Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the „ j-. Interests of the :& 'Jewish People •i
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Passover Haggadah Published in Hebrew, With Latin Script
Act of
Five-Fold Increase OMAHA-ST. LOUIS in Taxes on Jewish Lithuania Traders DEBATE WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY
Istambul (J. T. A.).—The Passover : Haggadah has been published here in the Hebrew language, employing . Latin characters for the Clash Here to Be Final Debate first time. in Midwestern The publication of the Haggadah League in Latin characters was inspired by the government authorities, who are An Omaha team representing the desirous that the minorities resident Jewish Community Center will meet in Turkey, like the Turks, should a St. Louis representing the abolish their own script and employ Young Men's team Hebrew association of Latin characters instead. that city in the final debate of the ; Steps have already been taken to Midwestern Jewish Community Centranslate the Siddur, the Book of ters Debating league next Sunday Prayer, into the Turkish language, evening, April 10, a t the local J. employing Latin characters. ~ C.C. The movement to Teform • religion Wflliam Wolfe and Joseph Soloand Latinize the Hebrew script, has been inaugurated by a small group monbw will represent the Omaha of young Jews, influenced by the Turkish ' youth movement. It does not meet with the approval of. the majority of the Jewish population.
es Ahead of Schedule for Campaign
Kovno.—A five-fold increase in taxes imposed upon Jewish small traders, as compared "with last year, has been ordered by the Lithuanian 25,000 Watch with Emotion the government. Conclusion of MaccaThis announcement has brought a biad desperate - outcry from the traders Next Lecture on for aid to save them/from ruination. Center Series to Tel Avrvw—(J. T. A.)—A crowd While the economic position of the •of 25,000 watched with emotion the Be on Jewish Art Jewish small taadexs > has-grown conconclusion of the first Jewish siderably worse -thiej year, arbitrary Olympics held in Palestine. taxes in amounts exceeding, the value "The Jew in Modern Art" will be The Palestine high ; commissioner. of the entire goods .stored are im- the subject of a lecture by Louis Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, parLozowick, artist and critic, on Monposed, it is asserted; ticipated in the ceremonies of the The paper, points \ out that hun- day evening, April 25, at the Jewish The Jewish Philanthropies but we expect to collect that amount final day as did other officials and dreds of Jewish small "traders will Community Centex. campaign is progressing far within the allotted time." representatives of foreign governThe initial gifts division, under the be compelled to join the ranks of This lecture will close the Adult ahead of last year's schedule as ments. the unemployed, if .the taxation is Educational series of lectures and the organizational phase of the leadership of William L.. Holzman, There were tears in -the eyes of permitted' to stapd. Many of the concerts sponsored this year by the drive is rapidly bemg perfected met Tuesday. This group has already many as the exhibits 'reached their begun its campaign and hopes to have small traders are former service Jewish Community Center. preparatory to the opening of most of its work completed before dose. Among the Maccabee displays men who took part in Lithuania's The series of lectures was opened the mammoth campaign on Sun- the drive officially gets under way. were those of scouting, gymnastics, •war for liberation. '-, by Maurice - Samuel, who spoke last day, May 8. motor cycling, bicycle riding and The youths' division is being takes November on "Can Jewry Survive? horse riding, the latter led by Abracare of by the Senior .Council of Buoyant spirits and a determination This lecture was followed by a ham Shapiro, Petach Tikvah hero. "go over the top" were prevalent Clubs of the Jewish Community Censymposium on religious movements in to all the committee meetings held ter. A large, all-inclusive mass meetOver .4,000 athletes from all over Judaism in which the Reform, Con- at during the j>ast week. The vital need the world participated inTthe various servative and Orthodox points of of the beneficiary institutions, partic^events. A large number of the view were presented by Rabbi Albert ularly this year, has spurred the events were won by American repMinda, and Rabbi David Aronson heads on to new efforts for resentatives. of Minneapolis, and Professor Moses campaign a smashing, fund-raising victory. Outside of the Olympics, scheduled Jung, of Iowa'_ State University. Mrs. Herbert Arnstein has been for this summer in California, this Abraham W. Binder gave a lecture named vice-chairman of the womwas the largest athletic meet in the Friday, April 8, 12:15 p. m., at B'nai Brith Planning Affair for recital -on Jewish music, and Mr. en's division, to aid Mrs. J. J. world. Athletic Club—General solicitaLozowick will close the series with a Senior Council of Clubs to ParThursday at Greenberg, the chairman. Mrs. After the games a procession of tion. discussion of Jewish contribution to Joseph ticipate in Outstanding Wflliam Wolfe Greenberg has announced that J. C. C 5,000 Maccabeans led the way to the Monday noon, April 11, at Athletic modern art. Solomonow —Photo by Event Mrs. Max Holzman will be chairgraves of Max Nordau, Achad Club—Initial gifts. —Photo by Matsuo Rinehart-Marsden Mr. Lozowick is an artist of note man of the motor corps. All Jacob Landau, of New York, manH'Aam, and the victims of Arab Monday evening, April 11, 8 p. nu, An unusual evening of entertain- Center. Murray Steinberg and Echeal ager of the Jewish Telegraphic and his lectures have been unusually with automobiles who are willing riots, where they placed wreaths. at J. C C.—Speakers' Bureau. ment i s being planned by the Senior Feinstein will represent the St. Louis Agency and publisher of the.Daily successful in increasing the popular to donate their services are asked Budget committee meets every day understanding of Jewish contributo get in touch with Mrs. HolzCouncil of Clubs of the J. C. C. for Y. M. H. A. Jewish Bulletin, will he guest speakfor coming week. man. Tuesday evening, April 12. Steinberg was a debater at Wash- er at the dinner stag of the local tions to mbdern artistic movements. April 19, at J. C. C—Youth diviAdmission will be free to members The heads of the various Jewish "All Star Night" will present a ington University several years ago B'nai B'rith lodge next Thursday sion rally. • • women's organizations met at the complete and picturesque review of and •Feinstein has been a member evening, April 14, at the Jewish of the Center. Community Center. . of the team for the past three years. Center yesterday afternoon to arrange ing and rally is being planned for local Jewish talent ia which 12 clubs the details for the women's share in April 19. The members of all JewMr. Landau has an intimate knowlwill participate, including Xi Lamb- Both are practicing law. James Simthe drive. • da, Psi Mu, the. three chapters of kin, Y debate coach, will accompany edge of conditions of European ish youth organizations, wherever Jewry. As representative of the "Nothing can stop this campaign they meet, will be thoroughly canA. Z. A., and seven girls' clubs: the-team. Joseph Solomonow, son of ~Mr-' and Jewish Telegraphic Agency he has from sweeping through to victory," Fa Hon, Alpha Tau, Henrietta Szold, vassed this year. W. Solomonow, of Council had close contact with European govHenry Monsky, general chairman of Phi Alpha Lambda* Alpha Gamma Mrs. A meeting of the general solicitaRussians Seek to Battle Obser- Mu, the drive, sounded the note of opti- tion committee, of which Philip M. Sigma .Kappa Chi, and the Je- Bluffs, Iowa, is a member of Creigh- ernments and high political circles vance of Passton-TJnievrsity debate squad and has Mr. Landau- will relate -the work of mism which is shared by his aides, Klutzniclc and Dr. A. Greenberg are compter club. over The program of the evening will had considerable experience in de- his organization in connection with Resolution Adopted at Conclave at the board of governors' meeting co-chairmen, is called for this noon. at the J. C C. Wednesday evening. The policies for general solicitation, include a Minstrel show* by the Xi bating.- He won second place in the the protection of Jewish minority, Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Orders to Lambda, which will be an exact re- annual extemporaneous speech con- rights under the Versailles and other Favoring Birth Con"We will stay on the firing line until the method of canvassing the com: intensify anti-religious • activities in plication of the old-fashioned min test at Creightpn University this European treaties. . trol every cent of our budget .is collected, munity, and the manner of selecting : connection with the coming Passover strel show. year. He is also the;, winner of the At the close of the dinner and the ' • • the army of workers will be disholidays were issued to district town . A. Z. A. No; 1 will sponsor a Phi Beta EpSflon. s<*oTarship>iTophy address of Mr. Landau a-novel Detroit (J.- T.~A-).—The triennial cussed. . Raters by the Central office of the playlet, "The Futuristic * IFoffies; at Cielghton for *he your 1930-31. bridge tournament js being plasntod convention of the "National Council The members of the speakers* Mffitsnt Atheists. _'.•:.\..r4~.'..-••'•••*-' which "will be jni.oh -«?SK6ttt:t3ie aie Solomonow is a jfuSor in tins uni- By the committee in charge..; - * ' of Jewish Women cJosed iiere w "bureau for the campaign Bhowed -M\ The orders, call upon all Jewish of a single fprbp Gt!* any aiattrre versity, a major and second in comr The dinner will start at 6:30, p. the election of Mrs. Arthur Brin of high degree of enthusiasm at their mand of the K. O. T. C. battalion m. Reservations may be made at Minneapolis as national president. worKers in industrial and agricul- w h a t s o e v e r . " ' ' ' " « . • - • » • •;.„ -"•> initial meeting held at the Athletic .i tural pursuits to refrain from any the Center or with Dr. A. Green Mrs. Brin succeeds Mrs. Joseph E. Sam Beber chapter- No. 100 will and is a member of the A. Z. A. club Monday noon. Friend of New Orleans, who was observance of Passover. ' William Wolfe, son of Mr. and berg, president of local lodge. sponsor a Men's Style show, which Milton R. Abrahams, chairman of chosen honorary vice president. A cTpse watch will be kept, irv or- promises laughs galore. Mrs. R. Wolfe, was a member of the speakers bureau, presided, and the 1929 high school team in Council der to bring about their; appearance "Seen Behind the Scenes" is the At the closing session, a resolution short addresses were given by Henry at their places of occupation,whetfe -name given" to the"'stunt presented Bluffs, which won the Iowa State •was adopted unanimously, in favor Alfred M. Cohen Makes Plea to Monsky, William L. Holzman, Jacob er in the factory or on the .farm, '.by Council Bluffs A. Z. A. chapter League championship, Missouri Valof birth control, which was referred S. Pearlstein and Irvin Stalmaster. American Jewish Congress the statement says.. A particularly No. 7. The contents of this stunt ley League championship and the to in the resolution as "nearing the The speaking. campaign has aland Committee energetic watch will be kept in the will not be revealed until the time annual Drake University tournament, status of recognized procedure in ready been launched, with addresses which entitled him to a four-year collectives in order to prevent any the show goes on. preventive and curative medicine. Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—The Ameri- made before several groups. Speakinterference with the spring sowing, The Council "indorsed the principles can Jewish committee and the ers - will talk "before every Jewish The Psi Mu are planning a stunt scholarship to the Iowa University. He is a member of the varsity the central office of the Militant which they hope will win first prize. of amending the Criminal Code of American Jewish congress were in- organization in. the city before the Atheists warns. They have won the "All Star Night" debate team at Omaha University. ' Decision Made After United the United States so that it woul vited to present a united front to- drive is officially opened. permit the dissemination of infor gether with the B'nai Brith in matWorkers in factories are asked to competition for three consecutive The question is: "Resolved: That Final plans for the speakers' part States Jewish Groups , Jewish Religion is no Longer a Vital mation through -mails relative to the ters relating to the welfare of World in the campaign and definite assign"contribute their income during the years. Protest prevention of birth control hy th Jewry by Alfred M. Cohen, presi- ments for speaking dates will be deholidays toward a fund for the purThe Fa Hon sorority, is staging a Force- in' the Lives of the" Younger chase of a diving. boat, the Militant modern version of the old nursery Generation," and the Omaha team ; .Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The Gua- properly authorized authorities." dent of the B'nai Brith, in an ad- cided upon at the speakers' meeting Atheists demand. . rhymes, along with a will debate'the affirmative of the temalan government has withdrawn Other resolutions adopted by the dress delivered at the conference of next Monday evening at 8 p. m. at question. Teachers in the day and evening and song act. "College Experiences its- order- of expulsion which af- convention called for unemploymen the American Jewish Congress here. the Jewish Community Center. schools are called upon to maintain of a Modern Girl" will be the ;conMembers of the speakers' bureau fected a large number of Jewish legislation, providing for the estab- Consideration of age and tribe close watch on their, pupils to propa- tribution of Pi Alpha Lambda. Alpha Frank Ackerman, Sam Beber, lishment of a national employmen must be cast aside in the interest are: ipeddlers.— • gate against holiday services, and Gamma Nu will present a skit enJulius Bisno, Harry B. Cohen, Rabbi system; the creation" of a Federal of common purposes, Mr. Cohen • This information was made known g public meetings are to be called titled "Hanging Out the Wash " JIQE-, Frederick *Cohn, Allan Cohen, David Department of Education to promot ur^ed. by. the Guatemalan Minister to th throughout Russia to discuss the traying the life of some southern1 United States, Adrian Recinos, in a the progress of education in the "World Jewry asks why B'nai Fishman, J. J. Friedman, Eabbi D. subject of "Passover as a Class -negroes. The Sigma .Kappa' Chi fetter addressed to Isidore Hersh- United States; the promotion o Brith, the American Jewish Commit- A. Goldstein, Dr. A. Greenberg, Wilsorority will add a Shakespearian Enemy." L. Holzman, Ben Kazlowsky, ifeld, Washington representative o. farm and rural service among Jews; tee and the American Jewish Con- liam The cinemas, theaters, radio, broad- touch with a scene from "Romeo and Sam Klaver, Philip Klutznick, Yale extension of work among junio gress do not realize that their power the Hias. casting stations are called ^upon to Juliet" groups; and a resolution on mater- for its welfare would be immeasure- Kroloff, Reuben Lackow, Irvin Levin, Any Jewish Community Abroad The expulsion order was issued in j arrange special programs with anti- -"School Daze" will be the offering and infancy legislation, provid ably increased if they presented a Louis lipp, Jack Wl Marer, Henry the form of a law, signed by the nity Can Obtain Scrolls •}-- Passover slogans, such; as "Abolish of the Jecompter club. .. ; ', Monsky, I. Morgenstern, J. Ricklm, ing that the "United States shall united front," Mr. Cohen stated. president of the Republic and effecPassover and Its Drunkedness," or Edward Shafton, Irvin Stalmaster, The prizes are a" beautiful trophy co-operate with states in promoting B'nai B'rith hears the cry of tive as of February 1, 1932. "Jewish Clericals Are •Undermining for first, a leather-bound minute Wolfson, Harry A. Wolf, and the general health o | the rural pop Jewry and will heed it," he Judah the Five Yew Plan With Their Re- took ior second, and a gavel lor Kiev.—(J. T. A.)—The last syna- ^ The-text of the Guatemalan Min ulation of the United States and World Sam Zacharia. continued. "As the oldest it will ask ligious, Festivities/* third. The judges wffl be'Mrs/L". gogue in Kiev has been confiscated ister's* letter reads as follows: thA welfare of hygiene of mothers its two youngest sisters to join in Soviet authorities. As a re- ^"Referring to our previous .corre- and children." Neveleff, John Beber and Jack by the 1 contriving means by which they 122 Jews in British sult a new problem -has arisen for spondence relative to conditions in Marer. shall act in concert in all matters Producer toHelp Guatemala, concerning• peddlers the'Jews, the storing of about 500 Because of its length, the proas are of. common concern. Age Army, Report Reveals whose expulsion had been ordered in Scrolls of the. Law which belonged Colonial Office Denies gram will start promptly at 8'p. m. and tribe and prestige must he and Jewish Sanatorium Admission is free and the general to the forty-three Synagogues which a law recently passed, I beg to .say London.—(J. T. H.)—The number? Bhall subordinated to the promothat I-.have just received a comformerly existed-in Kiev. • Report of Legislature tion ofbetheir • : Hollywood, Calif .—(J. T. A.)— public is invited. of Jews in the British army in 1931, common aims -and purPhil' Goldstone, young independent •The committee in charge includes: I. All the Scrolls were kept at the munication from my government inis given in the Central Annual Report poses," Mr. Cohen concluded. producer, will film ' a* picture en- Hyman- Goodbinder, chairman; Ber- Synagogue which has just been con- forming 'me that expulsion of ped- London.—<J. T. A.)—The Colonial on the British Army, which has jusO fiscated, and now the authorities de- dlers -will not be carried into effect titled "Hollywood," which will in- nice Falk, and Arthur Grossman. been issued by the Minister of War, mand that the Jews . should im- as the government reserves this right Office, in response to an inquiry clude a group of the biggest stars as 122, out of a total force of 1S3,O19 made by the Jewish Telegraphic mediately find other accommodation to- be exercised only in special cases Agency stated officially that there i in Hollywood, and the profits of •warrant officers, non-commissioned ofwhich j will go towards paying off for the Scrolls, The Jews, in their against pernicious elements. ficers and privates. no foundation to the report that a "From now on, peddlers will be Legislature is shortly to-be estaba $90,000 mortgage on the Los Anturn, are also anxious to remove The number of Jews in the army geles Sanatorium at Durate, superthem from the Synagogue, as they obliged to dedicate themselves to lished in Palestine. recorded in 1930 was 12S, and in 1929 vised by the Jewish Consumptive fear that the Soviet authorities may- legitimate business and to establis - The Zionist Executive here also in it was 124. In 1921 out of a total themselves in legal form in "the coun- formed the Jewish Telegraphi* Relief Association. • confiscate or destroy them. Riga.—(J. T. A.)—A. government The semi-annual box collections for strength of £37,504 it was 320, and So far a sufficient number of trv." Agency that it is unaware that th« the Jewish National Fund will be in 1920 out of a total strength of ' Wallace Beery is one of the first undertaking to limit the number'-of High Commissioner is planning U started on Sunday morning, April 280,191 it was 730. In 1913, before of the actors to have offered his Jews in the medical and legal pro- volunteers have not been found to announce the establishment of services gratis. The Warner' Broth- fessions in Latvia . was announced take the Scrolls of the Law to their 24, during Passover, and will be the Great War, there were 23G Je-ws Legislature in May, or that he ha continued until all boxes are col- in the total strength of £36,472. ers will distribute the film nation- yesterday by the Minister of Edu- residences due to fear of persecution at the hands of the Soviet ofOf these, 7S of the Jews are in the any intention in this direction. ally, and some of the most promi- cation. . , lected, according to local heads of ficials, who are likely to treat Jews Infantry, 14 are in the Royal Army nent film manufacturers, such as the J. N. F. The announcement was made in in possession of Scrolls of the Law Medical Corps, and 10 are in the ArEastman, Dupont and Agfa, are do- ccnnection with the refusal of the The authorized workers in this tillery. nating raw materials. Cameramen, Minister to grant the request of the as clergy. The Jewish leaders are, Toronto.—J. T. A.)—Any license Jewish Girl Only Woman round-up will show official creden•writers, technicians and other studio minorities for an increase in their therefore, anxious to dispatch the insurance company in Ontario which with Abyssinian Expedition tial cards signed by I. Morgenstern, Scrolls of the Law to any import- discriminates unfairly between risk aids -will contribute their services educational budgets. No Summer Opera in Paris.—A Jewish girl from Warant Jewish community abroad which because of race or religion is to be saw has been appointed the single chairman of the local Jewish Nation- Chicago for this philanthropic venture, statal Fund Council; M. F. Levenson, Referring to the Jews, the Min- could undertake to defray the ex- guilty of an offense, in accordanc ed .Mr. Goldstone. ister stated: "Too many of them al- penses of transport. with a clause incorporated into th feminine member of a French Scien- chairman of the United Palestine Chicago.—The Eavinia Opera comready attend schools." insurance act of Ontario by th< tific Expedition to Abyssinia, organ- Council of Omaha: and Morris Frie- pany, Chicago's summer open air Bialystok Gymnasium opera, of which the principal patron The preponderance of Jews, in the Legal Bills Committee of the Legis ized by the French Ethnographical del, chairman of box collections. Society. Recognized legal -and medical professions gives Science Fellowship • Morris Friedel -will be in charge was Louis Eckstein, will have no lature. Bialystok.—After litigation of-more no opportunities to the Latvian ma- New York.—Dr. Nathan Israeli of Murphy read a letter from the ProvShe is Dora lifscitz, daughter oi of the collections. All vdio will vol- season in the summer of 1932, Mr. than a decade, the Ministry of Edu- jority, the Minister asserted. The New York has been awarded a So-, ident Insurance company cancelling the late Polish Zionist leader, Na unteer either cars or services for Eckstein has stated. cation has recognized the Hebrew government and the police will have rial Science Research Council fellow- fixe policy of §5,000 on the $25,00 hum Lifscitz. Miss Lifscitz is the collection are asked to get in This will be the first time in Gymnasium here as a secondary to conduct themselves in such " a ship for 1932-33. twenty years since the start of the home of Deputy Singer on the grouni Languages at the Sorbonne. Master touch with him. school with public rights. manner as to abolish the -undesirable company that it vrill not perform. Dr. Israeli, assistant professor of •feat he is a Jew. Languages, at the Sorbome. Master This is the first Jewish school in phenomenon, he said. The maintenance of the opera has Psychology at the University of The government and oppositio: ing the Arabian, Persian and Aby- Another Conciliation Court Poland to receive such rights. It Maine last year, will conduct an in- parties were unanimous in voicin sianian- tongues, Miss Lifscitz wi New Haven, Conn.—A Jewish personally cost the Jewish impreswill now be permitted to issue matriAtlantic City.—The Federation of vestigation in the Psychology of protests against companies in ac- as Abyssinian translator andvril concilation court is to be set up in aris millions of dollars. culation diplomas enabling examina- Jewish Charities here completed a Time. He is the author of "Illusions tsrio •which have clauses in applica- study the manner and customs oi New Haven, according to Hyman Next year, however, he promises tions to be conducted in Hebrew in- successful drive. The amount raised in the Perception of Short Time In- tions reading "Jews and negroe: the populace, particularly of tin Jacobs, President of tne Jewish Com- grand opera on a grander scale thaa, stead of Polish, now compulsory. ever before. munity Council. was -$33,000 representing 920 individ- tervals-" need not apply," ' •women.
