May 13, 1932

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interestsofthe iPenile -

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.Entered as Second-Cln •£ . Matter on -——y^.--;.--..PoBtpfflce at Omaha. Ni '£. £. under tl»; Act ot M»rch 8.


$18,262 Pledged By Wednes day Noon; Hope to Go Over the Top

Solomonow Wins Creighton Speech Finals on Sunday

Vol. IX—No. 15


Berlin.—(J. T. A.) — The Centre Joseph Solomonow, Arts junior, Party, to which Chancellor Bruenkig was awarded the Thomas McShane belongs, will never agree to a coalimedal for winning the annual Creighton University extemporaneous con- Jewish Migration Movement in tion with the National Socialists, if Palestine Economic Corporation they persist in their -demands for the test Sunday evening;. Soviet Directed Toward Makes £80,000 Available rights of the Jews to be withdrawn. Solombnow has been outstanding Bira Bid jan in Credits This statement was made by the in forensic circles.-fie is a CreighPresident of the Centre Party, Ludton debater and was a member of Moscow.—(J. T. A.) — The Jewish wig Kaas, to the "Israelitisches FaraNew York.—(J. T. A.)—Long term the Jewish Community Center team migration movement in the Soviet credits approximating 80,000 pounds ilienblatt.'' that won the mid-west Center debate Union will from now be directed "During the sixty years of its exist- have been made immediately availleague" /"liampiftp^^pj mainly in Bira Bidjan, in Siberia, by the Palestine Economic CorSolomonow won thfe oratory finals while the work in the Crimea and the ence, the Centre Party has always able poration to enable 500 families of by ^nominating"? Al ismrth to he the Ukraine will be confined to consoli- guarded the equality rights of the Jewish agricultural laborers in PalesDemocratic pr«sicH|rtial candidate. dating the existing settlements, but Jews "who have enriched Germany's tine to become independent home and The speakers werejto nominate a no new Jewish settlements and collec- scientific and economic life," Dr. orchard owners during the current candidate, drawing A r speakers and tive farms will be established there, Kaas said. "Today Jews and Christian stand year, according to a report made pubposition just before time for thethe Government Commission for Jewtogether to fight atheist propaganda. lic by Julius Simon, president of the speaking. ish Land Settlement, Comzet, has de- The Centre leaders today and in the corporation, which was organized in cided. future are determined to fight against 1926 for the economic development of The most important and specific any attempts to jeopardize the Jew- the Jewish National Home on a nonphilanthropic basis. task of the Comzet, the resolution ish position," he offered assurance. which has been adopted by the meetThe Corporation was organized at ing says, is to bring about the ecothe initiative of Bernard Flexner, who nomic domination of Bira Bidjan. The is now chairman of the board of direcComzet is to do everything possible to tors. Felix M. Warburg is honorary enable the government decision to president; Hon. Herbert H. Lehman proclaim a Jewish autonomous unit and Robert Szold are its vice-presiin Bira Bidjan by the end of 19S3 to dents and Walter E. Meyer, treasurer. Joint Distribution Committee be carried into effect. About 50,000 In his report which deals with his new Jewish settlers are to be brought Launches Its National observations during a recent threeinto Bira Bidjan by the end of the months visit to Palestine, Mr. Simon Campaign coming year, according to the propointed out that the 500 families who Twentieth Convention of United Monsky, general chairman of the are to be settled this year, constitute New York.—(J. T.* A.)—American gram laid down by the Comzet, and Synagogue of America Wednesday noon's reports by dicampaign, presided. the first unit of a 1,000 family settleJewry will be asked to contribute $2,- by the end of the second five-year Is Convening visions are: * Initial gifts, ?8,425; "It is only the short-sighted," Dr. 500,000 to the American Jewish Joint period the number of inhabitants in ment plan which was proposed two women's division; • $3,075; ,general years ago as one of a number of proSachar told his large audience, "who Distribution Committee, the world's Bira Bidjan is to be increased to 500,New York.—(J. T. A.)—Delegates solicitation,* $6,205; Youth division, jects in aid of the development of A luncheon for all workers attempt to slight the character build- largest Jewish welfare organization 000 souls, of whom not less than 45 from every corner of the United Palestine toward which the corpora* $557:85. - : •• in the Jewish Philanthropies ing agencies in hard times. One of engaged in overseas work, to permit to 50 per cent are to be Jews. States and Canada will gather at At. Youth Division. campaign will be held at the our sad mistakes of the past was it to carry on a program of minimum Tire speakers who took part in the lantic City, N. J., May 13th to 17th tion has loaned and invested to date The workers at the luncheon Jewish Community Center this that we did not recognize the su-relief and social reconstruction among discussion emphasized the natural for the 20th annual convention of the $2,751,591. cheered- lustily'- when the announcenoon. A report to date will be "The procedure in the selection of preme necessity of character building suffering Jews in Eastern and Central wealth of Bira Bidjan, and dwelt on United Synagogue of America and its ment was made that the Youth's made at that time. All workers agencies. If we -had established Europe, according to an announce- the aim of the Soviet government to affiliated organizations, the Women's the applicants for these credits," Mr. division was , the first to go evershould be present. these twenty years ago, today we ment made by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise transform Bira Bidjan into a metal- League and the National Federation Simon •declared, "will insure the selecthe top. Its quota was $500, yet-H tion of individuals and families who A breakfast will be held at would not have to force our people national chairman of the fund raising lurgical base for the whole of the Far. of Jewish Men's Clubs. $557.-85 had been pledged byN are considered to be most desirable East, pointing out that this opened the Center on Sunday morning to contribute. They, would have been effort of the Committee. A decade of active work on behalf for this project. We shall provide the Wednesday with half of the prosThis quota, he said, was adopted at up tremendous opportunities for Jewat 9 a. m. taught so that they would give volof traditional Judaism will be celepects still to be seen. a meeting of the Executive-committee ish mass immigration into the region. brated by. the rabbinical and lay dele- water for the settlements and where untarily." 1 An army of over 400 workers are needed, erect the houses, consisting of .and figures and was based on While its future activities will be The speaker pointed out that by gates who will come to Atlantic City two rooms, kitchen and verandah and soliciting from 4,700 prospects. A workers; the various chairmen are in slighting - these agencies- we-- are in- submitted fcy-Dr. Kahn, Euconcentrated in Bira Bidjan, the Comthorough canvass i s "being made : of conference with "their' men; - money juring the -Jewish cultural life and ropean^directo: committee, who zet and the Jewish Colonization 356- .prepared to discuss some of the most stables. The Palestine Plantation the: entire; Jewish .fOTnTnn"1ty_._ - - : and -pledges are beings turned over. among • Jews ciety, Ozet, do not intend to withdraw vital issues that have -confronted tra- Company win .provide credits for described, condltli : In'the auditorium a" giant blackditional Judaism in years. Included kitchen gardens and small - planta''We will ynot fail," was the suc"We must give out of a sense of abroad as "bordering on panic." This however, from the work in the Crimea cint statement ^8f Henry Monsky, board recounts the pledges turned in social responsibility. We would be sum, Dr. Wise added, will enable the and the Ukraine, the resolution says among the problems which will be tions." taken up at the convention is the general chairman. "This campaign by each division and each sub-di- in the plight of the Eastern Euro- committee to provide at least on a further. $1,500 CoBt of Settling Family. vision. question of the financial administracontinue till every dollar is The cost of settling a family, Mr. fjWill pean Jewry were it not for the wheel minimum scale, immediate relief t The lunches are being attended by tion of the synagogue and the general raised.^ ^ • the starving and distressed in Poland. Simon pointed out, will be about $1*unusually large crowds. The food of fate. The ,only reason that you Lithuania, SubVCarpathia, Roumania relationship of the synagogue to Jew- 500 and will be repayable over a and I are better off today is because .,., Conscience. ,. is excellent and reasonably priced. ish communal life. The crucial diffi- period of fifteen years. and other nearby sections, as well as "I cannot overemphasize the im-, The business which needs attention 'somebody missed the boat.'" culties that beset Jewish life at the Tracing how the attitude of a to continue its medical cultural an present time are expected to be frankparlance . of «. the responsibility of is executed with dispatch. rehabilitative activities which are ly and seriously discussed. A round in this drive. Rabbi David A. Goldstein spoke at ountry can change, as manifested helping hundreds of thousands ; every ' individual table conference will go deeply into Each donor must square the Tuesday noon's luncheon, and Rabbi iy Germany, the speaker brought Jewish families to become self-depenthe matter of offsetting the effect of amount of his contribution with Frederick Cohn addressed the iut the fact thaat the Jewish people dent. do not know "who •will be in great the economic depression on synagoga his own "conscience. Wednesday luncheon. Plans are already under way, he need tomorrow. "Thus far the efforts of the variAt Luncheon. New York.—(J. T. A.)—A total of life. said, to secure this money. A nationIn addition to analyzing the effect "I Belong." ous chairmen,, majors and workers at least $100,000,000 has been put inwide campaign is being organized. At the tables the workers tell one have been most satisfactory. But another the various experiences enEvery individual who contributed Drives have already been set in a to Palestine by the Jews of America of the depression on Jewish religious The first annual "Give or Get" there must be no let-down. Every countered in the day's work. A buoy- to the Philanthropies campaign has number of cities and contracts are in the form of investments and con- life a thorough analysis of the synasoldier in our army must fight ant feeling takes hold of even the been given a celluloid button with being made to establish fund-raising tributions in the last ten years, ac- gogue in relation to Jewish education, luncheon of Hadassah will take place through until victory is ours." the campaign slogon on it, "I Be-collections throughout the country. A cording to Nelson Ruttenberg, presi- social service and similar influences, Wednesday, May 18, at 1 p. m. in casual visitor. National Council, consisting of 585 dent of the Jewish National Fund, and will be made. Th e function of thethe J. C. C. auditorium. One hun' Women's Division. Thirty worth-while agencies, local, long." prominent Jewish men and women in Deputy Police Commissioner, in a synagogue in the life of the layman dred invitations have been issued to' The'women's division, is accom- national and • international, depend different sections of the land, has radio address delivered as part of the will be made. The function of themembers and friends of the organizaplishing unusually Bne work. Mrs. upon the success of this campaign been formed, and the representatives celebration of the tenth anniversary cussion, with both the layman's and tion who have turned in $10 or more J. J.' 