April 29, 1932

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of ike Jewish People KnterGd as Second-Class PostoiBce at Omaha, N b

**er on January « , "J


Lozowick Lecture Brings Education Program to End

on May 8 to Be

" Forty thousand and fifty dpllarslias been set by the budget committee as the goal of the campaign for the Jewish Philanthropies, "fahich. will' open Sun-. day r May 8. This figure -was arrived at after the; committee had spent weeks carefully checking each agency and* analyzing the needs and wants of all beneficiaries. It represents, the .minimum, rer quirements of the local, national and international, groups supported by the Philanthropies, at the same time guaranteeing the maximum benefits. •

COME ONE,COME ALL A Big Stag for all men workers including the general solicitation, initial gifts and youth divisions will' be held in the Jewish Community Center Thursday, May 5, at 8 p. m. Some outstanding radio and* stage stars have been secured to entertain the two hundred men who. are expected to attend. There will be food and few speeches. Those who attended last year's stag can have" some small idea of the great time that is in store for those who attend this year. Don't forget Thursday, May 5, at 8 p. m.

which is scheduled for next Friday. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, chairman of the women's division, states that all of the women's organizations have pledged their support. A sizeable group of women workers has already enrolled, but more volunteers are welcome. All organizations and congregations are being visited by speakers from the committee headed by Milton ~~R. Abrahams. Increases The Council of Jewish Women and the Bifcur Cholim Society have both announced a 100 per cent increase in their pledge to the Philanthropies. The ..Temple Israel Sunday School also announced a 100 per cent increase. William L. Holzman, chairman of the initial gifts, reports that the pledges in his Tjroup are continuing to be turned in most encouragingly. Many have increased their previous pledges. Active solicitation of the youth division was scheduled .to get'under. way, last night, when a rally was" held for •club menabers at the J. C..C. under %Sa& sponsorship of the Senior Council ofciubsi^- *•••":•i; : ' ' ^ • "j~~:-~ f ^ f j p > chairman of .a committee to evolve a plan for the solicitation' of the Jewish children in the city.

Louis Lozowick, internationallyknown artist and critic, gave an illustrated lecture on "The Jew in Modern Art" at the Jewish Community Center Monday evening, bringing to a close the adult educational program sponsored by the Center. "While there is a question as to whether there is a distinct Jewish art," the speaker stated, "there is no doubt • but that the -contributions the Jews have made. ±o international art have been most iKuable." Lozowick tracedTfce various schools in art, and bis.slicKS portrayed outstanding paintings py Jewish, artists in each period. He discussed the Nazarene school, the impressionists, expressionists^ consbructivists, cubists and neq-realists; The speaker asserted that though the Jewish people have had a part in art for over three thousand years, Jewish artists produced their significant works since tiie latter part of the 19th. century. Jewish art, he explained, had played a prominent role in Germany in the Nazarene school, -though the main purpose of that school was for Christian idealism. But. the Jewish artists reached new heights in the impressionist school, which appeared in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. An exhibition of the works of art of Lozowick was viewed in the lounge room.


"The budget of $40,050," stated Harry A. Wolf, chairman of the budget committee, "was arrived at as the one at last year's stag, has after pruning and slicing every sup- been arranged and will include some erfluous item. Every agency was outstanding radio and stage stars. carefully checked and discussed, so There will be food, while the speeches that we could place the total at as will be few and short All who are interested in joining low a figure as possible without shirking onr duty to the agencies the army of workers are urged to attend. aided by the Philanthropies." Beneficiaries. He pointed out that the greatest amount of good possible was being deThe list of agencies who will benerived from the $40,050 because of fit from the raising of the7$40yQ5O of Receipts economy of operation by the Phjlan- budget—which is $2,100 less thanlast thr6pies,~due~"to" the extremely' low cost of rflisingand collecting the funds LOCAL able and a systematicjriiethod of distribut* Jewish Education New York. <J. T. A.)—That the ing them." .• " - Old Peoples' Home interest in the upbuilding of PalesSachar- Guest Speaker Social Service Commission tine ,as the Jewish .National Home is Henry Monaky* general ^ Conference to so deeply rooted amofag American INTERNATIONAL, of the drive, stated at the executive Jews that their willingness to support Joint; Distribution Committee. meetmg Sunday. moraing-ftjtaJjjA. L. Discuss World. the work is effectively withstanding Peoples Tool Campaign Sachar of the University of Illinois Jewish Congress the-effects of the third year of the American: Palestine Campaign will be the guest speaker at the economic depression, is strikingly National Jewish Fund launching of .the campaign with a out in the semi-annual, report gigantic mass meeting to be held at New York.—(J. T. A.)—The con- brought Mizrachi. Nelson Ruttenberg, Deputy Police the Jewish Community. Center .on vening of a world Jewish conference of * Palestine Labor Campaign of the City of New Sunday evening,; May 8. | in Geneva next July for the purpose Commissioner Hebrew'University .and President of the "Jewish Professor* Saehar is much sought NATIONAL : : . • of discussing the advisability of con- York after as a speaker. He headed the stituting: -a World Jewish Congress National Fund of America. Child'Care h '"'r\ The report covers the period from Community Chest campaign in^the was decided upon Sunday afternoon at Jewish Orphan Home< October 1, 1931, to April 1, 1932, and cities of Urbana and CKampaigh/Illia conference called by the American - National Home-Jewish" Children shows a total of receipts during this nois, last December. Jewish Congress. Health L i ; '• The resolution calling for the con- period amounting to $162,525.31. The He taught history at the University Ex-SRatients, vening of such a conference states receipts for the corresponding period of Illinois, and is the director of the " Denver' ; >: !•;;JK:i:i^ >; that the American Jewish Congress is in the previous year were larger only B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation at the an amount of $36,948. University. He has appeared in Jewish Consumptives Relief So- willing to submit to the. will of the byThe changed economic conditions majority in the matter, but that it is Omaha on several occasions. ciety, Denver., . ., throughout the country caused the persuaded that "a world Jewish Con"I Belong" Buttons. Jewish Consumptives and Exdecline of receipts derived principally The campaign slogan of lfI Belong" Patients'Home, Los Angeles. f gress" is'an indispensable requisite for from the middle classes. The Fund's has captivated the imagination of lo^Leo N. Leyi Memorial Hcispital : the-defense of Jewish rights and the income derived from mass collections cal Jewry.-.-Every man, woman and National Jewish Hospital ':''\ '\V-maintenance of the Jewish morale in were but slightly affected, the report child of the Jewish faith Will "beEducational • ' • ^ ,^ alt countries, and we accordingly shows. It was stated, however, that long" ere "the drive is finished, cam- r JewMijiTheoIogical Seminary, v pledge ourselves to promote the cause on account of leap year, the bulk of '•• ; • I T ^ T . - • , •; : • { ; : f! *: \ : r r : : . r ; . ; . pf such a Congress in anticipation as the receipts from the Purim collecpaign, leaders-predict. ".'•' well as during the course of the proNational Farm School , A celluloid campaign button will be tions and from the semi-annual box posed conference." Training School J.fS. W, " given to each •'contributor. This butclearance during the week of PassYeshivah College • too will attractively boast "I Belong," over, occurring this year a month American. Jewish-Committee being white on blue print. later than usual, were not included B'nai Brith Wider Scope Workers' Stag. in the report for the six months pe•••:Hv.E A ; S . riod. These amounts which will be A large share of ^belonging'', lies Jewish Telegraphic Agency • received during the second half of in aidmg.-^e organisational end of The •women workers will tiaeei for the year may help to swell the rethe drive. "Workers and many of-them a final summing-up of plans at a tea ceipts for the entire year. are needed. Every Jewishiindividual vrho is physically able is urgea to enPulpiteer and Author to Be Mother* * list "immediately so that a thorough Immigration to Bira : canvass of all prospects -can be e£- and^Daughter Affair Guest of Local fectedi; Bidjan to Be Resumed Brotherhood PlannedforMayr7 A large stag is being "planned for all men; workers included in" the genMoscow. (J. T. A.)—The Comzet, Garry August's appearance eral solicitation, initial gifts and The Mothers-Daughters program, of at Rabbi governmental department for settling Temple Israel tonight & causing youth divisions, to be held at the the Temple Israel Sisterhood will take Jews on the land and in industry, has a great amount of interest and is J. C. C. on Thursday evening, May 5, place. on Saturday* May 7, at 12 an order for the resumption, certain to attract one of the "largest issued at 8 p. m. . >-• .. o'clock. .-.__'. beginning May 10th, of immigration An outstanding program, as good „ Jane Rosenstock will speak for the audiences of the year, according to to Bira Bidjan, where a Jewish re^ Louis Sombergr, president of the daughters, and Mrs. Sam Gilinsky public is ultimately to be established. will talk for the "mothers. ' A piano Brotherhood, which is sponsoring Mother, Daughter On April 9th, the Comzet issued Rabbi August's visit. solo will be rendered by Jane Goeti; an order temporarily suspending im"From a Small Town Pulpit" is migration. The reason given for this Marjorie Robinson will give a Bridge on May 8 while recitation. . - . - - : " '--. \ • the subject of Rabbi August's lec- suspension was dearth of houses, the Over two hundred reservations have A feature will be a play, "Cinder- ture. Services will start at 8 o'clock. slowness with which houses were bebeen received for the Junior Hadassah Rabbi August is the author of ing erected, and bad roads. ella Married," "under the direction of Mother-Daughter bridge to be given It was also stated that the direcSunday afternoon, May 8, at 2:30 p. Milton Rieck, with the* following in- "God's Gentleman," a new novel m. at the Jewish Community Center cluded in the cast: Rosalie Alberts, which -4s stirring American Jewry. tors of the work of settling Bira Bidauditorium, according to Mrs. Sidney Peggy Friedman, Vivian Marr, Philip He has been preaching sermons in jan were experiencing difficulty in Berkowitz, Ruth Somberg, Edith Jean Topeka, Wichita, Kansas City and finding adequate housing facilities Katleman, chairman of the affair. other midwestern cities on a tour for the Jewish immigrants who arHeading an excellent program will Hemstrett. Reservations may be made with which he is now finishing. rived during the past two months. be.Miss Ida Gitlin, contralto, who Rabbi August has appeared in placed first in the district, city and Mrs. Sam1 Appleman or Mrs. Abe state contests last year. Miss Gitlin Greenberg , who, with their committee, Omaha twice, making numerous 400 Polish Jews to : friends and receiving many invita- Palestine sang before Madame Sigrid Onegin, are in charge of this affair. tions to return here. the noted contralto, Madame Onegin Warsaw. — A party consisting of He will be accompanied to Omaha four hundred Polish Jews departed saying. Miss Gitlin had a most re- Knighthood Conferred on Jew markable voice for a girl of her age. Amsterdam.—Queen Wilhelmina of by Mrs. August, and they will be for Palestine. • Refreshments will be served and Holland has bestowed Knighthood of the guests while here of Mr. and The group, which is enroute to Palbeautiful prizes awarded at each the Order, of Orange Nassau, upon Mrs. S. H. Singer, former parishion- estine, in connection with the" Jewish table. Eeservations may be made with Dr. L. Herzberger of this city. • ers in Gary, Indiana. Olympics and the Levant Fair, inthe committee \n charge or tfitfy any . Dr. Hertzberger is well known as The Brotherhood committee in cludes forty-five middle class repreJunio? Haflas'sah membei. An|i4viter a physician and?is prominently idenr charge' of Rabbi August's sermon sentatives who desire to investigate tion is;extended t» the ''public; to at- tified with Jewish communal activ- here is composed of Louis Somberg, the possibilities for Palestine, settletend tliia affair' • S. H. Singer and Nathan E. Jacobs. ment. ities.