Mrs* Arnstein Vice-chairman of Women's Division; Com* mittees Meet
Jewish Philanthropies Bulletin
x J
JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by-, i' • '
' Subscription Price, one year - - - - - r r • '.'•' - iAdvertisingrates furnished on application Office? 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - PRANK R. ACKERMAN FANNIE. KATELMAN ANN PILL - - - - -
•• -
- Business and Managing Editor - , - - • - - -• r - - v - > JMitor Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
JEWISH EDUCATION Since the Talmud Torah was moved into the Jewish Con> inunity Center and thus integrated with Ith6 Center's .activities, marked progress has been evidenced in the Jewish learning of our youth. Our advancement along Jewish youth education, with particular emphasis on the Talmud Torah, has been in keeping with the ever-growing realization in; tjhe. United; Statest that the destiny of American Judaism lies; in the education of our youngsters. Learning cannot be inherited; if we want the perpetuation of Israel as a distinct cultur^-identi^,{|J^^h|i learning, Jewish understanding, Jewish,knowledge :miK^'^eiiiicifltcated in osr youth.
• -
It was full cognizance of this basic ^iid vital necessity that moved our community to strengthen the bulwarks^of'our Jewish youth education some time back. As a consequence^ we progressed. But progress is only comparative; we have-not accomplished nearly enough in such fields as Talmud Torah work. Many parents have responded to the urgent call-to educate their children Jewishiy—-but these parents are still too few in number. Every Jewish parent must be made to realize the significance of his child's Jewish learning. All too appalling a percentage of our Jewish children are unwittingly missing the advantages of our Talmud Torah. All too appalling a percentage know nothing or next to nothing in the realm of Jewish education, satisfied with the mistaken notion that Judaism is a fossilized, obsolete nonentity; unaware that it is throbbing, living, pulsating. The time well spent by our children in being educated Jewishiy will not aid the youth in obtaining a lucrative position. Nevertheless, to the individual it is a valuable acquisition, a cultural asset; and to the nation it means the preserving of'Israel for the generations to come. Even the Talmud preached that the scholar takes precedence over the king. As the Jewish people wandered over the face of the globe, the Torah was the tie that bound them together regardless of distance; their learning- was the almighty weapon which saved them from annihilation as a people. Our learned men remembered that Jerusalem was destroyed because the instruction of the young was neglected; so wherever they went they opened new schools. While those around them groyeUejiin^darkness, sunk in a deathly torpor, the Jews continued to pursue^the road of knowledge, amassing learning and bringing light. In a passing moment we seemed to have forgotten the lesson of the past;: "But our forgetfulness was only-momentary.-We have again come to the realization of the value of Jewish erudition. The future of the Jewish people makes it imperative that all our parents teach Jewish learning to their children. The leader in this, our Talmud Torah, which will have Aaron Katz, noted Chicago schol^,.%s.jts head, is teaching modem, up-to-date subjects in the newest pedagogical methods, with a scientific approach which will make the studies a pleasure instead of a burden. The environment and facilities for Jewish education are here. It is squarely up to us. We Jews in Omaha must start today to bring Jewish education of the child into every Jewish home in our community. But above all, we must have the fullest, completest co-operation from the parents. The parents owe it to these youngsters as a sacred duty, because "for the blind in mind there is no physician."
Organization News Hadassah Cultural
audience. A group of piano selections will be given by Miss Naomi Gross. These cultural meetings, .under the leadership of Mrs. Max Fromkin, have 'been very successful. A large attendance is expected at this last meeting, so that all who have not already done so are urged to make reservations at once with Mrs. Max Fromkin or Mrs. Martin Blass. Members are asked to come with their friends.
The cultural group of the Omaha chapter- of Hadassah will close its second series with a luncheon meeting on Monday, April 11, at the Blackstone hotel at 12:45. The guest speaker will be Dr. Mark M. Marks of Kansas City, Mo;, •who will speak on "The Psychology of Marriage." Dr. Marks is a The Bikur Cholim Society anspeaker of prominence, and his sub- nounces that the regular meeting ject will be of great interest to his scheduled for Monday, April H y i s
being postponed until Monday, April 25,> during Passover week. • - A Jewish program has. been arranged. AH members, are urged to "The next regular meeting of the (Conservative Synagogue auxiliary attend. will take place Wednesday, April 13, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C , preceded by a board meeting at 1:30. This meeting is of great importance,' as a report of the nominating Plans are being made for the sec- committee will be read and the reond annual mothers-daughters ban- port on the Purim ball rendered. quet given by the Jewish-Wom- All members who hold tickets or en's Welfare Federation at the Jew- money for the ball are earnestly reish Community Center Sunday, May quested to attend, so that a complete check may be made. 1, at 6 p. m. After the business meeting the Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president, announces that complete details will be afternoon will be devoted to. the program, which will consist of a sympublished next week. Reservations should be made as posium on "Jews in Distant Lands," early as possible at the Community to be presented by Mesdames John Beber, Leo Abramson and A. D. "Center. Frank. They will speak on the customs, habits and religious observances of Jews in China, India and Africa. A cultural meeting of the Pioneer Tea will be served at the close of Women will be held Sunday night at the Jewish Community Center. Dr. the meeting. Victor Levine will be the principal speaker. I. Morgenstern will talk on the, observance of the sixtieth birthday of David Pinski. The second annual Purim ball, Music will be furnished by Rose sponsored by the Conservative SynSiegel and Gertrude Oruch. The agogue auxiliary, which was held meeting will be open to the public. Saturday, April 2, at the J. C. C , A rummage sale will be held by was very successful and netted a the organization soon, and has made substantial increase to the building an appeal for bundles. Those having fund of the synagogue. bundles ' may call Mrs. J. Fellman, The auxiliary has expressed its apJackson 5533, or Mrs. I. Hurwitz, preciation to the following who actAtlantic 4503. ed as patrons for the affair: Louis Alberts, Max Barish, Simon Bordy, R. I. Bordy, H. W. Brandt, I. Berkowitz, Morris Brandeis, Charles J. The Daughters of Zion report box Benson, Joseph Bloch, A. H. Brodcollections for the Jewish National key, Sam Beber, Win. Boasberg, Fund from the following1: Mrs. S. Charles Betts, Sam Cohn, Dave Fellman, Mrs. M. Linda, Mrs. M. Cohn, Dr. I. Dansky, John J. FrieFreeman Bros., Dave GreenHorn, Mr. A. Hirsch and the Shaare den, berg, Ed Gilbert, J. A. Gross, Dr. Zion congregation. The Daughters of Zion request M. I. Gordon, J. J. Greenberg, Philevery member who has a box to lip Greenberg, Rabbi David A. Goldbring it to the next meeting or call stein, Dr. A. Greenberg, Wm. Holza member of the committee. The man, Sam Herzberg, Abe Herzberg, chairman is Mrs. Max Arbitman, Sam Josephson, J. Harry KulakofKenwood 2296, and the treasurer is sky, Louis Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakofsky, Max Kaplan, Dr. B. M. Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, Jackson 0404.
Conservative Auxiliary
Women's Welfare I Federation;
Pioneer Women
Purim Ball
Kully, Jacob Lipsey, Mark Leon, Morris Levy, Dr, Philip Levy, M. F. Levensoh, Morris Micklin, E. .Meyer, Morris Milder* Henry Monsky, Dr. M. Margolin, Nogg Bros., Sol Novitsky, Ben Newman, Rube W. Natelson, Melvin Plotkin, Peerless Cleaners, , Ben. Perelman, Jacob Pearlstien, Dr. Philip, Romonek, Dr. A. S. Rubnitz, Harry' Rubinstein, I. W. Rosenblatt, William Eacusin, Jake Eosoff, B. A. Simon, Julius Stein, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Silverman, A. J. Sivowitz, Dave Sherman, Reuben Vann, Al Wohlner, Harry A. Wolf, Mose Yousem and Blanche Zimman.
Bucharest.—The subsidy of eight million llei assigned to the Jewish community by the Roumanian government for the year 1931 has now been paid out.
KOSHER HEAT MARKET 1716 No. 24th St.
NEW PRICES To Go Into Effect
Saturday Evening, April 9 MEAT STEAKS
17c 1b. __25clb.
Other Meats Proportionately Lowered FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Webster 0414
SOMIT Dealer in
Phone Webster 3527
is not complete without some real good GEFILTE FISH . . . and especially when it comes from
STOLLER'S FISH MARKET 1708 North 24th Street * WEbster 4215 Free Delivery Anywhere in the City Also, real Fat Hens, the kind you need for Passover. of the prices are lower than ever before.
Most all
Watch Next Week's Ad for Special Prices
Entire Stock New Spring
SUITS AND TOPCOATS Sacrificed in Three Great Groups REGULAR §22.50 VALUES Never Make Your Before Dollars Do . Such Double Savings Duty, REGULAR REGULAR 327.50 to $30.00 Values $32.50 to $40.00: Values
David R. Cohen Representing The
PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. Phone AT. 7168 Home, WA. 1923 Non-Cancellable Health and Accident l i f e Insurance
Rolls and One Colored Wash Cloth In package for
Young Willy Ferber, who started out to be a sweet little athlete at Central High, and then quit school, has again bobbed up, this time as a snappy infielder on the TechnicaT High nine. His old mates on- the Purple campus must relish this news. Jerome Milder, son of the oil magnate, is a peach of a prospect for the Central High athletic teams of the near future. Jerry is a well built youngster with a keen liking for almost all prep school sports and he is by no means a poor performer. He is one of the leading candidates for a catcher's berth on the nine, played freshman football and basketball and should be heard from ere the diamond season ends. Harry Altshuler and the youngest of- the tall Korney boys are two more fast-stepping performers. Korney is a baseball first team candidate and lettered on the Central swimming team. Altshuler was one of the best football players in the city last year despite his small stature and he, too, is gunning for a place on the Purple first team diamondeers.
A revelation in fluffy softness. A pure white cloth-like tissue sterilized fer home and hospital use.
Judge Rhoades Herbert Rhoades, who is a candidate for re-election as district judge in the Fourth judicial district on the non-political ballot, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the bench by Governor Adam McMullen in 1927. His work on the bench was rewarded by the people at the polls in 1928, when he was elected one of the nine district judges. He was a state senator from Burt county in 1918, and was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1919. Judge Rhoades is highly recommended by welfare workers and has had considerable experience in that field. His present work in district court enables him to use all tha' experience. At present he handles in the juvenile domestic relation court, all the delinquent, neglected and dependent children—having t deal with more than 3,500 children, all of them under the age of 16. He supervises the distribution o more than $80,000 of mothers' pen sions to about 300 mothers. He handles and hears all the di vorce cases and supervises the col lection of allowances of the mino children and decides all the munic ipal criminal court appeals.
