In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated iothiar Ideals of Judaism
.Entered ns Second-Class Mail Matter on Jane Post office at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act 01
Pearlstien W^l&elected As Executive Director Has Done Excellent'B'nai Brith Stag Being Planned for April 14 tly Since Assum* A program of unusual interest is ing Post being planned for the dinner stag of Jacob S. Pearlstien was re-elected Executive Director of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, according to an announcement today by William L. Holzman, president. Mr. Pearlsfcieri has served in this capacity since last August; He successfully inaugurated the Jewish
the local B'nai Brith lodge, to be held Thursday evening, April 14, at the J. C. C. While this dinner stag is planned in the nature of a social event and get-together of the members of the lodge, it is expected that Jacob Landau, manager of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and publisher of the Daily Jewish Bulletin of New York, will be the guest speaker on this occasion. At the close of the dinner and the principal address, a novel bridge tournament is planned by the committee in charge of arrangements.
PLAN BROADCAST FROM PALESTINE ON ANNIVERSARY Proposed Celebration on Seventh Birthday of Hebrew University
Jacob S. Pearlstien adult education program into the Community Center activities and has effected considerable progress in the , Center's club work since assuming the local" directorship. _ . Before-Doming ~ta" Omaha, Pearlstien had -been canyjajgn director for the rAmerican Palestine drive. He had -had-executive' positions-jn-Jeaia^ l a n d . • • • " • • •
- • .
Pearlstien is a graduate of the University of Michigan, having- a master's degree in European history. He did ^graduale'wo'rk at Harvard in historry and--politics, and was an.; assistant in the political science department at Michigan and in the hi& tory department at Harvard.
GOTTHEIL-MEDAL TO BE AWARDED BYFRATERNITY ZBT Annually Selects One Doing Most for Jewry and Judaism New.. York.—(J. T. A.>—In New York City at the Central Park "Casino" on the night of May 7, 1932, the Zeta ( , Beta Tau fraternity, the largest? and , oldest Jewish college f raternity, - will again present the "Gottheil Medal" to the American who has done the most for Jewry and Judaism during the year 1931. The Gottheil Medal was first awarded by ZBT for 1925 to Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York. For 1926 it was received by David Brown of Detroit." It was'next"given to Aaron Sapird of California for 1927. For '1928 thevlate Julius Rosenwald of Chicago received the fourth medal. ,. Felix M. Warburg of New York City received the! honor of 1929 and last year Lt. Gov. Herbert H. Lehman of New York state received the award for 1930. ........ Although - Zeta Beta Tan -presents the medal, it leaves the selection' of the annual a'wardee entirely to a representative committee of -editors of the Anglo-Jewislv newspapers and magazines of the United States. The Gottheil Medal was established in honor of Professor Richard J. R. Gottheil of Columbia University, an outstanding leader in Jewish, American and international culture. For. many; years he ••'was National President of Zeta Beta Tau.
Jewish Situation in Turkey Grows Worse Istambul,—(J. T. A.)—The economic situation a marked turn for the worse, says an official report issued by. the shareholders of the co-operative bank. The bank was established by the American Jewisch Joint Reconstruction committee. , While the number of trie needy is Increasing capital is decreasing and had debts accounting, it is pointed out.
New York.—(J. T. A.)—The first radio broadcast ever made from Palestine is planned as part of the international program for the celebration of the seventh anniversary of the ^Hebrew University in Palestine. The Marconi Company of London is , conducting special tests to overcome the technical difficulties in Completing the arrangements ~for the broadcast from Palestine, which will be telephoned from Jerusalem to v* Egypt, and-~,4r8iisT)sitte<l <»ver a short wave circuit to London. If these tests are successful the Nationar : Broadcasting 1. Company -will broadcast the program in America over a nation-wide hookup on' Sunday, April 17. Sir Herbert Samuel, Home Secretary of England, and a member of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University, will take part in the broadcast from London, it was announced, as part of the anniversary celebrations which will be held simultaneously in all parts of the world. Invitations have also been extended to Dr. Sigmund Freud of Vienna, also a member of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University, the former president Paul Painleve in France, and outstanding leaders in Germany and in this country. The national broadcast is planned to coincide with the formal dedication of the Physics Building of the Einstein Institute of Physics, gift of the late Solomon and Dora Moness Shapiro of New York City, and the opening of the Lamport Botanical Garden, gift of Samuel Lamport, also of New York City. More than 200 leading men and women throughout the country have already agreed to act as sponsors for this event.
"Tee-Off" A Z. A. Dance on Sunday The Mother Chapter of the A. Z. A. will carry out a novel "golf" theme at their annual spring dance, to be held at the Blackstone. hotel ballroom this Sunday evening, April 3. Paul Spor and .his orchestra will furnish the music, while several features ': of entertainment, npvelties, door prizes_and .prize waltzes are being planned.;.., Paul. Spor is flying back by'plane from Chicago to be here in time for the dance. The committee in charge of the "Tee-Off" consists of Art Grossman, chairman, Harold Tuchman, Israel Bercovici, and Oscar Mayerowich.
Jugolavia Law to Grant Jews Equality
Roumania Exempts New Books Added Matzoth From Tax ' to Center Library Bucharest.— (J. T. A.)—Matzoth for Passover will be exempt from government taxation. Jewish members of Parliament interceded with the Minister of Religion toward this end. By waiving the tax, the government is enabling matzoth to be sold at a lower rate. Under present regulations every loaf of bread baked in Roumania for . sale . purposes must carry a government stamp showing that the usual duty has been paid.
AARON KATZ TO GUIDE OMAHA'S TALMUD TORAH Well-Known Scholar from Chicago Assumes Duties as Principal Aaron Katz, well known Jewish scholar of Chicago, has taken over the guidance of the Jewish education of the children in Omaha as principal of the local Talmud Toran, according to announcement made by Max Barish, president. The new principal is well qualified for his new duties. He is a graduate of a Palestine Yeshiva and a graduate of the Teachers Seminary in
Aaron Katz Palestine, besides possessing the degree of bachelor of philosophy of education from the University of Chicago. He was one of the chief builders of Jewish education in Chicago. Fifteen years ago he instituted the renown Kehilloth Jacob Hebrew school, which has grown to a roster of 850 pupils, with two branches, and with the repute of being one of the largest and best in the middle west. At all times he has been active in Jewish education work. Born in White Russia, he received his Hebrew education in Palestine, where he lived for twelve years. He came to the United States in 1915. Mr. Katz has a three-fold plan of operation in building up the local Talmud Torah. First, he plans to bring the ideas and ideals of Jewish education to every Jewish home in this community, thereby stimulatinginterest and enlarging the enrollment of the Talnrad Torah. Second, he hopes to make the Talmud Torah attractive to the child by introduction of a sound and scientifically based curriculum, as well as extra curricular activities among the children. Third, he plans .to destroy the present dread, feeling of the child that the Talmud Torah is a gruesome burden, by establishing proper, up-to-date pedagogical methods. In explaining his basic idea as to the. vital need of greater Jewish education^ Mr. Katz states: "We believe that Jewish education is necessary for the child not only from the specific viewpoint but also from the outlook of an American citizen. No Jew can be a good Jewish American citizen unless he gets a Jewish edu> cation." • He pointed out that in the -larger Jewish communities of the country Jewish education is already being considered as a point of social welfare by Jewish philanthropic organizations. "Jewish education is developing rapidly in the United States, with the improvement of teaching methods and the introduction of modern subjects," he stated. "It has become a subject upon which the whole of Jewry, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform agree that it is a national affair."
Belgrade. — (J. T. A . ) — A n interreligious law granting -the fullest equality of treatment to the Jewish religion will shortly be introduced in Parliament, Minister of Justice Bozo Maksimovic announced. This law will complete the existing measures concerning each religion individually. Under the protectorate of the state, all religions in Jugoslavia will enjoy equal treatment and an equal proportionate share in the subventions from the state. Berlin. — A law ensuring the safeThe purpose of the proposed legislation is to establish true peace among guarding of Schechita in' Germany the religious faiths and religious tol- was adopted by the Reichstag Comerance, the minister asserted. mission.
Continuing its system of adding current popular books to its rental section, the J. C. C. library has added the following new arrivals: "And Life Goes Ota," Vicki Baum; "The Ways of the^tancer," Boleslavski-Woodward; "Tile Harbormaster," McFee;. "Mofart," Marci Davenport; /'Mary's Neck," Booth Tarkington, and "These Restless Heads," James Cabell. a biography of James Branch- Cabell. by Van Doren. In addition to 'interest in the above new books,'the library reports that old favorites, ^'Job,' by Joseph Roth; '.'Jews Wjgiput Money," by Michael Gold; I S i e Mother," by Shr.lom Ash, still ^remain popular and are in constant circulation, demand for them .necessitating reservations a dozen or more in advance.
DivisionalHeadsTSIamedfor Campaign, to Start May 8 Spirit of Optimism Prevails as Leaders and Workers Prepare for Opening of Drive Henry Monsky, dynamic and veteran warrior of many Jewish campaigns, will lead the local forces as general chairman for the Jewish Philanthropies campaign which will open May 8.
Speakers' meeting — M o n d a y, The various divisional heads chosen April 4, at 12:15, at Omaha Athat the meeting of campaign workers and board of governors at the Jewish j letic Club. General meeting of PhilanthroCommunity Center Wednesday eve-1 ning were: j pies campaign organization and Board of Governors — J. C. C , General solicitation—Philip M. | Wednesday evening, April 6.
OMAHA-ST. LOUIS DEBATE APRIL 10 The Omaha J. C. C. will meet a team representing the St. Louis Y. M. H. A. in the fiB&l debate of the Midwestern Jewish- ^Community Center Debating Leagufta Sunday evening, April 10, at B p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. This debate will determine the championship of the Midwestern Pebating Leagns for the year 1931-32 and will also determine the permanent possession of the Louis P. Ahjie Memorial Debating Trophy, which Omaha won for two years in, succession. The Omaha team, ^Joseph Solomonow, of ths Creighton University debate team, and William Wolfe, of the debate team of Municipal University, will meet the St. Louis team of Echeal Feinstein and Murray^ Steinberg, both pmminent attorneys" of that city. ijf The Omaha ^ebafers will present the ^affirmaths^^ByijlBf-sstiie question; "Resolved: That the**Jewish Religion is no longer a vital force in the lives of the younger generation." Admission is free and the public is cordially invited.