'Greenberg, chairman, and herfor funds needed to carry on in these of this council who have been chosen of the unanimous passage of both the rabbi's standpoint coming up fortoward the $1,500 quota of the Havice chairman, .Mrs. Herbert Arn- times of dire distress. from 211 sections in the country, will Houses of Congress of the Lodge- discussion. A review of the twenty dassah Medical fund. The drive for help for these stein, JhaVe^f^d;:the women workers Resolution, expressing the years service of the United SynaSpecial arrangements have been co-operate in the fund -raising under- Fish agencies was actively started with most • successfully. American Government's approval of gogue of America for traditional made for this luncheon, which is betaking. the opening breakfast at the Center However,' "Mi's. Greenberg in laudH ' "Mte Judaism wfll be made and plans will In a statement issued by Dr. Wise the establishment of the Jewish Na- be laid for counteracting the apathy ing planned as the outstanding and ing her ; co-workers claimed that ths Monday morning. The workers starttional Home in Palestine. most important event of the orsplendid showing beingmade by theed their soLcitation immediately af- Senior Council of Clubs to d o s e the of the Executive Committee, it was and discouragement resulting from ganization this year. ; He estimated that approximately pointed out that the funds will be Season With Affair at women-is nof "due to heir "efforts but ter the breakfast. the economic depression. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give the used exclusively for the aid of Jews $220,000,000 had been poured into J. C. C. May 22. to those in the1 ranks. The next breakfast will be held at invocation. Mrs. Max Mayer, superPalestine during that period by the in eastern and central Europe who i "The women Workers," Mrs. the Jewish Community Center Sunintendent of the J. C. C. of Des The Senior Council season at theare enduring untold sufferings and Jews of the entire world. Greenberg\r stated, "have not day morning at 9 -a: m. Moines, is to be the speaker. Zolly Center will be brought to a close on privations. The monies will be de- "As we review the progress of the shirked their1' task but "have re-Mass Meeting. 1 Lerner,- instructor of the School of voted to the development of a propast ten years, we may well take Sunday evening, May 22, with a sponded nobly. Sacrifice of time Fine Arts at the University of NeA pre-campaign spirit was gengram • looking forward towards the pride in the amazing transformation ~. and effort have meant nothing to banquet and oratorical contest.. "God's Gentleman," the book re- braska, will give a dramatic readerated at the open mass meeting economic reconstruction and rehabiliwhich has been brought about in Palthem in their anxiety to put the After the banquet the annual reheld at the Center Sunday evening. estine," Mr. Ruttenberg said. "An cently written by Rabbi Garry ing. Musical selections will be given drive over." • port of the Council will be made by tation of the Jews of these lands. Dr. A. L. Sachar, professor of hi&impressive modern school system August of Gary, Ind., who spoke at by Miss Beulah Kay, violinist, who It is interesting to note that thus tory and iead of the Hillel Founda- Julius Bisno, president. Short talks which includes 228 schools has been Temple Israel recently, is receiving is assistant instructor to Prof. Frank The J. D. C is included in the bud- built up, giving education to more much comment throughout the mid- Mach. Miss Kay appeared as soloist far the losses sustained from those tion at the University of Illinois, will be given by William L. Holz*who legitimately cannot give has was the principal speaker. Henry roan, president of the J. C. C , andget of the Omaha Jewish Philanthro- than 22,000 children, A comprehen- dle west, especially among some of with the Omaha Symphony orchestra Welfare Federation; Jack W. Marer, pies. been more- than' amply made up by sive health.and sanitation service, re- those "who have made a study of last year. Mrs. Margaret Bellman, head of the Community Center com. increases and aew subscriptions. ^ garded as the most complete in thethe relation between the various, lyric soprano, will sing several favmittee; Philip M. Klutznick, head of • Philip" M. 1 Klutznick, co-chairman orite Jewish numbers. Greetings Near East, had also been created. classes of Jews. the dub committee. of the general; solicitations division, "God's .Gentleman" goes deeply will be presented by Rabbi David Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, school expressed optimism for the final outThese addresses -will be followed and health inspection service are part into the • conflict' between the Rus- A. Goldstein, Mrs. Julius Stein, come.' "Our workers have shown a by the annual oratorical competition. of the medical system which has been sian Jew and the German Jew, and president of the local chapter, and spirit and enthusiasm unequalled in Each participant will give a tenmaintained by the group of Ameri- the story shows a most sympathetic Mrs. R. A. Bleicher, chairman of previous campaigns. Their pep has Cracow.—(J. T. A.)—Sentences of minute oration on "Youth and JewMrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky was can women known as Hadassah, or treatment of the differences," said the "Give or Get" fund. been instilled into the givers with two months imprisonment were im- ish Ideals." an Omaha leader, who did not wish the Women's Zionist organization. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, program the result that pledges are exceeding posed by the Cracow court upon two Judges will be Professor E. W.chosen president of the Conservative Jewish National Fund, which to be quoted. "The story will help chairman, will preside. our expectations. We are not going Jewish clerks, Bernard Johannes and Puis of Creightoi*; Rabbi David A. Synagogue Auxiliary for t i e coming is "The the instrumentality for' the redemp- to unite Jews into a common cause, The luncheon will be prepared by to quit working until every cent set Eugene Windish, who were found Goldstein, and Irviri Stalmaster. Gold, year at the annual election of of- tion of the land in Palestine as thefor it deals well with the split dif- a committee headed by Mrs. I. ficers held last week. as our goal is' subscribed." guilty of participating in the student silver and bronze medals will be eternal possession of the Jewish peo- ferences in religious practices." Berkowitz, assisted by the Mesdames Other officers elected are: Mrs. disturbances of last November/ awarded to the three winners." ple, has redeemed over 320,000 dunThe book has been highly praised R. Bordy, Simon Pizer, A. Theodore, Activity at Center. Dave Sherman, first vice president; The Council's all-season "Best Club During the occurrence of the antiby rabbis throughout the United Sam Kaplan, H. Reuben, B. A. SimThe Community Center, headquar- Jewish excesses it was alleged that contest" will end that evening, with Mrs. Ernest Meyer, second vice ams of land. "As part of an historic people, we States, and has caused much argu- on and Dave Green. ters for the campaign, is teeming the windows of the Bernadine Abbey the points for the oratorical contest president; Mrs. Arthur Cohn, corresas individual Jews have a destiny and ment. It appears as though Rabbi with activity. Workers are coming had been smashed by Jews. New donors to the luncheon are ponding secretary; Mrs. Robert Glazand banquet attendance added to the a function to fulfill. That destiny August has done much to stir Ameri- the Mesdames Harry Crounse, B. and going out all through the day; er, recording secretary; Israel DanThe sentence was pronounced after total. • points to Palestine," Mr. Ruttenberg can Jewry with his novel, which is Fleischman, M. H. Fox, Clara Linsupplies are being made up for thebrief deliberation. All club members of the fourteen sky, treasurer, and Mrs. Sam Cohn, stated. rapidly approaching the best seller coln, Max Goldberg, Ben Handler, The verdict has left a most painful constituent organizations are invited auditor. class. Hymie Milder, B. A. Simon, Frank The new board members are Mesimpression upon the Jewish commun- to- attend the banquet, for which 50 Tuchman, Michael Tnchman, E. ity, which fears repercussions in r&- cents will be charged. "Reservations dames Ben Glazer, William Alberts, Weinberg, A. S. Rubnitz, J. H. KulaHerman Hirschman, Ben Shapiro, I. lations between the Polish and Jewish should be made at once," Bisno kofsky, David Goldstein, Julius Chait, populations. urged, "either with your club presi- W. Rosenblatt and M. F. Levenson. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Eleven ReE. Meyers, A. Theodore, Max Forbes, The officers will be installed at New York.—-(J. T. A.)—George S. dent or your Senior Council reprevisionists who interrupted the inaugDave Blumenthal, J. B. Robinson. 'Kaufman, Morris Ryskind and Ira the annual luncheon, which will take sentative." Budapest.—(7. T. A.)—Ludwig MiGershwin are joint winners of the Annual Parents' place June 1 at the J. C. C , at ural lecture of Norman Bentwich at Pulitzer prize for the best play, an- Magazine Medal which time there will be a report the Hebrew University in February haly a professor of the University of Lt. Gov. Lehman Gives was sentenced to a fortnounced last week. New York.-—The annual ..medal of the auxiliary's activities during were sentenced to small fines or to Budapest, night in prison for inciting against §1,000 to Catholic Charities short prison terms. The three won the'prize which car- awarded by the "Parents' Magazine' the past fiscal year. New York. — Lieutenant Governoi Among those sentenced is the Revi- the Jewish religion. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give a ries a cash award of §1,000 for their for outstanding work in parent edu Herbert H. Lehman donated §1,000 to The agitation against the Jews was sionist leader, Achi Meir, whose senshort address over the radio in the play "Of Thee I Sing," produced by cation was presented to Mrs. Sidoni« tence was twenty-one days in prison contained in a pseudo-scientific arti- the Catholic Charities Appeal, which Sam H. Harris. This is the first time Matsner Gruenberg, director of the"Go' to Church" series, this coming Consul in Tel Aviv cle, wherein it was stated that the recently closed a campaign in the Tel Aviv.—-Moshe Sheloush, head o£ or a fine of three pounds. in the history of the Pulitzer Awards Child Study Association of America Wednesday evening, May 18. All preferred prison to a payment Jewish religion permits profiteering metropolitan area, under the general that the prize has been awarded to a at the eleventh annual dinner of th< Special music will be rendered by the Palestine Bulgarian Institute was direction of Cardinal Hayes. at the expense of non-Jews. musical pla^ named Bulgarian Consul in Tel Aviv. of a fine. the Temple Israel volunteer choir, Parents Association of New York.


