April 21, 1932

Page 1

- In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to ik* Ideals of Judaism

as Second-Class Moil Matter on January 27, vm, at PoBtoffice nt Omaha. Nebraska, under the Ac* O" " *& 3.1879

Workers Are V||ged to Enlist in Philill thropies 1 Drive, Start g May 8 Local Communally "Minded Jewry Rally to Slogan "I Belong"


Two Months at Bar Broadcast on Hard Labor for Combatting Pogroms Insulting Jews Paris.—(J. T. A.)—-The French

has prohibited the broadcastBratislava.—(J. T. A.)—A Roman censor of an address on pogroms against Catholic Church official, Bartholomew ing Jews and jneaSis of combatting Ambrisko, -was sentenced to two the ; months at hard labor for insulting the them. • The address was scheduled tto be Jewish nation. Ambrisko uttered his insult in the delivered by Bernhard Lecache, the course of a trial in connection with a president of the League to Combat motor car collision at Kaschau. The Anti-Semitism. public prosecutor at once demanded Ambrisko be punished under the article referring to the protection of the republic This is the first case in which .a Czechoslovakia^ court has punished an anti-Semite under this article. The Jewish nation /is? officially, recognized •• in the constitution of the Czechoslovakia^ republic and the insult to the Jewish nation was there- Jewish Community Wrought Up by Manifestations of fore regarded by the court as an offense against the constitution.

Vol. IX—No. 12

Refusal PASSOVER HOLIDAY To Permit LECTURE ON to Accept Goods on the Sabbath BEING CELEBRATED JEWISH ART BY WORLD JEWRY Freedom From Oppression Is Keynote of Message of Pesach

Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish firms in the future may refuse to accept goods delivered them on the Sabbath without being liable for payment for additional freight or storage duties, it was announced. The announcement, made by the League for the Observance of the Sabbath, states that this has been made possible through an agreement reached between them and the German railways. The Shomre Sabbath undertook representations with the railway representatives and pointed out that Jewish firms, desirous of observing the Sabbath are unable to do so because of the fear of the high costs involved on refusing acceptance of goods delivered on the Sabbath.


