March 18, 1932

Page 1

Dedicated to th* •i'[ Ideals of Jiidaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People .Entered as Second-Class PoBtoSea at Omatm; Keb;

vr^sttes on ©

, FRIDAY, MAECH-18v 1932

Plans Under Way for nsive an P r e l i m i n a r y Arrangements TVlade at Board of Governors Meeting Wednesday Evening


Initial plans for a most intensive campaign for funds to meet the budget of the Jewish Philanthropies were formulated at a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation held Wednesday evening at the Community Center and presided over by its president, William L. Hoizman. The drive will begin on Sunday, May 8th. At the. meeting, representatives of1" all local Jewish organizations pledged themselves to undertake the successful handling of this campaign, the third of its kind to be held under the new plan of raising funds" for Jewish activities. President Hoizman was authorized Wednesday to appoint a' special committee -of fifteen to lay concrete plans for the drive and to select a general chairman who will guide the communitywide campaign. . The Jewish Philanthropies embrace all local, national and international

Rothschild Sees Trade Center in Palestine

Revisionists Object Strenuously to Present Anti-Zionist Policy

OF PURIM FALLS ON TUESDAY Celebration of Feast of Lots Starts on Monday Evening

With sundown on Monday, March 21, Jews in every part of the world will commence the celebration of v PHILANTHROPIES DRIVE Purim, the Feast of Lots. The MegilBULLETIN lah is read Monday night, while all A rousing send-off—First meet- Jews observe the festive holiday on ing of Campaign Workers—Wed- Tuesday. nesday evening, JJarch SO, at the Twenty-four centuries ago, HamJewish Community. Center. i, prime minister to Ahasnerns, king of ancient Persia, plotted the Jewish. charities, ""philanthropies, ^or- extermination - of all .Jews resident phanages, and educational activities in the Persian domains. Through m"aWrig>!FfoTinnt appeals •%or": funds for ihe jniiervention of Queen Esther, a •he support of their work. -Jewess, and her cousin, Mordecai, ' Detailed plans and the personnel -whose loyalty to the kingdom was of the various committees will "be. an- known, the evil plot was frustrated. nounced at a later date. Thus, the forces of bigotry and oppression were thwarted, and the day which was to be one of destruction became the occasion of great rejoicing. On' Purim it is customary among the Jewish people for friends and iternational A. Z. A. Sabbath will relatives to exchange gifts (Shalach iserved next Friday evening. Monos), while alms are given to 25, by the two Omaha chap- the needy. 5. Purim restates the belief in the 1 and 100, at the Jewish te rights of minorities to differ. It ity Center. Con. fWezelman of the Mother upholds the belief that the power Ralph Nogg of the Cen- of conviction will ultimately triumph chapt will deliver the main ad- over the forces of prejudice and tury ci ,an Goodbinder of chap- hatred. dresses; The traditional reading of the ;i occupy the pulpit. The ter No. Magillah will be held in all of the services a r , open to the public Similar • religious observances will city's synagogues Monday night, and be sponsored • by A. Z. A. chapters the orthodox synagogues will hold throughout the country, in further- services Tuesday. ance of a five-year old tradition. Conservative Synagogue Supper The order's headquarters, here in At the Conservative Synagogue Omaha, announce that the 156th the festival of Purim will be celechapter was installed yesterday at Al- brated on Monday evening, March lentown, Pa. 21, with special services starting at 6:15 with the reading of the Megillah in the traditional manner. Following these services the women of the auxiliary will serve typical Purim supper at 7 o'clock. The program will include a humorous skit to be presented by Mesdames Sam Goldblatt, Herman Hirschman, William Racusin, David A. Goldstein and Mr. Abner KaiBuenos Aires.—(J. T. Afl)—The manl. Harry Silverman will preCourt of Appeals refused the plea side at the supper. of Jewish parents to compel a CathoRabbi Goldstein will review Maurlic convent to return to their cus- ice Samuel's book, "Jews on Aptody their only child Cecilia Lipetz, proval." All members and their •who was converted to the Catholic families are invited to attend. faith three years ago at the age of Reservations can be made with 15 without their knowledge. Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. Ben The Court of Appeals is the third Glazer. - court which has refused the plea of Temple Entertainment. the parents and based its refusal on A Purim entertainment will be the ground that to compel Cecilia Lipetz to return to her parents would held at Temple- Israel by the chilbe contrary to the Argentine consti- dren of the Sunday school on. Suntution which guarantees liberty of day afternoon, March 27, al 2:30 conscience and freedom of Teligious p. m. A Purim play -will be given under the direction of Miss Bess worship. The case will be taken to the su- Weinstein, open to the public. preme court by the parents, Scholom and Sarah Lipetz, who are being supported in their fight by the B'nai B'rith organization. Miss Lipetz became a convert to Catholicism on'Jan. 1, 1929, through London (J. T. A.).—Lord Roththe persuasions of a .neighbor and schild has received the sum of £100,without the knowledge of her par- 000 for the sale of part of his bird ents. A year ago she ran away from Collection to the Natural Museum of home, declaring that her parents New York. abuse her and refuse her to jjenait The collection.was gathered over a her to observe the Catholic religion. period of forty-two years, by expediShe was then placed in a!Catholic tions in all parts of the world. convent by the Catholic Youth Lord Rothschild. was compelled by Guardian Society. circumstances to sell his cherished The Court': of Appeal^ while ^re- collection- The money received, howfusing the, parents the !cukodyl -of ever, will aid him in maintaining the their' daughter granted them permis- remainder, which consist's of mamsion to visit her. mals, butterflies and insects.



Rothschild Gets Huge Amount for Collection

Paris—(J. T. A.)—Palestine will become the trade center for entire Asia, Baron Edmond de Rothschild stated as his belief in an interview with H. Farbstein, member of the Jewish Agency Executive. Commerce and industry are just as important for Palestine as agriculture,7 Baron de Rothschild stated, expressing the belief that Palestine 'must* first" produce all that is required for local "consumption. Baron de Eothschild also stated his satisfaction with the efforts of the Mizrachi to establish a middle class colonization.' ' "


Geneva—(J. T. A.)—The Revision- ist organization has issued a states ment to the foreign press, calling upon Great Britain to give tip her mandate in Palestine, if she is planning to continue her present policy, which Temple Israel and Conservative i3 termed as anti-Zionist. Synagogue to Hold Special "The statement, presented by A. Services Soskin, political representative, of the Revisionists, resident in Geneva Council Sabbath, sponsored by the quotes from a declaration made in the House of Lords by Lord Devonshire various chapters -of the Council of in 1923, who said that if Britain in- Jewish women throughout the countends to dispense with certain por- try, will be observed locally tonight tions of the Mandate^ she will have at 8 p. m. simultaneously at both to retire altogether as the mandatory. Temple Israel and the Conservative " The statement enumerates the Synagogue. At -the Temple the services will grievances against Britain and refers to the stopping of immigration, inade- be opened with the reading of a quate security in Palestine and the prayer by .Mrs; M. L. Conn. Eabbi difficulties in land purchase by Jews Frederick Cohn •will Tead the service, " The declaration further explains and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, presithat after the warning issued by the dent of the local chapter, will give Revisionist organization in 1930, the the introductory remarks. Mrs. latter body is now compelled to bring Julius Newman •will deliver the adthe charges of the-Jews against the dress, . "The Council Woman as a Mrs. mandatory before the whole world, Conservator of Judaism." notwithstanding that the Revisionist David E. Cohen, will give the closing Party in the past has been foremost prayer. There will be special .music in upholding the confidence in-Great and vocal, solos win be rendered by Miss Fannie Hart and Miss Eina Britain. , . Snyder.. . .. , At the Conservative Synagogue Mrs. E. A. Meyer,-'ficd Mrs. A. D. Mrs. Hi Kaufman, ^aged 61, passed Frank will take part in the observaway Tuesday. Funeral services were ance. Mrs. David A. Goldstein will held Wednesday afternoon, with bur- deliver the address, "The Jewish Women in the American Scene." ial in Golden Hill cemetery. She is survived by two daughters, Rabbi Goldstein will conduct the Mrs. Joseph White and Mrs. Ethel services and will speak on "What Does It Mean to Be a Jew and to Haspel, both of Omaha. Mrs. had been a resident live Jewishly?" of. Omaha for the past 25 years. Albany. — Governor Franklin D. Mexico City.—A newspaper -cam Koosevelt named Samuel L Eosenman, paign against the Jews was opened his counsel as justice of the State Suhere by all the leading newspapers. preme Court.

Mrs.-. Kaufman Dies

CONFERENCE ON BATHE AGAINST BIGOTRY Washington, D. C.—Over 500 outstanding Catholics, Protestants and Jews from every part of the country assembled here - last week for an American "Geneva for religious cooperation," a three day conference on religious prejudices and ways to ally them. : Newton D. Baker, Prof. -Carlton, J. H. Hayes and Roger W. Straus were co-chairmen of tiie meeting which was held under the auspices of the National Conference of Jews and Christians. Among the Jewish leaders taking part in the discussions were Rabbi Abram Simon, of the "Washington Hebre^S* congregation; Dr. Cyrus Adler, of the American Jewish committee; Alfred M. Cohen of B'nai Brith; Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, of the Cleveland Euclid Avenue Temple, and Rabbi Louis Mann of Chicago. "Prejudice is in the laboratory of pitiless dissection," Rabbi Simon said. "We propose at this conference to drag into the open our prejudices and misrepresentations. In that way only shall we be able to sweep away the errors and lay new foundations for an edifice of fratenal relations among people of opposite sects and faiths." "We are witnessing a period of bi•gTrtry and liberalism which might have been pardoned in the dark ages but which passes understanding at the present day," Dr. Cyrus Adler stated. "Within the past two or three weeks even I have found shocking examples of liberalism on the part of people who are in a position where one might expect that they would be disciples of Washington instead of Hitler. "I am sure it is known to itiy hearers of the Christian faith that there are also misunderstanding's and evidences of bigotry between irrern~bers of one church and another. To all those we must p-at an end. "It behooves us to engage in something more than lip service to the memory of Washington and to give adhesion not only in thought but in very deed to thosf splendid words, 'It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were by the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights'."