jFiiist to Oversubscribe; Luncheon Report This Noon

; Sachar Speaker at Opening Mass Meeting

The mammoth thermometer in the lobby of the Jewish Community Center, depicting the progress of the Jewish Philanthropies campaign, is rapidly rising toward the goal of $40,050 as the drive continues in full swing. At the last workers'report made at Wednesday noon's luncheon, the total turned in was $18,262.85, or 45.5 per cent of the amount sought No luncheon was scheduled for Thursday, so that it is expected that since Wednesday the total contributions had swelled considerably. Leaders of the campaign are hoping that the reports at the luncheon this noon will bring the receipts to date to 75 per cent of the drive's goal.



Report at Noon




"God's Gentleman" Becoming: Popular



Jewish Collaborators Win Pulitzer Prize

Eleven Revisionists Prefer Jail to Fine Prison for Insult to Jewish Religion

Radio Service




Organization News


amateur competition, his hitting and piro on the receiving end. This is fielding have been all that any man-the second game for the young workers, the first resulting in a victory. age could ask for.

Joe Turner, who has been seen on Honorary Degrees many local clubs, is performing with at Amsterdam the Polish Athletic club. Perhaps Joe THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Amsterdam. — Three Jews received has turned Pollack, maybe. A regular meeting of the Daughhonorary degrees in connection with $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - -.•"—• - ters of Israel Aid Society will be the celebration of the three hundredth Advertising rates furnished on application held Tuesday, May 17, at the Old Avrum Lustgarten, A. Z. A. andanniversary of the founding of the Peoples Home, 2504 Charles street, J. C. C. pingpong player, is now University of Amsterdam. Office: 490 BrandeisTheater Building at 2' p. m. Please attend. the pingpong champ of Central Telephone: ATlantic 1450 The Jews to be honored are SenA board / meeting will be held at High. Hi Goodbinder, J. C. C. coach, ator Henry Pollak, a Socialist leader; Sioux City pffice-rJewish Community Center 1:30 p. m. Candle lighting time, Friday, May says Avrum is a comer, with plenty L. Simmond, author and T. L. Sivitta of dash and style. a mathematician from Rome. DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor 13, 6:45 p. m. FRANK R.ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - " - • - Editor Services Tonight FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent The election of the new officers Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The Rimmerman is a new addition to ANN PILL . . . . . - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent of the Omaha chapter of Hadassah People and the Book" at tonight's the Central High net team. In his will take place next month. first two meets with South High the services. The nominating' committee appointJewish youngster played heads-up Next Week ed by Mrs. Julius" Stein, president At the services next week Rabbi tennis. The Skans Furniture Company, 220: . "Lackeys of the Jews," "Synagoguers," "Judaisants" were of the chapter, is as follows: Mrs. Goldstein will base his sermon on Farnam street, announces the opening R. A. Bleicher, Joseph Goldware, Max the book, "God's Gentleman," by Little Johnny Rosenblatt is past- of an up-to-date, complete departmen 3ome of the softer epithets which the "Journal de la Cour" flung Goldberg, M. Brandeis, Milton MayRabbi Garry August. timing in the outer garden for theof all electrical appliances, including at the heads of the men who in the eighteenth century voted for per. City club, and as usual, is going washing machines, radios, electri the emancipation of the Jews in France. The Bishop of Nance pro-f strong. clocks, and many other items. tested vehemently; the Abbe Maury terrified the clergy, with the They have also selected the Mo danger of such a misstep. But the bulk of the French people had A regular meeting of the DaughThe Workman's Circle baseball hawk refrigerators with the Duo Zone team will meet the Packer Cubs at Unit to offer their customers. The a passion for justice—France was the first among the nations to ters of Zion will be held May 18. By AARON KATZ Elmwood park this Sunday after- public is invited to see their show Important business will be transemancipate its Jews. By a decree of the Constituant assembly, acted. All members are urged to noon. Zorinsky will hurl with Sha- rooms. promulgated on September 27, 1791, the Jews of France were free be present. On "Lag-Baomer," Tuesday, May to become citizens. Mirabeau's words had rung out to the upris- The Daughters of Zion announce 24, a public reception will be given box collections for the J. N. F. from to the new "recruits" of our TalWe Take Pleasure in Announcing the Appointment of ing French who were overthrowing the feudal yoke: "To dis-the following: I. Beber, J. Rosenberg, mud Torah and refreshments will be seminate the idea" of human brotherhood, whom can we trust bet- A. Wolf, D. Rosenthal, S. Robinson, served to all our pupils. An interesting program will be presented by ter than the Jews, whose prophets were inspired by-that ideal in D. Shames and M. Somit. Anyone having boxes is asked to ;he days of their national grandeur." These words had had their call the chairman, Mrs. Max Arbit- Talmud Torah pupils. as District Manager for Omaha and Council Bluffs effect. It was settled that in the future no man shall "stand con- man, or the treasurer, Mrs. L. Rosen- Compliments to the Deborah blatt. Ladies' Society. A t their meeting iemned because of his race, in France." ast Tuesday, sincerity, good •will and Came the Restoration and its fall. A second emancipation eagerness to work for Jewish educabecame, necessary, The opposition was bitter, virtriolic, but the tion were to be noticed. The spirit 18TH AITD DOUGLAS STS. of our historic Deborah is after all Jews were given their rights. . They entered the professions, parOmahajfebr. perpetuated among the women of ticipated in the country's cultural life, enriched it. All spheres The Ladies Labor Lyceum club had Israel. a Jewish show and raffle on SunGUARANTEE MUTUAL'S New Accumulation Limited Pay and were open to them but the army. Then, when Captain Dreyfus ob- day evening, May 8. Endowment Policies OFFER YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY tained a staff appointment, he was the first of the Jewish faith to The affair was a huge success, and The following have joined the THAN CAN BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. LET HIM EXPLAIN THEM AND OTHER POLICIES TO YOU. enter the charmed circle—and his case-is now history. Zola stated the organization has expressed its ranks of our City Talmud Torah appreciation to Mr. N. Weinstein and during the past week: Phones: Office, Atlantic 7100; Residence, Walnut 5077 (Evenings) that "A single injustice makes the whole of France unjust," and his players for their program. Ruth Alperson, Betty Ruth Baum, at the risk of the nation French justice-lovers fought through to Mrs. M. Rosenstein was chairman. Gertrude Bernstein, Helen Bernstein. the Jewish captain's vindication. French justice had triumphed. A thirty-two piece set of dishes was David Biber, Gordon Cherwitz, Sol Crandell, George Eisenberg, Harold Anti-Semitism in France gradually grew less and less. But thewon by Mrs. Philip Goldberg. The club is also having a mother Epstein, Sol Epstein, Robert Fromspirit of the Abbe Maury is recurrent in human nature. and daughter program on Tuesday kin, Etta Garelick, Jeanette GreenThe world last week was mourning the dastardly assassina- evening, May 17, at the Labor Ly- field, Simon Hershorn, Hyman Holz22nd and Clark. Mrs. H., Bess Kaplan, Roseline Kaplan, tion of the French president, Paul Doumer. Particularly were the ceum, Stein will speak for the mothers Louis Katz, Ida Kelberg, Mitchel If your grocer or delicatessen store does not handle our French grieving the loss of a beloved leader. Yet in the midst of and Sarah Pollay for the daughters. Landman, Gordon Margolin, Morton products, call WE. 6400 and we will direct you to the nearest dealer. their sorrow appeared the shades of Maury. The "Action Fran- Mrs. M. Rosenstein is chairman for Margolin, Esar Milder, Arthur Pinkowitz, Simon Platt, Lawrence Potash, the entertainment. Everyone is welcaise," a daily with a twinge of the ancient "Journal de la Cour," come. Admission is free. The pro-Blanche Rosen, Albert Scheinfield, carried, on the day after the fatal shooting, a screeching streamer gram will start at 8:30. Ben Schwartz, Sol Schwartz, Tillie Sekerman, Raymon Simon, Martin introducing a story attempting to fasten the blame of the murT. Steinberg, Albert Temin, Sam der on the Jews. The Jewish citizens were in mortal fear and Teplitsky, Joe Tessler, Philip Weiss, extreme a consequence, until the nationality of the The Pioneer Women have issued an Donald Zernovsky, Marvin Zernovsslayer was definitely established, j Gbrgulov is an Armenian from appeal .for donation of bundles for ky, Sylvia Zernovsky. rummage sale, being held at Who is next? We are waiting for the Caucasus. In; a volume Tecently written by him giving his their 2116 North Twenty-fourth street. It you. program for^a National and Christian Russia under his dictator^ is important that the local group ship, he£giyea( vent*,'tb• his unmincing anti-Jewish sentiments. He, raise its quota, and its success dewould bV his program place upon the Jewish people a civil ancl pends upon this sale. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

