May 20, 1932

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of Jewish People Kntered as Second-Uasa Mail Matt£ ^ Postofflce at Omaha. Nebraska. unde^S*.


rch 3.

Campaign Enthusiastic Spirit Prevails As Philanthropies Approaches Goal of $40,050

3FRIDAY, 3SIAY 20, 1932

VoL IX—No. 16


Uti Temple Brotherhood Dinner Meeting to Be Held'on Wednesday


Government Enterprise Out of Bira Bidjan Project


Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The praesiThe -Brotherhood' of Temple Israel dium of the Zik, under the presidency will have the Rev;. Lawrence Plank >f Michael Kalinin, has resolved that of the ' First. Unitarian church as ts most important duty is to carry its guest speaker at the dinner meet- Robert Szold Issues Call for out the resolution to establish a na- leneral Restriction Sought in ing to be held; in'; the vestry room Annual American Anti-Semitic Action in tional autonomous Jewish unit in Bira of Temple* Israel i Wednesday eveConvention Bidjan. Mexico ning, May 25. " j In order to carry out this undertakThe twenty-two ^members, of the New York.—(J. T. A.)—In a call ng the praesidhim of the Zik will isMexico City.—(J. T. A.)—Grave confirmation class will be guests of Justin Wolf Will "Over the Top" Dinner f or Men;XVorkei-s the Brotherhood a t the dinner. One for the Zionist convention which sue instructions to all economic bodies danger to the poorest group of Jewof the cliiss will make a will meet this year at Philadelphia in the Soviet Union regarding the ish peddlers and merchants who sell at Community Center Monda^ Evening Graduate Harvard member on July 3 and 4, Robert Szold, chair- method of collaboration with the up- on the installment plan is in prosshort talk in behalf of the class. With "Cum Laude" Louis Somberg, ^president of the man of administration of the Zionist building work in Bira Bidjan, which pect, if the suggestion of Luis now to be considered a government Araiza, labor leader and member of Organization of America, declared asked to do more; no one should do luce Manning Brotherhood, will • A dauntless spirit which will Justin Robert Wolf, son of Mr. and enterprise. that despite the world depression, the advisory council of the federal Eabbi FredHandler as to ..ot accept defeat is buoying up less." Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, will graduate erick Cohn-will sax grace. the Zionists will assemble "in one The praesidium, in discussing the district, is adopted by the Council Tuesday's Report. from Harvard in June with "cum the enthusiasm of the.workers The enthusiastic Mrs. Abe Sombejg and Mrs. Samof the most propitious periods of the situation in Crimea and Ukraine, de- at its next meeting. The federal disspirit, evinced. by laude" honors, the highest the college Berkowitz will be in charge of the Zionist movement's history" as far cided upon the consolidation of the rict includes Mexico City and envirin the annual Jewish Philan- the -workers at the report luncheons can bestow upon a student, according national districts there but to refrain ons. There is an attempt to restrict preparation and service of the din- as Palestine is concerned. thropies campaign as the drive explains why the leaders are so con- to an announcement just made by ner, which is und4t the charge of "No country in the world," says for the time being from establishing the granting of licenses to Mexicans. the Harvard faculty. Word of this the Sisterhood.; Talk even exists of taking licenses the statement of Mr. Szold, "has new colonies. swings into the home steeteh to- « * - ^ t ^ - j g j p - - signal honor was • received here by at 6:30 p. m. Dinner will be served weathered away from foreigners, because of the the world depression so wards the goal of $40,050. h a s b e e n ac 'tmg~as master of cere- Justin's parents' Wednesday morning. competition with the native merwell as Palestine. At a time when It is unusual for the Harvard auchants. • At.the report luncheon held,at the monies at the luncheons every country is faced by a condiAt, Tuesday's report luncheon Mon- thorities to graduate a student from tion of tragic unemployment, PalesCommunity Center Tuesday noon,-the All these suggestions have come College of Arts and Science "cum tine is actually suffering from a as a result of the nationalistic camtotal raised was $26,741.45. The re- sky announced a donation from the the laude." labor shortage. That the Jewish paign that Mexico has been carrying port made at Thursday's luncheon, At Harvard Justin has been in homeland is a "going concern" is on for over a year. This campaign For Men Workers! not yet completed at press time, was many varied activities. He was espeevidenced by nothing better than the opened up with an attack on the cially outstanding in forensic work, expected to bring the sum pledged middle class and -entirely unsubsiJews. Only after protests on the Attention, all men workers! An being a member of the Harvard dedized immigration which has begun much closer to the goal. part of the local Jews did the na"over the top" dinner will be held bate team while still a sophomore. to' stream into the land. 5*rom Gertionalistic campaign dissociate itself "An "over the top" dinner will be T. A.)—Anti-Semiat the Jewish Community Center many and from even America, which ticMontreal.—(J. from the anti-Semitic campaign.' Of • held at the Jewish Community Cenefforts on the part of local pubon Monday, evening, May 23,. at Protests Made Concerning: Vilna hitherto have generally looked upon lications will be curbed in the near late certain of the newspapers, espeter Monday evening, May 23, at 6:30 p. m. for men workers of. all Palestine in the' light of a philan- future, according to an announce- cially "El Nacional," the organ of Decision: oh Polish 6:30 p. m., for all men workers of divisions of the Jewish Philanthropic or cultural project, men are ment just made by the Postmaster- the Partido Nacional Revolucionario, all divisions in the drive. The Riots thropies campaign. leaving for Palestine attracted by its General, Hon. Arthur Sauve. under the guise of denouncing the workers are expected to turn out Your fellow workers will - be economic possibilities. exploitation of the Mexican workers, full force. * The postmaster has informed the there. Be sure that you attend, Warsaw.—( J. T. A.)—The indigna- "The Britiish government has now have been waging a bitter campaign, Optimism Prevails. too. tion of the Jewish population aroused modified to some extent its harsh Hon. Peter Bercovitch, the Jewish against Jewish manufacturers and member of the Provincial legislature Upon the success of the campaign by ..the "verdict .o'f-the court in Vilna , Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The proc- in sentencing- Shmuel Wulfin to two restrictions towards the immigrant that immediate steps will be taken merchants in the needle trades. depends the welfare of thirty local, Harry Lapidus estate of $300.00, and without capital, and recently grant"El Nacional" has denied the fact to stop this flagrant violation of national, and international agencies, a gift from Mrs. Lapidus of $50.00. lamation of four separate districts years' imprisonment: on "charges of that it is carrying on anti-Jewish beneficiaries in the present drive. The The revered leader who during his in'connection with the land develop- having taken part in the events lead- ed 2,000 labor certificates. This the postal laws. budget of $40,050 was arrived at after lifetime led many a local campaign to ment • plan" is recommended ' by the ing to the' death of the Christian number falls considerably short of The attention of the postmaster propaganda and has insisted that it careful pruning and paring had heat victory was always foremost in phil- French Report, according to informa- student killed during the excesses, the demands as set forth by the was drawn to this new form of anti- was • only .- interested in seeing that Jewish Agency, on the basis of its Semitic incitement in a letter which the. labor laws and other laws of the away every possible superfluous .ex- anthropic efforts. tion : the "Davar" states it has ob- has riot yet vanished.survey of the labor needs of the Mr.. Bercovitch addressed to Mf country are not broken. Merely for penditure. tained. , , , : Resentment; is' felt!,over the action M6nsky^»lled on the following who country, nevertheless the letting Sauye, in the course of which 'he the purpose of. identification has *'it . ^Campaign leaders remain optimis- made The districts, sthe< publication says, of the court wMchtiB imposing sentshort talks: Dave Goldman, down x>f the bars to even this degree said: mentioned that-the laws are'being tic: that the entire sum sought will be ,Max'. Grounse.v. would be/diyided into Beersheba, Beiience on Wulfin : declared that the Mrs. David Avi :_GolcUr : is a sign that the growth of the broken by the Jews. raised ere the army of campaigners stein, I . fe .and Jewsr- were-^espsaabte for .bringing Jewish HomelaM isiibwtoo Evident, am enclosing an envelope which \ The insincerity of " E l Naciotaal** : quit: .--.".;.-; • • '., i .-.' ; : -' . ; . • ' / . • • ' - . " W - - : ' : i - ' contained a letter sent through the the excesses fr»m.-the\"iinivezsityinto SainTJe - "An analysis -ot-4h&--pledge cards Schwartz, states, suggests the Arabs should the streets, and that Jews have hated for any of the hostile immigration royal mails by "Le Goglu." You will can be seen in the fact thafwfien Wolf. attitudes of the past to be retained. it published in-its issue of May 5 turned in to date convince us that it A.The showed that the^youtfo be settled, first and then the Jews Christians since the time of the "The figures show that the nam note on the back of same a sticker the complaints of the grocery clerks is only, a matter of work from, now divisionreports be allowed to take advantage of still _the only one which Inquisition. bers of American tourists, leaving containing the following legend: "T against a sixteen-hour day, low on in.'-^Henry Monsky, general chair- had gonewas over the top by Tuesday, whatever land will be available and for Palestine this year is larger by Jew is of Asiatic issue, a mixture wages, and unhygienic conditions, it Polish* Federation Speaks. man of the campaign, said. "We mil but the women's division was within to-whatever extent the funds of the of yellow and black. The Whites did not Yhention the fact that almost The court in Vilna which sentenced approximately 50 per cent over las' must stay on the job until we, have fsuc- easy reach of its goal. development loan will permit. keep away from him.' year. all the grocery stores in Mexico City ceededv for. succeed we must. . With Wulfin is charged with "giving imGiving further details of the re"I suggest that this scandalous suffering on the increase, sacrifice on "Large numbers of these tourists, sheet is not only infringing the laws are owiied by Spaniards. port the "Davar" states that the pression that Jews were guilty of the part of those of us who still have transfer of land without government excesses against the Christian popu- after seeing the country, settle there. of libel but in its brazen scurrility something must be greater than ever approval should be prohibited and lation, and not that they had to During the past several months, ap has trespassed upon laws concerning before." the government should have a right defend themselves," while the Polish proximately 400 American Jews hav< the using of mails for scurrilous and to priority on the purchase of any embassy in, the United States is left for Palestine to establish them obscene matters." : Philip M. Klutznick, general solilands that-are offered for sale. Jews, criticized for its refusal to comment selves permanently there. All of j In his reply the postmaster-general citations. co-chairman, spoke, enthusiit is reported French states, already upon this verdict or to answer i these Palestine immigrants were of states that he has "noted the conastically* of the continued efforts of the, workers in the ranks. "Our men have enough- land and the fellaheen quiries directed to it, in a state- the "capitalist" category, which tents of Mr. Bercovitch's letter and Rabbi N. Feldman is giving a series have pledged to stay on the firing should therefore be protected and ment issued by the Federation of means that each one of them to en- is taking immediate steps to see that ter Palestine had to bring with him the postal laws shall in this and of lectures and interpretations on line - until - victory is ours,-: and - they Event to Bring .Season of Ac should not be;permitted to part with Polish Jews in America., a minimum capital of approximately other respects be duly observed." Verdict Scored. 