Attacked Victims Made Into the Attackers By Decree

VoL IX—No. 13

Plays by Guild to Be Given at Center Tuesday Three one-act plays will be presented by members of the Center Players Guild at the J. C. C. auditorium on Tuesday evening, May 3. The, plays are "Copy," "The Undercurrent," and "In 1999." The casts include: In 1999: Abe Saltzman, Sophia Rosenstein and Rose Gilbert; Copy —Earl Siegel, Leo Brown, Max Weinstein, Harold Tuchman, Norman Green and Benny Effros; Undercurrent—Grace Levin, Abe Saltzman, Sylvia Falk, Ruth Bordy, Frances Kort, Isadore Bender. Also included on Tuesday evening's program will be Hermine Hirschmann, Lazar Kaplan, Lester Gordon and Jack Siegal. Hyman Shrier has general charge of the plays to be presented. The directors of the individual plays are: "Copy," Mrs. Sid Wintroub; "In 1999," Laura Berek; "Undercurrent," Haskell Cohn.

Vilna. (J. T. A.)—The sentence of two years' imprisonment has been formally imposed on Shmuel Wulfin, Jewish student, found guilty of responsibility for the death of the Christian student, Stanislaw Waclawski, killed in the anti-Semitic excesses last November. The official verdict accuses the Jews of hatred of the Christians and Jewish students of carrying out a pogrom in Vilna. "The Jews have been inspired with deep and strong hatred against Christians, particularly against the Christians of Poland, since the time of the Inquisition, when the Jews were burned," says the official verdict. "Article 22 of the Russian legal code concerning racial hatred was created for the protection of the Jews, but this time it is applicable against the Jews," the verdict asserts. The anti-Semitic excesses were extended from the university to the Anti-Semitic Party Makes Deep streets, the verdict charges. What Inroads in German the Jewish students did in the streets of Vilna can be called a pogrom, it Politics asserts. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—President Paul Von Hindenburg's election over his Fire Hundred in Protest Nazi opponent, Adolph Hitler, on Paris.—Five hundred students 10th, was overshadowed by the idcipated in a meeting at Nancy to April results the Diet elections in the protest against the sentence imposed states ofofPrussia, Wuerttemon Shmuel Wulfin, Vilna student, berg, Hamburg andBavaria, Auhalt, the found guilty of responsibility in the Nazis polled 30 per cent ofwhere the total death of the Christian student, Stan- votes cast. islaw Waclawski, killed during the Of the 34,000,000 votes cast, 10,anti-Semitic • excesses in Vilna last 000j000 were received by Nazi candiNovember. The-"meeting went on record as dates. stating that the" allegations made ~~In Prussiartbe- Nazis WOTT162 managainst the Jewish people by the dates, an increase of 156, over their number in the last Diet, and wrested court were without foundation. control faro rathe Weimar three party coalition which had governed the state since 1919. Should the Nationalists and other groups identified with the National Opposition join the Nazis they could control the Prussian Diet* provided the Communists abstained from votrag. Charkov.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish workChancellor Bruening's Centre party ers in the Ukraine constitute thirty won 67 seats, as against 71 in the Old per cent of the total number of work- Diet; the Social Democrats 93 as ers there. against 71 in the Old Diet; the Social Jewish workers total four hundred Democrats 93 as against 137; the thousand, 50,000 of whom are engag- Communists 57 as against 56; the Naed as workers in metal industries as tionalists 31 as against &2; the Peocompared with only 16,000 in the tai- ple's Party, 7 as against 40, the loring industry which, until recently State's Party, 2 as against 21; the was regarded as one of the principal Christian Socialists 2 as against none; occupations of Jews. the Christian Hanoverian's, 1 as The concentration of Jewish masses against 4. in certain industries offers the possiThe Prussian Parliament is not to bility for extensive cultural work meet before the Middle of June. In among them in the Yiddish language, order to force the election of a new the Charkov "Stern" writes. Premier, the Nazis must have a clear The paper states that it is unfort- majority, possible only if the Comunate that professional unions as well munists do not vote. as individual leaders neglect this work on the ground that Jewish workers : are allegedly uninterested in Yiddish German Academy Honors culture and no longer even under- Scientist stand the Yiddish language. Zurich.—In connection with the This allegation is energetically re- Goethe celebrations throughout Gerjected by the "Stern" which urges many the ' German Academy of Nathat a conference be convened for the tural Science at Halle honored Propurpose of stimulating culture work fessor M. Minkovsky, a leading Jew among the Jews in the .Yiddish lang- of Switzerland, and an outstanding uage. The paper asserts that this is authority in the field of Anatomy not Yiddishism or national chauvinism and Physiology. but a means of drawing the Jewish Professor Minkovsky has just acworking classes into the political and cepted a special invitation from the social life of the Union of Soviet So- Hebrew University to be guest leccialist republics. turer.



Excesses in Salonica "a Blot on Civilization," Yet Accused Free Salonica. ( J / T . A.)—The trial in connection with the burning of the Campbell quarter of Salonica, held at Verria, aroused the greatest interest in all sections of Salonica. As the tragic stories of the victoms were made public, the indifference which marked the beginning of the proceedings gave place to indignation against the authors of the outrage last summer. Despite the evidence of the victoms of the outrages, all the accused were acquitted by the court. And the public prosecutor who called the excesses a blot on civilization, himself asked but four months' imprisonment for two of the defendants and acquittal for the remainder. Eight persons were charged with having set fire to the Jewish quarter and mortally wounding some of the inhabitants, and M. N. Fardis, editor of the Makedonia and Mm. G. ;Cosmides and Haritopoulos, president and secretary of the patriotic organiza-

tion, the E. E. E., are also charged with having incited • the population against the Jews and being the indirect authors of the disturbances. According to the first Jewish victim to give testimony, the •community knew on the morning; of the 29th of June that the quarter would be set on fire that night, and had informed the police. The chief of police replied that all necessary precautions had been taken and there was no danger. On the same day a delegation went to M. Gonatas, the governorgeneral of the province, and demanded that measures should be taken to prevent disorder. M. Gonatas received the delegation in the presence of about ten members of the Nationalist party, but beyond commanding these latter to see that order was maintained among the members of their organizations, he refused, greatly to the disappointment and indignation of the delegation, to take any definite action-

ANNIVERSARY OF UNIVERSITY WILL BE H E P SUNDAY International Radio Forum to Be Broadcast Over N. R C. in Morning New York.—(J. T. A.)—The inter"-? national radio forum which, will feature the celebration of the seventh anniversary of the Hebrew Univer* sity on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem will be broadcast from coast to coast over the NBC network Sunday morning, May 1, at 10:30 a. m. Omaha time, or 12:30 Eastern Daylight Saving time. Dedication ceremonies of the J. Montague Lamport Botanical Garden as part of the University to take place in Jerusalem will coincide with the radio broadcast. Sir Herbert Samuel, Home Secretary for England; Herr Oscar Wassermann, head of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin; Dr. Thomas Mann, winner of the Nobel prize for 1929; Israel Levi, Chief Rabbi of France, and James A. de Rothschild, member of the British parliament, are scheduled to take part in the radio forum. "The Bridge Between the East and West" will be the subject of the address by Sir Herbert Samuel, who is a member of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University. Mr. Rothschild, who is also a member of the Board, will deliver a message from Baron Edmond de Rothschild, founder of early Jewish colonies in Palestme. "The Awakening of the Near East" is announced as the general subject of ten minute addresses by Dr. Wasserman, Chief Rabbi Levi, and Dr. Mann, who has delivered lectures at the He>, brew University on' visits to Pales- : tine. The achievements of the Hebrew-University in its seven years will be briefly touched on by one *>f the ^American members of the B d of Governors. . .• . . :

FRANCOIS COTY AGAIN ATTACKS ' JEWISH Blames Them for Russian Revolution, Troubles in China and Ireland Paris. <J. T. A.)—Francois Coty, of the perfume company by that name, has renewed" his campaignr against the Jews. . ....-, In a series of articles, he accuses American Jewish financiers of having financed the Russian revolution. The firmj oi; Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the late Jacob Schifl. are among those accused of nghtinp the czar. The Jewish Colonization Association j is charged with conducting sub•verave activity: among the Jews of Poland and Roumania. Turning from history to current events, M. Coty also accuses Kuhn,Loem & Go. of being responsible for the anti-British stand of Eamon De Valera, head of the Irish Free State, working through the Jewish Irish leader, Robert Briscoe. The Jews' are also responsible for the troubles of China, M. Coty says. The Jewish general in China, Cohen oishe^ is working in behalf of Jewish -capitalists for social revolution, in order to establish Israel's dynasty the world over, according to him. . Mrs. Otto Kahn, wife of the New York banker, during her visit to Russia last year was accorded military honors, asserts M. Coty, and this proves how leaders of the proletariat honor the wife of one of their sovereigns. The European press, including the French press, pays not the slightest attention to M. Coty's outbursts. The Jewish population of France, unaccustomed to such violent propagandaf is somewhat disturbed.