Well, I see where my friend Manny Segel, has adopted my suggestion as to a kitten ball leagu and is now asking the various Center clubs to apply for berths in the proposed league. Kitten ball has all of the allurement of baseball plus the added inducements of being less expensive, a faster game and enabling more men or girls to participate. So here is hoping to see a J. C. C. loop soon under way, under competent managers and authoritative umpires.
Omaha Matzo Co. 1412 No. 24th
DAVE'S CLOTHES SHOP Clearing the Decks of All Merchandise Before Moving to Our New Location
Bikur Cholim
Removal Sale
Buy Your Manischewitz Matzo and Passover Needs
JA 2250
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. 'Everything for the AoU" 2051 Farnam—AT. S524
Curtains Properly Laundered One pair Laundered FREE with every pair sent
AT. 2815
Hamilton Street Window Shades SHOP Window Shades, 36x6 of unbreakable and washable shade cloth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up. WALNUT 5500 4202-4 Hamilton St.
I just received n fresh stock of oil kinds of Mntzoth of the best qualities, and also all kinds of Passover articles, like Matzo floor, cake .flour, egg matzotb, cookies, etc. I also have a full line of nil kinds of Rokeaeh's Kosher articles for Pesnch, including strawberry, raspberry and cherry Jelly In pint glass jars; and also oil in beautiful glass bottles. Remember also my own make soap. Kosher for Pesacb. Pesacn Candy, too.
Two rooms, bedroom and kitchen, nicely furnished. Call WEBSTER 3527
The following officers were installed at a meeting of the Henrietta Szold club last week: Sara Baum, president; Anne Zweiback, secretary-treasurer, and Elsie Lazarus, reporter. Due to the Passover holidays, the regular monthly social gathering at the home of one of the members will be eliminated this month from the club's calendar.
JEWISH BOOKS and all other RELIGIOUS ARTICLES 2429 Decator St.
Henrietta Szold
Daughters of Zion
group pledged their support. . Friedlander states that if elected, he will use his office for the best interests, of the people in his community. He is a local business man and a home owner. He has reared his family in .Omaha. . '•
On Passover the choicest of everything distinguishes the Jewish Home. Manischewitz Matzo and Matzo product* are the choicest of their kind—produced inthelorgest Kosher Matzo Bakery in • the world. In demand everywhere.
• The city handball tournament now being played on the Knights of Columbus courts will be the last chance for the J. C. C. fourwall stars to redeem themselves for a so far fairly unsuccessful season. The boys have ta date won only the A. A. U. doubles crown, leaving the balance of the victories in the possession of the Y. M. C. A. The tourney is now going into the second round with a host of Center artists still in the running. •. Over thirty players are entered in the, J. C. C. ladder ping pong tournament including a number of the fairer f sex. The favorites are Arthur (Continued on Page Four.)
Herman Friedlander Running for Office Herman Friedlander is a Republican candidate for the office of County Commissioner from the fifth district. Last Sunday Mr. Friedlander spoke before the Omaha Hebrew club, of which he has been a member for many years. He was well received, and many members of the
Beautify your home. Prices of our high grade Nebraskagrown nursery stock is the lowest ever known. Our grass seed and fertilizer •will make your lawn glad.
Home Landscape Service 924 No. 24th St. (Near Cuming) JA. 5115 Eve., MA. 4006
For Tasty Delicatessens Phone or Call at the
Underwood Delicatessen Glendale 3951 5019 UNDERWOOD AVE. J. Raduziner, Prop. Delivery Service Open Sundays and Evenings SPECIAL Harding Ice Cream, 45c Quart
LOW BUS FARES CHICAGO - - - $8.00 Round Trip $12.00
Denver 9.50; Los Angeles 2&50 DES MOINES - . . $340 Round Trip $4.50
Omaha Rapid Transit lines
n 306 N. 16th St.
i !• ^
JA. 8462
^ ^ mw mm - ^ ^ mm w w
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAcbson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Psi Mil Plans Farewell Matinee Dance Sunday
Notes of le
istering to lEhe wants of the aged and.incapacitated Eabbis, and of the widows and children of Rabbis, who have served in American Reform congregations and who during their active ministry were unable to provide for the time of their incapacity, or for their families when death would overtake them. Contributions may be sent to Br. Cohn.
Junior Hadassah Bike
There's naught that's more nore 21-'*f" timed than ill-timed laughter,
Junior Hadassah will hold a hike The Psi Mu.will bring to a dose this coming Sunday morning, April MR. ISAAC HURWITZ its second successful season of Sun10. announces opening of Hebrew day, matinee dances with a novel The girls will meet at the end of School at B'nai. Jacob Anshei "dance at. the .-Community Center Sunthe Albright carline at 9 a.m. "Each Sholom Synagogue, 24th and day" afternoon. A peppy orchestra member should plan to attend, and Nicholas Sts. Also, private lesi s being engaged. -• - • bring enough to satisfy her own sons at pupils' homes. •v A ~waltz contest*••< with - prizes- to 1544 No: 18th St., Atlantic 4503 appetite," states Minnie Froom, chair^the --fifst and second. ;place winners,: man. < will <be a feature,- open to all but By members of the Psi :Mu. , Other en:tertairiment will also be provided. Mrs. David M. Newman Tonight Mrs. L. Neveleff will act as chapRabbi Frederick Cohn will speak ELLIS-MAliASHQCK WEDDING : erone. on "The Good Earth," the muchDate and Nut Cake Mrs. Esther-Malashock announces discussed Chinese novel by Pearl Take Vi pound graham crackers, the marriage -of her[daughter, Janet, CONVALESCING Buck, at the services at Temple 1 cup dates chopped, 1 cup whipped Sunday, April 10 tt^Fred-- Ellis of Kansas Qity : on Miss Betty Tuchman, daughter of Israel tonight. cream, 1 cup chopped marshmallow, Debate: St.,L«nis Y, M. H. A. April 3 in Kansas City. The couple Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tuchman, is Tomorrow 1 cup walnuts chopped, a pinch salt. vs. Omaha J. C . C . 1 intend to make their home there. convalescing at the Methodist hospiRoll crackers fine, add other inMonday, April 11 ••• Saturday morning Eabbi Cohn will gredients, cream last and mix well Meeting: ' Bikur Cholim, 2:30 tal, following' an appendectomy last speak on "The First Doctors." PELTZ-SALTZMAN WEDDIN6 '" Friday. until cracker crumbs are moistened. *: Brotherhood Meeting The marriage of Miss Dorothy p. m. Tuesday, April 12 The next meeting of the Brother- Pour into mold lined -with wax paSaltzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. All-star night, 8 p. m., spon- SPEAKER AT HONOR BANQUET hood will be held Wednesday evening, per. Let stand 12 hours in refrigB. Saltzman, of Council Bluffs, to . Celia Lipsman, daughter of Mr. April 18. A very interesting pro- erator. Serve sliced with whipped sored by Senior, Council of Clubs. Keith Peltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. and Mrs. A. Lipsman, will represent gram has been arranged. cream over it. * Thursday, 7 April 14 Peltz. of Omaha, will take place SunDinner; ^Bflai fBrithistag.dinner, ihe freshman class of South High Election of officers will take place. day evening, April l6, ri at 7:30 o'clock : Amber Pecan Pie very member of the Brotherhood is at. the Hotel Chieftain in Council and *riugeipkrty, 6:3ti p.. in}':;* '-'- school at the honor roll banquet to |>e given by the school chapter of urged to be present. Come and help 1 Use Vi cup sugar, 1 cup white Bluffs. The ceremony will he J>erthef National Honor society at the give yourself a good time. syrup, 3 eggs, 1 cup pecan nuts, 1 formed by Rabbi H. Grodinsky and school on Tuesday evening, April : , Tuesday, April J9 teaspoon vanilla, a,4 teaspoon salt. Bev. A. Schwaczkin of Omaha. = -; • ? For Superannuated Rabbis 12. Her subject will be "Anchors Meeting: Pioneers' Club, room Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, syrMiss Ehoda Peltz of Omaha.,.sister, Eabbi Cohn has issued an appeal Away." of- the groom, will be maid-of-honor. C and D, "8 p.'m. for contributions to the Superannu- up, mix well, add salt and vanilla She is an honor student, having ated Ministers' Fund of the Central and pecane whole. Pour into un-Monday, April 25 The bridesmaids will be Mae Beltz, Card party, Daughters of Zion, received five "As" last quarter. inference of American Eabbis, min- baked pie shell and bake. Dora Markovitz, Rose Fox and Tillie • Markovitz. . . . " •;.' . 2:30 p. m. Bikur Cholim meeting, 2:30 p. SIGMA DELTA TAU NEWS Abe Saltzman, brother of the bride, Theta chapter of the Sigma Delta will be "best man. Groomsmen will m. Lecture: Louis Lozowick, "The Tau sorority at the University, of be Messrs. Sam Weiss, Edward" WeiNebraska, Lincoln, initiated Ruth ner and .Charles Gendler, and Dr. Irv- Jew in Modern Art." Greenberg, Omaha; Begina Heller, ing "Weiss of Omaha. little; Dorothy Elaine Cohen of her home last Thursday for the Ha- Columbus, Neb., and Florence Gilinsky, Woodbine, Iowa, at its annual Harlan, la., will be flower girl, and dassah benefit bridge. spring initiation April 1. Richard Peltz of Omaha, ring bearer. XJLT last an answer to those destructive A banquet was held at the chapMiss Mildred Harris of Chicago is pests that feed on your woolens! This Service for 6 §2.65 and up MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER visiting with her brother and sister- ter house Saturday evening, with handy little Premier Spic-Span blows a fine " Miss Marilyn Glazer entertained at in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Har- Mrs. Betty Steinberg Milder, alumService for 8_$10.00 and up powder (Dichloricide) into the hiding places of a miscellaneous shower at the Sunset ris. Many affairs are being given in na, acting as toastmistress. The moths and does away with them completely. color scheme was carried out in the Tea rooms Wednesday in honor of her honor. sorority colors of cafe au lait and Always ready, always at hand. Can pay for itself Miss-Martha Gotler, -whose engageMany Beautiful Patterns many times over in the clothing and furniture it ment to Jack Frieden was recently Mr. A. Lipsman is spending ten blue. Alumnae who attended included Mrs. Dorothy Diamond Berannounced. Guests present included days in New York City. saves. to Choose From gen, Mrs. Sara Somberg Chasen and the Misses Florence Lohrman, Marian the Misses Lucial Goldenberg, Ruth Greenberger, Molly Green, Gertrude Mr. Max Stein, who recently rePREMIER DUPLEX Greenberg, Marian Frieden, Belle turned from a. business tour of the Riseman and Ida Ruth Bogan. Green, Mina Friedman, Ruth Cohen, east for the F . & F. Coughdrop This famous electric vacuum cleaner, priced at $60 for Rosaline Pizer of Omaha has been Ida Cohen and libby Elewitz. years, now costs $10.50 less. 30% more powerful suction, company, was honored at a dinner jnotor-driven brush, non-kinking cord, large capacity. Goblets, Glassware, in many colors, at reasonable Prizes were won by Marian Green- given last week by his sister, Helen elected to the Nebraska chapter of dust-bag, life-time sturdines*. N o w only $49.50. berger and Molly Green. Stein. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stein gave a Phi Beta Kappa. She is at present prices. Let us help you make your Pesach table couple affair in his honor Saturday, in Stanton, Neb., assisting the editor of the Stanton Register on a ARNSTEINS HONOR LITTAUS more attractive. A complete line to choose from. with eight couples present. journalism assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Littau were honor guests at a dinner given by Sara Jacobson, trumpetist, a forRuth Bernstein of Council Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein mer member of the "Boots and Her Wednesday evening after the Omaha Buddies" orchestra, is now a mem- has been chosen as a member of the SOLD ON EASY TERMS symphony . orchestra matinee, at ber, of the Junior Symphony orches- University Y. W. C. A- cabinet for 1116-18-20 HARNEY the following year. She will. have which Mrs. Xdttau, as Beatrice Bel- tra of Washington, D. C. kin, appeared - as guest-soloist. While in Omaha Miss Jacobson charge of the World Forum staff. was prominent in musical circles. ANNOUNCE BIRTH She is at present with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer of Molly Jacobson, . pianist, also of Denver, i Colo'., announce the birth of Washington, D, C. Peony park is in this issue offerCourtesy - Service «law *•**• a son on March 29. ing g a coupoja^ p j ^ admitting ' one COEJT Mr. Schaefer was executive direcfree with" eyefy eyefy paid free with" paid A&nlssifflS^' tor of, the Omaha Jewish Welfare DINNER BANQUET Phi .Beta Sigma sorority honored the ballroom on April 14,'in apprefederation from 1919 to 1924 and is their pledges at a beautifully appoint- ciation of the Jewish patronge enow national supervisor of the Naed dinner banquet held at the K. of joyed. tional Jewish hospital at Denver, Harry Fisher's orchestra •with : fcqth Mr. and Mrs.' Schaefer were C. club Wednesday evening, April 6. Franklin Vincent as master of cereThe girls formally initiated were active in local communal work. Esther Spar, Sarah Fellman and La monies will be the feature entertainers. Verne Feblowitz. ; Mr. ani\ Mrs. Hyman Garber of Bucharest.—A bill prohibiting imHuron, S. D., announce the birth of MOTHERS' CLUB MEETS migration " into Roumania" was" intro^ a son on March 27. 5 Mrs. Garber was formerly Miss The S. A. M. Mothers' club held a duced in the Roumanian -parliament Constance Goldberg of Omaha. regular meeting at.the home of Mrs. by the anti-Semitic leader, Professor Cuza. L Berkowitz Wednesday afternoon. BRIDGE LUNCHEON v Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein entertained 12 guests at a bridge iuncheon at the Fontenelle hotel on Saturday.