'Terkei Avbs," the "Ethical Chapters : will battle on until every possible cent their land; unless they leave themtivities of -Council to a $5,000. of the Fathers," every Saturday af« is subscribed." selves sufficient "for their" own use. Paris.—The Council of the Minor• • "vly Close i , v ' "A leading industry of the Jewish ternoon at 5 p. m. at the Adass YesAt one: point, the "Davar" says, ities League has issued a lengthy : Women Effective. settlers at present is that of orange hurim:synagogue, 25th and Seward. ' The leaders have been especially, The Senior Council of Clubs jof the French. speaks of the Keren Kaye- statement in which the disturbance cultivation. Sixty thousand dunans Rabbi Feldman is qualified to bring meth in the same terms as he does laudatory concerning the magnifithat took place in both Vilna and Jewish Community'•,Cehter-wfli close : of land have been planted in oranges out the beauty and deep underlying of'the' Arab landlords. - cent efforts of the women's divis- the 1931-1932 season*with its first anCracow last November are thorough- by Jewish settlers. The Palestine meaning! of the Perkei Avos. He has ion, under Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. nual banquet to be held at the J . C. C ly gone into. is regarded as superior to "Smicha" from eight of the greatest Upon a re-analysis, it has been de- Sunday, May 22, at 6 p. m. The banThe statement deals particularly orange any other on the European market. Rabbonim in Russia. He was thus cided that the women's quota of quet is being held to honor the d u i with the deikls of the trials which Next year, it is estimated, additional ordained at the age of twenty and $6,000 was set too high originally, and individuals who were winners,of followed these excesses and points 20,000 dunans will be planted in Lag B'Omer will be celebrated with was chief Jrabbi of Lubar, Russia, for and if the women raise $5,000 they awards offered by: the Council .during that there was a miscarriage of oranges. In other words, during the a literary program at the B'nai Jacob sixteen years. From there he was • ••• :-"/; will be considered to have gone the season. •• justice. The statement also points next year, there will be an increase synagogue, 24th and Nicholas St., on brought directly to Omaha, where he over the top. The Council will complete a varied Mrs. Sidney Katleman was elected to the evident partiality displayed in orange planting equal to one- Monday evening, May 23, starting at has been rabbi for five years. "The women of our community," and successful year, its first as a president of the Omaha chapter of by the police. third of the total plantings in all 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend -Introductory remarks will be made these lecture interpretations. Mrs. Greenberg stated, "realize their self-governing representative body'of the Junior Hadassah at a meeting Dealing with the verdicts, the previous years by Jews." ;he clubs of the Community' Center League says that while the impresheld Thursday evening, May 12, at by the chairman, I. Goldstein, followduty to give-in this campaign to the ed by an address on "What Is Lag utmost of their ability.: No one is mtrusted with the duty of regulating the Jewish Communitiy Center. She sion is conveyed that the Jews or;he relationships of the various clubs succeeds Mrs. Morris Franklin. ganized - the \ disturbances, even the B'Omer?" Ruth Feiner will read a Yale Fellowships the Center with the Jewish ComLag B'Omer story by Sholem AleiOther officers elected were: Miss police were compelled to admit that Mrs» Roihonek's Play ofmunity Center. The Senior Council is chem, and Sol Wezelman will give a Fine, first vice president; Miss special, Endek organizers went from New York.—(J. T. A.)—Moshe recitation entitled "Lag B'Omer." • Wins Second Prize composed of the following brganiza- Ida Bess Bernstein, second vice presi- Warsaw to the provinces with the Barn-Am is the first recipient of tions: A. Z. A. 1, 7, and 100, Alpha dent; Miss. Minnie Frohm;' recording purupqse of organizing outbreaks and Lag B'Omer is one of the importMrs. Philip Romonek's play, "Love Gamma Nu, Alpha Tau, Fa Hon, Hen- secretary; Miss ]: Anne Hertzberg, that none. ;of these organizers was fellowship to Yale university from ant national holidays which the London.—(J. T. A.)—The Soviet the Hebrew University in Palestine, Jewry of the old world always celeCannot Make the Dead Dance," has rietta- Szoldr Jecompter, Pi Alpha corresponding secretary; Miss Be3s ever punished. it Was revealed here when announce- brated. Also known as the Scholar's government has in its employ today just won second prize in a nation- Lambda, Sigma Kappa Chi and XI Kiishenbaum, financial treasurer; > Other Side. was made of the award of 178 Holiday, this festive occasion is meant 787,000 Jewish workers. More than Lambda. • . . / .. . wide contest held in Boston, Mass. Miss Rose Dolgoff, recording treas- Vilna.—-The court of appeals has ment fellowships and scholarships at Yale to inspire the Jewish youth to remind 119,000 of them are located in the The judges were Prof. Robert E. During the past year the Senior urer; Miss: Fannie Katelman of district of Moscow while Leningrad Rogers, professor of literature at Council has sponsored, the following Council Bluffs, reporter; Mrs. Mor-revoked the sentence of Semaszko, University^: them of the heroes of the past. has about 68,000. White Russia has Fifteen were awarded to Jewish Massachusetts Institute of Techno- vents: The first annual Senior Coun- ris Franklin, parliamentarian; Miss the only Christian worker who had The officers of 4he B'nai Jacob syn.logy; Anita Block, who is connected cil Carnival; held December 12, 1931,Annette Bender, senior sergeant of received a comparatively heavy sen- students. They are Dorothy Leven- agogue have extended an invitation to only 8,600 while the number in the 'with the Theatre Guild of New York which was attended by a large num- arms; Miss Dora Freshman, junior tence in connection with the anti- sohn, of Cincinnati, who wiU study all of Omaha Jewry to come and help Ukraine is given as a little over City; Sam Jaffe, who played the lead- ber of persons; the ^Senior Council sergeant of arms, and Misses Gert- Jewish excesses that took place here in the field of classics; David Fell- them celebrate the holiday. Refresh- 38,000. The report indicates that the numing part of Kringelein in Grand Hotel; Debate tournament, the winner of rude Gerber, Tobie Hertzberg and last November. Semaszko had been man, of Omaha, Nebr., government; ments will be served free to all. given a year's imprisonment. The Bertha Hirshstein, of St. Louis, sober of Jewish workers is now 80 and Prof. H. W. L. Dana, head of the which was the Sam Beber Chapter, Anna Hahn, as board members. court changed this to three months' ciology; Maximilian Stein, of Heidelper cent higher than it was at the Cambridge School of the Drama. A. Z. A. No. 100; the fourth annual conditional imprisonment and the man berg, Germany, botany; Louis Wein- Next Center Radio Plans were also made for the anend of 1926 and Soviet officials beNearly every state in the United All-Star Nite, first place being won stein, of Bridgeport, Conn., bacteriStates and several foreign countries by the Xi Lambda fraternity. The nual regional convention to be held was immediately released. that they will have no diffiPlay on Wednesday lieve ology; Joseph Milton Berstein, of submitted manuscripts. essay and oratorical contest winners on June 25 and 26 at .St. Joseph, culty in bringing up the number of and about thirty-five members Bridgeport, French; Jeanette Fox, of "Love Cannot Make the Dead will be announced at the banquet. The Mo., the next radio play to be given by Jewish workers to 030,000 by the local chapter plan to attend Polish Nazis Remand Brooklyn, N. Y., mathematics; Eva theThe Dance," will be. produced in Boston winners of the "Best Club" contest, of Center Players Guild will be stag- end of 1933 in accordance with the convention next month. Mrs. SidSaper, of Newark, N. J., physiologi- ed over station this coming season. After its Berke- which ends at the banquet, will also the Jewish Guest Status WOW on Wednesday Five Year Plan, insofar as it afKatleman and the Misses Ida cal chemistry; Arnold Weiner, of evening, May 25, ley, Calif., production given by the be announced and prizes awarded. In ney at 11 p. m. The fects industry. Fine, Annette Bender and Rose DolPittsburgh, Pa., Philosophy; Leon play is. entitled "Oh, Playmakers last March it was de- addition to the above activities, the goff were" elected "as delegates. The figures given include workers Doctor." Lodz.—(J. T. A.)—The introduc- Arnold Greenberg, of New Haven, scribed as having "dramatic quality, Council sponsored a youth division of employed in government offices with Each Wednesday a play will be diThe installation of the newly elect- tion of a numerous clausus against physiology; Ralph Frederick Man- rected by a different member of the the government is gradually desuspense and beauty of line, a highly the Philanthropies Campaign, and ed officers will take place at a large the Jewish population of Poland, both heim, of Darien, Conn., semitics; Guild, under the supervision of Mrs. creasing while those engaged induswent over the quota. successful production." At the banquet following the din- banquet to be held next Wednesday in the universities and in the econ- Nathan Rakieten, of New Haven, Herman Jahr. trially are constantly increasing. ner the oratorical contest will be evening, May 25, at 7 o'clock at the} omic life of the country is demand- physiology; David Rodnick, of New This Wednesday's play will be diPriesman Member of Haven, anthropology, and Maxwell held. The subject is "Youth and Jew- Jewish Community Center, • at which ed by the newly formed Hitlerite orFrom Changing Names Henry Goldberg, of New Haven, rected by Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. time Mrs. Max Fromkin, advisor for ganization here. Debating Champions ish Ideals." English. the Junior Hadassah, will present The program of the organization Bucharest.—-Prime Minister Jorga Short speeches will be given by has instructed the Minister of Honorary Degree Ernest Priesman, son of Mr. and William Holzman, president of the the honor pins to the members tvho also calls for the government to Mrs. Harry Priesman, 2211 Pratt St.; Jewish Community Center; Jack Mar- have done outstanding work for the establish new relations with the JewNew York.—(J. T. A.)— Nahum Justice to prohibit Jews to change was a member of the North High de- er, chairman of the Center committee, Junior Hadassah for the past year. ish minority so that the Jews should Woolworth Stores Sokolow, Zionist World leader and their names, according to a dispatch bate team which won the National and Philip Klutznick, chairman of An excellent program has been ar- be considered as guests in the coun- Subsidize Nazis president of the Jewish Agency for in the "Dimineatza." Berlin.—The Woolworth stores are Palestine, had the honorary degree The action of the Premier has Forensic league debating champion Center club activities. Mr. Holzman ranged, also, and the evening's di- try. version will be bridge. All mem- Laws must be regularized in order subsidizing the Nazis in order to of Doctor of Hebrew Letters con- aroused the indignation of Jewish ship in the finals held at Sioux City will present the awards. Wednesday. Those in charge of the banquet are bers may make their reservations to prevent infringement upon the hos- calm down the agitation against ferred upon him by the Jewish In- liberals who are paricularly aroused Ernest has been active in school and Abe Goldberg, Dora Dolgoff, Bernice for the.banquet with Miss Rose Dol- pitality of Poland by the Jews, the them, it was revealed at the trial stitute of Religion at a special con- by the direct and outspoken refergoff, chairman for^ this affair. of a Na7.i leader, Heino Ballhoefer. vocation last week. ence to the JPews. organization demands. club activities. Falk and Barney L. RosenthaL -










THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


Malko Balaban, secretary, and Dov Cutler, treasurer. Besides having the Sabbath services each Friday at 5:00 o'clock, and on Saturday mornings at 9:00 o'clock, the members say their daily prayers, "Mincha" and "Maariv."

$2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN TILL - - •• - • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

The kindergarten class of the Talmud Torah Sunday School will give a Lag B'Omer party Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the synagogue. Miss Rose Fox, teacher of this class, will be in charge. The regular Sunday School classes will be held Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock, as usual, buf£he services will be dedicated to the celebration of Lag B'Omer.


The Council Bluffs Hebrew School will hold a hike next Tuesday afternoon, May 24th, at 5:00 o'clock. All the children are asked to meet at the synagogue on time for the hike, which is in celebration of Lag B'Omer.

The observance of a Jewish Book Week is only five years old, but : has so grown in popularity since its inception that it is already firmly entrenched on the calendar of American Jewry. This year Jewish Book Week, celebrated as in the past coincident with Lag B'Omer, will occur between May 21 and May 28. Lag B'Omer falls on the 24th day of May and is most appropriately chosen as the time for the stressing of Jewish literature. This festive day, an occasion for general joyousness, is also known as the Scholar's holiday. Unique in the annals of national celebrations, itmarks the only observance by a whole people dedicated to the scholars. It lends color to the title we have earned as the People of the Book and gives weight to the expression of Judaism as a philosophy of learning and knowledge. The genius of our people for literary quality and excellence reached sublime, unequalled heights in our Torah. and has served as an inspiration and a pattern for all nations. A people give their highest expression of their thoughts through their writing and love of books, and in this respect we have well remained a People of the Book. This love of literature has insured the success of a national Jewish Book Week. Besides focussing our attention on the value of books and reading as the Jew's cultural and literary heritage, this observance can make us better acquainted with the art, music, poetry, history and culture—both old and new—of Israel. If it only lays the groundwork of intellectual curiosity concerning; our Jewish literature, it has well served its purpose. If it revives a latent Jewish literary spirit or if it inculcates a taste for the best in Jewish works, it has, lent added strength to the traditional Lag B'Omer. And if it brings about a Jewish bookshelf in every Jewish home and encourages more of us to tap that vast storehouse of Jewish literature, the first treasure of which is our Torah, then it has established a newer and more meaningful Scholar's Holiday.

Cfamcil Bluffs Neujs. ,? BYF.R.K. The Council Bluffs Chapter of Senior Hadassah held their annual rummage sale Monday and Tuesday at 17 North Main street. Mrs. Herman Marowitz, president, reported that over $50 was netted from this sale. Misses ? Pearl Bernstein, Florence Steinberg,' Gwendolyn Meyerson and lily Kushner, students,at;"|he, Abraham Lincoln High School, and Miss Regina Klein, student" at thePThomas Jefferson High School, spent,$ie past week-end in Des Moines, Iowa, where they represented their schools in the Iowa State Shorthand and Typewriting1 contest. • Miss Steinberg won a silver medal

for placing second in accuracy for individual honors in the typing division. Miss Rose Mendelson, sophomore at the Thomas Jefferson High School, won first place in the humorous division of the declamatory contest held at the Thomas Jefferson High School last Wednesday evening. Her selection was ."^Goodbye, Sister," and she will be awarded a silver loving cup.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained the members of their Evening Bridge Club at their home Wednesday evening. The Women's Auxiliary of the Grocers' Association gave a banquet at the Hotel Chieftain Tuesday evening, with thirty-five members present. Mrs. Max Steinberg was chairman of this affair. Nathanson Is Winner. Maurice Nathanson, junior college student of Estherville, la., won second place in the Iowa state extemporaneous contest for junior colleges held last week. He totaled 61 points, one less than the total of the first place winner. Nathanson entered the finals by virtue of his winning first in extemporaneous speaking at the district contest.

By the Way By DAVID SCHWARTZ » • • • -

- - •

WHEN WATTENBERG ANSWERED The most distinguishing personal trait of the late Philip Wattenberg, trait of the late Philip Wattenberg was his keen sense of humor. I remember some years ago, attending a Zionist meeting—a rather solemn meeting. After a long series of speeches, there arose some one in the audience, who said that while Zionism was a good thing, and Palestine was being built up, too much money was going for expenses of the Zionist campaign. Then I saw Watteriberg rise—and I knew we were in for a story, and this was the story that Watfenberg told.

The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith will hold an important business meeting next Monday evening, May SO HERE'S THE STORY 23rd, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles' Once upon a time a teacher of Hall. geography was telling his class of the trivial things that sometimes The Junior Congregation, the lead to great occurrences—even in "K'Hal Tzeerim" Society, held an the field of economic geography. "There is the city of Carlsbad, for election of officers Wednesday at the synagogue and the following officers instance," said the teacher. "Carlswere chosen: Aaron Hoffman, presi- had—the famous city to whose watdent; C. Z. Roffman, vice president; ers, thousands of invalids from all parts of the world come for healing. Do you know how Carlsbad became what it is today? I will tell you. It was all because of a dog. "Yes, it was all because of a dog, and it was this way. Once upon a time a hunter accompanied by his dog, was going through the territory on which Carlsbad stands looking for game. "The dog was following him to the rear. Of a sudden he stopped, to let the dog catch up with him. When it came near, he saw the dogs legs all wet. It wasn't raining. There was no river or brook that he knew of in the vicinity. Indeed, he had.been wanting to find some place, where he could quench hi sible if the tram company's thirst, but could find no water. But here his dog was wet. It obviously down-tcwn or short haul pointed to some water in the vicinbusiness,- which is its only ity. So the hunter looked and disprofitable business, is taken covered the springs, whose renown for their curative values is today so away, or even partially takestablished." en away. A division of the As the teacher finished this story short -haul business will there was a pause for a minute, or eventually mean, either less, two. All were silent. Then a littl boy raised his hand. "Teacher," h frequent street car service asked, "what became of the dog?" to,the outlying districts, or And so, said Wattenberg, answerhigher fares, or both. ing the Zionist who saw only the expense, "you ask what of the dog, "The city of Omaha, in the forgetting the bigger thing."

Enough Transportation Service in Omaha TheNebraska State Railway Commission, in its order imposing severe restrictions upon a proposed Jitney-taxi system of cabs, said: This Commission has exercised complete and continued jurisdiction over the rates and service of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company, and is requiring it'to furnish transportation throughout the city f or a 10c cash fare, or a token fare of 8V&C This Commission is well aware of the fact that long distance hauling by the tram company is done at; "a and the only profitable [ ness enjoyed by suchj I kj^ir pany is the down-town; s^f^t haul business., The Commission now feels, under present circumstances, t^at its primary obligation to the people of Omaha is to do everything in its power to see that all of the people of Omaha have available low cost transportation. This, obviously, would not be pos-

opinion of this Commission, is now adequately supplied with mass transportation. This low cost transportation is now being furnished by this tram company. Motor transportation for hire is furnished by numerous taxicab companies, against the service of which there has never been any complaint filed with this' Commission, •and which this Commission at present has reason to believe is adequate, for the reason that these present taxicab companies are now operating fewer cabs than they did a few years ago, and the number of tram car riders is motithly growing less.

friends—he would enter the market. "Now is the itme to buy," he said. He did. Put $300,000 in the market —and lost it.