VoLX—No. 9
Henry Monsky
OF JEWISH MUSIC SUNDAY EVENING Request Concert, Under Direction of Cantor Schwaczkin 'at J. C. C.
Klutznick and Dr. A. Greenberg. Women's division—Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. Initial gifts—William L. Holzman. Budget—Harry A. Wolf. Quota—Dr. P. Sher. Speakers — Milton R. Abrahams. Publicity—Jack W. Marer. Youths* d i v i s i o n — Senior Council of Clubs.
conditions. There will be no such thing as failure. "Every prospect is going to be solicited to the highest degree. The drive will not be a one-man affair, but will be a mass campaign, with every last subscription available being obtained." Monsky stressed the importance of the smaller pledges, and the need for full co-operation from the teams and workers. A spirit of optimism prevailed at A complete survey of the entirethe meeting, and the representatives Jewish population is being effected. of the various organizations pledged the unstinted support of their groups. William Holzman, president of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, presided at Wednesday's meeting. Judge Irvin Stalmaster rendered the report on the selecSon of divisional heads. In accepting the general chairmanehip of the campaign, Monsky stated: $2,500,000 Being Sought f«r ;"We're going to raise every cent of Palestine Reconstruction the quota set, regardless of distress Activity
The Jewish Community Center will present ,the .Hazomir Singing Society •in a concert, of Jewish music ;next Sunday: evening, April 3. „ This *will be a request program of many who heard the Hazomir in a concert last December. Since the club's first concert the .organization was augmented by many new voices and the program will include some New York.—(J. T. A.)—The Jews new compositions which will be heard of New York last week launched the for the first time in Omaha. nation-wide effort to raise $2,500,000 The program of the evening, prefor the maintenance of Jewish reconpared and directed by Cantor A. struction activities in Palestine with Schwaczkin will include: a meeting in Town Hall, presided The Community Forum series of over by Nathan Straus, Jr., ChairAmerica—Ervach, Henry Lefkowich; Shterendel, M. Posner; Hemeril, lectures, having enjoyed capacity man of the American Palestine CamA. Bernstein; Die Alte Kashe, M. crowds all season, was brought to a paign of Greater New York, and climatic close last Thursday at the attended by leading Zionists and Posner; Jewish Folk Songs. Jewish Community Center when nonZionists who united in appealing; Omaha String Quartette—Leonard many had to stand to hear the leeture for the work in Palestine. Professor Boris Schatz Sacrific- Korney, first violin; Jose Masters, by Maurice Hindus on "Russia and second violin; Milford Scow, viola; : ?; ed Life for Bezalel A strong impetus to the success the World." Irvin Chudacoff, cello. School of the fund-raising effort was given "Of the three fundamentals of wes(a) Andante from quartette in E by Felix M. Warburg, honorary tern civilization, private property, reDenver.—(J. T." /A.)—Professor Flat Major, Gettersorf; (b) Andan- ligion and the family, the Soviets chairman of the American Palestine Boris ;Schatz, sculptor, wood cut tino — Grazioso — From Quartette have succeeded in overthrowing pri- Campaign, when he announced a artistjand pedagogue,f internationally Opus 3 No. 1—Hayden; (f) Canzon- vate property and religion, but they contribution of $50,000. Nathan known as the; founder and director etta from Quartette in D Flat Major have not made inroads on the family Straus, Jr., gave ?10,000. of the Bezalel!: School jt>f Arts and Opus 12, Mendelsohn. Addresses were delivered by Felix A Malach Veint—Peretz Hirsh- institution," Hindus stated. He pointCrafts :iri; Jerusalem, died here last ed out that the Russian rulers do not M. Warburg, Nathan Straus, Jr., bein; Yom Kippur Zu Minche, Harry week,; at the! Beth Israel hospital, want to abolish the family, but have Rabbi Samuel Schulman, Louis Lipwhere he had stopped for observa- Lefkowich; Ich Bin a Bal Agole, M.I left the family to its own destiny, sky, Dr. Nahum Sokolow, President Poener; Jewish Folk Songs. j tion and an: operation following a Solos—Miss Ivy Siege!, soprano;! with the result that few changes were of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, tour of this country. made in family life; monogamy is Nahum Goldman, Morris Rothenberg, Mr. Enamuel Sellz, tenor. Accompanied by his son, also a Judge William M. Lewis and Judge Bretshaniki, Russian folk song; still firmly rooted in Russia. sculptor, whom he named Bezalel, Bulbe, L. S. Weiner, Jewish folk •The machine and not political j Julian W. Mack. Professor Schatz had been conduct- song; Hatikvah. Nathan Straus, Jr., in becoming theories," Hindus claimed, "turned ing a country wide exhibit of their chairman of the Palestine fund in the peasants of Russia to communism.. Pianist, Mrs. Nathan Green. work. He was 65 years old. The following include members of Collective farming is the triumph of New York, has accepted the leaderAfter more than a quarter of a the Hazomir Club, who will partici- the tractor over the wooden plow. To- ship in a money-Taising effort for century of effort in which the pro- pate in the concert Sunday evening; day more than seventy per cent of the the first time in his career. ducts were emerged from.the.Bezalel Sopranos: Rose Abramson, Glorio peasant farmers in Russia no longer School won the institution a reputa- Polikow, Ivy Siegel, and Mrs. R. Res- hold land in their individual possestion in many parts of the world, nick. sion, and in two or three years the the school was forced to close ©wing , Altos: Mrs. I. Dansky, Sol Dorin- other thirty per cent will take up colto lack of funds. san, Sadye Kohlberg, Pearl Marcus, lectivized farming." Professor Schatz gave up an envi- Mrs. A revolution as took place in RusM. Mendelson, Isidore Mittleable career as a sculptor widely ac- man, Irvin Soiref. sia was possible only in a' country The Senior Council will present the claimed in Europe and as court Tenors: Boris Korney, Norman -where there was such a high propor- fourth, annual All-Star Night Tuesartist to. King Ferdinand of Bulgaria Korney, Philip Molnick, R. Resnick, tion of the peasant class,but would day, April 12, in the auditorium at in order to devote himself exclusive- Harry Seiner, and E. Sellz. be impossible in a highly industrial- 8 p.m. ly to the Bezalel school and his work Basses: Henry Magzamin, Nathan ized country like the United States A varied program will be presented there. Seiner, David Slobodinsky, and .Mor- because the middle classes would sot for the entertainment of the audience; Professor Schatz made four visits ris Tiplitsky. let themselves be shorn of their priv- the constituent members of the Sento, the United States where his bas Orchestra: libby Dolgoff, Lillian ileges, according to the speaker. ior Council will vie for the prizes ofreliefs and "wood cuts found appre- Epstein, Hyman Gendleman, Leonard Hindus was impartial in his analy- fered for the best stunts. ciation. A group of his works was Korney, Shirley Platt, Joe Saks, and sis of Russia, giving both the merits The program will consist of a minpresented to the National Art Gal- Louis Saks. and demerits of the Soviet workings. strel show, a monologue, a modern lery in Washington last year by He stated that while there was a colPianist, Mrs. Nathan Green and Disong and dance act, a men's style Jewish women of Boston. rector, Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin. losal waste of labor and time, yet col- show, a woman's style show, a bath' What lay closest to bis heart was lectivized farming is far from a fail- ing beauty contest, a ventriloquist, a the Bezalel School. The reverses ure, as evidenced by the decrease in black out act and other specialties. which it suffered in recent years beimports and increase of exports. The judges will be Mrs. L. Neveleff, cause of fund lack were keenly felt Dr. Sergius Morgulia, professor at John Beber and Jack Marer. by him. the University of Nebraska college of Hyman Goodbinder, chairman of medicine, introduced the speaker. As Professor Schatz h i m s e l f The second annual Purim ball, Herman H. Auerbach, chairman of the committee in charge of the Allphrased it, his object in founding the school was to create a Hebrew sponsored by the women's auxiliary the Community Forum, which is spon- Star Night program, announces that of the Conservative Synagogue, will sored jointly by the Council of Jewish competition between the various clubs style in the Hebrew spirit. be held Saturday, April 2, in1 the Women and the Jewish Community is at a high pitch. auditorium of the J. C. C This Center, made the introductory reAdmission is free and everyone is yearly affair is being held for the marks. invited. benefit of the building fund Of the synagogueMayor Asks Herb Fiereman's orchestra will No Advisor on New York.—(J. T. A.)—Max ReinNational Government Land Development hardt, noted Jewish theatrical pro- furnish the music and entertainment. Jerusalem.—The establishment of a Jerusalem.—The Arab Executive ducer, has announced his intention Dancing will be continuous from has announced its decision not to ap- national government in Palestine and of relinquishing his two theaters in 9:30 to 12:30. Germany which have won him world Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. I. W. point an advisor to the Land of De- a responsible Parliament, elected by the people, is urged by Mayor Nashwide fame, and the German public Rosenblatt, assisted by members of velopment Commissioner. At the same time the Arab execu- ashibi of Jerusalem, in a communicais asserting "Adolph Hitler has run the auxiliary, have been successfulljMax Reinhardt out of Germany," ac- j conducting a drive to sell patrons' tive made known that it is planning tion addressed to the High Commisthe establishment of an Arab Na- sioner, Sir Arthur Grenfell Wan* cording to a Berlin dispatch in the I tickets for the ball. chope. tional Fund.York Evenuing Post. The public is invited ta
Forum Lecture Program Enjoys Popular Success
Annual Purim Ball Saturday Evening
Reinhardt Leaving Because of Hitler