Kitchen Chats
Destroy Moths
Center Calendar
with the
Cctttiihg Events
Nebraska gower
Peony Park Tickets
Men! There'.is,One Best in l^tri^dBH' ~
Adiiiit One Couple Eree
HSIT IN EUROPE I Mr. Louis Sonuner and Mr. Morion Ehrenreich sailed last Friday irom New York on the ''Europa" for t two months' visit in Europe. They p l l visit in Kositzka, Czechoslovada, their - liome town, -where "a brother of Mr. "Sommer.still resides^ i They left Omaha on Tuesday, £arch 29. SOCIAL NOTES L v Mrs. H.,Gross returned Sunday ifternoon from, an extendedv. visit in Excelsior SpnngV and ."Kansas. .City, i£o.;•• Itf the i a t t ^ c i t y MrsI Gross iras the guest of "her' son-in-law and laughter, Mri-and Mra/ Ira Kqsenilum. .
And His Popular Omaha Dance Band
FRANXL IN VINCENT .^Master of Ceremonies
W.A. -6253
77th ana IWdge
Mrs. J. E-Kuklin was hostess at
Electric Ref rigerators
Opposite Blackstone Hotel 3566 Farnam Harney 5121
FOODS TO PLEASE YOUR MOODS Smoked Meats Fancy Groceries Delicatessens
Open Daily and Sundays Till Hldnlte
I< NATIONAL LAUNDRY Enjoy more leisure by having us do your laundry ing for you.
HArneyllO2 5
{Our New .Phone Number).
' Mr. Nathan Levine o l Minneapolis ias been a guest at the A. Lipsman : home for the past week. •
ON OSHER I/elicatessen
Passover Milk Passover
(With One Paid Admission)
Thursday, April 14
The NEW Values of Footwear Sensation Men—all wanted leathers in Town Talks. 3ML grain black or brown calf. Popular shades of elk. Black ancl brown kids and last but not least genuine buckskin in a vast selection of sport styles.
Also Americcts Best in Every Division of Fine Shoe Making—Nettletons, Dr. Reed Cushion, Miller-Cook by Nettleton, Bostonians and Other Leaders,
Now on Display at Our Main Warerooms in Omaha Also South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Iowa, and AH of Our Other Branch Stores
FULLY GUARANTEED FOR THREE YEARS New 1932 Models $179.50 and Up, Installed in Your Home .Convenient Weekly or. Monthly Payments • Call or Phone for FREE Demonstration Write or CalfJor Further Information
Shoe*—Main Floor
tSH-tSrl8 Dod&oStreet^Jsnafea-YfcfeA. 4648 South 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. 555 West Broadway, Council BloKs, I
This year we again offer to serve cjirniany Jewishfriends and patrons with IMilk, Cream and Butfer that is Kosher for Pesach. All the passover products will be produced in accordance with the : .. strictest dietary laws, under the supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman You May Obtain Our Passover Milk, Sour Cream or Butter from Our Routeman or at Your Grocer • -.
Roberts Dair| Company HARNEY 2226
Conservative Synagogue News
Moscow.—(J. T. A.}—The recruiting of Jewish women for field work in. the Jewish settlements i s urged by the • Jewish press here. i The. papery,. expressAsome: anxiety &s to" whether the quota 'of" immiCandle lighting time, Friday, April grants for this year "Will be filled • and 'ask that -the' women be drawn 8 / 6:10 p. m. Services Tonight into field w*ork\in brde/that sawing Rabbi Goldstein,will talk on."Some and other urgent spring work in which the men must-;, engage, will Popular Superstitions—What,,to Do not be permitted to suffer. About Them." i, Bible Class ;[ At the same time there are protests against the type of prospective The class in Bible Appreciation settlers already sent to. the Jewish meets 'every Tuesday morning at settlements" of Kalinindorf and Bixa 10:30. For the next sevefals weeks Bidjan. The complaint is made that the class will take up the book of legal recruiters in their zeal to fill Deuteronomy. The class is open to out the quotas asigned to their re- all. gions, fail to inquire in advance Next Week as to the qualifications of the prosNext Sabbath is the Sabbath bepective immigrants. fore Passover and is called the Great As a result, it is stated, more Sabbath, br "Shabbath Hagadol." than half of the arrivals in KalininRabbi Goldstein will speak on! "Some dorf from Tultchin had to be reInterpretations of Passover and turned to their villages because th«y were physically unsuited for the] Passover Customs-" . .work. Similarly arrivals in .JJira Bidjan from Rezchitte, had to be sent back. • - . It is indicated, that the recruiters Let Us Beautify Tour Home are not alone at fault. Previously With Portland Cement Stucco. it had been stated that those unTake advantage of our remarksuited for hard ffcjd work might be able low prices. Call us for • Assigned to -work as .watchmen, catfree estimate. See some of the tle feeders and similar iight jobs. ' beautiful houses we have stuccoed.
1,222,658 in United States Speak Yiddish
T. A. Tolly, 3008 Lincoln Blvd. Joe Bernstein, 3115 Lafayette Sam Platt, 3511 Webster St. Sam Appleman, 542 So 31st Ave Leo Fox, 4821 Cu mining St. Dave Cohn, M l So. 56tk Ave. Nelson Construction C o , IMS Merler Blvd. A. SilvernMB, 5015 Burt Dave Stein, 3211 Hamilton
Washington (J. T. A.).—A total of 1,222,658 persona in the United States speak the Yiddish language as their mother tongue, according to federal census statistics. Of this number more than 757,235 persons in the states of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey speak Yiddish. New York leads the list with 656,466 Yiddish speaking persons; New Jersey is second with 68,264, and Connecticut third with 22,505.
Schneider Portland Cement Stucco Co.
Robert R. "Bob" Troyer, who four years ago rose from obscurity in politics to the office of public defende r , b y dint of .a vigorous campaign, has filed for re-election^ Last year the Chicago Bar Association appointed" a" committee for an extensive study of the public defender system, and in their report
Chas. E.
of Lewis & Co., 304 Arlington Block REAL ESTATE BROKERS
DISTRICT JUDGE Fourth Judicial District: Douglas,-Washington, Burt ! Counties •' Charles E. Foster is a District Judge. At the present time, he seeks .re-election. •••
ICth and Cuming Sts. JAckson 7640
You can now buy a REO as low as 9 9 9 5 Lansing
Bowl for Your Health's Sake Alleys Open Day and Night
Reo Barish Motor Co.
BOWLING ALLEYS 16th and Harney—4th Floor 5LLIS and LA RUE. Proprietors
J. M. CALABRIA Barber and Chirotonsor, Scalp and Facial Manipulations Arthur BuUillnff—SOS So. Dowm S t a i n
A. MARCHESI Barber—For Those Who Are Particular Foxfn
Billiard Barber Stop Mth * Fanuun
Batteries Serviced Sold and Guaranteec Itth and Capftot Ave.—AT. « « J Tour Patronage Solicited
The Sign of Good Workmanship
Batteries ns Low ns £ Service Anytime—We Never Close
Super Service Station
ready for. those rustics inclined to .have. caught myself attempting to all of your friends are disporting that sport. Perhaps I should not follow thru with them while dining themselves where swimming is good use the term rustic, as many of the in my favorite cafeteria. Poor me, out in the deep spots. Jack Foster dapper young gentlemen of the com- I'm getting old. and Manny Segel are eager to teach munity throw some mean ringers and all Center members the art of Summer is not so far off, and aquatics, so join a class and get double ringers. Well, everybody to his own sport. I'll still get my ex- who doesn't want to be able to swim, . ^ ercise from Bee Baxter of radio sta- especially the young men. You know going. it isn't so much fun to have to padtion WOW. She talks some rea! So long, till next week. exercises; in fact, several times I dle around in the shallow water when
Situated in the heart of Omaha, die Standard Shoe Itep*ir Company at 1619 Farnam street has "shoe comfort" as its motto in serving its customers with shoe repair work of the highest quality. John L. Krage, who is the proprietor of the Standard Shoe Repair, has devoted his life to the shoe repair business and thus has been able to offer the public the benefit of his experience and his study. Mr. Krage advises those who buy expensive shoes to get the full value out of them and keep them in their original shape by repairing them as often as they need fixing. The Standard Shoe Repair uses only the finest leather which the market can offer. The company stands back of each piece of work it turns out by guaranteeing the work and materials to be of the finest. Mr. Krage takes pride in the fact that he has thus built up the Standard Shoe Repair until the name means •work of the most extraordinary quality in shoe repair. Among his clientele, all of whom are very satisfied, may be found a good number of Jewish people. His working force consists of eight men, all efficient and experienced. "*" It was twenty-six years ago that Mr. Krage opened his first shoe repair shop, with three workers, at 1804 Farnam street Eleven years ago he moved into his present location, at 1619 Farnam street.
