April 15, 1932

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of the

Kutwwl a s Second-Class Mall t Postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska. \-

~\ January 27, 1KO, a t >i Act of March 3.1649


tlong Every Omaha Jew ** Man, Wo* man and Child ** Must-Bea 9 Contributor ^Atn of Drive

Vol. IX—No. 11

ampaign Slogan 1,000 Jewish Medical Students in Vienna


Please Co-operate


Due to the Passover holiday, which begins Wednesday evening, the Jewish Press will be printed one day early next week. All items and news must be in the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Tuesday, for next week's edition. Distinguished Visitors at Fifth

Vienna.—{J. T. -A.)—More than 2,700 Jewish students are attending classes in the various colleges of this city according to figures made available. The total number of students in these institutions, official statis- Clubs of Senior Council Stage Palestine and Near tics show, is 12^56^, Program of Varied The largest number of Jewish stuEast Fair Entertainment dents are to be fojmd in the medical classes, where anore than 1,000 Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The openThe Xi Lambda club captured first are attending. Seven hundred and place in the "All-Star Night" entering of the Levant Fair a t Tel Aviv seventy-one are devoting themselves tainment held at the Center Tuesday had every appearance of a state to philosophy, 551 are preparing for night with a presentation of an oldceremony. High Commissioner Wauthe legal profession :while 408 are at- fashioned minstrel show. chope inaugurated the opening in tending technicaljjtfiistitutes. the presence of the heads of the A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 won secvarious government departments, ond place with a style revue of 1936, while A. Z. A. No. 7 took third place William Wolfe and Joseph Solo- representatives of the different foreign governments, all Jewish orwith Joseph Solomonow giving a onemonow Register 3-to-0 ' 1 Belong" is the meaningful campaign-slogan for the forthcoming third annual Jewish Philman impersonation of radio celebrganizations and numerous delegaTriumph anthropies drive to begin May 8. ities in "Seen Behind the Scenes." tions representing trade and governThe Xi Lambda members who won Every Jewish liome, every Jewish family, every Jewish individual in Omaha—man, woman, William Wolfe and Joseph Solo- ment bodies. Over the main Fair Hall which the silver loving trophy with their monow brought the debate championand child—must give and give liberally this year in order that the work of rehabilitation and mercy ministrel show are Art Lipp, Louis was filled with more than 2,000 inship of this section of the Midmay continue unimpeded by lack of funds. Minkin,Ralph Nogg, Norman Korney, vited guests, the flags of 24 counwestern Jewish Community Center "The entire community must ^belong' in this campaign, for the need of the thirty worthy beneErwin Wezelman, Harold Barish, Sam League to Omaha with a three to tries were flying. Every part of ficiaries of the Philanthropies funds is greater than ever. 'I belong* must become a household by- Protest Against ^Yielding Atti- Cackin, Morris Franklin, Sam Finkle, nothing triumph over the St. Louis Palestine is represented among the word during the drive, for only by all sharing to the utmost with those that have nothing can we tude" in Face of GovernArt Grossman, Sam Garrop, Milton Y. M H. A. forensic representa- visitors and the governments offikeep faith with the helpless, hopeless, and homeless," urged Henry Monsky, general chairman of Himelstein, Oscar Mayerowich, Bill tives Sunday evening. cially represented in addition to Palment Pressure Sokoloff, Al Weiner and Morris the campaign. The St. Louis "Y" was repre- estine are Egypt, Switzerland, RusIncluded in the thirty beneficiary agencies are groups doing relief work among the suffering London.—(J. T. A.)—The resigna- Fisher. sented by Murray Steinberg and sia, Cyprus, Roumania, Bulgaria, Industrially, The various acts showed a great Echael Feinstein. Omaha success- Latvia and Poland. tion of the directors of the Jewish Jewries of central and eastern Europe and Palestine, as well as among the needy in this country. Julius Bisno, president of the Council National Fund is Jsdemanded in a deal of latent talent in the members fully upheld the affirmative side of British interests are chiefly repreSubstantial support is also given A banquet for representatives of resolution adopted | by the World of the various Center clubs. to local agencies, snch as the Talquestion, "Resolved: That Jewish sented. the various youth organizations will Union of Zionist Revisionists, as the Other acts presented were "School the mud Torah, and for the aged, the The Levant Fair is fully represenReligion is No Longer a Vital Force "be held at the J. C. C. on Tuesday, only step which *^rnay re-establish Daze," by the Jecompter Club; "Fusick, the orphaned, and the poor. tative of Palestine progress and dein the Lives of the Younger GenApril 19. Morris Blacker is in public confidence in the administra- turistic Follies," by A. Z. A. No. 1; The Jewish community must "bevelopment in every field and preeration.** charge of arrangements. long" not only by contributing, but tion of the Fund -1 and its posses- "Experiences of a Modern College Judge Irvin Stalmaster presided. sents • a veritable cross-section o f Executive committee meeting The representatives for the Philan- sions." also by joining the army of work: Girl," by Pi Alpha Lambda; "Kate Judges were Alexander McKie, Dr.Palestine life. Palestine industries Sunday morning-, April 17, at thropies of the various organizations ers. - The community must be thorGoes to the City," by Alpha Gamma Meyer Beber, and District Judge Her- are housed in the Palace of PalesJ. C. C, 10:30 a. m. The ire of the Eevisionists is diin the Senior Council are Joe Solo- rected against the Jewish National Nu; "Scene from Romeo and Juliet," oughly canvassed, and a large numInitial Gifts, Monday noon, tine Industries, one of the largest monow, A. Z. A. No. 7; Lillian Koom, Fund because i t allegedly yielded to by Sigma Kappa Chi; and "Refer- bert Ehoades. ber of willing workers is imperaApril 18, at Athletic club, 12:15. The local team may have to debate of the new pavilions. The trade and Alpha Tau; Morris Franklin, XL; tive. All volunteers should send in of pressure 'employed by ences Required," by the Henrietta Detroit, winner of the other section building material industries occupy Youth Division B a n q u e t , Genevieve White, Pi Alpha Lambda; "methods their names immediately. the. Palestine government in the af- Szold Girls dub. Tuesday evening, April 19, 6:30 Leo a special section, while the citrus of the league. Brown, Psi Mu; Abe Goldberg, fair of Wadi Hawareth." Already Started. Judges were Mrs. L. Neveleff, John p. m., at J. C. C. pavilion is thoroughly representaThis year was the first in the A. Z. A. No. 100; Bernice Falk, Fa and Mrs. H. Jahr. Youth Division rally, spons- The initial gifts committee, tinder Omaha Community Center's history tive of every aspect of the citrus inHon; Ida Blacker, Henrietta .Szold; Of the government tactics the Beber, ored by Senior Council, Thursthe chairmanship of William L. HolzOscar Mayerowich, A. Z. A. No. 1;resolution says furfher that it con- The committee in charge consisted that a unified idea was carried out dustry, 'Examining the exhibits in day evening, April 28, 8:15 Dora_Dolgoff, Sigma Kappa Chi; Mil- stitutes an . action (contrary to theof Hyman Goodbinder, chairman; in debating activities. The members this pavilion one is fully impressed _ man, is already at work. At a meetFalk and Arthur Grossman. of l i e local team.were chosen from with its economic importance for the p. m. ing held Monday at the Athletic Club dred" Saferstein, Jecpmpter; Sarah Mandate, the lam J>f Palestine and Bernice Irving Stemhill was stage manager, the entries in the Senior Council country- The settlements of Judea, the moral foundations of state and distribution of the cards of the larger -Buduget committee will conMarcus, Alpha Gamma Nu. Thereassisted by HaskeU Cohn. society. donors was effected:. The first report tinue hearings , and discussion debate tournament and will be theGalilee and some of the other secwill also be representatives from the •will be rendered at a meeting schedThe Revisionists itate this attitude on budget daily. " official representatives -of Omaha in tions have a pavilion for themselves, XT. T.jand X. T. sororities of Central uled •" for next Monday noon, and tfig* tritC I?^NiT^»fcr jiMfe <Jw co'*pwtive movement £a High", and thei-B-JJa «iub-t>f- Temple "constitutes an encouragement t o Chairman. ..Bolzman , feels confident lawless elements in the country to Israel. the coming year. Next year, a new represented by a separate section. that a substantial portion of their Ladies Free Loan, Mrs. M. G. Cohen; continue invading lands belonging by This is the fifth Palestine and tourney will be held and representaSenior Hadassah, Mrs. J. Stein, chairExecutive Committee. quota will be raised before the camrightful purchase to, the Jewish peoNear East exhibition being held, the tivse for the Community Center ofman, Mrs.' M. F . Levenson; Jewish Another meeting of the executive paign swings into action on May 8. ficial team '.ill be again chosen last Fair having taken place in 1929. Women's Welfare Organization, Mrs. committee has been called for Sun-ple. The present undertaking has had the General Solicitation. from the participants therein. Irvin C. Levin; Labor Lyceum, Mrs. day morning at 10:30 a. m., at the "Even the pretense of taking away lands as a temporary measure; only fullest: measure of encouragement ', .In the general solicitation division, H. Stein; Pioneer Women's organiza- J. Both Wolfe and Solomonow are C. C. The executive committee is no more than a sham, it being experienced debaters, each having and support from the government headed by Philip M. Klutznickvand tion, Mrs. J. Feldman; Temple Israel consists of the heads of the various Dr. A. Greenberg, plans are progress- Sisterhood, Mrs. M. L. Conn; Beth divisions: Henry Monsky, general evident both from the declaration of Moscow, U. S. S. R., (J. T. A.)—The been active in high school and col-and from the various organized elements here and is far more subing" for a well-developed campaign or- Hamedrosh Hagodol Auxiliary, Mrs. chairman; Philip M. Klutznick and the invaders and the practice of the further migration of working-class lege forensic activities. Palestine government that the occustantial than anything previously ganization. The geographical plan Harry Trustin; Golden Hill Society, Dr. A. Greenberg, general solicitaJews to the Crimea should be direcheld. D. Epstein; Junior Hadassah, tion; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, woman's pation of Wa<Ii Hawareth by theted fundamentally towards the Jewhas been adopted, with a check-up to Mrs. will in effect, under one orish region in Friedorf, says a resoluA most important part of the Fair care for any prospects inadvertently Mrs. Morris Franklin, chairman, Mrs. division; William L. Holzman, initial Bedouins another pretext, be made permanent," tion adopted by the Central Execuis the Information City. Here inIda Greenberg; Junior Society of Con- gifts; Harry A. Wolf, budget; Dr. P. omitted in the solicitation. the Revisionists assert. formation is available regarding tive Committee of the Crimea. This year work of the general servative Synagogue, Miss Sally Mor- Sher, quota; Milton E. Abrahams, It was the clear duty of the Jewevery activity that might interest gan. This decision by the highest legislasolicitation committee will be dispeakers; Jack W. Marer, publicity, ish National Fund, they say, to rethe visitor. tive organ of the Crimean Republic Dr. M. Olgin, renowned Jewish vided into a larger number of secAssignments for speakers were .and in addition, Abe Goldstein, Max fuse its consent and let the governtions. Thus, 'more majors will be handed out by Milton E. Abrahams, Barish, Sam Beber, H. Marcus, Sam ment either restore the Wadi Haw- is diametrically opposed to the line of economist and publicist, will speak action adhered to by the C e n t r a l the subject, "Eussia Today," at Polish Teams Carry named and each group wQl cover a speakers bureau chairman, at a meet- Eavitz, Mrs. H. Arnstein, Mrs. M. areth land to its rightful owner, the Comzet before the recent organiza- on the Odd Fellows hall, Nineteenth and smaller territory than last year. ing held a t the Center on Monday Franklin and Erwin Wezelman. Jewish National Fund, or stand re- tional changes took place in its com- Capitol of f First Place at avenue, on Thursday, April The elimination of the "captains," evening. Necessary data and inforvealed before the world as aiders position, when M. Mereszin, M. Tche- 21, at 8:15 p. m. it has been pointed out, will tend mation for the speakers were given, and abetters of lawless violence. Palestine Maccabiad merisky, and others -were removed Dr. Olgin recently visited Soviet . to more adequately fix responsi- and every organization will have an from their posts. The tactics of the bility. '.:•* •.? Eussia and Europe, making a opportunity to learn about the camprevious leaders of the Comzet voted thorough study of economic condiJerusalem.