Louis Lozowick, Internationally. Noted, to Speak at

J * Vr« l / « The Festival of Passover, -which began Wednesday night with the first "Seder," is being appropriately "The Jew in Modern Art" will bjf observed by all Jewish Houses of the subject of a lecture by LouK Worship in the city. Lozowick, artist and critic, Monday In Palestine and in the Reform The stirring campaign slogan, paigns. Already over one liundred evening, April 25, at the Jewish and fifty -women have enrolled for congregations, the holiday is observed "I Belong," adopted for the third active work under Mrs. J. J. GreenCommunity Center. . for seven days, while in the Conannual Jewish Philanthropies berg and.her co-chairmen, Mrs. HerThis will be the final lecture of servative and Orthodox synagogues drive which will open in Omaha bert Arnstein and Mrs,. Morris the adult educational series sponthe festival is celebrated for eight sored by the Center this season. Adon Sunday, May 8, has gained Franklin. However, there is still days. mission is free to members of th« impetus during the past week room for more women volunteers. Passover celebrates the deliverance Center, to whom tickets have beet and is now firmly entrenched in The budget committee tinder Harry of the Hebrew people -from Egyptian m-wai mailed this week. the hearts and.homes of Omaha AI Wolf has been meeting regularly bondage under the Pharoahs. UnMr. Lozowick, the artist and critic, Philadelphia.—(J. $. A.)—An anti- der the leadership of Moses and Jewry. for two weeks and will have a comis a lucid and authoritative expositor Semitic rash' quite#irulent in its beAaron, they effected their miraculpTete budget worked out by the first Every Jewish household, evhavior has broken plb in Philadelphia. ous leave-taking some thirty-three ery Jewish family, every Jewish part of next week. Its source is difficult to trace. The centuries ago, heading for the prom"We: have carefully considered . individual — man, woman or orthceming elections on -April 26th ised land which they reached - after every benefldary and have thorchild—will "belong" in this city, have helped to bring it-to-the fore forty- years in the wilderness. The of the goal of the drive is ac- oughly discussed every" agency, though manifestations of it,in milder narrative of the Exodus together Zionist workers are ready to go weighing the value of each, with complished, and". early indica- its needs. Our budget will thereforms have been in evidence for some with the ceremonial law attendant out Sunday morning to collect from tions point to a successful frui- fore tend to bring the maximum time . . ? are given in great detail in the sec- the Jewish National Fund boxes. New York.—(J. T. A.)—Sir HerThey will continue during Passover tion of the fondest s hopes of benefit with the available funds," The Jewish community of Philadel- ond book of the Bible. bert Samuel, Home Secretary for phia is exceedingly wrought up .over week until all boxes are collected. The matzoth eaten on Passover campaign leaders. Mr. Wolf stated. Thirty worth-wMle beneficiaries, Speakers are appearing before each England; Herr Oscar Wassermann, this ugly recurrence; of bigotry and symbolizes the unleavened bread It is possible that the workers each doing work of the greatest val- organization with an explanation of head of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin; race hatred. At this time it is going made in the wilderness. The "cha- might overlook some boxes where Dr. Thomas Mann, winner of the No- through the stage of protestation. roses" found at the Seder table rep- cards have been lost or where some ue in local, national arid 'interna- the work of the Philanthropies arid bel prize for 1929; Israel Levi, Chief resents the mortar prepared by the people have moved. The Jewish NaThe climax—if this be the climax— tional Jewish life, are looking to,the the distressing conditions which dic- Rabbi of France, and James A. de came when the Rev. Clarence Shan- hard-driven Hebrew slaves in Egypt. tional Fund Council, who are the local drive for funds which will-help tate that the, Jewish community meet Rothschild, member of the British non Long, Minister of the Old Pine The bitter herbs are to Temind the only authorized colectors of the them "carry on in times when the its major duty of _the hour. parliament, are scheduled to take part Street Presbyterian Church, designat- Jewish people of the bitterness of Jewish National Fund boxes in Omaburden is the heaviest. I Youth Bally. in the international radio forum, on ed on the stationeryas ^the only colo- slavery. The door is opened during ha, urges those Zionist friends to The sick, -the. hungry, ..the aged, •May 1st, arranged by the American nial President church edifice in Phil- the Sedurim ostensibly for the per- get in touch with Morris Friedel, the orphaned—all plead for a suc- The youth division is also .plan- Friends of the Hebrew university. ninga " banner campaign. ; At a adelphia," addressed a letter to Eman- enially-expected arrival of Elijah, chairman of box collections, or Mrs. cessful campaign. Institutions of The program which is to be broad- uel Romm, a candidate for Congress signifying that the door of the Jew- J. Lintzman of the Hadassah, or banquet Tuesday at the Center representatives of Jewish youth organ- cast throughout the country over, the from the sixth congressional district, ish home is always open to strang- Miss Ida Daytch of the Junior Haizations pledged their support to network of the-National Broadcasting in which the minister not only told ers and all, especially the needy, are dassah, or Mrs. L Hurwitz of the Erwin Wezelman, youth chairman. Company, will have for its' general Mr. Romm what, he thinks of him, but welcome to hospitality. Pioneer Women. '-William - Holzman addressed the subject "The Cultural Awakening of took advantage of the opportunity to The keynote of the holiday of The Jewish-National Fund Council group, outlining the work x»f the the'Near East,"* and. is in celebration unburden,himself relative to the en- Passover is freedom. It reiterates has urged all box holders to increase Philanthropies and the importance of of the seventh anniversary of the He- tire Jewish people. the Jewish belief that every individ- their contributions as more money is brew University in Jerusalem. The agencies supported by it. This "letter, so typical and so re- ual and every nation is entitled to needed this year for the buying of Executive committee meeting, theiPresent live free of the shackles of slavery land, draining of swamps, irrigation, banquet were rep- friends of the Hebrew University, vealing, follows: . •: Sunday, morning, April 24, «t "J. resentativesatofthe M throughout' the 'country will have speor bondage of any sort. A. Z. A. No. 1, A. Z. I understand that you are the perand other improvements. Every Louis Lozowick C . C , 10:30 a. m. . A. No. 7, A. Z. A. No. 100, Alpha cial meetings arranged to coincide son who is seeking election to Conpenny' donated by Omaha families of all the new movements In art. Initial Gifts, Friday noon,. April Tau, Xi Lambda^ Pi Alpha Lambda; with the broadcast which is scheduled gress" fronT this district.' I do not to this cause goes toward, the. buy- Copiously illustrated and concrete, 22, at Hill-Hotel. Psi- Mu, Fa Hon, Henrietta Szold between the hours., of. 12-,30 and. 1:30 know you, and without knowing you ing and improving of land in Pales- his lectures have been unusually sucYouth Division Bally, sponsored Sigma Kappa Chi, Jecompter, Alpha p. m., eastern daylight saying time. or knowing anyone..yho does, _ I have tine. Their aim is to redeem the soil cessful in increasing the popular unby Senior Council, Thursday eve- Gamma Na, U. T., K. '.T.> and R-Na. "The Bridge Between the.East and formed the conclusion that you are of Palestine as the inalienable prop- derstanding of modern artistic" ten-. ning, April 28, 8:15 p. m. -All. present made personal- contri- West" will-be the subject of the ad- not the sort of person I would want erty, of the. Jewish .people. dencies. His own paintings of Amerbutions to the drive. - Cards were also dress by Sir Herbert Samuel,-, who .is to know. ' : . i,jk L '.: .^•.''•'; ican -cities in the Machine Age-£learning, hospitals, agencies--doing "I deduce that you-are noi AmeriNew York, Cleveland, Seattle, Pitts*relief- work - among -the suffering plans made- for'-the youth' division of the Hebrew University. Mr. Roth- can-born and" have little or no con- The community-wide Mother and "btogh, Butte—are internationally Jewries -of Russia, Rumania, Ger- rally, to be held at-the" Jewish Com- schild, who is also a member of the ception . of American rights; or, if Daughter banquet, sponsored annualknown. Mr. Lozowick contributes to many,^ Poland, and Palestine — all munity Center Thursday- evening, Board, will deliver a message from American-born, you have utterly: fail- ly by the Jewish Women's Welfare the Nation, New Masses, The Arts, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, founder Federation, will be held this year benefit 'from the proceeds of the April 28, when solicitation of the ed to acquire a 'knowledge of those Theatre Arts, Little Review and the drive, benefit not in luxuries or half- youth 'division will be started in ad- of early Jewish colonies in Palestine. principles which are inherent" to real on Sunday, May 1, at the Jewish Louis Somberg was chosen presi Menorah Journal. He was recently "The Awakening of the Near East" is Connmtnity Genter, starting at 6 p. luxuries, but by being supplied^ with vance of the opening of the drive. ' - . announced as the general subject of Americanism. m. A novel program has been ar- dent of the Temple Israel Brother- awarded first* prize of $1,000 by. the the barest necessities of life.' : . ; : ' "I declare that yon are a Jew. Perhood for the ensuing year at the Print Club of Cleveland for the best ten minute addresses by Dr.: Wasser- haps there are*Jews to whom I should ranged for the affair. Foundation Laid. . ^V.,. .'. annual election of officers held, last print submitted in the International man, Chief Rabbi Levi, and Dr. Mann, The executive committee,; headed apologize for this statement; I num- Mrs. David Feder will speak for Thursday at the Blackstone hotel." Competitive Print Exhibit. who has delivered lectures at the He- ber the mothers, while Bernice Sherman by Henry Monsky, general chairman among my acquaintance Jews for S. H. Singer was elected vice presbrew University on visits to Pales- whom Mr. Lozowick has just returned to for the drive," has finished the founI have every respect and ad- will reply for the daughters. The ident; David R. Cohen, secretarytine. The achievements of the HeNew York after spending several invocation will be given by Mrs. Wildation work, for the campaign and miration. But these are very, very treasurer, and Dr. J. M. Erman and months in Russia and Central Asia. University in its seven years exceptional. The type of Jew with liam L. Holzman. optimistically await the opening day, Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Thousands of brew J. J. Friedman, trustees. will be briefly touched on by one pf He is author of "Modern Russian confident' of going "over the top." Jewish families in Poland may lose the American members of,the Board whom we are overrun * is arrogant, Mrs. Nathan Green will entertain Art" and co-author of "Voices of with a group of songs, accompanied digustingly self Complacent, and en", "The initial gifts committee," their means of livelihood as a result of Governors. October." states William L. Holzman, chair-' of a new.order issued by the Ministry »If tests now being conducted by the tirely without regard for the rights at the piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky. Labor Lyceum Plans Mrs. David A. Goldstein will lead of others, He crowds us off the sideman of - that group,' *?has entered of Communication granting to a sin- Marconi. Company of _ London prove Celebration on May 1 into its work - with most hearten- gle firm the concession for the deliv- successful, the first direct broadcast walks; ] tramples over us on the trol- community singing. Mrs. L. Nev leff, president of the Jewish Womleys; and drives his automobile recking zest- and-has already turned ery of goods sent by raiL A May day celebration win be held from Palestine in radio history will in - enough. in pledges to practical- ~ The transport trade has been con- also be part of the program. ; The lessly without regard for another's en's Federation, will preside. at the Labor Lyceum on Sunday afReservations should be made at ternoon, May 1, at 2 p. m. John M. ly asBure us of this committee centrated chiefly in the hands of Palestine and Egyptian government right of way. I declare from your actions'that'you jnust be a Jew. the Community Center not later than Paul of Harvard, Nebr., candidate for - fulfilling its.. obligations to the utJews. TJp until the^ present the reg- are co-operatingin- laying telephone most. : The response we have-re- ulations ' permitted any -merchant to. lines to Abouzabal, Egypt, from which **P make these;deductions from the next Tuesday, as the building will governor on the Socialist platform, reived indicates that the present Teroiye goods from "the nearest'rail- the Marconi Company is attempting fact that, you have defaced my garage "be closed Wednesday and Thursday will be the main speaker. Denver, Colo.—(Special Corresponconditions are making us realize way station and gave him the Tight to to establish contact to London. .The by pasting your posters over it>—Any because of the Passover holiday. A musical program will also be more than ever our prime duty to appoint any transport firm he- chose broadcast will then be sent over the person who will deface private prop- Reservations may also be made with held. The entertainment is open to dence) — Tuberculosis is gradually erty,- or public property either, in this Miss Blanche- Zimman. shifting its scenes of operation from the public, with admission free. our, needy brethren." trans-Atlantic short wave circuit. "to, inake the delivery. manner, or cause it to be done, places the factory to the store and office, himself in the above category. He Dr. I. D. Bronfin, medical director of .. Workers Needed. shows that he is not fit for citizenship the National Jewish "hospital at DenAt present the campaign leaders in this country, much less for public ver, points out in a report which has are concentrating on obtaining avast office. "A little straw shows how wind just been issued, covering- the hosarmy of workers. Most of the blows." Your placing these, posters pital's work for the two-year period majors have, already been chosen, on private garages is an outrage and ended June 30th, 1931. but the list is not yet complete, acis most revealing concerning your Dr. Bronfin bases this conclusion cording to Philip M. Klutznick and Habbi Garry August of Gary Inon an analysis of the admission of Dr. A. Greeriberg, co-chairmen of the Baltimore.—(J. T. A.)—Snake god- of Joshua and . Judges .refer to the character." - diana, will preach from the pulpit As .indicated the Long incident is of Temple Israel Friday, April 29, patients to the hospital for the past desses- found in excavations of Kir- conquest of Kirjath-sepher. general solicitation. fifteen years. The same study disjathsepher, Palestine, give conclusive Dr. Kyle said the pottery of the only one of a series. United States following an invitation from Rabbi "We must all put our shoulders evidence of such degraded .religious: Canaanites found in the ruins -was Congressman Benjamin - M.. Golder closes the fact that fifty-seven per to the communal wheel," stated practices among, the. Cariaanites.that far superior to that of the Israelites, seeking re-election in the fourth con Frederick Conn. cent of the patients admitted to the Klutznick in, urging local Jewry to the command . for . their destruction who had neglected the arts while gressional district. For reasons irre Habbi August is the author of a hospital during: the past two years enlirt in helping put the drive across, was merited, according to Dr. Melvin wandering through the wilderness on levant here Congressman Golder is novel, "God's Gentleman," which he were natives of the United States, as "just as it is easy to shirk one's Grove Kyle,. president emeritus of the way to Canaan. not a candidate for the majority po- has recently written and which is compared with 34 per cent natives adtask and let the other fellow carry Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminlitical party in Philadelphia—they causing much comment throughout mitted in the years 1P1G-17, indicatthe burden in alleviating the misery- ary. - . . . • . : . - . sponsored him in the past; and the the United States. ing that indigent tuberculosis is no •..,... of our hungry and heartsick, so, too, Dr. Kyle,-who is head of a staft\.of Congressman is making a desperate His topic for the sermon at Temlonger an immigrant problem. is it easy to refuse to help in the ten American archaeologists, "who fight single-handed. Several weeks ple Israel will be "From a Small A total of S05 patients were, cared campaign work because of a selfish have been excavating the ruins^of the ago the entire fourth congressional Town Pulpit," and . he will review for in the hospital proper, and 1,000 exaggeration of the priority of per- ancient city mentioned in the Books district suddenly found; here, there his own book. patients through the outpatients deMoscow.—The recent order issue sonal interests. Rabbi August's appearance in partment and clinics, during the perof Joshua and Judges, will return late by the Communist Party forbiddin; and everywhere small pieces of pasteiod covered by the report, making a ' "In times like these no one can in the summer. the adoption of compulsory measure board carrying this admonition: "Do Omaha is sponsored by the BrotherI grand total of 1S,OOO patients served be on the sidelines of communal The staff this summer will begin for the collectization of cattle be not vote for Benjamin M. Golder. He hood of Temple Israel, for which the following committee was appointJ by the hospital since its opening in endeavor. We need workers. Every its fourth campaign devoted to uncov- longing to peasants of collectiv is a Jew. K.K.K." ed: Louis Somberg, S. H. Singer 1S99. The first institution in Ameriable-bodied Jew should join the ering this Canaanite city,,which was farms is of particular importance t< and Nathan E. Jacobs. J ca for the free care on a national ranks of the workers so that a conquered.by the Israelites. , . Jews in Soviet Russia, it was statei Following" is the review of Rabbi scale of men, women and children thorou gh canvass' may ~ be" made. Dr. Kyle said the snake goddesses today. August's book in the April 14 issue suffering from tuberculosis, the Na.Enough communallyr-minded work- of Kirpath-sepher, were found in the Jewish fanners who are collectiviz of the Chicago Tribune: tional Jewish hospital has been alers with a deep understanding of strata of the middle bronze age, 2000 ed.in full, were under previous con j ways non-sectarian, For the past oZ the vital needs confronting our to 1600 B. C. E. The city is thirteen ditions, placed in the precarious posi Garry August, the author of I years its motto has been, "None May A benefit card party for the Jew- "God's Gentleman," a story of a agencies will guarantee the drive's miles southwest of Hebron. • tion of being unable to possess thei] Enter Who Can Pay—None Can Pay success." Dr. Kyle said great layers of ashes own cow or poultry either for thei: ish National Fund, sponsored by Jewish rabbi, is the rabbi of Temple Who Enter." the Omaha Daughters' of Zion, will Israel in Gary, Ind. He is also an inside the eastern gate of the city own nourishment or for earnin Anyone wishing to volunteer his be held at the J. _C. C. on Monday editor of a weekly book column and showed the city had been destroyed. Every State Benefited, some additional income to augmen services, 'is asked to communicate afternoon, April 2o. An entertaining a contributor on musical subjects to One hundred and eighty-seven cities Rabbi GEITJ August with Henry Monsky, Philip Klutz- Pottery found below these layers, he the salary allotted them by the col- program has been arranged for the various magazines and periodicals. gregation. The congregation, how- In. 42 states pent ppticnt? to the hosnick or Dr. Greenberg or else get in added, -were Canaanite and all above lective. occasion. light refreshments will be He knows intimately the struggles ever, concerned with getting rich and. pital Israelite. Absence of a neutral layer during: the two years, the re~ _ touch with Jacob S. Pearlstien, exserved, and prizes given. and problems of the Jewish race in being accepted by Gentiles, scorns P°rt shows, end practically every ecutive director of the campaign, at led the archaeologists to conclude Sabbath a Day of Rest Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. T. Kula- modern America, and though his the thoughtful young rabbi's teach- state in the ivnion has had patients in there, had been a conquest. the Community Center. Bucharest.-—Private Jewish schools kofsky are in charge of the event. analysis of those problems seems ings. Sharvrell, known affectionately the hospital during the past three de~ Everything below the level of. ashes cannot be compelled to hold classes on All Jewish . Women Active. women have been invited somewhat ruthless, his attitude to- to his friends as Danny, fights a cades. explained the lecturer, represented the Sabbath, the Minister of Educa- to attend the The spirit of self-sacrifice -which the bronze age and everything above card party, which is ward Ms own race is nevertheless losing battle against the Gentile com- With facilities for the care of 350 is animating local Jewry in connec- —with a few exceptions in trinkets- tion ruled. open to the public, as the proceeds svmpathetic plex and the spiritual indifference of men, women and children fuffering; tion with the campaign has been indicated the iron age, or about 1200 Boosting for Brides •will go toward the upbuilding of Rabbi Daniel Sharwell, the "God's Ms race. from all types and stages of tuberwell evidenced by the women work- B. C. E. He said all discoveries so Warsaw.—The sum of ten thousani the Jewish Homeland. Gentleman" of the title, a young culosis, the National Jewish hospital Lyuette, a girl •whom he loved, ers, who are preparing to continue far of conquests and the occupation zlotys to be used for dowries for poo Aiding -worth-while • Palestinian idealistic, vital man, tries to .com- now the wife of his best friend, at Denver is the largest institution of the excellent aqcolnplishnients <>f ihi of the Israelites pointed toj the irort Jewish brides has been alloted by tin projects is the purpose of vthe Daugh- municate his message of spirituality, its kind in the country. Its Research, women workers of previous cam- age and not the bronze. The Books Warsaw Kehillabters of Zk>*> beauty and racial unity to his condepartment is internationally famous. (Continued on Page Two.)