HARRY HBWMR Electrical Contractor
Frank M.
Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers
Stop or Phone For, Your Delicatessen Needs Always oh Hand Fancy Groceries " ; Fresh Kosher Smoked Meats
DISTRICT JUDGE Fourth "Judicial District: Douglas, Washington " and Burt Counties
1S27 Howard Street ATlantic 8818
507 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1192
FLORISTS Ross A. Peterson Flowers For All Occasions 1st Floor Fantenelle Hotel
ATlantic 8300
Zingerli Floral Co. Floral Displays Our Specialty
2004 Farnam, Street ATlantic 4486
ATlantlo 66SS
LEWIS C. SHOLES, Realtor Skill in Property Management Brings Larger Net Eeturns
GLendale 0778
AT. 1126
30 Tears Experience JA. 0661—305 Patterson Building
Free Estimates Given at Your Home On any Slip Cover Drapery or Curtain Work
We Recommend the Purchase of American Bankstock Corporation Common Stock. Information . on Request
1513 Harney St. At. 9806 (Formerly Monheit's Beauty Salon)
HARPER METHOD SHOP Specializing in Scalp Treatment
"Honest to Goodness" DEALINGS ON COAL and COKE PHONE
Ideal Bottling Co. Drink Ideal Beverages Purest and Finest
Candidate for Re-election
180* N». 80th Street—WE. SMS
Beverages—24 Ounces 10c—None Better At Any Price
OMAHA LACE LAUNDRY 5007 LeavenWorth WAlnut 1350
1131 No. 18th St—WK tlSt
"Orriah^ ? §liW^^i|^uiif^I Home^fpr-'iFuHerals" Farnam at Thirty-third
Corporate ities Co., Inc.
"Where Quality Is Supreme"
Good term
Real Estate Investments Property Management Insurance
Dundee Delicatessen 4964 Dodge
.MISSES EARLI 638 Werld-Herald Building ATIaatic OX44
640 Irt National Bank ATlantle22J7 •
••••/-y. Republican
Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances Refrigerators Jewelry
AND SLIP COVER CO. 213 So. 19—J A. 2048
• ..
Let Us Help Beautify Your Home "Artistic Framing Our Specialty"
Walnut 4480
Phone HArriey 1226
1*18 FARNAM ST. JAekso* 275S
Individunllzed Beauty Service at
Primaries April 12
Hoch-Nogg Paper Co.
603 Electric Bldg. JAckson 1045
18th and St. Mary's—AT. TR7
Municipal Judge
We Solicit Your Business And Can Assure You of a Pleasant Business Relationship.
SS08 No. 2*th Street—KK. IMS "Say It With Flower*"
4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
Get Acquainted
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
2562 Farnam JA. 1997
National Tire & Battery
1! \
852 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. JA. 4811
for of Douglas County 5th District
Wrecked Cars Rebuilt Curtains and Upholstering Doors Tightened to Fit Woodwork and Painting Radiator Repairing
County Commissioner
Abramson Audit Co.
Republican Candidate Will Appreciate Your Vote
I > i '. I
Troyer Again in Race for Public Defender
they., say, among. other., things,. "Concluding from the information gathered by the committee, the office of public defender in Omaha is considered wholly successful and is held (Continued from Page 2) in high repute by all elements of the community." Grossman, Millard Sigal, Harry Lipp Troyer was also appointed to the and Fremmette Goldberg. Legal Aid Committee of the AmeriWe have received word that the can Bar Association. Center horseshoe arena will soon be
Porter Pharmacy Prescriptions accurately com* pounded by expert chemists only. Free delivery to any part of the city. ; j 24th and Seward
Chicken and Steak Dinners $1.00 Murphy's Famous Chicken Sandwich 65c
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and Dance at ike
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No Cover Charge No Minimum f o o d Charge Kenwood S944 4112 No. 52nd Street
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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1932 present presiding officer of the had said the same thing. And by New York. •— More than two hunladder tournament were made Leave Argentine for Bidjan Center Recreational CMonday League of Nations. One of Huy- the way, did you know that the andred additional Jewish families have night. Buenos Aires.—A second group of man's parents, I understand, .was not cient Jewish philosopher-physician, been cared for in 1931 than in 1930 The Jewish Community Center Harry Weinberg drew first place Jews "consisting of eight workers and in Newark, involving an additional a Jew and Huymans himself is very Avicenna, -was a great exponent of their families have emigrated to oa the ladder. Other positions are: little' interested in things Jewish., sun therapy. . . And if that doesnt ping pong team met the Omaha 2, Harold Barish; 3, Avrum Lust- Bira Bidjan in the Far East of Rus- expenditure of about $37,D00. By DAVID SCHWARTZ Still, his father was Jewish and his interest you, maybe you will De in- University ping "pong team last night garten; 4, Jake Adler; 5, Sid Neve- sia, where a Jewish republic is ultiThe amount necessary to accom»• . . .• • • • • • • • • . — . . . m . grandfather, • Solomon, I was ; one ofj terested in the fact,just discovered at Omaha University. The Center lefff 6, Morris Wintroub; 7, Manny mately to be established. plish the work of the family care team for thise match consisted of the'. most' scholarly figures in the;y this columnist that Meyer G«gADVICE mam STEUER Goldberg; 8, Paul Bogdanoff; 9, MilThe first party left from Buenos agencies was approximately $75,3111 Jewish, world jof Holland •genheim, t i e founder, of the ;great Biarry Lapp, Art Grossman, Ben Etf- lard Sigal; 10, Harold, Garber; 11, in 1931 as against $48,489 in 1930. , a thand an LHuy-4 uy Speaking of good advice^ here is TwaTifi himself >i»«*f oi sen and Millard SgaL Aires some weeks ago. e a e Guggenheim-Anaconda fortune behimself,, Tom Haykin; 12, Sol Finkel; 13, Sol some for all those budding lawyers oi the League g fore be went out west looking for and even for those beyond the bud- of Nations, is married to a Jewess. mineral wealth, was a merchant in In the semi-finals of the snooker Birginal; 14, Dave Richards; 15, Bill Lohrman; 16, George Klien; 17, Harding stage from no less a person So put another feather in. your cap Philadelphia and an unsuccessful tournament Sol Birginal and Ben ry Lapp; 18, Fremette Goldberg; 19, than Max Steuer: Never come to and expand, huh? Elkin play Louis Soskni and Harry at that. Somebody ought Bill Sokolof; 20, Nate Cutler; 21, court with an air of importance. Dont be so down in the mouth merchant lipp in one game, while Sam Giller to write a life story of the old Gug-j Herman Blumenthal; 22, Esther SieNever use big words in your trials. about depressions, says Peter Wier- genheim. and Henry Ginsburg play Phil Stien nearly everyone of gel; 23, Art Lipp; 24, Louis Soskin; Never take notes . . . use your nik, veteran editor of the Jewish those old Pretty and Sam Zorinsky in the other pioneers has had his biRepublican Candidate 25, Meyer Kohlberg; 26, Ben Rosen; memory instead. Coming from a Morning Journal. Wiernick recalls ography written.—but no so Guggen- match. 27, Dorothy Corenman; 28, Phil Kolawyer who is said to make a mil- the panic of 1894. People said then heim. Gilbert Gabriel, The finals will be played Sunday, for Jewish drasenberg; 29, Art Grossman; 30, lion annually, it ought to be worth that 1873 was worse . . . and yet matic critic of the New York April 10, 1932. AmeriLouis Minkin; 31, Sam Bicklin; 32, listening to. Perhaps the brilliant country got better. Wiernik says all indeed has just completed no George Shapiro; 33, Louis Eicklin; Max should also say something about prophecies must be taken with three can, The Center horseshoe courts than a fictional life story of 34, Ben Effros. knowing how to charge for he cer- or four grains of salt . . . Before less soon be in shape to be used. The John Jacob Astor, and there have Lloyd Dort, born in Nebraska has practiced law in Nebraska tainly can do that . and what the Spanish-American war, he re-been several genuine biographies of game of horseshoes has been stead- All contestants will be required to for 24 years. He is a graduate of the University of Neis more they seem glad to- pay. calls, he wrote an article that the him before, so I repeat, get out your ily growing in popularity until to- play a t least three games each week, braska, a member of the Bar Association, «nd served U s Steuer, it is said, gets tens of thou- Jewish press would not live very pencil and sharpen it for a little life day it is one of the most popular each person challenging the one above him on the ladder, and in country in the World War. Has a public office record of 9 sands of dollars annually from long. "See how wrong I was. That story of Guggenheim. Some frag- summer sports. lawyers who come to ask him "what's taught me not to make prophecies." mentary aspects of Guggenheim's The Jewish Community Center that manner work themselves up the years as Assistant Attorney General and 14 months as State wrong with their handling of a case. Talking of the good old times, Wier- life life to be sure are touched in will again sponsor a horseshoe tour- ladder. The tournament will conCommissioner of Insurance and Securities. We believe he By the way, they tell a story of a nik recalls the time when he could The Silver Dollar, recent new opus nament to determine the champion- tinue until the end of May. deserves your support. certain man that came to consult go from New York t o Chicago by by David Karstner. Well, does that ship of the Center. Steuer. I never give advice until railroad for $5.00 Jake Adler was the winner of last because low interest you? WelL maybe the fact PRIMARIES, APRIL 12th I am paid, said Steuer. But first rate was competition between rail- that the Soviet ambassador to Paris year's tournament. I just wanted to ask you to thinkroads. Did you know that Buddy is a Jew- interests you. VOTE FOR Drawings for places in the J. C. over this aspect of the case. I King, radio entertainer, is a relative can't think -without money, replied of Sam Koenig, Republican boss of Steuer. And to start the cerebral New York . . . that Samuel Ship- Greek Government RE-ELECT processes of the brilliant Steuer it man, playwright, has ambitions for was necessary to give him a check the concert stage and is taking les- Lends Aid Salonica.