World Jewish Student Congress in Palestine Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A world Jewish student congress will be convened in Palestine in 1933, in accordance with the decision adopted at a Jewish students' conference here this week. The conference called for the Hebrew University to be converted into an educational institution with the full faculties of a college. The conference also went on record as desiring the creation of a national spirit in the university in accordance with the resolution adopted at the last World Zionist Congress.

PAGE a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 The regular meeting will be preceded by a board meeting at 1:30 p. m. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY -Subscription Price, one year ;- - '-' - i - - » • Advertising' rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - . Business and Managing Editor PRANK TL ACKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . . . . . . . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


Guest Vocalist

Conservative< Synagogue

Conservative Auxiliary i


The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Conservative synagogue will take place Monday, May 2, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. This meeting is being held earlier than usual on account of the Philanthropies drive. All members are urged to attend this meeting, a t which time the election of officers will take place. Mrs. Wm. Alberts, president, will give an annual report of all the activities of the Auxiliary for the past year. After the business meeting Mrs. Herman Jahr will give a review on "The Decline of the West," by Oswald Stengler. A board meeting at 1:30 will precede.

cam Campfire Girls was held at the has now been. established on a J. C. C. Tuesday afternoon. It waspermanent basis in Ths Hagw, and decided to have a mother and daugh- Rabbi T. Friedraann, who has been ter tea May 8 at the Center. appointed Minister, will shortly take The group sold five trees for the charge of the work. drive to plant 5000 trees in Omaha. Another Liberal Group lu»s been Miss La Verne Feblowitz is guardian organized in Amsterdam, and reof the group. i quests for the extension- ©fj the movement to other Jewish communiLiberal Congregation ties in Holland have been received. Formed a t Hague Would Bar Jews London.—A liberal congregation

Candle lighting time, Friday, April 29, 6:32 p. m. Tonight Tonight Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Have People the Right to Be Happy?"

The wisdom which emanated from the People of the Book Confirmation centuries ago has dominated existence and helped mould civilizaIt has been decided that the first confirmation class of the Conservation. Though by their dispersion they became a far-flung people, tive Synagogue will be confirmed on their influence on world thought and world culture remained a the second evening of Shevuoth; that lasting blessing. Seven years ago newer depth to the significance it, Friday evening, June 10. of this influence and a golden promise for,the future were added Ladies9 Labor Book of Remembrance with the establishment of the Hebrew University on Mount The Book of Remembrance has been Lyceum Club Scopus in the land of Palestine, as if to fulfill the prophecy that completed by Mr. Mark Levings. It "the scepter of learning should not depart from Judah nor the The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club may be seen after services or by rewill hold a, special meeting on Tueslight of Israel be quenched." • quest at the Center. day evening, May 3, in the Labor LyThe date of the dedication cere'. The seventh anniversary of the University will be celebrated ceum, 22nd and Clark streets. Kabbi Mrs. N. E. Green mony will be announced later. this Sunday, featured by an international radio forum. This pro- David A. Goldstein will be the. guest One of the features of the comspeaker.' All,members are urged to munity-wide Mother and Daughter gram, which will be broadcast throughout the country over the present. banquet under the* sponsorship of the the Jewish Women's Welfare Federnetwork of the NBC system, will have as its theme "The Cultural beThis club will also have a concert Jewish Women*k Welfare Federation ation, to be held at the J. C. C. SunAwakening of the Near East" and will include Sir Herbert Samuel, and raffle on Sunday evening, May 8, to be held at the J. C. C. Sunday, day, May 1. The society's colors will home secretary of England; Herr Oscar Wassermann, head of the in the Labor Lyceum. Mr. N. Wein- May 1, will be selections by Mrs.be used in the decorations at their Deutsche Bank of Berlin; Dr. Thomas Mann, Nobel prize winner stein and his company will provide N. E. Green, guest vocalist. She table. Last Monday's meeting was postprogram. Admission is twenty- will be accompanied by Mrs. Henry in 1929; Israel Levi, chief Rabbi of France, and James A.- de Roth- the poned so that the members of the Monsky. five cents. schild, of the British Parliament. Plans are also being made for The same admission ticket entitles Mrs. Green is a former vocal in- group could attend the lecture on the first direct broadcast from Palestine in radio history. The the holder to a chance at the prize of structor of Los Angeles. As Miss Jewish art by Louis Lozowick. 32-piece set of dishes. Lee' Kholos she had a number of program, according to announced schedule, will be on the air be- a Anyone wanting tickets is asked to the Hollywood film celebrities under A. Z. A. No. 100 tween 10:30 and 11:30 a. m., Omaha time, Sunday morning. call Mrs. M. Crounse, Jackson 2982, her tutelage and has assisted in directing various operations. She is Abe Goldberg was elected secreThe seven years of accomplishment which we are celebrating or Mrs. J. Elkin, Webster 3910. graduate of the University of are but a moment in the lifetime of an educational institution. of Sam Beber chapter No. 100 Southern California and the Carnegie tary Pioneer Women at a regular meeting Sunday, But in this short span the Hebrew university in Jerusalem has School of Art. , 23, to fill a vacancy. performed its historic role in a modern way—has opened the gates A special meeting of the Pioneer Mrs. David Feder will speak for April Final plans were discussed about of learning to all, without question of country, race or belief. Al- Women will be held at the Jewish the mothers, and Bernice Sherman "Balmy Daze," the chapter's spring respond for the mothers. Mrs. dance, which will be given Sunday ready great Jewish scholars and scientists, heretofore called Community Center on May 3 at 8 will William L. Holzman will give the in-evening, May 8, at the Hotel Paxton p. m. Very important business will French, German or English, are actively identifying themselves be discussed, so all members are vocation. Mrs. David A. Goldstein with the College club orchestra furwith the Hebrew University so that the fullness of their heritage urged to attend. will lead community singing. Mrs. nishing the music. of intellect may brighten the contributions to the world of the Anyone having bundles for the or-L. Neveleff, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, will Israel of tomorrow. In seven short years the Hebrew University ganization's runimage sale is asked Women's preside. Fa-Hon to call Mrs. J. Fellman, Atlantic has achieved earned recognition as a distinguished center of re-5533, or deliver them to the store The banquet wall start at 6 p. m. An important, interesting meeting search and instruction, especially in botany, geology, and general which the group will open Monday of the Fa-Hon Sorroity was held Monscience. Here, where the academic outlook is untainted and un-for the rummage sale at 2116 North program will be presented. Refresh- day evening at the J. C. C , featured ments will be served. by a short novelty program. The sorspoiled by any crystallized college tradition of learning, the Jew- Twenty-fourth. The committee in charge consists of ority is planning many events for the ish people have established their intellectual center and workshop, Harry Weinberg, chairman; Arthur coming summer. the experimental laboratory of the Jewish mind. Here can be Council of Jewish Lipp and Arthur Grossman. A Mother and Daughter banquet will be held Wednesday evening, May found the joy and-jeopardy of mental creation in an old-new land. Women 4. Rose Stein is chairman, assisted When the seven years of the Hebrew University's existence The April meeting of the Council Junior Society by Sara Kaplan. A truck party has also been planned have grown to seven decades, we hope that the University will of Jewish Women was held Monday for Saturday evening, April 30, with The Junior Society-of the Conservhave become a cultural bridge where East and West—Christian, at the Jewish Community Center. ative Synagogue will have a special twelve couples attending. Tillye SiThe nominatingcommittee, headed by Moslem and Jew—Europe, Asia and Africa—will find a common Mrs. Mose Yousem, chairman, pre- table at the community-wide Mother gai, Lee Goldberg, and Esther Sigal cultural meeting place. Just as Palestine has always been a bridge sented its report, with the following and Daughter Banquet sponsored by are on the committee in charge. for armies between the varied tribes of mankind, so ,we hope, will selections: Comwicam it be the link uniting the thoughts and philosophies and under- Mrs. Philip Schwartz, president; Mrs. Morris Levey, recording secreA regular meeting of the ComwiEMPLOYEE WANTED standing of the different peoples. tary; Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, correspond-

I 1

ing secretary; Mrs. Leo Eosenthal, Myrna Jones, dramatic instructress. treasurer; Mrs. David Sherman, audThose taking part are Euth Romm, itor; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg and Mrs. Cyril Leon, Beatrice Roseman and Philip Sher, directors for 1932 and 1933; Mrs. Al Krasne and Miss Hazel Sylvan Frankel. Israel Dansky will give a reading Degen, directors for 1933 and 1934. The election will be held May 23 in Yiddish from "Sholem Aleichem." at a luncheon at the Jewish ComHadassah munity Center. The next meeting of the Omaha Women's Welfare The following new members were 2 chapter of Hadassah will be held on announced: Mesdames Ronald Glad- TA Wednesday, May 4, at the J. C. C. at stone, Phineas Wintroub and Jack Organization Marer. 2:30 p. m. The program, arranged by Mrs. M. The regular May meeting of the Mr. A. W. Gordon, of the Omaha P. Levenson, -will include a playlet en- Jewish Women's Welfare organiza- Building and Loan Association, spoke titled, "Apartment in the Patio," tion will be held Tuesday, May 3, at on "Our Local Taxes." "Ourfirstingiven by a group of Central High 2:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. An inter- clination, on our blind resentment at school pupils and coached by Miss esting program has been arranged. not being able to shake off this tax burden or decrease it, as we have our own individual expenses, is to take it put on our public officials. Our cry "Just Ground the Comer 'from Everything? for economy is imperative," declared Mr. Gordon. "We feel the immediate and radical protection from our public officials, but economy must start with ourselves, the public, and I wonder if our public officials, in some cases, do not need even more protec•tion from ourselves than We do from them?"

