In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals^ of Judaism
ltalJ36Jr5i" second-Class Mall MatteroQ January 2 ? i i m , _ a t < Posl fc.W?^i Omahn. Nehraska. under the Act of March 3. lgZP
VoL IX—No. 19
1933 WORLD JEWRY SHADOW CAST BY Sommer Finds Jewry Wm. L. Holzman Named Honorary IN OBSERVANCE LATEST TORN IN in Europe in Distress Chairman of Philanthropies OFiSHEVUOTH GERMAN EVENTS
"Hitlerism and the anti-Semitic feel, will bring about bis downfall. "All religion, including Judaism, is outbursts which have terrorized the More Outbursts Resulting from Jewish people in Central JEurope of on the downgrade in Europe," com- Feast of Weeks Takes on a New late are the outgrowths of "hungry mented Mr. Sommer. "However, due and Modern Signifi. Decision to Dissolve stomachs'," in the opinion of Louis to. the. stress of the times, the Jewcance Parliament Sommer, who last week returned from ish communities are strongly organa two-months trip to Europe accom- ized," inprej £o than ever. Shevouth, the Ifeast of Weeks, is Berlin, (J.T.A.) — President Paul panied by Morton Ehrenreich. ; "ihese 1Jewish communities do not today ... being obsferved by Jewish von Hindenburg's decision to dissolve - "Once economic . conditions there look'to, American Jewry for as much people, everywhere^ As. is traditional, , d e "Eeichstag,' elected only a month are stabilized," he states, "and things aid as ^heretofore. They know that* the holiday commenced with sunago, has cast a shadow over Jewish become normal, the position of the this country is also in the throes of down yesterday. ; •.. circles. Jewish people will become more se- an economic depression; in fact, conShevuoth is sometimes called PenDr. A. Greenberg was unani,*'i A reign of terror in which the cure. ditions here are painted as being tecost, and som$i »es the "Feast of mously elected to head the cain•3 Jews will be the victims is feared "There is no doubt but conditions in much worse than they actually are." (early) Harvest*; It is also "the paign for the Jewish Philanthroduring the. election campaign period. Europe are extremely depressing and Mr. Sommer spent most of his time time of the giving of-th-Law." These pies in 1933 at a meeting of the The elections are expected to take have not been exaggerated. Actual in Czechoslovakia, where his family names represent.tJ e varied events in Board of Governors of the Jewplace next month. starvation can be seen on all sides. lives. His mother and four sisters Jewish history "w rich have £,rown ish Community Center and WelZionist leaders declare that the These Europeans have become so ac- live in Humenne, and his two brothers up around this festival. It is called fare Federation Wednesday evefate of the Jews in Germany will customed to their hardships that they in Micholovce. Pentecost because* it occurs fifty ning. Dr. Greenberg, a veteran In old Bohemia, around Prague, days after the beginning of the affect the millions of Jews in other now take them for granted." Mr. Sommer found that the treat- the situation of the Jewish people is Passover holiday, i>r seven "weeks" campaigner, was co-chairman of countries where, Germany has been ment accorded the Jewish people in not.bad, but in Slqvakai, formerly in after the counting of the Omer, the general solicitations division set up as an' example. of the drive just completed. > Jews are afraid to appear on the Austria is worse than in Germany. He Hungary, their condition is deplorable. which begins with second day of Taxes in. Czecho-Slovakia are prob- Passover. All this linked up with streets of numerous cities in North- and Mr. Ehrenreich arrived in Vienna William L. Holzman was the day before the elections in Berlin. ably the highest of any country. They the early agricultural significance ern Germany. unanimously chosen honorary have a buyer's tax, a seller's tax, an They witnessed many noisy, unreof Shevuoth, for at this season the The boycott against the Jews chairman of the next campaign, strained parades in which the Aus- income tax, as well as every other first ripe fruits of the wheat harwhich has reached great proportions trian Nazis carried large banners dis- conceivable tax. The Jews carry the vest were brought to the Temple in as a tribute for the inspirational has been enhanced by attacks upon playing the slogans, "Down With the burden of the taxation, as they are Jerusalem. service he has rendered in local Jews and their homes. Jews," "Perish Judea," "Get Rid of mostly in the mercantile business. An philanthropic efforts. Mr. HolzWith the decline in the agricul, The number of these attacks is in- the Jews," and the like. Such signs active . discrimination against them man, who has headed Omaha creasing as well as the total of win- and posters scream at you from every seems to exist in this regard. It is tural life of the Jews, new stress was laid, upon. .this season. as the campaigns of the past and who dows broken in Jewish houses. country farm house and all the bill- these inexorable taxes which are time when the Ten Commandments was chairman of the initial gifts The same situation exists in South- boards, they observed. driving the Jewish people there to were given at Sinai. True to the ern Germany where the Nazis seem committee this year, is also desperation and economic ruin. Mr. Sommer learned that while the teachings of Judaism, folk-lore repto have infected the entire populapresident of the Jewish CommuJews of Vienna are considerably up- ' Mr.; Summer's brother receives the resents the Law as given from lowly tion, ruining Jewish trade and welnity Center and Welfare Federaset by the growth of the Nazi move- Jewish Press regularly and, according Mt. Sinai, symbolic of the humility fare. • tion. ment, Berlin Jewry is comparatively to Mr. Sommer, reads every item which accompanies true learning. At Dr. A. Greenberg William L. Holzman A vigorous.campaign against East calm. The reason for the Berlin avidly. Mr. Sommer and Mr. Ehrenthe same time the Law was given A vote of thanks was given to , European Jews, .residing in Berlin Jews not being so downhearted, he reich spent a day with Mr. Dave in the dasert to imply that it belonged Henry Monsky, who successfulwas started by the Uight press. Gross, who now lives in Miskola, Hun"inds, is that they realize that if and to all people, just as the desert is ly steered the 1932 campaign The camppaign is in connection when Hitler comes into power he will gary. Mr. Gross, who used to op- the possession of no one group or through a period of unusual ecoerate a grocery at 24th and Charles, with Tthe disclosure the police accept never be able to carry out one fracnation. nomic depression. gratuities from aliens in exchange tion of the things that his lieutenants lived in Omaha for 4;hirty-five years In our day a new beauty and a 1932 Drive for permission to remain in Berlin. have promised. This failure, they before returning to Europe in 1922. new religious strength have been inA complete audit of the figures for The stag dinner and election of The Nationalist press charges that fused into the festival. Mindful the 1932 campaign of the Jewish the aliens who -bribed the police are of Israel's acceptable of the Torah officers of the local lodge of the Philanthropies has not yet been made, B'nai Brith will be held at the J. for the most_ part _East "European the young on tbislday take their but when the outstanding pledge C. C. Thursday evening, June 16. Jews. places in_the Syymgqgue to procards are collected it is expected that Abner TLaiman is in charge of the nounce their allegiance to Judaism •-"Pogroming" Win Awards in All Fields of the total sum contributed will be. evening's entertainment. The dinner in the ceremony of Confirmation. A JetirisK girl sustained serious inabout $35,000, out of a budget set Scholastic Endeavor at will start at 6:45, followed by the The Book of Ruth is read in the j u r i e s ' and many Jews were woundfor $40,000. The percentage of the the School House of Worship. This charming election. Reservations may be made ed in Breslau last week in what the goal obtained in Omaha is far higher J. J. Friedman was elected presinarrative is most appropriate for with Dr. A. Greenberg, president, Berlin press terms "a pogrom on the than the average of the Jewish comdent of the Omaha Hebrew Club at or Samuel H. Green, secretary. Jewish students carried