skagit river, in the Pacific northwest, following landslides which proved fatal to 14 men.working on an electrical project for the city of Seattle.

STILL AN ART—Attesting that the art of whittling still .lives, Miss Marion "Xowe, of Los Angeles, shows a creation of Frederick,H. Eoreaz, grizzled, hard-rock miner *of Pioche, Nev. "I don't know what it represents," Lorenz told Miss Lowe, "but it took me three days to make it." HOLDING THE CITY AGAINST INVADERS— Chinese troops are seen lyings prone behind sandbag defenses at the north end of Paoshan road in Cfaapei, native section of Shanghai, defending the city against Japanese invaders.




MOTHER, BABIES, PLEAD FOR SAFETY— Hundreds of mothers, many with babes in arms, together with young boys and old men, seek permission to enter the foreign settlement in Shanghai to escape from war-torn Chapei, native section.

INVADERS* BARRICADE—Inradins Japanese forces erected this barricade is North Hessn road, foreign settlement, ShsnghaL The barricade faces Paoshan read, in the native city ©f ^


STEAMEB AWAITS PATE—This ship of remark, able history awaits fate's next move in her lonely berth in Los Angeles harbor. She is the "City of Honolulu," once mistress of the Pacific. Launched in Germany in 1900, she was interned during the World war and later taken over by the U. S. shipping board, when she became the "President Arthur." Then as the "White City" she was engaged m.a "back to Palestine" run, but failed. Rebuilt for Pacific passenger service she burned at her dock in Honolulu in;]930, later being raised and set back to Los Angeles.



SUBBING FOR THE HENS—The traditional nine~ lives of'this motherly tabby are grouped around her in the form of a family of seven baby chicks just hatched, and two more on the way. The cat is'owned by W. A. Brice, of Toledo, O. When the brooder house of tii* eatfs master burned down recentir she decided to pinch hit for til* bens, whftfcad more than they could do to hatch the eggs on

MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR SICK APE—F. 0. Lowe the Washington, D. C, zoo, is snapped rubbing N'Gi; in an effort to keep up its circulation. The gorilla, « n ington school children, was stricken with * £ » £ including tb» tue of oxygen tanks, w its life.



Organization News ' ami

Chesed Shel Ernes

Conservative Synagogue

side were Charlotte Mayer, Joe Abra- tared Tuesday by Rabbi David Goldhamson and Bernard Trochtenberg. stein as the fate of the modern Je\<rry The pre^confirmation class of Tem- The chairman was Charles Kopald, a of European countries, before the ple Israel, taught by Mass La Verne member of the post - confirmation Current Topics group. Feblowitz, held a debate Sunday class. With politicians throughout Europe morning on "Miracles." The negative, boycotting, killing and rioting against upheld by Sora Miriam Blank, Jerome them, life holds little for the Jews but Marcus, and Dave Krause, •won. The Current Topics suicide or beggary, he said. judges ^ere Rabbi Frederick Colin A medieval.wagn of terror, rival- "The possibility cf Hitler ruling and Tale Xroleff. On the affirmative ing that of the inquisition, wag pie- Germany is enoxtgi to strike terror