Picturing Sylvia Sidney, ^ Jewish Beauty Jewish. Star Rises to Great Brilliance in Cinema Diadem ~ By HILDA EASSELL. •A five-foot bundle* of exquisite simplicity, Sylvia Sidney typifies the modem Jewish beauty—slight -of figjet ure with undulating curves violet-blue eyes, black hair . luminous with intelligence—she epitomizes that which is representative of the modern Jewish girl—beauty with brains. Five or six years ago she was gallavanting with the children in the Theatre . Guild School. Now, hardly out of her teens, she occupies dressing " room No. 1 at Paramount Studios, previously tenanted by such stars as Clara Bow and Gloria Swanson. It was to replace Clara Bow in "City Streets" that gave Sylvia Sidney her first big chance in the cinema. The rest—"Confessions of a Co-ed," <'An American . Tragedy," "Xadies of the Big House"—is movie history. Not for all the psuedo glamor of publicity possibilities will Sylvia Sidney budge one inch from the true history of her early life. I t is her story and she sticks to it. Born in a Bronx flat in New York, she will even point out. to you the very house, if you are interested. Her father, Dr. Sigmund Sidney, a New York dentist, is of Roumanian stock, and her mother, of Russian descent, is considered the youngest looking mother in - Hollywood. -To the parents of Sylvia goes all the credit for intelligent application in educating and the bringing .up -of their talented daughter. A student at the Ethical Culture School,

she tired of it and left it at the age of 12 to study in* the School of the Theatre. By the time she was 15 years old, at a performance of "Prunella," given by the Theatre Guild School, other children's doting parents and fond relatives grudgingly conceded that the honors for the performance must go to Prunella—identified on the program as someone^ named Sylvia Sidney. • Since then she has appeared on the legitimate stage in* such diverse plays as "Crime" (under the Al Woods' banner), "Gods pf Lightning," "Nice Women," and "Bad Girl." She was offered the leading role in William Brady's production of "Street Scene," which she turned down to fulfill a motion picture con'tract with Fox Films. • Her career on the stage, -though brief, was marked by one triumphant achievement after another. Aside from the superlatives showered upon the new ingenue by the local critics, George Jean Nathan has been known to break all precedents by remaining for the third act, and Alexander Woollcott referred to her as "a miniature Cornell." If to young hopefuls and wouldbe Sylvia Sidneys these superficial references . to her career might imply that Sylvia Sidney's path to glory and fame was paved with golden bricks on which she had only to trip gayly along, it is merely because some of us are wont to overlook; the iiardsMps as ; well '.a's • the spiritual and. sometimes even' jphyslcal difficulties an artist' so often suffers. In Sylvaia Sidney's case,

the glamor of her success cannot blind us to the fact that even if luck did plaj a major role in making her a star, perserverance, hard work and indomitable courage were in the supporting cast, too, to say nothing of beauty and brains playing feature roles. With the overwhelming adulations for her performance in "Prunella" still ringing in her ears, she hiked downtown from the Bronx to Broadway. After treking for months along 'the Great White Way, with only the cheerfulness of youth to encourage her, fate yielded her . a minor role in "The Challenge of Yotith." On the second night of the try-oat, she fainted in the middle of the first act and was ordered to undergo an immediate operation for appendicitis. She refused, rose to her feet, finished the show, and continued- to appear throughout the week when the play closed its 'run. She has rare. courage, indeed. This was not the only occurrence displayed the girl's commendable fortitude and proved her nettle. A similar incident repeated itself s, short while ago when she was appearing in 'That Old Fashioned Girl." Coming1 down the winding stairs from- her dressing room, she slipped and fractured a small bone in her ariMe. But that did not prevent i e r from completing the ran of the play with her foot in a cast. It was only after Paramount had inveigled her .with an attractive part in ."City Streets" that she was per(Continued on Page Two.)

Aid to Russian Jews By Orders on Stores New York (J. T. A.).—American relatives of Jews in the Soviet Republic are urged to send them their help by forwarding orders on the official stores of the Soviet government or by sending them packages of clothing arid other merchandise rather than forwarding American Noted Authority- to Close Forum • Series at Jewish Commun-. dollars, in a report issued by a speiij Center cial committee of the American Jewish Congress, which has been investi"Russia and the World" will be disgating the wholesale arrests which, it is alleged, are being made by the cussed by Maurice Hindus, noted au* Gepeu, in order to obtain ransoms in thority and author on conditions ia the Soviet, at the Jewish. Community foreign currency.' Center next Thursday evening, March 24, climaxing1 the lecture series of the Community Forum. Dr. Sergius Morg-ulis, professor of biochemistry and chairman of the department at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, will introduce the speaker. Dr. Morgulis is a native Russian, as is Hindus. Dr. E. Holovitchner and other mem* bers of the Eussian colony in Omaha expecting to be present in a *Trotection Certificate" Cost are group for the lecture. Mrs. Herbert Jewish Woman 5,000 Arnstein, member of Mu Sigma, oldMarks est study club in the city and one which made Russia its subject for Berlin—(J. T. A.)—Nazi head- discussion this winter, has arranged <juarters for monetary considerations for Mu Sigma members to attend in Issue certificates . to .Jews granting a body. Gther local clubs and study them assurance that they will not groups have also indicated that they be molested by Hitlerites, it was re- intend to attend. vealed by the "Welt-am-Abend." Hindus is the author of "Red The paper reproduces a facsimile Bread," "Humanity Uprooted," and of such a certificate issued to a other best-sellers on Russia. He reJewish woman in Gert, Unterwester- cently returned from a seven months wald, and signed by the local chair- tour of Russia and will be in a poman of the Nazi party and two sition to give the latest information, persons representing the Nazi dis- on the progress of the five-year plan trict Executive of • Unterwesterwald. and Russia's various experiments. The certificate further carried the Religion, private prcf.arty, the modofficial Nazi stamp, the swastika and ern family and western standards <>f the eagle sign. The text of the cer- sex morality are taboo in the new tificate read: **I request, in the regime, and Hindus will relate how1 event of disturbances, tiiat no dif- the Russians seek to rid themselves ficulties be caused Frau Lyubow pf these institutions, and what they Bade,- a Finnish citizen, and her offer in their stead. son, aged 4. Furthermore I request Single admission tickets may b* you to assist her because during her obtained at the Community Center efstay here, she supported the local fice or from Mrs. J. H. IMalSofakt; group which, is in financial difficul- chairman of the education committed ties." • of the Council of Jewish Womeit, Frau Bade paid 5,000 marks to •which, with the Center, sponsors thft the Nazi fund in order to secure her Community Forum. Herman Auer"certificate of safety," the "Welf- bach is chairman of the Forum. aEi-Abend" states. The paper says "that she approached the local Nazi group and offered them 3,000 marks to secure protection after she had been molested on several occasions during the summer when she came to Mrs. Fannie Fish Jacobson, 24, ©I Gert for the sake of her health. The local chairman took up the 2940 Woolworth Ave., accomplished matter with his district Executive, violinist, died Sunday of complicaand after imposing an additions! fee tions that followed a rare throat disof 2,000 marks, issued the certifi- ease, She seemed on the road to recovery but succumbed after an unexcate. pected relapse. Upon her rettsm to Berlin, Frau Funeral <services were held Monday Bade revealed the story. "Only poor Jews need fear the Nazis, the weal- afternoon at the Chesed Shel Ernes, thy have no reason to fear danger with burial in Golden Hill cemetery. She is survived by her husbandt from the Nazis," is the concluding comment of the ';Welt-arn-Abend." Paul; her father, Sam Fish; a sister, Goldie, all of Omaha, and a brother, Harry Fish of Los Angeles. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Jacobson had played three > seasons of vaudeville, being acclaimed for her violin playing.




Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—A change in tne present status of the students in Polish universities was foreshadowed by the Minister of Education, J. Jedrzejewicz, in the course of the Sejm budget debate. The Minister denied, however, that the government, was preparing' to abolish, the autonomy of the universities. He pointed out, however, that the students themselves are •undermining the autonomy,. asserting that the expulsion of students by their own colleagues, and the marching through, the streets, of students armed with sticks, destroys academic liberty. Subsequent resolutions for reform is therefore essential. The interest of political circles is concentrated in the possibility that tht Minister will announce a measure making it feasible for the police to intervene in the event of disorders within the University grounds. Anti-Semitic adventures resulted in the easy submission of the influence of political parties, the Minister of Education stated. The recent antiSemitic events, he averred, prove that, the .professors are not in a position to maintain order and that autonomy and liberty, in view of these facts., sound utterly ridiculous, the Minister asserted,

Aid in Many Jewish men are participating in the Ak-Sar-Ben campaign for s membership roster of five thousand Om&hans. The campaign organization, headed by J. N. Shsnnahan, consists «f twelve teams,

EJEWS Cincinnati—(J. T. A.)—Facing tinction through intermarriage, milatipn and imminent collapse of their Jewish institutions, a group of Jewish residents of Sao Paulo, Brazil, hsve petitioned B'nai Brith headQ'aarters for a charter to found * lodge, it was revealed here. If thw charter is granted, it will be B'nai Brith's first lodge in Brazil, its second in South America, and the extension of the Order to £7 countries throughout the world. Jewish immigration to Brazil which began 40 years ago, has recently come to an end, it is pointed out in the petition. The country is overwhelmingly Catholic, and during the past three or four decades many Jews have been converted to that faith. Present-day Jewish youth is indifferent to Judaism, for the Jewish institutions receive little support, and there is only one small school. The group of Sao Paulo Jewish leaders who have petitioned B'nai Brith for a charter attribute the present Jewish situation in'their city to the fact that the Jewish Community there has lost its contact with Europe, and spiritually 1ms no connection with Jewish thought except for a very formal adherence of a few •members of the older generation to the traditional Jewish ritual. The different elements in the Jewish community ersi not unified, %



Jewish Scene in "Green Pastures"

Kajorily el Directors.

NOTICE O r rXBEBTEDXESS Notice is hereby piven that on the 1st J. H. GUEEXBEKG, rtpv vf•.Tnnnnrv. 1i>32, the totnl outstanding Majority o£ Direct ors. indebtedness' of II. B. 1. indebtedness ^ ^^^it^Hn Ticnv, a N Nebraska b k corporation, porationn, wH* wH* w„a !t NOTICE OF ISDEBTE3SES8 _ principal place oi fmriws* in Omaha, O Notice is hereby given that on the mt g ROSS CBA<: <Uy of Janoary, 1&2, the total outstanding ,;i,scre.i>a, indebtedness of Davenport Realty Company, a Nebraska corporation, with Us Attest: principal place of business in Omaha, was CSCAll TAUB. Scretar C. S. KOSS. & 7 ' 190 - 14 JACOB RINGMI. N. BF.LZER. OSCAK TATJB. President.


Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantie 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVED BLACKER - - i PRANK R. ACKERMAN FANNIE KATELMAN - ANN PILL - - - - - -



Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Subscription Price, pne year - ; - - - - - - Advertising rates fvirnished on application

BRY B. COHEN, President.

Notice Is fcereby given that on the let ««y of J a n n ^ / I & T the total outstanding Indebtedness of Tuehman Stores, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, with its .r™neipnt puce of b n * * . ta°|n«h»fiwnflM8.3a0.4».


. Business and Managing Editor - Editor Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


&UIS J. ^^<^ji^i.^^^.*'

LOUIS J. RIXGLE, Majority of DSrrrtorp, NOTICE OF IXDEBTEnXESS Notice Is hereby plvpn that on the 1st

day r.t January, H)32, the total outstanding


indei>t«dneftS of D"V<>nj>ort Holding Company, • Nebraska corporation, its principal place of hwiuatg in Omaha, f«T,OMMX>.

The Jews throughout the world, particularly in Germany, neaved a sigh of relief when the news was flashed that Paul Von Above is depicted the spectacular they nevertheless feel a new glow of! NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing Hindenburg had received 49.5% of the total votes cast in the march of the Children of Israel upon sympathy for their colored brethren, debts of Crosby Mortuary, Inc., on the day of -December, 1931, amounted to German presidential election and that the stalwart 84-year-old Jerusalem, a scene taken from the at the same time thoroughly enjoying 31st he sum of One Thousand and . No/lOO prize play, "Green Pastures," the humor lent by t i e Negro cast to iron man is practically assured of victory in the run-off election Pulitzer the attraction which opens at thethe characters of the heroes of old. April 10. For the time being, the Nazis had been checked with Brandeis theater Monday, March 28, The local presentation will be the ^resident. F. C. MEYEK, for a fonr-day engagement. their militant aggression of avowed anti-Semitism. complete original production, cast and HELEN JL GEMENT, "Wherever "Green Pastures" has Heavenly Choir," direct from 160 WILLIS C. CKOSUIT, We can find solace in the fact that for a while Hitler will been OJcing a majority of tbe shown, it has had a strong ap- consecutive, performances. in Chicago of Directors. *ot be in the saddle. But, if we do not wish to "hide our heads peal to the Jewish people. Long ago and 640 in New York, NOTICE OF Board INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing the toiling Negro slaves noted the m the sand" ostrich-like, our relief must be tempered by the debts of Drovers' Veterinary Union on the analogy of their sufferings with the a distorted idea of Hollywood and 31st day of December, 1531, amounted to knowledge that inevitably, eventually Adolph Hitler seems des- Biblical the sum of Twenty-seven Thousand, One accounts of the persecution everyone in i t Having profited by Hundred Thirty-eight and 29/100 Dollar! tined to handle the reins of government. I t may not be for a of the Jewish people. that first experience, I'm not taking ($27,138.29). B. A. HARDY, long period, but every indication points to him attaining the seats In fact, in New York, Dr. Jacob any chances this time. Now I am President. B. A. HAKDX, rabbi of the important Monte- taking along a pair of rose-colored of the mighty without even needing a coup d' etat or a "putsch." Katz, HARRY KOWLEY, fiore congregation and Jewish chapBeing a majority Of so I can be sure to see everyIn a remarkably short time Hitler has become powerful enough lain of Sing Sing, brought the three glasses the Board of Director*. thing in a different light." to receive over 11,300,000 votes for president of Germany, dem- hundred children of his Talmud She is such a sane and levelNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing onstrating a doubling of Nazi strength since the last Reich vot- Torah to the theater to see the play. headed person, in spite of her youth, debts of Ideal Bottling Company on the When Jewish people see the play, we suspect she ought to have little 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to ing. His appeal to the masses is magnetic. And those masses though sum of Two Thousand, One Hundred they recognize that"Tiberties or no difficulty adjusting herself to the <$2,120.00>. are willing to subscribe to any program that will offer them relief, have been taken with the Scriptures, any environment. But then on the Twenty DollarsSAM PLATT, President. regardless of reason or intelligence. Why? Because one-fourth other hand, what girl need trouble REBECCA PliATT, SAM PL.ATT, of the German population is near starvation and embittered to of the unusually small entry list are her little head about such matters Being a majority of teams from the Center. when Gary Cooper is in the offing, the Board of Directors. the point of despair. . Destitution, misery and millions of empty Joe Burke of the K. C. club won lending a helping hand \>n the one NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS stomachs make the masses easily susceptible to the demagogue the A. A. U. handball singles title side and Rouben Mamoulian on the Notice Is hereby given that all existing debts of Milder Oil Company on the the other day after upsetting Max other? who offers a short cut out of the economic wilderness. The 31st day of December, 1931. amounted to Altshuler the Center hope. PossibilImmediately upon her arrival in the turn of Two Thousand, Three Handled Germans are becoming desperate in their failure to find a cure ities are still strong for a Jewish duo Hollywood, Sylvia Sidney was put to Thirty-three and 50/100 Dollars (&333.S0). HYMIE MILDER, for their ills, and, as is true with individuals, instead of bearing_ to win the doubles laurels with sev- work on three pictures in succesPresident. eral J. C. C. teams still in the runHYMIE MILDEK, through and slowly recuperating, they turn to a quack with his ning. sion: "City Streets," "Confessions of ELLA V. MILDEK, Being a majority of "cure-all" quick, painless remedy. Diay ^and night the masses Entries are still being received for a Co-ed;" and "An American Tragthe Board of Directors. edy." After five months of intenshave it drummed in that the Jews are responsible for Germany's the first annual J. C. C. wrestling ive worlr, she was allowed a short NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Kotice is hereby given that all existing plight. The cause of the trouble is supple; the remedy is simple tournament. See Manny Siegel about rest. debts of Carl Anderson, Inc., on the it. Abe Faire, Morton Ferer and 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to —just rid the Fatherland of the Jews. And the German masses several other piano movers have en- Now once again she is on the job. the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Three HunThis time starring in the role made dred Ten and 99/100 Dollars ($10,310.89). are paving heed, paying heed to all of his Michiavellian medicine, tered to date. CARL A. ANDERSON, by Betty Compson in 1919 in President. little realizing that in the end they witt\have to pay the price of Frimette Goldberg, or the champ to famous The Miracle Man." CARL A. ANDERSON, you, is the proud possessor of the A. E. TVICKSTROM, all who follow the advice of quacks. Sylvia Sidney has the leading role, girls ping pong championship of the Being a majority of the Board of Directors. playing opposite Chester Morris. We realize, of course, that if Hitler comes into power, he Center. Among the "know-it-alls" in the film NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS will not carry into effect all of his extremist views. Responsi- Joe Faber, former Omaha Western colony, there is no question but that Notice i s hereby given that all existing League baseball player and very popdebts Investment Co. on the bility tempers rashness. Mussolini had determined to oust the ular with the Ideal fans will visit the Sylvia Sidney is filmland's best bet 31st dayof ofHotel December, 1931, amounted to the sum of Eight Four Hunhead of the monarchy when he led his black-shirted fascists from Omaha ball park, but dressed in one for 1932. She is now riding on the dred Seventy-seven Thousand, and 44/100 Dollars crest of the wave, and is traveling of the monkey suits bearing the let($8,477.44). Milan; yet today Mussolini is the monarchy's strongest prop. tering, Denver. IZZT FIEDLER, far and fast. . President. But Hitler would unquestionably darken the Jewish sky, even Harold Barish's Bee-News team in (Copyright J . T. A.) BERTHA FIEDLER, IZZY FIEDLEH. blacken it. And the greater the distress of Germany, the greater the junior league will battle the Being a majority of World-Herald quintette for the chamthe Board of Directors. FRADENBCRG. 8TAUIA8TEB * BEBKB the cry for vengeance, the louder the call for the scapegoat. Our 648-660 Omaha National Bank Bids. pionship of the kids' loop this week NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Omaha, Nebraska hope for our German Jewish brethren in the future therefore lies in what should be an interesting tilt. Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Herzberg's Realty Co. on the + in an alleviation of the economic pall overhanging the German » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice i s hereby Riven that all existing 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to massesl& In the main, the German masses are fair and reasonable debts of Omaha Fixture b Supply Co, on the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five the 31st- day of December, 1931, amounted Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($225,000.00). ABE HERZBERQ, and intelligent. They are at present the victims of desperation, to the sum of Fortv-nlne Thousand and President. 00/100 Dollars (M9.ono.0O). DAVID GOLDMAN, ISjews and a desperate man will do anything and will follow anyone. IKVTN STALMASTER, ABB HERZBERG, President. BY P. B.K. SAMUEL HERZBERG, If the cause for the desperation—economic suffering—be removed, C M. BRTTP. Being a majority of L. A. LAPIDUS. the Board of Directors. then the reason for the. Germans to1 follow maniacal Hitlerism The -wedding of Miss Anita Gluck IRVTN ST 4 SMARTER, HENRY MONSKY, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS would be removed and Hitler would be a leader with none to lead. man of Council Bluffs and Jack SAM BEBER, Notice i s hereby given that all existing L




Kruoriiy of Directors.

» . . » • ^ - - ~ ——— .


A Jewish home where young woman could receive room and board in return for light housework. Jewish. Press, Box 10. -


Personal Appearance Gets the Spotlight!

Smart, New Spring Hats Tour mart, new Mallory and Knox Spring Hat is here -at a price that will give yon a real hat surprise.