Organization News

Young Jewish family man to work for guaranteed salary of ?S0 per month and commission. Apply Monday. May 2, at 10 o'clock, at 810 Omaha Loan Bldg. Ask for Mr. Boiref.

Let Parilman Attend Your

PLUMBING NEEDS Free Estimates Quoted

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Preserve and Modernize Your Property by

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FAVORITE of Nebraska Women

The annual rummage sale of the Council of Jewish Women will be held May 2. : Anyone having bundles and packages may have them picked up by notifying Mrs. Abe Somberg or Mrs. 8. A. Simon.

RABBI L L. SHAPIRO ha£ been a

Mohel Specialist for 20 years Attends -with utmost care

1724 No. 24th St.

WE. 3817

Sunday, May 1 Mothers' and Daughters' banquet at 6 p. m., auspices Jewish Women's Welfare organization. Monday, May 2 Conservative Synagogue auxiliary meeting, 2:30 p. m.; board meeting 1:30 p. m. Dinner dance, Hasomir Singing society, 6 p. m. Tuesday, May 3 Center Players' Guild Open House, 8 p.m. Meeting: Jewish Women's Welfare organization, 2:30 p. m., board meeting 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, May 4 Banquet: Fa Hon Sorority, Mother and Daughter banquet, 6:30 p. m. Sunday, May 8 Bridge: Mother and Daughter bridge party, auspices the Junior Hadassah, 3 p. m. Wednesday, May 18 Hadassah's first annual 'Give or Get" luncheon.

Specializing in Scalp Treatment

District Manager

MISSES EAULI 632 World-Herald Bnlldlnr ATtyntlO 03U

The first "Give or Get" luncheon to be sponsored by the Omaha chapter of Hadassah will be made possible through the generosity of Mr. William Holzman, and the organization has expressed its deep-felt thanks to him for his liberal donation. It is planned to make this affair an annual event as it is in other large cities, the proceeds going entirely to the Hadassah Medical fund. The "Give or Get" luncheon will be given on May 18 at the J. C. C. and will be strictly kosher. Mrs. B. A. fileicher is chairman.



"Everything for the Auto"

Parents Day wDl -be. observed by the Mother chapter of A. Z. A. on Sunday afternoon, May 8, at J . C C., in keeping with one of the six points of the A. Z. A. creed, that of filial love. • . ...; • A. Z. A, observes Parents Day rather than Mother's Day, in emphasizing the common share ,of the, father and mother in the upbringingUf; the child." : ; iI . Prominent speakers and entertainers hava bee" secured, and *a novel

ABE GREENSPAN as District Manager for Omaha and Council Bluffs

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GUARANTEE MTJTUAL'S New Accumulation Limited Pay and Endowment Policies OFFER YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN CAN BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. LET HIM EXPLAIN THEM AND OTHER POLICIES TO YOU. Phones: Office, Atlantic 7100; Residence, Walnut 5077 (Evenings)


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Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30 Weiners or Frankfurters, lb .20e Bologna, lb 20c Corned Beef, lb 75c Pastrona, lb 75c We operate the only STRICTLY kosher delicatessen in the downtown section. Our department is equipped with a separate display counter and we use a separate slicer, scale and knives for all kosher smoked meats.



Let us save you money on your Bread bill. You can buy our quality Bread at your grocer or delicatessen for less money than you can have bread delivered to your home. Our trucks deliver to every leading grocery store and delicatessen in the city.

New York Pumpernickel Bread, YA lb.. 10c , Rye Bread, J * lb. loaf .....10c I Braided Bread Delicious Pastries


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What a Cozy Place to Meet Your Friends After the Show or Dance THE YOUNGER SET IS MAKING

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Mr. Abe Greenspan Abe Greenspan, who until recently •was a representative of one .'of the largest security, houses in the United States, has been appointed district manager for' !Omaha and Council Btluf1's\ for the* Guarantee Mutual Life company, founded and managed by Omaha men. '


HULSE & RIEPEN Funerals Phone



BRESLOW-KURTZMAN ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Minnie Kurtzman announces > the engagement of her daughter, Bayah, to Harry Breslow, son of Mr- and Mrs. L. Breslow, of Lincoln. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Mr. Breslow attended the University of Nebraska, and Miss Kurtzmajn attended the University of Omaha. She is a member of Kappa chapter of Theta Phi Sigma sorority.

FOR VISITORS _Three but: of town visitors, members of the Theta Phi Sigma sorority, were honor guests at a dinner given by the group Thursday evening at the Fontenelle hotel. The visitors are Mrs. Sam Katzman from Kansas City, formerly Miss Anne Jonisch; Mrs. Dave Ferttt of Lynn, Mass., the former Minne Flax; Mrs. Herman Wise of Chicago, formerly Miss Bess Lipp. The evening, was .spent playing bridge. '! ;•

ment tonight. Among these are' forensic league tournament]' "~ Harry Perlmeter,~ Morris Ferer, Isadore Richlin won first place in, Manning'E. Handler, Moms Milder. extemporaneous oratory 'in the same tournament, while Herbert Kaplan r oh first in dramatic declamation.' FORMAL DANCE TKeJPi Tau Phi sorority, of which Mjss -Mildred Lefitz is president, .will FRATERNTY; OFFICERS enfertain with a formal dance at the Bernard H." Bloom of Brooklyn, Bj£ckstone hotel Saturday, May 21. New "York, was elected coneul of ^'Active members of the sorority are the Alpha Chi."chapier. of Phi Delta hfe^Misses Bertha Colick, Rose Col- Epsilon, national!* medical fraternity,, ricK Helen Garber, Lillian Jonisch, last Friday. Mr. "Bloom has been Minette i' Louis, Dorothy Margolin, chancellor for the past two Vears?" Lfilism .vMiroff, Rosalie' Rosenberg Other officers elected: ^PTniip; •and"vSadie Wolk. Schultz, Omaha, vice-consul;" MoeC.' Lev, New York, scribe; Solomon Keen, New York, chancellor; Arthur AT -PERU Joseph Lagman, son of Mr. and Suffin, New York, historian, and Mrs. J. Lagman, is at Peru, Nebras- Maxwell Cohen, New York, sergeantka, where he will play first oboe at-arms. tonight with the State Teachers college orchestra. He will also solo on FOR SEWING GROUP the oboe at tonight's concert. The Hadassah Sewing group will Lagman, a senior at Tech high, meet at the home of Mrs. L Berkowon first place in oboe in the Nebraska high school music contest, and recently in the four-state music contest he won first in oboe and second in saxophone.

witz, 615 South Fifty-sixth street, other distinguished guests. The Dison .^Monday, Mdyfr2. All those inter- trict ' Commissioner spoke in praiseested are" welcome. to attend. worthy terms of the achievements of Tel Aviv during the past ten years and predicted that it would become an important cultural'center.

the land which has been in their families for generations, owing t» the hopelessness of conditions thereat it was revealed. Despair faces the Jewish peasant* in Bessarabia, they lack the most ordinary necessities, and have lost all hope of .better times,.. stated the Thousands of Impoverished The annuai meeting of the Temple Jews Leaving Homelands Ort representative^ Fagin, an agronIsrael Sisterhood will take place MonKishinev.—Thousands of Jewish omist, upon his. return from a tone day, May. 2, at 2 p. m. at the Temple. colonists in Bessarabia are deserting- of investigation.- • -•.,.- - .''.; . Election of officers will be held. ,.; A" board. meeting is scheduled for

Annual Meeting of Sisterhood Monday

i p. _ m . t . - - ' ^ : ,.;••"

• ;


Tea will be poured at the conclusion of the meeting by Mrs. Flora Rosenstock and Mrs. Hattie Cohn.