Daughters of Israel Aid



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Ladies Labor Lyceum Club


Pioneer Women


political; inferior status, much akin to Hitler's ideas. Indeed, his PsiMu entire plan was Russian Christian fascism. ' By STANLEY F . LEVIN The annual Psi Mu Mothers Day Thd Jews of France were relieved by the establishment of tea was held Sunday afternoon, at The Thorpeian Athletic club, comhis identity. The martyrdom of the scapegoat was almost again the J. C. C , featured by a splendid posed of some of the' older athletes of entertainment. of yesteryears, handed the A. Z. A. theirs. -The cycle continues . . . the Journals "de la Cour" and program Ivy Siegel sang several songs in No. 1 boys a neat surprise when : "Action Francaise/' the Maurys, the bigoted are still among us. Yiddish. Henry Ginsberg, Psi Mu'sthey held their younger and more But, fortunately, there are also still among us lovers of jus-crooning troubador, sang in English, practiced opponents to the close tice. To' these fair-minded people the conduct of an "Action Fran- accompanied by Mrs. Maurice Giller. score of 8 to 4. Meyers and Meyers, Mrs. Giller also sang a Yiddish num- the losers' battery, will cause lots caise" is repellent. The attitude of the jttst-minded individuals ber. Mrs. L. Neveleff spoke for theof trouble for the other teams berepresents the finer side of human feeling, the side which will mothers, and Morris Falk, president fore the season is over. Errors cost of the group, for the sons. Sam Ep- the Thorps the game. Zorinsky of eventually triumph.

Now a


stein spoke for those who had lost the A. Z. A. was given good suptheir mothers. port, his mates making a number The Psi Mu kittenball team lost to of good plays to back him up. Hima Sioux City team last Sunday after- malstein and Grossman were the noon. The organisation is a member heavy hitters of the fray. of the Jewish kittenball league. Plans for the organization's cityThe Psi Mu took a nine to nothwide youth project will be announced next week. At present campaigning ing forfeit from the A. Z. A. No. has started for the election of offi- 100 when only'half of the Century chapter team appeared for the game. cers, to be held later this month. A program of activities for the enThe best game of the day was tire summer has been laid out. that of the Pants store nine and the Charles Street Market, the latter winning 10 to p. The winners overThe annual spring dance of the came a big lead and with the splenCentury chapter of the A. Z. A. did hurling of Bergman eventually was held at the Paxton Hotel Sun- copped the decision. day evening and was the most successful venture of the organization. Games this Sunday will feature The dance carried out the motif of the A. Z. A. No. 1 tangling with "Balmy Daze." Soft lights and ap-the A. Z. A. No. 100 crew at Gifford propriate decorations lent atmos- Park, 33rd and Cass streets, at 10 phere to the affair. Many out of o'clock, the Thorpeians meeting the town guests attended. Charles Street Market on the same Joe Goldware was in charge of field at 11 o'clock. The third game the dance. will be between the Psi Mu and the Pants Store at Central high school at 10 o'clock. Mr. Milton Abrahams will close The Psi Mu met an All-Jewish the second annual lecture course on aggregation from Sioux City. SunSunday, May 15, at 10 a. m. at Temple Israel. He will speak on day morning i^ a kittenball contest the value of a higher education. and when the final score was tallied There will also be several vocal solos the local boys 5 were trailing, oh so far behind the invaders. The Psi by Miss Jeanette Graetz. On Sunday, May 8, the club Mu aggregation looks good in pracsponsored a mother day service at tice, but perhaps they had too much the Sunday school service. Isadore practice Sunday. Richlin spoke for the children, and This boy, Blamenthal of Tech Mrs. Max Fromkin for the mothers. i n . the Miss Rose Ban gave a reading and High, looks like a comer 1 Abraham Dansky rendered an organ tennis racket. He is one of the aca solo. Miss Bess Goldware and Joel players on the Maroon squad and it •Cherniss read . the services. Miss is oar guess that he should go a long way toward the city title.: I|na Gross presided.



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Nebraska lower Courtesy - Service * LowRdtes

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A mother and daughter banquet was given by the Fa-Hon Wednesday, May 4, at the J. C. C. The color Scheme was carried out in lavendar and white. Beautiful bouquets of lilacs were used as centerpieces for the table. Each mother received a lovely corsage of roses and sweet peas. "A toast was given, by Bernice Palk... Mrs. Harry Stein spoke., Miss Harriet Wolskj also gavp a ' talk, -and Miss Rose Stein gave several J readings. ' . ; ;

Rosenberg, of the Tech Hign Girls' team, is another neat little player. Her games to date indicate that she will be a tough nut for any opponent to crack. Herman Levinson, former Nebraska U and Central High baseball player, is having a dickens of a time getting started. Hermy so far has made more errors- than hits and that is saying a lot. " -" "'~ \ . Earl Siegel is rounding into form as one <>f the classiest fielders in

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We operate the only STRICTLY kosher delicatessen in the downtown section. Our department is equipped with a separate display counter and we use a separate slicer, scale and knives for all kosher smoked meats.

A. Z. A. No. 1



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PAGE 3--THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 Ion",'national medical fraternity, will be held at the iraternity house, 805 South Thirty-eighth street, Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. Hyman Alexander, .New York, former consul, will"act as toastmaster. Among those who will attend are Prof. Victor E. Levine, Dr. I. Sternhill, Dr. M. Greenberg, T>r. L "Weiss, a i r of ,'Creighton, and Dr. A. Greenbergj .and Dr. A. Steinberg of Nebraska. , -Those in charge of arrangements are Hyman Alexander, George Pease, and Moe Lev. BOKOLOF-BINSTEIN WEDDING Miss Sophie Binstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Binstein, became the bride of. Mr. L Sokolof, son of M t and Mrs. P. H. Sokolof, last Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Eabbi H. Grodzinsky who officiated. Only members of the immediate family were present. The bride wore a going-away green ensemble with tan accessories. The couple left for a • honeymoon trip whose destination was kept secret. They will make their home i l this city/ CftEEN-HASPEL ENGAGEMENT ". Mrs. Ethel Haspel announces the engagement of her daughter, Minnie, to Simon Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green. ; The wedding /will take place in the early fall. HIGHLAND-COUNTRY CLUB , The Highland Country- club will have its ladies' day formal opening Tuesday, May 24. There will be golf in the morning, luncheon at the club house, and either golf or bridge in the afternoon. All members are cordially invited and each member may. bring guests. Mrs. A. Greenherg is chairman of the ladies' entertainment committee, and Mrs. Morris Jacobs is chairman of the ladies' golf committee. : The formal opening of the club will be a dinner-dance on May 28. RECEPTION PLANNED - Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borsky will entertain at a reception on Sunday, May 15, at their home, 2601 Parker street, from 2 to 7 o'clock, in honor of their daughter, Bess, and her fiance, Dave Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bernstein. Friends are cordially invited. No invitations have been issued. ENTERTAINS Mrs. J. Fishberg entertained at a luncheon and bridge at her home Sunday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. D. iH. Fertil of Lynn, Mass., who is visiting here. ENTERTABfEDrMr. and Mrs. Duke Dloogoff entertained at a dinner at their home on (Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Hirsch of Sioux City, la.