WHY NOT A JEWISH PRESIDENT? With the Democratic party nominating Henry Homer for governor of Illinois, and his election likely and with the Democrats of New York most pi-obably nominating Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman of New York, and his election as likely, it appears, that we Jews oon will not be able to complain of political neglect. It may get so indeed, that Jews will attain so normal a position in political life, that even we Jews will not think it worth while mentioning when a Jew is nominated for high political office. But what about a Jewish president? Have we any suitable material for that office? Personally, I think the United States could do worse than elect as its president Walter Lippman, probably the best writer on political subjects that the country has. Lippman has been termed "the unofficial adviser of the American people." Of course, I do not expect my suggestion to be compiled with. Lippman is not a politician. We take advice from writers, but we don't elect them to office.

Notes of Temple Israel

AND THEY'RE BACHELORS And perhaps it is worth pointing out to the host of young lady readers of this illuminating column, that the Democratic nominee for the govxnor of Chicago is a bachelor. And, of course, Justice Cardozo is a bachelor. Is it possible that a man can be successful without the aid of a loving, helpful wife? It used to be said, that it was the wives that made the men. It doesn't seem so, does it, girls?

THE BARON WRITES Baron Philip Rothschild of the well known city of Paris has just written a book—about America, and he tells about everything from night clubs to Adolph Zukor. At the same time, the young Baron confesses he cannot understand America. At the night clubs, he said, pretty young women surrounded him to the point of annihilation. He had all he could do to shoo them off his lap. Yet the next morning, when his manicurist came to take care of his nails, she was not permitted to enter his room. "Is that a system?" asks the French-Jewish £>aron, in effect.

ENTLEMENI PREFER BLONDS The Baron also cannot understand the precipitancy of American reporters. As soon as he arrived, they asked him what he thought of prohibition. And when he got to Hollywood, the reporters immediately asked him what type of beauty he preferred. And he answered: Tall blonds. And for several days thereafter, writes the Baron, he was bombarded with letters and pictures from tall blonds. Is that a system?" asks Baron Rothschild. But the Baron, in his windup, remarks that he was thrilled by America, so we must presume, that it is a system.

JESSELL WRITES A WILL George Jessell is a young man, but he has written. his will. • In it he leaves some seventy-five million dollars in bequests. Of course, he has not got the seventy-five millions, but there is no law against leaving it. The head waiter at some cabaret, by the testament, receives $100,000. All of Eddie Cantor's daughters receive large fortunes, too, on condition that they do not marry, etc. Eddie Cantor himself has apparently seen the will for he says: "Th£ thing is so funny that everybody will laugh for a week after George dies." In other words, Jessell proposes that his taking off shall be as humorous as his living gags. There is an idea in that. But for odd wills, the most interesting that I have ever encountered is one in the Jewish division of the New York public library. And it is not intended to be funny. It is on the contrary very serious—and in it, the deceased, who was a rabbi, leaves a part of any credits that may come to him in the 01am Habah (future world) to his wife. There is genuine devotion to you.


Sir Herbert Samuel, the home secretary of Great Britain told ParliaHowever, I might add in later ment the other day, that the movies years, Wattenberg1 was himself very were doing more to cure crime than concerned over the; dog of expenses. As a member of the Finance "Committee of the Zionist Organization, New Krug Park to he was a veritable watch dog of th« Open on Saturday treasury and fought stubbornly anything that he thought waste oj The new Krug park, which has been funds. improved into -one of the finest Wattenberg was a shrewd man, in amusement parks in the middlewesjtr a business way. Yet how futile even opens Saturday, May 21,- for a 16the best shrewdness sometimes may week season. " * be, was evidenced by some receni More than 100 men were employed happenings. Wattenberg was any- and many thousands of dollars were thing but the gambler in business spent in making improvements in the, When the stock exchange boom came park, adding many new features and and everybody was sniking their last attractions. j?.: -I penny in the stock market, and every Larry Phabrick's*"Old Golden" reday pointing to the wealth they were cording orchestra -will open the dance accumulating, Wattenberg was one program at Krug park and will be of the few men, rich or poor, whc followed by other, nationally-known stayed away from the exchange as: orchestras. . a good Jew would from a "trefa' Season tickets to the bathing beach butcher shop. are now being' sold. -The bathing seaBut—when the market began to son opens May 28. The ticket is also crash, there was another chapter and good lor general ' admission to the quite a different one to the story. park. Tickets for adulta are $2 and Then Wattenberg, confided to h juniors $1.


at Temple Israel, this evening. . Saturday morning. Tomorrow morning Dr. Cohn will speak on "Social Ideals." Kaddish. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for J. L. Rothschild, Minnie Wolf, Fannie Brandeis, Hesse Rosenstock and Yette Herzberg. Brotherhood Meeting The Brotherhood of Temple Israel will hold its first meeting under the new regime on Wednesday evening, May 25. The supper will be proTonight. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver vided by the Sisterhood. A spea sermon on "The Challenge of the cial feature will be the entertaining Lindberg Tragedy" at the services of this year's class of twenty-two confirmants. Rev. Lawrence Plank of the First to cause it. I believe there is far Unitarian church will be guest more truth in Sir Herbert's state- speaker. Louis Somberg, president ment that in Mr. Kipling's recent of the Brotherhood, will introduce poetry in which he is so apprehen- Manning Handler as toastmaster. sive of the "sin" of the movies. Rabbi Cohn will say grace. I do not believe that the sob and Mrs. Abe Somberg and Mrs. Sam crime stories lead any more to crime Berkowitz will be in charge of the than the reading of detective stories dinner. make one want to be a detective. To Sunday School. hear some people talk, one would believe that Al Capone—and most of At the Sunday School assembly the inmates of Sing Sing were con- services last Sunday morning-, an original prayer was delh*ered by stant movie goers. Somebody ought to make a study Sidney Lorraine Rosenberg. The of the past movie attendance of the services were conducted by Jerome Marcus and Charlotte Mayer. inmates of the jails.


KRUG PARK OPENS MAY 21 Fun for the Whole Family at the Middle West's New Greatest Amusement Park More than a hundred men employed and thousands of dollars spent this Spring to make Krug Park outstanding. Many new attractions and features. Be sure to attend opening day. Larry Philbrick's "Old Golden" recording orchestra in the beautiful ballroom. Divine music. ELKS' GOLDEN GLOVE BOXING TOURNEY, MAY 23-24 Get your season bathing ticket now. It entitles you to admission to the park as well as swimming. Bargain prices: For adults, $2; for juniors, $1.

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Julius Bisno Head Talmud Torah Topics of^Phi Beta Epsilon On Lag B'Omer this Tuesday at

•4:30 p; m. a formal reception will be Julius Bisno was elected president given to the newly-enrolled pupils of of Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton social the City Talmud Torah at the J. C. C An interesting program will be prefraternity, at a meeting held last sented by the Talmud Torah pupils Other officers chosen were: Morris •and refreshments will be served by BlackVr,- -vice-president; Joseph Solo- Ithe Deborah Ladies' Society. Visit• . nionow;; secretary; Henry Weiner, ors are welcome. .' treasurer, land Hyman' Goodbinder, ier^eatit-itialfms.

Gala Events Planned for Ladies' Day Opening at Highland Country Club k In conjunction with the ladies' day formal opening of the Highland Country club, Tuesday, May 24, there will be held a. duplicate contract tournament. The tournament -will be under tbe supervision of Mrs. David Ferer. There • -will be prizes for north and south and for east and /west. For reservations or for entry call Mrs. Ferer. There will also be golf in the .morning, a luncheon at the club bouse, arid either-golf or bridge in the; afternoon. AS members are cordially: invited and each member may bring guests. Mrs. A. Greenberg is chairman of the ladies' entertainment committee. Mrs. Morris Jacobs is chairman of the ladies' golf committee. The formal opening of the club will be a dinner-dance on May 28. Those who have already made reservations are Mesdames L D. Iseman, Abe Goldstein, Joe Pepper, Theresa Sommers, James- Naiman of Kansas City, Maurice Micklin, Phillip Levey, Sam Bialac, J. Wiener, A. Cohen, Millard Krasne, Leo Krasne, I. Krasne, Sam Theodore, Frank Blotcky, Reuben Natelson, A. M. Grueskin, Sam Cohn, Morris Milder, Ben Newman, David Cohn, H. Cohn, Ed Treller, Louis Sommer, Albert Newman, Henry Newman, Jules Newman, Michael Katelman, Sam Berkowitz, A. Somberg, and the Misses Reva Ziev, Jane Appleman, Helen Cherniak, Sarah Ferer, Ruth Krasne, and Lucille Goldenberg. FRIEDEN-GOTLEE WEDDING Miss Martha Gotler will become the bride of Jack Frieden on Tuesday, May 24, at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. Frieden. Rabbi Goldstein will officiate. Mrs. J. Frieden will honor the coule at a reception to be given Sunday, ay 29, at 680S Minne Lusa Blvd. No invitations have been issued . HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Blanche Soskin entertained at a bridge-luncheon and -handkerchief shower at her home Sunday afternoon, May 15, in honor of Miss Minnie Zweiback, whose engagement was

Center Calendar Sunday, May 22 Senior Council Dinner and Oratorical contest, 6 p. m. Monday, May 23 Council of Jewish Women luncheon, 12 noon. Tuesday, May 24 Talmud Torah Board meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday, May 25 Junior Hadassah annual banquet, 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, June 1 Conservative Synagogue luncheon, 12:30 p. m. Tuesday, June 7 Jewish • Women's Welfare Organization Meeting, 2:30 p . m. Board meeting at 1:30. Sunday, June 12 Radio Mystery Play by Center Players Guild, 8 p. m.

recently. announced to Dave W. Frank. Guests attending the luncheon were the Misses Ida Blacker, Rose Shafer, Sara Malashock, Anne Zweiback, Evelyn Zweiback, Elsie Lazarus, R6se Stein and Eve Katnaan and Mesdames Morris Brick, Ben Soskrn and Abe Cohen.

