Dedicated to the '{ Ideals of, Judaism Kntered as 8ecoiid-Ci$^gS Matter on Janunxr « . Via, « Postofflce nt Omaha, ^.^^fe^.under the Act ot March 3. 1878
Vol. IX—No. 18 \
onsein Nazis Outdo Selves Election and Stag MRS. ROSENBERG SENATOR KING in Ignorant Blood Dinner for Local Mrs. Ritual Libel Charge B hai Briih June 16 NAMED HEAD OF PRO-PALESTINE HADASSAH REGION GROUP'S HEAD f
A stag dinner and election of officers will be held by the Omaha lodge of the B'nai B'rith at the Jewish Community Center club • American Non-Jews Organize to rooms on Thursday evening, June 16.: South West Regional Convention Held at Des Moines Support Rebuilding of JewEntertainment for the affair will ish Homeland May 29, 30 be under; the direction of Abnei Kaiman.
• •- • < • • > '
Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—Charges that Charles A. Lindbergh, jr., was murdered for blood ritual murder purposes by American Jews are made in the Nazi Organ "Kampruf." The paper suggests that the baby who disappeared on March 1 was murdered so that his blood might be used for Passover which occurred April 21 to April 28. The "Kampruf" advises the American police to conductltheir investigations among the Je The attempt of th| fazis to extend their anti-Semitic titement to the United States has lused the greatest indignation.
J. J. Greenberg and Philip Klutznick Honored for Out' standing Work
Summer Program Is Planned for Center
Final Report on Campaign to Be Made at Board Meeting Tuesday
"Washington.—(J. T. A.) — Recent Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg of Omaha The dinner: will start at 6:45 p. m. developments for mobilizing import- Following the dinner, the election of was elected prseident of the South ant non-Jewish aid ; for. the . Zionist officers will be held. Those unable West Regional division of Hadassah With the arrival of the new physiwork crystallized when leading public to come to the dinner are urged to at the seventh annual convention cal director of the Community CenThe challenge to the spirituaRprevious years but who for some - figures, headed by Vice-President attend the election, as important held in Des Moines, la., Sunday and ter, M. H. Sogolow, plans are be- quality of the Jewish citizenery reason or another have not yet been Charles Curtis, Senator William E. matters will be taken up. The busi- Monday, May 29 aad SO. Last year ing formulated for an intensive pro- of this city has been successfully solicited this year. The additional Borah, chairman of the Senate For- ness meeting will start at 8 p. m. Mrs. Rosenberg was-a regional vice gram for summer, as well- as for answered as the third annual incoming pledges from these three eign Relations Committee and Senator the fall and winter. At this time Reservations for the dinner may president. She hag been outstanding are expected to boost the Philanthropies drive hundred Claude A. Swanson, ranking minority be made with Dr. A. Greenberg, in Hadassah work. final plans are not available, except Jewish total over $35,000. member of that Committee, formally president, or Samuel H. Green, secreThe conclave, held in the Fort that a special membership will be swings into its final stages. Victory organized and elected officers of the tary. Des Moines hotel, was attended by inaugurated for swimming. Begin- The popular response, despite a This sum is considered by all as a American Palestine Committee, a nondelegates from Nebraska, Iowa, Kanning June 15 to September 1, the lowering of the standard of giving momentous victory, as the popular due to unusual economic conditions, Jewish body to support the rebuilding sas, Missouri, Colorado and Oklahoma, rates will be $2.50 for men and response was so gratifying. In pracof the Jewish, homeland in Palestine. women, and $1.50 for boys and has been unprecedentedly gratifying. At the convention Mrs. Herman Announcement of the election of To date, 2,353 subscriptions girls under 16, for the use of the Marowitz of Council Bluffs was those officials as honorary chairmen Center swimming pool, which is one have been obtained. This figure chosen secretary. Mrs. Harry GoldFinal Report of the Committee was made at a restands out in bold relief against of the best of its kind. berg of Lincoln, Nebr., was named ception tendered Nahum Sokolow, the totals of previous compaigns. A complete, final report on the one of the eight vice presidents. Further details will be announced president of the Jewish Agency for In 1931, a total of 1,700 contriJewish Philanthropies drive will Miss Pearl Franklin of Chicago, at a later date. Palestine and the World Zionist Orbutions was obtained, and in be rendered at the Board of Govnational vice president, who has just Hilquist Re-elected Executive ganization. Senator Swanson, now 1930 a total of 1,900 was seernors' meeting at the J. C. C concluded a visit in Palestine, was Head After Anti-Semitism in Geneva, where he is attending the cured. next Tuesday evening, June 7, at the principal speaker at a banquet Injected .Disarmament Conference cabled his Nazi Chieftain Says Will Deport Sunday held in conjunction with the 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. The genRewarded acceptance. Alien Jews Entering eral chairman and the divisional In recognition of their yeoconvention. Milwaukee.—(J. T. A.) — An outSince 1914 man service during the camheads will report. Important problems that confront burst of anti-Semitism at the SocialSenator William H. King of Utah paign, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg and Hadassah locally, nationally and in- ist party's national convention held , was named president and chairman of Philip Klutznick were both the executive committee. Other offi- Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Alien Jews who ternationally, were discussed. Round here last week, though promptly suptically all cities the Philanthropy elected to the Executive Comcers elected include: Representative entered Germany after 1914 will be table discussions were held on topics pressed, left a bitter feeling as the campaigns have failed to go over deported when the Nazis obtain powmittee of the Jewish Community of Hadassah interest. Hamilton Fish, Jr., vice-chairman; convention concluded its sessions. because of the depressed business Center and Welfare Federation William Hard,'secretary; William R. er. Those Jews who even in the A delegation of fifteen women The racial issue was raised during conditions, and even in cities like at a meeting of that body held Hopkins, -treasurer, and Senators slightest manner insulted Germany from Omaha participated in the con- a verbal battle over the re-election of To Keep Up Morale It Is NecesDetroit, noted for never missing a will be brought to the frontier and Tuesday noon, it was announced Royal S. Copeland, J. Hamilton Lewis, vention affairs. Among those are Morris Hilquit, as chairman of the exsary to Send 2.000 in Next quota, only about 85 per cent of the today by William L. Holzman, Robert F, .Wagner and Reclamation punished. included the Mesdames J. Blank, ecutive committee. Foes of Hilquit budget was obtained. Six Months This declaration was made to forpresident. Commissioner. Elwood Mead as memJoseph Rosenberg, Joe Goldware, sought to elect Mayor Daniel Hoan of Henry Monsky, general chairman, eign correspondents by the Nazi lead- Dave Stein, Julias Stein, A. Shaf- Milwaukee instead. bers of the executive committee. Both Mrs. Greenberg and Klutz- is highly complimentary to the men er, Deputy Goering. New York.—(J. T. A.)—A warning ton, M. Jacobson, Reuben Kulakof- Westerners gave as a reason for nick have distinguished themselves and women who worked under him. Among the members- of the committee iare: Senator James E. Watson, Included in the list of prescribed sky, B. A. Simon, E. Meyers, I. Ber- favoring Hoan "the American issue," to the Jews of America that the Jew- ! as heads of the Women's Division The campaign machinery has stood majority leader of "the'senate; Secre- Jews are those who have ever written kowitz, M. F. Levenson, Hyman whereat Louis Waldman, of New York ish position in Palestine would be and General Solicitation Division, re- under the strain of the drive in tary of Agriculture "Arthur M. Hyde; anything against the Nazis or spoken Cohn, Morris Brandeis and J. Sav- in a stirring speech, ^declared Hilquit jeopardized and that Jewish morale spectively. dauntless fashion, and it was this would be undermined unless funds are ich. Assistant Secretary, of State, James in criticism of them. The women's division, under Mrs. thorough organization that is responwas as good -an American as Dan supplied to transport two thousand Grafton Roge'rs; Assistant Attorney Hoanj" and - Judge j Jacob Panken Jews from Europe to Palestine, in ac- Greenberg's leadership, went "over sible for the success manifested. Berlin.—The agitation of the Nazis General John Lord O'Brien; Solicitor charged-an attempt-tes JievBg. mgje, ^•rtesre^vritth t&e aHotttient'of.immi- the top," raising its quota of $5,050. Thirty beneficiaries representing against the Jews is becoming more General:< " qf^^^SiJafe^Dfepartffl Nearly 250 women, representing local, national and international jew«to "crucify Hilquit." gration certificates by the British intense daily declares the Bulletin of Greene H7 Hackwbrth; Governor of "What we want," he said, "is not an government, was issued by Louis Lip- nearly every organized group in the ish agencies, will benefit from tha Kansas Harry H. Woodring; Senators the Central Union of Jewish Citizens American Socialist party, but a so- sky, national chairman of the Ameri- community, participated in the drive, funds raised. Marcus A. Coolidge; Edward P. Cos of the German faith. and 1,146 subscriptions were obcialist party in America." The campaigners have found can Palestine campaign, in a state- tained from the Jewish women in The propaganda against the Jews is tigan, Walter F. George, R. H. Howe Succeeding speakers thereupon that the -Jewish heart, renowned ment declaring there is now "an exever more menacing while the attacks rell, Robert M. LaFollette, Gerald P. dwelt more on the racial issue and traordinary opportunity to accelerate Omaha, marking an increase of nearfor its generosity in philanthroNye; A. N. Vandenberg, David.I upon Jews are growing apace, it detheir feeling toward Jews, until Hey- the upbuilding of the Jewish National ly 400 pledges over last year. py, has proved its mettle in Berlin.—(J. T. A-)—What is conclares. Several Jews were attacked Walsh, Thomas J. Walsh, Burton K-: Likewise, the general solicitations Omaha. This, because such a wood Broun, New York columnist, af- Home in Palestine." sidered a moral success for the Jews in the Berlin Tiergarten and in other Wheeler; —.Representatives ;Carl R division has obtained a larger numter repeated efforts, managed to get large proportion of the Omaha Mr. Lipsky revealed that funds be- ber of subscriptions this year, the Chindebloomj-F; Edmund Erk, Luthe parts of the city by the Nazis who was last week's radio debate on anti- the floor and declared that "it is a Jewry responded even beyond Semitism between Wilhelm Stapel, are conducting a systematic street ng raised by the American Palestine A. Johnson, Paul John Kvale, F. Latotal to date being 936. shameful and disgraceful thing to their ability, displaying a willNazi theoretician, and Ludwig Hollaterrorization. Guardia, J. Charles Linthicum, Jos W. Final Report Tuesday bring up the question of anti-Semi- Fund for the maintenance of Jewish ingness to respond to the urgent ender, of the Central Union of GerThe son of President Paul Van Hinreconstruction activities surpass the Martin, Ruth Bryan Owen, Henry T At the present writing the final tic prejudice." He called on the conJewish needs to the utmost. man Citizens of the Jewish Faith. denberg, the Jewish Telegraphic Rainey,- Henry W. Temple and John vention to rise and support him in his amounts raised last year, with the ex- analysis has not been made, but a The debate, over the government contention ception of New York City. His stateQ. Tilson; Carleton Beals, Assistant Agency learns, is trying to influence complete report on the campaign will that "there is no racial disCommissioner of Education; Miss his father in favor of the Nazis, and controlled radio station, . lasted one crimination in the party." Most of ment contained a plea that the Jews be rendered at the Board of Gov- Testimonial to Dr. in New York would pay tribute to the ernors' meeting to be held at the Bess Goody. - Koontz, Norman Hap- has weakened the influence of Chan- hour and was heard by tens of thou- the throng stood up. Cyrus Adler Sunday, sands of people throughout the counleadership of Nathan Straus, jr., who Jewish Community Center on Tuesgood, Mrs." Anne Hard, George A. cellor Bruening. Hilquit, in accepting the nominatry, since anti-Semitism is now a pois New York campaign chairman, by Hastings; Knowles A. Ryerson, Asday evening, June 7, at 8 p. m. tion as chairman, referred to the fact litical issue. an amount "commensurate New York.