off a munities holding drives this year, Shevuoth because i~T its setting in Jews on a'large scale." the meeting of the organization held large share of the honors awarded Definite instructional classes in at the Jewish Community Center on the harvest fields, and because of its Berlin — The Central Union of feliip^ JSstsalEk, whs reported universaiistic teachings. annually at graduation at Creigh- the general solicitation, pointed out German Citizens of the Jewish Faith swimming will feature the summer Sunday afternoon. He succeeds Irvin ton University to its outstanding that the total number of pledges obreported numerous attacks upon schedule of the J. C. C. physical edu- Levin. scholars. Jews in the streets of Berlin and in cation department announced by tained this year exceeded by over 500 Sol Rosenberg was re-elected secreAt commencement exercises last the banner year of 1930. the provinces. Morris H. Sogolow, new director. tary for the thirty-sixth consecutive Thursday, Ephraim Marks and NaThe schedule is effective from June term. "Exodus" He recommended for next year a than Gilinsky were graduated "cum Berlin — "The exodus of the -Tews 15 to September 1. Other officers chosen are: Hyman combination of the geographical and laude" from the law school. A special summer rate is being of- Shrier, vice-president; John Feldman, from Egypt will come to be consipersonal solicitation plans for collect' Frank Epstein was awarded a ing the funds. He further suggested dered as mere child's play by the side fered for this period: $2.50 for sen- treasurer; A. A. Steinberg, Max Local Vaad of Orthodox Synagogues membership in Omicron Kappa Upsi- that all cards of small amounts be of what will transpire wfcen we be- iors, 16 and above: $1.50 for jun- Fromkin and Sam Altshuler, trustees; Names Officers lon, national honorary dental frat- turned over to the women workers for Irvin Levin, Mendel Blank and Nathgin to purge Germany of its Jews," iors, under 16. ernity, for highest average in schol- solicitation. The swimming classes are: Matron an Yaffe, executive committee memwas the declaration made by WilJewish Citizens Vitally Interest- H. Marcus of the B'nai Israel arship during the four-year dent- Klutznick in his report also Tecomhelm Kube, leader of the Nazi fac- and senior women classes on Mon- bers. synagogue was re-elected head of istry course. ed in Austria, Prussia The installation of the newly-electtion, in the course of an anti-Sem- day and Wednesday at 11 a. m., the Omaha Union of Orthodox SynaThe prize of $50 for the best mended that the organizational maTuesday and Thursday at 2:30 and and Greece ed officers will take place at the July itic address at the session of the gogues, the Vaad H'oer, at a meetthesis submitted by a sophomore in chinery for the next campaign be set 7' p. m., and Sunday at 3 p. m.' 3rd meeting. Landtag. ing of the representatives to the Vienna.—(J. T. A.) — Changes in the school of medicine was won by up far in advance. It was in acting Bnsiness girls: Tuesday and Thursupon this suggestion that the body Vaad held at the Beth Hamedrosh the cabinets of Austria, Prussia and Morris Levy. day at 6 p. m. and Sunday at 3 p. m. voted to select the general chairman Hagodol synagogue last Thursday Ireece in the course of -th'e past week Irving Rosenstein won the prize Junior girls: Tuesday and Thursday for 1933 at Wednesday's meeting. evening. are fraught with significance to the of $50, awarded to the medical senat 4 p. m. and Sunday at 3 p. m. Immediate Charge i Jewish population in these three S. Elewitz was named secretary, ior with tbe highest scholastic averSenior men: Monday and Wedneslands. and Joseph Tretiak treasurer. age. Dr. Greenberg will take immediate day, at 7 p. m. and Sunday at 11 In Austria a new government with Those elected to the Supreme In the law school Lazar Kaplan charge of the- Philanthropies reins. a. m. and 1 p. in. Business boys: Right anti-Semitic groupings has been Council of the Vaad are A. Cohn, 1. won the freshman corpus juris re- He will have charge of the collections Monday and Wednesday at 7 p. m. formed under the premiership of for- Goldstein, N. Levinson, Max Kirshen- search award, obtaining thirty-four of the drive just.finished and also of and Sunday at 11 a. m. Junior boys: mer Minister of Agriculture Dolfuss. baum, I. Kulakofsky, Max Venger, volumes. Ephraim Marks won the the publicizing of the beneficiary Palestine Flower Day, the annual Monday and Wednesday at 4 p. m. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Palespopular collection of the Jewish Na- Two Heimwehr Ministers are included H- Weiner, N. Yaffe, I. Morgen- senior award, obtaining eleven vol- groups during the year, as well as the tine High Commissioner, Sir Arthur and Sunday at 2 p. m. organizational work for next year. stern, H. Steinberg, Joe Kirshen- umes. tional Fund of America, will be held in the cabinet. The swimming classes will include Grenfei] Wanchope, has appointed a It is believed that under the new baum and Morris Mittleman, in adJoseph Solomonow recently won In accepting his election. Dr. Greenin Omaha on Sunday, ^ Committee to deal with the problem instruction in diving, life saving, and the school's oratorical championship berg sounded an optimistic note. He William Alberts is chairman of the government the bill .which w»ui'l es- dition to the officers. of settling on land/ Arabs, allegedly the various swimming strokes, as the tablish the Germanic nation-U characcomplimented the workers of the 1932 The Vaad was formed last Janu- over a large entry list. made landless by the sale of the Wadi crawl, breast, trudgeon, side and in- ocal Flower Day, assisted by Tobye ter of the student union wil! be shelIn the school's sports program, campaign and urged the full co-operaary to effect an alignment of forces Steinberg and. Dr. O. Belzer. All Hawareth land to the Jewish National verted crawl. ved. Minister of Education Czennak, Puni Sogolow urges all to learn to workers will meet at the J. C. C. author of the bill, has beer dropped. of all the orthodox synagogues in Nathan Cutler last week captured tion of all organizations and individthe tennis championship. Recently, uals so that the 1933 campaign will the city. The Committee, comprised of three swim not only because of its bene- the morning of the 19th. The Catholic clergy are opposed to Ben Rosen won the singles handball be successful. "War on Pessimism" will be the ficial exercise for the heart and lung members, includes Lewis French, Palhis ruling that baptized Jewish stutitle, and paired with Morris FrankIn response to his selection as hor> estine land commissioner Dr. Maurice and the body in general but also as slogan of the workers. All of the lo- dents are still Jews and ineligible to lin captured the doubles crown. orary chairman, Holzman stated thai Hexter of the Jewish Agency execu- a life-preserver. "It improves one's cal Zionist groups are expected to membership in the Christian student he had only been doing his duty and tive, and Abdullah Samar, who repre- nerve and courage and presence of participate in the sale of flowers for union. This is held as a hindrance that he hopes to continue to do his sents the Wadi Hawareth Arabs. mind, is great recreation, and de- the benefit of the Fund's soil re- to proselytism. duty* as every member of the comgraceful movements," he demption and reclamation program The appointment of the Commis- velops The new Minister of Education, munity should do. 'The fact," he statin the Holy Land. sion is in line with tbe promise of the added. Rimtele, will drop the bill, it is underThe Jewish Community Kitten Ball ed, "that every cross-section of Judahigh commissioner to settle the Wadi Palestine Flower Day has during stood. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky and Miss league will start its second round of ism has joined here tonight to elect Hawareth dispute finally by 1933. the past decade netted the J. N. F. The Prussian Government has re- Hazel Degen are members of the' Dr. Greenberg chairman speaks well This pledge was given when the Nain America an average of $40,000 an- signed and will be succeeded, it is as- committee in charge of the Garden* play this Sunday morning with the following teams in action—-the A. Z. for the future." tional Fund objected to leasing land nually. According to Nelson Rutten- sumed, b y a Hitlerite government. Pilgrimage to be given by a group of Z, No. 1 nine will tangle with the anew to Arab squatters. Mrs. J . J. Greenberg, chairman of berg, president of the U. S. Fund, The third country in which govern- local matrons on June 12. If the Theorpeins at Gifford park at ten At the time, o[t stated, that a soluthe women's division in the 1932 camthe economic depression in the past mental ' changes are taking place is weather is inclement, the tour will be o'clock, the A. Z. A. 100 crew will Paris, (J.T.A.) — Two Jews are tion to the problem* was a matter to paign, reported on the work of the two years has but sKghtly affected held "the following day. Greece.'Premier Venizelos, in power take on the league leading Psi Mu women. She praised their loyalty and be considered by the government and; members of the cabinet Headed by the result of this popular collection. when the pogrom in Salonica occurred All proceeds from tickets at fifty aggregation at Central high school hard work in putting the women's not by the Jewish National Fund Edouard Herriot, who succeeded Anresigned when Parliament refused to cents each will go to the Milk Fund, at ten o'clock while the Pants Store •which had acquired the land by legal dre Tardieu as head of the -French consent to his assuming dictatorship and the money will be dispensed and the Charles Street Markets will division over the top. cabinet. purchase. A resolution was passed that all powers. A military rising is feared through the Visiting Nursi associa- meet at Gifford park at tleven The two Jews to receive cabinet At present 2,965 dunams of Wadi beneficiary institutions of the Jewish in Greece. tion to needy children. Every cent o'clock. Hawareth land have been leased to posts are Leon Myer, Minister of Community Center and Welfare Fedof this fund buys milk, even the ice the Palestine, government for sub- the Merchant Marine and Alexandre eration be required, as a condition having been donated for the year. lease to the Arabs. The period of Israel, TJnder-Secretary of Interior. precedent to their inclusion in the Vienna, (J.T.A.) — Serious antiResults of last week's games in the campaign of the Jewish PhilanthroFriends of the Zionist movement Semitic outbreaks by student perpetGardens to be visited include those the lease is to terminate ion October J. C. Kitten Ball league are as folwho received Ministerial posts are rators caused the closing of-Vienna of D. T. Vriesema, 115 No. 54; W. A. 1,1933. 1 pies, to refrain from any independent lows: The A. Z. A. No. 1 and Psi Justin Godart, Minister of Health; University last week and tbe comThe Jack & Jill Coffee Shop has Fraser, 302 No. 54; J. H. Wright jr., Mu clubs both defeated the Charles fund-raising efforts, except with the Paul Painleve, Minister of Air; A. mercial High School. installed one of the finest fresh air 107 No. Happy Hollow; William New- Street Markets. The A. Z. A. game consent of the Jewish Community de Monzie, Minister of Education; Center and Welfare Federation. The closing of the University and refrigerating systems in the city of ton, east side Fairacres road; W. H. was a regularly scheduled game and G. Candance, Under-secretary the Commercial High School was pre- Omaha, for the convenience of their Wheeler, 210 Fairacres road; George while the Psi Mu boys were playing for the colonies. Brandeis, Dodge road; L. F. Crofoot, ceded by a bloody battle where five patrons. a postponed match. The Thorps Tel Aviv Pharmacists to BoyMinsk, . (J.T.A.) — The executive Jewish students were so. severely inWhenever you vralk in, you hear 412 No. Elmwood Blvd; Miss Hayden, game with the Psi Mu vras post200 So. Elmwood road; W. F. Baxter, cott Coty Perfumes Committee of the. Ozet in Minsk was Research Award jured that they had to be taken to people remark as to the pleasant difponed. The Pants Store handed the ordered dissolved by the Communist ference in temperature found there. 410 So. Elmwood road. Dr. Tabori, a Jewish physician of the hospital. Tel Aviv — Pharmacists in the all A. Z. A. 100 team their fifth deParty of Minsk for allegedly failing Haifa, received an international aWhen the Vienna University pre- As you sit down, a feeling comes over Tea will be served in the garden feat of the season. Jewish city of Tel Aviv have deto evince sufficent interest in the ward for research work in trachoma. pared to re-open its class rooms, af- you that you cannot help but enjoy of the E. M. Martin home. cided to boycott the Coty perfumes. Bira Bidjan. project. • . . , / • • >,.'-.- \ •..'\ • The prize which, carries aj cash, ter four days of closing following your meal. Tickets may be purchased at any The action of the pharmacists ia i A special;convention j of -the Ozet emolument of 2,000 Swiss francs i anti-Semitic excesses, the attacks up- • The food is delicious,'whether it be gate* of these gardens or from comEntries are still being taken for taken in retaliation for the antihas been summoned to'. elect a new to be shared with Dr. Lombroso of on the Jews were renewed this time breakfast, dinner, or a bite. And the mittee members. They are also on the Thorpeian Athletic club tennis Semitic agitation conducted by M. adminstrationnear the Polytechnic institute. Tunis. ;._..._ Coty. tournament — __ prices are reasonable, too. sale at the Nebraska Power
for Next Year
Monsky Given Vote of Thanks for Successful Leadership of 1932 Campaign
Local B'nai Brith Dinner and Election
SWIM CLASSES TO J.-}* Friedman l&tbrew BE A FEATURE OF Named Club President SUMMER SCHEDULE
Matrons to Aid Milk Fund for Needy Children
Jewish Members in New French Cabinet
Outbreaks Mar Quiet at Vienna University
Jack & Jill Installs New Refrigeration
Dismiss Executive of Ozet for Negligence
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e year - - - - - - - v; Advertising rates furnished o n application
Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK K.ACKERMAN Editor F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A N N PILL - . - . - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
OUTSTANDING SCHOLARSHIP When Creighton University, Omaha's largest institution of aigher learning, made announcement of its annual awards for outstanding students, the larger percentage of the names read off were of Jewish scholars. Whether it were medicine, dentistry, or law, Jwish names were prominent . . . a high compliment to' these young men who will be the future backbone of our community, and also to the Jesuit authorities for the impartiality and fairness in giving meritorious recognition unswayed by the sectarianism of the. school. The winning of honors by Jewish scholars is a frequent occurrence among our American colleges. Indeed, there has long been a tradition that Jewish students are brighter than those of other racial groups . . . a tradition which has diminished considerably in potency since the recent popularity of the Nordic superiority theory. The verity of the tradition is, of course, more or less unknown. Carl Brigham in his "Study of American Intelligence" states that Jewish groups are intellectually higher but only because the bright children, genius children, bring up the level of the Jewish "dumbbells." In his opus he asserts that the rate of variability among Jews is great, and that the stupid are low and the bright high. On the other hand, Dr. Julius B. Mailer, research associate in Teachers' College, Columbia university, after a scientific investigation found that the "variability" among Jewish students is smaller than among other groups and that the high average is not the result of a few peak students pulling up their duller mates, but of a general degree of excellence in the Jewish student. Dr. Mailer explains the high level of Jewish intelligence through the selective factor in evolution, pointing out that the different conditions of economic life which the Jews have survived from the Middle Ages have resulted in the propagation of only the fittest, the keenest in intelligence, those most able to live in a difficult world. Regardless of the reason, we do know that a racial group can well feel proud of its sons who though forming a small minority in a leading institution, capture a majority of the prizes for outstanding scholastic achievement. Their accomplishments is soothing reassurance that the future of American^ Judaism is in safe hands.
