March 11, 1932

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of the Jewish People Bnxsxea us Second-Class Mall Sla^et on January » , 1930, rt Postofaca nt Omaha. Nebraaia. • er tha Act of March 3.1STO

Vol. X—No. 6


Center ChampionshipDebate Board of Governors Nazis Announce Elimination RUBAS JiefoYeM'nai Brith Thursday to Meet Wednesday T0» of Jews As Election Plank S ON "I BOYCOTHGll

The Board of Governors of the : Tt / finals of the debate tourna- ed in the semi-finals when the Cen| Jewish. Community Center and Wel- Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The complete i properties are to be confiscated. tier , of the Senior Council of Clubs tury chapter defeated the Pi Alpha elimination of Jews from participaThe Nazi election bureau has also fare Federation.will-hold an imporT • ne Jewish Community Center will Lambda sorority. The XL's won their meeting on Wednesday evening, tion in the life, of the country with prepared posters caricaturing various Local Observance of National . Canada Anti-Semitic Organiza ^c-^taged at the. monthly cultural way to the finals by winning over the tant March 16, at the J. C C, according their -ultimate expulsion from Ger- well known Jewish bankers of Germeeting of the local B'nai Brith lodge A. Z. A. No. 1 team. Fund Celebration at J. C. C. tion Renews Antito announcement today by Wil- many'was formally made an election many. next Thursday evening, March 17, at The question for Thursday's debate liam L. Holzman, made plank of the Nationalist Socialists Oper to Public , Semitic Campaign BERLIN—While Adolph Hitler aspresident. the Center. The meeting, which will is: "Resloved, that the Jewish Reliwhose presidential candidate is sumed his post in the Brunswick legWhen the three major Jewish or- Adolph Hitler, in their first election ation which accorded him citizenship Zalman Rubashov, an outstanding ' Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—The "Ordre start at 8 p. m., will be open to the gion is no longer a vital force in the lives of the younger generation." ganizations consolidated last year, circular issued. public. ' Patribtique des Goglus," the organand his followers issued their plan personality in the Jewish and Zionist In addition to earning the honor of one of the important innovations was The elimination of the Jews is to for a violent campaign against the world, will be guest speaker at the ' ization behind the anti-Semitic cam-' Hyman Goodbinder and Arthur being the Council champions, the win- the Board of Governors, consisting of be accomplished through the follow- Jews, the Berlin Disciplinary Court observance of "Jewish National Fund Lipp, representing, the. Xi Lambda ." paign. that is being -waged against ning team will be awarded the Stal- representatives of each and every ing measures, the Nazis proclaim: - Quebec Jewry, is now intensifying club, will dash with William Wolfe master ordered that Hitlerite police and offi- Night" at the J. C. C. on Tuesday trophy, awarded by Judge Ir- Jewish organisation in the city. and Ralph Nogg of A. Z. A. chapter The Jews are to be deprived of their cers be dismissed from the service of evening, March 15. The program is its activity by a strong boycott call. 100, for the championship. The vm Stalmaster in order to encourage open to the general public Due to extreme pressure of work, citizenship and receive the status of the- state. This is carried on, not only in Nolast of the girls' teams was eliminat- debating, among the clubs. Practic- a meeting of this Board has not yet aliens. Similar celebrations are being held their three weekly publications, -where ally every club,in the Council entered been called.. As Wednesday is its everywhere in commemoration of 80 No Jew will be permitted to hold a Jewish merchants are assailed and this year's debate tourney. meeting, and as vital matters governmemtal or municipal post. maligned, but also by a soyel method. ."• Judge Stalmaster will be chairman £rst will be discussed, all representatives Since the State must make its primPassersby on the streets are accosted for the evening. are urged to attend . ary concern the livelihood of its citiand' handed boycott slips svhich they Jmmediately prior to the debate zens, should there be insufficient food, are requested to sign and forward to there will be a short business meetthe Jews will be expelled. the mentioned anti-Semitic organizaing conducted by the B'nai Brith All Jews who entered Germany after . tion.: • * ' : lodge. Dr. A. Greenberg, 'president 1914 are to be expelled at once. The boycott declaration reads as of the local lodge, urges that as many Jews are to be prohibited from editfollows: . members as possible turn o»t l»th ing or collaborating on newspapers. Council Sabbath will be observed at "To the Ordre Patriotique des for the meeting and the debate. .Ajl The freedom of Christian religions both Temple Israel and the ConservaGoglus (1124, Mary Ann street East) Noted Authority to Bring Forinn others are also welcome. is to be safeguarded, but the Jews reli- tive Synagogue, on Friday evening, Series to Close at I swear before God and my Canadian gion is to be combatted on the ground March 18, at 8 p. m. This is the first country that, from now on, I shall J . V*. \s» that it is materialistic time that both services were held never buy anything from a Jew nor Scholarship for All Jewish land holdings and town amultaneously. Maurice Hindus, author of "Red , encourage any Jew in any way what"Most Vigorous 9 The Omaha Jewish Community CenAt the Temple the services will be * soever." ' Bread," "Humanity Uprooted,** and :-_ opened with the reading of a prayer An effort again to raise the race other best sellers on Russia, will ter.-St. Louis.Y. M. H. A. debate will Hard Labor for Anti-Jew Fighter ? by Mrs. M. L. Cohn. Rabbi Fredcry has been made in Laurier Ward bring to a close the lecture series be held Sunday, March .27, instead of ( Cohn will read the service. Mrs. ' Using Zhid" Term erick where -Alderman-Max Setgler -is can- of the Community Forum with .• his March 13, as previously scheduled. Herbert Arnstein, president of Omaha didate for re-election in the" municipal address on "Russia and-the World" ^ . — ( J . T. A.)—A scholarDue to the pressure -of private afSection of the Council of Jewish Woelections scheduled for April 4. One- at the Jewish .Community Center ship "for the most vigorous 'fighter fairs, Max Soffer will, be unable to Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The word men, will give introductory remarks. against' the' Jewish population," in be one of the representatives of the of his opponents has opened his Thursday evening, March 24. . "Zhid," the insulting form _ of the campaign with " an appeal to the - Hindus has just-returned from a honor of Stanislaw Waclawski, the St. Louis Community Center. The S i word Jew, has been expunged from Mrs. Julius Newman, chairman of Christian student killed during the French Canadians to recapture. the seven months' tour of Russia, upon Louis team will consist of Echeal the Russian dictionary, the judge in the Council's Committee on Religion deliver the address "The Counseat from the Jews. "Let the French which he embarked last spring after anti-Semitic excesses in Vilna in No- Feinstein and Murray Steinberg. one of the Moscow courts declared will cil Woman as a Conservator of Judvember has been announced by the Zslman Rubashov Both Feinstein and Steinberg are ex- when a case came up before him in Canadian flag fly once again over the publication of "Red Bread" and Mrs. David R. Cohen will this part of the city. Do not let will thus be able to impart to his National Democratic students onion. perienced debaters and have repre- which a Jewish woman, Rachel Wein- aism." of J. N. F. work and the years give the closing prayer. There will The scholarship, in the amount of sented the St. Louis Center in prevJewry -conquer you," was the call listeners the, latest information on berg, complained that Helena Mar- be special music and vocal solos will fiftieth jubilee year of the beginning; 100 zlotys annually is for the student ious debates. Jewish colonization in Palestine. the progress of the five-year plan issued at this meeting. zinowska, a non-Jewish neighbor, had be rendered by Miss Fannie Hart and | of — — — and Russia's experiments since his who will proceed in the footsteps of The Omaha Center team of William called her "Zhidovka." Miss Rina Snyder. Waclawski, the announcement makes Wolfe and Joseph Solomonow will uplast visit a year ago. address the meeting, and the Hazomir "You, Citizen Marzinowska, should At the Conservative, Mrs. E. A. Hindus was born in Russia, and dear. hold the affirmative of the Midwes- know," the Judge said, "that the word Meyer and Mrs. A. D. Frank wiH take Singing society will render selections. Kubashov, head of the Palestine is recognized as an authority in actern Jewish Community Center De- 'Zhid,' which is a heritage from Czar- part in the celebration. Mrs. David curately interpreting what is hap- Flemish Nazi Party bating league question: "Resolved; ist days, is now used only by such A. Goldstein wil] deliver the address Labor delegation to the Unite;! pening Tn the. Soviet. that the Jewish Religion is no longer elements who desire in that way to "The Jewish Women in the American States, is a historian and scholar oi Local clubs and study groups which Formed by Extremists a' vital force in. the lives of the young- hurt the feelings of the Jewish work- Scene." Rabbi Goldstein will conduct international repute, and editor of th« Palestine Hebrew Daily "Davar." H* er generation." have discussed the Russian experiers. A fortnight's compulsory labor the services, is one of the most prominent leader* Antwerp.—(J. T. A.—A Flemish ment this winter are making reserIntense interest has been aroused will be a good lesson to you not to of the Histadruth, the Federation- ol vations in large numbers. Single Nazi party .vas organized here by in both" cities by this debate, as the use such x-ords again." -Jewish Labor, and the vice presi-" Palestinian Labor Leader to be admissions are one dollar, open to the Flemish extremists, who adopted result will decide the permanent pos'tent of the world Zionist Action cdinthe public. Tickets may be obtained a program similar to that of the Nazi sessor of the Louis P. Aloe Memorial in Omaha Today and mittee. : Decorated by King Carol party in Germany. -. debatingtrophy, awarded for intera t , the Jewish Community ' Center Tomorrow Czernowitz.—Theo Court, a promiThe affair is being sponsored ,4»y office; or from- Mr& J.-H. £ulako£~ The principal.-point in their pro- city competition. If tSe Omaha Jewthe Omaha National Fund Council Goldie ifteyerson, well-known Pal- sky, chairman of the education com- gram calls -for the union of Flanders ish Community Center again leads nent Jewish merchant here, -wag decj and the local United Palestine estinian-labor leader, will be here mittee of the Council of. Jewish with Holland. - The -party has adopt- the Inter-eity league, it will gain per- orated by King Carold in. recognition of his services in promoting Rou. •._ ed the Hakenkreuzler insignia as its manent possession of the trophy. today and tomorrow, under the spons- Women. New York.—(J. T. A.)