—-(J. T. A.)—Dr. Cyrus sistant Commissioner of Reclamation that he was a Jew and challenged his obtaining The thermometer at the Center, Adler, Stapel, who recently justified phy1 with the size and prestige of the leadpresident of the Jewish TheoMae A. Schnurr, Mrs. Adele; C. Scott sical attacks upon the Jews, exercised opponents to say directly they object- ing Jewish community in the world." depicting the drive's progress, has logical Seminary of America, will be and James Brown Scott. ed to him on that ground. registered above the $30,000 mark. restraint over the radio and refrained "The upbuilding of Palestine can by a testimonial in recogni"I made the unfortunate choice," he be made to ease the burden of Euro- The solicitation will continue up to honored from slandering expressions. tion of his of thirty years night, and all prospects not of service ascompletion He stated that he does not believe said, satirically, "of being born in an pean Jewry," Mr. Lipsky said, in Tuesday director and president of Krug Park, which has opened unDaughters of Zion yet seen will be canvassed. un-American country of Jewish parpointing out that funds supplied for the Seminary at the commencement der new management and ownership, in the sincerity of Jews *.7ho wish to ents." There are three hundred such pros- exercises to be held at the Seminary Germans on the ground that Palestine work enable the transportaAchieving Results is sending to the Jewish people of become Joseph Sharts of Dayton, Ohio, suppects, all of whom have given in tion of thousands of European Jews Quadrangle on June 5. Omaha complimentary tickets which their blood would never permit com- porting Hilquit, declared: The Omaha Daughters of Zion arc may be used Thursday, June* 9. The plete assimilation. "now steeped in poverty and misery, Dr. Adler will receive a testimonial "One senses in the arguments here who have no prospects for the future in receipt of: a letter from Palestine iurpose of this, according to the He also stated that Jews are pacivolume containing the names of more concerning the work that• is being 'ark management, is to acquaint fists and have international relations. that a man must have 100 per cent in the countries where they now live." than 300 members of the Testimonial accomplished in the Holy Land with them with the new and thrilling at- Thus, in case of war, he said, they American background and that if one "The recent granting by the British Committee among whom are Lieutenbe a Jew of foreign birth he reads funds furnisKed-by the local group. tractions that have been placed in cannot be full heartedly with Gergovernment of two thousand labor ant Governor Herbert Lehman of New himself out of the party." Enclosed are also a group of pic- Krug Park. S. Fox, Carl Wolfson many. immigration certificates presents York, Governor Mayer of Oregon, "There is no such issue here," B. C tures of some Jewish National Fund and Louis Slusky are the new owners Jews with a test of their understand- . Harry L. Abrahams, 62, retired Judge Benjamin Cardozo, Judge IrvDr. Hollaender, in an impressive reland, the water project recently in- and managers of the Park. ply, brought out that the German Vladeck, manager of the "Jewish ing of the Jewish problem and of the furniture dealer, died at a local hos- ing Lehman, and Judge Horace Stern stalled, and.' the machine: house, in "We would like to meet all of our Jews consider themselves part of Ger- Daily Forward," declared. He second- responsibilities of Jewish life," Mr. pital last week, following an illness of Philadelphia. process of construction, all achieved people personally and escort them many by culture and language. In ed Hoan's nomination, however, as a Lipsky said. of over a year. He was with the by . the money, sent ,by - the .Omaha through the Park," Mr. Fox said. case of war, they will undoubtedly act matter of party unity, he said, and to Omaha Furniture and Carpet com"recognize .the practical -work of the Daughters of Zion. pany from 1886 until six years ago, Renown Leader of "This, of course, is impossible, and so i as part of the German nation, he as- Milwaukee Socialists." Mr. Vladeck when he retired. Only last January these women we are sending the complimentary serted. by unanimous choice of the convention German Jewry Dies sent $1,500 to the Jewish National tickets to them. Mr. Wolfson and He is survived by his widow, Rae; delegates, acted as chairman of the - Fund to be used in advancing the Mr. Slusky and I will be there to' three brothers, Henry J., Edward A., last day's sessions. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. James Si* interests of the Jewish Homeland. greet, all who visit the park next of Omaha, and Jake, of Independmon, outstanding leader of German ence, Mo., and two sisters, Miss FanThursday. I know we have many new nie Abrahams and Mrs. Sol Lesser, Jewry, renowned as a philanthropist, thrilling attractions that will astound The Jewish Community Center Name Herbert Kaplan Sunday School, with an enrollment both of San Francisco. art connoisseur, Maecenas and merIntimate of Ilerzl those who come." ... chant, in Berlin at the age of 81. Head of Ro-noh Club of over 200, brought its season to Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery, For died will' admit the bearer thirty years president of the Bieis at Age of 64 andThehistickets Mrs. Harry Levy, 64, passed away with Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiata close last Sunday. Seventeen family to the Park. Free Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, of Herbert Kaplan was elected head graduated upon completion of the ing. London.—-{J.T. A.)—Joseph Cowen, admission to the ballroom and free on May 22 at a local hospital. which he was one of the founders, Burial was in Chicago the next day. of the Ro-noh club of Central High course of study, and have pledged one of the: first English Jews to asso- parking will also be included. outstanding in his devotion to the Besides her husband, she is surschool at a meeting held Friday themselves to continue as the first ciate himself with Theodore Herzl in Free talking pictures will be an, Jewish people, Dr. Simon won the adclass in the high school department his plans for the rebuilding of the outstanding attraction at New Krug vived by two sons, Lou and Sidney evening. miration and affection of non-Jews by Levy, both of Omaha; five daughOther officers elected include Lloyd to be established next fall. Jewish Homeland and for more than Park this season; The outdoor thehis many benefactions. three decades associated -with the ater opened {Saturday. Feature pic- ters, Mildred, Florence and Lillian Friedman, vice president; Bernard The Community Center Sunday A friend of the former Kaiser, Dr. Levy, all of Omaha; Mrs: M. E. Chapman, secretary; Joel Cherniss, School was under the supervision of world Zionist", movement, died last turues of great interest will be shown. Simon refused to exploit his con- . Laner of Omaha and Mrs. J. M. treasurer, and Howard Kaplan, cor- Rabbi Goldstein. A new feature of Philadelphia.—(J. T. A.) — At the nectionsever week in London at the age of sixty- The sound equipment installed in the and many times declined to Rubin of New York; one grandchild, 67th annual meeting of the Jewish responding secretary. four. ' •... ,:•;• : ..' . ./. . - .: ; . : -' ; outdoor theater is extremely sensitive the school curriculum was the introHospital Association of Philadelphia, be elevated to the nobility. Mr. Cowen belonged to the group of and all talking may be heard clearly. Roberta Ann Laner; one sister, Mrs. duction of handwork and the project Herzl's close associates which included This is the only outdoor theater in J. O. Feinberg of Chicago, and one $6,500 Art Award method in the primary grades.- In Arthur A. Fleischer, president, anbrother, S. Rubinsky of Chicago. nounced that Mrs. Anna Esther Frid- Nebraskan Ordained the late David Wolfsohn and tile late Omaha featuring talking pictures. Baltimore.—Henri Brenner, 22-year- these grades the little children aged enberg had presented to the Hospital J. L. Greenberg, editor of the "Lon- The mammoth bathing beach also at Hebrew College old Maryland " Institute student, has 6 to 9 were not called upon to read the sum of $400,000 in cash, for the don Jewish Chronicle." opened Saturday. The beach and all Boycott Leaflets Create been awarded the $6,500 Chaloner difficult text books. Instead, they purpose of the erection, equipment Mr. Cowen attended the first Zion- of its improvements promises to be a Excitement Paris prize for his sculptural work. "learned by doing." Cincinnati (J. T. A.)—Nathaniel and partial upkeep of a Surgical ist Congress in Basle. Later ho ac- popular rendesvous this season. New Damascus. — Leaflets were distrib- He was in competition with student S. Share of Columbus, Neb., was The graduating class carried out Ward Building. companied Theodore Herzl on his improvements have also been made" on uted here in which a boycott against sculptors from all parts of the coun- successfully a project in American This gift was made possible among the 18 young men ordained visit to the Turkish Sultan to secure the bath house and pool. Special I the Jews was called for. The leaflets try. . Jewish history. Among other things, through a legacy of $400,000 in cash as rabbis at the commencement exthe Sultan's consent to issue a char- price inducements have been made j created some excitement and three He is first Maryland Institute they assembled most of the Jewish given to Mrs. Anna Esther Friden- ercises of the Hebrew Union college, I Jews were severely beaten. Subse- student tothe ter for a special Jewish settlement on this season. held last Saturday. win the Chaloner prise, and Palestine territory. '•.-.... Dancing at Krug Park never seems quently some extra police were sent also one of the few sculptors to be so and Anglo-Jewish papers and maga- berg through the will of her brother, Dr. Julian Morgenstem, president zines published in the country, an Mone Samuel Fridenberg, who died in to tire one. A new band every two down to the Jewish quarter. honored. The award carries with it exhibition of their collection being Philadelphia in February, 1931. The of the college, officiated. Belgrade.—The order of Saint Savs weeks keeps things interesting. Webb's Jewish Journalist Wins traveling expenses, an emolument of gift in the brother's will is without Warsaw. — Hilel Seidman, well- $2,000 a year and a fully-equipped shown last week. was awarded to a Jewish woman Californians began a two-week enrestriction, but prior to his death, he "Shoe King" Assists with At the last session it was angagement Saturday. Other popular known Polish Jewish journalist, has Elise Feldman, by a representative of studio in Paris for three years. nounced that Grace Resnick led the requested his sister to use his legacy Synagogue bands will come during the season. been awarded first prize in the Goethe the Health Ministry. Prague. — M. Bata, prominently graduating class with a mark of al- for the purpose of erecting a memorcontest arranged by the Wuerzburg The award was made, on the occas; Forbids Schechita ; most 93. Miriam Saxe was second ial to the memory of his parents and known as the European "shoe king, university. ion of "the thirtieth anniversary of her S u b s i d i z e ,. ' f ' • Berlin.—A decision to make sche- with an average above 90. Pearl brothers. The donor is using the en- is lending assistance for the erectio The winning paper was on the subassociation with social and charitable Riga.—The sum of 850,000 lats has chita illegal, has been adopted by the Osloff and Lee Goldblatt were the tire sum thus bequeathed to her for of a synagogue at Zilina, where hi# ictivities as the president of the Jew been assigned by the Riga municipal- ject "Goethe and Judaism." this purpose. shoe works are located. __j municipality of Heidelberg. of relieving unemployment, •'-.'•' other honor students. 'sh Humanitarian. Union at Belgrade, ity to subsidize Jewish, institutions.