Clayman, Evelyn Levine, and Paul Crounse. IN CALIFORNIA Miss Blanche Zimman is visiting in California for two months. VISITED HERE Dr. Simon A. Levey of St. Louis visited with his brother, Dr. Philip Levey, over the week end.

1,480 kilometers over terrible roads for the grand prize cup, South America's automotive trophy, doFollowing is the schedule for thenated leading by the Russell Manufacturing Jewish Kittenball League for this Company, Middletown, Conn., makers coming Sunday morning: of Rusco brake linings. A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Psi Mu—Central The winning Reo, which came High grounds, 10:00 a. m. through with a perfect score, was the A. Z. A. No. 100 vs. Charles Street only car of its make in the event. Market—Gifford Park, 10:00 a. m. Thorpeian Athletic Club vs. Pants Success is the child of audacity.— Store—Gifford Park, 11:00 a. m. Disraeli.

Kittenball Loop


Superstition is the religion of Reo Car Wins Candle lighting time, Friday, May feeble minds.—Burke. Word has just been received by the 20, €-.55 p. ml By Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Services Tonight. Rabbii Goldstein will base his ser- Mich.,' that a Reo car, driven by ErnMrs. David M. Newman mon tonight on "God's Gentleman," esto Blanco, has won the national grand prize races in the Argentine, by Rabbi Garry August. • F O R TASTY leading a field of 38 contenders drivOrange Cream Dessert. Lag B'Omer. • DELICIOUS Use 41-2 tablespoons sugar, rind Lag B'Omer means the thirty-third ing oiiher American and foreign maof 1 orange and juice of 3 oranges, day of the counting of the Omer chines. Blanco and his Reo establish• FOODS AND juice of 1 lemon. Heat in double (Sephira). During the Sephira days ed a new record of 14 hours, 59 min• PASTRIES boiler. Add 1 tablespoon corn starch Jewish tradition requires that we re- utes, 52 3-4 seconds for this race of dissolved in cold water. Boil until frain festive celebrations because of . . . Stop at . . . • thick, beat until cold. All 1-2 pint many sad memories of oppressive whipped cream. P«.ur in tall glasses treatment of the Jews during this The EMPLOYEE WANTED and serve with a topping of whipped period of the year in the days of the Romans, and also in the later BLACKSTONE cream and chopped nuts. Wanted young man as clerk in middle ages. Bread Pudding. COFFEE SHOP store. Must give reference and On Lag B'Omer Jewish tradition Beat 2 yolks with 1-2 cup sugar, details. 36th and FAENAM add whites of eggs beaten stiff, add permits weddings and other festive Write Jewish Press, Box R-5 1 cup milk in which 3-4 of a cupcelebrations because history tells of of soft bread crumbs have been victory and redemption on that day. Next Week. soaked, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1-2 cup Next week Rabbi Goldstein will cocoanut. Bake in a buttered pan set in hot speak on "Memorial Day, and Lag B'Omer," a study in similarities aivl water. Serve with lemon sauce. contrasts.

Kitchen Chats

BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. M. Zalk entertained at five tables of bridge at her home Monday, FOR BRIDE-TO-BE May 15. The party was for HadasMiss Xallian Nadbshoen entertained sah. at bi)(me Saturday, May 14, at four DR. AUENSON TO ORIENT tables' of bridge honoring Miss Ger- Entrusted •with the task of contrude Gefber, a bride-to-be. ducting an investigation for the National Advisory Council for EducaENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE tion by Radio, Dr. Saul B. Arenson Miss Minnie Haspel entertained at sailed on Wednesday, May 4, from Sefive -fables of bridge Saturday, May 7, attle, Wash., on the M. S. Hiye Mam in honor of Gertrude Gerber, whose for a trip that will take him to Japan, engagement to Jack Levy was recent- China, Siam, Java, Phillipine Islands, Korea and Bali. ly announced. One today is worth two tomorrow. Dr. Arenson, associate professor of New Nazi Method Franklin. chemistry at the University of CinANNOUNCE BIRTH of Attacking Jews Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haykin an- cinnati, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Toil is the sire of fame. Robert Arenson of Portland, Ore., fornounce the birth of a daughter at the Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Kinging in the Methodist hospital, Sunday, May 15. mer resident of Lincoln, Nebr., with door bells of Jewish physicians, askMrs. Haykin was formerly Miss Paul- whom he has been visiting during the ing them to come to treat patients past three weeks. ine Nogg. and knocking the physicians down en route, is the latest method employed "GIVE OR GET" LUNCHEON by Hitlerites for attacking Jews, acHONOR BRIDES AND The first annual "Give or Get" cording to reports received here from NEW MEMBERS Enjoy more leisure by The Junior Society of the Conser- luncheon of Hadassah was given at Halberstant. having us do your vative synagogue will entertain at a the Jewish Community Center audilaundrying for you. The reports state that Nazis rang supper at the Medical Arts tea room torium Wednesday, May 18, at 1 p. m. the door bells of two Jewish doctors, on Monday evening, May 23, to honor One hundred and fifty guests at- Krohn and Auerbach and attacked tended. brides and new members. as soon as they appeared on A color scheme of orchid, yellow them The brides honored are Mrs. Joshua the streets en route to the homes of Sivowitz, formerly Miss Shirley Trei- and green was -carried out in the dec- the supposed patients. orations. Mrs. Max Fromkin was in man, Mrs. Bernard Fink, formerly HArney 1102 Miss Margaret Reikes, Miss Grace charge of decorations and arrangeTaste cannot be controlled by law. ments. Bosenstein whose marriage will take Mrs. Davidson of Des Moines, Iowa, —Jefferson. place in the near future and Miss was a surprise guest at the luncheon. Sarah Kurtzman whose engagement She gave a short talk on the work of was recently announced. in Palestine. An excellent New members who will be honored Hadassah program was also given. are the Misses Tillie and Dora MarkoMrs. M. F. vitz of Council Bluffs and Elsie Stal- chairman, presided.Levenson, program master. The club presented a beautiful gift The last meeting of the group was Mrs. Julius Stein, outgoing presild at the home of Miss Ruth Pol- to dent. lock on Monday, May 16. At the next meeting of Hadassah VISITORS HERE on Wednesday, May 25, there will be Mr. and Mrs. R. J. light of Min- election of officers. All members are neapolis -visited over the week end urged to attend. with; their son-in-law and daughter, 1629 No. 24 •-•Web. 2916 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F . Levin. They were entertained by Mrs. The response we have received to our announcement that we manufacture our own smoked meats and sausages and sell them at the Stanley F. Levin, Mrs. Ida Levin and RABBI L L. SHAPIRO following low prices certainly indicates that they are both good and Mr. and Mrs. Moe Isaacson. has been a pleasingly priced. Try some today . Mohel Specialist TN PIANO RECITAL WEINERS, FRANKFURTERS and BOLOGNA, per Ib. 20c tot 20 Tears Among the pupils of Miss Helen Mackm, who will be presented in a Attends with otmosi care recital at the Hospe auditorium Mon1724 No. 24tn St. WE. 3817 day, May 23, are the following Jewish children: Betty Abramson, Marian


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BOG OLYMPICS—These enterprising Los Angeles dogs have decided to stage their own Olympics. Trained by Miss Bonnie Ferguson they sprint, hurdle and indulge in practically all the Olympic sports FAIRYLAND STORIES COME TO UFE—In an entertainment planned for charity in Los Angeles fairyexcept rowing. "Dumpsie" is shown going over tne bar while his land land stories stories come come to to life. life Cinderella's Cinderella's pumpkin pumpkin coach coach is is seen seen here here being being drawn drawn by by mice. mice Patricia Patricia pal, "Waffles", stands by. S t a r y a s Cinderella's fairy godmother, ndes in the coach.

EVOLUTION OF THE RIDING HABIT—Old and new in women's riding habits are illustrated in this photo, made at the Berkshire point to point races at Faringdon, Berks, England. The women shown arc Lady Wright, wife of a justice, and Mrs. J. E. Aiken, both of whom rode in a race.

^ ' - ,

" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z I _ „ , , T~T . _,_„ '. ~ . „ , HOLLAND^ FIRST-HollaTid, land of w,n«hmns, is proud of this, its first skyscraper, a 12-story buHding completed in Amsterdam.

NORMA TALMADGE VISITS IN HOLLYWOOD—Norma Tahnadge, returning to Hollywood on a visit following a six-month stay in New York, has sjL get-together party with her sisters. Left to right are Bobbie Keaton, Natalie Talmadge Keaton, Norina Talmadge (Mrs. Joseph M. Schenck), Jimmy Keato. and Cwtaace Talmadge Netcher.