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1932 me." The crowd followed him into Among the affairs given in honor of the store. There was a big beautiful the bride-to-be was a bridge party by sign. Mr. Cohen pointed to it, with Miss Edith Baron; luncheon-bridge by a chest expansion that surpassed Jack the Misses Rhoda and Mae Peltz; a Dempsey's. tea by Mrs. H. Maduff; a bridge party By DAVID SCHWARTZ Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by The people read the sign. In big by Miss Lydia Ross; a dancing party •>— • - . . - - - — words there was: Christ Has Risen by Miss Lily Poster at her home; THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY In smaller letters, underneath then Mrs. J. Fellman entertained at a dinTHIS AND THAT Subscription Price,.one year - - - - • - • - - $2.50 ner party; Mrs. Sam Peltz honored There is further talk of another was: But my prices have not. '.• . Advertising rates furnished on application the couple at a luncheon and bridge; Jew being named to the vacancy now Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan enteron the Court of Appeals and gossip •¥> Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building tained at a bridge party; Mrs. Stella has it that Roseman, Governor RooseTelephone: ATlantic 1450 Vann was hostess at a bridge party; velt's personal lawyer, will get it. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Mrs. Charles Saltzman entertained at Father of M. R. Werner, well Tonight a luncheon, followed by bridge, at the DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor known biographer of Bryan and At the Temple Israel services this BY F . R. K. Chieftain hotel; Mrs. Max Greenberg FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - Editor Barnum, was one time regarded as entertained at a bridge party; and evening, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent poultry king of New York. Bar Mitzvah ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the Misses Dora and Tillie Markovitz deliver the sermon on 'Since CalDr. S. Bernstein, former editor, honored Miss Saltzman at a bridge vary," based on Lewis Browne's latThe Bar Mitzvah of Norman RosenYiddishe Folk, is at hospital for opest book by that name. thai, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosen- party at their home. eration. Tomorrow Morning ANOTHER DOOR CLOSED thai of Council Bluffs, will take place Palestine is worrying about the Saturday morning, April 2nd, at the Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn's In days gone by, the Jewish Sephardic community flourished British tariff, the Jewish orange Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal-topic will be "Strange Fire." in the land of Spain, and whether there be any causal relation- growers hoping that no duties will 618 Mynster street. That afternoon mud Torah Society will hold a reguKaddish placed on their product, or dis-Norman will entertain about twenty- lar meeting next Wednesday afterKaddish will be recited this Sabship or not, at the same' time the Spaniards flourished, too, andbe noon, April 6th, at 2:30 o'clock, at aster will stare them in the face. five of his young friends at a theater the synagogue, 618 Mynster street. bath for Samuel Katz, Meyer Hellgrew, mighty among the nations. Then came Torquemada and The fight between Walter Winchell party. No cards will be sent out for this man and Fanny Sachs. the Inquisition. The expulsion edict of 1492 drove the Jews out and the Daily Mirror, New York On Sunday, April 3rd, Mr. and Mrs.meeting, but all members are urged in vast numbers. And for reasons unknown, Spain's power began paper on which he works, grows in- Rosenthal will be at home to all their to be present. creasingly hot. Some time ago, Winto fade and her giory to dim. relatives and friends from 2 to 5 chell's secretary and private phone, o'clock in the afternoon, and from Among the students at the UniverSpain had by the twentieth century become accustomed to furnished by the Mirror, were taken 7 to 10 in the evening, in sity of Iowa who returned to Iowa "her position as a lesser light among the powers that be. A year away. This week, Winchell was even honor of o'clock By STANLEY F. LEVIN their son. No cards are City Monday, following a five-day a&o, however, witnessed the crystallization of an idea reborn. barred from his office. Yet the being issued. spring vacation here with their parBy STANLEY F. LEVIN paper refuses to release him from his Spain needed commercial and industrial revivification, and cer-contract. ents, were Leonard Krasne, Seymour The J. C. C. •wrestling tournament The New York Daily News, tain Spanish leaders decided that the Jews were the people who a paper of muuch greater circulation Rabbi Cohn to Give Book Review Cohn, and Collman Yudelson. was not exactly the howling success anticipated, as about two-thirds of Tuesday Afternoon could "turn the trick." So a world-wide appeal was broadcast than the Mirror, is said ready to The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim the contestants failed to put in an grab Winchell as soon as his conRabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha penitently inviting the Jewish people to return to the land of tract with the Mirror expires. Association will liold a regular meet- appearance, and in at least five give the tenth and last of a se- ing next Thursday evening, April 7th, classes the championship was decidSpain. The wandering Jew, -with no place where he could wander, Thyra Samter Winslow, whose fam- will ries of book reviews at the Hotel ed on a forfeit basis. Abe Faier eagerly looked to Spain as a new land for emigration, a land where ily tree is cluttered with some doz- Chieftain next Tuesday afternoon, at the Eagles' hall. the Jew would be welcomed. And there was cause for this feel- ens of rabbis, has issued a new April 5th, at 2;30 o'clock. His sub- The Ladies' Aid Society held a carried home two titles when his ject will be "Gopd Earth," by Pearl opponents made themselves conspicmeeting Tuesday afternoon at the uous by their absence. The younging—there was no country in Europe, where Jewish interests volume of her short stories. S. Buck. This series has been sponLouis P. Rocker, chairman of the synagogue at 618 Mynster street. were more highly thought' of J^jy. the bulk of the population and Finance sters in the 85 to 126 pound classes Committee of the Zionist Or- sored by the Council Bluffs Chapter of the Senior Hadassah. The public put some good exhibitions. Gend where there seemed sincere regret for the sufferings which the ganization combines stockbroking and The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal-ler, up with two victories, won th Jews had endured centui?es ago a t t h e hands of the ancestors farming, and is a success at both. j is invited to attend. mud Torah Society gave a benefit teeny weight, 85-pound title. SehlaiEdward L. Bernays—Outline of j bridge party Tuesday evening at the fer threw Shapiro of the Spanish people. --" ;^V > '• i • ' in a hurry to cop Careers—and his wife's similar "OutEntertainments for Bride-to-Be Eagles' hall, which proved to be a But about three months ago, the situation underwent a sud- line of Careers for Women" will soon The marriage of Miss Dorothy great success, both socially and finan- the honors in the 112-pound class, Kohlberg, with a pair of vicden change. A weakened.body is unable to offer effective resist- be published in dollar form by Saltzman of Council Bluffs to Mr. cially. Hostesses for this affair were while Doubleday. Bernays is a cousin of Keith Peltz of Omaha will take place the Mesdames Li Cherniack, M. Gross- tories, gained the crown in the 118 ance to infection and is therefore easily susceptible to prevailing Sigmund Freud, but he has achieved on Sunday evening, April 10th, at the Herman Meyerson, Philip Saks, pound class. The rest of the winepidemics; and so, Spain, in the midst of a severe political crisis, a distinctive niche for himself as oneHotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs. man, ners were Johnson, who threw Sam Meyerson, and I. Sternhill. Schlaifer, Graetz, Riddle and Kohn resulting from the formation of the. Republic, fell victim to the of the country's foremost counsellors who won a forfeit, as did Faier. of public relations. disease of anti-Semitism. The clericalist and monarchist parties Felix Frankfurter is said to be one j began to recover from the effects of their heavy defeat in the of the most intimate advisers of SecAs yet, the only baseball team in elections a year ago, which resulted in the Republic displacing retary of State Stimson. the city to even be remotely assothe monarchy, and began the eternal search for a scapegoat. A LITTLE STORY ciated with the name Jew is the COUPON Midas Ice Cream crew, managed by Soon the cry of five centuries ago re-echoed through Spain. It And that reminds me of a little "Baldy" Sam Ban. Sam at one was the fault of the Jews; by some mystic analysis, they pointed Scory, that is said to have had its Introductory Offer time was a fairly decent ball player, setting in a little south.ern town. out that the Jews, using the Freemasons as their agents, manoeu- It seems that Mr. Cohen, had been This coupon and Twenty-five Cents will uurchnse One but I fear that time has taken too Quart of rich, delicious, home-made ICE CKEAM if pregreat a toll of him for one to expec vered the Spanish revolution. .Even now publishers are vieing a merchant in this little town which sented on or before April 7th. many startling surprises. There are we shall call Asthonia, for many with lone another for the right to publish the exploded "Protocols a number of good Jewish ball player! years. And the people of Asthonia The EL PATIO ' of the Elders of Zioh.'