Council Bluffs News
BY F. B. K. • A number of the younger set who have been attending universities, both near and far, are returning home this week to spend the summer vacation with their parents. ;Miss Helen Whitebook and if. Harold Saks, who received their Bachelor oi Arts degree at the University of
Iowa on Monday, returned home the following day. Other students attending the University of Iowa at Iowa City, who have returned home* this past week* are Leonard Krasne, Seymour Cohn, Milton Krasne and Collman Yudelson. Miss Helen Steinberg, student at the University of Nebraska, returned home from Lincoln to spend the summer with her parents. The Misses Rae Bernstein and Ida Krasne, students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, are expected
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mar wonder
home next Tuesday to spend the sum mer with their parents. Messrs. Yale Meyerson and Ernest Ross have returned home from Lexington, Missouri, where they attended the Wentworth Military Academy. At the Abraham Lincoln High School graduation last Friday evening, which was held at the city auditorium, a number of Jewish students won individual recognition. Bernard Balaban was presented with the Abraham Lincoln P. T. A. Scholarship, and Robert Rosenfeld won the Class of 1932 Citizenship Award. Among the students who received an average of over 90 per cent for their entire four-year course were Pearl Bernstein, Lily Kushner, Gwendolyn Meyerson, Morton Adler, Bernard Balaban and Robert Rosenfeld. Short talks were given by outstanding students on their class motto, "We Build." Gwendolyn Meyerson spoke on "Honor;" Carolyn Rosenfeld spoke on "Service;" Bernard Balaban spoke on "Beauty;" and Robert Rosenfeld gave the "Epilogue." Sydney Maduff, 15 years old, was the youngest member of this year's graduating class. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 f the Independent Order of the B'nai Irith have made plans for a Bridge 'arty to be given in place of their next regular meeting. This affair will be held on Wednesday evening, June 22nd, at the Odd Fellow's Hall. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Association will hold their next meeting next Thursday evening, June 16th, it the Eagles Hall. Shirley Maltz, student at the Abralam Lincoln High School, and Herjert Rosenthal, student at Thomas Fefferson High School, returned Wednesday from Iowa City, where they represented their schools in the Iowa Iowa State Academic contest. Herbert Rosenthal won second place In the state contest in the tests in Diane geometry, and was awarded a ilver medal.
Daughters of Zion The last meeting of the session of he organization will be held Wednesday, June 15, at the J. C. C. Final plans will be laid for the one o'clock luncheon which will be held the latter part of the month. All members and their friends are invited to attend the meeting and iriew the pictures which the Daughters of Zion have received from Palestine. A prominent speaker will address the meeting.
Jr. Hadassah The Junior Hadassah will hold their final meeting of the season next Thursday evening at the J. C. C. Final .plans* will be made for the Southwestern Regional convention in St. Joseph on June 25 and 26. PHILIP M. KLtTTZNICK 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. XOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that The Bell Tailors, a co-partnership, consisting of Sam J. Albert and Sam Kobins, has heen dissolved; that Sam Robins has retired from said partnership and Smu J. Albert remains as the sole owner of the said Bell Tailors. Dated this 7th day of June, 1032, at Omaha, Nebraska. SAM J. ALBERT. SAM UUUIN'S. J-10 32-4t. FBADESBCRG, STALMASTEK & BEBER 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that on the ISth day of June, 1J)32, at the hour of 10 A. M., at U314 I^eavenworth street, the undersigned win sell to the highest bidder for cash: I lloosier oak heater, 1 wnlnut cabinet Victor orthopboriic No. ."59978, 1 oak library table, 1 50-ponnd Thermo cell refrigerator, 1 8x10 congoleum rug, 1 cedar chest, 1 wall dining table, 1 walnut buffet. G walnut tapestry sent diners, 1 walnut highboy, 1 7x9 axminster rug, 1 brown iron daybed and pad, 1 3-burner Vesta gas range, 1 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, 1 porcelain top kitchen table, 3 gray wooden sent kitchen chairs, 1 9x12 congolenm nig, 1 walnnt dresser, 1 brown Simmons bed springs and mattress., covered by chattel mortgage executed l>y James W. Stephens and Madonna Stephens on January 24, 1931, to F. E. Tyson, doing business as the Omaha Loan Company, and having been filed for record in the office of the Comity Clerk of Oonglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreClosing said mortgage and to satisfy the amount due thereon, to-wit: Seventy-nine and 38-100 Dollars (?79.3S) and accruing costs. P. E. TYSON, Doing Business as 5-2T-3t OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.
Council of Jewish Women
Bikur Cholim
The first meeting of the new exicutive board of the Council of fewish Women, Omaha section, will le held Monday, June 13, at 1:30 m. at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Philip Schwartz, the newly elected president, has anounced. Other officers besides Mrs. Schwartz are Mrs. Morris Levey, rejording secretary; Mrs. S, E. Gilinsky, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, treasurer and Mrs. Dave Sherman, auditor. Elected officers are Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Albert •Crasne and Miss Hazel Degen. Honorary members of the board re Mrs Frederick Cohn, president; Mrs. M. L. Cohn, Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Mrs. Louis Neveleff and Mrs. Kate Tatle. The following women have been lamed by Mrs. Schwartz to head arious committees: Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, community co-operation; Mrs. Max Holzman, courtesy; Mrs. R. W. Natelson, work with the blind; Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld, work with deaf; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, education; Mrs. Sam Beber, education for foreign born; Mrs. David Goldman, lospitality; Mrs. Abe Brodkey, in:ernational co-operation; Mrs. Rob;rt Glazer, civics and legislation; Mrs. Bert Hene and Mrs. Morris acobs, library, Mrs. Mose Yousem, membership; Mrs. Sam Bialac, motor corps; Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, printing; Mrs. Herman Jahr, program; Mrs. Ben Shapiro, publicity; Miss Hazel Degen, infantile paralysis; Mrs. Julius Newman, religion and religious education; Mrs. William Holzman, service for foreign born; Mrs. Morton Degen, sewing; Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, soial service; Mrs. Jules Newman, telephone; Mrs. Harry A. Trustin, ways and means.