3. C.C. Calendar ;

Friday, May 13. Luncheon meeting for Philanthropy workers. Tuesday, May 17. Pioneer Club, 8 p. m. - Wednesday, May" 18. HadabSah first annual "Give or Get" luncheon, 12:30 p. m. Sunday, May 22.Senior Council of Clubs ban-'; quet and annual oratorical contest/at J. C. C. - - . , ' V Monday, May 23. Council" of Jewish. WomenInstallation of officers and luncheon, 12:30 p. m. :


Mrs. Hirsch was formerly Miss Sonya Broscow. Other out of town guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gutterman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Shulkin, Mrs. B. Broscow, all of Sioux City. Omaha guests included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broscow, Miss Goldie Zusman, and Mr. Joseph Hyman Zusman. Mrs. Duke Dloogoff was formerly Miss Tillie Zusman of this city. Following the dinner, Mrs. Jack Broscow entertained at four tables of bridge honoring Mrs. Hirsch. -The color scheme was carried out in pink and green. The centerpiece was of sweet peas and roses.

MOTHER'S DAY TEA The Sigma Delta Tau sorority of Lincoln gave a Mother's day tea Sunday, May 8, at the chapter house. The program consisted of an original playlet by Zolly Lerner, a violin solo by Dorothy Bergen, and a piano selection by Ruth Hill. About 75 parents attended.

SORORITY ELECTION At the election of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority of Lincoln, the following officers were elected. President, Beroice Lieberman, Lincoln; vice president, Florence Gilinsky, Woodbine, la.; secretary, Bernice Riseman, Lincoln; treasurer, Ruth Fox, SOCIAL NOTES Omaha; historian, Helen Steinberg, Mrs. Harry Rose, of St. Joseph, Council Bluffs. Mo., spent last week in Omaha with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. HONORED Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Mrs. Sam H. Green returned Tues- Alpha Mu, at Lincoln, was awarded day from St. Joe, Mo., where she a scholarship plaque by the Intrafravisited with her parents. ternity Council at a banquet Tuesday, May 3. The chapter placed Messrs. Elmer and Lawrence Gross fourth in scholarship in all men's are in Sioux Falls, S. D., on a campus organizations, and led the business trip. national social fraternities. Jack G. Epstein,* R. Harry RosenMiss Rose Kaplan spent the weekstein, Henry G. Chait and Louis end in Lincoln visiting friends. Cohen, all of Omaha, members of the received recognition at the MrsJ Sidney. Robinson of Walthill, fraternity, annual Honors' Convocation for exNeb., is here jwith the Eastern Star cellence in scholarship. convention. .While here, she is staying with Mr. Robinson's parents, MOTHER'S DAY AFFAIR Mr. and Mrs-i Sam Robinson. Sigma Omicron of Sigma Alpha Mu Mrs. Al Turchen of Sioux City is entertained about fifty guests at a Mothers' Day affair held at the chapvisiting here. ter house in Lincoln Sunday, May 8. The mothers of the active members WINS HONOR were the guests of honor. . Miss Rosaline Pizer of Omaha was The program was headed by James one of four students of the Uni- C. Burroughs of Omaha, president of versity of Nebraska School of Journ- the chapter, who welcomed the mothalism who were awarded national ers in an introductory address. Rabbi recognition for high scholarship by Harry Jolt of Lincoln gave a few Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary vocal selections in Jewish. An alumjournalistic fraternity. nus of the local chapter, dramatic instructor at the University of Nebraska, W. Zolley Lerner read a play, INITIATION PARTY 4 An initiation party was held Satur- "Kaddish," written by himself. day evening, May 7, at the Black- ; Another alumnus, Joseph Ginsburg, stone hotel, by the Iota Tau sorority. i,incoln attorney, spoke on "The FraThe pledges who were initiated are Dorothy Kaplan, Mary Cutler and Sophie Jacobsoju . . •, • JJEVV — Entertainment and refreshments were followed by a brief business meeiing. The special feature of the meeting was the election of officers. Made Oat of Tour Old Hazel Zavitt will succeed Lee Shames Ross—OotMns—Bags as president, Dorothy Kaplan is the For Information newly elected secretary, and Sophie Jacobson will act as treasurer. Oar BeprrKntmUve TOO ;The .sorority is planning many inWItb Sample* . teresting events which will be held in the near future.


CALL JA. 6912

FRATERNTY BANQUET The farewell banquet of the Creightori chapter of Phi Delta Epsi-

Kitchen Chats

Notes of Temple

' By Ttfre. David M. Newman

' . Tonight. ; Rabbi Cohn's sermon at the Temple services this evening will deal with "God's Gentleman/* the stirring novel written by Eabbi August Garry of Gary, Ind. Tomorrow Morning. Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn will speak on "The Festivals of the Lord." E oddish Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Julius Meyer. Radio Service May 18. On Wednesday evening, May 18, at 9 p. m., Eabbi Cohn will give a short talk over the radio in the "Go to Church" series. Special music will be rendered by the Temple Israel Volunteer choir, under the direction of Vernon C. Bennett.

Xipp,- president; Harry Belman, vice fact that Esthonia heretofore has president; Al Wolf, treasurer; M. D. been singularly free from anti-SemiKasper, secretary; Nate Asher, ser- tism. geant at arms, and Herman Wise, reporter. A banquet will be held on May 30 FOR RENT at one of the Chicago hotels for the Four-room apartment, upmembers and their wives and lady stairs; separate entrance. Very friends, at which time the new ofreasonable. "icers will be installed. The dance held at the Sherman 2308 No. 21 St. hotel on May 1 was a big success, letting a profit of $185. This club has entered its team in he soft ball tournament being staged ay the Chicago American. A picnic • F O R TASTY is being planned for the members and their friends, to be given at a • DELICIOUS summer resort in June.

Spinach Souffle. Take 1 cup spinach, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, 2-3 cup m i i k / 3 "tablespoons flour. Make a sauce of flour, butter, milk. Cook until, thick. Remove from fire, add salt, chopped spinach. Add beaten yolks, fold ^in beaten whites of eggs. Bake ic a buttered mold, set in a pan of hot water for 25 minutes. Apple Crisp Dessert Use 11-2 cups flour, 1-2 cup butter, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-2 cup sugar, 5 apples. Peel apples, quarter and let stand in salt water 20 minutes. Cut butter in mixture of flour, salt, and sugar, 12 cup only, until crumbly. Talin.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish physiPlace apples in baking dish, add 1 teaspoon vanilla, sprinkled over ap- cians are being boycotted by hospitals ples, then the other 1-2 cup sugar. in Esthonia, it is revealed here, a fact Dot with butter, spread dry crumbly which is eliciting severe protests from mixture over apples. Bake. Serve ewish circles. The ire of the Jewish community is hot or cold with whipped cream. aroused particularly in view of the

Boycott of Jewish Doctors in Esthonia

At the regular meeting of the To Speak. Omaha-Chi Club of Chicago, 111., held On May 15 Dr. Cohn will speak at the Joslyn Memorial at 4 p. m. last Wednesday, the following were on "The Message of Music." On elected to serve as officers: M. J. Thursday morning, June 9, he will deliver the invocation at the first graduating exercises of the new Municipal University of Omaha. of Council Bluffs "Well Known in This Vicinity ternity." Refreshments were served as a after the program. Milton Berkowitz PRACTICAL MOHEL of Omaha was in charge of arrange29 No. 7th StPhone 1059 ments.


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We wish, to announce to our many patrons that we have installed electric refrigeration in our coolers, and can assure you of fresh meats during t i e entire summer. We also wish to announce that "we manufacture all of our own smoked meats and sausages and can sell them to you at the following low prices:

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State Ra3- ; sible if-the tram coinpaDiy)s way. Commission,Iiiits.or- dpwn-to^m ojr short hajil ' which i s its 6nly *der impbsuig'severe fe&tnc- [ business, is taken tions upon a proposed " jitney-taxi System of cabs, awayf or even partiallyf taken away. A division of the • said: This Commission has ex- short-haul business will . ercised complete and contin- eventually mean either less ued jurisdiction over the frequent street car service rates and service of the to: the outlying districts/ or Omaha & Council fluffs higher fares, or both. Street Railway Company, The city of Omaha, in the and is requiring it to" fur- opinion of this Commission, nish transportation through- is now adequately supplied out the city for a 10c cash with mass transportation. fare, or a token fare of 8|^c. ^ 1MB low cost transportation : This Commission is well is" "now being furnished by aware of the fact that Jong this tram company. Motor distance hauling by the tram transportation for hire is company is done -at a loss, furnished by numerous taxiand the only profitable busi- - cab companies, against the ness enjoyed by such com- service of which there has pany is the down-town short never been any complaint haul business. The Com- filed with this Commission, mission now feels, under and which this Commission present circumstances, that at present has reason to beits primary obligation to the lieve is adequate, for the people of Omaha is to do reason that these present everything in its power to taxicab companies are now see that all of the people of operating fewer cabs than Omaha have available low they did a few years ago, and cost transportation. This, the number of tram car ridobviously, would not be pos- ers is monthly growing less.