Jewish Phflanthropies


Lotas Somberffio Bead Brotherhood of Temple Israel



Rabbi August, Author, Is to Be Guest Speaker at Temple

Excavations of Archaeologists Show Customs of Canaatiites

Bar Upon Compulsory Cattle Collectivizing

Daughters of Zion Benefit Card Party


THE JEWISH I^RESS By ilie Way Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 \ Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - r Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building . . Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and ManagingEditor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - * - , . - - - • - ; - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - . - • - • - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent



We Jews sometimes think that we have a disproportion of the world's troubles, but really is it so? Consider the case of the English Icing— for that matter, of all the present European royalty. Not enough, are they harassed by the growing democratic movement, but it appears that there have been insidious rumors, taken very seriously, that there is a strong strain of Jewish blood flowing in their veins. HOLIDAY OP FREEDOM:j ! V People, it seems, have been saying Passover, the Holiday of Freedom, is being observed ^for a that King George's grandfather, Prince Albert, the royal consort of week by world Jewry, celebrating the deliverance of. the- Hebrews Queen Victoria, was half-Jewish.

the guilty party in that matter, in- with a sweet racqueteer; they always stead of the English, the poem would do. be written. Herman Levinson, the Nebraska RELATIVITY Uni mite, has signed up to play with Apropos of the depression, writes the Midas Ice Cream team in the Slomovitz from Detroit, "you might Sunday amateur leagues. Bloom of quote one of our kibitzers as saying: the Psi Mu club and Earl Seigel of "Before the war, you needed $50,- the same i r a t are also members of 000 to be a millionaire, during the the Ice Cream crew, which is manwar and inflation periods, $100,000, aged by "Baldy" Sam Ban, one-time now $10,000 is enough." A. Z. A. star, back in the dark ages.

Conservative Synagogue

and confused in themes and intern, tions, but memorable in ..its charac* terizations, its well sustained plotj and its atmosphere i t achieves die* tinction, solidness, and reality.


Hamilton Street Window Shades


Candle lighting time, Friday, April Quite a number of Jewish memThe dukes of Grant Neilsen, Abe SHOP bers of the faculty of Columbia Uni- Kraft and Roland Lewis were raised 22, 6:25 p. m. Window Shades, 36x6 of unversity have signed the protest by Athletic Director Manny Seigel, breakable and washable shade Services Friday Night against the expulsion of Eeed Har- in token of the aforementioned lads doth for 50c and up. For this Passover Sabbath Rabb ris, editor of the Columbia Spectator. winning the boxing championships of We clean and reverse shades One of those signing is Prof. Ber- their respective classes at the Jewish Goldstein has chosen a s his theme for 15c and up. Community Center, the other after"The Miracles of Passover—Shall nard Stern, who, i t will be remembered, following his graduation at noon. Neilsen beat Ed Gerber in the Believe in Them?" WALNUT 5500 the Hebrew Union College, turned finals of the 65 to 75 pound division; 4202-4 Hamilton St. Passover Services Next Week Communist and abandoned a rabbin- Kraft beat Dave Richards in the 76 to 85 pound class, and Lewis beat ical career for sociology. Tuesday evening, April 26, 7 p. m. from Egyptian bondage. The miraculous exodus under the THAT NEW BOOK Dave Christie in the 86 to 95 pound morning, April 27, 8:30 The expulsion of Harris, by the guidance of Moses took place some thirty-three centuries ago; We Jews now and then hear such way, recalls the similar expulsion section. Awards were made to the a. Wednesday m. yet hundreds of years after we continue to commemorate those reports—refer to them, perhaps get during the war of Rifkind. What champions. Thursday morning, April 28, 8:3 a little kick and amusement out of will happen to Harris? Probably a. m. vivid days when our ancestors overthrew the yoke of Pharaoh jthem For Tasty Delicatessens and dismiss them, but such a Yizkor, Thursday, April 28, at 10 similar to what happened Phone or Call at the Tennis is just around the corner and no longer had to toil and die at the pyramids. The mere fact report is not a light matter to their something a. m. As is customary, special meto Rifkind, let me tell you that the the boys and girls will soon be that through the years we remain mindful of our historic past majesties. The best proof of this years since his expulsion have been and donning their white panties in themorial services will be held Thursday is the ifact that a new book has just very good to him. . and mark the Passover period with a special observance is evi- been good old game of spanking a de-morning a t 10 o'clock. Rabbi Gold published, apparently with ofRifkind, as you may know, is one dence of the faithfulness of the oldest people to their, past ;$nd ficial approval, whose main thesis is fenseless white ball, where their op- stein will deliver the sermon. Glendale 3951 of the authors of "Of Thee I Sing," t&eir appreciation of the right to be free. This ancient bridge to deny the story of Queen Victoria's one of the musical hits of the New ponent isn't Gone are the days 5019 UNDERWOOD AVE. when tiie names of Al Finkle and Edit Work of 12th between our ancestors and ourselves, between the long-ago and husband having been a half-Jew. J. Raduziner, Prop. York stage. Al Handler held the center of the Century Savant The; book to which I refer is "Althe present, enrichens and deepens the cultural life of; our; people, bert stage, especially among the junior Delivery Service Baltimore.—Dr. Raphael Levy, prothe Good," by Hector Bolitho. DEPRESSION AND ! ; performers. The two Als were the fessor of romance languages a t the aristocrat among nations. .-, Open Sundays and Evenings How important the book is deemed DIVORCE finest racket wielders among the University of Baltimore, has been Freedom is the all-enveloping keynote of our festival, of may be regarded by the fact that Depressions are not all to the bad, younger SPECIAL set, both being high school awarded a financial grant by the Harding Ice the New York Times gives a whole if we may believe Dr. Alfred Cohen Cream, 39c Quart Pesach. Whereas to other people "freedom" has ja modern con- page champions and Al Finkle holding American Council of Learned Soin its book supplement to itsof Columbia University. Dr. Cohen : : the state Junior title, in his day. cieties. notation, it is to us sacred with prophetic meaning frbm the very review* cites figures showing that since the dawn of our history. In our observance of the Passover holiday, The proofs of the book, says the depression set in there has been a The whole Handler family were Dr. Levy will use the money for quite adept a t the game, Sophie traveling in Europe this summer, not only is physical freedom essential, but spiritual and religious Times, "have been read by the Grand decrease of about 10,000 divorce being a shining light among the where he is to prepare an edition of Duke of Hesse, the Duke of Saxefreedom are also stressed; tyranny in any form is to be denounced. Coburg and Gotha, and the Dean of cases from the usual number. girls and Sammy cutting some mean the old "Commencement de Sapience" In the prosperity period, just be- figures among the boys. Even while Israel was an independent nation in Palestine, the lore Windsor," and the Times plainly fore (The beginning of wisdom) which Beautify your home. Prices the slump, there was a divorce written in the Twelfth Century by and truths of the Egyptian emancipation was perpetuated. The states "that the real purpose of this in the United States, says Dr. Cohen, of our high grade NebraskaAbraham Ibn Ezra. is to dispel the assumptions" every two minutes. Now, there is gTown nursery stock is the lowlaw and the prophets emphasized it. And as we wandered hither book of Jewish blood. est ever known. one about every three minutes— and yon, driven from France, England, Spain, as we suffered Jack Alberts, formerly associated Our grass seed and fertilizer everyone is hanging on to money as with the Kaiman Agency, has opened THE KING IS A J E W martyrdom at the hands of fanatic Crusaders, as we lived the will make your lawn glad. well as husbands and wives. They're LIVE THE KING the Alberts Insurance Agency at 301 ghetto life which ushered in the present era, we never forgot LONG nothing away—even if it is Leflang Bldg. He will deal in genIt will be recalled that Lytton throwing Prejudice, hatred, the spectre Passover, with its matzoth which had become our memorial to Strachey, some time , ago in hisa spouse. eral insurance, including auto, fire, war, all these dread calamities bring the ideal of freedom. "Queen Victoria," hinted at the Jew- Divorces have been continually tornado, public liability and life in- home to us the need for a continuaish lover being the father of Prince increasing in the United States, con- surance. 924 No. 24th St. tion of the struggle for liberty. And in our own day the message of Passover is of double Albert. He wrote: tinues Dr. Cohen (making allowCNear Cuming) "Eternal vigilance is the price of significance. The cycle of oppression continues; the cry for lib- "There were scandals: one of the ances of course for the depression JA. 5115 Eve- MA. 4006 liberty," a sage of the eighteenth period) and the doctor estimates century wrote. But long before that erty and justice is perennial. The world has achieved formal free- Court Chamberlains, a charming and that at its present rate of compound• FOR TASTY man, of Jewish extracthe Jewish people realized this and dom but is far-distant from actual, real freedom. Taskmasters cultivated ing by 1965, 51 per cent of American tion, was talked of." so instituted the Festival of Pass• DELICIOUS marriages will be ending in divorce. of varied kinds make the tyranny of today as disturbing as the What Strachey only hinted at was ovre, during which the loyal Jew i • FOODS AND tyranny of yesteryear. The world has become subjected to anmore explicitly stated by a German Of course, one must be a little in duty bound to tell—and retell— careful about. this type of predicthe story of the exodus from Egypt. economic slavery, ruled by the merciless machine and the result- author, who wrote: • PASTRIES "Prince Albert of Coburg, the tions, but the problem is a serious In this manner each generation of ant concenti'ation of power" and cbricommitant industrial oppres- Prince Consort, is to be described one. Not so much, it seemstome, Jews is imbued with this spirit o . . . Stop at . . . . CHICAGO - - - $8.00 sion which finds millionsjwithout the means to fulfill their willing- without contradiction as a half-Jew, because of the number of divorces in and desire for freedom. ' Round Trip $12.00 so that since his time, Jewish blood itself, but because the figures show ness to earn a livelil^<&^ Around the Seder Table sits the Denver 9.50; Los Angeles 23.50 how f a r we are; from., settling the has been circulating in the veins of Jew and his family. And together DES-MOINES - - - $3.00 On this Passover w6"reiterate the truth to which our holiday the English royal family, as well as great problem of-happy domestic rethey sing the Hymn of Liberty and Round Trip $4.50 is dedicated—that true freedom is the birthright of every human. in the veins of the Hohenzollerns." lations. As for the increasing numin unison they resolve not to kneel COFFEE SHOP bers of- divorces themselves, they before the oppressor and the tyrant. The age-old message of Passover is not for us alone but for all THE QUEEN'S JEWISH might even prove tha£ we [are get36th and FARNAM Today in this age of boasted momankind. "In* the expression of the Haggadah, we -look forward LOVER ting along bjetfer at^titijs larger Jarbbdernism and in spite of-all scientifi to the day when all men will be free. Freedom physically, relig- But this new book by Bolitho takes lem than before. Th-e' real issue,"it progress, millions of - htaiian beings, all the rumors and, while admit- seems to: me,-is notjthe number of 306 N. 16th St. Ha. 5000 not Jews alone, are still groaning beiously, spiritually, socially, economically—that is the goal of man- up ting that Prince Albert's mother was divorcesj but thje soundness and hapneath the yoke of the tyrant. Thi nwnmintnmummi kind as we strive for the day when we will observe a "Universal very attached to a' fascinating; army piness of] our Borne life! . j ^; ' • '• Jew comes with his festival of Freeofficer, Lieutenant von: Uaristein, dePassover." ; ••.,••. dom, his Passover with its glowing THIS AND THAT clares some intimate members of the story of the transition from slavery CLEANERS Though the. "Magician Houdini is then court have told him ,'tbat there to liberty, and bids mankind, sufferfirst and second of the three prizes Jewish Student Wins -?., 'f could have been no misdemeanor un- long dead, two' new books about him DYERS ing, troubled humanity, to take hop< for his still life subjects, by the jury til at least four years after Prince are soon to appear . . . Irving FineTwo Art Awards and courage. HATTERS man, author, is 'engineer by profesSyracuse.—Richard S. Goldman of of selection for the forthcoming 19th Albert was born." Passover is the Festival of Opt* sion and for some time was in the Rochester, a sophomore in the College annual exhibition of the work of arTAILORS Thus, Bolitho admits the affair be- navy . . . Billy Rose, husband of mism. And this observance of Passtists and craftsmen of Rochester at of Fine Arts, Painting Department, tween Albert's mother and the Jewover by Jews, who themselves are Syracuse university, was awarded the the Memorial Art gallery in that city. ish army officer, but contends that Fanny Brice and Fanny no like each suffering and who sit down at the other when they first met but now the affair dated from after the birth like a lot . . . A visitor to New Seder Table with all the symbols of of Albert. the glorious Festival of Freedom beYork these days was Jacob Turner 4420-22 North 20 We Take Pleasure in Announcing the Appointment of fore them. There are Matzos, the of Chicago, probably the only-person SO WHAT? Bitter Herbs, the Charousouth and who ever took the complete rabbinKEnwood 1500 To all of which we can only say— ical course a t the Hebrew Union other symbols. And particularly the so what? Suppose, King George's College without the remotest intenPhone JAckson 2724 Matzos, "the bread of affliction," Omaha, Nebr. grandfather was half-Jewish. Is it tion of pursuing it as a career . . . which came to denote the "bread of anything to write a book about. The Roger Wolfe Kahn suffers great moras District Manager for Omaha and Council Bluffs Freedom." Special care will be takNew York Times calls attention to tification because people speaking en in respect to the Matzo, the piece the fact that Queen Victoria used to of him always refer to his papa . . . de resistance of the Seder Table. like to think that she was a descend- wants to be a personality of his It will mean, of course, the best ant of the dynasty of King David. / 1 » MUTUAL UG«C n c s i n v t urc ixsubAncc COHPAHV I . -" * own right and really is but people Matzo obtainable. And this is MaBut the lesser members of the • 18TH AND DOUGLAS STS. '* never leave out papa when referring nischewitz Matzo. None to equal it. royal family seem very much wor- to him . . . IF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT So are all the Manischewitz Matzo Omaha.tfeW ried about their pappy being a Jew. That Same Wear White to Please Your products. Manischewitz is synonyIt is amusing, anyway, to see a GUARANTEE MUTUAL'S New Accumulation Limited Pay and mous with excellence in every detail Patrons Shoe Comfort Endowment Policies OFFER YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY good writer like Hector Bolitho wast. . . from the flour to the completed The Results Will Please You E S £ 5 9£X £ E OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. LET HIM EXPLAIN if you have your shoes ing good literary talents on such a package. THEM AND OTHER POLICIES TO YOU. repaired at the defense.