^ &.nti-Semitism has once more reared its liked Mr. Cohen very much. And they in the community, Johnny Rosen l "A Place to Eat of Hare Excellence" blatt, Herman Babich, Mose Frank ugly head. # I h!] bought of him shoes, and socks and FARNAM STREET AT 24th many other things. For many years, 1 Yet, the situation does not really threaten grave difficulties did they patronize Mr. Cohen, and (Continued on Page Five) for the Jews in Spain as long as they do not multiply in number. he sought to give them good service, 1RVLN C. UEVLN, Attorney. The very size of the Jewish community protects it from any vio- for he was a member of the Rotary 301 Electric Bldg. club and besides, he was naturally lent manifestations, for the entire country's. Jewish, population KXOVT ALL MEX BY THESE P R E S ENTS, that at a meeting of the 'stockminded and munificent. does .riot equal even one-half of the Jewish population in, Omaha. broad holders of Sherman &-Company held in But the citizens of Asthonia had the City of Omaha. Nebraska, on the 10th But the moral to be drawn from the occurrences in Spain during one complaint against Mr. Cohen, day of March, 19S2. In nccordnnce with, 1932 the Articles of Incorporation of said Corthe last three months is that Jewish immigration into Spanish and one day, a committee of its citiporation, there w a s represented in person all of the outstanding stock of the corSEE DRIVE domains is impossible, for. as. the Jewish.population would in- zens, headed by the superintendent of poration. the waterworks came to see him. Upon motion fluly made, seconded and 7CHEVR0IF crease so correspondingly Would anti-Semitism thrive. Spain's Really, the superintendent of the IT IT carried the Articles of Incorporation •were changed and amended i n the following reaction means another closed door to the Jewish people, another waterworks has no connection with particulars to-wit; | Article I of the Articles of Incorporation immigration bar added to those of the United States, South this story. I am just putting him Regardless of what price car you are thinking of buying i s amended to read as follows: in to make the story longer. Well, ARXICLCJ I it will pay you to first see the Chevrolet America, Canada, South Africa, Palestine, and the others, again anyway, the committee came to Mr. The name of this corporation shall be "Central Food Distributors, Inc." leaving the Jewish people a wandering people with no place to Cohen and spoke to him, as follows: Article IV of the Articles of IncorporaTUCKER-CULLEN "Mr. Cohen, you have lived in our wander. tion w a s amended t o read as follows • ARTICLE IV. midst for many years. You have CHEVROLET, INC. The amount of the authorized capital 2563 Farnam St. AT. 5745 prospered among us, and we have stock shall be Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars divided into FiTe Thousand (5.000) sent our husbands and our wives, Nathanson Wins Sheff Katskee Wins shares of the par value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each. Said stock shall be offered our children and our grandchildren for subscription at such time a s may be Contest in Wrestling Tourney to trade with you. Afways it is decided upon by the Board of Directors Maurice Nathanson of the Estherand shall be paid for in cash or by the true you have given us the best of transfer of property at the fair, reasonable ville Junior college, Iowa, won first M. S O M I T Sheff Katskee, son of Mr. andservice, and have treated us as no and agreed value of such property at the place in the extemporaneous speak- Mrs. A. Katskee, 2217 Lothrop, won merchant hitherto has ever treated time of the issuance of said stock. Dealer in Upon motion duly made, seconded and ing district contest last week. first honors in the 129-pound di- us. You have become one of us. You carried it w a s further resolved that the As a result he won the right to vision of the all-university wrestling have given generously to our instituJEWISH BOOKS and all other RELIGIOUS ARTICLES president and secretary of this corporation 1K> and they nre heivhy authorized to sign, compete in the state contest in May. meet held at the University of Ne- tions, you have extended credit to file and publish said amendments as by 2429 Decatur St. Phone Webster 3527 The winner will receive a scholar- braska last week. •law required. our people in times of unemployment, Witness the name and corporate seal of ship to the University of Iowa. I just received a fresh stock of all kinds of Matzoth of the best qualities, and Katskee was awarded a silver you have helped every civic cause. this corporation by the president, attested also all kinds of Passover articles, like Matzo Hour, «ake floor, egg matzoth, by the secretary, this 10th day of March, medal for capturing first place You have given to the building of cookies, etc. laurels. He is a member of the our Baptist church, our Methodist SI1EKMAN & COMPANY. I also have a fall line of nil kinds of Rokeach's Kosher articles for Pesnoh, Vote for Ry G. S. Sherman. Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at Lin- church, our Y. M. C. A., and you including strawberry, raspberry and cherry Jelly In pint glass Jars; and also Att»-&t; President gave the big picture that hangs in oil in beautiful glass bottles. coln. HOSE SACKS. Secretary. | the Baptist Young People's Union. Bemember also my own make soap, Kosher for Pesneli. Pesnoh Candy, too. rKADKNBVKti, STAL.MASTEK * B £ B £ R Mr. Cohen, one thing have we ttSO Omaha National Bank B i d s . Terre Haute. — The teaching of But Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice," against you. You do not keep our AMKXDJCKXT TO ARTICIJ5S OF I X < OKI'OUATIOX OF OMAHA FIXITRJB has been removed from the curricul- holidays." AND 8VPPI.Y COMPANY. um of the public schools of this city. After they had spoken so, they KNOW A H - MJCN BY THESE PRESfor ENTS, that at the animal meeting of the were silent, and Mr. Cohen, after a stockholders and of the Hoard of Directors SAM NITZ pause thought it seemly that he of Omaha Fixture & Supply Company, a Nebraska corporation held ou February Buy Your Manischewitz Matzo should make some reply, which he Announces that 29, lttau, at which meeting all of the stockdid, according to these words. and Passover Needs holders and directors wore present nnd RABBI ISAAC L. SHAPIRO participated, a resolution was read and "Friends," said Mr. Cohen, "I am at unanimously nuoptPri, whereby Article v i l of Chicago or the Articles of Incorporation •was deeply moved by what you have said. Well-known Shochet, and Mohel Specialist for 20 years, amended, so us to provide for the election Omaha Matzo Co. As you have spoken, I have tried to is now connected with me at the of not less than five nor more than nine members of the Board of Directors to adbe not only a storekeeper, but a 1412 No. 24th JA 2250 5 OMAHA KOSHER MARKET minister the affairs of tho said Omaha friend. And I am deeply touched, Fixture & Supply Company. Article VII aa it now'reads provides that you regard me as one of you. 1724 N». 24th St. that the Hoard of Directors shall consist What you say about my failure to of not less than throe nor more than five We will again carry a complete line of members, keep your holidays is true. And my Get Your Passover Wants from IRVIX STALMASTER, only excuse is .that I never though PASSOVER MATZOTH and SUPPLIES President. RABBI N. FELDMAN of it in that light. But hereafter, U A. I.APIDCS, •Which will be sola from. 2 to 3 cents cheaper on all items. Call us at 3-ll-32-4t. Secretary. 2926 Charles St. AT. 5957 Cohen and Son shall keep all of your I WEBSTER 3817 holidays." After which Mr. Cohen I will "sell Chamitz" from 5:30 to retired to his shoe counter, for there FRADKKBVKG, STALMAST£K BKBEH and we will be glad to serve you Attorney*. 7 at the Adass Yeshurim Syna- was a great sale going on at the 050 Omahn N a f l Bank Bid*. gogue, 25th and Seward, starting time in damaged and mismated shoes rilOBATK JTOTICK Sunday, April 10. In tlie Matter of the Estate of Abraham which were being sold as Mr. Cohen Sam Fried, Deceased. framed it, "billig as borst," or to Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminisTHE use the vernacular, "cheap as beet 0 tratrix of said estate, before me, Countv soup." Jndge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County "Genial" But let not the thought occur to on the 23rd day of May, 1032, and ou the 23rd day of July, 1932. at 9 o'clock A. M., you; that Mr. Cohen forgot his promeach day. for the purpose of presenting ise about keeping the holidays. For their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed he did not. Christmas had gone. It for the creditors to present their claims, of Nebraska Women of wa^-too late for his store to celefrom the 23rd day of April. 1932 Lewis & Co., 304 BRYCE CRAWFORD, brate; that. But Easter was near. Try a Bag Today 4-l-32-3t. County Judge. Honest, Capable, Efficient. Your Arlington Block Easter came nearer and nearer. J. J. FRIEDMAX, Attorney support will be appreciated. Finally, it, was Easter. , And there JUEAL ESTATE BROKERS SS4 Peters Trust Bide. wa$ no store in Asthonia so decoratMr. Herman Friedlander is a PROBATE XOTTCB ed a?, that of Mr.? Cohen. , The whole In the Matter of the Estate of James A. Republican candidate for the office front of the store''was-a veritable Van Dusen. Deceased. of County Commissioner from the Notice is hereby Riven that the credmass of Easter lilies. Everywhere, itors of Bnid deceased will meet the execFifth District. He has been a for too, there were the little Easts'- eggs. utrix of said estate, before me. County resident of Omaha for over twenty Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at ; The citizens, of Asthonia were dethe County Court Room, in said County. years and has been actively enlighted as they stood in front of the on the 9th day of May, 1932, ana on the 1 9th day of July, 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M., gaged in business. He is greatly store. Mr. Cohen went out to greet each day. for the purpose of presenting respected among his friends and their claims for examination, adjustment them, "See," he said, with obvious of Douglas County and allcvranre. Three mouths are allowed acquaintances for his honesty and jubilation. for the creditors to present their claims, 5th District from the 9th day of April, 1932. sincerity. "But wait a minute—you haven't Will Appreciate Your Vote BKYCH CRAWFORD, seen all," he said. "Come in with 3-18-32-H County Judge-
By the Way
Notes of Temple Israel
Council Bluffs News
"Everything for the 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
Curtain Work That's Guaranteed to Please No Fin Holes or Hook Marks One Pair Laundered FREK With Every Five Pair Sent FINE WORK REASONABLY PRICED
Sanitary Laundry 2815 FARJ.WM T H O \ E AT 2815 Council Bluffs Phone 1444
I j
9 3
| I
Hamilton Street Window Shades
Window Shades, 36x6 of un- I breakable and washable shade J cloth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up. WALNUT 5300 4202-4 Hamilton St.
For Tasty Delicatessens Phone or Call at the
Underwood Delicatessen Glendale 3951 5019 UNDERWOOD AVE. J. Raduziner, Prop. Delivery Service Open Sundays and Evenings SPECIAL Harding Ice Cream, 45c Quart
or a game of
BILLIARDS Drop in at the Billiards and Coffee Shop 119 So. 15th
Low Bus Fares
LINCOLN $1.00 Denver, $10.00; Chicago, $8.00
Sioux City, $2.25
| Omaha Rapid Transit lines
County Commissioner
306 N. 16th St.
JA. 8462 §
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
Republican Candidate
County Commissioner
fnone ATLANTIC 0&&9 313 SO. 14TH.ST. OMAHA.
"*$?^V* w
Kitchen Chats Mrs.
David Si. Newman
to make the right consistency. • American Coffee Cake - Take 4 1-2 cups flour,-4-teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon ;salt, 6 tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, 12-3 cups milk and,,3-4 -cup sugar: ~~ Sift baking powder, salt and sugar 3 times, add beaten eggs and milk mixed thoroughly, with melted butter. . Turn into a pan and spread evenly. Brush over top with milk and spread the following': 1:2 "cup graham cracker crumbs, 1-2 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons butter. Mix crumbs and sugar with butter until all is. crumbly. Spread thickly and bake in moderate oven 35 minutes.