—The at- Council. ... • .. . A 6:30 luncheon will be held at Admission to the debate is free. manian trade. The Community Forum, which is o w n . orship of the local Pioneer Women. tacks upon the Jews in Chattanooga the J. C. C. Tuesday, with a nominal She. is" on ' a five-month tour of the headed by Herman H. Auerbach, is are incidental to a series o revival sponsored jointly by the Jewish ComUnited States. meeting's sponsored by extreme charge of C5 cents per plate. ResTonight she will speak at the Con- munity Center and the local Counfundamentalist groups and occur ervations may be made with Morris servative Synagogue services. '-. cil of Jewish Women. from time to time in various com- Friedel or Max Barish. Tomorrow evening the Palestinian munities, according to a confidential guest will address a meeting at the investigation made in behalf of the j Jewish Community Center, to which American Jewish Congress. the general public has been invited. The preachers invariably dragin the Saturday afternoon she will speak old Ford charges, and link the Jews before a Hadassah group which will with communism nnd other radical The second annual "PsiMu Day" meet at the 1 ome of Mrs. A. Eomm. movements, according to the report. will be held at the J. C. C. Sunday, Mrs. Meyerson was reared in the Chattanooga is located in eastern United States, leaving this country March 13, with a complete program Tennessee and is the center of a large of entertainment for ten years ago to become a. pioneer illiterate mountaineering population. worker in the upbuilding of a Jewish the public Leo BerWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Warsaw Dayton, Tenn., the scene of the famman is chairman, National Home. Tlabbinate has been denied the right ous Scopes trial, is only thirty miles assisted by Max Altaway. There are no liberal ministers to refuse a Christian conversion to Besides being prominent in -. the schuler, Earl Siegal in Chattanooga, and the city boasts Judaism by decision of the Supreme K'vutzah Nerhewi, she is secretary and Dave Greenoi the largest number of churches Administrative Tribunal. of the Moatzoth Hatoaloth (Union berg. The decision of the Tribunal was per capita of juiy city in the couno£ Working Girls), is a member of A. roller skating try. The local university is church handed down in the case of Antonithe executive committee of the His- marathon be Stefan Haccynski, a Eoman Catholic, tadruth, and is an executive mem- held at 10will His enemies call him "Vulger Vin- brought out a revival of his "sweet- hired as columnist, editor and dra- endowed. m. whose application to be permitted to ber of the Pioneer Women in Pales- Sunday, a a. chell.". Thousands consider him nothmatic critic at $100 a week. Within heart" revue and made Winchell The report states further that the swimtine. ing but a "notorious gossip." Those manager of a company of eight art- four years this salary had tripled. Jewish community- is not concerned embrace Judaism n-ss denied by the ming meet, at 11 a. A banquet in honor of Mrs. Meyer- m., a handball exwho really know him T>est hail him ists all older than himself. After By then he was on the way np. with these attacks and consider them "Warsaw Kabbinate on legal grounds. Eacsynski appealed to the Commisson will be held at 8:30 p. m._Satur- hibition between experts ofHerman the Cen- as the straightest shooter on Ameri- treking from state to state with this. When the Graphic began to object typical of similar revival meetings in sariat of ths city of Warsaw against day. Representatives of the various ter, Y. M. C A., and K. of C. at 12:30 ca's crookedest street. He knows company, the ambitious Winchell or- to his writing for the magazines, the south. the decision of the Kabbinate, declarZionist organizations are being in- p. ITL, a basket ball game between the more about Broadway than any man ganized his own song and dance practically every paper in town ofing that it could not upon constivited, it being held at J. C. C. J. C C. Midgets and the J. C. C. alive and he gets $75,000 a year to act billed as Winchell and Green. fered him a job and so when the tutional grounds. At the banquet the representatives girls' team at 2 p. m., the Koah dub. let everyone else in on what he With this girl Walter played every Daily Mirror offered $25,000 a year CounciFs Data on His petition was denied for lack of of the Zionist groups will "deliver of St. -.Louis, Mo., vs. the Psi- Mu bas- knows. Broadway admits he is its house in the land but the Palace in for his coluumn he moved his hatPictures Available legal grounds. This decision was conshort talks, then a light lunch will keteers at 3 p. m., with, a novelty greatest scribe for what he doesn't New York. ' Although he never did rack to the Mirror. All those wishing any information firmed by the Minister of Education, be served, following which Mrs. Mey- boxing anatch between halves. know about its celebrities isn't worth get to the Palace, the management In describing Winchell's method of the* reports sent monthly on the basis of Czarist ukase of 1905, erson will speak. A dance will follow the main game telling. His gossip of today is the of that house recently offered him operation we must bow to the scribe concerning the local Council of Jewish Wom- which granted religious liberty with at 4 p. m., with prizes being awarded news of tomorrow and he recounts $2,500 for a week's appearance which himself." "Broadway," he says, "or to from the California Motion Pic- the exception of the adoption of nonto the winners of the various events it in a language that is virile, pic- he rejected. New York between Forty-second St., en ture Council including pictures of Attempt to Jleturn faiths by native ChristiaitB. turesque and original. Meet Walter of the day. Entertainment will feaHe was not yet old enough to vote and Columbus Circle—that's ray the month, the names of the pro- Christian Former Jews or descendants of Je«m Winchell, New York's newspaperman when the "United States entered the world. Roll out of bed about four ~ . ' Hebrew as Course ture.ducers, the actors, a synopsis of each permitted to revert to Judaiifc, A buffet supper will "be given at of the hour and a darn good Jew. war. Enlisting' in the navy Win- in the afternoon. At the office st play and information as to whether were Madison.—(J. T. A-)—A determ- 6:30 with ,the Koah club as guests. "No newspaper extras appeared the chell soon found himself confidential five. Prepare the column for the they are good for adults, juniors and however. accordingly took his case ined battle to. return the study- of He- The visitors will be entertained at Jay Mrs. Winchell's little boy" Wal- secretary to a couple of admirals. nextyawning and begin the nightly children, can obtain this infonnatioa to Raczynsla the Supreme Administrative Triter was born about 32 years ago. He brew to the" curriculum of the Uni- Peony Park Saturday night by. the Now the maestro of scandal-monger- round of theaters, sin-dens, ritzy by calling' Mrs. J. H. iuilakofsky. bunal which reversed the previous debegan his roundabout road to BroadPsi Mu. A brisk ticket sale points parties, cogniscenti conclaves, drink versity of Wisconsin is being coning gets a big kick, out of his service cisions. It based its verdict on the to a large crowd attending the day's way at the age of 13 when he bea little giggle water here and there ducted here in behalf of the B'nai as chief secretary to the moguls of • • •. • came stage struck and quit school a battleship. At the close of the and sniff out the dirt about the acteristic incident of some ten years ground that in the ukase of 1905, the Brith Hillel Foundation of the Uni- activities. celebs. ago. While he was in vaudeville, exception referred to the "Greekin the 6B grade to join the Imper- war he returned to vaudeville. versity by Rabbi Max Kadushin, its someone back stage made a slurring Orthodos faith," then the official reial Trio. The.high sounding name director. How He Gets News. But shortly after he decided to Senior Club Council reference to the Jews. As a g-ood ligion in Eussis. and did not include is deceiving, for the trio—Eddie CanCourses in Hebrew were dropped the show business and make "At sun-tip, OT about seven o'clock Jew, Winchell resented the remark the Eotnsn Catholic faith. Georgie Jessel and Winchell— quit " by the University last September af"Best Club" Contest tor, something of himself. His great in the morning, I go to bed. Mustn't and flared up. The ensuing fight were only singing ushers in one of ambition ter several years of classes conducted was to be a newspaperman. be caught napping on the xnazda by the Department of Semitics of the The standings in,the Jewish Com- the early moving picture houses in Unable to get a job, he started his lane's night life. Must pump people created a sensation. A few weeks later a prominent E-Ns Lecture Course ; University of which Professor Fred- munity Center Senior Council Best Harlem. Besides singing popular dit- own paper while still on the vaude- for. news. Always manage to find Jew him the following letter: Mrs. Wimer Dressier, head of the erick T. Kelly is the head, Club contest which started - January ties to. illustrated slides* daring the ville circuit. It was known" as "The in the person who promised "I've*sent heard abo^t the quarrel in psychology department of the Omaha i Professor Xelly was retired, be- 28, 1932, and which will run until intermission, they had to collect late Daily News Sense." In every thea- anotleak to' telL In addition, I have al- which you tried to defend your race, Women's Club, will be the next speakchecks and keep the crowd out of V coming professor emeritus, and the June 15, are: » ter where he appeared Winchell most regular news sources in Newbut you were bested chiefly fcecanse er on the K-Na lecture course at Temthe aisle. In the box .office Jessel's ' elimination of. the course. announced X L, 588 points j Psi Mu, 461; nailed this sheet near the mail bos. port, Paris, London and every state you did not know Treat you were ple Israel Sunday morning, March IS, mother sold tickets. In this trip as due to a curtailment in the bud- Fa Hon, 456; Henrietta Szold, 417; "When his paper was a few months in the Union. These men and wom- talking about. It is not good for at 1© a. m. The public is invited. get. A. Z. A. No. 1, 336;-Alpha'" Tan, 214; Cantor had the lead and Jessel sang old, of it came into the posses- en, the majority of whoa are news- Jews like you to disgrace us with Mas YsfTe will render R violin Pi Alpha Lambda, 215; A. Z. A. No. tenor, while Winchell, whose name sion aofcopy paper reporters, send or phone their solo, accompanied by Bliss Margaret Glenn Condon, editor of the 100, 195; A. Z. A. No. 7, 75; Je- then" was spelled with one "L," was New York Vaudeville News. Condon tips in. Most of them never met me; a defense. It would be snore to the Hurvritz. Aroused at Action of Miss Una Gross is diairhonor of Jews if you didn't make the tenor. compter, 75; Sigma Kappa Chi, 25. I don't know what they're like myf the lecture. liked the sheet and sent for Winchell of Czernowitz Municipal Points in this contest are awarded A - couple of years later the Imself—-bat they keep n e informed be- others look ridiculous. Yon ere not Czernowitz.—(J. T. A.)—The Jew- for help given to the J. C. C, for perial Trio became part of a news- and gave him a job st §25 a week, cause I never betray icy infonnssi- what is known as a Jew."' ish community of this city is .incensed sponsoring social and cultural events, boy ..sextette in ^Gus Edwards' first "but at the end of three months that acs. It's a dizzy business—a dizzy - TMs note not only pained Winca- Rabbi Zciger to be at at the action of the municipality for attendance at meetings and for song revue. When this show opened figure was doubled and before the job. Yet I'm happy where I am." ell but caused Mm great • shame, alwhich, in opening a new library con- performances in the various com- the billboards had Walter listed as year was out he vras getting 20 though he admitted It WEE justified. Temple Israel Tonight taining books of all nationalities, has petitive events sponsored by the "Walter WinchelL" As Winchell Mm- per cent of the Vaudeville News' adAlthough Winchell is often acrossd Aside from the little Jewish history omitted books in Hebrew and Yiddish. Senior. Council. Kabbi Bernard Zeiger, of Temple of violating- everybody's confidence he learned from the Bar-Kitsvah self said, "What the "L"?, but this vertising income. Columnist Oa Graphic. •. This oversight is felt to be a deand making .private affairs • public, ceremony, his Jewishness had been Beth El, Flint, Mich., will occupy The contest will continue -until the typographical error became permaliberate affront in view of the fact middle of June, at which time the nent. For two years he toured the About this time MacFadden start- he never disgraces nimself with a aotMng t u t intuitive. Yet the nest the pulpit at Temple Israel -this evethat the Jewish population of Czerno- winning club will receive a prize at country in Edward's song a<& ed the:- Evening Graphic Someone defense of the kind of reporting ae time his Jewislxness "vras called into ing. His subject will be "The Jew witz is 50 per cent of the total popu- the first annual dinner dance of the associated with that tabloid had bssa does. The reference to disgracing question he knew better*—Seprinted in America Versus the American Rejected ?2,S00 Offer lace. " . -^ Jew." Senior Council, —* .When Winchell was 15, Edwards' watching WinehelTs work and he was himslf wilh -a-4s£gasg recalls a chat- from Jewish Standard. >—--