A. Z. A. No. 1
A regular meeting of the Deborah society will be held June 14 at the Candle lighting time, Friday, J. C. C. This being the closing meeting of June 10, 7:19 p. m. the year, all members are urged to Confirmation Tonight attend. At services this evening seventeen children will be confirmed in their loyalty to the Jewish people and in Jr. Hadassah Cultural their allegiance to Judaism. Services begin promptly at 8 p. m. The Omaha Junior Hadassah CulNo seats will be reserved. The fol- tural classes, held every Thursday lowing will be confirmed: Mary Ar- evening under the supervision of bitman, Jean Beber, Harriet G. Bern- Mrs. Max Fromkin, have been disstein, Norman S. Bordy, Irving Cohn, continued until the fall. M,iriam Elaine Cohn, Lee Goldblatt, Ethelyn Kulakofsky, Sarah Ann Margolin, Edna Moskovitz, Pearl Osoff, Hadassah Jeanette Polonsky, Grace Resnick, Mrs. E. Weinberg, chairman of Miriam Saks, Goldie Silverman, Jean- the Hadassah gift fund, announces ette Singer and Rae Wolfson. the following donations: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, in memory Shevuoth Shevuoth (The Feast of Weeks or of their daughter, Mrs. Mollie Slate; Pentecost) is so called because it Mrs. Moe Venger, in memory of her completes seven weeks from the sec- mother, Mrs. Fannie Wintroub; Mrs. ond day of Passover on whlich the Louis Laserowitz, in memory of her Omer (a measure) of the newly- sister, Mrs. Ida Haykin, and her harvested barley was offered at the brother, Ben Yudin; Mrs. Dade Stein, Mrs. Henry Q. Marx, and Temple. Mrs. Abe Goudchaux, in memory of Shevuoth has a two-fold signifi- their mother, Mrs. Bessie Singer; cance. First, it celebrates the wheat Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodbinder, in memharvest in Palestine. Second, it com- ory of their brother, Benjamin Goodmemorates the giving of the Torah binder, Mrs. Sarah Goodbinder, in to Israel at Sinai. It is appropriate memory of her husband, Benjamin that we hold confirmation services Goodbinder. on the anniversary of Israel's acceptance of the Torah. Saturday Morning On Shabbos morning, which is the second day of Shevuoth, Edward Glazer will become Bar Mitzvah. Yizkor At services Saturday morning Yizkor will be recited at about 9:30 a. m.
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n the Municipal Court for Omaha, DougJas County, Nebraska. LEGAL NOTICE To Joe Pearlsteiu and Anna Miller, whose re:il name is Anna I'earlstein, husband anil wife, whose place of residence is unknown and upon whom personal service of summons rminot be hail, L»eTendants: You are hereby notified that on the 12th day of May. 1JJ32, II. A. Kesnick, plainttrr, filed his petition In the Municipal Court in the City of Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska, and appearing on Docket No. B-7, Page 311, the object and prayer of which is to recover the cum of H1.00 with interest, attorney fee, and the costs of this action; that certain household poods have been attached on the ground that you are non-resident defendants; and tout said cause has been continued until the 12th day of July, 1932. at 9 oVlook A. M., at which time you are required to appear ami answer in s.iid 'cause or judgment will be taken against you in accordance with the prayer of the petition. H. A. RESXICK, 0-10-32-4t. riaintiff.
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This is to certify that RABBI A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs, Iowa has done a number of circumcisions upon folks for whom I have cared and his work is very satisfactory. I : would recommend him to anyone who is in need of such care. Yours *ruly, W. H. TAY3LOB, M. D., , I ' ' Omaha, r
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Sol Lewis
The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. held a moonlight weiner roast on Saturday evening, June 4, at Nathan's Lake. Fifty couples attended. Several unusual and exciting stunts contributed to the success of the affair.
FKADENndRG, STALHASTER & BEBER 650 Omaha National Bank Hide. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "HAKJOSY HOTEL COMPANY" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned have formed a corporation tinder the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall be "Harney Hotel Company" with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The genera] nature of the business to be transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized shall be to buy, sell, own and operate hotels, restaurants, pool halls, rooming houses, and to buy and sell real estate and personal property of every nature and description. The authorized capital stock shall be 10,000.00 and nil of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share and when issued shall be fully paid up and non-assessable. Said stock may be issued for cosh, real estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence doIng business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens upon any of the corporate property. The affaire of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two members. The" annual meet ing of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in February of each year, at -which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board shall elect a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. IN "WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed their names thi 31st. day of: Ma RJ t DDEBJ 5 In the presence" of SAM E B E R . •;•;,-:•;•-. 6-10-32-4t. ' i i
Conservative Synagogue News
A regular meeting of the Biknr Cholim Society will be held on Monday afternoon, June 13, at the J. C. C. at 2:30 p. m. A board meeting will be held at 1 o'clock.
You'll Realize a New Development in World Famous Goodall Palm Beach $ f F* Summer Suits X O Tailored by the makers of the doth— The result, greater value than ever!
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5, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1932
with Mrs. Dollie Elgutter. Mrs. Blum, from an extended visit in Excelwho was formerly Miss Carita Her- sior Springs, Mo. zog of Lincoln, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Herzog, for Mr. J. White and daughter, Ruth, a month. have returned from a visit in Kansas City. Miss Meryl Freidel of Chicago visited here the past week with her RECUPERATING parents, Mr. and Mrs. Y. FriedeL Mr. Joe Morgan, 2804 Ruggles St., ENTERTAINS AT TEA Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz entertained the new board members of Hadassah at a tea at her home at 5016 Burt St., Wednesday, June 8.
Abramson, Blanche Binstein, Lillian Koom and Shirley Persh. Other guests included the Misses Evelyn Zweiback, Sally Bernstein, Pearl I-azarus and Mildred Whitman. Miss Blanche Soskin was chairman of the event and was assisted by the Misses Anne Zweiback and Ida Blacker.