—The Greek government in four figures. sons to that end. And the made grants in the amount of By the way, did you know that comic Irving Caesar, who in times has 500,000 drachmas to Jewish families past was to indulge in much critiRabbi Milton Ellis, formerly of some of the Campbell quarter who sufNorth Carolina pulpit, is now in a cism of the producers has been very fered from the disturbance of 1931, JUDGE managerial capacity at Altaian's. reticent of late, explaining its thus- and whose homes and personal bely: I would rather be wrong than This makes the second, so far as I longings were destroyed. know, graduate of Hebrew Union not work. The government has also granted College to be employed in a depart- SPEAKING OF FIGURES 50,000 drachmas to be distributed ment store. First was Rabbi Voorsanger, former World war chaplain. While figures mathematical may among families in need but whose Talking about news that is not de- be able to help you tell, and while homes were not destroyed by fire. pressive consider this, Lewis Brown's the female figure may be taken as "This Believing World," sold lots one of the indices of pulchritude, and and lots at the standard price; then when it comes to male figures, it is they got out 50,000 copies in that hard to say what they mean. Take Vote for Born and Reared one dollar edition and now that's all Irving Berlin, George Gershwin—I out. So now they are getting out well, they are lean in figure, but in Omaha JUDGE new editions at the old standard price. on the other hand such composers as") Lew Brown, de Sylva, etc., are Best buyers of Hebraica books be- stocky. Also among the stocky are Inaugurated night court 'sides Jews are who ? Yes, the Catho- the Schifberts, Toxy, Max Gordon, lic priests. Jewish book publishers and Sam Harris. So you can't lean every Monday night for all over the world are slumping, but so much on figures, as it were. benefit of working people there is compensation in the fact Someone was showing Lincoln Stefunable to get off during that many of the non-Jewish pub- fens work—I mean his antohiograFOR lishers are taking up Jewish books. phy the other day to Dr. Joshua the day. FOR By the way, there recently appeared Bloch. There is the story there that an interesting book on Jews pub- Joseph Fels, of Fels-Naptha fame, Republican Candidate for Was high man in election lished in France, titled "Damn the once said to a distinguished ChrisJUDGES OF four years ago. Jews." Contrary to its title, how- tian that the Jews would never cease COUNTY ever, the book speaks very favor- to exist until they had fulfilled their ably of the Jews . . . it is dedicated mission. COMMISSIONER MUNICIPAL Graduate of Creighton Law And the distinguished in satire to the Ku Klux Klan. Christian thereupon queried: "What School, having worked his Honest — Capable is their mission?" And Fels replied: WHY LET GO? COURT way through college. • Primaries April 12 Efficient Talking about Jewish glory, is To teach the Christian Christianity. Whereupon Dr. Bloch with a Murathere anything to excel the fact that " " P a u l Huymans of Belgium is the" dish look replied that Uaimanides
By the Way
Lester M. Palmer Municipal Judge
Municipal Judge
To Democratic Voters
Harry G. Counsman
DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION We want to call to the attention of the Democratic Voters of Omaha, especially those of our faith, the name of LEO B. BOZELL, whom you probably know as one of Omaha's outstanding civic workers and business executives. Mr. Bozell has frequently demonstrated that he is tolerant in his views and that he is an arch enemy of religious prejudice. Mr. Bozell is particularly well suited for the position he seeks, delegate to the National Democratic Convention.
A Request For Relief From Paving Cost There will be submitted to the voters at the April 12 primaries an amendment relieving1 the Street Railway Company of the cost of new paving between its rails, but requiring the company to pay all maintenance and repair cost wherever the paving is damaged in any way by the company, through the break-down of its tracks or as a result of making track repairs. The law requiring Street Railways to pay for new paving was passed more than 40 years ago by the Nebraska Legislature when street cars were drawn by horses; the Street Railways then were the principal users of the pavement. Their horses wore out the pavement..
Street Cars Don't Use Pavement Today, all "wear and tear" on pavement is by automobiles and tracks. Street cars never touch the pavement, and the street car tracks are imbedded in ballast and concrete tinder the pavement. Street Car Companies today,—and that means CAR RIDERS—should not be required to pay for the paving. In the past few years 28 states have repealed similar laws, realizing that it was no longer fair to require Street Railway. Companies to pay for paving. This amendment win have no effect on general taxes because Bewpavement is all paid for by abutting property.
In the spirit of fair play we ask that you vote for the amendment, We believe Omaha people are fairy—to cuqpontiau as wen as to individuals,—if they understand the issues.
Please Vote YES Leo B. Bozell was chairman of the Douglas County Central Democratic Committee, commander of the Omaha Post of the American Legion. He is active in the Community Chest campaigns, Ak-Sar-Ben and other civic activities. He is a partner of Morris E. Jacobs in the Advertising Agency of Bozell & Jacobs, Inc.
An Open Letter To the Jewish People of Omaha: We, the undersigned, give our indorsement of Harry G. Counsman, who is seeking re-election for the office of County Commissioner. •j
Harry Counsman has been a public servant for the past 18 years and is known for his honesty and efficiency. We feel that Harry G. Counsman has had sufficient experience in the office of County Commissioner, and on thet basis of his splendid record merits your support. He should be re-elected to that office in the primary election April 12,1982. Signed: PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK ABNER H. KAMAN JOEL. WOLF , DR. PHILIP LEVEY :
EFFECT REDUCTIONSIN FREIGHT SERVICE RATE A twenty per cent reduction in cooperative freight service rates between. Chicago and Omaha will save -Ornaha merchants, jobbers and wholesalers many thousands of dollars each Cir*ettx**?&x*&F**^^te^^ year, according to an announcement Saturday by Charles Knowles, presiaaddns « tppw pua dent of the Knowles Storage and wariis cabin. Moving company. ••-• The new co-operative freight.serv-r r M^ M j£ liazriowich: and •" Mr.' 1/ EV' Levin? was eledted pres- Mrs. Wiiliajh Lazeire have returned ice, which includes delivery to the ident of the Kadima club at their from Chicago, where they visited at -stores the second morning following shipment from Chicago, has been annual election held last week. He The need of co-operation between succeeds Mr. Morey Idpshutz, , who the home of Dr. ^and i^Mrs. A. H. made possible through low commodthe parent and the schpol. was one has served j as president for the past Lazere.". -Dr. 'andi Mrs. ^Lazere aiu- ity railway' rates, according to Mr. ; of the paramount subjects, of discus- two terms, i i , ' ' ;M •' '; i ' : ^ <nbunceith^ birth of a son, Arthur, Know^es. The cars, are loaded in Chicago by the Central States Transion at the fifth annual Talmud To- : Mr. Robert' Sacks was elected vice last week. s i t company. •'< rah banquet, held Wednesday eve- president; Mrs. Sadie Mushkin, secMiss Mary Raskin was hostess to i Because of the increase in busining in the Jewish Community Cen- retary, and Mr, Eli Kobinow, treaster. The banquet was sponsored by urer: : : . • • • . •"••.•..: . : ; ..' the Pace Makers club last Wednes- ness through the announcement of the. new-low rates,-Mr. Knowles has the board of directors of the HeThe Kadima club i s composed; of day (evening:. Bridge was foUbwed "added, as commercial- agents,-to his' ; S brew school and the Hebrew Moth- men and women affiliated with:! the by refreshhients.' ' .company, George Pierce, -formerly er's club, which is organized in the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Miss Bernice Goldstein -was. in- with. Ike Scoular-Bishop Grain cominterests of the Talmud Torah. pany; "and Bob "Myler, formerly with , ; Ay Z . A , C o m m i t t e e .-'.,., stalled . a s , president of ithe- PhicEp- the The keynote of the program which Chicago & Northwestern Railroad silon; Tau-soiprity: Wednesday eve? followed the dinner" and over which 'Loyal Xeir was riimed chairman company, and Standard Carloading Mr. Jack London presided, was the of" the international parents* day ning, when the club met a t the home company. ~ - ; 1 of Miss Elizabeth Passman. : : i program, which will be sponsored by : stressing of the need of co-operation Other officers installed were Miss "The reduction is 30 cents per hun•of the parents. The speakers of the the • A. Z. A. organization ion Stay;-8. dred in firstclais rates,% 20 cents per evening, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, Asscisting Mr. Keif will be '• "Max Roseannette Barrent, secretary,-, and ; hundredin second-class rates, and 10 Kabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Mr. Sam Maron, Marvin Beechen and Sidney Miss Lucille Barrent, treasurer. cents per hundred in third-class rates, Slotsky. The appointments were Lipman and Mr. Louis Schilling, bringing to Omaha people-the lowest urged the parents to give the He- made by Morris Lefkovich, .president Mrs. J. Knox was hostess to mem'• ;' •. bers of the J. V. L. club this weeki rates in many years," said Mr. brew school as much consideration of the local chapter. Knowle9, and thought as they did the public in her home at the Terrace apartFirst baseball practice of the seaschool. The speakers also urged the ments. Bridge was followed by reIRVIN C. WEVOf. Attorney. audience to a greater generosity with son will be held next" Sund&y roorn- freshments. 301 Electric DI<I(. funds that would enable the school ing. Max Maron is in charge of the PROBATK NOTICE to keep the standard of its work. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph baseball arrangements for the chapMalrowits. Deceased. " During the program the audience ter. Notice is hereby piren that the creditors of. said deceased, will meet t&e administrastood for a minute as a tribute to "The ladies' auxiliary of Shaare tor of anid estate, before me, Coontjr Judge •the memory of Joseph Aizenberg, a Zion congregation will meet on Mon- of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the CounRoom, In an id County,- on the former member of the faculty/who day afternoon, April 11. The aux- ty Court day of May,4 1932. and on the 23rd Mrs. J . N . Krueger will speak iliary ordinarily meets on the third 23ttl died last month. day of July. 1032, at 0 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their In addition to the program of ad- briefly a t the meeting of the junior Tuesday of the month, but because claims for examination, adjustment and dresses, pupils of the Hebrew' school Hadassah organization next Thurs- of the Passover holiday the meeting allowance. Three months a re'allowed for the creditors present their claims, from appeared in a one-act play. The day evening, April 14, a t the Jew- date was changed for this month the 23rd day to of April. 1832. ish Community Center. Mrs. KrueTalmud Torah chorus also sang a BBYCE CRAWFORD, only. Future meetings will be held .h Connty Judge. 4-l-32-3tgroup of Hebrew and Yiddish folk ger is an active member of the sen- OL the regular day. ior Hadassah and the Jewish Nasongs. The children taking part in HAM E. KlAVER Att»rt»fy at Law ' : the program included David Kvmtz, tional Fund- council. 614 Omaha National Bank Bids. In addition to the address, the Paul Schwartz, Morris Raskin, JoNOTICE OF seph Dimsda^, Robert Pliskin, Jewish .'Community Center Dramatic DIS8OXlT^Ojr OF PAIlTNERSHff Charles Shindler, Cleo Rich, Perry club will present a one-act play, Notice is hereby piten that the pnrtnershlp heretofore subsisting lietween Charles Osnowitch, Joseph Maron, . Shirley "The Flash." Miss Delia Cohen will S. Kosa and Nate B. Belzer. x^>-pnrtBers Cohen, Irene Mirowitz, Ida Sbindler, give several novelty dances. She heretofore cnrrying oh Imsiness as the BY F. R . K . Ross <;rocery Company and the B. & R. Helen Guttleman, Eleanor Rozofsky, will be accompanied a t the piano by Grocery, has been dissolved by rantual » M » M ^ • mi• • ^ ^ w » • !