SINGING IN THE BAT« TUB—Just suppose you were only tw» or three feet tall, but were completely developed mentally. Wouldn't you have a hard time trying to adapt yourself to a wwid made for "giants"? little Carl, 20 years old, of Czechoslovakia, i snapped d •* - yjjft to JM^ Anreles. finds that he has to bathe in wash basins IB " """ %££. fiT££ **£ taH » d weSTirpounds. « « « • « e H *» " » « *•" " » w "s»» ia r i»nt«.

TRAGIC TOYS—Playthings of the little children of Mrs. Asta Eicher, who; with their mother, were the victims of West Virginia's 20TH CENTURY HIAWATHA—"Straight as an arrow" carries a the long * here with marksmanship.


Revive Old Falsehoods in Spanish Propaganda

Mrs. Herbert Arnstein will present program. her annual report. Members and Those who will be on the program their friends are urged to attend. are Paul Spor, who will give several vocal selections; Banjo Master from Kelley's school; Miss Martha Randall who will present Mary M. Melvin, Eleanor Crowder, Gene Gleason and Beverly Bradshaw in a few dance A "Come and Get Acquainted" numbers; Meisner's school will preluncheon by the Jewish Women's sent Mr. Caldwell who will give sevWelfare organization will be held on eral readings. Those assisting Miss Dolgoff are the group's regular June meeting day, Tuesday, June 1, at the J. C. C the Misses Lillian Nachshoen, GerMrs. David Feder, Glendale 1164, trude Gerber, Ruth Slobodinsky, Golis taking reservations for the affair. die Seidman, Dena Gilinsky and Ruth The June luncheon will be the last Margolin. meeting of the year, and so all reports of officers and standing commiittees will be rendered at that time. The Henriietta Szold club held an important meeting at the Jewish Community Center Tuesday evening, A formal installation of the newly- May 17. The Philanthropies was elected officers of the Conservative the main topic of discussion. The depression cannot keep the Synagogue Auxiliary will take place at its annual luncheon on Wednes- club down, according to the report day, June 1, at 1 p. m , at the Jewish and pledges of the club as a whole. Community Center. Mrs. William Al- A new membership drive is now beberts, retiring1 president, will read a ing sponsored by this group. The main event for this month will report of the auxiliary's activities be an out of door breakfast. The during the past fiscal year. The afternoon will close with a committee in charge consists of Miss very interesting program arranged Ida Blacker and Miss Blanche Soskin. The whole group plans to atby Mrs. David A. Goldstein. tend the oratorical banquet on Sunday.

Women's Welfare Federation

Latest Book Propounds Absurd Theory of Jewish Plotfor Conservative Auxiliary Vengeance for 1492 heralded the Spanish revolution of (By DR. O- BRACHFELD.) the following year, is alleged to have (J. T. A. Correspondent in Barcelona) been financed by a big North AmeriI t is a strange thing, but people can bank, obviously Jewish. How •who believe themselves to be per- could the Republicans have got the secuted or •who have a grievance millions they spent on their election campaign in 1931, -which bronght imagine that it is the Jews "who are about the proclamation of the rea t the bottom of their troubles. The public, if they were not provided Roman Catholic clergy in Spain with the , money by the Jewish think they are persecuted under the banks? It was the Jewish bankers republic, although one of the basic who smashed up Spanish economic principles of the republic is that no life, the professor cries. man should be persecuted "because of his beliefs. The fact is that "Jews are now putting in their Catholicism in Spain, is in no way bill," is the heading of one of the "persecuted as monarchist propagand- chapters in the book. There is, in ists abroad are trying to make peo- fact, no end to the terrible things ple believe. The Church has been the Jews are doing in Spain. There separated from the state, some of is, for instance, a publishing house the religious orders have been ex- in Spain, founded by "the banker pelled, but that was done many Dreyfus and the Jewish Dr. Bauer," years ago in liberal countries like and this publishing house is actually issuing a ' Spanish-Jewish periodical Switzerland. But the Catholic priests in Spain printed in Hebrew characters! consider themselves persecuted inas- FANTASTIC "PLOTS." much as they have been deprived of And to show what the Jews are their previous privileged position, and some of them place the blame TeaHy up to, our author reprints a for that at the doors of the Jews. lot of news items from Jewish newsProf. Juan Tusqueta, of the Theo- papers in ever so many countries all logical Seminary of Barcelona, has purporting to prove that the Jews just published a book entitled "The engineered the revolution in Spain Causes of the Spanish Revolution," and are now triumphing over their and the whole Spanish press is full handiwork- The Jewish press knows of it. Now the theses of this book what it is talking about, he says, is that the Spanish Revolution was when it speaks of most of the memengineered by the Freemasons who bers of the Republican government are accused of having been in a con- being descended from Jews. Mr. Paul spiracy with Jewish capitalism, with Goodman, the secretary of the comwhich Freemasonry is presented as munity of Spanish Jews in England, even came over to Spain and was having been allied for centuries. received by Don Niiceto AlaealaPOISONOUS FODDER Zamora, the president of the Span"Israel has set itself the task of ish republic! destroying Christendom by means of He was probably the emissary of revolution, godless propaganda and pornography, "by economic disasters world Jewry come to enact tribute and disruptive liberalism, in order to from crushed Spain. The Jews are plotting to have build up the new Jerusalem on its ruins, as Izdulet has significantly their own back on Christian Spain -said," is one of the phrases that for having expelled the Jews in occur in this -%aok~ by -uur-Gimstian 1492, he shriaks, and the- next-step professor of theology. It is not sur- will be massacre:; of Spanish Chrisprising to find, therefore, that the tians and the expulsion of all Chrisbook is simply crammed with cita- tians from Spain! tions from the "Protocols of the How can we sleep when there is Learned Elders of Zion," that it this evil abroad? the book condubs Karl Marx, Karl Mordecai, and describes his formation of the First Socialist International -as a Jewish plot and gives the names of the Jewish bankers, Jacob Schiff and Max "Warburg, as the people who are financing the Third International. The Rotary club, too, is dragged in. Those who say "Rotary" mean Jewish business, the professor says, yet at the same time he is businessman enough to print an advertisement in his book of a watchmaking firm in Geneva, explaining that without the advertisement revenue it would be impossible to carry on his propaganda.

cludes. It must be admitted that the Spanish press, including the serious Catholic organs, are unanimous in condemning the book, but there are several gutter papers which have seized hold of it, and are busy utilizing it for inflammatory propaganda. And certainly the book is being widely read, and selling extraordinarily well. The book sellers are all agTeed about that. (Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

Organization News i Council of Jewish Women The Omaha Council of Jewish Women will hold its annual election of officers at a gala luncheon to be held at 1 o clock Monday, May 23, at the Jewish Community Center. A meeting of the board of directors of the Council will be held prior to the luncheon, starting at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Herberf-Arnstein, Walnut 3801, is receiving the luncheon reservations. The luncheon will be in the form of a festive affair. Mrs. Philip Schwartz will speak on "Sidelights on the Detroit Triennial." President

Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club

Henrietta Szold


ernment on the Palestine Administration for 1931 is to be discussed, scheduled for June 6th, may be postponed, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns. Difficulties have arisen due to the decision of the League of Nations Plenum to hold but one session of the Mandates Commission this year, instead of two, for reasons of economy. Against this decision, the Mandates Commission protests, insisting that it cannot cope with its obligations toward the League of Nations Council unless two sessions are held. There can be no departure from the decision of the plenum except by amendment by the plenum itself which does not, however, meet again until September of 1932, and even then it is not expected to make any changes. The report of the British government concerning the Palestine Administration for 1931 will figure on the next agenda of the Mandates Commission.

Wear Snow White Garments IF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT Wear White to Please Your Patrons The Results Will Please You

Omaha t Towel Supply Co. f JA. 0528

Hamilton Street Window Shades SHOP Window Shades, 36x6 of unbreakable and washable shade cloth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up.

Ask Recognition as Separate Community Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—An Agudist delegation has requested the new High Commissioner to recognize the persistant demand of the Agudath Israel, extreme orthodox gToup, that it be declared a separate community, apart from the Knesseth Israel. The reply of Sir Arthur Grenfall Wauchope was non-committal. The High Commissioner stated that he had met leaders of the Agudath Israel in London and that he was familiar with their \'iews. The delegation also requested that immigration permits be granted to 50 Yeshiva students.

The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club held a Mother and Daughter program on Tuesday evening, May 17, in the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Mrs. M. Rosenstein was chairman for the evening. Mrs. H. M. Stein spoke for the Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—The next sesmothers, and Sarah Pollay for the sion of the Permanent Mandates Comdaughters . mission of the League of Nations, The following parties participated •where the report of the British Gov- ' in the program: N. Weinstein, songs and recitations; Desa Himmelbloom, recitation; Mrs. Sarah Giller, piano "Jiut 'Around the Corner from selections and songs; Rose Levine, piano; and Goldie Freid, piano. Refreshments were served. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club has expressed its appreciation to all who took part in the program, and also to those who arranged, l i e program.

WALNUT 5500 4202-4 Hamilton St.


LUNCH AT jjj A MODERN C A F E T E R I A | Where a Choice Special Awaits jjj You Each Day HI


Henshaw Cafeteria 1513 Farnam St.

PLANTS for beds and boxes. Bring in your porch boxes. We will fill them free, charging for plants only.