Phi Beta Epsilon Officers Installed
Conservative Synagogue News
Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton social fraternity, sponsored a banquet at THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the Hotel Paxton Sunday to install the newly-elected officers and to $2.50 Subscription Price, one: year - - - - - -' - honor graduating members. Advertising rates furnished on -application The graduates are Alfred Fox, •Council Bluffs, retiring president, Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building who will receive a degree of B. S. Telephone: ATlantic 1450 in commerce; Nathan E. Gilinsky, Sioux City Office^—Jewish Community Center Council Bluffs, a former president, Candle lighting time, Friday, June DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and, Managing Editor who will receive an LL.B. degree, J—7:09 p. m. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - Editor and Leon Fellman, retiring vice presFANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent T ident, who will receive his degree ANN PILL - - - - - ' - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Services Tonight j from the school of dentistry. Rabbi Goldstein will spe|k on The newly installed officers are Julius J. Bisno, Memphis, Tenn., pres- Taking a Census." He will^evaluA monentous problem of growing importance in the life of ident; Morris R. Blacker, Omaha, te the work of the Conservative during the past two years. American Jewry has been steadily gaining attention in the Angltf- vice president; Henry H. Weiner, Synagogue Shavnoth Services June 9, 10, 11 Omaha, treasurer; E. Joseph SoloJewish press . . . that of a national organized means of dealing monow, Council Bluffs, secretary, and The schedule of Shavuoth services with matters of "a vital nature in the educational, cultural and so- Hyman J. Goodbinder, Omaha, bail- s as follows: Thursday evening, June 9—6:30. cial fields and with work overseas. Several outstanding proposals iff. Friday morning, June 10—8:30. Philip M. Klutznick, alumnus and have been widely published, three in particular being most popu- charter member, delivered the main Friday evening, June 10, 8:00. larly mentioned. Judge Horace Stern proposed that American address. Twenty-three actives and Saturday morning, June 11—8:30. Jewry be organized on the basis of congregational units; H. L. alumni were present. Shavuoth Dinner Lurie suggested as our solution centralized agencies, such as WelThe last congregational dinner of fare Funds; and others advocate a combination of the two by havthe season will take place Thursday ing centralized agencies, strengthened by congregational units as evening1 at 6:30 p. m. under the proposed by Judge Stem. The latest manifestation of national mspices of the Auxiliary. TradiJune 7 ional Shavuoth dishes will be served. interest in this all-enveloping problem is a questionnaire sent out Jewish Women's Welfare Organin interesting and stimulating proization, luncheon 1 p. m. by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. gram has been arranged. ReservaJane 9 The response to this questionnaire reveals that our leaders Conservative Auxiliary Dinner, tions may be made through Mrs. Ben Glazer, Walnut 9048. are keenly aware of the significance of a centralization and con- 6:30 p. m., followed by services. r June 10 centration and conservation of Jewish forces in this country. But Confirmation Confirmation Services, 8 p. m. this unanimity disappears in selection of the means to be employed June 13 Confirmation services will be held in achieving the desired purpose. In advocacy of the Lurie Plan Council of Jewish Women, board n Friday evening, June 10, at 8 p. it is pointed out that, unfortunately, the synagogues are neither meeting at 1:30 p. m. . The following will be confirmed: June 16 Pearl Osoff, Jeanette Singer, Mirrepresentative of all groups of American Jewry nor practical inB'nai Brith Stag Dinner and iam Saks, Jean Beber, Jeanette Postruments of activity. Such a plan, it is argued, will not take into Meeting, 7 p. m. lonsky, Harriet G. Bernstein, Mary account the vast numbers who have not adjusted themselves to Notice rbitman, Ethelyn Kulakofsky, SaThe Jewish Community Center rah Ann Margolin, Norman ,. S. Borthe changing religious life of our times, whereas the Lurie idea close Thursday evening, June dy, Goldie Silverman, Grace Resnick, would be able to obtain support from non-religious elements in will 9, at 6 p. m. and reopen at 6 p. m. Lee Goldblatt, Edna Moskovitz, MirJewry as well as the religious affiliated . . . allowing the various Saturday, June 11, due to Shavoth. am Elaine Conn, Irving Conn, Rae SVolfson. elements of the community who are socially, economically, and Members and their friends are religiously somewhat apart to come together on a common platManny, liked him and we are genu- irged to be in their seats before 8 form of thought and operation without friction. inely sorry to see him leave the 'clock. No seats will be reserved. Much, however, has also been said in favor of making syna- Center. During his brief stay here Bar Mitzvah gogue units the center of communal and social activities. Some he built the Center gymnasium classes to heights never before At services Saturday morning, the state that events point to the government and state agencies soon reached and his various teams were econd day of Shavuoth, Edward Glataking over the physical needs of the poor, leaving Jewish, welfare known throughout the city for their :er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glaorganizations for the most part functionless. The synagogue, en- ability and clean sportsmanship. We :er, •will become Bar Mitzvah. Memwish him the best of luck where- bers and their friends are cordially visioned as the center of'gravity of Jewish life, is seen as adding ever he goes and hope that he has as to be present at the Bar soulfulness to -Jewish effort. It is claimed that by such a plan much and more success than that he invited Mitzvah services. thousands affiliated, with synagogues who do not participate in had here. Memorial Service general communal affairs would be added to the manpower of Saturday morning, the second day The Thorpeian Athletic club, the Jewish forces for good. oldest Jewish club for young men if Shavuoth, will mark the last Synservice of the season. Unquestionablyi each plan has its merits and each its de- now active about the Center, are igogue Yizkor, or Memorial service, will sponsoring a big all-Jewish tennis merits. Probably a combination of the two 'would be an apt solu- tournament to be held about the 20th ie at 10 a. m. tion, since* they can- be made, to supplement-pne another with a of Jane. The Thorps have a beauReception for Confirmants consequent; benefijt? to ailJew^ish work. However, it is at least tiful-big silver loving cup that will The mothers of the confirmants be donated to the winner. Omaha if the Conservative Synagogue have gratifying ix)know^ that; the1 initial step has been taken in the di- Jewish tennis fans have never before to hold a joint reception. rection of iw^brdinating Jewish activities in this country, by the had such a splendid trophy to com- decided They invite their relatives and pete for, and the entry list should initiation of an intelligent public discussion. Throughout the land be large. No entry fee will be friends to be with them Sunday Mir various Jewish educational, social, cultural and philanthropic charged and all entrants may place afternoon, June 12, from 3 to 5 at efforts have been meeting difficulties because of decentralization. the same before Stanley F. Levin at the J. C. C. It is hoped that the reception will set a precedent That the problem in the future requires national co-ordination and the Jewish Press office, with any joint to be followed by all confirmation member of the Thorpeians, or at the centralization is evident from the opinions expressed everywhere. office of the athletic" director of the classes. A national co-ordination, properly manned, would be the strongest Center. in football. Single sport lettermen potential integrating force we have yet produced on the American were Goldstein and Riekes in footJewish scene. Since public attention has been crystallized, it is The Jewish Community Kittenball ball, B. Rimmerman in Swimming, teams played last week and A. Rimmerman and Friedman in now necessary that we decide which plan of national concentration league the results are: A. Z. A. No. 1 trim- tennis, and Weiner in wrestling. is most feasible |nd that we then proceed to fully carry out that med the Pants Store 7 to 0 at Gifplan, in order thlt the Jewish social, economic and cultural struc- ford Park. Murray Wintroub pitched Tech high probable lettermen are errorless ball, while his mates gave Hurwitz, Kaplan and Bernstein in ture in America be safeguarded for posterity. him excellent support. The Thor- track, and Ferber in baseball. Due peian Athletic club handed the A. Z. University of Illinois. His first A. No. 100 another defeat on the to the Tech system in awarding duties will be to line up a summer same field. The Thorps, from now athetic honors the Maroon football swimming schedule and he wants it on, should be serious threats to the men received their awards after the made known that all members who other teams since they have tasted footbal season. By STANLEY F. LEVIN do and do not swim are more than the fruits of victory. The Psi Mu JACK W. SURER Court House Well, once again the Jewish Com- welcome to attend the classes. Now game with the Charles Street Maris the best time to learn to swim, ket nine was postponed when one munity Center athletic department just before, the hot weather sets in of the teams booked a game in Sioux NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE will be guided by that most capable so that when it does we will all be City for that date. Games this week SALE young athletic teacher and coach, able to take advantage of the out- will see the A. Z. A. No. 1 meeting Notice is hereby gfven that on the 17th of June, 1032, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., Morris Sogolow. Morry, as he is side pools and not have to lounge the Charles Street Markets at Gif- day at the Capital Garage, llrth and Capitol known to the many boys and girls on the beach while our friends are ford Park at 10 o'clock—the Psi Mu Are., Omaha, Nebr., the undersigned will sell at public auction, for cash, to the who have met him, is an honest-to- disporting themselves in the water. and the Thorpeians will tangle at highest bidder, 1928 Cadillac Coupe, sjoodness big college coach, having Motor No. 32S0oS . 10 o'clock on the Central high school been a freshman coach and instructA parting word or two about grounds, while the Pants Store and covered by chattel mortgage in favor of C. Daley, signed by Carl Krumerer, or in the coaching school at the Manny Segel—all of us who knew the A. Z. A. No. 100 boys will put John said mortgage being dated January 9, and having been filed in the office on their struggle at Gifford park at 1932, of the County Clerk ot Douglas County, Nebraska, ou the 11th day of February, 11 o'clock. Published-every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