—(J. T. A.) —Poland The budget committee will continue paign from a capable speaker. to divide up the migrants in as many tions. He was especially interested took first place in the Maccabiad Youths Division. during the next week'^to meet daily places as possible in order to secure in the Jewish colonization projects having gained the most points in for healings and discussions on the ;The rally for the youth division will in that way the land reserves which of the Bolshevik government. the different contests. Its reprebudget. Harry A. Wolf is chairman be held at the Center on April 28. were allocated for Jewish settlement sentatives were awarded the first This is Dr. Olgin's second visit to of the committee. The Senior Council of Clubs will sponin the Crimea. Maccabiad cup. Poland also obtained Omaha. He lectured before the Mrs. Anna Cohen, aged 71, promWomen's Division. sor the drive for the youth division The Comzet held to the view that Omaha Fine Arts society in 1919. the boxing cup, having completely Millions on Verge of Starvation, inent resident of South Omaha, died The women's division is making pro- this year, and Erwin Wezelman will if the various tracts of land were scored in the various boxing matches. Sunday evening at her home, 4610 Reports Bernard gress in its plans for another success- be chairman for the division, accordnot settled at least by a small numThe line-up of the different deleSouth Twenty-third street, following Kahn ful drive. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg is ing . to an announcement made by br of settlers, it would be difficult gations stands in this order: Poland, an illness of fifteen months. She chairman, with Mrs. Herbert Arnstein keep this land for Jews. The refirst place with 377 points; America, New York.—(J. T. A.)—Suffering came to Omaha from Eussia 41 years to and Mrs. Morris .Franklin, vice-chairsult was that the nnmber of Jewish second, with 285 points, and Ausago. She is survived by her husband, among the Jewish population of eastmen. tria third, with 254 points. CzechoL. I. Cohen; one son, three daugh- settlements in the Crimea grew at ern and central European countries the expense of their economic stabilThe sectional : chairmen and their slovakia scored 223 points, Palestine ters and five grandchildren. is -on the increase, according to a resub-chairmen, representing the vari218, Germany 120, Eoumania 14 and Her daughters, all of Omaha, are ity. This in the opinion of the Criport just received from Dr. Bernard mean Central Executive -Committee Plans are being completed for the ous Jewish •.women's organizations, Kahn, European director of the Mrs. Joe Sherman, Mrs. A. Frank and the new leaders of the Comzet box collections of the Jewish Na- England 10. have been announced by Mrs. Greenand Mrs. H. N. Rulish. A son, M. E. American Jewish Joint Distribution L. Witkin was named president of had the result of weakening the Jew- tional Fund to be started on Sunberg to consist of the following: made public by Paul Cohen, is also of Omaha. ish religion in Freidorf. day morning, April 24, and to be Bikur Cholim, Mrs. Leon Mandel- the Labor Lyceum at the election of Committee, Baerwald, chairmanv of the commit- - Funeral services were held from continued until all local boxes are son; Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. officers held Sunday. The number of Jewish families who the home Mondav afternoon, with The men elected to the board of di- tee. J. M. Newman, chairman,' Mrs. P. will be settled this spring in the-collected. burial at Fischer Farm. Schwartz, Mrs. David Cohen; Conser- rectors include H. Bender, K. Forman, In Poland, Dr. Kahn says, three Crimea is 1,300. According to the Morris Friedel, who is in charge vative Auxiliary, Mrs, D. Sherman, M. Katz, S. Zusman, M. Selicow, S. million Jews are faced with econposition of the Jewish settlements in of the collections, has asked for Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The effort chairman, Mrs. A. Frank; Daughters Euderman, S. Kenyon, H. Eesnick omic dangers; half of the employable Nazi League Organized the Crimea the number could have volunteers who are Trilling to give Jews in that land are without work, of Israel Aid, Mrs. I. Kulakofsky; and -Mrs. J. Elian. been twice or three times that. The their services, their automobiles, or of the Soviet authorities along antiin New York City harvest this year in the Crimea was both. Daughters of Zion, Mrs. M. Braude; religious lints is gradually being exHigh praise was paid to M. Crounse and one lundred. thousand of the . Deborah Society, Mrs. Max Fromkin; and S. Lipp, outgoing president and one million Jews in Eoumania are in good. The provision of bread in the The authorized workers for thetended to the elementary schools secretary j for their efforts on the or- dire circumstances,' and that hun- New York.—(J. T. A.)—A Nation- Jewish colonies was carried out nor-round-up will show official credential where children aged 9 and 10 are ganization's behalf the past four dreds of thousands of Jews in other alist Socialist organization under the mally, without any of the difficulties cards signed by I. Morgenstern, M. taught. nations are in destitute straits. name of Swastika League has been which occur in some of the Jewish F. Levenson and Morris Friedel, the This tendency is indicated by some years. His report reveals the fact that formed in New York with its mem- colonies in the Ukraine. The Cri-chairmen of the local Jewish Na- of the questions included in the soup kitchens had to be opened in bership composed of members of two mean settlers are therefore not only tion Fund Council, the United Pales- syllabus recently issued for studies towns of Eoumania and Sub-Nazi organizations "which until re- provided "with bread for themselves tine Council of Omaha, and the' box in the elementary schools. One of Sephardic Jews Open many Carpathia, and in the latter conn- cently were in a state of feud. and fodder for their horses and catquestions reads, "Has God The annual Mother-Daughter banSynagogue in Rome try, he says, conditions are such The League appears to have root- tle till the new harvest, butthey also collection committee, respectively. . these created man or has man created quet given by the Jewish Women's that many Jews are now subsisting ed itself in certain American circles, have the possibility of selling certain God?" Some of the other questions of their goods to settlers in other Volunteer Choir at Welfare Federation will be held on half rotten potatoes. The only it is stated. placed before the children stress the Sunday, May 1, at 6 p. m. a t 'the Kome.—(J. T. •; A.)—Amid scenes hope for help for these people, he Herr Lucdeke, who has been re- districts, mainly in the Ukraine, who harmful part which religion plays in Temple Is Growing Jewish Community Center. A most of rejoicing and festivity the local points out, is from America, and sponsible for the organization of come specially to the Crimea to buy life. interesting program has been ar- Sephardic. Community formally open- he makes a strong plea for con-Nazi gToups in other parts of the their bread. The volunteer choir at Temple IsLocal publications indicate that ed a newsynagogue. The new ranged for this affair. rael, which sings regularly at the some cf the children have shown tinued support of the work of thecountry, organized this group, it is building is an imposing structure Mrs. David Feder will speak for services, has been enlarged and is religious inclinations and it is as a American Jewish Joint Distribution alleged. Intensive Campaign the Mothers and Bernice Sherman containing many beautiful ornaments Committee, which is endeavoring to growing steadily. The members of result of this fact that every effort for the daughters. Mrs. William which were part of ancient Sephardic carry on a program of social reconthe choir include: to Advance Judaism is being made to convert them not Holzman will give the invocation. synagogues of this city going back struction and relief among the'- Jews Sopranos — Helen Beeson, Fanny merely into good pioneers but into Closed on Holydays A group of songs will be given to the sixteenth century. Cincinnati—(J. T. A.)—One thou- Hart, Elizabeth Hart, Eina Snyder, good atheists as well. of eastern and central Europe. by Mrs. Nathan Green, accompanied The Sephardic Jews up to now Steps are being taken to organize The Community Center building sand small unorganized communities and Eita Mantel; contraltos, Janet by Mrs. Henry Monsky at the piano. held their services in the local Jew- _a nation-wide effort to raise funds will be closed for the Passover holy- will be visited in 1932 in an intensive Graetz, Una Gross, Mildred Falk, Mrs. David A. Goldstein will lead ish Folks Shule, but the nnmber of that are to help the suffering Jews days on Wednesday, April 20, at 6campaigm for the Advancement of Gertrude Guss and Julia Zucker; ten- In Father's Footsteps community singing. Mrs. Louis pupils attending this school has been of eastern and central Europe and p. m., and will remain closed until Judaism -which will be sponsored by ors, Julian Nathan and Adolph LayJerusalem.-—Laying the cornerNeveleff, president, will preside. stone for a memorial to Lord Melgrowing and the synagogue leaders permit the Joint Distribution Com- Saturday evening, April 23, at 6 p. m. the Department of Synagogue and tin; bass, Sam Yaffe. Reservations can be made at thefound it necessary to leave the mittee to carry on its program of The choir will sing special music chett at Tel Mond, Lord Henry MelThe following week the building School Extension, in co-operation Jewish Community Center or with school premises and decided to estab- activity at least on a 'minimum .scale. will close on Tuesday, April 2G, at 6with the National Federation of at the Passover services. The public chett declared that he will continue Miss Blanche Zimman at Atlantic 4117 lish, themselves in a building of their Campaigns are being planned in allp. m., and open again on Thursday Temple Sisterhoods and the National is invited to attend the services and his father's work and will show not later than Thursday, April 28. own. every possible devotion to Palestine. Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. hear them. the large communities of the land. evening, April 28, at 6 p. m.