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Yet, I am afraid, he has not altogether proven his point. The evidence he adduces against the Jewish father is not any stronger than the evidence for it. I am afraid we will have to go on thinking: of King George and Prince .Edward as maybe being a little Jewish. Now and then we should invite them to "schul" to make them feel at home.

KIPLING AND ISRAEL You demand absolute freshness in your butter . . . milk . . . . meat . . . eggs . . . and vegetables. Why not coffee, too? Only fresh roasted coffee gives you that delicious flavor and aroma you really enjoy. Chase & Sanborn's Dated Coffee gives you this perfection because it always reaches you at the peak of freshness. The date on the can is your guarantee, for no can is allowed to remain on your grocer's shelf, more than 10 days. Take no chances—always ask your grocer for this high quality, FRESH coffee!







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Our English friend, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, apparently is not over-^ond of Jews. He has just written a newVbopk of poems, and one of the poems, deal ing with Hollywood, runs: . , "And here come tired youths I and maids that feign to love or sin In tones like rusty razor blades to tunes like smitten tin . . . And every word that taints the speech and show that weakens thought And Israel watcheth over and doas not watch for naught.


Omaha Towel Supply Co.

JA. 0528 By STANLEY F. LEVIN wMi Well, well, well! At last we have iHIIIIIHItllllllllllilti organised our kitten ball loop, and it is going to be a humdinger. The league- will be known as the Jewish Community Kitten Ball League and will consist, of either four or six teams.' To date, we have the A. Z. A. No. 1, the A. Z. A. No. 100, the Thorpeian Athletic Club and the Psi Mu Fraternity. The first games will be played the first Sunday in May. Officials will be named shortly and they will be as competent and satisfactory as officials go. Entry fees will be three dollars, which will be sufficient to pay for medals for the winning nine. A meeting will be held next week, the time and day to be announced later, at which meeting final plans for the league will be completed. Any club interested in securing the two vacant berths can apply for the same by calling me at Atlantic 0500 or Jackson 7827.

In other words, we Jews are re- For. the first time in many years, sponsible for the actresses who love the Omaha high schools are well supand sin on the movie reels, and even plied with Jewish trackmen, Central and Technical particularly. The outfor their "razor blade voices." standing speedster to date among the Well, Mr. Kipling ought to be less Jewish boys is Kaplan of Technical, harsh now with the Jews, since Jew- who bids fair to rate as one Qf the ish dominance of the movie industry best in the state before the season is largely a thing of the past. is over. We will hear more about the But why, might we ask, doesn't Mr. Kipling write a poem about some others within the next few weeks. of the evils of the English. I t is a generally known fact, for instance, Tennis is just around the corner that Imperialistic England is much and. our shadow whispers that so far responsible for the continued use of the cream of the prep school crop opium in thie Orient (That imight is,' Friedman of Central, a veteran make a good; poem, too, for Kipling,; purple netster. Tech, the purple's B and we presume if the Jews were arch I Ival, however, will soon bob up


T. It KRAUE, Prop.

1619 Farnain St.

(Continued from Page One.) sticks by Danny and supports him when he most needs i t The most difficult family he has to deal with are the Greenspans, who represent the movement of the Jews toward a denial of their religion and their Garfully Washed and the Nap race. The Greenspans have a lovely Combed by Hand—Made to blond daughter who makes things1 Look Like New very complicated for t h e young Packed in Moth-Proof Bags handsome rabbi. In the end the rabbi almost completely surrenders.. This novel contains many fascinating discussions of the problems of today, and though they are not always in place in a book of this sort, still they are • interesting-and relevant enough not to seem like mere pedantic interruptions. The 2BI5 FARNAM AT. 2815 rivalries between the German and the Russian Jew, the differences between the moneyed and the poor Jew, the Jew who is and the Jew who isn't accepted by the Gentiles, all are made a part of the dramatic narrative of "God's Gentleman." Besides giving a comprehensive and vivid picture of certain phases of modern life, the author also inakes several extremely brilliant characterizations. Danny, Lynctte and Lew are all successfully handled. Danny, with his intelligence, his jpf sometimes disgusting: superiority complex, his ideals nnd his sardonic lit and bitter humor, remains, as he S i if!tltt should remain, the most compelling chnraetcr in thr hook. "God's Genii -'?' tleman" is n vital, dynamic book, not mm si RSif Continuously well written, not. always interestinp, nnd frequently blurred