Center Calendar
Nate Cutler, at Creighton university, will probably be the only Jewish letterman this year, on the Bluejay campus. Cutler will undoubtedly be awarded a big Blue "C" for his work on the Jay tennis team. Harry Altsuler, not so big, Central High School athlete, was awarded three letters for making the grade in football, basketball and baseball when letters were awarded to th various athletes. Other boys earning their letters were "orney, who received one, in baseball and another FBADKSDUKG, STALMA8TKR A BEBER 050 Omaha National Bank Bid*-. NOTICE OF CHATTEX, MORTGAGE Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of June. 1932. nt the hour of 10 A. M.. at 2514 I/envenworth street, the under signed will sell to the highest bidder foi cash: I Hoosier oak heater. 1 walnut cabinet Vfctor orthophonic No. 59978. 1 onlc library table, 1 50-pound Thermo cell refrigerator, 1 8x10 eongoleum rug, 1 cedar chest, 1 -wall dining table, 1 walnut buffet, . 0 walnut tapestry seat diners, 1 walnut highboy, ; 7x0 aiminster rug, 1 brown iron daybec nnd pad, 1 3-burner Vesta gas range, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, 1 porcelain to kitchen tnble. 3 gray wooden seat kitche: chairs, 1 9x12 eongoleum rng, 1 walnu dresser. 1 brown Simmons bed springs am mattress., covered by chattel mortgage executed by James W. Stephens nnd Madonna Stephens on January 24, 1931, to F. E, Tyson, doing business as the Omaha Loan Company, and having been filed for rec ord In1 the office of the County Clerk oi Douglas County. Nebraska. Said sale will be for the rnirpose:-of fore closing said mortgage and1 to!satisfy thi amount due thereon, to-wit: Seventy-nin and 3S-1«K)- Dollars (?7S).38); and' accrufn costs. . t F. E. TTSON, Doing Bnsiness i s 5-27-3t OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.
1932. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage for costs of sale and all accruing costs, and for tie purpose of satisfying the amonnt now due thereon, to-wit: $1,000.00; that no suit ot other proceedings at law have been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. JOHN C. DALEY, 0-20-3t Mortgagee.
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization
Ladies Labor Lyceum Club
A 1 o'clock luncheon on Tuesday, June 7, at the J. C. C. will bring the season to a close for the Jewish Women's Welfare Federation. Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president, will give a report of all of the actvities of the year. Mrs. Charles Levenson, treasurer, and other chairmen will also read their reports. The principal speaker of the afternoon will be Rabbi David A. Goldstein. Mrs. Nathan Green will sing a group of songs, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky. Reservations may be made with Mrs. David Feder, Walnut 1164, or at the Community Center.
The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will hold a benefit card party next Wednesday, June 8, at the home of Mrs. I. Blumkin, 2110 Grace St., both in the afternoon and evening. Anyone wishing to may arrange for her own table at the card benefit. Everyone is welcome to attend. This club is also going to sponsor a rummage sale the same day. Anyone having a bundle to donate is asked to call either Mrs. M. Crounse, Jackson 2982, or Mrs. J. Elkin, Webster 3910.
A regular meeting of the Chesed Shel Ernes will be held Monday aftsrnoon at their building at Nineeenth and Cuming streets. Election )f officers will feature. All members are urg-ed to attend, as other important matters will also be discussed.
Sol Lewis 2004 Parnam Street ATlantic 4486
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
Miss Mildred Webb, formerly of Monheit's Beauty Salon recommends these Specials at the
MORRIS BEAUTY SHOP JA 6398 105 So. 18th St. AT 3210 $5.00 Frederic Waves, with free finger wave Frederic Waves, with free shampoo and finger wave $6.50 A free 30-minute facial given with each $2 worth of work.
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36th and FARNAM
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BLANKETS Finished by the Woolen Mills Process
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Guaranteed Against Shrinkage PRICED AT 50c TO 75c
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Evans Laundry
3 for $3.30 COLLARS ATTACHED—Sizes 14 to 18
A Sale for Omaha's Most Discriminating —at a Saving Almost Beyond Conception Note This Fact Well: Every Inch of Fabric Absolutely Full Shrunk — for the Entire Life of the Shirt More than startling! More than extraordinary! By all odds the most impressive array of better grade Shirts assembled in years in this inviting price range. A sale made to order for men who customarily pay many, many times more . . . men who demand flawless construction, perfection in styling, the last word in smart patterns and exquisite fabrics. Unmistakably it's an opportunity that will be recalled by the "value-wise" as the surprise offering of the season. Make the most of it!
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LIMITLESS VARIETY OF SOFT COLLAR ATTACHED STYLES Extra Quality—Solid White—Broadcloth Also Tans, Blues, Grays and Greens
Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers
SHOTWE1JL, MONSKY. GRODINSKY & VANCE, Attorneys. 737 Omaha National Bank Bids.
NOTICE OT INCORPORATION ROSA REALTY COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is ROSA REALTY COMPANY, with its principal place of business in the City of Omaha. The objects for which this corporation is formed are: To maintain and operate a general real estate holding company, and to buy. sell, mortgage, lease, encumber and deal in real and personal property of all kinds. The corporation shall have the power to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is $50,000.00, par value $100.00 per share, all stock common, and shall be fully paid and non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its Articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue nnti] January 1st, 2033. The highest amount of indebtedness shall noi exceed two-thirds of the capital stock, This restriction shall not apply to indebt edness secured by real estate. The num ber of members of the Board shall be provided for by the By-Laws, which Board shall administer the affairs of the corpora tion. The stockholders shall hold thei annual meeting the second Wednesday in January and elect Directors. Upon vote of 75 per cent of the issued and outstand ing capital stock the entire assets of thi corporation may be sold. The Directors shall elect a President. Vice-Presidenf, Secretary nnd Treasurer. The Article; may be amended upon notice ns provided for. The corporation shall have a seal. Dated April 19th. 1932. „ , „ _ „ LOUIS H1LLEK. 5-20-23-4t H. MAHQCAKDT-
Home of
Westinghouse Refrigerators
He that never thinks, never can be wise.—Johnson. There is no jesting with tool s.—B eaumont.
Chesed Shel Ernes
Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances
507 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1192
. wonder
720 So. 28th St.
Ja. 0777
Auxiliary President
STEIN-FELDMAN MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs." Sam Feldman announce ;tfie marriage of their daughter, Pearl," to Ben I. Stein, son of Mr., and Mrs. H. M. Stein. The inarriage took plaice March 10. The religious ' ceremony will be performed by Rabbi David A. Goldstein at the home' of the. bride'si parents on Sunday, June 5. The couple will be at home at 4418 Chicago street after June 5.
cake with seven candles on it the centerpiece, and yellow and blue spring flowers were also used on the tea table! Toys were given as favors." TO SPEND SUMMER HERE Miss Leona Ginsburg, who has been residing in. 'Chicago for the past three years; arrived here Sunday, May 29, to spend the summer with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. A. Ginsbiirg. •:'• '"';••
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mrl and Mrs. M. Robinson an- MAKES HOME HERE nounce the engagement of... their Mrs. ~ Norman Rothholtz of. Los daughter, Frances, to Sam Sorine, Angeles arrived Saturday to make Ben of Mr. H. Sorine of this city. her home * here/ Mo: date has been set for the wedr CONVALESCING ' ; _ Mrs. .Fannie, Simon is convalescSURPRISE ENGAGEMENT ing" aF heir home" from a recent ill-
n e s s . " ••'-• . • ' • • : . i ' ~- •'•
When the Misses Helen and Bess Goldware and Mr. Ben Goldware arrived here this week to visit with their parents, they surprised their parents by announcing that the guest accompany them, Miss Jessica Gordon of Chicago, was Ben's fiancee. Miss Bess Goldware returned to Chicago Tuesday. Miss Gordon and Mr. Goldware, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Goldware, are motoring to Chicago this week end. Mr. Ben Goldware is graduating from the Illinois college of Chiropody and Foot Surgery on Saturday, June 4.