Work Well Under \^ay f w Tliird Annual Jewish Philanf

on May 8


Jewish Philanthropies Bulletin








PAGE 2r-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 ^ P y and i&ainof other rabbis, Mr. Samuel displays an hitherto un"Maurice, Was She a Blonde?" ., suspected gift of mathematical wizI . suspect that Mr. feamujei is esardry. He can* figure out to a nicety pecially wrought up about my latest what my anniialjj income for perquibook because'it prfcived so sdocessful,j pq sites and lectilrdS i^» thereby putting My' 'other ()>poks didn'V.feoth%r hjto my own accountancy to shame. <HiS at'aft. ?Of «6arsie, he.jfi^djceytain mathematical genius goes still fur- portions.'of.91^'bookf '<uAip^Uigihle:"ther. He can tell you to the pen,ny A befuddled- mentj exactly what -my. weekly income is. produce sfoslr bogs of intellectual cphfysidrt^ is amazing versatility! ; whos^'books are quite as- This Gentiles" and I really sympathize with Mr. "Sam^ i (though .not quite" as uel. Why should so much money go naturally .find yvread)^ whose salaries are to a man like Rabbi Silver when Changing WoVja" tocr ijrcjid - for quitp^as; largfi\aria whose' prosperSamuel is so much more deserv- prehension,.. Even a- frieruHy reviewi t y quite a^"!thick.J'^\Vhy did Mr. Mr. ing and would be so glad to get it er of "Yb\i ^.Gentiles,* in thfr $*ew EtamtieV single'* me out for this Tar- and has bsen tryijig so .awfully hard Palestine, coiiKLgo no further in; his ' ^ i C ' ' ' s h e - b e r a c h " of his? and in so many to get it. Sure- praise of that book tha'n to say: ^ ' g a d tale".must now be told, ly there is no w£y's, justice in the world! "The proportion of such rash and gentle readeir. ' When Mr. Samuel But, sympathizing as I do with a baseless pronouncements is too great was an employee of the Zionist Or- man who suffers ifeo much from the for one book." And a reviewer of ganization j of America, drawing a world's cruel '. maladjustments, "I, the Jew," in the New York Hersalary op $7,500 a year (plus rail- should nevertheless like to ask Mr.I ald-Tribune thus summarized both road and traveling expenses, plus Samuel one aaestion: "What exactextra compensation for every article ly the relation between one's salcontributed to_The New Palestine), aryis and one's^ sincerity? At what for njaking s^S^hes;>.an9 ;-otherwise salary level l y l l el tiSes tiS^ sincerity i beih..br hb be«*ih..br FOR!TASTY sacrificing himself for the cause, I en4? '•; Is a' man who' prays to God 4 suggested that his salary should be at f600 a week (using Mr. Samuel's £)ELICIOUS reduced, in as much as the Organiphrase) more sincere or zation was operatinarat a tremendous •brilliant FOODS AND less sincere than a man who brays deficit. This Mr. Samuel has never r PASTRIES forgiven me. It has been "burning for 7'"' \ ft <51 ^O p»' w»cl( nlus? Chalking *Up Back Fences him, up." For some years now he . . . Stop a t . . . . Mr. Samuel docs not like my scholhas,been going the rounds of towns and' tibbitzamies like, a poor mon- arship. It is too "thin" for him. grel' Sniffing for scraps of scandal, But how doe$ Mr. Samuel know? malicious wisecracks and derisive What does an Am Haaretz know words, waiting for a day of reckon- about scholarship? How can a man COFFEE SHOP ing. . His baffled wrath has now for whom Rabbinic literature i« a found vent in a pasauinade, writ- closed book, whose knowledge of Me36th and FARNAM ten with, the deft skill of a long- dieval Jewish sources is n>l. and shoreman and with the breeding of I whose abysmal ignorance of Biblical science is Ululated by a sentence a—Samuel. such as the following: "From the Any man who, like myself, has God of the Pentateuch (allowing for been in 'active public life for more interpolations as in Deuteronomy) than a decade and a half will ac- to the God of the Isaiahs we have CLEANERS cumulate enough enemies to last him almost the entire range of snHtual a lifetime.' I Have my share of tievelonment'in man." ("I. The JPW,' DYERS them. ' But Mr. Samuel has been p. 216)—bowman such a man preHATTERS among my most persistent and vir- sume to pass/Jr judgment, on" Jewish ulent enemies, goaded on by a hate scholarshin? °??Ne supra crenidam. TAILORS —and a jealousy—quite pathological. sutor jrd.'carj^^^'w^ich, being interWhenever I have a controversy with .preted f o ^ w . t - Samuel's ; benefit, ."in. public life,-* Mr. Samuel means: "Co£l*8e|Cf;i$ickto your last." promptly : injects himself " into the A gentlemaijffwnose sole tnlpnt lies scene, an uninvited combatant. Wher- in appropriating'lcey-ideaa of other 4420-22 North 20 ever there is a circle where his par- men and jarring them up or in writKEnwood 1500 ticular brand of anti-Silveriana ing those things which spiteful urwould be welcome, he is on hand chins write on back fences with with his little bucket. chalk (Dr. Wise, who is gratfful Barking at Monumental Service for having been "let down easy" this Ex uno disce omnes. From a time, calls that sort of wnting "unknowledge of what prompted Mr. purchasable and* unterrified truthSamuel to pay his compliments to speaking." cruite ya me I infer that a similar spite must as unpurcnasapie ya, and unterrified as have been responsible for his alto- Arthur Strawn's "Pronhet a la gether vile attack upon David A. mode")—such a erentleman ou<?ht reIF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT Brown. ally nc$ to dabble in matters of Wear White to Please Your It is not my purpose to champion scholarship.; • Patrons Mr. Brown. He needs no defenders Mr. Ejamuel does not like my,ZionThe Results Will Please You or apologists. I have "not always ism. *Mt lh thoj^ghtfully modulated A agreed with him. Frequently we lld "' itrable restraint-" and h,eld i sharp differences of opinion both S3 Here illike to ask,,p. regards policies and methods. Each question of Mr. When may man has his temperamental pecu- a Zionist be said to hold his ZionJA. 0528 liarities, but each man is entitled to ism in admirable restraint? WhenJS be judged not on the basis of the he restrains himself from "borrowincidentals. which are on the, peri- ing" thcMsands-'of dollars from the phery of his character, hut on the Zionist without authorbasis of his essential'" worth ' and ization? Would" tion you say that' a man achievements. whoi .has been graciously but firmly That Mr. Brown gave years of advised by a committee of imparhis life and vast energy and devo- tial judges that, for the best inter-1 tion to the cause of alleviating the ests of the Movement, he should not misery of millions of our people in continue in any Zionist office or on the desperate years of the war and any Zionist committee—would you those following the war, no one will say that that man's Zionism needs Let us tell you how deny, and no one, unless he is poi- some admirable restraint? inexpensively a room soned by malice, will attempt ot can be added to your Ten years before Mr. Samuel depreciate and belittle that monugraced these shores to become the home. mental service. Mr. Brown's part in the heroic professional carpet-bagger of the labor of love and mercy of Ameri- Zionist Movement, I had organized can Jewry will be remembered long the first junior Zionist society in Call for Free Estimate after the vituperations of a scrib- America. Since that time, and for b acbling dilettante will have been for- twenty-eight years, I have been tively identified with the Movement gotten. Mr. Samuel, who has had to conA Mouthful of Pebbles Mr. Samuel does not like my ora- jure his "Zionism out of a cosmic JAckson 5000 tory. In as much as he has pro- mystery, and with hair-raising intellectual acrobatics has had to walk "The Lumber Number" claimed me the symbol of the "Americanizing" Rabbinate, which he the tight-rope of racial chauvinism, so -heartily detests, I must assume and who seldom spoke or wrote for .that I am also "the trained product Zionism without a cash down payof the elocution schools." The grace- ment, now presumes to teach me my J f ul gestures of mine reflect the many Zionist catechism. Mr. Samuel does not 1 ke my social hours spent before a mirror. This and economic views. He charges me last image excites Mr. Samuel to such an orgiastic degree that he be- with being "safe." "No money-lender comes -psychically transported, and or employee of Jabor was ever stung with rare clairvoyance actually be- into'a moment of self-searching by holds me pantomiming before a mir- a rude hint' that' the Jewish mission ror! A charming bit of playful fan- of social justice has some sort of personal application." I am sending tasy, even if not quite original. One cannot really quarrel with a copy of this to the Cleveland Mr. Samuel's tastes in oratory. Chamber of Commerce, the Associat"Chacun a son g gout." He does not ed Industries of Cleveland and the Merchants' Association of Ohio. It lik t l f like my style of speaking? Niche will give them the laugh of their He thinks that I am the nearest rival to Dr. Stephen Wise, "who at lives. I am also reprinting that his best, leaves Silver—nowhere. statement-in my Temple Bulletin to Well, that should be very comfort- give my own people a heary laugh. ing to Dr. Wise and should mato I shall send a copy of it to the CleveMr. Samuel's job as contributing e& land Bystander, which, during the itor to the magazine edited by Dr. recent hotel employees' strike, vie Wise's son more secure and more iously denounced me *'for the preju remunerative. But for the sake OL dice and intolerance which he (Dr. "historical accuracy"—as my old, be- Silver) displayed in so completely loved professor, Dr. Gotthard and passionately condemning one Deutsch, used to say—and for th side (the hotel owners) aiid so enenlightenment of generations yet un tirely and unquestioningly espousing born, I must record the sad fact the other (the hotel employees)." IN HONOR of that I have never studied elocution. Also one to Church Management, of Cleveland, which recently carried the I regret that I didn't. Perhaps PASSOVER is not too late. Perhaps Mr. Samue following: "While Christian minisOn Passover the choic«t of ters are debating airtong themselves woud undertake to teach me. •vorything distinguishes the -whether or not it ^is good strategy The charming myth of the mirror, Jewish Home. Mamschewitz must, I regret to say, also go tliL to speak out in labor disputes, Rabb Matzo and Matzo products are the choicest of their way of all myths. I seldom use a Silver speaks and the city listens/ kind—produced in the larg» mirror except in shaving. It is toe Mr. Samuel does not like my bopk, p 4d>Kosher Matzo Bakery in disillusioning. I would not advise "Religion in aiChanging a i i Wlit'r Worlit' / ~r |he world. In demand . ' Mr. Samuel to use it—evej. In hL There are other^ r^who didn't like | it, ".,! everywhere.- j t' I case it would be fairly devastating. particularly: those vaingloriqos,;; tp. - The-great orators.of the'past nave cialists who, like MrJ Samael, be been known to use strange devices U. lieve that- "God is a Jew" "and tha perfect their art. Demosthenes pu "the religious feeling of all peopl pebbles in his mouth to improve hi "who are not Jews is trivial," or thos< speech. Mr. Samuel might take somi who belong to that anomalous breei pebbles out of his mouth to improvi of Jewish agnostics who choose tc his. This would help his lecture champion vicarious orthodoxy, o business considerably. those Jewish atheists who find n< MATgQ t-IKK Mr. Samuel does not like my sal ideologic discrepancy whatsoever i • .ary. . I n discussing jat. great, length'. officiating, as Rabbis in Conservative^1


1 ' I have finally read Mr. 'Maurice ~ '.It. would "tej^infair^ both -.^w the 1 -book and..to its' gafliatoti quth%" fo Samuel's new book, "Jews on Ap not irritated. By proval." For weeks now there have suggest:that^I;was r it. I was; »a^^nrs/» far^as:;tliat ljeen alluring and mysterious whisperings in the Anglo-Jewish press was its object, the book is a success. about this book and the awful drub-' Even a cootie can make a man unIsing which it was going to;, admin- comfortable.,. But then a cootie alister to some American Jewish : c&*- ways remains, a Cootie.. Mr. Samuel does not* like my ora•Jebrities and to me. Some choice !bits of smart characterization were tory. He ^does not like my schol^exhibited in advance by the little arship.. He" Iddes; iiotl like my book. iWinchells of the Jewish weeklies? an He does" [not: like • my7 .Zionism. He prder to make your mouth water. does noteven Bke*my:salary.: Had. :0ne press agent pictured me ijv the he expressed an additional dislfke for .process of reading this book and my pompadour Janet my-neckties, the writhing in mortal agony. One New catalogue, would have .been complete. Tork Jewish cleric actually beheld In tactr .from reading thisr • book I :VJewish flesh bleed and Jewish nerve received a? distinct' impression that Mr. Samuel does not like me. quiver." A Pathological Busybody Well, I have read the book; and Why doesn't Mr. Samuel like me? -frankly I am a little disappointed. I had been led to expect great and That is- an" interesting question. scandalous and Gargantuan things. I There are other Rabbis in the coun'found only old-time kibbitzing and try whose oratory is quite as bad as mine, whose scholarship is quite .nose-thumbing.

JOE APLER'S KOSHER DEUCATESSEN announces that he has the best quality cff PASSOVER. MERCHANDISE at the Cheapest Prices in town. Make us a visit and see for yourself. Some of our many specialties include: : . Passover Dill Pickles, Dill -Tomatoes) Home-Made IBorscht, Chocolate Candy, Cookies, Mayonnaise, and many other articjes. Buy here, save money, and be Satisfied

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WEbster 4959


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Especially the Eight Kind You Need for Pesach at the Lowest Prices in Town LIVE RIVER FISH 12ȣcalb. and up

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Remember to Call

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COMPLETE LINE OF DINNERWARE Service for 6__$2.65 and up Service for 8_$10.00 and up Many Beautiful Patterns to Choose From

FINE SELECTION OF WINE SETS - Goblets, Glassware, in]toany colors, at reasonable

prices. Let us help you tnake your Pesach table more attractive. A complete line to choose from. ;



Omaha Towel Supply Co.