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of Omaha Jewry Are Upon the Philan thropies Campaign ** 1,262 Has Already Been Raised « $40,050, Our Full Quota, MUST Be Raised

IT IS TO YOU who have not pledged, that the EYES of our people look for the balance AND , . . » if YOU could but look into the tearful EYES of the crippled Children! . . . . if YOU could but look into the pleading EYES of the sick and destitute! . . . . if YOU could but look into the pitiful EYES of the poor and hungry!

• • • if You Could Only

their EYES

There would be no question of your giving and that balance being raised We READ stories of their extreme poverty and utter misery* We HEAR morbid tales of their suffering:, wretchedness and helplessness. We IMAGINE we know their anguish, their gloom, their bitterness, their true plight... but we d o n ' t . . . IF YOU COULD ONLY LOOK INTO THE EYES OF THOSE WHO NEED YOUR HELP . . . only. THEN would you know what it is to suffer. Give like you have never given before. True, there are some things we cannot afford to do this year.. .but there are some things we cannot afford NOT to d o . . .





PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRH)AY, MAY 13, 1932 IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney their "Lenin Corners." The syna- If you want to be considered 'scien301 Electric Building gogues hardly differ from the other tific', enlightened and a really good houses in appearances. They are communist, you renounce your religNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF small, one story structures. The on. But not all people have the capa- "NATIONAL AUTO PARTS COMPANY, rear is partitioned off, or else cur- city for a scientific understanding of Inc." Notice is hereby given that the undertained, for the women, in accordance ife. Not all people have the capa- sigued have associated themselves together with the Orthodox custom. The seat- ity for a scientific education. The and have organized a corporation under laws of the State of Nebraska. The ing capacity of these houses are majority of people still depend on re- the name of this corporation is "National Auto never taxed. The congregation conParts Company, Inc." The principal place business shall be at Omaha, Nebraska; sists of the oldest members of the ligion for a spiritual support. And of the general nature of the business to colonies, and according to the pres- when 'they' will realize that 'they' that be transacted shall lie to own and operate or more automobile and motor supply ent rate of assimilation, when they can legislate religion out of politics, one and to buy, sell aud deal in genpass on there will be more build- but 'they' cannot legislate it out of houses erally and to manufacture nil types of automobiles, engines, machines ings for Jewish centers, unless the the hearts and minds of a people, then motors, and devices. Also to deal in and with all Soviets decide to appropriate the they' will permit religion again. And materials, tools, machinery, accessories, then you will see a return, such as appliances and equipment necessary and synagogues before then. useful in connection with this business; has never been witnessed before." On Saturday morning we drove and to purchase or otherwise acquire, own, mortgage, pledge, sell, assign and transfer to the Novey Poot (New Road) During my travels in Russia I had or otherwise dispose of goods, wares and colony. Men and women were plough- occasion to observe that the children merchandise of every class and description. ing in the fields. We saw several were as free from the influence of re- To deal in lands and leaseholds and nny estate and right in real property, old men leaving the synagogue, car- ligion as a leaf is of the tree from interest, to Dorrow money, to issue bonds and to rying small velvet bags into which which it has fallen. The program of secure the same by mortgage, pledge, deed or otherwise. had been folded their praying the child, both in and out of school, ofTotrust hold, sell and transfer shawls. They were dressed in their is so arranged that it does not permit shares purchase, of stock of this and other corporations and to do any and all other things of a religious education or sentiment. best, and their holiday mien preThis article forms a chapter in a which recounted the trials and trib- hominess of Jewish life. useful for. or necessary in connection with book on Russia entitled "This New ulations of the people of Israel, was When I returned to my seat I sented a striking- contract to the Early in life they are taught that God the conduct of the busiuess of the corporaRed Freedom," by Thelma Nurenfound Rifkeh, the dark-eyed daugh- few colonists coming up the road, is a bourgeois myth, and when they tion. The authorized capital stock is Ten berg a Jewish newspaperwomen, now crowded with the noisy, animat- ter of the Jewish colonists. Her one of whom was lugging a large know that what is bourgeois is the Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), divided into •which has just been published by ed youth of Russia. friends grouped around us, eager can of kerosene, while the other was enemy, inimical to communism. There 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which stock shall be common stock is no possibility for parents to counThe auditorium was darkened, the and curious about America, which dragging a Singer sewing machine tothe Wadsworth Press.—Editor. and may be paid for in cash, noteB or teract this. Religious schools are other concert commenced..The singer, who was dismissed after three questions, ward the end house. property or services at the reasonable market value thereof, and shall be We drove along a path which cut closed and parents who want their non-assessable. Having officially declared the non- Had been - advertised as a famous whereupon they became ardently naicistence of God, the Soviet govern- opera star, walked across the stage, tive again. A veritable barrage of its way through luxuriant soil. We children to know something of He- The corporation shall commence business and tradition must engage a on the 1st day of May, 1932, and Khali ment is waging a crusade for the and stopped in the center. Clasping questions commenced. Had I ob- were approaching the Krassin col- brew law on the 1st day of May. 19S2. teacher, which they rarely can terminate transfer of worship from the mono- her hands together and pressing served the construction going on all ony. Here, too, the fields were be- private unless its life be extended as by law afford. Under existing conditions, it provided. That the highest amount of nny them over her heart, she began to over Russia? Was there not greater ing ploughed on the Sabbath. The is impossible to adhere to dietic laws. indebtedness theistic conception of the deity, to or liability to which this the Marxian conception of the state sing, loud and shrill. There was an development going on in Russia chauffeur took the one passable Jewish corporation is nt any time to subject itself custom and ceremony, that is not to exceed two-thirds of its capital utter lack of resonance in her voice, street. He stopped the car and we than elsewhere? Did I find another as the Omnipotent One. Ancient reprop which is one of the mainstays of stock. ligions are no longer a guide to and it sounded as though she were people who had so much to look made for one of the houses. the affairs of this corporation shall Jewish people, is being eliminated beThat A tall, heavily built woman in the conducted by a Board of Directors of the perplexed. The biblical "thou pressing her finger against her nose. forward to? Was there a people radually from Jewish rife in Russia, not less than two nor more than five, and shalt arid thou shalt not" no longer The' program, which had been ar- elsewhere who had opportunitities her fifties answered the agronome's for it is only the old who observe the following officers: a president, a vice ranged by the entertainment divispresident, a secretary and a treasnrer, any knock. Immediately we entered we for self-development like the Rusapply. The theory of communism has them, now. Children known to be intwo of which offlceB may be held by one been reduced to simple maxims, and ion of the Narkompross, consisted sians? They continued to thrust felt the Sabbath spirit in the air. fluenced by parental religious fervor and the same person. made available to the masses as the of Jewish popular songs, revolution- questions" at me until the auditorium From the stiff white apron which are criticised and •ridiculed. Incorporators: DAVE B. CORN modern catechism. And culture in ary songs, and the new Jewish col- was darkened again, and the con-the colonist wore, " to the Chatos MOKltlS SEIDMAN. The holidays, the colorful back(Sabbath bread) on a plate covered Soviet Russia is knowledge of the ony songs. Each popular Jewish cert continued. LILLIAN COHN. song was followed by a song of the principles of communism, The second part of the program by a napkin, emanated the peace- ground of festivities on which every In the presence of: In conformity with the pledges new day. As a finale to the first commenced with a violin selection, ful holiday atmosphere. The man of Jewish person of orthodox parentage 1RVIX C. LEVIN. for full autonomy to all the nation- part of the program, she sang "Sha rendered by a youth who played the house was sleeping on a sofa. ooks back with such pleasant mem- 4-29 31!-4t ' alities compressed within its borders, Sha, der Rabbi Geht" (Silence— with profound feeling and excellent We had heard his snores through ories, are also a thing of the past, and the Soviet government has permit- the Rabbi is coming) one of the technique. A deafening aplause the open window as we approached only the old persist in clinging to the out of force of habit, like life ted and is encouraging the use of most familiar and beloved of Jewish broke out as he, with infinite ten- the house. It was the most bombas- religion, itself. Even in the Jewish colonies Let Parilman Attend Your ballads. When she finished the setic snore I had ever heard. His litnative languages. In the Jewish colderness, drew the final notes across people are absorbing- the communPLUMBING NEEDS onies, as well as cities with a large lection, a burst of applause greeted his bow. The singer followed him. tle black skull cap was pushed over the ist theory—the theory of being social Free Estimates Quoted Jewish population, the school course; her, the first genuine response she She sang a new colony song, the re- his forehead, and his expansive minded—and not race conscious. And are given in Jewish in these regions. had received. frain of which was intended to be- waist as well as^'his thick white already it is having telling effects. The government administration and During the intermission I was come popular with Jewish colonists. beard rose and fell" with each snore. On the sideboard stood the Sab- Jewish culture lingers in Russia, the courts are conducted by Jews, presented to her. I asked her if she The propaganda was very obvious, 4915 Davenport WA 92-59 bath candles. FineJ short ends of but it is giving way to Communism for Jews, and in the Jewish language. had selected three phases of Jewish for the words: clothed in the Jewish language. tallow hung down, looking like icicles. There are sections of Jewish mil- songs because of their popularity, Oh have I a father Nearby, on a glass tray, stood a itzia in the Ukraine. One is apt to or had she chosen them because of (Oi hob ich a fatter) decanter of wine, and several small conclude, especially when one sees their music value. At once she as-He has a pair of horses wine glasses, rimmed with gold. No flourishing Jewish agricultural col- rared me that neither of these two (Hat ehr a pahr pferd) sooner did we enter the house than onies, -"Here will I find Isaiah's ;houghts had occurred to her when And on every sabbath the sleeping man awoke, sprang up remnant that will return." But I had she had arranged the program. Her (Und yedem Shabbos) Miss Mildred Webb, formerly of Monheit's Beauty Salon, is now from the couch, and came forward been in the colonies scarcely a day concert, she told me, was a music He ploughs with them the fields when I realized that I was witness- education for the people across the (Hakt ehr auf dem erd) to greet us, adjusting his skull cap. managing the "Shalom!" (peace be .to thee) he ing a successful process of assimi- footlights. With new songs and an intended to convey the meaning that accompanying explanation she was no longer do the Jewish fathers ob- called out the Jewish greeting and lation. Ja. 6398 105 So. 18th St. Nowhere was this more obvious weaving a closer bond between her serve the Sabbath, as of yore. No smiled, a wide, pleasant smile. At. 3210 The former melamed and I than in the Krivoy Rog Jewish Cen- audience and the government. I longer was there a holy day of rest Come in and Let Miss Webb Show You ter. Formerly a synagogue, it is now asked her why she had selected a and prayer. When the concert end- launched into a conversation which her line of beauty specialties. The Morris Beauty Shop is equipped song which was so interwoven with ed, Rifkeh and her friends joined ranged from the difficulties of life being used for meetings, lectures and to take care of your beauty needs. the Jewish sentiment. To which she me as I walked home. They dis- on the soil because of excessive taxconcerts. replied that she had sung "Sha, Sha, In was Friday night, and the au- der Rabbi Geht" merely to point out missed the singer a s ' a "screecher tion, to the new y^uth : of Russia. "Before Trotzky was exiled, nearly ditorium was filled. One did not get the foolishness of pious reverence of nothings." There are social centers in nearly everybody was a T5fotzkist," he statthe feeling that it was the Sabbath of the Jews for their Rabbis; to ileve. The raised platform on which lustrate a satire on religion. But I every Jewish colony. Once a •week, ed. "But now that he is out of favor once reposed the Ark of the Cov-was convinced that the audience had usually on a Friday night, .there is with the government, nobody is for enant, the To rah, and the pulpit enjoyed the song not because of its a program which includes either a him. Do you think he has really lost No—but it isn't were now bare. A white sheet ex- satirical possibilities, but because it concert, a lecture, or a cinema. his following? tended across the wall. It was used reflected so warmly the cheerful Many of the colonies are equipped healthy to declare it! And so with with libraries, which invariably have Judaism. Just now it isn't popular. as a screen when a picture was on the program. A piano stood against it. The people who filled the auditorium were attired in field or fac" tory clothes, soiled, smelly. The huge Ill room which had once resounded to the chanting of a people absorbed in holy prayer, was now alive •with the buzz of conversation pertaining to the mundane world. Of the 600 people present, hardly more than 10 per cent had passed their 30th year. The balcony, where formerly the women, curtained off from the men, sat huddled over age-worn books