- .Chocolate Cottage Pudding Use-1-4 of a~cup or'4 level'tablespoons butter," add ~ 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1-2 cup milk, 1-1-2 squares of chocolate (melted.;over hot water),' -1-8 teaspoon salt, 3-4" teaspoon vanilla, 1-1-4 cups flour." Cream butter and sugar, add yolks ANK-ZWEIBACK Mr. Hirsch is a graduate of the Mis- and milk alternately with dry inJBAGEMENT souri Military School of Mexico, Mo. gredients, add chocolate and vanilla. !he engagement of Miss Minnie No date has been set for the Bake in a moderate oven in a pan with a tube. Remove from pan. ;iback, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wedding. When cold' fill center - with sweety it Zweiback, to Dave W. Frank, ened whipped cream and pour around Tof Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Frank, TO RECEIVE pudding chocolate sauce. 5 announced at a bridge luncheon Mr. and Mrs._ M. Chaiken, 100 fourteen guests at the Paxton South Fifty-second street, will re- * A half cup cocoa, 1 cup sugar, 1 Saturday. Sunday afternoon and evening cup cold water, a, pinch of salt, 1 |he luncheon was to honor Miss ceive from 5 and from 7 to 9 in teaspoons vanilla and 1 tablespoon •trade Kaplan, whose engagement honor 3of to . their son and daughter-in- butter. . Chesed Shel Enies , Sam Zweiback, brother of the law, Mr. and Mix cocoa and water together and Mrs. Leo Chaiken, who .tess, was recently announced. The returned Monday from their honey- stir directly over heat until smooth. iouncement of Miss Zweiback's moon trip. All relatives and friends Add sugar and salt. Cook 3 minutes A regular meeting of the.Chesed nrothal came as a surprise to the are cordially invited. and add butter and vanilla. If sauce Shel Ernes will be held Monday afis too thick add enough warm water ter Monday afternoon, April 4, at the Jewish Funeral home, at 2:30 BAR MITZVAH, . p. in. AY-KAPLAN MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. D. Lincoln," 2212 All are urged t- attend. 1 &iss Bess Kaplan, daughter of Mr. Charles' Center Calendar will receive from 2 I Mrs. Jacob Kaplan, became until 9 street, Sunday"~ in celebration of 1 bride of Barney Gray, son of Mr. the Bar Mitzvah of their < son, SoL Saturday, April 2, 1932 Temple Sisterhood 1 Mrs. Harris Gray, last Sunday Relatives and friends are invited. " Dance: Conservative Synagogue The Sisterhood of Temple Israel jjrnoon, with Rabbi David * GoldAuxiliary Annual Dance, 8 p. m. will give its monthly luncheon on . Sunday. April 3, 1932 in officiating. April 4, at 1 o'clock. This Concert: Hazomir Concert, 8 Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam : Rosenthal of V reception was held in the eveluncheon will be followed by a most !g. A beautiful bouquet of flow- Council? Bluffs will celebrate the Bar p. m. . interesting event, a surprise enter! was used; as a centerpiece for Mitzvah of their son, Norman, at Tuesday, April 5,1932 tainment which promises to be the { table. The color _ scheme was the Council-Bluffs synagogue SaturSupper: Theatre Player's Guild, outstanding feature of the year. day,.; April 2. On Sunday, April 3, 6:30 p. m. Iried out in; pink: and .white, Please make your reservations Meeting: Jewish Women's Wel- early with Mrs. Julius Newman, who rhe bride was the .recipient of there,- will be a reception at -the ny complimentary affairs. Mrs. Roserithal* home, for friends and fare organization, 2:30 p. m. with her committee is in charge of Board meeting, 1:30 p. m. - " Job Kaplan entertained for twen- relatives. "the affair. Wednesday, April 6, 1932 JRve guests at a bridge-luncheon Baby Clinic, 10 a. "m. 35} the Elks club. Mrs. Harris Gray ARRIVES .FROM;:POLAND^ ;-l. •^ertained at her home, as did.Mrs. ' Mr. atid ..MrsXZelma' GoldSerg. anoc Levine, Mrs. Harry Bush, Mrs: nounce the ;'arrivalf of "their;" son"-inComing: Events a Kenyon, Mrs. Philip Crandell, law, Mr. Dave" Friedman, from; PoP Sunday, April 10, 1932 s. William Bishoff, Mrs. Etta Ten- land. Mr- and Mrs.- Friedman^ formEnjoy more leisure by Debate: St. Louis Y. M. H. A. it, Miss Ruth Carbaugh, Mrs.'Sam erly, Francis Goldberg, was" married having us do - your vs. Omaha-J. C. C, 8 p. m. ider, ,Mrs. Sani" Nitz, Mrs. Pfearl lastj year while she. was visiting in . laundrying for you. Monday, April 11, 1932ad and Miss Francis Yates. Miss Europe. , - L '."„".. ...-•'„ -_.-..'..*, ' _.' --,, Bikur Cholim, 2:30 tty Goldberg, entertained at a tea .;;\..Mf."ajjd llr^^GoldDeTglentertained p. Meeting: m. »-.. rty at the Fontenelle, and the fifty "giiests*,at"their tfom"e;on Purim Tuesday, April 12, 1932 sses Rose and Sara Kaplan en- eve, _;J^r.'jindi, Mrs._^Friedman are All-Star Night, 8 p. m. tained at the Peacock Inn. ' 'Mrs. residing with their parents. HArneyllO2 Thursday, April 14, 1932 irris Green entertained at .the PaxDinner: B'nai Brith stag dinner, l. Mrs. David Miller will enter\\: (Our New Phone Number) 6:30 p. m. n Sunday afternoon at the Fon- CHILDREN'S; PARTY . . . . . . Mrs. J.. E.- Kuklin was hostess at iell& ...•;;•• rhe young couple will make their a . drildren's , party ; a t home Thursine'"•''at 527. South Twenty-second. day, honoring her: son, Floyd Allen, on.his sixth..;birthday. Guests were Maxine Faik, Marylin Kaufman, Mother Chapter of A. Z. A. 2ND DINNER ENGAGEMENT Maxine Kaufman, Patida O'Brien, }Sr- and Mrsi Jack.JBroscow mot- John Wrabetz, De Wese Woods, HarInvites You to ;d to Sioux City Sunday to attend riet Lorkis, Jerome Beitel,; ^Irving idinnebr given b y . Mr. Broscow's Beitel, ^Arthur Castleman, ;Rhoda ither, ; Mrs. Bertha Broscow. As ffimmerman, Marvin Arnstein, Arlen Surprise at the dinner was the an- Justin Kuklin. uncement of the engagement of ss Sonya Broscow, daughter of -s. Bertha Broscow, to Jerome M. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs; Max Gold^tem; entertained; at rsch of Cedar Rapids,'la." a surprise birthday . party 1. for her Paul Spor and His Boys Miss Broscow is a graduate of zitral high of Sioux City, while sister, Frieda, Sunday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing bridge after .which a 6 o'clock- supt BLACKSTONE HOTEL BALLROOM per, was served the guests. ",.The color scheme;'carried; out in the. decj Sunday Evening, April *3;}oration was -pink ; and; green. The centerpiece was of lilies. $1.00 Per Couple Nine O'dock
ization News
"Tee Off"
Housecleaning Use Yonr Old Rugs—Clothing—Rags to Make Beautiful Reversible . ^
Save 25 to 50% CALL JA. 6912
TO MOTOR TO ILLINOIS • Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedel will leave :> Sunday.^ morning,.*. April • 3, /to. motorto Alton;"IlLywherethey will be /the.j gu&sti'iof.rMts. 'Friedei's parents;^ I f e ' a f d ; Mrs; M. ! Gotlen They will "also visit relatives and friends in ' St. Louis; ?Mo^ Wbodriver, HI., and Collirisyille, I1L-; They will be gone about two - weeks. ":!•"••
Cur Representative Will Ca!l With Samples
SOCIAL NQTES Miss Pauline ;Hirsh of St; .Louis; is the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.,and-Mrs. David Brown. ,:
670 Brandeis Th. Bldg.
Mrs., William Alberts is visiting an aunt,' Mrs. S. Weinstein in Fort Wortii; Texas. She will make an indefinite stay. -V Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Elewitz are spending two. weeks \ at the Fontenelle hotel en route to" Des MoinesJ la. Mr. Elewitz is connected with the , Paramount-Publix - corporation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Elewitz are former Omahans. FORMAL PARTY The Pi Tau "Phrsorority of which Mildred Lefitz is president,* is .making plans for a spring formal dancing party. BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Mrs. Dave Ferer is sponsoring a progressive contract bridge tournament at the Omaha Athletic club Wednesday, April 6, starting at 1:30. Everyone is invited to- participate.
IN HONOR of PASSOVER On Passover the choicest of everything distinguishes the Jewish Home. Manischewitz Matzo and Matzo products are the choicest of their kind—produced in the largest Kosher Matzo Bakery in the world. In demand "! everywherej ' '
PI TAU PHI INITIATION The Pi Tau Phi sorority held its initiation activities the week of March 20 to 27, which terminated with a mock initiation Saturday evening at the home of Miss Sadie Wolk and the formal initiation and sorority dinner at the Fontenelle Hotel on Sunday evening. The committee in charge of these activities consisted of Miss Minette Louis, chairman, assisted by the Misses Lillian Miroff, Lillian Jonisch and Mildred Lefitz. The pledges initiated at this time were the Misses Dorothy Margolin, and Rosalie Eosenberg.
Ancient Synagogue Fire ..".-..... ..
- Vilno.—An_ ancient synagogue in the township of"Zhaludek was de-' stroyed by fire. " The scrolls of the law and a rare talmudic library were also lost.
"Sirginal and Ben Elkin; in -th^ lower bracket, S. Giller and M. Ginsberg vs. P. Stein and Sam Zorinsky. Additional purchasers of patrons'- These matches will be played this 1 The next meeting of the Jewish tkkets for the Purim ball to be week end. Women's Welfare Organization will given by the Conservative Synagogue be held at the" J. C. C. Tuesday af- auxiliary *bn April 2 at the J. C C. are: Sam Beber, , 1 a Boasberg, Jewish National Fund ternoon.-ApriL 5,_at 2:30.- - An interesting talk and report will Charles Betts, Freeman Bros., Dave be given by Mrs. J. A, Sivowitz. Mrs. Greenberg, Bob Glazer, Sam HerzJewish National Fund Council Nathan Green will sing ."Kaddish," berg, Dr. Philip Levey, Dave Levine, of The Omaha will start their semi-anaccompanied "at the piano by Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Morris Micklin, E. nual box collections morning, Henry Mohsky. N. •-• - ' . -. -, Meyer, Nogg Bros., B. A. Simon, April 24th, PassoverSunday week, and conJulius .Stein; Irvin Stalmaster, Ben Everyone is-invited. - • V, tinue until all boxes are collected. ' ' A board meeting will precede the Yousem. The Council wants all "box holders regular meeting. to remember that authorized workers Recreation Dept. News will show official credential cards, signed by L Morgenstern, chairman Council of Twenty-five men and women have of the local Jewish National Fund
Women's Welfare j Organization
Coiiservative Auxiliary
Jewish Women
signed up for the Jewish Community Center Ladder Ping-Pong tournament. Some of the favorites are Harry Lipp, Center champion; Art Grossman, A. Z. A. champion, and Fremette Goldberg, Center champion.