AT CONCLAVE Omaha women attending the seventh annual southwest regional conference at Des Moines on May 29 and 30 were Mesdames J. Blank, Joseph Rosenberg, Joe Goldware, Dave Stein, Julius Stein, A- Shafton, M. Jacobson, Reuben Kulakofsky, B. A. Simon, E. Meyers, L Berkowitz, M. F. Levenson, Hyman Cohn, Morris Brandeis and J. Savich. DANCING PARTY The Phi Beta Sigma sorority will entertain seventy-five couples at a dancing party on Saturday evening, June 11, at the Birchwood club. The affair •will be in honor of two members of. the sorority who have recently announced their engagements, Miss Edith Dolgoff and Miss Evelyn Goldberg.
HIGHLAND OPENING The Highland Country club held its formal opening Saturday, May 28, with a dinner-dance attended by 150 members and their guests. The music for this affair was furnished by Priesman's Black Hawk orchestra. Many attractive and distinctive VISITORS gowns were seen at the dance. The Mr. Philip Katz of Minneapolis is favorite form of entertainment was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank. the no host table idea. Miss Stella Newman of Chicago is ANNOUNCE BIRTH the guest of her brother and sisterMr. and Mrs. Jack Mirviss of New in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. NewHaven, Conn., announce the birth of man. a daughter, Carmel. Mrs. Mirviss was formerly Miss Lillian Margolin Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Fisher of of Omaha. Mr. 'Mirviss was educa- Kansas City spent the week-end with tional director of the Jewish Com- relatives here. munity ~Genter- here their marriage. Miss Cel Marx and Mrs. Lou Marx of Lincoln spent the week-end in ATTEND GRADUATION Omaha -visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Irvin Staknaster and Mrs. Minnie Lapidus are in Annapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aliber and •where they will attend the gradua- Mrs. M. Aliber of Dea Moines vistion' of Earl Lapidus from the United ited • in Omaha over the week-end. States naval academy. They will return, accompanied by Earl, some Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Sioux time next week. City was a visitor in Omaha Wednesday. PILGRIMAGE TO PALESTINE Rabbi and Mrs. David A.'.'.Gold- Mrs. J. S. Solomon and* son, Marstein will leave within a few weeks shall, of Waukegan, HI., were the for a pilgrimage to Palestine. guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Levin over the week-end. Mrs. Solomon ENTERTAIN AT DINNER was formerly of "Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttman are entertaining 24 guests at dinner at Miss Eve Lipton of Sioux City their home Wednesday evening in was the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. I. B. honor of Dr. Rose Linsman of Oak- Ziegman last week. land, Cah, Miss Mina Steinbach of St. Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son, J. Green of Chicago, 111. Harlan, of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiting with Mrs. Hockenberg's CHILDREN'S PARTY mother, Mrs. M. Zalk, 617 Lincoln Mrs. Albert Wohlner gave a chil- boulevard. dren's party Saturday afternoon for her -daughter, Xtorinne, in honor of Mrs. E. J . Pearlove of Minneapoher • seventh birthday. A birthday lis i s visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J.
tending the Illinois School of Chirop- from Temple Israel. ody, is spending the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Gilinsky, H. Greenberg, 5121 Davenport street. 604 South 37th street, will be at home Sunday, June 5, from 3 to 5 Miss Anne Tretiak, daughter of in honor of the confirmation of their Mr. and Mrs. J. Tretiak, is return- son, Armand from .Temple Israel. ing Tuesday vfrom Northwestern, university, where she is a student. Miss • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, 130 Tretiak recently received a medal-for North 34th street, will be at home excellence in journalism. Sunday, June 5, .in honor of the 'confirmation _of their daughter, Phyllis, Mr. M. F. - Levenson spent the from Temple Israel. week-end in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Theresa Sommer, 614 South Xi Lambda announces the pledg- 57th street, will be at home Sunday, ing of Harry Wineberg and Herman June 5, from 2 to 5, in honor of Babich. the confirmation of her daughter, Plans are being formulated for a Fannie, from Temple Israel. summer formal dinner-dance to be held in July. This is promised to Mr. and Mrs. A. Radman, 615 be an outstanding social success. South 32nd avenue, will have open house Sunday, June 5, in honor of the confirmation of their son, MelReceptions vin, from Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferer, G56 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman North Fifty-seventh, street, will be will receive at home, 2309 Country at home Sunday, June 5, from 3 to 5 in honor of the confirmation of their Club avenue, from 2 ot 5 and from daughter, Ruth, from Temple Israel. 7 to 9 on Sunday, June 5, in honor of their son, Robert, who was conMr. and Mrs. Jack Alberts will be firmed at Temple Israel. at home, 5121 Davenport street, Sunand Mrs. G. Meyerson, 2118 day, June 5, from 2 to 5, in honor I Mr. street, will be at home Sunday of their daughter, Rosalie, who is June 5, from 2 to 5 and from 7 to being confirmed at Temple Israel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Posley, 116 North Forty-ninth street, will be at Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky home Sunday, June 5, from 3 to 7, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky was in- dent; Mrs. E. Meyer, second vice- in honor of their son, Robert, who stalled as president of the Conserva- president; Mrs. Robert Glaze*, re- is being confirmed at Temple Israel. tive Synagogue Auxiliary at its an- cording secretary; Mrs. Arthur Cohn, nual luncheon held June 1 at the corresponding secretary; Mrs. Israel Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, 2962 J. C. C. Dansky, treasurer, and Mrs. Sam Poppleton avenue, will be at home Other newly-elected officers include Cohn, auditor. Sunday, June 5, from 2 to 5 and 7 Mrs. Dave Sherman, first vice-presito 9 in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Ruth Annabelle, Friedman, for a month. Mr. Pear- their two children, Sylvia and Jerry love will join his wife here the lat- in February. ter part of next week. SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. M. H. Lipp and daughter, Miss Lena Kohen left Saturday Sylvia of Sacramento, Calif., are for a two weeks' visit in Los Anvisiting here with relatives. Mr. geles and San Francisco. DEMOCRAT FOR CONGRESS and Mrs. Lipp formerly lived here. They motored to California with Mr. Sam Greenberg, who is at-
We Nominate for the Hall of Fame
Net Frocks At Our Specialized Price
11 in honor of their daughter, Libby, who was confirmed at Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock, 119 South 52nd srteet, will be at home Sunday afternoon, June 5, in honor of their daughter, Jane, who is being confirmed at Temple Israel, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rosenberg, 3030 Nicholas street, will be at home to their friends Sunday, June 5,afrom 2 to 5:30 in honor of the confirmation of their son, Millard. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bleicher will be at home, 546 South 31st avenue, (Continued on Page Five) KEW
Made Oat at Tour Old Bogs—Clothing—Bags Foe Infonnattoa
CALL JA. 6912 Our Representative Will Call With Samples
670 Brandeis Th. BIdg.
The General Electric
YEAR SERVICE PLAN is your guarantee of lowest cost refrigeration
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A LL honors to them! They're the slenderest, •*"*- daintiest, wispiest, frothiest frocks we've ever seen. Finely-tucked and slimly fitted. Gracefully frilled at the n e c k . . . and flared as to sleeve and skirt. Finished with a frosty buckle and tiny buttons. Delectable shades of green, pink, and blue . . . . also white and tan. Cool and Summery!
'And a host of other styles ascharmingl aur sports clothes, your street things, your afternoon frocks, and your evening gowns . t . they're all ultra-smart if they're from the French Room. And thoughtfully; inexpensive, too! $25 Priced at French Room-—2nd Floor
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PRETTY DAUGHTER OF NOTED FATHER—This is attractive Mary Rogers, right, daughter of Will Rogers, famous humorist, seen at Palm Springs, Cal., at one of the desert swimming pools. With her is Miss Ruth Beasley, of Beverly Hills. Miss Rogers is jne of the most popular members of the younger set at the report.
READY FOR SPRING FEEDING—It's time for the annual spring breakfast on this alligator farm at Los Angeles, Cal. After lying dormant during the winter months, the alligators wake up and demand their first meal of the season. The initial breakfast presents
a spectacular scene.
,- t I -,
&OOKS ARE HIS FORTUNE—Arriving in Chicago just four years aga with-93 cents and a desire to go to college, Paul Cumrhings, Northwestern university senior, has given his fellows a practical example of success in business. After doing-odd jobs for a time he opened a book store.^ Now he is worth $10,000. Doris Horder, Northwestern co-ed, is seen here purchasing a book from the student*. businessman.
WORLD'S FAIR BUILDING READY FOR EXHIBITS—Hall of Science building, of pageant of progress world's fair, to be held next year, is ready for exhibits.
VACATIONING TOGETHER—Lily Damita, film heroine, vacations in Honolulu with Sidney Smith, left, New York broker, to whom she has been rumored engaged. Percy R. Pyne, New York capitalist, is at right.
Chicago's AT FILM PARTY—Norma Shearer, left, noted screen star, and her friend, Mrs. Robert Z. Leonard, are snapped at a fashionable mavis party in a Los Angeles hotel, the affair being given by the ultra smart Mayfair club.
A $29,000,000 STRUCTURE TAKES SHAPE—Chicago's new postoffice, to be the largest in the world and costing $29,000,000, is taking form rapidly.
V IN PREPARATION FOR EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS—New buildings are springing up in Phoenix. Park, Dublin, in preparation for the forthcoming Eucharistic congress.