Stetson World Famous Quality Spring Hats... And Other Smart New Hats ior Easter, $3 to $10 Eats—3Ksta Floor

Council Bluffs

SPORT HOTF.S By STANLEY F. LEVIN Wow—What a trimming the Hakoah club of Saint Louis took last Sunday afternoon at the hands of the Omaha Psi Mu, 62 to 14. Bogdon. off, Altshuler, Greenberg, Bloom, _ Goldberg and Rosen all plumped in

basket after basket. The A. Z. A. No. 1 team won three games at the Y. M. C. A. open tournament to enter the semi-finals, only to fall, 20 to 15, to the eventful champions. The Hermans or rather part of the Hermans from the Center loop, won the class A honors. The J. C. C. open tournament is now under way with~"the Hermans favored to win their third championship of the year. A great majority

sundry Work Chas. Simon

A trial will convince you that the Sanitary should do your laundry work. A family washing as cheap as 80c. Wet wash done spotlessly clean, returned damp, 4c 1b

; Being n majority of the Marer of Omaha took place. Sunday debts of Petersen Bros.. Florists, on the Board of Directors. afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the home 31 Bt day of December, 1931, amounted to Nothing. NOTICE OF INDKBTSDNESS of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and JOHN PETERSEN, Notice 1B hereby given that all existing Mrs. Joe Scharf, -with whom.she has debts President. of S. Rlekes & Son, Inc., on the JOHN PETERSEN. 31st day of-December, 1931, amounted to resided. Rabbi David A. Goldstein Nothing. AUGUST PETERSEN, of Omaha performed the ceremony Secretary-Treasnrer, S. RIEKKS, Being a majority of r e i d n . • P i d t under a canopy of flowers in the presthe Board of Directors. MAX RIKKKS. ence of forty members of the two ETTTFTi RTKKES families. There were no bridal atKTATTZNICK. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS "-. Beinjr a majority of the Notice is hereby given that all existing tendants. •; Board of Directors. debts of American Upholstering Co. on the 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to The Talmud Torah children will the sum of Ninety-nine and 16/100 Dolpresent a Purim play and program on lars (199.16). J. P. BATT, Sunday afternoon, March 27th, am President. everyone is cordially invited to plan1 J. P. BATT, to attend. Further announcement wil LEO FOX, Being a majority of be made in the next issue of the the Board of Directors. Jewish Press. Plans are being made by the CounNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice Is hereby given that all existing cil Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. debts of Samgold Millinery Company on the •m»»i»n A. to observe the National A. Z. A. 31st day of December, 1S31, amounted to the sum of Seven Hundred Forty-three and "Sabbath Day" next Friday evening, 83/100 Dollars ($743.83). March 25th, with special services at JDLIUS SA3IUELSON, President. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, S. L. GOLDBLATT, 618 Mynster street. The public is JULIUS SAMUELSON, Being a majority of invited to attend. A meeting of the the Board of Directors. local chapter -will be held next WedPER YEAR nesday evening, March 23, when all NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing plans -will be completed. m * » *«»*+* debts of Bobman-Walt Company on the Yale Meyerson and Ernest Boss, 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to the sum of Tvrenty-flve Thousand, Seven students at the Wentworth Military Hundred Fifty-two and 73/100 Dollars Academy at Lexington, Mo., spent the ($25,752.70). GEO. F. BOHMAN, past week end here visiting their parPresident. ents. ERNEST F. WALT, Omaha Nafl Bank Bids. Secretary, The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society GEO. F. BOHMAN, will entertain its members a t a Being a majority of the Board of Directors. Stag Party next Wednesday evening, March 23rd, at 8:00 o'clock at the NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice i s hereby given that all existing synagogue, in celebration of the Fesdebts of Herzberg's, Inc., on the 3lEt day tival of Purim. All members are inof December, 1831, amounted to the sum of Sixty-one Thousand, Four Hundred vited to be present. Eighty-five and 27/100 Dollars ($01,480.27).

ATlantie 2815 Council Bluffs Phone 1444

BUY-THE BEST COAL —Cheapest in the Long Run ;




Small in Size, Hot l a r g e in Heat Value





Best Grade

Forked Clean

A Big Saving to Coke Users



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Safe Deposit Boxes as low as $5.00






Picturing Sylvia Sidney, Typical Jewish Beauty (Continued from Page One.) suaded to return to Hollywood. She had been there once before—two years ago to be exact. This first venture proved a dismal failure—a tremendous disappointment! She left the film colony after three months, loathing the place, vowing never to return there. In speaking of that period she refers to it as seeing everything "through indigo-blue glasses." As she told a friend of hers just be-, fore she left for Hollywood this second: time: "I was l?o upset by the unexpected' way things: turned out^ for me that it completely prejudiced my viewpoint, and gave me

Representatives Equitable life of New York 545 Omaha Nati Bank AT. 4367 Home Phone: JA. 4746,: ? WA. 8755


ABE HERZBERG, President. DAVID GOLDMAN, ABB HERZBERG, SAMUEL HERZBERG, Being a majority of the Board of Directors.


ANNUITIES Morgenstern & Wolf son


NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is herebv given that nil existing debts of Victor Investment Company on the 31st day of December, 1931, amounted to the sum of Ten Thousand. One Hundred Sixty-eight Dollars and Thirty-eight Cents (flO,iea38>. * ROSE MILDER, President. ELLA MILDER, HOSE MILDER. Being a majority of the Board of Directors. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Nebraska Chambers Optical Co. on the 31st day of December, 1S31, amounted to the eum of Thirty-five Hundred Forty-seven and 87/100 Dollars ($3,547.87). GEO. W. ETZENHOUSEK, Auditor.



Beinsr a majority of ' the Board of Directors.

SHOIWEtL, MOXSKY. GRODINSKT ;-..;'• & VANCE, Attorneys : , fSt Omaha National Bank Bide. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS







Russel Blumenfhal Heads Fraternity

J. C. C. CALENDAR Sunday, March 20 . . - . , , Banquet—Xi Lambda fraternity.

Tomorrow morning- l^abbi Fredericfc CohE will speak on "The Inspiration! of Purim."

.Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Isaac Rubin, Ge.f.ld Wirtn.•;•••.. Monday, March 21 s&fter and Bernard Gladstone. . Conservative Synagogue dinPnrim. ner. '.-•.'•_. Tuesday, March 22, will be Purim, Tuesday, March 22 the merry festival of Mordecai and Pioneers Club meeting, 8:00 Esther. Be sure to read the "Mep. m. gillah" on Monday nig-ht, March 21, Wednesday, March 23 the eve of the festival, and let your Highland Country club dinheart be filled with holiday cheer. Candle lighting' time, Tonight—Council Sabbath. ner, Highland Country dub. 1 March 18, 5:50 p. m. "Council Sabbath" vdll be observed •Pnrim E ARER-GLUCKMAN NUPTIALS the Paxton hotel Sunday in honor Thursday, March 24 at the Temple tonight, starting at 8 Ths Purim entertainment by th« Council Sabbath Tonight Miss Anita Gluckman of Council of; her sister, Miss Bath Miller, a Lecture—Maurice Hindus, 8 Phi Beta Epsilon p. m. The opening prayer will be de- children of the Sunday School has .Tiffs became the bride of jack W. bride-to-be. At services this Sabbath evening p. m. livered by Mrs. M. L. Cohn. Eabbi been postponed from March 20 tO arer Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock members of the Council of Jewish Initiates Three Frederick Cohn vrill read the service. Sunday Rftemoon, March 27, at 2:80 . the home of her uncle and aunt, SHIL0FF-200RWW1LL Women- 'will gather to rededicate There •will be a few introductory re- p. m. at the Temple. Coming Events themselves to the work of their orir. and Mrs. Joe Scharf of Council ENGAGEMENT Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton Uni- marks by Mrs. Herbert Amstein, A Purim play will be presented under. Mrs. Ernest Meyer and Mrs. Al versity social fraternity, held its forTuesday, March 29 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zoorwill of of the local chapter of the der the direction of Miss Bess WeinFrank will participate in the services. mal initiation of new members last president Bobbi David Goldstein performed Council Bluffs announce the engageSt. Louis Y. M. H. A. vs. Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. stein. You and your friends are cordMrs. David A. Goldstein will rep- Friday evening at the Hill Hotel, fol- Juluis ;e ceremony before an improvised ment of their daughter, Mollie, to Omaha Community Center, deNewman, chairman of the com- ially invited. resent the Council, delivering an ad- lowing a formal banquet at the hotel. mittee on tar of ferns, palms and roses, Mr. Herman Shiloff, son of Mr. and bate. Religion, will deliver the address on "The Jewish Women in the iaced in the living Toom. Only Mrs. Meyer Shiloff of Sioux City, Monday, March 28 The initiates are Hyman Goodbjn- dress, "The Council Women as a ConAmerican Scene." Rabbi Goldstein der and William Resnick of Omaha, servator of Judaism." Mrs. David R. jlatives and close friends were pres- Iowa. Supper—Junior Society of the LOST! •will5 speak on "What Does It Mean to and Leo Bernstein of St. Joseph, Mo. Cohen •will give the closing prayer. it. There were no attendants. . Conservative Synagogue. Miss Zoorwill is a graduate of Gold pin with chip diamond surBe a Jew and to Live Jewishly?" .The bride wore :: power blue chif- Thomas^,Jefferson high school and Saturday, April 2 After the initiation, the new mem-There will be special music, and voPurim Celebration. jn gown,, made after a Lelong is a member of the Hadassah. Mr. Conservative Synagogue Auxbers were the fraternity's guests at cal solos will be rendered by Miss rounded by pearls—at Jewish funeral Tuesday afternoon. Finder pdel, in the princess mode, with Shiloff attended Momingside college. iliary annual dance. This Monday evening the congrega- a couple dance at the Fontenelle Fannie Hart and Miss Bina Snyder. please call Atlantic 5999. Hotel. ng flared skirt that was floor A reception honoring the young tion will gather at 6:15 for the eveEveryone is most cordially invited. ^gth, and had tight-fitting' long couple and Mr. and Mrs. Zoorwill ning services and to hear the tradieaves. A. tulle close-fitting hat of whose silver wedding anniversary it SOCIETY NOTES tional reading of the Megillah. Arab Case Dismissed io same color and slippers of a will be, will be held at their home After the services members of the Jerusalem.—After v more than a Mrs. Sarah Kohn spent the weeketching shade were worn by the Sunday, March 20. Congregation and -their friends will year of litigation, the Supreme court end vdth relatives in Kansas City, ride. Her bouquet was a corsage assemble for a Purim dinner. Purim dismissed the case of the Arabs who Mo. P yellow -roses and lilies of the EETURN PROM HONEYMOON delicacies will be served. Mr. Harry claim that the Infiat lands are their alley. Silvennan will preside at the dinner. property. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. J. Hscher Miss Esther Bluinenthal returned jMr. and Mrs. Marer- leftimmedi- have returned from their wedding Tuesday from Kansas City,- Mo., Purim parodies will be sting. Rabbi will discuss Maurice Samtely after the ceremony; for an trip and are at the Logan. where she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein per. Rabbi Goldstein •will discuss uel's book, "Jews on Approval." astern wedding trip, after which Carl Studna. the story o f a Simple Man, by All are cordially welcomed to share "Job," iey will be at home at the Austin FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Joseph Roth. Everyone is 'welcome. in this celebration of Purim. Reserpartments., Miss Bess Kaplan has set Sunday, Mr. Edward H. Gluck, who has Reservations may be made through •IOut-of-town guests at the wedding March 27, as the date of her wed- been wintering in Los Angeles and vations may be made through Mrs. Miss Anne Lintzman at the J. C C Ben Glazer, Wa. 9048. «re Aaron Gluckman, father of the ding.' San Francisco, will return here about ride, of Cincinnati; Mrs. Abraham Those who entertained for Miss April 15. He will stop over in Tulsa Annual Purim Ball. ebowitz of Minneapolis, aunt of the Kaplan are Mrs. Max Levine, who and Oklahoma City to visit with Many tickets have already been Have Your Paper Hanger tide, and her cousin, Mrs. Fanny entertained twenty guests at a friends before his return. sold for the congregational ball which Specify Wall Paper from i-eenberg, and the tetter's daughter, luncheon and bridge Thursday, takes place Saturday evening, April Ess Esther Greenberg, also of March 10. Mrs. H. Grey enterShrier Paint and Mrs. David Newman entertained at 2. Tickets may be obtained from any Snneapolis. tained twenty guests at a bridge four tables of bridge at a St. Pat- member of the Auxiliary. Wallpaper Company at her home Wednesday, March 8. rick's party at her home Sunday Jr. Society Supper. Phone ATlantic 4744 On Tuesday night the Misses Rose On Mon<2ay evening, March 28, the evening. ' 7EISS-MILLER ENGAGEMENT and Sarah Kaplan entertained at a Jr. Society will sponsor a lecture-supI Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green, 1545 Miss Zerline Somberg, student at forth Nineteenth street, announce bridge and dance at the Peacock Inn lie engagement of Mrs. Green's for twenty-five guests. Mrs. S. the University of Illinois, will arister, Miss Ruth Miller, to Morris Kenyon, Mrs. P. Crandel and Mrs. rive next Thursday to be the guest ...and your Dealer has it Veiss of Chicago, son of Mr. and William Bishop entertained at a of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe luncheon and bridge at the home o: Somberg during the spring holiIrs. Abraham Weiss, also of ChiMrs. Kenyon Thursday, March 17. days. "'-.•'• ago. ilMiss Miller is a graduate of Tech Miss Kaplan was also honoree at a igh school. Mr. Weiss graduated beautifully appointed luncheon which Miss Frances Roitstein of Sioux Mrs. Harry Bush gave Sunday, rom Nicholas Senn in Chicago. City -was the guest of her sister, March 13. *No date has been set for the wedMrs. H. Belmont last week. dng. MR AND MRS. DAVID GREEN TO RECEIVE RESIDES IN CALIFORNIA . 5STTERTAINS Mr. and Mrs. David Green will Dr. William D. Wessly, formerly Mrs. Morris Green entertained 40 be at home to their friends Sunday of Omaha and a recent graduate udjsts at a luncheon and bridge at afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock in of Creighton university, is now rehonor of their twenty-fifth weddin; siding in California with his mother anniversary. No invitations havi and aunt, and has opened offices at For Tasty Delicatessens been issued. 110 West Broadway, Glendale, Calif. Phone or Call at the Assisting will be the Misses Adel Wilinsky, Elaine Berkowitz, Zelda Underwood RECEIVE HONORS Makes ironing a pleasure! Chrome Saferstein and Hermine Green. Ernest Priesman, son of Mr. and Delicatessen plated and equipped with a "button Mrs. Harry Priesman, received a Glendale 3951 RETURN FROM TRIP riot" that makes sMrt ironing mi56taTJNDERWOOD AVE. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman fine ovation from a large audience attending the North High school's raculously easy. and Mrs. Holzman's mother, Mrs. J. Raduziner, Prop. annual two-night "Aurora" program, Morris Levy, have returned from I Delivery Service month's stay at Phoenix and othe: when the ten-piece orchestra played Open Sundays and Evenings : points in Arizona and New Mexico. a new composition just recently arThese Bargains, Too . • at Your Dealers! ranged by Ernest. The program SPECIAL was given Friday and Saturday Harding Ice Cream, 45c Qnart DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Shapirc nights, March 11 and 12. of Grand Island were hosts to fiftyMiss Alma Feblowitz, president of two guests at a formal dinner a1 their home in the Davies apartmen Jecompter group and assistant Sunday on the occasion of the firsi guardian of Lothrop school group, birthday anniversary of their son received the highest rank in Campfire, that of torch bearer, at the Grand Harvey Don. Enjoy more leisure by WESTINGHOUSE Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Council ceremonial Sunday afternoon having us do your a t Odd Fellows Temple. WAFFLE IRON, $7.95 Mrs. Max Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. laundrying for you. Makes delicious, crisp, Reuben Ferer and their daughters, TOASTER, $4.95 golden -wafflee . « . EO Nellie and Sophia, Mr. and Mrs. M A real ornament to your burning and sticking. H. Pessen and daughter, Beverly, a table and one of the most Kitchen Chats efficient toastem oa the of Omaha, and Mr. George Hockum By market. of Chicago and Mr. Theodore ShanHArney 1102 Mra David W. Newman on of Des Moines. (Our New Phone Number) f French Orange Cake BIRTHS One cup sugar, 1-2 cup butter, 2-3 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Klutznick an nounce the birth of a daughter a cup sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour, grated rind of 1 the Lutheran hospital, March 10. orange (juice of 1 large orange and Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Schimmel oJ 1-2 cup sugar), 1 cup ground up Lincoln, formerly of Omaha, an- fruit, dates, raisins and cocoanut. • or a game of nounce the birth of a daughter, Cream butter and sugar, add ground fruit and orange rind, add eggs, €IIfSetf$ POWEfe S* LIGHT CO. March 10. BILLIARDS flour and milk and last the soda. Bake Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lehr of Chi 35 to 40 minutes in long dripping pan Drop in at the cago, formerly of Omaha, annouiic< at 350 degrees. When removed from birth of a daughter, Audrey the oven, pour dissolved sugar and Billiards and the Evelyn. Mrs. Lehr was formerly Miss orange juice over cake, it will not beCoffee Shop ManyaValdo. come soggy, but forms a glaze and needs no icing. Russel .Bluinenthal, Junior Arts, "was chosen president of the Creighton university chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, national social fraternity, at an election of officers last •week. Other officers named are Frank Lipp, -riee-president; Herman Faier, secretary; Earl Ross, treasurer; Moe Steinberg, pledgemaster, and Ben Friday, Smith, reporter.

Here's REAL

IRON Valuel






119 So. 15th


Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown announce the birth of a daughter at the Methodist hospital on March 1.

Low Bus Fares

VISITING RELATIVES Mrs. Dollie Elgutter is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Denver, $10.00; Chicago, §8.00 | : and Mrs. Walter Schimmel, in St. Louis at the Hotel King's Way. Mrs. Sioux City, $2.25 I Elgutter and Mrs. Schimmel will later go to Glencoe, III., where they will be the guests of Mrs. Elgutter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kinstler.

Omaha Rapid Transit 1

JA. 8462 5 JUNIOR HADASSAH TEA DANCE Plans have been completed for the Junior Hadassah annual, spring tea dance fo be given Sunday, March 20, at the; Blackstone hotel from 3:30 to 6:30, with Randall's orches-. tra furnishing the music • •. Several tap dances by- pupils of Miss Fausteen Potts and little Donna COMPLETE STORE AND | OFFICE OUTFITTERS y Ray Cooper will sing several num\ We OccDpy O bers. A beautiful traveler's clock, | Over 70.0C0 Square Pert Y\ donated by Dr. Dansky, will be ' . Southwest Corner A given as a door prizeMiss Ethel Stoller, chairman, is ^Eleventh and Douglas Streets p being assisted by the Misses Rose \ Phono JAcksoa 2724 Dolgoff, Bess Kirshenbaum, Lillian 1 Omaha, Nebr. Keiser, Sarah Malasliock and Ann Green. . . . . .1 .


Jr. Society

Not Just "vscuaas packed", -with p&rt of the air left in to ~nzke the csfiee stale—but Super-Vacuum packed so that none of the flavor :s lost. That is Batter-Nut's new'' process! The cans ar© ©ealesi five mlaates sfter roaetsnr and It is rtlll FIVE MINUTES FRESH when it rcsch^ row. Ml th* marvel* cus £cvrr it there.' Jirxt try It!

Salfy Morgan was re-elected president of the Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue at the regular meeting of the Organization held at the home of Miss Jeannette Levinson Monday evening, March 14. , Other officers named are Sophie Rosenstein, vice-president; Esther Faier,, secretary; Rose Rosenstein, treasurer, and. Lobby Blacker, reporter. Plans were formulated for a "Book Review Supper," to be held at the Jewish Community Center March 28. Rabbi David A- Goldstein will review "Job," by Joseph Roth.

ien you are shown to your room * « » and your host plugs in a port* able telephone for you to make and re-i ceive telephone calls prlvsfely * »• « you Just know you'll en]oy your visit more.' There's more enjoyment In visiting or living in a home with extension telephones.

Open Kosher Market B. Grossman and H. Moskovitz announce the opening on March 20 of their modern Kosher meat market, at 1716 North Twenty-fourth street. Besides carrying a complete line of meats and poultry, they will also include fish, groceries and" vegetables. New customers and old are invited to inspect the new Quarters. Delivery service will be free. Their phone number is-Webster 0414, - . ;

Ask eny employee lor infor;*mst?onebouf]eng distance or • • 'cstsnsiors telephone service. NORTHWESTERN RELL TELIPHONE y

p ^ - ^ r ^ r-3r;!"rf.vr'"i r/^^VCT^^/*.'?-;



Atr-4. " o


FLASHING SMILES AND TWIHKLING TOES—A wisp of tulle, a flashing smile and a pair of nimble tapping feet make each of these seven chorines an-- important member of the South Shore Country •club follies, Chkago.

MABCH LION KOABS—2sttered---boats and broken poles tetiea* fury of £ale along Maryland shore. This scene is fct Deal's

THREE-DECK MOTOR COACHES IN ITALY—Visitors to the . glories of ancient Rome will have occasion to marvel at the modernity of the new Rome when they drive from Rome to Tivoli in these new I The rear upper tier, which has a removable top, is for first; " ' class passengers.

FIVE SETS OF TWINS—ALL IN A ROW—Here are five sets of twins at the infant home and day" •nursery of the Daughters of Zion, in Chicago, resting peacefully and looking the picture of health.