•-»'• r - - • • - f Dorothy Wigodsky, Esther Weiner Miss Goldie Cohen. consent »s nnd from the 14th dny of Senior Hadassah to Hold Mart-h. 193^. it is further mutiiiilly iigreed and Katie Lass. At the executive board meeting, the snid Chnrlt-s S. I'oss lx>coroes Election of Officers Wednesday that here nnd afttr the sole owner of the store held last Monday evening in the Registration for the new term of -The Council Bluffs chapter of the known as the Charles S. ltoss Grocery the Talmud Torah will -be held Sun- Castle Court.inn, announcement was Senior Hadassah will hold an impor- Company, loented nt «>07() Military, and B. Belzer l»ecomPB the sole owner of day *, Monday and Tuesday, 24, made that the club numbers 67 paid- t a n t meeting next Wednesday after- Nate the store known ns the B. & It. CrocerV, uup members. located at 2821 N. lfith. It is further mu25 and 26. . , noon, April 13th, at 2:30 o'clock, at tually ncreed that Charles S. Uosg nssnmes the Hotel Chieftain. The annual elec- all of the ontstnndlnp obligations of the miiil Ross Grocery Company, nnd the snid tion of officers will take place and all Nate B. B«>lzer "nsslitnes nil of the outstanding obligations of the snid B. & R. Among the sixteen Central High members are urged to be present. A Grocery. A humorous debate, "Resolved, • • board meeting will precede the reguDated the 14th d*y of March. 1032. Thalt Solomon Had an Easier Time students who won first place in the lar meeting. : : " CHA!tT,ES R. ROSS. \dith a Thousand Wives, Than the sub-district music contest, held last 3-18-32-4t ' - • " '. NATE'B. DELZER. Modern Man' With One," wag given week, were .Sam =0:sheroff, who •.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal enterbefore members of the Bnai Brith placed first in the tenor division of tained about one hundred guests a t FBADENBURO, STAXJIASTER A BEBEJB : . . -• ' .-• Attorneys. lodge at their meeting Tuesday eve- the, vocal contest, and Gisela Pill, their home last Sunday in celebration • 90». Omaha > a t l Bank BIdf. : ning. Those who presented the de- who placed first in the 'cello divi- of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Nor'; ! PROBATE NOTICE bate were members of the Junior sion of the instrumental section. man. •< '•••••••:• In the Matter of the Estate of Abraham These t w o . students, who are also Hadassah organization, and • include Sam Fried, Deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors .string quartette, will Sara Goldbergs Rosalie j^Sacks, Ida members, of-the Misses: Florence and Esther Stein- of said deceased : will meet the ' adminiscompete •' fii the" district contest on berg, daughters of Mr. and" Mrs. tratrir of: Raid estate, Feldman and Charlotte: SalMn. before me, County Judge" of Douglas. County. Nebraska, at" April 15, which will be held in Le- Simon Steinberg, represented: the the County Coart Room, in said County, Mars, Iowa. Abraham Lincoln High school in the -on the 23rd day of May. 1032. nnd on the 23rd day of July; 1032. nt 0 o'clock A: M.. District Music contest held in Logan, eeach dn^. "for the purp6se of presenting p p e tbelr m^ms for «dist«t for exmination examination, «diustm«nt tbelr wa, last Friday and Saturday. and allowance. Th Three months th are allowed l l d Esther, who recently won first place for the creditors to present thpir claims. "Jewish Creeds and Their Makers" in the violin division in Council Bluffs, from the 23rd dny of April. 1032 — BRYCE CRAWPOnn. will he the subject of Rabbi; Theoalso placed first in Logan in the dis- 4-l-32-3t. " County Judge. dore' N, Lewis' sermon at • Mount In the presence of 25(> relatives trict contest. Florence, who won first Sinai temple tonight; : •' " • ^ and friends, Misj Eva Maron, daugh- place in the piano division in Council Last Sunday evening Rabbi!: Lewis ter of Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. Maron, Bluffs, placed second in the district. addressed the Methodist :church of will become the bride of Dr. Morris They both g go to Shenandoah,, Ida Grove," Iowa, at the invitation Melnik of Ann Ar1 >r, Mich., son of Iowa, this month, h as representatives of the minister, Reverend Dunn. He Mr. and Mrs. I. *«ielnik of Los An- of this district in the music contest. Use Yonr Old spoke on "Jew and Christian',; Their geles, Calif. The ceremony will take Rugs—Clothing—Rugs Differences and Similarities." place Sunday afternoon a t 3 o'clock A large, crowd attended the last of to Make The' names of - the following chil- in the Jewish Community Center. a series of; book reviews given TuesBeautiful Reversible dren of the -religious^ school were Habbi H. R. Rabinowitz and the day afternoon a t the Hotel Chieftain, - -.pla'ced "on the' monthly honor roll in bride's father will .officiate. which was. sponsored' b y , the local recognition ' of, excellent: rwork and Miss Maron will be attended by chapter of the Senior Hadassah. perfect attendance ; during March: her sister, Ann, and by Miss Evelyn Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha,, Barbara Davis, Stanton - Cohen, Sey- Eirenberg of Los Angeles! Mr. Isa- who has j been conducting" a series of mour -Robinson, Harold Grueskin, dore Eirenberg will act as best man. ten reviews this season, spoke on Miitori : Rosenblum,. Marion Fishgall, Miss Sarah Halpern will pla£ the Pearl Buck's well-known, book, 1'Gpod Earth'/' an interesting story of the Doris Marx, Betty Marx, Rosena wedding march. * '•-'•' Kosberg, Harold Lefkovich, Myron An informal reception and dance Chinese. Cur Representative Will Call Heeger,' Bobby Marx, Miriam Bar- •will follow the ceremony. Dr. Mel" . With Samples The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 ish, 'Leah Rose Newman, : Carolyn nik and "his ' bride will make their Fistigall and Margaret Kozljerg. home in Hollywood, Calif., where the of the Independent Order of B'nai former -will- interne- at the Cedars Brith' ,will s hold, a regular meeting of Lebanon hospital. Dr. Melnik is next Monday evening, April llthj at O7O Brandeis Th. Bldg. are a graduate of "the University., of the! Eagles? hall. - All members : urged : to'be present. Funeral services r f o r -Nathan Michigan and; a member of the Phi Strqngin, 26 years old, who. died-Sat- Lamba Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and urdayi evening, were held on Sunday Phi Beta Kappa .' fraterriities. Out-of-town guests'at the wedding afternoon in the family residence Sunday will include Mrs. L. EirenRabbi H. R; Rabinowitz officiated. Mr.' Strongin died of a blood in- berg and daughter, Evelyn of'Los fection. He was born in Russia and Angeles; Mr. Abe Maron of Chicago; came to Sioux City when aixhild. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rivin and Mrs. I. He was graduated from ;Centra Natz of Winnebago, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs, I. Himowitz of Vermillion; Mr. High school. .; ••'-'. Surviving are his parents, Mr., and and Mrs. Milton Cohen of Yankton, Mrs. Sam Strongin, and three broth S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh pi Parkston, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. A. ersj Myron, Louis and Abe. " Plotkin of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Sterling of Carroll, Iowa.
HISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Officers Elected for Kadima Club
Auxiliary Meeting
Junior Hadassah
GotmcilElufis News
: AVin in Music
Society News
Save 25 to 50% CALL J A. 6912
KNOW. ALL MEN BT THESE PEESENTS,.that nt a meeting of the stockholders ol Sherman & Company held in the City of Omaha. Nebraska, on the 10th day of March, 19S2, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of said Corporation, there, was represented in person all of the outstanding stock otith« corporation. •• , !, : Upon motion duly mode, seconded and carried the Articles of Incorporation ;were changed and amended i s the' following particulars to-wit: Article I of the Articles of Incorporation
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After a visit with relatives in Orriaha, Mrs. Max Jacobs has, returned to her home, 870 Fifteenth street. While in Omaha Mrs. Jacobs ; attended the annouhcemen luncheon of her niece, Miss Hutl Miller, to Morris Weiss of Chicago. Miss Miller, whose wedding will be an event of April 10, has often visited in Sioux City.
v^Int^eb?atiftt. birthday, Miss Lucijle Kronick wil entertain sixteen couples " this eve* niiig at a treasure hunt. The party
Now Butter-Nut Coffee is packed in Super-Vacuum five minutes after roasting. And it is still FIVE MINUTES FRESH no matter, when you open the can. Never before has there been a way to hold the delicious flavor of fresh-! roasted coffee. Super-Vacuum does it. Butter-Nut has always been the finest coffee blend. Now taste it FIVE MINUTES FRESH.
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It Reaches
"Plagues of a Modem Age1' will be the subject of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz' sermon at Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight. Next Friday evening members of the junior congregation will have complete charge of the service, in celebration of 'their'founding. ! David" Tilevitr Will act ;as canton Bertha Snovsiy * will sing a group. of solos; Tillie' Shindler will lead the juiiio> congregation chorus, and several other: children will tell the story of Passover. . _^
Deaths ; ;
• Miss Gussie Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Stein, became the bride of Sam Weiner at the home of the bride last Sunday afternoon. The ceremony was witnessed by the immediate family . of the bride and groom. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiated.
and agreed value of snch property at the time of the issuance of snid stock. Upon motion duly made, seconded ana carried it was further resolved that the president and secretary of this corporation lieand they are hffTvby authorized to sign, file and publish said amendments as by low required. Witness the name and corporate seal, of this corporation by the president, attested bv the secretary, this JOth day of March,
2 for 1 SALE
U amended to rend ns follows: ARTICLE I The name of this corporation shall be "Centrnl Food • Distributors, luc." Article IV of the Articles: of Incorporation was amended to rend ns follows: ARTICLE IV. The amount of the authorized cnplfnl stock shall be Fifty Thousand (J50.000.00) Dollars divided into Five Thousand: (5,000) shares of the par vnlutiof Ten XfNMK)) Hollar* each. Said stock shall be offered for subscription at such time as may be decided upon by the-Board of Directors nnd shall-be paid for in cash or by the transfer of property at the fair, reasonable
• • 1RVIN C.UEVIN, Attorney, ' 301 Electric Bid*.
National \"
ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th andCapitol Are. Phone AT. 6427 Omaha, Ncbr. HOBERMAN EROS., P«»rM©rs-