gue m

Jewis% Culture Lingers in Russia But Is Giving Way to Communism

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PAGE-6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 Deputy ;Pichno and former Deputy Washkiewich, both leaders of the left wing of the People's Labor party, head the new group. *" ' Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—A National It is expected that membership fat Socialist party, patterned after that in Germany headed by Adolph Hitler, the new group is to be recruited from is being established in Poland, is the People's Labor partjr. reported from Lodz, where 150 per- Socialization of production in insons met for the purpose of, prgjaniz- dustry and, agriculture is one o£ j ^ : ing- the -party. - - .---:.::.'-:•- .' major demands of the new party.

Nazi Party Being ^ Organized in Poland

A Race's Symphony MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent, Hadassah Linen BUILDING FUND Shower Wednesday CARNIVAL FOR THIS MONDAY


Scene from "Symphony of Six Million"

Society 'News

Members of; the Senior Hadassah Mr. and Mrs. H. Feder, 1119 Fourwill give their'annual,linen shower on teenth Street,' 'announce the engageWednesday afternoon, May 18, at'the ment of their daughter, Gertrude, to Jewish Community Center. The af-Michael Eisenberg of Minneapolis. ternoon will open with a luncheon at The -wedding ffill be an event of early Elaborate plans have been coniplt! the Center, at ;i o'clock. A musical June. ed for the" annual Building Fun_ program will. follow. The linens Carnival, sponsored by the Federation brought by.the guests will be sent to Among the several social courtesies of Jewish Social Service, which is institutions in Palestine. extended to Miss Charlotte Salkin, a scheduled for Monday" evening, May Mrs. Sam Mosow is in charge of the June bride, is a bridge party to be 16, in the City auditorium at Seventh luncheon arrangements; Mrs. Harry given tomorrow evening when Miss and Dougl as streets. A' program of Wigodsky, publicity; Mrs. M. Weiner Dorothy TiloVitz and Miss Esther games, dancing and a cafeteria sup and Mrs. Jack Robinson, dining room; Wutkin will entertain. The bride's and Mrs. Sam Passman, reseryatipns. colors and Spring floVrers will appoint per will be features of the evening. Mr. Si Krueger is the general chair- Mrs. William Lazere will preside at the supper table. man of arrangements. Assisting him the luncheon and meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leibowitz, 1701 <M the general committee are E. N. Ross street, entertained a number of Grueskin, Max-Friedman, A. J. Galinfriends Saturday evening; in honor of sfcy, Abe Pill, A. M. Davis, Sovel MOUNT SINAI their fifth wedding anniversary. Krueger and J. Kalin. Mr. Abe Pill is in charge of the ad- Services;at Mount Sinai Temple will Bridge, was followed by a buffet supvertising committee. He has been be continuedevery Friday evening un- per. assisted by M. E. Skalovsky, M. Seff. til June 10, at which time the ReAn old-fashioned style revue was a J. Kalin, A. H. Baron, E. N. Grue- ligious (School will hold its annual feature of the Junior Hadassah proskin, Leon Dobrofsky, B. H. Shiloff, exercises. gram, at their meeting Thursday Morey Lipshutz, Ruben Miller, M.r AlThe! schedule of sermons announced bert,1 Israel Kaplan, Ike Levin, Max in the Temple bulletin for the coming night. Miss Charlotte Fitzgibbons : The soul of the Jewish people will spirit portrayed in an epic, soulFalk, John Levin, Sovel Krueger, Mil month are as follows, May 13, "Thesang several solos, accompanied by ton Bplstein, Edwin Baron, M. Satin. Price of Greatness;" May 20, "Some Mr. Pierce Wall at the piano. Miss be laid bare this week. The story probing epitome of Jewish history, Elizabeth Raskin presided. of the Jewish race . .'.poignant, contained in a two-hour talking picM. Lasensky, Moe Lazere, H. Baum- Necessary Illusions;" May 27, "Recharged with emotion, stirring in itsture. stein, J. Oxman, William Kantor, Dr. membering our Heroes;" June 3, "MaMiss Sara Woskoff has returned appeal . . . will come to the screen H. Levin, Mike Skalovsky, William gnolia Street" Such a drama as "Symphony of Galinskyi A. I. Schwartz, H. Miller, On June 5, the annual confirmation home after visiting with her sister in of the Orpheum < theater in "SymSix Million" is a welcome change phony of Six Million," the portrayal from the hackneyed Jewish-Irish Mrs. M. Mushkm, Mrs. E. E. Baron, service will be held. This year's Omaha last week-end. of the struggles of a young Jewish slapstick so typical of the screen's Mrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. Sam Mo-class which is the largest in the hissow, Mrs. J. Harkoway, Mrs. Maxtory of. the congregation, include the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levine of Losdoctor and the high-minded woman picturization of Jewish life. At last offers her body, her soul, her comes a portrayal of Jews you can Lasensky, Mrs. A. Slutsky, Mrs. M. children: Ethel Baron, Mir- Angeles are guests in the home of who very life to him. N. London, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mrs. following Mr. and Mrs. William Salzman. meet every day, in a story that am .Blank, Sylvia Borshevsky, AnnaM. E. Skalovsky and Mrs. Leon Shul- bell By a modern- day miracle, Jews throbs with dramatic current as deep Emlein, Carolyn Fishgall, Markin. ' Mr. Louis Sinikin has returned to will be able to see this week their as the soul of humanity. garet Kosberg, Henry Greenberg, The ticket committee is headed by Dorothy his home in St. Paul, after spending London, Rose Jean Passman, Mrs. William Lazere; Assisting her Pill, Eleanor Prusiner, Betty the past week visiting at the home of permission to hold the meeting reon the committee are Mrs. Philip Alice Meeting Privilege Rosenstock, Mateel Stein and Mine Mr. and Mrs. L. Sinikin. garding the human methods of Sherman, Mrs. Sam Mosow, Mrs. Lou Slotsky. Denied to Fascists animal slaughter. Later, however, it Agranoff, Mrs. J. Harkoway, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder of Ro- London.—(J. T. A.)—Municipal au- displayed posters announcing that it Max Lasensky, Mrs. Ben Shindler, On June 10, the Religious School Mrs. M. Laziowitch, Mrs. L. Sinikin, will graduate four pupils who have mona, S. D., visited in Sioux City, thorities of Hempstead withdrew the would "expose facts about the barMrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. Leon Shul- ompleted their "work in the high ast week end at the home of Mr.license granted the Imperial Fascist barous Jewish methods of slaughterldn, Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. department. They are Bernice and Mrs. S. Marsh. League for the purpose of holding ing cattle." When officials learned Slutsky, Mrs. Joe Guttleman, Mrs. S. Galinsky, Frances Kalin, Ruth Koza public meeting at the town hall. of this, they withdrew the authorizaLevitan, Mrs. Robert Sacks, Mrs. Joe erg and Sara Rocklin. Rewards for Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, 1704 The League officially applied for tion for the meeting. Kutcher. Ji Kalih, Frank Margolin, perfect attendance and excellent work Douglas street, visited in Lincoln, NeMilton Bolstein, Max Lasensky and will be awarded to the deserving pu- braska last week-end with their son, ils on this evening. Ben Novitsky. ,.,.; : Fred, who is a