SUBMITTING HIS BILL—An apple a day may keep the doctor away—but it doesn't decrease the bill of this snooty resident of the London zoo. He is. Bill, the Indian hombill, and he's fond of catch, ing the luscious fruit on the fly; Ho, swallows the apple3 whole.

THE LATEST IN STEAMSHIP FUNNELS-rSomething wroog heref No, this is tbe latest tvpa of- THE VATICAN SEES ONE OP ITS BARE SN0WSTORM&-HI«fc. steamship funnels as used on tag new French liner, Georges Phih'ppar, on its maiden trip from Marseilles; ly KDumud is this photo of St. Peter's and »ci<aiaisff building* of th« Vatican as .they appeared following a recent snowstorm—a r a n Franco, to th« Far East & as fsr soath in Italy as this.

"- '1

. " . , " , ; - ' - ' ' " ^ wV.^

\\ - -**

VETERAN MAKES HOME ON BATTLEFIELD—This British veteran of thej World[war, Lieutenant Woolley, wasn't ready to go b to "Dear Old Blighty" when the war ended. He. therefore, took ••n

'fTHB SPIRIT OF THE OLYMPICS"—Thyra Boldsen, noted Danish 'sculptress, completes the day model, in Long Beach, Cal., of her fig-, OFF FOR CHINA—A large tri-nwtored plane, suitable for transport and bombing, I* shown i e r e ore, "The Spirit of the Olympics." She will enter it in the inter*, loaded in Los Angele* harbor for Hong Kong, China, addressed to an "American gentleman. This fian» wiUcost the "American jenlleman" in Chiaa£il5fegO^ when it arrive*, "-• ~ ' national art competitions of the Olympi<rgaraea»,

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932 J. J. FKEEDMAX, Attorney mng, March 22, at the Labor Lyceum, 634 Peter. Trust Bids. Twenty-second and Clark streets. FKOBATE NOTICE All members, their families -and the Matter at the Estate of James A. friends are invited. Befreshments InTan Dusen, Deceased. will be served. Mrs. J . Elkin is chair- Uotice i s hereby given that the creditors oX said deceased •will meet the execman for the evening. utrix of Baid estate,. before me. County

All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon hlB estate, and that a hearing -will be had on said VE* C. UsvuT. Attorney. petition before said court on the iCth day 301 Electric Bids, City. of March, 1S22, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 2Gth day Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at of March, 1032, at 9 o'clock A .M., to conthe County Court'.Boom, in Eaid County, 3TOTICE OF A D a n T K A T I O S on the Bth day of May, 1932, ana on the ' In sthe County Court of Douglas County, test said petition, the Conrt may crant the same and grant administration of said es6th day of July. 1932, at 9 o'clock A. XL,Nebraska. ' each day, for the purpose of presenting In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph tate to Max Nitz, or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. their claims for examination, adjustment Malrowitz, Deceased.

Organization Hews Pioneer Women

The work of the Pioneer Women Xi Lambda received a new impetus with the visit The Xi Lambda fraternity will hold here last week-end of Goldie Meyerson, noted Palestinian labor leader. a banquet at the J. C. C. Sunday, Mrs. Meyerson was well received lo- March 20, at which the following ofcally and spoke to capacity audiences ficers will be installed: Louis Minkin, president; Morris concerning the work of the ChalutFisher, vice-president; Harold Barzos in the Holy Land, their marvelous accomplishments, and the vital need ish, secretary, and Sam CacMn, ' for funds that their efforts may not treasurer. In charge of arrangements is a be in vain. consisting of Erwin WezHer plea has redoubled the efforts committee elman, chairman; Art Grossman, and of the Omaha Pioneer Women. They Sam Finkle. will attempt to fulfill their quota by a rummage sale to be held in the near future. The public in general PsiMu is asked to aid them in achieving The Psi Mu celebrated its second their worthy purpose by contributing annual "Psi Mu Day" last Sunday,' all possible bundles. All having bun- with approximately three hundred dles can have them picked up by call- and fifty people attending its events. ing Mrs. J. Feldman, Atlantic 1438. In the basket ball feature the Psi Mu Anyone wishing a copy of "The easily bested the Koah dub of St. Ploughwoman," an epic of the Pales- Louis. tinian Chalutzos, is asked to call Mrs. Mrs. L. Neveleff, chaperone of the J. Eichlin, Kenwood 0420, or Mrs. I. Psi Mu matinee dances, was presentSarwitz, Webster 1178. ed with a beantiful^corsage of flowers in appreciation of her services. regular matinee dance for. this Conservative Auxiliary The The following are additional pur- Sunday has been postponed so as not chasers of patrons' tickets for the to conflict with the Junior Hadassah second annual Purim ball sponsored Tea Dance at the Blackstone, The Psi Mu are at present making by the Conservative Synagogue Auxplans for their monthly stag. iliary: • • Messrs. Morris Brandeis, Charles J. Berison, Sam Cohn, Dave Cohn, J. A. A.Z.A.No.l Gross, Dr. M. L Gordon, Jacob LipThe Mother Chapter of Ateph Zasey, Melvin Plotkin, Peerless Cleaners, William Racusin, Jake Rosoff, dek Aleph is planning to stage one of its largest and most gala spring Dave Sherman, and Reuben Vann. This ball -will take place Saturday dances in the ballroom of the Blackevening, April 2, in the auditorium stone Hotel, Sunday, evening, April 3. of the Jewish Community Center, and Music and entertainment for "Theis for the benefit of the building fund Tee-Off" will be featured by Paul Spor, America's Prince of Pep, and of the synagogue. his famous Paxton Paradise Boys, pouring forth all of the popular tunes The next lecture in the course on of the day. "Bible Appreciation," conducted by A. "John Puss" Grossman is chairRabbi Goldstein, will be held Tues- man of the dance committee, and will day, March 22, at 10:30 a. m. at the be assisted in ways and means by H. j. c. a "John" Goodbinder* E. "John" Wezelman, and H. "John Rufe" Tuchman. Tickets may be secured from any of Senior Hadassah the Mother Chapter members for the Mrs. E. Weinberg, gift fund chair- price of one dollar per couple. man of the Senior Hadassah, has announced the following tree donations: Henrietta Szold Mrs.. J. Fellman, in memory *>f her husband; Mrs. Max Schwartz, in Sarah Baum was elected president memory of her husband; Mrs. Ben- of the Henrietta Szold d u F at the jamin Laytin, in memory of her hus- regular meeting of the group at the band; Mrs. Max Venger, in memory J. C. C. Tuesday evening. Other ofof her mother, Mrs. Fanny Wintroub; ficers are Anne Zweibach, secretaryMrs. Jacob Milder, in memory of her treasurer, and Elsie Lazarus, reporhusband. ter. :.Hyman Goodbinder spoke to the dub about Stunt Night, to be held Ladies Labor Lyceum April 12 under the auspices of the The Ladies' Labor Lyceum will hold Senior Council. Miss Ida Blacker a Puriitt-gattering on Tuesday ever spoke about the essay contest.


SPRING IS Beautify y o u r home. Prices VA of o u r h i g h g r a d e N e b r a s k a w. grown n u r s e r y stock i s t h e lowm e s t ever known. Q u r g r a s s seed a n d fertilizer will m a k e your lawn glad.


^ A jg p 5| »S

Home Landscape 4 Service p 924 No. 24th St. <Near Cuming) JA.5115 Eve, MA. 4006

B. Grossman and

H. Moskovitz Opening


1716 No. 24th St. Call WEBSTER 0414

NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, I N C . "Everything for the Auta" 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524

and allowance. Three months are allowed lor the creditors to present their claims, from the 8th day of April. 1932. BKYCE CIUAVFOHD, S-lS-32-3t County Judge.

4 f 4



Abramson Audit Co. 852 Brandeia Theatre Bldg. JA. 4811

Ycm can now buy a REO as low as § 9 9 5 Lansing

Reo Barish Motor Co. MAT BAKISB. PreB.

2562 Farnam JA. 1997

A. MARCHESI Barber—For Those Who Are Particular Paxton BlUlard Barber Shop ICth £ Funam

Batteries Serviced Sold and Guaranteec 17th m a Capitol Are,—AT. 6137 TOOT Patronace Solicited

BOWLING ALLEYS 16th and Harney—-4th Floor

4LLIS anJ LA BUR Proprietor*

The Sign of Good Workmanship Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA

Super Service Station

KOTICE OF ADMTVISTKATION In the County Conn of Douglas, County, Nebraska. In the. Matter of the Estate of Wilbur Christensen, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in saia Court alleging that said


fLet Us Help Beautify Your Home" is the slogan of the Omaha Picture Shop, located at the Aquila Court, 1627 Howard street. With the Passover season approaching, Miss A. C Boesen, manager of the Picture Shop, will gladly offer her services in adding

H.MDER Electrical Contractor

603 Electric Bldg. J A k 1045

Indeed, she takes a 3elightful pride i n making home life for her clients as cheerful as one could possibly wish for. Through spring, summer, fall and winter she stands ever* ready to serve all home-lovers in Tn^Ving their surroundings more enjoyable. That Miss Boesen has a long list of satisfied clients Is shown by the many testimonials received .from her customers. Artistic framing is a specialty** ..the Omaha Picture Shop, They invite all of Omaha Jewry to visit the store and view the many "beautiful pictures. For any service or information, call the Omaha Picture Shop at Atlantic 8818.

ENGRAVERS Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers

4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500


507 So. 12 Street ATlanticll92


Ross A. Peterson Mowers

- F o r All Occasions lat Floor FenteneUe Hotel

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Floral Displays Our Specialty

-OMB >'». S4tb Street—RE. 1GSS * -Say It WH6 Flowers"


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ATlantic CGS5


Dundee Delicatessen

LEWIS C SHOLES, Ecaltor SMll in Property Management Brings Larger Net Returns 30 Tears ^Experience JA. 06C7—305 rntterson Building

Free Estimates Given at Ycmr'Home On any Slip Cover Drapery or Curtain Work


We Recommend the Purchase-of American Baukstock Coi"poration Common Stock.

The Same Qaalitv Food and Efficient; Service at Eeduced Prices.