Mrs. Philip Schwartz, -vice president of the Omaha - section, Council of Jewish Women, is in Detroit attending the fortieth anniversary Triennial Convention of the National Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. The . doubles snooker tournament Schwartz will visit in Buffalo before has reached the semi-finals: Upper returning home. bracket, L. Soskin and H. Lipp vs. At the March meeting of the Council, held Monday at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president, appointed the following women to the nominating committee: Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, chairman; Mrs. Mose Yousem, Mrs. E. A- Meyer, Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt. Mesdames Rosenthal and Yousem are from the board, and the other three were chosen from the general membership. This committee will present its report at the April meeting, and the election of officers takes place at the closing meeting in May.
RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Lloyd Dort, born in Nebraska has practiced law in Nebraska for 24 years. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, a member of the Bar Association, and served- his country in the World War. Has a public office record of 9 years as Assistant Attorney General and 14 months as State Commissioner of Insurance and Securities. We believe he deserves, your support.
Municipal Judge Born and Reared in Omaha
Inaugurated night i court every Monday night for benefit of working people unable to get off during the day. Was high man in election four years ago. Graduate of Creighton Law School, having worked his way through college.
FOR RENT Two rooms, bedroom and kitchen, nicely furnished. Call WEBSTER 3527
New members announced were Mesdames A. M. Grueskin, I. Rubin, Ben Shapiro and Harry Copelman. Mr. William L. Holzman made an appeal to the women to help in every possible way with the Philanthropies Drive which is to be launched early in May. Mrs. David A. Goldstein reviewed two books, and compared the stories and the authors. They were "This Man Is My Brother," by Myron Brinig, and "Magnolia Street," by Louis Golding.
The Busiest Hat Store in Omaha— The Reason: Largest Selections of
The annual Rummage Sale will be held the latter part of May. Members are urged to contribute whatever they can. Mrs. B, A. Simon and Mrs. A. Somberg are in charge.
Icor Bazaar The annual Icor bazaar for the benefit of Jewish colonization in Russia will be held on Sunday, April 3, at the Labor Lyceum, Twentysecond and Clark. This is a great ,gpj)ertwiity for local Jewry. to_aid their fellowmen. There will be many values for those attending. Admission will be free, and the bazaar will be open to the public at 11 a. m. and will remain open till every article is sold. The Icor has expressed its thanks to those who have donated and helped in making this bazaar a success.
HATS for MEN Bats for men of every build—that's important to you! Our expert hat men study; men, and the right hat from every angle is here for you. Hat service here is personal, interested service. Mallory and Kitox New Feature Hats '.'
John B. Stetson World Famous Hats Other Smart New Spring Hats - - - -;- $3 to $10
Xi Lambda Republican Candidate
(Continued on Page Five)
. The Xi Lambda fraternity will hold a smoker tonight at the home of Art Lipp. Presentation of the All-Star Night ace will feature the entertainment. The recent installation banquet which was held at the Center was attended by all the fraternity roll. Hyman Goodbinder was toastmaster of the affair. The program included a review of the history of .the group by Art Grossman, and speeches by Ralph Nogg, outgoing president, and Xiou Minkin, new president," and Phil Feldman, advisor.
' The TObraskm'a
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Combined with the
Hadassah The regular meeting of the Hadassah was held Wednesday afternoon at the J.; C. C. ;. A symposium on the Jew in Spain was the feature of the program. Hyman Goodbinder spoke on the Jew during the Golden Age, Sal Michnick talked about the Jew during the time of Columbus, and Ralph Nogg discussed the Jew since then. .Mrs. Jacob Raznick entertained the group with Jewish folk songs.
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advd Coffee
Benefit Card Party A benefit card party for the Jewish National Fund will be sponsored by the Daughters of Zion at the J. C. S. April 25. A delightful program is being arranged. Refreshments will be served, and cakes are being donated by members of the club. AH of Omaha Jewry are urged to attend so as to help raise money for the upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland. Everyone is invited to come, and to bring her friends. Local Jewish organizations have been asked to co-operate by keeping the date open. Chairmen for the affair are Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. I. Kulakofsky.
Junior Society The Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue sponsored a highly suuecessful lecture-supper at the J. C. C. Monday evening. Rabbi David Goldstein reviewed "Job," by Joseph Roth. Florence Whitebook rendered several violin solo*-
M«l» Floor
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it Sold by All First Class Grocers Everywhere
Ask for It Insist on Advo "Famous for Flavor"
: Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed by
HOLLYWOOD NEWLYWEDS—Aim. Dvorak and Leslie Fenton, Hollywood newlyweds, affectionately embrace each other in the cabin W H £ L £ AWAUZNG FATE—The cameraman caught this interesting group outside the courthouse at of their plane at Agua Caliente, Mexico, to which place they flew GIobe^Ariz,. while awaiting the result of the trial of Golney Seymour, Indian, charged with the murder following the marriage ceremony In Yuma, Ariz. of Miss Henrietta Schmerler. Columbia university student, who came to study the Indians. Left to right* John Dougherty, counsel for Seymour; Seymour, the defendant, and Seymour's father and mother, designated as Mr. and Mrs. H-4, by whkh they are known on government records because of the difA i * acuity of translating their Indian names into English. •*?-
HONEYMOONING IN DESERT—Mrs. Douglas Dfllot, oi New York City, is pictured in Phoenix, Ariz., near «&ere she is p»g«i"g her honeymoon She is a member of the fashionable desert colony, : of whom arc from the east.
•••.w'SyS:';;-:- - •
PRESIDENT GIVEN HUGE BUST—Ernest Durig, left, SwissAmerican sculptor, is shown with President Hoover and Mare Peter, Swiss minister to the United States, after presenting a huge bast »f George Washington to the president in honor of the first president. Authorities are busy trying. to> find a place' for the |bust.
CAT AND BIRD—LIVE TOGETHER—The old tradition of "cat . eat bird," d t e s n t bold here. "Sandy," the cat, ami "Jack" the parrot, owned by Doneaa Macrae of Hackensaek, N J-, are dose sad enjoy the same- confines. •»
PROFESSOR REFUSES TO TAKE FOOD^—Dr Frederic F Wolter, of Washington, D. C , three university degrees and speaking eight languages, who went on a hunger strike as a protest against unemployment conditions, is shown refusing food from T Rffff"?; newspaperman, as h e entered the fourth weefc of hi» fas€
PRISONERS EARN KEEP—Prisoners at the penitentiary of Weschester county. New York, help to earn their keep by milking some of the Holsteins at the county farm, ValhalL N Y The cows provide mOk for some 200 persons in welfare institutions
UNUSUAL VIEW OF CATHEDRAL—Many buildings had to be razed in the heart of New York before a view like this could be taken of St. Patrick's cathedral. Soon Radio City win spring pp In the open space and the cameraman will be .unable, .to take a similar shot.
REAL CAVE MAN—Not desiring the company of brother men, Fidelis, the only name by which he is known, lives alone in a cav« at Silver Lake, N. Y., Westchester county, only 25 miles from New York City. He once killed an Indian who had sent an arrow throngs. .Buffalo Bill's side when Buffalo Bill and Fidelis were hunting.
(h-gamzation News (Continued from Page 2.)
Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Fit Woodwork and PaintingRadiator Repairing
Lewis C. Sho'et ha? established nimself in Omaha a- a realtor who can lw depended upon- His offices are Located at 305 Patterson building, and thp phonp number it Jacksoii 0667.
AbramsoB Audit Co. S52 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 4811
You can now buy a REO as low as S 9 9 5 Lansinjr
Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and Night
Reo Barish Motor Co.
>i>f -iai'} 1; TOT, Vo' his es? ann aoiiit\ n. lane am! property appraisal. Hi.- office hai- been successful a.- ajrent iii rentals, buying aiui selling realty, ami jreneral reai e.-tale work.
2562 Farnam JA. 1997
ILL.1S and LA RUE. Proprietors
J. M. CALABRIA Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp and Facial Manipulations
The Sign of Good Workmanship Offices Brandeis Theatre Bids OMAHA
National Tire & Battery
Batteries Serviced Sold and Guarantesc ITtb and Capitol Aw.—AT. ft*TJ Toor Patronage Solicited
Stop or Phone For Your Delicatessen Needs Always on Hand Fancy Groceries Fresh Kosher Smoked Meats
5S CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
Uattertes as urn as S5.U5.
HULSE & RIEPEN "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" .Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArney 1226 rarnam at Thirty-thira
Service Anytime—We Ne*er CtaK
Super Service Station
The Jones- Investment Company i.= located at 217 Johr L. Kennedy 507 So. 12 Street buiiding. Their phone number is ATlantic 1192 Atlantic The Jones Investment Company handles investment properties and is known foT skill m property FLORISTS management. They are also rental agents for a largre number of Ross A. Peterson properties, and write g-eneral .insurance of all kinds, life insurFlowers ance exeepted. Por All Occasions Mr. Jones i a s been in the _real _ estate business in Omaha for over ATlantic 8300 twenty years. He has transacted innumerable real estate deals, to the complete satisfaction of his Zingerli Floral Co customers. Floral Displays Whether you want to buy OT sell real estate, or place it in the Our Specialty hands of capable management, see 6MS N«- 24th Street—KE. M88 the Jones Investment Company. -8«y It With Flowers"
Chas. R. DochertjCommercial Artists Photo Engravers
If therr is any rea1 estate problem that you •want solved, g^t m touch •with Mr Sholes.