Meeting Walter Winchell, f

%y § Gossip-Monger

Famed Jewish Scribe Known As Straightest Shooter on America's Crookedest Street



THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - I Advertising rates furnished on application


Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center . DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK K. ACKERMAN - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

A JEWISH SOVIET REPUBLIC Bira Bidjan as a Jewish Republic has again sprung into the Jewish limelight, with various forecasts being freely predicted as to the future development of this Russian area. Of especial interest is the statement from Michael Kalinin, president of the U. S. S. R., making it clear that Bira Bidjan will be a Jewish Republic and not a mere autonomous territorial unit. ; ' According to plans expressed by Kalinin, Bira Bidjan can be converted into a Jewish republic without having a Jewish majority. This would not be an innovation in the Soviet Union, for the Crimean Republic is a Tartar republic despite the fact that the Tartars comprise but 22 per cent of the total population of that section. Also, culturally and numerically less important peoples, such as the Tchermessy and Mordvinny, whose language and culture were dead, have been I'evived since the revolution. Says Kalinin: "There is no reason why a highly cultured people such as the Jews should not strive either consciously or unconsciously for the establishment of their own state. After an interim of years, the Jews will again become a nation with their own state." These pronouncements by the Soviet president are directly in line with the previous soviet policy. They have created a good number of autonomous republics within their borders. They seem to be striving once again contrary to the time-honored and timeworn policy of other nations. Other countries seek to submerge, absorb or crush the cultural identity of the minorities. Their philosophy has been that the dominant culture, the dominant language must be the only culture, the only language, and the minorities' cultures and languages should be tolerated in the expectation of their eventual disappearance. These countries have on the other hand professed the right of each group to worship as it sees fit, with religious freedom for all. Too sadly we know that these countries have not lived up to these professions of religious equality, though the theory of state is for religious liberality. In the Soviet Union, the theory is opposite. There is to be no religion at all; Leninism is to serve in religion's stead. All faiths are to be combatted until obliterated. But, on the other hand, the culture of each minority is to be developed, is to be given new life and sustenance. The cultural identity of each group is to be kept intact. Hence, we have a promise of a Jewish republic in Siberia with Yiddish and Jewish culture promoted but Hebrew, Judaism and anything connected "with the spiritual or religious identity of the Jew bitterly fought. Kalinin's promise of a Jewish Republic must then necessarily be received with mixed feelings. We rejoice that Russia is deviating from the unwholesome path of her neighbors and is treating the Jews equally with all others. But we sorrow to think that almost three million Jews are facing spiritual strangulation— for unless a change is made, time will concur with propaganda in wiping out the religious phase of the life of Russian Jewry. And a Yiddish atheistic Jewish republic would mean practically nothing to world Jewry. If only the good qualities of the two theories of state could be amalgamated and translated into concrete practicalness—where the cultural integrity of each minority group would be encouraged, where all would be treated equally, and where full and complete religious freedom would be actually exercised.

and attributes the financial development of the United States as due, in part, to Jewish financiers. Acknowledging that the Jews who reside in the northwest of Mexico are essentially people of small means, the paper states that they constitute a hard working element capable of prospering in the activities in •which they engage. By The "Excelsior" believes that the RABBI LOUIS L NEWMAN agitation will not, however, lead to another outbreak such as _ occurred Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York last June, which it states was artiTonight. ficially stimulated by other foreign Tonight the Temple Israel pulpit merchants. ' The region, moreover, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY speak of "humorous touches and hu-! which has suffered from the Chinese will be occupied by RaBbl Bernard Cincinnati ministers recently met at man anecdotes." What, pray, is the expulsion, it points, will not in all Zeiger, of Temple Beth EL, Flint, the Isaac M. Wise Center to discuss difference? likelihood proceed with a campaign Mich. Rabbi Zeigev's visit is of speJudaism* This in itself was an inwhich promises to be even more dis- cial interest to the congregation, and teresting event and the addresses are SCARCELY A RABBI WORTH astrous for its economic welfare. it is expected that he will be greeted reported ' to- have been of unusual his salt has not preached upon the Anti-Semitism, it concludes, has little by a large congregation. Rabbi merit. Dr. Morgenstern, President Disarmament Conference and the chance of taking root in Mexico. Zeiger's subject is "The Jew in of Hebrew Union College, declared Sino-Japanese situation. This may America Versus the American Jew." that the conflict between universal- seem to be touching the realities of Volunteer Choir. ism and particularism in Judaism life too intimatel>, but surely no A new volunteer choir has been has continued , for twenty-fi^e hun- clergyman, except the most artful formed at Temple Israel. Mrs. Sam dred years with important implica- pulpit-dodger, would wish to sidestep Robinson will be the soloist for totions for the religious life of the these immensely important problems. night, singing "The Voice of the Western World. Professor LauterWilderness," by John Scott. bach, discussing Pharisees and SedA NICE "BEKOVEDTE" REFORM . Tomorrow. ducees,.referred to the "Jewish Trin- Synagogue in a large Eastern city Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak ity,"- namely God, Israel and the publishes in its "Temple Tidings" the m "Holy To the Lord" at the servTorah, and Dr. Bubinow spoke on announcement at the "Broad Street ices Saturday morning. "The Jewish Contributions to Social Theatre" of "The Temple Revue" in Toronto.—(J. T. A.)—A bill which Endeavour in-America." will prohibit discrimination against these eloquent words: The companies are reported to have Jews on the part of insurance comDoubtless, it is advisable constantly been so nearly unanimous in denying panies will be introduced into* the to stress the universalistic elements "Sing a song of revolvers, that they discriminated against Jews Ontario Legislature by Deputy E. in Jewish teaching-, particularly in An evening full of wit, that it appeared for a time that it . Singer, it was announced here. the presence of the non-Jewish comFive and forty jesters would be necessary to take any The legislation proposed will be in munity. In these days, however, it Packed into a skit. farther remedial measures. the form of an amendment to the is essential that Reform Jews beThe jesters have a angle wish, During the last few years most of Ontario Insurance Act, due for concome more aware of the particularTo feed the crowd on jokes, the fire and casualty insurance comsideration at the next session of the istic aspects of their tradition. The You bet that is a proper dish panies licensed in Ontario, many of legislature. essence of Judaism is neither NaTo give the Temple folks." them foreign, have laid down a Some months ago Mr. Singer comtionalism or Internationalism, parpolicy of refusing to underwrite busiplained to the government that Jews ticularism or univer. e=a&n, - but the Lack-a-day, I do suppose that if the insured happen to be history of the warfare oetween them "jokes" is a proper dish for "Temple had reported to him that they had ness been refused automobile insurance Jews, regardless of their nationalboth. The pendulum must swing to Folks" today. because of race. This led the On- ity, birthplace, reputation or stand and fro between^ these viewpoints, tario Insurance department to send ing, Mr. Singer stated, explaining the without ever coming, to rest. out a questionnaire, as reported by reasons for introducing bis bin. Today, however, when the pressure the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at of Gentilesome prompts many Jews the time, to bring out information Where law ends, tyranny begins-— to minimize their Judaism, it is well as to their attitude on insuring Jews. Pitt. for us to make clear exactly what our civilization, with religion at its core, enjoins upon us. The extremes to which the anti-particularists can carry their obsession can be seen from this utterance of Rabbi Samuel Mexico City.—(J. T. A.)—A camKoch of Seattle. In his "Temple Tid- paign against the Jews is soon to ings" he appeals for gifts to beau- be launched in the northwestern sectify the Hills of Eternity Cemetery, tion of Mexico, it is revealed by the on the basis of "fair play," saying "Excelsior," leading conservative daily that gifts to the Memorial Fund here. should be encouraged "rather than to • The son of Plutarco Elias Calles, manifest their sympathy with be; former president of Mexico, is at reaved friends by supporting activi- present governor of this region and ties in distant lands and distant exercises the real power there. It CHAfl. This Offer Good Until March IS 8I3IOK places." "How can people deliberate- was in this region, too, where a ly and understandingly divert funds bitter anti-Chinese campaign was Sanitary Laundry New Customer Campaign to foreign shores when by so doing carried out, causing the expulsion of This ad presented with family bundle entitles you to they desert obligations at home?" the Chinese from the states of Sinaloa have two shirts hand-finished without any charge. Apparently memorial gifts were and Sonora. made not to the cemetery fund but The anti-^Jewish movement is conALL-PRESS—Wearing Apparel completely finto the cause of European relief or demned as being harmful to the ished by machine, linens neatly ironed and Zionism. Shame, shame, Rabbi Koch! country by tho "Excelsior." The paper How can you begrudge a single declares that folded, towels fluff dried— the Jews possess charpenny to our stricken brethren acteristics that fit them to carry abroad? Conditions in the United out commercial and financial enterStates may be deplorable in 1932, prises of the most difficult nature but in Europe they are intolerable. Those who hold up Jewish universalism against the particularism associ2815 Farnam Phone AT. 2815 ated with Eastern Europe and PalesFor Tasty Delicatessens Council Bluffs Phone 1444 Phone or Call at the tine must beware lest in their own way of life they advocate an unholy chauvinism and parochialism. '