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style: "The fluency, of his writing when he ijs merely' rhapsodizing, as . ' . That Same opptosed fo his platitudes, his reduadatfcies, -bis 'helpless; apologetics Shoe Comfort and his- all . too sg#cious coherence, if you have your shoes when.iie is arguing,%<is sufficient to repaired at the declare' him •&, pxoteStant>agajust- ratioBairsm, 'even M bX did .BGtyexplicitly ^proclaim his aversion io It." ,..-"ftoe Repair Co. ' I have' one .final ^aestion to ask I U. KRAUE. Prop of. Mfl-'ianJuel.. ^T>«t"lady:in Set* 1619 ssAetn.yiho nearff flung, herself, en Farnam iny bb'sonV with *hV ^ofds, 'You «reat>. Mg, beaTittfu>^]£sbt>i,'" was she 'a" blonde? ,-Ajid* what' do yoii mean-by "nearly?"- ~T recall maiiy pleasant' experiences incT Jerusalem, but thV one unfortunately and, auite regretf ally' escapes. - me, "Such- a charming accolade I;_-should ^rememLaundered and d ber, especially when others for whom :3 J , Packed in Moth Proof Bags it was not intended, are able to reSpp*;~I LowPrices Now in F"ect member it. Maurice, was she a blonde? And are your sure that it happened in the holy citv of Jerusalem? Pei-haos beside the Wailing Wall? Perhaps in the moonlight? I am l-eallv very much intrigued— a and so is Mrs. Silver. -. m 2SIS FARNAM AT. 2815 Distance Lends Disenchantment I have not had one hour's conversation, with Mr. Samuel jn fifteen years. He does not know me. He only hates me. Perhaps as a contrast to his imaginary uortrayal of me I should offer the following from a collearruo who worked with me in Cleveland for eight years in almost SHOP daily contact and in closest co-operation : Window Shades, 36x6 of un"In the eisrht years that I have breakable and washable shade been in the city of Cleveland I have cloth for 50c and up. often thought that there is no more We clean and reverse shades simulating, no more inspiring source for 15c and up. than the nersonality of Abba Hillel Silver. He is today not only the WALNUT 5500 successor to the Jewish .scholar of old, 4202-4 Hamilton St. he is also tKe preacher and prophet of old. In Rabbi Silver we find harmoniously blended these two func tions, the preacher, the one who kin dies the light, the scholar who spends long hours in the' study. I know of few men in the country who have kept their pulnits on the level at Beautify your home. Prices of our high grade Nebraskawhich Rabbi Silver has kept his. grown nursery stock is the lowWhat a temptation it must be to a est ever known. man with his power, to a man with Our grass seed and fertilizer his magnetism, to stoop to meet the will make your lawn glad. demand of the populace. He', has maintained the dignity of the pulpit." The above words wer5 spoken at my tenth anniversary celebration in 924 No. 24th St. Cleveland by one whom Mr. Samuel (Near Canting) believes to be "a scholar and a thinfc 5 j £ j A . 5115 Eve, MA. 4006 er"—Rabbi Solomon Goldman—who was once a rabbi in Cleveland and who is now, unfortunately, taking stock of everyone—but himself—in Chicago. For Tasty Delicatessens Samuelean Slurs Cannot Sully Phone or Call at the Rabbinate And now a word,, to my colleagues of the "Americani»ng Rabbinate' whose symbol I am supposed to repGlendale 3951 resent. If it is true that "my ex 5019 UNDERWOOD AVE. ample has done more to mould th aspirations and ideals of young rabJ. Raduziner, Prop. bis than any other single influence Delivery Service of this , decade" (an exaggeration— Open Sundays and Evenings albeit flattering), I am really quite SPECIAL happy. For I like my young colHarding Ice Cream, 39c Quart leagues and, in many ways, am very proud of them. I have seen them at work in their communities faithfully and capably carrying on the fine traditions of their calling. They are serving hte cause of Ju daism in their pulpits, in their religious schools and in Jewish communal life. Many of them are reCHICAGO - - - $8.00 sponsible for whatever active Jewish Round Trip $12.00 life and for whatever liberal thought Denver 9.50; Log Angeles 23.50 there are in their communities. New DES MOINES - - • $3.00 schools, synagogues and community Round Trip $4.50 centers have sprung up throughout the country as a result of their initiative and labors. Quietly and without heroics they are going abou improving their schools, their teach 306 N. 16th St. Ha. 5000 ing staffs and their curricula. Soim of them excel in preaching, others in pastoral work, others again in communal work and still others in teaching. Every Jewish cause o: merit, cultural or philanthropic, whether local, national or interna tional, receives their co-operation. The New Palestine writes editorially in its issue of January 23rd, 1925 "Go through the cities of the lanu COMPLETE STORE AND today and you will find, wherever a OFFICE OUTFITTERS united Jewish community has been Mm Occupy established, that the Reform congreOre* TO.0M Hqaar* f~c«t gations and their rabbis are co-operSouthwest Corner ationg in work for Palestine, and Eleventh and Douglas Streets often in regular Zionist work. It v. Phone JAckson 2724 needless to cite examples. Look a. Omaha. Nebr. Cleveland, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York." The national chairman of the Joini Distribution Committee declared recently: "One outstanding and en couraginj? fact which I experienced NATIONAL during the past year was the qualACCESSORIES, INC. ity of leadership and the willingness to co-operate of our American Jew"Everything for the Aut*" ish ministry." 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 A Braggart's Crocodile Tears If Mr. Samuel's dolorous katzen jammer. over the fate of American Israel is ridiculously unreal and unwarranted,' it is due in no smal measure ipj the devoted labors oi these'men. I trust that they wil. not be "bluffed out" of the legitimate pride and saisfaction which their ministry brings them by the envenomed and jealous criticisms of the journalistic „ freeJancers roaming the Alherican Jewish scene today. These pseudo-Jnteliectuals, whose second rate talents have failed to impresi the non-Jewish world, have in recen years attempted to rise to leadership in American Jewish life through bluster and chutzpa, and they havi failed. Defeat and impotence havi JROOHQATLANTIC 06591 made them jealous and vindictive.


BLANKETS and Quilts

Hamilton Street Window Shades



Home Landscape Service


Underwood Delicatessen


Omaha Rapid Transit lines


i l 3 SO/f+TH.ST. OMAHA.

(Continued on Page 8.)


.<•--* > .;

• - -— r-


LV-1932- . * i i i i ( .

*W W \ \ V

Jewish I^idtithrofries o/ Omaha


ewry TThis will be the by-word in every Jewish home for the coming campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies. In order to keep faith with those to whom we Jews of Omaha have made promises for help and aid, every Jewish man, woman and child must give his or her share to raise^^he necessary qiiota. : Every Jewish home in Omaha must enroll every member of the household! Every Jewish family must berepresented by a full enrollment! Never before in the history of this ageshave the needs of pur people everywhere been greater. We Jews of Omaha must '<&&& on*for these bretlir^n of ours are depending upon us for our continued help. We must not fail. We must keep them supplied with life's necessities.


very OmflK

In Hie campaign for this year are included agencies that are doing relief work among our suffering people in Russia, Rumania, Germany, Poland, Palestine, and other foreign countries, as well as in this country. They ask for food, clothing, shelter—not luxuries— but only the bare necessities of life. A substantial portion of this fund is used for local educational purposes—Talmud Torah. Weihust continue to teach our young boysi and girlst tiie essentials of the Jewish faiths— to give them a solid foundation upon which to build a permanent, understanding Jewish "life: ^

' - •

tfty mene


: V - ' - ' - - : • ' -

•' - '



ries Call for Your


Hospitals for the consumptives, for the aged, for the sick, orphan homesifor our motherless and fatherless Omaha children, homes for the poor and aged, schools of learning, institutions for the crippled children — all these receive aid from the Jewish Philanles.


We are fortunate—for it is only by the stroke of fate that we have comfortable homes, enjoy automobiles, see good shows, eat wholesome food, hear the news of the world by radio. But these poor, helpless, sick, needy brethren of ours ask our aid for only those things that will give them existence so they may rehabilitate themselves.

Campaign Starts May 8,1932




-i -, J









Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - ' ' Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490.Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATIantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - • - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN . . - - - - - - - - • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN . -.. - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent



maybe the dish of fish had too many bones, and Hitler choked, and he there and then determined t o have revenge on the Jews. Or maybe they refused t o give him credit at the Kosher restaurant?



experience, bis long years of acquired knowledge, and if you can add to that youthful vigor—why flaming youth will be sold short. Still, it might not be a bad thing. It i s my own opinion that flaming youth has a little too much the edge of i t at present In ancient Israel, the "elders" were the salt of the land. Today, everybody seems insteady to try to salt away the elders.

Bialik Honored


, Madrid.—Chaim . Nachman Bialik, the distinguished Hebrew poet, was elected a member of the Spanish Academy.

For, I repeat, one of the greatest facilities i s the belief that significant developments spring from significant causes. Causes are almost always trivial. What was there in THOSE PALESTINE the face of Helen for instance? BLUES Probably nothing but the kind of Candle lighting time, Friday, As the steamer carrying some features that you and I could find April 15, 6:15 p. m. walking down Main street any day, hundred and fifty Jews to Palestine Tonight was receding in the misty waters, when it doesn't rain. Yet that face, Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Inwe are told, launched 10,000 ships. the other day, I stood along the THRIFTY SERVICE shore with the steamship agent who terpretations of Passover Thoughts All right, says it was only 9,000. 6c Lb. and Passover Customs." Or what is there so significant had sponsored the Palestine tour. Ja. 0243 C. B. 5192 Some 2654 years ago when the Assyrians destroyed Samaria, About half of them are prospecabout a mosquito. Passing him by Passover capital of the Northern kingdom of Israel, they deported a goodly you would not 6ven stop to speak tive settlers and about half tourPesach begins this Wednesday eveportion of the Israelites, secure in their expectation that they had to him. Yet consider how many ists? I said questioningly to the ning, April 20, and continues for communities he has decimated with agent. eight days through Thursday, April initiated the end of the race descended from Abraham. Seven the malaria which he breeds. WHEN GOLDMANN DINED "Yes," he said, "about evenly di- 28th. hundred ninety-two years later the Romans under Titus captured m And so, I say, who knows, but in vided." Recently the Rev. Dr. Samuel Passover celebrates the deliverance Plumbing . . . . and destroyed Jerusalem and*widely dispersed, the Hebraic people, Schulman, rabbi of the great Reform that very restaurant that Dr. Cora"Well, all of this should net you of our people from Egyptian bondHeating.... who had rehabilitated a national existence after the Babylonian Temple, Emanu-El, invited Dr. Na- lnik refers to—the menace of Hilter- a neat little sum?" I continued. age. It is the Jewish Holiday of Ventilating.... ism was born. "Yes, and it's going to net me me Freedom. triumph. The Israelites were scattered throughout foreign, hos- hum Goldmann, the well known GerSanitation.... more," he answered. man Jewish scholar, who is editor of tile lands and have lived scattered ever since. An ordinary people the new Jewish Encyclopedia of A WAITER'S STORY Pesach Services Repair Work . . . . "You see," he said, "those tourvould have quickly vanished, as did the Phillistines and other con- Germany. That is, Rabbi Schulman And talking still about restaurants, ists who are coming back, will go Wednesday evening, April 20, 6:30 p. m. temporaries. But not the Israelites. Jewish life, instead of stag- invited Dr. Goldmann for dinner Fri- have I ever told the one that Jacob again." Thursday morning, April 21, 8:30 de Haas tells? day evening. "No," I said, "Palestine is a long nating and disappearing ever remained a "river of living waters," a. m. One day, Goldstein sitting in a way off, and I don't imagine the When Dr. Goldmann arrived the which, while running within the river-bed of a single nation, con- Rabbi Friday morning, April 22, 8:30 restaurant, didn't a t all like the average person will make that trip was a little perplexed, it is \ a. m. 'tinued to feed anew the great streams of human civilization. The said. After all, he is a Reform steak. He called the waiter. Plumbing & Heating, Inc. more than once in his life." center of Jewish life shifted to Babylon, to Europe, to America Rabbi and perhaps his meals were "Why, this steak," he exclaimed, "That's where you are all wrong," 2811 Dodge At. 7408 hard as iron. How does he ex- he said, "but you won't understand, . . . never failing. The Jews found themselves successively banish- not suficiently kosher for his guest. "is Rabbi Schulmann delicately stated pect me to get it down my throat. you can't understand." ed from England, France, Spain, Portugal and many small German the Say, do me a favor, take the steak "And why, pray, can't I undersituation. Buy Your Manischewitz Matzo states, but they merely sought new refuges, new havens, without "Oh, I am sure," replied Drfl Gold- to the chef and tell him to stick it stand?" and Passover Needs "Because you've never been in surrendering their distinctive identity. As Zangwill wrote in the mann, "that I need have no re- down his own throat." at he said. "For once you've nineteenth century "The story of this little sect—the most re- ligious qualms about eating anything Whereupon the waiter took away Palestine," been there for a short period, you the home of a Rabbi," said Dr. the steak and departed. LET US BID ON YOUR markable survival of the fittest known to humanity—in no way in Goldmann. In a few minutes, the waiter •was can't avoid wanting to go back. It's 1412 No. 24th JA 2250 corresponds with its numbers. It is a story that begins very near like a disease. There's something back. "Mr. Goldstein," he said, "the QUOTED chef says he's sorry, but he can't that gets you over there. Maybe it's the beginning of history, and shows little sign of drawing to a DEVIL SCRIPTURE stick i t down his throat. He's got the scenery. Maybe it's the exotic First Class Commercial conclusion. It is a story that has chapters in every country on And that reminds me of a story two orders ahead, a dish of fish, and oriental life. Maybe it's the leisurePrinting at Lowest Prices sarth, that has borne the impress of every period. All men and told about a well known Jewish a dish of plum pudding." ly contrast to our own worrying life and Prompt Delivery of hustle and bustle. Anyway i t writer, who was once found eating •ill ages pass through it in unending procession . . . . " FOR RENT gets yon. And I will say that 50 OLD BUT YOUNG pork in some restaurant. to responsible parties. 8-room In the middle ages the Jewish people numbered a mere two His fellow Jew who came upon Gertrude Atherton, you remember, per cent of those returning will some residence, barn in rear, 938 No. million and the cry was constantly heard that the Jews as a peo- him in the process expressed amaze- a few years ago, wrote that novel day buy a return ticket" 25th St. Rent very reasonable. ple would not and could not survive. Today, statistics reveal that ment. "How can you, of all men, about what would happen, when "You sound yourself like you have 313 No. 16 A t 6343 Call science really succeeded in finding a the Palestine blues," I returned. the Jewish population has grown to 15,870,000. In those medievel be doing this?" asked the friend. "And how," he sighed, as we KAIMAN INS. CO, At. 8034 "Don't get excited," replied the means for human rejuvenation. days America was an unknown land; today the largest Jewish set- writer. turned our steps from the dock. "It says in the Torah, one Well, now, it seems, by the autotlement is in the United States, where four and a half million Jews should eat pork." biography which Mrs. Atherton has reside. Here the proportion of Jews to the total population is "What do you mean, it says in the just written, thaj the book was a greater than in Europe, where, of course, the largest number still Torah, you should eat pork," re- little bit autobiographical. Mrs. the other. Atherton, previous to its writing, ELECTRIC WIRING live, almost ten million. Though our people were cradled in the turned "Well, isn't the word for hog in had actually had one of those reand REPAIRING " Arabian desert, only 612,000 Jews today reside in Asia. This the Torah, "es-Chazir?" said the juvenation operations by Dr.. Harry on . number is almost equalled even in Africa, where there are 572,000 writer. (A pun on the Hebrew par- Benjamin, the American exponent pi ANYTHING ticle "es"). [ Jewish people. Other ^interesting statistics show that in Central the Steinach method. ELECTRICAL And according to Mrs. Atherton, I Europe, called the Jewish strip, the Jews constitute 6.08 per cent DR. CORALNDJ AND . . . ALSO • • . after the operation, she felt so spry of the total population while in Western and Southern Europe HITLER Now, this matter of kosher and that the words of her book came out Manufacturers of ^they are less than six-tenths of onej]pOTvcenj^Ja: Palestine they non-kosher . r i s very important. Here, of her like a geyser. DODSON AUTOMATIC ;f comprise 17 per cent of the total, andlffl?oTamI^ peS^eiit. There for instance, Dr. Coralinik, one of From what I have heard, howOIL BURNERS .are 1,800,000 Jewish people in New York City, 360,000 in War- the most brilliant of the Yiddish ever, the general scientific attitude ' saw, 325,000 in Chicago, 270,000 in Philadelphia, 240,000 in Buda- journalists has been relating that is not very favorable to these operawhen he, as a young man was a tions. ", pest, 220,000 in Vienna, 180,000 in Lodz, 140,000 in Moscow. student at the University in Vienna, THEN AND NOW 720 So. 28th St. Ja. 0777 Instead of vanishing, the Jews have shown an average an- the sister of Hitler worked as a But some day mankind will probwaitress in a kosher dining room nual rate of natural increase of 120,000 per year during the last ably succeed at fthis. It will find a with the school. century. Despite oppression, persecution and decrimination, de- connected When I heard that, a lot of things means to make! the old feel young spite an ever-chanTing scene, our claim as a "deathless people' became plain to me. For I am not and then what chance will the young have? uuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimimiHiiiiiiiiiiin • grows stronger as the unending procession of men and ages passes one of those people who believe that •people For the old will have his ripened great or rather important developon. ments always spring, from great Chas. R. Docherty causes. Who knew but Hitler may Commercial Artists Misses Rose Fox, Dora Markovitz, have come into the kosher kitchen Radios Mae Peltz and Tillie Markovitz. Abe in which his sister worked, and Photo Engravers Radios Serviced Saltzman served as best man. The tried one of the Jewish dishes, and Electrical Appliances groomsmen were Dr. Irving Weiss, and Messrs. Charles Gendler, Sam Home of BY E.B.K. Passover holidays, and the meeting Weiss and Edward Weiner. The Westinghouse flower girls were little Dorothy and will be held on the following TuesRefrigerators ' Miss Dorothy Saltzman, daughter Elaine Cohen of Harlan, Iowa. Tiny day afternoon, April 26, instead. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman of Richard Peltz served as ring bearer. Mrs. George Steinberg and daughCouncil Bluffs, became the bride of A reception and dance followed the 507 So. 12 Street .Mr. Keith Peltz, son of Mr. and ceremony. The young couple left ter, Miss Lillian Steinberg, who have ATIantic 1192 ;Mrs.' M. Peltz of Omaha, Sunday the following day for Chicago, HI., spent the past six months in San 2004 Farnam Street •evening, April 10, at 8 o'clock in on their honeymoon trip. Upon their Antonio, Texas, and other southern ATIantic 4486 iiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiina ,the ballroom of the Hotel Chieftain return they will make their home at points, returned home Saturday. They made the trip by motor. ,in Council Bluffs. Rabbi H. Grod- the Roland apartments, 2107 North 'zinsky and Rev. A. Schwaczkin of Eighteen street, in Omaha. Omaha performed the marriage in the presence of. about 500 guests. Martin Gluckman was chosen as Preceding the ceremony Miss Lydia Ross sang, "I Love You the Council Bluffs milk and dairy Truly," accompanied at the piano by inspector by the city council at a 'Miss Regina Klein and on the violin meeting held Monday night at the city hall. He i s a pharmacist and fcy Chester Harris. also a Senior at Creighton University The bride was lovely in a white Medical School. lace gown, fashioned with a .fitted bodice and floor length skirt. She The Sign of .carried a shower bouquet of white The Ladies' Aid society have post.Good Workmanship roses and lilies of the valley. * poned their next regular meeting JA. 1614 Miss Rhoda Peltz was maid of which was scheduled for next Tueshonor, and the bridesmaids were the day, April 19, due to the coming Offices Brandeis Theatre Bide