BOWLING AUJSYS 16th and Harney—4th Floor
f a x t m BtUiard Barber Shop lStb & Farnam
1018 FARXAM ST. JAckson 2756
Barber—-For Those Who Are Particular
Leo 6 . Bozell American Legion in 1924 and for several years was chairman of the state committee of the American Legion for rehabilitation. He was also a member of the National Committee of TOR ^Rehabilitation flf the Legion. Mr. Bozell is active in many civic campaigns. He was chairman of the publicity committee of the Omaha Primary April 12th Community Chest campaign in 1931. He is a member of His Majesty's To the readers of the Jewish Press: • Council of Ak-Sar-Ben and is active•Harry G. Counsman, County ly interested in the present memberCommissioner, has liled for re- ship campaign. He -was formerly exelection. "Mr. Counsman has served ecutive secretary of the Omaha Beal in the court house for the last 18 Estate Board and before that was years as county assessor and coun- City Editor of the Omaha Daily News. Mr. Bozell was graduated ty commissioner. from the University of Kansas. Mr. Counsman has recently inMr. Bozell is president of Bozell troduced; a resolution intthe County & Jacobs, Inc., Advertising Agency Commissioners' office rto.reduee all and has never any political ofreal estate taxes 15 per cent, which, fice. He wantsheld -to be a delegate to will affect all small iome tax pay- the National Convention this year beers. cause it is an honorary office with no Mr. Counsman is airiend of all compensation. people regardless of race or color. Mr. Counsman has stated: ' T am making-no extravagant promises but will do what is best for the greatest number of people." (Continued from Page 2) "Mr. •; Counsman earnestly solicits •your vote—and assures you that :lin, Herman iLevinson, Morris Bloom with his re-election to ithe office of and a jaffc more, too numerous t County Commissioner he will serve mention. What will -they do when you faithfully and honestiy. the balmy baseball days mil around A vote for Harry G. Counsman I again suggest that a Mtten ball for County Commissioner is a vote loop sponsored by the Center aw for the xight man. composed of iire various clubs ani fraternities meeting in the Center;
Blocb-Nogg Paper Co.
Electrical Contractor 60S Electric BUig. JAckson 1045
We Solicit Your Business And Can Assure You of a Pleasant Business Relationship.
A native Omahan. Mr. Shoie? ha? amply proven that skill in property raanajremen; hrinp? ianreT net return.- H P has had more thar thirty year? of actual. COT>tinunu> experipncf ii. Omaha real
lGtb and Cuming Sts. JAckson 7640
Get Acquainted
Aittaar UnlbUns—SOS So. 18tb Datra Stairs
El Patio Cafe, Twenty-ifourth and Faroam streets, ", Mr. Jackson has been in the restaurant business -all his life and is -considered an expert restaurant
fight racket. For a time it looked to paste. I -wonder. and would be a good attraction to Center racquet wieiders should IM as though young Slotkin might carry draw the Jewish fans and fannettes able to hold their own and probably the Hebrew colors to brilliant heights If the Omaha Western League ball out on a Sunday afternoon. How do «ven better against the reprebut he took a few raps on the chin- club should install a State League about it, John, have you been prop- sentatives of the other organisations put up several impressive scraps and club at their ball park out on Vin-ositioned by the powers that be, as in town. It is strange that Omaha has pro- then passed out of the picture. I ton Street, we might see several of vet" duced only one good Jewish boxer as -wonder if he decided that other lines the local Jewish boys cavorting So long. I'll see you all next long as I can remember, 'what with of business were more remunerative around in the outer garden, Johnny How about -a ping-pong tourna- week and let's hope that the sportRosenblatt in particular. Little John ment between the stars of the J. C. ing realm gets going; things are too all of the gymnasiums, boxers and or did he j t s t get tired of hgwgf all the ballyhoo that goes with the his d u n out in the air for some mug is sweet <^mqgfa to make the grade C K. C and the Y. M- C A.? Thequiet for my peace of mind.
it •would prove good fun, plenty of excitement and one way of keeping up the competitive spirit during the spring and early summer.
Council; M. P.. LevenEon, chairman of the United Palestine Council of Omaha, and Morris Friedel, chairman of the Box Collections. No other organizations have any authority to open Jewish National Fund boxes or collect money in the name of "Hie -Jewish National Fund. The collection of the boxes -will be in charge of Morris Friedel, chair- Candle lighting time, Friday, April man of the [Box Collections, vies 1, 6:05 p. m. Services Tonight president of the local Zionist district, and secretary of the United Rabbi Goldstein "will speak on "The Importance of Making DistincPalestine Conneil of Omaha. The following -workers, representing1 the tions, or Putting First Things First." Tomorrow Night different Palestinian organizations, have already promised to help the Tomorrow night, April 2, memchairman and furnish cars for thebers and friends of the congregation -week: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Leven- will gather for the annual ball at son, M. Minkrn, Mrs. I. Hnrwitz, the J. C. C. at 9 p. m. It is exMrs. J. Lintzman, Mrs. J. Feldman, pected that a largre number will be Miss Ida Daytch, Miss Tobye Stein- present to celebrate. Course in Bible Appreciation berg, Mrs. J. Eichlin, Dr. I. Dansky This Tuesday morning at 10:30 Max Barisfa, Mrs. Morris Friedel Morris Burstein, Dr. O. S. Belzer. a. m. the group in Bible AppreciaMore workers are needed. Volun- tion will discuss and read selected teers should call the chairman, At- passages from the Book of Job. Next Week lantic 3653. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will The aim of the Jewish National Fand is to redeem the soil of Pal-speak on "Superstition." estine as the inalienable property of the Jewish people. To Publish Hebrew For a long time the national office of the Jewish National Fund has Classics in Barcelona urged all local councils to collect boxes twice a year regularly. The Barcelona (J. T. A.).—A series of • suggested time of collection from j Hebrew classics by famous Jewish now on will start Passover and Suc-| writers who lived in Barcelona in the coth weeks. Workers -will go out Middle Apes will shortly be published until all boxes are collected. here. The collection includes several man"During many years of box collechave neveT tions in Omaha, no doubt many; uscripts U^H^JL^ which ^uivo n***vi^i^^ been i^*.^**pub^~~ homes have boxes of which this or- lished, with introductions in Categanization has no record." said Mor- Ionian. ris Friedel, chairman. "I. therefore, urge in thp name of the Jewish National Fund and our loyal workers, that those people should call the chairman, Atlantic 3653, or any other worker to collect from their box. Also #aany Jewish homes have not been solicited yet for the placing of Leo B. Bozell, candidate for delea box. If anyone desires preferred gate to the National Democratic conttti l our workers and a' vention, is particularly suited for the attention, call box will be delivered immediately. position, according to many of his friends who are urging: Democratic voters to select Mr. Bozell. RABBI SHAPIRO HERE Mr. Bozell ha? been an active party Eabbi Isaac L. Shapiro of Chicago, worker since he came to Omaha nineShochet and Mohel specialist for theteen years ago. He was chairman of past twenty years, has moved to the Douglas County Democratic CenOmaha and is connected with the tral Committee in 192S, chairman of Omaha Kosher Market, 1124 North the Jackson Day Celebration dinner Twenty-fourth. He can be obtained that year, and is now chairman of the there by calling "Webster 3817. Party's Finance Committee in the county. The American Legion has taken up Patio Oaf e much of Mr. BozelFs time and interest since its formation. He was ComJ. Milton Jackson, farmer house mander of Omaha Post No. 1 of the manager ?of the K. of C. club, has rfho
Dundee Mcatessen: 4964 Dodge
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Free Estimates Given at Your Home On any SBp Cover Drapery or Curtain Work
We Recommend the Purchase of American Bankstock Corporation Common Stock. Information on Request
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1313 Barney St. At. IFarmerly MauheifB Beraty SaUm)
HARPER METHOD SHOP Specializing in Scalp Treatment
Walnut 4480
213 So. 19—IA. 5B4S
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Ideal Bottling: Co. EXCLUSIVE C5DRTAIH
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WHISTLE-VESS Beverages—24 Ounces 10c—-None Uetter At -Any Price
5007 Leaveiiwurlh WArautl350
1131 S o . JStb Bfc—WE. 3O31
640 1st National Bank ATlantic 2237
RESTAURANT The Same Quality Food and Efficient Service at Reduced Prices. Chicken and Steak Dhmera $1.80 Murphy's Famous Chicken Sandwich 65c
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Dine and Dance at
Tbat Same
IPrescripiaons accurately anntoy only. Tree delivery to any part of the city. 24th and Seward
VAGABOND OXJB No Cover Charge No minimum Food Charge Kenwood 5944 4112 No. 52nd Street
Shoe Comfort
PAGE 6-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1932 to Omaha~last;yreelt where they •visited with; their.. SonV .Frank, -who is a student •'.'at'- Creightgin,; university.
March, l ? 3 L < l t tt fatthet nratiiallylagteea that the said Charles S. BOBS becomes NATE B. BELZER. here, and after the sole owner of the store S-18-32-4t known as the Charles S. Boss Grocery Company, located at 6070 Military, and NOTICE OF Kate B. Belzer becomes the sole owner of : David Kaplan",- Morris Lasensky, tbe store known as the B. & B. Grocery, DISSOLUTION Or PABTNEESHIP Joe Skalovsky and "George Kuntz, of Notice is hereby siren that the, partner- located at 2S2L X. 16th. It Is farther muSioux City, and Sid Hirshorn of ship heretofore subsisting between Charles tually agreed that Charles S. Boss aBsnmes Passaic, New Jersey, motored to S. Boss and Nate B. Belzer. co-partners all of the outstanding obligations of tbe "We feed the multitude" carrying on business aa the said Boss Grocery Company, and the said Iowa City Monday, after'spending heretofore Boss Grocery Company and the B. & E . Hate B. Belzer- assumes all. of the outWith Tasty Foods their spring vacation with their par- Grocery, has been dissolved by mutual standing obligations of the said B. & B. ents and friends. They are all en- consent as and from the 14tlr day of Grocery.
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent B'nai Brith Meeting: TALMUD TORAH'S 250ATTEND JOINT bi-monthly meeting of BANQUET WEDNESDAY MEETING WEDNESDAY theTheB'nairegular B'rith lodge will take place
rolled in the University of Iowa.