WHICH IS WHICH?—Miss Helen Cole, Los Angeles girl, who fell in love with a dummy impersonator, now finds herself in this dilemma. The secret is that real dummies appear more life-like than an impersonating one. One of the two is Miss Cole'* fiaaet* .Charles Sinsabaugh.r~
Secondhand Life of Those Anxious to Be "Improved"
Temple Confirmation
Notes of Temple Israel
Twenty-four children will be confirmed at Temple Israel Sunday Shoe Comfort morning, June 5, at 10 a. m. Eabbi Cohn will officiate. Those being confirmed are: Rosalie Alberts, 5121 Davenport; Phyllis Berkowitz, 130 North 34th street; Norman Bleicher, 546 South 31st avenue; Ruth Ferer, 656 North 57th street; Pegrgy Friedman, 769 North 58th street; Ruth Friedman, 2962 Tonight Poppleton avenue; Thelma Gaspar, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak 4402 Barker avenue; Armand Gilinon "Pre-Confirmation" at the serv- sky, 604 South 37th street; William ices of Temple Israel this evening-. A. Goetz, 3534 Pine street; Leona Katelman, Council Bluffs; Betty Lipp, Tomorrow Morning 3406 Davenport; Libby Meyerson, I Wear Snow White At the services Saturday morning 2118 I street; Robert Posley, 116 Garments Rabbi Cohn's subject will be "In theNorth 49th street; Melvin Radman, Wilderness." 615 South 32nd avenue; Lottie Rips, 8 IF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT f 2021 California; Millard Rosenberg, Wear White to Please Your Kaddish 3030 Nicholas; Jane Rosenstock, 119 Patrons Kaddish will be recited this Sab- South 52nd street; Bernice RothThe Results Will Please You holz, 629 South 31st avenue; Mirel bath for Charles J. Singer. Saxe. 3557 Jackson; Robert K. SilOmaha verman, 2309 Country Club avenue; Confirmation Towel Supply Co. Twenty-four children will be con- Famue Sommer, 614 South 57th street; Helen Smith, 3103 Nicholas; JA. 0528 firmed at Temple Israel Sunday morning, June 5, at 10 o'clock. Dr. Sarah Sterling, 612 North 33rd; Rose B. Tolle, 2740 North 48th street. Cohn will officiate.
ethical perceptional No, it is evident to me that no American Jew has traffic with a bootlegger or even takes a drink •when it is offered to him. He will not practice civil disobedience Or does he, after all ? Has he fallen so low that he will cheerfully practice civil disobedience if only a comfortable majority of Gentiles approve his action and yet shiver and tremble to ask anything, however excellent and harmless and even noble, for himself? Is he quite satisfied By Ludwig: Lewisohn with this ape-like attitude of pure imitativeness ? Is he quite happy to adIn the early days of the nineteenth I liks good Germans they would soon cause the average pagan, be he Latin just his life, even to its most intimate century more or less benevolent peo- become so. And this theory was or Nordic, subconsciously conceives details, according to modes and habits ple in Prussia, in Russia as •well as eagerly accepted by the Jews of the of the citizen as a potential soldier, and commands that are strictly and in other countries -wondered how the enlightenment because it was both a recruit, a gullible machine, a ro-forever outside himself? WM1 he ask Jews could be "improved" into fit- extremely useful and extremely flat- bot. "Theirs not to reason why," nothing, be nothing, seem nothing on ness for citizenship. One had, tem- tering. It opened the doors of west- wrote the great tribal bard of Vic- his own? The reproach that he deals jorarily at least, half-dropped the ern life; it threw the responsibility torian England, "theirs but to do m merchandise that is second-hand is njtion of the Christian state, the for any Jewish qualities that Jews and die!" The inculcation of this ,a trivial and a foolish one. Thought is parent of the deed.— theory, namely that a subject or a or some Jews didn't like squareup loathsome ethical mental degradation I know his fears and his hesitation Welch Is Candidate Carlyle. citizen of a state could be such only upon their Gentile oppressors. There as a patriotic and civil duty is theand I understand them well enough. by virtue of his belonging first to was the additional inner glow about last, subtlest, most horrible trick of ! He may safely begin to put them the spiritual communion of1 Chris- the theory that the Jews consented the capitalistic, nationalistic master- j aside. For the liberties that I am William P. Welch of Logan, la., N Wl tendom. In the dropping of this generously to forgive and forget. state. asking him to demand and to take who is a candidate for the Demotheory there was a good deal of They plunged headlong into patriotDuring the World War both Jew- |a r e n o t a s revolutionary as they seem, cratic nomination for congress in the both conscious and unconscious insin- ism and war and contipued to self- ish Americans and German Ameri- j The world today is in the trough of Seventh Iowa district, which includes cerity and the statement—commonly improve themselves into citizenship cans came to me with the feeble [ a reaction comparable to that be- Council Bluffs, is the attorney who not made without heat—that "this long after the Gentile proponents of murmur: "We earn our living here! tween Waterloo and the July revolu- handled the Log-an case for the late is a Christian country" is not un-the scheme of improvement had given we must conform." Why? They tion of 1830. But precisely, as then, Harry Lapidus last fall, obtaining a DEMOCRAT FOR CONGRESS known even in twentieth century it up as a bad JOJ. could not tell me. It is no privilege j despite its passing seeming triumph, complete acquital. America. But officially one dropped It is not to be supposed that the to earn one's living or build one's . the legitimate, monarchist Christian the religious test and began gradu- Jews were the only people whom the house or beget one's children any- j State was doomed, so is the political, ally to substitute that of nationalism. nationalistic state attempted at ear- where upon the green earth for any ] nationalistic, unitary and centralized One esteemed man fit to be a citi- lier or later periods to "improve" man. It is his right. He co-oper- i State doomed today. The future bezen or subject if he was like the into the uniformity that citizenship ates with his fellowmen in his time longs—despite Mussolini, Horthy —to majority in speech, habit, habit of has been supposed to demand. The and place; for convenience and se-the state of economic co-operation thought, in memory, if possible, as Germans "improved" Poles; the Ital- curity he delegates, as Thoreau point- and cultural pluralism. Do not take well as in hope and aspiration. Now ians are "improving" the German ed out, certain of his rights. But my word for it. Ask any well-init was obvious to people at that Tyrolese; the Poles are "improving" certain rights only. And in a civ- structed economist or political scientime that the Jews "were not like the Ruthenians; everyone knows the bel- ilized society he would be at liberty tist Only, if he is an American Uni16th and Dodgre Sts. Omaha, Nebr. majority. But the doctrine of human ligerent American who insists that to withdraw those rights when he versity professor, assure him first rights and human equality having Kikes, Wops, Hunkies, Dagoes, Greas- found that his delegations of them that he will be quoted, neither to his stolen even into official places, it was ers are to get .out or be "improved" was being misused. This withdrawal dean, his president, his trustees nor FRIDAY and SATURDAY evident to more or less decent people into the image of himself. But theof it was what Thoreau called the his pastor. right and duty of civil disobedience. that something would have to be Jews are, for obvious reasons, the How the habit of civil disobedience done to the Jews to make them fit only people who accepted the theory Sale of Genuine "Pepperell" to enjoy the rights that seemed by of "improvement" and co-operated is not only good American doctrine nature to be theirs. They had to with it and who are doing so, espe- but good American fact. Every dis- Sunday, June 5, from 2 to 5 and be "improved." And by that the cially in America, to this very day. francbiser of the Negro practices it; 7 to 9 in honor of the confirmation "improvers" meant that the Jews They are afraid that if they let the every American who drinks a bever- of their son, Norman, from Tempe should put away their memories and theory of improvement go, they will age containing more than one-half of Israel. customs and physical peculiarities be in danger of being denied the one per cent of ethyl alcohol practices Mrs. R. Sterling will be at home, and become good stereotyped voters, rights and privileges that were once, it, too. long ago, made contingent upon that I suppose, not having been home for 612 North 33rd street, Sunday, June soldiers and flag-wavers of the naimprovement. This is the fear that several years, that American Jews are 5, from 2 to 5:30 in honor of the tionalistic state. of her daughter, Sarah, Pre-Shrunk For this preposterous demand a I seem to have aroused recently by not guilty of this sort of civil dis- firmation from Temple Israel. obedience, else how can I understand Warranted Fast Color handsome rationalization was invent- pleading for a TninimnTn of cultural the horror of certain among them ed. The equalities by which the rights for ourselves. Full cut in body, sleeves Mrs. James S. Goetz, 3534 Pine not disobedience to the Jews differed from the Gentiles, espe- The time_2ias come to examine crit- when I counsel and Trousers. Q Tf courtc ~or 1 WS of th^ ^** ilj bu^* ^nfi street, -will be at home Sunday, June cially tKe~~tESSg*eeabfe cialy g ically the "doctrine of~13ie~nafionial- establishment, with the consent of the 5, from 2 io ~o~, Hr honor of the "Nnw at a prjrp almost \mheld to be Wholly the Tesult of the istic master-state and its pretensions government, of rabbinical courts to confirmation of her son, William, bdievaUe. centuries of oppression and exclu- by which the majority of Americans adjudicate in such quite private and from Tempe israeL No matter what price sion. I t -was, especially among be- still live—to examine that theory you were to pay for a matters in which theoretinevolent Germans, a favorite thesis whereby the rights which the citizen uneconomic Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Friedman, 769 Seersucker Suit you cally Christian courts outrage our inthat if only you treated the Jews delegates to the 'state can be abro- stincts, our religious traditions, ourNorth 58th street, will be at home couldn't secure more gated and ought to be abrogated unSunday, June 5, from 2 to 5 in tailoring. less the citizen shares the tastes, honor of the confirmation of their HAX FBOMKIS, Attorney. HAYDEN'S STORE FOR MEN opinions, memories, even superstidaughter, Peggy, from Temple Insurance Bonding. Let Parilman Attend Your tions of a majority that constitutes Israel. PLUMBING NEEDS OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORa norm. The state has often been NOTICE ATION OF SCKIS FLOWER SHOP, Free Estimates Quoted likened to an organism and it is a INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given that the understory as old at least as Herbert signed hare cnnsed to be Spencer that the upward curve of filed in iBCOrporators the office of the Secretary of Stnte of the State of Nebraska and in the office organic development is from homo4915 Davenport WA 9249 4 the Connty Clerk of tbe County of geneity to heterogeneity, from the of Douglas and State of Nebraska. Articles of Incorporation of Suris Flower Shop. dead monotony of the primitive uni- Incorporated. Said Articles provide as cellular organism to the infinite com- follows: plexity of man. Now it is perfectly 1. The name of the Corporation is Suris Shop. Incorporated. dear that, whether we allow the Flower 2. The principal plnce of transacting HARPER METHOD SHOP the business of the Corporation is the City analogy of the state to an organism of Omaha. County of Donplas. or not, civilization tends, like life, 3. The general nature of the business Specializing in to exchange simple and rigid forms to be transacted is to operate and enpasre Scalp Treatment in general florist business; to operate of expression for complex and richly andaengage in a general nursery business; EAHLI differentiated forms. And it would to engage in the designing, arranging and planting of plants, flowers, shmbs, trees 631 "World-Herald BoIliTlnr almost seem upon reflection that the and tennis; to buy, sell or otherwise deal ATlantlc 0344 theory of the nationalistic state, by in, at retail, wholesale or otherwise, flowplants, shmbs, trees, vines, bulbs, which varieties of human character, ers, seeds, artificial Qowera and foliage, ornatradition, opinion, reaction, speech, ments, insecticides, fertilizers, appliances, any and all other articles or kinds of folkway, are constantly endangered and merchandise which may be conveniently and obliterated, is a continuous brake handled in connection therewith, and to cultivate, prodnce or manufacture upon the wheels of development, an grow, NATIONAL same: to lease, acquire, purchase, hold, uninterrupted repression of the ex-the sell, convey and mortgage real and perproperty in connection -with the pansive and humanizing forces within sonal ACCESSORIES, INC. transaction of the business of the Corsociety. poration ; to purchase, own. hold and dis-
A Contribution tothe Jewish Problem of Permanent, Fundamental Significance
Social News
Seersucker Suits
make a location Doubly Attractive at
2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
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Mohel Specialist for 20 yean • Attends -with utmost care