They tell it of a well known Jewish speaker, .who, like His Honor, the Mayor of New York, has a reputation for being late at functions. . Well, i t appears that this orator came trouping in the other day to some Jewish function a t 9 o'clock when - the event had been scheduled for 8:30. "You are half an hour late," remonstrated the toastmaster. "No, I am a half an hour early," replied the orator. "You see I always come an hour after the beginning and here I am, only a half an hour after the beginning, so I am half an hour early."

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Won't Ride Up Because Ws Made of That Sensational New


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M. SOMIT Sealer In


JEWISH BOOKS and all other RELIGIOUS ARTICLES 2429 Decatur St.

Your Le Gant, does everything to the figure that a perfect figure should do for Itself . . . gives a long, slim, Unbroken line over the hips, nips In the waist, flattens the diaphragm to a gentle smoothness, and in addition is one of the most comfortable garments you've ever worn.

Phone Webster 3527

I just received a fresh stock of all kinds of Matzoth of the best qualities, and also all kinds of Passover articles, like Matzo flour, cake flour, ess matzotb, cookies, etc. • " • I also bave a fall line of all kinds of Robeach's Kosher articles for Fesach, including strawberry, raspberry and cherry Jelly In pint glass jars; and also oil in beautiful glass bottles. Bemember also my own make soap. Kosher for Pesach. fesach Candy, too.

Le Gant Corselette With Low Evening Boofe 5 Sizes 32 to 38 i


Corset Section—SecondFloor

Outstanding Values

£nd every hat emphasizes more fine qiiality hat making than Knox and Mallory even trailed out bfo before. ColorfuL CoorfuL StylefuL T Thflt lightt proportion ti for f every man iis here i the smart new hats of the hour.

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Easy Terms—We Trade

Tucker-Cullen Giiev., Inc. *B5»-«3 Farnaro Open Evenings

AT. 674S


PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 man, who is a post-graduate student at Yale University, has been awarded a one thousand dollar scholarship in philosophy at Yale. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, where he was an assistant professor.

ber of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.


WINS MUSICAL HONORS Joe Lagman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lagman, won first place in the saxophone division of the district high school contest held last week. He also won first in the oboe comIN "JINGLE BELLES" Bob M. Singer, son of Mr. and petition for representatives of four Mrs. S. H. Singer, is a member of states, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and t i e Kosmet Klub of the University Nebraska. of Nebraska, which will produce "Jingle Belles" at the Brandeis Sat- CULTURAL GROUP Under the leadership of Mrs. Max urday night. Mr. Singer is a memTonight Fromkin, a culture group has been At Temple Israel services tonight ^ELTZ-SALTZJMCAN >^ Broscow, all of Sioux City, la., organized by the E-Na. Books and Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on :| The marriage of:•:-. ^Miss Dorothy; motored to Omaha Sunday. They events of both the Jewish and Gen"Aristide Briand," giving reflections Saltzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs* visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brostile worlds win be discussed. on the life of the recently deceased I|. Saltzman of Councfl Bluffs, to; cow. French statesman. Tuesday, April 19 Keith Peltz, son of Mr. and Mrsx Mrs. Broscow's mother, Mrs. A. Meeting—Pioneer's Club, 8 p.m. M. Peltz of Omaha, took place Zusman, entertained at a luncheon Tomorrow Morning. Monday, April 25 Sunday evening: in Council Bluffs for twelve guests Sunday afternoon Rabbi Cohn's sermon topic for SatBy Meeting — Bikur Cholim, 2:30 at the Hotel Chieftain, with Sabtif urday morning 'will be "The Great H. Grodan&ky and Kev. A. Sdrwacz- at her home, honoring Miss Sonya p. m. Mrs. David M. Newman Sabbath." Broscow on her recent engagement Card Party, Daughters of Zion, Mn officiating. to Mr. Jerome M. Hirsch. Mr. and 2 p.m. Kaddish . Miss- -Rhoda Pelte-was .maid, of Whipped Cream Cake. Mrs. Gutterman shared honors. Lecture—Louis Lozowick, 8 p.m. Kaddish will be recited this Sabhonor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Take 1-2 pint whipped cream, 2 'The Jew in Art," sponsored by batb; for William Rothschild, FerdinRose Fox, Dora Markovitz, Mae egs, 1 cup sugar, 11-2 cups flour, 2 the Adult Educational Program of and Adler, Isaac Oberfelder, George Peltz and Tillie Markovitz. Best ANNOUNCE BIRTH teaspoons baking powder, 1-2 teaDr. and Mrs. Meyer Beber an- the J. C. C. man was' Abe Saltzman, -whil? spoon salt, 1 teaspoon lemon or Seligsohn, Emil Brandeis. groomsmen were Dr.' Irving Weiss, nounce the birth of a son on April Pesaeh Opening Service. almond. and Messrs. Charles GencQer, Sam 9, at the Lutheran hospital. Pesaeh, our inspiring Feast of Whip cream stiff, drop in whole ^Veiss and Edward Weiner.' Flower, Passover, begins Wednesday evening, eggs and stir lightly. Sift sugar 3 Sunday, May 1 girls were Dorothy and Elaine Cohen. BAR MTTVAH CELEBRATION April 20. times and fold in, sift flour, salt Mother and Daughter banquet, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothenberg honLittle Richard Peltz was ring bearer. Please note that the opening servand baking' powder 4 times and fold A reception and dance.were held ored fifty guests at a dinner at 5 6 p. m., sponsored by the Jewish in flavoring. ice of our Festival will begin at the Women's Welfare Organization. after the ceremony. ' After their o'clock Sunday, April 10, in celebraBake in a loaf pan 20 to 35 early hour of 6 p. m. It will be a Tuesday, May 3 honeymoon trip the couple will make tion of the Bar Mitvah of their son, short service, so as to enable our minutes. Meeting—Jewish Women's WelIrving Rothenberg. their home in Omaha. members to give the "Seder" in their Mapled Apples. fare Organization, 2:30 p. m. homes. We hope that as many as Board meeting 1:30 p. m. VISITORS Use € apples, 1 cup light brown possible will arrange to attend this STOLLER-KAPLAN Center Players' Guild Open sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tableMrs. D. H. Fertil and son, RichENGAGEMENT opening service in honor of the Passspoon butter, 1-4 teaspoon cinnamon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan of Sioux ard Harvey, of Boston are visiting House, 8 p. m. Sunday, May 8 Cream butter, sugar, add flour City, la., announce the engagement here with Mrs. Fertfl's parents, Mr. Junior Hadassah Mother and and cinnamon. Fill centers of apof their daughter, Sara, to Max and Mrs. Sam Flax. Mrs. Fertil was formerly Miss Daughter Bridge, 3 p.m. ples with mixture, put the rest of Stoller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Monday, May 9 Minne Flax cf Omaha. the mixture in the pan and add Stoller of this city. Bridge Party, Bikur Cholim, enough hot water to prevent burnNo date has been set for the wedEnjoy more leisure by 2:30 p. m. ing. Serve cold with whipped cream Miss Grace Stern of Milwaukee ding. having us do your NOTICE and top with chopped walnuts. is the guest of her brother-in-law laundrying for you. The building will close Wednesand sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard BRIDGE TEA day, April 20, at 6 p. m., and reMrs. Irvxn C. Levin entertained at Marks. Miss Stern will be here for a main closed until Saturday eve- Nazi Groups and Swastika ten tables of bridge at a beautifully to Be Barred by Czechs ning, April 23, at 6 p. m. appointed bridge tea at the Hotel week. Prague.—Nazi organizations and The following week the building Paxton on April 3, in honor of her will close on Tuesday, April 28, at swastika symbols, international symsister, Miss Sophie Binstein, whose RETURN 6 p. m., and open again on Thurs- bol of anti-Semitism, vrill be de(Our New Phone Number) Mrs. Joe M. Rice and son, Donald, marriage to Isadore Sokolof will clared illegal, the Czechoslovakia!] day evening, April 28, at 6 p. m. returned from a six-weeks stay in take place in early summer. government has decided. The color scheme carried out in Chicago. the table decoration was pink and white. TO VISIT Mrs. Louis Ellis left "Wednesday J i HONORS NEWLY-WEDS for an extended visit in Chicago Miss Ethel; Goldberg entertained with relatives and friends. forty guests at a dinner at her home on Sunday, April 10. The dinner WINS SCHOLARSHIP •yeas- ©yen in honor of her brotherDavid Fellman, son of Mrs. J. FeHin-law;, and. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Friedman, -who -were recenfiy iiarried. CALL *,Jfcs. Friedman was formerly Miss Fiances Goldberg;

Notes of Temple Israel

Center Calendar

Kitchen Chats

Coming: Events



Service Thursday Morning Service for the morning of Passover will be held Thursday, April 21, at 10 a. m. Dr. Cohn will speak on "The Significance of Our Festival." Closing Service Tuesday, the 26th The closing service for the Feast of Passover will be held Tuesday evening, April 26, at 8 p. m. There will be special Passover music rendered by the enlarged choir. Dr. Cohn will speak on "A New Thing." Sunday School The services at Temple Israel Sunday School last Sunday were led by Florence Meyerson, Fannie Sommer, and Thelma Gaspar. Volunteer Choir Temple Israel is proud of its volr unteer choir which sings regularly at the services. Be sure to come and hear them. There will be special music over the Passover holidays. Friday evening of Passover week, April 22, there will be a special trio played by Mr. Oscar Weinstein, celBst, Max Yaffe, violinist, and Mr. V. C Bennett, organist. The following* compose the members of the choir: Soprano, Helen Beeson, Fanny Hart, Elizabeth Hart, Rina Snyder and Rita Mantel; contraltos, Janet Graetz, Una Gross, Mil-

dred Falk, Gertrude Guss and Julia Zueker; tenors, Julian Nathan and Adolph Layttn; bass, Sam Yaffe.