A regular meeting of the" Chesed Shel Ernes Society will DeTield i n .the Chesed Shel Emes; building on Monday afternoon starting at 2 o'clock. All members are urged to attend, as-important business will be discussed. -J. Candle lighting time, Friday, March 4, 1932, 5:32 p. m. Deborah Society Services Tonight A regular meeting of the Deborah Rabbi Goldstein will speak on Society vnB. be held on Tuesday, "How to Conquer Fear." March 8, at the Jewish .Community After services this evening the "Center. Auxiliary of the congregation win receive in npnor of Cantor and Mrs. Sivowitz. Hadassah Cultural A.AllJ. members and their friends are The next luncheon meeting of the invited. Cultural Group of the Omaha ChapClass in Bible Appreciation ter of Hadassah will be held on MonThis Tuesday morning at 10:30 a. day, March 14, at I2t4o at the Blackm. the class in Bible Appreciation stone hotel Prof, Paul H. Grommann, director will meet. The literary and inspiraof the Joslyn Memorial, -will be gaest tional qualities of the Book of Psalms speaker. His subject is "The Cul-will be the theme for discussion. tural Importance of the Memorial." Junior Society Mrs. Joseph Bosenberg will present Friends of the congregation are a paper entitled "Recent Developatsnts in Palestine." All Hadassah urged to set aside this Wednesday Members and their friends are in-evening for the benefit bridge of the cited, to attend. Make reservations Junior Society. Porim Ball with Mrs. Martin Blass or Mrs. Max promkin. Remember that April 2 is the night of the Purim BalL Next Week Conservative Auxiliary The next regulaT meeting of the Next "week the congregation will Women's Auxiliary of the Conserva- have the unusual pleasure and privitive Synagogue will take place on lege of listening to an address by •Wednesday, March 9, at 2 p. m., at one of the women pioneers of Pales. the J. C C. Owing to the absence tine. Miss Goldie Meyerson, who ^ of Mrs. W31iam Alberts, president, Kved and labored in the land of from the city, Mrs. Dave Sherman, Israel, is certain to give an inspiring account of the achievements of our •vice-president, -will preside. The meeting is called half an hour brethren in the land of our fathers. .earlier in order to permit all interest- It is expected that a very large ed to attend tile annual card party of congregation will assemble to greet the Jewish Women's Welfare Federa- Miss Meyerson. tion, which is being held the same Rabbi Goldstein wOl also speak. day. A board meeting at 2 p. m. will precede the regular meeting. Tuchman, 11-9, 11-6; Esther The ticket sale for the second an- Ruth Weiner plays Leah Siegal; Anne Gitnual Purim ball sponsored by the Wo- nick defeated Greenberger, men's Auxiliary of the Conservative 14-12, 12-10; Merriam Fremette Goldberg Synagogue is progressing rapidly. drew a byej Mary Cutler plays Tillie This affair will take place Sunday Siegal; Dorothy Corenman defeated night, April 2, in the auditorium of Sadie Kohlberg, 11-9; 11-8; Rose Linthe Jewish Community Center. denbaum plays Sara Devine. The following are holders of patSecond round matches will be finTans' tickets: Max Barish, Simon ished this -week. Bordy, R. L Bordy, H. W. Brandt, L Thirty-two boys have already enBerkowitz, Dr. L Dansky, J. J. Greenthe boys' ping pong tourna. berg, Dr. A. Greenberg, William Hols- tered about 25 more are expected to man, J^i Harry Kulakofsky, Louis ment; : enter. win begin Monday, Kulakofskyi Beuben Rulakofsky, Max March 7.Play are Meyer KohlKaplan, Henry Monsky, Dr. M. Mar- berg, SamFavorites Miller and Sam Bicklin. golin, Dr. A. S. Bubnitz, Dave SherMisses Esther Seigal, Saia, Devine man and Harry A. Wolf. and Premette Goldberg- have entered the Midwest Ping Pong tournament, Ladies' division, being Held at the Daughters of Zion Paxtoa iotel, March 3,-4 and 5. A The Bangfctere-«f"Zjon~will-&o!d-axegular meeting at the J. C. C. onthree will represent the Jewish. ComMarch 16. AH members are urged to munity Center. attend. A feature will be the giving away of a large hand-made table-cloth, doHated by Mrs. David Sorref. All members should bring their ticket stubs. As many tickets as possible are to be sold in the meantime.



Psi Mu The committee in charge of Psi Mu Day, March 13, composed of Leo Berman, chairman, Max Altshuler and Earl Siegel, are planning an outstanding program. The St. Louis Koah basketeers will meet the Psi Mu quintet, while other arrangements include a roller skat marathon, a swimming meet, a handball exhibition, and a girls' basketball game. . Following the basketball game, a dance will be held in the Center ballroom. A buffet-supper in honor of the St. Louis team wEH be held at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. A party is being planned for Saturday night.

Recreation Department v-




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in the hearts of humane persons, XL should he carry out his threat to massacre leading Jews—bankers, writers The Xi Lambda fraternity is workand men of science,^ Babbi Goldstein ing on plans for their Founders' day continued. banquet to be held in the near future. "In Poland the Jew is often atThey are also planning to particitacked by mobs on the street* and anti-Jewish boycotts are smothering pate in the all-star nig-ht, sponsored them. But conditions are even Trorse. by, the Senior Council of Clubs in Austria and Hungary.* W Community Centex.


Convenient Terms

In the Women's Ping Pong tournament at the J. C. C , Esther Seigal drew a bye; Monica Yaffee defeated




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B'naiBrith Mr. Lester Davidson, local attorney, spoke before members of the B'nal B'rith on the life of Judge Benjamin Cardoza, who was recently appointed to the Supreme Court. Following the iddres3 the members adjourned to -a social Jhour and, refreshments. : • • - : - ; "

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

COLME MEYERSON IS TO LECTURE HERE WEDNESDAY jGoldie Meyerson, prominent labor leader of Palestine^ will speak before a; Sioux City audience Wednesday evening, March 9, on "Political and Economic Conditions in Palestine." Mrs. Meyerson's lecture, which will be given a t the Jewish Community Center, a t 8 o'clock, is sponsored by the local chapter of the Pioneer Women's r organization. "* Mrs. Meyerson has included Sioux City- on her - five-month -tour . of America. Mrs. M. A. - Levich, Mrs. Ben Shindler, Mrs. J. Kanofsky, Mrs. •N.: Widesky., Mrs. M. JJperlirig and Mrs. M. Leaff comprise the committee in charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Meyerson has been active in the Zionist social work in America, having left ten years ago ; to become a pioneer worker in the upbuilding of a Jewish National home. She spent .several years working in the colony Merchavia, became a leader in. the Histadruth, organization of workers of Palestine, and was general secretary of the Jewish labor party in Palestine last year. ; .