Notes of I TRAVEL BARGAINSI Temple •• ;: g i: J ;-:
D E SMOINES CHICAGO DETROIT - . . . . Grand Island - - - - Denver - - - - - L o sA n g e l e s - - - - -
SS.00 $8.00 $11.00 $3.00 $9.00 $23.50
; Omaha Rapid Transit I lines
HONOR STUDENT Miss Bessie Goldware, daug-hter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goldware, Note: The Center building will who is graduating from North High Shevouth Services be closed from Thursday at 6 p. Thursday, has been cited by the JOINT CONFIRMATION University of California and is now Shevuoth services wil1. be held at ! m. to Saturday, 6 p. m. due to North High school paper for her out- Temple Israel this evening at 8 p. RECEPTION practicing in San Francisco. SOCIAL NOTES standing ability. She was elected to m., and Saturday morning at 10 The parents of the children conMiss Elsie Lazarus returned last the Shevuoth holidays. the National Honor society and Quill a. m. Sunday, June 12 firmed at the Conservative Syna- WOHLNER-LOBEL ENGAGEMENT Tuesday from Cincinnati, where she Confirmation reception, 3 p. m. and Scroll, was advertising- manager gogue on Friday evening, June 10, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lobel of spent a week with her brother, David Tonight Rabbi Cohn will speak on of the school paper, and took part Monday, June 13 will receive their relatives and Schenectady, N. Y., has announced Lazarus, pupil of Milan V. Petrovic "The Festival of Morality." Tomorin the school play, besides many Council of Jewish Women. friends in honor of the confirmants the engagement of their daughter, at the conservatory of Music. While row morning his sermon topic will other club activities. on Sunday, June 12, from 3 to 5 Esther, to David .Wohlner, son ofin Cincinnati, Miss Lazarus attended Board meeting. be "The Grand Climax." Thursday, June 16 o'clock at the Jewish Community Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wohlner, of a concert given by her brother. Kaddish B'nai Brith Stag Dinner and Center. No invitations have been is- this city. No date has been set for Thorpeians Meeting, 7 p. m. Kaddish will be recited this Sab- ji sued. the wedding. Mrs. Paul M. Forbes left Sunday bath for George Becker, Arthur Tuesday, June 21 • The confirmants are Mary Arbit- Miss Lobel is a past president of for Philadelphia and neighboring The Thorpeian Athletic club held Brandeis and James Goetz. Pioneer Women Meeting, 8 p. m. man, Jean Beber, Harriet G. Bern- the Junior Hadassah of Schenectady cities, where she will spend the sum£ a picnic at Naeve's Park last SunOriginal Composition stein, Norman S. Bordy, Irving and of Delta Psi Sorority. Mr. mer visiting relatives and friends. day. Cohn, Miriam Elaine Conn, Lee Wohlner is a graduate of the Uni- En route Mrs. Forbes stopped off in sung at the last servIn a hectic ball g-ame, Max Alts- ice"V'Shomru," is convalescing- from an operation at Goldblatt, Ethelyn Kulakofsky, versity of Nebraska and is a mem- Chicago for a few days. by Mr. Sam Yaffe accompanied huler's nine defeated a team cap- by Mrs. Morris Giller, the Covenant hospital. Sarah Ann Margolin, Edna Mosko- ber of the Sigma Alpha Mu and an origtained by Sam Zwieback, 17 to 4. inal composition by Mr.was vits, Pearl Osoff, Jeanette Polonsky, Beta Gamma Sigma fraternities. He Yaffe, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lustgarten and A feature was a homer by Dr. SteinHazel Zavitt is recuperating from Grace Eesnick, Miriam Saks, Go] die was also the recipient of the Delta Mrs. A. Marks of Tulsa, Oklahoma, piano arrangement by Vemon C. Benan appendectomy at the St. Joseph berg. Silverman, Jeanette Singer, and Rae Sigma Pi scholarship key. nett. drove to Chicago last Friday. They hospital. In a tug-of-war, a team headed by Wolfson, -whose aunt and uncle, Mr. returned Wednesday afterr.oon bringSummer Services Sam Friedel won over one captained and Mrs. David A. Finkle, vrill also RECENT BIRTH ing with them Mr. Wii>u.m LustgarBeginningFriday, June 17, the by Irvin Levin. Leo Weitz tvon the receive in her honor. Mrs. J. M. Malashock and infant ten of Chicago •who will visit his IN PIANO RECITAL shot-put, while Irvin Levin and Har- services at Temple Israel will go on son, Bobby Allan, returned to their daughter, Mrs. S. Friedel in Omaha. Pupils of Miss Rose Brandeis gave ry Neisman placed first in the three- the summer schedule and will be held home Tuesday afternoon from the Mr. Lustgarten plans to stay about a recital Tuesday evening, June 7, legged race. POLLACK-CHAIT NUPTIALS throughout the summer at 7:30 p. m. two months. at the Schmoller and Mueller auditoMiss Sylvia Chait, daughter of Mr. Lutheran hospital. rium. Miss Brandeis, who at presand Mrs. Ben Chait, became the bride of Harold Pollack, son of Mr. andANNOUNCE BIRTH Miss Grace E. Levin is visiting- in ent is away on a trip, will reopen Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bernstein an- Sioux City as the guest of Miss her studio August 1st. Mrs. Henry N. Pollack, at her home, Sunday at 7 p. m. A reception fol- nounce the birth of a son at the Elizabeth Passman. Miss Levin has lowed the ceremony, which was per- Methodist hospital, June 5. been honored at a number of affairs STEAK FRY formed by Rabbi Harry Jolt of Linduring her visit. The Henrietta Szold club enterMr. and Mrs. Sam Rochman ancoln, a fraternity brother of the tained at a steak fry at Elmwood nounce the birth of a son on Tuesbridegroom. Miss Ida Fine returned Sunday Park Sunday morning to honor the day, June 7, at the Methodist hosThe bride was gowned in a white from a ten-day visit in Chicago with four new members, Misses Libbie mousseline de soie dress with a long pital. Mrs. Rochman •was formerly relatives and friends. tulle veil caught with orange blos- Miss Hilda Gilinsky. At the Jack & Jill soms. She carried a bridal bouquet Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter of WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of roses. Whether it's Breakfast. Lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White were hon- Mrs. and Mrs. M. Brandeis, left Mr. and Mrs. Pollack will make Dinner or a bite after the Wednesday morning, June 8, for Porttheir home at the Bartlett apart- ored Tuesday on the occasion of their land, Oregon. She will visit friends sh'wv, you will most always T ments here after their return from twenty-third wedding anniversary at and relatives there. .eet your friends or acquainta surprise party arranged by their their honeymoon in St. Louis. ances at this popular Omaha children. Over fifty couples attended. Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum redining place. ZWEIBACK-KAPLAN WEDDING turned last week from Iowa City, RABBI AND MRS. GOLDSTEIN Miss Gertrude Kaplan, daughter where she is a student at the UniDELICIOUS FOODS TASTILY SERVED of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan, has set TO VISIT PALESTINE versity of Iowa. REASONABLY PRICED Rabbi and Mrs. David A. GoldSunday, June 19, as the date of her The Smartest Summer marriage to Sam Zweiback, son ofstein will leave Omaha Sunday, June Mrs. Harry Rose of St. Joseph, Mo., Rendezvous in the w ^ 13. They will sail for Palestine on Mr. and Mrs. Max Zweiback. spent the week-end in Omaha visiting Middle West JCJ the Bremen from New York June 27. Among those who entertained for her mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. the bride-to-be are included the Mesdames Dave Kaben of Council VISITING HERE Mrs. Y. Friedel returned last week Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zognt and Bluffs, H. Richlin, J. Baker, I. Hur•witz, H. Wohlner, S. Altshuler, J. daughter, Geraldine, of Detroit, are Braunstein, and the Misses Min and visiting here with Mrs. Zogat's parAnne Zweiback and Margaret and ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Chait. They were accompanied by Mr. Pauline Hurwitz. Zogut's mother, Mrs. P. Zogut, and her daughters little Rita Zogut and FLEISHER-LINSMAN Miss; _Eilfien__Z0guL —. ENGAGEMENT— ~— Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linsman announce the engagement of their RETURN daughter, Dr. Rose Linsman, to Dr. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, Wilfred Rosewell Fleisher, son ofwho have been visiting their son-inMrs. Marks Fleisher of San Fran- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jocisco. No date has been set for theseph Rubin in San Antonio, Texas, for the past several months, rewedding. Dr. Linsman graduated from the turned home Thursday. "University of Nebraska College of Medicine and is now the resident VISITORS ! Mrs. David Blum and young son, physician at Fabiola hospital at Bobby, of Washington, D. C, arOakland, Cal. Dr. Fleisher is a graduate of therived Saturday to spend a few days