Labor Lyceum Plans May Bay Celebration A May day celebration will be held at the Labor Lyceum on Sunday afternoon. May 1, at 2 p. m. John M. Paul of Harvard, Nebr., candidate for governor on the Socialist platform, will be the main speaker. A musical program will also be held. The entertainment is open to the public with admission free. MEW

RUGS Made Oat «f Toor Old Bass—OMKw—Bag* Fat hfannaUon

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Herzberg's talk's Largest and Srartest Crop of


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BUFFET SDHKBR , , s , 4 a ^ "^^Mr. "and" Mr& "l&we Goldman en* fertained at a buffet supper for 34 gnests at their- home Sunday evening. HONORED AT LUNCHEON


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Style - Doubled and Redoubled

Omaha Kosher Meat Market For Your Fresh Meats Daily and All Passover Needs

Our $25 coats show what we mean by f a s h i o n , but you c a n ' t appreciate with what superlative perfection they are made until you see their masterly tailoring, slenderizing s e a m i n g and s k i l l e d designing. Furs on collars, furs on cuffs, scarf collars... ALL the much talked about IMPORTANT details. Sizes 12 to 26 . . . 36 to 46.

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New 2 Thread Chiffon, all

Silk Hosiery

$25 Distinctive prints with lingerie trim or useful jackets.

Linen lace frocks . . . new • •' i . sophisticated, in lovely pastels.

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RESSES you e n j o y . . . your friends admire . . . and your husband appreciates. The newest French adaptations . . . in styles to glorify youth and flatter maturity . . . Come in tomorrow . . . and see what $25 can do for your wardrobe.

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Complete size range, 14 to 20 36 to 46

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m<-4 i-'*

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, _ FEMININE. .SHARPSHOOTERS]^ j^—Pretty co-eds of the University § | KELIC OF THE AGES—Esther Pjerrou, Los Angeles girl, examines of California are shown at rifle "^ the'latest exhibit at the Los Angeles museum, the thigh bone of "a ^practice in-Los Angeles. They are brontosaurus found near Ferron, Utah, and believed ta be 1(^0,000,"given university'credits for three 000 years old. The bone is 53 inches long and weighs 500 pounds. months!'courses in small bore' rifle The museum is sending a party of scientists in quest of the remainder . „ . practice.' of the skeleton.

NO LONGER FOR DIME A DANCE—From a taxi dance hall to a Broadway stage via a Park avenue marriage is the colorful career of Rente Romaine Fleming Carlisle. She is seen demonstrating^ her dancing ability for, Peggy Fears, producer of the "play iiTwhich the young dancer is to have a part. Renee secretly-became the 'wife of Allan P. Carlisle, scion of a wealthy arid prominent New York family, last Christmas.


- ^fc. •










AMATEURS GIVEN-DANCING-INSTRUCTIONS ON BEACH—A class of amateurs is photographed ^l "COCKTAIL" DANCE—Miss Helen Knott, New York society girt being; given dancing lessons o n t h e beach at Castle^Harbor, Bermuda. ^ Arthur Murray, right, of Mount and Chester Towne, member of a well known Jacksonville, FUu, Vernon, N. Y., is instructor. Left to right are: Mrs. Arthur Murray, Mrs. - Herbert "B.-> Sell of- New,-,-' - ^ family, execute their spectacular "cocktail" dance on the edge of the York; Marianne Van Rensselaer, New York; Mrs. S. Herbert Braggiotti, New York; Mrs. William Gas- ROMANCING IN SOUTH—Miss Beatrice Caroll, and her fiance^ roof of a Philadelphia hotel. They are featured dance artist* in a tori, the former Rosamond Pirichot;S. Herbert Braggiotti and Murray. Melville E. Ingalle, 3rd, both of New York City, are snapped toPhiladelphia club. gether at Hot Springs, Va. The two have been spending their Easter holidays at this society rendezvous.

,. i


SLOW AND EASY—Cares of the administration of New York City's -government are laid aside by Mayor James J. Walker, as. he forsakes the hubbub of metropolitan life at Hot Springs. Va.

NEWEST MOTOR VESSEL—The new British motorship Georgic nears completion at Belfast, Ireland, and is due at .New York On June 25. The Georgic is a sister ship of the Brittanic

S n ^ LANS ASK REPEAL-State-wide vote for the repeal of the Wnght act, California's prohibition enforcement law, becomes i possibdity as a petition bearing 90,000 signatures demanding •to on the question is fired with Registrar of Voters W M K L Los Angeles. Edward a Brown, secretary of the Citizens' w S Act Repeal assooation, is shown presenting the petition to 5 5 ! with Ileen Simon, deputy registrar, lookine on

' • i


EAGEL7—TIJE-JE^ISHJPBEpS, pianist of thjg cityj an son of Council Bluffs entertained tHe gro«p^witK ia. Teaming,. ¥ k

OrganizatioD News i :



APRIL 15, 1932

A. Z.M No. 1M

Miicnes" are being planned for the Tl see" where Jimmy- Levey, is * man without a team: The tontteam jvHth the_ Omaha ping pong club, fleet young St. Louis shortstop, is a ieing short on funds has The Century. Chapter p witi hoy its Creifefcton university, and the Tele- regular this year in the Browns' versity abandoned the diamond sport this pring^ance "Balmy DaieV^en'SBBh spring^ance, V phone jCompany team." lineup. The kid is a sweet infielder year and Hermy to -date has not d ^ i ^ May-- *,- - at^4it» Hetet but like most Jewish ball players signed any man's contract. Daughters of Zion Paxton, with the College Club orcheslacks the old batting punch. Sammy A^ splendid program haswbeen ar- tra furnishing the music Cohen is another Jewish ball hawk, jecr ioF^feSenefitr^T " " ' It happened again—Max Altshuler, According to those in charge, the long on fly snagging, but short on 'rlStip'nat/Fikii forthe the grand old J. C. C handball vet-v danceis to be the outstanding event base bits. Sammy is cavorting sponsored" ^^^aagh^s; f the spring season. "'. eran, one time master of all^oarts about in a Brooklyn uniform, while at the SfANLEY ^ . XEVIN • jJoe Goidware is genera? chairman, across the line the New York Giants lie surveyed, once more met "defeafr* s wilt i e re: *sj?th Dan Iinteman, Nate Cutler and This proposed kitten ball league, are still active in their quest for an and prizes Jgivenij ' Dolgoff as co-chairmen. honest-to-goodness Jewish ball play-


At a special board meeting of. the Omaha .-Chapter of • Hidassah ;lask week, May 18 was/designated as the day on which the long-looked for "Give or Get" luncheon will .begiyeij. This is the big event of the Hadassah myc own little brain child, is causV v The organi'sation has:reqiies; season and one iiu.which inany ling me more worry than the panic, •er. They, have searched for years Jewish women of the Cityjtq a r g fxil members will; participate. R - N a *••{ ,. - 3 mean the t depression, As first for such a man and have a goodly : [! Money for the ; ^affair; has been "to call their'friends-and J njaleii;*||p; Si cultural group has been organ- suggested, . £he~ Je^iis|. Community amount of money invested in rookies tables .forlihlt eardijsartyi as ^aU^iHRi raised in UfecTby the R-2fa, under the leader- Center was .to sponsor "the leagtfe. but s o i a f fthey are still—rookies.: §^ill£'& ^ ^ ^ partier., raffles J Blnjf^ of Mrs. Max Fromkm. Books Manny JSegel, the" energetic Center V- ferent things. alid events -of both the Jewish and athletic"director, "took to the ideaT TO Here is a:tip to some enterprising 4r3E)aughters ©fi-Zion are doing ' luncheon will be ?? non-Jewish worlds will be discussed. great style, but hitches occurred, and manager—young Herman Xevinson, rtihing possibleitd'aid any pointed affair, anid The club has pledged $10 to the the* plan fell through. ] the Nebraska University ball player, ill ? Undertaking^ in : P^a interesting program fT^ffi music; tertainment and : speakers of i "•.^>aid Philanthropies, $5 to the Drouth Later," it "was. suggested by some Relief fund, and $3 to the fund for Mrs* R. A. Bleicher is chairman of of" the boys that ascertain local this luncheon, and the ladies who have generously to the tree fond, have Superannuated Rabbis. weekly newspaper sponsor the successfully raised, jhejr required ten' pedinstall -watfr and- isv'e aided ' On Sunday morning, May 1, the league, but one of those things hapdub will be in charge of the Sunday dollars or more rncludei ? <v xth^pnoject for Palestiiie. pened and that plan fell through. i Mrs. I. Kulak- services at the Temple.'" Feeling as I do that kitten ball-is Mesdames H. Eeufij^ifc Castleman, for- the. card a lot of fun and tha^ a league of M. Brandeis, A. Ebftfirf,-J. Rosenbfergr Center clubs would., he of interest S. Pizer, H. Iipjpjstt, J . 3~. Friedman, H. Wohlner, R : r ^ > Bleacher/M|i EL: A regular meeting of the Comwi- to many young men. I Jiow have this Bankers Saving Bldg. Brodkey, Sam Cohens Juliuj Stein} ;M. cam caniprjfire group was held on suggestion to offer:•'' All clubs inRoom 203-315 So. 15th St. terested in such a ^Jpop are asked Arbitman, S. Rice,; J. Dansky, Uaye Tuesday at the J. C C- It was deS-cdn, Max Kaplan, Max Fromkin^ cided to hold a Mother and Daughter to send a representative to attend Room 203 315 So. 15th S t a meeting at which J&pae plans-will Jack Kaufman, Joe <5oldware, Julius^ b a n q u e t . •''*"••? Abrahamson, M.: Fox, S.; Epstein, H~ Seioor< Conhoililaf *C3(fbsjl^ist ITfaursThere is:a drive to plant 5000 trees be made to' form "fee- Jewish Kitten Vibratory and Magnetic Expenses Osoff, Jake Blank, J. Korney, Sam y^ • 1 JoeiSolomonow is^chairman of inOmahaTin which this grouxj is par- Ball league of Omaha. Kaplan, Mark Leon, A. Wolf, J. Ad- the Contest,; ?the ifirst thre& winners ticipating.' Miss La Verne Feblowitz would be nominal,-' just enough to buy a trophy and medals and a few ler, S. Handler, J). Silyerman, Meyer of which i will':; receive medals. ^ is guardian of the group. incidentals relative to a ball league. Friedel, M. Altshiile£,viJ.. Goldware, :\ May i isjtfe last Say fafeife subTwo teams, the Omaha. A. Z. A. No. Dave Green, J ; ^ ^ | i c | ^ I . GrossmanJ knjssion of: 'issayS-, to the Council's 1 and the Sam Bebfy chapter No. Morris Friedel; Jjj^eji^iliinkin, Jacob «essay jconte^' j Binstein "~ Blanche j In the doubles snooker tournament 100, have already expressed their HAKPER METHOD SHOP Pearlstden, M.^Mf^p^r,=i';JUbert^, M. chairman. [ held in the recreation department of desire to enter a club loop. The Tuchman, Joe < Blocks ^ - M . Epstein, fiyraah Gob"dbinj3er, who was in Specializing in the J. C. C. Harry Lipp and Mallard meeting will be held Sunday morning E. Lincoln, N; :Wemstein,'Hyrnan charge of the^, Scalp Treatment iNight, report- Sigal beat Sam Zorinsky and Phil h All-Star lS at 11:30 o'clock at iny apartment, Cohen, Reuben Kulakofsky, A. Cohen, ed on the affair. MISSES KAH1.T Stein for the intermediate champion- 630 Park avenue, t h e Selma Terrace I. Beitel, I. Berkowitz, L. Woolfson, Erwin. Wezelman, who will be chair- ship. 632 Wnritl-Urrald Building apartment 27, or call^me at Atlantic ATIantir 0344 E. Reuben, >H. Rosenbloom, H. B. man of the youth division of the PhilThere have been many changes in Weinstein, M. Civin, I. Hurwitz, H. anthropies drive, spoke on the cam- the Ladder Ping Pong tournament, 0500 or Jackson 7827. Lincom, N. S. Yaffe, J , E. Kuklin, A. paign plans. which is now in progress. Harold Laserwitz, L. Laserwitz, Harry Riser Barish is the new leader, dethroning man, J. M. Erman. Harry Weinberg. A. Lustgarten in RABBI L L. SHAPIRO It is not too late for those who wish No. 2 on the ladder. lias been «i to raise their $10 and be a guest at The J. C. C. ping pong artists dethis wonderful luncheon, and at the The Psi Mu closed its second sea- feated the Omaha University ping Mohsl Specialist § With Good Barber Work « same time contribute to the crying son of Sunday afternoon matinee pong team by winning four out of for 20 years need of the Jewish Homeland, where dances at the Community Center last five. Attends -with utmost care this year more than ever before the Sunday with tremendous success. The following men comprise the J. 115 So. 15th shoulders of Hadassah women must Isadore Tretiak and Selma Seka C. C. team: Harry lipp, Millard Si1724 No. 24th St, " WE. 3817 be put to the wheel with the greatest won first honors in the waltz con- gal, Art Grossman and Ben Rosen. effort. test, with Sol Yaffe and Pearl Feldman placing second. The fraternity is planning a series of addresses by prominent speakers. The last meeting of the Cultural Mr. Harry Mendelson will open the Group of the Omaha Chapter of Ha- series. dassah was held last Monday at the A stag will be held soon honoring Blackstone hotel. three members who recently anAn interesting lecture was giveniy nounced their engagements, Irvin Dr. Mark M. Marks, of Kansas City, Brookstein, IsadoreJGasper and Max on "The Psychology and Neuroses of Stoller. A baseball and kittenball Marriage." An open discussion fol- team is being organized. lowed his talk. The Psi Mu will hold its fourth Musical numbers were played by annual May pay dance at the FonMiss Naomi Gross;. young promising tenelle. pavilion Tjjiursday^ Jifty: 5.