Junior Hadassah Miss Rose Dolgoff, chairman of the Junior Hadassah banquet which will be held at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday, May 25, promises a lovely affair and an entertaining

MORRIS BEAUTY SHOP 105 So. 15th St. A T 3210 % J A €398 Frederic -Waves,-wrth-free fiirger-^wave^s. l l ^ - $5^)0 Frederic Waves, with free shampoo' and finger wave—$6.50 ALL BEAUTIFUL NATURAL WAVES


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Young man wants sleeping roomin private home, with garage. Write Jewish Press, Box H-53

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Organizations to ] : , Sponsor 4-Act; Play

• -Moo.-j Berg,-- the-,former., Princeton bonne in. Paris,.^is catching, for the turned him loose this year and tb* athlete" and a graduate of the Soi> Washington" Senators of the Ameri-> Senators grabbed him in a hurry. can league. Berg had been one of the catchers with Chicago, but they NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS FRADENBIRG, STAtMASTER ft Notice is hereby given; that all existing, ' 830 Omaha Nat'l Bank The. National Workers Alliance debts of the Black-Spellman Company on JACK W. MARER and the Poale Zion organizations the first' day of January, 1932, amounted NOTICE BV PUBLICATION ON PETICourt Haase to $5,400.88. will sponsor the presentation of a TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Signed, H. T. BLACK, Pres. NOTICK OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE ADMINISTRATION ACCOPNT. H. T. BLACK, four-act drama "Herzl the AristoS A L E ••• • \ In the County Court of Douglas County. F. S. SPKLLMAN, Notice is. hereby given that on the 17th Nebraska. crat." Being majority of the Board of Di-day oi June, 1932, at. 10 *0. o'jclock. A. M., la the Matter of the Estate of John B. rectors. The play, which will, be presented at the Capital Garage, ISMJI and Capitol Deceased. Ave., Omaha, Xebr., the undersigned will Crawford, by a local cast, will be given at the All persons interested in said matter are IRVIV <\ 1JEVIN, Attorney sell at public auction, for cash, to the hereby notified that on the 2Gth day of 301 Nectrlc Building Jewish Community Center, on Sunhighest bidder, April, 1932, Irene Davis filed a petition in 1020 CadiUac Coupe, day, May 29. Proceeds will go tosaid County Court, praying that hor final Motor No. 3280.18 J NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF administration account filed herein be setwards a Palestinian Fund. covered by chattel mortgage in favor of tled and allowed, and that she tie dis"NATIONAL AUTO PAKTS COMPANY, John C; Daley, signed by- CH!T1 Krumerer; charged from her trust as administratrix Inc." said mortgage being dated January 0, that a hearing will be had on said Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koolish, 2417 , Notice is hereby given that the under- 1032, and having been filed in the office and petition before said Court on the 261 h day Virginia street, announce the marsigned have associated themselves together of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Mny, 1932, and that if you fail to apOver 700 people attended the anand have organized a corporation under Nebraska, on the n t h day of February of pear before said Court on the saWl 28th riage of their son, Theodore, to Miss nual building1 fund carnival held the laws of the State of Nebraska. The 1032. Said sale will be for the purpose of day of May. 1032. at 0 o'clock A M . and Davera Seivers, of St. Louis, Mo. Monday evening in the city audiname of tliis corporation is "Xntionnl Auto foreclosing snid mortgage for costs of sale said petition, the Court may grant A. Z. A. members have begun their 1'nrts Company, Inc." The principal place and all accruing costs, and for the pur-contest the prayer of said petition, enter a deThe wedding ceremony, which took torium and the sum of $2,000 was of business shall be at Omaha. Nebraska; pose of satisfying the amount now due cree of heirship. nnd make such other nnd place in Chicago, was performed by raised, according to Si Krueger, who plans for their annual spring dance, that the general narure of the business to thereon, to-wit: $1,000.00: that no suit or furl her orders, allowances and decrees, as transacted shall lie to own and operate other proceedings at law hnre been in^ to i his Court may seem proper, to the end Rabbi Hershberg. Mr.; and Mrs. Kool- was the general.chairman of the af- which will be held at Shoreacre Gar- ite one or more automobile and motor supply stitnted to recover said debt or any part tha^ nil matters pertaining to snid estate ish will visit here this month, will fair.. Entertainment was provided" dens. Isadore Miravitz, Max Zelig- houses and to buy, sell and deal in gen- thereof. may be finally settled and determined. son, Stanley Herzoff and Archie erally and to manufacture all types of BRYCE CKAWFOItP. JOHN C. T1AT,ET. make their home in Chicago. throughout the evening by booths, Kantor are on the committee for motors, automobiles, engines, machines 5-20-3t 5-6-32-3t. County Judge. Mortgagee. and devices. Also to deal in and with all games, a Kangaro court, fortune tell- arrangements. materials, tools, machinery, accessories, „ Dr. and. Mrs. B.; Courshon, 3315 ing and dancing. appliances and equipment necessary and useful in connection with this business: Jackson street, will receive their: Organizations co-operating with and to purchase or otherwise acquire, own, SHOTWET.L,, MONSKT, ORODINSKT friends from 3' to 7 o'clock Sunday the federation, in the carnival arPreserve and Modernize Your Property by mortgage, pledge, sell, assign and transfer & VANCE, Attorneys. or otherwise dispose of goods, wares and afternoon,, f,& ^ celebration of their rangements included the A. Z. A., 937 Omaha National Bank Bids. merchandise of every class and description. 45th wedding: anniversary,' which is Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, NOTICE OF INCORPORATION To deal in lands and leaseholds and any an event pfi ^day-if/They wire»mar-; •Business ^Women's. Club, Ivre, MOnht, noSA EEAITX COMPANX interest, estate nnd -right in real property, NOTICK is hereby given that the un-to borrow money, to issue bonds nnd to Tied! May ';26>: ;i8S?i;,: iti\ Savannah,) :Siriai Sisterhood, Hebrew Mothers dersigned have formed a corporation, pur- secure the same by mortgage, pledge, deed Georgia, " •••'"••' Club, Tota Tau, Pi Epsilon Tau, De- suant to the laws of the State of Ne- of trust or otherwise. Dr. and 'Mrs.' Croushon's sons-in- borah Maccabees, Y. J. A., Ladies braska. The name of the corporation is To purchase, hold, sell and transfer 938 No: 24th St. AT 2864 REALTY COMPANY, with its prin- shares of stock of this and other corporalaw .; and ->' daughters^! i Mrj. tand; I Mrs. Auxiliary of Shaare Zion and the KOSA cipal place of business in the City of tions and to do any and nil other things Abbott E. Wpjf, i of Masson.; City, la.,; Workmen's Circle Ladies Auxiliary. Omaha. The objects, for which this cor- useful for. or necessary in connection with poration is formed are: To maintain and the conduct of the business of the corporaMr. and; Mrs. J . H.' ; Greenstone of; : .Chairmen, of the various commit- operate a general real estate holding com- tion.. Dayton, Ohio, jand' -Mr.' ;and ^ Mrs. J . tees were Mrs. Sam Mosow, Mr. Abe pany, and to buy.-- sell, mortgage, lease, The nuthorizrd capital stock is Ten encumber and deal in real and - personal Thousand ($10,000.00). divided Into B, Courshanj: ofj:Chicago, arrived in! ;Pill, Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. property' of all kinds. The *forporatlon 100 shares Dollars of the par value of flOO.OO each, the city yesterday t o spend the week J.:. Kalin. have the power to borrow ;mpney and all of which stock be common stock The. general committee shall issue evidences . of indebtedness therefor. and may be paid shall for in cash, notes or end with her! ip&rents.'.'.••• assisting Mr. Krueger included E. N. The total authorized capital stock is £H),- other property or services at the reasonpar value $100.00 per share, all able market Grueskin, Max Friedman, A. J. Gal- ODO.OO,common, nnd shall be fully paid and non-asseswible.value thereof, and shall be Mrs. Dora; Chapman of Iowa City, insky-, A. M. Davis, Saxel Krueger stock non-assessable when Issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the fil- The corporation shall commence business accompanied-her son, Ansel, to Sioax and J. Kalin. ing of its Articles with the County Clerk on the 1st day of May. 1032, and shall City, this week, when he attended of Douglas County, Nebraska,: nnd shall terminate on the 1st day of May. 1082. continiie until January 1st,,\ 2033. The unless its life be extended as by law the National Forensic contest. Ansel highest amount of indebtedness shall not provided. -That the highest amount of any Chapman,- who- was entered in the exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. indebtedness or liability to which this This restriction shall not apply to indebt- corporation is :it any time to suhject itself extemporaneous contest, by virtue of edness secured by real estate.! The num- is .not to exceed two-thirds of its capital winning- t h e Iowa state contest, was ber of members of the.Board ^hall lx» pro- stock. recently awarded a four-year-scholarThat the affairs of-this corporation shall The Busines Girls' club of the Jew- vided for by th* By-Laws, which Board. shall administer the affairs of tfiie corpora- be -conducted by a Board of IHrectors of ship to the University of-Iowa. ish Community Center honored their tion. The stockholders shall {hold their not less than two nor more than five, and mothers a t an annual mother and meeting the second Wednesday in the following officers: a president, a vice January elect Directors.' Upon vote president, n secretary nnd a treasurer, any Mrs. A. Bloom and daughter, Syr daughter banquet last evening. Mrs. of 75 perand cent of the issued and outstand-; two of which offices may be held by one toil, are visiting with friends and William, Lazere was the principal ing capital stock the entire assets of the and the same person. Courteous and Reliable corporation may be-sold. The Directors Incorporators: speaker; Miss Eva Orlikoff spoke'in shall relatives in Chicago. elect a President. Vice-President,PAVE B, COHN. behalf of the daughters; Miss Eliza- Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles be amended upon notice as provided: MOUKIS SEIDMAN. Miss Bertie Ginsberg will entertain beth Raskin gave the invocation; sev- may for. The corporation shall have n. seal. Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at 33d LILLIAN COHN. Dated April 19th. 11B2. -' a group of friends this week as a eral songs were presented by Sam In the.presence of: LOUIS-HIIXKR, courtesy to Mrs. Jerome Hirsch, a Osheroff, and Miss Honya Daskovsky IHYTN C LEVIN. H. MAKQUARHT. . 42ft32 recent bride, and Miss Gertrude gave several readings. Feder, whose engagement to Michael The committee included Miss Sara isenberg was announced last week. Woskoff, Miss Fannie Cohen, Miss Charlotte Salkin and Miss Mary Rebecca Dimsdale and Rosagene Rozofsky. Pasman are cast for parts in the Little Theater Children's Plays, whicn will be presented " June 10.