J. C. C. Calendar
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Check here Q if interested in Escorted TV
f PAGE 4—TPHE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE10,1932 the,general.committee.' ..,. She wUI carry a-bojquet of roses. Miss City, a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergen, entertained a group Proceeds : of'_ the picnic will be Sonia Feder, who! Will attend her sis- Mrs. Milton Mushkin and Mr... and of friends last Thursday at a theater turned over to the Talmud Torah. ter will wear a pink chiffon gown Mrs. M.-H. Mushkin was guest of party and dinner. The occasion was with white accessories. Mr. Lou Slot- honor at a luncheon bridge j in "r the his eleventh birthday. ; sky will act as best man. Mafygina tea shop recently.. Among Flower Day Sales Out of town guests will include Mr. the sixty guests were Miss Sally Goss Milton Barrent, Harold Slotsky, Five teams composed of Junior Ha- and Mrs. I. Kaplan and son, Mrs. Rose of Mason City, Iowa, and Mrs. M. Bobby Slotsky, Marion Fishgall, Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent dassah members sold flowers for the Falk and family, Mrs. Hannah Selig, Grueskin of Omaha. > Doris Rae Pill and Sara Weinstein apJewish1 National Fund last Sunday Mr./and Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mr. and peared in a the SioOx City morning, netting the fund a total of Mrs. G. Shapiro and daughter of Mrs. David J. Rissman of Detroit music school last week. $30.00. The teams were composed of Omaha; Mrs. Lillian Eisdnberg, Mr. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mai^MerM& Sinai School the following: Bertie Ginsburg, Ruth Max Eisenberg, Mrs. I. Rpsenfeld, of lin, 1915, Pierce street. Mrs. Max Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pill had as Wigodsky, Frances Jacobson, Dorothy Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rivin Merlin and Mrs. Joe Merlin enter- their guests "on Sunday sixty friends AwardslReceived Tilevitz, Bess Lipshutz, Sophie Ras- of Winnebago, - Mr. and Mrs. Sam tained a dozen guests Saturday eve- and relatives from Omaha, who were •:..; Thirty children, of the Mount Sinai kin, Rose Berman, Alice Novitsky, Feder and son of Ramona, S. D., and ning honoring their visitor. in the city to attend the confirmation Thirty-eight pupils in [the Hebrew Religious scjiool received prices and Elizabeth Raskin and Esther Wutkin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feinberg of Caniservice at Mount Sinai Temple. They stota, S. D. school received scholastic honorsffor certificates for good work and perwere entertained at a dinner in the Bertram Bergen, son of Mr. and work of the last six weeks. fect attendance, at; the' closing exer-
Sioux City News
Registration for the summer classes was held last Monday and Tuesday morning. During the summer months the classes will be held from 9 to 2 o'clock every day but Saturday and Sunday. '••"' : The following pupils received "A": Kachael Raskin, Adolle Mittenberg Jacob Chauss, Shirley:Lazpre,FredeU Stillman, Helen Guttleman, Lester Lesser, Jack Mosow, Joe Maron, Marion Wigodsky,-Morris-. Matlin, Esther Weiner, David Tilevitz, David Kuntz, Sydney Shapiro, , Eleanor Eqzofsky, and Judith Rivin. ...•'. ;, The following pupils received "B's" fn their work: Edith Satin,-Martin Weiner, Anna Lass,' Dorothy Wigodsky,' Philip Kantor, Philip Lubmari, Irving Levin, Isadore Shindler, Gertrude Berlin, Joseph Shaeffer, Joel ' Shaeffer, Herman Barish, Loy Levich, • Cecil Pill, Norman Koserithal,;Eugene Gelson, Isadore Rich, Jacob Harlow, Esther Rivin, ' Sarah Weinstein' and ' Marvin Cohen. -
Students Honored
Society News
Frank Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Epsteint-3423 Cprrectionville Road A. Z. A. Dance was graduated. from the Creighton The "College Daze" dance sponuniversity with the degree of Doctor sored by the local A. Z. A. chapter, of .Dental Surgery. He also was honoring, the students returning from elected to Omicron Phi Kappa, honor- college, and open to the public, will be ary National dental fraternity. held at the Shaare Acre Gardens, Sunday evening, June 12. 1 A program of novelty entertainment will i be presented throughout The,following Jewish students were throughout the evening'by Bill Frankgraduated, from Central Higfa sch&'oli lin arid his orchestra. During the eve-, last .Friday: Edith Begun,'Joe B?r-> ning the awards "for the A.Z. A. tenricks; Frectell Brodkey^Til^ie^RSnkrt nis tournament will be given. lin* Arthur" Gelfarid,] Charlottes >GelThej 'committee; ;in charge .includes fand, Dorothy Gelsoni" Elsie* Herzpff, Isadore Mirowitz, Archie Kantor, Max Stanley Herzoff, Harry Kanofsky, Zeligson and Stanley Herzoff.
operate a general iv.-il estate holding rom•pany. and t<i buy.'-sell. mortjr:ige. lease, encumbor and desil in real ami personal property of all kinds. The i-orpcinition Shall have the power to borrow money and 'ssue evidences of indrlilrdness ihercfor. The total authorized capital stock is $T*'.UOII.flO. par value JKNI.OO per share, all Slock i-iiinnioii, nuil shall be fully paid nnd uoit-ass<*ssable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of'its Articles with the Coiinly Clerk of I'ouplas County. Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1st, 'J033. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not orceert two-thirds of the capital slock. This restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by real estate. The number of members of the LSoard shall lx> provided for by the ISy-I,aws. which Board shall administer the affairs of the corporation. The stockholders shall hold I heir iiinual meeting I he second Wednesday in Jumtary anil elect Directors. I'pon vole •f 75 pet cent of the issued nnd on!si.'Hiding cflpitai stock the entire assets of the corporation mny he so'.d. The Din-ctors Ehnll elect, si I'resideut. Vice-I'resiilfiil, Secretary and ' Treasurer. The- Arlides may be amended upon notice, as provided for. Thp corporal ion shall have a senl. l April 19th. W32. LOUIS HIIil.Hl!, H. MAItyUAUDT.
School News
Talmud Torah Picnic The' Talmud Torah Picnic will be held Sunday afternoon and evening of June 26, at Riverview park. Mr. Philip Sherman, 3204 Jennings, has been named general chairman of the affair. Mrs. Morris Lazriowich and Mrs. Ben Sherman will assist on
The.following students of the Hopkins school were on the honor roll for the past semester, issued by the principal of the school: Roselyn Weinstein, Beatrice Kaplin, Max Rich, Isadore Shindler, Betty Bain, Pauline Epstein, Isadore Rich, Norton Bain, Samuel Kaplan, Morris Lass, David Drutz, Molly Katz, Herman Weinstein, Albert Zeligson, Dorothy Wutkiri, Frances Maron, Katy Lass and Martin' Weiner.