in any tlectrh refrigeration '• A refrigerator is only as got>4 as Its mechanism. So perfect is the GeneralEfectricmechanisin, that G-E engineers have liefmetically sealed it in -the steel walls of the "Monitor Top. It requires no attention . . . not even oiling. Year after year,it operates £aithfully,antomatically, without care or attention. It consumesa minimum ofcorrent, materially lowering refrigerating costs.

Recreational News


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on Dim

WithjprMe iand pleaso|«^ we announce oor appointment as the exclnstve wholesale and[retail distributor in this city for Cannel Kosher Provision Co., Chicago, the largest manufacturer in the United States of strictly kosher provisions. In order to acquaint you with this superior quality line of smoked kosher sausage and meats, we offer for two days only,



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. It's great to have hot water on tap . . . day and night . . . in •unlimited quantities. It's no longer a rich man's luxury . . . it is"everybody's low-priced necessity . . . since the automatic gas" water neaters have been reduced to the lowest level in history! Sizes of heaters to fit •ieyjjiy need . . . at new low prices . . . as low as $49.50 injStaBed.. If desired, easy pay"merUtsTmay be added to your monthly gas bill for 12 months.

and Saturday APRIL 15th AND APRDL 16th

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All G-E Refrigerators are Guaranteed against «W service expense for 3 full years.

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of a-Y. M. C. A.ball {Continued on Page S.)

Frankfurters - 20c na • •


Straight or Thick

Thisyear we again offer fo our many Jewish ftiends arid |*al^ roris wifti Milk, Gream and SuAter that is Kosher for Pesach. ;

Gas Water Heater

Pastroma lb. 7Se OR

I Salami . We operate the only strictly kosher delicatessen in the downtown section. Our department is equipped1 with a separate display counter and we use a separate slicer, scale and knives for all koslier smoked meats.


15-Gallon Storage Capacity

All the passover prodticts will be produced in accordance mtii the strictest dietary laws,* under ther supervision of Rabbi N. Feidman


You May Obtain Our Passover Milk, Sour Cream or Butter from Our Routeman or at Your Grocer

or See Your


THIN63 We Deliver AH Orders of $2.00 or More

. . . all authorized dealers handling approved Gas appliances will display this symbol. \:-f*