Tel Aviv Art Center Opened; Officials Praise Achievements Tel Aviv.—Formal opening of the Tel Aviv Art Museum took place in the presence of high government officials, various foreign consuls and

RUBEN-MARCUS ENGAGEMENT SIGMA DELTA TAU Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marcus an- SOCIAL NOTES Miss Ruth Reuben of Omaha will Miss Bluma Neveleff, a student at nodnce the engagement of their daoghter, Sara, to Irving Ruben, son Font Bonne College, played the cello be initiated into Tassels, girls' pep of Mrs. Mollie Ruben of Chicago. in a program over; radio station organization, today. # at St.-liDUis, last Thursday. Wo" date has been setT for1 'the wedding. ; .-,.••• . The University of Nebraska chapMrs. Sam Katzman of Kansas City ter of Sigma Delta Tau is -planning is; the t guesf of, her parents, Mr. a Mothers' day tea to be held • a t FOR BRIDE-TO-BE the chapter house May 8. Florence Miss Ida Cohen- entertained at a and Mrs. A. Jonisch. ' Gilinsky is chairman for the event. handkerchief shower and bridge at Miss^;, Helen Greenabaum of Chi- Many parents from out of town are her home Sunday afternoon to honor Miss Sophie Binstein, whose mar- cago is the rguest of^hervbrother-in- expected. law arid sister^ Mr. and Mrs. Dave riage will take piace in June. -.: •-Lucial Goldenberg, Omaha, alumna A large bouquet of-.-flowers was Jessen. of the Lincoln chapter of Sigma used as the centerpiece and was flanked on either side by tall candleMrs.- J. Tretiak returned this week Delta Tau, spent the week-end at sticks. Covers were laid for twelve from a short visit in Chicago with the chapter house. Prizes were -won by the Misses her daughter" f Anne, who is a stuRose Kaplan,* Dorothy Abrams and dent at -the TSTorthwestern university- ON WINNING TEAM Eva Katzman. Ernest Priesman was a member Mrs. Irving Perimeter and daugh- of the North high debate team which BIRTHS ter, Corinne, of Lincoln, are the this week won the championship of Dr. and Mrs. Ben L. Herzberg of guests of Mrs. Perimeter's parents, the Nebraska district, National Chicago announce the birth of a son Mr. arid Mrs. J: Klein. Thursday morning. Mrs." Herzberg •was formerly Miss Mildred Cohn, Mr. Daniel Greenhouse of Chicago LUNCH AT daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick visited .here for the past week with Cohn. ; his" parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Green- 1 A MODERN CAFETERIA g Mrs. Cohn left Wednesday for Chi- house. cago, to be -with her daughter. jjj Where a Choice Special Awaits B Mr. Aaron •'• Katz of Chicago- arYou Each Day ]| Mr. and Mrs. Phil Friedman an- rived this week, to assume Ms duties ; nounce the birth of a son April 24 as principal of the Talmud Torah. | VERY REASONABLE PRICES 1 i. at St. Joseph's hospital. •. Mis. Friedman is the former Sylvia Goffstein. DINNER-DANCE The annual-spring formal dinnerMr. and Mrs. Joe Radinowski .an-. ance of the Creighton chapter of ; Enounce t h e birth of a daughter?*a 1513 Farnam St. ftu Delta Epsjlon, national medical the Lutheran hospital," Tuesday}; fraternity, will be held at the FonApril 19. ^ r; enelle tonight. Paul Spor and his noys will furnish the music, which I AT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS will be broadcast over station WOW. Mr. arid Mrs. Morton Degen and Among the guests will be Dr. and f Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer went Mrs. A. Greenberg, Dr. and Mrs. I. rto ^Excelsior Springs last week-end Sternhill, Dr. and Mrs. M. Greeng o 'surprise Mr. Degen's parents, Mr. bergj'Dr. Victor E. Levine and Dr. • DELICIOUS id Mrs. Sol Degen and their daugh- A. Steinberg. \ • FOODS AND ter; Miss Hazel Degen, who have een visiting there for the past few HOUSE PARTY • PASTRIES ?eeks. It was Morton Degen's birthCreighton university chapter of Pi lay. At a dinner given for Mr. Lambda Phi will give a house party • . • Stop at . . • • )egen the guests included Mr. and at the chapter house Saturday, re. Sol Degen, Mr. and Mrs. April 30. lenry Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, Miss Hazel Degen and BRIDGE STARS ie honor guest and his wife. COFFEE SHOP _ Several Jewish bridge stars are included on the teams that will meet 36th and FARNAM )RORITY LUNCHEON in the finals of the World-Herald | The U. T. sorority of Central high metropolitan'contract bridge tourna. 100I will entertain at a luncheon aturday at the Fontenelle hotel Bpnoring- their mothers and also the lew initiates. Irs. Mose Yousem will give a essage from the mothers, and Miss felma Berkowitz will address the members. |The initiates are the Misses Pearl off, Bess Bernstein and Beatrice Bmmer.


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Let s "roll up our sleeves," so to speak, and raise every dollar of the quota of $40,050 which we have promised to thirty.beneficiary; agencies. Each of these agencies is doing important work among our Jewish people in Omaha, in this country, an4 in almost eVery European country and Palestine. It is work that must be carried on, We have made a solemn pledge to these people—people of our own flesh and blood. Yfe have told them to rely upon us for $40,050 to provide them with food, clothing, and shelter. We have told the sick men, women and children confined within the hospitals to look to us for proper medical attention. We have told the aged and the infirm that we will provide them with a home; we have told the orphan children that we will give them parental care. We must keep these promises. These promises can be kept in only one y^-TO RAISE $40,050 FOR THEM. Do your share and give liberally!


ies Campaign Starts May 8,1932 *1






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Coaches Chorus

Notes of Temple

it right on your part to invite me as Introduction •"Ladies and Gentlemen: I have your guest and then hand me a bill the honor of presenting a gentleman for i t ? " "No," laughed Pinsky. "This whole who needs no introduction. A great wit, a great artist, a great writer, thing I did just to show you what a and a great guy, Harry Hershfield.' , damned fool we got for a judge in this town." "These words: have \ been uttered ~> from a thousaBfl ;!dftipjpsij^pd,to.' en-, Max, Benny and Milton came to the large upon thenijwoyal^lmkrely; to re-echo sentiments which7 i are alto- big city to attend the horseradish gether too familiar \%6\ ;tjhe public.; dealers' convention. They got a room Everybody knowB; the-njame af Harry • -together on the sixtieth floor of a Hershfield, and;practically everybody, ioteL That night they wfint out for knows Hershfield himself. He belongs a bit of "hexcitement" $B& returned to more clubs and lodges than Amos about 2:00 a. m. As they' entered A. Babbitt, and estimates that he the lobby, the hotel clerk informed knows over one hundred thousand peo- the trio that the elevators had broken down and would not be fixed until ple personally. , ' -"His comic strip, 'Abie, the Agent,' morning. He would arrange cots for is altogether too well known to need them in the lobby. "No, no," answered Benny. "Well explanation. Suffice it to say, that Abie was the outgrowth and develop- walk up." ment of a character which appeared "But you are on the sixtieth floor," twenty years ago in Harry's 'Desper- reminded the clerk. ate Desmond' strip. In that comic, "We know it—but just the same Harry Hershfield drew an Indian chief we'll -walk up." •who spoke with a Jewish accent. The As the three started up the sairs, character caught on, and - from it Benny again suggested something. 'Abie, the Agent' developed.. -One of "Boys, after all, it's sixty floors, so those who took particular delight in I got an idea. To keep it interesting it was the late Nathan* Straus, who while we walk up, for the first twenty contributed many gags to Hershfield's floors 111 sing. The next twenty strip. flights. Max, you tell jokes—and as "Harry Hershfield has that certain yon are by nature a sad guy, Milton, sparkle which is found in an intellec- youTl tell sad stories for the last tual Jew. His wit is ever ready, his twenty floors. Anything to keep up tongue is quick, his eyes have a the interest." Up they started. Benny sang for bright alertness, a flashing light, a continuous twinkle, and his nostrils twenty flights. Then up to the fordilate like those of a thoroughbred tieth floor Max told niftick jokes. As they started for the final twenty, horse, when he tells a joke." Thus writes a keen observer about Benny said, "Now, Milton, you tell America's premier joke teller. Messrs. sad stories." "Have I got something sad to tell Simon and Shuster, the publishers, have graciously consented to the pub- you immediately," moaned Milton. "I lication of several of Harry's best forgot to take tiie keys." jokes, -which will be included in a volume entitled "Harry Hershfield's JewT. Bradley Marcus was _sent to. the ish Jokes." The book (out next week) insane asylum by his TelatftreS. When is illnstrated by Harry himself and the first meal was aoiwd iiia. in; the should be—nay, will be read by mil- institution, h e ' refusied to eat it and lions of Americans who are looking yefled hysterically. 'I'm kosher—I for a laugh, despite the depression. • wont eat; this foed^-! want koshjer. .Examples meals.*' • U T J B f r w a r f f m , € o a £E» ^ J S ; Mr. Rappaport spoke EnglisH with, Mm by hiring^ a special Yidan accent and so did his son, Milton. appeased dish cook to serve Bradley Marcus So the father decided, being rich, that with strictly kosher meals. He had his son should absorb the -culture of ihe best cooking• in^tke ^asylum. But an Oxford professor. Accordingly ihe warden watched, the rdigious inhe sent his offspring to England to mate. When Friday 'night came study under a private tutor—a Pro- arourid, he noticed that,- after the fessor Van Creighton. evening meal, Marcus out a During the four years that the boy big «gar and started to pulled smoke it. was away, the father decided to "Just a moment," said the warden. straighten out his own vocabulary, can't get away with that kind and he succeeded. Then he sailed for "You of stuff. You came into the asylum England to meet his tutored son after and - demanded kosher food because an absence of four years. All the way you were religious, and we went to over the.father kept thinking.to him- the expense to get you special Yidself, "I hope my boy has absorbed dish coofo: And now onaFriday night, the professors' English, in his con- when; it'sagainst your religion, you tact with the learned man." Rappaport arrived in England and hied himself to Van Creighton. The great English tutor rushed to meet the anxious father. " '•;•.': "Tell me, Professor Van Creighton, how has my son been *dbing ••• under your guidances?" ~;J-.,'-I'!-'*J "Vail, I'll tall you," h ' | | fHe's positivel a plazure—he's just dendy." . Kavalsky, the rich fur merchant, was traveling from Moscow to Petrograd. On his way he stopped to water his horses in a small village. From the little cottage out stepped Pinsky, •who recognized the famous traveler. "Oh, Mr. Kavalsky, you're like sent from Heaven. You're just in time to do me a great honor. My boy, UrcMk, is being. confirmed today, and a big man like you would do me a great honor iif-you stayed a little -while. 111 give you t i e ;.TSest eating and drinking as my.guest, if you'll only do me the honor to remain." "I'm an awfully busy man, Mr. Pinsky, and must be on my way—but to do your son honor, I'll remain for an hour." He stayed three days. By coaxing and begging, Pinsky got Kavalsky to remain for lie long festivities. He dined and wined the famous guest. When Kavalsky finally hitched his horses to leave for his destination, Pinsky handed him a bill for five hundred rubles—for the eating and drinking. Kavalsky nearly fell over in amazement. "I cannot believe it, Mr. Pinsky. You begged me to stay at your guest, wined and dined me,, and now you've got the gall to hand me a bill for it." "Yes,'' answered Pinsky. "Suppose we leave it to Princhook, our judge in this village—leave it to his decision." •?' "Sure," smiled the fur merchant. ' I l l leave it to your judge here.".- To the court they hied. The merchant explained the circumstances of his visit and how he was invited to eat and drink as a guest and was then handed a bill for five hundred rubles. "You're lucky yet," decided the judge. "You're lucky he didn't charge! you more—sure you got to Spay!" When the pair left the village court, Kavalsky turned to Pinsky. "Between you and me, Pinsky, was