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PAGE 3__THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 Miss Beatrice.. Newman of St. Joe, .summer dance of the sorority—IB Mich., is "the guest of. her brother planned for June. and'- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman. MAKE HONOR ROLL The following Jewish students CONVALESCING were included in the mid-semester Mr. Sam Platt is convalescing at honor roll announced at Central High school last week: Six A's, Faye the St. Joseph hospital. Goldware; five A's, Lawrence Bordy, Joel Cherniss, Harold Civin, Kenneth HERE = Mri. Jacob Landau of New York, Glicken, Leonard. Leon, Leonard manager of the Jewish Telegraphic Nathan, Rose Fisher, Ethel Resnick, Agency and publisher of the Jew- Sylvia Silyerman;' four and one-half ish Daily Bulletin, visited in Omaha A's, David Katskee, Selma Berkoa' jfew -days last week. He was witz, Una Gross, Marilyn Millman, honored guest at a stag dinner at Pauline Rosenbaum, Sonya Sairanel, the Center Thursday given by the Esther Silverman, Bertha Slutsky; local B'nai B'rith lodge. He ad- four A's, Bryce Bednar, Morris dressed the group on "The Interna- Dansky, Israel Hornstein, Joe Hornstein, Max Resnick, Edward Rosentional Jewish Scene." baum, Dora Dolgoff, Evelyn Epstein, Alta Hirsch, Dorothy Kulakofsky, TO VISIT Rosella Perlis, Adeline Speckter; Mr~ H. B. Weinstein left for San three and one-half A's, Irvin DorinAntonio, Texas, Sunday afternoon to son, Herbert Kaplan, Morris Tatlejoin Mrs. Weinstein. They will spend man, Jean Beber, Frances Blumkin, the Passover holidays and several Ldbby Burstein; three A's, Sol Dorweeks more with their daughter, inson, Lloyd Friedman, Ben GershatMrs. Joseph Rubin, and her family. er, Samuel Kaplan, Phil Lazerwitz, David Saxe, Sol Wezelman, Shirley Mrs. Irvin H. Stein and daughter, Barish, Ruth Fox, Dorothy Friedel, Rona Joan, will spend the Passover Rose Kirshenbaum, Esther Claiman. holidays with Mrs. Stein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro, at Lincoln, Nebr.

ALIBEfc-KADIS WEDDING tertained 18 little guests at • a party Word; has been received here of at their home April 9 for their the marriage of Mi& Esther Kadis daughter, Harriett Eosalie,, on the of Des •Moines, formerly of Omaha, occasion of her .ninth birthday. A j±o Mr.[: Jack Aliber, son of Mrs; M. color scheme of green and pink \Aliberfof Des Moines. -; ;T: was .carried out in the table decoraThe wedding took place April 10 tions; at 4:30 p. m. at the home of the bride's -ancle, J. D. Kadis, in the presence of .the^immediate •.jhembers HONORED AT DINNER Mrs. Fannie Simon was the guest of the family. Miss Kadis was atof honor' at "a dinner given by Mrs. tended by h e r ; sister, Marciai as Clarence Fisher of Kansas City, maid of honor; Dr.. Julius., Schwartz formerly of Omaha, at the home of acted jas best man for Mr. Aliber. Mrs. Simon's sisters, the Misses Eva A 6 o^ock dinner -was given for and Rose Gladstone, and a niece, members of the family. '. Miss Buby Gladstone, Sunday, April Out of town guests at the wed- 17. The; occasion was the 89th birthding were Mrs., E. Snader, Mr. and day of Mrs. Simon. ; Mrs. Julius Newman and daughter, Many friends of Mrs. Simon atHarriett Rosalie, and Mr. and Mrs. tended the reception given in the afA. Theodore, all -:1&f::: Omaha; Mis.: ternoon and she received many gifts. SOCIAL NOTES H. Marx, Miss' Gel Marx, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedel reShostack and Paul, Marx, of Linturned Friday by motor from Alton, ANNOUNCE BIRTHS coln; Mrs. Fannie Friedman and Miss H Mr. and Mrs. Saul Bloom announce HI., where they were the guests of Fannie. Kadis of New York City, and Dr. A. Aliber and Sam Swartz the birth of a daughter on April Mrs. Friedel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gotler. They were gone for two of St. Louis, Mo. ' ' " 19 at the Methodist hospital. weeks, during which they visited with The young couple will make their Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sekerman friends and relatives en route. home in Des Moines after a honeyannounce the birth of a son, Charles moon trip to Chicago and St. Louis. Arthur, on April 12 at the Nicholas Mrs. Sam Peltz returned Sunday Senn hospital. Mrs. Sekerman was from a visit with relatives "and ENTERTAIN AT DINNER formerly Miss Sara Rae Fish. friends in Rock Island, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained at dinner Monday evening Mr.._and Mrs. Harry Kneeter of for Miss Grace Rosenstein and her Mrs. L. Blumenthal returned Frifiance,'Dr. Mark M. Marks of Kan- Des Moines, la., announce the bir$h day from a winter's sojourn in Los of, a son on April 19. Mr. Kneeter, Angeles, Calif. While there, Mrs. sas City. a former Omahan, is the son of Mrs. Blumenthal visited her son-in-law Mamie Kneeter of this city. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE TEA Davis. • Mrs. H. JSilverman and ^Miss Toby Flax entertained at a bridge tea at VISITORS Mr. Dave Levitsky of .Sioux City, SORORITY ELECTS OFFICERS the Fontenelle Sunday afternoon, honoring", their" sister, Mrs. D. H. Iowa^-vdsited the past week with Mr. ''Miss Evelyn Kaiman is the newly elected president of Phi Bete Sigma Ferta;'; of Boston, whov is visiting and Mrs. 'Jack Bfoscow. sorority. She succeeds Miss Cele here with -her parents,* Mr. and_ Mrs. IS. Flax... :-• ": _.. • . '.. * .-_•."' Miss Rogie Kodbejg of Sioux City Wolk. Mrs. Herman .Wisey of jCaiicag jvisited over; the"week-*nd-with her "Other officers elected are: Miss formerly "Miss Bess Lipp"ofthis" a ^brottLer-in-law and-"sister, Mr.-" and Edythe Dolgoff; secretary, and Miss shared' honors.'•• ' Lois Filvin, treasurer. The annual Mrs. M. A. Grueskin.'

Temple Mother and Daughter Luncheon A Mothers' and Daughters' luncheon and program by the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be given Saturday, May 7, at 12 o'clock at the Temple The affair is being arranged by Mrs. A. Greenberg and her committee. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Sam Appleman, Atlantic 9942.

Sisterhood Tea

Jewish lassies, the completoJistio be catalogue of the Hebrew and announced shortly. Samaritan' manuscripts in t h e l l b r - ' Final arrangements hav,ejbeen com- ary of David Solomon Sassoon of pleted for the dance, which will be .London. held at the Paxton Hotel Sunday evening, May 8, with the eleven-piece College Club orchestra furnishing the FOR RENT music. Tickets are being sold by to responsible parties. 8-room members of the Sam Beber chapter residence, barn in rear, 938 No. No. 100 of the A. Z. A. 25th St. Rent very reasonable.

To Catalogue Manuscripts London. — The Oxford University Press will shortly publish a descrip-

Call KAIMAN INS. CO- At. 8034

Mrs. Flora Eosenstock and Mrs. Hattie Cohn will pour tea at the annual meeting of the Temple Israel Sisterhood, to be held Monday, May 2, at 2 p. m., at the Temple. Election of officers will feature the meeting, and the winner of the quilt will be announced.

Century Chapter Dance "Balmy Daze," spring dance of the Century chapter of the A. Z. A., is to feature a chorus furnished by Mrs. Beatrice Levin. The chorines are a number of socially prominent young

Famous Guaranteed Rainproof

you have but little to spend on Food You Can save as much as 20J of your food bills.. by going to market only on "bargain days", and buying enough for a week. Preserve left-overs, too, and end waste that averages *4.50 a month per family.

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ENTERTAIN FOR DAUGHTER . Mr. and -Mrs. Julius Newmaa en-

"A Qood Citizen Wherever We Serve"

THE CENTER *U CMJENDAR Monday, April .25 ' * Card Party: Daughters of Zion,, 2:30 p. m. Meeting: Council of Jewish Women, 2:30 p. m.; board meeting, 1:30 p. m. Meeting: : Bikur Cholim, 8 p. m. Lecture: Louis Lozowick, "The Jew In Art," 8 p. m., auspices of Adult Educational Committee, Jewish Community Center, 8 p. m.


Sunday, May: 1 Mothers' and . Daughters' ban- . quet, 6 p. m., auspices Jewish Women's Welfare organization. Monday, May 2 Conservative Synagogue auxiliary meeting, 2:30 p. m.; board meeting 1:30 p. m. Difiner dance, Hazomir Singing society, 6 p. m. Tuesday, May 3 Center Players' Guild Open House, 8 p. m. Meeting: Jewish •; Women's Welfare organization, 2:30 p. m., board meeting 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, May 4 Banquet: Fa • Hon Sorority,Mother and Daughter banquet, 6:30 p. m. • • ,"• ' Stmday, May 8:.,, Bridge F Mother and Daughter Abridge party, auspices the Junior Hadassah, 3 pt m. NOTICE


The Jewish Community Center will be closed from Wednesr day, April 20; 6 p. m.; until Saturday, April 23, at 6 p. m. It will also be closed from Tuesday,'April 26, 6 p. m.t Tintil Thursday, April 28, 6 p. m.- •







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Every member of our Family must enroll in the Philanthropies" "Every member of our family must enroll in the Jewish Philanthropies this year. Each of us must do our share to help those of our people who are less fortunate than we. We must give liberally—we must give with our hearts—f or the need this year is greater than ever. We must not break our promise to our people to give them food, shelter and clothing." This should be the by-word in every Jewish home in Omaha for the coming drive for funds. To say "I BELONG" will indicate that you have done your share—that you recognize your responsibility to those less fortunate. You will be proud that you can be listed among those who are willing to help.



Aid For Our People Who Really Need It Jewish boys and girls are in hbspitals; fragile, weak, distorted bodies. They are in need of fresh milk, a warm bed, proper nursing. The Jewish Philanthropies supports agencies and institutions which provide help for such children. Aged folks, too old to work, their children gone—no one to care for them. They are provided /with warm, comfortable homes, food and clothing. Innumerable families whose wage-earners are out of employment are daily receiving help from money that you contribute to the-Jewish Philanthropies. Jews in Russia, Poland, Rumania, Germany, Austria, Palestine, and everywhere tha't Jews are in need, receive a substantial ^portion of the money that you give. They need our help. YOU THINK TIMES ARE BAD! THEN THINK OF THESE PEOPLE) WHO HAVE NO INCOME WHATSOEVER—WHO ARE GOING ABOUT IN OUR CITIES WITHOUT A ROOF TO COVER THEIR HEADS. WITHOUT CLOTHING FOR THEIR BODIES! THESE PEOPLE ARE li\\r REALLY SUFFERING. THEY ARE OUR FELLOW JEWS. WE MUST GIVE—EACH ONE OF US—OUR PROPER SHARE.