Company HARNEY 2226

PAGE 8—THE JEWiSH PREgS> FRIDAYr APRIL 15, 1932 Koom, In sai<l County, Dollnrs each. Said stock shall be offered of the outstanding obligations of (he the County Court and-that ho was as much at home all J said Itoss Grocery Company, mid the snid mi -ihQ- 23rd ilay of May; 1»22. und «n the for miliscription «t such (hue ns may. be in r Jewish literature as a fish in the Nate U. B<>lzer tissnmes nil of the OUt- 23rd day of July, 1032, nt 9 o'clock A. M., decided npon by the Hoard of Directors obligations of the Balil U. & II. each day, for the purpose of presenUns nnd shall »>e paid for in cash or by the Gobi - desert.'.';•And the Chancellor, stnndhig their- claims for examination, iidjusttnent transfer of-property flt the fair. reasoiinWe Urocery. himself, let .it ib|rremembered, is not Dated the Uth dny of Mnrrh. 1531'. and nllowance. Three months are allowed nud ajrreed value of «nch property at the for the credi(6rs to present their cluhns, time of the Issuauce of said stock. CHAUI.KS S. UO always sure whether Jewish culture 3-lS-32-4t Upon motion duly made, seconded ana from the-23rd day of April, 1932 KATK B. is- milchig or 'fleischig; or Bolshevik. rrirrJed it was further resolved that the •• ", • B B Y C E CIIAWFOKD, president and secretory of this corporation 4-i-'32-3t. County Judge. IRVIJf C LEVIN, Attorney. This* ^liiff and^inteHectual charlatanIH> and they are-h*?«'l>y authorised to sign, COI Electric Bid*. ry, this ignorance;which -breeds imfile and publish Kaid nmendments as by law required. ,.• ,. t JBVIK C. r,EViX, ; Attorney. MISS ANNA V\Uu,\ Correspondent PROBATn NOTICE • :. pudencel^wlii^bllexposed in,my two . 501 Electric Bldsr. Witness the name and corporate seal of In the Matter of the Kstato of Joseph articles, .•" " W h y < p ^ the '_ Heathen Mnirowltz. Deceased. < • i fhls corporation by the president, attested Haga," have^np^; been confirmed by Notice Is hereby (riven that the creditors KNO"W-AI.I/MES-BT THKSK PHES- bT the secreUrv, this 10th day of March, said deceased will meet the administra- EXTS, thnt nt n meeting of the stock- IU32. the Menorah boys.'.themselves who, of tor of said estate, before me. County Judge holders ot Sherman, & Company held in SHERMAN & COMPANT. having fallen out, are for" the first of I'ouRlas County, Nebraska, at the Couii; the Citj? of Omaha. Nebraska, on th6 10th All-Jewish Team By G. S. Sherman, ty Court Room, in said County, on the <\hy of - Mnreh. 1032, \n nccorrtnnce with time telling the truth' about each 23rd AI.VM President. day of May, 1932, and on the 23rd the Articles of Incorporation of said Corday of July, 1932, nt S » o'clock A, M., each poration,, there was renr/Wiented .in person KOSE SACKS, Secretary. Issues Challenge other. • • ";' day. for the purpose of presenting their nil of the outstanding stock of the corclaims for examination, adjustment and poration. Beware of Culture Quacks allowance. Three months are allowed for An all-Jewish baseball team, "The Ujion motion duly mnde, deconded nnd FKADENTJrP.G, STAtSIASTER t: BEBER creditors to present their claims, from cnrrletl C4K-660 Omaha National Dank B i d e I should advise my young col- the the Article* of Incorporation yvere Three large affairs planned for Jewish All Stars," have issued a April. 1932. chanted and amended in the following leagues, to remember that these men the 23rd day of B1SYCE; challenge, to local and Omaha teams CKAITFOnP, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS the month of May will be given in particulars to wlt: The month of Nisan, observed by • County Judge. Notice is hereby given thnt all existing —Hurwitz, Elliot Cohen, Herbert So- 4-l-32-3t. Article 1 of the Articles of Incorporation for games this' season. The team is honor of the mothers of theJewish debts of 'National Accessories, Inc., on the World Jewry as a month dedicated ! Is »mended to rend nm follows: low, Felix Morrow, Maurice Samuel, ;tlnt day Df December. 1031. nmounted to .AUTICXE I to interest of Jewish education, community. -Another, given 'that composed of the following young Johan Smertengo and their, like—are FKADEXBUKG, STAI.MASTEIt & BEBER the sum of Seventy-eight Thousand Nine men: < Nathan Goldberg, Leonard Attorney*. month will fete both mothers and Tim name f>f thin corporation shall be Hundred Sixty-One and 04-100 Dollars brings to the attention of the local ; disgruntled and embittered Jewish 650 Omaha Xatl. Bank Bldff. "Central, Food Distributors, Inc." Hall, Herbert Baumstein, Abe Beech(*78001W)). : \ ." ' ; Jewish community, Sioux City's ac- fathers. culture fakers. They roar and voArliclo IV of the Articles of IncorporaM. L. OOHN, rresldent PKOBATE XOTICK The first on the calendar is the en, Al Turchen, Leonard Baumstain, cabularize and say nothing. Isaiah In the Matter tion wn» umeiulntl to rniuX ns follows:. G. :M. COHN. tivities in that important field. of the Estate of Abraham A i m C M « IV. Daniel Baker, Max Turchen, Mark I. I.. MAHflNEY, and Daughter banquet Deceased. The Hebrew School will begin its Mother knew their schmertz: "We have been Sam Fried, SAM BEBER, Thn nmonnt of the authorized capital is hereby Riven that the crertllom SI. h. COH!*. new semester after the Passover sponsored by the ladies auxiliary of Sable, Isadore Mosow and Leo with child, we^ have been in pain; of Notice stock Khali IK? Fifty Thousand «WVHW. < W) said deceased will meet the nil tnlri l« • . ISeing a majority of the Board of Ditratrix of said estate, before nip. founty I>ollnM (Hvldcd'Jrito five Thousand (."i.OOOi Holidays. Registration will take Shaare Zion Synagogue. This : ban- Karasek. ." . , ! . , . , have, as it ifere,;: brought forth— Judge • 4-l."i-32-lt. «f Hift par value of Ten ($1.0.00) rector*. of T>ous;lns County, Nrlirankn, tit Isadore Kantrovidi is captain of we place on Sunday.and Monday, April quet is scheduled, for Wednesday wind.'* "X . ' ; . r X 24 and 24. At the present time 110 evening, May 4. It will take place the .team. All.* communications to addressed' to . y young, "colleagues, w.ill also not children are enrolled in the Talmud in the Synagogue social hall. : the \ team should "be JJ Vcaptai(n at^OQ ones street Torah. The school is divided.' ".]'/*,[ 11 Ifti & f te -' iStsierhbool the Vcaptai(n> be impressed. witH^ the. jlITnjannered classes, beginning with the' 5-year-f criticisms which^jfyom time ! to time.' "* ** - • Daughter ! ohi children of the kindergjirteri arc launched. -|tj tjieni. b'y. some of ing ! Mab? 'classes, up .to the graduating class, their own oll^aVrues,.. who" seem to . , , . ___ hall. [Mrs] •wfcich includes, ten members. ;;-M)\ have appointed ftiemsalves, through . iJsJ the i bhairmsH j o i Krueger, who is well an ordinp.tion r>f siTn'^npous cwbus-Louis Schilling is in charge ofiithe aiivj j:? | ; ' j 15 i; l r j i ; ;' s j jH»• | ^ $ school. Aii important activity un- I 'The Business! ^-omen's Club |Qf ,tr|ei known!I to':Sioux City residents, was and scolds of the Rabbinical proder the auspices of the Hebrew Jewish Community JCentfer, has set la'4 ielefctett: inayor of Wakonda, S. D , ers fc^icn. for |^he !second tsrm last week. "Mr: School is the Alumni club. This the date for • • thjeir i jMotheri;: and ivlio is a member of Shaare Recently a Rabbi from the Windv club, which is not counted in -the Daughter banquet,; > Wednesday ; eve^ ue^er^ Z;qnj.; Synagogues, is a brother of Citv raked his colleagues over the ; regular registration, has a member- iing,Maji ^i. \Uisa,[ Sara jWoskoff Maji \Uisa,[ Sara' jWoskoff Mr.; i Sovel Krueger and Mr. Si coals for bein<? "mft." and for bein? ship, of abomV fifty boys and girls liing,: s in charge pf ihej-general arrange- Krueger' of this city. incapable of suffcyHnsr de^—ivations -•who"have attended the Talmud Torah and bearinir ha^dshins. The sole at one time,- and those who have ments. THERE'S one sure way to get the best martvrdom to whrch this pentloman graduated from the Talmnd Torah. The A.. Z. A. chapter will honor has been subjected du^insf h's years Biblical history, Hebrew literature both parents when they celebrate tire values. Buy Goodyears! Take the of ministry has bs^n the cruel necesand culture, as well as the study of International Parents Day. Loyal public's word for it. The public knows. the Hebrew language are supple- Kier is in charge of the arrangeComing as a surprise to friends sity of consuming three square meals a day. ments for this event, which will mented by social activities. and relatives of Miss Esther LeviIt USES tires—all kinds. It buys, out take place May 8. , tan was the announcement of her My young collea«rues will not be The regular Hebrew school curriof its experience with all tires, more marriage on July 22, 1931, to Mr. impressed by this humbug or overculum includes the reading, writing awed bv it. They will quietly and Mark Blacker of Rockingham, N. C. Goodyear Tires than any other kind. and speaking of both Hebrew and patiently carry on. Thev—and not The wedding took place at BennetsYiddish, Hebrew literature,. Biblical Now MILLIONS more! vflle, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Blacker the culture ouacks l»ke Hurwitz, the SHAARE ZION History, Jewish, laws, customs and will make their home in Rocking- journalistic lame-ducks like Smertenceremonials and the Talmud. ko or the kn'*rhts of swas^>bucklin«r The two Sunday schools in Sioux Passover services will be held at ham. generalities about race, culture and Mr. and Mrs. I. Sokolsky, 714 haare . Zion Synagogue next week City have a combined registration of 200 children. Mount Sinai. Temple leginning Wednesday evening, April Eighth street, announce .the engage- nationalism, like Samuel—are the Lifetime Guaranteed Sunday school, with a l-egistration 0,. at sundown. On Thursday morn- ment of their, daughter, Pauline, to true builders of American Jewish of, over . 100 children, meets from ng, the:iirst day of Passover, serv- David Hoberman of Omaha, Neb. life.—Reprinted from American He9:30 until 12 Vo'clbck every Sunday ces will begin a- 8:30 o'clock. The The date ^or the wedding has not brew. morning. The course of study in- ervice on Thursday evening will be- been set. CASH PRICES Miss Ann Woskoff was elected cludes the Hebrew language, Bibical gin at sundown, and that of FriFull history, customs and ceremonials ay morning at 8:30. Appropriate president of the Pacemakers sororPrice Eachin T o b . Oretalza of Each and current, events of Jewish inter- ermons for the festival will be giv- ity held recently at the home of Miss 29x4.59-20 •5.19 est. The faculty of the school is by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. Can- Mary Raskin. Fay Klass was elect3»x4.50-21 S.X7 X.OJ composed of the Misses Helen. Cohen, tor A. Pliskin will chant the service. ed vice president; Mildred Plotkin, 28x4.75-19 6.16 1.17 Rosalie Sacks, Johanna . Weinberg, Announcement has been made by secretary, and Dorothy Epstein, re29x4^5-20 6.X4 I.OX Rose Pill," Gladys Weinljerg^': Sadie Rabbi Rabinowitz that all Jewish porter. A program committee in- pounder.. Max was eliminated in the 29x5.00-19 6.4S I.3« 30x5.00-20 Shulkin, Elsie Brodl-ey^. ^*w$a Al- children will be excused from school cludes Frankie Goodman, and Ida semi-finals; after., almost winning, his 6.SS I.»S 28x5:25-18 7.30 I.IS bert, Anna Pill and R u ^ , Mara. The n Thursday and Friday by permis- Plotkin. Miss Caroline Raskin pre- match,. tnro points were all that he 7.5S 30x5.25-20 7.*S 1.33 get Parents' association of' 'the Temple ion of Superintendent L. W. Feik. sented several tap dances during the needed ! !and-r-wellr-he did not 31x5.25-21 7.»f them. . , ' . • ';..'..' ,': ; ' • r is organized in the interest of the Excuse cards may be procured at evening. 30x3 •.1$ sivs .81 school. .Sirs. Herman F . Miller is the synagogue. Miss Evelyn ..Pinkus was hostess 4.O7 4.O6 •9O the; president of this organization; 4.19 4.16 J At the meeting of the board of to the Iota Tau sorority on the M a n n ^ ^ 1e i g e i ^ ' J . ^ C . CJ la^dfes* Mrs.' William Lazere, vice president, directors of Shaare Zion Synagogue occasion of her birthday. Bridge and 7*S$ and Mr. M. E. Skalovsky,. secretary held last week, Mr. M. E. Fried- a social evening was. concluded by slenderizing ; class ' tore i off [ a .long 1.3S jaunt "the I dther day. How these girls and treasurer. man, chairman of the membership a birthday. supper. Other sizes equally low. like to' hike, any- thing to get into Misses Annette and Lillian Baker good ^condition and lose a few ounces The Religious School of Shaare committee, announced the names of New Low Prices! new members: William were hostesses to: the Alpha CM of their. ^umpness. Manny has conZion.Synagogue meets every Sunday the following : morning..: The registration^^irtcludes Heshelow, Phil Fein,' Morris Lazrio- Gamma Sorority last Saturday eve-, ducted, several hikes among the JftAVY DUTY A Whole New Set— over 10"0 children. , TKB ^pu^e of wich, Tom Ivener, Sam Luebowitz ning. A; social evening was followed fairer isex and, states that they arc TRUCK TIRES studyy includes Bibical. 'history;. cus- and Abe'Luebowitz. " A committee by refreshments. becoming' more popular each time. Mrs. Sam Mosow visited recently i l " l ^ toms and ceremonials,.as",wel^ as was appointed to visit all Jewish current topics. The faculty is com- amilies in the surrounding territory, in Des Moines, Iowa, where she was 34x7.00-20. XX.4© 32x6. X 6 . 5 * 34x7_ 34x7.50-20^ posed of.the Misses Frances Emlein, in behalf of the synagogue. The a guest at the home of her son-in- For Disabled Veterans Ida Heshelow, Evelyn Kuntz, Jessie committee consists of Sovel Krueger, law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Other sizes in proportion. Slotsky, Lillian Magaziner and Roma Joe Kutcher, M. E. Friedman, H. Arnold Bramson. Choosing of "The Sweetheart of Levin and H. Margolin. Wigodsky. D. A. V." by popular vote will be TRADE a feature of the annual stage revue IN and dance to be given; tonight at the city auditorium by Omaha post Old Tires MOUNT SINAI No. 5 of the Disabled American for NEW Veterans. 1932 "Goethe—One Hundred Years AfValue possible because Goodyear builds Millions more tire* Goodyear The Junior Congregation of Shaare ter" will be the subject of the ser(Continued from Page 2.) New 1932 Lifetime Guaranteed All!Zion synagogue will conduct the mon Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will SAM E: KI.AVEB Weathepu service at .Shaare Zion, Synagogue give at Mount Sinai Temple tonight. Atternfy at Law They brag about- Jewish culture 611 Omaha -national Banli Bldr. at lowest' this evening, commemorating. its Eervices for the Passover will be- and know least about it. All of Mr. cost ever sixth anniversary. The entire serv- gin Thursday morning, April 21, at Samuel's apostrophies to Jewish NOT1CK OF CASH PRICES DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Price Each ice, which will begin at 8 o'clock, 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will learning, and scholarship are but a : Notice known! Each is hereliy plven that the pnrtnerFull Full of in Tub* In Tub* will be, conducted by members of preach on. the subject, "What Free- camouflage for a profound and ap- ship heretofore suhslstintc-lietween Charles OverUz* Orenlze Each Pair* Each Pain 8. Ko88 and Nate I!. Belzer, co-partners New Low Pric*« the Junior Congregation.•..• dom Means." Sidney Kalin, son of palling Am Haarazuth. heretofore carrying on business as the 29x4.50-20 (4.30 94*17 « .91 30x5.00-20 •5.45 $9 $1.14 Boss Grocery Company mid .the B. & H. David Tilevitz will act as cantor; Mr. and Mrs. J. Karlin, will celeThe Menorah. Journal crew, which TUNE IN 31x5.00-21 5.7a 5.56 I.I* 30x4.50-21 4.37 4.Z3 hits been dissolved, by mutunl Miss Tillie Shindler .will lead the : brate his Bar Mitzah at this service. so vociferously clamored for Jewish Grocery, 28x4.75-19 5.XS 4.97 194 28x5.25-18 6.15 5.97 t.OS consent ns and from the 14th day- of Wed. Sat. March. 1932. It Is further mtitimlly agreed 1.1* Junior Congregation chorus in the 29x4.75-20 5.SO 5.O4 .91 31x5.25-21 6.6J Tuesday morning, April; 12, Rabbi culture, was itself completely and that the said Chnrrles S.' UOER becomes Goodyear Radio Programs • 5. 5.39 29x5.00-19 3.57 3^46 singing of Passover songs; Bertha Lewis spoke before members of the totally innocent.of it. * It remained here and after the sole owner or the store X.00 Snovsky and Philip Zeligson will be Morningside Faculty club on the for the .Chancellor of Menorah, him- known ns the Charles S. ltoss Grocery at 0070 ftlllitary. and the" soloists of the chorus. Isadore subject, "Palestine, Past and Fu- self, to remind his managing editor, Company.-located . GOOD USED TIRES, $1,00, $1.50 UP—EXPERT VULCANIZING | Nate B, Belzer becomes the sole owner of store known as the B. & It. Grocery, Sh'.ndler will deliver the presidential ture." Elliot E. Cohen, that. he, Cohen, the located at. 2821 • S. lfith: It Is further mnaddress; Isadore Maron, vice-presi knew neither Hebrew nor Yiddish, tnally nsrecil that Ch.irles S. Uoss nssumea





Society News







deiit of the Junior Congregation will introduce the speakers of th Juniors, Betty Osnowitz, Charles Shindler and Howard Sacks. Sara Sadoff will tell the story of Passover, and Frances Maron and Ida Shindler will recite appropriate poems. Cantor A. Pliskin and Mr. Louis Schilling have, directed th children. In previous years capacity congregations have attended th service conducted by the children and the committee on arrangement! has planned on a large attendance Prizes will be awarded to the children who have attended the Junioi Congregation every Saturday morn ing during the year. A member o: the Senior Congregation will give two-minute address in the interest, p the conregation. i :

J. C. C. News Plans were discussed for a Leap Year party at the meeting of the Deborah club, held Monday evening. The party scheduled for April SO will begin at the Center and end with a supper at the Log Cabin. Lee Herzoff's - orchestra will furnish the music for the J. -C. C. dance Sunday evening, pril 17.. Admission for dance, sponsored by the Center, is 25 cents. The members of the Maccabee club hiked out to Stone park Sun;day afternoon for their meeting.

Center presented Singer Wins Contest fore the Thursday. i Abe Singer, speaking on "Th Ginsberg, Democratic Nominee for President Reznick. won the! * extemporaneous speakin contest, ; xteld ,at Central high,. re-

STOUP & SCBASFER "We feedJ the multitude" With frasty Foods

Dramatic club members the play, "The Mash," beJunior Hadassah meeting The cast included Ben George Shindler and Si "

;• IJAn eJctemporaneous program was •giVen at" the : A; Z. A. meeting last Wednesday evening. Participants in the program were Marvin Klass, Arnold Baron, Loyal Keir, Max Zeligson "and Isadore Mirowitz, who spoke on humorous subjects. Max Maron was the program chairman. The Jnterclub basetall tournament sponsored by the A. Z. A. will take place Sunday'afternoon. •

) t

' I *

AVer feet fbrErerybofof




National Tire Shop ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. . Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT.6427 ! 'I Omaha, Nebr. :



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