start smoking a cigar. What's the big idea?" "Listen," shot back Bradley. "What's the use of arguing with me—I'm supposed to be crazy, ain't I ? " And how Dave Warfield could tell this one about the pinochle game. He put feeling into it. They bid Hyman Cohen up to six hundred and he dropped dead. A committee was immediately formed to break the news to his wife, who was against her husband playing cards. Sempleman was to be the spokesman to tell the sad news, gently. When she came out to answer the door bell, the committeeman started off in this fashion: "Mrs. Cohen, we was all sitting around playing a tiny game of pinochle, and your husband Hyman started to bid and—" "My husband wds playing cards?" she yelled. "Better he should drop dead!" "He did—goodbye!" The strong man act was nearly over. After tearing decks of cards into twelve parts and bending iron spikes with his teeth, he stepped to the footlights. "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "the real test of strength, I am about to show you. I -will take this lemon and with one hand squeeze it dry. If, after I finish, any man can get another drop out of this lemon, I will pay one hundred dollars to that person." With that, the strong man squeezed the juice of the lemon into a glass. When no more could be gotten out of it, he called for volunteers from the audience to try and win that hundred.. Up to the stage rushed Simon Bernstein. *T1I squeeze more drops out of it and win that money," he yelled. With that, he grabbed the lemon and pressed and pressed—and five more drops Sellinto the glass. The audience applauded. The distracted strong liitUi "pulhsd out the hundred. "TeO nie," he asked, "what business are you in!" I TJernstem laughed. -'I'm a margin clerk in Wall street." :

It was at the Goldberg's Knoll Golf Crab. The pro was showing Mr. Blaustein around. It was Blaustein's first game of golf. It was three hundred yards to the first hole. "Now, Mr. Blaustein, hit the ball as hard as you can, making it go that way." The novice gave it a terrific sock. When they went to see where it landed, the pro discovered it an inch from the cup. "Marvelous," yelled the in-

Tonight Rabbi Garry August of Gary, Indiana, will preach from the pulpit of Temple Israel this evening, upon invitation from Rabbi Cohn. His appearance here is being sponsored by the Temple Brotherhood. Rabbi August will speak on "From a Small Town Pulpit," and he will review his much discussed novel, "God's Gentleman." Saturday Morning Rabbi Cohn -will speak on "The Scapegoat" at the services tomorrow morning. Kaddish Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Alexander Pollack, Aaron Herzberg, Mrs. Lena Newman, and Miss Grace Levin Miss Grace Levin is coach of the Mrs. Henrietta Pregler. chorus of prominent young Jewish lasses which will feature "Balmy when they grow up. Daze," spring dance- of the Century We need the Chacham. He is a chapter of the A. Z. A., which will blessing to us. We also could well be held at the Hotel Paxton Sunday afford to have the Rascha, the "Apievening, May 8. coress," because an "Apicoress is Miss Levin is well known as a after all equipped with Jewish knowldancer and actress. She has played edge. But we cannot afford to have important roles in Community Play- She'eino-Yodea-Lishcols. They are a curse to us. They undermine the exhouse productions. The College Club orchestra will istence of our nation. They fill the poolrooms. They are well representplay at the dance. ed in gangland and, generally speaking, bring disgrace upon us.

Talmud Tor ah Topics By AARON KATZ Minneapolis has a Jewish population of 15,000, and the Minneapolis Talmud Torah has an enrollment of more than 800 Jewish children. The Omaha Jewish population of 10,000 sends to the City Talmud Torah only 150 children, which amount is altogether out of proportion and inadequate. Can we Omaha Jews account for that?

Registration for new pupils will begin this Sunday at the Talmud Torah office in the Jewish Community Center, between 10:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. During the rest of the week between 4:00 and 8:00 p. m. Let us enroll our children in our City Talmud Torah, which is now undergoing radical changes for its betterment and soundness. Let us awake, let us do our duty to Judaism, to our Jewish community and to Israel. Let us give our children a sound Jewish education.

Zeal is no further commendable than it is attended with knowledge. Are Minneapolis Jews more in- —Wilson. spired with the spirit of Judaism than we Omahans ? Or is it just luck ? IKVTN C. LEVTN, Attorney 301 Elertric Building

In Minneapolis almost every Jewish father or mother considers it very natural to have the child attend Hebrew school for five or six successive years. Jewish education there is considered almost a necessity. How do we Omahans look at it? Of the four types of Sons in the Hagadah: the Wise (Chacham), the Wicked (Rascha), the Simple (Tarn), and the One That Does Not Know What to Ask (She'eino-Yodea-Lishcol)—the last one is detrimental to Judaism, because Jewish children who don't know what Judaism consists of, who are not inspired with the ideals and aspirations of Israel, who do not possess Jewish knowledge and culture, cannot and •will not be Jews-

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lM Kniur Cnckm ttm mti» n4*r tta n m n b l n of tin Ultra «f OrtMra Jmlib Cw«na«tim «t Amrtaa, wkn* n»rmitstlrc. ftaftfcl E. GMIBU. awol«trf fey BsfeM M. S. •«*•"•>. U t h a n pnuwt at Ik*fcmklai«t -HM crukm to m tftat ttty • n katlur la «mnr ntmt*. Tkm luditr crathan wa . k* ant with mnt tr dairy

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NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "NATIONAL AUTO PARTS COMPANY, Inc." Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together and have organized a corponition under the laws of th<" SUBte of Nebraska. The name of this corporation is ""National Auto Parts Company, Inc." The principal place of business shall be at Omaha, Nebraska: that the general nature of the business to be transacted Khali be to own and operate one or more automobile and motor supply houses ami to buy, sell and deal in generally and to manufacture all types of motors, automobiles, engines, machines and devk-es. Also to deal in and with all materials, tools, machinery, accessories, appliances and equipment necessary and useful in connection with this business; and To purchase or otherwise acquire, own, mortgage, pledge, sell, assign and transfer or otherwise dispose of goods, wares and THRIFTY SERVICE merchandise of every class and description. To deal in lands and leaseholds and any 6cLb. interest, estate aud right in real property, Ja. 0243 C. R 5192 to borrow money, to issue bonds and to secure the same by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or otherwise. To purchase, hold, sell and transfer shares of stock of this and other corporations and to do any and all other things useful for. or necessary in connection with the conduct of the business of the corporation. The authorized capital stock is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 ench, all of which stock shall be common stock and may be paid for in cash, notes or other property or services at the reasonable market value thereof, and shall be non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business on the 1st day of May, 1932. and shall terminate on the 3st day of May, 1882, unless its life be extended as by law provided. That the highest amount of any indebtedness or liability to which this The Sign of corporation is at any time to subject itself is not to exceed two-thirds of its capita] Good Workmanship stock. That the affairs of this corporation shall J A. 1614 be condncted by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor more than five, and Offices Brandeis T h e a t r e Bldg the following officers: a president, a vice OMAHA president, a secretary and a treasurer, any two vt which offices may be held by one and the same person. Incorporators: DATE B. OOHX. MOKR1S SEIDMAX. flniiiiiUHiimiiiiiimmmniBimiinniBwtwnwiiiiiHiimiiiii LILLIAX COHN. In the presence of: IRVIN C. LEVIN. 4-29-32-4t JACK W. MAKER, Attorney County Court House, City PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Wilbur Christensen, Deceased: Kotice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 13th clay of June. 1932, and on the 13th day of August, 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 13th day of May. 1932. BHYCE CRAWFORD, 4-22-32-3t County Judge. FRADENBCTCG, STALMASTER £ BEBEK 630 Oman* National Bank Bids;.


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structor. "The idea of golf is to get the ball into the cup." "NOW you tell me this?" shouted Blaustein.

NOTICE BT PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETILEMEST OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Milder, Deceased: All persons interested in said matter are nereby notified that on the 14th day of May, 1932, William Milder filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be Settled, and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust, as administrator. and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 14th day of May, 1932, nnd that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 14th day of May, 1932, at !> o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may eeem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled nnd determined. BEXCE CRAWFORD, 4-22-B-3t County Judge.