1724 No: 24th St.
WE. 3817
pose of stock in other corporations as well as its own stock. 4. The antiorized capital stock of the Corporation shall be $6,000.00, divided into 100 shares of a par vnlue of $60.00 each. 5. The existence of the Corporation shall begin on the filing of a copy of its Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk, of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of f>0 years. C The highest amount of indebtedness to which this Corporation shall at any time be subjected shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. 7. The business of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of three Directors to be selected from the stockholders. The Directors from their number shall elect a President, "Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any Director may hold one or more of the offices. 8. These Articles may be amended by a majority vote of the issued and outstanding common stock at any regular meeting or at any special meeting. GEOKGE STTRIS, ALMA StJEIS, GEOKGE H. CHBISTOFFEBSEN, terrors nor my rancors and i s not Incorporators. uniform with me and will s o t beMAX FEOMKIN. Witness. stuck into a uniform and herded in 5-20-32-4L
This suspicion grows into a certainty so soon as we examine the motives which impel the majority to demand "improvement," assimilation, like-mindedness. For the chief of these motives is a primitive animal fear. There is no reason for demanding uniformity of taste, instinct and action of the citizen of the state except one—the survival of the uniform., The herdman fears and welcomes the thought of war with an obscure and immemorial ambivalence. And what, his primitive psyche says to him, what if I want or need, out of fear or arrogance, to fight and Moses Levy shares neither my
9 For Carefulness and Efficiency J a ini your ™ MOHEL SPECIALIST « a camp and consent to rot in trenchCall 4 RABBI BARBAROW J es? What then? It is a sufficiently tragic fact that WE. 5450 K Over 15 Years' Experience R many Jews, especially in America, are themselves more or less infected by these primitive emotions. Bat for them it is a distinct retrogression or, at best, a merely protective gesture. What I would ask them to This is to certify that do is to reflect closely upon this RABBI A. DIAMOND matter. * Is it not clear, as John of Council Bluffs, Iowa Stuart Mill pointed out long ago, that the test'of the true civilization has done a number of drcumof a state is the extent to which it cisions upon folks for whom I can harbor, without friction, the have cared and his work is very greatest and richest variety of charsatisfactory. I would recommend him to anyone who is in acter, experience, cultural multiformity? When, then, the recurrence of need of such care. the theory of hundred percentism of Yours truly, ; • dead uniformity in terms so-insistW. H. TAYLOR, M. D., ent and acrid that Jews themselves Omaha. are afraid not to faring in the tribute of at least a lip-worship?. Be-
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THRIFTY ENTIRE FAMILY WASH FOR 60c orfiePer Pound Everything' carefully washed, flatwork ironed and folded, wearing apparel damp, ready to iron. Towels fluff dried.
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 Senior Hadassah to Meet Wednesday of Chicago, Illinois, motored here to and. small daughters, Joan and Ruth, The Council Bluffs chapter of the spend the week end visiting Mr. andof Hutchinson, Kansas, who will reSenior Hadassah will hold &_ meeting Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. Mrs. Goldberg, main for a few .weeks. next Wednesday afternoon, Jane 8th, mother of Mrs. Suvalsky, will remain at the. Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Herman here for a month's stay, while the Mr. M. Barnett of Denver, Colo., BY F. B. K. Marowitz, president, who represented others returned to Chicago Tuesday. arrived here Sunday to visit Mr. and the local chapter at the Southwestern Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, and to attend *J. Harold Saks, son of Mr. andRegional "Convention at Des Moines, Mrs. Leo Blank and her small son, MISS ANNA PILL, Cqne^pnderit the graduation of his nephew, Jay ; Mrs* Phil Saks, will graduate from a Iowa, the first part of the week, was Lane Burton, of Minneapolis, Minn., liberal arts course at the University elected secretary of the region. She returned to their home Sunday fol- Goldberg, which takes place this eveof Iowa at Iowa City next Monday, will give a complete report of the con- lowing a six weeks' visit here at the ning at the city auditoriumu. June 6th. He was recently elected Miss Roma Wigodsky and Miss Rose president of the Iowa chapter of the vention at.the meeting, and all mem- home of her father, Mr. Barney GilDorothy Mazbr Tesler were in charge of the ar- Delta Sigma Rho national honorary bers are urged to-be present. Miss insky. Numerous affairs were given Louise Fitch will also give several complimentary to Mrs. Blank during WIN WIT M rangements. Hea^sY. A. J. fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Saks, ac- readings. her stay here. companied by their daughter, Sonia, Among the many Sioux Cityans will motor to Iowa City on Sunday Miss Dorothy Mazor was elected [x Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks have as Personals Thirty children of Mount Sinai Re- president of the Y. A. J. Club, at its who spent the jla&t week end in to attend the commencement exertheir house guests their daughters, Mrs. I. Goldberg and son, Ben, and ligious School will share in the annual election held this week. Ru- Omaha attending, the Ivre conclave, cises. daughters, Rose and Reva, accom- Mrs. Irving Rosenberg of Chicago, DEMOCRAT FOR CONCRES5 awards of prizes and certificates a t dolph Shindler was elected vice presi- were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agranoff, panied by Miss Henrietta Latzer, all Illinois, and Mrs. John Baird Quigley the Temple tonight, when the An- dent; Rebecca Stillman, secretary; Mr. and Mrs. John Levin, Mr. and Receptions nual Eeligious School service will be Earl Novich, treasurer, and Rubin Mrs. Ben Sekt, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman, held. These children, whose names Ratner, treasurer. Ben Ginsburg was Heeger,, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grue- 601 Willow avenue, will be at home skin, Mi-."; and Mrs. Ruben Miller, will not be divulged until : the service, re-elected sergeant a t arms. Mr. and Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Morey to all their relatives and friends next will receive the awards'for perfect a t Miller, Bill Goodsite, Leon Dobros- Sunday, June 5th, from 2:00 to 5:00 tendance, excellent work, or both, Confirmation Service daring the past year in the-Religious sky, Frank: Margolin, Jack London, o|clock in the afternoon, and from until 9:00 o'clock in the evening, School of the Temple.Ti.'/' : Will Be Held Sunday Arthur 6ergen, Jack Cohen, Eliza- 7:00 in honor of their daughter, Leona, beth -Raskin^ Rogie Kosberg, MarFollowing Hie presentation of.prizes will be confirmed Sunday mornThe Annual • Confirmation Service ;garet Kosfcerg; and Ida Greenberg. who Rabbi Lewis will base his'jserihon on ing at Temple Israel in Omaha. No at Mount Sinai Temple will take, place the work of the school. i' invitation's have been issued. The last session of the Religious Sunday.morning, June 5, at-10 o'clock* .Mr. and .Mrs; Morris Pill and chilyour old tires • . . for new 1932 This year's class is the; largest in the School for the year will, be held Sundren, : Alice' arid' Bobby, visited with ; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler, 16 history of the congregation.day morning, June 12. . • ••'•{ j • •'••••: relatives in • Omaha over the week South Eighth street, will entertain at The confirmants are Ethel Baron, e n d . . ; • Shevuoth services ; at the Temple " ; ' . ' . ; • Aj reception at their home for all their Tall be in the; form of a-brief prayer daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Edward E. .relatives , and friends this evening, service next Friday evening] June 10. Baron; Miriam Blank,: daughter of Mrs. Jerome • M. Hirsch is a pa- June 3rd, in honor of their son, MorMr. and Mrs. M. Blank r Sylvia A. tient There will be no sermon;'}.'. ? j -• in th§ Lutheran hospital, where ,ton, following his graduation from Borshevsky, daughter of . Mr. and she underwent ah operation. the Abraham Lincoln high school: No Mrs. Isadore Borshevsky; Ahnabell invitations have been issued. " Junior Congregation Emleuvdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. LOOK at this new Goodyear and you see Miss Diana Glick of Chicago visH. Emlein; Carolyn Fishgall, daughtraction in the center of the tread—big Elects Officers ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fishgall; ited with her brother and sister- Mr. and Mrs. B.Balaban, 900 North husky blocks of rubber — keen-edged — Henry L. Greenberg, son of Mr. and in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glick. Eighth street, will entertain at a reThe Junior Congregation of Shaare Mrs. J. H. Greenbsrg; Margaret Kos- 1100 Jennings, over the week end. A ception at their home next Sunday, deep-slotted at an angle that means grip Zion Synagogue elected officers for berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam bridge party was held Saturday af- June Eth, from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock and stop, no matter which way a car the coming season, at its meeting last I. Kosberg; Doorthy London, daugh- ternoon in the Glick home honoring in the afternoon, and from 7:00 to wants to slide. Saturday morning. Joseph Maron ter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris N. Lon-the visitor. 