Tel In GAT





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"WANTED TALESIM. HAVE you got a wool , Tallis (Prayer Shawl) ? We should like to borrow it. Wont you please bring it to the Temple office?" This item appears in the Bulletin of a Reform Temple. Now what use on earth would a Reform congregation wish with "a Tallis, except to place it in its "Museum of Ceremonial Objects?" In a Conservative congregation of the same city, we note that the Wednesday night adult reading group (no relationship to the Christian Science Wednesday "confessionals" or the Protestant Prayer meetings) is discussing Eugene O'Neill's "Great GodBrown."

Center, or if the boys do not care for baseball there is nothing better than an indoor baseball league, played, out of doors. There are certainly By STANLEY P. LEVIN enough boys' clubs in the Center who would back an all-member club By Stanley F. Levin Our friends from up the river, at league. Sioux City, visited in Omaha over - last week end, playing a couple of I see where Abe Fair, former fast basketball games with Psi Mu Techster and city wrestling chamand the A. Z. A. No. 1 teams. The pion, is entered in the Mid-west A. invaders, Sioux A-Z. A, Alumni and A. U. wrestling meet to be held at this year's A. Z. A. team, met and Fort Dodge, Iowa, shortly. Abe is lost to the Psi Mu, then turned big enough to win most any wrestlDOROTHY DIX HAS A JEWISH around and hung a defeat around ing championship and yours truly rival. A mid-western Rabbi has insthe necks of the Mother Chapter wishes him the best of luck. It tituted a column "Ask the Rabbi" A. Z. A. men. •would, indeed, be1 a novelty to see a wherein he gives "brief answers to Jewish wrestling champion in the interesting communications." We have always believed it is wise Did you ping pong enthusiasts neighborhood. Down at Omaha U Jews to have a "heart-to-heart talk," even they have a chunky Jewish lad who know that the national ping pong through the medium of a column in is tossing all competitors with wild champion is a Jew? Well, he is, so the Synagogue Bulletin. abandon, I mean Sol Levine, former you now know. Art Grossman, Ben Central high grunt and groan artist. Rosen, Harry Lipp and Millard Segel Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Temple are the best of the local crop of Beth-El, Detroit, preached recently little white ball spankers in the JewSeldom have so many Jewish boys on Channing Pollock's "The House ish community. been seen on the local high school Sarah Devine and Fremette Gold- teams. The strong Central high Beautiful." Well, why not? and berg are the two outstanding femin- ^m has Harry Altsuler who should Rabbis Goldenson, Stephen Wise and others preached on "Euine artists in the same sport. make the aH-city team. Young^ Kor- numerous gene CNeSTs Becomes ney and several other lads of lesser ElectraV So, *Mouming too, did Dr. John prominence. Tech high possesses For you, inclined to be chubby or Haynes Holmes! Again, why not? lethargic people, now is the time to Isadore Novak, who should be up Rabbi Gerson B. Levi has discussed start taking gym, the bulk of the among the best but isn't. If I were on a Sunday morning, "Katrin Bebasketball players are almost through -Novak, I -would Wear my glasses and comes a Soldier"—a novel by Adrifor the season arid the gym and a guard .to protect them. When & enne Thomas, and Dr. Henry Neu rwimming pool is available for all eager wears glasses originally, - he mann of the Ethical Culture Society members, who care to use the facil- must of. certainty wear them when has preached on "Their Fathers' ities. Ask Manny Segel to arrang< he plays if he expects to put up his God," a novel on intermarriage. Nu? % convenient time for yoa, he wfl best brand of ball. The other performer wearing the Maroon and be glad to do so. White of Tech is the half pint size, A prominent Rabbi recently anArt Young Adler is a honey nounced as his theme for a Sunday Baseball is just around the corner. of a Adler. player, but not a -whole lot big- morning class: '"Yigdal and Odon I see where my old friend, Sam ger-than a watch charm. 01am." The President of the ConBan, J s now a baseball manager in gregation added these remarks: "The one of the local sandlot leagues, subject *as announced seems a dull am just wondering if there will b Quota of a Million one. But the presentation is replete New York,—The sum of $1,000,- with poetry, pathos and reference to the same number of amateur teams in town this spring as there were 000 is the quota which, has been ac- our glorious history illuminated with in the past several years. I doubt it. cepted by the American Palestine many delightful humorous touches However, there is good material here Campaign of Greater New York, ac- and human anecdotes. One hesifor a fast Jewish nine if the boys cording to an announcement issued tates because of the subject matter, by Nathan Straus, Jr., chairman. would all get together. If to say that the lecture is entertain,, Both Zionists" and jvoij-Zionists, ate ing." The question now remains The! above "paragraph [is al good to ;be callejl upon £6 fincreajke the which is preferable; to announce « tip to !"Manriy"| Sege.b athletic di-» amounts they contributed : last'-'-year subject, which on its face is not rector of the; Center, T?hy "not or-; in order to make possible the realiza-j "dull" or to announce a clull theme, * but adorn it with appeals whici ganize a good all club league in the tion of the quota.