Because it is so essential that every Jew in Omaha contribute his share to this campaign, it is necessary to have more workers. Join the great army of those who go out into the homes and offices and get the contributions for those who need it. Mr. Henry Monsky, Chairman, Jewish Philanthropies, 101 North Twentieth Street, Omaha, Nebraska. I hereby volunteer to be a worker in the coming campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies. Name————_ AddressPhone_

1932 Campaign Starts May 8th




- X * * - 5 * **"



PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 afternoon, April 25th, at 5:00 o'clock cent; in England, .66 per cent; in at the synagogue at 618 Myneter France, .54 per cent. street. This affair will be for mtelnHistorical reasons adequately ex-1 Mrs. J. Lintzman is the Chairman bers only. . i-; plain why the smallest percentage of Jews is found in Spain and in of the Donations Committee for the National Fund. She is workPortugal, with .018 per cent and Jewish The T'Zophim club will hold its ing hard following up opportunities .016 per cent, respectively. first outing this afternoon, April 22,' to get donations from those who deSoviet Russia presents an extreme- sire to remember their loved ones at 1:30 o'clock. All members are ly interesting picture with regard to who passed away or in honor of asked to meet at the synagogue its Jewish population. Although those who are able to celebrate happromptly, and a good time is assured * there are nearly three million Jews py events in the family. for all. in Soviet Russia, the total populaOne of the large donations of the tion of the country is so vast that week comes from Mrs. A. L KulakofJudge Homer Nominated the Jewish population constitutes less sky in memory of her husband, Chicago.—Judge Henry Homer of _ than 2 per cent, although in certain whose name will be inscribed in the This Morning Chicago won the Democratic nomina- ~~ parts of the Soviet Union the Jew- Golden Book. Mr. Kulakofsky was Service for the morning of Pass- tion for governor last week by a ish proportion is considerable, as, one of the early active Zionists in for instance, in White Russia, where Omaha and Sioux City, la. He was over will be held today, Thursday, plurality of 100,000. it amounts to 8.1 per cent; in the chairman of the Keren Hayesod April 21, at 10 a. m. at Temple IsCrimean Peninsula, with 6.5 per when Chaim Weizman spoke in Oma- rael. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will cent, and in the Ukraine, with 5.43 ha and helped raise a large sum of speak on "The Significance of Our Radios per cent. The same applies to the money for the Zionist cause. He re- Festival." country which has the largest Jewish Radios Serviced mained chairman for several years now in the world, and in the sevClosing Passover Service eral countries and cities? What is population in the world, the United and later was treasurer of the ZionElectrical Appliances The closing .service for the Feast the proportion of Jews to the total States of America, whose more than ist organization. of Passover will be held Tuesday evefour million Jews constitute not more Home of populations? Mrs. S. Krizelman made a donaWestinghouse We shall not be far short of the than 3.6 per cent of the total pop- tion in memory of the death of her ning, April 26, at 8 p. m. There will be special Passover mutruth if we say that there are about ulation. Refrigerators When we come to the big cities husband. Mrs. D. Gerber made a do- sic rendered by our enlarged choir. 15,870,000 Jews in the world. The nation in honor of the engagement Dr. Cohn will speak on "A New average annual rate of natural in- of the "world, we find striking con- of her daughter. Thing." crease among Jews in the last hun- firmation of the fact that the Jews dred years has been about 120,000, are mainly an urban element. The Sunday School Seder the minimum being 80,000 and the largest Jewish population in any 2004 Farnam Street town in the world is in New York, The annual seder of the children maximum 180,000 a year. ATlantic 4486 which has about 1,800,000 Jews, conThe Daughters of Zion announce of the Sunday School of Temple IsOf this total of 15,870,000 Jews, about 9,886,000 (61.98 per cent) live stituting 29.5 per cent, of the entire box collections for the J. N. F. from rael will be held Sunday morning, in Europe; 4,823,000 (30.39 per cent) population of New York. There are the following: Mesdames A. Romm, April 24, at 10 a. m. in America; 612,000 (3.86 per cent) two other big cities in the United E. Friedman, A. J. Weinstein, B. MilFriday Night in Asia; 572,000 (3.6 per cent) in States which have large Jewish pop- der, H. Solig, B. Corby; tree donation Africa, and 27,000 (.17 per cent) in ulations, Chicago, with 325,000 Jews from Mrs. E. Friedman for her grandThis Friday evening Rabbi Cohn and Philadelphia, with 270,000 Jews daughter, Millya Rosencrans. Australia. will deliver a sermon on "Liberty and In Europe, Warsaw has 360,000 Mrs. Max Arbitman is chairman the Jew" at the regular services. If we look into the geographical Jews; Budapest has 240,000; Vienna and Mrs. L. Rosenblatt treasurer of distribution of world Jewry, we find that the largest and most important 220,000, Lodz 180,000 and Moscow these collections. All members havSaturday Morning ing boxes are requested to bring them place of Jewish settlement is situated 140,000. Dr. Cohn's subject for Saturday When we come to calculate the to the next meeting or call Jackson morning will be "The Song of Songs." in Central Europe, on an area which comprises the states of Poland, Dan- proportion of Jews to the total pop- 0404. zig, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, ulations of the various cities, we Friday, April 29 Czeeho-Slovakia, Hungary, Rouma- discover that here again Palestine On Friday, April 29, Rabbi Garry holds first place, for one town in nia, and a part of Soviet Russia August of Gary, Ind., author of the (Crimea, Ukraine, and White Rus- Palestine, Tel Aviv, is 100 per cent THRIFTY SERVICE much-discussed book, "God's Gentle' sia). This area, which we may call Jewish. 6cLb. Harry Mendelson, lecturer and in- man," will occupy the Temple Israel the Jewish strip, contains about structor in Judaism, addressed Mon- pulpit as guest speaker. Rabbi AuJa. 0243 C. B. 5192 7,630,000 Jews. The next most imday night's meeting of the Psi Mu gust, who will speak on "From a portant places of Jewish settlement on "The Psvchology of Modern Small-Town Pulpit," is being brought are in order of importance—North Youth." here under the auspices of the BrothAmerica, with a Jewish population The Psi Mu will enter a team, pererhood. of 4,570,000; Western and South Euhaps two, in the Jewish Kittenball rope, with 1,675,000; Northern Euleague. Jack Sadofsky was elected Sunday School Assembly rope, including the European part Plumbing.... captain and Leo Berman manager. Fannie Sommer and Thelma Gasof Northern Soviet Russia, 533,000; H eating-.... A stag honoring Isadore Gasper, per conducted the services of the SunNorthern Africa, with 440,000; PalV e ntilating.... Max Stoller and Irvin Brookstein, day School assembly last Sunday estine and the neighboring countries, whose engagements were recently anS a n itation . . . . morning. 340,000; South America, 257,000; A. W. Gordon, president of the nounced, is being planned for R e p air Work . . . . Asia Minor, Central Asia and North- Omaha Building and Loan AssociaThe children of the Sunday school ern Asia, with 232,000; South Africa, tion, will be the guest speaker at the AprQ 30. have donated $100 to the Jewish Philwith 132,000, and Eastern and April meeting of the Council of Jewanthropies. Southern Asia, with 30,000. ish Women Monday at the Jewish Community Center at 2:30 p. m. Mr. When we examine the way in Gordon's subject will be "Our- Local which Jews are distributed in the Taxes." This talk has been given to Definite plans were made Sunday Plumbing & Heating, Inc. various countries, we find that the many Omaha organizations, and morning by the R-Na club under the largest Jewish settlement is in the should be of interest to all Council personal direction of Mrs. Max From2811 Dodge At. 7408 United States, which has about members. kin for the cultural program to be 4,400,000 Jews—Poland comes secBY F. R. K. meeting is being sponsored by carried out by that organization. ond, with a Jewish population of theThis legislative group of the Council, over 3,150,000, and Soviet Russia of which_ Mrs. _Pliflip Schwartz_is _JThe_ Council Bluffs chapter^ of the comes* third, -with 2,800,000. X There chairman. Senior Uadlissah held its annual elec-^ RABBI L L. SHAPIRO were 2,672,398 Jews at the last cention of officers Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Schwartz, delegate to the Trisus in 1926, and the Ukraine alone at the Hotel Chieftain, and Mrs. Herhas been a ennial Convention which was held in LET US BID ON YOUR had 1,655,000.) man Marowitz was re-elected presiDetroit, will give her report at the Mohel Specialist dent. Other officers chosen were Mrs. Roumania has 920,000 Jews; Ger- meeting Monday. for 20 years Ben Kubby, first vice president; Mrs. many, 582,000; Hungary, 485,000; The nominating committee will subAttends vriih utmost care Abe Markovitz, second vice president; Czeeho-Slovakia, 400,000; England, mit a ballot for the 1932-1934 ofFirst Class Commercial Mrs. Frank Kxasne, recording secre300,000; Austria, 270,000; France, ficers. 1724 No. 24th St. WE. 3817 Printing at Lowest Prices tary; Mrs. Albert Krasne, financial 225,000; Lithuania, 170,000, and Hol- Mrs. Mose Yousem, membership and Prompt Delivery secretary, and Mrs. Richard Gordon, land, 160,000. All other European chairman, announces the following treasurer. Plans were made for their countries have less than 100,000 new members: Mesdames Ernest annual Rummage Sale, which •will be Jews. Outside Europe, the Argen- Nogg and Frank Blotcky. held the early part of May. Further tine has 215,000 Jews; Palestine, A board meeting will precede the details will be made in a later issue 175,000; Morocco, 130,000; Canada, regular meeting. HARPER METHOD SHOP 313 No. 16 A t 6343 of The Jewish Pre^s. 138,000, and Algiers, 105,000. Specializing in The smallest number of Jews in The Council library at the BlackScalp Treatment The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah European countries are in Sweden, stone Hotel announces the following MISSES KAltLI will open a new class for beginners with 6,000; Denmark, with 6,500; new books: "Bright Skin," by Julia 6S2 World-Herald BaUding at the synagogue on May 2nd. There Esthonia, with 5,000; Spain, with Peterkin; "Broomestages," by ClemATlantle 0344 are still some children who do not 5,000; Ireland, with 3^00; Luxem- ence Dane; "Magnolia Street," by get any Jewish education, and all burg, with 1,800; Finland, with Louis Golding; "The Aspirin Age," by parents are urged to register any 1,800; Norway, with 1,500; Portugal, Iiah Devitt; "He Upset the World," WIRING child over six years old without any with 1.200; Cyprus, with v 195; Malta, by Bruce Barton; "The Growth of the and REPAIRING further delay, as now is the time to Law," by Judge Benjamin N. Carwith 35. on do so. Registrations will be taken by Outside Europe, China has 13,000; dozo; "Play Boy," by Elizabeth JorANYTHING Mr. J. Z. Stadlan at the synagogue Afghanistan, 5,000; Cuba, 3,700; dan, and "Three Loves," by A. J. ELECTRICAL With Good Barber Work i: during the coming week. Chile, 2,200; Japan, 1,000; Venizu- Cronin. "Hebrew Week" will be observed ela, 882; Paraguay, 400; Peru, 300; , . . ALSO... "Chal Hamoev Pesach." There will be The annual Rummage Sale will be Porto Rico, 200; Congo, 177; Haita, regular classes at Sunday School next Manufacturers of held the first week in May. Mrs. A. 150; Hawaii, 77; Tanganyika, 10. 115 So. 15th Sunday morning, commencing at ten DODSON AUTOMATIC If we consider not the numbers Somberg, chairman of the Motor o'clock, and all children are urged to OIL BURNERS of the Jewish population, but their Corps, will call for bundles if notiattend. fied. proportion among the total population, we shall obtain quite a differTwelve friends honored Mr. and ent picture. We shall find, for inMrs. Samuel H. Katelman at a surstance, that although Europe has NATIONAL 729 So. 28th St. Ja. 0777 prise party at their home last Friday the largest number of Jews—exThe Bikur Cholim Society will hold evening, the occasion being their fifACCESSORIES, INC. actly double the number In America its regular meeting on Monday, April teenth wedding anniversary. The eve—the proportion of Jews among the 25, at the Jewish Community Center "Everything for the AuU" ning was spent playing bridge. total population is larger in Amer- at 2 p. m. ica, with 2.05 per cent, against only 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 Ivy Segal, accompanied by Gertrude 1.92 per cent in Europe. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a mmnfflwwmwwwiBwwwnniiiHH»mmHiwimnwiai Orach, will offer a group of Jewish meeting next Tuesday afternoon, In Central Europe, in what we songs. There will be a reading by April 26th, at the synagogue, 618 call the Jewish strip, the Jews con- Sara Taub, and Mr. I. Morgenstern Chas. R. Docherty Mynster street, at 2:30 o'clock. All stitute 6.08 per cent of the total will speak. Commercial Artists members are urged to be present. population, while in Western and All members are urged to attend. Photo Engravers Southern Europe they constitute The Junior Congregation will hold than .6 per cent, and in Northern Passover services at the synagogue Europe only .53 per cent. In this week. The first services were other parts of the world the Jews The Omaha chapter of Junior Haheld on Wednesday and Thursday. in Africa constitute .79 per cent of Today services are being held at 9:00 the total population; in Australia, dassah is planning a Mother-Daughter o'clock in the morning and at 5:00 .12 per cent, and in Asia less than bridge to be held Sunday afternoon, May 8, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. o'clock in the afternoon, and on Sat.06 per cent. auditorium. urday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Every 507 So. 12 Street Coming to the particular counchild is urged to attend, and a MeAn excellent program is being ATlantic 1192 tries, we find that the number of planned. Refreshments will be served each one who attends regularly all Jews in any country in no way indi- and prizes awarded at each table. jfLECTRlCTlCHT, SERVICE COj\ the Passover services. cates the relative strength of the nimiiuniinimniiiiiiuiiniiiinniiiiiuiiiiiimuHmiMiiiunii Reservations may be made with Jewish population of that country. Mrs. Sidney Katleman, chairman of Mrs. Fredericka Fichtenberg, 87 For instance, the largest proportion the affair, who will be assisted by years old, passed away last Friday of Jews in the whole world is found the following committee: Tobye evening at the home of her grandin Palestine, where there are only Steinberg, Ann Hertzberg, Bess Bernson, Ben Kubby, following an illness 175,000 Jews, who constitute, how- stein, Ida MinkofF, Tobie Hertzberg, of two weeks. She was a resident ever, nearly 17 per cent of the total and Ida Fine, or with any Junior of Council Bluffs for two and one-half population of Palestine. There is Hadassah member. years. She is survived by two sons, BO other country in the world that Louis Fichtenberg of Council Bluffs, comes anywhere near to having such and Sol Fichtenberg of Chicago; one a big proportion of Jewish populadaughter, Mrs. Eli Van Eonkel of Los tion. Poland comes second, with The first meeting of the Junior Angeles, Calif.; ten grandchildren, more than 10 per cent of Jews; Lith- Hadassah Cultural group was held and five great-grandchildren. The uania has 7.6 per cent; Hungary, Monday evening at the J. C. C. Bankers Savings Bldg. The Sign of body was taken to Chicago, where 5.5 per cent; Roumania, 5.05 per Seventeen girls have signed up for Room 203 315 So. 15th S t burial took place Monday. Mr. and cent; Latvia, 4.97 per cent; Turkey, the class, and Mrs. Max Fromkin, Good Workmanship Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg, who attended 4.7 per cent, and Greece, 1.17 perwho is directing the group, is teachJA. 1614 Sun-Ray and Violet-Ray the funeral, are expected home soon, cent. In all other countries of ing the girls to read, write and speak Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg Europe the Jews.constitute less jthah Yiddish. Vibratory and Magnetic OMAHA I 1 per cent of the total population. AH girls anxious to join notify Mrs. The Junior Congregation club wil In Germany thev constitute .9 per Max Fromkin, hold a Pesach party next Monday •