Jr. Hadassah Open Meeting Thursday

Sioux City A. Z. A. Many Attend Play Basketball Team and Concert Sunday Win Over St. Paul Three . hundred and fifty persons attended an entertainment arranged by members of the Workman's circle, branch No. 664, which was presented Sunday evening in the J . 'C. C The program was presented by Al Harris, Eugenia Organoff and a company of players. . The committee on arrangements included I. Singer, Max Dervin, A. Kosmovsky, J. Zeligson, E.* Lasensky, B. Rifkin, A. Rich, J . Victor, Oscar Gordon, E. Elsberg, William Heshe; low, M; Shiloffi Mrs.: J, Shapiro; Mis. Max Dervin, Mrs: B. Edelman; Mxs. A: Eosmoysky, Mrs, -A; Tilevichj Mrs. J. Zeligson, Mrs. B. Eifkin and Mrs. Joe" Lefkovich. ^ : ; •

AlAfflTITATJON Fifteen new members will be initiated into the A. Z. A. chapter at their regular meeting next Wednesday evening. Martin Kozberg is in charge of the initiation arrangements. The new members include Bernard Kormbladt, Ernest Epstein, Sidney Bergen, Dan Baker, Leonard Hall, Archie Kantor, Harry Kanofsky, Max Maron, Max Zeligson, Abe Turchen, Norman Satin, Al Herzoff, Stanley Herzoff, Fred Herzoff and Leonard Shindler. -, Max Maron has been named chairman for the arrangements of A. Z. A. Sabbath, which is scheduled to take place in Shaare Zion Synagogue March 25. He will be assisted by Loyal Kier and Morris Lefkovich. The entire service will be read by A. Z. A. members with a member giving the sermon.

The Junior Hadassah chapter has invited the entire membership of the local Senior Hadassah group to be their guests at a meeting next Thursday evening, March 10, at an open meeting in the Community Center. Sara Goldberg, Charlotte Salkin, Ida Feldman and Rosalie Sacks will appear on the program. Miss Tillie Shindler will sing a group of Jewish folk songs. Miss Elizabeth Raskin will preside The Parents' Association of Mount at the meeting. Miss Eosalie Sacks Sinai Temple have begun plans for is in charge bf the program. a Purim entertainment to be given March 21 in the Temple. A varied program of plays and musical numbers will" be presented. Mrs. Herman F . Miller, president of the organization, which meets in the inter"We feed the multitude" ests of the Eeligious School of the : : With Tasty Foods Temple, is in charge of the arrangements. '

Purim Entertainment Is Being Planned




Matinee Tea Dance The second of a series of matinee tea dances will be held a t the Jewish Community Center next Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 6. Lee Herzoff and his orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Tea will be served by several of the Center clubs.

The Sioux City A. Z. A. basketball team won a victory over the A. Z. A. team of St. Paul Sunday afternoon in t h e K. C. gymnasium. The score was 23 to 19. Max Turcheii starred for the local team, by scoring 11 points. The Sioux City team is composed of Max Turchen, Sam Epstein, Abe Beechen,' Leonard Baumstein, LeonThe Mount Sinai Sisterhood will ard Hall, Samuel H. Epstein, Dan meet this noon a t the Temple for Baker and Isadore Kantrovich. Mr. their regular monthly meeting. H. Braverman is-the coach. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will be followed Next Sunday afternoon the local team will go to Omaha to play that team. In -a curtain raiser t h e ' Maccabee team defeated the A. Z. A. second team by a score of 14 to 13.

Sisterhood Meeting

Ex-Resident Killed in Auto Smash-Up Leo Skalovsky, a student of Nebraska University, and a former resident of Sioux City, was instantly killed last week when the car ia which he was riding struck a truck. He was -ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Skalovsky of Norfolk, Nebr. Leo was an honor student a t Lincoln, a brilUant debater and accomplished pianist. ' Funeral services were held from the home of Eli -Skalovsky, 415 George street, last Friday morning, with Eabbi H. E. Babinowitz officiating. -j On Wednesday afternoon the residents of Norfolk held a memorial service in his memory at Norfolk. The service was broadcast over the Norfolk radio station. Skalovsky was once affiliated with the Norfolk station as one of its entertainers.

by a program. . M r s , A , H . Baron will present a group of piano solos, and Miss Helen Friedman will offer a group of readings. Mrs. Max Mushkin is In charge of the luncheon arrangements. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin will preside. Monday evening, March 7, members of the,. Book Review section^ of the Sisterhood will meet a t ; the home of Mrs. Jake Kalin, 3620 Jackson street. Mrs. C. A. Hoyt will review, two current books.