student at the univerPreserve dud Modernize Your Property by Sunday evening, May 15, Rabbi sity. Mrs;. J. Kalin and Mrs. E. jf. GrueLewis will speak before members of skih, 'chairmen of the donation com-' :,-.'': :>. Painting and Decorating mittee: have; been assisted by .Maxhe Philo Club, a Jewish organization -Friedman, William Galinsky, Mrs.iB.j f the student body, at Iowa City. He H. Epstein,! Mrs. Joe Kutcher,; MrsJ will also attend the annual meeting Kuben Miller, Mrs. Joe Levin, i Mrs.: f i the School of Religion. AT 2864 Sam Shulkin, Mrs. Meyer Marks and Mrs. Sam L. Cohen. ''•]''•:': BY F. B* K. School News Mrs. Sam Mosow is in charge' of Max Maron, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. the cafeteria; She will be assisted by Mrs. Louis Kroloff will give a BeriMrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. B.H. Em- D. Maron, 613 Center street, was lein, Mrs. Max>MushkinrMrs. J. Hark- amed editor-in-chief of the Record, sfit Bridge Party at her home at 215 oway,?Mrs; A.: Slutsky, and Mrs. A. I. fficial Central high school student South Ninth street, next Wednesday "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" publication, by- Mr. Emil Fisher, ad- afternoon, May 18th, at 2:30 o'clock. S a c k s ; '•':••;•• •".' •;.'; — r : . . , : _ : , . . < ; | f > .;, iriser. He succeeds Abe Singer who Proceeds from this affair will go t o • Funerals To Fit Any Purse Mi's. E. N. Grueskin and Mr^Milton Bolstein are in charge of the publicity. served as editor this year. Others ap- the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Talmud Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third Organizations haying booths at the pointed to the staff are Isadore Torah fund. Reservations should be White, Paul Sperling and Rosaball made as soon as possible with either carnival include the A. Z. A., Senior Mrs. Kroloff, telephone 4683, or Mrs. Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, Business Wigodsky. Abe Gilinsky, telephone 1779. Girls, Ivre, Mount Sinai Sisterhood, Hebrew Mother's Club, Iota Tau, Pi Gisela Pill, who represented the THE Epsilon Tau, Deborah, Maccabees, Y. Northwest district of Iowa in the Cel- The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim J. A., Ladies' Auxiliary of. Shaare lo division at the state music festival Society will hold a meeting next Zion and the Workmen's Circle Aux- in Iowa City, was awarded second Thursday evening, May 19th, at the l iliary. Mrs. J. Kaplan will assist place in the state contest. Tieing Eagles' Hall. with the booths. -.' • with Kenneth Bullis of Mediapols for of Nebraska Women The booths will be built along three first place the two were asked to comwalls of the auditorium, with dancing pete again, at which time she was The Ladies' Aid Society will hold Try a Bag Today space in the center of the hall. Lee iyen second place. The string quar- a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Hcrzoff and his orchestra will furnish tette composed of Sam Osheroff, Rue- May 17th, at the synagogue, 618 the music for dancing. ben Halpern, Gisela Pill and Sherley Mynster street. AH members are urged to be present. •' Proceeds of the carnival are turned Ostapoff was awarded third place. towards the building fund of the Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enterAn Erla radio, donated by Davidson Sisterhood of Mount tained the members of their Sunday Brothers company, will be given away Bridge Club at their home SunSinai Honor Mothers Nite as a; door prize. • -• day evening. Mrs. Herman Wise of Chicago, 111., was a guest of the club. Members of the Mount Sinai Sisterhood honored the mothers and daugh- Mrs. Abe Gilinsky spent the past Rusiness Women to ters of the Temple congregation Wedend visiting her son-in-law and Fete Mothers nesday evening at their annual Moth- week daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherer and Daughter banquet. Mrs. Louis man, in Sioux City, Iowa. The Business Girls Club of the; Agranoff presided as toastmistress. .w • > • • •; Jewish• Community Center will .hold; The .invocation was offered by Mrs.FKADENBUKG, STAIMASTEJR * BEBER its annual Mother, and Daughter ban-' William Lazere. Speaking in. behalf 630 Omaha Kat'l Bank BHe. quet next Thursday evening. May 19 of the daughters were Miss Dorothy NOTICE BY PDBL1CATIOX OX PETILondon, and Miss Bernice Galinsky. TION FOR at the Center. SETTLEMENT OF FIJJAI. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT/ Mrs. A.' H. Baron responded in behalf Mrs. William Lazere will be the In the County Court of Douglas County. .•; • . - . • > . • , • principal speaker of the evening. Eva. of the mothers. A musical:program Nebraska. I n the'Matter of the Estate of John B. Orlikoff will speak in behalf of thewas given by Mrs. J. J. Arkin, Miss .Crawford, Deceased. . . .• daughters. Elizabeth Raskin will of- Miriam Blank, Miss Betty Rosen- _ AH persons Interested In snid matter are notified that on the 20th day of fer the invocation. Sam Osheroff stock and Miss Ethel Baron.' Miss hereby 1932. Irene Davis filed a petition In heard in a group of songs and Lillian Dimmitt, dean of women at April, said. County Court, praying that her final account filed herein be setRonya Daskovsky will give several Morningside college was the principle administration tled and allowed, and that she be disdances. A playlet presented by mem- speaker. charged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said bers of the J. C. C. Dramatic club wil petition before Baid Court on the 26th day also be on the program. of May, 1932, and that if you fail to np?ear before said Court on the snid 28th Miss Sara Woskoff, who will preday of May, 1032, at 9 o'clock A. M., and SHAARE ZION side is in charge of the general arcontest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of .said petition, enter a derangements; Fannie Cohen, decoracree of heirship. and make such other and tions; Charlotte Salkin, program, and The late Friday evening services at furtheir orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end Mary Rosofsky, menu. Shaare Zion Synagogue have been dis- that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. continued until the fall holidays. SerBRSCE- CRAWFORD, vices will be held every morning at County Judge. Death Claims Resident 7:30 and every evening at sunset.


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Funeral services for Louis B. Cohen To Speak Here who died last week were held from Dr." Moses Jung and Dr. Willard the home of his sister, Mrs. Max Her-Lempe of Iowa City are scheduled to zoff, 2310 Court street. Mr; Cohen, speak before . members of the \ B'nai who was a resident of Sioux City,for Brith lodge next Tuesday eveningMin 15 years died following an operation the-Jewish Community Center. Dr. Rabbi H. R- Rabinowitz officiated at Jung is in' charge of the Jewish dithe funeral. ; vision of the School of Religion which is connected with the state university and Dr. Lempe is at the head of the entire enterprise. They will be accompanied to Sioux City by Dr. Eugene Mannheimer of Des Moines, la JELECTRIC LIGHT'SERVICE CO.) The speakers will tell of the work VWe feed the multitude" of, the School; of Religion, and the imk With Tasty Foods V portant place J t . has assumed the life of the student body in Iowa City^

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