©a Request

CMckes and Steak Dinners 51.CE Murphy's PERIOBS Chicken S d i b 65c

Corporate Securities €k>.? l e e 640 1st National Baiik ATlactic 2237


"Where Quality Is Supreme"

Bine sad Dance at


WfflSTLErVESS Beverages—24 Ounces lOo—Ncae Better At Any Price

Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances Refrigerators Jewelry

Real Estate InvcstmcnU Property Management insurance

112 No. 50—GLendale 0778 WB. HEEZOFP. Propr.

Ideal Bottling Co. 1S83 H e SBth Street—WE. S5M3

1627 Howard Street ATlantic 8818



Drink Ideal Beverages Purest and Finest

Let Us Help Beautify Your Home "Artistic Framing Our Specialty"


Stop or Phone. For Your Delicatessen Needs Always on Hand Fancy Groceries Fresh Kosher Smoked Meats

1513 Haraer St. At. 8S!» «Formerly Monheit's Beauty Salon)

MISSES EAHLI G22 World-Herald B ATlantlo 0344

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Hodi-Nogg Paper Co.


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We Solicit Your Business And Can Assure You of a Pleasant Business Relationship.

the •Finishing touches "which Tna.Vi>

such a difference in the beauty of the home. -Hiss Boesen has been at her present location for.the past five years and lias been in this business for twelve years. She has become known for her ability t o such an extent that many people have sought her counsel in beautifying their homes.

18th and St. Slary's—AT. 1221

O 11 Individualized Beauty Serrtce Et

deceased died Waring no lust will an* praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing -will be had on said petition before said court on the 2nfi day of April, 1932, and: that if they fail to appear nt said Court on the said 2nd day of April, 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Conrt may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to L,ibl>inn Christcnsen or come otho.r suitable poreon and proceed to •. settlement thereof. BE.TCE CKAWFOttD. 3-ll-S2-3t. County Judge.


CLEANERS Batteries as how cs 55.H5. Service Anytime—We Kerer Clost

1131 No. 18th St.—TFE. 2131



Arthur BoUdlnc—203 Bo. 18th Down Stair*

Heads Belgian Medical Union

SAM E. Attorney at Law 611 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice i s hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between. Charles S. Koss and Nate B. Belzer, co-partners heretofore carrying on business as the Boss Grocery Company and the B. & E. Grocery, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from toe 14th day of March, 1932. It is further mutually agreed that the Bald diaries S.' .JJoss becomes here «nd after the sole owner of the store known as the Charles S. Ross Grocery Company, located at 6070 Military, and Nate B. Belzer becomes the sole owner of the store known as the B. & H. Grocery, located at 2821 N. 16th. - It is further mutually agreed that Charles S. Boss assumes all of the outstanding obligations of the said Ross Grocery Company, and the said Nate B. Belzer assumes all of t i e outstanding obligations of the said B. & B. Grocery. Dated the 14th Say of March, 1932. CHAKLES S. BOSS. 3-1S-32-41 NATE B. EELZEIl.

Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and Night

Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp and Facial Manipulations

National Tire & Battery

Antwerp. —Professor Guinzbourg, prominent Jewish medical authority, was elected president of the Medical Union of Belgian whose membership totals 5000. Professor Guinzbourg is actively interested in Jewish life and is a well known public figure.

16th and Cuming Sts. JAckson 7640


Alpha Tau





Members of the Comwican Campl e group met at the J. C. C. Tuesday, March 15, with embroidery as the central feature. The girls are planning to harve their embroidery on exhibition by April 1st. Miss La Verne Feblowitz is the' guardian.

Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Fit Woodwork and Painting Radiator Repairing


Miss Una Gross is in charge of the second 'annual banquet of the E-Na club, to be held .Sunday evening, March 20, at the Blackstone. Isadore Eichlin will act as toastmaster. Entertainment will be provided by Miss Eose Mendelson of Council Bluffs, Miss Esther Silverman, and Miss Eose Ban. Toasts will be given-by Miss Eeva Malashock, Joel Cherniss, and Miss Gertrude Eothkup.

Plans for the Senior Council AllStar Night, to be held at the Center in April, were discussed at the meeting of the Alpha Tau Sorority, held Tuesday. Sophie Halperin is chairman of the Stunt committee, assisted by Bess Cooper and .Sylvia Lipsman. The club -will visit the Hoffman Mortuary on April 2T

Get Acquainted

BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. JACK TF. MAKER, Attorney C«nnty Court Boose, City


E007 Leaveswcrth WMnat IS5Q

tfeo Prescriptioiis accurately compounded by espert chesdsts only. Free delivery :to &ry part cf the city. 24th



VAGABOND CLUB So Ccrcr Chsrge Ho Minimum Food 5944 1112 No. S2ni Street

4917 Center Street WAlntat 1850

PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932 FKADENBURG. STAXMASTER ft BBBBR L m'NOTICE. JOE - A,TIAC^M^NT ' 690 Omaha National Bank Bide. To W. A. Lamere, first and. real ' SOTICE OF iNConrORATION :XAB1T TBANCKS HOSIERY COStPAXT • Notice "is- hereby given that the" underg Signed have associated associated them themselves together rpose of for the purpos of forming forming a a corporation corpoati -by-virtue of under and-byvirtue of the laws s of of the the b k T h Mine off th State of N Nebraska. -Tha the corporation shall be. Jkady. Frances Hosiery Company and Its principal place of business'shall fee in the City of'Onraha, ;Ne< brnska. The . general nature .of. the. business shall "T>e a-general merchandise business, together with such powers nnd liabilities as may be Jncldent thereto. The capital stock of the corporation shall be twenty-five thousand ($2r>,000.00) dollars, divided into tvro hundred fifty (250) shares of common stock of the par value of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. Said corporation, shall be managed by a board of directors of not less than two nor more than five directors until the annual 1933 meeting; said annual meeting shall be held on the first Monday of each Jannnry of each year at the principal place of business of said corporation. The highest amount of Indebtedness which the corporation may Incur shall be two-thirds of the capital stock. • The corporation shall begin Inisineas when the articles of incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State, and continue for a period of fifty (50) years unless dissolved. HARRY PERIMETER. JOSEPH B. FKADENRURG.

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent surely bring forth desired fruit His memory will always be revered by Sioux City Jewry." Mr. Max Brodkey, secretary of Joseph Aizenberg's life-long-dream he Jewish Federation, spoke of Mr. and ambition, of making his home Aizenberg's death with sorrow, and in Palestine, almost on the threshold said: "It was not a mere accident of realization was forever stilled that the Jewish people of Sioux City, by death, which claimed him last young and old, attended in such Saturday morning. He was ill only great numbers the funeral of Mr. two days, having suffered a brain Aizenberg. Everyone felt that death hemorrhage, while speaking a t a has robbed us of a great Jewish soul •meeting given in honor of Mrs. and indomiriitable spirit, as well as Goldie Meyerson, Wednesday: eyen- an indefatigable worker and true : ing. ' ' :•';.. 'I dealist of the ewish cause. His death is an irreparable loss to our Resident of City Eight Years- % community." •'•-., Mr. Jack London, a member of the • Mr. Aizenberg- came to Sioux, C i f eight years ago, from Detroit, Mich; Talmud Torah board, said: "The Tal. Upon his arrival in the city he toipk! mud Torah board feels the loss of charge of the local Hebrew school, his Hebrew educator, more than •nd was a member of the faculty anbe realized.^ His death leaves a dnce that time. He was born in oid that can never be filled." Mr. Abe Stillman, Hebrew scholar IBinsk, Russia, in 1895. He received Ms education in that city, and came and active Zionist worker, spoke- of to America just after the World Mr. Aizenberg, saying: "He was, in my opinion, a great Jew, because war. • greatness in the Jewish sense, is Active Zionist Worker. measured by the relation to his felMr. Aizenberg's activity in the ow Jewish people, their culture and Zionistic field was unparallelled in their hopes. The rabbinic blood in Sioux City. He was the chairman Mr. Aizenberg's veins made him a of the Jewish National Fund Com- rue Jewish spiritual aristocrat. He mittee for four years. He was also was indeed mindful of the obligation a member of the National Workers ewish history placed on him, and Alliance, and the^ Poale Zion .organ- it endowed him with a knowledge ization. His entire life was wrapped f Jewish culture, past.and present. up-;in the problem of Zion,. and he He was a man of action, being conhad-planned to go to the Holy Land inced that a revival of his people in - the near future to make his. would only be realized in Eretz home. Yisroel, and he felt it his duty t o Hundreds Mourn at Funeral. incorporate Eretz Yisroel into the Hundreds of Sioux Cityans, be- lans of his private life. Mr. Aizenreaved and sorrowing at the death erg was a dynamic force in social of the idealist, who devoted his brief circles, constantly -instilling' into" the life to the Jewish cause, paid tri- earts and minds of others, his zeal bute to him at the funeral services, and devotion to Jews and to Palesheld Sunday afternoon in Shaare tine. I knew him intimately for Zion Synagogue. Over a hundred ight years, as a comrade, as a y small children, pupils of the Hebrew g school, came to say a last goodbye genial friend, "and as a spiritual to, their beloved teacher. Ten boys guide. His tragic and sudden death of the advanced classes chanted' the as our hearts, and-we shall cherish traditional Psalm service. Rabbi H. he memory of him as a dear friend B. Rabinowitz and Rabbi Theodore and a great Jew."



At a gathering of 200 people last Wednesday evening the Pioneer Women's organization inaugurated a Dollar Campaign, with the view of persuading every Jewish person- in the community to donate the sum of One Dollar toward its work. The organization devotes its activities to the work of the Chalutzos in Palestine. 3-ll-32-4t.

MT. SINAI TEMPLE "Is Jewish Influence a Menace ?•" will be the subject of Rabbi Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai Temple this evening. The subject will deal with Purim.

A. Z. A. Wins The A.-Z. A. basketball team defeated the Whitehill Dentists by a score of 30 to 22 in the Central high gymnasium.