10:00 o'clock in the evening, in honor was elected President; Morris Aizen- don; Rosagene Passman, daughter of of their son, Bernard, who is graduMillions know the superior safety of the berg, vice-president; Sylvia Hereoff, Mr. and Mrs. M. Passman; Alice Pill, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pinkus and ating this evening from Abraham secretary, and Bertha Snoysky, treas- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris daughters, Evelyn and Margaret, Lincoln high school. No cards are All-Weather Tread—a big reason why more urer. Pill; Eleanor Prusiner, daughter of motored to Chicago this week to at- being issued. people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any The last meeting of the season will Mr. and Mrs. Dave S. Prusiner; Betty tend the graduation of their daughother kind. be held tomorrow morning following A. Rosenstock, daughter of Mr. and ter and sister. Bernice. from the . Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein, TUNE IN WOW Mrs. Emit Rosenstock; Myna Slotsky, Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers college 809 Avenue A, will be at home to all the Senior Congregation services. Goodyear Radio Programs Trade us your old tires—get the newest; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slot- in Chicago. their relatives and friends this eveWednesday, 7:00 P .M. sky; and Mateel Stein, daughter of the safest, the best, at history's lowest cost. ning in honor of their daughter, Pearl* Makes Home in Russia Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stein. Revellers Quartet—Goodyear Miss Frances Emlein left Satur- and their son, Donald, following their Concert-Dance Orchestra Mr. and Mrs. S. Koval, accom- The service includes addresses by day for Columbus, Ohio, to spend graduation from Abraham Lincoln Guest Artists panied by their three sons, George, the confirmants which will be fol- several weeks as a shiest of the Delhigh school. No cards are being isIsaiah and Gabriel, have departed for owed by the sermon and blessing by Sigma sorority members at the Ohio sued. State college. New York City from where they will Rabbi Lewis. Special music will be offered by an embark for Russia to make their Mr. and Mrs. Charles Endelman, 31 augmented choir, and Harold Buck,' Mrs. Louis Baron and Mrs. SamNorth Seventh street, will be at home home there.. Baron visited in Chicago over the to all their relatives and friends this They plan to settle in the Jewish violinist. colony-• of.-'..Soviet Russia, which is A reception in honor of the con- week end with relatives and friends. evening in honor of their daughter, firmants will be held in the Temple Sadie, following her graduation from maintained by the Icor-society. Lifetime Guaranteed—Supertwist Cord Martin Kronick, a student at the the Abraham Lincoln high school. Annex, on Sunday afternoon from 3 University of Iowa was in Ch'caeo No cards are being issued. to 6 o'clock. To Receive Degree this wepk, where he reDrese^ted his fraternity chanter at the Phi Kappa Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox, 106 North From Medical J. C. C. NEWS Delta convention. Eighth street, will entertain at a reception at their home for all their Louis Dimsdale, son of;J;Mr. and ;Sylyia Herzoff, Hazel Kantrovich, Miss Marian Brookstein. Miss relatives and friends this evening in Mrs.. Joseph Dinisdale; will 'graduate' Anna Herman and Betty Osnowitz Miriam Greenbersrer of Omaha and honor of their daughter, Rose, folfrom the School of Medicine'•- at Iowa were awarded merit badges at the Miss Sally 30x4.50 29x4.40 29x4.50 of Kansas O'tv lowing her graduation from Abraham university, ;next Monday* 'After Citywide Girl Scout rally held in were pnests Levich each each at thp home of Miss e a c h Lincoln high school. No cards are spending a month in Sioux jCity,-Dr. Riverside Park last Saturday after- Sarah Colder over Memorial day. /# SPECIAL NEW being issued. Dimsdale will interne at the; Creigh- noon. They are members of the Cen" LOW PRICE in pairs in pairs ton hospital in Omaha, Nebr. in pairs ter troop, under the leadership of 1 Miss Sot>hie Oland of Omaha was Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff, 206 Dr. Dimsdale is a graduate of Cen- Mrs. George Blum. a <niest at the home of h«*»- brother- North Tenth street, will entertain at Single 3.59 Single 3.89 Single3.95 tral high school, where he was active ir-lnw and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Dave a reception for their relatives and in the :. Journalism departmfenjtU and The Maccabee Club discontinued its friends this evening in honor of their business; manager.of the' high school meetings for the summer after its Shulkin, over Memorial day. Each in Pairs : 28x4.75 29x5.0$: son, Sidney, following his graduation Record. ' A t the University of Iowa, meeting last week. Plans were made Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hc-ozoff of from Abraham Lincoln high school. each he was president of the PhiEpsilon for an outing at Crystal Lake, to take Single 3.39 Chicago visited in Sioux City this No cards are being issued.. Pi fraternity, and the medical fratern- place after school is out. week. ity. . in pairs in pairs Mr. and Mrs. A. Maltz, 2801 Fifth The Y. H. A, Club gave a picnic at The Pace Makers club held a hike avenue, will be at home to all their Single 4,63 Single 4.70 S i n g l e d Riverside Park last week, in the place and Tennis Tournament picnic at Shulein's park on Merelatives and friends this evening in of their regular meeting. morial day. A picnic lunch was fol-honor of their son, Meyer, following Now Under Way lowed by several tennis matches, af- his graduation from Abraham Lincoln 28x5.25 31x5.25 30x5.00 ter which club pins were presented high school. No cards are being .isPrices quoted each e a c h e a c h The first matches of the A. Z. A. to all members of the sorority. SHAARE ZION sued. are for cash tennis tournament 'got under way this •week, and will continue until Sunday, Shevuoth Services will be held at in pairs in pairs in pairs June 12,; when final awards and de-Shaare Zion Synagogue next ThursSingle 4.95 Single 5.55 Single 5.98 cisions will be made and announced. day, Friday and Saturday. The serThei following members of .the A. Z. vice Thursday will be held in the eveNEW ^ TUBES! A< chapter, will participate in the ning at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Rabinowitz Good Used Tires $1 Up • Expert Vulcanizing tournament matches: Arnold Baron, will speak on the subject "The Jew"The Pioneer Malt Syrup of America" Ask to see Marvin Klass, Fred Herzoff, Vernon ish Constittuion." themt -, Satisfaction Guaranteed Comblat, Isadore Mirowitz, Morris Friday morning services will begin Either Plain or Hop Flavored Heavy Duty Track & Bus Tires Borshevsky, Max Maron, Israle at 8:30. Rabbi Rabinowitz will Greenberg, Morris Lefkovitz, Bernard preach on the subject "Jewish EnLatest Goodyear Pathfinder Laziowitch, Lawrence Silverberg, thusiasm for New Ideals." »-20 • 6.50-2* Stanlye Herzoff, Sidney Slotsky, Mor- On Saturday morning the Memorial 07 Each ris March and Leonard Hall. >93Each OMAHA/NEB. Service will be held, and Rabbi RabCOODTEAS ZSPPBUN Tubes. i In Pain *1h ' In Pair. inowitz will speak on the subject Inner sealed MM the U. S. S. - Single •I4-5* Single Labels Redeemable for Valuable Premiums—Union Made are we, Jewish Gentlemen, or 30 x 5 . . 7.90-20 Akron. ; Large Attendance at "What Grasshoppers." 7 3 Each 198 Each
Council Bluffs News
29x4.IT 4.57***
Ideal Food Products Co., Inc.
benefit Bridge
Over 80 members and friends of the Jewish Actors i Ladies' Auxiliary of the Workmen's Score Success Circle attended the benefit bridge party, sponsored by that organization Over 200 people witnessed the preat the Jewish Community Center last sentation of "Herzele the Aristocrat" night. • ' - . , • by members of the National Worker's The committee in charge of ar- Alliance, last Sunday evening in the rangements included Mrs. Max Der-Jewish Community Center. vin, Mrs. William Heshelow, Mrs. J. \- The cast_shared equal honors in the Shapiro, Mrs. J. Zeligson and Mrs. J. presentation, which won the wholeGuttleman. hearted approval of the audience. Those in the production included Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stillman, Mrs. H. MiroTo Visit Palestine witz, Mr. and Mrs. N. Elkin, Mrs. S. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowit'z will leave Levine, Mr. M. Kaplan, Miss Katie June 24, for New York where he will Raskin and Mr. S. Patner. embark for Palestine for a visit of six weeks. He will be accompanied by Rabbi Goldstein of Omaha,- and •will meet with another group of Rabr bis in New York. Outstanding on the social calendar ; Rabbi Rabinowitz plans to visit the for the coming week is the Question larger places of interest in Palestine, club dinner dance, ot be given at and make a study of the conditions the Shore Acre Gardens, Sunday eve' there.. He will return to Sioux City ning, June 5. The officers and board early in September. of directors of the club will act as hosts for the evening.' The dinner ' Among the many students who re- will be followed by a program o" turned home from College this week dancing and entertainment. are Lionel London, Alfred Albert, Joe Skalovsky, Isadore Kantor and Morris Parents of the Confirmation class Lasensky, from Iowa City . of Mount Sinai Temple will receive their friends Sunday afternoon from 3 to C, in the Tempe annex, honor ing the members of the class.
... Society News
STOUP & SCBAEFER "We fejed i the multitude" With Tasty Foods
Fifty couples attended the sum mer semi-formal dance given by th( Iota Tau sorority last Sunday evening in the Sioux ball room. . Miss Pose Shiloff. Miss Sally Halpern,
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