Miss Sophie Raginsky and Miss Tillie Woolfson have returned to next Tuesday evening, April 5, at their home in Omaha, after visiting Outstanding on the calendar for Over 250 attended the Ladies the Jewish Community Center. At with friends in Sioux City. the month] of April will: be the an-Auxiliary meeting at Shaare Zion going to press definite announcement nual Talmud Torah banquet, which Synagogue, which honored the Ha-of the program had not been made. Mrs. Barney Baron spent several will- take place at the Jewish Com- dassah organization on its twentieth days visiting in Chicago recently, munity Center, next Wednesday eve- birthday, last:Tuesday afternoon. she was joined by her daughning, April 6, at 7 o'clpck, and which Mrs. Barney Baron, president of Theater Helps Needy where ter, Dena, who is a student at the will claim the attention of several the auxiliary, greeted the guests. Ohio university. Mr. Abe Sadoff, manager of the hundred Sioux Cityans who are ac-Mrs. Joe Levin spoke in behalf of tively interested, in the work of the the Senior Hadassah, and Miss Granada Theater, added to the storeMrs. William Lazere and sons vislocal Hebrew\school. ~ Frances Jacobsom spoke in behalf of house of food for the needy, spons- ited with relatives in Omaha this ored by the Salvation "Army, when organization. The purpose.of the banquet,-which the Junior ;-Hadassah week. : the Theater sponsored a special Js sponsored by the Board of-'Direct- Mrs. Henry: -Sherman opened the matinee for children, admission to . ors of the- Talmud Torah. and/ythe meeting, with a prayer.. >; Mr- and Mrs. "Ben Lefine, 1502 Hebrew Mothers' ' Association^"is•';;to - A paper on "Jewish Women' in which" was some article of food. Jackson street, announce the birth acquaint the parents of the children America" was presented by Mrs. of a daughter. attending the school with the work Milton Mushkin, Mrs. Robert Sacks, that, is being done and with the Mrs. i.) iC.ctiyid] ;.and; Mrs. S..H. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mandelstam question of Jewish education. The k q i ii; i . ; [ ; ; ]Y Y; t of Geddes, S. D., announce the birth 1 bauquet has been scheduled for the Cant6r{;A". JPli^kin; 'sang: a group of a son. ,> Mrs. Bertha Broscow," 1304 "Dougr month of April, because that month of HeBr^'songs. He i was acconi: coincides with the month of Nisan. panied ;by*Miss Libbie Olerisky. Miss las street Pannoiihces the engageMr. and Mrs. Archie Weiher, 714 The month of Nisan has been set Sara Jane Hill presented a group of ment of her daughter, Sonya, to Mr- Seventeenth street, announce the aside by world Jewry for active dances. A playlet entitled "A Hectic Jerome. Hirsch. of Cedar Rapids, la. birth of a son. -f Miss Brdscow is a Central " High propaganda for Jewish education, Morning" was presented with the graduate, and Mr. Hirsh is a graduboth, juvenille and adult. following cast: Helen Herzoff, Mrs. ate of the; Missouri Military Aca- FRAPENBritG. STALJUSTER * BEBEK GoO Omaha National Bank Bids. 'The program which will follow the Meyer Dashovsky, Sally Levin and demy at Mexico, Mo. The date for banquet will include several ad- Jordan Ginsberg. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION the wedding has not been set. LADY FRANCES HOSIERY COMPANY dresses by local citizens, a musical Mrs. D. Mazor, vice president of Notice is hereby given that tile underprogram, and a play entitled "The the Auxiliary, and Mrs. Philip Shersigned have associated themselves together Miss Mollie Zoorwill of Council for tbe purpose of forminj? a corporation Hagaddah." The Hebrew School man, former president, presided at under nnrt liy virtue of the laws of the chorus will present a group of Jew- the tea table. A.huge birthday cake Bluffs, la., who shared honors with State of Nebraska. The nnme of the corher betrothed, Mr. Herman Shiloff, poration shall be Lady Frances Hosiery ish and Hebrew folk songs. with twenty candles formed the cenCompany nnd its principal place of busilast Sunday afternoon, at a recepter piece. The hall "was attractive Rhall be in the City of Omnha, Netion given by the latter's parents, ness braska. The general nature of the busiwith Zionistic decorations. shall be a ereneral merchandise busiwas also a guest of honor at sev-ness ness, together with such powers and liaeral lovely functions during the bilities as may be incident thereto. The capital stock of the corporation shall be Purim Celebration week. tireiity-fire thousand ($i~>.O00.0O) dollars, Mr. A. M. Davis, of Sioux City, divided into two hundred fifty <2oO) shares Over 100 people attended the common stork of the par value of One received a signal honor this week Purim Sudah at the Jewish ComMr. and Mrs. William Heshelow of Hundred ($100.001 Dollars each. Said \dieri he was chosen as one of the munity Center last Tuesday. The entertained at a dinner party in corporation shall be managed by a board directors of not less than two nor more national 'directors of the Joint Dis- party was sponsored by the Ladies their home Monday evening, honor- of than five directors until the annual 1033 tribution" committee.- The appoint- Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle, ing Miss Zoorwill and Mr. Shiloff. meeting: said annual- meeting shall tie on the first Monday of each January ment was made by the national of- No. 664. Other guests were Miss Toby Zoor- held of each year at the principal place of fice of the organization in New York of said corporation. The highest The committee in charge of the will of Council Bluffs, and Mr. andbusiness of indebtedness which the corCity. arrangements included Mrs. L. Kap-Mrs. M. Shiloff and family of Sioux amount poration may itocur Khali be two-thirds of the capital stock. The corporation shall Mr. Davis is one of Sioux City's lan, Mrs. J. Shapiro, Mrs. B. Edel- City. begin business when the articles of Inmost active leaders in the Jewish man, Mrs. M. Shiloff, Mrs. William Misses Ida and Bertha Heshelow corporation are filed with the Secretary of and continue for a period of community. He is the president of Heshelow, Mrs. M. Dervin and Mi's.were hostesses to a number of fiftyState, (30) years unless dissolved. the Mount Sinai Temple, is serving B. Rifkin. friends Thursday evening, honoring HARRT PKBLMETKR. JOSEPH B. FRAt)ENBrRG. his fifth term as President of the Miss Zoorwill at a bridge party. Incorporators. Jewish Federation of Social Service, Miss Toby Zoorwill and Miss Sara 3-ll-32-4t. and has acted as chairman for sev- Sisterhood Meeting Ann Noddel of Omaha were able eral years" of the Allied Jewish Mount Sinai Sisterhood will hold guests. IBVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney. 301 Electric Bid*. Campaign. its regular monthly meeting- this noon at the Temple, beginning with Misses Dora and K^te Kaplan PROBATE NOTICE the Matter of the Estate of Joseph a 1 o'clock luncheon. Following the honored Miss Esther Levitan, whose InMairowitz. deceased. A. Z* A. Planning . luncheon and business a skit, "An marriage will be an event of June Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased meet tbe administraat Contract,'! which, has at a - surprise linen <, shower on tor of said estate,will "Depreshun" Dance Afternoon before me. County Judge been written by several members j Wednesday evening. Brdige was fol- of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on tbe will be presented. The skit will be lowed by an attractive luncheon. 23rd, day of May, 1932,' and on the 23rd .'The recent meeting of the local a take-off on several of the Sisterflay of July. 1932. at.'0'o'clock. A.'M., each day. for the purpose, of presenting their A. Z. A. chapter centered around a hood members. Those participating T ifrs. Irving Goldstein and son,claims for examination. ' adjustment and ; discussion of plans f or a "Depreshun" will be Mrs. Louis Agraiioff, * Who Paul Jean, allowance. Three months are allowed for of Chicago, visited over creditors to present their claims, from dance, which }lis scheduled for Sun-will impersonate Mrs. Sii Kruegier1; the week-end with the former's par- the the 23rd day of April, 1932. day, April 17. Plans were begun for 5frs-. Leon Marx, who;will!imperson- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, BttYCE CRAWFORD. 4-l-32-3t. County Jndge. "ty series',of .novel numbers to be ate Mrs. A. J. Galinsky; -Mrsi.-liiS. 606 Virginia street. presented" throughout the evening. Goldberg, who will impersonate Mrs. Statement of the ownership, manageIsadore Mirbwitz was appointed E. N. Grueskin, and;'Mrs. T.* N.ment, circulation, etc., of the Jewish I'ress, published weekly at Omaha, JCebr., reMembers of the Pacemakers club chairman of the arrangements. He Lewis, who will impersonate Mrs. quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, for were entertained this week at the April will be assisted by Archie Kantor, Hyman Fishgall. 1, 1932: Business manager, David Blacker, Omnha, Nebr. Known stockholdMax Zeligson, Sam" Berman and On Monday evening, April 4, thehome of the Misses Mildred and Idaers, mortgagees, and other security holdStanley Herzoff. Sisterhood Book Review Circle will Plotkin. Bridge was followed by re-ers, holding one per cent or more of bonds, mortgages, nnd other securities, none. freshments. Announcement was made at the meet at the home of Mrs. A. M. Sworn to nnd subscribed before me, this meeting that the A. Z. A. basketball Davis, 1524 Summit avenue. , Mrs. 1st day of April. 1932. Frank R. AckerNotary Public (commission expires team, which just completed its sea-C. H. Hoyt will review two current Mr. and Mrs. T. Epstein motored man, July 9, 1937). son, won 29 out of the 32 games books of interest.* played. Max Maron was named Ill lit chairman of the Inter-club Baseball tournament, which is scheduled for SHAAItE ZIGN this spring, and in which the A. Z. A. chapter will participate. World'tTalltstHoM "What Is Law, and What Is CusPlans were also touched upon for 46 Storf.s High tom'-' veill be the subject of Rabbi the International Parents' day celeH. R. Rabinowitz sermon at Shaare bration. . . . Zion : Synagogue. The sermon will deal, with a pre-Purim theme. Plans have been- initiated for the $3?.° UP annual late Friday evening service Yon will like the atmosphere which is sponsored and: conducted by at the Morrison Hotel All the Junior Congregation. The servoutside rooms with bath, ice wilV be held on April 15. The circulating ice water, bedAnnouncement has been made by children who will act as Catitor, head reading (amp, and the local Jewish National 'Fund Rabbi and the reader of the ritual, Servidor Nearest to stores, Council, that the celebration of thewill be appointed next" week. offices, theatres and railroad Thirtieth year of the J. N; F. and Children of the Religious School stations. Garage facilities.' the fiftieth year of the Chavzdi Zion and the Junior , Congregation have will be held at the Jewish Com- begun a fund for the placing of a LEONARD HICKS munity Center on April 24. tablet in "memory of Joseph AizenManaging Director The celebration will be in the berg on the Memorial Board of the form of a mass meeting. Several Synagogue. Up to date'$15 has speakers will:appear on the program. been collected by the children. Mr. A. Stillman is in charge of the The board of directors of.SKaare ' arrangements, with the. assistance of Zion Synagogue will hold its regular Madison and Clark Streets • Mr. Louis Schilling and Rabbi H. R.monthly meeting on Thursday 'eve"In the Heart of the Loop" ' Rabinowitz. ning, April 7.
Society News
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