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

ADDRESS MEETING OF B'NAI BR1TH TUESDAY Representatives of the Iowa School of Religion, which is connected with the University of Iowa a t Iowa City, spoke before an open B'nai B'rith meeting Tuesday evening, telling of the purpose, work and needs of the school. The speakers were Dr. Moses Jung, head of the Jewish department of the school; Dr. Willard Lempe, president of the School of Religion, and Dr. Eugene Mannheimer of Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Lempe told the B'nai B'rith; members that the purpose of t h e ; School of Religion was to provide a method of teaching religion in a Slate University. "The- School -of Heligiori," said Dr. Lempe,; "is! an educational as well as religious project The ^striking feature of the school," he continued, Vis the fact that it brings together the repre-' Jsentatives of the three religions oh the campus. The School of Religion lias .the co-operation and support of the university. The slogan of the school is 'Co-operation without Compromise,' and it is an ideal, bigger and broader than tolerance. The school - is an adventure in understanding" he concluded, "based on respect and appreciation: of what "the other man stands for." Dr. Moses Jung stressed the fact that the college student of today is as serious and desirous of knowledge as the student of previous years. "How we can harmonize the Jewish eduucation of our students with their academic education, is the problem of the School .of Religion?! <he .said. '.The Jewish student,": Dr. Jung continued, "must relate his religion to his everyday life. Book religion can no longer be taught. The student must be shown the relation of his religion, to modern Jewish life. The Schol of Religion trains the student to be inspired by t h e . culture of his own people and religion." ; Dr. Mannheimer stressed ,the financial phase of the school/ telling his audience that although the budget, has been cut, the _nfe.eds are a s great today as before. He urged them t o ' give the school their greatest- financial support. i: ;Mr. Morris Pill introduced the speakers.



."Some Necessary Illusions'^, will be the subject of the sermon to be given by Rabbi Lewis this evening at Mount Sinai Temple. Children of the second grade of the Religious School presented a book to the Temple library, from their Birthday fund. Miss Johanna Weinberg is teacher of the class. - -r


1 -•'


IV'• fc •


• - ' 1 - , (







Society News


A. Z. A. Dance

Painting and Decorating


Mothers Honored

HULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors

Daughter of Rabbi Leviriger Honored

The Pace Makers club met this week at the home of Miss Kate and Honors were awarded Leah Judith Ann Raskin; Bridge was followed by Levinger, 13-year-old daughter of refreshments. Rabbi and Mrs. Lee J. Levinger, for a play submitted by her in a naMiss Tobie Flax of Omaha was a tional cohtest of scholastic high visitor in Sioux .City this week. school magazines. Rabbi Levinger, Mr. Nate GaEnsky of Council Her father, is a former Sioux Cityari. Bluffs spent the week end visiting He is now theRabbFof the Hillel Foundation at Columbus, Ohio. Leah with friends in Sioux City. is the granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Levinger, 201 Ida apartments. The prize was $25 for her play, "The Son of Davey Jones." Leah has visited in Sioux City with her Among the students who were takgrandmother several times. en into the Central High School Honor Society last week were Max Maron, Dorothy Gelson and Joe Goldberg. _,

Goodyears cost so little now., why notbuy a

School News

In Recitals


Miss Esther Helin was a member Reuben Halpern offered a group of the Central High Novice Typing of violin solos in a recital last night, team which placed first in the state a t the Schmoller and Mueller Recital contest at Iowa City last week. Hall. He appeared on the program with Charles Littlejohn.

J. N. F. Collections

Supertwist Cord Tires CASH PRICES ,

Gisela Pill, 'cellist, will present a group of solos Saturday evening at Moniitigside • College Conservatory. She1 will assist Miss Clara Asmus, pianist, who will appear that evening.

i A number of Jewish students Irom Four divisions of workers collect"raiious states - were in Sioux.-; City edIthe sum of §302.22, from Jewish this week, where they were contest- National Fund boxes during the past ants in the National' Speech Tour- month. Mrs. M. Lazriowitch, Mrs. ney, which was held in East High J. N. Krueger, Mrs* B. Shihdler and school. Among those participating Mrs. N. Elkin headed the teams. in the extemporaneous division were The first team collected $80.60; the Whatever is worth doing a t all is Ansel Shapman, Iowa City, la.; second, $50; the third, $107.36, and worth doing well.—Chesterfield. Isiale Goldbert, Monesson, Pa ; Isa- the last, $64.25. dbre RicHlin, Omaha, Neb.; lubert Mr. Louis Shilling was general WAX FBOMKIIT, Attorney. Insurance Bnlldlnr. Teitelbaum, Charelroi, Pa.. The ora-chairman of the collection commitr torical declamation division included tees. Assisting him were Mrs. M. NOTICE OF ARTICIJE8 OF INCORPORATION OF SUKIS FLOWER SHOP, > ': rold Livingston, ~ ria, 111.; Her-Leaff, Mrs.- Rose Rabinowitz, Mr. .- INCORPORATED , bert Kaplan, Omaha; P a u l ; Gitter- M. Lazriowitz, Mr. Joe Shindler, Mrs. Notice'Is hereby given that the underrnan, Kan- s City, Mo.; Sara Saxe S. Epstein, Mrs. A. Rosenthal, Mr. signed ineorporators have caused to. he the office of the Secretary, of. State Mitchell, S. D., and Frieda Weiner, L- Sterling,. Mr. H. Mirowitz and «led-Jii of the State of Nebraska and .In the office of t h e County Clerk of the Comityr of Muskegon Heights, Mich., partici- Mr. N. Elldn. Donglas Una. State of Nebraska, Articles pated in the dramatic, declamation of Incorporation of Snrts Flower Shop t contest. Eugene Hoberman of ChisIncoriiornted. Said Articles provide as j olm, Minn., participated in the hum1. - The nnme of the Corporation is. Suris. orous declamation contest. Flower Shop, Incorporated. 2. -The principal place of transacting • ' T h e debating teams included the the business of the Corporation is the City following students: Zalmon Goldof Omnha, County of Douelas. •..-..' Two hundred members of t h e general nature of the business smith, Aurora, 111.; Ben Schrier and Senior Hadassah organization attends td 3.beThe to operate nnd enpape Edward Rosenbaum, Omaha, Neb. a ceenral florist Imsinpsa: to operate ed the annual linen Shower spons- in and engnge a general nursery business; Although final awards were not ored by the Hadassah on Wednesday to engage Inin the aesitminp. armncingr and planting of plants, flowers, shrubs, trees announced at the time of going to afternoon. The linens which were and lnwns: to buy, sell OP otherwise deal press, a number of the Jewish stu- donated by the members will be sent in, at retail, wholesale or otherwise, flowdents were in the final rounds of to various institutions in Palestine ers, -plants, shrubs, trees, vines, bulbs, seeds, artificial flowers and foliage, ornatheir various divisions. Those par- by the New York office bf the Ha- ments,, insecticides, fertilizers, appliances, ticipating were high school students. dassah. and any and all other articles or kinds of merchandise -which may be conveniently Mrs. William Lazere, president of handled in connection therewith, and to prow, cultivate, produce or mannfactnre the organization, presided. the same: to lease, acqnire, pnrchnse. hold, sell, convey and mortgage real and personal property In connection with the An interesting feature of the stutransaction of the business of the Corporation ; to purchase, own, hold nnd disdents' division of the Iowa Artists pose of stock in other corporations ' as Exhibit at Davidson Brothers comwell as its own stock. 4. The authorized stork of the pany, are two pictures by Isaiah Corporation shall be ?0.000.00, divided into Koval. One is a Russian street > Morris Gordon, son of Mr. and iOO shares of a par value of $00.00. each. 5. The existence of the Corporation scene,- and the other a study in tone Mrs. Sam Gordon, 1109 Twelfth shall begin on the filing of a copy of its Mr. "Koval is one • of the ' advanced street, was awarded the second prize Articles of Incorporation with the County i students oi the Sioux City Society for an essay on the "Value of Art,' Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and offered by the Arts Weekly maga- shall continue for n period ofT>o years. of Fine Arts. C. The highest amount of indebtedness . The. exhibit also = includes severa zine, published in New York. Th to which this Corporation shall at any time be snbjected shall not exceed twopictures by H. Arry Stillman, a award was a cash prize of $40. thirds of its capital stock. Mr. Gordon, who is a student at 7. The business of the Corporation fchall former .Siopx Cjtyan, and brother the University of Nebraska, has sev- be conducted by a Board of three Plreo I of'Mr./Abe;: Stillman. tors to be selected from the stockholders. eral of his pictures on display at The Directors from their number shall a President, Vice-President, Secre; the Joslin Memorial gallery in Oma- elect tary and Treasurer. Any Director may ha, Neb. . • , •_ bold one or more of the offices. 8. These Articles may be amended by-'a majority vote of the issued and outstanding common, stock at any regular meeting or a t any special, meeting. > GEORGE STTRIS, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke AI.MA STJRIS. • : ' «^We teed ttie multitude" before members1 of the real estate GEOEGE H. CHRISTOFFERKBK, With Tasty Foods' board at their meeting in the Cham- MAX FnOMKIN, Witness. Incorporatorf. ber of Commerce Wednesday no»»- K O O < V » * * • • '




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