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Ja. «T77;

PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932 acy in the novice typing contest. Miss Ball league.will hold a meeting this the fans., All •games will ^be played day afternoon, . -.. Pearl Bernstein won first place in the Sunday morning and all tejams de- "under the lights" a t night," except- ant Hill. amateur shorthand contest, with indi- siring of beirig^ar-membe^f'of the ing on Sundays -when two games are Mrs: Lena Newman. • ; ;i ; • vidual honors, and was a member with league will lisend -their, representa- scheduled in.;the*' afterhooia. interest has been given . to A resident of Omaha-...'.for more Miss Lily Kushnef, -. with the' team tives. The meeting will 'be at -the :,,. Added : which also won first place. Miss Community • Center "at 11:30 .o'clock. the work of the Omaha team by vir- than half of a century, Mrs. Lena tue of the fact that no less than six Newman, 85, died at her home, 3025 Gwendolyn Meyerson participated in Teams entered so far are-the A.' Z. the amateur typing team which won A. No. 1, the A. Z. A. No. 100, the of the players are Nebraska-born Cass street, last week." . ' Survivors include two sons, Julius ; first place. All .are students at (he Psi Mu and the Thorpeian j Athletic boys. of: Omaha and J Morris -iof" Los AnAbraham Lincoln High School, v ; club.. The. season .will opeiVitip^the ^fii*?srt©?5® geles, and a daughter, Hiss Bertha •„ Miss; Regina : Klein participated in first Sunday in May, the games to Newman of Omaha. the amateur shorthand contest, rep- be played . i i u t h e .morning. • • Medals resenting the Thomas Jefferson High will be awarded the winnirig tekjrnl Funeral services were held at the School. " residence, under direction of Rabbi I Mrs. Henrietta Pregler. Among those who- have announced .;,They all plan to go to. Des Moines, 1 Frederick Colin, with burial at Pleas• * * • Mrsj Henrietta Pregler, 68, a resi0maha bateeball fans are display•• their intention of seeking the; nom- Members; of the Pace Makers club idwai for the State Contest which will ing interest. in the opening home dent' of Omaha 45 years, all of that ant Hill cemetery. ination for ofice ait the June pri-met Sunday afternoon at the home be held May 14th. game of the. Omaha Baseball Club, time at 834 South Twenty-third maries, are '• Dr. William Krigsten, of Miss Fraiikie Goodman. The prostreet, died Sunday morning at aFBADENBCRC, STALM48TEB & REBKR Ah elaborate program has been ar- who will seek the Democratic nom- gram included songs by Bessie ZeligMrs. Albert Krasne is expected to which will be-held at League park, local hospital after a two-day illness 648-060 Omaha National Bank Bids. ranged for the mother and daughter ination for county coroner, and 'Mr. son and ^Frankie Goodman and thereturn home from Sioux City, Iowa, Omaha, Wednesday - night, May 4. banquet which will be given Wednes- Raymond Hill who 'will contend for story of Passover by Ann Woskoff. Sunday, following a ten days' visit Gov. Charles W. Bryan wrfl throw in of pneumonia. NOTICE OF «f»EBTED5ESS She i s survived by three sons, Notice-5s hereby given that nil existing day • evening, May 4, by members of the nomination for state representathere with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the first ball on that occasion. . . ; the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion tive. The Omaha Club in its games to .Charles of Salt Lake City, Jess of xlebts n l National Accessories,. Inc., on the • •• .' .•'••'• • Miss Bess Harlow was hostess to Sampson. day of- Jnuiiary. 1032. amounted t o Synagogue. The dinner, which wil Dr. Krigsten is a graduate of the the Iota Tau sorority; Tuesday evedate on the road has demonstrated Chicago, and Arthur of Omaha, and 31st the sum' of Seventy-eight Thonsnnd Nine four daughters, Miss Pauline, Mrs. be served at 6:30 by men of theIowa University Medical School. Af- ning. A social hour was followed conclusively that it is the fastest and Hniulral Sixty-one nad 04/100 Dollars The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim congregation, will be followed by ater interning in Detroit and at the by refreshments. Plans -were dis- Society -will hold a regular meeting most colorful team to represent Oma- Julius Rayman, Mrs. Sam Rosenberg (178,901.04). M. L,. COHX, President. diversified program which has been St. Joseph hospital ; in Sioux City, cussed for a spring party to take next Thursday evening, May 5th, at ha in several seasons, while the re- and Mrs. Max Trochtenberg, all of G. M. COHN. Omaha, and six grandchildren. I. Is. MAHONET, arranged by a committee under the he entered a partnership with his place next month. the Eagles' Hall. . j . cent reduction in admission prices has BAM BEBEK, chairmanship of Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. brother, Dr. Joseph M." Krigsten. met with instant favor on the part of Funeral services were held TuesM. L. COHN. Beinga majority of the Board of PtrecMrs. J. M. Mosow will preside as Mr. M. Hill is an attorney.. He re- Mrs. Melvin Hose of Chicago is a Miss Rae Bernstein and Miss Ida tors. 4-15-32-lt toastmistress. Miss Ida Heshelow ceived his , degree. at the University guest at thQ home of her parents, Krasne, students at the University of ; vill offer the invocation. Welcom- of Chicago, and! has made his home Mir. and Mrs. HOW CAR OWNERS VOTID ON THE QUESTION L L. Klass. Mra. Wisconsin, at Madison, spent the past ing remarks ivrill be given by the in Sioux City; since then. Rose was formerly Miss Bess Klass. week end here visiting their parents. "WHAT MAKE OF TIRE IS BEST?" ,. auxiliary president, Mrs. ;- Barney Miss Bernstein had as her house :' * . . Ba*d on a National Tire Surrey in 1930 by a large InstiMien . . . Baron. Little, Miss; Ronya, -Daskpvsky Mr. Louis Leyuie of Chicago spent guests two of her sorority sisters •will; present a group of dances^ acGOODYEAR thei 'pastj week visiting with his par-from Kansas City.; •'. companied a f , the ; piano.. by JVIiss ents, Mri! ;aad Mrs, I. Levin, 712 Olson of the Sioux City School of Myrtle \ street. Mrs. Dave Braverman and small Music. . •' •; •... • . ' ; j : ' . ' . . The fiftieth, anniversary of the A group of songs will hel offere<l Hoyeve Zion movement, and ' the Alfred - Albert, son of Mr. and son, Morris, of Iowa City, are spendthe week .here visiting her mother, by a choir, under the direction of thirtieth anniversary of the Jewish Mrs. M|. Albert? 1104 Twenty-third ing Mrs. M. D. Richman. Mr. Sam Pasman, and composed of National Fund, were celebrated Sun- street, wias ejected into the Phi Epsithe following young, people* Ida. He- day evening, a t - t h e Jewish Com- !on Pi fraternity, at Iowa university. shelow, Dorothy Mosow, Sarah munity Center, under the auspices He is a. freshman at the university. Kuntz, Elizabeth Passman, Sonya of the Zionist organizations of the Rich, Jessie Slutsky^ Tillie Shindler, city.' . Miss Rose Tesler was one of the Lillian Cohen, Goldie Cohen, Lillian Rabbi Rabinowitz, Rabbi T. N.nominees for May. Queen at Central By STANLEY F. LEVIN Magaziner, Rose Shiloff, Ruth Wigo- Lewis, Mr. Abe Stillman, Mr. Louis Why be satisdsky,;. Fred Herzoff, Jack Bezniclc, Shilling, and Mr. M. Barney spoke High school. Identity of the queen Will Harry Kracow, King Levwill be disclosed at the Friendship fied with a secSam Osheroff, Lee Herzoff, Sovel during the evening. insky, to you, turn the trick? Morrie banquet. N O CHOICE ond-choice tire Heshelow, Harry Kanofsky, Harry A musical program was presented Schlatfer, who I believe to be a when FIRSTTOTAL 10O» Kanofsky, Harry Ehulman and Irv-by Miss Ida Heshelow, Miss Delia Sol Kronick, son of Mr. and Mrs. harder* hitting man than the King, choice costs no ing.Passman. . -. • .- - Shiloff, Cantor A. Pliskin and ReKronick, was elected president of failed to put Micky Walker away more? Mrs. W. H. Griffith will give the becca Stillman. he _ Phi Beta Delta fraternity at and now up stes Harry, who possesprincipal address of the evening. owa university. He is a senior in ses nothing but courage and a terMrs: Griffith is the executive secrerific wild punch which seldom lands. the engineering college. tary: of the Sioux City Tuberculosis Walker, the light heavyweight chamAssociation, and well known for her pion, who i s on a quest for the heavy •work in the social service field. title, meets the Jewish boy this FriMrs. J. N . Krueger will speak in Mr. A. H. Baron, local attorney day night in Chicago.- If Levinsky behalf of the grandmothers; Mrs. and active participant in Sioux City's should win and he has done well Lester Heeger will speak in behalf Jewish communal life, will speak Extensive plans have been made against the giant Camera, the of the mothers, and Miss Evelyn from the pulpit of Shaare Zion Syna- "or the seventh annual Mothers' Day Basque Paolino Uzcudun and the late Kuntz in behauf of the daughters. ogue "tonight, using as his subject service, which will be given at champion, old man Dempsey, if he Several novelty numbers will be "Amos and Andy — a Study of theShaare Zion Synagogue next Friday should win he will be in a beautiful offered by Audrey and Grinny Smith, American Mind." Mr. Baron is a vening, May 6. position to hurl challenges at the of ..Marcus, Iowa, who-won a recent member of the Shaare Zion synaAmong those who will take part world's champion, .Max Schmelling. E. K. O. contest, in which 200 took ogue and a past president of the in the service are Miss Ida Heshepart, They will be accompanied at B'nai B'rith lodge. low, Mr. William Seff and Mrs. Ben the, .piano by: ,their mother. : Com- Rabbi H; R. Rabinowitz will intro- Baron. Ruth Diamond, the former Nebrasmunity, singing will be' led by Miss duce the speaker. Cantor A. Pliska University star feminine athlete, Tillie Shindler with "Miss' Lillian kin will- chant the service with the is causing things to h u m , over at Don't take our wordfor it—take the public's! Magaziner at the ] piano. The songs assistance of the choir under the Omaha university. .Ruth i s a real have been arranged; by- Mrs. S. H.direction of Mr. Sam Passman. prompter if ther^i-eyer wai such an The publifr knows. It USES tires—all kinds. Shulkin. ;; :' animal. She even \Jias the faculty It buys, out of its experience with all tires, members chasing;-each other around Plans have been made to accommore Goodyears than any other kind. And : BY'-R. 'SL'C' the Municipal , U campus. Girls' '\ modate over 200 mothers and daughthe 1932 Goodyears are 45% better in value! athletics of all'kinds hold an imters.! Mrs. Lester Heeger is in charge portant place on ;• the - Cardinal and Laderman-Cherniss Wedding of ' t h e reservations. Mrs. Mike Black program and it i s all due to ^Mushkin, with the assistance of Mrs. Word lias .been received here of the Twelve new members will be inthe energy and cleverness of Miss ?M£x\ Herzoff and Mrs. Milton Mushmarriage of Miss Pearl Cherniss, kin, I will have charge of the-menu. itiated into -the B'nai B'rith lodge ormerly of Council Bluffs, to Mr.Diamond—more power to her. Theidining Toom committee is-head- at the meeting Tuesday evening in Sam Laderman of St. Paul, Minn., New High Peaks in Goodyear Values! ;he Jewish Community Center. - Mr. ed by Mrs. R. H. Emlein;;' Tech high's great quarter-miler, be Levin is in charge of the initia- which took place last Wednesday tion arrangements. Mr. Morey Lip- morning, April 20th, in St. Paul. The Kaplan, lost one of his titles last ihutz, president of the lodge, will >ride is a daughter of Mrs. I. Cher- week when he was inched out- of Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Tires niss of Council Bluffs. The couple first place. The Jewish flier, howpreside. will make their home in St. Paul. CASH PRICES ever, has many more meets in which A business meeting and social 29x4.40-21 Price Each Price Each to gather honors and from all inIn hour will follow the initiation. of In Tab* -Otenlze Each Pair* Tube Oversize Each TUBE 9fc Rabbi A. Wolfson arrived here last dications he will win more than his Pairs week from Amarillo, Texas, to visit 39x4.50-20 *43O M.17 S .91 30x5.00-20 •5.45 •5.29 •a .14 share of races. Bernstein is another The new semester of the Talmud at the home of his brother-in-law and Tech lad who is showing splendid 30x4J50-21 4.37 4.23 . 9 1 31x5.00-21 5.72 5.5* Torah -will begin Sunday morning, sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried. Rabbi form and bids fair to make his team28x4.75-19 5.12 4.97 . 9 4 28x5.25-18 •.15 5.97 i .02 May 1 , as announced by Mr. Louis 29x4.75-20 5 ^ 0 5.04 . 9 1 31x5.25-21 ».*3 *.43 1.1* Wolfson-spoke Thursday morning at mate step along if he does hot wish Shilling, teacher of the school. Mr. 29x5.00-19 5.39 5.23 Z.OO .8* 3.57 3.4* The Central high school honor roll the local synagogue on the subject, to be outdistanced. ' Aaron Tabai will begin his duties announced for the last six weeks, in- "The Meaning of Yiscdr," preceding : • on- ;rthe>. faculty ' at that • thae; ;Mr; cludes the following Jewish students: the traditional memorial services held Tabai came to Sioux City from-Min- Tillie Franklin, Dorothy Gelson, Elsie on the last day of the Passover holiGordon and Milder of.Centralfare neapolis, to teach in the local Tal- Herzoff, Ruth Kozberg, Eudice Still- days. Believe us—here IS a Quality Value! showing up well in the Purple camp, mud Torah. ,, man, Tillie Bass, Sophie Franklin, but are'not in the class of the. Tech A large number of students en- Rebecca Stillman, Sara Rocklin, Sara The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal-boys; Both Central youngsters £re rolled for the new semester last Share, Sylvia Borshevskyy Rosegene underclass men with several years Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Tires Sunday and Monday. * ', Passman, Sara Weinstein, Arthur mud Torah Society will hold a meet- of competition before them. • ••"*..' CASH PRICES ing next Wednesday afternoon, May Price Gelfand, Joe Goldberg, Bernard 4th, at the synagogue at 618 Mynster Price Eacb Full Full of in of In Tube Oversize Each Pairs Tube Lazriowich, Abe Singer, .Herman street. - Refreshments will be served Oversize Each Pairs This, man Goldberg, first baseman Wigodsky, Max Maron, Edward following the meeting*-. . 29x4.50-20 «S.35j$5 .19 $Z.O2 30x5.25-20| •7.89 for Wichita in the Western league,! *5]8X.S3 Uee Herzoff, musician and golfer, Miller, Paul Katz, Milton Taxef, 30x4.50-21 5.43 5.27 X.O3 31x5.25-21j 8.15 7.91! is pounding the old story that Jews 1.43 stole the march on the parade here Martin Dishlip and Albert Herzoff. 28x4.75-19 1.17 30x3 *.I*| 4.O7| 3.95! .81 can r(qt hit a. baseball all to \ bits. *.33 The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 29x4.75-20 The North Junior honor roll inlast week by being the first one this 6.24 X.02 4.I9J 4.O* .90 The" other day he poled o u t ' four 29x5.00-19 6.4S 1.30 cludes the following Jewish students: of the Independent Order of th& B'nai season to make a hole in one. He 4.29 4.X* hotoe Tuns in two days and to date 30x5.00-20 *.7S *.55 X.33 31x4 7.351 7.O9! 1.32 played' on the Twin Valley course, Norman Brodsky, Isadore Shindler, Brith held a meeting Monday evening is the owner of a million-dollar bat28x5.25-18 T.53 ••7.3O] I.35 32x4 7.58J 7.35i 1.32 making the unusual shot on the No. Sadie Taxer, Bernard Marks, Mateel at the Eagles' Hall. > Plans were made ting average, but can he keep going 29x4.40-21 Other sizes equally low. 4 -hole, 190-yard drive. Playing with Stein, Esther Friedman, Betty Osno- for a bridge party to be held at the at this headlong pace? Well, maybe TUBE $1.03 him were his brother, Albert, Irving witz, Marvin Kline, Ted Skalovsky, Eagles* Hall • on Monday evening; he can. . , - " .... Sylvia Herzoff, Alvin Brodkey, Lea May 9th, for all members and their Satin and Donald Murphy. Rose Newman, Ruth Singer, Helen families and friends. Everyone is The J. C. C. horseshoe courts will Guttleman, Blossom Kalin, Jack Mer- urged to save this date for this affair. •• . • •: . be opened this Sunday^ according to lin, Philip Silverberg, Libbie Olensky, those who know. Contests will be Rebecca Dimsdale, Myna_ Slotsky, TUNE IN Over 175 people attended the Anna Bell Emlein, Pauline Friedman, Several Jewish students participat- scheduled between the Center clubs Goodyear Radio Passover Celebration, sponsored by Miriam Barish, Rosanna Dickel, ed in the District Coriimercial Contest and outside teams; as the season Programs Sat. the A. Z. A. chapter. The first Miriam Blank, Lois Levitt, Milton held in Missouri Valley last Saturday. grows older. part of the evening was devoted to Galinsky, Milton Salzman, Alice Pill, Miss Florence Steinberg" won first traditional nut games, with dancing Newton Sacks, Bob Mandelstam, Sid- place for individual honors for accurThe Jewish Community Kitten following. ney Kalin, Robert Cohen, Paul SalzChuck Barricks and his orchestra man and Myron Heeger. iSimished the music for dancing. The Woodrow Wilson Junior high