Notes of

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FRIDAY; MAR€H i t 19S2

an3 Max- Sieiri, representatives of tieP6KG P. & F "laboratories, are .returning -Esther Seigal g ca defeated Monica' hometteit 'week after a six months Yaffe, 26-42, 21-12, to enter the semibusiness tonr throughout the east. finals of the-girls ping-pong tournaThey •will remain; home until June, ment at the J. C. C Tuesday night. when they will again return to the Fremette Goldberg beat Mary, Cutler,! east for a summer business, four. 21-4, 21-6, and Divine d "Drrie" i D i i beatj! Dorothy Corenrnan, 21-16, 21^15, t o ' enter the lower bracket semi-finals.-I MRS. ROMONEK'S PLAYS RECOGNIZED - Leah Seigal plays Ann Gitnick in the .Word has been, received that Mrs. other semi-final match. Philip Romonek's play, "Love Cannot Make the Dead Dance," has been JR. BOYS PING PONG chosen as one of the best received by Pairings in the Jewish. Community the University of. California at Ber- Center's junior boys' ping pong meet Candle lighting time, Friday, March keley this year. It was presented were announced Monday. Flay got 11, 5:40. FISCHEK-BRODKEY Senriees Tonight. last Friday by the Haymakers at under way immediately. The first NUPTIALS Berkeley, and was shown last spring two rounds must be completed by Fri- At services this Sabbath eve the Center Calendar Miss Rose Brodkey, daughter' of Congregation will enjoy the privilege at the University of Nebraska. Add- day. Mr. and Mrs.- Dave Riseman, beof listening to a message from Palesed productions are scheduled shortly Saturday, March 12 Monday's Results. came .,.the. bride of Donald M. J. at Oakland, Calif., and St. Louis, Mo. Class A—Norman Bordy beat Bob tine, delivered .by Mrs. G. Meyerson, Banquet — Pioneer Women's Fikcher, son of Mrs. Harry Fischer Another play by Mrs. Romonek, Ferer, 21-13, 21-5; class B—Irvin Mrs. Meyerson belongs to a group -Club. ' -• •• ; ot "Wheeling, "West "Virginia, at- a "Years Are for Fools to Count," will Forbes beat Max Kirschenbaum 11-2, of women pioneers who have shared Sunday, March 13 beautiful ceremony at t i e home of also be produced at Berkeley, but ll-3i Harry Goodbinder beat Keve heroically in the adventure of rePsi Mu day. her parents at 6 o'clock Sunday. later in the season. ' Kirschenbaum, 11-0, 11-0, and Elmer building the land of our fathers. She Tuesday, March 15 Rabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. Cohen beat Harold Kasowsky, 11-1, speaks out of the wealth of her own Banquet. — Jewish National Covers for 36 guests -were, laid at experience. A large congregation is 11-9. SOCIAL NOTES Fund. the dinner, which was given imexpected- to greet her. First Round Pairings. Miss Anna Bierrnair of St. Louis, Celebration—Jewish National mediately, after the ceremony. Rabbi Goldstein will also: speak. • Class A—Bernard White vs. Torn Mo., is visiting here with Mr. and F u n d . . . • • • • . Mr. and , Mrs. Fischer left for a Haykin, Sam Adler vs. Morris Cohen, Purim. • Mrs. Morris Friedel. Highland Country Club Stag— honeymoon in Kansas City. Meyer Kohlberg vs. Ernest WinPurim is celebrated this year bfr-. Highland Country Club. . -. The bride's gown was of Jrggx Zwieback _vs. Dan _MiIIer, Mjr__WiHiaTn Ijnsriian spent .Friday^ d g Monday night, March 2L;; b R Irving Yaffee vs. Ben Wintroub, Ray it Lincoln, where he attended the Daughters of Zion meeting. Purim commemorates the d a y when the new silhouette of molded lines. Nebraska Poultry Dealers convention. Shapiro vs. Harry Spiegal, Nonaan thanks to the' heroism of •-. Queen Meeting—Board ;of Governors; The skirt hadja low placed fullness-winner to Esther the Jews t>£ Persia were saved Batt vs. Gale Bergman, of J. C. C and W. F . g which reached floor length. .The meet FRATERNITY BANQUET Thursday, March 17 Sam Ricklin. Class B—Ben from Hainan's plot to massacre them. square neckline was trimmed in old Creighton University "chapter of Pi Cutler -vs. Hymie Eisenberg, Dave We celebrate this day • by gifts • to. B'nai B'rith. Open MeetingDuchess lace and ihe_ long sleeves "Lambda Phi, national social fra- Swiebelman vs. Leo Alperson; Melvin one another and special portions; to" \ \rere very tight. The veil of nun- Finals, of Debate League. ternity, climaxed -a week's initiatory Levine vs. Harry Fox, Lawrence the poor. It i s a day of feasting1 like simplicity was made entirely of exercises with a formal banquet at Singer vs. Norman Wezelman, Albert and rejoicing. \ -. •. • . • ivory Illusion; with a simple ^circlet Coming Events the Fontenelle hotel Sunday evening. Logman vs. Joe Kirschenbaum, MorPurim in the Synagogue. of pearls" "hblcdhg-the cap close to Tuesday, March 22 The five men initiated Sunday are ris Kirschenbaum vs. Alex • Adler, A special Purim service will take the face -ln«s;'--;-Aijflaring'>ishoTilder Meeting — Pioneer Women's oe Goldware, Joe Horwich, Max Nathan Shukert vs. "Sam Kaplan, place Monday evening, March 21, at length face. iyeil~iwas^'thrown tsack Club, 8p.m. •.••"'•-. Platt, Leonard -Posley and Murray Donald Cohen vs. Sol Wezelman, Mor- 6 p. m. The MegiHah' will be read during the1 ^ceremony;- -The bouquet ris Lerner vs. Leo Komisar, Norman in the traditional manner. After the Thursday, March 24 Wintroub. •which the bride' carried -was an old Kuklin vs. Morris Feldman, Louis services, the Congregation will gather Lecture —• Maurice Hindus, fashioned. shower bQuqnet. of white Slutzky vs. winner of Sam Slutzky"Russia and the. World," 8 p. m. CHAPERONE TEA DANCE roses and lilies of the valley- The Isadore Segal match, Marvin Camel for dinner. There will be a program Omaha^ Community Forum. Mrs, I. Kulakofsky and Mrs. vs. Joe Sosnick of Purim fun. only jewel •which .ihe. bride wore Sunday, March 27 Neveleff will chaperone the Psi MuBob Bernstein."- and Abe Resnick vs. •was a platinum .filigre and diamond Next Week. .Debate—St. Louis Y. M. H. A. matinee tea dance at the J. CL.C. bar pin, the giffiof the-gjCom's The Council of Jewish Women will v vs; Omaha J. C. C , 8 p. m. this Sunday afternoon. mother. '-^---V •••. be honored at the services next FriAfter 300 Years day evening. Mrs. David A. Goldstein The room was decorated throughIGMA DELTA TAU NEWS Boston.—For the first fiiae in will address the congregation. Rabbi out with^mlms and the-<4able decoraThe Theta chapter of Sigma Delta three hundred years, a Rabbi has Goldstein will deliver the sermon. tions were pink tapers and pink and series of engagements as a member Reminder. "..'.' of "Boots and Her Buddies," an all- Tau" sorority at the University of been invited to address the students •white roses. Nebraska, Lincoln, is sponsoring a of Harvard Theological school on Remember that Saturday evening', Out of town guests who attended girl orchestra. series of benefit bridge parties on. Religion. ~ •- ' ' April 2, is the date of the annual the ceremony included Mrs. H. FischMarch 12 and March 19 at the chapHe is Rabbi Harry Levi of Temple "Parim ball. ' RETURN FROM.TOUR er, mother "of the bridegroom; Mr. ter house. Israel, Boston. and Mrs. Max Brodkey of Sioux Messrs. Lou Riklin, Norman Green Grace Dansky, a member of the Remove u4nother City, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Risescrority, has been chosen as an asso- "Sore Spot" man of Lincoln. ciate member in Psi Chi, national Rochester.—As a result of insishonorary psychology fraternity.-•<.BERNSTEIN-BORSKY tent objections on the part of JewMiss Lucial Goldenberg, alumnus, ish organizations and individuals, ENGAGEMENT Enjoy more leisure by spent "the ..week-end at the chapter Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" having us do your Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borsky anhouse. •• • ' 7." _ --• will be eliminated from the high laundrying for you. nounce the engagement of their Bikur Cholim school curriculum here. daughter, Bess, to Bave Bernstein, A regular meeting of the Bikur ALPHA LAMBDA son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bern Cholim Society will be held Monday, I The Geneva.—Eight thousand five hunPi Alpha Lambda-will heresjfeir ;ein. March 14. The meeting place of the after gather at one of the girls' dred and forty five residents of Pal^•v No date has been set for the wed- organization has been- changed to the each month in order to pro- estine signed a petition, carrying the HArney 1102 Jewish Community Center. ding. mote social activities, it was decided approval of persons resident in fifty Every member is urged to attend. at the meeting of the group Sunday countries, urging disarmament, which 5 (Our New Phone Number) CHAIKIN-BARRENT Tea will be served. at the J. C. C. The first gathering was presented to the disarmament - ENGAGEMENT conference hete. !;;•.««« will be held at the home of Miss Announcement of the engagement Genevieve White in the near future. Daughters of Israel > of Miss Miriam Barrent, daughter of A regular meeting o f the Daugh- Green and silver were selected as the -"Mr. and Mrs^T&^Seff of'Sioux City BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest i a t h e Long Run ters of Israel Aid Society will be held club colors. '' to Mr. Leo Chaikin, son of Mr. and COIfStTMERS DEEP TEXIf I Mrs. M. Chaikin of • this city has Tuesday, March 15, at the Old Peoples' Home, 2504 Charles, at 2 p. m en made this week. Best Grade A board meeting will be held at Hebrew Becomes The marriage will take place late LUMP, $7.00 Forked Clean BLEXD 1:30 p. m. Major Subject Small In Size, Bat "• -in March in Sioux City. Mr. Chaikin AH forked Lump NUT, $6.50 liUTE-e la Hrat The Blgxect Furnace "< and his bride will reside in Omaha.*: Lemberg.—(J. T. A.)—The study Value Coal Bargain I s Hadassah Cultural of the Hebrew language has become [ Mr. Chaikin graduated from the A BIG SAVING TO Onxaba COKE rSEBS :" TJniversity of Nebraska, where he was The regular monthly luncheon of a major subject in the Lemberg Uni-,' a member of the Zeta Beta Tau fra- the Hadassah Cultural Group will be versity as a result of some changes LUMP, $7*OO held Monday noon, March 14, at 12:45 that have recently taken place in the , ternity. CONSUMERS COAL CO. at the Blackstone. Professor Paul II. Institute for Oriental Languages. CERTIFIED TFEIGHTS BT A S-WOR3S AKO BO5DED FORMER OMAHAN ENGAGED Grumann will be the guest speaker. -SVEIGHMASTEIt Vilna.—The Disciplinary Court of Mrs. J. Rosenberg will speak on "Re, . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marks of ChiAT 44441 Vilna University has expelled two cago, formerly of Omaha, announce cent Developments in Palestine." Christian students for the period of ^"•fiie engagement of their daughter, 'i Bylvia, to Mr. David Segal of Chi-Conservative Auxiliary one year, for having participated in i eago. Miss Marks is a frequent vis- Additional purchasers of patrons' the anti-Jewish excesses * 'f itor in Omaha and has many friends tickets for the second annual Purim Ball, sponsored by the Conservative Have Your Paper Hanger Synagogue Auxiliary, are: Louis AlSpecify Wall Paper from . ANNOUNCE BIRTH berts, Phil Greenberg, Rabbi David Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf announce A. Goldstein, Abe Herzberg, Sam Shrier Paint and he birth of a daughter Tuesday, Josephsqn, Rube W. Natelson, Jacob Wallpaper Company rch 8, at the Lutherari hospital. Pearlstien, Harry Rubensteirr and Blanche Zimman. Phone ATlantic 4744 The ball will be held Saturday, NTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-TO-BE .The Misses Rose -Mandel, -Bess April 2, in the auditorium of the Can you expect a rug that is piled dbinstein, and May Tucker will be J. C. C. and is for the benefit of the building fund of the synagogue. Low Bus Fares high with grease - caked grit to at hostesses at a bridge at the me of Miss Mandel on Sunday afhave the bright, clean look of a Daughters of Zion S f c r n o , March 13, in honor of Miss *"'" iGertrude Gerber, a bride-to-be. . The Daughters of Zion will hold new rug? No, indeed! A rug There will be twenty guests. a regular meeting at the J. C. C Denv«r, $l0.00f Chicago, f8.0< must be clean to look clean. March 16 at 2:20 p. m. Sioux City, $2.25 The raffle will be held at this time, 3I0VE INTO NEW HOME That's why Hoover cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder have All having sold tickets are requested moved from the Austin • apartments to bring in the stubs. A prominent makes such a difference in to the West Dodge apartments at speaker will address the meeting. The organization lias expressed it the appearance of rugs—it 110 North Thirty-fourth street. appreciation to the past president gets them clean from top JA.8462-,3 and past officers. 5 306 N/.. 16th St. C/fiECEPTION FOR MRS. 3YERSON to bottom, removing all Current Topics Mrs. A. Romm will receive in the deeply - embedded 'lonor of Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, The Current Topics course wi! ^[Palestine woman leader, at a recep- meet Tuesday morning, March 15, at grit. Why not have a tiou at her home Saturday from 2 the J. C. C. Rabbi Goldstein's sub"- until 4 in the afternoon. Anyone ject will be "Racketeers and Rackethome trial of The •wishing to meet Mrs. Meyerson is eering." Hoover? S i m p l y requested to call Mrs. Romm or Mrs. M. F. Levenson. COMPLETE STORE AND Sr. Council . telephone. OFFICE OUTFITTERS Plans are in the process of forma Wa Occupy ORCHESTRAL TOUR for the Senior Council Ail-Star ....'• Over 10jm Sqosre Fees - • Sara Jacobspn, trumpetist, has left tion Night to be held at the Center in Southwest Corner for Lincoln where she "will fill a ApriL. Hyman Gpodbinder has been Eleventh and Douglas Streets Call f o r , appointed director for the program Phone -JAcfaon 2724 and has announced the tentative date t^ Kitchen Chats Nb as April 12. All clubs are;expected to enter acts.for the event. * ! ;^Demonstration . Kules sKpalate that ^the casts inMrs. David M. Newman clude only, active members -and' consume a maximum of 15 minutes1 Baked Peach Cups time of original work by the group. One cup sugar, 1 1-2 tablespoons •The script for the act must be sub butter, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, mitted to the Stunt Committee for ©r a game 2 teaspoons baking powder, 8 halves approval two weeks prior to the proof peaches and a pinch of salt. duction and acts will be judged n; 'Sold on Easy Terms Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, the basis of originality, theme an inilk, flour and baking powder. Bnt- presentation. ~ g p Dropinattlte t^^ muffin ffi tins i or custard cups, and Prominent members of local Jewry put a spoonful of batter in each cup will judge and appropriate awards *^iF^J^ Billiards and then put a half a peach, Tounded are to be presented the winners. 'A M, Coffee Shop side down. Cover with more batter Points -will be awarded for the Bes1 Club Contest. Other members of the and bake 30 minutes. 119 So. 15th Serve hot with lemon sauce or committee are Bernice Falk and Art Grossman. •whipped cream.