J. C. G. Tournament This Month Contestants in the Jewish Community Center tennis tournament have been asked to register for the tournament before June 18. Registration should be made at the J. C. C. The tournament which is sponsored by the A. Z. A. will be divided in two classes, the Junior and Senior. All Contestants under 18 years of age will comprise the Junior division, while the Senior division will take in air over 18 years of age. It is open to men and women, with an entry fee of twenty-five cents. The contestants will meet June 20 to discuss the rules of the contest and make the set ups. • The committee in charge include Sam Hauin, Abe Berger. who will •oach the teams, Arnold Baron, Max Seligson and Miss Rose Lipman.
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Gerald Cohen, .Fred Sherman and Morris Gordon returned home from Lincoln, where they are students at the university. They will spend the summer with their parents in Sioux City.
sonal property in connection with the transaction of the Unsiness of the Corporation: to purchase, own. hold and dispose of stock in other corporations ns well ns its own stock. 4. The authorized capttnl stock of the Corporation shall l>e *n,OOO.CX», divided Into 1f)0 shares of a par value of $00.00 ench. i>. The existence of the Corporation shall begin on the filiiiR of a copy of its Arttolt-s of Incorporation with the County Clerk of DouSlas County. Nebraska, and shnll continue for a period of TO yenrs. C. The highest amount of Indebtedness to which this Corporation Bhnll nt liny time Ue subjected shall not exceed twothirds of its capital slock. 7. The business of ihe Corporation shall •e conducted !»v a Hoard of three Directors to be selected from I he stockholders. The IHreclors from; their tifimlier shall olect a President. Vice-I'resldent. Secretary and Treasurer. ' Any Oirector may hold one or more' o f t he offices. 8. These Articles mny lie amended liy n mjijority vote of the issned and outstanding common stork at any regular meeting or nt any special meeting. (SKMUOK SI7ICIS. ALMA SUlllS, GEOKGE 11. CHRISTOKFEUSEN. Incorporators.
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Shevuoth Services will be held in Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight at sundown. Tomorrow morning the' traditional memorial service will be held : at 8:30 o'clock. 1 Services at 7:30 a. m. and at sundcwn will continue throughout the. summer. . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will leave next week for New York, from where he will sail by the Bremen to Germany. From there he will go directly to Palestine for a7 six weeks stay. Accompanying him will be Rabbi Goldstein of Omaha. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slotsky of St. Louis,* are guests in the city, visiting with their parents and friends.
Miss Marcella Koolish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Koolish will arrive this week' from Urbana, 111., ^ where she is a student at the university.
cises of the school held last Friday Miss Hannah Mushkin of New York evening in. the Temple. Miniature Torahs were presented to One hundred and fifty guests will MAX VKOMKIS, Attorney. Insurance Building. the "following children in recognition witness'rtihe wedding of Miss Gertrude of their perfect attendance and". ex- Feder, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. H.: NOTICK OF ARTICLKS OF INCORPORcellent work: ^Barbara Robinson, Feder, to Michaal_H. JEisenberg, son • ATION OF SU1US FLOffER SHOI", IKCOUrORATKD Stanton Cohen, Sammy Heeger, Sey- of Mrs. • Lillian Eisenberg, of Minne- Notice Is hereby, given that the tinderSlciwd iucorporntors have caused to lie mour- Robinson, Harold Lefkovich, apolis, on Sunday afternoon at Shaare filed in the office of the Secretary of Stnte Robert Marx," Margaret Kosberg, Zion Synagogue,- at_5 o'clock. of the Stnte of Nebraska nnd In the office of thp. County Clerk of the County of Doris Marx, Betty Marx and Marion Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi M. Oouclas iuul state of - Nebraska. Articles Fishgall/ Braver, and Cantor PKskin will, offi- of Incorporation of. Snris Flower Shop, Incorporated. Said Articles provide as Three children received certificates ciate at Jthe ceremony, which wjll be' t l l for perfect1 "attendance during "' the, followed • by lit diflner, reception and- 1. Tht>. name of the Corporation Is Saris Flower Shop, Incorporated. year. They are Stanton•: Kalin, HarS J u y ! ] ; 2. .The principal place - of transacting riet Holland and" Myron: Heager. • the business of the. Corporation is the City ' . The ted© .will -lie gowned in white of. Oni.iha. County of Douglas. The following children receivpd jeer-, satin anil J a r ^ t ^ h white accessories. T3. The wneral nature of the l>usfness tificates for/ excellent work£• Joanne to lie transacted is to oiiernte anil enjtape MONSKY. OROlilliSRX tii n proneral florist business; to operate Agranoff, Milton-v Gilinsky,. Sandy ;. 8HOTWKIX, « VANCE," Attorney H. 1 - nnd engage in a.general nursery business: Baron,' Barbara' Davis, Jack Krueger,, : 737 Omaha ^National Bank BUIg, to eiiKaw iii the (TestcruiiiK. )i mincing nnd pt.-miiu^r of plant's;"flowers, shrubs, trees Harold Sloteky," Bobby Pill, Milton. nnd lawus: to hny.'seH or otherwise deal NOTICE OF INCOKl'OKATION Rosenblum, Betty Silverberg, Dorothy in, nt retail, wholesale' or otherwise, flowItOSA KEAI/T* CO.UPANV ers: "plniits, shrubs, .trees, vines, linlhs, DayisJ • Rpzena\ Kosberg^ V Margarita NOTICE is berel>j- giveu tlmt rhe un- seeds, nrtificlnl flow.ers nnd foliace. ornaPinkus, Robert Cohen, . Eois • Levitt rslsmd h:ive formed a corporation, pur- ments, insecticides, fertilisers, appliances, to the laws of the Sttile of Ne- and any qnd all other articles or kinds of .Teddy Skalbyskx, Miriam Barish, Lea SUiint brnsk:!. The immf of the onrnomtiou is merchandise which mny be coiiTenlenlly Rose Newman, Rosagene Passman, UOKA UKAI.Tl' COMPANY, with its prln- handled in connection therewith, and to cip.-it--place of liusinoss in thu City of Krow. cultivate, produce or manufacture CafdlynTlFxshgall, ' Alice Pill and OraaUst. 'i'hp ot>jwts for which this cor- the same: to lease, acquire, purchase, hold. Arthur" Miller. poration is formed lire: To maintain imd sell, convey nnd mortRajre real and per-
•Burnell-S. Koolish," son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Koolish, was awarded the Alumni, given annually by the University of MinneShevouth will be commemorated at. sota, where he is a student, to the Mount Sinai Temple this evening with graduate who has achieved the best a. brief prayer service at 8 o'clock. record in public speaking during his There will be no sermon. college course. He will graduate The religious school will hold its from the School of Arts arid Sciences. last session of the year next Sunday Mr. Koolish-will return to Sioux City morning. Report cards will be given early next week-to spend the summer out and a program by the children with his "guests. : will be presented.
Sydney Jacobson, Sara Louise Kaplan, Ruth Kosberg, Rogie Kosberg, David Katz, Fay Klass, Beatrice Levitsky, Bernard Lazriowitch, Irvin Lunin, Daniel Osnowitz, Earl Novich, Evelyn Pinkus, Marion Rdcklin, Lawrence Silverberg, Ben" Saitlin, Abe Singer, George Shindler, Herman Wigpdsky, Buth White, Bess Zeligson, Herbert Baumstein and Ben Ginsburg.
Pill home following the services.
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