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

Mother, Daughter Banquet Wednesday

To Run for Office



Two Aiiniyersari Celebrated


Baron to Address Congregation Tonight


**!* ¥ R IT C£ i



I 1 A J L 9 asinvalne


Council Bluffs

Initiation for Brithoir Tuesday




Hebrew School **•' Semester Will Begin on Sunday

School News


^ ; Makes Hole in One

Passover Celebration

honor roll includes the following Jewish , students: Hazel Kantroyich, Marvin Cohen, Gabriel Koval, Ben Levine, Libbie Dervin, Shirley Fein, The Hebrew Mothers', association, Luccile Appelang, . Idelle Shapiro, which; is organized in the interest Lillian Turchen, Lester Gordon and of the Talmud Torah,'have set the Maurice Aizenberg. ••..-•- -

ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. dor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors


date • for its annual card party as Tcjekday, May 24. Mrs. Ben i Sherman is: president of the group. ^

2500 Rooms

Win Typing Honors

Ribbi; "Lewis,-will speak; this eye ning jphHthe recent bpbk-jjy iMaurici SdmueUl- entitled, "Jetfs^on Ap

Miss Dorothy Epstein; of. Eas high school was a nWmber.of the winning team in the district Novice Typing contest. Miss; Esther Helin of Central high school was a mem' ber of that school's winning^ team, Both Miss- Epstein and Miss: Helih will go to Des Moines during May to compete in the state contest. •


The Alpha Gamma Chi sororitj met Saturday evening at the home of Miss Frances Kalin. .A socia" hour was followed by refreshment;

i i^We fee<3Jfche; multitude" ;;'^ With'Tasty iFoiods: ..;

; ; I f youth 'be aVdefect, i t is !one that r we outgrow . a l l ' too soon.—-




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You wiD like the atmosphere at the Morrison HoteL All outside rooms with bath, circulating ice water, bed* bead reading lamp, and Servidor. Nearest to stores, offices, theatres and railroad stations. Garage facilities. LEONARD HICKS



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