Synagogue Jews





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Organization News H



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fEAKKIKG your spring-' fash ion lessions? Then hurry down to us . . . for research work O3X "Kisit Frocks." We'll sbow y®a wiat styles shctsld be , . . ©ae, two or three-plsse! What's happened to necklines V j &nd round, and. sgusxe I ^ How Twists hare become highg

er I Eow trixas hare "goae f essiaine! So woontrast has b come- smarter than ever! ND once yon learn the colA OTB . . . you'll go to tlie head of the class! Blue, green, copperglo, iseJge, eggshell, "white and black J Tfeer're "correct"!

In Size Mange 14-20 "Aim im Sizes 36-62 BBAXDEIS—Second Floor

CURIOUS!—An airview near the Lindbergh estate at Hopewell, N. J., showing a long line of automobiles carrying hundreds of curious visitors to the scenes surrounding the kidnaping of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr

v \


s* SPRING! — Southern


RECEIVES NEW YORK COMEDY ORDER—Estelle Taylor, motion picture actress and former wife of Jack Dempsey, has received an offer to star in a New York musical comedy. She is shown in bed at her Los Angeles home, still recuperating from injuries she received Christmas eve in an auto mishap.



<^ tNv


.<£ - A ) -


YA,. YA!—"Yum! Yum!" murmured' Professor Albert Einstein in German as he hurried up the gangplank of the German liner San - Francisco at Los Angeles, bound for Hamburg, Germany The secret—psh!—of the, words was easily solved, for Dr. Einstein hastily guided his wife toward the dining salon for a good old German meal.


PRAYERS OFFERED FOR LINDBERGH BABY—Old meeting house church at Hopewell, N. J.r when prayers have been offered daily for little Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. JJ _


^~^r^v -N READY FOR THE "ENEMY"—In perfect formation these U. S army planes are seen lined up at Wheeler Field near Honolulu, ready to take off and defend the tropical island from the "enemy." CARS SEARCHED—State troopers are shown questioning the occupants of the countless stream of automobiles passing along the highways bordering the Lindbergh estate at Hopewell N. J.




TESTS PARACHUTE FLARES —Captain C. F M. Chambers, D. S. C , World war ace and late of the British royal naval air service, is pictured sailing from New York with one of the new flares for use of air pilots. He planned to test it in mid-Atlantic. The new flares range from 50,000 to 500,000 candlepower

5 - "?\

THE GLORY THAT WAS ROME —Workmen are seejf excavating at the colisseum;in Rome as part of Mussolini's general plan to restore the city to its imperialistic glory.

MODEL LOCOMOTIVE BUILDER—Claude A. Lehman of Long Beach, Cal., spends his spare time in making exact models of locomotives that really ran- as. the big ones do. He and friends are shown with some of his models. _ He now is working on the latest type, which will take him two years to build.


- Hebrew Religion in Italian Schools

No Anti-Semitism in Jugo-SIavia

t o add t o his $3,000,000 endowment to the museum, stated t o the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, that this provision offers definite evidence that Mr. Rosenwald wishes to assure the opening of the permanent exhibition of AmoTirjfn industry, according t o plans with which he was familiar before he died.

The museum is to be loused in Hie of the American Legion, was named building which was rehabilitated from the Julius Rosenwald Post. the old Fine Arts Building of the Chicago—The naming of t i e bridge 1893 Chicago World's Fair. The work now under erection at the mouth of was done as a result of a §3,000,000 the Chicago River as the Julius gift from Mr. Eosenwald. Rosenwald Bridge, is suggested by Legion Post Named After Rosemrald the "Chicago American" as a fitting Detroit—Honoring.the late Julius memorial to the late Jewish philanRosenwald, the Jewish Veterans' Post thropist.



Water Famine Feared in Jerusalem Jerusalem.—A water famine, which will bring suffering to the Jewish suburbs of Jerusalem and halt all building activities within the city i s feared in Jerusalem and its possibility was f orecase in an official municipal

The announcement declares that « | view of the visible water supply i n Jerusalem, i t will not supply water t o any district outside the municipal area after May 1st. Water supplies to buildings, constructions and gardens, within the municipal area, will cease after April 1st.

Koine.—The teaching of Hebrew Belgrade.—No anti-Semitism exists and the Jewish religion in Ihe sec-in Jugoslavia, the President of the ondary schools will henceforth be Senate, Dr. Ante Pavelic, declared in permitted. an address delivered on the subject The action was taken by.the Min- of the national minorities. ister of Education in view of the fact "We have no minority difficulties that there aTe an appreciable num- in our country," Dr. Pavelic stated, ber of Jewish pupils in the second- "nor do we know anything of antiary schools. Semitism as a movement. N o race prejudice or religious intolerance i s 15,641 Affmated with to be found in Jugoslavia." Temple Brotherhoods

Boston.—(J. T. A.)—One hundred Large Gift to Palestine and twenty-one brotherhoods, with a Poor Johannesburg. — A South African total membership of 15,641 are affiliated with the National Federation Jew, whose name is not disclosed, has bequeathed the sum of between sixty of Temple Brotherhoods. and seventy thousand pounds sterling Fight Grand Mufti for the Palestine poor, itis^revealed Jerusalem.—Two petitions seeking here. to invalidate the position which the While Jews are not stipulated, i t i s Giapd Mufti of Jerusalem holds as believed the bequest was intended for tfei president of the Moslem Supreme the Jews. The gift will however be Gwneil were filed /with the High expended by the Palestine govrnCourt by Mayor Nashashibi of Jeru- mnt among all sections of the populasalem in* behalf of the opposition to tion in strict proportion to their the Mufti numbers. The share accruing to the Jews wOl amount to 20 per cent of Combine for Protection the fund. Berlin. — "Representatives of all Jewish Communities in Germany par- Ronmania to Pay Jewish ticipated in a conference here where Subsidy a Reich's Committee of thirteen was Bucharest.—The Ministry of "Fiformed for the purpose of collaborat- nance has informed the Jewish deping -with the Central Union of Gei* uties that the government will shortly man Citizens of the Jewish faith for pay its 9,000,000 lei subsidy to variflie protection of the Jews. ous Jewish cultural and religious inThe Committee will negotiate with stitutions. the authorities,, to Insure the honor, This sum i s to cover the subvenlife and economic existence of the tions for 1931 which were not paid. Jewish population.

Assumes Industrial Post Montreal.—Rabbi J. L. Zlotnick has resigned from his position as executive director of the Canadian Zionist Organization to became president and managing director of the Canadian Palestine Development and Investment Corporation, Boaz>


Anti-Semitic Meeting Bucharest.—A national front against Communism and Judaism, which were termed synonymous, was declared here at a mass meeting arranged jointly by the Cuzists and the Iron Guard members.

Called "Political Shylock" London.resignation of Sir HerbertSS as Home Secretary is demsJK' the "Daily Sketch," in an ar severely attacking the liberal!! as a political Shylock, in comv with his insistence that the Cor .tive Party keep its bargain c* irning the tariff, to which he is '

Chicago— (J. T. A.)—The Museum of Science and Industry in Jackson Park here, founded by the late Julius Rosenwald and provided for in his last testament, will open on May 1, 1933, in time to be a major exhibit of the Century Progress Exposition scheduled to get under way a month later. Officials of the museum, when informed of the late Jewish philanthropist's will, which directs his children


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for Boycott


t.—A special directory of aerchants and industrialists ded by the anti-Semitic stu"Cuvantnl Studentesco," Christians in carrying out the • against the Jews. Jot Even a Needle from a Jew" be new boycott slogan proclaimed • the anti-Semitic students'* organ.

Barber—For Those Who Are Particular Psxtea BUUsrd Barber Sbop 16th & Farnam


Vienna.—Forty-one valuable Hebrew manuscripts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, stolen from the church library of Klosternenburg, were destroyed by the thieves, it was disclosed during their trial. The manuscripts were destroyed when the news of their theft appeared in the press. The collection dates back to the period of the expulsion of the Jews from Austria, when the priests collected the manuscripts left by the Jews and deposited them in the libraries of Catholic churches.

Seek to Bar Yiddish

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Bill Against Foreigners


IstambuL—A bill, prohibiting foreign residents in small towns of Turkey to engage in any occupations •whatsoever, and restricting the field of their endeavors in large towns, which would seriously affect the Jews, was introduced in the Angora Assembly.

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2051 Farnam—AT. 5524

Moscow.—A resolution asking that Jews be prohibited from speaking in Yiddish in Soviet factories was adopted at a mass meeting of non-Jewish workers in Krupki, White Russia. This resolution was cancelled, however, by the local Committee of the Communist Party. Those responsible for introducing the measure were severely reprimanded.

1413 Douglas

HocWioff Paper Co.