F R A D E V B U R G . STAUKA8TER & B E B E R 630 Omaha National Bank B l d g . AAEEXD3IENT TO A n T I C I . E S O F I V CORPORATIOS O F OMAH V F I X T C R E AND SUPPLY COMPANY. KNOW A L L MEN B T T H E S E P R E S E N T S , that a t t h e annual meeting of the stockholders and of the Board of Directors of Omaha Fixture & Supply Company, a Nebraska corporation, held on February 29, 1D32, at-which meeting all of the stockholders ami directors were present, and participated, a resolution. w a s read 'and unanimously adopted, whereby Article V I I of t h e Articles of Incorporation w a s amended, s o a s t o provide for the' election of n o t l e s s than' five-nor more than nine members of t h e Board of Directors t o adm i n i s t e r - t h e - affaire of »he said- Omaha Fixture & Supply Company. . Article "VII a s "it n o w reads provides t h a t t h e Board of Directors shall consist of not: less than three n o r more than fire members. •. •

Central Debaters Win



I,. A. I,AFIDTJS, -Secretary. "' ' S



i n the presence, of:

name un•""•**«*"""' known, doing business as Red Dot Oil 3-4-32-4C Company:

ijereby notified that the State .. , , —billed an action against vbu in the Municipal Court of Omaha, Douglas » u i i'«2j. Nebraska, praying for judgment f< r JS63.72 and that an order of attachment and garn.shment was issued by said Court on certain property belonging to you. situated «n tbe City of Omaha? Douglas CV.unty, Nebraska, and tl*at said property, nas been attached and that said mat,&<?'tme °.n f o r hearing: on February 10, 19o2 and has been continued for eervlce until March 31st, 1032; you are required '.o answer said action on oi- before March 31st. npon yonr failure to do so, petition i«U be taken ae true, judgment rendered aenlnst you, auti (he attached propcity sold on execution, nnd the proceeds thereof applied toward the payment of said claim and judgment. STATK OF NEBRASKA, By Irvin Stalmaster, X

Assistant Attorney General.

^eirson and , O. Tvt»OERR.. I*. U. KLUTZNICK.


County Judge.

FBADESBURG, STALMASTElt & BEBER O. T, DOERB and PHILIP M, KtUTZNICK, Attorneys. NOTICE OF ADMINISTKATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham Sam Fried, Deceased. •All .persons interested.In.snjd estate -nre hereby-notified that • a petition hns been of--6aM estate, before m Judge filed in said Court alleging that said de-- Douglas-County. Kehnska. « censed died leaving no last will and praying-for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on snid petition before said court on the 26tb day of March, 1!)32, and thnt if they fail to appear at said Court on the suid 26th dny from to present of March, 1932, lit 9 o"clock A. M., 1 o contest said petition, the Court may grsnf the same and grnnt administration of Enid C'minlj' Judge. estateto May Fried or some other euir&We 3-4-u2-3t.




, ST.VLMASTER & BEBER 650 Omaha National Bank Bldgv Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF INCORPORATION >otice ia hereby given thnt the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is "Permanent Architectural & Bnllding Kxhiblt, Inc.," nnd the principal place of business is in Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted is to conduct display rooms for the exhibition nnd display of building equipment, building materials, fixtures, building and household accessories and personal property of every nature and description, and to lease, rent and sub-let space for the exhibition and display of any such items. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00. divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which is common stock nnd when Issued Khali be fully paid up and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its articles of incorporation in the office of the Connry Clerk nnd continue for (i period of 50 years. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than three members, who. shall be chBsen from among the stockholders at their annual meeting. The articles of incorporation may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the rapltal'stock nt any regular or special meeting of the stockholders.

WorfA TW/fest 'Stories

You win like the atmosphere at the MorrisoB Hotel All outside robins 'with trath, circulating ice water, bedhead reading tamp, d Servidor Nearest to stores, offices, theatres and railroad stations. Garage facilities. LEONARD HICUS

Edward Miller and Max Maron, members of the Central high" debating team, won a victory over the team of Wayne, Nebr., last week, in the last debate.of the season. Stanley Herzoff was elected .president of the Emmanon club of Central high at its annual 'election.

J.C.C. News

Eudolph Shindler has.been elected president of the Young Aces of Judaism. _ Other officers elected were Irving' Lunin, vice president; Rebecca Stillman, secretary, and Earl Novich, treasurer. Members of the Phi Epsilon sororN. Lewis spoke at the funeral. ity elected Miss Fannie Cohen, presi;•'. Scholar In-Hebrew • dent; Miss Charlotte Sallrin, vice Mr. Aizenberg's knowledge of the president; Miss Rose Bennan, secreHebrek language, literature:and culThe annual Purim bazaar, spons- tary, and Miss Hannah Sperling, ture was _ unusual. His active inter- >red by the Senior Hadassah organ- treasurer. • est in his people was not confined ization will be given in the Jewish to his adult years, but was an in- Community Center, Tuesday, March tegral part of his childhood life. 22, opening with a cafeteria luncheon He and his companions in the city at noon. Supper" will be served of his birth gave entertainments, ar- hroughout the evening. ranged lectures and ran errands, Miss Florence Kaoffman, daughter The auditorium of the Center-will giving the lunds they received to e lined with booths, which will fea- of .Mr. and Mrs^ J. Kauffman, 1710 Palestine funds. He often delivered taire handwork, groceries, fruits, Pierce street, became the bride ol letters, and New Year greeting cards candies, baked goods, dolls, and other Archie Kroloff, son of Mr. arid Mrs. when a boy, -giving the money that articles. Sam Kroloff, Sunday evening in the would have been spent for postage, presence of immediate relatives. The i to the Jewish National fund. ceremony took place at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Survivors. "' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Dave T. Ginsberg. Mr. Aizenberg is survived by his Eabbi H. E. Kabinowitz officiated. widow, a son, Moses, and a daughThe bride was gowned in a rose ter, Nachma, of Sioux City, and one The Purim entertainment, sponsored by the Parents' Association of beige chiffon frock, with accessories brother of :Eochester, New York. Mount Sinai Temple, will take place to match. She carried a bouquet • Leaders Pay Tribute. Leaders" of the Jewish community next Monday evening, March 21, at of roses and lillies of the valley. jiaid tribute to Mr. Aizenberg, sor- the temple. The program will begin The couple will reside in Sioux City. rowing over the void his death has at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Kroloff attended the Art Inleft. In speaking of him, Rabbi H. Headlining the entertainment will stitute in Chicago, and the California be a one-act play directed by Miss E. Babinowitz of Shaare Zion SynaArt Institute. Mrs. Kroloff attendgogue said, "In the passing of Mr. Gladys Weinberg and entitled "The ed the University of Iowa. Paper Hat." Aizenberg the Jewish community Out of town guests at the wedThe second feature of the evehas sustained an irreparable loss. It ding ceremony and reception which ning will be a comedy, "The Pot first of all lost an excellent pedegogue of- unusual ability,-who knew Boiler," which has been directed by followed included Mr. and Mrs. not only how to teach, but. how to Mr. Ernest J. Fribourg, local attor- Louis Kroloff, Mr. and Mrs. Ben inspire children with the eagerness ney, and member of the Temple Kroloff -of Council Bluffs, la., Mr. . to learn. Secondly, he was an in- congregation. and Mrs. J. Levin of Rosalie, Nebr., Mr. J. J. Hayes, professor of arid Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Oransky comparable idealist, who stinted no energy to conform his practices to Morningside college, will appear on and daughter j Irene, of-DesMoines, the ideal. He had implicit faith the program with a group of read- Iowa. »-


Society News


19 3 2

Purim Entertainment This Monday Night

; in the rejuvenation of the : Jewish people, and dedicated his life to the upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland and to the rekindling of that hope in the minds and hearts of Sioux City Jewry. He was a brilliant student of Hebrew, literature, and a deep thinker on the problems of na tionalism and the Jewish youth. His life was exemplary, in the, sacrifice lie made for the realization of_his ideals. He_ lived , with . the hope of Palestine, and died while presiding at a meeting for the interests o Palestine. Mr. Aizenberg in a sensi was the alarm bell for the Jewish conscience of Sioux City. H aroused Sioux City Jewry to a real ization of its manifold obligation towards Jewish education, Jewish cultural values and particularly t its national obligation • towards th maintenance and upbuilding of Pal estine. . May -he rest in peace!"

GOODYEAR Achievement

OF AIR GLIDE, float, speed smoothly over the rough spots in the r o a d . . . take turns without sidesway... on these deep-cushioned new 6*50-16 Goodyear AIRWHEEL Tires. More traction... 50% greater grip! . . .for quicker stops, starts, hold on curves, in mud. New riding luxury! New upkeep economy! New smart style!


ings. , Mrs. Herman F. Miller, president After spending the winter months of the -Parents' Association, is in charge of the ticket distribution. in Rockingham, N. C , where she Children of the school will be ad- was a guest of her son-in-Jaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stein, mitted free. - - • - . ' . •

SHAARE ZION "Anti-Semitism, the World's Lie and Shame," will be the sermon topic at Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight. It will deal with Purim. The story of Esther will be read at the synagogue Monday evening at 7 o'clock. All children have been inivited to attend by Eabbi Kabinowitz. At 10:30 Sunday morning the Eeligious School will give a Purim program in conjunction with the Junior Congregation and the Hebrew School. Tuesday morning, Purim day, services will be held at 8 o'clock. The Auxiliary meeting scheduled for this week was postponed because of the death of Mrs. Aizenberg.

"One of the greatest • sentence in the Talmud," said Rabbi Lewis of Mount Sinai Temple, "describe adequately the life of Mr. Aizen berg. The sentence is to the effect that the Torah can be preserve only by him who lives sacrificial! and if necessary is ready to die in its service. The many years of Mr. Aizenzerg's life in this community have revealed a magnificent .devotion to the cause o f the Torah. Th • Four members of the A. Z. A. many seeds he planted in hundreds organization, spoke before the. B'nai of Sioux City boys arid girls will B'rith lodge at its meeting Tuesday

A. Z. A. Members Address B'nai Brith

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on the work being done in Palestine. The speakers were Isadore Mirowitz, Max Zeligson, Sidney Slotsky and Morris Lefkovich. Marvin •Klasg presided. Charles Littlejohn •presented a" group of violin solos Max Maron was in charge of the evening's arrangements.

Mrs. R. Levitan has returned to Sioux City to make her home. She was accompanied to Sioux City by her daughter, Esther, who will visit nere for several weeks, before returning to Rockingham. ' A number of social functions are planned for Miss Levitan, whose marriage to Mark H. Blacker of Eockingham, -will be an event of June. . ' ; . . . .. Misses Kate and Ann Raskin were hostesses to the Pace Makers, club at their meeting last Wednesday evening. Bridge was followed by refreshments.

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Dave Levitt, a student at the St. John's Military • Academy a t . Delafield, Wis., is spending spring vacations -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt. Mr. and Mrs. A., Korz returned last week from.Sani'rancisco, where they attended the wedding their daughter, Sylvia, to Joe Saxe, son of Mr. and Mrs.. D. Saxe,- of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Saxe will make their home in San Francisco. . Mrs. R. Levitan and Mrs. S. Levitan were joint hostesses to 30 friends Monday evening as a courtesy to Miss Esther Levitan, a brideelect, who is a guest in the S. Levitan home. Miss Gertrude Gerber of Omaha and Miss Frances Schwidelson, a bride of this spring, were also

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