National Fund

World Jewry as Seen by Statistical Figures

Notes of Temple Israel

Largest Jewish, Settlement Is in United States, Though Europe Leads *•'


government statistical office, to re-1 cord the number of Jews in the world, their birth. and mortality The importance of statistics in rates, their standard of life, etc dealing with ^ny political, social or If we want to know how many economic problems is too obvious to Jews there are we must use the need stressing. All governments statistical; data of all the various maintain statistical departments states in the five continents, wherever •whose task it is to collect and collate there are Jewish inhabitants, and if figures concerning every phase of we consider that there is hardly a development in the life of the statej corner of the globe without a Jewish aid to indicate by their aid the di- population, and' if we consider furrection in which those developments ther that the censuses in the various point. They calculate in that way countries -axe not taken everywhere the rise and fall in trade, the im- in the same year, and that in one migration and emigration movements, country the census figures may be the rate of births and deaths. At several years later than in another regular periods there is a country- country, we shall realize how extrawide census, and this all enables the ordinarily difficult it is to obtain modem state to tell at any moment really exact statistical data with rethe number of its inhabitants, their gard to Jews. religion, their occupations, their Nevertheless, it is possible on the ages, their standard of life, of edu- basis of the latest statistical data cation, of health. with regard to the year 1931 to get The Jewish people, having no state, a very good idea of some of the scattered over almost all the coun- vital facts of Jewish life. tries of the world, has no official What is the total number of Jews



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Bikur Cholim


Junior Hadassah





Jr. Hadassah Cultural




MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent


feature' of the Passover: party next Monday evening, April 25, when the A. Z. A. chapter will, be hosts to the Jewish- public. • The party, to which every Jewish family is invited, will begin at 18:30 with a series of games played with : huts.' Prizes' will be awarded. Dancing will be another feature, of the entertainment from 9:30 until 11:30. ^ Parents Urged to Register Their Be The older people have been urged • : Children* Monday and to attend, as well as the young. Ad; Tuesday mission will be fifteen cents.." •

ZIONISTS WILL HOLD JUBILEE THIS SUNDAY Anniversary Celebration to Sponsored by Seven Organizations

justment and allowance. Three months are Kaplan, .Ida Cohen and Sylvia. Rif- tine^two^weelBS^a^o on^a. trip suddenly allowed for the creditors to present their decided*upoii'""two "days before the claims, from " ^ ^ * k i n . ' ' " ' " ' " • ' •••' " " '• '" '.' ,' ;••" ' . * " ' " . ! County Judge. The program Thursday evening steamship Aquitania sailed. 4-22-32-3t consisted of a presentation of "The FBAOENBITRG, 8TALMASTER & BEBER NOTICK OF INDEBTEDNESS Four captains were appointed at Flash," by Si Reznik, Charles Shind,630 Omaha National Bank Bids. the last meeting of the J. N. P. Coun- ler and Ben Ginsberg. The* play Notice i s hereby givwn that rill existing of General States Insurance Corp., NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIcil to take care of the box collections was directed by Miss Florence adebts Nebraska corporation, on the thirty-first TION frOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAI. during the week of Passover. They Coates. Miss Bella Cohen presented day of. December, 1931, amounted to the ADMINISTRATION ACCOt'NT. are .Mrs. J. N. Krueger, Mrs. M. Laz- several dances. She was accompan- sum of 23,480.91.C. O. TALMAGE, In the County Court of Douglas County,f :Nebraska,.. i - • : . f riowich, Mrs. Ben Shindler, and Mrs. ied at the piano by Miss Goldie ...:-4—;---„• .jiuiEreaHlEnt..:,..E In-the Matter of the Estate of Jacob MilJAS. B; •FRADENB0BG, N. Ellrin. The city has'been divided Cohen. Mrs. J. N. Krueger'spote der, Deceased: DR. E. C. HENRY, All persons interested In said matter are into four districts, with each captain on the cultural work of the Junior BESSIE TAIT, ,; hereby notified that on the 14th day of Being a Majority of the May.. in charge of one district. The col-Hadassah. " M32. William Milder filed a petition •-.'• Board of Directors. in said County Court, praying that his lections are in charge of Mr. Louis Mrs. Louis Agranoff was named 4-22-32-lt i final administration account filed herein be Schilling. as Senior Hadassah representative settled and allowed, and that he be disJACK W. MAKER. Attorney charged from his trust as administrator, to the Junior Chapter, and Miss County Court House, City Those who have boxes are urged to and tbat a hearing win l>e had on said petition before said Court on the 14th day co-operate with the collectors, who Frances Jacobson, as the Junior Haof May, 1932, and that if you fail to opPROBATE SfbTICE will also leave boxes at the homes dassah representative to the Senior pear before said Court on the Bald 14th the Matter of: the Estate of Wilbur chapter. Miss Elizabeth Raskin pre- InChristensen, where there are none now. day of May, 1932, nt P o'clock A. M.. and Deceased: sided. Notice Is hereby eiven that the creditors contest said petition, the Court inay grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree

aptains Nained f or Box Collections






of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me,, •County of heirship, and make such other and fur' Judge of Douglas County, Nebraskn, nt ther orders, allowances nnd decrees, as to the County Court Boom, in said' County, this Court may seem proper, to the end on the 13th day of June, 1932, and on thethat all matters pertaining to snid estate 13th day of August, 1832, at 0 o'clock may be finally settled JMitt determined. BUTCE CRAWFORD. A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre* County Judgre, senting their claims for examination, ad- 4-22-32-3t