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Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA


Thieves Destroy Stolen 'Manuscripts

The Sbeh-Nogg "Paper Company is doing a flourishing business, ennuwwl by the recent of the Joseph Bloeh firm and the Brothers company.

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We Solicit Your BssLsess And Can Assure Yea of a Pleasant Business BeistkmshlB.

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CLUB No Cover Charg® ND Misiiaasi Food Cbsrg® Seawoofi <4il2 No. S2nd Slreei

Center Street WAlnut 1850

PAOE 6-^THE -JEWISH PRESS,- FRIDAY, MARCH tf, of; Omaha .Fixture r 4; Supplr- Company; J»:.

Nebraska corporation, held on" February 29,1932, at whith meeting all of tbe stockholders and • directors were present - and. participated, a • resolution • was" read - and unanimously adopted,- whereby Article T i l of the Articles - of Incorporation was amended, s» as to-provide for the election of. not less than five nor more than cine « . • .-. • , . . . . . . $ , members of the Board of Directors to adthe affairs of the said; Omaha MAREB-GLUCKMAN WEDDING minister Fixture & Supply Company. • ,The marriage..of fMiss Anita Gluck- Article VIX as it now reads provides that the Board of Directors shall consist man of Council.Bluffs and Mr. Jack of not less than three nor more than fire W. Marer of Omaha will be sbleri- members.

CouncilBluff$ 'News BYF. B.K.

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent i - r t • ; •


r I• • > '

uized. Sunday alter noon, marcn lotn, President. at 2:00 o'clock, at the home of the I,. A. LAPIDUS, Secretary. Miss F^ankie Goodman was hostess Dride's uncle arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs.3-11-32-41. to members of the Pace Makers club Joseph Scharf, 106 Frank street^in FBADEKBPRO, STAXMASTER & BEBEB 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. Two one-act plays will be featured Monday evening. Bridge was , fol-Council Bluffs. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Omaha will perform the cerNOTICE OF INCORPORATION on the Purin entertainment; which lowed by refreshments. emony in the presence of members :&APY FRANCES HOSIERY COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the under; The entire membership of the will be sponsored by the Parents' as- , The Phi Epsilon Tau sorority met of the immediate families. Mr. Marer signed have associated themselves together sociation of Mount Sinai Temple ReSenior and Junior Hadassah organizafor the purpose of forminer a corporation and his bride will leave immediately Wednesday evening at the home of ligious School, March 21. The.first under nnrt by vlrtne of the laws of the tions will be guests at the meeting State of Nebraska. The nnme of the corthe Misses Rogie and Margaret Korz- after the wedding on their honeymoon poration of the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare '"The Paper Hat," will be presented berg. shall be Lady Frances Hosiery Bridge was followed by re trip. Upon, their return they will be Company and its-principal place of busiZion Synagogue, Tuesday afternoon by members of the high school de- freshmehts. at home at the Austin apartments in ness shall be in the City of Omnha, Nebrnsfea. The peneral nature of the busiMarch 15, at 2:45 p. m. This meet- partment. Miss Gladys Weinberg, a Omaha. ness shall be a peneral merchandise busiing will celebrate the twentieth anni- member of the School faculty, is ness, together with such powers and linThe Iota Tau sorority; will give a Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha Mlities as may be Incident thereto. The Tersary of the founding of the directing the play. Mr. Ernest Fribourg is directing the second play, rush party for prospective members has chosen "The Life and Works, of capital stock of the corporation shnll be Hadassah organization. twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, Pot Boiler," which will be pre- next Tuesday tvening at the home Goethe" as the subject of his book divided into two hundred fifty (230) shares Mrs. Barney Baron, president of "The sented a cast composed of mem- of Miss Sally Dimsdale. Miss Sally review to be given next Wednesday of common stock of the par value of One the Ladies Auxiliary, will open the bers ofby Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. Said the congregation. ' ' Halpern , will assist the hostess. afternoon, March 16th, at 2:30 o'clock corporation shall be managed by ft board program with a word of -welcome to of directors of not less two nor more Mrs. Herman F. Miller, president at the Hotel Chieftain. This will be than five directors untilthan the guests^ Mrs. William Lazere, the annual 1033 the ninth of a series of book reviews oa the Parents' association, is in meeting; said annual meeting shall be president of the Senior Hadassah will held on the first Monday of each January and lectures which are being spon- of respond, in behalf of that drganfza- charge of the arrangements. She is ench year at the principal place of sored by the Council .Bluffs chapter being assisted by a committee combusiness of-said corporation. Thex highest .tion. A representative of the Junior amount of indebtedness which the corof the Senior Hadassah. " Hadassah. organization will also re- posed of women of the association. poration may incur shnll be two-thirds «f capital stock. The corporation shall Mr. and, Mrs.; /Hyroan .Fried; j an- the spond. • . • -1 - . .. hegin hnsiness when the- articles of Innounce the birth of a son, bornM^fcli MissTillie Shindler will lead.the Central Musicians to corporation nre "tiled with' th& Secretary of State, and. continue for a neriod of 1, at the Jenniei Edmundson hospital. fifty audience in Ringing "HatQcvoh." Miss (DO) years unless dissolved. Compete in Contest Plans are being made by the Chevra HAURT FERT.MT5TKR. Mildred Ruth Baron will be at the JOSEPH B. FRAPEXBTTKG. B'nai Yisroel Society for the celebra, piano. A song and dance number Incorporators. Central high school music departtion of "ShusWm Purim" on Wedneswill be'presented by little Sara Jane ment will be represented by several _ New York.—(J. T. A.)—Announce- day evening, March 23rd, at the syn-3-ll-32-4t. ffill. JACK VT. MARER, Attorney A paper on "Jewish Women in Jewish students at the music contest ment of seventeen scholarships at the agogue. This affair will be for memCounty Coort House, City • Hebrew University in Jerusalem, bers only. Further announcement America" will be given by Mrs."Mil- to begin this month. Sam Osheroff will compete in the established by Jewish "fraternities, will be made in the next issue of the NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ton Mushkin, Mrs. John C. Levin, In (he County Court of Douglas County, ... . Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, and Mrs. Moetenor division of the vocal "section, other youth organizations, religious Jewish Press. Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of 'Wilbur Lazere. Miss Tillie Shindler will Rubin Halpren and Jennie Shindler schools and women's clubs in this The' Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688InChrlstensen, Deceased. present a group of Yiddish and in the violin, division, Gisela Pill country was received by Dr. A. S. W.of the Independent Order of the B'nai All persons interested in snld estate are notified that a petition has been American Folk Songs. She will be in the 'cello division. Rubin Hal- Rosenbach, president of the American Brith will hold a regular meeting next hereby filed in said Court alleging: that said accompanied at the piano by Mr. pern and Gisela "Pill are also mem- Friends of the Hebrew University.'' Monday everiirig,'"March 7th, at the deceased died ' leaving no last will and bers of the string quartet, which will for administration upon his esEagles' hall. . praying Pierce WalL tate, and that a hearing wlil be had on "A minimum of $300 is considered A skit entitled "A Hectic Morning" enter the competition. said petition before said court on the 2nd Mrs. Simon Steinberg has returned necessary, to defray living expenses of April, 11)32. and that if they fall •will follow on the program with the home, following a month's visit with day to appear at. said Court on the said 2nd of a student in Jerusalem for a year," following cast: "Husband," Mrs. relatives in the east, including Phil- day of April. 3032. at. 9 o'clock A. M., to Dr. Rosenbach said, "and the scholar- adelphia, Newark, Atlantic City, and contest said -petition, the Conrt mny grant Meyer Daskovsky; "wife," Miss Helen MT. SINAI TEMPLE the same nnd erant administration of said ships which -will be awarded on theNew York. While in Philadelphia, estate to IJbbian Chriatensen or some Herzoff; "Maid," Miss Mildred Barotlior suitable person and proceed to a basis of competitive examinati&ns at on and children, Jordan Ginsberg and she attended the Sherman-Edelstein settlement thereof. • - . _. "Do We Need a New Bible?" will Sally Levin. ' BRTCE CHAWFOBI). be the subject of Rabbi Lewis' ser- the beginning of the fall semester, wedding. 3-11-32-ot. County Judge. The program will be concluded with mon this evening a t Mount Sinai range froirr$100 to §300 annually." Mrs. Philip Saltzman of Minneapa social hour and the serving of re- Temple. Dr. Rosenbach also announced re- olis, Minn., is spending a couple of • .. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT freshments. VT. A. Iismere. first and renl name unceipt by the New York office of the weeks here visiting at the home of Toknown, doing business as Red Dot Oil Company: . • University .of a scholarship" in the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman. You are hereby notified that the State sum of $500, to be awarded by the Carnival Date Set of Xebrnska filed nn action Rg.ilnst yon in SHAARE ZION th.) Municipal f'ourt of Omaha, Douglas Women's Association of the Temple in of Jewish history and Hebrew poetry Com ty. Nebraska, prayinjr for judgment The board of directors of the Jew- "Women Builders in Palestine" will Cleveland, in honor of Rabbi Abba of the Middle Ages. The awards will f«r J8G3.72 and that an order of attachment garnishment was Issued by said be made annually in the form of Court nnd ish* Community Center have an- be the subject of Rabbi Rabinowitz Hillel Silver. on certain property l>elonging to nounced the date of the annual build- sermon at Shaare Zion, this evening. you. fituated <n the City of Omaha. DongAmong the groups included in the books in these subjects." las C r untv. Nebraska, and that said proping fund carnival, as Monday eve- The sermon will deal with a recent announcement of scholarships is an In addition to the scholarships es- erty has.been attached and that said m.iining, May 16. Mr. Si Krueger is book on that subject. enme on for hearing on February TCi. association composed of American! tablished in America, the Society of t>r 1032 and has been continued for service the. general chairman of the affair, March Slst. 1032: you are require-I Friends of the Hebrew University in until students who have studied at the Uni-i f .o los.wer said sciion on or before Miirch which will be held in the Sioux City London has established this yeav a Slst. upon your failure to do so, petition versity, headed by Edward Gelber of! auditorium. 'ommittees Named will be taken as true, judgment rendered scholarship amounting to $250 in honToronto, Canada. A fund of $100 has against you, nnri the nltachrd propcity •'..-Mr. Krueger selected Mr. Abe Pill, on exeention. and th« proceeds therefor Purim Ball been established by the association, or of the late Achad Haam, well- ofsoldapplied as chairman of the program committoward the payment of said and the first award will be made this known Jewish philosopher, whose son, claim and jutljrnient. tee and Mrs. J. Kalin, chairman of Mrs. William Lazere, president of year in the subject of Oriental studies. S. Ginsberg, w&3 the first recipient of STATE OF NEBRASKA, the donation committee. the Senior Hadassah, has announced By Irvin Stahnaster. the scholarship;-in the field of general "Nine religious schools throughout Assistant Attorney General. the following committees to assist • J 2 ( S i 4 t philosophy. the country have also established a with the preparation of the annual Meyerson Purim Bazaar, to be held at the point scholarship, yielding §160," Dr. TCIIXIAM KAAB, Attorney. 1028 City National Bank Bid if ST.VLMASTER & BEBEE Speaker Here J. C. C. on Purim day, March 22. Rosenbach said, "in addition to spe-FBADENBVBG, 630 Omaha National Bank Bld Mrs. Sam Mosow and Mrs. A. cial prizes given by the Religious PROBATE NOTICE Mrs.-Goldie Meyerson, prominent oodsite are co-chairmen on the com-Schol of Mt. Sinai Congregation, El In the Matter of the Estate of Theodore ASTKSDMEXT TO ARTICLES OF INRndolf Keeee. Deceased. labor leader of. Palestine, addressed mittee in charge of the cafeteria ar- Paso, Texas, and the Beth Israel CORPORATION OF OMAHA FIXTCKE Notice is hereby given that the- creda large gathering in the J. C. C rangements. AND SUPPLY COMTANT. itors of said deceased will meet the adSchool of Hartford, Conn. These KNOW ALL MEN BY THKSE PRESministrator with will annexed of aaid esWednesday evening, on "Political and Mrs. Charles Raskin, Mrs. B. BarENTS, that at the annual meeting of the tate. t>ei"ore me. County Judge of Douglas Economic Conditions in Palestine." on and Mrs. S. Levitan will be in prizes will be donated in the fields stockholders and of the Board of Directors County, Nebraska, at the County Court Mrs. Meyerson told of the work the charge of the dining room during pioneer women are doing in Pales- the luncheon and dinner hours. tine, and stressed the need of their Mrs. M. Lazriowitch, Mrs. 'Max co-operation. Mrs. M. Leaff,.a mem- Herzoff, Mrs. Ben Shindler, and Mrs. ber of the Pioneer Women's organiza- Harry D. Wigodsky are in charge of tion which sponsored Mrs. Meyerson's the cake booth. lecture, introduced the speaker The Apron booth will be in the Mr. S. Corngold, who is-also on hands of Mrs. S. Shulkin and Mrs. S. tour in the interest of Palestine, also Levitan. . spoke on the program. The committee in charge of donaOn Thursday evening Mrs. Meyer- tions to the Bazaar will be Mrs. Joe son was feted at a reception held in Levin, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. H. the Community Center. Mrs. M. D. Wigodsky, Mrs. Sam Passman, Sperling was hostess that evening. Mrs. M. Goldblatt, Mrs. M. B. Herz- ; Wednesday evening at 6:30 Mr?.off, Mrs. S. Levitan, Mrs. Louis Meyerson spoke over KSCJ broad- Heeger. casting station. Mrs. E s N. Grueskin is in charge The reception committee of the of the publicity. •. *" Pioneer Women's club included Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. J. Kanofsky, Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Deryin and Mrs.Palestine Program at N. Widesky.