.:. Miss- Ann • W^akoff was hostess to the Pace Makers Sorority last Wednesday evening. Miss Bess Zeligson snd Miss Mary Raskin "presented a program which was followed by refreshments and bridge. Miss Rath White was hostess to members of the Iota Tau Sorority on Tuesday evening. Plans were begun for a rush party -to be held at the home of Miss Sally Dimsdale. Miss Sally Halpern will assist the hostess.

hereby notifies that a r

filed In said Court -alle-lngthat Bald d £ ceased died leaving no last will ana Pt*T* ins for administration upon bis estate, nnk that B hearing will be had On «al* petition before said court on tlie 20th dar of March, 19?.::, ana shot « a t!>;r ^ «. irppear nt snid Court on the said 28th day of March, 1032, at 0 o'clock A, M.. to contest Bfild petition, the Court tnay grant the same find prant administration of wU estate to May Fried or eomc other B«ltal»lft person and P ^ c e ^ ^ B e t t i ^ ^ ^ r e o t .

, STAL5IASTEK & BEBEB O. T. DOKRB and T H I L i r BE. KlCTZJflCK, Attorneys.

Complimenting Miss Mae EirenNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" berg, a bride of this month, Miss In tne County Court t>£ I>ouglas County, Nebraska. Frances Jacobson' presided a t a In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham luncheon in her home Sunday a t 1 Sam Fried, Deceased. All persons interested in said'estate are o'clock. Rose and; green, the bride's colors, were, carried out in the table appointments. 1 Bridge followed the luncheon. | Miss Margaret and Rogie Kozberg will be hostesses t o ' t h e Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority next Wednesday evening. Bridge will form the evening's entertainment.

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SHAARE ZION Eabbi H. E. Eabinowitz will speak this evening on "Jewish Writers With a Backbone." The synagogue has instituted a practice of having a member of-the congregation give a two^minute i ta]k each Friday evening in addition to the regular service. Mr. Barney Baron spoke last week, Mr. John Lansberg the previous week and Mr. Morey Lipshutz will address the congregation tonight. .-."•• \


"Jewish Pioneers in America" will be the subject of Eabbi Lewis' sermon this evening. Last Saturday evening Eabbi Lewis addressed, a large gathering of young people at a banquet in Merrill, Ia. The following names have been placed on the Eeligious School Honor Boll for the month of February: Stanton Cohen, Harold Slotsky, Samuel Heeger, Bobby Pill, Seymour Robinson, Marion Fishgall, Ruth Weiner, Doris Marx, Betty Marx, Myron Heeger, Miriam Barish, Mil ton Galinsky, Ted Skalovsky, Lea •Rose Newman, Caroline FishgaD, •Alice Pill and Margaret Kosberg.

Auxiliary Planning Entertainment Mar. 12 Members of the Senior Hadassafi organization will be guests of the ladies auxiliary of Shaare Zion Syna •gogue-at their meeting March 12. This will commemorate the twentieth -anniversary of the local Hadassah ^chapter. . -• > The meeting, .which will be held in the Synagogue Social hall, will 'feature a Purim program.^




MORE Sfock.*Ail- Rwtsl

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Members of the Girl Scout troop, -under the leadership of Mrs. George Blum and Miss Frances Emlein, presented a birthday cake to members of thfe Boy Scout troop at their meeting Sunday, commemorating the twenty-second anniversary of the-Boy Scout movement. •. . •-' • .


Miss Sara Woskqff presented _ book review before members of the Business Girls' club Wednesday evening, following the dinner.

Sensational Success

Sixteen couples attended the dinner dance given last Sunday evening by members of the Epsilon Phi sorority. Miss Charlotte Kantrovich was in charge of the arrangements.

and an all-star cast of 14 people



After One Year's Run in New York

—Be Sure and Reserve the Date—

TUESDAY, MARCH 8th A Treat Is in Store for You ADMISSION—$1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c

SHOTfTOXL, MONSKT. GRODINSKY & VANCE, and HABBY B. COHEN, Attorney*. "' . ' PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Jake Fell nan, Deceased. Notice is hereby grfven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, In said County, on the 25tl day of April, 1832, and on the 25th day of June. 1932, at 9 o'clock A. SI., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three-months are allowed for Ou creditors; to present their claims, from thi 23th day of March. 1932. . , i«-'^ BBTCE CRAWFORD. 3-4-S2-3fc ' County Judge.


EOAD. SERVICE TILL 11 Pe fttf,17th^dCgpit9lA


\ Flione AT. 642T



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