The subject of the sermon this eve"Nationalism and Internationalism" The Talmud .Torah officials and ning at Shaare Zion Synagogue will The fiftieth anniversary of the will be the subject of Rabbi Lewis' be "Positive Jews and Maybe Jews." faculty are urging parents of all chilfioveve-Zion, and the thirtieth annidren between the ages of 6 and 12 to Cantor A. Pliskin will chant the rit-sermon at the service tonight. versary of the Jewish National Fund Next Tuesday evening, a t 8 o'clock ual. will be celebrated by local Jewry, register ; Iheirj children i for the new On Passover morning, Wednesday, services for the final days -of PassBoth theDistrict<•-contentsi f o r with a giant Zionist Jubilee, Sunday ierini of tjie school, jWhich begins May April 27, Sabbi Babinowitz will speak over will be held. Rabbi Lewis will evening, April 24, at the Jewish Com- speaking and music, in which' Central speak on the subject, "A Rabbi Takes 1 . : The.dates set aside for registra- on "Praying and Paying." High school won: firsthonors,: were munity Center. The program, which Stock." represented by Jewish 'students. , of Thursday morning, the memorial tion'for all new pupils, as well as -will be sponsored by the various Zionist organizations of the city, will Central High school. : . .;'•".•'•;•-•»« thoW vrh<( attended "before, are Sun-service will begin at 8:30 o'clock. The . A t the service yesterday morning, sermon subject wil be "Which God Sidney Kalin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Abe Singer was ad judged • winner begin at. 8:30, and include a program Kalin, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah. Do We Follow." among contestants at the, Northwest of addresses and musical numbers. A capacity congregation attended District extemporaneous, contest,, held Scheduled to speak Sunday evening the service last Friday evening, when on subjects coifcerning the anniver- last Friday evening -i in , .^Cherokee, saries and Palestine in general are Iowa. , ,This gives Abe the; right to ; :pLetters-aiid.post' cards have been the. entire-service 'was conducted by Rabbi H. R. Eabinowitz, Rabbi Theo- represent Central High school- and mailed to every prospective pupil. the Junior Congregation. Prizes were A number of the Omaha B'nai Brith dore N. Lewis, Mr. Barney Baron, the Northwest District; at-the State The'request has; been made that i f awarded to Charles Shindler, and Irv- lodge attended the meeting of the th& pupil can -not register on either ing and Cecil Pill for attending every Contest in Iowa City,; April 29, > Mr. Louis Schilling and Mr. Abe Stilllocal B'nai Brith chapter, Tuesday man. A musical program will be pre- In the Northwe§t_ District Music of; the dates designated, the post card Saturday morning service for twoevening, when the Sioux City lodge with the pupil's name be mailed .to years; and to Bertha Snovsky, Howcontest, held last week; end at X e sented by Cantor A. Pliskin, Miss held its annual "Omaha Night" meetDelia Shiloff, and Miss Bertha Heshe- Mars, Iowa, Sam Osheroff won first MK' Louis Schilling, care- of the ard Sacks, Lawrence Mushkin and ing. Among those who attended the low. Miss Rebecca Stillman will offer place in the Tenor. Solo Division; Shaare Zion Synagogue. Classes will Paul Schwartz, for perfect attendance meeting were Mr. Sam Beber, Mr. Gisela Pill placed _first in the 'Cello be arranged immediately following for one year. several original poems. Philip Klutsnik, Dr. A. Greenberg, Division, and • the String Quartette the registration dates, which .makes Plans have been begun for a The Hoveve-Zion, which translated it imperative that "a,H" pupils register Mother's Day service to be held Fri- and Mr. J. S. Pearlstien. composed of T?ueben. Halpern, Sam means "Lovers of Zion," was the foreon Sunday and Monday. _ Mr. Edward E. Baron spoke on day evening, May 6. runner of political Zionism. Hoveve- Osheroff, Gisela ;Pill and Shirley Os"Taxation" during' the program. Mr. tapoff won ftrat. .These students will The Auxiliary Mother and DaughMr. N. Tabai.was.engaged to fill Zion was organized in 1882, by a Morey LJpshutz, president of the group of intellectuals in Russia as a compete in thie State Contest at; Iowa the vacancy.in.the. faculty caused by ter Banquet is scheduled for May 4. lodge, presided. Refreshments conthe^deatti of Joseph Aizenberg. Mr. protest against the pogroms perpe- City on'May 4 and 5. ;;' cluded the meeting. Tabai taught .for. seven years in the trated by that country against its elementary and high school of. the Jewish population. The plan of HoPlans were made at the Junior Hebrew school in New York City. He Veve-Zion was for immediate coloniHadassah meeting last Thursday eve : has.taught for.the past year in Minzation of Palestine, in an effort to The Jewish All-Stars, baseball team alleviate the suffering of the Russian composed of all Jewish young men, neapolis, Minn. He has studied at ning for a series of lesson in swimming, to be given at the Y. W. C. A. Jews. . A great number, of Russian in- defeated the Wright Loan Company Columbia University. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Philip tellectuals, doctors, engineers, authors team Sunday afternoon at Hubbard Mr. Louis Schilling, supervisor of every Tuesday evening at 5:40 Wattenberg, prominent Zionist leader and journalists. dedicated .their lives Park, with a score of 6 to 4. Kantro- the Hebrew - school course of study o'clock, under the supervision of and donor of. large gifts to Palestine to its work. Founders and supporters vich and Goldberg made home runs urged the-parents to register their Miss Harriet Younglovc. The group also made plans for a upbuilding work, died here Friday of the Hoveve-Zion movement •includ- for the winners, while Wigersma and children for- the coming- term, saying a sudden attack of asthma. ed among many, Dr.. Leo Pinsker, O'Neil made circuit" clouts 'for. the'.'Hebrew education is not a luxury, picnic supper to be held Tuesday following : He endowed the Einstein Institute • Moses Lilienblum, Perez Smolenskin, losers. The pitching of A l Turchen but a great necessity." ,The Jewish evening, May 3 , at the Council Oak Ahad Ha'am and Ussiskin, who" is. now and Kantrovich was outstanding in youth can be prepared to meet the Boat club. TJh^ committee in charge iof Physics "at the .Hebrew University at the head of the Jewish National obstacles and difficulties only by hav- of arrangements includes Ruth Feld- with a gift of $100,000. ' .Mr. Wattenberg arrived in PalesFond. The Hoveve-Zion movement the game. The Jewish All-Stars are anxious ing the background of an extensive man, chairman, Ruth Grueskin, Mary is of vital importance since it paved knowledge of Hebrew history, culture to schedule a game with any Omaha the way for political Zionism. and literature. Otherwise, he will re•* The Jewish National) Fund was team for May 8. Any team interest- sent, rather than take pride in his ed is tasked tq_ correspond with Isa; organized twenty years later, with Jewishness." • .-.-_,. dore Kintrovich, 30O Jones street ,j '. the purpose of purchasing the land ' Pill; Brothers ' Bowling team won "It is 'bur duty," continued Mr. ' I f" pf Palestine, collectively, so that it honors in a recent state tournament. Shilling, "to implant that love for all , would always be owned by the Jewish Members ..of.:the. team are Jack Lip- things Jewish, into the Jewish boy and , people as a nation, and not by indi- man, Louis Lipshutz, Lou Agranoff, girl during their ~;most impressive .•vidual-land-holders. As a direct re- Sam Davidson and Morris Pill. years." , Mr. Shilling also urged the i Suit of this organization, large tracts In a practice series at the Recrea- parents to register their daughters, of land in Palestine are now owned tion bowling alleys, Will Goodsite since it is through the mothers of the by the Jewish National Fund. rolled 273, 244 and 258 for a 775 Jewish race that the customs, laws, . The anniversaries of these two total. and ceremonials are' perpetuated. phases, of Zionism will be celebrated throughout the country -this month. , No admission! will be charged for the meeting Sunday evening, and the committees in charge announce that no collections or solicitations will be made. The' following organizations are Why be satis* sponsoring the meeting: The Na, , fied with a sectional Worker's Alliance, Mizrachi, on d-cho»ce tire Junior and Senior Hadassahs, Poale FIRSTZion, Pioneer Women, and Jewish National Fund Council.

Central Students Win First Hpnors


Junior Hadassah

Wattenberg Dies on Palestine Tour

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- Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Max Stoller, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.-Stoller of Omaha, Nebraska.' The date for the wedding has not been' set. • Announcement has been made by Mr. and . Mrs. Dave Salkin, 1501 Hamilton street, of the engagement of their daughter, Charlotte, to Samuel Charfoos, son of -Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Charfoos of Detroit. The wedding will be an event of June. Mrs. Abe Walinsky of Minneapolis is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinow. " L E. William Baron, 1810 Grandview boulevard, and Edwin W. Baron 606 Virginia street,'motored to Iowa City for the week end where they attended the spring formal dance of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. : Mrs., Harry Bailin and daughter have arrived from Atkinson, Nebraska, to visit with Mrs. Bailin's father, Mr. J. H. Bolstein. The Pace Makers club met this week at the home of Miss Ross Zeligson and Miss Fay Klass. Bridge was followed by refreshments. Miss Rogie Kozberg visited over the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. A. Grueskin in Omaha. The Junior Debra Circle celebrated the birthday of Miss Gertrude Mirken, a member, with a party Sunday


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afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. Officers of the club recently elected.; include :Gertrude Lass, president; ; Kattie ;:Lass,r vice-presir dent; Esther Werner, secretary, and Gertrude Mirken, treasurer.

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