Two Plays on Purim Program

a honeymoon in Minneapolis.


County, Nebraska. The iseneral natore ot Boonvln gald County, on^tae 18th day.of the Wstness to-be transacted is to conduct AprilTl»32,-and"«nr the~lSttrday ©f^nne; display for the exhibition and di«« 1832, at 9 o'clock A. it.-,- each day, for the play ©£ rooms equipment, building mapurpose at presenting their claims foe ex- terials, building firtures, building and household amination, adjustment - and••* alloviranee. accessories .end personal property of every Three months are allowed for the credand description, and to lea**, rent itors " to present their claims, £rom the nature end sub-let space for the exhibition and i t t h day or M a i ^ 9 3 2 . C R A W F O m display of eny euch items. The authorized capita! stock is $10,000.00, divided into 10O 2-26-S2-St. • County Judge. shares of the par value of 5100.00 each, all of which is common stock and when issued JTSADENBtTRG, gTALMASTEK & BEBEB shall be fully paid up andnou-assessable. The.corporation shiUl commence business O. T. DOEKK & P. M. KLUTZNICK. upon the filing of its articles of incorpora.: " Attorneys tion in the oflice of the County Clerk nnd 650 Omaha i l NOTICE OF PEOBATE OF WIEX In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. . In the Matter of the Estate or Eric A. Anderson, Deceased. All persons interested in Baid estate are hereby notified that a petition bus been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file In said Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and that a hearing wiil be had on said petition before esid Court on the 10th day of March, 1032, and that If they fall to appear at said Court on the said 19th day of- March, 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest the probate of said. will, the Ccmrt may allow and probate said will and grant administration of eaid estate to Amanda Anderson or some other snltable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRTCE CRAWFORD, 2-26-32-St. County Judge. IRVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney. S01 Electric Bldr^ City.


SIXTZKICK, Attorneys.


In tlie County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham Sam Fried, Deceased. All persons interested in pnld estate are hereby notified that a petition bns been

NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County,

Nebraska. In the Matter of the Kstnte of Joseph M&irowitz, Deceased.. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notrfied that a petition has been filed ia said Court aliening thnt said deceased died leaving no last will nud praying for administration upon his estate, nnd that R hearing will be had. on said petition before eaid court on the 2Cth day of March, 1S32, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the paid day of March, 1832. Ht 0 o"clock A .M.. to contest snid petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of snid estate to Mnx Nits, or some other suitable person nnd proceed to a settlement thereof. BRTCE CRAWFORD, 3-4-32-CL • County Judge. FRADENBtRG, STALMA8TER & BEBEK 630 Omaha National Bank BIiSp., Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF INCORPORATION

highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at any time subject itgelf shall not exceed two-thirds of its capitol stock. The affairs of th» corporation shnll be conducted by n Board of Directors of not less than three members, who shall be choson from nmong the stockholders at their animal meeting. The articles of incorporation may be amended . bv the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the capital stock nt liny regular or special meeting of the stockholders. In tbe presence of: O. T. DOERR. SAM BEBEE. I>. M. KLU'i'ZXICK. S-4-S2-4t

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form' a corporation under the laws of the Ktatf of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is "Permanent Architectural & Building Exhibit, Inc.." and the principal place of business is in Omnha, Douglas

filed io said Court alleging tlmt e«Jd deceased died leaving no last will and praying for scJministration upon his estate, and that 8 hearing will be had on snid petition before eaid court on the 20th day of Mnrch, loss, and that If they fa!l io. appear at said Court on the eaid 26th day of March, 1932, ut 9 o'clock A. M., fo COD-' test said petition, the Court may grant the same nnd jrrant administration 'of said

estate to May Fried <-r some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement, thereof. BIIYCE CI!AWFOR1>. S-4-C2-St. County Judge. . SKOTWEI,!,, SIQNSKY, GRODINSKY * VANCE, and MARRY » . COHEN, Attorneys. PROBATE NOTICE

In the Matter of the Estate of Jake Pellman. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditor* of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 25th day of April, 1P32. and on the 25th day of June, 1832, at 0 o'clock A. M., ench day," for the purpose of presenting their claims for exnminiition. adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for t h e . creditors to present their claims, from th* 25th day of March. 1!>32. BItl'CE CHATVFORD. 3-4-32-St. . County Judge.

1 11111 llllll

2500 Rooms You wSl like iheatniosphere

Madison and Ciark Streets ' In the Heart of the loop"



B'nai Brith Program

Jr. Hadassah Meeting* - : Members of-the Junior Hadassah held an open meeting last evening in the J. C. C, feting members of the Senior Hadassah organization. * f The prog-ram included an expression of Welcome by Miss Elizabeth Raskin, president of the Junior Hadassah, a humorous debate presented by Sara Goldberg, Charlotte Salkin, Ida Feldman and Rosalie Sacks and a group of songs by" Miss Tillie Shindler.

Members of the A. Z. A. chapter will present a Palestinian program before members of the B'ani.B'rith next Tuesday evening in the J, C. C. Brief talks will be made by Max Zeligson, Marvin Klass, Morris Lefkovich, Max Maron and Loyal Kier. Charles LittleJohn will offer several violin solos. Mr. Morey Lipshut^ will preside.

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A. Z. A. Basketball

The local A. Z. A. basketball team won over the Omaha A. Z. A. team Express Thanks Sunday afternoon, 29 to 22, at The committees of the Ladies Omaha. Auxiliary of Shaare Zion have exr pressed their appreciation for the cooperation given them in the Annual Card Party, held last week. Over 200 attended the party, which ' was held in the J. C. C. At a quiet ceremony Sunday afternoon Miss Mae Eirenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Birenberg, Boy Scouts 1025 Court ' street, "was united in Four members of the J. C. C Boy marriage to William E. Maron, son Scout troop passed their tenderfoot of Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. Maron, 613 test at their meeting last Sunday af- Center street. ternoon. The four were Charles ShinOfficiating at the wedding ceredler, Morey Raskin, Irving Widesky mony were the bridegroom's father, . and Irving Pill. Rabbi H.' R. Rjabinowitz, and Rabbi i-BIr. Sovel Heshelow and Mr. Isa-M. Braver... The ceremony took place tlore Mirowitz are the leaders of the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. tiioop. " Himowitz, in Vermillion, S. D. Guests included the immediate families of the brjde and groom, Mrs. Rabinowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Metzv Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lassman, and Miss Prances Jacobsoii, all of Sioux "We feed the multitude" City. With Tasty Foods Mr. and Mrs. Maron will make their home in Sioux City following



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